MICH• 49234 Room, board rates raised $10 By JOHN LINDSTROM per term State Newt Staff Writer those would be determined soon and any increases would be and MSU Performing Arts committee. f_ calculated using the double I icit ctudenU living on campus next year will be paying more Trustee Patricia occupancy increase as a base figure. The structure will cost an estimated $12 to $15 million, depot. It in residence halls. the new increase, Carrigan, D - Ann Arbor, said that even with roughly $5 million of which MSU hopes will be financed by the The building is part of the old State Lumber Co. which MSU I ici!\ trustees unanimously approved an increase in the room only one Michigan public institution, Grand Valley State College, will have a room and board rate lower than state. purchased five years ago. Any necessary alterations to the d t!nard rates of double occupancy rooms at their Friday MSlfs. Caudill, Rowlett and Scott recently completed work on a building will be paid by the rail council. Final details on lease agreements will be The increase will amount to $10 a term, raising room performing arts center at the University of Akron in Ohio for worked out between Administration officials said the increases were mandated the council and MSU and should be KSd from its present $405 to $415 a term rising costs in several areas including food, salaries and by which they received an award. the June meeting. The lease would be for brought to the trustees by ■ ther business the trustees selected an architect for the new fuel costs. wages and Related to the selection of an architect the trustees also two vears. T? !!in2 arts center and approved in principle an agreement "Most schools have to use increased costs authorized the administration to use up to Don Stevens, D - Bloomfield Hills, said, in supporting the would make a portion of a University building an Amtrak estimates for food of commission a work of monumental $30,000 to agreement, that "anything that can help our students in 15 to 20 per cent. We're able to use the lower estimates because sculpture," executed by to and from the moving Melvin G. Leiserowitz, asst. campus without using cars should be of our excellent food stores professor of art, for the arts center. ■ tv^trustees also approved a slight increase in monthly rent for president for business and finances. facilities," said Roger Wilkinson, vice The money comes from Wharton's directors fees which he has encouraged." In other business the trustees authorized the T ir married housing units. Rents for both'one bedroom and In other action received from his position on the board of directors of both University to Tl hedroom units will be raised $2 a month beginning October Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, from Houston, borrow up to $1.5 million to use in the Texas, selected Burroughs and Ford Motor Co. All fees paid to Wharton go into a guaranteed loan program. rJr increase will set one bedroom apartment rent at $119 a was arts center. as the architect for MSU's new performing special University account. The total fees in the account amount The program is a federally sponsored one that will allow MSU to L th while two bedroom apartments will be $125 a month. No completion time has been set for to $34,025.03. The remaining $4, 025.03 will stay in the special make direct loans to students to help finance their education. ■ Administration officials said they were unsure how room and does not have a construction site. Several the building, which as yet account. The trustees also accepted more than $7 million and grants, $4.9 million of which is a federal dollars in gifts 4 rates for MS IPs other housing options, such as single have been suggested, possible sites on campus Tlie trustees also approved in grant to aid in the rooms or Fee Hall apartments, would rise, but said including the junction of Farm Lane and principle an agreement with the construction of the Clinical Sciences i Shaw Road. Final selection of a site will Capital Area Rail Council which would permit part of a MSU Building. be made by the architect building on South Harrison Road to be the new Amtrak see related article page 2. passenger Monday, Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 SLA member's body identified-it's LOS ANGELES (AP) - A sixth victim had been not Pat recovered from the house, • Patricia "Mizmoon" was found Sunday in the charred rubble of including three .30 • caliber M2 Soltysik, 29, believed to be a co • leader of the group. a Symbionese Liberation Army hideout submachine guns, one Browning automatic • and the body was identified by the William Wolfe, 23, son of a rifle, eight sawed • off shotguns, a coroner as suspected SLA member semiautomatic rifle, Pennsylvania anesthesiologist who became an Ml carbine, two Camilla Hall. .380 Mauser rifles, and one .38 ■ caliber a political activist while studying at Police raided another house five blocks Berkeley. pistol. He said the serial numbers of the • away Sunday afternoon, but found Angelea Atwood, 25, a former guns were being checked. Hagan said three nothing in their search for Patricia Hearst Indianapolis, Ind., student teacher bayonets also had been found. believed to be the "Genina" who spoke on and the terrorists who claim to have The bodies found earlier were badly kidnaped her. charred because of the fire which gutted one taped SLA communique to the Hearst Asst. Police Chief Daryl Gates said that the South Los Angeles house family. the raid apparently was a false alarm. following the shootout. None of the five was identified The five bodies were found Friday Five victims of the earlier shootout and night until Saturday afternoon and one of them after an hour long siege at a small, fire, found Friday night, were identified - yellow as was not named until Saturday night. frame house by nearly 500 SLA leader Donald D. DeFreeze, known heavily armed as Police said an identification card policemen and federal agents who went ' "Cinque," and four other * SLA members. belonging to Hearst had been found in the there on a tip. The raid was the second of Hall was still not identified late Sunday remains of the bouse, but said they didn't the day on a suspected SLA hideout. The afternoon, but Coroner Thomas Noguchi believe she had ever been there. first turned up no one. said then that dental records showed "the Charles Bates, special FBI agent in body was definitely not that of Patricia charge of the case, said earlier Sunday that It was the Harrises who touched off the J Hearst." authorities had no idea of the whereabouts search that led to the fatal raid. The SLA The sixth body was found under the of Hearst. members previously were believed to be in floor of the burned out house which was - William Taylor Harris, 29, and his wife, the San Francisco Bay area. gutted by a fire that broke out during the Emily, 27 are the only suspected SLA But the Harrises called attention to shootout and siege. The coroner said Hall leaders still at large. themselves after a bungled shoplifting 'onservative died of gunshot wounds. attempt The bodies found Friday night were on Thursday. After purchasing Police said an ammunition belt with identified by Noguchi as: almost $32 worth of outdoor clothing at a various types of cartridges was found • Donald suburban sporting goods store, Harris tried David DeFreeze, 30, an around the body's waist. A watch, its to shoplift a 49 - cent escaped convict and field marshal of the pair of socks. He second hand still ticking, was found SLA who took the name was spotted by a clerk who scuffled with "Qnque" and acted as nearby. spokesman for the terrorists in tape him. /ictor in French Hall, 29, is the daughter of a Lutheran minister and a graduate of the University of Minnesota where she majored in humanities. recordings they issued. • Nancy Ling Perry, 26, a former conservative campaign worker who helped An unidentified woman in a van truck outside fired almost 30 rifle shots, and the trio escaped. But during the scuffle Harris create the SLA and was considered its dropped a .38 • caliber pistol. The gun's FROM WIRE SERVICES Political Police Cmdr. Peter Hagan said 18 guns registration was traced to Mrs. Harris. experts said the vote from overseas could be a theoretician. I PARIS - The French Interior Ministry declared conservative deciding factor in a close election such as this. Tilery Gisard d'Estaing elected president of France Sunday night Eligible voters numbered about 30.6 million and polling B i razor edge margin over Francois Mitterrand, candidate of Israeli boats ■ stations reported a heavy turnout. le Socialist and Communist parties. The weather was generally sunny all over France. Lines began I Eirlier Mitterrand had conceded defeat. ■ D'Estaing, at the forming in Paris at the 8 a.m. poll-opening time. age of 48, thus becomes France's youngest The winner will succeed President Georges Pompidou, a Gaullist ■rodent in this century. T)ues Chirac declaration of d'Estaing's victory by Interior Minister came with the conservative candidate who died on April 2. D'Estaing will serve a seven - year term. The presidential race has absorbed the country's attention attack camp leading by a since Pompidou's death. "Jin of 50.71 per cent of the vote to Mitterrand's 49.28 after ore than 95 per cent of the ballots had been counted. The Gaullists had been in power for 16 years, starting with a ■ D'Estaing, Tnnment but not a finance minister in the outgoing Gaullist triumphal return to power by De Gaulle at the height of trouble in Algeria, a former French colony. But they lost control of in Lebanon; Gaullist, said in his victory claim, I France has chosen its Elysee Palace - the French White House — when Gaullist president in a clear and democratic J®P«ipi. You have candidate Jacques Chaban - Delmas was eliminated in the first designated me to carry out this function." ■ He spoke on a nationwide ■ Uter the television and radio broadcast. Ministry of Interior said that with 90 per cent of the round of balloting May 5. That left the field to Mitterrand, 57, and d'Estaing, 48. The election turned into a choice between the first all • leftist 8 die, 4 hurt 1*tabulated, d'Estaing had 11,941,960 votes or 50.71 percent ■'•lid ballots while Mitterrand had 49.28 FROM WIRE SERVICES government since 1936 and a center • right establishment which per cent or 49.28 per d'Estaing has pledged to revitalize. Four Israeli gunboats protected by an ■ Computer umbrella of jet warplanes bombarded a projections based on key polling districts across The pre - election campaign focused chiefly on domestic issues, Palestinian refugee camp near Lebanon's ■®»gave d'Estaing victory by just about those percentages. mainly the nation's economic woes and what candidates southern border Sunday afternoon, killing I ut 1,16 projections did not take into account voting in described as a need for social improvements for France's 52 1 overseas territories, particularly in Africa and the eight persons and wounding four others. million people. Witnesses said gunboats about two miles Pbbean, where polls closed later than they did in France. In D'Estaing's supporters made a major point of the danger of offshore bombarded the camp for about flections, the overseas territories voted in favor of the Communists breaching the ramparts, an argument that has kept an hour. in power. D'Estaing 'foments for more than has served in Gaullist the communists an isolated but powerful minority of about one The attack came in the middle of the a decade. fifth of the votes since 1947. afternoon when most of the refugees in the camp were resting after their Sunday lunch. The camp is the second Original Beach Boys teach center in largest refugee Lebanon, housing about 12,000 Palestinians. It is located on Lebanon's Mediterranean coast, two miles south of transcendental meditation Tyre and about nine miles north of the Israeli border. About 50 houses were damaged, media before ' their Saturday night On Saturday afternoon on a quiet East including six on the beach, used as Lansing residential street, a small, performance at Jenison Fieldhouse. barracks by armed Palestinian guerrillas After a half hour or the two conservatively • dressed crowd waited for • so, guarding the camp. the Beach Boys. emerged for dinner. They ate curried rice The attack followed two days of Israeli The manicured lawn and flower bods and baked beans off paper plates with air raids on Lebanon in retaliation for the were flanked by large posters of the plastic forks, all the while explaining their guerrilla raid on the Maalot school in Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and, inside the experiences with the Maharishi and which 20 schoolchildren and six other house, a vegetarian potluck supper awaited meditation. Israelis died. the famous rock musicians. Love and Jardine met the spiritual The Israeli air strikes killed more than The celebrities arrived in a Volkswagen leader in 1969 and subsequently went to 50 Palestinians and Lebanese, according to that was too small to accommodate the India to study under him. They emerged the Lebanese government. band members Mike Love and Al Jardine from the experience as confirmed believers The Rashidiye camp is administered by and their entourage. and teachers in the faith. the Popular Front for the Liberation of Love and Jardino. dressed in (.atsby Palestine (PFLP), one of the most militant suits and Panama hats, were immediately Bearing no resemblance to the teenage, Palestinian guerrilla groups. ushered upstairs to meditate, but no one surfing image they evoked in the early Lebanon's defense ministry 1960s, Love and Jardine were serious. SN photo/David Schmier had no was surprised. immediate comment. Ttieir comments and the whole aura of the Both Love and Jardine are teachers of A browser inspects some of the stained glass sun catchers that Meanwhile, Israel and Syria tentatively dinner were low • key as they blended into were transcendental meditation as taught by the exhibited during the East Lansing Art Festival held agreed to an American proposal to separate a crowd which could easily have been at a Saturday. See Maharishi. They came to speak to page 8 for more photos. Israeli forces from Syrian troops along the members of MSU's chapter of the faculty dinner party or reception. Golan Heights front. Wki Love, sea concert review page 6. Beach Boy International Meditation Society and the continued on page 11 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. May 20, 1974 1 Trustees stall on By PETE DALY river and rebuild the bridge to a project say that if MSU had to bridge plan trustees that her committee has an already congested area at impact will not be State News Staff Writer height of 10 feet above the pay for the fencing and determined that the gains of Kalamazoo Street and Harrison That's odd f negative. I The proposed Kalamazoo normal level of the river. landscaping on its own, the the proposed widening would outweigh the losses. The Road. Carrigan also criticized environmental chance like "group to'J" I Street Bridge project was the Under the revised proposal bridge, though still wider cost would be $70,000. Opponents to the project committee recommended that the University Natural Areas that •• Ca^J I stalled again Friday at the the trustees approve the revised Committee, whose eight board of trustees meeting, and longer, would be heightened only 58 inches and cite damage possible to environmental the University's project proposal. members are professors of R - East .Kenneth Tb°mp«« I Lansing, blasted«, I while tempers flared among Australians vote for Labor party trustees and observers. the river would not be wooded areas north and south Trustee Pat Carrigan, D • natural science. Though by criticism of the two UnivLt' I delivered^ I Ann Arbor, presented to the federal law an environmental committees and rechanneled. of the road, especially About 50 area residents in board petitions with more than impact study must be short oratory on opposition to the proposal Backers of the proposal say regarding the bird population 200 signatures collected by the completed before the project is the meeting. democracy, I The Austrailian Labor government of Prime Minister Gough attended the meeting. that the environment would nesting there every year. Some 5 at I residents of University Village Friends of the Lorax begun, the Natural Areas "From my The revised proposal would benefit because of the standpoint th. Witlam was returned to power in a midterm national election Committee, a group of East Committee has concluded that committee widen Kalamazoo Street to inclusion of a chain link fence also oppose the project because took jntI Saturday, but there was a possibility that its majority in the the federal study House of Representatives would be reduced. four lanes from University that would prevent access for of possible increased traffic on Kalamazoo Street endangering Lansing grade school children who often play in the wooded probably indicate little or no would consideration both sides of issue and its £I Village to Clippert Street, add motorcycles and all - terrain and who would Partially recommendation I The government had a majority of nine in the old House of vehicles into the wood lot. their children playing area oppose the damage to the environment satisfy one SI a combined bicycle and . proposed construction. due to the project. and partially Representatives. Commentators said its majority in the new pedestrian path to the street The $700,000 funding for the project would come from Anne Garrison, chairwoman of the University Building, Jack Stack, R - Alma, said "The Natural Areas satisfy the other I House could drop to five of even three seats. and rebuild the bridge over the he thought the project might Committee "is willing to take a "And that is Red Cedar River. The original federal, state and county Lands and Planning democracy" The exact outcome of the election was in doubt because no Committee, reported to the just feed even more traffic into stance that the environmental Thompson boomed out I proposal was to rechannel the sources. Proponents of the clear result had emerged in a number of key electorates. The final Trustee Frank Merriman R L tally in these areas awaited votes from remote rural areas. Deckerville. favored't|l | The Labor party came to power in December 1972, capturing proposal. ■ Special learning "I supported the original ft 67 of the 125 seats in the House of Representatives and 26 of the proposal from the 60 seats in the Senate. that people standpoint are so much on I an ■ In the new House of Representatives, which will have two new the 1 environmental binge at time that the seats, the standing of the major parties gave Labor 62 seats and By DENISE CRITTENDON Whether the University colleges of Human Medicine, Mexico and Florida to obtain he said. University can't I the Liberal and country parties coalition 51, with 14 seats in State News Staff Writer responds to C/AHED depends Social Science, Urban information about the center. "Formal higher education move measures, at all on Merriman said many I doubt. The situation in the Senate is not likely to be clarified for solely on MSU's future budget, Development and from Justin 'Tm optimistic about it. conceives of itself as relying on The Center -for Alternatives said Armand Hunter, director Morrill, Honors and University What we've done will make an resident requirements such as Following the board's a day or two but labor may improve its position there. motion to table the in Higher Education of Continuing Education at colleges. Funds also come from impact on higher education student - teacher relations and proposal I until a later date, an (C/AHED), will close Friday MSU. the vice president for student nationally in the field of the whole thing of being elderly I after several years of providing "That will be determined affairs and MSU Volunteer nontraditional education," tracked through school. lady suddenly popped up in the audience and asked I field experiences and sometime after the University Programs. Ward said. "Higher education should be "if a * opportunities for students to funds are approved by the Representatives from most The chance of participating like a moving sidewalk. "You taxpayer has the right to sa Watergate related cases in court learn abroad. C/AHED was founded by legislature and the departments and of the colleges contacted were unsure of the future funding in a form of alternative education is very rewarding should be able to get on and something here." "These people here," she I colleges know what the off as your needs vary." Don Ward, its current director, budget will be for the coming for C/AHED. because it offers a certain C/AHED will be open until said, indicating proponents of I the Watergate prompts a flurry of developments in the federal as a three - year experimental year," Hunter said. Ward explained that, freedom over traditional 4:30 p.m. every day this week. project, "are examples of I courts this week on cases involving California's lieutenant project to introduce MSU The state legislature will following the closing of education which requires you It is located at 1118 S. the'hard sell'that will stall and I students to alternative means prohably not decide on MSU C/AHED, he and C/AHED to be "geographically bound," Harrison Road. stall, finally letting the project I governor, the issue of national security, subpenaed White House of education. appropriations until the middle staff member Jennifer Eis, proposal sneak through." I tapes and the mystery of the 181/rminute gap. The only program of its kind of summer. MSU senior, will begin work on Life viewed Another disastisfied I A ruling is expected Monday on motions by Lt. Gov. Ed in the United States, it has When Ward first initiated the a book evaluating their efforts. as gift by leukemia victim taxpayer was Newton D. Click, I Reinecke, a candidate for governor in the Republican primary aided over 1,000 MSU program in fall 1972, it was The book will be financed by a FOSTER CITY, Calif. (AP)- Aoki professor of urban planning I next month, for dismissal of three perjury counts. Reinecke has students. If the University fails to financed by United Ministries, Dan Forth Grant, which is "Life is a gift. We do have to soon will graduate and landscaping, and a member I take over the center by Friday, allotted to valuable educational from junior college and a of the Business, Lands and I a church organization. The first earn our place in it," says Joan asked that the trial be moved to California if his motions fail. it may never reopen. training school for medical Planning Committee, I year the center's purpose was experiments. Its main purpose Aoki who has had leukemia In another courtroom, U. S. District Judge Gerhard A. Gesell "C/AHED provides is to inform interested colleges assistants. Glick told the board that the ft strictly to contact different for eight years. begins four days of hearings on more than two dozen actions filed information to students on and professional organizations project was necessary and that I organizations to get the project "Why why me?" asks now, it I me, if it were not okd by the six men charged with conspiracy in the 1971 break-in of 1,400 organizations worldwide started. how to set up similar projects or Dr. Richard Bohannon says Aoki, 23, whose disease the office of the psychiatrist treating Daniel Ellsberg. that offer campus learning The following year, alternatives to traditional doctors say is in "complete that in the United States, would have to be done anyway I opportunities or experience C/AHED was set up as a higher education, he said. remission." perhaps 100 with acute at a later date and at greater I District Judge John J. Sirica is expected to rule this week from two weeks or two years Over the past two years, persons cost to the University. He said I tentative brokerage house to "I resolve it leukemia have survived whether the White House must produce tapes of 64 conversations in length with and without Ward said, C/AHED has been by ignoring it. eight that Ingham County engineer! aid students interested in I'd years. He suggests that she now credit," Ward said. much, rather live to see Robert O. Schaeffer was tiring I subpenaed by Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski for the participating in various field visited by 200 colleges and what happens tomorrow, " she has developed an immunity to of the drawn out controversy, September trial of seven defendents in the Watergate cover-up. He indicated that many of studies all over the world. The universities. He cited the sai(k "At the same time I'm cancer cells and reacts ft On Tuesday he will sentence Jeb Stuart Magruder, a the positions found for center then sought and universities of Illinois, Ohio searching for a way to justify exceptionally well to cancer and would allocate theft self-confessed principal in the cover-up, who pleaded guilty to a students offer a salary and that received funding from the eight State and UCLA as a few of my existence." drugs. available $700,000 to other county project. sorae| others provide only room and the visiting colleges. He added MSU colleges. single count of obstructing justice. Magruder faces a maximum board. Currently, the center that fall term students sentence of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Ward said United Ministries hitchhiked from as far away as receives funds from the instituted the program as a North Vietnam attacks countered temporary experiment for the University to eventually take over if proven beneficial and that it will not continue the Sandal Trade-In -As many as 5,000 government troops and 100 armored program. He program was added that the developed in the hope that the University would This coupon the is worth $yo toward vehicles massed Sunday 25 miles north of Saigon to counter a find it feasible enough to build purchase of a new pair of sandals. North Vietnamese drive, field commanders said. upon. "Our philosophy is to Offer valid on purchases over $10. Sandals must be wearable The Communist force of about 2,000 men, supported by facilitate new programs that because they are given to charity. Offer good thru May 25, artillery and tanks, was threatening Ben Cat after storming three will benefit the University 1974. Not good on clogs or Huaraches. government outposts and a village west of here, the commanders community. We are sort of the said. Ben Cat lies in the heart of the "Iron Triangle," along the yeast in the bread that gets it to rise." he 225 E. Grand River (Think Spring I ) corridor from Cambodia to Saigon through which North (Across from II C II ' DflfYTCftV 0pCn ThurS'tHI 9 p m'* Vietnamese troops have brought supply shipments. the Union) Ifl.OaU. DUUIlNT Fri. till 8 p.m. North Vietnamese forces attacked government-held bunkers on the far end of the bridge across the Mekong River between Ben Cat and the Communist-held village of An Dien, field officers said. Portugal may open up relations Family Night Portugal's new center-left government said Sunday it favored Don't drop a at Ponderosa opening relations with Russia and China. The move, unthinkable under the rightist regime that was overthrown April 25, was mentioned by Foreign Minister Mario McDonald's Steak House Soares, a Socialist who spent 41/2 years in exile. Arab and African nations had refused any relations with the ousted regime of Premier Marcello Caetano because of Portugal's Quarter•Pounder wars with African guerrillas in its major colonies - Portuguese Guinea, Angola and Mozambique. Caetano refused relations with on your foot. contries that supported the rebels. Bhutto raps Indian nuclear blast India's opposition parties united Sunday behind the country's detonation of an underground nuclear device, which made India the sixth member of the world nuclear club. In Neighboring Pakistan, Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto told a news conference that the 1970 nuclear nonproliferation treaty had been "thrown to the winds" by the Indian blast Saturday. He declared that Pakistan would of nuclear blackmail by India never nor on submit to the "threat will it accept India's Tuesday only. Steak,potato, ... hegemony in the subcontinent." Stricken Chinese area gets aid salad and roll. Vou could hurt yourself, no kidding. It's cooked just right from a 1.25 Chinese authorities air-dropped massive quantities of food, quarter pound of 100% beef That's nothing to foot around with. medicine and other supplies into an area of southwestern China hit by a strong earthquake May 11, a Peking radio broadcast said Sunday. It's a hefty hunk of hamburger, lusciously laid out with ketchup, mustard, pickle and chopped onion on a terrifically toasted sesame seed bun. It's even heavier when with a couple of slices of cheese. you order it m Reg. $1.63 Forty-three medical teams from different parts of China were dispatched to the areas soon after the quake, the broadcast Why would anybody be foolish enough to drop such a fantastic feast on their foot anyway? ■McDonald's Family Night Prom 4 KM. on. added. 234 W. Grand Ri*«r 1024 E. Grand River East Grand River (2 blocks East of The dispatch, from the official Hsinhua news agency, give no 2040 E. Grand River Hagadorn) . casualty figures. I Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 20, 1974 3 Third party endorses choices By JIM KEEGSTRA TTie Ingham County caucus nominated candidates for county Phil Bradley, 533 E. Holmes State News Staff Writer and state offices only from Ingham County. The Road, Lansing junior, is running caucus also in the 16th District endorsed Ferency and others for cross (Lansing) against Republican incumbent .. the possible leadership of Zolton Ferency, the Human positions. - county and statewide David Buhl, head of the commissioners' GOP caucus. artv (HRP) hopes to become a major alternative voice in TTie endorsements will Debbie Chapman, 1811 W. Rundle St., likely turn to nominations next Lansing, is a 20 • year - Eiean politics this year- . weekend at the HRP's state old LCC student who found MSU too expensive. She will face E cv asst. professor of criminal justice, was endorsed Unitarian Church, 855 Grove St. convention, to be held at the John Bos, R - Lansing, in Lansing's 14th District. trday night as a potential candidate for governor at the party's In addition, the party platform of the hippopotamus - Mary Ellen Karczewski, 306 Mason Hall, sophomore, will int> canUfCUS symbolized group will be decided at the state sessions which challenge returning first - term Democrat Richard Conlin for East time Democratic party chairman made it clear begin at 10 Lansing's 10th District. that he is not actively seeking nomination but is willing a.m. Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday. Dave For the 21 county board of Rathke, 306 Mason Hall, freshman, also confronts a first - Ibfthe T HRP's top candidate if party members decide Ferency nominated four MSU commissioners seats, the caucus undergraduates and one Lansing term commissiner, James Heyser, D - East Lansing, in the 8th District attract the voters. Community college student. race. Stephan Winegar, 1513 Gay Lane, Lansing junior, was nominated to run in the 21st District against Frank Sudac, R - Lansing. [ow youth vote Another MSU junior, John Fishbeck, 800 W. Ionia St., Lansing, will have a place on the November ballot for the Michangan Senate's 24th District, now held by Philip Pittenger, R - Lansing. cripple eligibility bill The 26 people at the lighthearted HRP meeting also nominated iay two men for the state House of Representatives. Donnell McClain, 23, a teacher's aide at Walnut School, is for the 57th District spot being vacated by Rep. Earl Nelson, D up - J By JOHN TINGWALL concur with or reject an fears. Lansing. amendment added Statewide, the number of | state News Staff Writer Senate that will place the by the voters who participate in a v to avoid a heavy primary is about half the In the 59th District now held by H. Lynn Jondahl, D - East proposal to lower the age Went vote on an issue is to number that participate in a Lansing, the party is running 53 • year - old Jim McGure, a requirement for governor, Te it in an August primary, lieutenant governor and general election, according to former asst. and deputy secretary of state. ft proposal of importance to year - olds would be figures from the state elections However, the group also endorsed McClure for nomination by legislator on the August, rather Jng voters, then, could be than the November ballot. diminished if the proposal division. the state convention as its secretary of state contender. ■ousIy crippled if it appears appears on the August ballot. Figures from East Lansing Others the county caucus endorsed for nomination were: Sen. William Ballenger, R - Therese Des Camp, 134 Durand St., sophomore, for one of two I a ballot ill the summer Rep. Jackie Vaughn, D - and Ann Arbor, the two most ■nths, when many students Lansing, responsible for Detroit, sponsor of the bill, heavily student - populated openings on the MSU Board of Trustees. The legality of her le left their voting districts reinstating the 18 • year • old also reacted to the bill's areas in the state, tell a more possible victory has yet to be established. Atty. Gen. Frank I casually wile away their requirement in the Senate after passage by saying that the revealing story. Kelly's 1969 ruling forbidding students from serving on the mer. a previous amendment raised number of students available to In August of 1972, only boards is about to be tested in a Detroit court. the age to 25 for governor and ne proposal that faces such vote is important to the 8,000 of 28,000 eligible voters Bradly Sullivan, 410 E. Holmes Hall, sophomore, was Alight may he approved in lieutenant governor, said last proposal's participated in the primary nominated for one of two seats on the Wayne State Board of passage on the ■ Michigan Legislature today. week that the prospects of a ballot. election. But Governors. November saw Jiresentatives will vote to heavy vote from 18 - to - 25 - Voting figures bear out these 27,000 of 34,000 eligible voters go to the polls in the Howard Jones, 48, was endorsed to enter the large field seeking same city. Thus, only about 30 the 6th Congressional District position left by retiring 20 • year per cent of the eligible voters incumbent U.S. Rep. Charles Chamberlain, R • East Lansing. Jixon's image may hurt participated in the primary. This trend is substantiated by figures from Ann Arbor, Edward Aho, Ron Rogers and Demetrio Saenz were nominated for state Capitol seats. Aho, 24, of 15626 Turner will go for the 30th Senate District Road. DeWitt, being vacated by Sen. William where about 17,000 voters of Ballenger, R - Williamston. On the House side, Rogers, 25, of 607 ;0P fund raising efforts 61,000 registered voters cast votes in August, 1972. In the 1972 general election, 57,000 Byron Road, Howell, may try for the 51st District, while Saenz, 4904 Richmond St., Lansing, was endorsed for the 58th. Lordell Taylor, 23, director of the Westside Crisis Center, was of 71,000 eligible voters went suggested as one of two candidates for the state board of WASHINGTON (AP) - The House Judiciary and said they had prompted to the polls in Ann Arbor. education. (publican leaders conceded Committee is scheduled to "considerable debate" about No recommendations to the state convention were made for iy that Watergate and the resume hearing impeachment its image. Without a presidential lieutenant governor, attorney general, two hint: popularity of President evidence behind closed doors primary the primary ballot University of Michigan They said the committee on Board of Regents openings or two state Eon is hurting GOP fund on Tuesday. Two of its should, and probably would, this year, the total number of supreme court seats. King. But they insisted that members said Sunday that the begin holding open hearings. votes cast may drop considerably Tsident Nixon should not White House is trying to Both congressmen stressed from the 1,400,000 votes cast lign. even if he is impeached in August 1972. If the voices ■ the House. iTm having a great deal of degrade the committee by criticizing leaks from its secret hearings. the need to protect the rights of defendants in the Watergate case in the event of open of more than 30,000 students remain silent, the strongest Would Ruble raising money," Sen. you believe Saying it was "deplorable" hearings so prejudicial or supporters of this proposal i Brock, R - Tenn., for anyone to have divulged may never be heard. sensational material, Owens Iiirman of the Senate last week's testimony, Rep. said, was not disclosed before Vaughn, who would chair a ■ publican |eet the Press." said Campaign on NBC's William S. Cohen, R - Maine, contended it was "not at all conclusive" that the leaks trial. House on conference committee the bill if the House does not approve the ballot all insurance change, Refund date f)P chairman ■d that separate some interview, George Bush Republicans originated from any of the committee's 38 members. said that fewer students on the proposal endangers its voting agents are not set for July alike: The criticism, added Rep. passage. I having campaign financial Wayne Owen "As head of the conference & But he said the national D-Utah, was "clearly a tactic on the part of committee, my first reaction ■mmittee's fund drive Gov. William G. Milliken the White House to degrade the would be to emphasize this Jnetheless is running ahead of committee." said Tuesday that acceleration lack of support and fight to see Jtdule. of the processing of income tax For a change, why don't that the bill is placed in the ■Both men. along with Rep. Cohen and Owens refunds should assure that you make your own most advantageous situation." Jbert Michel, R - 111., head of commented on CBS • TV's processing of regular refunds recommendations? House Republican "Face the Nation" program. will hie completed in July as it You tell me what you npaign Committee, rejected Cohen concede d his was last year. RICK NELSON want out of life and in attributed to Sen. suspicion that the leaks did in Delays were blamed on jy M. Goldwater, R Ariz., fact come from the committee Wednesday. May22 together we will see - computer difficulties. It if impeached the President you get it luld step down rather than The Stale News is published by the students of Michigan State Tickets now on sale! At the NQRTHWESTERN iject the party and the University every class day during Fall. Winter and Spring school for AT THE BREWERY we can account terms, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during Summer Term, ry to the ordeal of a trial and a special Welcome Week edition is published in September. our past as well as Hthe Senate. Subscription n»te is $20 per year. insure your future ■Hie country "should leave Second class postage paid at Fast Lansing, Mich, editorial and k political business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan State RICH MARTIN expediency and Univeristy, Fast Lansing. Michigan, 48824. Phone: 372-8200 |the process through," Bush ^ on ABC's "Issues and PHONES I'Tm just News/Editorial 355-8252 mm AuC THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY • MILWAUKEE [NMLl unalterably Classified Ads 355-8255 josed to that route," Michel Display Advertising 353-6400 a joint appearance with Business Office 355-3447 Photographic 355-8311 open thursday and friday nights until nine f 'ONIE NITE CNILY ANNUAL SALE Vanity Fair "Pechglo" Briefs May 20 thru June 1 ! iLiiLV/ieer Z AND THE ZED limited time to save on three Will |V\ AM A comfortable styles of so-soft A Fanastic 50's rayon/nylon briefs. In white. Group! Brief in 4 to 7 sizes now 3 pr. 5.25 $ TUES. MAY 21 Trunk style brief in 81 50 Cover EVERY 6 to 7 sizes, now 3 pr. 6.75 8 to 9 sizes, now 3 pr. 7.50 DAY ASTIGAFA appearing all this week Bikini in 4 to 7 sizes ▲ A A * . now 3 pr. 4.50 flitcClab S8S Across from Olin at JacobgonS 421 E. GRAND RIVER 351-4110 Susan Ager Editor ■ in • Chief G. F. Korreck City Editor June E. K. Delano Entertainment Editor Maureen Beninson. .Advertising Manager Chris Danielson . Opinion Page Editor Dale Atkins Photo Editor R. D. Campbell Managing Editor Melissa Payton National Editor Kathy Niezurawki Copy Chief Diane Silver Campus Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor Mary Flood Staff Representative Editorials are the opinion of the State Ne editors. Staff columns, commentaries, points of view and letters are personal opinions. EDITORIALS Lack of love may Last week, 6,000 miles from East Lansing, terrorists deaths that made the headlines last week. The bombers killed 21 Israeli school children. One day later, and shooters tried to implement their idea of a better warplanes left 50 Arab civilians dead. world with the tools of hate. Last week, 4.000 miles from tast Lansing, car Hate is the ultimate weapon that has always 'YOU WANTA WHAT??' bombs killed 25 Dublin shoppers. threatened the survival of mankind. As the number of Last week, 2,000 miles from East Lansing, five nuclear powers increases, the possibility that unchecked Symbionese Liberation Army leaders died in a fiery hatreds soon will completely destroy man grows toward inferno amid a hail of bullets in Los Angeles. certainty. COMMENTARY Along with these isolated outbreaks of fatal hatred East Lansing, with its large University population, is a which had no direct effect on East Lansing residents, center of ideas. That some of these ideas are expressed last week brought the announcement that India had become the world's sixth nuclear power. Predictions were made that Israel would soon become the seventh. with less than love is evidenced not only by the murder that occurred one year ago or some of the letters printed on this page during the past year, but also campus Antismoking laws tyranniica Juxtaposed together, the events of last week re - have passed laws prohibiting smoking in by the daily conflicts which fill the city and campus Not true; any harassment, e By WILLIAM SAFIRE museums, concert halls, theaters, libraries emphasize a truth that modern man refuses to face: with jibes, shouts and curses every day. harassment by regulation, is piui and elevators. New York City's Board of Man's individual and collective hatreds must be process that infringes on our All people involved in the learning process at MSU Carmine De Sapio, boss of Tammany Health is scheduled to act on a proposal to pollutes our statute books. liberties"! eradicated if the human race is to survive. People must must remember that learning to love is the most Hall a generation ago, abolished the smoke compel the segregation of smokers from Today the smoker, tomorrow the on| love if they are to remain on Earth, or else they will important lesson anyone can master. If even those who - filled room during his tenure as leader nonsmokers in most public places, ■ eater, and the day after tomorrow leave it. obtain the most knowledge cannot learn to love, the because his eyes were sensitive to smoke. including restaurants. person who prefers cheap perfume In that sense at least, De Sapio is to Ideas infused with hatred led to those 100 terrorist future of mankind is dim. taking of baths - once government jets regarded as a prophet without honor in his This is a good example of the tyranny nose under the tent of social interco own time by members of a new of the minority. A little group of willful there will be no privacy for anyone. organization, one fiercer and more self • Fall ballot best for righteous than the old tiger of Tammany: the Group Against Smokers' PolluUon persons, representing no opinion but their own, has rendered the public helpless and contemptible. great smoking cure; Not every social inequity social, not government, pressui, appropriate to curb the smoker. Aglar needs a I (GASP). Where a fire or health hazard exists, sniff and, if necessary, the Last week the Across the nation, GASP chapters have green • gil Michigan holding elective office in the state August compared with November nobody disputes that smoking should be appearance of the onset of mot been formed to help shame the 52 million legislature went through the of Michigan. More voter support for - figures. prohibited. But despite the fuming of sickness, should be enough to get n American smokers into refraining from former Surgeon General Jesse Steinfeld, motions of continuing the lifting restrictions can be expected This does not indicate lack of smokers to stub out a butt in a indulging their habit in the "breathing no evidence exists to suggest that the hurry. transference of adult rights to 18 - in November than in August when, I gave up smoking two years ago;an interest, but that most college space" of nonsmokers. exhaled smoke of other persons poses a is like losing a friend. I don't fee! year - olds by approving bills that traditionally, a much smaller voter students in August are scattered "Nonsmokers have rights too" is the health hazard to nonsmokers. better and am not inclined to bai will place the question of opening turnout occurs. throughout the state and farther. slogan of GASP, and in its "Liberation The cigaret smoker is already the target others into sacrificing one of life's li up all statewide offices to 18 - year Backers of the Senate Guide" there are tips to members about of too many government agencies. He They are not in the cities in which pleasures. What incenses some peopl old methods to discomfort those who cannot be advertised to on television; he - candidates on the general amendment claim that the they are registered and cannot be incense to me; blow some my way. discomfort them. must carry around on every pack a dire election ballot. November ballot will be cluttered But the abuse of the power of he expected to return for the election. So far, so good: in an enclosed space, However, an amendment to the warning about killing himself; he is taxed agencies to put a governmental fist i with many proposals. The 18 - year people who are annoyed by tobacco regressively and punitively. the glove of social courtesies is worriso Senate bill places the issue on the old smoke should make known their irritation - question will therefore receive College students have a high Yet the smoker continues to smoke; in A new law separating smoking fi August primary ballot. Based on more voter attention in August interest in .this proposal and must to smokers, who should then have the the U.S. last year, 588 billion cigarets were nonsmoking areas in restaurants wc traditional voting patterns, the be courtesy to desist. Unfortunately, that is puffed, dragged upon and choked over, invite a smoker's sit - in at a nonsmol when, they claim, the most allowed to express it. A not the last GASP: buoyed by their amendment could easily doom the and thanks to the growing interest in lunch counter, turning the civil • ri| responsible voters participate. cluttered ballot in November is in success getting airlines to segregate smoking by teen • age girls, the market clock back by decades. proposal to defeat. This However, fewer students preferable to de facto voter smokers, the nonsmokers are pressing their continues to grow. In their zeal, the people from Gi hypocritical ruse must be deleted if participate in primary elections. disenfranchisement in August. The attack with demands for government "You not are denying the smoker's have gone too far; we can now 1 the bills go to conference this week. regulation of "breathing space". Figures from East Lansing and Ann House must return the question to right to smoke," GASP assures its forward to the formation of "Pe There should be From Barry Goldwater's Arizona to no age Arbor clearly indicate that a small its members, "only his/her right to smoke in United to Fight for Freedom by Figh original position on the George McGovern's South Dakota, states restrictions on qualifications for your breathing space." Fire with Fire" (PUFFFFF). percentage of students vote in November general election ballot. VOX POPULI VOX POPULI Vaughn supports Gun ban un To the Editor: effective approach is to To the Editor: require a., Before introducing this bill, I spent Your May 13 editorial in support of a With reference to your recent editorial punishment of anyone who uses a firel much time weighing the constitutional in favor of prohibition of handguns, I wish in the performance of a crime. Suchai ban on handguns was excellent. I right to bear arms deeply against the rapidly appreciate your appeal for voter support increasing crime rate. I concluded that a to point out that: would not penalize the law - abij Blaming a piece of hardware for the citizen. of this idea. handgun ban would immediately limit violence in pur society and allow us all to social ills of our time is wishful and The proposed handgun law would J In addition to the petition drive by the tum our energy to elimination of the immature thinking. taxpayers several millions of outset. dollarsatj Citizens United to Save Lives, the House causes of this violence — social ills like Handguns provide a legitimate form of recreation for a large segment of our The proposed law would be a Judiciary Committee is currently poverty, hunger, unemployment, racism population. step towards a police state. considering H.B. 5513, which would ban and injustice. all handguns from the state, except those I urge you to continue your active Michigan already has a severe handgun Several errors of fact arc containej carried by police officers in the line of duty. your editorial. These are not wJ support of a ban on the small handguns registration law. enumeration, since your basic premi which are involved in so many A handgun is easily manufactured by As the sponsor of this bill, 1 have seen questionable. unintentional and accidental deaths and anyone who is bent upon crime. understand an editor firsthand the organized lobby against such which are so readily available to those who A small fraction of 1 per cent of I cannot j a ban. Almost from the moment the bill would commit a crime. registered handguns are ever used in a wants to firearms. legalize drugs while outlaj was introduced, my office has been Jackie Vaughn III crime. Gary CI deluged with letters opposing any State Representative Gov. Milliken and responsible law Associate Professor of metallJ limitation on handguns whatsoever. enforcement officers agree that an 18th District mechanics and materials scij Cars rule Fa St. Lawrence To the Editor: hit Question: What's the latest pastime to three - color signal seems quite practical. Extra time for pedestrians to cross should Legal pot me Michigan State? be provided during class breaks. The only To the Editor: Answer: Sitting on the Farm Lane providing that care to the community. St. problem is . . . well have to find a new To the Editor: The recent State News story on St. Lawrence's service bridge and watching pedestrians and pastime! the use of tobacco in public places.! area primarily covers There has been much effort put into the should we allow another pollutant Lawrence Hospital's building plans needs the west side of Lansing, but also includes bicyclists risk their lives dodging the Jerry Phillipson move for legalization of marijuana for J clarification. the outlying communities ranging from unyielding motorists! 1328 E. Grand River Ave. personal use. I hope this, includes the unchecked in public? I am not suggej Contrary to reporter Ed Warner's Grand Ledge to Portland and Charlotte to Will it take a fatality before this and 17 others prohibition of use in public places such as that private use be banned. But in the] information, we plan to rebuild the St. Johns. Warner was remiss in not dangerous crossing is improved? A traffic Editor's Note: Richard Bernitt, director of classrooms, cafeterias, hospitals, public of rising incidences of chronic bronchitis and empnysj other respirl hospital, not put up an addition, and the reporting the May 3 Capital Area signal on the south side of the bridge the Dept. of Public Safety, told the State transportaUon, stores, etc. In short, any new acute - care facility will total 200 Comprehensive Health Planning Assn. could do wonders. Since very few ailments, I hardly think it fair to e- News that all traditional solutions to the place where those who do not desire to beds — approximately 47 fewer than we public hearing where more than 250 area pedestrians use the crossing before 8:50 breathe the polluted air caused by burning the public to another pollutant. a.m. and after 4:10 p.m., a Farm Lane traffic problem have been presently have. residents unanimously endorsed St. flashing yellow light would do. But from 8:50 to 4:10 a considered and found undesirable. joints would have to compete with those Perhaps another option could be aj Secondly, considering bed needs is valid Lawrence's quality of care and our plans who enjoyed it. to University halls by means o I to rebuild. in community health Unfair? I hardly think so. In recent questions on room reservations car i planning, but more Tim Bannister, director you smoke marijuana? Would you ml important is a hospital's measure of patient care and its physical location in Planning and Development, St. Lawrence RA responsibilities years we have moved to control those who pollute the air we breathe. Large your roommate did? Or ^ I Hospital corporations and small businesses have establish marijuana - freo floors, as 1 To the Editor: been hauled into court for is indiscriminate and often spre 4 is a confidante or a policeman; there is no pouring How can one RA bear the burden of compromise. No more examples can be potentially harmful chemicals into the air. length of the halls. paU|a Muzal Dance reviewer an unreconcilable drug policy? The recent resignation of an RA in Akers Hall typifies made of RAs; redefinition of our job is imperative so that workable goals can be Laws are finally being written to restrict 484 W. Akerj MSU's bureaucratic schizophrenia. The established! To the Editor: wanted to become one, RAs job description enumerates an array Darryl Grant should either resign as a reviewer or take a couple of dance classes. called a solo. that's commonly Next, the final number in the concert of responsibilities that are clearly in Anne T. Lyons, resident assistant 471 W. Holmes Hall Zionist defense opposition to one another. Either the RA To the Editor: His American government ("Britain. derogatory statemants made toward the Orchesis Dance Concert in the was completely ignored. An interesting folk piece by Diane Newman. I am not Harry Hoppe nor Fauzi Najjar, J May 13 Finally, if so perhaps it will be "enlightening" for really stole America from the Indians! State News were unjustified in that he all one has to do to become a reviewer is It doesn't seem to occur to Eps e didn't know what he was talking about. First, Dixie Durr's choreography was a to copy the program, as was obviously information from the done with Red Cedar fish Epstein, whose letter appeared in Wednesday's State News, to hear from others on this campus who the Zionists likewise stole their from its native inhabitants. A °| are anti masterpiece. What he calls "moving Delia's of a majority of the J - Choreoplay Relay, I'm sure Zionist. concurrence triangles" were actually pirouettes and all the movements were especially creative in that they fit each mood of the music by someone who understands true in dance arts would have been appreciative of this fine production. a creativity little more to sooth" jangle Like Epstein I am also amazed — amazed at the number of people who this crime (was not Hitler P°PI elected?) does little to negate this <1 of the theft - especially » I continue to be duped by the MSU's Percussion Ensemble. They, arguments of Palestinians who were dispossessed. ■ To the Editor: "dead" the river is healthy and productive those who hide behind religion and slander incidently, received no recognition for Phyllis McMurtry and should be safeguarded against damage. in their defense of Israeli As an avid fisherman, I feel compelled their fine work. 684 S. Wonders Hall to comment on the Perhaps in this hectic world of concrete Zionists find it very convenient to legitimacy. As a history major, Epstein » Secondly, Joan Bank's choreography University's antifishing "cry have carried his scholastic inq 1 was very graceful and the so called ordinance. Allowing fishing on campus jungles a little quiet fishing by the wolf" (anti - Semitism) every time a charge further than the pages of "tx00! • vulgar would have several beneficial riverside would provide some much is leveled at Israel that results. they can't answer. swaggering movements were an expression Editor's Note: Grant's assessment of the needed soothing of our suggest Epstein visit the library. of style. 1 would also like to remind him Newman folk piece was Beyond the purely recreational aspect and nerves. Epstein even tries to assert the legitimacy inadvertently left that "pas de deux" means a dance for and if John Howard and Deb two, Vogel out of the original review and the printed in the option for a low ■ cost (and meal, allowing people to fish the Red tasty) of the state of Israel (based the Biblical promise) supposedly on by coiitrasting it Terry Nafisi • Moj following issue of the of Edul State News. Cedar would show that far from being with the alleged illegitimacy of the College fcjgan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 20, 1974 5 Grease catches fire at Lizard's sped their trucks By MARY ANNE FLOOD to a grease open when splattered bacon of smoke. State News Staff Writer fire at Lizard's, two blocks Beggar's Banquet also had a, grease caught fire and sent Lizard's manager and co small grease away. - fire recently. "In flames and smoke shooting up owner Larry Thomas is unsure this Business you have to learn Just after noon Sunday East It was the second grease fire at an air duct that of the damage costs but figures emerges by to live with the Lansing fire fighters, relaxing Lizard's, 224 Abbott Road, in danger of in front of the station, Beggar's Banquet Many it may run around $2,500. The grease fires," Beggar's Banquet spotted just over five months. The Beggar's customers were restaurant will have to replace smoke down the block and co - owner Chuck Rose said. restaurant was just about to temporarily evacuated because some electrical wiring, a blower "The key to protection is system and the duct. extensive fire prevention In December, the Lizard's equipment and employes who Rezoning hear grease In fire cost the owners $600 to $700. both instances smoke know how to use it so well that it becomes a reflex in case of fire." list of planned seeped up to the Beggar's Banquet restaurant directly above Lizard's and to the Beggar's customers, many of whom were sampling the Each Monday the State Academic Governance will be College Manor apartments restaurant's variety of omelets, third floor of the courthouse in above News publishes a list of local presented. Beggar's. None of the had their orders replaced by Mason. other nearby stores had any the management when the government meetings including Wednesday Thursday smoke A problems. smoke cleared and they were campus, city and state bodies. public hearing on The East Lansing Fine Arts and "It's pretty spooky for us up able to return. Citizens are encouraged to distribution of county revenue Cultural Heritage Committee here when all these alarms keep East Lansing Fire Dept. clip this list for reference. sharing funds will be held by will discuss festival plans at Please contact the managing the going off," said MSU senior Capt. John Caine said that Ingham County Board of 7:30 p.m. in the conference Karen Kovach who lives in the editor to include a meeting Commissioners at 7:30 p.m.. grease fires are common but room of city hall. here. College Manor apartments. "In that the Fire Dept. probably the time I've lived here, I've only answers two or three such East Today Love of nature keeps man free already been through five calls a year. Many grease fires Lansing Cable kitchen fires. It's really scary." Communications Commission are put out by restaurant MIAMI (AP) - Carl collection of a defendant accused Several tenants said meets at 7:30 p.m. in the that workers, he said. Dachton's knowledge of such of illegal possession of weapons. their apartments were filled Caine said that a clean conference room of city hall. creatures the blue heron and as After the sentence was with smoke from Sunday's fire. kitchen is East Lansing Traffic a big help in swamp otter has saved him upheld by the Florida Supreme MSU Commission meets at 8 p.m. in from 60 days in jail. graduate Roger Clark, stopping grease fires. But the Court, Sepe agreed to lift the who lives in a corner apartment duct that has contained both the courtroom of city hall. Dade Circuit Judge Alfonso jail term if Dachton will take right above the burning duct, of Lizard's grease fires is Tuesday Sepe had sentenced him for 15 ghetto youths exploring in said he may have to ask cleaned every three months East Lansing City Council contempt for failing to comply the Everglades on weekends this Lizard's to pay some cleaning and had just been cleaned meets at 8 p.m. in city hall for with an order to sell the gun costs this time. before the December fire public hearings on rezoning . requests and other business. LJt-iAT ViO IT f Af' IK MY The city's Recreation 6EA61E SCOvT Commission meets at 7:30 p.m. in the board of East SN photo/Susan Sheiner Lansing High School. The Academic Senate will m firefighters remove hose from Lizard's restaurant, 224 Abbot Road, after grease from meet at 3 p.m. in 109 Anthony in caught fire, causing smoke damage to the kitchen area. The restaurant closed because Hall. The Report of the Ad (the smoke, but should reopen within a few days. Hoc Committee to Review DOONESBURY eception for graduating seniors ~ v HA/6, ITS ABOUT by Garry Trudeau \ - TIME FOR MY WEEKLY feature award-winning art film . T.V. APPEAL TO THE PEOPLE. CALL PROPS AND TELL THEM TO BRIN6 OVER SOME MORE m PRESIDENT, WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, SIR, 1 THINK YOU'VE JUST ABOUT 60NE THE IT'S JUST THAT J CANT 6ET Wharton said. ■ LINCOLN VISUALS- A BUST, OVER ALL THE receptions with these films, we their spouses will be attending LIMIT ON COMPARISONS of PARALLELS' d winning film will be "The Frank Film," ETCHINGS, ANYTHING/! I [reception featuring an have eliminated \ yourself turn Lincoln.. l some of the the reception. d for MSU seniors described by Wharton as "a ten stuffiness, allowing people to listing spring term from 7 • minute barrage of symbolic relax more," she said. p.m. today and Thursday images documenting the life Wharton said the Mortar owles House. impressions of the artist," won Board women will be helping je reception is held every an Academy Award in 1973 in her host this spring's |n so that graduating seniors the category' of short films. reception. In addition to the the president of Also to be screened is "A" seniors, some MSU deans and by Jan Lenica, a film utilizing ^ V • llelores Wharton, whp will pen and ink engraving in )t the event, said three art cartoon style, and "Enigma." a HAPPINESS ISA is will be shown several computer • created abstract. STATE NEWS in each of the evenings. "We think that by ITTiese are the real art films, the so • called 'art' films," the tea and cookies featured at the replacing formerly 6enior CLASSIFIED AD! 355-8255 ELECTRONIC 3 DAYS ONLY EXPOSURE YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY PEIiR YARROW READOUT Peter Yarrow, formerly of Peter, Paul With contacts from SYSTEM and Mary, was responsible for the East Lansing's only Co • Op for Optical Needs composition of many classics of American 320°° - LIST folk music. Songs like "Blowin' in the a® CO-OPTICAL SERVICES Sat 9 A 199" w/case - MARKS Wind," "Puff the Magic Dragon," as well as popularizing the songs of 3ob Dylan. Don't miss him. Dr. Richard Hearn, Optometrist Advance tickets available at Sounds and Now in Brookfield Plaza Diversions, Discount Records and at the door the night of the performance. SchensuVs Cafeteria ■KS9IB TONIGHT THRU WEDNESDAY, MAY 22 | Noon: Mon. 11:15 -2:00 ■ Fri. in Meridian Mall & Lansing Mall BANKAMERICARP MBBBBi Open: Mon ■ Thurs. 4:30 7:30 • Fri. 4:30 - 8:00, Sat. 11:15 • 8:00 Sun. 11:30 7:00 - the mums "...we offer a better alternative!" To find out this weeks menu specials, call 349-4028 or 482-7114 ? %c Volna Pamper Your Budget! Buy a Schensul Discount Coupon Book 10 $2 00 coupons for Only $15.00 Now you can order it! a better than gold college ring at a lower] AU DEGREE than gold price! CANDIDATES AND FACULTY! Academic apparel for Spring With the John Roberts SILADIUM Jewelry you can enjoy a "better than gold" ring Find out more about the NEW Siladium Jewelry. See the John Roberts ring display Term commencement MUST BE I at a "lower than gold" price. And it's Mon., May 20,1974,9:30 5:00. guaranteed for life! RESERVED BY THIS FRIDAY, MAY 24 Apparel may be picked up on the fourth floor of the Union Building: fACUITY: "«xls from other MON., JUNE 3 through FRI., 9:00 A.M.-5:30 P.M. JUNE 7 MfUH I "diversities most SAT., JUNE 8 BOOKSTORE limhnd 12 NOON-3.00 P.M. For information call 355-3498 n Roberts, Incorporated Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 20, 1974 7 WEEKEND ACTION Spartans place 4th in track meet By CHARLES JOHNSON in an effortless 9.5 and the 220 shot put (58 - %); Phil Strappe, 120 - yard high hurdles finals State News Sports Writer in 20.9. It the third Bjorkland Minnesota Men netterj finish tourney was of Indiana, in the 120 - yard high after he injured his foot going Two women tracksters place It wasn't even close. straight Big Ten 220 title for (13:31.6). hurdles (14.2); Dave Kaemerer, over a hurdle in the 1*e MSU men's tennis team was tied for Dill, who termed the rth place at the end of two days of match Wnzl0' spf^n Women s »tr8ck mcmbers p'aced in the Intercollegiate Track and The University of Indiana Hoosiers, armed with more competition as "the easiest I've MSU's 440 - yard relay team finished second behind the Illinois, in the 880 - yard run (1:48.0); U - M's Kim Rowe in preliminaries. I it the three • day Big Ten championship Championships this past weekend at Texas Field depth than the Grand Canyon, ever been in." Purdue's Larry University of Iowa, with the the 440 - yard dash (46.5); jjlsat Madison, Wis. Sunday's action wrapped Women s University in Denton, Texas. ran away with the Big Ten Burton, the 1973 100 yard - Spartans' unit recording a 41.3 Indiana's Tommy Hogan in the The team scoring concluded conference champ, chose to and the Hawkeyes a 41.2. The '.fh'/Spartans had 60 points and were tied 9on°neyard and 220 ^rinJmett dashes, P|aced 'n both the 100 outdoor track and field withdraw because of Spartans' mile relay quartet triple jump (50 - 10); Jeff with Illinois in fifth with 56 - running 12.8 for eighth championship at Ann Arbor a leg Kingstad, Wisconsin, in the points, Iowa in sixth with 40, ith Ohio State University. The University of place in the 100 yard dash and • 25.3 for fourth this weekend scoring 150 injury. placed fourth in 3:12.6, while pole vault (16 - 0); and Steve Minnesota in seventh with Lhiean was leading the meet with 134 points in the 220. Laurel Vietzke points. Tlie Spartans' other first the Hoosiers foursome in Adams U 39'/2, Purdue University in the end of the first two days. Other Big inches for sixth place in the jumped 18 feet VA won - M, in the discus ' long jump. The University of Michigan place finish came from Bob 3:10.0. (169 - 7). eighth with 34, Ohio State in scores included Indiana with 83 points, MSU, which sent six women to the Cassleman in the 440 - yard Other finished second with 64 points, conference winners MSU's Mike Hurd, the Big ninth with 32 and Ws with 77 points and Wisconsin and illinois tournament, scored five team points. intermediate hurdles, as he while the University of included Mike Baietto, Ten indoor 70 - yard hurdles Northwestern University in ith56 points each. Wisconsin placed third with 62 posted a 50.7. It was University of Illinois, in the tenth with 19. Women golfers take first champ, failed to reach the Tom Gudelsky, MSU's No. 6 player, was the Cassleman's third and MSU fourth with 61. straight ily Spartan to make it to the finals. The results MSU's women's golf team ended its season The Spartans' effort"was as hurdles title and a fitting end his match and the final standings of the meet this past weekend with a - perfect 5 - 0 record much as they could do to an illustrious MSU track »re unavailable at press time. The Rugby club wins MSU rugby club blanked Elyria, Ohio's when it took first place honors Green State Invitational at University in Ohio. at the Bowling Bowling Green State the circumstances and coach Fran under MSU Dittrich did not career, which saw him collect 13 Big Ten titles. Season finished have MSU received its first four any qualms about the jgby team as it posted a 48 - 0 win over Elyria performance of his squad. points from John Ross, who MSU had a two iturday afternoon. day 36 - hole total of 690 for MSU basebal - win was the 11th in 12 starts for the strokes. Second place went to "They all did what they could long jumped 23 feet 9% inches Ohio State do and to place fourth on Friday. Jeff that's what we SUteam. University with a 697 stroke total, Central Bolin of Purdue won the event Michigan University took third place with 707 wanted," Dittrich said. "I was Leading the scoring for the Spartan team with a 25 feet VA inches effort. and fourth place went to host -pleased with the whole team. by JACK WALKDEN with A1 Weston for the MSU >ts Butch Moon who provided three scores in Bowling Green The Spartans' Paul Sewell ie winning effort. with a 714 score. They all put^out, but we just State News Sports Writer runs - batted - in lead. Both didn't have the talent in placed fourth in a bizarre collected 29. MSU baseball coach Danny The Spartans rallied for two quantity. To say Indiana was 3,000 • meter steeplechase, as three of the leaders in the race Litwhiler must be wondering runs in the fifth inning of the just too powerful would be 3olfers third at Big 10 tourney putting it mildly." Indiana swept top honors in succumbed on the last lap to U - M's Greg Meyer. Meyer's why the 1974 baseball had to end so soon. The Spartans closed out season the Catcher Dale slammed out five hits and had Frietch three walks in nine trips to the opener to tie the game and then won it in the eighth as five events, in addition to winning time was 8:57.1 and Craig Gerard beat out an By STEVE STEIN shot 360. MSU had a couple of good middle Sewell's time was 8:59.3. season on a happy note Sunday plate to become just the third infield single, moved to second scoring in 15 of the 18 events. State News Sports Writer rounds with 375 and 369, then shot 381 during Two conference records were • Other top MSU finishers by sweeping a doubleheader Spartan in the last 20 years to on a single by Mike Fricke and the final 18 holes. were: Stan Mavis, fourth in the from Northwestern, rallying to finish the year with a batting scored on Terry Hop's single. set by the Hoosiers, as Dennis Indiana proved to everybody why it is the "It was no surprise that Indiana won, win the opener, 5 - 4, in eight average of better than .400. they Adama leaped 7 feet 23A inches mile run (4:06.8), won by iSt golf team in the Big Ten at the conference have been doing it all year," MSU coach Bruce in the Illinois' Mike Durkin (4:01.4); innings, and blasting the Frietch wound up at .425. The victory was the lampionships over the weekend as the high jump and Pat Fossum said. Mandera Chris Cassleman (53,4) and Wildcats, 21 - 2, in the Spartans's 500th since asst. oosiers ran away from the field to win the posted a 28:01.4 coach Frank Pellerin began "We probably finished where we belonged. Howard Neely f54,0), fourth nightcap. A scheduled Senior Bill Simpson le. We got off to a bad start and we could clocking in the six - mile run. MSU's Marshall Dill easily and fifth in the 440 - yard Saturday twin bill at Wisconsin collected four hits in the coaching at MSU in 1953. MSU's squad came back from a poor first cancelled because of rain. second game, immediately see what Indiana was going to do," the intermediate hurdles; and Fred was his last for MSU. Jiind to take third place behind runner • up he said. "We were hoping to give Ohio State a won 100 and 220 yard With the two victories, the Freshman Rick Moore gave MSU scored five runs in the hio State in the 72 - hole, two - day affair, dash titles, running the century Teddy, sixth in the three mile better shot for second, though." Spartans finished with a 7 - 8 the Wildcats four first - inning first inning of the nightcap and idiana ended up with a total of 1,471 strokes, The Finkbine course was soaked mark in the Big Ten, good for runs in the opener but then coasted in from there. The & ahead of OSU, which had 1,499. The during the sixth place. MSU was 23 - 16 - shut them out the rest of the partans ended up at 1,513. entire toumey because of the heavy rains which pelted the area all week. Two two-run 1 overall and finished with a way in posting his seventh win Spartans tallied nine runs the fifth. Amos Hewitt's fifth in Following the Spartans at Iowa's Finkbine four - game winning streak. in eight decisions. The home run of the year with a "Practically the whole course was casual aurse were Michigan (1,515), Minnesota ,517). Purdue (1,532), Iowa (1,547), Illinois l',553), Wisconsin (1,577) and Northwestern water," Fossum said. "When the golfers came in they were soaked from the knees down with dirt and water. TTiey must have had s park Cleveland MSU collected 31 hits in the doubleheader, including 20 in the second contest. southpaw finished with a 4 - 1 league record and should merit man on highlighted the first inning outburst. eight inches CLEVELAND (UPI) Two 1,643). of rain last week there - Every Spartan had a piece of Tournament medalist was John Harris of - were flooding • run homers by Jack Brohamer the conditions all over." victory pie, but three had innesota. who shot 73 • 73 - 68 • 71 • 285, and Buddy Bell and the Cole, MSU's. leader at the tourney, started especially fine days. over par for the affair. Tied for second pitching of Gaylord Perry and Johnson, who left the game First baseman Howard out slowly this season after having an in the eighth because of a Indiana's Kelly Roberts and Rob Jackson, Bob Johnson Sunday sparked > outstanding freshman year. Schryer tied a Big Ten record the Cleveland Indians to 2 strained back muscle, with two iho shot 289s. "I was most pleased with his play," Fossum a - by driving in eight runs in the 1, 9 4 doubleheader sweep of out and a 3 • 2 count on Gates Hie Spartans low man was sophomore Steve said. "He has gradually gotten better and better - second contest. Schryer We, who shot a 298 on rounds of 78 • 75 - 73 the Detroit Tigers. Brown, struck out four, walked collected a three and the last couple of weeks has reached the - run homer, a Brohamer's first homer of two and gave up four hits. 72. Cole finished in sixth place in the double and two singles in the point where he was last year." the season and the two • hit Slayback is now 1 2. idividual standings. For Domagalski, a native of East - game to finish the year tied Brad Hyland was next for MSU at 301 (77 • Lansing, it pitching of Perry gave the was his first taste of the pressure of the [ • 73 • 74), finishing in ninth place. Steve Indians the victory in the Iroadwell was 15th with 80 ■ 74 - 72 • 79 • 305 nd freshman Gary Domagalski finished in a tie conference meet. "Taking 18th of 60 golfers was a fine opener for his first real heavy exposure to competition. opener while Bell's fifth homer helped Johnson pick up his fms second victory in the nightcap. »r 18th with 78 - 77 • 73-18 • 306. Bill Marx He helped theteam," Fossum commented. The Indians spotted 75 -75 • 82 -79 - 311) and Bill Brafford (81 • The Spartans finished no lower than third in the Tigers a 2 - 1 lead in the 1-78- 78 - 311) rounded out the scoring for each of their last five tournaments. ISU. fte "We had a good season," Fossum said. "We third inning of the second game but bounced back with Lively Arts Series Spartans fell behind by shooting a 388 had high finishes in practically every tournament one run in the third and chased am score for the first round while Indiana and we represented MSU well everywhere." starter and loser Bill Slavback "IT Flyers win S ALVIN AILEY CITY CENTER DANCE THEATRE PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - Hockey League in 1967. during the playoffs in a money he Philadelphia Flyers, Thursday, October 24 Ironically, they did so by dispute. ehind the sensational emulating the often brutal STAN KENTON attending of Bemie Parent, tactics that the Bruins used in the first expansion & HIS ORCHESTRA winning the Stanley Cup in im in history to win the 1970 and 1972. Friday, November 1 linely Cup Sunday afternoon, It is another irony ifing the Boston Bruins 1 that Parent, taken "PIPPIN," BROADWAY MUSICAL - by on a first period power Philadelphia from the Bruins in Tuesday, November 26 . goal by Rick MacLeish. the 1967 expansion draft, The Bruins ruined their last MARCEL MARCEAU, MIME should be the hero. Last year, to get even when playing for the Philadelphia Monday, January 13 John Bucyk was Blazers of the World Hockey BALLET FOLKLORICO ized at 14:54 of the third Assn., Parent quit the team and OF MEXICO Bobby Orr at •38. As a result, they were Tuesday, February 4 table to remove goalie Gilles M>«rt until MAXMORATH the closing "THE RAGTIME YEARS" tonds of play. B> beating Boston four Wednesday, March 5 mes to two in the MADRID RADIO-TV •mpionship round, the " struck a final blow of SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ly for the six expansion Thursday, April 10 that joined the National te-SH°w "WANDSATURDAV Ioo/*aPMission AD"LTSONLY. te!ALED X 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. May 2o 19 With SN photo/John Mittdl| an eye for detailed craftsmanship this woman checks out a display of jewelry, weaving, photography and one man who even made water belt buckles at one of the many display stands at the East Lansing Art fountains. Festival Saturday. Besides leather goods, one could find pottery, ceramics. Community spirit fills art festiva By MARGARET GOSSETT displays, some buying art work fountains could be bought in artists separate from the fee - barrel underneath as skivvies! State News Staff Writer but most of them simply SN photo/Bob Kaye Chicago at half the price. paying art festival sold tie ■ was giving out brownies tT Between the blue • jeaned enjoying the art and "Oh, yeah?" the artist said, dyed tee • shirts, jewelry prints those signing or making | students and Sunday - suited atmsophere. obviously unmoved. and pottery. Toward the end donation. Greg Weeder took the opportunity that the heavily traveled fair offered to show the plight of townspeople crowding the Most common to the festival "But they aren't as creative of the festival they were The Michigan Heart Funl the Michigan Marijuana Initiative, which is having difficulty getting the needed signatures to pottery and jewelry yours," the student said sidewalks and blockaded MAC were as bargaining with customers to also located fundraisers abou| put the marijuana issue on the November ballot. Avenue were the open - air displays, which artists said before moving on to the next sell the remaining goods. the streets, collecting s tables displaying the were selling rapidly to the display. For hungry browsers, food pennies and dimes. professional art work of the students. Many students were Leather crafters showed vendors dispatched mostly by One unknown clowl East Lansing Art Festival, held not out to buy what they hand - tooled belts and purses local businessmen sold pizza, skittered through the called "overpriced, but nice" festiij Friday and Saturday. priced from $5 to $12. The hot dogs, candies, soft drinks with nothing in particular tl It has been a long time, art, and simply wandered customed could even design his and hashish brownies to the do but smile and pass oi remarked one long - haired among the glazed pots, jewelry own belt, choosing whatever crowds. paper daisies. student, since East Lansing had and nude photos. metal buckle he wanted put on The Michigan Marijuana One exhibit featured water Originally known i such a pleasant spirit of the painted cowhide belt. Initiative sought signatures Greenwich Village Days, til community about it. fountains, which spouted One customer purchased an from the crowds to place its year's art festival The festival was open from flowing water from copper obscene buckle for a belt proposed legalization of pot on sponsored by the Centn 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. each tubing to fall on intermittently flaunting tooled pink snails, the November ballot. The East Lansing Business / day and, despite threats of spaced copper leaves below. and wore it home. "barrel man," Greg Weeder, and the East Lansing Fine Ail rain, A browsing student Across Gr^nd River Avenue, wearing old apple barrel throngs of people an as and Cultural HeritaJ wandered about the artists' commented that similar near the Union, a group of trousers with a smaller wine Committee. Allen Maisel bounced this basket ball continually for 42 hours in a fund raising campaign for the Michigan Heart Fund. With the open air, sunshine, and barter atmosphere, East Lansing streets were filled with hundreds of shoppers and bargain hunters checking on displays of every kind of craft. Gary Guggemous, 402 N. Grand River Ave., eyes through some of his crafts that were on display during the East Lansing Art Festival Saturday. photo/John Martell I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 20, 1974 9 Call Now Start your Week out 355-8255 Right! "Advertise Mnotive | Antomotive FRANKLYSPEAKING- -fy Phil frank in Classified" j Employment ji Apartments Apartments ^ FIAT SPYDER 1969. Runs great VW 1965, good $700. 332-8635. Bob, after 5 running condition. $300 or best offer. 351-1126. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT 5-6-22 SUMMER SUBLEASE, close, 2 TWO PERSON, furnished, air, 5-5-24 FOR STUDENTS bedroom, air conditioning $150 close- Summer sublease, $150 / We are accepting applications from FIAT 1971 850. 2 VW 337-0775. 3-5-21 month. 351-8628.10-5-31 seater 1969. Excellent condition. college students who want a convertible, 35 mpg, $1050. Call 332-2910, after 6 i phone 355-8255 condition. Call 655-3177. 5-5-21 good p.m. 5-5-22 summer job. You must be willing to devote a minimum of 40 hours / TWYCKINGHAM: TWO male LUXURY FURNISHED efficiency nt biom roommates - luxury apartment, apartments, air conditioned, week and be able to accept FIREBIRD summer, next to campus, quiet. Summer 1974 swimming pool, air. 350, power steering and brakes, reasonable Motorcycles responsibility. On the job training is $52.50 / month. 351-1578. of fall. 351-1258. 10-5-24 ■•automotive price. 351-8939. 3-5-21 provided for those who are 6-5-24 I Scooters & Cycle* accepted. For an interview, call 484-7368 between 11am 12noon. 711 EAST APARTMENTS I p,rt» & Service FORD 1969 TRIUMPH 650cc COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES Co-op Burcham Road. Large 1 - CUSTOM van 14,000 Tcger. Very 12-5-31 —* 2 bedroom furnished apartment. miles. Camper facilities, best good condition. Custom oil bedroom townhouses I Aiution offer over $2,000. 332-5346 tank. $700. Glenn. 489-4493 available immediately. $130 - Suitable for 2 or 3 persons. MODELS NEEDED for photo ■•employment 5-5-24 5-5-24 Publication and national $133 / month. All utilities furnished except electricity and I'foflrent FORD 1968 440 engine. New CYCLE INSURANCE magazine. Do not apply unless phone. Call 882-4176, Monday - I Apartments brakes, good body. $225. rates on - lowest any sized cycle. Easy you have a clear attractive face Friday, 1:30 - 5:30pm. 10-5-28 and well I Houses 663-8343. 3 5-22 payment plan. Call UNION kept hair. Body optional. No streaking necessary. NEED GIRL to share apartment GRAD, UPPER I Rooms UNDERWRITERS, 372-8120 Or Call Dick 351-1477. 3-5-22 two class male. Share bedroom apartment. Own fall. Cedar Green. 332-1393 485-4317.9-5-31 ■•FOR sale room. 351-4546. SP-5-5-20 4-6pm. 3-5-20 SALES MANAGEMENT II Mobile Animals Homes improvements, radio. Doesn't TX500AS NOW At SHEP'S. We have Yamaha 500cc twins in Developing Program 1 MAN for 2 man furnished. 216 CEDAR GREEN sublease summer. need anything. $300. 355-3148. stock. These 4 cycles (no gas and "GOOD EVENING" I'M TAKING FART IN Salary $9000, trained locally and in Beal. 332-0011. Call 5-8, Phil. 2/person. Furnished, air, pool. [•lost & found 5-523 oil mix) are capable of 110mph A SCAVENGER HUNT AMD I WAS WDN- Hartford, Conn. For director of sales position. Guaranteed annual Summer. 5-5-20 332-1393 4-6pm. 3-5-20 i-personal MAVERICK 1970. Over all and will go much gallon of gas than a 750cc. further on a derims /f roo Have a fm&wovsE salary plus override commissions, SUBLEASE LOVELY FURNISHED efficiency, 1'peanuts personal condition, very good. - Includes SHEP'S MOTOR othw fringe benefits. Must be college ONE bedroom 915 Lilac. Available June. $125 - I'real estate snow tires. Very reasonable, 25 2460 North Cedar, Holt. Just SPORTS, INC. Steak o* a $%o Bill lying 4R0UNDU* graduate, sales background of 2-5 apartment for summer. Air, close. $150. 332-1819. 5-5-20 $135 plus electricity. 372-6852, mpg. 351-1898. 5-5-22 years since graduation preferred. 349-3604. 0-5-5-22 south of {•recreation 694-6621. C-5-5-24 1-96 overpass. Phone ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411 •BERKELEY. CA 94709 Call T.F. Bigelow Junior, at i'service MERCEDES 1969 6-cylinder, 349-1670, anytime Tuesday for SUMMER RENTALS LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom I instruction 4-door. Clean condition. Can be HARLEY DAVIDSON 1967 Sprint appointment. Equal Opportunity (FILLED FOR FALL) apartment. 121 Beal. Available Auto Service / I Typing Service seen Accept and driven wholesale on campus. SS. Many new parts, new paint. On or off road. Must see to Employment fi Employer. 1-5-20 JUST A FEW June 15. 372-6852. 349-3604. 0-5-5-22 price. i-transportation 353-7294. 2-5-21 appreciate. Asking OLAN MILLS Advertising $450. SPACES LEFT ONE MAN needed, next year. |'wanted OLDS F-85 1970. 6 stick, $750. 372-6775. 5-5-23 BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced rates to students. BOX OFFICE and concession help department needs several ladies for telephone sales. Call from $200 month Cedar Village. 4/man. 355-9381. Also needed. Apply in person Days 353-4688. 5-5-21 Evenings 1973 350 Honda CB. Excellent guaranteed rust proofing. VAN our office or your home. Call ••rates" evenings. Lansing Drive In, 5207 337-0718. X-5-5-23 condition. Insurance, 2 helmets. WORLD, 645-2123. OR-5-31 South Cedar. 5-5-21 Mrs. Crofflin, 393-6350. 3-5-22 ONE GIRL for next year, Cedar OLDS CUTLASS 1971 350 351-0309. B-1-5-20 VOLKSWAGEN / FOREIGN car HEAD TEACHER CEDAR View Apartments. Call Yvonne, - for day care 332-0821. 5-5-21 engine, automatic transmission. 1969 TRIUMPH 500, 1971 Honda repair. Mechanical and body. center in Mason. Call 676-5635, VILLAGE NO DAYS Power brakes, steering, air. 349-1409, after 6 pm. 5-5-23 factory CL-175 both' good condition, best offer. 351-5377.3-5-20 Buy, sell and trade, IMPORT AUTO PARTS AND REPAIR. 485 2047. 0-2-5-20 $NOTICE$ 9 am - 4 pm. 3-5-22 APPLICATIONS FOR employment 315 BOGUE ST. 351-5180 TWO GIRLS needed, September - June at Water's Edge. Beautiful apartment, excellent location. I 1 3 | 5 10 HARLEY PANHEAD Chopper. at McDonald's of East Lansing at ALL STUDENT ADS SUMMER SUBLEASE, two $82.50. 351-2227. 5-5-22 Extra clean, asking $2,100. Tom U REPAIR AUTO 1024 East Grand River are now SERVICE bedroom apartment. Carpeted, Nielsen, 489 1011. 5-5-22 CENTER 5311 South being accepted. All hours open. furnished, air, pool reasonable. SUMMER You may fill out an application LEASE, 1 bedroom, Pennsylvania. Phone 882-8742. MUST BE Call 332-6785. 3-5-21 $125 / month. Sparrow Hospital HONDA 1971 CL 450 and 1972 Rent a basic stall for $4/hour 8-1 Oam and 2-4 pm, PRE-PAID Monday near. 351-5323. 10-5-30 CL350. $450, $800. 663-5131 and do your own through Friday. 5-5-24 repairs! All Now through the SUMMER SUBLET, one bedroom, PLYMOUTH FURY 1969. Body, 5-5-23 tools, equipment and technical motor excellent. $700 or best end of the term. furnished, air, close, $350/term. 720 ANN - Beautiful 3 bedroom assistance free with stall, DRAFTSMAN - PART time Opdn 351-8539. 3-5-21 duplex, carpeted, pets. Call offer. John, 332-8623, 8-5 1973 SUZUKI 500 with accessories evenings, 10am 10pm. 6-5-24 - Saturdays. Owr 3-5-20 351-8426. 3-5-20 DEADLINE 2,500 miles. Must sell. transportation. One year table 651 5194. 6-5-24 347 STUDENT SERVICES experience. 349-1074. X 3-5-21 ■1 PM one class day PLYMOUTH FURY II 1969. Employment fj NEED THREE men for fall in ■before publication. Cedar Village. 351-9567, after 6 4/door, automatic, power KAWASAKI 1972 175cc PART - TIME positions for MSU 2 WOMEN exciting summer camp Furnished, except own room. pm or leave number. 3-5-20 steering and brakes, radio, 16 Enduro, like new, extras, $600, students. Excellent salary level jobs. June 12 - August 17. BABYSITTER WANTED sorting Swimming pool, one mile from | Peanuts Personal ads mpg $669. 882-6083.3 5-20 negotiable. 351-1414. 5-5-20 and meaningful business Imprint machine (we train); "~S— June, 9-4, 2 children, East W.S.I, campus. Deposit. 484-3379. must be pre paid. experience. Automobile required; Counseling, 3-5-21 PLYMOUTH CUDA 1972 NORTON GUZZI DUCATI. New Lansing, (walking distance); also - 340 - • required. 351-5800. 0-3-5-22 typing; driving; call for now Monday - Wednesday, Cancellations, Corrections automatic, air, AM/FM. ziebarted, many extras, excellent models service on for display. Repair Honda and British and Okemos. $1.25/hour. 349-2950 5-5-22 interview. 646-6709. X-4-5-22 WANTED, ONE or Twyckingham Apartments. $80 two girls. APARTMENTS J 12 noon one class day condition. $2650 or best offer. Alter 5pm 355-4062,3-5.-22 makes. Howe, G.T. MOTORS, 816 Call 372-0567 WAITRESSES bartender. AND Call part time or $60. 351-9108, after 5 pm. ■before publications. Lansing. Phone after 11am 5-5-23 485-6815. 12-5-31 MANPOWER 489-1215 OR-5-31 between 12 - 6 pm. 489-9116. 5-5-20 I The State News will be PLYMOUTH FURY III 1967. FULL TIME opening for cook. SUBLET SUMMER 2-man large ■ responsible only for the Engine good, body fair, $350. 349-9336. 3 5-22 Auto Service / 372-0880 Some experience in quantity close / air / reasonable. Call 332-5829. 3-5-20 ■first day's incorrect cooking required. Liberal fringe PONTIAC 1970, T-37 - many Need money and a job? ATTENTION benefits. Every other weekend NOW LEASING summer and falH4 Now Leasing MASON BODY SHOP - 812 East off. Call Mrs. McHenry, extras, excellent condition. man $900. Can be seen at Seven Kalamazoo Street since 1940. We'll give you all the help ARTS & LETTERS Personnel, 349-1050. Ingham campus. apartments, Call 332-0245. across from Summer and Fall Complete auto County Extended Care Facility, 126 Trails east. Okemos. 349 3859 painting and you need. Orchard Street. 5-5-20 collision service Okemos, Michigan. 5-5-23 Summer-$150 i-3 oersons after 6pm. 5-5-22 485-0256. C-5-31 Work for us in your spare MAIORS SUMMER Fall $73 3'occupants MODELS FOR photography. Call SUBLEASE, 2-3 RENAULT 12TS. 4-door, red. time, 1 day, 1 week, 1 bedroom, across from Discount for 12 mo. Lease between 10am and 6pm Berkey 13,500 miles, 23 months old. month—take your pick. Rent negotiable. Stick shift. Michelin radials, Add variety to your list Petitions for student __4_8^l1?L5lPR"5'31 5-5-20 351-4670 • 351-7212 Blaupunkt radio, 28.5 mpg. this summer. Male and positions on University HOUSEKEEPER - FOR motherless 731 Burclwm Drive (highway), 24.5 mpg (city), one female applicants needed. level and College level home. Live - in, comfortable Waters-Rivers Models open l-6,J4on. -Sat. owner. Leaving country, must committees will be accepted home. School Other times by appointment children. sell. $2,100 332-0924 after Office and industrial areas. Monday, May 13th, thru 625-3434. 5-5-22 age Edge Apts. JevROLET 1966 Reliable, good ■i«es. asking $150. 351-1246, 9pm. 5-5-20 Experience not always Wednesday, May 29th FREE ROOMMATE SUMMER SUBLEASE: necessary. Apply in FOR THE CAREER MINDED Twyckingham apartments. Air, ■•'-'-m. 5-5-24 SERVICE Sum mer TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 1967 person, 105 East administrative assistant with pool; only $75. 351-8160 Petitions are available 5-5-21 36,000 miles, new tires, $1,200. ROGER & PAULS Washtenaw. 1 332-4432 JflVETTE 1971 whit* - full 351-9186. 5-5-23 at your departmental secretarial needed in training a new * or experience, tQ al planning many extras,- new office. For information 20' FROM OFF KALAMAZOO ■ s Excellent. 349-3270. MARATHON BABYSITTER FOR infant twins corporation e\V-V,uth Lansing, swimming pool, 2 Holmes Street. - 511 South TRIUMPH TR4A Roadster. Great call 355 - 0368. bedrooms. two bathrooms. 1 bedroom salary is negotiable, excellent condition, price $700. Phone year round. Must be dependable. Northwind Farms Apartments. unfurnished. House privileges Where all we working conditions, excellent 355-6196. 3-5-22 353-0958. 10-5-28 Summer. One - two people. $75 month. 487-0662 lUGAR 1968. b.nefits, equal opportunity Automatic, power specialize in is 351-1403. 3-5-21 485-2481. 5-5-24 "lenng, radio, vinyl top and BABYSITTER: LIGHT house employer. Call 393-1452. X-4-5-20 GO GO DANCERS. Full or part lew. 882-5416. 3-5-22 VEGA GT 1973. 4-speed. radio. cleaning, full time, 2% year old. time. No experience necessary. ONE PERSON for summer. Excellent condition 14,000 Call 10am • 6 pm. 372-7086. My East Lansing home. Own For Rent 551 ALBERT Street. One block , University Villa. $75. Bob W3 124 miles. Price $2195. 349 3358. transportation, salary negotiable. from campus. Large 2 bedorom, convertible, 8 5-5-20 337-7447. 3-5-22 1 Bright 5-5-20 332-1446, after 6 pm. 3-5-22 furnished, for fall. Resident yellow, black 349- 3196 Low mileage, 28 rv AND manager's apartment No. 3. mpg. \V A WEEK TOWING COUPLE NEEDED as house STEREO rentals. it at 1824 East LIFEGUARD WANTED for 332-2404 / 351-6676. 10-5-23 Michigan OPEN 6 DAYS parents for 6 mildly retarded $24/term. $9.95/month. Free summer Church camp. Near l*£!' L an s' n g, days California! SOV until 1970, ^ 1 - 9 PM BUT SUNDAY women in Community Mental Frankfurt, Michigan. Beginning same day delivery and service. ACROSS FROM Campus: 124 ¥^3596 P!| al,er 5Pm 1 224 Alpine Drive, and weekends good Michelins. $400. 337-0^3 FAMOUS LUCAS Square 8 Fog Health Home. Exciting and June 23. Must have current WSI Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-5-31 Cedar Street, 135 Kedzie Drive, SUMMER SUBLEASE 2-3 person or 355-5153. 5-5-21 rewarding work. Room, board, certificate or equivalent. Salary JK-5692. 10-5-23 and Driving $32.50 NOW! $23.50/each. lamps. Regular salary, garden. Call Irma plus room and board. Call Mr. 2-man, one bedroom furnished apartments, $170 and up. apartment, pool close to WO. 124 Zuckerberg, 487-6500 or campus. 731 Burcham. Sports Coupe; VW BUS 1967 - mechanically CHEQUERED FLAG, 2605 East Kennon. 372-3220 between 9am Available June and September. 372-8270. 5-5-20 332-0555 after 5. 5-5-23 radio, 26+mpg. excellent. Body very good. Good Kalamazoo, one mile west of - 5pm weekdays. 5-5-24 129 Burcham, Summer leases. JW conditon, 351-3013, after TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile rubber, carpeted, 484-7871. campus. 487-5055. C-10-5-24 Call 487-3216. Evenings 5-10pm TWO GIRLS for Americ< WOMEN TO work in a graphics art homes. $25 - $35 / week. Ten 5-5-20 NURSE, LPN or RN, exciting 882-2316 or 8-3pm, 351-2402. studio, some experience minutes to campus. Quiet and VW GUARANTEED REPAIR. desirable but not a necessity, summer camp jobs. June 12 - 0-5-31 peaceful on a lake. 641-6601. RANDY'S MOBIL, Okemos will train. August 17 (other duties NOW PRE LEASING FOR FALL Day and night 0-5-31 - Road and 1-96. 349-9620. required). Call 646-6709 for positions available. Call Mr. Nils, C-5-31 349-2320. 5-5-22 3-5-22 LEASING SUMMER or fall, CROSSWORD furnished 2 bedroom with PUZZLE meadowbrook DELIVERY MAN To deliver shower. Also 2 rooms and bath. merchandise to Ann Arbor every Both private parking, reduced ACROSS Wednesday. Call 332-4672. Campus Hill summer rent. 1214 East 1 Careen 28 Aspire evenings. 2-5-21 Kalamazoo. 3-5-20 4. Tommy j 29 Orale 7 Location 30 Shredded TRACE TIRED OF 11 Harem room 12 Son of Gad 32 Pause 33 Ruminate 13. Unite 35 Caliber □□□□□ dbuhhb WAITING FOR !4 Medley 36 Early cars APARTMENTS i Now Leasing for Fall A REFUND? 16 Prospect 17. Refined 18 Happiness 37 Minnesota 40 football team Sea gull sannra 000000 UE1QB0 □SDHSE FIRST TIME EVER OFFERED! Special Summer Rates HA1STU0 MANAGEMENT 19. Thwart 41. Consumed | Campus Hill Apartments, are carpeted and furnished MDS DEPOSITS 21 Chasm 12 Broz 23 Stay rope 42 43 44 Lettuce Orient Denary 1 Male turkey 2. Ort 4 5 Style of painting Drive I MONTH LEASE < with distinctive, comfortable furniture. Each unit has IMMEDIATELY! 24 Tuition 27. Verily 45 Parisian summer 3. Extra heart beats 6 7. Never in Efficiency Bonn a garbage disposal, central heating and air 8 Aloofness 11 BDR $180 per month conditioning, and dishwasher. These 4 man units have T~ T~ 4 5 6 ' T~ r~ 10 9 Neckwear 12BDR , j up to 4 parking spaces per unit and include the use of Special Summer Rates " 1 12 % 13 10 Greek letters 1 BATH—$212 per month | a giant swimming pool and recreation room. Throughout the academic year there will be free bus 1 Bedroom from $145 m %•5 A 1& 15 18 Vehicle Trade 2 BDR—2 BATH—$222—per month | transportation to and from campus. We also have a 2 Bedroom from $160 17 % lis 19. Boil on the eyelid %% % j3 BDR $237 per month I full time Resident Manager for If you want to be among the first residents of Campus Hill call today. SPECIAL 12 month rates available Roommate service For showing, please contact Resident Manager at building listed below. 21 20 „% 21 w % 24 20. 21 23. Turnover Chicle Cotton seeder 25 25. Goddess of * * Olympic size pool Recreation provided FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL 349 Beech wood 1110 Beech St. North Polnti 1240 Hi U tit Rd. i7 2e % 26 healing Culbertson Each unit has hall - 3530. iii-mt Detti Arms 211 Delti St. 112-M7I University Terrace 414 Mkhi«tn 56 31 % 28 Clumsy boat «" garbage disposal, conditioning & central heating & 111(111 Everireen Arms 141 Everireen St. 111-C111 117-0110 University VIH»t« 111 Abbot Rd. % 3i %is 29. 31 Ruffed lemur Assault IS 1-2011 management exclusively by not water. HtKett Arms til Colmfwood St. 111-1110 Inn America 27M C. Gi. River 117-1*21 36 %X w 32 33 Symbol Genealogy ALL STATE MANAGEMENT CO.,INC W 34 Goddess of t MO n Office hours destiny Mon Sat 393 - 0210 Halstead Management 35 Sting ■ 10-6 ml 1310 241e. saginawhwy suite411 *3 37. Caldron Sun 11 -6 east lansing michigan 48823 351-7910 r 38 Obtained 39 Compass point Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 20, 1974 11 Endless By STEVEN V. ROBERTS war mars more lives she voiced the ancient few odds and ends were still scattered NEW YORK TIMES sufferings of war. about, signs of the lives that "God, this is our destiny!" she kept saying. "This is our had been lived here - a twisted spoon, a red slipper, a rubber NABATIEH, Lebanon - An old woman, her head wrapped in a destiny!" boot that still smoldered with an acrid smell. I kerchief, trudged through the rubble of this village, talking to Thursday Israeli aircraft attacked Nabatieh and several other The trees had been shorn of their leaves and bits of Palestinian refugee camps in southern clothing Lebanon, squalid places hung from the bare branches. ^"Everywhere we go," she moaned, "Hie Israelis are after us." that have been breeding anger and violence for 26 years. The Nabatieh camp usually holds about 3,500 Palestinian First her family was driven out of Palestine, she related, and Government officials said the raids were in retaliation for the refugees, but most had fled. A few men picked through the I then out of a refugee camp near the town of Saida. Now her Palestinian attack in Maalot rubble, trying to salvage a pan or a blanket. Three hoisted what Wednesday in which 24 Israelis were I village had been pounded by Israeli planes. Standing in its ruins, killed. they could carry onto their backs and headed for the town It is estimated that 25 Arabs were killed in Nabatieh Thursday. ■It's what's happening— Friday the Palestinian guerrillas took a busload of newsmen from nearby, hoping to find sleeping space in a mosque. Guerrilla leaders conducted a news conference in the square, Beirut, about 30 miles north, to view the where only a basketball hoop was still nts for It's What's Women's Center S47'/j K. Grand restricted area that can be entered camp, which is a standing. Young guerrillas ■ must be received in the River Ave: Are you a mother who only with military permission. lounged nearby, holding their automatic rifles as casually as a I „ Happ inn The bus, a rickety tourist might hold his camera. 0ffiCe, 341 Student supports her family? You might be contraption generously marked with bullet ■ by I p.m. at least interested in sharing your problems holes, careened along as if an Israeli patrol was The Israeli raids, one said, would services _„J., H gaining on the only accelerate guerrilla is days before publication. with other women at 7:30 driver. Along the coast road an occasional attacks. p.m. anti - aircraft gun will be accepted I Noannounc Tuesday. Interested in how your poked toward the deep blue sky. Another said: "The Kissinger mission and the Israeli attacks are by phone. body works and what the doctor two sides of the same coin. The never tells you? Come to Self - Help Entering Nabatieh, the Kissinger mission is aimed at first thing to be noticed is bomb \ll announcements printed at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. There will be wiping out the Palestinian cause, while the mission of the Israeli •s What's Happening" are n potluck picnic and softhall game craters, some as deep as 20 feet. Lebanese newspapers said Friday that phantoms is to wipe out the Palestinians themselves." ,y on WMSN (640 AM) cam| for all Women's Center staffers : the raid was the fiercest ever launched against the A third guerrilla, who goes by the name Che 3:30 p.m. Sunday. Call the center Palestinians by Israel. The Israelis have insisted Guevara, to find'out what to that their jets displayed several toys he said were boobytrapped by the Israelis bring. attacked only Palestinian guerrilla concentrations. ■ Attention Spartan Marching and dropped on the village. But they were clean and in one The guerrilla command piece, I Band Emergency meeting at S Volunteers are needed during the obliterated. So were dozens of houses. post in the center of town was and everything else in Nabatieh was dirty and broken, so it was ■ tonight i" tl"-' band room. 120 summer months to interview hard to believe him. I Music Bldg. Be there! prisoners for a pretrial release In one, a bed was standing in a room with two walls left. As the newsmen departed, a villager said several bodies were program at District Court. Must Bulldozers had apparently been ■ University Lutheran Church, in provide own transportation to through, leveling the debris and still buried where they stood. Under the debris a cat cried, I covering everything with a thick coat of jsociation with University United either Lansing or Mason, and bi choking, gray dust. But a another victim of an endless war. I h>> d is t Church, presents free from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. or ■ Vacation Church School June 17 - from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. lirst of I ;8. Children age 5 to 12 are invited two training sessions is 7 p.m. participate in the theme. Israeli student recounts | in Tuesday at Edgewood United J "Bibletimes," including crafts, Church, 469 N. Hagadorn Road. ■ recreation, music and Christian For information, contact Frank 1 education. University Lutheran is Dennis, 304 Horticulture Bldg. I located at 1020 S. Harrison Road. I Children may be registered at either An a covering the | of the church offices. ■ I I I technique, ,1 i/en, 7 p.m. zen applied (introductory), Wednesday Please be prompt and Mondays and meditation maintenance of for 7:30 p.m. Community Room of the MSU Employes Credit Union. cars, Tuesday is scheduled in the terrorist attack by Arabs i pillow or cushion to sit on. Editor s Note: Tamar Ben - Hamu is a 16 year - old girl who I ijught by "Security deposits; how to get Later, they separated us. The boys went upstairs and the girls ronn and debb. yours back," can now be obtained was among 85 Israeli students held hostage down. The terrorists broke windows. I Sponsored by Alternative in the Off Campus Wednesday by three - Housing Office Arab terrorists in Maalot. She I guess I lost track of time. A and the ASMSU Legal Aid Office in gave this account of her ordeal girl soldier with us, Narkiss the Student Services from her hospital bed. Mordechai, was called by the Arabs. They gave her a piece of Bldg. Learn what you can do to get your money By TAMAR BEN paper with demands they were asking of our government and sent back when you move out of a - HAMU her outside. . s limited AP Wire photo a facilitator. Sensitivity NAHARIYA, Israel (AP) - We were sleeping on the second The Arab who spoke Hebrew was fairly nice. He kept telling vough simple massage techniques floor of the school when we heard us to calm down. But there was another one who Elderly woman mourns loss of loved one in Arab-Israeli conflict. Resource Center. On - campus shouts at 4 o'clock. TTiree was quite brutal i 8:30 p.m. Thursday in 301 distribution sponsored by ASMSU. terrorists came in and began and threatened us. The Hebrew speaker told him to leave us firing at the soldiers accompanying agriculture Hall (after yoga). New our group. alone. j|k welcome. French, German, Junior League garage sale: Speaking good Hebrew, Now and then the Arabs would shoot out the windows. I I I Spanish and now Italian continues to continue and is now open to new faces. For beginners. Five days a clocks, figurines, furniture, books, collectables, no clothing. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday at will not harm you." He led us into a classroom and one of them said, "Sit down and we The Hebrew speaker shouted to the Israelis loudspeaker. We had a radio and through a State of emergency we were crying and shouting. we could hear everything 264 Lexington Ave. Proceeds used We were so frightened. happening outside. called in N. Ireland for Junior League communtiy We were allowed to drink our water and eat our provisions. Then the Arabs prepared their explosives and put them on a The College of Urban table and told us. The Hreprofessional Club will be I choosing next year's officers at a Development is sponsoring Art "Don't be afraid," one said. "If Israel MacEwan. Harvard gives us the prisoners, BELFAST, N'orthern k^nd — A state of emergency was meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in lecturing on "Incentive! you won't be harmed. But if they don't, well blow up the declared in Northern Ireland Sunday as a five - 104 Bcssey Hall. All interested pre • and Power in Revolution building. day - old general meds are invited. Also, there will be strike called by militant Protestants threatened the a special meeting at this at 3 p.m. today in 38 Union, and After that we didn't want to eat or drink any more. already time to "Energy SENATE DEMOCRATIC LEADER Jerome T. Hart of crippled province with a complete power blackout. ■ organize a Pre - Dental Club for Crisis and Capitalist Saginaw We are all religious - from a religious school in nearby Safad. Belfast and ixt year. Crises" at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday in 101 said Friday he hopes to have the Senate Democrats' majority We took out a Bible and read Londonderry were hit by four - hour power cuts N. Kedzie Hall. psalms, and we prayed to God and Sunday while the rest of the province had up to eight - hour cuts. support the much - criticized House version of an election we pleaded with the Arabs not to set off the campaign financing reform bill. explosives. • •-I St Service jjjjL may Petitions for the Off - Campus Council election to be held May 28 be picked up in 334 Student Services Bldg. and are due May 31. The House bill, which concentrates on the disclosure of candidate contributions and expenditures and was the objections of Gov. Milliken, includes a approved over Later, the cruel Arab threatened, "If you don't shut up 111 kill you one by one." We also argued among ourselves whether Israel should give in. Merlyn Rees, Britain's ministerfor Northern Ireland, issued the declaration allowing him to call in troops to man" and other essential services. power stations Republican - opposed One of the girls asked the Hebrew | ANN BROWN typing and multilith provision that exempts the names of campaign contributors of speaker, "I want to ask you iting. Complete service The Student Council lor less than $25 from being disclosed. something but don't get angry." "Tlie total breakdown of the supply of electricity would create sertation,. theses. Exceptional Children will have >ts, general typing. IBM *** "Go ahead," he said. a quite unprecedented situation and would present the gravest h * (room 1o be A BILL THATwould allow pharmacists to substitute cheaper "Why don't you want possible threat to the lite of the community," Rees said. ^24 years experience. 349-0650. announced). Get inv()|ved; run for versions of higher - priced brand name drugs for consumers was peace with us?" The strike has closed factories, shops and shipyards for days at C 5 31 "It's Israel which doesn't want peace." an office. Only you can make your cleared for Senate action by the Senate a cost estimated by the Confederation of British Industry at $9.6 organization what you want it to Agriculture and "Not true, not true," we said. But he didn't want to argue. | THESES, RESUMES, typing and be. If you plan on running or would Consumers Affairs Committee Thursday. The measure, million a day in lost production. approved Later — it must have been after 5 o'clock — the Hebrew printing. Reasonable prices. like information, call the special earlier bv the House, could save consumers 35 per cent of their speaker said, "I am going downstairs to set off the bomb." COME RCIAL PRINTING. education office or stop in at 351 In Dublin the Irish government decided prescription drug bill, sponsors say. The committee voted 4 -1 to Then everything exploded around us. Hie whole Saturday to recall its 351-4116. C-5-31 Erickson Hall. building troops from the United Nations force in the Middle East after report the bill out, with Sen. Philip Pittenger, R • Lansing, shook like an earthquake. I Tvoikir ^he Administrative Management dissenting. Friday's terrorist explosions that killed 28 persons and injured IMPING - IN my home. Society of MSU will present a panel I don't know who started shooting first. It was terrible. Blood more than 130. Experienced. Anytime. Call discussion on banking GOV. MILLIKEN. speaking on and broken glass everywhere. 393-8742. 5-5-24 administration with four officers of a veterans affairs racioshow Saturday, said he will sign legislation Tuesday that will put the A bullet went through my back into After a hour cabinet meeting, the government announced the Bank of Lansing Meet ion nt my stomach. We were question of a $205 million bonus for Vietnam veterans on the screaming. There was fire and smoke. that it had formally requested the United Nations to | PURPLE VICKI - Fast, accurate, officers will also take place at 7:30 340 Irish soldiers in the Sinai as release the inexpensive typing. Very near tonight in the Eppley Center Teak November ballot. We started jumping out of the windows. Our soldiers were part of the Effort here to campus. 337-7260. 10-5-24 Ro"m' A" Collcgc of Busi,,ess *** below. I jumped out a window crying, "Catch me, I'm dying." intensify security along the border with the British province of students welcome. SENATE TAXATION CHAIRMAN Harry A De Masso, R- Battle Cteek A soldier caught me and the next thing I remember was this Northern Ireland. Officials pledged a series of I TYPING electric machine. Fast tighter security - Arthur MacEwan, a has requested Att. Gen. Frank J. Kelley to issue an opinion on hospital. measures, including new checkpoints at the border and accurate, experienced. Please call radical on the outskirts of Dublin. perhaps economist from Harvard, will be the language in the initiatory petitions to repeal the state sales tax You know, we had been on a three - day hike and the 372-4746. 12-5-31 day talking with people about the New on food and drugs in a letter Friday. DeMaso noted that the before we had asked permission from the police to _ American Movement (NAM), a camp near the I Lebanese border. They refused because they said there were Bombs in three cars that were set off on the crowded Sand T typing service. Experienced democratic socialist organization, at proposed constitutional amendment would put a halt to sales tax streets in the center of Dublin " typists, fast and efficient. 55* 8:30 tonight in the Union charges next Jan. 1 - halfway through the 1974 - 75 fiscal year - terrorists at large. They sent us to Maalot to spend the night. Friday and a fourth in the border town , I hadn't wanted to go on the hike. I don't think I ever will of Monaghan, left the republic in a mood of miscellaneous per page, double Sun porch. Everyone is welcome. eliminating an estimated $100 million from the state budget in shock and fear. They caused more casualties than the last six months of the year. again. any attack since violence over JW-J482 or 351-1728. 5-5-21 Northern Ireland began five years directors on the Mariah staff. Pick ago. I up applications in the Mariah The only one of Northern Ireland's five power stations still | COMPLETE Discount THESES printing, IBM typing - Service, office, second floor Union. Turn in by 5 p.m. Wednesday. Israel boats hit camp in Lebanon; 8 dead, 4 wounded operating Sunday was powered by oil maintenance workers. The other four closed when the and required men no who reSUr The Psychology Club presents shovel coal for the generators went on strike. cimil cimpus corner \C/°a M.A.C. and ,r°m Arnold Werner from the Doctor's continued from page 1. progress, but not yet talking highest strategic outpost on indicating that Israel has no "A serious breakdown would mean the end of the road, and Bag at 4 p.m. today in 102B Wells we Grand River. Below Secretary of State Henry about final agreement. There is Mt. Hermon peak, which intention of Jones Hall. Topic: "Sexual Dysfunction still work to be done," relinquishing more are desperately trying to keep the system going," a spokesperson Stationery Shop. Call Kissinger, in Jerusalem to meet overlooks the entire battlefield, I in Men and Women College territory under future said. COPYGRAPH SERVICES, Students." Slides along with with the Israeli cabinet Sunday U.S. officials said Kissinger but both sides would maintain settlements. 337-1666. C-5-31 lecture. All students and faculty after a 3'^ hour conference had won approval from Syria other positions on the slopes. Several hundred British army technicians flew into Belfast ■ - In Lansing, the state Senate welcome. No admission fee. Saturday with Syrian President and Israel for an undisclosed Israeli sources said troops Sunday to stand by for power station duty. Army engineers were Thursday adopted a resolution I SSSS0^. *eS Mar;ied s,uden,s r ,hc.spT"g Hafez Assad, said he would disengagement line. The emphasis of the negotiations also would pull out of Quneitra, the former provincial sponsored by two Jewish also reportedly on alert in Britain and West Rees said he would use troops only Germany. a last resort. 1 fAVANN.489-Uc.5.r fun for the whole family. Watch for prolong his peace mission by two or three days in an effort now was shifting to subsidiary capital, and three nearby senators condemning the killing of 25 Israelis in Maalot, A spokesperson for the Ulster Workers Council, the Protestant group which organized the strike, reacted: "We will not be to come up with a final issues, such as the thinning out Syrian villages. The area would Israel, by Arab terrorists. |F 0 R M E R COLLEGE "■ agreement. of firepower on either side of a be inside the buffer zone but blackmailed with the threat of troops at the power stations. It's S'Tm nllnu«-ri *Cre,afV r" P8Per'' ,h6te$' G»> wi" havc an 0pen rap session from 8:30 to II p.m. U.S. officials secretary planned at least four said the U.N. buffer zone, the manning of the buffer zone and a under administration. Syrian civilian The resolution, introduced by Democrats Daniel S. Cooper no use trying to use jackboot tactics." "scripts, t etc. at The Protestant militants my home. Wednesday in 309 Student Services more trips back and forth to timetable for the exchange of The Israeli cabinet of Oak Park and Jack Faxon are demanding election of a new "Msonable rates 332-2616. provincial assembly and cancellation of the Sunnydale 5"2' Bldg. The corner of your room can prisoners from last October's announced it would not stop of Detroit, was adopted on a be Damascus, finalizing the plan which provides for greater a very lonely place. Gay unanimous voice vote. cooperation between war. ■ liberation, 309 Student Services to which both sides tentatively building new civilian Northern Ireland, which has a Protestant I "PE R| E NCE D Sources said Kissinger's plan settlements in the area of the It expressed "shock and majority, and the 1 Okemos, IBM (Pica TYPISTS Bldg., is open during the day. Stop agreed this weekend. predominantly Roman Catholic Irish Republic. - Elite type)'. or call. "I am more optimistic than I calls on Israel to relinquish its Golan under its control, outrage" at the Arab attack. 349 177^ WMkdaV*. or Center for Alternatives in/to was 24 hours ago," said «m«L ev#nin®» *nd Higher Education closes Foreign Minister Abba Eban Rare beast list I n, 0-2-5-20 permanently Eriday. Last chance to after the Israeli cabinet . find summer and next year's reviewed Kissinger's plan for a a jsjc settlement. shortened by 9 worldwide. Open from I to 3 p.m. However, he added, "we are Mondays and Fridays and from I lo talking about significant The Michigan House I NeED RIDE Fort t ...w A, UU 4:30 P-m- Tuesdays through Wednesday amended the state's J"ne Shar. • Thursdays. Located in United 1974 Endangered Species Act dr,v,nB' 351-18S? sb-5t 23 w 8®s Ministries in Higher Education, 1118 S. Harrison Road. Small firms by removing several animals from the list of those which 10,16,r°undRIDER ,0 S»n_Fr*ncois Southern Africa Liberation may not be hunted, killed, sold 484-3965 May 3 5.,, 31 400.911;? ' 489"2157; Committee meets at 7:30 tonight at United Ministries Education. 1118 S. Harrison Road. In Higher enjoy week or purchased. The bill, approved on a 97 - 0 vote with no debate, Eight million small now Wanted ii1] as MSU Outing nub meets at 7 businesses PU9I.IW in the United faces Senate scrutiny. p.m. Tuesday in 146 Giltner Hall. A It would prohibit the short program will be given. States will be getting some sale or purchase of taking, Iktiii,. Everyone welcome. recognition through Saturday mountain I n itari G,RAD fall term need, p,ace t0 liv* Wrjt p K c Attention Married Housing men. as the 10th annual Small lions, jaguars, timber wolves. free gray or Business Week is observed. - roaming I 2® E«« Mansion Manhali New *°P "> bajke,b"" Charles P. Lockwood, acting feral horses, caiman and 4906R 3 league. Come and play three man crocodile. _ **8.3-5-21 ha)r court basketball from 7:30 to - district director of the Small l^TEDTn Red Ced"r Administration in Animals which are no ° 9:30 p'm' Tuesdgys Business longer 1 4*I°oR™-Un,urn,,h«d' thi nT bedroom home In School, Detroit, said the highlight of on the list include the leopard, cheetah, tiger, polar bear, red I di.. m01 High School four introductory lectures on the week will be the naming of • national Small Businessman wolf, vicuna, alligator, ocelot I kJ '' 0n« year lease Transcendental Meditation will be a I 7nn'ng and margay. July 1 Call Mr. offered by Students International of the Year and picking a Small 1 363-3870 between 8-5 Meditation Society Tuesday and Businessman of the Year for Violators would be subject | 5*24 between 8-5. Xhurid§y , p>m. at 209 Berkey and to up to 90 days in jail and a 7:30 p.m. at 118 Berkey Hall. Michigan. $1,000 fine. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Saturday night events fizzle out By JOE KIRBY Saturday night. for the parking ramp. Jeri five bike riders from North Hie person working at the State News Staff Writer "TTiere are a lot of lonely Rosenberg, 317 Mason Hall, Wonders Hall who decided to South Hubbard Hall desk said ride their bikes up and down 211 For some MSU students people that sit home alone on a freshman, and Jim Katterman, that a group of people usually E.Grand R i ver the ramp. Saturday night," Bunting said. a visiting friend from show up in the lounge every Saturday nights are more than Next to the The canoe shelter over at Farmington, said they do not Chuck Ellis, 427 N. Wonders Saturday night and play guitar, Sportmeister going to bars or studying at Bessey Hall was supposed to be like going to the bars and Hall, freshman, said, "We sing and play games. Last Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat the Library. There is a sense of decided to go skating because weren't planning this but there 9-6 adventure and the realization open until midnight, weather Saturday night they decided permitting, but for some of "the absence of the moon." wasn't much to do." not to show up. Wed.Thur 9-9 that good prospects often reason the people who run the Jon Vanderheyden, 428 N. fizzle out. "It was rather impulsive," Wonders Hall, freshman, said The MSU Observatory, canoe shelter did not think the Jan Bunting, 1696 E. Grand River Ave., junior, decided to weather on was Saturday. permitting enough Rosenberg said. "We don't do it every Saturday night." he was because playing his harmonica it makes the riding located near College and Forest roads, was supposed to have an CIGARETTES LIMIT 2 2 Pks. , sit in one of the chained • up The sound of a harmonica easier for him. open house on Saturday night (Coupon) canoes on the Red Cedar River Two roller skaters went coming from the top of the Students looking to be but it was cloudy and those Expires May 26, 1974 and consider an East Lansing gliding by the dock and headed ramp brought the discovery of entertained had less luck. who were lucky could maybe East Lantlng Store Only see one star. 10% i v OFF on all kodak film—H There was supposed to be a pig roast somewhere on Abbott /owrrpr0cess|ng & developing Road but no one knew where NO LIMIT it was. (Coupon) Expires May 26, 1 East Lansing Store Only The logical thing to do then would be to check with the Hubbard Information Center, MAGICUBES FLASHCUBES KODAK which is located in the Library, not Hubbard Hall. One thing FIU people do not do on Saturday night is work in the Hubbard Information Center — it is l17 88" C126-20 C110-20 1 1 29 closed. LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 (Coupon) (Coupon) (Coupon) Over at the Union, people Expires May 26, 1974 Expires May 26, 1974 Expires May 26, 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Oniv wearing formal dresses and tuxedos were walking out of the building around midnight. DIAL NOXZEMA COLGATE The Grand BATH SIZE SKIN CREAlft Ledge High TOOTHPASTE School prom was held in the second floor Ballroom Saturday night. Toward the REG. 28c 19? 1 ' 6 oz. REG. $1.19 * 7QC / O 7 oz. REG. $1.09 C J0 QC end of the evening the band LIMIT 6 LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 played an old Beatles song. The (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires May 26, 1974 (Coupon) high school kids' big night was Expires May 26, 1974 Expires May 26, 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only drawing to a close. Jan Bunting, 1696 E. Grand River Ave., likes to do the canoes SN photo/Susan Sheiner by the Red Cedar is more enjoyable than going In another year they will probably be spending their 30% OFF ^rr retail pr|ce on all sunglasses Saturday nights at a bar, different things on Saturday Night. She says that to the East Lansing bars, and gives her more satisfaction. LIMIT 1 sitting in studying or roller skating down (Coupon) a parking ramp. Expires May 26, 1974 East Lansing Store Only RAID Board deb YARD GUARD LIMIT 1 insect repellant LIMIT 1 q (Coupon) Expires May 26, 1974 1 47 I (Coupon) parking Expires May 26. 1 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store By MARY ANNE FLOOD PAPER PLATES SOLARCAINE State News Staff Writer SPRAY The East Lansing Housing Board of Appeals may curse the day CT. LIMIT 1 A 3C 1 38 Henry Ford took his first car out for a spin if its meetings i. $1.00 (Coupon) Expires May 26, 1974 ^w REG. $2.19 Kin! Expires May 26, 1974 continue to be as riddled with parking problems as was last East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only week's. "1 think the fundamental parking problems ought to be worked out before we complicate matters anymore with piecemeal solutions called variances," said Jerry Mattson, a EXERCIZE SANDALS 98 member of the Bailey Community Assn. Executive Board. Mattson spoke for himself since the board did not approve the *" LIMIT 1 (Coupon) 8 Expires May 26, 1974 wholesale halt to parking variances that he wanted. The Housing East Lansing Store Only board of appeals exists to grant variances to individuals whose Sgt. Charl compliance with the housing code would be undue hardship. Board member and landlord Mary Luttrell said: "If we enforce COPPERTONE LIPTON LEMON FLAVOR burned ru the strict interpretation of the parking requirements, we will OIL OR LOTION ice tea mix with polic eliminate housing. I don't think there is any student here who 8 oz- 7 ft ' 12•gauge wants to see us do that." Hie board has yet to vote on a parking appeal since the REG. $3.00 LIMIT 1 (coupon) Expires May 26, 1974 I79 19 LIMIT 1 (Coupon) Expires May 26, 1974 / \J East Lansing Store Only appointment of a new member, Steve Blethen, coordinator of the East Lansing Store Only Coalition for Better Housing, a new landlord group. NO RETURN PRINGLES It appears Blethen will vote along with board member Cathy Fix, whose voting suggests she wants to avoid diminishing the housing supply at all costs excepting blatant safety hazards. Another prominent East Lansing landlord, apartment manager POTATO CHIPS LIMIT l-3pk 3/9D! (Coupon) i (Coupon) Lee Halstead, was in attendance at the Thursday appeals meeting. REG. 3/$l. 19 Expires May 26, 1974 Expires May 26. 1974 nf Halstead was appealing to allow him to continue to have one East Lansing Store Only parking space per apartment (usually four people) at Delta Arms, IN PAPERBACK COMPLETE & UNCUT Evergreen Arms, University Terrace, Haslett Arms and the Sigma Alpha Mu House. "Hie combined maximum occupant load the white house transcripts of these buildings is upwards of 475. • ALL' 99 Sharon Bertsch, another Bailey group member, complained that the board had not alerted the apartments' neighbors to the fact that Halstead was seeking an exception to the housing code. Bertsch said that the zoning board publicizes its hearings and that . jjUJSftft REG. $2.50 LIMIT 1 (Coupon) Expires May 26, 1974 East Lansing Store Only mocratic Sot State meml the housing board should do the same. FUNFUNFWJ BARNES-HIND VASELINE w<* class Mi Board member Fix noted that Halstead's tenants not even Ui racist and; notified, much less the neighbors. were aup'o wetting PETROLEUM JELLY JAR cotton SWAB 'slie Shield Building and zoning Director Robert Jipson said lack of funds •UTTLB in C6WCECT solution i Mullins, a was the reason the city did not notify neighbors and tenants of :k on Rob housing board hearings. 2 oz. REG. $2.08 1 07 I 3-3/4 REG. 49c oz. 28' J™, 38 >i «*y. a Contract play LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 RICK NELSON (Coupon) (Coupon) (Coupon) topology ii Expires May 26, 1974 .ires May 26, 1974 "book in 197 Expires May 26, 1974 Wednesday. May 22 -IST) East Lansing Store Only SYLVANIA East Lansing Store Only CLAIROL Lansing Store Only SDS, once ""lent durii 1 v Tickets now on sale! relatively AT THE BREWERY J? SUNLAMP CONDITION HALO oo fflpus SDS "Non com m KIT SHAMPOO TUBE American soci fields said I Q Z . 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East I anting Store Only quo! 7 racist in t J"11* recordso ORLON SHEER United VIRGINIA MAID lor learning knee sox panty hose panty hose "Perior perfc Bond." Jacks or 57* NO. 620 REG. 89c 49" NO. 105 REG.89C 49 C IJi'Jds said * 5 book, tl b Better Picked tl 401 E.OWDBKER-351W LIMIT 6 (Coupon) LIMIT 6 LIMIT 6 (Coupon) J®6' kcaust Expires May 26, 1974 (Coupon) East Uinslng Store Only Expires May 26. 1974 Expires May 26, 1»7 Shields exf ^^js^anslng Store Only East LanslngStu^^^