Volume 67 Number 157 Tuesday, May 14, 1974 Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 ourt calls administration |ncton Ministration FROM WIRE SERVICES - The Supreme Court held Monday that the violated federal law in a host of wiretaps The U.S. Circuit Court in Cincinnati that the curfew was a proper from harm and that no similar rules were agreed with the university step designed to protect women necessary to protect • dollar impact on American industrial The wiretap decision stemmed from wiretaps communities claimed would lead to chaos and research. have a multibillion to construe its delegate his authority..." illegal provisions to permit the attorney general to men. practices at the Justice In a second wiretap case the court did llcotics and organized crime suspects. The Richmond, Ky., school allows men Department when it was run by former Atty. Gen. John N. preserve some challenged taps. The applications bore the name of an assistant Cjsion could mean that the government would have to residence hall residents, regardless of age or class, to come and go as they please. Mitchell. The taps in question were authorized in each instance attorney general but were actually approved by Mtchell himself. Hie tany as 1,000 criminal defendants, including many But first - semester freshmen women must obey a midnight by a federal judge. court found this no barrier to Use of evidence ■(j in crackdowns on organized crime and narcotics curfew Sunday through gathered by the Thursday and a 2 a.m. deadline on The question in the case was whether the Justice taps. weekend nights. Dept. had o focused on the section of the 1968 safe streets act complied with provisions of the 1968 Omnibus Crime Control The trade secrets decision found that federal law on After the first semester, a woman student Act in applying for the taps in the first three patents —is"that "the attorney general, or any assistant attorney unrestricted hours if she is 21 or if she obtains may written have act's adoption. years following the does not pre - empt state trade secret laws. The justices reversed a Specially designated" by the attorney general may parental ruling by the U.S. Circuit Court in permission. the federal law. Gncinnati, which has applied ■an application to a federal judge" for a wiretap. In other action, the The court found that the high court refused to hear appeals by Kr about two years, approval of wiretap applications was International Business Machines (IBM) challenging an order executive assistant to approve practice of allowing Mitchell's "Congress, by its silence over these many years, has seen \ made by Sol Lindenbaum, executive assistant to applications was contrary to the wisdom of allowing the states to enforce trade secret protection " forcing the computer giant to turn over documents to the law's demand that the requests be approved wrote Chief Justice Warren E. by the attorney Burger for the 5 - 2 majority. government that it claims are lawfully confidential. The general himself or a specially designated assistant attorney Ither case, the Supreme Court refused to hear a plea that government has launched an antitrust case against IBM. general. Justices William O. Douglas and William J. Brennan Jr. ; discriminate against women students when they dissented. Justice Lewis F. Powell Jr. took no part in the case. Following the court action, the corporation said it was turning The court »m to obey residence halls curfews not imposed on men was unanimous in In other action Monday the court ruled 5 to 4 that over some 700 documents to the Justice Department trust condemning the practice. Justice the public busters. The alternative was a $150,000 • a - Byron R. White delivered the court's opinion. Chicago Transit Authority can refuse to accept ads Jurt let stand a lower court decision endorsing the curfew day fine. It is apparent, said White, "that Congress desired to centralize President Nixon's impeachment, even calling for In still another case, the justices overturned a federal appeals and limit this though it accepts paid ■by Eastern Kentucky University. court decision on trade secrets that the authority where it was feasible to do so To us, political advertisements for such causes as election campaigns and legal and business ... it appears wholly at odds with the scheme and history of the act antiwar positions. ^scapees Dem at-large leaders »r breaks calls for Nixon to resign |m hospital IaNTI ( UPI) - Eleven men, all WASHINGTON FROM WIRE SERVICES - The top Democratic leaders of Congress pleaded Monday for partially erased by a series of manual manuvers. conversation The erasure on that obliterated tape all about whoever they are, to get this fallacious story into print," Warren said. Senate Watergate Committee Chairman Watergate. Sam Ervin, D • N. C., said he will ask the Jd (breaks dangerous, escaped in two a" end to calls for President Nixon's resignation, saying they are fanning a flash Sirica had no comment today on committee to delay the release of its final Sunday from Ypsilanti reports that the second, more detailed report until impeachment proceedings are Ipital. the state's main facility for fire of public opinion that could forever char the Republic. report confirms the findings of the first. , completed. ■ation and treatment of mentally Deputy White House Press Secretary California Lt. Gov. Edward Reinecke "Resignation is not the answer," said Gerald Warren echoes presidential counsel appeared in court to argue for dismissal of n were recaptured, but a Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, D - Mont. J. Fred Buzhardt's assertion Sunday that L police alert was issued for the "This is a time to keep cool — the perjury charges against him in connection attempts to poison the public's mind with the ITT affair. 111 at large who are charged with expression, I believe, is 'cool it.'" against the President were being made by At that hearing, asst. prosecutor Inging from breaking and entering The President himself, meanwhile, was Joseph charges that ethnic slurs were deleted from Connoly denied he ever threatened or ■k> murder. quoted by a cabinet member as Watergate transcripts. offered leniency to Reinecke in iin ■ warned motorists not to pick up reaffirming Monday that "there isn't any "We have been aware for some time chance whatever," of his stepping ... attempt to get him to plead guilty to one ftrs and said that the seven men at . . . of a concerted effort down voluntarily. by some sources,. count of perjury. ■ere "extremely dangerous." Three Senate Democratic Whip Robert | were Detroiters being held on C. Byrd of West Virginia declared that if ■harges. I inmates had escaped Nixon were "drummed out of office" by the l) security facility before dawn I by breaking a window and t out rusty bars by hand. Four public opinion, "this would change our .system from one of fixed tenure to one in 'which a President would remain in office Dem candidate only by popular approval." Jen, described by State Police at Meanwhile, U.S. District Court Judge Jpsilanti post as "extremely says transcripts lis." broke John Sirica announced that the report on out Sunday evening, ■rly break occurred during a melee a partially erased Watergate tape will be 1 hospital's Center for Forensic made public in about two weeks. while Sirica also told reporters that once the other inmates were official report on the famed 18 '/a - minute show Nixon a breakdown in the air guilt gap is filed, the White House will be free Ining system. Imes Robey, director of the center, to make public the findings of a consultant it hired to evaluate the report of the J temperature in the building had ■ 89 degrees by Sunday afternoon. official panel of experts. the entire tapes rather than edited 1 the seven gathered in a private Byrd and Mansfield were joined by By JOE KIRBY House Speaker Carl Albert, D • Okla., and transcripts had been handed over. In the ground floor during the State News Staff Writer a number of others at the Capitol in asking Ballenger said he felt it would be placed a mattress against the door Americans to let the case against the irresponsible to prejudge the President and le the sound, broke the glass in a that he would wait until the U.S. House ■and pulled out the bars, President lay exclusively in the hands of In statement the courts and the impeachment process. a calling for the Judiciary Committee reaches a decision. apparently didn't know the bars impeachment of President Nixon, "I wish the committee would Byrd said if Nixon resigned, his guilt or Democratic candidate M. Robert hurry up > rusty," Robey said Sunday Carr and get the measure before the full House, innocence might never be resolved. n. "This building is 50 years old Monday set the stage for the other U.S. though." Ballenger added. ■can't get the money for "Nothing is more important to the nation 6th Congressional District candidates to repairs." than the exercise of sober judgment," he The other ■rilies recaptured four of the air their views. Republican candidate, Margie Kehrer, 338 Landon Hall, sophomore, skates her way to said. Michael Conlin, said the Vapees, including one unidentified classes on sunny days. She finds rollerskates help her The State News interviewed the other "one of the most transcripts were who was free get to her Secretary of Health, Education and candidates after Carr said that a review of tragic things I've ever only for moments classes on the large campus despite a tight Welfare Caspar Weinberger said he brought read." e was schedule, and she puts in the transcripts caused him to conclude caught on the hospital's Conlin felt it would be about a one mile trip daily. up the subject of "the steadily increasing that the President was guilty premature to of high drumbeat of resignation talk" at a meeting crimes and misdemeanors and call for impeachment until the had used Judiciary with Nixon in the Oval office. the presidency for personal ends. Committee handed down a decision. "He said 'Don't worry. There isn't any Charles P. Larrowe, Democratic "Merely calling for Mr. Nixon's chance of that whatever,"' Weinberger candidate and MSU economics professor, fMSl/ resignation is insufficient; it is nothing to study reported. more than an 'artful said the transcripts confirmed dodge.' The clear every pos - Sirica's announcement hour came meeting Monday morning representatives of the White House, the after a two with road to the restoration of public confidence in both the Congress and the suspicion he had about Nixon but that there were grounds for following the bombing of Cambodia. impeachment presidency is the constitutional fair lease program Watergate special prosecutor's office, presidential secretary Rose Mary Woods, former presidential assistant H. R. impeachment and removal process," Carr said. Republican candidate, Clifford Taylor, "We don't need the him" Larrowe said. transcripts to indict Human Rights party candidate, Howard Haldeman, the official panel and the said the transcripts were not very Jones, said he called for the impeachment White House consultant, Michael Hecker I By MIKE GALATOLA fair lease requirements. model or can design a lease of their own encouraging but that Nixon was entitled six months before the release of the of the Stanford Research Institute. to a fair trial. I State News Staff Writer A 1969 graduate of U ■ M's law school, that meets the requirements, Schoch said. The report will be the second by the six "I would not call for transcripts. Gaulden rents houses in both Lansing and And there is an economic incentive for impeachment at Jones said the transcripts showed "a J1 were living off - man official panel. The first, which was a this time," Taylor said. campus, would East Lansing. Ann Arbor landlords to comply with the bunch of small minded individuals who are J"1 a lease that is designed to fair lease program. summary, came on Jan. 15 and concluded State Sen. William Ballenger. R • more concerned with their own political The ASMSU Board approved Sunday that the June 20, 1972, conversation ■ your interests instead of the formation of a committee to study the "We advertise and recommend the Williamston, said he was disappointed and aspirations than with the people of this your between Nixon and Haldeman had been ■ s? shocked by the transcripts and wished that possibility of developing a plan similar to facilities of those landlords who use fair country." ■students in Ann Arbor the one ysed in Ann Arbor. leases to the 8,000 to 9,000 students who get such a East Lansing These fair lease requirements include, pass through our offices," Schoch said. attorney told ■ ■ward members "If you're a major landlord who has to Sunday night. among other clauses, an agreement by Tr T. Gaulden, 660 Virginia Ave., both parties concerned that they will do volume business, you'll need to be P* board members to submit any disputes, tenant • landlord or registered," he said. adopt a ■ ?im'lar to one used by the Off - tenant - tenant, to the University Landlords not providing fair leases can ■ Housing Office at the still the University Mediation Service if any party requests use Michigan Daily for ^gan Pnly t,10sl> (U . M) that gives students a mediation, Peter Schoch, director of U - advertisments. However, the classified ads landlords who meet its M's Off - Campus Housing Office, said section of the paper averages only about Monday. 30 rental ads an issue. Business Manager MSU's own Off Campus Mark Sancraint said Monday that anyone Housing could advertise in the paper as long as the Office currently supplies students with a model lease with which they can compare material was not offensive, and that the the lease they get from a prospective paper had no way of knowing who landlord. complied with the fair lease program and Schoch said other parts of the fair lease who did not. in Ann Arbor include full disclosure of the Mark Spitzer, College of Natural Science representative and the chairman of price and of the length of contract, Him the R< the new ASMSU committee, said Monday wording simple enough for anyone to the MSU student body was too apathetic understand, the provision of checklists and ^ IQ club the absence of Red Flag clauses. to give the housing plan a good chance to A Red Flag clause states that if you succeed. r» black ten, miss a rent payment all your rent is due "Hie main idea of this program would be that a landlord not using a fair least- immediately, Schoch said. Only a few landlords include this clause in their leases, would not get much student business," 'B plant! in yi he said. Spitzer. "But the student apathy around here is so great that I don't think it would Landlords wishing to be registered with AP wirephoto the housing office can either draw their work. Half the people here don't even Franklin Cooper, Mark Weiss and Richard Bolt arrive at U.S. District Court in know when they're being ripped off." Washington Monday to deliver lease to duplicate the housing office's testimony regarding an 18% minute gap in one of the White House tapes. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan African rebels propose talks FROM WIRE SERVICES For a cease • fire to precede negotiations, the rebel group said, Premier Marcello Caetano, Spinola had ommi , Portuguese forces in Guinea • Bissau will have to "cease all install Rebel leaders from Portuguese Guinea became on Monday the first of Portugal's three troubled African territories to operations and aggressive acts against our population" and a provisional government within Junta also has promised national Three ?,thlw propose regroup in command centers. TTie provisional government is elections within V negotiations to end more than a decade of guerrilla warfare. A statement issued in Algiers by the diplomatic mission of the PAIGC has gained acceptance at the United Nations and claims as well as leaders of the expected to incl!!?* diplomatic recognition by 84 countries. other major parties Ail 3 Cambodian capitals threatened republic of Guinea • Bissau, the name insurgents have given to the 60 • year • old Communist leader, is viewed» two • thirds of Portuguese Guinea which they control, said the In Lisbon, Gen. Antonio de Spinola will formally assume the minister. ed as 2 Poss* Three Cambodian provincial capitals, including the negotiations with Portugal's new regime could begin "with or Portuguese presidency Wednesday and the following day will A source in the Socialist name a provisional government, a Portuguese newspaper reported party said agreerw without fire." government had been held up by the vital seaport of Kompong Som, 147 miles southwest of a cease • But, it warned, the rebels aiming for "the total liberation Sunday. a firm commitment from Spinola that the Communist?!?'' Phnom Penh, are being seriously threatened by new were After leading the coup against the authoritarian regime of fioh L of our people." African territories will be halted 8 ngln" insurgent drives, according to field reports. In Lisbon, Portugal's ruling military junta withheld comment The Cambodian command said that Khmer Rouge on the reports from Algeria. forces have attacked various government outposts near The announcement came a day after a heavily armed guerrilla Big rigs rolling force, presumably belonging to liberation forces of Guinea and as usual Kompong Som, Kompong Thom and Prey Veng. The attacks on Kompong Som, Kompong Thom and Cape Verde, killed two soldiers and three workers and wounded 30 persons in an attack Sunday on a work crew building a major Prey Veng are apparently part of the Khmer Rouge highway between Bissau, the capital, and the eastern part of the strategy to concentrate military attacks on isolated country. So heavy was the guerrilla fire, according to accounts reaching provincial towns and outposts in Cambodia. planned strike fizzles Lisbon, that the wounded had to be evacuated by air. Meanwhile, the Vietcong's provisional revolutionary government said Monday it was suspending its talks Guinea The rebels belong to the African Party for the Independence of • Bissau and the Cape Verde Islands, known as PAIGC, as with the South Vietnamese government on the political and issued the statement after an "extraordinary meeting." future of the country "until the Saigon administration Independence movements in Angola and Mozambique, ASSOCIATED CRESS said the big rigs were rolling as ends its sabotage of the talks between two South Portugal's two other African colonies, which are both larger than temporary layoffs for 8sk'ng for help usual. thousands of workers Vietnamese parties and adopts a serious attitude in the Portuguese Guinea, have rejected talks with the Portuguese junta A nationwide strike urged spokesman said Mornta of Gen. Antonio de Spinola. "We've heard of no trouble in affected industries. It ended had by militant truckers seeking been no negotiations." Spinola's regime, which came into power April 25 after saying so far and I sure hope it stays after negotiators for the assistance. C||k lower fuel prices and higher The Saigon government did not comment on the Viet that way," said a Maryland a military solution to Portugal's African problem was impossible, government and the estimated Rog" speed limits apparently fizzled State Police spokesman shortly Galloway, Cong's decision to break off the negotiations, which had offered negotiations and proposed that the rebel movements before it got off the ground on 100,000 truckers who own relations before midday. "Things look their own rigs worked out an director bogged down on April 12. submit the conflict to a vote among the native populations. Monday. Scattered violence Overdrive, normal so far." agreement PAIGCs statement, while demanding independence, did not was reported in a few areas, providing increased anticipated that 'it Violence was reported in supplies of diesel fuel Italians make it a prerequisite for negotiations. and shutdown| would tt rejecting divorce repeal but authorities in most places Pennsylvania, Georgia, permitting the drivers to pass starting. . . Many tnicl Tennessee, Kentucky and some of the fuel cost increases a wait • and A referendum to repeal Italy's controversial three Oklahoma. • City council to - Most of the on to their customers. think this year - old divorce law appeared headed for defeat Monday by a margin of almost 3 to 2. announce incidents involved windshields smashed fire. No by rocks or sniper injuries were reported. Leaders of Monday's stoppage said they wanted a fuel price rollback, an increase work momentum." The strike did not - will About 83 per cent of the returns from the two have much support it - day Michael Parkhust, editor of in the 55 New Jersey or vote showed 15,522,834 people for m.p.h. speed limit, Per with 10,760,959 against. retaining divorce The Vatican issued no immediate comment on the final shapeof new budget Overdrive Angeles - magazine, a Los based industry publication that called for the higher weight limits for trucks and companies. an audit of the oil centers of earlier stoppages. activity diuja State police in I vote. Catholic traditionalists had forced the referendum shutdown, said state officials Some drivers said they were reported truck trilSc In a Monday afternoon Capitol Area Transportation influence rent prices — provide couldn't prove their claim that when they gathered more than one million staying home not because they normal, despite K signatures on session closed to the public, Authority (CATA). 48 per cent of city revenues. truck traffic was normal. He wanted to, but because petitions demanding repeal of the 1970 law legalizing the five East Lansing City Allocations to the they incidents of violence,M Drug One of the largest said their reports were "pure were afraid. "A lot of the divorce after a five year separation. - Council members met to hash Education Center (DEC) and discrepancies between funds guesswork." drivers shooting out of i p aren't going out today," said windshield on the Pe out the final shape of next Listening Ear were lower in requested from East Lansing He said produce shipments Jack Martin, operator of a Partriarche's Turnpike. The trooper GM workers strike in Detroit year's city budget. The results of the recommended and amounts recommended by from Florida were "down to a truck stop in Waterbuty, Conn. injured. private budget than the two social Patriarche appears with the mere trickle" and claimed a service "They're not in any rush to get The highway patrolr meeting —#also attended by agencies had asked. CATA subsidy. It has asked a Colorado meat processing plant out the roads. They want to said it had no reportsd More than 5,300 workers at General Motors (GM) Funds for the Women's Center on City Manager John Patriarche total of $91,000 but only had shut down because of the be sure the roads are safe slowdown or trouble plants in Detroit and Hudson, Ohio, walked off their and his assistant, Arthur were eliminated completely. $36,000 was planned for work stoppage. traffic was reported n~ first." jobs Monday in disputes over local issues not included in Carney - will come out at a These cuts were protested at CATA by the city manager. The protest was the third by Frank the New Jersey Tumpib. the national contract. specially scheduled council council's public hearing on the Also on the agenda for Fitzsimmons, independent driver ■ owners in president of the Teamsters Workers at the Fleetwood Fisher Body plant in meetinp^j be held at 8 tonight budget May 7. tonight is a recommendation recent months. Many truckers in citytSil. However, Union, asked federal, state and Detroit struck because they felt GM planned to no complaints by Mayor Wilbur Brookover to said they couldn't afford to local officials to make sure that step up Some of the more were raised over the proposed appoint a new member to the shut down again after the work drivers who wanted to roll production of Cadillacs and Oldsmobile Toronados controversial issues to resolve 76 cent . increase of city housing commission to fill its stoppages in December and would be able to. The Florida without recalling enough workers laid off due deal with social services property taxes to $17.68 per current vacancy for a term February, Highway Patrol announced it to lagging sales. funding, property tax increases $1,000 of assessed valuation. expiring June 30, 1975. "TTie feeling is we definitely would furnish aid to truckers and subsidy funding for the Porperty taxes — which The most likely candidate Meanwhile, negotiations twtween the Dow Chemieal should shut down, but we can't Brookover .might place, hefore -afford it,' said John Co. and striking steelworkers resumed Pinchbt, Monday in'an the council is Steve Blethen, president of the Connecticut effort to end a 57 - day strike over economic issues. presently leader of the Do you want Hannah a Irfdependent Truckers Assn. Spordaic violence has followed the strike, but a Coalition for Better Housing, The February job action company spokesman said the situation was quiet an East Lansing landlord Monday. association. lasted 11 days, claimed two drivers' lives and resulted in good governmen U.S. revenue from oil leases up on world So do we Federal receipts from off - shore oil leases are $2.1 billion higher than anticipated in this year's budget, Roy John A. Hannah, former MSU president, will deliver the first lecture in the newly initiated lecture series on international POLISH L. Ash, director of the Office of Management and development today at 4:15 p.m. in the Kellogg Center auditorium. The Democratic Party would Budget, said Monday. Ash, in testimony before the House Ways and Means "It seems fitting to have Dr. Hannah lead off the series," said Ralph Smucker, dean of international studies and programs, the SAUSA you to consider participation in party as a precinct delegate. Committee, said higher bids from oil companies seeking unit which is sponsoring the series. "He is a world leader in new sources caused the increased receipts. international development. He has seen the educational side and The precinct delegate is the g~ the development assistance side," he added. roots elected official of the Ash and Undersecretary of the Treasury Paul Volcker Hannah served as president from 1941 to 1969 and was told the committee that the budget deficit for the fiscal cratic Party. credited with transforming MSU from a college to a university. In year ending June 30 is now estimated at S3.5 billion, 1969, he left to assume position as administrator on the U.S. The precinct delegate sel' down from a February projection of S4.7 billion. Agency for International Development. Recently, he was named Democratic delegates to state They said the deficit for fiscal 1975 is now estimated program chairman for the United Nations' World Food Conference, which will be held in November in Rome. national conventions and el* to be SI 1.4 billion, up from an earlier projection of S9.4 billion. His address, which follows a 3:30 p.m. press conference, will party officers. deal with international development in terms of coping with the MONDAY, MAY 13, TUESDAY, MAY 14, worldwide food shortage and control of population growth. WEDNESDAY, MAY 15 If you desire to help build as" Kissinger booed by Israelis Democratic Party andenddisas Israeli demonstrators booed Republican control of the Sta Secretary of State Henry For three Jays only, get a House and the White House, run Kissinger as he returned to Jerusalem Monday for the 16th day of talks in his latest Middle East Israeli sources said the government would not peace mission. 5 oz. polish sausage on a bun, sauerkraut, and french fries IT 25 precinct delegate and get invoK' for just For information contact: surrender any more captured lands in the Golan Heights despite urgings from Kissinger. About 100 protesters shouted "boo to 231 MAC 351-2755 Michigan Democratic Party Kissinger" as Next to the John F. Kennedy House the secretary arrived for morning talks with Israeli Premier Golda Meir. Nude Highwheeler Lounge 11AM 2AM MON - SAT 321 North Pine Street Lansing, Ml 48933 I policemen prompt ruckus NOON - MIDNIGHT SUN (517) 371-5410 About 24 Boston policemen ran naked through the Portsmouth, R.I., Ramada Inn nightclub Friday night and took part in a disturbance that caused about $1,000 damage, the motel's owner said. Owner Peter Stilphen said 100 Boston came to Portsmouth to Satijrday. policemen participate- in a police parade Jean Lawler, motel manager, said at least six SUPER WEEK *1" Off policement stripped at the side of the motel pool within sight of the nightclub audience while others ran through the club and jumped on tables. . Pictures and other properties were tossed out a second story window while firecracker went off in the ' hall, Stilphen said. every large pizza A spokesman for the Boston Police Dept. said Monday that the department is investigating the incident. French candidate regains lead A public opinion poll published Monday by the French newpaper Figaro shows that Finance Valery Gisard d'Estaing has regained his 3 per cent lead over his Socialist Minister party rival, Francois Mitterrand, in the Wed. going lo Sulk Cm|H - East Complex French presidential race Today, Tuesday May 14,1974 Thurs. - Brody & Circle Dorms The poll predicted that 51.5 per cent of the No Fri. - Off Campus Coupon Needed Sunday vote would go to d'Estaing and 48.5 per cent Sat. - Married Housing for Mitterand. Sun. All U Coke Special 351-7100 - Both candidates will tour the French provinces and will appear on television daily. Watch for these Compiled by Steve Kepko and Dtni Martin i n the State News Ihigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Tuesday, May 14, 19743 Russians' role in Arab world still Ihenry tanner H York Times the middle of one of of State shuttles. Henry Secretary Kissinger's bring about a settlement that the Arabs would accept Iraq. They built up the Syrain strong discreet. Even in the heyday of Helwan, an aluminum industry, President Anwar El armed forces and, after the - In spite of the Western diplomats are • Sadat, Soviet influence here, few land reclamation and in his recent attacks on October war, made up for ■ tide of American convinced that Gromyko, Egyptians ever saw a electrification. This involved Moscow, was careful to refrain Syrian losses with more and uniformed \I assets in Egypt, the Soviet in the Arab while dwarfed by to now, Kissinger will come into his own up from any hint at renunciation no doubt that better weapons. By contrast, sailor. Soviet officer or several thousand civilian experts, according to foreign of the Soviet Egypt would Middle East for nearly two Sadat is still waiting six months I remain large and again when the - Egyptian like an Egyptian - Soviet According to an American diplomats. Geneva friendship treaty of 1971. decades. The cornerstone later for an answer to a Conference reconvenes and summit conference this request estimate, there are only about The fact that some of the The crux of that treaty, an became wobbly when Sadat for arms. a hundred Soviet most important industries in En Minister Andrei A. takes up the fundamental Egyptian diplomat recently expelled 15,000 to 20,000 military T,'s role in the Israeli - political issues, including the Nothing could please Sadat But Syria and Iraq are not experts left in Egypt, including Egypt, Syria and Iraq use said, is mutual consideration. Negotiations is regarded I sign that the Russians Palestinian Arabs' the area and final security in He added that it was about more than playing host within a brief time to both Brezhnev sir-' •*-??' and missle men in a?* July 1972, - rompensation for Egypt, which the loss of professors at military academies. Soviet machinery and depend on Soviet spare parts is one of boundaries. two years since Sadat had met and it crumbled with by virtue of her ■to protect these assets The Russians have and President Nixon. In spite location, size and population Syria and Iraq are believed the stong lasting links between endorsed Leonid I. Brezhnev, the Soviet Kissinger's first visit last to have many more military T meet the American the Arabs position on all those leader, and that if there was to of all the uncertainites of November, when Sadat began remains the kingpin in the this area and the Soviet Union. ip but without going as issues. The United Watergate, the Egyptians are to Arab world for any outside advisers, though nowhere near Industrial diversification States, by be a meeting it was the rely on Washington for both the number they reached in may prove as difficult and slow Kendanger detente with contrast, may once more find it Russian's turn to make the going ahead with preparations peace and reconsturction. power waiting to play an active Iton. Two months ago difficult to exert the kind of for a Nixon visit in June. As their position weakened role in the region. Egypt before July 1972. as the military diversification journey. The Russians are still helping that Sadat announced when he o also showed up in pressure on Israel needed to Egyptian sources have left Egypt was the cornerstone in Egypt, the Russians focused The Soviet presence in of the Soviet presence in the their attention on Egypt in such major projects as said that Egypt would turn to Syria and the Arab world has always been the irbn and steel plant in the West for additional arms. Egypt's debt to the Soviet Board appoints Union is estimated at $15 billion to $16 billion for both military supplies and economic assistance. Syria is believed to have run By MIKE GALATOLA the James up a comparable debt for reappointment of Demetri Bossert, chief justice occurring were very remote, State News Staff Writer of the AUSJ, said (associate chief justice), 1390 military equipment and Cotton, South Case Hall RA Sunday that Also appointed to the AUSJ E. Grand River Ave., candidate, to the All University if an RA referred a student he were Denise Barton, 308 junior; technical assistance that Resident assistants Janet Barnes, 211 Williams includes a big dam at Tabka on (RAs) Student Judiciary would disqualify himself from Landon Hall, junior; Chris serving on a judiciary do not (AUSJ). Hall, junior, and Elaine the Euphrates. Board members also judgment if that student's case Elinchev, 531 W. McDonel represent a conflict of interest, accepted the appointment of came before the AUSJ. Ziemba, 236 Phillips Hall, Iraq, theArab country where the ASMSU Board decided Hall, junior; Dawn Sturwold, junior. the Soviet position Steven at, North Case Hall RA When Deane Sweet, 139 Woodmere Ave., junior; probably is Sunday night, as it appointed Susan Pitts, 1128 Victor candidate, to the Student Interfraternity Council Paul Ross, 127 E. Mt. St., strongest, is estimated to be one RA and two RA Hope junior, and Maria Alfaro, 476 Faculty Judiciary. Ott is a representative, asked Bossert if Road, Lansing, junior and exporting 300,000 barrels of candidates to student S. Wonders Hall, current member of the AUSJ. an RA who kept sophomore, oil to the Soviet Union every judiciaries. disqualifying Viveca Tuitt, 146 Landon Hall, were appointed to the Anti day, about a third of its entire The AUSJ usually handles himself would be effective The ASMSU Board had an freshman, discrimination Judicial Board, production. The oil complaints of vidlations of justice, Bossert replied that the Reappointed to the AUSJ Lisa Sammons, 381 West least pays, at postponed the judicial student regulations, such as a chances of in part, for the that situation were Katherine Clarke Wilson Hall, sophomore, was large appointments Thursday, past violation of the residence halls' quantities of Soviet military the time set in the ASMSU appointed to the Student equipment that "Roommate's Bill of Rights." Iraq is constitution for forming the Faculty Judiciary. receiving. Group to vote The Student judiciaries for 1974 - 75. The Faculty postponement was due to several Judiciary usually handles board members' concern that disputes concerning academic an RA sitting on a judiciary areas, such as a complaint of academic dishonesty against a % ENJOY THE REST OF YOURJJFE presented an inherent conflict of interest That concern was expressed again Sunday night. student. ASMSU President Tim Cain said Sunday that he believed on birth control * TRANSCENDENTAL The board approved the' appointment of David Johnson, Snyder Hall RA, and students were nearly paranoid about their RAs having to Birth control services now offered locally could be drastically changed by the Ingham County Board of Commissioners at its t MEDITATION as taught by enforce the current drug policy 7:30 meeting tonight in the Mason courthouse. SN photos/John Russell Maharishi Mahesh ftker T. Gaulden, East Lansing and therefore might not be An Yogi attorney, urged the Luck of the Irish: end to contraceptive distribution to minors is being pleased with appointments. proposed by the Republican ASU Board Sunday night to look into a fair lease plan "Let's say I'm an RA sitting - dominated Grants Committee T TM provides deep rest ■off woman tops class within a resolution to continue the Family Planning Service^ campus renters similar to the one at the University It on the Student Faculty operated by the county health department. J which relieves stress ^Michigan. The plan gives students protection in the year that was only one of the last Judiciary and a case comes up The restrictive clause would require those under 18 to first 7 and tension; develops ■ngof dwellings. notable holdouts more that's a challenge to a policy of obtain consent from parents or the Probate Court. J dear thinking and against co - the residence halls," Cain said. perception, and provides greater energy educational However, a second resolution |mo Alpha M began admitting University of undergraduate level, and status, the Notre Dame, women at the "I would probably worry about my job before I would vote against that policy." continuation of Services Committee with The choice will be no providing for the same family planning is being offered by the Human age restrictions. clear tonight for the board of for dynamic activity. The Last Course of Spring Term now But Charles * Begins with ijnce for Beats one of them has and done it already gone Massoglia, Off Campus Council representative, - commissioners, composed of 11 Democrats and 10 Other items on the regular Republicans. * a Free Public Lecture compiled the monthly meeting agenda include: TODAY — said Sunday he did not think ■hp local chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity will join highest academic average, A personal resolution from Richard Conlin proclaiming May 23 * I chapters around the country this weekend, while making herself this year's class the calibre of people chosen to as African Famine Relief Day and asking county residents to fast * 7:30 p.m. 201 Bessey Hall valedictorian. serve on the judiciaries would that day and contribute to the relief fund. pating in the national Bounce for Beats drive for the bend to such pressure if such A proposal to create an STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL MEDITATION ran Heart Assn. Marianne O'Connor, a appointed advisory board for the I Maisel, a member of the local Sigma Alpha Mu metallurgical engineering major pressure even existed. county Animal Shelter to handle public relations SOCIETY chapter, from Nashville, Tenn., problems. ■tempt to dribble a basketball for a record breaking 42 - actually 2 353-3910 (Union Office) 351-772i ■ beginning Thursday evening. A basketball began her studies at Notre game will be friday at 9:30 p.m. in the Men's Intramural Building as a Dame through a I to the drive. Team members will consist of MSU exchange program with the student DAILY HAPPY HOURS faculty open thursday and friday nights until nine ■rs and local media personalities. A $1 donation will be neighboring St. Mary's College, Monday - Saturday the door. and formally transferred to the all drinks I fraternity will also conduct a canister drive starting University last year. Bay throughout the Meridian and Lansing malls and on ■River Avenue. Seeds from all of these activities will go to the Michigan Viprice 2 - 5 p.m. VADSIF INS Tund. Low prices on beer, too Je than$1,200 was collected during the drive in 1973 but ■temity has set its sights for a collection of $2,500this year. ■ further information, contact the ■ity at 351-0399. Sigma A.pha Mu The Varsity Inn 1227 E. Grand River V-/ red rosebuds, navy checks and white pants. . .the demure and the daring SAVE $4.00 "Stars... combined in one smashing they come and go, ensemble by Jonathan Logan. John Roberts they come fast or slow, Ring Day they go like the last light of the sun Suntan-baring bra-top and Tuesday all in a blaze, shirt of polyester/cotton and all you see May 14th is glory...." printed with roses and checks, belted chino pants of polyester/rayon 5-13 sizes. The set, $40 DRESS SALON CA79 v ^ Janislan r Vickers, P from 11 the John Roberts ring specialist will be on a.m. - 5 p.m. to assist you in selecting your J ™ took the long way back, but the promise of the girl is the fulfillment of the woman. Student Book Stow On Columbia Records * and Tapes 401 E. CRAND RIVER 8$ 35144*0 HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY 9:30-9:00 PM A«oss from Olin at 421 351 4210 Grand River J SATURDAY SUNDAY 9:30 - 6:00 PM NOON - 6:00 PM Jacobsoris COMMENTARY Leaders' falls OPINION PAGE linked with war Susan Ager Editor • in ■ Oiief By. C. L. SULZBERGER Maureen Beninton World War II, often Advertising Manager New York Timet man! R.D. Campbell ... Managing Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor accommodations to save thom them*lveSb3 . Diane Silver June E.K. Delano Entertainment Editor total disaster. . . . . Campus Editor It has been years since there has been so G.F. Korreck City Editor Dale Atkins Photo Editor «nce . . much political effervescence and Italy destroyed Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Kathy Niezumwski Copy Chief . uncertainty in the West. At the start of maturing parliamentary governm Melissa Payton . . . . National Editor Mary Flood ■ Staff Representative 1973 the North Atlantic world seemed to be progressing under firm and sensible wholly succeeded in rec > leadership. Now this illusion has been governing habit. For two decade, I * contribution to the art of swept away. polity ^ EDITORIALS Sixteen months ago Western democracy appeared to be built upon four solid rocks: Richard Nixon in the United States, an example of how government. to got * This worked in Georges Pompidou in France, Edward ong as the a fascinating J Industry and intelligent] Budget places Heath in Britain and Willy Brandt in the Italians was able to main German Federal Republic. economy with Today Pompidou is dead, Heath and employment. But, as every* J substantial Brandt have been overwhelmed and Europe, the zoom in enemv j over human Nixon, the only remaining symbol, has already been dreadfully tamished, whether or not he is tossed on the discard heap. following the October Middle East!? tore the soon fabric; and follow the economic a political crisi, Remote historians, generations hence, strain Mm East Lansing, according to Rome and the which asked for $6,880, but was European community" may see a connection between unpaid bills its proposed 1974 - 75 budget, told by Patriarche in the budget VOX P0PUU for recent wars and subsequent political Heath suffered also from the iiL rise in oil costs. His considers a modern, showy exterior that it was allocated only $6,000 disasters that convulsed the survivors of attempt tod more important that the welfare of the people who live in the city. "because of lack of funds," and the Women's Center, which lost every Greeks retain those wars. Certainly France's looming defeat in Algeria produced a coup that unyielding in order to avoid i bends in the British But that economy didn't J J economy had never k Within the 1974 75 city budget, To the Editor: time for them. projected De Gaulle to power and created recovered from the heroic - penny of the $1,500 it had been This is written with regards to Charles The designation of "sorority" is really the fifth republic, a system now nearing victori which goes before the city council receiving from the city. Massoglia's comments about Greek incidental at this point. I have been passed perhaps intensive modification. World War II which saw but soon lost the Britain JJ for final approval tonight, City The drop in funding of the empire on^j sorority life at MSU. by. snubbed and ignored by many people, Likewise, the failure of the United curiously intricate manufacturing Manager John Patriarche included Women's Center is the worst slight Being an activist in the field of equal professors as well as students, who just did States to win its Vietnam conflict and financial systems had been ttf! rights for I commend based funding for these projects: $30,000 of social services in the budget. The women, Massoglia not think it was worthwhile to say hello. destroyed Lyndon Johnson and thereby The final case is that for breaking through one of the few What I am suggesting is that a more human of Bntf for "the reconstruction of an alley" rationale behind the move is that opened the presidential path to Nixon. remaining barriers of oppression to men Germany was - with justice behind Grand River Ave., $13,855 attitude toward your fellow man be - byU the services provided by the and participating in a sorority rush. Who can conjecture whether, in a less greatest loser of the 1939 adopted by women, men and all people in 1945confc to provide planter boxes, street Women's Center There is no doubt about the large psychologically disturbed atmosphere than It not only suffered disastrous are duplicated by general. This business of ignoring known IosmsImI trees and shrubs along and in the other groups in the area number of service projects that are acquaintances, snubbing and passing by that prevailing in America during recent ended cut in - DEC, two tike an apple,- median sections of Grand River participated in by the local chapters. Many without a simple hello is for the birds. years, the President would have been suffering schizophrenia because of fe Listening Ear and United Ministries benefits are received as a result of the avid As for the sororities at MSU, 1 think Ave. and $2,500 to fund East tempted into such shoddy administrative Brandt was the first chancellor Everywomen's Center. (Strangely participation by the fraternities as well as this suggestion should be sifted out and aberrations. tot Lansing's official American Bi and heal this illness - enough, funding for these programs soforities at MSU. I by a gradual n even agree with closely examined by all comrades. The Whatever implacable history decides, it rather than by a tough, centennial Committee. has been cut, too.) Representatives Massoglia that sorority members in general gamblingpoticra only way for them to change their sorority is clear that in France and the United winner ■ take - all such as Unfortunately, some programs, of the Women's Center argue, and are real human beings just like you and I, snob image is to have everyone fa change States, after traumatic and unsuccessful Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and > with the same feelings and needs that their behavior. It apparently less important in the rightly so, that their organization must include all military experiences that emotionally friend John Foster Dulles had favoredj everyone has. members of the human race in the process eyes of Patriarche, have been slated provides unique and intensive distressed their populations, normal approach was that of a surgeon attempt! My complaint centers around the fact of human communication and not just the for budget cutbacks. Among them women's counselling on problems that a few artogant sorority snobs ruin the progression of the customary governance a slow, piecemeal graft on an un ones with "Greek" stamped on their the Drug Education Center was interrupted. smashed bone. are: like rape that cannot be obtained barrel for the whole bunch. From personal foreheads. A similar political cycle is far more The mere initial step of (DEC), which faces a 13 per cent elsewhere. experiences I base the following, that if recognizing! clearly traceable in Portugal. The power Germany's political existence toudirfi reduction in the funds it receives There is no excuse for the sorority girls do not have time to speak seizure by the military there stemmed a furor among Brandt's opponents oil from the city, and which had its cutbacks in funds for these congenially to me, then I do not have any directly from the cost of a grinding right; and the East's failure to meetl colonial war which the majority of request for $9,000 to finance a programs. They provide specific, socialist chancellor's initiatives n coping program for parents of delinquent children rejected; invaluable community, services services any to the city is 'Liberal arts Portuguese disliked and which the country couldn't afford to sustain. But there are other upsets and halfway did not help his position. Ni suddenly as if by a bomb, his position! been explored through discovery o( Listening Ear, a counseling center, To the Editor: try to present a picture of the lively obligated to support. uncertainties in the West today, and their East German spy high among hispei There has been on this page a intellectual life of early New England? links to past conflicts are not so easily entourage. protracted debate concerning the Some social science professors can't discernible. Take the cases of Italy, Britain Though the brilliant Helmut Schi Coaches get University College and the need for a liberal arts core education University. Both sides - on the one, at this spell. I have heard a humanities professor give the Romulus and Remus legend of the founding of Rome as historical fact. and Germany. In this respect, Italy would appear to be the exception. Losing wars is not who succeeeds him, will undoubW adhere to Brandt's policy, Brandt him as a politician, is probably usually student ceiumpisiafcon the other Almost always, when a professor says, necessarily MSU has lost its soccer and to retain Rutherford, who-has other , seario^jxperience To^tfif unrecoverable casualty. His name is University College professors — have valid "Thi» Is- what Voltaire (or'Ne-wton, wise, cynical'ltalian* who, as they did in one on a growing roster. lacrosse coaches. Athletic Director duties in the department and points. 1 Emerson or Jung) really meant," the Burt Smith fired the pair, citing the considerable seniority besides, and Hie college is supposed to give a liberal student should be advised that ttita is not ROSANNE LESS current athletic money the tight athletic budget supposedly education, but without a lot of luck the what the victim (scientist, writer, etc.) pinch as the student will wind up with participation in really meant. reason. Payton Fuller has led his soccer teams to a over 20 his four years as soccer - 8 - 9 record wouldn't allow the salary of the new coach without a corresponding cut somewhere. Fuller and Hartman considerably less that that. This is not to say that education consists of teacher who Why is there are an assumption that people specialists in a given field cannot Social in coach, activity and student passivity. The student teach the basics of that field to and Fred Hartman, in his first year needs to think and act, too. But is this were judged the most expendable. nonmajors? Possession of a doctorate need as head of lacrosse, directed the team to its best record Both coaches ever. have been Fuller will be replaced Rutherford, whose experience in the sport is limited to teaching an by what is desired in many classes? I have passed natural science lectures where, explaining genetic theories, the professor was more interested in using the not insure present narrow interests. Under the scheme of University College, professors frequently end up teaching in top Pat Nardi's recent column calling for a school an area of their express incompetence. Catcher in the Rye psycto mistreated by the athletic HPR team game cla»r which correct color of chalk than in presenting When profs are allowed to teach what they return to college proms and other perspective. department. The move can only includes soccer as one of the games. an intelligible statement. do know, as in the revised University trappings of school spirit rubbed me the If Nardi would look closely I thi hurt the department and has even Smith says the new lacrosse coach Every year many, but not all, ATL College program, the college will be much wrong way. would observe that the prom spirit courses kill the Puritans and then first - School spirit is something I put away been interpreted by some as the will be determined by "who we get better. peter G. Ferriby yesteryear is very carefully preserwdl term freshmen, but do many professors back at Rosary High School in Detroit first phase in a massacre of minor 183 Mayo Hall sorority and fraternity term parties. B in the physical education some years ago. This is not to vsay, not mean to appear offensive to ftr1 sports at MSU. Smith must publicly define the department next year, and if there is anyone with lacrosse Pot quote 'exa however, that I do not feel some pride and loyalty for MSU. Why not .defend tiie Green anH White and the Spartan name in it's just that in my sphere (limited, naturally) the idea ofm of tbr future of the minor sports - as he experience." collegiate proms seems to be already* front of friend and foe alike? I personally sees it - as soon as possible, rather To the Editor: on the front page of the paper? It is only a by the jocks and jockettes oil would speak favorably of the Spartans than allow the present ominous It is obvious that the In regards to an article that appeared on personal estimation which does not have community in the guise of term pari#! the front page of the State News on when confronted with the maize and blue coaches themselves did not get a the sufficient documentation to warrant College life is, in many n warning signals to foster an aura of of the University of Michigan or the fair deal. Not only did they lose Wednesday May 8, 1974,1 charge the staff its inclusion in any reputable newspaper. scarlet and gray of Ohio State prolonged adolesence. Why pwl1 fear in his department. of that paper of being accomplices to University their jobs to less experienced □early the negligence of the writers and and Woody Hayes. needlessly with a return to high The recent firings resulted from a overexaggeration. editors of the State News, in this matter, events? The difference, however, is between shortsighted commitment made by people, but when the State News The State News has once again signals a decline in the paper's overall In order to live meaningfully, ouil uncovered the firings three days neglected its responsibility to report facts loyalty and school spirit. There is a the athletic department to Denny quality and deviation from basic principles concern must be wedded to other car difference in fact and if you don't believe before Smith had planned to by quoting Larry Bartem, a chairman on a of journalism — which include the Some just • for • fun social ■ Stolz, MSU football coach, when student affairs committee, as that, then consult Webster for an opinion announce them, Hartman didn't stating reporting of facts. Opinionated on theory. important and necessary, but cert Stolz was hired two years ago. Stolz "Probably 80 per cent of the students on know information should be reserved for the Be realistic. With 40,000 plus people secondary to that social life whichM was promised that he could select even anything about it yet. campus smoke marijuana on any given editorial section and not flaunted on the night." Hie article stated that Bartem was front page of any newspaper printed in a running around this place, many of them fun and necessary for someone elsei^ and hire an assistant coaching staff being. Though football is the asked to reinstate a subcommittee to free society. Unless that statement was foreign students, there are just too many of nine. Stolz recently added the factions to be united in any ninth coach, and the remaining cornerstone of the MSU study the hall drug policy because an earlier attempt this year failed due to lack backed by fact, which was not mentioned much less meaningful, way. superficial, Get involved. As recently suggested, do things. a letter to theij Likehtf intercollegiate sports program, in the article, it should have never left the What I failed to grasp from Nardi's football coach not hired by Stolz, football concerns must not be of time. If no reports or statistics of any writer's recorded interview. Images such as the United Farm Workers cause, «l article was the correlation between school Ed Rutherford, was bumped out of allowed to run roughshod over a kind were completed in the study of this these — the impression that 80 per cent the students on campus smoke of spirit and the return of proms to the Michigan Marijuana Initiative, or campaigning for the 6thConf" dojj a position on the policy, then what right does a committee dope on coaching staff. common sense of fair play for other chairman have to make any given night - tend to give MSU a college scene. District campaign currently ill The athletic department wanted unproven Proms are purely social affairs. Granted sports, coaches and athletes. generalizations that result in being printed questionable reputation due to our The MSU volunteers are always sa that Yale University did vote a return to University's poorly written and edited this sort of activity, but I interpreted this for help. Or what about a for the Goodwill? And how about so* clothinjj Pap*r' POINT OF VIEW 249 Debbie Wolfe Yakeley Hall as just another in the continuing series of Ivy League lampoon traditions, circa the those charitable things that we to do at Thanksgiving and Christmas^ onlyj ASAASU shuffle explained By TIMOTHY F. CAIN cases in his USAC capacity, Bartrem has taken positions that I would not have administrators as "ogres or monsters," but rather as what they are, employes of a IMETlYEDEli Now that the State News has had an taken were I sitting in the committee powerful political, economic, social and opportunity to go over Larry Bartrem's myself. On Wednesday I discussed these sometimes educational institution that letter of resignation, I think it appropriate differences with him. from time to time has interests that are that I comment on this and on the events I did not feel that Bartrem was my best contrary to the best interests of the leading up to it. representative, so I decided that I should students that ASMSU is pledged to Bart rem was appointed executive represent myself on USAC, rather than represent. assistant by my predecessor, Ed Grafton. maintain a proxy. I asked for Bartrem's He also represented Grafton on the Compromise and mutual agreement are resignation, which he regretfully basic facts of political life and essential to University Student Affairs Committee submitted the following morning. The the operation and effectiveness of (USAC). The USAC seat in question here resignation as executive assistant was more ASMSU. The key is knowing how to is reserved for the ASMSU president or his or less a by - product of these events. compromise effectively, so as to bring designated representative. Bartrem was I understand that Bartrem will continue about a result worth having. And one must elected chairman of the committee and, on USAC in another capacity, and I am also be willing to refuse compromise when by virtue of that position, holds a seat on very happy that this is possible. In many the result is not worth having. the Academic Council. areas, Bartrem has done an excellent job, The differences between Larry Bartrem When I took office, I asked Bartrem to for which I commend him. My objection is and myself are differences of judgment, continue in all of these capacities. I had solely to his sitting on USAC as my not of basic purpose. I respect his hoped that we could work together to personal representative. dedication and his sense of conscience. I smooth over the transition from the old As to the comments in the resignation board to the new, and I did not wish to hope to be able to work with him in the letter that my style, approach and future and I wish him well. jeopardize some of the fine work he had personality as per University politics might done on the Academic Council. bear little fruit, I most obviously disagree. However, in recent weeks, the I did not run for president solely to retard differences between Bartrem and myself Timothy F. Cain, a Grand Rapids junior progress in those areas where the student „ •FIRST OOLOA AND NOW WIUY'BRANDT - WHO tW have become more motoring in Journalism, is president of pronounced. In several interest is at stake. I do not characterize ASMSU. THAT'S TWfi WORLD UAOIRS ORACIFULLY RKSiONED RICif™ ■ichigan Slate News. East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 14, 1974 5 Lt of view oaches' firing hurts athletic programs at n a ltnvr minor sports BY FRED ZENSEN MSU, but I do think limited things should be put back in their success on the merits of the proper Perhaps new coaches aren't needed but perspective. individuals who daily strive to improve rather e comes a time when the students a new far looking, open - minded E university must finally stop, look Student athletics themselves and the university they athletic exist for student director, someone who isn't participation. The represent. To fire what may be their one | and decide who this university more sports, the more totally committee to alumni pressure for true resource, the coaches, i« I for. My frame of reference is participation. Big • time college sports building a one - sport university, someone such as football and unpardonable. who has the interests of Jcs Are they for student basketball may only all the students in ■nation or alumni jollies? There is a be participated in by a select gifted few. Perhaps if more attention were paid to mind. Minor sports give the these so called minor sports, they too ■ deal of talk about revenue and average athlete a - chance to compete for a could develop into ■venue sports. A university is a center varsity letter. "major" sports. Or Lninji. a place where one broadens Football >nd basketball are exciting and perhaps MSU likes the status quo and is Fred /.ensen is i do produce too close minded to broaden its ■ horizons. There should be many revenue, but so are lacrosse • own student majoring i Lis open to achieve these ends, and soccer horizons. exciting and capable of 6ng sports. producing revenue. A lacrosse game ■it stands now MSU is jeopardizing Kiture of two such avenues of between Johns Hopkins University of Maryland University and the or a soccer match POINT OF VIEW ■sion open to students on a varsity between Hartwick College and St. Louis ■ lacrosse and soccer. With the firing University would draw thousands Sports writers' build to pay to watch. These willing |ed Hartman, lacrosse coach, and justified programs at these Fuller, soccer coach, both for schools are helped by their Ijal reasons, MSU Athletic Director fcnith has gone the drastic economic athletic departments, not undercut in every possible way. Recent talk about the tremendous respective By TOM BONINE Ward feels that billing a recruit as a the ups Sugar Bowl because of Heisman the athlete the amount of self • confidence irinor sports coaches equals one success of Pam Ward's column of superstar, or the one to make or break a j recruiting for football and Thursday was a Trophy winner Steve Spurrier. It was the he should have. He knows his worth. If he [ sport coach, football. I'm not basketball exemplifies this. How total display of her team's season, is many misguided concept of wrong. Being from arm of Jim Plunkett that students how sports writers should handle their Illinois and having written a brought Stanford has played to the best of his ability, he ftjng football. I realize that football have ever been recruited for sports column University to the Rose Bowl in 1971 and knows it, and no paper will change that. paying the way for lacrosse reporting. in junior many or soccer? These teams enjoy college and high school, I know beat Ohio State. Tony Adams, 1972 Ward contends that sports writers are that there was no greater write • up for a As long as there have been sports and quarterback for Utah State University, one 1 'JERRY FORt>5 A NICE GUV? BUT HE'S PLAYED ft>0 "arrogant." They have the gall to predict high school athlete than for Quinn of the top passers in the sports writers there have been cutting mamv games wrmocrr HIS HELMETT * winners in hockey and basketball Buckner of Thornridge High School, who nation, led his - LBJ play team to remarks and editorials on various games, offs. They comment on athletes' is a winning season. abilities, attending Indiana University. Having teams, coaches and players. The athlete and what they write is held to be watched him play many times, there was lives with this but does not let it decide fact. Sure, sports writers predict winners and no doubt he was one of the best athletes for him whether he is good or great. final standings. That's to ever come from Illinois. Over 200 part of their No matter how writer business. They are professionals whose schools a treats an were recruiting a player who could athlete, the final judge of an athlete's opinions should be read with some value. carry a whole team. Ward says that if an athlete does not worth is on the field of competition. But their views are not final Mike Robinson's performance live up to opinions. many expectations, the papers They are simply their own beliefs based on times decided MSU basketball "bombarded him with criticism." This game. In past experience and knowledge of sports — 1966, the University of Florida went to may be true, but papers do not dictate to as limited or unlimited that as knowledge may be. Sports writers are not always right, but no one expects them to be. W HAVE 70 WORK -ML bW I KNOni THAT... I'M 60IN6TO Ward states that, "they can lace baseball vp,.mo\) also have to earn WORK AND u)0f?K UNTlC I'VE stories with 'superstar' phrases and feel MERIT 8AD6ES ANDTHIN6?: REACHED THE TOP. .. confident they know what a superstar is." Open your eyes, Ward. I doubt if anyone would argue that Johnny Bench or Hank Aaron are not superstars. Mark Spitz, Bobby Orr, Johnny Unitas, Bill Walton and countless others can all be safely described as superstars. Maybe you ought to watch more sports, Ward. You may be able to distinguish the DOONESBURY "great" athlete from the "good" athlete. by Garry Trudeau Ward writes that it is wrong to think of an athlete in terms of mtsinterestm. monetary value. fM IN CANDLES Take a good look at collegiate and Atsourrevi! aiyself. isell professional sports. earn/n6s mm at local Every scholarship MSU or any other wer£ up craft sh0us. i school gives to an athlete is an investment 45% last make'sm in all in his or her ability to help bring a winner yeah.. different cdicrs to that school. Like it or not, that's the anp shapes ' way it is. Big ■ time college sports are big business. When you have a school like the University of Alabama or the University of Southern California clearing over $400,000 in profits from football, which pays for the entire athletic program, Distributed by JGos'iiyeles^imes ^ ' A !Vto SYNDICATE you're talking big money. 5-H "\ Girls: H you can frozen- dairy type, LBU can make N you employable in 8 CORN OR PEAS Heatherwood 32 oz to 22 weeks . .. IN BUTTER CHOCOLATE MILK and when help you you're done, we'll even find a job)... Call or visit SAUCE 3/$1.00 3/M.OO LBU today and ask about our Mini Spartan, 5 varieties - Secretarial course or the IBM Spartan 16 oz 2 tube pack Keypunch Operator's are course. both short, short. (If you They can't FROZEN DINNERS 38° SOFT MARGARINE type, we'll teach you how.) Lifetime job placement assistance for all grads - all day classes over ^ r produce s 49° UOUM IsMUlie by 1 p.m. two nights - a evening classes week - no meet teach 5 lb Florida CHUCK ROAST -BLADE CUT 68'. 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Sun 11 -5 nojjfL on lamps VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON on wallpaper 8* oz Reg. or mint 6 oz Chunk Light 115% qff any furniture in CREST TOOTHPASTE GEISHA TUNA INSTANT COFFEE RITZ CRACKERS Lib tfie studio or catalog 59° 2/77c *1.18 Just present this ad in our showroom (Save 28c) 44° between May 6 through May 171 (Save 17c on 2) (Save 59c) (Save 25c) Limit 1 please with coupon and $5 Limit 2 please with Limit 1 please with coupon and $5 coupon and $5 Limit 1 please with coupon and purchase. Good only at Goodrich 8i purchase. Good only at Goodrich 8i $5 purchase. Good wily at Goodrich & purchase. Good only at Goodrich & Larry's Shoprite. Expires 5 - 18 - Larry's Shoprite. Expires 5 Larry's Shoprite. Expires 5 18 • 18 74 - - Larry's Shoprite. Expires 5 74. 18 llJinutes East of East Lansing. 1 M ■ 78 to Haslett Rd. 74. 74. • - Marsh Rd- 1491 Haslett Rd. . 339 • 8257 6 Michigan State News, Hast Lansing, Michigan left: Pee - wee competition brought children from all over Michigan and the Midwest, right: Stern discipline was apparent in the individual presentations of Kadas. bottom: Women's competition was fierce in a demonstration of self defense in the evening. State News Photos MSU Karate Club, sparring grab honors in 8th annual open tournei By JO GALLI The divisions competed during the dav in forms and spii but the sparring competition between the teams from difhl A crowd of 1500 spectators gathered in the Men's IM building karate schools captured total interest at night. on Saturday were treated to an exciting display of the techniques The MSU Karate Club made a clean sweep of honors ill of self • defense during the eighth annual MSU Open Karate heavy weight brown belt sparring competitor. Clubmcnll Tournament. Lance Hazzard captured first place followed closely by Dq Sponsored by the MSU Karate Club, the tournament drew 560 Kearney and Tom Tripplett to complete the honors. entries by midwestern masters of all ages and of all types of karate. Competition was divided by age groups, ability and sex. Joe Newman, an MSU junior, captured the third placeiJ Bruce for his fighting in the light weight brown belt , resigned several weeks ry chairman his position as of the industries," he said. "In fact you will not find the oil companies in the list of the top 50 profit - union sought Tyner's conviction related was November his third felony conviction. drug • is Board of Trustees in making companies By ED WARNER of the nation." 1st of their invitation to He stressed that the State News Staff Writer ^U.. ?.t_^eSUre'Usthowthe student aid and campus union to warrant its favor using a strike to gain energy emP'°yment would force more establishment within the larger [Chisholm. shortage in the United States is structured, he did note that it students to pay for their union recognition. 30 Aquinas faculty Representatives of various community of MSU. Dye said B would probably deal with According to a member of s were Iding the exercises, in excused from Trial postponed campus organizations met with ASMSU Labor Relations questions of job security, seniority, arbitrary scheduling education by working for the University. he took this to University - mean that all employed students the group, Ray Burla also of the Coalition for Human DOMINO'S Committee Director Tom Dye Since more students now would have to be organized in I 290 students graduated. and relations between Survival: "It's not a question demonstrations were once again for Thursday to establish what supervisors and employes. have to work while they go to order to become an acceptable of having a strike, it's a fa against Chisholm during they hope will one day become school, this would make a bargaining agent. MSU protester a campuswide labor union Dye said the union's present labor union a necessity," he Though the new labor question of having a union." peech and she received a lack of structure was necessary said. a two • year - old court case organization made no decision ■ng ovation from the ■sholm praised Aquinas left over from the spring MSU Placement Services representing all students employed by the University. The organizations since "this federation must remain open and flexible until the students make some Dye explained that the new student employes' union which on its structure, Dye and the others agreed that they did not SUPER WEEK he is organizing must be Kent Dr. Norbert Hruby demonstrations of 1972 was represented - Hillel, Office of decisions on what they want." postponed again Monday in Black Affairs, Worker's campuswide in scope in order phi' board of trustees for East Lansing District Court. Several other ampus for the Michigan Employment "the compassion and Organizational Committee and organizations such i" to invite her to attend The involves John the Relations Commission (MERC) case Organization of Jewish Residence Halls Assn. and the Podulka, 322 Elm Place, who Students to approve it. fremonies. - were all asked to Women's Center have also arrested A recent MERC ruling in the hypocrisy that was May 2, 1972, provide information which Dye expressed interest in aiding the lades our society" is during a demonstration against said would eventually be used Kellogg Center Student union, he said. recruiters in front of Placement in the formation of the union. Employes Assn. case held that pounded by those who Dye claimed that recent there was too little student America is not Services in the Student Services While Dye explained that he a federal decisions affecting ■cratic society, she said. Building. membership in that fledgling Podulka was arrested under (. use dropped an MSU ordinance dealing with Michigan State University hew Hampshire obstructing the normal University process. Several of Department of Theatre those he was arrested with JCORD, ■ what N.H. (AP) - Make settled with the prosecuting ARENA 1974 you will, Ms. or Miss , but Gov. Meldrim attorney out of court under a state disorderly person statute, Fedcrico Garcia Lorca's >n Jr., is fed up with the Jf Ms. being fined $20 and having to ■he practice of using Ms. do 20 hours of volunteer labor. THE HOUSE i of Miss Podulka chose to contest the or Mrs. is to be charges and, after two years, OF BERNARDA Jontinued immediately," the end is still not in sight. I a recent memo to state in Thomson's behalf. ALBA MAY 16-17-18 • [Mitchell Brothers Arena Theatre • Kim Group Production in am interview toped 8:15 p.m. last voee*,, the wtuxpf Directed by FRANK C. RUTLEDGE tw hap 7h15 to About ar^ent; * Rod Argent is a r«al (ciidvvjctaritartvoK de- BEAL PROUDLY leHd) a tWiUAU. PRESENTS Listen to tv* rnarteml ^ -H\e neu> AnjeuWboi*, NEXtlg. Ard a>X Htfy rEN 12 AM to 12 PM N.thru THURS. yxxi LIVE* #ECIAL 12 PM SHOW 'Doe?> the PcAr ■DAY AND SATURDAY CimirvVelWjibte) il 1 ADMISSION w oods, Roj£*\*rY ?" 1)0 witSu°cN *5 q0/COUPLE |<10 WITH STUDENT l,r 1 ADULTS ONLY- DCCPTHCC4T ADULTS ONLY IN CO I OB « — RATED x tickets now on sale Dap X. I NlfVSt! I is shattering records across America. It has become the most widely seen adult film in cinema history. Words are simply inadequate to Incredible eroticism of the film. DEEP convey the THROAT is astoundingly explicit - It goes beyond made. DEEP THROAT is anything previously rapidly becoming the standard PIZZA & BUR TODAY 7:25-9:20 to which all other adult filma THROAT cannot be described - It will be compared. DEEP must be experienced. Anything you have seen before la merely preparation for SPECIAL ACADEMY AWARD the experience of DEEP THROAT. syuabT 12" I WINNER I BEST ACTRESS 1 item Varsity Pizza' £ Glenda Jackson We present I I only to those persons o and 48 oz. pitcher of beer. Albuch Of Class 18 years of age who enjoy extremely explicit erotic ed. Is Bargain Day entertainment. We have no wish to offend or shock. 30 3:25 5:25 7:25 - 9:25 If you do-not enjoy viewing incredibly graphic sexual I Valid with this ad - - - Monday and Tuesday only behavior, we at Beal strongly recommend that you stay away. In DEEP THROAT we have the ultimate in erotic entertainment, if you wish to experience it, The cordially invite you tc attend - If you have any j«^I we doubts about your probable reaction to this film, we I Varsity Inn 1227 E Grand River strongly encourage you to enjoy another program. DEEP THROAT is strictly for those who can take it. All pmom desiring admission lo this picture inusi have proof of qn >\i M P 332-6517 iss SHQWTIMES 7:00, 8:15,9:30, & 10:45 Delivery on SHOWPLACE 116 Ag. Engineering ['"« and Subs ^olk Evenings Entertainment Mon - Thuri 1o»r ADMISSION $2.00 Tuesday, May 14.,9?< 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mariah ends with low-key show By DAVE DiMARTINO MSU. But obscurity alone recognition of each musical compositions by such Dreamers, the Daveci«*» State News Reviewer hardly implies lack of talent phrase he chose to sing. His forgotten artists as the Beau Wayne Fontana J! * and, as demonstrated Saturday repertoire included Brummels, Freddie and the Mindbenders and the Mariah officially closed its night, he had sufficient talent doors for the schocrf year, and to keep the small audience perhaps indefinitely Saturday- entertained. night with the low - key presentation of folk singer Gerry Grossman. Throughout the year, Mariah was plagued Opening the show was local entertainer Joel Mabus. Mabus, who has performed several Dept. of Theater times at previous Mariah by troubled finances and a disappointingly small student following. - Mariah is conducting a week long fund drive to help presentations, is undoubtedly one of the greatest talents East Lansing currently has to offer. Mabus' prowess on guitar, ploy on Spanish women maintain its existence through banjo and mandolin seems to C. Federico Garcia Lorca's theater, who recently directed Rutledge, chairman of th the 1974 - 75 school year. At increase with every drama about women in the "Child's Play." Dept. of Theater, who direct* various locations on campus performance. His inclusion at Rosa Marquez, a graduate student "The Miser" in November the last Mariah show was villages of Spain, "The House fa and Grand River Avenue, of Bernarda Alba,', will be from Puerto Rico, plays the Performing Arts commendable. Compan collection stands have been set Bernarda. Others in the cast and "The Birthday presented by the MSU Dept. of Party" f0 up for student donations. When Grossman's style, include Carmen Hiser, Michelle the Okemos Barn Theater at 8:15 p.m. Thursday Theate Mariah is a unique, non - unlike Mabus', was something Ferber, Elma McRae, Donna recently. through Saturday at the Arena profit venture by the students of a mystery. As he asked the theater. Nelli, Jamie Pelino, April Ide, who donate their time to audience, "What kind of One of Lorca's most May Woethrick, Maureen Tickets are available noon t maintain it. As a student Beatles songs do you wanna O'Brien and Heather Robinson. 5 p.m. Monday masterful compositions for the through Fridaj organization it relies on the hear? Early Beatles? Middle "The House of Bernarda at the Fairchild Theater stage, "The House of Bernarda bi student support. Beatles? Late Beatles?," it Alba" is a unique blend of Alba" will be staged by Frank office. Grossman's'performance was became clear where his musical poetic realism that suggests a an interesting finale for Mariah. taste originated. universe of repression and fear SN Photo/David Schmier Jane Koepke and Karen Marie Antila are two of many volunteers collecting money for Mariah A Chicago performer of no great national repute, Grossman might indeed be Grossman's performance was actually one continuous song, or more accurately, a medley. beyond the walls of Bernarda's house. A play about "women whom love moves to tragedy," Award-winning film this week. Donations can be made in the Union lobby, in front of Jacobsons.on Farm Lane by Erickson Hall and by Wells Hall. called the most obscure talent that Mariah has ever brought to The most enjoyable part of it came in the anticipation and "Bernarda Alba" tells of the repression of five daughters by from Poland slated a domineering mother and how their natural spirits circumvent The Polish film "Ashes and Diamonds" will be shown at 7:3 students her and bring violence and Friday and 2 p.m. Saturday in 102B Wells Hall. Six p.m. music death. The play's dramatic tension is bom precisely from this The film, a recipient of the International Film Critics in black and white with English subtitles. It is considered b critics to be one of the clearest portrayals of communist societ Award, clash of wills — those of the ever made. will play Marilyn Berger. Music Practice Building. She Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Music Richard Jorgensen assisted by Susan Szulborski on and harpist domineering mother, upheld Admission is free. the euphonium in a graduate Works by Schubert, Brahms, will be assisted by Susan Building Auditorium. He will piano and harpsichord, Marc be assisted by John Smith on by the forces of tradition, Szulborski and John Gleason. recital Tuesday night at 8:15 Satterwhite on double - bass Schumann, Copland, Barber, custom and social values and p.m. in the Music Building Auditorium. He will also and Eric Johnson on double - bass. The program will include Persichetti and Ravel will be Pieces by Bach, Beethoven and Saint Saens will be the piano, Marianne Favreau on clarinet and Lois Ward on those of the daughters, dragged 1916 epic film played. down by their thirst for living performed. bassoon. Pieces by Schumann, conduct the MSU Brass Choir . works by Antoniotti, Larsson. Hansens will also appear in a and by their human impulses senior recital Saturday at 8:15 Clarinetist Edward Quick Manevich, Mozart and Satie Jorgensen will be assisted by Faure each pianist Anne Jorgensen. Works Koussevitsky, Thompson. and p.m. in the Music Building will appear in a senior recital will be performed. and instincts to clash with other in turn. for showing by Handel, Hindemith, Cukas, Mezzo • soprano Helen Auditorium. She will be This work was selected for D.W. Griffith's epic movie, "Intolerance," will be shown* Daniels, Zaninelli, Haydn and Jacob will be performed. Hansens and flutist Deborah Bartlett will appear in a joint assisted by pianists Diana Skentzos and fia Hill. Hansens Rubenstein eludes ravages of old age production to provide a the WKAR - TV program "The Silent Years" at 7:3i showcase for the Theater Adriane Benvenuti will play senior recital Saturday at 3 will sing songs by Legrenzi, Dept.'s preprofessional acting Wednesday and 10 p.m. Friday. double • bass in a senior recital p.m. in the Hart Recital Hall in Scarlatti, Thomas, Szulc, It does not matter that he is contemporaries crawl about students. The female cast The 1916 film uses four stories of bigotry and injustice fro tne Music Building. They will 87 years old, said Arthur half ■ dead; I can still run down Wednesday night at 8:15 p.m. Debussy, Bachelet, Brahms, members, all of whom have history, interweaving them until they build to a fantastic climi be assisted by pianists Barbara Rubenstein, because he has the street, see three movies a The in the Music Building Strauss, Wolf, Barber and extensive stage credits at MSU scenes depicting the overthrow of Belshazzar's democrat! Auditorium. She will be Wagner and B. Neil Bartlett Bancock. been able to elude most of the day, and do all the silly things I and other universities, have rule in Babylon in 639 B.C. are considered some of the mi did 40 years ago wheji a pretty Cellist Bonnie Beuthien will ravages of old age. In an been working extensively for spectacular footage in all film. The scenes use thousands of ext in a sophomore recital interview published in London, girl passes by." and enormous sets. appear Peter Landry, asst. professor of Saturday at 8:15 p.m. in 103 the pianist said "my We're Waiting . . . Due to an error, part of the commented on the exquisite Orchesis review in Monday's elegance of the human body." paper was omitted. The next - to • last paragraph should have read: The last portion of the program was "Ha'penny," choreographed by Diane Newman. It was a beautiful and stately piece that Once you discover how much our exclusive ,ENT£R4j key can help 'Jnattk 't Sterna , you -as a student today, as a professional tomorrow-you won't want a pocket-sized scientific calculator without one. It's the key to a powerful and For you to sophisticated language, offered only by Hewlett-Packard, that lets you "speak'' to your calculator wjth total consistency because it lets you load TRIVIA NIGHT—MON * WED truck on over data into a 4-register operational memory stack-with the following & get your consequences: 9:00 hair in shape You always enter data the same way. i.e.. from left to right, the natural BLUEGRASS EXTENSION—THUR5 way to read any mathematical expression. for Spring. 8:00 (#You can always pioc^ed through your problem the same way. 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ALL ACCESSORIES Our HP-45 has an | ENTER*I key. AVAILARLE AT That's one reason it's the most powerful pre-programmed pocket-sized scientific computer calculator you can ouy. Here are seven others: , it's pre-programmed to handle 44 arithmetic,trigonometric and logarithmic fund ohs and data manipulation operations beyond the CAMPUS BOOK STORE basic four . X. ■+■). « 2jt le*s you store up to nine separate constants in its nine addressable Across From The Union 332 - 0877 memory registers. 3L't 9ives on the you a "Last X" register for error correction or multiple operations If Both are availableat new low prices- same number. you get stuck midway through a problem, you can use the "Last X" register to unravel what you've done. HP-45: *325 HP-35: *225 00NAL0 BYRD with 4« displays up to 10 significant digits in either fixed-decimal or Now the exceptional value of these exceptional instruments is o, ISPl scientific notation and automatically positions the decimal more apparent, because we've reduced their prices by $70." You can n » BOBBI HUMPHREY Si|es at Discount Wflp point throughout its 200-decade range, own the world's most powerful pre-programmed pocket-sized scient: calculator, the HP-45, for only $325." The HP-35 now costs just $225" jy * -D.MS D.MS ► ffflt It converts angles from radians or grads to degrees/ Both are now on display near you. 8 WHIN I minutes/seconds and back again. If you're seriously considering the purchase of a powerful scioiiti calculator, you owe it to yourself to see and test the unprecedented 1 -a:1| £ lating power pf the HP 35 and HP-45. You can do so at a store near \ mmmmN f»me PA*r' P*lth h7d5 T'* Customer Service at (408) 996-0100 for the name of the nearest outlet. . 'DorcpifcUSA, |*ices. notr.c'wlniti applicable slate and local tone*. ' TO BE ANNOUNCE) I Itsincreases gold "shift" key doubles the HP-45'$ the functions capability of 24 keys which without increasing its size. Hewlett-Packard mates the mosl advanced pocfcrt-sfced computer calculators in the wc i Zj JIMMY 6MITH sasar - Our HP-35 has an [ENTERS key, tob. HEWLETT^ | That's SrS why it's the second most powerful pre-programmed one reason ESTHER PHILLIPS ■ pocket-sized scientific computer calculator. It handles 22 functions, has the same 4-register stack, one addressable memory register and also displays Sales and service from 17? offices in ?5co.H':o$. up to 10 significant digits in either fixed-decimal or scientific notation. Dept. 0000,19310 Prur.eridoe Ave.. Cupertir-.o.CAfe Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 14, 1974 9 Three ballgirls complete duties as batsmen finish home season to use ballgirls, Klee got her By JACK WALKDEN a lot and that's how I found State News Sports Writer idea from the Baltimore serve: retrieving bats after each every game. Orioles. most of them." batter has completed his turn The other members of this Klee remembers the initial at the plate, chasing foul balls Three seniors on the MSU "When I came to MSU I was year's edition of the ballgirls year as being haphazard, but in back of home plate and are all juniors. They include baseball team will make their a big sports fan," she adds that "it's gotten better final home appearance today, explained. "I went to football keeping score on the Terry Denbrock, who will take each year since. centerfield scoreboard. One of Klee's place as the organizer of but they won't be the only and basketball games and they '"Die first year a couple of Klee's jobs is to designate who seemed to get all the the group next year, Nancy ones saying goodbye to John publicity. the girls didn't know much will do the different jobs at Kobs Field. But when it came to baseball Nunnemaker and 'Cheryl about baseball," she said. "A every game. Outfielders Bill Simpson and there was never any attention Kompik. couple of the girls would pick "We rotate who does what Litwhiler is expected to use Larry Romaine and pitcher paid to it. Steve Vander Laan will take "I decided to do up bats even when a foul ball job each game," Klee said. "I sophomore Scott Evans (2-1) something was hit or they would try to remember who did what the field for the last time in to get attention for the team," go after in the opener of the twin bill balls that went back to the at the last game. and will combine the efforts of front of a partisan crowd at 1 she continued. "So I wrote a screen on a passed ball. "The one bad job is doing freshmen Todd Hubert and Bill p.m. today as the Spartans host letter to coach (Danny) "Hie biggest problem was the scoreboard in centerfield. St. Clair in the nightcap. Both Eastern Michigan in a Litwhiler which originally that we were always afraid we It's sort of like a prison doubleheader. asked if I could be a base Hubert and St. Clair were were putting up the wrong sentence on who will do the But there are three other sweeper like the one that recently brought up from the score on the centerfield scoreboard each game." junior varsity. seniors who will be in action Baltimore had. for the final time today. Julie scoreboard. Klee calls her experience as a Eastern enters the contest "Coach Litwhiler wrote a "No one took us very bailgirl one of her most favorable with Klee, Maureen Malone and Ann letter back saying that he had a surprising 27-15-1 Lewando, three of MSU's six been seriously that first year. They at MSU. record, while the Spartans have thinking about getting thought that we would get sick "Today's going to be sad ballgirls, will make their lost six of their last seven to some batgirls and if I could get of it and that the whole because it's the last one," she farewell appearance. some girls, we could have the thing fall to 19 • 16 - 1. would die off. said. "It has gotten more fun Klee was the originator of job. "I think a lot of people each year because you get to the ballgirls and is one of two "At first I had trouble thought that we were just there know more people each year. girls (the other being Lewando) getting girls because I wanted for opening day. But when we "The umpires, coach Tom who have been a part of the to get girls who really liked began to show up for the rest Smith and broadcasters Jim group all three years of its baseball instead of those who existence. just wanted an inside track on of the games, everyone to take us seriously." began Adams and Terry Braverman have been especially nice to us. Standings Though Oakland was the dating. There are first major three main "Besides that we have the league baseball team "I went to baseball practice BIG TIN functions which the ballgirls best seats in the house for CANNONADE ARRIVES TODAY W L GB Iowa 10 4 . . ^ J . SN Photo/Boh Kaye Cheryl Kompik performs one of her duties as an MSU bailgirl by retrieving a bat as umpire Grovet Carr looks on. Kompik, a junior, is one of six girls who assist the Spartans. The group Entries reach 1 Minnesota Illinois 10 7 4 5 2 Michigan 7 5 2 was organized by senior Julie Klee in 1971 and gave MSU the distinction of BALTIMORE (UPI) - The aspirants will not have to Cannonade, the winner of Indiana 8 7 21/2 being the first Big Belmont Park. Ten team to have ballgirls. 99th running of the Preakness contend with a thundering the 100th Kentucky Northwestern 7 3 Derby, is Monday's chief Preakness 7 Saturday will feature the best horde on the Pimlico racing a 9 - 5 favorite to capture the development saw the Wisconsin 6 8 4 of both worlds for those strip. $156,500 winner's share of withdrawal of Bushongo, the MSU 5 8 41/2 entered in the second jewel of The probable starting field what will be a $203,000 winner of the Flamingo Stakes purse Ohio State 5 11 6 the Triple Crown. for the Preakness stood at 13 if there are 13 starters. |V/resf/er at Hialeah Park. The for son of Purdue 4 10 6 guns Like the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness will be the richest race in the history of Monday, enough to make this year's total purse the largest Cannonade's trainer Woody Stevens said the Derby champ Mongo Grass came out of the Blue Stakes lame and was ever, - but small enough to will arrive at Pimlico today forced to skip the Derby. the event. But, unlike the forestall I Jim Fujii should be in top preliminaries begin at 5:30 Green fees which are $12 a the possibility of from New York. John Olin's Churchill Downs rush - hour having to split the race into two three m Monday, when ho will p.m. team accompany the entry - year - old ran six EAST LANSING mob scene, the Preakness divisions. a quest for his fifth The finals for residence hall card. Sign up in 201 Men's IM furlongs in 1:10.4 Sunday at ■tonsecutive intramural and fraternity track arc set for Bldg. stling title. I Weigh in for this spring's 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. The individual track meet Softball teams should check Netters meet Union ActivitiesBoard Flights office ART FESTIVAL with the IM office daily for t will be 6:30 p.m. will be held May 21. Sign Low-cost iMonday in the Men's 201 Men's IM Bldg. anytime up in playoff schedules. Fraternity and independent "A" teams finish home Flights from nmural Building, and the before the meet. who are winners, runner ups or MSU's women's tennis team bitches will take place The residence hall, fraternity have one loss or less will go singles player, is expected to wffl play its final home meet nday through Wednesday, and independent line for golf lgad the Spartans. Setke has into the playoffs. Top four of the season today as the" taken the Big Ten tennis title lline for entry is noon entries is noon Wednesday. teams in each residence hall Spartans face Western Michigan for the past two years and Play is Saturday and Sunday. will also be in the playoffs. University. I "I was considering on going currently sports a 5 - 1 season W for the MSU The meet will begin at 4 record. team at one p.m. at the varsity tennis Fujii commented. "But "I'm extremely pleased with Ik courts. There is no admission studying and the classes the team's play," coach Elaine idn't allow me the time. So, I iter the IM matches." Winning boaters will sail charge. The Spartans are currently 5 1 in dual meets and have Hatton said. "The girls have been very competitive and have I In - the last two years, Ftyii played iaken two consecutive Big Ten some strong tennis." Vliterally dominated 1 pound weight class as he has the 118 in North American meet championship titles. The Spartans will close their Flight lists MSU is heavily favored in season May 25 when they play available now nptured four individual the meet. Sue Selke, No. 1 at Toledo. with application mpionships while posting a The MSU sailing team won first four races and were able on the sidewalks of forms. Destinations: B-0record. the Midwest Collegiate Sailing to hold it for the rest of the central east lansing I1Fujii's closest match when he decisioned was Tony last Assn. championship this past weekend in a regatta at Ohio regatta. The victory qualified MSU f PLASTIC London, Madrid, Frankfurt, Bei- ^ESHERYWHERE '"Rcchio, 4 Grade, Budapest, Sponsored by the central east lansing business - 1, in overtime. Wesleyan University. to participate in the Collegiate association and the fine arts and cultural heritage Pjtilso beat Keith Kurihara 3 - Skippers Derrick Fries and North American Vienna, Amsterdam committee p in a special takedown John Walton, with crews Mary Championships which wil be UAB OFFICE mament, last March, for the Ellen Schutz and Cathy Nolan, held let title. opened up an early lead after the on the Charles River in Boston June 9 - 20. 2nd floor union this Friday and Saturday k3-9777 1-5 MF I Others trying to make pithree championships in a Vindude Dan Pillow (168) NBob Grigg (150). IJn other Mens' intramural JJJe fraternity track scratch commenT] to re use the thousands of plastic bottles that being SUPER LOW are NO-FAULT - P* n8 has been scheduled L4:45 pm- today in 208 lacHRisTian science thrown away each day. But we still have one more problem - collecting them. You can help us and help conserve our natural resources by saving all your plastic Intramural Bldg. The milk bottles, bleach bottles, detergent bottles, cleanser RATES OPPROQCH bottles, fabric softner bottles, and any other plastic bottles you throw away. All you have to do is rinse them out and remove the capes. Then drop them off at the Call Jeff Williams (MSU '68) at 332-1838 ptNTAT.V. specially marked collector boxes at any of our recycling I' S24.00 per term stations on the MSU campus, in East Lansing or at ^04 UnniqC-SB, Frandor or Yankee Plaza. For more information please call the WASTE CONTROL AUTHORITY at 355 -1826 it-SENTRY PJACTV rentals! T| INSURANCE VUDf lOOROtHfORVOt) 710 Gainsborough Drive rnaM.I5 Phone day or evening. 112=30 I For Everything You Need Notice: in Picture Frames... JOHNSON TIRE CENTER 3940 No. Grand River tosf Week Lansing for Spring (517) 371-3745, 371-3815 Central Michigan Dayton "Road-King" Distributor toinrting Ma v 1,'i we will he making our final returns la I Publishers for those spring quarter hooks that are run ■ be used summer quarter. We will also he changing CAS SAVING 1 "i"" location of hooks in order to 'ta you will still make sure you hare the STEEL BELTED RADIUS need •Slightly Blemished for Spring Quarter 2 for $8500 Stop in At Frames Unlimited HR 70 -15 in Meridian Mall •40,000 MILE WRITTEN GUARANTEE * GAS SAVINGS (APPROXIMATELY 10%) Frames Unlimited can help you fill any framing •FREE MOUNTING need. Select from the Frames •FREE ROTATIONS i thousands of frames currently In . stock; at •LAY-A-WAYS WELCOME (SAVE NOW) choosing from one of over 3S0 designs, you can hfve a frame custom made by a Unlimited •Tires classified t>len,ish only because of appearance and will not effect safety Op«n 10:9. Sun 12-5 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 14, l9?4 I Need Seme Dene? Read leday's C 355-8255 Classified Ads feV tots Service j/j FRANKLY SPEAKING... by phil frank e Help Yeu Need!! *** lg [ Apartments f, i MALE NEEDED for own room in TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile 1 MALE to share 2 BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced man $92 w / I Meedowbrook Trace Townhouse homes. $25 - $35 / week. Ten mon*. Year rates to student*. Also ^, guaranteed rust proofing. VAN starting summer. $80/month. minutes to campus. Quiet and 051-2681 evenings. 7 515 MUSTANG 1966. Very good Kenn, 349-3950. 5-5-16 peaceful on a lake. 641-6601. WORLD, 645-2123. OR-5-31 condition, good gas mileage. Call 0-5-31 SUMMER ONLY. Walk lo com™ I / N, GIRL NEEDED, smoker, |$*5 I Chuck at 353-2770. 3-5-16 non - Furnished. 2 bedrooms. PHONE 355-8255 •••••••••••••••• Fed up with summer and / or fall. Call * 347 Student S«r»ices Bidg. OLDSMOBILE 1965 Cutlass dealer service? 351-8162. SP-5-5-15 FRESHMAN * Quiet?building. Phone 351 -7239 | convertible. Power steering, Take your American WOMEN!! • brakes. $100. Phone 349-0385 ON CAMPUS. 217 Bogue. Large 2 MILFORD STREET •AUTOMOTIVE compact or subcompact ,a _ furnished, 2 girls, You live off • Scooters & Cycle* after 5:30 p.m. 5-5-17 to: bedroom $215, 3 girls, $225. Available can Summer rentals, reduced and 3 man. 2 rates 21 June 16th. Phone 489-5922 or campus next year » blocks |r0m| Parts & Service OLDSMOBILE, 1969 - trade for 351-8575. 5-5-20 MO PROBLEMS!! • campus. conditoned. Deluxe, furnished airT cycle! (over 500cc) or $1,000. 351-2647 ■ Aviation Power steering, radio, tape 484-8494, 489 1656. OR.5.3J •EMPLOYMENT player, good body. 393-7354. 'lAWORTS ON CAMPUS. 217 Bogue. Small 1 Campus View Apt's has 4, 5. • and S Woman Apartments for # •FOR RENT 5-5-16 bedroom furnished, 1 bedroom furnished, $160. $135. Large next year's Sophomores 0 SUBLEASE SUMMER two| Apartments OLDSMOBILE 1969. 442, 1206 Oakland Available June 16th. Phone CALL 332-6246 J bedroom furnished. Good ptice 1 Houses convertible with all available Call for Appt. 489-5922 or 351-8575. 5-5-20 UNIVERSITY • Grove Street. 355-4903. 2-5-is| Rooms optional equipment. New tires, exhaust, battery, air, shocks. IV4-4411 FOR CHANCE of lifetime. Girl m APPROVED HOUSING* •••••••••••••••• ONE AND two bed,00 J •FOR SALE Best reasonable offer. 332-5349 wanted to summer lease apartments near campus. Nine I Animals evenings. 5-5-15 .-aw fantastic house. Air, furnished, NEED TWO females for apartment - fall. Cedar Village. $80. month with or 1 year lease. stove, Furnished! close. After 5 p.m., 332-4555. 332-6693.5-5-17 refrigerator,! dishwasher, air conditioning Mobile Homes OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC 88 and| 3-5-16 •LOST & FOUND 1966, Automatic, power 'WE IYERE JUST HAVING A FRIENDLY carpeting only. Utilities included! •PERSONAL steering, excellent mechanical The Small Car People NEED GIRL for Old NEEDED 1 girl to rent apartment except electricity. Call between 8:30 - 5 30. 5-5-15 372-39941 summer. with me for summer. Call •PEANUTS PERSONAL condition. New tires. 355-2981. \. / ARGUMENT ABOUT 6UN CONTROL! Cedar Village. Air, balcony. anytime after 5 p.m. 5-5-17 3-5-16 711 EAST •REAL ESTATE FAMOUS LUCAS Square 8 Fog 355-1965. 3 5-16 APARTMENTS"] OPEL MANTA 1973. Automatic, and Driving lamps. Regular ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY. CA 94709 SUMMER SUBLEASE, furnished, 711 Burcham Road. La •RECREATION $32.50 NOW! $23.50/each. NOW LEASING summer and fall! 4 one bedroom on campus, bedroom furnished apart excellent condition, reasonable •SERVICE CHEQUERED FLAG, 2605 East man apartments, across from utilities furnished, $120/month. price. Call 882-5982. 3-5-16 Instruction Typing Service OPEL RALLY 1973. condition, 4-speed. AM/FM, new Good Kalamazoo, one mile west of campus. 487-5055. C-10-5-24 M (_ Employment J|j|| campus. Call Orchard Street. 5-5-20 332-0245. 126 355-3259. 5-5-17 PERSON FOR summer, close, own appointm •TRANSPORTATION tires, must sell. Call 372-5385. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT SUMMER SUBLEASE, 2-3 room, pool - $95. 337-1061 351 -072bs. June 12 ■ August 17. I Ipatwts Abbot, Furnished, air, 154 baths, 4 FREE CANOES FOR Summer- $ 150 1 3 persons I - 5 man, price negotiable. Imprint machine (we train); Cancellations/ Corrections Blaupunkt radio, 28.5 mpg. Road C-5-31 and 1-96. 349-9620. W.S.I, required; Counseling, 332-3418. 5-5-17 TENANTS River's and Water's Edge Fall $73 TLTSnu (highway), 24.5 mpg (city), one Sublet 1 bedroom, • 12 noon one class day owner. Leaving country, must typing; driving; call for LCC AREA - fully furnished, after May 22nd. Apartments Discount for 12 mo. Lease \ interview. 676-6709. 4-5-17 351-7212 before publications. sell. $2,100. 332-0924 after 9pm. 5-5-20 JSE WAITRESSES NOONS. 10;45 Option to lease. Safe and secure! $175 / month. 332-3135. 5-5-14 353-6669. 5-5-17 (next to Cedar Village) 731 Burcham Drive The State News will be a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Monday - Models open 1-6, Mon Set. SUPER BEETLE 1971, Mags, tape, SPARROW HOSPITAL Jones responsible only for the sun roof, radials, $1895. One PART - TIME positions for MSU Saturday. Neat, experienced. near LUXURY FURNISHED efficiency Other limes by appointment I - students. Excellent salary level and JIM'S TIFFANY PLACE. Street, 216 - upper 1 bedroom, apartments, air conditioned, owner. 332-2061.3-5-15 COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES Co-op first day's incorrect 372-4300. 3-5-15 unfurnished except stove, next to campus, quiet. Summer SUBLEASE SUMMER 1 meaningful business experience. - 2 bedroom townhouses insertion. Automobile required. 351-5800. refrigerator, Garage. 489-7954. of fall. 351-1258. 10-5-24 needed for large American^ TOYOTA MINI - Pickup 1973. 5-5-16 available immediately. $130 - $65. 351-4299. 3 5-15 0-3-5-15 TELEPHONE SOLICITORS: are $133 / month. All utilities 15,000 miles with deluxe you hard working? Do you like SPARROW NEAR - very large one furnished except electricity and insulated, panelled camper shell. to dial? If you are ready to make 551 ALBERT Street. One block bedroom unfurnished except SPARROW - NEAR, two bedn PART-TIME secretary; 30 phone. Call 882-4176, Monday - 337-1612. 5-5-15 from campus. Large 2 bedorom, and refrigerator. Utilities $170 including utilities, near hours/week, short hand money, call 694-3952. Wage, stove Friday, 1:30 - 5:30pm. 10-5-28 line. 372-7199. 3 5-15 bonus and commissions. furnished, for fall. Resident ' paid. $130. Security deposit. J TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1971 preferred. 351-6249. 3-5-15 Experience preferred, will train. manager's apartment No. 3. 372-2639. 5-5-17 convertible AM/FM stereo. 332-2404 / 351-6676. 10-5-23 GRAD. UPPER class male. Share SUMMER SUBLEASE, LPN, FULL time opening on the 3 CARROUSEL IMPROVE¬ $1,500. 882-5592. 7-5-15 two bedroom apartment. Own bedroom spacious apartm 11:30 shift. Liberal fringe MENTS. 5-5-17 SUMMER & fall leases. 501 room. 351-4546. SP-5-5-20 furnished, air. 351-1036. 5-5-lB 1 BEDROOM, close Frandor / Hillcrest. Grad students; quiet, ^ VEGA GT wagon, 1973. Loaded benefits, evening and night BABYSITTER FOR infant twins campus. Linda, 351-8345 air conditioned, one bedroom with extras, only 8500 miles, differential, no shift rotation, every other weekends off and year round. Must be dependable. evenings and weekends. 5-5-16 furnished apartments with 1 MAN for 2 man furnished. 216 COUPLE ONE bedrooifl $2600, private owner, 351-5478. 1.10-5-28 Beal. 332-0011. Call 5-8. Phil. furnished, utilities weekend bonus paid. Call Mrs. dishwasher. Close to campus. No AMX 1970. Collectors item, mint 5-5-17 MARIGOLD APARTMENTS pets $175/month. 351-9081 Summer. 5-5-20 $140 • $150, 349-407® condition! Asking $1950, L. Risk, RN, Director of - 349-3084.3-5-15 GO GO DANCERS. Full or part or 485-3014. 5-5-17 49,000 miles. 337-2529. 5-5-14 VEGA GT 1973 4-speed, radio. Nursing, 349-1050. Ingham 'JUST A FEW LEFT' SUBLEASE ONE bedroom Excellent condition time. No experience necessary. 14,000 County Extended Care Facility, apartment for summer. Air, QUIET TWO bedroom unfurnishi BUICK 1957 Call 10am - 6 pm. 372-7086. SUMMER RATE $140 TWO GIRLS needed September - - 60,000 actual miles. Price $2195. 349-3358. Okemos, Michigan. 3-5-15 close. $150. 332-1819.5-5-20 5-5-20 apartment, Okemos miles. Second owner, interior 5-5-20 911 Marigold, East Lansing. June. Water's Edge, Close. undergrads, no pets. like new, $250, 371-2400. After ' Large 1 bedroom, furnished $82.50. 351-2227.3-5-15 TWO GIRLS for Americana next Immediate occupi HANDYMAN PART time. Must apartment. Carpeting, air 6pm, 351-1632, 5-5-14 VW BUS 1967 - mechanically - year. $83/month. Diane, 349-0558, 332-3534. 5-5-17 | CHEVY VAN 1973 AM/FM excellent. Body very good. Good rubber caipeted 484-7871. ATTENTION have house carpentry ■ and electrical wiring experience. Call TWO GIRLS summer. to share apartment Air, pool, cheap. - 353-1223. 5-5-20 M-78 BODY SHOP, 337-0496. ONE MAN fbr 4 - man apa cassette Ziebart $3,000/best 5-5-20 361-4697.3.5-15 offer. 489-3489. 5-5-17 ARTS & LETTERS 2-5-15 OFF MICHIGAN Avenue - near ON LAKE Lansing. furnished cottage. 3 bedroom Available Rivers 353-4016.5-5-17 Edge Aparti miles, beautiful! Must sell. Blue 3.5.15 r\*T: MAJORS COUPLE parents NEEDED as for 6 mildly retarded house FRANDOR, NEAR bedroom unfurnished. - two Carpeted, bus line, one bedroom. Newly carpeted and decorated. Deposit June 15. $250 / month, includes utilities. Also furnished ONE GIRL needed. Own n book $3125, will wholesale for women in Community Mental sir, carport. Available and references. 627-9387 after 4 efficiency apartment. Fireplace, Non - smoker. $87.50/m< $2850. 371-3045 until midnight. immediately! $170. 485-9343. p.m. 5-5-20 garage, $140 / month, includes 351-0132. 3-5-15 VW 1969. 61,000 miles, good Health Home. Exciting and 3-5-14 Petitions for student 5-5-14 utilities. Both at 6100 Columbia condition. Phone 351-8251 rewarding work. Room, board, AIR CONDITIONED positions on University efficiency for MALE ROOMMATE, summd 3-5-14 salary, garden. Call Irma 1 2. Summer longer, close __Driye._349-3506^3-50 6 _ DATSUN 1973 240-Z automatic. f .. level and College level Zuckerberg, 487-6500 or TWO BEDROOM, furnished, close. or or Furnished, own bedroom SI SUBLEASE SUMMER. 2 man. committees will be accepted Available to campus. $140/month. plus utilities. 332-314| l **** ffl Monday, May 13th, thru 372-8270. 5-5-20 TEACHERS NEEDED for Jewish immediately. $145 I month. 337-0349 after 5 p.m. 5-5-14 351-2017, after 6 pm. 5-5-15 furnished, air, close to campus. 351-3693. SP 5-5-20 SP-5-5-15 DODGE CORONET 1965. Old but Wednesday, May 29th SUMMER SUBLEASE, large 1 1971 HONDA 450. Low mileage, Sunday School. Call Ms. Stark. DUPLEXES. SUMMER and Fall. J runs great. Best Offer. 487-5770. bedroom, 2 blocks from campus, SUBLEASING FOR Summer. mint condition, $700. Call 332-6715. 3-5-15 TWO GIRLS. Fall - spring. SP5-5-17 Petitions are available Close, 3-person. $160. Phone bedroom. Completely furnish 355-8970. 5-5-17 Woodmere Apartments (behind carpeted, furnished, air. Rent at your departmental reduced to $150. 332-1945, 337-0775. X-3-5-15 669-9939. 23-5-31 DENTAL RECEPTIONIST for Americana). Quiet, river view. HONDAS 1970 CB450 - $725. office. For information orthodontist's offfee. Personable, 353-1284, 353-5686. SP-5-5-14 after 5. 5-5-15 1966 Superhawk 305 custom, call 355 - 0368. mature with office FALCON FUTURA 1968. unfinished - $275. 351-7857, person capabilities. (Typing 60 wpm). CLEMENS 517 North married ■ couple. 5 room, 2 Graduate, CROSSWORD after 5p.m. SP-5-5-14 Will train. Please call, 372-6451. Automatic, after 5 p.m. 3-5-15 $350. 355-3137 GENERAL HANDYMAN needed 5-5-16 bedroom, partially furnished, parking. $160 plus utilities. PUZZLE MOTORCYCLE TUNE-UP 20% for rental property manager. ACROSS Lease. Immediate occupancy. 26 Bread winner below dealer price, pick - up Phone 332-1391. C-1-5-14 SALES MANAGEMENT FIAT 1973 - 124 convertible, 5 484-7253. 5-5-16 30. leander's love available. 484-3500. 5-5-17 1. Piquancy speed. Bright yellow, black development program 5. Profitable 32. Ctjlor interior. Low mileage, 28 mpg. 2 WOMEN - exciting summer salary $900, trained locally and in SOPHOMORES, UNIVERSITY TRIUMPH, 1971 - excellent 8. Stir 34. Hush money See it at 1824 East Michigan camp jobs. June 12 - August 17. Hartford, Conn. For director of approved. 2 girls next year. 35. Slime condition, very low mileage. Call 11. Longing Avenue, Lansing, days Imprint machine (we train); sales position. Guaranteed annual Campus View. 355-8703. 5-5-14 37. Proportion Jack, 351-4471. X-5-5-14 12. Witch bird 482-3596. 1224 Alpine Drive, W.S.I, required: Counseling; salary plus override commissions, SUMMER at 13. Perimeter 39. Iberia Dewitt, after 5pm and weekends typing; driving; call for other fringe benefits. Must be SUBLEASE SUMMER 4 man, HARLEY 1970 350cc. Very clean. i. 646-6709. 4-5-17 college graduate, sales background BURCHAM WOODS River's Edge. Price negotiable. 14. Anjou 42. Adjacent _669-5692. 10-5-23 $450. 614 Charles. 332-2840 of 2-5 years since graduation Spend your SUMMER Call 351-0694. SP-5-5-14 15. Break in 43. Soap Scott. 1-5-14 poolside and leave end of the 17. Fresh water 45. River bank FIAT 124 Sport Coupe, 1970, NURSE, LPN, RN exciting or preferred. Call T.F. Bigelow, month utility hassles to us. duck 48. Flyer sharp. 25+ mpg, 5-speed, summer camp jobs. June 12 - Junior, at 349-1670, anytime today SUMMER •Heated Pool 'Laundry / ONE bedroom, air 19. Fruit 49. Mend AM/FM. 351-1344. 3-5-15 BMW, YAMAHA, TRIUMPH. August 17. (other duties for appointment. Equal 'Ample Parking *Alr Cond. conditoned, walk, bus to 20. In search of 50. Fragrance RICKMAN. Your full service required). Call 646-6709 for opportunity employer. 1-5-14 'Nicely Furnished campus. 332-2625. 3 5-16 22. Size of coal 51. Social 1. Energy FORD F-100 1972 pick - up, dealer. Parts, custom accessories SUMMER LEASES t interview. 5-4-17 23. Diocese 52. However 2. French season Topper camper. Excellent competion equipment, service. CAB DRIVERS wanted. Must have Efficiency $i4o mo. One Bedroom $149 STUDIO APARTMENT for 24. Attention 53. Shipshape 3. Strew condition, low mileage, first SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS, INC. WAITRESSES AND part time mo. excellent driving record. Apply, graduate women or married I- 5 $1,800 takes it. 482-6695. 2460 North Cedar, Holt. Just Two Bedroom $169 mo. H 5- r~ V e £ 0 4^5-16 south of 1-96 overpass. Phone bartender. 489-9116. 5-5-20 Call after 11am VARSITY CAB, 122 Woodmere, the side door. 5-5-15 UTILITIES INCLUDED couple. Near campus, references. 332-1746. 5-5-20 " $ ir % 13 745 Burcham Dr. 351-3118 $ 694-6621. C-5-5-17 FORD RANCHERO Squire 1971 - NOW ACCEPTING summer DESK CLERK needed must have or 484-4014 ACROSS FROM Mason Abbott. If & V-8, 4-speed, 16 mpg. Phone 393-234JLafter 6 pm, 4-6-14^ KAWASAKI 1972 - Enduro, like new, extras, $600, 175cc applications for waiters and transportation and be willing to Four man. 2 bedroom, air, <7 % •ft 19 FORD VAN 1967. Good condition, negotiable. 351-1414. 5-5-20 waitresses. Apply in person at DOOLEY'S after 12pm. 2-5-15 travel. Call 489-1215 between 12 372-0567 or • 6 pm. furnished, $200. 351-3906. 50 bucks / 332-2486, man is % 16 it % 52 __i±12 $500. After 5 pm. 484-7879. HONDA Rack CL-350. August 1973. FOR THE CAREER MINDED OR-5-31 SUMMER - NEAR Potters Park. 4 hard to beat. 4-6-19 M u % 26 % % v4 ri 2JB N / pad assembly. GREMLIN 1970, 3-speed, bucket miles. $850, 2,000 negotiable. administrative assistant with Two X-RAY TECHNICIANS part time RT X-RAY rooms, furnished, utilities paid, reduced rate. 371-3794 after LARGE TWO party, furnithed % ll h 33% JM secretarial % % seats, in good *ape. 353-0978 355-3059. 3-5-16 training or experience, efficiencies. Air conditioned. technicians needed. Night shift and 6:30pm. 3-5-14 after 5pm. 3-5-16 needed in a new financial planning Cloee to campus. Summer, $140, sfternoon shift, and weekends. J3 A If » INTERNATIONAL SCOUT II CYCLE INSURANCE - lowest corporation in South Lansing, salary is negotiable, excellent Apply Sparrow Hospital Personnel. SUMMER HOUSE Fall, $166. 484-0585. 30-6-20 % % InV//, % MF 1973. 2 wheel drive, 6 cylinder, rates on any sized cycle. Easy working conditions, excellent 5;5-17 apartment, furnished, parking, yard, block FEMALE TO share furnished Hi 1 W %% 1' 4-*)eed, deluxe interior, 14,500 payment plan. Call UNION UNDERWRITERS, 372-8120 or benefits, equal opportunity WORK STUDY itudents: part ~ campus. Reasonable. June 1 - apartment. Summer. Call after MS miles. Perfect. $2300. 332-1775. employer. Cell 383-1452. 4-5-17 time now, full time summer at September 15. 332-1782.3-5-16 6pm. 351-8966. 5-6-16 4 5-5-15 4854317. 20-5-16 WANTED, 7 8 $2.50 / hour for typing, clerical SUMMER SUBLEASE: Two i So 1 or people for at Lansing, man SUMMER ii officj of PIRGIM, i SUBLEASE studio 51 91 MG MIDGET 1971. Michelin tires, Looking for pin money? Sell promotional work. Saturday, flexible hours, Call Mlity, apartment, completely apartment. Furnished, near •m/fm radio. New battery, good comething you don't use with a May 25. Apply Meridian Mall 487-6001 between noon and furnished. Close to campus. Call capltol. Call 489-7161. condition. 484-6858 3-5-14 Want Ad. Dial 355-8255. management office. 3-5-16 4:30 pm. 5-5-14 361-3618. 5-5-20 SP-5-6-16 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 14, 1974 11 [ Houses £ Booms fur Sale 1|^ F»$afc IS] Mobile Homes J0 FURNISHED FOUR Lc£ UNFURNISHED 2 man duplax. ROOMS FOR summer and fall. GUNS, RIFLES, and handguns of I Iroo-a Gr*d ,,ud,nt summer. Inexpensive, Cooking, parking, laundry, TV WAREHOUSE SPECIALI^May CASTLE 1968 - 12' x 52'. Close DONT MISS OUT - Senior pics jSrtd. 489-7093 after 5:15. 5-5-1* room. Very close to campus. Phone 332-5722 Monday - all kinds. Buy, trade and sell BEST year 'round prices in 517, up to 35% off on furniture and lamps - also some fabric to campus, 351-3389, after 5 excellent condition. p.m. 5-517 for student teachers Friday 36A now Union. through Phone Announcements for It's What's Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN and wallpaper remnants. 5707 Friday, 9:30- 11 am. 0-5-31 353-5292 or stop by. 55-17 Happening must be received in the STUDENTS OR SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. Call School Street, | SU6LET SUMMER 2-. Call Summer. 2. 3, 4 bedroom working youp 371-2244. OR-5-31 Road and corner of Haslett School Street. PARK bedroom, ESTATE - $3,500. 2 12'x60', 8'x6' FREE A lesson in State News office, 341 Student Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least PLEASANT SINGLE complexion 332*5829. 3-5-20 ... hou,.,; furnished end or double. 339-8257. BL-4-515 addition. Central air Call two class days before publication. Graduate women, COLOR TV care. 484-4519 East unfurnished. Neat references. - Magnavox, 25" No announcements will be accepted and clean Near campus. French conditioning, shed, fence. Michigan or 485-7197 Lansing I CBLET DUPLEX, summer, 675-5279. 5-5-17 332-1746. 5520 P'q\,0 fal Excellent i' .jiton, guaranteed. cabinet. RALEIGH WOMEN'S Sprite, 6755360 after 5:30 pm. 5514 Mall. MERLE NORMAN by phone. 1 Led 'ates, 4 bedroom., 5-speed, GIRL NEEDED own rmm $150. 489-1982. 5515 ^Q\S> it condition! COSMETIC STUDIOS. C-3-516 printed in fall. 351-0310. 5-5-15 FURNISHED ROOM, a|| house tataM $90/negotiable. 482-1725. FOR SALE or rent! Wolverine, "It's What's Harrison — Grand 5516 Happening" are read privileges, spacious, near area, cheap 1963 nice. Call 337-7191. SUPER 8: NIZO, S560 and - 10'x46', fully furnished. Peanuts Personal".ill daily on WMSN (640 AM) campus Houses tfcj campus, X-5-5-14 $61.00. 489 9664 $75/month plus 1/4 utilities. 220 SP-5-514 Eumig S712D projector, $500 both, on warranty. 337-9304. 16 FOOT Hertz fiber glass boat and trailer 754 horse power For more information, 651-5039. 5514 Women's Liberation: Divorce summer 2 BEDROOM house, summer Gunson, Call 332-2436. 5515 McCulloch electric start motor. 1973 CONGRATULATIONS BABY and what it means to a woman - term, SKYLINE - ri - 12 Used only 50 hours on the Cakes and Hair Ball. Love Daddy emotionally; financially and "32-56. minutes from campus] MALES: WALKING distance from country lot, near campus, lake, GIBSONS V J50, '8" *"■ motor. $500 for all. 393-0583. and Bug Bug. 1-5-14 socially will be discussed at 7:30 completely furnished. Inquire fish, 6757451. 5514 7 p.m. 5-5-17 641-4073. 5-5-16 - campus. Two individual rooms y 5520 p.m. Wednesday at the Women's aailable June 10, 509 Division. U R 1 I STM: Center. Children welcome. II SERIOUS STUDENT for next veer. RENTERS Want 332-2859. 3-516 BOCK MOVING SALE! Couch, chairs, file 1970 SQUIRE carpeting, built • in - 12'x60', vanities,' 628734. MOMMAS, a group for single mothers (divorced, widowed or Beaut,,ul hoo,e- - an Own ,00,T1 cabinet, portable stereo, dresser. ALTERNATIVE to shed. 153 Windsor Estates. Must D.A.C. UR N never married) will meet at 7:30 renting 337-0564 SP55;17 expenses and hassles? Call Bob AVAILABLE NOW - Attic room $52/month. Nice people. Call ADDIC Kenn, 349-3950. 5516 sell - best offer. 646-6576. U B AP, I V.M.! Ml! tonight Child at the Women's Center. care provided. Want to know Hull, Monday, Wednesday, or I j'mAN HOUSE, one block from Friday 9 am 1 pm at East 332-3495. 5520 SEARS SILVERTONE stereo, $35; 5516 OK?, more about your body? Come to Berkey- Summer, $280/month. - • Used books Vi trice albums, under $1.00; pottery; PACEMAKER the self - help group at 7:30 p.m. 332-6374 3-5-16 . Lansing Realty. 332-3534 FEMALE WANTED. 5 bedroom - 12'x5a, 1 P.S.- B B9 JK. tonight at the Women's Center. If 6-5-17 negotiable. 351-0784. 2-514 bedroom. duplex, carpeted, $66/month • Out of print searches Shed, all skirted. 2 K9's!!! you are interested in a free auto Furnished. Williamston. $2,800. mechanics class for women, please SUPER PLACE for five or six. SUMMER ROOM and board for plus utilities. 332-0719. 3-516 • 1st Editions and Americana 694-9712. 5516 K3: ARE you sure it's not the furnished, parking, carpeting. 6 PIONEER, GARRARD, BSR $235. Nexus Co-op. 351-0100 turntables. TEAC 250 22nd? Happy B.D. 1-5-14 bedrooms, balcony. 676-2828 15-5-31 MEN - ROOMS, board, fall term. • Over 25,000 Books in Stock cassette FOR SALE: 1964, 10x50Monarch Thursday or Friday and Saturday recorder. Panasonic quad Bose after 5pm. 3-5-16 Price comparable to dorms. 501 speakers. Sansui SP1500 Crest. Skirted, shed, furnished. CONGRATULATIONS JOAN afternoons. Lesbian counselors are Better food, quiet, available from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays RESPONSIBLE friendly, Maire Demchick, our vet school I FURNISHED HOUSE. June 15 • summer PEOPLE for and/or fall. Own rooms, excellent location. Call TUE-FRI1-6, 7-9 speakers. Portable cassette Excellent condition. Close. loved one! Best of luck. Mom, and from 3 to 6 p.m. Wednesdays recorders, albums and tapes, 351-6876 after 2:30 pm. 3-514 September 15. Three or 4 men close, $65. 332-8953 710pm Farmhouse. 332-8635. 13-5-31 Dad.Mike, and Me! 1-514 and Thursdays at the Women's head supplies, replica swords and Center. They will talk to any only. Dial 332-4076, after 6 ONLY! 5-5-16 SAT 12-5 SUMMER guns. Porgable TV's, musical 1973 ACADEMY 14'x64' shed, woman with concerns or questions pjn. 3-5-16 ROOMS near campus, HAPPY UN-BIRTHDAY Dylan. about her sexuality. 124% W. Grand River equipment. West, Fender, skirted will sell furnished or SUMMER cooking, parking. Phont ROOMS in house. Trough. T.V., the Pussy from I east LANSING Three and four Double $55 per person, 332-5722 between 9:30-11am Custom. Acoustic, Gibson and accessories. unfurnished, in trailer park. 694-9208. 7-520 Colonial Arms. 1-514 Gay Liberation: Our office is \ single Small appliances bedroom duplexes. Available OR-531 June, unfurnished. Appliances, $65. Close. 337-0096. 3-5-14 UPSTAIRS J hand and power tools, sporting goods. We also have electronic 1967 WINDSOR HAPPY BIRTHDAY Val, Nikita open during the day. Stop in or call. If you think none of your near bus. 351 -8920. 5-5-20 NEEDED, GIRL ROOM FOR malP - mtTac^s MATCHING COUCH and chair in repair. Bank cards welcome. 12 x 60' MOBILE Home Nkruma, Laurie, Karen. Love, friends are gay. think again. Open £0' • private from Unit RENTED3nd River, good condition, $65. 351-0357 Newly furnished, Bemie and Marilyn. 1-5-14 rap session from 8 to 11 p.m. I room, clov^tv, summer only. DICKER & DEAL $6500, expando 8' x 15'. Will Wednesday in 309 Student Services COZY 2-3 person house sublet for Carol, 351-!"| garage, Large bedrooms. $75. 1548 332-6802. SP-5-517 fins, men's boots, other Lost & lovely home would make an flights to Europe, international *15 Makes equipment also! 64 50283. student ID cards, youth hostel Burcham, 337-1041.1-5-14 excellent residency or income passes, passport applications and SUBLET FOR summer, \ from around the world 5514 large room, 'adult bicycles property. Owner anxious, lots of travel information. Stop in NEED MELLOW third perosn. refrigerator, $55/month, close FIND SOMETHING July *10 - speeds leaving the state. Only $15,500. from 1 to S p.m. Monday through BACH STRADIVARIUS cornet ML IF YOU'VE found a pet or article I SUMMER SUBLET / fall option. 2 1. Own room, on 80 acres. East - 332-0298. 3-5-14 | *free repair classes Call Bill Heil 482-8683 or Friday at our office. Sell or buy Leslie. $70/month. 1-589-8701 bore, excellent case / of value, we want to help ALEXANDER homemade wares at board's spring bedroom house, 2-4 people, you REALTY before 332-4081 mouthpiece. $220. 3553548. return it. Just come into the State flea market from 1 to 5 p.m. nicely furnished, utilities paid. 2:30pm / weekends. For Sale ^ M - W, Fri., Sat., 5-515 News Classified COMPANY 489-6523. 3-517 Saturday in the side yard of the 230 Beech at M.A.C. 337-0934. SP-5-520 Department and 9:30-5:30 Union. tell us you want to place an ad in 34 ACRE FARM. Thurs., 9:30 - 9:00 MEXICAN Only 20 minutes 3 WOMEN NEEDED to share new CLASSICAL guitar - EAST LANSING STATE BANK'S Sun.. 12- 5 from campus, featuring hand made, never been large Justin Morrill College spring SUMMER SUBLET 6 bedroom. house near campus. Available CANON-F-1, 135mm 2.5 lens, played. found column. As a public service house with four bedrooms, 1 Vi CANNON ZOOM. Used for pictures $100. 489-6185. 5-5-16 poetry readings at 8 p.m. Nice house. 581 Cornell - phone June 1st. $70 plus utilities. extra len cO^-® 1 accessories. of little old lady, also Volvo EAST LANSING STATE BANK baths plus two large barns. Wednesday in Snyder Hall 351-3589. 5-5-20 Make offer, 082-4265. 5517 will run the ad at no cost to you! Location on major highway 351-1297. 2-5-16 SANSUI Cafeteria. Dave Lawder, Dennis 544,'61.351-6256. 5-514 2000X Receiver, Sansui EAST LANSING Pale and G. F. Korreck will read means the value can only go up. TANDEM SCHWINN 5 speed. Year SP25 speakers, Cassette I 6PEOPLE lor summer, own room. ONE GIRL for house. Summer / recorder, Dual 1215. $350 STATE BANK Priced at $50,000. Call Danny their poetry. All are welcome. old $125. Phone 394-2189 STRATOCASTOR GUITAR, or C-531 Boox 669-3464 fall option. Close, nonsmoker. - New and close. $60 per month. best offer. 332-3581. 3-5-14 or 5-517 Sunn 100S amplifier. Best offer. Breaking out of the silence film 3325923.3-5-16 355-1650.3-5-16 ALEXANDER REALTY Call 3556417. 3-5-15 series presents "Potemkin" at 7:30 FOUND. Black / brown German COMPANY 489-6523. 3-515 DIVE BOAT 2 TICKETS to Indy 500 $40 p.m. Wednesday in 402 Computer PIRELLI inflatable - I LANSING - 3 MEN needed. Summer only. - CLOSE to LCC and 15V4 foot, rated to 55 h.p. Little TEAC A-1200U Call 3553894 after 10pm Center. Sponsored by the United $72/month. Very close. State 3 motor stereo Wednesday. Michigan - Leslie, DIRECTLY BY owner, 3 small buildings. First floor, 5516 Front Against Racism and use. $930. 646-0283. 5-5-17 tape deck. Like new $200. 129 Lansing. 372-0026. C-X-3-515 bedroom ranch on 4 acre lot. 10 332 5656. 5-5-20 unfurnished, 2 bedrooms, 5 Imperialism. East Grand River Apartment 5. miles from campus. 2 car garage, rooms and bath. Stove, SCHWINN, MEN'S 5speed. $35. NEEDED, SERIOUS Student for basement. 1 garage space $200, SKY KENNEL 25" 17" high, $10. 351-0674. long. 18'~wid^ 3-5-17 Stingray girl's 17 inch $25. LOST - AFGAN female, 12 years new carpeting, curtains, etc. The MSU Prelaw Club will hold utilities pak*. Deposit, 3-514 old, beige, dark mask, white $34,000, call after 5pm. its annual faculty rap session at j luxurious house, fall only, no pets. 332-6640 after 4pm. 55-16 337 7628. 55-20 chest, long time friend. Amber. 349-4153. SP-4-5-30 7:30 tonight is 115 Eppley Center. Yvonne. 337 0564. SP5-5-17 ANTIQUES & UNIQUES. Buy and MUST SELL! Pioneer amplifier - Please call 351-9389. 2-515 _j. sell. 220 Albert Street, under NEED TWO females for 4 female Lums. C-5-31 PRE COLUMBIAN 90 watts, elector - voice 16, 12" FOUND: SILVER woman's ring. Recreation yg The 1974 MSU house near MSU. Big yard, statuette, speakers, BSR, 710X turntable. Homecoming (flute) well preserved, Wells Hall bike rack. Describe. Committee will hold a get - 5-5-17 ample Phone $490. 353-1869 3-516 parking, bus. $75. 3552448 after 7pm. C-3-514 together at 9 tonight at the Pretzel Available June 1 and June 15. 351-5995. 3-5-15 THE 15" CLIPPERCRAFT fiberglass Bell. All welcome. For further 694 1514. X-5-5-17 10 speed. 23" Raleigh Super information call Mark Bowen or I families TAILOR'S APPRENTICE - BROTHER/sisters. 12 STRING EPIPHONE Course $130. Excellent LOST: FEMALE Siamese cat with skiboat, 45 horse power engine, Marty Schcnberg after 6 cousins, relateds needed ' - tip of p.m. Rides to 525 LAKE LANSING. SELLS OUT guitar/case, excellent condition, conditon. 482-9394. 1-5-14 one ear missing. $1200.484-5055. 5-517 available. complete groups. Beautiful 5 - 7 Lovely, $115 or best offer. 1973 men's Disappeared Sunday May 5th, bedroom duplex, house. paneled, 5 bedroom house, MAY 10th from though JUNE Schwinn Suburban, 5 - speed, Gunson Street, East furnished. $250/summer, PORTABLE STEREO 332-1946. SP5-5-17 $350/fall. Year lease. 663-4900 10th. ANTIQUE Everything must go. $50 or best offer. 351-8076 condition, great - Perfect sound, phone Lansing. Call 332-8411. 5-517 DEADLINE Socialist Labor Party Club will meet to discuss "Crisis in European CLOTHING at before 3 p.m. 3-5-15 •WN NEEDED 3 bedroom house 3-515 slashed prices, open jack, $70. 349-1479. SP-5-5-20 FOUND: RED spiral notebook. for Union Activities History" at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in 37 Union. All welcome. w room, $55/month plus afternoons. 541 East Grand Heavy weight paper, Grand FOUR BEDROOM house. East side BICYCLES ALL Ten Speeds' utilities. 537 Lathrop, 482-3776 River DOWNSTAIRS - The Various - FOR SALE, Vox Super Beatles, River. Call 337-0767. C-3-51E Board's round-trip Lansing, furnished. $50/month. colors and sizes, new conditon, (21 for $650. 3-5-17 end is near WBS The Resource Development Club 3 women. Call Sally, 337-7713 Simplex De - railer center - pull Mark, 332-5122. 1-5-14 Detroit to will LOST: NEAR hold' elections at 7 GIRL'S RALEIGH 3 speed. Itt brakes, high quality at dealer's Mayo, dark gold, p.m. | TWO GIRLS for house summer Tuesday and Thursdays. SP5-5-14 cost. Forced warehouse sale. 9 fringed buckskin jacket. Wednesday in 338 Natural term, close, $70/month. years old. Excellent condition. 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. 8 - 125 watt stereo. Tuner, 12'Coaxial 355-3761, very substantial Frankfort flight Resources Bldg. A presentation will 332-1676. 5-520 Garrard be 351-3995.5-5-15 Rooms A a.m. 12 p.m. Saturday. D & C speakers, M75ED. $2 00 Shure 3 5 5-9400. reward! 3-514 given on shore protection by Richard Sikkenga of the TRAVEL TRAILER. 1968 24' self - STORAGE. 1241 Roth Drive. . June 20-August 15 Natural Resources. Dept. of SP-5-5-20 | LARGE HOUSE for rant this contained, custom built, sleeps South Cedar at I-96. 694-3311. LOST: PAIR of prescription is »mmer. Near East Lansing. Up 300MS EFFICIENCY, one sever 4. $2800. 676-1103. 676-2277. OR-3-515 PARIS SPORT 10-speed racer, sunglasses in downtown East FRIDAY, MAY 24. (more IWH on back page) ") si* students, bedroom apartments, houses Lansing. 489-0173. 3-516 furnished, carpeted, lots of room. Close, quality. 332-1946 4-5-17 excellent condition. Call Pat, Limited seats 482-9531 after 5 p.m. 5517 SP5517 AS SEEN IN THE 339-8536. 5-520 LOST: GOLDEN Retreiver, Typing Service # STATE NEWS Hamilton - Grand River, available at MOVING: LIVING room, dresser, I NEARnortheastLAINGSBURG - 15 milw FURNISHED ROOM in nice BOOKS ON RAISING Okemos. Reward offered. '•cose, 1 Large acre. 4 bedroom Unfurnished, house. Close. $70 per month, $105 damage'deposit. Available 10 SPEED 21' - frame. Hirondelle Manufrace Simplex equipped, WORMS WORM KITS hope chest, TV, appliances, paintings, book cases, carpet, drapes, dishes, toys etc. 1308-K 349-3028. 2-5-15 264 KOO per month. Available now. June 1st. 337-0255. 3-515 center pull brakes. Touring University Village. 2-3pm daily Personal / CALL 353-9776 PURPLE VICKI - Fast, accurate, 351-7497. OR-5-31 Write: For information. equipment $95. 339-2164 or 3556138. 3-5-16 inexpensive typing. Very near SINGLE ROOMS, kitchen 5-520 Mel Reynolds campus. 337-7260. 10-524 I poimmet, WOMEN, own rooms.\$60~ prMleges, block from campus. 28652 Cunningham DIAMOND RING Lady's - .25 INTERESTED IN No-Frills Low EUROPE SUMMER Flights From $70 fall, 361-9302 Cost Jet Travel to Europe, The $259. Advanced booking only, Summer only I 651-5542, or Ron GIBSON 335 electric 12 karat set in 18 karat white gold ANN BROWN typing and multilith afiw6p.m. 5-5-17 string Warren, Michigan 48092 Middle East, The Far East, youth fares, rail passes. Carpenter 372-6770.10-5-28 guitar. Excellent condition. setting. Contact Bruce offset printing. Complete service GEMEINHARDT FLUTE, 351-7446. 7-516 Africa, or Practically Anywhere? Guaranteed scheduled airlines. for I ROOMMATE NEEDED Craig car cassette player. Must open dissertations, theses, ™>th Plus - $50 "/ ROOMS BOGUE Street $175/term sell fasti 353-1147. 3-516 hole, eleven months old - $210. EDUCATIONAL FLIGHTS can TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON manuscripts, general typing. IBM utilities, own room. No kitchen, summer / fall. Call 355-5549. SP5-517 COMPLETE PA system: two 200 help you find the least expensive 351-8800.0-27-5-31 - 24 years experience. 349-0850. way for getting where you want C-5-31 I M-U 21 8f,er 9:30 pm' 351-4280. 3-517 AKAI Sansui 6X365D. Marantz TU-7500 tuner, 1200 MEN'S 21" THREE Speed. Good watt West Fillmore West Sextet mixer, two EV Shd amplifiers, to go. Phone us Toll - Free at BEFORE YOU fly, call us, College Dual Travel. (800) 223-5569 255-17 351-601 0 for SUMMER SUBLET, cooking, 1218 turntable. Cheap! condition. New gears. $25. horn boxes, two TBI cabinets - THESES, RESUMES, typing and reservations. SP-5-517 |T*0 1 BEDROOM ment- One block basement parking, private bath, own 355-0944. 5520 337-7812. 3-515 each One with Shure two SRO speakers. printing. Reasonable prices. COME RCIAL PRINTING. from entrance, close. 332-2479. TWO Unisphere MONTY'S BAR NEED INFORMATION on remote 351-4116. C-531 Available fall, 3-516 SEWING MACHINE Clearance 20 inch bovs bikes. Good microphone, all connecting white water river ®4-2646. X-5-5-15 condition. cords. 484-2867 before 8 in upper Sale I Brand new portables q\,0 starters. $25 p.m. AND RESTAURANT peninsula. If knowledgable, call $49.95. $5 per month. Large takes the '"i 351-3346 before or 484-6344, after 5 p.m. 5-514 IRENE ORR - THESES, term SUMMER, CLEAN, furnished, Chris 332-6332. 2-514 ■per SUBLET - room Tor~3~ close, kitchen, living room to selection of reconditioned used 3 p.m. 5-5-17 Shrimp and Fish papers, general typing. Formerly with Ann Brown. Call 482-7487 I *'•'285.5-5-17 Spsc,ous and close. share. One available May 19. 351-8154. 5514 machines. Singers, Whites, Necchis, New Homes and "many others." $19.95 to $39.95 ALL TYPES of Prompt Service! OPTICAL optical repairs, Animals ;(><] Pitcher Night (M-W-S) (Very Special Sunday) CAMPING, HIKING seminar. Raupp's is offering a family tent C-531 camping and backpacking client TYPING DONE in my home. 50« Terms. EDWARDS DISCOUNT, 2615 East Luncheon special - $1.50 REGISTERED APPALOOSA - 2 to introduce new and almost DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. new per page up to 10 pages. 40< per year stallion. Black, white campers to the fun of living 1115 North C-5517 page over 10 pages 489-2128. Washington. HURRYI 489-6448. C-3-5-16 UNIVOX ELECTRIC guitar, Les blanket with spots. Will show! 3558522. Evenings, 339-2550. Pool Table Pin Ball Machines in the great outdoors. Classes beginning May 15. For more OR-5-31 SP-5-5-16 information call RAUPP'S Only o few apartments left Paul copy, one Humbucking, 2359 E. Gd. River, Okemos CAMPFITTERS. 484-9401. COMPLETE THESES -~S*r^e~ $130. 663-3016. SP-5-5-17 Discount printing, IBM BORZOI PUPPIES (Russian 5514 typing and binding of 'or fall. In prime locations ELECTROLUX TANK sweeper. Wolfhound). Permanent shots, AKC registered, good pets and DOMINO'S TROWBRIDGE publications. theses, resumes, Across from Service - Deluxe modal, like new. $25. announces the end of campus corner M.A.C. and at special discount prices 393-1510. C-3-516 watchdogs. Parkwood Kennels. Big Red. an the world's largest era. Grand River. Below and Jones _372-3372. X 5-5 14 pizza oven, will be retired this Stationery Shop. Call terminating May 15. RARE electric OLD Gibson flying V guitar. Excellent LABRADOR RETREIVERS. AKC, yellow, 8 weeks old, $100 spring. offers In honor, DOMINO'S a full week of $1.00 off HORSES, WEDDINGS, Portraits. Passport. Application photo*. COPYGRAPH SERVICES 337-1666. C-531 condition, exceptional action. 5 1 7-56 3-2266, after 6 p.m. specials. Watch the State News Compare. Special Summer Rates LUKE $550. Will trade, prefer old 1 Bedroom from $145 Dobro or good acoustic guitar. 5514 daily. 351-7100. 7-517 PHOTOGRAPHY, C-5-31 351-6690 EXPERIENCED Dissertations. IBM (Pica t^g~ • Elite). 484-9869. C-514 REGISTERED 3/4 ARAB yearling FAYANN, 489-0358. C-5-31 2 Bedroom from $160 Don't be TEAC A4010S real • to - reel tape colt. Excellent lines. Best offer. | ACCESS CENTER^ TECHNICAL DRAFTING, yaphs. f.or ^wing, please contact Resident deserted! Check deck. Pioneer SX525 AM/FM 353-1935. 5 514 i f for Human Reproduction Health I charts, diagrams for thesis or other. 353-0954. SP-5516 anagcr at building listed below. out Collingwood stereo receiver. Sony TC8W 8 s Horns sm 1 offers Apartments!! track recorder. Sony 5 vwtt | Abortion - Contraception services! FOR THE BEST service on stereo walkie talkies. 1000 used 8 track equipment see the STEREO BABYSITTING IN •""■"wood 0«. " A,"» » ' 1 Do Ba«C|| St. North Points 1240 HaMett Rd 11I-M7I ♦air conditioned ♦dish washer tape cameras - $1.50 each. Polaroid $5 to $50. Large MAGNOLIA. 8' x 38', 14 mile It226 Lansing Kast Michigan 48S • 3271 I SHOPPE, 543 C-5-31 East Grand River home. •n Logan Jolly my area licensed fenced 23s Delta St. University Terrace 414 Michlein - campus, excellent condition yard, playmates pre «■■■», '"MM 117-0110 *shag carpeting selection of movie cameras and asking $1500. 337-0972. 5-5-17 THE DOMINICANS - educators, schoolers only 393-2697. 5515 ♦unlimited parking projectors. NEW Robyn CB sets, preachers, pastors, missionaries, 351-2011 ♦Plush furniture Sanyo euto stereo systems, Craig FOR ONLY $2,995 counselors. A community of SHARE YOUR experience with erica 27M C. Or. R you can own auto cassette tape decks, Jensen men Services 482-7247. 5517 small claim* H7-1«|f ♦Model Open Daily our cozy 12'x50" mobile home praying and working court litigation auto veakers. MUCH MORE. Must be moved. 6450851 Bood or bad. together, bringing the Word of 351-5706. after 6 call 351-8282 WILCOX STORE. 4854391. C-5-31 SECONDHAND 6458771.5520 the Gospel to the spiritual, intellectual and social needs of ](]*! pm. X-55-14 STUDENT TEACHERS Halsfead Management (behind Zody's • GOLF CLUBS, Haig ultra, used, 2 - MARLETTE 12' bedrooms. Expando, carpeted, x 60'. 2 the world today Write to: Rev. Joseph Payne O.P., 5 Hill House GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and drum pictures now being taken for - Senior on the river!) 9 irons, wedge, best offer. lessons. Private instruction vour 1975 Wolverine in 38A 351-7910 332-6667. X5517 porch, shed. $7500. 882-3646. 5-520 Avenue. New Haven, Conn. 06506. 10-5-14 avialable. MARSHALL MUSIC, Union. Call 351-5292 or stop by 3517830. C 1-514 9 -1 and 2 - 6. 55-17 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 14, |9?4 I Local women's centers to merge Morel mushrooms have popping their little heads throuob the humus of the MSU woodlL been of women in East Lansing since council's decision tonight to for the coming year. Thus, the whether to report rape for the last week. By HARRIET WILKES State News Staff Writer fall. Within two or three weeks, continue or discontinue $125 a month which has been incidents to the police. In a typical year the however, United Ministries in financial assistance to the contributed toward the Modrack said it is very first two center's rent in the past may be weeks of May are the prime Higher Education will center. important for rape victims to time i In an effort to improve discontinue financial assistance "If the city council does not discontinued. Rent costs $225 women counselors to for finding the spongy have morels in community services for to Everywoman's Center. provide funding for the a month. discuss experiences with. dense wooded areas. Black the staff members of Woman's Center, the decision Modrack said city council morels women, The Woman's Center, 547'/2 Some of the other services appear first. They usually women's centers have decided E. Grand River Ave., has would be a good indication thinks the Listening Ear, the offered by the Woman's Center pop 0ut after a warm early to merge by the end of May. depended on the East Lansing that the city does not take Drug Education Center, are divorce, abortion and May rain followed by a sunny day. Everywoman's Center, a City Council to contribute seriously the unique concerns Everywoman's Center and lesbian counseling. Then, as temporary model project of women in the community," Woman's Center have been the blacks become scarce, a partial monthly rent payments In addition to counseling white funded by the United since June 1973. Facing a Leslie Modrack said. Modrack, duplicating services. But, services, the center sponsors morel variety emerges. Ministries in Higher Education, possible cutback in funding, a member of the coordinating Modrack says rape counseling groups called collectives, which The mushrooms in the has worked to service the needs the Woman's Center awaits city committee of the Woman's is a service exclusively offered pictures meet within the center. Among were picked from an Center, said that through by the Woman's Center. these collectives are groups for MSU woodlot by Dane and Jane If5 WHAT'S. combining the energies of City council members were single mothers, self defense, Steel Woman's Center with not available for comment. of Kalamazoo who were women against rape, a women's visiting IMG Everywoman's Center, they Other crisis intervention friends at MSU. film collective and a self - help They found the would be able to respond to centers handle rape cases with the needs of the community a therapeutic approach to group which learns women's biology and about how to morels in a south campus woodlot I better. treatment, while the Woman's near Jolly Road. The biggest Center offers feminist give pelvic self • examinations. mushroom they found was four Regardless of city council's a A communications inches tall and its body was the decision, the two women's approach. The feminist resource centers definitely plan approach, Modrack said, is workshop and a male - female size of a silver dollar. really accepted by the rap group, two collectives to merge since they have Most morel gourmets common goals for serving the community. TTie acceptance is formerly offered by prepare , Even woman's Center, will the fungi for the table by first community, Modrack added. evident in the numerous calls According to Modrack, the Modrack said she receives incorporated into the Woman's splitting them down the middle, Center's programs immediately then soaking them in salt water. Woman's Center sent a from community women. The Women's Center gives after the two centers have proposal requesting that city They can then be fried in butter council continue to fund the support through providing merged. and served alone or with a center next year. women counselors to Files referring women to juicy gynecologists, women steak. Approximately two weeks ago, accompany rape victims to the the center was informed that hospital for examinations. therapists and job placement are among many other services city council did not include the Rape counselors also provide available to the community. center in its budget proposal support while victims decide New employment for campus w By DENISE CRITTENDON processes the part • time exceeding $3.34 per hour will State News Staff Writer student employes on campus require special approval while the personnel office through the student employe Students who dread the handles the regular full • time office. hassle of red tape may find workers. "The minimum rate for their fears eased this Summer According to Jack students working full time this by new employment Shingleton, director of summer will be $2.70 per Placement Services, the new procedures at MSU. hour," he said. Unlike previous years when procedure was instituted, in students working on campus part, because rates change "For one thing, all the full time were processed during the summer and departments will know "students are on the student students are processed in one through the' personnel center for regular staff, students payroll. We thought it office," he said. "Also we can working full time (40 hours a appropriate that they be be more consistent, we think, week) this summer must be processed through the student in the handling and processing processed through the Student employment office instead of of students and maintaining the personnel office." rates with this Employment Office, 110 proper Student Service Bldg. before arrangement." they can start work. Though the policy does not The new policy includes affect the student's rate of pay, A major reason for the both part ■ time students Shingleton said the minimum recent change is to insure rate for the student's job consistency and to eliminate employes, (20 hours or less) and full - time students. classification will be paid to the mixing of students and full Students are not required to be full • time student employes. - time employes within the enrolled during the job period However, he said, pay rates came office, Shingleton said. SN photos/John Russell | but are expected to return as students during fall term. Upon return students must also be employed by the University. WE'VE GOT' 'EM! Students who have completed their academic 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday at 1864 Penobscot Drive, Okemos. Camping MSU Paddle and Racquetball processed for employment equipment, furniture, housewares, but no clothing. Proceeds used for Club will hold an important meeting at 7:30 tonight in 203 through the regular staff Junior League community projects in the Lansing Area. Men's Intramural Bldg. Paddleball personnel center. tournament plans to be finalized. During the academic year, We've got all the hits you want, all the time. And we've The Omega Psi Hh Kraternitywill (more IWH the student employment office on page 11) challenge Alpha Phi Alpha tn a benefit basketball game at 7 p.m. got low prices, too! Other record stores shout about Wednesday in. the main gym of the £★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★: Men's Intramural Bldg. All proceeds their sales on a few labels, for a few days at a time. go to Project Save. Mr. Ljoplakrishna Adiga, a poet GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS We've got low prices on all our albums, every day! and a scholar of the Indian Institute pf Advanced Studies, SIMLA, India, will speak on "India Towards 2000 A.D." at 7:45 p.m. in 101 s NUW AVAILABLE * Stop in and see for yourself! North Kedzie Hall. (Any Quantity) 4 * At * * CAMPUS BOOK STORE MldcWorte) jf Across From The Union 332 - 0877 T 1 EAGLES IN CONCERT BILLY COBHAM CROSSWINDS KING CRIMSON Starless and Bible Black CampuiAtuAicSfop. Across from the Union 332-4616