it S. c. Library fw Lonalrm, Xi "Michigan State News •:AST LANSING. .MICHIGAN FRIDAY. MAY 8. JuniorFarmers Hear carnival cups Need of Conservation sherman, bock Delegates Convene state Insurance Man tobeawarded of son Demonstrated toheadgroup For Annual Session at Convo Last Night event winners Thirteen Awards Will be Given ii, jasii.s amsiien « u of big sisters Qf Model Assembly Two Juriors Will be Introduced Governor Fitigerald Greets Vis¬ Croup Addressed by tarie Krlrham in College Gym; to MSC in Contests. Student Entrants , ..."'.'i". .'i' | r,'v i,t Kfi to Chprk Krnalori to Present Frosh at Lecture Nest Tuesday. thursday set itol ThisFirst Meeting in Cap¬ itors at ... Morning. Utid F. F. A. us Subject. official key on sale plan training series for msc class hayden to give talk shaw maintains that First Meeting for Co-eds Inter¬ preliminaries at banquet tonight state is ag school k Second Senior Party Scheduled ■ . K, ested in Counselor Work to for Nest Wedrrsday in Union ""J', Dinner Will Be Followed With (iyi 50 Per Cent of Appropria- Ballroom. jti ., be Held Next Thursday. To Be Held in Union Ballroom Open Dance in Union Ball¬ Still Go to Agricultural From 5 Until 7; Finals to be hoi* Sherman, ttlisdield, room, Starting at 9 o'clock. i—. ** Held Thursday. May 21. HARVEY HARIUNOTON new president j;::;™. their Mm sand iiretcheii Hock, (ireen- | vilie, were named ua heads of Hi ItJf II \ui» vol sc. Ar IT1IIAI! T^A I T>A caiHH--iiitf. tillinj? 'ami float she frohman co-ed counselor nominate monday z-"-"sss J"1. Shaw, whilo intro-j of union board -• »■ Water Carnival next .hint' 12 it-need I llntfir !• .1 Mystem for the coming year J Thursday. They will »«• in- Nominees to be Chosen Durin- , . mm . , . i u ami 1".. I fit k Colina, pieMidenf John t. Kflcham. Joint Meeting of l)!d and New ^ wninr i-h** •mnouin imI • Uroiluced to the freshmen at. Caucuses in Chem.. Physic, late insurance director, Ui Boards Names New Set of ar.d Engineering Buildings. igh? at the Junior Farmei Officers for Next Year. 1 "• "<»>- wilt t* nv.n t.. ti.. (il t)l lf lhl.y iy ,oll|(| t-t k tfeneral eotivoeat ion • Mitt-tifui th* l.f'St limit-. vv ill Win the war ' wn- the patri* jw The sjrrifip ter all • new plans discussed r.™ riiur-dav, Ma\ I I, and Than lay, May 21. James l>-wi Rearrangement, History, and < U|» for I »»«■ Winner. ti,.ii 23 ami 30 lutve l*t»n mailed I . '. name speaker for h.e. dinner jss stateagboard Military Review Neil Tuesday band to offer Mating ( lt»p* Ti> Lita Bane Was Formerly As¬ Board of sociate Editor of Ladies' Agriculture. first concert Home Journal. Prolit* Hi fbarltv Military Band to Open Annuil waldo speaks row IF, trip into west Spring Series in Forest of Artien Wednesday. at swl event it,. to be offered Discusses New York Plays at ' ' Prof. S. G. Bergquist Appointed Banquet Held Last to Select Two Men for Vaca- Night. GREEN SPLASH CUP 1 • "• lion Espedition. GOES TO HERRINGS SENIOR ENGINEERS txirtid at the reviewing stand e Macgereli Trail Far Behind in This the first time that the HONORED BY CLUB ! is 1 board of agriculture has reviewed Versatile Program. | i the Michigan Sute roliege mill'-- ary department, and takes Mv "u "" "'"'••jhy P»of Local Leaders in Field Eaipha- .als. the departrne= site Practical Training. ! tiVKpection by litiv Frank D Fit/- -ga.ted M'WIr j ^ A 'geraid r.,11 M-ri. •ftve seizor mgiiwrr* !l»t- b«>rn i-r»a?ii*' in r.*r j L>ndin< srrrptary, Downing, Willis. Gilbert L Daane l.'l '-»iif- mailt at a dmwf given Mi« Ban. , »i piysnt mvupi-l • '"'"'jentef the ar^n !o map and study rdncr, ireitum; l*at- j Grand Rapids. C" I- lirudy, Lan- lan.tng fcngiiw,",' rlul, In par, n* fl .- j',,, 1'-' .aim-i jriM>re than 3,000 squats* mile* Th«* Ptrrmm. junwjr O. Wilson. R» wnior. Si* prarticing aion arr,„. "f 'f s n«~u» and .Mr#. A - [region is said to be farther front ; tive, and Hrtty I'mntrr, N.jplMaT»«ie iflSSIK—ai Hisknl, i each r.p..willing a mml of Agr,1,n Wairunc- | Chester Dr Eugene H Elliott, ,Aiir „lh,r pu,,.. frpr«f«rrjtativi» j State Superintendent of Public lr»- C ravslrv hranrh of «ng,nmrinu ; tori SI*, war prmidant of Uta'Am- ' ,hr j,ul„ A I wo. Ttw r«fw grr»up tha irmpn pt* | struct ion. has also been invited TIlonuM M Wii- t speakers Their years if , Htarw Eronumtt, aswuia- , JfTlp o to br ,stsblislu>if lint Ih. ! N<»finr Irwill. Nocial wtwt*. Ijpo- (Irwn. K.nlurk, , ite totaled ISO lllon trim I02« to TI National vi. natreih* McHndr. art* and pub¬ j At tht* parade, one of the board is to be judge ! ,,ci>d Hik„ u,m whI.,, oatmaster (or the evening 1 president of Omirron Nu tor two l'°™ ng L-cu- , j member* will present awards to classes Lieutenant KOlWl purtiM. -imI srimtifl, <.f ti.i W Olio, secretary of the ytars. and won the tllen H Kirh- licity; France* Caratcn. rcscarcu the victorious 1934 rifle team Cnlonvl Eilwin trip> (oot band, win appear at the first con¬ and traditKgn*. Duri* McMfhrn, N H»-dr. u, (orr.miiml of the s in the contest -anaing Chamber o( Commerce ards honorary fellowship one yea- (Twenty games were won out of , nun ol.-n^ („ l„p cert next Wednesday Juerph dramatics. Evan Stoddard, a th¬ 134 during the past season. Minor srmy r.mooni depot st-r«1 Hob-1 were spectacular candle forma¬ e loeme of the evening war - The general topic of Mio Bane « u> ^irr m wofk th, , Evans, pianist- and pupil of Lewi* irties The *«ial chairman has not letters will be presented to Grar.- in»m. Nebrask, »il ludga U" tions in which the contestants f and Tribolations of the!talk has been announred a, "A „„| pcop^t.vr ben.-; Richards, will give the aecond solo ^ yet been named- din H. Smith, Robert L. Under. hunlrr srd iump« swam with lighted candles, and tsrta ing Engineer " Many of j Philoaophy of Home Ettmomtca " nu |n aA)ltlon lo , number on Uie following week. Ann Duval was general chair¬ Ovrsld I'.lrrom of Ke.t Un- I did not Jet out, an out¬ speaker sad, iard the student j , Edgar M. Jones. D Roy Spragie. mttlm (lom s,Kljl(an Suv I May 2n Fred Patton, baritone, even one go man for the banquet, and Grace race, a fountain, and ®' s-'adualion, to become skill.I j TOWNE ATTENDS MEETING Law son was toairtrmstress Reginald Reynolds (Captain), lid- ung Bsrn.y wil* ssairt Schilling the of St ring U.h. "-M". Mo L,lleg,. oth« HUB to fh« psrty sr. and head of the voice department, board motor * Ow practical side of engineer- ( gar W Kill tan. Robert U. Row., u Clark. I will appear on the last concert. Jackson E. Town., head llbrar- Barbara Wykes is chairman of and Daniel E. .Richardson. Medals Mr. Sc hilling is known .11 ovrc | Even a star and flower were « ,|arvart Cornell. Chu-sgo. u l May 27 a the float committee for the Wale.' will he presented to James G the country for Ihis work snd offer- The public is cordially Invited not beyond the abtitite* of these speakers of the evening lan, is in Richmond Va , thu week Un,v,ruty o( c.bforni, Vara Harry Ccmrad. Don Jone,. attending the conftrmce of the Mitchell, Hartley 0, Firwtrom. ed bis services when asked to be ! to attend all three programs. talented art****, who prmerited the show. both. At the close of the contest ""Ty Coons, R. H. Barlow, Harry 'American Library associailon Mr Milton B. Dicker son. George H a guest at The executive committee H0L5TEINS GO ON BLOCK follini, and Colonel E..D. Rich,iTowne will be chairman of the Shower- in NOTICE TO MNIORM the honorable judges, Mr. 1 C. A. 1 will be a- charge of the show- is composed: of Pine, Mr Salmon C Perch, and •U from j Lanaing and East Lan- college and refereme sec tion of In the story in the last issue Colonel Selwyn D Smith, presi- There will be a sale of Holstein All aeniors expecting to grad¬ Miss Fanny Toil, awarded the on the commercial art 'exhibit warded to M. C. Lock wood Dean R B Dirks spoke for j the association. May 10 he will ; Mr. MaDan, vice-president; cattle at 12 o'clock Tuesday, May uate In June who have not al¬ prize, and Betty and raker, advised the students j visit the library of. Ihr 0. R De- it was stated that on the after- John P. Mutton, vice-presi- 12, in the agricultural pavilion In ready paid the diploma fee kastmaster. Richard W. Colina i partment of Agriculture in Waah- nocn of May 11. the closing should bring to the registrar'* tpkoe for'the senior class jington. returning to the ronfer- date of the show. Charles Mew- David A Toy la r, Ag. Hall The tab office the treasurer's receipt by way of Penn Sute nad xinger would be cm hand to aft- Lieutenant Drake, for this fee not later than May Stat., visiting libraries st This should t IS. institutions. He will return East Lansing May JO. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Friday, May 8, 19::» page Two roail lackadaisically reading a laiok | Michigan State News said with across cars coming by regularly, to do other GRIDDLE STUDENT RECITAL PIFFLE ABOUT PIPPLE ifi Tomdnr* FrW*r* Wring th» mllnrn yesr careless things not contributory to ease of driving, seems to be an irresistible one here, j CAKES PROGRAM LISTED Pica I have tn be cynic to write a column, sir? But, when a jthe tombstone another man. approached j for several minutes (Continued from |n ^ ^ th(, A> page J) f.. The entire problem of safety both for the , . . , ^ ,ers oft America have ...... ,, driver and the pedestrian depends largely up- i SKNIORS Fifth in Annual Series to W before I forget tt. Epleptic Eppie and asked him: Iday convention. A natv r ,' Given Next Monday Night. | just come and distorted it th.s "Have you found the grave of ganizal(on lh(, F F A hl. , on one solution—cooperation between the two wilh wand, and incense, friend?' many || of the rural claws. If the drivers on this campus show vanLopik would say, the seni Baa, baa, black sheep, I I was "No,"wondering replied thehow delegate, "but S^ghout the'^ a reasonable amount of caution while moving'celebrated their first party Wed- Nine advanced music students Have you any wool? they came i foundt.d (or ,h„ r< t while crossing the roads. iNus Who couldn't dance, were so i the Gymnasium Annex. This is | And one to pull.over your e Gnrlock coking Marlon Dondcro | convention, which is held ' : . We've had little trouble with this matter in : engrossed in bouncing the senior* the ninth annual season in which j put I admonished friend F in Sandy's and flinging his arms {year, usually at this time past. However, pre* present conditions 'Will/mat thomnnrls .if underclassmen Student* have presented these re- |find under the auspices of the ' toJd ■ around to hail a waitress—they An opportunity wa< gn - - nut keep the record clean, , all students crept In Same „f these young-jell wanted a second . . .. Liz Thomp- (rural boys to attend the M • sters. such as Warner and Ncu- music department of the rollcg i son walking the b. f. down Ag {State-Ypsi game yesterd^ . using either the roads 01 walks sho\ imann, were finally evicted, but The program for next Monday j Hall way now and then of an j great interest was shown b-. caution and care. they got in again by fair means recital follows: lack i 1 evening . . . A snappy comeback: as they attended almw er. and foul. Among the ranks of I. Have you any wool' ^Maudie Mason who stifled the boy — -SN- ! the terrorists were. Archie (the {Sonata in D minor Corel "Sure, what ya think | friend when he pronounced her a ^ 1 A C C I 17 I P Cockroach > Carbine, campus per- enniai. and Al-gonv Agett, the Preludio—Largo We are,—-silk worms'*" "Worse." said I and she groueh- "little peach." with "No. I'm i l\jL Auijl LOST—Black I I Lt U and gr. ] Allemanda—Allegro i grapi'fruit, squeeze me and you'll durable junior. The whole thing Sarabnnda—Largo il away With threats of furthci j get it right in the eye." Pipe that fountain pen with So They Say: was crooked, a frame-up and a Gign—Allegro ! in your smoke and put it. Howard Smith, on William H. Smith. A disgrace. Sara Davis, cellist. or 830 Williams st I Among the notables who bounc- II It opearst hat Grin Huntoon ha; Purloined obituary: Here lies SLANG ed off the front steps were C'olina, (Voi Che Sapette (from the oper ' Ian atheist, all dressed up and no 10 Ike. May' "The Mariaxe Ed McNama.n ' It ha* been growing increasingly noticea- i place to go Michigan Slate rollw i* howl to over ■clifTe ... 20(1 delegate* t» the Model l/en(ftie of Na¬ nble, that the average undergraduate, not j,,;: Miller loko" 1 |and Virginia Rouxer around and about . . Then there's still the tions Assembly meeting here tinlay ami to¬ only at Centre, but almost everywhere is I Horst-Allinghnm team . . Dot morrow. The purpo-e "f thiw group is to unable to express himself or herself in the j Baldwin has nice folks . . . Re- not supposei King's English. During the past ten years when little learn the innermost workings of the Uwftie ■ member you were a j slang has become more and more prevalent, ' (fiunk, how embarrassed yoli were of Nation* and through that moan* t» at- jthe first time voti witnessed the lemjit to determine the best cour*e of action j and those addicted to it find themselves un¬ * j milking of a cow" (Not you Agv Inward achievement of liettcr international able to make their meaning clear without it. i \>.u i And the small feeling you relation.-. Ther# is litle doubt that to this carelessness (had at that kid"> birthday party Marjorie Affcldt. pianist These people come in all sincerity. For ! of language in common sfiereh is due the in¬ V mi the next block when you tie laugh- that we must commend them. They are do- ability of the average man to speak fluently QuestionThe gent lei eonnr* . Thornmaso Vita k let (You j [olto moderato tnir snmcthutj? that will assist them in get- | in public, where correctness is necessary, and crippled. Why. then.1 Celia Merrill, violinbt. • tintr a tietter education. Whether the l,ea- also the paucity of language and lack of vigor l«" of expression apimrent in much of the writing j Ifue of Nation* due* any g'ssl is not a iptes- ibsence L". Hear the Gentie I,n do" A cocnanut is tion for discussion here. It is clear thai a done ill this ami other colleges. It seem* to j ( with a fur coat - I^ent/, j Queen of the Night , oi close study of it will do no harm and might be generally considered pedantic to be correct j,us kstrom, the opera. "The Ma, a prefxisition with in common speech. The use of good English, e but a cocoa nut m.g . produce g'sst. The visitors are fmm other colleges in the j where there i* a slang equivalent, is rather jet . etate. Thev ileserve the te st in the line "f j laughed at; and a new and catchy slang ft courtesy and friendliness that we can give phrase is hailed with rapture and delgiht. As HutclunM.ii lei- The public is cordially invited I. them, let us all Is1 true hosts, and offer I a general rule, these phases are far from be- ( Bro Kukpat- attend these recital: all the aid that we can during the remainder i itig any improvement upon these they super- i,(k Editor Murray j I sede. Their greatest recommendation is that «*«»w mm ; in the e..,-'SESSIONS ARE OPENED of their stay on the campu- i they are new. It is a great pity that such -Martin whtNip-1 IIV MODEL ASSEMHEY up on Hecth-Nut j should be the ease, but there is no doubt Bent ley and Clue hImhi! it. The result, as we have said, is Pulitxcr Drama: only too apparent in our public sjieaking. Ige for the Phi Tu ident, wn Dick tf>wn in Ann Ar- Wasson. 3u Wednesday night, Have Literary Spite we not all heard the undergraduate »>« tcr to the little lady. j orator check suddenly with a slang phase4*1'"' ' thought of a better The yearly Pulitzer award* are out mwl ! at the tip «»f his tongue, cast about a moment f,;| , i. and ended by MAYBHOS. all will In* takm a* highly-valid selection* of for the correct English, and finally resort to the *The (Ut Store cf U»r the anonymous selecting eomfnillee—all with lame and altogether inadequate language, •w 111 the exception of the drama award. And here j correct enough, but absolutely lacking the 1,1 a l»lay-4tm#aiou!» sln-e the American public j vigor of spontaneity ? Would not the com »n^t will l«ntk askance at the chowc «»f Roliert I iiion use of English, instead of a poor sub¬ Bherwoml'* witty, sophisticated, and xnt{ri¬ stitute for it, go far to eradicate this? What val "Idiot"* Delight*' a* the one play most j upper classman ha* not often lieen asked Wear Flowers unsuited for thi* award I bv a freshman or a sophomore, the proper Joseph Pulitzer established these award* | words to express an idea which he can only with a view t<- recognizing typical American {convey by mean* of slang? Mother's Day j And have we Writing and thought. the founding of a ..ft.- «t MUt'M'lvi Stow at the trend in play-writing Another stipulated j the same pieilicnineiif'. point wax that the play must represent con¬ i temporary life whit h would show a century We pas* over mors such as split infinitive^ -though the Collegiate Flower Shop! hence what goes to today; Sherwood'a opus > enough, and only too common. It t* the 311 Abbot Rnarf Phonr 3?t-' *. tinea n«»t till the bill. It i* a universal theme t actual misuse of words, t«» which we refer: —war ami it* cause* It is not typically | the twisting of their tneaningN so that their American—the scene i* laid in a Swiss hotel j mother—the language—fails to recognize and the character# are a stranded American ; them. This habit is much too common in "hoofer." » munitions mogul, hi* Russian j undergraduate circles everywhere. It looks concubine, and a coterie of blonde dancer*. ! as though the English departments in most Over-looked were the drama erities' choice ! American college* ate going to he forced to "Wiilterset." Maxwell Anderson'# sharp de¬ 1 *u|H»rvise their students very closely in order The only machine piction of gang, rule that, might well have j to eradicate tin* real men are. College sttt- happened in any American city . "Dead End/" j dent* have advantages not possessed by the atark realism by Sidney Kingsley wherein | majority, and purity and correctness of dic- of its kind Uw dutir the germ* of crime are magnified; Clifford : tion and English it is to he expected from Oh Viiih' und Huh' T»w tc« dSfM C on Monday umi Tli 100 camsliift* be heads lower automatically, mea¬ OdetV proletarian drama; and several other day aftntuHH can inspected worthy candidate* for the pu e that went ; I he worst of the habit—as with most had every hour by an automatic sure the shafts, then rise. As the at>road. in essence. i habits is its effect laiek of fiuenry in I'lllim par In- machine which hai hern tletignrd conveyor moves the shafts to the Probing for a reason for this mispivsentn is-making, tack of precision in writing, are its ami built by the Ford Motor next station, other mechanism tion lead* to the conclusion that the commit¬ ! natural cunsequences. ; tee <>f selection—holding down their post* by j of slang the verv benefits which a college social and political prestige—are just a lit i course We close by the use supposedly calculated to give us. To MACHINES MAKE GOOD Company. It i, the only one of its kind. It lias a £*£ing accuracy rotates next set and indexes them for the of gage heads. tie piqued Ly the critics' entry into the prr/e bo able t.. get facility in writing and speak- The gage heads contain of one ten-thousandth of an inch. hard- Columbus, Ohio (ACPi Oh:.. field, and spite issue* merrily forth with the ; ing, the undergraduate will have to l>e very State student* -spend an average Itgagcs Ford camshafts at 2> atloy-tippcd measuring plungers cutting "tf ft a few noses.'—H. D R I much more «areful in his or her ordinary con- of $1,500 a month on pin halt which are linked to amplifying i rsation—( Vntre College Cento. game.*, according to points. Any dimension not within a sum > made the specified limits causes elec¬ lexers. Variations in shaft sires, |bjr the Ohio State Lantern. Campus Safety , "The machine age has produceii the subtle trical and mechanical des-iccs to beyond set limits, dose a set of There is a eon-lard cry em in this country reject the camshaft as it leaves contact points which operate two j propagandist with his alien program of so- concerning hijrhway .safety Especially tn re vlal discontent and world nn oil directed sralMto hluiM'lf uch the horse CAPS and the machine. There solenoids. One sets the rejection mechanism; the other raises Cent months have the people U*en nunie aware I against the .principle of authority , against m are ten inspection sta¬ a question Th.s t* duno by |»eltmg' of the appalling foil taken each year in auto¬ j Christianity, against the Democratic ideal." mobile accidents. Suddenly prmidod into the | Dr. Edmund A. Walsh, vice-president of and gentle s|H^*h. Then one mi- GOWNS tions. The camshafts a're placed marking plunger which puts a daub of copper sulphate solution realization of this casualty h He tide# alxmt experimentally On this campus then! is no big accident list . machine. At each station the When shafts come out of before essaying the jutrqv Fin¬ No Deposit* ! ■ to point to when advocating the nerd for "In England we would hold up our hands machine in horror at anything so childish, so un- ally he is ready conveyor stops momentarily. Au- they an automatically safer driving. There has been no serious acci¬ < As he approaches the jump the ; AU the gowns arc made of fine i digm(ie<1. as the U«aut> contest* so prevalent (rider must relax He worsted fabric tomatic centers engine the ends passed or rejected. AH told, dent on this campus in some time Vet it i* must be completely in American college*." William E. Williams, limp all over Then he should! sterilized of the camshafts and hold them there sre 54 inspections on every evident that more careful drtving is needed. to himself. "What the Hell. ! , *ay Ford V-8 camshaft. A few years ago when eroUment here was mretary of the British Institute of adult thusfpuUing himself in a complete rigidly. Then 25 floating gage down around cars were few. and park- education, holds up his hands in horror for a state of rapport w ith the horse I ■ Drake Times-Delphic reporter. Gown* and Hood* iif F** allowed anyw here on the roads. »Stu- jirnd entrusting himae^f to destiny i , FORD MOTOR COMPANY In siach a eonditioit he will have' for Eacultv dints passing from class to class did not form tuck on his side. the same hazard as do the increased numbers "Physiology has a great deal to learn from If he docs fall] he will' "The Pterjr of Wool awl S ilr»w a Ford AV/rits he will never be hurt; presenting the entire histoi the present. the scientific study of the ejephant." Dr. j merely roll blithely along the turf.; for showing before college Safe driving on this campus might well be Eruncis O, Benedict, Carnegie Tech. bewails i That is, the corre< t method. Ir: Fort! dealer will be glad to assisted by safer walking also. The urge to the unwarranted snubbing of the largest he breaks his neck he must have] done something wtwu: walk from between cars without looking, to terrestrial mammal. -D. V. C. ; • ■ Friday. May 8. 1036 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS KOBSMEN FACE TEACHERS; TROUNCE YPSI19-0 half mile has boosted the Spartan <.slight possibility that Albert Ag- State Is Confident jCoacfi John Kol>s GR1DMEN WILL STATE POINTS hopes to some extent. Wrightjc?tt,.of football fame, also may sprained an ankle following the.tacklh the hurdle assignment, indoor' State carnival in March [ A1 tnjtrml his side at the Drake of Avenging Double CLOSE SPRING FOR 2ND PLACE and since then has Leon inactive, i Relays in March and has not re-* Art Green undoubtedly wllj par- • g;oned his form to date, ticipate in the 880 yard run. alai i Kranei. Dittrlch. State', other Setback Last Year DRILLS MAY 16 IN TRACK MEET Carl will face Mueller a and tough Bob Adcot k ; '■'o-captain, assignment in grab a appears certain to second ■ to Owens in the the sprints, in which they mu$Mbroad jump. Dittrlch has hit his Howartf Zinde!, Star Tackle, Thincltdt Fict Notre Dime ind against the renowned A'-ek.H and may fjW -"f Wejmci, Uttm* (o. over Railway Express. Our motor truck %r OUx. ««in* Hcokcl L* w~ 'swnw to be a bigger outlay!The farmer boys fmh oo' trnm with the 19th run ]« ►-» Hr*b.t 7. ^ suSm*. i «... will pick up the package at your door SpoH Sutatrrn iJ.'tO to S i.HO -MebaHs than there w*» U*t [dinner and with cuArjng to do un- Tr,e 5partan.«. alter UxnorrgW*, L"i**»i£ ' "* S charge. Mailt Muuxr, al fl.HH jfil it was tune t at no extra run tin cattle ir. game With Western, will point forj^J ( their lour of the east start trig rx-xt i Stark Itamr Sir outstanding *mon« thrt out in the confines an.t.nd spectator*. M the game, had a lot Dcmon*tr»ti©*i j hall and engaged Tuesday, They will play Cornell' ansm M. Spoil brllt 'SIM ^ im *t!*ipg just how many; tbemoelve* ha some real hot *oft- 'prarsids they could make away j ball games TENNIS RACKETS TENNIS BALLS *ttfc -.Ewary time *** op into the ^ ^U/jds, a « foul would stand*, or | They *ay that^most of.-the Cehr- to back fingers. Kowe« and Deans come up It. *Ml • t> GOLF BALLS » 25c M. I'p • RAI LWAY Expre SS SMALL'S young immigratton J from the farms—but we failed to JJ». Mt. )k ut ■ Im M M ackkcy INC. 211 South WuMngton Ac,.—S«ran4 A'Cmdt out to the genera! diree-joee anybody in thoae brawls who Jj* ttnesod by the'baU ui (light .might have the prospect* Of s*t« YOUNG BROS. HARDW ARE NATION.WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE it bit; the crowd around it j ting into the big tirfce. Friday. May 8, 193$ MICHIGAN* STATE NEWS large a3 that of 'last Wednesdr. 1100 couples. Nate Fry will pi:iV MOTHERS TO BE GUESTS mothers to be i «>u.egE i music honorary BY MODtt HOUSE.'--™,. . IIAITnr this dance ot the Uni°n Memoi,.,; of Sororities, While Most Men Co Home . . . guestsofw ! bulletin ! to hold Home on • more plans for the Water Cart);- Diviiion Street 'a'- K<" D»L"nge. cha.rman ,; Annual May Mornm? BreokfaK , . Hiudrnl flub ».n h:«.. r. JMo PhiWaldimar i a, Epiilon'i Reception Tomorrow. to be! » r. I aaa tit i, Draws 1,200 Visitors. fh'* Wa,f r Carnival committ* »VUjd tha, an attempt is hHne t- . i to increase the seating rapac • Will b: Held Saturday Morn- Thow wi>.hinK lo attend i»- ..i tlx !• • modern of the modern I for the carnival. The seat - ini; in Church. 'hurl" 7 3" . , ! ''' E'a '» • ,.l M,. Phi F.[ honor mutic mrnri i. . i?i I,-in - and Fast Lan-j the bridge may be banked ? ,i tiny I house at j year to accommodate more [> \ t a ti -tree!, ju-t completed j t a tors. form died. has already attract- j ■ it... ■■^■■1 POLO SHIRTS DEEP-TONES WHITE, MAIZE and CHEC K PATTERNS Popular new neck mm .... including the i Waffle Me STATETIQUETTE 1.1ST W ATEIt CARNIVAI. ( IT'S nut CANOE EVENTS ( —At the— ★ STATE * THEATER Be a smart V.N S.i< "softie" in KANGAROO SUEDE PLATE EXPERT OUTLINES CLAY FROM PIT TO PLATE WALKOVER ltr»l Mar* Mai ESTATE TODAY A HATVRPAY (^)XDKMXKI) TO LIVE! S sentenced to a heme death on America* Dr*U'« l«Unda The true '€«u,i, tart * jj *t»r* H the dramatic fact* behind ht»U»r?*« moil amarinc mi"*' ruge of justice Is told In "The PRISONER of SHARK ISLAND" W'AKNEK BAXTER AS IIK. Ml l)U with 1.1.OKI A STl'ART and ARTHUR BYRON .tun MICKEY MOUSE in "MICKEY'S MAN ERIUAY forth* Kentucky Derby of the week in LoiuvdUv PRESENTING And a Color Tra.ekntur "HONOLULU" J equal !ney wrrr bursts at the house this i llokr, of lot ton KapUit. -VUtjf ucu-rk, of Milford; Jean A YEAR; j*c«k-rnd. having cume down for I tlil# spring thrill party on Saturday f Jatkaon. and Evelyn Uihn of Toledo spent the kwk,,. jj taiatltt A Muthets* Hav tea will lake end of May 2 *t the home of Mr . ... and Mrs Kal|>h Bihn. of Toledo [plan? from ]IW until 5:00 p, m Ion Saturday" afternoon, May 9. Ohio ]with Haiabattt Wait an chairman. $5.00 Kappa Helta Officers elected at a recent el- ectiott of Ka^jm Delta were prrsi- j j FINE , C Betty Sherratt; vice-pri vi- 'Zs» dent, Oertrude Warner, secretary, Charlotte WheaUey: treasurer, Hemic# Parker. The spring term party, will be Same Price Policy held on Friday, May 8, In the j GOOD as Coral nobles llie^ls^op 116 W. Allegan Little Theatre. * SERVICE