iun ji ponaae sbm •»! Jiun aub ajnjoai Aire uo ss^oa dn punoj o-j mSiu ie uaq.* auiii B ospe (2 a6ed uioi} psnuiiuoa) How did he first Iteam to the whole course. his exams have wanted to ask. course. I didn't know then that tango? '•Three times Arthur So one bright sunny day we economics has nothing to do "Well," he squealed, "I was Murray's places called me went to Mandelstamm's office with business but with the Look at those lines, look at an expert at going to Arthur offering me those lessons — for an audience. outlook of government in those moves. Handsome AJ Murray's four free lessons. His when I was at Ann Arbor and Hie office looked not unlike economic conditions. So I got Mandelstamm dances and studios would call up people at Northwestern and again at the beach at Anzio following into economics slides across the television and offer them four free dance on a complete Vanderbilt, and 1 would take the invasion — there were misunderstanding. screen, doing tango lessons; of course, the fourth them. Of course, I can do more boxes filled with papers, and The handsome one paused dips that Marion Brando lesson would really be a hard than just tango," he said, exams were tossed every which to mug for the camera before never dreamed of — a tango as sell to get you to sign up for clicking imaginary castanets. "I way. Man delstamm's desk was fielding the next question silky and loving as a bull the full course of 50 or 100 can also rtiumba, do the cha • hidden under six inches of about his walrus' mating dance. lessons. But I never did take teaching style. cha — all those modern papers, books, letters, journals, dances." a few back copies of the "My teaching style came yellow about partly because I am a Is it true that he mows his pages and pop bottles. As he ham and like to make a fool of lawn at night using a flashlight? spoke light glistened off his MI do something at night bald head, while his fingers and myself and partly because I with a flashlight," he replies, hands would flop and fly recognized that most bad "but I don't know if it's about, punctuating what he professors are bad professors because they are mowing the lawn." was saying. 'Handsome fli' It is hard to imagine a jollier jester in the realm of dismal science than Allan "How economics? Well, my always did I get told me in college, into father uncomfortable before people. I'm not uncomfortable before people and I think that part of Mandelstamm. TV personality, what I do with telling stories Allan, do whatever you want, and dancing and all that is a bon vivant, gourmand, sex take whatever courses you symbol, raconteur and a deadly way of keeping people awake want, but come out of college and interested in the material. serious teacher, Mandelstamm with an occupation.' bids semi-fond has become an institution at MSU. But he is a temporary one. "So my junior year I was sitting in a Curtis restaurant having a malted thinking to "I don't think my teaching method has changed much since I first started teaching in He will leave in September myself, here I am going to 1957," be said. Then, to teach at Virginia graduate in a year and what am wistfully: "I would like to Polytechnic Institute in I majoring in — Spanish. What know more of my students farewell to Blacksburg, Va. He announced he was leaving last year. But really just what in the kind of a job am I going to get with that? So I thought about going into chemistry. I liked personally, n on pornographic way. with 2,000 students a term in But a hell is a Mandelstamm? chemistry and my father was a that's hard to do. Many people, "A Mandelstamm," he said, pharmacist, but I would have however, send me letters from "well, a mandle is an almond, had to take all this math, all over the world telling me and the stamm is its stem. So which I didn't want to take. how they-rffe and what they're econ at ITISU you can family of nuts." For see months I come from people have a taken "But," he grinned, "I had a basic economics and I was interested class in doing, and the letters nice." are very And at Virginia, what will he been saying that something in economics so I thought I do? Pretty much tbe same as at ought to be written about the would go into economics, then MSU, but he will be in color, handsome one, asking him all become involved in hell be recorded onto cassettes the questions that students international business and so that students can check out who have chuckled at his become a mogul, making lectures and struggled through billions of dollars a year. Of (continued on Professor Allan Mandelstamm lectures in Anthony Hall, aided by the ewer presented overhead projector. e detection was carried fazed by such talk, He claims what extent. out by college students, many that children continue to die Hie Strictlands' first child of them from MSU, and and blames the problem on did not receive early treatment Detroit was one of the target flaking water pipes. and died, but Sam and Joanne "Only the visible lead has no longer worry about the The Michgian Students been detected," he said. "Our harmless - looking paint chips Environmental Confederation organization was instrumental that litter their crumbling (MSEC), which centers its in citing chipped lead, but what southeast side Detroit home. operations in Lansing, has about the invisible lead, the The Strictlands plan to taken lead in the water?! a leading role in lead leave for North Carolina soon. "This is a serious problem paint detection. When they leave they will but we're being frustrated by During the summer of 1971, escape the deadly lead the confederation devised and the state government which poisoned environment that implemented the first lead has cut our budget," he said. flaked about them. But the detection program in The ecology movement as a Michigan. Strictlands cannot leave the In its whole has lost some of its summer study the sorrow they feel after the confederation surveyed 1,958 impact — this loss is reflected death of their four - year old homes in the ghetto areas of in - decreasing student John Mart ell son, Michael, who nibbled on Detroit The students divided memberships in MSEC and the heavily - leaded paint until these surveys into two census organizations like it this year. The $5 million million to determine the extent it killed him. tracts. "The issues and the problems allocated by Congress has not of lead in housing and find the '"nils can't be our home," In the first tract, 90 per cent are there," Sagedy said. "But been spent best methods for removing it Joanne Strictland said, looking of the homes had chipping nothing is being done about "Congress is at fault" However, by mid-1972 nothing at her living room ceiling and leaded paint. In the second it" then out the window. "Not Chazynski said. "They are had been done. tract, 98 per cent of the homes Larry Chadzynski agrees after what fell into holding the money up." The President requested no happened to the chipping paint that there are problems but he The $5 million has funds for appropriation in Michael." passed category. cites different ones. both the House and the Senate 1971, nor did he spend any. In as part of a $126 million 1972, the President's budget Health Education and Welfare requested $2 million. Cong-ess (HEW) package but revisions gave $7.5 million but again the made by both houses has sent Nixon Administration spent the bill to the Joint Conference none of it Congress is at fault. Committee where the Congress will compromise the revised portions. The money must be spent by June 30, which is the Finally, million was last year $6.5 spent on the lead problems. Though the budget has dropped $1.5 million this cut - off date. year, Nixon has proposed that Larry Chadzynski "I'm sure this business will be cleared before June 30," a Senate Appropriations staffer the budget be increased back to $6.5 million in 1975. It is dear that lead poisoning predicted. is one of the country's greatest Government sources say that examples of glaring human Congress is preoccupied with neglect President Nixon's 1975 budget. No American citizen, child Michael Strictland was one Based on this study, Detroit "Screening (bloodtests) The budget problem has or adult should live or be of an estimated 200 children are health officials estimate that who die priority now," he said. "There apparently slowed spending on forced into living in a deadly from lead paint there are approximately are kids who have lead in their the'74 budget. impoverished environment poisoning each year. Children 375,000 dangerous (leaded) blood and we have to find out Though Congress has been are most often . Where does the fault lie? poisoned when homes in the Detroit area. who they are." slow to spend money in 1974, they nibble at flaking paint But Congress blames the President lead paint detection The Detroit public health it has been Nixon who has This year, the President blames chips or when they mouth ended in 1972, due to officials money are now screening prevented spending on the Congress. But when a child objects -with a lead base shortages; and MSEC is crying children in each district of the problem in previous years. dies, it is inevitable that coating. foul. In 1970, Congress passed the After city but there are inevitable parents blame themselves. Michael Strictland "I think the government is problems. Lead - Based Paint Poisoning "This was no place for died, almost three years ago, a local lead underestimating student "There is a great deal of Prevention Act Sponsored by Michael," Joanne Strictland detection unit sincerity and our capability to apathy toward our attempts to Rep. William F. Ryan, D - said. "And this is no place for composed of students, arrived solve environmental screen," Chadzynski said. "Of N.Y., and Sen. Edward Oscar. We've been saving our to check the lead content of the home. problems," Alex Sagedy, course, the children don't like Kennedy, D - Mass., the law money for the last three years, president of the MSEC, the blood tests and it's up to authorized $30 million over ever since Michael died. They found the lead claimed. "I think the the parents to get them out for fiscal years 1971 and 1972. "We're young, we're young quantity high and the paint government is also screenings." HEW was given $25 million enough to make this move and cracking in all the rooms. underestimating the gravity of Hie screening The program is to detect and treat poisoned we got the money. But what unit reported the the lead problem." hampered by a shortage of children, and the Dept. of about the people that can't conditions to the Detorit Sagedy is concerned about workers and facilities. The lead Housing and Urban move? What about their health authorities and the unpublicized lead dangers. program has not been funded Development has received $5 children?" v\j v/4 pooj em uq RICK NEL Well It's all right now... If you can't please everyone, you've got to please yourself. Garden Party By DAVE Di MART1N0 "television wife," Kris performed at a rock'n'roll Harmon, and has three children revival concert at Madison Rick Nelson's appearance at — a 10 - year old girl, and six - Square Garden in 1971. When the Brewery last week marked year - old twin boys. attempting to perform his most the middle of an undeclared Music remains Nelson's recent compositions, he nostalgia week for East passion, however. Since the received an unpleasantly rowdy t Lansing. Within seven days the fonqation of the Stone Canyon audience response — a area saw such musical greats as Band in 1969, Nelson has thorough round of booing. ex - Byrd Roger McGuinn, the successfully risen from his faded And what is his current attitude? Beach Boys, Peter Yarrow pop - star image to newer, "I really can't forget my past; I (formerly of Peter, Paul and more artistic heights. don't want to," Nelson Mary) and Dion (sans Td say the turning point in explained. "I did all those Belmonts). And though all my career was the 'Live at the songs back then, and if I want these musicians have direct ties Troubador' album a few years to perform them now, there's . . David Schmier Rick Nelson signs autographs. to the past, it is Rick Nelson back," Nelson noted. That really no reason why I who probably feels these bonds album, released in 1970, shouldn't" the strongest. contained the single, "It's Easy When asked to cite a few Very few people can claim to Be Free," Nelson's first pop major musical influences, compositions written by going to be doing it too much that they have grown up in the chart showing in several years. Nelson gave the matter a little guitarist Dennis Larden, along longer." living rooms of millions of "I didn't start writing thought and replied: "A lot of with Nelson's work. The band Nelson's career is going Americans. Nelson can — anything until then," Nelson the early material on Sun is clearly a well - functioning uphill, and it is already at a remember "The Adventures of said. "I guess it was because I Records, I'd say, particularly unit. high level. His music is fine and Ozzie and Harriet?" And, very didn't really need to." Carl Perkins. In fact, Carl What about the future? Any he is perfectly satisfied with his few recording artists ever sell Apparently Nelson's first shots Perkins is definitely my biggest band. And as far as looks go, 35 million records, let alone at composing turned out quite influence." Much of Perkin's acting recently? "Well, last he is still exceptionally receive a gold record, before well. In addition to the year I did a 'Streets of San success style is indeed obvious in handsome, they reach 21 years of age. of "It's Francisco' that was pretty looking no more Easy," 1972's several of Nelson's earlier than 25 years old. Nelson did both. controversial "Garden Party" recordings, and nice," Nelson said. "I played a surprisingly, Most revealing is this brief Ricky Nelson has covered a has sold six million copies — with the Stone Canyon Band, pimp..." Nelson is still working lot of ground in the transition on a clean cut image. dialog overheard in the ample evidence that any so - it seems on the rise again. - audience to Rick, 34. With the called comeback attempt of during Nelson's now Together, the four - piece Of course, the inevitable Brewery performance. slight name change, the singer Nelson's was completely band does an excellent job of question is: what does Rick "Ya know, he still doesn't has made due effort to rid successful. supporting Nelson and Nelson think about "Ozzie's move his face at all when he himself of his teenage idol Just how does Nelson stand maintaining its own identity. Girls?" sings." image of the late '50s and early on "Garden Party?" The song "Windfall," the group's current "It's OK, I don't know I '60s. He also married his written after Nelson ... "Maybe — but if you looked was album, features several don't know if my father is like that, would you?" ( continued from page 3) a coach as I see it and as they (members) want it," Baile said. "Of course, I help with with the University. organization and serve as an identification It's not all jock city. "The kids support themselves. We take our own cars to the meets, pay our expenses and make our own peanut butter and jelly sandwiches," Baile said. "We pull ourselves through and it's a -Linda Stoick nice atmosphere." The club receives no financial help from the University except that equipment is provided by the Intramural Dept. This is perhaps the only remnant of the ancient version of lacrosse, since MSU's lacrosse club scheduled six games it looks as if it could have been used by the Indians 500 years this year and drew a crowd of 65 to its only home match ago. against Bowling Green Even though the expense is put on the members, most do not University (Ohio). "I'm frying to spread the sport by want the club to become a varsity sport. They enjoy the structure offering high school clinics and education courses," Baile said. "I would like to of the club as it is now. see lacrosse "That's our whole ticket, we're not strictly business," Stoick being taught as an educational class but it's been hard to stir interest. Currently there is no avenue for said. "We're not a collegiate sport and so there aren't just physical intercollegiate competition in women's lacrosse. In the past there has been so education majors in the club. It's not all jock city. much emphasis on competition that it's hard to "There are a lot of different people and a lot of new get things accepted just for the sake of education," she said. personalities because the club is open to anyone," she continued. But lacrosse is beginning to get "Some people are there to win, some are there to have a good accepted at MSU and the continent's oldest sport is slowly catching on in time or to learn the game. The structure is very loose and I like it Michigan's circle of women athletes. that way." MSU is the only university in the state of Michigan that offers lacrosse as a club sport and this poses a problem to the Spartan lacrosse participants. Counterpoint is published biweekly as a supplement to the "It's hard to find competition and we've been forced to look to Michigan State News. It is produced by students of Michigan State University in 341 Student Services private girls schools and high schools when scheduling our meets. Bldg. "The Midwest region is very weak in lacrosse. The sport got Craig Porter is Counterpoint editor. Persons wishing to started out in the East and has moved into Ohio but it's still contribute to future issues should contact the State News. young and growing in the rest of the region," Baile said. /zf/N On the rood— close to home paths lead to town -Gary Snyder By BRUCE MAKIE highway but for the fact that even a bad ride is superior to It was a cold night in late the chance of none at aO. March and the moon rose Dozing, I missed the first somewhere over Kansas. The eastbound that rolled into the wind came with a howl and yard and waited until dark for strength that forced me to seek the next. shelter behind my pack; I was not alone on this one. lacking a hood, I stuffed a Two Mexcians, laughing and t-shirt into a wool cap and coat! ess, signaled and led me peered through it like a mask. to the shelter and warmth of I was bound for East the "machine," a locomotive in Lansing and classes on a freight tow. Apparently hopping the train out of Amarillo — almost tzain some days ago in El Paso, broke, exhausted, happy. they survived the frigid nights Hie train stopped and I and lack of food by keeping ducked to the front of the car low in the deserted locomotive empty automobile carrier and drinking its supply of — an with sides mud) like a guard cartoned water. rail rising three levels — and Before long, someone stepped into a quiet night; stumbled on us. Racing back to fields slumbered in dark an open car, we eventually winter, flat to the horizon settled in a dank and empty where low stars and distant boxcar when the train farm lights mixed. momentarily stopped. With luck I would ride as far Toward dawn the train as Chicago. approached Kansas City. I was After a two - year absence, I going home, or the donst thing was eager to return and some of us have to call home. "finish" my education, but for For in that classic sense, the reasons which eluded me that road defines, painfully, night. In the first place, reason joyously, what home is and is has no hold on adventure — it not, and what leaving costs in hangs there comfortably out of terms of wrestling with a sense reach, a thing only of of uprootedness on return. necessity. And other than Somewhere along the line you securing rides, there is little of have convinced yourself that expedience on the road where more is gained the hard way, even the best intentions are and you bless the uneven life. I undermined. The only limits had left only to discover one are imagination and craft. foot still in the door. Returning for a degree I *ould The attraction and return to not use for quite some time if something less intense and at all, my journey had more more certain than adventure self - wrought drama than stalled, of course, a thousand consequence. Searching for an other plans. But I learned that answer that night was useless. such ideas were not the work As a student I floundered of a few years. That old desire from one program to another, to be stamped, graded, and studying what appealed to me judged overwhelmed me. and rejecting the difficult or Even with the iron - like bland. door thrown almost shut the That happiness and good cold was unbearable. Wasted, times are fleeting and too wearing a two - piece rainsuit easily set aside for the life over down jacket, flannehehirt support of work and the details and thermal top, a sleeping bag of necessity I could not accept. draped over our bodies, I And toting such a foolish thought of jumping from the burden, my troubles began. train. Then late in my junior year I However, railroad security finally decided to take spared me that misfortune. something seriously, so I Drifting in and out of sleep, I dropped out of school — and had not realized the train began the work of dreams. slowed down reaching Kansas I asserted my own standards. City. I awoke, the target of a I wandered, trespassed, dared flashlight and some well — and like something out of a chosen words. Forced off the shell, I moved in awe of a new train, we were searched, world . . . handcuffed, and told to sit, The lunging, windswept car guarded by one agent as two made riding squashed in the others probed the remaining rear of a pickup or bouncing cars. along in the cab of a big diesel The great yard shook with seem first - class by life in the early moming. Like comparison. Wherever I a tangle of black snakes, a kneeled — even lying down — hundred tracks coupled and the wind penetrated to the straightened and all around blazers and narrow ties, drove immigration authorities and I the city, three Canadian in a bone. boxcars stood empty and us to a dark, modern brick was released — with a warning van going to Montreal pulled Sleep came the next day square like buildings on a building less than a mile away. not to ride the Santa Fe over and picked me up. during a long and captive string. Their sharp cries Once inside their office, an through Kansas again. Already late afternoon, they layover outside a small town splitting the blue - gray air, agent went to search for the With only some change and were willing to travel some still south of Wichita (I switchmen hollered and of their way in janitor who spoke Spanish. a few candy bars in my distance out followed the tracks on a road jumped to rearrange whole After routine for place to stay for procedure, pockets, it looked as though I return a map). There I boiled water for trains with a whisk of arm and another asked me if I carried had reached the end of the the night. They bought me a my last meal — freeze - dried lantern. any drugs in my pack, or, more line. Lansing was yet another meal, and we reached East potatoes with beef — and The cops, conspicuous wishfully, a Buck knife. The 500 miles away. Lansing early the next might have walked to the among the workers in tight Mexicans were detained for After one short ride out of morning. MSU's Evening College is .ill wet — at tossed and cuddled into a less least for the youngsters who meet each fearful attitude toward water, sometimes week to learn all about water in the enjoying it, sometimes resisting and Women's Intramural Building pool. occasionally crying over it Hie babies — the youngest is 8 months old — spend an hour with the parents each The class, week taught by Joan Barch, meets for seven weeks being dunked, each Saturday from 2 to 3 p.m. A water baby flies through the air. A tired swimmer leans on mother's shoulder. With father's help, this baby does the backstroke.