cor: t::a: Volume 67 Number 134 Wednesday, April 10,1974 East Lansing, Michigan 48824 ixon's visit places ad Axe in spotlight By R.D. CAMPBELL The small town grocers, farmers and doctors will hop in their and SUSAN AGER cars and drive from Ubly, Parisville, Ruth, Verona and Rapson to State News Staff Writers Bad Axe, where the Republican National Committee reportedly Al) AXE ~ When George Martin and Kentucky Sharp, a pair spent nearly $3,000 for the patriotic trappings to surround Nixon as he speaks on the Huron hunters, broke their ax on a tree in the northern Thumb area County Courthouse lawn. Michigan in 1858, they had no idea that 116 years later a man Red, white and blue banners will hang from the lightpoles, and led Nixon-on a chopping block of his own-would make a huge signs, painted by student volunteers in identical colors, will isit to the city named after their Bad Axe folly. proclaim both a welcome and the local pride in their traditional Republicanism. Bad Avians, who, since 1861 when Capt. Rudolph Pabst ed the town, have lived in the fear that their city might be Six local bands, assembled Tornado damage off the map, are bursting with proud exuberance today with hurriedly despite the expected President Nixon listens to Rep. Clarence Brown, R - freedom of Easter vacation, will Ohio, tell how Xenia High School was destroyed by a oompah the President's arrival as ironce in a-lifetime presidential visit. police from 10 local communities stand crisply in blue. tornado which swept through the Ohio pabst, as the legend goes, came upon an ax stuck in a tree, with city last Wednesday, destroying nearly half of the city, Nixon visited Several local school systems not several already on Easter vacation areas by car. handle broken off and said, "Someone must have had a bad have recessed for the day. |» The name stuck, since Pabst carved "This is Bad Axe Everyone in Bad Axe knows the place is crawling with secret AP Wirephoto in a tree at the crossroads cleared by a surveying team. servicemen, but no one can quite identify who they are. >orge Green, a 65-year-old retired Bad Axe teacher with a chant for local history said: "Since that time our motto has You can tell 'em by their short cropped hair and short ON HOUSING REQUIREMENT sideburns, Edward Draves Jr., former Bad Axe mayor, said as he 1: Keep Bad Axe on the map." searched a local bar to see if he could spot any. But he adds that as a result of President Nixon's visit today Axian worries of fading away are over. 'Had you ever heard of Bad Axe before?" residents ask orters and tourists slyly, almost proud of their nonstatus, "he city, smack dab in the middle of the Thumb, is a slow Axe Michigan State Police snipers will be stationed atop several Bad buildings as a precautionary measure. Several of the 11 villages through which Nixon will pass—those larger than just a church or store-will block off their main streets Case could beginning at 6 wer. The 1970 census counted 2,999 Bad Axians, only one a.m. today also as a precaution. By LARRY MORGAN cases like this across the nation, there were allowed to live off campus. re than in 1960. State News Staff Writer hasn't been any one decision that covered "It's not a problem anymore, like it was efore today, its biggest claim to fame was that Albert E. Ray Maurer, 17, a Bad Axe High School senior, claims he saw MSU freshmen all cases like it. 15 Secret Service and sophomores a couple of years ago," Kenneth Smith, eper. governor of Michigan from 1917 to 1920, hailed from men talking to Bad Axe police on the should be "The decisions are generally rendered ASMSU attorney said. "With more variety courthouse lawn on keeping an eye on Vermillion, S. ?. His former residence is now a funeral home, Saturday. D. within on the facts of each case and are not a and liberalized dormitory rules, this takes the next month. Resounding put today the town's bars, bathrooms and diners will swell "Then blanket decision," Ballard said recently. a lot of the steam out of the issue." on Sunday there were five of 'em, all with sunglasses, effects could come from ia court h people-some expect 20,000-who will line the streets and and they In the January decision, the District Smith said there are no cases planned just walked up and down the street for about two case pending there against the lwd the courthouse lawn to hear and perhaps get a glimpse of hours," he said. Court in South Dakota ruled that the against MSU to change the requirement. [ bably the only President of the United States they will ever University of South Dakota and its University of South Dakota regulation A federal judge recently threw out a Maurer, along with most of his buddies, will drive into Bad requirement that freshmen and "established unreasonable and arbitrary case against Northern Axe, despite their general cynicism about Nixon and the two Michigan University ^'he Nixon visit is a gesture of support for James Sparling, sophomores live in residence halls. classification and thus violated the Equal because the issue was too small for federal publican candidate in next Tuesday's special congressional congressional candidates whose tug - of - war campaign is said to Gail Prostrollo, University of South Protection Clause" of the 14th court. Smith said. have sparked the Nixon visit. Dakotia sophomore, took her university to Amendment. ction. whose victory could relieve some pressure currently The new information brought in by the ' ding for Nixon's impeachment. Sparling will oppose court, challenging its regulation that all In the decision, the court said the University of South Dakota dealt with the "They're all full of shit, you know," one student said, "but it's ocratic state Rep. J. Bob Traxler. the President, and you can tell your grandchildren about it freshmen and sophomores must live in primary purpose of the housing grade point averages of the students in the . f'Come early and bring your family," a radio commercial someday." university residence halls. requirement was to pay the debt incurred residence halls compared to those who live 'adcast throughout the nationally spotlighted 8th district They said, however, that they would not be waving flags along However, if Elliott Ballard, assistant to from the residence halls construction, and off campus. President Wharton, is right, the case may that the university's contention that the Rollie ■erily urged for the past few days. "Entertainment and plenty the route. French, 'director of public not be as significant as it looks. He requirement had educational objectives relations at the university, said the (free parking, too." (Continued on page 14) believ s that though there have been many was "a mere afterthought..." information came from a university survey However, in the £fh Circuit Court in St. which revealed that the residence halls Louis, the University of South Dakota students had a significantly higher grade appealed, and with new information the point average than those who lived off ospital staff poised for Nixon visit no surgery is scheduled. All department court remanded the case to the District Court. was There haven't been many problems with this at MSU since the housing regulation changed in 1972, in which juniors campus. French said this information has been sent to the District Court judge who will begin considering it announce a on decision about April 25 May 10. and heads and emergency personnel — radiologist, anestheseologist, X-ray and lab BAD AXE - Huron Memorial Hospital technicians and others — will also be re is on disaster alert today, quietly rvous but poised rtune which may to handle any ill befall President Nixon, required to remain within the building all day. The hospital's battalion of about 30 Senate debate n cut finger to stubbed toe, or worse. registered nurses will also carry electronic on campa reform Secret Service agents, who have been pocket noisemakers with them all day arming the Thumb area since Thursday , which can be activated by the hospital ked hospital co - administrator Joseph administration to beep madly if the Iph point • blank: "Do you have the WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate vote marked the first time Allen had nurses' services are needed to handle an ilities ho handle gunshot wounds?" voted Tuesday to limit further debate on a succeeded in his efforts to eliminate or emergency. controversial campaign reform bill, modify the subsidy provisions of the bill. Ralph answered affirmatively. The Personnel from other departments — clearing the way for its passage. It sets a spending limit of 8 cents times spital, though half the size of Wells Hall, dietary, maintenance, housekeaping — will the largest in Huron The vote the voting age population in County, whose be allowed to leave their shifts briefly on putting the Senate's primary- pulation is 6,000 less than MSU's. antifilibuster rule into effect was 64-30, or campaigns for federal office and 12 cents during the day to hear the President speak one more than the required two-thirds times the voting age population in general uipped with a coronary unit and three on the lawn of the Huron County -rating rooms, the hospital employs majority of senators voting. elections. courthouse, or wave as he passes in The e board - certified surgeons and, as the Each senator's speaking time from now ceilings set by the bill were 10 motorcade in front of the hospital. on will be limited to one hour on the bill cents in primaries and 15 cents in general " nty's Red Cross Blood Center, is well - Nurses at the eked with blood. hospital reflect the same and all amendments. elections. Since Ralph's affirmative answer, Secret keyed - up excitement that nearly Majority leader Mike Mansfield, everyone else in the Thumb seems to feel. e agents have examined the files of ry hospital employe, have completely "I'm just thrilled," Beth Decker, in • service education coordinator, said D-Mont., said he hoped this would make it possible for the Senate to complete action Officials delay red the hospital, from the on the bill Wednesday. tapes decision emergency grinning and shaking her head in disbelief. ms to maintenance rooms and have "I don't care if you agree with him or not He said action could even come n detailed layouts of the building and it's still a real thrill to have a President Tuesday night. WASHINGTON (AP) - The White phone system, including the number of here. It's part of the American tradition." However, more than 60 amendments House informed the House Judiciary tgoing lines and trunk lines the hospital Decker wishes she could be on the are still pending and could be called up for Committee Tuesday it wants to wait until streets too, but because she is a a vote despite the limitation on debate. after the Easter recess of Congress before Though a once in - - a - lifetime event department head, she must remain in the A first the hospital's 150 move to close out the debate last deciding how to respond to a committee - some employes, for building. "Duty comes first," she Thursday fell four votes short of the the procedure is request for tapes of 42 presidential only routine. explained. conversations. Advance necessary two-thirds margin. The vote men always precede the Decker called herself a "Spalding man," then was 60 for and 36 against. The committee had set a Tuesday sident wherever he goes, staking out apparently referring to James Sparling, The fight over the bill has centered deadline for e local a reply to its request for the hospitals, setting stringent Republican candidate for the 8th district around its provisions for using tax funds tapes. But a White House official, who cifications which they must meet if y wish to treat the President in case of congressional sestt in the April 16 special election Bad Axe prepares to finance presidential and congressional declined to be quoted, insisted the only for whom Nixon is stumping election campaigns. thing expected of St. Clair was to spell out "rgencv. today. Beth Sen. James B. Allen, D-Ala., won at this time how the White House intended Though local politicians and citizens Decker, left, education coordinator, and Jacqueline Osborn, diet an exuberant Behind the hospital's facade of cool adoption of an amendment reducing the to go about considering the request. reception for the relief nursing supervisor, stand in the waiting roon at Huron calm, a hint of reluctance sneaks out. limit on what candiates can spend by 20 Chairman Peter W. Rodino, D-N.J.. sident, the Bay City Times did receive a "I think that if we ever got such a VIP Memorial Hospital in Bad Axe, where Secret Service agents have put per cent. That would reduce the cost of plans a committee meeting for Wednesday phoned threat on Nixon's life last in here our whole facility would go to, the hospital on disaster alert today for President Nixon's visit to the government subsidies to candidates or Thursday to deal with the possible nesday. well, — we would all panic," relief nursing who elect issuance of a subpena for the materials if Dr. Nelson Michigan's thumb — in case any accidents occur. public financing rather than rely- Brouillette, one of the staff supervisor Jacqueline Osbom said, giggling on private contributions. St. Clair's response is deemed eons, will be on hand all day, though State News photo by Dale Atkins nervously. Adoption of the amendment by a 46-43 unsatisfactory. Revised general educat By JOHN TINGWALL the new system could be implemented in winter term of 1975. Policies Committee March 28, recommends changes in policy- upper - level classes, Arata said. State News Staff Writer But even then only partial implementation of one or two general concerning waivers and transfer credits. "Although this is an effect of the revision, I wouldn't want education areas might be effected. goodbye world, humanities, natural science, ATL and social science, The interpretation and implementation procedures of the new "No systemworkedas poorly as our credit - by • exam system," Arata said. "1 will therefore request the rewriting of the waiver undergraduates to get into the higher courses too rapidly." she added. As the policy are complete, however. The University's Curriculum three - year - old process of revising the MSU general policy." The changes in these policies must be decided in the More 300 and 400 - level courses are expected to be offered in a lon Committee will read the report of the Advisory Group on General Educational Policies Committee, but Arata said a backlog of work the requirement nears an end, these may be the words of University College, increasing student options further. "These y students when they learn the number of options available Education this month to review current University College in the committee would delay immediate action. intended to be supplemental to, not competitive are with, courses. A request will then be sent to every MSU department to By offering departmental courses for general education credit, advanced courses," Arata said. j■ ' • often • criticized University College 45 - credit submit any course that might qualify in the newly defined areas every student, faculty member and department will encounter «Aftmen!tllat t>very student must tackle, of general education. new situations, Arata said. An emphasis on multidisciplinary courses may also effect cat''on ' os* "lree years of work on changing the general The implications and effects of this policy are many, Arata "We wanted to adopt a policy that would allow the student credit distribution, the assistant provost pointed out. "1 can requirements in committees and subcommittees. I feel said. more freedom of perceive a multidisciplinary course that would be worth four . PreR"anl mother who wants to deliver and get the whole choice," Arata said Friday. "At the same time Besides lifting the restriction that general education courses be we wanted to credits that will satisfy three of arts and humanities and one -IT "graduate w'th," said Dorothy Arata, asst. provost for offered only in the University College, the revised policy will protect the general education requirement. Students will have much more credit in social and Behavioral Science," Arata said. education, flexibility, emphasizing the value of will be require that a student earn between eight and 16 credits in each student exploration." a while though, before the four areas of general The system might also encourage faculty transfers between the area, rather than 12 redits in each of the three existing areas and The revised requirements will enable students to enter an 1 t"l,s. art. announced under their new names: arts and higher - University College and other colleges, she said. nine in ATL. level courses earlier, because they will be able to take courses that biological, physical and mathematical sciences; Un"'iUi»ns, and social and behavorial sciences. The earliest The advisory group report, approved by the Educational satisfy both general education requirements and prerequistes for (Continued on page 13) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April ty J Part of voting reform bill fails By DANIEL DEVER "We're being realistic the "harrassment" of having "Neither plan is perfect, but another attempt to eliminate financing. The citizens' u State News Staff Writtr his her name made public. I feel the no floor plan is the the $25 limit. Common Cause, enough to see that the people or agrees who want to contribute a But Republicans argued that best of the two," Rep. Dennis Both Gov. Milliken, a A move to require total nickel, dime or quarter should the only way to prevent abuse Cawthorne, R Manistee, Republican, and the leading Milliken has reporting of campaign not have to have their names of campaign contribution was Republican floor leader, said, Democratic candidate for however, if he will V( financing, no matter how small Sander Levin, favor which includes a reported with the Secretary of to require full and complete Cawthorne said he doubts governor, as the $25 floor Witness gives alibi for Mitchell the contribution, as part of election reform legislation, was State," Rep. James O'Neill, disclosure. that his party will make total reporting of campaign D-Saginaw, said. defeated by a 56-47 vote But Republicans contended Tuesday in the Michigan that the $25 floor creates a Wealthy campaign donor W. Clement Stone offered House. what seemed to alibi Tuesday for John N. Mitchell on a crucial peijury count in his the Voting on clear party lines, Democratically controlled loophole in the legislation which could allow thousands of dollars to be contributed to Drive begins to pot,d conspiracy trial. House rejected" an amendment Fund-raiser Daniel W. Hofgren had sworn previously campaigns with no to strike out a provision of the accountability. that Mitchell warned him, "You stay away from that," proposed bill which allows "By voting against this hopes when Hofgren mentioned financier Robert L. Vesco's contributions under $25 to go group to amendment they (Democrats) name to Mitchell at a cocktail party prior to a political dinner in March 1974. But Stone, a major donor to the unreported. The acted Michigan Senate on a reform also permit contributions of less than $25 to go unreported and p Nixon campaign, testified Tuesday that Mitchell did not measure have...actually loosened up Monday night, approving campaign financing laws," Rep. Speakers at the first meeting of Michigan Marijuana Initiative "We plan a concerted effort to sweep East arrive at the gathering until the dinner had started. legislation aimed at uncovering John Engler, R-Mt. Pleasant, in sort of blitz drive beginning the week Lansing and U, Monday night in the Union called for a concerted effort to make a after Easter" Stone said that Mitchell and former conflicts of Secretary of interest by said. a success of the petition drive for the proposed decriminalization Brinton Butler, one of three coordinators of the East u3 Commerce Maurice H. Stans were his guests at a GOP requiring candidates and But Democrats stated that of the private use of marijuana. office. elected officials to disclose the Butler said the drive, led by state congressional fund-raising dinner reporting of small on the night of March their sources of income. contributions would be Arbor, would include a door • to • door Rep. Perry Bullard D J campaign throuAJ Though final House action difficult to enforce since many Lansing and East Lansing and the positioning of petition!!® on the campaign finance bill is still pending, Tuesday's vote makes it almost certain that are hat" made through "pass the donations, and this Bullard to discuss several stores in the area. The Michigan Marijuana allow Initiative, a petition drive thatwJ 1 reporting of contributions Michigan voters in November the much-criticized $25 floor would also be a violation of to decriminalize possession and transport of marijuana, requires a thepri«ih!l minimum ■ Queries lawyer referred public control of oil will remain in the on tax legislation. citizens privacy. 267,617 signatures before it can secure a spot on the NovemJ Democrats, who originally House Speaker William ballot. The group, however, is placed the $25 limit in the bill, Ryan, D-Detroit, said that a leeway for illegal signings. seeking 350,000 signatures toZj argued that reporting of small every citizen should be able to The Michigan Initiative, which is headquartered at MSU ml contributions would discourage make small Rep. Perry Bullard, D - Ann present oil shortage contrived amend the state Constitution by Atty. Gen. William B. Saxbe said Tuesday that political Arbor, who has called on and attacked the oil industry adding section 24 to Artickll participation in politics. contributions without suffering prevent the punishment of those 18 or older for the questions concerning the tax attorney for President Congress to assume public for not developing sufficient private u*, possession of marijuana. A local government could Nixon had been referred to the special Watergate control of the oil industry, will refining capability and sending prohibit u« public with a fine, not to exceed $100. prosecutor by the Internal Revenue Service. discuss the "Public Ownership oil abroad while Americans do Saxbe told reporters at a breakfast meetingthat he did not know why matters concerning the Los Angeles Bridge plan of Oil," at an open meeting at 7:30 p.m. United Wednesday in the Ministries in Higher without oil. The discussion is open to everyone. A similar petition drive in 1972 decriminalized the use of marijuana. failed, gathering just 30 J signatures. At present, Oregon is the lone state that J lawyer, Frank Demarco, who helped in preparing the Education, 1118 S. Harrison tax returns for the President, had been referred to Leon scheduled Road. Jaworski, the special prosecutor. The purpose of the meeting get Saxbe also said that he expected results in the near is to familiarize people with the idea of public control and future from the FBI's investigation of The Building, Lands and the-kidnaping of The river banks would be to see if support exists for Patricia Hearst. Planning Committee will meet graded to resemble a giant step Bullard's resolution, said Pat at 10:15 a.m. today in the and stabilized with crushed Murray, a staff member of the gatsbied Board Room, Administration concrete. This grading process Center for Peace and Conflict Building, to hear testimony on is intended to improve the Resolution, which is the revised plans for the water flow around the bend Kalamazoo sponsoring the meeting. Street bridge north of the bridge. Pakistani POW release OKd project. Bullard has called the Committee secretary Ron Black said Tuesday that 17 for Spring.. persons are scheduled to testify India, Pakistan and Bangladesh agreed Tuesday on the before the committee. release of 195 Pakistani war prisoners, lowering the last The revised plans do not major barrier to friendly relations on the subcontinent. include diverting the Red The accord was signed in a brief ceremony Cedar River, which the original capping five days of tough negotiations by plan had suggested. They call foreign ministers of for raising the bridge 4.8 feet, the three countries. half as high as the first plan Earlier, diplomatic sources said the foreign ministers had recommended. had reached a broad consensus on solutions to two 305 W. Grand River issues hanging over from the 1971 India-Pakistan war: 332 - 8554 the fate of the war prisoners and the lens Fashion Clothing Bangladesh demand that Pakistan accept more Biharis, the non-Bengalis in Bangladesh. The sources also said the Bihari problem had been tentatively solved by Pakistani pledges to review the cases of some of the non-Bengalis whose immigration applications previously were refused. NEJAC TV RENTALS 337-1300 417 East Grand River East • Lansing Tape experts confirm findings you are cordially The panel of experts studying the partially erased invited to a meeting Cordially Watergate tape believes that it has confirmed its original invites you to attend our findings that the tape was erased by a series of manual of the Spring Fashion Show actions, and will report to Judge John J. Sirica of the "Sew What's New Under the Sun.' U.S. District Court in about two weeks, informed sources. - The sources also said that, as in the panel's first according to Advertising club report on Jan. 15, no attempt will be made by the A WEDNESDAY APRIL 10th experts to say whether the erasure of 18V2 minutes was Representative From the either deliberate or accidental. Chicago Tribune will be present to discuss SEVEN O'CLOCK P Instead, as one source put it, the panel will again try to show-with technical backup data this time-only "how the sequence of events occurred" leading to the Newspaper Advertising. Officer elections Admission Free erasure. will be held. For Information and rides call 353-7274 UN forces to remain in Mideast The Security Council on Monday voted 13-0 to keep FABRIC AND YARN SHOP the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) in the Middle East for six more months. The 15-nation council failed, however, to resolve a United States-Soviet deadlock over an Israeli ban on allowing in its territory UNEF units from countries SINGLE KNIT unfriendly to the Jewish state. China and Iraq did not participate in the vote of the council, which acted on a recommendation from SALE! Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim to continue the force because "the situation in the area remains unstable and potentially dangerous." SAVE THROUGH SATURDAY ON OVER 200 YARDS OF Panel defeats oil tax amendment POLYESTER AND COTTON SINGLE The House KNIT PRINTS REG 2 98 YD! Ways and Means Committee voted 13-12 Monday against an oil tax reform bill amendment that would have boosted the petroleum industry's taxes by $2.1 billion over two years. It was a significant victory for oil-state forces on the Vizza committee who are fighting to let the industry get a total plowback of money that the federal government SALE otherwise would be collecting under terms of a Buy a 16' yard Buy a and pay for 14' J pizza and proposed new windfall profits tax. a I pay for a Chairman Wilbur D. Mills, D-Ark., cast the 12' pizza deciding with this coupon | 1203 E.GRAND RIVER 14' pizza ballot as the committee rejected an amendment offered | with this coupon by Rep. Joseph E. Karth, D-Minn. 417 E. Grand River 337-1631 Open Mon. thru Fri. 9:30 Compiled by Deni Martin to 9:00 Sat. til 5:30 Ihigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 10, 1974 3 ;ouncil action postponed in plans for streamlining The colleges would elect the Johnson said he believed the By MIKE GALATOLA said council members working State News Staff Writer remaining 56 faculty members council should speak more on such and 21 students. a hard-working directly in University wide com mittee would be Icademic Council action on academic policy issues, and overloaded with work, but Iposals designed to This recommendation that better understanding Johnson said his own framlirte its standing represented the council's between council and experience as a council J,miltees was postponed rejection of the ad hoc committee of each other's member and chairman of the ■sday for 'ack of a quorum- committee's original suggestion concerns would result if policies committee that the current 12 committee members were to Inly 60 of the council's 149 committees containing standing come from council. contradicted that belief. Inbers, 15 short of the 179 Blin d number, showed up to faculty and 100 students be cut to Paul M. Hurrell, Justin The council never voted six committees of 49 on ■ar debate on Morrill College representative, Johnson's amendment as Immendations presented by faculty and 25 students, all coming from the council. supported Johnson, saying the Joanne Eicher, College of Aecia! committee consisting committee members would Human Ecology representative, ■the Ad Hoc Committee to But the concept of council have a better chance of called for the quorum. Since Ejew Academic Governance members staffing committees, transcending their colleges' no quorum was present, the ■ three council members. which had drawn the wrath of interests to wider a University council adjourned, the Ad Hoc plus 3, the council on the ad hoc perspective if they came from Due to lack of a quorum committee's report, rose again the broad-based council. Jommrnded that the council when Harold Johnson, think il's 811 issue, and I wanted a quorum important had to postpone its discussion of Tuesday the Academic Council seated left, and President Wharton before the meeting was |pt a proposal for eight chairman of the Educational Martin Fox, College of for a vote," Eicher said after the council. Martin Fox, proposals to streamline canceled. Aiding committees consisting Natural Science representative, the standing left, and Lester State News photo by John Russell Policies Committee, presented meeting. Manderscheid, standing right, speak with James Bonnen, ■79 faculty members and 33 an amendment asking that the Jd.'nts. twenty three faculty proposed academic policy Social services ■mberc and 12 students committee be staffed from the Tld come from the council. council. lose By LINDA SANDEL including the DEC and the will seriously hurt us depends "We'll have to pare some fat Transportation State News Staff Writer Listening Ear were on the kind of Authority major changes in fablonski killing community somewhere," he said. which contracts to provide transportation can be afforded. East Lansing officials don't disappointed that their full reaction we get to our fund The services to East city planning Lansing has Frank Mossman, CATA like the fund decreases and requests were not approved but drives." said they could probably seek department will suffer spoken of increasing the East board member, said the board higher property taxes particular cutbacks under the Lansing subsidy cost to nearly will discuss the East contained in the proposed other sources to make up the City council members said Lansing differences. proposed budget. The $125,000, but the proposed budget proposals at its meeting 1974-75 city budget released they would have to give serious ienied by Boyle department had hoped to get city budget specifically said no today. Monday. Under the proposed budget thought to curtailed services money for an additional staff and sharply decreased funds. Though most groups will the DEC, which asked for planner to allow for greater reluctantly accept the fund "Experience tells me that decreases suggested by City $50,523, would receive this is a very tight budget," emphasis on approaches to new Manager John M. Patriarche, $41,163 or than last year. nearly $6,000 less said Councilwoman Mary community planning problems such FACULTY MEDIA, Pa. (AP) - Former United Mine Workers President W. as a housing-ecnomics ~ others will prepare for a battle. The additional funds, had Sharp. "I suspect that if we can study. "Tony" Boyle testified Tuesday that he had nothing to do The reduce this at all will, but I $8,909,927 budget, they been approved, would we Jh the murder of his union rival, Joseph- 'Jock" Yablonski. which city council can change, have funded an expansion of highly doubt that can happen." "This will nonetheless make VIEWPOINT [The 72 - year - old Boyle, testifying in his own defense at his attempts to hold city spending the DEC's coping group Sharp said she wished a it difficult to accomplish some Jrdertrial. also denied he had ever talked to William T\imbiaaer or to a minimum 'while projects. Coping groups are proposed property tax of the projects we have Kert Pass about killing Yablonski. maintaining services at their geared to high school and increase, which will raise the planned." said Planning Dept. collective bargaining tl I'I certainly did not," Boyle said in response to questions from present level despite inflation. probate court referrals for drug tax by 76 cents to $17.68 per Director Michael Conlisk. s College of Science and Arts found that thier ■ chief defense counsel, Charles Moses. The group hardest hit in the counseling. thousand, could be avoided, The $215,529 planning be renewed on a conditional basis until a study of future needs could be completed: study "Due to inflation we have budget allocations calls for a [Turnblazer, a former president of UMW District 19 and the proposed new budget was the A spokesman for the DEC a Women's Center, which lost its said the center could probably no alternative but to raise decrease in research and ecution's star witness, testified Monday that Boyle ordered entire funding. continue services with the taxes," Sharp said. "It's our development operating I murder of Yablonski during a meeting with himself and Pass, The center has been receiving proposed funding but would only real source of income but expenses, which will restrict college's budget. Eight of t in secretary - treasurer of the district, in UMW headquarters in $125 per month during the we're trying to hold increases the number of experts the seek funds for coping groups if D faculty member remarked. Ishington on June 23, 1969. past year and had asked for an through other sources, to a minimum." department can call in for increase to $225 Councilman John Polomsky specific projects. MSU/FA calls to your attention the fact I I'Did per month to including Ingham County. you have anything to do with the murders?" Moses rent and said the council would have to One area of the budget faculties has no legal protection. AAUP icy recognizes cover operating Craig Unger, a spokesman that "financial exigency" justifies eliminat led. for the Listening Ear, said h»v< take a long-range, serious look which leaves many funding ' shifting and. tightened f'Absolutely not," Boyle responded in a loud voice. was disappointed with the" at fund al^pcatiops que^tion^ yn^iswered i$ the ■Boyle, in failing health, walked erectly to the stand and sat Commission supported the proposed $6,000 for that crisis hn proposed ^budget. $36.00t) allocated for public Of Detroit faculty now are fully convinced of their power\essness,to n unassisted. He turned briefly and smiled at his wife, who Council will act on the budget transportation. deal with the administration in the absence of collective Bargaining. group's request earlier, but intervention center, but added In light of thler recent experience tnfeyj^re again wording, with Patriarche in May?** TIT" Cap it of Area Js seated behind the defense table. denied additional monies saying that the that the facility should be able increased enthusiasm, toward organizing the faculty. ■Boyle said he was very close friends with Yablonski even into to continue present services the Listening Ear and Drug through other sources. I uhlished by the students of Michigan State 169, when the slain former UMW vice president decided to seek Education Center (DEC) Jay during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, "We'll just have to push lyle's post. and l-ridays during Summer Term, and a special s year by our P t. The t( already offer identical services. harder on our fund raising n is published in September. Subscription rate is o tne disadvantage of women and minorities. Department of Human Relatiou, J"lt was such a shock to me," he said about his learning of the "Obviously, we aren't very campaign." he said. "Whether Joseph McMillan told a State News reporter (Thursday, April Birders. happy about the loss of or not the proposed fund cut 1974) that goals for affirmative action hiring were "expected to I set by early winter term, but the sudden funding," said Margy Lesher, infliction of the hirir |"What did you do?" Moses asked. representative for the center. freeze ground the goal-setting to a halt," and that his department hiring goals for tenure stream faculty whi I was sick," Boyle replied. "I went home. 1 usually work 14, "This could pose the serious 1 hours a day, but 1 got sick." 1 *s policy, w o regrel possibility that we might have J of the circurr ■ He said the next day he polled the international board of the to close or cut back and eing told how li concentrate lisplav Adver on more fund lusiness Otfic thinking of the U of D a feel that MSU ■Asked what he meant raising. hotographic members are entitled to fu by that, Boyle replied: "When it's Another the making of decisions wh issible to get the board to Washington for a meeting and spokesman for the center, which receives over 1 is something urgent, you poll the board by telephone. I told 100 crisis calls per week, It secretary in my office that I was recommending that we put criticized Patriarche's reasoning open thursday and friday until nine ■ a reward of not less than $50,000..." for deleting current funds. iHe said the board met later and reaffirmed his actions. "No way do the DEC and ■ Boyle also said he proposed "establishment of a commission to Listening Ear provide the same re an attorney and other people, investigators tohelp in getting services," she said. "They are male-oriented and don't formation about the murders..." ■"Was that commission set provide the services women up?" need." ■"Yes, it was," Boyle said. Other social service centers, open thursday and friday nights until nine NOTICE TO ALL POCKET SIZE COMPUTER STUDENTS The Office of Overseas Study Under Continuing Education Service wishes to announce the following: 1974 SUMMER GERMAN LANGUAGE PROGRAM JUNE 17-AUGUST 9 GRM' 321. 322, 323 "German Composition and Conversation" 9 credits GRM 421. 422. 423 "Advanced German Composition and Conversation" 9 credits Texas Instruments electronic slide rule naturally, the bush jacket calculator with split second accuracy, heads for the outdoor trail. GR "Special Projects" 3 credits . . clearly visible 12 character readout with Total: 12 credits depending on the courses selected lightweight, washable polyester/cotton Two years of College German required for the 321 200 decade range number display, 10-digit poplin with pleated flap pockets series; three years for the 421 series. keys plus decimal point and 12 function keys. Do basic arithmetic and.. .reciprocals, large enough to carry odds and ends, MEETING REGARDING THE SUMMER squares, square root, change sign, scientific elastic back waist for ease of movement GERMAN PROGRAM will be held: notation, automatic conversion to scientific Beige, navy 36 Tonight, April 10 to 44 sizes $22 707 Well's Hall notation, mixed calculation. AC power 7:30 p.m. converter/charger, carry case included. Compact 6'/«"x3"x1K" size. Applications and further information may , Incol )soi is be obtained from the OFFKE OF OVERSEAS STUDY - ROOM 108 SI top CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Jaeobsoris AND PROGRAMS PHONE 353-8920 OR 353-8921 OPINION PAGE fHiitToi Ue THfCMIfP| ft William IV. Whiting Editor-in-chief Michael J. Fox Managing editor Beth Ann Masalkoski.. Advertising Manager Lynn Henning Sports editor GeraldJi. Coy General Manager John W. Lindstrom K.D. Campbell Campus editor Staff representative Kathy Niezurawski Copy chief Jim Bush City editor Bob Novosad Opinion Page editor Craig Porter Photo editor s. Staff columns, EDITORIALS ASMSU must push for input r^-Oo 0 at £ ^ 3 The ballots have finally been should be supported. counted and the new ASMSU board For the present time, in lieu of TRUST ME has been certified. The election statewide action. ASMSU should hoopla is over, and if the board resurrect its original proposal for intends to become a dynamic force the appointment of student liaison working for the student welfare, it advisers to the trustees with full is imperative it give immediate access to all information available WHY D'DTHE SKY SUDDENLY TVRN BLACK consideration to concerns of the to the trustees. campus community and not fall into The new board should also the characteristic first - term study the organization of student aPAIUmpires [ lethargy of recent boards. labor NARDI on campus and push for Budgetary problems will be student access to instructor rating among the first to face the board, since students turned proposed doubling of the ASMSU tax from 50 cents to SI per term. down the forms. ASMSU must be a vocal advocate for student rights: more dedication, zeal and responsiveness' is needed, should clarify calls Though allocations have been Spring term would not be spring term undue sarcasm. In another while absenteeism and political incident, the umpire invites harrassment from spectators J made through Dec. 31 by the without intramural softball. A rousing For example: Team X player ran 15 steadfastly refused to clarify a disputed players alike. A good umpire can tell J previous board, the newly elected bickering should be cut. game of softball consists of closely feet out of the baseline to avoid being rule, though it would have been a simple group will have room for some The new board must also re - matched teams, cheering and booing fans tagged out by Team Y infielder. matter of looking it up in her rule book. difference between heckling and a rule pltiil clarification when confronted fl examine ASMSU election and, of course, arguments with the The rule book clearly states the runner Had she done this, she could have saved reshuffling. Service projects must umpire. should be called out, but the umpire ruled herself the ensuing formal protest which mouthy players. Players certainly have] be given top priority, since the tax procedures. This term tabulation of A right to know why a certain call w, good umpire can handle these the runner safe, saying to the Y fielder, proved her wrong. vote indicates that students feel the vote took more than a week as by an umpire. arguments calmly and efficiently. "Don't complain to me; you missed her, I She also could have spared the hard ballots were trucked from place to Unfortunately, last spring term, the Contrary to popular belief, it is J they have not been getting their didn't!" feelings which resulted from the incident. "poor sportsmanship" to argue « place. The tally had been expected women's intramural program had few such Umpires One IM umpire even refused to allow money's worth from current are supposed to be above this umpires. childish sarcasm. They should be able to umpire. Those who truly love the g J to take less than three her game to be protested. programs. days. Many of the softball umpires and handle disputes calmly, but will demand that rules be explidT Students did pass a 50 cents per referees were cocky, rude and not helpful firmly—by Many of the girls I have played with are upheld. The most obvious method of taking out their rule books if necessary. bewildered by softball rules. The IM I have a lot of respect for term tax to set up the Student when faced with questions or arguments Obviously, the rule book will not solve umpires J streamlining the vote counting is to from female players. umpires could be of service by explaining referees, having been one myself. The jJ Media Appropriations Board, opinion calls like whether a pitch was a the rules as infractions occur, instead tabulate the ballots at the end of These umpires acted as strike of is demanding and sometimes thankies! however, which may take on the though any or a ball. To these arguments, an being tight-lipped and defensive about each But unless these umpires can handle day of registration, rather than dispute with their calls was a personal umpire need only say, "I call 'em as I see their calls. play* funding responsibility for some of allowing them to pile up until the affront, and they would respond with 'em!" and leave out any sarcastic grievances without losing their cool Tin epithets. The very nature of shouldn't be umps. the programs now financed by an umpire's job first day of classes. Such a ASMSU. as well as expanding procedure would not only result in communication outlets on campus. faster tabulation, but would detect The board continue to The Doctor's Bag new must physical or organizational push for more input into the board breakdowns before they wrecked 4^ of trustees. It should exert the havoc caused this term. legislative weight in favor of the Though precaution will have to bill introduced by Rep. Percy be exercised to prevent premature By ARNOLD WERNER, MD Bullard. D-Ann Arbor, that would disclosure of any vote totals, the add three student seats to chances of Copyright 1974. election irregularities university governing bodies. The occurring from hasty and Letters may be addressed to Werner at to be desired. him and his partner, yeast infections MSU Health Center. Names need not be are Aside from these hazards, pregnancy c right of students to run for board disorganized counting will be Yeasts are present in a great many not typically one of these. included unless a personal reply is result from intercourse under t seats in statewide elections also decreased. vaginas and produce no difficulties. A gynecologist colleague has noted that requested. circumstances. If you are suggesting 111 Circumstances which alter the after treating such infections several times Several months ago my boyfriend and I environment of the vagina can tip the pregnancy would occu in the same woman, he can still find small spent the weekend together after a long balance in favor of an overgrowth of the intercourse by sperm swimming throad amounts of yeast present but no the soapy water, that is time of not being with each other. We yeast. The use of antibiotics is one such inflammation, discharge quite impossiH Aaron comes made love several times. After he left, I was plagued by an itching and burning sensation and a white vaginal discharge. event. control Occasionally pills have women trouble on with birth yeast believes that some women sensitive to the organism and or itching. He might be overly eventually This sounds kind of bizzare, time I am with my girlfriend, I sti butewnj infections, though it is unclear if such lose their sensitivity. The best prevention burping a lot! I know that burping ocottl My doctor diagnosed it as a yeast infection women experience a would appear to be with the intake of air during eating orT In these higher incidence of having each infection days of tarnished idols it fundamental trust in the goodness and it took two weeks of using infections than women off the pill. treated rapidly. Douches once or twice a drinking, but what about when I a is refreshing to see a hero come of man wiped out by recent waves suppositories and creams to get rid of it. Treatment of the infection often takes week are found helpful as a preventive by doing these things? Is it me, o Recently, my boyfriend and I spent a through in the pinch, as Hank of cynicism. another weekend together and now I have couple of weeks as you indicated but what some women but should be prescribed by girlfriend, or what? Aaron did Monday in clobbering his Seeing 'Hammering Hank' meet the same thing again. Is this disease related is often forgotten is that infections can a physician. It sounds as if you are swallowing aUi historic 715th run in the Atlanta the demands of the baseball Is it possible to become reappear spontaneously every few months. pregnant while of air when you are with . to lovemaking? What can I do to prevent taking a warm bubble bath with a guy? A your girlfrieniH Braves' nationally televised home establishment and the fans by it? The discomfort I am experiencing is Therefore, it may merely be a coincidence Air swallowing can occur with anxiety beyond belief. that your boyfriend and the friend insists it is because of the warmth with excitement. Jj opener. hitting home runs with his first discharge of the water, but would not the Try to observe y< Vaginal yeast infections appeared in such close proximity to each soap do in carefully next time this happens swing in both Cincinnati and are fairly the sperm before that common and the other. point? Please reply, once a person becomes aware of Sportswriters were thrown into Atlanta maintaining his calm organism that causes them is easily identified; yet, most a tantalizing bath lies in the balance! it is usually not difficult to theluBj an ecstatic state last summer over While certain types of vaginal discharges stop it cheerfulness under the tremendous explanations as to why some women get are caused Having intercourse in the bathtub is Also, if you chew gum when you»B Secretariat's Triple Crown exploits. by an organism present in the dangerous. You can bang pressure should provide a much - them and other women do not leave much your head and with your man which passed back and forth between hurt girlfriend you might be induciM But the unsullied triumphs of a needed lesson in 'keeping cool' to yourself; worse yet, you can drown. air swallowing as well. superhorse do little to restore the our troubled nation. VOX POPULI If BECAME NECESSARY <0 DeVfcoV 1W6 1& if,., To the Editor; Sparling recognizes race Gov. Milliken has said that "the The fate of the Today President Nixon will come to only Republican candidate real question that voters are being asked to lies in election will be read as a vote c Michigan's 8th Congressional District at carrying the three counties of decide is which of the two candidates can and for that reason offered this onewB the request of the Huron, Tuscola and Sanilac by wide Republican candidate best represent them in possibly last forum for defense. ■ James Sparling. Many party Washington," but margins, since they historically have made officials, James Sparling recognizes that this race the difference for James Sparling should be commendiM columnists and others have labeled the trip goes far beyond the Thumb. For whatever Republicans. Yet recent for his polls show Sparling running insight, not condemned as politically unwise and potentially the results on poorly here Unlike so many others he can see disastrous. April 16, they will be read because of the President's hinwB in light of Richard Nixon. "popularity." That is why the President will be in perspective. All of us will be waitmj"B so see if the man who heavily stumping this area often described began his poliWB Job opportunities as so candidate Republican that "the Republican would win even if the career 26 congressional years race ago in a will have it Califo*® ended tW Democrats put up Santa Claus." or not, James Accept it Sparling recognizes that his students deserve 116 Mifflin A«B To the Editor: be no jobs for them. As far as that goes, Rep. Charles Chamberlain, REast even when they do graduate, for Lansing, in his recent letter to the State thousands of them there are no News denouncing students jobs, stamps, says that college students are getting food "poor by choice." He has the false notion, except for washing dishes or waiting on tables, if they are lucky. But Chamberlain and his Nixonian £ also espoused by certain radical left cronies could not care less about the real organizations, that students are mainly conditions of student and student worker overprivileged rich kids on the golden road life. And local employers know that to the upper classes. having a large pool of financially desperate While this may be true in some students around helps cases, a keep their own quick glance at the economy will prove it workers in line. So is not the rule. they oppose food The majority of students are just plain stamps for students. We demand food | AtffFNlXO poor, for if students were "poor stamps and other choice," then it would be just as easy for by welfare for all poor, regardless of whether SENTIMENT or not they are students, lest the MSU them to be rich by "choice." But this is campus become the biggest ghetto in the patently ridiculous. Unemployment in Michigan is over 10 per cent, and if great numbers of MSU Jeff Roby students were to leave school, there would Member, the Labor Project I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 10, 1974 5 Few students use short-term loan service By PETE DALY make up the $1.2 million potential borrowers. restrictions for preventing the available as short term which carry restrictions women include Fanny Bissell State News Staff Writer - loans, Tom Scarlett, assistant use of some accounts by those areas who need to Scarlett said, because of of which 5,470 were made last director of financial aids, said discriminating against sex and Memorial Fund and another borrow money," Scarlett said. inability to meet the two students who really need the race. donated by the Daughters of Short - term loans from the year to MSU students. recent federal cutbacks of Other funds with strings criteria. MSU subscribes to money. "We also want to know if the American Revolution. The |MSU Financial Aids Office are Though 26 of the accounts carry no restrictions, the rest, funds, including aid to Eldon Nonnamaker, vice can legally drop some of we the Robert Graham fund is open attached include the Snyder credit bureaus in the Lansing ■begging for borrowers, due to a students, have made short • president of student affairs, Hall fund, restricted to area, to check out potential ■few unusual restrictions some mostly memorial funds and term loans more restrictions, to make the only to male students in residents of Snyder, and the borrowers. important said his office is currently donations from money more available to agriculture, and the Whitcomb ■of the loans carry. do place restrictions organizations, than ever. He blamed some of checking the legality of students who need it," he said. Loan applies only to males Michigan Pest Control loan, Eighty - seven accounts upon the more available only to entomology discriminating accepting loan fund donations Loan funds open from Grand Rapids. One restriction formerly only to majors. used for most of the short - The Michigan Osteopathic The short - term loans, term loans made students College Loan Fund restricts tail council drops Trowbridge; available only to full time - owning cars ineligible. money to only minority MSU students, are an "As late as 1970 student students in osteopathic outstanding bargain. Averaging auto owners were barred from medicine. up to $250, the loans are the short term loans fund, but - Most of the restrictions fall interest free if repaid before not - anymore," Scarlett said. into four categories: their automatic due date, major, "The :loser campus Amtrak site seen University was more sex, race and home location of which is the end of the term in paternalistic then, figuring if potential borrowers. which they are borrowed. you had enough money to own However, to borrow from a car, you didn't need loans." the The loans can be used for Alpha Phi Omega fund, one Scarlett said many student By JIM KEEGSTRA University reaction to the inside Grand Trunk's must be a former registration fees or room and original Detroit and passing through council has plenty of time to Boy Scout, borrowers have neglected to State News Staff Writer council's request for use of an depot .and then that loan is limited board, both on and off - now a restaurant - or Lansing, make its final decision. Tower repay their loans on time, and inventory records office as a in a mobile classroom to $30. Not too campus. Money is not loaned, One of two possible East • type Once north of Lansing, such told the group last week that many old Boy some never do repay them. depot. building which could possibly Scouts who are caught however, for past due ■Lansing sites for the Amtrak "We're hopeful that be placed at the east end of the a route would have to run on Amtrak officials expect to take University debts. "Many students apparently Chesapeake and Ohio rails. The unprepared have made of it think a debt to the University ■passenger train depot has been discussions will be fruitful," old station. a minimum of three months use "They are really a good deal ■dropped from the list of four McElroy said. Though the state necessary transfer connection installing maintenance facilities lately. for students caught in the is a lower priority than a commerical ■choices. Local officials received word cross - passenger train service is only between Grand Trunk and in Port Huron and a transfer "There are probably lots of pinch between paychecks," debt," he said. I The site, on the south side Chesapeake and Ohio could track from Grand Trunk to former Boy Scouts who could Scarlett said."Students can use Tuesday that the project is scheduled to be an 18 • month Registration time brings |of Trowbridge Road, has been now set to begin on Sept. 15, demonstration project, the rail only be made at the Harrison Penn - Central in Battle Creek. use a loan, but $30 doesn't go the money for almost hoardes of students into the ■abandoned from any further Rich Tower, state rail council is also thinking about or Trowbridge Roads sites, Tower also said Amtrak far in this day and age," anything, as long as it isn't Financial Aids Office, crying ■consideration by the Capital operations manager, said. The the future possibility of a McElroy said, operations personnel may Scarlett said. illegal." for greenbacks with which to ■Area Rail Council in the project had been scheduled to south - north route, from With the Sept. 15 devote more time to the The largest fund is the R.B. pay their tuition. ■immediate future, Andrew start early this month. implementation date, the rail Michigan route now, since Shaver Memorial Fund, with Scarlett said the two main "Please tell your readers several other projects have $30,000 largely unused dollars determinants of whether a loan However, the lack of who borrow money at equipment that has delayed the Data banks utilized been finished. He said the state is trying to overcome the in it. It is restricted to students hailing from Clinton or Gratiot is granted are the student's past credit rating at MSU and his registration time to come in a week or two early. project should be alleviated. national equipment shortage counties. Everybody Tower quoted Amtrak officials ability to repay the loan. waits until the last minute, and as saying. The 1,600 square - foot office that borders the MSU by Army, panel told by searching for used railroad cars itself. "We are always on the lookout for students from About 10 per cent of applicants are turned down. then it's really Scarlett said. a hassle," WASHINGTON (AP) — The such compilation existed — one property is attached to an MSU Army created two highly secret 0f the staff members in the JNE Bttit', ri.S SUP SA.PTJ h,U storage building and is at the computerized data banks in the "yjrr campus and to witness in newspaper. I the council's last meeting. hearings conducted Jordan testified he does not Lansing 1-496 by subcommittee Chairman believe that the abuses of the The council was told MSU expressway, it offers direct Sam J. Ervin, Jr., D-N.C., into I would favorably cooperate past ever became so serious as access to Grand Trunk's rails - Ervin's proposed bill to limit I with its study of a site off the they were depicted in the something the Trowbridge site by law the extent by which the national press, : side of Harrison I which borders on University Road did not share. The two military is permitted to engage in domestic But he acknowledged that \*t 9 remaining site intelligence. the potential for abuse existed. I property. Council member choices are along South "When had we finally I Starr Keesler, MSU asst. Washington Avenue in obtained a copy of the I executive vice president, said downtown biographical bank printout Lansing. The aged by Amtrak depot would either be —after being assured that no OPEN till 9:00 THURS & FRI 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April |0 Temptin' Tempts wow MSU By MIKE LaNOUE making this night possible." platinum hit He paused for a moment and "Just j u State News Reviewer Imagination." were truij a sudden hush fell over the most Motown was cookin* audience. beautiful songs „ ,*L Monday night at the Harris then said his group On Auditorium in a manner behalf of had just been voted the No. 1 attendance reminiscent of the day the soul group of 1974, and in the I would li f Tigers years ago. won the pennant six most beautiful way they knew their" their 14 Temptati0^ supporting mus.A how, the Temptations sang for an evening's pij There was a rare sense of thank you. spirit and emotion in the one is likely to forget \ It sounded beautiful in The James Cotton crowd, which was heightened perfect five - part soul Band which led off Bwl by the beautiful soul of harmony. has had better the shjl Detroit's own Temptin' The most exciting songs of always sounds better at nights, (if S Temptations. the night — the fast tunes - Stables, where As soon as the curtain was were "Cloud Nine" and "Papa he will be for two incidenUUv I drawn, the Tempts got right was a Rolling Stone," In these davs 11 into it, singing and dancing up a storm while the thunder was songs each singer took turns week. No one can he s the best harp around J1 singing lead while the other Perhaps Pop clapping in the crowd. four revolved around a four chairman Paul KntertainJ ZM - Dressed in sharp, pink suits Stanley All body son/ with flair - bottom trousers, - man microphone stand in high kicking choreography. have to eat his looks like he has words as I ruffle • trimmed jackets and "The Long and Winding fine term. J. Geils i started outI Motown's Temptin' Temptations gave it all the body and soul they had of 1974 and at the conclusion of the show there sequin • studded cumberbunds, was no doubt who is the Road," "Heavenly" and the April 29. Monday night at the Auditorium. The show j*as undoubtedly one of the IMo. 1 soul group in America. The Temptations along with high - collared white simply souled out their most professional events MSU has ever witnessed. The Temptations shirts and floppy white ties — appreciative audience. announced at the show that the Temptations were a sight they had been selected the No. 1 soul group State News photo by John Martell to behold. THE WORLD FAMILY PRESENTS And if looking good makes a group sound good, the LEON RUSSELL Cowboys'--bright, funny series, Temptations sounded better than they looked. The hits came one after another in a medley fashion at first. JOE COCKER AND but dim future faced--cancellation "I Can't Get Next To You," "Get Ready," "My Girl," and "The Way You Do the Things You Do," were all beautifully MAD DOGS IN By KATHY ESSELMAN beings. of the word. State News Reviewer depended for most scripts the nucleus of writers he built on emphasis on deep structure or executed in vocals and AND High-spirited Kids' Show psychological complexity. The choreography. Dortort, who created and Like "High Chaparral," up in "Bonanza" and "High elder Westerns, "Gunsmoke," After the show, Damon ENGLISHMEN David Dortort's "The Chaparral." Their enforced "Kung Fu" and "Hec Ramsey" Harris, the Tempts' super • Thursday, April 11th produced "Bonanza" and the series concerns itself with Cowboys" is a bright, funny "High Chaparral," and the problems of growing up, vacation since the cancellation have enough hangups to tenor, said the group has a 109 Anthony Hall series that deserves a better of "Bonanza" last January suffice. It is a pleasant, produced "The Restless Gun," the tensions which exist in a special choreographer, but that fate than p remature seems to have sharpened their the group sometimes works out Showings 7:30 p.m. has translated the film version multiracial society and the entertaining series. cancellation. A traditional wits. The scripts seem funnier its own choreography routines 9:30 p.m. of "The Cowboys" into a relationship between adults Unfortunately, since it is Western, it makes you series. The John Wayne and more pointed than languishing in the bottom 50s for its songs. ADMISSION S1.00 and adolescents. The cowboys, remember how much fun a a nything since "High of the Nielsen ratings, it shows cattle drive epic directed by their exploits, their frustrations Shortly after the first break cowboy show can be. Mark Rydell has been and mistakes are the focus of Chaparral," and the every likelihood of being in the show, Harris told the Unabashed, unashamed redirected toward Dortort's the series and they take center atmosphere has the canceled—the fate of most audience, "We'd like to thank enthusiasm marks this series happy-go-lucky feel of early good shows. each and every one of you for family-oriented, nonviolent stage. It is a kid's show, about off from any other Western, "Bonanza." style. kids and for kids. and most other series Good on James Lee Barrett, who photography television. Unfortunately, 8 p.m. on wrote Wayne's "The Moses Gunn toplines as Mr. Wednesday is past most The photography and Undefeated," which Andrew children's bedtimes. direction "Nightlinger a role he also played V. McLaglan directed, has owe more to "High The firm, but kindly, in the film version o'f "the Chaparral" than "Bonanza," Open at 12:15 developed "The Cowboys" for relationship between Mr. thank God. It has none of the p.m. Cowboys." Jim Davis stars as television. The series is the marshal and Diana stars as the widow. Mrs. Douglas characterized by the rough, rowdy, high-spirited style Nightlinger and the boys brings to mind the between Jim and relationship Joey on the flabby, sentimental quality which often undercut "Bonanza" in later years. The IKTUftE "FUNNY Al NOW PLAYING! MATINEES THIS WEEK Anderson. A Martinez. Sean At which infused the fine kid Western "Fury." The 1:00-3:00-5:00-7:00-9 00 Kelly, Kerry MacLane, Clint Howard, Mitch Brown and Wayne-McLaglan films of the late 1960's. relationship between Jim, photography has that clean, clear quality which MARVELC 1 ALL FUN - ALL DISNEY played by Peter Graves and distinguishes John Ford's recommend this picture Clay O'Brien star as the young The stuntwork alone is cowboys. Many of them had Joey, played by Bobby work. The color is clear highly to everyone who is worth the watching. "Kung not limited to the belief the same parts in the film. Diamond, had the same hard, without being harsh. The it imchigin st»tt university Fu" has elegantly unsentimental quality that that sex is a religious rite." It takes a couple of months angles are clean yithout the choreographed fight scenes. -Archer Winston, New York Post BOBEY to figure out who's who, but distinguish Mr. Nightlinger and high contrast quality, But the "Cowboys" has the cowboys. In "The the effort is worthwhile. Each reminiscent of the Svensk hard-riding, horse-wise Cowboys," as in "Fury," love Filminstitut style which cowboy is individualized. stuntwork straight out of the is expressed with hard edges. dominates "Gunsmoke" or the Cimarron, tough and macho, John Ford tradition. The pace John Hawkins functions on Sam Peckinpah auteriste style SHORT contrasts with musical, of the episodes is fast and the series as associate producer which characterizes "Kung bespectacled Homer. The boys smooth—no stopping for and story editor. He worked as Fu." scrap, study and emerge as philosophizing or self-doubt. It Dortort's story consultant on The stories tend to be bright rugged but funny human is traditional in the best sense "Bonanza." Dortort has and amiable with little PLUS Walt Disney' "STORMY" Shows Today & Sat. Sun. 1:30-4:15-7:00-9:30 THURS. & FRIDAY Shows 7:00 & 9:30 Will I AM PETER BLATTYS THE EXORCIST ti i" is probably one of the most personal films ever made, and undoubtedly the fullest expression of the subjects, themes, and preoccupations of Fellini's career. The film is a visual diary, depicting BOBBY SHORT has long been a a movie director's difficulties in making the film who follow the music scene. legend to those ACADEMYl we are seeing. To complicate it further, the direc¬ tor shown in "8Vj!. turns pianist/singer, he has become "a Today's leading male must see" for both awards! out to be making a film about his native New Yorkers and visitors alike. Whether it's own life and mind. An extravagant, the Cafe Carlyle or Tully Hall, they listen and come dream-like atmosphere dominates this view of Fellini's fascinating memories, fantssies, and personal away ardent fans. His unique records of the music © From Warn* Bros [R of Coward, Porter and Gershwin (and soon, Sond- problems. heim) have spread his popularity around the nation. "Fellini's "8Vz" certainly ranks among the Now, together with his "trio (Beverly Peer on bass most brilliant cinema works of our time, an and Dick Sheridan on drums)) this versatile MON.-TUES.-THUR.-FRI. at 8:00 intellectual and artistic exercise of the first per¬ p.m. -SAT. SUN. - former brings his inimitable stylings to the concert WED. at rank. Of its importance there can be little 1:30-4:30 - 8 p.m. field. "He negotiates a song with tender, loving question; it is a masterwork of one of the great film-makers, his obviously definitive care - a beautifully balanced show, with humor and statement of the creative poignancy, tenderness and toughness, and sweet¬ doctrine." ness and sadness well mixed." Judith Crist, New York Herald Tribune -Chigago Tribune. Atlantic Records. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 at 7:00 & 9:30 p.m. Monday, April 15 at 8:15 p.m. in FAIRCHILD THEATRE in the University Auditorium Individual Admission $1.25 Final attraction of the season or Director's Choice Series Ticket" the on University Series A FEDERICO FELLINI Single tickets on sale now at the Union Presented by Lecture-Concert Series' Public: $5.00, 4.00, 3:00 MSU Students: $2.50, 2.00,1.50 DIlUOOll'S RESERVED SEATS ONLY PATRONS NOTE ~ Bobby Short replaces the Newark Boys Chorus originally scheduled for April 4 ^ 1994 Qffim (ofjyf<) ^Rcv»uipc>lQlj, Mi ->•«» ftrifi bvltlM'-i'» A.T.Q.S. Staff organist at the Pipe Organ 7:45 Passes GueitNiflht - Bargain Day Suspended - Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 10, 1974 7 Federal court gets student's suit By MARY ANNE FLOOD not pay 1972 or 1973 taxes on Trace has been unable to meet complained that her basement The woman, who is six State News Staff Writer the Meadowbrook Trace tenants, repair demands had rotted away while she was months pregnant, recently property. because its credit is so bad with waiting for repairs to be made, went on ADC. An MSU student has filed Local 79 of the Service merchants who supply the was evicted Monday after she Twenty - five per cent of the suit in federal court against "the largest landlord in the Employes International Union necessary supplies. had failed to pay some $1,000 residents in Meadowbrook (AFL • CIO) has found itself One who in back rent. Trace's 430 units are students. world." up against Chapter 11, too. Keith Wellman, junior, 1522 The Michigan Snyder Road, has filed suit Employment Relations Commission Monday against the Kassuba Corp., heard union complaints of owners of Meadowbrook Trace unfair labor practices directed apartments, where formerly employed. he Wellman's complaint is one was against and Kassuba. Meadowbrook Trace Whistle system Ken Davis, the union's of over 200 filed in a Chicago international representative, bankruptcy court against the multimillion dollar operation. Kassuba declared bankruptcy said the employers had violated the contract by firing to lower city, in employes, rehiring some of December, 1973,under what them as contract labor and is termed the Chapter 11 clause. withholding union dues. The Whistle Alert System "Citizens' eyes and ears are off a bike," a Women Against Stapleton argued that officially started in East Meadowbrook Trace lawyer Kassuba's hands our eyes and ears," Lt. F. Rape spokesperson said. are tied by William Stapleton, who figures Lansing this week. Women Badgley, Dept. of Public what monies the Though reported rapes and that with $500 ipillionin assets bankruptcy Against Rape and RHA passed Safety, said. "If the police court allowed them and out information sheets to every attacks are down this year, Kassuba is the world's largest therefore they were forced to department is alerted we will police officials don't believe it student living in residence send landlord, said that in this sort break the contract. someone to investigate." is because there are no rapes or of bankruptcy proceeding, the halls. Several union workers lived The whistle should be more attacks. federal court protects Kassuba The Whistle Alert System at Meadowbrook Trace while effective than the customary from creditors until it can get asks that every woman wear a East Lansing police have not back on its feet. employed there, receiving a scream. had any rapes reported in $50 deduction on their rent. whistle around her neck on a As a contract painter for chaim that will break if it is "When a women can't 1974. Campus police have had One of the union members Meadowbrook Trace last scream because of fright, the one reported rape this year. fired by Kassuba pulled. summer, Wellman found the recently whistle will be close to her received notification that he "There is no reason to When and if she is attacked, mouth and hopefully she will company was getting behind will be evicted in 90 days if he believe that the number of with his pay she should blow the whistle. blow it," Sue Brown, East chcks, and by the does not pay the $50 fee, now rapes is down," Badgley said. time he left Kassuba owed him The whistle should alert Lansing detective, said. that he is unemployed. "Both the number of reported more than $450.' He filed a George other people she is in trouble. Warren, the union attorney, The whistle will also be a indecent exposures and complaint with the Michigan People hearing a whistle are has advised this tenant not to asked to respond to it. clear sign of danger or call for prowlers has increased." Dept. of Labor, which lost help. pay.Warren contends that the Campus police say they will Similar whistle alert jurisdiction of the case when release was in violation of the Kassuba filed for bankruptcy respond within two minutes if "It's hard to tell whether a programs have been used in contract. is because is Ann Arbor and other cities in in December. people will call them and tell scream someone Wellman said that for the the United States. Wellman filed his complaint where the whistle was heard. drunk, playing games or failing past two years Meadowbrook with the Chicago court over a month ago and is awaiting word on whether the court will see fit to protect him from Kassuba. The company also owes over Meadowbrook problems $500,000 in delinquent taxes and penalties to Lansing and Meadowbrook Trace, at the intersection of Dunckel and Jolly roads, has been besieged with Ingham County. Kassuba did problems lately, including the eviction of a mother on Aid to Dependent Children. The corporation which owns the complex and many others across the country declared bankruptcy in December 1973. State News photo by John W. Dickson an evening with [Nader to speak on public's role LiARH ALLEN I in I environment Consumer advocate Nader will speak at 7 Ralph p.m. PARACHUTING GINSBERG I Thursday in the Auditorium on MOVIES-AND RAP SESSION I the topic "The Role of the I Public in Combating Problems WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1974 | in the Environment." Nader's speech is a part of BHACAVAN DAS I the continuing "Perspectives 7:30 PM ROOM 208 I on Energy" series sponsored by MSU Center for Men's IM Fri. ■ April 12 - 8pm I Environmental Quality. Other I sponsors of the speech, which 351-0799 543-6731 I is free to the public, are the EVERYONE WELCOME Hill Auditorium I departments of Family I Ecology, Political Science, I Urban and Metropolitan I Studies and Social Science. General Admission $2.00 Tickets at Door MOHDAYj '5 FANNY tickets on sale. (<*2 $ If you enjoy erotic entertainment, this program is the very best. A variety of pornographic delights. "CORNUCOPIA" is a collection of 9 short films, all of the very raunchiest shade of blue. Unlike the "Best of the New York Erotic Film Festival" shown here last term, the majority of pictures in this group are both erotic and amusing. 1. "THE AVIATOR" A 40-year-old porn classic. Beautifully made and astroundingly hardcore. The best porn produced during the "Roaring 20s." 2. "SMART ALECK" 1147. a no-nonsense pom 4. "OUT OF THE BLUE" T.V. BLOOPERS things' 7. "NAUGHTY 8. A SPECIAL EROTIC SHORT. 9. "TRICIA'S WEDDING." STARRING THE FABULOUS COCKETTES OF SAN FRANCISCO, " orgiastic explosion- the COCKETTES are fabulous." -Rolling Stone Showtimes 7:00 Rated X, You must be 18 Admission , & 9:30 Showplace 320 NAT SCI $1.50 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April |q j, Pitchers hitters as Spartans drop Albion twice By JACK WALKDEN home run of the season in the in the second game. State News Sports Writer first game and added a pair of Kniivila went the first five The MSU baseball team used singles in the nightcap to bring innings and picked up the his season average to a victory to even his season some good pitching and timely not-so-diminutive .279. record at 2-2. He struck out hitting to capture both ends of seven and walked one, while its home Seid collected four hits in opening doubleheader over Albion, winning the first eight at bats to raise his season yielding both hits. average to .333, while Simpson The 6-2 righthander was in game, 8-3, and the second, 8-0. added three hits and Hewitt trouble just once. In the third Four Spartan pitchers yielded just eight hits in the two hits and four runs batted inning lead-off batter Wil in. Davies reached on an error and doubleheader, but more out later Scott Williams Scott Evans picked up his one importantly issued just one first Spartan varsity win in the singled him to third. V base on balls. The Spartan initial contest. Evans went the bats, Kniivila got out of trouble as first five innings, yielding no meanwhile, collected 10 hits in he picked Davies off-third and runs and only three hits. After the first contest and added then got Tom Sowles to nine more in the second to a bad start, Evans has now been unscored upon in his last ground out to first baseman completely dominate both Howard Schryer. contests. Pint-size outfielder A1 10 innings. "My first game problems all mental," Evans said. "I George Mahan pitched the final two innings for the Milkovich Weston, third baseman Amos were Spartans, retiring all six men he wanted that first game so badly faced. Hewitt, catcher Rick Seid and outfielder Bill Simpson were the hitting stars for the that 1 psyched myself out. "1 was feeling loose today," he added. "I've got my MSU open in broke the both late games innings. well-earned Spartans. Leading just 3-0 after four confidence back. I know I can innings of the first contest, the Weston, just 5-9 and 170 By MIKE DRESCH do the job. If we (the team) Spartans scored three in pounds, smashed his fourth runs State News Sports Writer work together, we get the job the fifth and added two in the done." sixth to put the game away. Pat Milkovich, two — time NCAA national champion a Steve Vander Laan hurled The same pattern held true wrestling, feels "200 per cent better" now that the season is Congra tula tion s I the final two innings and only in the second contest. The over and the nationals pressure is off. some shoddy MSU fielding He clinched his second national title at the NCAA Freshman outfielder Al Spartans broke a scoreless tie finalsoo spoiled his 1974 home debut. in the last of the fourth March 16 in Ames, Iowa. Now he can relax and Weston is greeted at home as maybe even Vander Laan gave up the three start eating again. Already, he is up to 140 pounds from his Schryer reached on an error, plate by teammates Larry runs in the sixth inning, but wrestling weight of 126. Weston singled, catcher Dale Romaine (left) and Dave "No question about it," Milkovich said in an only one was earned due to the Frietch doubled and Larry inteniev I Collison (right) after Tuesday. "I proved to myself and everybody else that 1 Spartan miscues. Romaine singled to produce smacking a home run in the The senior righthander three come back and do it again." runs. MSU added two Spartans first game against finished with a bang, however, runs in the fifth and wrapped it Milkovich won his first NCAA title in wrestling as j Albion Tuesday. as he struck out the side in the up with three in the sixth. freshman. As he put it, "It's quite a feat to even be at the State News photo by seventh to end the game. The Spartans, now 8-6-1 on nationals as a freshman. No one expects you to win." Mark Wiedelman Freshman Jim Kniivila and the year, will host Purdue 1 But he did. And now that he has won his second sophomore George Mahan p.m. Friday in a Big Ten championship, there is little doubt that Pat Milkovich is one combined for two-hit shutout of the premier names in college a opening doubleheader. wrestling. Milkovich literally grew up in wrestling. His uncle was his junior high coach, his father was his high school .coach, and COULD STUNT RECRUITING his three older brothers were all wrestlers. He was to wrestle as long as he could remember. programed "We were always wrestling at home when I was little. In the backyard, in the living room, it didn't matter," Milkovich Scholarships hurt by budget slashes said. "I remember once when we broke the picture window in the living room three times in one month. You should have heard my father yell." His father is still yelling, but for different reasons now. By PAM WARD The entire Milkovich family was there at the nationals. With William Beardsley, asst. "You might say that four and CHARLES JOHNSON his father, mother, three older brothers and two athletic director, said. "They're isn't very many athletes for a younger State News Sports Writers still allocated on the same sisters he had a ready • made cheering section. team to bring, in," Smith said. basis. However, the reduction "It was really a thrill for me to win again," Milkovich said. Third of four parts "But those tenders can be split "I'm really an emotional person, and I felt so will come in dollars and cents." into three categories. You can good that all the work, sacrifice and suffering Athletic competifiott'"ontali take a full tender andgetthree paid off. I really felt good.' MSU's scholarship program The word sacrifice is no empty label for Milkovich. Asi intercollegiate level dpes-not athletes. One of them would for wrestler, he knows what it is to really sacrifice. During the begin or end on the "football nonrevenue sports is get tuition and books, one season he had toast and coffee for breakfast, little or no field or the baseball diamond. governed by Big Ten rules. The room and books and the other conference allows each lunch, meat, salad and milk for dinner and no snacks board and books. So actually Athletic battles begin long member to issue 20 between. before two teams face each full-ride_ those four tenders that a team "You get used to eating only one meal a tenders a year. The number of has could bring in 12 athletes." day," Milkovich other. They begin in coaches' tenders alloted to said. "But the things you crave could fill a book. One week each offices and conferences and are all I would want is salads, the next week nonrevenue sport is decided Ideologically Smith's just a poached egg wrapped up with recruiting, by the individual university. and toast. Imagine, all I would think about all reasoning is valid, but the task day is scholarships and financial aid. At MSU, Athletic Director of convincing a quality athlete poached egg and toast. It's a strange existence." he Whether MSU sports teams Burt Smith and Beardsley have to come to MSU concluded. on a partial have winning or losing seasons the responsibility of deciding But, while he admits it is not a normal way to live, he has scholarship might prove to be no intention of has a lot to do with whether how each of the 20 tenders is giving it up. He loves wrestling and thinks difficult. The coaches, the department has the money to be used. has done a lot for him. therefore, are given the The hockey team is decision if I wanted to build a "We've been attempting to to entice the best athletes. "It's taught me a lot about life," Milkovich freedom to award their allotted says. "You permitted to recruit six full sport," Smith said. "For build our hockey program in learn about how to be Money, the keystone to any "Tradition has a lot to do scholarships as they see fit. tenders each year also, but can a good winner, a good loser, how to example, instead of baseball the last three years," Smith cope with people, hard work, concentration, sacrifice, yo successful athletic program, has with how I determine where have 23 athletes on getting four scholarships I said. "The new ice arena and a name it. It's a been buying less and less in the tenders will go," Smith It is very emotional thing with me, very personal, a different story for the scholarships at one time. could give them eight and take winning hockey team will explained. "We've always guess it's my life." recent years and MSU's revenue sports. Football, the tenders from the other promote additional revenue. Milkovich gets very defensive about the idea that athletes treated sports and tried to basketball recruiting and scholarship and hockey The total grants-in-aid nonrevenue sports. But we like Great teams in our revenue are handed their program is break them in on the same grades on a silver platter and get extra help feeling the pinch. scholarship allotments are budget for the 1973-74 year to keep. a uniform program sports will, of course, bring in and privileges from the level. For example, baseball, under the alive as long as we can." professors. Unless jurisdiction of was $488,000. more money for the "I've got to work for my a super athlete comes track, wrestling and swimming NCAA rules. Football is grades," he said. "I've taken 15 department." credits a term since along, full-ride scholarships in have had pretty much the same allowed to recruit 30 new With the present financial All of the coaches coming up here. When I'm not working the future for MSU seem to out, I'm studying. Between nonrevenue budget allocations for athletes on full-ride Because the NCAA and situation, MSU is focusing its understand the importance of wrestling and school, 1 havever sports will be just Big little time for anything else. I guess most people would say about scholarships for as long as I can scholarships by 1977. The Ten conference rules attention on its revenue the extinct. remember." only limit sports. revenue sports and lead a boring life, but you football team is awarded about the number of tenders, the The success of the football, get used to it." recognize the budget cuts as an The pressure on Milkovich never $300,000 in grants-in-aid University is free to distribute basketball and hockey teams unfortunate but necessary really lets up. People an MSU's athletic department Smith issues 16 of the 20 already talking about next year and whether he can make it has been forced to cut its annually. them where it wants. Thus, significantly affect revenue solution to the present three in a row. tenders to wrestling, Smith has the power to build grants-in-aid program 10 to 15 figures. economic condition. "It was so nice to relax in Florida after the nationals,' swimming, track and baseball. The basketball team is any nonrevenue sport he per cent for nonrevenue sports. Each Milkovich said. "You learn to live with the receives four. Of the allowed to recruit six new chooses. pressure, but it's remaining tenders, one each athletes each year but must not TOMORROW: Coaches' reactions to MSU's good to get away for awhile. It's hard to set an example all "There will be current financial the time — to act the no reduction goes to golf, tennis and have over 18 athletes receiving way a champion is supposed to act." situation, possible solutions for overcoming the problem and in the number of scholarships," the But as he said,'"It's a gymnastics and one is at-large. tenders at one time. "It would probably be my importance of the Ralph Young Fund. lonely life during the season. I'm just glad all the work and sacrifice leads to something special." Funding key hurdle By JOGALLI and STAN STEIN Last in a series As of July 1, all recreational funding will university's general fund. Faculty users will pay come a from the $30 users' fee to added IM facilities getting donations from alumni, but almost lowest priority," Scott said. a new IM facility was of intramural fields on East Complex, those south of the tenni courts and those north of MSU is not the only school which has found its recreational per year in addition to the locker and towel fee and team entry South Complex. But Scott also said that if there were fees. enough student interest, The most ideal spot, though, would be the one near W facilities inadequate for its many needs. the priority list could be altered in favor of an intramural Ohio State had facility. Complex because of existing parking Other universities, including several Big Ten schools, are in or an easier time in getting a new intramural And if intramural participation statistics are facilities," Baron said. any indication, have been in the same bind due to growth in enrollment and facility. there may be enough student interest to The Ohio Legislature partially funds some student service support the construction other reasons. of a new facility by self-imposed taxation. The channels these schools have gone through to obtain buildings. A cigaret-tax netted OSU a $5 million allocation for a, Former ASMSU President Ed Grafton new new intramural said, "The easiest way to and bigger facilities are generally different building. get a n£w IM facility would be by collecting a petition of 30 per Of primary interest is the way the In addition, the Ohio State development fund allocated cent of the student body and University of Michigan was another $5 million, which was received through placing a referendum for (1 student able to finance not one, but two new intramural buildings at a gifts, grants, tax for the IM on the ballot at spring registration. donations and which gained support from several total cost of $6 million. development "Fifty per cent plus one of the student body showing favor U-M President Robben Fleming decided the university needed funds outside the university. towards the project would send it Administrators at Ohio State say they are confident they won't along to the board of trustees more than one new intramural for approval." facility and sought a student fee to have to hit students with extra fees or other assessments. fund them. Grafton added that the project could also be channeled to the The Advisory Committee on Recreation, Intramurals and Club At Boston College, students voted 4-1 to assess themselves $25 board of trustees through a favorable vote a year to obtain adequate intramural facilities. by ASMSU, initiated Sports was set up to work on establishing a fee and was by a board member or student interest group. successful. Legislative appropriations, student-approved taxes, development funds and indirect refunds are the basic channels If students decide to tax themselves, financial The committee and the university executive officers set a aspects of the student fee of $5 per semester beginning in September. It will be which other schools have also employed in getting recreational project could be handled by the board of trustees. These aspects increased to $10 in January. facilities for their campuses. woul^ include collection of money through either tuition increases, a student This was accomplished through public hearings but without According to Executive Vice President Jack Breslin, MSU activity fee or the floating of a bond issue. referendum. students can expect no legislative funds for the After the beginning of fall semester in construction of a "It's a complicated matter but it can be done if the students 1973, the university had new intramural facility. accumulated a large surplus of funds from "I realize the problem of the want it," Breslin said. overpayment of tuition existing facilities, but the Research into the project has already by students. The overpayment was attributed to administrative legislature will take the position that if MSU wants to build a new begun. In 1971, University architect Bob Siefert and concern that more stodents would claim in-state residence. IM Intramural facility for students, it will have to be student-funded through Sports Director Frank Beeman estimated at projected 1973 costs The allocation of the surplus monies to the intramural building an activity fee or self-imposed student tax," Breslin said. Vi fund also accomplished that a new building could be constructed at a cost of was through public hearings and without The chances of alumni contributions for $5 million. referendum. a new intramural The new building would complement facility also look slim. existing facilities and The would provide additional steam rooms, committee was responsible for sending the board of Les Scott, vice president for showers, lockers, courts, regents the recommendation concerning campus recreation development, said most alumni track, a multi-purpose arena and a darkroom. contributions were "ear marked for certain facilities, which included student fee, site and cost of purposes," like the Milton Baron, director of campus park and Ralph Young Scholarship Fund. planning, said construction for each there are three land sites available for a new intramural building. "I received a priority list 18 months facility. ago from which I work, The land sites, now zoned for athletic purposes, are the DIRECTOR FRANK BEEMAN Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 10, 1974 9 Exhibit highlights SfM DkoVjtf women By PAULA HOLMES journalists "So many times women are from a collection of 75 211 E Granrl Mivei Next to the Sportsmeister State News Staff Writer told that they can't be sports pictures and she already has Yes, Virginia, there are editors, editorial writers and some additions. women sports writers, editorial photographers, and I wanted to show them that women can "I want to make it a CIGARETTES writers and photographers, And their pictures are on and do hold these positions,',' she continued. "After I got continuing exhibit and I'm trying to keep it up to date," 3 PK /99 display in the Library. she said. "But it's hard to keep (coupon) East Lansing Store Only The exhibit started I was amazed at how was put together up with all of the changes." Expires April 14,.f974 by Elizabeth A. Barnes, many women there are in Bames is a former reporter Limit 3 instructor in journalism at these positions. It opened a and has worked on the Stephens College in Columbia, new world for me as well as for Richmond, Va., News-Leader Mo., and was brought to MSU them." and the Kingsport, Tenn., 10% OFF ON KODAK FILM under the direction of Mary A. Barnes started the exhibit Times News. Gardner, associate professor of PROCESSING DEVELOPING& (coupon) journalism, and with the : Lansing Store Only Hispanic aires April 14, 1974 sponsorship Programs, Journalism the and of Wpmens' Schdol of the Lansing stu No Limit professional chapter of Women in Communications Inc. The seek to form PRELL Tube or Liquid NOXZEMA exhibit is available for display MSU's small contingent of Puerto Rican graduate students will to any interested organization. 3 oz. Tube & 6 oz. ^ <; meet with Chicano graduate students at 7 "I got the idea last spring," Hall in an effort to form a new permanent student p.m. Thursday in Wilson 7 Oz. Liquid AQ9 Reg. $1.09 / J Barnes recalled, "when the organization to serve their mutual interests. literature department had an (coupon) exhibit about Mario Garza, Chicano graduate student, 108 Gatewood Drive, East Lansing Store Only women writers." Busy and Antonio Luis Rosado, Puerto Rican Expires April 14, 1974 Many exhibits about graduate student, estimated that the new organization would serve Limit 1 journalists had been at up to 40 Chicano and 15 Puerto Rican graduate students now on A bee industriously gathers pollen from a crocus in the horticulture gardens behind the Stephens, a women's college, campus. "CHISPA (Chicano Students for Progressive Student Services Building Saturday. The photographer used three extension tubes on his lens but women none of them journalists, were about Barnes tended to represent undergraduate students," Garza Action) has said. TAMPAX ALCOHOL I to focus in on the insect. "Graduate students need an organization of their own." State News photo by^ohn Russell explained. So she started The meeting Thursday will be held in the La Raza Cultural preparing the exhibit. 16 oz. Barnes sent letters to many Room in the basement of Wilson Hall. Plans for the Reg* SI.93 $1 '7 Reg. 29c 15c Tenant center continues organization include social events, a new publications and individuals asking for pictures of women newsletter, a symposium on Latinos, a drive to recruit more (coupon) Chicano and Puerto Rican students and faculty and promotion of East Lansing Store Only journalists and she began Expires April 14, 1974 new courses in this area of checking the mastheads of study. volunteers' recruitment various magazines and newspapers for women's Limit 1 I This is the season of the the TRC," said staff member enough volunteers," Ipcar said. names. "I wanted to have pictures BAYER NO-DOZ Bouse hunter and house Charles Ipcar. "We had hoped TRC is looking for 10 to 20 of only working journalists," ■assies, a time when a service to be able to do research and volunteers. Anyone interested she said. "I wanted to show 100's |ke Tenants Resource Center heading into its document housing problems, but we barely have enough can call the TRC at 337-7247 between 1 and 5 p.m. or in the students what through they could do hard work and Reg. $1.00 58' Reg. $1.09 76' Busiest season. people to man the phones evening at 484-0476. education. J But TRC directors, who ■xpect to be flooded with calls in their housing hotline in the now." TRC, which recently made available a "Handy Booklet" WEMER7ANE East Lansing Store Expires April 14, 1974 Limit 1 Only East Lansing Store Only Expires April 14, 1974 Limit 1 few weeks, had lostpone their spring training to on security deposits and has eviction booklet in an the Class of 76? Shop far dl seasons ISAFEGUARP MULTI- ion last week because they working, had plans to update a Complexion size e unable to recruit enough Volunteers. 1972 East Lansing rent study which could help the East SCRUBB J Rescheduled for Thursday Lansing Housing Commission Spring Reg. 24c 1 QC 2 yUUI valvvl • a 40-bed CCU tower, 22 OR suites, and all semi-private rooms Reg. $1.19 67* Reg. $1.09 58' (coupon) East Lansing Store Only We're staffing now in Medical-Surgical, Critical Care, Orthopedic, Psychi¬ Expires April 14, 1974 East Lansing Store Only Expires April 14, 1974 atric, Poly-drug Detoxification, OR, and Emergency. We are a working/ Limit 1 teaching hospital, a major part of the new Detroit Medical Center, and fif'Dl11 affiliated with Wayne State University ... • Good salary program • Furnished apartments lor single RN's SPORT SOX EXTENSION Check out these new for sprir^) white marshmellow soled • • Liberal fringes Advanced equipment • • Excellent shift differential Bonus program CORD shoes! In Brown Glove wove Leather, Camel Glove Leather, Blue Leather, Light Blue Jeans Leather. Light Green Jeans • • Team nursing Tuition Reimbursement program • Armed Services experience welcome Reg. 98c 67" Reg. 69c 44c (coupon) (coupon) East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only WRITE OR CALL COLLECT FOR IMMEDIATE CONSIDERATION: Expires April 14, 1974 Expires April 14, 1974 (313 494-8613/491-8083 Limit 6 Limit 2 PATRICIA RICHARDSON, RN. DIRECTOR OK NURSE RECRUITMENT 3825 Brush Street * Detroit, Michigan 48201 SOAP FOR MICHIGAN LICENSURE INFORMATION: BOXES HOLDERS CONTACT Executive Secretary, Michigan Board of Nursing DOWNTOWN EAST LANSING 1033 South Washington Street, Lansing, Michigan 48926 Reg. 29c |^ Reg. 29c 19« (coupon) (coupon) S. • an Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F " Washington Ave. 317 E. Grand River Ave. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Expires April 14. 1974 Expires April 14, 1974 L ask us about FREE Parking! Limit 1 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April |q Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay Mo Wh v P a v More! U' hv Pa} M<,rc! Why Nixon lawyer given approval SHOPPERS SPECIALS to attend inquiry N PRICES IN THIS AD GOOD THRU SAT. APRIL 13,1974 WASHINGTON (AP) - A proposal to let President Nixon's lawyer attend closed sessions of the House Judiciary Committee when it receives evidence in its impeachment inquiry won general support Tuesday among committee Democrats. If actually written into the committee's rules of procedure, the arrangement would go a long way toward healing a partisan sR)it that has developed over the issue. Republican members have been insisting James St. Clair, Nixon's lawyer, chief impeachment be allowed to LITTLE TOPS participate in the committee's activities, while Democrats generally have said that would WITH BIG FASHION SOFSIDE CARRYALL turn' what is essentially investigation into a trial. It has been suggested by an IDEAS PHOTO BAG Model 2000 committee chairman Peter W. Rodino, D-N.J., that the AND MATCHING Large black vinyl carryall with adjustable shoulder strap. Our Reg. $5.97. question of St. Clair's SHORTS *497 participation be dealt with after the committee receives presentation of developed by the committee staff. the But at an informal meeting of committee Democrats, there a facts *TOPS Choice of two styles. • Vee or Jewel necks. Assorted colors. 80% cotton/20% polyester. Sizes: S-M-L £ Model 2100 was widespread agreement to WITH EXTERNAL ZIPPER POCKETS let St. Clair be present when ♦MATCHING SHORTS • John Doar, chief committee 80%cotton/20% polyester in Large black vinyl carryall counsel, starts laying out the with adjustable shoulder strap matching solid colors. In case. Sizes 5 to 13. and two zippered pockets. t _ Ay Our Reg. $7.47. Sex LADIES'DEPT. *£> change JEWELRY-PHOTO DEPT. WASHINGTON (AP) - Oysters change their sex. Most oysters from America's East Coast waters start life as males, but enough later become females to maintain an even balance. TOP FROST MANY DELICIOUS FLAVORS FRESH GAYLORD i ice asparagus franks cream Vj gallon carion 77< BUTTER PECAN—87* 47* 63< (PESCHKE) SEMI BONELESS wn01e hams 77m c • ■stop MOtl J Aviation DODGE COLT 1972. 25 TR6 1971. Excellent For appointment: 35 1 -8 54 S immediately. Sublet mpg+, •EMPLOYMENT 62,000 miles, $1050. 355-9568 condition, radials, 40,000 miles, 26 mpg. 355-9819. 5-4-11 TWO BEDROOM furnished, 12' x 337-7328 P.m.. 373-6753. or 35, Evenings 332 C. , 3.4.,, J Marilyn or 675-5564, evenings. 65'. 1972 Mobile Home Manor. MOBILE HOMES: clean, quiet, * "FOR RENT 5-4-12 $120. 882-0484. 3-4-12 TWO PLYMOUTH Furys. 1966 - close to campus. 355-9771. Apartments $295. 1969 - $695. Excellent 2-4-11 CAMPUS vitin Houses Rooms condition. 351-5791. 3-4-11 GIRL NEEDED immediately for University Sponu.„ Apartments | VEGA 1972, Hatchback AM/FM three person. Rent negotiable! FIREBIRD, 1970 An alternative |0 •FOR SALE - running well, 8-track, tinted glass. Must sell! TWO GIRLS needed for 4-person Call 349-2833.3-4-12 ■ Animals selling low for $9001 Call 355-0944. 5-4-17 "BASICALLY our com ran y5 goals apartment next year 355-3638. dormitory living for nml 337-7948. 3-4-12 year s sophmorc womPB Mobile Homes VEGA HATCHBACK Are to make am inferior product 3-4-10 ONE BEDROOM, very spacious, | 1971. unfurnished, with refrigerator CHEAPLY AND SELL IT" TO FOOLS FEMALE GRAD student wanted to 4 & 6 women •LOST & FOUND Excellent condition. New and stove. Utilities paid, $160. uni share apartment with teacher. engine. Best offer. Very clean. •PERSONAL 355-2941.3-4-12 at exorbitant prices a" 337-0268. 3-4-12 Near bus routes in Lansing. 332-62m •PEANUTS PERSONAL Couple preferred, 371-2949 FORD XL 1970. Black vinyl/red, ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY CA 94709 anytime. 3-4-12 SUBLEASE SUMMER two CLOSE SUMMER si •REAL ESTATE air, $750. 353-4730, 372-5829 VEGA 1973, GT-Hatchback. bedrooms, air conditioned, pool. furnished. Aii c •RECREATION evenings. 4-4-12 4-speed, power steering, custom NORTHEAST. ONE bedroom, Price interior. $2450. Call 663-8880. Cheap. Call 351-4597. 3-4-12 negotiable 33j»uB Auto Service •SERVICE Instruction 5-4-12 / M SUBLET SUMMER. 2 bedroom. unfurnished, private entrance $120 utilities included. Couple or working girl. Deposit and 2 15-5-1 FEMALES VOLKSWAGEN 1966. Rebuilt Twyckingham apartments. Call references. 372-8899. 2-4-11 NEEDED * Typing Service FORD VAN - 1963 - excellent engine, tires, clean, good new MASON BODY SHOP - 812 East COOK AND two assistant cooks for 351-7337. 5-4-17 Fine apartment on river C| •TRANSPORTATION condition. $450.00 CaH after 6 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. resort. June to 351-8629.3-4 12 shape, 19 mpg. Best offer. summer season at TWO GIRLS needed for Cedar 882-4814. 3-4-10 p.m. 351 0695.3-4-11 Complete auto painting and Labor Day. Seftd resume to •WANTED SUMMER RENTALS Village 4-girl. Fall 1974 - Spring collision service. 485-0256. Houses FORD 1966 Automatic - VOLKSWAGEN SUPER BEETLE C-4-30 DRIFTWOOD Murray Road, LODGE 6180 WhiteHall, 1975. 353-1129. 10-4-23 £ "RATES** 1973. Brilliant orange, sun-roof, Michigan. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS transmission, 6 cylinder, custom Stating salary SUBLET 2 room efficiency. Start VOLKSWAGEN / FOREIGN Car built stereo system. accessories, clean, $2300. requirments. Room and board 2 PEOPLE 332-2358. 355-0169. After 6. 355-7924. repair. Mechanical and body. provided. X-5-4-12 June 8th. Furnished, close. EAST LANSING, newly pS 3-4-12 Buy, sell and trade. IMPORT $150 MONTH 332-5813. C-3-4-11 bedroom house Full b 5-4-16 AUTO PARTS AND REPAIR. 3-4 PEOPLE DESK CLERK needed. Call MILFORD STREET-126. Two man 351-9036. 5 4-11 VW SUPER BEETLE 1973. 13,000 485-2047.0-1-4-10 $180 MONTH between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. for $185, three man $67 each man. miles. Orange and black. Two blocks I 1 3 5 10 JAVELINE, 1968 - body good, Excellent condition, buying VW GUARANTEED REPAIR. appointment to interview. Phone 489-1215. 0-4-30 CEDAR deluxe, from furnished, campus, air FRANDOR Magnolia. 5 bedroi NEAR. 216 S»] RANDY'S MOBIL, Okemos 1° 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 tires and engine fair. $325. camper. Price negotiable. 1 Road and I-96 349-9620. VILLAGE conditioned. Immediate house. $340 / mor 351r5481. 5-4-17 489 4022. 7-4-16 , NUDE MODELS for 12 [ 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 C-22-4-30 photography. occupancy or fall and summer utilities. 669-3654 4 4-12 ~ Call between 10 a.m. and 6 rentals. 351-2647. 484 8494, p.m 15 13 2.25 2.70 6.00 7.20 9.75 11.70 19.50 23.40 JEEP. 4-wheel drive, plow, or best offer. After $1300 6:30, Motorcycles ; fol Aviation X 489-1215. 0-4-30 315 BOGUE ST. 351-5180 489 1656. XI8-4-30 SHARE HOUSE near 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 489-5591. 3-4-10 MOTORCYCLE MALE OR female students live - in, child care workers. Experience WOODSIDE NORTH i GRADS SHARE apartment. Close. 485-0246. 5 4 U " 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 TUNE UP. 1800 Hasiett Quiet, kitchen, bath, laundry. "l MAVERICK 1971. Six cylinder, Factory trained mechanic, 20% SPORT PARACHUTING MEETING FILMS. Rap session. in child care work or Lansing. Road, East One bedroom, 349-3328 after 6 p.m. or EAST LANSING NEXUS Co-J D EADLINE straight shift, A-1 condition. below dealer price. 484-3500. Men's IM. Wednesday, April 10. psychology, sociology, human weekends. 10-4-23 Room / board, $23 1 P.M. one class Mechanic owned. '349-0730 X-5-4-11 day before 6 p.m. Ask for Greg. 7:30 p.m. 351-0799, 543-6731. ecology, etc. Contact William ditioning quiet. Call Immediately. 351 0100. 34|1 before publication. 2-4-10 Weitzel VFW NATIONAL at 332-4987. 0-10-4-19 551 ALBERT sublease four man 4-4-12 1974 550, Semi - Chopper Honda, 4 HOME, Eaton Rapids, $160, summer. 332-0097 after cylinder. Call 694-1784, after 5 663-2111. 3-4-11 9. 3-4-11 Peanuts Personal ads MAVERICK 1970 - 30,000 miles. Employment must be pre paid. Good condition, good mileage. $900 or best offer. Call p.m. 5-4-12 PART TIMEPorter apply in — Yes...We APARTMENT AVAILABLE 351-8114 after 5 p.m. 3-4-12 | HONDA SL-100 1973 - Excellent 337-1417, 5-7 p.m. or weekends. BABYSITTER wanted all day from person. HOLIDAY INN. 3121 E. immediately 2 room efficiency, OWN ROOM in well furnisJ Cancellations/ Corrections 12 class day noon one 34-12 condition. Best offer. Call Jim, 651-6181. 5-4-12 time to time in my home. Phone 351-6216 after 6 p.m. 5-4-10 Grand River. 3-4-11 have very close to campus. Call Bill. 332-5722. 7-4-10 house. Call before 431 372-2911. 14 10 NOVA 1973.2-door, 6 cylinder, RN, LPN, and orderlies needed for before publications. MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE full time and part time positions EAST LANSING New : :<<[<■ The State News will be power steering, power brakes. $2350: 351-8940, after "5:30. CHECK our LLOYD'S of Lansing at 332-5335 low ratesl Call LPN DESIRES work in elderly persons home by the day. on a. medical • surgical unit. Phone 485-3271. 4-4-12 location! 1 duplex. Two baths, fimstiednl room, appliances, cent 4-4-12 Experienced, references. responsible only for the or 482-5585.0-17-4-23 5-4-10 River's and Water'sEdge Aprtments first day's incorrect OLDS 98, 1964, Luxury Sedan, FULL TIME medical receptionist 3518920 5 4-10 (next to Cedar Village) unusually good condition, air, all MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE - DRIVERS TO drive Jumbo ice for local physician's office. insertion. Now leasing for options. 485-8023. 6-4-12 New low rates. FIEDLER cream trucks. Must have good Position EAST LANSING. One b opening up Summer & Fall INSURANCE. Phone 676-2449. driving record. Apply 11390 immediately. Good starting duplex. Appliances, large yea Summer rent from $50 OLDS 442 1969. Excellent 0-1-4-10 North U.S 27, DeWitt. 20-4-30 salary and benefits. Experience ALL at preferred. For an interview, 351 8920.5-4-10 condition, $900. No rust. TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile BURCHAM 351-1578. 10-4-19 BMW, YAMAHA, TRIUMPH, COUNSELORS WANTED FOR please call Susan Winston at homes. $25 - $35/week. Ten WOODS Vc OLDS 1972 - 88 air, power RICKMAN. Save gas and have fun too! Most models still available. Large stock of parts, CAMP SOMERSET FOR GIRLS AND CAMP COBBOSSEE FOR BOYS. Require 372-4147. 5-4-7 WANTED MARRIED couple for minutes peaceful to on campus. a Quiet and lake. 641-6601. coming Enjoy the good life in of the month and leave the end year the WOMAN good SHARE Cedarwood interior, people, ^ closi steering, brakes. 27,000 miles. men and women - 0-4-30 utility hassles to accessories, competition highly skilled in house parents in Community 332-4459. 3-4-12 Best offer. After 5 p.m. camp activities, Automotive 355-5890.4-4-12 equipment, helmets and leathers. at least 21 years of age, with Mental Health Residential Home ONE GIRL needed to share 'Heated Pool 'Laundry SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS, INC., for adult mentally retarded 'Ample Parking 'Air Cond. OPENING FOR 1 or 2 w previous camp counseling apartment next year. Call Jane 2460 North Cedar, Holt. Just males. 'Nicely Furnished coed house. $35 per month.o* OPEL 1900, 1971 experience. Camps are located in Call 487-6500 for — Automatic, 351-1964 or Darlene 337-2753. FALL LEASES runs well. south of 1-96 overpass. Phone Maine. Girls Camp needs: Sail, information. 5-4-16 room, large house, good pai AMBASSADOR 1969. Good $1,170. Call (Utilities Included) condition. Low mileage - wife's 351-4590. 3-4-10 694-6621. C-3-4-12 Swim (WSI), Golf, Scuba, Efficiency it54 mo. miles from campus Ph«| Riflery, Tennis, Ski, Gymnastics, SUMMER MOTHER'S Helper 2 1 489 3177 3-4-12 car. Reasonable. 332-5201. - 551 ALBERT Street - one block Bedroom $114 mo. PINTO 1973 2-door, 13,000 - KAWASAKI 350 - mint condition, Arts 8i Crafts, Secretaries. Boy's girls, own room, good pay. 2 Bedroom $234 7-4-12 mo. EAST miles, 4-speed. Excellent custom leather seat, $550. Craig Camp needs: Swim (WSI), 21435 Glenmorra, Southfield, from campus. Large 2 bedroom. 745 Burcham Dr. LANSING - ' . | condition. $2,100. 371-5164. -332-6844.3-4-12 Furnished, air conditioned, - 351-3118 bedroom duplexes Availa CAPRI 1973, 6700 miles. Deluxe Tennis, Riflery, Shop, Ski, Sail, Michigan 48076.3-4-11 or 484 4014 balconies. 2/man $150; 3-4 / summer and fall Near b interior, six cylinder, 4-speed, 5-4-16 Golf, Scuba, Trampoline. Married 351-8920. 5-4-12 Auto Service ][/] $180; Resident manager FEMALE CAMP man stereo cassette, 25 mpg. $3300 - couples accepted. Write full counselors: ONE MALE needed to share with PINTO, 1971. 4 cylinder, AM English and Western riding apartment No. 3. 332-2404; negotaible. 351-1682. 3-4-12 details to Camp Office, 225 East same, 2 bedroom luxury radio, good condition 23,000 351-6676. 10-4-10 WANTED GIRL 5 bedroi 57th Street, New York, N.Y. instructors. Swim Director, apartment. Inquire after 8 p.m CHEVROLET BELAIR miles. Bob, 353-3327. 5-4-12 Health Director, Farm animals. 1964. 10022. 5-4-17 351-4919. 5-4-16 Dependable transportation. New Horse Science, Archery, Riflery. LARGE TWO party, furnished $60/month 372-6902 5-4-12 I PINTO 1 9 7 2 Runabout. efficiencies. Air conditioned. muffler, cross - over pipe. $45. Automatic, 2,000cc engine, WANTED -ALGEBRA - statistics _Call 332-5810. 3-4-12 Close to campus. Summer, $140, TWO BEDROOM apartment. Near EAST SIDE: Newly remodetfB 351-0342, 337-0380. 3-4-10 tutor, part time only. 353-7287 campus, air conditioned, $200/ 18,000 miles, new life time - or 332-8198. 1-4-10 KITCHEN HELPER. Tuesday and Fall, $165. 484-0585. 30-5-20 month. 351-6168. 4-4-12 three bedroom. Close tuj CHEVROLET NOVA, 1970 - 4 heavy duty shocks and raised Thursday, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. service. $225 1 white letter steel belted radial Contact Miss Krueger, Health FURNISHED speed, must sell this week! $950 TEACHER NEEDED for Free ONE bedroom LAKE occupancy. 371-580.2. after tires.Excellent condition. LANSING. Watch the or best offer. See,at 4315 West Service. 355-4510. 3-4-12 apartment. Available p.m. 3-4-10 School immediately. Michigan sailboats from your front door. Willow or phone 484-8495, $1950. Phone 393-6672. after 5 Secondary certificate. Art and immediatley! Convenient to Deluxe 1 bedroom 655-3539. 3-4-12 p.m. 4-4-12 DESK CLERK weekends only. apartment, OKEMOS, 3 bedroom, livingrooH|J Science combination preferred. - campus. Grad student or married Apply in person. HOLIDAY unfurnished, for reliable couple. 2 car garage, full bas PONTIAC T-37, 1970. 4-speed. ROGER & PAULS Full time position. Call couple. 332-2495.5-4-11 Stove, refrigerator, air CHEVY SUPER Sport - 1965. INN, 3121 East Grand River. fireplace, acre of land, ex dual exhaust, wide ovals, weekdays, 485-6186. 2-4-11 3-4-12 conditioning. No pets, no Great transportation. Asking excellent condition. 349-3859 MARATHON BRENTWOOD, FRANDOR near. 2 bedroom unfurnished, available children. $175 per month, plus condition, and location $200. Call 332-6693. 4-4-16 FIGURE MODELS clean, responsible family after 6 p.m. 5-4-17 $6/hour.- utilities. Phone 339-2075. 4-4-11 Where all PART TIME receptionist wanted immediately. Quiet adults only. apply. Deposit, refer#**® we Increase your self confidence! CHEVY BEAUVILLE VAN 1971. for office. M-78 BODY SHOP. $ 175. Phone 485-9343. 5-4-11 Available April 15 355-7812® PONTIAC CATALINA 1969. Di»c specialize in is LUKE PHOTOGRAPHY, 1, 2 men. 6 cylinder, automatic 337-0496. 3-4-12 Immediately! Close. $65 484-8209 after 5 p.m brakes, automatic transmission, 351-6690. C-3-4-12 or $87 month. 351-2261. 2 4-10 transmission, power brakes, power steering and brakes, cars ONE OR two girls for three girl. message, John 353 8879 54" ■ radio, 40,000 miles, $1990. Looking for pin money? Sell Park Trace. $67.50. 349-3086 excellent condition. $800 or LOCATED AT THE PART TIME positions for MSU 353-5726. 5-4-11 CORNER OF JOLLY comething you don't use with a after 7 p.m. 19-4-30 best offer. 351-8699. 3-4-10 students. Excellent salary level Want Ad. Dial 355-8255. CHEYENNE 3/4 ton pickup - RAMBLER 1964 & OKEMOS RD 349- 3196 and meaningful experience. Automobile business IF OKEMOS. SUBLEASE CROSSWORD 1973. 350, V-8. Like new. Will Transportation - 6DAY A WEEK TOWING YOU like to dial, call us, we spacious, let go for $2900. Please call special. Good motor, good body. OPEN 6 DAYS required. 351-5800. C-3-4-10 need you. CARROUSEL one bedroom unfurnished PUZZLE 882-3022 or 372-1518. 10-4-24 $150. Call 372-5675. 3-4-11 7 AM 9 PM BUT SUNDAY CARPETING, apartment. $180 plus utilities. • 694-3951 ACROSS SPORT 0-3-4-10 349-4133. 3-4-10 BODY REPAIR. PARACHUTING 22. Quality, reduced MEETING FILMS. Rap session. 1 Shor lights 23 Spanish rates to students. Also Men's IM. Wednesday, Apirl 10, PART TIME 6. Overhead phone work needed. NEAR SPARROW, carpeted, moralist guaranteed rust proofing. VAN just 10 language •NOW LEASING WORLD, 645-2123. OR-22-4-30 7:30 p.m. 351-0799, 543-673l! Near campus. Call 351-3700 remodeled, parking. Available 25. Kitty 2-4-10 3-4-10 now. Fred, 485-8615. 5-4-12 11. Opera 26. tyrant SUMMER & FALL highlight 28. Fruit 12. Intricate 8 SEPARATE LOCATIONS beverage AIR CONDITIONED How to form 13. Wire 31. Palm leal COMPLETE KITCHENS your own car pool measures 14. Too bad 32. 33. VanWinkle STUDIOS Blue-pencil As public service at no charge, the State News will a 15. Cain's land 34. Bewildered 1 & 2 BEDROOMS provide a free classified 3. Japanese tan 17 Clique 36 Abstract FURNISHED advertisement for those people who would like to set 4. Subtle shade up or join a car pool. 18. Blossom 38. So be it 1. Northern 5. Spanish title 19. Bitterness 39. Trees defense 6 Trippe! 21. Peer Gynt's 40. Relax, >r Riding? _ Collingwood Apts. are perimeter 7. Prayer mother 41. Uneven 2. Terminates now leasing for summer 8. Mum I PUT A r 'OP TO TODAY'S 5 8 r~ T~ %% 4 9 9. Flavotsome THROWAWAY CULTURE Beech wood 1130 Beech St. and fall 11 % 8 10 Balsam Leaving_ % 1 " I'm 0. Howie Hustles, the 350-6168 Delta Arms 235 Delta St. Returning _ " *air conditioned 12 16. Piece ol 1 351-6839 Phone savings minded Classified Evergreen Arms 341 Evergreen St. Time? 13 tut! Ad that finds you customers 351-6839 The State News will not 14 19. Moving about accept responsibility for ♦dishwashers iff" rr % % Oaslett Arms 0 35 arrangements or conduct of for no longer needed things. Collingwood St. 20. ConltonletJ 351-8950 participants. If you're uspd to tossing out North Pointe 0 240 Hasiett Rd. The information requested below ♦shag carpeting 18 >4 2D 21 Knack 332-5675 must be supplied in order for ad to appear. 23. Biblical good ti mgs you don't need University Terrace 424 Michigan 51 TT !% v4 % * dancei anymore -get cash for them 337-0580 Full Name Unlimited Parking *5 % 'to 24. Removes %1 University Village 635 Abbot Rd. sr 25. Condiment nstead. Lots of people want them. Just dial the number in 332-3490 America 2736 E. Gr. River ♦Plush Furniture 26 % h % w sr 26. Back tooth below and give my friendly 337-0620 ♦ Model Open Daily to % ii 27 Relative 28 love Ad Writer your list of saleables. Do it now! HALSTEAD in %3S !M> % ft ■29 fades 30. French MANAGEMENT •This coupon may be brought in or mailed to: C« Pool Classifieds, 347 Student Call 351 8282 - % 3$ summer lette|S CALL 351-7910 Services Building. No phone calls accepted. (Behind Yankees ito t % 33. Greek 35 High %i 355 8255 on the river I) ¥l % 37 explosive Foimol Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 10, 1974 13 For Sale J§ For Sale 1^1 Mile Hums ) Personal / Revised general education courses i LaRE boom. room, furnished, kitchen, HOUSEHOLD near ITEMS - aewing 1972 GRAYWOOD - carpeted, 2 dryer, fireplace. SON-RISE celebration, Easter (Continued from page 1) specualtion of ■ washer, machine, china, etc. Reasonable. bedroom, 1V4 bath.Excellent faculty cutbacks in the I1 sublease $70 I month. 337-7335 after 8 p.m. 3-4-10 condition. John Aldrich Sunday, 7 am., Seal Memorial "There will probably be more interaction University College. MUST SELL! Gibson acouttic Garden. Singing, sharing God's )46, 355-5904. 5-4-11 625-3158. Department heads of ATL, social science and guitar. Alto super bass amplifier. After 5:00 p.m., and cooperation between faculty members word, the Lord's Supper. 394-2167 before 6 p.m. 10-4-10 ANTIQUES 8i UNIQUES. Buy and 625-3566. w Additional information: call His teaching the courses. I envision humanities expressed both apprehension and Kwn room in duplex. Fully *11. 220 Albert Street, under can an confidence in the new policy. "The ATL T carpeted, garbage disposal, Lumt. C-4-30 STAR 1961 10x50, 2 bedroom, - House, 351-8232. 4-412 interdisciplinary course taught by professors 1 diShwa$her, $75/month. set up on lot Vt miles from campus, from three different departments," Arata said. department will still be the primary department SPORT in teaching reading and writing skills," ATL J 337-1612. 4-4-16 CARPETING NEW and used, any skirting and shed. $2,000. 349-0230. 34-12 PARACHUTING MEETING FILMS. Rap session. Changing enrollment figures might prompt the rearrangement of course offerings within Department Chairman BemardEngelsaid. "The size, included professional Men's IM. Wednesday, April 10. use of the informal term Bast * lansing - Male students, installation. 337-2095. 104-12 7:30 p.m. 351-0799, 543-6731. the various colleges, "In colleges where credit communications single rooms, parking, BUDDY, 1973 - hours are declining and a certain level must be bothers me a little, but I don't think the 2-410 refrigerator. Call 332-5791. BOY'S 3speed, Schwinn pertly furnished, shed, skirting, maintained, there might be attempt to offer changes in the program will be i that drastic." 3-412 10 - SPUDS - disposal, all carpeted. Excellent excellent condition. $55. the aloha! more general education courses to attract more SAIES SERVICE ACCESSORIES Tape condition. Must sell, make offerl Engel said he did not foresee a major drop in cassette player, good condition, students. On the other enrollment in his department. "The University »,WEN HALL - Spring Term, BISf VALWES. PIECE - Ludwig drum set, sleeping bag, $35. Army tent, or elite. Phone Nita 489-3569. MALAMUTE PUPPIES. 7-weeks Room. Spectators welcome. Zildjian cymbals, excellent $12. 394-0597 or 332 0690. FOR THE BEST Service on stereo 54-17 Kappa Delta is sponsoring a old, well marked, wormed, $50 lition, $700. Phone B-14-10 equipment see the STEREO drawing for Schwinn Continental a Come join the MSU Promenaders each. 351-1929, anytime. 5-4-10 10 - speed bike April 21. You need 339 8851. 5-4-16 EDGAR CAYCE SHOPPE, 543 East Grand River. EXPERIENCED IBM typing. at 7 tonight in 34 Women's Study group- not be present to win. Tickets PIONEER SA-8100 amplifier, C4-30 Dissertations, (Pica Elite). Intramural Bldg. Dancing includes FINE AUSTRALIAN Shepherd forming in East Lansing. Call - available from Kappa Delta. |ARABIC St STALLION 3 years - LV-16 12" speakers, Bsri-710-X puppies - $50 each. Call 337-0601, evenings. 10-4-12 FAY ANN 489-0358. C4-30 square, folk and round. Beginners ,500. Vt horse stallion, turntable. Perfect condition. 332-0267 after 5 p.m. &4-17 Looking for great time of a yearling $500. 669- 5617 or $500. 353-1869. 14-11 COMPLETE THESES - Service. sharing? Join the Bible study of 663 8809. 54-17 PORTABLE STEREO Radio, 3 - ALI SHARAH Arabians riding lessons, English, Western. Days, - C FIorence Discount and printing, IBM typing binding of these, resumes, South Collegiate Fellowship at 9:15 tonight in 33 Union as we study The Dept. of Wolfram Mauser on Heinrich Boll at Gei ITODAYII RUMMAGE and collectables sale, 152 Gunson speakers, LLOYD$50. evenings, weekends. Your horse HaIr SaIon publications.Across from James, chapter 1. 3 p.m. today in B104 Wells Hall. component stereo - speakers, By Bonnie Box campus corner M.A.C. and The lecture will be in English. $10/hour Sharah horse, $15. Special meeting of the MSU Street, East Lansing. 14-10 tape, $100,655-1621.3-4-12 SPRING'S HERE! Lawn Grand River. Below Jones 663-3614, 11561 Plains Road, Horticulture Club at 7:30 tonight Eaton Rapids. 5-4-16 maintenance, garden work and Stationery Shop. Call in 204 Horticulture Bldg. Chris ■SAILBOAT, ARROW, 13' fiber CANNING BOTTLES. Pints, quarts rototilling. Dave. 675-5376. 'COPYGRAPH SERVICES, Boylan will show two films of ^ glass |ib, Dacron sails, kick - up 'udder, pivoting centerboard, and 1/2 gallons - 10c each. BEGINNING DOG OBEDIENCE Across The Street 54-17 337-1666. C4-30 Ireland. The Socialist Labor Party Club will hold a discussion on the 882-5503 5-4-17 classes offered. Call Corner of Abbott Road 393-6546, abolition of the wages system at 351-8905.34-12 and Grand River. after 5 p.m. 7-4-11 FORMER PROFESSIONAL Transportation T MSU Rodeo Club meeting at 8 8:30 tonight in 37 Union. All MUST SELL Wurlitzer electric Suite 201 guitarist, now MSU student tonight in the Livestock Pavilion. ■SIGNET interested people are urged to SOLOIST 115. Double - REGISTERED APPALOUSA State Bank Building Board of directors will meet at 6. ™ case piano - detachable. 2 years old. giving lessons inclassical or folk. and Extras. Best offer over Gelding; Been shown. Needs 8 - 8 Daily by Apptmt. Price negotiable. 372-1471. 489-0197 34-12 RIDE NEEDED All Chicano and Boricua* I $300. 332-2286 34-12 experienced rider. $400. Saturday 8 ■ 5 to Marquette Anyone interested in obtaining _ 351-4524. 5-4-12 (NMU) Easter or any weekend. graduate students are urged to information on the summer SPEAKERS: JENSON 10", two V 332-4314 ^ GUITAR PLAYER / singer for Will share gas, money. attend a planning meeting at 7 p.m. 355-5647. humanities London program should 1 way. New in boxes $100 a pair. BRAND NEW open reel deck ENGLISH SPRINGERS weddings. Contact Mide, Thursday at Centro de La Raza, - AKC. 2 FREE A lesson in complexion 3-4-10 attend meeting at 7 tonight in 304 I 351 1189. 3-4-11 TEAC 2300-S with warranty. ... 393-0470, after 6 p.m. 54-17 located in Wilson Hall basement, to males, liver, white. Shots, care. Call 484-4519 East Bessey Hall. Faculty members and Cost $450, will sacrifice $350. help organize and formulate a students will discuss the program wormed, 11 weeks. $125. Michigan 485-7197 Lansing ■CANON 1218 super 8 movie 332-5931. 54-17 Mall. MERLE NORMAN or europe - israel Wanted J Chicano Boricua graduate student - organization. Spouses welcome. and answer questions. A film will H camera. 12-1 power zoom. COSMETIC STUDIOS. C-34-11 -africa Original list over $1000, asking NIKON - PHOTOMIC FTN, f1.4, FREE TO good home. 4-month Interested in dreams'? If so, 1 $300 349-1715 after 6 p.m. immaculate. Shot 25 rolls, $400. female Siamese - Tabby. Travel Discounts year 'round. come and rap with a couple of Orchesis dance classes at 6 p.m. 0-6-4-12 355-3178. 3-4-10 353-0976, after 6p.m. 14-10 f"~ "accessc enter" | Int'l. Student Travel Center 739 Boylston Street -Suite 113 WANTED: metal file USED cabinet. two - 337-1191. drawer (intermediate p.m. - (beginning) on Tuesdays advanced) and 7:30 Psychology Club meeting at 7:30 i for Boston, Tel. (617) 267- 1122 14-10 (modern dance) and Thursdays pclNTOSH 6100 INTERGRATED AMPLIFIER MUST SELL! Vox Super Continental portable organ, dual J Human Reproduction Health | tonight in 8 Morrill Hall. (ballet) in 218 Women's Intramural used. Rectilinear Bldg. Newcomers welcome. 111 makers, Teac 220 (Cassette AR FM keyboard, $290. Base cabinet, JBL speaker, $175. 393-4129. (offers Abortion Contraception services| - SPORT PARACHUTING MEETING FILMS. Rap session. WANTED: 5-speed bicycle. Phone after 4:30, Joyce, 332-6809. Women's Center. 547% E. Grand River: a Free six - week women's Med Techs interested in a field reciever, KLH6 24-11 self - defense class begins at 6 makers, Sony ST5600 Stereo 3-4-10 Mobile Homes Men's IM. Wednesday, April 10 tonight at the center. Women trip to Upjohn, please sign up in 100 Giltner Hall bv today. We need I Urner, Mamilya 7:30 p.m. 351-0799, 543-6731. Super 23 press against Rape will meet at 7:30 2-4-10 BABYSITTING in my home an approximate number of those I "mera, H16S 16mm. Bolex ROCK AND Roll group for hire - BOARD EXAM TUTORING Thursday. There will be a final interested. 1972 SKYLINE, Fifth Avenue. 12' Monday - Friday, 6 a.m. 6 p.m. 1 movie camera. MUCH MORE I HAPHAZARDS! Reasonable STANLEY H.KAPLAN - planning meeting for all women x 60', two bedrooms, shag SUEDE AND LEATHER, cleaning Call 355-3081. X-3-4-10 working on the Women's Spring I WILCOX SECONDHAND satisfaction TUTORING COURSES Auditions will be held rates, guaranteed! carpet, many -extras! 5' x 7' and restoring. OKEMOS DRY Festival at 2 p.m. Saturday. All tonight I STORE. 4854391. C-4-30 393-4129. 3-4-10 Now being formed for the and Thursday in 216 Wells Hall for shed, 6949641. 5-4-16 CLEANERS. 349-0910. 0-1-4-10 SCIENCE PERSON interested in interested women are invited to a Theater 303 production of "The upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, attend any of these programs. building underwater proton Effect of Gamma Rays on Man - in ATGSB, GRE Board Exams. For magnetometer for SUMMER [ Typing Service research. the Moon Marigolds." - - information 0-14-10 call 1-313-354-0085. ^ Contact Dale, 484-8961, after MSU Cycling Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in 207 Men's Y ou 10 p.m. 5-4-12 cordially invited to are Intramural Bldg. All interested are attend make it of the of the Little open rush an one SHARP SALESMAN wanted. We TYPING THESES, term papers, invited. Sisters of Alpha Kappa Psi at 7:30 COUPLE LOOKING for small want a good ambitious man to general. Pica. Josie, 3554471. tonight. For rides, call the house. house within 3 Alpha Phi Omega, national best in your life at sell in an unusual field, great 64-11 miles of - MSU. apartment Starting June. iervicefraternity, is looking for Are you just opportunity. Some technical iten interested in service to the a pea in the pod'.' 332-5609. 34-12 Explore our choices at World training Call EXPERIENCED TYPIST, Okemos, "731" for Rex. X-54-11 necessary. 699-3348 for appointment, ask IBM (pica or elite typel. 373-6726 weekdays or 349-1773 Car Pool Population Year Conference, to 4:30 p.m. May 4, Union. 9 a.m. A short walk from campus, "731" Apartments evenings and weekends. 0-14-10 Women Against Rape is Student Boycott Committee will offers you the utmost in luxury and summer living. collective action to end rape in the meet as usual at 7:30 tonight in 31 Lounge around the spacious pool gettin' tan and MONTY'S BAR THESES, PAPERS, general typing. Share Driving & Union to discuss the continued community. Join us at 7:30 p.m. Guaranteed work. Call Carolyn, Thursdayat the Women's Center. sippin' something chilly. Take a dip if you get too boycott of Wrigley's as afTected by All warm. AND RESTAURANT 332-5574. 104-23 the injunction. The Gallo campaign women are welcome. MARSHALL COMMUTER lot. will also be expanded. Inside your "731" apartment, you'll find plush to The furniture and carpeting, complete with a balcony and Shrimp and Fish THESES. RESUMES, typing and Monday, Wednesday, Friday Conflict Resolution is sponsoring a Pitcher Night (M-W-S) A communications skills air conditioning. There's even a dishwasher to help printing. Reasonable prices. only. Leaving 9 a.m., returning 3 discussion with state Rep. Perry COMME RICAL PRINTING. p.m. 781-5100 Tuesday and workshop will be held from I to Bullard on the public ownership of clean • up after parties. Visit "731" today! (Very Special Sunday) 351-4116. C-4-30 2:30 p.m. Thursday at the oil at 7:30 tonight in the lounge at Thursday anytime; Monday, Everywoman's Luncheon special • $1.50 Center, 118 S. 1118 South Harrison Road. Now Leasing Summer and Fall Wednesday, Friday after 4 p.m. Harrison Road. Come once, come ANN BROWN typing i and multilith 3-411 every time. All welcome. "Breaking Out the Silence" film Summer $Cf) S70 Pool Table offset printing. Complete service series presents. "Salt of the Earth" JU per person per person / Pin Ball Machines for dissertations, theses, SOUTH FIELD to MSU. Leaving MSU gay liberation is holding at 7:30 tonight in 402 Computer manuscripts, general typing. IBM 7:30 a.m., another open rap from 7 to 11 returning 6 p.m. Center. Sponsored by the United SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR 12 MO. LEASES 24 years experience. 349-0850. tonight in 309 Student Services Monday. • 2369 E. Gd. Rim, Okemos Wednesday, Friday. Front Against Racism and 731 Burcham Dr. 351 - 7212 C-4-30 1-313-3554127. 3-4-11 Bldg. Informal.friendly, feels good. Come out. Imperialism. 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, AW „■ GOP, Dems hail Nixon's efforts By R.D. CAMPBELL must stop this trend if he is to Republican county will create But 8th district Democrats Saginaw Tuesday. important," he said. I support State News Staff Writer stem the tide for his Sparling Traxler, but I a degree of excitement that ^ Nixon's tour will aid them "My feeling is that anytime over impeachment. will the President discusses issues don't want that to be read as a bring voters out. in focusing the voter's BAD AXE The President Today Nixon will "That's what with the people it can't hurt," vote for Nixon." - I want to attention upon what they call is coming to this tiny town personnally accept the Smith said. Nixon will arive at Tri City happen. The more people vote the real issues of the campaign, today, and political applause challenge. the better our chances are, » "We're quite pleased that But she contends the Airport this moming at 10:30 for Nixon's stumping effort is where he will be greeted by booming in both Republican Gov. Milliken and make some '♦A'sV* and Democratic ranks. remarks before boarding one of Nixon's motorcade visit four helicopters flying to Bad though a series of small 8th Axe, a city of 2,999 and the Congressional District villages, six days before the last of five special congressional elections that have become a referendum Vt»6 biggest town along the President's route. Local Bad Axe officials expecting a turnout of 20,000 are on Nixon's presidency, could in their city where Nixon will end up being viewed in the make a speech and be future as Custer's Last Stand. serenaded by six high school The April 16 election pits bands. Republican James Sparling, When the President's former aide to the entourage leaves Bad Axe, since-resigned Rep. James Sparling will be riding on Harvey, against Democrat J. Nixon's left in the bubble top Nixon's "Thumb" Route Bob Traxler, an 11-year limousine, flown in by jet for representative to the Michigan the occasion. House. The motorcade will head It is the second such special south along M-53, passing election in Michigan this year, through a traditionally and a Sparling loss—in a district that has not elected a -3S& rrr ,o ■*,h" — ^ Democrat since 1932—would Deford, Wilmot and Sandusky. Sa"d",k»' "»»"« •• 11 The motorcad. likely be viewed by frightened Huron and Sanilac county w^en the President decides to speak to the crowd, witl, GOP congressmen as an police say that at least 10,000 scheduled now in Bad Axe, Cass City and Sandusky. NixotT indicator that Nixon must go before this fall's elections. Last- minute people are expected to line the Ay by helicopter from Sandusky back to Tri City Airport J President's route. the tour. A February victory by Ed Moore, Jim Umphrey, Gordon Gempel and Dave Democrat Richard Vander presidential visit scheduled for today. They made their Veen in Bushaw, the strategists behind the Sparling campaign in plans at the Franklin Inn, a Bad Axe bar-restaurant. Gerald Ford's Huron County, finalize plans early Tuesday hometown. Grand Rapids, was morning for the State News photo by Dale Atkins the second Democratic victory Republican leaders in Huron Gordon Gempel, Huron the issue is Nixon," Win Rowe, election does not in any way in a Republican district. County are saying that Nixon's County Republican chairman, campaign coordinator for Since then Democrats have represent a referendum on emergence from the security of said while sipping beer in Bad Traxler, said. scored another upset, and Nixon. She said that a possible his White House office to the Axe bar early Tuesday national observers say Nixon "We'll cooperate to provide Republican victory cannot be roads of this traditionally morning. a courteous—collld— but attributed only to Nixon's courteous visit," Rowe said. visit. Both Democrats and "You have to keep in mind Republicans are saying the that we have a very fine election is too close to call in candidate in Jim Sparling," she the district which sent said. Republican James Harvey, who Not all voters are seeing the has been appointed to a federal election as a simple race judgeship, to Washington in six between candidates, however. elections. Rex Decker, an MSU Volunteer offices for both graduate student from parties are hopping with Deckervilje (one of the towns enthusiasm. Republican Nixon's motorcade will pass National Committee through) said he faces a co-chairman Mary Louise dilemma. Smith worked "I'm kind of angry that I'm shoulder-to-shoulder with being asked to decide two volunteers at the GOP questions with one x. I don't telephone campaign center in know which issue is more State News photo by Dale Atkins Win Rowe, Democratic state committee staff member, sits in his office at Traxler headquarters in Saginaw. Nixon's visit places Bad Axe in spotlight (Continued from page 1) but rather that "the President" Umphrey, Huron County will do those things. chairman' of Sparling's One bearded Bad Axe "Fd do these things even if campaign. "It's the President," dairyman, 23, said he does not Lyndon Johnson were coming he said, nodding over his drink expect to go all the way into to Bad Axe," said Jim at a Bad Axe motor lodge. Join us on Bad Axe, but thinks he will step out to the road as Nixon's >x< motorcade passes by "to take a Thursday nights for a peek at him." He is uncertain how he will Christian vote at the election, but said he thought Nixon should not be an issue in the election. People seemed awed not so much that Richard M. Nixon was to descend upon the city in dais a huge helicopter, sit with on a 22 of their local officials and ride his bubble-top limousine down the Spring same streets their tractors take, thru Apri Sheer Toe-to-Toe demi toe pantyhose and Toe-to-Toe sandalfoot pantyhose. reg. 2.50 pr. | 99 pr. 3/5'^ Control Top sheer sandalfoot pantyhose $3. reg. pr. 2*9 pr. 3/*7 Actianwear demi toe pantyhose fe®. 2.50 pr. 1" p; 3/5" Agilon reinforced toe seamless stockings r>9.1.75 pr. I39 gS/6„ proportioned sizes Curvare knee-hi sandalfoot stockings 99' 6/550 rS'Jif Lansing Mall and Westwood Mall,"Z'l)0Wn,w Jackson. Mall, Shopfromlwrne dial 372-0200 for Knapp's personal shopper.