East Lansing, Michigan 48824 lixon supenaed; to send conclusive' data IhiNGTON (AP) - The House demanded by the House committee. a.m. on April 25, four days after Congress and 25. liarv Committee subpenaed tapes and Ziegler would only say that within two returns from an Easter recess. A committee source said there was tments from President Nixon weeks Nixon would give the committee The subpena was hand - delivered to the The committee voted to subpena the no special significance to the April 25 subpena because St. Clair had indicated he would give the committee all or most of material despite an offer from St. Clair to Isdav. and the White House responded materials "consistent with his White House and accepted deadline other than an effort to give the I a promise to give the panel constitutional by James D. St. deliver part of it voluntarily within a few the material it was demanding. responsibilities" and that Clair, the President's chief Watergate White House the maximum reasonable "It doesn't seem to me as Lprt'hensive and conclusive" materials they would bear out the President's days. But committee members, including though it was past lawyer, late Thursday afternoon. amount of time to respond. Iding the President's Watergate role, explanations of his Watergate role and It was about two hours later that many of the Republican minority, were All of the dissenting votes were cast by necessary to issue Hutchinson said. a subpena today," it presidential press secretary Ronald "receive the support of the House." angered by St. Clair's refusal to give an Ziegler told newsmen the White House had immediate response about all of the Republicans, including Rep. Edward Jziegler declined to say that the The committee subpena approved by a plans to deliver unspecified materials to material the panel had Hutchinson of Michigan, the ranking But Rep. Robert McClory, R - III., who Irials would comply fully with those 33 - 3 vote called for a response by 10 the committee sometime between requested in a letter minority member of the committee. had supported many White House requests April 22 sent Feb. 25. at committee sessions, called St. Clair's ~w~ Hutchinson said he doubted a subpena directed at the President could be offer "entirely too equivocal." McClory ?nate OKs enforced. He said he also opposed the (continued on page 13) litation on jntributions Boyle con campaigns IaSHINGTON (AP) - The Senate lay passed a far-reaching campaign in murder j bill with the avowed aim of [jnating big-money influence in ■ provides for the use of tax funds in Being general and primary campaigns in Pennsylvania federal offices. ■so. for the first time it puts a ceiling MEDIA, Pa (AP) - Former United Mine The slaying occurred three weeks after Campaign contributions and limits the Workers President W. A. "Tony" Boyle Boyle defeated the reform-minded V expenditures of presidential and was convicted Thursday of three counts of Yablonski in a bitter election for the UMW Jjressional candidates. murder in the slaying more than four years presidency ■nother key section establishes a ago of union rival Joseph "Jock" lrt win federal elections commission Boyle's election victory over Yablonski Yablonski, his wife and daughter. was set aside in 1972 lowered to bring civil and criminal The verdict was returned by a jury of a new election, Arnold by a federal judge. In Icutions, independently of the Justice nine men and three women after 4Vj hours Miller, a Yablonski I for campaign supporter, defeated Boyle for the . financing violations, of deliberation. ■ssage of the bill, 53-32, after a debate presidency. The conviction carries a mandatory The prosecution had based its case began March 26, climaxed a battle in sentence of life imprisonment almost solely on the testimony of William ;h the Senate's antifilibuster rule was The 72-year-old Boyle, who bed by a one-vote margin, already is Tumblazer, 52, the only witness to link serving a three-year federal prison sentence Boyle directly to the fte controversy centered around the for misuse of union funds, exhibited no killings. ■visions for public financing of Tumblazer, a lawyer and former emotion as the verdict read was by jury president of UMW District 19 in Tennessee Ipaigns, but all moves to remove this foreman Clyde M. Parris. and Kentucky, had testified that ■of the bill were rejected. Boyle Boyle, however, did have a pained told him and Albert Pass, another former ■uch of the impetus for passage of the expression on his face as he turned to District 19 officer, that Yablonski had to ■ which now goes to the House, ctme wave goodbye to his wife and daughter on be killed. n the Watergate affair and his way out of the courtroom. >d scandal of the 1972 election. Boyle was the ninth, person to be Boyle, who had ruled the ■, the legislation is expected to charged in the murder of Yablonski, a 200,000-member union with an iron fist _h going in the House, where union insurgent whose dissident for 10 years and was a protege of the late Kosition to public financing of movement shook Boyle's leadership in John L. Lewis, was accused of Sessional races and primary campaigns 1969 and later toppled him from the masterminding the Dec. 31, 1969, irded as stronger than in the Senate. UMW's top post. slayings. >n if the bill should be J House, it is threatened with a ■dential veto. accepted by Student hands work in the industrial Busy h The Yablonskis were shot to death three hired gunmen as they slept in their beds in the family's by a The charges aeainst him stemmed from statement Tumblazer had given to FBI arts labs in Erickson Hall, hammering, shaping and sprawling red brick agents last year. ■nder the bill, major party candidates articles of leather, clay and wood. polishing small home in Clarksville, Pa., in the rich soft Special prosecutor Richard Sprasue had They also work in glass and plastics. coal fields of southwestern said at the time of |ld be entitled to full government State News photos by John Pennsylvania. Boyle's indictment, Iding of their general election Harrington Their bullet-riddled bodies were "This is where the case began and this is kaigns up to set spending limits. discovered Jan. 5,1970. where it ends." ■inor party or independent candidates Bid be entitled to payments in portion to their popular vote. J ■te lie funds. candidate could rely entirely contributions or he could finance Campaign with a mixture of private and I presidential candidate would have to on Legislators study By R.D. CAMPBELL Gov. Milliken, would probably be passed open Guastello said the bill would prevent meeting bill Trustees Aubrey Radcliffe, R-East | $250,000 in contributions of $250 or and on to the Senate with only minor floor decisions like that made to raise the Lansing, and Jack Stack, R-Alma, think currently under study has gone down a 1 including $5,000 from each of 20 alterations. tuition rate at the University of Michigan variety of bureaucratic drains in past DIANE SILVER some discussions must remain private but years, either being sent back to Js, in order to be eligible for federal State News Staff Writers Besides preventing closed meetings, Last fall. A telephone vote of the regents that the MSU board meetings are "quite committee by House membership or ■hing grants to finance his quest for except in specifically designated was the basis for that decision. ■nation. instances, the bill would provide for the open." killed in the Senate. Elective and appointive bodies who MSU trustees, who each month hold a "MSU is probably the most open ■he bill would limit presidential deliberate availability of all minutes of meetings of "finance committee" meeting before Rep. William Brodhead, D-Detroit and behind closed doors before board of any in the state," Stack said. "I ldidates t0 overall expenditures of public bodies and require prior notice of their regular public session, had different Judiciary Committee member, is not pt $17 million in their general election making decisions in open session may all meetings. doubt if the bill will affect us much at all. optimistic about passage this year. He soon be forced to bare their proceedings assessments of the bill. Meetings excepted from the bill said that people "are not yet disposed to ipaigns. as a result of a bill reported out of the The trustees' financial meetings are However, Rep. Dale Kildee, D-Flint, include those convened for the purpose completely open meetings," adding that Jiis compares to about $55 million Judiciary Committee of the Michigan of personnel discussion, legal officially designated for discussion of said that he understands that MSU is one citizens may be too confused by the pt on President Nixon's reelection matters, House last week. land transactions and discussion of of the "most collective bargaining and "emergency" flagrant abusers" in complications of the law to use it |>aign in 1972 and n upwards of $25 The MSU Board of Trustees, in a meetings for the public necessity. personnel matters, but are often used by conducting public business in closed effectively. spent by Sen. George McGovern, board members to thrash out practice one legislator calls extreme, has session. Pemocratic opponent, Rep. Thomas Guastello, D-Sterling controversial topics before Rep. Perry Bullard, D-Ann Arbor and closed breakfast meetings before its taking a public University administrators are uncertain foe spending limit in general elections Heights and chairman of the Judiciary vote. the chief sponsor of the bill, wants to see regular public sessions each month. about the bill's possible effects on MSU I Senate and House, as well as Committee, said the bill's chances for Trustee Frank Merriman, a stronger enforcement provision and Present state law requires only that all decision making. ■dential candidates, is 12 cents times passage are excellent. R-Deckerville and board chairman, said fewer circumstances where closed sessions decisions be made in public by A number of lobbyists attended the "We'll have to wait until the law is ^voting *> the age population and 8 cents governmental units, however, in many committee hearings. Representatives from he did not want to comment hadn't read. on a bill he passed to see how it might affect MSU," would be allowed to be added to the bill, which will not be considered before April voting age population in cases the decisions are reached informally the Michigan Assn. of School Jack Breslin, executive vice president, ries. Boards, the "However, I think it will hinder the 22. beforehand and open votes are just a said. "However, I do know that anytime bdividuals would be prohibited from University of Michigan Regents, the University," he said. "There are many- formality. that you are forced to change the Kildee agrees, saying he ■tributing more than $3,000 to a Michigan Municipal League and other things I think the board should have an hopes the bill Both Democratic and Republican structuring of the board of trustees you will block loopholes that local •date's governmental groups in legislative and campaign, and organizations House members contacted by the State opportunity to discuss among themselves, have problems." governments will "drive truck administrative positions made but I'm not talking about a through f give no more than $6,000. News Thursday said the bill backed by making Open meetings proponents have also if not checked on closed Psh contributions of presentations. decisions in private." meeting more than $100 had problems. Legislation like that policies." I'd be outlawed. LegislatorBy G. F. KORRECK Warner's present legal fees. Last fights Saturday, while riding to Mason with Describing himself as a freethinker, to mai he said with some embarrassment. "They State News Staff Writer "The prosecutor's office has spent over friends, the car was stopped by police for Warner also has a history of using his can't understand why there aren't any $55,000 on this case," he added. "Can "going too slow." personal time to be a combination lines of scar tissue on it." "The last time I was near a needle I was you believe that?" He has learned to live with counselor adviser to friends and Wamer said he checks into the six years old - 1 had peritonitis and - hospital Holding up a $20 donation from a circumstance, however, and says, if constituents. The day he was arrested, periodically for urinalysis tests as appendicitis and was given penicillin fellow legislator, Wamer smiled and said, Wamer was supposedly engaged in such a shots... anything, he has become "de-cynicized" confirmation he does not take drugs "I don't even know the guy. People are by his troubles. mission. "...And they weren't in a row, says orally. just responding to a Christian, loving "I want to make it clear that I never Warner's case, which was stalled by a Dale Warner, rolling up the sleeve of his impulse." said 'they're out to get me.' I never said He had gone to room 235 at Motel 6 in shirt to reveal an unmarked arm. The Lansing at the request of Nancy long preliminary examination, is currently 'the police are hassling me.' I don't say at the pretrial motion stage. His attorneys, motion is almost a reflex action for the 33 Last August and early this year, it Witherspoon, whose husband Sam was those kind of things," Warren emphasized. Leo Farhat and Michael Stafford, are year - old Eaton Rapids representative was not as easy for Warner to smile. His serving time in Jackson for a narcotics . who was arrested last Aug. 15 and charged arrest resulted in the first search warrant Wamer is both puzzled and fascinated conviction. Warner said Mrs. Witherspoon arguing that the case should be dismissed with possession and use of heroine. for a blood sample in Michigan history and when it comes to pinning down a motive had asked his help in setting up a meeting because, they say, some evidence was Warner, the 10th - ranking Republican by Nov. 20, Wamer had either been behind his initial arrest with her husband. obtained illegally. in the Michigan House of Representatives, stopped by police or arrested 15 times. "I don't know," he says simply. "Part Around noon, a Lansing police team broke a personal moratorium on press "I'm going to sue them (the Lansing of it might be political and part broke into the room and of the may be one The State News will not be published comments this week and reflected on the Police Dept.) for assault and battery; my ideological but I think it was more a case officers. Patrolman Robert Cross, testified Monday morning in order to allow series of events that have changed his life ami bled profusely," Warren recalled. The — and please get this right - of being in later that he caught Warner in the newspaper employes to take Sunday off to over the past eight months. test showed no trace of any foreign the wrong place at the bathroom holding a bloody syringe. A wrong time." spend with families and friends this Easter "Friends have come out of the substance in Warner's blood. Wamer was one of the first state sworn statement attributed to Sam Wamer no longer keeps track of the weekend. woodwork," he said enthusiastically, representatives to come out in favor of Witherspoon, which he later denied, said number of times he has been stopped by All students referring to contributions made to the drug reform and changes in the state Wamer had a $40 a day heroin habit. are encouraged to have a Dale Warner Defense Fund. Close to police. Following a pair of arrests for narcotics laws and he nice weekend. was chairman of the "Sgt. Baylis and Det Brown (Lansing $2,000 has been raised thus far, enough to drunk driving, which were later dismissed Special Houae Committee on Narcotics in Metro Squad Officers) are convinced I'm The State News will resume publication °ALE WARNER cover approximately 40 per cent of in court, Wamer stopped driving his car. 1967-68. guilty. They've looked my body all over," Tuesday morning. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 12, |^| Japan crippled; 6.3 million strike! NEW YORK TIMF.S TOKYO - Japan, which thrives on motion and work ■ halt Thursday as the biggest strike in the nation's Meir Arabs in a hi!"111 warns speech crippled transport and other services. About 6.3 million railway, airline, bus, subway anH I Premier Golda Meir announced her resignation workers, plus postal and communications workers, doctors, walked off their jobs all over Japan. Because li-acherstUl I Thursday before a packed parliament, and pledged that others could not get to work, many industries so I Israel would continue to seek peace and honor its and * were also idled. international commitments. She warned the Arab states, however, that Israel's The strikers, pushing their "spring labor offensive" to I peak of intensity, are demanding about a 30 per cent army is deployed "as always and ready to fulfill its the average monthly Industrial incre ^I task." wages of $435. Their argument is that they must have a large raise to I The special Knesset session was originally called to soaring inflation that has sent consumer prices 26 per combaitt! I debate the causes of Israel's unpreparedness at the start the level of a year ago. cental*!!* I■ of last October's Middle East war. But Meir, who looked The unions of government employes are also tired and pale, took the opportunity to formally the striking to obtii right to strike. Japanese government employes, which incJ I I announce her resignation. Earlier, she had formally many of the railroad and other transport worker I notified President Ephraim Katzir. communications and postal workers, and teachers are The crisis that led to Meir's resignation was sparked forbidden by law to strike. That law has not been currents I enforced in the past - and was not enforced Thursdav. stnctl-1 originally by a report of an official high-level panel ' trying to fix the blame for Israel's unpreparedness at the The Ministry of Transport estimated that 98 per cent oil start of last October's Mideast war. The inquiry blamed Japan's trains lay on sidings or in marshaling yards Thursday,thus I Chief of Staff David Elazar and several top generals and depriving long • distance travelers, commuters and intradtr passengers of the single most important form of transport here, V | cleared Meir and her defense minister. Moshe Dayan. Elazar resigned, but Dayan refused, touching off calls The ministry estimated that about 40 million of for his ouster from within and outside his own party. million people were inconvenienced by the strike. There Japan's 10j ft few subways or buses running Thursday - but more were 4,1 Meir's makeshift coalition was severely split by the taxis tha I expected the streets, their drivers evidently unable to I argument and the premier felt she could not continue. Hanami were on resist the chance to make some extra yen. Meir will stay on until a new government is formed or A group of men relax on mats under a canopy of cherry More than 6.3 million postal and communication workers until new general elections. She promised that her For those who were around, it was more of a blossoms in Tokyo recently as they partake in "Hanami," struck Thursday, nearly crippling the island country. irritation - though how long that mood will last was holiday thanas | interim regime would continue to fulfill its functions the traditional Japanese custom of cherry blossom viewing. AP Wirephoto uncertain. | "to the utmost and with complete authority." 2 states declared disaster areas Man allegedly President Nixon Thursday declared West Virginia and Illinois as disaster areas, raising to eight the number of for nonexistent states eligible for federal aid to recover from last week's Preliminary examination has claimed the advertised concerts officials said, and promoters devastating tornados in the South and Midwest. been set for April 30 for a were fakes. using Olympia's name in In addition to West Virginia and Illinois, states Detroit man who alledgedly Officials at Olympia connection with the ads for the placed advertisements in a local Stadium, listed in the ads as concerts eligible for disaster aid include Ohio, Kentucky, the site of the concerts, said a were doing so without newspaper promoting permission. Georgia. Indiana. Alabama and Tennessee. nonexistent rock concerts. man who called himself G. T. U. S. Postal authorities The Illinois declaration specifically cited widespread McGuiness contacted them last HOT DOGS Archie Mcintosh, 26, was said all of the collected and extensive damage as a result of the April 3 tornados, money week about renting the facility. would be returned after an while the West Virginia declaration referred to "severe arraigned Wednesday on No contracts were charges of mail fraud by U.S. signed, investigation is completed storms and flooding" beginning about April 3. Magistrate Paul J. Komives with $5,000 bond set. The State News is i ublished by the students of University every class day during Kali, Winter and Michigan State Spring school terms, fROM 2-5 The advertisements for Mondays, Wednesday, and hriduys during Summer Term, and a special Arab terrorists kill 18 Israelis concerts Turner by and Ike and! Elton appeared Sunday in the , JolH) Detroit Welcome Week edition is published in September. Subscription rate 1f» per-year. Second class postage "* paid at East Lansing. Mich. Editorial and " is FRIDAYS 'ftiree Ark> terrorists slipped across the Lebanese News. i Bldg., Michigan State border into Qiryat Shmonah, Israel Thursday and killed Hundreds of fans mailed or 18 persons in the most deadly guerrilla action since the delivered money Monday to a News/Editorial 355-8252 Tel Aviv airport massacre two years ago. Southfield address listed in the Classified Ads 355 8255 The terrorists also perished as Israeli forces stormed ads. In a matter of hours, Display Advertising 353-6400 355-3447 the apartment where they were holed spokesmen for the rock stars 355-831 1 up. In Jerusalem, Premier Golda Meir announced the death figures and made a brief statement on the raid. doWINSTAiRS "The killing of children, women and innocent fi«),\i J-6 ' civilians is murder for the sake of murder," Meir said. "The government of Lebanon must know we and the residents of Lebanon who regard it, help terrorists, as fit FRIDAYS m responsible for this act." In the Lebanese capital of Beirut, a Palestinian splinter group, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Innocence k\ppy fftT • ThRU SAT. ! Palestine-General Command, claimed credit for the raid and said it was a suicide mission to demand the release of 100 Arab guerrillas jailed in Israel. It was also to free ROSES 6 for S2.99 Kozo Okamoto, the lone Japanese survivor of the 1972 massacre of 26 persons at Tel Aviv airport, the group 12 for $4.99 CARNATIONS 8 for $3.99g NEW said. from your Soviets attack Buckley's stand Tass, the official Soviet news agency, attacked Sen. James Buckley Thursday for alleging that President \ 9nthony florist 809 E. Michigan Michigan ® ^ Lots of parking in front of our new store! AH 485-7271 CREDIT UNION Nixon is in a weak bargaining position for the summit meeting this summer and therefore should call off the trip. Tass said Buckley, Cons.-R.-N.Y., and other "Washington hawks" are afraid that the next United States-Soviet summit "will make a new contribution to ARMY SURPLUS normalizing contribute to the international situation and will making detente an irreversible process." On-the-spot CREDIT UNION The news agency also offered a detailed explanation of why the Soviet Union claims Kissinger's talks in financing from area car dealers Moscow were fruitful. With an established Instant Cash revolving credit account at your credit union, you can now select the new car you want and arrange low-cost credit union financing - all in just one Trial set for stop at the showroom! alleged kidnaper You can use this convenient new service even if the car you Ian Ball, a 26-year-old drifter with a history of mental choose costs more than the difference between your current illness, was ordered Thursday to stand trial on charges Instant Cash balance and limit. of attempting to kidnap Princess Anne and attempting Phone one of our loan to murder four men who tried to save her. interviewers before you start shop- mg for your new car for Ball was arrested after a gun attack on Anne's car in complete details and the names of dealers offering ABC Cash the mall, near Buckingham Palace, on March 20. Four financing. people were wounded. Anne, 23-year-old daughter of Queen Elizabeth II, was unhurt, as was her husband, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SAVE GAS, TIME, FRUSTRATION! Capt. Mark Phillips. I Ball was ordered to be held in § Use your credit union's new mobile field office prison until the trial, § for which no date was set. O during your lunch hour or after work g °ii* L1OT"^''"nexttotHEPLANETARIUM § 11 to 1 and 4 to 5:30 every weekday but § Wednesday o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Lottery bonus numbers drawn The winning numbers in this week's Michigan lottery P.X. Store MSU EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION drawing were: 049 and 318. The second chance numbers were: 992 and 383. 351-5323 The April shower car bonus numbers were: 901 and 849 and 512. Frandor 600 E. Crescent • 9 to 5:30 Mon. Compiled by Deni Martin thru Fri. • Phone 353-2280 vl9?(^H,llgan state News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 12, 1974 3 lader criticizes Wharton, oil industries those groups or even ■By PAULA HOLMES university ovation. of pollution, businesses that |,a,e News Staff Writer courses that are designed to make the government more "Students have been processed to join industry. can manufacture shortages and officials that look the other of an energy crisis. "There may be an energy shortage can no longer even be that he doesn't think that the conpanies don't need anything justified by the figures that lusting everyone from responsive to the consumer, is a medium of imagination and a Why do engineers spend most way to get campaign crisis for the consumer," he come out of the Federal gas prices have reached else," he said. "We should call ■dent Nixon and the big oil of their time defending contributions, Nader said. said, "but there isn't any Energy Office. And emotional levels. Well he's the energy policy the lariics to President dash of intellectual courage," corporate pollutants instead of energy crisis for the big oil (William) right, they've reached Exxon-Nixxon policy. What Nader continued. "Such insensibilities have Simon has become the official on, Kalph Nader urged making a better society? They companies. hysterical levels. other industry has doubled its allowed businesses to develop price escalator for the oil I development of citizen "Maybe then people like don't have to sell their skills to with monopolistic powers and "The recent so called energy "With the White House as a prices in six months. Not even companies. He keeps saying JDb similar to his 18 public President Wharton will resign Allied Chemical and leave their have created an economic free public relations agency, oil GM would try that." Est research groups (PIRG) from the board of directors of morals at home," he said. system that relies on waste and t.' the country, as a means Ford Motor Co. and join the "With the establishment of misery to produce more jobs Nixon's ■making the government boards of these public interest L responsible to the public. consumer advocacy groups and income that will groups, freeing the universities campaign there can be jobs for people contribute to the Gross ■With the resurgence of from conflicts of interest with that don't want to do that. National Product. groups, the rhetoric big business. There can be public interest "Electric utilities have the be taken out of "We must avoid the pitfall engineers, chemists, lawyers status of legal monopolies that Irnment and replaced with of saying that the calls university and doctors. Human problems use the state lilv and incessant practice has to be an ivory tower and legislatures sentence as don't follow the demarcated accounts ■overnment - anew way of also the compromise at a receivable," he said. lines of academia, they demand "And their boards of directors | - the civic culture," the higher level with powers in a coordinated approach." filled with people from I who doesn't drive a car, society that limit the effects of But public advocacy are students and faculty," he told groups banks and insurance |r spends more than $5,000 will not succeed if Americans companies WASHINGTON audience that greeted him and other industries that feed (AP) - the Re Election of the anniversary of the burglary of hot - ir and never, ever eats an do not become more sensitive Herbert L. Porter, Nixon Pentagon Papers. with several minutes of off of the burgooning electric a President. He was charged with Democratic party headquarters to the invisible violence and gas industries." admirer since childhood and an in Ehrlichman, in addition, is concocting a false story about the Watergate office Ml it takes to develop applause and a partial standing official of his 1972 re-election charged with four counts of surrounding them in the form Nader denied the existence $100,000 of the money used complex. committee, was sentenced making false statements. by G. Gordon Liddy to finance "They are charged, along In setting the date, U.S. Thursday to 30 days in prison the Watergate break [ity, - in. with Bernard L. Barker, District Judge Gerhard for lying to the FBI about A. campus police nab students Watergate. "It was very, very fair," Porter said after he was Porter was the fourth former White House aide to be sent to prison. Eugenio R. Martinez and Felipe de Diego with conspiracy to violate the rights Gesell denied motions to try Ehrlichman separately on the perjury counts and he threw of Dr. Lewis sentenced by U.S. District Fielding, a De Diego's attorney off the Meanwhile, another federal >r cocaine, LSD, marijuana sale Judge William B. Bryant. He told the judge: "I've learned a hard lesson. It's a judge set June 17 for the start of a Watergate-related trial Beverly psychiatrist. Hills, Calif., Fielding's office was rifled in case. He said Henry B. Rothblatt of New York cannot represent involving three former White September, 1971. He was De Diego because he briefly was lesson I will pass down to House aides: John Ehrlichman, By JOE KIRBY selling narcotics in a series of my psychiatrist for Dr. Daniel Metro Squad in which children." attorney for Martinez and Charles W. Colson and Liddy. | State News Staff Writer early morning raids Thursday. undercover agents purchased afternoon only Storm had Porter, who will be 36 on The date is Elisberg, then under Barker in last year's Watergate MSU students were Warrants for the arrests were posted bond. The others were the second indictment for theft of the break-in trial. LSD and marijuana =ted by campus and East issued from the students. being lodged in Ingham County Saturday, was scheduling following an jail. director of the Committee for king police on charges of investigation by the Tri County Police said additional The arrests by campus police investigations are under way took place at 6 a.m. and further arrests may be Thursday. made. Captain Ferman Badgley said Canadian head, |inance bill's Those arrested by police were: Franklin Foos, 258 Abbott Hall, campus sophomore, everything went "smoothly." Badgley said that additional warrants the are prosecutor being sought from for narcotics Milliken push who and a carbine rifle found in the jpped was charged with sale of by LSD and cocaine; Timothy Storm, 269 Abbott Hall, junior, for the sale of cocaine, students' rooms during the The arrests waste treatment TORONTO (UPI) - Gov. by the East Milliken and Ontario Premier and Robert Davis, 121 N. Lansing police took place William Davis urged Wednesday Legislative delays and Milliken's criticism was Wonders Hall, for the sale of between 6:30 and 7 a.m. that the construction of promises in approving a focused on a Democrat • jaign finances disclosure sponsored amendment to the marijuana. Thursday. wastewater treatment facilities ■drew strong criticism from A spokesman for the Metro on the Great Lakes be keystone of his political reform Arrested T Milliken Thursday. by East Lansing Squad, which arrested 24 accelerated. * package. police were John P. attacking the State The Democrats, who hold a Fleury, people in Lansing on March 21 Milliken and Davis said in a 587 Virginia Ave., sophomore, for the sale of heroin, PCP and e of Representatives for majority in the House, Tuesday joint communique that they for the sale of marijuana, Big an Easter recess without upheld a provision, attached in cocaine, said they could not were particularly concerned cocaine and LSD; and Stephen release any information on the Igthening and approving committee, that permits J. Reynolds, 526 Stoddard the cutback in U.S. ■reform bill, Milliken said: election quantities of narcotics sold by the federal funding for water contributions under Ave., senior, for the sale of MSU students. Twhat the House has done $25 to go unreported, cocaine and marijuana. He said the pollution control. ir to the campaign reform recently The two leaders said water Republicans attempted to established "Turn in Pushers" ■presents a step backward . iitfow out the provision, which All five students demanded a pollution control was being era when the public has a (TIP) hotline played no part in jeopardized by the Nixon not attached to the preliminary exam at their the.MSU arrests, though it was I to expect us. their elected "ongi'nal Senate - approved bill, morning arraignments. Court Administration's impoundment a factor in the earlier of U.S. funds and "bureucratic ■ials, to move forward - as saying it would permit _ dates for Foos, Storm, Fleury Lansing .. —pep.— arrests. lndasfast as possible.' candidate's financial backers to and Reynolds were set for delays." contribute amounts less than April 22, while the court date $25 to numerous election for Davis was set for April 18. Inds required committees. Bonds in the cases have been "The $25 floor on set at $4,500 for Foos, $2,500 Ir name switch reportable contributions leaves for Storm, $1,500 for Davis, us much worse off than we are $6,000 for Fleury and $3,000 Jecretary of State ■Austin said Richard now," Milliken said. for Reynolds. By Thursday Thursday his However, the House on ■artment would allow Wednesday, by a 65 - 39 vote, pen to use their maiden did add to the bill a is their middle name on requirement that non cash licenses if the contributions to a political ature funds the candidate be listed according |chover. to their "monetary value." mail survey of women Milliken, House Minority > indicated that nearly Leader Dennis Cawthome and J of every three women the citizen's lobby, Common prs prefer the option of Cause had earlier attacked the ■g their maiden name as bill for its failure to require p middle name, Austin said. reporting of such "in - kind" approved by the contributions. Bslature, the new policy In his Thursday statement, Milliken also criticized House |ld begin in July. begin in delays on his Senate • approved tax relief package. Miss J Western-Styled Pants $8 Super-fitting pants at a super-saving price. The vast grouping includes solids, plaids or checks in all-season blends of polyester/rayon or Polyester/cotton. Sizes 5 to 13. Sorry, no phona or mall orders U4 jAof Jacobgoris JOHN TINGWALL OPINION PAGE Requirement change needed This megaversity offers a multitude of white marbles, shaking them around, and mitosis are firmly implanted on my very Though the revisions Wjii William W. Whiting Editor-in-chief to students. A few years from unscientific little brain. effective until next year Beth Ann Masalkoski.. Advertising Manager Michael J. Fox Lynn Henning Managing editor courses then counting them again in pairs for is heartening to know at the f,T I Sports editor now, reflecting on my college education, l genetics experiments. Why did only part of this scientific that nm"?! Geraldtf. Coy General Manager John W. Lindstrom Campus editor freshman class will not I*, K.D. Campbell might try to remember what I learned at And 1 do remember that the second day jargon penetrate? forced J2T Staff representative Kathy Niezurawski Copy chief this institution and in which courses I The is simple. As a freshman at courses that approach Jim Bush City editor Bob Novosad Opinion Page editor learned it. of class we went to Abrams Planetarium as answer Wayne State University, 1 enrolled in a explain nothing. In the evervthi^a Craig Porter Photo editor the highlight of a 10 - day crash course on future ll A few courses will probably merit biology course to meet the science may be able to choose a Editorials are the opinion of State News distinction for being truly enlightening, astronomy. 1 can honestly say that that requirement in liberal arts. course in which a deD»b2l editors. Staff columns, commentaries, points of view and letters are personal opinions. some will be remembered as intellectually excursion turned snooze. into a regular group fully explored, not topic is JJJJ explained in two lectures. summary! The genetics, astronomy, anatomy and stimulating or satisfying, a couple will 1 If I strain myself, I can even recall the archeology in my repertoire were part of bring a few interesting theories or facts to lab the skeletal system. It was self my instruction in natural science courses Hopefully, the curriculum «J EDITORIALS mind, and the rest will probably fall into on will consider the category of 50 minutes of much paced, and after 10 minutes, I was the - at MSU. About two weeks was devoted to an in ■ seriously courses tJj depth approach when needed napping. each of these areas and several others in this term to determine thav J only person left in the room trying to two terms of study. fulfill the which L Unfortunately, a disproportionate differentiate between human and new general ed2 Ruling nonhuman metacarpals. I never did learn The amount of learning accomplished in qualifications. . creates number of the a group requirements:" known "napping" courses fall into as 12 "general education credits each of the difference. These are the only tangible, lasting MSU's touch - on ■ everything approach makes the revision of these requirements goal Students should be able of general education to attai -J/V j development The Supreme Court took a step where high rents and poor quality humanities, social science, natural science impressions I have of two terms of natural very welcome. University administrators citizen" as a in human being aTlJ backward last week when it upheld are the rule. and nine credits of American thought and science. My knowledge on the Big Bang are now preparing to implement a policy - opportunity for mature courses that affJjP zoning requirements that bar Incongruously, ultra-liberal langugage. theory, sedimentary rocks and the that will allow students to take General education should perceptivityT Even creatures that inhabited the earth six departmental for general be 45 c groups of unrelated individuals Justice William O. Douglas wrote now, only one year after courses of million years ago is confined to whatever broadly based study, but from renting single-family houses. completing those sometimes farcical education credit. depth shod the majority report. He argued that not be sacrificed for requirements (I admit ATL was explanations offered in comic books. MSU has finally made it out of the breadth. | It held that Belle Terre, a small local governments can properly recall the stages of mitosis worthwhile because we did learn On the other hand, I do not consider starting gate in this area, far behind the from biota Long Island. N.Y.. community, had "lay out zones where family values, something about communication), my myself a "zero" when it comes to biology University of Michigan, Central and but astronomy, geology and the > acted reasonably in zoning out all recollections of natural science are foggy - DNA, RNA, nucleic acids and Western Michigan universities, and Wayne other areas we skimmed over youth values and the blessings of in natl_ but one-family houses and photosynthesis are my specialties. The State, which has lapped us more than science will remain quiet seclusion and clean air make Krebs mysteries to forbidding their occupancy by I do remember counting the blue and cycle, molecular structure and once. forever. the area a sanctuary for people." more than two people not related With its decision, the high court by blood or marriage. The high court decision is an is making an unwarranted and MELISSA PAYTOK .§ alarming approval of government arbitrary assumption that groups of unrelated individuals are an regulation of lifestyles. It strikes directly at students, who often have difficulty good, cheap housing and find that finding anathema conditions. to desirable living Douglas, who regularly speaks to Middle class n family-type dwellings are attractive favorable campus audiences, One of the few disadvantages of being difficult. children, in the high cost of living. alternatives to crowded apartments. apparently believes that students an editorial writer is that you may some But I strongly disagree with the The Great Middle Class Lament has actually pays a lower proportion 0[fl income in taxes than any other Lifestyle-restricting zoning are a nice group to visit - but he day be asked to write an editorial you editorial's inevitable implication, present become a cliche. Like most cliches, it has But the most damaging group. T disagree with. in previous State News editorials as well, thing aboutA ordinances also help create student would not want to live next elements of truth, but its effect is to close Middle Class Lament is the to But you write it anyway because that the middle • income student faces the minds of those who believe it toward tendency! "ghettos," as in East Lansing. them. many believers to aim their anger at J editorials, which are expressions not of rougher financial straits than the low ■ anything that does not fit neatly within its wrong target: low • income people J your views, but the majority of the State income student. confines. minorities. News' editorial board, have to be written. Financial aid granted by universities and For instance, though middle • income It is your job, and the disagreement is only colleges is increasingly based on need It deflects middle • class today, not high school honors or grade families find it harder in the '70s to put anger a| on a matter of emphasis. their sons and daughters through fiftir frustration from its proper target:? Besides, you can always write a staff point averages. This is as it should be. Of a years of college, they still manage it. wealthiest top 5 per cent or so who i| column to explicate your guilty group of applicants who meet minimum not carrying their share of the # Some may do so conscience. entrance requirements, one would only through loans and burden. Such is the case with Thursday's lead working during school, ,but they get reasonably expect financial aid to be editorial on the high price of education for concentrated on those who need it most. through school. No one denies that the middle dassj suffered from the increasing cost ofliJ middle • income students. I wrote it, but But an aphorism that is gaining more An especially pervasive myth is that the But as long as poverty exists in reluctantly and with strong reservations and more sympathy — in fact, it would middle class bears the greatest tax burden. about its tone. A tax study completed last as affluent as the United States, not be exaggerating to call it national any gro a year by Milton whose badge of membership is It is true that middle - income families attitude - is that the middle class is Taylor, an MSU economics professor, twocan.1 color television and a house in are hurt by inflation and that financing a getting screwed today: in taxes, in shows that partly because of thesub^ college education is financial regressive cannot legitimately claim it is I* becoming more aid for their college - bound taxes that hurt the poor, the middle class persecuted. Illegality of taking Kool-A GEN. GEOGGE CUSTER. To the editor: these years? sponsor a bill making sun ■ staring legal I have always assumed that smoking in bed legal without a pern® any activity It has been many years since I gave up and granting which is not specifically designated in the immunity to past offenders. How about extinguishing cigaretsinttf "shooting" Kool - Aid, so I am quite sure Before I do so, however, perhaps you or legal code as being illegal must be legal by that the statute of limitations on that palm of one's hand? Or walking or your readers could clarify the default. crime must have expired by now. (1 legal status of hot coals while listening to Afid might of a few other activities for Now I find me. Is moon this assumption called add that I am not now, and never have - Cooper records? Or gargling i staring legal? How about sleeping without rhetorically into question by Dennis been, a Kool Aid pusher.) I still do Mennen's after shave? With Aqua -Ve Muhn's letter of April 9 which asks, • pajamas? Can I be arrested for watching Or...? occasionally cast a glance upward to that the test pattern on my television set in the "should we...legalize taking Kool - Aid John Madid flaming orb overhead, however. Do I put wee, small hours of the intravenously and sun ■ staring?" Have I myself in legal jeopardy thereby? If so, I morning? Is 1404 C. Spartan Villa been laboring under a false assumption all shall write my legislator to ask him to Human rights to enter into (or to refuse to enter) any To the Editor: Dennis Muhn's recent letter action or association which does not attacking legalization of marijuana exhibits precisely infringe the equal right of other the authoritarian mentality which must be individuals to perform or refrain from overcome if people are ever to enjoy voluntary actions. An obvious corollary is that freedom. MWCH6ACH OP 1H6 A80\£ WrfH 1W6 CAUSE fOR WHICH EACH IS B&fWoM'- I argue only for the legalization of responsibility for deciding which actions a A. GUN O0NTROL6 S. ELECTION C&MftMGN ttfORfA person will take must rest solely with that marijuana. I prefer the term C. JHDIAN RIGHTS individual. D. PROHIBITION "de-illegalization," for I advocate the total I abolition of all laws concerning its growth, already possess the right to do harvest, possession, sale or use. anything which does not initiate physical violence against others; I need not wait for My position rests on two facts: A my freedom to be legalized. Laissez-faire! Democrats human being exists solely for one's own individual sake; the only moral means to this end is the freedom of any individual Paul D. Rolig 323 Village Dr. on campaign Can Russia To the Editor: many have said that Kennedy carelessly 1 was amazed and horrified to Democrats in the Michigan period of time, those sources may see the brought America to the brink of nuclear article by Dave Adler confrontation just to show House selfishly rejected an contribute thousands of dollars regarding toughness. This Soviet-American relations in the April 8 kind of toughness is not needed amendment to an election reform without being reported. State News. today. Then, to even mention Nixon's "peace bill that would have Besides crippling fund - raising This is, as he stated, a required period of crucial with honor" was a laugh. His "peace with names, addresses and amounts of contributions under S25 given to a activities and curbing the small cash contributors who do not wish United States — Soviet relations. the key concern is not just However, sincerity on the honor" not only destroyed a world, but continues to support the part of the MSU profs sho part of the Russians, but sincerity and corrupt regime in South Vietnam with candidate to be reported to the publicity, the Democrats say the trust on both sides. secretary of state. amendment would have led to undue bookkeeping. Adler asks the question: "Can the United States afford to trust the Soviets high defense expenditures. The United States is far from out of Southeast Asia. All of this to display toughness. their own feedb Some may say the Democrats are More bookkeeping might have and, if it does, is it ready to accept the We must cast aside the harmful Dear Sir: only protecting themselves from rhetoric consequences?" My first response to that results of such evaluation. This losing their main source of been involved had the amendment would be: Can the USSR trust the of anti-Communist dogma and continue to The debate concerning the availability only an of J finances: anonymous small - scale passed, but full disclosure of States, and for that matter, can the people United strive for disarmament. For we must all of student evaluation forms seems to assures the instructor's sincerity, but students ^ remember that the United States bring about a glaring inconsistency. The also f!'vesfl donors who would not contribute if campaign contributions is necessary of America trust the United States government, student an idea of how he as an indiviW to restore public faith in America's as proven by the corrupt University College of Education instructs government? Nixon stands with respect of the rest of thfcW their identity had to be publicized. The kind of attitude that Administration, is as dangerous and the prospective teacher in the value of I can see no reason why this But, in truth, the Democrats government. questions about Russian sincerity is the only asks the aggressive as Adler claims the Russians are. feedback from his students. 'ineJ| reason somehow The Democrats seemingly want stops at the secof "holier than thou" attitude that has level. are hurting themselves by to retain the air of guilt now But along with this, there is the need plagued American foreign policy since the Thomas AP.M weakening their accountability for surrounding secret contribution end of World War II and that has been stressed to inform the students of the public office and voting down an the 135 W. McD®! gathering. Donating money to the catalyst behind the Asian land wars. amendment that seeks to party of one's choice should be The kind of thinking in this article is Student food stamp strengthen the state's political the kind that looked upon as a duty comparable brought devastation to system. Southeast Asia. The fear of Communism to voting. and the lack of To the Editor: Democrats claim the provisions cooperation not only By turning down an amendment caused Vietnam, but also Korea and the This is in response to the letter attending classes I am trying to make ends of the amendment would invade by John meet. probably have a scholarship that c< requiring full disclosure of political "Red scares" in the 1950s. Braden criticizing student food stamp the entire cost of your education. contributors' privacy. But they contributions If the United States While you were home the Democrats are were to continue users printed in the April 9 edition of the enjoying your I would love to watch you survive J disregard the fact that it would also the policies of Christmas dinner, I hurting only themselves, people such Joseph State News. was busy waxing invade the privacy of those persons as they McCarthy, who did as floors; and while you that $200 you mentioned when you H soon will discover. not trust the "Reds," Braden: It is quite obvious that you the sunny Florida beaches, 1 was were frolicking on not under someone else's um America would forever be embattled and working contributing over $25 who have to It is plain to see that the have never had to fend for yourself. I 12 hours per day in hopes of making protected from the f«n8n 1 release their identities. afraid; the world would never see real suggest that you try it first before you Democrats not concerned with enough money for this term. thunderstorm. J are stability. start pointing fingers. The $25 ceiling is a dangerous the It is time to relinquish the When all is finished and the May I suggest that you try wor TjL desires of the people of concept of I happen to be grades are loophole that could be used to keep putting myself through in this June, I will still be over $1,500 in a change and manage your own mo" n Michigan. They can expect to see basing American foreign policy on school on a campus job that donors anonymous who repeatedly the results of their thoughtless outdated ideology. tedious hours with requires long minimal amount of debt. you can pay tuition, utility b'115^ The article talked of a It is readily apparent from your letter exorbitant food prices and still 111 give amounts less than $25. Over a conduct in the elections this fall. President pay. I have had few days off in the three that not to go hungry. Kennedy's toughness in 1962. However, you are truly the one who is years I have been here. When I am not "sponging." If not off your parents, you ^ ^ 539 ParkUj n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 12, 1974 5 Students cast unique vote By LARRY MORGAN Dick Gregory and Eldridge Cleaver as addition to the council, and Juan State News Staff Writer Pillsbury Doughboy would make a representatives. Valdez would be great during coffee There is an old wives' tale about Or great pair. even George Wallace, Golda Meir breaks. MSU students being apathetic toward The four women chosen to fill out or Magnolia Sweetmeat would have With Riva Ridge student government, and that is and Speedy the final group should be able to add a just things hopping. Gonzales on the council, bills would what it is, an old wives' tale. Other students little class and keep the meetings on opted for those fly through before anyone knew what As anyone can tell from tabulated an even keel. people who could liven up the was the deal. write - in votes for Academic Council, sometimes dull Academic Council students were thinking With this type of beginning for at • Linda Lovelace is up on top of the seriously about meetings with candidates like Smokin' forwhomthey Joe Frazier, Diana Ross, Marvin large representatives, the Academic likely persons list. Everyone were voting, and knew Gaye Council would have a good start to the candidates. and Stevie Wonder. would be sure that she would not They indicated their expertise in Coleman Young would have made a really go somewhere. choke on big issues. And then, pair Of course with the addition of two her with Xaviera Hollander and the student goernment with these beautiful choice to put on the Public samples other nonwhite and four female of their votes: Safety Committee. MSU could come budget woes would be over for good. Can you imagine Basketball Jones students, things could really get up with its own mini • police unit to moving. Wonder Woman could work doing layups during a roll call vote? combat drugs in the residence halls. Cochise and Gunga Din are wonders with the board of trustees, Or Richard Nixon But Mickey Mouse might fit in motioning that possibilities. SIRS forms be made available to the better with the attitude. They could be and Raquel Welch could add some tremendous for crowd control at class to the meetings. students? A Chicano representative like the concerts or at Farm Lane during the Many students demonstrated their Cisco Kidd or Pancho Villa would not So, obviously some people took the rush hour. elections seriously. It's too bad more maturity when it comes to voting and sit idle while imoortant debates raged. But then Mao Tse Tung and Ho Chi their sense of priorities in their did not. But there is always next year, Or maybe Chiquita Banana or the Minh could offer some bright and am representatives. Frito Bandito could add some flavor needed new ideas to the council. It is and maybe then exercise better more people will Academic Council could not be to meetings. judgement and vote for too bad they did not make it. called inactive with Angela Davis, Tico Taco would be truly representative people for the a spicey Of course Spriow Agnew and the Academic Council. Oil industry nationalization urged By JOANNE GEHA trillion dollar outlay for new oil But he said that a detailed plan should decriminalize marijuana, said that one of State Rep. Perry Bullard, D - Ann exploration, Bullard scoffed: not be offered until sufficient public the weakest links in the present system of Arbor, called again for a government "It seems incredible to me that $1 support for the idea had been generated. government regulation of the oil industry- takeover of the oil industry in an trillion is needed to find oil. After all, He said that an ideal government system is the monopoly on information held by appearance here Wednesday night but these companies are not pioneers in the would be decentralized to avoid another the private companies. hi — failed to respond to student demands for a specific blueprint of his program. field. They already have the basic "huge central bureaucracy like the post "One problem is that the only equipment for exploration and office." information available about oil reserves is Bullard attached the "oligopoly" ol production." Llfr private oil companies for trying to Several students in the small audience at He also said that both the public and the employes in such a system should from the American Petroleum Institute, controlled by the major oil companies," blackmail the government into a huge tax the United Ministries in Higher Education have a say in the operation of the new he said. break at a time when the world's energy demanded that Bullard explain just how public utility. "Hopefully, a congressional « v if™ shortage has reached a crisis stage. the government should take control and The young, modishly dressed ' legislator, investigation will gather more accurate bnvf * " ** Citing a Mobil Oil Co. advertisement in run the oil companies. who is heading a statewide effort to information about our energy resources." i m the New York Times which called for a . '73 report says 9 killed in county Accidents killed nine people in the Ingham County areas patroled by Sheriff Kenneth Preadmore and his deputies during 1973. Preadmore's annual report shows 2,853 accidents reported, including 32 bicycle accidents and two pedestrian deaths. DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau County residents were a little more careful during March of this year. ' Accidents reported totaled 195 but no one it meahb i V : MI6HT6ET IN. if was killed. i berkley some of those YO'J mean well, yes. The 1973 report records 14 complaints put you uhc um ' YOU're ONLY that's xesNT for rape, six for attempted rape and one on their. turn vow the offe&p a spot ri6ht. thatkw I waitin6 lst? manslaughter case. There were 104 school. / If someone else of cheapen narcotics complaints and 21 for liquor. ; what pote doesn't u/ant it? /cv In jured removed In comparison, during 1972 there was also a total of 20 rape complaints, but . THAT mean? Tlif firemen carry an injured man on a stretcher after lowering him with four for murder. Narcotics incidents went ■ snorkle unit from a derailed elevated train car in Chicago's loop up 37 per cent from 76 in 1972. Thursday afternoon. The two - car train derailed while rounding a Happily, this year in March there were • no murder or lurve south of the Merchandise Mart. At least four people were rape complaints. Nineteen narcotics violations were reported. fported injured. The sheriff's department issued 4,490 4-/Z AP Wirephoto traffic tickets in 1973, up 419 from 1972. NOW IN STOCK OrD PIONEER HI-FI HUT Stereo Turntable PL-12D WEDEMEYER'S of This is a very versatile unit that offers a high degree sophistication with advanced features like: 4 - it's total capability pole, belt • driven synchronous motor, staticbalance S - shape tone arm, ultra ■ light tracking, oil damped curing, anti- skating control: 12 - inch dynamically balanced die cast platter, walnut base, hinged dust Quadraphonic. cover, 33 1/3 • 45 spped. only $99.95 WPIOMEEXI QX-646 |4-channel Stereo Receiver Ijo matter ®D-4, SQ. what the 4-channel program source - RM or discrete — the QX-646 plays them all with its built-in circuitry. Of course, it's a full power ■•channel AM-FM stereo receiver also. :r great vi ic from pioneer, tl s the 1 advanced circuitry , including coupling, for outstanding performance. It's flexibility with connection for a phono and two auxiliaries, loudness contour and a headphone jack add to its versatility. Only $139.95 Despite its very modest price, the TX - EASTER 6200 employs the advanced circuitry found in much more expensive units. Its TX6200 front end and uses a low • noise FET, while a WEEKEND new exclusive IF section, this combination provides superb selectivity (60dB) and excellent sensitivity (1.9uV) to pull in weak stations and wliminate HI-FI BU S congestion on the dial. There's also wide stereo separation with a sophistiated IC multiplex - circuit. Capture ratio is tops at HOI East Grand River 337 2310 l.SdB. Additional features include: 4810 West Saginaw 484 4589 oversize tuning meter, lutra wide tunning dial. FM muting, fixed & variable output Mon. through Frl. 12 - 9. level controls, including walnut cabinet. LIZARD/^ only $139.95 ^800 left "n MERRILL -1 Block Unde John's) Mon. HOURS: - FrL 12 Sat 10-5:30 9 ( V A RESTAURANT ) J Disc Shop 323 East Grand River 351-5380 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Fr'^y. Apr„l; Views differ on women in clerg commission of the Eucharist to with McDevitt that By PAT NARDI theological reason for not "The attitude of Jesus . men." priests State News Staff Writer ordaining women. Since then toward women is the key to "Now I am in a quandary," acceptable than would beV Should women wear the he is having doubts. this. Jesus was not hung up on Bishop Zaleski said. "I'm still clerical collar? Two local "At that time, I felt no the cultural patterns of his Smendzuik pondering. But the church said she clergymen anda potential female theological reason was the time. He violated them consider candidate have repeatedly," he said. should be more conscious of becoming , -""I differing key," he said, "but with the God's sense of values toward the church's |aw ^ viewpoints. ongoing discussion, I decided "But when the choice of side. women. I can honestly say the The Most Reverend that I should study it further. ministers to carry out his work church has been ahead of Alexander Zaleski, bishop of And in the process of study, I began, he picked 12 men. I "Right now ,fs ^ society in saying what woman for me to take the Catholic Diocese of began to have misgivings." can't see this as just cultural," is. In the eyes of God there is she said. up the7 Lansing has misgivings about The bishop questioned in his Bishop Zaleski noted. "He no distinction between men ordaining women as priests. studies whether it was only a must have had other reasons. I "Scriptural!;, and women, but not everybody there Three years ago, Bishop cultural phenomenon that don't know what they were. reason why has the same ministry." women » Zaleski said, he could see women were not ordained. But the fact is that he gave the become no The Rev. Thomas McDevitt priests," ^ of St. John's Student Parish, "Right now there KamJU 300 to 327 MAC Ave., said he sees Joan's 100 women <521 Group begin Alliance, who to nothing in the scriptures to bar women priests, but he foresees many Catholics being violently priesthood ope;, Smendzuik said woiTj opposed to the idea. attracted to the because priest - prj2 byOn Easter Sunday at 6 a.m. dragginggroup, will sing at the service. After the service the cross "In could do some a respects women better today's priests because their job than more freedom religious orders. "The first have than women yM . „ natures are more tender," he would have a a group of students will drag a Also included in the will be returned to its resting said. lot of fun." she rough tin»3 14-foot 175-pound cross from celebration is the sharing of the place, the front of His House added. Fr. McDevitt said he did not Hagadorn Road to Beal Lord's Supper and a sermon East at 4920 S. Hagadorn know why some women would Memorial Gardens and begin a offered by Rev. Hawes. Road. "Son Rise" celebration. want to be priests, however, ARE YOU because they can already do a The outdoor Easter service, unitarian sponsored by His House and many things that priests do, His House East, will pay like visit the sick, distribute | WITHOUT KNOWING J tribute to the most meaningful event in the Christian Alcoholism unit asks communion and catechize. "I know some nuns who are Come and find out 1 at 10:30 a.m. | tradition — the resurrection of studying theology so they'll be Jesus Christ. i Unitarian Universalis! "This is an opportunity to gather together in a festive for help with project ready in when he said. women case the time can be comes priests," Grove St., at Church |f Library Lai, mood to celebrate the fact that Fr. McDevitt said The National Council on Alcoholism needs students to help in people the Son has risen," The would be the project "Make a Miracle Happen." This project is a campaign willing to accept Church School & Child ca Reverend Gary Hawes, campus aimed at prompting alcoholics and their familes to seek help. married priests before they V. s.. H w minister, said. would female ones. Students are needed to answer telephone calls from people =0M$33^■ai'd "The dragging of the cross is with alcohol-related problems and to deliver information packets Julie Smendzuik, simply a prelude to the to various locations around Lansing. coordinator of celebration," he added. "It is a religious Brat A training session will be held Saturday from 10-12 a.m. in St. education at St. Johns agrees FIRST BAPTIST group reminder of what Hippity-hoppity occurred resurrection." before Jesus Christ's Lawrence begin Monday. Community Mental Health Center. The project will THE 4684 MARSH RD. Bft- Scott him a Rodemacher, 1, of Grand Ledge, looks incredulously at the giant Easter Bunny offering lollipop. The bunny and some of its freinds have been greeting youngsters in the Hawes said residents of His House. 521 W. Grand River Interested students should contact Sharon Peters at the MSU Volunteer Bureau, 353-4400, or Doug Houseworth, 482-1417. EPISCOPAL 9:45 a.m. Bible Study 1 Hf] Mi Sa: Meridian Mall Easter approaches. Ave. and His House East. 4920 CHURCH as S. Hagadorn Road chose Beal 11:00 a.m. Worship ^^K'ate State News photo by John Russell CENTRAL UNITED UNIVERSITY SUNDAYS * gardens as the site of the 6:00 p.m. Praise Vernal METHODIST 5:00 Eucharist celebration because of "its CHRISTIAN mm esthetic quality." Across from the capitol Alumni Chapel CHURCH 7:30 p.m. College Mm, The celebration will begin at Sermon Topic. on campus Fellowship ^■alif Class explains 'how-toV 7 a.m. in Beal Memorial Gardens near the Red Cedar "Love That Even 310 N. Hagadorn Road Study Period 10:00a.m. The Rev. John Mitmar> Youth Minister: River. Psalm 151, a Christian Conquers Death" by Dr. Lyman Worship - 11:00 A.M. Chaplain 351 7638 David I)aku ^PT of construction in Arctic Worship Services 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. Singspiration - 7:00 p.m. Youth Meeting - 7:00 p.m. Transportation Provided 8:00 and 10:00 All Saints Parish Church Phone:319-2830 349-2135 | BT Call 332-5193 800 Abbott Road Nursery Available A new course in fcivil Orlando Andersland, the northern states, including 485 9477 The Rev. William engineering that is probably professor of the - Eddy new offering, Michigan," he said. the only one of its kind in the said incentive for the Rector country will appropriately course one was the northern Andersland disasters can said ecological be avoided on UNIVERSITY 351-7160 FIRST CHURCH Oil peoples SCIENTIST! conclude for the term about SEVENTH-DAY CHRIST. expansion in search of projects like the Alaskan the time construction begins ADVENTIST CHURCH resources in Alaska and other pipeline if proper engineering on the Alaskan pipeline this Arctic areas. UNIVERSITY chuRch June. techniques are employed. East Lansing "We will study the 337-1430 or 882-0805 The focuses graduate on course,' how to construct mechanical properties of frozen ground and foundation BIBLE STUDIES Now in Progress REFORMED buildings, pipelines and roads in Arctic areas and how to designs for the cold regions that are not only applicable to Saturday - 3:00 p.m. Pastor.Frederick Diaz CHURCH avoid environmental disasters. Alaska and Canada, but to the VIVITAR AUTOMATIC Voice of 332-5073 Prophecy Alumni Memorial Chapel ELECTRONIC FLASH WORSHIP SERVICE Lansing - WJIM - 12.40 (1 block east of with your purchase Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Auditorium) 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Your Story Hour of an OLYMPUS "The Last Word is Charlotte - WCER -13.90 9:30-Study Groups For OM—1 camera AdulLs and Sunday School Life" Sunday at 10:30 a.m. 10:30-Coffee Houi by Dr. Robertson Faith for Today 11:00 KcaJin: H< We have this spring CHURCH SCHOOL Grand Rapids ■ Worship - Channel 8 located m i hu 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. For rides call 355-0155 Crib through Adults Sunday at 7:00 a.m. OPI \ after 9:00 a.m. Sunday University Students Quiet Hour 1. The full line of Discussion Group Jackson 6:00 - Evening worship 11:00 A.M. - WIBM 14.50 • Cannondale equipment Sunday at 2:30 p.m. 2. Wonder lights Tom Stark, Pastor Fred Herwalt, Associate Pastor 3. Pletscher racks 4. Master locks and cables UNIVERSITY Kathy Lang, Staff Associate 5. Free repair classes BAPTIST CHURCH MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. 4608 S. Hagadorn CROSSROADS "Something Happened Here" Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. Rev. Hoksbergen Sunday School: 11:15 a.m. speaking CYCLE for Bus Service Call: S. SPORT EVENING SERVICE - 7:00 p.m. 351 -4144 or 351 - 6494 "The Stranger On The Road" BIO ABBOTT John Walden, Pastor Tim Limburg speaking EAST LAN8INQ Visit our new Student Center 617 33S-4081 "... for the word of God, and open daily 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. the testimony of Jesus Christ." Lunch Wednesday OPEN TIL 9 p.m. THU. & FRI. 12:30-1:30 EAST LANSING ' RINITY CHURCH UNU I iVa 7 « SLli\l\) For Transpor.atio«| call 351 9059 " IF IT'S A Jizf bU/WX) ITS 841 Timberlane 9:30 Education SfflJU&XUQ °r 351 6360 JE/S i REALLY GOOD 351-8200 11:00 Worship W. E. Mitfhael LATER THAN Pastor 7:00 Fellowship AND STUDENT CENTER 1509 RIVER TERRACE^ YOU THINK. South On April 12, 1974, time runs out for you to Baptist Church 1518 S. Washington Lansing enroll in the 2-year Air Force ROTC this campus. And here's what ■ $100 a Program on you'll be missing: month, tax-free, during your junior Sunday - 7:00 p.m. Campus Ministries and senior years. "This Hour And God's Power" MARTIN LUTHER UNIVERSITY ■ the chance to win a full Air Force scholarship CHAPEL LUTHERAN CHURCH (including tuition, lab fees, the works). LCMS ALC-LCA ■ a challenging job as an Air Force officer upon 444 Abbott Road 1020 S. Harrison graduation. 9:45-A.M Fellowship 332-0778 332-2559 plus and refreshments Pastor David Kruse 6 full and part time 'College Bible Class ■ a future where the sky is no limit. 8:30 p.m. staff serving the campus , in the fireside room. in the fireside room WORSHIP HOURS Contact Captain Rayner WORSHIP hours i 9:00 8:30a.m Worship ■ a.m. at MSU Quonset 67 call (517) 355-2168 Sunday 11:00 a.m. 1st & 3rd Sundays Communion or 9:30 a.m. Education Ho™ 2nd & 4th "Now is Christ Risen" Sundays Matins 10:45 Worship - (Available only to college juniors or students 10:00 a.m. Education having at least 2 academic years left before 11:00 Hour Special weekday servi»| Dr. Howard F. Sugden,Pastor James Emery .Youth Pastor a.m. Communion at appointed hours. F graduation.) 600 N. Homer at E. Sayinaw near 9:00 p.m. Communion Wednesdays Find Yourself A Future In Air Force ROTC. FrandorShopping Center FREE BUS SERVICE 5001 W. Saginaw across from the Morning and Evening at University Lutheran Lansing Mall Call 482-0754 for information Both churches open for study 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Friday, April 12, 1974 7 OK of rights amendment in 1974 appears unlikely WASHINGTON STAR-NEWS there are doubts about whether a state may retract its WASHINGTON - The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), five endorsement of a constitutional amendment. states short of ratification, is unlikely to win the approval of any The amendment consists of one key paragraph: "Equality of more states in 1974. rights under the law shall not be denied The last real hope or abridged by the United of advocates of the controversial women's States or any state on account of sex." rights measure was Florida, and Wednesday the Florida Senate narrowly killed the amendment. The vote was 21-19, and afterward the speaker of the Florida House said that body will not even consider the amendment this No action slated year. Florida Gov. Reuben Askew had endorsed the amendment, urging the legislature "in the strongest possible terms I can find" to approve it. But neither Askew nor his representatives lobbied on paper who actively to gain passage of ERA. BOWLING GREEN, Ohio- against the B.G. News reporters Supporters of the amendment focused on four states: Maine, It was decided Wednesday no for violating the University Montana, Ohio and Florida. The amendment was approved in all action will be taken against the student code by "intending to but Florida. four members of the student defraud the University." Supporters predicted that the amendment will gain the newspaper at Bowling Green The reporters were tried approval of five more states in 1975, making it the 27th State University who proved Monday at a hearing before the amendment to the Constitution. their student government Student Arbitration Board. election could be fixed by The board made its However, the measure has drawn heated opposition, and Phyllis Schlafly, who heads a group called Stop ERA, said fixing it. recommendation to Dean of The reporters had borrowed Students, Raymond C. recently that the amendment has only a 50 - 50 chance of 12 voter validation cards from Whittaker. becoming law. other students to obtain extra Whittaker said he finds no Thirty ■ eight states must vote in favor of the amendment by- March 1979 for it to be enacted. So far, 33 states have ballots in the Feb. 27 election. real evidence of intent to A Hanging around pair of boots hangs outside an East Holmes Hall room for 22 of them acting in 1972 shortly after the amendment cleared Congress. approved, The ballots were stamped B.G. NEWS and stuffed in the ballot defraud the university and no real harm was done. a spring airing - out. Even if box. He agreed that the reporters a 38th state approves it, ERA State News photo may still be in trouble, Two student government misrepresented themselves, but by David ne state. Nebraska, has rescinded its approval. Schlossberg However! leaders had filed charges felt no action should be taken. | Probe I WASHINGTON (AP) - jurisdiction extended of to those advised Nixon's Jaworski that the Saxbe said he didn't know and KLH SOUND SYSTEM fctty. Gen. William B. Saxbe people associated with the tax charter didn't ask Jaworski for the Thursday he has spelling out his affair," involving Nixon's responsibilities was broad reasons for his luthorized special prosecutors written KLH MODEL 52 AM/FM income tax deficiency of more - enough to cover the issue. question. ■o proceed with tax than $400,000, Saxbe said. Asked Saxbe stereo receiver ■ 30 watts Investigations involving several specifically whether said he has no RMS per channel "This was a new area of Jaworski is Watergate figures and President concern investigating knowledge that Jaworski has — taxes," he possible fraud in the investigated Nixon's role in 2 KLH - 6V speakers tax lawyer, Frank continued. Saxbe said he preparation of Nixon's returns, preparing his returns. beMarco. 12 in. 2 way J Saxbe told newsmen that Watergate irski prosecutor asked him about Leon a BASEBALL KLH turntable w/base *nd magnetic cartridge cover k ago whether his on the Jurisdiction covered tax Michigan State Network TOTAL LIST Jnatters and also DeMarco, the California who prepared m's tax returns for 1969 M.S.U. LEONARD PRICE YOU SAVE |hrough 1972. "The question arose as to Irhether At Home or not Jaworski's Game Time Complete Package! *439 IBARNES PURDUE - Friday April 12 - 3:00 p.m. List $25.00 FLORAL ILLINOIS - Saturday April 13 - 12:55 p. WILSON OF EAST LANSING OUNLOP UPC. PRO GOLF BALLS Men's & Ladies' AUTOGRAPHED Jack Kramer MANPOWER Maxfli, Spalding Dot BETTER BRAND Billie Jean King WMCD - 820 AM - McDonel Hall WEAK - 820 AM — Wonders Hall Light Weight Wilson LD, Golden Ram GOLF SHOES UNSTRUNG TENNIS RACQUET WKME 640 AM Shaw Hall and Royal Plus six PRO GOLF SET - - By Converse & Others WBRS 820 AM Brody Complex M997 - - WMSN 640 AM Remaining dorms $H99 - - We telegraph *229 Professional Stringing flowers I worldwide List $139.95 List $30.00 list $89.95 10K & 14K GOLD I 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 ROYAL ELECTRIC COMMODORE SAMSON ITE Mothers 12 in. carriage RECHARGEABLE ROYAL TRAVELLER Grandmothers TYPEWRITER POCKET CALCULATOR ATTACHE CASE Rings Portable, case incl. w/sq. root & square THE GREAT AMERICAN FOLK WINE V s23®® w Wto '85™ GREAT AMERICAN POSTER OFFER. HONEYWELL SAVINGS WEEK SUPER-MULTI-COATED SP 500 Spotmatic F TAKUMAR LENSES 135MM F3.5 I TELEPHOTO List $179.50 *99°° 35 MM SLR The new SLR Honeywell PENTAX SLR-SP500 AUTO STROBONAR I CAMERA. F2.0 55mm lens spotmatic F with F 1.8 multi rapid charge, variable Behind the - lens spot • coated lens range control List S99.95 meter system. $275.95 W s259°° Auto, Strobonar 360 BELL & HOWELL LOW LITE ZOOM DARKROOM SUPPLIES Paper, chemicals, enlargi PATTERSON DARKROOM ENLARGER W/BASE MOVIE CAMERA Unicolor, Paterson, Smith Victor, Nikon w/50mm lens s14988 Durst, Simon Omega, Vivitar & others EVERYTHING VOU NEED A LOW PRICES! List $99.95 w Jla/TicmdA IN ALL SHAPES-SIZES & STYLES Pass the Jug. Pour the Jug. Jug-a-lug. $300 % ct. diamond solitaire $149 JUG GREAT AMERICAN POSTER $780 % ct. diamond solitaire $390 Ju£ is the Great American Folk Wine. In Apple 12 E. Grand Ave. Room A A t)r $1950 1 ct. diamond solitaire $990 Strawberry Glen. Full of the crisp cold bite or Chicago, III. 60611. fresh-picked country apples or sweet juicy Please send me posters, $187.50 Diamond Wedding Ring $93.75 strawberries. for which 1 have enclosed $ When you finish a jug of Jug, you can put a Send my poster to: candle or daisies in it for a romantic meal. Or blow EXPER T Watch & Jewelry repairs and engraving your favorite tune on it. Name ' — Enough sell. You want a Great American Poster? Address Send us just $ 1.00. Our Great American Poster Store Hours: FREE LEONARD Measures 24" x 26". Resplendent in full color. City State Zip Mon. & Fri. Adjacent oniplete with painted-on frame. Offer giMnl until February 1st, ll)75. Void if restricted or for- 9:30 to 9 p.m. If you're Ramp decorating your room in American Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat. Parking Wholesale Distributors ^"'thic, l.oo (noit will fit right in. Get yours fast for a mere 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. 309 N. Washington Av.- Leonard Downtown Plaza Evenings, Sat. & Sun. stamps please) before we runout. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fridi*y, April 12 n Big Star superb show for bargain price By DAVE DiMARTINO State News Reviewer Me," and "Sitting in the "Candy Says," the Midday Sun," along Lou Reed's alone with Lou ^^^liiil^^B^^^^^Hiiii^li^HHRS^&^^SIiiimiliiiiilliHiiiiV lllllllllllllllllllililUlEfifl "Sweet Jane" and "The Bed," seemed to be Big Star, a relatively new band that has released two superb suitably effective in its set, as did Loudon Wainright's "Motel albums, has been at the Brewery since Tuesday and will continue Blues." In fact, it was sometimes more fun guessing from what its gig through Sunday. source the next piece that was not original would emanate than It is a rare moment when a band as talented as Big Star plays hearing the tune itself. The group did a fine job of revealing its even a concert ■ priced one - night stand in East Lansing; it is all main sources of inspiration. the more remarkable that the group has been contracted by the Occasionally Chilton would pull out an electric twelve string • Brewery for a week - long stint. Considering that there has been guitar while his fellow - band members walked offstage, and no cover charge throughout the week, it seems incredible that the played a short acoustic set that came off remarkably well. place hasn't been jam - packed every night. Unfortunately, acoustic sets don't always come across too well It truly should be. Big Star's first two performances on with the Brewery's usual patronage, so it seemed a shame that an Tuesday and Wednesday night showed that the band is a otherwise perfect set was marred by occasionally obnoxious tremendously talented musical unit. audience chatter. Despite its apparent instrumental limitations — guitar, bass and Chilton, who is only 23, has had a rather interesting past. As drums — Big Star manages to project an extremely rich, full lead vocalist with the '60s Box Tops, he sang the million • seller sound that is quite unusual for a three - man group. Star opened "The Letter," along with several other successful singles like "Cry its performance with a driving rendition of "You Get What You Like a Baby" and "Neon Rainbow." To close the show Deserve," from its most recent album, "Radio City," and carried Wednesday night, Big Star played "The Letter" and appeared to on strongly from that point. have great fun doing it. Lead singer and guitarist Alex Chilton seems to give the Big Star seems to have a bright future. It seems only a matter impression of a musician who is just having fun playing the music of time before the group receives the public acceptance it so he loves. Certainly Chilton loves his msuic — all his own obviously deserves. The band has received unanimous critical compositions were performed beautifully — but it is even more adulation for its two albums on Ardent Records, and if the commendable that Big Star sees fit to play compositions that are performances this week at the Brewery are any indication, Big not original which generally seem to fit its musical groove. Star, with just a little more exposure, will have no trouble Thus, the group's performance of the Kinks' "You Really Got making it big. LOU REED'S ALMA MAIER Extinct band's live disc Big s yields great rock 'n' roll The group Big Star has been jamming at the Brewery all and guitar. The group will be at the Brewery till Saturday week long for no cover. Big Star is an up and coming rock State News photo by John Dickson group featuring Alex Chilton, ex-Box Top, on lead vocals By DAVE Dl MARTI NO Time Together," which is extremely reminiscent of one of Iggy A State News Reviewer From totally out of the blue comes "1969 - Velvet Underground Live" on Mercury records. A total surprise — the infamous group has popped up on several diverse record labels, Pop's more literate compositions, along with "Over You" and the medley "Sweet Bonnie Brown/It's Just Too Much." Thirdly, and perhaps most welcome, is the fact that for most of the recording, Lou Reed is featured playing lead guitar — ly and the Boys and in keeping with tradition, this, too, is a new one. The Velvet Underground was, at least in this reviewer's, opinion, the greatest rock 'n' roll band in the world — which is a rather grand claim, to say the least. When the Velvet something that, sadly, he has not been prone to do lately. Reed is capable of running out purely maniacal leads, and on the new version of "White Light White Heat" he is simply unbelievable. Irish tradition with The music is superb. Several interesting curiousities pervade the Underground was in its prime, it made the Rolling Stones, the FROM LOCAL PRESS RELEASES album like the versions of "Sweet Jane" and "New Age" that humor that is bound to provide a fine MC-5, the Who and all the rest of the so-called "competition" run evening for all. contain drastically different lyrics than their more familiar After playing at the Cambridge Festival in home to mama and hide under the bed. Aly Bain and the Boys of the Lough will come to the Mariah 1972, the {it, counterparts on "Loaded," the group's last album. It is also Folk and Blues Coffeehouse for two shows at 8 and 10:30 drew raves from Andrew Means of Melody Maker. The to They were too much too soon. And they broke up. p.m. This new album, however, says everything there is to say about interesting that though "Ocean" and "Lisa Says" are included in Monday in the Union ballroom. nearly ran away with the festival. At one point they had wla the performance, they didn't see vinyl form until their inclusion seemed like half the main marquee tent on their the group. It is utterly fantastic, a fitting memorial to a group Tickets for the show are $1 in advance and SI.50 at the door. fa on Reed's own solo album, after the Velvet's that was never truly appreciated until years after its demise. splitup three years Advance sale tickets can be purchased at dancing...Their music is precise and accomplished," he wrote. later. Elderly Instruments, Being recorded in 1969, the album does not include famous Discount Records and the Union box office. The same year at the Philadelphia Festival, Rolling Stonesi Velvetter John Cale, who by that time had left the band. The Compared to "Live at Max's Kansas City," the Velvet's The group is composed of four members this about the Boys: "...a including Aly Bain, quartet of vuung Bria group's lineup then consisted of original members Lou Reed (who previous "official" bootleg disc, recorded on a tape cassette and who is considered one of the best fiddle players in folk music. instrumentalists-singers, the Boys of the Lough is presently quite a well-known artist thanks to his association set the Satuit| released, budget priced, on CotiUion records, "1969" is far Bain amazes crowds wherever he travels with his Shetland night crowd howling and dancing in the full fun of an Auj* with last year's superstar David Bowie and his own successful superior in every respect. The album might have justifiably been Islands brand of music. thunder storm with Gaelic j^nes played on the fiddle, guitar* single, "Walk on the Wild Side") on guitar, Sterling Morrison on released between the group's third and fourth efforts, it is simply Along with Bain are other fine musicians. Cathal McConnell is bodhran." guitar, Maureen Tucker on drums and newcomer Doug Yule on that good. commonly accepted as one of the best flute and whistle players in bass, organ and harmony vocals. Let it be said that this album Ireland. The Boys of the Lough have been praised by the mediaare_ serves as a welcome "1969" holds several surprises. First of all, it is a specially documentation of the world's greatest rock 'n' roll band at the Robin Morton is fine the world and their performances remain in the minds of alltta a singer and concertina player and an priced two-record set, listing at $7.98 — quite a bargain, height of its career. While production-wise it can't at all compare" who see them. accomplished artist on the bodhran, the traditional Irish drum. considering that together both discs contain over 103 minutes of with Reed's latest live album, "Rock 'N' Roll Animal," it is much David Richardson, from the north of England, completes the This concert should be a must for every Irishman o music. more artistically valid and therefore by far the better album of group with his banjo and mandolin. and for every person who digs boogieing with a hard Secondly, there are four new compositions included that were the two. If you have a desire to hear the "real" Lou Reed live, go As a group, the Boys of the Lough provide an exhilarating band that loves playing for enthusiastic audiences, which in< never before heard on record: "We're Gonna Have a Really Good pick "1969" and up you won't be disappointed. variety of song, instrumental music, folklore and general good just about everyone on campus. HOT BAGELS THIS FRIDAY & SATURDAY * Plain, Egg, Salt, Raisin, Onion, Garlic, Cheese, Pumpernickel Bagels Beal Film Group Presents •Hot Kosher Style Corned Beef, Lox„ Ham, Turkey, Tuna, Cheese, Kowalski Keilbasa, Smoked Salami, Old-style Loaf: ALL sandwiches on delicious fresh bagels. •AII items above plus Kowalski Polish Hot Dogs NEW LOW PRICES ON SANDWICHES! A FRENCH-FRIED RAISIN BAGEL-YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE IT! NOW: FRAGEL HOUR! Get one FRAGEL FREE with each FRAGEL purchased 11 p.m. - MIDNIGHT SUN. through THURS. 1a.m.-2 a.m. FRI. and SAT. If you enjoy erotic entertainment, this program is the very best. A variety of pornographic delights. "CORNUCOPIA" is a collection of I HOURS: 9 short films, all of the | 8:30 a. very raunchiest shade of blue. Unlike the FREE I ' "Best of the New York Erotic Film Good thru | FRI. I. SAT. Festival" shown here last 4/26/74 term, the coupon majority of pictures in this group are both erotic and amusing. 1. "THE AVIATOR" A 40-year-old porn classic. Beautifully made and astroundingly hardcore. The best FISHV porn produced during the "Roarina 20s." 'SMART ALECK" 1947, a no-nonsense porno •tripper Candy Barr. s g famous I 50° sssss n; jtfsis; horseplay** strip o°f' thU^wnTcomV «rV'"ocr"f°h^a|,;ih%|X,p,'°C" to the buff In record time ' adv«rtl« th.i ^ 9 ddy ,l4PPer* engage In a bit of sly matchmaking bet wean ' and ,hen ninny-goat through a hole In the fence. amorous swain and a 4. "OUT OF THE BLUE" T.V BLOOPER*; thinnL the tube could not show-very funny w.itALP,Li,HCErtS C rTnf CmT BOTT,rK" and very naugh jl — the one .0 abject-looking Marilyn fake tree and commence, MomL She w^lk,einTUn,dr1!48 W"h " VCry yun*' W> EVERY SU famous torso and sipping a nutshell, and for Monroe fan* a slow strip te.« coke lr« A. iT' . °. ,'u * Camera• d"W" benea"l" 8 "" apple up und down ole le«*nd of Norma Jean in a Also: HOT 6. "ANDROMEDA," J27„dtVo^' mo" recenl (Berkeley, dream-vision fantasy in which a i,,„. t "69), is a hair and beard by a master-race of U-.h!11P|e*s male is divested of everything but his after 3PM M on a bit like the Mother Nature of ih» m earring on in their leafy bowers nmvil™'* head "oddeM of ""is cult may come ?e •d'' but ,he si«h« of her nymphets to get the old PITCHER adrenalin flowing for th. !°TC l®hly •filiating moments guaranteed 7. "NAUGHTY NURSE" satiric than i, a de i!h!f7. "'h°W' after 6PM MON.-THU. salacious, a well-made diverti^-T^T Vi"* Wh')Se appeil1 is elements of humor and surprise. e,ti,e'n*nt •mhn.lvln. iw. .~a 231 MAC 351-2755 Nest to the COCKETTES WOF"TAN" ' ™E FABULOUS 11AM High wheeler Lounge - 2AM MON - SAT explosion- ft. Showtimes 7:00 COCKETTES?™?,b'S." Rated X, You NOON must be 18 Admission - MIDNIGHT SUN' 8,9:30 Showplace 106 B WELLS S1.50 Icliigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April I 2. I *>74 9 Nimoy cheats crowd with ad-libbed talk By KATHY ESSELMAN State News Reviewer deserved a well - prepared talk that touched on "Star Trek" or What s a nice Jewish science fiction, rather than diverse boy from Boston doing in a place like After this brief brush with "Star musings of a disorganized this? Making money, what else. Leonard Nimoy, "Star Trek's" Trek," the reason most people mind. came, he pointedly ignored the series until the second - in command Mr. Spock, question - answer After the question - answer period, Nimoy • appeared courtesy of period. One backstage commentator promised to sign a Residence Halls Assn. thought Nimoy seemed few autographs. He didn't. He made an IMF (impossible missions Tuesday night at the Auditorium. For distinctly bored with the whole proceeding and $2,500 he delivered an unprepared talk on the marvels of modern disinterested in the fans, actively force) exit in just under 35 seconds, leaving disappointed fans though not in the money. standing at the stage doors with their "Star Trek" books. He rambled for 45 A crowd of minutes, from topics like bodv farming to To cover up his exit one of the better "Star Trek" 3,200 Trekkies turned out to idolize Mr. giant spaceships and Carlos Casteneda. Then episodes, Spock. came the question - "Devil in the Dark," by Gene L. Coon and directed Teeny - boppers, biochemists, 10 - year - old boys, a girl on the answer period, which lasted for a half by Joseph hour. In answer to a executive board of the "Star Trek Assn. for Revival" and sci • fi about query Pevney was shown. All its faults became glaringly apparent on the fans in assorted shapes and sizes Spock's mating habits, every seven years, when away from showed up in record numbers. Vulcan (as every Trekkie larger screen. Weak dramatic devices, poor editing and TV More people attended this talk than knows) he kissed a beautiful girl in a directing techniques come to light. the Rod Serling and Vincent costume engineered for "Star Trek." This Price lectures combined. set off a chain reaction The tendency to center the action and concentrate on of questions until closeups Nimoy came out with an assortment of Nimoy closed the damper on it. became irritating. The high - color contrast that seems normal on newspaper clippings Little boys asked questions to which and a Time magazine. From this he they knew the answers the home screen looked lurid when blown improvised a lecture from just to speak to their idol. Simple questions elicited up 2,000 times. The random bits of information. He improvised an appallingly bad long, detailed Horta, a monster among monsters, was revealed as a construct of responses from Nimoy, some of which, like the "Star Trek" episode on the story of the girl plastic and burlap wrapped around the late Janos Prohaska. subject of mood - modifying pills. He who knew the Vulcan salute in read a suggestion in an editorial that all national leaders might in Cleveland, have appeared Their cavalier attitude toward detail was demonstrated elsewhere. on the future be required to take mood more than one occasion. The mob of miners are armed with - modifying pills to curb The audience their aggressive tendencies, thus appeared restless and bored during most of the clubs. Really guys! The passages tunneled out of solid rock reveal he constructed a reducing the chance of war. Then talk. A number of people mentioned that the information Nimoy sample episode based on this idea. The Klingons themselves as grey canvas not too well tacked gave was available to anyone in down, while the substitute sugar pills for a Federation leader's college. They conceded that it plastic wound that breathes looks suspiciously like similar pills, thus goading possibly satisifed high school students, who made him to declare war. Kirk, up a large constructs on "Lost in Space." Spock and McCoy check out the percentage of the audience. Maybe. But couldn't a talk be situation. McCoy discovers the The audience giggled and guffawed at the substitution, Spock reasons out a thoroughly prepared and appeal to everyone? strange - looking logical solution and Kirk is rewarded with the President's version of "Star Trek" on the screen. But in the last act, when the I Rip off Spockulation Leonard Nimoy came to spread the good word of daughter. The final plot point was contributed by the reviewers who had seen too many episodes. lovely Nimoy would have to work six days to earn S2,500 guest - starring on an hour episode of a dramatic series. That is pay for a guest star. For one hour and 15 minutes he average dramatic quality of the program more respectful. A hushed silence improved, the audience became prevailed during the best On the basis of this plot, Leonard received section of Spock's mind meld with the creature. I science "Star Trek" to the backward civilization at MSU. Nimoy made the right choice $2,500 plus expenses, exposure and a lot of free Viewing the - he is a better actor than writer. in the print and broadcast publicity, both episode provided a fascinating opportunity to step back from a State News photo by David Schmier Unfortunately, that is exactly media. It was a ripoff. The audience dramatic work most Trekkies know too well. Three rveddrudzats _y EDD RUDZATS "Tt,. "The cf.,» good performances * Sty" they k„..„ u have become infused with the concept of , J State News Reviewer more than just a family in the author's intent from its wondering if the play hadn't I Throughout the years the death, both in the physical and director John J. Burke. As a As played by Karen Kellum, sequence in which Alberta their scenes with Kellum. Dean's eyes—they are now spiritual sense. Death already finished. And some Alberta has no depth. Kellum's recites a young man's obituary Tyrone R. S. Wesley remains nerican family has proved to result, while several scenes have were wishing it had. a rich source of inspiration representatives of a dying era surrounds the Warrens, and the voice of the reverend by far the strongest member of power, the final effect is dull and lifestyle—that of the characterization is glaringly that can be heard amidst the the cast of "Sty of the Blind jr many a playwright. He can continually intruding into their and dissatisfying, devoid of any "Sty of the obedient, subservient black. Blind Pig" deficient in comparison with choir singing can only be called lamine each individual lives as mother and daughter catharsis. Part of this problem Pig." Whenever he's on stage as Currently being presented attend funerals, discuss cause requires four strong the others, but then.Burke has dramatically inept, for the the blind streetsinger whose Jparately as well as how the lies in the production's way by the Michigan State Dept. of of death or argue over the pacing. characterizations for it to work not helped her out one bit. In it is presented is so discordant Knilv functions as a unit. Theatre in the Arena Opening night, "Sty" was extended presence acts as a catalyst in ■ Usually the playwright's Theater, obituaries that the daughter hampered by far too lengthy properly. Unfortunately, in the an monologue about with the rest of the production the Warren family, Dean's play "Sty" as directed by John J. used to write. Much of the the fall of the purple angels, that it loses all its impact and and Burke's production come i the disintegration blackouts between scenes and Arena Burke is subject to fits and conflict within the play production, the Burke has Kellum writhing like proves more clumsy than alive. Wesley gives a rich, J this unit, how each member starts, never quite managing a such a slow leisurely delivery character who forms the a spastic and then floundering dynamic. Bs begun to disengage himself revolves around Weedy and from its cast that when the nucleus of the play, Alberta, is coffee complex, full-bodied steady rhythm or pacing. It's Alberta and the entrance of on a table like a It is to the credit of the performance, one that is n the whole. Yet on second intermission came, the weakest member of the ision the focus is muted an uneven night for the Blind Jordan, a streetsinger, some youngster taking her first other performers that they can convincing and genuinely audience at the play since the people were audibly small troupe on stage. swimming lesson. That entire what results becomes into their small circle of breathe some conviction into moving. I simple reproduction of the gripping intensity of some existence. Yet even Blind scenes is countered with Jordan has an air of death ply lives and problems of Tvcral individuals tied together ■ ■ birth. Phillip Hayes Deans' play dreadful lags when everything seems to stop. Technically the production also displayed a about him—or "the smell of blood" as Weedy describes it— and because of this Dean OPEN AT 12:45 P.M. Another Week ■|^'ll|;^ifgwriil7Ti^l'l'' PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-6944 need for a polished precision as hie Sty of the Blind Pig" appears to be trying for a more Irks mainly in this mode but the lights never once coordinated with one another universal statement through his characters. of Sheer Joy! 8th WEEK! also attempts a more SHOWS TONIGHT at Imbolic means of expression. from the minute the play began Though it boasts several 7:00 & 9:30 opening night. outstanding performances, play explores the Set in Chicago's south side "Sty" is quite noticeably FOR ALL YOU FAT CATS! 407 E. GRAND RIVER-DOWNTOWN SAT - SUN - WED at ■lat ion ships between the - 4:15-7:00 & 9:30 theearly^SOSj^Sty^is lacking a clear conception of : Weedy, the mother; c, the brother; and Alberta, daughter. These three WILLIAM PEB BIATWS Joplc go about their daily luting, pausing now and then Holiday Lanes 1 take psychological potshots ie another. By the end of (near Frandor) THE EXORCIST will offer a new program Dww^WILLIAM friedkin J.6EIL5 called IS COMING! flENT-A-LANE. You and your friends may rent a lane for $3.00 per hour. Maximum 6 persons per lane, with automatic scoring. This program is in effect weeknights Monday thru Thursday, Midnight 'til 3:00 am —Tj— MOCHA* TOD AY...Box Office ICHIGAN open 6:45 P.M. • Theatre Lansinq ■ Feature 8:00 P.M. Sat. - Sun. - Wed. - at 1:30 - 4:30 - 8:00 P.M. gone i/ the roi nance Si ELLEN BURSTYN ■ VAX VON S • DCV. it.QC KITTY WINN JACK MacGOMAN -SC\ Viiii PASSES that UUQ//0 divine: . . UNMBLAflU,-■fcirfli'V.' PETERBL-MT GUEST NIGHT wNOEL MARSHALL- Soaw^biWLLA'vl ^ETER BLAT BARGAIN DAY V W Q■ Wry Comvwws jrwv Rj SUSPENDED THIS SHOW PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-5817 1 " 'Le Sex 215 ABBOTT RD. - NOW THE TV CRITICS MAKE IT UNANIMOUS DOWNTOWN Shop' is not for children, but it is for adults who can smile Feature 1:30 3:30 • 5:30 9:40 ■ 7:35 • - through a nude, but never dirty lampoon of pornographic movies. lLe Sex Shop' has been made by Claude Berri with a twinkle in his eye, his tongue in his cheek and laughs TONIGHT iK i all over the place." -Gene Shalit, WNBC-TV: THE EARLY MUSIC CONSORT "Totally delightful! There is much nudity and simulated sex in this film, but if of LONDON Directed by David Munrow your wife, or husband has never seen an DflMD meftRKH/ pflODucnon a a jock aflvTon huti X-rated movie, 'Le Sex Shop' is the one "MUSIC FOR PRINCES AND PEASANTS" A program exploring the contrasts between courtly ROBERT R€DfORD^miR FflRROUJ to take her, or him to. It is wholesome, and popular elements in mediaeval and Renaissance music. refreshing and deliciously funny satire." -Stewart Klein, WNEW-TV: Jam«» Bowman -"tenor, viola, medieval trumpet "This charming French comedy, is the Oliver Brooktf w ••hec, recorder first really sophisticated X-rated movie JametTyltr t Mk "n. recorder Christopher Hogwooo shown, and proves that is not just fun ^ ^ fh W Y r"mhorn HRR6D SLACK /COTT LUIL/Ofl /Am WATCR/TOTl but that it also sex David Munrow bagpipes, recorot.,. / "Jf? lhorn can be very funny." rtulcian, cornemuse, pipe, & LOI/CHIIC/ BRUCC DCRA Tom -Kevin Sanders. WABC-TV: " 'Le Sex Shop' is the cleanest X-rated movie I have ever seen. It's a film that even the Burger Court could love." -Leonard Harris, WCBS-TV: Next! "A full - length animated cartoon feature of fabulous unreality. FANTASTIC PLANET 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April Ijjj PAUL Student translates Italian comic opera Actors, WINNER OF 7 NEWMah RGBEjft J AWARDS or By EDWARD ZDROJEWSKI orchestra, and today is known a believable character. smaller roles hut they ACADEMY REDFOjjd State News Reviewer as the "Largo from Xerxes." It Juanita Green (Atalanta) perform a performed admirably. This past summer graduate student Carl Saloga began to is performed quite often. was perfectly cast as the wench INCLUDING THE snivel Comic opera who traps men with "her The small orchestra, under work on a special. He began to "Xerxes" is Handel's BEST PICTURE make an English translation of only cunning art." She was the direction of graduate comic BEST DIRECTOR opera. The names are brilliantly funny and she had student John Scott, performed George Frederick Handel's based on historical names but the audience eating right out of Handel's music beautifully. opera, "Xerxes." the characters in the opera her hand. The final results of his labor postures that normally would perfectly, and with his They were restrained and never have nothing in common with be judged as blatant overacting. Edith Nosow (Amastre) was, overpowered the singers. The were shown Tuesday and their historical counterparts. Indeed, many of the characters magnificent stole the voice he often if it is possible, even funnier. only difference between them JSJ NOW SHOWING Wednesday nights in a packed The plot, or what little plot scene. She completely put herself into seemed as if they were acting and a true baroque orchestra 'I haver* hod such a good Music Building auditorium. Under Saloga's direction the there is, is the standard comic in one of those old silent films Pleasant voice the 18th century style of was that no one was wearing at a new movie in time' offering of the day. There are from the 1920s. However, this Monte Long (Arsemene) has acting, and she had the powdered wigs. MSU Opera Workshop love triangles, a woman dressed was the common practice of a very pleasant tenor voice. He additional help of playing a •i4° presented Handel's work. Saloga said he conceived of as a soldier, a mischievous the times. performed the "castrato" type woman masquerading as a Saloga is to be congratulated THE PetefDo^l Q^VKh NewYo^Mogozmj of acting quite well, and he was Her rich for presenting a baroque opera in servant, etc. These are comic devices that have been standard The audience found the whole thing hilarious and, one soldier. voice was a joy. contralto a magnificent job in recreating an art form THBEI ' as accurate a performance as possible. He had decided to used for centuries yet still draw way or another, quite Terry Odette (Elviro) and unfamiliar to 20th century MUSKCTI laughs in modern situation entertaining. It is a funny Dale Schirmer (Ariodate) had audiences. TECHNICOLOR* personally translate the Handel comedies. |pQ] libretto from the opera, even if you disregard original The staging of the opera was that strange stage conventions. Italian. There is a translation remarkably accurate for the The opera originally available from the 1920s, but it early 18th century, even included two parts written for modernizes the plot and makes though many of the stage some changes in the music. Saloga admitted that it was a tough job to translate the conventions strange audience. to a Many would 20th seem century- of the "castrato," tenor parts. Fortunately, there is a shortage of castrated tenors these days and the parts were filled by Vussy^ Italian into English rhymed verse. There are major differences between Italian and conventions that would perfectly normal seem to a regular tenors. Besides directing the entire ^ presents Londoner of 1738 drew laughs affair, Saloga sang in the title English rhyme schemes. from the audience. role. He performed the 18th "Xerxes" was written in the For example, the performers winter of 1737-38 by Handel century style of acting on stage used huge gestures "INCLINED TO PASSION" in preparation for the 1738 and assumed exaggerated "LOVE OF PLEASURE" opera season in London. The A girl with a great following... 600 troopers on her tail. "The finest in Adult opera was first performed in April of that year, and was not J.6EIL5 Entertainment" And the rest of the country cheering her on. performed again until 1922 at IS COMING! a Handel revival in Germany. The opera remains one of LIVE FLOOR SHOWS Handel's more famous works *** SPECIAL because of the opening aria. LIVE — IN PER90IM This aria was arranged for an (HELD OVER) NOW APPEARING REBEL CARR THE LAS VEGAS Ms. NUDE WORLD REVUE 3-7-9-11-1 Complete Show change Every Wednesday 3.00 per person, 5.00 a couple SHOWTIMES Open 7 days a week Monday thru Thursday I daily 9 am • 4 am every other hour Sun. 9 am - 12 midnite. from 1 p.m. till 11PJB. | 2700 N. East St. Friday - Saturday every other hour 372 - 7080 from 1 pjn. till 1 an Sat. All Stats $1.50 until 5 at /ERIE/ mctngan slate unlvertity /ERIE/ tt university BOBEY SHORT WORLD TRAVEL SERIES Filmed in color & personally narrated by Jome/ fTletcQlf ANGOLA a different africa BOBBY SHORT has long been a legend to those who follow the music scene. Today's leading male pianist/singer, he has become "a must see" for both native New Yorkers and visitors alike. Whether it's the Cafe Carlyle or Tully Hall, they listen and come away ardent fans. His unique records of the music of Coward, Porter and Gershwin (and soon, Sond heiml have spread his popularity around the nation. Now, together with his lio (Beverly Peer on bass and Dick Sheridan on Angola, a Portuguese province for the past 500 drums), this versatile per¬ former brings his inimitable years, is located in southwest Africa and is equal stylings to the concert in size to Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico com¬ field. "He negotiates a song with tender, loving care a beautifully balanced bined. Jim Metcalf's film is the first one made in - show, with humor and Angola, and it contains pictures of rarely-photo¬ poignancy, tenderness and toughness, and sweet ness and sadness well mixed." graphed Giant Sable Antelope, as well as graceful herds of Spring Bok, Oryx and Ostrich. "Africa -Chigago Tribune. Atlantic Records isn't all primitive tribesmen, wild animals and teeming jungles," Metcalf says. "It is also a trea¬ sure house of diamonds, iron ore, ocean oil re¬ Monday, April 15 at 8:15 p.m. fineries, tropical hardwoods, modern plantations in the University Auditorium and gleaming, modern cities/' Final attraction of the season on the University Series A Saturday, April 13 at 8:00 p.m. Single tickets on sale now at the Union in the University Auditorium Public: $5.00, 4.00, 3.00 MSU Students: $2.50, 2.00,1.50 Public: $1.50 at the door, only RESERVED SEATS ONLY Children 12 and under, half-price PATRONS NOTE MSU Students free with I.D. card Bobby Short replaces the Newark Boys Chorus Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 12, 19741] Busing called big issue, but not key to top schools Ow inuM Tiki/~mai e By JOHN TINGWALL a « ■ I li. i i .... for both blacks and whites. . j x! i . educational techniques to the actual amount of State News Staff Writer "The education of black insure learning," Pettigrew learning that goes on in a children has become a political continued. "The teacher's role classroom." Will busing resurface as a major issue in the 1974 and football," Pettigrew said in maintaining a learning 1976 elections? Wednesday. "Black people environment and her These are the areas, she have been paying a high price expectations of the students Eudora Pettigrew, professor emphasized, where priorities for a question they should have e two very important factors must be directed. of urban development, believes it will, asked back in 1954 - what with the proposed kind of education are we going constitutional amendment to get out of this?" from Robert Griffin that would prohibit busing fanning the flames of the volatile issue. She referred to this issue Pettigrew said blacks still have not asked this question and will continue to suffer in Copters w educational advances until they mm recently in Atlanta, Ga„ when she presented the MSU research team findings of do. The trees around an on "The intensified koAP OPERAS CALLED SEXIST, UNREAL Busing Controversy and Quality Education" to the politization of busing, she added, has caused people to Helicopters, emitting a sticky spray, will begin at night this year because of daylight savings time. The annual conference of the Assn. concern themselves more with swooping around campus this spray must be applied when Despite of Social and Behavioral critics, the bus ride than the education evening. The spray will protect the temperature is above 40 s Sciences. The study concludes that it they acquire once off the bus. "An equal amount could be the $3 million worth American elm trees on campus of degrees and daylight savings time has decreased the amount By PAT NARDI is most important to improve spent on improving schools, from the Dutch elm disease. of time available in the State News Staff Writer Restless." "Edge Of Night," "As the World Turns" and entire educational programs in a new though busing is one of the The insecticide morning, according to George Soap operas have long been stereotyped as tear one, "How to Survive in Marriage." which integration may become best tools have for • jerking we Parmelee, MSU Spray clodramas which revolve around the themes of marriage, mating It is estimated that women make up two - thirds of the methoxychlor is applied each a relevant, but perhaps not the achieving desegregation," she Committee member. daytime television audience while 90% of the commercials during year before the disease emerges Jiid baliies. this time are for toiletries, medicines, foods products, most significant, variable. said. and is combined with a pruning While producers insist they are realistic and identifiable to the soaps and "The assumption that a Lublic. critics often denounce the dramas for "peddling sex" and cleansers — thus the name soap operas. Gerrymandering and housing program that removes the dead mingling of minority and were cited by Pettigrew as wood from the elm trees and The male perspective on soap operas has nn; unrealistic and antifeminine. generally been majority children in a negative. other alternatives to achieving cutsdown totally infected trees Thomas Baldwin, professor of television and radio, pointed out classroom will result in better desegregation. so that the elm bark beetles :ii i areer women are often cast as villains while the passive "Soap operas are a waste of time," said John Holzmann, B213 educational opportunities for Emmons Hall. "People who watch them become sad and will have fewer places to live nil makers are the heroines. dejected minority children has neither "But the most as they commiserate .with the important and breed. If the critics are right about the far - fetched plots and the characters, and they do this so been proven nor refuted," much that they lose sight of hope in their own lives." point is that we need improved The trees are being sprayed Nation of women, then what is it that attracts women to Pettigrew said in Atlanta. h soap operas day after day? Peter Walilko, junior, 133 McDonel Hall, said: "True to life? The former East Lansing i'ou get hooked," said Michele Locke, sophomore, 630 Absolutely not! this probably sounds chauvinistic, but I think School Board candidate said i. & Sat. 8 & 10 PW ftloldrn Hall, who watches three dramas. "They're not true to life, girls watch them because they are more emotional than guys and her research emphasizes the y get you going and really involved." they need an emotional outlet. As far as realism is concerned, fact that busing is clouding the NOW SHOWING Sundays 2:30 & 4:00 PM a Chambers, junior, 252 River St., said: "Soap operas are soap operas don't pull anybody 's legs." real issue of quality education ny. I watch them for escape. They have true to life WE HAVE ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS Situations, but the solutions to people's problems are really a melodramatic." Chambers follows five different serials. .eral women interviewed said soap operas make good NOW SHOWING! rsation pieces. BUTTERFIELD DRIVE-IN THEATRES hey're fun to gossip about," said Jan Haughton, sophomore, jl)2 Wonders Hall. "1 like to predict what's going to happen •xt." Haughton said she plans her meals around the five serials le follows regularly. I. Margie Parkinson, sophomore, 521 Wonders Hall, thinks soap •eras are "entertaining" but unrealistic. "Some of the problems STARLiTEl LANSiNC U S 27 WEST OF WAVERLY S CEDAR ST NEAR JOLLY RD own are true to life, but it's not realistic to Phone 372 2434 Phone 882-2429 put all those problems into one person." Parkinson said she spends eight hours \ Fhc most watching the dramas. commonly mentioned soap operas were: "All My THE DIRTY TRICKS SEE MID WOMEN FIGHT TO THE OEITH! Che tfCHVE PTOJcCi (Children," "General Hospital," "Days of Our Lives," "One Life SQUAD THAT EVER PAN! e," "The Doctors," "Another World," "The Young and the LIVED—EVEN GRIER REGULAR COPS ARE AFRAID OF MARGARET J.6EIL5 THEM... MARKOV IS COMING! "7 UPs" UNION ACTIVITIES BOARD BIZARRE FILM SERIES ADMISSION Af.iltS - $1 MSU Sti PLUS... A star ship larger than 1000 jumbo jets flash gordon THE MOST FANTASTIC UNDERSEA ODDYSEY EVER FILMED hurtles into a cosmic whirlpool ... a gravitational black hole ... in search of a passage to another universe. Experience this daring venture set 1000 "THE NEPTUNE "The BIG years in the future. FACTOR" BIRD CAGE" BOJC \ EB1 ^ FIRST FEATURE AT EMI ^ presents "THE FUNNIEST Aly Bain & the Boys AND FRESH EST FILM OF R of the Lough |tues. april 16 ALSO THE\EAR'" (free) UNION BALLROOM BOB & CAROL One Night Only shows at 7:Ofi Q: nn &TED& ALICE Monday, April 15th IMHANDI at 8.00 fi 10:30 in THE ALL- the Union Ballroom .LET OUT SEX COMEDY RIOT! CeJai Tickets at Discount Records, Elderly Instruments and the Union Ticket Office $1.00 in advance $1.50 at the door MariahOffice 353 5300 Second Floor MSU Union BLUE ■ special thanks to the msu folksong society no chaiis- please bring a cushion 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Batsmen open Big Ten season, face Purdue, Illinois this weekend By JACKWALKDEN State News Sports Writer Spartan Duane Bickel will ace righthander get his first collected Albion. victories against .276. Shortstop Terry Hop, who Mfcly in six straight bring his batting av I start since the team's return has collected seven hits in his .276. The games start counting as Sophomore Scott Evans from Florida when he faces last 12 at baLs, leads the team MSU's baseball team opens its Big Ten season this weekend at home with a pair of Purdue. The won Muskegon junior two of his three decisions picked up his first varsity win against Albion and will take a string of 10 straight scoreless with a .350 average. The remainder of the infield will be first baseman Howard Schryer wiSis::?:4 other two outfield >pots doubleheaders. in the South and had a innings into the Illinois game. Rick Seid 1 :t'Ui . j I The Spartans face Purdue Friday and Illinois Saturday miniscule 0.85 earned run average. Freshman (2-2, 6.66 ERA) will Jim Kniivila go in the (.276), second baseman Craig Gerard (.216) and third Frietch the (.500,' catching and will ,1J]| des«!j with both twin bills beginning Hurling the other game other contest. Illinois (11-3) will send baseman Amos Hewitt Larry Romaine has taken (.327). hitting duties. Krjjjl at 1 p.m. at John Kobs Field. The first game against against the Boilermakers will be freshman Rick Moore (2-0, righthanders Bill Hodges (2-1, over the left field slot for the e7gChhtd *lt!VnhlSl Purdue and the second game 3.32 ERA). 2.76 ERA) and Dan Ingram time being. Romaine has hit appearances. 'U against Illinois will be Purdue (4-4) will likely (3-0, 2.25 ERA) in the broadcast by WKAR-AM, 870 doubleheader. counter with Kevin Weidner the radio dial. (10, 0.00 ERA) and Don With 19 hits in opens! on the Softball two The Spartans will take an 8-6-1 record into the weekend Anderson (0-1,1.29 ERA). The Spartans will then come games against Albion, the Spartans raised their team tea action following a double back against the Illini with the batting average to .291. Only victory Albion Tuesday. over two pitchers who regular is batting under with same one pair Netters face Hawkeyes again It's women's baseball this year season softball and once the performance Spartan squad. team will "I think we'll b, poWelt||>l Meeting of open its season Saturday with Irwin said. "We have lot J in season's home opener a games against Northern depth this Spartan baseball coach Danny Litwhiler (left) pauses to talk with MSU President Clifton Wharton Illinois University and Indiana year and a siimI all-around Jr. in the dugout before Tuesday's doubleheader with Albion. Litwhiler is entering his 12th Big University. team. Our deftS Ten season today. Wharton was on hand to toss out the season's first ball. The Spartans will face was our strongest asset hi year but this year the offenstk State News photo by John W. Dickson Northern Illinois at 9:30 a.m. Tennis coach Stan Drobac is going to find southern trip earlier this year with only a 2 • 2 and Indiana at 1 p.m. Both just as strong." L out in a hurry just how good this year's team is Irwin is hoping to use all hi record, Drobac says the team is decidedly the games will be played at Ranney team members this as Spartans open their home season against better than the record indicates and hopes for a weelmjB Park in Lansing. Track soul Iowa at 3 p.m. today on the tennis courts south "Everyone will high finish in the Big Ten standings. see stars of Spartan Stadium. If the weather is bad, the match will be in Jenison Fieldhouse at 2 p.m. The Spartans will have their hands full with The other doubles team of Joe Fodell and Larry Stark will also bear close watching. MSU has 11 returning players and coach Anne Irwin is expecting a strong action," she said. "I have awm of people to draw from hope to use them all." and|| the Hawkeyes the No. 2 team in the Drobac was impressed with the duo Big Ten during the I GOV'T APPROVED last year. MSU finished disappointing sixth last southern trip in March. for women's season. "This is a big match for us." Drobac said Thursday. "There is going to be some good Freshmen Bob Glickman and Tom were a pleasant surprise to Drobac during the spring trip. Drobac was also impressed with Gudelsky CHARTERS tennis played out there. Iowa is a good team; Rick Zabor, a newcomer to the tennis Some of the best athletes in Spartan's strongest discus real meet, we're going to try to give them some squad. our youngsters After hosting Iowa this afternoon, MSU will women's track will be in East Lansing this Saturday when thrower. should represent us well." Other teams that will be competition." Much of the Spartan's strength will come take on the Gophers from Minnesota 1 Saturday on the tennis courts. In the case of p.m. EUROPE - MSU hosts the second annual "There is going to be some from the doubles team of seniors Dave Williams participating in the meet bad weather, the match will be held at II stiff competition there," Bibbs a.m. in Spartan track invitational. The meet will begin at noon at the Ralph Young Field and said. "But I think that we'll do good. Though this is our first include Calvin State, Central Michigan, Eastern Michigan and Hope College. and Brian Smith. Though they finished the Jenison Fieldhouse. $19900 will feature several internationally known track performers. Chicago State, which is a strong favorite for the meet, boasts Tecia Chemabwai. a former member of an African Ohio tilt scheduled for lacrosse squad SchensuVs Cafeteria At SO AVAILABI I HAIL PASSES CAMPERS CANS ARRANGEMENTS FROM BUDGET TO LAND STUDENT Olympic team. Chemabwai has in BANKAMERICARO run the 440 in 54 seconds and the half mile in 2:17. United Off to one of its best starts goals and an assist for 10 WW Meridian Mall & K3SX3R Open: Mon Thurs. 4:30 7:30 • TOUR REPRESENTATIVES INC States international team in history, MSU's lacrosse team points. Steve Urbin has nine Noon: Mon. Fri. - member Rosalyn Byrant is also will be on the road this points, including seven assists. Lansing Mall Fri. 4:30 - 8:00, Sat. 11:15 8:00 - 11:15 • 2:00 Sun. ||:30 - 7:00 a member of the Chicago team weekend to face Wittenberg To find 1880 S. Woodward Area Code 313 out this weeks and will pose a serious threat in College at 2 p.m., Saturday in menu specials, call 349-4028 or 482-7114 the 100-yard event. Byrant has Springfield, Ohio. Tigers Birmingham, Mich 43011 645 2260 been clocked at 10.8 seconds in that event. The Spartans, coached by Fred Hartman, have won four Yanks, z W / Mi i/inir IdlUb MJSiyc; YOUR "SCHMSUI. COUPON" It expires p 1974 Pamper Your Budget! "People will have the chance to see some of their first five games, £ 25tf"bf*, per family, toward the purchase s easy f I Buy a Schensul Discount The Brewery Bird's outstanding including those with Michigan DETROIT (UPI) - Joe at or lunch of dinner at Schensul's Coupon Book any day. B track," Jim Bibbs, asst. coach, and Notre Dame. Coleman of the Detroit Tigers 3 When yog have finished a delicious meat at either E 10 $2.00 coupons for Bir thday Week: April I§-21 said. "There is going to be a lot 3 of our 2 conveniently located cafeterias in Only $15.00 pitched hitless ball for 7 1-3 ■si area, simply present the coupon to the cashier. The this If of first-class track The four wins have already innings before finally yielding a | performances." surpassed last season's victory clean single to Gene Michael Bibbs expects the Spartan total, when the Spartans won Thursday afternoon and then squad to do well. Leading MSU just three of 12 contests. went on to post a 4-1 victory performers include Majorie Tom Hardenbergh leads the over the New York Yankees, Grimmett, Carol Havens and stickmen in scoring with nine with the help of Mickey Shiri Hohenstein. Grimmett goals and five assists for 14 Stanley's two-run home run. will be running the 100- yard total points. Co-captain Val Michael's hit was a solid dash and has been timed at Washington is next with nine ground single over second. 10.9 seconds. Hohenstein will run the quarter mile and two MM relay events. Havens is the Colbert's 67 grabs early tourney lead AUGUSTA, Ga. (UPI)-Jim Colbert whipped around Augusta National in five - under par 67 Thursday to gain a one • stroke lead midway through the first round of the Masters Golf Tournament. monday Tickets 2nd annual FRfiAKERS KA/L! with ©THE MAGIC BAND Wednesday Tickets 300 The Brewery Bird's Birthday PARTY Opening nite prices (50% UNION off) ACTIVITIES BOARD Regular cover ] FLIGHTS OFFICE MON.-FRI. 1-5 P.M. fritlay f ALSO AVAILABLE INTERNATIONAL ID'S YOUTH HOSTEL CARDS 353-9777 .w WESL. Ihigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 12, 1974 13 lance teacher, 74, still working Proud mothers And when the remedy is each day from her home in By ANA BISHOP chat under foot. terribly much, you can't settle _ and AL SMITH comfortably in the crowded discovered, the student must Okemos. She helps teach the "Miss Cooper and I share a back. People who retire just hallway of the old house while first be made to understand the group classes and handles the love of paintings and animals," I State News Staff Writer their preschoolers take the first wait for the grim reaper, principle of the movement and """""" ■n quiet evenings when the then practice halting steps in the discipline it over and over L ebbs you can hear waltz of the dance. again until "it becomes a part |ic coming from the of her body." ■.of the-century house, Inside the main Simmons teaches the ■jddi'n within its old walls is dressed in blue leotard and studio, Cecchetti method, a classical ■oom filled with mirrors Ei reflect the images and pink tights, Simmons moves ballet technique developed in among her pupils, 17th century Italy. She Tns of thousands of dancers to "pull up" telling one found the school in this helped | have glided by over the (straighten your posture), another to "tighten country and currently heads author of their dreams your leg muscles" and often the Cecchetti Council of I tinv white-haired sprite repeating a favorite phrase: America. "The hand must look like the led Virgiline Simmons, the Several of her students now tapered paintbrush of an | of Lansing ballet teachers. artist." are undergoing examinations Jt the age of 74, Simmons given by the council which will ■taught here for the last 51 She sees qualify them as teachers of the Is, and she still rises at everything, an arm method. that is not placed just i, to prepare for a full day so, a head which is not tilted ■evening of classes. just Ihf Virgiline Simmons right, the briefest hesitation in The Cecchetti technique movement. L| of Dancing, 1128 E. a moves through seven levels of competence and combines rigid Jiigan Ave., across from But often she says nothing. physical discipline with artistic Irrow Hospital, is Tilled daily "A dance teacher must freedom, according to i school girls, secretaries constantly analyze, but never Simmons. housewives seeking criticize unless she has a cise, poise and beauty. remedy," she explained. "The goal of all our work is the physical expression of artistic feelings," she Panel sends Nixon subpena commented. Ballet teacher Simmons, who began Virgiline Simmons, 74, speaks to her ballet class and demonstrates ■continued from page teaching in the Michigan technique at her school of 1) letter of Feb. 25, 1974, the dancing at 1128 E. Michigan Ave. Simmons has been teaching led for the subpena. committee Theater arcade in downtown dancing in Lansing since 1923. staff was able to Lansing in 1923, has lived State News photo bv Dave Olds liegler's statement appeared request a specific conversation alone in her present home and jadherc to a letter St. Clair believed to have concerned studio since the early 1940s. J the committee on April 9, Watergate. business affairs of the studio Simmons confides, "but of "I have loved all my thich he said a review of the which Simmons likes to ignore. course we both love dancing students, my first students and But Teresa Cooper has been liestcd materials was under But the remainder of its her She often brings her cat to most of all." their children and friend and business now T but it would take until the keep company with Simmons' When the last class is sometimes the grandchildren. I of the recess to complete. request called for "all associate for the last 40 years conversations" the President since pets, a cat, a cocker spaniel and finished, she sits in a rattan They are all my children. " te White House already has enrolling in one of a collie. The animals roam chair sipping tea and talks had with Haldeman and Simmon's classes as a student Icated that some of the Ehrlichman between April 14 through the house together, about retirement. *s sought by the committee during the Depression. but "I don't believe in it. When and 17, 1973, as well as those are occasionally evicted exist. Some Cooper arrives at the studio from the studio when they get not he had with then - Atty. Gen. you enjoy your work so Bversations on the weekend Richard G. Kleindienst and |Apnl 14 - 15, 1973, were Asst. Atty. Gen. Henry recorded because a Peterson between April 15 and an out of tape, 18,1973. Kirding to the White House, liegler told newsmen, "The It that 1 question here isn't the was part of the of tapes or request that St. Clair and many committee Republicans said lesmanship but facts." He 1 added. "There should be was not specific enough. ■uestion about our desire to pide facts." Ziegler argued that the panwhile, Vice "d R. Ford, former House ^ «terials toi which he said would the committee bftwwit lublican leader, said the April22 and April £6 would bear out Nixon's past Jnmittee action was (fortunate." explanations of his Watergate le said he did not think the role and "will receive the represented a support of the House." Ifrontation between the pmittee and the White e and predicted "it will [k out ail right." e tapes St. Clair offered kersations the President had J H.R. Haldeman, John D. ■ichman and John W. Dean Tietween Feb. 20 and March ■ 1973. In each case, in its IGerman Lutomotiv< loffers yon complete VW land Porsche service I by reliable german ■ trained mechanics DOMINO'S your Dinner includes OPEN EASTER 11 A.M. til 10 P.M. PIZZA USDA choice move sirloin steak $399 FRIDAY THRU 2 South African FREE 30 MINUTE DELIVERY oz. THURSDAY Rock Lobster is salad, potato and our Reg. $4.50 APR.12 -APR. 18 distinctive hot bread. coming PETITE STEAK & LOBSTER THREE LANSING 351-7100 up 966 El LOCATIONS: Trowbridge Road 2287 Grand River Ave., Okemos (SEE WEDNESDAY'S 5 5919 S. Cedai St., Lansing 5623 West Saginaw • Next to K-Mart The Pizza STATE NEWS) £ AMERICA'S STEAK EXPERT OPEN 11 A.M.'TIL 10 P.M. DAILY People of MSU. 14 Michigan State News, Eafct Lansing, Michigan ff "HAPPY EASTER ft FRANKLY SPEAKING... .by phil frank Apatments f Apartments ^ Rooms jk DODGE COLT 1972. 25 mpg+, VEGA 1973, GTHatchback. WOODSIDE NORTH apartment. 2 FEMALES NEEDED summer. EAST 62,000 miles, $1050. 355-9568 4-speed, power steering, custom 1 800 Haslett Road, East Fine apartment on river, close. LANSING available Marilyn or 675-5564, evenings. interior. $2450. Call 663-8880. Lansing. One bedroom, 361 8629. 3-4-12 Mar,h 15 £ 5-4-12 5-4-12 campus. For inforJN VEGA 1972, Hatchback AM/FM furnished, air con¬ ditioning quiet. Call TWO GIRLS needed for Cedar 484-0629 o, Chris Cawood 54 349-2,S PHONE 355 8255 FIREBIRD, 1970 - running well, 332-4987.0-10-4-19 j6 Village 4-girl. Fall 1974 • Spring selling low for $1,200. Call 8-track, tinted glass. Must sell! 1975.353-1129. 104-23 347 Student Services Bldg. 337-7948. 3-4-12 355-0944. 5-4-17 SUBLEASE SUMMER two For Sale bedrooms, air conditioned, pool. NEAR SPARROW, carpeted, just •AUTOMOTIVE FORD 1969 X ton, custom cab. VEGA HATCHBACK 1971. Cheap. Call 351-4597. 3-4-12 remodeled, parking. Available V-8, automatic. $600. 332-4374. Excellent condition. New GUNS. RIFLES, and Scooters & Cycles 4-4-12 now. Fred, 485-8615. 5-4-12 all kinds. W, engine. Best offer. Very clean. SUBLET SUMMER. 2 bedroom. Buy trade Parts & Service 355-2941.3-4-12 BEST year Twyckingham apartments. Call round nui FORD XL 1970. Black vinyl/red, Southern Michigan Aviation air, $750. 353-4730, 372-5829 351-7337. 5-4-17 nrJ?:' 'EMPLOYMENT evenings. 4-4-12 VEGA 1972 - automatic, 20,000 miles. sedan radio, Best GIRL NEEDED immediately for SHOP. 2412 South 371-2244 OR 17 2 4-23 •FOR RENT offer. 337-1562 after 5 p.m. three person. Rent negotiable1 NEED WOMEN to sublease Apartments FORD 1966 - Automatic transmission, 6 cylinder, custom 3-4-17 Call 349-2833.3-4-12 furnished house summer term. 10 SPEED, 26" new HuffySejj^ $65. 372-6879 Houses built stereo system. $58 month includes utilities. 332-2358. VOLKSWAGEN / FOREIGN Car ONE BEDROOM, very spacious, only. 1-4-12 351-3045. 3-4-16 Rooms 3-4-12 repair. Mechanical and body. unfurnished, with refrigerator •FOR SALE Buy, sell and trade. IMPORT and stove. Utilities paid, $160. MAGNOVOX STEREO?*, FOUR COMPANY Vehicles for AUTO FOUR PEOPLE needed for PARTS AND old. Love Animals sale. 11 TO Keystone. Phone REPAIR. 485-2047. 0-2-4-15 Near bus routes in Lansing. summer. Furnished, close to sedt n«*lrJ 394-0990. 2-4-12 Couple preferred, 371-2949 campus. 355-2003. 2-4-12 Styling. 4 barstoois - j4.1l Mobile Homes anytime. 3-4-12 wood frame black VW BUS - 1973 deluxe, 7 re¬ •LOST & FOUND JAVELINE, 1968 — body good, EAST LANSING 1, 2. 3, 4 seats. 485-9261 5-4ig passenger, 10,000 miles, still has - •PERSONAL tires and engine fair. $325. 14,000 left on warranty, like "WELL, I THINK ITS TIME rou THOUGHT 3 CAMPUS VIEW bedroom duplexes. Available 351-5481.5-4-17 summer and fall. Near bus. SECRETARIAL DESK •PEANUTS PERSONAL nevv condition, $34,000. University Sponsored Mimeograph $25. Veril®, •REAL ESTATE MAVERICK 1970 - 30,000 miles. 351-8282.2-3-16 ; ABOUT GETTING A VASECTOMY " <*] Apartments An alternative to 351-8920. 5-4-12 $25. Call 339 9909 14,3 ] •RECREATION Good condition, good mileage. vw 1969 Exce|,em condition, no ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY. CA 94709 WANTED - GIRL - 5 bedroom $900 or best offer. Call GERRY 2 tlrw. Call after 6 p.m. dormitory living for next tent n •SERVICE 337-1417, 5-7 p.m. or weekends. Backpack 351-7916. 3-4-16 year's soph more women. $60/month. 372-6902 5-4-12 Instruction sleeping bag $35. Employment yf Apartments ^ Typing Service •TRANSPORTATION straight shift, j~ T*! 4 & 6 women units EAST LANSING Room / - NEXUS Co board, $23 weekly. - op. $12. 3940597 a BL-1-4-12 Mechanic owned. 349-0730 A-1 condition. FIGURE MODELS - $6/hour. CLOSE - SUMMER sublet. 2 man 332-6246 351-0100. 3-4-12 MAMIYA C-330 •WANTED Increase tw.r before 6 p.m. Ask for Greg. MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE your self confidence! furnished. Air conditioning. TWO MAN, furnished apartments. - LUKE LIBERAL PERSON to share house Including Gossen light I 4-4-12 New low rates. FIEDLER PHOTOGRAPHY, Price negotiable. 332-2944. 129 Burcham Drive, $144. 124 with five other liberals. 355-6034. 3 4 17 ••RATES" INSURANCE. Phone 676-2449 351-6690. C-3-4-12 15-5-1 Cedar Street, $175. 135 Kedzie 351-8114 after 5 p.m. 3-4-12 MAVERICK 1970 - 37,000 miles. Drive. For the serious, graduate 10 word minimum 0-1-4-12 ACCESSORIES, COMPi: Radio, 23 miles per gallon. Vinyl PEACE CORPS and Vista seeking or married students. Leases selection for audio, OPENING FOR 1 or 2 women in guitarr interior, $1,150. 349-2709 after 1972 SUZUKI, 90cc, dual range professional services. Graduates, starting June or September. Call band instruments coed house. $35 per month, own withaful 5 p.m. 5-4-19 BBA'S, RN'S, Engineers etc. 487-3216. Evenings 5 • 10 p.m., - 4-speed, 2,400 miles, $300 firm, room, large house, good pay. 1.4 sheet music department to 355-1035, anytime after 7 p.m. Placement Services April 15th - 882-2316. Or 8 - 3 p.m. NOVA CONVERTIBLE 1963, runs miles from campus. Phone 7 19th. 2-4-16 351-2402. 0-4-30 1 3 5 489 3177. 3-4-12 10 good, two new front tires and — exhaust - $150. Chrysler NY 1974 550, Semi Chopper Honda, 4 PEACE CORPS and Vista seek 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 - FRANDOR NEAR, bus and SHARE HOUSE. Own bedroom, 1965, good local transportation, cylinder. Call 694-1784, after 5 Science graduates. Placement 17 CUBIC foot refrigerator- 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 $100. Both for $200. 349-2579 FALL at shopping. Attractive on bedroom, furnished, $75/month, split p.m. 5-4-12 Office, April 15th - 19th. 3-4-17 $155 unfurnished, $170 freezer top, $35. Call 33 utilities. 351-7989, after 5 p.m. 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 after 7 p.m. 3-4-17 BURCHAM furnished. Laundry, no pets. 1-4-12 18 2.70 5-4-19 7.20 11.70 23.40 HONDA CL175 1971, 3500 miles. PHOTOGRAPHERS WANTED WOODS Phone 489-1323 or call 20 3.00 6.00 13.00 26.00 NOVA 1973. 2-door, 6 cylinder. New tune - up. Call after 6 good opportunity. No Enjoy the good life in the p.m. 1-587-6680. Preferred married BSR - McDonald 510X turrit HOUSE OR APARTMENTS for 6 power steering, power brakes. 468-3423.5-4-18 professionals. Call 51826. 3-4-16 coming year and leave the end 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 of the month utility hassles to or grads. 5-4-18 or 2 and 4. Year lease, clean and new stylis dust ci Must sell. 351-8940, after 5:30. close. 675-7563. 3-4-17 McDonald 40 A Ampr 4-4-12 MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE ACTION VISTA - Peace Corps MARIGOLD APARTMENTS DEADL INE - 'Heated Pool 'Laundry AM-FM stereo ra 1 P.M. CHECK our low rates! Call Placement office April 15 - 19. one class day OLDS 'Ample Parking 'Air Cond. NEED PERSON for close, furnished condition. 355-1035, anyt 98, 1964, Luxury Sedan, LLOYD'S of Lansing at 332-5335 before publication. Sign up for interview. 5-4-18 'Nicely Furnished house, summer, one month rent after 7 p.m. 3-4-17 unusually good condition, air, all or 482-5585 0-17-4-23 FALL LEASES options. 485-8023. 6-4-12 paid. Call Marci 351-1985, PEACE CORPS and VISTA seek (Utilities Included) conditioning, heat included. CANON evenings. 3-4-17 1218 super 8 Peanuts Personal ads ~7T""""""Z 7." BMW. YAMAHA, TRIUMPH, liberal arts graduates April 15 - Efficiency $154 mo. Renting for summer and fall, OLDS 442 1969 Excellent 1 l-'or appointment: camera. 12-1 power must be RICKMAN. Save gas and have 19 at Placement Services. 5-4-18 Bedroom $184 3SI-8S4S pre-paid. N° ru,t 2 Bedroom *234 mo. mo. 337-7328 WOMAN SHARE HOUSE Original list over $1000. ,un too' M°« $300. 349-1715 after 6 351-1578. 10-4-19 745 Burcham Dr. 351-3118 Cedarwood interior, garden, available. Large stock of parts, WANTED: PART time help putting LARGE TWO Cancellations/ Corrections ~ or 484-4014 party, furnished good people, close. $50. 0-6-4-12 OLDS accessories, competition up public relation materials. efficiencies. Air conditioned. 332-4459. 3-4-12 12 noon one class day 1972 - 88 air. power equipment, helmets and leathers, Must have car. Phone 349-0672. Close to campus. Summer, $140, 1973 754 Horse Sears Boat steering, brakes. 27,000 miles. GIRL NEEDED to rent two — before publications. SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS, INC., 3-4-16 Fall, $165. 484-0585. 30-5-20 flemote gas tank °"*r; *,ter 5 p m- 355*5890. 4-4-12 2460 North Cedar, Holt. Just bedroom apartment on Road. Rent $77.50, Marsh Rooms less than 10 hours, t The State News will be south of 1-96 overpass. Phone COUNSELORS WANTED FOR deposit ONE GIRL needed required. Phone 339-8416 to share 651-5968. after 5 p.i 694-6621. C-3-4-12 CAMP SOMERSET FOR GIRLS or apartment next year. Call Jane responsible only for the PINTO 1971. 4-speed, good AND CAMP COBBOSSEE FOR 351-2108. 3-4-17 ONE BLOCK from campus. $17 351-1964 or Darlene 337-2753. first day's incorrect condition, new tires. 353-5727. KAWASAKI 350 - mint condition, BOYS. Require men and women per week. 215 Lewis Street. Call CAMPUS HILL Apartment. Want insertion. custom leather seat, $550. Craig highly skilled in camp activities, evenings and weekends, one girl for sublease at least 21 years of age, with spring. April 372-7456. 11-4-22 PINTO 1973 - 2-door. 13,000 j332"®^-3-4"12 rent paid. $67.50. Call SIGNET SOLOIST 115. previous camp counseling CAMPUS VIEW _ m''4 case and Extras. Best of! FOR THE person who wants experience. Camps are located in 349-2045. 3-4-17 WANTED FEMALE to sublease $300. 332-2286 3-4-12 g^lg l0n' -5 6. something special, 1964 Norton 400 Electra, needs some work. Maine. Girls Camp needs: Sail, Swim (WSI), Golf, Scuba, LAKE LANSING. Watch the APARTMENTS spacious room in house. 2 blocks from campus. June 10 • RALEIGH SUPERB 3 - PINTO 1972 - Squire wagon. 337-0648.5-4-18 Riflery, Tennis, Ski, Gymnastics, sailboats from your front door. Deluxe 1 bedroom apartment, now leasing for September 15. $70/month. girls. Good conditic 25,000 miles, air, 2000cc, Arts 8t Crafts, Secretaries. Boy's summer & fall Utilities paid. Call 351-4829. best offer. 353-3407.3-4-16 unfurnished, for reliable couple. 5-4-17 deluxe trim, 28mpg, $2,260. HONDA AND SUZUKI tune up Camp needs: Swim (WSI), - Stove, refrigerator, air 332-6246 Automotive £4 351-8282. 2-4-16 and minor repair. Pick up and Tennis, Riflery, Shop, Ski, Sail, conditioning. No pets, no EAST LANSING Male students, AKAI Ml 1-D Reel to re delivery available. VERN'S Golf, Scuba, Trampoline. Married MILFORD STREET-126. Two man - with automatic rever children. $175 per month, plus single rooms, parking, PINTO, 1971. 4 cylinder. AM GARAGE, 323 Carrier Street, couples accepted. Write full $185, three man $67 each man. year old> $175. 3 utilities. Phone 339-2075.4-4-12 radio, good condition 23,000 Lansing. Phone 372-8015. details to Camp Office, 225 East Two blocks from campus, refrigerator. Call 332-5791. 1-4-12 CAPRI 1973, 6700 miles. Deluxe 3-4-12 miles. Bob, 353-3327. 5-4-12 10-4-25 57th Street, New York, N.Y. deluxe, furnished, air interior, six cylinder. 4-speed, 10022. 5-4-17 GRADS, MALE SHARE conditioned. Immediate BIKE. GIRL'S one speed, stereo cassette, 25 mpg. $3300 - apartment. Close. Quiet, PONTIAC T-37, 1970. 4-speed, 1973 CB-350-Four Honda. occupancy or fall and summer FURNISHED ROOM close to condition. kitchen, $25 or I negotaible. 351-1682. 3-4-12 dual Excellent condition, must sell. FEMALE CAMP bath, laundry. rentals. 351-2647. 484 8494, campus, women preferred. Call exhaust, wide ovals, counselors: 349-3328 3326685. 3 4-17 after 6 p.m. or 351-4285 after 5:00 p.m. 5-4-16 excellent condition. 349-3859 355-5798, after 5 p.m. Saturday, English and Western riding 489 1656. X18-4-30 CHEVROLET NOVA, 1970 - 4 weekends. 10-4-23 after 6 p.m. 5-4-17 694-8759. 3-4-17 instructors. Swim Director, 6 PIECE - Ludwig drum u speed, must sell this week! $950 Health Director, Farm animals. TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile OWN ROOM in comfortable house, Zildjian cymbals, e or best offer. See at 4315 West Willow or phone 484-8495, T-BIRD, 1965. 390, 4-barrel. Auto Service / Horse Science, Archery, Riflery. homes. $25 - $35/week. Ten condition, $700. P!rJ leather interior, needs body Call 332-5810.3-4-12 minutes to campus. Quiet and 339-8851. 5-4-16 __655-3539. 3-4-12 CHEYENNE 3/4 ton pickup - work. $350. 349-2084, Mark, Jr. 10-4-25 BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced WANTED - MARRIED couple for APARfflENTS 'Close to Campus peaceful 0-4-30 on a lake. 641-6601. SAfLBOAT, ARROW, 13' 1973. 350, V-8. Like new. Will rates to students. Also house parents in Community 'Air Conditioned glass jib, Dacron sails, kick GIRL'S SINGLE room, close to let go for $2900. Please call TEMPEST 1964 4-door. 4 new Mental Health Residential Home •All Appliances guaranteed rust proofing. VAN campus, available immediately. rudder, pivoting centr*' tires, automatic, $200, or best for adult mentally retarded including di 882-3022 or 372-1518. 104-24 WORLD, 645-2123. OR-22-4-30 'Luxurious Furnishings SUMMER RENTALS Phone 351-5076. 5-4-18 351-8905. 3 4-12 offer. 332-4938. 5-4-19 males. Call 487-6500 for 'Shag Carpeting VW BUG Mufflers. Complete information. 5-4-16 'On-Site Management MAHOGANY DUNCAN fiv 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS SINGLE TORINO 1969 GT. Good $18.95 'Private Balconies ROOMS available 6 chairs, - at CHEQUERED FLAG, 'SWIMMING POOL for Naugahyde swiv condition, $800. Phone DESK CLERK 2 PEOPLE women in Christian student 2605 East Kalamazoo Street. needed. Call Reclining chair, patio la COUGAR 1968 351-5574. 5-4-16 between 10 $150 MONTH center. Kitchen - Automatic, One mile west of campus. a.m. and 6 p.m. for Now Leasing privileges, umbrella, portable clothes power steering, radio, vinyl top 487-5055. C-6-4-19 appointment to interview. Phone 3 4 PEOPLE immediate occupancy) and sundry articles. Also' TOYOTA LAND cruiser 1973, Red and interior. 882-5416. 3-4-17 with white top. Warn hubs. 489-1215. 0-4-30 Summer and Fall S180 MONTH $80/month. 131 Bogue Street sale. Monday, Tuesday, VW GUARANTEED REPAIR. (across from Abbot Hall). Wednesday at 1£ Reasonable. 339-8851.5-4-17 RANDY'S MOBIL, Okemos RN, LPN, and orderlies needed for Summer-$50 per person 351-4950. 5-4-16 East Lansing, after 8a.m.J Road and 1-96 3 49-9620. full time and part time positions Fall $73 per person CEDAR 1968~ , TOYOTA CORONA, 4 a medical - C-22-4-30 on - surgical unit. Discount for 12 mo. Lease VILLAGE AVAILABLE NOW through June MEN'S 3-speed Schwinn door. MPG - 25+. 355-7945 after Phone 485-3271.4-4-12 15. $65/month, 201 South frame; $45. Call Mike35r" brakes, automatic. Bittersweet 5.3-4-12 Looking for pin money? Sell 351-7212 315 BOGUE ST. 351-5180 Foster. 371-1599. 54-19 1-4-12 with beige vinyl top. $3100 or comething you don't use with a DRIVERS TO drive Jumbo ice 731 Burcham Drive best offer. Days 373-4673; __Wam Ad.Dial 355-8255. cream trucks. Must have good Models open 1-6, Mon. - Sat. evenings 394-0810. 5-4-17 SPECIALS driving record. Apply 11390 MASON BODY SHOP - 812 East Kalamazoo Street since 1940. North U.S 27, DeWitt. 20-4-30 Other times by appointment 401 Grove, summer, 2 bedroom, unfurnished, $220 includes utilities. CROSSWORD W/MiyAWIS TWO PLYMOUTH Furys. 1966 - $295. 1969 - $695. Excellent Complete collision auto service. painting and, 485-0256. WANTED: SINGER for album PARTIALLY FURNISHED apartment - 3 bedrooms, fully 595 Spartan, duplex, both 2 PUZZLE C-4-30 demo and performances, equipped kitchen, shag rug bedrooms, furnished (4 bedrooms). I SURE IT'S condition. 351-5791. 3-4-17 acoustic music. 351-3 7 83. Open 6-15-74, 12-15 month lease. throughout. No children, or | E66S BENEDICT! Selling Services? Sell them to more 3-4-17 pets. 1824 East Michigan $260 plus utilities. Phone 1. Troubles j MY COOK, NOW LEASING people with low cost Want A Avenue. 484-9342. 3-4-16 484-4014. 3-4-17 5. Animation { I CHARLEY BENEDICT, MAPE 'EM HIMSELF* SUMMER & FALL Dial 355-8255 now. NUDE MODELS for photography. Call between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. GIRL NEEDED for 2-person 8. Slump 11. Give forth SUMMER, ONE bedroom, 489-1215. 0-4-30 apartment, summer. Very large, 12. Majority unfurnished / furnished, walk, 8 SEPARATE LOCATIONS across from campus, air 13. Simple bus to campus. 332-2625. 3-4-16 AIR CONDITIONED COOK AND two assistant cooks for sugar conditioning. 351-4408. 5-4-19 COMPLETE KITCHENS summer season at resort. June to ONE MAN wanted for 4-man at 14.Young STUDIOS Labor Day. Send resume to NORTHEAST. ONE bedroom, salmon Campus Hill. 349-2375 or 15 Dishonest 1 & 2 BEDROOMS DRIFTWOOD LODGE 6180 332-6693. 3-4-16 unfurnished, private entrance, 17, Genealogy FURNISHED Murray Road, WhiteHall, $120 utilities included. Couple 18 Hint Michigan. Stating salary COLONIAL VILLAGE One or working girl. Deposit and near. 19. Saurel requirments. Room and board bedroom, upper, semi - references. 372-8899. 2-4-16 23. At a distance ,re.BI(lml provided. X-5-4-12 52. Bushmen furnished apartment. Quiet, "ser 53. Atmosphere • responsible couple, references APARTMENT FOR rent - no B«tchwood 11)0 Beech St. ISI-flM DetU Arms 21$ Delta St. r For Rent required. Reasonable. 485-1801. 3-4-16 lease, fairly close sparsely furnished, to no number of occupants. Available campus, limit to JSt-tllt April 16. Call Chris Cawood Everjrttn Arms J41 Everfrten St. TV AND STEREO rentals APARTMENT, across from 1S14I3I campus. 113 Louis Street. 484-0629, 349-2120. 5-4 19 $24/term. $9.95 / month. Free » 11$ Colli Inquire after 4 p.m. 4-4-17 same day delivery and service. 3SMIS0 North Point* 1240 Httfett Rd. Don't be a dumb Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-4-30 YOU'LL GET A FULL SERVIN6 OF 600D 332-5475 University Terrace 424 Mlchfcan check out bunny! Collingwood Apti. TWO BEDROOM furnished, 12' x FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted. Share bedroom, close to campus. Yes... We RESULTS WMEN YOU ! 337-0510 for $20/week. Call USE FAST-ACTION University VHta* lis Abbot Rd. 65'. 1972 Mobile Home Manor Sherry at FAMILY WANT APS1 I 132-1410 irica 27M E. ( *air conditioned ♦dishwashers $120. 882-0484. 3-4-12 351-9502 351-1700, after 6 before 4 p.m. p.m. 6-4 19 or have 137-1*21 ♦shag carpeting Apartments ^ HALSTEAD ♦Unlimited Parking ONE MALE needed to share with location! STATE NEWS MANAGEMENT ♦Plush Furniture ♦model open daily COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES Coop. Now taking applications for same, 2 361-4919. 5-4-16 bedroom luxury apartment. Inquire after 8pm Hiver's and Water'sEdge Aprtmenti Want Ads 351-7910 ASK ABOUT OUR EARLY LEASE DISCOUNT call 351 Behind Yankees 8282 • spring occupancy. From $109 a month. Membership fees $680. Phone 8824176 Monday from TWO BEDROOM apartment. Near campus, air conditioned, $200/ (next to Cedar Village) Now leasing for Summer & Fall on the river! J through Friday, 10 - 5. 104-16 month. 351-6168. 4-4 12 Summer rent from $50 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 12 J CLAIMS HE 'SKIRTED ISSUES' Traxler raps Nixon trip FROM WIRE SERVICES concentrated on rural Republican eastern - both Democrats and Republicans in portions of the district. Lansing and Washington — the energy SAGINAW - The candidates in Traxler's campaign staff had counted on problem, unemployment and inflation, Michigan's special congressional election Nixon skirting the issues since they were you should not vent your disappointments returned to campaigning on their own first told of his plan to visit the district. and frustrations when you vote." Thursday in a race that many think has Before Nixon even entered the state, become a referendum on President Nixon. sources said, they had planned an Normally, Sparling would be a heavy J. Robert Traxler, the Democratic favorite in the district, which hasn't extensive post - media campaign attacking candidate predicted at a news conference . Nixon for his negligence in addressing the elected a Democrat in 40 years. But in two that if Republican James Sparling wins serious issues of the day. previous special elections since the next Tuesday's election, Nixon will "view Sparling, on whose behalf Nixon toured Watergate scandals broke, Democrats have this national mandate." been elected and some as a the heavily Republican rural area on Michigan polls have Traxler charged that Nixon skirted the shown Traxler leading. real issues and avoided crucial areas in his Wednesday, said he was amazed at the number of people who turned out to see Traxler said the latest survey conducted Wednesday campaign visit to Michigan's the President. But he concentrated on by his own polling organization showed 8th Congressional District. that he holds a six per cent lead over trying to get voters to decide on the basis "If Mr. Nixon and my opponent of his record, not Nixon's. Sparling, with some 18 per cent really wanted to speak out on Sparling, who worked in the White undecided. unemployment, why didn't they make House for 10 weeks last summer while a He said he believed the independent their rosy predictions to the unemployed congressional aide, invited Nixon to voters in the district would decide the auto workers in Saginaw and Bay campaign but said he would vote for the election next Tuesday. County?" said Traxler, an 11 - year President's impeachment if the facts "I must be honest with you that until representative from Bay City to the state warranted. the votes are counted April 16 there's no House. After Nixon's departure, he released a way of telling how Mr. Nixon's and my Nixon's visit to promote Sparling "Dear Friend" letter to district voters in opponent's tour through very selected which he said: areas of the 8th District influenced the "Regardless of your disappointments extremely independent voters of this and frustration with some elected officials district," said Traxler. A woman with flag and camera awaits Nixon in Cass City Wednesday. SN Photo/Dale Atkins A Cass City supporter SN Photo/Dale Atkini fl Nixon and bparling leave Bad Axe amid cheering, grasping crowds. waves her sign. A twirler waits behind the | ropes. Just In Time For Spring..... Now,Two Great Sportsmeister Come and visit our new store in Meridian Mall (Open Friday and Saturday 'til 9 PM, Sunday noon • 6 PM, Mon. - Thur. 'til 9 PM) OVER 1000 BICYCLES IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE High quality, 10-speed lightweight cycles which range from semi-racers and supertourers to juveniles. 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