Volume 67 Number 153 Wednesday, May 8,1974 Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 ixon refuses to release IhingTON (AP) - White House lawyer James St. Clair Iced Tuesday that President Nixon has decided not to turn St. Clair said that Nixon reviewed the Tuesday that he matter and decided any more As for a Supreme Court confrontation over the issue of the June tapes 20, 1972 to June 4, 1973. The edited White House was "unwilling to make any further adjustment." subpenaed tapes by the House Committee, St. Clair said, "I think Kv more Watergate tapes to the House Judiciary Committee "I do not believe it will be an impeachable offense," St. Clair it will stop on the floor of the House of transcripts released last week cover some 20 of those Rial Watergate prosecutor Leon Jaworski. said of Nixon's stand. Representatives." conversations. N But he said Nixon would n ordered St. Clair to proceed with his efforts to quash St. Clair said Nixon maintains oppose Jaworski's subpenaed request that the release of the on grounds of St. Clair filed his motion to quash the subpena on May 1, ,j's subpena for 64 recorded presidential conversations, voluminous transcripts — some 1,300 pages — and other evidence confidentiality and executive privilege and on this matter he would fight to the Cy the legal battle to the Supreme Court if necessary, the already provided "is all that relates to Watergate" and that Supreme Court if necessary. St. Clair said Nixon remained firm in his belief that accompanying it with a letter signed by the President that said the remaining 44 items sought "are confidential conversations Jy said. therefore the whole story has been told. elected officials should be permitted to listen to the only between a President and his close advisers," and "that it would be ICIair said also that the President is willing to risk St. Clair made it clear that Nixon, however, still is willing to subpenaed iutional (onfrontation with the House Judiciary Committee consider turning over additional evidence to the House Judiciary tapes to verify the transcripts. He has invited Chairman Peter W. inconsistent with the public interest to produce" them. Isscs lis demands for more Watergate evidence, Committee dealing with political contributions Rodino, D - N.J. and ranking minority member Edward The White House transcripts released for the House Judiciary by the dairy Hutchinson, R - Mich., to review the tapes, but still says that the Committee last week covered mainly the conversations Nixon had pokesman for Jaworski said "we plan to continue with our industry and the settlement of an ITT antitrust suit. . committee staff lawyers will not be with close aides in February, March and Nixon has taken the permitted to do so. April last year, when Watergate stand, St. Clair said, because he I District Judge John J. Sirica gave a five • day extension to believes there would be a "never ending" request for St. Clair said that if Rodino and Hutchinson listen to the tapes, Nixon said he had learned of the Watergate coverup. Lr so that he and Jaworski could try to reach some information and that he has to - "they will be satisfied the tapes are indeed accurate." Jaworski's subpena, however, seeks a number of early post - preserve the office of the The special prosecutor got court [modation over the subpenaed information. presidency from such demands. backing on April 18 to issue a Watergate talks the President had with counsel Charles W. Colson, subpena for 64 presidential conversations spanning a period from one of those indicted in the coverup. RA forced to quit for alleged failure to By PAT NARDI comply confidential counseling or therapeutic with with the policy, he was asked to resign or hall been punished for being the one caught and MARY ANNE FLOOD relationships, and as such, are obligated to be fired. with the truth. State News Staff Writers report information pertaining to criminal Students on Jacobs' floor signed a "I think the administration is using the A resident assistant (RA) was forced to activity." petition Monday which was presented to robbery motive as an excuse to make RAs resign this week in the first real test of the Zatechka said he expects RAs to only Zatechka in a meeting with Squillace and enforce the state drug laws." six month old Residence Hall inform authorities of people who sell three students from Jacobs' floor. Claude Hersh, University Student - - Program drug policy. marijuana and not of the casual users. The Akers RA staff is writing a letter of Affairs committee member, also thinks the An RA in Akers Hall, Jerome "I'm not taking a moral position on disagreement with Zatechka's decision and University has an ulterior motive in the Jacobs, was asked to resign Friday by the area marijuana, but its presence attracts organizing a committee to review the drug drug policy. director of East Complex, for apparently violence, including knives and guns in the policy. Squillace spoke of some of the "It seems to be an anti selling policy, not informing authorities that a student residence halls, and I won't tolerate that," staff complaints about the drug policy: not an anti robbery policy," said Hersh, X on his floor, whose marijuana stock was Zatechka said. "Fiddling with drugs is not "The policy is unrealistic," Squillace who asked committee chairman Larry stolen, had been selling marijuana. a fun game. People get hurt, said. "It is made by people at the top with Bartrem to reinstate a subcommittee study including the East small seller." no credible of the policy. A study was begun earlier Complex Director Douglas understanding of the situation Zatechka would not explain the reason for He added that RAs should be "above in the dorms." this year by the student affairs committee asking Jacobs to resign because he felt the reproach" and that they should make Squillace said that Jacobs' forced but died for lack of time to do it. matter was confidential. However, Mark necessary changes in their lifestyles to fit resignation will make other students think "Even though RAs are not legal Squillace, another RA in Akers Hall, said the needs of their job. twice before they report a robbery, counselors, it is a conflict of interest for that the resignation was forced because of The whole situation started when a knowing that they may jeopardizing their them to have to inform on people who use failure to comply with the student on Jacobs' floor was robbed at RA position." drugs on their floor," Bartrem said. University's drug policy. knife point May 1 of about 10 ounces of - "If the policy was really written to stop "Probably 80 per cent of the students on Jacobs, who was told to vacate his room marijuana. The victim was reluctant to dangerous robberies, this is certainly not campus smoke marijuana on any given by May 17, refused to comment because report the crime, but Jacobs assured him the way to do it," he said. night. It's ridiculous to expect the RAs to he did not want publicity. that the police would not handle it to his In if State News survey of MSU RAs, 10 be narcs for the entire campus." Jacobs was the first RA to disadvantage. of 15 interviewed said they would not Bartrem said the committee may take forcibly resign following the new policy statement Later, the police reported the incident turn in a pot seller on their floor. Six said the University to court on the issue. on drug abuse issued last fall 1973 to Jacobs' residence hall complex director, they already knew of dealers that they North said that the number of robberies by Gary North, coordinator of Residence Hall who confronted Jacobs about his failure have not reported. has decreased since the policy went into Programs. to report a marijuana seller as the "If Jacobs had lied he'd have his job effect fall term, though he does not know In this policy, North stated: "Hall staff residence hall drug policy demands. today," Squillace said. "The entire policy that the decrease can be attributed to the are not protected by laws governing Because of Jacobs' failure to comply enforcement is a sham, and Jacobs has drug policy. FAVORS BOTH SIDES IN COLLEGE BOARD SUIT li Kelley unexpected ally of students Up the down staircase By JOHN LINDSTROM involved no fault insurance. "What it involves is my having one team said. "He apparently still has some higher Public elections are held for all State News Staff Writer rambling from class to class can be bad enough, but stairways such political ambitions and he doesn't want to members of the governing boards of MSU, The Michigan file a brief that demonstrates my view and, this in the Computer Center only add to students' daily hassles Higher Education Student come out like he's stopping students from U - M and Wayne State University. The Assn. has an to insure the widest possible discussion hen schedules don't allow for the slower elevators. unexpected ally in its running for trustee." members of the governing boards of all before the court, another team will be set projected court battle with Michigan Atty. The suit will be filed in Bartrem's and other state institutions are appointed by Gen. Frank Kelley - Kelley himself. up to file a brief stating the current another student's name. The other Gov. Milliken. Kelley said Tuesday if the student constitutional position," Kelley said. student, who was not identified, will soon But Larry Bartrem, an MSU student change association goes to court opposing his announce his candidacy for a post on the Eugene Krasicky, asst. atty. gen. for ge ruling — which prohibited students from sitting on University governing boards - running for the Republican nomination a candidate for an MSU trustee spot, said he wasn't surprised by the decision. as University of Michigan Board of Regents. Wirgau added that the association was education, said he had no comment on Kelley's statement. When the student then he will file one brief defending his filing in May in hopes of getting a decision association originally announced it would ruling and another supporting the student "He's done this before on other issues, in time for the state conventions of the file suit Krasicky said he thought >r offices in association. "The ruling was not my personal view but the legal view of the state according to so it didn't really surprise me," Bartrem two major parties. ruling would stand up in court. Kelley's By JOHN TINGWALL it out of the Senate," Vaughn said. "I the Constitution, and until the State News Staff Writer think the unanimous committee vote is Constitution is changed either by ' state Senate indicative of the way it will go in the amendment or through the courts then the Judiciary Committee unanimously Tuesday to approve a Senate." ruling must stand," Kelley said. bill to open the offices of Sen. Robert Richardson, R • Saginaw, "I have no objection to changing the governor, nant governor and state chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said Constitution, but until the Constitution is legislator to far • olds. there was some fear expressed in changed I have to follow it," he added. Resolution F, sponsored by Rep. committee that the change in age Kelley also said that when he was a Vaughn III, D student at the University of Detroit in - Detroit, must now requirement for governor and lieutenant e two thirds Senate approval before 1949 he served as a voting member of that governor "may sink the whole thing" if it • appear on the November ballot. The school's governing board. appears on the November ballot. Constitution "The people may very well defeat the U of D is a privately run Catholic requirement that amendment because they find the age college. ^ and state that the representatives be 21 Kelley's 1969 ruling prohibited students governor and lieutenant change for governor and lieutenant nor be 30, would be amended if from sitting on the governing boards of governor too hard to swallow," approve it. Richardson said. "Although it could hurt the universities they attend because of don t anticipate any problem getting the amendment, Jackie wanted it and we possible conflicts of interest with students' agreed to pass it. interfering with their educations. "The whole question can now be Corporate law and contract laws involving discussed in the Senate," he said. students and universities were the basis of Richardson suggested that the bill, Kelley's decision. which was moved out of the House by a The association announced on April 18 vote, of 79 • 25, may face chants on the that it would go to court to try to have floor of the Senate. the ruling changed. Matthew Wirgau, Vaughn is currently speaking on chairman of the student association said television and radio to mobilize young Tuesday he hopes that the case will be people to ensure passage of the bill. filed in Detroit District Court either next "This is the final right to be granted as week or the week after. far as the 18 • year • old age of majority is Wirgau also said he thought Kelley's concerned," Vaughn said. decision to file two briefs was "fantastic" Vaughn said that separating the age and that with the brief there was "a very requirement for governor and lieutenant good chance that we can get the ruling governor from that of legislators would be overturned." inconsistent with his determination to Kelley spoke before the student guarantee 18 - year - olds their legal rights. association some weeks ago and at that Hopefully this will accelerate young time told them his intentions. "We were SN photo/Dave Schmiei people's interest in government," he said. The committee also reinserted language very surprised when he told us what he would do," Wirgau said. But Kelley said Will file his filing two opposite briefs in a case was In the bill regarding felony convictions, State Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley said Tuesday he will file legal briefs which both support and reject his earlier partially upholding a House amendment nothing new. "I can think of separate instances where opinion against student membership on university governing boards. Kelly, who served on the University of that declares any political candidate involved in a breach of public trust I had two teams put up on both sides. The Detroit's governing board while a student there, said the 1969 decision was not his own personal view, but VAUGHN ineligible to run for office. most recent example that I can think of that of the state Constitution. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May j J Antibusing rules called illegal FROM WIRE SERVICES WASHINGTON - We the commission said, "would turn the celebrations planned for the Gumey, R ■ Fla., would in effect overturn the Supreme Another Gumey provision of the amendment would Constitution. constitutional It recognizes rights but dtnies ' ™p le mentin. I United States Commission on 20th anniversary of the Brown Court's 1971 decision in the allow the federal institutions the power reopening of existing 'n Civil Rights has urged the vs. Board of Education Swann case that said that desegregation cases to conform to protect them." ,the 1954 desfiT decision. *"( Senate to reject all major Supreme Court decision into a with the new busing limits. Arthur S. busing is a legitimate means for Flemming, the At a news I antibusing amendments dirge." overcoming racial segregation, This provision, the commission oomnfetionV chairman,1t said the Monday Flemmine Cfmi Kissinger resumes Israeli talks scheduled to be considered On May 17, 1954, the high the five - member commission said, "would reopen old group also considered Jl later this week, charging that court outlawed the principle of said. The Gumey amendment, wounds in many communities, unconstitutional an antibusing commission's view! 2A Secretary of State Henry Kissinger resumed crucial three of the separate but equal schools for requested by Sen H,i *1 truce talks in Israel measures clearly unconstitutional. are blacks as inherently similar to antibusing provisions bring to a halt the steps that being taken to achieve amendment offerred by Sen. ™»n*. D* fc.'SI Tuesday after a three - hour meeting already passed by the House, are Sam Ervin, D - N.C., as well as Sen. Jacob with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. A senior Passage of any legislation unconstitutional. terms busing a last resort and genuine desegregation ..." • provision of the House bill, York. Javits,' Rn " I limiting the power of courts or The main antibusing would limit transportation to The gurney amendment, the U.S. official said Russia would not obstruct a originally offerred by Rep. government agencies to require proposal before the senaU\ the school closest to a child's commission concluded, John M. Ashbrook, R disengagement pact between Israel and Syria. The Gromyko meeting was arranged to give the desegregation through busing, introduced by Sen. Edward J. home. "contradicts both itself and the Antibusing provisions will • Ohio. Yugoslavia studijJ Soviets the visible presence they have been demanding come up for Senate debate as lar9er bank notes | in Mideast diplomatic efforts and gave Kissinger an part of a $23 billion federal (ABELGRA?E Y P insight into Moscow's attitude. U.S. officials said the next 48 hours would be Finance minister to run school aid bill that passed the House contains on a March 2 moderate . The bill antibusing government parliament proposal agreed thj "critical" for an agreement to end the fighting on the provision, developed two years notes of $66 U.S.) should 1,000 dinars L Golan Heights, now in its 57thstraight day. ago by Sen. Mike Mansfield of be JJ* British union orders strike for Brandt's vacated post Montana, the majority leader and Sen. Pennsylvania, Hugh Scott of the minority facilitate money fo's country where J payments are not trln>cJ poJl Leaders of Britain's 1.2 million member leader. yet and cash paymS J Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers ordered an - While the Scott - Mansfield appreciated. The note now is 0f bLJJ NEW YORK TIMES Tuesday morning and told them, "My resignation is a result of 500 immediate strike Tuesday to protest a court order my experience in office, my respect for the unwritten rules of provision is not clearly Raging inflation of abontl BONN - Helmut Schmidt, the 55 - year - old West German unconstitutional, the Per cent seizing S480.000 in union assets. Finance Minister, was chosen by the Social Democratic party democracy and to prevent my personal and political integrity commission said it also should few years made annually i„ J from being destroyed." The deputies cheered and it It is not known yet how effective the strike call was. gave him a be rejected since it would Tuesday as the government candidate to succeed Willy Brandt, have Much of British industry is threatened with a standstill who resigned unexpectedly as chancellor Monday night. bunch of red roses. For the time being, Brandt told the deputies, he will not "slow down the process of denomination. bills oflJJ if the membership heeds the call strike. resign Schmidt, who is the deputy of the party that Brandt leads, has from his position as head of the party, which faces a crucial state The central issue in the dispute is a ruling issued last been waiting for the chance to assume a more active election in lower Saxony on June 9. political role for years. But he said in Hamburg Tuesday September by the National Industrial Relations Court that an engineer's strike at a farm machinery plant was morning, before returning to Bonn, that he regretted Brandt's decision to resign. Brandt said he resigned Tuesday because of the scandal about nornybuusthiik illegal under the International Relations Act. The court ordered the union to pay a fine of the confessed East German Communist spy, Gunter who was on his staff as assistant for partv affairs until his arrest Guillaume, ■m A BIIU FIGHT IS AII SI80,000 for contempt and $113,000 in compensation to the company. Friday, the court seized nearly all of April 24. The election of a new chancellor will take place in the West Jjj.fi inn C O R P Ls O R a i I s SWAPPING (ONIBt German lower house, the Bundestag, on May 16. Schmidt, as the the union's funds because of nonpayment of the levies. candidate of the ruling Social Democrat - Free Democrat coalition, would almost certainly be elected by the government Bus Service To Chicago Buzhardt quizzed by Senate team majority there. It is considered unlikely that he would initiate Effective April 1, 1974 (Central Standard Time) any major domestic or international policy shifts. Arrival - Chicago The Defense Brandt's resignation became effective Tuesday Dept. began reviewing Tuesday which morning, when Via: So. Bend, Ind. 12:10 PM the retiring federal president, Gustav W. 9:30 AM Vie: Benton Harbor 3:00 PM ammunitions contracts it may have to cancel in the Heinemann, flew back to 11:45 AM Via: So. Bend, Ind. 5:30 PM Bonn from Hamburg and officially relieved him of his wake of the Senate's rejection of $266 million in duties, as 3:00 PM Via: Benton Harbor 8:25 PM the 60 year • old chancellor had Via: So. Bend, Ind. 10:45 PM • requested in a two - paragraph 5:00 PM additional military aid for South Vietnam this fiscal handwritten letter Monday night. 6:20 PM Via: Benton Harbor 11:05 PM 9:50 PM Via: Benton Harbor year. Brandt met with Social Democratic members of the Bundestag BUS SERVICE TO FLINT, At the White House, meanwhile. Deputy Press SAGINAW, BAY CITY Secretary Gerald L. Warren said the continued Leaves East Lapsing infiltration of North Vietnamese tanks, artillery, missiles YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY 9:20 AM To Flint. Saainaw, Bay city 1:40 PM To Flint and ammunition into South Vietnam, coupled with the 3:30 PM To Flint, Saginaw, Bay City Senate rejection of more aid jeopardized U.S. reliability 6:00 PM To Flint R 9:30 PM To Flint to support its allies. Presidential counsel J. Fred Buzhardt invoked W Friday Only 5:30 T<> Flint With contacts from executive privilege, national security and the attorney - East Lansing's only Co • Op for Optical Needs Phone East Lansing Bus Terminal client privilege to avoid answering some of the hundreds for schedule information Mon & Thurs of questions asked him Tuesday by the Senate 332-2569 Watergate committee. Sen. Lowell P. Weicker Jr., R - Conn., who conducted the interrogation, said that the President's lawyer 3 11 A.M. - 8:30 P.M. Tues, Wed. Frl 9 A.M.-5 P.M. at 9 A.M. to Noon , Air Conditioned • Rest Room Deluxe Coaches Available for Charter Service and Personalized Escorted Tours The Montezumo Horny Bull:M __ Montezuma I r ■ CO-OPTICAL SERVICES write or call Owosso, Mich. TOLL FREE Dr. Richard answered most of the questions in a session which Hearn, Optometrist Now in Brookfield Plaza 800 - 292 ■ 3831 It's Sdnsotibrial.ortd that s no bull. TEQUILA 1 focused on his knowledge of the use of a $100,000 e 1974 80 Proof. Tequila Barton Distillers Import Co N payment from billionaire Howard Hughes. However not much new information was gained. Buzhardt told reporters it was "absolutely not correct" that he was the source of the story that Rose Mary Woods, the president's personal secretary, received part of the $100,000 payment as a loan or as a gift. Dotft yon be the last on the block $91.4 million for summer jobs to know what's going on. The Nixon administration made $91.4 million available Tuesday to enable communities to plan summer jobs for 700,000 economically disadvantaged youths. The money is part of $300 million earmarked by the administration for the summer job program. The balance is awaiting appropriation by Congress as part of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act appropriation. Vermeer painting found in London Art experts began restoring the $4.6 million .Vermeer The Devil would painting "The Guitar Player" on Tuesday after give his soul to get his hands Had Lucifer been reading Human Behavior for I on a copy of Human Behavior. these past three years, he would not only know the I recovering the stolen masterpiece from a London Like the rest of us, old man Scratch depends answers to those devilishly provocative questions, I graveyard. on periodicals to keep him on top of what's going but he would be au courant on such diverse topics I Scotland Yard detectives, acting on an anonymous on in the world. When he was going to college, a as the rise of radical therapy, alpha waves and telephone tip, found the painting Monday night wrapped in newspaper and propped against a headstone ONLY5!)!)50 fellow could get by with just Liberty, the Post and the Police Gazette. Then, in order to stay abreast meditation, the ordeal of the Ph.D. candidates, the pyschology of astrology, selling with sex, and the I I of what his numerous colleagues in the medical in a churchyard near London's financial district. The TEAC 140 will out perform any cassette deck in its mystique of black street jargon. In addition, a con- I profession were up to, he had to subscribe to the tinuing series of probing, no-holds-barred, profiles I Authorities theorized that thieves, who stole it from price range, because of its separate bias and E.Q. Readers Digest. Next, just for the interviews/ of would have bared to him the psyches and souls ot I switches, an advanced preamplifier design, precision drive Kenwood House, London's municipal museum, on Feb. course, he started picking up Playboy. Well, almost mechanism, dual VU - type loudness meters and before he knew it, he was such intriguing mortals as, B. F. Skinner, Masters | 23, had dumped it there. subscribing to dozens and Johnson, Uri Geller, Fritz Perls, Rollo May, upon dozens of magazines. Robert Coles, Konrad Lorenz and Dory Previn ,. I Still, he continued to find himself lagging TEAC is the most important thing to know. The TEAC It is impossible to convey in this limited space ■ Unit wants hopelessly behind the times. Suddenly, just know¬ all that you, like Beelzebub, have been missing i I vinyl chloride banned name it your fine tape decks. assurance of reliable quality and value in ing what evil lurks in the hearts of men wasn't you've been missing out on Human Behavior. Bu I The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission enough. He was no longer being invited to chic all is not lost. Insight is now in sight. Merely taK cocktail parties, fashionable salons and chi-chi I served notice Tuesday that it intends to ban use of vinyl Why Hi-Fi Buys? soirees, and it wasn't simply because he insisted advantage of the special introductory discou coupon below and save $8.20 from the newsstan I | chloride in most household aerosol sprays because the on wearing tails for all occasions, either. *5 year protection plan on all system price for one full year of 12 monthly issues chemical is considered a potential health hazard. *1 year laboratory analysis Out of sheer desperation, he tried a different Do it now. . - brand of soap, changed his underarm deodorant Responding to a Feb. 21 petition from Ralph Nader's *1 year protection plan on selected cartridge and stylus And stay one big step ahead of you-know-w and even started brushing with a sexier health research group, the commission called on aerosol 'speaker exchange program toothpaste. •professional in store service department But it was to no avail. His problem, you see, was manufacturers to turn over within 10 days information on products that have ever contained vinyl chloride as a •professional audio salesmen •local delivery and set up assistance that he had nothing to talk about, on endlessly about "the except to mumble Send for your complimentary copy oo^l I good old days." *60 day lay • aways - Master Charge and Bank Americard: It isn't a failing shared by the aware readers of propellant or an ingredient. 90 days tame as cash. HUMAN BEHAVIOR. The Vinyl chloride has been implicated in at least 12 cases Newsmagazine of the Human Behavior Magaslne Social Sciences. Every issue tackles in P.O Box 28101 Boulder, Colorado 80302 of a rare form of liver cancer among industrial workers easy-to- grasp fashion the most mind-expanding questions and has caused various tumors in laboratory rats forced to inhale the chemical. BI-FI BUYS imaginable. For example. below. I underatand that if I am not completely ai with my flrat taaue, I will receive a prompt refuna Are analysts making parents the _ scapegoats or I can simply write "Cancel" on the bill w for their children's problems? you. No matter what my flrat i to keep fK Daley will undergo - more tests Who is the most likely candidate to beoome with no further obligation. n of 8 addition*' , Daley, Chicago mayor for 20 years, was an unwed mother? from j Disc Shop Richard J. ► savings What is white student regular prloe). iMUm 1 diagnosed Tuesday as suffering from high blood pressure a on a black campus □ One year subscription of 11 additional mon tny , prjci) and mild diabetes. really after? at only 80 80 (an 08.80 savings off the regular r 323 E. GRAND RIVER, □ Payment enclosed □ Please btlII m® ~c»«l Dr. Thomas Coogan Jr. said Daley, 71, probably has E.L/B How does love stifle creativity? □ Please bill my □ BankAmerlcard □ Master Charge i PH. 351-5380 Why do some therapists have sexual relations been working too hard and that he previously was Card Number: i with their patients? . known to have both conditions. Expiration Date: What caused AU-Amerloan boys to beoome Dr. / Mr. I Ma Daley was taken to the hospital Monday after killers In Vietnam? — complaining of dizziness. A Daley spokesman said he How can gun-users who are potential will remain in the hospital for several days to receive murderers be identified? City treatment and undergo more tests. Why are gynecologists today's foremost Zip Compiled by Mary Ann Chick Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 8, 1974 3 Service groups get initial OK for funding By JIM KEEGSTRA agencies to receive initial recommendation from the county State News Staff Writer Finance Committee. County Courthouse in Mason. cover rent on a University station wagon, help pay a part - time Finance Committee Chairman Ken Hope said the board of dispatcher and buy supplies, coordinator Nan Duemling said. campus and two East Lansing community service groups County Commissioner Penny Stern, member of the committee, j commissioners plans to take a final vote on revenue "If we get all or most of what we the first test Monday for approval of their requests for said the recommendations are by no means final. Public allocations at its June meeting and begin paying the - sharing requested it will be a really J. revenue sharing funds from Ingham County, discussion of the 13 projects tentatively approved, and the 19 The other 10 groups which grants July 1. happy surprise," she said. The Women's Center asked for i ygu volunteer Action Corps, the Women's Center and rejected requests, will be possible at a commissioners' Committee proposed recommended projects $7,400 to hire a part - time are: Ingham fast Lansing Drug Education Center were among 13 local aid of the Whole meeting scheduled for 7:30 p.m. May 22 at the County Library, YMCA, Community Mental Health, Ingham Medical Hospital, Greater Lansing Visiting Nurse Assn., office coordinator or pay for rent and East Lansing City Council's funding decision. supplies, depending on Catholic Social Services, Community Action The Drug Education Center wants $9,360 to continue its Advisory Council, Greater Lansing Legal Aid Bureau, coping program for probate court referred teenagers. Director Voluntary Action Center of icademic Counci Greater Lansing and Capitol Area Transportation Authority. Stem said the library and nurses' association further discussion and there is a chance the funding still need Friendship Day Care Center, 925 W. Main St., Lansing, will be recommended. Scott Huffman running for several said the years once - a • week rap sessions have been and had been funded by East Lansing. Many of the other projects were rejected, Stern said, because in streamlining they could receive funding from different sources. The 13 projects presently how much revenue sharing approved represent a total of over $322,000 in requests. Commissioners have been uncertain exactly money the country will have to ■byMIKE GALATOLA faculty members and 100 Jgtate News Staff Writer students to eight committees Student representatives failed Tuesday to increase the imput to the council. But Herbert Rudman, distribute, but Hope's latest estimate was around $350,000. The MSU Volunteer Action jr»n wier more than four of 87 faculty and 33 students. number of at large College of Education Corps' request for $5,000 will IN EAST LANSING The original report, fths of debate and revision, representatives recommended representative, said the motion All the succluent fresh fish, ranch fries and cole si Academic Council Tuesday presented to the council Nov. in the report from six to eight. represented an appeal to you can eat. 27, 1973, suggested sharper Iroved the report Amending the streamlining reductions, recommending a total of six committees of 49 A Jan. 23 effort to increase the recommended six to the catergories like "black" or "woman" rather than on the Consumer unit sees ■the council and its present number of 10 had also basis of college constituency. Tnittees.jttees faculty and 25 students. The failed. Phil Kern, College of e Report mittee of the Ad Hoc to Review 'original report suggested that on,y council members sit on There are large members. no faculty at - Agriculture and Natural Resources representative, said vote on tax repeal • • the committees, but the Jaemic Governance, in its council rejected the proposal. Paula Smith, Council of many of his constituents had A coalition of consumers "enormous." led and approved form, The approved report calls for Graduate Students (COGS) told him they disapproved of groups predicted Monday that In addition to the citizens I for reducing the council's representative, Tuesday that at - large representation. voters 23 faculty land 12 student definitely will have a lobby, Ross said other groups fcculty members to 63 and committee members to come the two Student council seats "They're disgusted with it," chance to decide in November in the coalition include the leasing the 36 student from the council and for 56 that are vacated when two Kem said. whether to repeal the state's 4 Michigan Catholic Conference, Kbers to 38. The report also students serve on the Academic Before they voted against per cent sales tax on food and the AFL-CIO, the Consumer Immends cutting the faculty and 21 students ?Jacks or to be Council steering the at Committee - Urge seat proposal, drugs. elected by the colleges. Alliance of Michigan, United Icil's 12 committees of 179 not be filled by additional council members rejected Citizens to Cut Unfair Taxes Auto Workers (UAW), jvanagh put in hospital college representatives, instead be shifted to at representatives. This procedure - but large overwhelmingly Hester Cain, a proposal by Justin Morrill said its two to obtain - month - old drive 265,000 signatures to Michigan Education Assn. (MEA) and more than 100 Better x\ College representative, that the place the question on the other would keep the total number of votes be taken groups. on the record. November ballot has collected lith low-grade infection student council members at 38 as the report suggests, Smith "I didn't expect the council to approve a roll - call vote," 100,000 signatures and will reach the needed total by June said. Cain said after the 15. INN ARBOR - Former Detroit Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh, meeting. T dropped out as candidate for the Democratic Bradley Niles, COGS "Apparently members thought it would take too much time. Douglas Ross, director of Jematorial nomination when he had a cancerous kidney representative, allocation of said seats this would But I wanted to have it on the Michigan's citizens lobby, ■oved April 11, was readmitted to a hospital here for an record how people voted on said the public response to the tion. prevent a double input for those this issue." petition drive has been Richard Dorr, Cavanagh's surgeon, said Monday in a colleges whose student members served on the steering tment released from the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital here, that committee and that it would lanagli was being treated for a low ■ grade infection. increase the minority students' The State News is published by the students ot Michigan State University every class day during Fall. Winter and Spring school terms, ' 5 condition was described as good and Cavanagh's wife, Mondays. Wednesday, and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special v, said her husband would be released from the hospital Welcome Week edition is published in September. Subscription rate is Ei, after being there since Friday. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services ttfdg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. News/Editorial Classified Ads Display Advertising Business Office Photographic BLACK ANGUS CHOICE T-BONE AND PORTERHOUSE STEAKS -------- COUPON -------- I 10 Pound Box for Just I Buy a 16' s1449 j Buy a 14' pizza and with coupon I and pay for a pay for a 12' pizza VAN Alstines Beef Barn 514 N. Okemos Rd. offer good till - 349-1000 5/11 j with this coupon 1203 E.GRAND RIVER 337-1631 I l ' 14' pizza j with this coupon PANTS FACULTY VIEWPOINT Monday - Saturday 9:30-5:30 Thursday and Friday Nights til 9:00 ARE IS there a viable alternative TO collective bargaining? STILL DOWN! ■Terence N. 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'Advertisement Paul for by MSU/Faculty A nociates GOOD THRU MAY 11 J 1 HOUR FREE PARKING IN THE CITY LOT BEHIND OUR STORE WITH ANY PURCHASE LAMPOONERY OPINION PAGE Nixon talks ratekids Melissa Pay ton Steve Stein .National Editor Sports Editor By ART BUCHWALD the conduct of the Presidency of the Though Joel was rather heavy, I felt it the 1960 Illinois results in. In 1962, he of the i I Diane Silver Campus Editor June E. K. Delano Entertainment Editor United States. was worth the strain on my back. came lost the >1 G. F. Korreck City Editor Dale Atkins Photo Editor On Oct. 13, 1960, John F. Kennedy "And I only hope, should I win this You can imagine my despair and governor in California and he w !»l another I diH^Ultllll disillusionment when the transcripts of the inaudible' after Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Kathy Niezurawski Copy Chief debated Richard Nixon on television. At election, that I could approach President that time, the question of Harry Truman's Eisenhower in maintaining the dignity of presidential tapes were released and it' turned out Nixon might have been the there were that many English language. It 'exp|et£- SI Mary Anne Flood.. .Staff Representative the office and see to it that whenever any was hard cussing came up. Kennedy refused to ' apologize for Truman's salty language, mother or father talks to his child, he can look at the man in the White House and, cussingest President in our history. have Dick children were over to around. the house w e" *1"! Editorials ar but Nixon had strong feelings that a Almost every other word had an "I thought when he President of the United States should not whatever he may think of his policies, he "expletive deleted," and if you count the and he became Pr, * I curse. will say 'Well, there is a man who "inaudibles" and "unclears" and was more secure he'd Z He said in part, "One thing I have noted maintains the kind of standards personally "ambiguities," it's enough to make a U.S. •expletives,'but apparently onc^l EDITORIALS as I have traveled around the the tremendous number of children who country is that I would want my child to follow." I must admit that even though it's been Marine top sergeant's hair stand on end. The question is what happened between using them it's hard to give them, friend said. « them up.-^B e f1! out to the 14 years since Nixon said this I was very the time Nixon debated Kennedy and the And so it turns out that I presidential w?|I come see Nixon was no better than moved. Perhaps, I thought, for the first candidates. I see mothers holding up their time he became President of the United Harry when it came to Full houses babies so they can see a man who might be president of the United States. I know time in history this country would have a president who didn't cuss. Though Nixon didn't make it in 1960, States. I sincerely believe Nixon was telling the than President language, Eisenhower It's we'll all have to get used to andalou J' f"! Sen. Kennedy sees them, too. It makes But I know you realize that whoever is president is he did become President in 1968, and truth when he said he was shocked by one thing-rm I time he drove by in the last five Harry Truman's language. I also believe in going to hold up my 20 year.old!?I aid dying - every going to be a man that all children of my arms when the President dri,,?J may America look up to or look down on, and I can only say I am very proud that years the I held my son in my arms (he's now 20) and said, "There's a President who has kind of standards I want you to my heart he didn't start cussing until he lost the election to Kennedy. Any President who promises to good language to the !Vsid,llcv rw I President Eisenhower restored dignity and For the many people who have supported Mariah Folk and Blues doors cost the between $3,000 and $4,000. organization decency and frankly, good language, to follow." A friend of Nixon told me, "I never heard Dick use an 'expletive deleted' until ta'ks the way he did ,s "inaudible" in my book. noth»l Coffeehouse through its 15 month Add these temporary fire doors existence, the demise of the TVIE JUNE SUAAM1T ' to expenses which have drastically POINT OF VIEW organization will be truly inflated in recent years - plus sorrowful. paying the bands - and Pop But the $10,000 unless and coffeehouse support will not has continue for the lost Entertainment has a very low profit margin on concerts. Just as the athletic department Sorority rush excites By CHARLES L. MASSOGLIA I can only hope that anyone who has organization materializes soon. depends on football and basketball I have recently had the distinction of even just thought about sororities, or fraternities too, for that matter, would go Maybe students at MSU feel they to create the revenue to support being the first male to go through sorority can go to the Stables or to Ann rush at MSU. My decision to go through through rush. It is amazing how quickly minor sports, Pop Entertainment and simply prejudices will melt, how much Arbor to hear top - name folk sorority rush was based, in large part, on depended on major concerts to two considerations. First, I knew very fun you can have and how little effort on music but they forget that the early support Mariah. little about the sorority system, and what your part is required. success of Mariah with Leo Kottke But since both better way could there be to learn than to I must say that going through sorority organizations and Bonnie Raitt encouraged the were losing money and the latter actually go through rush. And second, I rush has been one of the most memorable must admit, no male had ever gone and rewarding experiences I have had good folk music at the Stables. losing on nearly every show. Pop Should East Lansing leave it up through sorority rush and I thought it during my long tenure at MSU. It was in Entertainment has decided that would be fun to raise a little hell in a large part my experiences at Kappa Delta to Ann Arbor to be a folk - music Mariah is to go. bastion of female tradition and strength. and Sigma Kappa in particular, and all of center and stand off like a If students are still interested in Even with the cursory experiences I had the other sororities I visisted in general, that has caused me to become one of the culturally deprived community? Mariah they should make their with sororities I have come to several most avid non - Greek supporters the Hardly! feelings known by writing to Pop conclusions. Sorority members are not in sorority system may ever have. Besides lack of support Mariah Entertainment in Room 108 general the snobs so many non - Greeks It is one thing to visit sororities to raise has been hurt because Pop Student Services Bldg. make them out to be. They are human hell. It is quite another to come away with Entertainment can no longer What would be even better than beings just like you and I, with the same the impossible hope somewhere in the subsidize the organization as writing a letter is attending Mariah's feelings and needs that everyone has. They back of your mind that either of two of do not associate only with other Greeks. planned. concert with Gerry Grossman on the sororities you rushed might somehow Many parties sororities held last term had Ironically, Pop Entertainment Friday and Saturday or Pop be able, and want, to bid you. lots of non - Greeks attending. lost a lot of money on the J. Geils Entertainment's Beach I sincerely hope that sometime in the Boys concert because the concert did not future, both sororities and fraternities will concert on May 18. Sororities are involved in an become coeducational, for I feel the draw a large enough audience. Sellouts at these shows could unbelievable number of service projects, on both local aird national levels. The experience would be invaluable from the In anticipation of a crowd larger turn out to be indications that most organizations' viewpoint and from the than 7,000, Pop Entertainment Mariah and Pop Entertainment do impressive and notable observation I made was the sense of comradeship viewpoint of the individual, regardless of built temporary fire doors to meet have support in this community sex. For the moment though, I remain present — a comradeship which seems to Gamma Delta Iota forever! regulations for such a crowd, but and brighten the future for concerts provide the opportunity to share both the less than 6,000 people showed. The at MSU. joys and sorrows of life with others who care on a personal baas. The Doctor's Bag By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. mnurifiht 1Q7/4 Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at counterclockwise direction. If the curve cold and heat. This clears up when the development is messed up, it is possiW University Health Center. Names need not you report is secondary to this not for the person to have internal or extern be included unless a personal reply is unusual position in sexual intercourse, it grinding stops. Over long periods of time, sex organs that have male and fenal permanent damage can be done to the requested. should correct itself. Once it corrects characteristics. This is a rare condition. teeth. My mate and I have been having sex in a itself, alternating left and right approaches should keep everything in the mid line. Nocturnal bruxism is easily Sex change operations are a form different position. She lies on her back extinguished by the use of a molded treatment for an unusual group of and raises her right leg. I then straddle her I have a roommate with a habit of plastic device worn over the lower set of known as transsexuals. The transsexual la left leg and roll onto my stomach. This grinding his teeth when he sleeps - not choppers which results in a sliding motion had a lifelong, non modifiable discomfoi seems to have worked very well for the when a person'attempts to grind his teeth. with his or her gender identity or past six months. But I have now noticed softly, but loud enough to wake me up, even though he doesn't remember doing it Being somewhat uncomfortable and not being a man or woman. They may or J* that when I get an erection I have a the next day. Could this cause some providing any release of muscle tension, not engage in homosexual activity' definite left curve in my penis. How can I differ from people who generally refer the habit quickly extinguishes itself. Any problems with his teeth, and is there any Concert homosexuals in a number get rid of the curve? It works OK, but it themselves as dentist with cont looks like hell. way to gat him out of this habit? Teeth able to fit your an interest in bites should be friend with such a device. ways. Homosexuality is the expression of I have always been quite understanding grinding or bruxism, its more Buoyed by lead singer Peter none would be left stranded in a of problems about the size, shape and poetic medical name, is quite common Is there such a thing as a preference for sexual activity "I Wolfs invitation, approximately and is often a reflection of anxiety or just hermaphrodite? Also, what is the relation someone of the same sex. Homosexui hostilemob. function of sexual organs, these being 200 youths rushed the stage at the plain old, everyday stress. For some between a person who has had a generally are not unhappy with tin Organizers of concerts should highly valued parts of our anatomy. But sex sometimes, solutions to problems are so people grinding does occur primarily in change operation and a homosexual? gender identity and function in typi" April 29 J. Geils concert. Two also formally request each masculine or feminine ways outside obvious it surprises me that they are not their sleep and if it persists over a long A ushers were injured in the resulting performer, before contracts are hermaphrodite is a person who is area of sexual activity. This is apparent to others. period of time can cause a variety of born with improperly differentiated sex melee. signed and again immediately For the complicated area which is covert next few months, try the difficulties. organs. Male and female sex organs have Concert organizers and before the concert, to overtly following: Have her lay flat on her back the same embryologic superbly in a recent book: "Man s origins but Woman, Boy and Girl" by John Mow promoters must take steps now to and raise her left leg. Straddle her right leg Even relatively brief periods of bruxism discourage fans from approaching hormonal and other influences result in and Anke Ehrhardt published by1 insure that similar or worse and roll onto your stomach in a can cause teeth to be hypersensitive to different the stage. A few critics say that the development. When Johns Hopkins University press. incidents do not occur in the large number of high school future. students at concerts are responsible VOX POPULI A wise decision was made to not for the problems and should call in the police, whose appearance might have invited more violence. Unfortunately, this left the small therefore be barred. But to ban an entire age group which heavily supports the concerts is decidely Loyalty rule would make To the Editor: 'working for the "political advancement been predicated on the tatter's refusal to group of ushers virtually helpless. unfair and would increase Pop must concede that it is logically imp" For the reasoning which underlies his and aggrandizement of a foreign nation." Concert promoters must take ease emigration restrictions agianst Jews, for any American politician (or '°r Entertainment's financial problems. recent letter on "divided loyalties," H.R. Hiere is little doubt that the Soviet mdst of whom seek immediate action to increase the Concert organizers can wait no Union will reap economic, political and to settle in Israel. matter, any citizen) to meet the te Hoppe deserves a straight 0.0. If we follow Presumably, the Senator will size and protection of the usher longer before taking action. The his argument to its inevitable conclusion, potentially military benefits from the accommodate be willing to patriotism. The veiled McCarthyist the Soviets if and when anti • Semetic overtones in Hoppe5 then both President Nixon and Sen. unconditional trade concessions for which corps. The 20 ushers at the Geils possibility of serious injury to they facilitate Jewish emigration. And as should be publicly exp _j., Jackson, D - Washington, though assuming Nixon has so arduously fought. Ergo, all well know, the mass arrival of concert drowned in a sea of fans. ushers, fans and even performers is we vigorously condemned by all of us Several dozen clearly identifiable diametrically opposed positions on the Nixon is nothing more than a Communist Soviet Jews in Israel will ultimately and non Jews alike who see too great. The comfort and safety of • granting of most favored nation treatment dupe. Curiously enough, Jackson is contribute to Israeli political inherent contradiction between ushers would be far more effective. the entire audience should be to the USSR, are "ipso facto disloyal to an equally guilty of un Americanism aggrandizement in the Middle East. Ergo, allegiance to the United States «n Their number alone would overriding all future the country of their citizenship" since because his opposition to the granting of Jackson is really an Israeli, or worse concern at both, knowingly or unknowingly, are yet, a support for Jewish self determinate economic concessions to the Kremlin has Jewish dupe. discourage a pushing crowd and concerts. the western part of Palestine. In short, if we accept Hoppe's Michael Rubner-mstrM' definition of political Collep loyalty, then we James Madison Agnew The disbarrment of Spiro Agnew verdict ^ TV fu« dju To the Editor: hopeful Mftriah has Mariah has been heen roIpIv rocnnncihio i solely responsible for the profession and the tainted image it Mariah Folk and Blues Coffeehouse is introduction and perpetuation of the from the practice of law in Maryland justifies the restoration of has acquired since instilled apprehension in any person 1972 have not dead. Hie coffeehouse is a financial crisis and like experiencing any other crisis it finest folk and blues music to the East Lansing area. Letter policy can be solved. The main Mariah The Opinion Page welcomes all at least a smidgen of faith in the old enough to remember that problem Mariah can only continue with the local address, student. fa faces is the lack of the support by MSU support of the students in the surrounding letters. Readers should follow a judicial system. Mitchell and Stans forgotten term, "an honest students. Come fall I believe the majority community. This means you! Mariah's few staff standing and /joWW*"'. may be temporarily cleared, but for the former Vice President the politician." of students will miss Mariah. Mariah is one of a kind. Nothing like it staff has worked extremely hard and they don't intend to stop now. With your rules to insure that as nui r, as possible appear in print. letters Lters-shouldbe:U«^ and may be edited for cow- practice of law All letters should be - if not law To purge the law profession, the exists on any bther campus in the country. cooperation Mariah Folk and Blues typed on 65 to fit more letters on the IW ■ breaking seems over. Considering the level of entertainment Coffeehouse will be rnaintained. • space lines and triple - watchword for the year concerning spaced. No unsigned letws The discrepancies between the disbarrment should be "it's never presented, at the price charged, it is Letters must be signed and incredible that Mariah is in the red. I Tom Campion include accepted. intended function of a law too late." Mariah Stage Crew Director challenge anyone to dispute the fact the Ijchigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 8, 1974 COMMENTARY w Sty By WILLIAM SAFIRE New York Times Nixon's darker side finally exposed Mitchell trial was over — and, "It took time to get all this together." that took place before Watergate; his hatred for his enemies to becloud his Suddenly Dean's massive confidence desire to appear candid while "It'll stir up quite a remaining judgment, he failed to execute ruthlessly, storm," a drained, But the primary reason for game with the Senate Watergate relieved President Nixon told a caller withholding circumspect; his fear of personally as a chief executive sometimes must. committee comes into focus: On all three a few the transcripts until survival demanded hours after confronting John Mitchell, passing that The President's defense is that he delivering his television their release dawned on the caller after unpleasant job to John Ehrlichman with was networks he sought repeatedly to address about groping in the dark. In the weeks after releasing tape transcripts. reading the quarter • million words in the instructions to secretly bug the room. No implicate the President in the Watergate "There's some rough stuff in there." March 21, as the mystery slowly unfolded, sky - blue binder: Some of the stuff is wonder the President never wanted coverup by backdating some of what had And why hadn't he this to the released them damnably rough. see the light of day: Much of this transcripts show his agonized been said in the March 21 meeting. That months earlier? He had to wait until amazement. To his post - speech caller last he deliberately backdated, the The tape • and - tell memoirs illuminate probably to indictments were in, the President dark side of Richard Nixon: his need to week, the President stressed how much show that his hush a - money payments had explained, and then until the Stans hide the sleazy wiretaps and break - ins had been withheld from him by John always been approved, is apparent now. • The transcripts show the man in the Oval Just as the transcripts answer the Office to be guilty of conduct of a president. The unbecoming famous Senate committee question — language used in "What did he know and when did he know COMMENTARY private is "Since not March the 21 problem when I - in fact, had that it?" — in a way that shows the President to have been wrapped in an innocent conversation with Dean, I have broken my Dean on March 21: "What he didn't tell cocoon, they call attention to his ass to try to get the facts of this case," is the most me was more important than what he damaging acquies«ence in the payments to heartwarming observation in it Let everyone - did." Howard Hunt. That is "tough stuff," and edit but the President's reluctance to recognize Dean did not tell the President that he though the President equivocates toward reality is incredible, and the weakness had coached Jeb Magruder in the end in February in a way that makes it hard to displayed in not taking charge of events so John Mitchell's presence, or that he had prove him guilty of a crime, it is hard to as to build a firewall between the handled payoff money himself, or that he read that transcript without a sinking presidency and the scandal is inexcusable. had offered clemency to When Nixon Magruder and feeling. realized how abysmally James McCord or that he had taken the a sauce flavored with chili." Ehrlichman His friends always knew there was a By RUSSELL BAKER P. Oh, hello. Sit down, out of touch and how isolated an New York Times might conceivably believe Mitchell would (unintelligible). executive he had notebooks from Howard Hunt's safe and dark side to Nixon. Seeing it so vividly in E. That's right, been, he compounded his be (unintelligible) was just shredded that evidence. In "telling all," this excruciating exculpation, it is hard to Iter editing the Watergate tapes to its needlessly offended to learn that he a messenger. mistake by getting too much in touch. By Dean did not begin to sketch the outlines ■ satisfaction, the White House now was discussed at the White House H. No, he wasn't at the allowing loyalty to his old friends and keep in mind that there are other sides to as (unintelligible). of his own villainy. the man neither lthey prove that John Dean cannot be succulent cuisine and edit it out. P. Watergate? phony nor ignoble. ■red. The trouble with this is that Mitchell, in the same spirit, might find E. (Unintelligible) when he talked to m Dean had done the editing we it equally discreet to substitute "(unintelligible)" for those passages in P. I can't J probably have an edition proving (unintelligible) Mitchell and Kite House cannot be believed. which the President tells Haldeman and (unintelligible) told Bob, 'Look, we've got (is, of course, would also, be unfair. If Ehrlichman that Mitchell "hates" William P. Rogers, the former to (unintelligible).' H. |d evidence is going to be used to secretary of state. Every time we meet on this there a case, then all the parties who And what about Dean? There is that seems to be a brass band playing on the ■t be da aged - and not just the passage in which the President tells him to White House lawn. ^ House, not just Dean - should have compile a list of people they can "get," (Deletion of material not related to (editing rights. people who "have been asking for it" and presidential action.) ■itchell. Haldeman, Ehrlichman, who are now "going to get it," since the E. (Unintelligible). DOONESBURY ^n, Hunt, Magruder, Strachan — the President has finally decided to use his H. Colson thought (unintelligible) and by Garry Trudeau k bunch, all of whom are damaged in power against them. "What an exciting phoned (unintelligible) and said Jus ways by the White House edition, prospect!" is Dean's reply. Surely Dean would like to edit that (unintelligible). . 600PBVBNING. ■d be given a chance to go over the P. Incredible. (Expletive embarrassing piece deleted). , RECENTLY, THBR£$ IN CANDOR, I MUST » and edit them according to what of boyish sycophancy down to an H. (Unintelligible). BBBN A LOT OF IDU } A* REPORT THAT FIRST I believe Congress needs to know in "(unintelligible)." (White House steward enters) ' I CRITICISM 60!N6 " ' ■ fl QUARTER PROFITS FOR. | to have all the evidence. " Fair is fair. If the White House is to P. I will have some consomme, steward. J AROUND ABOUT OIL J MY OWN COMPANY MRE can only guess what various men have the right to edit, then so should E. Me too. INDUSTRY PROFITS PVR1N6 SLIGHTLY OVER ONB AND t. Would Ehrlichman, for everybody else. Otherwise, justice will not (Deletion of material not related to TUB LATE, 6REAT BNBRBY A HALF BILLION DOLLARS. ' I m pie, elect to write in be served. presidential action.) CRISIS. igible)" when transcribing the With just the White House edition, P. How's that? 1 which he calls John Mitchell which we now have, the public faces at H. What's wrong in the White House I big enchilada" who, if thrown to the least six months of almost continuous kitchen? This consomme is always Tes. might satisfy appetites for a large • reading. However, after each of the men (unintelligible). rictim and take the pressure off the This version edited by involved had edited the thing to his own everybody would make it much easier for the Je House? taste, it would probably shrink down to a Congress and k enchilada, according to the Random the courts to determine that document of no more than a few hundred nobody had ie dictionary, is "a tortilla rolled and done anything wrong. The present version words. edited by the White House offers such a highly seasoned mixture, It would probably read somewhat as absolution only to the President, quite kly containing meat and covered with follows: open thursday and friday until naturally. Veterans. Earn an of&eer's commission while you earnyotir degree. You only have to take the last two years of the ROTC program. You get an extra SKK) a month, up to 10 months a year, plus your VA education benefits. You have the option when you graduate—serve on active duty or go into a Reserve component. Enlisted sen/ice counts for pay. Graduating veterans average nearly $12,000 in their first year of commissioned service. ARMY ROTC. The more you look at it, the better it looks. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY SCIENCE (355 - 2386) s May 12 for Mother. . dreamwear by Vanity Fair soft and smooth nylon tricot gowns colored in sky pastels and trimmed with lace A. Satin-finished short gown of Antron III nylon with sheer ribbon-beaded white lace bib Pink or yellow, S and M sizes. $14 B Flowing long gown hugs the waist and skims the lace bodice with sheer tricot overlay Pink or blue in 34 to AO sizes. $20 C Short gown floats from satin trimmed white lace yoke to lace hem in yellow or pink S-M-l sizes $11 Jacobsoris 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday nur Pop culture festival comments on life By KATHYESSELMAN place in Milwaukee, Wis., May film and folklore mixed with Ludwig, associate professor of meeting of the Modem at the culture Justin Morrill, Lyman w..8B3 A PREMIERE) 1*0 NITES NOSTA|.e,|C State News Reviewer 2-4. Those who survived three fans of fantasy. Pop culturists came from as far away as English. "I found expectations high, much cooperation, little Language Assn. or one of the stodgier conventions you feel and x the drama department. Four chairpersons and 30 RETROSPECT What is These undergraduates members who presented papers popular culture? It is grueling days of eating, Canada and Hawaii. acrimony and a lot of older. I wouldn't miss this comics, detective fiction, pornography, pulp novels or drinking and listening came away with more knowledge of Etta Abrams, asst. professor American thought and appreciation of one another's work." convention for anything." Two undergraduates who decided needed the organization livening up and before were also from MSU Lansing. or East £ than Joe Waldmeir, professor of attended found the convention they were halfway back to East they thought existed language pointed out that the Westerns, anything which about the what and why of function of such a conference disappointing. One was Lansing they had invented a Among celebrities present English, described the reflects taste or forr.is part of popular culture. is to allow scholars to come convention as one of the most especially turned off by a couple of multi • media were Stan "the Man" Lee from the life experience of the sessions to brighten up the Marvel Comics; Nicholas Von World War I posters, gothic together and exchange ideas. stimulating conferences he has speaker who did not want to next meeting. That is what this Hoffman; people. Coke is. Michaelangelo novels, breasts, the occult, "It is a populist outpouring, even attended. give her a copy of a paper Virginia Carter, ain't. Marvel comic books, ethnic with people coming together as "Hie only problem is that because she was not a graduate organization is al about - to executive assistant to Norman The Fourth National student assistant stimulate people. Lear, and numerous superstars group $ science - fiction, experts in areas that most there's too much going on," he or an Convention of the of the academic world. humor, or heroes — each had people never thought there explained. "You feel young professor. Popular Culture Assn. took its proponents. Students of there, whereas at the national There were fewer graduate Of the 1,000 people who were experts in," said Jay and undergraduate students attended the conference, 30 to The conference was fun and than in former years because of 35 came from MSU, frantic, a good place to be for decreased departmental representing the ATL, French, those curious about the Musicians slat budgets. The blue jean crowd usually makes up a sizable Spanish, English, history, geography, American Studies, popular surrounds us. culture which Violinists Bruce Dike and Mary Dike will perform in a joint recital be pianists Rebecca Knapp and Bruce Williams. Pieces by at 8:15 tonight in the Music Building auditorium. Assisting on Valentini, Hure and R. Strauss will be performed. piano will be Anita De Rossi. They will play works by Beethoven, Chausson, de Beriot and Bach. Catherine Britton will play violin in a graduate recital at 8:15 p.m. Friday in the Music Building auditorium. Assisting will be peRfORrrmic, Apt* company pianist Lyle Juracek. They will perform works by Bach, Brahms, TENTH ANNIVERSARY 1973-74 Season Cellist Lorene Gottshall will appear in a senior recital at 8:15 Prokofieff and Mozart. p.m. Friday in the Music Building auditorium. Accompanying will Soprano Juanita Greene will appear in a graduate recital at 4 p.m. Sunday in the Music Building auditorium. She will be assisted by pianist Theron Waddle, trumpeter Alvin Lowrey and FAIRCHILD THEATRE 6ROUCHO MARX in» narrator Cynthia Smith. The program will include songs by 8:15 pm, MATINEE 2:00 pm MAY 11 BET YOUR LIFE (IK) Show will examine Handel, Haydn, Wolf, Charpentier, Nordoff, Lockwood and Gershwin. Features Groucho, Geo® J BOX OFFICE OPEN Fenamon, and the Mad Duck who pops in when black political group MONDAY-FRIDAY, 12-5 Secret Groucho's Word is said. tin insao* The formation of a black students' political alliance will be PHONE: 355-0148 contestants tonite include the San Francisco discussed on WMSN's "Black Insights" show at 7:30 tonight. zoo TTie program will include live interviews with members of the keeper who sleeps with thi Office of Black Affairs and other representatives of the new animals! alliance. "Black Insights" is produced by Project Grapevine in © rchc SUPERMAN (1955) Streak! Streak! St* conjunction with WMSN. It is hosted by Deborah Ray, Judith Reeves, Perry | Hand and W. Kim Heron, former Grapevine Journal editor. Previous shows have dealt with the revolution in Ethiopia, the Portuguese ■ Africa liberation movements, black studies in dance c Lois Lane. A sp< made for the student government and black women in the feminist movement. Dept. in wh tells Each show also includes other news and a community calendar. virtues younpJ^yth( govern bonds. A how' KARATE - icm SnN FBfitK.lSCO» RicrJ^ TOURNAMENT CHE most ^^Jrntly fradulent f .i the history ol politics. This one ^^^ing the house down! ELV» PRESLEY on ED SULLIVAN (1955) Italian Dinner with Wine Elvis was censored from tin. waist down! as he pounded roTwo fT out Don't Be Cruel and. Select a delicious dinner of uattimow Love Me Tender. An utteiiy' magical piece of purest Spaghetti and Meat nostalgia. Don't miss it. Balls, Lasagna, or Veal Parmesan including salad, THE LONE RANGER (IS) The very first episode era bread and a full carafe of wine. Offer good with made! We leam why the heroic Texas Ranger dons this ad on Wednesday and Thursday only his mask and how he meet Same dinner with Vi carafe of wine - S2.75 for 1 Beal Film Group his faithful Indian companion Tonto. A camp person. classic! presents AMOS 'H ANDY (19SZ) Perhaps your only chance to I see again a riotiously funny V episode from a legendary I THE MARX BROTHERS show. In this one, An<* 'nd| The the Kingfish thX monkey wrench jAIiI in a %7*L ,<^i United State' Varsity Inn factory that's 1227 E. Grand River manufacture 332-6517 wim* GREAT DOUBLE FEATURE SERGEANT ?£« Phil I erica' ■Jr as , iss Silvers ■ Aflr ma" ^I Free Delivery on Bilko A.-olonel Hall Pizzas and Subs thro'^^5^s Diner on his ■ Folk Entertainment «TAW0L wedding I Evenings Mon - Thurs 1o,r 1 Wa^Fies! FRIDmY and the night of the ■ SATUROAj I MAY 10 and 11 HANNAH MIDDLE I SCHOOL AUDITORIUM! a 19 Abbott Roid P MAY 17,18,19,24,25,Z6 8*I0PITI (at Burcham DrlM) COMPLETE SHOWS I | MAY 22 8 pm only: all shows $2.00 NIGHTLY AT 7:00 & 9:45 P.M. advance tickets at union & planetarium $175 *★★★★★★* |J^HRJ4FLRJHPLRj4i^4RjRJHAJ^4J^HPLJ^Hi^-LAi^HA| COMING THIS WEEKEND L wmMTCIlKSutansAMftIMMKPROTON DUCK SOUP GONE WITH PBterSntkn THE WIND" as MM 1 M°P' and HospiliKdminisMiO' ' MONKEY BUSINESS "Where Does It Hurt?" Two full length Marx Brothers CI ARK GABLE 5 SUVftiSkaQ VIVIEN LEIGH i IH l* [«'WUCOO« films oo one great program. BEHIND Showtimes PANAVISION TECHNICOLOR' m LESLIE HOWARD OLIVIA * B»\fcAPWAU J May 88,p.m. 9, & 10 / rfcnt a t.v. 1/1 $24.00 per term ^ Arena Theater WILLIAM PETER BLATTyS 7=00 Donation $1.00 ^ STARTS FRIDAY THE ;ree Service nd delivery :w month I 10 [nejac tv rentals! THE FUNNIEST LOVE STORY OF THE YEAR IS BACK BY REQUEST! EXORCIST ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Umws SURSEE2 Soundtrack by Sufi Choir .BEST ACTRESS - Glenda Jackson Floral Fri. & Sat. May 10-11. George of East Lansing 104 B WELLS HALL Glenda Show her you ADMISSION 7-10:00 A beautiful film with Baba Ram Segal Jackson S3.00/PE RSON Dass, S5.00/COUPLE Sufi Samuel Lewis, Swami S2.00/STUDENT ID PLUS Satchidananda, Lama Gouinda, and A Touch Of Class more. HOW THE WEST WAS FUN Filmed through India, Nepal, ' Israel, BOTH FEATURES RATED X ADULTS ONLY and the U.S. OPEN 12 AM TO 12 PM 3:20 - 5:20 - 7:25 - 9: SUNDAY THRU THURS "SUMMER WISHES' WINTER DREAMS" SPECIAL 12 PM SHOW MONDAYS ARE GUEST NIGHTS Color pg FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NOW SHOWING! starts THURSDAY The BUTTERFIELD DRIVE-IN THEATRES Open at 6:45 p.m. ORIGINAL Feature 7:10 -9:15 p.m. BILLY JACK STARUTE U S 27 WEST OF WAVERLY 11 LANSING S CEDAR ST NEAR JOLLY RD RETURNS in Phone 372-2434 JL Phone 882-2429 ALL WALT DISNEY THE MOVIE "BORN SHOW ... HAS ani LOSERS DEAN JONES IN LIMITS "THAT DARN EVIL! CAT" At 9:00 BUSBY BERKELEY EXTRAVAGANZA! only DOUBLE FEATURE \G& CHRCTNISME/G "I'm not going to FOOtV FRIDAY MAY 10 7 PM let the animals ADMISSION $1 108 B WELLS HALL of the world 1 take over..." SPONSORED BY PEOPLE FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING -Billy Jack PROCEEDS WILL BE USED FOR THE SUPPORT OF WKAR RADIO AND TELEVISION MISADVENTURES OF ;e°ple for MERIIN "SHE FREAK" TOM "BORN sup^broadcast'ng show°,^stmay atte*dafree «nterg CALL ? urdav evening in kellogg s ap ^NWE JONES It could have happened LAUGHLINBcLOSERS' 355 2300 for ELIZABETH JAMES JEREMY SLATE • WILLIAM WELLMAN, JR. • 186 JANE RUSSELL reservations. i'BTC.HWK USSS3 HOOKS tt«lM iMUUOYO ftOOlOA An AM18JCAN WTIRNATIONAL !»5j p*1uf« 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. May g LYNN KENNING New recruits upstage spring football No one ever gets too excited over to the completion of spring drills and Make no mistake about it, MSU talented quarterback from Dearborn State. So is Qaude Geiger, another all What accounts for it? spring football. there is always the chance that latched on to a load of coals among American from Charleston, W. Va. Divine Child, had narrowed his No doubt about • At MSU, the fans haven't been too someone may get hurt. the high school talent it sought. it, stolz anri u Geiger has incredible speed and is a choices to Notre Dame and Michigan excited over spring ball - or fall Thus, the Astroturf arrived at a High school all • Americans aren't tailback, going 6 - 2 and 180 pounds. State. The story goes that Forystek's crew did a tireless this year. job of J!,, football, for that matter - for five or convenient time. that easy to get, simply because the father won out, and Forystek chose to Duffy Daugherty J? They also tabbed an all - American said that was the six years now. Then coach Denny Stolz said competition is so vicious. Stolz' crew defensive end from Virginia, Larry join the Irish where he will be the coaching It is positively toughest ioh'' This spring is no exception. Monday that there would not even came up with five prep all Bethea, who is 6 • 6 and weighs 250 likely successor to Tom Clements. the MSU staff went at it gruelinp n"! The Green and White intrasquad be a final Saturday scrimmage of the .Americans. And they have some pounds and was being hawked by But here's the interesting thing. not tomorrow - like there!? game traditionally winds up spring same type he has been holding each credientials you will not believe. everyone. Paul Rudzinsky. a big Forystek was the plum as everyone football program there and fof * drills and assures the alumni that State Saturday since spring drills started. I had heard about Ted Bell, a fullback from Detroit Catholic Central agreed. Stolz and his staff decided really isn't will field a promising team in the fall. Instead, MSU will now finish spring tailback from Youngstown, Ohio, all and Bill Brown, a 6 • 5, 250 - pound they were going after three The other device they ^ This year, there is no Green and drills unceremoniously after last year. He gained over 4,000 yards offensive tackle from McKeesport, Pa. quarterbacks this year — Forystek, T Freshmen uWas l. have somp honest 2 White game. Thursday night's practice. No fanfare. in high school. also coming here. a chance to ni^'V are Frank Angelo from Hubbard, Ohio* MSU Ostensibly, the reason is that the No hoopla. Over 200 schools were after him. And there are more. Most of the 24 and Ed Smith from Pittsbugh, Pa. immediately. And that sense to a high school kid who do2 nil new Astroturf being installed in the There is something else, though, You just naturally assume that the others recruited by MSU are, Guess where Smith and Angelo are like the thought of stadium is a long way from which has upstaged this spring Ohio States, the Notre Dames, the according to some of the coaches, coming to school? having tositthl! completion. Deep down, the coaches football season. football • deep on a bench for even a year powers — anybody but better athletes, perhaps, than some of Last year the ranks were hopelessly were never very excited over the That is the recruiting job Stolz and Michigan State — would have the lock the ballyhooed all • Americans that depleted. So, you have to look at And, believe it or not, prospect of going through the Co. did this past year and it has plenty on him. Southern Cal even used O.J. have decided to come here. this * things like recruiting. And it appears ampus of campus of ours «>iic oia formality of the Green and White of Spartan follower's mouths Simpson to try and land him. MSU almost had the big name in they have done a remarkable job this than you would ours sells more'prosDertl game anyway. It really is not crucial watering. But Bell is coming to Michigan Michigan, too. Gary Forystek, the year of replenishing the stock here. impress athletes, too. believe. EsS ICs Active MSU wants to start Attention those of you who participate or are interested in the sport of hang down the hill and directly into the windto get the craft into the air. II gliding. Fred Kowitz is looking for you. Kowitz, 4634 S. Hagadom Road, is "The sport has a lot of Kowitz commented. "It challenge toifl looking for people interested in starting a if man contradicts il hang gliding club at MSU. were meant to fly, he'd hi wings' saying. Flying gives you a fee|,n,,| "I'd like to get together with some weightlessness." ■ people interested in helping get a loose - knit club organized," Kowitz, a senior from Southgate, said. "I'm the only one I know who is doing it here." A meeting has been set for 7 p.m. Karate Thursday in 205C Wells Hall for those interested in starting the club. The person operating a hang glider takes his "kite" to the top of a hill. From there hosts it requires five or six quick steps running Over 400 contestants from the Midveilfl and Canada will be on hand Saturday I when the MSU Karate Club hosts tlgl eighth annual MSU Open Kinkl Assistant coach Tournament. Eliminations in 22 divisions w at noon in the Sports Arena of the Men'il at Ohio college Intramural Building and the finals willbegbB at 7 p.m. Competition will be held for hi Wee, Juniors, Women. White. Greti.1 to join MSU staff Brown and Black belts. There will also htl team competition for Pee Wee's. WhitiM Ronald Chismar, an asst. football coach Green and Brown belts. I at Bowling Green State University since The finals will feature championships in 1970, will become an assistant on the each'fighting division and demonstration MSU grid staff. of Self defense, Kenda i His appointment was announced by breaking. Athletic Director Burt Smith subject to Admission is $1 for students and $2 («B the approval of the board of trustees. nonstudents for the entire day. I Chismar, 39, will work with the Spartan Of particular interest among thtl offensive line and brings a rich Ohio participants will be 220 • pound DetroitH football background with him to East black belt, Everett "Monster Man" EddyM Lansing. He is currently ranked third in the naticil At Bowling Green State, Chismar has been offensive coordinator and offensive and is a two - time MSU Open champioo.1 Just hanging around backfield coach for three years after Several other regionally ranked black will also be competing. beltiH ■ serving as head freshman coach in 1970. The MSU brown belt team of Toafl Fred Kowitz sits in the seat of his hang glider before he takes a few arranged for those interested in organizing the club at 7 f).m. From 1965 through 1969, he was head Tripplett, Lance Hazard and Joe Newna I quick steps and hopefully glides up into the air. Kowitz is trying to coach at McKinley High School in Canton, Thursday in 205C Wells Hall. Kowitz, a senior from Southgate, built should have a solid chance of winningM organize a hang gliding club at MSU because he says he is the only his own glider a year ago. Ohio, originally joining that staff as an Brown belt team championship and MSGl assistant in 1964. He was also an assistant Black Belt Ed Oliver should do well in dul one he knows who participates in the sport. A meeting has been at Canton South High School from 1961 Lightweight Black Belt division. I through 1963. The host MSU Karate Club is the Highlights of the McKinley High School oM| and largest university karate club in fel Club stint were his selection Ohio Co Coach Midwest. It was founded in 1962 til sports—still misunderstood as - of the Year and Stark County Coach of the Year in 1969. only eight members and has steadim grown to its present sizeof250studHtB Chismar is a 1961 graduate of Kent The club functions under the auspices® State University with a B.S. degree in By STAN STEIN and they put a note in the 'It's Whats Most of the teaching is done by club University and it was combined with other education. He earned an M.S. degree the intramural department and all students. isopenttj JO GALLI Happening' column, announcing that there members who are advanced in knowledge The recent controversy over the use of weightlifting equipment. Members of the in health and physical education at MSU fighters have compiled « will be a meeting for all interested or skill in their particular sport. These club now supervise their area full time and already crowded tennis courts by the new University of Akron in 1969. impressive tournament record over ta people," he continued. instructors are not paid, but stress hav-> found a unique niche in their small Chismar is married, and he and his wife, MSU Tennis Club has brought to light the "If there is enough support to warrant '.past few years by winning state titles ill teaching beginners and those less skilled as bui Susy room. Joanne, have two sons and one daughter. fact that there is a need to explain exactly every belt division. forming a club, the students involved elect a primary objective. Many clubs, such as Crew, Soaring and what club sports are and why they exist. officers and draw up a constitution. We Some of the clubs work extra hours in Sailing Clubs, use facilities which are Club sports are one of three intramural then advise them to register their club exchange for privileges. several miles from campus and don't hinder sports facets — the others being formal with Eldon Nonnamaker at the Office of The MSU Tennis Club is allocated the the use of Intramural Building facilities at and informal participation - that are Student Affairs," concluded Beeman. use of seven courts, five days a week, all. under the guidance of Russell Rivet, There is no direct flow of funds from between the time the varsity team leaves Apparently, the unifying element in associate director of men's intramural the Intramural Sports Department to the and the lights are turned out. Hours also dub sports is in the group itself. sports. There are over 40 clubs which clubs, though unusual sports such "There seems to be more longevity as include courts on Saturdays from 9-11 in encompass approximately 5,000 students lacrosse (now a varsity sport) and cricket and faculty, staff and p.m. and Sundays from 9 a.m. until noon. sports if there is a club association," said even a few were allocated minor funding for the "The hours given to the Tennis Club are community members. Harding. initial purchase of equipment. not "There is a sense of community which The objective of club sports, as permanent," said Beeman. "We are The main financial support comes from otherwise wouldn't exist. I believe that just trying to see if it warrants the court explained by Rivet, is to give both men membership fees, which range from $3 to and women students a chance to expand space we have allocated. We are trying to this, combined with teaching, serves as $15 per term. This money is spent on best use the facilities we have." ample justification for the space they upon an interest or skill in sports not equipment, upkeep and travel expenses for The Weightlifting Qub has its own use," she added. included in the varsity intercollegiate these clubs which meet outside room in the Men's Intramural This allocation of space is not set on a program or the regular intramural Building competition. and, according to officials, this is permanent basis. program. The recent outbreak of controversy "We are continually "We don't legitimate. They contend that much of the shifting our encourage clubs, they involving club sports came from non - policies," stated Beeman. "We even equipment now in use came from an happen," said Rivet. "They are basic grass members who felt the priorities given roots organizations which come together informal club which used to work out in modify our schedule weekly to try and some of the clubs are unfair to the general Jenison Fieldhouse, before eliminate any discrepancy between use of due to student interest." the Men's student who either cannot afford to join Intramural Building was built. space by club sports and by the general Rivet stressed that almost 50 per cent the club or wishes to participate only on They donated the equipment to the student." of the total club membership is women, an informal basis. and also that the clubs are almost entirely The MSU Tennis Club, for example, has self - supporting with membership certain priorities which include of State sports use completely open to everyone. Most members are students, who are given first priority, and the rest are mainly people both indoor and outdoor tennis courts during specifically defined time periods. The Paddleball, Badminton, Judo and hall of tame from the faculty and staff who are full members, though they have no voting Karate Clubs also use Intramural Building facilities, as do the Rugby, Squash, set to induct coach Bibbs privileges in election of officers. Volleyball and Weightlifting clubs. MSU asst. track coach Jim Bibbs will be Illinois Intercollegiate Athletic Conference According to Rivet, club sports "Our business is to cut the IM pie into inducted today into the Michigan Amateur (IIAC) 100 and 220 - yard champion in preceded varsity sports. Though not so many pieces, and we decide how to cut Sports Hall of Fame in each of the seasons he competed. He led a ceremony in formally organized until the 1940s, it based on the best interest of the Warren. the Hurons to three consecutive IIAC fraternities played football at the club students," said Carol Harding, associate Bibbs was one of 19 persons chosen this team titles during his collegiate career. level at the turn of the century before it intramural sports director. year by a 17 ■ member panel which scans became a varsity sport. After the varsity "CJubs are allocated space because they 43 amateur sports in the state to select After getting a B.A. from EMU, Bibbs program became established, the teach more variety of skills than the athletes and administrators for went on to earn a master's degree from Tom iGudelsky practices the form he and other members of ^ I MSU men's tennis team used as intramural program evolved. Health, Physical Education, and distinguished service. Wayne State. He then became a physical they defeated Big Ten rival Puru • I Intramural sports officials say that 0, in a conference dual meet Monday. The match, played in Jen'5* 1 - Recreation (HPR) Dept. offers," said A member of MSU's coaching staff education teacher in the Detroit school forming a club is not all that difficult. -Beeman. Fieldhouse, saw the Spartans take all six singles and all "First of all, students develop an He exemplified this by since 1968, Bibbs assists head coach Fran Dittrich, working mainly with sprinters system. In 1964 he became track coach at Ecorse High School before coming to thre®d°u 11 mentioning that matches. Gudelsky won his No. 6 interest in a certain activity and decide the Sport Parachuting Club, Rugby and hurdlers. MSU. singles match, 6 - 0, I they might have enough interest from the Football Club and the Sailing Club, as well His track career began at Ecorse High Two former MSU stars are also Outstanding play was shown by No. 2 singles player, Joe Fode, I student body to form a among took his Boilermaker club," said intramural sports Director Frank Beeman. as many others, teach sports not available School where he was an outstanding the Hall of Fame inductees. They are opponent, 6 - 1, 6 - 1, in straight sets. I "lhey come to Russ (Rivet) or myself. through University courses. "Qub sports are important because one sprinter and long jumper. Bibbs earned Olympic figure skater Virginia Baxter McKendrick and two Zabor, No. 5 singles, also put away his Purdue opponent in stye 6 2 and 6 0 wins. The I Eastern three letters at Michigan time Olympic victory over Purdue boosted MSU s '9 I - - - We hear them out and usually suggest that of their purposes is to teach." said Beeman. University from 1949 1951 and was the hockey forward Weldon Olson. record to 3 4. • - state News photo by Bob w | I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 8, 1974 9 ill to register .it's what's happening. Free 'U': Edible-Wild Plants An open staff meeting will be ehicles passed continues to grow and nourish During the month of May, the held at 8:15 tonight at the Fantasies and dreams. Come and PIRGIM-MSU board of The Michigan Democratic Junior under the gentle green thumb of Waste Control directors will meet at 7 tonight in Every woman's Center, 1118 S. Authority and the talk with a couple of Jungian Black Caucus will hold an issues Peter Carrington. New folk Harrison Road. School of Packaging are 329 Student conducting analysts about Jung's book, Services Bldg. and answers forum with the welcome. 6:30 p.m. Thursday in a plastic bottle Discussion spring elections. 201 recycling drive. Any ''Memories, Dreams and Bes.scy Hall. Photography - A general meeting of the MSU type of plastic bottle will be Reflections" and bring your own UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL basics of picture taking and The first meeting of the Women Scuba Club will be held at 7 p.m. accepted. Just rinse them out, dreams, 7:30 tonight in 8 Morrill printmaking at 3 p.m. Thursday in Divorce Group is at 7:30 L. Michigan House moved Monday to register the state's 10S Berkev Hall. Yoga - massage Wednesday in 208 Men's Intramural remove the caps and crush them. Drop them off at any of our Hall. tonight at the Women's Center. We will deal Bldg. All members and scuba divers Poetry Readings! Every J 000 off • road recreation vehicles(ORVs)and regulate their continues at 8:30 p.m. 301 Agriculature Hall. A Thursday in should attend. recycling stations on the campus, in with all aspects of what divorce Thursday in the poetry room, 212 Kn state lands. exercise spiritual East Lansing at Frandor or at the The Council on Adoptable Morrill Hall. May 9 - John Hohlt a 76 23 vote, the House passed legislation which would including chant and The Women's Resource'Center is former Yankee plaza. For more and Ronald Lampi; May 16 - Tom ■ relaxing techniques. A Children invites all interested new yoga • Sponsoring a brown bag lunch for info, call the Waste Thompson and Fred Svoboda; May ,e OKVs, including dune buggies, motorcycles, amphibious Control persons to a meeting at 8 p.m. massage - chant class starts at 7 women 25 and Authority. , 23 Deb Casey and John O'Brien: who are ties and all • terrain vehicles, to be registered at a cost of $9 up - tonight in 301 Agriculture Hall. Thursday at Eastminster returning to school after several Presbyterian Church, 1315 Abbott Anyone interested in helping May 30 - open reading. ■ three years. Snowmobiles and vehicles not operated off Alternative Resource Center: Tai years of full • time employment, Investigate alternatives to Road. Jane Shapley, president of organize a hang gliding club: meet homemaking or motherhood. Come traditional ■ways, roads and streets would be exempt. Chi is still open. This is the fourth classroom learning! the local chapter, will present a at 7 p.m. Thursday in 205C Wells Scuba Club members: Meeting at 1L legislation, sponsored by Rep. Loren D. Anderson, R - class. Practice and catch - up session and join us for discussion and sharing resources in 6 Student Center for Alternatives Higher Education offers short '- In/To slide talk. For further information, Hall. Information on materials and 8 tonight in 208 Men's Intramural call Joyce Laing. construction plus flights and group Bldg. Will talk about spring and ■tiac is aimed at controlling ORV use on state land. Monies at 4 p.m. today. Regular class from Services Bldg. Brown bag lunch term learning experiences and outings. summer dives. All divers welcome. lived through registration would be used for the development 5 to 6 p.m. outdoors between Music Building and Beaumont program is held every Wednesday at service opportunities with 1,400 different organizations around the The Council for Exceptional ■rails and areas for the use of ORVs, particularly in the vicinity Tower. Bicycle workshop at 7:30 world. Possibilities range from Children presents "Exceptional MSU Immunization Clinic will MSU Packaging Society will meet meet from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ■urban areas, for required policing and equipment and for a tonight at Velocipede. All are welcome to a discussion wrokshops to wilderness survival Children's Night" at 7 tonight in Saturday at the Church of God in at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in 106 fttv education program. Repair/maintenance and touring. New folks welcome. Zazen, *en on the origin of the political state, schools to credit - granting Erickson Hall kiva. The program will consist of Frank Bruno, Christ, corner of Logan and St. international Center. Presentation of awards and nominations for next Currently, there are no ORV registration requirements and meditation technique applied. private property and the family, at internships. The center is open keynote speaker, a movie on Joseph Streets. Following free year's officers will be conducted. L have been reports of ORVs trespassing on state land Bring the Socialist Labor Party Club from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays and handicapped children and booths immunizations will be given: polio, Guest speaker will be H. Knopf meeting at 8:30 tonight in 37 Fridays and from t to 4:30 p.m. Cved for other purposes and damaging the environment, Tuesdays through Thursdays. Find on every special education tetanus, measles, rubella and TB skin tests. from Sherwin - Williams Co. iupported by the Dept. of Natural Resources and several C/AHED at 1118 S. Harrison Road. department at MSU. Everyone is pressure Screening for high blood is also available for adults. More IWH on page 14 ■ironmental groups, the bill should help to minimize conflicts Iween ORV users and other sportsmen. •Some of the people, they want to throw them all out," said derson. "Hut that's not going to take care of the trespassing Jblem. If y°u register them, give them a place to play with |r toys and charge a fee for use, then you can get a handle on x tiling and control it." Knderson compared the ORV registration fee to the camping I park fees paid by other motorists and campers. ■f passed by the Senate, persons under 12 would not be ONE DOZEN OF Tnitted to operate ORVs and those under 16 would be mitted to drive the vehicles only under adult supervision, lose operating ORVs on private land would not be subject to te registration. Governing fATA ...e juests for the subsidy Capitol Area Transportation Authority's (CATA) subsidy coming fiscal year and current deficits were EITRA-LARGE EGGS.. WITH A <10.00 OR MORE OWER EXCLUDING BEER, WINE OR proved by Lansing City Council and Delta Township trustees CIGARETTES. THIS IS A REGULAR lnday. Jmis brings the total of local governments agreeing to support A bus system to three out of the six asked to pay their share of 59' VALUE/ ■2,000 expected losses in 1974-75 and $131,000 costs until pi- East Lansing has been asked for just over $90,000, which You're going to Hk tberhar^ lor Wilbur Brookover said Tuesday he expects the city will try bough the initial city budget proposed by City Manager John ■riarehe only alloted $36,000 for a CATA subsidy, Brookover ISSSS 1 more taxes could always be levied. Xansing approved its payment of over $474,000 by a 7 • 1 Encil vote. Councilman Terry McKane said the city should not 'warehouse * Mae.MMOflrcs I mi-SKteatn i IN-STORE COUPOH 88IBS?/ PEPSI-COLA am |e to pay any more until June of next year. ie East Lansing C5ty Council has scheduled its final budget is for May 14. ■ i ... /iW % 8 79$ PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY KAY 11 KARATE Tonight Jack Hamilton TOOD STAMP SHOPPiRS ALWAYS W£ICQM£/ 'ffifipr , -v. i , TOURNAMENT AT, MEN'S I.M •OidtY/orlXS AUt %fh*r ...w.e.m. quality beelf DAILY HAPPY HOURS Monday ■ Saturday all drinks 1/2 price VARSITY IfiOUNDSTEAK p1.18 INN Iflfff ... on 3-p0un0 package or more 1 e-BURGER*?sr m 2 -5 p.m. The Varsity Inn 1227 E. Grand River ^hepards wtffv ... on thin-bone. fresw sliced I iPORKSllcAIC^ 78 P A|/ Lean 4 meet us under the parachutes for fresh, plump, meaty (RIPE-SOLED SLIP-ONS for SUPER COMFORT! StorkEVIDRUMS 1 29* Yftffi hvgrade vauev brook Skm/Sofie/ess i Smoked HAMS- 1[79$ ...on big e* white countrv wew 01' fasuiomct i « 3;1.5SBr*49« Ihese slip on shoes tome in Red, Navy and h|te all glove leather ijPPers, with a crepe and rope sole. #'zes5'/, 10 T'idths N and M ■24 wi wwt PIiin COUPON ON TOMS NSW CftOp 014 'C AMC-OOM i VCU0W ONIONS 1 SAVE , PAfj SUTTER feDY* 3*,39* [2a l- p€A ooorc* rsx family *> rtmu sat ti tjowntown S' Washington EAST LANSING Ave. 317 E. Grand River Ave. ask us about FREE Parking! J Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Students to fast to help Africans! By PAULA HOLMES the names of all the students starvation and over one - third Julie Halla, 234 Phillips Hall, participating in the fast to the of all livestock in the area died. freshman said. Peace and Conflict R«n|1I(1 I Higher Education.Ministerial State News Staff Writer at the United University officials on Monday "We were pretty successful "I didn't sign up for the fast Over 250 Phillips Hall in order to be reimbursed. at Phillips," said Pat Murray, because he 011 residents a (Gebregziabhier) astudent joined forces with coordinating The fast is part of a series of fund raising projects which committee member. "We over 30 per cent of the dorm got didn't seem sincere in his presentation," said Cindy problem said Warren for''LrViieTS I committee in kicking off a included the benefit of to sign up." Wagner, 205 Phillips Hall, I)ay of the 51 drive, Monday night, to aid showing of a movie and a A similar drive was run two sophomore. "1 guess it wasn't a about it then Once people "J | they Wj|| j* I starving West African nations. famine workshop. years ago to aid the people of cause I believed in." The students agreed to Over the last six years a Bangladesh. Over $5,000 was Murray said that the concerned." Coni(| participate in a fast May 23. severe drought has affected an collected. committee will not be going to Contribution sent can to the African also p JI TTiey will skip their dinner and area of Africa about the size of The money collected for the all of the residence halls but Relief fund, account the University will reimburse tho United States, causing a African Famine Relief fund will try to get a large numSl the African Famine Relief widespread famine on the west will be used for food and percentage of people in each ■03040 2 at the - State Bank. East HI Una°! | Fund for the cost of the side of the continent. hall they visit to participate in transportation costs by relief foodstuffs of each meal. In the countries of the fast. Ethiopia, agencies such as the United "MSU's administration will Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Nations and church "We hope that interested Two reimburse us for each missed meal if we get 30 per cent of Upper Volta, Niger and Chad total organizations. people in each hall continue to sign up others after will showings with a population of 50 Phillips Hall residents had of 'Black the students in any residence hall to participate in the fast," million people, one million varying opinions about the fast the committee has left," she Mass' have died of starvation and but most were in favor of it. said. "A Betru Black Man- Gebregziabhier, a disease' in the last six and 30 "I signed up because I felt If students are interested in Playwright An,een Barak, member of the committee, million have been severely that the media hasn't covered participating in the fast but be 5I said. afflicted. In 1973 alone the situation very well and I have not been able to presented at 8 and 1(51 Hie committee must present 100,000 people died of could do my part by fasting," they can sign call the Center for up ton.ght in the Cheeba planetarium^I Productions. SN photo/Mark Widelman Mark Miner aids Heidi Bleicher in signing up for the campuswide fast to aid starving Africans. The students will skip dinner and the Fund for the cost of the meals. University will reimburse the African Famine Relief K MART STEREO PASSPORT HEADPHONES H ARGENT PHOTOS Reg. 33.88 88 "-PURLEE 'Regular $5 BO for 2 photos 19 5 Days Individual volume controls for left and right channels. 10 to 24,000 Hz distortion - free frequency response. High velocity mylar diaphrams for wide range response. Charge it! PORTABLE INSTANT- ADMIRAL® PLAYTV PORTABLE Reg. 76.88 - 5 Days ON STAND Reg. 149.88 - 5 Days §8 Easy-to-carry, black- and-white set gives Rolls from room to sound and picture in room. Black /white seconds. With ear¬ set has "instant play phone. Charge it! . 70-position UHF tuner, slide controls. FAF SLIDE PROJECTOR Reg. 84.88 • 5 Days GAF remote control slide projector uses 100 - slide rotary tray. Pop - up editor. FINE QUALITY 126/20 COLOR EVERFLASH°20 CAMERA Reg. 37.83 PRINT FILM 5 Days Never buy flashbulbs again! Camera has new electronic flash unit built in. Conven¬ 99 ient eleCtriceye assures great pictures. Strap. Big savings on color film for vacation and summer days ahead. Tfyyt ¥oz. tc&. H FOCAL Suft/Uie. * 135mm LENS Reg. 32.88 - 5 Days * eh, e/iiSet, ZOOM MOVIE CAMERA .eech," said Stackable. he bill is sponsored by [ Lucille McCollough, D • pborn. iit Stackable committee Id testimony Monday from I. Perry Bullard, D - Ann r, who spoke strongly inst any kind of ■mictions on the showing of Biographic films, lullard recently held a Biographic movie fundraiser ■he University of Michigan ■pus. ■estifying against the ■tdoor showing of ■nographic films were esman for STOP, Society BANQUET FROZEN Opposes Pornography, I Wyoming Mayor Thomas ■ardlev. TRCO DELICIOUS RED KARATE [OURNAMENT POT PIES AT.MEN'S I.M. BEEF, CHICKEN SAUCE APPIES OR TURKEY 8 oz. wt. pie 1 oz wt con bag ^^9 T 1 HYGRADE WEST VIRGINIA [ Barnes of East Floral Lansing Show her you ■ ■ i DELUXE SEMI-BONELESS FULLY-COOKED WM01E HAMS 89< j MELT-IN-YOUR-MOUTH- SWEET CORN 9< i GOODNESS p 215 Ann St. ! FLORIDA I 332 0871 per ear PSYCHOLOGY Soeking an MA Degree? We cin help you! ALSO 1 CNEER KING 25< °"label 5lb 4oz*box S|08 COLLEGE | JOHN'S FROZEN ADMISSION KOIUl I' VETERINARIAN cott TRANSFERS I DROPOUTS Ctll/mrHt: Dr Pag* (212) 275-2900 SAUSAGE OR PEPPEflONI PIZZA 5S< FOOD CLUB CHEESE tolege Admissions 19 C Center ot N V 0INNER W«l. loiisl Hills, NY 11371 MACARONI AND Union ActivitieiBoard Plights office — Low-cost Flights from I sAvt"ff"s 51 with this coupon 35° save 35c with this coupon 35' 1? * SAVE 1? Si? I a ^ I ^ A with this coupon I _ A and S5 00 Purchase /> A I and $5.00 purchase toward rht purthai* of: | CO* - ■fifi C0 V foodclub OH* DUNCAN HINES 0 N" CO* GENERAL MILLS CEREAL "h || I <-OW COnAGECHEESE 43c ! CAKE MIXES CHEERIOS OR WHEATIES "j | COST 3/$1.00 ^ EUROPE Larqe or Small Curd Lage I 11 varieties T | Eights from 116oz. wt. pkg. with | 13% to 18tt oz, wt. box W,TH I 15 to 18 oz. wt. box OFF "II WITH 1 | | Good thru Sat., May 11,1974 COUPON f Good thru Sat., May 11,1974 COUPON | Good thru Sat. May 11.1974 $24900 COUPON | F|ight lists available now wi,h GO Meijcr THRIFTY ACRES [IpMeijer THRIFTY ACRES Meijer THRIFTY ACRES application ,0rm« destination,: London, Madrid, MEIJER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ACCORDING TO SPECIFIED LIMITS. NO SALES TO Frankfurt, Bet DEALERS, INSTITUTIONS, OR DISTRIBUTORS. Gr#do, Budapest, 'llA8r;Amt,erdam UAB OFFICE 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA gjow union .ZT777 1 5M-F SHOP MON. THRU SAT. 8 a.m. to 10:30 .f.M. -SUN, 9 a.m. to 7 p 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 8„ Advertising today will bring results tomorrow in ClassifiedCallAds!! NOW 355-82551 Automotive ^ FRANKLY SPEAKING... .by phil frank j Apartments ^ FIAT 1971 850 - 35mpg. New TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1964. WAITRESSES: NOONS, 10:46am - SERVICE STATION help wonted. GIRL summer ■ arrival, 2:30pm. Monday - Saturday. Part tima. CAMPUS MOBIL $75 . ■ car must Call Rebuilt go. engine, good body, Coder Village cam!*" 655-3177, or TV-21247. 5-5-10 radials. $385. 393-2250 after 5 p.m. 3-5-10 Neat experienced. JIM'S TIFFANY PLACE. 3724300. • SERVICE, 1198 South Harrison, East Lansing. 1-5-8 383-2171. 5T-9 PUV \| FORD 1969. Custom 4-door, good 3-5-9 large 2 bedroom. Carrol PHONE 35S 8255 condition. $550. 351-5313. 5-5-13 TRIUMPH convertible SPITFIRE AM/FM 1971 stereo. DELL'S GRAND OPENING - [ SrlT]® 1 blocl<. 1VS bath summer. 332-1946. 4-5., luil 347 Student Service! Btdy. $1,500. 882-5592. 7-5-15 Waitresses, waiters, attractive FORD TORINO 1968 - 4 door, and personable, minimum $2.00 freshman! automatic, runs fine, some rust. VEGA GT 1972. Excellent TV AND STEREO rentals. / hour. BARTENDERS, •AUTOMOTIVE $400. 655-3496 after 6pm. 3-5-8 condition. New engine. 25 mpg. experienced and personable, $24/torm. $9.96/month. Free : i WOMEN!! I Scooters & Cycles 351-1877. 3-5-9 minimum $2.50. 339-2916, or same day delivery and service. HORNET, 1973. Automatic, six Coll NEJAC, 337-1300. C-5-31 Parts & Service 487-3744. 2-5-8 cylinder, radio, 23,000 miles. VEGA 1972 wagon. Excellent Aviation Phone 482-4090. 5-5-9 condition. $1650. 655-2900, or MOBILE HOME - 1972. 2 • You can live off || do GO DANCERS. Full or part ♦EMPLOYMENT 332-1391. 3-5-10 bedrooms. East Lansing. $135. •FOR RENT JAGUAR XKE 1965. Chrome wire wheels. $1795. Phone 371-3582. VEGA GT, 1973 - AM/FM stereo, 4 time. No experience necessary. Call 10am - 6pm. 372-7086. Doug, 337-1641.3-5-10 0campus nextyeof'l NO Apartments 5-5-13 • PROBLEMS!!! Houses Rooms 5-5-13 MERCEDES-BENZ 1968, 250-S. speed, excellent condition. Ask for Dave. 8am - 5pm 489-3303, evenings - 482-2768. 5-5-8 PART TIMEI J® J CAMPUS VIEW ACTS 1 Put your spare time hours to work HAS 4, 5, and 6 •FOR SALE Excellent condition, asking $3400. Call 332-0547. 5-5-8 VEGA HATCHBACK 1973 bronze at Brittannica III. Develop skill and EAST HAZEL - Pennsylvania. Ono bedroom, furnished, all utilities • WOMANll Animals with white interior. $2,000. earn money. Mr. Murphy, paid, fireplace, lease, deposit. •APARTMENTS FORNeJ 882-5592. 7-5-15 351-1560. 5-5-13 MERCURY MONTEREY, 1966 Mobile Homes •LOST & FOUND 4 door, good transportation. $175. Call 484-8789. 5-5-10 - VOLKSWAGEN WAGON, 1967 - UHH- NO THANKS MCWA COUNSELORS: CAMP Waziyatah $140. 485-2377, between 3-7pm. 5-5-8 • YEAR'S sophomores! fair body, runs well. $425. for Girls, Harrison, Maine. •PERSONAL HAVEN'T yOU HEARD ABOUT J Call 332-6246 j MGB '70. Excellent throughout 32 349-2209. 3-5-10 Remaining openings: Tennis, SUMMER RENTALS •PEANUTS PERSONAL mpg. $2200. 373-7247 days. THE PRUNB BOYCOTT ? " Gymnastics. Season June 26 to (PILLED FOR PALL) •REAL ESTATE 3-5-10 VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Radio, gas August 22. Write: (include skill • University j. •RECREATION heater, good tires, excellent running condition. $300. FCOLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411 • BERKELEY. CA 94709 details) Director, Box 153, Great Neck, Newy York 11022 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS 2 PEOPLE ^Approved Hous J •SERVICE MG MIDGET 1972, mint condition, very low mileage, 393-0554, after 5. 3-5-9 - Telephone: 516-482-4323. $150 MONTH *•••••••00001,i'l Instruction stereo FM, tapedeck, extras. VOLKSWAGEN, 1969 i Motorcycles jW Auto Service ]/ 1-5-8 3-4 PEOPLE 1 MALE month. to. Share 2 Years lease, man S9!.SoJ| negoti« Typing Service 349-2375. 3-5-10 tape, tan color. $900. Call WORK STUDY students: part - $180 MONTH 351-2681 evenings. 7-5-15 •TRANSPORTATION 351-7881 after 7 pm or before 9 time now, full time summer at CYCLE INSURANCE - lowest FIND THESE Quality i •WANTED MUSTANG 1967 - V-8, steering, automatic, best offer! power am. 5-5-13 i any sized cycle. Easy CHEQUERED FLAG: Koni, $2.50 / hour for typing, clerical CEDAR GRADS - MALE share close, quiet, laundry. miwM vartml at Lansing, office of PIRGIM, Call 482-6509. 5-5-13 plan. Call UNION Bilstein. Stebro, Abarth, Ansa VILLAGE VOLKSWAGEN 1970 "RATES" - automatic, excellent mechanical condition. UNDERWRITERS, 372-8120 or and Castrol. 2605 East flexible hours. Call Misty, after 6pm or weekends. UiJ 485-4317. 20-5-16 Kalamazoo Street. One mile 487-6001 between noon and NOVA RALLY 1972 - Yellow 393-6506. Evenings and 315 BOQUE ST. 351-51(0 ACROSS FROM Campui' 10 word minimum west of 4:30 pm. 5-5-14 with black interior. 25,000 weekends. 5-5-13 campus, 487-5055. Cedar Street, 135 Kediit Dn.1 SUZUKI: 1972, 250cc dirt; street C-8-5-10 miles. Florida car. Very little MILFORD STREET - 126. Two 2-man, one bedroom fu use. 350, 3-speed. $1900 or best legal. Stock, 2500 miles. Solid VOLKSWAGEN SUPER Beetle man $185, three man $67 each apartments, $170 a... offer. 351-2597. 5-5-8 1971. Good condition $1,600. bike, great shape, Ed, after 6 P.m. 332-6359. 6-5-8 Employment yj MANPOWER man. Two blocks from campus, Available June and Call 351-8862 before 2pm. Call deluxe, furnished, air 129 Burcham, Summer Img 1 3 5 10 NOVA metallic 1972, Rally. 3-speed, bronze, vinyl roof, 372-7681 after 4pm. 5-5-13 372-0880 conditioned. Immediato Call 487 3216. Evenings5-ldJ 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 COCKTAIL WAITRESS occupancy or fall and summer 882-2316 or 8-3pm, 351-2« power steering, 307, 30,000 VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Radio, new Experienced preferred. Apply in rentals. 351-2647. 484-8494, 0-5-31 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 Need money and a job? miles. 485-5243, after 5 p.m. starter, four new tires, recent 0-5-31 Ramada Inn, 1-96 and Auto Sen/ice person. . 15 18 2.25 2.70 6.00 7.20 9.70 11.70 19.50 5-5-8 overhaul. 21,000 miles oq / Pennsylvania. 5-5-10 We'll give you all the help MALE TO sublet '/> of 2bedioeg 23.40 rebuilt engine. Runs well! $350. TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile bath, air conditioned, JL NOVA 1972 6 cylinder, stick. Best you need. 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 332-0342. 3-5-9 homes. $25 - $35 / week. Ten 351-8514 after 6pm. 4-5-10 offer. Call after 4pm. 355-9771. BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced WAITRESSES WANTED part time J 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 or full time. Must have neat minutes to campus. Quiet and 4-5-10 VW 1970 Squareback rates to student*. Also Work for us in your spare Leaving the appearance. For nights peaceful on a lake. 641-6601. D EADL INE country, must sell for less. guaranteed rust proofing. VAN time, 1 day, 1 week, 1 0-5-31 HASSLED BY OLDSMOBILE 1971 Delta 88. DRUAR'S, 415 East Saginaw, 1 P.M. one class 44,000 miles. Call 355-9896. WORLD, 645-2123. OR-5-31 month—take your pick. day Automatic, power steering, Lansing. 489-2086. 5-5-10 GIRL FOR two person. Large, air before publication. brakes, factory air. Green with 3-5-8 VW - GUARANTEED REPAIR. Add variety to your list this summer. Male and conditioning, UTILITY BILLS? I PATIENT DRIVING coach needed summer. Cheap. matching vinyl top, 4-door. RANDY'S MOBIL, Okemos Peanuts Personal ads Weekdays after 6 p.m. Motorcycles <*£ Road and 1-96 349-9620. immediately. Pay negotiable, female applicants needed. Enjoy the good lift in tt» I 882-7949. 5-5-10 C-5-31 hours flexible. 489-4145. 5-5-14 Office and industrial areas. ONE MAN needed for four man, must be pre paid. coming year, while m Experience not always fall, Cedar Village. 355-5303. care of your heat, light, mil I OPEL RALLEYE 1969. Good HONDAS 1970 CB450 - $725. BABYSITTER FROM 2:30 pm necessary. Apply in SP-5-5-10 air conditioning billsl Cancellations/ Corrections condition, radials, AM/FM radio, 1966 Superhawk 305 custom, until 11:45 pm. Tuesday, 25 mpg, $650. 332-6695. 3-5-8 person, 105 East 12 noon one class day unfinished - $275. 351-7857, Wednesday, Thursday for well - Washtenaw. 1 SUMMER OR fall winter - - spring. BURCHAM WOODS I after 5p.m. SP-5-5-14 behaved child. Call 351-2359, before publications. Furnished for 4 students. PINTO 1971 AM/FM stereo new before 2:30 pm. Price Private, parking, close. Good Year poly glass tires. HONDA 1973 XL 250. Runs negotiable. 3-5-10 DANCERS - FULL or part time. The State News will be - 351-9561. 10-5-13'' Folding rear seat Best offer. perfectly; greet' byy, t$600. No experience necessary. Call responsible only for the 393-1664. 2-5-9 332-0441, Patty. 3-5-101 ^GBfA^ LAKES summer filing J? camj# heeds experienced 10am - 6pm. 372-7086, 4-5-10 711 EAST APARTMENTS FALL LEASES first day's incorrect Burcham Road. 'Large l PLYMOUTH FURY 1968. Moving - MOTORCYCLE TUNE UP 20% instructors and crew. Send bedroom furnished apartment. (Utilities Included) - LPN, FULL time opening on the insertion. must sell. Runs well! $475. Call below dealer price, pick - up ROGER & PAULS resume and phone number to 3-11:30 shift. Liberal Suitable for 2 or 3 persons. Efficiency $tS4 mo. 8-5, 353-9242, Marilyn. 3-5-10 fringe 1 Bedroom it 14 mo. ue 7 days from available. 484-3500. 5-5-9 Sailmaster, 1857 Dennison, East Carpeting, air conditioning, MARATHON benefits, evening and night heat 2 Bedroom H34 mo Lansing, Michigan. 3-5-10 included. Renting for PLYMOUTH SPORT Fury. 1965, 2 differential, no shift rotation, summer and fall. HONDA 1969 305cc Super Hawk. For 50t ii every other weekends off and appointment: door, hardtop. 383 engine. Good Excellent condition, dependable. Where all we STUDENT EMPLOYMENT weekend bonus paid. Call Mrs. 337 7 328 condtion. $225. 337-0241. 5-5-8 FOUR DAY WORKWEEK $450. 372-6775. 5-5-9 specialize in is L. Risk, RN, Director of cars The United Educators Incorporated NEED 2 girls, summer. University LARGE CLEAN furnishl PONTIAC TEMPEST Wagon 1967 Nursing. 349-1050, Ingham HARLEY - SUPER Glide, 1973, has openings for people who have Torraco Apartments, rant in good running condition. $250 located at the County Extended Care Facility, chopper. Phone before an automobile and enjoy meeting or best offer. Phone evenings. 3pm. Okemos, Michigan. 4-5-10 negotiable. 351-0706. SP-5-5-13 Hospital. Married couplet, ■ corner of jolly 482-3316. 5-5-9 the public. We need people who children or pets. $135. Cj 485-8491. 5-5-8 & okemos ro 349 - 3196 possess the ability to conduct CEDAR VILLAGE - two men 484-3513. 3-5-8 YAMAHA 125 MX. Super Trick. intelligent interviews by HOSTESS, BAR MAID, summer needed for four Fall. Non • PONTIAC 1969, V-8. Catalina 6day a week towing man. AMX 4-door hard top. High Competition or trail. Phone open 6 days appointment. All fringe benefits, employment in resort aree. No smokers. Call 351-3034. 2-5-8 1970. Collectors item, mint conditionl Asking $1950, mostly highway. Good motor. mileage 353-4206. 3-5-10 7 am - 9 pm but sunday hospitalization, major medical, life experience necessary, will train. - LARGE TWO party, fum#| efficiencies. Air condition insurance, etc. For interview, Room and board plus excellent 49,000 miles. 337-2529. 5-5-14 WHI check on scope. Automatic SUMMER SUBLET, one bedroom, Close to campus. Summer, IIJ TRIUMPH, 1971 - excellent U REPAIR AUTO SERVICE 484-7368 wage. Call collect between 10-12 am. (616) furnished, transmission and door locks, condition, low mileage. Call CENTER,. 5311 South 5-5-14 582-6162. THE GRANARY air conditioning, Fall. $165. 484-0585,30-5411 BUICK 1957 - 60,000 actual power steering and brakes. very Jack, 351-4474. 5-5-14 Pennsylvania 2 blocks south of RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE, close, $350 / term. 351-8539. miles. Second owner, interior Factory air and radio. $790. SP-5-5-13 Jolly. Save big $$ on auto MODELS FOR photography. Call Boyne City. 5-5-9 like new, $250, 371-2400. After 349-1629. 5-5-14 BMW, YAMAHA, TRIUMPH, repairs. We supply technical between 10am and 6pm. 1 OR 2 men for apartment $4Sjfl 6pm, 351-1632. 5-5-14 SUMMER SUBLEASE: two man month. Pool, Capitol « RICKMAN, Your full service assistance and equipment - you 489-1215. OR-5-31 PORSCHE 914 • 6, 1971. Excellent dealer. Parts, custom accessories supply the labor. Phone RECREATION AND/or other apartment, completely Apartments. Call 351-W] CUTLASS WAGON 1964 shape, 30mpg, $4900. 393-7812, furnished, close to campus. Call SP-5-5-10 — power competition equipment, service. 882-8742. Open 10am - 10pm 7 majors: Two people needed to steering. Brakes runs fine. $125 484-3461. 5-5-10 RN, FULL time opening on the 3 - coach Junior baseball teams for 351-3618. 5-5-13 SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS, days. 5-5-13 11:30 shift. firm. Call 332-6478. 1-5-8 Liberal fringe summer. Low pay, long hours, MARIGOLD APARTMENT! INCORPORATED. 2460 North benefits, MNA contract, evening SAAB 1970 station wagon 22+ but lots of fun! Mr. Shutes. BOGUE SUBLET reduced. Sonior Cedar, Holt. Just south of 1-96 1964 TRIUMPH TR-4 engine and' and night differential, no shift DATSUN 1973 240-Z automatic. Fantastic car, must sell, $4300 mpg, many 332-3211. 3-5-9 extras, $1,000. overpass. Phone 694-6621. transmission, 2 165R Shell radial rotation, every other weekend 372-7267. 5-5-8 or grad woman for 3-woman. 332-4425. 5-5-13 'JUST A FEW LEFT J 355-5780. SP-5-5-14 SEXY BODY - 1965 Chevrolet C-5-5-10 tires. Call 676-4736, after 5pm. 5-5-13 off and weekend bonus paid. Call Mrs. L. Risk, RN, Director of PART - TIME positions for MSU SUMMER SUMMER RATE SIM | 1971 HONDA CB350 students. Excellent - SUBLEASE, three 911 Marigold. Eait li Biscayne. 57,000 miles. (283), - 50mpg. Nursing, 349-1050, Ingham salary level $600 best Tom 332-4594. VOLKSWAGEN / FOREIGN car and man apartment, close, automatic, great mileage. $400. or County Extended Care Facility, meaningful businass 3-5-8 repair. Mechanical and body. experience. convenient, furnished. $195. Donna 337-1064. X3-5-9 Okemos, Michigan. 4-5-10 Automobile Buy, sell and trade. IMPORT 351-1915. SP-5-5-10 requried. 351-5800. 0-3-5-8 FIAT SPIDER 850, 1969. Call AUTO PARTS AND REPAIR. BASS AND Piano player for 373-1899 between 9 - 5pm. 485-2047. 0-1-5-8 QUIET UNFURNISHED two appointment: 337 ■ 7321- J established all style band. Must DESK CLERK needed - must have bedroom $850. 5-5-13 oportmont, no read. Call Raykay 373-5200 transportation and be willing to NEED TWO roommates Iw "j YAMAHA 360. Enduro, desert MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE. undergrads, no pets. $180. (after 5, 482-65131.4-5-10 FIAT 1969. Rebuilt engine. $550. TOYOTA COROLLA 1971 - 2 pegs, compression release, fork New low rates. FIEDLER travel. Call 372-0567 or 489-1215 between 12 - 6 pm Excellent condition, Okemos. year, Cedar Villa*. " Apartment 88, Burcham Woods. door, 4 speed. Excellent shape ■ brace. 355-5510. 5-5-8 INSURANCE. Phone 676-2449. 349-0558, 332-3534. 5-5-10 332-8043. SP-5-5-13 "BARTENDER" OR-5-31 351-1031, 2-5 pm. 5-5-14 $1,475,489-1933. 7-5-13 0-1-5-8 PART-TIME position open for flexible individual. Neat appearance LUgHBEna. MASON BODY SHOP 812 East BABYSITTER TO live • in. 2 CROSSWORD AlLllBPiAlAjAjllgll tkhwms [The State News regrets that i - mistake was made in the and reliable transportation a must. school - age children, terms Kalamazoo Street since 1940. expiration dates Apply at the SEAHAWK coupon. Correction below: or this KAWASAKI 1972 Brand new! $600 - 175 trail bike. Complete collision auto painting and RESTAURANT, Williamston. negotiable. Call John 8-5 373-1991. Evenings and PUZZLE Js'E N E GAD El DON'T VOU TrtNK YOU - negotiable, service 485-0256 655-3633.5-5-13 C-5-31 (3-5pm). 3-5-9 weekends 351-0007. 7-5-8 OUGHT TO RMP OUT IF SHE USES THIS UE MO otirnviiMMl NSjEM STUFF HERSELF lvlRlAMiB[Q^iXlL Ctopciungfjam 10. Vast desert 26. BEFORE YOU BUY ANY? s a Wrong name s ® and nt special discount prices 18. Endeavor 19. Assessment 38. Matador's opponent DOWN 4. Rings u probably the best prices in town PANTYHOSE PANTYHOSE •every LP and tape guaranteed new expert salespeople to help you bankamericard and mastercharge HOURS: the music people NO. 620 REG. 89c 49" REG. 1.50 78' mon. - fri. 9:30 am - 9:00 pm 401 E. GRAND RIVER, E. LANSING LIMIT 6 sat. 9:30 am 6:00 pm LIMIT 6 sun. noon - 351 - 8460 (Coupon) (Coupon! >:00 pm 12. 19 - Expirts May 12, 1974 Expires May East Lansing Store Only East