Robberies sober pot dealers to " Note: This is the second of a two - part series dealing "The first thing I thought was 'I've been ripped really bummed out," Tim said. Then he smoked off,' and I was him, but he later decided he would'really like to see the culprits big risks creasing drug • related crime in MSU residence halls. to dinner in the a joint and went caught. But Tim waited too long, and now the don't do things like that," John said. If" '■ jtorv includes interviews with two of the victims. cafeteria. Hm described the robbers as chance of finding the suspects. police have little John moved to take the pot away from the man, and all five 17 to 20 years old and dressed In another jumped him, he said. like the average MSU student. drug - related robbery, the victim - who said he By PETE DALY smokes marijuana "Right away I was screaming and fighting," he said. "They were real cool when occasionally but has never dealt it - didn't "They State News Staff Writer they came in," he said. "They were wait as long to call the were trying to hold me down and slug me, but they couldn't hold acting real nice." police. me." Tim said he didn't bother to "I called the campus police right away, because the robbers as a typical business transaction for Tim, a former pursue the robbers after the last were John is 6 feet 2, and he guessed none of his assailants were over "fl, uving in East Complex, but suddenly the deal soured one left his room. trying to break down my door at the time. They wanted to 5 feet 10. get back inside the room and kill me," said If 4 inch knife blade flashed in front of his face. "I had a real fatalistic attitude then. There Hall freshman. John, an Armstrong "I don't think they expected me to do anything because there ^1"'is ■ 11 one of a growing number or campus pot dealers who do," he said. was nothing I could He said he was were five of them," he said. "When I began to struggle one guy y thcir profits eroded and their lives threatened by robbers. "I would advise returning to his room from class one morning said, 'Hey man, you can't do anything. This is anybody selling late in April when five men drugs you got J!!was robbed in early May. with something," he said, hefting a marijuana to arm themselves fist - sized rock he now keeps They were approached him outside his room. looking for John's roommate George, who sometimes here.'" ■ "When the three guys walked into my room looking for dope, I in his room. "I don't trust John suffered bruises anybody anymore." directed people to sources of drugs. during the fray as did his assailants. «ht they were friends of the guy down the hall who brought Richard 0. "I fought them all the Bernitt, director of the campus police, said that is George was not in the room, way to the door, where I managed to m to my room," said Tim, a freshman studying but the five men pushed their way land a solid kick on the inside engineering. not a good idea, and that anyone who used in, saying they had arranged thigh of the last one going out," I rim was wrong. The three strangers had knocked on the first especially a pot deal with George and would a weapon, a he said. gun, would be in "big trouble." await his return. , they came to on Tim's floor, asking where they could buy Tim said he used to sell about 10 They were so enraged, he said, that they tried to get back in 15 "I don't know where Jf The students living there didn't have any, but one helpfully friends. or ounces a week to his he had never met they heard of George. George said later people of their description, and hadn't told but the door was locked behind them. The robbers gave up Lk the trio to Tim's room. pounding on his door when he called the police. He reported selling to strangers only once or twice before, "but anybody about making a marijuana deal for them," John said. r'After the guy down the hall left, one of the strangers grabbed "The campus police got here in a L | Was showing them and two took off down the hall. I I would never do that again. "My guess is they overheard George talking at a hurry, but the bums were He boogies a lot." party or a bar. already gone. The police haven't got any suspects "If I was ever to sell yet," he said. Ltd t°chasP them'but the remainin8 B"y kicked me back into more cautious. marijuana again, I would be much John said he and the men, who "George doesn't have anything more to do with drug dealing," Lroom Then he pulled a pocket knife with a 4 - inch blade out Everybody would be, if they had gone through smoked a joint while appeared to be students, John said. what I did," he said. this jacket and waved it in my face." Tim didn't waiting for George. "At first they were real cool, "People just have to remember that a lot of persons who | After a tense five - minute face ■ off, the bandit took off. notify the campus police of the robbery until room and stuff like that. saying how they admired our smoke pot are not cool. There are a lot of midnight that night, at first afraid of what the police But when that one guy very low - type human might do to grabbed up the beings who are just out for drugs or the money involved in it," pot I knew they were looking for trouble. Sociable people just John said. Volume 67 Number 159 Thursday, May 16,1974 Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Senate lowering Arab guerrillas hit tge for Itafe off Israeli school; 16 die By JOHN TINGWALL State News Staff Writer (See related article page 7.) blankets were seen taken from the school. blindfolded. Army soldiers carried woundedteenagers The Popular Democratic Front, a |fhe Michigan Senate voted FROM WIRE SERVICES on their backs. In the scene of confusion it Palestinian guerrilla group, claimed itielmingly Wednesday to approve a was difficult to establish the numbers of responsibility for the seizure of the teen me bill that would open the offices of dead and wounded. MAALOT, Israel — Israeli army troops agers and said in a communique issued in nor, lieutenant governor and state Information Minister Shimon Peres told charged into a school Wednesday and Beirut, Lebanon, that the guerrillas had or to 18 • year • olds if approved by newsmen that the Israeli cabinet made the fou#it a furious gun battle with three blown up the building. .IMS. Arab guerrillas who were holding about 85 decision to attack because the 6 p.m. "The catastrophe has happened and V bil, approved by a 32-3 vote, will teenagers hostage. Sixteen persons were deadline was approaching when the Israel alone shoulders the responsibility," I return to a House conference Palestinian gunmen had said they were the communique said. reported killed and 70 wounded. Bmittee because a Senate amendment going to blow up the school building. The Front communique identified the Prime Minister Golda Meir vowed in an jidded that would place the proposal emotional television address that Israel The Israeli spokesman said the three guerrillas as Ali Ahmed Hassan, 27, f the August primary ballot rather than k November general "will do everything in its power to chop government had approved a decision to born in Haifa and a veteran of guerrilla election ballot as off the hands that intend to harm a child negotiate with the three terrorists for fighting in Jordan; Ahmed Saleh Nayef, ed by the House. release of 26 other terrorists in or an adult, in a city or in a village." exchange 20, a car mechanic born in Beitu Haninah It passing the resolution, the Senate In past cases of terrorism, the Israelis for safe release of the children, through near Jerusalem; and Aaziad Abdel Rahim, I approved an amendment by Sen. have staged retaliatory attacks on the mediation of either the French or 22, formerly a prisoner of the Israelis at ■liim Ballenger, R Lansing, guerrilla Romanian ambassador to Israel. that bases in neighboring Arab lands and Acre and Eshkalon. ■d the 18 year • old requirement - But neither ambassador received the Police claimed that the Arabs opened Meir's remarks were taken as a hint Ifwmor and lieutenant governor. The another such attack might follow this secret password that had been relayed fire on the students less than a half hour approved an amendment from Damascus and Beirut to the French before their deadline for the release of the second terrorist strike in a little over a itsday by Sen. David Plawecki, month inside Israel itself. and Romanian capitals, the spokesman prisoners. n Heights, that raised the age said. An Israeli schoolgirl who came out with The three Palestinian guerrillas were "We asked for postponement of the jtoment for those two offices to 25. killed in the armyassault on the three - deadline to collect the terrorists in prison a bullet wound in her leg said: jwki said he did not believe people are story school, but it was not clear whether "The terrorists told us that soon the Jy to accept an 18 • year • old governor they or any Israeli soldiers were included and to meet their demands," Peres said. Red Cross would come arid everything (that he did not want to see the entire in the official death toll announced by Unfortunately, the terrorists refused to would be all right. on defeated because of this. Meir in her television address. postpone and it was decided to act when (continued on page 15) Jlep. bill, Jackie Vaughn, D-Detroit, sponsor An explosion went off inside the school the two ambassadors were unable to make said he was pleased with the any contact. Inside and smoke poured from its windows as the "When we today w of the House and Senate and the Israeli attack began with saw at 4:45 p.m. that the an volleys of ambassadors not ready, we * East Lansing City Council nixes support for the proposal. gunfire that lasted for about 10 minutes. were decided « to do whatever we could to Women's Center and approves CATA support from both parties is Some of the children jumped from second save our onsible for the bill's children." funds. Page 2. success," Vaughn - story windows of the building where I "I intend to wTite letters tomorrow they had been held at gunpoint for about The cabinet's earlier decision to meet a • The doctor shortage and new hope for lltie governor, lieuteant 13 hours. life - or - death Arab demand was the first the med school reject. Page 6. governor, AP wirephoto "7 of state and party Meir said time the Israeli government has ever chairman A wounded teenage some of the children listed as • An Busting their support for this girl is carried on a stretcher from a school wounded were hurt when they jumped, conceded to terrorists. MSU prof has a new suicide theory. tutional amendment." building in Maalot, Israel, Wednesday, after Israeli troops stormed but others suffered gunshot and other Three guerrillas, including a woman, Page 12. ulJin said that as chairman of the three Arab terrorists who held some 85 school children hostage in an were then released from * wounds. prison, Lansing Mayor Gerald Graves treats a icecommittee that will scrutinize attempt to free other terrorists in exchange. Bodies with faces covered helicoptered to the sealed • off town and legislative committee to a new stag film. ■ Senate amendment by army taken to the school ' to place the with their eyes Page 15. "n the August ballot, his next Ibility is to decide if the change pbe favorable Judiciary or unfavorable to the ® not p. he said. "I JJJing behind voter acceptance. too displeased "lent since the November can with understand the Sen. Plawecki's this ballot will WASHINGTON (AP) - The House panel will subp be more cluttered." supported by all committee,Republicans That is as far as Chief Counsel John and Segretti already were "marked for life Rebozo by billionaire Howard Judiciary Committee voted 37 • 1 except Rep. Edward Hutchinson of Doar has gotten in his presentation of as the dirty tricks team." But U.S. District Hughes. . |fn fflid will that his first action in Wednesday to subpena 11 Watergate tapes Michigan, was a direct challenge to Nixon, evidence to the committee, which he Judge Gerhard A. Gesell declared that Haig refused to testify on the matter May 2, saying the President had ordered him to be to emphasize the President Nixon has refused to provide for who notified the committee last week he °f voters that resumed after the vote on the subpenas. "your resort to. .swearing falsely cannot would support the committee's impeachment inquiry. . invoke executive privilege. would give it no more Watergate material. In other Watergate developments ■®endment. be condoned." Chapin, who could have • "It is important to me By top - heavy vote it also subpenaed The subpena calls for Earlier, the Senate committee voted T fwer students delivery of the Wednesday: received up to five years in prison, will be around in schedules of Nixon's daily meetings and tapes next Wednesday. • unanimously to ask the full Senate td *i he said. Dwight L. Chapin, the President's remained free on bond for an appeal. extend its life to June 30, conversations during four periods of. time, The 11 conversations covered by the former appointments secretary, was • In an afternoon session, the Senate partly to give its candidate for the Republican staff time to remove from the and set a vote for today on subpenas for new subpena deal with plans for bugging sentenced to 10 to 30 months in prison panel's final on for the 6th Watergate Committee gave the President's report any references to individual guilt orf Congressional tapes of 66 presidential conversations Democratic headquarters, conversations a for his April 5 conviction on two counts chief of staff, Alexander M. Haig Jr., a *at. said if tile innocence in the scandal. Chairman Sam J proposal appears dealing with other matters under few days after the Watergate break • in and . of lying to the FBI about political second chance to answer questions about Ervin, D - N.C., acknowledged that Fj*1 ballot, the prospects of i PWefrom 18 ° investigation. efforts to get the CIA to limit the FBI trickster Donald Segretti. Chapin, 33, had his knowledge of a $100,000 contribution was taken to lessen chances the stejk to The the - • 25-year-olds The vote vote on on the Watergate tapes, investigation of the break - in. pleaded for clemency, saying that both he given to Nixon's friend, C. G. "Bebe" "B<' report diminished. (continued on page 15 ) I feps OK watered down r. .... By JIM BUSH State Newt Staff Writer a . .. „ ... However, members of the House Judiciary Committee inserted „ list of exceptions in which public matters can be preliminarily 1 ODen. open, in in mihlir public,"" said who was instrumental in open said Rpri Rep. Michael Michael A. A Divelv. R-Traverse Oitv. Dively, R-Traverse City, adding what Bullard called loopholes to meeting bill ® to conduct "strateffV "strategy sessions" "potential or pending litigation." sessions" onon collective haruainino nr bargaining or JJjl«r piece of Michigan's political reform package designed discussed before being decided in open meetings. the final legislation. Spokesmen for Gov. Milliken and Common Cause, a citizen • to • to negotiate the purchase or sale of public property. # the ,s.0vernment decisions are made in public sailed The exceptions, which Bullard cited in voting against the bill, "consider" records which are exempt from public lobby, also expressed general support for the measure. inspection. toithJlr "°"sp Wednesday, but its original sponsor, are nearly identical to situations in which MSU's Board of But Bullard, who often finds himself on the short end of • to consider ■ilt Rj. p 11 routiliated by loopholes, voted against it. Trustees regularly meet in private and could thus lessen the bill's disciplining a student at a public institution, clout in ending such meetings. The trustees have in the past used legislative votes, was disgusted with the bill's approval. including colleges, unless the student requests an open ■•*jieaviiverr> Rullard< D-Ann Arbor, whose open meetings "The public is defrauded by a bill which allows so Hie bill also permits a hearing. ■^othor i am<'nded in committee sessions, was joined by private meetings as a tool to decide tuition increases in advance meetings," Bullard complained after the House vote. many secret public body to conduct private wbill whil8'Slat°r in °PPosing the measure, and avoid divisive public debate. discussion in self - proclaimed emergencies, when officials believe Secret "executive" sessions of public bodies would be that public knowledge would Most of the 96 legislators who approved the bill were confident r Milliit ,musl win state Senate approval and be signed permitted In six specified instances: the emergency. hamper the body's ability to handle r®ikino Y° became l«w, is intended to tighten existing that the measure would improve upon existing law which * to consider hiring or appointments of non- elected However, record roll call votes of official bodies would r^iinfJi mor° difficult for public bodies to conduct generally says only that public meetings should be open to the officials. public be "exec"tive" sessions. required before they could enter secret session. The reason for Pticf 1 r. ,10l to SI ,000. P"^This bill extends existing state law and insures that township • to consider the they request firing or disciplining of such officials, unless conducting the secret session would also have to be recorded in I city residents will be entitled to have all decisions made in an open hearing. the body's public minutes. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May l6) |9?( CATA aid approvec by city; Women lose By ROSANNE LESS the budget voting began. "The present budget for next State News Staff Writer yearonlv^ CATA $36,000," Pierson said. "The West Germans elect president The East Lansing City Council approved an now known to be much higher. costs Unless th additional $41,433 for the Capitol Area budget is amended, we have seen the last of h Walter Scheel was elected president of West Germany service in lEast Lansing," he concluded. Transportation Authority (CATA) Tuesday Wednesday to succeed retiring Gustav Heinemann. night, but rejected a proposed $1,500 for the Immediately after the approving vote The West German presidency is a largely ceremonial Women's Center. CATA, Pierson rushed to the microphone an The allocation of the $41,000 plus for told council: "Thank you very much post. Helmut Schmidt is expected to be elected - better already," and was 1 fM CATA assures the survival of the city's bus grinning from chancellor Thursday to replace former Chancellor Willy ear. system. Observers had predicted, however, that Brandt, who resigned last week in the wake of a spy a lack of funding for the Women's Center The council also approved an addition scandal. would mean that organization's death. $13,000 subsidy for CATA to be used durin Scheel, the dapper and ebullient foreign minister The city's other social services fared better the remainder of fiscal year 1974, which em than the Women's Center. Hie Drug Education June 30. CATA officials had requested under Brandt, won as expected in a vote that followed ext Center will receive $41,163, which is a $9,360 subsidies from all the communities that the party lines. b decrease from last year. However, that agency system serves in order to insure the system The vote in parliament was 530 for Scheel to 498 for survival for the next six weeks. was awarded tentative use of the city Richard von Weitsaecker, a member of the opposition Debate on the funds for the Women's contingency fund of $9,650, which will go Centt Christian Democratic party and the only other SN photo/Susin Shelner toward the coping program. Hie Listening Ear was heated and lengthy. The motion for candidate. will receive $6,000 in 1976, which is a $470 allocation of $1,500 was introduced Dolores Goeke, Women Against Rape representative, said after the defeat of funding for the Scheel, 54, a Free Democrat, takes over the post July Womens Center that she was disappointed that the city council could not support an increase from last year. councilmember George Griffiths who called ti feminist service "unique in that the 1. In other budget activity, the council adjusted programs organization that serves half the city. offers are not provided by the Drug Educatic the federal revenue - sharing funds to $50,000. It was clear that despite bickering and fears of a Center or Listening Ear." The city housing survey received $3,500, revolt of some of the Social Democrats following the $2,000 was allocated for a part - time city Council member Mary Sharp said she wou Landlord unit head "vote no reluctantly against the otherwi resignation of their leader, Willy Brandt, the coalition planner and $55,000 was allocated to the sound bill." with the Free Democrats was holding firmly together, Capitol Area improvement general road bind for construction of an overpass near Central "The bulk of the center did not meet t there were only five abstentions and three absences. conditions imposed by the council," she sa School. Hans - Dietrich Genscher, a Free Democrat, will take Council member Thelma Evans corroborak A proposed increase in water rates was Scheel's place as foreign minister and vice chancellor in Sharp's view. "I am not sure that they are doi introduced. If approved this would raise the gets city panel seat the new government. what the council suggested," she said. city water prices from 42 cents per 3,000 gallons to 50 cents, effective July 1. Griffiths rebutted his Spray reduces strep throat ills In general council activity, Steve Blethen, ad with "the amount of colleagues' remar money they want is A spray vaccine to reduce diseases contracted hoc coordinator of the Coalition for Better bargain if it were to provide services for by appeals meetings for some time them transient group. ju children with strep throat has proven successful after By MARY ANNE FLOOD a more Housing and an East Lansing landlord, was tests with humans, a University of Chicago State News Staff Writer now," Blethen said. "I'm very- pleased to became a voting Their terms will end in June, and some commissioners fear unanimously appointed to fill a vacancy on the string™^' "I V'Ctim" ^ ^ operatin8°nasii city housing commission. was disappointed that the city couni microbiologist reported Tuesday. ' The coordinator of the East member of the commission, the student - oriented While the five - member council voted could not support an organization that but I would have made sure my serv Dr. Eugene N. Fox said the vaccine, sprayed into the Lansing landlord group was viewpoint will be lost. half of the city," said Dolores unanimously on the extra CATA funds, the Goeke, 5i concerns were heard whether 1 The housing commission has throat, has been effective in reducing infections that appointed by city council to members split with a 3 - 2 vote on the Women's Albert St., Women's Center and Worn occur after a child has contracted strep throat. fill a housing commission was appointed or not." recently come under attack Center money. Against Rape representative. We (Wome Several commission from City Manager John These infections can lead to rheumatic heart, vacancy Tuesday. Merrill Pierson, 666 Butterfield Drive, Against Rape) have given a lot of help to kidney Steve Blethen, the principal members had gone on record in Patriarche because of the large addressed the council on the CATA issue before Police Dept. in working against and other serious diseases that can rape." complicate the organizer of Coalition for support of Blethen because of number of variances it is relatively mild strep throat infection. Better Housing, a landlord the interest he has shown in granting. the commission. Because of this criticism and group recently formed to Turks to release U.S. prisoners protect the unique interests of But some commissioners are rumors that the housing Nineteen sentences in Americans Turkey on serving two- to five - year drug charges are expected to be released soon after an amnesty bill is signed into law in East Lansing landlords, was appointed to the housing commission by East Lansing "Mayor Wilbur Brookover at fearful that appointing a second landlord may set a precedent conservative, non for more student - commission may be with the commission, stricter some commissioners fear that their merged zoning housing Happy (Vattot om?EUROPE If you art planning to be one, this is how someone at home can get in touch Ankara, legal sources said Wednesday. Tuesday's city council meeting. oriented appointments in the group will either be toned with you quickly, and how you can help your family to enjoy your trip more. Blethen will be the second future. down through appointments or However, 10 U.S. airmen on trial in Turkey for drug landlord to sit on the nine - When the commission was dissolved. You join AMERICA CALLING prior diately by plane and train throughout possession will not be affected by the amnesty because Europe. It will be possible to read member commission, which is appointed last fall, one-, two- to departure. We send you instructions the bill only covers crimes committed before the second and three charged with monitoring - year terms were and membership I.D. card. Then if your your coded message within hours. week of February. given to the commissioners in enforcement of the city's Union ActivitiesBoard folks have to reach you in Europe, The Tribune is Europe's leading English The airmen were arrested in February's third week. housing code. order to set a rotating Flights office they phone our Message Center in New language daily and is readily available Three Americans facing life sentences for conspiring The other landlord appointment schedule for Low-cost ' Jersey. We flash your message to Paris throughout Europe. The price for this commission member. Silary future boards. to smuggle hashish-into Turkey could be released in Flights from where it will appear prominently in service is astonishingly low. MAIL Luttrell, wrote a letter to city The two most student - about 10 years as a result of a clause in the bill reducing the Herald Tribune. When the Tribune YOUR COUPON TODAY. Rates quoted council in support of a oriented board members, life terms to 24 years' landlord appointment. Luttrell Kathy Fix and Bruce Roth, comes off the press it is rushed imme¬ here are for students and faculty only. called herself a "token both of whom have worked Phone workers, ITT negotiate landlord" and said that the with the Tenants Resource □ Please enroll ma now for service beginning June 1st thru Oct. 1st $10.00 The first round of major labor negotiatons since the commission, whose decisions Center, received two of the (includes one free message, additional messages billed at $6.00 ea.) three shortest terms. □ Please enroll me for additional months at $1.00 per month $ greatly affect landlords, needs expiration of wage price controls began Wednesday as their input. Brookover said the city often I enclose my Ocheck Omoney order for .$ representatives from American Telephone & Telegraph "I've been attending the appoints students to shorter □ Please sand me further details. Co. and nearly 750,000 telephone workers met to terms since the city considers housing commission and name .. negotiate a new contract. first m.l. last □ student UFac. member A spokesman for the workers said increased wages, The State News is published by the students of Michigan State s249°° St. A No Home Phone benefits and a cost of living clause are likely to be the University every class day during I-all. Winter and Spring school Flight lists terms. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during Summer Term, major issues in the talks. and a special Welcome Week edition is published in September. available now City State Zip Subscription rate is $20 per year. with application Probe of ex-governor reported Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich, editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan State forms. Destinations: AMERICA CALLING, INcIove^MM8 Tufnpik4'Liket,N J °7442 Univeristy, East Lansing, Michigan. 48824. London, Madrid, Former Illinois Gov. Richard Ogilvie is under a Frankfurt, Bei- PHONES federal grand jury investigation of charges he asked Grade, Budapest, former Atty. Gen. John Mitchell to drop a tax fraud News/Editorial 355-8252 Vienna, Amsterdam Classified Ads 355-8255 case against Ogilvie's top political adviser, the Chicago Display Advertising 353-6400 UAB OFFICE Daily News reported Tuesday. 355-3447 2nd floor union 355-8311 The paper said the grand jury is trying to determine 3o3-9777 j-5 M-F why Mitchell's office ordered the IRS to drop an investigation of Thomas Drennan, a Chicago public relations and advertising man who was Ogilvie's top counselor. HAVE YOUR FREE! Ogilvie and Jeremiah Marsh, a lawyer on his staff, went to Washington in 1970 and met with Mitchell, the Daily News said. Ten days later a Mitchell aide ordered EARS PIERCED an end to the probe of Drennan's handling of campaign accounts. with Purchase of studs. Police ordered to hire women A U.S. District Court judge has ordered the Detroit FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Police Dept. to hire one woman for each man hired until a suit charging the department with sex discrimination MAY 17 and MAY 18 can be heard. Judge Ralph Freeman issued the order after Constance Klein, a 26 - year - old two other women filed the suit. Detroit barmaid, and Klein, who was turned down by the Detroit police We Card Shop 309 E. Grand River last June, scoffed at suggestions that street assignments East Lansing, Michigan were too tough for women. "I figure a woman can do anything a man can," she said. our painless method Is used with the finest quality surgical stainless steel studs. There Spinola installed as president is no chance of infection of the body's rejection of this material - it is totally inert and non - allergenic. It does not Gen. Antonio de Spinola, head of the contain nickel which can cause a lifetime sensitivity. (14K- gold military junta that seized control of Portugal in an balls do contain nickel). Surgical stainless steelstuds 12.00, April 25 coup, was are installed as president Wednesday and said the future of and must be purchased to entitle you to free ear piercing. Portugal's African colonies would be democratically decided by those who live there. with each purchase of our stainless steel "They will have to be left complete freedom of FREE studs, we will give you absolutely FREE decision, and in Africa, as here, we will prevent DAklI |Q one pair of SPRING FASHION earrings pressure from minorities . . . that could hinder the free DV-/INUO as a gift to you! development of the democratic process," Spinola said. Meanwhile, rebel sympathizers in Mozambique are If you are under 18 carrying a Portuguese truce offer to that nation's years of age, you must be accompanied by a parent or guardian liberation front, Frelimo, the Johannesburg Star reported Tuesday. the Frelimo has been at war with the past 10 years in an effort to win independence. Portuguese army for complete •^e Card Shop 309 C. Grand River 332 - - 6753 East Lansing, Mich. 48823 Compiled by Steve Repko • Michigan Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 16, 1974 3 Security By MARY ANNE FLOOD author Deborah Buresh legal aid visits have to do with deposit The booklet contains In all, the tenants center State Newt Staff Writer delivered 200 copies of the landlord has • tenant problems, information on the procedures Other than the book of booklet to ASMSU President distributed 700 copies, not ASMSU Legal Aid Director White House transcripts, prohibited by law for both including the the Tim Cain Wednesday. Charles Massoglia said. He student ASMSU, landlord and tenant, and government purchase. most popular literature in town the center's best customer added that a great number of so contains information about The center plans to release seems to be a how to manual far, has purchased 600 the - problems, especially near small claims court in case a another booklet on security deposits. booklets to the on evictions be delivered in end of the year, are serious dispute arises. For tenants and landlords next week. Evictions seem to three installments. The security deposit problems. The tenants center has also be another insecure about security booklets cost 25 cents each for of the common "Security deposits disputes sold 100 copies of the booklet problem areas for tenants as deposits, the Tenants Resource printing costs. are one of the most common to Center put together a booklet The Ingham County Social indicated by the calls that the ASMSU booklets are landlord - tenant problems in Services Dept. for free explaining Tenants Resource Center Michigan's now available free in the Off - the Lansing area," Buresh said. distribution to case workers and security deposit law. As June receives. Campus Housing office in 101 "Hie new state law can people on public assistance. and moving • out time Student Services Bldg. or at the make it easier for tenants to Another large purchase was approaches, the booklet is ASMSU Legal Aid and business get their money back if they made by the Tri - U.S. payment quickly becoming a hot item. offices on the third of the know and County follow the Landlord Assn. which Tenants center coordinator building. Mark Charles and booklet Nearly 60 per cent of all procedures the law describes," she said. purchased 100 copies distribute to their members. to surplus skids The surplus in the U.S. balance of payments Thief takes vital medical records quarter 1973 to dropped from $2.7 billion for the last of million for the first three $865 months of 1974, the STERLING HEIGHTS (AP) — Medical records in a briefcase patients and are necessary for further treatment. stolen from a doctor's car Commerce Dept. said overnight could mean life and death for Stewart said several charts were those of other doctors' at least three persons, the doctor said Wednesday. Tuesday. patients, who were sent to his office for special testing. A 72 per cent increase in |> ▼ " , Dr. Ronald J. Stewart said 30 medical charts were in briefcase which was stolen from his car some time after a "We believe the thief was after the briefcase and may have capital outlays for petroleum SN phoio/Craig I'orler thrown the records away," Hotten said. She asked that midnight anyone was a big contributor to the Monday while it was parked outside his apartment complex in with information about the missing records "mail them to us or Deborah Buresh, right, who authored the Tenants Resource Center's booklet, "Security nearby Troy. will meet them any drop, the department we place with no questions asked." said. Deposits: How to Get Yours Back," hands over 200 of the booklets to ASMSU President "Those records are a matter of life and death for at least three Timothy Cain in Cain's office Wednesday. ASMSU purchased 600 of the booklets for free persons who are scheduled to undergo heart surgery," said Susan distribution to interested students. Hotten, Stewart's secretary. Hotten said the records were the medical histories of heart ARMY SURPLUS Antibusing amendment defeated J WASHINGTON (AP) - The because President Nixon, a prevent "forced busing," which Senate Labor and Public Aviator Sunglasses $^98 ■ Senate defeated on Wednesday supporter of the amendment, number of children from they insist is "destroying the Welfare Committee. welfare families. ■ in amendment to a $23 - and some members of Congress integrity of public education" Both sides said they were ■ billion education bill designed "pander to the anxieties of in the United States. 1 virtually to end busing of grade |ind ■ high school students for desegregation purposes. some Americans, black and white, and play into the hands of those who seek Both sides expected the vote on the amendment to be close, trying to devise used to a formula to insure that the funds were improve educational The bill's managers contended this weighting was essential because it gave proper Army Sleeping Bag $3^98 separatism, with a possibility that I The amendment was thrive on strife, and flourish on absentees opportunities of disadvantaged recognition to the extensive I defeated on a 17 • 46 vofe to may decide the children. shift of poor families to the big Igjopt a motion by Sen. Jacob divisive rhetoric." Brooke declared, "I have outcome. Before the busing vote, the Involved in the dispute was cities in the last decade as shown by the 1970 census. Work Shirts 2/$4°° IK. Javits. R • N.Y., to table it. never seen anything both Senate approved a formula that about $2 billion distributed I Hie vote was a major victory separate and equal in this would give small, rural states a annually to school districts all ■for civil rights forces who nation..." over the nation under Title I of The Senate also adopted bigger share of the biggest ■succeeded in getting the Senate ■tomaintain its historic position ■against such antibusing Brooke said the amendment would completely undo the Gurney slow but steady package of federal aid to educationfunds. the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to help children from poor families. Tuesday two amendments of Sen. James L. Buckley, Con - R - N.Y., designed to protect Jungle Boots $1699 The plan, sponsored by Sen. ■proposals. progress made under the 20 - John L. McClellan, D - Ark., privacy of pupils' school I In the 20 years since the old McClellan argued that the records and bar the year • Supreme Court was approved 56 to 36. It ■Supreme Court's school school desegregation decision. displaced a formula in the $23 formula in the Committee bill government from requiring any (desegregation decision, the The amendment would have billion education bill which was defective because it gave tests that would violate a ■Senate always has rejected such too much weight student's privacy or be required the courts to consider would have been more to the ■proposals although the House other remedies before ordering favorable to large, industrial psychologically harmful. ■has supported them recently. any busing. And then busing states. 1 The vote was defeat for a would be limited to the next • The McClellan proposal was •;••••••••••••••••••• ■PlKident Nixon ■proposed the language in the who first closest school to the pupil's home. supported by administration and the was Nixon similar Js "BOUNCE FOR BEATS" • P.X. Store ■defeated amendment It would permit reopening to the allocation Sponsored by Sen. Edward J. ■Cumey, R • Fla. of all cases previously decided busing and their redetermination legislation as House in March. it plan in the passed the • • o, < FACULTY BASKETBALL GAME • 351-5323 vs. PERSONALITIES • J The amendment was similar on the basis of the new ■to the antibusing provision put limitations. The vote was a defeat for the bill's managers, who sought 9:30 PM MEN'S IM ARENA • Open Til 9:00 itothe bill in the House when Supporters of the to defend a version of the bat body acted on it in March. amendment assert it would legislation worked out in the Mon., Wed., | Thus the final decision on e will have be worked Thurs., Fri., |out in the conference between i two branches on the ■legislation. open thursday and friday nights until nine I Sen. Edward W. Brooke, R • Jlhss.. had charged earlier that s of the amendment w trying to bring back racial ■*paratism in America. m H ftooke said he was saddened ry 59 95 a. JNEJAC TV RENTALS I May 16, 1974 - 7:00 P.M. 337-1300 38 Union Building Any MSU student who contributed to PIRGIM L during spring term is eligible. ^ t-kitir-kjrjrjr-kjc-k-k-k-k'k'klcn. COMPLETE AND UNCUT PRESIDENTIAL TAPE TRANSCRIPTS (Limited Supply) NOW ON SALE the natural mood and relaxed feeling of Holbrook's linen-textured cotton/polyester shirt creates a change At WHITE HOUSE of pace from western-ease to town-casual, depending on whether it's SampMA worn with jeans or slacks. Light 507 E. GRAND RIVER (ACROSS FROM DERKEY) Stone blue, white, yellow, navy. S,M,L. $13 The full text of the Submission of Recorded Presidential 351 - 5420 Conversation! to the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives by President Richard Nixon and Jaw >l >son's 131E. GRAND RIVER ACROSS FROM THE UNION With an introduction by R.W.Apple. Jr. of 337-0877 I I SI K>p Sl)cfrUiJjorkeimci} for young men 1WE COMMITTEE TO UNMP6ACH THE PR6StD€NT COMMENTARY Public shocked OPINION PAGE Susan Ager Editor ■ in ■ Chief at private Nixor Maureen Beninson Advertising Manager R.D. Campbell Managing Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor Campus Editor June E.K. Delano Entertainment Editor BY RUSSELL BAKER Diane Silver G.F. Korreck City Editor Dale Atkins Photo Editor New York Times The private man of the superior creature, if only because tapes u, J Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Kathy Niezurawski Copy Chief What is alarming about the Republicans' the defects of 11 humanity. The now fJi .... Melissa Payton National Editor Mary Hood • Staff Representative abandon the Good Ship Nixon is rush to the high moral posture they are striking as cussing, which is part of the charges of moral inferiority, mav h/„ ba*?0?f they go over the side. Being repelled by a stuff compared to the truly president's moral standard is Billy barracks language of Lyndon Johnson hf Graham's work, and when it is still evidence that he is you see '* EDITORIALS politicians usurping the job it's time to hie to the church door and chain the poor He indulges himself in be sure, but so does Archie real ethnic slurs J box. America loves Bunker ' Involvement a A group of politicians deciding to dump president because his morals are bad is politicians of the living are room. Archie. clamoring Certainly to throw him J ^ - like the Mafia getting together to bump His great weakness, we discover is off the Godfather for not going to church very weakness any one of us J for might su on Sunday. It just isn't done in such from in his position. He is, necessary circles. There may be sound legal reasons for indecisive. In a terrible pickle, he bring himself to do the decisive deed surprising ca College students generally have procedure is simple enough: Obtain getting Nixon out, but the debarking would change all the terms of his ™ been among the most harsh and a petition from the Republican or problel Republicans are not talking law. They are Instead, he sits about for hours and hoi vocal critics of American Democratic county headquarters or talking morals, and a politician talking morals needs to be taken with a heavy talking, talking, talking, consider! the county clerk's office and turn it possibilities and weighing "scenarios"( politicians in recent years. dose of stomach powder. never reaching a decision. However, to criticize with no in with the required 15 signatures The chances in this case are that moral It is a weakness in intent of working to improve what before May 28. Precinct delegates a presideL is under criticism is wrong. Many are decided in the Aug. 6 primary. outrage cloaks a writhing mass of self - undoubtedly, but not so terrible perhl interest, that what really worries the boys as the weakness of the public Nixon il people, including college students, Since so few students are aware of is not the state of the President's morality was forever turning up on the telly jml fall into this trap. They accuse the the office, voters are in danger of but the lively possibility that they will all dinner time with yet another dynal government of being having just one candidate to choose VOX P0PUL1 be wiped out the next election unless they presidential decision, which often tur| unrepresentative, self - seeking and from in some cases. are shed of him fast. This sudden concern about morality out to be another diastrous to the Supreme Court or appointml Adopt nonreturnab ■, unresponsive, but make no effort Getting involved in county began with publication of the Watergate extension of the war. themselves to get involved. government is an excellent tapes, which is odd. If morality in the Frozen in indecision, he acts far 1 introduction to the political To the Editor: But the question each individual in administration was ever to be invoked as human, with annoyed petty slurs 1 Though most MSU students are It is difficult to understand why the Michigan and in the nation as a whole justifiable cause for condemning the people who have got him into this ml of it, they have a golden system. Precinct delegates are in a President, far stronger case could have unaware House Consumers and Agricultural must ask himself is this: How much longer a by listening to obviously larcen] position to affect and reform state can we sustain a "throwaway" society in been made years ago regarding his conduct schemes for buying his way ou< opportunity at hand to get into the Committee feels now is not the time to party platforms and choose take decisive action in favor of House Bill America? We create piles and piles of trash of the Vietnam War. cussing and by groaning that he u political system. delegates to national conventions each and every day. But how much longer And yet those who raised moral tomorrow were Saturday, or tha 4926. Ttiis bill, advocating a state ban on There are more than 150 county objections about Vietnam were generally Most of all. running for and nonreturnable beverage containers, will can our land continue to absorb our wished he could chuck the whole thl precinct delegate positions assigned reduce litter, reduce solid waste disposal bottles, bags, jars, cans, etc., without a viewed by politicians of both parties as and let Agnew be president. to Hast Lansing precincts populated getting elected to the post of soft - headed bleeding hearts trying to A good deal of the time, he is si costs, conserve energy resources and rebellion that will affect each and every county precinct delegate shows a one of us in a devastating way? corrupt the professionalism of government incoherent, as who wouldn't be, havl completely or predominantly by reduce pollution. person has rejected the all - too - Yes, there will be an initial shift in job HB 4926 is a beginning; a beginning by injecting criteria that belonged in the that nightmare to deal with? f students. common practice of criticizing positions from the production of which reasonably asks each of us to take pulpit. knowledge of the law seems muddled without acting and is attempting to By any reasonable moral standard, the best and from time to time, like! Anyone who is 18 and a voter throwaway bottles and cans to that of the effort to care about our environment. Nixon of the Watergate tapes seems a TTie provisions outlined in the bill are ones human being, he sits there wishing! registered in Ingham County can augment his or her complaints with collecting and reprocessing reusable whole thing would go away so he couldl containers. Yes, the new law will demand which must be and can be incorporated fairly decent fellow compared to the run for precinct delegate. The positive action. Nixon of the Christmas bombing of Hanoi, the kind of work he enjoys, parleying«i a rethinking by the consumer who has a into our daily lives. I call upon the household to run and would like to do it Consumers and Agricultural Committee to or the Nixon who made war by personal the Communists. I Blue Shield in the most convenient way. Yes, HB 4926 will require a different kind of retail adopt HB 4926. Diana Phelps Heitman 1540 Cambria Drive decree the on Cambodia. In fact, the private Nixon we meet in Watergate transcript seems a far more The trouble may be that the Nixon, being indisputably human, isl different from the public Nixon that I prill response to the customer. human fellow than the public Nixon we public may believe he came to off Michigan Insurance In making his decision, Demlow have watched on television all these years. through false pretenses. 1 Commissioner Daniel J. Demlow's cited his belief that Blue Cross and The public Nixon had the look of a But the issue is not morality, as I ruling to limit Blue Shield rate Blue Shield priorities must be Bus criticism manufactured man who might have been kept stored in a White House closet Republicans insist. It is whether J Republicans can survive the publ increases brought about a court suit reversed to meet the needs of between public showings. shock at discovering that Nixon is real. I by Blue Shield President John C. subscribers first. By forcing the To the Editor: people around them, is to treat them as if McCabe last week. health care organization to limit its I wouid like to respond to Tracy they were incapable or as if they lived in a rate increases, he hopes it will begin McCormick's emotional outburst in bubble. There are blind students on Demlow said he would accept Thursday's State News regarding free bus campus who have been using pa passes for POINT OF VIEW to make greater efforts at only a 15.1 per cent rate increase, service to blind students on campus. years. controlling health care costs. First, the $200 figure quoted is so far The whole issue, I believe, is not that not the 16.9 per cent request by Blue Shield. His action follows a four - Blue challenge Shield has the insurance chosen to out of line, it is ridiculous. Any pass holder using the campus bus system pays the man was blind and without a bus pass, but just that he was a man without a pass Gull Lake biological unii month study of Blue Cross - Blue who happened, unfortunately, to be commissioner's right to regulate it. $51 for unlimited daily use from the Shield and represents a decision beginning of fall term to the end of spring misinformed. In addition, McCabe said Blue that should be applauded by Michigan residents. At a costs of health care have risen and time when Shield will implement the 15.1 per cent increase July 1, in spite of term. Try getting that service for that price from the Lansing bus system or any bus system! Jane Mosier 901 Vine St. recognized as MSU assd Demlow's ruling that it must re - Second, blind students are subsidized continue to rise exorbitantly, the graduate students in various a file for the rate increase. through state and local agencies. The fees Editor's note: The $200 McCormick BY KURT E. SONNENBERG commissioner is taking steps to Demlow is rightfully dismayed at they pay for bus service, campus housing, referred to was the total she estimated the biology. Courses such as field ornithol books, etc., do not come out of their There is an active and vital part of MSU freshwater ecology, entomology, mierr protect the consumer. the 10 blind students she had riding Demlow said corporation's arrogance. "The pocket. seen which the State News has ignored. During ecology, limnology, invertebrate zod Thursday that Blue real question." he said, "is whether campus buses would have to pay for 10 the first part of April I suggested to the and many more are offered. Cross and Blue Shield have been Thirdly, the only inhumane treatment bus passes. the State of Michigan is to become of the blind, who are usually more well - State News that an article should be The greatest advantage to the stufl wasteful and inefficient in written on this little publicized part of the a rubber stamp for a never - ending adjusted to their handicap than those is the field work they receive ir controlling health care costs and series of rate increases." University. I was told an assignment would class. Rather than all lecture I that they have been generally be given to a staff writer to cover the laboratory work, as it is on campud Federal and state regulatory unresponsive to the needs of their subscribers. agencies, under heavy criticism for A TL program story, but after a month nothing has beeh printed on the subject. student spends many hours each w the field. The station provides accJ their lack of control over The part of the University to which I To the Editor: you were lucky. You see, that prof had his am referring is the W.K. Kellogg Biological over 1,350 acres for biological study! Blue Shield responded with a suit continuing rate increases, might against Demlow, saying that he follow Demlow's decision. Like 18,000 other freshmen who attend little game to play. He thoroughly loved Station. The biological station deserves the surrounding country offers unliij MSU, I have experienced three terms of the'"key hole" effect in writing and little some recognition in the State News even locations for field trips. exceeded his regulatory authority. Michigan's insurance commissioner and others in similar ATL. What have 1 learned? From my fall else. Now in the middle of though it may only be a letter to the Besides the summer sessions, year research in various phases of ecoloffl J They also charged that his decision term prof, I learned that if you fantasized, spring term, I am editor. is "a clear attempt at a government watchdog roles must be encouraged you would receive at least a 3.0 in the experiencing a new encounter. 1 have a The W.K. Kellogg Biological Station is biology is being conducted by prof® takeover of a private sector health by the public to carry out their course. Did I learn to write papers using prof who wants students to convey their located on Gull Lake between Kalamazoo and graduate students. good grammar? No. emotions on paper with fire and vigor. and Battle Creek. The station consists of Interested students should contaij care corporation whose 36 - regulatory mandate, rather than That is all fine and dandy, but after going Winter term 1 learned from a different the Gull Lake laboratories, the Kellogg Dept. of Zoology for information. member board is publicly act as rubber stamps for prof that if you display a little brain through two terms of ATL this is a feat bird sanctuary and the Kellogg farm. controlled.'-' monopolistic practices. power you received a 2.0 in the course if hard to match. Every summer classes are held at the Kurt E. Sonnenherg is an East /Jc/roiV J After three terms of ATL, am I a better station for advanced undergraduate and majoring in agriculture and natural re'" writer? Are all of the freshmen better off after spending nine credits of money, time POINT OF VIEW and effort? Look at the sophomores next year and decide for yourself. Precinct delegate slots beckon Lynn Mazo 476 W. Akers Hall O By MAR LA SIMPSON and Education. At the February state convention delegates elect state party the basis of the 1972 vote, with one Democratic delegate assigned to each 80 Care lau officers. McGovern votes in the precinct. Since the CLAUDE HERSH To the Editor: Besides the two state conventions, there MSU area McGovem vote was so are three county conventions — in August, Realizing the slow rate at which old Feelings of anger and frustration with extraordinarily high, there has been a large myths die, I write today not in hopes of the dishonesty in government are running November and January. That's it — a total increase in the number of precinct of five conventions — that's all the dispelling such a myth but of offering new high this year. Recent polls show disgust delegates allotted this area. All residence with the political system onthe rise. What commitment it takes to become an active light to an old subject. One such myth is hall precincts have at least five delegates the "poor quality" of services at the MSU is less often heard though, is a willingness precinct delegate. All conventions are held each. student health center. One gets the to do something about changing politics. on weekends and the county party Most delegates will run without MSU students have a real opportunity this impression that many MSU students feel organization will provide free opposition. Taking out a petition and they have a 50 - 50 chance of obtaining year to move into the political system on a transportation and lodging for all delegates getting 15 valid signatures is about all the more relief from chicken soup than from grassroots level and have direct vote in who request it. a campaigning it would take to get elected. the health center staff. their government. Besides actually voting at the If you are interested in obtaining a In response to articles and opinions There are 81 positions now open for conventions, being a precinct delegate is a petition or if you'd like more information, stated in the State News on May 7 relative precinct delegate on campus alone and a similar number available in the off • fantastic educational opportunity for anyone who is even mildly interested in contact either Claude Hersh at 351 or Maria Simpson at 332 - 1451. - 9519 to the cost and quality of services at the health center, allow me to offer a No MSU aidmod campus student areas. The office of politics. At the conventions, delegates can Being a precinct delegate involves a precinct delegate is the basic level within a meet and ask questions of just about all really minimal time Commitment. If contrasting viewpoint. For the past year I have To the Editor: broken hand and a sprained ankle.J been intensively treated as an out - patient On Mother's Day my parents were This incident has left me so thoj political party in Michigan. the candidates for office on the you've been complaining about at the health center for acute leukemia. visiting the. campus Delegates have a direct vote in Democratic ticket. Being a delegate is a unresponsive government, here is an easy to attend the disgusted that I can't find an appj determining the nominees and positions of Though I have existed on a student symphonic band concert at the adjective to describe my feelings aw truly rewarding experience; and moreover, chance to do something significant. And if income of $300 a month for most of the Auditorium. Just outside the door my the Michigan Democratic party. Most conventions are genuinely fun. you would rather run as a Republican, (expletive deleted) P"!"'"1* If one is really interested in becoming year and have paid for the majority of the mother tripped and fell on something. She (inaudible) University. i importantly, here in Ingham county, all contact their county office. The important medical costs myself, I remain financially precinct delegates are traditionally sent to active throughout the year and thing is to run; it would be a shame if required emergency treatment and was It is high time we take a verycw stable (and have appreciated the discounts taken to the University Death Center. the state Democratic conventions. committing more time to political work, there were vacancies in the delegate on such things as laboratory services due When she arrived they refused to treat her at the inadequate policies o tn*| At the this is the place to start. Most all of the center" to insure us not only ■ August state convention, positions in the MSU area. students who are currently active in local to my student status). The fact that I have because she was not a student. The doctors treatment for ourselves and tn * delegates will vote on who will be the Democratic nominees for MSU Board of Democratic politics started two years ago Maria Simpson is an East iMnsiny junior enjoyed relatively good hefclth despite my and nurses were sitting on their lazy asses visit our campus, but to also disease speaks for the competence of the doing nothing yet they had the gall to that the staff and facilities arc aa 1 Trustees, secretary of state, attorney as precinct delegates. Affirmative action majoring in political science and a member of general, lieutenant governor, University of can be a reality here if young people, the Ingham County Democratic Executive personnel at the health center. I doubt refuse treatment to someone injured on serve the general student body. minorities and women are willing to run. Board. Claude Hersh is an East l^nsing junior chicken soup would have done the trick. campus property. Jeffl Michigan Board of Regents, Wayne State Tom Burke She was then taken to Sparrow Hospital Board of Governors, and Michigan Board of Precinct delegates are apportioned on majoring in history and a member of the 1108 Chester Road where she was treated for minor cuts, a 403 Anl Michigan Democratic State Central Committee. st3|e News, East Lansing, Michigan - jgan Thursday, May 16,1974 5 ye's officials U.S. urged to continue supplying I worried 0.fault IfRAND RAPIDS - State insurance oruling relief to food-deficient countries IT"ies say they are not worried about By DENISE CRITTENDON K County judge's recent ruling that State News Staff Writer Hannah said that America, a continent of diverse voluntary < of Michigan's no - fault auto organizations, has provided substantial aid to many undeveloped law is unconstitutional, areas of the world. United States citizens have the right to feel aid the ruling by District Judge Though this entire nation is seriously threatened by the proud, he said. They have shown concentrated efforts in nation growing problems of food shortage and population control, the White apparently does not extend wide aid through work with church groups and non - U.S. and other prospering countries of the world must continue End the jurisdiction of his court. to supply aid and resources to the food governmental organizations. 1, 'as surprised," said state insurance MSU president John Hannah said • deficient areas, former "Americans have made possible substantial improvement in the Lssioner Daniel Demlow "But, I Center. Tuesday at MSU's Kellogg quality of human life for tens of millions of people in many f! there always will be court countries all over thq world," the former MSU president said. Hannah, MSU president from 1941 to 1969 and retired [petitions of new laws enacted by the administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Commending the university for its effective role in Development, developmental programs, Hannah noted some of the programs in jfruled Monday that a portion of said the energy crisis has severely affected production of fertilizers and reduced the capacity of the food • deficient which the university has participated, were financed by the U.S. lliw banning civil claims for damages to countries to government. purchase food. mobiles is unconstitutional. He said MSU also provides a variety of international programs in "In dealing with the world food -ruling was based on the grounds that problem, the highest priority agriculture, education, business and engineering he said. must be placed on increased production of food in the [violated the due process and equal countries, where the need is the greatest," he said. poor Hannah said MSU students frequently are seen in various faction provisions of state and federal A program planner for the U.N. World Food Conference to government and business positions all over the world. Titutions. take place in Rome this fall, Hannah "Many of the key scientists and administrators in the world case stemmed from an accident spoke emphatically to an wide network of agricultural research centers are former students audience of about 300, on the issues Ling motorist Donald Ford of Grand population growth, emphasizing its adverse effects concerning the world or staff members of this University." Tjijs whose car sustained damages countries. on the poorer An MSU project which organized the BARGAS Foundations luted at $80. He was not to blame but "India alone has 1 million more people to feed, School of Business in Sao Paulo, Brazil, has successfully Lr the law he was liable for the $80 house every 28 days - a net increase of 13 million clothe, and improved the industrial development of Brazil. Lose of a $100 deductible clause in his John Hannah former MSU president, said per year, "TTiis has been one of the most effective university • sponsored Hannah said. Ifault policy. development programs in the world," he said. ■ord sued the other motorist and her ■*'5' ^hou9h this nation is threatened by the growing problem "The total population of the world increases by about 1.4 million people each week. Tomorrow there will be a new increase "The Commilla project in what is now Bangladesh, financed s company in small claims court to sui °Ta9!i' the U S- and other countries must continue f - births less deaths — of about 200,000 people," he said. "This through the Ford Foundation, has also been a great credit to the university." world resources to other food ■ deficient areas of the means a net increase of 200,000 people for breakfast tomorrow Looking toward the future, Hannah commented that a than there were today and an added 200,000 each day of every common practice of many people is to attempt to "solve week." tomorrow's problems with yesterday's answers. However, he lewark Mayor Comparing today's major ago, Hannah 1949 inaugural speech. "We must embark on a bold new concerns to those expressed 25 years quoted excerpts from President Harry Truman's program for making the added, the leaders of the developing countries will make the correct decisions are theirs. The probably concerning their own development. "We are talking about their countries, not ours. The problems solutions, too, must be largely theirs. We can benefits of our scientific advances and industrial progress provide technical assistance, management skill and fleeted available for the improvement and growth of for sec areas," Truman said. underdeveloped encouragement, but the effort and input must be largely theirs," he said. Anneth A. Gibson, the first black second term, defeating Lyman Mayor of 577 precincts' votes counted. 5UNLI6HT, AlR, PLANTS Ci of Newark, N.J. won^a second term Richard Schmitz. With 133 of 2,077 Slack's opponents, Paul J. Kaufman and boater, 60\l, BIRDS, Tdav by defeating state Sen. Anthony precincts reporting, Exon had won 5,892 Darrell McGraw, were well MICR00R6ANI S.vtS.... Iriale and three other candidates in behind, with votes, compared with 1,291 for Schmitz. Kaufman, a former state senator, getting ■ggyor's race Tuesday. The election also presented a test of 11,993 votes and McGraw, a former Residents of Nebraska nominated political muscle for Exon in the lieutenant gubernatorial aide, 8,256. liocratic Gov. James Exon for governor's race. His preferred running In the only Jon, and West Virginia voters Republican race in mate, Gerald Whelan, faced three other Mollohan's district, with 506 of 618 Uinated Reps. John M. Slack Jr. and candidates for the nomination. precincts reported, Joseph Laurita of lit H. Mollohan, both Democrats, in With 133 precincts reporting, Whelan an'elections. had a strong lead over his nearest Wheeling, 1972 GOP nominee for attorney DOONESBURY P 195 of Newark's 196 precincts general, polled 12,603 votes to 9,869 for by Garry Trudeau opponent with 3,769 votes, compared Alfred Clark of Cameron, the Marshall Ling. ) - Gibson had 42,125 votes with 2,283 for state Sen. you know, while bill led Terry Carpenter. County assessor. jack, its funny his safe, secure, ■ bnptriile, a white community leader The other two candidates shared 1,281 " hou) my roommate and pull, middle-class existence, | rose to prominence during the city's I" race riots, had 33,593. votes. Long • time party organizer Anne Woman reports \ i went our different ways!— : when we 6raduated, 1 went i clawed my way up the andes, hey, but enou6h about me! how about you, jack? kayakep down the yangtze, played what's ol'''map jack" w other candidates. Lewis Perkins, Batchelder took an early lead over former : off to chile, but bill just 60t | black, Raymond Stabile and James state senator turned • lobbyist William attack near hall pro ru6by in leeds, and nearly — TWICE in a porsche turbo! simpson doin' these / days?! londa, shared slightly over 1,500 votes, Wylie for the GOP nomination for An MSU student was assaulted at 7:15 n had called the election "my lieutenant governor. card' p.m. Tuesday near the northwest comer of *t on my first four years in In West Virginia, with 510 of 618 Williams Hall. *1 precincts reporting in Mollohan's 1st The woman was pulled to the ground I conceding defeat, Imperiale said, "I Congressional District, Mollohan had by an unidentified .male and sexually p my hand in solidarity to Mayor 38,147 votes to 5,769 for Wheeling molested. in, It's up to him to accept or reject businessman Howard L. Shackleford Sr. Police describe the suspect as a white Hofler." In the 3rd District around male, about. 21 Charleston, years old, 5 feet 10 inches p Nebraska. Exon won nomination to a Slack had collected 30,143 votes with 493 tall with short, straight blond hair. 7>T k A Itomemaking Open House TODAY 9AM to 9PM Come browse, observe and ask! Jacob Port's DOMINO'S SUPER WEEK Don't telling people about your spend a fortune M™ Off just spend $3.00 organization's opportunities... a column inch in the organization section every large pizza going to of Welcome Week. All fraternities, sororities, Pan Hel, IFC, Co-op houses, on-and -off campus clubs, student government, Brady Complex and the Circle Dorms and student religious groups are urged to take advantage of our "buy now pay later" plan. Place your organizations' C'W Campus Today, Thursday May 16,1974 (No coupon needed) ' Married Housing ad by the deadline May 30th and ^ AI|UCoke Special you won't be billed until DOMINO'S TROWBRIDGE SHOP September! P State News ,0r these Fast, friendly, free delivery call 351-7100 Call the State News Advertising Office Today—353-6400 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May |6|IJ HALF OF STATEGRADS WAN Shortage of doctors big problem in natioi By PAULA HOLMES the physician population in the state by 3 health care could be improved, Andrew program would allow students from the several thousand psychiatrists. Some State News Staff Writer per cent. However over half of the medical Hunt, dean of the College of Human Upper Peninsula to receive their mental health experts have set this number price for health care, but there^ students in Michigan's three human Medicine, said. training at Northern Michigan University. as high as 15,000. enough doctors to supply it. ol medicine colleges plan to look for In Michigan the number of physicians This would make it easier for those Even doctors agree that there is a shortage occurs when there is a restrict has doubled in the last 10 years. Over students to get medical training and would shortage in their profession. on the opportunity for Long waiting lines and difficulty in internships and residencies outside of the peop, i getting appointments greet almost state and 46 per cent of the residents now 12,000 licensed medical doctors and hopefully encourage them to stay in their "TTie equation for estimating a shortage become physicians. \ doctors of osteopathy serve about 9 own communities, Hunt said. or surplus of physicians is too complex to "From what I understand, every person trying to obtain a physician's training in Michigan hospitals are planning of shortages exist in both kiJ care and have made the supply of to start their practices in other states, million people, which is a ratio of one The program is scheduled to start in the come up with a simple answer," Hunt said. Lansing" GirXl physician for every 750 people. fall if the state legislature appropriates the "I would guess that it will be 10 or 12 said. "But nationally there is physicians a much cussed and discussed according to a Blue Shield of Michigan not m A reasonable ratio of physicians to needed funds for the project. years at the present rate of growth before evidence of the first shortage." topic in the United Stfctes. report. "You can say there isn't a shortage of "Across the nation about 50 per cent of populationwould be one physician for While the distribution statistics seem to the number of physicians might meet the Ginsberg suggested that one means! doctors all you want," said Eli H. Orr, a all med students go out of state for their every 600 people, Hunt said. indicate that a definite shortage of demand." solving the shortage would be to tJ retired psychiatrist. "But just try to get in internships and residencies," said Herbert Though the statistics indicate that the physicians exists and that health care is Paul B. Ginsberg, asst. professor of more lower - skilled personnel such 1 to see one." Auer of the Michigan State Medical physician - patient ratio in the state is inadequate, the controversy over the economics and community medicine, physicians' assistants and nurl And while the debate continues over the Society. "Many students go out of state fairly low, the numbers fail to take supply of physicians continues to be a outlined two types of physician shortages practitioners who could take over some! shortage of physicians, only 84 per cent of for one year with full intention of coming distribution of the physicians into main topic of health care discussions. in the country. One shortage arises when the physicians' duties. " the internships and residencies in Michigan back here to start their practices. They account. Nearly one - third of Michigan's President Nixon, in his recent health connection with their doctors are working in Wayne County and to Congress, said that American hospitals are filled and 25,000 students still have a strong message across the nation are denied entrance into community through their families." 87 per cent of the doctors are practicing in was well on its way to a surplus of medical schools. However, over 70 per cent of the the 20 metropolitan counties. The others physicians. are practicing in the 64 rural counties, But other reports about the physician Only four colleges, the college of Human osteopathic students remain in Michigan Medicine and Osteopathic Medicine at for their internships and residencies, with most of them locating in resort areas shortage present opposing views. MSU and the colleges of human medicine Myron S. Magen, dean of the College of close to metropolitan regions. In A National Institutes of Health study at the University of Michigan and Wayne Keweenaw County in the Upper Peninsula estimated the current Osteopathic Medicine, said. Slightly over shortage at 30,000 State University, carry the burden of half of all of the osteopathic internships in there are no physicians to serve its 2,166 physicians. And a Division of Manpower the country are in Michigan hospitals. residents, according to a 1973 Michigan Intelligence study estimates that there is a providing enough doctors to serve The drain of medical students to State Medical Society study. shortage of 27,000 family care physicinas, Michigan, the seventh largest state in the country. other states has not left Michigan with a However, the shortage may be eased by which includes general practitioners, The four schools are granting about 450 severe shortage of physicians because a proposed program MSU's College of internists, pediatricians and obstetricians. students from other states come here, but Human Medicine is developing. The There is also believed to be a shortage of degrees this June, and this could increase Students rejected by med colleges look at foreign schools, other jobs and health a enter graduate schools and stay in health foreign students. They are busy trying to By PAULA HOLMES These fields included pharmacy, and science majors. provide for their own students." State News Staff Writer However, 12 per cent of the rejectees Foreign medical education often does dentistry, podiatry, sanitary engineering, There you are — with a bachelor's will overcome their rejection and succeed not adequately prepare the student to pass medical and science writing, biology and degree in one hand and the rejection in becoming physicians — by attending the national medical board examinations. chemistry. Those rejectees who left the notices from the medical schools of your Only 30 per cent of the foreign - trained science areas entered education, business foreign medical schools. choice in the other. students passed the test when they or law fields. The University of Bologna in Italy and You have spent four years aiming the Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara attempted to qualify for clinical training in toward med school and now it looks like the United States. "We have a double barreled approach in Mexico account for more than half of • the end of the world. What are you going the 6,000 American students studying in Other students have trouble adapting to here at MSU," Hoffman said. "We allow to do? the new culture, learning a new language the student to be pre • med for two years foreign medical schools. Last year Don't jump off the Farm Lane bridge - American schools or financing the high cost of a foreign and then we encourage them to enter accepted 243 American over 25,000 students are facing the same transfers from foreign schools, the highest education. Over 80 per cent of the first • degree granting programs so that in the dilemma. In the last five years the number number ever. year American students drop out of event that they are not accepted to of applicants to medical schools has school. medical school at least they will have the increased 72 per cent and the number of "We had one student who was accepted option to enter graduate school in an area to a French medical school, but the A Johns Hopkins University places has increased by 27 per cent. This study of their choice. language barrier prevents most students found that 95* per cent of the rejectees year a record breaking 14,000 people were from going abroad to study," said Julius from American medical schools entered accepted into medical schools across the "It is not easy to divert pre • meds into nation from a field of 42,000 applicants. Hoffman, asst. dean for undergraduate graduate school, and 74 per cent of the Lynne Weaver, Jeft, Carl Pew, and Dave Ku, right, work on a project I something else," he continued. "They Over half of the rejectees will apply to counseling in the College of Natural men and 42 per cent of the women want to be doctors. And those that look as part of their medical education. Weaver and Ku were some of the I medical schools next year or the year after Science. "Also many medical schools are eventually received degrees. But only 65 into related areas often can't lucky few who were accepted to medical schools. Over 25,000 1 get in not interested in American or other per cent of the rejectees stayed in science that. Eventually almost all of them will because the allied health fields are so full." applicants were not accepted by medical schools last year. % \ fiddler, ontheRpof Dr. John * Liverpool Skyhook•Rush Cosmic Beam Experience Max Bone The British Are Here I See The } Light Show 48$ May 18 74 txxg Northside Drive In US 27, North Lansing, Mich. 5174827409 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 16, 1974 7 U.S. business in Canada called By DENI MARTIN State Newt Staff Writer Paul Sweet, professor of German situation history, says that a combination of He said Brandt's continual attempts to seek adequate bilateral sore spot election on May 19 marks an end of Gaullist domination in agreements with Eastern factors forced German Chancellor European nations and his desire to French politics, but she doesn't believe that the new I Thnueh inflation seems to be a major cause of the current Willy Brandt to resign. achieve normalization between East and West president ■ Sweet, who Germany were will radically change the French |n"on6 four MSU professors believe there are several other served as American consul Stuttgart from 1963 to 1967, believed Brandt's loss of genera) in often criticized by the German public and opposition parties. government. "France is split between conservatism and for the recent changes of government in foreign countries. popularity Another factor was the weak control socialism," Tilly 180 was a key factor in his resignation. of Brandt's Social said. "This prevents either candidate from Trudeau's problems Democratic party (SDP) had over the going very far to national assembly. "When develope better government." I finrdon Stewart, associate professor of history, claims that the Brandt first came in as chancellor he was heading a coalition a "Giscard is conservative who will still maintain |.L| issue in Canada's upcoming election will be government that was easily susceptible to criticism and had won limited role in a foreign affairs," she said. "He would a certain i'irticanization tL and not inflation. the national election with said. the bare minimum of votes," Sweet American attitude. lend to a pro - party that wants to win can avoid Americanization as an "Mitterrand relies on a electorial alliance that is to the ,» he said. "The Canadian government must decide what The discovery of the East German left," spy in Brandt's office was Tilly said. "He is facing a conservative opposition that is a little of American involvement In Canada is acceptable." the final blow. Sweet said « when Brandt discovered that no one stronger than he is." I'Trudeau has regulated American control of Canadian was willing to actively take the blame for the hiring of Gunter irporations," Stewart said. "But Canadians are still not satisfied Guulame, he felt it was time to resign. »ith his American policy." Sweet said Brandt may resign soon as the SDP's party chief. I He noted that the New Democratic party, (NDP), which forced I n0. confidence vote that opened the way for new Canadian Donald Lammers, associate English economics professor of history, said the Heath Hubbard Ha Jctions in July. has >nstilled a stro"g anti ■ American sentiment government fell because it insisted on imposing terms concerning the Canadian working class. The NSP opposed Trudeau's industrial relations which were simply unacceptable to British Id restrictions on American investment in Canada, Stewart said, fI Another issue that may eventually affect the survival of Canada voters. Lammers said there were three things that the British labeled an e jmow it, as well as July's national elections, Stewart said, is government must achieve to reach stabilization. EL bilingual nature of the country. "It must insure intelligent use of offshore oil sites, establish and maintain some industrial A final damage estimate for the Feb. 27 fire in Hubbard Hall is ■ Stewart said that Trudeau's attempt to sooth Quebec with a discipline that will maintain trade not completed yet but University officials have labeled the cause Lipid and bicultural policy has been very unsuccessful. He union support and establish a satisfies most of the political and social morality which as an accident. Wd that every time the Canadian leader concedes to some people," he said. Sam Gingrich, MSU Lammers said this may seem like a tall fire safety officer, said he has received LmBid by Quebec he is sacrificing his popularity in the coastal order, but that a British insurance reports from rural areas of Canada. election may not be too far off in the only 10 students with a total value of future. $2,845. ■ But separatists in Quebec feel that Trudeau has made very "The Wilson government would seize any opportunity to have Gingrich has asked all the involved students to send him a copy Lall concessions to Quebec citizens, and the separtists are an election to strengthen their party." of the damage claim they filed with their insurance companies. Landing more freedom. hammers Stewart France after Pompidou A final damage estimate for the building has not been Louise Tilly, history instructor, agrees that the national established, but the repair bill will be paid from University funds because there is a $100,000 deductible in the Hubbard Hall insurance policy. Terrorist raids Gingrich said that officials were unable to pin down any on Israel rise specific cause for the fire. Officials had originally thought the fire was caused by a portable electric heater belonging to a student in room 1212. ■ TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - TTie terrorist war against Israel has border, and Israel responded with air strikes and ground raids to Indily escalated in savagery since its inception seven years ago. knock out guerrilla bases. • Dec. 4, 1973. An Arab tossed a hand grenade into a narrow, | Hie'assault today on a school building in Maalot followed by In September 1970, the guerrillas opened a new offensive winding street in Jerusalem's Old City. Eighteen women soldiers over a month the guerrilla massacre of 18 Israelis in the were wounded. A wave of small against international travelers, and political hijackings of airlines bombings kept police and public MON.-TUES. -THUR. ■ FRI by border village of Qiryat Shmonah. became common. But the attacks on Israeli settlements on alert in 1973, but no deaths were recorded. at 8:00 P.M. JHie guerrillas opened their war in 1967 by infiltrating the stopped. never • April 5, 1974. A bomb exploded aboard a Tel Aviv bus, SAT.-SUN. - WED. at xdanian and Lebanese borders, hoping Arab civilians in Israel The worst terrorist incidents in Israel include: killing one person and injuring four others. 1:30 -4:30 -8:00 P.M. • id occupied areas would help them on their missions. The • Nov. April 11, 1974. Three guerrillas storm through apartment 22,1968. A bomb exploded in Jerusalem's busiest open plis retaliated by blowing up houses of collaborators and • - air market, killing 12 and buildings in Qiryat Shmonah, bursting through doors and wounding 52. morting entire families, • Feb. 21, 1969. A bomb killed two and wounded shooting at everyone in sight. lining incidents and lightning ambushes on the borders were central Jerusalem supermarket. eight in a Tquent in 1968 and 1969. Army patrols intercepted as many as • Oct. 22, 1969. Explosives destroyed several houses in the I infiltrators in a single group slipping across the brown hills northern port city of Haifa. Two were killed and 18 wounded. Ling up from the Jordan River. • Feb. 23, 1970. Guerrillas ambushed a tourist bus near the | In 1969, the guerrillas began running battles from across the occupied Jordanian town of Hebron. killed. An American woman was Italian Dinner with Wine • May 22, 1970. Terrorists operating a remote control bazooka ^rea residents hit a school bus on the Lebanese border, 22. Most were children. killing 12 and wounding T for Iwe • Nov. 6, 1970. Two explosions rocked Israel's most crowded Select a delicious dinner of Spaghetti and Meat area, the Tel Aviv central bus station. Two died and 24 were wounded. Balls, Lasagna, Veal Parmesan rged to join fast or • July 7, 1971. Katyusha rocket attacks, which had plagued including salad, border settlements for years and even Jerusalem, hit central Israel bread and a full carafe of wine. Offer for the first time. The rockets slammed into the Tel Aviv suburb good with of Petah Tikva, killing four and this ad on Wednesday and Thursday only wounding 18. ■ Ingham County "This is a deep world crisis, • May 30, 1973. Japanese radicals working for a guerrilla Same dinner with 'A carafe of wine Tmmissioners joined 5,053 similar to the Bangladesh organization opened machine • gun fire and threw hand grenades - $2.75 for 1 pU students Tuesday,night in problem," Conlin said. "We into the terminal of Tel Aviv airport, killing 25 and wounding person. iing their support to the should keep our tradition of about 70. ■orts of the African Famine generosity." fief Committee. "As a food producer myself, |List week one in ■ third of the all of the residence I am well aware problem," Commissioner of the THE Billy Jack ™ "BORN LOSERS Is except Owen Graduate Alfred Wardowski, an apple !! pledged to miss their grower, said. "About 10,000 VARSITY INN xr May 23. The University people die of starvation every 1227 E. Grand River AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL Picture «| agreed to day. We should have a fast day f 65 cents for each every month to help feed the 332-6517 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 332 6944 NOW! r missed to the relief rest of the world." 'I. Ill TODAY & FRIDAY Free Delivery on OPEN 7:00 p.m. Pizzas and Subs a Shows 7:25 • 9:30 personal resolution Folk Entertainment » county commissioner Evenings Mon - Thurs SAT SUN WED. 1:30 3:30 5:30 7:30 9:30 (thud Conlin, country - - - - - - were "A VERY, VERY FUNNY AND VERY, urged to observe P fast and donate the VERY TOUCHING ROMANTIC COMMEDY!" money If saved to the relief fund. -JUDITH CRIST BEAL PROUDLY PRESENTS ACADEMY AWARD WINNER , BEST ACTRESS-Glenda Jackson DEEP TURCOT D€CP A I VlUV/tl I It has become the most is shattering records across America. George Segal Glenda Jackson widely seen adult film in cinema history. Words are simply inadequate to convey the Incredible eroticism of the film. DEEP THROAT Is A Touch Of Class PG astoundingly explicit - it goes beyond anything Next "WHERE THE LILIES BLOOM" made. DEEP THROAT is previously rapidly becoming the standard to which all other adult INFORMATION 332 5*17 films will be compared. DEEP Ends Tonight THROAT cannot be described - it must be open at 7:15 P.M. experienced. "Anything you have seen before is merely preparation for Feature 7:30-9:30 the experience of DEEP THROAT. "JEREMIAH (PC) Deep Throat it still banned in New York. It's the film that JOHNSON" was found obscene in Detroit and was responsible for the padlocking of five theaters. Deep Throat has been busted and ★ STARTS FRIDAY* subsequently acquitted more than any other film in history. The Beal Film Group is frame has been deleted. showing Deep Throat, uncut, not one ACADEMY AWARD WINNER BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FltM We present I I only to those persons o — y**r8 2? who enJ°>' extremely explicit erotic entertainment. We have no wish to offend or shock. If you do not enjoy behavior, viewing incredibly graphic sexual TRUFFAUT'S, Mf W we at Beal strongly recommend that you stay away. In DEEP THROAT we have the ultimate in erotic entertainment, if we you wish to experience it, cordially Invite you to attend - If you have any FOR ll doubts about your probable reaction to this film, we Strongly encourage you to enjoy another program. MKHT DEEP THROAT is strictly for those who can take it. All penom drnring admission lo (his picture must luvr proof of *gc SB) JACQUELINE BISSET JEAN PIERRE AUMONT SHOWTIMES 7:00, 8:15,9:30, & 10:45 VALEN1INA CORTESE JEAN CHAMPION SHOWPLACE 326 Nat. Sci. DANI JEAN PIERRE LEAUD ADMISSION $2.00 ALEXANDRA STEWART FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 16, 1974| '110 in the Shade' spark By EDD RUDZATS land and a spiritual needed number with so much and outright fun breeziness that it able to Come close displaying this fusion whenever to to hampered in his portrayal duJ State News Reviewer reawakening for lizzie. The to inappropriate costumjl of "Shade" details his emerged as the highlight of the she sang. In a powerfully If musical comedy is to rest evening. beautiful voice, which Looking like a 70s rock star in I succeed, it needs a spark to set efforts along those lines. Circle Part of tfle problem with expressed limitless layers of a bell -sleeved shirt, fringe veil it alight and warm the audience The Players' Community production of this "Shade" was that the conflict emotions, Martello showed and plumed hat, Voigt seeme I with its glow. Musical drama, musical comedy - drama, as that Nash set up in this work what Lizzie could have been a more fitting character f0,| on the other hand, more power than brilliance of requires directed by Barbara Rutledge Carlisle,1 e, suffers from a was not strongly emphasized. Had the empl s on the like, yet in her non singing moments, Martello was only a Shade. "U0»»1 illumination to move audience. Therefore, a comedy its lackluster tone. Much of what dreamer as opposed to cold weak reflection of the girl she Mark Cosgrove deserv*! drama with music, such as occurs, such as the songs and logic been stronger, then portrayed through song. several work as the plaudits for his f,n | j - dances, is pleasant enough, but lizzie's conflict between the dumb, dolti "110 Jimmie Curry, it js a current in the Shade," the Community Circle are done without the vibrant two would have made for the With Daniel Templin as File, deputy interested in Lizzie, performance, hilarious! Co J force that would have made moving drama. as Players' production, should the reverse Was true. Templin performs have both the spark to set it to the story more exciting. The difficulty here also rests enthusiasm with appropriate! Carlisle appears to have on Mary Martello's shoulders. delivered a convincing and devastateJ life and the power to maintain As Lizzie, Martello has the portrayal as the slightly com,c timing. Had evervon I encountered some difficulties the light and warmth of the followed his example, in staging "Shade," as the hardest role in "Shade." Her hardened young man, but his would have sparkled "Shade'T piece being presented. chorus fills the character has a softness whifch vocals lacked conviction. like stage to , Unfortunately, "Shade" is is hidden behind a protective jewel. overflowing and seems to be sadly deficient in each area. It Chuck emerges as pleasant, but hardly more concerned with its shell of outspokenness, a Voigt artist, Starbuck, as was a the con welcome is As it is, "110 in the Shade"! what it could have been. movements than giving each combination that Martello was addition to each scene. pleasant enough! piece wholehearted feeling and unable to bring out in her entertainment, but not what itl "Shade" is the musical Whenever Voigt appeared, version of N. Richard Nash's expression. As a result, its performance. She ways displayed "Shade" would spring to life, could have been. Its glow isf movements and songs are not either Lizzie's softness or feeble and its dramaticL "Hie Rainmaker," with music thanks to his natural delivery fluid and tend to slow many of outspokenness, but never a potential lost somewhere in the! by Harvey Schmidt and lyrics and easy going manner. His by Tom Jones. the more jubiliant numbers to fusion of the underlying "Melisande" number sparkled listless shuffle of the chorus! Set in a small drought • a listless tempo. Only "The softness with the outer shell. for this reason. "Shade" needs a spark to set itl stricken plains town during the Little Red Hat" number, with As a result, Lizzie's complexity alight, to make a mildlyl summer, the tale involves the Mark Cosgrove and Nancy is only partially displayed. diverting evening ■ Baumgartel, had the pep that Yet, ironically, Martello was Voigt, unfortunately, was exceptional one. Curry family - Noah, H.C., the rest of the production Jimmie and Lizzie — and the 01 should have had. Cosgrove and ■ fated attempts by the male Currys to marry off lizzie. Baumgartel injected their Plain, outspoken and strong - willed, lizzie is unlike the sweet, cooing women of the town. As Women vocalists *RHflRHAJ?HRHflRlHflRHftRHft' the play opens, she seems slated for spinsterhood. schedule concert PRESENTS "A JOY!" With the entrance of The MSU Women's Glee SN photo/John Harrington Starbuck, rainmaker, a con - things begin to man Club will perform a wide range of compositions at its spring j[ WINNER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARDS concert at 4 p.m. Sunday in Chuck Voigt plays the role of con artist Starbuck in the Community Circle Players' current change for lizzie and the town as well. For $100, Starbuck the Music Building auditorium. production of "110 in the Shade" at the Barn Theater in Okemos. The musical is an The Glee Club will be under promises rain in 24 hours, a adaptation of N. Richard Nash's "The Rainmaker." the direction of Leona Witter, physical reawakening of the asst. professor of music. The program will include Faculty to perform French piece two pieces written by Roseann Hammill, the MSU HAROLD music librarian. and MSU students Richard Members of the Music Dept. movements. Seven is the theorists and is considered by Also included on the MAUDE will present the East Lansing perfect number - the six days many to be the greatest French program will be "Trio No. 2 in Jennings and Mary Salsinger will appear as soloists with premiere of "Quartet for the of creation sanctified by the composer of this century. C Minor, Op. 66" by Felix End of Time" by the divine Sabbath. Hie seventh The work will be performed Mendelssohn for piano, violin the 75 ■ member chorus in a RUTH GORDON contemporary French day of rest prolongs itself in by pianist Ralph Votapek, and cello. selection of folk songs. BUDCORT The concert is open to the Co-starring composer Oliver Messaien at eternity and becomes the violinist Walter Verdehr, cellist The recital is open to the public free of charge. Vivian Pickles. Cyril Cusack, 8:15 tonight in the Music eighth, of faultless light; of Peter Rejto and clarinetist Elsa public free of charge. Charles Tyner, Ellen Geer Building auditorium. unalterable peace." Ludewig Verdehr. All are ftoduced by Colin Higgini Messaien wrote his Messaien is one of the most members of the. MustCDept. isttrTJept. MMttimN'MAW qndjCharles B.Mulvehill "Quartet" in 1941 while he original modem composers and faculty. GfiQ* f- • Executive Producer was a prisoner of war in Sijifsia. A CARLO fSlfffiGOUCIlON Mildred lewis, It is scored for piano, vrolin, Written by Colin Higgins cello and clarinet. The work Moliere's Jf DAVID LEAN'S FILM Directed by Hal Ashby was first performed on broken OF BORIS PASTERNAKS With Songs by Cot Stevens i um r i ah s J IMAG} instruments that were available H s* II1111% in the German POW camp. THE lfll> I V4 >and SIUS\NSI\(I< DOCTOR Messaien mystic by INVALIDJ was a nature and persuasion and his music tends to be wrapped in + JISNII11 VUI^\IU.% ZHilAGO in panavision* and metrocotor symbols of Catholic mysticism. Hie quartet is no exception. + McDonel Kiva * He said of this 'Quartet' is in eight work, "My * May 17, 18, 19 j Tonight: Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 Tonight: Wilson 7:30 & Fri. 106B Wells 7:00. 8:40. 9:30/U 10:40 J $1.00 Student Laboratory 8:15 Theatre Production Fri: Wilson 7:30 & 9:30 Sat: 106 B Wells 7:00, 8:45, Tonight: Brody9:00 Fri: Conrad 8:00 Brody 9:40 Sat. Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 Sat: Wilson 8:00 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★"A" ^ 10:30 Sun: McDonel Kiva 7:30 Sun. Wilson 7:30 ^Sun: Conrad 7:30 Wilson 9:30 Conrad 9:3 flldtWorhC? Never Released in theU.S. Chaplins Michael iwivn SECTION look at America in the1950s TICKETS AVAILABLE AT UNTEUVBY SHW. MABMU1L MUSIC,MB Murpheys UNION ACTIVITIES BOARD PRESENTS *4.St -SMI MKNIIN. music is At a Houston concert 11,000 | his magic. people sang his songs with rA King in nim.Oneofhis 'Geronimo's Cadillac," has songs, Never Released in the U.S. developed a cult following New York all over the country. Rolling Stone said of his SUNDAY, MAY 19 UNION BALLROOM 2:00, 7:00 & 9:30 Chaplin's look at America in the1950'$ work, "He is that rarity rbc films presentation among songwriters, a Ok an THEGAME humanist... he,merges the immediacy of rock music a Mitchell Brothers Film Group Production BOX OFFICE OPENS IEsw// FIRST FEATURE flTfflffi ~ r with a folk consciousness | and a country sensibility. Michael Murphey was born and raised in Texas and still lives and works there. In fact, he's the most PERFORMING ARTS COMPANY noted young songwriter to have emerged from the TENTH ANNIVERSARY SEASON Texas scene in quite a while. _ And with the release of his | latest album, "Michael Murphey," people coast to by coast will be captured by PLUS ^at ol' Murphey magic. HOW THE WEST James On WAS FUN Epic Records ind tapes OPEN 12 AM to 12 PM Goldman SUN. thru THURS. '*•. SPECIAL 12 PM SHOW FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 401 E. GRAND RlVf ADMISSION S3.00/PERSON S5.00/COUPLE $2.00 WITH STUDENT I.D May 21-26 written ^ inFNew\(irk directed and scored by Charles Chaplin 351-8460 HOURS: MON.-FRI 9:30 AM -5 SUNDAY; MAY 19 UNION BALLROOM SATURDAY 9:30 AM 6:001 Fairchild Theatre -8:15 p.m. Theatre Box Office Open - Mon - Fri 12-5 Phone: 355-0148 2iOO p.m. Students, Staff Faculty 78c 7iMlttMp.n. Students, Stiff faculty »1.00 records the music people I SUNDAY NOON - 6:00 P~ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 16, 1974 9 DAVE DiMARTlMO Roger McGuinn to sing Importing discs at Stables over weekend U.S. business and the Roger McGuinn, folk hero a main rock exponent of • to form folk - a new rock." hybrid, "electric Members of the Byrds came and went. Some were fired, '60s, will be returning this Rising into prominence as an week to the others left to pursue their own Stables, beginning interpreter of Dylan songs such solo careers, but in all cases, editor's note: This if tht first edition of a regular column on tonight. as "Mr. Tambourine Man" and the focal point of the Byrds nular music by State News reviewer Dave DiMartino. The McGuinn, noted as the "My Back Pages," McGuinn was the talent of McGuinn. founder of one of America's Enn will appear every Thursday and will deal with a wide most famous rock groups, the and his group soon became leading force the American a of subjects including recording industry news, local Byrds, has been a solo artist on After a short try at a Byrds rock scene. McGuinn led his musical talent and popular music trends. since that group's disbanding in constantly changing group reunion album that didn't early 1973. With the Byrds, quite work out, McGuinn Most imported records are imported because of popular members from folk interpreters McGuinn packed it all up and went his a, and If an "lb""1 is Pressed 41,(1 released in England, but rose to prominence to pioneering musicians that make the grade with American manufacturers, the British as the first musician to way as a solo artist. His j n't always seemed a few years combine folk music with rock, appearance last term at the imported and sold here at a slightly higher price. ahead of their time. Stables was one of the winter's Thnse who truly want the imported disc aren't fgoing to high points, and this week quibble when they pay the extra money - they're happy they've should be just as good. So the market is here, ready and waiting, but various Student exhibits McGuinn will be appearing at the Stables through umsWnces may cause an album's nonrelease in the States. Saturday night. Manv artists achieve their greatest public recognition midway ttaju* their careers- Some release one or two sleeper albums before ornine through with a bombshell, and generally, when the artist at East Lansing British, American companies will see fit to release only the An exhibit of paintings by Irementioned bombshell. paintings is on color and Susan Haley, 910 Abbott subject matter, Haley Artists such as Elton John, T. Rex and Humble Pie fit this Road, will be shown at the explained. classification, though the latter two groups' record company saw East Lansing library gallery, "Painting is an emotional fit to rerelease each of their "sleepers" in a budget two • in - one 950 Abbott Road, through the outlet for me," she continued, 5bum package, which was commendable. SN photo/John Harrington end of May. "and I'm inspired by Monet's Robert Jorgensen directed Occasionally, a British record label changes American Roger McGuinn, who appeared at the Stables at the end of winter Haley is a junior at MSU in works and the philosophy that the Concert Band II in an distribution, leaving artists who release albums in the interim with term, will return tonight through Saturday. The former leader of the Byrds has been the fields of psychology and light reflects all things." outdoor concert on May 15. 11 raw deal. disbanded after the partially successful touring alone since the group art. The 14 paintings are mostly He was incorrectly identified in release of a Byrds reunion album. Or again, an American distributor might see no point in The emphasis of the acrylic on canvas. a May 15 article as Richard. releasing a chancey album by a group that has more than once (jiled to crack the American market. Groups like Genesis and King Crimson, in such situations, have released live albums that can be found only in the import racks. However, demand has been sufficient to cause the very recent African release of the live Genesis LP. Sometimes an album is released both here and in Britain, though the versions are slightly different. The difference may lie amply in a different cover, or in the number of songs included, but it may occasionally be more striking. For example, the Sutherland Brothers and Quiver released "Lifeboat" in America last summer, as they toured this country lith Elton John. Months before, in Britain, the Sutherland Brothers released "Lifeboat" as their own album. Prior to their departure for the U.S., they joined forces with Quiver and rerecorded parts of the disc. The best policy for those seeking imports in East Lansing is to check out the local stores - Recordland and Discount Records he best choice - and all stores will most likely order any that are asked for. Look around and see what's available. A few of the rock journals like Rolling Stone and Creem advertise Importers on their back pages, most of whom will be only too happy to send their free catalog. PASSPORT •nd PHOTOS APPLICATION $450; 7 - ply laminated frame, 4lxk 'Regular SS BO for 2 photos nylon strings, leather 1, white -and v ar« studi Sl** 351-1477 blue. Save ay< mart! - 6<\d thru - lens control, manual override. Save $50! • looking, efficient business case. Qioose from °ie of the largest selections anywhere: attache cases, brief Bags, portfolios in styles for men and ladies. PORTABLE SKAI ATTACHE CASES 3" with tile •2f BBQ GRILL 4" with file »F Our Reg. 7.33 5" with file and desk FREE Personal Monogram f Easy - to - move to the patio. 5" - wheel grill features pos - itive action to raise or lower chrome grid. Easy - to - store when finished. AUTOMATIC FLASH POCKET CAMERA Reg. Mini-C electronic 2173 or 19.97 No focusing! Includes 110 manual flash operates on Film and magicube. 2 A A batteries. Charge it. 31/ix41/»'1 prints. Save now. eAST LANSING 209 E. Grand Rivtr - Kmart East Only W. Grand River near Okernos Rd. DOWNTOWN • 107 i. Washington Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 16, I974H Women begin tournament today By RAM WARD competition and now that they "Our defense has always State News Sports Writer Tyler has led the pitching Park (Lansing) in order to get are allowed to participate this been good and we've been able squad with a 7-3 record and a used to dirt infields for this year in the series I think to straighten out some of our they 3.40 ERA. Lawson has a 2-1 series," Irwin said. "But we MSU's women's softball will be the top contenders." earlier problems," Irwin added. record and White has a 2-4 didn't get a chance to play team has played 21 games this The Spartans, who are trying "We to were having trouble with record. under the lights. I hope this season but none carry as much improve on last year's 11th base running but that, has One thing that could prove won't affect our play." importance as this weekend's place finish, cite depth as their improved tremendously." to be a disadvantage to the action. strongest asset. The Spartans, who have a Spartan squad is that the squad The Spartans are in Omaha, team "I'm fairly confident, batting average of .295, will play some of its games Neb., today, where they are "We have a very well - are led by hitters though. I think we're capable Cindy Elliot under the lights. The Spartans' of beating any of those teams. representing the state of rounded team with a lot of (.388), Pat Veach (.333) and only night game this season Michigan in the College World members who can play several Gwen White (.304). Irwin will But we're going to have to play was rained out. Series. The 18 - team double positions," Irwin said. be top mental and physical ball to expecting top performances elimination tournament runs "Nobody is really stronger from Spartan pitchers Sherri win. We're going to have to "We were playing some of today through Sunday.' than the other." Tyler, Sue Lawson and White. play the best we can to take our home games at Ranney "It's going to be a strong the tournament title." tournament," coach Anne Irwin said. "Most of the IN IM SOFTBALL TOURNEY schools are equally matched so I think have good chance. Two we a Nothing is out of reach for the team." The Spartans are going into the tournament with a 13-8 By JACK WALKDEN chomps out Mike Rasmussen, who plays the right field. He is batting .500. record and will State News Sports Writer The other two outfielders are Dan play their first Keegstra (.454) and game against Nebraska under Christ Truhan (.562). This year's men's intramural softball tournament has a the lights tonight. If they win Comprising the air - tight infield are first baseman Howard repetitive flavor to it as last year's residence hall and Treado (.200), second baseman Paul Reimer against the host of the (.584), shortstop independent champions are both undefeated and ready to defend Steve Rodriguez (.533) and third baseman Don DeLaura (.417). tournament, the Spartans will their titles. have to go against Arizona, the The catcher is A1 Fin (.182). GTW (Grand Trunk defending College World Series Westbound), defending independent One of the most important members of the team is pitcher champ, and Space Station, which won the residence hall title a Mike Fabian (.750), who has developed into a champion. year ago, each has won five games tough hurler. "The first two games are without a loss this season. "Softball requires a pitcher who can put a good arch on the Ironically, both teams are from Wilson Hall, but the similarities ball," Wallach said. "There's not too many good ones. Favian's very crucial," Irwin said. end there. "We've been placed in the top played softball for five years and has developed a great arch." GTW has relied on pitching and defense this half bracket of the tournament year, while space Fabian also helps his team defensively by Station has thrived on a much - improved backpedaling about SN and if we get past those games hitting attack. five feet after pitching the ball to stop any hits which would photo/John Martcll Howard Wallach, coach of GTW, believes team confidence is we'll be in a good spot. one of its normally go through the middle of the diamond. Righthander Sherrie Tyler has led the Spartan women pitchers this season with a 7 3 record "I don't really know what biggest assets. Space Station, on the other hand, is scoring more runs but also - "We play on the theory that we don't have to beat and a 3.40 ERA. Tyler and her teammates are in Omaha, Neb., today for the kind of team to expect from anyone," allowing more a year ago. The team has tallied 82 runs in five College World Wallach said. "They have to beat us. Series. The Spartans, who have a 13 - 8 season record, will be Nebraska but Arizona has lost games,and allowed 34. representing the state of "Softball is a hitters game, and we figure to score some The infield is made up of first baseman Dave Markzon Michigan. MSU will be trying to improve on last's year's 11th place finish. The tournament its star pitcher and a lot of its runs, (.300), but the key to this team is defense. The infield is very tight second baseman Dennis Darling runs today through Sunday. infielders so I think we have a (.714), shortstop Kevin Griffith defensively and the whole team is sound fundamentally." (.667) and third baseman Rick Bamett (.706). Griffith and very good chance against GTW has relatively the same squad as last them." year. Due to the loss Barnett lead the team with three home runs each. of two players, Wallach was forced to find two For outfielders. The outfielders are Ron Stackowiak the first (.563), who has scored 14 Maravich trade getting wilder time One of the newcomers, Bruce Loria, is the team's universities that offer top hitter runs, Mark Hughes (.444), Roy Sloan (.400) and Lee Grulke with an .812 average. Loria has hit six home runs, and all but one (.500). scholarships to women athletes of his 13 hits has been for extra bases. will be allowed to Catcher is Bob Hughes (.300) and pitcher Chns Curtis (.467), ATLANTA (UPI) -That participate The other newcomer is former guard in the expansion pool, in the series tournament. Irwin Spartan football quarterback make up the battery. I deal that send "Pistol" Pete the Hawks also get New thinks this I Maravich to New Orleans gets may change the I wilder over,1 time you look at Unless "Pistol becomes a super - superstar, Pete" Orleans' first - round choices in the college draft the next odds. "John F. Kennedy iiar" it four years. And, when you Atlanta appears to have made University (Iowa) has been pooLeys pi The NBA expansion draft the biggest "steal" in sports figure New Orleans could finish offering softball scholarships to I next Monday may now benefit last all four years, that could women for years now and they I the Atlanta Hawks almost as history. B mean that Atlanta gets the No. have a very strong team," Irwin | much as the new franchise. 1 player in the draft four years said. over "They have traveled all the DOMINO'S As originally set up, New country for I Orleans was to pick one player I from each of the other 17 I NBA teams. That one was to Lyle's bases-filled PITCHERS ■ from five each team | made available after freezing SUPER WEEK But New Orleans' first helps Tigers SPECIAL | choice, a center, will be 355-1826 351-7100 d by the Hawks, and NEW YORK (UPI) - batters, received credit for his' !$«■ Reliever Sparky Lyle walked sixth win of the season, I Atlanta gets the next two. though designated hitter A1 Kaline John Hiller came on in the Hawks Coach Cotton with the bases filled and two eighth to bail him out of a jam |8ih I Fitzsimmons says Atlanta, out in the for his fifth save of the year. I under the terms of the eighth inning I Maravich Trade, has the right I to block New Orleans from I picking a center in the first Wednesday, forcing in the tie • breaking run and giving the Detroit Tigers a 6 • 5 victory over the New York Yankees. Lyle's walk to Kaline came after the Yankee reliever should have gotten out of the inning. Shortstop Jim Mason TodAy • 4-7pM I round from any team which fumbled Jim Northrup's I has a guard or forward that the Joe Coleman, who allowed routine grounder for wWat I Hawks plan to take in rounds eight hits and walked eight should have been the third out. You bring the Bride SONSOrsluM DAILY HAPPY HOURS We'll bake the Cake Monday - Saturday all drinks Complete dining service for Vi price INN receptions, rehearsal dinners or any important affair! ^ T ; , ^ 2- 5 p.m. tomorrow-•• Fridays - Chili Dogs 50 cents Call for Reservations 372-4300 The Varsity Inn 15Cer Ihot doc! 1227 E. Grand River SHARE THE RIDE M TIFFANY PLACE ATTENTION WITH US THIS 116 East Michigan Avenue, Lansing WEEKEND FROM FOX'S FLINT AREA STUDENTS [jJJR WORD PROCESSING THE DASHING LOOK IN ■P' 11 never ties up your "creiary fordictation either AND GET ON MOTT COMMUNITY COLLEGE WELCOMES Diamond^ Great Savings in a Great IBM FACTORY Brand TO A GOOD THING. GUEST STUDENTS UNCONDITIONED WORD INPUT PROCESSING Us means Greyhound, and a lot of your fellow students EQUIPMENT who are already on to a good thing. You leave when you like. Travel comfortably Arrive refreshed and on time TO SUMMER SESSION 1974 You'll save money, too, over the increased standby air SEE YOUR REGISTRAR FOR fares. Share the ride with us on weekends. Holidays. A GUEST APPLICATION Anytime. Go Greyhound GREYHOUND SERVICE REGISTRATION, MAY13-JUNE7, JUNE 10-12, SERVICE TO DETROIT... Leave E. L Arrive Detroit 11:25 CLASSES START JUNE 17 8:60 a.m (local) a.m. (express) 2:00 p.m. PORTABLE MODEL 224 12:05 a.nn 1:30 p.m (express) 3:35 p.m. *°p 3:30 p.m (express) 5:30 p.m. I 0R * DEMONSTRATION (Item above, Friday only) 4:45 p.m (express) 6:35 p.m 5:25 p.m. (local) 8:00 p.m AMERICAN 6:00 p.m. 7:40 p.m. (express) (Item above, Friday only (express) 7:55 p.m 9:25 p.m MOTT COMMUNITY GREYHOUND AGENT,o„ WJSINESS 308 W. Grand River Ave. East Lansing 0,-h*' m.2lu Charters 332-2728 COLLEGE HUMES '*7J_Hasl0tt Rd. Jftf Greyhound 1404 EAST COURT STREET FLINT. MICHIGAN 48503 A change for the better (313) 235-7541 Thursday, May 16, 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan i974 PROF STUDIES 73 U.S. DEATHS Income said key "The purpose of the study, senior citizens and poor," said apply to Hammermesh's study. actually try killing themselves. By HARRIET WILKES 20,000 people committed "There are probably various State News Staff Writer suicide in 1973. was to show how an economic Hammermesh. Though Hammermesh's reasons for attempts, threats or "People are getting analysis can provide prediction According to the study, as study supports his belief that is a major factor successful suicide, Powell said. An MSU professor's research depressed when they don't on human behavior," unemployment rises, suicidal money Hammermesh said. rates increase. Hammermesh contributing to the increase in "Suicide is usually a analysis of 1973 U.S. deaths have enough money and are bumping themselves off," "I also wanted to dispel any said this rise in suicide rates is suicides, counselors have other manipulation for trying to get may dispel the myth about ideas about the subject. attention." suicide being prevalent in rich Hammermesh said. "To some suicide myths the average especially true in middle aged, older and poor people because "The reasons people commit Powell said there are families. extent, people are motivated to person has in mind," he Daniel Hammermesh, commit suicide because of continued. they seem to be most sensitive suicide range anywhere from probably six or eight pretty income." "The average intelligent about money. broken marriages or boyfriend basic reasons why people resort professor in economics, says a lack of money is the major Hammermesh's study was person says the rich and young Limiting his data to males, - girlfriend hassles to deaths in to thoughts of or attempts at factor which motivates people published in the January 1974 commit the most suicides. But Hammermesh said an analysis families," Doug Thompson suicide. issue of The Journal of this is not true. Too much of women suicides would said. Thompson is a volunteer Some of these reasons to commit suicide. Hammermesh based his Political Economy. A copy of mythology about suicide is contaminate his study. counselor for the Listening Ear include an unconscious wish to the study is on file at many "Women aren't in the Crisis Intervention Center on erase past experiences. study on statistical data which going on. Suicide is much more that approximately U.S. universities. employment scene as much as Grand River Avenue. "People think they haven't shows prevalent with the middle aged, men," he said. "Therefore, Thompson said that more been dealt a good hand. If they they respond differently to people seem to use suicide as can tum in the one they have unemployment. 1 don't think an excuse to talk with to get another one, they think women are quite as sensitive counselors than people who maybe they can get a better about unemployment as men." actually threaten or attempt deal," he said. Women commit suicide less suicide. Another reason for suicide than half the times that men do, said Hammermesh. However, it is a well known fact that women commonly People arc getting depressed when they don't threaten to commit suicide, while actual suicides are have enough money and are bumping themselves committed by white males, he off. To some extent, people are motivated to said. commit suicide because of income." Black males also commit suicide less than half the time Daniel Hammermesh, professor of economics white males do. Most black males who commit suicide are from the high • income level. APwirepholo I However, high suicide rates A identified 21 coincide with low income Thompson said Listening can be attributed to an man as - year - old Mark Matays tumbles to " his death from a roof of a 23 - story Ear received a total of 13,930 extreme inward hostility or self building in Brooklyn unless the person is young. calls last year. Out of this total, - dislike. Wednesday. Police said he had been perched on the roof for Young people don't seem to Suicide victims attempt to more than hour before the be as sensitive about receiving 2,060 calls came from students an plunge. low incomes, he said. Perhaps attending MSU and Lansing punish another person who has not given them what they WORDS this is one of the reasons why Community College. they dont commit suicide as Listening Ear categorizes think they deserve. Other people can no longer GLENDALE COLLEGE 1 3 much as the elderly. suicide calls received during 10 1 50 4.0' If June graduates are 1973 into three groups of statistics. The first category cope with reality as they once perceived it. "These people are OF LAW 12 180 4.8i worried about how the job includes 172 callers who used serious about suicide and not 15 2 25 6.01 market looks for this year, A suicide as an excuse to talk attention getters," Powell • Degree Program Qualifying Graduates For Calif Bar E*am 18 2.70 7.2< Jack Shingleton, director of • 5 Mm. From Downtown Los Anqeles In A Suburban Community II with counselors. In the second concluded. !0 3.00 8.0( the Placement Services said the • Enrollment Now Being Accepted for March Tern market has improved. category, 49 calls came from Though not included in his !5 3.75 10.C suicide study, Hammermesh • Inquiries Are Invited By The Dean Of Admissions: "This year should be the people who explicitly said he received an interesting D EAC threatened or seriously best since the last three or four considered suicide. The last memo from a friend who was GLENDALE COLLEGE OF LAW years," Shingleton said. "The adviser for George 220 NO. GLENDALE AVE Placement Bureau had 1,700 category includes 48 calls from an GLENDALE, CA. 91206 (213)247 0770 people who had actually McGovern. The memo employers^ schedules in our indicates 1,775 extra suicides placement services last year. attempted suicide. John Powell, asst. director were committed among white We will have approximately ' of MSU Counseling Center, males between 1969 and 1972. 1,900 schedules before the This period of time was the said that no statistics are kept year is out," he said. "Depending on his academic on file at the center. Powell said that a lot . more beginning administration of the when Nixon a THE CORAL GABLES discipline, a graduate with a tremendous increase in people indicate thoughts ,dt' Daniel Hammermesh, professor of economics, published a SN photo/June Severn research study on suicide in bachelor's degree will eam anywhere from $650 to $1,100 about suicide than those who unemployment occurred. PRESENTS a month." Shingleton said he January 1974, saying that the suicide rate goes up in times of unemployment since the most THIS common cause of suicide is lack of money. doesn't know how these job SHADES OF market impressions would WEEK STARTING MONDAY PEAR CBSVYS TUESDAY: Linn Camera FLAMING Shops HOGNIGH1 Announcing First time showing rfd" IN WEDNESDAY: DORM N of the new Sekor I)SX. An Mamiya/ Williamston! THURSDAY: QUART 20% oH on carpeting NIGHT\ Olympus OM-1 at AND THE RATHSKELLER 30% oH on lamps Demonstration SAM) WM IS OPEN ON 1Q% o« on wallpaper 15% oH the any furniture in studio or catalog ®t Factory rpprpspn tatii-p will bp at our E. Lansing WATSON - ■Ic WILLIAMSTON CONCEPCION SUNDAYS Just present this ad in our showroom storp Fri. 12-5 and d between May 6 through May 17! Where quality | at our Frandor ^ and service count. liMMte' tatotei 1 n£iniu '■< storp Sat. 12-; 5 minutes East of East Lansing. M - 78 to Haslett Rd. I '/i mile past Marsh Rd. 1491 Haslett Rd. I E. Lansing Downtown Frandor ^ 339 • 8257 207 E. Grand Rlv. 210 S. Wash. '351-5464^ IF YOU TMK OVER The Stables Proudly A HORNY BULK HEAD, c/4rt Carved! START ANEW... Presents , . . THAT'S EXACTLY WHERE Wedding Ringst space cowboy extraordinaire leader of the B\nls HEU TOSS YOU. &kmge Time now stands still, and the beginning * of your life is the sunrise of tomorrow. "Sunrise" Morning's beauty remembered by Orange Blossom. ...CAR, for less $ just 9.31% Annual Percentage Rate for new car financing. ROGER McGUINN The Monteiuma Horny Bvll:¥ M •Gold Fashion Originals Diamond and Wedding Rings JEWELRY and* \E) FirstofNational East Lansing Bank Thursday, May 16 - Saturday, May 18 Advance tickets now available at Discount Records, BREAKFAST DRINK.Over ice. IflDntezuma •Art Carved Ring Sets •Longlnes, Wedding Butova and ART CENTER 319 E.Grand River Ave . | rpTPOTTTT A East Lansing, Mich, Sounds and Diversions and at the door, performance It's sensational, and thats no bull. 1 11 j/ V Seiko Watches •International Pewter night. 61974 80 Prool Tequila Barton Dislillers Import Co.. NewYorU New York phone 337-1314 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 16, 1974 13 Call Now Haven't found a Pad yet for next [ year? 355-8255 for Results! Check "Classified" Everyday for New Ads! FRANKLY SPEAKING. j . .by phil frank jjji FIAT SPYDER 1969. Runs great VEGA GT wagori, 1973. Loaded Apartments f Apartments ](W| $700, 332-8635, Bob, after 5 with extras, only 8500 miles, NURSE, LPN or RN exciting NEED TWO females for apartment TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile 5-5-22 $2600, private owner, 351-5478. summer camp jobs. June 12 - - fall. Cedar Village. $80. homes. $25 - $35 / week. Ten 5-5-17 August 17 (other duties 332-6693. 5-5-17 minutes to campus. Quiet and 2-517 FIREBIRD PONTIAC 1967 V-8 required). Call 646-6709 for silver with black vinyl peaceful on a lake. 641-6601. "731— phone 355-8255 VEGA HATCHBACK 1971 top, low - interview. 4-5-17 0-5-31 mileage, really sharp, low price. bright blue, clean insides / out. }47 Student Services Bldg. Cell 349-3700 after $1,475. 353-9489, 351-2781 5.1-5-ie •automotive FORD F-100 1972 pick . up _ 3-5-17 2 WOMEN exciting summer camp jobs. June 12 Imprint machine - August (we 17. APARTMENTS 'Close to Campus SUMMER SUBLEASE, three man apartment, close, convenient, $65 each. 351-1915. 5-5-17 Topper VOLKSWAGEN train); •Air Conditioned camper. Excellent 411, 1972. All Scooters & Cyclw condition, extras, W.S.I, required; Counseling, 'All Appliances low mileage, first warranty. Phone SUMMER / ONE typing; driving; call for including dishwasher bedroom, air Parti & Strvtct 394-0076, Monday Friday Aviation Ikie0 takM 482-6695 9-5pm. 3-5-17 - v. 676-6709. 4-5-17 'Luxurious Furnishings conditoned, campus. walk, bus 332-2625. 3-5-16 to •employment FORD VAN 1967. Good condition". VOLKSWAGEN 1971~~used"Ts FOR THE CAREER MINDED administrative assistant with MILFORD STREET - 126. •for rent seond Apartments 4 5°°7 A''er 5 Pm" 484"7879- car: automatic, many Low extras. mileage, $1750 secretarial needed in training or experience, Now Leasing Summer rentals, reduced rates. 2 and 3 man. 2 blocks from a new financial planning Houses GREMLIN 1970, 3-speed. bucket 3^1-2648. 3-5-17 corporation in South Lansing, Summer and Fall campus. Deluxe, furnished, air salary is negotiable, excellent conditoned. 351-2647, Rooms seats, in good ***». 353-0978 after 5pm. 3-5-16 VOLKSWAGEN BUS - 1964^ working conditions, excellent Summer- $150 1 3 persons 484-8494, 489-1656. OR-5-31 Guaranteed rebuilt engine. $450 'FOR SALE or best offer. Call after 6pm. benefits, equal opportunity Fall $73 3*occupants Animals MAVERICK 1970. Over 489-2920. 2-5-17 employer. Call 393-1452. X-4-5-20 Discount for 12 mo. Lease ACROSS FROM Mason Abbott. • all condition, Four man. 2 bedroom, air, Mobile Hornet very gobd. Includes snow tires. Very reasonable, 25 VOLVO P-1800 1965, runs well, DRAFTSMAN - PART time 351-7212 furnished, $200. 332-2486, •LOST & FOUND evenings, Saturdays. Own 351-3906. 50 bucks / is mpg. 351-1898. 5-5-22 Californian car until 1970, 5 731 Burcham Drive man 'PERSONAL good Michellns. $400. 337-0593 transportation. One year table Models open 1-6, Mon. - Sat. hard to beat. 4-5-19 70 MGB. experience. 394-1074. 3-5-20 Other times •PEANUTS PERSONAL Excellent throughout. or 355-5153. 5-5-21 by appointment 30-1 SUBLET SUMMER 2-man large / mpg, wires. $2100. •REAL ESTATE 373-7247 days. 3-5-17 VW HOUSEKEEPER FOR motherless TWO GIRLS for Americana next close / air / reasonable. Call 1972. Baia Super Beetle - - •RECREATION Marina blue, radio, 23,000 miles. ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411 • BERKELEY. CA 94709 home. Live - in, comfortable year. $83/month. Diane, 332-5829. 3-5-20 Great shape! 355-3013. 2-5-17 home. School age children. 353-1223. 5-5-20 •SERVICE MUSTANG 1966. Very good 625-3434. 5-5-22 SUMMER: NEED one girl for Instruction condition, good gas mileage. Call ON LAKE Lansing. 3 bedroom Cedarview Apartment. 332-1880 Chuck at 353-2770, 3-5-16 VW 1972 Camper, fully equipped, Auto Service / Typing Service 'TRANSPORTATION NOVA, 1970 - 6 cylinder, rust proofed muffler. new brakes, shocks, Evenings 394-1939. ]H PIZZA DELIVERY nights, part time. Must own good running, furnished cottage. June 15. $250 / month, includes utilities. Also Available after 5pm. 3-5-17 automatic. Green / black 2-5-17 insured car. Hourly rates and furnished ONE TO four man apartments. •WANTED MASON BODY SHOP 812 East mileage paid nightly. Apply after efficiency apartment. Fireplace, interior. Economical, good tires - BOX OFFICE and Furnished, air, one block. Kalamazoo Street since 1940. 4:30 pm, 203 M.A.C. 351-8870. garage, $140 / month, includes 332-1946. 3-5-17 and exhaust. $975. 355-1377. VW 1969. 61,000 miles, good needed. Apply in person Complete auto 2-5-17 utilities. Both at 6100 Columbia "RATES" 3-5-17 condition. Phone 351-8251. painting and evenings. Lansing Drive In, 5207 collision service 485-0256. Drive. 349-3506. 3-5-16 3-5-20 South Cedar. 5-5-21 SUMMER ONLY. Walk to campus. C-5-31 WOMEN TO work in OLDSMOBILE 1965 Cutlass a graphics art Furnished, 2 bedrooms, ($195). 711 EAST APARTMENTS convertible. Power steering, VW 1969. EAST LANSING family needs studio, some experience Quiet building. Phone 351-7239. Excellent condition. student desirable but not a necessity, 711 Burcham Road. Large 1 brakes. $100. Phone 3 $1050. Call 332-2910, after 6 to live in, beginning 4-5-17 will train. bedroom furnished apartment. after 5:30 p.m. 5-5-17 p.m. 5-5-22 summer term. Small negotiable Day and night WORDS Suitable for 2 or 3 persons. salary, room / board provided in positions available. Call Mr. Nils, Carpeting, air conditioning, QUIET TWO bedroom unfurnished 5 OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC 88 exchange 349-2320. 5-5-22 1 3 10 VW BUS 1967 - mechanically for babysitting and heat included. Renting for apartment, Okemos. No 1966, Automatic, power excellent. Body very good. Good some housework. 355-1826 summer and fall. For 10 1 50 4.00 6.50 13.00 undergrads, no pets. $180. steering, excellent mechanical rubber, carpeted, 484-7871. 3-5-17 appointment: Immediate occupancy. 1? 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 $NOTICE$ condition. New tires. 355 2981 5-5-20 351-0726 337-7328 FOR LANDSCAPING 349-0558, 332-3534. 5-5-17 15 2.25 6.00 9.71 19.50 3-5-16 - n st have own ACROSS FROM Campus: 124 transportation. Call 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 OLDS F.85 1964. Runs Motorcycles ]g 349-3150. 3-5-17 Cedar Street, 135 Kedzie Drive, ONE MAN for 4 Rivers 20 3.00 BOO 13.00 26.00 good $200 2-man, one bedroom furnished Edge Apai or best offer. ?i 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 351-6605. 3-5-20 2 WOMEN - exciting summer ALL STUDENT ADS apartments, $170 and up. 353-4016. 5-5-17 1971 HONDA 450. Low mileage, camp jobs. June 12 - August 17. Available June and September. OLDS F-85 1970. 6-deck, $750. 0 EADLINE 1 P.M. one class Days 353-4688. Evenings mint condition, $700. Call Imprint machine (we train); starting 129 Burcham, Summer leases. Waters-River's W.S.I, Call 487-3216. Evenings 5-10pm day 337*0718. 5-5-22 355-8970. 5-5-17 required: Counseling; Monday, May 20th before publication. cars typing; driving; call for MUST BE 882-2316 or 8-3pm, 351-2402. 0-5-31 Edge Apts. interview. 646-6709. 4-5-17 OPEL RALLY 1973. Good 1972, OSSA 250 - trials bike. PRE - PAID FREE ROOMMATE Good condition. LOCATED AT THE Now through the Peanuts Personal ads condition, 4-speed. AM/FM, new $£00 NURSE, LPN, RN exciting SUMMER RENTALS SERVICE Summer negotiable. 372-3186. 3-S17 CORNER OF JOLLY or must be pre-paid. tires, must sell. Call 372-5385 end of the term. OKEMOS RD summer camp jobs. June 12 - (FILLED FOR FALL) 5-5-16 349- 3196 347 STUDENT SERVICES 332-4432 NORTON - GUZZI - DUCATI. New ' August 17. (other duties 6DAY A WEEK TOWING 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Cancellations/Corrections models on display. Repair and required). Call 646-6709 for DENTAL RECEPTIONIST for SUMMER SUBLEASE, furnished, OPEL MANTA 1973. Automatic, service OPEN 6 DAYS v. 5-4-17 orthodontist's offbe. Personable, 2 PEOPLE one bedroom 12 for Honda and British on campus, noon one class day excellent condition, reasonable makes. G.T. MOTORS, 816 ^^AM^SIPMBUTSUNDAY mature person with office S150 MONTH utilities furnished, $120/month. before publications. price. Call 882-5982. 3-5-16 WAITRESSES AND Howe, Lansing. Phone VW - GUARANTEED REPAIR. part time capabilities. (Typing 60 wpm). 3-4 PEOPLE 355-3259. 5-5-17 485-6815. 12-5-31 RANDY'S MOBIL, Okemos bartender. Call after 11am Will train. Please call, 372-6451. PLYMOUTH FURY 1969. Body, S180 MONTH The State News will be Road and 1-96. 349-9620. 489-9116.5-5-20 5-5-16 PERSON FOR summer, close, own motor excellent. $700 or best responsible only for the YAMAHA 750, 1973. Good shape, C-5-31 room, pool - $95. 337-1061 offer. John, 332-8623, 8-5. 3-5-20 best offer. Call Rob, 484-6461. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT MODELS FOR photography. Call CEDAR early or late. 5-5-17 first day's incorrect between 10am and' 6pm. FOR STUDENTS insertion. 3-5-17 We 489-1215. OR-5-31 VILLAGE are accepting applications from NOW LEASING PLYMOUTH FURY 4/door, automatic, power II 1969. HONDA 1969 CB450, classic, vlUttBHM college students who want a man summer and apartments, across from fall! 4 For Rent - summer job. You must be willing to steering and brakes, radio, 16 mpg. $669. 882-6083.3-5-20 good mechenical' condition. $625. 355-8190.3-5-17 'lAtroirrs devote a minimum of 40 hours / campus. Call 332-0245. 126 Orchard Street. 5-5-20 week and be able to accept TV AND STEREO rentals. HARLEY PANHEAD Chopper. responsibility. On the job training is SUMMER SUBLEASE, 2-3 PONTIAC 1970, T-37 - many $24/term. $9.95/month. Free Extra clean, asking $2,100. Tom provided for those who are bedroom, across from Berkey. extras, excellent condition. 1206 Oakland same day delivery and service. Nielsen, 489-1011. 5-5-22 accepted. For an interview, call Rent $900. Can be seen at Seven Call for Appt. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-5-31 negotiable. 351-4670 484-7368 between 11am 12noon. - 5-5-20 Trails east, Okemos. 349-3859 NEED GIRL four man Cedar HARLEY DAVIDSON 1967 IV4-4411 12-5-31 after 6pm. 5-6-22 Village beginning fall. 355-7133, Sprint. 250cc. Rubber mounted, Lansing's best repair GIRL WANTED - June 8-12 to Apartments ^ 353-6669. 5-5-17 HEAT. LIGHT, and road / trail. 485-0179. 2-5-17 PONTIAC TEMPEST 67, power hop for Import steering, power brakes. V-8, cars. A care for 5 year old. Live - in LUXURY FURNISHED efficiency AIR CONDITIONING BILLS |8UICK 1957 60,000 actual HONDA 1972 CL175, 2 helmets, actory trained $10/day. East Lansing area. SPARROW HOSPITAL near: Jones i- Second owner, interior good shape. $295. 351-1578. $480. Call between 5-7pm, cs assure you of Child attends day care center all Street, 216 - upper 1 bedroom, apartments, next to campus, air conditioned, GOT YOU DOWN? $250. 371-2400. After quiet. Summer 332-0432. 3-5-17 day. Call 351-2694. 5-5-22 unlurnished except stove, of fall. 351-1258. 10-5-24 6pm,351-1632. 5-5-22 PONTIAC 1970 statidn wagon, air, refrigerator, Garage. 489-7954. AM/FM radio, $1,175. Call 1969 TRIUMPH 500, 1971 Honda 5-5-16 NEEDED 1 girl to ■ CHARGER 1970, 318, 41,000 CL-175 both good condition, 1 332-8711. 5-5-17 1 miles Body, engine good. Call I 351-0629 alter 8pm. 3-5-17 best offer. 351-5377. 3-5-20 ATTENTION 551 ALBERT Street. One block with 353-8072 me for summer. anytime after 5pm. Call s month utility h RENAULT 12TS. 4 door, red. from campus. Large 2 bedorom, 5-5-17 |CHEVY VAN 1973 AM/FM 13,500 miles, 23 months old. Stick shift. Michelin radials, MOTORCYCLE below dealer TUNE-UP price, pick 20% up ARTS & LETTERS furnished, for fall. Resident BURCHAM WOODS 1 cassette - manager's apartment No. 3. LEASING SUMMER or fall, •Heated Pool Z.ebart $3.000/best Blaupunkt radio, 28.5 mpg. available. 484-3500. 5-5-17 'Laundry 332-2404 I 351-6676. I offer. 489 3489. 5-5-17 (highway), 24.5 mpg (city), one GOODYEAR POLYESTER tire in good condition. 372-0550 after MAJORS 10-5-23 furnished 2 bedroom shower. Also 2 rooms and bath. with •Ample Parking 'Air Cond. •Nicety Furnished owner. Leaving country, must BMW, YAMAHA. TRIUMPH, 5pm. 2-5-16 1 BEDROOM, close Frandor / Both private parking, reduced JOODGE I CORONET 1965. Old but great. Best Offer. sell. $2,100. 332-0924 after RICKMAN. Your full service campus. Linda, 351-8345 summer rent. 1214 East SUMMER LEASES 487-5770. 9pm. 5-5-20 Petitions for student evenings and weekends. 5-5-16 (Utilities Included) I SP5-5-17 RENAULT 1 9 70, R16 dealer. Parts, custom accessories competion SHEP'S MOTOR equipment, service. SPORTS. INC. Aviation ]g] positions on University level and College level MARIGOLD APARTMENTS Kalamazoo. 3-5-20 SUMMER SUBLEASE, large 1 Efficiency $140 mo. One Bedroom <149 Two Bedroom $169 mo. mo. Mechanically sound, minor body ■ " ™0. Phone VAN S,a,ion W#9°n 1966- repair. $750 or reasonable offer. 2460 North Cedar, Holt. Jusl PARACHUTING committees will be accepted 'JUST A FEW LEFT' bedroom. 2 blocks from campus, 641-4595. 5-5-17 south of 1-96 overpass. Phone LESSONS. 745 Burcham Dr. 351 Mr. Shelley. 351-9118. 3-5-17 Licensed instructors. Classes Monday, May 13th, thru SUMMER RATE $140 carpeted, furnished, air. Rent - 3118 694-6621. C-5-6-17 reduced to $150. 332-1945, I'lAT 1973 124 Seturday, Sunday, and by Wednesday, May 29th or 484 - 4014 _ 911 Marigold, East Lansing. after 5. 5-5-16 convertible, 5 ROVER 2,000 TC 1967. One appointment. 351-0799, Large 1 bedroom, furnished 1 !petd Br'9ht yellow, black KAWASAKI 1972 - 175cc SPARROW NEAR very large one owner, good mechanicel 543-6731.3-5-17 Petitions are available apartment. Carpeting, air - I Low mileage, 28 Enduro, like new, extras, $600, at your conditioning, HEAT - no SUMMER SUBLEASE - 1 bedroom unfurnished except mpg. conditon. $498. 332 0096. departmental and I " at 1824 East negotiable. 351-1414. 5-5-20 additional charge. Renting for bedroom, quiet, furnished, air. stove refrigerator. Utilities i Michigan 3-6-17 NfopBit it office. For information summer and fall. appointment: 337 . 7328. For $150. 351-2242 or 332-1403. paid. $130. Security deposit. SUNBEAM ALPINE 1960. New HONDA CL-350. August call 355 0368. - 3-5-20 372-2639. 5-5-17 1973. 351 -8545 top, $350. 332-2760, after P Rack / pad assembly. 2,000 I I w-5692.10-5-23 T5pm and w9ekends p.m. SP5-5-17 miles. $850, negotiable. BABYSITTER WANTED - setting COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES Co-op 355-3059. 3-5-16 June, 9-4, 2 children. East TELEPHONE SOLICITORS: [Qlp FfME uBl pjA |c]a| ■flAT '971 VEGA GT 1973. 4-speed. radio. Lansing, (walking distance); also you hard working? Do you like are - 2 bedroom townhouses CROSSWORD T H ER an TIR^on] 850. 2 Excellent condition 14,000 available immediately. $130 11 STJ 35 mpfl- tetter 9°°d miles. Price $2195. 349-3358. CYCLE INSURANCE - lowest now Monday - Wednesday, Okemos. S1.25/hour. 349-2950. to dial? If you are ready to make $133 / month. All utilities - PUZZLE 0|Ti L E 33 wr, | '"lition. Call 655-3177. 5-5-21 6-5-20 rates on any sized cycle. Easy money, call 694-3952. Wage, furnished except electricity and eTT LS ■STIR 1 a payment plan. Call UNION 5-5-22 bonus and commissions. ACROSS Experience preferred, will train. phone. Call 882-4176, Monday ! Dagger 28 Prospect LJLJUJ ana UNDERWRITERS, 372-8120 or 4864317. 20-616 DESK CLERK needed - must have CARROUSEL IMPROVE¬ Friday, 1:30 - 5:30pm. 10-5-28 6 Transplant 31. Swab uu UU 300 transportation and be willing to MENTS. 5-5-17 11 Ill-matched 32. Edible seaweed •jm i" 1i an trevel. Call 372-0567 or GRAD, UPPER class male. Share in uu '1 ANT 3 CMS0 12. Girl in 33 Kind of coffee WE HAVE A 489-1215 between 12 - 6 pm. BABYSITTER FOR infant twins two bedroom apartment. Own "Wonderland" 35 Carry dHF [3 [»] 30HE OR-5-31 room. 351-4546. SP-5-5-20 13 Honorarium year round. Must be dependable. 39 Heaps U •JU= IdK liWVi VARIETY Or BODY REPAIR. Ouelity, reduced 353-0958.10-5-28 14 Auk 41. Marten Is. WANTED, 7 or 8 people for 1 MAN for 2 man furnished. 216 15 Determined 43 Title li •JUL! MFil^ LOCATIONS FOR retes }o students. guaranteed rust proofing. VAN Also promotional work. May 25. Apply Meridian Mall Saturday, GO GO DANCERS. Full Beal. 332-0011. Call 5-8, Phil. 16 18. Frost 44. Growing out ( time. No experience Summer. 5-5-20 Single 46. Elm fruit YOUR SUMMER WORLD, 645-2123. OR-5-31 management office. 3-5-16 Call 10am - 6 pm. 372- SUBLEASE 19. 21. Besides Oath 48. Rituals 49 Degrees 6-5-20 ONE bedroom FAMOUS LUCAS Square 8 Fog X-RAY TECHNICIANS 3. Herb LIVING. and Driving lamps. Regular Two pert time RT X-RAY apartment for summer. Air, close. $150. 332-1819. 5-5-20 23. 24. Youngster 50 Perfume Spawn of fish 51 Park in the ev $32.50 NOWI $23.50/each. technicians needed. Night shift and COUPLE NEEDED as house 26 5. Salad plant Impetuosity Rockies CHEQUERED FLAG, 2605 East afternoon shift, and weekends. parents for 6 mildly retarded 6 Radiation unit Special Summer Rales 1 3 4 5 1 % ' 8 9 ,0 1 Bedroom from $14b Kalamazoo, one mile west of campus. 487-5055. C-10-5-24 Apply Sparrow Hospital Personnel. 5-5-17 women Health in Home. Community Mental Exciting and CLEMENS 517 North married couple. 5 room, 2 bedroom, partially furnished, Graduate, " 1 ,4 7. Ivy Leaguers 8. Hinges 9. Spotted cat 2 rewarding work. Room, board, Bedroom from $160 salary, garden. Call Irma parking. $160 plus utilities. 13 10. Tapering [,ur s''°wing, please contact Resident GLENN HERRIMAN Zucki 372-8270. 6-5-20 Lease. Immediate 484-7253. 5-5-16 occupancy. 15 i4 % if (er 1 $215, 3 girls, $225. Available 4-6pm. 3-5-20 close. 355-2048, 355-1567. relateds. Three to seven June 15. 372-6852, 349-3604. room. Very close to campus. Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN ^2426 June 16th. Phone 489-5922 or SP5-5-17 bedrooms. 332-1946. 3-5-17 0-5-5-22 Phone 332-5722 Monday - SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. Call Williamstown 351-8575. 5-5-20 CEDAR GREEN sublease summer. Friday. 9:30 -11 am. 0-5-31 Ext 371-2244. OR-5-31 2/person. Furnished, air, pool. SUMMER SUBLEASE. New HOUSE, 2 girls summer, own room. Fin. Re Sale Shop THREE BEDROOM duplex. • fl„, " fe ON CAMPUS. 217 Bogue. Small 1 332-1393 4-6pm. 3-5-20 furnished 5 bedroom duplex. Gunson. 332-1403, after 6. SINGLE ROOMS, kitchen DIVE BOAT Frames, Old Thinot' iqui». I Furnished, close, e bedroom furnished, $135. Large $375. Close. 351-3784. 5-5-22 Summer and fall. carpeted. 332-1946. 5-5-17 privileges, block from campus. - PIRELLI inflatable 15% foot, rated to 55 h.p. Little Repairing. J,I X ' f 1 bedroom furnished, $160. LOVELY FURNISHED efficiency, 3-5-17 Summer only I 651-5542, or Ron eon«Hnment pJ"" Available June 16th. Phone 915 Lilac. Available June. $125 - CLOSE, ONE block, sumrr NEED MELLOW third perosn. July Carpenter 372-6770. 10-5-28 _usr $930. 646 0283. 5-5-17 489-5922 or 351-8575. 5-5-20 $135 plus electricity. 372-6852, furnished, four bedrooms, 5 SUMMER: SHARE house with 1. Own room, on 80 acres. East WHAT A deal I 29 gallon aquarium, two 349-3604. 0-5-5-22 month. 337-9206. 3-5-17 Leslie. $70/month. 1-589-8701 ROOMS BOGUE Street $175/term. men, own room, $68. 337-7133. complete with stand, plants, ANTIQUES FOR CHANCE of lifetime. Girl 5-5-21 before 2:30pm / weekends. No kitchen, summer / fall. filter, and large tropical fish. & UNlQUEsTl wanted to summer fantastic house. Air, furnished, lease LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom ONE MAN to share house - $60 SUMMER DUPLEX SP 5-5-20 351-4280.3-5-17 $80. 394-0457. 3-5-17 »»■ 220 Albert Lums. C-5-31 S,reeHn(* apartment. 121 Beal. Available month, furnished utilities four close. After 5 p.m., 332-4555. June 15. 372-6852. 349-3604. included, short lease. 371-3152 bedrooms, all or part. 332-3258. 3 WOMEN NEEDED to share new SUMMER SUBLET, cooking, CANON MOVIE Camera, Super 8, 3-5-16 after 5pm. 2-5-16 East Lansing. 5-5-21 house near campus. Available parking, private bath, own model MOVING. LIVING room _0.frB.22 814. Brand new, best ng Embroidered 2 BEDROOM house, summer term, crutches & wheel chairs AUTO PARTS, 25c Per Load TWO pool, - SUMMER sublease. Air. close / campus. 12 minutes from campus, American greeting cards For all Occasions Dresses from India *Shirts (Amer. A Indian) A LASTING S0UVENI| ♦Large Selection $165/month. 353-6089. 2-5-16 completely furnished. Inquire 641-4073. 5-5-16 - daily film pickup INC. ♦ Reasonable Prices *Robes with Hoods WENDROW'S Sho w your allegiance p Usually 1 Day Service *Trading Beads j LUXURY 2-man. Air, near campus. GULLIVER STATE DRUG *Jewelry ECONOWASH to your DORM. FRATJ June 15 - September 15. $150. ONE TO Share house this summer (June 1). Big yard, garden, own LATE MODEL INGRAVING Downtown AND THERE'S MORE! or SORORITY. Will 332-5375.3-5-17 room. $55. 332-5445. 3-5-20 (Walgreen Agency) MOTORS AND Free Parking I lam • 7 pm (Mon. - Sat.) Special Texas letter on your T Shirts I 485 - 2912 PARTS A SPECIALITY IV 4-2322 Washer 50c or Ours. Serving Over 60 Years FURNISHED. 3 large bedrooms, 1105 E. Grand River 694-2154 KUMKUM) Gin SHOP near Michigan Avenue. June 15. Halfway between Holt & PARKER JEWELRY 235 N. Washington Sq. Karen. 332-6849. 3-5-17 Next to Gladmer Theater Call 675 7449 Call 337-1846.5-5-22 332 5171 Mason on N. Cedar 111 South Washington -COUPON SUBLEASE SUMMER. 2 man, SUMMER SUBLET, 2-3 bedorom Arts & Crafts Counseling For Sale Golf Service furnished, air, close to campus. Good for 1 FREE BAG of 351-3693. SP-5-5-20 furnished, Lake Lansing cottage. $165. 339-8922. 3-5-20 Clip "n1 Save- — —- ALL TYPES OF C£DARV»£W GOLF LAND ORGANIC FERTILIZER BOARD EXAM li 10 Minutes From Campus With any lawn or garden work TUTORING SUMMER SUBLEASE - 1 eritatfe ACCESS CENTER YARN Cedar A College Rd. bedroom, furnished air FURNISHED, 3 bedroom house, Bailey area. LeBse to family. June ouse0 •ABORTION & SUPPLIES Mason EARTHWORM STANLEY H. KAPLAN| conditioning. 144 Stoddard Street. 332-3452. 5-5-20 15, 1974 - August 31, 1975. IT SHOO ♦CONTRACEPTION *18 Hole Chip & Putt LAWN & GARDEN Tutoring Courses now being formed fo References required. 337-2523. (Hoogan House) ♦COUNSELING *18 Hole Miniature Golf New Hope ♦LSAT SUMMER for old lawn*..... SUBLEASE, one 3-5-20 FURNITURE ♦MCA1 bedroom spacious apartment, •EDUCATION Famous Name Brands 'Lighted Driving Range ♦ STRIPPING Re-landscaping furnished, air. 351-1036. 5-5-17 THREE BEDROOM house: Own ANTIQUES and Domestic - Imported ♦Mowing 1, Raking OPEN 10 am - II pm ♦Roto-tllilng & Mulching room, $60 per month, garage, Contemporaries Rug Making ♦Hooking ♦Weaving DUPLEXES. SUMMER and Fall. 3 close to campus. Need one for sale . 676-1942 ♦Grading l> Cultivating ♦No chemlcalsl bedroom. Completely furnished. person. 484 8383. 3-5-20 Tues. tnru Sat. BAUTEL'S COUPON 669-9939. 23-5-31 9:00-4:30 Florence s. Bautei 1 FREE game of minnie 126 W. Grand River IV5-9212 S.H. KAPLAN STUDENTS OR working group. Williamston golf with 1 paid TWYCKINGHAM FOUR Optometrists EDUCATION ALCOUR® Nine month lease. Fall 353-2388 man. Summer, h ou ses; 2, fu 3, 4 bedroom rn ished and 517-655-1410 ,916 Turner GOOD THROUGH MAY 26-] or 353-2379. 5-5-22 unfurnished. Neat and clean. PROBLEM PREGNANCY? -Geupew- CO-OPTICAL Stereo Repair MEET YOUR Good for i 675-5279. 5-5-17 GIRL NEEDED for 4 person. 372 1560 24 Hours FREE RIDE SERVICES FRIENDS AT Sublease fall term only. (East Lansing's Only THE MARSH SUTLER'S KIDDIELANC 351-8179. 5-5-22 Cooperative Optical) QUAINT SHOP or Or. Richard Hearn, MARITAL PROBLEMS? Optometrist SOPHOMORES - UNIVERSITY ♦Needlepoint and Accessories ♦Knitting Varn 'Antiques NEED TO TALK? Good G for 1 FREE • EYES EXAMINED Approved. One girl next year. Campus View. 355-7402. 3-5-20 ♦Bing and Grondahl Christmas Plates *Cigars GAME With 1 Paid WE SERVICE: • GLASSES Marantz, Crown •Royal Copenhagen *Cigarettes Admission BSR, Scott, A .... CONVENIENT TO Christmas Plates CATHOLIC * Tobaccos • Sansul, Harmon/Kardon, campus, CONTACT LENS shopping, transportation. ♦Bing and Grondahl SOCIAL SERVICES Block One M.A.C. TERRACE GOLF Phillips, Sherwood, » Mother's Day Plates OPEN DAILY Rectilinear, Fisher, Tan« Beautiful 1 bedroom, carpeted, 332 4269 10743 Petrleville Highway FRANDOR SHOPPING 1331 E.Grand River Sanyo, Akai-Rot>er,S| ■ new appliances, dishwasher, air CAN HELP Brooktleid Pla/a Mlracord, Kenwood, Do" CENTER and heat, large lawns. No pets. $175. 125 North Hagadorn. 372 - 4020 Cejp|>UlW,^P%8li»«Sh^ IS 1-40S4 or 3S1-01C0 351-5330 Garrard, Nikko, Pioneer. and TEAC. Utah, C«rwt Standard, Phone 351-6339, after 5:15 pm. JOIN THE SILVER BARN 541 E Grand Hive rt»e.j 2-5-17 WHEEL HORSTMYER'S BANDWAGON TO CERAMICS DR. D.M.DEAN TWO GIRLS needed, September - COLLINGWOOD APTS! Over 1,000 ON OVER SUGAR HOUSE OPTOMETRIST People "I June at Water's Lidge. Beautiful apartment, excellent location. Pieces of Greenware AND PLACE YOUR Bee Supplies Raw Honey BUSINESS SERVICE] $82.50. 351-2227. 5-5-22 *air conditioned ♦dishwasher •Paints AD! Maple Syrup VISION CARE SUMMER LEASE, 1 bedroom, $125 / month, Sparrow Hospital *shag carpeting ♦unlimited parking Sam •Supplies CONTACT LENS SERVICES N DIRECTORI near. 351-5323. 10-5-30 ■ Spm (Mon. A Thurs.) ju'"J ♦Plush furniture Com* to 5236 Curtice Rd, Mason, 4:30 pm ♦Model Open Daily Sam (Tues., Wed., w Tandberg 6041X stereo tape appointment, 489-4293. furnished. 1% car garage, very By JOANNA FIRESTONE 393-1510. C-3-6-10 deck Concord MTC-12 closed BL-3-5-17 nice location. Will consider pornography law alone, no never seen V "" circuit TV camera. Excellent reasonable offer. Call United Press International a stag movie guidelines from the Supreme 882-9823, confiscation could have been before." iAC a-1200U 3 motor stereo condition! Call 394 2826 MARLETTE 1969. 12' x 63'. 2 anytime. 1-5-16 made. Court. Our hands are tied." |I tgpe deck. Like new $200. 129 avenings. 3-5-17 "If we're going to make a A 1973 U.S. Supreme Court bedrooms, air conditioned, Six Michigan lawmakers The room in which the silent EaVi Grand River Apartment 5. completely carpeted. Many law, we ought to know what decision ruled that charged with drafting film was shown, piled with it's all about." 1 3-5-17 BRAND NEW 10-speed, C. Itoh extrasl 393-8452. 3-5-17 antiobscenity legislation pornographic materials must be boxes, was nearly still during Other lawmakers -J-fflVvVLER IM-d. 1 ,7" $'50 1971 DETROITER 12x60, 3 huddled in a crowded storage the showing, except for two the showing were attending Reps. Gilbert judged according to community standards. Just old. excellent condition, - r ear 15" CLIPPERCRAFT fiberglass room at Lansing City Hall I ________ bedrooms, skirted, partially [jo or best offer. 349-1356. qnE hOFNER. violin bass Paul - furnished. 10x8 shed. Excellent skiboat, 45 horse power engine, today to view a confiscated what those standards are or how they may be determined, I 5-5-22 McCartney style. Best offer condition, $4,900. Phone $1200. 484-5055. 5-5-17 pornographic film. however, was not explained. tpAlR of Ko,laeh ,ki b00tt **"' 3559099, Tim. 625-7269. 5-5-22 The legislators, members of a "I wanted the committee to see the film to become Consequently municipalities K; boot holder. No. 9. Call PACEMAKER - 12'x50', 1 DEADLINE House subcommittee studying more familiar with what we are studying. I've never are almost helpless to obtain pornography, were the guests I Sr35203921, $55 °f BLACK DOCTORAL mor,#r board, $30 robe and complete. bedroom. Shed, all skirted. Furnished. Williamston. $2,800. for Union Activities of Lansing Mayor Gerald seen a stag movie before." convictions pornographic charges. on ____ 694-9712. 5-5-16 Graves. - Rep. Frederick Stackable, R - Lansing InuEN'S 1972 3-speed, hardly 353-1670.3-5-17 Board's "It's terrible that we don't Tien Call Nancy, 332-2758, 77"771.71 3 BEDROOMS, close $2995. Shed, round-trip Along with several have a law for this kind of policemen and reporters, the I I after5pm ,fte p 3-5-20 AIRcondition. STREAMCall23';afterexcellent 5pm. fenced - in yard, dog pen. Detroit to representatives viewed a 12 - thing," Geerling said. "They'd stand a better chance of getting 351-9102. 5-5-21 minute color film entitled ■hjMMAGE SALEI Thursday 349-1408.3-5-17 Frankfort flight 'Horse Power" which showed anonymous snickers. Di Nello, D - East Detroit, Paui a conviction for cruelty to T ,krn11oh Saturday. Melrose 1967 WINDSOR MOBILE Home Subcommittee Chairman Rosenbaum, D - Battle Creek, animals in the film than under 1 Trailer Park, Laingsburg. Just off PA^SONIC TURNTABLE and 12 ' x 60' Newly furnished, June 20-August 15 explicit acts of bestiality. Frederick Stackable, R - James O'Neill, D - Saginaw and pornography laws." on Colby Lake Road. AM/FM radio. Very good $6500, expando 8' x 15'. Will The film was confiscated by Lansing, said legislation to Edgar Geerlings, R - Twin I Clothes, bikes, houseware, much conditon. $8d 351-5228. 3-5-17 sell on contract. 393-1614. is FRIDAY, MAY 24. Lansing Police from an govern the showing of X - rated Lake. KiRn lmore.2-5-17 SALEI Maytag wringer JOHNSON COMPANY, FURNITURE SPRING FOR 6-5-17 SALE 1969 Richardson Limited seats underground theater which was not licensed to operate. Graves noted that the theater's failure movies should be ready for a subcommittee vote next week. Rosenbaum called the film "totally obscene and Guerrillas "I wanted the committee to f isher $25. Bike, dishes, CLEARANCE ON floor mobile home. 694-9644 after 6 pm. 10-5-22 available at to be licensed was the reason see the film to become more pornographic." (continued from page 1) oarrot / cage ($5 or best offer). samples, discontinued styles and for the film's confiscation and familiar with what "I was somewhat appalled," "Just as we started s264 we Books, etc. 641-4143, 13031 ,abnct- Some items slightly that based on the state's are Rosenbaum said. "But we can't celebrating, the shooting I damaged but all are reduced in lost t Hal studying," Stackable said. "I've II Center and Road, Bath. Saturday Sunday only, starting 9 am. Price ,or bi9 savings. Furniture ^ CALL 353-9777 move unless we get some started. The terrorists fired at I .£,7 ia ideally suited for your cottage, rec - room, or rental property. FIND SOMETHING For information. what's happening "Some of us started crying IF YOU'VE found a pet or article and we ran to the windows and iMRARIUM BOTTLES - $6.95, Chairs, sofas and dinette of value, we want to help you EUROPE SUMMER Flights. From Announcements for it's What's Saturday Way 18, 106. 1617 =h«'r«- dinf>ing tables and $259. Advanced booking Happening must be received in Mordechai Kreinin will address Summer group tours sponsored jumped. We ran wherever we II East Kalamazoo. 2-5-17 ; bu,,#"' mixed match 8lf0 tome bedding. One return News it. Just come into the State Classified Department and youth fares, rail passes. only, State News office, 341 Student the a social science seminar on "What Bugs Underdeveloped Countries" at by Union the to MSU Employes Credit Nassau, Jamaica and could." • set of King - sized The girl was taken away in Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least London will be previewed at 7 Guaranteed scheduled airlines. 4 p.m. today in 270 Bessey Hall. IeVriGERATOR, HOTPOINT 5'. bedding at $249.50. 15 tell us you want to place an ad in TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON two class days before publication. tonight in the Community Room of an ambulance. condition, $50 or b*t MONTHS WITH NO INTEREST EAST LANSING STATE BANK'S No announcements will be accepted Free concert: The Old Fashion the Credit Union. Another youngster's faded I | Sto offer.Wi 351-1672 2-5-17 0R CARRYING CHARGES. found column. As a public service 351-8800. 0-27-5-31 by phone. Idea will sing at 7:30 p.m. Friday in blue jeans were soaked with iojz.^o- JOHNSON FURNITURE EAST LANSING STATE BANK the basement of Shaw Hall. There will be an open house will All blood. He whimpered, "Oh, IlARICON STEREO amplifier. COMPANY, 1121 South run the ad at no cost to you! CROSSROADS announcements "It's What's Happening" are read printed in Fellowship afterward. from 9 to 11 p.m. Saturday at the mother, mother, mother," T $35 Magnavox changer, $20. Washington Avenue, Lansing. EAST LANSING MSU Observatory. Weather as I Kalamazoo Base, $50. 372-9795. 482-0771. 5-5-21 STATE BANK CYCLE daily on WMSN (640 AM) campus radio. Students are needed to run for permitting, the 24 - inch reflecting he was led away. Democratic precinct delegate. The telescope will be used. I 3-5-20 C-5-31 210 ABBOTT RD deadline for filing a petition is May Daqwar Khalil, an Arab who DIAMOND RING Lady's .25 MSU is a town councilor in this half - 1 Simulations Society will 28. If interested or for more "Geology of Energy Storage karat set in 18 karat white EAST LANSING ftlKE AND camera - new Huffv gold LOST: PAIR of prescription meet from 1 to 8 p.m. Sunday in information, call Claude Hersh or Systems" will be the topic of Jewish, half Arab community, T girl's 26'' 3-speed. Yashica setting. Contact Bruce sunglasses in downtown East *15 Makes 30 Union. Everyone interested in Maria Simpson. Bennett Smith from Rutgers told newsmen: "This is a I Electro 35 mm with case. 351-7446. 7-5-16 Lansing. 489-0173. 3-5-16 \ from around the world conflict simulations is invited. University at 4 p.m. today in 204 hideous trhing for us. It Sailplane rides on weekends, Natural Science Bldg. I 371-4068. 55-22 y 'adult bicycles RALEIGH WOMEN'S LOST: IN University Village area ■ *10 - speeds weather permitting. Use our car workshop will be held from 1 to destroys all the years we have Sprite, pool to and from airport. For SDS will hold •free repair classes an important put into trying to coexist KILSON ELECTRIC guitar - 5-speed, gOV-® it condition' white long - haired cat. Reward details call MSU Soaring Club, Carl 2:30 p.m. today at the meeting at 8:30 tonight in 35 between Jews and Arabs." 1 cherry red. Model 335, $425. $90/negotiable. 482 1725 offered! 355-6034. 5-5-22 W 332-4081 Wagle or Dave Hope anytime after 5 Union to discuss the Ardrey Harrison Road. Child care provided. I 351-8072, evenings. 3-5-20 5-5-16 World leaders reacted with f M - W, Frl., Sat., p.m. pamphlet and the day care center LOST: FEMALE Siamese cat with I/' 9:30-5:30 Junior League garage sale: campaign. Everyone welcome. shock at the seizure of the Don't r life a 125 watt stereo. Tuner, 12' Coaxial Tnurs., 9:30 9: URGE COUCH; 2 armchairs; tip of one ear missing. - furniture, housewares, collectables" hang yourself in a glider. MSU Hang hostages by Arab terrorists and speakers, Garrard Sun., 12-5 Human Ecology Students: There Shure Disappeared Sunday May 5th, no clothing. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. |I matching hassock; marble M75ED. $200. 355-9400. from Gunson Street, East BEFORE YOU fly, call us. Saturday at 4762 Arapaho Trail, Gliding Club will meet at 7 tonight in 158 Natural Resources Bldg. will be a questionnaire attached to the bloodshed that followed. commode. Cheap. 337-0343. College Okemos. Proceeds used for Junior the May 15 Newspot concerning In Jerusalem, Secretary of SP-5-5-20 Travel. Come see world famous record I 3-5-20 Lansing. Call 332-8411. 5-5-17 351-6010 ' - - State Henry reservations. SP-5-5-17 League community projects in holding kite. Officer n student involvement in the college. Kissinger Lansing The Human Ecology Executive IEAC A4010S reel to reel tape PORTABLE STEREO - Perfect FOUND: CALICO Cat, tailless, 6 area. Slides and much more. expressed "shock and outrage" - - Council will appreciate your over the attack and postponed I deck. Pioneer SX525 AM/FM 0 receiver. Sony TC8W 8 recorder. Sony 5 watt condition, great sound, phone jack, $70. 349-1479. SP-5-5-20 months Shoprite «-/ old, near Goodrich Trowbridge. i for Today is the final day to apply ASMSU committees Student Services Bldg. in 334 The Dept. of Romance and Classical Languages and Literatures completing it and returning it to the Human Ecology Building as soon as possible. a scheduled Syria — flight to Damascus. the next stop on his 1 337-1598. C-3-517 presents a public lecture on "Tile I walkie talkies. 1000 used 8 track Animals HORSES, WEDDINGS, Portraits, Sociology of the Bandit in Spanish Middle East peace mission. | tape - $1.50 each. Polaroid JUoi Passport, Application photos. I'hi Mu Alpha presents the American composers concert at Golden Age Drama" by Alexander - MSU Go Club will hold its weekly meeting at 8 p.m. Friday in The White House issued a A. Parker from the University of $5 to $50. Large Compare. LUKE 8:15 p.m. Friday in the Union Gold 30 Union. All devotees of the statement condemning the Texas at 8 tonight in 30 union. movie cameras and REGISTERED APPALOOSA - 2 PHOTOGRAPHY, 351-6690. Room. Various works will be ancient oriental game are urged to "mindless and irrational I projectors. NEW Robyn CB sats, year stallion. Black, white Personal / C-5-31 performed by students and faculty The Hubbard open chess attend. action." | Sim> auto stereo systems, Craig blanket with spots. Will show! members. All are welcome. will si t 9:45 a The Senate approved a i tape decks, Jensen 355-8522. Saturday in Hubbard Hall north Evenings, 339-2550. The Russian and East European Anachronism: The Recorder resolution condemning the rs. MUCH MORE. SP-5-5-16 INTERESTED lounge. To enter., contact Chris IN No-Frills Low Studies Program will show the last Consort will practice today in the incident as "an affront to I WILCOX Weber at 1166 N. Hubbard Hall. No SECONDHAND Cost Jet Travel to Europe, The film in its East European film Union after dance class. Saturday's human entry fee and no experience decency and standards I STORE. 485-4391. C-5-31 APPALOOSA - STALLIONS, Middle East, The Far East, festival at 7:30 p.m. Friday and at regular meeting will be held as usual of civilized conduct between mare, yearlings, foals. Also Africa, or Practically Anywhere? 2 p.m. Saturday in B102 Wells Hall. except for those gentle folk L TYPES of Catering to MSU for nations." optical repairs, ponies, burros, goats, sheep. EDUCATIONAL FLIGHTS can "Ashes and Diamonds" is attending the Crown Tourney, who Weddings, Parties, & Banquets a I Prompt Service! OPTICAL 663-8874. 5-5-22 help you find the least expensive masterpiece of the Polish film will meet in Wurm Wald. Be the The resolution called on ■ DISCOUNT, 2615 East 349-9500 first viking on your block! Now is President way for getting where you want It will be shown jn Nixon to urge ■ Michigan, black and white with the time to join the society and Lansing. 372-7409. to go Phone us Toll Free at TECHNICAL DRAFTING, graphs, English governments harboring IC-5-5-17 (8001 223-5569. 255-17 - charts, diagrams for thesis or subtitles. I. If y. n help oi learn to pillage, loot and become a terrorist groups and individuals barbarian! other. 353-0954. SP-5-5-16 can make something, please c< "to take appropriate action to PVOX ELECTRIC guitar. Let FREE Students, faculty and staff are KITTENS - 9 weeks old. us. Any women's organization that Members of the North Woods invited to a weekly Bible study rid their countries of those who |tol copy, one Humbucking, Box trained. Call 337-2618, MONTY'S BAR FOR THE BEST service on stereo from noon to I today in 130 wants to meet at the Women's Guild of Illuminators and subvert the peace through Center, please contact us. JMO.663-3016. SP-5-5-17 after 4 pm, 3-5-17 equipment see the STEREO Natural Resources Bldg. Topic: Interested in auto mechanics for Calligraphers will meet today to terrorism and senseless KXICAN CLASSICAL guitar - AND RESTAURANT SHOPPE, 543 East Grand River. Baptism in the Holy Sprit. women or learning about your receive congratulations for their MALE KITTENS - buff and white, C-5-31 excellent scripting. violence." body and health problems? If so, j'tand made, never been played. box trained. Free. 332-8312 Shrimp and Fish The World Family will present call or stop by the center. We are An Arab spokesman in New I $100.489-6185. 5-5-16 QUALIFIED LAWN and yard the movie "When Comedy was Hillel this weekend: Shabbas York said the attack reflects evenings. 3-5-17 Pitcher Night (M-W-S) open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. begins with creative service at 6:30 maintenance. Call Landscape King" at 8 and 10 p.m. and Mondays through Thursdays, and "the p.m. Friday followed by dinner and frustration of the Mobile Homes (Very Special Sunday) midnight Friday in 105 S. Kedzie JOIF CLUBS, Haig ultra, used, 2 - I' irons, Luncheon special Services 482-7247. 5-5-17 Hall. Friday and Saturday afternoons. zemlrot. Continues at 10 a.m. Palestinian people with the wedge, best offer. • $1.50 Saturday. Deli this week features a ■ 332-5667. oppressive treatment Israel PNG SIZE X5517 water bed, frame, liner, MAGNOLIA. 8' x 38', % mile Pool Table [TSsrttsjg Mary Ellen Riordan, president of the Detroit Federation of teachers, will speak on "The Detroit Teacher Lansing Area Lesbian Feminists will meet at 8 tonight at the Women's Center for final century film i of Jewish life in Russia ("L'Chaim") plus the usual good subjects them to and the continued denial of their rights campus, excellent condition Pin Ball Machines information. All members please food heater. $60. Strike and Collective Bargaining in at 6 p.m. Sunday. to freedom and self • 351-6095 asking $1500. 337-0972. 5-5-17 try to come. We need books, the Detroit School System" at 3 determination." win,. 5-5-21 articles, furniture and women with Senior Class Council is 2359 E. Gd. River, Okemos p.m. Friday in 101 S. Kedzie accepting FOR ONLY $2,995 you can own energy at the Women's Center. If applications for the Hall. Students, faculty and public 1974-75 E LARGE desk. PURPLE VICKI Fast, accun you have any or all of the above, Sofa and our cozy 12'x50' mobile home. - invited. Sponsored by the School of council. Applications may be I cNir, DOMINO'S TROWBRIDGE please call. If you will be around caramel Naugahyde, $75. Must be moved. 645-0851. inexpensive typing. Very n Labor and Industrial Relations. picked up in 307 Student Services the end of an era. Tapes subpena announces this summer and will have | Excellent conditon. 337-0640. 645-8771. 5-5-20 campus. 337-7260. 10-5-24 some Bldg. Return forms there before 5 Big Red, the world's largest , extra time, the Women's Center will p.m. May 27. Gay Liberation, 309 Student need new staffers. Call the center pizza oven, will be retired this ANN BROWN typing and multilith MARLETTE 12' 60\ 2 Services Bldg., is open during the before the end of the term. Ho-SPEE0 bike, Raltigh bedrooms. x Expando, carpeted, spring. offers a In honor, DOMINO'S full week of $1.00 off offset printing. Complete service day. Feel free to stop in or call. Our Discussion at 8:30 tonight in 33 Union on the knowledge of the self, (continued from page 1) ■ competition, used 5 for dissertations, theses, number is listed. Women in married housing are months, porch, shed. $7500. 882-3646. specials. Watch the State News as revealed by Guru Maharaj Ji. ■ "•Utiful condition. $225. 5-5-20 manuscripts, general typing. IBM invited to fun and fitness at 7 Divine Meditation Society. daily. 351-7100. 7-5-17 24 years experience. 349-0850. Physics | *857626. 5521 astronomy colloquium tonight at Spartan Village School. - - presents Icko Iben speaking on Also, might influence the AMERICAN 1973. C-5-31 nyo Union Activities Board: Bizarre Completely impeachment inquiry in the ^IFUL GOWNS and dresses, furnished, excellent condition. Includes steps, skirting, shed, p" "^CCEsTcENTER FOR j a THESES, RESUMES, typing and "Thermal Pulses and S-Processing in Stars of Intermediate Mass" at 3:45 participating in a miniature golf tournament or canoe trip, call Rich film series presents a Walt weekend in the Union Ballroom. Disney House. worn. Sizes 8-12. today in 120 Physics - Astronomy Hoelein. Anyone interested in printing. Reasonable prices. Tongiht: "The Shaggy Dog" at 6 and garbage disposal. $4600. | Human Reproduction Health | Bldg. forming a bridge or chess club, call and 9:30 and "Dumbo" at 7:45 663-4135 694-3797. 3-5-17 offers . COME RCIAL PRINTING. Doar said as he proceeds or Vicki Kubn. and 11:15. Friday: "The Absent - I TSELLI Pioneer amplifier - Abortion - Contraception services 1226 East Michigan |' 351-4116. C-5-31 There will be a PIRGIM Minded Professor" at 6 and 9:30 through the House panel's I ~*«m, elector - voice 16, 12" 1972 SCHULT - 12' x 60'. Central membership meeting at 7 tonight in Married housing activities invites p.m. and "Son of Flubber" at 7:45 Watergate evidence he will air, skirted, shed, many extras. j Lansing 485 - 3271 | TYPING - electric machine. Fast 38 Uniontoacceptnominations to the PIRGIM - MSU board of directors. all residents to go horseback riding. We will meet at 9 a.m. Saturday at and 11:15 p.m. Saturday "Dumbo" request additional subpenas for accurate, experienced. Please call at 11 a.m., Call 625-7198. after 5:45 or "Shaggy Dog" at 1 p.m. DON'T MISS OUT - senior pic; 372-4746. 12-5-31 Any student that contributed $1 at Red Cedar School. Anyone and a double feature of "The tapes the White House is weekend*. 5521 for student teachers now through spring registration is eligible to run interested call Rich Hoehlein or Absent Minded Professor" and withholding. The committee 16 SALEI for the - Couch, chairs, file board and vote in the Mitch Pruitt for r "Son of Flubber" at 3 p.m. Sell or requested 76 1970 SQUIRE 12'x60', Friday 36A Union. Phone S and T typing service. Experienced election. Watergate .MP* 'tereo, dresser. 349-3950. 5-5-16 carpeting, built - - in vanities, 353-5292 or stop by. 5-5-17 typists, fast and efficient, 55rf The Dept. of Philosophy is buy homemade wares pottery, leather work, art work - jewelery, conversations last April 19, of shed. 153 Windsor Estates. Must miscellaneous per page, double - which the 11 are part. sponsoring a colloquium to be held spring flea market from 1 to 5 p.m. FREE ... A lesson in complexion spaced, thesis slightly extra. Call at 8 p.m. Friday in 312 Agriculture sell offer. 646-6576. LSTERE0 • average " ,loor fflodel. 5-5-16 - best care. Call 484-4519 East 393-3482 or 351-1728. 5521 39 Union to discuss the Ardrey Hall. Ronald Suter will address the Saturday in the side yard of the Union. Old - time movie series The subpenas the committee condition. Best Michigan or 485-7197 Lansing colloquium the pamphlet and the upcoming class on topic "A presents Charlie Chaplin's "King in will consider lHl7 1243 6am-1pm. Mall. MERLE NORMAN COMPLETE THESES presentation. Everyone is urged to Dissolution of the Dream Argument New York" at 2, 7 and 9:30 today cover 46 VAGABOND 10x50, one bedroom, - Service, for Skepticism." Public is invited. p.m conversations believed to relate COSMETIC STUDIOS. C-3-5-16 Discount printing, IBM attend. Sunday in the Union ballroom. furnished, skirted, shed. Close to typing to Nixon's decision to and binding of theses, increase campus, excellent condition. resumes, Important meeting of Tourism Free U: milk price supports, and Sensitivity M#ran" U-7500 tuner, Duel 1200 $2,700. 351-0759.3-5-20 Peanuts Personal | publications. Across from A 42 hour single man Club at 7:30 tonight in the Teak Room. Eppley Center. massage awareness. The massage is through believed connected with 20 campus corner M.A.C. and continuous basketball bounce will the message! 8.30 tonight in 301 turntable. Cheapl YORSHIRE 1970. 12'X60' with Grand River. Below Jones Agriculture Hall (after yoga). New settlement of a government CONGRATULATIONS TO the begin Thursday at 11 p.m. in front X-5-5-21 of Student Book Store, sponsored We invite you to a performance folk welcome. Begin your day with antitrust suit against ITT. large 8'X22' expando. Spanish 2 future Dr. Lou A Novosad Stationery Shop. Call of Moliere's classic farce, "The yoga. 7 a.m. Monday through bedroom with washer, dryer, tie COPYGRAPH SERVICES, by Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. A D.V.M. from Marilinen, imaginary Invalid" at 8:15 p.m. 337-1666. C-5-31 canister drive will also be Friday in 36C Union. Also from 9 down. White stone exterior Maureeny, Pame. 1-5-16 Hutchinson, the ranking conducted, benefits to Michigan Friday, Saturday and Sunday in to 11 a.m. Saturday and from 3 to tiding with matching skirting Heart Fund. The event will end at 5 McDonel Hall Kiva. 5 p.m. Sunday. Republic member, did not take and 8'X12' storage shed. HEY BODGETT, Happy EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dissertations, (Pica - Elite). p.m. Saturday. part in the discussion but has Beautifully landscaped lot. Anniversary, It's been the best 3 Campus Gold will meet at 7 p.m. Alternative Resources Center: FAY ANN. 489-0358. C-5-31 stated on several occasions he 626-4852 after 6 p.m. 5522 (or is it 4?) months of my life. Sunday in the Union Sun Porch. We Tai Chi Chuan will meet at 4:30 S'C CASSETTE player Love ya. Gomez. 1-5-16 will be discussing the backpack trip today in case of inclement weather will vote against any OWOSSO - AIR conditioned, fully Wanted and plans for fall terms. on Wednesday. The subpena because he I carpeted, 2 bedrooms. Indirect Real Esbk m IRENE ORR - THESES, term papers, general typing. Formerly The Company will hold its Center, a community (bakery, printing, darkroom, yoga) co People's - op confrontation opposes a between lighting, washer / dryer, partially with Ann Brown. Call 482-7487 Congress and the Executive iifRosco7E;™ furnished, % mile from MSU. Available now! Below appraised IMMACULATE - 2 bedroom STUDENT VOLUNTEERS wanted for research in hypnotic annual picnic at Sunday. Be at McDonel Hall for 11:15 a.m. a is open at 2011 E. Lansing. Michigan Ave., branch. caravan to the Knirk house. We will price - $3595 or best offer. Must ranch. Newly carpeted, 1 car susceptibility. Time hold elections for technical director The Minority Student be seen to be appreciated' garage, aluminum siding. This committment one 2 hour and promotions director. Come and Assn. will hold Business Controversy over the issue an important 393-0506 weekdays, after 6 pm, lovely home would make an session. If interested, call meeting at 7:30 tonight in 116 was heightened Tuesday with 2,'h T°Wn C,now and anytime weekends. 5-5-22 excellent residency property. Owner anxious, or income STUDENT TEACHERS - Senior 361-6843. 2-5-17 Students for Larrowe will Jiold Eppley Center. officers will Petitions for the disclosure that the W 9Un' and *h°oting pictures now being taken for EFFICIENCY an open house at 4:30 be officers will be elected. You can accepted and transcripts contain two 1973 ACADEMY 14'x64' shed, leaving the state. Only $15,600. OR 1 bedroom p.m. Friday » 1 LLOvli"9 Mr'v ,rom your 1976 Wolverine in 36A at Larrowe for Congress still pick up petitions and different versions — with Id Ea.^ X? MATTSON. skirted will sell furnished or Call Bill Heil 482-8683 or ■pertment, reasonably priced. get five ALEXANDER REALTY Union. Cell 361-6292 or stop by Must be close to campus, allow headquarters, 3000 K. Kalamazoo signatures before tonight. Petitions substantial differences in toSlU! Rlw,,< unfurnished, in trailer park. St. ' 855-2000. 894-9208. 7 520 COMPANY 4896623. 3-6-17 9- land 2-6. 6-6-17 pets. Paule, 361-6475.2-517 (near 1-496). All Larrowe are available in 7 Eppley Center, phrasing - of a portion of the 0-1-516 supporters arc welcome. undergraduate office. same conversation. 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May HALF-PRICE PIONEER SALE Two Great Receivers at 50% Off When Purchased With Any Combination of Changers and Speaker Systems Shown Below... Hurry! Quantities Limited! PIONEER'S Superb SX-626 Receiver Sensational Stereo FM/AM Receiver with advanced circuit design and great performance. Audio section puts out up to 40 watts,RMS of power with minimal IM and Harmonic distortion and has an excel¬ lent signal to noise ratio. Frequency response is 5 to 80,000 Hz ± 1 db. Tuner section incorporates state- of-the-art technology to provide superior selectivity and sensitivity. Exceptional versatility permits utiliza¬ tion of up to two tape decks, two turntables and three PIONEER'S Value-Packed SX-424 Receiver speaker systems. Outstanding Stereo FM/AM Receiver with power, features and performance superior to any other unit in or near its price class w...- • sensitive FM tuner section pulls in distant stations with a minimum of noise and distortion. Advanced audio amplifier section delivers 24 watts RMS at 1 Khz. of clean power with less than 1% harmonic and intermodulation distortion. Frequency response 20 to 70,000 Hz. Superb versatility. Drives two sets of speaker systems. Inputs for turntable, tape deck and one auxiliary stereo source. WffmmTm 1 BbhbbHMWB^gggKSJUH fl % (n| I GARRARD 62 Changer One of the finest automatic turntables in or near its price range. Features low mass precision tone arm, slide-in ATECHNISOUND TS-10 cartridge clip, anti-skating control, V10 2-Way interchangeable spindles, cueing and Compact bookshelf speaker system delivers pause control. Comes outstanding reproduction that rivals much complete with base & Reg-510185 larger and more costly units. Big 10 woofer Shure M44E Stereo produces well-defined, reso- Cartridge with ellip¬ tical diamond stylus. 69" HOW IT |C|j9Q lalSI ■ ww . pair nant bass response and high frequency driver generates sjlky.smooth treble with WORKS! superb dispersion. Q- THE PIONEER SX-424 AND SX-626 RECEIV¬ ERS ARE PROBABLY GARRARD 82 Changer TWO OF THE MOST Precision automatic turntable with POPULAR RECEIVERS superior record-handling capability. Has Synchro-Lab Motor, anti-skat¬ EVER TO HIT THE HI-FI ing adjustment, low-mass tone arm MARKET! THOUSANDS with full provision for dynamic HAVE SOLD FOR Reg. $177.90 counterbalancing, and cartridge overhang adjustment. Comes with $199.95 AND $339.95 base and ADC 10E Mk IV Cartridge 11995 for extended response. RESPECTIVELY. WHILE OUR SUPPLY 10" 3-WAY LASTS, YOU CAN NOW Incredible linear PLAYBACK'S WARRANTY PURCHASE EITHER RECEIVER AT HALF response from a com¬ pact speaker ITS PREVIOUSLY FAIR- system. Must 1||il(J 5-YEAR WARRANTY Every hi-fi component we sell has an unquali¬ ONE-YEAR EXCHANGE TRADED PRICE WHEN hear to fully appreciate! lOOpair w SPEAKER SYSTEM POLICY fied 5-year parts guarantee and a 3-year labor If, for any reason within one year after the pur¬ ADC XT-10 guarantee. This is that your YOU ALSO BUY ANY our assurance investment is safe when you shop PLAYBACK. chase of any hi-fi speaker system we sell, you ©10" 2-Way E-V 16A are dissatisfied, you will receive FULL CREDIT COMBINATION OF of your purchase price toward the list price of Wide-range speaker 12 3-Way CHANGER PACKAGE PLAYBACK'S RAIN CHECK ANY equivalently or higher-priced speaker system features ex¬ Unbeatable bookshelf Playback always guarantees its advertised WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL! (shown at left) AND ceptionally natural speaker system is the sound quality. Re¬ perfect choice for the prices as being the lowest in town. If, however, Playback is a factory-authorized service facility ANY TWO SPEAKER an advertised item is sold out, we promise to for virtually everything we sell. In case of a produces discriminating listener. get it for you at the advertised price. And if it's problem, you needn't return your merchandise SYSTEMS (shown at any type Effortlessly repro- not convenient for you to pick the item up, of music duces the to the factory or to some distant service center. right) IN THIS AD. ----- , - _ _ _ _ there's no need for a second trip-we'll send All you have to do is to return it to Playback superbly! ■■WWpair it to your home at no extra charge. The only exception to our Rain Check is merchandise advertised in limited quantities. where our factory-trained technical repair staff will put it back into like-new operating condition. ?9990 a u d ■WW frequency o spectrum. HOURS' SHOP EARLY MONDAY-FRIDAY ' 10-9 SALE ENDS MAY 26 SATURDAY SUNDAY 10-5:30 12-5 Playback ffie electronic 523 FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER—351-7270 playground