Volume 67 Number 156 Monday, May 13,1974 Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Nixon cheered Washington - FROM WIRE SERVICES After the recent flurry of Republican calls The message that Nixon is was borne by Vice President by Oklahomans' support determined to stay on the job also Gerald R. Ford and the President's Speaking at a $100 a plate GOP dinner at a Dallas - Fort Worth The hearings probablv will be opened to the public sometime daughter, Julie Nixon Eisenhower, In Airport hotel before flying back to |his resignation, President Nixon received an uplift in spirit public don't think the President should Washington, Ford said. "I next week, with live television coverage planned by the appearances major Jurdav night during a trip to Oklahoma. Saturday. "He believes he's innocent of resign. , networks. Kn that visit, Nixon vowed he would "never give up" dispite told the group. "I've read the any impeachable offense," Ford Opinions from state officials on the possible resignation or Kgeoning clamor for his resignation, and he was received with She declared that her father there's some things in there that 1 don't transcripts. I concede and admit impeachment of the President are mixed. ■era! warmth by large crowds at both Vance Air Force Base would fight impeachment all the like. I don't think the Michigan Republican Party Chairman William F. McLaughlin Tat Oklahoma State University. way ^through a Senate trial, even if "only one senator believed in transcripts confer sainthood on anybody. said Saturday he does not him. Ford told Republican "But when you add up the agree with calls by leading Republicans flo shouts of "Hang in there," and "We're with you," Nixon gatherings in Texas that Nixon good and'the bad, the good far for President Nixon's should stay in office and outweighs the bad, particularly when you look at his resignation. bonded: "Believe me, that does your heart good." asserted that the nation is "a lot "I still don't believe off than if we had better achievements and accomplishments. We are fortunate to resignation is the answer," McLaughlin George McGovem." have said in an interview. President Nixon as President of the United States. We are a lot The GOP chairman said he has not read the entire White better off than if we had House George McGovem." IHITE HOUSE DENIES CLAIM TTie House Judiciary Committee this 18 White House week will hear portions of transcripts, but the excerpts he has read in the newspapers lef* him-"very sad." tape recordings as sessions in the panel's Gov. Milliken impeachment investigation of President Nixon Friday said the transcripts of President Nixon resume. reveal a "frightening model of Once the political cynicism and pragmatism" hearings reconvene Tuesday morning, the and said he was "anything but reassured" by them. "I fail to find Nixon accused inpeachment panel is expected to subpena additional conversations between Nixon and members of his relating to possible involvement break - in. of the President in the tapes of administration Watergate in those transcripts the innocence that we were who has called for the overwhelming proof of the president's promised," said the Republican governor, impeachment proceedings to move Committee Chairman Peter W. Rodino quickly. I ROM WIRE SERVICES Jr., D - N.J., has Milliken said earlier he feels impeachment frequently used ethnic and indicated that the panel will focus its demands for pressure against religious Pollack, who White House President Nixon will increase due to the information Washington - President Nixon epithets in private, they generally were not by Nixon in was appointed to the SEC evidence on specific conversations, rather than press a broad April the recently released transcripts of White House Tapes. publicized in Je disparaging remarks about Jews and meant seriously and were made in a spirit February, refused to 19 request for some 75 Watergate tapes, comment. But Sen. Robert P. Griffin, R - led Judge John J. Sirica a "wop" during of good humor among friends and close Sporkin said that the This week's presentation of evidence was the Nixon transcripts made a Mich., Friday night said he believes R3 White House conversations President "owes a lot of people expected to touch on "convincing case" that the President on Feb. aides. the Watergate break - in and White House apologies." involvement in the was not involved in the original Watergate break in but added, | and March 20 with John W. Dean One of the President's most sharply initial criminal investigation of the operation. "I'm not going to defend the according to sources with direct critical remarks about Jews in the .Mitchell transcripts beyond that point." iwledge of the President's comments, - Stans tapes came during the meeting topics of tape recordings of the two March 20 with Dean, all sources >r I Office conversations were by the White House early this year to ;e Lee. P. Gagliardi of the U.S. District n New York for use turned in the trial of That meeting dealt in pending Commission secret Securities and agreed. part with the then Exchange (SEC) investigation of a ■ Italians deciding $200,000 cash contribution by the finer hner Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell and financier Robert L. Vesco. secretary Maurice H. at polls on future commerce According to the sources, the President complained to Dean that "those Jew boys the New York Times has been told of (in the SEC) are all over everybody. You I President's private comments to Dean, can't trust them." king interviews with officials who heard One source, who said he had read the ^ of legal divorce original recordings and with other remarks in the unedited transcript, s who were provided by Gagliardi suggested that Nixon was referring, in h edited and excerpted part, to Irving M. Pollack, a member of the transcripts of ROME (AP) - Italians are voting today Socialist leader Pietro Nenni warned "Those Jew in the last day of a two - day referendum boys (in the securities and Exchange Friday that repeal of the divorce law to decide whether to continue their three Commission) are all over everybody. You can't • would "upset present political year experiment in legal divorce or revert stop them." relationships." to divorce, Italian style. - Richard M. Nixon, according to sources Whatever status of the law is chosen, Before the controversial law was passed, Italians may wake up Tuesday without a divorce was illegal, resulting in many life - "The President government to enforce it. long separations which have been referred owes a lot of people apologies. " The highly emotional issue has divided to as "divorce, Italian style." - Stanley Sporkin, director of the commission's and threatened to split Premier Mariano Since then some 70,000 divorces have division of enforcement Rumor's center - left coalition been granted under the government, already plagued by rampant relatively strict law, which permits divorce after a five • inflation, labor unrest and increasing year separation or when a spouse has been crime. I White House conversations for sentenced to more than 15 years in use in His dominant Christian Democratic jail or SEC, and Stanley Sporkin, director of the convicted of a sex crime or a murder in I trial. SEC's division of enforcement. Both men party and the far right ■ wing Italian Social the family. e White House initially refused to Movement are in favor or played key roles in the Vesco inquiry. repealing the Jrnnent, I the but shortly before publication The President's comment about Judge bill. If the law is repealed, divorces already first edition of the Times, Ronald Rumor's coalition Sirica, who recently retired as Chief Judge partners, the granted would stand but all current ■ Ziegler, the President's press secretary, of the United States District Court Socialists, Democratic Socialists and divorce actions would be Ide available a statement by Fred J. here, dropped, and came during a discussion with Dean about Republicans, have sided with the partners to an unsatisfactory marriage fchardt. counsel to the President. the then - pending sentencing of the seven Communists in arguing that the law be would find consolation only in a recent ■n the statement, Buzhardt asserted that retained. Supreme Court decision declaring adultery A policeman helps two Roman Catholic nuns as they go into a Rome convicted original Watergate defendants, 1 recordings of the President did not Among the nation's 37.5 million no longer a crime. polling station to vote in a referendum over the repeal of the sources said. ■tain "racial slurs." He denied that enfranchised citizens, women out number The first voters divorce law. All Italy's Icon men by 1,715,000 — a Sunday were Italian voters must vote on whether to abolish used the margin so wide that or epithet "Jew boys." "It was very matter of fact," one source churchgoers, on their way home from retain the Buzhardt. who appeared on CBS "Face with first - hand knowledge of the White the female vote will probably determine early mass. Unlike previous weekends, existing divorce law. I Nation" Sunday, said "It's clear that a the outcome of what was House tape said of Nixon's comment. "He expected to be a priests in their sermons did not urge close contest. Jicerted e these to be campaign has been made to said 'that wop - what are we going to do?'" Pope Paul VI, who had voiced "deep parishioners to abolish the law. Hearing publicized. I can only "We respect the law kracterize this as a malicious and Jempt pnst to poison the public's mind (Nixon)." vicious The source also quoted Nixon as complaining about the investigations in early 1973 of "those Jews" in the U.S. grief" when a divorce statute was introduced in Italy in November, 1970, said Sunday he would not break his silence campaign must stop at midnight Friday and let people decide Rome said. stating the alone," a friar in about ■The Times sources, while on the issue. The Vatican and Italian ■t such epithets were on the »ns tapes, said few such confirming Mitchell epithets existed - attorney's office in Washington. "He prosecutors" talked — about the three Earl J. Silbert, Seymour However, the Pope exhorted a crowd gathered in St. Peter's Square to pray to the Virgin (Mary "for the well strongly urged repeal, which one priest said caused conflict in some bishops have of his at local store I the tapes edited - being of parishioners. by the White House Glanzer and Donald E. Campbell - "as the family}" This was understood as a f sent to the house committee. those Jews down there,"' the source said. '"Hiey told me that even if they wanted By EDWARDS.WARNER A number of veiled plea, especially to Italy's women to vote 'no' highly respected by the management. former high - level White Silbert and Glanzer are Jewish; who have traditionally been devotees of they felt morally obligated to State News Staff Writer "i aides said that, while Nixon vote yes,'" the Rev. A letter of recommendation, Campbell is Presbyterian. the Madonna, to defeat divorce. Luigi Delia Rotte A hearing to determine if two former given to said. Askew after her layoff student employes of Crossroads by Crossroads' Imports general manager Lisa Pollard, was East — an Lansing specialty shop — were introduced as evidence. unjustly laid off was postponed Thursday Under cross ■ examination, Askew after five hours of testimony from admitted that after her layoff she had witnesses who claimed the store's turned down a job as a bicycle mechanic management had laid off the students to at Crossroads Bicycle Shop, a store also prevent creation of a union. owned by Belaski, and that while most of Michigan Employment Relations the Crossroads Imports' Commission (MERC) hearing examiner employes had signed union authorization cards, there Shlomo Sperka, acting on a motion by the were several who had not. employer's attorney, granted the Askew's co - claimant, Roberts, testified postponement in order to decide if the that, like the other five who were laid off, charges made by the two former employes she had signed a union card and met with have been supported by the testimony the union representative. Both sides in the presented Thursday. Sperka said the case later stipulated that all of the six who hearing would reconvene in about two were laid off, including the two claimants, weeks if he determines that there is reason had signed cards to continue. indicating their desire for union membership. The two former employes, Connie Several former Crossroads Askew and Beth Roberts, both MSU employes who had been laid off at the same time as students, charge they were laid off Feb. 6 Roberts and Askew testified on their along with four other Crossroads sales behalf. One of them, Siri Cook, said she clerks after the store's had been laid off the management day after signing the Like Old Mart discovered they were organizing for union card and that Belaski had River, Dr. Zachary Veldhuis - who at 104 is the oldest given her wing graduate of MSU membership in the Retail Clerks Assn., an severance pay on the condition that she - returns to the campus each spring for the internationl union. annual reunion of "didn't tell anyone else." Neither Roberts the MSU Alumni Assn. to get a look at the place If the hearing is reconvened and a nor Askew had received ^ ere he ruling severance pay, earned a degree in is made in their favor, both Askew and veterinary medicine in 1896. however. Despite his age, MSU's elder Roberts would be eligible for full back One employe who was not laid statesman, who now lives in Hamilton, and pay off, Sue ? es it back each year for some story ■ swapping, eating and what ■ a return to the jobs they lost in the Winter, testified that she had informed the I have Vou layoffs. The store's owner, John Belaski, store's manager of the efforts to with other patriarchs, wiiu who uuuumc become ciiyivu, organize a aff ' a'r when — kjuiui fjauidiuiid, eligible for this annual claims the six were laid off for economic union and that the manager, Carol Lewis, their classes have been « graduated for 50 years. reasons, since the store was cutting back had then left to attend a luncheon meeting Weldhi surprisingly, the campus has changed in many ways since its hours. He said that plans to make the with Belaski. When Lewis returned. Winter layoffs had been in the offing long before V total fls Qraduated - one of a class of 50 persons - from a college with he learned of his said, she began giving lay • off notices to , al enrollment of about 250persons. employes' attempt to the employes involved. n organize. <896, a year that saw America Lewis, however, denied this charge and coming out of the depression of Askew's testimony, though, disputed said that the decision regarding the lay M and Grover Cleveland in the White House for a second term, Belaski's stand. She charged that she was offs had already been made before her given no advance notice of the layoff, and urive campus was essentially only a little of what is now Circle that her 10 • month seniority was not discovery of the union organizing. The MERC considered, since others with less time on hearing was held in Lansing Wa . ifluis enjoys the attention he inevitably gets at such reunions, the job were still retained. at the State Treasury Building. It had originally been scheduled for a conference "■f "Iff t0 photo9raphers and the scores of "youngsters" who ask in Askew also contended that several new room in the MSU • What's your secret?" Administration Building, SN Photo/David Schmier employes were hired after the layoffs and but a change of venue was that her work granted at the performance had been request of the employer's attorneys. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mo"d"V.May|3 Levin brings campaign to MSU system and review all state to get consumer oriented By JIM KEEGSTRA Thursday and promised if he and lost by a narrow 44,000 - busing. He said members on state boards like State News Staff Writer were elected that he would be votes. Observers said at the programs. The reason utility firms have the Public Service Commission society musl Jqu"% Democrat _ , Sander , . Levin a vigorous official with an time that many voters had within g fram ^ been given rate hikes, Levin of the consumers' council is to- impact on state problems. difficulty finding any neighborhood schools*0'1 ' brought his camPal8n Levin also ran in 1970 differences between Levin and said, is because Milliken has elect him governor. Levin said he i, 0DDow governor of Mich.gan to MSU Milliken, but this time around appointed people to the Woman killed in weekend storm ^ u Goy Mu,jken regulating agencies who are Milliken seemed to Plan which w K Levin has the Republican incumbent's more than three "mouthpieces for industry." anticipate the charges. In a »way an individual',^ influence education Levin said the way for voters Thursday press conference, he Levin A 60 - year - old woman in Hell, Mich., was killed years in office to criticize. expressed concern that charged' th,t , Saturday when her modular - type home was blown And that is exactly what the 42 - year - old Detroit attorney skyrocketing utility rates could govern mo nt under MhJL^ down, as high winds, hail and rain battered parts of and former state senator did at Rates increased be greatly exaggerated by th«» that yirTpnwdand voters must Democrats this election year. not aD southern Michigan. a forum sponsored by the for "TTiis is an issue that can be governor to pass ,|| £ Tornado warnings were issued for a two - hour period Michigan Democratic Junior room, board easily blown out of onto Nixon. ' in eight counties in southeast and central Michigan and Black Caucus. "My job, my task ict«a L_ proportion," Milliken said. at least two twisters were sighted near Ann Arbor and Levin sat on the desk in a at NMU in fall One area in which Levin that state government 4*! classroom in his just helplessly Jackson. Union shirtsleeves and made his MARQUETTE (UPI) - The agrees with the Republicans is adrift butSl Northern Michigan University his opposition to cross - district The Livingston County sheriffs office reported opening pitch attacking Board of Control Friday raised extensive damage to the landscape and said that Milliken. the rates for room and board at telephone and power lines were down in the Hell and Then, as he has been doing the school an average of more Pickney areas. across the state in similar small than 9 per cent, effective with DAILY HAPPY HOURS Weather officials said the severe weather, caused by a meetings over the past few the beginning of the fall 1974 months, Levin invited the 20 Monday Saturday line of thunderstorms that stretched from Terre Haute. term. all drinks to 30 students to ask him The action, which Board Ind. to Flint, had moved out of the state by 7:30 p.m. questions and tell what they Chairman Fred Sabin. of Saturday. felt needs to be done. This gave Levin a chance to Marquette said was "put off till the last minute," means rates Viprice Most truckers will ignore strike elaborate on Michigan's will range from a low of 2 - 5 p.m. problems and to challenge $1,206 for triple • occupancy Low prices on beer, too Ohio truck drivers said- Sunday that while they could and 15 meals a week to $1,596 "not afford another shutdown over high fuel prices, "we Milliken to run on his complete for single The Varsity Inn record - including the state's - occupancy and 20 sure can't affordto keep running either." 1227 E. Grand River high unemployment rate, large Most drivers surveyed indicated they would ignore a rate hikes granted to public strike call for 12:01 utilities and his support for a.m. Monday from Overdrive President Nixon's economic magazine, of the militant leaders of earlier Schensuls one programs of "phases, phrases shutdowns. and freezes." Jim Kirk, a spokesman for the Council of Levin proposed giving tax Independent Truckers, said there would be "absolutely breaks to businesses which increase their number of Cafeteria no shutdown." The council claims a nationwide membership of 22,000 drivers. employes and said it is time to really reform Michigan's tax Meridian Mall Work survey rates military tops SN Photo/David Schmier & Open: Mon Thurj. 4:30- 7 • 30 I Noon: Mon. Fri. Lansing Mall Fri. 4:30 8:00, Sat. A survey of 1,435 persons across the country 11:15 - 2:00 - - Sun. 11:30 - 7:00 11:15-800 I surprisingly shows the military installation with the Sander Levin ponders a question during his talk To find out this weeks Thursday special!, call 349-4028 6r 482-7114 highest rating on the question of how good a job 15 night in the Union. Levin is the top Democratic contender institutions are doing for the country. facing Gov. Milliken in Michigan's November elections. IS May 20. The presidency came out lowest on the survey, which 1974 l'Sl\G YOUR "SCHFNSUI. COUPON" It s - was conducted by the University of Michigan Institution 3 25«-off, Buy a Schensul Discount per Umily, t for Social Research in Ann Arbor. I or lunch of dinner »t Schensul's any day Coupon Book J Whtn you nave finished a delicious meat at ei 10 S2.00 coupons lor Only S1S.00 Colleges followed the military, with churches, small | of our 2 conveniently located cafeterias n 3 area, simpiy present the coupon t< businesses, schools, the U.S. Supreme Court, value will oe deducted from your bill. A v. corporations. Congress, state government, judiciary, 8 menu, at reasonable pnc« i /HOUUIflGof our locations. local governments, labor unions, the federal government, and the presidency finishing the ratings. The high rating given the military "shocked us," said mcHiGfln Willard Rogers of the institute. "It happens that it came out on top but it is quite universities." close to colleges and ALL DEGREE A 38 Hearst not encouraged by report "Randolph A. Hearst said Sunday he is neither ART surprised nor encouraged by reports that a bloodhound led agents to a blind ford bearing the scent of his AND FACULTY! Gather family and friends and kidnaped daughter. "It is not surprising they found it," said Hearst, take a leisurely stroll through Caps and gowns for spring term I president and editor of the San Francisco Examiner. "I Gallery of Art. Selected be reserved now! our own. commencement may never at any time believed she was taken works by Michigan artists will be except against her will." displayed. Monday. May 13 thru through May 24 at the Union Desk. The FBI had no comment on the report that on May 2 a bloodhound trained to detect the scent of Patricia Saturday. May 26. Join ua for Apparel may be picked up on the I an enlightening of original art Hearst led agents to a blindfold fashioned from fourth floor of the Union Building: I sponges. Agents had taken the dog into a San Francisco FACULTY MON., JUNE 3 through FRI., JUNE?| apartment that had been used by the terrorist Symbionese Liberation Army. Jacobsoris (fecrGOo® frxaXATD® Hoods from other universities should 9:00 A.M.-5:30 P.M. SAT., JUNE 8 Poll shows rise in pot smokers 12 NOON-3:00 P.M. be ordered NOW. According to the latest Gallup poll, the percentage ot For information call 355-3498 college students who have smoked marijuana at least once has increased by 50 per cent since 1967. Fifty -five per cent of the 1,100 students surveyed in \ / January and March said they had tried marijuana, as compared with 51 per cent in 1971, 42 per cent in 1970, 22 per cent in 1969 and 5 per cent in 1967. Doyour The survey also showed that students from relatively affluent families are more likely to have tried the drug Dinner Number than students from less affluent families. at McDonald's III Tuesday Cancer cell regression reported Cancer specialists from around the world were told 111 nightonly. Thursday that there have been 200 documented cases of partial or complete disappearance of cancer spontaneous regression of cancer cells in the last 70 years. through \" Steak, potato, But scientists attending a conference at the Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore were told that 655,000 new cases of cancer and 355,000 deaths are anticipated this year in the U.S. alone. "Despite our own personal fervor and enthusiasm about the remote possibility of spontaneous the public, and particularly our cancer regression, salad,roll. patients, must be protected from the heartbreaking frustration and disappointement of sensational claims but unfulfilled 51 95 Reg.$L63 iMll expectations," said Dr. Edward F. Lewison of Johns Hopkins. Some speakers said the evidence of spontaneous regression without outside interference justifies the hope that scientists can duplicate the process but they urged cancer patients to continue orthodox treatments. Don't do dinner with dull, droopy drabness Come to McDonald s and do it right. Do a Big Mac, Family U.S. policy Chile protested or a Quarter Pounder 'with or without cheese; on More than 100 persons picketed the Federal in Detroit Saturday as part of a nationwide Building Do cheeseburgers and Filet O' Fish sandwiches. Have world famous fries, soft drinks, shakes and hot apple pies for dessert too. Night at protest' Ponderosa You can always make a big. beautiful production against the U.S. government's "support" of the military number out of dinner at McDonald's, and you can do it junta in Chile. fast too, in any number of delightfully delicious ways Members of the Detroit faction of the U.S. but you'll never pay a big production price. Committee for Justice to Latin American Political Prisoners, which sponsored the protest, were joined by picketers from the United Farm Workers, American Dinner at McDonald's. Do it. 234 W. Grand Rivar Steak House From 4 P.M. on. Federation of Teachers and various leftist 1024 E. Grand Rivar groups. East Grand River (2 blocks East of Hagadorn) 2940 E. Grand Rivar Compiled by Steve Kepko and Deni Martin I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 13, 1974 3 lew Syrian attitude ups hopes MEDITATION s-JOFSI j as taught by Mahesh Yogi JJ- Research shows the deep DAMASCUS, Syria - A size of the buffer zone between definite and positive change in the- two sides, the role to be Saturday night with the Israeli rest of TM relieves stress; Syria's attitude buoyed the negotiating team, Kissinger was improves learning ability assigned to the United Nations spirit of Secretary of State in given an all but the final Israeli and reaction time; and supervising the truce and the Henry A. Kissinger as he flew thinning out of military forces disengagement position. naturally allows fuller here Sunday to try to pin Information Minister Shimon self expressions, on the two fronts. down an Perez told newsmen the The Last Course of Soring Term i agreement separating Syrian and Israeli on a line The officials that the even suggested secretary was now "fully Begins With a Free Public Lecture forces in the Golan Heights, * the rebuilding of Quneitra, informed." TOMORROW provincial capital of the Perez according to U.S. officials. Golan Heights, most stressed,1 at the same likely time, that Israel would not give . It would be part of a May 14 7:30 p.m. in 201 Bessey was this new tone — negotiated up any of its settlements in the rather than ' deal. STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL MEDITATION specific concessions Golan Heights. This would parallel that caused the American 1Union Office) 351-7729 — the planned . officials to upgrade chances for rebuilding of Suez a settlement. City, Ismailia and Port Said as Airline orders After part of the receiving January disengagement endorsements for his agreement warning system ATTENTION! diplomatic efforts Thursday in between Israel and Egypt. V Israel is expected to yield at Saudi Arabia and Friday in least part of Quneitra. for Boeing jets Egypt, Kissinger was said to believe that the outlook for an The city's Arab population NEW YORK - Pan agreement was now slightly better than 50 - 50. fled when it was captured Israeli forces during the 1967 by American World concerned over two crashes Airways, FALL TERM this year in which 204 persons Odds are continually But were killed has ordered for its being Kissinger was quoted by officials during this trip, and newsmen were told Friday that the officials' odds were 52 to 48 in favor of an concentrating on the prospective disengagement plan itself in his third round of talks with President Hafex Assad. entire 140 - plane fleet cockpit warning system a new designed to prevent such disaster. The device sounds a loud STUDENT TEACHERS accord. U.S. officials regard "whoop! whoop! this — pull up!" link- Hie crucial issue continues phase of the 15 - day - old and flashes a red light saying "terrain" if a plane is heading 1 to be a decision of where to negotiating process as critical. By Tuesday, they said, for a mountain slope or is AP place the line to separate the ■ Henry Kissinger is greeted by Egyptian President Anwar wirephoto Kissinger is almost certain to straying too low on a landing For week I with King Faisal of Saudi Arabia earlier, Sadat in Cairo. Kissinger, who met brought a packet of maps in an effort to get Sadat's Syrian and Israeli forces in the Golan Heights. "If we get the know if he can separation of forces. He was achieve to a approach. one only Ihelp in ending the bitter Golan Heights fighting. line," official May 13-17 an remarked, return to Israel "we will settle the rest." Sunday night. A senior American official Fighting continued on the front for the 62nd said that the other day Sunday problems after light activity Saturday. forf/es urged were negotiable. These are: the In a two - hour session Get Your Pictures Taken for the /oman for top The Slate News is | ublished by the students ot Michigan Stale University every class day during Kail. Winter and Spring school terms. Mondays. Wednesday, and Fridays during Summer Term, and a Welcome Week edition is published in September. sp' cial 1975 Yearbook S16 per year. Subscription rate is |UP1) - Michigan's chief assistant attorney general, to rescind Second class postage paid at Hast Lansing, Mich. Editorial and Rm 36A Union 353-5292 ftlativf opponent of the secretary of state and auditor Michigan's business offices at 34S Student Services ratification of ERA. said she Bldg Michigan State Jil Rights Amendment general. University, East Lansing, Michigan. 48824. . Ka) said Friday that she is "I note with great interest supports equal pay and equal job Ind e d u c a t i o.. ■educing a resolution urging that both political parties opportunities but said she News/Editorial political parties in the state JLL THE CHunc endorse total pun 3 woman nor. for lieutenant equality for women but they do not see Gt to endorse qualified women for believes the ERA too much, encompasses Classified Ads Display Advertising Business Office ™i Josephine Hunsinger, D YOU CAN EAT! p. top positions," Hunsinger said. Photographic Irtroit. said she hopes to go Hunsinger, who this past demand a female week led an ill fated attempt (EVERY - PASSPORT open thursday and friday and APPLICATION $450' MONDAY) PHOTOS All the 'Regular SSSO for 2 photo* golden Fried Chicken Ranch Fries 3*1-1477 & Cole Slaw 2 Stocks C. •« Abbot Hall you can eat! Grand Klvr at 117 Oum*ti St. eyewinker is having a jewelry sale eye-catching selection of | earrings, necklaces & bracelets All V2 Price Posts, wire, clips, chains, chokers & bangles eyewinker for the eye-catching girl SAVE $4.00 ptween Jacobson's & Campus Theatre [penMon.-Sat. 9:30 - 5:30 sgHrSSlSEI John Robert> [hursday's Til 9:00 p.m. Ring Days Monday & Tuesday May 13th & 14th BECAUSE YOU'VE ACHIEVED, LEVI'S corduroy flares. . .the jeans that always look like they belong where they're going. Soft. Comfortable. l^e exPenences that have "carved" your real achievements Carefree. Light blue, navy, dark brown, 1a,e ,he Personal ones. Wear a class ring and remember. green, grey or yellow permanent press Felix Vickers. the John Roberts hand from 11 ring specialist will be a.m. • 5 p.m. to assist on 0[der on Ring Day and save 5%. polyester/cotton. 28-36 waist sizes. $12 ring. you in selecting your I rw Graduation announcements available I We have Levi's in blue cotton denim, too. $11 I 9 May 13,14,15 10 AM to Student Book Store 5 PM ! •' I Jacobson's jJjjF for young men . S8S Across from Olin at 421 Grand River 3B1-4210 * COMMENTARY 'A VlABU PW64IPWC/ L/^ HOWS by Garry Trudeau ha,ha!mark, [ridge, train station, city budget bach Monday the State News publishes Tuesday - MARCUS, WHY ARE YOU SUB- 600P, MAN! A LOTOF THE ALUMS F0R6ET JECTIN6 YOURSBLF THEY'RE AT TO THIS A6AIN? REUNIONS 8ESIDES, J 6ET A KICK OUT OF SOME OF THESE OLD DUFFERS' OKAY, KIP- STICK tM UP! > Z) KJ HI, MR. YOU OL'DEW. 1-CANT FOOL W! HA, HA, HA! HALLWAY' HOU/O YOU KN0U IT WAS ME?! SAME LAMP SHAPE AS LAST YEAR, HA, HA, HA! 6RBAT The The Academic Governance Committee \ 6A6,HUH 7 ■list of local government meetings East Lansing City Council will hold / AND LAY SIR. will meet at 4 p.m. in the Board Room, — ' 816 TIPS \ ■uding campus, city and state bodies. a special meeting at 8 p.m. at City Hall for Administration Building, to consider a ON ME! Jitizens are encouraged to clip this list adoption of the 1974 - 75 city budget. ■ reference. Please contact the proposal by the MSU Faculty Associates \ managing that the idea of ■or to include a meeting here. The Ingham County Board of rotating deans and Commissioners will department chairmen be studied. hold its regular Today monthly meeting 7:30 p.m. in the County The board of trustees will hold its Courthouse, Mason. monthly meeting at 10:30 a.m. on the feast Lansing's Environmental Quality fourth floor of the Administration Wednesday J Aesthetics Task Force will discuss Building. (ironmental impact statements at 7:15 East Lansing Mass Transit Committee The proposed Kalamazoo Street at City Hall. meets at 7:30 p.m. in city hall. bridge project will be reviewed and possible action taken on the matter. Also to be Cast Lansing Zoning Board of Thursday discussed is a proposal to convert an MSU The |>eals t State will meet at 8p.m. Tuesday in 20 Savings and Loan Bldg. on The city meet at Housing Board of Appeals will 7:30 p.m. in 2 First State Savings Stores office on South Harrison Road into a passenger depot for the Grand Trunk rail POLISH Varsity Inn is bott Road. and Loan Bldg. service beginning Sept. 15. now taking applications for SAUSAGE! showers, banquets, and private get-togethers. Reduced rates on beverage and food items. MONDAY, MAY 13, TUESDAY, MAY 14, For informations call Mr. Kahn WEDNESDAY, MAY 15 between 6-10 p.m. daily. For three days only, get a IBM 5 or. polish sausage on a bun. sauerkraut, and french fries $125 THE for just NEEDS 231 MAC 351-2755 Next to the Highwheeler Lounge VARSITY INN 1227 E. Grand River OUTSTANDING 11AM-2AM MON-SAT NOON - MIDNIGHT SUN 332-6517 PEOPLE And we can opportunities in Systems Engineering, Programming, Marketing offer outstanding career DOMINO'S KICKS OFF SUPER WEEK WITH or Electrical Engineering. We will be interviewing at Michigan State University on B May 21,1974. To find out about IBM and let us find out about you, sign up for an interview at the Placement Office or write to: Mr. R. Porter, College Relations Department, IBM Corporation, One IBM Plaza, Chicago, 111. 60611. IBM An equal opportunity employer Watch the $3.75 delivers a large, double-dough pizza State News every day This week with cheese and 2 quarts of Coke. for your Domino's Trowbridge Shop 351-7100 For fast, free T OFF DAY Friendly delivery call 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May ^ Choreography great at Orchesis By DARRYLGRANT It was an exciting evening of package. was especially interesting The choreoplay consisted of "Courtships" choreographed with concert Howard rather than and evocative mov dance with some exceptionally One of the ways this was because it street - garbed dancers at him. It is vitally important State News Reviewer was conceptualized nine by .Gerard H. Zla ja. the more spirited fine moments. achieved was through the use by Delia Davidson in New in a pas de deux for each who performed short skits "Courtships" was a delicate, w'de range was Oyer the weekend the This year's performance of the Choreoplay Relay, a York and transmitted by mail ranging from searching for a but moving piece that made a partner to dance with his or danced' J* unity that Performing Arts Company placed more emphasis on series of theatrical vignettes to East Lansing. Her ideas were lost contact lense to scratching strong statement in a classical her partner ai If they were one; the piece's was theujj< success once again presented the presenting the individual pieces interspersed throughout the subsequently interpreted into from a case of the "cooties." vein. otherwise the intended effect is The Orchesis annual Orchesis dance concert. as part of a total theatrical The following piece was shattered. Dance (W program. Choreoplay Relay movement by Diane Newman. These vignettes gave the once more necessary comic relief for an "The Love Song of J. Alfred "The Unanswered a provided pleasurable and stjZ* MSU,!l otherwise straight concert and Prufrock" choreographed by Question," choreographed by evening of dance provided a unifying element. Dale Orrin. "Prufrock" was Heather Sisto Collins, was a should have The first number was "Suite perhaps the most interesting severe piece that was beautiful one Indeed missef,J unfortunate de IVrcussion" choreographed choreographed piece on the in its stark simplicity. The Orchesis only by Dixie Durr, Orchesis program. It displayed a unity aiperb dancing was further performance a provide,?* director. This was an and an elegant fluidity that was year enhanced by the use of life professionalism deserves interesting piece, full of vitality particularly beautiful. sized slides of the • * dancers exposure to an apDrPfw and what is known in dance as ''Steppin' Out," Pprec«* projected onto the back drop. - audience. style. Oftentimes, however, choreographed by Karen The dancers either then this style appeared to take the Sprecher, was a humorous parodied or joined themselves of form variety show work that delighted the to the images, producing an Student choreography. There were moving triangles of legs and audience with its vitality. It told the story of three girls imaginative and fascinating effect. pty arms dancing across the state, who decide to abandon their MSU p looking exactly like the June household chores and step out The next work was "A Taylor dancers. This detracted in time worn glad rags to the - Simple Song," choreographed A University of Mich, greatly from the strains of Bessie Smith. The by Mary Lou Stack. "A Simple organist will give a recjyT sophistication that Durr highlight of "Steppin' Out" Song" was a breathtaking piece MSU's Schlicker pipe 0JBll| obviously strove to portray. that worked 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in was an amusing and on many levels to th.ii., Following "Suite de professional performance by produce one single dazzling Recital Hall. "* Percussion" was "La Fleur," LaDonna Beamon who showed aggregate. The dancing was Keith McNabb will pn choreographed and danced by not only an excellent talent for superb and filled with an works by Bach, D» Joan Banks. "La Fleur" was an dancing, but also a fine flair for exuberancy and vitality that Mozart and Dupre in acoo« awkward piece that never comedy. was at the core of Leonard sponsored by the Music Du really worked. The Bernstein's music. The dancers and the Lansing "Rhapsody in White," Guild d choreography was disjoined choreographed by John worked from the most sublime Organists. Admission is fet, and contained vulgar, Howard, was a lush and sensual swaggering movements that piece of dance. It flowed and were meant to be dancing and turned gracefully, but would was as far from anything have been more effective if flowerlike as chalk is from Deborah Vogel had danced cheese. The next work was SN photo / Dave Olds Orchesis dancers perform in "A Simple Song," presented by Orchesis Dance Club members for the annual choreographed by Mary Lou Stack for the Orchesis concert concert, which is sponsored by the Performing Arts this weekend. Nine dance pieces were choreographed and Company. Three of the four performances were sold out. Leader of Togo changes name Abandoning what he called Ghansimgbe. Eyadema said he would continue to be GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS; his "imported Christian first name," President Etienne Christian, and it was not his desire to influence other Eyadema of Togo said that he citizens of Togo to change has taken the African name of their names. PIZZA & BEER SPECIAL '2* buys a 12" 1 item Varsity Pizza' and 48 oz. pitcher of beer. Valid with this ad Monday and Tuesday only The Varsity Inn 1227 E. Grand River 332-6517 Free Delivery on Pizzas and Subs Folk Entertainment Evenings Mon - Thurs ! ; " GUEST NIGHT " j 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 STARLiTE US 27 WEST OF WAVERIY LANSiNC S CEDAR ST NEAR JOLLY RD Ph6ne 372 2434 j. Phone 882 2429 ^ A SUPER DISNEY DOUBLE FEATURE the misadventures Of MERL'NJOHES "IECHNK£HPR* In Eastmancolofg] Plus Plus THAT DARN CAT k SHE FREAK 7 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 13, 1974 7 British bands' music collected By DAVE DiMARTINO while ex - Zombie vocalist State Newt Reviewer Colin Blunstone Today it sounds better than the Electric Light Orchestra currently is in ever. For those who country due to an unfortunate With the release of "The the midst of a currently was formed. This group was decision by A&M when the Best of the Move," almost all Record blossoming solo enjoy Argent or have a companies are career. comprised of Move members group's earlier singles did little of that group's recorded finally getting on the ball. nostalgic taste of the '60s, this Roy Wood, Jeff Lynne and Bev the charts. "Time of the Zombies," a album is on material is now available in this After years of a must. Bevan. clamoring from double • record set, bears a Currently, the Electric The second disc contains country - a situation that despairing American fans, two wealth of new material that A&M records has finally Light Orchestra has amassed a several singles, including the clearly did not exist at the time companies have taken heed and should gladden the hearts of gone all out and emptied their respectably large U.S. group's first, "Night of Fear." of the group's demise. Praises released the collected works of vaults of precious material audience. Zombies' fans. by None, with the exception of should go to the record two of Britain's most the Move, " Disc one contains the recently released as Brontosaurus," were company for amending the historically prominent bands, group's hits mentioned "The Best of the Move," Wood, who left the group previously released in album situation. "The Best of the the Zombies and the Move. after its first album's release, form. previously, along with several another two - record set. Move" is a welcome package. Epic records has has since produced "Boulders," pulled more obscure singles that were ' The Move was a together a package called never fairly a superb solo effort. Currently "Time of the Zombies." The previously released on an successful British group that Zombies were responsible for album. Two of the highlights received unanimous critical he is a member of Wizzard, a Jazz musicians stay at Stables include "She Loves the group that, ironically, has only the classic singles "She's Not Way praise in this country, but seen success in Britain. Jazz They Love Her" and "Smokey trumpeter Donald he has appeared There," "Tell Her No" and unfortunately nothing more on stage each Day," both fine crafted tunes Byrd, his back up band and • "Time of the Season," all - until recently. After the "The Best of the Move" is flutist Bobbi night, playing percussion that were later redone Humphrey v will extremely well written by group's demise in 1971, a really the best of the early be instruments and singing. Blunstone on his first solo held over at the Stables compositions that scored quite semisuccessful single, "Do Ya," Move. Finally being released in Humphrey, whose new album, "One Year." was released. This single was to through Wednesday after album "Blacks and Blues" is high on the national charts. Disc two of "Time of the America is the first Move appearing all last week. No doubt this become an integral part of the second on Billboard magazine's group has Zombies" is actually a reissue album, which makes up the Byrd has been plagued by been forgotten by final Move album first disc of this new set. That a best • selling jazz list, will many since of the "Split Ends." virus infection and has been "Time of the Season," its last group's last album, After the Move album was not released in this continue to sing and perform "Osyssey and Oracle." That disbanded, unable to play his hom, though on flute. single, but various members of the band have since resurfaced album, released in 1968, was one of the few in successful musical ventures masterpieces of ■ the '60s and contained "Time of their own. of the Season." It is Keyboard generally MATt-ll DONALD BYRD] man Rod Argent now leads the acknowledged as an album highly skilled conceptually years ahead of its group bearing his last name, time. wmiyiiHumwmY r: ^D&ftUMPHREY pi MAT 16-18 | I A saxaphonist from the MSU Jazz Ensemble takes a lead ROGER UNN during the group's Thursday night performance before a Aurao-ax I I I packed house in the Music Building auditorium. The audience demanded two encores after the scheduled performance. £ PETER WROW MAXXh-XS L MAT *8-JUNE 1 JIMMY SMITH JUNE 1-8 ■ ESTHER PHILLIPS TONIGHT AT THE STABLES DONALD BYRD and BOBBI HUMPHREY Held Over By Popular Demand Till Wednesday k The \eiy best Porn Film ever made * Al Goldstein BEAL PROUDLY PRESENTS HI! Tl U AT ADULTS ONLY THROAT It has become the most is shattering records across America. widely seen adult film in cinema history. Words are simply inadequate to convey the incredible eroticism of the film. DEEP THROAT is astoundingly explicit - it goes beyond anything previously made. DEEP THROAT is rapidly becoming the standard to which all other adult films will be compared. DEEP THROAT cannot be described - it must be experienced. Anything you have seen before is merely preparation for the experience of DEEP THROAT. Deep Throat is still banned in New York. It's the film that was found obscene in Detroit and was responsible for the padlocking of five theaters. Deep Throat has been busted and subsequently acquitted more than any other film in history. The Beal Film Group is showing Deep Throat, uncut, not one frame has been deleted. We present ^8 finlbflT I ■ I only to those persons years of age who enjoy extremely explicit erotic over entertainment. We have no wish to offend or shock. If you do not enjoy viewing incredibly graphic sexual behavior, we at Beal strongly recommend that you stay away. In DEEP THROAT we have the ultimate in erotic entertainment, if you wish to experience it, we cordially invite you to attend - if you have any doubts about your probable reaction to this film, we ftfitOflBIUH strongly encourage you to enjoy another program. DEEP THROAT is strictly for those who can take it. MAY 17,18,19,24,25,26 8olOPtn All persons desiring admission to this picture must have proof of age. MAY 22 8Ptnonly all shows S2.00 SHOWTIMES 7:00 8:15 9:30 10:45 SHOWPLACE 326 Nat Sci advance tickets at union & planetarium ADMISSION $2.00 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. May |3)I974 MSU sports said unhurt by equal rights plan loss By PAMWARD totally eliminated from the Burt Smith, MSU athletic president of the Women's State News Sports Writer Title IX act but only that the director, said that the failure to Equity Action League, said. proposals must be reworded. I pass the regulations could have "HEW's action in junking the University athletic officials think the University will been largely caused by proposed regulation goes do not think that the failure continue to provide a good financial fears. entirely against the intent of of the federally proposed women's program here. "I don't know specifically Congress when it passed Title regulation calling for equal "Athletics cannot be why the proposals have failed," IX in 1972." spending for women's and forgotten. We must remember Smith said. "But from what The NCAA had repeatedly men's athletics will effect that Title IX is a law and I've heard throughout the voiced opposition to the MSU. proposals saying that they schools still have an obligation country many feared that the The regulation would have would ruin the present varsity to provide an equal proposals would have put a extended the equal rights opportunity for women. The great strain on the present programs. provision of Title IX of the guidelines would have just varsity programs. At the moment no one is Education Amendments of made it easier for some schools "The proposals, as they were sure where athletics stand 1972 to include collegiate to commit themselves to an written, would have required under the present Title IX law. athletics. Last week, however, HEW has gone back to the adequate women's program." almost a doubling of financial Burton Taylor, Health Title IX was passed in 1972 grants and budgets. Right now drawing board to decide what Education and Welfare Dept.'s and prohibited sex several universities are equal opportunity means when Office of Civil Rights planning discrimination for any it comes to university athletics. struggling to keep their entire director, called many of the. educational program or activity program going. Most of the Smith, however, knows proposed regulations absurd receiving federal funds. Since schools feared they couldn't where MSU stands and and said they will have to be its passage, however, athletic survive under those proposals." emphasizes that the failure of completely rewritten. officials have argued that Many feminist leaders have the regulations will have no Nell Jackson, asst. athletic athletics do not fall under its charged that HEW was effect on MSU's present director in charge of women's jurisdiction. HEW was drafting pressured by men's athletic athletic programs. sports at MSU, is confused as the proposals to clear up the associations to drop the "I really can have no to where HEW directors will go controversy. If the proposals proposals. reaction to the failure of the from here but believes that the would have passed monies "The athletic associations proposals. We've always tried failure of the proposals will not would have had to be equally are not playing by the roles to run a total program here and < effect the progress of MSU distributed to men's and and Weinberger (Secretary of that won't change," Smith women's athletics. women's athletic programs, HEW), instead of being a fair explained. "We've got a good "I'm not clear about what and equipment,. facilities, referee, has taken sides against start and we're going to do our HEW means," Jackson said. "I coaching and scholarships equal opportunity for best to keep it going as long as hope that athletics will not be would have to be equalized. women," Arvonne Fraser, we have the funds." Hitting drought plag lolo/Davt Sthmw latest losses drop MSU golf coach Bruce Fossum confers with a couple of the 187 tournament golfers who participated in the Spartan Invitational this past weekend. The photo above was taken late in the afternoon and forced cancellation of round of the event. Alt of the scores recorded discounted because some of the golfers could not the second Saturday were complete By JACKWALKDEN Thake sent what appeared to Saturday before a severe thunderstorm soaked the course the round. case of not hitting in the trippers to help the Hoosiers to State News Sports Writer be routine clutch." he said. "We've been a 3 • 1 lead, but the Spartans a fly ball to Hie inability to win the outhitting the other teams, but rallied for three runs in the rightfielder A1 Weston. Weston close one • run ballgames not in the clutch. It's been sixth to take a one ■ run margin slipped in the rain - soaked continued to plague MSU's mainly a slump in luck. into the seventh. Bill Simpson's outfield and the ball fell in BALL STATE, ASHLAND WIN baseball team over the "Last year we didn't hit two ■ run double and pinch front of him for a single, weekend as the Spartans lost hitter Hqward Schryer's run - loading the bases. two of three conference games with both Big Ten period. We couldn't get a hit whether it not." was in the clutch or scoring single in the inning. were Ken St. Pierre's lead the key hits off Designated hitter Bill Armstrong then hit a ground Rain cuts short losses coming by a single run. Probably the person who has - ball to shortstop Terry Hop. By STEVE STEIN "The lower greens were saturated and even if we were able to Coach Danny Litwhiler's been hurt the most by the lack homer in the seventh tied the Hop's throw drew catcher Dale State News Sports Writer wait long enough for the water to go down, it would have ruined Spartans split a Friday of clutch hitting is sophomore game and a series of strange Frietch away from home plate events followed to give the the greens. doubleheader with Ohio State, pitcher George Mahan. Mahan allowing the winning run to The disappointment could be read all over Bruce Fossum's Hoosiers the win. "Everything was going so smoothly. We were all set to haw it holding on to win the opener, held Ohio State to just six hits, , score. face. color television 10 Barry Burnett reached on an MSU will conclude the home on (WKAR - TV, channel 23 was supposed tc • 7/ but dropping the but was the 2 - 1 loser when Fossum, MSU's men's golf coach, had just conferred with the broadcast the final action beginning at 5 p.m.) and Burt Smitt error and was sacrificed to nightcap, 2 - 1. MSU lost a Steve Watson hit a fourth portion of its 1974 schedule Spartan Invitational tournament rules committee and decided to was going to present the awards. second. After Wilson was tough 5 • 4 Saturday contest to inning home run. Tuesday against Eastern call off play Saturday in the second and final round of the 36 • Indiana intentionally walked, Dale "To have to get together and make that decision was hard." and was spared the Michigan. hole event. Mahan has given up just MSU's Welch said he was at the eighth hold when the storm" possibility of losing the twin three runs in his last 16,innings Moming showers had drenched Forest Akers west course and a and was tied with McParlan and Cfcraon for the individual letd. bill when the second game was of work, but doesn't have a severe thunderstorm lashed East Lansing about 4:15 p.m. The MSU's "Green" team, the first team, had also been it rained out with the Spartans trailing, 3 • 0, in the top half of victory during that time to show for it. Bosox belt Hiller again; late afternoon cloudburst sent golfers scurrying for cover and then Fossum announced his decision to call off play about 5 p.m. toward the top when the rains hit. The "Green" team official!; the third inning. finished sixth. Rick Moore picked up his The Spartans have now lost six of their last seven contests sixth win against just one in the first game against loss the Tigers nipped in 10th, 4-3 The postponement decision wiped out all the scores in the second day of competition, so the only scores which officially counted were recorded on Friday. Welch said the 71 he shot Friday was his best round everit Akers. DETROIT (UPI) - Former Stanley and the first base bag to fall to an overall record of Buckeyes. It marked the third straight year where the tournament had "I made mistake the 17th hole when I knocked om 19 • 16 • 1. All six of the The Spartans built Tiger Dick McAuliffe doubled to help Bill Lee raise his record one on up a 10 • home Carl Yastrzemski with to 4 3. Lee went 9 2/3 innings perfect weather for its Friday round and bad conditions for the the defeats have come by one run. 2 lead for • over green," the 6 • 4,175 • pound senior from Flushingsaii Moore, but the two out in the 10th inning final round, though it was the first time play was cancelled. with Diego Segui taking over in "But I put a lot of long putts close and that really helps." MSU is now 5 - 8 in the Big southpaw was in constant Sunday to give the Boston Red the 10th. Ball state won the 17 - team university division competition Other scores recorded Friday by MSU's runner • up "White" Ten and is in eighth place. Five trouble due to eight walks. Sox a 4 - 3 victory over Detroit Boston tied it at 3 3 in the with a 369 score with MSU's "White" team, the second team, team included Gary Domagalski's 74, Chris Moore's 75, Rid of the eight losses have come - Scott Evans finally came on and hand John Hiller in his eighth when pinch - hitter taking the runner - up spot at 372. Session's 76, Dave Chalmers' 76 and Kurt Hassburger's 76. by a single tally. in the sixth inning to save the Ashland recaptured its college division crown with a 380 score. second consecutive defeat. Dwight Evans singled home Leading scorers for the "Green" team were Bill Marx andSlw The recent slump is game for Moore. Yastrzemski singled to right Carlton Fisk, who had Western Illinois took second with 386. There were 14 teams Cole, who had 73s. Steve Broadwell shot 77, Brad Hyland "8,H reminiscent of last season when Senior Steve VanderLaan MSU lost 12 of its last 18 with one out in the 10th and doubled. Fisk's double drove competing in that division. Brafford 79 and Scott Malaney 80. held Indiana to just six hits, went to third when Rico out starter Lerrin Lagrow and In the individual competition, Tom McParlan of the University "I was very happy for the 'White' team," Fossum said. "It w games. Litwhiler believes there but three were homers in the of Michigan took medalist honors with a one - under - par 70. In a Petrocelli dumped a single in Evans' single came in Hitler's only right that they won the trophy and played as well as t!*j is one major difference, narrow 5 - 4 defeat. front of Jim Northrop in right third three way tie for second were Dan Welch of the Spartans, Craig did. Those guys have been battling the course all year." however. straight relatively - Dave Wilson and Don with two out. McAuliffe hit a 1 Carson of Ohio State and Max Minnick of Ball State. The trio ineffective appearance. In the special driving contest Friday, Ted Pease of India "This year it's been just a Seidholz slammed round • 2 pitch between Mickey Willie Horton had hit a shot even par 71. State won the prize for the longest drive, a 274 • yard shot oflik homer with two men on in 'he "This was one of the most disappointing decisions I've ever had first tee. Chris Moore of MSU took the prize for the longtst to make in golf," Fossum said. "But it was so dangerous out there three drives in the fairway, with shots of 255, 239 and 256 yiA with that lightning. There was a tornado warning, too." He was the only one of 22 golfers to get all three drives inpht- WEEKEND ACTION Lanier, Karras, Landry will play Men i nettersdrop pair The Spartan men netters finished out the Big Ten regular season with a pair of losses to Ohio took the medalist honors with Spartan participants had lower of the Ferris team members. a 76. All eight scores than any at first celebrity State University and Indiana on the road this and gallery tickets will be celebrities. Ruggers shut out Kalamazoo to be one of the most super* sold "It's going to look exactly weekend. By LYNN HENNING "dirt cheap" like a pro tournament," Staudt A 30 - minute specialot events this city has seen in a according to The team lost to OSU on Friday by a score State News Sports Writer The MSU Rugby Club beat the Kalamazoo long time.' Staudt. Tickets will be $2 for said. "There will be marshals, tournament will be aim of 5 • 4. Winning for the Spartans were Tom How would like to With not all of the the general public and $1 for scoreboards - the works. The WJIM • TV. "Celebrity Rugby Club, 20 - 0, Saturday at Kalamazoo, you Gudelsky at No. 6 singles, 6 ■ 3, 6 - 2, in celebrities in the fold yet, students. tournament committee has Tale of the Tourney" wil_ boosting the season record to 10 • 1. approach the first tee of the straight sets, and all three doubles teams. Larry Staudt has lined up a host of A continental really gone first class." shown at 10:30 p.m. M»y Stark and Joe Fodell won at No. 1 doubles, 6 • Scoring for the Spartans were Walt Country Club of Lansing with breakfast, Carpenter, Ron Fobes, Ron DeLonge, Marvin Bob Lanier towering among pro athletes and coaches from buffet lunch and a special A limited number of "dinner Tickets can be obtainw 4, 6 • 3; Brian Smith and Dave Williams beat only" reservations are available the Ingham County Barnes and Gary Pilette, all of whom had four - your golf foursome? Or, how across the nation, a group of evening dinner program are in Ohio State's No. 2 doubles team, 6 - 7, 6 - 3, 7 • about trying to concentrate on nationally known TV and press the plans for the contestants. for the evening banquet which office of the American 5; and the No. 3 doubles team of Rick Zabor point tries to account for the Spartan scoring. and Tom Women netters win two a six - foot putt with Alex people and many other big In addition, prizes have been will feature brief remarks from Society 919 E. Grand Gudelsky won 6-3,6-4. On Saturday the Spartans traveled to Indiana MSU's women's tennis team won two Kan-as wisecracking in the names. donated by local ' businesses many of the tournament Ave., or by calling 351 matches this weekend as it faced Principle and background? Karras, Wayne Walker, Greg and most of the contestants where the Hoosiers beat them 6 - 3. Joe Fodell, No. 2 singles, beat his Indiana opponent, 7 ■ 5, Kalamazoo colleges on home courts. Landry, George Blanda and can expect something. None of 6 -0,and No. 3 singles Dave Williams won, 6 - 0, 6 The Spartans defeated Principia, 8 -1, and Kalamazoo, 7 - 2. one The chance to play golf with of 60 celebrities is now Paul Naumoff are just a few of the pro football players that the prizes are cheapies, Staudt emphasized. Celtics beat - 2, 6 - 4, to record the only singles wins. As of late last week, 115 MSU's currently 6 • 1 for the season. The available. And, if you don't will be playing. Lanier and In doubles, the No. 3 team of Gudelsky and Zabor recorded a 6 Hoosier team. - 2, 6 • 2, win over the Spartans will end their home season competition Tuesday against Western Michigan. play golf or simply cannot afford a $100 tax deductible Willie Norwood from the Detroit Pistons, St. Louis Blues entries had been confirmed out of the 180 guest spots open and vacancies were going fast. to grab/2th crown entry donation, you can watch forward Bill Collins and Nick The Spartan netters will close out the regular Rain stops track teams the celebrities for as little Libett from the Detroit Red A number of women have MILWAUKEE, WIS. (UPI) - opening moments oi!t!w^ MSU's men's track team had its meet against as season today with a nonconference dual meet expressed quarter to clinch the on the Spartan the alumni canceled when rain fell Saturday $1- Wings have alst agreed to interest in the The hard • pressing Boston It was the Celtics M varsity courts against Western tournament. Staudt is Michigan University. morning. It would have been the only home participate in the day's events. putting Celtics put the clamps on since 1969 and their first appearance for the Spartans, who compete in The first Celebrity Golf Other notables such as finishing touches on landing Kareem Abdul Jabbar Sunday Tournament is set for June 4 at Frank Gifford, Bud Wilkinson, several celebrities from the coach Tom Heinsohn. Softball team plays today the Big Ten track meet this weekend at the the Country Club of Lansing. Chuck Fairbanks, Joe Falls, Ladies Professional Golf Assn. to beat the Milwaukee Bucks, 102 87, and claim their 12th Abdul • Jabbar scoj University of Michigan. The women's track team also had their meet All benefits from the star - Judd Arnett and Dave Diles are • National Basketball Assn. points in the first quarter- MSU's women's softball team was rained out then Boston began T studded tournament will be coming too. Larry Ziegler of the men's Saturday night in its doubleheader against the at Western Michigan canceled! because of bad forwarded to the championship. teaming him. using . weather Saturday. Ingham Even weathered old Denny pro tour will be present. With Dave Cowens and Don Lansing Lassies. Cowens, Nelson and' County Unit of the American McLain has promised he will be Staudt said over 90 per cent Nelson doing most of the The game has been rescheduled for today, Stickmen lose 17 -1 Cancer Society. Sixty there. of the funds taken in from the Paul Silas to keep the b( work, the Celtics held Jabbar from the baske * and will begin at 6 p.m. on the field in front of MSU's lacrosse team took a beating Saturday foursomes - 60 celebrities and MSU ha» its list of celebrity tournament will go away Demonstration Hall. The game will end the afternoon from a team of rude hosts at directly to without a point for an 18 • of his normal shoot nj Dennison and if the Spartans never see the Ohio 180 guests ($100 contributors) representatives in the cancer research. minute stretch of the second Spartans' regular season competition. He managed on y school - will play in the day - long tournament, despite the fact None of the celebrities and third quarters to go from a again, it will be too soon. during the final three q are The affair which is the first of its the emphasis has been on being compensated. Staudt said 20 20 tie to a 17 - point lead. Women golfers win Spartans felt the wrath of Dennison all too often and ended a dismal 6 kind ever to be held in Lansing. getting outside celebrities. most were coming in on their ■ Milwaukee staged a furious for a team - \ MSU's women's - 7 campaign "It's the greatest thing I've Cowens led Bost■ , golf team kept its two - year with an unnerving 17 • 1 blasting at the hands Duffy Daugherty, Denny own expense. rally right after that, narrowing decisive seventh gam record spotless this weekend as it defeated of the host even been involved in," said Stolz, Gus Ganakas and Burt A liquor license has also the margin to three points, but championship series Ferris State College Friday in Big Rapids. Val Washington, Tim Staudt, WJ1M sports Smith arc part of a handful of been obtained to allow the sale who wound his, could catch up. The Spartans had no trouble with Ferris, up director and celebrity chairman local celebrities entered. of beer to the never points and spent . outstanding lacrosse career in the game, scored gallery on the Boston, led by Cowens, final quarter playing defeating them 319 to 410. Manono Beamer MSU's lone goal. of the tournament. "It's going A big crowd is anticipated day of the tournament. pulled away again In the fouls. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 13, 1974 9 It's the season for Garage Sales! Call Now FALCON - 355-8255 FUTURA ]@ 1968. f MMm ]g FRANKLY SPEAKING, Get Results with by philfrank Einpl^jjjj a Classfied Ad!! **n*ts]f) Apartments ? j VOLKSWAGEN, 1969 automatic - .f«.r05moam'3&$;?° 35"13? ,aP#' »" «*»■ 351-7881 after 7 pm or ™ before 9 STUDENT EMPLOYMENT FOUR DAY WORK WEEK MALE NEEDED for own room in Meadowbrook Trace Townhouse TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile The United Educators Incorporated homes. $25 - $35 / week. Ten - FIAT 1973 - 124 starting summer. $80/month. convertible. 6 — has openings for people who have minutes to campus. Quiet and speed. Bright yellow, Kenn, 349-3950. 5-5-16 black VW 19RQ ~ -7 Z an automobile and enjoy meeting peaceful on a lake. 641-6601. PHONE 355-8255 0-5-31 134 /Student Bldq. Ert-.wae Avenue, Lansing, days the public. We need possess the ability to conduct people who GIRL summer NEEDED, and non / or - smoker, fall. Call intelligent interviews by 351-8162. SP-5-5-15 •automotive c£?tf1fteJ?l IS"" VOLKSWAGEN 1970 - a^oma*c~ appointment. All fringe benefits, I Scooters & Cycle* FORD 669-5692. 10-5-23 ^ 8" ' excellent mechanical 393-6506. Evenings condition. and hospitalization, major medical, life insurance, etc. For intervi 484-7368 APARTMENTS 'Close to Campus Pirts & Service F-100 1972 between 10-12 pick - up, weekends. 5-5-13 5-5-14 i 351-9561. 10-5-13 •Air Conditioned Topper camper. Excellent •All Appliances j Aviation condition, low mileage, first VOLKSWAGEN SUPER '> Beetle FEMALE TO share furnished including dishwasher •EMPLOYMENT $1,800 takes it. 4823695 1971 Good condition $1,600. apartment. Summer. Call after •Luxurious Furnishings •Shag Carpeting •FOR RENT -A®:!®. Call 351-8862 before 2pm. Call ATTENTION 5pm. 351-8966. 5-5-15 •On-Site Management •Private Balconies Apartments FORD RANCHERO Squire 1971 - 372-7681 5-5-13 SUMMER SUBLEASE studio •SWIMMING POOL Houses V-8. 4-speed, 16 mpg. Phone 393-2347, after 6 pm. 4 5-14 MOtOTCVCleS L&rI ^ ARTS & LETTERS apartment. Furnished, near Now Leasing Rooms capitol. Call 489-7161. Summer and Fall I 'FOR SALE FORD"l969!Attorn 4^o«m~good S MAJORS SP-5-5-15 condition, $550. 5 custom- Summer-$150 1-3 persons j Animals 5.5.13 351-5313 •"looio. , . unfinished - » $275. 351-7857, LARGE TWO party, furnished le Homes after 5p.m. SP-5-5-14 efficiencies. Air conditioned. Fall $73 Tocfuplnts Petitions for student I'LOST & FOUND INTERNATIONAL Close to campus. Summer, $140, Discount for 12 mo. Lease SCOUT II T. 'IF THE WORLD V^ON'T BE fclCHEfe positions on University •PERSONAL 1973. 2 wheel drive, 6 cylinder, 19?J. H°NDA <50 ?0R OUR EDUCATION - AT LEAST level and College level Fall, $165. 484-0585. 30-5-20 351 7212 •PEANUTS PERSONAL 4-speed, deluxe interior, 14,500 miles. Perfect. $2300. 332-1775. 3S^7^s!i7' " THE BCOttS-TORE WILL BE1.' committees will be accepted SUBLEASE ONE bedroom 731 Burcham Drive •REAL ESTATE Monday, May 13th, thru apartment for summer. Air. Models open 1-6, Mon. - Sat. 185cc SUZUKI, Wednesday, May 29th — new condition! Close. $150. 332-1819. 5-5-13 Other times by appointment •RECREATION JAGUAR XKE 1965. Chrome ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY. CA.94709 wire 1300 miles- r8d / chrome, wheels. $1795. Phone SUMMER. LUXURY townhouse. •SERVICE 371-3582 393-2215. 3-5-13 Petitions are available AIR CONDITIONED efficiency for Instruction Typing Service 5-5-13 ' TRIUMPH, 1971 - excellent [^Airto Service / Employment at your departmental office. For information 1 to or 2. Summer or campus. longer, close $140/month. Two bedroom near bus, $220. 484-0562, 332-6677. 3-5-13 MG MIDGET 1971. Michelin tires, condition, very low mileage. Call MASON -BODY SHOP - 812 East call 355 - 0368. 351-2017, after 6, pm. 5-5-15 •TRANSPORTATION am/fm radio. New battery good Jacfc, 351-4471. X-5-5-14 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. SEASONAL HELP wanted for 2 WOMEN needed for Collingwood. condition. 484-6858. 3-M4 ~~~ Fall I 'WANTED YAMAHA, 126 7m*iro, Complete auto painting and packing and filling school suply orders. Minimum wage. Apply SUMMER SUBLEASE,' bedroom, 2 blocks from campus, large 1 - 332-8030. 3-5-13 spring. $65/month. MUSTANG MACH I 1969 $500 or 8500 482 7905- a,ter 6 5'513 collision service 485-0256. 1200 Keystone, Lansing. 3-5-13 BABYSITTER WANTED: 12-6pm carpeted, furnished, air. Rent "RATES" best offer. Call 351-3680. 5-5-15 __c"5-31 now. Or 812am and / or reduced to $150. 332-1945, MAN NEEDED next year. Eden BMW, YAMAHA, TRIUMPH, TEACHERS NEEDED for Jewish after 5. 5-5-15 Roc, next to campus. 332-0776. VW - GUARANTEED REPAIR. 12-6pm starting June 14. My OLDSMOBI LE RICKMAN. Your full service Sunday School. Call Ms. Stark. home SP-5-5-14 1965 Cutlass RANDY'S MOBIL, Okemos only. Phone 351-6216 dealer. Parts, custom accessories 332-6715.3-5-15 after 6pm. 5-5-15 convertible. Power steering, Road J. brakes. $100. Phone 349-0385 competion equipment, service. C-5-31 and 1-96. 349-9620. SUMMER RENTALS SUMMER SUBLEASE, near Mason NC) DAYS SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS, INC. CAREER OPPORTUNITY Abbot, Furnished, air, 1!4 baths, ORGS after 5:30 p.m. 5-5-17 MODELS FOR photography. Call (FILLED FOR FALL) 2460 for qualified college grad to 4 5 man, price negotiable. North Cedar, Holt. Just • . between 10am and 6pm. - 1964 TRIUMPH TR-4 age 2 5. Salaried training 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS 1 3 5 10 OLDSMOBI LE, 1969 trade for south of 1-96 overpass. Phone engine and 332-3418. 5-5-17 - eye lei (over 500cc) or $1,000. 694-6621. C-5-5-17 transmission, 2 165R Shell radial program while you learn our work in finance and estate 489-1215^0^31 2 PEOPLE 1 50 4.00 6.SO 13.00 tires. Call 676-4736, after WORK Power steering, 5pm. counseling. College STUDY students: part - NEED GIRL four Cedar radio, tape program S150 MONTH man 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 5-5-13 time now, full time summer player, good body. 393-7354. CYCLE INSURANCE at 34 PEOPLE Village beginning fall. 355-7133, - lowest $2.50 / hour for typing, clerical 2.25 6.00 9.70 19.50 5-5-16 rates 353-6669. 5-5-17 on any sized cycle. Easy FIND THESE Quality names at at S180 MONTH 2.70 11.70 23.40 payment Lansing, office of PIRGIM, OLDSMOBILE plan. Call UNION CHEQUERED FLAG: Koni, flexible hours, Call Misty, 1969. 442, LUXURY FURNISHED efficiency 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 UNDERWRITERS, 372-8120 or Bilstein, Stebro, Abarth, Ansa DENTAL RECEPTIONIST for convertible with all available 485-4317. 20-5-16 and Castrol. 487-6001 between noon 8nd CEDAR apartments, air conditioned, 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 optional equipment. New tires, 2605 East orthodontist's tffbe. Personable, 4:30 pm. 5-5-14 next to campus, quiet. Summer exhaust, battery, air, shocks. Kalamazoo Street. One mile mature person with office VILLAGE of fall. 351-1258. 10-5-24 D EADLINE Best reasonable offer. 332 5349 west of campus, 487-5055. capabilities. (Typing 60 wpm). MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE |1 P.M. one class day evenings. 5-5-15 New low rates. FIEDLER - C-8-5-10 Will train. Please call. 372-6451. 315 BOGUE ST. 351-5180 SPARROW NEAR - very large one I before publication. INSURANCE. Phone 676-2449. 5-5-16 bedroom unfurnished except Peanuts Personal ads OPEL RALLY 1973. condition, 4-speed. AM/FM, new Good 0-1-5-13 Employment jj|; st have TV AND STEREO $24/term. $9.95/month. Free rentals. AIRY patio. EFFICIENCY, woody view, Northwind. Lease. Ms. stove and refrigerator. Utilities paid. $130. Security deposit. same day tires, must sell. Call 372-5385. MOTORCYCLE TUNE-UP 20% lin( delivery and service. Simons, 372-7900, extension 372-2639. 5-5-17 must be pre-paid. PART TIME positions for MSU travel. Call 372-0567 Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-5-31 254, weekdays. 5-5-16 5-5-16 below dealer price, pick • up students. Excellent salary level and 489-1215 between 12 6 pm. available. 484-3500. 5-5-17 - SUMMER & fall leases. 501 meaningful OR-5-31 (Cancellations/ Corrections PONTI AC CATALIN A 1970 Automobile business experience. required. 351-5800. Apartments ^ CLEMENS 517 North - Graduate, Hillcrest. Grad students; quiet, married air conditioned, one bedroom 12 noon one class day 4-door. Best Excellent condition. offer over MSavice / 0-3-5-15 couple. 5 room, 2 bedroom, partially furnished, furnished apartments with I before publications. $1000. ■ The State News will be PONTI 337 0805. 5-5-15 BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced rates to students. Also PART-TIME secretary: hours/week, short hand 30 ALASKA LCC AREA Option - Sublet 1 bedroom, fully furnished, after May 22nd. to lease. Safe and secure! parking. $160 plus utilities. Lease. Immediate occupancy. dishwasher. Close to campus. No pets - $175/month. 351-9081 AQ 1969. V-8, Catalma 484-7253. 5-5-16 or 485-3014. 5-5-17 guaranteed rust proofing. VAN preferred. 351-6249. 3-5-1 & , ,rt $175 I month. 332-3135. 5-5-14 J respqrjjjble only for the 4-door har5-13 pearlc, Linde Stars, I I SUBLEASE SUMMER 4 man. tees £ blocks from Union, $100 Laniini 485 Lansing 48S - 3J27I River's Edge. Price negotiable. RENTERS - Want an 3326802. SP-5-517 birthstones. baby diamonds, SPEEDQUEEN PORTABLE Hats sm Call 351-0694. SP-5514 signet and love rings, and a washer. Excellent condition INTERESTED IN NO-FhN) U HOUSES. CLOSE. June summer ALTERNATIVE to renting - SUMMER, CLEAN, furnished, Greet for apartment living. $85. Cost Jet Tijval to $60, fall $77, 332-5622 only 5 expenses and hassles? Call Bob large selection of wedding MAGNOLIA. 8' x 38'. Vi mile Euroyi tj TWO SUMMER sublease, June close, kitchen, living room to 349-2809, after 6 p.m. 3-513 Middle East, The F« J - - 7 p.m. 5-5-17 Hull, Monday. Wednesday, or share. One available May 19. rings and mountings — ALL campus, excellent condition September. Air, pool, close / Africa, or Practically AnwJ Friday 9 am 1 pm at East at only $25.00 asking $1500. 3374)972. 5-517 campus. $165 / month. 351 8154. 5514 2 TICKETS to Indy 500 EDUCATIONAL FLIGHTSiq - $40 SERIOUS STUDENT lor next year Lansing Realty. 332-3534. 14K Gold Jewelry and all 353-6089. 3-5-13 " Call 3553894 after 10pm CASTLE 1968 12- x 82' Close help you find the leas: tvm Own room. Beautiful house. 6-517 - SUMMER SUBLEASE. bedroom, close, air, furnished. One 337-0564. SP5-5-17 SUMMER TERM only. Need 4 for hrttt"]!?. other rings 20% OFF. THOMPSONS' FRANDOR 5516 SCHWINN, MEN'S 5speed. $35. to campus, exceMent condition 361-3389, after 5 pm. 5-517 "ay for to getting whet* you go. Phone us Toll FtnI ■ i«3 a 4 bedroom house 482-9672 or $ 1 50/mon th , 351-4524. NEEDED. SERIOUS Student for KITCHEN, LIVING room and JEWELERS Stingray girl's 17 inch $25. PARK ESTATE 482-0278. 6-2-513 - $3,500. 2 _SP-5-5-J3 luxurious house, fall only. bedroom furniture, $800 3220 Mall Court, Frandor 3326640 after 4pm. 6-6-16 bedroom, 12'x60', 8'x6' MONTY'S BAI I Yvonne. 337-0564. SP5-5-17 originally $2500. Call 3556138. GIRL NEEDED next fall. Rivers TWO GIRLS for house Open Monday - rrlday, 9:30 til 9 addition. Central air simmer DIAMOND Edge apartments, $82.50 Call HOUSE, 2 girls summer, own room. term, close, $70/month. 5517 Saturday 9:30 til 6 Phone 332-1385 (or RING Lady's - .25 karat set in 18 karat white gold conditioning, shed, fence. 6756360 efter 5:30 pm. 5514 AND RESTAMAll 332-1459. SP-5-513 351-3995. 5515 Custom Work Gunson. 332-1403, after 6. STRATOCASTOR GUITAR, setting. Contact Bruce - Nobody beatt our price t Shrimp and Fbh 5-5-17 Sunn 100S amplifier. Best offer. 361-7446. 7-516 SOPHOMORES, UNIVERSITY NEAR LAINGSBURG - 15 miles Call 3556417. 3-5-15 on Quality jewelry FOR SALE or rent I Wolverine. Pitcher Night (M-W-SI I 1963 - 10'x46', fully furnished. approved. 2 girls next year. northeast. Large 4 bedroom FISHEYE AUXILLARY and wide For more information, (Very Special Sunday) I FAMILIES: BROTHER/sisters. house, 1 acre. Unfurnished, Campus View. 355-8703. 5-5-14 cousins; relateds needed to $200 per month. Available now. TEAC A-1200U 3 motor stereo PIONEER. angle lenses ring adaptors, 651-5039. 5514 Luncheon special - 51.501 GARRARD, BSR excellent condition, 3559063. complete groups. Beautiful 5 - 7 351-7497. OR-5-31 tape deck. Like new $200. 129 turntables. TEAC 250 cassette bedroom East Grand River Apartment 5. 2-513 1973 SKYLINE Pool Table duplex, house. recorder. Panasonic quad Bose - refinance, 332-1946. SP5-5-17 NEED MELLOW third person. July 3-517 501 speakers. Sansui SP1500 AS SEEN IN THE country lot, near campus, lake, Pin Ball Machimi 1. Own room, on 80 acres. East - speakers. Portable cassette fish, 6757451. 5514 MAN Leslie. $70/month. 1-589-8701 TROPICAL FISH: Moving, must STATE NEWS NEEDED 3 bedroom house before 2:30pm / weekends. sell; varieties. Call recorders, albums and tapes, 1970 2359 E.Gd. River, Okeroi own room, $55/month plus many head supplies, replica swords and BOOKS ON RAISING SQUIRE - 12x60', SP-5-5-13 utilities. 537 Lathrop, 482-3776. 489-2616. 1-513 guns. P or gable TV's, musical WORMS carpeting, built - in vanities, shed. 153 Windsor Estates. Must BOARD EXAMTUTORINC | 3-5-17 equipment. West, Fender, Stanley H. Kaplan TWO GIRLS wanted to sublet WORM KITS sell - best offer. 646-6576. Tutoring Courses summer, own Custom, Acoustic, Gibson and rooms, close 5-6-16 SUMMER SUBLET 2 - 3 bedroom 351-2095. SP-5-5-13 accessories. Small appliances Write: Now being formed Lake Lansing cottage. $165. hand and power tools, sporting Mel upcoming MCAT, DAT, PRE-COLUMBIAN Reynolds PACEMAKER THEY WENT 339-8922 X1-5-13 goods. We also have electronic - 12'x50", 1 ATGSB, GRE Board Exaroj] FOUR BEDROOM house. East side (flute) well preserved, 28652 Cunningham bedroom. Shed, all skirted. THAT A WAY.. .TO Phone repair. Bank cards welcome. information call 1-313-354 Lansing, furnished. $50/month. 351-5995. 3-5-15 Warren, Michigan 48092 Furnished. Williamston. $2,800. ROOMMATES NEEDED. 3 DICKER & DEAL 0-1-513 COLLINGWOOO APTSH bedroom duplex near Hagadorn 3 women. Call Sally, 337-7713 694-9712. 5516 SECONDHAND STORE, 1701 Tuesday and Thursdays. SP5-5-14 12 STRING EPIPHONE GUNS, RIFLES, and handguns of Haslett intersection $95/month, South Cedar. Lansing. 487-3886. guitar/case, excellent condition, all kinds. Buy, trade and sell FOR SALE 1964, 10x50 Monarch *air conditioned year lease starts fall. Tim Open 9 - 9 Monday, Wednesday, 525 LAKE LANSING. Lovely, $115 or best offer. 1973 men's BEST year round prices in Crest. Skirted, shed, furnished. 351-6959 after 3. 1-5-13 Friday. 9 - 6 Tuesday, Thursday, ♦dishwasher paneled, 5 bedroom house, Schwinn Southern Michigan. BOB'S G(JN Excellent condition. Close. Suburban, 5 - speed, Saturday. C-5515 *shag carpeting TWO WOMEN, own rooms. $60 - furnished. $250/summer, $50 or best offer. 351-8076 SHOP. 2412 South Cedar. Call 3516876 after 2:30 pm. 3-514 ♦unlimited parking summer, $70 - fall. 351-9302 $350/fall. Year lease. 663-4900. before 3 p.m. 3-5-15 371-2244. OR-5-31 *P!ush furniture 3-6-18 1973 ACADEMY 14'x64' shed, after 6 p.m. 5-5-17 -OMPLETE PA system: two 200 ♦Model Open Daily SUMMER SUBLET BICYCLES - ALL Ten Speeds! watt West Fillmore skirted will sell furnished or - room for 3 - amplifiers. Various colors and sizes. unfurnished, in trailer LARGE HOUSE for 6 people. Spacious and close. West Sextet mixer, two EV Shd park. rent this 337 1265. 5517 Simplex De - railer center pull - horn boxes, two TBI cabinets 694 9208. 7 520 summer. Near East Lansing. Up - brakes, high quality at dealer's each with to six carpeted, students, lots of furnished, room. Rooms cost. Forced warehouse sale. 9 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. 8 One Shure two SRO speakers. Unisphere 1967 WINDSOR MOBILE Home Learn Now Aboutttn| 482-9531 after 5 p.m. 5-5-17 microphone, all connecting 12 ' x 60' Newly furnished, CPA Exam. (behind Zody's a.m. - 12 p.m. Saturday. D & C $6500, expando 8' Becker CPA Review Co cords. 484-2867 before 8 p.m. x 15'. Will on the river!) 300MS STORAGE. 1241 Roth Drive. sell on contract. 393-1614. SUMMER: WOMAN/own room in EFFICIENCY, one ■ sever 5 8A:6?_4i_af ,er 5 P-m- &-S-14 bedroom South Cedar at 1-96. 694 3311. - 6-M7 house. Close, $55/month. apartments, houses 351-2477. X5-5-16 Close, SP5517 quality. 33 2-1946 OR-3-515 JOHNSON COMPANY, FURNITURE SPRING FOR SALE 1969 Richardson DETROIT 313- mobile home. 694-9644 after 6 MID-MICHIGAN'S largest audio CLEARANCE ON floor samples, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••« pm.10-522 retailer vwth the finest in stereo FEMALE - OWN room, furnished, discontinued sytles and fabrics. OUR SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS^ products and electronic repairs. Some items slightly damaged but air conditioned, close, DETROITER 10x55 jCampus Hill! - - near Shop the store with BACH STRADIVARIUS cornet ML all are reduced in price for $66/month. 332-0719. 1-513 straight big campus - furnished, storage shed stereo answers. MARSHALL bore, excellent case / savings. Furniture ideally suited 351-6989 efter 6pm. |cOURSES BEGIN JUNE »!■» - MUSIC, 245 Ann Street. mouthpiece. $220. 3553548. for your cottage, rec room, or • { ROOMS, EFFICIENCIES - near - SP-5-513 C-1-513 5-515 rental # \ Union. June on. No cars - pets. property. Chairs, sofas, THE DOMINICANS - • ( 663-8418. 10-524 and dinette chairs, odd dining CASTLE 1968 - 12' x 52'. Close preachers, pastors, n • * ALL TYPES of optical repairs. SPEAKERS - ULTRA Linear 150. tables and buffets, also some to campus, excellent condition. counselors. A com Prompt Service! OPTICAL Six months old. $220 new, now bedding. One mixed - match set praying and » : Now Leasing for Fall FURNISHED house. ROOM Close, $70 per month, in nice DISCOUNT, 2615 East $130. 332-5052. 3-5-13 of /King - sized bedding at 351-3389, after 5 p.m. 5-5-13 men together, bringing the : Special Summer Rates $105 damage deposit. Available June nj. 337-0255^-515 Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. C-5517 SCUBA I LADY'S wetsuit, rocket fins, men's boots, other $249.50. 15 MONTHS WITH NO INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGES. JOHNSON [jwTS]g) FOUND: SILVER woman's ring. the world today- Write to: Selling Services? Sell them to more UNIVOX ELECTRIC guitar. Les FURNITURE COMPANY, 1121 Joseph Payne O.P., 5 Hi equipment alsol 64 60283. Wells Hall bike rack. Describe. people with low cost Want Ads. Paul copy, South Washington Avenue, Campus Hill Apartments, are carpeted and furnished one Humbucking, 5514 Dial 3558255 now. $130,663-3016. SP-5517 Lansing. 482-0771. 5513 3552448 efter 7pm. C-3-514 with distinctive, comfortable furniture. Each unit has 06505. 105-'* LOST MEN'S precision a garbage disposal, central heating and air conditioning, and dishwasher. These 4 man units have THE LIBERATING PROTESTS OF TRUTH near Alle • Ey. Reward. n PaMtsPesmil 1 up to 4 parking spaces per unit and include the use of a giant swimming pool and recreation room. DOUBLE-WIDE Come to this free Oiristian Science Lecture 3555705 Dale. SP 5-5 13 FOUND ""S'S- by JOHN RICHARD KENYON, CS.B. Shepherd Throughout the academic year there will be free bus transportation to and from campus. We also have a SALE Member Christian Science Board of Wednesday. Michigan female 372-0026. - C-3-S-14 puppy. Leslie, w*eks. I full time Resident Manager for If you want to be Lectureship We have the answer to your among the first residents of Campus Hill call today. SPECIAL 12 month rates available Roommate service MONDA Y, MA Y13th, 8:00 P.M. RIVERSIDE EAST student housing needsI Three provided FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL 349 at Hannah Middle School APARTMENTS 3530. to choose from- Completely 819 Abbott Road. - East Lansing (ma $150 furnished and delivered. Sponsored by (summer only) TWO BEDROOMS • MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY AMERIHOMIS MOBILE HOME SALES FIRST CHURCH OF •All STATE MANAGEMENT CO., INC. CHRIST, SCIENTIST •All fumiihed 6900 South Cedar •Clo$e to campui EAST LANSING •4 parking place* 694 ■ 8644 per apartment Open nightly til 9, open Sat and Sun. Child care will 1310 East Grand River ommw. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 13, 1974 H IsfWBlilj [gratulations Lmhouse (avion, isty or Actives: Tom, Phil, Bob, Guy, Ed, John, Adrin and Dale. Love L.S.P.'s.1-6-13 _ new Portuguese by henry giniger the politicians suddenly peasants desire peace tm ![*! GLORIA New York Times DE released prison or from clandestinity, exile have rushed to government. "But we did not know about many of the things of the lowest in Europe, and it is the rural population which is times confrontation his unit had direct the territories. LaCULATE 2 bedroom RIBATEJO, claim that were happening," he said. the main element in with guerrilla "It would be very good to - Portugal - This farming village, power in a new, "The tortures, for keeping bands. be rid of the problem," he said, fanch. Newly carpeted, 1 car where women gossip at the democratic Portugal, and some example, we the figure so low. "It was all a waste of Ltiige, aluminum siding. This were very far away from these time," "but this is such a small ~ fountain and dogs sleep of them will share it in a dose Alexandre me would make an safely things." Caneilhas referred to wagon, to note that he had a Fernandes, he said. "The government country and we might need in the dirt provisional government that is the 25 - year • old son of a Excellent residency or income streets, seems the revelations of the torture 17 - year - old son. "I hope should initiate negotiations Africa." remote from Lisbon scheduled to be announced this local farmer, is working in with the liberation movements. property. Owner anxious, though it used by the old security police that now he will not have to a Tauina the state. Only $15,500. is only 40 miles week. go metallurgical plant near here. Those away. Yet which has not been disbanded the war," he said. territories belong to Both were very proud of the Fall Bill Heil 482-8683 or what the Far from all He spent "30 months and relatively small this and whose members are eight them, not to us." armed forces's role in Alexander realty political class in the capital maneuvering, villagers in this being "Everything is going to be days" with an infantry A friend, Francisco Oliveira EoMPANY 489-6523. 3-5-17 jailed. different," he went on. "We overthrowing the dictatorship decides about war and peace or area seemed perplexed by the regiment in a remote and Nunes, a 23 and establishing the basis for In nearby Salvaterra De are entitled to - year - old dictatorship and democracy is visit of a few foreign newsmen, something uncomfortable area of sergeant on active duty with an JACRE FARM. Only 20 minutes if unaccustomed to Magos, Joaquim Francisco Da better." northern Angola, democracy. from featuring large intruding on a way of life that as having Silva, a 46 year - old farm "defending infantry regiment based in "That's the main campus, otherwise has not anyone ask their opinions - At only slightly the local population and thing," louse with four bedrooms, 1% changed on laborer, paused from forking over $500 a year, Portugal, agreed about Fernandes said. "Once we have much for centuries. defending Taths plus two large barns, anything. Periodically the old compost onto a horse - drawn average per capita income in Portual is one my own life." He negotiations to end the war. He that then all the other location on major highway In a dim cafe there is regime's political could recall only six or seven was less a sure about giving up problems will be easier." Tneans the value can only go up. photograph of a soldier on a machine would call on them Priced at $50,000. Call Danny wall behind the bar. to vote for The government 669-3464 or inscription says, "Jose Fino candidates, and it was in the Alexander realty Feijao, died in Mozambique rural areas that it rolled up its Latinos told college ■company 489^523. 3-5-15 Nov. 18, 1969, at the heaviest majorities against age of ■ECTLY by owner, 3 small 22." Young Feijao, the son of opposition candidates, who bedroom ranch on 4 acre lot. 10 a local landholder, was part of confined themselves largely to By DENISE CRITTENDON es from campus. 2 car garage, the heavy tribute that the the relatively opportunities for financial and we were lucky if we ran sophisticated State News Staff Writer who are working hold unskilled education comes in." carpeting, curtains, etc. cities. assistance and careers. _,evv Portuguese peasantry has been into each other once a month," jobs. ■34,000, call after 5pm. Some The students who attended paying to a war to hold the men and women Nearly 400 latino high Suarez said. ^49 4153. sp-4-5-30 country's African pleaded their illiteracy today school students were the free program stayed in Citing examples from 1970 He added that one - third of empire urged to MSU residence halls a "That means that after you the latinos in the nation are together. to say "I know during WIELAND by owner. 4 nothing." Most pursue top • level positions their visit. census, Suarez said latinos have have a job your chances of below what the government Cape Cod, 8 years old. Thirteen said how happy twice the unemployment rate edroom years after the they were at through higher education getting a skilled job are two has established as the "national baths, large lot, 2 fighting began in Mozambique, the overthrow as a way out of Friday at Rudy Suarez, asst. professor as anyone in the United States out of a general assembly in in the 10," Suarez told the poverty level" and that 30,000 fireplaces, double car garage. Angola and Portuguese Guinea war and the chronic depression Wilson Hall auditorium. College of Education, and that 80 per cent of those students. "This is where higher addressed the live in substandard housing. garden area. $32,500. and less than four that has gripped the rural areas The assembly, a series of students in years after ^82-7549. 10-5-22 this particular soldier's for so long. Ignacio Pereira speeches by MSU officials, was Spanish, informing them of the death, need to aspire to be students. Recreation the war - weary armed forces Caneilhas, a 66 - year - old the first part of a two • (fj overthrew the long - wheat grower, leaned over his visitation for latino students. day Traditionally, he said, latinos have not attended Boiling water study said wall and college and entrenched dictatorship. Since acknowledged he had The visitation was sponsored hold many of the lowest clippercraft fiberglass the coup d'etat on April been voting for the - 25, by MSU's Chicano student Jkiboat, 45 horse power engine, ranking positions. organization, the Office of The ll200. 484-5055. 5-5-17 Admissions and Scholarships current latino enrollment at MSU is Bore help in saving of energy and the Office of you fly, call us, College WHAT'S Minority approximately 290, about the 351-6010 for Programs. same level as 1972 and 1973. Reservations. SP-5-6-17 Special and HC programs Yet Suarez told the workshops were held in which group Ed information on that things are a lot better for Over 40 per cent of this remote Chicano, Puerto Rican and country's energy is electrical production. them than when he went to used to boil water, Michigan Public Service Jnhite water river in upper Spanish - American students The study would look into the possibility of peninsula. If knowledgable, call from college in 1964 at California Commission Chairman William Rosenberg told Michigan high schools State University. using the heated water in both industry and ris 332-6332. 2-5-14 a MSU class on Energy and Environment were informed of the "There electricity production without duplicating the Announcements for It's What's were only six of us, Thursday. water heating process. llOPE SUMMER Flights. From Are you aware that ■259, Advanced booking only, Happening must be received in the WTVR, Rosenberg, who said he has been steering the Other management - oriented plans student - organized radio State News office, 341 Student utility regulating commission into reviewing the Rosenberg noted include a recently ■outh fares, rail passes. Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least now broadcasting in the Union? Guaranteed Stop by and listen! management side of utility problems instead of scheduled airlines. two class days before publication. appropriated $350,000 for a utility consultant iRAVEL by HARRINGTON, No announcements will be just checking their ledgers, is hoping to be to examine the commission's by phone. accepted The Resource Development Club granted funding from the National Science efficiency and aq.27_.5-3L will hold elections at its develop a system to survey utility management meeting at Foundation in the next few weeks to study the effectiveness. klPING, HIKING seminar, printed in 7 p.m. Wednesday in 338 Natural water boiling problem. waupp's is offering a family tent "It's What's Resources Bldg. A presentation on "Michigan utilities, which collect $3 V4 Happening" are read shore protection will be Rosenberg, will conduct the study with Dow tmpmg and backpacking client daHy on WMSN (640 AM) campus given by billion a year, are currently*'weak sisters' of introduce and almost Richard Sikkenga of the Dept. of Chemical Co. and Paul McCracken,a member of i new Natural Resources. problem ridden Con Ed of New York, because iw campers to the fun of living Governor Milliken's Special Commission on the utilities are not making the profits John Richard Kenyon will speak e great outdoors. Classes HIGH ABSENTEEISM in the Energy. on "The Liberating Protests of MSU Paddle and Racquetball Michigan House Friday delayed necessary for financial health," Rosenberg said. eginning May 15. For more Truth" at 8 tonight in Hannah Club will hold important final consideration of watered '- down Rosenberg said that 17 per cent of the The poor planning involved in a Consumer Information call RAUPP'S , an legislation that would keep nation's energy is used to boil water meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the doors of some board and council for Power plant in Marysville, which ran 287 lAMPFITTERS. 484-9401. 201 Men's Intramural Bldg. meetings closed to the industrial steam while an additional 25 to 30 per FREE U: Leos, Libras, Tournament plans to be finalized. public. cent over cost, led to a 35 per cent rate hike for Virgos per cent of the energy is used to boil water for and Taurus: Come to a Tarot class. Only 90 of 108 House members were present for Friday's Consumers Power, Rosenberg noted. Service Bring card* if yuu h*v« a deck at MSU Outing Club meets at 7 session, delaying a final vote on the measure until at least 6:30 tonight p.m. Tuesday in 146 Giltner Hall. next to Free U. The WVIC balloon man will 1 Monday.' i 4*^ iu give a Israeli dancing held program on ballooning. Everyone flSES. WEDDINGS, Portraits, at 7:30 p.m. •HOTOGRAPHY, >rt, m Application p a r e . LUKE photos, 351-6690. each Intramural instruction, Tuesday Newcomers welcome. in Bldg. good 126 Women's Professional If y< iy. REP. Thursday PERRY BULLARD, D - a three • bill package that would reform the Ann Arbor, introduced present Annual bikothon state bail law. from The three bills would allow defendants to be ^HNICAL Tarts, DRAFTING, graphs. diagrams for thesis or St. Lawrence orientation meeting on the use and misuse of volunteers will be held at monthly Wednesday in 309 Student Services Bide. The gay liberation office, 309 Student Services Bldg., is during the day. Stop in call. open own recognizance unless a likelihood released on their that they would escape was shown, eliminate bail Bondsmen and provide for 10 per cent of funds for Eas fitter. 353-0954. SP-5-5-16 7 tonight at St. Lawrence CMHC. or cash bail to be filed with the court and provide for pretrial Rides will leave Student Services rehabilitative programs. By HARRIET WILKES complete one of four the project, and assistant p THE BEST service Students, faculty and staff who established routes which are 3, on stereo Building at 6:30 p.m. Please call State News Staff Writer resident adviser in Bryan Hall, it the Tony at the Volunteer Bureau to are interested in obtaining >£ * * see STEREO 11, 19, or 30 miles long. Each information on the Assn. of advises participants to ftHOPPE, 543 East Grand River. Voluntary Action, Scholars should Roll your wheels for Easter route begins and ends at the carry THE STATE BOARD of Education will hold canteens of water to insure a contact Maxie Jackson or John a May 29 public Seals. MSU commuter lot at Mt. MOOSUSK1: Signup deadline for hearing on proposed changes in the certification of teachers in refreshing trip. Magyar suggests Moosuski's sixth annual canoe trip Michigan. Bikathon '74 is expected to Hope Road and Farm Lane. that participants carry plenty May 24 to 27 is Wednesday. Signup draw over 2,000 MSU and Before the bikathon begins, of Deadline for spring banquet at Kappa Delta Pi, honorary The changes include a new rule on how three years of quick - energy foods such as es 482-7247. 5-5-17 Lion's Den Thursday is today. For education society, will hold successful teaching is computed and on the greater Lansing area bicyclists bicyclists will solicit pledges. candy bars or sweet snack info, stop by 240 Men's initiation at 7:30 p.m. May 23 at changing of the rule to the MSU commuter lot The pledgers will donate foods. [instructions [^j covering teachers with expired certificates who seek an additional more University Inn. if you might however much money they Intramural Bldg. from 2 to 5 p.m. qualify, contact Janet Goldsmith. credit requirement for a reinstatement of their certificate. Saturday between 9 a.m. and 4 Since the bikathon is not a wish for every mile the Student teachers p.m. race, bicyclists can pause to fall ■tar lessons Simple folk - Senior pictures for I97S Wolverine term: There will be a short but warm The bikathon, sponsored by bicyclist completes. relax and picnic along the way. To ja22 improvisation and theory are now being taken in 36A Union. reception from 7 to 8 tonight at the the MSU Residence Halls Sponsor sheets are available "Cyclists should prepare MSAU in Spartan Village for Jackie SECRETARY OF STATE Richard H. Austin Friday unveiled a in all residence hall ky experienced teacher. Ron, This week only. Stop by for yours. Assn., is an opportunity for lobbies, the brown bag lunches of small Wobds, who is leaving her position red, white and blue license plate for 1976 to help celebrate the ■51-0474. 5-5-13 Free! participants to raise money Union, intramural buildings, sandwiches and fruits." as director of the MSAU Day Care United States bicentennial. and local bike Magyar Center. which supports Ingham Count}' shops. said. Married housing activities: All The "Old Glory" license plates have white letters and numbers Easter Seals programs for the Completed sponsor sheets are After lunch, women are invited to fitness and on a red background with four white stars on a blue field and two due pedaling at a fun from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Thursday Transcendental Meditation: The physically handicapped. when bicyclists register leisurely pace, participants will last course of spring term begins wavy ribbons of white across the bottom. at Spartan Village School. Don't with a free introductory lecture at Bicyclists can choose to Saturday at the Commuter complete their trips. forget adult open recreation Friday Lot. night. Please join us Saturday for 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 201 Bessey Bicycle repair clinics will be PPLE VICKI either horseback riding, a canoe trip Hall. Presented by the Students' sponsored hourly by Crossroads Proceeds Former radical obtains - Fast, accurate, are used for direct or miniature International Meditation Society. Cycle Shop. ■expensive typing. Very near golf. For more info service call Rich programs offering A cold »mpus. 337 7260. 10-5-24 Hoehlein, 1115K rainy day probably University Village. Southern. Africa Liberation hospital beds, crutches and BROWN typing and multilith Committee meets at 7:30 tonight at other orthopedic loan discouraged many riders in last United Ministries in Higher year's bikathon. Only 125 et printing. Complete service equipment to the physically- college degree in prison Attention arts and letters majors: Education, 1118 S. Harrison Road. riders pedaled to the" finish. dissertations, theses, Petitions for student positions on All welcome. handicapped. Recreational "This year, dress luscripts, general typing. IBM university level and college level facilities such as coffeehouses depending years experience. 349-0650. committees will be accepted today If you are interested in a free and swimming pools or upon Saturday's weather to 5-31 auto mechanics class for women, avoid discouragement," sail through May 29. Petitions are transportation to doctors' available at your departmental please contact the Women's Center LIVONIA (UPI) - A former professors teach classes inside offices and schools are also Magyar. SES, RESUMES, typing and office. from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays Stevens explained the felony Ten through Thursdays, or Friday and radical who spent the last 2Vi prison walls. available for the - speed bicycles will be fining. Reasonable prices. on his record "is not an physically awarded to the Saturday afternoons. Lesbian male and OMERCIAL PRINTING. years in prison graduated absolute bar" to medical handicapped through the service 51-4116. C-5-31 1 Typing Service *£ counselors are available at the Women's Center from 7 to 9 p.m. summa cum laude from Stevens spent 2V4 years in school, though "you have to program. female bicyclist most collecting the Northern Michigan University prison after pleading guilty in pledges. Hie first 500 Tuesdays and from 3 to 6 p.m. be of good moral character. The Red Cross Disaster Aid IfLETE THESES EXPERIENCED last Friday. 1971 to conspiracy in the cyclists with $10 or more - Service, TYPISTS. Wednesdays and Thursdays. They '""aunt Communications Team will pledge contributions printing, IBM typing Okemos, IBM (Pica - Elite type). will will talk to any woman with bombing of a laboratory at "And there are other administer first aid and water receive bicycle binding of theses, resumes, 373-6726 weekdays, or concerns or questions about her The 24 - year - old Oakland Community College countries that would be more safety flags. to bicyclists at each half For further information, call Plications. Across from 349-1 773 evenings sexuality. way »mPus and Livonia man, Mark Stevens, near Detroit. That was when he than willing to accept me," he point of the bikathon. Jim the Ingham corner M.A.C. and weekends. 0-1-5-13 Women's Center, 547ft E. Grand was paroled this week from was a member of a self - styled added. County Easter Seal ir,ntf fiver. Below Jones Magyar, co - ordinator of Society at 882-0211. River Ave.: Ever wonder what the Marquette State Prison, and it band of revolutionaries linked "tionery _0PYGRAPH shop. SERVICES, Call [ Irans|Hlati«J(g doctor isn't explaining to you? Come to the self - help group at was behind bars that he earned all his college credits. He is thp to a number of the Detroit area. bombings in 6. C-5-31 RIDE OR RIDER to Ann Arbor leaving 6:30am return 3pm, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Mommas, a group for widowed single mothers (divorced, first graduate of a two - year - old program in which Northern "It was a slow process of radicalization that most kids in Auto union Union ActivitiesBoard Flights office or never married), will I'ERIENCEO IBM Low-cost Illations, typing. the 1960s were Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Child (PiM . E|ite). getting into," AYANN 337-0220. 3-5-13 care will be provided. Divorce and Flights from PE 0RR 489-0358. C-5-31 - THESES, term what it means emotionally, financially and to a woman - 2 men arrested he explained in a interview. "We had tried other telephone contract agr •"P««. general socially, will be discussed at 7:30 methods, political things, but it typing. Formerly Ann Brown. Call p.m. Wednesday. Children was always a dead end. With DETROIT - ■•5-31 482-7487. welcome. (UPI) - General Motors and the United Auto our disenchantment with war Workers (UAW) SENIOR house, GIRL 1974 wants - 1975. room Close. in Petitioning for ASMSU on campus for and the system in general, reached agreement Friday on a new local contract that could end one strike, but still faced deadlines by |!NG DONE In my home. 50tf Suzanne, 332-5952. 3-5-13 committee seats has been extended bombing seemed to be the only 10,000 workers at four plants in the next week. UP to 10pages. 4Wper pot possession __ to Thursday. Applications are effective way to change The agreement Friday covered some 1,800 workers at GM's J* war 10 pages, 489-2128. SHARE YOUR experience with available in 334 Student Services smell claims court litigation, society." New Departure - Hyatt Bearings Division plant in Sandusky, Bldg. But Stevens no longer Ohio. ■'•£••••••••••• good or bad. 351-5706, after 6 Two Lansing men were believes in political violence. freshman : pm. X-5-5-14 arrested on campus at 12:30 The strike against Stroh Brewery Co., which cut off the supply WOMEN! 1 BABYSITTING IN my licensed a.m. Saturday and charged "I realize now that violence isn't effective," he said. even of the state's third best - selling beer for 40 days, also ended S249oo I ^ou can live off } home. Logen - Jolly area fenced in The MSU Bkick and Bridle Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in with possession of marijuana "Eventually the Vietnams, the Friday when workers ratified a new three - year contract. Plight lists • yard, playmates pre with intent to deliver. Cubas will force our society to available now 110 Anthony Hall. Elections will be I campus next year schoolers only 393-2697. 5-5-15 A spokesman for Teamsters Locals 181 and 1038 said the £ held. The two suspects allegedly change but I don't think Stroh's contract provided with application | M0 PROBLEMS!! • STUDENT TEACHERS pictures now being taken for - Senior Alternative Resource Center: had 28 "dime bags" of marijuana in their possession domestic violence will force a change." wage hike of 61 cents an hour immediately, a 35 cent an hour increase next year and a wage forms. Destinations: Aprs has 4, s, Calling all Scorpios. Cancers and reopener in 1976. He said the settlement also London, Madrid, • your 197C Wolverine in 36A Pisces. Meet at 10:30 tonight under when police stopped their car He graduated with a near - included a "significant increase" in the company's basic Frankfurt, Bel- at the of Shaw and perfect average of more than j Union. Call 351-5292 or stop by 9-1 and 2-6. 5-6-17 the bridge by Bessey Hall. Bring a sprig of lilac, grapefruit or a Cherry Lanes. corner 3.9 - with a double major in With the settlement at the fringe package. Grade, Budapest. CALL 332-6246 Sandusky facility, GM and the UAW J camera. Male role workshop's last meeting, on "Men and Women," is They werfc arraigned and history and sociology. still have 28 of 145 bargaining units still without local Vienna, Amsterdam -pUNWERSITY • TUTOR: IMMEDIATELY CPS set for 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in 31 released on bonds of $1,000 His eventual goal is to to supplement the national agreement reached last November. contracts UAB OFFICE pvEDH^jc; 110, 3-5-13 negotiable. 351-2108. Union. Male consciousness - raising groups to begin May 20 and 21. each. No trial date has been set. become a doctor - "if I can ever get Into medical school." The GM car assembly plant in began a strike Friday night. Leeds, Mo., with 3,400 workers, 2nd floor union 3c3-9777 1-5 MF ( 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan New University Indian recruiter learns job, sets goals for future BY HARRIET WILKES in the Center for Urban Affairs appointed to fill a new position herself with administrators and association grants financial aid for four years. The loss of his which faculty members," Gumecindo to Indian students. State News Staff Writer replaces Winchester's. efforts to offer equal As a University Salas, director of minority After Gaflvin has been When John R. Winchester opportunities in education for administrator, Galvin's primary affairs, said. "She needs a lot of introduced to administrators died of heart attack winter because her job a Indian students was functions include being an support and adjusted to her new role in CIGARETTES term, MSU lost the initiator of Indian student recruitment. Winchester, a Potawatomi accompanied by the elimination of the position he once filled. informal counselor, recruiting Indian students University and proposing or to the demands more responsibility than one person can handle. Eventually, we may have to the office, she plans to formulate a recruitment program which will increase LIMIT 3 (coupon) Expires May 19, 1974 3 pk/99< hire another person to assist East Lansing Store Only Indian, had been the However, about two months assisting other faculty members the number of North American coordinator of the North ago, Debbie Calvin, a to formulate undergraduate her with recruitments," he Indian students at MSU. So far, American Indian Affairs Office Cheyenne Indian, was courses Galvin, about Indian cultures. a native of Montana, said. only 30 to 40 students are enrolled in the University. 1I 0%u /O OFF urr our price 0n all k0dak film lived on a northern Cheyenne George Cornell, chairman of processing developing reservation before she came to the North American Indian "Increasing enrollment will NO LIMIT High court MSU as an undergraduate in criminal justice. Speaking of her past Student Assn., said Galvin can provide Indian informal moral students support to through counseling about bo a long - term effect," Galvin said. "Stressing the importance of education should begin with 9th or 10th grade - level Indian (coupon) Expires May 19, 1974 East Lansing Store Only experience as a MSU student, theaters Galvin said she can easily relate to the unfulfilled needs of personal problems in addition to financial aid and academic students. Though a rapid increase in enrollment will not come this fall, gradual increase TAMPAX DRISTAN TABLETS BAYER ASPIRIN Indian students at MSU. counseling. The six theaters, four in is expected once social, 09 LANSING (UPI) Michigan Supreme Court has - The Detroit and two in suburban "When you come from a reservation, as 1 did, you Galvin's office is located in the office of admissions and political and religious groups contacted where 40's r 78' 5f)( issued a stay order halting a Highland Park, were ordered experience a very lonely are parental REG. 1.9 REG. 1.39 J. 1.00 circuit court injunction against padlocked in a May 1 decision feeling. 1 needed more Indian scholarships on the second cooperation is elicited." LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 floor of Administration (coupon) (coupon) six Detroit • area movie by Wayne County Circuit students to identify with. Expires May 19, 1974 (coupon) ' Expires May 19, 1974 Expires May 19, theaters shut down for showing Court Judge Thomas J. Foley. Building. Indian students can Galvin reported that 10 new East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only w, Indian students will have very sl Lansing Store nm„ hardcore, X - rated movies. Foley also ordered call to visit her anytime for Indian students will arrive on little incentive to come to a The stav, which will permit contents of the theaters sold, counseling. campus fall term. Cultural university like MSU where the theaters to reopen, at least but the appeals court vacated that provision of the ruling. their cultural ideas are not Cornell added that has to meet a few people who Galvin unity and survival within the GLEEM LISTERINE COLGATE temporarily, was issued Friday taught," she said. University will be stressed by TOOTHPASTE MOUTHWASH SHAVE BOMB on a 5 i ruling pending the The theaters were ordered are active in the state such as Galvin, while Indian students - So far, Galvin said her job outcome of an appeal by the shut down for showing the the Michigan Inter - Tribal are encouraged to further their has been a "learning • type" theaters before the State Court of Appeals. The appeals court movies, "Deep Throat." "The Devil in Miss Jones." "It experience since she has only been Education Assn. members. The education. 49' 14 oz. REG. 1.29 78" loz. tEG. 79c HQ employed about two earlier refused to stay the Happened in Hollywood" and months. LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 circuit court injunction. "Little Sisters." The jury in the (coupon) (coupon) "Debbie is doing very well Expires May 19, 1974 Expires May 19,1974 case viewed all four movies East Lansing Store Only East for the simple fact that she has Lansing Store Only i Pay cut suggestion before coming to a conclusion. The Supreme Court acted on just started to familiarize HORNY BULLS for long silky& BRECK BRECK emergency application CHARGE A LOT, BUT NEVER an a stay by the defendants. Its CONDITIONER gets cold response order stipulated that the SHAMPOO CRiiME RINSE Michael Foot, Britain's defendants pursue their appeal PAY THEIR BILLS. I 27 15 oz. QQC Secretary of Employment, makes $31,000 a year. He in accordance with instructions handed down by the Court of 8oz. REG. 2.25 88" REG 1.89 00 believes that's too much and Appeals. LIMIT 1 LLMIT1 that all top • level ministers (coupon) (coupon) Expires May 19, 1974 Expires May 19,1974 should take a cut. "Indeed, I East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only have even proposed it to the cabinet," Foot told an c retail price on all interviewer. And what response? "It wasn't a was the roaring 30% O sunglasses success." said Foot. LIMIT 1 (coupon) Expires May 19, 1974 East Lansing Store Only EAST LANSING'S ONLY CO OP FOR OPTICAL NEEDS kodak film - MON.& THURS. kodak film kodak film IIA.M.-8:30 P.M. TUES., WED.. FRI., 39 1 TX 135-20 PX 135-20 69' 99' NOW IN BROOKFIELD PLAZA LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) Expires May 19, 1974 Expires Ma*19, 1974 Expires May 19,1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Notice: The Montezuma Horny Bull:" 1 oz. Montezuma Tequila. __ Imhh1iii*umi( ZEST magicubes CHEER 5 oz. CONCENTRATED ORANGE IIIDfl LBZUI|13 Last Week BREAKFAST DRINK. Over ice. I'pT " ' VI for Spring It's sensational, and that's no bull. I LULi 11 j/v BATH SIZE DETERGENT t!974 80 Proof. Tequila. Barton Distillers Import Co.. New York. New York .» 19' flashcubes 86c loz EG 1.29 7QC / 0 Starting May 13 we will he making our final returns to LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 (coupon) (coupon) Rook Publishers for those spring quarter hooks that are not Expires Way 19. 1974 East Lansing Store Only Expires May 19,1974 East Lansing Store ( going to he used summer quarter. We will also he changing CURITY J& J our location of hooks in order to make sure you hare the coppertonfe OIL OR LOTION cotton balls BABY OIL hooks you will still need for summer quarter. LIMIT 1 96'* 49' 56' LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) . Expires May 19, 1974 Expires May 19. 1974 Expires May 19, 197< j East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Eas^nsinjSt Mil) Open 7:30 to 5:30 15 VASELINE INTENSIVE CARE oz. lotion LIMIT 1 96' BOOHflOiE REG 1.59 . «- (couponj trac ii right guard neutrogen CARTRIDGES SOAP POWDER S/' Even the flash settings are automatic. 5's REG. 1.19 78' 5 oz. REG. 1.19 59' 3.5oz. ret. i nn LIMIT 1 Electronic Minolta Hi-matk F LIMIT 1 (coupon) . Expires May 19, 1974 LIMIT 1 (coupon) Expires May 19,1974 (coupon) Expires May I9. lj* East Lansing Store Only East East LanslngStof«0mJ Electroflash Kit. LADY ESQUIRE Lansing Store Only Get big, beautiful color and black-and-white pictures with Minolta's smallest 35mm camera. The waterproofer UPTON controlled Hi-matic F automatically sets lens electronically opening and shutter speed for perfect exposures, indoors or out. It even SPRAY PIZZA MIX FAMILY DRINK MB sets flash exposures automatically as well as time for up to 4 full seconds. So all you have to do is focus and shoot. exposures 8oz. REG. 1.50 25' IEG 39c 25* EG. 15c 8 Easy, crystal clear focusing and precision LIMIT 1 LIMIT 4 ground optical glass Rokkor //2.7 lens (coupon) (coupon) assure razor sharp color or black-and- Expires May 19, 1974 East Lansing Store Only white prints... color slides too. *** MINOLTA HI-MATIC F $| SHEER ELECTROFLASH KIT—only* 1 knee sox bike flags e-z wider ROLLING PAPERS List $150.00 REG. 89c 39' 47 REG. 35c 18 'w LIMIT 6 LIMIT 2 (coupon) LIMIT 1 Expires May 19, 1974 (coupon) East Lansing Store Only Expires May 19, 1974 East Lansing Store Only OPAQUE FASHION knee sox knee sox 57' REG. 1.25 79* / 7 LIMIT 6 524-26 E. MICH. (coupon) Expire* May 19, 1974 (coupon) East Lansing Store Only Only