By DENISE CRITTENDON In fact, Shingleton said, 1974 will be and landscape architecture. he said. an area directly associated with State News Staff Writer the best year for jobs since 1969 - 70 Education is also showing |b The question of how and where to a slight Shingleton said a wide number of automobile manufacturing is also an asset, market when different firms scheduled improvement but seek up to 1,700 most employers are still he said, for MSU or any Michigan graduate employment plagues the minds of most interviews for the year. This year, he said, employers in business, industry, education concentrating on technological fields, he and government schedule interviews at in search of a job. college graduates. But for students 1,900 students are lined up for job said. MSU, thereby guiding MSU's Placement Shingleton said that the situation in graduating in 1974, the market is a lot interviews, a big improvement over the last "When things pick up in one area they upswing Services with diversified outlooks on the more promising than in former years. few years when the market experienced a pick up in practically all disciplines," he Michigan is unique because the automobile At MSU the job situation. expectations for the job significant decrease. said, "but right now the emphasis is on industry is currently undergoing an abrupt market are "You can get different readings transition from large to small car substantially high and job Shingleton inferred that this year engineering and accounting and we 1974, placement officials are optimistic about opportunities increasing, particularly in is a reliable indicator of what demand is doing for the college supply and graduate. anticipate this the decade." will continue throughout depending you on what segment of employes talk to but we deal across the whole spectrum," he said. "What I mean is when production. At the present he said, hiring among these firms has reached a halt, but it is predicted they will enter a hiring stage accounting and engineering. He said that practically every field was The energy crisis, Shingleton said, is "We're a technological • oriented we talk about the market we can at the end of this year. In Michigan, beginning to open and even the low • partially responsible for the positions speak officia society and the demand for engineering quite comprehensively because we have a automobile production is the major >U and accounting to cope with that society just seems to be increasing, and the total demand areas, such as liberal arts and social studies,should prove a little better in steadily opening for engineers, since they are crisis. needed to solve the problems of the background of all these different employes." industry, so this will have a big effect on opportunities for Michigan graduates, he '74. There is an increase in demand for number of students Because of what Shingleton referred to said. graduating in agriculture, he said, as well as a growing "The energy engineering is diminishing," said Jack - related corporations have as the "quality of students," he said more demand in the applied curriculum, "In recent years, some of our largest Shingleton, director of Placement Services. stepped up their recruiting substantially, including hotel management, packaging employers visit MSU than any other employers have been the automotive especially for technological personnel," college in the country. However, being in firms," Shingleton added. Iixon receives •ntributions to lay back IBISCAYNE, Fla. (AP) Some 5,000 taxes penny to his letter and told the President leans have sent President Nixon more "please use this to help pay your taxes." ■ $43,650 to help him pay a bill of And there were messages expressing If a million dollars in back taxes, sympathy and support for the President, Bhite House said Monday. expressing continued "respect and Spokesman said Nixon felt he could confidence in your integrity" and a $1 ;cept the contributions and would donor who said "I don't believe you | those whose donors were identified, should pay all the taxes you claim you he said,'would be given to the owe." Nixon owes $467,000 in back taxes ss for tomado disaster relief. and interest. Of all the tax mail and messages, the ^ contributions a range from six cents school child to $5,000 from a Isstnan. the White House said. White House said, there were only 113 "letters of criticism," a ratio of 50 to I to Unification proposal Phil Lang, left, Lyman Briggs College; J. Brian Raymond, Social Government Assn. They say the new association would I White House said the letters were bolster the President over his tax troubles. serve to unify (cited, but presidential supporters Earlier, the White House confirmed that Science, and Hester Cain, right, Justin Morrill College, presented fragments of student academic governance. |ther groups had suggested campaigns Nixon has been granted a 60 - day Monday a proposed constitution for a Student Academic State News photo by John Harrington Tp Nixon pay the tax bill. extension of Monday's filing deadline for I White House said 1,296 anonymous his 1973 tax return. i contained $2,581.52 in cash White House Deputy Press Secretary utions, mostly in small amounts. Gerald L. Warren said the extension was New student the type "any taxpayer can request" for governing body Iside the mailed contributions the additional time in filing a return. J House said telephone callers had He said Nixon asked for the extension because of the possible effect of the back - Jed S3,860. They were asked not to ■w tax through with their pledges ruling on his 1973 return. lugh the President appreciates their The Internal Revenue Service and a 1 to be of assistance," the White joint congressional committee on taxation ksaid. proposed at council meeting ruled April 3 that Nixon owed back taxes ■the Florida White House press office, for the years 1969 • 72. ■pie stack of the letters were made The IRS disallowed Nixon's deductions lble for inspection. for the gift of his vice presidential papers Te messages included a letter from a and certain real estate. Nixon has said he d grader who taped a nickel and a would pay the taxes. By MIKE GALATOLA independent of the other student chairmen in each college," Raymond said. who missed three consecutive meetings State News Staff Writer governance bodies, COGS and ASMSU. "Instead of learning what a committee would find his seat declared vacant. "What we want to establish is an is proposing on the day it reports to the Raymond said the college could then elect Bank robbers Student representatives to the Academic Council proposed Monday a academic counterpart to ASMSU and COGS," Phil Lang, Lyman Briggs College council, leaving us no time to consider what action to take, we'd know in advance a new representative who would regularly attend meetings. constitution which would close the open representative, said Monday. "This what to expect and could plan our fingers of student academic governance response in advance," Raymond said. Though SAGA would claim SLA me into a solid fist. The constitution calls for the formation organization would serve* the academic needs of MSU undergraduates." The undergraduate student body would Under the proposed constitution, the Elected Student Council would serve as representatives informed on keep student the regular business of academic governance, it would BN FRANCISCO (AP) - Four heavily members of the SLA," Greely said. "They of a third student governing body, the vote on the constitution, including the fee, the executive board and as the voting generally be more issue - oriented, Hester ^ men and women robbed a bank told people to lie on the floor and then Student Academic Government Assn. most likely at winter registration, membership of SAGA. ASMSU would Cain, Justin Morrill College representative, and seriously wounded two they went to the tellers' cages and took (SAGA). SAGA would be composed of Raymond said. send one voting representative to this said. by when they started shooting the money...they were in and out in two the Elected Student Council, the student The proposed government association executive board. I' as they fled, pblice and a bank minutes." members of the Academic Council's would also serve as a resource and The 17 chairmen of the student "When an issue like the student access ft) official said. Asked about any possible SLA standing committees and the chairmen of information center for undergraduate advisory councils from each college would to faculty evaluations comes up, SAGA connection, Charles Bates, chief FBI agent each college's student advisory council. student governments to improve probably meet monthly and would could keep all the student representatives ent Greely, security officer at the in San Francisco, said, "We've had reports The proposed constitution calls for a communication between the different provide SAGA with a broader base of informed of what was going on so we ia Bank in San Francisco, said the similar to this from all over the country in student tax of 50 cents per undergraduate elements of student academic governance, opinion on issues than the student council could coordinate our efforts." Cain said. |?r* claimed to be members of the holdups. We are working like mad on per term. J. Brian Raymond, College of Raymond said Monday. now gets, Raymond said. group which calls itself the this." Social Science representative, said this "For example, we would send reports One rule found in the constitution that Students with questions about the bioncsc Liberation Army, but there He said he wanted to stress that the FBI would be needed to pay for the from student members of the different is a significant departure from present proposed association can have them ™ way to confirm that, was investigating the $692.00 bank information services the association would standing committees, like educational student governance is the attendance answered from 3 to 5 p.m. on April 29 in robbery. provide and also tuuviue dUU aiMJ to keep LUV the organization policies, to all the uic student advisory V.UUUVU council regulation, which states a representativev 103 Linton Hall. pie people came in and said they were IU urgam/.auun wan aiuurui aun.wi> .....x-.. Several city landlords organizing to safeguard interests Bv council last summer. Complaints about the By MARY MARY ANNE ANNE FLOOD FLOOD the licensing fees demanded in the monitoring housing code enforcement.enfc State News Staff Writer ordinance vary. ordinance. "The ordinance is taxing us on The next appeals meeting is Thursday, the If East Lansing tenants can have a lobby "Certain provisions of the ordinance things that have already been taxed," one day after the landlord's meeting. to protect their interests, why not East like ceiling and stairway heights are simply apartment owner complained. "I'm going to keep attending those Lansing landlords? overly restrictive and should be Licensing fees are $5 for each rental At least 20 landlords plan to meet at abolished," said a "student ghetto area" dwelling and $2 for each rooming unit meetings," the "ghetto" landlord said. "I 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at one of the landlord who want to know what the commission is owns over 15 student-rented within a structure. landlord's homes to discuss the houses, many in the Park Lane-Grove The housing ordinance resulted from a thinking and let them know what I am possibilities of forming an association to Street area. 1971 study which revealed that increasing thinking. deal with special problems of the East The heights of overhanging stairwells "I think there is enough student numbers of single-family houses were Lansing landlord. has been the subject of some appeals to being rented to students and that opposition to the ordinance that we will There has already been one the city housing commission, and be able to have some students join us in meeting at landlords were allowing them to fall well which 12 to 15 landlords each contributed variances have been granted. Were the below safety standards. fighting the ordinance. $10 to get things started and promised to commission to go strictly by the code, a The ordinance was designed to upgrade "Even if they just take petitions around alert others to the cause. house might be vacated to permit the level of rental housing in East Lansing for us, students do not want to be forced Unofficial spokesmen for the necessary structural changes. by licensing rental units after they have to vacate their homes or pay higher rents organization would only consent to Other landlords feel that, especially met the code. Over one-third of the rental interviews any more than we do." on the condition that their with electrical repairs, they should be units in the city have been licensed thus names not be published. They said that, in granted more time to complete changes. far. "It is conceivable that there would be its current embryonic stage, the group's This particular landlord incurred a $500 Opponents of the ordinance have some student support," Mark Charles of goals are to: bill for electrical work done in one of his repeatedly warned that it will decrease the Tenant Resource Center said. "Students •Work for "better yet reasonably houses. The provisions of the ordinance housing supply while raising rents. If probably find the limitations on the priced" housing in East Lansing. require expensive changes in many of the tenants and landlords do exactly what the number of unrelated adults that can live in •Work against "overly restrictive" older houses being licensed. city has mandated this will probably be true, a house especially objectionable." provisions of the city housing ordinance. "They are asking us to change what has but already tenants are living in areas Israeli posi •Work against any possible threats of rent control being enacted in East been acceptable for 30 years in a matter of declared in violation of the ordinance by Charles, whose recently-formed group is the only tenant lobbyist in the city, said l^eli Defense Minister Lansing. days!" one East Lansing duplex owner the city. \ Moshe Dayan, right, and aides visit the snow The rallying point for concerned East complained. "The ordinance should be Some landlords have already begun that this East Lansing landlord group may 1 covered Israeli well have positions on Mt. Hermon in the Golan Heights Lansing landlords—who receive the second changed to allow the cost of these repairs regularly attending East Lansing Housing very a substantial effect on the ordinance. "City council L v- Heavy fighting was reported in the area as Syrian forces highest rents in Michigan-seems to be the to be absorbed over a few years time." Commission meetings and appeals is often Tempted to take higher Israeli positions. AP Wirephoto housing ordinance, approved by city Many landlords have complained about meetings. The commission is in charge of (continued on page 13) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April |6, j Council to view rezoning, buying By LINDA SANDEL , State News Staff Writer For the second time this month, the East Lansing City Council is scheduled to consider both a proposed rezoning of the Oakhill 9 steel firms to pay back wages neighborhood and the fate of the city's antiwar purchasing policy at its regular meeting at 8 p.m. tonight at City Hall. Nine major steel firms signed an agreement Monday Both rather controversial issues had been placed on the April 2 with the federal government to pay $31 million in back agenda, but votes were deferred because of Councilman John wages as part of an industry wide plan for ending racial Polomskv's absence. Under the proposed rezoning, the Oakhill Central school Gonp and sex discrimination in employment. - The voluntary agreement with the departments of neighborhood - near Valley Court Park and Abbott Road - Labor and Justice and the Equal Employment would be redesignated from its present R - 4 classification to control development and keep the number of multiple dwellings a-huntin Opportunities Commission is the largest back - pay at a minimum. A Saturday morning Easter discrimination settlement to date. Many of the area's residents who value the character of the egg hunt for It provides that the nine companies which produce 73 neighborhood, which serves a unique blend of younger renters handicapped children at and older homeowners, have asked the council to go through with Woldumar per cent of the n-ation's steel and the United Nature Way the proposed changes, which have been suggested in two forms. Center on Steelworkers Union make one - time lump sum A few land owners have opposed the rezoning because it would Lansing Road gave kids from payments to some 40,000 black, Spanish - surnamed prevent them from planning to build high - density apartments in the Lansing area a chance to and women employes who the government claimed were the area. They argue that the neighborhood, with its accessibility meet the Easter Bunny and to campus, would be a good location for much - in • demand search for eggs and relegated to "the less desirable and generally lower candy. student apartments. Volunteers from Youths paying jobs with the least opportunity for Council will also review the city purchasing policy which gives for advancement." Easter Seals staged bid preference to bidders having tjie least involvement in the The agreement was entered as a consent decree in contracts with the U.S. Dept of Defense. U.S. District Court in Birmingham. Ala. The policy was adopted as arf institutional stand against the State News photo war in Southeast Asia in 1971, but has recently been criticized by by I several June Seven Flooding continues in Mississippi city officials who say it is time - consuming, ineffective and expensive for the city. Councilman John Polomskv, who initially called for a review Heavy rains continued to pound areas of southern of the policy, has vocally opposed its continuation. Mississippi Monday following weekend floods that left Councilwoman Mary Sharp has also said she would not vote to seven dead and thousands retain the policy. temporarily homeless. The National Weather Service said flooding was Councilman George Griffiths favors retaining the current statement, as does Mayor Wilbur Brookover, who has said he occurring along rivers and streams in the entire Pearl would vote for its continuation unless the council can come up River Basin, from Edinburg in central Mississippi with a more effective means of demonstrating an antiwar stand. southward to the Gulf Coast. Councilwoman Thelma Evans has not voiced a stand on the A spokesman said several major rivers in the Pearl River Basin, an elongated area in the heart of the In other action council will consider approving amended by - state, laws and resolutions for the Capitol Area had overrun their banks or were expected to do so for Rail Council. Council will also consider an ordinance to renew the standing the next several days. temporary moratorium on signs which has been in effect since The flooding resulted mostly from extensive early 1973. && accumulations of rain in the basin Friday and Council will also establish a public hearing date the 1974 Saturday. 75 budget, probably May 7,1974. on - y" &"■' | Nigerian government overthrown The government of drought - stricken Niger, previously regarded as one of black Africa's stablest if not poorest nations, was toppled Monday in an coup. Radio Niamey reported. army Cost council lifts The overthrow of President Hamani Diori's 15 - year - WASHINGTON (AP) The The administration's two term sales in many cases. - industry problems. decontrol action "should not But it said then- could be I old government was led by Lt. Col. Seyni Kountie, chief Cost of Living Council Monday and a half year old controls Dunlop said supermarket The council said that of the have independent or of staff of Niger's 2.500 - man army, according to the lifted wage and price controls progTam is scheduled to expire chains and the food $18 billion increase in any significant adverse impact on some initial price increases as | broadcasts from Niamey. Niger's capital city. from food retailers and on April 30, and Congress so distribution sector generally consumer food expenditures food prices during the individual firms try to change I In a radio address. Kountie said the army acted to ' wholesalers, including far has faltly refused to extend were in wide - spread last year, $12 billion went remainder of 1974." their market position follnwing decontrol. I ■ supermarkets, one of the last the program in even the limited compliance with directly to the pay for rising farm relieve "the catastrophic situation in the country. big industries which had still form Dunlop has wanted. administration controls prices and all but $100 million "After 15 years of reign marked by injustice, been subject to the Industries still subject to program over the last two and of the remainder for such items UNION ACTIVITIES BOARD administration's dying price controls include steel, copper, one half years. transportation, wages and & corruption, selfishness and indifference with regard to - as control program. retail auto sales, health, He said an examination of taxes. the people whose happiness it pretended to assure, the But council director John T. construction and wages of state ASMSU profits of 24 large food The council said its army can no longer tolerate the permanence of the oligarchy," Kountie said. Dunlop said that while there might be some price increases, and employes. local government retailers showed a general decline in profitability from Free! Freel The radio reported all was calm in Niamey and said the decontrol of the food But Dunlop said controls are 1969 through 1972, with a the army was in "full control." There was no report of industry should not result in being lifted two weeks early recovery in 1973. "inordinate rises in food prices from the food industry, in part The Phase Four controls on violence during the takeover, but the radio in the months ahead..." because of the agreement last the food industry allowed food announcements gave no indication of Diori's The decontrol action affects week on a labor • management retailers and wholesalers to whereabouts or condition. virtually all foods on the committee to help solve labor increase their prices for costs, 355-1826 Kountie announced that the constitution was supermarket shelf. and wage problems in the but not for profits. They were Combined sales of the food industry. allowed to maintain their suspended, the National Assembly dissolved and all distribution industry last year This political organizations suppressed. He said a supreme were estimated at $228 billion. the committee, known Retail Food as Industry customary profit markups costs, but not to increase the over Would council composed of officers would be created soon to head the government. The decontrol also applies to the wages Labor ■ Management markups. you believe W0(o]®® ftj of the approximately Committee, is to provide a This meant a declining all insurance The coup brings to 15 the total number of black African countries south of the Sahara under military 2.5 million employes. forum for solution to long - percentage of profit on total ter April 15-23 * rule. agents are not alike: Groove Tube* Freight car derails, ties up road STAN FRIEDMAN: A 38,000 - gallon railroad freight car derailed and leaked some of its cargo of vinyl chloride onto a main "Flying saucers are real" road in Philadelphia late Sunday. There were no injuries. 52 The tank car was one of three which derailed from a - car Penn Central train. The tanker slid down an &more embankment and came to rest on Philadelphia's West River Drive, a major commuter route. UNION MAIN LOUNGE Thomas Hoppin, a spokesman for Penn Central, said it would take at least one day to remove the tank car. 12 P.M.-CLOSING Weicker bids to buy Dean's home Hmr—~ —aj Sen. Lowell P. DooLeys m Weicker, R - Conn., who interrogated former White House counsel John Dean before the Watergate committee, has offered to buy Dean's house. Weicker's office said the senator, one of several persons negotiating to buy the Alexandria townhouse, has submitied a bid in excess of $100,000. The three - bedroom dwelling overlooks the Potomac River. Dean is said to be planning to move to California with his wife. mil Prime lending rate breaks 10% The prime lending rate broke through the 10 per cent barrier record. Monday aS two banks posted rates above the old MS North Carolina National Bank announced that it had l®S8 raised its prime rate from 9% per cent to \0Va per cent, eff&tive last Friday. The First National Bank of Chicago, the nation's 10th ANydRiNk>2 THE lifli largest per cent. commercial bank, set its prime rate at 10.10 North Carolina National Bank is ranked 26th. It was not immediately apparent whether other banks REqulAR pRiCE! IS TONITE: 8:15 10 would follow suit since the Federal Reserve Board has verbally discouraged moves beyond 10 per cent when such action seemed imminent. Economists have attributed the recent upward moves of the DOWNSTAIRS prime lending rate to a combination of high corporate demand and action by the Federal Reserve Board to stem inflation by tightening the nation's money supply. TEN Hich-ThRU SUN Compiled by Steve Kepku and Deni Martin News, East Lansing, Michigan ■ Michigan State Tuesday, April 16, 1974 3 State senator election necessary dies; Big SAGINAW (AP) - Stirred line last turnout Wednesday by coming this seen year, Democrats took District," Sparling said. Huron and Saginaw Bay. Its by an unprecendented here to campaign for James three seats away from the But Traxler is calling the presidential visit and high population is a cross - section KALAMAZOO (UP1) a Sparling, Jr., 45, the GOP. election "a of factory workers, farmers, - state Sen. Anthony voltage political scrap, voters Republican candidate. referendum on entered Stamm, who The election is to Nixon's the legislature in 1966 after were expected to turn out in replace policies and moral city dwellers, suburbanites and Kalamazoo County clerk, died serving 25 years as A GOP defeat in this district former Rep. James commuters. early Monday after unusually high numbers for Harvey, a leadership" and said the illness. He 61. a lengthy where a Democrat has not won Republican, who resigned in President "is the real, the only Democrats concentrated on was Michigan's special in 42 years could have an A Republican, Stamm won re election in 1970 in the congressional election February to accept a federal issue." plants and factories in Bay City • 21st today. effect on judgeship. Harvey held the seat and Saginaw, while District, which covers Kalamazdo County and parts of Voter turnout for such some Republicans' "Each camp has had workers St. Joseph counties, by Barry and view of Nixon and his for 13 years and won with Republicans hoped to coax decisively defeating Democrat William L elections is generally below 25 coming out of the woodwork Furniss. He had been a legislator since 1956. per cent, but county officials Watergate problems, some more than 59 per cent of the to tum out the vote. I think undecided city voters and rural Sen. Philp P. Pittenger, R - observers say. And they vote in the last election. Republicans to the polls, which Lansing, who took Stamm's spot as in the Republican stronghold say it people read and breathe the chairman of the powerful State Affairs could be indicative of what race in every coffee are open from 7 a.m. EDT Committee when he of the 8th Congressional shop and was Sparling was an aide to until 8 p.m. stricken, said Stamm's death was "a tragic loss." District predicted a turnout of may happen in this fall's Harvey and is a former Saginaw everywhere you go," said Bay Stamm's death will force a elections. The President steered clear special election to fill his seat almost 50 per cent of the newspaperman. Traxler, 42, is County Clerk Steven Poth, which will probably give Senate who of industrial areas, where the Republicans a boost by giving district's 213,600 voters. The last time the district an attorney and a state predicted the voter them one more active member. vote normally is President Nixon, who is sent a Democrat to representative. turnout could reach 50 per Democratic, Congress cent. during his visit to the district. being made the issue of the was in the Depression year of "The v only issue in the Traxler accused election by Democrat Robert 1932. But in four previous Both parties brought in Sparling of Traxler, put his prestige campaign that is paramount is using "dirty tricks" in painting on the special congressional elections who can best the 8th heavy political artillery to help him serve their as "an ultraliberal cause, including Democrat" Mitchell denies who favors cross Republican Sen. Charles Percy - aiding Vesco of Illinois and Michigan's Sen. district busing for racial Robert Griffin, Gov. Milliken integration, legalized abortion and higher taxes. Traxler and Democratic Sens. Henry says he is against abortion, busing Jackson of Washington and and higher taxes at the present Philip Hart of Michigan. Sen. NEW YORK (AP) - Former Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell examination at the hands of John Edward Kennedy, D • Mass., time. I swim' before a federal trial jury Monday that he was innocent of Wing, U.S. asst. attorney. due simply to lapses of memory. Mitchell, 60, and Stans, 66, are accused of recorded a radio spot for Sparling in tum accused I an\ influence • peddling on behalf of international financier Securities and obstructing a Exchange Commission fraud investigation of Vesco One of the perjury counts was based on testimony by Daniel Traxler. Traxler of "distortions and I Robert L. Vesco. in exchange for Vesco's Hofgren, a volunteer aide in the 1972 GOP campaign. He said untruths" for implying that 10 secret $200,000 cash contribution to he saw Mitchell at a fund The 8th District On trial with onetime Commerce Secretary Maurice H. Stans President Nixon's 1972 - raising gala March 8,1972, and spoke comprises weeks Sparling spent re • election campaign. to him about Vesco. Hofgren said that in Saginaw, Bay City and the top last on criminal conspiracy charges, Mitchell was asked at the close of The charges against the two reply, Mitchell told him, summer as a White House consist of a single count of "You stay away from that." I direct questioning by his attorney: conspiracy, two counts of obstructing justice and six counts each half of Michigan's Thumb, legislative assistant made him "Did Daniel Hofgren come up to you and which is bordered by Lake "Are vou guilty or not guilty?" of perjury before the say, 'Did you see "Nixon's candidate." grand jury that indicted them last May 10. Vesco today?" Mitchell was asked. "Absolutely not guilty to any of those charges," Mitchell said. Mitchell was led through the text of the six "No sir, I'm sure he did not," Mitchell "I lot of I Mitchell's only admission of intervention on behalf of Vesco was (hen asked after each one: perjury counts and replied. ran into a I that after he left the attorney general's office, he once checked "And I take it you did not say to him, 'Stay away? ' " HAPPINESS ISA Republicans who say they will "No, sir, I did not," Mitchell answered. vote Democratic as a protest ■ with the Justice Dept. to find out whether a perjury case was STATE NEWS Mitchell testified that in late spring or summer of 1972, this time and then go I being prepared against Vesco. He said the answer was no. "Yes, sir, absolutely," Mitchell replied each time in an effort to L. Sears, a self - described liaison man between Vesco Harry CLASSIFIED the other and way again in November," said Shortly before the lunch recess, {Mitchell went under cross - convince the jury that any errors in his grand jury testimony were AD! 355-8255 Mitchell and Stans "asked me if there had been a reference from Lapeer County Clerk Lyle F. the Securities and Stewart. Exchange Commission to the Justice Dept. in connection with the alleged perjury charges that involved Vesco. I COGS passes media unit, checked somebody and found out there had been no reference to the Justice Dept." Former White House counsel John W. Dean III had testified that Mitchell complained to him that the to his indictment was a grand jury then en route runaway grand jury, in charge of some DflfKf TO THE fflUSICi (seeks to define 'minority' "little bastards" from the U.S. attorney's office in New York. the Mitchell defined a runaway grand jury as one that fails to take or S appropriate advice of the prosecutor, but rather goes its own way. PUNK Mitchell testified that not only did he not consider it a By LARRY MORGAN committee for minorities, not Academic Council on the SIRS evaluation. However, the runaway grand jury, but that he considered the two assistant U.S. State News Staff Writer the principle of expression of forms, explaining a question of student access to new system attorneys in charge of it were "very polite and seductive." minority views. for evaluation. the evaluations was One of the prosecutors to whom he The student Media dodged by applied tfie praise, John Trevor Gardner, vice "If our recommendations the committee. "PUNK" will be playing every Tuesday ^Appropriations Board president for University affairs, are accepted, there will be no Wing, caused the courtroom to breaK into laughter when he ■proposal, already accepted by In other objected to the description. He called it a conclusion which Thursday, Friday & Saturday - Four said that a minority student more SIRS," Leinbach said. business, Steve Mitchell had drawn, and when the question was ■MSU undergraduates, was repeated, the nights a week thru the summer. didn't necessarily have to be "In its place will be a Tyma, vice president for ■approved by the Council of witness testified of the two prosecutors. internal affairs, said that when ■Graduate Students (COGS)' ethnically minority, but that two-level system which will be "They were very polite and courteous." ■Monday night. Heated debate followed his views determine whether he is a minority student. both mandatory and flexible," he said. a COGS representative misses two consecutive meetings, he will now send a letter to that OPEN BOWLING The motion to strike the He said the first level of the FRI HAD SOT AITtS The Stale News is i ublished hv the students of er conflicting sections of the Michigan State contested statement failed system will be a short representative's department, University every class day during Fall. Winter and ■proposal, with the definitions Spring school addressed to the president of Mondays, Wednesday. and Kriduys during Summer Term, and a terms, 'minority student" overwhelmingly, and debate on University wide form for the Welcome Week edition is published in special the remainder of the media evaluating teachers according graduate student 516 September. Subscription rate is tearing the brunt of the board to the Code of Teaching organization of that per year. Second class postage paid a (discussion. amendments, was department, informing him of business offices at 345 Stud The conflict came as a result postponed until the next Responsibilities, which include University. Fast Lansing. Michiei the representative's attendance. sentence in the meeting. meeting classes on time, and at proposal Ed Leinbach, COGS the beginning of the course This is not a reprimandation Jwhich states, "one of the two representative to the setting of objectives and testing procedure, but is just to bring (graduate) appointees should Educational Policies policies. attention to the department 355-82 52 355-8255 a minority representative." The second level is to be that its representative has Display Advertising 353-6400 The discussion attempted to Committee, reported the missed two meetings, Tyma Business Office 35 5-3447 policies committee's developed by each department Jclarify the meaning of minority recommendations to the to fulfill its own needs for said. Photographic 355-831 1 pnd the need for the sentence. Objections to the sentence ■dealt with the question of ■guaranteed seats on a open thursday and friday nights until n CAPTAIN-v- BEEFHEA /S CMMJ to \T>/ (J u NEJAC TV RENTALS Ih-Brautry^ 33^30^ wv the AMc-Sjf we've got the blues. . . jateClw those big-news denim blues accessories hued in the presents:- country-color that's gone to the town in a big way The col- lectables for getting together CAPITAL CITY a casual look that's strictly BOYS! blue-chip this season. A Wooden bead necklaces by dont miss them! Stephen Adrian in denim blue and red. Matinee length, $7 Choker, $5 B Embroidered blue cotton denim case holds white nylon umbrella with tuesdays tortoise-toned handle $12 a are C Double-strap shoulder bag CHEAP of light blue cotton chambray DRINK with brown vinyl trim The very new look in shoe fashions this season is the crepe sole look and Bass NITES! ... 10"x10K" with zip top and has captured this look beautifully in a whole new collection of styles with rich, thick outside pockets $12 Squee-gee soles. The look is fashion . . . but the genuine leather uppers and "Down- Maine" craftsmanship tell you these shoes give good, honest Die wear M.S.U. BOOTERY and value. IT! JaeobSoriB 225 E. Grand River (Across from the Open till 8 p.m. Thurs., 9 p.m. Union) Fri. OPINION PAGE GeraldJH. Coy General Manager John W. Lindstrom ■■ Campus editor k.D. Campbell Staff representative Kathy Niezurawski Jim Bush Copy chief City editor Craig Porter Photo editor EDITORIALS Compromise for health After years of argument and guarantee automatic medical stalemate, it appears certain that coverage. You would have to switch some type of national health coverage every time you move or insurance program is on the way. change jobs. The Kennedy - Mills But unless inequities are ironed out in the proposed plans, national plan, however, provides coverage for life from cradle to grave. fPfEr health care will not be the bonanza Another serious drawback of some people had hoped for. Nixon's plan is the requirement Both President Nixon and that prenatal and pediatric services, leading Democratic authorities on and eye. ear and dental care for HE'S A HUNDRED PERCENT FIT—CALL MY health care. Sen. Edward Kennedy. BROKER AND TELL HIM TO SELL!' children under 13 be paid for on a D Mass.. and Rep. Wilbur Mills. D - cost - sharing basis. The Kennedy - POINT OF VIEW - Ark., have submitted roughly Mills plan eliminates cost - * sharing parallel health insurance plans to for these services. Congress. Almost certainly by 1976 a federal program will be a Both the Nixon and the Kennedy Mills plans stress preventive and reality. In insurance. administering federal health states to manage Nixon's more workable than the formula health care seems for Seeing Nimoy fine for 'Trekkies' By PAULA M. BLOCK The part of the audience I was in did - Democrats' touch them, to catch a glimpse of their his records. Nimoy also has a I wish to protest a few points of Kathy bookfl outpatient would scheme. The Kennedy - Mills not appear "restless and bored," and humaness and vulnerability — which is not care, use a plan Esselman's article of April 14 on Leonard poetry out which is carried at local stonl calls for perhaps the information Nimoy espoused conveyable "health card" for paying bills and allowing the Social Nimoy. was "available to anyone in college," but I on an album cover (or a TV around East Lansing but he did not p J show). that either. I would divide medical costs between Security Administration to run the He did not cheat the crowd the hadn't heard — a great deal of it and I'm i This is the way I took Nimoy's One last thing - "Devil in the employers and employes at roughly program, even though that office is majority of the people showing up came grad student. appearance. It was an inexpensive chance was one of "Star Trek's" Dufl S3 to SI. Beyond that, the already a tangled bureaucracy merely to look at their idol, Mr. Spock, What Nimoy attempted to do was to look at an idol in a helpless human but it was made almost seven better episodnP differences considerable. encumbered with and they saw him. Some kissed him, some composite material on how the events of yearsiJ are over 70.000 asked obvious questions which had state. So Nimoy is somewhat boring — and naturally appears flawed now. It ql already the present shape futuristic writing. The Kennedy - Mills plan would employes. been written about "Star Trek" elsewhere. what were you expecting, anyway? not made for large screen viewing, J Perhaps he is a poor writer, a poor Spock? If MSU wanted a detailed and writing is dated and the special effects»■ make you pay the first S300 of any Eliminating health care abuses In fact, there is little on the subject that speaker, but I would guess that RHA vivid explanation of "Star Trek," they dated. The originality of "Star Trek" must be the prime concern of Nimoy could have discussed without the invited him to speak here as a J medical bills, and then 25 per cent should have invited Gene Roddenberry. faded and most episodes are noil Congress when it wrangles avid Trekkies saying, "I've heard that over one "personality" rather than as a fascinating But they chose Nimoy and not what he laughable, but I thought this was the of the rest up to a S 1.000 annual these two health insurance plans. before." public speaker. How many people have could deliver. of appreciation of nostalgia, of ipl ceiling. Nixon's plan would take It is also possible that Nimoy wanted to shelled out five bucks to listen to a things thill Perpetuating the present self - appear just as a pop As for the free publicity, maybe now look ridiculous to our "matuiiB more money out of your pocket: person sharing his group, only to find they sound rotten in regulation of the medical profession interests, rather than Mr. Nimoy's appearance provided some news minds." the first S450 of any medical bill as Spock, with or person without a studio properly mixing coverage for him but that was all. Not Leave the would be a serious mistake. without ears. This is a weakness of them? The Beatles themselves in the good nice Jewish boy alont.1 and then 25 per cent of the rest once did he push any films or Esselman, if that's all he is. up Regulatory boards need humans, to rattle and prattle, but perhaps old days of mass hysteria were just such a plays of his even to be to see. He even seemed rather embarrassed to a SI.500 annual Esselman was expecting Vulcan logic. ceiling. established to set financial and group, yet people went to see them, to when someone brought up the subject of . Block. 4 In such a cost - sharing approach, n knglish. qualitative standards throughout Nixon's plan leaves much to' be the health industry. VOX POPULI desired. Under it, everybody must With skyrocketing costs, pay. even the poorest families. Under the Kennedy - Mills plan, adequate health care has become a privilege and no longer a right. Only Pedestrians must joust with only people earning over S4,800 a by putting patient care above costs year must share the cost for their can Congress To the Editor: After hope to produce a encountering one of the little gems medical expenses. Like every pedestrian on campus, this my morning, I am gratified in the publicly accountable health service heart bleeds for my poor beset Nixon's plan also does not bike-riding knowledge that were I not bespectacled, I program for all citizens. brothers. Still, I am convinced that this would now be minus an eye. spring, more than ever, the situation Perhaps the legislature can go one requires the University make a firm better. They could require that a decision: either get those bicycles off bright orange jousting lance be affixed to the sidewalks or convert the Administration handlebars of every bicycle. Pedestrians Building (which seems to be going to and owners of Lincoln Continentals would waste anyway) to an adequate health surely keep their eyes peeled then. center. If they failed to do so, As a side note, it is nice to know that they would justly pay the price of their own the state legislature is meeting the problem carelessness. head-on. I have to admit that the suggestion of making warning flags mandatory is a rare bit of political genius. Old, new truisms survival of Jewish To the Editor: a common market. But Israel is not alone. Golda Meir's final resignation saddens The Dutch have never let Israel down. me. Gone is her political work for Jewish harmony. opportunity to But perhaps a new prime minister in Neither did the Americans. And neither did the American Jews, a behaves as the phantom group that often minority group of Impeachment To the Editor: Israel, supported by a unified coalition, New Babylon - West. The race between Democrat J. Bob opposed the disastrous economic policiB■ will be able to continue Meir's efforts. A final truism concerns the of the administration and spoken relationship Traxler and Republican James That new leader should between Arabs and Jews. Sparling for against its moral corruption. Traxler h»■ recognize some Any other the 8th Congressional District seat is new and old truisms. peoples can meet, talk and go their being called for Nixon's resignation andbeliei#B interpreted as a referendum on the Nixon that Nixon must assume responsibility In ancient Israel, Jews lost separate ways. Arabs and Jews cannot. against New administration. wars health foreign invaders when they indulged in internal, divisive bickering. In modern Israel, economic, religious and ethnic They feel lined in an almost mystical bond of love - hate. On the the common, one hand, there is in Republicans have recently lost elections traditionally Republican areas in the misuse of power at the highest levwM of government. Undoubtedly, if Traxler is elected I bickering are neutralizing governmental and enduring Semitic heritage Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania and fear continue the tide toward impeachment. ■ it«| understnading. On the other, a that the conservative Thumb effectiveness. political gulf. may be yet Greg Sco# ■ Unive another upset. It is prompt Another longer unbeatable in truism is that Israel is war, and alone cannot guarantee the peace. A third geography no Truisms come and governments. I hope the above truisms go, further explain and support the endeavors so do Nixon who is candidate Traxler has undoubtedly Richard running in the 8th, repeatedly pointed as 436 ParkU»l Some day MSU students and employees will enjoy a brand new expensive and impractical. The new health center would be truism is Israel's isolation. Israel is alone in the world, but it is not alone. Israel does not have a dozen Jewish of those working for the survival of the Jewish nation. out. I believe along with Traxler that the Thumb has a real chance to send a message Exemptions To the Editor: Jim Michaelson to University health center to replace located in Washington that the abuses of power Previously filed W-4E forms exp»B a planned health nations to ally itself with in a holy war or 635 Abbott Road and disregard for the law the current 35 year - old facility - - complex of the Life Sciences that have been April 25. Students will need to file the legacy of the Nixon but nobody really knows when that administration forms if they wish their wages to*I Building and the proposed clinical will not be tolerated. day will come. sciences building. It could take Both Republicans and exempt from federal tax withholding Motorcycles qualify, a student must not have owed ill Democrats in Last May, the board of trustees advantage of the resultant Congress are watching election results with income tax last year and expect not | authorized construction of a new availability of medical equipment Rowing concern. They are recognizing owe any tax this year. that the _ health center. Health center and specialists to expand its services people are demanding a change in April 25 is the deadline for students" ■ officials have started preliminary To the Editor: leadership and that impeachment must be the student payroll to file exempli ■ and become more efficient by always possible. Another alternative is to With warm weather hopefully here soon seriously considered. certificates with the planning. But they need approval park motorcycles near the bicycle racks Payroll Division, eliminating duplication of I'm writing about a problem faced by next to residence halls. However, this is a If James Sparling, a former Nixon aide Administration Building, in time for' I from the administration before should be elected on equipment and manpower. almost anyone who owns a motorcycle poor alternative because if police find April 16, many May 3 payroll. I they can hire an architect, accept The only clear disadvantage is and who wants to ride it on members of Congress will campus. The them there they will be ticketed. American people are no say that the May 7 is the deadline fur graduw ■ construction bids and make the -the proposed center's location on problem is that of finding a safe place to The solution I propose is that either a longer dissatisfied assistants to file for the May 15 payroll ■ with the Nixon center park. administration. Manuel G.^l a physical reality. When all the southeast edge of campus. More well-lighted area near residence halls be Traxler, on the other As it hand, has openly that will happen is anyone's guess. frequent campus bus runs are treated as now cars stands, motorcycles and have to be parked in are specifically reserved for parking Systems and ProceduW ■ The present health center now planned for the future, but a motorcycles or that it be possible to park designated parking lots on campus. I know violates fire codes with inadequate ventilation, building its student living on the opposite side of campus without a bus police patrol parking lots regularly but not many people realize that the time it takes them at bicycle racks, as long as the motorcycle is properly registered and that it is not driven on pedestrian Swirls at equa pass for walkways To the Editor: materials and wiring. The building would still be at a loss. Other someone with the right equipment to steal a motorcycle is knowledge and when taken to and from the bike racks I enjoyed the (money) to travel and research B is also too small to handle the 500 pretty Having had a motorcycle of mine point of view April 9 by questions that must be answ ■ transportation alternatives are small, no matter what precautions the Bryant W. Pocock immensely. Questions or so patients it sees each day. And stolen, I think this is a reasonable Hopefully along the way I c0" .Lil necessary so all students and owner might take. come to mind: (1) At the equator does master's and/or Ph.D. in something continual repairs and additions to The best alternative is to find compromise. water swirl down the drain or .■ employees have easy access to the dig while at the same time an outmoded structure are new center. off campus with a someone garage who will let you Pete Edmonds down? and (2) What is the go straight percentage of something relevant. -| ,/imI keep your motorcycle in it, but this is not ambidextroijs people at the equator? James A. ■ 870 N. Hubbard Hall I will volunteer if support is generated MSU alum""! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 16, 1974 5 ART BUCHWALD "jM |oof A STUEAKEl?- A CONSUMER fa Streaker peeke as nude fad WASHINGTON - No one will admit it without a peep." "I'm not sure I understand." They've seen students march on date our demise to the publicly but next to Kohoutek the biggest Washington protesting the war, fighting night Walter told America about streaking." Sop of 1974 is streaking. It was a media "Well, in order for streaking to catch on we had to convince for civil rights, screaming against "You haven't mentioned this," I said, happening for two weeks and then fizzled students they were pollution. Hell, after the '60s, streaking "but is it possible that one of the reasons out to nothing. doing something against the looked as innocent as Maypole dancing, streaking failed was that no one was To find out what went wrong I went to Establishment. The fun of it for them was and the Establishment not to horrify their only refused to turned on by seeing of flesh in the see Stanley Streaker, a university parents, their professors, get sore at a mass streakers, they welcomed us streets?" i |sophomore, who started the whole thing, the alumni and of course the trustees. When we started board of with open arms." "I've thought about that * "Stanley, I know you had high hopes streaking we a lot," Stanley "You are victims of a permissive age," I said. for streaking when it first started. You expected howls of protest from the press said sympathetically. "It's true that when you've seen one jpredicted it would be as big as the hula and a tremendous the police. But counterreaction from "I think the thing that hurt us the most streaker you've seen them all. hoop rage. Obviously you bombed out. no one got sore. Everyone was Walter Perhaps I Cronkite," Stanley said. could have kept the thing going a lot What went wrong?" just said 'Look at those nice kids running "Why Walter Cronkite?" longer if I had programmed it better. "I miscalculated," he said, fully around with no clothes on.' " Each "Well, when the craze first started, week we could have streaked with clothed. "The one thing I overlooked is "It's true," I admitted. "I said it Cronkite got on television and said one less that Americans can't be shocked by myself." piece of clothing, like a striptease. At the streaking was in. Now as far as college end the boys would have been in their anything anymore. They're so "I guess I can't blame the parents. The students are concerned when Walter says older generation has been shorts and the girls in bras and ipunch-drunk they accept everything through a lot. something is in, that means it's out. I can Then the final week panties. we would have had the big unveiling that would have given Cronkite something to talk about. Our TOM WICKER mistake was showing the landing on the moon before the takeoff from Cape Canaveral." Changes in educa "So it's all over someone streak Stanley?" "Yup. We tried to revive on it television by having at the Academy Awards, but it was a big by integration nothing. Sixty million people just sat there and yawned. When I hang up my socks. A saw that, 1 decided man has to know to when he's through." NEW YORK - Broadly speaking, the behind. educational gain. extensive integration of public schools In math, fourth - grade blacks were one That may be because Pasadena, unit behind whites and eighth • grade trying which took place in some parts of the to cope with the problems of blacks were 1.4 units behind. integration, THIS >6 LclME COJNTRV,AND ON nation roughly between 1966 and 1971 has developed numerous new educational ONE OF THE RANCHES, THERE has not resulted in improved educational The clear implication was that, for the programs. So has Riverside, where Mabel LIVEP A RHINOCEROS WHO SECAME achievement by minority - group pupils. older black pupils, the original C. Purl, the school district's director of 60 FOND JF DRlNKiNG jjiNEjHEY This confounds the expectations of many disadvantage they had brought to school research, also found limited evidence of CAtlEP HIM THE "WINO RHIS0" liberals, even as it annoys many blacks with them had worsened; they had fallen minority gains. Riverside's minority pupils that their children should be expected to further behind the white students in a have been showing more or less the same read better merely because they sit beside process called "cumulative deficit." original learning disadvantage as recorded white children. In February, the new Pasadena school in Pasadena, but in tests conducted in A recent review of the extensive board, which seeks a return to May, 1973, Purl discovered some startling statistics of integrated education in neighborhood schools, presented a study — if scattered — achievement gains. Pasadena and Riverside, Calif., provided by David Armour of the Rand DOONESBURY no evidence to challenge the conclusion Corporation to show that integration had She found black and Spanish - surname by Garry Trudeau not closed the achievement first - graders in several schools reading at' that integration itself does not improve gap between minority educational achievement. But the whites and minorities. or slightly above the expected grade level J0ANIS, YOU CANT wbll, c0ulp of 1.8 and in several ho, 1 don't uant anything records in these two cities did suggest the Using Armour's own figures, however, cases noted even JUST SPBNP ALL PAY 1 8r.in6 you to bat! all i want is to possibility that educational innovations Jane Mercer of the University of California more impressive achievements — a group mop!n6 ovbr youh. no! i'vb something wait! thby put mb on thb/p at Riverside contended that of Mexican American first LAW SCHOOL WAITING ear Noihm forced by the problems of integration may they showed • • graders to eat? waitin6 usts, so i'm 60in6 achieving at a 2.2 grade equivalent in LISTS. YOl/VB 60T to 667 soup maybb? / to start mart/n6 up a 706BT UP ANP up fop. math, for instance, and a group of black _ storm1 wait! mm first graders working at a grade wait! equivalent of 2.0 in math. In the second and third grades, she again found scattered examples of grade - level or slightly better performance by some minority students — for example, a group of black third - graders reading at a 4.1 grade equivalent, be beginning to have beneficial effect. "cumulative well above the deficit" might be grade level of 3.8. Pasadena has been integrated since disappearing or diminishing in integrated In Purl's view, therefore, integration as 1970, Riverside since 1966. Test scores in schools. such was not the cause of the achievement both communities show that minority The black first graders of 1969, for gains, which she did not find among older pupils enter school already at a substantial example, had kept pace with their white minority pupils in the upper grades. She learning disadvantage compared to whites, classmates and were no further behind in believes, rather, that in some cases and studies in both suggest that the the fourth grade than originally. The same integration had caused able and disadvantage is primarily the result of the ' was true for the fourth graders of 1969 conscientious teachers, confronted with w socio • economic status of black and who had reached the seventh grade. The numbers of underachievers in their 5349 Spanish - surname families. significance of that, in Mercer's view, was classrooms, to develop effective "programs - - In 1969, before integration, blacks that black children actually would have to of individual teaching" and other entering the first grade at Pasadena were achieve at a faster rate than whites if they innovations. ! typically .8 standard deviation units were to close the original gap between Some communities, each behind whites in reading scores. In that moreover, had them. That they were learning at the same forced that kind of response to same year, blacks in the fourth grade were rate as the more advantaged whites rather integration (s5.98 list) 1.1 units behind whites in through greater community involvement reading, and than falling progressively further behind, in the schools. The scores showed the blacks in the eighth grade were 1.2 'units she argued, actually showed a considerable results. NEW CAPTAIN BEEFHEART and OHIO PLAYERS Take Advantage of unconditionally guaranteed captain beefheart and the magic band hit album "skin tight" don't miss Steven Grossman CAPTAIN BEEFHEART Caravan Tonight Hewlett-Packard's at the BREWERY wednesday Newest Price Reductions APRIL JOHN DENVER 17th HP-35 HP-45 RAy MANZAREK »hc btoii $v 9 (scientific) (advanced scientific) LOU REED was 295" was 3950# beginnings AND THE VELVETS wimta^c tara ■ john denver with VINTAGE 1969 ■ the mitchell trio 00 00 now 225 now 325 | ■§ thegolden scarab ray manzarek The original keyboard member of ^INCLUDES: HERION, SW We have these calculators in The Doors velvet underground live with lou reed - 1969 stock—So stop by 2-record set specially priced Over 100 minutes of music featuring CAMPUS BOOKSTORE Today at discount? store hours: mon.-fri. 9:30 a.m. -9:00 p.m. saturday 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m recordso sunday noon - 6:00 p.m. (across from the Union 351-8460 Open 900 to 530 332-0877 401 E. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING theatre 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 16 '974 Renaissance Ancient plays on crwth, By ALFRED L. NEWMAN Hogwood assumed the leadership role in Munrow's abse but admitted privately I and music revival views his performance as that he was not fond of it because*!! I JUNE E.K. DELANO State News Reviewers interpretive rather than educational "David has a special show in which he I Oliver Brooke, plays the Welsh explains all th instruments," he said, "but generally we don't do that unl i, an instrument popular we're asked." in medieval Europe. Another The Early Music Consort of London may not be a household name, but the group has a large MSU audience who has heard Hogwood performed Friday on harpsichord, small member of the group called the various percussion instruments with an air of aloof harp them perform anonymously in recent television productions of instrument a window frame concentrati with "Elizabeth R" and "Henry VIII" and the movie "The Devils." which reinforced his serious attitude toward music. 011 strings but the droning The five members of the Early Music Consort, four of whom Brooke, whose lean, sophisticated appearance tones of the crwth don't sound resembled English schoolmaster stereotype, played cello in piano anything like appeared at MSU Friday, describe themselves as 20th century before joining the Early Music Consort. He tri" a window. musicians who play an anthology of Renaissance music. played crwth crumhorn and a viol da gamba Friday night. The oldest J* I State News photos by Dave Olds Unlike the New York Pro Musica, another group who of the group, Brooke had perhaps the most formal membe* specializes in preclassical music, the Early Music Consort does not consider itself a theatrical group. stage presence' Tyler is an American, described by Brooke "You don't see classical musicians dressing in 19th century as« banjo picker from Las Vegas," who played several years attire." said Christopher Hogwood, harpsichordist. "We see no New York Pro Musica before joining the with th* reason to dress up in 14th or 15th century attire to perform." Early Music Consort * 1 1967. Though he played alto crumhorn and tenor So the group members perform in suits and ties, playing a wide forte is the lute, which he played with viol, great enthusiasm both Tyler" repetoire of European music from the 13th through 16th the off the stage. centuries. The group's instruments, which include such oddities as the Finally, there was Bowman, whose unusually rich counter tenor voice highlighted the performance whether lie I Welsh crwth and the crumhorn, pose a special problem for the sang Italian court songs or English ballads. Bowman himself had a musicians. unique "We're all self stage presence, apparently immersed in the music and casually - taught, particularly on the more obscure unaware of the audience. instruments," said Oliver Brooke, violist. "You don't find any masters on the crwth." Concert relaxed Surprisingly, there is no problem finding the instruments. This relaxed demeanor, displayed by all four "Making these instruments is a thriving business in England," infected the audience and heightened enjoyment of the musicians I concert said James Tyler, lutist, adding that the demand is from The formal, sometimes cold, atmosphere which often musicians, not curio • seekers. accompanies performances of serious music was absent. Group's director ill However, members of the Society for Creative took advantage of the Early Music Consort's Anachronism The music, the musicians and the performance are all directed easy • go™ by David Munrow, the founder of the group, who did not appear approach, and unfortunately gave them a distorted view of MSI' Friday due to illness. audiences. "We left David in Toronto," said James Bowman, counter Before the performance, Bowman asked if MSU had anv tenor. "He contracted a lung infection after Renaissance music groups and was told about the Society of ditch in pushing our car out for I a a Vermont blizzard last week." Creative Anachronism. However, the Early Music Consort performed beautifully "Oh, you mean one of those groups which dresses without Munrow, even though he usually up and I plays a multitude of dances about, making incidental noises," responded Hogwood, obscure medieval instruments which liven the obviously unenthusiastic about such a group's emphasis. performance. "The basic advantage to Renaissance music is its But it was Hogwood who was coerced into a half hour adaptability," - stint as I Tyler explained. "A piece was written so that it could be an accompanist after tfce concert ended and the audience performed by solo lute or as many as six or seven musicians. departed, while the society performed a medieval hoedown on the Fortunately, we can adapt the music to four musicians with stage. relatively few adjustments." Such a spontaneous event is fine when all parties are I All four members of the group who were enthusiastic, but the members of the Early Music Consort were here, however, credited Munrow as the force behind the group, obviously hungry, tired and reluctant to continue. The Society explaining that he selects the music, arranges it, writes the television and movie for Creative Anachronism was inconsiderate in making such scores and emcees the performances. insistent demands on visiting artists. UNION ACTIVITIES BOARD BIZARRE FILM SERIES flash gordon From the left are Christopher Hogwood, James members of the Early Music Consort of Tyler, Oliver Brooke and James Bowman, London. pepfoRminCi ARts company TENTH ANNIVERSARY 1973 — 74 Season TICKETS ON SALE TODAY FAIRCHILD THEATRE 8:15 P.M. BOX OFFICE OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 12-5 355-0148 ROBERT MARASCO APRIL 23-28 DIRECTED BY PETER LANDRY TSE STABLES MICEICAMS SHOWCASE FOR NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April lr». 1974 7 Students bypass Low enfor By JOE KIRBY Jackie Denn, II9 State News Staff Writer Phillips Hall, sophomore, said, "It's a good Sue Richardson, 342 W. Holden Hall, freshman, said idea and it doesn't cost J I m si MSU students did not use the provision on their income Nationally, an you anything." IRS spokesman said about 14 taxpayers have checked off the provision so far as per cent of the favor of the checkoff. she w on fox de f°Srnj that allows people to contribute $1 toward presidential only 3.1 per cent who checked off the opposed to contribution on 1972 tax Some students did not fcmpaign funding because they were not aware of exactly how it . returns. approve of tax money being used for If you are thinking you will just slip your 1973 federal tax In addition, another 6.7 campaign funding and so they did not use the checkoff. return into the mailbox this morning and no one will notice that ^telephone survey of 25 students Monday showed that only per cent authorized $1 to the fund retroactively for 1972. The fund now contains about $18 million, "I don't think it's a good idea, I don't want them to have my you missed the Monday midnight deadline, you are wrong. et ui checked off the box which allows a contribution to a with a lot more money yet to be counted. money," Marty Poches, 410 W. McDonel Hall, junior, said. Well,...maybe. pral fund but does not cost the taxpayer anything. However The 1972 presidential campaign cost at least $115 rrilUon and an Richard Rexroad 392 E. Akers Hall, senior, said he was too Edwinna Carlson, manager of the Intefnal iJt neicentage was still twice the national figure. 1Kb spokesman said there would be enough upset over Watergate to consider contributing to the fund. Revenue Service (IRS) contact unit .in Grand Rapids, said Monday that the late money to pay for the ' | Terrv Donovan, 131 Phillips Hall, sophomore, said, "I didn't use 1976 presidential election at the present rate of contribution. Also I don't think it's fair that the money only goes to the I ' t'|ia, was because I just wasn't sure exactly how it worked." penalties are stringently enforced. Republicans and Democrats," he said. "It's the law," Carlson said. I Event though the campaign fund section was on the main tax » this vear instead of on a separate form as it was last year, PUDGE? BILLS FACE LAWMAKERS I students were not aware that it was there. But the IRS was quoted by the Associated Press late returns will not result in a Monday that I I auric Page, 233 River St., junior said, "I didn't even see it. If 1 big penalty, and perhaps Legislature no I Id have known about it I would have checked it off. I «nother student, Barbara Martin, 215 Williams Hall, junior, said ft, did not use it because she did not know too much about it UNITED PRESS leaves penalty at all. By law, returns postmarked after midnight Monday are charged immediately with a 5 percent failure to file penalty. Each INTERNATIONAI. Id felt that 'l should belter exPlained' Meeting 54 out of 73 working days since Jan. I, the House succeeding month an additional 5 per cent penalty is added. The bleak winter session of the I Jean Malloch, 214 Collingwood Drive, junior, said, "1 didn't Michigan Legislature was completed work on four important proposals, marked by a trail of unfinished including two On top of that, a one half per cent >w what it's about. I think it could be a good idea if more business, with only five major consumer - oriented bills, which are now deadlocked in Senate penalty for failure to pay is assessed each month. This is compounded ■ople knew about it." proposals presented to the governor and signed into law since Jan. committees. One would permit daily so that if you got your return in today the additional charge for this part of the I hose students who did understand it and checked it off felt it Both houses druggists to substitute cheaper brands of adjourned Thursday for 10 penalty clause would be only lould help improve the political system. and will return to work next Monday. a - day spring break, prescription drugs, unless prohibited by the physician. Gov. Milliken's proposed one thirtieth of one half per cent. "1 think it's a good idea, it might stop a lot of the corruption A myriad of "super department" of human If an emergency situation important legislation faces lawmakers upon their services prevented you from filing but you ,at goes on in politics," Sue Lawless, 212 S. Case Hall, return, with many issues taking - combining the Depts. of Public Health, Social Services did not file emergency form 4868, that is too a backseat to the annual budget and Mental Health bad, according to Iphomore, said. bills which must be enacted by July 1. - has been lodged in the hostile State Committee since late this past year. Affairs the law. That form provides a two - month extension for those Despite full calendars, both houses hope to adjourn for the who filed it before midnight Despite inaction on many House proposals, the Senate Monday. summer in early June to enable senators and representatives - all^ nonetheless passed two important election reform bills up for re - election in November - to campaign in their districts* winter session. during the The White House said President Nixon-the best publicized The five major bills which did American taxpayer in many years-has received a complete the legislative maze One, aimed at pointing up conflicts of interest, would 60-day this winter and were entered into the law books included the new require extension for his 1973 returns. 55 mile per hour speed candidates, politicians, lobbyists and some appointed officials to The IRS said five million taxpayers filed their returns limit, elimination of the week waiting annually disclose their sources of income. It is now in the House after the due period for unemployment benefits, a ban on winter date last year, but 900,000 of these had been Daylight Policy Committee. granted extensions. Saving Time, an emergency energy bill and legislation The second, which underwent heated > permitting debate in the House, Those taxpayers who have refunds hospitals or personnel to refuse to perform abortions "as a matter would require coming and file late will not [LEGISLATION TO officials was of conscience." reporting of all campaign donations and be penalized, a Lansing IRS tax aide said. * approved last expenditures. That measure is expected to be voted on when the The IRS also said that students are |ri)TKCT the consumer from week by the state Senate but is The House's winter effort was slightly superior to the total of House returns Monday, but has been completely rewritten and for tax audits. But the not on the most likelv list - Righ costs of advertising by the still pending before the House. Senate passed bills. will have to face a vote on amendments in the Senate. possibility still exists that an audit of a low income taxpayer could occur, the IRS said. 's public utilities has been introduced in the Michigan State Rep. Dan Angel, R - |enate. Marshall, denounced a J The bill, sponsored by Sen. legislative colleague Friday as ■illium Faust, D • Westland, "utterly without redeeming TICKETS ON SALE TOMORROW Lould prohibit public utilities social value" for his plans to n including any advertising throw a fundraiser is as a necessary expense showing the movie "Deep Throat." >n they request rate hikes Angel, who is vying for a Lfore the Public Service spot as lieutenant governor on lommission. Gov. Milliken's election ticket, accused Rep. Perry Bullard, D - Ann Arbor, with the POP ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTS I State Sen. William Ballenger, "Flaunting of morality." A fundraiser on Friday and Lansing, Monday Joluntarily disclosed a report Saturday charging $1.50 kf his financial admission has been scheduled holdings with Lansing chapter of by a University of Michigan J. OEILS BAND ion Cause. student group called Bullard I Ballenger. who is considering Action Now Group(BANG). leeking his party's nomination the 6th Congressional jMstrict seat, said he has not Met made a decision as to his ■ndidacy. 1 Lesislation requiring such es by candidates and 1 and appointed JULIET OF THE SPIRITS Feilini's first color feature, "Juliet of the Spirits" has been called "the female 8V&," and can easily tie said to have anticipated the Women's Lib Move¬ ment. The film explores the doubts, fantasies, and childhood fears of a housewife who, approaching middle age, begins to suspect that her husband is cheating on her. Confirming the guilt of the man around whom she has built her entire life, Juliet goes through a shattering identity crisis. Giuiietta Masina again plays the main character and turns in a overwhelming brilliant performance. APRIL 29—8PM TONIGHT April 16, in Jenison Field House at 7:00 & 9:30 p.m. in Fairchild Theatre Individual Admission $1.25 or Director's Choice Series Ticket' FEDERICO FELLINI Presented by the Lecture-Concert Sengs' Reserve Section Tickets DIKECTOK'S CHOICE $4 & $5 Available at the MSU UNION , CANTERBURY SHOP and MARSHALL MUSIC 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 16, ■974 I Landlords give tours, screen prospects By MARY ANNE FLOOD and the living rooms of present crowd. a number to help him choose the rented everything available. He first house choice. fixed them immediately," an tenants. The 50 students who monthly. This may sound State News Staff Writer stayed "best" tenants. An area McConnochie will not rent MSU senior said. "Because of but at least 25 w L lawyer feels the demand for houses "We've used this group for the bulk of the tour were said this screening process is of the h g fn some communities showing method for years," too anxious to get the prize legal. increases every year. "We don't want to have to to a coed group, and he prefers to rent to women. "We try not the interviews we all know each other better. That always hunters said to pay up to they WPre ^ tenants go house shopping, but McConnochie, a tall, lean, houses to philosophize on the "Our biggest problem to discriminate but women helps tenant landlord they liked. $90 for Jl 3 pla« in East Lansing landlords go white ■ haired retiree in his 60s, is get an answering service for our - tend to take better care of the relations." No one, tenant shopping. said. "It is the easiest way to Most all the houses shown however h houses," he said. offered their This phenomenon is best illustrated by the method one show a house to everyone Prospective tenants visit cost $75 to $80 per tenant soul for a house! 1 interested without constantly local landlord used to rent 10 McConnochie at his home and bothering the kids who live chat with him about rent, houses for fall. % there." MSU JAPAN " maintenance and their personal On a drearj' Saturday at the Some of the present tenants backgrounds. end of March, nearly 90 house hunting students filled the house and lawn at 415 Albert were not home to see the parade pass by, others either One thing that was not discussed, Geha said, was the KARATE CLUB sat in their bedrooms telling East Lansing housing St.. the beginning of -the selected students about gas ANNOUNCE CLASSES IN Robert McConnochie tour. leaks and plumbing horrors or ordinance. SHOTOKAN The action started when conducted guided tours McConnochie, who has not KARATE. FOR BEGINNERS AND McConnochie, who has yet been licensed by East through their houses. One acquired 16 houses in his 10 group sat on a couch in a Lansing housing inspectors, ADVANCED STUDENTS. said that he knows that some years as a landlord, arrived and corner almost motionless the 1. OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS, FACULTY of his basement and attic AND STAFF gave the word for the eager Two Robert McConnochie 2. MEMBERS OF THE AAU. OF THE • owned homes in East Lansing. rooms will not pass the code UNITED STATFc group to begin inspection of 3. MEMBERS OF THE JAPAN KARATE and tenants will have to double the premises. The group, ranks early in the tour, ASSOCIATION mostly up. Some of the tenants are We have a unique commodity to offer, to women, began climbing "This is degrading and merits of the system. all ih0« up and down stairs, peeking deciding who to rent to. We home phone, but if we get unaware of this possibility. interested. Because we believe that "the ultimate typical of landlord attitudes McConnochie passed out aim of behind wall hangings and always have more applicants many more calls we may have McConnochie has a good karate lies neither in victory, nor in defeat, towards students," one MSU applications to all the house than but in the we can handle," he said. to," he said. relationship with his tenants, perfection of the character of its participants." If discussing the merits of junior said. "We are just being hunters asking for personal "This year has been especially interested herded McConnochie has done no though. just call: Al Sandbrae, 353-2724, Steve Shiu, 35r>-l27S through these houses," data like name, address, phone busy." "We have had another student said. Other advertising for his houses. All some major Paul Levine, 351-9749 number, emergency number McConnochie did not want the callers and all the Saturday plumbing problems but he A parade of prospective prospective tenants were and references. McConnochie his picture taken for house hunters said they heard tenants continued for two dumbfounded at the size of the said he would like references hours publication because he was about McConnochie from through the student group, since McConnochie had such as a former landlord or a afraid he would get more calls friends. ghetto streets of East Lansing not mentioned there would be bank account or credit card for houses and he has already At the end of the tour McConnochie collected the CONSUMER CLUB MOVES TO FIX PROBLEM application forms and told students to call him and set up Unit accused of an interview with him. "His funny approach is rather but it is easy to By JUNE E. K. DELANO such clarification. understand his position," said Cavanaugh emphasized that office twice on its own. Joann Geha, junior, 242 Mason State News Staff Writer Michael Cavanaugh, a a violation of the state Tuchinsky also said Monday Hall. "I felt more like I was The United Consumer Club, Lansing attorney who prescribed contract terms is not that the United Consumer going through RA selection or recently accused of illegal business " p r e s e n i s the represents m e Unitedu n 11 e a illegal, but may result in a Club's lawyer has threatened to rushing a sorority then practices by PIRGIM, Consumer Cub, sa.d that when lawsuit by the attorney sue PIRGIM for libel, but applying for a house, though." apparently moved to remedy *e <;lub retaine,d uhls firm uat general's office forcing the firm doubts that he will since the Geha was one of the lucky discrepancies in its business the beginning of the year, he to stop the violation. club would be forced to group of women to get their operations before PIRGIM discovered discrepances in the Joseph Tuchinsky, executive disclose their records. released its charges. re'a'1 installment contracts director of PIRGIM, called such technicalities The accusations stemmed wh,'ch were overlooked in the "quibbling." from evidence which PIRGIM earl!e/ P6™53'" .. . When he realized that the t. , .. He also charged that the 349-2698 turned over to the attorney United Consumer Club's recent contract did not conform to interest in complying with the general's office last week. It IMPERIAL 6ARDEN showed "apparently illegal Michigan law, Cavanaugh law may have resulted from rewrote it with the advice of Featuring Gourmet food from All o< China. contract terms and apparently PIRGIM's investigations. Alto Polynesian drinks and American Food. the attorney general's office so deceptive pricing" on the part Cavanaugh de.iied that the SPECIAL LUNCHEON $1.75 that it did conform. club knew about PIRGIM's of the buying club, PIRGIM The contract was submitted interest in its operations when (soup, entree, tea & cookie) said. to the Federal Trade FAMILY DINNER (4 course) they went to the attorney However, Stanley Steinborn Commission, which found FOR TWO $9.00 of the attorney general's office, general's office in March to nothing wrong with it, and it (each additional dinner $4.50) said that the United Consumer clarify terms of the new will be put into use as soon as • CARRY OUT -PARTIES WELC0MI Club contracted his office contracts. it can be printed, Cavanaugh The attorney general's office twice since the firm opened in said. In the meantime, old • LUNCHEON COCKTAILS late 1972 offering discount was reluctant to discuss 2080 Grand River, Okemos contracts with certain clauses PIRGIM's charges in detail, but product prices in exchange for crossed out are being used. said there would be an a $400 membership fee. The contracts were initially "They came to our office investigation if the charges intended for use in Indiana, and said seemed to have substance. they were expanding under Indiana law, and were to Steinborn mentioned, however, Michigan with a certain never changed when the firm method of operations," that the club showed a came to Michigan, Cavanaugh Steinborn said. "We looked willingness to comply with the them law since it had approached his over and saw nothing However, he explained, the wrong." contracts were interpreted He explained that though under Michigan law, since it is the attorney general's office will not give approval to specifically stated in the statute covering retail specific business practices, it installment contracts that the will point out any contract terms required by law noncompliance with Michigan will take precedence over any law for firms which request other terms. April 17 20,1974 Literature meeting llii in: features 4 Six entirely different Film I'rogram eaeh V shown at three J V fa IIllustrate!/ s/teeches by Renowned American writing. lifferent limes around »» J nationally funwun authors James T. Farrell and The conference, entitled jl judpv* Nelson Algren and literary "The Years of 1|_ Public Imilnl critic Leslie Fiedler will be Commitment," will open at 1 p.m. featured speakers at the 1974 Thursday in Kellogg Center Auditorium and Conference in Modern is free to all students and Literature, sponsored by the faculty. English Dept. and the College Tickets for all films and speeches available in advance at the of Arts and Letters. These literary figures and Union Ticket Office or at the door. Russel B. Nye, distinguished Speeches and Films $1.00 - Film Series Pass Good for six University professor of English, - will discuss the development of showings $5.00 American literature during the Festival Pass-Good for six years 1930-1945 and the showings and three speeches $7.00 influences of the IDepression For further information roll .'iM-IOO l and World War II on today's A UNION ACTIVITIES BOARD PROJECT CAPTAIN^- SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR FRIENDS ASMSU AND RHA. BEEFHEA \nd you are a jml^e tool Wednesday, April 1 7 Thursday, April 18 Friday, April 19 Saturday, April 20 \\, i). Family Tube 20% COKE-TAB-SPRITE - it wheaties cereal head & shoulders ! gleem toothpaste 3/T (Save 49c 29° (Save 20c) 5* on 3) (Save 6lcl Limit 3 please with coupon and $5 Limit 1 please with coupon and $5 Limit 1 please with (Save 28c) purchase. Good only at Goodrich coupon and $6 Limit 1 please with coupon and $5 Mon.-Thuri. 9-6 8i purchase. Good only at Goodrich 8i purchase. Good only at Goodrich Larry'i Shoprite. Expires 4-20-74 & purchase. Good only at Goodrich & Friday 9-9 Larry's Shoprite. Expires 4-20-74 Larry'i S ho Trite. Expires 4-20-74 Saturday 9-6 Larry's Shoprite. Expires 4-20-74 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 16, 197411 SI I to play in varsity la MSU netters drop Mci]'s lacrosse team wilt be at home against the University of Mirhif-an at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday at Old College Field. The Spartans will be trying to bounce back after being trounced Saturday by Wittenberg College, 18- 9. Val Washington led the stickmen with four goals to bring his pair of dual meets -ason total to 13 goals. Team Captain Dave Williams By MIKE DRESCH again won his Tom Hardenbergh added three tallies to run his total to 12 for State News Sports Writer singles match with a 6 0, 6 - 4 straight sets - win. Senior Brian Smith also thThTntest with the Wolverines will be the second meeting The MSU tennis team got off to a bad two sets, 7 - 5, 6 - 0. Tom won his match in Gudelsky pulled his this season. MSU won the first game, 9 • 7. It was the first Big match out of the fire with Ten start as it dropped a pair of dual meets. a 6 I, 2 6, 6 4 Spartan victory over the Wolverines since lacrosse- became a - • - In the season win. varsity sport at MSU. opener Friday against Iowa, the Spartans lost a 7 - 2 decision. Playing in Jenison In doubles competition against the Gophers, Fieldhouse, the Spartans never could get going. it the No. 2 team of Williams student was Irish r The only wins for the Spartans in the contest came from senior team captain Dave Friday recorded a point in the win column their match, 6 • I, 6 - 3. - Smith that as they won annual Boston Williams and freshman Bob Glickman. Williams, playing No. 3 singles, dominated But it was the freshman Bob Glickman and No. 3 doubles team of record of 2:46.36, knocked 12 his Iowa opponent and won in two newcomer Rick BOSTON (UPI) - Ireland's straight sets, Zabor that added the drama minutes and 56 seconds off the 6 1, 6 - 3. Glickman also recorded an to Saturday's Neil Cusack, running in just his - contest. Coming into their second marathon, Monday Boston mark set by Sar Mae impressive win as he went 6 - I, 6 • 2 at No. 5 match with the meet deadlocked at 4 4, Glickman and Zabor tried Berman of Newton in 1970. singles. - glided to victory in the third Freshman Tom Gudelsky lost his match, but desperately to pull it out for the Spartans. They fastest time in the 78 - year Cusack's time was bettered won the first played some impressive tennis as he dropped set, 6 - 4, dropped the second, 6 • history of the Boston only by the two runners who 3, and lost the third and deciding set, 7 - 5. finished 1 the first set, 7 - 5, won the second, 6 - Marathon. - 2 in the 1970 2, and The 22 • year • old East Marathon. England's Ron Hill dropped the third and deciding set, 6 - 4. Coach Stan Drobac admitted it would have holds the all All three doubles teams for the Spartans lost been "real nice for the kids to win that Tennessee State student - time record at 2:10.30. their matches. Minnesota meet. covered the 26 mile, 385 - yard In Saturday competition against "We've just got to keep working," Drobac course from Hopkinton to Minnesota, Boston in 2:13.39. Tom Fleming of the New Golf links the Spartans dropped a closely contested match, 5 • 4. The Spartans went neck and neck said. "I hope the kids don't get down on themselves. It could have gone either way on with the Gophers for the whole afternoon and York Athletic Club was the Saturday." runnerup for the second set to open lost the match in the last doubles which went the full three sets. competition, After the weekend's competition, the straight year with a time of Spartans stand at 0 - 2 in regular season play. 2:14.25. In third place was MSU's Forest Akers golf Jerome Drayton, Canada's best courses, off Harrison Road marathoner, who finished at 2:14.40. south of Mt. Hope Road, are scheduled to open Wednesday, Winning Williams Michiko Gorman, 38, of the weather permitting. Tennis team captain Dave Williams, playing No. 3 singles, was one of two MSU winners Los Angeles Athletic Club, the man's favorite, set a Rates on the nine hole east course are - $1.75 for students, I9 6"" '°Wa Fr'daV" Wi"'ams dominated his Iowa opponent and won in the straight sets, 6 • QUARTS OF COKE Women's Division record of $2 for faculty • staff, $2.50 for State News Photo by Bob Kaye 2:47.11. Gorman, who holds alumni and $3.25 for the the women's world marathon general public. Coleman in The 18 - hole student rate pitches a big cone - shaped container Tigers to 1-0 win 5 on the west course is $3. The IM notes: signups, faculty - staff rate is $3.50, $4.50 for alumni and $6.50 for over Red Sox '9' your ONLY A QUARTER ».« swim cancellation general public. Golfers can play nine holes Righthander Joe Coleman * move Due to the Green Splash Water Show and rehearsals, the on the west course Monday stopped the Boston Red Sox on three hits Monday in OFFER GOOD TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY Women's Intramural Building through Friday. Rates are $2 s will be cancelled this week except Wednesday. - for students, $2.25 for faculty staff, $2.75 for alumni and 1 pitching the Detroit Tigers to a - 0 victory over the Bosox in is - That's right 25^ gets you a whole quart of coke to enhance $3.50 for general public. Boston. your Domino's pizza Women may swim evenings at Coleman, who allowed the the Men's IM from 6:30 p.m. • 8 Gymnasts get New York Yankees only two hits during a 4 - I Tiger victory coming 351-7100 Entries for the Mixed Team last Thursday, was given the Golf Tournament will be new co-captains only run he needed on a fifth - - accepted in 103 Women's Rich Stoat inning homer by first baseman Intramural Bldg. today through Manning were and named co - Dick Norm Cash. up Friday, April 26, from 8 a.rft. captains of next season's men's 5 to noon and I to 5 p.ra*: fftfohnastics squad at thtf team All officials and team banquet Wednesday. CAPTAIJN-v- (SEE WEDNESDAY S representatives of the co - rec innertube water polo clinic must be present at the at 7 p.m. Wednesday in 137 meeting Ed Nordhaus, chief scorer for the team for 27 years, and Mike Doyle, team announcer for several seasons, BEEFHEA is ccmmj to \ t/ STATE NEWS) * DOMINO'S PIZZA were both Women's Intramural Bldg. honored at the banquet. Brautry^ 966 Trowbridge Rd. Hot, Fast, Free Delivery WHAT DO YOU GET WHEN WHAT'S A YOU CROSS A HORNY BULL IS YOUR CAR STEAK & 4? WITH A RHINO? Visit SMASHED? FOR THE FINEST AN EARTHQUAKE. VAUGHN _ IN MILLfRS' JJ PICTURE AUTO BODY SHOP. Free Estimates FRAMING "Lansing's most up to date shop." 119 S. Larch Lansing - 489-3450 ■ Lot's More! Holly's goes the othe SUPER LOW four better! Guaranteed lop quality steaks plus tout othei great foods in case you'te not in the mood fot NO-FAULT steak Scrumptious fried chicken, juicy roast a beef, a fish fry out of this wo'ld, or two-fisted burger on • bun RATES YOUR BUCK BUYS MORE AT Call Jeff Williams (MSU '68) at 332-1838 The Montezuma Horny Bull: 1 oz. Montezuma Tequila. 4-SENTRY 5 oz. CONCENTRATED ORANGE BREAKFAST DRINK.Over ice. Montezuma rT^t^ CARPETING PANELING STEREO INSTALLATION TTinsuramce V*Dl I00R(HRI(1R> > 600 N. Homer at E. Saginaw ncarFrandorShoppingCenter It's sensational, and that's no bull. 1 I"AV) L 1 1 j, \ 3000TURNER, LANSING,MICHIGAN 710 Gainsborough Drive 5001 W. Saginaw across from the Lansing Mall CALL 372-2606 DAILY Phone day or evening. TRANSCENDENTAL JOHNSON TIRE CENTER MEDITATION (IM) 3940 No. Grand River Lansing as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (517)371-3745, 371-3815 Central Michigan Dayton "Road-King" Distributor FREE INTRODUCTORY LECTURE BY SPECIAL REGIONAL LECTURER: GAS SAVING Jetf Urdanger who lectures extensively throughout the Midwest will speak on the practical benefits of TM and the scientific research which has been done at 80 institutions across the world. STEEL BELTED RADIALS •Slightly Blemished TOMORROW- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 3:00 p.m. at 216 Bessey and 8:00 p.m. at 118 Berkey GR 70 -15, 2 for $85°° ALL TAXES INCLUDED HR 70 • 15, JR 70 15) IN TM is a natural technique for eliminating deep rooted stress, increasing energy, expanding awareness meridian and developing creative intelligence. Scientific research indicates that TM increases •40,000 MILE WRITTEN GUARANTEE perceptual ability, mall improves learning ability and enhances the growth of intelligence. *GASSAVINGS (APPROXIMATELY 10%) • •FREE MOUNTING open •FREE HI-SPEED BALANCING The Students Internation Meditation Society (SIMS) is one of the largest (and fastest growing) student 10 to 9, •FREE ROTATIONS sun 12-5 organizations at MSU and throughout the country, SIMS-MSU invites you to the grand opening of our •LAY-A-WAYS WELCOME (SAVE NOW) new office, • 3l/4/loor, Union 10 am-4 pm today and tomorrow. 349 2192 - it effect safety o 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Apri| n „ 355-8255 Need a second car for those "Running Around" duties - Read the Classified Ads for the best buy in town Automotive k^j FRANKLY SPEAKING... .by phil frank j Employment ]jJJ] Apartments IB DATSUN 1973 - 240Z automatic, COUNSELORS WANTED FOR CLOSE - SUMMER sublet. 2 man 20+ mpg. Excellent car. Must VW BUS - 1973 deluxe, passenger, 10,000 miles, still has 7 . CAMP SOMERSET FOR GIRLS furnished. Air conditioning. FURNISHED ONE apartment, a k,H v°t«B I sell. $4300. 355-5780 after 5pm. AND CAMP COBBOSSEE FOR Price negotiable. 332-2944. 14,000 left on like 4-19-74 new condition, warranty, $34,000. BOYS. Require men and women 16-5-1 immediately! Convwim'1'! PHONE 355-8255 DODGE COLT 1972. 25 351-8282. 2-3-16 highly skilled in camp activities, Grad stu;Mn;*| 62,000 miles, $1050. mpg+, 355-9568 VOLVO 122 Good at least 21 years of age, with previous camp counseling PARTIALLY FURNISHED apartment - 3 bedrooms, fully 3-418 C°UPl" 33**I 347 Student Services Bldg. - running Marilyn or 675-5564 evenings. experience. Camps are located in condition, good body. From 9-5, equipped kitchen, shag rug 882-9808; evenings 393-0986. Maine. Girls Camp needs. Sail, throughout. No children, or •AUTOMOTIVE 3-4-18 Swim (WSI), Golf, Scuba, ' pets. 1824 East Michigan FIAT 850 coupe 1970 30 mpg. Scooters & Cycles - Riflery, Tennis, Ski, Gymnastics, Avenue. 484-9342. 3-4-16 Low mileage. Call 394-1677. Parts & Service 3-4-18 Motorcycles <5*5 Arts 8i Crafts, Secretaries. Boy's Camp needs: Swim (WSI), NEAR MSU. One h^rT" SUMMER, ONE bedroom, unfurnished Aviation FORD TORINO Wagon - 1971, 1972 Tennis, Riflery, Shop, Ski, Sail, unfurnished / furnished, walk, Carpe,,^ conditioning, k„chen .Bpi* *- •EMPLOYMENT 38,000 miles. Prime condition. SUZUKI, 90cc, dual range Golf, Scuba, Tranpoline. Married bus to campus. 332-2625. 3-4-16 laundry, parking no •FOR RENT $1400. 332-3093. 4-4-19 4-speed, 2,400 miles, $300 firm, couples accepted. Write full 332-1703.4-4.19 355-1035, anytime after 7 p.m. details to Camp Office, 225 East ONE MAN wanted for 4-man at Apartments FOUR 3-4-17 57th Street, New York, N.Y. Campus Hill. 349-2375 or ONE GIRL CAMPANY Vehicles for needed Houses 10022. 5-4-17 332-6693. 3-4-16 tu... 1110 Keystone. sale. Phone HONDA 750 1972 must sell. sunny apartment Summer J I ' - Rooms 394-0990. 2-4-17 Close. 332-6849 3 4 |8 ' •FOR SALE Animals GREMLIN 1973. 6 cylinder, Low mileage. Carrier, helmets, chain lock. Best offer over $1550. 351-6676. 5-4-22 For Rent |^] COLONIAL VILLAGE bedroom, furnished upper, near. semi One - standard. 4400 miles, $2100. apartment. Quiet, 9 i ri. rdrk Tr.lce. $c7. | responsible couple, references Mobile Homes •LOST & FOUND Call 351-7898 after 5pm. 4-4-19 MOTORCYCLE TUNE-UP. Factory trained mechanic, 20% TV AND STEREO $24/term. $9.95 / month. Free rentals required. Reasonable. 485-1801. 3-4-16 - i49:3086' .ft. I same day delivery and service. WANTED ONE o, GREMLIN 1971 23,000 miles, below dealer price. 484-3500. ^ •PERSONAL - Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-4-30 for apartment a, standard transmission, 6 5-4-22 Campu, - •PEANUTS PERSONAL •REAL ESTATE cylinder, excellent mechanical condition. Before 6pm FOR THE person who wants COMPACT REFRIGERATORS, SUMMER RENTALS Call^m or George, 349.2843 ! $7.50 per month. TV's - Color, 351-5654. After 6pm 339-2833. something special, 1964 Norton 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS •RECREATION 4-4-19 400 Electra, needs some work. $19.50 per month. Black and 2 PEOPLE BRENTWOOD, bedroom unfurnished FRaVdOR^,,. •SERVICE 337-0648. 5-4-18 white, $9.50 per month. immed'ately. Quie, adul« avallajii, I Instruction JAVELINE, 1968 - body good, MARSHALL MUSIC, 351-7830. S150 MONTH $175. Phone 485-9343 I Typing Service tires and engine fair. $325. HONDA AND SUZUKI tune - up C-1-4-16 3-4 PEOPLE 5+5 I 351-5481. 5-4-17 and minor repair. Pick up and $180 MONTH ♦TRANSPORTATION delivery available. VERN'S GARAGE, 323 Carrier Street, DRIVERS WANTED. Full and part 1-3 PERSON summer. APARTMENT"fil Air conditioni •WANTED time. Must have excellent driving CEDAR Lansing. Phone 372-8015. dishwasher, disposal fi record. Apply Varsity Cab, 122 COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES Coop. $160.351-7531.9 4-26 10-4-25 Woodmere. 2-4-17 Now taking applications for VILLAGE ••RATES" MAVERICK 1970 - 37,000 miles. FREE CANOES Radio, 23 miles per gallon. Vinyl spring occupancy. From $109 a FORH MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE 315 61 E ST. 351 5180 interior, $1,150. 349-2709 after CHECK low RENTAL CLERK - Must be month. Membership fees from TENANTS our rates! Call River's and Water's Edge 5 p.m. 5-4-19 available mornings and $580. Phone 882-4176 Monday NO. LLOYD'S of Lansing at 332-5335 GRADS, MALE SHARE Apartments weekends. Married, 21 years old. through Friday, 10 5. 10-4-16 NO. DAYS or 482-5585. 0-17-4-23 - NOVA CONVERTIBLE 1963, Neat appearance. apartment. Close. Quiet, (next to Cedar Village) WORDS runs Prefer public good, two front tires and kitchen, bath, laundry. Now Leasing for 1 3 5 10 exhaust - new $150. Chrysler NY HONDA CL175 1971, 3500 miles. ROGER & PAULS contact experience. Must have Michigan drivers license and CAMPUS VIEW 349-3328 after 6 p.m. or Summer 81 Fall New tune - up. Call after 6 p.m. weekends. 10-4-23 332 4432 10 1 50 4.00 6.50 13.00 1965, good local transportation, $100. Both for $200. 349-25,9 468-3423. 5-4-18 MARATHON good driving record. APARTMENTS 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 Approximately 30-35 hours per WOODSIDE NORTH apartmnfl j 15.60 after 7 p.m. 3-4-17 $2.25 now leasing for MILFORD STREET-126. Two man 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 MOTORCYCLE SEATS recovered. Where all we week. per hour. 351-5652. $185, three man $67 each man. 1 800 Haslett Road, Eml 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 NOVA 1970 - Economy 6 cylinder All colors, all sizes. $20, up. 2-4-17 summer & fall Two blocks from campus, Lansing. One bedroi specialize in is 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 stick. $1350. Call after 5 p.m., 485-2013. 5-4-22 PART TIME positions for MSU 332-6246 deluxe, furnished, air cars 676-4520. 5-4-22 551 conditioned. Immediate 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 1970 SUZUKI students. Excellent salary level ALBERT sublease two for 332-4987. 0-10-4 19 250 Enturo. occupancy or fall and summer LOCATED AT THE and meaningful business three woman summer, OLDS 442 1969. Excellent Excellent, muffler pluschamber. CORNER OF JOLLY rentals. 351-2647. 484-8494, D EADLINE experience. Automobile negotiable. 332-0097. 3-4-18 MSU 1 P.M. one clais day condition, $900. No rust. $500. 351-3783. 3-4-18 & OKEMOS RD required. 351-5800. C-3-4-18 489-1656. X18-4-30 AREA Okemos 0,1 351-1578. 10-4-19 349 - 3196 bedroom furnished. WANTED: THREE for four 711 EAST APARTMENTS before publication. TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE, 1969, 6DAY A WEEK TOWING women conditioned, carpeted $){qI RN, AND LPN, needed for full woman, for fall. $77.50 - good condition, OPEN 6 DAYS 711 Burcham Road. Large I heat included. 349-2174 MM PINTO 1972 - Squire wagon. low mileage. 7 AM - 9 PM BUT SUNDAY time and part time positions on 332-2607. 3-4-18 bedroom furnished apartment. 25,000 miles, air, 2000cc, Call Mark at 332-8641. 3-4-19 Peanuts Personal ads a medical - Suitable for 2 or 3 persons. surgical unit. Phone BROTHER NEEDED must be pre-paid. deluxe trim, 28mpg, $2,250. BMW, Selling Services? Sell them to more 485-3271. 4-4-19 1 BEDROOM, furnished or Carpeting, air conditioning, cheap, to share ct.| 351-8282. 2-4-16 YAMAHA, TRIUMPH. people with low cost Want Ads. own room, close unfurnished, pets, 1 mile from heat included. Renting for RICKMAN. Save gas and have Dial 355-8255 now. campus. 355-0800. 5-4-23 MSU. Available summer and fall. For Cancellations/ Corrections PINTO 1971. 4-speed, fun too! Most models still ACTION - VISTA - Peace Corps anytime. good 351-1944. 3-4-18 appoi TWO GIRLS needed - 12 noon one class day condition, new tires. 353-5727 available. Large stock of parts, Placement office April 15 • 19. 351-0726 337-7328 Twykingham apartment ne 3-4-16 accessories, competition Sign up for interview. 5-4-18 before publications. TWO MAN, furnished TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile year. 351-1241. 5-4-22 equipment, helmets and leathers. PINTO 1973 PEACE CORPS and VISTA apartments. 129 Burcham Drive, homes. $25 - $35/week. Ten - 2-door, 13,000 SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS, INC., seek The State News will be liberal arts graduates April 15 $140. 124 Cedar Street, $170 rrftnutes TWO BEDROOM furni* miles, 4-speed. Excellent 2460 North Cedar, Holt. Just to campus. Quiet and 135 Kedzie Drive. For the apartment. Near campus, 1 responsible only for the condition. $2,100. 371-5164. south of I-96 overpass. Phone 19 at Placement Services. 5-4-18 peaceful on a lake. 641-6601. serious, graduate or married conditioned, $180 I monf first day's incorrect 5-4-16 694-6621. C-4-4-19 AUTO REPAIR students. Leases 0-4-30 351-6168. 4 419 WANTED: PART time help putting starting Juhe or insertion. PONTIAC CATALINA - 1966. & PARTS Deptember. Call 487-3216. CORONADO GARDENS - 2 Excellent transportation. Auto Service / up public relation materials. Evenings 5-10 p.m., 882-2316. bedroom townhouse available Bills are due 7 days from Must have car. Phone 349-0672. Dependable. Call 332-5722, 20% discount on 3-4-16 Or 8-3 p.m. 351-2402. 0-4-30 immediately. $147/month if you Houses £ Monday - Friday, 9:30 - 11 am. VW parts qualify. Membership fee - $185. w BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced 11-4-30 PEACE CORPS and Vista seeking Phone 393-9513 Monday rates to students. Also professional services. Graduates, Friday, 10-5pm. 5-4-22 guaranteed rust proofing. VAN Check our repair NEED PERSON for close, h#Ttsh«e| PONTIAC dual T-37, 1970. 4-speed, exhaust, wide ovals, excellent condition. 349-3859' WORLD, 645-2123. OR-22-4-30 prices BBA'S, RN'S, Engineers Placement Services April 15th 19th. 2-4-16 etc. - APARTMENTS •Close to Campus LARGE: NORTH 836. Available. Private, lower, furnished. $150/ house, summer, one month re# paid. Call Marc. 35M98!.| *Alr Conditioned Automotive ^ after 6 p.m. 5-4-17 Fed up with Cedar & Kalamazoo •All Appliances month plus deposit. Utilities evenings. 3-4-17 dealer service? PEACE CORPS and Vista seek including dishwasher paid. References. Married 485-2047 •Luxurious Furnishings FEMALE RAMBLER 1959 - good Science graduates. Placement couple. Call 489-0450. 5-4-22 GRAD, 01/v Take your American BARRACUDA 1966 3 • speed, 273 condition. $125. 349-1297. Office, April 15th -19th. 3-4-17 Summer, fall option. Close $6! I - 4 barrell. New engine, new 3-4-18 compact or subcompact LANSING EASTSIDE immediate 332-0073 after 5 p.m. 3-4-18 | exhaust. Excellent gas mileage. Employment WAITERS NEEDED for J'S occupancy. 2 bedrooms, newly Buy in fine condition. $350 or T-BIRD, 1965. 390, 4-barrel. CHALtT RESTAURANT. redecorated. $125/month, FEMALE $65/couple $95, Garden. ■ Now Leasing best offer. 332-8250. 5-4-22 leather interior, needs body PART TIME Hours 5 - 11pm, Call 484-9431, including all utilities. 351-7283. 2-4-17 Own room, 6 miles 655-20® | work. $350. 349-2084. Mark, Jr. 104-25 Put your spare time hours to work 1515 Center Street. 4-4-19 Summer and Fall 3-4-18 BUICK SKYLARK 1965. Excellent at Brittannica III. Money and fun NUDE MODELS for Summer-$50 per person SUBLET TWO running condition. New tires and TEMPEST 1964 4-door. 4 new do mix! Mr. Murphy, 351-1560. Call between 10 a.m. and photography. blocks from - man room. Two 5, 6, or 7 MAN HOUSE. Sum* H | exhaust system. $325. 6pm Fall $73 per person campus. Share and fall. Furnished, parking tires, automatic, $200, or best 5-4-22 489-1215. 0-4-30 cooking and bath. $110 / month very close. 332 5722, Monday-W 332-5018. 3-4-18 Discount for 12 mo. Lease offer. 332-4938. 5-4-19 plus utilities. Phone 332-5722 Friday. 9:30 -11am. 0-34-5J1 ■ CAMARO LT 1973, loaded, low APPLICATIONS WILL be taken at WANTED: SINGER for album 351 7212 Monday - Friday, 9:30 - 11am. TORINO 1969 GT. Good McDonald's Restaurant, 234 11-4-30 - demo and 731 Burcham Drive WANTED MALE to sha mileage. Call after 3 p.m. condition, $800. Phone West Grand River for the performances, 332-2959.3-4-18 351-5574. 5-4-16 working hours 11:30am - 2pm. acoustic music. 351-3 7 83. Models open 1-6, Mon. - Sat. ONE GIRL $70/month, own room CalHi»| Other times by appointment needed to share 482-7082. 2-4-18 (Monday - Friday). 5pm - apartment next year. Call Jane ;apri 1973 extras TOYOTA LAND cruiser 1973, Red 100am (Monday - Sunday). SPECIALS 351-1964 - excellent DRIVERS TO drive or Darlene 337-2753. TIRED OF rip - off rents with white top. Warn hubs. Jumbo ice condition 25 mpg. 351-1682 Those not able to work the 401 Grove, summer, 2 bedroom, cream trucks. Must have good landlords? Here's an al 4-4-19 Reasonable. 339-8851. 5-4-17 above hours, need not apply. unfurnished, $220 includes utilities. Persons may apply 8 - 10am or 2 driving record. Apply 11390 595 Spartan, duplex, both 2 to renting. Call Mark or Bob 11 TWO PLYMOUTH Furys. 1966 - North U.S 27, DeWitt. 20-4-30 LARGE TWO party, furnished EAST LANSING R E A LTV ■ CHEYENNE 3/4 ton pickup - • 4pm. (Monday - Thursday). bedrooms, furnished (4 bedrooms). efficiencies. Air conditioned. 1973. 350, V-8. Like new. Will $295. 1969 - $695. Excellent MASON BODY SHOP - 812 East 4-4-19 Open 6-15-74, 12-15 month lease. Close to campus. Summer, $140, COMPANY, 332-3534.4-4-19 f condition. 351-5791. 3-4-17 WANTED: Spartan wife to give let for $2900. Please call $260 plus utilities. Phone Fall, $165. 484-0585. 30-5-20 go Kalamazoo Street since 1940. quality child care to one child OPENING FOR 1 or 2 women i VEGA PART TIME cook weekends. 484-4014. 3-4-17 882-3022 or 372-1518. 10-4-24 1972 - sedan radio, Complete auto full time. Three children, part coed house. $35 per month, oM painting and Experience preferred, not automatic, 20,000 miles. Best collision service. 485-0256 neccessary. Must be neat and time in south side home. Good GIRL FEMALE GRAD student wanted to room, large house, good peof* I offer. 337-1562 after 5 p.m. C-4-30 NEEDED for 2-person share apartment with teacher. 1.4 miles from campus. P1"" COUGAR 1968 - Automatic, dependable. Transportation pay. 882-4796. 4-4-19 3-4-17 apartment, summer. Very large, 337-0268. BL-1-4-16 489-3177. X-3-4-18 power steering, radio, vinyl top needed. Call for appointment across from campus, and VW GUARANTEED REPAIR. air interior. 882-5416. 3-4-17 VEGA 1972, Hatchback AM/FM - 655-2175. Ask for Robbie or DESK CLERK needed. Call RANDY'S MOBIL, Okemos conditioning. 351-4408. 5-4-19 8-track, tinted glass. Must sell! Gary. SEA HAWK between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. for 355-0944. 5-4-17 Road and 1-96 3 49-9620. appointment to interview. Phone COUGAR 1969. Automatic, power , RESTAURANT, Williamston NORTHEAST. ONE bedroom, C-22-4-30 3-4-18 489-1215. 0-4-30 tilt steering, stereo unfurnished, private entrance, tape, radio, VW 1969. Excellent vinyl. One owner, runs great, condition, no $120 utilities included. Couple rust, new tires. Call after 6 p.m. VW BUG Mufflers. BELL'S PIZZA House needs a WANTED - MARRIED couple for make offer. 355-5855. 4-4-19 Complete or working girl. Deposit and 351-7916. 3-4-16 $18.95 at CHEQUERED FLAG, partner for the Kalamazoo store. house parents in Community references. 372-8899. 2-4-16 2605 East Kalamazoo Street. $10,000 down. Call Mr. Bell for Mental Health Residential Home One mile west of appointment. 332-5027 for adult mentally retarded campus. or APARTMENT FOR rent - no NOW LEASING 487-5055. C-6-4-19 675-7391. 5-4-22 males. Call 487-6500 for lease, fairly close to campus, information. 5-4-16 SUMMER & FALL sparsely furnished, no limit to number of occupants. Available 8 SEPARATE LOCATIONS April 16. Call Chris Cawood AIR CONDITIONED 484-0629, 349-2120. 5-4 19 COMPLETE KITCHENS STUDIOS FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted. 1 & 2 BEDROOMS Share bedroom, close to campus. FURNISHED $20/week. Call Sherry at 351-9502 before 4 p.m. or 351-1700, after 6 BURCHAM p.m. 6-4-19 I'M CUSTOM TAILORED ONE MALE needed to share with FORYOUATREADYMADE BMchwood 1110 BMch St. WOODS same, 2 bedroom luxury apartment. Inquire after 8 p.m. PRICES! 3S1-«1II Delta Armi 235 Dtltj St. 351-4919. 5-4-16 Yes, none of my work is 1S1-CI3S DON'T GET exactly alike, but my prices E»«r?rtcn Arms 341 EwrjrMn St. are low, low. I'm 0. Howie mt 3S1-CI3I 135 COHii NAILED... 551 ALBERT Street - 1 block from campus. Large two * Hustles, the action-getting in-mo Heated Pool * Check out bedrooms, furnished. Four left North Point* 1240 Hasittt Rd. * Laundry Facilities Classified Ad that brings you Ample Parking * for fall. Resident 332-5(75 * Nicely Furnished Collingwood Apts. for manager ■ fast results for good University Terrace 424 Mlchlian Air Cond. apartment No. 3, 332-2404 or things 337-0510 NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER *air conditioned 351-6676. 10-4-19 you have to sell. Look around University VINaie (35 Abbot Rd. Kfficiency 0ne Be(lf(jonl fwo ^dishwasher 351-2011 your home today for no lon¬ $14° Inn America 273* E. Gr. River mo. $149 Z. $169 Z. ♦shag carpeting GIRL NEEDED to rent two ger used items and dial the 337-1(21 -Includes Utilities- ♦unlimited parking bedroom apartment on Marsh number below. With my fast HALSTEAD Road. Rent $77.50, FALL RATES (12 mo. ♦Plush furniture deposit service you'll soon be in lease) required. Phone 339-8416 or ♦Model Open Daily touch with cash buyers. Do it MANAGEMENT Kfficiency a..- n« JJZjm uJW° Bedroom - 351-2108. 3-4-17 today! 351-7910 ^54 mo $184 Z. $234 ^' call 351-8282 CAMPUS HILL Apartment. Want -Include) Utilities- m° (Behind Yankees one girl for sublease Call 355 8255 spring. April rent paid. $67.50. Call on the river!) 349-2045. 3-4-17 Ichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 16, 197413 Houses Rooms For Sale ^ toals ® hn"1 * GIRL'S SINGLE Mass transit unit to meet iE0 WOMEN to sublease room, close to ARABIAN STALLION 3 years - HAVEN OF PEACE Spiritualist A list of ■furnished house summer term. campus, available immediately meetings is published Council will discuss and vote on the preparations for the $1,500. Quarter horse stallion, Church, 10813 North Ionia weekly to serve as a catalyst for use of the ■$58 month includes utilities. Phone 351-5076. 54-18 SELMER yearling $500. 669-5617 or Road, Sunfield, Michigan. citizen involvement in government proposed rezoning for the Oakhill - Central School neighborhood and Community Recreation Center Valley Court Park. in ■ 351 3045. 3-4-16 ^ - SIGNET TENOR 663-8809. X-5-4-18 Services Sunday, 11:00. activities. will also review the city's antiwar saxophone. $275, plays Nongovernment Readings or consultations by items should be purchasing policy. Wednesday ■ARE HOUSE. Own bedroom, excellent, Looks good. FINE AUSTRALIAN Shepherd sent to It's What's Happening. The Recreation Commission will appointment. Messages after The Mass Transit Committee will jrnished, $75/month, split 351-8473. 34-18 puppies - $50 each. Call services. 19-5-3 Today meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Board meet at 7:30 p.m. in council utilities. 351-7989, after 5 p.m. GUNS, RIFLES, and handguns of 332-0267 after 5 p.m. 5-4-17 City Council meeting, 8 p.m. in Room at East Lansing High School. chambers. 154-19 all kind*. Buy trade and sell. FOR SALE: DECCA Stereo, 2 the council chambers at city hall. hopes to make BEST year 'round prices in speakers $25.00; PANASONIC Mobile Homes BEGINNERS GUITAR Thursday ■W 0 BEDROOM, Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN console stereo AM/FM tuner ap The East Lansing Housing Board 1FUBNISHED, garage. Available $45.00 Call 353-5757. 3-4-18 WORKSHOP of Appeals will meet at 7:30 ■ June 17. Summer rate, $200 per SHOP, 2412 South Cedar Call WHAT'S in 201 First State Savings and Loan p.m. 371-2244. OR-17-4-23 ■ month. September - June $260 1972 SKYLINE, Fifth Avenue. 12' Building. FENDER SHOWMAN n amplifier The Mot, month plus utilities. Prefer x 60', two bedrooms, shag Academic Governance ■ 12 month lease. Call after 5. PERFECT with 2 15" SRO Call -332-5931 speakers, $325. ask for Nick. carpet, many extras! 5' x 7' Committee will meet at 4 p.m. in the Board Room of shed, 6949641. 5-4-16 the ■ 349-3849. 1-4-16 ATTIRE FOR 4-4-19 Administration Building to discuss a proposal by the MSU Faculty ■"separate ENTRANCE STREAKING GARAGE SALE: 12' sailboat and AMERICAN 1973. Two bedrooms INTERESTED IN No-Frills Low Associates that the rotation of ■ apartments. Furnished, walking Lucky pendants of Oriental Jade trailer. Stereo Component furnished, excellent department chairmen and deans be Cost Jet Travel to Europe, The Announcements for It's What's ■ distance to MSU. Available June flash of color, a touch of condition,steps, skirting, 8' x 10' studied. system, receiver, turntable and shed. Located in Windmill Middle East, The Far East, Happening must be received in the |17. Summer and school year luck. Shop Thompsons' Frandor speakers. Set of drums, sunlamp; State News office, 341 Student es, plus utilities. Prefer Trailer Park, Holt. $5100. Phone Africa, or Practically Anywhere? Friday Jewelers where you come Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least S Student Services as you large cabinet; bumper pool table, 6634135. 54-19 EDUCATIONAL FLIGHTS can Board of trustees will meet at 10 112-month lease. Call after 5, are and leave 415 East Grand two class days before publication. Bldg. ■ 349-3849. 1-4-16 happy. River, help you find the least expensive No a.m. in the Board Room of the be Williamston. 349-2891. 4-4-19 AMERICA 1970. 12' way for getting where Administration Building where they THOMPSONS' FRANDOR x 60'. Two you want accepted by phone. TV-radio, journalism and to go. Phone may discuss Kalamazoo Street JquB BEDROOM furnished. JEWELERS BIKE, GIRL'S three speed, good bedrooms, furnished, skirting, and 10' x 7' shed. $5995. Call us (800) 223-5569. 25-5-17 Toll - Free at Union Activities Board is advertising majors interested in gaining valuable experience in copy improvements. A vote on the (Available June 17. Summer rate 3220 Mall Court, Frandor condition. $25 or best offer. 694-9326. 54-18 sponsoring a Flash Gordon festival writing etc. in radio should matter was tabled at the February I $220 per month. September - Open Monday - Friday, 9:30 til 9 , meeting. I June, $390 per month plus Saturday 9:30 til 6 332-6685. 3-4-17 RICHARDSON 12' x 60', 1% bath, ^ELECTROLYSIS^ ONLY permanent hairfl at 7 and 9 p.m. Tuesday in the Union ballroom. Free! Flash in the contact WMSN station manager Dave Mellor at WMSN-AM (640) Phone 332-1385 for utilities Prefer 12 month lease. ■ I Call a'ter 5. 349-3849.1-4-16 Custom Work BICYCLES - ALL Ten Speeds! 2 bedrooms, shed, skirt, fence, removal. flesh (Buster Crabbe) will make personal appearances on studios, 8 Student Services Bldg.. between 3 and 6 p.m. 'Stroh a party' Nobody beats our prices Various colors and sizes, fully carpeted, excellent Facial-Hairline-Body^ ; this week. UAB will campus sponsor a Simplex De-railer center - pull condition. $3500. 484-4077. Virginia Hanchett ■PERSON HOUSE, 2 blocks from on Quality jewelry brakes, high quality at dealer's 54-18 325V2 s. Grand,LansirioP j guitar workshop from Saturday. Sign up now in the I to 5 p.m. "It's What's printed in while you con; ■ campus. Beautiful shape. l Phone 484-1632 Happening" are read PIONEER SX525 Stereo receiver. cost. Forced warehouse sale. activities office. Sign up now for daily WMSN-AM (640) campus I Summer only. 351-4293. 4-4-19 Kenwood 2002 Stereo amp. 94:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. 8 BUDDY, 1973 - 3 bedrooms, on 1 SOUTH FRANCIS - Sony CF550 AM/FM, portable a.m. - 12 p.m. Saturday. D & C partly furnished, shed, skirting, spring term craft classes in crochet, knitting, macrame and needlepoint. Lessons start Have fun working with and for brewery empty stereo cassette recorder. Koss STORAGE 1241 Roth Drive, disposal, all carpeted. Excellent today. I Furnished, two bedrooms, near South Cedar at I-96. 694-3311. Secretary. 14-16 people? Think about Circle K, .an K2+2 Quad headphones. Pioneer condition. Must sell, make offer! I bus Grad or married couple CS99A speakers. Sony ICB300W OR-3-4-18 655-1227. 5-4-16 STUDENT'S INTERNATIONAL international service organization DETROIT (UPI) - Beer ■ preferred. $170 . 349-0840. Walkie - Talkie set. PLUS Much Peanuts Personal, ® MEDITATION welcome SOCIETY: We for people. Come find out about Circle K at 7: Jo p.m. Thursday in drinkers, take note. The Stroh ■ Evenings 349-3088. B-14-16 everyone to the grand Brewery in Detroit has run dry. More quality used equipment: THREE-SPEED Girl's - great MARLETTE - 12' x 65', 3 opening of our new office from 10 309 Bessey Hall. condition. $35. 353-6537, after A 14 day strike by brewery - LlMER SUBLET: 3-4 people, Mcintosh, AR, Pioneer, Sony, bedroom, 8' x 21' expando, a.m. to 4 p.m. today and 5 p.m. 24-17 Wednesday Joseph Manges will present a workers has shut down Stroh's, Dynaco, KLH, Electrovoice, skirted, shed, partially furnished, on yh floor of the Jovvn room, air conditioned. ■ Furnished, close / campus. Fisher, Rectilinear. Large selection of used auto stereo QUEEN SIZE waterbed with on 5-4-19 wooded lot. 676-2278. j on your 22nd birthday Transcendental Meditation is seminar on anatomy pertaining to the preveterinary student at 7:30 which sold more million barrels of than beer 4.5 last ■ Negotiable 332-8381 5-4 22 systems. Also Sanyo tape upholstered frame and "SHIGEO" Meditation will be tonight in 100 Vet interested students welcome. Clinic. All year. 1972 GRAYWOOD from explained by players. Jensen speakers and The 737 members of JeaR FRANDOR. 3 bedroom headboard. 353-6849. 3-4-18 - carpeted, 2 Jeff Urdanger, regional lecturer, at | furnished house, $240 / month Craig mini - cassette players. WILCOX SECONDHAND MUST SELL! VOX Super bedroom, 114 bath. Excellent condition. John Aldrich ♦ DIE DORMAN GANG!! 3 p.m. Wednesday in 216 Hall and at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Bessey Teamsters Local 181 voted nilities. $20/month Organization extends an invitation Saturday to reject the STORE, 485-4391. C-4-30 Continental portable organ, dual 625-3158. After 5:00 p.m., 118 Berkey Hall. to all MSU students, faculty and nt1 Summer only. 625-3566. staff to drop by from 6:45 to 7:4i company's latest contract I Evenings, 372-7456. 10-4-29 keyboard. Insanity just took w Recreation offer, and no date has been set (f) for the regular Tuesday evening ^ GIBSON'S V, $190! West cabinet, JBL over - AMHERST, 1971 - 12' x 60', 2 meetings in 38 and 39 Union. for further negotiations. ■)0M at 640 North Fairview near speaker, $140. 393-4129.34-17 bedroom, partially furnished. Stroh's offered the workers ■ Frandor. $45 plus utilities. participation in. consideration and Pre-Meds-The Preprofessional I Deposit but no lease. Spring or BOCK SCHWINN PARAMOUNT. 21" Utility shed and tie down straps. CROSSROADS cooperative advice on the subject Club will tour Wayne State's a two - year contract with a 61 frame, mint condition. Phone 694-8657.34-18 - cent an hour pay increase ■ summer. Call 372-7524. 3-4-18 CYCLE began Monday. Astrology taught medical building Saturday. Leave - - ||RLS - SUMMER term own ADDIC 393-3060 or 393-3095, after 6. 5-416 Lost & Found |[C^| ~i - 210 ABBOTT RD from 9 to 10 p.m. today in 101 Bessey Hall. Call before coming. Introduction to photography will MSU at 8 a.m. Sign up sheet in the dean's office. 103 Natural Science the first year. 17 cents the second and 18 cents six Bldg. We need drivers. months later, near campus, furnished. \7A EAST LANSING start at 3 p.m. Thursday. Male a company ■ Reasonable. ROLL AWAY BED, brand 332-8903. 4-4-19 • Used books Vi price new, consciousness raising is starting Phi Gamma Nu will meet at 7 spokesman said. twin size. Call 3494384 after 6 FIND SOMETHING ^ *15 Makes soon. Call to sign up for rap groups tonight in 103 Eppley Center. There is still plenty of the • Out of (\ from around fsT LANSING, one, two, print searches • 1st Editions and Americana p.m. 54-17 IF You've found a pet or article of value, we want to help you return 1 'adult bicycles the world and workshops. Yoga massage sensitivity awareness is still open to Committees will discuss plans for the term. Elections will be held. state's third most popular beer ee, four bedroom duplexes i*10- speeds in distributor's supplies, the iilable and fall, MAHOGANY DUNCAN five table, it. Just come into the State News spiritual folks at 8 p.m. Thursday in summer • Over 25,000 Books in Stock US 'free repair classes 6 chairs, Naugahyde swivel chair, Classified Department and tell us 301 Agriculture Hall. MSU Block and Bridle Club will spokesman said. ipliances, near bus. 351-8920. ■ Reclining chair, patio table and \j 5-4-22 you want to place an ad in EAST umbrella, portable clothes reel, LANSING STATE BANK'S found n 332-4081 I ' M-W, Sat., 9:30-5:30 ALTERNATIVE CENTER: RESOURCE "Going to Europe" class ■jMMER (farmhouse in country. 15 ss 12 room brick campus. Furnished, TUE-FRI 1-6, 7-9 SAT 12-5 and sundry articles. Also garage sale. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 161? Ann Street, column. As a public service EAST LANSING STATE BANK will run the ad at no cost to you! \/J Th„ F„ 9:30 - 9:00 (trilingual preparation in French, Spanish and German) is being discussed as an aid for travelers to MSU Outing Club meets at 7 Landlords East Lansing, after 8 a.m. 34-16 Looking for pin money? Sell (continued from page 1) e people. 882-4280. EAST LANSING Europe. Edgar Cayce study group is tonight in 402 Computer Center. 124% W. Grand River comething you don't use with a forming now. Call Free U. Dulcimer The Porcupine 154-22 STATE BANK Want Ad. Dial 355-8255. Mountains is the susceptible to pressures such as 1973 7V4 Horse Sears Boat motor. making classes, new people are topic of a slide show. A beginning C-4-30 this group may effect," he said. Remote gas tank. Motor used welcome. Art class for beginners is UPSTAIRS f cave trip will be organized. IkST LANSING new luxury - less than 10 hours. $175. FOUND: forming, call to sign up. City Building and Zoning ■duplex. Rent summer or fall. 651-5968, after 5 p.m. 54-18 BEFORE winter break MSU Sailing Club will be Dept. Director Robert Jipson ■ Central air. appliances, drapes. 1972 CANNISTER SWEEPER with gold with pearl bracelet, identify STUDENT RATES The Center for Peace and showing the Paul Elstrom film. said there are far too many 12/3 bedrooms. 8824280. 5-4-22 all attachments. Powerful further. 482-3382 evenings. -WEEKDAYS Conflict Resolution is sponsoring "Sailing" at 7:30 tonight in 208 unanswered questions about suction. $16. 393-1510. C-34-16 an information table on the Men's Intramural Bldg. Ba ic sailing Driving range, carts, golf the possible IN ROOM beautiful old home. C-34-18 200,000 political prisoners in the shore scllool at 8:30 p.m. tonight. powers of the equipment, rental clubs. For more South 51 /month. After 9 p.m. LOST: SMALL Gray female, mixed Vietnamese prison. Come group to say whether they may BSR McDonald 51 OX turntable, information call: 676-2854. and Soviet Jewish !9 9664. 34-18 SANSUI 4000X Receiver, Garrard - terrier. Name Sammie, since adopt a political prisoner physicist Victor affect the city council. new stylis dust cover $60; BSR between 11:30 a.m. and I p.m. Mandelzweig. who has recently turntable, Sansui 2002 Speakers April 13. Reward - 349-1855. The group is also organizing McDonald 40-A Amplifier, today at the Union. emigrated to Israel, will speak to 4-4-19 I ROOM in r $950 value for $5001 Call Pat, AM-FM stereo radio, both good Real Estate « to protect East Lansing ■ S65/rnonth. Fra 337-0564. 54 22 Jewish Personality Conference landlords against the kind of condition. 355-1035, anytime ■ 489-0456. 4-4-19 $10 Reward! Lost, 1 SR-10 (Texas Friday through Sunday in Toledo. after 7 p.m. 34-17 34 Union. tenant sentiments which put Instrument) Calculator. Call KIMBERLY DOWNS - 3 bedroom, Ohio. Call Rabbi Rudolph or Phil rent control on the ballot in 353-7224 or 393-1067 or bring Sharkey after 11 p.m. for details. |VE BEDROOM Home. 2% miles 6 PIECE Ludwig drum set, large kitchen, formal dining, ACTION/VISTA/PEACE CORPS Ann Arbor this month and to campus in Lansing. Available to room 156 Engineering family room / fireplace. Built ZiIdjia0 cymbals, excellent A house-church will meet at 5:30 will be recruiting for summer and which could very well do the ■ immediately. 489-4152. 5-4-22 Building. 3-4-18 1961. 6% mortgage. $37,900,£y condition. $700. Phone p.m. Wednesday at 1227 Lilac St. fall programs. See the recruiter in same in East 339 8851. 5 4-16 owner. 489-0939. 104-29 This semester the book of Placement Services if you are a Lansing. FOUND: LADIES Watch near "This is a business; we Rooms 10 Phsycs Building. Call 337-1598 Revelations will be our main focus. liberal arts or professional services - SPEEDS LABLANC ALTO Sax with case. RENT - 1400 square feet of Call United Ministries for more graduate. cannot deny we are renting Excellent condition. $300. Call after 5pm to identify. C-34-18 warehouse. Zoned, light houses for a profit," a young Israeli dancing continues each •IS? VALUES, CHECK IIS OUT 355-2881.4-4-19 industry. Just east of East landlord said. "We are scared fST LANSING Rooms FOUND: WOMAN'S wristwatch Lansing. 332-0537. 54-22 week at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays in 126 by the prospect of a rent 1 March 15. Close to Women's Intramural Bldg. 10 SPEED: Raleigh Grand Prix, April 11. Between Wells and rollback; velocipedq ■campus. For information call Newcomers welcome. our profits are not 21". Perfect condition. Pam, Sparty. Call 355-2604. C-3-4-18 COUNTRY ESTATE, TWO B484-0629 or 349-2120. Ask for YEARS high enough for us to laugh it 351-5380 after 5 p.m. 34-18 old. Five acres with The campus chapter of the ■Chris Cawood. 5-4-16 off." ®0M AND board in Peddler- ROSS 8 • track AM/FM stereo. FOUND: type. Call MALE beige sheep dog 353-7948 evenings. many trees, three bedroom, family room with fireplace, full Society of Professional Journalists will have a meeting at 8:30 p.m. Rent control for East co-op $200 C-34-18 April 2 3 in 37 Union. Officers for Lansing was part of the ■ lor rest of term. Call 351-4490. Very good condition. $75. basement, two - car attached GUITAR, MARTIN D12-20 1974-75 will be elected. This is a unsuccessful McNeil-Brown ■ 24-17 351-3685. 34-18 garage, four stall horse barn, Excellent condition. $350 or FOUND: PAIR of gold, wire - rim large fenced paddock. By owner, Typing Service date change! city council campaign platform best offer. 393-1616. 34-18 glasses in case. Thursday 337-2791.44-19 last fall and has been endorsed t)0MS FOR summer and fall. BLUE WOODEN storage box, College Republicans will meet at 4:30pm. Wilson Road. ■ Cooking, parking, laundry, T.V. FINE weather proof, $20. Call 353-4146. C-3-4-18 7 p.m. Wednesday in 35 Union. as a possible solution to East UNSET, Cut. polished THESES, RESUMES, typing and ■ room. Very close ■ Phone 332-5722. to campus. Persian Turquois stones. 355-1169 after 5:30. 14-16 j Service ^ printing. Reasonable prices. Elections will be held. Lansing housing problems by the Coalition for Human Monday - Available MSU Museum Gift FOUND: GLASSES, prescription COMME RICAL PRINTING. The Women's Spring Festival is ■ Friday. 9 30 11am. 0-34-5-31 ROLLEI 35, Super compact 35mm 351-4116. C-4-30 Survival. Shop, Wednesday - 17th. 9-5pm. camera with E-15 strobe, gold aviators, Saturday. Retrieve FOR THE BEST Service Friday through Sunday. Saturday on stereo 24-17 Union Lost night there will be Granny's Fun Bruce Roth, a member of IaRPETED PORCH Room for reasonable. Call Dave 332-0367 at C-34-16 and Found. equipment see the STEREO TYPING BY experienced thesis Band and "The Woman Play" will the East Lansing Housing J'ent. S83. Call after 3 after 6 pm. 34-18 SHOPPE, 543 East Grand River. p.m. CANON 1218 super 8 movie typist on IBM Selectric II. Pica Commission, recently ■ 351-1985. 4-4-19 C-4-30 elite. Phone Nita 489-3569. 12-1 LOST: "RUBY" black setter - or camera. power zoom. KENWOOD KR-5200 STEREO 54-17 invited. Registration is $1.50 for suggested at a commission Labrador pup, from 632 North l"N ROOM in house, across from Original list over $1,000, asking Receiver. Akai X-150D tape 10 - SPEEDS - completely the whole weekend and will be in work meeting that it ask for I campus. $60, month. 351-1325 $300. 349-1715, after 6 p.m. Hagadorn. Call 351-1698. 3-4-16 the women's lounge of the Union. OR-44-19 deck. Soundcraftsman Model overhauled and adjusted. $15 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. subpena power to investigate 114-16 20-12 audio frequency plus parts. 371-1275. X54-22 Dissertations, (Pica - Elite). the actual rent and profits of LOST: IRISH Setter, female, equalizer. Dyna FM-3 tuner FAYANN 489-0358. C4-30 landlords which may reveal the GIBSON J-50 folk guitar - $150. Kalamazoo and Clemens Street ROCK AND Roll group for hire - ■AR FRNADOR - Mature, quiet $375 new. West Fillmore 4000 Fisher 210 receiver. Metro Tec realistic possibilities and needs area. Answers to "Lilley" HAPHAZARDS! Reasonable I emale s,udent. $50 per month. 200 watt bass amp. - $500. SD4AQ Universal 4 channel COMPLETE THESES - Service, for rent control in East chen recorder rear channel amplifer. 351-7148, 200 South Clemens. rates, satisfaction guaranteed! Mothers privileges. Call Discount printing, IBM typing Group will meet at 7:30 85-5529. 54-22 $1280 new. Ampeg guitar Fisher XP-60 speakers. Cass 44-18 393-4129. 3-4-17 tonight at the Women's Center. Lansing. and binding of these, resumes, cabinet with 2 15" speakers - 547Vi E. Grand River Ave. The Human Rights party of tapes $2. 8 track tapes $1.50. publications. Across from $200. 394-2167 before 7pm. LOST: RED key case, 6 important SPRING'S Ann Arbor put rent control on ■jE MAN to share house, ■ "'nishec|. utilities included. 54-22 Albums $1. Electronic repair of all kinds. We buy, sell and trade. keys. Erickson • Women's IM HEREI maintenance, garden work and Lawn campus Grand corner River. M.A.C. Below and Jones People needed to teach the city's spring ballot. It was ■ SbO/month. area, 3 7 p.m. Wednesday. Call swimming to children at Michigan defeated in a high-powered, 351-3152. after 5 DICKER & DEAL - rototilling. Dave. 675-5376. Stationery Shop. Call School for the Blind. If you are ■".m. GIBSON ELECTRIC Guitar - thin 353-9823, anytime after 5 p.m. 54-17 4 4-19 SECONDHAND STORE, 1701 well-financed campaign by a COPYGRAPH SERVICES, interested and have your WSI or body, cherry red, deluxe case. South Cedar, Lansing, 487-3886. 104-26 337-1666. C4-30 senior lifesaving and have Tuesday landlord-based group. Citizens Excellent condition, $525. C-4-30 R00M ln 4 bedroom GUITAR PLAYER / singer for evenings free, please contact Sue for Good Housing. house, 351-8072 evenings. 5-4-22 FOUND: GLASSES Bifocals, ■ North Magnolia - weddings. Contact Mike, Harriman at the Volunteer Bureau. Street, east side black frame on Park Lake Road. TYPING DONE in my home. 50c The East Lansing landlord MAGNOVOX STEREO - 2% years ■° L'1nsi,19 Lease, $70/month, MOTOBECANE 23%", Stronglite old. Love seat new traditional Call 351-9465. C-34-16 393-0470, after 6 p.m. 54-17 per page up to 10 pages. 40c per The Psychology Club will meet group, which was impressed by ■P us 1/4 utilities. Call - 485-1353 page over 10 pages. 489-2128. at 7:30 tonight in 208 Olds Hall. the Ann Arbor ■"'let 5 p.m. 3-4-18 'crank, Normandy hubs. styling. 4 barstools - 24" high CREATIVE WEDDINGS, Portraits, organization, 04-30 Suntours best, Weimanns, $150. wood frame / black naugahyde Personal / Passport, Application photos. All psychology majors are urged to attend. hopes to have a representative ■ E BLOCK Ben, 353-7700.1-4-16 Compare. LUKE from the Ann Arbor from campus - IRENE ORR - Theses, term papers, J "'nished rooms PHOTOGRAPHY, 351-6690. The Socialist Labor association speak to them. starting at general typing. Formerly with Party Club V 5/week. utilities included. EPI SPEAKERS - 150's, 2 years old. $150. 484-0033 evenings. Animals "K MONTY'S BAR Ann Brown. Call 482-7487. invites evolutionary you to a critique of self-management at The East Lansing group *J'P 'his ad for $2.00 week C-4-30 plans to have a screening 8coun,l Summer only. 54-17 AND RESTAURANT Instructions & 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in 37 Union. process so it does not get any en|ngs, 372-7456. 10-4-29 ALI SHARAH Arabians - riding TYPING THESES and term papers. MUSIC FOR Summer I Fisher 500 The of the "slum" landlords in its lessons, English, Western. Days, Free pick • up and delivery. Shotgun Club will hold a Receiver, Jensen speakers, Dual Shrimp and Fish meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdav in organization. The group has FEMALE to sublease evenings, weekends. Your horse Pitcher Night (M-W-S) GUITAR, FLUTE, Banjo and Drum 3714635. 104-22 218 Men's Intramural Bldg. The turntable. Enjoy. Call John T. checked with East Lansing TP c'ous room in house. 2 $10/hour Sharah horse, $15. lessons. Private instruction construction of a trap field will be blocks 485-2916. 44-19 663-3614, 11561 Plains Road, (Very Special Sunday) available. MARSHALL MUSIC, discussed. housing inspectors for opinions ^ campus. June 10 All t September 15. $70/month. - Eaton Rapids. 5-4-16 Luncheon special - $1.50 351-7830. C 14-16 Traasportatign interested students on questionable landlords to MAGNAVOX COMBINATION °s Pa'd. Call 351-4829. keep its organization "clean." console color TV and ■RN'SHE[J ROOM close FM-AM radio and phonograph. Excellent condition, $400. SELAPOINTE Female. $15. Before 351-2261. 34-16 SIAMESE kitten. 4 p.m., Dan Pool Table Pin Ball Machines prypjug Service LEAVING FOR Southeastern Virginia also Virginia Beach area, John Saliba will speak on "The Exorcist, Satanism and the occult" at 7 p.m. Wednesday at St. John's The only other area landlord organization, the Tri-County ■ampus to 489 5513. 3-4-18 on April 20th. Returning one Church, 327 MAC Ave. All are Landlords' Assn., with 35 East women preferred Ca„ ANN ■51 4285 after 5:00 p.m. 5-4-16 BEAGLE FEMALE AKC - puppies 2359 E. Gd. River, Okemos BROWN typing i and multilith week later. Liberal rider wanted Lansing members, apparently SCUBA DIVING tanks (filled), offset printing. Complete service to share expenses. Call Don has not been satisfactory to 10 weeks old, $50 each. for dissertations, theses, 3324114 after 5. 54-18 MSU Soaring Club meets at 7:30 regulator, mask, fins, wetsuit. 676-2001. 24-16 most local landlords. rjLE ROOMS en 'n available ior Phone 355 1789 or 675-5524. manuscripts, general typing. IBM p.m. Wednesday in 34 Union. A free ground school topic will be in "Our concerns are very *eni», Christian student ""cent 34-16 J-4-ib - 24 years experience. 349 0850 - WANT A wolf - why not settle for different from the bulk of the Im m eri: n Privileges, GUITAR OVATION. a AKC beautiful tervuren C-4-30 the program. The public is encouraged to attend or call Carl tri-county members," said one Electric, puppy? They'll love your | | - Wagel or Ron Smith after 5 p.m. ■ acrinc 1 Boflue s,r#et acoustic. $400 or best offer. Ken children and guard your home. ACCESS CENTER PURPLE VICKI fast, accurate, for info un sailplane Hying. young landlord who is new to iMKo.MVhh0' H8,,,• Heldt, 882-0226 24 p.m. or Showing and working dogs. » F0R I inexpensive typing. Very near BELL'S PIZZA House needs a the business and the owner of after 9 p.m. 34-17 349 1460. 54-22 | Human Reproduction Health | campus. 337-7260. 10-4 26 married Group for Divorced and two houses. man to manage the Imbie now th;0Ufl7 jun# ANTIQUES & UNIQUES. Buy and PUG PUPPIES AKC. 2 months, (offers Abortion Contraception services|. THESES, PAPERS, general typing. Kalamazoo store required. Call Mr. Bell, for $3,000 Divorcing Women will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the chapel at the of The seven tri-county group is associations that make one |oster 371-1599. ■ l7 n:°n,h- 201 5409 South •ell. 220 Albert Street, under Lumi. C-4-30 must sell, make offer, i t 1226 East Michi3271 Lansing 485 - gan I. Guaranteed work. 332-5674. 104-23 Call Carolyn, appointment. 332-5027 or Everywoman's Center, 1118 S. Harrison Road. Come by if you up the 800-member Michigan 54-22 675-7391. 5-4-22 would like to participate. Landlord Assn. 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 16, |^ Students By MIKE GALATOLA are up right now for students to push it," Freeman said. advocate half assed attitude toward ac could read the printed ratings, - State News Staff Writer Hall, freshman, said. avoid by reading their coming in and reading their "The faculty don't like it, so "I don't see why it shouldn't evaluations. "« they knew they were filling out these forms because evaluations, because that'll it won't get passed," Nancy they know it goes to While the amendment influence how much pass," Steve Dutcher, 810 "We've got some shitty going to have a real voice in power Pentecost, 209 Landon Hall nowhere," Mike Tomech, 5005 "Students advocating student access to they have," Carol Koester, 271 Hicks Drive, junior, said. profs." Clark White, graduate ,these forms and be allowed evaluated are kp sophomore, said. "It all "I'd like to think it would student, 1436 G Spartan readJ other evaluations, I think Campus Hill Drive, sophomore, anyway by faculty evaluations lies E. Shaw Hall junior, said. of J? depends on what the teachers students would fill the forms said. "If they were going to teachers in the forms in John pass, though I know it's being Village, said. committee, students Freeman, 701 E. think." Not out more completely. I know I read them, they'd be more whicti are not viewd contacted in informal State Holden Hall senior, said though pretty hotly contested," Mark every teacher is only by tu an But the majority of students would," Maria Cox, B425 serious in filling them out." student, she said. News poll he likes the idea of student Bashre, 2649 E. Grand River equal," Laurel M. Cline, 760 S in turn want to 'Students supported the polled thought the Academic Ave., junior, said. W. Owen Hall, student, said. Rather Hall, freshman, said. Ellen Duris, 337 Phillips evaluate th* amendment, though several access to faculty ratings, he Council would approve the Several of the students who Both White and Cline said "Right now, people take a Hall, freshman, thought teachers " doubted it would pass the thought the amendment would amendment. Academic Council. thought the amendment would they would not mind having probably fail. "I think it might pass," Sue their own students' evaluations pass said that students would "I don't think the faculty "Students don't care enough Richwald, 101 S. Hubbard know which professors to of them made public, but a third graduate student, who wished to remain anonymous, Input from expressed slight poor countries some misgivings. "The thing that disturbs me most in being subjected to evaluation is that the forms are in world econom handed out across the board," he said. "The students who have only shown up for 50 per cent of the classes get the same UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. equitable supply of oil and countries to help poverty • Kissinger pointedly told the attention as do the students (AP) — The poor and less other energy products while stricken nations and said less developed nations who who have religiously attended. developed nations need a preventing an inflationary price further aid programs to hold raw materials, particularly I'd like to see some control greater voice in the spiral. He said the United underdeveloped areas must oil, that the industrialized factor." States is willing to help continue. world will not accept pressure. management of the world Terry Stillman, 270 S. • Greater of science to "The economy, but not at the producing nations broaden use organization of one Wilson Hall, freshman, their economic base and will the brought expense of industrialized meet problems of group of countries as a bloc share technology and aid in up the question of whether countries, Secretary of State unemployment and hu ger in will sooner or later produce the students would want to have industrialization. the developing nations and organization of the potential Henry A. Kissinger said • their evaluations made public. Monday. Steps to end the cycle of improved birth hunger victims into a counter - bloc," "You wouldn't want to give "The great issues of raw material surplus and technology. he told the assembly. • A new commitment your academic record to development can no longer shortage. Kissinger proposed a by There was a strong rich and poorer everybody," Stillman said. realistically be perceived in cooperative effort to include nations alike to implication in the address that But Mary Ellen Karczewski, terms of confrontation "urgent international development of an open ideology must be ovei-oked in 306 Mason Hall, sophomore, consideration of restrictions on trading system, a reformed the interest of world economic between the haves and have - nots, nor as a struggle over the incentives for the trade in monetary system "and a development and Kissinger was not worried about her Workers vote to reject Motor Wheel contract forms becoming accessible. distribution of static wealth," commodities." positive climate for the free indicated the world has no fear "Who else would want to • Creation of a better flow of resources, both public that the United States call for Kissinger said in a 40 minute Workers at the Motor Wheel its 10th week. The strike entered its address to the United Nations - balance between food and private." cooperation is really a plan for read them?" Karczewski said. Workers of Local 182 of the week Monday and no 10th I General Assembly. production and population Kissinger said the world dominance by a Almost all of the students Corp. in Lansing turned down a proposed contract Allied Industrial Workers talks between the unior further I polled thought students would by a 3 - 1 He sounded a theme of growth. The secretary renewed economy is under "severe "condominium" of Washington turned down the contract by a his call for a World fill out the evaluations with margin Friday as the strike at management have been I economic cooperation in an Food stress," but for the first time and Moscow. more care if they knew they the company prepared to enter 1330 - 480 vote. scheduled. address to a special session of Conference ; he pledged U.S. has the technical ability to the General Assembly, but support for an international prevent "the scourges that used warned that any attempt by institute to overcome fertilizer to be considered inevitable." countries with resources to shortages, and he said the To support this, Kissinger strong • arm the industrialized United States would boost the pledged the United States to nations will everyone. Kissinger bring disaster for outlined six amount it spends to help improve farm technology, upping the budget from $258 million to $675 million this greater contributions in aid, science, and agricultural technology, as well as promising the less developed nations a BALFOUR RING DAYS problem areas facing the world year. greater participation in trade and said they can be solved by cooperation and in the • Efforts to nations from being destroyed keep poorer and monetary planning. He also urged the United Get your signature en realization of global by dramatic shifts in the Nations and other international interdependence. supplies and prices of raw agencies to stress action rather Kissinger's six ■ point program • Action included: to insure materials like oil. Kissinger said the United States welcomed steps taken by oil producing than rhetorical declarations. But while talking of the "imperative" on cooperation, Today and T A Balfour representative is now in our store to COME show you all-of the ring design-stone combinations OUT OF available. THAT HAT! Let the us Get your hair in shape for Spring. We "specialize in latest cuts, blowcombing body waves. Call how. ' GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS GARY'S CAMPUS BEAUTY are available at our SALON The supply is limited SchensuVs JACKET SALE Cafeteria mKBtKl (solid colors, no emblem) BANKAMERICAR[ in Unlined Reg $998 Noon: Mon. Fri. Meridian Mall & Lansing Mall mQ3E| Open: Mon Thurs. 4:30 7:30 - • in navy, green, maroon, only $750 11:15 - 2:00 " Fri. 4:30 - 8:00, Sat. 11:15 8:00 Sun. 11:30 7:00• - purple To find out this weeks menu specials, call 349-4028 or 482-7114 ;; K:SI\(! YOUR 25c Value "SCHENSUL-COUPON" It's * easy f Pamper Your Budget! Lined-lightweight Reg $1298 only $950 3 25. ■■ -it... yg &®rrr. - Reg$l798 only $1350 in navy, green AIR FORCE ROTC HAS TWO-YEAR SCHOLARSHIPS HEWLETT- PACKARD AVAILABLE FOR COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CIVIL ENGINEERING PRICE CUTS NOW IN EFFECT ARCHITECTURE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING HP-35 (scientific) AEROSPACE ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 22500 was ASTRONAUTICAL ENGINEERING Is your METEOROLOGY major listed above? Could you use help to defray your college HP-45 (advanced scientific expenses? If you have two years of school remaining, undergraduate, graduate or combination, you could be eligible for an Air Force ROTC two 32500 - year scholarship. It pays full tuition, all fees, textbooks, and S100 each month. For more details contact: CAPTAIN JIM RAYNER - 355-2182 or Slop by Quonsot 67 ALL AT 1 Mill BOOH 1TOBII