onditional access to faculty ratings OKd By MIKE GALATOLA State Newt Staff Writer rl«« oK,,f class as scheduled. The bas,c obll8ations. like meeting with his Level II system covers forms be called back because the council also voted to send its approval senate in dent representatives scored a touchdown in the last minute the designed by of the access .amendment to the Academic considering the access question. departments for course and faculty Senate for approval. "If the (acuity oppose student access, they'll show up in force fcV Tuesday as the Academic Council approved conditional Students will not have access to Levelratings: The senate, which will not meet until fall I forms. term, consists of the and tell us so," Fox said. Int access to faculty evaluation forms. The council did not approximately 2,250 professors, assistant professors and associate But Paul Hurrell, Justin Morrill College faculty representative, L vote, taken at the council's last meeting before fall term, to allow individual approve complete access but instead voted professors at MSU. This body could send the approved motion said it L near|y six months of debate which began at the council's departments to decide which parts of the back to the council, was very easy for a few faculty who are opposed to student rating form would be available to students and and, if the council were to resubmit its access to pack a poorly attended senate meeting. not. How much voice which parts would approval of access, the senate could then amend the access When Fox replied that the senate had seen good attendance k"council voted overwhelmingly for an amendment that forms and how much use students will be allowed in designing these they will make of it in the departments motion before approving it. when important issues were to be discussed, Bruce Miller, a L students access to an evaluation form that the individual will vary throughout the Supporters of the motion to refer the access matter to the University. member of the Ad hoc Committee to Review Academic Lents will design for evaluating courses and instrutors' Student representatives, elated senate said the general faculty should have a voice on such a over their victory in getting the Governance, said that the body had drawn few members in 1969 ling effectiveness. significant policy change. But opponents said the senate would X access amendment was part of the Educational Policies h^eoSS.Hamenfment have adequate inputappr0ved' 531(1 they hel'eved in the departments in students would draw a minimal number of members who would be ignorant of - to discuss the right of students to participate in academic decision making. Jnittee's report, approved by the council, that proposed a deciding what parts of the thought and debate that had gone into the access amendment. Trevor Gardner, Council of Graduate Students representative, |level system of faculty ratings. ?H k"i ?.rms Should be parts could be left out. availab!e to students and which Martin Fox, College of Natural Science reminded the council of the absence of students on the Ajademic faculty representative, le Level I system will be used by MSU's administration to see However, the chance exists that the access said the general faculty might rebel against a program of student Senate and asked if the faculty were not sufficiently represented touchdown might access to their evaluations if they were denied a voice through the in the council. Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 |aworski says Return by Kissing !S coerced to postponed udit 'enemies' talks re FROM WIRE SERVICES JERUSALEM — Secretary of State FROM WIRE SERVICES "mesmerized" by White House tapes Henry Kissinger postponed his return to long Washington again Tuesday to personally enough and should start calling witnesses Washington - special Watergate in its impeachment inquiry. make "the final lap" back to Damascus in ■tutor Leon Jaworski said Tuesday he his month • long effort |o win a [evidence that the White House illegally Rhodes also said at a news conference disengagement agreement between Israel and hpted to direct the Internal Revenue that Nixon is subject to criticism for Syria. ce to audit and harass its so - called refusing to give the committee any more Kissinger had said he would not return ies," including former Democratic to Damascus, but changed his mind after tapes and House members would be il Chairman Lawrence Fi O'Brien. meeting Tuesday morning with Prime justified in taking the refusal into account if a vote comes on impeachment. Minister Golda Meir and Israeli nrorski disclosed his evidence Tuesday negotiators. nally asking U.S. District Judge "Having carried every previous Israeli •Joseph J. Connolly, who had been |i J. Sirica to give prosecutors the head of the Watergate Special Prosecutor's consideration to Damascus, I decided I tape of a Sept. 15, 1972, White International Telephone and Telegraph would like to do the final lap myself," J* meeting in which IRS investigations Corp. Task Force since last July, has Kissinger told newspeople after the Israeli pirien and others were discussed. resigned in protest over the disposition of government announced it needed further the case of former Atty. Gen. Richard G. "clarifications" from Syria. lie meeting was with President Nixon, A senior American official said Kleindienst, a prosecution spokesperson Tuesday |ierWhite House counsel John W. Dean said Tuesday. there was "a good chance" a id former presidential assistant H.H. man. Jaworski also asked the court disengagement agreement between Syria Prosecution Farmers park their equipment on the street as they and Israel would be reached. rder Haldeman to give prosecutors his sources said last week that achieved a clear victory for the militant Protestants hold a mass meeting at the Ulster Parliament "It's very, very close," the senior bson the session. Connolly thought Kleindienst should have building when the government of Northern Ireland announced been charged with perjury, and was upset official said as Kissinger flew to Damascus in Belfast Tuesday. The demonstrators were expressing its resignation Tuesday. for the 13th and unexpected session with Ji asking B, Jaworski appeared for further portions of this when he was allowed to plead guilty to a misdemeanor. support for a two - week - old general strike that President Hafez Assad. o imply Nixon's Soviet Foreign Minister Jvement in the White House's IRS Andrei A. •The Senate Watergate committee was Gromyko also arrived in Damascus awarded an extra $200,000 by the full Tuesday at the invitation of Syrian i station cutors for its subpenaed the Sept. 15 Watergate July 23. coverup Senate to finish its investigations and reports. In Tuesday's affidavit, Jaworski cited N. Ireland's government leaders, and Kissinger was to make a courtesy call on U.S. officials said. his Soviet counterpart, The official said the negotiations were in "r a protracted legal battle, Sirica Dean's testimony before the Senate a "very, extremely complex terminal Id the Sept. 15 tape was relevant to the falls; strikers celebrate Watgergate committee, information phase" but added Kissinger did not expect imp investigation. supplied the committee by White House an agreement Tuesday night. t he agreed with White House counsel J. Fred Buzhardt, and a complete After Tuesday morning's Israeli cabinet H that only 33 minutes qf the 50 - transcript prepared by the House meeting, which had lasted for nearly five Jute conversation related to the Judiciary Committee, all of which have FROM WIRE SERVICES British officials called it Northern hours, a spokesman commented: "There tjate affair itself. Sirica honored disclosed that an IRS investigation of The Executive had been heralded at its are still matters that should be clarified BELFAST, Northern Ireland — The Ireland's worst crisis in its 50 - year formation only five months ago as the O'Brien and other White House "enemies" during the day, and tonight the cabinet Jon's assertion of executive privilege for was discussed at the beginning of the coalition government of Northern Ireland history. political organ that would open the way to will meet to conclude a final yes or no." [ttmaining 17 minutes. collapsed Tuesday, setting off victory Within hours of bringing down a new era of cooperation and compromise The senior U.S. official said there was a meeting. celebrations by extremist Protestant Executive Minister Brian iworski Faulkner's between the Protestant majority and the Tuesday asked Sirica to good chance of an agreement or Kissinger groups whose general strike has crippled provincial administration, the strikers Catholic minority, which have been Jnsider his ruling iwtire and give prosecutors Jaworski said two grand juries are the economy and interrupted power announced they wanted Prime Minister would not have gone to Syria again. tape, which is still in the judge's investigating allegations that the White feuding for centuries. Kissinger departed Israel so quickly House gave the IRS a list of individuals in supplies throughout the province. Harold Wilson's British government to Public support for the strike was so Its failure was immediately interpreted Tuesday officials had to dispense with September 1972, "with a direction that negotiate with them and call new usual security precautions and protocol. In other Watergate • related wide spread that a majority of the power - elections. Ijy political leaders in Ulster as a ■flopments: they be audited or otherwise harassed." In substantial setback in the efforts of the Kissinger and his aides declined to specify August or September of that year, "the • sharing Executive made up of both They also sought to force London into the "nuances" he was said to be Wt the Capitol, House Protestants and Roman Catholics felt it moderates on both sides of the sectarian carrying Republican White House unlawfully attempted to have scrapping an agreement signed with the line to end the violence and bloodshed to Assad from Israel. But newsmen were ^ John Rhodes of Arizona said the could not continue Irish the IRS investigate Mr. O'Brien," Jaworski as a representative republic last December in that have devastated the province. told there were "very, very few problems * Judiciary Committee has been governing body. Sunningdale, England, to improve formal left." links between the mainly Protestant The collapse of the Executive is These apparently include Syrian province and the predominantly Catholic expected to lead to another period of reluctance to restrain Palestinian guerrillas republic. The militants believe the accord direct rule by the British government, and Syria's insistence on linking the is the first step toward an eventual union pending the formation of a new provincial prospective Israeli withdrawal to a hroader in which their religion would be swallowed government - possibly after the new future pullback from all occupied up. (Continued on page 11) territory. Duke Ellington sends Whartons Christmas card before his death By JOHN LINDSTROM madly." carillonneur, said Tuesday that he will give State News Staff Writer Ellington was one of the premier two special performances of Ellington's geniuses in the history of American music. works on the Beaumont Tower carillon. President Wharton and his wife Delores In his earlier years he wrote received a Christmas card in the last solely jazz Hie first one will be at 5 p.m. Friday and melodies but later he expanded into more the second at 2 p.m. Sunday. week from a friend who knew he would serious spiritual works. Ironically, he did not be around during the traditional not compose his theme song — "Take the holiday season. A Train." Duke Ellington sent the card. In the mid 1960s the Pulitzer Prize He mailed it May 16, just over a week Committee refused to give Ellington the before he died on Friday in New York award for music even after the music jury City. had "I think this is typical of the kind of unanimously recommended' it. man the Duke was," Wharton said, "that Though the music world was outraged, he had so much affection for Ellington took it calmly, saying the prize people he committee "didn't want me to have too would send them his Christmas cards now much fame at too young an because he knew he wouldn't be here for age." He was 66 at the time. the holiday." The card is dark blue. On its cover the , Wharton said he has been an Ellington fan "since I was a kid." He first met words "God" and "Love" are formed into across. Ellington several years ago. Hie last time the Whartons saw Inside, the card says that Christmas will be merry and New Year's Ellington was when the Duke gave a Day will be concert at MSU in fall 1972. At that happy if they are consummated by love. concert Ellington dedicated his Ellington always ended his concerts by song "Satin Doll" to Dolores Wharton. telling hi* audiences - "We do love you Wendell, DUKE ELLINGTON Wescott, University Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesd;'ay, May 291. Slowdown in inflation expectet WASHINGTON. (AP) - to strengthen the economic policy. but the deficit for 1974 should expectation x experts. rate W'H be President Nixon sent Congress that in the remainder of this Nixon's economic comments be smaller than forecast, $3.5 Council Chairman Herbert small Tuesday a special economic year, output will be rising more came in a preface to a special billion instead of $4.7 billion. Stein has been predicting a reversed if We J . report predicting that the surge rapidly, prices will be rising report prepared by his Council • Once the administration's fourth quarter inflation rate of in inflation should subside to much less rapidly and the of Economic Advisers. The policy of monetary restraint six per cent. inflationary po|icy., Antipoverty projects face debate about 7 per cent in the last quarter of this year. unemployment rate, while it will probably rise advisers made these major points: succeeds in subduing inflation, At a White House briefing Among thetemptj A House bill revising federal antipoverty programs In the past three months the not reach a very farther, will high point • By the fourth quarter of "interest rates will decline." But the economic advisers did today, Stein said he expected mentioned were reduction and *! the annual rate of inflation to sDenH cost of living increase has been before it recedes." 1974 "we should see a rate of while maintaining Washington control tops a light at an annual rate of 12.1 per As the report to Congress inflation substantially below not • predict by how much. The employment rate, be about 8 per cent by the end eXcess of ^ propose? legislative calendar for Congress this week as it returns cent, the highest level since was released, Nixon convened a the recent 12 per cent rate which was 5 per cent in April, of the year. Nixon urged from a long Memorial Day recess. ... action con, 1951. midmorning Cabinet meeting, We would suggest that the rate probably will rise to between on his trade He reported that other ( The House bill agrees with President Nixon's proposal The President, following up presumably to discuss the in the fourth quarter might be 5.5 and 6 per cent in the legislative administration economists are to dismantle the Office of Economic Opportunity, but on a weekend radio address, economy as well as other in the neighborhood of 7 per months ahead. contending: told Congress he sees "signs of current issues. cent." reviewing Nixon's 1975 budget rejects his plan to turn administration of antipoverty Among the • The second half of 1974 "There is so much programs to the states. improvement" in the economic participants was Kenneth • The budget deficit for should see an increase in searching for possible cuts "which are tolerable from the we cannot afford to to J*! j outlook and added: Rush, designated by Nixon fiscal 1975 will be larger than production of between 2 per arguing about Present programs such as Operation Head Start and "Though the recent events Saturday as coordinator of originally estimated, $11.4 cent and 4 per cent. standpoint of the programs involved." He said 1976 budget problems wheZl other social services would be turned over to a new are not conclusive, they tend domestic and international billion instead of $9.4 billion, Even with a 7 per • cent than are greater otll Community Action Administration in the Dept. of I inflation rate in the fourth proposals also are being our blessing J1 Health, Education and Welfare. quarter, the annual rate scrutinized. concentrate on together w J on the problenlB Meanwhile, the House Judiciary Committee is probably would exceed the 8 Nixon warned in the report shall be J Holiday better off, both scheduled to complete the Watergate coverup phase in to 9 per cent figure recently that "there is a special danger solutions reached and f»l its impeachment inquiry and consider action against the President's refusal to turn over subpened tapes. w forecast by some economic that the decline of the inflation working together" 1 The Senate will consider an effort to revive continued U.S. loans to poor nations. The House rejected a similar proposal last January. safest in Thailand head to return to office FROM WIRE SERVICES hour period which began at 6 eight less than the number that The three - day Memorial p.m. local time Friday and lost their lives over the same Sanya Thammasak, the 67 - year - old former lawyer Day weekend was the safest for ended at midnight Monday. holiday weekend last year. and university rector who resigned as premier of motorists in 14 years, a The figure is the lowest for a Seven of the 18 fatalities came Thailand last week, has been named to succeed himself spokesman for the National three • day Memorial Day on Memorial Day when traffic Tuesday in a royal decree ending seven days of political Safety Council said Tuesday. period since 1960 when 367 is The Associated traditionally the heaviest as Press persons were killed, said the motorists return crisis. home from counted 389 persons killed in spokesman, Ron Kuykendall. Thai King Bhumipol long three • day weekends. Adulyadej, in issuing his decree, traffic accidents on the In Michigan, 18 persons said "the Thai people Illinois, New Hampshire, and the National Assembly still nation's roads during the 78 - were killed in traffic mishaps, Washington and Nebraska will have confidence in Sanya Thammasak." celebrate the holiday on Sanya and his cabinet resigned May 22 after being Thursday, and Kuykendall said called weak in dealing with labor unrest, crime, inflation this "probably had something and other domestic problems. Sanya reluctantly agreed to return as premier after State taxpayers to do with the low toll. "Other than that, we come back to the same factors we urgings from other politicians and the public. He has not talked about before - reduced finished naming his new cabinet. will get credits speeds and fewer miles driven," he added. The National Safety Council Dairy co-op counsel pleads guilty Michigan taxpayers earning • $7,000 to $9,000, $8; estimated before the holiday under $15,000 will receive period that 450 to 550 persons Francis X. Carroll, the former Washington •$9,000 to $11,000, $7; credits of $6 to $10 per person • might be killed in traffic representive of a Pennsylvania dairy cooperative^ $11,000 to $15,000, $6. accidents. The estimate was on next year's tax returns If the amount of the credit pleaded guilty Tuesday to aiding the cooperative in under a law signed Tuesday by lowered by 100, Kuykendall is more than the state income making an illegal $50,000 corporate campaign Gov. Milliken. said, due to a pattern of tax due, the difference will be reduced fatalities since the 55 contribution to President Nixon's 1972 re - election The credit plan, a partial refunded. mile ■ an • hour speed limit campaign. reimbursement for the sales tax Hie new law also raises the went into effect. on food and drugs will save Carroll, Washington counsel for the Lehigh Valley low - and middle • income business inventory tax During the same period last Cooperative Farmers at the time of the contribution in families an estimated $35 exemption from 25 per cent to year, 486 persons died. "Hie April 1972, was fired by the firm in November of the 32 per cent highest Memorial Day death million yearly. immediately, with - a 6 per cent yearly increase toll for a three day period was - same year. Those earning under v\ Until 75 per 591 in 1W. The cooperative had earlier pleaded $15,000 will receive the of " Ml guilty ^o making inventory h tax free in 1980. following per person credits: j the contribution, and was fined $5,000. Later, former •$5,000 or less, $10: The price tag for the state will president Richard L. Allison also pleaded guilty and •$5,000 to $7,000, $9; btf "$12 minion for the first received a $1,000 fine. year. Both tax cuts part of Canadians buy Milliken's 1974 are tax relief Argentine teachers walk off jobs program, and coupled with last 2 aircraft plant* year's cuts, total a $500 Some 200,000 Argentine school teachers walked out million reduction in taxes paid Wolverine yearbooks are in. of their classrooms for the second time in a week by Michigan citizens and Pick - ups with receipts are in Ottawa — In a move toward businesses. 30 Student Services Bldg. Tuesday in a 48 - hour strike for higher wages. long - range restructuring of The teachers are asking for a 33 per cent the Canadian aircraft wage increase, bringing the minimum wage up to $200 a manufacturing industry, the government will purchase the 1974 month. Toronto plant of a major The teachers are also demanding better pensions and British plane maker, and plans an end to "ideological discrimination," which they a similar takeover of an claim has been conducted by the Peronist intelligence agency against some Communist party government's American owned company in Montreal. • WOLVERINE The British owned YEARBOOK • members. A 24 company, De Havilland - hour strike last week went off without Aircraft of Canada Ltd., a incident. Women's unit asks subsidiary of the Hawker Siddeley Group Ltd. of London, constructs a range of - IS IN impeachment civil aircraft. The American • Delegates to the National Organization for Women convention in Houston Monday controlled firm, Canadair Ltd., owned by the General Pick up advanced orders approved a resolution Dynamics Corp. of St. Louis, calling for the impeachment of President Nixon. "There is substantial public evidence of President Mo., produces mostly military planes. at room 30 Student Nixon's participation ijj high crimes and misdemeanors," the resolution said. The purchase of the two plants, at a total cost of about Services Building. "It is even more significant... that the President has $70 million, is "part of a much wider strategy for the unconstitutionally impounded funds appropriated by aerospace industry of Canada," Congress for programs in education, child care, health and research which children," it added. are vital to the needs of women and Alastair Gillespie, the minister for industry commerce, trade and stated in Tuesday May 28 thru The resolution was adopted the three • day convention attended during the final session of by about 1,600 announcing the takeover plans. Friday June 7 delegates. On Sale at Power plant incidents reported i Olde Vforld local Bookstores Bali® skims the A total of 861 abnormal "Bread 4 Ale in the nation's 42 nuclear operating incidents occurred surface with Sensuale® power plants in 1973, the Atomic Energy Commission said Tuesday. While 12 incidents - including one at the Palisades ANYTIME Our^ Bali ® Sensuale ® you'll want to collection is all the undercover fashion nuclear plant in South Haven - involved the release of wear this summer. Light and airy. Windowpane radioactive materials above permissible patterned or plain, the bras are delicate see - thru nylon tricot with limits, the AEC said none of the abnormalities resulted in health hazards to surrounding communities. EVERYDAY daring plunge and front closure. Solid white, earth coral, earth rust or gold. Bras, 32-36, A-B-C. Soft cup, 4.50. Contoured soft cup, 5.SO. Matching The most abnormalities, 65, occurred at Decatur, Ala. hi-hugger pantie, S-M, $3. Patterned in earth FOR THE FAIREST DEAL sand, navy shadow, pale* blue, sunshadow. Underwire bra, 6.50. Brief, $5. 6 oil companies give tax reports SELL YOUR BOOKS The nations six major multinational oil companies Foundations, second floor Downtown, Meridian Mall reported paying $25.4 billion in worldwide taxes in AT and Lansing \^all 1973 on total gross revenues of nearly $50 billion and a net profit of $6.7 billion. Only $642 million in U.S. income taxps were paid by Exxon, Mobil, Texaco, G^f, Standard Oil of California and Standard Oil of Indiana. Federal tax law companies to deduct foreign taxes, while the oil depletion allowance and intangible drilling costs further allows damfm "Book507 E. 6RAND RIVER (ACROSS FROM BERKEY) reduce the burden. 351 - 5420 Compiled by Sieve Repko n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 29, 1974 3 St. Clair se tapes FROM WIRE SERVICES Rehnquist's abstention from action put almost insurmountable future developments would obstacles in their path; WASHINGTON - The raise the possibility of a 4 - 4 • Agreed to review a court White House will ask the deadlock by the nine - member decision allowing radio and Supreme Court not to act court. television stations to broadcast immediately on Special Under Supreme Court rules the winning numbers in the Watergate Prosecutor Leon a tie vote would uphold Sirica's New Jersey state lottery; Jaworski's demand for tapes on decision but would not • Agreed to review the 64 presidential conversations. establish National a precedent for future Labor Relations The President's chief defense cases. Board's fight to keep secret attorney, James D. St. Clair, certain records demanded by said Tuesday that even if it Rehnquist may have SN photos/Susan Sheiner Sears, Roebuck and Co.; means delaying the Watergate disqualified himself because of • Agreed to rule on whether coverup trial, the highest court his former connections with libraries may give out should not act now on the Nixon administration. For photocopies of copyrighted Jaworksi's appeal but rather three years he was the head of esley Bonitell'i space paintings on display at Abrams Planetarium fascinate Deborah Ginns, works, and should let the U.S. Court of the Office of Legal Counsel in Cadar St., East Lansing. "The Approach to Mars" above priced $1,000 was • Let stand a far - reaching originally the Justice Dept., a position inted for a science fiction book called "Mars." Bonstell, artist, astronomer and Appeals act first. Washington state public architect, The subpena issue which Nixon once declared hntributed to the building of the Golden Gate Bridge. "outfit to disclosure law which be carefully considered by the made Rehnquist "the supporters called the state's (appellate) court and I think President's lawyer's lawyer." attempt "to avoid its own the Supreme Court will agree," With the White House's Watergates." The law requires St. Clair said. response in hand, the justices detailed financial reports from will now be able to consider in elected officials and lobbysits. His comments came shortly their weekly conference on Though the Supreme Court iports of oil after the Supreme Court asked normal level Friday whether they should rarely bypasses the appeals near the White House to file papers by Thursday in response to the prosecutor's petition for decide the tapes emergency basis. dispute on an court, it has done so in cases involving seizure of steel mills in the 1950s, a coal mine strike expedited dispositions of the If the court agrees to [dSHlNGTON (AP) - It recovered, the Federal Energy shortages similar to those felt comes from, An FEO team recently subpena case. The White House expedite the case - its during World War II and a few i another month for Office (FEO) hopes imports last fall, and for the same other instances. Last October, U.S. crude oil visited the Middle East, said it would comply. decision on this is expected I oil imports to recover can keep on growing. reason a chronic shortage of imports averaged 3.6 million how ever, U.S. District Judge John J. Monday — then a final ruling I from the Arab embargo Even so, the outlook this refinery capacity to process barrels a day. and FEO Sirica ruled May 20 that Nixon would probably be handed administrator John C. Sawhill Box tended in March. Once summer is for small gasoline crude oil no matter where it After the Arab embargo was said it brought back the must surrender the tapes, but down before the justices leave helps store imposed, it took four months impression that Arab oil St. Qair asked the U.S. Court for their summer recess in late of gradual decline for crude oil production will be increased of Appeals here last Friday to June. human organs [efro/eum slick imports to hit bottom, at about 2.1 million barrels a day in February. Then, crude oil imports beyond pre - embargo level Asecond cause for FEO optimism lies in the fact that overturn that Jaworski Supreme ruling. then Court asked to jurisdiction in the case. If the the take a Nixon had promised during similar dispute with Jaworski's predecessor to abide by a "definitive" Supreme A couble container invented by a Salt Lake City man is designed for the cooling, larf of turned around and started Supreme Court accepts the Court ruling, but declined to storage and shipment of a Red the plunge of U.S. oil Ce increasing at just about the same gradual pace. was imports reversed in February — before the embargo was lifted case, it will bypass the appeals court. define what he would regard as a definitive ruling. In other action today, the human organ, such as a kidney, for transplantation on March 19. many miles away. Over the past four weeks, Justice William J. Rehnquist court: William D. Peterson was thin petroleum slick no end in sight. the dumping could be found. they have averaged some 3.4 An FEO data expert said the took no part in the invitation • Ruled that plaintiffs in so - granted patent 3,810,367 this jdered its way down the Campus police said they A police spokesman said the million barrels a day, about to the White House for a reversal was brought about not called "class action" suits, used week. The inner compartment | Cedar River through were investigating the slick light film appeared to be 200,000 short of last October's with the aid of East Lansing by leaks in the embargo, but response to Jaworski's petition. increasingly in recent years by holds the organ in a sterile j Tuesday, stretching gasoline or some other light starting point. No reason was given for his environmental and saline solution. The outer by substantial increases in consumer By a mile at 6:30 p.m. with police to see if the source of petroleum product. He By mid - June that last crude oil shipments from other abstention and his office groups, must individually compartment carries ice and indicated they hoped to find remaining gap should be countries — especially Iran, refused comment. notify, at their own expanse, water to keep the organ at 32 and cut off the source closed, officials say. 1 Rehnquist's office also each member of the class on degrees Fahrenheit, which the Tuesday night before much Nigeria and Indonesia. jndidates to face The big question is: what refused to say whether he whose behalf they are suing. inventor says is the proper damage could result. happens next? The FEO believes the would participate in future Specialists in class action suits The temperature, until it is Deptv of Natural Having lifted their oil increased imports from non - developments in the case. have said such a ruling would removed for implantation. Resources has equipment to embargo in March, the Arab Arab countries will continue. [ectors clean up oil spills, but officials nations have scheduled a on campus there could not be reached Tuesday night. The slick was first reported meeting Saturday to review their policy. If the FEO'S optimism is justified, increases of crude oil open thursday and friday until nine * two Democratic candidates for the 6th District's U.S. While U.S. experts consider shipments from both Arab and at the Bogue Street bridge it unlikely that Arabs would non - Arab countries probably !X of Representatives seat will answer questions at 8 tonight around 4:30 p.m. could supply the oil needed to ftfestHolden Hall lounge. reimpose an embargo, they The slick left athin, greasy wonder whether the Arabs will match US. demand, which has y Robert Carr, East Lansing attorney, and Charles P. Larrowe, film on obstacles, but police permit continual increases of been growing at the rate of one Jfesor of economics, are competing for the nomination for the indicated they did not think oil production to meet million barrels per day each | which will be vacated by U.S. Rep. Charles Chamberlain, R - the spill was too serious. increasing U.S. demand. year. ro candidates for state Senate seats will appear at 7 p.m. in I Case Hall. Rep. Earl Nelson, D • Lansing, is bidding for the open thursday and friday nights until nine Ih District seat against Sen. Philip Pittenger, R - Lansing. _ Doming Nelson will be Rep. H. Lynn Jondahl, D ■ East Lansing, |o is running again for his 59th District, seat. ■Woman's vote gets job for her ■AN MARCOS, Tex. (AP) — from voting on the first two Craddock finally city council ballots, both of |Jvtd the issue of who is which ended in a 3-3 tie ( to be mayor of this between her and Councilman Bill Dibrell. 59, a history On the third ballot she voted for herself and won the Jfcssor at Southwest Texas University, abstained mayor's job, 4-3. J The Stale News is published ■Uitvenity every class d«y by the students of Michigan State during Fall. Winter and Spring school ■"Jin, special i Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays during Summer Term, Welcome Week edition is published in September. IStiwcription rate is 520 per year. I Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich, editorial and iMMew offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan State ■UMveristy, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. PHONES News/Editorial "35 5-82 5 2 Classified Ads 355-8255 Display Advertising 353-6400 Business Office 355-3447 Photographic 355-8311 NOW PRE • LEASING FOR FALL I MEADOWBR00K SALE s7 TRACE Young Men's Summer Sport Shirts APARTMENTS $8 young men's spring slacks Outstanding values at this price. a special Season-opening value. . plaid FIRST TIME EVER OFFERED! . group of cool long sleeve and short sleeve and striped cotton/polyester f MONTH LEASE solid color and patterned sport shirts to team cuffed slacks in a large selection with summer slacks and jeans. Included are |I 1 BDR— $180 per month 2 BDR—1 BATH—$212 per month knits, polyester and cotton blends, and other of suntime colorings. Best to buy them now as spring gets I 2 BDR—2 BATH—$222—per month easy-care fabrics. Sizes S,M,L,XL. under way. Waist sizes 29 to 36; ] 3 BDR— $237 per month regular, long, extra long. * Olympic tin pool Jacobsorfs * Recreation hall "Each unit has garbage disposal, •if conditioning & central heating & hot water. « Shop Jacobsoris £ Office hours Mon Sat Sun • 393 - 0210 10-6 11-6 for young men UShop fer yew* aee POINT OF VIEW OPINION PAGE _ Foreign students hurt by ruling By SHRIKUMAR PODDAR V . .... n people from Western Europe to work i- 1- «><.•. year entet IT C U.S. i II ikifiklltr illegally to leek rrm . . Thb decision ^ will for*, during the summers in the U.S.," employment? Immigration officials students to return Susan Ager Editor ■ tn ■ Chief Several thousand young college students Chapman added. concede that the number of aliens in the their entire horned Maureen Beninson Advertising Manager from abroad studying at American colleges Under the new policy a foreign student country Illegally may be as high as 2 Others may investment in thjfjjj] R.D. CampbeHl Managing Editor Steve Stein face a major crisis. must prove to the Immigration Service million or more. accept work . Sports Editor authorization and will Diane Silver Campus Editor June E.K. Delano Entertainment Editor Some will be forced to abandon their that his or her financial situation has One wonders if anyone in the harassment and even G.F. Korreck City Editor Dale Atkins Photo Editor studies in the middle of their programs changed materially since arrival in the U.S. Administration bothered to consult possibU w!5^ Chris Danielson Melissa Payton .... Opinion Page Editor Kathy Niezurawski Copy Chief and return home prematurely, The increases in tuition fees and cost of members of Congress, particularly the Must society the weakest seom suffer the ^ National Editor Mary Flood Staff Representative disillusioned with America and rightly so. living are not considered material changes. chairmen of the Senate and House Some may be arrested and Editorials are the opinion of State News editors. Staff columns, deported. While we the "affluent" Americans find subcommittees on immigration, Sen. commentaries, points of view and letters are personal They came to our country to gain it difficult to meet the rising costs of James Eastland, D-Mo., and opinions. Rep. Joshua knowledge and develop a better sending our sons and daughters to college, Eilberg, D-Penn., before changing this long understanding about us on the implied how do we expect the parents in Asia, standing policy. EDITORIALS promise they could supplement their meager resources with put • time and Africa and Latin America to meet the same high costs? summer employment. This SPEAKING- C* O/ePCGfcCnON.... abrupt change in summer Ford flunks In a letter to the president of the National Assn. for Foreign Student Affairs (NAFSA), the U.S. Immigration Service employment policy will mean a sudden death to the educational aspiration of young people from abroad, particularly says now, "Under the summer program from the developing countries. policy, foreign students were allowed to The State Dept. and through MSU engage in employment without regard to any unforeseen change in their financial circumstances. In unemployment rate among young view of the colleges and universities produce vast some of the finest many of our quantities of literature designed to lure young people to come Vice President Gerald Ford He pathetically volleyed the here for higher education. This literature came Americans, this policy is not wairanted." boldly advertises that they can defray part across Friday as a bumbling athlete chants, hisses and disgust by Out of nearly 9 million college students, of their cost of education by working part turned comedian who, in the less than 20,000 foreign students will seek blithely waving to the protesters as - - time and during the summer vacations. .glare of the lights, missed the fact he passed, giving them no summer employment this year. Any This new policy is a cruel blow not only dignity adverse impact on the employment that the spectators were not happy. to the young people from abroad but also by a response but mocking their opportunities for American youth is to the moral prestige of our country. Referring to MSU's trustees as emotion with polite smiles. minimal. Unlike their American counterparts, the regents, repeating the final lines of Though they demanded a August G. Benson, foreign student young people from abroad cannot go his speech twice and rambling adviser at MSU and the president elect of prognosis on the maligng.pt cancer home to their parents or live with their about higher education in China as NAFSA, in a letter to General Leonard F. relatives during the summer months and at affecting the nation, Ford, in 400 protesters demanded words on Chapman, Jr., the commissioner of least get free room and board. Most are effect, spoke of the weather. He Immigration Service, says, "The number too proud to impose themselves on their Watergate, Ford's performance in even bored several legislators to of 17,000 foreign students working during American friends. Many would prefer to the role of Republican goodwill was sleep later that afternoon with 22 the recent summers out of approximately starve rather than go on welfare, even if a dismal and hopeless one. minutes on revenue - sharing. 170,000 enrolled would not appear to warrant such a drastic they qualified. After expressing his concern to step. If protecting employment opportunities At MSU to receive a "This step appears to be at odds with President Nixon on Thursday that for American citizens is the real objective the current State Dept. Distinguished Citizen's Award from "a stone policy that finds it of the Administration, then does it now wall attitude isn't advantageous to the U.S. nationally to the board of trustees, Ford recited make much more to sense prevent necessarily the wisest policy," Ford support special programs that bring young hundreds of thousands of aliens who each meaningless practiced ( phrases chose to remain uncommitted to intended to lull the Republican - those who sought a simple VOX POPULI dominated luncheon audience to statement of where he stood. believe that all is well, that Jerry He voiced nothing but Ford has matters under control and that the 400 voices shouting in words, made no commitments, stirred empty No-fault insurance no emotions but protest were simply childish cries of ignorance-. disappointment and disbelief, raised no hopes and buoyed no faith in mandates end "The American courts and the candor of American politics. To the Editor: institutions will work out Most depressing of all, he refused If the public could our I only see that no ■ am writing this letter in response to a fault insurance has been a farce from the problems, whether Watergate or to acknowledge the other side - recent article dealing with no - fault beginning, it could be abolished. People economics," he said. "Without any the angry side - of America. His insurance. According to the article, R.D. reservation or hesitation I prefer charm will win him nothing from Horace W. Gilmore ruled two Judge key clauses seem to be blinded - fault is by the illusion that no cheaper than insurance was Campbell unconstitutional, one blocking drivers our system to any other." Everything will be all right. those 400 protesters but magnified disgust and disillusionment. from suing for property they are not at fault. damage when before. However, after each accident a person is in, his or her rates are hiked, SN Ford watcher pleads whether or not he or she was at fault. This very profound decision defeats any The good driver is the only person not good that no - fault insurance could have brought to the public as a whole. The only considered in this bill. His or her insurance for a responsible 'GRF' Absentee rate will go up anywhere from 33 per cent people to profit from this decision are vo insurance agents and lawyers. Hie backlog to 50 per cent over as the bad driver's will. ths next 10 years just Snap out of it, Jerry. Yo certainly resembling Hearst, obviously 10NKER! 1 piteous in a most peculiar is way. wearing a cheap - looking wig. Note also my judgment as a coward, dead of a self - mVDOIT S JOANIE A REJECTION, SHE'LL RESENT ME, - V IF IT'S AN ACCEPTANCE, ■%'' I HAPPEN TO KNOW THAT I4®? n terrorism, but terrorism as a inflicted gunshot wound. The SWEETENS THINK that this person's right hand is in a crime, the ANYMORE! I'M D/SPAIU MB, AND * 1'J] o>, lans of feeding the poor? This seemed pocket. cause, the shootout, the blazing infemos, SHE'LL REMEMBER YOU AND W' IT, OF IT OVER, Is the real Hearst left handed? Or does TMNSFERRJN6! Auj PROBABLY TURN HER- f) COURSE.. a lopsided version of Robin Hood in - all seem so wasteful. Because of SLA YOU CRAZY her right hand have an HEAP Ali/AY WHEN X id forest. identifying fanaticism, characteristic that her parents would spot, many lives are senselessly t some point, however, the SLA shattered. or be purposely looking for? Iverted its own cause. Had they been in their efforts to If this last hypothesis is ai<| the true, then it And for what? disadvantaged, then General stands to reason that if Hearst was not the Meanwhile, think about Hearst, the 1 Marshal Cinque and his soldiers flaunted bank robber, then whoever it was college girl - heiress, now assured of a heeded the Hearst family deliberately kept her hand in a pocket in place in history on ber own merits, now mands and released the prisoner by May order to cast a suspicion on the Ten Most Wanted list of the FBI. Hearst's on iBut the deadline passed, and $4 million actual involvement. Has she become just a common criminal? DAILY ^ SPECIALS THIS WEEK WEDNESDAY: Tom Turkey $1.10 Sliced turkey piled high on a bun. THURSDAY: Pig Va Bun $1.55 Broiled Holland ham served with a sesame bun. FRIDA Y: Handleburger & BIRMINGHAM Soup $1.70 GROSSE POINTE 5 oz. of groundbeef broiled to DETROIT taste plus a cup of soup NORTHLAND ANN ARBOR DEARBORN GRAND RAPIDS EAST LANSING PONTIAC MALL Buy a 16' Buy a 14' pizza and and pay for a pay for a 12' pizza 1203 E.GRAND RIVER 14' pizza with this coupon with this coupon The Tjighwheeler 337-1631 Next to LUMS East Lansing 351-2755 [ALEX'S RESTAURANT WILL BE OPEN SUN. JUNE 9 GRADUATION DAY for the finest in dining 'VamAJU Cfrttk, • , and dancing (lmL So make your Reservation NOW at J 321 Michiflan Ave. Lansing ,Alex S 482-1251 Bottled under the aUthonlyot The Coca-Cola Company by: Coc Cota 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesdi'ay. May 291 Unit to he trace genea By HENRIETTA LEITH page book, "Roots," which the latter Associated Press will be published next year. A supplied by Digest but most condensed version is currently from NEW YORK - Writer Alex being published In Reader's magazine writing - |JJ Haley, who traced his family back to Africa through a great • Digest. reconstructed the African ancestor JJ from birth to his Kuatr This abandoned bicycle great - great - great grandfather, life.,, Haley's search started with failed to survive the ravages of winter. Its rusted body is believes millions of American blacks can do the same — with clues he picked up from his in Virginia. ^ maternal grandmother as she spotlighted at night near a little help from him. sat on the front porch rocking Haley say, his ^ help create a literatim J So Haley and two brothers with other elderly women of Bessey Hall along the banks of the Red Cedar River. have set up a foundation whose the family and talking about P^ple" Klnte He has Foundation ^ primary aim is to gather family history. brothers material for a black Julius > architect, and Geor^, geneological library and to Eight years of research, who is now asst. provide other blacks the sort of countless transoceanic flights U.S. Information diretio# roots he sought and found in and $80,000 later — some of A»v. the little West African Washington. country of Gambia. "It nuty seem kind of gee - whizzy gwng back to Africa," said Haley, a college professor's son who became a popular magazine writer and biographer of Malcolm X. "But the point is to be interested," he added. "Too many blacks are ashamed o£ their past; we all grew up with SN photo/Susan Sheiner the Tarzan image of Africa. "Every black here," he says, "be Syrian city of 35,000 he a Ph.D. or in the By ARTHUR MAX Shamsi Basha, dental surgeon, and bunkers - almost a city in now the area, and a third hill two rubble penitentiary; be she harlot or housewife, ancestrally goes back to one of these West African villages where someone Associated Press Writer waves in the wind itself — which was built by the "FYom these hills was cAptured in some over it, miles to the north guards the we can see way, was ventilated by one bullet hole. French when they held everything they do in put on one of those slave ships QUNEITRA, Occupied Syria His office itself is rubble. a road running from Quneitra to and taken - Quneitra before the 1967 mandate over Syria. Quneitra," said a former Israeli across the same - Damascus, more than 35 miles into Middle East war a scenic The only new life for The Golan Heights capital to the northeast. intelligence officer ocean some succession of city Quneitra so far has been plantations." of 35,000 — now has only 10 lies within sight of Mt. accompanying newsmen on a provided by Israeli squatters Hermon, to the north, and two tour of the area. Haley has completed 1,500 permanent residents and not a Israeli and Syrian a who oppose their country's grassy 900 - foot hills rise single undamaged building. negotiators bartered for weeks withdrawal from the town. abruptly east and southeast of over control Even the few structures of the three About 45 of them settled in the city. remaining in the Golan Heights strategic hills, and sources say a former capital are being leveled - by Syrian installation on Israeli positions atop the they expect all of them will the edge of town two weeks hills command a clear view of remain in Israeli hands. , Israeli bulldozers. "We want the Syrians to ago. Some set up a sandal know we have been here," said factory, and others work in the fields of nearby Merom one Israeli army engineer demolishing the remains. Hagolan kibbutz. "When "We think what we are the Syrians start rebuilding, they will have to doing here is important," said one squatter in a kitchen start from scratch." Quneitra changed hands four decorated with flowers stolen times since the 1967 from a United Nations outpost. war and is "We have a plan on whJt to do expected t« be returned to If the government agrees to Syrian civil administration and rehabilitated under any return Quneitra to Syria, but we aren't saying what it is." ,disengagement agreement reached by the two sides. Quneitra has a subterranean There's only one road left in network of tunnels, storerooms {Quneitra, ITie shingle of Dr. M, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 29, 1974 7 Strawbs perform smooth mellotron rock By DAVe DIMARTINO evolution from a three - piece bluegrass unit called the Stat* News Reviewar Hill Strawberry becoming one of England's finest and most appreciated musical Guitarist Dave Lambert generally stayed in the Boys to its current lineup, the bend has grown increasingly background Strawbs' performance at the Brewery Monday night was popular with age. Monday night's performance aggregations. during the performance, allowing Cousins his deserved share of oothest exhibition of mellotron rock that this area has seen clearly showed Opening the performance Monday night, guitarist the spotlight. During "It's Just Love," Cousins walked off why. and lead stage iths. vocalist David Cousins strummed the to allow Lambert Today's version of the Strawbs, five musicians who have played New World." Soon joined familiar chords of "Grave a chance to perform alone. Without the British group has been together for six years, and its long together for less than a by a surging electronic accompaniment, domineering presence of Cousins, Lambert showed that he was year, shows every indication of soon Cousins displayed an uncommonly well • mannered air of fully capable of generating audience enthusiasm with his more professionalism as he sang. high - powered, energetic vocal approach. The three musicians who were "Down By The Sea" was undoubtedly the most recently added to the group have been rapidly integrated into the band. night's greatest moment. From the album Keyboard "Bursting At The Seams," the player John Hawken particularly stood out composition is probably the strongest piece of material that the Monday night. His innovative synthesizer and mellotron group is currently performing. After a brief walk off stage, the work, obvious skill on the piano, have worked well along with his in elevating the group was given a howling, standing ovation and immediately band to its current status as an equal of its contemporaries in the brought back to perform an encore, the unrecorded Lambert school of mellotron rock — Yes, King Crimson, Argent, Genesis composition, "Why." and the like. The group is currently in the midst of its fifth American tour. With Hawken's aid, the Strawbs reproduced "Hero and Monday night, the group's third performance in its tour, gave the Heroine," its newest album, almost in its entirety. "Autumn" and Strawbs sufficient reason to believe that this tour will be the one "Round and Round" were that marks success for the group. stunningly performed, as "Cousins Currently, "Hero and Heroine" delivered his usual super - dramatic is its biggest selling American album, and if audience reaction can lyrics in a calculating, embittered style. serve as any guide, the group has nowhere to go but up. Originality of album jazz trumpet player By DAVID STERN Paying dues is one of the oldest stories in jazz. People like Thelonius Monk and McCoy Tyner had to pay dues for years before their brillance was recognized. Others, like Eric Dolphy, had to die before their genius was seen. After an eternity of paying dues, trumpeter Woody Shaw may be coming into the limelight. Shaw's latest album, "Song of Songs," shows him to be the most Imaginative, innovative trumpet player around today. The album itself is a breath of air in an area EAST LANSING'S ONLY CO - OP FOR OPTICAL NEEDS rampant with staleness and MON.& THURS. mediocrity. Shaw has the only original tone that has been heard in years. He has a gutteral yet 3IIA.M.-8:30 P.M. TUES., WED., FRI., 9 A.M.-5 P.M. SAT 9 A.M. to NOON 351-5330 very clear sound, occasionally giving hints of both Miles Davis and Dizzy GSllespiej, but very much his own. This, combined her homeland. with a technique the equal of While in India she studied various styles of dance almost anyone's makes him a including Manipuri, Bharatnatyam and Orissi. She earned a man to be reckoned with. His masters degree in Bengali literature at Calcutta solo work on the album is the University and is currently teaching Indian dance at State most University consistently interesting in College in New Platz, N.Y. a long time. Admission is $2, or $1 for students with ID. Shaw also composed the four cuts on the disc. The title song is by far the most musical recitals planned UNION ACTIVITIES BOARD [Hie Music Dept. will present Thursday in the Union Gold bassoon and Dan Philips on let recitals this week, all of pich are free to the public. Room. They will be assisted by Mary Sabo and Diana Skentzos French horn. The program will include pieces by Bach, BIZAftRi FILM SERIES on piano. The program will I Cellist Surinach and Nielson. It will near in a Mark Lucas graduate recital at will include songs and arias by Schubert, Bizet, Donizetti and also include a new composition PRESENTS by Nancy Hill. [15 lusic p.m. Wednesday in the Brahms. Building auditorium. He [illIhinardbe assisted by Janet Judith Hayes will play TWO CLASSICS on keyboards, Sara English hom and oboe in a Witgomery on cello, Marc senior recital at 8:15 p.m. ■tterohite Florence Harris, to whom ORSON WELLES' on contrabass and Thursday in the Hart Recital a John Smith on piano, Hall of the Music Building. She new black musical is being ■election s by Handel, will be assisted by Joan dedicated, is a student adviser Nemith, Weber and Brahms Krueger on harpsichord, Cheryl in the Office of Special [ill be performed. Hannert on organ, Richard Programs, not the MSU Cote on percussion, soprano Counseling Center. [Sopranos Bev Bletstein and Juanita Greene, Lisa Sharrard The Original Uncut Version pthli Strey will perform in a on flute, Andrea Splittberger pint recital at 8:15 p.m. on clarinet, Lois Ward on PARENT 1/ $24.00 A T.V. ^ per term 1 IFree "Tcqc/ILA Vrte- Service land delivery q,':ler -month I TECHNICOLOR* ]BO IN E J AC TV RENTALS 337-1300 ndl WEEK! Today Juit r.mnn murn■ nowMinww' (XJL <1.0( Open 12:45 , ,0'X IHflRHfUlHflJMIWUWfURHflRm "Most sensational product of U.S. movie Industry" Shows 1:00 -3:05 -5:10-7:15 9:20 SINBAD BATTLES THE CREATURES OF LEGEND! ^ TIME MAGAZINE C0MMG THIS WEEKEND j LIFE MAGAZINE KING KONG PRESSBOOK "Titanic" i | AdventureT"*3^"^ BEYOND BELIEF 1 ^ THE MOVIES picture ot tremendous See it ALLinthe\ /""" overpowering scope" "Masterpiece NEW YORK TIMES BOSLEY CROWTHER Miracle of \ Vyy j PLUS NOVELTY & FUN CARTOON Thursday & Friday - May 30,31 5 p.m. Citizen Kane nnfFroiTlICHIGANl LAST ROB6KT - miA 7 p.m. King Kong 9 p.m. Citizen Kane I i, yfea&sa DA2YS! R6DFORD FARROW The STANLEY KRAMER Protfuc** J Starts FRIDAY: 11 p.m. DOUBLE FEATURE George Glenda GEORGEC.SC0H } King Kong "A VOLCANO OF A MOVIE' AN ABSOLUTE Segal Jackson FAYEDUNAWAY J The Most Dangerous Game SENSATION, I LIKED IT JOHN MILLS } BETTER THAN 'THE Touch JACKfjPALANCE* —^ Gammett Syndicate 1:30-4:30-8 P.M. - Thur. 8 P.W Of Class •" "owtv MAR"r OKLAHOMA CRUDE* Saturday same as - June 1 above Harry Caul will go anywhere to bug a private conversation. -SEvKSSSSSi «'?*wvw,on Ca' " 'Executive Producer GeneHodunon, Cf,rS 4R'n118tc'e*np'a» by Harry M Finl< and Dean Aelener $1.00 PER SHOW including "The 1 FR| iLBR0DV AUDTITORIUM THURS. CONRAD FRI. WILSON THURS. WILSON double feature! Conversation" FRI. CONRAD >3 °0 ENGINEERING BRODY rC A f rTOnGB rOrv ri_ri_n_nii-L . vOppCTQ SAT.109 ANTHONY Jnli '■SON SAT. CONRAD SUN. WILSON (•UN.CONRAD SUN. WILSON 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan JV coach Smith's keep MSU batsmen loose By JACK WALKDEN "I think I did the right thing by coming to MSU on a full • time State News Sports Writar basis. Working with Danny and Frank has made a better person out of me. Is MSU junior varsity baseball coach Tom Smith a prankster? "Others have hung around too long in baseball and ended Well, as a minor leaguer, he used to sell team baseballs to fans up in exchange for hot dogs and while at MSU, he has set newspapers with nothing to show for it. I swallowed my pride and decided to on fire while ballplayers are reading them in the dugout and has get out. I feel that I made the right decision." stuffed the fingers of different ballplayers' gloves with chewing Coached many greats tobacco. In his eight yean at MSU, Smith has coached many great Is Tom Smith a prankster? Yes. And Smith readily admits it. players including Steve Garvey, Rick Miller and Rob Ellis, all of But Smith does not mind the label of prankster because he whom are now in the major leagues. believes it helps to ease the tensions of playing competitive Of the current varsity roster, Smith has at one time or another baseball. coached all but five members. Two, A1 Weston and Rick Moore, are flreshmen, while two more, "All of my pranks are done in good fun," Smith said. "It helps George Mahan and Terry Hop, are transfer students. The other, BUI Simpson, is a football to keep the ballplayers at ease. Everyone places too big of a player burden himself. One of my who decided to try out for the varsity team as a junior on beliefs about baseball is that it is §nd made it. played to have fun. If you're not having fUn playing baseball, you should quit. TTiis is true in everything. Several members of this past year's varsity team tried out for "Some of our players take the game too seriously and I like to the junior varsity as nonscholarship players and made it. "We've had a lot of walk • ons in recent years and these keep them loose," he added. "This helps them to concentrate players better when they have to." are becoming more important," Smith said. "With the cutting of Received label in minors scholarship money, a lot of the tflent is coming from this area." Smith says that one of his best pranks came a few years ago Smith calls the job of a junior varsity coach much different with an unidentified team manager. from that of a varsity mentor. "We had a team manager a few years ago who was pretty naive, "It's quite a change when you try out 150 kids," he explained. so I sent him from the freshmen baseball diamond to the "You put an ad in the paper telling everyone to come and varsity try out and then when they do, you have to diamond to get the key to the batter's box," Smith said. "He try and find their overall came back all red - faced because he had found out that it was value to the varsity team. just a white chalk line next to home plate." "When Craig Gerard came here he was a walk - on third Smith, a Coldwater, Mich., native, started his baseball career as baseman. Now he's the varsity second baseman. an all • state catcher in high school. After graduating from "Amos Hewitt was shortstop and now he's at third base. Coldwater High School, Smith signed immediately with the "Larry Romaine came as a catcher and has played the outfield Milwaukee Braves for what he calls "a substantial bonus." and first base for us. "It was enough to put me through college," Smith explained. "Really the whole thing is a socialization process. Hie guys Smith spent time as a catcher with six different teams in his who end up making the junior varsity team are usually the best two ■ year tenure in the Brave farm system while also attending from their high school team. You throw 17 or so of these MSU during the winter. He also spent time late in the 1962 together and have to adjust them to pure pressure. season on the major league club, but not as a rostered player. "They're now playing with other good ballplayers instead of Best prank being king of the hill. I believe these things are more important It was during his two - year stay in the minors that Smith first than trying to win every junior varsity game." received his prankster label. Knowledge paid off "I was the bullpen catcher for a while because I had a broken While not always posting the best finger," Smith said. "And in the minors when we got a big lead, records with the junior varsity, Smith's knowledge has paid off. In his eight years as we used to sell the bullpen baseballs to fans for hot dogs. junior varsity coach, the MSU varsity has won an impressive 220 "One time we got a 9 • 3 lead over a team in the late innings so games, while losing just 121. we sold all the bullpen balls for food. In the ninth inning, the Smith calls MSU's winning of the Big Ten championship in opposing team cut the lead to 9 - 7 so the coach sent the call to 1971 one of his top thrills with the the bullpen for a guy by the name of Dick Spartans, but adds that his Hayden to start greatest thrill is just working with people. warming up. The problem was we didn't have any balls to warm "Every year when another group graduates it's a thrill to look up with. at the great number that started with me. It's great to see how "Our coach had poor eyesight even though he didn't want to different people have matured in four admit it so we decided to try and fake it. years and how they've Hayden would go into his developed not only as ballplayers, but also as men." regular warmup and I would hit my glove with enough force to The goal of any assistant coach is to make it sound like I was actually get his own head coaching catching a baseball. job at another school. This is,also Smith's goal and he believes the "Well, the other team loaded the bases, so they called Hayden experience he has gained at MSU has helped him a great deal. into the game to pitch. So with actually just the five warmup "I've learned a great deal from my association with Danny and tosses that they give you on the mound, he was in the game. He Prank," he said. "I feel fortunate to be here because both of them threw just one pitch, the batter hit a line drive to the third have over 40 years of experience. It's an baseman who caught the ball and stepped on third for a double outstanding way to learn, especially from two outstanding coaches. play to end the game. "I like coaching baseball because it's a beautiful leisure sport. "After the game everyone was congratulating each other and as The individual challenges excite me. TTie best everyone was leaving, the coach comes up and pats both of us on part is that you play more than once a week. If you d»ift get them today, you the back and tells us both what a great job we did. He then grabs can get them tomorrow. both of us by the neck and says, 'If you bastards ever pull that "It's everything I've ever wanted to again, 111 fine both of you $100.' " — do on a spring or summer day go to a ballgame or play in a ballgame. It's not governed Playing career ends time clock. You just sit there and watch it unfold. by a The fun of playing baseball ended for Smith with the 1963 are geared on so much People today season and he retired as a activity in a certain time period so baseball player. is different. "I wasn't making any progress with the Braves system so I was "I'd like to be a college baseball coach because I released," he said. "I had a chance to sign with the Giants, but believe in the future of college baseball. With the decline of the minor decided not to. the professional teams will have a lot to do leagues, with keeping college "Everyone thinks he can play in the major leagues. I felt if I baseball in business," Smith said. had stuck with it, yes indeed, I could've made it. I might've "College baseball is entertaining and the talent is good. I think become one of the 'Amazing Mets.' "About this time Danny (Litwhiler) had had met Frank (asst. coach Pellerin) the previous just started here and I year. They had that than a lot of a people would rather see a college baseball team play minor league team. "Another Ex-Bruin coach knocks no freshman coach so thing is that more professional ballplayers are they let me help out for no pay, assisting coming from the college level. It's ironic that at a time when them in whatever way I could. When I into a job. got my degree, it turned college baseball is at the height of its popularity, the funds are at an ail time low " two stars for not hustl Two athletes bp Intermediate hurdling star Bob academic Lansing as the standout sophomore Cassleman and lacrosse scoring ace Val member of the organization. Washington were recent recipients of Also honored were the MSU's two major student athlete awards. outstanding senior performers in each sport at MSU. Cassleman, a senior from Grand Rapids, The seniors received special received the Big Ten Conference Medal of plaques from the Varsity Alumni Club. Cassleman and Honor. Washington, a senior from Washington were the choices in their Baltimore, Md., now has in his possession respective sports. the Chester L. Brewer Award. Both awards By sport; the other recipients included: go annually to seniors for outstanding baseball, Bill Simpson; basketball, Mike performances on the field and in the Robinson; fencing, Fred Royce; football, classroom. Ray Nester; golf, Bill Marx; gymnastics, The awards were presented at the MSU Don Waybright; hockey, Chris Varsity Club chicken fry last week at the Murfey; soccer, David Goldman; swimming, Mike Internationa] Center cafeteria. The Varisty Cook; tennis, Joe Fodell, and wrestling, Club is the organization of undergraduate Jeff Zindel. lettermen. Named as new officers of the Cassleman has won eight Varsity Big Ten Club were Dane Fortney, football and individual titles indoors and outdoors over track, president; Paul Fetters, swimming, four years and has been a member of five vice president; Dennis Olmstead, hockey, Big Ten title - winning relay teams. He is a secretary ■ treasurer and Chris Cassleman, solid student in health, physical education track, sergeant - at - arms. and recreation. Washington is MSU's all • time leader in goals scored with 77 and is a top student in communications. A number of other Spartan varsity performers received special citations at the banquet. Senior lacrosse player Steve Urbin of Utlca received the Varsity Club's John A. Hannah Award for outstanding performance both aU.lctically and scholastically. He is a biochemistry major. The club named John Shinsky of Lyndhurst, Ohio, as its top senior member, swimmer Jim Bradford of Holland as the top junior member and soccer player Mike Kenney of East Women golfers SN photo/John Russell Workmen from the Monsanto Products Co. are continuing to install to meet Friday the new Astroturf surface in Spartan Stadium in preparation for fall Any woman interested in playing practice and the opening of the 1974 MSU football season in mid - varsity golf next fall is urged to come to September. This worker was spraying glue Monday for the surface in an organizational meeting at 4 p.m. Friday the end zone of the stadium. Work is In 312C Jenison Fteldhouse. If scheduled to be completed this a woman coming Monday. cannot make the meeting, she should call 368-7157. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 29, 1974 9 Counselor helps athletes Shop Today 'til 5:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. fith emotional have a great summer I By ROSANNE LESS Tucker's case, this In the gym means during practices and being have to hang-ups do but they want whites, the super rich and the ...see you next fall! itate Newi Staff Writer out on the field someone to tell them. I tell athletes are not during people straight out - if they having their „e football hero and all - scrimmages. Hie counselor is like It, cool, if needs met," he said. "A lot of X man on campus has head able to experience the not, cool too." them just don't feel trauma Tucker does not llems just like the, when it happens, not at an get ruffled by labels like black and white. comfortable and confident in fotors in the standi. appointment a week later, He feels that "all the the Counseling Center image." I know their stressesVail," when the dudes" anxiety may be take him seriously I Charles Tucker, asst. reduced or long gone, he said "When you enough. Tucker explains that the ■fessor of counseling "My approach," Tucker are fully human most common causes of you are able to work on student anxiety involve >$. Tucker is a former explains, "deals concretely any money. level. When you are half For example, like with the Kentucky with human issues and it human deals you cannot do this. If wondering with the problem in you're where the next tuition »nels and Memphis Tarns, the only half human then you payment is going to h American Basketball come t (ABA) league teams, from; living in cramped residence halls, and general flicker is engaged in a academic problems that are one-man program med to help college jocks caused by the other two maladies. i their psychological ms. Tucker would like to | more counselors at the Besides his temporary' post er follow his program of on the Counseling Center staff, more specific to the Tucker is also a part -'time 5s of students. consultant for the Lansing rfMost people don't think I athletes have emotional public school system. Come Get Loads of Savings Jg • ups," Tucker said. Kople just assume fetes are doing good, but that Where On Famous Label Summer lis not always true. Athletes I just as many anxieties as L other student. Often streakers? Fashions! - NOW Thru Saturday L experience no adolescent od, have to compete Two months back, no tantly and always prove to conversation was complete d, *yea, brother, I'm a without a reference to streaking, and some people, Fucker explained that mostly college students, Jietes have a lot of goal liblems. Jad or Not making the starting lineup the actually streaked. The is warmer now, but the streakers have disappeared. weather Save On Summer negative reactions. "There are several factors Jcker says that some people Ifer new stress and social SN photo/Bob K»ye that make a fad a fad," Joyce Brothers, the pop psychologist, Dresses And |emmas when they know explained last week. "One of y have five letters or stars | their name, Charles Tucker, asst. professor in counseling services, is undertaking a program designed to help college athletes with their them attention. is that There it were attracts solo Pant Suits psychological problems. dicker cited an example of streaks, but no private streaks. a dilemma: Suppose you situation and After all the variations that were to $22 t 1C *13 during the don't even want to reach all were tried, there was no new a credit card and know approximate time that the those people that are different way to attract attention." L you could get away with problem occurs. This gives the from you." d easily, but what if the client more "Secondly," she said, "A fad faith in the Tucker maintains that there has to appeal to mind and ire clerk recognizes you from counselor. are three groups on campus muscle. The challenge of ts pages? Furthermore, that are not receiving the I illegal $300 purchase is "I know all the book finding new and unusual ways Tthing when you might be information just like everyone adequate mental health care that they should. to streak was no longer there. It no longer appealed to the were to $28 IU NOW | afl " >d and sign a $2.5 million else," Tucker continued. "I "He super poor blacks and mind." Intract next year. have used and put into practice what many people think about. (Tucker calls his approach to I have put counselors out on a jiolves a rith clients psychology. direct direct confrontation This limb. What I do is direct, not even one to on*. This is 100 per cent involvement. were to $38 *00 # % th the client in the situation "People come to a counselor now Short and m it produces the anxiety. In because they know what they long dresses and pant suits. Sizes 5 to 13. Jjxcii an Lr a i I r VOLUNTEER STAFF Huge Savings On leans INCOHPOHATip POSITIONS AVAILABLE! $3 Bus Servkt T» Chicago ♦Remember the hassles of high school days? 6:30 AM 12:10 t>M ♦Interested in helping high school students through some 9:30 AM 3:05 P** 12:00 PM Vte: So. tend. lex). 5:45 PM problems you faced only yesterday? »:25PM Summer Tups On Sale VU: So. Send, Ind. 10:4$PM ♦Interested in reaching out to a scared kid who is involved 11:15 PM 2:45 PM with the judicial system for the first time? BUS SERVICE TO FLINT, ♦Interested in doing this thru a whole SAGINAW, BAY CITY Imv« E«»t La mint of man approach to life balancing the mental, spiritual, physical and social Were to tops and $16. Short sleeve blouses in 2 For $7 aspects? _ _ ^ 9:35 AM-To Flint • S* ^ Raleigh Pros. There are many bicycles on the market today and there are also many places HALTERS, DRESSES, SWIM SUITS AND A WIDE Pants And Jeans to buy bicycles. We have a suggestion ASSORTMENT OF PIPES. were Buy your bicycle from a professional to $15 bicycle man. A Raleigh dealer. We have the Knowledge, experience and A GREAT SELECTION OF the special equipment to custom-fit you or your child to'the right bicycle. And of course we sell Ralelghs the bicycle that combines precision craftsmanship IMPORTED AND EXOTIC ViPrice Solids and plaids in with computerized testing and tion. See your Raleigh Pro. Inspec¬ ITEMS AT THE: asst. colors. Sizes 5 to 13. RALE/6H Bicycle craftsmen of the world. (garden of Earthly Belights FREE PARKING IN THE CITY LOTS WITH ANY PURCHASE OKEMOS - 2283 W. Grand River l 226 ABBOTT ROAD 332 - 3661 LAn'SING - 4310 W. Saginaw 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 29 Congress to vote By EILEEN SHANAHAN New York Times * important will be decided this week or next. and will be administration. fought by the soon on tax law change appears more and more certain has been owned for leu than six months and at half the rate While it would be DoaiKu ■ that Chairman Wilbur D. Mills, Mot . WASHINGTON - Proposals ^ proposals indude a $6.5 They also include a plan for D-Ark., sees this year's bill as if It has been owned for six for major changes in the billion tax reduction, aimed at eliminating what is possibly the the opportunity he has long months or more. pins taxes in such a JJJI increase total nation's tax laws are pending in preventing or minimizing a most controversial section of sought to reduce capital gains gains, taxes or "" Mills wants to Inaugurate a or to leave every comer of Congress, and recession, that is being backed the entire tax code, the 22 per Democratic presidential incomes between $5,000 and t**®8 by changing the whole •mount of tax t multistep sliding scale of taxes by leading Senate Democrats dear that Mills unchinw^J the fete of several of the most cent depletion allowance for prospects, Sen. Edward M. $15,000. It would achieve this V'tern of taxing these gains. on capital gains that would go is se^ 'k*l producers of oil and natural Kennedy of Massachusetts and focus on middle income The idea reduction - that Mills has down as low as 20 per cent of gas. Sen. Walter P. Mondale of taxpayers mainly through the long advocated - and it is one the regular tax rate for gains taxes. Minnesota, contains a provision device of converting the that seems certain to have the property that has been owned In addition, pending bills that would, for the first time, French traditional personal exemption backing of the Nixon 20 years or more. that will be receiving serious exempt persons who work, but into pr optional tax credit, administration - is a sliding an He is also thinking of consideration include ideas frson," Tien said. "Mao was a peasant and he emphasizes the Jvelopment of the peasant class." SCOTCH MICRIN ■ The Chinese ease new political leaders into top political TAPE MOUTHWASH psitions, Lee said, through the development of a "three - in - one imbination system" that emphasizes participation by all the .jople. IG. 27c 1 5^ 1.19c 10* 1 V/ J '"niere is a mixture of the old, the middle - aged and the young L all committees," he said. "This is part of a cyclical process, a Belong test, which maintains unity." I Tien notes that one major problem in understanding the Khinese political situation is the lack of information available in |e West. "Many speculators are now visualizing the collapse of 1 0% OFF OUR DISCOUNT %e state," he said. PRICE ON ALL SUNTAN LOTIONS | Lee adds that the Western world always thinks of Mao or Chou rhen it views China's political situation. "You can't look at China as represented by one individual," said. "There are millions and millions of people involved in I je Chinese political process." One possible solution to the information problem that both SN KODAK FILM photo/John Russell C iSU professors acknowledged was an increase in diplomatic H. T. Tien, professor of biophysics, visited the Peoples grassroots - type individual to replace the present 126-12 99c C 110-12 99c leaders, Jelations between the U.S. and China. Republic of China this past summer and toured most of the one that has come from poverty to guide the nation. C 126-20 l29 C 110-20 l29 I But both Tien and Lee see certain obstacles to such a move. country. Tien said the people of China are looking for a C 135-20 1" LIMIT 1 N. Ireland government collapses ANYTIME (coupon) Expires June 2, 1974 East Lansing st (Continued from page 1) lections which the striking due to serve until 1978. Spokesmen for the Ulster such vital services as water supply and sewage disposal will EVERYDAY KODAK POLAROID Workers Council, which FILM ■otatants have demanded. I London officals said Wilson organized the strike, said the continue to be interrupted and that food shortages will FILM FOR THE FAIREST DEAL Type 108 is unwilling to bow to the es of Protestant extremism shutdown would continue until" the strikers were given continue. The occupation of gasoline PX135-20 TX f35-20 /a« OO Q97 assurances that new elections stations and oil storages depots d to revoke a policy of LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 would be called. However, the taily five Iromoting years standing of cooperation curtailment of electrical power at the power stations was at strategic points in Northern Ireland by British soldiers will SELL YOUR BOOKS (coupon) Expires June 2, 1974 East Lansing store only (coupon) Expires June 2, 1074 East Lansing store only letween the two feuding also continue until the strike is halted at the present level. called off. Troops had taken Uigions. I Under direct rule, fresh This means electrical power over fuel distribution at dawn AT MAG 1C STYLED LIKE DR- SCH0LL'S! lections for the province's 80 - will continue to be made Monday to assure that certain b rnber assembly would have be called. The ooelttion was available for only about six hours a day. It also means that essential services and* goods would remain available in any WOODEN c99 806 SeGeR PASSPORT and APPLICATION $450' extent possible. Now appearing — SANDALS LIMIT 1 5 PHOTOS 'Regular $5 00 for 2 photos Tamplln 507 E. GRAND RIVER (ACROSS FROM 6ERKEY) REG 9.98 Expired June "2, 1974 East Lansing store only St*" BPS Studio 351-1477 -Olde Worlds 351 - 5420 CLAIROL MILK PLUS 6 2 Block. I. of Abbot Hall 7Fi& Bravery BueatKAle SHAMPOO & CONDITIONER CONDITION JAR 16 oz. REG. 5.98 049 6 oz. 11 37 O REG. 2.25 LIMIT 1 ! LIMIT 1 (coupon) (coupon) Expires June 2, 1974 Expires June 2, 1974 East Lansing store only East Lansing store only NUTRINE SHAMPOO REG 1.50 ss Expires June 2, 1974 East 83c Lansing store only SAFEGUARD ALCOHOL BATH SIZE REG 28c 19* 1 7 16 oz. REG 29c "1 IT | 3 LIMIT 6 LIMIT 1 (Coupon) (coupon) Expires June 2, 1974 Expires June 2, 1074 East Lansing store only East Lansing store only G.E. NATIONAL LIGHT BULBS LAMPOON JUNE ISSUE 2/49* REG. 2/74c LIMIT 4 REG. 85c 69^ FOR PRE-GRAD LIMIT 1 (coupon) (coupon) Expires June 2, 1974 ' Expires June 2, 1974 East Lansing store only East Lansing store only Before you enter the real world, enter Tech Hlfi during our PRE-GRADUATION SALE. COFFEE MUGS Be sure to come, because we're saving you drinks and dollars. You can get soused and stereo REG 49c LIMIT 6 (coupon) Expires June 2, 1974 East Lansing store only 24' at the same time! The time is 11:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m., Thursday & Friday. VIRGINIA MAID And 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. PANTYHOSE The place is Tech Hifi in East Lansing: 619 E. Grand River Ave. No. 105 LIMIT 6 (coupon) 49' Birr KtU. 03C aOr. Expires June 2, 1974 Eaj, L#n$|n9 stor, on|y techhifij SUPPORT PANTYHOSE CO 00 ' NO. bll C11 LIMIT 6 hMQuallty Components at the Rlflit Frkaa^ (coupon) REG 2.95 Expires June 2. 1974 East Lansing store only 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan _ Wednesday, No shit—freeze-dried fertilizer! By PAULA HOLMES years and $4,000 later - they are within five months of receiving make the method at least pay for itself," he said. "Anything after State News Staff Writer their patent and they do not know what to do with it. that would be gravy." A funny thing happened to Randy Matthews over a few beers "Hie University is the ideal place for promoting the idea," The invention compacts the wet solid pieces of waste matter two years ago. Matthews said. "It would make a good He and project for students from into a thin layer and then freeze dries it to remove the moisture. a friend, Stephen Baskin, a former MSU asst. professor, many areas to get involved in and in the long run, I'm sure it Hie leftover solid material would be collected and sold were discussing the brown water gushing from the faucets in their would make money. fertilizer. i East Lansing townhouses and they felt that something should be "The first patent is just the ground work on the system," he "I understand that it would be a better type of fertilizer done to prevent waste materials from entering drinking water. continued. "It needs to be expanded on so that it doesn't just because it has some trace elements in it that you do not So Baskin, special student, 957 Barclay Lane> came get with up with a work on paper. This could involve synthetic products," Matthews said. method called lyophilization which would recyle human feces engineering, math and agriculture students to name a few." The wet sewage would be separated from readily removable into fertilizer right in the local water treatment plant. Matthews feels the system could even be expanded to make liquids at the water treatment plant and then carried on a Then the two men designed an apparatus that could be fuel instead of fertilizer. connected to the local plant and applied for a patent. Now - two conveyer belt to the fertilizer plant. There another series of "Of course the real thing is to keep the water clean and then to conveyer belts would carry the waste through compacting and freeze drying areas. This plant could be run by students, Matthews said. "It is going to take a lot to get this project going," he said. "If Study shows i talked to everyone that had to be involved I'd be talked to car pooling death." Currently wet sewage is disposed of by spreading it out over a large amount of land or by burning it. Either method leads to air pollution. fails among 'U' personnel Also by spreading the material over land, the into water tables and contaminate the in having this problem now, Matthews said. drinking sewage may seep water. Muskegon those 1,172 people, and of By JOHN LINDSTROM disappointing. We had figured was not much of a factor in State News Staff Writer those 452, roughly 38 responded. per cent, there would be quite a high number of student car pools their view," he said. Perrin added that another Win in raffle called MSU's much touted CESAR From those because of the high costs of responses the possible reason for the low program (Conserve Energy - University able to form 87 fuel and the high costs of that many good was response was Share a Ride), which was started to help establish car pools among University people into 36 different car pools. "However another 41 people maintaining Perrin said. A an automobile," major reason that student people campus lived close enough to that they did not need to use a car pool. omen by Levin personnel, has turned out to be indicated they had already car pools were not formed was "Several people indicated DETROIT - Sander Leviir Levin, who faces an August a dud. formed car pools on their that students were too specific thinks it's a good sign. primary for his party's they either took the bus or Only 36 car pools, involving own," Perrin said. in the times they wanted to rode their bicycles to campus," Levin, a Democratic nomination, said he almost 87 people, were formed after Perrin said that what were come to and leave the campus. Perrin said. candidate for governor, bought threw the ticket away "because MSU spent $2,300 and sent Perrin said students were not The whole project cost MSU a raffle ticket on a car at the I never win at these particularly disappointing in things." out 8,000 questionnaires to all flexible enough Greek Ethnic Festival in the program were the results of in their roughly $2,300. The expense faculty and staff members. the student car pooling efforts. schedules so it was impossible mainly went to printing and Detroit Monday night. So did Those were the results made Forms for car pools were available to students to pair responses. students from the mailing the forms and keypunching the responses. Republican Gov. Milliken. Levin won the car - a 1974 Flying doctors released Tuesday by Vice Chevrolet Vega. President for University during spring term registration but only 60 or 70 students Perrin reason believed a major people in the faculty • "The people in the Computer Center put in a lot "I'm not superstitious but I may lose wings Relations Robert Perrin. He staff poll did not form pools of free time," he said, "and stopped to pick up and return think it's a very good omen," NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - reported that of the 8,000 forms. Those forms was that they were "too everyone East Africa's flying doctors were run cooperated said Levin, who ran against questionnaires sent out, 1,172 dependent upon their beautifully in the plan." may be grounded uftless the through the computers but no Milliken in 1970 and lost by a were returned. The University automobiles MSU is not this time medical organization solves its car pools resulted. at few thousand votes. then sent followup forms to "That was really "Apparently the cost of toel planning to send out another money crisis. An official of the set of questionnaires for next The raffle, in which tickets Flying Doctor Service said year, however Perrin said the cost $1, was sponsored by the donations in 1974 were Unit urges strengthening University would be willing to start another interest and project if enough need Modem Greek Cultural Assn., with proceeds going to furnish a Greek ethnic room at running only 70 per cent of normal. Most contributions come from the United States were Wayne demonstrate* State University. and Europe. of drunk driving statutes special task force appointed by Gov. Milliken recommended Tuesday that •Strengthening the implied consent law to cover the driver of a vehicle in a collision so driver is determined to have .10 per cent alcohol content in MAKE A HIT FOR his blood. Under current law, laws covering drinking drivers that he or she can be identified this level of alcohol constitutes be strengthened to cut down on the number of alcohol related traffic fatalities. • as a drinking driver; only presumptive evidence; THIS SPRING YOUR •Enacting legislation to •Making mandatory jail In an 11 • page report to the make it conclusive proof of sentences for persons drinking governor, recommended: the task force driving while influence of aocohol when a under the and driving during a suspended license- period with discretion In our new for BOOKS of the courts to impose spring baseball Motor Wheel additional penalties if deemed necessary; jackets and •Enacting legislation vote on tentative matching license of a convicted drunk contZTl'St K* pants, Workers at Motor Wheel and • out retirement provisions driver for up to 60 days and you'll be a sure Corp. in Lansing, on strike for and a cost - of • living escalator. impose driving restricitons if nearly four months, voted Last month the workers the driver can be referred to an winner! Tuesday on a tentative overwhelming rejected a agency for treatment; and contract agreement. tentative contract agreement. •Expanding the Alcohol In many The bargaining committee Motor Wheel is a subsidiary Highway Safety Action project bright of Goodyear Tire and Rubber to include many more for the 2,600 striking workers, counties members of Allied Industrial Co. and is a major supplier of wheel parts to the automotive and cities with the ultimate spring colors and Workers Union Local 182, has goal being that the entire state recommended approval of the industry. receive its services. plaids. Check erri agreement, which was ironed out by company and union out now at negotiators May 17. The employes walked off Italian Dinner with Wine the job Feb. 3 in a contract dispute over such issues as 30 - T for Two Select a delicious dinner of Spaghetti and Meat Balls, Lasagna, or Veal Parmesan including salad, d a full carafe of wine. Offer good with this ad on Wednesday and Thi 305 EAST GRAND RIVER Same dinner with Vi carafe of wine $2.75 for 1 EAST LANSING, Mi. EVERY DAY S8S1 Acrwi Irom Ml* at «1 E. MAN* RIVER 3II4IH Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 29, 1974 ]3 Call Now 355-8255 Looking for a HousePainter ? Run a Classified Ad Ad for o Summer Helper! ! Bl [ * YSPEAKING. LKNARFM . . ,by phil frank [ e« FORD, 1967 radio. - good condition, $400. P|„le Call VOLKSWAGEN 1966 needs work F* tat |ff] [ Jprtwts ]jf>J $200. 351-7776 before 5 SUMMER CAMP 332-8786. 3-5-31 pm. for physically TV AND STEREO 3-5-31 rentals. 2 BEDROOM, 2-3 handicapped needs Occupational $24/term. $9.95/month. Free man, furnished, FORD ECONOLINE Van Therapist nature terrace. Utilities paid. Parking. 1064 - VOLVO, 1968 142-S. instructor. same day delivery and service. needi body work. Excellent Teachers of the Deaf Summer, June 10. Behind PHONE 355-8255 $200. Call condition, owner maintenance. secretary Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-5-31 351-9218 after 6pm. 2-5-31 Unit Leaders. Mid June to Mid University Village. $190. Vance, New factory 34 7 Student Services Bid?. exhaust, o°°d August. John Vargo, Bay Cliff 337-1641. 5-5-30 FORD michelins, good brakes. Stereo VAN 1966 new paint, cassette Camp Marquette, Michigan clutch, carpeted. Excellent player. $2195. 49855. Phone 2, 3, or 4 MAN APARTMENT. •automotive 351 -4675 after 5pm. 2-5-30 906-226-3212. shape, 19mpg. 349-1563. 3-5-31 __3-5-29 $180/month. Pool, air, $coot«« & Cycles TWO PERSON, furnished, air, dishwasher, pleasant location on VW BAJA. Custom Parts & Servict cmc 1967 Van paint, AM/FM BABYSITTER, FALL term. 4 close. Summer sublease, $150 I Grand River. 349-3692. 3-5-31 good condition. radio, sun roof, 8 wheels and 8 month old boy. 20 to 40 hours / month. 351-8628.10-5-31 Aviation Panelled, insulated, carpeted tires. Custom interior. A week. 351-2756. 5-5-30 one of SUMMER SUBLET large friendly •EMPLOYMENT $650,332-4892.5-5-31 a kind on or off the road. $1 TOO EAST LANSNG, one bedroom, - efficiency in house. One block or best offer. LAWN •FOR RENT 489-9110. 3-5-31 MAINTENANCE furnished, air, close - in for 2-3 from campus. Please call 5-8pm HORNET mP9, in 1970^29,000^-- town. now until November 15. Some man - persons. No pets. 332-8760. 351-4294. 3-5-31 Apartments 485-1307. 5-5-31 VW VAN 1965. Best offer. See at experience preferred, not 5-5-31 Houses 3020 Gibson, 485-6025. 3-5-31 necessary. 349-4111, X-5-5-30 SUMMER MG MIDGET 1973. ONE Min7ortition, bedroom - ONE OR two Rooms 7200 miles, VW apartments available furnished, air, block to campus. warranty, $2800 1971 Super Beetle, AM/FM, FLOORMEN FOR Showbar, full or in same house. $125 each or $140. 332-8300. 3-5-31 negotiable. •FOR SALE 3-5-30 349-2375, Mike' sunroof, best offer. 882-2087 part time. Apply after 7 $210 both 3 month lease, pm. Animals 5-5-30 CORAL GABLES SHOWBAR. furnished, deposit. Lansing, east LANSING - WOMAN to share 5-5-31 side. 351-5323. 5-5-31 Mobile Homes MG MIDGET 1972 - FM, Ttereo, Motorcycles large apartment, own room. Call 'LOST & FOUND Michel ins, wires - $2150 or best offer. 484-7978 Tonneau. jjfo] REGISTERED NURSES GIRL NEEDED to sublet for 482-3918. 3-5-31 •PERSONAL 3-5-31 ICU-CCU, 10 bedroom unit summer. 351-0136. 5-5-31 $65/month. Call HUT. LIGHT, and •PEANUTS PERSONAL KAWASAKI 1973, 250. $750 openings full and part time on •REAL ESTATE MUSTANG 1965. Looks good, runs Honda 1972 125 SL, $425 / the second and third shifts. FURNISHED 2 rooms and bath AIR mNDITIONING BILLS well. $350, after 339-8659 after 3 pm. 5-5-31 Excellent salary and - fringe •RECREATION 1-5-29 6, 355-2903. HONDA CL350 1972: 3500 'OOK\WOPS LIKE THIS A benefits. For 'all information, office of summer or and fall. Also 4 rooms shower, fall lease. 1 or 2 SOT YOU DOWN? •SERVICE miles. ent, LANSING COING-OUT-OF-gUSlMESS SALE! . man each. 1214 Excellent condition. $700 GENERAL HOSPITAL, 2800 East Instruction MUSTANG, 1965 — very Devonshire, Lansing, Mich. Kalamazoo. 5-5-31 dependable. Must sell $275/best 351 -7367. 5-5-29 372-8220 Typing S«rvice _ offer. 332-3464. 3-5-31 ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY, CA Equal Opportunity Employer 1-2 girls for 4-girl. Fall Capitol MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE 94709 •TRANSPORTATION - Villa. $46.25 / each. 337-7998. MUSTANG 1966 New low rates. needs work, best FIEDLER 5-5-31 •WANTED offer. 355-3190. 5-5-29 INSURANCE. Phone 676-2449 WANTED: HAIR stylist, BURCHAM WOODS 0-1-5-29 experienced in cutting. GARY'S ONE ROOMMATE. •Heated Pool 'Laundry MUSTANG 1965. CAMPUS BEAUTY SALON. Furnished,458 "RATES** well. 6 cyhnderT™ 1973 HONDA 175. 351-6511.3-5-31 Evsrg-een, $80/month, air, Paul •Ample Parking *Air Cond. •Nicely Furnished Excellent ^ 351-0858, after 5 pm. condition, 1200 miles, $475. MASON BODY SHOP - 812 East BABYSITTER. TWO boys. June 337-0805. 5-5-31 393-8654. 2-5-30 DRIVERS TO drive Jumbo ice ONE SUMMER LEASES Kalamazoo Street since 1940. - GIRL needed September - through August. Live in with (Utilities Included) NOVA 1970 - 396T 4-speed, CTElTI Complete - cream trucks. Must have good June. Capitol Villa $65/month. cleen, bright red. $1,600. very Call -. Central —imjmicr collision auto service painting 485-0256 and salary or straight salary, Okemos driving record. Apply 11390 351-8179. 5-5-29 Efficiency $140 One Bedroom mo. after 6pm. Michigan's largest area. 349-3339. 5-5-29 North US-27, DeWitt. 3-5-31 $149 mo 337-9430. 3-5-31 C-5-31 Two Bedroom $169 motorcycle insurer. Low mo. 5 EAST LANSING, Hull Apartments, 1 3 10 rates, monthly payments. Two DENTAL RECEPTIONIST 745 Burcham Dr. 351 VOLKSWAGEN for 10 1 50 4.00 6.50 13.00 NOVA, 1973. 11,000 miles, power V-8, vinyl top, excellent locations: systems - EXHAUST $18.95 complete at MANPOWER Orthodontist's office. 1-2 bedrooms. unfurnished, $170 Furnished and up, no and or 484 - 3118 4014 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 condition. Good LLOYD'S OF LANSING CHEQUERED FLAG, 2605 East Personable, mature person with pets children. - 372-0880 or June 1-15. .. mpg. $2400 office 2.25 6.00 9.70 351-0637. 5-5-30 484 8143 332-5335 Kalamazoo, one mile west of capability (typing 68 351-4799. 1424 Haslett Road. ONE ROOM efficiency: . 19.50 wpm), will train. Please Furnished, campus. 487-5055. C-4-5-31 call 7-5-30 bath, kitchen, parking, 2 blocks 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 33.40 YAMAHA 750 372-6451.3-5-31 OLDS 1964. Excellent condition. 1973, 5,000 miles Need money and from MSU, utilities paid. $125/ 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 a job? New tires, $150 or best offer. good shape, $1450. 711 EAST APARTMENTS month. Mark, 351-7236. 5-5-31 484-6461 » 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 around 6pm. 4-5-31 We'll give you all the KEYPUNCH, EXPERIENCED 711 Burcham Road. Large 1 __Mu_st»ll. 353-6972. 3-5-30 help only, afternoon shift, 4-12 pm. bedroom furnished apartment. NEED ONE NORTON you need. Excellent incentive program. girl, summer. D EADL INE OPEL 1969. Excellent condition - GUZ2I - DUCATL New Suitable for 2 or 3 University Terrace, $50. persons. Call 1 PM one class Low mileage $650 or best models on display. Call ESR Corporation. Carpeting, air conditioning, day offer. service for Honda and Repair and Work for us in your spare 372-7750. 3-5-31 heat included. Margie. 349-4682. 5-5-31 before publication. Call 394-1062 between British Renting for 5-9 pm time, 1 day, 1 week, 1 4-5-31 makes. G.T. MOTORS, 816 SUBLET JUNE, July, and Howe, month—take your STUDENT WANTED to teach in appointment: August. Peanuts Personal ads OPEL 1965 station Lansing. Phone Add variety to your list pic£. piano studio for fall. 669-3309. 351-0726 337-7328 One bedroom apartment with wagon. Rum 485-6815. 12-5-31 pool, air conditioning, phone, must be this summer. Male and 3-5-31 pre-paid. good. New tires. $200 SUMMER SUBLEASE. 2 furnished, car port. Close to 355-6196.1-5-29 TRIUMPH 1969 Trophy 500. female applicants needed. High bedrooms, furnished, campus. $175. Call 351-0524 or bars and pipes. 6,000 Cancellations/ Corrections miles. Office and industrial areas. air conditioned, pool, pets Great 517-541-7352, collect. 5-5-31 PLYMOUTH ROADRUNNER condition, $600. welcome. $225. 882-9942 or 12 noon one class day 1969 669-3729 after 6 p.m. 5-5-30 Experience not always ATTENTION - 4-speed under 50,000 355-1883.4-5-31 FEMALE ROOMMATE before publications. miles. Good condition. $900. necessary. Apply in to share 2 CYCLE person, 105 East bedroom, 3 person apartment. The State News wjjl hi*, 349-0894. 3-5-31 INSURANCE rates on any - sized cycle. Easy lowest Washtenaw. 1 ARTS S LETTERS ONE FEMALE, ~&slett Arms 332-3939. 6-5-31 apartment, fall, $79. 355-2006, pWac MAC payment fjlan. Call UNION responsible only for the 1954. Good original condition. $250 or best offer. UNDERWRITERS, 372-8120 or LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF JOLLY Dlfo - THERM Dividon of Motor MAJORS 355-2005. 3 5-30 ACROSS rent. UNION, Available summer or Fall June 1. fir^t day's incorrect Call 332-3694. 3-5-31 485-4317.9-5-31 FEMALE GRAD 351-5712.4-5-31 & OKEMOS RO Wheel needs 1 insertion. 349 - 3196 Corporation.^, LaGrange for 731 1971 KAWASAKI 500 Mach III. Indiana, 46761. * A leading Petitions for student summer. Burcham. REBEL 1967 V-8, sharp, air, 6DAY A WEEK TOWING 351-3754. 3-5-30 DUPLEX BOTH Very Good conditon. $650. Al manufacturer of heating and air - units, 2 automatic, power steering. $375. OPEN 6 DAYS positions on University bedrooms,- furnished. Open for 355-5338. 3-5-29 7 AM 9 PM BUT SUNDAY conditioning equipment for level and College level 18. 3-5-31 . mobile homes and BEAL summer lease, 2, 3, or 4. recreational APARTMENTS. 2 or 3 Ample VW - GUARANTEED REPAIR vehicles, has immediate openings committees will be accepted parking, pool privileges, private. KAWASAKI 350, runs great, price person, one block from campus, REBEL „.1967 - 6, stick, great RANDY'S MOBIL, Okemos for design Monday, May 13th, thru summer or 12 month lease. Call $180 or both for $345. Phone negotiable. 337-2737 after 6. engineer for air mileage, fantastic mechanical 3-5-29 Road and 1-96. 349-9620. conditioning products. Excellent Wednesday, May 29th 337-0449 between 4 and 8 pm. 339-8802, 9-12 or 484^014. shape. Cheap! 351-9287 after C-5-31 fringe benefits, pleasant working or drop by. 7-5-31 4-5-31 5pm. 4-5-31 YAMAHAS MOST models conditions. Send resume; Jean - now Petitions are available Automotive in stock. Emptoyment Chrystler SUMMER ON Shep's is jj - full or call collect, (219) at your campus. SUBARU, 1973 must sell due to service your departmental SUMMER ROOMS 2 blocks from Furnished, dealer. For Yamaha, 463-2191. Equal one bedroom. $100 / finances! Low mileage. Best Opportunity office. For information Triumph, and month, includes utilities. offer $2400. 347 BMW. SHEP'S ^ Employer. 5-5-30 call 355 0368. 355-0914. 4-5-31 | BLAZER - over MOTOR SPORTS, INC. 1972 4 wtieeel driwe Loo king lass Avenue, 2460 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT 30,000 miles. Call Lou 356-4482 Portland. North Cedar, Holt. Just south APPLICATIONS FOR employment of before 5pm. 3-5-31 3 5-29 1-96 overpass. Phone 694-6621 FOR STUDENTS at McDonald's of East Lansing at WHY SPEND THIS SUMMER SWEATHK We are accepting applications from 1024 East Grand River and C-4-5-31 STUDENTS PART TIME SUPER BEETLE of - OVER END OF THE M0HTH UTILITY I CHEVROLET MALIBU SS 1973 1971 sunroof, air, megs, radials. AM-FM. HONDA college students who want a summer job. You must be Okemos at 2040 East Grand evenings and Saturdays. Inside vinyl roof, AM/FM radio, $1,650. 371-3831. 3-5-31 1970. CL-450. Excellent devote minimum of 40 hours / willing to River are now being accepted. sales. $2/hour. Apply Room PAYMENTS??? automatic, power steering, condition, extras. $700/ best a All hours open. You may fill out 635, Stoddard Building, corner offer. week and be able brakes 17,000 miles. 355-6104 351-7531.4-5-31 to an application of Capitol / West 5:30. 5-5-29 TOYOTA CORONA 1971 - YAMAHA responsibility. On the job training is accept 2-4pm Monday through Friday 8-10am ' and Lansing. 5-5-30 Allengan, BURCHAM excellent, rebuilt engine, 1973 - 650cc, 1850 provided for those who 4-6-31 I OODGE CHARGER 1968. Michelin radials, nice body. miles, padded sissy bar. Call are Heat, Light, and Air Conditioning Bills are all included ii Metallic accepted. For an interview, call MALE OR female DESK CLERK needed needed for your already low monthly rates! green, black vinyl top, 318, $1,500 / best offer. Days 372-3035. 5-5-29 484-7368 between 11am - must have - 12noon. SEVEN - ELEVEN store, 1910 Cherry shape in and out. $1200 373-6410 extension No. 73. 12 5-31 transportation and be willing to Lake . Auto Service travel. Lansing Road. Apply 'Heated Pool 655-2252. 5-5-31 Call evenings 546-4086. 3-5-31 / * SUMMER WORK A 489-1215 between 12 3 7 2-0567 6 pm or before 4 p.m. Contact June *A mple Parking 'Laundry Facilities 'Nicely Furnished - Marsh. 5-5-30 'Air Conditioning IFAIRLANE 500 Automatic 1966. Can't find a job? CLASSIC OR-5-31 259, V-8, CRAFTS CORP. is NOW 61,000 miles. BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced Now 332-1854, John. 5-5-31 hiring for their Summer VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to read SECRETARY - TYPING, 80 Leasing For Summer rates to students. Also w.p.m., shorthand College Program Work in to blind students summer term. 100 w.p.m., I FALCON 1970. 2-door, 6 cylinder, VEGA, 1971. Must sell! Best offer over $1300. 353-9489, guaranteed rust proofing. VAN YOUR OWN HOME AREA. Call Mary. 353-3490.4-5-31 some filing. Knowledge of fn,clud7nCgyuti,ltie^r00m' * 2 B9dr00m 'r0m $U0 <*r WORLD, 645-2123. OR-5-31 construction standard shift. $795. Will trade. 351-2781.3-5-29 Work by appointment only! helpful. Excellent Fall Rates (12 month Sign APPLICATIONS ARE fringe benefits. lease) J86-2928, 485-7922. 6-5-31 SUMMER POSITIONS for MSU up now for interview; now being Equal Efficiency, 1 Bedroom, & 2 Bedroom from $154 VEGA HATCHBACK 1973. White, MAY 30th at Placement accepted for summer work. Opportunity Employer. Send including utilities. Der ^ month momn, students. Excellent salary level | *ATsell! 1970, 850. 40 fnpfl.~Wu« blue interior, Rally wheels, and meaningful business Services Rm. 113 Student Phone 482-6382. Personnel resume or call 393-1670. 745 Burcham Drive Call evenings, 351-3806. excellent condition! $2200 or experiences. Automobile X^Sei Services Building j manager will be in between 8am and noon. 4-5-31 GRANGER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, 2702 South Cedar, or 351-3118 484-4014 best offer. 393-8072. 5-5-31 required. 351-5800. C-2-5-29 CANVASSERS WANTED. No Lansing, Michigan. 5-5-31 I flAT 1970. 850 Sport Coupe. Very VEGA HATCHBACK. Excellent MALE WATERFRONT counselors selling necessary. Salary $100 / WANTED: Co-ed interested in 'ha'P. $975. Consider condition - 1971. week plus 7% commission and gardening and other lawn work. WANTED DRIVEWAY salesman Radio, for children's camp. Minimum motorcycle trade. 394-1677. bonuses. To set appointment call full annas doss tnowtires, excellent mileage. $1200. 351-5381. 3-5-30 age 19, WST instructing and Globe Contract Carpet. Some secretarial bookkeeping. Also experienced and and part available. 349-9726. 3-5-29 time positions CROSSWORD BaOHEE 0EHEE guarding experience. Call Susan 1313) 886-3193. 3-5-30 627-4046. 8-5-31 lawn LANSING and landscape workers. LAWN SERVICE. PUZZLE BHHQRif] naccQ VOLKSWAGEN / FOREIGN car SERVICE STATION - salesmen and light mechanical. Driveway Call 3-5-31 after 8 pm, 393 0432. $NOTICE$ 1. Help Wanted ACROSS 30 Augment rra repair. Mechanical and body. Day, night, and weekend hours section 31 Attention available, at least 1 year's recent 4 Suspend 33. Flounders Buy, sell and trade. IMPORT DISHWASHER. CORAL GABLES AUTO PARTS AND REPAIR. experience. Apply in person, dining room. Apply in person ALL STUDENT ADS 8. Milkfish 35 About □□□a ssa hbh 485 2047.0-1-5-29 DAN'S MOBIL, 2704 Lake anytime. 5-5-31 11. Bite 36 Spotted deer □eh aaa □□□□ Lansing Road at US 127. 3-5-31 □aamn ananas MODELS FOR photography. Call MUST BE ansaa □□□□□□ between 10am and 6pm PRE PAID - □aaa hudiciu brookfield plaza texaco GEMR 1301 E. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING 489-1215. OR-5-31 secretary, female, part for time, male or volunteer Now through the end of the term. 18 Bird shelter 20. Chinese feudal 46 21. Lettuce 43. Beverage 49. English racetrack town Huge bird 4. Travelers' 5. lodgings Wire service GREENS organization. $2.50 / hour. Call 347 STUDENT SERVICES 24. Support 50. Burrei 6. Additional 337-1717. 3-5-30 27 Achieve 52 Prosecute COMPARE OUR ONE-WAY l.Some 7. Nibble 28. English 53. Baboon 2 Wither 8 Respect 1135 Michigan Ave. 5' x 8' PRICES!! 18* Truck composer .54. Micraners 3. Room 9. Humor (Next to Brody) 3 6 6 • 8 10. Volcanic matter % We Trailer From East Lansing To: 9 'O offer pleasant one bedrooom furnished % 15. Cloak Shonlfj | apartments. All apartments are carpeted and have $30.00 Traverse City, Michigan " 13 .17. Twilled cloth accent paneling. Each has individual electric heat $40.55 Minneapolis, Minnesota $192.00 $190.00 IM % 15 If 19 Work unit and air 21. Brain storm * ' 12 month 9 month conditioning units. leases $165.00/175.00 $68.30 $73.00 $68.00 Denver, Colorado San Antonio, Texas Los Angeles, California $293.00 $450.00 $429.00 _ restaurant RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT c %% 21 22 •8 F n 20 2i| %% 5 It, 22. Wheedle 23. High winds 25 Soup (school) leases $180.00/190.00 $50.00 New York City, New York $164.00 WE OFFER: ingredient ' 3 month $45.80 Richmond, Virginia $153.00 •Great opportunity - we have an annual 28 26 Baker's shovel Va • 3o (summer) bates $135.00/140.00 higher rates art $45.80 Orlando, Florida $375.00 ♦Good starting salaries progressing to the growth of 20% V/, 29. British news tops in the ii for 31 12 J3 iS balcony apts.) $45.80 St. Petersburg, Florida $375.00 industry when you have shown results. agency 32. Off-color For MAKE EARLY RESERVATIONS.THIS TIME OF it 37 is v>' our residents convenience there are laundry ♦Many benefits including company car and profit sharing to 34. Desist facilities in each YEAR OUR EQUIPMENT IS LIMITED. qualified individuals. 37 Trifle building. And for their pleasure Hi have a swimming pool. Michigan State Hotel / Restaurant Students - Pleaee contact the & % «r % 39, Chinese civet i Placement Office for an interview. (May 30th) its H6 41 Sunnam toad Non Students please call the - 43. Meadow ». tan jsi-vvji Lansing Holiday Inn East for Hugh ^""atd by: or Garrleon for an evenina or Friday, May 31st interview. *9 SO 51 ii 44. Rascal % *5" ... Wl State Management 45 Hotbed Equal Housing Shoney's Big Boy Enterpri$e$, Inc. S3 51 P.O. Box 1260 Nashville, Tennessee 37202 ft, % 47 Pronoun 48. Mortals 615/ 254-5201 SI. There 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 29( 19741 ApaMits |g| AprMs Apartments M Hows Husts fern |K| Rooms i CEDAR STREET, South - MILFORD STREET 126. TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile - 548 EAST Mount Hope: 3 Remodeled, 1 bedroom, 2 GIRLS needed for house. Close SUMMER ONLY! 3 large bedroom, NEAR LAINGSBURG - 16 miles PLAN homes. $25 $35 / week. Ten Summer rentals, reduced rates. 2 NOW f0f unfurnished - bedrooms, large dining, living to campus, next fall. Call rent negotiable. 419 Albert. northeast Large 4 bedroom except stove / minutes to campus. Quiet end and 3 man. 2 blocks from $180/month plus utilities, 355-2040 356-2012. 3-5-29 ^ling. Double roT refrigerator. or 337-1265. 4-6-31 house, 1 acre. Unfurnished, in 699-2575, after 3 Carpeted. pm. 5-5-27 peaceful on a lake. 641-6601. 0-5-31 campus. conditoned. Deluxe, furnished, air 351-2647, security and lease. 694-8236. $200 per month. Available now. C,mpu»- ,orori,y hou„ ,>>| 3-U1 NEW DUPLEX, close, own room, 66 person house for summer, 1 351-7497. OR-5-31 "oonUndboT.*! IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 484-8494, 489-1656. OR-5-31 dishwasher. $55. 332-3746 after block from campus, excellent p,r 482 Call THW 9511; 332-35«>I 2355' « " NEEDED, SUMMER FEMALE Colonial Townhouses Co-op, 2 male, non - quarters, smoker. White Hall WANTED: apartment with another share woman. 6pm. 6-5-31 condition. 332-2103.4-641 SUMMER - NEED 1 man. Cedar Village. Good ooreftion. NexTto 8-5-31 bedroom townhouses. All utilities Manor. Own Plus couple for first half room, semi - - term. LARGE HOUSE, furnished. Very ONE GIRL 2 blocks Own room. included except electricity. $130 • furnished, air conditioned, pool. - summer. $67/month WOMAN, SUMMER Close, rent negotiable. close. Cample parking. Low from Union. Own room. 332-5656. X-5-6-29 $133/month. Phone 882-4176. 337-2012, between 6-8 pm. dose. House 337-1864, Dennis. 3-5-31 summer rent. 484-9774. 0-5-31 332-1263 4-5-31 pnvii, Monday - Friday, 8:30-5:30. 8-5-31 4-5-31 arden. MID JUNE to mid September will Parking SUMMER AND FALL MSU NEAR, 1-2 persons to share ONE GIRL needed for nice ATTENTION GRAD students. THREE WOMEN needed to share rent our attractive 2 bedroom 485-1023.3-5-30 WALK TO campus. Beautiful 1 luxury condominium with townhouse. Summer. Own Lansing east side. Large three $120 RENTALS! $180/summer bedroom, carpeted, air - heat dishwasher. Quiet surroudings, young single. 484-2556. 3-5-30 room. 3-5-31 $80/month. 332-6648 - becfcxim house. Newly decorated, large house. 351-6256. 4-5-31 326 M.A.C. home plus to married couple. $160 small responsibility. SUMMER Co-operatirve. JKjTal a Hn,hi*L $210 - $300/fall carpeting. garage, basement. References. 332-1746. 4-5-31 *1° large lawn. Convenient to all GRADS, MALE, share, close, quiet, $200 plus • vveek utiltieis. Available FRANCIS STREET 2 Cedarbrook Apartments CM facilities. No pets. 125 North Hagadorn. Phone 351-6339, laundry. 349-3328 after 6pm or LUXURY FURNISHED June 1. 351-7283. 2-5-29 rooms $60 summer women own $70 fall. SUNNY. CARPETED 332-3574.4.5.3? I 208 Cedar Street weekends. 4-5-31 efficiencies across from campus. room. Fully Year's lease. 351-9302 after furnished house. Summer ROOM FOR H block to campus manager, after 5:30 p.m. 6-5-31 Air conditioned, quiet. Summer SUMMER, 4 bedroom, $65 / man, 6po). 5 5-31 eestside Lansing. Rant from Union. mai;sMem-- SUMMER SUBLEASE. 1-bedroom, CLEMENS 517 North - Graduate, or fall lease. Phone 351-1258. furnished one block, Gunson. negotiable. 371-1678. 3-5-30 211V4 Grand?*| married couple, 5 room, 2 3-5-31 337-9206. 5-5-31 MIFFLIN STREET. 3 __u_p.,airs. $48 p* furnished, air, pool, close, call bedroom, partially furnished, bedroom, 337-1813. 3-5-31 parking. $160 plus utilities. ONE TO four man apartment ROOM in COED house for summer. stove, refrigerator. Summer rate SUMMER FURNISHED five SUMMER ONEmanT^rl Lease. Immediate occupancy. Furnished, air, one block. $40/month plus utilities. Call $140/month. Fall option. bedroom duplex. Private •Wei / $50.117 LouaSI COZY, AIR, fireplace. No damage deposit, lease or utilities. Full faciliites made. Excellent Hurry... 484-7253. 4-5-31 332-1946. Reduced summer. 332-4292. 3-5-31 309 372-3017. 3-5-29 WEST parking, close. $75. 332-8765. 4-6-31 viio ,urn,sh'd' -51 EAST HAZEL - Pennsylvania. One TWO PEOPLE for three bedroom Oakland. Lansing. 3 environment. Inexpensive! A bedroom, furnished, all utilities SUMMER SUBLET cheap. Two house near Street Lawrence bedroom, bath and V,. Ideal for OWN ROOM. $55 - $60 monthly, SUMMER, FAUT^T: great deal. 351-3212. 3-5-31 Only a Few Left paid. Fireplace, lease, deposit. $140. 485-2377 between 3-7 bedroom, air, across from $75/month. Ray 484-6117. After 7,484-1341.3-5-31 LCC _489-1893. 6-6-31 students. $195/month. close, appliances, parking. 355-7001, 355-7018. 3-5-30 Jou«.miles, ' A kitchen near bus liJI campus. 351-1852. 3-5-31 351 9043 after p.m. 5-5-30 6pm.45.31 for GIRL NEEDED for Cedar 4 BEDROOM house, Kalamazoo TWO FEMALE students, own 2 BEDROOMS with fireplace, Village rooms, $62.50 SUMMER ROOMS. apartment. Summer, own room, Street, $62.50 / month each. deposit, close, plus utilities, partly furnished on Lake blocks from N^- SUBLEASE 2 bedroom furnished Summer $75. 337-0174. 2-5-30 Summer, option fall. 484-2345. 351-5293. 5-5-30 summer. Lansing. $200 / month. Phone campus, $65 or JI University Village $250 / summer. 3556181. (weekdays). Water's Edge Apt. SUMMER SUBLET, 2 bedroom, TWO GIRLS needed for 3-5-31 SIX BEDROOM house for 339-8720. 3-5-31 f^Gunson Street. 333, J | 3-5-31 Capitol summer. air, pool, Capitol Village. $145 / 2 $37, CLOSE, own room duplex, (next to Cedar Village) Villa Apartments. Next year, BEDROOM, clean, attractive, $65 per 332-1786. Call - montie COOP,;;;--! room. month. 332-1696.4-5-31 summer. Fall • $65. Older / grad 427 GROVE bedroom 12 FREE ROOMMATE pool. $62.50 per month. Call stove and refrigerator, basement, after 4 pm. 3-5-29 term. Room and one month lease. June 15. 332-0097 SERVICE 332-4514. 3-5-31 garage. Walk to campus, schools. student preferred. 361-5377 bo»d S%| 3-5-31 332-4432 NEED TWO girls. Cedar Village, fall, $80/month. Beverly. NEED FEMALE for 3 person $195. Available Family only. Call 332-2673. June 15th. SUMMER ROOM in house for 4. Charles St. $57.50. Phone after 5pm. 1 -5-29 Near, campus, c.ii 33^| 355-4810, Deb. 349-3435. apartment, non smoker. Call 3-5-31 WANTED: 1 girl, close to campus, SUMMER SUBLET 2-man - 332-1360. 5-5-31 2 SINGLES. Females, w ACROSS FROM Campus: 124 own Cell 361-1704. furnished apartment, air, close. Cedar Street, 135 Kedzie Drive, _3-5;30_ 355-4986. 3-5-31 3-6-31 room. 139 SOUTH MAGNOLIA Street. 5-6 PEOPLE. 9 month $139. 332-1819. 3-5-31 2-man, one bedroom furnished 607 Oak.- 1 bedroom, furnished lease, SUBLEASE APARTMENT, close, Large 3 bedrooms, plenty of deposit, apartment. $160. 351-1997 after $300, furnished. SHARE apartments, $170 and up. pook, air, discount on rent I HOUSE. 3 bedroom, ONE MAN for September - June. 5. X-6-5-31 parking. 3-6 or 12 month lease Lansing, east side. 351-5323. SINGLES, MALE Available June and September. 332-6221. 3-5-31 washer / dryer. Air conditioner, available. $225, plus utilities 5-5-31 Cedar Village, $80/month. 129 Burcham. Summer leases. roomy. $70 includes utilities. 337-2640. 3-5-31 Call 487-3216. Evenings 5-1 Opm Waters-Rivers FEMALE NEEDED for great and deposit. 484-8131. 3-5-31 332 North Fairview. 487-6798. NEED EXTRA person for 3 and 4 882-2316 8-3pm, 351-2402. 3-5-31 MARIGOLD APARTMENTS 0-5-31 or Edge Apts. Okemos evenings apartment. 2178 Inquire Hamilton FURNISHED LICENSED houses. 2-4 bedrooms. Walking distance. bedroom houses. 675-5279. CEDAR - NEAR Meijeri at 5531 Nice 2-room JUST A FEW LEFT' FREE ROOMMATE Road. 2-5-30 Available September. 337-9412. CUTE ONE bedroom house. furnished. References. TWYCKINGHAM. FOUR man, SERVICE Summer 3-5-31 2 WOMEN. Furnished house East Furnished, 1218 Walsh Street $22/week. 663-8418.9-5-31 No'm'I SUMMER RATE $140 upper. One side or Lansing. $50 / month. Lansing. $145 plus utilities. Year male needed. 1 FEMALE needed for four man Starting fall. 351-2225. 332-4432 Call Sally. 489-2741. lease 663-4900. 3-5-31 5-5-31 apartment fall - spring Cedar Village. COUPLE TO share house in and Thursdays. 5-5-31 Tuesday WE'RE LOOKING for Boe^l exciting lift gfffl FEMALE WANTS One or two girls. Air conditioner, country. 677-2971 Call after who want an 1 MAN for 3 BEDROOM furnished, comer conditioning, HEAT Twyckingham Cedar Village. Summer. $75 or dishwasher, on Bogue Street. 4pm. 5-5-30 campus next year. Join us in our ■ additional charge. Rantlnt for apartment. 2 bedroom, pool, air, Janis 355-7188. 3-5-31 SUMMER, WOMEN needed for big. Kalamazoo and Magnolia. 3 $70/month. $50. Non-smoker(s). 1-782-5200 close, air conditioned, house. month lease, $195 plus utilities. sorority house. Call 337-9743 1 summer and appointment: 337 .73M. fall. For Call 332-6974 luxury and summer living. driving to uh...Two Bedroom Lounge around the spacious pool gettin' tan «nd sippin' something chilly. Take a dip if you ft too Apartments available for Models Open — 'n,ide your "731" apartment, you'll find plush 1 p.m. -6 Summer & FalL.CaU 349-3530 p.m. furniture and carpeting, complete with a balcony and Mon. Sat. • *'r conditioning. There's even a dishwasher to help for information & or by de*n • "P after parties. Visit "731";oday! roommate appointment Now Leasing Summer and Fall SUMMER MANAGEMENT BY: *25Q j^MU. I73 ALLSTATE MANAGEMENT C INC. SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR 12 MO. LEASES 731 Burcham Dr. 351 ■ 7212 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 29, 1974 15 Rooms For Sale JffjS J(§ For Sale Mobile Homes I S«! Service T/B lOMS FOR summer and fall. GUNS, RIFLES, and / handguns of DORM SIZE Rooking, parking, laundry, TV •II kinds. Buy, trade and sell. - refrigerator, with DESK AND Chair, large wooden X0m. Very close to campus. BEST yeer 'round price* in »«and. Excellent condition, $50 desk with comfortable OWOSSO - 2 bedroom, air, PICK UP your blue books now SUEDE AND LEATHER Kh0ne 332-97 22 Monday Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN Bill 337-1721.3-5-30 Naugahyde, cushioned swiveled, washer / dryer, '/, mile MSU. before you forget at and restoring. OKEMOS DRY cleaning »rid»V- 9;3°' 11 •m- °"5-31 SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. Cell $3,395 or best offer. 393-0506 wooden, desk chair, three GULLIVER'S STATE DRUGS, CLEANERS. 349-0910. 0-1-5-29 Announcements for It's What's 371-2244. OR-5-31 HERTERS 16' Quebec fiber after 5pm. Anytime weekends, boat and trailer. 7H glass months old. $100 (new $210). 1105 East Grand River. Happening must be received in the j SINGLE rooms in house, horsepower. 393-8654. 2-5-30 or 337-1420 anytime. 5-5-30 332-5171. 0-1-5-29 State News office, 341 Student McCulloch SUEDE and LEATHER cleaning (summer only. Near campus. PENTAX 135MM lens. New^neve'r touched, with werranty. $65. electirc $500. 393-0583. 4-5-31 start motor BEHIND WARRENS Mobile Home and restoring. OKEMOS DRY Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least class days before publication. ■355-6353. 1-5-29 PROFESSIONAL [gGLE EFFICIENCY, fine 365-3733. 3-5-31 STEREO COMPONENTS GARRARD Shu re TURNTABLE, SL-75, Ms ]|g Manor 12x50 washer / dryer, air shed, skirted, semi Rembrandt, conditioner, looks like a great summer. "Doctor Respect." 1-5-29 WOMAN: it CLEANERS, 349-0910. 0-1-5-29 europe - israel No accepted by phone. will be ation! Parking, $18toeek. M91E. Good condition. furnished "Sony FREE QUALITY kittens. - ljune 8, IV2-8304. 3-5-31 TC-255 reel deck $95. 2 15" $3100. 332-4730 or see printed in 3-way speakers, Garrard SL-55 3 5-3 j*®®"®®®'' 8'ter ' pm. June 4. Choose Ready by now, will hold. manager. 4-5-31 "^ccesTcenter | - africa It's What's on WMSN Happening - are read daily AM 640 campus radio. AlE STUDENTS. Summer term. 485 3981.3-5-31 372-2533.4-5-31 for Travel Discounts year 'round. CANON TLB. 100-200 CASTLE 1968 12'x52'. Close to | Human Reproduction Health Int'l. Student Travel Center ■Reasonable, quiet. Near campus. GIRL'S 3-SPEED mm zoom FREE KITTENS. - | 739 Boylston Street - Suite 113 College Republicans will meet at lens, accessories. campus, offers |p3rking. 332-3094. 3-5-31 bike, $20. Call Debbie, 332-5031.1-5-29 7 pm. 5-5-29 353-6192, after weaned and Lively, healthy, litter trained. 351-3389, excellent condition. after 5pm. 4-5-31 I Abortion -Contraception services I Boston, Tel. (617) 267- 1122 7 tonight in 35 Union. All interested students are welcome. 332-0294 evenings. 3-5-30 • 1226 East Michigan - ROOMS, board, fail term, PLANTSITTING ■price comparable to dorms. NIKON PHOTOMIC FTN -FM LIBERTAS TEN speed AMERICAN 1973. Completely | Lansing 485 - 3271 | this summer. AND grass cutting MENSA dinner and very important business will be at 5:30 tonight in with Belgian "SIX YEAR old furnished, Reasonable. Call case. Excellent condition. racer. Almost new, - Bay Gelding, well excellent condition. IBetter food, quiet, friendly, $350. 9-5pm, 353-3744. 3-5-31 5145. Information 337-9387 trained, reasonable. 3 year old Includes steps, skirting, shed, CT SUPERVISORS are invited to Green Thumb 353-1928. 4-5-31 Tony's Lounge, 2760 N. Grand River Ave. Peg and Pat have the • xcellent location. Call 5-5-30 Bay mare, reasonable. Will trade. and garbage disposal. $4600. attend a special info. ■Farmhouse. 332-8635. 13-5-31 meeting of MSU FOR THE BEST service SCHWINN FOR sale, $20~-~mor. ANTIQUES & _ 485-2928,485-7922. 6-5-31 663-4135 or 694-3797. 4-5-31 Supervisors Association, equipment on stereo information call 349-4894 UNIQUES. Buy anc Thursday, May 30, 8 see the STEREO The MSU Hoka Society will meet |gGLE ROOMS for summer and 1-6-29 »ll. 220 Albert KITTENS, FREE. Lovable. White Physical Plant lunchroom, for pm. SHOPPE, 543 East Grand River at 8 tonight at the steam bath to Panelled, carpeted, Lumt. C-5-31 Street, under female, buff male. Box trained. 1972^home. 12'x60' Homette mobile complete updating and progress C-5-31 reconstruct the events following the ■ furnished, cooking and laundry Skirting, on Fowlerville release of C897 (nerve RUMMAGE 485-5148. 1-5-29 lot. 339-8777. 3-5-31 report for new gas.) Special |facilities, parking. Two blocks SALE: Episcopal Church, 800 Abbot All Saints USED SONY TC440 Auto members. MSU Supervisors Association has been guest speakers will be the Unknown campus. Call Mark Soldier and his wife. Contact the ■ 351-7236. 7-5-31 Road. May 30, 6-9pm. May 31 reverse reel - to - reel tape Mobile Homes RITZCRAFT, 1969. 12'x50'. deemed legal representative for Big Toad for details. deck. Sansui AU505 stereo all MSU CT Supervisors 9-12 noon. 1-5-29 amp. Excellent condition. Make us an by MSU Sony ST80F tuner. Kenwood JnGLES SUMMER or Falll. $55 I $80. Utilities included. Parking, - ATTENTION CAMPERS Attend a 2002 Stereo amp. Pioneer RICHARDSON, 1971 3 offer! 372-4425. 3-5-31 Personnel department. We urge all to attend! Open enrollment ANN BROWN offset typing and multilith printing. Complete service All CT attend a supervisors are invited to special meeting of the SX990 Stereo AM/FM receiver. bedroom, 2 baths, skirting, shed. 1967 for all qualified. 3-5-30 MSU Supervisors Assn. at 8 p.m. ■ kitchen facilities. 332-6990 after Lightweight Food Production DETROITER - 12x56. for dissertations, theses, Rectilinear III speakers. Konica Very reasonable! 372-7248. Unfurnished, stove, refrigerator, Thursday in the Physical Plant 14pm. 6-5-31 Workshop and learn to make autoreflex T 35mm. SLR 5-5-31 WANTED manuscripts, general typing. IBM lunchroom for a complete updating more than a dozen inexpensive skirting. l\Aist be moved from - 24 years experience. 349-0850: and camera. Kodak progress report for new trail pocket ' lot. $2700. Phone for llMMER OF humor? Own room, foods. Food production, instamatic cameras. MUCH MONARCH, 1970 12'x65*. 3 after 6pm. 3-5-31 646-6543 C-5-31 members. The MSU Supervisors to Lizard's. $64 per discussions, + films throughout - PSYCHOLOGY STUDY Assn. has been deemed MORE. WILCOX bedroom, washer / dryer,' 1' legal ■ month. Call 337-1289. 5-5-31 day, Saturday, June 1, 8-5. Male students from THESES, RESUMES, typing and representative for all MSU CT sup Edgewood United Church, 469 SECONDHAND STORE baths, best offer! 882-0557. AMHERST, 1969. Excellent fatherless, broken, or divorced homes at printing. Reasonable prices. supervisors by MSU Personnel Dept. We 485-4391. C-5-31 5-5-31 llMMER. BEAUTIFUL rooms, North Hagadom. Cost: (includes lunch). 3-5-31 $12, condition, $2700 or best offer. Call 485-2482. 3-5-31 least two years before age COME RCIAL 351-4116. C-5-31 PRINTING. urge all to attend. Open enrollment for all qualified. prices, very near campus, 12.Please call MOVING SALE: Homemade AMERICAN EAGLE, 1971 12' x Hugh Jones s 332-5722 or 484-9774 • 882-5806 to arrange for 1V4 REALISTIC bookshelf, bike, rugs, counter 50', furnished, disposal. 10'x10' FOR LEASE 10' x 50'. Lot 223, | 010-5-31 STEREO, Albums, top -dishwasher, humidifier, utility shed, skirting. Windmill 2780 East Grand River. Call hour testing sessions. EXPERIENCED TYPISTS. Pre - Vet Club: The Pre - Vet two comfortable chairs. Best Panasonic 9" TV, fan, lamp, Participants will be paid $3 Okemos, IBM (Pica Elite type). - Club will hold a offer. Call 337-2036. 3-5-31 Park, $4,500. 694-2930. 5-5-31 1-616-946-6082. 5-5-30 meeting at 7:30 For Sale per session- 373-6726 weekdays, or tonight in 146 Giltner Hall, cur^ins. Call 355-3065, 349-1773 Elections will be held. HUFFY 10 speed good afternoon*. X-4-5-31 MORE PRIVATE than the 3 COUPLE WITH evenings and condition. dorm, BEDROOMS, close $2995. Sherj, excellent weekends. 0-1-5-29 $54. Call after 6pm 353-3676. cheaper than apartment! 8'x45' fenced - in yard, references wish to adopt baby. Coffeehouse at 9 tonight in NEED SOME SUMMER CASH? dog pen. j year old Gretsch Acoustic. 3-6-30 mobile home, furnished, 2 351-9102. 5-5-29 Write Box No. A-1 MSU State COMPLETE THESES Mayo Hall 30s Room. I Gibson B-45 12 string. Willing to Sort out all of your stuff before - Service, bedrooms, air, close / campus, News. 4-5-31 Discount printing, IBM Entertainment by Pat Quinn. No you leave and bring in what typing admission charge. Spondored by a le. 372-5209. 3-5-29 KENWOOD KR100, 160 watt, receiver. KL660 speakers. Dual don't want to take with you youl We bus, shopping. 337-2388,332-0731. Priced 5-5-31 right. I Lost i Found )g] xhd THE AL0HA and binding of theses, publications. Across from resumes, local Christian Fellowship. friend, Bring a 1219 turntable. buy everything from stereo Excellent equipment to baseball gloves. VINDALE, 12* GRADUATES & campus corner M.A.C. and condition, best offer. 351-8551 x 60', 2 bedrooms, Grand River. Below Jones 4-5-31 Take home cash instead of trash. skirted, shed, nice neighbors, FIND SOMETHING FATHER'S DAY Stationery DICKER IF YOU'VE found a pet or article Shop. Call & DEAL $3500. 485-8885. 5-5-29 IMilt HEALTH ierve you Rift with the JOHNSON FURNITURE SECONDHAND STORE, 1710 South Cedar Lansing. 487-3886. of value, we want to return it. Just come into help you Cologne, Neckties Special Book Buying Personnel will be ready to serve you 730 to 500 daily. Also—Summer Term Books are now available for purchase.