Plants and humans Plants can affect people By student couple who bickered as they walked, PAT NARDI until they reached the botanical gardens. Then they left the gardens holding hands. "We act a A survey laken on one wing of a residence little differently in beautiful surroundings," hall floor revealed that students had an average Carew said. "The gardens have a subduing of 3.4 plants per room. Hie psychological impact on us, almost like a church." reasons why people grow plants are evident: Sanford remarked, "We have very little litter "They look pretty," "I feel as if I'm problems in the gardens. The trash barrels are accomplishing something" and "I feel like a mother" were frequent comments from plant usually full out here." Plants seem to reduce crime, too, Sandord owners. said. He told of the flower competition where Besides these psychological rewards, people in Harlem grow flowers on vacant lots. however, MSU instructor in horticulture David Sanford said plants provide numerous "Everything mushroomed," Sanford said. "Vandalism went down and people started environmental services, such as absorbing painting their houses. We like to credit it to the pollution, reducing noise and acting as both insulators and air conditioners. plants." Besides obviously cutting down wind and In addition, plants can also be used for erosion, plants also reduce noise pollution, therapy in institutions, and they seem to reduce Sandord said. Studies have shown that trees litter and crime, Sanford said. "Plants do so much for us, yet we really take along the banks of highways significantly cut down on traffic noise. them for granted," he said. Certain plants also absorb air pollution and According to Sanford, MSU is one of only send the dirt back into the ground. Sanford said two or three universities in the nation that more research should be done to find which offers plant therapy as a major. MSU therapists work in cooperation with the state hospital in plants do this best Pontiac. Therapists are also used at Jackson An air conditioning effect is often produced prison and various homes for the aged. by plants in the summer. Sanford pointed out "It makes the people feel as if they are that it is often degrees cooler under a shade tree. Grass also cools the air when dew evaporates accomplishing something if they can see a plant off of it. The failure to do this is a major they grew tum from a seed to a flower," Sanford said. "It gives them something to live problem with Tartan Turf. Football players for. Therapists often tell how a smile comes to often complain of the heat emerging from the artificial turf, so the turf is often hosed with their faces and they get really excited about water before a game. working with plants." Interior landscaping is a fairly new art using Plants also insulate homes in the winter, Sanford explained. They create dead air space plants, Sandord said. Offices are using large between them and the house, and this can plants instead of room partitions. Though the reduce heating costs. study needs more work, he said, it seems people in an office with plants "respond better, are "We are coming to understand that plants are calmer and not as easily upset" as those in essential for something more than just food and offices without plants. wood. People need plants around them. I think "Some people release tension by gardening. I people are becoming aware of the need for know, I do." Sanford said. plants to get away from the sterile atmosphere of the city. We need more parks where people An example of how plants can affect can just sit down. People just naturally people's attitudes was given by John Carew, chairman of the Horticulture Dept. He saw a congregate around trees," Sanford said. c Can talking to plants The taller plant on the right was grown by a Wonders Hail make them grow ? student from an popular philodendron. orange seed. The smaller plant is the thoughts," Carew added. beautiful blooms, in comparison By PAT NARDI In one chapter of the book with the droopy ones in the "The Secret Life of Plants" by other box. Further questioning Do you talk to your plants Tompkins and Bird, the story revealed that the woman kept or play Beethoven's Ninth to of Cleve Backster is related. her prayed-over plants on the help them grow? If you do, Backster is the lie - .detector windowsill in the sunlight expert of a Times Square while the other plants rested you're not alone. Some people on top of the piano. The plants believe plants are so sensitive police school who attached his to human beings that they can lie detector to his potted plant were kept far apart "so the actually read minds. An MSU and discovered that it was prayers wouldn't spill over into "reacting" to his thoughts, the other box" the woman professor, however, has little faith in his belief. even when he was far away. explained. John Carew, chairman of the Unfortunately, no scientist Some people credit sound Horticulture Dept., said, "We could duplicate Backster's waves with the ability to make a just don't credit plants with results. Backster explained that plant thrive and subsequently having a brain. We do not the scientists did not believe grow plants on top of a radio. believe that plants are able to and were hostile, causing the Carew admits "there are respond to thoughts — actions, plant to "faint." things we do not know about Carew rejects this "it won't the influence of sound waves," yes. We know that plants are work unless you have faith" but he added that the plants very responsive to changes in their environment. argument because it is not sitting on top of the radio were "We observed that people scientific. probably doing well because of the heat generated from it who talk and sing to plants and "The question is, are these carry on conversations are observations valid if you can Even though few people offer reproduceable evidence usually the same people who not reproduce them? We tend make sure that they are well to look for an alternate to back up their plant stories, Carew said he keeps an open watered, in the sunlight and explanation," Carew said. well cared for," he said. One woman told Carew that mind about their claims. "Plants respond well to she scientifically tested the "If talking or praying to Photo by Bob Kaye tender loving care but we have power of prayer over two your plants helps them grow, Talk to this lonely philodendron, a favorite of plant lovers not seen evidence that they boxes of plants, and the box then I advise you to keep on because it grows fast and can stand a lot of abuse. Some respond to tender loving she prayed over sported doing it!" he said. believe talking to their plants can help them. Try it! Wednesday, May 15, |974 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Need for By PAT NARDI State News Staff Writer guarded lots viewed It would cost over $10,000 a year at minimum wages to guard one lot 24 hours a day, Zutaut said. " I think that if you campus, then they ought to have to pay money to keep your car reimburse students whose cars have some type of insurance get vandalized." t! Besides paying the guards, fencing around the lots would have Should the University supply guards in student parking lots? to be paid for and heated huts with toilets would have to be built Boatner said he doesn't want a guard because that would cau» So far this term, 35 cases of automobile vandalism were for the attendants. Prices for student parking stickers would then the price of a parking sticker to go way up. reported on campus, and 15 of these resulted in arrests. shoot up to well over $20 yearly, Zutaut said. Boatner said that students with cars on campus have Captain Ferman Badgiey of the Dept. of Public Safety said "Even with an attendant in the lot and a fence around the no choice malicious destructions have been up this year. but to park in the designated University lots and therefore the White House denies gift misuse When vandalism strikes many students have found, to their place you would have vandalism. The attendant could fall asleep University should pay for any damage to student cars which or be distracted by someone talking to him," he said. occur while they are parked in those lots. dismay, that their stolen tape decks and busted windshields are Zutaut said he would prefer having closed circuit cameras in The White House said Tuesday there is nothing not covered by their insurance company. A few of these students each lot, but a study done about a year ago indicated that have suggested the University supply guards in the lots. improper about First Lady Patricia Nixon wearing Fences needed operation would be much too costly. $52,400 in jewelry given to her by Saudi Arabian King "TTie initial investment alone would be $100,000," he said. Robert Alexander, 612 E. Holden Hall, senior, would like to Faisal as a gift to the American people. The cameras would be more effective than guards, Zutaut said, see the University put up fencing around the lot and hire guards because they could zoom in on someone who looked suspicious Deputy Press Secretary Gerald Warren said a to cut back on vandalism. copyrighted story by columnist Maxine Cheshire Tuesday "manufactured this situation in a sensational way" and "by inference cast the First Family in a bad "1 think the University has a certain responsibility to protect student cars. Right now we only pay $6 a year to I'd be willing to pay $15 to $20 a year if they would park in F lot. get a guard while an see attendant would have to walk all the way up to him to what he was doing. The person who monitors the camera could dispatch a police car to the scene very quickly if he saw cmnrrnenT:i light." The story said the gift was worn by Mrs. Nixon for and put up some fencing." Alexander's car suffered $30 damage in a vandalizing spree on evidence of foul play. Another student who Gas siphoned would like to see the University protect \q CHRisnan science April 24 that wrecked radio antennas, wiper blades and mirrors on student cars is Bradley Nicholas, 610 E. Holden Hall, junior. nearly two years before being turned over to the "gift 14 cars. Gasoline was siphoned from Nicholas' tank in F lot winter term. unit," an office set up to handle gifts received by the First Family that they cannot keep after the President leaves office. Alexander said he because he has a "I know the cops are didn't bother to call his insurance company $50 deductible policy. Unlocked cars doing the best they can but they are "It seems like something should be done," Nicholas said. He said he would be willing to pay up to $12 a year if the University would hire guards. QPPBQQCH■" by * After the siphoning incident, Nicholas said he installed a probably understaffed and can't cover all the lots. I'm sure Firm makes fusion breakthrough everyone with a car has to think twice about whether they want tapering spring in his gas tank which allows service station attendants to put gas ill his tank, but won't accommodate a Rom LinniqCSlL to park their car out there. My mind would rest a lot easier when I go to sleep at night knowing nothing would happen to my car," siphoning hose. Campus insurance l UJea^^ Arbor firm announced Monday that its An Ann scientists, using powerful laser beams, have taken a he said. "I would never dare to park a new car in those lots and I would Derryle Boatner, 627 N. Wonders Hall, sophomore, whose HQM.15 major step toward harnessing the hydrogen bomb fusion never keep a tape deck in my car." Alexander said he knows some people who keep their car doors windshield was bashed in last fall in F lot, thinks the University should offer insurance for students who park on campus. \ 12=50 .✓JFVHqII reaction to generate electricity. unlocked in F lot because they would rather have the car's The announcement came from KMS Industries Inc., contents stolen than have their windows bashed in an attempt by which said the development had been achieved by someone to get in the car. scientists of its principal subsidiary, KMS Fusion Inc. Costs high {faqopb The firm quoted Henry J. Gomberg, president of Major Adam Zutaut of the Dept. of Public Safety said it would not be financially feasible to hire guards for every parking lot on KMS Fusion, as saying that the new research campus. development also leads toward the direct generation of additional hydrogen from the same process. This could further lead to the production hydrocarbon fuels such as methane, the announcement said. Interviewing? Big Tops . . a circus full of Kennedy shootings discussed fashion from L. A. Station Questions regarding the assassinations of President Look As Sharp John F. Kennedy and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy were raised in two separate hearings this week. $14 and $18 In Los Angeles, evidence showing that Sirhan Sirhan As You Are! may not have acted alone in the 1968 murder of Sen. Lace front big top with patch pockets in red/white or Kennedy was presented by a New York criminologist. navy/white ticking. S - M - L $18. Herbert MacDonell testified Monday that photographs of grooves in bullets removed from Kennedy and a Calico print big top with ric - rac detailing at neck and cuffs. In wounded newsman show more than one gun may have navy with red and yellow trim. S - M - L $14. been fired at the time. In Washington, the Supreme Court Tuesday upheld a Junior Sportswear, second floor Downtown, Meridian lower court ruling keeping spectrograph^ analyses of Mall, Lansing Mall and Westwood Mall, Jackson bullets removed from President Kennedy in 1963 secret. Writer Harold Weisberg sought to open the test in an attempt to disprove that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the murder. Weisberg maintained that the Freedom Marty's can help of Information Act barred the FBI from keeping the test file secret. you make the impression you'd want left behind. May is Candidate hints of general strike Sportswear The opposition coalition confronting President Month Joacquin Balaguer in Thursday's presidential election in the Dominican Republic hinted Monday night that register for there could be a general strike if the government does not a free swimsuit revoke new voting regulations. MEN'S FASHION CLOTHING Emilio L. Fernandez, an official of the Revolutionary at any Knapp s party, objected to new rules that will allow voters to store cast ballots at any polling place. He said the party has information that the Balaguer government possesses 400,000 false election identification cards that it will use to commit a "massive fraud" in Thursday's election. China's premier avoids meetings Pleading old age and poor health, Premier Chou En-lai has avoided various state functions in Peking at which he would have routinely appeared. His absences at various meetings are viewed by American analysts as part of a carefully planned effort to prepare the Chinese people and the world for the 76 - year - old leader's withdrawal from active direction of the Chinese government. Chou is the only Communists, led by Mao Tse premier China has had since the - Tung, took power in m (MM IS) wm Wm 1949. Milk co-op president denies cteal The president of the American Milk Producers Inc. V^raightoffrom 3S? the sue- his last album has denied under oath that Herbert W. Kalmbach told cess him an antitrust suit against the dairy cooperative would and the fantastic reaction to his hit single, "Why be dropped if the co-op contributed $300,000 to Me," it's the great voice President Nixon's re - election campaign. and songs of Kris Kristof- But co-op President John Butterbrodt did concede ferson on his new album, Tuesday that two cooperative representatives met with "Spooky Lady's Sideshow." Kalmbach, President Nixon's personal secretary at that Kris is one of country's time, and discussed campaign contributions. greatest writer/perform¬ Investigators have been looking into allegations that ers, and his new songs like "I May Smoke Too Much" political contributions from large milk cooperatives and "Same Old Song" are influenced President Nixon's decision to raise milk taking the country by prices in March 1971. storm. |) Court ruling may free over 600 KRIS KRISTOFFERSON AND THE "SPOOKY LADY'S SIDESHOW" Federal prosecutors throughout the country reacted with dismay and anger to Monday's Supreme Court ON MONUMENT RECORDS AND TAPES Distributed by Columbia/Epic Records decision that could result in the dismissal of hundreds of cases based on illegal wiretaps. The court ruled that 60 cases, involving 626 1 E.GRAND RIVER individuals, were based on wiretaps that were not 351-8460 properly authorized. The ruling will probably have its greatest impact on HOVRS: Detroit, where organized crime leader Lawrence Less MONDAY - FRIDAY 9:30 - 9:00 PM said it might affect 20 indictments covering 234 SATURDAY 9:30- 6:00 PM individuals. SUNDAY NOON-6:00PM Compiled by Steve Repko and Deni Martin Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 15, 1974 3 Chicago Dems talk of Daley replacementBy F. RICHARD CICCONE Associated Press Writer thought of a successor, not Rostenkowski, who has a Hall which has existed for 40 Another black leader, E. even when Daley went to the County Democratic Central strong political base on years. Duke McNeil, assessed an might support as a mayoral CHICAGO — For the first hospital May 6 and his Chicago's Northwest Side, is If Committee, the job Daley candidate Richard M. Daley, a time in 20 years, condition was first described Daley should decide election without Daley. "If seized in 1953, paving his Democrats as among those once considered against seeking a sixth term, way state senator and his eldest son. a minor illness. Daley's out of the picture and to national political are talking about a successor to as heir to Daley. Alderman William Singer could we have a race between men But most of the party elders Mayor Richard J. Daley. Now, with the prospect of Others who could have prominence. who have followed Daley to gain a leg up on other like Hartigan, Singer and The disclosure Daley, who will be 72 a If Daley's health forced him political for Monday that support include Lt. Gov. Neil potential successors. An black that's victory two Daley's current hospital Wednesday, being absent from Hartigan, whom Daley independent who has opposed . . . a new ball to give up both jobs, party decades are thinking along the stay City Hall for several weeks and game. They'd all be lacking the leaders might divide the power resulted from a mild stroke handpicked for the office; lines expressed by Alderman and a Daley in the past, Singer dominance of a Daley." and create a split in Democrat that the mayor will mayoral election next year, Thomas Vito Marzullo, who said, "If I undergo Tully, who recently declared his candidacy for the surgery in the Democrats are thinking Equally important as the leadership which Daley held know Dick Daley, hell be back near future to won nomination to the Democratic mayoral mayor's prevent seriously about a successor to post is the inviolate. If Daley retained the in harness again as soon as he a recurrence has sent powerful assessor's post with nomination in September and shivers of ambition the man who has controlled chairmanship of the Cook chairman's post, however, he through Daley's blessing; Roman C. has been gets out of the hospital.'' several Democrats. But and kept together a political campaigning since. inone machine long after those in Pucinski, who followed Daley's Another factor that could is openly saying so. wishes and ruffle Democrats would be the other cities collapsed. gave up a Since Daley took comfortable U.S. House seat to command Rep. Daniel Rostenkowski, candidacy of a black in the THE of the Democratic party in the mayor' unsuccessfully challenge Sen. February mayoral primary. Chicago more than 20 years long - time voice Charles H. Percy, R - III., in One who may run is state Sen. ago, there have among Illinois Democratic 1972 and George Dunne, been no Richard Newhouse, who congressmen, said Tuesday, said, challenges to his reign president of the Cook County "I don't want, to vulturize over DISCOUNT as mayor "We've got to start more Board of and few to his Commissioners, who leadership. No actively grooming a successor Daley's problems. I want to Daley one breathed aloud the was once considered the prime face the strongest there is if I for whenever one is needed." heir to the Irish grip on City STORE Milliken urges action on slums WHERE By PAT NARDI varied housing for people of all Change in the cities is State News Gov. Staff Writer Milliken said Tuesday income categories," he said. "Above establish a sense of all, we must safety and possible, Milliken said, but it will take both individual effort money and Milliken moves in said aggressive transportation — especially in mass transit - he said. has Milliken said revenue sharing been one of the most YOUR . city problems are the on the part of have also helped cities. He B0St important problems flicting the nation. The luncheon speech in the security in must be made as they our are cities. Our cities as by day safe - by night which city residents. Some progress has been spoke of the great importance of getting people quickly and important efforts in behalf of cities. Revenue sharing has increased state aid to ciites by DOLLAR unfortunately, is not now safe made in cities in the areas of cheaply from place to place. 85 per cent, he said. Uiion ballroom was sponsored k, the College of Urban Development. Milliken cited enough. "How can there be a good life in the cities when beautification, transportation and housing, he said. in The governor said financing city housing has been "truly remarkable." progress SALE DAYS THRU SUNDAY BUYS need to reduce crime and people "Frankly, I've been very HAPPINESS MORE! are affraid to "We know that not IS A go out on the impressed by what is going on only re leautify the cities in an effort we providing homes for people STATE NEWS Spartan Shopping a streets? How can there be in Detroit any under Mayor , make cities "cultural hope for the cities when the Coleman who could not otherwise CLASSIFIED magnets." Young's new afford them, but that we are AD! 355-8255 Center only sense of excitement or administration. His efforts to "The shame of our ghettos adventure is the grim games creating an economic impact," WE HONOR make the police department a 920 Trowbridge ujould receive our first people play to avoid muggers more integral part of the Uority. We do not have or rapists?" he asked. Milliken community and his current pzed cities where rats live said he doubts there will be drive to clean up the litter The State News is i ublished by the students ol Micnigan State by side with people. The by any dramatic advances in University every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms. Ls'must be cleared away, stimulating community pride Mondays. Wednesday, and Fridays during Summer Term, and a sp' cial curing the ills of cities until in a tough - minded and VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON bd not to be replaced by Welcome Week edition is published in September Subscription rate is public confidence is restored in pragmatic approach are only tments for the rich and government and some of the initiatives which Second class postage paid at East Lansing public .n.:, . litorial and jvealthy. They must be institutions. He said the he has launched to harness the -business offices at 345 Student Services 111 University. Kast Lansing. Michigan. 48824. '.ic'ligan State Polaroid 108 Sylvania placed by good, attractive, Watergate transcripts of the most effective power for the tapes have a very depressing revitalization of the cities - PHONES Color Film Flashcubes effect on those who read them. that is the people themselves." REG. 4.19 3's -REG. 1.09 Milliken signs Classified Ads <*77 73c Display Advertising Business Office [burial measure Photographic POSITIONS AVAILABLE Good Only At Dot Discount Stores. Good Thru 5-19-74. I Legislation liberalizing Eligibility requirements for ■county payment of burial TO ALL STUDENTS VALUABLE COUPON I VALUABLE COUPON Expenses for honorably barged veterans was signed kto Hillikcn. law today by Gov. IN MSU RESIDENCE HALLS ATTENTION! - * Sheer Waist Fireside White rThe bill permits counties to FALL TERM Panty Hose 1 Marshmallows ly S300 for the burial of I OUR OWN-REG. 794 :L J POUND-REG. 39c biorably discharged veterans |£/Vo.LIMIT3810 | M b their spouses if the total 39- IT S g * LIMIT plate at the time of death did * exceed leurrent S25.000. law, the llowance applies only if the Under burial . Campus Radio at Michigan State University is the students. At present the Board of Directors at the Network has two vacant seats for Members • at - run by STUDENT 2 I | w Good Only mm M At Dot Discount Stores. Good Thru 5-19-74. 2 Large. The number of hours required are few and Jflite does not exceed |l5.000. meetings are usually two or more weeks apart. Stop by Room 8, Student Services Building (in the basement) any afternoon and ask the secretary for an TEACHERS VALUABLE COUPON II VALUABLE COUPON application and information. If you have a question, For Imperial Danish Glamour T.V. call 34414 in the afternoon. Deadline for petition one week only Cookies submittal is Tuesday, May 21, 1974 at 4:30 p.m. POUND-REG. 99c Fray Fables May 13-17 LIMIT Good Only At Dot Discount I open Get Your Pictures Taken Stores. Good Thru 5-19-74. thursday and friday until for the VALUABLE COUPON ABLE COUPON 19J5 Yearbook Duracell Rm 36A Union 353-5292 Batteries ? 2 PACK-REG. 1.58 FACULTY VIEWPOINT 97 Good Only At Dot Discount 2-Packs If you are a faculty member at MSU, you will be taking a Stores Good Thru 5-19-74. salary cut unless your raise this summer is 10% or better. Climbing fuel and food prices pushed to a 12-month record ending in February - a 10% hike in the cost of living, the biggest jump since 1948. During the same 12-month period, VALUABLE COUPON workers lost 4.5% in spending power, the largest such drop since the goernment started keeping statistics on worker spending power in 1964. The Administration concedes an inflation rate of at least 7% this year and the Department of ^s0Hard Remover As Nails lost Wonderful Agriculture predicts another 12 percent jump in food prices. Virtually all of Michigan's public utilities are now 4 oz. REG. 49 arisen recently. off as a psychological casualty of the The discomfort be The major determinant of body hair and may be edited for eoncis<■ occurrence. can What is the cause of the pain, and distribution and appearance is genetic. 01 as possible appear in print. prewomen's liberation area? prevented by ejaculating before the pain All letters should he typed on 65 to fit more letters on the /W'-J L Women have always asked men for possible consequences, and what action begins or before it becomes severe. the changes which begin at puberty, the dates though the language and form of the would you suggest I take? Ejaculation after the pain has been present appearance of hair on the chest and body - space lines and triple - spaced. No unsigned letters request can be quite subtle. If a woman With sexual excitement there is for awhile is much less effective in is the slowest and latest to develop. Body Letters must be signed and include accepted. were to use an approach that she felt increased production of various secretions relieving the discomfort. hair often continues to increase in amount comfortable with, which might not be a which make up semen and increased blood The recent onset of the problem leads and distribution into the 20s. Micliigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 15, 1974 5 Intramural Church's view loses in Italy divorce vote says expans FROM WIRE SERVICES The outcome of the referendum was also a stinging rebuff to the Christian ROME - The overwhelming defeat of Democrats, Italy's dominant party since necessary soon the Vatican's campaign for repeal of the World War II, and its secretary • general, Italian divorce law spurred a drive today former Premier Amintore Fanfani, who to end the privileged status of the Roman led the party fight against the divorce law. Catholic Church in Italy. The campaign divided Premier Mariano By DAVE ADLER If and when Despite a vigorous, two - month Rumor's center left coalition government expansion or a new - State News Stiff Writer building is begun, payment for the campaign by Italy's bishops, most of its and promised new stresses and strains for new facility would probably come through a 190,000 priests and nuns, and the it in the future. The three smaller parties Mirris Beeman, director of intramural Vatican's political allies in the Christian . L told COGS Sunday night that rise in tuition, according to Beeman. Democratic party, Italians voted 3 - 2 in a in the coalition — the Socialists, creased use of present intramural "The University of Democratic Socialists and Republicans - Michigan, Central referendum Sunday and Monday to retain ■L has escalated to a point where Michigan and other schools around the the divorce law that has been onthe books were for divorce, along with the -sion and possibly another intramural state that have increased Communists. The Christian Democrats and facilities, have only since 1970. the Vatican were supported only necessity. gone to students for financial by the ■ gare a support," Beeman said "But at the As soon as the results neo - Fascists of the Italian Social moment, all plans were known, *rhe ' university has arrived at a point are up in the air." anticlerical groups announced a Movement, whose backing is usually there is a greater need for In other nationwide drive to collect signatures on a considered an embarrassment. action, COGS approved the " » Beeman told the graduate The budget for 1974 75, presented by Peter - petition calling for a referendum on all swing to the left that has emerged ■mis. "Tin1 increase in use primarily laws from the referendum is expected to Burke, treasurer,and allocated $49.95 to the giving the Church a special position. "ted due to the increase in women Gypsy Scholar, a graduate student literary increase pressure for quick and thorough patjng in activities the last three or publication. One such law stipulates that "the social reforms. Organized labor is expected years," Beeman said. The council also showed Roman Catholic, Apostolic religion is the to play a decisive part in this stage. approval of the only religion of the state." Others give tax Top leaders of the labor unions toman said that present intramural are Dutton Report by a straw exemptions and other privileges to scheduled to meet with Premier Mariano vote of 12 6. =0S which were built in 1959 for an • If approved by the agencies of the Church and Vatican Rumor to discuss the fight against "bnent of 20,000, were sufficient until University the report would change MSU's employes. inflation and the need for social reforms. but after that time became present quarter system to the semester plan. The Italian Bishops' Conference The trade unions and the left - wing Tuesday said they deplored the victory of ,.^'facilities, at that time, held up in COGS President George Sperich the pro divorce forces in the nationwide parties that back them are expected to inaugurate a new tough line, and this may if somebody wanted a handball court announced the appointment of John referendum, but said the church would spell trouble for the two month old whatever, they could get it sometime Hitchcock to fill one of the three - • openings show "due respect" for the will of the Rumor cabinet. day," Beeman said. on the Academic Council. Hitchcock will majority. The government, Rumor's fifth, has serve for the remainder AP of spring term. Wirephoto The bishops called on all church 3ut 10 years later, with the doubled Proponents of divorce gathered Monday been all but paralyzed by the campaign for ment of the University and the , The next meeting of COGS will be June celebrate their victory in evening in Rome to members to begin a broad "educative the divorce referendum ever since it was -(lily mounting use of the present 3 at 6:30 p.m. in the Con Con Sunday's referendum, in which Italian action" to stress the importance of family formed on March 14. It must now tackle - room of voters approved life for society and urged national leaders "ilities, the IM cannot meet the demands the International Center. permitting divorce. In the foreground the newspaper the spiraling inflation - at least 20 per the students, not even with additional headline reads "No ha vinto," translated to to solve the grave problems besetting cent annually at the present rate — and mean, "'No' won" Italian families. us, Beeman said. many other problems that have piled up. Beeman cited a roughly sketched plan expansion that included additional Trustees to discuss hike EXTRA SOCKS. FlfST-AtP KIT, A .WAP, A COMPASS sh, handball and basketball courts, he'r pool and a jogging track. He also *i possible location for a proposed new in room, board charges building might be on east campus - An increase in 1974 - 75 ;r north of the Veterinary Clinic or room and The original bridge plan called for of the clinic where spacious fields board rates for MSU residence halls will be heightening the bridge by 10 feet and discussed at Friday's board of accommodate such construction. trustees rechanneling the Red Cedar River. Hie meeting. revised plan does not call for rechanneling Administration and seeks heightening the bridge officials refused to by 60 comment on what the estimated increases inches. DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau will be, but said The plan must be approved by both the omen found approximately $100 that they should be under the the University of trustees and the East Lansing before Ingham County will do an City Council wismv on anp60tmy ..AND THEN MW1UASLM UP YOUR fm KT YOU KEPT Michigan increased its 1974 • 75 room and impact board rates. report on the project. City council gave . on.lacfy!- law mm mo OFF, YOU SUP- 0FTHEBAR6AIN, ut of top posts Residence hall rates went up last year tentative approval of the plan in February. The board will also consider the last j KBM&8KMW urn JamA prfsti&ous PORTO) ME FOP DtCK-YOU TOOK THIRTY YEARS, CARE OF THE HOUSE. ON, LACBY... PICK, COCK- THATS you're rj6ht ybs. lets, pear heart! from $381 a term to the present rate of urna? new york firm.. SOICOULP ANPrrmAum step necessary for the University to join MARRY MB! CHAMPA6NE but let remember anp60t that job / PURSUE MYHOttY, HeAT AS A PIN! A legislative study released Monday $407.50. The total yearly increase of the federal Guaranteed Loan I SPeAKM, us be the fall Program to curm in boston? i c ORNITHOLOGY. i that while the proportion of $79.50 is less than next year's estimated make direct financial aid loans to students. / I Noriwe.r 6ay! OF '&? employes in state government has hike. Students would thus be able to borrow j slightly in recent years, few Residence hall officials said in April money for college expenses from MSU miles are being promoted to high level that they would ask for an increase due to instead of from banks or other ;-~aent posts. lending rising costs from inflation. institutions. Hie survey indicated that between Also up for discussion at the meeting, Other items up for discussion will be ry 1971 and December 1973, female to be held at 10:30 a.m. in the fourth the possible location of an Amtrak mentation in the civil service ranks floor Board Room in the Administration railroad station at a University building on from 46.97 per cent to 48.68 per cent - Building, will be the revised Kalamazoo Harrison Road, contract awards for the total number of employes. Street bridge project The project had improvements of Fee Hall, Agriculture However, ninety two of the state's 160 been set for discussion earlier but was Hall and the Computer Center, along with d commissions have no women tabled until the trustees could receive and study more public input on the plan. the usual personnel changes and gifts and HUNDREDS of grants to the University. open thursday and friday until JEANS n Bus Service Te Chicago Eff«ctKM Jan. 16,1974 9 (Cantril Standard Tlma) Arrival - Chtc*»o Via: So. Band, Ind. 12:10 PM Via: Banton Harbor A 3:05 PM VI.: So. Band, Ind. 5:45 PM 1:25 PM on 5:00 PM Vli: So. Band, Ind. 10:45 PM 6:25 PM Via: Banton Harbor 11:15 PM Homemaking i 9150 PM Vh: Banton Harbor 2:45 PM SALE BUS SERVICE TO FLINT, SAGINAW, BAY CITY Open Latvat East Liming 9:35 am . To Flint - Saginaw 1 SO PM • To Flint • S*flln»w • Bay City 3:30 PM - To Flint • Saginaw ■ Bay 6:10 PM ■ To Flint • Saginaw • Bay CNy City •Denims and Fade-outs (A FRI. ONLY 5:45 PM - To FLINT House •Straight-Roll up Legs SUN. ONLY 9:30 PM ■ To FLINT Phone East •Cuffed Legs- Hi-rise Laming Bui Terminal for ichadule Information 333-2569 •Lo-rise Flares Please join us on ThurxJay, May 16 for a day dedicated to Air Conditioned - Rest Room •From $588 per pair Deluxe Coaches Available for Charter Service innovative ways of decorating and entertaining in your first home. and Personalized Escorted Tours write or call Owosso, Mich. TOLL FREE '"'he East Room.. .a delightful design film from Martex will be 800 - 292-3831 at presented at 10:00 A.M. and at 3:00 P.M. It's full of unique ideas 0,1 tow to transform old rooms into new with the novel use of sheets •"dtowels. Martex Fashion Coordinator, Janet Roda, will personally instruct you in many of the ideas itep-by-step booklet presented.. .and an illustrated is yours to further aid your creative talents. DOMINO'S SUPER WEEK $1°° Off On the lower level... Three inspirational every vignettes will be featured in the Dining knter to help you when hosting the housewarming party, the first patio party and the first dinner party. ^Cinzano representative will discuss the proper serving of VJr'°us wines and is offered liqueurs, relating to the cuisine which and the appropriate goblet to select for each. large pizza going to Hubbard, Akers, Fee, tome and °ur travel fashions will be shops and throughout the day for informally modeled throughout your enjoyment. East Complex Holmes, McOonel, Owen, Shaw, Snyder Phillips, Thursday - Brody 8i Circle dorms Come browse, observe and ask! Today Wednesday May 15,1974 (No coupon needed) Friday - Off Campus Saturday - Married Housing Sunday - All U Coke Special DOMINO'S TROWBRIDGE SHOP feeobsoriB Watch for these in the State News Fast, friendly, free delivery call 351-7100 Wednesday, May is,>, 197 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan '60 Minutes' represen to great TV By KATHY ESSELMAN documentaries of po$ McCarthy's downfall. Murrow's Detroit and the Chicago riots with a young Guardsman pointing a tear gas gun scared spoke with three couples who had not to have children. Safer ch™ witT impassioned intelligence and Bill Paley's spoke State Newt Reviewer (head of CBS) courage in backing Murrow that looked terrifyingly like a bazooka at a Real Miss Jane Pittman," Lula <2 middle - aged housewife who just wanted her 102nd birthday party where "60 Minutes" represents the last living can be compared only with the shew to get home. surrounded by her family. She link with the creative wellspring which Washington Post's lone stand on reminisc. Television news approached its about her 50 years as a established telejournalism in the '50s and Watergate. schoolteacher potential as meeting place for the global black life in the '60s. Ed Murrow, Fred Friendly and "CBS Reports," "NBC White Paper community village when network programing ceased Niccodemos on the Kansas frontier m ti Donald Hyatt all made or inspired "Project 20," "Victory at Sea" and the documentaries which set the form and "Twentieth Century"provided an unparalleled and the news departments devoted their 1870s. 11 spirit of a television documentary. introduction to world history and the time, resources and reporters to covering the assasination and burial of John F. Exciting, enthusiastic and technically impact of the law on everyday life, the The third segment investigated excellent, these programs had the force to reality behind images both corporate and Kennedy. Within five years they would cover the murder of his brother Robert potentially tragic side - effect of jetlag move men and affect history. Murrow's political and the exposure of injustice unpleasant disorientation which re! and of the father of the civil rights exposure of Sen. Joseph McCarthy is inspired documentaries which would have when the rhythm of the body gets au> acknowledged as the first step in sparked the admiration of Upton Sinclair. movement, Martin Luther King. synchronization with clock time btcw No one who has seen mass graves While television news provided a view of too many time zones have been twitching in Shanghai after the Japanese these historic events - not to mention the too fast. MSU singers invasion, mothers cursing a girl going up the school steps in Little Rock, Ark. space program moon — and man's first trip to the documentarians were muckraking The reporters flew with a senior pi protected by Guardsmen or footage of in the proud tradition of American from TWA on his run from New York to give show The Stale Singers will give their spring Allied troops entering a concentration camp could emerge unaffected. A later generation was introduced to journalism. "Murder and the Right to Bear Arms," Hong Kong and back. He discussed cumulative effects of jet lag as it his sleeping, and eating but, worst affed of | "The Selling of the Pentagon," "Hunger in term concert at 8:15 p.m. Friday In the the power of the medium by films of the psychological inroads it made America," "Gideon's Trumpet: The Poor Music Building auditorium. They will be Vietcong prisoner being killed live and in worried about the effects it could have Man and the Law" and the sequel to under the direction of Robert Harris, color on the 6:30 news; burnt • out his judgment. "Harvest of Shame" characterized the associate professor of music. The singers will perform pieces ranging intelligent, incisive documentaries of the A solid piece of reporting by Wall mid - and late '60s. indicated lax FAA SN Photo/Bob Kaye from the 16th century to contemporary times. Hie program will include works by Band sched "CBS News Retrospective" will allow those unfamiliar to look at 12 of its best written in of jet regulations, sc the 1930s before the invent William Byrd, Heinrich Schutz, Henry planes. Wallace also James Shore, a guitarist for Canned Heat, takes a lead at the Brewery documentaries. John Hart will host this responsibility on the pilots' union wh Monday night. The British band Argent will appear tonight at the Purcell, Johannes Brahms and Vincent Persichetti. outdoor series, as he did last summer. It will begin has not pushed for a change in regulati at 6 p.m. July 7 in the "60 Minutes" time Brewery, featuring Rod Argent on keyboards. Argent gained his fame The concert will be open to the public The Concert Band II will present the slot. He demonstrated how the airlii in the early and mid - '60s as a member of the Zombies. free of charge. first of a series of outdoor concerts at While this series looks backwards, "60 pilots' union and the FAA throw blame one another. He concluded with 6:30 p.m. today in the valley between the Minutes" looks forward, carrying on the the g statistic that nitre out of 10 Music Building and Beaumont Tower. once • bright tradition of weekly news and airpl crashes are attributable to Duet recital to feature musicians Under the direction of Richard documentary broadcasting. Under pilot ei Jorgensen, music graduate student, they executive producer Don Hewitt, co • Maybe an investigative piece such as editors Mike Wallace and Morley Safer can reduce that percentage. will perform such pieces as the "Chester "60 Minutes" continues to merit Overture by William Schumann and present their newsmagazine on the air. who challenge traditional styles selections from "Camelot"- In later concerts, the Symphonic Band, Concert Band I and the Wind Ensemble Sunday night the first half hour was devoted to two feature stories. "Three's a Crowd," produced by Marion Goldin, reputation for excellence. Wallace Safer should have abundant material choose from this surmer astheJudc : has played with John Gilmore, Gene looked into a child • free lifestyle. Wallace Committee gets its hearing under By W. KIM HERON thing as new music, just good music. This 1 perform. way is a period when musicians are getting into Ammons, Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis, Eddie " If there is music today that offers in""" eTIIrtbition along with the music, as well as Harris and Johnny Griffin. He can be alternative - music of challenge and incorporating everything that has come to heard on the recent Eddie Harris album adventure coming from anywhere in pass - classical European, Indian^African "Instant Death." In 1966, at age 37, he America - Richard Abrams and Roscoe — everything." recorded his first solo album "Levels and Mitchell are part of it. These two The association's bands maximize Degrees of Light." musicians will perform a duet recital at freedom, yet the music is never empty- or Abrams stayed four years at Chicago 8:30 p.m. in Abrams Planetarium random. It's full • life music, bristling with Music College and then went through a Wednesday, and for the S3 admission, the energy of the musicians and the period of self ■ training. they offer an evening of total experience channeled forces of the audience. Detroit ■ based poet and journalist and great jazz. On the saxophone, Mitchell is prone to Geoffrey Jacques summed him up saying: Abrams, pianist and clarinetist, formed terse, angular statements and mellow "Richard Abrams is one of the two most a now - legendary experimental band in reprieves. Mitchell has been with the important post - Cecil Taylor piano Chicago in 1961. The Assn. for the Chicago group since the early days and players, Tlie most important since Cecil Advancement of Creative Musicians grew was later a member of the Art Ensemble Taylor - unless you Include Sun Ra." from this band in 1965 when Abrams and of Chicago when the ensemble formed the other co ■ founders saw a need for a within the larger band. broad - based organization to support, the ensemble or as a solai^t^J uphold and cultivate the creative, b\#ck MitcbelLhas toured moat of th^Unitedr = music of Chicago. States, a well as France and Canada. He is The association set in motion bands and a veteran ,ef the Baden • Baden Festival, musicians whose full importance is still to the Ann Arbor Jazzand Blues Festival and Mezo • soprano Mary Salsinger will be appreciated: the Art Ensemble of the New Port Festival in New York. appear in a joint recital with flutist Chicago, Maurice Mclntyre, Anthony Abrams has said that the association is Deborah Bartiett at 3 p.m. Saturday in the Braxton, Leo Smith and Leroy Jenkins. related to black power "in the sense that Hart Recital Hall of the Music Building. These musicians are often lumped we intend to take over our own destiny, to The vocalist was incorrectly identified as together under the heading of "new be our own agents and to play our own Helen Hansens in Monday's paper. music." But Mitchell said six years ago, music." In the same article, Robert Jorgensen "It's a new period. But there's no such An active musician since 1948, Abrams was incorrectly identified as Richard. Show Today 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 THE FUNNIEST LOVE STORY OF THE YEARI __ a Mitchell Brothers Film Group ACADEMY AWARD WINNE Production Rolls Royce of .BEST ACTRESS-Glenda Jac •Core!' joMph E. UvtM Vul Product*** I a* AwoEmbaay «•*••• T. Next I "WHERETHE LILIES BLOOM" PMCUMI WfWMATKW M2MI7 Ends Thurs. Open 7:15 p.m. Feature 7:30-9:3 21S A80OTT K>. -OOWNTOMi iah nson" ★ Storts Friday* ACADEMY AWARD ADMISSION •S.OO/PCRSON St.OO/COUPLK BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE M S«.00/STUDtNT ID PLUS HOW THE WEST WAS FUN TRUFFAUT'S^ptf BOTH FEATURES RATED X ADULTS ONLY ★★★★:*» POR : pi SC ^WO^PlSCOUNTr OPEN 12 AM TO 12 SUNDAY THRU THURS SPECIAL 12 PM SHOW PRIDAY AND SATURDAY PM fitted Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 15, 1974 7 Parking By MARY ANNE FLOOD woes pinch landlords housing board of appeals has granted nearly all parking variance groups and the planning commission would study possible State News Staff Writer requests and Patriarche mentioned the as being one parking clauses of the code alternative solutions to the parking problems in that three Jungle is being replaced possible endangered area. months. with asphalt in some yards around the The housing board of city as landlords try to meet city appeals is currently forming a list of "There has got to be a better way than Several landlords have parking requirements. suggested changes in the housing code that it paving the city," graveled or stoned portions of their yard plans to present to Bertsch said. "Esthetics aside, I'd think there would be other space in order to meet the city council in the near future. A change in the parking requirements in both the East was suggested parking section problems such as drainage." Lansing zoning and housing codes. unanimously. Coordinator of the East Lansing landlord, group, Steve Hie housing code Some landlords have taken their currently states that there must be one Blethen, said, "Well over 75 per cent of the rental housing in this parking problems to the zoning parking space for every two unrelated adults and each $ and housing boards of space must town have single drives and the appeals to try to get variances from the have separate ingress and only way we can get separate parking requirements. Both boards have jurisdiction over a egress - that is the car nfust be able to move to the street without ingress and egress for everybody is to pave the backyards. I'd portion of the city's parking problems. having to move any other car. think the ecologists would go mad." In a current East Similarly, the zoning code requires one space for each one or Lansing Zoning Board of Appeals case, the two - family dwelling plus one space for each two unrelated • apellants, Richard and Karen Arens, are the stone they have asking permission to keep adults in the dwelling. For multiple dwellings, the zoning code spread over portions of the front yard to requires that there be one space for 70 serve as required parking space. The Arens need to per cent of the occupants. the zoning code does not appeal because When one car parks behind another, it is called tandem permit front yard parking, even when it has been stoned over. parking. Tandem parking is not included when figuring number of "We just didn't want to spaces. But the housing board of get a parking ticket appeals has been granting so we stoned variances to allow tandem adequate portions of the front yard to serve as two parking to meet the requirements. It required will also suggest to the parking spaces," said Arens. city council that tandem parking be Most observers of the allowed in the code. parking situation seem to agree that "Forcing people to pave their backyard is criminal," said there is a problem. The residential streets are often over crowded, cars are often housing board of appeals member Dolores Bender. "Tandem parked illegally across sidewalks or in front EAST LANSING'S ONLY CO yards. parking may be unappealing because of the noise involved - OP FOR OPTICAL NEEDS Generally there does not seem to be enough parking moving for residents, provided cars around, but I don't see anyone closing Dooley's for that." MON.& THURS. especially in the student ghetto areas. Another housing board of appeals IIA.M.-8:30 P.M. Parking variance requests have been among the most often member, Kathy Fix, said, a® ... ^ 'ijS-MT "It is cars versus people. TUES., WED., FRI., ®SN photo/John Martell heard cases for the By not allowing tandem parking we housing board of appeals. In its meeting would either restrict occupancy because of 9 A.M.-5 P.M. scheduled for Thursday, over half of the car space or pave over SAT 9 A.M. to NOON Student parking such as this near Park Lane in East Lansing 20 appeals to be heard deal with parking problems in some everybody's lawns." 351-5330 often forces landlords to gravel portions of their lawns to capacity. The Bailey Community Assn. has also become concerned over The housing board of NOW IN BROOKFIELD PLAZA appeals has come under fire from City the yard graveling. Sharon B* meet requirements in the city zoning and housing Manager Jack Patriarche for granting so many variances that -tsch, of the Bailey group said that they the group plans to ordinances. may be request a three • month moratorium on front endangering the validity of the housing ordinance. The yard graveling from the zoning board of appeals. Hie - Bailey PERFORMING ARTS COMPANY Commission to quiz bus riders in city TENTH ANNIVERSARY SEASON The person wiH By JIM KEEGSTRA only be you have to quit your job?" I State News Staff Writer trying to take a survey for the Tri County Regional The regional commission's Burns sponsored said the jointly by CATA, survey, Burns said the show any fine study should adjustments never check efficiency. up on its LION IN WINTER I While riding an East Lansing - Planning Commission and must ride that senior planner, Sam Bums, said this question could show will be conducted all day necessary to improve the diesel Plans continue this type of are to survey by Thursday on the three bus us Thursday, try not to get bus all day. quantitatively how important routes within East Lansing and powered transportation. public twice each year, Burns said. He added that a James pet with the stranger who The first of nine questions economically the Capitol Area complete Monday, Tuesday and He said the effort is ill be distributing sheets of will reveal travel patterns of Transportation Authority Wednesday on the remaining undertaken because in the past, being scientific random sampling of Goldman «asking for answers to 17 (CATA) is. 16 Lansing runs. transit attitudes in the greater city bus riders by asking where The sharp criticism has been leveled Lansing area is longest question is The planned for fall they came from, where they results of the at bus companies which of this year. intended to discover are going, and how they arrived questionnaire are expected in a institute a route structure and complaints about the CATA at the bus. month, Burns said. They will I CHICAGO (AP) - An The next section attempts to operation. check It asks riders to be given to the CATA board of May 21-26 tant state comptroller says any of 12 service characterize the background of directors, its staff, the public g his job because problems which might apply or and planners from the four Pop Entertainment passengers and determine what to mark the inevitable other e isn't enough work to benefits citizens gain from townships and two cities presents jfy his salary. (please specify) or none. having mass transit available. subsidizing the bus system. [ George Mahin, 64, One question in the area of Fairchild Theatre 8:15 p.m. - is hired as an assistant Theatre Box Office Open - Mon - Fri 12-5 benefits asks, "If bus service i comptroller " 1, George 1973 at was no longer available, would J Molieres Phone: 355-0148 (27,500 a year. in said he will go into ite consulting work. mw DIRECTOR'S CHOICE SUMMER '74 FESTIVAL OF INTERNATIONAL COMEDY JUNE 20 BRINGING UP BABY (American 1938) with Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn Director: Howard Hawks. B&W. 90min. JUNE 27 TAKING OFF (Czechoslovakian 1970) with Buck Henry and Lynn Carlin. Director: Milos Forman. Color. 92 min, (In English) JULY 11 MARRIAGE ITALIAN STYLE (Italian 1964) with Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni. Director: Vittorio De Sica. Color. 102 min. (Italian, English subtitles) JULY 18 TALL BLOND MAN WITH ONE BLACK SHOE (French 1973) with Pierre Richard and Mireille Dare. Director: Yves Robert. Color. 88 min. (French with English subtitles) JULY 25 SINGIN' IN THE RAIN (American 1952) with Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds. Directors: Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly. Color. 103 min. Series Tickets are $5.00 Available at the Union Ticket Office . The Individual Admission$1.25 los Starts today Vegas An9*l Get It Block Out J^-THURS. ADMISSION 375 3,0° P* 5.00 • coupU ft i'l' 7080 Op«n 7 dsyi • wmk s3 east strpct d,"y 9 •4 Sun. 9 am. -12 mldntf. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 15,, Inflation major issue of election in Canad "The Land is Strong." P«ty in the fall. Editor's note: David Labor party was elected. An months. Trudeau suffests that it feels slogan this time around will If one of the three in France, where the final Trudeau was forced to seek the Canadian voter is ready for Canadian, is a Reddick, a election runoff occurs later this their support to maintain even a change. In the pest, the party haw to be "Give U» Another political leaders emerSS, graduate student in journalism. He has worked as both a month, there is a strong a simple majority in the 264 - leader, David Lewis, a shrewd Chancy" Trudeau's only hope for champion inflation Tghter possibility the country will seat Parliament and stay in political veteran, has said he country. reporter and an editor on two government. It proposed new survival will be in a humble elect its first socialist, power. would continue to support The past 18 months have Canadian daily newspapers. taxes on corporations and appeal to the electorate to give But Canada is notorious government. Last week, the NDP Trudeau until he saw that an been extremely tough on further personal income tax him a majority government so .. its regional voting habits M What does this mean? condemned Trudeau's budget election would benefit his Trudeau and his 109 - member By DAVID REDDICK exemptions in an attempt to he can more effectively fight hu an ability to iive " for its "failure to apply any party. Simply that working class government. Confronted with curb inflation. It also made inflation. If Tradeau fails in minority governments n> Last week's vote of no • people, fed up with the measures to help pensioners or The key for NDP success is nationwide rail and mail rather desperate proposals. this appeal in July, look for my be the more real" confidence in the minority economic conditions, are others on fixed incomes, to to overcome the appeal of the strikes, the prime minister also One, designed as an energy - him to resign as leader of his prediction in July Liberal government of exercising their last democratic deal with the housing crisis and Quebec separatist movement faced hostility from Western Canadian Prime Minister Pierre and capture a good portion saving device, would have right — their vote — to elect to remove the glaring of provincial premiers over oil and taxed buyers of new cars Elliott Trudeau deserves that province's 74 seats. gas reserves. DAILY HAPPY HOURS weighing over 4,500 pounds watching by Americans. Quebec is also important if But the Trudeau government $20 for every additional 100 Trudeau, who has been in Trudeau hopes to stay in has fought doggedly for its What has happened in Canada is really pounds. On the other hand, a power since 1968, was power. In 1972, Quebec political life. Last fall the person who bought a bicycle an unnw defeated by the combined symptomatic of what has been happening in other overwhelmingly supported government, in answer to would pay no federal sales tax. Progressive Conservative and New Democratic party opposition who were highly world capitals in recent months. Governments have either fallen or been replaced because they could not stop spiraling economic inflation. Trudeau, largely because of his promise to improve the status of the French language in Canadians advocating nationalist policy, introduced a bill to curb foreign investment In 1968, when Trudeau was being compared to the late President John Kennedy, he Viprice 2 • 5 p.m. critical of the prime minister's government offices and the in the country. ran on the platform of a "Just Low prices on beer, too David Reddick, graduate student in journalism $23.95 billion - proposed civil service. And as the Toronto Globe Society." The slogan in 1972, budget. This, combined with and Mail (Canada's New York as Trudeau stressed the need The Varsity Inn What has happened in Trudeau's habit of Times) conceded last week, for unity in the country, was populist governments to lead inequalities in the tax system." 1227 E. Grand Rivar Canada is really symptomatic campaigning on ideals rather there was "a degree of them out of the inflationary The NDP introduced a no • of what has been happening in than issues, proved his courage" in the Trudeau dilemma. confidence motion which was other world capitals in recent downfall in the rest of the budget that brought down the months. Governments have The closest thing to a quickly supported by the either fallen or been replaced populist party in Canada is the Conservatives, led by Robert because they could not stop New Democratic Pary (NDP), a Stanfield, and the Trudeau EAST LANSING the alt-American girl socialist party made up of government toppled. spiraling economic inflation. In those countries that have labor unionists and unity Trudeau then asked the had elections, the results have professors who held 31 seats. governor - general of Canada to ART FESTIVAL been revealing. In Great Though the NDP was third dissolve Parliament and set a in terms of elected members, it day for the election. Britain, where economic conditions have literally has, in effect, been the The fact the NDP has now paralyzed the country, the government the past 18 broken its unholy alliance with IH jink*, Measure OKd * t life of state e The Senate Commerce the office open beyond its emergency act were not needed now because the energy crisis Committee today approved a scheduled June 30 shutdown. Sen. Patrick McCollough, has eased. measure extending the life of The committee vote was 4-1, the state's Energy Office by D-Dear born, said he opposed on the sidewalks of the bill because it merely with McCollough the lone one year over the objections of Democratic members. extended the life of the office dissenter. central east lansing r- and did not allow the The Democratic senator, The office is empowered, who supported the original Sponsored by the central east lansing business legislature to review the under legislation passed by the emergency legislation, accused association and the fine arts and cultural heritage original emergency energy act legislature in January, to and the special powers given to Republicans of "rigging the committee allocate gasoline during Gov. William G. Milliken. game" so that the bill would be shortages and to take a wide McCollough said he defeated — giving Republicans this Friday and Saturday range of steps to ease energy an issue in this year's election. suspected that the crunches. The bill reported out "extraordinary" powers in the of committee today will keep MARILYN CHAMBl ~ i no:j son rr.tWKVo- PLfiNtTrtBILW -d MAY 17,18,19,14,25,26 8*lOPm -«jJ MAY 22 8 pm only all'shows $2.00 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. May 15, 1974 9 gesisth] fighter, i nent j. Concert Wednesday, May 15, i974 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 12 PETITIONS CIRCUL Drives to By JOHN TINGWALL two issues on the put issues on ballot, are Two validated by the division." other petitions Matthew Wirgau, the chairman of Michigan Higher Education ballot losing steam the Michigan Citizens' Lobby, said the "largest coalition ever though, is definitely rolling." Rep. Thomas R-Howell, sponsor of a petition Sharpe, legislators drives to initiate petition gain political popularity. "Politicians can the petition drives bein. circulated and said she would fight to defeat any additional Slate News Staff Writer depending on the success of assembled around a petition the petition drives. approved by the elections Student Assn., a student drive to impose a ceiling on select an issue popular in their proposals to go on the ballot They need your John drive in history" is supporting district and enhance their from the House. "Nine of the 12 petitions we division propose the initiation lobbying group. state taxation, said it is too Hancock. "We felt we couldn't get this the move to eliminate the sales of legislation that would early to predict the numbef of image by establishing an "Hiey" the hundreds of approved for the November issue through the legislature by tax on food and drugs. are prevent the employment of signatures their drive will identity with that issue individuals and groups ballot propose constitutional November because it's still in •'We have more than "We as legislators feel We.w replacements for employes gather. through petition." amendments," Bernard Apol, 100,000 signatures now and nf haVa u c currently circulating petitions engaged in a strike or lockout committee," Wirgau said. The drive, launched May 3, Daisy Elliot, chairman of the represent the director of the state elections in Michigan to place a proposal that would prohibit Though the petition route is they are coming in at a rate of constitutional revision people and our job is to division said. and would limit state spending for on the November ballot. difficult, it still proves that we 25,000 per week," Ross said. committee, said she disagreed concern ourselves with these "There could be countless deceptive advertising practices, all departments to 8.3 per cent With proposals ranging from with the substance of most of issues," Elliot said. other petitions floating around Apol said. of the total income of the gun control to legalization of Five proposals appeared on people in Michigan. that we don't know about that capital punishment being the November 1972 ballot. With so many petitions circulated, voters may face a are perfectly acceptable if they meet the required formula set Only Daylight Saving Time was Nine petition! that propose Hate constitutional amendments have being circulated, an innovative bevy of proposals in November approved by Michigan voters, been registered with the State Ejections Division. They propose to: MSU student, Mark Grubner, is or they may find only one or by the state and the signatures while legalized abortion, 0 - Decriminalize the use of marijuana. considering constructing a graduated state income tax, 0 - Allow students to serve on the governing boards of the small, portable booth that university they attend. property tax relief and q - Ban handguns, except for use by specified agencies. would be called "Petition additional benefits for 9 - Legalize capital punishment for first - degree murder. City." Michigan Vietnam veterans 0 - Eliminate the sales tax on food and drugs. Grubner, a Democratic were voted down. 0 - Impose a ceiling on state taxation (limiting it to a per cent of candidate for Ingham County personal income in the state). With the deadline for 0 - Place Michigan on Central Standard Time. Commissioner in the eighth constitutional amendment 0 - Limit state legislators' salaries. district, said the various 0 - Allow the state police bargaining power. petitions 120 days before the petitions might be collected election (July 8), most petition and located at various places drives are just beginning to gain on campus this summer. momentum. Others are State legislators suggested floundering or being have support from the people. "We expect to hit our goal by everything from political abandoned. "We've got 100,000 early to mid - June." ambition of legislators to "We have about 15,000 of signatures so far, but it looks "Neither the legislature nor public mistrust in state the 265,000 signatures like we're losing the the governor seemed able or government as reasons for required by the state on our momentum we once had," he willing to provide the tax break going the petition route. petitions to han the use of continued. "The outlook is that was warranted," Ross said, "Politicians can always mess handguns," said a "so we decided to bring the questionable, and we're up things," Rep. Lynn spokeswoman from Citizens issue to the people." starting to pin our hopes on Jondahl, D-East Lansing, said. United to Save Lives, the chief the law suit scheduled to "Some petition drives don't come "By petitioning, people feel citizens' group behind the gun before the Detroit District expect success," Ross they can protect the law from control drive. Court this month that would continued. "They basically aim crass political maneuvers." A MSU student and overturn Atty. Gen. Frank at educating the public and Jondahl, a member of the statewide coordinator for the Kelley's ruling that prohibits making the legislators and House Committee on Michigan Marijuana Initiative, students from serving on their people aware of an issue and Constitutional Revision and Robert Mendenhall, said that, own governing boards." usually they cannot get enough Women's Rights, said some about 10,000 signatures have been collected by decriminalize movement to marijuana usage. HELD OVER BY POPULAR DEMAND! MAT IX-15 1 "Black Byrd" voted Top Jaw Album of the Vear 1973 — POLISH "We began this drive to DONALD BYRD with Billboard Magazine Bobbi Humphreys' current LP bring the law in line with BOBBI HUMPHREY JS5S2E SAUSAGE "BLACK & BLUES" Is marijuana use," Mendenhall number 2 on Billboards Best Records, Sounds and Diversions, and at the door said. "We felt this issue should Performance Nit*. Celling Jau LPs Hit. become a community drive. MXrttU Roger McGuInn was the most of There are a representatives in the state lot R0GSRMC8UINN fascinating & complex number of the Byrds. MATiO-Xt . . .and leader. legislature who would back this Peter, Paul and Mary ■ £ ..of issue, but not enough to pass it in the House." "We're starting to really PETER mRROW fame. Along with Ms S MMTO-Xf piece move in the Detroit area and for details. TOBE ANNOUNCED Call The Stables 351-1200. Thank Vou. we've obtained well over 4,000 MAT Xft-JUNE I signatures here in East SN photo/Dave Schmier Jazz JMMY8MITH TODAY ONLY! Lansing." World's most popular The petition drivi organist. Unbelievable. Audrey Garon signs the Michigan Marijuana Initiative students to serve JUNE Ml The Queen of Soul, !&i :t- lol Petition at the Garden of Earthly Delights store in East Blues and •>»« returns to The tilling . Lansing Tuesday. The petition could put the question of decriminalizing possession of marijuana on the November ESTHER PHILLIPS Stables for an entire week. Don't mi" her. For three days only, get a ballot momentum, according IB 5 oz. polish sausage on a sauerkraut, and french fries bun, $125 PEOPLE for just DO READ SMALL ADS ■HOW DO YOU CURE Al Ws the real thing. Coke. 231 MAC 351-2755 YOU JUST DID!! HORNY BULL OF HICCUPS? Real life calls for real taste. Next to the For the taste of your life-Coca-Cola, Highwheeler Lounge ■SNEAK UP BEHIND HIMI 11 AM-2AM MON < MIDNIGHT SUPf AND YELL "MATADOR!" NOON - meet us under the parachutes for a DOMINO'S CYCLING SHOES! The Montezuma Horny Bull:" _y. Montezuma' SUPER WEEK BREAKFAST DRINK.Over ice. It's sensational, and that's no bull. TTT 1. HiVy/LJ 11.J/V A Bottled under the authority ol The Coca-Cola Company by The coca - cola Bottling company of Michigan_ £1974 80 Proof Tequilo Barton Distillers Import Co New York. New York Notice: Last Week for Spring Starling May 13 we will be making our final returns to these shoes are Book Publishers for those spring quarter hooks that are not great for biking or just trucking arou nd1 going to he used summer quarter. We will also be changing In Blue Denim with White Rubber Soles. our location of books in order to make sure you have the Widths: MED Sizes: 5 - 10 books you will still need for Spring Quarter $18 Buy a 16' pizza and lepara s 4- j I Buy a 14' and pay for a pay for a 14' pizza Hep E S 1 12' pizza 1203 E. GRAND RIVER with this coupon DOWNTOWN EAST LANSING I with this coupon 326 S. Washington Ave. 317 E. Grand R'ver \ 337-1631 ask us about FREE Parking! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 15, 1974 11 Low fares to Europe available despite cutoff of youth discounts NKW YORK TIMES "Extraordinary," a Civil rates. Aeronautics Board The airlines are hoping for a airline acknowledged that said last investigator "The agents just issue the rush of last one week when told about - minute bookings factor had been an effort to ,f you are more than 15 the plan, kids Youth Fare tickets from from travelers of all ages, adding that it would • keep some youthful passengers wars old ~ anc* less .than 24. be investigated for Toronto to, say, London, with but recent signs have been less form taking flights from » is $50 waiting - Cor you in violation of federal law. possible a stop at New York and then than encouraging. The Dept. of Canada. Newsweek magazine \ but - throw away the flight coupon State's few Meanwhile, Pan American good for the Toronto New • passport was described by the tourist said it hoped to block office has estimated office as a co • sponsor of the York legs," a Manhattan travel if y°u implementation of the plan agent explained. Young that trips by Americans to survey. through unspecified people Europe this month will be off The tourist agency said that willing to throw away a from Chicago, Boston and "appropriate action." Sources 25 per cent compared with passengers between 15 and 24 'lid airline ticket between at several European airlines other points with flight May 1973, the 10th other pronto and New York, you up to $350 on the said they might make their connections to Canada said to be using the are also consecutive month European on airlines serving Amsterdam would also be paid save own technique. travel has dropped. Higher air $50 for completing the surveys to attract During the airlines' so Drice of a ticket from people to their countries if the young - fares, inflation and dollar called "high season" - after questionnaire if the other {jeW York to Europe this Dutch plan is not killed. June 1 - the devaluation in Europe that airlines, such as Pan Am, summer. "They cheapest round have sent the cost of European pay $50; maybe we, or trip fare between New York agreed to the payment. So far, H>l,eSe are among the vacations soaring and doubts no others have oddities of air travel these days somebody else, will raise it to and London will be $413. It accepted the $75," said a spokesman for one will apply to travelers of about the domestic economy offer. The standard $2 - to - 45 - on the threshold of the annual all are line. ages who are out of the generally blamed for the day excursion fare between SUDimer tourist rush to Europe Can save $300 decline. New York and Amsterdam this - which promises to be more country for at least 22 days Plan defended On orders of the Civil and summer will be $427. A $50 0f, trickle than a flood this than 45 days. no more Aeronautics Board, discount A $ for the KLM rebate would bring the total to Go via Canada questionnaire, spokesmen for $377. ^The start of the summer rates by which young people have saved as much as $300 or No minimum or maximum ■ the Dutch Tourist Office here uon is still a month away, stay limitations are imposed on more and KLM defend it by saying on a round trip to the Canadian but already the transatlantic youth fares. that it represents nothing more Klines are feuding, as they do Europe since 1971, were From Montreal, the summer abolished in than an effort to learn more this country Youth Fare will be about every year at this time. effective Jan. $311, and about the young people who 1. The board Pan American Airways has called "illegal" a World held unfairly that the fares were from Toronto, $344. "It really saves money for have flocked to Amsterdam in recent summers. Privately, tfldtVIorliL? P At " Plan by KLM, the Dutch flag discriminatory to the kids who plan to stay in travelers of other ages. however, one official of the lirline.' and the Netherlands Europe more than 45 days, National Tourist Office to pay which a lot of them do," the However, international New York agent said. "If young people $50 for youth fares were not abolished they answering questionnaires in in Canada, and had to fly at the regular rates, Amsterdam. Pan Am officials young people discovered weeks ago that they it would cost them $693." In YOU MAY NOT APPRECIATE ALL OF DUAL'S ny the plan is nothing more could save money by taking a recent years, youth than a subterfuge to bus or train to Montreal or travelers have accounted for circumvent a U.S. government decision to end international another Canadian city to board a Europe - bound jet. about 10 to 15 per cent of the airlines' summer travelers. The PRECISION. BUT YOUR RECORDS WILL. reduction of youth fares - and an illegal But recently, some this market rebate scheme. young because of abolition of the Survey war people and agents have learned youth fares has added to airline it is not necessary to go to The Dutch plan may launch worries of a serious slump in Dual 1214 Canada to obtain Canadian what some people in the airline European travel this summer. Auto/Standard Turntable industry already are calling the The 1214 is Dual's least* "questionnaire war," recalling expensive turntable,yet the "sandwich than a war" of decade ago, when more State justice commission provides the precision 1 engineering, reliable operation and special features that the transatlantic airlines vied with most critical users insist upon. one inotjier fanciest sandwiches. to offer the approves anticrime plan Among its features: Low. ■ mass counterbalanced Under the plan, young ANN ARBOR - The state Commission on Criminal Justice has tubular tonearm tracks people who fly directly to deferred a vote on whether to back reinstatement of flawlessly at as low as 0.7S capitol gram. variable pitch Amsterdam via KLM after June punishment, pending further study. control for ail speeds (33 1/3, 1 from New York or Chicago The commission, headed by Lt. Gov. James Brickley, who is a 45, 78 rpm). Anti - skating and who stay in the Dutch city staunch opponent of the death penalty, did, however, approve separately calibrated for the state's 1975 and - crime plan at its annual conical and elliptical styli. at least two nights, will paid meeting this Silicone - damped cue control. 0 after they complete a weekend. Hi • torque motor maintains questionnaire. If approved by the Law Enforcement. Assistance constant speed within 0.1 % What will the survey cover? Administration (LEAA), Michigan will receive $22.9 million in throughout wide range of line "Your preferences, tastes, block grants for dispersal among locil communities and state voltage variations. 3% lb. laminated platter. Dimensions: ambitions, peeves, pleasures and agencies during the 1974 - 75 fiscal /ear beginning July 1. less than 11* 13" desires." a straight • forward About $13.5 million of the grants has been earmarked to advertisement for the plan continue anti • crime projects previously financed through the ays. federal government. Do you ever wonder what happens to your records when you stylus pressure, anti • skating. play them? You should. Chances record collection is now worth several The accuracy and effectiveness of these tonearm are, your settings, hundreds or even thousands of dollars. And will continue to grow in however, depend upon how the tonearm is engineered and JOHN ROBERTS RING DAY value. That's reason enough, apart from your love of music, to give produced. For example: the amount of friction in the tonearm pivot determines how easily the tonearm can follow the stylus as it traces the record groove from beginning to end. special thought to what may be going on between your records and your turntable so that you will continue to enjoy the music. WEDNESDAY ONLY Diamond vs. Vinyl. A record is made of soft vinyl, and the impressionable have to contend with the unyielding hardness of a diamond - grooves Still more to consider. Critical as tonearm performance is, there is still For example, the record must rotate at more to consider. tipped precisely the right speed, or stylus. pitch will be off. The motor must be quiet and free of vibration, or As the record rotates in play, the rapidly changing contours of rumble will be added to the music. Last chance to save on your class ring both groove walls force the stylus to move up, down and sideways And in addition to what goes on between the at stylus and groove great speeds. To produce the bass drum, the stylus must vibrate purchase! about thirty times a second; the piccolo, about fifteen thousand during play, there is also the matter of how conveniently, smoothly and gently the stylus gets to and from the groove. times a second. A John Roberts representative will be If the stylus can't respond easily and With today's ultra • sensitive cartridges tracking at or near one accurately to the groove gram, tonearm bearing friction should be as close to the vanishing in the store from 9-5 today contours, there's trouble, especially with the sharp and tragile curves point as technology can achieve. , only. which produce the high frequencies. Instead of going around these And all this will be doubly important when you go to four • peaks, the stylus will simply lop them off. And with those little bits channel. of vinyl go the high notes, the record and your investment. Now that you have given some When this happens, it's fatal. Those lovely high notes become thought to what happens to records inplay, you may be interested in only memories. knowing how the design and engineering of Dual turntables protect your records play after It's all up to the tonearm. play. The following pages of this brochure will show you why we The freedom of the stylus to respond to all the demands on it believe 507 E. GRAND RIVER (ACROSS FROM BERKEY) depends in part on the settings your cartridge requires: balance, own a so Dual." strongly that "every record you buy is one more reason to . 351 - 5420 1HE GRADUATE SVSIEM The Graduate system is Hi Ki Buy's kind • of performance associated with answer to the very important question, speakers then and now costing far more. "What should I spend on a music system?" When a customer asks this straight forward The new NIKKO 7070 AM/FM stereo question we prefer not to launch him into a receiver was chosen by our COMPONENT time consuming game trying to milk every EVALUATION PROGRAM as the "best possible penny out of his savings account. performing receiver of all time." It delivers ADVENT Rather, we come back with a risky, but 35 watts/channel RMS, with less than 0.5% straight forward "$618." This is the price distortion across the entire audio range. tag on our carefully selected Graduate Sensitive FM performance is enhanced by system. Each component represents a the newly developed DSD circuitry in the plateau in the hi - fi spectrum. In other MPX stage for improved stereo separation. words, should you spend just a little less The new DUAL 1214 automatic money, the loss of sound quality is turntable does its job smoothly and reliably: bewildering. On the other hand, you have to its heavy platter turns records at a constant spend a whole lot more money in order to speed, quietly. There is a gentle changing hear at significant an improvement in the mechanism and a convenient cueing control. overall sound. Our The new SHURE M93E cartridge transmits all the sound that is on the record, Our Graduate system reproduces the and at a record saving l* gram tracing force. Its entire frequency range of all music, without excellent high frequency capabilities annoying coloration of distortion, at levels which will comfortably fill your compliment the Advent speakers and listening Kenwood receiver. room with sound. (Wagnerlans and hard rock freaks not excluded.) It sounds convincing not only on the best recordings but on the great majority of recordings and Why Hi-Fi Buys? broadcasts of all kinds. It has enough *5 year protection plan on all system controls and features to satisfy your needs, * 1 year laboratory analysis without making you pay for unnecessary *1 year protection plan on (elected frills, and there's ample flexibility for cartridge and stylus adding such niceties as a tape deck or 'speaker exchange program additional speakers. •professional in store service department The Advent Utility Loudspeakers have •professional audio salesmen over and over again •local delivery and set up assistance proved true the claim in-ii mys originally made for them: they provide the *60 day lay - aways ■ Master Charge and Bank 90 days same as cash. Americard: 1101 East Grand River 337-1769 4810 West Saginaw 4844589 Disc Shop 323 East Grand River 35 -5380 Wednesday, May 15.1974 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Off-year primaries conducted Kenneth A. Gibson, the first black mayor of Newark, N.J., Lyman. The key question was whether Exon had the political power to pull his preferred running mate, Gerald Whelan, past ..1 a federal runoff against incumbent Hugh Addonizio, who was under indictment at the time in connection with charges of 211 E. Gt .mil Rivei Next to the Sjiortsmeister sought re - election Tuesday against a field of challengers led by three other candidates seeking the lieutenant governor's political corruption. Addonizio is now serving 10 years In Mon, Tuei, Fri, Sat 9-6 nomination. prison. State Sen. Anthony Imperiale, while residents of Nebraska and Wed.Thur 9-4 Whelan faced a tough challange from state Sen. Terry Carpenter Gibson said he considered the election a report card on his West Virginia balloted in primaries to choose congressional and of Scottsbluff. Two other state senators, Jules Burbacli and Frank administration. About 60 per cent of Newark's 380,000 residents state nominees. Lewis, were given little chance of winning the nomination. are black and Gibson pulled most of his support from the black The early voter turnout in Newark was sparse. Gibson and community in 1970. Long time party organizer Anne Batchelder and former state Imperiale, a white community leader who rose to prominence • Sen. William Wylie sought the lieutenant governor's nomination CIGARETTES during Newark's - 1967 race riots, were the key candidates in a five man field that also included Lewis Perkins, who is black; Raymond Stabile and James Rotonda. A runoff will be held June on the Republican side. In congressional races, eight candidates sought the GOP This year, however, he ran without the leaders some of whom, like author contended support of several black Imamu Amiri Baraka, he had done little or nothing to aid the black Limit 2 (coupon) 2 Pks. /69' Expires May 19, 1974 11 if no candidate gets a majority. nomination in the 3rd District, where U.S. Rep. David Martin, a community. East Lansing Store Only In West Virginia, there were contests for nominations in two of Republican, is retiring. Imperiale came into public view as a militant white leader the state's four congressional districts, as well as for a variety of The only other contested congressional race was in the 2nd during the riots that took 26 lives. He later was elected city state offices. Nebraska voters chose nominees for governor and lieutenant governor, and for Congress and state offices. District where Omaha City Councilman Dan Lynch and County Commissioner John Hlavacek vied for the Democratic councilman at large, became the first independent elected to the Assembly, and finally won a seat in the Senate. 0% OFF ON ALL KODAK nomination. Imperiale has cited the city's high crime rate in his campaign FILM PROCESSING & DEVELOPING Nebraska Secretary of State Allen Beermann predicted a record called Newark "the murder capital of the U.S.A." He No Limit off year turnout of 410,000 voters. West Virginia election officials predicted about a 30 per cent and (coupon) promised to reduce crime and taxes and improve municipal - voter turnout. Expires May 19, 1974 J. James Exon, a Democrat, was expected to win renomination East Laming Store Only for a second term as governor over Mayor Richard Schmitz of Gibson, a civil engineer, was elected mayor of Newark in 1970 services. LEMON UP STAYFREE Shampoo Eberhard going to tih Reg. 1.50 89e Reg. 1.93 1 29 Limit 1 Limit 1 SWf« 10:30Jf.tA. — SUN. 9 a.m. to 7 p 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 15 197 Cassleman after in Big 10 to cap MSU track career "HARi Pt lOHNSnN By CHARLES JOHNSON immeasurable and is; immeasurable and II hate hate to see him to see him the Olympic trials. His disqualification at the "I was coming into the "1 was coming ui< into the last hr 1,, about even and I was * State News Sports Writer ■ leave. » »».„ mc a a the NCAA meet «><>o was tr. to beho ihn the Koainnu« beginning would win a national title" sure that . finl It didn't take Cassleman long to prove of a long series of disappointments c»«i. said "But, as I Greatness is sometimes said to be himself at MSU. Cassleman would endure in his quest for a approached the « inherent But, in considering the track As a freshman, he began his string of national title. hurdle, my steps got mixed ud vn! career of MSU's great middle distance Big Ten honors by placing first in the 600 "My biggest collegiate goal is to win a supposed to take 15 steps between hurdle and I only took 13. I runner Bob Cassleman, one would have a indoors and running a leg on the winning national championship, but thus far it's torn later that year that hard time substantiating that claim. mile relay squad. The outdoor season was been pretty discouraging," Cassleman said. up my last hurdle nine feet closerthan it should haw wl- This weekend's Big Ten outdoor just as successful, as Cassleman upset the "Fortunately it hasn't bothered me to the down favorite in the 660 - yard It was a disasterous end to championships in Ann Arbor will have hands - point where I couldn't bounce back. I a - Cassleman going to take top honors andalso ran leg national title in my freshman season which saw Cassleman win the after an unprecedented run a on didn't win a MSU's winning mile relay team. at the Big Tei meet for a third Spartan record of 15 conference titles. He year because I didn't know what my real strr already has 12. "The win in the 660 would have to be time indoors and run a race was. But my sophomore year I was leg on • However, titles and awards weren't considered one of my biggest thrills," really pleased and thought I was coming Spartans' victorious mile relay team f always a Cassleman trademark. They have Cassleman said. "Mark Winzenreid from the third consecutive time. Ou along fine." resulted from hard work, dedication and a Wisconsin, who was the American record Cassleman was disqualified in the 1972 Cassleman collected the 440 - yard h little bit of being in the right place at the holder in the event and the Big Ten champ NCAA outdoor meet on a technicality conference title in 50.5 for a record three years going, was expected to run also ran a leg on the right time. cited by the judges, who thought he was winning mile re "In high school I was what you would away with the race again. I wasn't given trailing his leg outside his lane. The squad. call a mediocre sprinter by college much of a chance. But I won." misfortune was one of the low points of "I have no regrets about coming to' standards," Cassleman related. "It wasn't Cassleman's sophomore season saw him his career, but a mishap in last year's and I really have done almost everythi; until halfway through my senior year that duplicate his win in the 600 indoors and outdoor national championships really had hoped to accomplish," I showed any semblance of track talent." again earn a share of the mile relay squad's hurt. said. It was then that the Grand Rapids victory. But the 1972 outdoor season was Catholic Central product tried his hand at the 440 yard dash. - "The first time I ran the quarter (440) I when he found his best race yard intermediate hurdles. — the 440 "During my freshman year, I still wasn't - Batsmen domin did it in 48.6," he said. "Still, no one gave sure what my best event was," Cassleman said. "I didn't feel completely confident two me any attention because they thought it was a fluke. But after I ran a 48.6 the second time, everyone took me seriously, anywhere, but the intermediate hurdles gave me that satisfaction." capture even myself." Castleman placed first in the That brief exhibition of talent earned intermediate hurdles his sophomore year. By JACKWALKDEN LeFever to get out of the jam. State News Sports Writer Cassleman a scholarship to MSU, a He also ran legs on the Spartans' winning The Spartans rocked Extern with a r decision that asst. and track coach Jim mile relay and 440 - yard relay squads. run first inning to The MSU baseball team saved its best put away the fi Gibbard will never regret. The same year he placed second in the contest. The nine runs MSU scored in for last. "Bob has done everything and much 440 • yard hurdles at the NCAA contest was the most runs to cross The Spartans played possibly their best more than we could ever have asked of championships, third in the Amateur plate against EMU in a game this seasoi baseball of the season Tuesday as they him," Gibbard said. "His value to the team Athletic Union (AAU) meet and fifth in The Spartans utilized four extra closed out the home portion of their schedule by winning a doubleheader from hits in the initial inning, including a t Eastern Michigan, taking the opener, 9-2, by Terry Hop, doubles by Amos He and copping the nightcap, 3-2, in eight and Rick Seid, and a two run homer Goalie leaves - innings. Schryer. Schryer's homer was the fit The double win improved the MSU nine games for the Spartans. season record to 21-16-1. Eastern fell to MSU added the finishing touches on 27-17-1. win with three runs in the sixth inning MSU's veteran trackman Bob Cassleman will close out his Big Ten cites By STEVE STEIN personal there but I think a couple more years here The Spartans dominated the play in the twin bill and forced EMU into numerous mistakes with daring base running. MSU stole six bases in the doubleheader, while inning which second home run included Bill Simr of the season. collegiate track career this weekend at the conference outdoor track State News Sports Writer would have helped him more. Eastern assited with seven errors. championships at Ann Arbor. Cassleman has previously won 12 Big Ten championship events and will be in pursuit of three more. MSU's promising freshman hockey "We will be playing 36 games but our practice time is the same and that's where There were plenty of heroes in the Boston goalie Gary Carr dropped out of school sweep, but the Spartans were particularly Having achieved notoriety during his collegiate career, Cassleman is Monday for personal reasons and returned you correct mistakes. Hie professionals are drafting more and more college players inspired by the play of a pair of striving for a national championship and also a berth in the 1976 cheer home to Toronto, Ont. underclassmen - sophomore Mike Fricke Carr indicated to Spartan hockey coach now, too." and junior Joe Palamara. Olympics. Amo Bessone that he wanted to play Bessone said he would have to start Fricke collected four hits in eight trips to Junior "A" hockey in Toronto and from scratch and re - evaluate MSU's the plate, while Palamara reached base in BOSTON (UPI) - An estimated 30, • ■ eventually turn professional. - • goaltender situation now that Carr is eone. four of five plate appearances, including a persons jammed downtown Judge lets football player The netminder also wanted to stay close to home. His father died last fall. "He felt that he wasn't "We were sorry to see Gary go," Bessone said. "He did a fine job for us and we were expecting great things from single, two walks and an error. Howard Schryer was the hero in the Tuesday in summer - the World Champion Boston defeated Milwaukee like weather to sal Boston Cel"' Sunday tc doing school second game as MSU took the sweep. him in the future." the National Basketball leave Bengals tor WFL justice," Bessone said. "He thought he wasn't doing an honest job with both school and hockey. The loss of Carr marked the second year Schryer's one - out double over the centerfielder's head followed singles by Dale Frietch and Bill Simpson to give the Championship. Boston Mayor Kevin H. White, in which the Spartans have lost a key CINCINNATI (UPI) - U.S. District the Benglas' 21 witnesses, said the decision "I had a long talk with him Monday and office sponsored a motorcade through player before the season began. Last Spartans the win. Court Judge David S. Porter Tuesday was confirmation that the WFL had a right he had his mind made up, he was pretty summer, all • American defenseman Bob The hit gave sophomore righthander city and a reception for the champi denied a request by the Cincinnati Bengals to bargain for players "in an open declared Tuesday as "Boston Celtics ~ well set in his ways. We had an inkling of Boyd signed with the Minnesota Fighting George Mahan a long overdue win to move for a preliminary injunction to stop the marketplace." this since the season ended. We thought he his record to 2-3. and called upon the people of the ci Saints of the World Hockey Assn. and did World Football League (WFL) from "The action here was being watched by would finish this term, though, and think not play his senior year with MSU. Freshman Bill St. Clair had started the join in the special tribute. And join they did. Downtown w signing Bengals players to future contracts many players throughout the league," he about it during the summer but he had his game and was relieved by Todd Hubert in and said such signings are not "unfair said. "Hie decision corroborates the belief mind made up." the fourth inning. Hubert slammed the missed their lunches, school chil competition." Two weeks ago the WFL lost a similar that players have a right to negotiate for future services." Hie personable 19 • year - old Carr, who stands at 6 • 2 and weighs 180 pounds, Lifters ca door on EMU until the eighth inning when he ran into a major jam. apparently played hooky and house took a holiday to honor the first case when a Texas judge ruled in favor of Porter explained he did not grant the world title team since Bill Russell le the Dallas Cowboys. injunction because it would "harm the played his best hockey last the home stretch. In 28 games season down with the Detroit to secondJeff Washington walked and went to on a wild pitch. Glenn Gulliver 1969. In his 46 - page decision Tuesday, public interest in fostering free Spartans, including 21 Western Collegiate MSU's weightlifting club took five of then laid down a perfect bunt to third General Manager Red Auerbach, Porter rejected the Bengals' claim that competition in the marketplace for the base and beat it out for a hit, sending molded the first 11 Boston Hockey Assn. contests, Carr had an overall seven first places in winning the senior middle linebacker Bill Bergey's planned sports dollar." goals against average of 4.43 and 4.67 in state Washington to third. champions, told the gathering at G championship recently in Detroit. jump to the WFL would damage the the WCHA. He also averaged 35.3 saves Frank Maki won the 132 • pound After Gulliver stole second, Mahan Plaza, "Boston is the greatest Bengals. per contest overall. division and Mario Torriz was the winner came into pitch. Mahan struck out John capital in the world." Auerbach later "The court finds it unlikely that MSU finished last season with a 23 • 14 Germain and then walked Jim Luckhardt "We've had celebrations before Bergey's action in signing with the WFL Greeks t • 1 record and won six of its last eight in the 148 • pound class. The brother combination of Gary and to load the bases with one out. championships, but I've never will have a detrimental effect on he games. Randy Hunter each won a weight class. Mike Lauerman tried a squeeze bunt; anything like this." peformance or player morale of the Carr was named the squad's outstanding but popped the ball up right to Mahan for Captain John Havlicek, celebratin Gary took the 165 • pound division while Bengals as a whole," Porter said. "The WFL's motive for signing established NFL in benefit freshman player and was picked as "Rookie of the Year" in a vote of league Randy took the 181 • pound class. the second out. Mahan struck out Windle seventh NBA title, said "In all my: I've never seen so many enthur: players is not to cause any harm to the players conducted by a Grand Forks, people." NFL team in general, or to the Cincinnati Two fraternities will stage a benefit At one point on the parade route, a N.D., radio station. basketball game tonight at the Men's Bengals in prticular, but to further the Bessone believes that Carr has the beginning of Boston's famed "co Intramural Sports Arena to benefit Project competitive interest of the WFL." potential to be a professional goalie, but zone," people in windows showeredj The WFL plans to begin its first season Save. motorcade with confetti and tickerta that he needs more work. of play in less than two months. Alpha Phi Alpha and Omega Psi Phi "He has great potential," the Spartan plane flew over the route carrying will battle beginning at 7:30 p.m. A 50 WFL attorney George Moscarino, who coach said of Carr, who is a stand ■ up streamer message: "Boston salutes had aggressively cross - examined many of cent donation is being asked. Celtics. You're on top of the world." type goalie. "They play more games up Tennis team beats Western, 7-2; Don Kaverma receives awar netters optimistic about tourney Donald L. Kaverman, MSU education major from Reed City, named recipient to the second a ph has By MIKE DRESCH round go into consolation round. The either way." undergraduate scholarship award gi State News Sports Writer winner of the tournament is the team with Tom Gudelsky, No. 6 singles, agrees theNational Athletic Trainers Assn. the most points at the end of the finals that the one • point meets are The scholarship, worth $500, isu^ A long and rather disappointing regular and consolations. Points are also awarded heartbreakers and adds that "you learn the recipient in completion season campaign ended on a high note for during each round of division play. something from each meet, win or lose, undergraduate degree work. the men's tennis team Monday afternoon Each team goes into the Big Ten and the thing to do is to take advantage of Kaverman, who is 21 years old as it beat Western Michigan in a championships with points already that knowledge the next time you play senior, has been a student assistant nonconference dual meet, 7 - 2. However, accumulated during the season. These them." with the Spartan athletic departme the big test of the year for the Spartan points are awarded during match play with As for individual chances at the Big four years. netters comes up this weekend when they Big Ten opponents. The maximum amount Ten championships, Stark says he is going He will receive the award I travel to Madison, Wis., for the Big Ten of points possible for a season is 81, that to think positively and play the best tennis association's honorary membership championship meet. is, nine points for each meet, with nine Big he can. "I've got to put the pressure out of awards banquet to be held June "As I see it," Stan Drobac, tennis Ten meets. my mind and just concentrate," he said. Kansas City, Mo. coach, said, "Michigan is the team to beat. This year's Big Ten meet is being played Gudelsky is a freshman and this will be After that, the meet is up for grabs. All on the Wisconsin indoor courts. his first Big Ten meet. "I'm really looking forward to it," he the teams have a good chance of beating any of the others." "We like the indoor matches," Williarrts said. "We're used to playing incbocs and said. "I think I've improved and just hope MSU cre Team captain Dave Williams, No. 3 usually do pretty good." I can do well at the meet." singles, agrees. Drobac agrees with Williams about Williams said its been a frustrating year "We could end up anywhere from indoor play but adds that "the other for him. "I lost the rhythm of my serve to meet second toeighth,"hesaid."It has been a rat teams like playing indoors, too." about halfway through the season and I race all season. After Michigan, everybody "There's no wind, sun or other weather just wasn't consistent enough," he said. has about the same number of points, give or take a few. It will be a good meet, and conditions playing indoors, Drobac said. "You just get good tennis." "The thing I've got to do is go back to basic tennis. I have to keep the ball in play here Sa with the luck of the draw, we could come And most observers agree the Spartans and work on getting the first serve in." The MSU crew club will row agai out looking real good." will have to play good tennis to do Detroit Boat Club Saturday on the The Big Ten meet is conducted as a anything at the Big Ten meet. Their Big River. round - robin tournament with the best Ten record this year was 3 • 6, with Want to manage SN photo/ Julie Blough This is MSU's last home race victories Northwestern, Purdue and season. The course lies between th players in each division being seeded, or over Street and Waverly Road bridges given the top positions. There are six singles and three doubles divisions. The rest of the players in a given division draw Wisconsin. No. "It's been a rough season," Larry Stark, 1 singles, said. "The difference a hockey team? MSU freshman goaltender Gary Carr withdrew from school Monday and returned home to Toronto. Carr, who was MSU's starting Grand River near the Lansing « Grand River Park and Fran Anyone interested in becoming a for position. Then, each division is played between a good season and the one we had netminder most of the past hockey leaion, was voted the "Rookie of overlook the course. student manager for MSU's varsity hockey until a winner is determined. was the close matches. We dropped four team should contact Jay Blostein at 3SS - the Year" in one poll conducted by a North Dakota radio station. He The varsity race will begin at The players not making it past the first one - point matches. They could have gone 2576. Blostein is a student manager. accumulated a 4.43 goals against average in 28 games last season. and the junior vanity at 11:30 a.m. in State News. East Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, May 15. 197415 6ET YOUR BIST BUYS IN CLASSIFIED ADS 355-8255 Check loony, for those Local Garage Soles Tomorrow! l!»i [ FRANKLY SPEAKING.. by phil frank Employment fj FIAT 850 1970. 40 mpg. Best Emplopent Jfjj J® VEGA GT wagon, 1973. Loaded offer. Call evenings, 351 3806. with extras, only 8500 BABYSITTER WANTED: 12-6pm miles, DENTAL RECEPTIONIST for NEED TWO females for apartment $2600, private owner, 351-5478 now. Or 8-12am and / or orthodontist's office. Personable, - fall. Cedar Village. $80. FIAT 124 5-6-17 12-6pm starting June 14. My Sport Coupe, 1970 mature person with office 332-6693. 5-5-17 home only. Phone 351-6216 •harp. 25+ mpg, 5-jpeed' VEGA GT 1973. 4-speed. ^dia after 6pm. 5-5-15 capabilities. (Typing 60 wpm). PHONE 355-8255 AM/FM. 351-1344. 3-5-15 ' Excellent condition 14,000 Will train. Please call, 372-6451. 5-5-16 miles. Price $2195, 349-3358. NEED A Summer Job? How would FIAT 1971 850. 2 seater 5-5-20 you like to earn $2,000; Receive anytime after 5 p.m. 5-5-17 convertible, 35 TEACHERS NEEDED for Jewish mpg, good college credit for your summer •AUTOMOTIVE condition. Call 655-3177. 5-5-21 VEGA HATCHBACK 1971 - job, and gain valuable Sunday School. Call Ms. Stark. SUMMER SUBLEASE, furnished, I Scoot*" & Cycles FORD F-100 1972 bright blue, clean insides / out. experience? To qualify student 3326715. 3-5-15 one bedroom on campus, pick - up, $1,475. 353-9489, 351-2781 1. Have utilities furnished, $120/month. Pirts & Topper camper. Excellent 3-5-17 must entire summer MODELS FOR photography. Call 355-3259. 5-5-17 free. 2. Be a hard worker. 3. Be between 10am and Aviation condition, low mileage, first 6pm. able to live in the South or 489-1215. OR-5-31 $1,800 takes it. 482-6695 VOLKSWAGEN •employment extras, 411, 1972. All South East with other students. PERSON FOR summer, close, own •fORRENT _ 4-5-16 warranty. Phone Come to University Inn, For Rent room, pool - $95. 337-1061 394-0076, Monday - Friday early or late. 5-5-17 I Apirtmen" FORD VAN 1967. Good condition, 9-5pm. 3-5-17 Trowbridge Road, Saturday May 18. Interviews begin at 10:30am; $500. After 5 pm. 484-7879 4-5-17 VOLKSWAGEN 1971 used as 2pm; 6pm; 9pm. Be there on TV AND STEREO rentals. Waters-River's seond time. 1-5-15 $24/term. $9.95/month. Free •FOR SALE GREMLIN 1970. 3-speed, bucket car: automatic, many Low extras. mileage, $1750. same day delivery and service. Edge Apts. seats, in good 353-0978 351-2648. 3-5-17 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-5-31 FREE ROOMMATE |I AniMobilemal*Honrn after 5pm. 3-5-16 FOR STUDENTS SERVICE Summer | 'LOST & FOUND INTERNATIONAL SCOUT II VOLKSWAGEN / FOREIGN car repair. Mechanical and body. We college are accepting applications from students vtfio want a Apartments Mj 332-4432 1973. 2 wheel drive, 6 cylinder, Buy, sell and trade. IMPORT summer job. You must be willing to •PERSONAL 4-vaed, deluxe interior. 14,500 AUTO PARTS AND REPAIR. devote a minimum of 40 hours / NOW LEASING summer and fall! 4 SPARROW HOSPITAL near: Jones •PEANUTS PERSONAL miles. Perfect. $2300. 332-1775. 485-2047.0-1-5-15 week and be able to accept Street, 216 - upper 1 bedroom, I'REAL ESTATE 5-5-15 VOLVO P-1800 1965, runs responsibility. On the job training is provided for those who are unfurnished except stove, campus. Call 332-0245. Orchard Street. 5-5-20 126 | 'RECREATION I 'SERVICE 70 MGB. Excellent throughout. 30+ mpg, wires. $2100. Californian car until 1970, 5 well, accepted. For an interview, call 484-7368 between 11am 12noon. refrigerator, Garage. 489-7954. 5-5-16 SUMMER SUBLEASE, 2-3 good Michelins. $400. 337-0593 - 373-7247 days. 3-5-17 0-5-31 bedroom, across from Berkey. 1 I ml ruction or 355-5153. 5-5-21 551 ALBERT Street. One block Rent negotiable. 351-4670 I Typtofl Service MUSTANG MASON BODY SHOP from campus. Large 2 bedorom, 5-5-20 I -TRANSPORTATION 1966. Very good condition, good gas mileage. Call VW 1963. 27 Call mpg. rebuilt engine. 651-6352 after 5 pm - Kalamazoo Street since 1940. 812 East WORK-STUDY summer student during for laboratory help. MANPOWER furnished, manager's for fall. apartment No. 3. Resident CLEMENS 517 North Graduate, I 'WANTED Chuck at 353-2770. 3-5-16 3-5-15 Complete auto painting and - collision service 485-0256. Contact Mr. Rajendra, 353-5459, afternoons. B-1-5-15 372-0880 332-2404 / 351-6676. 10-5-23 married couple. bedroom, partially furnished, 5 room, 2 MUSTANG MACH I 1969. $500 or VW BUS C-5-31 1967 - mechanically 1 BEDROOM, close Frandor / best offer. Call 351-3680. Need money and parking. $160 plus utilities. 5-5-15 excellent. Body very good. Good a job? Linda, 351-8345 SECRETARY, MUST be campus. Lease. Immediate occupancy rubber, carpeted, 484 7871. experienced, part time for evenings and weekends. 5-5-16 484-7253. 5-5-16 NOVA, 1970 - 6 cylinder, 5-5-20 We'll give you all the help summer. Will continue through automatic. Green / black fall and winter. MSU student COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES Co-op #••••••••••••••• you need. NO DAYS interior. Economical, good tires Motorcycles ta preferred. Contact Mr. Rajendra, - 2 bedroom townhouses ; FRESHMAN • and exhaust. $975. 355-1377. Work for )S 353-5459, afternoons. B-1-5-15 us in your spare available immediately. $130 - 3-5-17 time, 1 day, 1 week, 1 $133 / month. All utilities S WOMEN!! • I 3 I 5 I 10 furnished except electricity and OLDSMOBILE, 1969 - trade for 1971 HONDA 450. Low mileage, BOX OFFICE and concession help needed. Apply in person month—take your pick. phone. Call 882-4176, Monday J You can live off • cycle! (over 500cc! or $1,000. mint condition, $700. 355-8970. 5-5-17 Call evenings. Lansing Drive In, 5207 Add variety to your list this summer. Male and Friday, 1:30 - 5:30pm. 10-5-28 - • • campus next year * Power steering, radio, tape NO PROBLEMS!! • South Cedar. 5-5-21 player, good body. 393-7354. female applicants needed. 1972, OSSA 250 trials bike. GRAD, UPPER class male. Share 5-5-16 - Office and industrial areas. EAST LANSING family needs two bedroom apartment. Own Good condition. $600 - OLDSMOBILE student to live in, beginning Experience not always room. 351-4546. SP-5-5-20 's Sophomores 1965 Cutlass negotiable. 372-3186. 3-5-17 convertible. Power summer term. Small negotiable necessary. Apply in brakes. $100. Phone 349-0385 steering, NORTON GU2ZI salary, room / board provided in person, 105 East 1 MAN for 2 man furnished. 216 • CALL 332-6246 ! - - DUCATI. New • exchange for babysitting and Washtenaw. 1 Beal. 332-0011. Call 5-8, Phil. UNIVERSITY • after 5:30 p.m. 5-5-17 models on display. Repair and cars housework. 355-1826. Summer. 5-5-20 service for Honda and British some • APPROVED HOUSING* LOCATED AT THE 3-5-17 •••••••••••••••a OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC 88 makes. G.T. MOTORS, 816 ' CORNER OF JOLLY FOR THE CAREER MINDED SUBLEASE ONE bedroom 1966, Automatic, power Howe, Lansing. Phone & OKEMOS RO 2 WOMEN administrative assistant with SUMMER SUBLEASE, near Mason 485-6815. 12-5-31 - exciting summer apartment for summer. Air, steering, excellent mechanical 349- 3196 secretarial training Abbot, Furnished, air, 154 baths, camp jobs. June 12 - August 17. or experience, close. $150. 332-1819. 5-5-20 condition. New tires. 355-2981. 6DAY A WEEK TOWING 4 - 5 man, price negotiable. Imprint machine (we train); needed in a new financial planning 3-5-16 YAMAHA 750, 1973. Good shape, OPEN 6 DAYS 332-3418. 5-5-17 AM - 9 PM BUT SUNDAY W.S.I, required: Counseling; corporation in South Lansing, TWO GIRLS for Americana next best offer. Call Rob, 484-6461 typing; driving, call for salary is negotiable, excellent I Cancellations Corrections OPEL MANTA 1973. Automatic, 3-5-17 FAMOUS LUCAS Square 8 Fog interview. 646-6709. 4-5-17 working conditions, excellent year. $83/month. Diane, NEED GIRL four man Cedar 353-1223. 5-5-20 T12 noon one class day excellent condition, reasonable and Driving lamps. Regular benefits, equal opportunity Village beginning fall. 355-7133, price. Call 882-5982. 3-5-16 HONDA 1969 - CB450, classic, $32.50 NOW! $23.50/eacb. 3536669. 5-5-17 ■ before publications. NURSE, LPN, or RN exciting employer. Call 393-1452. X-4-5-20 ON LAKE Lansing. 3 bedroom good mechanical condition. CHEQUERED FLAG, 2605 East summer camp jobs. June 12 - furnished cottage. Available OPEL RALLY 1973. Good $625. 355-8190. 3-5-17 BABYSITTER NEEDED LUXURY FURNISHED efficiency ■ The State News will be Kalamazoo, one mile west of August 17. (other duties - May June 15. $250 I month, includes condition. 4-speed. AM/FM. new campus. 487-5055. C-10-5-24 required). Call 646-6709 for 16th, 17th, 24th, June 3-7, utilities. Also furnished apartments, air conditioned, I responsible only for the tires, must sell. Call 372 5385 HONDA 1972 CL175, 2 helmets, interview. 5-4-17 10-14. $9/day. Call 355-3211. next to campus, quiet. Summer efficiency apartment. Fireplace, ■ lint day's incorrect 5-5-16 $480. Call between 5-7pm, VW - GUARANTEED REPAIR. 2-5-15 garage, $140 / month, includes of fall. 351-1258. 10-5-24 332-0432. 3-5-17 RANDY'S MOBIL. Okemos WAITRESSES AND | insertion. PONTI AC CATALINA 1970, 4 Road and 1-96. 349-9620. bartender. Call after 111 NURSE, LPN or RN exciting utilities. Both at Drive. 349-3506. 3-5-16 6100 Columbia SPARROW NEAR - very large one due 7 days from door. Excellent oonditionl $950. MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE C-5-31 summer camp jobs. June 12 bedroom unfurnished except - 489-9116. 5-5-20 - 337-0805. 1-5-15 New low August 17 (other duties stove and refrigerator. Utilities Dy the due date, a rates. FIEDLER 711 EAST APARTMENTS paid. $130. Security PONTI AC 1970 station wagon, air, INSURANCE. Phone 676 2449. Aviation NOW ACCEPTING summer required). Call 711 Burcnam Road. Large 1 372-2639. 5-5-17 deposit. 0-1-5-15 applications for waiters and 4-5-17 AM/FM radio, $1,175. Call bedroom furnished apartment. waitresses. Apply in person at 332-8711. 5-5-17 2 WOMEN Suitable for 2 or 3 persons. SUMMER & fall BMW, YAMAHA, TRIUMPH, DOOLEY'S after 12pm. 2-5-15 exciting summer camp leases. 501 PARACHUTING LESSONS. Carpeting, air conditioning, RICKMAN. Your jobs. June 12 - August 17. Hillcrest. Grad students; quiet, full service Licensed instructors. Classes heat included. RENAULT 12TS. 4 door, red. Renting for air conditioned, one bedroom dealer. Parts, custom accessories Saturday, Sunday, and by Imprint machine (we train); iimer and fall. For 13,500 miles, 23 months old. W.S.I, furnished apartments with competion equipment, service. required; Counseling, •intment: appointment. 351-0799, Stick shift. Michelin radials, Blaupunkt radio. 28.5 mpo. SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS, INC. 543-6731.3-5-17 ATTENTION typing; driving; call for 0726 337-7328 dishwasher. Close to campus. No 2460 North Cedar, Holt. Just interview. 676-6709. 4-5-17 pets - $175/month. 351-9081 (highway), 24.5 mpg (city), one ACROSS FROM Campus: 124 485-3014. 5-5-17 GER owner. Leaving country, must south of I-96 694-6621. C-5-5-17 overpass. Phone Employment ARTS & LETTERS WAITRESSES: NOONS. 10:45 Cedar Street, 135 Kedzie Drive, or 1970, 318, 41,000 sell. $2,100. 332-0924 after a.m. 2:30 p.m. Monday - 2-man, one bedroom furnished TWO GIRLS needed September - s Body, engine good. Call 9pm. 5-5-20 KAWASAKI 1972 175cc MAIORS Saturday. Neat, experienced. apartments, $170 and up. June. Water's Edge, Close. ^351-0629 after 8pm. 3-5-17 Enduro, like new, extras, $600, - PART - TIME positions for MSU JIM'S TIFFANY PLACE. Available June and September. $82.50. 351-2227.3-5-15 RENAULT 1 9 70, R16. students. Excellent salary level and 129 Burcham, Summer leases. 372-4300. 3-5-15 1973 AM/FM negotiable. 351-1414. 5-5-20 Mechanically sound, minor body meaningful business experience. Petitions for student Call 487-3216. Evenings 5-10pm TWO GIRLS to share a| ■"iiette Ziebart $3.000/best repair. $750 or reasonable offer. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS: are MOTORCYCLE TUNE-UP 20% Automobile required. 351-5800. 882-2316 or 8-3pm, 351-2402. summer. Air, pool, cheap. (•Kir 4893489. 5-5-17 Mr. Shelley. 351-9118. 3-5-17 0-3-5-15 positions on University you hard working? Do you like 0-5-31 below dealer price, pick 351-4597. 3-5-1E - up level and College level to dial? If you are ready to make #0E CORONET 1965. Old available. 484-3500. 5-5-17 but ROVER 2,000 TC 1967. One committees will be accepted money, call 694-3952. Wage, PART-TIME secretary: 3C ■ ■ SP5-6-17 Best Offer. 487-5770. owner, conditon. good mechanical HONDA CL-350. August 1973. hours/week, short hand Monday, May 13th, thru bonus and commissions. Experience preferred, will train. RIVERSIDE EAST $498. 332-0096. preferred. 351-6249. 3-5-15 Wednesday, May 29th __3-5-17 Rack miles. / pad assembly. $850, 2,000 negotiable. CARROUSEL IMPROVE- APARTMENTS SUNBEAM ALPINE 1960. New 355-3059. 3-5-16 LPN, FULL time opening on the 3 Petitions are available _^EN_TS^5;5-I7_ from $150 11:30 shift. Liberal fringe at your top, $350. 332-2760, after 5 departmental BABYSITTER FOR infant twins (summer only) CYCLE INSURANCE lowest benefits, evening and night office. For information year round. Must be dependable. __P;m._Sp5-5-17 - P-CON FUTURA 1968. differential, no shift rotation, sized cycle. Easy 353-0958. 10-5-28 TWO BEDROOMS rates on any ■ Automatic, call 355 - 0368. $350. 355-3137 SUPER BEETLE 1971, Mags, tape, payment plan. Call UNION every other weekends off and ■ 'f 5 p.m. 3-5-15 sun - roof, radials, $1895. One UNDERWRITERS, 372-8120 or weekend bonus paid. Call Mrs. GO GO DANCERS. Full or part •All furnished owner. 332-2061.3-5-15 4854317. 20-5-16 L. Risk, RN, Director of time. No experience necessary. X-RAY TECHNICIANS •Close to campus P'973 - 124 Nursing, 349-1050. Ingham Call 10am - 6 pm. 372-7086. convertible, 5 •4 ■Wtd Bright TOYOTA MINI - Pickup 1973. County Extended Care Facility, Two part time RT X-RAY parking places ■«*«*. Low mileage, 28 '< at 1824 yellow, black East mpg. 15,000 miles with deluxe insulated, panelled camper shell. Auto Service ][/] Okemos, Michigan. 3-5-15 technicians needed. Night shift and afternoon shift, and weekends. 5-5-20 HANDYMAN PART time. Must per apartment 1310 East Grand River Michigan 337-1612. 5-5-15 Apply Sparrow Hospital Personnel. - t*hone 332-R?fl:> FOR LANDSCAPING have have carpentry and electrical ' _L_ansing, 1224 days BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced own - must 5-5-17 house - wiring experience. Call Alpine Drive, TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1971 rates to students. Also transportation. Call 5pm and weekends convertible AM/FM stereo. guaranteed rust proofing. VAN 349-3150.3-5-17 DESK CLERK needed M-78 BODY SHOP, 337-0496 - ■»»92.10-5-23 $1,500.882 5592.7-5-15 WORLD, 645-2123. OR-5-31 transportation and be willing 2-5-15 I '"*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••« WANTED, 7 or 8 people for travel. Call 372-0567 or COUPLE NEEDED promotional work. Saturday, 489-1215 between 12 - 6 pm as house GOODYEAR POLYESTER tire in May 25. Apply Meridian Mall OR-5-31 parents for 6 mildly retarded good condition. 372-0550 after -ampus Hill I women in Community Mental 5pm. 2-5-16 management office. 3-5-16 Health Home. Exciting and CAB DRIVERS wanted. Must have rewarding work. Room, board, excellent driving record. Apply. salary, garden. Call Irma flttopcfemgfjam < VARSITY CAB. 122Woodmere, BQ0 < Zuckerberg, 487-6500 or the side door. 5-5-15 372-8270. 5-5-20 sqchih asaaaa aiaanag □□aan Now Leasing for Fall illBira Hgziaa NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER Special Sommer Rates AND FALL BURHI OUT 5. Prosperous times 6.Through I Hl1 Apartment!, are carpeted and furnished J * FROM 7. Buttress 8. Soldiers Luxury apartments completely furnished with distinctive t distinctive, comfortable furniture. Each unit hat 98rbage J Spanish Mediterranean furniture and shag carpeting 9. Involved 10 At all disposal, central heating and air J 47. Turkish chamber ] 'mpa,t 12. Adjust onioning, and dishwasher. These 4 units have throughout. 48. Compass point 4 Conveyance man ,09'ant4 Parking spaces per unit and include the use of 1 J ♦Each unit has diswasher, garbage disposal, central air STREAKING? 5" H r- T~ r" V 3- 17. City on the Meuse ^ tv dimming pool and recreation room. J conditioning, and heating. " 1!z iT" 18 Rendezvous 20. Mud volcano , Ou»hout ,he academic year there will be free bus * * 3 parking spaces per unit. sr — 21. Traipse full *Porta,lon t0 and from campus. We also have a lntat'me Rej'dent Manager for If you want to be ' J * Heated pool and private balconies t i6~ 17 is 23. Mountain banana Iecia?8 fir,t re,ident$ of CamP«i* Hi" ca" todflV J Two Bedroom Units start at: * * Heated Pool Ample Parking * Laundry Facilities 3. 24. French friend 25. Absolve * Nicely Furnished I onw j 12 month rstes available Roommate service e ♦AirCond. wmmmmmmm ■ HI 29. Measuring | 35^ed F0R RENTAL INFORMATION CALL 349 j •sr/ mo per man - Summer NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER worm One Bedroom Two Bedroom 31. Elegance 36. Piquancy *70°®/ nw per man - Fall $149 $169 Z. mo. 38. Yarn t exclusively by *64"/ mo per man • Special 12 mo. rate -Includes Utilities FALL RATES (12 mo. lUSe) Mummumuu wm 39. "Exodus" lS,*W MANAGEMENT CO., INC. Call 351-7166 Efficiency Be^om B^m managed by $154 $184 $234 ££ [ 351-1310 mo. mo. 241e. saginawhwy suite 411 -Includes Utilities- east lansing michigan 48823 All State Management Co.. Inc. Wednesday, May I5i 19^ 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan For Sate For Sale Apartments ^ Apartments jj^j Apartments ][g [_ Hoses Jgjj Houses M C GUNS, RIFLES, TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile 1 MALE to share 2 man $92.50 / NICE UNFURNISHED 2 FURNISHED FOUR man duplex. NEW DUPLEX. Ordinance Favors brothers I sisters, PLEASANT SINGLE Graduate women, or double references. all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. WAREHOUSE 6-17 SPECIAL! u,„ I homes. $25 - $35 / week. Ten month. Years lease, negotiable. bedroom, ■ Grad student Sublease summer. Inexpensive, families; BEST year 'round prices In uP,o35%offonfurnitlJ preferred. 489-7093 after 5:15. close. 355-2048, 355-1567. relateds. Three to seven Neer campus. 332-1746. 5-5-20 and lamps - al«o some ((fcri L minutes to campus. Quiet and 351-2681 evenings. 7-5-15 Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN and peaceful on a lake. 641-6601. 5-5-14 SP5-5-17 bedrooms. 332-1946. 3-5-17 SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. Call wallpaper remnants 5701 School Street, corner of I 0-5-31 SUMMER SUBLEASE, large 1 371-2244. OR-5-31 H^n SUBLET SUMMER 2-m#n large / STUDENTS OR working group. THREE BEDROOM duplex. Road and School street f bedroom, 2 blocks from campus, close / air / reasonable. Call Summer, 2, 3, 4 bedroom Furnished, close, carpeted. MOVING SALEI Couch, chairs, file 339-8257. BL-4-5-15 1 ON CAMPUS. 217 Bogue. Large 2 carpeted, furnished, air. Rent 332-5829. 3-5-20 houses; furnished and Summer and fall. 332-1946. ROOM FOR malK •- mt, across cabinet, portable stereo, dresser. bedroom furnished, 2 girls, reduced to $150. 332-1945, RALEIGH $215, 3 girls, $225. Available after 5. 5-5-15 unfurnished. Neat and clean. 3-5-17 from Unic ^£|4TEOind 5-5-16 Riv#r' Kenn, 349-3950. 5-5-16 WOMEN'S spri„ I June 16th. Phone 489-5922 or GRAD OR med student, close to SUBLET reduced DUPLEX, summer, rates, 4 bedrooms, 675-5279. 5-5-17 SUMMER: SHARE house with two upstairs. $ho per month. MUST SELLI Pioneer amplifier - 5-jpaed, s0tO „ 482-17:* $90/negotiable. condition! I I 351-8575. 5-5-20 option - fall. 351-0310. 5-5-15 SUMMER SUBLET nice furnished 5-5-16 NEED 2 for summer. Own room in men, own room, $68. 337-7133. 90 watts, elector ■ voice 16,12" Sparrow Hospital. Quiet place to house. $57. 351-4177. room in large house. Close, new 5-5-21 speakers, BSR, 710X turntable. ON CAMPUS. 217 Bogue. Small 1 study, 3 furnished rooms, MILFORD STREET - 126. 2-5-15 351-0225. 3-5-17 DIAMOND RING Ladv's • $490. 353-1869. 3-5-16 - bedroom furnished, $135. Large utilities paid. $135. Call Summer rentals, reduced rates. 2 NEED MELLOW third perosn. July karat set in 18 karat white » 1 bedroom furnished, $160. 484-3513. 3-5-15 and 3 man. 2 blocks from 1. Own room, on 80 acres. East - setting. Contact SUMMER SUBLET I fall option. 2 ROOM IN house, $70/month, ft 16th. Phone Bruce ce I I Available June Deluxe, furnished, air Leslie. $70/month. 1-589-8701 THE -> c it campus. bedroom house, 2-4 people, block from campus. Renting 489-5922 or 351-8575. 5-5-20 SUMMER SUBLEASE, three man conditoned. 351-2647, nicely furnished, utilities paid. before 2:30pm I weekends. immediately or June 1. TAILOR'S APPRENTICE apartment, close, convenient, 484-8494, 489-1656. OR-5-31 SP-5-5-20 230 Beech at M.A.C. 337-0934. 332-1809. 5-5-21 SELLS OUT PORTABLE STEREO FOR CHANCE of lifetime. Girl $65 each. 351-1915. 5-5-17 - per,ect I 3-5-16 condition, great sound, ph0„» I wanted to summer fantastic house. Air, furnished, close. After 5 p.m., 332-4555. lease SUMMER / ONE bedroom, conditoned, walk, bus air to SUBLEASE SUMMER - nice two bedroom furnished. Good price. Grove Street. 355-4903. 2-5-15 SUMMER SUBLET - 6 bedroom. 3 WOMEN NEEDED to share new house near campus. Available $70 plus utilities. ^ For Sale MAY 10th. 10th Everything though JUNE must go. ^ jack, $70. 349-1479. sp.5.5.201 3-5-16 campus. 332-2625. 3-5-16 Nice house. 581 Cornell - phone June 1st. 351-3589. 5-5-20 ANTIQUE slashed CLOTHING at 125 watt stereo. Tuner, 12' Coaxal I 351-1297. 2-5-16 prices, open speakers, Garrard • Shur. I ONE AND two bedroom CANON-F-1, 135mm 2.5 lens, APARTMENT for afternoons. 541 Eest Grand M75ED. $200. 355-940) " Sunbathe STUDIO graduate women apartments near campus. Nine month or 1 year lease. Furnished 6 PEOPLE for summer, own room. ONE GIRL for house. Summer I extra len ' Make offer, d82-4265. 5-5-17 accessories. River DOWNSTAIRS - The SP-5-5-20 New and close, $60 per month. fall option. Close, nonsmoker. end is near - WBS on the with stove, refrigerator, 332-5923. 3-5-16 355-1650. 3-5-16 KING SIZE water bed, frame, liner, MEXICAN CLASSICAL guitar ~ dishwasher, air conditioning and TANDEM SCHWINN 5 speed. Year carpeting only. Utilities included LANSING CLOSE to LCC and old $125. Phone 394-2189. and heater. $60. 351-6095 3 MEN needed. Summer only. - Red Cedar. ACROSS Four FROM Mason Abbott. man. 2 bedroom, air, except electricity. Call 372-3994 $72/month. Very close. State buildings. First floor, 5-5-17 evenings. 5-5-21 between 8:30 - 5:30. 5-5-15 332-5656. 5-5-20 unfurnished, 2 bedrooms, 5 furnished, $200. 332-2486, rooms and bath. Stove, DIVE BOAT - PIRELLI inflatable FREE LARGE desk. Sofa and River's & Water's Edge 351-3906. 50 bucks / man is SUMMER ONLY. Walk to campus. basement, 1 garage space. $200, 15% foot, rated to 55 h.p. Little chair, caramel Naugahyde, $75. Apartments (next to NEEDED. SERIOUS Student for hard to beat. 4-5-19 Furnished, 2 bedrooms, ($195). $930. 646-0283. 5-5-17 Excellent conditon. 337-0640. Cedar Village) luxurious house, fall only. utilities paid. Deposit, no pets. use. Quiet building. Phone 351-7239. 3-5-17 Yvonne. 337-0564. SPS-5-17 337-7628. 5-5-20 FEMALE TO share furnished 4-5-17 WHAT A deal! 29 gallon aquarium, Summer Rents apartment. Summer. Call after NEED TWO females for 4 female complete with stand, plants, 10-SPEED bike, Raleigh from $50.00 MALE ROOMMATE, summer. HOUSE, 2 girls summer, own room. 5pm. 351-8966. 5-5-15 house near MSU. Big yard, filter, and large tropical fish. Competition, used 5 months, Furnished, own bedroom $75 Gunson. 332-1403, after 6. ample parking, bus. $75. $80. 394-0457. 3-5-17 beautiful condition. $225. Canoes Available free for plus utilities. 332-3147. 5-5-17 Tenant Use. SUMMER SUBLEASE studio Available June 1 and June 15. 485-7626. 5-5-21 SP-5-5-15 Just Call 332-4432 apartment. Furnished, near LIBERAL ROOMMATE needed 694-1514. X-5-5-17 CANON MOVIE Camera. Super - 8, capitol. Call 489-7161. SUMMER: NEED one girl for summer - 4 person house. model 814. Brand new, best BEAUTIFUL GOWNS and dresses, SUBLEASE SUMMER. 2 man, SP-5-5-15 Cedarview Apartment. 332-1880 NEAR LAINGSBURG - 15 miles offer. 694-1563. 3-5-17 some never worn. Sizes 8-12. furnished, air, close to campus. 353-6059, after 6 p.m. 5-5-21 after 5pm. 3-5-17 northeast. Large 4 bedroom 355-6138. 3-5-17 351-3693. SP-5-5-20 LARGE TWO party, furnished 8 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent for house, 1 acre. Unfurnished, MCINTOSH 2100 POWER efficiencies. Air conditioned. ONE TO four man apartments. $200 per month. Available now. amplifier, excellent condition. BANJO, 5-string Stradolin. Year summer, $450/month, 2 blocks SUBLEASING FOR Summer. Close to campus. Summer, $140, Furnished, air, one block. from campus. 332-5362. 5-5-21 351-7497. OR-5-31 Justin, 351-7240 after 2pm. old. $115 new, now $70. Steve. BACH STR ADIV ARIUS cornet ML I Close, 3-person. $160. Phone Fall, $165. 484-0585. 30-5-20 3-5-17 482-3723. X-3-5-15 332-1946. 3-5-17 337-0775. X-3-5-15 SUMMER ROOM and board fpr ONE BLOCK east of MSU. TWO GIRLS: 4 bedroom, 254 $235. Nexus Co-op. 351-0100. GROOVY NEW leather hat from DUPLEXES. SUMMER and Fall. 3 bathroom, off - street parking, Beautiful 1 bedroom, 15-5-31 California. $25, negotiable. Call bedroom. Completely furnished. bus line, furnished, $65/month unfurnished. Carpeting, air PIONEER, GARRARD, I., J. 23-5-31 353-4032. 1-5-15 351-8162. SP-5-5-15 (includes utilities). $30 deposit, TWO WOMEN, own rooms. $60 conditioning, laundry, parking. no lease. 484-5185 evenings and summer, $70 - fall. 351-9302 - SMITH CORONA typewriter. turntables. TEAC 250 recorder. Panasonic quad 6 cassette| Call 332-1703. 3-5-17 Corsair model - $20. Bowmar LIONS STEREO floor model. COUPLE: ONE bedroom, - SUMMER RENTALS weekends. 5-5-21 after 6 p.m. 5-5-17 model MX70 memory calculator Above condition. Best 501 speakers. Sansui SP15CK furnished, utilities included, average (FILLED FOR FALL) STUDENT DUPLEX, 595 Spartan. $75,349-2732. 3-5-17 offer. 371-1243 6am-1pm. speakers. Portablt $140 - $150, 349-4071, SUMMER: 5 BEDROOM, block 2 bedrooms, furnished, TWO BEDROOM basement recorders, albums and tac«i.l 349-3084. 3-5-15 3-5-17 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS comfortable, private, off street from campus. $260. Big apartment. One block from head supplies, replica swords ant - ANTIQUES & UNIQUES. Buy and 2 PEOPLE parking, pool privileges, 2, 3, or backyard! 355-6267.5-5-21 campus. Available fall. sell. 220 Albert Street, under guns. Portable TV's, QUIET TWO bedroom unfurnished CANOE - 15', wooden canvas. S150 MONTH 4. Summer $180. Phone 394-2646. X-5-5-15 equipment. West, FenderJ apartment, Okemos. No Lums. C-5-31 Good condition, $165 - will 484-4014. 3-5-17 RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE for Custom, Acoustic, Gibson ar 3-4 PEOPLE undergrads, no pets. $180. consider guns in trade. 676-4509 summer. Own rooms, close, $65. SUMMER SUBLET - room for 3- accessories. Small applian S180 MONTH Immediate occupancy. TROPHIES 4 PLAQUES evenings, 373-7603 days. 1-6-15 ONE GIRL for 4 man summer. 332-8953 7-IOpnv, ONLY! 6 people. Spacious and close. hand and power tools, si 349-0558,332-3534. 5-5-17 OVII 1000 TSOFMftS ON DISPLAY River's Edge, $55. 351-0806. 5-5-21 337-1265. 5-5-17 MOWAiriNC . IMMIDItri OIIIVMY GARAGE SALE - Antiques, goods. We also have electronij CEDAR 3-5-17 ONE MAN for 4 - man apartment. books, clothing, furniture, repair. Bank cards welcome! SUMMER TERM only - need four DICKER & D E A VILLAGE Rivers Edge Apaitments. for a 4 bedroom house. miscellaneous. May 16-18, 1211 SECONDHAND STORE, 17ofl SUBLEASE ANN Street, 4 person 353-4016. 5-5-17 Alsdorf. 3-5-17 duplex, roomy, partly furnished. 482-9672 or 482-0278. South Cedar. Lansing. 487-38861 315 BOGUE ST. 351-5180 332-1456.3-5-17 ONE GIRL needed. Own room. BL-1-5-15 ROOMS FOR summer and fall. JUNIOR LEAGUE Garage Sale! Open 9 - 9 Monday. Wednesday^ smoker. $87.50/month. Friday. 9 • 6 Tuesday, Thursd N LANSING - near Sparrow Non - CLOSE, ONE block, summer, Cooking, parking, laundry, TV Thursday, May 16th. 9am-6pm, ONE GIRL for next year, Cedar Saturday. C-5-5-15 Hospital. Efficiency or one 351-0132. 3-5-15 room. Very close to campus. 1908 Moores River Drive, View Apartments. Call Yvonne, furnished, four bedrooms, $60 bedroom. Available month. 337-9206. 3-5-17 Phone 332-5722 Monday Lansing. Iron stone pitcher. MID-MICHIGAN'S 332-0821.5-5-21 largest audif immediately. Call JON EZZO REAL ESTATE, 482-1147. SUBLEASE, 4 bedroom duplex - Houses £i ONE MAN to share house - $60 Friday, 9:30- 11 am. 0-5-31 332-1667 Early American loveseat, etc. No clothing. 1-5-15 retailer With thp finest in sti products and electronic repair^ 5-5-21 Larry Cushion Sporting Goods summer. Fall option. Individual month, furnished utilities SINGLE ROOMS, kitchen Shop the store < 1 UK n of mich wist or siAas HOUSES, CLOSE. June - summer included, short lease. 371-3152 prwileges, block from campus, "IANSINO S HOUSI Of TaOfHIlS" JUNIOR . LEAGUE Garage Sale. or group. Sandy, 332-3258. Thursday, Ma* lift 9am-6pm, 3-5-17 $60, fall $77. 332-5622 only 5 7 p.m. 5-5-17 after 5pm. 2:5-16 SUBLEASE SUMMER - 2 Summer only! 651-5542, or Ron Carpenter 372-6770. 10-5-28 GIRL'S RALEIGH 3 speed. 1* years old. Excellent condition. 1864 Penobscot, Camping equipment, day bed, Okemos. *"^9^^^45 Ann Sire# 2 GIRLS needed for Twyckingham ONE MAN needed, next year, SERIOUS STUDENT for next year. bedrooms, 4 women, porch, ROOMS BOGUE Street $175/term. 332-1676. 5-5-20 etc. NO clothing. 1-5-15 COLOR TV - Magnarox, 3 man, summer $78 351-8394 Cedar Village. 4/man. 355-9381. Own room. Beautiful house. No kitchen, I fall. French PIKvP ial a 3-5-17 5-5-21 negotiable. Close. 355-1994. summer 337-0564. SP5-5-17 3-5-17 351-4280. 3-5-17 TRAVEL TRAILER. 1968 24' s«lf SUEDE JACKET - excellent Excellent ;t * .oiton, guara contained, custom built, sleeps conditon. Size 10, $30. $150.489-1982. 5-5-15 SUMMER SUBLEASE: EAST LANSING - one bedroom 5 MAN HOUSE, one block from SUMMER - OWN bedroom in large SUMMER SUBLET, cooking, 4. $2800. 676-1103, 67^2277. 337-9927, ask Jeanie. 3-5-17 furnished apartment. Ample Twyckingham apartments. Air, 4-5-17 parking, utilities paid. $145. Berkey. Summer, $280/month. beautiful house. Fireplace, parking, private bath, own TEAC A4010S reel • to • reel ta( pool; only $75. 351-8160. SONY SQD 2020 4 channel, full 485-4911.5-5-21 332-6374. 3-5-16 $70/month. 3 needed. entrance, close. 332-2479. - deck. Pioneer SX525 AM/fB 5-5-21 logic SQ de joder control center, 351-2626. 1-5-15 3-5-16 Tandberg 6041X stereo tape stereo receiver. Sony TC8W' | ONE GIRL needed for Eden Roc SUPER PLACE for five or six. track recorder. Sony 5 w MARIGOLD APARTMENTS FURNISHED ROOM in nice deck. Concord MTC-12 closed Furnished, parking, carpeting. 6 walkie talkies. 1000 used 8 tra Apartments fall, winter, spring. 10 SPEED Hirondelle Manufrace circuit TV camera. Excellent 'JUST A FEW LEFT' bedrooms, balcony. 676-2828 house. Close, $70 per month, Polaro| - Call 351-8923. X-1-5-15 tap® - $1.50 each. $105 damage deposit. Available 21' frame. Simplex equipped, conditionl Call 394-2826 after 5pm. 3-5-16 Warren Dunes Park. June 1 cameras $5 to $50. I SUMMER RATE $140 - June 1st. 337-0255. 3-5-15 center pull brakes. Touring evenings. 3-5-17 selection of movie cameras ail ONE GIRL - Haslett Arms, fall July 15. $125/week. $400 / 911 Marigold, East Lansing. FURNISHED HOUSE. June 15 equipment $95. 339-2164. projectors. NEW RobynCBsef through spring, $75.75/month. - month. Call 33.2-0606. 5-5-21 NEW 10-speed, C. Large 1 bedroom, furnished FURNISHED ROOM Okemos 5-5-20 BRAND Itoh. apartment. Carpeting, air 353-2807. 2-5-16 September 15. Three or 4 men - Sanyo auto stereo systems, Cr J only. Dial 332-4076, after 6 SUMMER SUBLEASE, large 5 area. Summer and fall term. Need money, must sell! $150. auto cassette tape decks. Jemfl conditioning, HEAT - no Kitchen GIBSON 335 electric 12 string 337-0164. 5-5-21 additional charge. Renting (or TWO - SUMMER sublease. Air. p.m. 3-5-16 bedroom home, $260. Haslett, privileges. Older woman auto speakers. MUCH MORI summer and fall. For Student guitar. Excellent condition. off Hagadorn. 332-2409. 5-5-21 preferred. $75/month. WILCOX S EC0NDHAN| appointment: 337 7321. pool, close / campus. ONE HOFNER, violin bass - Paul - EAST LANSING: Three and four 349-2723 after 6pm. 5-5-21 Craig car cassette player. Must STORE, 485^391. C-5-31 351 -8545 $165/month. 353-6089. 2-5-16 duplexes. Available sell fast! 353-1147. 3-5-16 McCartney style. Best offer - bedroom 4 GIRL unfurnished 2 bedroom NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. One must be seenl 355-9099, Tim. SUMMER HOUSE apartment, LUXURY 2-man. Air, near campus. June, unfurnished. Appliances, house. Close to campus. AKAI 2-5-16 ALL TYPES of optical repaij near bus. 351-8920. 5-5-20 351-8182. 3-5-17 man for 3/man house. Cheap, 6X365D. Marantz 1200 Prom|jf Service! 0PTICW furnished, parking, yard, block June 15 - September 15. $150. close. 337-1295. 1-5-15 Sansui TU-7500 tuner, Dual DISCOUNT, 2615 campus. Reasonable. June 1 • 332-5375.3-5-17 BLACK DOCTORAL robe and COZY 2-3 person house sublet for TWO BEDROOM house available 1218 turntable. Cheapl Michigan, Lansing. 372-74T September 15. 332-1782.3-5-16 355-0944. 5-5-20 mortar board, $30 complete. ONE GIRL to share 2 person, fall summer. Close to campus. immediately though summer. SHARE TWO bedroom house, two C-5-5-17 353-1670. 3-5-17 351-3116. 5-5-20 $180. 353-1552. 10-5-29 blocks from Union, $100. SUMMER SUBLEASE: Two man through spring. Furnished, close, 332-6802. SP-5-5-17 SEWING MACHINE Clearance UNIVOX ELECTRIC guitar, I apartment, completely J