THE HOUSING mfiZE: apartments houses co-ops... e Apartment living: Is it a slice By PETE DALY MSU's apartment - dwelling we want to socialize, to drive in to East see our friends." we have Lansing to complaining," Rick said. "We don't blame the manager because he tries to do his job, students are, for the most part, On the other end of the but the owner would like to still shelling out those slippery scale are the students living in sell these apartmens, so he's the of apartments near of the dollars in great quantiites in maze not going to put any more good life? return for a slice of the good life promised by apartment living. An informal survey of 10 of Bogue Street and Grand River Ave. People living there pay high rents for crowded apartments, sardine money About into them" one - fourth of the apartments surveyed reported can bugs — not the Watergate kind. the larger apartment complexes parking arrangements and the One former resident of catering largely to students weekend's ceaseless din of Meadowbrook Trace, now from MSU reveals what they reveling students. living in Collingwood want and what they actually In that area even the apartments, said Meadowbrook get. pleasure of gawking and "was full of cockroaches." Criteria in selection of a shouting out windows at Dave, a student living there, student apartment centers on pedestrians can ring the said he had not seen any bugs. dollars, distance and privacy, landlord's till. Dave and Roger "And we've got some food with optimal privacy meaning live in Cedar Village with two that's been sitting out for ages, one person per bedroom. other students. The four pay with no bugs in it yet," he Said. Tom shares a three - $300 a month for their two - Pet problems rated low on bedroom apartment with two bedroom, furnished apartment. the gripe list of the apartment other men at Meadowbrook "But the people on the dwellers and managers Trace. Their unfurnished other side of the hall pay $312 interviewed. Most places flatly apartment costs them $237 a a month, because their prohibited pets except for month. windows face Bogue Street," goldfish. "I like it here because it's Dave said. In spite of such contractual cheap and big. I would have Most of the students stipulations, some apartment stayed in the dorm another interviewed said their complexes do have residents year if I could have gotten a maintenance was adequate, but keeping dogs and cats, and single room, even though they some said their appliance repair those managers often look the are expensive," he said. was slowand others complained other way. However, Tom said he plans of walls in need of fresh paint. to get a room in a house close fyt and Jane, living at Rick and Keith, residents of to campus Capitol Villa, said they were next year. Chalet apartments, groaned the "We're 4'/2 miles from the occasionally serenaded by loudest. They said their stove courting cats and "there are a campus. It's OK going to class and toilet were broken and the if you have a car, but we never dog and cat piles scattered rug needed repair. get any company out here. If "People here just give up (continued on page 3) Joe Quimby, left, and Mark Slaughter, 313 Cedar Village, bring home an afternoon's shopping (above). Left, is a view of Water's Edge Drive showing River's Edge and. Cedar Village apartments. Photos by John W. Dickson Apartments: What you want may not be what you get (continued from page 2) be eaten up. Most of those surveyed who apartments had been filled. outlook for next fall will be around outside." Burglary "Besides, it takes lot of a complained the loudest also Though prices at most 'no vacancy* as usual, once the rears its ugly head occasionally discipline," he said. admitted that they took their apartments in the East Lansing students with their fists full of in student apartments, but it is Other students have well apartments late in the summer area are rising from $5 to $10 dollars return from summer usually due to tenants not organized sche dules and or fall, long after the best per vacation. person a month, the locking doors. menus. Tom, Bob H. and Bob One such case at 731 T. are graduate students living apartments on Burcham Street in Twyckingham apartments. involved a burglar. Their rent, food and utility "The burglar slipped in bills are paid from one through our balcony door communal fund. Bob said their during the night," said Linda, current expenses of food and who lives there with two other utilities cost each man $1.55 girls. "He took $20, a few per day. drinks of our booze, a skirt, It seems most of the bra and nylons that my apartment landlords and roommate had left in the living managers go out of their way room. to keep their residents content. "We called the police, who Many contracts stipulate a fine couldn't- solve the crime. But for overdue rent, but in they managed to knock over keeping with their low profile, our marijuana plant while they most managers do not enforce were here," she said. that clause. Living arrangements at Almost every eviction of student apartments often students reported by managers include communal meals and concerned students who simply joint purchasing of food, but refused to pay their rent. some students interviewed said Capitol Villa, with students such a policy was inconvenient living in 70 per cent of their for them. 172 apartments, had only two "We tried it for a week, but evictions this year, both for somebody would always be out nonpayment of rent. at a bar when the rest of the Students planning on guys ate. Then when they got apartment living next year home, all the hamburger would should look for a place now. Alfreda Binion and Joyce Lamar, Cedar Village residents, leave their apartment for classes (above). Barbara McCann and Anthony Savicke play with a pet bird in a Water's Edge apartment. Photos by John W. Dickson Landlords, tenants must pay for new housing law Bv MARY ANN FLOOD rooms from inspectors. Others should not wait until zones that allow five unrelated plan to lock the rooms and say the end of the new lease to that the housing commission Let them eat cake, but they adults to live in. a single - they do not have a key. correct the violation," Brown may be granting so many will have to pay for it. Whether or not the inspector family house. The housing variances during the appeals said. Many people expected the finds ordinance allows six people for sleeping quarters, such The duties of the procedure that it may be East Lansing Housing areas declared housing the same house. The conflict are commission include voiding parts of the code. ordinance, implemented by a uninhabitable. If it is later monitoring will soon be resolved. enforcement of the housing Meanwhile, the commission well meaning housing found that they are used as Both codes allow a - ordinance. The ordinance, family is working on changes to the commission, to raise rents and bedrooms, the city and four unrelated adults to code that it has found desirable can take passed last June, decrease the supply of low - legal action. was designed occupy a unit, but in the to solve East through practical experience cost housing. One student, who Lansing housing zoning code a "family" is one with appeals. The changes pays $60 problems as enumerated in Rents will rise next fall — month to live in adult and in the a a basement a 1971 study.It found that housing code under study include changes even landlords whose houses it can be two unrelated adults. already declared uninhabitable in parking requirements, have not yet been inspected increasing numbers of single - The zoning code limit of five by the city, had to sign a lease cellars, definition of family, will be adding $10 or more to family houses were being occupants is now enforced. stating that attic or basement rented ceiling height and room sapce. the monthly rents — in rooms declared uninhabitable by students whose Another limiting factor is On the whole landlords allowed the homes to commision apartments as well as houses, by the city are not to be used the availability of parking. members are very fall below safe and adequate pleased with some landlords are passing on as sleeping areas. standards. According to the housing code, the upgrading of housing additional costs by turning It is to be seen who will be there should be initiated by the ordinance. This was due in a space for utility bills over to tenants. held responsible for violations part to. every two people in a spot MSU's inability to provide low Landlords who are unhappy Landlords who have had to of this provision. where another car does not with the ordinance are do as much as $500 worth of - cost housing to students. Byron Brown, chairman of have to be moved to get out of Now, as the housing market planning to make themselves electrical work in rental units the East the driveway. Lansing Housing tightens and MSU seeks to heard. Some think the say these costs will definitely Commission, said the The Housing Commission has ordinance is just soaking the offer more housing pass on to renters. commission is options, been not trying to such as coed housing, more granting variances in apartment owners for license But several student renters many parking - related appeals. evict anyone from their students may look toward fees; others find it overly plan to overlook the safety homes and that when an appeal It hopes to change the parking restrictive or fear they will not protections offered them in the is denied, unless it is a case of campus housing. restrictions in the code, be able to absorb improvement ordinance and to join with immediate danger to the health The tenant looking at an otherwise it may be necessary costs. their landlords in deceiving and safety of the tenant, the unlicensed house or apartment for some landlords to A group pave or of landlords plans housing inspectors regarding commission allows correction should be aware of possible gravel backyards to meet the to join together to work the uses of uninhabitable of the violation at the end of pitfalls, and should know the requirement. against the ordinance with spaces, such as attic and the lease. legal number of people Basement, cellar and attic student support. basement rooms. Some "But if landlords are now allowed to live in the rental rooms are other sources of But nearly one - third of the students have already tried to unit. violations to be aware of. intentionally renting spaces in rental units in East Lansing conceal illegal use of such violation of the Most student houses in If a basement room — with code, they are are now licensed, and some more than half the room above landlords are happy with the the grade — has adequate light, code. It may not be all it's cut out to be ventilation and means for Some tenants who have seen escape by two different exits, improvements, like new it may be granted a variance by electrical outlets, guard rails the commission upon and paint jobs* may see the appeal. A basement room with more ordinance in the light and than half of the wall space intent of its design to upgrade below grade is seldom housing for the tenant. considered habitable. But the many students who But rooms with virtually no search for places close to light or ventilation, especially campus at the cheapest those with a furnace in them or possible rates are oblivious to with no exit other than the safety factor. To them the walking by the furnace, are ordinance seems confining. violations. As Byron Brown has Under the new East Lansing housing code, conditions such as these must either pass building City Manager John repeatedly said in reference to code regulations or tenants, regardless of their lease, must move for their own safety. Patriarche announced at the the ordinance, "There is no Photo by John Harrington April 2 city council meeting such thing as a free lunch." By MARY ANN FLOOD Shopping for houses is somewhat like registering for classes: there is too much to choose from but there are so choosing that you have to hurry or you may get closed out. many others Student ghetto housing: Rents, landlords, accomodation, proximity to campus and size of the house are some of the important considerations when selecting a house. Once in a while a tenant can get a deal on a $45 a month one - room spot in Lansing while others only find a $110 a month Street frisbee, room in a house near campus. Generally, the further you go from campus the lower the rent is for comparable dwellings. But, as you move further from campus, transportation costs late parties begin to soar. Buses cost 25 cents yet cover a lot of ground. A student might get a better deal with a Lansing house near a bus route. According to Mary Luttrell, a landlord and East Lansing Housing Commission member, the biggest student ripoff in East and crowded quarters Lansing is the big old house in the student ghetto where the landlord crams five, six or seven people in the dwelling, gets fat off their rent money and never improves the premises. To many student house hunters, esthetic beauty is a low priority, so close student ghetto housing is ideal and very much in demand. A ghetto - house with five or six people may cost each tenant $65 to $80 monthly not including utilities. Many students looking for houses estimate they are willing to pay $80 a month maximum. If they search for beauty, however, they may easily end up with only $90 a month spots to choose from. Landlords differ on which utilities they will pay. The tenant always pays for the phone installation, security deposit and monthly bills. Other utilities tenants may be required to pay are gas, electricity, heating and water bills. Utility costs vary with the house. In the winter, heating costs can run quite high and add $10 or more to each tenant's monthly costs. Most landlords lower their rents for the summer, allowing a $65 a month house to go as low as $55. One of the most common misconceptions about living in houses, and about off - campus housing in general, is that it is far less expensive than on - campus living. "A student might learn from experience how to save money living off - campus but after paying rent, utilities, food bills, and giving up valuable time to shop and clean, many students have to be careful not to spend more than they did on campus," Jeff Frumkin, director of the Off - Campus Housing Office, said. Frumpkin feels that another grave misconception about house living is that landlords and tenants are trying to ripoff each other. The situation will differ with landlords but many of them are kindly elderly people looking for some supplemental income. Others are-young ghetto landlords who hope to make a killing in the real estate market. People move into houses primarily for the privacy of having their own rooms. One house hunter said she wanted to move into a student ghetto house so she could taste the culture of the area, meaning late parties, hearing rock music next door, playing frisbee in the street and smelling marijuana as a person walks down the block. Or she may mean getting the garbage out on Tuesday morning, hitching to Meijer's for some Hi - Pro - burger, cleaning the bathroom and carrying laundry across town to wash it. Some house dwellers buy and cook food together and some eat separately. Some places divide household chores and others just leave them to whomever does them. The atmosphere and workings of every house is as different as the people who live there. Many students in East Lansing's student ghetto live in homes such as these (above), some well kept and others plagued by overcrowding. Left, two students relax in their casually furnished room. Photos by Dale Atkins £ £ 2i =1 I ;sfl^. ^ I jg £ ^-1 iL® 3 ^-g S-am^S-s .- - i .1 ^ I gg.-s^er's I ■§ ^ The joy of residence halls: fl gourmet guide for the campus dweller and is directed by Art Webb, who is also an officer of the Office of Black Affairs. Four of Fee's six floors are for men, and the top two are women's. Holmes is one of three MSU halls that will entertain the new coed option of alternating suites. One house will be devoted to the plan, though which one is undetermined. Lyman Briggs College is located in Holmes and approximately half of the residents are Briggs students. Currently, East Holmes is for men and the west wing is for women. Due to a slightly higher number of men, one house on the women's wing is occupied by men. McDonel is another hall attempting the Alternating coed option. The McDonel hail government is one of the more active at MSU, heading the drive for the side-by-side coed option. Hubbard is MSU's skyscraper, its 12 stories making it the highest building on campus. The hospital-like appearance is one in which its residents take pride, especially those that live on the top floors. Structural characteristics of the hall affect toilet water, which laps back and forth in strong winds. Holmes, McDonel and Hubbard halls all have the suite system: two rooms divided by a shared bathroom. Brody carries with it connotations of freshmen and rancid immaturity, though many people, including Brody residents, disagree with that view. Housing the largest nonmilitary cafeteria in the world, Brody serves possibly the freshest dessert of any residence hall since most baked goods are produced there and distributed around campus. Brody rooms are the roomiest on campus, which is one of its more important attractions. The lights down this hall seem symbolic of the modernized, uniform style of many of MSU's But it has communal bathrooms, not suites. newer residence halls. Brody also has more pinball machines than Photo by John W. Dickson any complex and all University College requirements can be taken in Brody classrooms. By BOB OURL IAN sizable Sanford natural area active Black Caucus which provides breakfast "Spacious Brody" has an active minority behind McDonel and Holmes If you've decided that regularly for underprivileged children in program and minority counseling to halls which provides much Lansing. complement it. Each of the group's six halls has off-campus living is not for greenery and even borders on a black cultqre you, the following gourmet room, a black aid and Chicano the primeval. Fee: Half of the hall is occupied by Dept. of aid. guide to MSU residence halls Akers is known as a party Osteopathic Medicine, leaving residents only in may help in locating one Brody residents have expressed increasing hall. Hallwide keggers are held West Fee. Half of West Fee is suites and the sentiment for more coed options after suitable to your tastes, usually twice per term with 10 other is apartments qua Cedar Village. The conversion of Bailey and Butterfield halls to however demanding, varied or to 15 kegs at each. In addition apartments—furnished, carpeted and air coed by wing. Rather remains the perverse. to these, the conditioned—house largely upperclassmen who only predominantly all-women's hall in Brody while While all residence halls have freshman and sophomore also prepare their own food. Of the suites, half Armstrong and much in common, they do Bryan remain all-men. population usually holds two have meal contracts, like other halls, and the South have differences. or three floor parties each Complex is characterized by its other half are equipped with hot plates East Complex is known for preoccupation with sports and intramural weekend. Rooms at Akers are where residents can prepare their own food. activities. It is fairly accurate to apply the term its concrete and asphalt apartment-style, with two While hallwide parties are infrequent, they are characteristics "jock" to the lifestyle of many residents, and lack of bedrooms, a lounge room and comprehensive and have live bands. Fee's Black however, it is not as intense and all-consuming trees. There is, however, the bathroom. Akers houses an Student Assn. is of the one stronger on campus (continued on page 7) Residence halls offer something for everyone . . . (continued from page 6) coffeehouses and hallwide parties. as some say. Case Hall, for example, has a Williams is set up as small apartments in reputation for study. James Madison College is which residents must scrounge for their own on Case's third floor and its classrooms meals. The rooms come equipped with provide ample room for quiet study. Roughly 40 per carpeting, drapes and a refrigerator. Events with cent of its residents are Madison students. live music, such as coffeehouses, are usually Wonders will be the third hall to carry held three to four times each quarter. the alternating suite coed option this fall. Last fall Yakeley-Gilchrist residents voted Currently, its predominantly freshman down a motion to terminate the escort policy population contains more men than women and in that hall. Quiet and pampered by University one house on the women's wing is occupied by maintainence, the hall is said to cultivate the men. An appreciably active residence hall classical idea of femininity. council arranges four to five hallwide parties All West Circle halls have homey fireplaces in each year, usually with live music and hard the lounges and communal bathrooms. liquor. There also is a concern for intramural Low ceilings and small rooms characterize sports at Wonders. Shaw hall that is the most centrally located hall Holden has a distinctly socialite atmosphere well, almost on campus—near the major classroom halls and about it. Coed by wing, men and women often in the center of bus service. Predominantly ... dress up for dinner. Like its complex siblings, Holden places an upperclassmen, Shaw residents have the benefit of the Shaw council which provides free films emphasis on sports and social events. and social events. Shaw has communal West Circle is the stronghold of a dying bathrooms and is coed by floor. breed. Four all-women halls in the group have Van Hoosen is the smallest of on-campus brought the characterization of the "virgin islands." Williams and Mayo halls, both coed, University housing. It is occupied entirely by women in apartment units furnished and are the more progressive in the group and have tried to dissociate themselves from the image of carpeted. Rooms are equipped with kitchen facilities. the group. Mayo houses men on the first and second Most residence halls, except Akers and Fee floors with women on the third. Williams has apartments, charge $407.50 per term for a men on third and women on second, while first double room and $50 extra for a single. and the basement are split. Prices for Akers and Fee apartments range Mayo was among the first halls to go coed, from $203.50 per term for a four - man but its at first "bold experiment" has fizzled apartment to $404.50 per term for a single into normalcy. The University's smallest unit. residence hall, Mayo entertains a potentially Van Hoosen Hall charges range from $381.50 intimate atmosphere and has occasional for two persons to $137.50 for a six - man unit. A Holden Hall resident makes a few repairs on his bicycle (right) while a student walks in front of MSU's tallest residence hall, Hubbard Hall (directly above). A couple walks past Landon Hall, one of the West Circle residence halls serving only women (top). Photos by John W. Dickson Greek nif:efil example of By jane seaberry good living at at MAC Avenue and Burcham a small cost dinners, serenades and service major factor. None of the four of the fraternity, said that Where Drive, are between $30 and programs, which are usually black fraternities or four black many of the older members were you in '62? If $40 more per term than held at no extra cost. sororities at MSU own a house. would rather live off - campus yc -®re like roost college residence halls, Sayer said. "The biggest advantage is "We have a small fraternity because of the privacy. students then, you probably There are 18 rooms and two that you can live with other and like "In the past we haven't been yearned to be Greek aid live we privacy to a certain the life of the well dressed, girls share a room, which is people and be friends and have degree," Wallace said. "We're financially able to have slightly larger than a residence friends after you graduate," not fraternity house dwellers. a house,"' Harriet Shaw, popular, campus socialite hall room, she said. Betty Strobl, Pi Beta Phi We have our brotherhood, but president of Delta Sigma stereotype. Neither house is filled to member, said. "In an it's not necessary for you to Theta, a black sorority, said. Times have changed and so have sororities and fraternities, capacity, partly because of apartment you're more stifled. live with your brother to have She added that many black that several years ago, were University stipulations. Here, you get to have a close brotherhood." students are plagued with faced with possible extinction Sorority houses must have group of friends," she said. financial problems and do not supervisors and just conform to He added that his brothers because they were not register every term. "relevant " University regulations. However, that closeness is are more serious about school "We'd have to have some "The University is part of one of the reasons why many and work and can not associate However, many well very stable individuals. A lot of the problem," Mark Rost, vice black fraternities do not have with the "playground type of white sororities and fraternities established fraternities and sororities still occupy houses at president of Alpha Gamma houses, Otis Wallace, president fraternity thing," of other have lost their houses too MSU at Rho, said. "Freshmen can't of Omega Psi Phi fraternity, fraternities. because they haven't kept prices dose to move in and upper classmen up said. But, money is still the Terry Young, past president the costs," she said. 'ence hall fees. Costs differ can't break residence hall :h he life but fees usually from j380 to $480, contracts, so you have vacancies that are hard to fill." aKiuOnxg ..Itlrtion, national In ices and social addition, many seniors charges. Most Greeks Dve in old, move away from the house into apartments, he said. established houses while others Costs at SigmaChi fraternity like Alpha Tau Omega and Phi house, one of the largest at Kappa Tau found it more MSU, are $465 per term. There profitable to move into smaller are 20 rooms, with a apartment complexes. capacity for 51 members, however, only Most houses hire a cook and 42 live there now, Mike Blust, many of the fraternities maintain the houses themselves president said. The members clean their own house and while the sororities usually hire maids. engage pledges in work details. Pi Beta Phi sorority has 13 They also have a maid. All agree that the food is rooms, housing two to four much better than that served in members in each room. The residence halls. Rost said that women sleep, however, in a steak is served four or five large cool room called a times a term and though they dormer, so some can sleep do not have the variety of while others study, type or residence hall food it's "good listen to music in their rooms. and nutritious." Patty Sayer, a member of Most houses have three Zeta Tau Alpha sorority likes meals a day with a self - service the atmosphere of a house. "There's style breakfast. Lunch is soup always activity," and sandwiches and dinner is a she said. "There's always sit - down affair. somebody there. It's a basic Most Greeks still have family - type situation." parties and TGs with live bands Costs at the house, located each term, formals, exchange YOU ARC TV* SUNfHMC or out livo C0NCBA0UL4TI0N5 • Breakfasts in most sorority houses at MSU are self-service (left) though other meals are prepared by a cook. Above, a fraternity member sits leisurely in one of the many decorated rooms of the house. Photos by Charlie Kidd Cooperative housing: It could be the wa to make ends For a By GARY K ORRECK student who has resorted to tu - eaii nictrt witr iietra, in? saia. ICC President Vicki Graham, a resident of Howland House, everything except standing added that co - ops extend a greater degree of personal trust to on street corners to make ends meet, cooperative housing may be individual members than other organizations can. Members who the answer. meet Per - term costs at the 11 East Lansing co - ops range from $235 to $250 with all expenses, except long - distance telephone refuse to work can be fined — a practice in some houses — but no one can be summarily dismissed. Both Graham and Wernette agreed that financial problems of individual members are usually calls, included. In addition, co - op residents are responsible for worked out. an average of three to five hours per week of house duties. "One important thing most people don't realize is that there House membership ranges in size from a total of 10 at are no landlords involved in a co - Knight op," Wernette said. House, 420 Evergreen Ave., to 50 at Montie House, 548 MAC Jim Carter, social chairman for Montie House, said members Ave. With the exception of Montie House, Beal Co - there operate under a constitution op and Ulrey ("which is amended often") House, the East Lansing cooperatives are co-educational. Ulrey and that house meetings are held twice a term. House, 505 MAC Ave., is the only women's cooperative. Montie House is one of the three Tim Wernette, a graduate assistant independent houses in East representative for the Lansing (Howland and Beal are the other two). The other eight Intercooperative Council, (ICC), estimates that half the rooms in are part of a unique holding company, the Student Housing co - ops are doubles. Rooms are delegated on a seniority basis and Cooperative (SHC). Jim Jones, an SHC representative, said the Wernette said a newcomer would probably spend his first year in a holding company came about as "a sheer miracle" in 1971. co - op sharing a room. Hedrick House, 140 - 146 Collingwood "To the best of my knowledge, we operate the only Drive, is the only house that determines both lodging and work cooperative holding company in the nation," Jones said. duties on a seniority basis. Prior to 1971, all East Lansing co - ops were independent. Despite the possibility of having to share a room, or sometimes Beginning with Hedrick and Howland in the late '30s, they served a triple, co - op residents contend that the situation is eased as low income housing alternatives because co op rooms are bigger than residence hall rooms. - usually to agricultural - students. John Guerrero, a resident of Nexus, 437 - 445 Abbott Road, Co - ops declined somewhat until the middle '60s when said the idea of cooperative living is a misnomer because a few students, saying they were fed up with residence hall living and residents ignore the work requirement but, in general, the living more anxious to exhibit personal freedom, sought alternative conditions are much better than in residence halls. living arrangements. In 1971, a group of five organized SHC, a "We eat better and the situation is less structural; we do have corporation now worth half a million dollars, according to Jones. officers, but people are free to do what they want to do," he said. Jones describes SHC's role as less detailed than ICC, Six of the houses operate under a dealing "supervised housing" mostly with individual house problems. He is reluctant to predict designation which means that separate rooms are provided the future of the holding company, which is concerned with "one according to sex, a requirement that allows sophomores to live in more present acquisition and the improvement of existing co - ops according to University regulations. facilities." During spring term, a proposal to make separate bathrooms the Through an ICC maintenance fund, repairs are made on only co - op requirement (similar to the recent residence halls co - existing houses. ed proposal) will be presented to the board of trustees. SHC also publishes a quarterly magazine, Pinecone, and Jones Wernette spid the ICC, an umbrella organization including all said its main purpose is "to show people they can function area co - ops, is working to present the overall advantages of individually in a communal framework. The amazing aspect of cooperative living to students. the 1971 formation of SHC is that people saw above the smaller "There is a sense of communal need that needs to be met and interests to a need for continuity over a long period," Jdnes said. Above, Sarah Braff bakes bread and Brian Dodge, right, helps prepare a meal at the New Community co-op. Kurt Niemeyer takes charge of the dishwashing detail. Photos by Dale Atkins There's freedom in mobile homes 'You can even have This trailer in Mobile Home Manor shows what a little ingenuity can do to your portable home— add a second story. Photo by JoAn L. Russell a dog' By JOE KIRBY for people to live in, there's no room," he said. One of his roommates, Mike McClain, a junior, said: "They're Mobile home living offers an not so hot for inexpensive lifestyle that many throwing parties, they're too small and the MSU students are using to their advantage. neighbors complain about the noise." There are two mobile home parks less than a mile from Other reasons they cited for moving out was the difficulty they campus: Mobile Homes Manor, 2756 E. Grand River Ave., and had meeting people in the park and Trailer Haven, 2780 E. Grand River Ave. they said students were considered undesirables by many of the other residents. Floyd Hewitt, manager of Mobile Homes Manor, said about 65 Mark Montei, a senior who has been living in a mobile home per cent of the 158 residents are students. for two years, said he prefers it to Students living in a residence hall. can either rent a mobile home, costing from $125 to "It's harder to get to campus and you have increased $200 per month, or buy their own home and pay the monthly lot responsibility, but I like the freedom," Montei said. rental of $58 to $80. Recently there has been considerable talk about fire hazards in "A student can buy an inexpensive used unit and then sell it mobile homes. Currently, there are 11 bills before the a few years later for almost the same Michigan price," Hewitt said. Legislature concerning mobile homes. Warren Huntsinger, a junior living in Mobile Homes State Rep. Bobby Crim, D - Davison, Manor, sponsor of a bill to create bought his own home and said he enjoys mobile home living. a commission regulating all aspects of mobile homes, said there "I like the fact that no one tells you what to do — you can previously had been no one responsible for mobiles homes. even have a dog if you want," Huntsinger said. "Construction has gotten to the point where the flash But Tom Stimmelj, a senior, and his rommates were point of moving materials is such that many homes will out of Trailer Haven this past go up in two or three week because "they're really bad minutes," Grim said. Students see married housing as cheaper of two evils By JUNE EX. DELANO Cherry Lane is 28 a - building complex on MSU married housing is the cheaper of two Harrison Road between Shaw Lane and evils, and that, say most married housing Stadium Road. It contains 88 one - bedroom residents, is the reason they live there. and 204 two bedroom apartments. - Though they complain that married housing University Village is a 42 - building complex is crowded and noisy, residents usually concede on Kalamazoo Street west of Harrison Road. It that conditions are the same, if not worse, in has 316 one - bedroom and 142 two - bedroom off campus apartments where the rent is much - apartments. higher. Spartan Village is a 138 - building complex John J. Roetman, manager of married on Harrison Road north of Mt. Hope Road. It housing, agrees that the MSU apartments has 756 one - bedroom and 780 two bedroom - have the same problems as any large apartment apartments. complex. No special apartments are designated for "But we're cheaper," he said. "Our one - students with or without children. bedroom apartments rent for $117 per month "Because there are no zoning restrictions," and our two - bedrooms go for $123. That Roetman said, "there is no limit to the size of a includes all utilities." family that can live in a two - bedroom The rent also includes partial furnishings - a apartment." sofa, chairs, tables, bed, chest and desk. The There is no waiting list for this lease says, however, the furniture can not be term, he said, but the list for fall term has removed from the apartment, so students with about 300 families on it. However, he their own furniture must store it. explains, there is a 50 • 55 per cent yearly turnover, and There is no damage deposit per se, but a $25 all those on the list will get fee must accompany the housing application, housing. "Only those who get on the list in July or and it is held until the apartment is vacated. August have trouble getting an apartment," The lease is renewed on a month - to - month Roetman said. "And they'll have one by the basis, and 30 day's notice is required before end of fall term." moving out. So the 2,284 apartments stay filled and the The married housing office maintains a strict popularity is explained simply. no - pet policy and violators are "The apartments are definitely too crowded Mrs. Carol Neiheisel finds her University Village apartment unconditionally evicted, Roetman said. and noisy," said Gerald L. Rains, 1112C small and cramped, especially when preparing meals with The married housing units are divided University Village. "But they're also cheap and between three complexes, all in the southwest close her two children, Gary and Vicki, around. to campus. They're the best of any Photo by Dave Schmier part of campus. housing available in East Lansing." Leases: Do you know what you're signing? By MARY ANN FLOOD more than V/2 times one be required by the housing on time, and to alert his The tenant must complete month's rent. In residence halls inspector to clean the premises landlord to any emergency an inventory checklist of the Within the next few weeks you must pay a $25 security if he violates a housekeeping financial situation that may premises and return it to the deposit. code. hinder that responsibility. landlord within seven days of thousands of MSU students The lease may also contain the day of occupancy. will be signing leases for their The lease should assign specifications about repair The lease may include It is important that the fall housing. Very few of them responsibility for paying penalties for late rent and may tenant retain copies of all will know what they are utilities to either the landlord responsibilities, painting include monetary penalties for or tenant and should contain a provisions (done by whom, documents including the signing. when and who supplies the other specifics such as pets checklist, rent receipts, A lease is a binding contract statement on subleasing your paint) and other specifics like kept without the landlord's cancelled checks, contracts, and should be taken very space to another individual. consent. Pet provisions vary in contact paper or water beds. bills and any communication seriously. A tenant has a basic right to There leases. with the landlord. Both the Most students have signed at may be a lease privacy just as a landlord has a tenant and the landlord have least one lease type agreement - right to inspect and repair the provision granting the landlord The lease should include a the right to raise the rent about the right to legal recourse and, — a residence hall contract. dwelling. A landlord may enter statement parking following a tax increase which facilities. It is illegal to park on should the need arise, the In the residence halls, you without permission in an the tenant may want to limit. the lawn. documents are vital. sign a card that holds you to emergency, but he should ask The landlord has the right to At the termination of the the terms of the room and permission in advance for other Many - leases include a board contract for the evict, especially when the statement to the effect that lease, the landlord must inspections. The lease may tenant has not paid his rent. complete an inventory remainder of the school year. contain a clause stating the except for normal expected Other grounds for eviction are wear and tear, the premises checklist that a future tenant Once a student signs an on - landlord can enter at willful or negligent should be surrendered at the has a right to see. The tenant campus housing contract he is "reasonable" times. What continuation of a health hazard end of a lease in the same must notify the landlord of a not free to sublease. To be "reasonable" means in released automatically from a on the part of the tenant, condition as when the tenants forwarding address within four practicality may depend solely termination of alease housing contract a student on how the tenant and or began occupancy. days. must either get married, drop landlord get along. squatting. The tenant has a out of school, graduate or die. "A lease is only as good as Suspensions are granted for student teachings field work and part - time student status. the tenant relationship between and Mary Luttrell, landlord," said a landlord and responsibility to pay his rent CollingtoootJ Financial, medical, family or member of the East Lansing NOW LEASING other circumstances means may Housing Commission who has SUMMER & FALL prompt a decision - making done extensive lease studies. committee to grant release Under the housing code it is 8 SEPARATE LOCATIONS from the contract. the landlord's responsibility to AIR CONDITIONED The most important feature maintain the exterior of the COMPLETE KITCHENS STUDIOS of a lease is that it is written. premises! A lease may, 1 & 2 BEDROOMS Verbal agreements are often however, include provisions FURNISHED misunderstood or misleading. covering responsibilities such as & The East Lansing Housing lawnmowing, leaf raking and UNFURNISHED Commission has drawn up snow shoveling. CABLE TV lease guidelines. A landlord must maintain In principle it is the tenant's the interior, too, but the Beechwood 1130 Beech St. right to negotiate for the lease, tenant is also responsible for 3S1-S10 Delta Arms 235 Delta St. .but that seldom happens iir maintaining a clean and 351-6839 practice. Usually the landlord sanitary situation. A tenant can Evergreen Arms 341 Evergreen St. 351-6139 presents a mimeographed lease Haslett Arms 135 CoNingwood St. all ready for the tenant's 351-1950 approval. It specifies the period SUMMER RENTALS North Pointe 1240 Haslett Rd. 332-5675 of time under the lease, dates 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS University Terrace 424 Michigan and amounts for rent 337-05(0 2 PEOPLE University Village 635 Abbot Rd. payments. 332-3490 ST50 MONTH If either a security deposit is made, in the lease or by 3-4 PEOPLE $180 MONTH Inn America 2736 E. Gr. River 337-1621 friendly management separate notice within 14 days, • Unlimited Parking *Air conditioned the landlord must tell the HALSTEAD 'Dishwashers 'New Furniture tenant where the security CEDAR MANAGEMENT •Shag Carpeting •Modal Open Deify deposit is being held. The VILLAGE landlord must also 2771 Northwind Call 351-8282 give the 351-7910 tenants his address at this time. 315 BOGUE ST. 351-5180 (Behind the Yankee Store) A security deposit cannot be *///////■ MEADOWBROOK TRACE IS A MODERN APARTMENTS APARTMENT AND TOWNHOUSE COMMUNITY IN THE MID MICHIGAN COUNTRY SIDE WITH EASY ACCESS TO OLYMPIC SIZED POOL APARTMENT FEATURES I 1-496, LANSING AND EAST LANSING. SAUNAS Gas Hot Water Heat AIR CONDITIONED Garbage Disposals Private Patios LOW DEPOSIT PLAYGROUND AREA Only $50 Security d eposit per adult will hold Carpeting Stoves and Refrigerators your apartment until you are ready to move in. PING PONG Laundry Facilities DRESSING ROOMS TOWNHOUSE FEATURES: Dishwashers SPECIAL STUDENT PLAN Frost Free COLOR TV Refrigerators Gas Heat Sign a 12 month lease and receive AIR CONDITIONED 3 summer months at half rent. RECREATION BUILDING FULL BASEMENT Private Patios BILLIARDS SHAG CARPETING MEADOWBROOK OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 10-6 TRACE Located at the SUNDAY 11-6 of JOLLY and DUNKEL •s corner Kassuba PHONE: 517-393-0210 mm fiimnBu\ut==3nmM^umi