Cheating problem judiciary By PAT NARDI probation, the University may notify the opts before the Student - Faculty Judiciary of the exam before it was to be given. State News Staff Writer student's parents and withdraw which hears evidence on both sides. privileges One student happily explained his sudh as driving on campus, Since 1968, only 28 cases of cheating Joe's wristwatch ticks loudly as he holding office philosophy about cheating: in a campus organization have been brought before the Judiciary. hunches over his final exam in humanities. or representing "I often have the intention of cheating, the University in any Are MSU students so honest that His damp palms wrinkle the score sheet interuniversity only but I never do it. I go as far as writing out events. about a dozen cheat each year? an elaborate cheat and a fat drop of sweat rolls down his back. She said the most sheet, but by the time common methods of Betty Brooks, student chairwoman of I've learned where all the information is "Damn, I wish I'd studied more," he cheating include: using crib sheets, the thinks. "I can't afford to flunk this judiciary, acknowledged that many on the cheat sheet, I've learned the baby." signaling in class, "hawking" - looking 6n students never get caught. material!" With a quick glance at the professor, he someone else's paper, — having someone "I am well aware of the number of One student who reluctantly admitted carefully lowers the crib sheet tucked up else take the test and his sleeve plagiarizing including students who do not get caught cheating. he cheated on exams said he did so to ... submission of a paper purchased It's probably because professors ddn't The* problem of improve his grade. He usually glances over cheating has plagued commercially. want to be watchdogs," Brooks said. someone's shoulder when university officials ever since formal he wants to In 1972 a firm called Write On, Inc., did Several students questioned said it made education began. Since medieval .lucrative business selling term papers cheat, he said. times, a them angry to see others cheating on students caught "I don't feel guilty, but I can't explain cheating have been both in East Lansing and near other major expelled from universities. Even now, universities nationwide, selling about why," he said. centuries later, MSU is Jim Ault, junior, 588 S. Wonders Hall, Two other students said they cheat carrying on that 2,300 papers across the country each said, "It makes me mad when I know that tradition. when they have not had time to study and term. someone who has not put the same want. to Joyce Tubaugh, asst. director of judicial The Write On office at 211 verify their answers. Both Abbott amount of time into a class that I have is programs said that 11 formal charges of Road has since been replaced considered, cheating widespread on by The going to get the same grade by cheating." cheating were brought against students Paper Eater Copy ' Center which campus. "I think a lot of people hawk on tests Karl Thompson, chairman and professor during the last academic year. Of those, 10 discontinued selling term papers in because the temptation is very great with of humanities said the best way to prevent were suspended and one student's diploma January. was withheld. so many people sitting close together." "wandering eyes" during an exam is to do One of the owners of the Paper Eater Ault also noticed that Figures since 1968 show that 65 per professors a good job of proctoring. said, "We stopped doing that type of thing sometimes put the same test on different "If a student looks suspicious, the best cent of the students caught are either for a variety of reasons." She refused to colored paper so students will think they juniors or seniors. thing to do is to ask him to change seats comment further. are different tests and will not cheat. and let him know he's being observed. A Tubaugh said most cheaters are caught Tubaugh said the professor who detects in the act at final exam time. "They think they are fooling people but word in advance or a timely warning the cheating may decide to She explained that the simply flunk they aren't," he said. should cut down on cheating," Thompson Student - the student for that particular test. A One girl said she often sees cheating said. Faculty Judiciary, which has jurisdiction student may then file a protest to the head going on when a class has hundreds of He added that plagiarism can be avoided over cheating cases, usually opts to of his department and a college grievance students in it. if professors work closely with students on A hidden cheat sheet, a furtive glance, a shuffled foot suspend those found guilty because it feels or tapped pencil - all committee may hear his complaint. "There's often a group of about ten their papers ■e methods used by students, at MSU and across the academic honesty isan essential and receive progress reports country, to cheat on ingredient If the instructor goes as far as failing the people who sit in the back row and from them. exams. The penalties at MSU range from a in the University warning to suspension, which was community. student for the whole term, the instructor compare answers," she said. The judiciary also has the the fate of 10 students last year who went before the Student option of must notify the dean of the college. Another student said he was offered a Change magazine, in its April edition, - Faculty giving the guilty student a written warning Judiciary, the body with jurisdiction over cheating cases. Together they will decide if additional peek at a test copy "for a small fee" by reported that the best way to curb or disciplinary probation. By this action is justified. If so, the case is brought one student who knew how to get a copy (continued on page 17) I JERUSALEM (AP) - In a dramatic each other on the Golan front for the 79th July. The parley had "The government of Israel expresses its matic triumph for Secretary of State straight day, communiques said. adjourned while Kissinger arranged the communique Wednesday that a not peace," he said. Israel was "not deep appreciation to the U.S. Secretary of disengagement of Syrian and Israeli forces Kissinger, Israel and Syria agreed The pact, negotiated by Kissinger in 32 Israeli released from the duty to guard our ■ Egyptian agreement on the Suez State, Dr. Henry Kissinger, for the great must be followed immediately by Jrinesday to separate their hostile armies days of intense diplomatic effort, will be front. work he invested in securing this complete Israeli withdrawal from all strength, build and nurture it. and in fact K the Golan Heights front. The accord signed in Geneva on Friday. It followed by x The Syrian - Israeli pact was much more stand in defense of our lives," he added. agreement and thanks the U.S. President, fd hopes for a more durable peace in , five months a similar accord he worked difficult to achieve, and a senior U.S. Mr. Nixon, for his sympathetic and occupied territories and the restoration of |t Middle East. out between Israel and legitimate Palestinian rights. Egypt on the Suez official said the negotiations that led up to positive stand." And Israeli Information Minister A merican official said front. it were the toughest the secretary ever The The Israeli government called a special agreement came after Kissinger Shimon Peres told a news conference the er believed the1 pact could lead to a President Nixon said "a major faced. He said every issue was contested gained meeting of parliament today to approve a major Israeli concession on new agreement did not end the Arab • n in Arab - Israeli relations and roadblock to any permanent settlement with unparalleled Palestinian guerrilla attacks, and two days the pact and at that time Premier Golda tenacity. Israeli conflict. If impetus to more moderate Arab has now been removed," adding that The Israeli government expressed "its after it appeared he had fallen short of Meir will reveal the details of the "This is a step toward peace, but it is prospects for a Middle East peace now are hope this agreement will be another step completing the pact despite marathon agreement for the first time. as the agreement was "better than they have been at any time toward pacifying the Middle East and talks with Syrian President Hafez Assad. Jounced, Israeli planes bombed and over the past 25 years." diverting the national energy of all the The breakthrough came with Israel's "W "terrorist targets" on the western Mideast stage ready A senior official in Jerusalem said the nations in the area to the benefit of their agreement not to press for a written ts of Mt. Geneva Middle East Hermon, and Syrian and peace conference, peoples and their economic, social and Syrian commitment to restrict its border eli tanks and which artillery blazed away at met briefly in December, would political advancement. against Palestinian infiltrators, whose have left scores of Israelis dead. Israeli said the for full peace parleys sources government Jhase 1 of impeachment inquiry would accept a letter from the United States saying that any Israeli retaliation for terrorist attacks would be "understood" in Washington. This was Now that Israel and Syria have reached where do the Arabs and Israelis go from interpreted to mean the United States agreement on the disengagement of their here to ahcieve a lasting peace. ends; evidence termed serious' would veto condemnations of Israel in the U.N. Security Council for such reprisals. In the Israeli - Egyptian disengagement forces in the Goland Heights, the next step likely will be an international conference which would attempt to work out a full As Egypt and Israel signed accord in January, resulting in a a of Israeli troops from the east bank of the similar pullback agreement signed last January, there was Middle East peace agreement. Suez Canal, the stage is now set for full As the committee wound up ■JASHINGTON (AP) Trary' Committee - The House considering offense is the as a possible impeachable firing of Cox on Oct. 20, phase of its impeachment inquiry, it was the initial an unpublished understanding by both The disengagement accord engineered peace negotiations, presumably a completed the sides that paramilitary operations would be by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger — » phase of its impeabhment inquiry 1973. preparing to challenge President Nixon's resumption of last December's curbed, Israeli sources said. the first agreement between the two FiBday, and chief counsel John Doar Doar said that since the special refusal to give it additional evidence. disappointing Geneva conference on It was this concession which sent countries since Israel was created 26 years the "I think the matters Middle East. are of extreme prosecutor was investigating a number of Kissinger is restricted to military issues. areas other than Watergate at the time he on an unexpected flight back to ago — The Syrians refused to take part at the Rodino has scheduled an open Damascus Tuesday, after • declaring he The Israeli - Syrian disengagement pact initial phase, carried on entirely in was fired, it was decided to present committee meeting for Thursday morning time, even though Egyptian and Jordanian would not return there on his current should end the two months of clashes in ed session, dealt with the evidence the evidence in these other areas before taking to consider representatives agreed to sit at the same subpenaing more talks. He nailed down the Syrian side of the disputed Golan Heights and on Mt. table as their Israeli Unittee staff has up the dismissal of Cox. material from the White House and to counterparts. compiled of President the agreement during five hours of talks Hermon, which commands a view deep The meeting — chaired jointly Ms role in ( St. Clair, who has sat in on all the debate what sort of response should be by the Watergate. with Assad, then returned to Israel and into both countries. United States and the Soviet Union — 1™ rt Jenner, minority counsel for the closed sessions, said he did not believe a made to Nixon's refusal to comply with won final approval, the sources said. Assuming that the fighting is now TMchnient inquiry, echoed Doar's substantial case had been presented so far. earlier subpenas. opened Dec. 21 but quickly faltered in the But Syria and Russia said in a joint ended, the next question to be answered is I® «t a post session briefing when he Earlier in the day, Vice President Gerald (continued on page 17) J' ' think what has been presented to R. Ford said that the committee should ■•committee up to this moment is of call witnesses and proceed with the tapes Pme seriousness for the Constitution and transcripts it already has. institutions of the country." St. Clair, in also asking for witnesses, said: "It does seem to me in all fairness, EL ^oar an<* *'enner cautioned against that some of the witnesses ought to be any judgments until, in Doar's I think the American people " f city employment practices last September after receiving complaints from several civil rights groups in DON'T SELL ANYWHERE UNTIL Chicago. ■* The 1972 Revenue Sharing Act states that revenue sharing funds cannot be used in any way to support discriminatic . Protesters file $1.2 million suit YOU (HECK OUR PRICES! The Gainesville Eight filed a $1.2 million suit against the government prosecutors who tried unsuccessfully to convict them of conspiracy to riot at the 1972 Republican convention. The suit filed in a U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C.. alleges that before Emerson L. Poe took the witness stand he had reported regularly to the federal prosecution team on the eight antiwar veterans' defense We have orders from around the country lor USED BOOKS. This assumes you o! a good price tactics, thereby dep,riving the Gainesville Eight of the constitutional rights to counsel and due process. even though the book is mot being used at MSII Poe was identified as an FBI informer when he was called as a prosecution witness midway through the trial. The suit asks the court to order Poe and four other alleged informers to pay at least $150,000 to each of the Gainesville Eight. The eight antiwar protesters were acquitted of all charges against them after a one - month trial in the summer of 1973. New economic adviser sworn in Kenneth Rush was sworn in Wednesday as President Nixon's No. I economic adviser. Rush, 64, who has been deputy secretary of state since early 1973, will be a counselor to the President, specializing in economic matters. President Nixon said Rush would also sit with the Cabinet and the National Security Council. GM to repair overheating Vegas A spokesman for General Motors (GM) said Wednesday that his company will make the needed repairs on all Chevrolet Vegas that suffered engine damage through overheating. The Chevrolet official said overheating could warp the Vega's engine block and cylinders. He declined to estimate how much the firm expected to spend on the • repairs. GM's offer applies to every Vega the company has made since the small compact was introduced in 1970. Italians mourn bombing victims Millions of Italians participated in an unofficial day of mourning Wednesday, as police continued their hunt for those responsible for the terrorist bombing at Brescia. H, i The bombing, which occurred Tuesday during an anti Fascist rally, killed six and injured 100 other - individuals. 507 E. Grand River The day of mourning began with a four - hour general BOOKS strike called by Italy's major labor unions. Giant rallies occurred as workers filled the streets in Rome, Milan (Across From Berkey) and Turin. Stone Extremists claimed the Neo Fascist party was 351-5420 - responsible for the bombing, but Italian police are still ■v ting evidence. Compiled by Deni Martin Michigan Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 30, 1974 3 Booklet gives ratings of j MIKE State News GALATOLA Staff Writer while students do not yet judged by winter Comments on term pupils. lecture style or personality were included if favorite professor - or description: (The most might disliked - find this and the work required was also generally described as average, included. Arvo Juola, director of the profs Grebner admitted booklet suffered from "low his the students were names and Grebner said. Most h„e access to formal faculty unanimous nearly departments have been of the Office of Evaluation Services, budget methodology" but said on this samples fall into the "small" evaluations, they can now Grebner said. point, changed): which handles the current it was still good for a start. category. purchase a collection of •"Redford, Grebner distributed these Student Instructional Rating He did not think students Robert Instructor ratings. Each evaluation includes the professor, physiology and - forms in early April at four System, said Wednesday that would benefit from Tuesday's "Grading the Profs, size of the sample taken for an the small number of forms Academic Council decision to 'piled and published by individual instructor. A psychology. Overall: excellent, different locations: Bessey, collected allowed chance to allow students partial access to top 20 per cent. Work: harder Berkey, and Wells halls and fork Grebner, 501 MAC Ave., "small" sample means five to than have too great an influence on faculty evaluations. now on sale at the nine forms on the instructor average. Unusually Engineering Building. Only the ratings. In approving pleasant prof. Large those instructors who a student bookstores for 95 cents. The were collected while sample." taught "It's like picking five names access amendment to a new tablet contains ratings of "moderate" means 10 to 14 •"Nixon, Richard — classes with 50 or more out of hat of a 50," Juola said. two level system of Kv - 700 MSU faculty forms instructor, political science. students were evaluated in the "You could were turned in. A Overall: worse than get five people evaluation, the council said booklet. -embers and is based on over "large" sample means 15 to 25 average, who are getting a 2.0 o five that the departments, which probably in the bottom 20 per <000 questionnaires filled out forms were collected. While the cent. Work: Students rated the faculty getting a 4.0." would design the second - level by students. smallest amount of forms average. Weak at members on their grasp of Juola aiso said those evaluation form for course 1f,e booklet gives an overall gathered explaining himself. Urge material, their ability to answer was five, one sample." students turning in forms design and instructor rating ating for each instructor and professor was rated from 163 Students rated the questions and explain might be more impassioned, purposes, would decide which informs students how hard the forms. of their majority themselves, their lecturing either for or against the parts of the form would be winter term faculty Iork in his or her class was Students looking for their members as ability and their personality. available to students and which average overall, An overall rating was also would not. Students would not be Action on budget allowed access to the first - slowly level forms, which evaluate the moves instructors' basic obligations. The approved system, which contains the student access feature, was referred to the. as legislators race against time Academic consideration. on Senate "Unless the council insists published, compiled ratings for The pieces of this unusual creation SN were photo/Mark Wiedelman early Wednesday morning by the residents of the third assembled based on forms with intelligent floor of North Case Hall. By JOANNA FIRESTONE that the new budget would be works in case the They stealthily pilfered the United Press International completed by June 15 budget does Senate. it does it is possible the questions, I don't think picnic table from the MSU fire station on Shaw Lane, so they get mired. Senate Four higher students will really then jointly raised it ^ the number of working could recess for a full six weeks of the 18 education bill get high in the air near Case Hall could be of campaigning for the Appropriations Chairman appropriation bills have been anything out of this access," with heavy cardboard tubes, which earlier held the jjiys shrink, so do the odds August Charles O. Zollar, R Benton reported out of committee Grebner said. Ihjt the Michigan Legislature primary, have now abandoned reported from Zollar's next week. new Astroturf being installed in Spartan Stadium. The Harbor, is drafting an omnibus committee and may come [(ill complete work on the that hope. But they still claim budget bill to continue funding before the upper chamber this Majority Floor Leader Grebner said Wednesday table was recovered Wednesday afternoon by the MSU Hate's 1974 - 75 budget by the they can meet the July 1 Bobby D. Crim, D that most people seemed to be Grounds Dept., and a chuckling MSU fireman said deadline. of state government past June week. remained optimistic. Davidsory [July 1 deadline. 30 at current spending levels. But in the House, no ' thumbing through the booklet there was "no harm done." 'Key lawmakers, who plan, "The question isn't how far instead of buying it. Thus far, not one 'boasted several months ago in budget bill appropriations measure has we're behind, but rather how the has cleared the House The State News is or been reported out of fast can we catch up," said The three major bookstores published by the students of Michigan State in East Lansing reported University every class day during Fall, Winter and committee. Appropriations Crim, who is a member of the light terms. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Spring school sales since the booklet arrived Fridays during Summer Term, Chairman William Copeland, and a special Welcome Week edition appropriations committee and is published in September. N. Ireland's re D-Wyandotte, said Tuesday he expects several to be finished by his committee this week. He in charge of the working schedule. Gov. Milliken last House's week on the shelves MSU Tuesday. The Bookstore in the International Center said sales Subscription rate is $20 per year. Second class upstage paid at East Lansing, Mich, editorial and . Michigan State declined to predict whether the called were slow while the Campus key lawmakers of both legislature would meet its Book Store, 507 E. Grand parties into, his office for a British schedule. River Ave., said five copies had closed door session at which News/Editorial "355-8252 resume 1974 MSU's - appropriations 75 will be included in for they promised to write a narrowly balanced budget been sold. The Student Book Store, 421 E. Grand River Classified, Ads Display Advertising 355-8255 353-6400 Business Office \ BELFAST, Northern Ireland the province. The move gives As recently as the higher education closely parallel to his original Ave., said some copies had Photographic 355-3447 (AP)-The British government Rees time as a caretaker to try Tuesday night appropriations bill, which has "probably' been purchased. 355-8311 they had vowed to continue recommendations presented in Wednesday resumed direct rule and work out another attempt not yet been reported out of mid shutdown until new • January. of Northern Ireland after a 15 ■ at power sharing between the Senate Appropriations Milliken said the state can elections were called in the day general strike had brought province's warring Protestant Committee which will start spend up to $200 million more province. action on the bill. ie province to the brink of than it expects to gather in majority and Catholic But thousands of Protestants economic collapse and toppled minority. Traditionally the revenues, due to a health $195 CASH FOR BOOKS thought the fall of the [the moderate local moderate community colleges million surplus at the end of Rees has invited leaders of government was ipmmment. appropriations bill is acted on this fiscal year. The margin ^Ji London, the British took all political parties to"meet him enough for now. Walkers before the higher education next year, however, is in Belfast Thursday. defected in droves* threatening pegged action by suspending for four MWare hopeful at a slim $19.5 million— about ' to return to their Enonths the Northern Ireland He had said all along he jobs no the community college bill will matter wljat the council said. enough to run state would negotiate only with to the floor this week. If Assembly, the provincial In the end, the council called come government for one day. parliament that was the last nstige of home rule power in ile province. elected representatives and not with the strike leaders. off the strike. Life in Northern Ireland Beta, Beta. Beta AT The Protestant extremist TTie Provincial Executive, a Ulster Workers' Council began to struggle back to coalition of moderate suspended the strike earlier normal Wednesday from the Presents Protestant and Roman Catholic paralysis of the last few days. CAMPUS BOOK STORE Wednesday but warned that Dr. Erich politicians under Chief unless its demands are met the Electricity authorities said Klinghammer Naturalist and Animal ixecutive Brian Faulkner, strike would be renewed. power should be back to 50 Behavioralist, with his film, "Death of a Legend," resigned Tuesday as the strike per cent by nightfall from the his live wolves, and a short talk. thought economic life in "We're 20 per cent of normal to which keeping our options it had fallen during the strike. [Northern Ireland to a open," declared Jim Smyth, 131 E. Grand River Nudstill. chief council spokesman. Most of the 250,000 Friday, May 31 By suspending the assembly, "We've shown what we can do. workers who had stayed away ;k British in effect resumed It's up to the British from factories, either through 7:30 P. M. ifact rule of Northern Ireland government to deliver now." conviction or intimidation, 137 Akers Hall Bder Merlyn Rees. the British nbinet minister responsible for Despite the tough talk, the strikers had backed down too. began flocking back to their jobs. , Open to All (ACROSS FROM IDE UNION) While You're In The Store... PICK IIP YOUR 1974 WOLVERINE Army Surplus Work Shirts 2/4°O Aviator Style Sunglasses 398 G.I. Sleeping Bag 3995 FOR PRE-GRADUATE Before you enter the real world, enter Tech Hifi COMPLETE Backpacking Department Many In-Store Specials during our PRE-GRADUATION SALE. Be sure to come, because we're saving you drinks and dollars. You can get soused and stereo at the same time! P.X. Store The time is 11:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m., Thursday & Friday. And 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. The place is Tech Hifi in East Lansing: 619 E. Grand River Ave. 351-5323 Open 'Til 9:00 Mon., Wed., techhifij Thurs., Fri., Frandor Across ^»Qual!ty Components at the Right Prke*^ From Kroger POINT OF VIEW Media tax curtails OPINION PAGE By GEORGE WHITE affirmative. stimulate black interest in The possible return Susan Ager Editor ■ tn ■ Chief of the r» I Maureen Beninson Advertising Manager During spring term registration, MSU A brief survey indicates that students had various reasons for approving the tax: communications. The Grapevine Journal was one of the earliest efforts to involve Journal will restart the students, including process o/fH R.D. Campbell . Managing Editor Steve Stein .... Sports Editor students were asked to add new taxes to and train blacks in the newspaper medium. minorities professional media. . . Diane Silver . Campus Editor June EX. Delano .... Entertainment Editor ^ Some students were very "conscious" of ' 1 their already rising cost of education. Most . . . . . Dale Atkins Photo Editor It was also the most successful. The G.F. Korreck . . City Editor of these proposals were rejected, but the monopoly on the press and were Kathv Niezurawski Copy Chief Journal grew to be the largest black Finally, the passage of the Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor . . zealous supporters of the principle of a Melissa Payton National Editor Mary Flood Staff Representative curiously enough, one passed. student newspaper in the nation and won encouraged Project Grapevine ■ free and competitive press. . . . . The students supported a proposed national collegiate press awards. an alternative student publication. ^ to est,!, : student media appropriations ®board. This •Some students were zealous supporters • of the Grapevine Journal. These Blacks rallied to the proposal's call. which will provide orl™ ' """on board will, in turn support student publishing efforts and'thus insure a free supporters included "plain old readers" •There was also the general mass of expertise for publishing. T,Vnr",,0n ent' ,nter«ted |, * who wanted to keep reading the paper. students who sympathized with the EDITORIALS and competitive press. The fight for such a tax was carried •On the other hand, the proposal was also supported by those who were underdog efforts of the Journal and other publications. Many of these students were A meeting will be held concemli out by Project Grapevine, mother alternative student publications "dissatisfied" with the State News and its not aware of the"'invisible tax" taken at 7n 1 organization to the Grapevine Journal. Thursday in 25 Stude-.t Services Bid/'? Tennis courts Before the emergence of the Grapevine Journal as a serious alternative newspaper, there was little challenge to the Michigan coverage. made up The list of the dissatisfied was of many groups of people, including women, students majoring in each term by the State News, but they were aware of the few existing alternative publications, and they wanted to see students meeting and are are welcome to attend urged to offer their id I if not their talent for new efforts. Bodily exercise is almost a this shortage. State News. communication areas, black and white more. The implications of the tax are all prerequisite for keeping the clear To accomodate the thousands of The State News held a de facto fraternities and political organizations. •Blacks were in the forefront of this positive. The tax will guarantee the With the money problem now handlJ head needed to meet academic students who play tennis each week monopoly on the press. This monopoly is enforced by the University, which acts as a effort. Traditionally, blacks have never community more than one newspaper and bl Board1 andi5 the"de.ntexperience Media Appropriation rigors at MSU - especially at times intramural sports officials say thus more news coverage. The tax will problem" noJ collection agency for the SN in taxing gained equal access to the media and have being assaulted by Project like finals week. Therefore, it is there are at least 4,000 per week students more than $100,000 annually. been historically slighted in coverage. insure that the academic community gets one problem can prevent a student Grapevine, on|J frorf vital for the University to maintain who make reservations Over the past decade we have witnessed more than one perspective - a real getting his writing, art or on This tax was collected to the exclusion a grudging change in this situation, but published — student apathy. photoj adequate athletic facilities for those weekdays alone with another 1.000 of other student newspapers. The much remains to be done. Project "competition of ideas." Competition will, in turn, spur the zeal of the students " involved in higher learning. using the court daily in tennis Grapevine Journal protested this situation. Grapevine was originally established to involved and improve the publications. George White irthe director of Project classes - there are only 50 courts The tax directly contradicted the GrapewJ Tennis is one of the most University's stated intentions ". ... to on campus. encourage the competition of popular warm weather sports. It A survey should be taken to ideas." firms up the leg muscles and does determine student and The tax helps faculty support the paid wonders for an overweight figure. athletic priorities, and whether the professionals of the State News staff and Tennis can yield a suntan. satisfy gives the paper an unfair advantage over University community is willing to student newspapers. the most competitive ego and keep finance improvements such as more The Grapevine Journal called the tax the athlete in shape. The doubles tennis courts. "discriminatory" and threatened legal court provides a great way to meet A special committee action if the University did not equalize formed by people, too. the situation by abolishing the tax or by ASMSU already has recommended Unfortunately, there are not that eight giving student newspapers equal access. tennis courts be included Hie struggle reached a climax in May enough tennis courts at MSU. The in a proposed new co - ed 1973, when the Journal took the issue Administration and student recreational facility, to be built in directly to the board of trustees. government must move to remedy East Complex. The trustees expressed support for the Journal and established two committees: one to study the financial problems of the Journal and another to study the plight of Evaluation all alternative publications. The committee met throughout the summer and fall. Despite the Journal's input to the committees, a resolution was to meet studen not reached until after the Journal had shut down its operations in mid A • proposal that would aid alternative fall. The Academic Council Tuesday these forms would be disclosed to publications was finally placed on the approved a proposal to give the student body. But student spring registration ballot, and ASMSU and students conditional Project Grapevine held their organizational access to input in the formulation of breaths. faculty evaluation forms. Also,-the departmental evaluation forms But there should have been little independent ratings of faculty must be mandatory, and data apprehension and surprise when the results members compiled and were confirmed and the vote declared dealing with any aspect of the THE IRS WILL SEEK TO IMPROVE ITS IMAGE (News Item) published, by ..MSU .senior Mark teaching process must be available Gwfcfler were released JhiS week. Both are steps in the right to students. POINT OF VIEW cmection, but indicafe^ust how Finally, the Academic Council much more must be done to decided to send the proposal on to guarantee that students dependable and evaluation of their professors. can comprehensive read a the Academic Academic Senate is made up of Senate. 2,250 faculty members. Since the The Farm workers need student aid The Academic, Council measure senate will be able to amend the provides for student access to forms proposal as it sees fit, it appears the BY BERNARD J. OFFERMAN poverty. This figure represents nearly 14 that Though migrants have never been help on Saturdays through the summer 1 would be similar to the council wants to million rural give the faculty Americans. Farm wages successfully organized, Cesar Chavez and its boycott of table grapes, iceberg lettuJ evaluations students now fill out at every chance to veto the entire Both the late Edward R. Murrow and continue at a level of about one - half the United Farm Workers in California and Gallo wines (all wines shipped fror the end of every term. There are, Chet Huntley climaxed their broadcast those of workers in manufacturing — even offer an example of what can be achieved idea of student access to Modesto, Calif.) however, three major flaws in that journalism careers by trying to ignite though farm productivity has risen faster by an aroused public coupled with farm For students remaining in Michigan f« by Arthur F. Burns, chairman of the the deeply orthodox Aiming his warning mainly at extreme bus strike continued in Lisbon. Lisbon was without streetcars and buses tone of the leftists who have fomented session almost continually to grapple with an epidemic of The Communist party, meanwhile, for the third consecutive day and without the labor conflicts. i fun savings J, FBEE POPCORN THURSDAY, FRIDAY,) /SAT. and SUNDAY L ASSORTED ONCE-A-YEAR AUTOMOTIVE TAPE PLAYERS 5 ST 50% TENT SALE! am/fm table radio wafmow $29.00 't PLAYBACK 4-Channel speaker adapter Was 59 95 NOW 53.99 Hi-*' > pocket am radio k AUTOMOTIVE CASSETTE PLAYER NOW $24.95 now $1.99 AUTOMOTIVE FM JTSk NOW $19.88 cartoon character radio s w^now $3.95 (£T /oa* digital clock MANY DISPLAY ITEMS DRASTICALLY REDUCED radio snow $32.88 i tape switching box „,s s,«n0w $12.88 -Z 1 o- / PLAYBACK HEADPHONES «io*»s$6.95 Panasonic AC/DC Portable Assorted Clock Aod Multi-Band Radios AM/FM Radio V»TT 70% was 39.95 $24.95 X & x \ ALL 10 ^ BLANK RECORDING TAPE 0,0,0. 40% & OFF Open Reel •moo miracord 50H As 0.915m 0UTAH WD90 NOW $49.95, tow $109.95 m $269.00 $269.95 ' GARRARD 40B Was $49.95 NOW $29.00 HEADPHONE NOW / AKAI1730DSS NOW $269.00 •M 288 ^ |tate now $109.95] 5 Step Frequency Equalizer Was $89.95 NOW $49.00 now $249.00 ADC 220X Cartridge wa,5.6»o NOW $5.39 ! color, 5L. ADC 10EMKIV Cartridge wa^oo NOW $18.88 I >24950 EPI400 Minitower NOW $289.00 UTAH AS 5 »».. NOW $29.97 „ <• GARRARD ZER0-100 ChaWasr$209S95Se) NOW $119.00 V T w r *' PYFUU MANUFACTURER WARRANTY QUANTITIES LIMITED 523 FRAND0R SHOPPING CENTER playback the electronic 10-9 ploLjcjround 10-5 351-7270 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 30, |974 Brilliant 'Fiddler' show by Company set for MSU By DARRYL GRANT engaging than that of a fluffy portrayal as Tevye's wife an uproarious performance as State Newt Reviewer young starlet who has tap - Golda and Susan Rosenthal is Frumah - Sarah, the danced her way to stardom. butcher! The Company will present delightfully comical as the first wife. its last two performances of The setting of the story is matchmaker, Yente. one of America's best • loved Rosenthal's only problem is the tiny village of Anetevka, musicals, "Fiddler on the that she has too much of a Company are fine Russia, and is centered on p.rformers Roof," Friday and Saturday at dairyman Tevye and his five Jewish accent at times. •nd they put their talenu together to produce daughters. The time is 1905, a David Szabla gives a sensitive The Company shining presentation "Fiddler" a gives sensitive treatment turbulent and changing period and moving portrayal as of J in Russia filled with ideas that is exuberant and new Fyedka. The daughters are about life, love and the entire evocative The singing is admirably played by Susan Curtain time for "Fiddler w . u„ animated; the singers' voices Berg, Linda Mackler, Susanne the Roof" is 8:15 Weissler, Jamie Blissner and and Saturday in the p.m. Friday are dynamic and wide ranging, McDonel and the dancing is spirited and Exemplifying these new Wendy Katz. Lena Nowak gives Hall kiva. Admission is directions of thought are $1,25 well choreographed. One of the reasons that the Tevye's daughters, who rebel play has been such a huge against the old order by marrying whom they please Mariah fund drive nets success, first as a Broadway without the consent of their play, then as a motion picture, is its strong, realistic storyline. A problem with musicals is father or the aid of the village matchmaker. $1,000; 2 concerts slated that their stories are often too Thanks to a successful fundraising drive, Mariah, the Directors Theresa Fox and sponsor of far removed from real life and Mark Kidzus have assembled a many folk concerts on campus during the last year, has survived SN photo/John Harrington they often become unsatisfying its financial crisis. morsels of entertainment that large cast for the productions at MSU which could have been Over $1,000 was raised in the drive, and the The Company will present "Fiddler on the Roof," one of dairyman and his five daughters is directed by Theresa Fox money will are quickly seen and easily awkward but which proves to enable the group to sponsor two concerts in the fall, Debbie America's favorite musicals, at 8:15 p.m. Friday and and Mark Kidzus. forgotten. "Fiddler's" warm be smooth with the aid of Mazur of Mariah explained. The artists to appear in the concerts Saturday in McDonel Hall kiva. The story of a Russian attraction is a little more will be decided during the summer. some tight and well-controlled "Around $500 of the donations were from dorm blocking. "Fiddler" is also Mazur said. "We would particularly like to thank councils' blessed with an ingenious and Yakely, Wilson Holmes, Van Hoosen, Hubbard, Holden, McDonel, Rather String ensemble unobtrusive set which helped the production flow. Emmons Halls for their contributions." Mazur also expressed appreciation to all the people who donated on the streets and who gave their time to the drive. Stan Gill plays Tevye. He is The East Lansing String The string ensemble is a the School talented actor but lacks Applications for next year's Mariah staff are available in the - City Activity words and music will be The 10 • week summer term a Mariah office on the second floor of the Union. Ensemble will give its first group of about 30 amateur Program and the Michigan provided. for the East Lansing String depth. Tevye's character is full "Next year we will continue to work with concert at 8 p.m. Friday in the string players who are in the Council for the Arts. This concert is free of Ensemble will begin June 17, of vitality, great affection and Pop Entertainment and will mov* our office over to the Student Services Hannah Middle School- ensemble because they enjoy The ensemble will be under charge, with rehearsals taking place at deep conviction. Building with Auditorium located at the playing music. the direction of Glen Halik, a them," Mazur said. , Hannah Middle School at 7:30 Unfortunately, Gill's intersection of Abbott Road The group is sponsored by retired professor of engineering TnT©© injur&u p.m. Mondays. performance lacks emphasis on and Burcham Drive. the Older People's Program, at MSU who now devotes all ' these qualities and his B his time to music. in U.S. center Anyone who play a performance becomes merely YOUR^uteificUTWt^TODJlY luegrass band Swelling the ranks group Wiu be members of a of the stringed instrument is invited to join, Halik said, including competent. As loses its impact. a result the role similar group from Beirut blast Lansing and MSU symphony Carol Rosenblum gives a tonight at Fran Owosso. The include program works by Bach and will BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - members. humorous and touching ICHIGAN One of the country's best traditional biuegrass bands, stage with the Extension Service, alternating Arensky and a sing • along with folk songs and selections from An explosion ripped the first floor of the U.S. cultural 'Jul THeat'f tons "'n the Broadway musical, center in Beirut Tuesday, Starts Tomorrow: Larry Sparks and the sets. Lonesome Ramblers, will "Fiddler on the Roof." police reported. Three persons '"Hie last time Sparks and The singing will be led by suffered minor injuries. * CANNES 1974 FILM FESTIVAL WINNER appear at Frank 'n Stein Witnesses said the blast if the Lonesome Ramblers were Paul Bravender, choral director Golden Palm tonight. shattered bookstands, if here, it was sold out," said for the University Uniteduinwcu Award for Sparks, a guitarist who sings most of the Farley McClure of the Methodist Church on Harrison windows, tables and chairs of T 'Best Picture.' vocals, will be accompanied by the Ramblers Biuegrass Extension Service. Road. the John F. Kennedy Library J on mandolin, fiddle, bass and Frank 'n Stein is located at "Those who wish to sing in the three • story building off T banjo. 220 S. Howard Ave. Admission along may want to sit near the Beirut's fashionable Hamra The group will share the will be $1.25. front," Halik said, adding that Street. ■Bar---- im gg pooLeys gj GeneHockman. "The Conversation" Fronds Ford Coppola [pQ|<$p, Color by TECHNICOLOR • A Paramount Pictures Release Feature Friday at 7:05 and later SNEAK TIP: A HEART AND SOUL COMEDY! SNEAK SHOWN IN CONJUNCTION WITH "The Conversation." T PROGRAM IWfOimmiOW 3325117 2nd Fun Week! STARTS TOMORROW. ... WANTED! Ruth Gordon (Alias "Maude") caused 125,000 Detroiters to die laughing last year while her movie "HAROLD and MAUDE" played 72 weeks at the studio theatres. She's wanted in 50 states on charges of creating mass hysteria. Be on the lookout for this woman, who has returned to Lansing in her other olitrageous comedy, "WH1114 PRICE COMPLETE WITH 5 yr.WARRANTY $98 210 abbot! rd. m. lanslng, mlohlQ RECEIVERS GO MACHINE THE MOST WITH THE TONIGHT! ADVANCED CD-4 DISCRETE DISC AMPLIFIERS & TUNERS PURCHASE OF A PIONEER KP-33 DEMODULATOR AT OUR DISCOUNT JIMMY SMITH- IAS ORGANIST YOU CAN BUY. COMPATIBLE PRICE OF Jimmy Smith has been ■ ■ WITH ANY BRAND OF EQUIPMENT ii + 20%" ftiV /V Wt LAN I rnllMI I nfc NAMcb BUT SUGGESTED Rl RETAIL ■ IV YOU CAN BUY YOUR CHOICE JENSEN CAR SPEAKERS FOR PAO/ API" (RETAIL 99.95) OF hailed as being the world's harman/kardon *14 $h9.9^^L.yqu'll be pleasant»-v {)()% [\\\ LIST PRICE greatest jazz organist. It is no lie. Jimmy Smith and his band may well be the most fantastic performers you will ever see in East Lansing — Don't Miss Three Days Only—Today thru Saturday Them! MAY 28—JUNE 1 245 ANN STREET 402 S. WASHINGTON | TIE STOLES "..WB offer a better alternative!" E. LANSING LANSING Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 30, 1974 13 Variety offered By MIKE DRESCH functioning well. in married recreation recreation majors who "I'm pleased with the help in trying to develop of Hoehlein said. powder puff auto mechanics. Sate News Sports Writer the program for field a sense progress so far," Hoehlein said. credits. The program also tries to In effect, they serve as a community." There is a large amount of We re staff. unite married with fall Rich Hoehlein, a getting a lot of people The key to the married activities open in the program. common to The program covers a wide interests into clubs. Currently, narried graduate student participate, but there is housing program is that it is Saturday there will be a spring SL-d that there was not plenty of room for growth." open to all married variety of interests and festival with a picnic, live it is in the process of forming a Lh for married students to Hoehlein was appointed to housing activities. There have been party bridge club. It will meet residents students, staff and entertainment, games, kite Jin the way of recreational - serve as Community Activities open recreation sessions foi flying and qther outdoor every other Thursday in the faculty. The programs are Lilies. He decided to do Coordinator for the married offered on a low or no cost adults, leagues activities. It will be held in Spartan Village Daycare lething about it, and the housing areas by MSU's Dean basis to allow for the • tournaments in various sports, Spartan Village near the day Center. There has also been jj£d Housing Activities of Students Office Intramural Dept. He serves on and the maximum participation. special interest enrichment classes and special events care center and is open to all some of a interest in the formation jogging club. yogram was born. "We want people in married married housing students. Since that time, the program a part - time basis. He has also as family bike outings and housing to get to know each horseback riding. The recreation program will „ been functioning, and had much help from MSU other," Hoehlein said. "We're Some of the activities are continue to run through the fairly traditional, such as summer with the schools being Most events in the program MSU hosts softball or volleyball. Others from 1 to 4 p.m. every Wings, Blues are offered on evenings open are a little more exotic. These day and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on weekends and make use of the are the special interest classes Monday, Wednesday and gym, classrooms and outdoor and include such diverse Thursday. These sessions are facilities of the Spartan Villag offerings as belly dancing, open to everybody, adults as hockey exhibition and Red Cedar Elementar international cooking and well children. n pro as Schools. Hoehlein runs the program MSU will host an exhibition The game will be the first from an office in the Men ockey game between the between two playing with the Blues will be professional 1972 all Intramural Building and from iitional Hockey League's teams • American goalie Jim ever staged at MSU his home in University *. Watt. Village letroit Red Wings and St. facility. In the 1950s, the Red The program also allows fo flUis Blues on Wednesday, Wings appeared several times Ticket prices and the start of input via activities reques (pt. 25, at the new Munn Ice for exhibition games with the ticket sales for the forms which are obtained Sdfe! irena, it was announced MSU varsity hockey Wings - squad. Blues contest will the married housin be (ednesday by Athletic A couple of ex - Spartans announced at a later date by laundromats. lirector Burt Smith. figure to be in action at the the MSU athletic The exhibition will be the department. list main attraction at the new game. Performing for the will be 1965 all Wings MSU's varsity season does "The biggest problem w UP TO 50% OFF - American not get underway until late have is just letting people know ,000 • seat facility. forward Doug Roberts October. THIS and we have the program. WEEK fowling, fencing & WOM rowned in IM VOLUNTEER STAFF SUMMER HALTERS, 'Kat" ntramural won the Team Bowling Men's Phalen coed foil won the first intramural fencing competition POSITIONS AVAILABLE SWIM SUITS A Jumpionship Tuesday at the Tuesday when he came from ASSORTMENT Inion by accumulating the behind to outduel Norm ♦Remember the hassles of high school days? ighest total pin score, 2,907, LoPatin 3 5.- A [the four teams in the finals. ♦Interested in helping high school students GREA T SE through some Team members on the squad Marilyn Dedyne was the problems you faced only yesterday? Deluded Ken Bovenschen, Bill only female foilist to make it IMPORTED AND link, A1 Pate, Jack Petrie and to the final round as she ♦Interested in reaching out to a scared kid who is involved iffSchulte. finished fourth, losing to Luis with the judicial system for the first time? ITEMS In another IM tourney, Paul Delavega 4 - 5 for third place. ♦Interested in doing this thru a whole man approach to life of balancing the mental, spiritual, physical and social Garden of Elarthly Delights ^ ARTHUR TREACHER'S aspects? If so, the CAMPUS LIFE AND YOUTH GUIDANCE 226 ABBOTT ROAD 332 3661 the original Tisl) & DIVISIONS OF YOUTH FOR-CHRIST would like to share with you the opportunities available for summer and fall ^ terms. LIEBERMANN'S Clams • Shrimp FOR Tisl) & Chips, Representatives will be at: Two great locations in Lansing The Baptist Student Center 4608 S. Hagadom SPECIAL SELLING! YOUR Right past Frandor at Friday, May-ai 2418 E. Michigan and at Noon to 7:00 p.m. £* For Father's Day BOOKS 4100 S. Logan Other details can be had by calling 485-4383. For Graduation "Treat Yourself to the Treacher Taste" I J ALEX'S RESTAURANT TEAC2300S WILL BE OPEN SUN.JUNE 9 GRADUATION DAY for the finest in dining and dancing So make your Reservation ONLY W NOW at the classic 2300 s for oaitoiuiy il 9 321 Michigan Ave. Lansing Alexs 4821251 TEAC leadership has done it again with the 2300S. The new, modestly priced tape deck with TEAC's Samsonites exclusive 3-motor / 3 head transport. Touch button control for instant shifting from fast forward to fast rewind and recording from pause or directly from CLASSIC ATTACHE THE CORAL CABLES playback. Trim . . efficient . . durable! Samsonite's classic attache cases make a good appearance anywhere. And they're There bias and EQ switches for the new high PRESENTS are energy tapes. Anyway you play it, it's a classic. designed to keep books and papers neatly organized. Choose the roomy Diplomat or slim Commuter in jet black, THIS olive or oxford gray. WEEK PEAR Why Hi-Fi Buys? 3" COMMUTER \ NOW '29® •5 year protection plan on all system •1 year, laboratory analysis protection plan on selected cartridge and stylus (Reg. TUESDAY: •1 year FLAMING •speaker exchange program •professional in store service department 5" DIPLOMAT EVERY HOG N •professional audio salesmen NOW •local delivery and set up assistance •60 day lay - aways- Master Charge and Bank Americard: (Reg. *37") DAY *»NESDAY: DORM 90 days same as cash. TEAC NIGHT The leader. Always has been. MWtSDAY: and the rathskeller is open on QUART HI-FI BUYS Disc Shop 1101 E. Grand River 337-1769 481OW. Saginaw 4844589 SBS Across iron Ma art sundays 4111. CRAND RIVER EAST LANSING 209 E. Grand River 151-4110 Sot. and Sun.-tonwpcloii DOWNTOWN -107 E. Washington 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 30. |974 Call Now FRIDAY— May 31 is our last 355-8255 Place an AD p.m. by 1 Paper today j Ifcl FRANKLY phil frank H 3B) [>»f* v EL CAMINO 1972 - 307 V-8, PORSCHE 911, 1966. AM/FM, 5 HOUSEKEEPER, room and board WANTED: HAIR stylist, TWO PERSON, automatic, air, rust proofed, air speed. Excellent condition. Gas provided. Call 351-2006, experienced in cutting. GARY'S furnished al, | close. Summer shocks. $2,500. 351-3817. heat, service record. 646-6003. anytime. 2-5-31 CAMPUS BEAUTY SALON. month. sublease $150 /1 2-5-31 2-5-31 351-6511.3-6-31 351-8628.10-5-31 BOOKKEEPER - NEAT a FAIRLANE 500 Automatic 1966. PONTIAC TEMPEST 1967. Power girl to work part - time. Must DRIVERS TO drive Jumbo ice - PHONE 355-8255 259, V-8, 61,000 miles. steering, power brakes, V-8. know simple tax preperations. cream trucks. Must have 347 Student Services Bid«. good 332-1854, John. 5-5-31 Good shape. Make offer after Call Mr. Anrus, 351-3130 for driving record. Apply 11390 6pm 351-1578.2-5-31 appointment. 2-5-31 North US-27, DeWitt. 3-5-31 FALCON 1970. 2-door, 6 cylinder, •AUTOMOTIVE standard shift. $795. Will trade. REBEL 1967 - 6, stick, great DUO - THERM Division of Motor DENTAL RECEPTIONIST for Scooters & Cycles 485-2928, 485-7922. 6-5-31 mileage, fantastic mechanical Wheel Corporation, LaGrange Orthodontist's office. P»rtj It Service shape. Cheap! 351-9287 after Indiana, 46761. A leading Personeble, mature person with Avutton FIAT 1970. 850 Sport Coupe. Very 5pm. 4-5-31 manufacturer of heating and air office capability (typing 68 ONE ROOM efficiency: bath, kitchen, parking, 2 Furnished I •EMPLOYMENT sharp, $975. Consider motorcycle trade. 394-1677. conditioning equipment for wpml, will train. Please call from MSU, utilities paid blocks f mobile homes and recreational 372-6451. 3-5-31 $125/ I •FOR RENT 3-5-30 vehicles, has immediete openings month. Mark, 351-7236. 5.5.3, I for design engineer for air KEYPUNCH, Apartments Houms FORD, 1967 - good condition, conditioning products. Excellent EXPERIENCED only, afternoon shift, 4-12 pm. NEED ONE girl, University Terrace, $50. sJmm^ I radio. $400. Please Call SUPER BEETLE 1971 AM-FM, fringe benefits, pleasant working Excellent incentive program. Ca|i V Room 332-8786. 3-5-31 sunroof, air, mags, radials. Margie. 349-4682. 5-5-31 conditions. Send resume; Jean Call ESR Corporation. •FOR SALE $1,650,371-3831.3-5-31 Chrystler or cell collect, (2191 372-7760. 3-5-31 Animals FORD ECONOLINE Van 1964 - 463-2191. Equal Opportunity SUBLET JUNE, July, and One bedroom apartment August I needs body work. $200. Call TOYOTA CORONA 1971 - Employer. 5-5-30 with 1 Mobil* Homes 351-9218 after 6pm. 2-5-31 excellent, rebuilt engine, MANPOWER pool, air conditioning, phone I •LOST & FOUND FORD VAN Michelin radials, nice body. APPLICATIONS FOR employment furnished, car port. Close to I 1966 $175. Call 351-0524 •PERSONAL clutch, carpeted. Excellent new paint, $1,500 / best offer. Days 373-6410 extension No. 73, QUITE' "THE QWTIMCV- TP THINK at McDonald's of East Lansing at 1024 East Grand River and of 372-0880 campus. 517-541-7352, collect. 5-5-31 or •PEANUTS PERSONAL shape, 19mpg. 349-1563. 3-5-31 evenings 546-4086. 3-5-31 Okemos at 2040 East Grand •REAL ESTATE FORD WD DUORP£B YOUR DEAN WdS River are now being accepted. Need money and a job? ACROSS UNION, summer or Fal. MAVERICK 70, standard TRIUMPH GT6, 1968, rebuilt rent. Available I •RECREATION transmission, low mileage, engine and drive train, $1200. DECMRED A HlSTORfCflLLANDMARK! All hours open. an You may fill application 8-10am out and We'll give you all the help 361-5712.4-5-31 June 1 " perfect condition. 482-5049. 2-5-31 •SERVICE 2-4pm Monday through Friday. you need. 2-5-31 DUPLEX BOTH Instruction 4-5-31 - GMC ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY. CA.94709 Work for us in your spare bedrooms, furnished. Open fori 1967 Van good condition, Typinj Service time, 1 day, 1 week, 1 summer lease, 2, 3, or 4. Ample I panelled, insulated, carpeted, •TRANSPORTATION $650, 332-4892. 5-5-31 VEGA HATCHBACK 1973. White, REGISTERED NURSES month—take your pick. parking, pool privileges, private.! $180 or both lor $345. Phone I •WANTED blue interior, Rally wheels, excellent condition! $2200 or [ Motorcycles ~j|fo] |~ Service'][/] ICU-CCU, 10 bedroom unit openings full and part time on the second and third shifts. Add variety to your list this summer. Male and 339-8802, 9-12 or 4844014 I 4-5-31 1 best offer. 393-8072. £-5-31 Excellent salary and fringe female applicants needed. "RATES" benefits. For YAMAHA 750 Information, Office and industrial areas. Jf:EP 1970 CJ-5 4 wheel drive snow VEGA HATCHBACK. Excellent 1973, 5,000 miles, MASON BODY SHOP - 812 East please call office of SUMMER ON campus.I plow, excellent condition good shape, $1450. 484-6461 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. employment, LANSING Experience not always Furnished, one bedroom. $100 / F condition - 1971. Radio, around 6pm. 4-5-31 GENERAL HOSPITAL, 2800 20,000 miles $1850. 355-0946. Complete aut6 painting and Devonshire, necessary. Apply in month, includes utilities.! snowtires, excellent mileage. Lansing, Mich. 355-0914.4-5-31 2-5-31 collision service 485-0256. 372-8220 person, 105 East $1200. 351-5381.3-5-30 NORTON - GU2ZI - DUCATI. New C-5-31 Washtenaw. 1 models Equal Opportunity Employer on display. Repair and FEMALE ROOMMATE 1 3 5 10 MGB 1967 - wires, new clutch, VOLKSWAGEN 1966 needs work service for Honda and British bedroom, 3 to share person apartment. 21 good shape, must sell! 351-2792. $200. 351-7776 before 5 pm. makes. G.T. MOTORS. 816 DESK CLERK needed - must have | 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 2-5-31 332-3939. 5-5-31 13.00 transportetion and be willing to 3-5-31 Howe, Lansing. Phone 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 485-6815. 12-5-31 travel. Call 372-0567 or MG MIDGET 1973. Mint condition, VOLVO, 1969 142-S. Excellent 489-1215 between 12 - 6 pm Some secretarial and EAST LANSING, Hull Apartments,! 15 2.25 6.00 9.70 19.50 7200 miles, warranty, $2800, bookkeeping. Also experienced 1-2 bedrooms. Furnished an' ib 2.70 7.20 condition, owner maintenance. TRIUMPH 1969 Trophy 500. High OR-5-31 lawn and landscape workers. unfurnished, $170 and up, r> 11.70 23.40 negotiable. 349-2375, Mike. New factory exhaust, good bars and pipes. 6,000 miles. 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 3-5-30 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to read LANSING LAWN SERVICE. pets or children. June 115 I Great condition, $600. 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 michelins, good brakes. Stereo 669-3729 after 6 p.m. 5-5-30 to blind students summer term. Call after 8 pm, 393-0432. 351-4799. 1424 Haslett Road I MG MIDGET 1972 - FM, stereo, cassette player. $2195. 3-5-31 7-5-30 B Call Mary, 353-3490. 4-6-31 351-4675 after 5pm. X-2-5-31 D EADLINE Michelins, wires - Tonneau. CYCLE INSURANCE ROCER & PAULS 711 EAST APARTMENTS I $2150 or best offer. 484-7978. - lowest SECRETARY, part t 1 P.M. one class APPLICATIONS ARE day 3-5-31 VW 366. One owner, 9,000 miles rates on any sized cycle. Easy MARATHON now being before publication. on rebuilt engine, $590. Phone payment plan. Call UNION accepted for summer work. Phone 482-6382. Personnel MUSTANG, 1965 - very 332-2007. 2-5-31 UNDERWRITERS. 372-8120 or Where all we 485-4317.9-5-31 manager will be in between Qam Peanuts Personal ads dependable. Must sell $275/best offer. 332-3464. 3-5-31 VW 1966. REBUILT engine, snow specialize in is - and noon. 4-5-31 BABYSITTER, FALL term. 4 must be pre-paid. 1973 HONDA 175. Exeellent tires with rims, $495. 3516428. cars month old boy. 20 to 40 hours / MUSTANG 1965. 6 cylinder, runs condition, 1200 miles, $475. DISHWASHER. CORAL GABLES 2-5-31 week. 351-2756. 5-5-30 393-8654. 2-5-30 LOCATED AT THE dining room. Apply in person Cancellations/ Corrections well. 351-0858, after 5 pm. CORNER OF JOLLY 3-5-31 anytime. 5-5-31 SUMMER SUBLEASE. 2| • 12 noon one class day VW CAMPER 1972. Fully equipped, & OKEMOS RD LAWN MAINTENANCE man - SUZUKI T-250-R 1971. Mint bedrooms, furnished,■ rust - proofed, radials, new 349 • 3196 now until November 15. Some before publications. condition. 3500 miles. With Bell MODELS FOR photography. Call air conditioned, NOVA 1970 396. 4-speed, very muffler, brakes and shocks. 6DAY A WEEK TOWING pool, | - between 10am and 6pm experience, preferred, not clean, bright red. $1,600. Call Phone magnum. $50. 332-6791 after OPEN 6 DAYS . welcome. $^,n 882-9942 or The State News will be 394-1939, evenings. 489-1215. OR-5-31 necessary. 349-4111. X-5-&30 after 6pm. 337-9430. 3-5-31 2-5-31 9pm. 3-5-31 7 AM • 9 PM BUT SUNDAY 355-1863. 4-5-31 responsible only for the VOLKSWAGEN EXHAUST STUDENT WANTED to teach in FLOORMEN FOR Showbar, full or first NOVA, 1973. 11,000 miles, power VW BAJA. Custom paint, AM/FM HONDA 1970. SL-350. Two ONE FEMALE, Haslett ArmsB day's incorrect helmets, $425 - Best offer. Call systems - $18.95 complete at piano studio for fall. 669-3309. part time. Apply after 7 pm. apartment, fall, $79. 355-2006,1 V-8, vinyl top, excellent radio, sun roof, 8 wheels and 8 CHEQUERED FLAG, 2605 East 3-5-31 CORAL GABLES SHOWBAR. insertion. condition. Good 489-9470. 2-5-31 355-2005. 3-5-30 mpg. $2400, tires. Custom interior. A one of Kalamazoo, one mile west of 5-5-31 -Bills are oue 7 days trom 351-0637. 5-5-30 a kind on or off the road. $1100 1972 650 TRIUMPH. 1,0303 miles, campus. 487-5056. C-4-5-31 CLEANING CREW for apartments, FEMALE GRAD needs r< >aid By tr NOVA 1969, 6 cylinder, 3 speed. or best offer. 489-9110. 3-5-31 excellent condition. Call Donna, work June 12-15. Call 332-4432 For Rent for summer. 731 Burcham. | 501 u VW - GUARANTEED REPAIR. 2-5-31 Call Link after 5pm, 332-0866. 332-3865, after 5. 2-5-31 351-3754. 3-5-30 RANDY'S MOBIL, Okemos 2-5-31 TV AND STEREO rentals. Road and i-96. 349-9620. FULL AND part time help BEAL APARTMENTS. 2 3l [HS Santo"] [/] or $24/term. $9.95/month. Free C-5-31 OLDS 1964. Excellent condition. VW 1971 mornings and evenings. Experience same day delivery and service. person, one block from campus,f Super Beetle, AM/FM, preferred but not necessary. summer or 12 month lease. Calll New tires, $150 or best offer. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-5-31 sunroof, best offer. 882-2087. Must sell. 353-6972. 3-5-30 5-5-30 BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced rates to students. Also m Apply in person. Point Arco, 1542 West Grand River, East Stop pleying budget bingo. Look 337-0449 between 4 and 8 or drop by. 7-5-31 pm. J OPEL 1969. Excellent Lansing. No phone calls. 2-5-31 BLAZER 1972 4 wtieeel drive condition. Low mileage $650 or best offer. Motorcycles <&> guaranteed rust proofing. VAN WORLD, 645-2123. OR-5-31 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT for a better Classified Adsl job in today's SUMMER ROOMS 2 blocks fn 30,000 miles. Call Lou 355-4482 Call 394-1062 between 5-9 pm. * FOR STUDENTS FEMALE HORSE Science campus. $13 / week. 332-5053.1 before 5pm. 3-5-31 We are accepting applications from 5-5-31 4-5-31 KAWASAKI 1973, 250. $750. CHEVROLET transportation. 1963. Must Cheap sell. PEUGEOT 1968 mpg, sun - a roof, air, good Honda 1972 125 SL, $425 / 339-8659 after 3 pm. 5-5-31 vlfflllSION 'iaunirts college summer students who want a job. You must be willing to devote a minimum of 40 hours I week and be able to accept MALE WATERFRONT counselors $NOTICE$ 1-2 girls for 4-girl. Fall Villa. $46.25 / each. 337-79 " 5-5-31 Capitol® 351-5329. 2-5-31 condition. Best offer. 676-1433. CYCLE INSURANCE 2-5-31 Central re^onsibility. On the job training is for children's camp. Minimum ALL STUDENT ADS Michigan's largest CHEVY provided for those vrfio are age 19, WST instructing and ONE ROOMMATE. Furnished, 45 - 283 1964. Good motorcycle insurer. Low 1206 Oakland accepted. For an interview, call Everyeen, $80/month, air, Paull condition $150 or best offer, PINTO 1974 wagon 10,000 miles, rates, monthly payments. Two guarding experience. Call Susan Call for Appt. 484-7368 between 11am - 12noon. Loren. (313) 886-3191 3-5-31 MUST BE 337-0805. 5-5 31 i. 2-5-31 radio, 2000cc, 4 speed, radial locations: 12-5-31 PRE PAID- tires, electric defroster. $2,675. LLOYD'S OF LANSING IV4-4411 SUMMER MARRIED students! CHEVY VAN, low mileage, family SUMMER POSITIONS for MSU Now through the - 485-7916. 2-5-31 owned, economical, no rust. 484-8143 332-5335 CANVASSERS WANTED. No students. Excellent salary level end of the term. two bedroom, University Lansing's selling necessary. Salary $100 / and Village, $130 / month, u 337-2604. 2-5-32 PINTO 1972. Excellent condition, HUSQVARNA bast repair meaningful business - 400CC late 72 shop for Import week plus 7% commission and paid. 355-6174. 2-5-31 26,000 miles. $1750. Call .. experiences. Automobile, COUGAR 1968 - Power steering, model. Fantastic condition. Call complete parts department bonuses. To set appointment call required. 351-5800. C-2-5-31 347 STUDENT SERVICES 489-7614. 2-5-31 and factory trained brakes. Automatic. Good 487-6682 before 3pm. 2-5-31 Globe Contract Carpet. ROOMMATES, 4-per mechanics assure you of condition. $750. 339-8545 after PLYMOUTH VALIANT 1967. One fast reliable service. 627-4046. 8-5-31 DISHROOM SUPERVISOR $45/month. Pool. Phon^ _6pm. 2-5-31 1973 HONDA CL450. 3000 miles, Need a full time year round person COMPACT REFRIGERATORS, 353-06 1 4 , 349-0995, Ronf owner. . 34,000 actual miles. like new, $1,000. 355-3209. SERVICE STATION - Driveway $7.50 per month. TV's color, 2-5-31 to work 12 - 8:30pm and every DODGE VAN, 1966. Carpeted, $700. 332-3970. 2-5-31 26-31 $19.50 per month. Black and salesmen end light mechanical. other weekend. Experience mags, rebuilt engine. New Day, night, and weekend hours white, $9.50 per month. SUMMER, FALL, across I alternator and regulator. PLYMOUTH 1969. Excellent necessary. Please apply in person. 1966 BRIDGESTONE 90. Needs available, at least 1 year's recant MARSHALL MUSIC, 351-7830. Mason Abbott. 4-n 351-3328. condition, stick shift, family Sparrow Hospital Personnel office. 2-5-3^ owned. $595. 351-5791. 2-5-31 lots of work. $50. 332-3970. experience: Apply in person, 1215 East Michigan Avenue. 2-5-31 C-1-5-30 furnished, air. 332-0245. 2-5-3 DODGE CHARGER 1968. Metallic 2-5-31 DAN'S MOBIL, 2704 Lake green, black vinyl top, 318. Lansing Road at US 127. 3-5-31 STUDENT - PART time evenings PLYMOUTH ROADRUNNER TRIUMPH 250 cub, 1971 - $500. Cherry shape in and out. $1200. 1969 4-speed under 50,000 and Saturdays. Inside salesman. - Please call after 6pm', 332-5586. STUDENTS - PART TIME 655-2252. 5-5-31 miles. $2/hour. Apply room 635, Good condition. $900. 349-0894. 3-5-31 2-5-31 evenings and Saturdays. Inside sales. $2/hour. Apply Room Stoddard Building, corner of CROSSWORD DODGE VAN 1967. Custom Capitol / West Allengan, interior, rebuilt engine. New PONTIAC 1954. Good original 1970 TRIUMPH TIGER. 5,500 63§, Stoddard Building, of Capitol / West corner Lansing. 2-5-31 PUZZLE brakes, shocks, paint. Call miles. Stock and flawless. Looks Allengan, ACROSS condition. $250 or best offer. 484-1924,4-8pm. 2-5-31 Call 332-3694. 3-5-31 and runs as it did the day it was AUTO REPAIR Lansing. 5-5-30 CLEANING WOMAN needed, 1 l.Vellication 28. Secretary 4. Rested __new^ $1200._ 349-9492. 2-5-31 * PARTS MALE OR female needed for day per week. East Lansing area. 29. Opening 7. Stitch 31. Son of Chaos YAMAHAS - MOST models Call 332-4918. 2-5-31 now SEVEN - ELEVEN store, 1910 11. World War II 33. Pine fruit TIRED OF in stock. Shep's is your full service dealer. For Yamaha, 20% discount on Lake before Lansing 4 Road. Apply BABYSITTER: LIVE-IN. Two battlesite 12. Past 34. Plural ending VW parts p.m. Contact June small children. Five and three. 35. Spanish rivers WAITING FOR Triumph, and BMW. SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS, INC. 2460 Marsh. 5-5-30 , 371-1084. 2-5-31 13. Toilet case 14. Speculator 36. 39 Famous artist Medical group Check our repair A REFUND? North Cedar, Holt. Just south of 1-96 overpass. Phone 694-6621. SECRETARY - TYPING, 80 ENGINEERS, ME OR EE, 16. Require 42. Through prices w.p.m., shorthand 100 w.p.m., established midwest firm 17. Too bad 43. Ailing _C-4-5-31 seeking 18. Leaflet 44 Published HAISTEAD MANAGEMENT some filing. Knowledge of recent graduates, opportunities 19. Field rat 45. Combo HONDA 1970. CL-450. Excellent Cedar & Kalamazoo construction helpful. Excellent for advancement. Fee and 21. Chaperon 46. Teamster's REFUNDS DEPOSITS condition, extras. $700/ best 485-2047 fringe benefits. Equal relocation paid. Stert $925, 25. Alligator pear command offer. 351-7531. 4-5-31 Opportunity Employer. Send more for experienced engineer. 393-1670. 27.Foray 47. Large parrot IMMEDIATELY! resume or call Call Sue Anderson, executive DO UTILITY BILLS HAVE YOU HOT GRANGER CONSTRUCTION division, PERSONNEL COMPANY, 2702 South Cedar, CAREERS r- T- *- T- 6 7 8 9 ,0 AGENCY, CMEA. AND BOTHERED? Lansing, Michigan. 5-5-31 489-1441. 2-5-31 % " Special Summer Rates NO need to sweat it out this summer! 12 13 1 Bedroom from Wt $145 w id BURCHAM WOODS IS 2 Bedroom from $160 Besides the fact that we include utility payments in GLENN HERRMAN % V/t • 1 % >4 % For showing, please contact Resident monthly rent, you'll enjoy many other features for a your VA VOLKSWAGEN-VOLVO INC. '9 io 21 2i tt 3^ Manager at building listed below. complete summer living experience. 25 y/y 56 'Heated Pool 47 •Laundry Facilities North Point* 1240 Haslett Pd. *Ample Parking 351-mi *Nicely Furnished >8 59 30 132-5175 *Air Conditioning Delta Arms 215 Dalta St. University Terrace 424 Mkhiian sr ISI-CIlt 32 5r E«*nr*.n Arms 141 EverirMn St. 337-0510 Villa** MS Abbot Rd. Now Leasing For Summer 7/. 351-2011 America 273« E. Gr. River 317-1(21 Efficiency, l Bedroom, J. Including utilities. 2 Bedroom from *140 per month »>onin. mmmmm 36 39 ■■ HO VA Ml Fall Rates (12 month lease) w 13 5T Halstead Management a'.nn5yut,,ui2r,room'4 2 Bedroom ,rom $,s4 p,r momh' w~ n | 351-7910 745 Burcham Drive 361-3118 or 484-4014 6136 W. Saginaw OPEN Mon.&Thurs. 'Til 9 371-6600 J n M6~ ~z _ Michigan Slate News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 30, 1974 15 [f iM Iprtt [ffl Haws ] jjjj houses 1^. iLmfm. TMlovo .EDROOM, 2-3 man, furnished, TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile Utilities paid. Parking. -homes. $25 - $35 / week. ONE GIRL needed for Ten nice MILFORD STREET - 126. FEMALE WANTS One or two girls. SUMMER OWN room. Close to SUMMER ONLY! 3 large bedroom, NEAR LAINGSBURG townhouse. Summer. 15 miles June 10. Bahind minutes to campus. Quiet and - Summer. Own Summer rentals, reduced rates. 2 Cedar Village. Summer. $75 or campus, $75 month. 332-6258 rent room. $80/month. negotiable. 419 Albert. northeast. Large 4 betfroom University Village. $190. Vance, peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 332-6648. and 3 man. 2 blocks from $50. Non-smoker(s). 1-782-5200 5-5-30 0-6-31 3-6-31 337-1265.4-5-31 house, 1 acre. Unfurnished, 337-1641. 5-5-30 campus. Deluxe, furnished, air (collect). 3-5-31 SUMMER ONLY $200 per month. Available now. conditoned. 361-2647, - 4 needed for a LUXURY 5-6 person house, for summer, 1 351-7497. OR-5-31 'j'or 4 man APARTMENT. FURNISHED 484-8494, 489-1656. OR-5-31 DUPLEX UNIT near campus for four bedroom house. Phone $t80/month. Pool, air, dishwasher, pleasant location on Yes.e.We efficiencies Air conditioned, across from campus. quiet. Summer SUMMER SUBLEASE, across from rent: summer, evenings. 3-5-31 fall. 349-2184 482-9672, or 482-0278. 2-5-31 block from campus, excellent condition. 332-2103.4-5-31 SUMMER ROOM in house for-4. or fall lease. Charles St. $57.50. Phone Ud River. 349-3692. 3-6-31 Phone 351-1258. campus, two bedrooms, full BEAUTIFUL NEW home, air - ONE GIRL - summer. 2 blocks sublet - friendly have _3-5-3, SERIOUS UPPERCLASSMAN 7 kitchen, bath 154, $150. 332-2486,351-3906. 2-5-31 MELLOW WOMAN needed for three person flat. Fall - spring. conditioned, dishwasher, all carpet. June - September, $54 / from Union. Own room. 332-1360. 5-5-31 house. One block 332-1263. 4-5-31 56 PEOPLE. 9 month lease, afficiency grad student for 731 Apartment 332-5316. 3-5-31 person. 351-9036, 8-5pm deposit, $300, furnished. 351-4294. 3-5-31 i. Please call 5-8pm location! summer / fall. Pool, air, carpeting, furnished. $75. Bike NEEDED, summer, ONE or Twyckingham two men, TWO BEDROOM o. efficiency weekdays. 2-5-31 THREE WOMEN needed large house. 326 to share M.A.C. Lansing, 5-5-31 east side. 351-5323. Apartments. $55/month. apartment. SUMMER ONE girl. 5 Or 10 to campus. Dave, 6-9 pm. Completely - 351-6256. 4-5-31 River's and Water'sEdge Aprtments 353-9426. 3-5-31 337-7766. 2-5-31 furnished, clean, very close. weeks, $58. Close. 355-9210 or MID JUNE to mid September will (next to Cedar Village) Utilities, parking. 484-9774 351-3995. 2-5-31 3 BEDROOM HOME for rent our attractive 2 bedroom summer, $140.332-8300. 3-6-31 Now leasing for EAST SIDE, 1-2 bedroom, partially •CASA DEL SOL: Unfurnished^ C-5-31 for four. $65 each. home to married couple. $160 Summer one 3 OR 4 WOMEN for summer, Furnished, furnished, utiliites paid except bedroqm, luxury parking, utilities paid, two plus small responsibility. LANSING WOMAN to share Summer rent from $50 electricity. $150 - $175. apartments. Summer rates, furnished house. Call 332-8412. blocks from campus. Call Mark References. 332-1746. 4-5-31 large apartment, own room. Call Students welcome. 351-8150. 351-8681 after 3pm. 2-5-31 2-5-31 351-7236, or Grady 355-5270 or 482-3918. 3-5-31 SUMMER SUBLET. Huge, 3-5-31 349-9662. 7-5-31 ON NEED ONE SUNNY, CARPETED room. Fully furnished, 2-person, air, close CAMPUS. 227 Bogue. Small 551 ALBERT Street. One block person to share . 131— furnished house. Summer $149. 332-5829. 3-5-31 SUMMER SUBLEASE: 1 female one bedroom, furnished. $135. from campus, large 2 bedroom. beautifully furnished house. 3 LARGE Own Close. Please call bedroom, furnished. eastside Lansing. Rent for 4-female, Twyckingham. Call Available August 1st. Single girl Furnished, for fall and summer. room. Near MSU. June 15. 337-1846. 355-1471, after 9 1-5-30 negotiable. 371-1678.3-5-30 APARTMENTS WOMAN TO share apartment with married pm. or Resident Manager Apartment 332-5213. 3-5-30 couple only. 6-5-31 same, June - September. Own 489-5922, 2-5-31 No. 3. 332-2404 / 351-6676. SUMMER •Close to Campus SUMMER FURNISHED five room, air conditioning, pool IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. 3-5-31 SUBLEASE, new, NEW DUPLEX, close, own room, • Air conditioned bedroom duplex. Private $65. 351-0878. 2-5-30 Woman needed, NEED GIRL for 4 man, summer. spacious, furnished duplex 5 •All Appliances furnished, air, dishwasher. $55. 332-3746 after parking, close. $75. 332-8765. including dishwasher convenient, $65/month. River's Edge, $55. 351-0806. bedrooms, 2 baths 1 block from NEED FEMALE for 3 person 6pm. 6-5-31 4-5-31 •Luxurious Furnishings IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 351-6879.3-5-31 2-6-31 campus. Parking 351-3784. •Slug Carpeting apartment, non - smoker. Call 2-5-31 Colonial Townhouses Co-op, 2 ~ LARGE •On-Slte Management .3-6-31 HOUSE, furnished. Very OWN ROOM, $55 - $60 monthly, •Private Balconies bedroom townhouses. All utilities TWO GIRLS for 4 peron Cedar OKEMOS, ONE bedroom, close. EAST LANSING. Greatly reduced Cample parking. Low close, appliances, parking. •SWIMMING POOL included except electricity. $130 Village. Fall spring. 353-3303. furnished, all utilities included. SUBLEASE 484-9774. 0-5-31 - APARTMENT, close, summer rates, 3 and 4 bedroom summer rent. 355-7001, 355-7018. 3-5-30 $133/month. Phone 3-5-30 $130/month. Call 349-3811 /Vow Leasing 882-4176. after 5pm. 1-5-30 pook, air, discount on rent! duplexes, appliances, near bus. Monday • Friday, 8:30-5:30. 8-5-31 332-6221. 3-5-31 SUMMER, 4 bedroom, $65 / man, 2' BEDROOMS with fireplace, SUMMER PRICES SLASHED 351-8920. 2-5-31 Summer and Fall furnished one block, Gunson. partly furnished on Lake ACROSS FROM Campus: 124 Large 2 Bedroom LARGE TWO party, furnished, FEMALE NEEDED for great 337-9206. 5-5-31 Lansing. $200 / month. Phorie Summer- $150 1 3 persons Cedar Street, 135 Kedzie Drive, Apartment in Seven Unit efficiencies. Air conditioned. NEED TWO men for house near Okemos apartment. Inquire 339-8720. 3-5-31 Fill $73 roccupa0nt. 2-man, one bedroom furnished Building. One block from Close to campus. Summer, $128. evenings at 2178 Hamilton campus includes starting utilities. summer. 351-6496. $70 ROOM in COED house for summer. apartments, $170 and up. Fall $165. 484-0585. 8-5-31 $40/month Discount for 12 mo. Lease Campus, Shopping. New Road. 2-5-30 2-5-31 plus utilities. Call SUMMER, WOMEN needed for big, Available June and September. Carpet, Furnished, Air 332-4292. 3-5-31 close, air conditioned, house. 351 7212 129 Burcham, Summer leases. Call 487-3216. Evenings 5-1 Opm Conditioned, Vh baths. OWN BEDROOM in two bedroom furnished 1 FEMALE needed for four man COZY FURNISHED 2 bedroom TWO PEOPLE for three bedroom 351-3045. 3-5-31 apartment for fall 731 Burcham Drive 882-2316 Heat, Water PAID. summer. Air block from campus. apartment - spring Cedar house in country, 8 minutes house Street or 8-3pm, 351-2402. Village. Air near Lawrence 4 ROOMS available. Women. Models open 1-6, Mon. ■ Sat. 0-6-31 $160/mo. for two, 332;5534. 2-5-31 conditioner, from campus $169 / 12 month $75/month. Ray 484-6117. dishwasher, on Bogue Street. Summer sublet. Close. Utilities Other times by appointment $200/mo. for four. lease. 355-7819.2-5-31 After 7,484-1341.3-5-31 Janis 355-7188. 3-5-31 included, ample parking. Rent WALK TO campus. Beautiful 1 SUMMER SUBLEASE one girl FURNISHED - 2 rooms and bath ALSO AVAILABLE: 3 AND 5 negotiable. 351-4605,332-8867. bedroom, carpeted, air - heat - needed. Meadow Brook Trace bedroom houses in 4 BEDROOM house, Kalamazoo 3-5-30 . simmer or fall. Also 4 rooms Private Rooms FURNISHED EFFICIENCY, close dishwasher. Quiet surroudings, $S9-$69 country, 8 minutes from and shower, fall lease. 1 2 Efficiency Apartment Apartments, furnished, own to campus, 3 or 12 month lease. Street, $62.50 / month each. or (120 campus. Panelled, wall to wall each. 1214 large lawn. Convenient to all One Bedroom Apartment $140 room. 393-8307. 2-5-31 332-0650 after 5:30.3-5-31 Summer, option fall. 484-2345. BE UTIFULLY FURNISHED man East 3 Bedroom Duplex carpeting throughout, $229 and facilities. No pets. 125 North $240 3-5-31 4-person. Kalamazoo. 5-5-31 Inexpensive, close, Hagadorn. Phone 351-6339, Large House $390 OWN ROOM $85/month for $369. Available 15 September. - 3 BEDROOM apartment - utilities included. Summer manager, after 5:30 p.m. 6-5-31 ACE MANAGEMENT summer. Please call 353-4797. 365-7819. 2-6-31 MALE STUDENT wanted for EAST IANSNG, one bedroom, $300/month. 660 Virginia sublease. 355-2048, 355-1567. 2-5-31 house - own room, on east side. furnished, air, close - in for 2-3 332-1946 Avenue. Fall rental. Call 3-5-30 TWO MAN LARGE MODERN furnished 3 675-5279. 3-5-31 Furnished, air one 332-8338. 3-5-31 persons. No pets. 332-8760. block to 1 GIRL fall bedroom duplex on Abbott. campus. 337-1846. 548 EAST Mount Hope: 3 through spring, shar^ 1 SUMMER, 3-5 vacancies for Ml $310 / 12 month lease; 139 SOUTH MAGNOLIA Street. 6-6-31 bedroom furnished % block or ? for bedrooms, large dining, living. COUPLE - 1 bedroom, furnished, apartment / house combined. $180/month plus utilities, from campus. 332-6849. 2-5-31 Large 3 bedrooms, plenty of Furnished. 351-5529. 4-5-31 NE OR two apartments available utilities included. $140/$150. SUBLEASE 2 bedroom security and lease. 694-8236. Call 349-4071, 349-3084. 3-5-31 parking. 3-6 or 12 month lease » house. $125 each or University Village $250 / 3-5-31 HAGADORN ROAD one person available. $225, plus utilities ROOMS FOR rent - 523 Grove $210 both 3 month lease, and deposit. 484-8131. 3-5-31 summer. 355-6181. (weekdays). own room in seven bedroom two WANTED: Street for summer and / or fall. ished, deposit. Lansing, east FOURTH man for level MODERN FURNISHED duplex 7 351-5323. 5-6-31 _ I'HL FEMALE WANTED: share apartment. Now through summer. $45 per month. Delta rooms plus 2 baths, wall to wall FURNISHED LICENSED houses. Call 482-5147, after 5 pm, apartment with another woman. September 15. $65/month. Arms. Call 355-6796 or 337-1196.4-5-31 ONE BEDROOM apartment in old shag carpeting, fire place. 4 2-4 bedrooms. Walking distance. GIRL NEEDED to sublet for Plus couple for first half - term. 337-161,2. 2-5-31 355-3320 afternoons. 3-5-31 house for summer, right across blocks from campus, available Available September. 337-9412. Close, rent negotiable. 2 WOMEN. Furnished house: East lummer. $65/month. Call from Mason - Abbott on Bogue June 15. $400 / 12 month lease 3-5-31 337-1864, Dennis. 3-5-31 DESPERATELY NEED male for SISTER NEEDS side or Lansing. $50 / month. 351-0136. 5-5-31 Street. 351-4280.2-5-31 to share summer, or ? for summer. 355-7819. two - man summer. Furnished, own room. After 9, 351-0494. Call Sally. 489-2741. Tuesday 2-5-31 COUPLE TO share house in ONE pool, air. $65. Lon 337-0823 and Thursdays. 6-5-31 SUMMER SUBLEASE, one G^RL needed for 4 person pets ok. 2-5-31 3-5-31 country. 677-2971. Call after HASSLED BY bedroom apartment. Furnished, apartment. Americana, summer QUAKER WANTED to share 4pm. 5-5-30 only. 351-8629, or 371-1906. SUBLET SUMMER. One bedroom 4 OR 5 people - 1 block to campus. air, close to campus, reduced house with other Quakers 5-5-31 MARIGOLD APARTMENTS apartment. Air, close, parking. Summer, option fall. 332-8300. UTILITY BILLS? rate. 351-1036. 1-5-30 $150 furnished. 351-5156. summer and / or fall. Call WANTED: 1 girl, close to campus, 3-5-31 'JUST A FEW LEFT' Margaret 371-4572. 2-5-31 own room. Call 351-1704. NEED ONE girl for 4-girl Cedar TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS 3-5-30 SUMMER RATE $140 3-5-31 fifty the good life in the - 2 needed, $66.25 I month. 12 FQUR ROOMS in house f month lease or just summer or MSU NEAR, . Ideal for "mmer sublease. 1-bedroom, faciliites made. Excellent block from campus. parking. 489-7226. 3-5-31 LCC students. environment. Inexpensive! A close, air 2 full baths. 337-2019. Twyckingham $75. 351-9579 $195/month. furnished, air, pool,' close, call 2-5-31 $120/month. Summer only. NEED 2 females for 4 female great deal. 351-3212. 3-5-31 Kathie or Claire. 3*5-30 ^37-1813.3-6-31 361-6437. 3-5-30 house. Near MSU. Ample WANTED GIRL, own room. 3, 9, — or 12 month lease. $68/ TWO FEMALE students, own parking. $75. 694-1514. 6-5-31 summer,- $80/fal I, utilities rooms, $62.50 plus utilities, I MME included. Close. 332-6620. deposit, close, summer. pi ATE OCCUPANCY! Room 3-5-31 351-5293. 5-5-30 (Lansing East) for 2 SERVICE V? additional people in 3 bedroom home. Summer. Low rent. Call SUMMER, women furnished house, ATTRACTIVE, 2 bedroom, 2 blocks from campus. basement, garage. Nice 482-3464. 5-5-30 355-1994. 3-5-31 neighborhood. Near campus, schools. Married only. $195. NEED EXTRA person for 3 and 4 332-2673. 2-5-31 bedroom houses. 675-5279. THAT'S 5-5-31 NEED 2 for Own GOING, new summer. house. room $57/month. in 351-4177.2-5-31 GONE OF LOCAL INTEREST , LOVELY 4 bedroom house 1216 Avoid the last Allen, Lansing. $180 plus- RIGHT!! This is the utilities. Stove, refrigerator, minute crush carpet, panelling. Available now. during finals. 349-3604, 372-6852. 2-5-31 last day to place EAST SIDE Lansing. 3 and 5 For a choice your bedroom houses. Summer, $150. Live at CAMPUS HILL and leave location one block 676-4186. 2-531 from campus PEANUTS PERSONAL! the SUMMER, OWN driving to im... Two Bedroom hurry to house, room, beautiful close, fireplace Deadline is , $70/month. 351-2626. 2-5-31 Apartments available for 1 p.m. WATER'S & today to OWN ROOM in house. Only $56. 2 blocks from campus. Summer' Summer & FalL.Call 349-3530 • place your ad. RIVER'S EDGE only. Call 332-5880. 2-5-31 10 words $1.00 for information & roommate APARTMBIfS 10c each additional word SUMMER SUBLEASES, three Roommate service Summer rent from $50. Place in Person. MANAGEMENT BY: ALLSTATE MANAGEMENT CO., INC. 1050 Water's Edge Dr. 332-4432 Prepayment required. 347 Student Services. TWO MEN-to share large upstairs I bath, nice house, fell, closel $70, 337-1274 Diane, Barb. 2-5-31 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 30, i974| Houses b. NrSm Ftr Sale J® For Sale For Sale ** 5) I' Si v WOMEN OWN room in house, two PLAN NOW for next yew's GUNS, RIFLES, and handguns of DORM SIZE refrigerator, with DESK AND Chair, large wooden DESK, TWIN size bed, foot locker, - USED SONY TC440 Auto FREE QUALITY Jun« «. Chooseki„ens.Readvk I rooms $65, $80. Close. housing. Double rooms to rent all kinds. Buy. trade and sell. stand. Excellent condition, $50 reel tape desk with comfortable molded 351-5986. 1-5-30 in sorority house, close to BEST year 'round prices In Bill 337-1721. 3-5-30 reverse reel - to - deck. Sansui AU505 stereo amp. Naugahyde, cushioned swlveled, evenings. 2-5-31 chair, 351-9270 now I campus. Room and board $415 Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN wooden, desk chair, three 372-2533.4-6-31 ' Sony ST80F tuner. Kenwood FEMALE, SUMMER only, own per term. Call after 6pm SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. Call HERTERS 16' Quebec fiber- glass 2002 Stereo amp. Pioneer months old. $100 (new $210). SAVE ON Old Town Canoes end FREE 3/4 German room, furnished, close, 482-9511; 332-3551 daytime. 371-2244. OR-5-31 boat and trailer. 7V4 horsepower SX990 Stereo AM/FM receiver. 393-8654. 2-5-30 Kayaks, and guns and shooting Shepherd's $66/month. 332-0719. 2-5-31 8-5-31 McCulloch electirc start motor Rectilinear III speakers. Konica supplies by ordering early from ★ SPECIAL* $500. 393-0583. 4-6-31 autoreflex T 35mm. SLR RUMMAGE SALE: Furniture, catalog. LLOYD MATTSON, 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. refrigerator, washer, dryer, Stove, WOMAN, SUMMER - own room, close. House privileges. No lease. TECHNOS WATCHES GARRARD TURNTABLE, SL-75, t^amera. Kodak instamatic cameras. pocket MUCH clothes. June 1-2. 238 Oekhill. Cosmic! 2-5-31 801 East Grand River, Williamston, 655-2000. 0-1-5-30 P°NY„«RE a „„0 A„bu„ ,*1 I $180/month, vacant June 15. Garden, parking. $70/month. Shure M91E. Good condition MORE. WILCOX bred for April 1975 t *P 301 South Hosmer at Prospect. 485-1023. 3-5-30 The ideal Call 1-616-962-9069 or see graduation gift - TECHNOS quality Swiss Call 355-5981,- after 7 pm. 3-5-30 SECONDHAND STORE, AIR used CONDITIONER, 6700 BTU, 2 months, SUPER SALE NOW at THE DAY 489-3085.2-5-31 ' T 485-4391. C-5-31 $30, 8' pool BEFORE FOREVERI New tenants. 2-5-31 SUMMER ROOMS at Elsworth watches - automatics, sports table, new felt cover, $130. paperbacks Vi off, used albums 1 Co-operatirve. A double only and dress watches NOW at 20% DAVENPORT, ARM chair, kitchen 332-8716: 2-6-31 Mother Golden LOVELY 2 bedroom house. 550 $10 a week utilities included. OFF through June 1 st at table and chairs. Excellent MQVING SALE: Homemade bookshelf, bike, rugs, counter dollar, posters fifty cents, all items on tale including antiques Labrador Retnev,, Retrlever 5 II Stoddard. Available beginning Call 332-3574. 4-5-31 June 15. Summer rate $185 plus THOMPSONS' FRANDOR condition. 332-6344. 3-5-31 355-3335 or top dishwasher, Panasonic 9" TV, humidifier, fan, lamp, SPALDING GOLF clubs, 2 through wedge. 1, 3, and 4 woods, $80. and leather goods. See our new shop today I 254 West Grand delight! 6 weeks good home. 351-4732. old $10 I utilities. 349-3604, 372-6852. ROOM FOR male student, across Stereo cassette tape player, $6Q. 2-6-31 ■ JEWELERS curtains. Call 355-3065, River next to Arby's 3-5-31 0-2-5-31 from Union. 21154 Grand River, KENWOOD 6004 stereo amplifier afternoons. X-4-5-31 Deerslayer barrel for Remington PUPPIES. ST. Bernard ShaohM upstairs, $48 per month. 4-5-31 3220 Mall Court, Frandor 40 watts/channel. Costs -$300 870 Wingmaster. $50. 351-3097. FOUR MONTH Sheepdog mix. 7 weeks old $10 PEOPLE NEEDED Open Monday - Friday, 9:30 til 9 old Garrard for house, new, asking $200. 351-4463. NEED SOME SUMMER CASH? 1-6-30 turntable. $85 new, will sell $45. Phone 339-2369, after SUMMER ONE / $100. Two Saturday 9:30 til 6 6pffl summer only. $75. 332-5345. - men Phone 332 - 1385 3-5-31 Sort out all of your stuff before 2-5-31 Desperate. Linda 355-2463. singles / $50.117 Louis. Utilities Custom Work you leave and bring in what you LOFT, GREAT for 6th floor, PENTAX 135MM lens. New, never 2-5-11 SIX YEAR old paid, furnished, 351-2756. FALL, FOUR bedrooms, east side, 5-5-30 Nobody beats our prices touched, with warranty. $65. don't want to take with youl We South Complex room, $20. Will trained, Bay Gelding J on Quality jewelry buy everything from stereo trade for waterbed frame. 23" ZENITH reasonable. 3 year console TV. Black $280 / month. 351-5891, after 355-3733. 3-5-31 Bay mare, reasonable. Will old| 5:30 pm. 2-5-31 SUMMER, FALL, single in quiet FENDER SHOWMAN Amplifier.'2 equipment to baseball gloves. 353-2408. 2-5-31 and White $95. 355-5842. tr*. I Take home cash instead of trash. 2-5-31 485-2928,485-7922. 5.5 3, house, kitchen facilties, parking. 15" SRO's in cabinet, $300. STEREO COMPONENTS Sony DICKER & DEAL STEREO GE Trimline 500. Good WOMAN WANTED to share house 154 miles, near bus line. 332-5931.4-5-31 TC-255 reel deck $95. 2 16" SECONDHAND STORE, 1710 condition, $58.47. Call DON'T TAKE your bike home! Sell FREE KITTENsT Lively vhealthjl SL-&5, near Sparrow. Dog 484-6434 nights. 2-5-31 okay. 351-9043 after 6pm. 4-5-31 2' SINGLES. Females. Walk to LARGE SELECTION of frames. 3-way speakers, Garrard 485-3981. 3-5-31 South Cedar Lansing. 487-3886. Open 9-9 Monday, Wednesday, 332-5924. 2-5-31 it to me. I need one. Will consider any make, model. 332-0™ ^ ll"L" 332-0294 evenings. 3-5-30 ,ra"*l " Glass«s for everyone. OPTICAL Friday. 9-6 Tuesday, Thursday, STEREO: KENWOOD 4002 355-5842. 2-5-31 JUNE 15, 2 singles in large house. campus. 1020 Short Street. DISCOUNT, 2615 East NIKON PHOTOMiq FTN -F1.4 Saturday. C-4-5-31 amplifier, Garrard 65B Aztecs Mobile Homes w $45. Clifford Street. 487-3063. 489-1893. 6-5-31 Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. with case. Excellent condition. Speakers, $225. 3534005. VOX ORGAN, heathkit amp, 2-5-31 C-4-5-31 $350. 9-5pm, 353-3744. 3-5-31 JOHNSON FURNITURE 5-5-30 Leslie, all or part. 332-4310. SINGLES, MALE - walk to RICHARDSON, COMPANY, SPRING 2-5-31 197! HOUSE CLOSE 2 needed, own campus, cooking. 334 Evergreen. 1971 KENMORE UPRIGHT ATTENTION CAMPERS Attend a CLEARANCE ON floor samples, HOBIE 14 sailboat. Ready to sail! bedroom, 2 baths, skirting, she(1 ft room $80. 332-6448 after 6pm. 489-1893. 6-5-31 Shag adjustment. Lightweight Food Production sweeper. discontinued styles and fabrics. $1095, includes trailer. POCKET CALCULATOR - all Very reasonable! 372-7248 ■ 2-5-31 Deluxe model. $25. 393-1510. Workshop and learn to make Some items slightly damaged but 349-4174. X-5-5-31 solid state design, 8 digit display. MONTI E COOP has rooms for fall C-3-5-30 more than a dozen inexpensive 4 BEDROOM house (study could term. Room and board $225. trail foods. Food production, all are reduced in price for big Specielly priced at $28.99. be additional bedroom) Double Near campus. Call 332-8641. CANNON ZOOM lens. FD also air discussions, + films throughout savings. Furniture ideally suited WANTED OLD Steel or wooden ALTA SURGICAL SUPPLIES, MONARCH, 1970 - bedroom, washer / dryer, )'■ 12 *65', 31 for your cottage, rec • room, or guitar with metal resonator. Will 1717 East Michiga. 489-1404. garage, carpeting, full basement, 5-5-31. day, Saturday, June 1, 8-5. ample storage. Close to campus. conditioner and sideboard. Edgewood United Church, 469 rental property. Chairs, sofas pay good price. 484-9869 . 2-6-31 baths, best offer! 882-0557 1 351-6256. 4-5-31 and dinette chairs, odd dining C-6-5-31 6-5-31 " Near CEDAR NEAR Meijers, 1-96. North Hagadorn. Cost: $12, Bailey School and, - CUSTOM MADE drapes with rod. McDonald Middle School, High Nice 2-room efficiency, mmHEALTH (includes lunch). 3-5-31 tables and buffets, also some PA SYSTEM, Peavey. Complete ■ 6 AMERICAN EAGLE, 1971 School. Family preferred, $310 / furnished. References. No pets, h the bedding. 15 MONTHS WITH NO channels, 250 watt. 12-12" Tits most standard windows. Good condition. Must dorm 50', furnished, disposal. 1O'x10' - 12 „| $22/week. 663-8418. 9-5-31 largest selection REALISTIC INTEREST OR CARRYING month plus utilities. 626 Kedzie STEREO. Albums, Michigan. OHARGES. JOHNSON speakers, two horns. $750. sell because leeving. Reasonable utility shed, skirting. WindmillL Drive. 351-8630. 2-5-31 Brookfield Plan two comfortable chairs. Best 372-0026. 5-6-31 Park, $4,500. 694-2930. SUMMER ROOMS near campus, 1131 E. Grand River offer. Call 337-2036. 3-5-31 FURNITURE COMPANY, 1121 price. 355-4061.1-5-30 5-5-311 SUMMER cooking, parking. Phom Downtown South Washington Avenue, SUBLEASE - 16 ROYAL TYPEWRITER - MORE PRIVATE than the dt 332-5722 between 9:30-11am 223 S. Washington HUFFY 10 speed good condition. Lansing. 482-0771. 7-5-31 Standard, USA DIVERS, Aluminum scuba bedrooms, near campus. $50, like new. Phone 489-5140. 332-5345. 2-5-31 OR-5-31 GoodNutntw $54. Call after 6pm 353-3676. 5-5-31 tank with regulator. Brand new. cheaper than apartment1 8'x45'B SILVER COINS 882-9131.2-5-31 mobile home, furnished, ; 3-5-30 wanted, GIRL'S SCHWINN 10-speed, One bedrooms, air, close / Rooms WE RE LOOKING for Boarders year old. $80, 400 Gunson, No. collections bought Will pick-up. 8 TRACK MASTERWORK Stfreo. campus,M who Call 484-2407. 7-5-31 TEAC 350 stereo cassette deck, bus, shopping. Priced want an exciting life off KENWOOD KR100, 160 watt, Phono selector. Good rightM 19 anytime. 3-5-31 - campus next year. Join us in our receiver. KL660 speakers. Dual condition. Best offer. 353-6209 hardly used. $200. 351-0957 337-2388,332-0731.5-531 sorority house. Call 337-9743. 1219 anytime. 2-5-31 1956 GIBSON Les Paul. Excellent turntable. Excellent WANTED, 10-speed bike, butted before 11am after 3pm. 2-5-31 SUMMER. LARGE room, 5-5-30 original condition. Original case oorrftion, best offer. 351-8551 24 "25 V4" frame. Owen, RICHARDSON 12'x60' 2 large| completely furnished, kitchen SUNN AMPLIFIER with two Altec bedrooms, new stove, carpet ani and strap. $500. Would consider 4-5-31 351-4510. 2-5-31 WATERBED WITH heater $65. facilities, laundry, parking, close. SINGLE EFFICIENCY, fine Chairs $10. Dresser Lansing speakers; Must sell. shed. Near MSU. Excellent! C-5 31 $15. condition on lot with yard. Phone 484-9774 or 332-5722 location! Parking, $18/week. . USED FURNITURE bought and Epiphone 12 string guitar $75. 365-6857. 2-6-31 Call! USED FURNITURE Cheap, 0-10-5-31 June 8, IV2-8304. 3-5-31 - 332-2960 after 5pm. 3-5-31 Williamstown Exchange told. TREASURE CHEST, 116 1968 VW. $50. Call 351-2118. Sale Friday - Sunday. Gene SCHWINN 3 speed. Faifisa organ, North Mjin, Perry. 625-3188. 1-5-30 393-975^2-5-31 NEW SUMMER AND Fall. 334 Michigan MALE STUDENTS. Summer term. Fine Re • Sal* Shop. Antiques, good condition, best offer. MOON, 1971 - 2 bedrooi 10-5-31 Frames, Old Things, Furniture In good condition. In Avenue, across from Williams Reasonable, quiet. Near campus. Repairing. Call about our REFRIGERATOR FREEZER. HEXAGON DINING room table, 355-9768. 2-5-31 WINDS0H| Dorm. Call after 6 pm. Parking. 332-3094. 3-5-31 - hand - made, Spanish oak. Was ESTATES. $6,200 consignment Plan. ANTIQUES & UNIQUES. Buy one Good condition, best offer. Call 332-5906. 4-5-31 11 • S Tues. thru Sat. $1600, will well for $800. Four SENIOR PICTURES that look like 489-2419, after 5pm 646 06 sell. 220 Albert Street, under 353-1529.1-5-30 MEN - ROOMS, board, fall term. fire alarms, new, $250.^ 3-6-31 109 E. Grand River, Wllliamston Lums. C-5-31 you do. Weddings and passports. FEMALE - LARGE room in Price comparable to dorms. 517 - 655 - 1534 694-2246 anytime. 2-5-3H LUKE PHOTOGRAPHY. GARAGE SALE: slide projector', centrally air conditioned home, Better food, quiet, friendly, LIBERTAS TEN 351-6690. C 2-5-31 BEHIND WARREN'S, 12*55'I GARRARD SLX-3 turntable, Shure speed household goods, a little bit of private bathroom, kitchen excellent location. Call MEN'S 3 SPEED Schwinn good condition, furnished, gowiT N75ED Cartridge, $50. Great Belgian racer. Almost new, everything. 1917 Roberts Lane. - privileges, parking, near bus. Farmhouse. 332-8635. 13-5-31 standard size, good condition, BEDROOM SET - bed, desk, chair, west, must sell $2000 or condition! 355-9400. 2-5-31 $145. Information 337-9387. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 351-6037.3-5-31 5-5-30 Saturday. 2-5-31 $45. Greg Sullivan, 332-8641 dresser. Best offer, must sell. offer. Call Kevin 355-465] SINGLE ROOMS for summer and 2-5-31 394-2525 evenings. 2-5-31 between 9-5pm. 3-5-31 fall. 12 STRING EPIPHONE guitar with OWN BEDROOM, cooking, Panelled, carpeted, Excellent condition, $115. furnished, parking, close, l/tiffti* included. $70M«Jnth. furnished, cooking and laundry facilities, parking. Two blocks case. 351-8076.2-5-31 »• Die State News Yellow Page Open now! 337-9519. 3-5-31 from campus. Call Mark 351-7236. 7-5-31 ANTIQUE TRUNKS, kitchen SUMMER, CLEAN, furnished, cupboard, iron bed, wardrobe, close! Kitchen, living room to share. One available May 19. 351-8154. 3-5-31 SINGLES SUMMER or Fall!. $55 - $80. Utilities included. Parking, kitchen facilities. 332-6990 after collectables. 655-1109. 2-5-31 NEED Sort SOME out SUMMER CASH? all of your stuff before BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY 4pm. 6-5-31 SUMMER OF humor? Own room, you leave and bring in what you don't want to take with you! We ★ SAVE TIME ★ SAVE MONEY close to Lizard's. $64 per buy everything from stereo ROOM month. Call 337-1289. 5-5-31 equipment to baseball gloves. Dependable firms and individuals ready and IN fraternity for summer $14/week, fall $390/term. Call 332-0834. 3-5-31 SUMMER. BEAUTIFUL rooms, Take home cash instead of trash. DICKER SECONDHAND SOTRE, 1710 & DEAL eager to serve p low prices, very near campus. South Cedar, Lansing. 487-3886. PENNSYLVANIA, SOUTH, near Phone 332-5722 or 484-9774. 0-10-5-31 Open 9-9 Monday, Wednesday, Arts I Ms Enjrwig (oil Optometrists Michigan Avenue. Quiet for student, near bus line. Friday. 9-6 Tuesday, Thursday, SILVER BARN $ 1 5/week, plus deposit. ROOMS FOR summer and fall. GULLIVER STALE DRUG CERAMICS ) TROPHIES FREE COUPONS!! 627-5454. 2-5-31 Cooking, parking, laundry, TV DR. D.M.DEAN SEWING MACHINE Clearance room. Very close to campus. Salel Brand new portables \Personal records Over 1,000 PLAQUES. BUTLER'S KIDDIELAND OPTOMETRIST $65/month, no lease or deposit. Phone 332-5722 Monday Pieces of Stop by 417 Charles Street. - $49.95. $5 per month Large for For all Occasions Friday, 9:30 -11 am. 0-5-31 selection of reconditioned used Greenware ' * Urge Selection 2-5-31 income tax & machines. Singers, Whites, •Reasonable Prices ROOMS FOR summer in old house Necchis, New Homes and "many medical management •Paiots y 1 Oay Service TERRACE GOLF VISION CARE GIRL NEEDED to share large across from Maosn Abbott others." $19.95 to $39.95 'Supplies CONTACT LENS ENCRAVMS - on apartment. Own Free parking, bus stop on 1 FREE game with t room, $80. Bogue Street. 3514280. 2-5-31 Terms. EDWARDS 8am 351-7168 after 6pm. 2-5-31 - 8pm (Mon. & Thurs.) Downtown SERVICES DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, corner and within walking 8am 4:30 pm Free Parking Group Rates MEN: ROOMS for summer term. 1115 North Washington. distance of campus. (Tues., Wed., i Fri.) CLEAN „ , IV 4-2322 OPEN DAILY ROOM, Gunson Street, Close - in, cooking. Clean, quiet. 489-6448. 0-3-5-30 Closed On Saturdays Serving Over 60 Years 210 Abbott Rd. FRANDOR SHOPPINO kitchen privileges, parking. Now! 485-8836, after 5:30 pm. 2-5-31 1105 E. Grand River PARKER JEWELRY 600 East Clark Rd. CtNTER $65. 351-1356. 2-5-31 332 5171 332-6563 - 489 - 5666 111 South Washington 351-4054 or 351-0160 SUMMER FFMALF ' ■' KENWOOD 8004 stereo amplifier: Z — ROOM FOR rent. All bath and sr f N~' Arts & Crafts fir Sate Service kitchen facilities. First and last months deposit. 484-0629. rent, no $75. 349-2120 or Ask lease, no for Chris -~~J. £rw=£3 351-4463. 3-5-31 ALL TYPES OF BUD'S Cawood. 2-5-31 ECONOMY DOUBLES for YARN summer. Furnished, kitchen, TV CANON CAMERA FTB with FD AUTO PARTS, PRIVATE Kitchen ROOM, privileges, summer. unlimited lounge, 484-9774 0-10-5-31 near or campus. Phone 332-57227 50mm f/1.4 lens with case. Slightly used. $275. Brand Panagor zoom lens with case: new Famous Name Brands * & SUPPLIES INC. Painting , parking. Close I campus. $140. 85-205 mm, f/3.8 mount for *Cigars * 332-5035. 2-5-31 Domestic - Imported Private'Commercial AVAILABLE JUNE Canon. $115. Call 355-3885. 20. 1222 Rug Making • Hooking 'Weaving LATE MODEL 1Cigarettes ROOMS Oakridge, private parking, 3-5-31 *Tobaccos WITH refrigeration and MOTORS AND * Interior'Exterior hot plates. Close to Union. No entrance and bath. Minimum BAUTEL'S Block One M.A.C. cooking, grad preferred. FULL SET Ben Hogan golf clubs, Florence S. Bautel PARTS A SPECIALITY 332 * cars/pets. 663-8418.2-5-31 $75/month. 332-1790 (5:30 - 694-2154 - 4269 Super Graphics good condition. Bob, 353-3327. LV5 • 9212 7:30 pm). 3-5-31 3-5-31 Halfway between Holt & 351-5196 JUNE 15 - September 15. Sleeping unit, private entrance, bath, 2916 Turner Mason on N. Cedar sho|> mgr Phone TWO SINGLE rooms, mal» HIDE-a-BED. Cabinet, radio, dog furnished, utilities. $100 / month. 882-4280. 2-5-31 students, linen furnished, near house. Car carriers. Crib, books. LANSM6 KNIT SHOP Counseling HORSTMYER'S WASHDAY BOARD EXAM campus. 331-1682. 3-5-31 351-2384. 3-5-31 Domestic end Imported Yarns TUTORING Clip V Save- SUGAR HOUSE SAVINGS H.KAPLAN | * TWO SINGLE rooms. Summer, Bemat Yams STANLEY ONE BLOCK from campus. ACCESS CENTER 25' Per Load $75. One block from campus, grocery, bars. 337-2061. 2-5-31 Private, furnished per rooms, week. Evenings, 372-7456. $15 SPECIAL Ring Salt 'Free Knitting 'ABORTION Bee Supplies Raw Honey Tutoring Courses now being formed fo YOUNG CHRISTIAN couple 3-5-31 Thompsons' Frandor •CONTRACEPTION Maple dyrup WENOROW'S *LSAT •MCAT •COUNSELING •DAT Jewelers desires roomer for quiet home 211 Cowley. 377-7526. 2-5-31 WOMAN, SPACE, 15. own room, $40 plus utilities. June are liquidating the entire stock of original rings 'Crewel r. campus, kitchen privileges. Christmas Plates NEED TO TALK? PAGE Richard Hearn, Optometrist WE SERVICE:' - $80/month. 351-3340. 2-5-31 HOUSEKEEPER: Room and board * Royal Copenhagen • EYES EXAMINED Maranti, Crown. KLH, "j Christmas Plates BSR, Scott, Altac, T * ROOM provided. Call 351-2006, THOMPSONS' FRANDOR *Bing and Orondahl RUNS ON e GLASSES Sarsul. Harmon/Kardon D| IN liberal house near anytime. 2-5-31 Mother's Oay Plates CATHOLIC Phillips. Sherwood, Rectilinear, Frther, T»ndB| so| JEWELERS Frandor, $55. 2-5-31 Call 351-7898. SINGLE, QUIET, $bO/month, 3220 Mall Court, Frandor 10743 Petrlevllla Highway taton .Rapids SOCIAL SERVICES NINE 21st •CONTACT LENS Sanyo, D-Wrl close, no cooking. Call Bill, Open Monday • Friday, 9:30 til 9 11 a.rh. > • i>0 P.m. (Mon. - Sat.) —1. Kenwood, Mlracord, Garrard, K«™00d; Utah, Carwln vj 1 ] Saturday 9:30 til 6 CAN HELP 1331 E. Grand River SUMMER SUBLEASE. Furnished 332-8498. 2-5-31 Phone 332 - 13S5 for Nlkko, Pioneer, Standard, "1 rooms available. Brookfield Plaza and TEAC. Close, parking, Custom Work 372-4020 3*1- 3330. rent negotiable. 351-0225. Nobody beats our prices on Quality jewelry CUP SAVE Mulligan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 30, 1974 17 Mobile Homes j>m Pram ](/] lit's what's happeningi ,uun5-31 (offers Abortion -Contraception services) Black students of Case Hall: Hall is having a splash party from 6 Case "Security Deposits: How to Get Yours Back" jt a booklet that can save you money. It's available at :ASTLE 1968 - 12'x52\ Close to 1 1226 Kast Michigan I Lansing 485 - 3271 to 8 p.m. Sunday in the Men's Intramural Bldg. We are having a the Paper Eatej, Paramount News, free dance and show from Off-Campus Housing Office and the 'campus, excellent condition. COUPLE WITH exceHent to 1 p.m. Friday in South Case Hall 10 a.m. ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. A service 351 3389, after 5pm. 4-5-31 references wish to adopt cafeteria; The black students of of the Tenants Resource Center. baby. Case Hall invite you to their Write Box No. A-1 MSU State soul AMERICAN 1973. Completely News. 4-5-31 dinner and fashion show from 4:30 furnished, excellent condition, to 6:IS p.m. in Case Hall cafeteria. Hillel: Solidarity rally for Soviet includes steps, skirting, shed, WANTED Get a meal transfer. Jewry: Statewide rally will be held at 3:30 p.m. Sunday at the and garbage disposal. $4600. capitol. for Rides leave from Hillel at 2:30 p.m. 6634135 or 694-3797. 4-5-31 PSYCHOLOGY STUDY Important speakers, part of Secretary of State Henry nationwide observance. Hillel this J^2 12'x60' Homette mobile Male students from fatherless, weekend: Last Shabbas begins at Kissinger roars with laughter home Skirting, on Fowlerville broken, or divorced homes at COMPLETE 6:30 p.m. and continues with after Premier Golda Meir LAWN care and least two before age lot. 339-8777. 3-5-31 years landscaping services. All morning minyan at 10 a.m. Sunday told him, "I never thought 12.Please call Hugh Jones work deli will be informal'at 6 p.m. as 882-5806 to arrange for TV4 guaranteed. Free estimates, usual. Shabbas morning minyan will I'd see you kissing a RITZCRAFT, • 1969. 12'*50'. hour special 114' blue spruce planted, continue all summer. woman," a few seconds after Excellent condition. Make us an testing sessions. $6 complete. Call 482-7247. offer! 372-4425. 3-5-31 Participants will be paid $3 2-5-31 Kissinger gave her a big kiss during a farewell party Free u: Edible Wild Plants, Free DETROITER 12x56. ,967 skirting. Must be moved from - Unfurnished, stove, refrigerator, WHOLE EARTH CATALOGERS! have information on Brand's new projects. If Stewart . Instructions ]Q U's most popular class this term, continues to flower and is open to new folks. Prepare yourself for a Wednesday in Jerusalem. AP wirephoto lot, $2700. Phone 646-6543 interested or have prior PRIVATE GUITAR treat at 6:30 tonight in 201 Bessey after 6pm. 3-5-31 knowledge, call Folk, rock, classical, all styles. Hall. Sensitivity through massage mornings 489-0607 or write $3 per lesson. Inquire at awarenass, a spiritual message, only Bruce AMHERST, 1969. Excellent Umbarger, 318% East Michigan, MARSHALL MUSIC, 351-7830 two more classes at 8:30 tonight in condition, $2700 or best offer. ,301 Agriculture Hall. New folk number 2, Lansing. 2-5-31 C-1-5-30 485-2482. welcome, especially those Call 3-5-31^ interested in consciousness raising: TRIALERS FOR sale or rent, close Peanuts Personal, Jg Hryping Service free yourself - get in touch With yourself. to campus,• various sizes and years for summer or fall. Call Gay Liberation: Gay Liberation 3510435. 2-5-31 ANNE, LAST game missed period - IRENE ORR and the Lansing Area Lesbian sidelined for eight months - - THESES, term Feminists will have a picnic from 2 Jerker. 1-5-30 papers, general typing. Formerly titan 12'X60'. furnished. 10X20 with Ann Brown. Call 482-7487 to 8 p.m. Saturday in section A of awning. Must be moved. Alton Park. Come out! Have fun GREETINGS GOBBLER C-5-31 and food 669 3729 after 6 p.m. 5-5-30' - Navel with friends: Gay for sale! Nose Needed Call liberation urges all people who are ... TYPING TERM papers, MUST SELL, Rembrandt 12'x50*. Nibbler today 11 1-5-30 gay and proud to wear blue jeans dissertations. Experienced, today and Friday to celebrate gay Two bedrooms, on lot, good 50