c. Libraryr — "Michigan State KAST LANSING, MICHIGAN. TCKSDAY. MAY News Insurance Director SENIOR DANCES Make Hay While LAING TO SPEAK Gov. Fitzgerald Will Greet The Sun Shines To Be Main Speaker LISTED MONDAY ........ AT GRADUATION Delegates At First Session At Meet This Week IN CLASS PLANS Colina Warns Students About SrSHHSj MY EXERCISES tii.tiny quant it i.* that the tt.' Coo-mrnremrnt Program Will Of Model League Assembly First Meeting Will Open in Sen¬ jj,n C. Kctcham lo Addrei. Mfeting of Junior Farmers ir. Tardinrss in Celling Fittings rlh'h T'- ' put I B«" H'W Monday ...June 15, Mortar Board Initiates ate Chambers of Capitol at cf Caps and Gowns. j,:: , .., r .mi} in |.' un.t President's Office Announces. 11 O'clock Friday Morning. Gym Thursdajr Night. «t - if the lawn mower had | Reveal Many Interests — i carnival is shaping speaker Chicago dean ann arbor professor ■ST- ART EXHIBITION Argling for Professional Enter¬ tainers; Swingout and Lan¬ irift wus of fertilm r I.t used, an.) d.posited .. Vfn-I.ich |Dr Edwin W. Bishop Named to j [)e|;„r Baccalaureate Ser- All Five Agree That Greatest Thrill Came Duiing Tapping Ceremony Last Friday Morning; Activities Cover All Fields. to speak at banquet Luncheon. Committee Meetings, Jadgin« Contests. tarts, Forums. Let and Demonstrations OPENS IN OLDS tern Night Are Other Class Activities. Ki mill kv l»» Th. | lam es. ?h. Senate • hamln r- of th.- U»rgi» will play for thi< lJsr.Kir.it. M»re |first party ami Nate Fry has \ >ren named as the hand for Ithe party of May 1U. ( feeds j U. OF M. OFFERS ► in • 2 1« through June 1 [theatre announce* at Ann Azl*r • ha- I'rnehant for Art FALK IS NAMED • Ires funds No admicsior* will If mg Of the festival the wamtt on May II Edward Wool! .* currently „ , FOR'39 FROLIC .rk ma rt* .1 at* I It * ill c#, sr.,-, MrKibbm. pal i ' jn r.ifoUift, botany. *ny girt ' "" Katie O'Sbea as dramatized by It Wilrov pre*«dent of die Slu- "7 ■ These arc • mi "*'< w>» G- givrn gmeral arran profeiwor of Zoology. i Elsie Schaufflcr. f but a few ftf th *«*» i dents' OirrttMin Union. Jotin T*>- headed by Broad way C"k»*swork will be held tn the I longest run play on . Forum, find Dale Granger, previ- jdvht: Vinre 4 neeting are: Cyr« i* M or ford of Krllog# consolidated school where ? "Night of January id," playing dent of Student club j and Jane Show |(ahead their tt>mnutt*es and »re pushing Bedford high arts their portion of the work. *-fight, and fancy diving by lecture and class rooms will be i from June 16 through June 2d a- After their introduction U) the Frances Metcaif cf*** Ruth Italia* the Green Splash member* dent, and Meryl P; k* of Rochi-st- , provided K * t e Uent Uiboratry j Ann Arbor. congregation the new couih".! be features of the pro- er high school, set etary j day to assist her in supervising tba Candle*. colored tight*, facilities, will also be available in the same building. members each presented the of¬ ficers of their organizations, and MCGU1RE TO TALK |i«reparatiT.- -ummar achool majr ik atllwr Mr j May I and 9. under the auspices . PatTMh. tar twelve years head thing that ever happened to Centre the general meeting of the Ham? side* the chairman, Yona May, are and for those who have : m will iak* plac* at th« annaul \ Stack or Profrsarr CCrow* lor j of the Vale News, the Harvard the department of public college," vn the way Dr. Charles Economics club tonight flctty Jane Mickey, Elaine Ihnken, »*rrr.i»icn. j banquet cf Uir organization lo Or more complete information | Crimson, and the Daily Prtnce- at the University of Pitta- J. Turck, president, esplained the The meeting, at 7:30, will be and Jean Knight. Hoetesae* are held Thursday renin*. May arzjcrwTveed buB week that famous victory of the "Praying held in the Uttlc Theatre of the society to meet »t 6-30 in the private dining room to spott hirsute attire Joseph B Eastman, federal co~ he red ward reappointment Colonels'' over Harvard's 1921 Home Economics building and is Antha Gel nr. Grace Lou Smith, it Sandy *. of Richard Murphy, open to non-members on payment Beatrice CanfieH. and Peg Gibson. will be a meeting of the L. P Waldo of the English de¬ conch of the debating team, de¬ of ten cent* June Dean, Jean Wilson, Betty AUrrii, N. Y (ACP)-E*M AJ- a®?***® Chemical Society in partment will discu.Ue' and 35c to paid members of Spar- for thi* S Yor* citr. will speak on -Ttvr tan Women's League. air of a century ago. Attraction Ttwory of Sport Shirt*, 75c to |2.00. Hurt's. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Tuesday, May 5, is.Vj In marriage repmient a step 11 JR. Michigan State News in the right direction, but they aren't enough. Loads Hand Hero FARMERS TO MEET FIRST SENIOR DANCE TO BE TOMORROW Sex knowledge must be taught to freshmen. GRIDDLE j THURSDAY AND FRIDAY (Continued from page l» MTe Thursday Night [| (Continued from page 1) class will be graduated June is. Senior year is at least four years too late fo CAKES Column • of forestry, at 8:30 and 10:30 in Colina announced Monday that the average student, not that seniors knnv ilthe forestry building. A demon* caps and gowns are now react-, everything—not by a long way! ! I strution of new farm equipment is will chirp up with the brilliant SENIORS agiwr, Allrrlan find Left About | also stalet for these item, with at the Union desk. he said, "will avoid the "Early fitting usual • ill H. Musselman, professor of run. of misfits' due to the last min¬ statement that "sex instruction is given in r is u possibility usion mipht result ; agricultural engineering, In charge. ute rush.'" At the same freshmen lectures." Yes, but how? The girls "his will Ik- given in the area he stated that the Colina ruling announn lectures should start where they now leave that; The «2n I outh and west of the power plant. on invitations will be made cnjur is eligible *at < Off. Plain language should he used, with an Kent ueky Derby jridge graft- Senior Party tomorrow nig) .• the 500-rnilc by the horticulture de¬ Tom Hamilton. explanation behind Most ... every statement. girls arc popularly sup- ay classic at Indiar partment, in the hort building, and Seek Radio Artists undergraduate students are bluffing when be juniors, when these oftlng but for With plans completed for they pretend adequate knowledge « o tlw privileges of the nditmu of ter Carnival i* physical education progressing ■ aside from Chris whom place in thin ly. Societies have out liner) being inadequate at present, we float plans and are now v.- should la* treated category arc Louise Doherty, seriously. \ Hull. Ilard.v. Kav Wedlock. Eliza- on the production of then instructors with the "intentional fortitude If Colina and Ken lieth lalJcv. !/iui.se UtiU, Marion IXlzorp to put the subject across seriously, without Taylor and He Hlunk successful in their nresr-r. making a joke of it. Two courses dealing directly or indirectly with marriage are given on this campus. Why State? True, they are more or less disguised under the imposing title of "Social Problems of The )ead question linked student the Family" or "Family "Relations" at the Isliam Jones recent WKAR broaden did j most. The fact is that the come to Mulligan State?" In thin br ny Mtudents. Why in and effort to And the rea why atu- Rrn)m„ most popular dents chose Stall- rather than ■fflK-.L college. Jack Darker asked these «|UMrtinn»: , now offered in preparation "Why did you come to Stale, a large school, for marriage are worth while at all, wliv not CLASSIFIED | rather than g» t" a small collcy. give them ttie publicity they deserve? Other 1'erh.tp j "What do you think are the advantages of schools are establishing; classes in marriage < ■ larger school education and making no secret of the fait. I method of capti c "How many students do you think that Why not get modern here atid take the lead j you know 011 Ihe campus?" in preparing our students for success andjm J "All you hav> round and inh "Do you think there is any advantage in happiness in the marriage relations? | knowing a multitude of students, fur.iua-ial A. W. S. is to be commended in its efforts t and cultural reasons?" to instruct the girls. Why not go further and I According to student answers, most of lis Mm the .; i. ! came here herauae we had a brother or a ichangg of opinions betw ( sister or a friend at State. Some were drawn ( liy the beautiful rampus and others by the } ' facilities for education. Still utliera pointed 1 out that "a great institution, stale supported. On Digging Divots I can lie attended at less rust." The advantages seen h> most Slate slu With the golfing proclivities of tin MOTHER'S i dents were two: the small tuition and living student moving into athletic do DAY age | expenses and the corresponding advantage. these days, the question of where I ) mortar ho \rj> girls of an excellent faculty and . educational the clubs without too much financial outlay! •• ii \\»: mam iXterksi i facilities. is a moot one. For that indolent student Quality and distiru t « jl«»m characterize a Lit Most of those interviewed fell that they who must swat pellets at nothing in partic l,l,M knew from 25 to 50 per cent of Ihe atudrnts mann Gift of ular, there is always the collegi . t.' here.. Expressed ill numb, rs. Ibis would rep mi resent iiIh.uI 3,000 individuals, iiielndmg pro- The first step'is t<» pick out aa grassy lav lay CIUII MAW I land Bags J- » feasors and officials.. They saw no advantage diVertly in front of the Horticulture ulture build- build Noun Keiltg in knowing Jisi or students as well as a lirg, or perhaps a tee-off over towards tin I.URUatro i small college student know s bis campus asso Anatomy lab. Tlun, taking out the favorite " dates. club, preferably a mashie or Home Kinulai The interviews disrkisisl some reasons why lofted iron, and dropping a ball into winter gardens a He f fr,')'' aludenta have chown Mate rather than Leather Good a golfing (Hisition, the next step is to face tin ip$ "* smaller college. Mill much is left unexplain- nearest window and lush out vigorously, care There is suitable g. eil ill a survey of more tlmo t.lXKi students. lesMiy, wildly. a Mate has pain.sl a reputation among ml for every mother i The bigger the divot displaced the bigger ,* V* ' leges in seh.tlastie competition ami achieve¬ Libermann's. Die resultant scar in Die turf. Any nth-nip! ment. Many of the professors hen> are lo replace Die divot is to lie frowned upon— SgHj&j t recoguired as authorities 111 Iheir fields. Then not strictly cricket, we might saw lm>. Ihe fisdluill team ha- U-en doing a pretty fair sort of a job these last few seasons ml each w indow brokt -.tl&'U- . There's something ats.ut a winning footlxdl tit vol llllhai lieKhed 4«.H .IfV- team thai gives a ». les-l color and'makos it svt nig.' -fc , . ' an attraction to many wis. would olherwis,. . not lie interested nightly j Most of the Stales in Ihe Union are rep at tho Nt —don't keep it a resented to re. and - ■ are sevrral foreign unv Ion go i Ultes will be held count in- I'm.01 Dhariwal tin- M. S. C. came to fdrictest t T;-f • ' country ten yeals ago Ii lolnpauioll -d e meant ini the trip was Mliha, comic, l.-d with the l.ca "i ine k> nuuiMiuiii, long. grass\, .lo'U'-t.M Making C ' gue of Nation*. secretary of the llrilish t driving ground that is seldom used ' b. w iniiiihtionh I'nfil recently, the Li br«.t belli were here ournanienl golltpn like windowh lino..-, r,n Dr. F«m» oiT St John- breught them over Iroiu atid valuable sod to excavate. Sois!i" and w.» China f< >redueat»»in. S w r. h> i-w M'ltdmg his but in the right pliers.—R. l»t j^js'^hMh -,.v u>yit hi»I » an»l daughter !<• < hunt for Dm (r 'llani rullrgc work V. fuii.u |m*«»ple. then College Seal . Chuicst I how wan (lom China t«h>. A So They Say: major i n the ChirieM army h< WMttt Milt . over in by the government to »ret political m'ien.ee ai Mirhiga hi« mauler.- «he l ost of education should lie tapping. Gold and Silver Rin&s highet fcttate is growing During Nrt\s t»r. William \\ Few, piiMijent of Duk years, more Michigan fi«*hm« l nivtr»it\, oDierwise we build "a race o at {State than at 1 ot M 1 hait-4 tiutateti and somelone* half-resp»»ctab|i called it a upstate has gn panhandlers, and at the worst to Univer kity |»io|ki fast.— It. A. V nod i> still gaining bi'iuls and even crintitUils." ordinary vaga Compacts, Charms, "tt imiiiati-* that out tninvly liruaU-mitnlrd and doe, not Iwlievt- xtudent l.niv i* ex. Knives, Cigarette Cases .11zest because PRESENTING Education lor Marriage in flu- vitevlivehns* of ntoli ik-nuni.trnUoit " Hftmgh to h#vt klaj. tt It. liraham. MoiiUna Stair it. I). T. A. IV. S. i- contemplating * whorl senes t. Itcad. explain-, why It. O. T. pronipu a go) it rt.d grain attendance of lecture* on m-x and marriage for senior row- 4U per cent above normal to despatch a picture ot herself, on April a brief while wumw—un effort in provide Mime liyxlru.- bathing mil.i tiofy in pre|iaratinn for one of the moot im- "College today i* Minn-thing like a AT.wire. chain .Uy »btKiimiil. Uirii wc in>(*- 11 g O Fek Banners with Seal Jiurtant step* in life driiif store which in »pite of the many in- Admittedly inadequate for the purpo*c in time and content. On* mud repreacnl but curaion* into otiter mervhandiaintt field* con- tinuea to »ell a few drugs." Albert Uritt, For Your Sorority and and Mono&ram a gesture. a la>t minute one at that, in giving present of Knox college, lllinoU. drops Fraternity- I'arfie* what four year* of wo-called education hue word of crilirism. M failed to provide. Why not a real course in marriage- for "The answer of the old school of economies BILL BOELL'S DETROIT U. OF D Michigan State men and women ? Why not isn't the one. There must he something Same Price Policy admit that the rauxe of failure in marriage la ignorance- of fact*, which, while compara¬ elm-, so i* it you young we've got to go on searching. Now people who must find vie ORCHESTRA Dctivtt Phone, Lenox Mao as Coral Gables State CoUege Book Store tively simple in themselves, are rarely treat- j answer." Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt speak; ed frankly. E*»t Laming Phone, 3-B603 I her mind to lliOO N. Y. U. students. Tuesday. May 5. 1036 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS CHANGED LINEUP MEETS YPSI HERE THURSDAY Trackmen Face Jesse Owens Saturday In South Bend hobs Switches Team. To Gain Additional Varsity to Oppose GOLFERS LOSE Bach man .Strategy In Spring Drills Power at the Plate Irish and Buckeyes SECOND MATCH Warren Walter.. Sophomore 'K>' In Triangular Meet TO NORMALITES Southpaw. Named to Pitch; ^ ■ num.. a * i Huroni. Hold Win Over II. dorw • wind Tom B»\uv! arH Zimmrrm.-m Spartan freshmen Open Set ion ^ Tay|of ^ | B> At. TIIKII.KK I in center, but Friday. Travel,ng to Sag,. drick|0n Win Kai00< naw Laitern High. a| | There'll be chaw* mail.— <"»• d'"c i Thffte Spartan.-, anything s' M'( lit Mil II Ilv C(|:OIUil. MAaKIN | lull slujrifer- in three Mien' v». v. .. I home khiiich. will tar practical-1 thrrf, .. It the weather man permit - Michigan .State's vmvity am ly a strange nine Thurmhiy tbrt.ug,. Tn jfreshman track teams hot! afternoon when Michiiran wrr. t«» m « will see action thi* wwk-emi State Nermal Collefro sends its K ihm t.. tnu !That is, we repeat., it th. | weather Losses are kimi nine to College Field for the ^'('t;r hearted. i( Both Irani- u.-r. »u|>| Introducing Tom Brand, OHIO INVASION State's Leading Golfer FACES NETTERS Win. We.t Virginia State Amateur Title and Runner-up to Spartan( Trai, We.tern St.te .a Pennsylvania Title. ^ ^ Po||ponfmrn, #f j Doubles Until May 30. MOTHER Talking It Over 1 luul a gentle mother. I w,«dt sh» wc h< HHKht Kive her a box of my vftocolntt'S* 1 tr H< IIAKKt Ml* MM! mm hi he proud and' pleased. Kent em her Mather an .Mathers* Day Ten Out* Will liner l^wtage LAMB CANDY SHOP Arrows From hUtr Tlieilir M. S.C. SHOE SHOP SPECIAL THIS WEEK Men's Rubber Heels 29c j THIS WEEK .N GAMLS iiBowiing, S If Voti Haven't Tried- Try It Now Ladies' Heel Lifts 19c ■i Everybody's All Kind, of Suede and White :■ liowlinit SHOE CLEANER i RAINBOW ■; RECREATION 221 E. Grand River J I-AMEN MKI.COMK - Funny. wn t it. that U». . .... . rt I"" ' •' ' *' 1 1" ~ ' from Ann Arbor should la* ... t . Thursday WfM: aivl yaM7giN O.' NtrfTi*. * »••«•»? i^lfUacK inU> tfeapv *o *• j *irul fiiAte Ij+itw Wte ■•r tl U" able to rump aiound urvd<7»uind \hw Tr*r. lit#mi ( *<,uMnwith Jc-vim Owph sr.- if M.tiugan stadium next UIJ"* «^it, j..a'. r. s e. »' piwir.m-i ft* itrfsiisu »uhi' ohit» stat we hope that knee wilt . -jr.t' ftoii* 1 pot>y 1 whipptn-l mu:Ljgar .in a dust irw* fa* It wtfl help a lot when the 1 gcntiai rnarut*'f i j ^#1 wewk*cmi Chart* tU< i ISHAM JONES . . * tor . Linns, Le» • txret- m!n.«r suit - thAt just two a*o: ^ Wtm&i o( the thre w 1 go to*1 past wcwk iuukimi j «rch« (t'liutui of U*r ftp,tog Irat.'-- a pos.t»Di' nk tor he te*m i tflK acMiur Johnny Pmgk* »m fr>r tlw all-auif f xAbaii a, sold*-!*' FeW. Scptcmo* |pACk . Itctr Ann Arbor on crutch* nut states that when Sut AND HIS ORCHESTRA **■ Kdbamen almost saw some [••whs Saturday They were Mtfhsgan »« tied for ti.") Ten baseball lead at present Jmctts the Wolverines Uut fall tet'iad the walls of the Jackson Dkt anybody else notice the it- j **s ready to play oft a |snu semblance between Kuti JCuhm repot W out vf Ann Arbor are - U* tune representing Uie the bounding half-back and out-j to frkt*. About the time they got fielder. and Goose Go*lir». the pe;- j ve her!" and started at THE DELLS &hfc.of it—but heard khout it Red Cedar. Lanatn* Countir Club. I dropped their opener, 3 to t, Wor.- we aod wundrrsd just what Glcvunoor and the other, around d*>. but look prorufcrw ... the Mother's * 00 ^ situation would have been lown See ,uu out at one or an-jSpartan tracker, are looking lor had really run amucfa. other cl the.e 100,1 a.v [Plenty of troub> Saturday in Day TScai o^ly had to go through alietnoon now. .their tr tang"Jar meet with Otnc HBHHHHIHHHHHHBHHIHI Tuesday, May 5. 193$ MTCOT0AN STATE NEWS Page Four Officers Chosen f — •.= Seven Initialed , ..... j —At the— Log of a Loggers' Ball At Society Meet | By Vet Society BULL||;TINj * STATE * E. S. Weiiner Acts as Toast- £, And Other Society Events, Past and Future. Alpha Epiilon Mu Holds Annual :»j master at Banquet Paul Btinyan. Among other celebrities, was present at the Fores Elrrtion of Officers in Union Cafeteria. THEATER Last Wetk. Shindig Saturday night . also his equally famous blue ox . pvefryonr had to "bend down, sister" In get under the log the I ■ , , lU'KIINKKIlAV AMI Tllt'KSDAV I Alpha Epsllon Mu. men, hop-I |v, w|lh Frin. nrnry music suciety, held Pa an- |rh||( Tnn, ullll | , "Petticoat Fever "HOItEKT MONTGOMERY K MVItNA I.tlY mx ith held by Hirwh. portr (SHU I - .WPriNMIJAY AND TllfRSIlAV xiburn. Pe¬ or Moim-o; JefTe MARTIN MOONEY, CRACK REPORTER nt. J v. i was! WENT TO JAIL-: owing wer. pr i*o i Poetry Winners Compete Friday j Buy Your Hamilton and Meyrr to Enter | Mother's Day i State Cortest in Alhion ! Friday. Flowers at the Collegiate Flower Shop Mi,l.i,. May 8. jI 111 Allied Kiud phone 37«l (t toon pound bophtad of U'itf tofhJUQ . tvhals happening in these 40 houses To ,.«#f —the curing and ageing of I cat tobacco, r a m«.i that's what's going on. Saturday Thousands of hogsheads of mild ripe tobacco arc under these roofs... just lying here ageing and sweetening and mellow¬ ing for Chesterfield cigarettes. Like Rip Van Winkle, they ship—the tobtiaos getting mellower and milder for the cigarette that Satisfies. 4 wlU entertain their date* at a buf¬ fet supper. Sunday, May 17 I'lan* Swn in Our fui this affair and the spring term party are untiei the direction of BKACII 81101* Mary Luther, mn-iai thou man Turquoise Dusty I'ink Bahama vncrr enjoyed Sunday evening by IU*I members*of Practice House No. 4. Sites 34 to 38 I*i Kappa Phi - The Detroit alumni held a party at the Detroit-Leland hotel last Saturday night, Florence Howes, St Johns, w a week-end guest at the house. lie ft vie {lop