Volume 67 Number 155 Friday, May 10,1974 Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Judiciary unit hears istimony on Nixon from wire services Rhodes held with a small group of President's Watergate role, turned over to newsmen quoted the congressman as the inquiry by U.S. District Court Judge ■sHINGTON - With reminders saying that "in view of the developments John J. Sirica. ■e historic import of its task, the of the last few days there has got to be In related developments: 1 judiciary Committee on Thursday some soul searching going on ... I feel * Charles G. "Bebe" Rebozo, President L hearing the evidence its that if Nixon comes to the conlcusion that Nixon's close personal friend, made a fchment staff has gathered against he can no longer be effective as President surprise appearance Thursday before the lent Richard M. Nixon. he will do something about it ... If he Senate Watergate committee. Crsdav's proceeding marked only the should resign, I would accept it." In at least two other appearances, Id time in history that an Rep. John B. Anderson, R - 111., a top Rebozo has told the committee he Ichment inquiry of an American House leader, said on Thursday it would received $100,000 in $100 bills from a has reached such a stage. The be best for the nation for the President to representative of billionaire Howard fcvas in the case of President Andrew resign. He also said he believes Nixon Hughes in 1969 and 1970. Kon in 1868. inevitably will be impeached if he does not He said the money was intended as a I hearing began on a day that saw resign. contribution to President Nixon's re - Us from Republican leaders to the Calls for the President's resignation or election campaign but was kept in a vault Cent urging him to resign instead of impeachment also came from the Chicago untouched and was returned intact to Ining in office and fighting the Tribune, the Omaha World - Herald and Hughes last year. Tchment move. William Randolph Hearst, editor • in • * House Majority Leader Thomas P. Jairman Peter W. Rodino, D - N.J., in chief of the Hearst newspapers. All have "Tip" O'Neill, D - Mass., said Wednesday Jef opening statement, said, "I don't supported the President in the past. that a full House vote on the impeachment ■ to stress again the importance of our of President Nixon will take place about ■rtakirsg and the wisdom, decency and The key issue in this first phase of the Aug. 1. Eple which we must bring to it." presentation of evidence will be whether "TTiere is going to be a vote," O'Neill |e two opening statements took less the material dea i g with President said. "There's no question about it." ■ ei^it minutes to read and then the Nixon's Watergate role is grounds for his * In Chicago, Vice President Gerald R. liittee voted 31 - 6 to begin hearing impeachment. Ford said Thursday that Watergate has Ividence in closed session. Rodino said the phase dealing with the caused a loss of confidence in the federal hurs before the committee session Watergate break - in and coverup "is one government "which has reached crisis i, House Republican Leader John J. of six areas of our inquiry. We expect to proportions." Jes of Arizona, suggested that the Jdent reconsider the possibility of continue our inquiry until each area has been thoroughly examined," he said. "The time has come political life to face the truth for persons in and speak Committee in session king. Rhodes emphasized that he was After the committee doors closed to the the truth," Ford said. "Hie time has come The House timending that Nixon take that Judiciary Committee met for 25 minutes in public Thursday as the panel opened its impeachment public, members of the panel were for persons in political life to avoid the expected to examine,, among other inquiry. The committee voted to move into executive session joined only by its staff and lawyers for the pragmatic dodge which seeks to obscure I participant in a breakfast session evidence, a secret grand jury report on the the truth," Ford said. President. 'Ian to overhaul House new york times committee that drafted the major overhaul, declared: bound by it," Albert observed. ISHINGTON Democratic representatives, with their most "I think (t wounds it most part would be limited to serving on a single committee, - badty." Mills, asked if he was pleased with the outcome, replied: "Ob, I Krful t t The caucus vote which would require many representatives to give up at least one members sharply divided, sidetracked today the most was a setback'for Speaker of the House Cart don't know. I voted to send it to the HansehXbmmiUee." committee assignment. ling overhaul plan of House committees since 1946. Albert, D-Okla., who had backed the Boiling study and who Others were more outspoken. An official of Common Cause, The Ways and Means Committee, regarded as the most I a closed party caucus in the House chamber, the Democrats urged the caucus Thursday to send the plan on to the full House the self • styled citizen's lobby that had campaigned for the 1 by secret ballot, 111 - 95, to send the reorganization plan for a vote. powerful unit in the House, would lose its jurisdiction over ■committee of the caucus for further study. The committee, It Boiling plan, said the caucus had "killed" the proposal and international trade, medicare benefits and revenue sharing. The was a victory for Rep. Wilbur D. Mills, D-Ark., chairman of described the Hansen committee as "a political graveyard." id by Rep. Julia Butler Hansen of Washington, was directed the House Education and Labor Committee would be split into two separate Ways and Means Committee, and a number of other A lobbyist for Americans for Democratic Action, a liberal ling its recommendations back to the caucus in July, Democratic chairmen whose committees would have lost committees, one dealing with education and the other with labor. group, said the caucus action was "a cruel hoax" since at least Hie committees on Post Office, Civil Service and International lpporters and opponents of the reorganization plan insisted jurisdiction in the proposed overhaul. half the members of the Hansen committee have announced ■the caucus move did not kill prospects for action this year, But after the caucus, Albert and Mills reacted to the Security would be abolished. outcome opposition to the Boiling plan. The aim of the reorganization was to divide more evenly the Hep. Richard Boiling, D-Mo., who had headed the bipartisan with apparent calm. "When the caucus speaks, the speaker is Under the proposed reorganization, representatives for the workload and the power among the committees and their meipbers. Blue Shield goes to court for review of rate rulings By MIKE La NOUE decision is a clear attempt of government set to reach the 13.5 per cent reserve fund State News Staff Writer takeover of the organization. amount. and While he did approve a 15.1 per cent "If you look at it as a continuurti Blue LIZ DRISCOLL rate increase for Blue Shield, this Cross and Blue Shield would be on the Michigan Blue Shield filed suit against percentage was 1.6 per cent below the rate right, next to them would be the hospitals State Insurance Commissioner Daniel J. requested by the insurer. and doctors, and on the opposite side Demlow in Ingham County Circuit Court Demlow also rejected Blue Cross would be the subscriber," Demlow said. Thursday, in an effort to bring to review requests to maintain current rates and The priorities of Blue Cross and Blue insurance rate rulings Demlow made in ordered an 8.2 per cent rate cut. Shield must shift to meet the needs of April. Simplified, Blue Cross pays the hospital subscribers first, he emphasized. Demlow said Thursday that Blue Cross and Blue Shield pays the doctor. Both are Demlow said Blue Cross should institute and Blue Shield have been wasteful and operated as nonprofit and' quasi - public a prospective reimbursement program in inefficient in controlling health care costs, institutions. hospitals. generally being unresponsive to the needs Approximately 18,000 MSU students Such a program would attempt to build of subscribers. are covered — either in their own names or incentives for hospitals to maintain costs. He was unaware of Blue Shield's circuit under their parents' names — by Blue Demlow explained that hospitals would court appeal at the time he made his Cross Blue Shield programs. ■ submit a budget at the beginning of each X statements. This is the first year Blue Cross and year. Those spending less than their Eric Shneidewind, executive assistant to Blue Shield practices have come under anticipated budget would be rewarded by Demlow, said his office would reserve thorough study by the insurance the insurer and those surpassing their commission. Before the commission only comment until they could find out what budget would be penalized. 'Ti'lYittMl Blue Shield is charging. approved or disapproved rate requests by "Twelve Michigan hospitals are SN photo/Bob Kavc Blue Shield alleges that Demlow the insurers. participating in a prospective Daniel Demlow, Rate "exceeded regulatory capacities," in a Demlow's statistical advisers studied reimbursement program on a trial basis," cuter statement released Thursday afternoon. Blue Cross and Blue Shield inefficiencies Demlow said. Michigan insurance commissioner, said that Blue Cross and Blue Shield is unresponsive to its for four months and worked on rate subscribers' needs. 18,000'MSU students are affected by his decision requesting that these insurers reimburse The statement made on behalf of Blue He said Blue Cross was ordered to their subscribers. Shield officials also alleged that Demlow's recommendations specifically for one month. institute such a program in 1970 and Demlow became insurance termed the trial program "too little, too commissioner Oct. 1, 1973 and was late." Jo decline The in freshman totals formerly deputy director of the insurance commissioners have seen Commerce Dept. At age 29, Demlow is the found that Blue Cross is paying between youngest person ever to serve as state $12.7 million and $25.6 million annually insurance commissioner. for empty hospital beds. Though the Blue Cross and Blue Shield They also found Blue Cross could BV JOHN LINDSTROM "A deficient number of summer jobs established school with a good reputation, the college age population in 1986 or reduce costs another $20 million a year by - decisions were made by Demlow alone, he State News Staff Writer for students could be of some concern and a variety of programs and a commitment 1987 will be the same as it was in 1968 does not feel his position has too much cutting the length of time patients stay at 'e officials could affect our enrollment," Polley said. to scholarship, "that Michigan State is still and 1969," Polley at many colleges and said. power. hospitals an average half a day. Demlow "sities across the "In other words, if enough youngsters, very attractive to applicants." However, the college • age population said the average patient is in the country are "If there is too much power, the hospital And MSU has not done anything has not yet started to decline and is, in ,8thisdecreased enrollment at their young men and young women, who. were legislators can always alter that power," 7V4 days. ® different than in previous years, Polley fall, MSU administrators are expecting to have summer work were fact, still increasing, but at a much slower Demlow said. "Blue Cross has not begun to identify ctlng no decline in freshman unable to obtain it that would clearly be a spid, to maintain itself. There has not been rate than before. The basic struggle between the the scope of these problems," Demlow llment. depressant on our enrollment," because a increased effort to enroll people, nor has The slow increase is one cause of many insurance commissioner and Blue Cross said. "Blue Cross is doing limt' we have no evidence of students would not have enough money to there been any increase in the number of colleges' concern about lower enrollment and Blue Shield deals with the reserve nothing to solve al recruiters MSU uses ,to work with the problems." decline in either return to school. for the number of institutions of higher fund each organization needs to operate. applications or freshmen and high school students. MSU Many colleges and universities are education has also increased so there are !f!ons'' 8'0ns ai1^ Ira Polley, asst. provost for still employs six fiill time recruiters and Demlow maintains that a 1V-j month Demlow recognizes that more records, said Thursday. expecting declines in enrollment for a - more schools competing for a number of surplus of 13.5 per cent is enough but the administrative personnel will be necessary four others who recruit part time. The students that is beginning to stabilize and tJ*ct t,lat roughly the same number variety of reasons, but not all colleges are insurers feel a two - month surplus is to develop programs, but in the long run same number as last year. will eventually decrease. it,' ' t*rm freshmen that were suffering. "For example, the prestigious ivy league Polley did say that by 1977 or 1978 the A recent necessary, which is about 16.7 per cent. he feels these programs will save Blue study reported on in the New Demlow said that by lowering Cross and its subscribers millions of itted" yrar ~ 6,700 ~ wiU 1)6 schools are having no real problem in 18 to 21 - year • old college ■ age York Times said another cause of lower dollars. subscription rates, Blue Cross and Blue population will begin to decline in °!!Ver' '"job Pol|ey warned that a slow getting enrollments but some of the lesser Michigan and will continue to decline for enrollment is that many middle - class students are not enrolling in college Shield would be forced to return the Demlow said that 50 per cent of the market could adversely affect - known private schools are suffering," savings to subscribers. advertising done by Blue Ctoss and Blue some nine years. because they think only poor students can tnhi I!lent- Po»ey also said that, Polley said. "But, and this is very significant, even He added that if Blue Cross were to Shield is misleading because it purports One reason MSU's enrollment is having receive financial aid even though many ban c?, ge " age population in after a decline of nine years, at a middle class students can apply for and continue charging the same rates they the idea that the insurers are attempting to little difficulty in maintaining itself, Polley clip of 19*8 dedine beginning about control health care costs when they are • 7or would have a surplus of 20 per cent by some 20,000 people a year in Michigan, receive aid. said, is that MSU is such a long • December 1975, the target date Demlow Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday'M.»Hl|i Fans alive with spirit in '73-74 "More sought By MARGARET GOSSETT State News Staff Writer Julie Olds, 424 said. She just Michigan Ave., completed her with the Jim crowd. McCabe, 662 Virginia games people attended the and were more enthusiastic about joining in belonging, other kinds one enthusiasm for sports. being of the »dtK "so school spirit."student, w| Media has a Somewhere amidst the 1973 last year of cheering and will Ave., a two • year veteran of the cheers. The crowds "Competition and aggression bif * I - 74 football and basketball school spirit graduate this June. the squad, said, '"Riey don't especially liked the tall "are inherent in our society. promoting has trend,,iSf season, was "There are even fans at always have to follow us in pyramids, and loved it if one of We're raised with a sports ■ popularized SDn»l unearthed and passed among Farm, food prices every away game, and those are oheering. There's a lot of talent breaking fall in April the student body, in what the people with a lot of school in the crowds." us would fall. There's a danger involved and it adds to the minded ideology, an understanding that if we're demonstrations and!!!1 Farm and food prices declined for the second MSU's cheerleaders called the most enthusiastic season to hit spirit," Cindy Malthaner, 424 "At football games reach everyone in the it's hard excitement," Olds said. good citizens, we have good movements are igno^ consecutive month in April, slowing the overall rise of MSU athletic events in four Michigan Ave., said. to They said they believe the spirit," she said. Undoubtedly cheerleaders 1L_ Students would often crowd, anyway," said Kathi act u % the wholesale price index to its lowest rate in six months, the Labor Dept. said Thursday. years. "Two years ago you initiate their own cheers, especially the popular "Eat 'em Tiplady, 424 Michigan Ave., now trying out for her third anticipation of a new football coach and the excellent "There alternative aren't as many ideologies offered crowds, thTtSlyj band, Olds said, to Jjj prospects for a Big Ten in The index rose a seasonally adjusted seven - tenths of couldn't get enough people to do a "Go Green, go White" up, eat 'em up, rah - rah - rah" year. The cheerleaders interviewed basketball championship also now as previous years," she "gorous school spii^i one per cent in April, the first time in six months that cheer, the cheerleaders said. roused more student interest. cheer. Now you can hardly Hie green and white uniformed agreed that various factors "Tlie crowds weren't hostile, The Stale News is i uhlished by the prices did not rise more than a full percentage point. keep up with the cheering intensified school spirit this students University every class day during Kali. Winter .,nd squad would then join in, as they have been in the past. An adjusted 3 per cent decline in farm and food sections. TTiey all try to Mondays. Wednesday, and InJus dunn* Summer TSl bouncing and cheering along Even when we were losing, Welcome Week edition is published in September s„h prices last month was offset by sharp increases in a outcheer each other and the "NB $16 per year. ' 3Ut"«iption Hll|« "Go Green, Go White" cheer they kept up the spirit. They broad range of industrial commodities. entertained themselves, passing Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich F*, I The index stood at 155.3, meaning that it cost $155.30 to buy a variety of wholesale goods that cost shakes the stadium, it's so loud," said Ron IXirkus, 128 Pot group's up people and empty instead of bottles business offices at 345 Student Services University. East Lansing, Michigan. 48824 Hid* ki S ""*■ cl,iHn Sl*| Collingwood Ave., member of harassing the $100 in the 1967 base period. the cheering squad for two opposite team," Turkus said. Metals accounted for one - third of the industrial commodity rise, with iron and steel scrap up 14.7 per years season. and captain this past will feature Barbara professor Riemer, asst. of psychology, News/Editorial Classified Ads Display Advertising "We had better support this The Michigan Marijuana suggests that due to a lack of Business Office cent and steel mill products 2.7 per cent. been rescheduled for Sunday, year than the previous two Initiative free concert, which organized political movements Photographic May 12, in Vallev Court Park, about campus students have years I've been on the squad," was rained out last week, has The "high noon" concert Parliament of Iceland dissolved will begin at 2 p.m. this time around and can be referred to Icelandic Premier Olafur Johannesson dissolved as the "high noon plus two" parliament Thursday and called for elections June 30. concert. His leftist government, which includes two Three local groups, Communist ministers, had lost its majority in the A statement in the Jawbone, Jewel and Counterpoint article of April 23 indirectly Pine Ridge Band, will provide chamber. quoted Richard H. Rech professor of pharmacology, as saying the music. A resolution of no confidence had been introduced that no more than 700 milligrams of THC can be ingested by a The purpose of the concert nonuser before risking dangerous toxic overdose. by the leaders of the opposition parties, which are in a is to have people sign petitions In fact, dangerous panic reactions, emotional instability and majority in parliament, but the resolution has not been motor incoordination of incapacity can occur at much lower which will put the issue of The dissolution of parliament took away the mandates from all legislators and parliament cannot doses. Hie figure of 700 mg arose from speculation about what dose may be required (administered 4-6 times daily) to induce physical dependence. decriminalization of marijuana / Mer v function until after election day. U.S. copters shot at in Korea HOT DOGS Two American helicopters on a routine operational fROM 2-5 assignment near the Korean demilitarized zone were fired upon Thursday by North Korean gunners, the Army said. fridays U.S. Spokesmen said no crewmen were injured, but the South Korean Defense Ministry said one helicopter had to make an emergency landing. BASEBALL The shooting was the first significant incident the on Michigan State Network involving U.S. troops in Korea since August 1969, when three American soldiers were captured after their helicopter was shot down north of the DMZ. M.S.U. At Home Chrysler recalls 1,435 cars Chrysler Corp. announced Thursday it is recalling SSI 1,435 of its 1974 Plymouth Fury and Dodge Monaco Friday OHIO STATE 3:00 p.m. sedans to correct a problem that could lead to brake Saturday INDIANA 12:55 p.m. failure. Chrysler said longer station wagon brake tubes were installed on the vehicles instead of the tubes required. WMCD 820 AM - - McDonel Hall The problem was discovered during a routine quality WEAK 820 AM - - Wonders Hall control check. WKME - 640 AM - Shaw Hall The company said it had no record of accidents due WBRS - 820 AM - Brody Complex to the mistake. WMSN - 640 AM - Remaining Residence Halls Dominican Republic riot kills 4 Four persons were shot and killed Wednesday in the Dominican Republic during a clash between the military and a group protesting the jailing of political prisoners, police reported. The incident occurred as the country readied for national presidential elections May 16. At least 14 persons have been killed since the political campaign began. The protesters were demanding the release of 200 political prisoners jailed since 1965. The prisoners, mostly leftists, announced a hunger strike on April 30. Police used tear gas and fired shots into the air to disperse other protesters. Danish workers walk off jobs Thousands of Danish workers walked off their jobs Thursday in protest of a government proposal that would hike sales taxes and cut welfare service to meet a soaring trade deficit. More than 10,000 shipyard workers in Copenhagen, Odense and Aalborg led the walkouts, asking for new elections and threatening a general strike unless the government withdraws the bills. The minority liberal government asked parliament to Campus Organizations:, pass the measures despite Common Market proposals that Denmark would, in effect, be establishing import Give Em Wind of Your controls. Foreign Minister Ove Guldberg said the would'hit domestic and imported products equally. measures Discovered Treasures! Tired of searching the high seas for State unemployment rate drops Michigan's unemployment rate dropped slightly in new members? To help you out, there April but remained higher than the national average and considerably higher than the state figure for April 1973. is the organization section of this falls Creem magazine named Mott mad musical finesse and hard-rock The Michigan Employment Security Commission said the Group of the Year 1973. Rolling punch that have become Mott's WELCOME WEEK edition. All fraternities, unemployment dropped from 10.3 per cent in March to Stone chose their previous record, trademarks. sororities, Pan Hel, IFC, co-op houses, ♦ 9.6 in April. The national average for April was 5.1 per "Mott,"as a 1973 Album of the Year. Mott the Hoople's new album. cent while Michigan's April 1973 Now comes "The Hoople,"a "The Hoople." On Columbia Records average was 6.9 per cent. brand-new Mott album with all the Tapes e on & off-campus clubs, student governments Commission spokesmen attributed the drop to '5" groups are urged to take 7.08 and religious improved auto sales and seasonal hiring in construction STEREC and retail trade industries. largest selection TAPES advantage of this advertising opportunity- • > convenient hours ■probably the best prices in town [£ 575, 706 winning lottery numbers ■every LP and tape guaranteed new j expert laleipeople to help you W •bankamericard and maitercharge L_ The winning numbers in the regular weekly drawing of the Michigan lottery are: 575 Second chance numbers are: 014 706 563 the music people HOURS: CALL STATE NEWS "I. t: JO AM May winner's bonus numbers 347 999 089 401 E. GRAND RIVER MON. - - IlOO PM ADVERTISING TODAY 353-6400 are: SAT. SHOAM-SsOOPM SUN. NOON - 6:00 PM Compiled by Steve Repko Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 10, 1974 3 FBI stumped' by Hearst case months after the kkom wire services daughter of But the director added that result of newspaper executive Randolph • he knew of no particular harm public statements Hibernia bank and robbed knit group A. . . . dedicated to a ASHINGTON - FBI Hearst was carried done questioning whether Patricia that," Kelley said. ' to the bureau's Hearst had become cause. They're very tight in ctor Clarence M. Kelley screaming from her Berkeley, a voluntary The FBI has issued warrants their security," he said. Calif., apartment. investigation of the case by member of the group. for four SLA members on Thursday the agency is Saxbe's comments. bank "They have restricted their pcd by the Patricia Hearst Kelley also said Atty. Gen. Without "They were apparently robbery charges but has William B. Saxbe's comments linking his somewhat disturbed by public named Hearst activities," Kelley said. and so far has no proof on the Hearst case statement directly to what only as a material "They're holed up. They've got statements that she witness. she willingly participated "may even Saxbe has said on the case, was an friends obviously who are stimulate the involuntary member of the Questioned directly about bank robbery. Symbionese helping them. They have found Liberation Army to additional Kelley said the decision of the group and to show that (she statements by Saxbe, who , are stumped, Kelley SLA to rob a bank in San the key insofar as , nt.Ws conference three activities." was a voluntary member) they described Hearst as a "common eluding the Francisco could have been a FBI up to this point." may well have gone into the criminal" after the bank But he promised, "In the robbery, Kelley said: event we do determine where "I'm sure, having read this, she is, we're going to go in. it may well have aroused the We're going to exert every of Dems holds key ire of the SLA. It may even effort to not injure roup and stimulate them to additional certainly not kill anybody. It's activities." going to be well planned, but "You have we're going in." a very closely Discussing the difficulty of Japanese tracking down the SLA campaign reform law woman o gets Mona facelift hideout, Kelley said, "we at least know a number of TOKYO ,(AP) - Yukie places she was not." By JIM BUSH Reconsideration of Tamura, 21, had saved her He said descriptions relayed the Democrats who joined House State News. Staff Writer election help us win sufficient support money for years for a trip to to him of the Berkeley financing bill must Republicans to initially defeat to Paris come early next week, election get the bill approved," he to visit the Louvre apartment thought to have oth sides in the clash the Senate • approved measure officials say, if any reform is to said. museum and see the Mona been an SLA hideout show state House on April 26 are not that One of the changes would Lisa. be implemented in time for "they didn't get out of that pocrats and Republicans concerned with contribution require that contributions of When she heard that the this year's elections. apartment very much. It was in r the best way to correct floors. To them, the true issue more than $25 be made famed Da Vinci painting was The minority Republicans only a shambles." 'e campaign financing in campaign hope to entice the small group financing reform is by check. Current language in coming to Tokyo, Tamura At his first full are vying for the a ceiling on contributions and the bill would make it took the money, the equivalent - fledged ort of a small group of Democrats - which includes expenditures. easy for Washington news conference of a donor to contribute large of $500, and visited a plastic since taking office 10 months rm • minded Democratic Rep. Lynn Lansing, Jondahl, D - East with "Our goal, in dealing with amounts and possibly avoid surgeon. Asked what she ago, Kelley defended the FBI's Bewildered lators who largely hold the - a maximum campaign financing, must be to detection. limit at least on wanted, she flashed a picture initial investigation of the FBI Director Clarence M. to victory. campaign guarantee that political office The other amendment, Crim of the Italian Kelley tells a Washington news contributions and possibly on masterpiece. Watergate case, but sidestepped conference Thursday that the FBI is cannot be purchased," Jondahl said, will indicate the stumped in the candidate expenditures as well. said. "It is not reform Though Tamura's case is the most Watergate questions. kidnaping investigation of Patty Hearst. simply legislature's intent to partially only one of Mona Lisa face adline near The Democratic majority's to make known who bought fund political campaigns changing so far reported in - leadership, on the other hand, the office." file to run for is flashing amendments at the holdout legislators that would House majority floor leader through an income tax check off system, similar to the $1 - Japan, it points up the craze that the visit of the painting 0LDE TOWNE CLAM BAKE Bobby Crim, D • Davison, said check - off now possible on created here. possibly lead to partial public Thursday he has been holding legate seats fianancing of state campaigns off a second vote the federal income tax returns. FRI. & SAT. NIGHT 6-11 P.M. on bill, But that is not -cretarv of State Richard next year. which enough for was sent with Senate Austin reminded registered The bone of contention approval to the House in loose Rep. Perry Bullard, D • Ann Arbor, one of the holdhout Barnes We at Bill's OLDE TOWNE CLAM BAKE serve seafood in the true style of New Wednesday that May 28 between the two parties is the form in January, until he has rs he deadline for filing as current provision that allows the 14 extra votes needed for Democrats. Floral England. the names of financial backers "I might of East Lansing We feature: didates for precinct passage of the Democratic accept that if we who contribute less than took the check off Show her you *Whole lobster * Cherry stone clams "Hes. $25 leadership version. • thing a bit to a farthe' and actually set care on *Shrin p *Com-on-t he-cob cinct delegates will be campaign to go "We're about two or three up the unrecorded. votes short of the 55 fun'' now," Bullard said. Mother's Day with All seafood is steamed and i in the state's Aug 6 necessary uniquely Republicans - with the to get our bill "Then we could establish a lovely fbwen served in a wire mesh basket direct to ary to represent their passed," Crim you* intense formula for spending the '• telegra table. Added extras include com ricts at party county prodding of Gov. said, indicating that much of bread, Milliken want the the money later." tossed salad, drawn butter, and seafood ventions and elect delegates — floor, new support stems from which they call a Crim said he expects to sauce. Our regular menu is also the state and national loophole, Democratic legislators who get available. ventions. eliminated. But by themselves they do not have the votes in were absent for the first vote the two or three more votes he needs before Tuesday. 15 Restaurant "s always we will be serving homemade ustin, the state's chief the Democratically controlled two weeks ago. 8 clam fritters & polish sausage hor's ction official, urged state House to get their Though he would not Republicans, who are & Bar doeurves before dinner & your favorite -tared voters tt> seriously way. identify the legislators, Crim drinks & cocktails. sider running for precinct Democratic leaders say the added that he has won the threatening a Milliken veto if 718 E. Grand River floor is necessary if small the contribution Serving Lansing Call 482-6100 for " te of the party of their support of three or four of the reporting Lansing since 1921 donors floor is not eliminated, hope Information and Reservations ce. Similar pleas were are not to be 12 Democrats who joined with ,xl by Atty. Gen. Frank J. discouraged from participating they can convince the small Republicans to defeat the bill Democratic group to buck with their dollars in political y. like Austio a Democrat, earlier. NL oR you've been waiting all year (or- 33- X EAGLES On The Border HONDO'S SUPER WEEK (beginning Monday May 13) Graham Central Station Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday All University MONDAY $1.00 off every $1.00 off every large $1.00 off every $1.00 off every $100 off every All University large Pizza going Disc Shop MADNESS Pizza going to East . Large Pizza Large Pizza going Large Pizza 3 free Complex (Hubbard, Large Double - to South Akers, Fee, Holmes, going to Brody to all off Cokes with - going to Dough Complex. McDonel, Owen, campus every Cheese Pizza Complex or the university (Wilson, Wonders, Shaw, Snyder - housing. Married Housing large and 2 quarts Circle Dorms. Pizza. 323 E.GRAND RIVER, E. L. Case, Holden) of Coke Phillips, Mason • No No PH. 351-5380 No coupon No coupon Abbott) coupon No coupon $3.75 needed No coupon needed needed needed needed Watch the State News for these specials - Be ready for your day. 4 DOMINO'S TROWBRIDGE SHOP For Fast, Friendly, Free Delivery call 351-7100 COMMENTARY the oval, office White House crimes verified transcripts. He concluded that they would said, and he agreed that John Mitchell was A direct obstruction prosecution would By ANTHONY LEWIS the man to handle it reach Nixon, though he did not pay the New York Times support indictments of the President for "six different kinds of criminal activity:" Ten times during that March 21 talk. money himself, under the federal law on "Whoever willfully endeavors by means of obstruction of justice and of criminal Nixon returned to the subject of Hunt's aiding, abetting or inducing crime. The bribery ... to obstruct, delay or prevent the communication of information relating to a blackmail demand. After H.R. Haldeman evidence would also support an investigation, subornation of perjury, same violation of any criminal statute of the United misprision of a felony, conspiracy and joined the conversation, Nixon said, "The indictment for conspiracy to obstruct States shall be fined not more than Hunt problem ought to be handled . . . interstate transportation in aid of bribery. . . . justice, the required overt act being the $20,000, or imprisoned not more than five now." And, "His price is pretty high, but The two main themes are obstructing payment to Hunt years, or both." at least we can buy the time on that as I 18 U.S. Code Sec 1510. justice and suborning perjury. They were A charge of subornation of perjury is - "Whoever commits an offense against the also sounded by Philip Kurland, the pointed out to John." United States or aids, abets, counsels, distinguished and conservative Then, toward the end of the transcript, supported by at least two passages in the constitutional scholar of the University of there is this most significant exchange: March 21 transcript. In one the President HH commands, induces or procures its commission advises on how to avoid perjury is punishable as a principal" Chicago Law School. In an interview in - 18 U.S. Code Sec 2. the Chicago Tribune, Professor Kurland P: "That's why for your immediate prosecutions when testifying before a The first press and public comment on said there was "strong evidence" of both things you have no choice but to come up grand jury: "You can say 1 don't the edited White House transcripts has in the with the $120,000, or whatever .it is. remember. You can say I can't recall." transcripts. dealt largely with the presidential Right?" And in a discussion of cutting off "You can't interpret them otherwise," disclosures, there is this exchange: character revealed — the meanness of D: "That's right." Kurland said, "unless you believe the D: "But to accomplish that requires a spirit, the isolation, the hatred, the P: "Would you agree that that's the people quoted in the transcripts talk in continued perjury by Magruder and conspiratorial air. That is understandable. code and mean exactly the opposite of prime thing that you damn well better get But now it is time to focus sharply on that done?" requires—" what they say." P: "And requires total commitment and what must overwhelmingly concern the D: control over all of the defendants ..." House impeachment inquiry: the evidence The evidence of obstruction of justice "Obviously he ought to be given of specific crimes. relates to the demand for more hush some signal anyway." Nixon's lawyers and flacks are busy money by E. Howard Hunt, one of the P: "(expletive deleted), get it. In a way trying to suffocate judgment with upside - By the standards of what is required to convicted Watergate defendants. John that — who is going to talk to him? down characterizations of the transcripts bring an ordinary indictment, there is Dean reported the blackmail demand to Colson? He is the one who is supposed to and with attacks on Dean, whose overwhelming evidence in these transcripts that Richard Nixon committed federal Nixon in their talk of March 21, 1973, know him?" recollections are of marginal import now crimes. It is easy to understand now why warning him explicitly three times that Very few criminal cases have such that we have the President's actual words. the Watergate grand jury wanted to indict payment would be an obstruction of direct, first • hand evidence in the words These attempts at fuzzying the picture him. justice. The President nevertheless of the conspirators. After the discussion, show a fine contempt for the country's repeatedly indicated his approval of Kurland said, "Everyone in the room good sense. The answer is to focus on the The Chicago Daily News asked an paying the money. knew that the money was to be paid." facts - the facts of crime in the White experienced former federal prosecutor, David P. Schippers, to study the "I know where it could be gotten," he And $75,000 was paid to Hunt that night. House. VOX POPULI Conyers calls OPINION PAGE to To the Editor: help clear Susan Ager R. D. Campbell Editor ■ in Chief Managing Editor Melissa Payton Steve Stein National Edita I problems facing Detroit and the nation Sports Uuor I For many years I have been involved in Diane Silver Campus Editor June E. K. Delano without the active interest and enthusiasm ... ..Entertainment Edita I O'. F. Korreck City Editor numerous issues on a local, state and of community members. ; Dale Atkins Photo Edita I national level. As an advocate of "people Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Kathy Niezurawski CopvOiiij I The year 1974, unlike other years, power" in government, I find it marks the beginning of a change for the Mary Anne Flood.. .Staff Representative increasingly difficult to tackle the many City of Detroit. In January of this year, the first black mayor of this city took office, and for the first time many Editorials are (he opinion of State News editors. Staff columns, Late sw important issues are now being discussed with a reasonable chance for positive commentaries, points of view and letters are personal opinions. To the Editor: action. I hope Arthur Sherbo's letter Community action and involvement do Graffiti column Tuesday's State News attracts attention and gets action in readying MSU's outdoor in not begin with an abstract group, but it starts with each and every one of you EDITORIALS swimming pool for the 1974 summer reading this letter. Your input, not only as To the Editor: accomplished by this writing. Offer season. I'd like to request some students, but as representatives of the even It is a pity that (he continues to resort to filling State News its propitious alternatives! Arouse students. Interview officials, take a poll — anything to rid the consideration for MSU staff who work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and want a swim at larger Detroit community is needed. All persons interested in having a voice on the New hospitals pages with such poor excuses for opinion paper of emaciated apace. 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Last year the pool closed issues facing all levels of government can page commentary as contribution by John Tingwall to literary uselessness in the May the In the meantime, maybe we.could fill opinion page columns with the rise Of ' *}0st at the time mfcnV oftiS Wanted toufc it' volunteer some of tbejr time by contacting Marcia Dfcvis in my Detroit office at 313 - •. - -S 1 State News. Everything Tingwall stated in his intelligent graffiti from nursery school pencil boxes. Mary Lu Hough Editor, Division of Research 226 • 7022. Together we can work for needed change. in entire area Lan moronic waste of an unknown number of Chris Pula Graduate School of column inches could have been reduced to B - 302 Emmons Hall John Conyers Jr. Business Administration because the construction of r an admission that Tingwall had nothing Member of Congress A recent proposal to build a 200 intelligent to piece together, in order to - bed teaching hospital at MSU has new hospitals will result in a surpll of beds in the community, tounj present us with alternatives to the current ignited heated controversy. Lansing handling of the Nixon farce. This seems to be the present craze of our auspicious journalists — cut down Nixon with weak Group to study RAs' Mayor Gerald Graves fears that approval of the proposed facility St. Lawrence to close. The controversy, however, j sarcasm. To the Editor: as the recognition that the University particularly as it relates to the controlled substances policy. The committee will not will result in a surplus of hospital based on politics rather than U'l Publicity surrounding the recent cannot ignore or condone what the state The two facilities will prow| Granted, the office of the presidency is become involved 4n defending or beds in the Lansing area and force resignation of an Akers Hall resident of Michigan has classified as an illegal currently hysterical, but nothing will be assistant and the University Student activity. condemning the actions or alleged actions St. Lawrence Hospital to close. separate programs and Affairs Committee's proposed of Jacobs, for it does not fall within the The Capitol Area Comprehensive different needs, each helping tl Mail se investigation has clouded the real facts and the true nature of what is currently at issue in relation to the The committee discussed this fall when it was released, and I policy last appointed realm of the comrriittee's jurisdiction. The scope of the investigation, in Health Planning Assn. must carefully study each side of the residents of the Lansing conimoni] and the state. University's a subcommittee to essentially investigate cooperation with North and his office as MSU's proposed hospital # controlled substances policy. well as the vice president for student issue and make a rational decision the legality and workability of such a MSU women, your liberation ends upon The policy was generated early last fall policy. As the year progressed, a affairs and other interested parties, will which will best serve both the MSU provide 180 beds tor specia graduation - at least if you are or will be as a result of the increasing number of combination of factors resulted in the attempt, if possible, to alter or change the and Lansing communities. care not available in a gcnei| married to another MSU graduate. MSU armed robberies of students involved in committee's decision to drop the current controlled substances policy to There is little doubt that MSU hospital for patients send various information and the sale of controlled substances in throughout the state. Tfl will investigation, essentially based on the mitigate to some extent the burden this needs the new hospital facility. Its publications to its alumni, but you won't residence halls, and the genuine concern places on the resident assistant in relation opinion that the policy was generally rate "and Mrs." in the address. that serious injury or a death could result to his floor and its residents. construction on campus will greatly remaining 20 beds will be used! even an being ignored by all concerned. Since my marriage I've been dropped from if these incidents were not controlled. Cooperation with those involved in improve medical service to students, faculty and staff a>| all MSU two mailing lists. Now I don't want copies of these things, but I simply Gary North, coordinator of residence hall programs, resisted issuing a policy The recent case involving Jerome Jacobs has generated concern on the part of generating the original policy is to regarded as a joint effort to improve be the students, faculty and staff and will replacement for University Center. HealJ further the development of the feel MSU should address these items to statement on this problem until the near myself and several members of the quality and quantity of the injury and not committee. On colleges of Human Medicine and The planning association ifl both graduates - "John and Mary Doe," shooting death of a student in Brody Tuesday, I will be as co option or selling out by the critically analyze St. L^renci - for example. Complex forced the issue. The current reappointing the subcommittee and committee. Osteopathic Medicine. The service's Marlene Wagner policy is the result, then of a fear of injury charging them with a thorough study of Larry Bartrem and efficiency of the University proposal to insure that it can M 3613 Alpine Drive or death as the result of "ripoffs," as well the role of the resident assistant, Chairman, USAC Health Center will also be provide the continued health ca increased. to the community it has served!! Because it no longer meets state 50 years. It can erase the curt® POINT OF VIEW standards, St. Lawrence must either controversy by heeding bujld new facilities or close its Faverman. ;isst. dean of osteopitj medicine at MSU, who said. )■ Minorities still face doors within three years. Graves By CALVIN G. VINSON merely one link in many to be used in the A case in point persecution occurred in Detroit is the rights of the blacks and other and St. Lawrence officials fear the planning association will rule against their building proposal isn't a time for po lt,c| grandstanding. We should allw together on this." I decided to do a follow - up article on art of crime detection. when three STRESS officers were killed minorities that have been stifled most often Operation Zebra for two reasons: first, to U.S. District CouA Judge Alfonso by a group of young blacks. The ensuing in the past. Where were all the Tim Rosses examine the potential ramifications of Operation Zebra, and second, to respond Zirpoli stated in issuing stop the tactic: "No one an injunction to may be stopped manhunt which was conducted was unparalleled in the history of Detroit. The and their (expletives deleted) when the Ku Klux Klan were burning crosses, bombing Fast will fee to the questions posed by Tim Ross in his in the hunt for the killer unless ther? is many blacks stopped were not only churches and school buses and mutilating article which appeared in the May 3 State News. other independent evidence such as subjected to a search of their persons, but and decapitating blacks? Or doesn't their Americans feel "hunger" during Senegal, Mauritania. Mali. Uffl conduct, which creates a suspicion that also a momentary fling with death. In "get the guilty at all costs" logic apply the five hours between their three Volta, Niger and Chad with a wj The events that preceded the arrests of the person is committing a crime. The many cases the searches followed a pattern seven black men in San Francisco injunction also prohibits searching a of stopping a car and ordering the here? or four meals a day or when they population of 50 million described as members of a terrorist cult When people of a city are afraid to have the "munchies." But for seven one million have died ol starv* person merely because he appears to fit occupant(s) to get outside, place any called the "Death Angels" were: the the composite sketch of the Zebra killer." identifying credentials alon&withtheir hands venture out into the streets after dark, a West African nations hunger is a and disease in the last six yearsw random shooting and killing of 18 whites Tim Ross stated in his letter that I on top of the car and stand spread - eagled serious situation exists. The police arrested way of life and death. 30 million have been sevet| on the streets of San Francisco, the should know something about how the while two or three heavily armed officers the seven "Death Angels," not by a,fliCted- initiation of a tactic known as Operation police conduct an investigation, being a conducting random searches, but by MSU students living on campus in the N point their weapons at the suspects). But While participation n "L Zebra where black men resembling a graduate assistant in the Dept. of Criminal as the Tim Rosses would probably say, "If piecing together :similarities in the manner can aid the starving millions and composite drawing were searched, public Justice. My reply to that is having been they didn't do anything wrong, they don't the crimes were committed. Alioto did increase their awareness of the 23 fast may not save thousa ■ outrage at the tactic as evidenced by the born and raised in Detroit, having worked have anything to worry about." make one move in regprd to the Zebra lives, it will be tragic it the a w problem by fasting the evening of protests of a biracial group of more than various jobs such as a prison guard (at the Those searched included black killings that I would not criticize: the May 23. If at least one - third of the to lay the ideological groun *1 1,000 people outside San Francisco Mayor cancellation of his proposed campaign trip Joseph Alioto's office, the filing of suits world's largest walled prison), a patrolman professionals, ministers, factory workers, for the governorship of California to meet students in any residence hall sign for a just distribution ol thewj seeking an injunction to the tactic by the on Oldsmobile's plant security force, and administrative assistant for the the self - employed and many others who with an informer. up by Sunday night to forgo their food is met with the prevs| as an were guilty of nothing more than being ACLU and NAACP, the issuance of a student apathy. Michigan State Senate, I have seen first - black and caught up in a white rage. dinner on May 23, that hall's . preliminary injunction by a U.S. District hand, and have been made aware of the What our society is faced with are . It is too early to tell what the ramifications of Operation Zebra will be. management will reimburse the If you are having trouble s Court judge, the formation of a special uses and abuses of power. To put it individuals who either resign themselves Whether or not the tactic gives impetus to African Famine Relief Fund for up for the fast in your resi | squad of 30 black policemen assigned to another way for the benefit of the Tim not to deal with the problems, or deal with future "Death Angels" can only be each meal forfeited. hall, call the Center lor the case as undercover agents, and the ' Rosses: before you knock my credibility them only in an emotional manner using speculated. However, as America goes Conflict Resolution at the wj cancellation of a proposed campaign trip Local organizers of the fund concerning the issues, be prepared to back inferences and distortions, bordering on through its "moment of truth" vis - a - vis Ministries of Higher Educate I by Alioto to meet with an informer. up what you say witheitherfacts, statistics, the brink of fantasy. This is not my drive said that the Watergate, the energy crisis, political necessary one - Harrison Road. I opposed the use of Operation third participation in the fast re| experience or some other viable method intention. My concerns are in the area of Zebra for three main reasons: 1) from a excluding emotionalism. human rights. Not merely black rights or kidnapings and the like, one underlying factor seems to hold true - the way things already had been achieved in Case, Residence hall "J constitutional standpoint that innocence However, the problem facing America white rights, but the rights of human and the way things are supposed to be the only ones who can l ^ are Hubbard, Mason - Abbott and precludes guilt; 2) a belief that the black and the problem that the Tim Rosses fail beings - a belief that you do not negate are often two different things. campus students j community was being persecuted for the to deal with is that the way things are and the basic rights of one group to avenge the Phillips - Snyder halls by Thursday contributions to African 1 acts of a few; and ',)) knowledge that a the way things are supposed to be in many deaths of others caused by a few. Calvin G. Vinson is a graduate assistant in the night. Relief, account number -«• composite is not always accurate, that it is instances History has shown us, however, that it Dept. of Criminal Justice. In the are two different things. countries of Ethiopia, 2, at the East Lansing State w ■icliigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 10, 1974 5 »We may andicapped tell of _ By JO GALLI . . be awkward and we may not hv by Htiah Hugh McBride, special education. * asst. - professor of - as .. well as .... .. children," said McBride. .. McBride admitted that he used to view social of these children denials, stigma become resistant to the program for handicapped students 1 Speaking in Erickson Hall kiva before a the job of the educator working with idea that their kids are losers and bring MSU. at handicapped by negative attitudes about thf right things. We may ask to help group of 150 educators, students and pressure my ability rather than the actual handicapped children as being upon the educators and "Much of what special education disability n there is no need for help, but by parents, McBride explained that there sometimes the children. that I have," said Allen. instrumental in motivating the child to use _d we're in there trying." were vast differences between the attitude his abilities and realize his "They should resist because of the accomplishes is lost if that child grows up one in Members of the panel agreed that in Statements such as this one by an MSU handicapped encounter disability. points of a society that denies him full working with Explaining our job as educators is to provide ftlent majoring in special education were educators in a special school and attitudes his McBride said, "Motivation be changed viewpoint, kids with experiences that they can participation," said Taylor. accepting their disabilities they could not Jessed Wednesday night in discussion the handicapped encounter outside in the textbooks damned. All succeed with and that will Panel members say that special accept the fact that they were not line a program sponsored by the MSU society. say motivation but there are things that people cannot do no matter to use their encourage them abilities," McBride said. education students are taught to tell the expected to be employed, have families and function Ipter of the Council for Exceptional "There is a tremendous stigma about how much motivation There is very little correlation between handicapped individual to look at his effectively in society. They fildren. The program of films, retarded kids. There is a schism created tend to provide they are given. We what goes on in special education classes handicap realistically. "This leaves out the most pointed out laws protecting discrimination because of race, color •ructional media and literature was between the child and experiences that the child and regular important or creed, but not parent in the home, cannot succeed at so he classrooms, McBride said. ■blighted by a panel discussion by six for example. If we want goes home a loser thing — that you are human. I am not a disability. to work with a defeatist attitude." "Why should special education provide dwarf that happens to be a ■C handicapped students and a speech effectively, we have to work with parents experiences that are different from those person; I am a McBride told the group that the Panel members and individuals parents the exceptional child will person that happens to be a dwarf," said encounter when surrounding the he grows one panel member. handicapped who up?" attended the program felt ihortening Panel members that social of For example, a agreed that handicapped student misconceptions surrounding the stigma would end when handicapped attending the program described the persons ceased to be segregated handicapped stemmed from segregation by th€ encouragement she received while from the rest of society educational system and society. attending Michigan School for the Blind as throughout the educational processes. compared to the negative attitudes she for 2 Lansing bus Seville Allen, an MSU student A film shown received from career counselors, working during the program on a masters degree in social work is blind. summed up the routes employers and society in general. She told the audience that social panel's views. "We McBride's ideas on special education stigma sometimes forget that there are things that and social stigma were further lay in people's attitudes towards her all children have in common. This discussed by a panel of students with disabilities led disability. common bond helps them to fill their "I didn't know I was By JIM KEEGSTRA by Judy Taylor, coordinator for the supposed to be potential. They must not be segregated allotted East Lansing's proposed inferior until I got into from other children. A child is State News Staff Writer Minor operating time reductions on the budget. society. I am a child.. .'" "This council is ■The two cross • town Lansing bus remaining 16 Lansing bus routes may be struggling with the instituted May 20. The three East problem of raising these funds I SOT AM "N"ON EN6LISH THAT'£ NOT AN "N/'SIR... without RATS :F0R ONE BRIEF Btes, Jolly - Miller and Aurelius Road, Lansing raising taxes," Sharp said. ' TEST! THAT'S THE HIGHEST THAT'S A loop routes will not be changed. HAVE EXCITING MOMENT I |1 be cut to only two hours of service a Mayor Wilbur Brookover said ^ariier he GRAPE I'VE EVER 60TTENI THE PAPER TURNED ^PEWAfS... , L beginning Monday. These time changes have allowed the expected the council would try to make THOUGHT I HAD AN "N".' CATA board of directors to lower PThe two runs — which the Capitol Area its the payments. Importation Authority (CATA) says request for subsidy money in the coming fiscal year from the six Councilmember George Griffiths said Inly carry school children — will governments to participating local Thursday the city evidently would receive Berate from 7 to 8 a.m. and from 2 to 3 $482,000. CATA also more federal revenue needs $131,000 for current sharing money than operating previously expected and support for the losses. bus system's Lansing City Council and Delta and operating losses next year would be an Lansing township officials have already appropriate use of this DOONESBURY plead innocent approved payment of their subsidies while East Lansing nd Meridian Township have money. He also said funds may be shifted away from bus stops and capital by Garry Trudeau improvements to meet at least $77,433 of yet to take action on CATA's request. my let CATA's request. Zebra deaths Several Delhi Township trustees have decided to ride the black panther • marked However, Griffiths was not as positive ! vf you mean anomt . pam>swmi m / law school! they let about the remaining $13,719 CATA /JOHN BWCHMAH into law buses themselves before wants weaw SS5H! making a decision. for current losses came thhou6h, school .i they 1st john pean KAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Three young East Lansing's payments will come through June 30. , Kck men pleaded innocent Thursday to before city council Tuesday at an 8 p.m. Councilmember John Polomsky said Thursday, as he has several times before, ! ««<»/ Jgm in! but will they accept joan CAUCUS?-NOPE! ■rges they murdered three of 13 persons meeting specifically call d o adopt that he strongly favors East led in the so called Zebra murders, a - the city's 1974-75 Lansing p of random street attacks here budget. CATA is asking making the payments. on East Lansing for $91,152. "I'm all for it," les. At the opening of council's Polomsky said. "We've Elunicipal Court Judge Agnes O'Brien May ^ got the funds in there somewhere for it public 1 hearing on the budget, and we've got to ferret them out." lith set bail at $250,000 each for councilmember Mary Sharp Inuel Moore, 29; Larry C. Green, 22, told the The fifth audience that the city would councilmember, Thelma I J.C. Simon, 29. try to meet Evans, could not be reached for her that amount though only $36,000 were opinion on the issue. EVEL KNIEVEL IS NOT ONE OF THE OZARK MOUNTAIN DAREDEVILS And the Ozark Mountain Dare¬ "a mixture of country, Appalachia, have created a remarkable new devils don't hurtle through hoops the South and rock & roll" that sound called Ozark Mountain of fire on screaming two-wheeled "always takes a fresh approach!' Daredevil Music. chariots of doom. Through the use of some TNI OZARK MOUNTAIN The calling of these Daredevils unusual instruments and the DAREDEVILS. is to spread an infectious brand of sparkling production of Glyn Johns NEW MUSIC ON music that Rolling Stone has called and David Anderle, the Ozarks AAM RICORDS. discount? recordso the music people 401 E. GRAND RIVER, EAST LANSING $379 6 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan F»d,y. May in,, Miniscule organism seen Bartrem as key source of protein post on ASMSul Larry Bartrem, chairman of By PAULA HOLMES protein crisis." a better meat substitute," and other microorganisms can be grown on waste materials or the University Student Affairs Committee, resigned For office and benefit of the < J State News Staff Writer Humphrey, a microbiologist Humphrey said. "In fact, we operation of / on alcohol derived from crude A tiny organism — smaller from the University of can improve on nature. And we Thursday as executive assistant resign." oil. The organisms burn to the president of ASMSU. than the head of a pin — may Pennsylvania, was on campus can become independent of be the main source of Drotein to give a series of lectures agriculture in producing a carbohydrates chemically to Bartrem, in a letter to Tim in the world within six years. Thursday and today. His significant food form." produce energy and protein in Cain, ASMSU president, stated State "The world is approaching the point where it can no longer rely on fish, rapidly primary' research interests are in protein production, enzyme utilitzation and computer - Factories for growing the single • cell organisms are already in operation in Italy, the same manner that a plant does through photosynthesis. Single - cell production has his decision to resign was based on what he felt were "irreconcilable conflicts of bike path approve] grain and meat for all of its controlled fermentations. He the Soviet Union and Western several advantages over plant personality, style and approach pL protein," Arthur E. Humphrey, MSU's distinguished agriculture has written more then 80 technical papers and is co • Europe. Two weeks Standard Oil Co. of Indiana ago production. The cells can be grown in tanks independent of (to the administration)." Bartrem had served in the Projects to bicycle paths, provJ mSI the climate. The cells also grow adjacent lecturer, said. "Single • cell author of a book on announced that it will open up same position under former to sUte J much faster than plant cells. A ASMSU president Ed Grafton were protein may have a role in biochemical engineering. a plant in the United States to approved Wedijl solving the food problems "From the single cell we can produce the organisms. single cell reproduces every 20 minutes and a plant cell once a and is planning to run for a the Sl»te Hh?l and minimizing the calorie - make a better miracle whip or Single - cell bacteria, yeast board of trustees seat in Commission ® week. November. Estimated to cosl „ "This allows for more million, J HJ] When contacted the genetic Thursday prom experimentation," afternoon, Cain had no proved for Humphrey said. "You can get a design, with statement, but said he would constructs J Panel accused new genetic variety of the protein in a matter of days." The cells can be bred for a rather ASMSU wait until meeting after the Thursday included schedules years. in over prorj the " night. certain texture or flavor and The largest project j. 1 bottle the protein can be used either In another part of his letter, proposed construction tf] on can, as a means of stretching animal feed or in synthetic human Bartrem said that his style did not match f'ght.: the Kfoot P^ed path J Cain's, which highway right of»,l foods. Eventually the single - cell protein could replace the Bartrem said characterized almost Interstate a,| 60 JJ1 By WILLIAM J.HOLSTEIN "scare tactics" to prevent Schrodt said the returnable soybean and fish meal as a administrators as "ogres or 275 free»l UPI action on the bill by the House coalition is sending a letter to monsters," He also said that including its proposed JJ Sponsors of returnable Consumers and Agriculture committee chairman Frank V. human protein substitute, Food scientist Cain's terming Bartrem's extension of M . 2751 bottle legislation Thursday Committee. Wierzbicki. D- Detroit, Humphrey said. Arthur E. Humphrey, a microbiologist from the University attempts to arrive at mutual Monroe, Wayne a ' 1 The cost of the single - cell agreements as conciliatory and Counties. accused a House committee of "The committee members demanding a vote on the bill. of Pennsylvania, is lecturing on campus today as MSU's But Wierzbicki said the protein would be about 50 selling out have impelled him Other projects sitting on a bill aimed at have been under heavy pressure cents distinguished agriculture lecturer for 1974. His research from Kalamazoo to include« cleaning up litter by putting a committee has not voted on a pound, which is about to either change his style from lobbyists from these and the deals with single cell production of protein, or Bitfll the legislation because "the current cost of as a means of resign. Creek, from East deposit on all bottles and cans other interests who have taken soy bean protein. growing food independent of agriculture. LansiuJ Okemos, and because of industry pressures. the position that the bill would votes obviously aren't there." LudinjtoJl The Michigan Returnable But single - cell prot'ein In closing, Bartrem said, Ludington State Park 1 cause high unemployment and "Hiey haven't convinced six production will not solve all of "The trust and Coalition, composed of close would not solve the problem of environmentalist groups and recycling centers, said the litter," said Paul Schrodt, coordinator of the Ann Arbor members of the committee that the bill is needed at this the world's ills. "The production takes Massage parlor forced communication between a president and his required beverage industry is using time," Wierzbicki said. energy, either from waste executive assistant is totally UNIVERSITY Ecology Center. The bill, sponsored by State The coalition disputed claims by the industry and the material resources," or renewable to close in Horneytown nonexistent between you and CHRISTIAN Humphrey said. CHURCH Flower named Rep. Lynn Jondahl, D-East Michigan State Chamber of "And this energy can be used HORNEYTOWN, N.C. (UPI) The Horneytown Massage CENTRAL UNITED \ Lansing, would place a 10 cent Commerce that the legislation, either for making food fuel. 310 N. Hagadorn Rot] I or - A new landlord has forced Parlor was attacked by local Pat Nixon rose deposit on all wine, beer and if enacted, would cause It's an energy • food trade - off. the- Ho.neytown Massage and state officials for alleged METHODIST Study Period IOiOOijuI soft drink cans and bottles, but thousands of workers to lose "So the protein takes on a Across from the capitol A Parlor to vacate his property, indecent practices. rose hybrid, deep red in not on liquor containers. their jobs. Sermon Topic: Worship • 11:00A.M. T color and "invented" by Marie political as well as a social bringing to an end to this small Sponsors say the deposit would Schrodt said a Western aspect. Eventually I think the Singspiration • 7:00pjjB • Luis Meilland, of Cap community's short - lived "She Influenced Youth encourage consumers to return Michigan University study world will develop into two notoriety. Meeting - 7:00p J D'Antibes, on the French the bottles to a store rather My Life!" Transportation ProvidtJl recently indicated that the powers; the protein powers — Riviera, has been issued a than litter by Dr. Lyman Call 332-5193 patent naming it the Pat Nixon ^nd would enable likely impact would be a net Brazil, United States, Russia PASSPORT more recycling of glass and increase of about 9,000 and China — and the energy and APPLICATION rose, in honor of Mrs. Nixon. metal. jobs. powers the Arab states. Worship Services - PHOTOS 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. 'Regular $5 90 for 2 photos Nursery Available ■PS Studio 351 1477 485 9477 FI RSI CHURCH 0F| CHRIST, SCIENTIST! - UNIVERSITY SEVENTH-DAY UNIVERSITY ADVENTIST CHURCH 149 Hiqhland Avenue REFORMED Last Lansing 337-1430 or 882-0805 BIBLE STUDIES CHURCH "Adam And Now in Progress Alumni Memorial Chapel Fallen Man" Saturday • 3:00 p.m. (1 block east of Auditorium) Sunda i ,S'( huol lu iff MI Pastor Frederick Diaz 10: JO im, Voice of Prophecy 9:30-Study Groups For Wednesday tvenmg Lansing - WJIM • 12.40 Adults and Sunday School S OU p.m. Sunday at 9:30 a.m. 10:30 - Coffee Hour Your Story Hour Reading Hvom 9:30a.m. WorshipService - located in Church Charlotte - WCER -13.90 11:00 a.m - Worship Service OPLH Sunday p* 10:30 a.m. For rides call 355-0155 Weekdays v 5 p.m. I Faith for Today after 9:00 a.m. Mmi rues. Thai W ■ Grand Rapids - Channel 8 Sunday 6:00 Evening evenings 7 4p.m. j • worship Sunday at 7:00 a.m. Tom Stark, Pastor Quiet Hour All are welcome Fred Herwalt, Associate Pastor attend church senkaM Jackson - WIBM • 14.50 to Kathy Lang, Staff and visit and use thi j Sunday at 2:30 p.m Associate reading ra South Baptist Church! I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 10, 1974 7 Draft registration still required _ By PAT NARDI birthday. have been contacted But according to Mildred by the are 20," Etling said. About they think is part of the ■ State Newi Staff Writer FBI for not ■ you arc an 18 ■ year - old Etling of MSU's Office of registering. You 100,000 men in the United establishment. I am not here to are liable to be I Defense Services prosecuted if States, all 20 years old, are promote the Selective Service." and you think the draft is Information, you don't register." reclassified 1 A to make up J a couple FBI agents may few men seem to realize their as ■ The Office of Defense Those who register are ' the peace • time pool of men, obligation to register. given Services Information, located K'k on your door to inform a 1 - H classification, which who would be the first called at 162B Student Services "We're getting an awful lot Bldg., ■otherwise. Etling said was a "holding" in an emergency. of men late in registering. was formed in September. ■hough congressional They classification. Nineteen year • After age 20, men receive a don't seem to realize that the • Office hours are Monday, ■ority to draft men into the olds wi)l receive a lottery safer reclassification until their &d forces has terminated, draft .has not ended; only number, which will not mean Wednesday, Thursday and 26th birthday when the ■ year ■ old males are still the authority to induct has Friday, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and anything until they are 20. Selective Service destroys their 1 to 4 p.m. ■ired to register for the ended," she said. "There have "You are only eligible for records. % within 30 days of their been two or three at MSU who the draft Etling said she also has during the year you "At age 26, you are information and materials considered to have fulfilled about opportunities for women your military obligation," in the armed forces and (lock group w Etling said. Those who register at the MSU office should bring identification which shows she urges interested women students to discuss these in her office. jcal community date of birth, plus names and addresses of two people other than family members who will Toronto library MSU student or faculty Ralph Hanson, MSU senior, always know the registrant's in _nbfr who has been was the first recipient of the "Ttiis is more another cabaret, this is than just address. spends $4,000 Alved in the local black award in 1972. Hanson was Late registrants must fill out something in which we're Kmunity will be awarded for rewarded for his commendable trying to involve the nation • a "Reason for Lateness" form, TORONTO (AP) - The I outstanding achievement service to the Black United Etling said, but usually the Toronto library board building aspects of what's lirday at the third annual Front free breakfast program happening jn the Lansing Selective Service is fairly liberal announced that it had bought in Lansing. about accepting these. 69 letters and seven postcards Jniah Awards Cabaret. area," he said. [Tie awards cabaret, which is "Tiey know that those who signed by Sir Arthur Conan The following don't register aren't being defiant. Doyle, creator of the fictional «g sponsored by the United year, the "What we are ■cks of Wonders, will be held award was granted to Robert trying to do is They just don't understand." detective Sherlock Holmes. incorporate a lot of elements 1 p.m. in Wonders Hall grill. Green, dean of the College of like political and Etling emphasized that she is The board, which spent $4,000 Urban Development. sociological hired by MSU — not the the deal, now believes it has | awards will be presented at aspects in a social setting," he Selective Service. on the world's best collection of continued. "That's why it's a e charge is $1.25 per Bernie Adams, treasurer of "Some young men are material on Holmes and Conan cabaret." and $2.00 per couple. the black caucus, said the Doyle. n uneasy talking to someone |iominecs for the award Ujamah award is provided re chosen by black students mainly to recognize individuals who have contributed their nughout campus. However, services to the | final decision will be made black Irbythe black students of community of the East Lansing and Inders Hall. Lansing area. % NCWAIPWACINE terry f fill VAN WINKLE tote • HAV 11 VII blue/ fri-monl BUSBY DOUBLE BERKELEY EXTRAVAGANZA! T.e. 9# FEATURE FRIDAY fOO*V ADMISSION $1 TONIGHT 108 B WELLS SPONSORED BY PEOPLE FOR PUBLIC 7PM HALL BROADCASTING 3 to 6 Tuesday Plum Loco Kenny's Monkey PROCEEDS WILL BE USED FOR THE SUPPORT OF Hawaiian Sunrise WKAR RADIO AND TELEVISION Lizard'/^ PEOPLE FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING 0,66EIS & RESTAURANT SUPPORTERS MAY ATTEND A FREE ap >333 SHOWING SATURDAY EVENING WKELLOGG UNDERGROUND at224 ABBOTT ROAD CENTER. CALL 355-2300 FOR RESERVATIONS. : \ j/i teCl| /Tbest pizza mou wn>/ ri Little /••••••• Caesars 337-1631 The old homestead 1203 E. GRAND RIVER need improving? COUPONS GOOD THRU FINALS WEEK We can help! With a fast, low-cost home improvement loan from your credit union you can get things back in shape fast — and add the space and features your growing family needs. Your credit union loan will be covered by credit life insurance at no additional charge and you can repay the painless credit union way — by payroll deduction. Before construction costs go any higher, get your home im¬ provements started with a little help from your MSU Employees Credit Union — your "friend of the family." OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O Save time, gas, frustration! O O USE YOUR NEW MOBILE FIELD OFFICE O DURING LUNCH AND AFTER WORK O Lot "D" — next to the Planetarium O 11 to 1 and 4 to 5:30 O every weekday but Wednesday O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ej MSU EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION 600F Crescent 9to5:30Mon.thruFri. / Phone353-2280 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May io, ,9?4 Student Production, acting flaws to show film group hurt premiere of drama on "Sunseed," acclaimed EasternfefH, . h. . documentary ® By KATHY ESSE LMAN disaffection, it has power and performance and lacked by Frederick Cohn 1 J State News Reviewer simplicity. direction. She detracted from emergence of Eastern rlc "Hie Warning - A Theme It seems, in retrospect, a the grandmother during the i" Western culture > soliloquy. She did not make us presented at 7:30 and in for Linda" premiered mark of Milner's inexperience The family tragedy which care about this wounded bird Wednesday night under adverse that he chose to explicate and caused the grandmother to of a girl. circumstances at the Arena emphasize his material with reject the grandfather has the Theater. A significant work in lyrical dream sequences which power of nightmare and drives The staging and lighting the history- of black drama, owe more to Arthur Miller and home the reality of poverty as Ronald Milner's work is a speech or a were confusing and inadequate. Tennessee Williams than to his paper on social Orchesis has been rehearsing at ill served by a weak production. material. His own material and welfare could not. the Arena so the cast had little organization, the ^ Flaws in the work magnified out of proportion by were his own style to stand alone. are strong enough Shauree Crooks stood out as rehearsal time onstage, a as- l;u„S person close to the production weak production standards and the grandmother. Jacqulyn said. The dimmer board, which hesitant acting. To some extent The grandmother's Davis and Alan Young controls the stage lights, had the technical flaws in this soliloquy, in the second act, is performed credibly, as did been removed, as had a number in itself worth the price of LaVern Jackson. Malita Travis, Featured in the f,|m production stem from in • built of lights for use upstairs at Swam. problems of the play. admission. A powerful in the title role of Linda, Orchesis. A substitute board Satchidananda Bhajan, Swami Z Flashbacks and dream statement of pride and seemed indecisive in her was located at the last minute, the late Murshid MukUnJ? but the light person did Samuel i "Sufi Sim" u.i, not have access to it until five including Baba Ram nZ minutes before the formerly Richard Alpert , MSU, Virginia production began. Actors walked in and out of Harvard Timothy research. compatriot Leary jn | of spotlights. Since they are undergraduates and not drama "Sunseed" host Mother's majors, this could their innocence about playing explain different varieties Buddhism, Hinduism and .-ncomp^ of scenes in the spotlights and Yoga, but it has been praised A special Mother's Day concert will be spirituals "Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless their for its style and physical awkwardness. presented jointly by the MSU Men's Glee Club, Child" and "At the Foot of Yonder Mountain." Performers rather than its content. objectivity called The Singing Statesmen, and the Virginia Individual members will also perform solos and barber shop quartet selections. uncertain. were stiff and Sunseed Critics have acclaimed both Polytechnic Institute's Men's Glee Club, The Baba Ram Dass, a former Harvard professor turned auru, is one of several guru - type spiritual the camera work The Singing Statesmen will present "The Ronald T. Williamson's and tl» Techman, at 8:15 p.m. Sunday in the Music leaders featured in the movie "Sunseed." The film it showing at 7 and 10:30 soundtrack by the Sufi p.m. Friday and Choir. Building auditorium. Ruins" by Zolton Kodaly and "Domini Deus" direction lacked decisiveness, Saturday Admission is $1.50. Under the direction of Bruce Hall, the by Hans Hassler. A special arrangement of "The yet he chose a difficult work Virginia group will perform "The God Who First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" will also be which would challenge an Gave Us Life," "The Vagabond," by Vaughan performed. expert company. Williamson's Williams and a sea chantey, "A Rovin'." This This will be the last concert by the MSU version sank under the sheer 28 - man chorus is the oldest choral group at club's Director J. Harris Strohl, who is resigning weight of technical and acting Virginia Tech. to continue his graduate study. problems posed by -this The two glee clubs will combine to sing the Admission is free. difficult work. The Varsity Inn is now taking applications"! WHY WT TRY SOMETHING for showers, banquets and SEW? private get-togethers. Reduced group rates on beverage and BOWLING food items. For information Bowling is fun, good exercise and you need to exercise this call Mr. Kahn between time of year. And with our 6-10 pm daily automatice scorers anyone can play. HOLIDAY LANES Just North of Fran dor 337-9775 Billards • Cocktails Snacks PRESENTS KITTY KCPETZKY & DICK KANIPSIA. lii new screen splendor JaneFdmU TOGETHER AT LAST! The most magnificent picture ever! DAVID 0. StLZNICKS prooucwo!* MARGARI I mucous "GONE WITH THE WIND Peter Sellers as Albert T. Hopfnagel, Hospital Administrator, in "Where Does MflROOOUWVN KWftR WSfNI V'SUIWr JAMES CAAN PETER BOYLE SALLY KELLERMAN LOUISE LASSER CLARKGABLE VIVIEN LEIGH i BARhAREUAv ** 00 HER THING! IllfMlIi * H where It Hurt?" I T OTIBIW D RCKTEB PBOOUCtO BY JACK SMER MKm>B>HOIMOJtFF LESLIE HOWARD uDftvid Hemming* T Ugo . V 0 HTMKUt [pop; lOGNAZZl, OLIVIA de I IMLLAND mm isSS^Sss, A SELZNICK INTERNATIONAL PICTURE • VICTOR FLEMfNG • tmmm ■ METROGOLDWTN MAYER« k Mannar mwawraK HM2 SIERL0PH0NICS0UN0METR0C01CR ^mgm Fri. Wilson 7:30 & 9:30 Fri. Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 Fri. 109 Anthony 8:00 Fri. 100 Engineering 7:30 & 9:30 Sat. Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 Sat. 107 S. Kedzie 7:30 & 9:30 Sat. Wilson 8:00 Sun. McDonel Ktva 7:30 Brody 8:30 Sun. Wilson 7:30 Brody 9:00 Sat. 108B Wells 7:30 & 9:30 Wilson 9:30 Admission $1.25 Sun. Conrad 7:30 Sun. McOonel Kiva 9:30 Admission $1.25 Admission $1.25 Admission $1.25 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★it*****. « Michigan State ftews, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. May 10, 1974 9 •★★★★★★★★★★★★* PROF COMPOSED MUSIC MSU THEATER DEPT.? presents Band to premiere work A Black Drama The Michigan premiere of a professor of music, will be presented composition by H. Owen Reed The band will also perform Roger Nixon's "Festival Fanfare THE WARNING Band in a free concert by the MSU Symphonic March," Richard Wagner's "Overture to - Sunday at 4 p.m. Tannhauser," Alfred " 'For the Unfortunate' was commissioned by the McKeesport « Reed s Music for Hamlet," James Hartway's "Two Rube - A THEME Pa., Area High School Band in memory of its Goldbergs for Band" and Paul Hindemith's respected director' "Symphonic FOR LINDA Joseph P. Krysik," Reed explained. "Krysik, his wife Metamorphosis." and child The died in a plane crash about three Symphonic Band will close with a selection of years ago. In the rubble they works, including lighter round a list of a series of Scott Joplin composer's names that Krysik had considered commissioning for his band. My name happened to be at the tOD movie "The Sting." rags featured in the J J May 8, 9, & 'JO 8 p.m. of the list, thus the title of the piece." Reed described his experimental work as if Arena Theater tragic yet employs vague and dissonant tonality and nonmetrichopeful He Guided Nature Walk Donation $1.00 rhythm to portray tragedy. A 'recording of a choir singing "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" is superimposed over the dissonance. Through "I hoped the choir would be like storm," Reed said. a ray of sunshine during the The Red Cedar Wood Lot Kalamazoo & Marigold WKAR show Two Busby Berkeley productions featuring James Cagney, Mother's Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell and Ginger Rogers, will be shown at a obbi pla benefit for WKAR radio and TV at 7 p.m. Friday in 108B Wells May 12 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Hall. I Flutist Bobbi Humphrey is I filling in for trumpeter Donald Byrd at the Stables this week "Footlight Parade," made in 1933, and "Gold Diggers of while Bryd recovers from a firm infection. Though Byrd and his band are on stage each night, 1933" will be shown by People for Public Broadcasting to raise I the trumpeter oin't play hithorii. Friday and Saturday night performances money for the WKAR stations. are at 10 p.m. and I midnight. / Admission to the program is $1, but Public Broadcasting Service subscribers are invited to free a showing on Saturday. SchensuVs Cafeteria r — ®Pen: Won • Thurs. 4:30-7:30 Noon: Mon. -Fri. t Lansing Mall Fri. 4:30 8:00, Sat. II:I5 8:00 • • II:IS " 2:00 / Sun. Il:30 7:00 - To ynd out this weeks menu specials, call 349-4028 or 482-7114 ffm. wm; YOUR "SCHZNSUL-COUPON"It's 'family, toward the purchase easy j Pamper Your Budget! Buy a Schensul Discount dinner at Schensul's Coupon Book any day. you have finished a delicious meat at ei 10 $2.00 coupons for r ? conveniently located cafeterias in Only $15.00 •imply present the coupon to the cashier, will be deducted from With the redemption youf bill. A varied B of these coupons at reasonable prices. a< vol 9et a 25% discount on the M any meal, anytime. purchse price ol DPMD TCfWCKy PflODUCnon Of o jack ciRvron fum ROB€RT R€DfORD^mifl FRRROUJ M, cQN * FRIDAY & SATURDAY KIRK FREE PARKING I NO COVER I & Jacks or* „ COUPLES ALWVYS ^ 371-4464 KflRen birch /con uuii/on yam wRT€R/Ton LOI/CHILC/ 8RUCC D€RD Tom Produced bvDfMD . Directed byJACH ClAVTOf) XreenpkM,! bv Fflflnci/ FORD COPPOLP 8a/ed on the novel bv f AOTT flTZGfflfllD fl//ocio» Producer HADH (Passes-Guest Night-Bargain Ifty Suspended) \DDED: Nightly at 7:45 p.m. VT.O.S. Staff Organist play Gatsy er nelodies on the Barton Pipe Organ mOOnj€flD £ WELCOME 3214 N.EASTST. kBcttcr PROGRAM INFORMATION 337 5817 ' STARTS TODAY! SJARJ5 Tonight Open 7 p.m. Shows 7:25 9:25 OPEN AT 6:45 P.M. TODAY > 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 485 6485 SAT & SUN Shows 1:: f 218 ABBOTT RO. TODAY • DOWNTOWN SAT & SUN ACADEMY FEATURE AT 7:15 ■ 9:30 P.M. FRI & MON thru THURS * open at 1:15 p.m. The SAT-SUN AT 1:00.3:05 5:10 7:15 9:20 P.] i open at 7:15 p.m. * Feature 7:30-9:30* Feature 1:30 - 3:30 5:30- 7:30-9:30 - ORIGINAL BILLY JACK "I'm not going to HIS MOUNTAINS. HIS PEACE. AWARD RETURNS in let the animals of the world HIS GREAT HUNTS. WINNER 'BORN take over..." HIS YOUNG BRIDE. WITH ALL THAT, BEST ACTRESS LOSERS" -Billy Jack IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT. Glenda Jackson BACK BY REQUEST THE FUNNIEST CANNED I HEAT LOVE STORY —PimLEE £ OF THE YEAR! "A very,very funny and very, very touching romantic comedy.' —Judith Crist, New York Magazine Mfc a Joaeph E Levin* and Brut Production! iwmnw , TOM *"BORN George Segal Glenda Jackson * Melvin Frank ir F.w l-AUGHLIN ROBERT REDfORD in A Sydney Ppusck Film "JEREMIAH JOHNSON Jack.LOSERS" * Joe Wuan-Santord Production Co Staging WILL GEER • ALLYN ANN McLERlE STEFAN GlERASCH CHARlES TYNER And Introducing DfLLE BOtTON ATbuch Of Class PETH JAMES "un • JEREMY SLATE • WILLIAM WELLMAN, JR. • M JANE RUSSELL Music by John Rubinstein and Tun Mclntire and Edward Anhalt • Produced by Joe Wijan • ■ Screenplay by John Mii>us Oirected by Sydney R>iiac<« PaulSonino Soup K Hildegard Neil George Rarnt .rvj Sammy Cahn muu.k John Cameron Wnnn, h Melvin HENDERSON """NT. C. FRANK • MODELORES TAYLOR ■ Frank .rvi Jack Rciee • ftinaviS'On® Technicolor* From Warner Bros sc"tN^ JAMES LLOYD 4*1 hi Melvin Frank An Avco Emhauy Rrki*- Tnhn*oioi' Panjvtt«i* A Warner Communicat'Ons Company In COLOR An AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL Picture H. 1 •' J fj NEXT I "WHERE THE LILIES BLOOM" 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May ^ J Trudeau's plank—budget that ousted him KROM WIRE SERVICES Each of the 13.3 million Canadians who will be eligible to cast The 54 1972 campaign from the heights of 1968. • year • old prime minister said he will travel. . ■ to defend his government's record OTTAWA — Canadians are going to the polls July 8, and Prime ballots has already been touched in some way by rising prices for •Conservative Leader Robert Stanfield, 60, risks his political and its hji nS| Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau said Thursday one of the main food, clothing, shelter and energy. Inflation was 9.1 per cent in 1973 and is running this year at fortune in his third attempt to oust a Uberal government. •David Lewis, whose Democrats precipitated the election, economy. "I lnUnd fight . »lgo"l campaign weapons of his Liberal party will be the same budget more than 10 per cent, the highest level since the Korean War. needs more seats to become an alternative to the two major campaign, not a violent campaign." he pledged. a Si that brought down his minority government. Trudeau lost a vote of confidence on the budget Monday and Inflation plagued the Liberal government almost from its beginning on Oct 30, 1972. It was the issue the opposition used parties. He is 64 and is in his second campaign. •The fourth leader, 56 • year • old Real Caouette, is faced with Recent sampling of public opinion has been rrudoau. According tooneGallup „ I was forced to seek new elections. His economic proposals were Poll, Trudeau to hound the government and a stated major factor in the New billed by the government as hitting the corporations — "the big Democratic party decision to withdraw its critical support from expanding the base of his Social Credit party beyond Quebec, where it met sharp reverses provincially last October. popular as Stanfield of the Progressive chief rival for the prime ConserS 1^1 guys"^ while helping low • income earners and others less able to Trudeau on Wednesday on the issue of the national budget. ministership. s' defend themselves against inflation. Trudeau's government had survived 19 no • confidence votes in Foreign policy is not expected to be a major issue in the election. Spokesmen for all parties have expressed concern about the l'/a years preceding Wednesday's vote, usually with the help But Stanfield predicted victory for his party "I fP„i excellent chance of achieving a I foreign ownership of major segments of Canadian industry and of the left - leaning New Democratic party (NDP). The latest no ■ majority," he said Weh,,ul College dea business, much of it controlled in the United States. Differences are mainly a matter of degree. The election will spotlight four politically seasoned leaders, confidence vote carried because the NDP — which held the balance of power in the 29th parliament - decided to join the main opposition Conservatives in attacking the administration's cites health each of whom may be running in his last campaign. •For Trudea, 54, the election tests anew both his government's budget. "We think it is a very good budget," Trudeau said. "We're Kullervo Louhi, the dean of MSU's College of Business and the policies and his personal pppularity, which declined sharply in the going to campaign on it." Graduate School of Business Administration announced his resignation Thursday. Louhi, who has been dean for five years, is stepping down from his post because of ill health. Hie resignation will not be effective until July 1. DflflCC TO TIIE fflUSIC Provost John Cantlon said, "Dean Louhi has served the College of Business effectively and faithfully, and we all regret that the condition of his health has necessitated his leaving the deanship." For the past few days, Louhi has been undergoing tests at a r wiik: PUNK Cleveland Clinic but will return within a week to complete his final two months at MSU. Louhi will be replaced by an acting dean in about two weeks but is expected to retain his affiliation with the college in the fall. Presently, his plans are uncertain. "PunA-" will be flaying Fri. and Sat. niles OPEN BOWLING EVERY NIGHT Joe Joseph's PRO BOWL North Logan at Gr. River - Phone 372 7502 |ERROL FLYNN AMERICA'S NO. 1 SWASHBUCKLER] in KHIND 1M3R&NDOOR' PLUS A SECOND GREAT HIT The Landlord coming soon! dusk to dawn erotic film festival NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK SHOWS START AT DUSK UNION ACTIVITIES BOARD PRESENTS: 1956! JamesCagncv, eve gangster in BILL HALEY Biond hi$ COMETS * THE PLATTERS • TONY MARTINEZ FREDDIE BELL JOHNNY JOHNSTON ■ USA GAM ALAN FREED • AUX TALTON ONION BALLROOM SUNDAY, MAY 12 2:00 PM 7:00 & 9:30 PM Students, Students, Staff & Staff & Faculty 75c Faculty $1.00 General General Admission Admission Fri. 12:00 Midnight Conrad $1.00 $1.25 Sat 12:00 Midnight Wilson Admission 51.25 *★*★★******* Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 10, 1974 11 iCEV France's left-right split returns By FLORA LEWIS Returns from the election and between Paris and Moscow showed its sympathy for the New York Times Sunday show that the mix has internationally has been Gaullist STARLiTE T LANSiNC : fallen apart and Frenchmen are candidate, Jacques broken. IpvRIS - The voters moving back to traditional : Chaban - Delmas, in the first - Inmu'd what the pollsters positions. The base of Gaullism was De round election and its U S 27 WEST OF WAVERLY S. CEDAR ST NEAR JOLLY RD l^saw: Gaullist rule of Political analysts find the Gaulle's ability to transcend disappointment at his rousing Phone 372-2434 Phone 882-2429 Inceisover. two major blocs, left and right, cent of the vote, drew almost traditional divisions and defeat. |jt remains to be seen what more nearly balanced than ever two percentage points fewer polarize France between his It is conceivable that the ALL ltig(.s T are left, but the spirit before in postwar France, but votes from the United left than followers and the Communists. TTiis provided a certain mutual disappearance of the Gaullists WALT DISNEY THE MOVIE gone and gradually the the right still seems to have an its component as a major force will eventually THAT parties drew reinforcement. SHOW icies are likely to change. edge of 4 to 5 per cent. 'ITie weaken their counterpart, the ... HAS separately in legislative It maintained the Gaullists w the question for France odds then Communists, and restore the slightly favor elections last year. This was in NO ••left or right?" - Valery Giscard power as long as the old center left alliance, but DEAN JONES IN D'Estaing's apparently due to defections majority of Frenchmen - LIMITS I historic division of this campaign to form a by right - wing Socialists who credible alternative saw no that would take gradual OF en troubled society. conservative coalition over the but the evolution. "THAT DARN . could not stomach his promise Communists and EVIL! ■ ullism blurred that effort by the Socialist leader, to assured bring Communists into support from the left for deriving issue, gathering Francois Mitterand, to bring government. Timber wolves Gaullist Jople from all classes into a the left to power. Regardless of whether foreign policy. load political spectrum. Mitterand, with 43.36 per Giscard or Mitterand becomes For Gaullism the Communists supplied anti - NEW YORK (AP) - The often maligned timber wolf CAT" the third president of France's Americanism and a brake on will be reestablished in Fifth Republic in the runoff the At 9:00 only European unity that suited Huron Mountain of t/ose election May 19, the area contest strange tacit alliance between Gaullists and Communists their international views, and it stifled the center and moderate northern Michigan if a conservationist project works domestically left. Reflecting this, Moscow governor's ■state GOP chairman William McLaughlin predicted Idnesday that this year's gubernatorial race will be close, but Kt necessarily because of the impact of Watergate on the WINK SU/m&Pt?} THlJslR- Kpublican party. I"] think any time a Republican runs statewide in Michigan, it's E MISADVENTURES OP •lose race," McLaughlin said in an interview following a speech ■ the .Associated Builders and Contractors. ■"It was close when Watergate wasn't around in 1970," he said KIERSJN 'SHE FREAK" ANNETTE ■ a reference to the slim victory of Gov. William G. Milliken over ■mocratic challenger Sander Levin four years ago. SKGeL-SCWtfibC It could have happened TkE ■McLaughlin said any Democratic candidate - and Levin ■pears the most likely nominee at this point — would be unwise ■ attempt to taint Milliken with Watergate. 11 Uoer LPSTSTimuZR, AT TMC <$-200 # r BOX OFFICE OPENS FIRST FEATURE AT T it's not a salable item," McLaughlin said. "Number one, he's Lays NWJ«T If OW been outspoken on the subject of Watergate. Number two, | not salable to say that he condones or would be any part of A| V*SP6 Pop Entertainment Jvthing like Watergate because it is not in the make - up of a Bill lliken to act that way." ■McLaughlin said that because of Watergate and other factors he ■ALL cn^5ERicHuSu»uPi # presents Ipects more widespread ticket splitting this year than in years 1st. But he said this could benefit Republicans as "we're going T^i'PiwOdWr K3C£*PS — Tonight CANNED H HEAT I ID TH€ oikviorSS AL.K DAILY HAPPY HOURS Monday - Saturday all drinks 0JTK3 ftcAUKS AT: ' A 1/2 price URSITY 2- 5 p.m. Fridays - Chili Dogs 50 cents INN discount records o The Varsity Inn 1227 E. Grand River WEEKEND FILMS FROM THE BEAL FILM RROIIP Summer of MAY 1A , iPM USE1VEB SECTIOV JENlii»!V ril L»H»J%L TICKETS AVAILABLE atcuteupiy shop >1AKSHALL MVSK.JUil Everyone agreed she has the feminine luminescence of a Marilyn Monroe, and the wit and presence of a Katherine Showplaces: Hepburn...." Friday 111 Olds Hall -SHOW Magazine Saturday 107 S. Kedzie Showtime*: 7:00 & 9:00 New York ADMISSION $1.25 Once you see BILLY JACK you'll not forget them.* *A violent man and a gentle woman . ul who made ' ** the mistake of trying to care for other people. >.J0M LAUGHIIN OELORES TAYLOR BE = TECHNICOLOR* from Wimai Btoi A Kmnty lriu'1 S«rv> Showplaces: Friday 102 B Wells Saturday 109 Anthony Showtime* 7:00 & 9:15 ADMISSION $1.25 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 10 MSU's trackmen get final tune-up WEEKEND ACTION during alumni run slated Saturday middle distance great. MSU's men's track team will get its final tune - up before meet "I believe that the alumni will be an adequate MSU will send its entire Hne next Arbor wherr weekend the » . du I J*l the Big Ten outdoor substitute for the squad against the alumni unit. Stickmen end season The Spartans are currently 2 - 1 in dual meet competition and championships when it takes Northwestern promises (to be a very meet and it "The meet will be especially helpful in the middle distances 55— on a team of former Spartan have taken their second consecutive Big Ten championship earlier because the alumni have MSU's lacrosse team will aim for its best season ever as a track stars in a dual meet slated competitive affair," MSU some this year. good performers in that area," for 10:30 a.m. Saturday at the 1>ack Coach Fran Dittrich varsity sport at Dennison College in Granville, Ohio, Saturday. The Spartans will close out their 1974 season with hopes of MSU's women's Women golfers at Ferrii golf team will travel to Ferris State College Ralph Young Track. said. "We have some good former Spartan track runners Dittrich said. Dlttrich's squad has been Hoosiers with rated Michigan ,s the f.^1 posting their best record since becoming a varsity sport in 1970. The Spartans were initially mmT" I today with hopes of maintaining its spotless record. impressive thus far this season, Illinois and Since then, State's best record has been a 5 • 8 mark in 1972. The squad's current record is 5 - 6. The Spartans are currently 3 • 0 and have won two Midwest scheduled to compete against Big Ten opponent who still live in this area and are really enthusiastic about ;hlng will be on the shots at MSU the g,^ Regional titles and the Big Ten championship. Northwestern on Saturday, but this meet." Men netters on the road "These last meets are very important to the girls," coach Mary Leading the alumni because of spiraling Fossum said. "Their performances will help to determine who The MSU men's tennis team will be trying to improve their 3 • transportation costs the meet entourage will be Bob Steele, will go to the nationals." outstanding 140 ■ yard hurdles 4 Big Ten record as they journey to Ohio State today and Indiana Saturday for conference dual matches. Coach Stan Drobac's netters have had an up - and ■ down Big Softball team faces Lansing The women's softball team will play the Lansing Lassies in a was canceled. Northwestern meet would have been the tracksters' only home The competitor; Del Gregory, standout long jumper and TONIGHT & SATURDAY doubleheader at 6 p.m. Saturday at Ranney Park in Lansing. Ten season so far. They have beaten Purdue, Northwestern and dual contest of the outdoor triple jumper; and Bill This will end the Spartan's season competition. The games are Wisconsin and have dropped conference meets to Michigan, Iowa, season. We hr we in, former Spartan Minnesota and Illinois. designed to give the MSU squad practice playing under the lights for the College World Series. The Spartans will be traveling to Deal Film Group The Spartans overall season record is now 6 - 5 after beating Omaha, Neb., May 16 -19 for the series. FIRST LANSING Wayne State, 9 - 0, in a nonconference meet Tuesday. Women's track team at WMU Women netters at home MSU's women's track team will end its season competition Saturday as it travels to Kalamazoo to face Western Michigan DRIVE-IN SHOWING presents MSU's women's tennis team will be in home action this weekend Tonight at 9:00 as it faces Kalamazoo College today and Principia College on University. DRIVMM THMTER and Repeated Late Saturday. Tlie Spartans will be trying to improve its 5 - 1 record. MSU has defeated the Broncos once this season already. lertkUir 4117101 THE MARX BROTHEKS Today's match will begin at 4 p.m. on the varsity tennis courts. MSU will face Principia College at 11 a.m. There is no admission MSU will be traveling to Denton, Tex., May 17 - 18 for the charge. intercollegiate track championships. in a JACK NICHOLSON IN LAST HOME LEACUE GAMES THK LAST DKTAIL GREAT DOUBLE FEATURE Batsmen confront By JACK WALKDEN Bickel's injury is described as two - thirds innings of no run, and won both games. State News Sports Writer inflammation of the bone in no hit ball against the In Indiana, the S his pitching forearm and will University of Michigan face the Big Ten's top hitting With its Big Ten title hopes all but dashed, MSU's baseball cause him to miss the Monday. team. The Hoosiers are batting team closes out its home remainder of the season. The Buckeyes will counter .327 as a team in 12 league the Navy! To replace Bickel, MSU has with a pair of righthanders, contests. league season with a pair of doubleheaders over the called righthander Todd freshman Paul Semall (3-3) Litwhiler plans to use weekend. Hubert up from the junior and sophomore Andy freshman Jim Kniivila (4 - 3) The Spartans will entertain varsity team. Hubert, a Stiegemeier (2-1). and senior Steve Vander Laan Ohio State today and Indiana freshman, began the season MSU faced the Buckeyes with the Spartans, but twice during the Florida trip (2 • 2) against the Hoosiers. Saturday with both twin bills starting at 1 p.m. developed a sore arm during the team's trip to Florida. Coach Danny Litwhiler's team lost any hope of winning Freshman Rick Moore (5 - the title by losing a pair of one 1) and sophomore George BROOKS' • run games to Michigan last Mahan (1 - 2) will pitch against weekend. MSU is now 4 • 6 in the Buckeyes today. Moore is the Big Ten and 18 - 14 - 1 second in the Big Ten with a overall. 1.63 earned run average Even though the Spartans' entering this weekend's action. title hopes have ended, Litwhiler believes a great deal can still be accomplished this season. Mahan has earned the start after two fine performances. The Davison righthander pitched four relief sflPDLts 'will scorcn your scruples ana n » OTIS YOUNG /RANDY,QUAID /CLIFTON JAMES CAROL KANE/»•«».»»tROBERT TOWNE ...'4": DARRYL PONICSAN JOHNNY MANDEL • ^-hGERALD AYRES- • » «.,HAL ASHBY DUCK SOUP and ^ Tonight at 5:30 7:45 10:00 _,.fl W scoreless innings against .. luU ,.rCI ">«—"«-'i'"."—FROM COLUMBIA PICTURES "We're going to win as many Central Michigan teffaV95i» sap your sanity f A DIVISION OF COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUSTRIES. INC as we can the rest of ttw season and at the same time look to before losing the game on an April 30 PLUS OUR SECOND MONKEY BUSINESS next year," Litwhiler said. "I'd eighth inning home run. He BIG FEATURE AT like to try and finish in the followed that up with five and 11:10 first division, but I also want to TSc^ Two full length Marx Brothers look at what's coming back Flights office next season." Low-cost GEORGE C.SC0TT films on one great program. The Spartan pitching staff was dealt a crippling blow Flights from EAYEDUNAWAY SHOWTIMES Wednesday when righthanded ace Duane Bickel was advised JOHN MILLS DUCK SOUP 7:00 £t 9:30 not to throw for a month. JACKf|PALANCE MONKEY BUSINESS 8:15 & 10:45 OKLAHOMA CRUDE SHOWPLACE Written by MARC NORMAN ■ Music by HENRY MANCINI 106 B WELLS Lyrics by HAL DAVID • Produced and Directed by STANLEY KRAMER ADMISSION $1.25 | Henry Mancmrs Music ftorn The Film Available on RCA Records | PANAVISION* $24900 Flight lists available now with application forms. Destinations: London, Madrid, REDf Frankfurt,Bei- BEST PICTURE • BEST DIRECTOR Grade, Budapest, Vienna, Amsterdam STANLEY UAB OFFICE 2nd floor union H| DOMINO'S 3iiJ-9777 1-5 M-F Pri. A Sat. 1*10 P/5% LAST WEEK-END! Sundays 2:30 A 4:00 PM sural WEEK srcei 351-7100 JANE FONDA TliCTRfC IN CAR HEATERS OPTIONAL | PLUS MacLAUGHLlN'S DONALD CORNER OF NEWTON RO & M 78 HCWY ■ SUTHERLAND PIANO AND .*•. «■..»■ .i'■„ iv, I'.iff;1,!', ,!■ »V«•.'» • ORGAN MART RENTALS KOS BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 SHOW STARTS J™y»CADEMYAWARD NOMINATIONS SALES I BEST ACTOR-JHCK Actor-RANDY OUAID Best NICHOLSON Screenplay ROBEB SERVICE ADMISSION: I fW 0 "WILDLY BALDWIN AtfultS - $1 I MSU Students - 75c THE LAST DETAIL Children under 12 — 50c A «tar ship larger than 1000 jumbo i«t« hurtlsa into a coimic whirlpool ... a PIANOS AND ORGANS gravitational black hole ... In ••arch I COULD NEVER HAVE SEX PLUS MacLAUGHLIN'S Ixporionco this daring vantura »«t 1000 yoart in tho futuro. fie WITH ANY MAN who hasso LITTLE 1606 East Michigan ,Ave. Lansing, Michigan ph. 517 - 48 7 5995 [PLANETARIUM information 355-4672 ^ 91 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 10,197413 Coaches fired in financial cut By JACK WALKDEN Hartman is in his first season get in the physical education think I coach State News Sports Writer as lacrosse coach and has led can a sport that cut out some of the smaller department next year, and if MSU soccer Payton coach coach Fuller and lacrosse the season Spartans to their best in history this year there is anyone with lacrosse experience," Smith said. I've never competitively coached before without experienced outside help," he sports like soccer within two years," Goldman said. "Smith Unique Fred Hartman (5-6). The stickmen have one The decision to change from tries to please the public by have been fired for financial said. game remaining. football to soccer wasn't an continuing to say,'It won't reasons, the State News learned Asst. football coach Ed Though Smith gives financial happen! It won't happen!' but easy one for Rutherford to Thursday. Rutherford will be named to problems as the reason for the I know it will make because he had 25 years even though he MSU Athletic Director Burt replace Fuller as soccer coach. of dismissals, Fuller believes there keeps denying it." gridiron coaching Smith confirmed the changes, but said official would not be coaching word Rutherford's place on the football coaching staff will be experience. "I've been in football along is more to the situation than meets the eye. "There is way Fuller he was was resentful of the informed of the UNIQUE ^MOTHER released until taken by Ron Chismar, a time," Rutherford said. "When a possibility that decision. Monday. former asst. football coach at they are trying to phase out they changed head coaches, my some of "To me it Smith added that the reason Bowling Green State University the nonrevenue was a very bad This Mother's for the dismissals was the who was added to the Spartan job changed too. I was doing less actual coaching in the last sports," Fuller said. "They situation," he said. "They told Day buy your mother won't say that, though. Rutherford about the decision current athletic money and had pinch staff last Friday. Head football two years. This helped make continue to give the reasons of They'll two weeks before they told a truly unique gift. Jewelry, plants, pots, nothing whatsoever to coach Denny Stolz said my decision for me." me. In fact, they never did tell financial problems." do with ini coaches Chismar has been given the Though he has little game When asked about Fuller's me. I finally had to call Burt to original prints and other bibelot. • themselves. title of assistant line coach. experience, Rutherford has verify it." "Payton has done a good job "We hired a new football comment, SMith said, "There taught a team game class is no truth to the rumor that for us and the same goes for coach (Chismar) because of our (which includes soccer as one soccer and lacrosse are Hartman hadn't been Hartman," Smith said. commitment to Denny (Stolz) of the games) at MSU since being notified as of Thursday Somthing she'll remember LlSU soccer coach Payton Fuller, only the second to hire nine coaches for the 1965. phased out. We will continue afternoon. from the to support them puller (above) and lacrosse coach in Spartan soccer team," Smith said. Rutherford hopes to rely on as long as oach Fred Hartman have history, posted a 20-8-9 record Smith added financing is available. "I haven't heard that help from former MSU soccer anything garden a Jbeen fired in a financial ■ cutback. in four years at the helm and never had a losing season. replacement for Hartman unknown at this time. 'It will depend on who is coach Gene Kenney as he gains experience. Former Spartan goalie Dave Goldman also disagreed with Smith. about any decision as of he said. "If there is yet," anything to the rumor, I haven't been of Earthly Delights we "I'm not so naive thfit I "I expect Smith to totally told." ^ 226 ABBOTT ROAD 332 - 3661 >lay begins it Spartan Weather permitting, play the longest combined three began early this morning in the drives in the fairway. inth annual Spartan WKAR - TV, Channel 23, nvitational golf tournament at will broadcast the final action ilSU's Forest Akers course. of the tournament beginning at T The final round of action in 5 p.m. Saturday. - hole tournament is The 32 teams are divided [iated to get underway at 8 into two divisions, a University The world will ,m. Saturday with awards to and a College division. MSU never forget great achievement, Tech Hifi je presented at the conclusion coach Bruce Fossum said what happened five years bf the day's action. Play should earlier this week he believes ago is having a sale that our com¬ End at approximately 6:30 this week. Yes, it was on MSU, defending champ Ohio State, Illinois State and Ball May petitors will find hard |.m. today and Saturday. 8, 1969 that Walter Cornelius, to total of 32 teams State are the University swallow. Already they lepresenting 31 universities and favorites. of Peterborough, England, (olleges make up the field of Fossum sees defending can't believe our money Khe largest collegiate tourney in College champ Ashland (Ohio), purposely swallowed 30 ■he Midwest. Western Illinois and Eastern back guarantee, sixty- I MSU is fielding two teams. Illinois as the teams to beat in sausages in ten minutes, it Green (first team) consists that division. eleven seconds day defect exchange, and |)f Brad Hyland, Bill Brafford, The tournament started .v.. thirty-day price protection Marx, Steve Broadwell, fcteve Cole and Scott Malaney. out as an event for Michigan setting a new world re¬ T The White squad (second schools and has since then. grown vastly cord! policy... m) includes Gary You're sure to gulp Domagalski, Dan Welch, Chris And speaking of re¬ Rloore, Rick Sessions, Dave in amazement at Tech ■Chalmers and one other player cords, your records will Hifi's low prices... was determined in a sound better on the quality Cast Lansing klayoff late Thursday. 'U , 7 A special driving'coh&it is' '' ^ ' Show her you stereo components at Tech it for 5:30 p.m. today with Look at just one ex¬ lone player from each team Hifi. In tribute to Walter's ■competing for prizes for the ample of what's on sale longest drive in the fairway and this week ... nam IN HONOR OF THE 5th ANNIVERSARY OF WALTER CORNELIUS'S SAUSAGE-SWALLOWING RECORD, (We look for any excuse to lower the price of high fidelity) HI-FI HUT WEDEMEYER'S THESE GREAT AM/FM OUR STEREO IS ON SALE! FM STEREO RECEIVERS ARE ROW ON SALE! $359 This week we'll save you $130! ADVENT ADVENT ffl PIONEER The Sansui 350A receiver, when you want something better the small Advents, —i and the BSR 510AX turntable Lists for $489 . . . ... V..' Our sale price is only $359! And, we'll give you a pair of Koss PRO 4AA headphones for only $29 (limit, 3 per store). This week a lot of stores have stereo for sale. We have stereo on sale! THE RECEIVERS YOU'VE HEARD OF AT AN UNHEARD OF PRICE. tech hifi ^■Quality Components at the Right PrktmmJ 619 E. Grand River Ave., East Lansing /122 East Washington St., Ann Arbor / 430 N. Telegraph Rd., Dearborn /14615 West 8 Mile Rd., Detroit / I S"!.. . phone: NEW HOURS 20715 Kelly Road, East Detroit / 4526 N. Woodward Ave., Royal Oak /125 Main St., Rochester / 12755 Eureka, L>c;0y «•»*>«> Mon Fri 10-8 Sat 10 5 Southgate 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan State unit backs THE open meeting bill mmmm participate in all noncontact The State Education today Board went of on i nterscholastic athletic Shop for dl seasons activities but baseball has been record in support of legislation requiring all governmental boards to hold open meetings considered a contact sport by the Michigan High School adidas Tennis Shoes Athletic Assn. and to allow girls to compete Other bills endorsed by the with boys for positions on board include measures to school baseball teams. The two proposals were offer instruction in the contributions of racial, ethnic among more than a dozen bills and religious minorities and the state board voted to support at its regular monthly women and to expand meeting. Michigan's vocational The open meetings bill education area center would set rigid requirements program. for meetings held by governmental boards, including local and intermediate school Americans lured boards. "Stan Smith - Haillet" It would require that all The men's Haillet model has ion decision ■ making meetings be to fish consumption popular tennis shoe In the work public, that adequate public notice be given of all meetings WASHINGTON (AP) - > foot. New Improved Insole t<_. and that minutes be available Americans are eating more fish adidas muiti ■ grip sole with hundreds of u Apartment managers for review by the public. Baseball would be added to the list of noncontact inter • than at any time since the federal government began keeping records in 1909, the excellent footing. Adjustable orthopedic ar "Monte Carlo" A ladles tennis shoe made on a narrower la scholastic sports activities Commerce Dept. said Tuesday. soft whit* leather. Special padding protect eel including and Achilles By MARY ANNE FLOOD to any tenant who finds birthday management offers something are always filled up the first under In a bill introduced by Rep. Gary Owen, D-Ypsilanti. 1972, the legislature Per capita consumption of seafood in the United States last year was 12.6 pounds, an increase of three - tenths of a Okemos 2283 W. Grand River loth cover. Fim looting. $20.00 amended the Michigan School State News Staff Writer someone to live in the complex extra. day we start leasing for the pound over 1972. Lansing 4310 W. Saginaw The tenants of Reaume Code to permit girls to for the next year. next year." Apartment life does not go Every day some Cedar Dodds • managed apartment Each year hundreds of without its rewards. Some Village tenant receives a complexes - Americana, tenants take the management tenants get free cake, others, Capitol Villa, Cedar View, their $25 offer, said Canon ft. Specials knock on his or her door and is up on free bread. presented with birthday Eden Roc, Riverside East and Reaume Dodds co • investor At various student • greetings from the management Norwood Apartments — can Nat Hammond. populated apartment — a Bill Knapp's chocolate earn money by supplying The apartments need less complexes in East Lansing the cake with a question mark tenants for the complexes for advertising because of the $25 management provides tenants candle holder and one lone the year following their leasing policy, and the tenants who with free birthday cakes or §25 candle. period. win $25, even ff they just Cedar Village has been Any tenant who either decide to stay on a year, surely decides to stay another year or LAST 3 DAYS saying happy birthday to its enjoy the extra cash. Buried mail tenants for over two years now who finds another group of and over 1,000 times a year, tenants to rent for the BRADFORD. England (AP) said manager Clare Tamblyn. following year receives $25 for - A Bradford postman decided "We deliver at least one cake each apartment he is to save time on his morning every day and sometimes as responsible for filling. rounds by burying part of the many as six," Tamblyn said. "Some kids make over $100 mail in his back garden, a Cedar Village tenants aren't in one shot," said an American CAMERAS AT DEALERS COST! magistrate's court was told. the only ones in town whose apartments secretary. "But we List $593 Canon M f1.3 Lens $399 List, $448 Canon FTB F1.4 Lens $279 List $384 Canon F TB F1.8 Lens $239 Car Stereo List $350 Canon 518 SV Super Movie Camera with carrying case $239 Headquarters Select from the finest brands of stereo taper tape players and radios: car Canon List $175 Canon List $225 List $206 List $407 List $381 Canon Canon Canon Canon 1 CRAIG-SONY-PIONEER Lenses at 135mm F3.a 28mm F3.5 100mm F2.8 17mm F.4 300mm F5.6 1 SANYO and TENNA TELEPHOTO WIDE ANGLE Portrait Wide Angle 1 Speakers by Jensen, Craig and Pioneer DEALER Telephoto *117. *150. $133. *264. w SPECIAL OF THE WEEK May 10-May 16 COST! Tl's Newest & Best Changer The PE 3060 See & hear this changer in LEONARD'S sound room # Gyroscopic - type gimbal tonearm - suspension. # Vertical tracking angle adjust ment for correct stylus angle in single play. Craig 3509 stereo cassette player # Separate anti - skating scales REGULAR for conical and elliptical LIST styli. $59.95 Quantities Limited 9 Die - cast 10 5/8" platter is PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION AVAILABLE dynamically balanced and weighs 4.4 lbs. # Exclusive PE "fail • safe" feature prevents tonearm from descending to platter unless a record is on it. 245 Ann Street, E. Lansing Check Leonard's Low Low Prices oe Stereo 402 S. Washington, Lansing ••••••••••••••••••• MSU 8th ANNUAL )ia//u-nd{\ are forever For that someone! KARATE special Choose from newest fashions in 14 kt. gold mountings. Brilliant Pear, Oval, Emerald and Marquise cuts. All with Leonard's satis¬ faction guarantee. TOURNAMENT Fine Diamoml Hin^s TOMORROW, ELIMINATIONS SATURDAY 12:00 NOON. MA •50. to <6500. TOP Think Quality, Think Savings, Think Leonard^ BLACK BELT FIGHTERS FIGHTING, FORM, AND TEAM Store Hours: FREE LEONARD Mon. & Fri. Adjacent BOARD BREDKING, AND K 9:30 to 9 p.m. Ramp Tua»., Wed., Thiers., Sat. Parking Wholesale Distributors 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. 309 N. Evenings, Sat. & Washington Ave. Leonard Downtown PI:., Mulligan StJte News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 10, 1974 15 | Automotive REMEMBER & 3 FRANKLY SPEAKING. .by phil frank rHpNORO 0N SUNDAY, MAV 12 Employment gj . DUSTER Apalments Apartments ^ 1972. Automatic PONTIAC TEMPEST 1967. Power transmission, power steering, steering, power brakes, NURSE, LPN or RN exciting 2 GIRLS needed next radio, vinyl top, deluxe $1895. interior] automatic, V-8. $295. 351-1578. summer camp jobs. June 12 - Arms, close. $81.00 332-4279. year. Haslett SUMMER SUBLEASE: two r Days, 393-2477! 1-5-10 August 17 (other duties Evenings, 393-2146. 1-5-10 SP-5-5-15 required). Call 646-6709 for PHONE 355-8255 PORSCHE 914 6, 1971. Excellent interview. 3-5-13 SUMMER FIAT SPIDER 850, 1969. - SUBLEASE, three I 347 Student Services Bidv- Call shape, 30mpg, $4900. 393-7812, •••••••••••••••• 373-1899 between 9 $850. 5-5-13 5pm 484 3461. 5-5-10 GO GO DANCERS. Full or time. No experience necess part ! FRESHMAN J •automotive FIAT 1971 850 TOYOTA COROLLA 1971 - 2 Call 10am - 6pm. 372-71 J WOMEN!! { Scooters & Cycle* - 35mpg. New door, 4 speed. Excellent shape 5-5-13 QUIET arrival, car must go. Call $1,475. 489 1933. 7-5-13 bedroom UNFURNISHED two ? # You can live off • Parts & S«r*ict apartment, no • 655-3177, or TV-21247. 5-5-10 PART TIME! undergrade no pets. $180. • campus next year # Aviation TOYOTA MINI Put your spare time hours to work • - Pickup 1973. Excellent condition, Okemos NO PROBLEMS!! • FIAT 1970 1 >0. 40 •employment Call 351-38 6, after mpg, $850. 15,000 miles with deluxe at Brittannica III. Develop skill and _349-0558, 332-3534. 5-5-10 ; ® • 6. 3-5-10 insulated, panelled earn money. Mr. Murphy, Campus View Apt's has 4, 5, • •for rent camper shell. LARGE 2 bedroom. • and 6 Women Apartments for 337-1612. 5-5-15 351-1560. 5-5-13 Carpeted, air, • # FIAT 1969. Rebuilt next year's Sophomores Apartments engine. $550 1 block, 1% bath. Reduced ( Apartment 88, Burcham Woods! TRIUMPH CONVERTIBLE 1968. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT Houses summer. 332-1946.4-5-10 CALL 332-6246 351-1031, 2-5 pm. 5-5-14 4-speed, needs minor repair. FOUR DAY WORK WEEK • J Rooms Engine perfect, 26 mpg. $750. The United Educators Incorporated MALE TO sublet '/a of 2 bedroom, 2 UNIVERSITY • •FOR SALE FIAT 1973 - 124 has openings for people who have bath, air conditoned, $80. • APPROVED HOUSING* convertible, 5 Dansville, 1-623-6283. 3-5-13 speed. Bright yellow, black an 351-8514, after 6 pm. 1-5-10 •••••••••••••••• Animals automobile and enjoy meeting interior. Low mileage, 28 TRIUMPH the public. We need FRANDOR, NEAR two mpg. SPITFIRE 1971 people who Mobile Homes t 1824 East MALE NEEDED for bedroom unfurnished. Carpeted, Michigan convertible AM/FM stereo possess the ability to conduct own room in •LOST & FOUND Avei Lan wD„,,ng, days $1,500. 882-5592. 7-5-15 'CERTAINLY THERE'S A FLY Meadowbrook Trace Townhouse 482-3596. 1224 Alpine starting summer. $80/month. •PERSONAL Drive, Your $p-w appointment. All fringe benefits, Dewitt, after 5pm and weekends TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1964. hospitalization, major medical, Kenn, 349-3950. 5-5-16 •PEANUTS PERSONAL life 669-5692. 10-5-23 Rebuilt engine, good body SP^IAJ.- WHICH IS m- &up[" insurance, etc. For interview, •REAL ESTATE •RECREATION FORD RANCHERp Squire V-8, 4-speed, 16 mpg. Phone 1971 - radials. $385. 393-2250 P.m. 3-5-10 after 5 ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES*BOX 9411-BERKELEY. CA 94709 484-7368 5-5-14 between 10-12 am w TWO BEDROOM, furnished, close. Available immediately. $145 APARTMENTS ' month. 337-0349 after 5 p.m. 'SERVICE 393-2347, after 6 pm. 4-5-14 VEGA 1972 wagon. Excellent LPN, FULL time opening 5-5-14 on the condition. $1650. 655-2900 or 'Close to Campus Instruction 3-11:30 shift. Liberal fringe Typing Service FORD 1969. Custom 4-door, good 332-1391. 3-5-10 Motorcycles ](£j] Employment jji benefits, evening and night *Air Conditioned •All Appliances TWO GIRLS, Fall - spring. condition, $550. 351-5313. differential, no shift rotation, including dishwasher Woodmere Apartments (behind •TRANSPORTATION 5-5-13 VEGA HATCHBACK 1973 •Luxurious Furnishings Americana). Quiet, river view. bronze every other weekends off and •WANTED with white interior. •Shag Carpeting $2,000 COCKTAIL WAITRESS weekend bonus paid. Call Mrs. •On-Site Management 353-1284, 353-5686. SP-5-5-14 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT II 882-5592.7-5-15 L. Experienced preferred. Apply in Risk, RN, Director of •Private Balconies 1973. 2 wheel drive, 6 M.LFORD STREET cylinder, person. Ramada Inn, I-96 and Nursing. 349-1050, Ingham •SWIMMING POOL - 126. Two "RATES" 4-speed, deluxe interior, 14,500 VOLKSWAGEN WAGON, 1967 man $185, three $67 each miles. Perfect. $2300. 332-1775. fair body, runs well. $425 - Pennsylvania. 5-5-10 County Extended Care Facility, Now Leasing man. man Two blocks from campus, Okemos, Michigan. 4-5-10 5-5-15 349-2209. 3-5-10 Summer and Fall deluxe, furnished, air JAGUAR XKE 1965. Chrome wire VOLKSWAGEN, 1969 ; Auto Service ][/] BABYSITTER WANTED: 12-6pm now. Or 8-12am and / or Summer-$ 150 i 3 persons conditioned. occupancy or fall and summer Immediate wheels. $1795. Phone 371-3582 tape, tan color. $900. Call 5-5-13 351-7881 after 7 pm or before 9 12-6pm starting June 14. My home only. Phone Fall $73 rr:Zs rentals. 351-2647. 484-8494, 489-1656. 0-5-31 BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced 351-6216 Discount for 12 Lease 1 3 5 10 am. 5-5-13 after 6pm. 5-5-15 mo. MERCURY MONTEREY, 1966 - rates to students. Also 10 1 50 4.00 6.50 13.00 4 door, good transportation. VOLKSWAGEN 1970 guaranteed rust proofing. VAN WANTED. SOMEONE in nearby 351-7212 TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile homes. $25 - $35 / week. Ten WORLD, 645-2123. OR-5-31 ALASKA 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 $175. Call 484-8789 5 5-10 excellent mechanical condition. 731 Qurcham Drive dorms to babysit in Cherry Lane minutes to campus. Quiet and 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 393-6506. Models open 1-6, Mon. ■ Sat. Evenings and VOLKSWAGEN / FOREIGN car occasionally, night or afternoon. peaceful on a lake. 641-6601. MGB '70. Excellent throughout 32 weekends. 5-5-13 Other times by appointment 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 Two kids, ages 8, 10, very well 0-5-31 mpg. $2200. 373-7247 days. repair. Mechanical and body. 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 behaved: will be in bed after 9 LARGE 3-5-10 Buy, sell and trade. IMPORT TWO party, furnished VOLKSWAGEN SUPER Beetle pm. 504/hour. 355-7895, after 6 1 OR 2 men for apartment $45 per efficiencies. ' 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 AUTO PARTS AND REPAIR. Air conditioned. 1971. Good condition $1,600. p.m. 1-5-10 month. Pool, Capitol Villa MG MIDGET 1972, mint 485-2047. 0-2-5-13 Close to campus. Summer, $140 Call 351-8862 before 2pm. Call Apartments. Call 351-6628. D EADLINE condition, very low mileage, Fall. $165. 484-0585. 30-5-20 1 P.M. one class 372-7681 after 4pm. 5-5-13 PERSON TO d housework and SP-5-5-10 U REPAIR day stereo FM, AUTO SERVICE 349-2375. 3-5 10 tapedeck, extras VW 1969. 61,000 CENTER. 5311 South AURORA babysitting i i Cherry Lane, GIRL FOR two person. Large, air FREE CANOES FOR miles, good occasionally i i late afternoon. condition. Pennsylvania 2 blocks south of conditioning, summer. Cheao TENANTS Peanuts Personal ads MG MIDGET 1971. Michelin am/fm radio. New battery, tires, 3-5-14 Phone 351-8251 Jolly. Save big $$ on auto EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Two kids, age 8, 10, very well 351-4408 5-5-10 River's and Water's Edge good repairs. We supply technical Box 75 Apartments must be pre Dept. C Juneau, Ak. ONE MAN needed for four paid. condition. 484-6858 3-5-14 Motorcycles jjsrc] man, (next Cedar Village) . to fall, Cedar Village. 355-5303. supply the labor. Phone Now Leasing for MODELS FOR photography. Call SP-5-5-10 ^Cancellations/ Corrections HONDAS 1970 CB450 882-8742. Open 10am - 10pm 7 RN, FULL time opening 11:30 on the 3 - between 10am and 6pm. Summer $725. daVs S"5"13 shift. Liberal fringe 332-4432 12 noon one class day - 489-1215. OR-5-31 SUBLEASE ONE bedroom 1966 Superhawk 305 custom, benefits, MNA contract, evening ■ before publications. NOVA 1963 apartment for summer. Air. SUMMER. LUXURY townhouse. - automatic, unfinished $275. 351 7857, MASON BODY SHOP - 812 East and night differential, no shift - WORK STUDY students: part - Close. $150. 332-1819. 5-5-13 Two bedroom near bus, $220. convertible, needs some work after 5p.m. SP-5-5-14 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. rotation, every other weekend time now, full time summer at I The State News will be $150. Call 337-0255. 2 5-10 Complete auto painting anij • off and weektenifr'bomis paid. $2.50 / hour for typing, clerical GIRL, NEEDED, non 484-0562. 332-6677. 3-5-13 . - smoker, collision Call Mix L. Risk, RN, Director of J responsible only for the NOVA 1972 6 cylinder, stick. Best HONDA perfectly, 1973 - XL great 250. Runs buy, $600. C-5-31 service 485-0256 Nursing, 349-1050. Ingham at Lansing, office of PIRGIM, flexible summer and 351-8162. SP-5-5-15 I or fall. Call 2 WOMEN needed for Collingwood. ■ first day's incorrect offer. Call after 4pm. 355-9771 hours, Call Misty, Fall - spring". $65/month. 332-0441, Patty. 3-5-10 County Extended Care Facility, 487-6001 between 4-5-10 VW 332-8030. 3-5-13 I insertion. - GUARANTEED REPAIR. RANDY'S MOBIL, Okemos Okemos, Michigan. 4-5-10 4:30 pm. 5-5-14 noon and SUMMER Furnished for 4 students. HONDA 1969 CD175. Good lie flue 7 days (rom OLDSMOBILE, 1969 - trade for Road and 1-96. 249-9620. Private, parking, close. ONE OR two females to share cycle! (over 500ccl or $1,000. condition. $275. Call 351-0146 BASS AND Piano player for 351-9561. 10-5-13 C-5-31 townhouse. $60 plus utilities for Power steering, radio, tape or 349-4037. 5-5-15 established all style band. Must For Rent one, $75 total for two. Contact player, good body. 393-7354. read. Call Raykay 373-5200 FEMALE TO share 1964 TRIUMPH TR-4 engine and furnished Brad Leeck 372-1910 extension 5-s-ie 1969 TRIUMPH 500. Raunchy but (after 5, 482-65131.4-5-10 apartment. Summer. Call after transmission, 2 165R Shell radial No. 635. 2-5-10 functional. $450 or best offer. TV AND 5pm. 351 8966. 5-5-15 tires. Call 676-4736, after 5pm. STEREO rentals. OLDSMOBILE 1971 Delta 88 351-5377. 1-5-10 CAREER OPPORTUNITY $24/term. 5-5-13 $9.95/month. Free Automatic, power steering, . . for qualified college grad to same day delivery and service. SUMMER SUBLEASE studio brakes, factory air. Green with BMW, YAMAHA, TRIUMPH, Call apartment. FIND THESE Quality names at NEJAC, 337-1300. C-5-31 Furnished, near matching vinyl top, 4-door. RICKMAN, Your full service capitol. Call CHEQUERED 489-7161. Weekdays after 6 p.m. dealer. Parts, custom accessories FLAG: Koni, eling. College program SP 5-5-15 Bilstein, Stebro, Abarth, Ansa X 1970. ondition! Collectors item, mint Asking $1950, 882 7949. 5-5 10 competition equipment, service. SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS, and Castrol. 2605 East sored any. by Call Mr. National Bower at [ Apartments ^ AIR CONDITIONED efficiency for ■ 49,000 miles. OLDSMOBILE 1969. 442, INCORPORATED. 2460 North Kalamazoo Street. One mile 337-2529. 5-5-14 1 or 2. Summer or convertible with all available west of campus, 487-5055. longer, close Cedar, Holt. Just south of 1-96 to |lCK optional equipment. New tires, C-8-5-10 campus. $140/month. 1957 - 60,000 overpass. Phone 694-6621 actual 351-2017, after 6 pm. 5-5-15 ■ miles. Second exhaust, battery, air, shocks. C-5-5-10 instructors and owner, interior crew. Send 332-8043. SP-5-5-13 ■ He new, $250, Best reasonable offer. 332-5349 ■ 6pm, 351-1632. 5-5-14 371-2400. After evenings. 5-5-15 YAMAHA 125 MX. Super Trick. Employment resume and phone number to SUMMER SUBLEASE, large 1 Sailmaster, 1857 Dennison, East bedroom, 2 blocks from campus, Competition or trail. Phone Lansing, Michigan. 3-5-10 carpeted, furnished, air. Rent IjRVETTE OPEL RALLY 1973. Good Don't be 1965 4 speed, 2 tops, 353-4206. 3-5-10 reduced to $150. 332-1945, i am/fm radio. 327 condition, 4-speed. AM/FM, new deserted! Check 300 hp TRANSPORTATION SURVEY DENTAL RECEPTIONIST for SUMMER NEAR Potters Park. 4 after 5. 5-5-15 ■ $1,600 351-9579. 3-5-13 tires, must sell. Call 372-5385. - 5-5-16 TRIUMPH, 1971 - excellent interviewers, temporary orthodontist's offbe. Personable, rooms, furnished, utilities paid, out Collingwood condition, very low mileage. Call position. People needed to mature with office SUMMER SUBLET King's Point Apartments!! IjtlasS S 1971. Green, 350 V-8, PLYMOUTH FURY 1968. Moving Jack, 351-4471. X-5-5-14 administer transportation person capabilities. (Typing 60 wpm). reduced rate. 371-3794 after East, 2 bedroom apartment. ■ power 6:30pm. 3-5-14 *air conditioned steering, automatic must sell. Runs well! $475. Call survey. Need skills in dealing Will train. Please call, 372-6451. $150. 337-9621. BL-1-5-10 ■ bucket seats, 41,000 miles! with public and in 5-5-16 *dishwasher ■ 349 402,, 8-5, 353-9242, Marilyn. 3-5-.10 185cc SUZUKI, nev understanding BOGUE SUBLET reduced. Senior 2-5-10 and AIRY *shag carpeting 1300 miles, red organizing materials. or grad woman for 3-woman. EFFICIENCY, woody view, PONTIAC CATALIN A 1970 393-2215. 3-5-13 Training provided and Equal DESK CLERK needed must have 332-4425. SP-5-5-13 patio. Northwind. Lease. Ms. ♦unlimited parking JITLASS S COUPE, 1973. 14,000 ■ miles, beautiful! Mu»t sell. 4-door. Excellent condition. Opportunity Employer. $2.50 / transportation and be willing to Simons, 372-7900, extension * Plush furniture Blue travel. Call ■ book Best offer over $1000. hour, contact Tri - County 372-0567 or NEED 2 girls, summer, Univeristy 254, weekdays. 5-5-16 ♦Model Open Daily $3125, will wholesale for KAWASAKI 1972 - 175 trail bike. 489-1215 between 12 - 6 pm. ■$2850. 371-3045 until midnight. 337-0805. 5-5-15 Regional Planning Commission, Terrace Apartments, Brand new! $600 - negotiable 535 Clippert, OR-5-31 rent ■ 3-5-14 Lansing, 48912. CLEMENS 517 North Graduate, call 351 8282 655-3633. 5-5-13 negotiable. 349-4682. SP-5-5-13 - PONTIAC 1969, V-8, Catalina 351-2020. 2-5-10 married couple. 5 room, 2 ^TSUN 1973 240-Z 4-door hard top. High mileage PATIENT DRIVING coach needed SPARROW HOSPITAL bedroom, partially furnished, (behind Zody's - near: Jones ■ Fantastic car, must mostly highway. Good motor. MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE MARRIED COUPLE for resident immediately. Pay negotiable, parking. $160 plus utilities. on the river!) sell, $4300. - Street, 216 - upper 1 bedroom, ■ 355 5780. SP-5-5-14 Will check on scope. Automatic New Low rates #IEDLER manager of apartment building. hours flexible. 489-4145. 5-5-14 Lease. Immediate unfurnished except stove, occupancy. transmission and door locks, INSURANCE. Phone 676-2449. Close to campus. For more 484-7253. 5-5-16 ling Services? 0-1-5-10 refrigerator, Garage. 489-7954. Sell them to more power steering and brakes. information, call 372-3994 2 WOMEN exciting summer camp 5-5-16 |People with low cost Want Ads. Factory air and radio. $790. between 8:30-5:30. 5-5-15 jobs. June 12 • August 17. 349-1629. 5-5-14 CYCLE rates INSURANCE on - any sized cycle. Easy lowest SEASONAL HELP wanted (or Imprint machine (we train); 551 ALBERT Street. One block CROSSWORD '****•••*•••••••••••••••••••••••• W.S.I, required: Counseling; from campus. Large 2 bedorom, payment plan. Call UNION (Jacking and filling school suply orders. Minimum wage. Apply typing; driving; call for furnished, for fall. Resident PUZZLE UNDERWRITERS, 372-8120 or interview. 676 6709. 3-5-13 manager's apartment No. 3. ACROSS ampus Hill! 485-4317. 20-5-16 1200 Keystone, Lansing. 3-5-13 31. Norse county 332-2404 / 351-6676. 10-5-23 CAB DRIVERS wanted. Must have 1. Regulation 32. Hur's son 1 4. Muffin 33 Coral islands excellent driving record. Apply, BEDROOM, close Frandor / 7. Cabbage salad 34. Pastoral Ctopcfuncrtam VARSITY CAB, 122 Woodmere, campus. Linda, 351-8345 11. Candlenut tree 36. Woodland deity t the side door 5-5-15 evenings and weekends. 5-5-16 12. Kiwi 38 Mars aii obq§ oSaa 13. Champion 40. Intense Now Leasing for Fall NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER • MARK SPITZ. 17. Surfaces j fabric Special Summer Rates AND FALL EAT YOUR 18. Old sailor 20. Vichy 48. 49. Carpets Fore 4. Comprehend 22. Two in cards 50. Female tuft 5. Cosmic cycle Campus Hill Apartments, are carpeted and furnished 6 Doilies Wlt dis,inctive, comfortable furniture. Each unit has J * Luxury apartments completely furnished with distinctive HEART OUT 25. Aspiration 28. Leucothea 51. 52. leg joint Epoch 1. Tibetan monk 2. Eastern title ,7 Laminated ® J Spanish Mediterranean furniture and shag carpeting 30. Swindle 53. Rascal 3. Carry on rock 9arbage disposal, central heating and air • Tired of sweating over end of the month utility bilk? 8. Iceberg or 0n itioning, and dishwasher. These 4 man units have throughout. Well, Spend this summer pnolside developing your medal winning r- T~ r* r y- 14 5 6 7 bibb a "P to 4 ♦Each unit has diswasher, garbage form, and leave the utility hassles to us. (Mark Spit: should have it 9. Common verb parking spaces per unit and include the use of 2 disposal, central air 1 IT" 11 giant swimming pool and recreation room. • conditioning, and heating. so good) r 10. Succeeded — 15. Headstrong foughout the academic BURCHAM WOODS 15 year there will be free bus ""$Portation t0 an(j from campuj vVe also have a * • * 3 parking spaces per unit. Besides a heated pool, you'll enjoy many other 17" IF" IT 19. 21. Ruckus Strain time Resident Manager for If you want to be J * Heated pool and private balconies features for a complete summer living experience. % 23. 24. Flirtatious Abstract being * fir5t residents of Campus Hill call ^ month rates available Roommate service today. J Two Bedroom Units start at: * Heated Pool Ample Parking * * Laundry Facilities wmmmwrnnumm 26.8akmg,pit i5 28 29 :«o 25. Strife . . a * Air Cond. Nicely Furnished 27 Odd S6d F°R RENTAL '"FORMATION CALL 349 I •52"/ mo per man • Summer NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER JT~ i ST w — 29. Pinch • *70*/ Fall Efficiency One Bedroom Two Bedroom 5m~ W P 32. Caucho a mo per man - $140 $149 Z. $16 _ %■ w ul n 33. 35. Make socks Came up W^UWNT EXCLUSIVELY BY: • S64°Y mo per man - Special 12 mo. rate Includes Utilities FALL RATES (12 MH 1I w ill — 37. Oat genus 39 Economize ]U state MANAGEMENT CO., INC. j One 41. Ruffed lemur Call 351-7166 Efficiency Bedroon Bedroom m5~ "ft" vT — 42. Paragraph 351 1310 managed by $154 mo. $184 ^ $234 » ~ 43. Profound 241 E. SAGINAWHWY 5i"~ 5T SUITE411 ! -Includes Utilities- 44. Clumsy boat All Slate 22 EASTUNSING MICHIGAN 48823 Management Co., Inc. 45. Seek office _ • 47. Limousin# •••••••••••••••••A 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday,May|0| ' fir Sale F*Sak Apartments ^ frrtwfc )|jp) ( H«s ]K Rooms A For Sale MAN NEEDED next year. Eden SUMMER, NEED female for WANTED TO rent by visiting 2 ROOM suite for 2 MATCHING COUCH and chair In GARAGE SALE - Moving! 4709 WAREHOUSE SPECIAL! May men. Near 4-person apartment. Grove good condition, $65. 351-0357. Woodcraft, Okemos. (Indian 6-17, up to 35% off on furniture TELEVISION PH|LC0 Roc, next to campus. 332-0776. professor, wife, and small child. campus, private bath, parking, SP 5-5-14 Street, $47.50. 355-1956. Furnished house, 3 bedrooms cooking. 482-8932. 4-5-10 5-5-14 Hills.) Thursday, Friday, May and lamps - also soma fabric months old $40 f0 355-1995. 3-5-10 preferred, first 5 weeks summer 10,11. 3-5 10 and wallpaper remnants. 5707 393-8654. 1.5.* ' FEMALE GRAD student needs 1 term. Call 353-0637. 5-5-10 SUMMER AND Fall. Women's SCUBA! LADY'S wetsuit, rocket School Street, corner of Haslett 2 TICKETS or 2 roommates to share 3 man, SOPHOMORES, UNIVERSITY furnished single and double fins, men's boots, other THE Road and School Street. to ^ 2 bedroom apartment, summer approved. 2 girls next year, THREE PERSONS NEEDED for rooms in Christian Center, 131 equipment alsol 646-0283. TAILOR'S APPRENTICE 339-8257. BL-4-5-15 Campus View. 355-8703. 5-5-14 house. Own room. Close. $75. 5-5-14 only. Call 351-0035.5-5-14 Bogue (across from Abbott SELLS OUT 332-6448. SP-5-5-14 Hall). Kitchen privilege*, laundry RALEIGH WOMEN'S Sprite, LCC AREA Sublet 1 bedroom, utilities, except phone paid. CANNON ZOOM. Used for pictures MAY 10th though JUNE 5-speed, excellent condition! ACCESSORIES, fully furnished, after May 22nd. FURNISHED FIVE Man. East Lansing home. 12 month lease 351-4950 summer rates; Singles of little old lady, also Volvo 544. '61.351-6256. 5-5-14 10th. Everything must go. ANTIQUE CLOTHING at $90/negotiable. 5-5-16 482-1725. b^"on band ,of instruments Option to lease. Safe and secure I $60/month. Doubles. sheet $175 / month. 332-3135. 5-5-14 NICE bedroom. UNFURNISHED 2 Grad student beginning September 15. Call Bob. 351-0309. C-3-5-13 $45/month. Fall rates - singles, AS SEEN IN THE slashed prices, open afternoons. 541 Eafct Grand ROLLEIFLEX TLR F3.5, excellent V Our music BVGrv rtepanrr^i m M $80/month; doubles $45/month. marshll APARTMENTS FOR summer - 3 preferred. 489-7093 after 5:15. PERSON NEEDED for house. Own 7-5-13 STATE NEWS River DOWNSTAIRS The beginners camera, with case. Street. c-1-Sio music"jJN and 4 person, cheap, close to 5-5-14 BOOKS ON RAISING end is near - WBS $45. 332-6984. 5-5-16 ^ campus. Call 332-5048 and ask room, close. $85. 351-2108. ONE GIRL - near campus. SUNNY, FURNISHED, one 3-503 SUNN 'SENTURA' guitar MOTHER S DAY for Bob or Steve. 3-5-10 Parking, cooking, privileges. WORMS 1973 MOTORBECANE Grand bedroom apartment. One block amplifier; excellent sound; 200 Vou forgotten? NEEDED, GIRL, semi 482-8932. 4-5-10 WORM KITS Jubilee, 10-speed. Phone GULltaJi NEED SUMMER, 1-3 men to split from Sparrow, pets allowed. All utilities included. $100 / month. room, close, $58, summer only. private Write: rms; $400,332-5476.3-5-10 489-2889. 3-5-10 l9ady ,0 Special serve Vou. Mother jJJ S160 equally in 2 bedroom 482-4258 after 5pm. 3-5-10 Carol, 351-3687. 5-5-14 MAN NEEDED own room near Mel DIAMOND RING Lady's .25 GUU|Jj apartment. Pool, air, furnished. campus. 2012 East Kalamazoo. Reynolds - MUST SELL Raleigh 23" single karat sat in 18 karat white gold a new shipment 0| 351-3275. 3-5-10 482-7143. 5-5-13 28652 Cunningham speed. Good condition, $35. SUBLET SUMMER 2-man large / 229 DIVIISON Street. 2 blocks setting. Contact F«""er candy. Warren, Michigan 48092 Bruce 353-^61. 3-5-10 GunS! MARIGOLD APARTMENTS close / air / reasonable. Call 332-5829. 3-5-20 from Berkey. Own room for summer, option for fall. Full use GIRL NEEDED own room in house Harrison - Grand area, cheap, 351-7446. 7-5-16 Grand 0RU«. Rlvw. 332-6171. Stf JUST A FEW LEFT' SUBLET SUMMER - 5 blocks of house, small garden. Very good people, no hassles. $76, nice. Call 337-7191. SP-5 5-14 SHURE VOCALMASTER head two sound columns, six channels, EV mikes and stands, anc wOMPLETE PA system: two 200 watt West Fillmore amplifiers, J GIBSON'S V golf clubs muti^m J| but will negotiate. Call Lou after SUMMER RATE $140 from campus, one bedroom, unfurnished, air conditioned, 6 p.m. 337-2638. 3-5-10 ROOMS FOR per month. summer. $70 / $80 Call Sharon. all like new, best offer ovei $575. 337-7831 after 6pm West Sextet mixer, two EV Shd horn boxes, two TBI cabinets - BOCK l3ZnZi 351-8661. I.5.10 * J1 911 Marigold, East Lansing. negotiate $170. 337-0090 after 5pm. 5-3-io Large 1 bedroom, furnished dishwasher, 332-0314. 3-5-10 HOUSE FOR summer, 5-6 people. Close to campus. Furnished. ONE MALE or female for 5 person 5-5-10 each One with Shore two SRO speakers. Unisphere ADDIC SCUBA TANK Aqua excellent $150. conditioning, HEAT - no $70. 355-0395 or 355-0453. GOLD CLUBS, Haig ultra, used. microphone, all connecting Bob W additional charge. Renting for DUPLEXES. SUMMER and Fall. 3 house. Now - summer option 2-9 irons, wedge, best offer cords. 484-2867 before 8 p.m. 1-5-10 ® 5-5-14 • Used books % nrice bedroom. Completely furnished. fall. $60/month plus utilities. or 484-6344, after 5 5-5-14 332-5667. 5-5-15 p.m. 669-9939. 23-5-31 349-2816. 4-5-10 2 NEEDED to sublease house. • Out of printvsearchcs Animals \ 1 MALE to share 2 man $92.50 / TWO GIRLS needed next year, Summer, own room, close. •'WWitions and Americana month. Years lease, negotiable. 332-1852. 3-5-13 MODERN, CARPETED rooms. Eden Roc apartments. Phone Close. Individual heat controls. 6 p.m. 489-7647. 3-5-10 • Over 25,000 Books in Stock 351-2681 evenings. 7-5-15 332-6242. 3-5-13 NORWEGIAN ELKHOUNto ■ TWO BEDROOM basement Reduced summer. 332-1946. quality male GRADS - MALE share apartment vo bedroom apartment. One block from 4-5-10 MASSIVE ANTIQUE Mahogany *50 (papers pupfefcS held double desk. Call 371-4648 for ^ close, quiet, laundry. 349-3328 ' campus. Nine campus. Available fall. or TUE-FRI 1-6, 7-9 MEN OR Women - summer - single after 6pm or weekends. 5-5-13 month or 1 year lease. Furnished with 394-2646. X-5-5-15 rooms with kitchen privileges 10 - SPEEDS SALES SERVICE ACCESSORIES 393-7534. 3-5-10 SAT 12-5 _ 663-8418. 5!>.i0$'°° * stove, refrigerator, ACROSS FROM Campus: Cedar Street, 135 Kedzie Drive, 124 dishwasher, air conditioning and SUBLEASE SUMMER, Ann Street. 4 person - duplex. Partly and parking. 1 block from campus. $120 for full summer. BIS! VAIKS, CHECK «S Off LLOYD'S 35 speakers. watt stereo / BSR 8 track, changer, 124% W. Grand River REGISTERED vear stallion. APPALOOsH carpeting only. Utilities included Black * furnished. 332-1456. 3-5-10 351-0909 evenings. 4-5-10 headphones, 16 tapes, neat blanket with 2-man, one bedroom furnished spots Will apartments, $170 and up. Available June and September. except electricity. Call 372-3994 between 8:30 • 5:30. 5-5-15 THREE BEDROOMS in house, 2 CLOSE, CLEAN, furnished, linens, telephone, nice environment. velocipede cabinet! 484-8281 5-5-10 $200. Ed/Ann, \ UPSTAIRS J 36M62Z Evening fcj| 129 Burcham, Summer leases. Call 487-3216. Evenings 5-1 Opm EAST duplex, LANSING. carpeted, 2 bedroom, furnished. blocks campus, $70 / month, 332-2225. 3-5-10 Great deal! Call Available immedately. 1-5-10 351-3212 Meddler PANASONIC: COMPLETE AM/FM stereo system, $90 or best offer. GUNS, RIFLES, and handguns of all kinds. Buy, trade and sell BAY MARE, 7 years old Alw, saddles. Reasonable mil 882-2316 or 8-3pm, 351-2402. Available June 15. Phone 355-8823. 5-5-13 BEST year 'round prices in ta_ ROOMMATE NEEDED $50 I SPEEDOUEEN PORTABLE 485-2928, 0-5-31 351-5964. 3-5-13 month plus utilities, own room. SUBLET FOR summer, large room, washer. Excellent condition. Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN 435-7922..X^j refrigerator, $55/month, close. SETTING UP housekeeping, filling SHOP. 2412 South Cedar. Call BORZOI PUPPIES || Enjoy Hiis Summer at GRADUATE roommate STUDENT for fall. desires Bob, Call 484-6221 after 9:30 pm. 5-5-14 332 0298. 3-5-14 Great for apartment living. $85. 349-2899, after 6 p.m. 3-5-13 hope chest: First see our top 371 2244. OR-5-31 Wolfhoundl. Permanent quality cook ware. 351-3622, AKC registered, River's & 339-2509, after 11 pm. 2-5-10 SUMMER HOUSE; close, couple / PRIVATE ROOM (female! - near appointment. Free gift. 5-5-13 JOHNSON FURNITURE watchdogs. Parkwood Ki good pegJ CANOE 15 foot aluminum. city library. Kitchen privileges. COMPANY. SPRING Water's Edge small family. $250, plus utilities References. 351-5004 aftei Grad preferred. 332 4 569. Excellent conditon. Call aftei MUST SELL Tenor Banjo and case. CLEARANCE ON floor samples, 372-3372. X 5-504 . 5pm. 394-1067. 3-5-13 5:30pm. 3-5-13 2-5-13 discontinued sytles and fabrics. LABRADOR Apartments NEED TWO females for 4 female SLEEPING BAG, semi - mummy, Brand new, best offer. Call 353-1414. 3-5-10 Some items slightly damaged but yellow, 8 RETREIVERS.MX weeks old jfj *free canoes for tenants TWO GIRLS for house summer ROOM FQR male student, across rated below all are reduced in price for big 5 1 7-56 3-2266. after 6 u house near MSU. Big yard, from Union. 211'/a Grand freezing, 80", $25. 5-5-14 *on the Red Cedar term, close, $70/month. River, 351 0116. 3-5-13 SCUBA GEAR - tank, regulator, savings. Furniture ideally suited ample parking, bus. $75. 351-3995. 5-5-15 upstairs. $48 per month. 5-5-16 for your cottage, rec - room, or *Ba^onies 694-1514. 5-5-15 backpack, complete wetsuit ' rental property. Chairs, sofas, SNAKES FOR Sale. Haitian * 2 johns per apt. WOMEN NEEDED for nice, close COLOR TV - Magnavox, 25" (small) $125. 355-8946. 5-5-10 i and dinette chairs, odd dining $25, others. 353 0937 afar ■ J, SUMMER., CLEAN, furnished, French provincial cabinet. Summer-Rentals from $50 SUBLET DUPLEX, summer, tables and house. Summer or fall. close, kitchen, living room to Excellent conditon,guaranteed. GENERAL ELECTRIC 10" color buffets, also some p.m. 3-5-10 (next to Cedar Village) reduced rates, 4 bedrooms, 351-3045. 1-5-10 share. One available May 19. $150. 489-1982. 5-5-15 TV. Used approximately 30 bedding. One mixed - match set 332 - 4432 option - fall. 351-0310. 5-5-15 351-8154. 5-5-14 of King • sized bedding at FRIENDLY KITTENS free fl hours. $165. 371-3328. CHEAP ROOM, 3 person house, SP-5-5-10 $249.50. 15 MONTHS WITH friendly people! 6 w MALE ROOMMATE, summer. SUMMER: WOMAN/own in TURNTABLE - GARRARD, room close, responsible individual. ONE WONDERFUL room - NO INTEREST OR CARRYING 337-0052. 3-5-13 Furnished, own bedroom $75 house. SL95B. Walnut base, Shure Close, $55/month. 337 1295. 1-5-10 summer. $70. month, twe MEXICAN CLASSICAL guitar CHARGES. JOHNSON plus utilities. 332-3147. 351-2477. 5-5-15 VI511. 351-3953 after 6pm. blocks from campus. Cal FURNITURE COMPANY, 1121 SP-5-5-15 3-5-13 hand made, never been played. FREE KITTENS 7 weeksoW, J RENTERS Want an 332-6748, Dick. 5-5-13 _ $100. 489-6185. 5-5-16 South Washington Avenue, trained. Call 337-2618, ah LUXURY FURNISHED efficiency ALTERNATIVE to renting FIRST QUALITY materials and Lansing. 482 0771. 5-5-13 4-5-10 NEED 1 girl Haslett Arms, fall apartments, air conditioned, SUMMER expenses and hassles? Call Bob ROOMS near canpus workmanship. OPTICAL SANSUI 2000X Receiver. Sansui next to campus, quiet. Summer through spring, $75.75 / month, SP25 Hull, Monday. Wednesday., or ,et.£ast 332-5722 >)etween 9,30-11am Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. recorder. Dual 1215. $350 or genuine ruby, opal, pearl and . ,XWNT A wolf? Why an AKC not beautiful Ti »nk| Lansing Realty. 332-3534 OR-5-31 C-8-5-10 best offer. 332 3581 3-6-14 Houses £ 6-5-17 FEMALE OWN ^ room with bath. JUNIOR LEAGUE Garage Sale! sapphire imported from the Orient Please call 355-8080. puppy. They'll li children and guard your hcu No 1-5-10 Show and workir SUMMER TERM only. Need 4 for lease, good people. Monday May 13, 9am 6 pm. 484-0562. 3-5-13 349 1460 X-2 5-13 TWO - SUMMER sublease, June September. Air, pool, close / — M A C. HOUSE to sublet, need 4 people, SP-5-5-10 cheap, call 353-1533. a 4 bedroom house. 482-9672 or 482 0278. B-2-5-13 ENGINEERS AND Scientists, BANKRUPT 4415 Mar No clothing. 1-5-10 • Moor, Lansing. Outboard motors, furniture, etc. FISHEYE AUXILLARY and wide angle lenses ring adaptors, REGISTERED 3/4 ARAB yd campus. $165 / month. SUBLEASE FOR summer - nice 4 summer rooms at Triangle excellent condition, 355-9063. colt. Excellent lines. Besto!^ 353-6089. 3-5-13 Fraternity. Call 332-3563. Men's pants and dress slacks, 2-5-13 353-1935. 5-5-14 LARGE. GROUPS for duplex and person house. Two bedrooms, MOVING SALEI Couch, chairs, SP-5-5-13 400 to choose from. Brand house. Carpeted air fine cabinet, portable stereo, - close, $260. Call 337-0222. SUMMER RENTALS conditioned, reduced summer. 3-5-10 new stock, all sizes. Regular dresser. Kenn, 349-3950. 5-5-16 SINGLE ROOMS summer, kitchen $16, only $4/pair each, just (FILLED FOR FALL) 332-1946. 4-5-10 Wtd/dl^Qj to move them. No dealers. privileges, close / campus, DUPLEX 627 7766. SCHWINN, MEN'S Sspeed. $35. LUXURY unit, 2 ■ - 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS - unlimited parking, $140. FAMILY'S PREFERRED 2 PEOPLE - bedrooms, basement, garage, 332-5035. SP-5-5-10 Stingray girl's 17 inch $25. Modern 3 bedroom duplex. central air. 393-8465. 5-5-14 332-6640 after 4pm. 5-5-16 $150 MONTH 3-4 PEOPLE Close, air, reduced 332-1946.4-5-10 summer. NEAR LAINGSBURG - 15 miles PRIVATE Clean, ROOMS carpeted, Men free parking, only. GIRL'S immediately 1973 3-speed. $40. Sell 351-2193 after SANSUI SP-1500 speakers. Pioneer -P CEDAR S180 MONTH NEED ONE man fall, own room, close. $85 / month. 332-5656. 3-5-14 northeast. Large 4 bedroom house, 1 acre. Unfurnished, $200 per month. Available now. 351-7497. OR-5-31 close to campus. From $63. Utilities included. Available now and June 15. Call Sue. _3_30. 3-5-13 SUP^R 8: NIZO, S560 and Eumig S712D projector, $500 PL-A35 turntable, Ko»s ESP-9 Electrostatic headphones, Teac 250S cassette recorder, Bose 501 speakers, Fisher 210 stereo CoOsU.WA/L 351-0473. 5-8 pm. 5-5-10 both, on warranty. 337-9304. VILLAGE SUMMER SUBLEASE. 5 man X-SP-5-5-14 receiver, Akai X-150D tape NEED MELLOW third person. July deck, automobile cassette and house. Two blocks from campus. 1 Own room, on 80 acres. East SUMMER - FIVE girls needed for 315 BOGUE ST. 351-5180 HEATH 8-track decks, mag wheels 353-0198. SP-5-5-13 house. Close. Call AR-15 Stereo receiver. Leslie. $70/month. 1-589-8701 Mary $210. Excellent condition after diamonds, guns, TV's, guitars, 351-0995.3-5-14 GIRLS FALL before 2:30pm / weekends. fans, air conditioners and more. SUMMER SUBLEASE. One - Summer. Near SP-5-5-13 4pm. 484-8607. X-3-5-10 Fully guaranteed electronic THEC0MPLtlbM3 bedroom, close, air. furnished, campus. Furnished, own room. SHARE TWO bedroom house, two $ 1 5 0/mon th 351-4524. Parking. 332-8903. 3-5-10 blocks from MID-MICHIGAN'S largest selection repair. We buy, sell and trade. Announcements WEDDING SERVICE , TWO GIRLS wanted to sublet Union, $100. Bank SP-5-5-13 332-6802. SP-5-5-17 of secondhand quality Americard and Master DIAMONDS: 3v summer, own rooms, close. FURNISHED ROOM, all house merchandise. Stereo equipment, Charge accepted. DICKER & ORANGE BLOSSOM 351-2095. SP-5-5-13 BRETT'S PRINTING GIRL NEEDED next fall. Rivers DEAL SECONDHAND STORE, GOLD FASHION privileges, spacious, near ROOM IN big house. Close, $80. antique and modern cameras, Edge apartments, $82.50 Call 1710 South Cedar, SERVICE GOLDMASTER campus, $61.00 . 489 9664. FOUR BEDROOM hou». East side Available June 15. Great TV sets, auto stereo systems, Lansing. 332-1459. SP-5-5-13 X-5-5-14 487-3886. Open 9-9 Monday, 2435 SOUTH RUNDLE 1641 tapes, albums, guitar and musical Lansing, furnished. $50/month. roommates. Coolidge Wednesday, Friday. 9-6 WEDDING RINGS: By Road. 1-5-10 accessories. Rifles, shotguns and 489-2687 711 EAST APARTMENTS 3 women. Call Sally, 337-7713 ART CARVED 2 BEDROOM house, summer term, camping equipment, scuba grear, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. 'Traditional and Customized ORANGE BLOSSOM 711 Burcham Road. Large 1 Tuesday and Thursdays. SP5-5-14 12 minutes from campus, jewelry, MUCH MORE. We buy __cj£io_ Invitations. bedroom furnished apartment. completely furnished. Inquire - For Sale and trade. See us first FURNITURE 'One day service available. GOLD FASHION ^HR Suitable for 2 3 persons. - - ANTIQUES and Carpeting, air or conditioning, 641-4073. 5-5-16 Rooms A compare our prices. WILCOX antique dishes. Dining room GIFTS: for the Hi' SECONDHAND STORE. 509 3RIDAL PARTY heat outfit, living included. and Renting for fall. For SUMMER SUBLET 2-3 bedroom East Michigan Avenue, Lansing. 646-6617. 5-5-13 room chairs. Bridal Shops summer Lake ROOMS BACH STRADIVARIUS cornet ML OPEN THURSDAY appointment: Lansing cottage $165. FOR summer and fall. 485-4391. C-5-31 bore, excellent case / EVENINGS 35 1 -0726 337-7328 339-3922. 1-5-10 Cooking, parking, laundry, TV mouthpiece. $220. 355-3548 ANTIQUES & UNIQUES. Buy and SUBLEASE SUMMER, 4-man. SUBLEASING FOR room. Phone Very close to campus. 5-5-15 sell. 220 Albert Street, under Jacobson's Summer. 332-5722 Monday - close! Air, 2 full baths. Lums. C-5-31 An Close, 3-person. $160. Phone Friday, 9:30-11 am. 0-5-31 outstanding selection 337-2019. 5-5-10 337-0775. 3-5-14 SPEAKERS - ULTRA Linear 150. of gowns, from Jtwimr and ' Six months old. $220 new now ART CINTtft traditional to avante garde. SUMMER SUBLEASE. 2 SUMMER ROOM and board for $130,332-5952.3-5-13 TELEPHONE 337-1314 bedrooms, pool, air, cheap. Call $235. Nexus Co-op. 351-0100. Bridal Salon 319 E. Grand Rlv«' *»•■ 351-4919. 5-5-10 15-5-31 BRIDES WORKING roommate(s): MALE student needs Fall, Haslett RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE summer and/or fall. Own rooms, for HURRY! For Over V4 Century Tux Rentals Arms, $73.75/month. Summer, close, $65. 332-8953 7-1 Opm Choose Cedar Greens, 332-6473. SP-5-5-10 $65/month. ONLYI 5-5-16 Only a few apartments left Lambtrts CAMPUS 'I'd CEDAR 311 South Washington BEAT THIS for summer. Sublease SUMMER ROOMS in house. for fall. In prime locations Lansing IV5-9818 SHOP Double $55 per person, single across from campus. Two $65. Close. 337-0096. 3-5-14 and at special discount prices East Lansing bedrooms. Large furnished from can^ GREENS across rooms. Air. $260. 332-2486, Bridal Registries 351-3906. 5-5-10 FALL! (included TWO girls, utilities! $80/month, year lease, terminating May 15. close! 332-2695, 332-8353, 1135 Michigan Ave. OFF MICHIGAN Avenue - near 351-4169. Call now! 1-5-10 Special Summer Rates (Next to Brody) Jacobsons bus line, one bedroom. Newly Visit 1 Bedroom from $145 We offer pleasant one bedrooom furnished our complete shops carpeted and decorated. Couple 7-MAN house, one block from 2 Bedroom from $160 for the home- preferred, deposit and Berkey. Summer. $3901 month. apartments. All apartments are carpeted and have and take advantage references. 627-9387 after 4 pm. 332-6374. 5-5-16 accent paneling. Each has individual electric heat For of our BTridal Registry 5-5-13 showing, please contact Resident and air conditioning units. Bridal Registry Manager at building listed below. * Lower Level 12 month leases RIVERSIDE EAST * $165.00/175.00 9 month (school) leases APARTMENTS 1110 Beech St. North Polnte 1240 Haslett Rd. * 3 month (summer) leases $180.00/190.00 Jewelry The little shop »1-tlll 112-5675 $135.00/140.00 from $150 Delta Arms 23 J Delta St. University Terrace 424 Michigan (higher rates are for balcony apts.) that has every'hinS (summer only) 3S1-IIM 117 0510 In men's formal <** Evergreen Arms 141 Evergreen St. University Village f IS Abbot Rd. Jacobson's 1S1-SI3S 351-2011 For our residents convenience there are laundry E. Michigan Ave. TWO BEDROOMS Haslett Arms IIS CoNtafwood St. ISI-ltSO Inn America 271* E. Gr. River 317-1121 facilities in each building. And for their we have pleasure Precious Stones Beautifully Set and across from *AII furnished a swimming pool. Bands for bride A groom. Hospital *Close to campus Call 1S1-«C11 *4 parking places Managed by: F in* Jewelry 489 4830 STREET FLOOR per apartment Halstead Management All State Management To place your ad in Lansing 1310 East Grand River Arbor 351-7910 the Wedding Column Ann vpum* ssamsi Call Vicki - 355-8255 I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday,May 10,1974 ]7 e Hows UsttM )[q] [ ital Estate ra Ik estate - $3,600. 2 Id room, 12x60', 8x6' Edition. C.ntr.l llr Knditioning, shed, finer FOUND FRIDAY. Gold Wire rimmed glasses. Between Wells and International Center. 353-3338 C-3-5-10 IMMACULATE - ranch. Newly carpeted, 1 car garage, aluminum siding. This lovely home would make an 2 bedroom League gives By DENI MARTIN the state chapter of the league men decision. voting rights supporters of the Equal Rights Though the amendment ■5 5360 after 5:30 pm. 5-5-14 excellent State News Staff Writer including ex - Michigan Delano said the resolution Amendment. to residency or income give FOUND: BLACK short haired A governor George Romney. She was passed in men equal rights in the male property. Owner anxious, national women's part as a moral In a pamphlet issued to [ sale or rent I cat. Yellow eyes. Evenings leaving the state. Only $15,500. said they will be given full principle. "We wouldn't be a league passed by the required 2 L3 I0'x46', fully furnished. 355-3930 or 356-3841. C-3-5-10 organization has taken its members at the national 1 margin, some league - _ Call Bill Hail 482-8683 or support of the Equal Rights membership rights soon. democratic organization if we Jor more information, ALEXANDER REALTY She also said the league convention, the Male Suffrage members are worried that the K1-5039. 5-5-14 FOUND: SILVER woman's Amendment literally by giving excluded men from the Caucus of the league stated Wells Hall bike rack. ring, COMPANY 489-6523. 3-5-10 would welcome any new male league," she said. league may have to change its Describe. men a more active role in "the League of Women Voters name to accommodate the SKYLINE - refinance, members that would like to The new 356-2448 after 7pm. C-3-6-14 league decisions. League of Women fcuntry lot, near campui, lake, 675-7451. 5-5-14 LOST MAY 2: Stainless steel ( Recreate ]H San At its national convention in Francisco Tuesday the join the organization. Virginia Delano, one of Voters, originally started as part of the woman's suffrage cannot continue to passage of the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. demand amendment. But the league's national Lucy Benson, president, Bulova watch. league's local board members, indicated Tuesday that a name Plaase movement in 1920, has been KlETTE 1972 terrific buy! 3 return PAR-MOR League of Women Voters voted said she was delighted with the Constitution and not give the change would not be necessary - 351-9028. 5-5-10 one of the to give men full membership staunchest vote to men." at this time. idroom with expando and GOLF COURSES and voting rights. -pout Super sharp. Take over "LOST MEN'S precision Illuminated Driving Hange wristwatch Though fiance. 625-7167. 3-6-10 near Alia Ey. Reward. 9 Hole Par 3 & men have been Group - Regulation allowed to join the League of to view ide 355-5706 Dale. SP-5-5-13 §0 SQUIRE - 12'x60\ Course. Women Voters as nonvoting Corner Park Lk. Rd. & E. fcrpeting, built - in vanities, M-78 associate members in the Ihed. 153 Windsor Estates. Must 646-6576. O- D ED 2-343? this is the first time they will past, for best offer. EUROPE SUMMER Flights be able to vote on proposed K5I6 $259. Advanced booking league a SALE - Rent. 3 bedroom ■2*60' 1970 Amherst, $5,000 BOARD EXAM TUTORING Stanley H. Kaplan Tutoring Courses youth fares, rail passes. Guaranteed scheduled airlines. TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON only, issues. Local reaction to the national convention's decision intram T, $l75/month. Large lot. Also, Now 351-8800. 0-27-5-31 to amend the By JO GALLI "They (advisory committee) will recommend the essential being formed for the league's bylaws b bedroom 10'x50'. $2,500 or upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, has been favorable. Denise and STAN STEIN activity areas which should be included in the proposed building Sl55 I month. Both one mile relative to the funds we eventually ATGSB, GRE Board Exams. For Lewis, Suggestions on the types of facilities to be included in a receive," said Frank Beeman, om campus. Call after 4pm for information call 1-313-354-0086. CROSSROADS resident a Meridian Township who proposed new intramural building will be reviewed by members director of intramural programs and advisory committee member. works at the ppointment. 489-4293. 1-5-10 0-1-6-13 J2YCLE Michigan chapter of the League of the Intramural Advisory Committee in an open meeting with Reactions by members of the special funding committee show ■ of Woman Voters in an ASMSU study committee at 10 a.m. student support of the proposed facility. k 210 ABBOTT RD Lansing, today, 215 Men's Intramural Bldg. "A sampling of Holmes Hall students showed that b3 academy 14'x64' shed, MONTY'S BAR \ EAST LANSING said that "there was they were widespread support from local The Intramural Advisory Committee of very supportive and wanted the facility to be co - ed," said Skirted will sell furnished or faculty and students, AND RESTAURANT ■*15 Makes established last December, is researching what should be included ASMSU committee member Paul King, who is assigned to furnished, in trailer park. ft from around ;he world leagues i n favor of the in possible East Complex intramural facility and where funding research areas of student support. 194-9208 7-5-20 V *adult bicycles amendment." a Shrimp and Fish k\ *10 "We have always had male could be obtained. King also reported that an unofficial sampling of Akers Hall - speeds ■CEMAKER - 12'x50\ 1 Pitcher Night (M-W-S) The ASMSU special funding committee was yielded the same results, and added that "there was little negative \\\ *free repair classes members," Lewis said. "Tim is formally initiated ledroom. Shed, all skirted, (Very Special Sunday) a democratic organization. in April to gather more information on the proposed facility. reaction, if any." purmshed. Williamston. $2,800. 332-4081 Luncheon special $1.50 M w, Frl., Sat., We're not just a women's Funding committee member Gregory Corona, who is also head "President - - ■94-9712. 5-5-16 ASMSU Tim Cain explained that once the special of the Policy Committee and the 9:30-5:30 group. We're a citizen oriented Interfratemity Council, said, "It Thurs., 9:30 - 9:00 funding committee reports its findings May 19, the resolution will will definitely be passed because we see the need for it and SALE: 1964, 10x50 Monarch Pool Table Sun., 12 - 5 organization that happens to hope go the the ASMSU Policy Committee for further analysis. the University considers it a fcrest. Skirted, shed, furnished. Pin Ball Machines be composed of women." top priority. CAMPING', HIKING seminar. "If we should pass the resolution, it would be sent to the "The action we generate will hopefully get the intramural Excellent condition. Close. Raupp's is offering a family tent Lewis said there are at least board of trustees," said Cain. "It would certainly jump this ■351-6876 after 2:30 pm. 3-5-14 2359 E. Gd. River, Okemos 12 male members up building up on the priority list," he concluded. camping at.d backpacking client currently in the building priorities list." to introduce new and almost ■OOY 8'x30' - carpeted, GULLIVER'S STATE DRUG has new campers to the fun of living ■completely Jkirting, '/> mile B37 0681. 5-5-10 furnished, shed, campus. $1300. just received a new shipment of fresh Fanny Farmer's candy for in the great outdoors. Classes beginning May 15. For more 1 It's what's happeningi Bill to end tricks Mother's Day. GULLIVER information call RAUPP'S Announcements for It's What's Legislation designed to eliminate so - called "dirty tricks" in IrlETTE 1965. 10' STATE DRUGS, 1105 East CAMPFITTERS. 484-9401. Southern Africa x 50'. 6-5-14 Happening must be received in the Committee Liberation Free Concert at 2 p.m. Sunday at political campaigns was introduced Thursday in the Michigan Grand River. 332 5171. 0-1-5-10 ^Excellent condition, walk to State News office J41 Student Monday at meets at 7:30 p.m. United Ministries in Valley Court Park (behind bus House. fimpus, $2800. 332-4310. A NEED FEMALE Services Bldg., by i p.m. at least Higher Education, 1118 S. Harrison station). Jawbone, Jewel, Pine The legislation, sponsored by Rep. F. Robert Edwards, R-Flint, IP-5-5-10 f "accesscenter I STUDENTS for SOCIAL- two class days before publication. No announcements will be accepted' Road. All welcome. Ridge Band. Sponsored by Michigan Marijuana Iniative. would establish an elections commission within the Dept. of State (9 AMHERST 12'x50', carpeted, i | Human F0R Reproduction Health I PSYCHOLOGY STUDY by phone. but independent of the secretary of state. Currently, the state | Anyone interested in organizing elections director is responsible to the lir conditioned, 1 bedroom, call EARN $2.00 a voter registration drive in the secretary of state. | Abortion -Contraception services| mi 6-2482. SP-5-5-10 for announcements printed in There is an Specifically, the bill makes it illegal to: approximately an "It's What's Happening" are read emergency meeting campus - East Lansing area, come of the daily on WMSN (640 AM) campus Lansing Area Lesbian to a meeting at 8:30 p.m. Sunday •Publish, broadcast, post or circulate an advertisement Br SALE ime. 1969 Richardson 694-9644 after 6 ( 1226 East48SMichi3271 Lansing - gan I II 353-5179 Feminists at S:30 p.m. the Women's Center, S47Vi E. Sunday at in 37 Union. endorsing or opposing a candidate or party unless accompanied by a signed statement "Security Deposits: How to Get Grand River Ave. Please try to "Kiel Olympics" the best sailing by the person or group. f n. 10-5-22 INTERESTED IN No-Frills Low Serviee •Advertise false statements or charges Cost Jet Travel to Europe, The Middle East, The Far East, ]j>^ Yours Back" is now available at the Paper Kater and Paramount News in East Lansing, and at the co - op Married Students' Union presents film ever made, will be shown at 8 and 9:15 p.m. Saturday in 100 Engineering Bldg. The MSU Sailing candidate's character, morality or integrity. •Vandalize or remove a candidate's campaign posters. reflecting on a Africa, or Practically Anywhere? Store in Lansing. Learn what Family Film Night at 7 tonight at Club is sponsoring this you the Re showing EDUCATIONAL FLIGHTS can HORSES, WEDDINGS, Portraits. must do under state law before School gym. "Tales of and donation will be asked for. you Passport, Application photos. move out or call the Tenants' Washington Irving" (combination help you find the least expansive MSU . . . way for getting where you want to go. Phone us Toll - Free at Compare. PHOTOGRAPHY. LUKE 351-6690. Resource Center between 1 and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. cartoon feature Hollow and Rip Van - Legend of Sleepy Parents must accompany kids for Winkle). film Chaplin - W. C. Fields benefit showing for "be - change", careers weekend yoga of service, at 8 tonight at the pTROITER 10x55 - furnished, storage shed 351 6989 after »0nf. - near •.THE (800) 223-5669. 26-6-17 C-6-31 TECHNICAL DRAFTING, grephs, Women's Center, 547% E. Grand River Ave.: All women and men admittance. The Union is also presenting a family bike outing People's Center. Donation. slated for latino students DOMINICANS - educators, Sunday. We will leave at 9:30 a.m. MENSA Bowl SIG will meet at ■ SP are invited to an open house from Spartan Village About 400 latino high school students from Michigan will be 5 5-13 preachers, pastors, missionaries, charts, diagrams for thesis or School, ride a 1:30 p.m. Sunday at loe Inteph's between 2 and 5 p.m. Saturday, half hour to the the guest of MSU this weekend to leam about counselors. A community of other. 353-0954. SP-5-5-16 ere will be refreshments and and have a picnic lunch park, see the zoo Pro Bowl, 2122 North Logan St. at professional careers men praying and working (bring your Grand River Ave. Robert A. Smith they can prepare for at the University. displays by all collectives from the own). We will return about noon. together, bringing the Word of FOR THE BEST service on stereo has information. MSU professional schools and school districts ■ 351 3389, after 5p.m. 5-5-13 center. Divorce and what it means Parents please accompany kids. Zoo throughout the Gospel to the spiritual, equipment see the STEREO to a woman hours from 9 to 11 a.m. and from Michigan have cooperated with the University to finance the - emotionally, 1 MSU Simulations Society will intellectual and social needs of SHOPPE, 543 East Grand River. financially, and socially, at 7:30 to 4 p.m. Children must be program which is free to the students. MSU's latino students' meet from 1 to 8 p.m. Sunday in p»sj](3] the world today. Write to: Rev. Joseph Payne O.P., 5 Hill House p.m. interested Wednesday at the center, in an auto mechanics accompanied by an adult. 30 Union. Everyone interested in Conflict simulations is invited. organization, the Office of Admissions and Scholarships and the Office of Minority Programs organized the visit. FIND SOMETHING Avenue, New Heven, Conn. 06505. 10-5-14 instructions ][^j class, single mothers' group or divorce group? Call or stop by the center from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Moosuski: Signup deadline for Moosuski sixth annual canoe trip Sailplane rides weather A special interest will be given to the professional areas of premedical studies, medical technology, nursing, business, law, I Mondays through Thursdays on May 24 - 27 is Wednesday. permitting. Use our car YOU'VE found a pet or article JAN ZUPNICK demnads respect. GUITAR LESSONS Friday and Saturday afternoons or Signup deadline for Moosuski's pool to and from the airport. For chemistry, biological science, mathematics and physics. - Simple folk I value, we want to help you Pay homage May 16, 12:30 - to jazz improvisation and come to the open house. or spring banquet at Lions Den on details call MSU Soaring Club - The high school students will stay in MSU residence halls while 1st come into the State theory Carl Wagle or Dave Pope - after S the program will take place in Wilson and 2:30, room 4A, Marshall. 1-5-10 by experienced teacher. Ron, Thursday, is Monday. For Wonders halls' s Classified Department and more info from 2 - s p.m. any day. p.m. stop by classrooms. want to place an ad in ALL-SINGLES bridge party. 351-0474. 5-5-13 who's whose 240 Men's Intramural Bldg. FREE U: Soiree Latinos are Chicanos, Spanish T LANSING STATE BANK'S 7:30pm Friday May 10 at the Francaise at - American and Puerto Rican 7:30 tonight; Tai Chi Chuan persons. Bind column. As a public Mrvice Canterbury House 4580 Seaway Mariah will present folk singer ENGAGEMENTS Gerry practice at 3 p.m. Satirday near >ST LANSING STATE BANK Lansing. Plaase call 393-3468 or Grossman at 8 and 10:30 Beaumont Tower; Film as a Motion II run the ad at no cost to p.m. Friday and Saturday in you I 484-4939 or 485-8607. 4-5-10 McDonel Kiva. Picture at 7:30 p.m. Monday in PURPLE VICKI EAST LANSING fast, accurate, Carolyne Ann Cantlon, East 119 Berkey Hall; Sufi West - Germany workshop at STATE BANK DOMINO'S TROWBRIDGE inexpensive typing. Very near 1:30 p.m. Sunday at the - Lansing, Michigan. MSU Mariah, folk and blues announces the end of an era. cempus. 337-7260. 10-5-10 Mayflower. C-6-31. Senior; Zeta Tau Alpha coffeehouse, is accepting Big Red. the world's largest application for all directors and ANN BROWN typing and multilith FREE MOVIE: "A Thief in the JST: piua oven, will be retired this Sorority to John Paul general staff positions. Applications forming cabinet NEAR Mayo, dark gold, offset printing. Complete service Night" - enjoy this speculative are available in the Mariah spring. In honor, DOMINO'S Workman, Dearborn, Michigan. office, Jf ringed buckskin ■355-3761, jacket. offers a full week of $1.00 off for dissertations, theses, MSU Engineering Graduate second floor of the Union. Deadline projection of the days preceding the return of Christ at 6 very substantial manuscripts, general typing. IBM for director's applications is at S p.m. ■reward! 3-5-14 specials. Watch the State News Sunday at Grace Bretheren Church, - 24 years experience. 349-0850. Student. Delta Chi Fraternity. p'.m. May 16. daily. 351-7100. 7-6-17 C-5-31 3904 West Willow St. BONN, Germany - Chancellor - designate Helmut Schmidt started forming 1>UND BLACK/brown German M ichele Night dive tonight for Scuba loin in community with the a new cabinet Thursday, burdened with the spy ■ Shepherd female puppy. tarts Personal ! THESES. RESUMES, typing and Maurer, Rochester, Club members at the Williamston Lubavitcher Hasidim this Shabbat. scandal legacy left by Willy Brandt's resignation. Michigan. MSU Sophomore; gravel pits. Call Gordy or Sally for ■Wednesday. Michigan - Leslie. printing Reasonable prices. more info. Call Hillel during the day or Phil Meeting in executive session, Brandt and other Social 1 Lansing. 372-0026. C-3-5-14 COME RCIAL PRINTING. Alpha Delta Pi Sorority to Sharkey, late evenings, for details. Democratic party leaders unanimously approved Schmidt's HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tuffyl Muffy, 351-4116. C-5-31 Tom Sherrill Lake ville, St. Lawrence monthly candidacy for chancellor, empowering him to start negotiations Bike ride to Mason for horseback 1ST: LADY'S gold wristwatch, Rodon, Gremlins and Emerald Michigan. orientation meeting on "The Use on a new government with their coalition partners, the Free COMPLETE THESES Service, and Misuse of Volunteers" will be riding with the American Youth ■M«V 2 near Grand River. Green Hornets in Carrot Forest - held at 7 p.m. Monday at St. Hostels Club. Leave at 10 a.m. Democrats. wish Fungus Freak Discount printing, IBM typing ■Reward, 355-4953. 6-6-15 Higher Lawrence. Volunteer rides will Saturday from parking lot Y (Mt. The Free Democrats, led by caretaker Chancellor Walter amplitudes of lambda in and binding of theses, resumes, PINNING Love's leave Student Services Building at Hope Road and Farm Lane). Bring Scheel, also backed Schmidt's candidacy. The final 1ST: MALE English Setter Cosmic Third Dimension. 1-5-10 publications. Across from 6:30 p.m. Please call Tony at the approval vote pup, is slated Thursday in the coalition ruled campus corner M.A.C. and Victoria Rusztowicz, - parliament. |12 ■ Reward. weeks old, lost in Haslett. MY TEDDY bear Grand River. Below Jones Sterling Volunteer Bureau to reserve a ride. The Russian and East European Hie 55 - year - old Schmidt, his party's strong - man finance 484-6344, 482-0243. - happy 20th Heights, Michigan. MSU ■2-5-10 birthday your Peach Fuzz. Stationery Shop. Call Hillel this weekend: Shabbat Studies Program will show the third minister, hopes to rally the coalition, which is still stunned by 1-6-10 COPYGRAPH SERVICES, Sophomore; Zeta Tau Alpha services (Conservative) and dinner film in its East European Film Brandt's sudden resignation as chancellor Monday night. Brandt Festival at 7:30 tonight and at 2 337-1666. C-5-31 Sorority to Doug Meiburg from begin at 6:30 tonight. Traditional quit in the political furor caused by the unmasking of an East luND: "THE Competent Intent" minyan at 10 a.m. Saturday. Deli p.m. Saturday in B102 Wells Hall. CONGRATULATIONS NEW Zeta Iowa. MSU Graduate, Delta German spy who worked as Brandt's Joutside Student Services, EXPERIENCED IBM this Sunday will feature elections This Czech film "The Shopon Main political adviser. Tau Alpha Acitves, Debbie, and typing. Chi Fraternity. Street," is in black and white with Brandt said in a televised speech ffunday. Call 332-0534 after Dissertations, (Pica Elite). for Advisory Board delegates. Food Wednesday night that he had ■9pm. C-3-5-10 Mary. Love, Your Zeta Sisters. - at 6 p.m., elections at 6:30. English subtitles. quit, in part, because "there were indications my private life 1-5-10 FAY ANN, 489-0358. C-5-31 Followed by Frisbee and baseball. would be drawn into speculation about the case." T WsM !(*] The 8th Annual MSU Open Without giving any details, he said it was Karate Tournament is Saturday in CONGRATULATIONS NEW Zeta IRENE ORR - THESES, term Jewish Flick - Social: OJS and "grotesque" to the sports arena of the Men's maintain that he had resigned out of fear of Tau Alpha pledges: Debbie, Lou, papers, general typing. Formerly Hillel sponsor showing of the Intramural Building. Eliminations being blackmailed by with Ann Brown. Call 482-7487. "Golem" (the Jewish King Kong) the spy. Stephanie, Gayla, Kris, Kathee. BABYSITTING IN my licensed at noon. Finals at 7 p.m. C-6-31 with refreshments and chitchat. Top black Conservative opposition newspapers have published claims in Love, Your Zeta Sisters. 1-5-10 home. Logan - Jolly area fenced 9:30 p.m. Saturday in belt fighters in the Midwest. 339 Case the last two in Hall. No charge, all welcome. Demonstrations of board breaking, days that Brandt quit because the agent, Gunter TYPING DONE in my home. 5CW yard, playmates pre - M.K.A.G., PLEASE renew my schoolers only 393-2697. 5-5-15 Kendo and self - defense. Guillaume, had information on his private life that would be option. I need the work. Floyd. per page up to 10 pages. 404 per Gay Liberation will hold an The devastating if disclosed. Guillaume was the chancellor's aide for 1-5-10 page over 10 pages. 489-2128. important reorganiiational meeting MSU Science Fiction TUTOR: IMMEDIATELY CPS Society will party affairs and a frequent travelling campanion until his arrest OR-6-31 at 3 p.m. Sunday in 31 Union. A meet at 6:30 tonight in 110, 34 Union to discuss candidates for and confession April 24. negotiable. 351-2108. debate with MSU Radical Male EXPERIENCED TYPISTS. 3-6-13 Lesbians will follow the business the title of "The Wierdest Science Schmidt declared after his nomination that he intends to carry Fiction Story Ever Written." on, without major changes, the coalition's Okemos, IBM (Pica - Elite type). meeting. legislative program 373-6726 weekdeys, or WANTED: RIDE to Phoenix announced in 1972 after Brandt's re - election as Mahatma Vidyanand, a close chancellor. Real Estate 349-1 773 evenings and Arizona after spring term finals. The Muslim Student Assn. will disciple of Guru Maharaj Ji, will be Schmidt declined comment on his weekends. 0-1-5-13 Will share hold a seminar at 8 p.m. Sunday at personal choices for gas and driving. speaking on "Knowledge of the reshaping the old 18 - member cabinet. Hie cabinet, which is United Ministries in Higher 489-3694 after 5:30pm. 3-5-10 Inner Self' at 7:30 tonight in 1S8 Education, 1118 S. Harrison Road. expected to have many new faces, will be shaped in coalition ' DIRECTLY BY owner, 3 small bedroom ranch on 4 acre lot. 10 miles from campus. 2 car garage, [§•1 THREE lerge fun FRIENDLY . people loving house. One for A. El Bayumi, of MSU, will speak on "Cbntempunry Struggle Oppression." Also Ali Abdul Hakim Against Natural Resources Bldg. and at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in 3S Union. negotiations and officially announced when Schmidt parliament's confirmation Thursday as chancellor. gets Married Housing Activities: All The new cabinet, based on the same 1972 new carpeting, curtains, etc. FIVE NEED ride to Holland, block campus, parking. Euchre, will speak on Indian Muslims. election mandate adults are invited to and parliamentary $34,000, call after 5pm Michigan, May 17, 4 p.m. own room, summer / fall. $80. open majority as the Brandt cabinet was, is not Badminton will be open from 7 recreation from 7 to 10 tonight at 349-4153. SP-4-5-30 365-2113, 355-4959. 3-6-10 expected to make any broad policy changes. 353-1177.3-6-10 to 9 Red Cedar and Spartan Village tonight in the Upper Gym of Women's Intramural Building. Note schools. We will be indoors and out; Scheel, who has been foreign minister since 1969, is SALES GO up 3 BEDROOM home, very near STUDENT TEACHERS fall expected RIDE OR RIDER to Ann Arbor term volleyball, basketball, etc. Please to be elected president in an Electoral campus, central air, garden, large sign - change in hours. College meeting May 15. leaving 6:30am return 3pm, up nqw for Senior pictures come. Anybody interested in Another minister in Brandt's now discharged cabinet, Horst when you tall garage, excellent shape, $30,500. for 1975' Wolverine 355-8263. The horseback riding on May 18, or • Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. MSU Tolkien Fellowship Ehmke, sacrificed himself in the growing spy scandal 332-2302. 5-5-10 337-0220. 3-5-13 4-5-10 wiH meet at 8 tonight in North canoeing or miniature golf, please Wednesday. about your Hubbard Hall to discuss topics for call Rich Hoehlein, 1USK Ehmke, the minister of research and technology, was director GLENCAIRN AREA. By owner, the newspaper University Village. of Brandt's office in 1970, when Guillaume was business in tho brick colonial,, wooded SAILBOAT, good, used, fiberglass, ads. as we are given a job on lot. running out of ideas. the staff. Penguin or similar. Call Sue, Senior pictures for fall term carpeted, three bedrooms, 2K The Holy Eucharist according Documents released by the government 355-7144. 2-5-10 to the 1928 Prayer Book of the student teachers will be taken next yesterday showed that baths, two car garage. Ehmke had received advice that there were STATE NEWS SENIOR GIRL wants room in Episcopal Church will be offered at week in 36A Union. Phone suspicions that £02^0689. 2-6-10 RESPONSIBLE S p.m. Sunday in Alumni Chapel. Wolverine office for appointment. Guilliaume might be an agent. J,uL.?WPAGE house, 1974 1976. Close. POSITION __ c«ll 312 WIELAND by owner. 4 wanted. Come and make Eucharist! Contrary to allegations made last week, the documentation Michelle today Suzanne, 332-6962. Age 26, BA English, Bedroom Cape Cod, 8 years old. 3-5-13_ Primary Teaching Certificate, ''Values, Guilt and Sexuality" showed that Ehmke had not ignored these 355-82 5 5 to 2 full baths, SHARE YOUR experience with Come and celebrate our ending will be the topic of the workshop suspicions, but ordered P"106 your large lot, 2 experienced secretary child held the security services to yellow and beginning of the Jewish Week. at 8 tonight at the carry out an especially thorough fireplaces, double car garage, small claims court litigation, Psychiatrist and Psychologist. Havdalah services at 9:IS Everywoman's Center, 1118 S. investigation of Guillaume. Ihey did, but turned up no evidence me ad! large garden ana. good or bad. 361-6706, after 6 Excellent references. Available p.m. Harrison Road. Child $32,600. SAturday In S3S East Wilson Hall are wil be of espionage, and cleared him 482-7549. 10-6-22 pm. X-S-6-14 September. 3566208. 3-6-10 and W? East Owen Hall. provided. by late 1970 for access to top secret material. 18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May ^ | J MSU By LARRY MORGAN working for related elective not give a definite date when such programs would appear in the University's advisers. courses) The programs have also been limited to a mavi*, I credits to make them available to as State News Staff Writer course catalog, but did say it would not be until after fall 1974. "Upon completion of a program, the student's transcript will many itudSf"J Whether any thematic programs are offered by winter term be noted, and this will serve as an official record that the student regardless of major. y Udents * Postal Some day the bevy of unrelated electives a student takes depends on when the administrators approve them. took a program beyond the requirements of his major," Arata throughout his college career may be as out of date as a 1957 Arata emphasized that these are not to be considered as majors said. Every four years, each thematic program will I Edsel. or minors, but only as supplements or complements to a student's She added that students must be aware that, even though they by the University Curriculum Committee in coonp«ttg0,*i«| But a new idea will soon be incorporated into required major. enroll in a thematic program, they will not be guaranteed a space om„ of Institutional IWch „„d thi electives - courses that relate to each other. "We want to avoid anyone — students or faculty — viewing in each one of the courses in that package as they are in their undergraduate education. Pr"»ost[,l Thematic programs will be groups of courses put together by thematic programs as competition to a major," Arata said. "This majors. This review will include a the number of students faculty evaluation of th I faculty members with an interest in an area of study not covered is a way by which courses in a discipline can be drawn together in theme." They will be just as susceptible to being bumped out by an completing the programs and a of the current compliance of the if>l by existing departments or colleges as a major or minor. a unsympathetic ?omputer as they would in any other course, program with A set of multidisciplinary courses, such as African studies, She said the benefits of such an arrangement are three fold: existing Arata said. women's studies and Mexican - American studies, must go "By being planned programs by faculty with an interest in a On the basis of this review the recommend continuance, modification or curriculum commit, I through appropriate administration channels for approval as a particular theme, the package (of courses) will relate to each However, by design of the programs, a student does not have withdn i *4 thematic program. other. to take each course in sequence, and he can pick up any missed program. It can also recommend that a program b.- The approval process goes from department chairmen and "After a program is approved, it will be listed in a separate part courses in a later term. approval as an academic major. P m * submit deans to the assistant provost for undergraduate education, the of the course catalog with references back to each individual Kven so, Arata said that students planning to enroll in a University Curriculum Committee and the Academic Council. department." She added that this listing will be an assistance to the thematic program must plan their schedules in advance to take this into consideration. Arata said that become a though a thematic program ca„ ev,nhl it is not primarily intended for J Dorothy Arata, asst. provost for undergraduate education, did major, that p^JJI price PIONEERsale SAVE 50% DURING PIONEER MONTH AT PLAYBACK! Advanced design throughout! Ultra-sensi¬ tive FM tuner section pulls in distant Sensational stations with minimum noise and distortion Super-clean amplifier delivers watts of power up to 72 with less than1%IM and Harmonic distortion. Frequency response PIONEER SX-525 is 15 to 30,000 Hz ± '1 db. Exceptional ver¬ satility permits use of a turntable, two tape decks, one auxiliary stereo source and two Receiver Now pairs of speaker systems. Uncompromising performance at a minimum price! Was $259.95 HALF-PRICE! 12997 Now In System QNOSE EITHER HEXI CHANCER! CHOOSE ANY PAIR OF SPEAKER SYSTEMS HOW IT WORKS The PIONEER SX-525 RECEIVER IS PROBABLY ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR RECEIVERS EVER TO HIT THE HI-FI MARKET! THOUSANDS HAVE SOLD FOR $259.95! WHILE OUR SUPPLY LASTS, YOU CAN NOW PURCHASE THIS GREAT EPI 75 "Microtower l"-Amazing free¬ RECEIVER AT HALF ITS PREVIOUSLY standing surround-sound speaker system FAIR TRADED PRICE WHEN YOU Phenomenal bass response. Takes up an GARRARD 62 Changer-One of the finest ALSO BUY ANY COMBINATION OF absolute minimum of space. Low distortion with excellent dispersion and transient 1195 CHANGER PACKAGE (AT LEFT) response. Must hear to appreciate! automatic turntables in or near its price range. Re9- $101.85 TECHNISOUND TS-10-10 2-Way compact Low mass tone arm. Slide-in cartridge clip. AND ANY TWO SPEAKER bookshelf speaker system delivers outstand¬ Anti-skating control. Cueing control. Comes complete with base and Shure M44E Stereo SYSTEMS (AT RIGHT) IN THIS AD. ing reproduction that rivals much larger and more costly units. Exceptionally natural sound 159®?. Magnetic Cartridge. With System quality with pure highs and rich fundamental GARRARD 82 Changer-Precision automatic bass response. turntable with superior record-handling capa¬ Reg. $177.85 E-V 14A-The perfect bookshelf 2-Way bility. Synchro-Lab Motor. Anti-skating. Low- speaker system for the discriminating listener mass tone arm. Overhang adjustment. Comes with base and Shure M91E Cartridge for 11995 Big 10" driver delivers powerful, resonant bass response into the lowest octave of recorded 219!! extended response. With System music. High-frequency speaker produces smooth, transparent highs. Great dispersion! MORE SENSATIONAL PIONEER VALUES! PIONEER PIONEER KP-333 Cassette Deck SE-405 Professional Stereophones PIONEER Super response- Tape Deck 20-20KHZ. Volume controls. Coiled cord extends 16'5". Ultra-comfortable! Reg. $44.95 649" 2988 State-of-the-art Open Reel Stereo RT1020L Tape Deck offers features galore including ability to 10%-inch reels, 3 motors, 3 heads, four-channel accept Exceptional automotive stereo cassette player features automatic reverse at end of tape, illumi¬ nated direction indicator and up to 7.5 watts Great specs plus a 4-pole synchronous reproduction capability and much more! Designed for channel of clean power. Installs easily under dash. per motor, precision tone arm, anti-skating. audiophile perfectionists! and cueing devices. ADC 10E MKIV Car¬ tridge. MONDAY-FRIDAY 10-9 Playback SHOP EARLY unilDf SALE ENDS MAY 12 HOURS SATURDAY 10-5:30 SUNDAY 12-5 the electronic 523 FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER—351-7270 playground