Volume 67 Number 160 Friday, May 17,1974 Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Israelis hit Lebanon 300 believed killed ASSOCIATED PRESS in the housing Israeli jets attacked with complex was demolished and that entire walls and bombs, rockets and strafing runs inside all the windows of others were Lebanon on Thursday, and first blown out. Bomb craters 20 feet reports indicated a high casualty deep could be seen all around the area. toll and heavy damage. The raids The main target of the Israeli attack in the Sidon area came as Israel mourned the score of schoolchildren was the Ein el Helweh refugee killed during a battle Wednesday with Arab terrorists at Maalot. camp, largest in Lebanon, Jensen said. Guerrillas there said scores of children were buried in rubble Thirty ■ six aircraft struck in afternoon raids at four Palestinian the camp and that in refugee campsi and three border villages, then eight other planes many more casualties were coming in from the Lebanese - populated housing returned at dusk to hit a refugee camp and a road near the Israeli complex. Ambulances sped down the coast border, the Lebanese Defense Ministry said. highway into Sidon packed with casualties on blood The Israelis said their targets were Arab spattered stretchers. Armed Palestinian guerrilla bases. But guerrillas patroled the devastated areas, Jensen bomte and rockets hit some areas reported. occupied solely by Lebanese as In Washington, a White House well. spokesman asked to comment on the air raids and the Arab In Jerusalem, the Israeli state radio attack on Maalot said: reported Thursday that the government proposed a 10 - day suspension of Secretary of State "Continuing cycles of violence of this sort can only obstruct the> achievement of a Henry Kissinger's truce talks because of Wednesday's Arab peaceful settlement of the Middle East." terrorist raid at Maalot. Government confirmation of the report was not available. Terrorists had seized about 85 Israeli Maalot on Wednesday and threatened to teenagers in a school at The broadcast said that Prime Minister Golda Meir's blow them up unless Israel released 20 terrorists held in government asked for a breakoff in Kissinger's disengagement Israeli jails. Israeli troops rushed the building with guns efforts before the secretary left Jerusalem for Damascus. blazing in what officials said was an operation to prevent the terrorists from Associated Press correspondent Holger Jensen reported from killing the children. There has been no official the Lebanese port city of Sidon that a low income report on how the children were housing killed or wounded - whether project near there was heavily damaged by waves of Israeli F4 by crossfire or by the Arabs. Phantom Jets. An Arab guerrilla at the scene said as Funerals for the victims began in northern Israel many as 300 just as word was given to the nation that the air persons may have been killed or wounded in the complex. strikes were carried out. The Lebanese Defense A doctor at a hospital in Sidon said 50 casualties were Ministry said 36 Israeli planes rocketed, in there and 11 of the victims brought bombed and strafed seven different bases or AP Wirephoto were dead on arrival. camps, including one I Two youths from the Southern Lebanese town of Sidon climb Beirut television listed 27 dead, 138 wounded and 20 others near Sidon, 25 miles south of Beirut, that houses 20,000 1 on top of debris looking for survivors after an Palestinian refugees inside with another 44,000 living in '—ili air attack Thursday. missing in seven separate attacks throughout southern Lebanon. Jensen's report said one of the three story apartment houses - shantytowns outside. It is the largest refugee concentration in Lebanon. ■lection financing measure state House in close By JIM BUSH minority Republicans to defeat the bill The Democratic leaders were eventually Violators of the bill would be subject, to State News Staff Writer initially April 26. successful, as only Jondahl and two other fines up to $1,000. In addition, a | A bitterly contested measure to more If the House version of the bill, which also requires the disclosure of a long list of Democrats voted against the bill. successful candidate convicted of violating ly regulate state election campaign "I want to ask you and anyone in the the law would not be allowed to serve his if just barely cleared the Michigan nonmonetary or "in • kind" contributions, state," Rep. James E. O'Neill, D - Saginaw, is ratified by the Senate and sent to Gov. term of office. 9 Thursday on a near party • line told his colleagues before the vote, But this was not enough for the Milliken with the $25 "floor" on reporting "haven't we made progress with this bill?" still attached, Milliken has indicated he is Republicans. "There are many reasons | The 55-49 approval of the bill, which O'Neill cited four provisions that he why this bill deserved a no vote," GOP witrates on disclosure of campaign likely to veto the bill. considers improvements over present state floor leader Rep. Dennis Cawthorne, R • s and expenditures, reversed Milliken tried hard to get the floor election law: It House's rejection of the measure three Manistee, said. removed, but there were simply not • The ks ago and followed more than two enough Republican votes. In fact. Rep. requirement that all candidates He cited the allowance in some channel their contributions and a of Democratic arm - twisting to Roy Spencer, R • Attica, bucked GOP situations of anonymous and corporate ui up the necessary votes for passage. leadership and, by voting with the expenditures through one campaign contributions, "loopholes" in disclosure IAD but committee rather than the multiple one Republican legislator voted Democrats, gave them the one extra vote requirements for in • kind contributions Tut the committees permitted under current law. bill, which passed the Senate in they needed for passage. (like office equipment) and the $25 floor biary. The opponents charged that a Democratic leaders, who forced • The on the disclosure requirement. lovision requirement that candidates file allowing the names of reconsideration of the April 26 House vote House approval of the measure financial statements before elections, as Mbutors of less than $25 to go that initially rejected the bill, justified the appeared likely after two Democratic well as after election day, so that voters pported made the bill weaker than floor as necessary to encourage small can judge if there is any financial amendments won approval by a 56 - 43 sent state law. vote. contributors to keep their dollars ■Dm approved bill set no maximum flowir^ wrongdoing. Current law only requires into candidates' coffers. that contributions and expenditures be One amendment set maximum limits on ■■its on individual campaign They had postponed Thursday's vote disclosed after elections. cash or anonymous contributions that Attributions I dozen or candidate expenditures. for more than two weeks while they • The inclusion of fundraisers, such as could be spent by a candidate. The other Democratic legislators, who sought to win over the dozen pro - ceiling paitfed such financial campaign dinners, under the financial stated the intention of the legislature, ceilings crucial Democrats — including Rep. Lynn reporting requirement. which is nonbinding, to institute partial I nmpaign reform, had joined with Jondahl, D - East Lansing. • Tighter enforcement language. public campaign financing later this year. Kleindienst convicted in ITT affair from wire services Watergate prosecution, though several which had been probing his role in the ITT However, the prosecutor told reporters WASHINGTON - Former Atty. Gen. other administration and Nixon campaign case and his statements before the Senate later this was not meant to imply that Kleindienst pleaded guilty officals have pleaded guilty or been Nixon had done anything wrong by iy to Judiciary Committee and the Watergate refusing to answer Senate convicted by juries. grand jury. instructing Kleindienst. » about the ITT case. He is the Ml cabinet member in Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski, in .a But Kleindienst had told the Senate history to be Two other former Nixon cabinet letter submitted with the information filed Kted of a crime. committee, at the time that it was members, former Atty. Gen. and campaign against Kleindienst Thursday, said his sn photo/John Russell P taking the plea, Chief U.S. District considering his nomination for attorney manager John N. Mitchell, and investigation "has failed to disclose any -» George L. Hart Jr. noted that the general, that Nixon had not interfered in Dale Johnson stands amidst his untitled ex-Commerce Secretary and campaign criminal conduct by Mr. Kleindienst in the the case. sculpture Thursday at the * carries a miniumum sentence of Shaw Lane power station. Johnson said that he fund raiser Maurice Stans, were acquitted poonth in prison manner in which he handled the ITT Later Kleindienst confirmed that Nixon way trying to add and a $100 fine. by a federal jury in New York of perjury interest to the otherwise bland coal antitrust cases." had ordered him to drop his suit against pile. Hart has the discretion to and obstruction of justice charges. ITT, a giant conglomerate under attack for ■iTw ' sentcnce> ■"• No will probably Mitchell still faces trial on Watergate In Kleindienst's favor, Jaworski said, new acquisitions. sentencing date was set. coverup charges. was the fact that "in one of the cases he Kleindienst's confirmation hearings l^'enst is the highest ranking Kleindienst's plea to a misdemeanor the 1 convicted Nixon administration during the post - charge followed bargaining with the Watergate special prosecutor's office successfully opposed order to abandon an a direct presidential appeal and leave the government without any relief." became a vehicle for Democrats investigate allegations that the Nixon administration had settled three antitrust to Coal pile transformed suits against ITT in return for an ITT promise to provide $400,000 for the 1972 Vhite House propose Republican National Convention. During the hearings, Kleindienst repeatedly denied having discussed the into earthen sculpture case with anyone at the White House. However, last fall he admitted to the Mounds of dirty black coal may not ipeachment hearin prosecutors that on April 19, 1971, President Nixon had called him personally and ordered him to strike you as art. but Dale Johnson turned one MSU coal pile into a sculpture sensibilities about art and themselves." Johnson said that most people responded to the sculpture the way he had li^NGTONthat (AP) Hiftho House - The White Impeachment chief attorney, to "respectfully request that all further proceedings ... be under consideration. In other major developments Thursday: Court drop plans to appeal one of the three ITT cases to the Supreme Wednesday. Johnson, a graduate student in art, erected four white pillars on the coal pile hoped they would. m opened to the public • Presidential chief of staff Alexander "Tliey reacted personally and seemed to Thursday conducted in open session so that the Nixon has confirmed this, saying he was near Wells Hall. not want to comment on it or ruin the I U sources revealed President American people can be fully informed M. Haig Jr. was said to have told the irritated with the failure of the antitrust "Officially, what I did is called a sensibility of it," he said. btioB 0nctl discussed economic with regard to all the evidence presented." Senate Watergate Committee that now - division of the Justice Department to sculpture," Johnson said. "It is part of my "Some of them were a little bit in ■itkm ®ga' nst the Washington Post awe Hiat was the language of a letter Treasury Secretary William E. Simon had follow policies he had laid down on graduate work in connection with a that someone had watic party attorney. antitrust matters. imagined something so forwarded to committee chairman Peter discussed with the White House an master's in fine arts degree. Resident's threat to cause strange to do," he continued. "It is the W. Rodino, D • N.J., by White House Internal Revenue Service probe of a The statute under which Kleindienst "It's called an earth work sculpture," • first more or less avant garde art work ** i!m,nable Problems" for the counsel James D. St. Clair. campaign contribution from Howard pleaded makes it a misdemeanor for a he explained. "You take the art work out erected away from Kresge. But that was i to ti^ 'ed out of the transcripts witness called before either house of of the gallery and put it into the world Hughes. Sources said that Haig, whose part of the idea behind it. I wanted to get J: ?use Jl«ilciary Committee "The selective leaking of information .. testimony came Wednesday, told the panel Congress to refuse "to testify or produce itself. Then the sculpture becomes part of art on campus." £■ Public. Ponh,nL ; • But news of uul news or the tne is prejudicing the basic right of the the Simon discussions occurred a year ago, papers." It carries a maximum fine of the world environment and approaches the Johnson has many more plans for ■(dosed J?•'P""6' members heard President tp an impartial inquiry," wrote when he was a lesser official at the $1,000 and top sentence of one year. art form of architecture." temporary sculptures that he will n'tfiStni i°cn Wedne*day the original St. Clair. . , Treasury Dept. Simon refused to comment Albert B. Pall, secretary of the interior The sculpture was a timed piece - construct on campus, Rie next kI H R Mdeman h '1972- meeting between St. Clair asked also that the record of on the report. in President Warren G. Harding's erected fbr only one afternoon, he said. will appear in a couple of weeks and will project and John W. Dean the closed session to date be made public. administration, is the only other cabinet "I called the thing 'Vision.' But I hate involve the Red Cedar River. He * Conservative columnist James J. The demand drew immediate support member ever convicted. He was sentenced to plans to give it a name," he said. "It's an fill about 300 milk cartons with ^ foffc!"evident, e reports 0,1 'be matter from several committee members, but Kilpatrick wrote that Nixon had told him 17) to one year in jail and fined $100,000 in environmental piece that people can dye and then he will place them as a colored according to his Rodino said only that he would take it •ga the Teapot Dome scandal. interact with physically to increase their barrier across the river. Fr|day, May 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 'U' officials explain refusal to pave walk By PAT NARDI "We don't think that the "We are generally opposed Robert Senate passes antibusing plan Stats News Staff Writer University should be using hard to more crossings because they Alexander, senin, 612 Holden Hall said £ The Senate adopted Thursday a weakened version of If you live in South - to - find funds for the limited create a hazard for trains, lighted sidewalk WoJj automobiles and and ^ an education bill amendment designed to end busing of Complex and keep a car in lot number of students who use people. Of probably d.ter rapists pupilsfor school desegregation purposes. F, don't hold your breath lots F and X when we are short course, now it is an illegal provide relief from the muj! The amendment, sponsored by Sen. Mike Mansfield, waiting for the University to of money for sidewalks and repairs at this time." hazard because people cross the tracks anyway." the U, between H°Wen^ put a sidewalk and lights D Mont., and Sen. Hugh Scott, R - Pa., was adopted by - Baron said the University The spokesman said Grand through to the lot. the Senate in a 47 - 46 vote. would have to foot the entire TYunk would certainly consider 4 The proposal, which would permit courts to order Students often about the field leading to the complain bill which would include the putting the crossing at lot F; men indicted costs of the lighted sidewalk, however, it has received no in Zebra busing if essential to preserve equal rights guaranteed by the Constitution, is a more limited revision of a bill parking lot because they say it is muddy, dark and a potential the crossing itself, elevation of request from MSU. Patti Therrien, sophomore, SAN s/ay/ngj spot for rapes. Capt. Ferman the tracks, and railroad safety FRANCISCO, CM originally introduced by Sen. Edward J. Gurney, R - Badgley, of the Dept. of Public equipment. 552 S. Wonders Hall, who (AP) A grand jury indicted parks her car in lot F, said she four men Thursday Fla. Safety said a woman was "Hie railroad will contribute on mUrde Gurney's amendment, which would have put such reportedly raped near lot F last nothing because it doesn't feel definitely wants a lighted charges m the Zebra Z tight limits on court busing orders as to virtually year. the walk is part of railroad sidewalk put in. "There are a lot of times payings lives and that have injured 7 claimed1 University officials, while business," Baron said. others. eliminate them, was defeated Wednesday by a vote of when girts have to walk back The indictments named acknowledging that many A spokesman for Grand 47 46. from there late at night, and I three men already in - students are now crossing the Trunk said necessity must be custody feel it is very unsafe in that in the Zebra case and a Grand Trunk railroad tracks proved before the railroad will founh Satellite scheduled for launch illegally near lot F, say they install additional crossings. area," Therrien said. man now serving a prison term cannot put in a lighted The first of two satellites designed to function as weather bureaus in the sky was to be launched Thursday sidewalk because that would be trespassing on private railroad Bwni—" from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. property. DooLey's The satellite is to be positioned 22,591 miles above It is considered illegal to trespass on railroad property Brazil at an orbiting speed designed to keep it over the by crossing railroad tracks same geographic area at all times. photo by David Schmier except at a marked crossing. It will spin 100 times a minute as it scans a range of State News In order to gain a crossing at 23,000 miles and will send pictures of cloud formations This muddy pathway to lot L near South Complex is being that spot, the University must back to earth every half hour - day and night. used by 700 students since MSU officials say that not get permission from Grand The second satellite is scheduled for launch in the Trunk Railroad and the State enough people use the lot to warrant the construction of a Public Service Commission and fall. sidewalk. completely foot the bill. Milton Baron, director of Witnesses of SLA robbery jailed the Dept. of Campus Park and Two witnesses who refused to testify to a federal grand jury in San Francisco probing the Symbionese Two student Planning, said the University has not bothered to request a right of way from the railroad HOT DOGS Liberation Army (SLA) bank robbery involving Patricia because it doesn't believe a fROM 2-5 Hearst were jailed Thursday. Paul L. Haverson,'a graduate student, cited President slated for significant number of students involved. FRIDAYS are "If you had an area where Nixon's refusal of subpenas as grounds for not testifying Students can get away from organizing a tug - of • war there were thousands of while Cynthia Garvey, the second witness, openly should notify Gillum or their studies at two picnics pedestrians crossing daily, then declared her contempt for the proceedings. scheduled for Saturday. Wilson. the University might be willing Meanwhile, a former California prison tutor said two Brody Vibrations, a picnic Another picnic, coordinated to consider it," Baron said. by black caucus representatives Almost 700 students park in FBI agents offered him 5250,000 to help capture and carnival, will feature from several residence halls, lot F. Donald De Freeze, a suspected SLA leader. games, food, and will meet at Possum's Hollow entertainment provided by Baron said if a crossing was John Mayfield, who taught at the prison from which in Kensington Metro Park, off Cloudburst, a jazz rock group. put in at lot F, one would also DeFreeze escaped in 1973, said the agents came to his - 1-96 east of Brighton, from 10 have to be put in at lot X (JOWNSTAiRS apartment Tuesday with a briefcase full of S20 and $50 The picnic is coordinated by a.m. to 7 p.m. Some caucuses behind Fee Hall. bills. Lloyd Gillum, Emmons Hall will provide food; others fROM 5-6 The FBI refused comment on the incident. head adviser, and Eugene Wilson, Armstrong Hall asst. encourage their own. participants to bring PASSPORT and APPLICATION 7750- ^ FRIDAYS 2 states report Police in two state* trucking violence reported violence Wednesday in head adviser, in conjunction with student government associations. Balloon water toss, and Students without transportation can notify 'the Minority Affairs Office and cqptribute $1 before 5 p.m. PHOTOS V "TWttilkf M&d'for 2 photo* Of ai»S Studio 351-1477 | connection with a shutdown by militant truckers seeking lower fuel prices and higher speed limits. But Frisbee and limbo contests have been planned for students who want to compete for Friday. Buses will leave from Holden Hall at 11 a.m. 2 Block* E. of Abbot Hall Grand River at 117 Clinton St. SONS Of sluM ThRU SUN authorities said the strike wasn't having much effect on The State News is published by the students of Michigan State truck traffic. University every class day during Fall. Winter and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during Summer Term, Pennsylvania State Police reported 17 incidents in that state, including two injured in the shootings. sniper attacks. No one was Shooting incidents were also reported in Missouri, and a special Welcome Week edition is published in September. Subscription rate is $20 per year. I Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich, editorial and business offices at 34S Student Services Bldg., Michigan State Univeristy, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. ¥ and authorities said trucks were moving in convoys for PHONES protection. News/Editorial 355-8252 Little support for the strike was reported nationwide. About 70 truckers picketed congressional office Classified Ads Display Advertising 355-8255 353-6400 ■sTayfc SRI. Business Office 355-3447 buildings in Washington Wednesday asking for fuel price Photographic 355-831 1 ? rollbacks. Winning lottery numbers given The winning numbers in Thursday's regular drawing "TteNv TWO of the Michigan lottery were 905 and 613. The second chance numbers were 686 and 710. Tfctoe-iNs; May winners bonus numbers were 822, 771 and 575. Government of Denmark saved "BUV'EIA A government crisis in Denmark was avoided Wednesday when a package of import - curbing sales tax bills was passed by the parliament. •SACK-TODM! Liberal minority government leader Poul Hartling mo arroftMS • wo agreed to recognize the antitax, antibureaucracy Progress party as a "responsible political party" in exchange for its 27 votes. n*88xoueri AIL m New elections would probably have been called if the bills had failed to clear parliament. Ford reports drop in car sales The Ford Motor Co. reported its domestic car sales for the first 10 days of May were down 21 per cent from the same period in 1973, but a company spokesman said Wednesday the drop was' less than anticipated. Sales for the year were also down 21 per cent from last year, with a total of 783,375 units sold. General Motors said Tuesday its sales were down 33 per cent for both May and the year. Chrysler reported a 24 per cent drop for May and a 20 per cent drop for the year. knit halters to drink in the sunshine and cool off the day. Venezuela to end U.S. control Bared and softened in polyester/rayon with multi¬ The Venezuelan government announced a three - year phasing out period Wednesday in which U.S. - color bottle-caps popping up on stripes. . .matching dominated foreign investments in many of Venezuela's brimmed hat By California Things in navy, red, companies must be reduced to 20 per cent. The measure, which applies to all companies engaged yellow or black with white, S-M-L sizes. in the commerce of goods and service, is part of Tie-front, $12 Sweetheart, $7 Hat, $8 President Carlos Andres Perez' campaign to give Venezuela control over its own economy. Business LITTLE SEPARATES - STREET FLOOR sources noted that many of the companies involved already are substantially in the hands of Venezuelan stockholders. The United States has invested at least $2.5 billion in Venezuela. Most of these investments are related to the oil industry. JacobSoriB 401 B.Q^EWEPv-Sa CWpus"1 Compiled by Steve Repko and Deni Martin Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 17, 1974 3 Dean rotation plan plods through units ByMlKEGALATOLA department chairmen has been has suggested the possibility of rhairmen or secret ballot ask the State News Staff Writer passed from committee to a campuswide faculty vote to a faculty associates to next meeting Oct. 3. weeks after the rotation everv two vears to decide on elaborate on faculty associates was present. r.apmpo^ to study the K,demiC r favor a mandatory two Ufa • year The Academic Governance proposal and its to rotation send a This meeting will take place exactly 49 weeks after the proposal had first appeared, stating that Featherstone's Not wishing to take any "Linn of deans and The MSU/Faculty Assoc.ates rotation for deans and representative to discuss the faculty group first sent its affairs committee could action without letting the Committee voted Thursday to measure at the committee's faculty associates "have their proposal, dated Oct. 24, 1973, consider the question insofar as to the Faculty Affairs and it day in court," as R. Winston concerned faculty Faculty Compensation Oberg, College of Business Applications compensation. for Committee for consideration. But the affairs committee representative, put it, the The faculty associates asked committee voted to ask the p could also refer the entire the faculty affairs committee matter to tfte governance faculty associates to specify to their proposal and to send a Todav is the last day to fill p.m. today. study rotation of deans and committee, Bonnen's letter designed to give citizens more terms expire June 30, department chairmen representative to the llt an(i return an application Less than 10 per cent of the direct input into though city projects. said. city resignations have created some Two three • year terms on including consideration of the governance committee's Oct. 3 I onc of the nearly 35 citizen adivsory positions on government, 10 are held by openings. the Cable Communications pros and cons of rotation and Featherstone wrote Robert meeting. Ucies the East Lansing City the array of East Lansing students and 43 by women. Barr, governance committee An applicant has a better Soil will fill before the first commission, committees and boards are held by Council must make chance of appointment if he Commission which supervises cable television use in the city. compilation of a list of universities using rotation. chairman, on seventeen weeks Feb. 18 after the Would «#k in June- students, appointments to the 23 various has some prior knowledge in who compose over half of the Two two - year terms on the The affairs committee rotation proposal's appearance, Application forms are JLble in the city clerk s and city's voting population. groups no later than June 4. Most of the vacancies will be the area explores. the commission Traffic Commission. Four two • year terms on the decided at its Nov. 13 meeting that other committees should to transfer the discussion of you believe manager's offices before 5 Of the 140 various positions created when current members' Among the vacant positions Recreation Commission. possibly consider the rotation the proposal. Barr's Academic Governance all insurance are: Two three - year terms on question. Three three - year terms on the Capital Area In a letter dated four weeks Committee met April 18, then 26 weeks after the proposal's agents are not the alike: ackson attorney enters planning commission, which deals primarily with urban development and land Transportation Authority. Three two • year terms on the Grand River Watershed after his affairs committee had received chairman the proposal, Richard L. introduction, to discuss the question. Gladys Beckwith, president of the faculty For k a change, why don't you make your own use plans. Council. Featherstone asked Steering associates, was present to > recommendations? th District House Four three - year terms on One three - year term on the Committee Chairman James T. explain the rotation concept. race the Human Commission, Relations which advises on Building Board of Appeals. One three • year term on the Bonne n if the Governance Committee rather Academic But not enough committee members showed up that day social services agencies and than Featherstone's committee to reach JACKSON Jackson integrity in government." Barton, who said he would Zoning Board of Appeals. a quorum, so the ounty Prosecutor Bruce "It's time for a change," run on his investigates discrimination. One three - year term on the should consider the rotation proposal was postponed. record, became the Three three issue On ,rton announced his Barton said, "but the seventh candidate to enter the - year terms on East Lansing - Meridian Water since the term of Thursday, enough the Housing and Sewer Authority. chairmen is set by MSU's -didacy Thursday for the goodlooking, articulate, Congressional race. Commission, governance committee inexperienced young men who which is charged with One three - year term on the bylaws. members attended to have a epublican nomination in the Other Republicans vying for Congressional District race. have shocked this nation the nomination include State monitoring enforcement of the Board of Electrical Examiners. Bonnen answered quorum to take action. But should not be replaced simply Sen. William Ballenger, housing code and serves as an One five ■ year term on the Featherstone in a letter, 10 this time, no one from the Barton said the overriding with other goodlooking appeal board on housing Building Authority. Lansing; East Lansing Attorney violations. m his campaign would be articulate and inexperienced Clifford One five year term and two - Taylor and Jackson Two vacancies for 'honesty, morality and Notice: young men." terms incompleted terms on the banking executive Mike Conlon. ending Dec. 31 on the Library Board. Democrats Environmental Task Force One seven year term on the - running in the uilding plans primary are Attorney Robert East Lansing Carr and which investigates environmental implications of Officer's Cop mensation Commission. Last Week for Spring Quarter Books Michigan State University olet dirty air professor Charles Larrowe. j After an unscheduled delay, pollutants Starting May 13 we will be making our final returns to oundbreaking ceremonies smokestack. Rook Publishers be held next Wednesday Gary Graham, developer and for those spring quarter books that are not the controversial new president of Styramart, said going to be used summer quarter. We irill also be changing tyramart building in Wednesday night that the plans our location ~ htay J&a#- appear in othw letters, are decipherabl 1955, President Johnson signed the principles that guided the court in jumbles like invoced" or "carvina Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the 1954. The Supreme Court will rule typed. They were not even printed, but readily lend themselves to altema scrawled ragged notebook paper Voting Rights Act the following year and the Rev. Martin Luther in favor of busing to insure that black and white tears of shame will across and punctuated by cross outs and erasures. Q/yHMaJfci Meet t translations. Hopefully, the Communication II King overcame the heat and Sheriff not be shed again, if the The State News letter policy, which is [MC4Xw>ct ojL WVJwfartt I letters will be better. printed on this page weekly, requests that Clark's posse in that emotional Constitution is given precedence all letters by typed on a 65 • space line and /YVJC^Uct. march from Selma to Montgomery in the of 1965. over public clamor. A spiritual about triple spaced. Following this direction saves staff time, and decreases the dt Jlirrv, Ji fyt Letter summer - face from the incidence of typographical errors by The growth of two opposing conscientious Brown ruling could The Opinion Page welcome: eliminating one step in a letter's journey letters. Readers should follow./ personalities - George Wallace and turn two decades of progress into a from envelope to Opinion Page. The seventh letter was typed on a 75 - rules to insure that as ;iw lata Thurgood Marshall - epitomizes historical footnote. space line and double spaced on as possible appear in print. Corrasable typing paper. If it were to be All letters should he typed o printed in the State News, such a letter - space lines and triple • spacci probably would be retyped for two Letters must be signed and includ reasons. First, it is especially difficult to make written corrections in limited space local address, student, faculty on Corrasable paper, and second, staff standing and hometow. conversion of extra long, uneven lines to Letters should be 25 lines or the 65 - space standard is guesswork. therefore ironic that the women's tennis and may be edited for concisei News media (sic)." The writer is Equally distressing is the content of the team is so "pathetically" covered. apparently referring to the tone of to fit more letters on the page. letters. One letter criticizes the State News Apparently the writer is asking for for publishing an article about a California liberal tennis coverage. more national wire stories, and forgets that the No unsigned letters will "cheap shots" at Nixon are being taken Nazi. The letter writer states "after the About one - third of the letters to the not accepted. by the media, but by top recent Nazi craze in the 1930s and editor received by the State News arc governmental officials, including VOX POPIILI Trustees must halt 'white To the Editor: Planning Committee's decision to to the habitat, but may also discourage The roadway would be quite a trick. University Natural Areas recommend tentative approval of the casual visitors. The Red Cedar Natural n Committee has expressed approval of the After the proposed "Improvements project. Area is such an irreplaceable educational Kalamazoo Street Bridge Project. Its brief The implemented, Kalamazoo Street i major thrust of the report is that asset to our community precisely because somewhat resemble Hagadorn Road at report, prepared by George Parmelee and the pr9ject will yield positive it is so readily accessible. It is open to Red Cedar river, a roadway which scare ROUGH ROAD AHEAD based largely on his subjective impressions, environmental impact, since provision was anyone with a few minutes of time and a invites thought; of visiting the adjao alludes to being an "environmental made by the Ingham County Road spontaneous inclination to look at a woodlots. Today the MSU Board study." It concludes by prejudging an Commission for peripheral benefits to the wildflower or listen to a chorus of frogs. Trustees will have final opportunity Board should environmental impact statement which will be done for the project by stating that detailed studies should reveal University, such as sidewalks, curbing of the roadway and chain - link fencing In an urban environment, this opportunity is an inestimable asset to the community. halt this project before construct contracts are finalized. It can best se more no around the woodlot. However, I question The two primary reasons for the need Approve now, question later. the interests of the University and city's traffic commission pointed significant negative impact from the the legitimacy of using these "benefits" as for fencing and curbing were described in This philosophy has spread like residents of this community by refusini out that the roadwork was totally project. This report carried considerable justification for a $750,000 expenditure. the report as motorcycles and littering. wildfire from accept this white elephant, tm one area unnecessary from a traffic credibility with the Building, Lands and Fencing this area may prevent all abuses But environmental damages by disguised as a highway improve governmental unit to another this standpoint. motorcycles are generally confined to project. „. year as the Kalamazoo Street bridge Yet, ignoring snowballing citizen areas south of Kalamazoo Street and the Wayne A. Sen 226 S. Hayford project gathered a seemingly relentless momentum of its own. opposition signatures on antiroadwork including 1,100 CTs call for prevention of littering by curbing the Today thousands of area residents petitions, city council "tentatively" To the Editor: American Federation of State, County, opposed to the $633,000 boondoggle are waiting to see if the approved the project Feb. 19 in an We would like to thank all the clerical - technical workers that supported the and Municipal Employes (AFSCME), in the election for a collective bargaining Blind must sh irrational lunge toward a mirage of agent. However, the MSU Employes Assn. To the Editor: board of trustees will finally put a "progress." I am responding to a letter appearing in and cold as the blind. McCormick- (MSUEA), has been certified by the "the blind need encouragement, stop to this bureaucratic blitzkrieg your newspaper on May 9. I am directing say, Michigan Employment Relations or pave environmental outrage. the way for an Three Building, weeks Lands later and the MSU Planning Nightlife Commission as the collective bargaining agent for all clerical - technicals. my response to the author of the letter, Tracy McCormick, and anyone else who shares her attitude. an extra price to pay." AJlri" should be encouraged U> get a playing on the sympathy not ni The Ingham County Road Committee watered down its We, of the Organizing Committee for be encouraged to behave in AFSCME, urge all supporters of AFSCME McCormick referred to the requirement Commission's project calls for previously unqualified support for To the Editor: which does not perpetuate the - to join the MSUEA. We must join the of blind or other handicapped persons to The students MSU Kalamazoo Street to be widened the project, and gave the proposed at begin their MSUEA and support it fully, if we want to purchase bus pass as "inhumane." It is already placed on persons with a p from two to four lanes desecration tentative approval nightlife during the weekends around 9 p.m. not the disability. It is up to pn near have a strong and constructive association. requirement that is "inhumane," and it usually ends promptly at 2 a.m. The University Village. Hidden in the similar to city council's. We must remember that our association is but McCormick's attitude. I find her handicapped people to use their only entertainment available to students only as good and as strong as its viewpoint disgusting. Such an attitude of to advance in the world, n fine print are plans to grade both The approval and the OK that after the 2 a.m. curfew is that of eating at "disability." banks of the Red Cedar River is being sought from the board - any of the few all ■ night restaurants. membership. pity implies that the person with a So let's join together now, so that we physical handicap is less than human or I would "like to know where it winds through the Red gives the roadwork the go - ahead, The sad part of it all is that the bars, can present the University with a solid less than an equal, not whole person bowling alleys, movie theaters and other a supervisor is who finds it nece! Cedar Natural Area covering the subject to the findings of an front which they will have no choice but beyond the disability. Aside from the collect $200" from us and e"" - forms of entertainment close before 2 a.m. sides of the resulting ditch with environmental impact study to be blind man's loss of sight and potential loss If the entertainment centers advertised to respect. appreciation for his belief in tft Cecilia F. Canfield broken concrete. conducted if tentative approval is and kept their doors open later, perhaps of hearing, he is physically able to buy and handicapped people to pay their own The concept of the project failed Principal Clerk VI use a bus pass. as others do. I don't think he,s received from the board. these places would find that not all the to win approval from any of the MSU Library If a blind man can step up on a bus has a healthier attitude than McCorro The board must put an end to people at MSU go to sleep at the stroke of three East Cheiyl Hart without a pass, and a sighted man does the Lansing advisory this nonsense and kill the plan for midnight. Walker, chu Jana Brace Departmental Secretary same, they both should be refused a ride. David commissions that studied it. The good. 348 Wonders Hall Large Animal Surgery and Medicine If it is raining, the sighted get just as wet Assn. of Handicapped Students ol Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigan Friday, May 17, 1974 5 COMMENTARY Impeachment jail head on a plate, would have enjoyed a to seek indictment of private citizen ripsnorting show with a happily Nixon for that crime. inconclusive ending. No citizen is above the law, the The trouble with the conventional prosecutor would argue, Most readers of with great logic; Washington tea leaves wisdom is that it is as chancy as drawing ex-president or no, a crime requires that say that the House of Representatives will for a "gut card" to fill an inside vote to impeach the President about straight. justice be done. Since Nixon is not the mid type to plea - bargain or assert anything July, around Bastille Day; the Senate will but his innocence, it can be expected that begin its trial a month later. Toward the a District of Columbia end of September, in the scenario grand jury would indict and a D.C. petit jury would convict. conservative Republicans and Southern If Richard Nixon is impeached by the And the ensuing public clamor for Democrats would make up that "one third House, there is an increasing possibility clemency would not necessarily restrain a plus one" necessary to acquit. that he will be convicted by the Senate, judge from entering the history books by indicted by a grand jury, convicted That by a imposing a short jail sentence. prospect pleases many. The petit jury and sentenced to a term in jail. Far • fetched? Somewhere President would be most severely rebuked Since impeachment could along the but not driven from only succeed line would there not be a deal, a office; congressmen centered on an "indictable crime," such as running in the fall could point to their resignation, a bill of abatement, a hung RANGE TWO HUNDRED, ELEVATION TEN obstruction of justice, it would then be ARE YOU votes to throw him out (or, to Nixon jury or an accident to stem the flow of — READY, MR. ST. CLAIR? impossible to sing hail to a neV chief and supporters, "to give him a fair trial") and consequences? Perhaps. go home; if Congress found President the majority of the public, dissatisfied , But perhaps not. I have taken the reader PROPHECY with the President but not wanting his Nixon guilty of a specific crime, then the speical prosecutor would be duty ■ bound down this highly hypothetical road to show that it can happen here and to urge e consideration of the consequences of impeachment. A Nixon But before the grand inquest becomes nobody would believe the grand inquisition, let us stop to think. coup Are we ready to go all the way? The nation is not in such present of tyranny for us to set a precedent for the legal overthrow of elected leaders, and danger By ART BUCHWALD "You mean the 82nd to open the possibility for their absolute Airborne as President of the United States. Because Everyonr has his own theory as to what Division?" "How can they not believe it? Isn't the way of you trying to cover up your I will happen to President Nixon in the next of recent events I have decided the only more degradation. Does anyone seriously "Get them up here by 82nd Airborne all ovet the city?" involvement with Watergate." I few months. The obvious choices are tonight. You way 1 can stay in office is by a military suggest that the Nixon experience of the have the plans. I want them to take over "No one is impressed. We did an Nixon hits his desk with his hand. "It's last year takeover of the government. It isn't an is not enough to deter some I impeachment or resignation - or he could the Capitol, the overnight poll and it turns out your typical of my enemies. They won't even future president from taking a similar Supreme Court, the easy decision I make tonight. There are |finish out his term. But there is still Washington Post and all three television some, and they have a right to their credibility is so low that the people don't let me have a military coup. What do I do course, that only legal punishment will ■ mother choice, and while it is networks. I will make a speech even buy it when you say you're taking make the point? ■ unthinkable, everything that's been tonight opinion, who say that this is a violation of explaining what I've done." over the government by force." the Constitution. But I have been assured Haig hands the President a sheet of Liberals who have fought Nixon over ■ happening is unthinkable and, therefore, The President goes on television that "But they've got to believe me," the the years have a special responsibility now by my own Jesuit paper. lannotbe ruled out. night and says, "My fellow Americans, that what I priest, Dr. McLaughlin, President says angrily. "Don't they know "This says I'm going to to take the long view: to consider all the 1 it is July 1. 1974. Gen. Al Haig comes what 1 have to tell you am doing is not only legal but I've arrested Congress?" resign because I can't govern effectively any more?" Nixon tonight is of consequences- including those that seem | into the Oval the Office. latest utmost importance to each and every one necessary, of office. if I intend to complete my term "I'm sorry, sir. It won't work. You sighed. as remote as impeachment itself did not so pre are Gallup and Harris of you. Because of recent events can't have a military takeover if the people ■ polls. Only 2 per cent of the people in including "I would like to end "That," says Haig. "people will long ago — before running the risk of character assassination, lies, distortions tonight, my fellow aren't convinced that you've done it. believe." ■ the United States still believe you've told Americans, on a personal note. If you being gripped by the momentum of and vindictiveness by the media, the don't like what I'm doing, you can Everyone we've talked to says it's just one Copyright 1974. retribution. ■ the whole story about Watergate. What Congress and lump my own vice president, I it." ■ really bothers me. though, is that there are have had to take action ■ nomotv 'undecideds.'" tonight which The next morning Gen. Haig comes into some of you may feel is extreme. the Oval Office with a | "That does it," the President says. "I have promised you ever since the long face. "Let's implement Operation Banana attacks on me that no matter what happened 1 would finish my term of'office "What's the matter, Al?" "Nobody believes that you've taken We Hope over the government, Mr. President. 6ETTiNc out into the opem like this makes wtw Remembered... look at LIFE differently'... rB— J eel spring Ifyou forgot Mother's With the lacy, airy styles Day, it's still not too from the Garden of Earthly Delights. Muslin tops imported from India. late, We have flowers DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau embroidered tops from Pakistan and for every occasion... WHAT HAPPENED TO MAN, HAS WIS THE MARKETPLACE long flowing halter dresses all give you even belated ones. PLACE CHAN6ED SINCE OF IDEAS?!WHAT MAN, 1 CAN'T '69! WHAT A BUMMeH. TO HAPPENED 70 I MJNO. 6/N, YOU KNOW, I that feeling of spring. mm IT! I CANNOT COME BACK! WHAT'RE YOU uum w REmmNAPY WHAT'RE MAN, THINK YOU 0U6HT PEOPLE P0/N6 THESE DAYS?! Roses 6 for S2.99 PRECEPTS?1 I/NAT'S w 6/N. TO TPY TO P0iSN7ANYONE CAM ANYMORE?! ImWHSRBV MNKIN6? I PELAK.. Come and get the feel of 12 for S4.99 Carnations 8 for S3.99 Spring at the: Garden of Earthly Delights 809 E. Michigan W ® 485-7271 226 ABBOTT ROAD 332 - 3661 Lots of parking in front of our new store' rANE Shcpfadseasons The old homestead odidas need improving? in sportshoes, We can help! With a fast, low-cost home improvement loan from your credit union you can get things back in shape fast — and add the space and features your growing family needs. Fteld & Track Specialty Sport»hoe» Your credit union loan will be covered by credit life insurance Leisure Show at no additional charge and you can repay the painless credit union way — by payroll deduction. Okemos 2283 W. Grand R»w Before construction costs go any higher, get your home im¬ - Lansing 4310 W. Saginaw provements started with a little help from your MSU Employees * V . Credit Union — your "friend of the family." OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Save time, gas, frustration! r USE YOUR NEW MOBILE FIELD OFFICE DURING LUNCH AND AFTER WORK J Lot"D" every OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - next to the 11 to land 4 to 5:30 weekday but Wednesday Planetarium Ovsreff! UIhIAbI MSU EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION > i [• [• CD bOOE.Crescent / 9to5:30Mon.thruFri. / Phone353-2280 ( 6 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 17, i974 Power By DAVE DiMARTINO goofs plague Argent gig the power flowing to Argent's the moment the group walked clear that the group was upset. Realizing that his words State News Reviewer musical equipment. out. An obnoxious buzz was preoccupied with the technical were doing no good in regard The difficulties. to the light problem, he spent You've never seen a man anxiety came in emanating from someplace, "We've got a problem most of the night with a scowl more afraid of the dark than wondering how many times the and the group, while in the here,' on his face. The other band Rod Argent after he and his group would have its power motions of playing "The Rod Argent announced from his perch amidst an impressive members, bassist Jim Rodford, namesake band played at the shut off before the band Coming of Kohoutek," was members walked offstage. collection of keyboard drummer Henrit and guitarist Brewery Wednesday night. trying its hardest to locate the and vocalist Russ Ballard, all Due to a series of technical It never happened, noise's source. Roadies ran equipment. Pointing upwards toward the seemed set on dealing with the mishaps and some less than however, and one has to give back and forth in front of the competent engineering, the Argent credit for sticking out amplifiers, checking out the Brewery lighting system, he unpleasantness by gritting their of the most uncomfortable continued, "Whenever that teeth and putting up with it. entire show was based more on one electrical connections and turns his spotlight off, all Closing the show with "Hold anxiety than entertainment. situations a group could endure generally looking frantic. man Your Head Up," which again Each time a particular stage onstage. In the meantime, as Argent our power goes with it!" He Rod didn't look very pleased. featured a small power Argent, keyboard light was shut off, so was all Problems were obvious from continued the show, it was for hn band m,„ One might think that the blackout, the group quickly Argent, points one mention of that, onstage, left the stage. Though their out a light which caused would alleviate the problem, sentiments were obvious, the Powr problems group left gracefully. An during but it didn't. It happened again Wednesday nighf, encore was out of the question. Local artists t and again. Things pace continued at that throughout the night. It In spite of it all, guitarist Ballard and Argent deserve performance at the Brewery, wasn't that the group was praise for their musical talent, terribly untogether - in fact, particularly Ballard. This U.S. work ot weekend that wasn't the case at all. The band is extremely professional. As they ran through "I Am the tour, incidentally, marks the end of the guitarist's stay with the band. He is leaving to As in the Dance of Ages," they seemed pursue solo ambitions and will By MARGARET GOSSETT past 10 years of Lynn Meiners, a print maker soon have his first album the festival, visitors will find who displayed her art work at close to forgetting the State News Staff Writer released on Epic records. paintings, sketches, pottery, last year's festival, said it offers preceeding incidents until it If you missed the show, get The East Lansing Art ceramics, sculpture, jewelry, an opportunity to make happened again. Festival, previously known as Thus, the whole night was a "Nexus," the group's latest glasswares, photography, money, get exposure in the album. Most of the group's Greenwich Village Days, will pewter and leather crafts on community and enjoy a quaint trial for Argent. The band was be held today and Saturday in eager to finish the show and performance was taken from display. One exhibit even social atmosphere where artists the album, and if you downtown East Lansing. get off the stage as fast as pick it features homemade fountains. can exchange ideas and small Artists from five different possible. up you'll get a chance to hear The art work will be for sale, talk on their profession. the whole show - buzz free. SN photo/Daniel Benavides states, including many and many artists will Of the band, only keyboard be professionals and students working at their open air player Argent seemed visibly - The Art Festival was from this area, will exhibit tables. their fine arts and crafts on the upgraded to include more sidewalks and MAC Avenue. on blockaded "TTiis festival is considered one of the top events of its professional art work this year. Buys said, as artists were Vermont tours Don't miss the man From Minolta. required to submit slides of kind. People travel from all over Michigan to attend it," their work to be judged before by bike planned He II be here for a UNIVERSITY said Joe Buys, president of the Central East Lansing Business they were accepted into the festival. REFORMED Assn. which is sponsoring the Vermont Bicycle Touring, -Minolta "There are only so many festival in conjunction with the an organization that offers a spaces, and we are trying to variety of weekend bicycle CHURCH East Lansing Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage Committee. emphasize quality work, the fine arts. So we are careful as tours over quiet back • country Alumni Memorial Chapel roads in the valleys of the to who exhibits,",he said. UNIVERSITY green mountains, has almost (1 bio ast For lively atmosphere the SEVENTH-DAY doubled its 1974 program to Auditorium) East Lansing High School Band Demonstration ADVENTIST CHURCH include approximately 50 9:30-Study Groups For and Swing Band will perform Adults and Sunday School separate outings between now Eatt Lansing on Friday. Other diverse and Oct. 27. 10:30 Coffee Hour 337-1430 or 882-0805 entertainment and - culinary BIBLE STUDIES The price of a typical 9:30 am - Worship Service delights will be available to weekend, including lodging and Now in Progress 11:00 a.m Worship Service visitors. The festival will be all meals is $53. For full • Saturday - 3:00 p.m. open from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. For rides call 355-0155 details, write Vermont Bicycle SAT., MAY 18 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Pastor Frederick Diaz - after 9:00 a.m. Sunday each day. Voice of Prophecy Touring, R.D. 2, Bristol, Vt. 6:00 - Evening worship 05443. Lansing - WJIM - 12.40 Fred Tom Stark, Pastor Herwalt, Associate Pastoi Kathy Lang, Staff Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Your Story Hour Charlotte - WCER -13.90 THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Announcing the Minolta XK the only electronic camera Associate Sunday at 10:30 a.m. with a total system Faith for Today SUNDAYS Grand Rapids - Channel 8 5:00 Eucharist Meet Mr. Endres 8< Mr. Yavruian, factory FIRS! CHURCH OF Sunday at 7:00 a.m. Alumni Chape! representatives. They will answer all your Minolta Quiet Hour CHRIST, SCIENTIST Jackson - WIBM - 14.50 on campus questions. Grand River Sunday at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. John Mitman at Cotlingwood Entrance East tMnsing Chaplain 351 7638 Minolta Rokkor Lenses Minolta 400 pEOplES 8:00 and 10:00 All Saints Parish Church' UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN SRT-102 SPECIAL DEMO INSTANT-LOAD CAMERA "Mortals and Immortals" Sundav School to age 20 chuRch 800 Abbott Road The Rev. William Eddy Rector 310 N. CHURCH Hagadorn Koal SLR F1.7 CAMERA PRICES electric eye $200.00 135mm F2.S Telephoto w/ciu $133.33 *239 10:30 a.m. 351-7160 Study Period 10:00a.m. $270.JO 200mm Telephoto w/case $179.97 Wednesday Evening Meeting $150.00 35mm F2.I Wide Angle w/case $99.97 8:00 p.m. Worship - 11:00 A.M. =0KEM0S= Singspiration • 7:00 p.m. Reading Room located in Church 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. FIRST BAPTIST Youth Meeting - 7:00 p.m. Transportation Provided CiD PIONEER" A GREAT *1400 4 channel system OPEN Weekdays 9 ■ 5 p.m. "Joy In Living" by Dr. Wallace Robertson 4684 MARSH RD. Call 332-5193 Get it lor51070. Mon.. Tucs., Thun.. Fri., evenings 7 ■ 9 p.m. 9:45 a.m. Bible Study CENTRAL UNITED 11:00 a.m. Worship METHODIST 6:00 p.m. Praise Service Across from the capitol Sermon Topic: 7:30 p.m. College Fellowship MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. Dr. Randolph Nugent PIONEER' QX-747 Guest Speaker Youth Minister: Communion Service David Daku 4-Channel System EVENING SERVICE - 7:00 p.m. Worship Services Enjoy the full, rich sound of 4-channel the Pioneer way. 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. Controlled by Pioneer's QX-747 4-channel receiver, "Be Honest" Nursery Available you'll hear records, tapes, FM with built-in quad circuitry Rev. Hoktbergen speaking for CD-4 discrete, SQ and RM matrix. No need for add¬ COMPLETE 4-CHANNEL SYSfEM 485-9477 on equipment. Also plays stereo and converts 2-channel • Pioneer QX-747 2/4-Channel Receiver Visit our new Student Center records and tapes into extra-dimension 4-channel sound. • 4 Pioneer Project loo Speaker Syttemi open daily 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Clean, smooth power with 20 watts RMS each of 4 chan¬ • Pioneer PL-A35 Autd. Turntable, w/baie «■ ei Lunch Wednesday nels, 8 ohms, 20-20KHz (40 watts RMS per channel, Shure Magnetic cartridge UNIVERSITY . Pioneer SE 20S Headphone* ffll 12:30-1:30 2 channels driven, 8 ohms, 20-20KHz). Wide range of connections for 6 speakers, turntable, 2 tape decks, headphones, auxiliary, plus a Dolby unit. For Transportation BAPTIST CHURCH Call 351-9059 UlfbU/ilb or 351-6360 4608 S. Hagadorn ^jkurwfidA (across from Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. imam Hubbard Hall) Sunday School: 11:15 a.m. for Bus Service Call: AND STUDENT CENTER 1509 RIVER TERRACE 351-4144 or 351-6494 John Walden, Pastor LUTHERAN For that special someone! South Baptist Church Choose from newest fashions in 14 kt. gold Campus Ministries 1518 S. Washington Sunday - 7:00 p.m. I^nsing mountings. Brilliant Pear, Oval, Emerald and Marquise cuts. All with Leonard's satis¬ faction guarantee. MARTIN LUTHER UNIVERSITY CHAPEL "God Is On The March!" LUTHERAN CHURCH LCMS ALC-LCA 444 Abbott Road 1020 S. Harrison Fine Diamond Rings 332-0778 332-2550 Pastor David Kruse 6 full and part-time 9:15-A.M Fellowship WORSHIP HOURS staff serviug the campus WORSHIP HOURS College Bible Clans in I he fireside room and refreshments 8:30 p.m. in the fireside room •50. to <6500. 9:00 a.m. 1st & 3rd Sundays Communion 8:30 a.m. Worship 9:30 a.m. Education Hour Think Quality, Think Savings, link Leonards 2nd & 4th Sundays Matins 10:45 Worship Sunday 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Education Hour Special weekday services "Hie Light That Won't Go Out" Store Houri: FREE 11:00 a.m. Communion at appointed hours. 9:00 p.m. Communion Wednesdays at University Lutheran Both churches open for study Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor James Emery .Youth Pastor FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Call 482 0754 for information Evening Mon. & Fri. 9:30 to 9 p.m. Tuen., Wed., Thun., Sat. LEONARD Wholesale Distributors Adjacent Ramp Parking Evenings, Sut. & SunJ 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. 309 N. Washington Ave. Leonard Downtown Pti Ujjj Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 17, 1974 7 'Pittman' captures four Emmys Show" won best supporting in system devised this year to winners in the daytime comedy. Michael Moriarty and people, especially those maintain the mediocrity of the Joanna Miles both categories will be announced affiliated with sitcoms, who The National Academy of won Emmy Awards, the winning on a separate telecast on NBC promised to boycott the Television Arts and Sciences supporting in drama for their actors in each category are that afternoon. The awards in telecast, caused the Academy announced the Emmy Awards performances in "The Glass announced before the Menagerie." Moriarty recently Emmy news and documentaries will to relent and award Emmys to for acting at an informal news ceremonies are telecast won best actor in the May 28 be broadcast on a separate all winners. conference Wednesday at the Tony on NBC-TV. Awards. program in September. The Emmys are not likely to Century Plaza Hotel. No Not surprisingly, Harvey At that time, the winners in usurp the role of the Peabody's surprises again this year. Earlier this year, an effort Korman won the four categories of best as the prestigious award in Cicely Tyson won her supporting actor made to streamline the in comedy, variety and music, actor and actress will was broadcasting. Unfortunately, Emmy for ''The compete awards' structure — the effort while Brenda Vaccaro won for against each other for actor of the Peabody Awards do not Autobiography of Miss Jane "The Shape of Things." in design is doomed to the Pittman." "Pittman" also won the year, just like at the Kennel recognize drama or comedy In Club success of the Edsel. The achievements. Oh well, at least emmys for best direction, daytime drama, — Best in Show. It seems writing and music. MacDonald Carey won for like an exercise in imbecility to Academy announced that David Carradine didn't win Mary Tyler Moore from "Days of Our Lives" and Pat put Moore up against Learned, category winners would receive best actor and Lassie didn't "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" O'Brien for his special "The Tyson and Hubbard. What this only a "distinguished award." win best actress. That's some Other Woman." Elizabeth is meant to prove A united front by the series consolation. and Alan Alda of M*A*S*H is anyone's Hubbard won best actress for guess. copped Emmies as best leads in comedies. Telly Savalas won "The Doctors" and Catharine Nesbitt for the special "The NOW PRE - LEASING FOR FALL I for "Kojak" and Michael The other winners, program Mask of Love." awards and technical awards Learned, the mother in "The Waltons," won for the best Under the new and inane will be announced May 28. The lead performers in dramatic series. MEADOWBROOK William Holden, making his The Stables Proudly television debut as the cop in "The Blue Knight," and Mildred Natwick, of "The Presents . . . TRACE Snoop Sisters," were (pace i mbov extraordinaire leader of the B\r Gotten 20715 Kelly Road, East Detroit / 4526 N. Woodward Ave., Royal Oak /125 Main St., Rochester / 12755 Eureka, Southgate 1071 Trowbridge 351-1980 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 17, 1974 ^ Concert by French organist set A concert by the French French Radio. Since she was organist Marie Madeleine Orgue de Saint ■ Etienne - du - The concert will begin at - 11, she has been acclaimed for Mont. 4:30 p.m. Durufle at the Central United her ability of Sunday. The organ and piano program is open to the public Methodist Church in Lansing and in improvisation. Since Durufle's appearance in Durufle will also perform without charge, but "a free - Sunday will feature vocalist 1953 she has been co - Ethel Armeling, MSU professor organist Lansjng will be her only works by Widor. will offering" will be with her husband at the Grand Tournemire, of music. Midwestern recital on this tour, and Dupre. requested. Durufle will perform Maurice Durufle's "Requiem," DOCS 10 COMPETE IN « CATEGORIES which is regarded as a major choral work of the 20th century. The piece will be sung by the Lan Singers Concert Choir of Kennel club will Lansing Community The Ingham College and the Chancel Qioir County Kennel Club will hold its 46th annual hounds, working dogs, terriers, toy dogs and nonsporting, which of the church. The other Spring Dog Show Saturday at the Lansing Civic Center. includes miscellaneous dogs. featured soloist will be Tom The American Kennel Club's licensed show includes 120 Frank Mainville, who writes a Thompson of Lansing recognized breeds which will compete in six dog column for the Lansing categories for the top State Journal, said the Ingham Community College. honor, "Best in Show" position which awards County show is recognized as one $150 to the of the top shows in the country. Durufle, who has toured winning Cannis familiaris. The show will start with extensively in the Soviet Entries from all over the country include 1,099 dogs for preliminary judging at 9 a.m. and group judging to determine "Best in Show" will be held at 3:15 Union, Europe and the United regular competition, 62 dogs in the obedience division, and 24 p.m. States, has won several music dogs in the special division for children who are owners. awards and is a recitalist for The regular division includes categories for sporting dogs, EVERY night dinner World renowned organist Marie - Madeleine Durufle will appear in concert at 4:30 SchensuVs \y special...for the C' two of you! Enjoy a quiet evening for two at Archy Tarpoff's. p.m. Sunday at the Central United Methodist Church at the corner of Ottawa Street and The Friday and Saturday night Capital Avenue in Lansing. Ethel Armeling of the MSU faculty will be a featured vocalist. Meridian Mall special includes: & Open: Mon Thurs. 4:30 7:30 - • Noon: Mon. Fri. Do it yourself salad bar or - Lansing Mall Fri. 4:30 - 8:00. Sat. 11:15 8:00 - 11:15 - 2:00 Sun. 11:30 • 7:00 house specialty caesar salad. To find out this weeks Choice Top Sirloin Steak, menu specials, call 349-4028 (Official of bank CHICKEN or 482-7114 wine mushroom sauce, idahoe |clowns around rTHST pires May 20. Pamper Your Budget! baked potato, sourcream chives, bacon bits, freshly cooked vegetable, DINNER 1974 LAKE ZURICH, ILL. (AP) WSINC r; YOUR "SCHEI "SCHENSUL-COUPON"It hot fresh bread, carafe There are two sides to Dean 25 ins. h\> n east lansing store directly across from the union 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 17 1974 Bounce for Beats, games climax annual Greek Week festivities Greek Week, the time each for Beats attractions is Alan area media personalities and in the high - spirited Greek largely through the effforts of spring when fraternities and Maisel, who is planning to the MSU faculty. The game Feast at Alton Park Saturday Dave Anderson, Tim Gowhde sororities traditionally close dribble a basketball for the will begin at 9:30 p.m. tonight at 3 p.m. and Jim Tobe. '®ft: A participant in th. the books and indulge in world record of 42 consecutive at the Men's Intramural In a fun filled, roaring Though they were chugging beer • chugging contest * games, fun, competition and in hours. Building. atmosphere, the Theta Chi just half the amount of beer Dooley's. 131 Albert fraternity and the Kappa that the fraternities consumed, St general, make merry, is well ,pills a bit of the underway. Bounce for Beats, a A FYisbee tournament from Kappa Gamma sorority took the sororities, not to be in now,: the heat traditional fund raiser that the 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. today and Greek Week will climax honors in the highly esteemed outdone, staged a heated and competition last Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity the revival of the annual Greek Saturday at noon with a canoe chugging contest at Dooley's competitive - not to mention Wednesdav conducts for the benefit of the down the Red Cedar restaurant Wednesday night. wet of their own. night. ' Sing on the Kappa Delta race — race River. The rest of the energy When (he chugging contest The Kappas, with the talents Michigan Heart Fund, got off Sorority lawn at 8 p.m., sets to a start in Thursday's dismal the stage for the Bounce for that the sorority - fraternity was over, Theta Chi was able to of Kris Seidold, Liz Weller and below: Kathy Dane. Kappa weather. One of the Bounce Beats basketball game between crowd can muster will be spent lay claim to most of the kudos, Kathy Dane, drank their way Kappa to victory after a strong effort, Gamma, Shar Cavalloro, Delta Zeta, and nipping the highly regarded Chi Linda Prepolec, Gamma Phi Omegas. Beta, battle out the fina| moments of the women's JT held Wednesday comPetition as part 0f Greek Week activities. State News Photos by David Schmier and Susan Sheiner Lenora Proft and P. J. McNoldy Paint T.H.E. Rock of Phi Kappa P$i fraternity, 522 Abbott Road, as their contribution to Greek Week activities which end Saturday. IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR FILMS THIS WEEKEND see a sneak preview of part of the RHA Fall '74 PRESENTS lineup of fantastic flicks | "It's still "IT IS A JOY! old the same WINNER OF 6 AMDEMY AWARDS! An enchanting excursion into the joy of living. Wonderfully perceptive story, a fight for satiric jabs at motherhood, the military, psychiatry and computer dating. Bud Cort is the very embodiment of lost boyhood; Ruth Gordon is beautifully restrained and deeply touching-hers is a performance to cherish. Vivian Pickles is simple perfection\"-judnh Crist, New York Magazine They met at the funeral of a perfect stranger. From then on, things got perfectly stranger and stranger. Paramount Pictures Presents An Arthur P.Jacobs Production in association with Rollins-Joffe Productions METROGOLDWYNMAYER presents— HAROLD and MAUDE "PLAT 111 AVGAMIN, * A A CARLO PONTI PRODUCTION A Herbert Ross Film DAVID LEAN'S FILM OF BORIS PASTERNAKS IBJTH GORDON WOODYAILLJEN 1 i\si KEATON BUD CORT 14 NT ROBERTS JE(®y lAOand SUSAN ANSfAOi DOCTOR ZHilAGO Co-starring Vivian Pickles, Cyril Cusack, Charles Tyner, Ellen Geer Produced by Colin Higgins and Charles B.Mulvehill JENNIFER SALT and VIVA^U, sc.. byHM IV All!N Pf< , II III I I , 144 < It GERMANE CHAPUN JUUE GHRKTIE TOM OOURTENAY Executive Producer Mildred Lewis, Written by Colin Higgins Directed by Hal Ashby D««t,niiiiiins-. t*im .14 III Based on th« play by I IV.Mil* ALECGUiWSS - SIOBHAN McKENNA • RALPH RICHARDSON With Songs by Cat Stevens Color by fochmcolor' A Paramount Picturo OMAR 9HARFi*sfl^»ooi ROD STBGffl • RITAIUSHINGHAM |pq| 1 DAVID LEAN in panavision- and metrocolor Tonight: 106 B Wells 7:00, 8:40,10:40 Tonight: Wilson 7:30 & 9:30 Brody 9:40 Sat: 106B Wells 7:00, 8:45,10:30 Tonight: Conrad 8:00 Sat: Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 Sun: Conrad 7:30 Sat: Wilson 8:00 Sun: Wilson 7:30 Wilson 9:30 Sun: McDonel Kiva 7:30 Conrad 9:30 Admission $1.25 Admission $1.25 Admission $1.25 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 17, 1974 11 Impeachment find themselves in tactics veil political motives Bv R. w. APPLE JR. unaccustomed agreement that be hounded from office for mere the Democratic strategy is this: Their NEW YORK TIMES the proper way to resolve unpopularity. big problem, of this summer, after the judiciary Nixon's Watergate agony is to Resignation would leave a should the electorate conclude course, is the fear that Nixon Committee has acted or after substantial part of the that the party leadership in the and Watergate will produce a the full House has voted. Sen. WASHINGTONI-Thedrum allow the constitutional bitter and country The congressional Judiciary Congress is stalling in the hope disaster for the party at the Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz., has ■ ,1 Of appeals for President impeachment process to go dissatisfied. Democrats see a number of Committee, are linn's resignation, which ■ forward. Resignation President his denies the political advantages in avoiding certain to keep the question of Nixon's fate before the public of wringing the maximum electoral polls this fall. Thus, as Sen. Norris Cotton, repeatedly suggested that the i to a crescendo last week, The public explanations of process of law. right to due appeals for presidential without assistance from others. advantage from the Watergate scandal, there might R.-N.H., suggested the other day, it is President might decide without ■ subsided. For the time this attitude are uniformly high resignation - and the party's prompting to resign if the House I h'L at least, the White House ■ minded: resignation would set Many of those advanced who have top leadership, including the Equally important to many be a backlash. no coincidence that several of the senators who have broken votes to impeach him. 1 of the Congressional a damaging precedent, under these explanations Nor does the absence of most National Chairman Robert of the new 1 Republicans and Democrats which future presidents might seem entirely sincere. But, inevitably the case in as is such Strauss, Senate Majority Democratic holders, the Democrats office would As for the Republicans, ranks to call for face potentially resignation difficult appeals for resignation appear to indicate that the Leader Mike Mansfield, appear likely to benefit most of them President's situations, there in the are loath to contests for position is stronger. In are also D-Mont., and Speaker of the November elections if unspoken political calculations Nixon appear disloyal to the man who re-election. House Carl Albert, D-Okla., is Among those in decrying the idea of and motivations at work. stays in office through the still leads their party, at least that category are Sens. Marlow resignation, few senators of The White House, working hard to build party summer. Should he leave now, until they have a better idea of W. Cook, R-Ky., Richard S. either obviously, unity on the question. one House member said, Vice the evidence that will be party have defended prefers impeachment to Schweiker, R-Pa., and Milton Nixon's conduct in the President Ford would have presented against Nixon. Their R. resignation because it offers For Young, R-N.D. Watergate matter, and the Nixon the chance to survive in one thing, several enough time to reconstruct the reluctance is underlined by The sudden unanimity on senators said privately, they Republican image and perhaps their feelings that possibility that he could be the attempts to the question of presidency. And Nixon's can seem statesmanlike and avoid the big resignation impeached, convicted and Republican losses persuade the President to does not mean that a new A BILL INTRODUCED in the Michigan House Wednesday advisers, while privately insulate themselves from that are now quit spate removed from office is taken I would allow servicemen, veterans, the blind, and widows to pessimistic about his chances anticipated. are quixotic anyway at this of appeals for the President to more seriously than ever in I in the charges of leading a partisan The one big problem with stage. quit may not be heard later jcceive an advance payment on expected property tax credits for House of lynch mob if they stay cool for - congressional circles. the year. Representatives, remain the moment. Newspaper and I Rep. John Welbom, R-Kalamazoo, the bill's sponsor, said the bill would enable people to apply for credit on their summer convinced that he will win the ultimate test in the Senate. television the investigations, and £•••••••••••••••••• I property taxes by Sept. 15, rather than Dec. 1, as the current proceedings of th? House 2 "BOUNCE FOR BEATS" • I property tax relief act requires. < Never Released in the U.S. Stables BASKETBALL GAME * THE HOUSE unanimously approved legislation Wednesday sets Oh FACULTY vs. PERSONALITIES • Chaplins look at America in the1950's I allowing communities to freeze tax assessments on obsolete I industrial facilities in exchange for a commitment by the owner ^ 9:30 PM MEN'S IM ARENA I to modernize or replace the facility. I The proposal, passed by a 98-0 vote, is aimed at reversing the for marijuana MAY 17, 1974 • I decline of Michigan's business climate, blamed on high taxation Jg? Personalities include DONATION $1.00 I that A benefit concert for the ~ the incentive for businesses floor of the Union and :0 2eor®eBlaha removes to modernize their by Proceeds to the Mlchkun Michigan Marijuana Initiative, | facilities. ^ + featuring four local bands, will volunteers on the streets. The Stables management be held at the Stables warned the organizers of the THE HOUSE ALSO approved a bill Wednesday that would I increase the ceiling on personal income tax exemptions from beginning at 6 p.m. Sunday. benefit that unless the crowd I $1,200 to $1,500, granting paraplegics and quadraplegics an The club will be in full size was maintained all evening, ■ additional $1,500 exemption. Passed by a 98-0 operation, serving both food they would have to close vote, the bill and liquor, while before the usual 2 ■ would also permit persons receiving retirement and pension Conception, a.m. the Pine Ridge I benefits to deduct up to $7,500, less their persona) exemption on Band, C.J.Z.Z. and the Terry Tate Blues Band I single returns and up to $10,000 on joint returns. perform. A BILL WAS introduced Tuesday in the House that would Admission at the door will be $1, but advance tickets will I extend the code of ethics law that currently covers the executive I branch of government to legislators and legislative employes. cost 75 cents. These tickets I The bill, introduced by two Democratic and two will be sold today at the Republican initiative's office I representatives, would set up guidelines defining conflicts of on the second I interest, restrict confidential information and the acceptance of I gift or favors and prohibit a state employe from involvement in ■ activities in which the state has a direct interest. It would also BANJOSS- I restrict supplementary employment. ♦ * * GOV. MILLIKEN received and released reports Wednesday | from the director of the Dept. of Mental Health, E.G. Yudashkin, in escapees from Ypsilanti State Hospital. The governor HARMONY I review of the recommendations and directed the state began a police to I continue to provide assistance in strengthening security as needed I at the institution. ALEX 5 strine Uf$l59 _ $159 / „ „ our usual select ion of fine ■Group sets up otriigped ius otriNped /NS+rumewfe at lowest prices. T 54-1 E. GRAND RIVER |visiting center ELDERLY, —, _ EAST LANSING- 352481 Chaplin's INSTRUMENTS H-h-lO? Satnle < WASHINGTON (AP) - look at America I Ralph Nader says his Public 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 332 Ml7 FR1 & MON thru THURS ■Citizen Inc. is opening a visitor in the1950's open at 7:00 p.m. Feature 7:20 9:30 l Washington to help UNION ACTIVITIES SAT & SUN open - BOARD PRESENTS 12:45p.m ■tourists examine how the Feature at 1:05 -3:10-5:10 Ifovernment works. f 215 ABBOTT A King in RO. • DOWNTOWN -7:20-9:30 . l\Iew\ork SUNDAY, MAY 1* UNION BALLROOM 2:00, 7:00 t 9:30 ACADEMY WVioAL, IAWARDI &n rbc films presentation 1 PROW AM INFORMATION 3326944 WE GRANO RIVtR- DOWNTOWN SAT & SUN Shows 1:30 3:30 5:25 7:25 9:25 ACADEMY BEST FOREIGN AWARD LANGUAGE FILM WINNER BEST ACTRESS TRUFFAUT'S i Glenda Jackson I THE FUNNIEST DAY LOVE STORY fOffl OF THE YEARI "A very,very funny and very, very touching romantic comedy.' Judith Crist, New York Magazine JACQUELINE BISSET JEANPIERRE AUMONT VALENTINA CORTESE JEAN CHAMPION OANI JEAN PIERRE LEAUD ALEXANDRA STEWART FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT l(K£ AfMGHI ■ Ongnal Screenpty b* FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT • JEAN LOUS ROW® SUZANNE SCHfFMAN • A French ttalan CoProActcn LesFlrotoCanasse PIC -Rome PtCF-fare [PG NIGHT OR DM, TRUFFAUT'S THE ONE. The best work of Francois Truffaut An exhilarating new comedy It is hilarious, wise and moving The performances are su¬ perb -Vincent Canby, N. Y. Times TRUFFAUT'S FUNNIEST, SHREWDEST, MOST RELAXED WORK IN SOME TIME. TRUFFAUT - ONE OF THE BEST. He has grace, wit and affection, sly and in a Mclvin Frank Film loving Excellent performances' ATouch Of Class -Jay Cocks, Time Magazine RulSoi 'Wino Hildegard Neil K John Cameron S-.HJ] TRUFFAUT'S FINEST FILM IN YEARS! There is a ..j 8* 'h' ""i Sammy C»Kn ,h, Mtlvin Frank ml Jack R grab-bag of detailed performances that swells the film Melvin Frank An Avco Fmbauy i into a thousand pieces of |oy" ko/mktexubog IMorthside Drive In US 27, North JLEXT I "WHERE THE LILIES BLOOM" -Rex Reed, N. Y. Oai^ New Lansing, Mich. 5174827409 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Friday, May |7, i9?4 WEEKEND ACTION Spartan track squad optimistic about weekend Big Ten tourney Netters at league championship taken two Midwest regional titles and Big sprinter Marshall Dill and yard high hurdles (: Mot one By CHARLES JOHNSON hopes of dethroning last year's inh MSU's men's tennis team is in Madison, Wis., Ten championship. champ, Indiana. Hie Hoosiers, departing middle ■ distance Ross of Detroit in the State News Sports Writer today for the Big Ten championships where it Spartan golfer Manono Beamer is the favorite however, are still powerful, as runner Bob Cassleman. Cassleman will go after jump.(24.1K), Charles DavisS will be trying its standings of this year and for capturing medalist honors. Everything will be the evidenced by their runaway another conference crown in Ferndale in the 440 on c49fiV better its sixth - place finish of last year. Dill, the speedster from Dane Fortney of Stan Drobac will be fielding Women at track nationals line this weekend for MSU's victory in the conference Detroit and winner of six the 440 • yard intermediate the 880 (1:54.2), Stan YpSilanti't Coach men's track team, as coach indoor meet in February. hurdles, which he has won two Mavis of essentially the same team that has represented Fran Dittrich's squad competes Nevertheless, MSU, individual conference titles, straight years. The senior from Greensburg, Ind., in the miu the Spartans all year long. There is only one Six MSU women's track team members in the Big Ten outdoor Michigan, Illinois and will be going for a third Grand Rapids will also play an (4:14.0), Herb Lindsay 0f change in the line - up for the finals. are in Denton, Tex., to compete in the Assn. championships at Ann Arbor. Wisconsin are still given a shot straight 220 • yard dash crown Important role for the Spartans Reed City in the stt'eplechao The change occurs in the No. 5 singles where for The Spartans, who have at the title and the carnival in addition to running on the (9.08.3) and Fred Teddy Intercollegiate Athletics for Women track on their 440 • yard and mile of Rob Glickman will play instead of Rick Zabor. championships today and Saturday. enjoyed a rather successful today and Saturday promises Spartans' 440 and mile relay relay units, which are expected LAnse in the three ma Zabor will continue to play at No. 3 doubles The spring despite some inclement to be a competitive affair. quartets. The swift junior will to net some key points. (13:51.7). mile with Tom Gudelsky. qualifying Spartans are Marjorie weather, will send an 18-man MSU's fortunes at the also compete in the 100 • yard Grimmett, who will be competing in the 100 ■ The Spartans took third last dash, where he was runner - up Dittrich sees the Spartans Representing the Spartans in the other and 220 yard dashes, Brenda Flanagan. Elaine contingent into the meet with championship will be led by divisions will be Larry Stark, No. 1 singles; Joe to Purdue's Larry Burton last chances as excellent for making BSpT"- »— - Fodell, No. 2; Owe Williams, No. 3; Brian Smith, Carr and Peggy Hoshield, who will be relay year. a good showing and he expects - No. 4; Glickman, No. The doubles teams 5 and Gudelsky at No. 6. will remain as they have team members, Shiri Hohenstein, who will compete in the middle distance and relay events 13 horses prepa to receive some points from other Spartans such as Mike Today's activities will begin and Laurel Vietzke, who will be the Spartan long Winding up an illustrious all season with Stark and Fodell at No. 1 Hurd of Jackson in the 120 Preakness the Spartans' key • career as doubles; Williams and Smith at No. 2 and jump participant. in middle • distance runner will be The relay events have been a strong area for Gudelsky and Zabor at No. 3. Cassleman, who enters the The Spartans were 3 - 6 in Big Ten dual meet the Spartans throughout the season and coach Nell Jackson and asst. coach Jim Bibbs are BALTIMORE Connonade, the (UPI) - Kentucky Six of the horses he soundly trounced in the oversized field meet with an unprecedented I FOUR ^kvKiilDSB' play. of 23 in Kentucky will be back The conference meet is scheduled to run hoping to see winning performances in these Derby winner, headed a field areas. for another crack at him, with today through Sunday. of 13 entered Thursday for their trainers certain they can "Some of the girls' qualifying times were Saturday's 99th running of the Women golfers end season beat the colt this time. Six good enough to finish in the top six of last Preakness Stakes at Pimlico, others, who skipped the first of MSU's women's golf team will end its season year's meet so I think we should do well," where he hopes to continue his the classics, get an initial shot competition this weekend as it travels to Jackson said. drive to the Triple Crown. at the Derby winner in the Bowling Green, Ohio, for the Bowling Green The rest of the Spartan track team will be Preakness, worth $209,000. Invitational. traveling to Ohio State University for a dual The Spartans will be trying to maintain their meet. MSU is hoping to improve its current 7 - spotless two • year record. They are heavy 1 record. The Spartans have taken four favorites in this meet and hope to add another invitationals this season and finished second in win to their already long list of titles. MSU has one. This meet will end its season competition. Special sale for tickets slated by applying in person at the MSU students, faculty and athletic ticket office in Jenison staff can purchase extra full Fieldhouse from Tuesday. May price tickets to next fall's 28 home and away football games through Friday. \fey 31. The ahead of the general public general public sale begins Monday, June 3. The athletic ticket office USEIVCB SEC 1IO* TICKETS AVAILABLE ATCANTEElUmY SH« CAMPBELL'S, MABSHAH MUSIC,ANB MSt/NlW Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 17, 1974 13 latsmen need . fly JACK WALKDEN first Spartan team to do so. on the dial. sweep (2-3) to to gain first division I state News Sports Writer Due to heavy rains in the MSU enters the weekend pitch against the Ten honors. the Wisconsin batting |ice Danny Litwhiler Midwest, both scheduled with just a 5-8 Big Ten record, Badgers. Mahan, only a sophomore, corps. coming more overhand with it, next with a .313 average and lame MSU's head baseball weekend doubleheaders have good for eighth place in the Moore will have more at stake than has been the Spartans' most Litwhiler will probably go causing it to break just as it crosses the plate. It was the the Royal Oak senior also leads Erh in 1964- the sPartans been moved back a day. The conference, but a sweep of the just personal achievement when he takes the successful pitcher in .recent with sophomore Scott Evans just a change in style and mainly Spartans with 28 walks. Simpson has collected four hits I never finished out of the Spartans will now play twin four contests might be enough mound. The Midland freshman weeks. In his last effort, Mahan (3-1) and a combination of delivery." in seven at bats since being bills Saturday at Wisconsin and ■ PIORHS: lphomore Steve Cole (79.2) university division of the PRIOR LSAT SCORIS: Jd freshman Gary Domagalski Spartan Invitational last COLIIGI BOARD SCORES: f.°). 1"! believe that we have our weekend. The Big Ten Tourney is a kt team at this time here," rugged affair as golfers play 72 BEAL FILM GROUP PRESENTS tartan coach Bruce Fossum holes during the two - day IIIV Ej by phone from Iowa TONIGHT-SATURDAY-SUNDAY event, 36 holes each day. The Fiddler The \ieiy best Porn Film ever made' Al Goldstein EL, M 17.18.19 Wne demonstrated a certain amount Commission Higher need for this from our mobile of these degrees after State News Staff Writer on working stand Education, an external degree which is granted yet," Farrell aid from a of competency in a field, but Education - to meet the needs society and people who move at an occupation for a number this task Anyone who has never program in Michigan may be a physically nonexistant college who have not received a of the growing population in around without meeting the of years, by showing degree expertise earned a college degree may not too distant reality. - • or university — a "college or enough specialized training post • secondary education. residence requirements of a in his field — either through u„;'» eventually be able to get one in The 12 • member task force without walls." at a university or college to An external degree can be university," he said. "And correspondence school or by He added (hat Michigan without attending a will study the feasibility of Current proposals even wi,, suggest very good or it can be bad, there is a need to do something tl earn one. picking up needed credits at a Ml. md ih, class. such a program and creating an office at the state An externa] degree program Herman King, asst. provost for for these people." post - secondary school, then Board, >tuds J J. As a result of two bills in the recommend what action the level that would grant degrees would meet one of the goals academic administration, said. But King cautioned that an passing an exam, Tom Farrell, a "university wL. walls" in external degree program should asst. Michigan is morothi. superintendent in the a year away. hat only be encouraged and State Board of Education for There are alreadv pro„at sponsored by reputable legislature and public affairs, for external deem- N. Viets smash into base, town ,, ■ institutions so it will not yield said. a "men's store" type of degree For example, a politician York, New Vr Vw| Connecticut. where one can just go in and who dropped out of school pay a fee to get it. prior to attaining a degree said correct information the their way into the eastern half The attack came at a time "It depends on- how would be eligible. Picture of nude NEW YORK TIMES for military or foreign policy on of the Dak Pek border camp carefully it is monitored and Having served at this 3,630 secret sorties went to when the Vietnamese cease poses Up to Vietnamese troops 5,000 North backed by reasons, to disguise military operations through inaccurate few top Pentagon and White a forcing what was left of the fire peacekeeping machinery • how sincerely it is carried out by the people who are giving position or others, he would have experience which would problems tanks overran a South or untrue official reports. House officials, but "fake" ranger battalion to retreat to has completely broken down. the degrees," King said. TOKYO ( A P at least equal any classroom Vietnamese base Thursday, The release referred to the reports identifying targets in the western half of the Meetings of the two - party Two bills creating such Photographing a nude South Vietnam fed into defensive perimeter which experienc he would have a foreign embas,\ inflicting heavy losses and Senate Armed Service were Joint Military Commission, programs are in the legislature; gotten in college, Farrell said, u jT includes the military French Emba ' pushing the remnants of the Committee's investigation last Pentagon computers and later charged with implementing the one in Senate Education and by passing an exam he fleeing government forces into year of the secret bombing of formed the basis of erroneous headquarters for the district. cease - fire, have been Committee and the other in could earn a degree in political Cambodia for 14 months prior reports to Congress. Hien said Kak Pek base fell suspended since the Vietcong a tight pocket, the Saigon the House. science. They put Senji I'rush.bar. The Air Force legal opinion after a battering by 700 mortar walked out May 10 protesting command said. to May 1970. Each of these bills provides Farrell said the task force a It said half of the 369 • man The memorandum last said "military history abounds shells and an all - night assault. the lifting of some of their for the establishment' of set up Photogr.iplnr tor ' Those who retreated into a was to give the board of whiskey ranger battalion defending the August from Brig. Gen. Harold in such cover stories, from the diplomatic immunities and Wolverine State University, a education company jn y more concrete isolated Dak Pek border camp R. Vague, then acting judge Trojan horse to the elaborate tight pocket were surrounded. privileges by the host Saigon university without a campus, information on these degrees. overnight for posing a 19. -old model nude J advocate general of the Air deceptions designed to cover Hien said, with no prospect for government. in front of the 300 miles north of Saigon and which could grant degrees. "We air (the board of French Embassv. 12 miles from the Laotian Force was made public with the location and timing of the support during border were either killed, the release of the printed invasion of Europe in World the afternoon because of wounded or missing after all • record of the committee War II." worsening weather. RICK NELSON In South Vietnam, Lt. Col. Hien reported that South night human wave assaults by hearings last July and August. the Le Vietnamese bombers flew 26 Wednesday, May 22 Everyone agreed the Communists. Officials testified at Trung Hien, chief strikes in support of the base she has the feminine The fate was not known of hearing that the bombing raids spokesman for the Saigon the rest of the ranger battalion, on North Vietnamese troop command, said the North during the morning when there luminescence than 200 other sanctuaries inside Cambodia Vietnamese forces smashed was a break in the weather. more of a Marilyn Monroe, were authorized by President government militiamen stationed at the district's Nixon in March 1969. They and the wit and military headquarters a few presence of a hundred yards away or of thymore than 3.000 civilians Katherine living in Dak Pek town. Hepburn... Meanwhile, in Washington, the Air released Force law office a memorandum | — SHOW Magazine Wednesday saying it is legal, New York PLfttcmiun MAY 17,18,19,24,25,26 8&10PP MAY 22 8 pm only all shows $2.00 nee tickets ot union & plane Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 17, 1974 15 Call Now Need a Second Car for those "Running Around" Duties? j 355-8255 Read The Classified Ads for the Best Buy in Town! J@ c FRANKLY SFEAKING... by phil frank Employment CHEVY 1968. 4 door, best offer. Einployniem jjf [ Apartments ^ PONTIAC TEMPEST 67. Phone 332-5675. 1-5-17 power BOX OFFICE and concession help steering, power brakes NURSE, LPN or RN exciting TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile V-8 needed. »hape. Apply in person summer jobs. June 12 - CORVETTE 1971 white full $295. 351-1578! evenings. Lansing Drive In, 5207 camp homes. $25 - $35 / week. Ten - August 17 (other duties minutes to campus. Quiet and power many South Cedar. 5-5-21 - extras, new required). Call 646-6709 for peaceful on a lake. 641-6601. PHONE 355-8255 radialt. Excellent. 349-3270 PONTIAC 1970 station wagon, iv. 4-5-17 0-5-31 5-5-23 AM/FM radio, $1,175 EAST LANSING family needs }47 student Srvicei 8idw battery miles. Price $2195. 349-3358. BMW, YAMAHA, TRIUMPH BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced TWYCKINGHAM: Fall $73 3*occupants $NOTICE$ TWO male $175,332-4816.8-1-5-17 RICKMAN. Your full service rates to students. Also roommates — luxury apartment, Discount for 12 mo. Lease dealer. Parts, custom accessories "RATES" FORD VAN 1967. Good guaranteed rust proofing. VAN summer, swimming pool, air. 10 oofd minimum $500. After 5 pm. 484 condition, 7879 VEGA GT wagon, 1973. Loaded competion equipment, service. SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS, INC. WORLD, 645-2123. OR-5-31 $52.50 / month. 351-1578. 351-7212 with extras, only 8500 miles, ALL STUDENT ADS 6-5-24 731 Burcham Drive 4-5 17 ®l ids 2460 North Cedar, Holt. Just _ $2600, private owner, 351-5478 south of 1-96 overpass. Phone Aviation Models open 1-6, Mon. - Sat. 551 ALBERT Street. One block GMC 1965 K ton Pick - up. 5-5-17 694-6621. C-5- 5-17 . starting Other times by appointment from campus. Large 2 bedorom, Reliable, very good mechanical Monday, May 20th SUMMER condition. VEGA HATCHBACK 1971 PARACHUTING MUST BE furnished, for fall. Resident SUBLEASE, near Mason Recent - LESSONS. KAWASAKI 1972 175cc Abbot, Furnished, air, 1V4 baths, improvements, radio bright blue, clean insides / out. - Licensed instructors. Classes PRE PAID manager's apartment No. 3. Doesn't Enduro, like new, extras, $600, - 4 5 man, price negotiable. $1,475. 353-9489, 351-2781 332-2404 / 351-6676. 10-5-23 - need anything. $300 355-3148 Saturday, Sunday, and by Now through the 1.50 14.00 l6'S0 [ 13.00 5-5-23 3-5-17 negotiable. 351-1414. 5-5-20 appointment. 332-3418. 5-5-17 351-0799, end of the term. ACROSS FROM Campus: 124 543-6731. 3-5-17 •VOLKSWAGEN 411, 1972. All MOTORCYCLE TUNE-UP 20% Cedar Street, 135 Kedzie Drive, NEED GIRL four Cedar MAVERICK man T^BBinPMHEBHES] 1970. Over - all extras, warranty Phone below dealer price, pick up 347 STUDENT SERVICES 2-man, one bedroom furnished Village beginning fall. 355-7133, f{i - nrainnanwiiemn condition, snow very good. Includes tires. Very reasonable, 25 394-0076, Monday Friday, available. 484-3500. 5-5-17 Employment apartments, $170 and up. 353-6669. 5-5-17 9-5pm. 3-5-17 NURSE, LPN, or RN exciting Available June and September. mpg. 351-1898. 5-5-22 summer camp jobs. June 12 - 129 Burcham, Summer leases. is] 3.75 110.00 J 16 25(32.50 VOLKSWAGEN 1971 NORTON GUZZI DUCATI. New August 17. (other duties Call 487-3216. Evenings 5-1 Opm LUXURY FURNISHED efficiency 70 MGB. Excellent used as BABYSITTER WANTED apartments, air conditioned, throughout. models on display. Repair and - sorting required). Call 646-6709 for DEADLINE 30+ seond car: Low mileage, June, 9-4, 2 children. East 882-2316 or 8-3pm, 351-2402. next to campus, quiet. Summer mpg, wires. $2100. service for Honda and British interview. 5-4-17 ll P.M. one class day 373-7247 days. 3-5-17 automatic, many extiras. $1750. 0-5-31 of fall. 351-1258. 10-5-24 makes. G.T. MOTORS, 816 Lansing, (walking distance); also 351 2648. 3-5-17 I before publication. Howe, Lansing. Phone now Monday - Wednesday, WAITRESSES AND part FREE CANOES FOR NOW LEASING time summer and fall! 4 NOVA, 1970 - 6 cylinder, 485-6815. 12-5-31 Okemos. $1.25/hour. 349-2950. bartender. VOLKSWAGEN BUS Call after 11am TENANTS man 1964. 5-5-22 apartments, across from automatic, r Peanuts Personal ads q / b|ack Guaranteed rebuilt engine. $450 489-9116. 5-5-20 River's and Water's Edge campus. Call 332-0245. 126 must be pre paid. interior. Eo and CjOVdl, exhaust. $975. good tires or best offer. Call after 6pm. YAMAHA 750, 1973. Good shape, DESK CLERK needed - must have Apartments Orchard Street. 5-5-20 355-1377. best offer. Call Rob. 484-6461 FULL TIME opening for cook. (next to Cedar 489-2920. 2 5-17 transportation and be willing to Village) 3-5-17 3-5-17 Some experience in quantity Now I Cancellations/Corrections travel. Call 372-0567 or Leasing for SUMMER SUBLEASE, 2-3 VOLVO cooking required. Liberal fringe bedroom, across from Berkey. T12 noon class OLDSMOBILE P-18O'\<0'i, runs well, HONDA 489-1215 between 12 - 6 pm. benefits. Every other weekend one day 1965 Cutlass California. $0*" until 1970, 5 1969 - CB450, classic, OR-5-31 Rent negotiable. 351-4670 convertible. Power steering, good mechanical off. Call Mrs. McHenry, ■ before publications. good Michelins. $4d0. 337-0593 condition 5-5-20 bret<»$ $100. Phone 349 0385 $625. 355-819a 3-5-17 Personnel, 349-1050. Ingham COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES Co-op or 355-5153. 5-5-21 after 6:30 p.m. 5-5-17 County Ex landed Care Facility, - 2 bedroom townhouses ■ The State News will be NEEDED 1 girl to rent apartment Okemos, Michigan. 5-5-23 available immediately. Si 30 ■ responsible only for the OLDS CUTLASS 1971 - 350 VW 1972. Baia Super Beetle MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE - ATTENTION $133 / month. All utilities - with me for 353-8072 anytime after 5pm. summer. Call Marina blue, radio, 23,000 miles. New low rates. FIEDLER MODELS FOR photography. Call engine, automatic transmission. furnished except electricity and ■ first day's incorrect 5-5-17 Power brakes, steering, factory Great shapel 355-3013. 2-5-17 INSURANCE. Phone 676-2449 ARTS & LETTERS between 10am and 6pm phone. Call 882-4176 Monday - [insertion. air. 349-1409, after 6 pm. 5-5-23 0-1-5-17 489-1215. OR-5-31 Friday, 1:30 • 5:30pm. 10-5-28 LEASING SUMMER VW 1972 Camper, fully equipped, or fall, flue 7 days trom OLDS F.85 1964. Runs rust proofed new brakes, shocks, HONDA 1971 CL 450 and 1972 MAJORS HOUSEKEEPER - FOR motherless GRAD, UPPER class male. Share furr ;hed show 2 bedroom with good $200 home. Live Also 2 rooms and bath. muffler. Evenings 394-1939. - in, comfortable two bedroom apartment. Own or best offer. 351-6605. CL350. $450, $800. 663-5131. Both private parking, reduced 3-5-20 2-5-17 home. School age children. room. 351-4546. SP-5-5-20 5-5-23 summer Petitions for student 625-3434. 5-5-22 rent. 1214 East VW 1969. Excellent condition. Kalamazoo. 3-5-20 OLDS F-85 1970. 6 k, $750. 1973 SUZUKI 500 with accessories positions on University 1 MAN for 2 man furnished. 216 $1050. Call 332-2910, after 6 level and PIZZA DELIVERY nights, part Days 353-4688. Evenings 2.500 miles. Must sell. College level Beal. 332-0011. Call 5-8, Phil. p.m. 5-5-22 time. Must own good running, Summer. 5-5-20 337-0718. X-5-5-23 651 5194. 6-5-24 committees will be accepted insured car. Hourly rates and VW BUS 1967 - mechanically Monday, May 13th, thru mileage paid nightly. Apply after PLYMOUTH FURY 1969. Body, SUBLEASE ONE bedroom Auto Service Wednesday, May 29th motor excellent. $700 or best excellent. rubber, Body very good. Good carpeted, 484-7871. / 4:30 pm, 203 M.A.C. 351-8870. 2-5-17 apartment for summer. Air, offer. John, 332-8623, 8 5. close. $150. 332-1819.5-5-20 JIICK 1957 i. Second - 60,000 actual 3-5-20 5-5-20 Petitions are available owner, interior at your departmental WOMEN TO work in a graphics art MASON BODY SHOP - 812 East SUMMER SUBLEASE, two ■ likinew. $250. 371-2400. After ■6pm,351-1632. 5-5-22 PLYMOUTH FURY II 1969. Motorcycles <3*5 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. office. For information desirable but not bedroom apartment. Carpeted, 4/door, automatic, power Complete auto painting and call 355 0368. - a necessity, furnished, air, pool reasonable. collision service will train. Day and night Call 332-6785. 3-5-21 steering and brakes, radio, 16 485-0256. PMGER 1970, 1971 HONDA 450. Low mileage, C-5-31 positions available. Call Mr. Nils, 318, 41,000 mpg $669. 882-6083.3-5-20 349-2320. 5-5-22 ■ milts. Body, engine mint condition, $700. Call X-RAY TECHNICIANS SUMMER SUBLET, one bedroom, good. Call THEY WENT ■ 351-0629 after 8pm. 3-5-17 355-8970.5 5-17 FAMOUS LUCAS Square 8 Fog Two furnished, air, close, $350/term. PONTIAC part time RT X-RAY 1970, T-37 many and SECRETARY, MUST be THAT A WAY.. .TO Driving lamps. Regular technicians needed. Night shift and 351-8539. 3-5-21 extras, excellent condition. $32.50 NOW' $23.50/each. experienced part time for ■EVY VAN 1973 AM/FM $900. Can be seen at Seven 1972, OSSA 250 - trials bike. afternoon shift, and weekends. COLLINGWOOD ARTS!! CHEQUERED FLAG, 2605 East summer. Will continue through FEMALE ■cassette Ziebart $3,000/best Good condition. $600 Apply Sparrow Hospital Personnel. NEEDED to share Trails east. Okemos. 349 3859 fall and winter. MSU student "-fir.489-3489 5-5-17 negotiable. 372-3186. 3-5-17 Kalamazoo, one mile west of 5-5-17 apartment. $100 / month plus after 6pm. 5-5-22 preferred. Contact Mr. Rajendra campus. 487-5055. C-10-5-24 electricity, and phone. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS: are 353-5459 afternoons. B-1-5-17 *air conditioned HONDA 1972 CL175, 2 helmets, Furnished, except own room. SERVING EAST LANSING you hard working? Do you like ^dishwasher $480. Call between 5-7pm, VOLKSWAGEN / FOREIGN car Swimming pool, one mile from 332-0432. 3-5-17 repair. Mechanical and body. to dial? If you are ready to make WORK - STUDY student during campus. Deposit. 484-3379. *shag carpeting money, call 694-3952. Wage, summer for laboratory help. ♦unlimited parking IU-HAUL -ur" Buy, sell and trade. IMPORT 3-5-21 bonus and commissions. Contact Mr. Rajendra, 353-5459 ♦Plush furniture 1969 TRIUMPH 500, 1971 Honda AUTO PARTS AND REPAIR. CL-175 both good condition, Experience preferred, will train. afternoons. B-1-5-17 WANTED, ONE ♦Model Open Daily 485-2047. 0-2-5-20 or two girls. CARROUSEL IMPROVE¬ best offer. 351-5377. 3-5-20 Twyckingham Apartments. $80 AND MENTS. 5-5-17 DRAFTSMAN - PART time J REPAIR AUTO SERVICE or $60. 351-9108, after 5 pm. call 351-8282 HARLEY PANHEAD Chopper. evenings, Saturdays. Owr 5-5-23 CENTER - 5311 South COUPLE NEEDED Extra clean, asking $2,100. Tom transportation. One year table thrifty rent-a-car Nielsen, 489 1011. 5-5-22 Pennsylvania. Phone 882-8742. Rent and do a basic stall for $4/hour parents women for 6 mildly retarded in Community Mental experience. 349-1074. X-3-5-21 SUBLET SUMMER 2-man large close / air / reasonable. Call (behind Zody's on the river!) - your own repairs! All Health Home. Exciting and HARLEY DAVIDSON 1967 2 WOMEN exciting summer camp tools, equipment and technical 332-5829. 3-5-20 2515 E. MICHIGAN AVE. Sprint. 250cc. Rubber mounted, assistance free with stall. Open rewarding work. Room, board, jobs. June 12 - August 17. road /trail. 485-0179. 2-5-17 salary, garden. Call Irma Imprint machine (we train); 10am 10pm. 6-5-24 - Zuckerberg, 487-6500 or 484-9426 W.S.I, required; Counseling, □□□□□ □□QEQ HARLEY DAVIDSON 1967 Sprint SS. Many new parts, new paint. VW - GUARANTEED REPAIR. .JZMTOJtMO typing; driving; interview. 646-6709. X-4-5-22 call for CROSSWORD [?]□□□□□ aranan BABYSITTER FOR infant twins On or off road. Must see to RANDY'S MOBIL, Okemos year round. Must be dependable. PUZZLE □□□□□a saam appreciate. Asking $450. Road and 1-96. 349-9620. 353-0958. 10-5-28 2 WOMEN exciting summer camp ACROSS ampus Hill 372-6775. 5-5-23 C-5-31 jobs. June 12 - August 17. GO GO DANCERS. Full or part Imprint machine (we train); 1. Comeback 26. Adjutant stork time. No experience necessary. W.S.I, 7. Hickory nut 30. Spied required; Counseling, 12. Line Ctopciungfjam Call 10am - 6 pm. 372-7086. typing; on a 32. Tryout driving; call for 5-5-20 . 676-6709. 4-5-17 weathermap 33 Blue gross 13 Immoral 34. By birth Now leasing for Fall NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER mark spitz. 14. One of the 15. 16. Pleiades Appropriate 35 Shirr 38 Armpit 40 French article iseiflil aaaau aasasa Special Summer Rates AND FALL eat your Myself 17. Soar 41 Rock rabbit 43. Gimcrack soi PUZZLE 5 Criticize 19 Break bread 47 Fanon 6 Nonkosher 20 Prior to 48. Creepier kropus Hill Apartments, are carpeted and furnished * Luxury apartments completely furnished with distinctive heart out 22. Conger 49 Recorded 7. Big name in golf j wi,h9arbage 1 distinctive, comfortable furniture. Each unit has Spanish Mediterranean furniture and shag carpeting ™ of sweating over end oj the month utility bills' 24. Skating area 50 Sudden floods 8. Eternity reposal, central heating and air Well, Spend this simmer poolside T-1 * 9 Wind sock throughout. developing your medal winning 2 5 6 7 6 9 ,o r" auditioning, i 10. Bewildered and dishwasher. These 4 man units have form, and leave the utility hassles to us up t° 4 ♦Each unit has diswasher, garbage disposal, central air (Mark Spit: should have it 13 11. Ensuing parking spaces per unit and include th» use of so good) 18 Graphite ' 9iant conditioning, and heating. swimming pool and recreation room, BURCHAM WOODS N 20. Sea bird oughout the academic year there will be free bus * 3 parking spaces per unit. 21. Cruise port Besides a heated pool, you'll enjoy many other 16 i7~ '8 23. Buddhist pillar fuNUP°rtat' 0n t0 an<* *rom time Resident camPur We Manager for If #,s0 h8ve 8 you want to be * Heated pool and private balconies ♦ features for a complete summer living experience. 1 21 W 25. 26 Calfskin Repast J^ng'ALthe12firstmonth residents of Campus Hill call today. rates available Roommate service Two Bedroom Units start at: ♦ ♦ Heated Pool Ample Parking Air Cond. * Laundry Facilities * Nicely Furnished 2M- 25 126 i% 7 TT 28 ** 27. 28. Advantage Simple sugar Kovided FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL 349 29 Shoshonean W 3l 3T 1 '3530. >si*/ mo per man - Summer NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER w, 31 Inveigled Efficiency One Bedroom Two Bedroom - 35. Fired w 5T- 70«/ mo per man - Fall $140 ~ $1*9 mo. $169 Z , % YZ 3. 36. Mexican *64°°/ Special 12 mo. rate -Includes Utilities- mmm ■ wrnwm. ^GEMtNT EXCLUSIVELY BY: mo per man - FALL RATES (12 One mo. leas.) % 43 Ml M5 37. Shawl 39 Sweetsop STATE MANAGEMENT CO.,INC. Tmi Efficiency Bedroom 40. Italian money Call 351-7166 Bedroom W~ — 42 Brew 351 1310 ■ managed by $154 z. $184 Z. $234 ™ -Includes Utilities 5c~ I 44 Twilled cloth 241t. SAGINA WHWY SUITE 41I 45. Southern 22 All Stale Management Co., to. __ _ EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48823 745 Burcham Dr. general 351-3118 or 484-4014 46. Bitter vetch 16 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan ^y. May I, Apartments Houses Hums For Sale Apartments W\ MILFORD STREET - 126. NEED GIRL to share apartment SUMMER SUBLEASE - 1 FURNISHED FOUR man duplex. NEW DUPLEX. Ordinance Favors ROOMS FOR summer and fall. GUNS, RIFLES, and handguns of Summer rentals, reduced rates. 2 fall. Cedar Green. 332-1393 GEMEINHARDT FLUTE bedroom, furnished air Sublease summer. Inexpensive, families; brothers I sisters, Cooking, parking, laundry, TV all kinds. Buy, trade and sell ■ and 3 man. 2 blocks from 4-6pm. 3-5-20 conditioning. 144 Stoddard close. 355-2048, 355-1567. relateds. Three to seven room. Very close to campus. BEST year 'round prices in hole, eleven months old °t!L' I campus. Deluxe, furnished, air CEDAR GREEN sublease Street. 332-3452. 5-5-20 SP5-5-17 bedrooms. 332-1946. 3-5-17 Phone 332-5722 Monday - Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN Call 355-5549. SP5.5-17 3,0 ■ conditoned. 351-2647, summer. Friday, 9:30 11 am. 0-5-31 SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. Call 484-8494, 489-1656. OR-5-31 2/person. Furnished, air, pool. SUBLEASE SUMMER. 2 man, RENTERS MUST SACRIFICE Un Want an THREE BEDROOM duplex. 371 2244. OR-5-31 " 332-1393 4-6pm. 3-5-20 Waters-River's furnished, air, close to 351-3693. SP-5-5-20 campus. ALTERNATIVE expenses and hassles? Call Bob to renting Furnished, close, Summer and fall. carpeted. 332-1946. MEN - ROOMS, board, fall term. Price comparable to dorms. hawall mm rati turntable, Sylvania cr^I LOVELY FURNISHED efficiency, Here to serve you with the Hull, Monday, Wednesday, or 3-5-17 Better food, quiet, friendly, Edge Apts. 915 Lilac. Available June. $125- $135 plus electricity. MARIGOLD APARTMENTS Friday 9 am - 1 pm at East excellent location. Call largest Michigan. selection In 372-6852, FREE ROOMMATE 349-3604. 0-5-5-22 'JUST A FEW LEFT' Lansing Realty. 332-3534. SUMMER: SHARE house with two Farmhouse. 332 8635. 13-5-31 Brook field Plan 1331 E. Grand River 6-5-17 men, own room, $68. 337-7133. SERVICE Summer SUMMER RATE $140 5-5-21 SERIOUS FEMALE student to Downtown MEN'S 26" 3 speed tic I LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom 223 S. Washington ONE TO Share house this 351-8776 after 5. 3-5-17 ■ 332-4432 apartment. 121 Beal. Available 911 Marigold, East Lansing. (June 11. Big yard, garden, own umnwr 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, $210 / share furnished home with same. Good Nutrition IS Prevention Large 1 bedroom, furnished 3 miles from campus. Must be June 15. 372-6852. 349-3604. apartment. Carpeting, air month. Summer SMITH ~ ON CAMPUS. 217 Bogue. Large 2 room. $55. 332-5445. 3-5-20 near campus. neat, responsible. References GARAGE SALE I Saturday and CORn»- -| bedroom $215, 3 furni 2 girls, Available 0-5-5-22 conditioning, HEAT - no additional charge. Renting for summer and fall. For FURNISHED. 3 large bedrooms, Call 355-1549. 5-5-22 required. 489-3256 or 882-5394. Sunday. 325 Division. clothes, Bikes, etc. Corsair model MX7U mo-SOtO^o mo.auw^Q B memory Bo^'J caS I •- SUMMER SUBLEASE 1 16i° SUMMER house East $75. 349-2732. 3-5-17 _ June none 489-5922 or - appointment: 337 . 732a. near Michigan Avenue. June 15. 4-MAN ■ 351-59 1-5-17 351-8575. 5-5-20 bedroom, quiet, furnished, air. 351 -8545 Call 337-1846. 5-5-22 Lansing, $61.25 including SUMMER. LARGE room, $150. 351-2242 or 332-1403. utilities 351-3783. 5-5-22 completely furnished, kitchen 3-5-20 TWYCK INGHAM FOUR man. facilities, laundry, parking, close. ACCESSORIES, COMPLETE ON CAMPUS. 217 Bo-ue. Small 1 SUMMER SUBLET, 2-3 bedorom selection for audio, guitars and Nine month lease. Fall 353-2388 SUMMER SUBLET close, Phone 484-9774 or 332-5722. bedroom fur'iyffcO 135. Large 353-2379. 5-5-22 furnished, Lake Lansing cottage. own 0-10-5-31 band instruments with a full line 1 bedrc^fcV^rnished, $160. or $165. 339-8922. 3-5-20 room, fall option. 355-3666, sheet music department to serve Available June 16th. Phone 355 0038. 5-5-22 GIRL NEEDED for 4 person. ECONOMY DOUBLES for your every music need. 489-5922 or 351-8575. 5-5-20 FURNISHED, 3 bedroom house. SUMMER SUBLEASE 2 bedroom Sublease fall MARSHALL MUSIC, 245 Ann term only. Bailey area. Lease to family. June NEED 1-2, summer. Spacious summer. Furnished, kitchen, TV apartment furnished, good price, 351-8179. 5-5-22 Street. C-1-5-17 WOMAN FOR Cedar Village, 15. 1974 - August 31, 1975. duplex, large bedrooms, $69. lounge, near campus. Phone Grove Street. 355-4903. 4-5-22 4849774 332-5722. summer. Own room $50 1st References required. 337-2523. 337 1041. 2-5-17 or SOPHOMORES POOL TABLE, regulation 8'. Also month. $70 after. 355-2127. - UNIVERSITY 3-5-20 01O5-31 SPARROW NEAR - very large one GIRL NEEDED for mink coat, belted, size 12. Call Approved. One girl next year. own room in 4-5-22 bedroom unfurnished except house beginning June 1. $57.50 J. Tormey, at 373-7388. 5-5-23 Campus View. 355-7402. 3-5-20 THREE BEDROOM house: Own SUMMER. BEAUTIFUL rooms, stove and refrigerator. Utilities plus utilities and deposit, low prices, very near campus. AVAILABLE JUNE 7. Furnished paid. $130. Security deposit. room, $60 per month, garage, 332 4915. 2-5-17 BICYCLE, PEUGOT import. Small 355 - 8255 CONVENIENT TO campus, close to campus. Need one Phone 332-5722 or 4849774 studio apartment. 351-3064 372-2639. 5-5-17 shopping, transportation. 010-5-31 wheels, comfortable. Good after 6pm. 10-5-31 person. 484-8383. 3-5-20 Beautiful 1 bedroom, carpeted, HOUSE: SPARROW Hospital near. condition. $15. 332-2165. 2-5-20 SUMMER RENTALS new appliances, dishwasher, air STUDENTS OR working group. 5 or 6 people, $275/month. MATURE STUDENTS to share TRAVEL TRAILER. 1968 24' and heat, large lawns. No pets. Summer. 2, 3, 4 bedroom Deposit, 12-month lease, student family house near (FILLED FOR FALL) BICYCLES: ONE woman's 3-speed, contained, custom built $175. 125 North Hagadorn. houses; furnished and 351-5323. 10-5-30 sieeosH campus, fully furnished. Singles Phone 351-6339, after 5:15 pm. unfurnished. Neat and clean. one man's 3-speed, $25 each. 4. $2800. 676-1103, 676-2ffll"■ 355-2005 or 355-2006. 3-5-21 JUST A FEW or couples, available June 1 or 4-5-17 2-5-17 675-5279. 5-5-17 NEED ONE man, fall. $80/month. Good condition! 355-9148. fall. 351-3754. 3-5-20 SPACES LEFT Close, own room. 332-5656. 3-5-21 SUMMER SUBLEASE, bedroom, furnished, air, close, large 1 $200 month TWO GIRLS needed, September • SUB-LET SUMMER. 2 individual 3-5-20 NEED A place for summer? Try K-2 (THREEI skis. Makw binding. $100. 339-2164. ro'.„„ June at Water's Edge. Beautiful rooms in 4 bedroom house. 10-SPEED Schwinn Continental, cheap. 355-4949. 3-5-21 ELSWORTH HOUSE CO-OP. 482-7143. 5-5-23 26" frame, $65. 351-4510. apartment, excellent location. NEEDED, SERIOUS Student for Only $120, utilities included. 10 SPEED 1-5-17 - Hirondelle MantiliacJ SUMMER SUBLEASE: four $82.50. 351-2227. 5-5-22 luxurious house, fall only. Phone 332-3574. 3-5-21 21' frame. Simple* CEDAR LIBERAL ROOMMATE needed Yvonne. 337-0564. SP5-5-17 e persons, close, air, furnished, 16 FOOT Hertz fiber glass boat and center pull brakes. TouriJ reasonable, nice. 351-1852. VILLAGE SUMMER LEASE, 1 bedroom. summer - 4 man house. GIRLS - QUIET and trailer equipment $95. 339-21641 $125 / month. Sparrow Hospital LANSING CLOSE to LCC and 754 horse power 5-5-23 353-6059, after 6 p.m. X5-5-21 - conservative. Summer or fall. McCulloch electric Jfc5;20 - 1 start motor. . 315 BOGUE ST. 351-5180 near. 351-5323. 10-5-30 State buildings. First floor, Near campus. 332-5497. 5-5-23 Used SUMMER SUBLEASE, large 1 NEED 1-2 for spacious duplex $75. unfurnished, 2 bedrooms, 5 motor. only 50 hours on the $500 for all. 393-0583. GARAGE books, SALE Aniiq* bedroom, 2 blocks from campus, OFF MICHIGAN Avenue - near 720 ANN - Beautiful 3 bedroom may save $25/June rent. rooms and bath. Stove, SINGLES - SUMMER of Fall 5-5-20 miscellaneous. clothing. furnituJ, May 16 18 carpeted, furnished, air. Rent bus line, one bedroom. duplex, carpeted, pets. Call 337-1041. 1 5-17 basement, 1 garage space. $200, leases. 1 block from campus, !;<■ Newly 351-8426. 3-5-20 utilities paid. Deposit, no pets. Aisdorf. 3-5-17 reduced to $150. 332-1945, carpeted and decorated. Deposit $55 - $90 utilities included, SUBLET DUPLEX four 337-7628. 5-5-20 WHAT A deal! 29 gallon aquarium, after 5. 1-5-17 and references. 627-9387 after 4 - r 4pm. 2-5-20 DYNA TAT4 Pre AMP - NEED THREE men for fall in bedroom, reduced rates! Option complete with stand, plants, and other sound p.m. 5-5-20 Cedar fall. Call 351-0310. 5-5-23 NEED TWO females for 4 female filter, and large tropical fish. gear. 88 2 0 7251 ACROSS FROM Mason Abbott. Village. 351-9567. after 6 SINGLE ROOMS, kitchen 5-5-23 pm or leave number. 3-5-20 house near MSU. Big yard, $80. 394-0457. 3-5-17 Four man. 2 bedroom, air, SUMMER SUBLEASE: Two man prwleges, block from campus. furnished, $200. 332-2486, ••••••••••••••a SUBLEASE SUMMER - 2 ample parking, bus. $75. Summer only! 651-5542, or Ron USED FURNITURE bought m, apartment, completely CANON MOVIE Camera, Super - 8. bedrooms, 4 women, porch, Available June 1 and June 15. Carpenter 372-6770. 105-28 sold. 351-3906. 50 bucks man is furnished. Close to campus. Call FRESHMAN TREASURE CHEST, llfl hard to beat. 4-5-17 351-3618. 5-5-20 J negotiable. Close. 355-1994 694-1514. X-5-5-17 model 814. Brand new, best offer. 694-1563. 3-5-17 North Main, Perry. 625-318M WOMEN!! • 3-5-17 ROOMS BOGUE Street $175/term. 10 5-31 ONE BLOCK east of MSU. TWO WOMEN, own rooms, $60 - No SUMMER SUBLEASE 2-3 person kitchen, summer / fall. You can live off • SUMMER SUBLEASE. New summer. $70 - fall. 351-9302 MCINTOSH 2100 POWER apartment, pool close to Beautiful 1 bedroom, 351-4280. 3-5-17 furnished. 5 bedroom duplex. after 6 p.m. 5-5-17 amplifier, excellent condition. campus. 731 332-0555 after 5. 5-5-23 Burcham. unfurnished. Carpeting, conditioning, laundry, parking. air campus next year * $375. Close. 351 3784. 5-5-22 SHARE TWO bedroom house, two Justin, 351-7240 after 2pm. Call 332-1703. 3-5-17 NO PROBLEMS!! • SUMMER SUBLET - room for 3 - 3-5-17 • blocks from Union, $100. THREE BEDROOM summer 6 people. Spacious and close. TWO GIRLS for Americana next Campus View Apt's has 4, 5, 9 332-6802. SP-5-5-17 STUDENT DUPLEX, 595 Spartan. and 6 Women Apartments for cottage on Lake Michigan near 337 1265. 5-5-17 year. $83/month. Diane, 0 next year's Sophomores Warren Dunes Park. June 1 • *&£ 353-1223. 5-5-20 2 bedrooms, furnished, 9 FURNISHED ROOM Okemos Wld/A NEAR LAINGSBURG - 15 miles - comfortable, private, off street July 15. $125/week. $400 - CALL 332-6246 * northeast. area. Summer and fall term. 711 EAST APARTMENTS month. Call 332-0606. 5-5-21 Large 4 bedroom parking, pool privileges, 2, 3, or house, 1 acre. Unfurnished, Kitchen privileges. Older woman 711 Burcham Road. Large 1 4. Summer $180. Phone UNIVERSITY • Student preferred. $75/month. SUMMER SUBLEASE, large 5 $200 per month. Available now. bedroom furnished apartment. 484-4014. 3-5-17 APPROVED HOUSING* 351 7497. OR.5-3A 349-2723 after 6pm. 5-5-21 Suitable for 2 or 3 persons. ••••••••••••••• bedroom home, $260. Haslett, Carpeting, air off Hagadorn. 332-2409. 5-5-21 CoO/U-WM.w conditioning, ONE GIRL for 4 man summer. SUMMER heat included. SUBLEASE, one 11: L. w. ao^ourd f Manonamant Visit Office A-IS All State Management j ,g p m ofice RUMMAGE SALEI 10'x50\ $2,500 or Monday at 862 Northgate Drive The Psychology Club presents with Rich Hoehlein or that the edited transcripts of Thursday $155/month. Both one mile FINAL'S WEEK is no time to run and 915 Rosewood Ave. Proceeds through Saturday. Melrose Arnold Werner from the Doctor's the President's Watergate # Out of print searches Trailer Park, Laingsburg, Just off from campus. Call after 4pm for out of energy. Check out your used for Junior League projects in Lansing area. community Bag at 4 p.m. Monday in 102B conversations had omitted the vitamin supply now so If lit Editions and Americ*n» M-78 on Colby Lake Road. appointment, BL-3-5-17 489-4293 start getting in shape. If you're you can Wells Hall. Topic is "Sexual "It's What's Happening" are read discussion of actions against |»0v« 25,000 Book! in Stock Clothes, bikes, houseware, much mora. 2-5-17 out or short, come in and see us, Women Liberation: Women's Center needs staffers for The Dysfunction in Men and Women College Students." Slides along daily oil WMSN (640 AM) campus the Post and attorney Edward MARLETrE 1969. 12' x 63'72 GULLIVER STATE DRUG, the summer. Call the center before with lecture. All students and Bennett Williams, who then bedrooms, air 1105 East Grand the faculty welcome. No admission. Mayo Hall is having an outdoor worked for the Democratic conditioned, River, end of the term. We need IUE-FRI 1-6,7-9 YARD SALEI Maytag wringer completely carpeted. Many 332-5171.0-2-5-20 books, articles, furniture and flea market from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. National Committee in its washer - $25. Bike, dishes, extras! 393-8452. 3-5-17 women with energy at MSU Paddleball Club : Saturday by Mayo Hall fountain. the center. its first annual AH - University litigation over the Watergate SAT 12-5 parrot / cage ($5 or best offer). Books, etc. 641-4143, 13031 1971 Peanuts Personal j Please call if you have offer. Auto mechanics for women anything to Paddleball Tournament from 9 to The MSU Tolkien Fellowship break - in. DETROITER - 12x60, 3 11 p.m. on May 21 to 23 at the will commit total mayhem, lechery, 124% W. Grand River Center Raid, Bath. Saturday or learning about your body and A full transcript of the Sept. bedrooms, skirted, partially Men's Intramural Building. Sign up flagellation and washer - stuffing and Sunday only, starting 9 am. health problems - if you are 15 tape, prepared furnished. 10x8 shed. Excellent CINDY MAY your career in vet at the Men's IM or call Ray Bayer (maybe even discussions) at 8 by the UPSTAIRS / 2-5-17 condition, $4,900. Phone med be successful - Your Tri - Interested in neither of these topics call between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. by Sunday. tonight in North Hubbard Hall. panel's staff, disclosed that 625-7269. 5-5-22 Delt Sisters. 1-5-17 Nixon supported attempts to Monday through Thursday and TERRARIUM BOTTLES - $6.95, The faculty and parents of The MSU Science Fiction frustrate the renewal of the ■WO PIECE actional sofa, good OWOSSO Friday or Saturday afternoons at Saturday May 18, 10-6. 1617 - AIR conditioned, fully CINDY BONNE Anniversaire. Spartan Nursery School will host an Society will meet at 6:30 p.m. fcondition, speckled beige. Call East Kalamazoo. 2-5-17 carpeted, 2 bedrooms. Indirect t'aime plus Qu'hier Mais Moins Je , open house from 2 to 4 p.m. tonight in the Oak Room on the federal licenses for the Post's broadcast stations, and also to | 332-0613.3-5-21 lighting, washer I dryer, partially Que Demain Jim. 1-5-17 Sunday at the Spartan Nursery second discuss floor of the and/or ridicule various Union to tie up Williams for weeks REFRIGERATOR, HOTPOINT 5', furnished, 54 mile from MSU. Union Activities Board: Old Junior league Garage Sal*! good condition, $50 or best Available now! Below appraised TO OUR special seniors May Time Movies: "King in New York" concepts of the eschatology of through FBI questioning. I Saturday May 18. 9am - 6pm. offer. 351-1672. 2-5-17 price - $3595 or best offer. Must your "lantern" shine - at 2, 7 and 9:30 p.m. Sunday in the AS MSU Board will meet at 7 According to the 1 long and p.m. Sunday in 328 Student 4762 Arapaho, Okamos. be seen to be appreciated! bright Congrats Tri-Delt Union Ballroom. Bizarre Films: Services Bldg. "Throne of Blood," the Japanese committee's full transcript, 1 Furniture, collectable, etc. No CLARICON STEREO amplifier, 393-0506 weekdays, after 5 pm, - sisters. 1-5-17 • your "The Absent Minded Professor" at - version of Macbeth, shows at 7:30 Nixon said of Williams, "We I clothing. 1-5-17 $35. Magnavox changer, $20. anytime weekends. 5-5-22 6 and 9:30 and "Dumbo" at 7:45 Hey people! Gay Pride Week and 9:30 tonight in 109 Anthony and 11:15 tonight. "Dumbo" 11 Hall. Sponsored by Asian Studies are going to fix that son of a Kalamazoo Base, $50. 372-9795. DORCAS, WELCOME to the "21" approacheth. Lots planned, lots I Junior league Garage Salel 3-5-20 VAGABOND 10x50, one bedroom, club. Nancy Jo, Jena, Sandy. a.m., Feature: "Shaggy Dog" 1 "Absent p.m.. Double • Minded more to do. Meet with Gay Center. Petititions for the Off - bitch. Believe to. me. We We've got to, because he's a are going Monday, May 20, 9 am - 6 pm. furnished, skirted, shed. Close to 1-5-17 Professor" and "Son of Flubber" at Liberation at 3 p.m. Sunday, Union Campus Council election to be held bad man." I 862 Northgate, East Lansing. BIKE AND camera campus, excellent condition. 3 p.m. Saturday. All movies are Tower Room to plan the festivities. May 28. new Huffy may be picked up in 334 I chip 'n' Dale mirror, baby - J.E.F. THANKS for all the shown in the Union ballroom. Sell Student Williams, later in 1972, lost girl's 26" 3-speed. Yeshica $2,700. 351-0759.3-5-20 great Services Bldg. and are due I times. I'll A 42 hour single man May 31. furniture, etc. No clothing. Electro 35 mm with case. never forget. Happy or buy home made wares at the continuous basketball bounce will one of his most lucrative 1973 academy 14'x64' shed, Birthday! D.E.R. 1-5-17 Spring Flea Market from 1 to 5 Hillel this weekend: accounts, the Teamsters Union, 371-4068. 5-5-22 begin at 11 p.m. Thursday in front Shabbas skirted will sell furnished or p.m. Saturday in the side yard of of the Student Book Store, begins with 6:30 p.m. creative to a law firm that now includes [ the Union. [I (jmior league Garage Salel Monday, May 20th. 9am - 6pm. GILSON ELECTRIC cherry red. Model 335, $425. guitar - unfurnished, in trailer park. 694 9208. 7-5-20 MM* Ifiift] Free U: Soiree Francaise is at sponsored by Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. A canister drive will also be conducted; benefits go to the service tonight; then dinner, zemirot, etc. It continues at 10 a.m. Saturday morning. Deli this week former White House aide Charles W. Colson. His clients 915 Rosewood, East Lansing. 351-8072, evenings. 3-5-20 1967 incl le Nixon's former WINDSOR MOBILE Home 7:30 tonight. Male consciousness features film now I Yard equipment, silverware, 12 ' x 60' Newly IMMACULATE - 2 bedroom raising is at 8:30 tonight in 31 Michigan Heart Fund. recent a new on the most furnished, century of Jewish life in treasury secretary, John B. c. No clothing. 1-5-17 LARGE ranch. Newly carpeted, 1 car Union. Yoga will be at 7 a.m. Russia ("L'Chaim") plus the usual COUCH; 2 armchairs; $6500, expando 8' MSU faculty will play x 15'. Will garage, aluminum siding. This Monday through Friday in 36C media personalities in a benefit local good eats at 6 p.m. Connally, over allegations matching hassock; marble sell on contract. 393-1614. JoOKS ■ OLD - RARE - commode. lovely home would make an Union and from 9 to 11 a.m. basketball game, at 9:30 tonight in against Connally in the milk Cheap. 337-0343. 6-5-17 T Hundreds! From professors 3-5-20 excellent residency or income Saturday and 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday. the arena of the Men's Intramural The Student Council for fund case. I Estate Monday • May 20. 915 FOR SALE 1969 property. Owner anxious, Bldg., sponsored by Sigma Alpha Exceptional Children will have Williams was not available Richardson Art MacF.won, Harvard Mu. elections for 1974 - 75 officers at 7 1 Rosewood, East Lansing. BLACK mobile home. 694-9644 after leaving the state. Only $15,500. All proceeds will go to the for comment on the matter. I 9am-6pm. 1-5-17 DOCT^-- l robe and mortar tSOy *30 6 Call Bill Heil 482-8683 or economist, will lecture on Michigan Heart fund. p.m. Thursday. If you plan on The committee's transcript complete. pm. 10-5-22 "Incentive, Kquality and Power in running or would like information, 353-1670.3-5-17 ALEXANDER REALTY call the special education shows that Nixon said, "They Revolutionary Cuba" at 3 p.m. The Company will hold its ofBoe stop IaDY'S 18k diamond ring, 3 BEDROOMS, close $2995. Shed, COMPANY 489-6523. 3-5-17 Monday in 38 Union and "Energy in at 351 Erickson Hall. T appraised at $400. Best offer. annual picnic at 11:15 p.m. Sunday (the Post) have a television AIR STREAM fenced - in yard, Crisis and Capitalist Crises" at 8:30 at McDonel Hall. We will be holding 23'; excellent dog pen. DIRECTLY BY station and they're going to owner, 3 small ... 1 489-1706 after 6. 6-5-23 condition. Call after 5pm. 351-9102. 5-5-21 a.m. Tuesday in 101 N. Kedzie elections for technical director and Episcopal students, faculty and bedroom ranch on 4 acre lot. 10 Hall. staff: The folk setting for the have to get it renewed." 349-1408. 3-5-17 promotions director. miles from campus. 2 Eucharist "Glory Hallelu" will be Within months, challenges bOLEX 150 Super 8 movie camera, car garage, | zoom, used I 489-5146 evenings. 1-5-17 twice, $75. PANASONIC AM/FM TURNTABLE and radio. Very good Lost & Fund ]gj new $34,000, carpeting, call curtains, after etc. 5pm. ("^gJefvjcTg Campus Gold will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday in the Union sunporch. We sung at the regular Eucharist in Alumni Chapel (east of Kresge Art Center) at 5 p.m. on Sunday. Join were filed against the renewal of licenses for Post - Newsweek 349-4153. SP-4-5-30 will be discussing the backpack trip conditon. $80 351-5228. 3-5-17 and plans for fall term. us to do Eucharist. station WJXT - TV in FIND SOMETHING Jacksonville, Fla., and WPLG - JOHNSON FURNITURE IF YOU'VE found of a pet or article Recreation We invite you to attend a The Stables and Pop TV in Miami. They are still value, we want to help you Entertainment present Conception. COMPANY, SPRING return it. performance of Moliere's classic pending with the Federal Just come into the State Pine Ridge, C.J.Z.Z. and Terry Tate CLEARANCE PURPLE VICKI - Fast, accurate, farce, "The Imaginery Invalid," this ON floor News Classified Department and 15" Blues Band at 6 p.m. Sunday at the Communications Commission. CLIPPERCRAFT fiberglass weekend at McDonel Hall kiva. A samples, discontinued styles and inexpensive typing. Very near tell us you want to place an ad in skiboat, 45 horse power engine, wonderful effect upon the bowels. Stables. Benefit for Michigan Among the challengers in fabrics. Some items campus. 337-7260. 10-5-24 Marijuana Initiative. slightly EAST LANSING STATE BANK'S $1200. 484 5055. 5-?-17 the Jacksonville case was 10 - SPEEDS damaged but afl are reduced in found column. As a public service The Dept. of Philsophy is price for big savings. Furniture ANN BROWN typing and multilith Sailplane rides on weekends, George Champion Jr., Florida EAST LANSING STATE BANK sponsoring a colloquium at 8 finance chairman of the Nixon I HSt VAIHS. (NECK W NT offset printing. Complete service weather permitting. Use our car »<► HdaaMy -suited for your cottage, rec - room, or rental property. will run the ad at EAST LANSING no cost to you! DEADLINE for dissertations. theses, tonight in 312 Agriculture Hall. Professor Ronald Suter, associate pool to and from airport, for details re - election campaign in 1972. manuscripts, general typing. IBM call MSU Soaring Club - Carl * The Miami challenge was filed Chairs, sofas for Union Activities professor of philosophy, will Wagle cipedq and dinette STATE BANK or Dave Pope after 5 24 years experience. 349-0850. address the colloquium on the p.m. by former Democratic Sen. - chairs, odd dinging tables and C-5-31 C-5-31 topic: "A Dissolution of the Dream buffets, also some bedding. One Board's round-trip MSU Simulations Society will George Smathers, a Doner. fl mixed match set of King - sized - bedding at $249.50. 15 LOST: IN University Village area - Detroit to THESES, RESUMES, typing and Argument for Scepticism." The public is cordially invited. meet from 1 to 8 p.m. 30 Union. Everyone interested in Sunday in conservative who introduced Nixon to the President's now mverfywnst.l^ white long - haired cat. Reward printing. Reasonable prices. Conflict simulations is invited. - MONTHS WITH NO INTEREST The Russian and Hast European close offered! 355-6034. 5-5-22 friend, C.G. "Bebe" [ANTIQUES & UNIQUES. Buy and OR CARRYING CHARGES. Frankfort flight COME RCIAL PRINTING. Studies Program will show the last Rebozo. I. 220 Albert Street, under 351-4116. C-5-31 film in its East European Film MENSA qualification testing at I JOHNSON FURNITURE LOST: FEMALE Siamese cat with | Lums. C-5-31 Festival at 7:30 tonight and at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Union Oak COMPANY, 1121 South tip of one ear missing. June 20-August 15 Room. Roy Sayer has more 0 20 inch bovs bikes. Good Washington Avenue, Lansing. Disappeared Sunday May 5th, TYPING - electric machine. Fast accurate, experienced. Please call p.m. Saturday in B102 Wells Hall. "Ashes and Dismonds" is a information. Picnic and fun at I Film scheduled iition starters. $25 482-0771. 5-5-21 from Gunson Street, East is FRIDAY, MAY 24. 372-4746. 12-5-31 masterpiece of the Polish Film p.m. Sunday at Francis Park in the Lansing. Call 332-8411. 5-5-17 Renaissance and will be shown in Lansing. Meet under the pavilion. to aid s 351-3346 before m. 5-5-17 SUEDE JACKET - excellent FOUND: CALICO Cat, tailless, 6 Limited seats S and T typing service. Experienced black subtitles. and white with English Call Lois Syer on Hein Avenue for information. Africans conditon. Size 10, $30. IKING SIZE waterbad, frame, llnar, 337-9927, ask Jeanie. 3-5-17 months old, near Goodrich available at typists, fast and efficient, 554 "Security deposits: how to get There will be a benefit film miscellaneous per page, double The World Family will present 1 and Shoprite / Trowbridge. heater. $60. 351-6095 the movie "When Comedy is King" yours back" is now available at showing at the Peoples Center, I evenings. 5-5-21 SONY SOD • 2020 4 channel, full logic SO decoder control center, 337-1598. C-3-5-17 *264 spaced, thesis slightly extra. Call 393-3482 or 351-1728. 5-5-21 at 8, 10 and 12 tonight in 105 S. Kedzie Hall. the Paper Eater and Paramount News in East Lansing and the Co - 2011 E. Michigan Ave., at 8 p.m. tonight, to raise money ■FREE LARGE desk. Sofe and Tandberg 604ix stereo tape call 353 - 9777 op Store in Lansing. Learn what for the African Famine Relief 1 chair, deck. Concord MTC-12 closed COMPLETE THESES - Service, Students are needed to run for you must do under the state laws caramel Naugahyde, $75. For information. Discount printing, IBM typing before you move out. .or call the fund. I Excellent conditon. 337-0640. circuit TV camera. Excellent Democratic precinct delegate. The Tenants Resource Center between 1 . condition! Call FOUND: and binding of theses, resumes, deadline for filing a petition is May The film being shown is 394-2826 5/14, YORKSHIRE EUROPE SUMMER Flights. From and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. publications. Across from 28. If interested or for more "Sahel: Border of Hell," evenings. 3-5-17 terrier, female. Bogue - Grend $259. Advanced booking only, information call Claude Hersh or River 355*395. C-3-5-21 campus corner M.A.C. and Admission is 50 cents. JOSPEED 1 biM, Raleigh area. youth fares, rail passes. Grand River. Below Jones Maria Simpson. Havdalah, service a short IS - minute mark the end of the The money collected by the CompetegQ\,0 I 5 months, FOUND: KANE Dead Reckoning Guaranteed scheduled airlines. TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON, Stationery Shop. Call Free Concert: The Old Fashion to Jewish week will be at 9:30 p.m. African Famine Relief fund 337-0164. 5-5-21 in F-Lot. COPYGRAPH SERVICES, Saturday in 567 N. Case Hall. computer Call 351-8800. 0-27-5-31 Idea will sing at 7:30 tonight in the will be used to aid people in 353-0507. C-3-5-21 337-1666. C-5-31 basement of Shaw Hall. Fellowship will follow. drought • stricken area> of [BEAUTIFUL GOWNS r worn. and dresses, Sizes 8-12. Ms V CROSSROADS EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Africa. Dissertations, (Pica - Elite). There will be an open house ^355-6138. 3-517 CYCLE FAYANN, 489-0358. C-5-31 from 9 to 11 p.m. Saturday at the administration with four officers of the Bank of Lansing. Election of 0I.F CLUBS, Haig ultra, used, 2 BLACK LABRADOR Retreiver. 210 ABBOTT RD Observatory. Weather the 24 - inch permitting, officers will also take place at 7:30 Environmentalist - Personal reflecting telescope i 9 irons, wedge, best offer. Male, 11 weeks old. $75. Phone 371-1906. 3-5-21 !/ EAST LANSING FORMER COLLEGE will be used for observing. Monday in Eppley Center Teak urges adjustment |M2-5667. X5-5-17 •15 Makes administrative secretary desires typing term papers, theses, The MSU Go Club will hold its I from around the world GX-365D, Marantz 1200 INTERESTED IN No-Frills Low manuscripts, etc. at my home. meeting at 8 tonight in 30 Union. CHICAGO ( a p) - I Sansui TU-7500 tuner, Dual Cost Jet Travel to Europe, The II *adult bicycles All devotees of this ancient oriental *10 - speeds Reasonable rates 332-2616. Environmentalist Barbara Ward |!2'8 turntable. Cheapl APPALOOSA - STALLIONS, Middle East, The Far East, i\l 'free repair classes 3-5-21 game are urged to attend. Movement, a democratic socialist says world oil supplies will be IJ5M944. X 5-5 21 mare, yearlings, foals. Also Africa, or Practically Anywhere? Human Ecology Students: There organization, at 8:30 p.m. Monday exhausted early in the 21st l0NS STEREO EDUCATIONAL FLIGHTS can 332-4081 EXPERIENCED TYPISTS. in the Union sunporch. floor model. ponies, burros, goats, sheep. M will be a questionnaire attached to century, and urges adjustment - help you find the least expensive • W, Frl., Sat., Okemos, IBM (Pica - Elite type). the May 15 Newspot concerning Above average 663-8874. 5-5-22 9:30-5:30 to alternate fuels. condition. Best way for getting where you want 37 3-6 7 26 student involvement in the college. The Society for Creative Thurs., 9:30 9:00 weekdays, or "We will have 25 years to | «»'<• 371-1243 6am-1pm. FREE KITTENS - 9 weeks old. to go. Phone us Toll - Free at Sun., 12-5 - 349-1 773 evenings and The Human Ecology Executive Anachronism will p.m. Saturday meet in the Tower Room at 8:30 make the adjustment." added (800) 223-5569. 25-5-17 Council would appreciate you Box trained. Call 337-2618, weekends. 0-2-5-20 Union. Other regular events BEFORE YOU fly, call us, College completing it and returning it to are Ward, who also is an author °NIC CASSETTE after 4 pm. 3-5-17 tentatively scheduled. player. Travel. 351-6010 for the Human Ecology Building as and economist. ■ 355-7357. ■ 5-5-22 $3°- C*" Ro>*e. MALE KITTENS box trained. - buff and white, Free. 332 8312 MONTY'S BAR Par-Mor . SP-5-5-17 [ Transportation ]{£,! Applications are now being taken BEAL FILM GROUP PRESENTS AND RESTAURANT i*8 microscope, many evenings. 3-5-17 golf courses NEED RIDE Fort Lauderdale - Mid for directors on Mariah staff. Pick up application in Mariah office I r°;,es' case' $6° °f bast Shrimp and Fish Illuminated Driving Range June. Share driving, second floor Union and SIR LAWRENCE OLIVIER I J7Ca" 484-0082 after 5pm. Mobile Homes Pitcher Night (M-W-S) 9 Hole Par 3 & Regulation 361-1852. 5-5-23 gas. them by 5 p.m. Wednesday. return (Very Special Sunday) Course. Tun,r- 12' Coaxial MAGNOLIA. 8' Luncheon special $1.50 Corner Park Lk. Rd. & E. M-78 ONE RIDER to San Francois an Students for Larrowe will hold open house, at 4:30 p.m. today IN 38', !4 mile - I Mu 'r!1' Garrsrd " Shure x ED"43? around May 31. 489-2157; at Larrowe for Congress I$20°- 365"9400' campus, excellent condition asking $1500. 337-0972. 5-5-17 Pool Table 484-3965. 3-5-21 headquarters, 3000 E. Kalamazoo St. All Larrowe supporters are SHAKESPEARES Pin Ball Machines welcome. STEREo - p"»"< FOR ONLY $2,995 you can own I» Othello great sound, phone our cozy 12'x50' mobile home. The American Composers 2359 E. Gd. Riyer, Okemos |*U70. 349-1479. SP-5-5-20 Must be moved. 645-0851. 645-8771.5-5-20 DOMINO'S TROWBRIDGE HORSES, WEDDINGS, Portraits, Passport, Application photos. STUDENT TEACHERS - Senior Concert is at 8:15 tonight in the Union Gold Room. Compositions CkA4!,0S"' "':to-7..7tape pictures now being taken for by American composers will be - Compare. LUKE announces the end of an era. your 1976 Wolverine in 36A performed by students and faculty. i %!„ °nwr Sx525 am/fm MARLETTE 12' x 60'. 2 Big Red, the world's largest PHOTOGRAPHY, 351-6690. Union. Call 351-5292 or stop by Presented by Phi Mu Alpha. All are I track f,C#IV,r Sony TC8W 8 bedrooms. Expando, carpeted, pizza oven, will be retired this C-5-31 9-1 and 2-6. 5-5-17 welcome. II "iikit ;?rd,r So"V 5 watt porch, shed. $7500. 882-3646. 5-5-20 spring. In honor, DOMINO'S FOR THE BEST service Up, ' 1°00 used 8 track offers a full week of $1.00 off on stereo The MSU Folksong Society will i equipment see the STEREO I <•%.« #aeh Polaroid AMERICAN 1973. Completely specials. Watch the State News STUDENT VOLUNTEERS wanted meet at 8:30 p.m. Sunday in 34 I "Action ~i t0 J50- Llr9e furnished, excellent condition. daily. 351-7100. 7-6-17 SHOPPE, 543 East Grand River. C-5-31 for research in hypnotic Union. Last meeting of the term. I NctaLlie'°vi* C8m,r" Includes steps, skirting, shed, susceptibility. Time Black Notes, the news I ^ ml Robvn CB *ets. and garbage disposal. $4600. RESPONSIBLE COUPLE available committment one 2 hour entertainment magazine of the air, |»lOca' t.1,ert0 ,v,tWT". Craig I ""o Bern,0 ,aP® d*c,B' J,n*n 663-4135 or 694-3797. 3-5-17 CO-OPS. DORMS, frets, Interested poribility' hosting 1-4 sisters. for house sitting beginning session. 351-6843. 2-5-17 If interested, call is presented at 9 p.m. every other Sunday on cable TV channel 21 summer. 332-1103, anytime. l*HC0y c MUCH M0RE- 1972 SCHULT - 12' x 60'. Central articulate Scholar • Journalist. 3-5-21^ EFFICIENCY OR 1 and repeated at 8 p.m. Monday on ■ store 4* s,ec°ndhand bedroom cable TV channel 11. If you don't ■ •ir, aklrted, shed, many extras. Serially two weeks during _ ^.<854391.0-5^1 Call 625-7198, after 5:45 or academic year. Phone Loran QUALIFIED LAWN and yard apartment, reasonably priced. Must be close to campus, allow have cable TV, watch Black Notes with a friend that does. Fessler 353-1680 3-5-21 maintenance. Call Landscape Paula, 361-6476. 2-5-17 rrCtESsf op,ic•, r,p,lr*' Services 482-7247. 5-5-17 pets. TONIGHT & SATURDAY BOARD EXAM TUTORING |0,»COUNTV,e,i • YORKSHIRE 1970. 12'X60' with 0PT,CAL Stanley H. Kaplan WANTED TO Rent - Unfurnished, I** ■ 2616 E»» . large 8 X22' expando Spanish 2 bedroom with washer, dryer, tie Tutoring Courses minimum 3 bedroom home in Senior Class Council is |^,J ,inB- 372-7409. down. White stone exterior Now being formed for the the Okemos High School accepting applications for the 1974 now upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, IRENE ORR district. One year leaaa • 75 council. Applications may be showtimes 7:00 & 9:45 aiding with matching skirting - THESES, tarm K!x^ectr,c"^7l.". and 8' XI2' Beaitlfully storage landscaped lot shed. ATGSB, GRE Board Exam*. For Information call 1-313-354-0086. papers, general typing. Formerly with Ann Brown. Call 482-7487. beginning July Hiflbaa. 353-3870 1. Call between 8-5. Mrs. picked up in 307 Student Services Bldg. Return forms before S p.m.. May 27, to 307 Student Services showplace 102 b wells admission $1.50 625-4852 after 6 p.m. X-6-5-23 0-2-5-20 C-5-31 6-534 18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 17 1974 Graduate assistant searches for respect By DENISE CRITTENDON of his almost ■ barren office. "I list The first day the ad Zupnick" buttons for the H. Officer, professor of graduate program, showed up unfairness of it all. can an infinity of but refused to take a button State News Staff Writer He is tired of the abuse, and abuses," appeared, it read, "Zupnick campaign. economics. "He is always MSU studci Zupnick grinned. from Zupnick, who presented a On the campaign's opening complaining and I feel that he inresi< Jan Zupnick is weary of the Thursday, he demanded his respect. "Coke bottles my are left all desk. My pens are stolen, over demnads respect," obviously a typographical error. day, Zupnick approached his is being forced to take .this large evelope of computer data Bjnny »» «• stay MSU's trust off - beat little pranks, the dogs to him evidence of his fine But it rained steadily during dogs enter my room, and my However, Zupnick isn't so empty office to find 24 coke action because he lacks as board ra allowed to wander in and out the noon hours when his one - door is always left open, even bottles lined across his desk. respect." disseratation work. "But I couldn't sure. even telik' eting- man campaign for homage was though 1 lock it at night." "I can't even buy respect. I Shortly, a small crowd had "Anyone who has the Mandelstamm, who Zupnick board froi gathered. A few were hecklers, referred to "the chief of launched and only a few Not only are his books don't know what demnads courage and audacity to pull as In other bu most were graduate assistants, this thing off has to be economics himself," did not After two acquaintances dropped in. stolen but once someone even are," he quipped. hours, Zunni^ rforming at The advertisement ran again and one, graduate assistant respected now," said Joe show up. However, word was would in sstesssS Earlier this week, Zupnick took the shelves, he continued. ran a State News claissfied ad "The wall was covered with the next day, and a couple of Don Clark, was a friend. Stone, economics graduate sent that Mandalstamm told his depot. Clark said he was a follower assistant. students about the event. demanding that people pay homage to him Thursday shelves," he said, pointing to a blank area of the room. "One days later Zupnick purchased his $1.25 apiece "I respect Jan of Zupnick and came to pay him homage. Robert Rash, director of the Zupnick eloborated on the sir* "-<2 The trustee ilfs marri<" afternoon in his office. day I came in and they were bedroom Zupnick, the chief graduate gone." "What a joke this is," The increai assistant of Allan The other graduate assistants Candidates eat someone from the crowd Nth, while i Mandelstamm, professor of economics, said he took out the ad because he felt he was should respect him more, since he is the chief assistant, but instead they do just the chicken dinners remarked. "He's a terror among grad assistants," said Lawrence the The Best *500 Stereo Administral urd rates jupancy ro f LOS ANGELES a not receiving the respect due to chief economics graduate assistant. opposite, Zupnick said. Three weeks ago disrespect really began to get the on it," murmured San (AP) God, they put raspberry sauce - "My RICK NELSON Receiver Yon Can Buy... Francisco Mayor Joseph L. Thursday Zupnick shook his out of hand. '"ITiat's why I'm Alioto as he began another in a Wednesday. May 22 head jokingly. "I have mixed taking these drastic means to seemingly endless stream of feelings about this," he said, curtail the disrespect," he said. chicken dinners served on the Tickets now on sale! "but I was driven to these Zupnick said, "The State AT THE BREWERY campaign trail. extremes. Most people just News wouldn't even give me don't respect me." respect." Morfor Board Mortar Board, a women's Terra nee Albrecht, Nancy Michelle Osminski, Linda honor society, will honor 50 Anderson, Jame Bamberger. Plackowski, Elisse Price, Linda senior women during a ceremony at Beaumont Tower Sunday night. Sarah Carla Bauer, Jan Blakkan, Judith Bogart, Denise Bronson, Brugnoni, Cynthia Reule, Janis Rottschaser, Carolyn Sebestyen, Mary Sercu, Terri Shapiro, Deborah Is Also Hie Best '500 Four Seventy women were nominated by various department heads on the basis Butcher, Pamela Patricia Cornelisse, Darling, Dianne Durshem, Nancy Diuble, Smith, Sandra Smith, Jean Soma, Kathy Steinbacher, Sue Stone, Debra Wahl, Kathy Channel Receiver! of their service, leadership and Barbara Duhl, Gwendolyn Walters. Harman Kardon's new 800+ multichannel receiver encompasses scholastic qualities and Mortar Dunham, Joan Emery, Anita all worlds of high fidelity sound. Originally priced at $600. Board chose the top nominees. Erickson, Nan Giblin, Eileen In the "bridged power" mode the 800t delivers a conserva¬ The women will receive a certificate and a rose during the 7 p.m. ceremony which Gregory, Janet Griffith, Martha Hamlin, Melissa Haynes, Rait Jarema, Sylvia Jones, Elizabeth TRY tively rated 50 watts continuous power per channel in stereo over the full 20 - 20,000H2 MUSICAL RANGE. Couple Harman will be followed by a reception Koshy, Mary Lancour, Linda A Kardon's low distortion, wideband response amplifier with their given by President and Mrs. Long, Margaret Martin, Beth Wharton at Cowles House. The women Aileen being honored Ackerman, Masai koski, Cathy Diane Muffitt, Newhouse, Kathie Newman, Kay Overdorff, GREAT America equally superlative FM stereo tuner and you have separate component performance in one small package, unparalleled by most units at much higher prices. are: PIZZA— on a shoestring PLUS, the 800+ takes you to all the worlds of four channel sound at the (Show this ad to your folks.) flip of a switch. Built • in decoding facilities Mayflower BELL'S u arc a :oupleof gieat ways to spend your summer. Without worrying for All existing four channel systems are included. The 800+ will decode SQ, RM and has the most advanced CD - 4 discrete Bookshop jout gas. A Greyhound Ameiipass gives you unlimitdb travel throughout mt-nca($165 for 1 month and $220for 2 months). And this mvaluableguide disc demodulator we have ever encountered. Classes PIZZA :.crs economical sleeping accommodations along the way. Plan your «n trip. Anywhere. An /time. Sleep cheap. Then hop aboard another bus. Another nice thing: you can bring your bike along too. We'll carry it in Respected audio expert J-en Feldman highly praised the new 800+ in a recent review. Shouldn't you find our why? 225 M.A.C. 332 - 5027 jr baggage compartment at no extra cost. You can do some extra explor- Workshops OPEN 11 AM EVERY DAY ig on your own wheels. So if your folks voted thumbs down on your travel plans this summer, Audition It Soon... Books to grow ere's a sensible way to reopen the discussion. harman/kardon 800 + by. tffivTilfS Go Greyhound. And leave the driving to us. all: Greyhound Aaent, Tel 332 - 2813, 308 W. Grand River 541 E. Grand River 402 S. WASHINGTON 351-8178 3 Duy a Greyhound Ameripass. Please send me £ "where to stay USA" a! the special reduced pn Your LANSING k or money order is enclosed made payable to Headquarters For STRAIGHT STEREO ANSWERS ir-Pasmantier Publishing Corp. ATTENTION!!! 245 ANN STREET ALL SPARTAN E. LANSING or MARCHING BAND m MEMBERS There will be a VERY /3£best pizza WT*t> I ic1 IMPORTANT EMERGENCY 8:J010 fi Little MEETING MONDAY, MAY 20 at 5:00 in the Band Room Laesars (Rm. 120). Details will be announced at the meeting. PLEASE MAKE EVERY EFFORT POSSIBLE TO ATTEND THIS MEETING Kenneth G. Bloomquist 337-1631 Director of Bands 1203 E. GRAND RIVER COUPONS GOOD THRU FINALS WEEK BOBBY SMITH. r pr< and the BOYS from SH LOH Mnts for ONLY $19° COVER Lizard's 224abbott