By DANIEL DEVER State News Staff Writer private interests rather than public interests. 'sure if you catch him with his fly open,' " Doughman added. Charges that Gross and other WJIM officials ordered news Doughman also states that Jones would comment daily that In blackouts of public officials have been made a rare move, the Federal Communications Commission former employes of the station in by present and he wished the Lansing cable television controversy was over so (l*CC) has ordered public hearings into the charges against the original complaint filed the station could do "adequate and unbiased news with the FCC in October 1973 coverage." \public WJIM-TV of Lansing and its by the Lansing branch of the One of the charges leveled at WJIM is that it blacked out principal owner, Harold F. Gross. he The hearings, ordered Tuesday l?y the FCC, will focus on allegations that Gross has used his publicly granted broadcast license for the economic and political gain of himself and his American Civil Liberties Union r.rPe ACLVin flled rCC order, which a former (ACLU). another affidavit Tuesday, just prior to the employe charges Gross and certain coverage of the Lansing City Council in order to the city's cable television contract for Gross Though the FCC did not Telecasting. specify where or when the gain {ruled company, Gross Telecasting Inc. operations manager Tom Jones with ordering blackouts of hearings would be held, attorneys for ACLU expect them to A statement released Lansing Mayor Gerald Graves and Lansing City Councilman for by the commission said the issues to be in Lansing. be determined by the Joel Ferguson, hearings include: respectively. The FCC order stated that ACLU is made a party to the Whether officials or In the document, Chester employes of the station ordered Doughman, a WJIM cameraman proceedings which will allow the group to subpoena and from July to December coverage or noncoverage of certain persons or events in an 1969, says Gross ordered him not to cross-examine witnesses. film Ferguson. attempt to slant, distort or surpress the news. Officials at WJIM would not comment Wednesday on the If such orders were "Gross's words were, as I recall, 'I don't want to that FCC order or the ACLU affidavit made, whether they resulted in slanted, see except for a short statement: distorted or supressed news. nigger on my station,' " Doughman states. "We're confident that our 40-year record in news and Whether officials or He also cites an occasion when he asked Jones if he could public service is outstanding and that the hearings will clearly employes ordered coverage or take any pictures of Graves. noncoverage of certain persons or events in an attempt to serve establish that there is absolutely no merit to the "His (Jones') reply charges and was, and I recall it because of its color, that our license will be renewed," Gross stated. Panel seeks study of area before OKing Thursday, April 11,1974 Michigan State University bridge plan East Lansing, Michigan 48824 By MIKE GALATOLA State News Staff Writer DUMB CROWDS CHEER PRESIDENT The Building, Committee voted Lands and Planning Wednesday to change its original approval of the revised Kalamazoo Street bridge project, making its approval conditional its review of an Nixon raps on Dem Congress' inaction environmental impact plan. East Lansing City Engineer Robert Bruce said Wednesday that it could take up to a year to produce an impact took indirect statement. Robert Shaeffer, chief engineer swipes at his Democratic But at every bend in the road through Nixon for the Ingham County Road Commission, opponent, state Rep. J. Bob Traxler, supporters, who engaged in Republicans, who have already been three counties, Nixon told voters that if R.D.CAMPBELL occasional shouting matches with upset in three of the four special elections has said that the deadline for letting D-Bay City. elected, Sparling would be his own man, State News Staff Writers "He (Sparling) isn't going to miss the minorities who sported pincards held this year, are likely to conclude that contracts to get federal funds - which will servant of neither big business nor and big suggesting: "Throw the bum out," "Jail they must force Nixon from office if make up 55 per cent of the total fund for scores scores of votes," Nixon said, labor. SANDUSKY — President Nixon the thief" and "Impeach with Honor." Traxler, 43, defeats Sparling, 45, in the project — is July 1,1975. nmed the Democratic Congress for referring to Traxler's absence from many Nixon's 4'^-hour trip through the most There were a few brief tussles between a liie committee modified its approval Michigan House votes during his district that has not elected a GOP rural and most solidly Republican section ;tl?necking legislation that could ease the two groups, but police reported no congressman since 1932. after questioning 13 members of the MSU campaign. of Michigan's 8th Congressional District lation and unemployment in a midday Before Nixon's visit, which began at arrests were made from among the 5,000 and East Lansing communities who had was viewed by thousands in Bad Axe, mping tour of rural Republican 10:30 at people in Bad Axe, the 6,000 in Cass City Nixon's decision to visit the district — submitted their written opinions on the umb area towns Wednesday, a.m. TriCity Airport in Cass City and Sandusky, as well as by or the 10,000 in revised project to the committee last Saginaw, Sparling made Sandusky. his first campaigning trip since 1972 - is asked the every effort to hundreds of others along the motorcade slixon generally friendly disassociate himself from the President. The crowds, spurred by warm, sunny a political gamble intended to keep him week. The committee had already held an route. weather iple to channel their dissatisfaction Introducing Nixon at several of the towns and an extensive publicity in the White House. If Sparling wins, in a open hearing in November on the original 0 a vote for GOP candidate James Roads leading into the towns were along the 57-mile motorcade route, campaign, were there more to see the first district that also indudes other more project, which was revised by the Ingham closed off hours before the President, irling in a special congressional Sparling carefully avoided both words of known visit ever to the area by a Democratic areas, Nixon can use the County Road Commission in December. ction next Tuesday that could ease or looking tanned but graying, arrived at President of the United States than to victory as evidence that impeachment is After the questioning, which took praise and censure. each stop. Hordes of Secret Service ensify the President's Watergate-related "Nixon is not here judge administration scandals in far-off unnecessary. nearly two hours, Donald S. Gochberg, as a campaigner," agents, sheriffs deputies and state police University College representative, 'dens. Sparling, a former congressional and Washington, D.C. kept crowds behind the curb and watched A Traxler victory would A few anti-Nixon hecklers and pickets White House However, GOP congressmen are put the proposed that the committee rescind its aid, said before the from the rooftops of local buildings. President on unsteady ground, but White Jan. 9 approval of the project and declare ng the way did not disturb the bulk of motorcade began in the tiny town of Bad watching the April 16 special election as crowds who listened enthusiastically Hundreds of signs, saying: "We love House aides believe that situation would instead a conditional approval. Axe. "He's here to address himself in the they decide whether Nixon's the President boosted Sparling and Dick," "Welcome, Mr. President" and scandal-ridden presidency will be a be no worse than if Sparling lost without Gochberg said it appeared to him that issues." "Thumbs up for Nixon" were carried by the liability at the polls in November. plus of a Nixon visit. every interested party had made an environmental impact study with widely ike the differing findings. He urged the committee to approve the project only after it had reviewed an impact study recognized by the federal government. >f July' The Ingham County Road Commission filed an impact statement in March 1971, but new regulations from the ) rural Environmental Protection Agency, which took effect during the summer of 1971, require another impact statement. SANDUSKY — Thousands of Gochberg's first motion to rescind the ll-wishers turned out along a 57-mile Jan. 9 approval passed on a 9-4 vote, and >tch of Huron and Sanilac county the committee voted 12-1 to approve his ds in Michigan's Thumb Wednesday to second motion, which declared the their first glimpse of a real live approval to be conditional. adent. The revised project would widen the 1 few others came with signs and two - lane road to four lanes and would Jans to get their first look at real live raise the a bridge 4.8 feet. The orginal plans |>eaehment candidate. called for the bridge to be ratsed twice as i 81-year-old woman sat quietly high and included diverting the Red ng Bad Axe's main drag, where the Cedar River, but the new plans do not call sident made his first appearance. She for any rechanneling. 1 she had lived her entire life on a farm The majority of individuals who the small burg of Pbrt Hope, 20 miles appeared before the committee opposed theast of Bad Axe on Lake Huron. the project, generally claiming it would 'It isn't his (Nixon's) irreparably damage the biological system fault," Helen |ert said. "I'm for him all the way. I'd and that the traffic was not really severe. > to write him a letter if I knew how." But several committee members tester Ensling, 75, and a repeatedly pointed to the fact that no ^generation Harbor Beach resident, professionals served on the organizations Jit 'I was was "the thrill of jny life." the witnesses represented, which included telling my wife it was like in the the Audubon Society, Citizens for a days for 4th of July celebrations," he Livable City, the East Lansing Traffic 1. "I think Nixon's a great man." Committee and the East Lansing But in Sandusky a woman whose son Environmental Quality and Aesthetics I been killed in Vietnam left with tears Task Force. disappointment following the James R. Anderson, faculty adviser for sident's departure. the Citizens for a Livable City, tangled |ulin Kosher's lyguard to Nixon son Alex had been a with Thomas Kehler, representing the during a tour of Dept. of Campus Park and Planning, over tnam. Alex had been quoted in the how many trees would be lost if project ^ra P"Per saying what a thrill it was to the President. construction took place. Anderson said the department had tosher said that her son had often informed him April 3 that 12 trees would ;ed h'8My of Nixon and that she felt a be lost, but Kehler said that further 'o him through her dead son. | You studies that had been going on while wait for him all Anderson had received his information day long and J> he doesn't even say hello," she said, indicated only four trees would be svery disappointing." removed. ears welled in her eyes as she turned College of Engineering representative V to collect Gail C. Blomquist asked Anderson how herself, staring into the "house yard. valid his tree count should be considered. President Nixon responded "thumbs up" to welcoming Michigan crowds Wednesday. See page 10. STATE NEWS PHOTO BY DALE ATKINS Anderson replied that the East Lansing City Council had accepted his findings. Student apathy moves By LINDA SANDEL interest, also killed any idealistic hopes for adept at playing trade-off games that But the pivotal interest in the make-up Other council members have praised orientation. State News Staff Writer of the present council has rested on Its a city council with a strong faction accomplish the ends of appeasing diverse Evan's initiative, noting that, of the five Wilcox tends to agree with the "equal Ranees We, are the that the bitter sulphur of maladies of the Nixon identifying primarily with students. What East Lansing has now, instead, is a voters. Both Mary Sharp and Mayor Wilbur two newest members-ex-Marine, family-man John Polomsky and the members, she appears to be doing the most extracurricular homework. Whether replacement" theory. Looking back, Wilcox views the present ministration and the crisis of the blend of five people-three men and two Brookover characteristically represent the family •oriented, cautious, but inquiring the diligent homework will eventually lead council as being more circumspect in women—whose collective political Thelma Evans. j «« ne,''cy,can Political kindle even the most latent council watchers to give Evans a 4.0 in studying issues, less willing to be interest. orientation appears to lie right of the Several city politicans attribute an more liberal policy making remains to be railroaded by activist interests and " 'whf" il comes to getting excited middle, but tends to vary somewhat with different Issues, depending on apparently conservative council to the appointment of Evans as swing in the seen. respectful of each other's viewpoints. d a L -.government today one would the degree "Evans is slower to make a decision But what Wilcox and others interpret as hum n to spark Political activism of controversy involved. Colbum's replacement. than Colbum was, which might be circumspect reviewing and resisting , rn '"te it did briefly in the 1970s, Recently, for instance, council has been "The change in the perspective of the identified as conservative caution." said stampeding is being taken in some quarters resident homeowner, but both have made thv e?CP of "le "B6 °' majority of sharply criticized for non-responsiveness coundl is marked by the seating of Evans Brookover. "But it could be that she just as council nonresponsiveness. Thus, one tlinoS not hard to find-but a most in its varied votes on Ann Street, the significant attempts to appear receptive rather than Polomsky's election," Griffiths takes the time to consider all of the hears criticism that the council ignored and considerate of student concerns. t lin exanLple evolved out of the last Michigan-Harrison intersection said. "Evans is still in the process of citizen Input." input in making its decision to lbinaM ng y election when a improvement, the Kalamazoo Street George Griffiths, the remaining half of a changing and orienting herself to city Brookover, Griffiths and Sharp tentatively agree to the Kalamazoo Street bridge project and for the ongoing attempt liberal twosome elected in 1971, still goes lent in?" °f factors' including lack of government. unanimously view Polomsky as a fairly improvement project. to throw out a city antiwar purchasing out on the limb to voice student and other Evans has ) hi ifi*51' resu'ted 'n the defeat of recently taken initiative in equal replacement for former conservative Brookover and Polomsky, however, policy. liberal viewpoints, but since George ■folates liberal student-oriented involving herself with the Drug Education council member Robert Wilcox, and defend the council on that point, saying Two of the council members are Colbum's mid-August resignation Griffiths Center and is therefore do not believe Polomsky's that the vocal dissenters reportedly working to at council politicians who have been on the scenes has appeared more and more to be playing ailed ^a,rtl<;ulr the disabled pensioners. By law. pensioned, disabled persons who excluded from taxation for an individual could total as much as $20,800. For many people, by a faculty committee. "This is the first real test of work closely with the other officers of the University. On ^ ({SgJacks or^ k Icclude not reached retirement age are entitled to up to $100 a week-$5,200 especially federal employes, the savings could be even larger in the future. the selection Wharton said. procedures," the other hand, the president felt the ombudsman is more of Better 521E.GRANDRIVER a year- in * Across from Berkey Hall lek pay from taxable income. Following the council an independent in dealing with Those receiving the largest early benefits are guidelines, Wharton has asked students and that he should I yTheexclusion IRS has consistently held that ends on the date at this sick the 135,000 retired federal employes over 55 that t h ree nine-member draw nominations from outside which the years old who are drawing disability annuities Ixpayer would have reached earliest possible from the civil service retirement fund. ■igibility for retirement based on age and In the federal service, the earliest optional The Slate News is | ublished by the students of Michigan State wrviee. But a series of court decisions, retirement ages are 55 after 30 years of service; university every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms k tending over several years, have taken a 60 after 20 years and 62 after 5 years. In the Mondays. Wednesday, and Jridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition is published in September. Bmtrary view. past, the sick pay exclusion has been cut off at Subscription rate is the earliest dates. In the future, it will be I They have held that the exclusion properly continued to the mandatory retirement age, 70. hould end only when the taxpayer reaches the }ge that would have commanded mandatory Most private pension plans make retirement ge-service retirement under his pension plan. mandatory at 65, but permit optional I The new IRS ruling adopts the courts' retirement after specified years of service, at 60 News/tditorial Classified Ads or earlier. Here, too, Interpretation. mandatory age will control ] It applies not only to 1973 federal tax the cutoff of the sick pay exclusion in the ftetums. but retroactively through 1970 to future. open thrusday and friday evenings until nine Reduction on new, current, style clothing. For a limited time only! Miss J is sportdressing the great white way this season going lightly, brightly in SAVINGS ON.. polyester/rayons to coordinate limitless new looks. Crisp •Suits white coolers by College-Town for 5 to 13 sizes. . .multi¬ •Sport color tops sized S-M-L. •Tailored A. Shirtjac contrast-stitched and buttoned in black, $24 •Bostonia Cuffed pants, $16 Size 36 to 60 Lined print halter of woven . polyester/cotton voile, $8 Reg. •Shorts'Long'ExLong'Portlies B Culotte contrast-stitched FREE ALTERATIONS and tab-waisted in black, $14 Floral cotton knit top •Master Charge BanKard Holden-Reid Acct. with black ribbed trim, $12 4*04. Holdenii Reid "Famous Brandt tor LtJ and Dad" Jacobsoris Dmratowa FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTKR Lining Mall Lo many but somewhere in a smoky supervisors. interviews, the people that are best for the makes the final decision, she said. Though the seniority system is rarely "It's quite an extensive process to learn Ksidence hall Kchen a silent student During her sophomore year, she said she job will emerge," he said. used, Sigelko said that they do consider everything involved," he said. lfettria worker ponders the question. It ran but was not selected. She tried again at Kayne says that the system used at According to Kayne, the chance to into *aV be the key to his future promotion. the beginning of her junior year but said Wonders is a new method. Alterations move a supervisory position is open 1 Jxhe student cafeteria personnel make she lost to students with less seniority than were made on last year's method, he said, "There's no incentive to be a good worker when you're there to all employes, providing they work their a large percentage of the students herself. Instead of picking the student who because many students felt it was too if way up. ■olding jobs in residence halls, the biggest has been there the longest, she said, there's no opportunity to move up the ladder," one student worker "Usually a person (freshman or arbitrary. Last year, food manager said. sophomore) starts in the dining room, he Don Binder picked the student supervisors. Binder left said, "as they progress and gain experience the University and Kayne replaced him they may come back to the student job winter term. personel director and request a Other qualifications as well as seniority "My other supervisors and myself can experience a necessary criteria. How well promotion." say something but I don't really make the the candidate gets along with people is Dean Whitehead, student supervisor and must be taken into consideration for the final decision. That's done by everyone." also an important factor, he added. On the former student cook of Wonders cafeteria, job, Kayne said. He included leadership Case Hall food manager Dick Sigelko said he gained whole, he said the system, which he has his position fall term ability, experience, dependability and said his method of selection was based been using for four years, seems fair. because he had a lot of experience in knowledge of the machines as a few of the different areas. qualifications of a student supervisor. mainly on ability. Generally, Sigelko said "I think we've been about as honest as Kayne said each cafeteria worker had regular and student supervisors "sort out" Whitehead said he thought the previous the employes to deduce who is best in we could in making our selection," reliability ratings received throughout the system of selection wasn't quite as fair as what area. They are then rated and added Sigelko said. the present one, but added, "I don't think term, listed on a student merit card. to a list of prospective candidates, he said. they meant it on purpose, I think it just "A very important factor with us is his Kayne said his main advice to student He said the students go through a cafeteria workers in Wonders who wish to got out of line." ability to get along with other people," he said, "and he must be an effective leader." M/W0E fOU NEED TO EAT A WOUVE NEVER imperstzw MAVfe "It's a very touchy job and a very SETTER BKEAKFAST. 5iR. OR hw, .VU80E .THAT WHEN A PERSON hAvE -,JJ\ ~*£scr.£c*£por COMPLAINS, HE DOESN'T jjak'a important job," Kayne said. START 60iN6 TO EAKulEK 60JJTOK hE uIANTS SWATHE Paul Gladstone, 109 Wonders Hall, said he worked in Wonders cafeteria for three years but was just recently chosen for a student supervisor position. Gladstone had to refuse the job because of financial reasons, but said he felt that he had finally received his due recognition. Gladstone said that the first time he ran for student supervisor he was refused, but DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau since the methods utilized now are different from the ones in the past, he not that it's my fault - uell, 1th0usht tomorrow you know, me, this said the chance for moving up was basically, i've been too busy td 6reasemy hair, take getting st&akin6 businbss has to be au courant. but 1 feel off all my clothes except better. Kayne has brought a little \ really openep my eyes i 've got a lot of fads, bobby sox and loafers, put after. that, improvement with his new selection 1 to a lot of thin6s> nostalbia, and cheap, on a straw hat, 6rab a hula Student sup program, but it is still hard to determine i've been missin6 in shabby sentimentalism u/hat hoop, and perform a summer i'll 60 see "love story." that should just how much promise the program has, i / r£cent years. lb catch up on! do you OF '42, 56, AND '63 F. SCOTT cover it. Wilson Hall cafeteria student supervisors Wayne White (right) and Gladstone said. ^ FrTZ6ATSBY MEMORIAL Paul Gladstone confer in planning for a residence hall meal. They "It's going to take a lot of time for h streak! them to get the system going because they hold the highest position a student can attain working in a residence have lost all the respect of the student hall cafeteria. employes. They're going to have to wait State News Photo by John Russell for a new batch of students to get the system through," he said. Employer of students on campus. management singled out favorites. Margaret Kooken, food manager of 1 Their areas of promotion range from "There's no incentive to be a good Shaw Hall, said her main concern with Btudent ticketer, busboy and cook to worker when you're there if there's no choosing a student supervisor centers Student supervisor, the highest position a opportunity to move up on the ladder," around how well other students react to ptudent cafeteria worker can reach. she said. him. Basically, there are many r, the methods of selecting Fred Kayne, food manager of Wonders requirements, she said, but the student Itudents for supervisor, the most sought - Hall, said the system he uses for the must be capable of leading. ■fter position among the workers, is a lopic of frequent debate between management and student employes. supervisor selection process is geared to eliminate favoritism. When the job opening is posted, he said, any cafeteria "I've got to look at it from all angles. I can't pick them for one reason," she said. "The quiet one may feel qualified but Pure Magic So You've Final comes to campus! Be proud of your college achievements, wear a class ring by Balfour. A Balfour representative will Pure and gentle, Dermatologist-tested. be in our store today and tomorrow to show you all of the ring design-stone combinations available So stop by today and ask any questions you Pure Magic for Eyes Super new ways to make eye magic may have about class rings so easy for you! Also Graduation Announcements are now Available— Get yours now, the supply is limited hwiiiw NIIH Open 7:30 to 5:30 BOOM 1TOKE Pure Magic for Face Really natural make-ups for your Pure Magic for Lips special look1 New lip crayons, glosses and lip¬ sticks. in all the super new shades ; 50% OFF EVERYTHING you want' J IN THE STORE. FASHION FOR MEN & WOMEN, ASSORTED SMOKING ACESSORIES. Pure Magic 0niy by Max Factor (1 coupon per purchase, 1 item per coupon) You can make an af appointmenf for a Max Factor Representative g>poileb ftotten Demonstration Hours: M-W 10-7 1071 Trowbridge for anytime during Th-F 10 9 351-1980 hours Sat. 10-7 store (730-530) BOOhlTORE this week. Open 7:30 to 5:30 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Apry n , Pointed ears gone, Spock reminisces By PAT NARDI developments. "The ideas are Nimoy said he was"ai, State News Staff Writer available to all of us. It's just a cent" sure that he matter of seeing them." Star Trek" |jJJ' better <' Leonard Nimoy shed his "All the things you see (on Mission Impossible" ~ pointed ears Tuesday night "Star Trek") are scientifically which he acted in wh.* before speaking to a crowd of more than 2,000 at the possible. The question is, what are we ready for?" Trek" went off the I" Auditorium about the seriousness of science fiction. Nimoy said it is good that people raise social and ethical u,.lAfS,tW°yearsIi!0' w ith Mission ImpossibL. never got bored "I believe in science fiction questions about science. He with Trek.' I Was very strongly; it tells what will called euthanasia and "farming a| happen in the future," said the body" "very delicate passionately involved Nimoy, who portrayed Mr. questions." Farming the body Nimoy said he k Spock in the television series is keeping a body functioning misgivings about having "Star Trek." after death so the blood animated "Star Trek," WL "We are living in the future. continues to be manufactured now televised but it turned out on SaturZ, for transfusions, and the vital better Thirty or 40 years ago, going organs are maintained for any other Saturday to the moon was science cartoon. fiction. The energy crisis may transplants. be the biggest science fiction of Extraterrestrial life was also "I did not want to see the decade," he added. discussed by Nimoy. Trek' turn into a f ■ Nimoy, who was dressed in a "We are not alone in this universe. It is highly unlikely. I Mouse cartoon, but I very good job was done." Mich. beW bright pink shirt and denim think it's time we accepted vest, greeted the enthusiastic Nimoy said the idea fa - this. The earth is not the center Vulcan hand crowd saying: "I do think you of the universe," he said. when as a child he greeting humans should learn to control «r Spock your emotions." "There's people out there, and they may be smarter than us." Jewish rabbis sign which exchange "Star Trek" fans (right) wait in line to ask Leonard meant ' Nimoy, The actor said ideas for He said he also believes in ESP. Almighty." Spook Mr. Spock, a question. Nimoy (left) spoke Tuesday night to used * "Star Trek" came from During a question and gesture with other people tin an admiring crowd at the Auditorium. keeping up with the news and answer period, Nimoy said he ' the planet Vulcan to State News Photos by David Schmier the latest scientific "would be very happy to go friendship or intimacy. back to 'Star Trek' as long as "As it's what's happeningi the scripts were good and the we say please live long and on V ptosw" original quality of the show Nimoy concluded. Free U: German for beginners The Pan - Orthodox Student Wo was restored. A "Star Trek" episode- _ainst Rape is MSU Science Fiction Society Everywoman's Center, (language and culture), 3 to 4:30 Assn. of MSU would like to remind All Chicano and Boricua collective action to end rape in the meets at 6:30 p.m. every "We did some real bombs in "Devil in the Dark" wass all Orthodox students of the Friday in Harrison Road: A < graduate students p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Holy community. Join us at 7:30 tonight 34 Union. This week, we will hear are urged to Week services being held at St. skills workshop will be held from I attend the third season," he said. following Nimoy's address. Thursday. Art class for beginners. at the Women's Center, 547'A E. the first part of a taped talk by a planning meeting at 7 New group forming. Call to sign up. Andrew's Orthodox to 2:30 today. Child care provided. tonight at Centro de La Raza, Church in East Grand River Ave. all women Arthur C. Clarke on "Profiles of the "Woman as Writer" will be held at Introduction to photography starts located in Wilson Hall basement, to Lansing and Holy Trinity welcome! 8 p.m. Friday. Carolyn Forchet and at 3 today. All basics of picture Greek Orthodox church in Lansing. help organize and formulate a On Good Friday, Barbara Drake, well known local Chicano Boricua Graduate taking and printmaking. No deposition from Auditions will be held - the cross and burial in the tomb Spring only comes once a year to tonight at will I e"Ple- Students Organization. Spouses equipment*-«eeded to start with. 8 p.m. . services will be at 2:30 Michigan. Come celebrate with in 216 Wells Hall for a Staff training for the Center will I Going to Eoippe this summer? We p.m. at St. Theater 303 production of "The are starting a new class, Andrew's and at 4 p.m. at Holy your sisters at the Women's Spring held at 10 a.m. Saturday. MSU including Effects of Gamma Rays on Man -in tri lingual preparation (French, Trinity. For Festival April 19, 20 and 21 in the - more information or the Moon for rides, Union. Call the Women's Center for • - • Marigolds." to "Sights and Sounds: the 1934 German and Spanish). Facilitators please call Dan Sak. needed right away. Call for more more information. Auto - Lite Strike through Slides Alpha Phi Omega, national Orchesis Sailplane demonstration flights and Oral Histories" presented by service info. dance classes meet fraternity, is looking for on weekends, weather permitting. Tuesday for modern dance and Philip Korth, ATL Dept.. 3:30 p.m. College of Social Science Use our car pool to and from the Friday in 107 S. Kedzie Hall. to the campus MSU Immunization Clinic will Thursdays for ballet in 218 undergraduate student government and community. For meet from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m Women's Intramural Bldg. airport. For details, call MSU more information, attend the members: There will be a meeting Intermediate- advanced group at 6 " Soaring Club - Carl Wagle or Dave informal meeting at 7:30 Saturday at the Church of God in of the (SAC) Student Advisory Dept. of Linguistics and Oriental tonight in CAMPUS POLICE A BYCYCLE STOLEN U Pope anytime after S p.m. 133 Akers Hall. Christ (corner of Logan and St. p.m. Beginning Orchesis at 7:30 Committee and all departmental and African Languages presents ARRESTED two nonstudents week was recovered Joseph). The following free p.m. Dues will be collected. governments at 7:30 p.m. Monday So c for James McCauley who will lecture The Northwoods from Lansing who were Tuesday. 'zations will be given: polio, Newcomers welcome. in 104 Linton Hall. All departments Guild of Police have charged u chronism will teach Allemands on "Pseudo • Relative Clauses" at 4 measles, rubella and TB Illuminators and Calligraphers will attempting to break into , MSU Simulation society will must be represented. and variations on the pavane at today in C103 Wells Hall. meet at 6:30 p.m. a car 18-year-old student with tk ts. Screening for high blood Renaissance dance practice at 8:30 Saturday in the in lot X Tuesday night. theft. s is also available for adults. meet from 1 to 8 p.m. Sunday in Union Oak Room. 30 Union. Everyone interested in Applications for the Residence tonight in 31 Union. Police found a tape deck, Audio Aftermath rocks on! conflict simulations is invited. Halls Assn. representative to the Noncommercial stolen a month earlier from the bill Women's Advisory council can be MSU Horticulture Club will progressive radio with features and community news. Karma Record Shoppe is an MSU throwaway bottles in Michigan. obtained from any continue their spring bulb sale from same lot, in their possession. THREE BICYCLES WITHi RHA II p.m. to 2 a.m. student service from Karma Film Come to the HIRGIM table between C.S. Lewis discussion group 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today and Friday Weekdays on The tape deck, valued at $120, representative or in 323 Student WKAR - FM Stereo 90.5. Society. Buy or sell used records combined value of $208 w 10 and 4 today in the International meets at 3 p.m. Thursdays at Services in the lobby of the Horticulture will be returned Center and write a letter to a state Bldg. Applications I from 2 to 5 p.m. weekdays in 327 following reported stolen from CampW, United Ministries in Higher RHA Building. Student Services Bldg. prosecution.- Wilson . legislator. Education, 1118 S. Harrison Road. representative by WBdnesday. MSU Paddle and Racquetball and 'Wonders M Call for more info. Bus will be Club will hold an important A celebration of Maundy Tuesday. The available to pick people up. Women's Center S47V4 E. Grand organizational meeting at 7:30 Christian SCtTnce Thursday incorporating Eucharist The Recorder Consort of the River: There will be a final planning tonight in 215 Men's Intramural and Agape (The Holy Communion Organization of south campus will hold a testimony meeting at 6:30 Winter term, 1975, student Society for Creative Anachronism meeting for all women working on Bldg. All members must attend and and fellowship meal) will be held at teachers interested in will meet at 3 p.m. the Women's all others welcome. tonight in 331 Case Hall. All are applying for Sunday in the Spring Festival at 2 6:15 tonight at All Saints Episcopal POLICE REPORTED A an overseas assignment should Music Bldg. Enjoy earlye p.m. Saturday. Woman's self Church, 800 Abbott Raod. All musique. - 1968 Chevrolet Impala was apply for the project at 4:30 today defense course has been changed Ralph Nader will be speaking students, staff and faculty are in 228 Erickson Hall. Meeting is H i I lei this weekend: Shabbat from Wednesday at the Women's tonight in the Auditorium at 7 p.m. invited to jpin in this dramatic stolen from lot 0 sometime Union Activities Board: UAB is There is no admission charge. usually about an hour. services and dinner Center to 6 p.m. Monday evenings sponsoring a guitar workshop from begin at 6:30 marking of our Lord's Last Supper. Tuesday.. The car is green with p.m. (food is Pesadic): traditional in the fencing room of the Women's I to S p.m. April 20. Sign up now a black vinyl top with Illinois Son - Rise Celebration 7 a.m. minyan at 10 a.m. Saturday and Intramural Building., beginning in Activities Office, second floor MSU Go Club will meet as (More IWH license WH-8694. Easter Sunday in Beal Memorial Sunday (latter will include Monday. The newly formed single usual on page 13) Union. Display space for the spring at 7:30 p.m. Friday in 30 Union. Garden. Singing, sharing God's Yizkor).Deli at 6 p.m. Sunday will mothers group will meet at 7:30 Flea Market can be reserved. The Don't miss your big chance to learn word, the Lord's Supper.Sponsored feature Annette Weinshank on "Old p.m. Monday at the center. All market will be May 18 on the how to play the world's easiest by His House and His Hours East. Sources and New Sounds." interested women are invited. Union grounds. difficult game. v [11 Spartan Twin East] Jli Spartan Twiri West Beal Film Group Presents \\1 ACADEMY \ If 7 ACADEMY " NOMINEE \ AWARDS I BEST , Including 1 ACTOR BEST PICTURE AL RACING BEST DIRECTOR An Incredible If you enjoy erotic en ^rtainment, this A PARAMOUNT RELEASE program is the very besi A variety of OINO OE LAUPENTMS pornographic delights. 1 "SERPIGO" A GEORGE RCN Hill FILM THE-STING "CORNUCOPIA ' is 9 short a collection of films, fc't of the very 1 A RICHAflO D 2ANUCK Q*WD BROWN 1 POESCNTATON raunchiest shade of blue. Unlike the SAT & SUN I WEEK NIGHTS "Best of the New York Erotic Film 1 7:00-9:30 1 2:30-4:50 I SAT. SUN. Festival" shown here last term, the 7:15-9:45 1 1 2:15-4:30 4:30-7:00 majority of pictures in this group |^7:00-9:30 9:30 J are both erotic and amusing. 1. "THE AVIATOR" A 40-year-old porn classic. Beautifully made and astroundingly hardcore. The best porn produced during the "Roaring 20s." 2. "SMART ALECK" 1947, a no-nonsense po presents stripper Candy Barr. 3."GETTIIMG HIS GOAT, 1922 silent stag classic set on Idlewiia Beach-"Where the men ar lie and the women are wild." For those who think of the bawdy r Ie as a recent development, the explicit horseplay of this one wl .. . .. giddy flappers strip to the buff in record time, advertise engage in a bit of sly matchmaking between ninny-goat through a hole in the fence. 4. "OUT OF THE BLUE" T.V. BLOOPERS the tube could not show-very funny and thingsL "APPLE KNOCKERS AND THE COKE very BOTTLE" naughty*! is, without a doubt, the one to wait for. It s a short stag film made around 1948 with a very yong, very abject-looking Marilyn Monroe. She walks in front of the camera, sits down beneath a lake tree and commences a slow strip tease, later rolling an apple up and down the famous torso and sipping a coke. It's like the whole legend of Norma Jean in a nutshell, and for Monroe fans, worth the price of admission in itself. 6. "ANDROMEDA," the first and one ot the most recent (Berkeley, dream-vision fantasy in which a lone, '69), is a hapless male is divested of everything but his nn a on . m? i bit like t"a"er-race of '"bians. The head the Mother Nature of the goddesi of this cult may come margarine ads, but the sight of her nymphets THE LAS VEGAS t to"r'"g',n ,h,e,r l«afy bowers get the old adrenalin flowing for the restsome provides highly titillating moments guaranteed of the show. 7. "NAUGHTY NURSE" is a delightful contemporary piece whose appeal is more REVUE satiric than salacious, a well-made divertisement elements of humor and surprise. embodying the rare and welcome Complete Show change Every Wednesday 8. A SPECIAL EROTIC SHORT. ADMISSION SHOWTIMES 9. "TRICIA'S WEDDING." STARRING THE FABULOUS 3.00 per person, 5.00 a couple Monday thru Thursday COCKETTES OF SAN FRANCISCO, " orgiastic Open 7 days a week every other hour explosion- the COCKETTES are fabulous." -Rolling Stone daily 9 am - 4 am from 1 p.m. till 11 p.m. Sun. 9 am • 12midnite. Friday - Saturday Showtimes 7:00 Rated X, You must be 18 Admission every other hour & 9:30 from 1 p/n. till 1 am k Showplace 326 NAT SCI $1-50 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 11, 1974 7 Ace's satirical Trucking I The he spontaneous humor of Ace Trucking Company leaves crowd i r o v i d e d great .ntertainment for .a Belched from the bowels of the bureaucratic I responsive crowd Tuesday wasteland, the Ace Trucking Company attacks that exposes their true brilliance. Inight. This comedy team the worship of American institutions by its citizens, debilitating all composure and leaving Tuesday night, Tricia and "Coxie" got stoned, Euell Gibbons made tea from horse ■ will be appearing through in its wake the chaos of laughter. manure, and a cripple with metal pins in his legs I Saturday at the Stables. The improvisational comedy group, tried to pass through airport security-all upon State News Photo suggestions from the Stables' audience. appearing at the Stables this week, combines a by Dave Olds hilarious blend of satire, slapstick and total There is not much more to say about this irreverence for the institutional flummery that comedy team. It is funny, and the show is dominates American society. different every night. The team is funnier in The group's four members perform some person that on its records and is worth the rehearsed material, but it is their improvisation Stables' cover charge to see. Nugent's quips better than Duke's By DAVE Di MARTINO music pulse beat, bassist Rob Grange played a repetitive bass State News Reviewer and pattern return to help Nugent end his "song" with 6) the repetitive, shove it in your pants for a half-hour, y'know?" Nugent, staying quite near the amplifier, milked from his six-note riff that ended at least two-thirds of the To a rowdy (and perceptive) audience member that screamed electric guitar a feedback sound that was compositions. continuous in tone and And so it went on. Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes were something to see presence-and also extremely loud. And that was it. out a comment: "Wattaya mean, Iron Butterfly? Up yer ass. Iklonday night at the Brewery. I can only say that they had to be In fact, not only was that the manner in which the Dukes But that alone wasn't the evening's main entertainment. No, buddy!!" Jthe classiest band-or rather, Ted Nugent is the classiest guy-that opened their show, but, indeed, it was how they performed their there were other things. To a young lady that again mentioned the Iron Butterfly and ■]'ve seen in a long, long time...which sounds quite peculiar, I'll entire set, from I think that I would have preferred listening to Nugent talk for their infamous "Inna-Gadda-Da-Vida:" "Don't say that down beginning, to middle, to end. ■certainly admit. Almost all the music Nugent and two hours, rather than hear him playing his guitar. He is there, come up here and talk to the mike...(then, pointing to the company played Monday I Perhaps it will be easier to explain by being totally objective night was ridiculously repetitive. Despite each announced incredibly funny, and whether he projects the image he does leather strands hanging between his legs, originating from his ■about what was seen and heard Monday night. "song," purposefully or not is irrelevant, betause when you come right belt), Now meet Mike..." every new performance followed exactly the same Nugent and his band walked onto the darkened stage, already pattern, or down to it, anybody that can talk like When the girl called out another comment: "Not now. honey, formula, as the last. Nugent can has to be an Kdrawing numerous shouts from the initially rowdy crowd, and The formula: 1) Nugent picks a riff on his guitar as 2) the allright guy. but if you pass the physical, come see me after the show..." Jhastily proceeded to plug in their equipment. Then, after a brief ■introduction, the lights came on, and the rhythm section tries to pick up on it, until eventually 3) Nugent Here are a few loose quotes from Nugent, made between After calling a member of the audience a "mental hemorrhoid, group opened up in the plays it louder and then 4) the rhythm section stops while songs, that I feel displayed him in his best light: Nugent displayed his love for the fine art of rock 'n roll by ■following manner: drummer Vic Mastrianni pounded heavy Nugent "We really like playing the screaming into the microphone, while playing accompanying lead a takes an overly long feedback solo, until at last 5) they eventually Brewery because they don't care about how many sets you don't have to beat it guitar, for at least 15 extremely interesting minutes. And he was. and literally, screaming. It was a lot of fun... The set ended classically, with Nugent leaning his guitar, feedback blaring, against his amplifier, then rolling on the ground Puzzling play either feigning rock 'n roll artistic death or a deep-rooted lust for pe the floor itself. Take your pick. The rest of the band walked offstage and Nugent was soon to follow. Of course, they got an encore. Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes aren't the kind of band By EDD RUDZATS atmosphere of doubt that you'd want to bring your mother to see...unless you have cross-examination, accusing the play. form State News Reviewer an imposing pair as each several plaudits for his problems. slowly builds to the breaking him of everything from leaving As the housewife Meg, delivers a finely realized direction as well. He has given point. the "organization" to killing Leanor Reizen is phenomenal. Entitled performance. Goldberg is a "Party" the proper tone and a "Party" begins quite his wife. But the charges are Her characterization of the |'comedy-mystery-drama" Community Circle Players' fcroduction of Harold Pinter's the harmlessly. Meg and Petey, the owners of a run-down boarding house in a seaside English town never one made clear as to which applies specifically to frumpy, stupid womenisof superb professional caliber. commanding figure, full of bravado and false smiles. Beachler gives his all to the mood so that is emerges as a devastatingly brilliant rendition of Pinter's first work. YOURftjM^TtATODIYr Stanley before McCann and As Stanley, E.H. Emling role, with a thick authentic ■irst full-length play "The are seen discussing the Goldberg proceed to humiliate turns in a strong performance "Party" is a must for accent—it's a grand portrayal. everyone. The excellence of , Brthday Party" is all that and satisfying properties of their Stanley at his birthday party to one that is In smaller but no less perhaps too strong the production makes it a jnore. Working with bare morning corn flakes. Their the point where he suffers a at times but still in tune with important roles, Debbie ■ssentials, the Community only inhabitant at the play's breakdown. The next morning his highlight of the 1973-74 character's basic Tomlinson as the petulant, Circle Players have fashioned a theatrical season. beginning is Stanley, a finds Stanley in an apparently personality. As the hired killers sensual Lulu and Stan Ellis as Brilliant rendition of a puzzling mild-mannered young man catatonic state being led away Goldberg and McCann, Ken the Ktlay that explores man's fear ■>f the outside world. who was once now is out of work. a pianist but by his two prosecutors. Beachler and Alan Shratter are plodding Petey make the most of the moments on stage. "BRAVO J'Birthday Party" is an stupid, mothering type who has Meg is a The play explores various levels of emotion and allows like two poles. Together they Frank C. Rutledge deserves LEI for this most sophisticated, entertaining, and delight¬ outstanding evening of theater. a dumb affection for for numerous interpretations fully satirical comedy In Harold Pinter's first phase Stanley, though she clearly gets about changing sexual due to its lean, sparse dialog. ALL OF US |>f development, he wrote what called "comedies of on his Their nerves. hum-drum existence Pinter provides an excellent opportunity for actors to RRTHUR TREACHER'S GO GREEK: mores and the efforts, of couples to keep pace." —William Wolf. Cue Magazine Menace." "Birthday Party" s from this period. Like changes with the arrival of McCann and Goldberg, a pair explore their craft, and in the Community Circle Players' THE ORIGINAL Tisl) HAVE A GREEK Ipther plays of this group, of hired killers of some sort production, the actors do full rParty" is confined to one who have come for Stanley. In justice to their material. Each PIZZA ■oom ■ his which serves as a refuge ■or the principals. However, warm, comfortable an intense sequence Stanley through a they put grueling performer gives an exceptional characterization and reading of Tislj&eW*. ' rT C'°ms Shrimp Two great locations AT in Lansing Vcurity is inevitably shattered ky an intrusion from the Right past Frandor at BELL'S •ny putside world which brings the 2418 E. Michigan I ar of This uncertainty. menacing unknown I and at 4100 S. Logan PIZZA JfGRANU J 1 feeling simply intrudes and Ifl 225 M.A.C. 332 - 5027 mails, causing an unnerving PIANO J "Treat Yourself to the Treacher Taste" OPEN 11 a.m. EVERY DAY T PROGRAM MTOMUTION 332 MM mim Ill ^ 1f TONIGHT & FRIDAY 1 1 * 1 • Shows 7 00 & 930 SAT.-SUN. & WED. 1:30-4:15-7:008.9:30 a folkblues WILLIAM PETER BLATTY S THE EXORCIST academy! awards! Q Fr MON.-TUES. -THUR. at 8:00 p.m.-SAT. SUN. WED. at 1:30 -4:30 -8 p.m. n 'S-Bargain Day-Guest Night Suspend) - FRI. the Bovs of the Lough MONDAY APRIL 15 ONE NIGHT ONLY! %T 8 ticket§ $1.00 ill advaqce/ $1.50 a Discount Records; Elderly Instruments &the Union 4 Office second floor student Union 353-5300 Ni'.v i nlirrly different film Prog rum eaeh Illustrated s/xvr/ics hv shown at three nationally famous different limes aroma! judges Brlnq somethlno to sit on. Special Thanks to the MSU W4 bvifvinqBerlin inCok* '• •>' nrv> <*va-> \ A.T.O.S. Staff organist at the Pipe Folksonn Society. Organ 7:45 Passes - Guest Night - Bargain Pay Suspended 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. Apri] || County By JIM KEEGSTRA State News Staff Writer summer provision that seven more positions will be opened if provide those commissioners services, the gave its job plan OKd their help on the is hopes social paperwork, it services will days. * Endorsed the concept of a money on the project • p«ssed a ta STATE REP. KIRBY HOLMES,R-Utica, low - cost tourist lodging being announced that he the money is available. dwindling budget a boost of speed up processing of new supporting Apri| 3| probably will not obtain the 300,000 signatures needed to place Need a summer job? The Commissioner Richard $5,450. applications by one • third, established in the Lansing area. national day 0f the death penalty question on this year's election ballot. Conlin said the 37 In other actions the board of which could mean some The board agreed it was only hUni|lT county is offering 43 of them - job Holmes said he has collected about 100,000 signatures since paying $2.75 per hour. program last summer was very commissioners : $250,000 more in sUte aid encouraging local governments Oct. 24, 1973, and will not be able to gather the additional The Ingham County Board successful and one person has * Approved the addition of funds would be distributed. to cooperate with the efforts Representatives to jh 1 200,000 by his April 24 deadline. State law requires all petition of American Youth Hostels similar drives to be completed by July 8 to make the November ballot. of Commissioners approved the gone on to a full - time job 16 temporary clerks to the The temporary help is costing Inc. and would not spend any proclamation 21 program Tuesday night at its with the county. the county $31,000 for 90 pending before it. *■ He said, however, that he will go beyond the legal limit if Dept. of Social Services. With monthly meeting, with the Applicants should contact necessary and ask for an attorney general's opinion on the law. the personnel office by calling the County Court House. QUICK ACTION ON TAPES URGED In other action the board ubpenol GOV. MILIiKEN TOESDAY signed into law a bill that presumes the owner of a vehicle responsible for parking violations, whether or not he committed the act. appointed Commissioner Patrick Ryan to the Ingham Nixon sent The bill introduced by Rep. James J. Damman, R-Troy, also County Dept. of Veterans' Affairs governing committee to WASHINGTON (AP) inquiry. completed by the end of the reaction to the St. holds a person renting a vehicle responsible for a parking violation. be its representative from the Republicans on the House - Chairman Peter W. Rodino upcoming Easter Congressional Rep. Robert Mc(vl Cliiri^l Vietnam Judiciary Committee sent word Jr., D-N.J., scheduled a recess on April 22. War. Ryan has worked unofficially with the to the White House Wednesday meeting of the full committee Committee Republicans said R 111., who |ias JJi giving St. Clair a role |mJ IN OTHER ACnON,Milliken signed a bill that takes a step in for Thursday with the question department for the past that a subpena is virtually after their closed-door caucus impeachment inquiry, said il year, transferring all substance abuse services to the public health but until a recent change in certain if President Nixon of a subpena the only item on that minority counsel Albert looks like the department. The law also requires that courses of instruction and state law only one veteran each doesn't the agenda. Jenner had been instructed to eommittw J rehabilitation programs for those convicted of drug abuse crimes, agree to comply issue a subpena" if the (y from World War I, World immediately with the panel's But it was the Republicans give the White House "a strong House does not be approved by the Dept. of Public Health. War II and the Korean War request for more presidential message" outlining their thai® J who voiced the strongest position. ' could sit on the committee. tapes and documents. reaction to the letter received The department helps CONSUMERS POWER CO. Chairman A. H. Aymond told The majority Democrats late Tuesday from James D. St. veterans with applications and and the Republicans caucused Clair, the President's Watergate THE WORLD FAMILY PRESENTS stockholders Tuesday that the utility will seek an increase in paperwork and gives direct aid separately on Wednesday to lawyer. electric rates already up $46 million this year, and higher gas rates this fall. or loans to those waiting for delayed Veterans' who are discuss a White House proposal St. Clair Wrote to committee LEON RUSSELL that they wait two more weeks counsel John Doar that he was Aymond said that as any other corporation must do. Administration checks, Ryan Consumers Power Co. must increase costs to recover its costs and said. for a final decision on what pleased that the committee has AND material the President feels is made its continue services. To original request for help the department relevant to the impeachment tapes of 42 presidential conversations more specific in JOE COCKER subsequent correspondence. IN State crime reported "Although specifications further might be desirable to assist the President MAD DOGS AND in determining what he should There were 960,235 crimes crimes actually declined in national increase of five per conduct, drunk driving and Michigan. According to a provide the committee, he has ENGLISH MEN reported in Michigan in 1973, a Detroit. cent recently reported by the narcotics offenses, increased in recent victimization survey directed me to advise you that TONIGHT slight increase after an These are the observations FBI in a preliminary report. Michigan by 6.8 per cent. conducted by the federal Law a review of the materials in 109 unprecedented decline the year of Don P. Le Due, head of the The OCJP, the state Narcotics violations jumped by Enforcement Assistant Anthony Mall before. question is under way," St. state Office of Criminal Justice planning agency which 5,630 offenses or 16.1 per cent Administration, this is the case Clair wrote. Showings 7:30 p.m. Thousands of crimes went Programs (OCJP). administers grants under the to 27,215 offenses in 1973. 9:30 p.m. in at least eight American The White House lawyer said unreported by victims in the Le Due said Wednesday the federal Crime Control Act, Le Due cautioned that cities. ADMISSION S1.00 he hoped the review would be state. states' uniform crime reports broke down the statistics in reported crime may constitute The greatest boost in crime showed that the increase in two phases. only about one-half of offenses rates was in cities with under crimes in Michigan in 1973 The first phase deals with actually committed in 25,000 inhabitants and serious compares "favorably" with the what the FBI terms index crimes—murder, rape, all Austin rules dealers larceny, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and MOHD/\Yj April IS automobile theft. category formerly covered only This FANNY •ftck&ts must verity mileage larcenies over $50 but now includes larcenies of any value. on sale. @2.$ (UPI) - Michigan correct mileage-thereby Within the category, those crimes The Brewery automobile dealers will against property be meeting the law's technical including the old definition of required to authenticate the mileage of a vehicle before its requirements. Austin said his department larceny over $50, increased 5.5 9 Michigan State University Department of flieatre PITCHER N i1 1 title can be transferred, per cent and those against would propose legislation persons increased 4.9 per cent. Secretary of State Richard li requiring the seller of a vehicle Under the second phase, ARENA 1974 SPECIAL Austin ruled Wednesday. to furnish the odometer, which covers 18 categories "The recent decision of the reading to the buyer at the including nonaggravated Michigan Court of Appeals time of sale. But until the law assault, vandalism, disorderly voiding the law against is changed, he said, the State odometer tampering because of a loophole in the law leaves car Dept. will not issue a transfer of an automobile title until the Phillip Hayes Dean's TONIGHT, FRIDAY AND buyers unprotected against this abuse," said Austin. "We are determined to plug this loophole and protect the buyer odometer milage statement is completed document. The on the sales THE STY OF THE SATURDAY TodAy • 4-7piw new policy, which will as the law intended." The appeals court apply to go car dealers only, will into effect May 1, Austin BLIND 8:15 p.m. "reluctantly" threw conviction of Lansing car out the said. PIC Arena Theatre dealer Jack Dykstra for setting back the mileage on a used car because the dealer had an Tickets 355-0148 affidavit on file with the mw&t "The finest in Adult Entertainment" LAST 3 DAYS! REBEL CARR Ms. NUDE WORLD 3214 N. EAST ST. Phone 371 - 4464 ADULTS ONLY - RATED X 12 NOON TO MIDNIGHT SUN.- THURS SPECIAL MIDNIGHT SHOW THE STABLES FRI. - SAT. MMiANS SHOWCASE TOR NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April II, 1974 9 'evenue sports I By PAM WARD once program - prestigious tumbled from its football athletic director, said. "But, I moving The coaches are hopeful that and CHARLES JOHNSON think that in view of what we contributors is easier." i pedestal of success in the Big know about the rest of the the situation will not last long. In any event, the burden of State News Sports Writers Ten. conference, we're still pretty Meanwhile, Smith and his staff this financial crisis will not be With the current economic much in line. are taking further steps to ease borne by the Spartan sport bind, MSU and many other "We have" good people the financial pinch. They have fans. J During the 1960s, MSU's major universities have been here," Smith added. "Initially, been exploring the possibility forced to re "There has been absolutely ■thletic program expanded the - examine their everyone thinks they won't be of using MSU's facilities to no talk of raising ticket ■umber of opportunities for a financial situations and able to survive. But I have bring in additional revenue. ■tudt ni to compete in Spartan priorities. At MSU, the One of the prices," Smith emphasized. "I confidence that they will do a major don't think intercollegiate ■ports. The department emphasis is shifting back to considerations has been to athletics is ready for a ticket ldoptcd the philosophy that a building the revenue sports Most of the coaches do feel contract a professional football teams to raise. We've just about reached 'ood program is a diversified a «. higher level of they will suffer from the game at Spartan Stadium. The our limit. We can't go any. _ne. Today, MSU is the leading success. cutbacks but agree that Smith's University of Michigan brought Presently, the bulk of the higher than §7 (for football pg Ten school in the number steps are necessary. in pro football teams in the Ifvarsitv sports it supports. financial crisis is being borne "In summer of 1971 and 1972 and tickets). The student price general, (collegiate) won't rise either." T As the overall program by the nonrevenue sports, as athletics over the United States this was a successful source of with Peninger that a strong The cutbacks came as no From all indications, MSU is Xvclopi'd, the department's they have undergone a 15 • 20 are in trouble,"Wrestling Coach football program is imperative. surprise to Tennis Coach Stan business if I can't build a seemingly taking the right steps ■ttention and money became per cent across - the • board Grady Peninger said. "The cost "We don't have any quarrel, competitive program with our MSU has a Detroit Red Wing Drobac, and he accepts them to the financial lore widely distributed. The budget cut. How do the 11 of equipment, tuition and at all, with the as budget." - St. Louis Blues exhibition correct situation. cutbacks," As the situation Jesuit was less focus on the nonrevenue coaches feel about the current shift away from room and board has made a Gibbard said. "Naturally, it's a necessary evil. "It's a worldwide problem. "I saw the cutbacks coming. game already lined up for this stands now, the nonrevenue fcvtnur sports — football, successful football program With the present economic coming fall in the new Munn Xasketball and hockey — in their sports? going to be hard and will have Everyone is feeling the pinch," situation, the Ice Arena. sports are suffering. But, in more mandatory than ever. If definite way it is now, I a effect Drobac said. "I'm just going to keeping with Smith's plan, the Krder to accomodate the needs "I guess it's apparently football doesn't go, nobody on our was half - expecting it," In the future, the athletic Kf the expanding nonrevenue obvious that they'd be a little recruiting power but we realize have to learn to live with them revenue sports are moving goes." that football has supported us Swimming Coach Dick Fetters department will be looking for forward. lorts program. upset, or disappointed, at Cross country and assistant (cutbacks). We're just going to said. "It's something that has increased help from the Ralph least," Burt Smith, MSU through the years. We're well have to tighten our belts and to be done and we'll have to | During that time MSU's track coach Jim Gibbard agrees aware of it." Young Fund. The fund, which The football staff just hang in there. I'm in the wrong live with it." brought in about $180,000 in completed its best recruiting' 1973, will hopefully increase as season in recent years, the the success of the revenue hockey team has great feston packs teams Young gains footing. The Ralph Fund is the expectations as it moves into the new Munn arena next year By JACK WALKDEN power department's official fund • raising channel. "The Ralph Young Fund has and the basketball team just wrapped competitive up season. a highly said. "I'm just getting the right took someone off the bench Weston batted .474 been increasing every year," No doubt continued his pitching machines, four or five success State News Sports Writer pitches this season. Everyone week's most valuable player Smith said. "If we have great and put him at shortstop, and I senior year and then was faced by the revenue teams will bring has one pitch that they can hit batting cages and also batting honors. teams in our revenue sports, moved to left field." with the decision of where to in the money needed to keep I At 5-9, 170 pounds, A1 cages outside." Weston's decision to come homerson and I've just been It was during his junior year the task of getting more the rest of the program alive. go to college. He narrowed his Weston's baseball career at Weston doesn't have the usual to MSU is one he would make getting mine a lot. that Weston adopted his choices to Central Michigan MSU nearly ended Characteristics of a home run "I don't go up to the plate before it again if given the chance. unusual batting stance, in University, University of started. In a freak litter, but then the freshman Kutfielder is more than just an Trdinarv ballplayer. trying for a home run; I just try to hit the ball hard." Weston started his baseball which he stands almost face to face with the pitcher instead of sideways. Michigan and MSU before deciding. "I could've gone to .batting - cage accident, Weston was hit by a stray baseball and broke his cheekbone. "I team can't think of another I'd rather play for," Weston said. "I'm used to Friday deadlin J Though miniature in size, Weston's bat has been gigantic, career as a shortstop during his sophomore year in high school. "I stand like that keep both eyes on the ball," so I can Michigan, but I wanted to to a northern school," he said. go "I was concerned about my playing on teams where the front of the order does all the for IM tennis the Hazel Park native has After playing second base Weston explained. "Some "The location of MSU was sight right after the accident," hitting and the bottom of the Entries for women's singles Weston said. "It was blurry for league will operate on a flouted four home runs and during the summer for a team batters can see the ball with perfect. order can't be counted on. and doubles tennis, mixed round-robin schedule. There [i 17 runs this season to in Detroit, Weston made the "The facilities here are also about 10 days, but came back only their left eye, while I can doubles tennis and mixed will be no residence hall league. lead the Spartans in both switch to outfield his junior see it with both. better. At Michigan, they only real well during the Florida "Here everyone's a hitter, doubles table tennis will be The deadline for men's fast from the top of the order to ftttegories. year. "I batted .527 as a junior so have two batting cages, and trip. accepted in 121 Women's pitch softball and independent "We "I'm back to normal the bottom. Even the guys who | "I didn't hit too many home were hurting in the I decided not to change the everyone had to wait to hit. At now. Intramural Bldg. until 9 p.m. soccer is also noon Friday. tuns in high school," Weston outfield," he said, "so they stance." MSU they have two good The first curve ball backed me aren't playing are good Friday. Independent soccer is a up, but after that I was OK." hitters." The deadline for men's semiopen league in which each Women's gymnastics squad gains Blurry or not, Weston's eyesight didn't bother him during the first week of the Despite his size, Weston has become hitters. one of these good intramural independent volleyball is noon Friday. The team is allowed to have two former letter w Florida trip. He clubbed three Inational recognition at tournament homers, drove in 13 batted .333 en runs and route to the I Women's gymnastics coach because no one else from the the all-around were Reanne PASSPORT Andrea Schwartz, another and APPLICATION tab McKenzie believes MSU's B|0 Ten or the ^tate of Millet (her third appearance in fe3th place finish in the freshman, who competed in PHOTOS Mlchigan^comFfeted," the nationals) and freshman the vault, uneven bars and 'Regular $5 90 for 2 photo nal collegiate McKenzie explained. *'«« ■ Ann Weaver, who took 25th balance beam. Championships last weekend MSU qualified for the place. No Spartan finished among completed the first step in nationals by picking up over 94 "That's outstanding for the first 12 places individually. 2 Blocks E. of Abbot Hall points (99.95) at the regional Grand River at 117 Gunson S ■eveloping an outstanding someone in their freshman The Spartans flew out to m here. tournament in Wisconsin. The year," McKenzie said. California for the J "Gaining national Spartans finished fourth in that Also at the nationals for Recognition was a first in the event. MSU were Cathy Welsh, who championships. FILIZ PASCUA liistory of the women's The Spartans competed competed in the balance beam "It was beautiful to see how ■ymnastics team at MSU," McKenzie said. without the services bf Susan Bissonnette, who pulled some and floor exercise, Denise far women's gymnastics has XPHCT0C B0CKPECE Anthony, who entered the come," the Spartan's coach 1 The meet California State University at was held at ligaments in her right foot just 45 minutes before her events floor exercise competition and commented. VR0LYX PASEN Sacramento. Just 20 teams to begin. She was to LIEBERMANN'S ■rom around the country were compete in the vault and the HAPPY EASTER ■ualified for the competition. uneven parallel bars. "It was great (MSU's finish) Representing the Spartans in WES0TEG0 ALLELUJA Compact and secure... J0YEUSES PAQUES BU0NA PASQUA TRI-FOLD WALLET the .j FR0HE 0STERN uneasy . can't take another trip. So. why rider Express your Easter NEXT your old grip ind get into backpackin. EAR PIERCE feature such timous names as Gerry, North greetings in many foreign CLINIC Face. Sierra Designs, Kelty, Camp Traill and Alpine Designs. II you plan to languages..., and english FRI & SAT. trail hike. camp, climb or hitchhike too! MAY 17 MAY 18 this summer, coma talk to us first. I W? 309 E. GRAND RIVER Card 332-5753 EAST LANSING, MICH. 48823 Carries identification, photos, credit cards wheje they easy to find. Deep pocket keeps currency secure. Folds I to prevent pocket bulge. In fine leathers. t>eauty salon-, KM BUFFALO CALF STEFRHIDE V EASTER SPECIAL! E. INDIA CALF T Perfect styling for the campus girl on the go • quick and easv. iName of initials embossed in gold HAIR CUT li'W^We AND Our Reg. $6.75 FREE) ■ j/JJ Of S tCOO 1 J cAnd JJf winte BLOW DRY NOW THRU APRIL 20 X1 ^ FOR APPOINTMENT CALL:. * 349-3400 - 2055 W. Grand River, Okemos First National Bank n qA Shopping mill for all Seasons * 393-8568 - 6200 S. Pennsylvania of East Lansing EAST LANSING - 209 E. Grand River * 372-8300 5125 W. Saginaw DOWNTOWN 113 S. Washington - film mm nun BMitnmnt mum m iiflfti 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April \\A Thumb residents battle verbally with anti-Nixon sign-carriers, chanters by supporters of the President, who Jailed to By JIM BUSH acknowledge the protesters. In Sandusky, though, there were and R.D. CAMPBELL larger State News Staff Writers crowds — about 10,000 people — and consequently more demonstrators, who booed the President (but were shouted down) and chanted "I-M-P-E-A-C-H." SANDUSKY - If President Nixon had come Many Thumb-area citizens, resentful of the out-of-town criticism, stood glumly by and to East Lansing Wednesday, rather than this watched. and several other tiny Thumb-area towns, "We couldn't get an honest representation of scores of anti-Nixon placards, some booing and our conservative town for the an occasional chant of "impeachment now" President," would have surprised no one. complained Mrs. Sanford Dennison, of But Nixon went to this overwhelmingly Sandusky, who added, however, that she understood a person's right to protest. rural, solidly Republican region where people But by and large, the 25,000 citizens who respect the office of the President much more saw President Nixon concentrated their deeply than they judge the man who occupies feelings it. on respect for Nixon. Loona Grates, 65, of Port Austin, carried a For many of the residents of Bad Axe, Cass City and Sandusky, the relatively small number sign that read: "God Bless our President of Nixon protesters were Nixon." something they did not enjoy tolerating. "It's great to come see a president," she said. Scores of Thumb citizens in Sandusky But when asked how she would vote in the engaged in repeated verbal battles with 35-50 special congressional election, she was at first Nixon haters — many of them from out of unsure of which election the reporter was town. talking about. Others stood quietly fuming. But, in Bad Ten fiftyish men, mostly fair workers and Axe — the President's first stop — one or two laid-off factory workers, played pinochle in a residents took matters in their own hands and Sandusky billiard hall and were almost tussled with a half-dozen longhairs indifferent to the President's visit. carrying anti-Nixon signs. When Nixon arrived they left their game, "Why don't you guys go back to Russia sauntered over to the window to hear a few where you came from?" a words from the President, then continued to middle-aged man shouted, grabbing at the young men's signs. play. A brief pushing and In Bad Axe, two girls in the Harbor Beach shoving match ensued, in which the men's signs were ripped apart and High School band didn't like the idea of they were thrown to the ground. A lone performing for Nixon. sheriff's deputy stood by but did "I don't like what he stands nothing. for," Linda "We just want to express Klaus, 16-year-old sophomore, said. our/opinion," said But a little further down the street a Kevin McNamara, a student at/Albion college group who had come to Bad Axe for the sole of uniformed Girl Scouts were purpose digging the of protesting against Nixon. He later President's visit. Even more than that they were walked away. carrying signs reading "Sparling is a girl's best This was one of two scuffles noticed. Other friend" and "I'm for you and Sparling, too." All their signs were in violation of the Girl young Nixon-protesters reported that their lawn Scout code since the organization is along the motorcade was spat upon. supported However, the Bad Axe scene was relatively by United Fund contributions and all quiet. In Cass City, as well as Bad Axe, signi protesting Nixon were intentionally obscured organizations accepting its money must maintain an apolitical stance. — Unwelcom About 35 young demonstrators stood together to wave anti-Nixon signs as the Presidents motorcade entered Sandusky. Only a few protesters Thousands rural Cass For "happen CASS CITY - This wasn't politics, this was a happening. The Thumb had never seen anything like it before and likely wouldn't again. At 9:30 a.m. the streets of this rural community of 2,000 were flag-lined while citizens worked feverishly to put the finishing touches on a 12-foot high sign proclaiming: "Cass City, Mich. Says Welcome President Nixon." The prime viewing spots on the corner of Main and Seeger I streets all filled by 7 were a.m. Mrs. Luke Tuckey, about 65 I years old and a lifelong Cass City resident, arrived at H a.m. L"' didn't get the spot she really wanted. Village President Lambert Althaver said it was the biggest I thing he had ever seen, but added, "I'm not really a resident; | I've only lived here 19 years." By 10 a.m. more than 1,000 people pressed against the restraining ropes set up on Main Street. It would be more thin 2V4 hours before the President was scheduled to arrive The signs people carried then all supported the President: "Few Men are as Great as Nixon;" "Nixon, You're the Greatest." At 12:45 p.m. people with transistor radios passed w through the crowd then estimated at 6,000, that Nixon just left Bad Axe and would be arriving here soon. The presidential visit was already 30 minutes behind schedule. Now the first anti-Nixon sign appeared: "Impeachment with Honor." Several more appeared when Nixon arrived but were largely ignored by the pro-Nixon crowd. The excitement reached the first indications fever pitch at about 1:15 p.m. with that Nixon had finally arrived. Secret Service agents ran down Main Street while t wo large cars filled with film crews inched past. As the limousine carrying Nixon came into view, a huge roar went up from"1® crowd now pushing hard against the ropes to get a good look"1 the much-maligned Chief Executive. The people strained to get a better look as Nixon shool hands with local officials and stepped to the small speake'5 platform placed under the town's only traffic light. By 1:40 p.m. it was all over. Nixon was back in Continental, leaving as fast as he had come. I think it was great," said Rita . , Tanikowski. "I only wisn could have gotten a better look at him as he spoke." He s been good for the country and I'd like to see n " a8a,'"'It sh® said, "but I doubt that there's much chance of tw' ■ — Welcom s hard to Nixon had gone. "The believe this has happened," Althaver said ait* President of the United States President Nixon reaches for the outstretched hands of shaking my hand and asking me about supporters who swarmed area. Police estimates put the crowd at 10,000 though We my community " » around him in Bad Axe news sources put the crowd thought our centenniel celebration in 1965 was big, Wednesday on his campaign swing through Michigan's Thumb at nearer to 5,000. Tuckey said. "But this \ STATF. NEWS PHOTO BY CRAIG PORTER certainly tops that!" Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 11, 1974 ]] Ball park Tiger fans showed enthusiasm as a young man streaked up the bleacher board. This is probably the first time Tiger Stadium section. Cheers from the crowd continued has e as he swung from the score streaked. State News Photo by John W. Dickson ~-ans of op |keep enterta iespite we By BRUCE MAKIE to streak the field, but she didn't budge. Baseball, the original big Long hairs and straights (league sport often accused alike were hawking everything ■ these days of acute hardening in the stands from raffle tickets ■of the arteries, proved its to wrist watches to dope. ■vitality once again this week. The older fans were less Some 44,000 Tiger lovers tolerant of what went on in the land a bevy of streakers braved stands than on the field. ■38 degree temperatures and a Tbiting wind at Tiger Stadium "1 don't care if the ushers all s d a y t o k\w a t c h a wear jock straps and the home [rubber-armed fat man named plate umpire squats stark ILolich pitch and a hitter naked as long as they don't ■designated as Kaline do hold up the game," said Teddy nothing all day but swing a bat. Lemerand, a retired Lansing auto worker. No hometown fan could ■have called the game exciting. Sam Bonner, 77, the Yankees established a "Tiger Fan of the Year" in 1971 who run lead in their ..bit "seea, tJSem tNiu .since Dedicated fan lat bat and added a final tally in attending his first home opener ■the eighth while the Tigers 48 years ago, The said, "Sure I'd chilly day didn't stop this Tiger fan from viewing his [scattered eight small hits and threatened. rather see the Tigers win, but Old favorite team. His seat cover provided extra warmth. >r I'm gonna be here for all 88 Tiger veteran Al Kaline in his newly appointed role State News Photo by John W. Dickson home games anyway." as designated hitter turns into a pitch at But the crowd managed to the Tiger's first home game Tuesday. lamuse itself throughout the "Look at this crowd," he State News Photo by John W. Dickson ■long, cold afternoon. choitled. "Baltimore couldn't A naked draw 40,000 people for the man emerged from ■the bleachers and swung from World Series." "n iron bar on the scoreboard. It was a cold day with sheets of ice covering the floor of the The Worlds Finest J Another streaker, in ■eference to the weather, raced |cross the field in his lower deck in left field, and the last innings were played in relative privacy. Even Sam says order your Turntable lerwear before being Bonner went home after the MOTHERS RING now pollared by police. eighth. A drunk kept daring a RINGS WITH THE PROPER young i wrapped in a blanket BIRTHST0NES FOR EVERY CHILD OR GRANDCHILD HAPPINESS IS A Don't be disappointed. The , -- , STATE NEWS gift that captures forever the memories \>y) CLASSIFIED she'll never forget. A AD! 355-8255 lustrous stone of the month to mark the birthday of each of her children. She'll wear it proudly. SONY PS-2251 MANUAL STEREO Vrnilkj AM kV) JEWELRY and ART CENTER TURNTABLE/TONEARMSYSTEM Such a daim may seem exaggerated, but 319 E. Grand River Ave there were doubters when we made the East Lansing. Mich. claim about the TTS 3000 manual 13 same Si turntable from SONY PS-2251) The TTS-3000 (predecessor was proven to the in independent testing to be superior to all THE CORAL GABLES others. THE NEW PS 2251 IS EVEN BETTER. Featuring Direct Drive, the 2251 provides 30 Day I "-LUSTRATIONS Money Back PRESENTS the lowest wow, flutter and audible rumble as well as unparalleled mechanical reliability. L ARGED Guarantee STARTINC Complete with professional static balanced Neat fitting set $169 arm, deluxe walnut base and hinged cover MONDAY: FOX and cherished forever, >389 Chosen but once your engagement and wedding rinjis will reflect your lov TUESDAY; FLAMING in their brilliance and beauty. Happily you can choose INCLUDING CALIBRATION THE STANTON STANDARD CARTRIDGE 681EE Keepsake with complete confidence HOG N because the guarantee assures perfect clarity, INSTALLED AND ADJUSTED FOR BEST PERFORMANCE AND BACKED BY OUR precise cut and fine, UNIQUE 5 YEAR WARRANTY WEDNESDAY: white color. There is 5 DORM no finer diamond riiin diamond set $249 Leaf like design $199 NIGHT DIAMONDS SOLD >50 TO HOW TO PLAN YOUR ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING '5,000 ON BIID6EI TERMS THURSDAY: QUART NIGHT FCX fRANUOH * IANSINC Hflll wm.tlAN MAI PLUS IN THE RATHSKELLER The Headquarters for "STRAIGHT STEREO ANSWERS" 402 S. WASHINGTON, LANSING SKYSONG KEEPSAKE DIAMOND RINGS. BOX 90. SYRACUSE. N Y. 13201 245 ANN STREET, E. LANSING "•ekriau, Hi.. ~ JU,,, 1 "" J WeekrtluL4 itilt 99 p.m. p,m* Mall, Okemoi, Mich. Op«n >•••••••••••«** 6&# # 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan || I 355-8255 Call Now It's the Season for Garage Sales. GET RESULTS with a Classified Ad!! Automotive FFtANKLYSPEAKING... byphilfrank j Employment j Apart** {|V| [ Aprtwits J TOYOTA CORONA, 1968 -4 KITCHEN HELPER. Tuesday end LOVELY LARGE two bedroom, CLOSE SUMMER ■ door. MPG 25+. 355-7945 after - off Thursday, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Hagadom. All appliances and furnished. 5. 3-4-12 Ajr Miss garage. $240 plut utilities. brakes, automatic. Bittersweet Contact Krueger, Health prjce negotiahi.0*!! with beige vinyl top. $3100 or Service. 355-4510. 3-4-12 663-4900.3-4-11 15-5-1 * TRIUMPH TR6 1971. Excellent best offer. Days 373-4673, condition, radials, 40,000 miles, DESK CLERK - weekends only. WILLIAMSTON. ONE bedroom evenings 394-0810. 5-4-17 26 mpg. 355-9819. 5-4-11 SUBLET 2 room Apply in person. HOLIDAY apartment. Unfurnished, clean, June 8th. „,jci FurnilJ'l "| INN, 3121 East Grand River. no pets or children. $125 plus DODGE COLT 1972. 25 mpg+, TWO PLYMOUTH Furys. 1966 - 3-4-12 332-5813.3 41, deposit. Quiet, Call after 5, AUTOMOTIVE 62,000 miles, $1050. 355-9568 $295. 1969 - $695. Excellent 655-3720 or 655-1177. 3-4-11 TWO MAN, furnish Marilyn or 675-5564, evenings. condition. 351-5791.3-4-11 SUMMER MOTHER'S Helper 2 Scooters & Cycles - 129 Burcham 5-4-12 girls, own room, good pay. 2 BEDROOM, furnished. Available Drive Su," Parts & Service Cedar Street, VEGA 1972, Hatchback AM/FM 21435 Glenmorra, Southfield, immediately. Sublet, $190. 9-5 $175. 13SkJ 135, Drive. For the Aviation 8-track, tinted glass. Must sell! Michigan 48076. 3-4-11 p.m., 373-6753, or 351-6168. or married ♦EMPLOYMENT 355-0944. 5-4-17 Evenings 332-0336. 3-4-11 students. i?L •FOR RENT Apartments FIREBIRD, 1970 - running well, selling low for $1,200. Call VEGA Excellent HATCHBACK 1971. condition. New For Ren! SUMMER RENTALS sskkst* 882-2316. Or 8 337-7948. 3-4-12 351-2402. 0-4-30 engine. Best offer. Very clean. TV AND STEKEO Houses 355-2941.3-4-12 rentals FORD 1969 V4 ton, custom cab, $24/term. $9.95 / month. Free 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Rooms FRANDOR NEAR, V-8, automatic. $600. 332-4374. same day delivery and service. 2 PEOPLE •FOR SALE stopping. Attractive on 4-4-12 Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-4-30 $150 MONTH $155 Animals or. $2450. Call 663-8880. 3 4 PEOPLE unfurnished, furnished. Laundry, FORD XL 1970. Black vinyl/red, COMPACT REFRIGERATORS, „„ J Mobile Homes 5-4-12 $180 MONTH Phone 489 1323 air, $750. 353-4730, 372-5829 $7.50 per month. TV's - Color, or j 1-587-6680. Preferred •LOST & FOUND evenings. 4-4-12 $19.50 per month. Black and ». VOLKSWAGEN SUPER BEETLE or grads. 5-4-18 •PERSONAL 1973. Brilliant orange, sun-roof, white, $9.50 per month. CEDAR FORD 1966 - Automatic MARSHALL MUSIC, 351-7830. GRADS SHARE •PEANUTS PERSONAL transmission, 6 cylinder, custom accessories, clean, $2300. 355-0169. After 6. 355-7924 C-1-4-11 VILLAGE Quiet, kitchen, bath apartm^J built |> •REAL ESTATE stereo system. 332-2358. 5-4-16 349-3328 after 6 3-4-12 ©college media services-box 9411-berkeley. ca.94709 TWO BEDROOM furnished, 12' x 315 BOGUE ST. 351 5180 p •RECREATION weekends. 104-23 VW SUPER BEETLE 1973. 13,000 65'. 1972 Mobile Home Manor. •SERVICE FOUR COMPANY Vehicles for TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile miles. Orange and black. $120. 882-0484. 3-4-12 551 ALBERT sublease (ou,^J Instruction Typing Service sale. 1110 Keystone. Phone 394-0990. 2-4-12 Excellent condition, camper. Price buying negotiable. Auto Service / JUS Apartments ][y) homes. $25 - $35/week. Ten minutes to campus. Quiet and Summer. 332-0097 J 489-4022. 7-4-16 peaceful on a lake. 641-6601. •TRANSPORTATION JAVELINE, 1968 - body good, 0-4-30 •WANTED tires and engine fair. $325. 351-5481. 5-4-17 VW 1969. Excellent condition, no COOK AND two assistant cooks for summer season at resort. June to COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES Coop. CAMPUS YiSl ONE GIRL needed share apartments! to rust, new tires. Call after 6 p.m. Labor Day. Send resume to Now taking applications for 351-7916. 3-4-16 DRIFTWOOD LODGE 6180 apartment next year. Call Jane MAVERICK 1971. Six cylinder, spring occupancy. From $109 a ••RATES'* 351-1964 straight shift, A-1 condition. Murray Road, WhiteHall, month. Membership fees from or Darlene 337-2753. now leasing to 10 word minimum Mechanic owned. 349-0730 Motorcycles Michigan. Stating salary $580. Phone 882-4176 Monday summer & fall before 6 p.m. Ask for Greg. requirments. Room and board through Friday, 10 • 5. 10-4-16 LARGE TWO party, furnished 4-4-12 provided. X-5-4-12 efficiencies. Air conditioned. MILFORD 332-6^ MOTORCYCLE TUNE UP. STREET-126 t*J 1 3 5 10 MAVERICK 1970 - 30,000 miles. Good condition, good mileage. Factory trained mechanic, 20% below dealer price. 484-3500. 20% discount on TEACHER NEEDED for Free School immediately. Michigan 731 Close to campus. Summer, Fall, $165. 484-0585. 30-5-20 $140, $185, three man $67 eat Two blocks from c 10 12 1.50 1.80 4.00 4.80 6.50 7.80 13.00 15.60 $900 or best offer. Call 337-1417, 5-7 p.m. or weekends. X-5-4-11 VW parts Secondary certificate. Art and Science combination preferred. APARTMENTS 'Close to Campus FURNISHED apartment. ONE bedroom Available deluxe, f urnished, conditioned. Immtj 'j 3-4-12 1974 550, Semi - Chopper Full time position. Call •Air Conditioned occupancy or fall and 15- 2.25 6.00 9.70 Honda, 4 Check our repair •All Appliances immediatley! Convenient to surr 19.50 cylinder. Call 694-1784, after 5 weekdays. 485-6186. 2-4-11 rentals. 351-2647 4 NOVA including dishwasher campus. Grad student or married 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 1973. 2-door, 6 cylinder, p.m. 5-4-12 prices •Luxurious Furnishings 489-1656. X18-4-30 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 power steering, power brakes. DRIVERS TO drive Jumbo ice •Shag Carpeting _ couple. 332-2495. 5-4-11 $2350. 351-8940, after 5:30. trucks. Must have good •On-Site Management Houses £ HONDA CL175 1971, 3500 miles. Cedar & Kalamazoo cream 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 4-4-12 BRENTWOOD, FRANDOR near 2 New tune - up. Call after 6 p.m. 485-2047 driving record. Apply 11390 bedroom unfurnished, available 468-3423. 5-4-18 North U.S 27, DeWitt. 20-4-30 D EADL INE OLDS 98, 1964, Luxury Sedan, immediately. Quiet adults only. 1 P.M. one class day unusually good condition, air, all MASON BODY SHOP - 812 East Now Leasing $175. Phone 485-9343. 5-4-11 east lansing, newly MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE COUNSELORS WANTED FOR before publication. Kalamazoo Street since 1940 bedroom house F options. 485 8023. 6-4-12 CHECK our low rates! Call Complete auto CAMP SOMERSET FOR GIRLS Summer and Fall FREE CANOES FOR painting and AND CAMP COBBOSSEE FOR LLOYD'S of Lansing at 332-5335 collision service. TENANTS Peanuts Personal ads OLDS 442 1969. Excellent or 482-5585. 485-0256. BOYS. Require men and women Summer-$50 per person River's and Water's Edge 351-9036. 5 4-11 0-17-4-23 condition, $900. No rust. Fall $73 per person must be pre-paid. highly skilled in camp activities, Apartments 351-1578. 10-4-19 FRANDOR near. 216 Sn BMW, YAMAHA, TRIUMPH, at least 21 years of age, with Discount for 12 mo. Lease (next to Cedar Village) previous camp counseling Magnolia. 5 bedroom fu RICKMAN. Save Now Leasing for Cancellations/ Corrections OLDS 1972 - 88 air, power fun too! Most models still gas and have experience. Camps are located in 351-7212 Summer & Fall house. $340 / month, in steering, brakes. 27,000 miles. utilities. 669-3654. 4-4-12 12 noon one class day Best offer. After 5 p.m. available. Large stock of parts, Maine. Girls Camp needs: "Sail, 731 Burcham Drive 332 4432 ] before publications'.'""' accessories, competition Swim (WSII, Golf, Scuba, Models open 1-6, Mon. ■ Sat. 355-5890. 4-4-12 " equipment, helmet# arrcf lelthers. ' Riflery, Tennis, Ski, Gymnastics, Other times by appointment ONE OR two girls for three girl. share house near Frandw^j Park Trace. $67.50. 349-3086 STEP'S MOTOR «POtfT3{1NC„ Arts & The State News will be PINTO 1971. 4-speed, good 2460 North Cedar, Holt. Just Crafts, Secretaries. Boy's Camp needs: Swim (WSII, PARTIALLY FURNISHED after 7 p.m. 19-4-30 485 0246^-4-' 1 responsible only for the condition, new tires. 353-5727. south of I-96 overpass. Phone Tennis, Riflery, Shop, Ski, Sail, apartment - 3 bedrooms, fully 3-4-16 NEAR SPARROW, carpeted, just NEED WOMEN to tub first day's incorrect 694-6621. C-3-4-12 Golf, Scuba, Trampoline. Married equipped kitchen, shag rug ROGER & PAULS throughout. No children, or remodeled, parking, furnished house summer insertion. PINTO 1973 - 2-door, 13.000 couples accepted. Write full $58 month pets. 1824 East Michigan now. Fred, 485-8615. 54-12 includes ut KAWASAKI 350 details to Camp Office, 225 East miles, 4-speed. Excellent - mint condition, MARATHON 57th Street, New York, N.Y. Avenue. 484-9342. 3-4-16 351 3045. 34 16 condition. $2,100. 371-5164. custom leather seat, $550. Craig 711 EAST APARTMENTS 5-4-16 10022. 5-4-17 aifl Dy the flue date, a _ji32-6JWJ3-4-12 Where all we SUMMER, ONE bedroom, 711 Burcham Road, f-arge I FOUR PEOPLE needM FOR THE bedroom furnished apartment. summer. Furnished, clostfl PINTO, 1971. 4 cylinder, AM person who wants specialize in is PHOTOGRAPHERS WANTED unfurnished / furnished, walk, Suitable for 2 or 3 persons. radio, good condition 23,000 something special, 1964 Norton 400 Electra, needs some work. cars good opportunity. No bus to campus. 332-2625. 3-4-16 Carpeting, air conditioning, campus. 355-2003. 2412 J miles. Bob, 353-3327. 5-4-12 337-0648. 5-4-18 located at the corner of jolly professionals. Call 51826. 3-4-16 ONE MAN wanted for 4-man at heat summer included. Renting for and fall. For east lansing - bedroom duplexes, 1.2,j| Automotive PINTO 1 97 2 Runabout. Campus Hill. 349-2375 ^ HONDA AND SUZUKI tune - up & okemos rd ACTION - VISTA Peace Corps 332-6693. 3-4-16 or appointment: 351-0726 summer and fall. Near ^ Automatic, 2,400cc engine, 349- 3196 Placement office April 15 - 19. 337-7328 and minor repair. Pick up and 351-8920. 5 4-12 18,000 miles, new life - time 6day a week towing Sign up for interview. 5-4-18 heavy duty shocks and raised delivery available. VERN'S open 6 days COLONIAL VILLAGE near. One AMBASSADOR 1969. Good WANTED - GIRL 5 tx white letter steel belted radial GARAGE, 323 Carrier Street, 7 am - 9 pm but sunday PEACE CORPS and VISTA seek bedroom, upper, semi - condition. Low mileage — wife's house - own roo tires. Excellent condition. Lansing. Phone 372-8015. furnished apartment. Quiet, car. Reasonable. 332-5201 Looking for pin money? Sell liberal arts graduates April 15 - $60/month. 372-6902 Hill $1950. Phone 393-6672, after 5 10-4-25 responsible couple, references 7-4-12 comething you don't use with a 19 at Placement Services. 5-4-18 GIRL NEEDED immediately for required. Reasonable. 485-1801. p.m. 4-4-12 1973 CB-350-Four Honda. Want Ad. Dial 355-8255. 3-4-16 three person. Rent negotiable! OPENING FOR 1 or 2 worwl CAPRI 1973, 6700 miles. Deluxe WANTED: PART time help putting Excellent condition, must sell. ^ "% Call 349-2833. 34-12 coed house. $35 per montfiif interior, six cylinder, 4-speed, PONTIAC T-37, 1970. 4-speed, Fed up with up public relation materials. room, large house, goodpD 'fl stereo cassette, 25 mpg. $3300 - dual exhaust, wide ovals, 355-5798, after 5 p.m. Saturday, Must have car. Phone 349-0672. APARTMENT, across from dealer service? ONE BEDROOM, very spacious, miles from campus P negotaible. 351-1682. 3-4-12 excellent condition. 349-3859 694-8759. 3-4-17 3-4-16 campus. 113 Louis Street. Take your American unfurnished, with refrigerator 489-3177. 34-12 after 6 p.m. 5-4-17 Inquire after 4 p.m. 4-4-17 CHEVROLET NOVA, 1970 - 4 speed, must sell this week! $950 RAMBLER 1964 - Transportation special. Good motor, good body. [JB SenriceJ/J compact or subcompact NUDE MODELS for photography. Call between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted. Share bedroom, close to campus. and stove. Near Couple bus Utilities paid, $160. routes preferred, in Lansing. 371-2949 EAST LANSING - NEXUSCo Room / board. $23 * l| or best offer. See at 4315 West 489-1215. 0-4-30 $150. Call 372-5675. 3-4-11 BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced $20/week. Call Sherry anytime. 3-4-12 Immediately. 351 0100. Willow or phone 484-8495. at 655-3539. 3-4-12 rates to students. Also 351-9502 before 4 p.m. or guaranteed rust proofing. VAN MALE OR female students live - in, NORTHEAST. ONE bedroom, LIBERAL PERSON tc T-BIRD, 1965. 390, 4-barrel, _35M 700. after 6 p.m. 6-4-19 WORLD, 645-2123. OR-22-4-30 child care workers. Experience unfurnished, private entrance with five other libnifl CHEVY SUPER Sport 1965. leather interior, needs body J - in child care work or FEMALE GRAD student wanted to $120 utilities included. Couple 351-8114 after 5 p.m. 3 41! Great work. $350. 349-2084, Mark, Jr. transportation. Asking share apartment with teacher. $200. Call 332-6693. 4-4-16 10-4-25 VOLVO psychology, sociology, human or working girl. Deposit and ecology, etc. Contact William 337-0268. 3-4 1 2 references.72-8899. 24-11 OKEMOS, 3 bedroom, in SERVICE 2 car garage, full Weitzel at VFW NATIONAL CHEVY BEAUVILLE VAN 1971. 6 TORINO 1969 - GT. Good Lansing's only shop specializing exclusively In Volvos \lti:CISMhY HOME, Eaton Rapids, SUBLEASE SUMMER two TWO GIRLS needed for Cedar fireplace, acre of land, cylinder, transmission, automatic power brakes, condition, 351-5574. 5-4-16 $800. Phone Genuine Parts, too! 1820 Dell Rd. ' LUIWIX 663-2111.3-4-11 bedrooms, air conditioned, pool. Village 4-girl. Fall 1974 1975. 353-1129. 10-4-23 ■ Spring condition, and location. # 882-9808 Cheap. Call 351-4597. 3-4-12 clean, responsible f radio, 40,000 miles, $1990. 353-5726. 5-4-11 TOYOTA LAND Cruiser 1969. IMPORTED CAR SERVICES PART TIME Porter - apply in apply. Deposit, relerW 1206 Oakland SUBLET 2 FEMALES NEEDED summer. SUMMER. 2 bedroom, PTO wench $1800. 489-7234. vw GUARANTEED REPAIR. Call for Appt. person. HOLIDAY Grand River. 3-4-11 INN. 3121 E. Twyckingham apartments. Call Fine apartment on river, close. Available April 15. 484-8209 after 5 p.m 355-WIJ CHEYENNE 3/4 ton pickup - __5-4-18 RANDY'S MOBIL, Okemos 361 7337. 351-8629.34-12 1973. 350, V-8. Like new. Will IV4-4411 64-17_ message, John 353-8879. TOYOTA LAND cruiser 1973, Red Road and 1-96, 349-9620. let go for $2900. Please call The Small Car RN, LPN, and orderlies needed for with white top. Warn hubs. C-22-4-30 People , full time and part time positions WOODSIDE NORTH apartment. 882-3022 or 372-1518. 10-4-24 Reasonable. 339-8851. 5-4-17 1 800 Haslett Road, East CROSSWORD [nlelo n|s ■cojj VW ' BUG Mufflers. Complete on a medical Phone 485-3271.4-4-12 • surgical unit. Lansing. One bedroom, (7 o n g u'e mm $18.95 at CHEQUERED FLAG, 2605 East Kalamazoo Street. ]® furnished, air ditioning quiet. con¬ Call PUZZLE ACROSS OlOlftlDl aiUaIsb n]o dISI 1 a'n ■m l.ljj One mile west of campus. DESK CLERK needed. Call WANT ADS MEAN 487-5055. C-6-4-19 FIGURE MODELS $6/hour. between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. for appointment to interview. Phone ONE MALE needed to share with 1. Lodge 6. Cheers 31. Mayday 32. Soul; Fr [uidwa ■als em CO. mv,enj1 B ejrjt W ojjb - 10. Enmity 33. Convened Increase your self confidence! 489-1215. (V4-30 same, 2 bedroom luxury 11. Gladden NOW LEASING LUKE PHOTOGRAPHY, apartment. Inquire after 8 p.m. 13. Publisher 35. Gangs m a RITI 1 nte tjfaoj SUMMER & FALL 351-6690. C-3-4-12 WANTED - MARRIED couple for 351-4919. 5-4-16 14. 39. Fictional l awr TIP ■M Shirley Booth captain r'omi house parents in Community TWO BEDROOM apartment. Near role 41. Launching L o ifH ep d'a'rsI 1 8 SEPARATE LOCATIONS Mental Health Residential Home for adult mentally retarded campus, air conditioned, $200/ 15. Brut 16. And not site aM en| W sit® eir ce oisin AIR CONDITIONED month. 351-6168. 4-4-12 43. Durocher males. Call 487-6500 for 18. Matgrass COMPLETE KITCHENS 44. Large crowd information. 5-4-16 19. Sweetsop STUDIOS LAKE LANSING. Watch the 46 Meddle 1 & 2 21. Oahu wreath 48. Curtain BEDROOMS sailboats from your front door. FEMALE CAMP 23. Ankara FURNISHED English and Western riding counselors: Deluxe 1 bedroom apartment, unfurnished, for reliable couple. 24. Cassim's material <9. Form a 7 Wolfhound | .. 8. Danger instructors. Swim Director, brother notion 2 Color blue Stove, refrigerator, air 26. 9, Sound . Health Director, Farm animals, Cooking 50. American conditioning. No pets, no aroma 3. Scrap equipment L Horse Science, Archery, Riflery. Want Ads pull response from your best children. $175 per month, plus 28. Intrepid engineer 4. Statue 10. Flat topp^ I Call 332-5810. 3-4-12 utilities. Phone 339-2075. 4-4-11 51. Pin< BmcH wood 1110 Botch St. prospects . . the ready-to-buy readers 1S1-CI18 12. Senior Doltj Armi 21S d«Hj St. who 17. About voluntarily turn to the Classified Section first when they're in the market Haslett Armi 135 3S1-M1S Everjretn Armi 141 Evtrgrxn SI. 3S1-683S CLEM HERRIMAN 20. Gloomy 22. Semeles sister _ for what you have to sell. Place your CoHinjwood SI. ad today! Just dial 3*1-1110 North Point* 1240 Hiilttt Rd. 332-SC7S University Terrace 424 Mlchl|an Don't be check out a dumb bunny! Collingwood Apti. VOLKSWAGEN-VOLVO MC. 7s 25. Belgian"* I 27. Ooctnne T 28 Workmen 337-0S80 r Complete 29 Mulct L University Villijt 635 Abbot Rd. for lubrication and 30 Sucking1l»I 332-3410 *air conditioned oil 31 Radio I STATE NEWS Want Ads Inn America 2738 E. Or. River 337-1821 ♦dishwashers *shag carpeting change Strainer cleanln' _r~i_ V interfere1*' i 34 Wire sew# 36 Leather | "'Unlimited Parking Included HALSTEAD flasks . *Plush Furniture 347 Student Services 37. Vegetal* 355-8255 Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. MANAGEMENT ♦model open daily call 351 8282 P 38. Peeved 40. Roman F L | 351-7910 42. Pedestal Behind Yankees 6135 W. Saginaw - OPEN part ju on the rivarl > Mon.&Thura. 'til 9 45 Germanw I 1 47 Mortals ligan State News, East Lansing, Michigan, Thursday, April 11, 1974 13 ftr$* Houses j§ For Sale |g Mobile Homes f MtM |fq] Q fcraml / instructions 1AN SHARE HOUSE RICKENBACKER GUITAR with 1972 GRAYWOOD - carpeted, 2 LOST: MALE Irish Setter Edar*ood interior, garden. - case. 1 year old. None like it in bedroom, 1V4 bath. Excellent HAVEN OF PEACE Spiritualist PRIVATE Clancey. Okemos area GUITAR instruction. |od people, cl0*' $5° • areaI White pearl front which condition. John Aldrich Church, 10813 North Ionia Folk, rock, classical, all styles. SCUBA DIVING tanks Wednesday. 349-3099. 3-4-11 Announcements for It's WHat's P2.4459 3-4 12 (filled), lights up with flashing colors. 625-3158. After 5:00 p.m., Road, Sunfield, Michigan. $3 per lesson. Inquire at regulator, mask, fins, wetsuit. Services Happening must be received in the Very sharp. $800. Immediately 625-3566. w LOST: LARGE black labrador Sunday, 11:00. MARSHALL MUSIC, 351-7830. State News office, 341 Student Phone 355-1789 or 675-5524 Rooms 3-4-16 sell for $350. 339-974 . retriever. Ansers to "Aroo." Call Readings or consultations by C-1-4-11 Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least 339-9011.3-4-12 STAR 1961 10x50, 2 bedroom, appointment. Messages after two class days before publication, set up on lot '/> miles from 485-2454.3-4-12 services. 19-5-3 Typing Service 4 _ campus, no announcements will be accepted Le ROOM, furnished, kitchen, GUITAR - OVATION. Electric, PIONEER SA-8100 amplifier, skirting and shed. $2,000. LOST: YOUNG, small male by phone. fsher, dryer, fireplace. acoustic. $400 or best offer. Ken EV-16 12" speakers, BSR-710-X 349-0230. 3-4-12 German Shepherd, East Lansing Peanuts Personal j$j' All announcements printed in Eblease $70 / month. Heldt, 882-0226 2-4 p.m. or turntable. Perfect condition. area. 351-4869.2-4-12 TYPING THESES, term "It's What's Happening" are read 1^946. 355-5904. 54-11 after 9 p.m. 3-4-17 $500. 353-1869. 1-4-11 BUDDY, 1973 3 bedrooms, pertly furnished, shed, skirting, LOST PRESCRIPTION wire rim LOVER - THANKS for making it general. Pica. Josie, 355-4471. papers, daily radio. on WMSN - 640 AM campus ROOM in duplex. Fully PORTABLE STEREO - Radio, 3 disposal, all carpeted. Excellent glasses, near Horticulture a Happy 22nd. What can I say? Alternative Resource Center: Irpeted. garbage disposal, speakers, $50. LLOYD condition. Must sell, make offer! Building. Reward. 332-2311. Je t'amine! Greg. 1-4-11 PURPLE VICKI - fast, accurate, Tarot gathering at 7:30 p.m. Ishwasher, $75/month. component stereo - speakers, . 655-1227.5-4-16 2-4-12 inexpensive typing. Very near Monday . Yoga - massage - EXCELLENT SHAPE Baby 337-7260. 10-4-26 sensitivity awareness or Hands. Still (7-1612. 4-4-16 $100.6551621.3-4-12 SHERRY APOLOGIES campus. - tape, - to a muti furniture. Quality clothes AMERICA 1970. 12' x 60'. Two LOST "RUBY" black setter talented open to spiritual folks, 8 tonight in working lady, with - - L LANSING (Carters, Buster Brown, etc.). In THESES, PAPERS, general typing. 301 Agriculture Hall. Immediately Male students, CANNING BOTTLES. Pints, quarts bedrooms, furnished, skirting,- Labrador pup, from 632 North those eyes you should be able to like new condition. Boys and after yoga. Edible Wild Plants, rooms, parking, and 1/2 gallons - 10c each and 10' x 7' shed. $5995. Call Hagadorn. Call 351-1698. 3-4-16 clean up. DRE. 1-4-11 Guaranteed work. Call Carolyn girls sizes infant to 3. Women's 694-9326. 5-4-18 332-5574. 104-23 discussing marsh vegetables. Meets tor. Call 332-5791. 882-5503. 5-4-17 at 7 p.m. every Thursday in 201 size 12. 393-3543, 5211 Tulip, FOUND: SMALL black male dog. Bessey Hall. Lansing. 2-4-12 RfCHARDSON 12' x 60', V/jbath, Red collar, white ANN BROVW typing, and multilith MUST SELL Wurlitzer electric strip up chest. 2 bedrooms, shed, skirt, offset piano - detachable. 2 years old. fence, 355-6286. C-3-4-11 printing. Complete service fully 'or VIOLIN, $100. Bar and 2 stools, Price carpeted, excellent dissertations, theses, MSU American Studies Assn. negotiable. 372-1471 CROSSROADS , 0,ember s campus. paid. Call June 15. $70/month. 10 351-4829. - $40. Portable stereo and stand, $40. Yellow formal, size 13, $25. Yellow formal size 15, $10. 3-4 12 condition. $3500. 484-4077. [ Personal jf/j CYCLE - manuscripts, general typing. IBM 24 years experience. C-4-30 349-0850 invites you to "Sights and Sounds: The 1934 Auto through Slides - Lite Strike and Oral Histories" BRAND NEW Green velvet formal size 15, $25. 24" x 36" Bevel Edge mirror, TEAC open 2300-S with warranty. Cost $450, will sacrifice $350. reel deck UtM](5) EDGAR CAYCE forming in East — Study group Lansing. Call /-A ^ 210 ABBOTT RD EAST LANSING EXPERIENCED IBM typing. presented by Philip Korth, ATL Dept., 3:30 p.m. Friday in 107 S. Kedzie Hall. I ROOM m comfortable house, $15. 351-2605, after 5 p.m. 337-0601, evenings. 10-4-12 Dissertations, (Pica - Elite). 332-5931. 5-4-17 |ose garden, available FIND SOMETHING *15 Makes from around the world FAY ANN 489-0358. C-4-30 (mediately, $75. 332-6258. IF You've found a pet or article of FREE ... A lesson in complexion 'adult bicycles COMPLETE THESES The gay liberation will meet at 3 care. Call 484-4519 East - Service, value, we want to help you return . *10 - speeds Discount printing, IBM typing p.m. Sunday in 31 Union. Find out Michigan or 485-7197 Lansing what s happening. S SINGLE room, close to SCHWINN it. Just come into the State News Mall. MERLE NORMAN | 'free repair classes anc! binding of these, resumes, PARAMOUNT. 21" EASTER Classified Department and tell us publications. Across (More IWH ipus available immediately, me 351-5076. 5-4-18 frame, mint condition. Phone you want to place an ad in EAST COSMETIC STUDIOS. C-3-4-11 1|l/lM-W, 332-4081 campus corner from M.A.C. and on page 6) GIFTS 393-3060 or 393-3095, after 6. 5-4-16 LANSING STATE BANK'S found column. As a public service EAST MONTY'S BAR , Sat., 9:30-5:30 F., 9:30 - 9:00 Grand River. Below Jones |l LANSING - Rooms LANSING STATE BANK will Stationery Shop. Call Tillable March 15. Close to Charms and crosses - 14k SEWING MACHINE Clearance the ad at no cost to you! run AND RESTAURANT COPYGRAPH SERVICES, 337-1666. C-4-30 (mpus. For information call yellow gold, sterling silver Sale! Brand new portables EAST LANSING Service J4-0629 or 349-2120. Ask for and gold filled. $49.95. $5 per month. Large STATE BANK Shrimp and Fish TYPING DONE in my home. 50c WANTED: 5-speed bicycle. Phone risCawood. 5-4-16 selection Pitcher Night (M-W-S) after 4:30, Joyce, 332-6809 THOMPSONS' FRANDOR or reconditioned used C-4-30 FOR THE BEST Service on stereo per page up to 10 pages. 40c per 2-4-11 machines. Singers, Whites, JEWELERS (Very Special Sunday) equipment see the STEREO page over 10 pages. 489-2128. Necchis, New Homes and "many LOST: SET of keys on blue leather 0-4-30 3220 Mall Court, Frandor Luncheon special SHOPPE, 543 East Grand River. SCIENCE PERSON others." $19.95 to $39.95. - $1.50 interested in strap, between Collingwood C-4-30 Open Monday - Friday, 9:30 til 9 Terms. IRENE ORR building underwater proton Saturday 9:30 til 6 EDWARDS Road entrance and Ad building. - Theses, term papers, magnetometer for research. Phone 332-1385 for DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. Call 351-3118, 351-7037. 3-5-8 Pool Table general typing. Formerly with ■ NISHED ROOM close to Contact Dale, 484-8961, after Custom Work 1115 North Washington, Ann Brown. Call 482-7487 lmpus, women preferred. Call Pin Ball Machines C-4-30 10 p.m. 5-4-12 ■1 4285 after 5:00 p.m. 5-4-16 Nobody beats our prices !. C-3-4-11 LOST: MEDIUM - size male cat, on Quality jewelry orange and white, 2359 E. Gd. River, Okemos 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. long fur. THESES. RESUMES, typing and COUPLE LOOKING for small I BLOCK from campus. $17 Answers to "Dusty." Lost in • Catering to MSU for printing. Reasonable prices. house - apartment within 3 ATTENTION FREAKERS and Tanks, cannisters and uprights. SON-RISE I Weddings, Parties, Trailer I' Pnone 351-5919 celebration, Easter & Banquets pr we$k. 215 Lewis Street. Call streakersl We've got Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 ave. COMME RICAL PRINTING. miles of MSU. Starting June. Lenings and weekends, from tennis shoes everything and anytime. 2-4-11 Sunday, 7 a.m., Beal Memorial I 349-9500 351-4116. C-4-30 332-5609. 3-4-12 to head up. DENNIS Garden. Singing, sharing God's §2-7456. 11-4-22 \ supplies. Right now in our DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, CREATIVE WEDDINGS, Portraits, stereo FOUND: BEFORE winter bread; word, the Lord's Supper. TYPING BY experienced thesis For Sale department we have top names 316 North Cedar, opposite city gold with pearl bracelet, identify Additional information: call His Passport, Application photos. typist on IBM Selectric II. Pica Cr I such as Kenwood, Fisher, Akai, market. C-3-4-11 Compare. LUKE further. 482-3382 evenings. House. 351-8232. 4-4-12 or elite. Phone Nita 489-3569 Garrard and more. In our camera C-3-4-16 PHOTOGRAPHY, 351-6690. Williamston 5-4-17 Exchange Share ■S, RIFLES, and handguns of center we have Mamiya, Yashica, Minolta and more. Throughout Fine - Re - Sale Shop. FOUND: | ACCESS CENTER^ | C-4-30 TYPING THESES and term papers. Driving Jl kinds. Buy trade and sell. Furniture Repairing, Antiques, GLASSES, prescription FOR . the rest of our store we Frames, Oid Things. Call ab6ut SPRING'S HERE! Lawn Free pick • up and EST year 'round prices in probably gold aviators, Saturday. Retrieve I Human Reproduction Health delivery. will have about our consignment Plan. Closed | maintenance, garden work and 371-4635. 10-4-22 MARSHALL COMMUTER lot. anything else at Union Lost and Found. to puthern Michigan. BOB'S GUN Good Friday. rototilling. Dave, 675-5376. >, 2412 South Ceder. Calf that you're looking for. Including a complete electronic 11-5 Tues. Thru. Sat. C-3-4-16 | Abortion Contraception services! - 5-4-17 Monday, Wednesday, Friday only. Leaving 9 am., returning 3 |71 2244. OR-17-4-23 service center. We buy, sell and 109 E. Grand River, SI 7 bS5 Williamstw 153-4 FOUND: GLASSES - Bifocals, ♦ 1226 East485Michi3271 Lansing - gan I Transportation p.m. 781-5100 Tuesday and trade. Bank Americard and black frame on Park Lake Road. FORMER PROFESSIONAL Thursday anytime; Monday, Master Charge welcome. BIKE - GIRLS 1-speed. Well - Call 351-9465. C-3-4-16 SHARP SALESMAN wanted. We guitarist, now MSU student Wednesday, Friday after 4 p.m. DICKER & DEAL kept, $25. Guy's $15. 355-5842 want a good ambitious man to giving lessons inclassical or folk. LEAVING FOR Southeastern 3-4-11 SECONDHAND STORE, 1701 after 5:30. 3-4-12 sell in an unusual 489-0197.3-4-12 Virginia also Virginia Beach area, LOST: CARVED Ivory necklace field, great W - South Cedar, Lansing. 487-3886. opportunity. Some technical on April 20th. Returning one SOUTHFIELD to MSU. Leaving Elephant figures. Engineering GUITAR PLAYER / Open 9-9 Monday. Wednesday, SOFA, 2 chairs, footstool, $45. TV training necessary. Call singer for week later. Liberal rider wanted 7:30 a.m.. returning 6 p.m. $25. Vinyl leather chair, $15. Building. Reward. Pat, weddings. Contact Mide, Friday. 9-6 Tuesday, Thursday, to share expenses. Call Don Monday, Wednesday, Friday. TV Saturday. C-5-4-12 355-5842 after 5:30. 3-4 12 355-6616. 8-4-12 699-3348 for appointment, ask for Rex. X-5-4-11 393-0470, after 6 p.m. 5-4-17 332-4114 after 5. 5-4-18 1-313-355-4127. 3-4-11 ^-mrtLAWAY- BED, brand I UP TO 1/3 and MORE SAv7nGS. new. Hk State News Yellow Comparison welcomed. twin size. Call 349-4384 after 6 p.m. 5-4-17 Page OPTICAL DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan, Lansing. Business Service EPI SPEAKERS - 150's, 2 years 372-7409. C-5-4-12 cipedq PIONEER SX525 Stereo receiver Kenwood 2002 Stereo amp. Sony CF550 AM/FM, portable old. $150. 484-0033 evenings. 54-17 SONY TC-227 - 4 quadradial tape Directory deck, perfect condition. $300. recorder. Koss K2+2 Quad headphones. Pioneer Call Bill 651-5562. 3-4-12 ★ SAVE TIME ' ★SAVE MONEY |IET SOLOIST - 115. Double CS99A speakers. Sony IC8300W se and Extras. Best offer over CARPETING NEW and used, any Walkie • Talkie set. PLUS Much 0.332 2286. 3-4-12 ■EIGH SUPERB - 3 speed, More quality used equipment Mcintosh, AR, Pioneer, Sony, size, included professional installation. 337-2095. 10-4-12 Dependable firms and individuals ready and eager to serve you |rls. Good condition. $60 Dynaco, KLH, Electrovoice, ir. 353-3407. 3-4-16 or Fisher, Rectilinear. Large Apothecary BARBER SHOP For Sale Optometrists Service selection of used auto stereo GULLIVER STATE DRUGS JYCLOPEDIAS- 1957Collier's d 1967 systems. Also Sanyo tape players. Jensen speakers and HORSE BOARD EXAM standard. $3 a set. DR. D.M.DEAN TUTORING 32-5503. 1-4-11 Craig mini - cassette players. Animals "K EQUIPMENT WILCOX SECONDHAND STANLEY H. KAPLAN OPTOMETRIST fc PLAYER for sale - Price STORE, 485-4391. C-4-30 Saddles ARABIAN STALLION 3 years - by Stubben. |cludes 18 popular tapes and 2 SAVE ON Old Town Canoes and $1,500. Quarter horse stallion, Crump, Crosby and •LSAT 1 speakers. Terrific •MCAT Kayaks, and guns and shooting yearling $500. 669-5617 or ' Whitman, as well as hunt VISION CARE n must sell! Call Sue, EASTER with •DAT supplies by ordering eerly from 663-8809. X-5-4-18 caps, boots, breeches and CONTACT LENS §26509. 3-4-11 -American boats are available at: •ATGSB catalog. LLOYD MATTSON, greeting cares - SERVICES •GRE bo< FINE AUSTRALIAN Shepherd 8-5:30 Mon. Frl. Ludwig drum set, 801 East Grand River, - Fanny Farmer Easter - Bldjlan cymbals, excellent Williamston. 655-2000. 0-1-4-11 puppies - $50 each. Call baskets A candy By Appt. 01 332-0267 after 5p.m. 5-4-17 ■ American The Tack Room, English 210 Abbott Rd. Jindition, $700. Phone 1105 East Grand River 355-3359 and Western S.H. KAPLAN 1. 5-4-16 MAHOGANY DUNCAN five tabfe, ALI SHARAH Saddlery, 4000 332 R563 Arabians - riding 6 chairs, Naugahyde swivel chair, 332-5171 S. Logan. 882 - 6424 EDUCATIONAL COURSES lessons, English, Western. Days, |LB0AT, ARROW, 13' fiber Reclining chair, patio table and evenings, weekends. Your horse Arts & Crafts For Sale > jib, Dacron sails, kick - up umbrella, portable clothes reel, $10/hour Sharah horse, $15. Laundry Printing SHOE STORES Bidder, pivoting centerboard, and sundry articles. Also garage 663-3614, 11561 Plains Road, WASHDAY ■c'~-5.3-4-12 sale. Monday, Tuesday, and Eaton Rapids. 5-4-16 HORSTMYER'S Wednesday at 1612 Ann Street, MEET YOUR SAVINGS JkERS: ►v. New JENSON 10", in boxes $100 two pair. East Lansing, after 8 a.m. 3-4-16 BEGINNING DOG OBEDIENCE FRIENDS AT THE MARSH SUGAR HOUSE lCScreen ■'•1189. 3-4-11 a classes offered. Call 393-6546, 25* Per Load SOFTBALL GOLF CLUBS: (MacGregor) 3 after 5 p.m. 7-4-11 | QUAINT SHOP Bee Supplies Raw Honey JERSEYS IYOUR CHILDREN'S B°N 1218 super 8 movie woods, 9 irons. Used 1 season. •Needlepoint and Accessories WENDROW'S SHOE STORE ■ $85 349-2188 or 353-5198. REGISTERED APPALOUSA ♦Knitting Yarn *Antiques IN FRANDOR Maple Syrup . m.era. ,2"1 Power zoom. 4 4-12 •Bing and Grondahl Gelding; ■"SHnal list over $1000. asking Been shown. Needs experienced rider $400. Christmas Plates * Royal Copenhagen ECONOWASH (For 10 or More) Infants and Children's SHOES * Widths B-EEE )4 12349 17'5 8'ter ® P'm' FISHER RECEIVER. 70 watts 351 4524. 5-4-12 Christmas Plates Come to 5236 Curtice Rd, Mason, Michigan One mile south of Special Texas We print art work and * Orthopedic Shoes RMS. THD. .5% AFC. Excellent •Bing and Grondahl Columbia on Onondaga. Turn left lettering on Nylon * Tap and Ballet l'/j Horse Sears Boat condition. $199. 353-8166 ENGLISH SPRINGERS - AKC. 2 Mother's Day Plates Washer 50c Jackets, T ■ Shirts, * P.P. Flyers motor, 3-4-11 males, liver, white. Shots, 10743 Petrievllie Highway Athletic Jerseys, etc * gemotethangas 10tank.hours. •s Motor used wormed, 11 weeks. $125. Eaton Ripids 11 a.m. • 6:30 p.m. (Mon. - Sat.) * Cowboy Boots House Slippers $175. '•5968, after 349-1797. 5-4-12 663- 5821 351-4247 5 p.m. 5-4-18 SAILBOAT, INTERNATIONAL 14 No. 857. Trailer, trapeze, two Over 10,000 Toys If Service Stereo Repair JEL 900 Leslie. $2500. spinnakers. Was $1200, now SELAPOINTE SIAMESE kitten. Female. $15. Before 4 p.m., Dan To Choose From! you're a y-0367 anytimel 3-4-16 $950 Phone 337-9291. 5-4-12 351-2261. 3-4-16 business, service, — Clip 'n' Save— ——- BUD'S IRK SPIIZ. COLLIE - AKC, sable and white male, $30. 882-0725."'after 5 Stuffed Animals' or organization, ACCESS CENTER p.m. 2-4-11 AUTO PARTS, Our /<, this could be •ABORTION |eat your Mobile Homes INC. Specialty the space •CONTRACEPTION •COUNSELING PROFESSIONAL AUDIO ieart out LATE MODEL for you. •EDUCATION •STERILIZATION SERVICES • REPAIR Three full - time professionally 1972 SKYLINE, Fifth Avenue. 12' trained technicians (jol swea,in* over end of the month utility bills? Call Michelle • IVeil v x 60', two bedrooms, shag MOTORS AND • Complete Test facilities Approved Clinic 3 - month warranty on all work I>rm Pl] ,llis s"",mcr poolside developing your medal winning , carpet, many extrasl 5' x 7' PARTS A SPECIALITY • Loaner amplifiers available L 'he utility hassles to us. (Mark Spitz should have it shed, 694-9641.5-4-16 694-2154 355-8255 Speakers Available 1226 E. Michigan Ave. 541 GRAND RIVER AVE. Halfway between Holt UNDER PARAMOUNT NEWS BURCHAM WOODS FOUR MAN Mobile Home. Near Mason on N. Cedar & NOW HEAR THIS Optowefrists Lansing 485-3271 337 - 1300 campus. All utilities furnished. :ROM THE TOP l,osldes CO-OPTICAL •eatures a heated pool, you'll enjoy many other Completely furnished, study IINGE AT THE PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Travel Agency for a complete summer living experience. room with bar. garbage disposal, * washer / dryer, shag carpet. It's {TORE WITH THI SERVICES 372 -1560 24 Hours Heated Pool * Laundry Facilities EUROPE Ample Parking Air Co„d. * Nicely Furnished Summer rates. Call 694 1654. 8-4-15 after 6 p.m. Time IMPORTED RED DOOR! (East Lansing's Only Cooperative Optical) Dr. Richard Hearn, TORONTO & DETROIT $239 NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER •Pipes Optometrist MARITAL PROBLEMS? 10' 42', EAST LANSING, close » To Advertise •Cigars DEPARTURES One Bedroom Two Bedroom x • EYES EXAMINED NEED TO TALK? to campus in park. Call "Cigarettes Plus $149 Z. $169 Z. 355-9771. 2-4-11 // Your Tobaccos • GLASSES cards, lnt'l. Student Eurailpass, 1.0. intra - -Includes Utilities- Block One M.A.C. European charter flights and LIBERTY 2 bedroom, • CATHOLIC PALL RATES (12 mo. lease) 1970 - Springtime Specials! 332-4269 CONTACT LENS many other services. partially furnished, shed. SOCIAL SERVICES r«. . Efficiency Unc Bedroom Two Bedroom Stonegate Park. $3800. Call Michelle 1331 E. Grand River CAN HELP 1RAVEL 882 $154 mo. $184 Z. $234 Z. 3961:54-n ~ Brookfleld Plaza 372-4020 WORLD 351-5330 -Includes Utilities- ATLAS 10' x 50', 2 bedroom. 355-8255 CALL COLLECT Furnished, skirted, shed. Must seel 393-9275. 5-4-12 CLIP w 1-313-665-3603 610 S. Forest No. 4. Ann Arbor 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, April l|J Buying club denies illegal activity in state By JUNE E. K. DELANO State News Staff Writer United Consumers Club after a in regard to pricing whole membership fee even firm was violating Michigan law excessive late • payment should be given the contract period conference with Atty. Gen. allegations." and th,u though the contract doesn't penalties, an invalid waiver of opportunity to cancel them if could raise prices Charges leveled by PIRGIM Frank Kelley Wednesday The attorney general's office guarantee that they will get by quoting "list" prices which are not the usual selling prices the right to withhold payments they wish and get their money It also warns at anv^L1 against the United Consumers afternoon, the club maintains was not available for comment if contract terms back," Tuchinsky said. en* cur,,;™ that theft1 any discounts on purchases." of the merchandise and are not met cent service fee Club that the "buying club" it did not violate any Michigan Wednesday. There is by the club and a provision to The consumers club or the'shJ* law. The club represents itself no guarantee. charges could be raised ,P was violating Michigan laws as statement maintained that the time. exempt the contract from prompted a flat denial from "Prior to the United a membership organization the club late Wednesday Michigan law and interpret it attorney general's office has The State News Consumers Club opening in which saves money for never had a member invest^ under Indiana law. complain a similar club. lhf afternoon. Michigan, the contracts were consumers by offering "The catch is, that to get the alleged savings, In its final allegation, about the club. Guide to Joseph S. Tuchinsky, presented to a representative of furniture, appliances, consumers have to sign up for a 10 - year membership PIRGIM began investigating Buying executive director of PIRGIM, the attorney general. Who carpeting ^ and other major that costs at least $400..." PIRGIM said that since the the club in September 1973 March. That t.|ub *1 contracts are negotiated in characterized by said Tuesday that his office agteed to call to our attention items at manufacturers' prices a S-ito consumers' homes, they violate when Tuchinsky was $500 accumulated evidence of any noncompliance with "The catch is that to get the —Joseph S. Tuchinsky, executive director of PIRGIM. the Michigan Home Sales Act approached about membership membership fee ^ apparently illegal contract Michigan law. None were," the alleged savings, consumers have which requires that consumers and realized that the contracts contract favor of the overwhelming terms and deceptive pricing by statement said. to sign up for a 10 - year be informed in conspicuous he was asked to sign strongly it was ordered company Thi? the Indiana - based consumers The statement also denied membership that costs at least either, that the company will not to\ comparing them to its print on a contract that they favored the club. business club and turned it over to the any illegality in the consumer $400, or nearly $500 with time stay in business or that refunds "discount" prices. have three days to PIRGIM warned consumers in Kansas i Attorney General. club's price comparisons, payment interest," Tuchinsky will be made if it goes out of cancel if attorney general's office Ci PIRGIM also charged that - that the club is not bound However, in a statement said. they wish. apparently found iu saying "it would appear that business, Tuchinsky added. the contracts used by the club "We believe that people who under the contract to offer released by attorneys for the PIRGIM has made grave error "Tliey must PIRGIM charged that the compliance with Michk pay off the contain illegal terms, including misled into discount prices over the entire law were signing them SYSTEM MARANTZ LAST 3 DAYS OF GRA MAMNTZ422Q MARANTZ2230 MARANTZ 4230 SYSTEM SYSTEM... UNBEATABLE! SYSTEM UNDER $400 FOR PURISTS 9099 99 "sag o Marantz's least expensive Stereo 2 + Quadradial 4 Forming the heart of this superb system is the For a great combination of clean power and AM/FM/MPX Receiver. Enjoy great stereo now and advanced Model 2230 AM/FM Stereo Receiver which stereo/4-channel versatility, this system fea¬ later add another pair of speakers for unbeatable 4 ■ offers more value and performance than any other tures the Model 4230 AM/FM/MPX Receiver channel sound. Precision B.S.R. 518 Changer comes unit in its price class. A B.S.R. 610 with built-in Dolby Noise Reduction with a base cover and cartridge. Two wide • Changer with System. range base, cover and magnetic cartridge makes record - Deluxe BSR 610A/X Changer Package includes 12" 3 - Way Speaker Systems round packed system. SAVE $165.35 out this value ■ '438" playing a delight. For solid bass and smooth highs this great system comes with a pair of Playback IIIA W base, dust cover and Shure M93E cartridge Completing this outstanding system is a pair of 10" 3 - Way Speaker Systems. full-range E-V16A12' 3-Way Speaker Systems. MIRACORD'S 50H- Remember, with every hi-ti purchase, Playback oilers their lamous 5-year parts 8 A Superior Turntable TEAC 355 Cassette Deck Value! 3 year lahor warraoty-with some ol the most extensive service facilities in the industry. Playback is an authorized service center tor virtually every line we carry. PLAYBACK'S Cassette New 10"2-way Recorder / % A great price on one of matic Turntables. Has a today's finest Auto¬ Speaker Sale! rock-steady hysteresis synchronous motor, featherweight push¬ button controls for start, stop or even lets you uu Onncn was 3>T/y.bU rep,aV a record Without dropping the next. Will Reg. $69.95 C4AACK track a cartridge flaw- Outstanding performance from a Take it anywhere! Operates on Ultra-deluxe, state-of-the-art cassette deck J I ivP* less|y at v2-a-gram. compact bookshelf speaker sys¬ batteries Com¬ incorporates the most popular features Base, cover, and cartridge tem. Wide dispersion. Wood such as Dolby Noise Reduction, plete with batteries and remote- high den¬ optional. enclosure. control microphone. SAVE 63%. sity heads, and switchable bias for regular or CrO; tape GRAND OPENING SPECIALS THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY FM Auto Converter... Reg. $29.88 NOW 1988 8" ... Diagonal B&W TV NOW 6995 FM/AM/PB3-Band AC/DC Cassette Portable Radio PLAYBACK 10 Reg.$19»5 ...NOW 1488 Recorder Reg. $44.95 NOW 3495 Headphones FM/AM/8-Track In-Car Player Reg. $16.95 ... NOW 795 w/4 ch. adaptability Reg. $ ] 39*3 Stereo Headphones.. Reg. $49.95 NOW 2495 1200' Reel Blank NOW 9900 . Tape NOW 59* Assorted TV Stands. 12" Diagonal B&W TV NOW 7495 SHURE Stereo Up to $34.95 Values NOW 988 Cartridge Reg. $3995 NOW 1195 FM/AM Digital Clock Radio Reg.$2995 NOW 2495 SHOP EARLY iiniipc 523 FRANOOR SHOPPING CENTER MONDAY-FRIDAY SALE ENDS APRIL 14 (SOME QUANTITIES LIMITED) 351-72/0 SATURDAY SUNDAY 10-9 10-5:30 12-5 PlQMbQCk the electronic CHARGE IT • PLAYBACK ARRANGED FINANCING • AMERICAN EXPRESS • BANKAMERICARD • MASTER CHARGE playground