Volume 67 Number 169 Friday, May 31,1974 t Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 jdiciary Judiciary panel subpenas WASHINGTON (AP) Committee voted 37 -1 - The House turn over material is evidence an indication that the 1973. In a surprise 45 more tapes damaging. It demanded all move, the committee vaults and turned over to Haldeman, who chief counsel for the impeachment (Thursday to subpena tapes of 45 "dictabelts, other tabled by a vote of 23 • 15 a Lertate conversations from President L. ''test committee subpena ordered electronic and mechanical motion to listened to them at the President's request. inquiry, said, "The legal effect of this letter recordings, ton and warned the President that it i June ^5sident 10, the t0 dellver by 10 a.m. on transcripts, memoranda, notes and open some of the impeachment the future. hearings in According to Secret Service logs the will be to put the President of the United tapes of various conversations writings and tapes were returned on May 3. States notice that the committee has ild consider his continued refusal to held between Nov. things" related to the Rodino had said open on 15,1972, and June 4, conversations. It also sought material from hearings might be The committee's letter to Nixon called concluded that he has disobeyed its the files of former white House possible next week, but strong objections the President's refusal to turn over further aides H. R. were raised subpena." on the grounds that open documents "a grave matter" and said: Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman, Charles presentation The new letter from the Judiciary W. Colson, John W. Dean III and of the evidence "In Gordon might meeting their constitutional Committee was stronger than one sent last Strachan. prejudice pending trials. responsibility, committee members will be month when Nixon released edited It was the third subpena the committee Majority counsel John Doar said he free to consider whether your refusals transcripts of Watergate conversations has issued thought the presentation of evidence warrant the drawing of adverse influences rather demanding tapes of Watergate relating to pending trials of than the subpenaed tapes conversations. would take concerning the substance of the materials, themselves. The only vote about two more weeks after which the against the subpena was and whether your refusals in and of subject of Voting against sending the new letter cast by proxy in behalf of Rep. Edward open hearings is expected to be themselves might constitute a ground for Thursday were one Democrat, Rep. John raised again. Hutchingson of Michigan, the ranking impeachment." Conyers of Michigan, who urged stronger Republican on the committee. Among the conversations subpenaed After the vote, White House Press were two on action, and nine Republicans. Hutchinson, who is ill, has voted against April 26, lasting a total of Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said the more than 6V4 hours, between the Conyers proposed that the committee each subpena on the committee's contention "is not valid immediately send to the House floor grounds that the President and Haldeman. a an committee is powerless to enforce inference." impeachment article citing the President its It was on that date that a number demand. of Asked what the "with contempt for and obstruction of the practical effect of tapes were removed from Secret Service sending the letter would be, John Doar, constitutional process" for his refusal to obey the subpenas.His motion was tabled- Nixon insists on right to keep notes, cautions high court WASHINGTON (AP) — President Nixon documents should be produced," St. Clair reasserted his right Thursday to decide wrote. Ellsberg. Their trial, along with three processes would delay the Watergate whether papers subpenaed for the criminal others similarly charged, is scheduled to He added that "members of the coverup trial from September until next trial of former aides should special begin June 17. be prosecutor's office wilMbe provided access spring. surrendered even if failure to do so means Gesell had threatened to dismiss the' The tapes sought to all of such materials made by Jaworski cover available to case if the defendants are not "that these cases must-" ultimately be the defendants and their counsel." given the presidential conversations in a year's dismissed." It left unclear whether this meant the "discovery" of material in the hands of period from June 20, 1972, to June 4, the government that And he cautioned the Supreme Court prosecutors will be allowed to see they can use for their 1973. He said they are needed as evidence defense. against a "rush to judgment" in hearing its for the coverup trial everything requested or just jhose items Meanwhile, U.S. District Judge John J. involving former first Watergate tapes case, that Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell, Nixon aides asking the court Nixon grants to Colson and Sirica refused the House instead to wait for a ruling by the U.S. Ehrlichman for use in court. Judiciary H. R. Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman Court of Appeals. Committee's request that it be given Charles Colson and three others. Last Friday. Gesell demanded a letter portions of four tape recordings on which In another development. Jaworski said Graig Fouler, 17, is In a letter to U.S. District that Nixon understands his refusal taken to jail Thursday Judge to Sirica upheld the President's claim of an 80 ■ minute following Gerhard A. Gesell, James D. St. Clair, supply the subpenaed material might lead Thursday his office has failed to tum up gun battle in East Cleveland, privilege. Ohio, Nixon's lawyer, said the President will to dismissal of the Gesell said that any criminal conduct by ITT executives in that left five policemen and two case. St. Clair's brief to the Supreme Court hostages wounded. permit conspiracy defendants John D. any arrangement which did not give equal addressed itself mainly to the dangers of their settlement of three federal antitrust Two others arrested after the Ehrlichman and Charles W. Colson and cases against the giant conglomerate. shootout, Larry access to the prosecutors would not be bypassing the appeals court in deciding their lawyers access to much of the Other J°hnson{ 24, and Charles Jordan, 22, identified acceptable whether special prosecutor Leon Jaworski areas of the ITT probe, including themselves with Fouler as members of material they have subpenaed for their Ehrlichman and Colson, both former possible perjury and allegations of the Sunni gets tapes of 64 conversations'as ordered using Muslim religious sect that furnished the trial. top Nixon aides, are charged with improper influence in proceedings of the pallbearers Release of any documents that by Sirica last week. Internal Revenue Service and Securities for the funeral of slain they conspiracy to violate the civil rights of Dr. When St. Clair appealed the Sirica Symbionese Liberation deem relevant to their defense will then be Lewis Fielding, the psychiatrist who had and Exchange Commission 'will be order, Jaworski went directly to the •Army member Donald DeFreeze. The three men, all weighed by Nixon "as to whether the treated Pentagon Papers vigorously pursued" by asst. special figure Daniel Supreme Court saying the normal appeals prosecutor Richard Davis, Jaworski said. Cleveland residents, were charged with kidnaping and felonious assault. Police arrested the three after ringing a suburban East Cleveland house with 100 HIGH RENT, POOR CONDITIONS RAMPANT men and firing bullets and tear gas into the Police said the gun battle broke out building. for intruders who broke into and during a search home. The robbers escaped, but them to a home several blocks were held captive and the looted a Cleveland police later traced away where hostages shootout occurred. Students burned by area housing J By MARY ANNE FLOOD dilapidated and deteriorating housing and units for students. State News Staff Writer in and now find the potential for more housing problems The character of the converted motorcycles parked on areas the lawn next door and rock music Finding place to live and paying for it than most neighborhoods in the blaring loom a greater changed drastically, and families either triples have become increasing student concerns in the from the house across the street where Lansing area. moved out or were forced out because of past few years. The State News examines the The neither the tenants nor the landlord East Lansing housing situation here and in a deteriorating and dilapidated the high prices students v ->uld bothers to mow the lawn. related article on page 7. One older woman was East Lansing student tenants are not recently forced nav out of her home when the East top '73 only being left in the dark, but they are being burnt at both ends. Student tenants, who would have to be master detectives to find out or "With the triples situation that developed this year, it is evident that the University doesn't care where how students live. At least students have a vote Housing Commission denied allow her to rent the basement. TTie rent was the difference between Lansing her request to competeing exactly the - in East and moving for her. profit their landlord makes from their Lansing. They have no power on campus." By PAT NARDI North said. Last fall about 200 students "The housing market will continue as State News Staff Writer did this. rents, are caught between University such as long as the students still have the " you In order to minimize overassignment in housing decisions on one hand, and low condition of the aging kind of money they've got," David thought last year's tripling vacancies and high rents off campus on the housing in East cumulatively pay. Because a higher price m in residence hall the fall, changes will be made in the Lansing (mostly built between 1890 and could be Feintuck, president of East Lansing rooms was bad, other. obtained, the values of the landlord group Coalition wait until fall. handling of further housing reservations. 1940) is most evident in those ghetto properties increased. for Better K everyone that Nearly 42,000 students attend MSU and houses which Housing, said. Effective today, housing were converted from single - Several older people have managed to signed up to return to (reservations every one of them needs some sort of iace halls comes back, there will be will no longer be accepted frbm students family structures to multiple dwelling hold on to the homes they lived their lives (continued protection from Michigan's fickle on page 21) " overassigned rooms, Gary North, eligible for off ■ campus housing. In elements. tor of residence halls, said. previous years, the deadline had been at In 1967 MSU stopped building •*' fall term there were 550 triples, the beginning of fall term. residence halls and has since required J happened because the University Rebate to overassigned students will be thousands of students to live on campus in °ut hundreds of single rooms, $50 pe< term, a 34 per cent increase over order to pay back the bonds that made P»ting dropping enrollment based on last year's rebate. MSU a haven for highrises. Approximately •1 trends. But MSU's enrollment 17,500 students live in MSU residence Md "We know the students are going to be stable, creating overcrowded halls. Hons in the residence halls, crowded and uncomfortable," North said, "MSU is of course, the single biggest wenty per cent of students presently "but we want to make this at least as influence on the housing market in East ln residence halls have signed up to financially attractive as possible." Lansing," Mark Charles, a coordinator of in the fall an increase of over To alleviate the expected overcrowding, Tenants Resource Center, said. "The kinds rom last year, North said. of dorms built, especially those some call Ile the North said, the 100 women who were number of freshmen and 'giant anthills,' may inspire students to already granted singles for fall will be J students expected to live in asked to voluntarily accept a roommate. move off campus." halls will remain constant at Last fall, though, MSU had serious ately 7,600, the number of If the overassignment problem in fall is overcrowding problems with many . returning to on - campus housing extremely serious, housing contracts may students tripling up in residence hall ®«eased from 9,630 in 1973 to a be waived so students would be allowed to «al high of rooms designed for two. MSU has 10,826 for fall. find places off campus. probably not seen the last of the tripling I*ck,'hatwe many people decided to "The Monday after fall registration we problem. have no idea. We're going But once off campus, the student is "find out will know for sure how many students are though," North said. faced with steadily creeping rents that in the coming back, and we will make the interview, he suggested the decision then about waiving the housing now average $80 a person when 10 years ■num rate "must reflect that people ago $45 or $50 was closer to the average. contracts," he said. pfy here." satisfied with the food and The student is also faced with a low North said the University would send vacancy rate, which basically means that bert Underwood, manager of letters before school starts to all those everything gets filled, and it is not the J*" halls, speculated that more who will be in a triple. tenants who pick and choose residences ®re Be living on campus where rent "We must be one of the few schools in but the landlords who pick and choose relatively stable compared to the country worried abbut having too residents. "sing off campus rents. He also - many students," he said. "Many schools Most students settle into the thousands w'de of apartment units built during the city's variety of Univendty housing have closed down some of their residence Hence the apartment boom between 1963 and 1970. high return rate. The halls." Another good chunk of the student ^ sakT'"8 h°U8ing code was 4,80 8 North said the single room option population crowds into the student ghetto emphasized that there will would probably be eliminated to make area of East Lansing (a term that puts a oe fewer than 900 triples room for more students, but it would be look of innocent surprise on the faces of h"®y students will cancel out regrettable because it is so popular. many area landlords). SN photo/Dale Atkin* !' 'hey have until Aug. 15 to get He doubted that the University would The student ghetto area, which is close This cluttered scene in the student ghetto is typical of the existing situation in the olfer. housing deposit back. consider building another residence hall at to campus ( a primary criteria for most in East Lansing. Student tenants, who deteriorating neighborhoods usually prefer to live near campus, have to choose between "dents also even forfeit their this time because of prohibitive students), has been found in studies to which has been overcrowded thi s past year and is Univorsity housing, wd not likely to be next year, and the ghetto and apartments of the show up in the fall, construction costs. have mora cockroaches and more housing scene in East Lansing. tight Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 3i On his new album, Rick Wakeman really gets down to it. i Disc Shop 323 E. GRAND RIVER E. L PH. 351-5380 n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 31, 1974 3 Student's vanishing still puzzle By JIM BUSH Baltimore, a junior honor student from Jackson, has still not been State News Staff Writer found and, if anything, the case has become even more Davis, who pleaded guilty to assault with intent to commit an armed robbery after Baltimore's preliminary exam testimony was One year ago paradoxical. today a worried, frightened Henry Baltimore, admitted as valid trial evidence, was sentenced to a then drum major of the MSU marching band, turned While police seemed inclined last June to since - believe that the just one week after up missing, completed six ■ month term in the Ingham County jail. testifying against the man accused or robbing popular, easygoing, then 21 - year • old Baltimore had vanished him at gun point three on his own — Kelly asserts that Davis had no reason to harm Baltimore, since months earlier. following a deal with his later convicted robber in - he knew well before he made the k member's father asks probe Now, after countless manhours of fruitless police investigation, which he would refuse to confusion. testify — they now admit to complete was not the complaintant in his case May 24 threat that Baltimore that, instead, it was the "You start going off county prosecutor. believing one theory and right away "Besides, Davis told me the robbery charge was not serious t father of one of six Symbionese Liberation there's a half - dozen factors that don't make sense," East Lansing enough to him to do something that would risk getting him in detective James Kelly, the officer in y members who died in a Lps Angeles shootout charge of the case, said. more trouble," Kelly «aid. Baltimore's father also said that Davis And now Baltimore's quiet, middle - 117, has requested a coroner's inquest to determine unwilling to believe that aged parents, perhaps told him he only meant to scare Henry with the threat, not harm Luse of his son's death. been killed, say his sudden their second eldest child might have disappearance from town, after two him. i l. S. Wolfe, father of William Wolfe, arrived in In addition, if something had still unidentified men knocked on his door one moming, happened to Baltimore, police might would normally have learned of it by now. Of the 10 ■Angeles Wednesday from his home in Emmaus, Pa., have been voluntary - even though they solidly discounted the residents reported missing in 1973, all East Lansing d county coroner Dr. Thomas Noguchi for the idea a year ago. except Henry have been located, including Diane Osinski, a former student who was found "Truthfully, I don't know if Henry's alive or dead," dead in May 1973, near Rose Lake. Her Baltimore's stout father said Thursday at the suspected murder has not family's aging but been solved. ji inquest is often the first step in determining wellmaintained Jackson home. "But you've got to hbve hope." East Lansing police, with the ther there was criminal liability in a death. It was on May 24 of last year that a nervous and reluctant help of the state police and the FBI, have investigated more than 20 tips, mostly in I0|fe said last week, after Noguchi had announced Baltimore, after failing to show up for an earlier court date, and Jackson but also in Lansing, Flint Ohio, Wisconsin and California. One of 1 his son died of burns and smoke inhalation in the testified that Roy Davis of Flint was one of two men who on them even came from a local March 3 gagged, beat, and tied him to his astrologist who said Henry was Jug hideout, that he was considering suing the FBI telephone cord, aimed a gun at his head and robbed him of bedsprings with somewhere north of Lansing and east of Grand "The thing that amazes me is that Rapids. ||00 million. $110 and several personal items. like this that has attracted a lot of normally in a strange case ^representative for Noguchi's office said no inquest After testifying at this preliminary examination for Davis, who publicicty and even a $1,000 reward, you usually get a flood of tips, perhaps 50 or 60, Kelly (being contemplated. Wolfe's request gained support was then charged with armed robbery and assault, Davis told Baltimore that Baltimore was messing with his life. "If said. (sday from the families of other SLA victims of the you testify Kelly now believes Baltimore's parents and friends when they again like you did today, I don't have anything to lose, so I can Itout. pull out all the stops," Davis was later confirmed to have said. tell him they have not heard from Baltimore, though, according |lano DeFreeze, brother of dead SLA leader Donald Baltimore's friends and relatives — citing the close to his father, relatives. Henry has always been dependent on his friends and reeze, expressed his support for an inquiry. Gary communication they had had with Henry — said he simply would "He's too likable a person," Henry Baltimore Sr. said as he Jood, estranged husband of victim Angela Atwood, not disappear in fear of Davis' threat without telling them. Thus, in an armchair next ot a tabletop portrait of his son. "He thought sat (indicated his support. they condude his sudden disappearance meant someone had done something to Henry. everybody was his friend, even though I told him several times: 'don't trust everybody.'" Police, however, were suspicious that Baltimore, who they knew was terrified of Davis and whose belongings had been Man buys presidential limousine' fourt to hear appeal on Calley returned by the thief, took the cue and abandoned his at 340 Oakhill Ave. on his own volition. apartment But Kelly, who has checked out every one of the Would you buy a used the car at the request of the I Justice Dept. appeal to have Lt. William Calley Jr. tips he has received, is having increasing difficulties with that unusually few from Spiro T. Agnew? car Marriott Corp., which leased it Doyle Tied to confinement will be heard in the 5th U.S. theory. Berry, a Berwick, La., for use at its New Orleans lit Court of Appeals in New Orleans beginning June "We've got a hold on his driver record, a hold on his MSU businessman, would - anc' Hotel. transcripts and a pick - up note attached to his fingerprints," thought he had. He recently By the beginning of 1974, the convicted murderer of 22 Vietnamese Kelly explained. paid close to $10,000 for what Marriott had no further use for With these precautions, Kelly added, Baltimore would be he thought was a limousine the vehicle and returned it to is at My Lai in 1968, has been free on bail since found if he were stopped for a traffic violation, if he used by the former vice Hertz. Hertz put an ad in a applied for a iry. new driver's license — even outside of Michigan or if he president. New Orleans newspaper Ie was originally sentenced to life imprisonment, but attempted to enroll at another college. What really happened: A offering a "presidential Kelly also noted that Baltimore only had a limited amount of 1971 Lincoln Continental used limousine" for sale at its local i was reduced to 20 years. Army Secretary cash with him when he disappeared, he took no clothes, by the Ford Motor Co.'s New used car lot. Berry came by, id H. Callaway has since reduced it to 10 years, York office for abandoned his 1968 Buick and left his textbooks strewn about chauffering was told that the Continental ie Justice Dept. says Calley's release has had a his bedroom floor. executives and celebrities was had been used by Agnew and Lptive effect on the armed services. But it is hard for police to believe that Baltimore was kidnaped sold in mid ■ 1973 to the Hertz quickly concluded a cash and murdered. Corp. Hertz said that it bought transaction. MISSING: HENRY BALTIMORE IS. launches education satellite | $180 million satellite, which will si educational programs to p!i§from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, eventually beam India, was he satellite will orbit for one year over the eastern launched Apathy By MIKE GALATOLA may Oaly pmf out of eight departments contacted ift an informal hurt described student participation in the departments as ac "come and survey said the students serving on their advisory Committees or go." ic Ocean, beaming health and training films to State News Staff Writer equivalent bodies had taken an active interest in department "On matters of student interest Jachia. the Rocky Mountain states and Alaska, Student representatives may haw won a hard - earned victory affairs. One department chairman said student activity was they usually show up and play in persuading the Academic Council to approve conditional an active role in presenting a student perspective, while on [lit satellite will then be maneuvered inio a position student access to faculty evaluations Tuesday, but the fruit their haphazard, and the remaining five said the student representatives matters of primarily faculty concern, they're usually absent." it it will hopefully help teach the 70 per cent labors may yet sour. were apathetic. Wakeley said. Harold M. Riley, chairman of the Dept. of Agricultural bite population of India to read. In approving a two • level system of faculty evaluations to "I expect on this issue to see a lot of student activity," he said. Economics, said Thursday that he had not seen the members of Mian officials plan to put television sets in replace the current Student Instructional Rating System (SIRS), the Student Affairs Committee in his department since fall term. lolhouses and town halls in 5,000 communities to the council said the individual departments would make the final "We told them we were willing to help them where we could, decision on what parts of the second - level form would be lithe instruction. but that it was up to them to bring issues to our attention," Riley available to students and which would not. said. "Since then, there's been no real contact." The second - level form?would be designed by the departments with input from students, for purposes of course and instructor evaluation. Level 1 forms would be used on a University - wide the Joseph E. Adney, chairman of the Dept. of Mathematics, said once active student committee had disappeared. Adney said House approves iper reports Nixon tax penalty basis to see if the instructor had met his basic obligations. that no students had offered this year to serve on the which at one time had distributed its own faculty evaluations for committee, generic drug bill Students will not have access to information on Level 1 forms. students to examine. But how much access students do get to information on Level .csident Nixon was quietly assessed a 5 per cent However, the chairmen of the departments of History and of II forms from the departments could depend on how much they Communication both reported that their student representatives fence penalty last April when the Internal Revenue participate in making decisions on accessibility. And they do not participated actively in department decision - making. ke ordered him to pay over $400,000 in back seem to be participating too much these days. John H. Wakeley, chairman of the Dept. of Psychology, I,the Baltimore Sun reported Thursday, Senate amendments added to a bill, which could save le newspaper said the penalty was included, but not consumers millions of dollars on their prescription drug Jcized. in the April 3 finding that Nixon owed bills, won approval in the Michigan House Thursday. 1,787.13 in back taxes plus interest. Ith the White House and the IRS refused substantial Jnent on the report, but an IRS spokesman did say Kissinger leaves Rep. H. Lynn Jondahl, D • East Lansing, sponsor of the generic drug bill, said he was delighted with the bill's approval in both chambers of the legislature. "I anticipate that by injecting competition in the prescription drug industry, the consumers will H>negligence penalty is not a findine of fraud. Sadat lauds secretary sustain substantial savings," he said. "When Joe Forbes (D ■ Oak Park) and I introduced this bill, the odds of passage looked really slim, but we're very happy it got through on thefirst try." hgist 's body found in desert froim wire services CAIRO — Secretary of State precautions ceremony for the signing designed to Disengagement is within 24 hours of completion to begin returned within 10 signing of the agreement. days of the The measure, adopted on a 31 • 4 vote in the Senate Wednesday, would allow druggists to substitute cheaper, Henry A. Kissinger left Cairo emphasize the United Nations' of this task, which would be no The agreement, overall, chemically equivalent drugs for the high priced brand name drugs for home Thursday at the end role in the agreement. The later than next Friday, and the prescribed by doctors. /body ■California °f an American druggist who got lost in the of a 33 - day mission to the American and Soviet process is to be completed requires that Israel give up 325 square miles of Syrian territory However, doctors would be able to prevent the generic desert 13 days ago during a motorcycle cochairmen of the U N Middle Middle East that produced a within 20 days after physical captured in both the 1967 and substitution of drugs by writing on the prescription on order the ■*»$ found Thursday. East pivotal Syrian • Israeli truce peace conference and disengagement is begun. 1973 wars. The document to initials DAW — dispense as written. ■ fokesperson said the body of Fred Mundy, 48, other ranking UN and Consumer groups supporting the legislation say it could result agreement. Essentially, this means a be signed today also stipulates fund about five miles from his abandoned cycle, The secretary stopped in Egyptian officials were to attend the event in the marbled withdrawal by Israeli forces that "this agreement is not a in savings on drug bills of up to 50 per cent. Opponents maintain that allowing substitution could result in some consumers being ^apparently walked in a 15 mile semicircle before Cairo on his way from council hall of the Palace of from their forward positions to peace agreement It is a step IN in the heat. Jerusalem to report to new lines to the rear of where toward a just and durable given the wrong drugs by pharmacists. Nations. "It places economy ahead of health," said Sen. John E. V search had been centered in the Sierra de Las Egyptian President Anwar they now peace on the basis of Security In Jerusalem Premier Golda are dug in. Sadat on the accord to be Council Resolution 338, dated McCauley, D - Grosse lie, whose last minute motion to postpone Kabout 80 miles south of the Mexican border, Meir presented the agreement While wounded Israeli and Oct. 22,1973." the bill for three weeks was defeated. signed in Geneva today. A ftican cowboys and off for approval by the Israeli Syrian prisoners of war are to The Senate approved an amendment offered by Sen. William S. duty U.S. Border Patrol cease • fire in the Golan The F5 found the body after 30 volunteers had given Heights was to take effect parliament and said it be repatriated by Saturday, the wording appeared Ballenger, R • Lansing, making the legislation effective Jan. 1. The ■tir prevented a new war from intended to satisfy a Syrian House version gives the bill effect in April 1975. search. immediately after the signing remaining prisoners will not be and the exchange of prisoners exploding in the Middle East. exchanged until after the demand that the Another Senate amendment prohibits pharmacists from using Noisy opponents charged that military working group disengagement agreement be "false or misleading" advertising on their drug prices. was to start 24 hours later. the agreement was an Israeli completes its first task on only a step toward broader Pharmacists also would be required to post a list of the 100 Sadat told newsmen that withdrawal and declared that Israeli withdrawal called for in most frequently prescribed drugs and their Wednesday. The bodies of dead prices. The list would Kissinger had performed "a pery prize tax break sought miracle" in bringing about the agreement. He also praised the "Syria does not want to move an inch toward peace." soldiers on either side are to be Resolution 338. have to be placed on each counter over which are sold. prescription drugs Meir defended the Drugs prescribed by dentists or veterinarians also would be "ktion to 'ijvisdom and farsightedness of agreement by declaring it left subject to substitution under the legislation. automatically deduct federal income President Hafez Assad of Syria and to Prizes J Treasury Dept. in state lotteries was proposed Thursday the positive role'of. the United States." Israel in firm control of the Golan Heights and said the AT&T will provide A study released by the Public Interest Research Michigan (PIRGIM) prior to the Senate vote showed that the Group in United States has promised not average price for the drug Tetracycline was $3.85 when specified r Jovernment's cut would be $20 on each $100 to hamper Israel in preventing by a brand name. But when asked few by its generic name of Ifoough On leaving Jerusalem earlier, T than there would be $100. no deduction on prizes Kissinger told newsmen the pact may become "a turning terrorist attacks Syrian front. across the workers back pay tetracycline, the average price was $3.16, a savings of 18 per cent. PIRGIM said savings from allowing substitution at individual fe'Bht states which hold state lotteries, About a dozen drug stores were as much as 50 per cent of brand name prices. now point in the history of the demonstrators were dragged Voting against the bill in the Senate were McCaulley and Sen. H,Michigan, currently inform the government of Middle East." and Israeli from the parliament chamber WASHINGTON (AP) — Tlie American Telephone & Telegraph Donald Bishop, R - Rochester; Gary Byker, R • Hudsonville and Fwno win more than $600, but taxes are not paid Syrian after they shouted, "No Co. (AT&T) Thursday signed a $30 million sex discrimination Philip O. Pittenger, R - Lansing. ~ *1 returns are filed. representatives arrived in agreement providing back pay and wage adjustments for several Geneva amid tight security retreat, the Golan is ours" thousand Bell System management employes. during Meir's presentation. The State News is published by the students of The disengagement University every class day during Fall, Winter and Michigan State The pact with the Spring school agreement provides that a departments of Labor and Justice and the terms, Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays during Summer Term, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is the latest in a and a special Welcome Week edition is *ly lottery numbers drawn combined Egyptian - Israeli - Syrian working group under series.-of job discrimination suits the second in 16 months brought by the government and Subscription rate is $20 per year. Second class postage paid at East published in September. Lansing, Mich, editorial and the aegis of the United Nations against AT&T. ■ - 34S Student Services Bldg., Michigan State begins work within 24 hours on B'inning numbers in Thursday's regular drawing An article in Thursday's a plan for carrying out the It provides that AT&T — the nation's largest employer — pay an estimated $7 million in back pay to some Fj^igan r4 chance lottery were 181 and 014. State News on summer term disengagement. The joint working group is employes who the government claimed were 7,000 management discriminated against News /Editorial PHONES numbers were 415 and 856. registration incorrectly under the Equal 355-8252 to complete this plan and Pay Act of 1963. Classified Ads identified the dates of summer ■j.|,ner's bonus numbers were 217, 247 "and 441. term early registration. Early final delineation of the new a Another $23 million per year will go into Display Advertising 355-8255 353-4400 ■ 10naire drawing elimination number was 084. wage adjustments Business Office 355-3447 registration will only be held military map of the region aimed at equalizing pay rates for men and women .Photographic within five employes in 3S$-8311 CompiM by Steve Rtpko on Tuesday tnd Wedneaday. days. the company's first two management levels. 0 0 . . o; 0 oc%0ftin 0 .. s " * , 01 *> 0 X 3, [m , • V G. F. Korreck City Editor June E. K. Delano Entertainment Editor Susan Ager Editor ■ in - Chief b Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Dale Atkins Photo Editor Maureen Beninson, .Advertising Manager . Melissa Payton National Editor Kathy Nieiurawski Copy Chief "TTTTTWrnr • R. D. Campbell Managing Editor Diane Silver Campus Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor Mary Flood Staff Representative Editorials are the opinion of the State Ne< iitorf. Staff column: ints of view and letters are personal opinions. EDITORIALS Swims, picnics, sun Saturday is the first day of June. who contend all politicians are commendable, naively overlooked Barefeet, picnics, sun, swimming, crooks, and that the whole system is the fact that Nixon has been able vacations and just plain lazying is rotten. The later group regards to virtually hog - tie the legal around are some of the many the spectacle in Washington as just process while conferring on the summer blessings the University another passing freak show, and sly with his personal appointees to MIKE HANSEN community looks forward to most sink back in their hammocks to the Supreme Court, which may of the year. view it with detatched curiosity. ultimately determine if justice is to However, this year a pall hangs over the festive mood. Recent polls indicate that a steadily increasing the The apathetic fail to realize that country is risking moral anarchy by allowing a possible be done. It will be a long, hot summer filled with the stench of tolerated Ideology clues lie in sink majority of Americans believe that criminal to remain as the nation's The American people can easily be hygiendaily maintained. Conservatives can usually noticeably protruding from va the President of the United States first citizen. The actions of the corruption at the highest level of be observed cleansing their minds as often divided into three basic categories: those holes and crevases in their jeans. American government - unless participated in criminal activities national figurehead influence those who wash their hands after relieving as they wash their hands. The radicals are free, scratching \L relentless grass - roots pressure for a The second group, those who wash their for his own personal gain. of most conforming Americans. themselves, those who wash their hands itches when it itches. They don't oftel Students and area residents must Disdain for civic duties and quick Nixon ouster, is brought to before relieving themselves and those who hands before the natural act, are more every, change their underwear or bfl cast off their feelings of impotence bear upon the public's don't wash. daring. These are the liberals who are more their teeth but can usually be observel contempt for the law is spreading and join in the push to oust Nixon far beyond habitual cynics in wake representatives in Washington. These are the results of a scientific concerned with appearances than with the rest rooms of movie theaters - eaT study conducted throughout the United ritual. They vaguely remember their popcorn while relieving themselves. TL from the presidency this summer. of the Nixon outrages. Nixon has virtually proved that childhood training but often forget the States. It required a rare combination of a characterized by passing I are Otherwise, the current pall may he can obstruct justice at will. Americans sharp journalistic eye, an ability to ask sequence. They also brush their teeth intentionally, especially while applyinJ thicken and linger until next June. On the other hand, a large must materialize their probing questions in compromising before eating, comb their hair before going a job, and then bursting into uproarl Of course, it is easy to say that segment of the public opposition to a suspect leader in circumstances and the' attribute which to bed and usually tum their underwear laughter. 1 the mess in Washington is of no - spearheaded by the four - the form of letters, telegrams and comes most easily to journalists — the art inside out at least once a day. Richard Nixon, for example, does! of playing dumb. These are the sexual freedom advocates fit the expected category. direct concern to area residents. more - years advocates is picket lines to prove that Nixon who are more concerned with the transfer Thr| The first class, those who wash intensive studies, it was finally deternJ The masochistic minority of Nixon demanding that Nixon get a fair cannot obstruct the national sense afterward, is made up of conservatives, of bacteria to their privates than to their that he is, believe it or not, in the | worshippers is augmented by those trial. Though this sentiment is of ethical propriety as well. well • groomed and dressed. They brush hands. This activity increases noticeably category. That's right - he doesn't 3 their teeth three times a day, never pick during weekends. before or afterward. But he doesn't fifl scabs and change their underwear at least The third group washes neither before other characteristics of a radical, asl daily. They also excuse themselves after nor after performing their bodily might expect. 9 belching at the table — even when eating functions. These are the true radicals. A rarity in hygienic studies, nI Nixon's defiance alone - and always tum red and smirk after passing gas in an empty elevator. They don't social care about appearances or acceptance. They are often characterized by unruly hair which is never washes, but sincerely believe* does - before and after, He is, he cli| Their thoughts, too, are usually always dean. The American public must by President included. No individual, in itself, regardless of the other now be painfully aware that their therefore, has the right to define charges and suspicions. Current projections indicate the VOX POPULI leader, the man who twice vowed the boundaries of his own to uphold the Constitution and the House Judiciary Committee will investigation. laws of the law. land, is acting above the The President's refusal to provide complete its investigation by the end of June and the House will vote Health center problem President Nixon's present stance any further subpenaed tapes or for impeachment by July 31. To the Editor: instead of the services of a general student population didn't grow to I of obstruction of justice is other Evidence to the House Allowing Nixon 30 days to prepare The article of May 24 regarding the practitioner who has been made the "Olin 40,000 overnight! Or is it that we f intolerable. His arrogant defiance of Judiciary Committee or to the his defense, the. Senate trial will inadequacies of health care facilities at gynecologist." Other specialists should be facilities like a hockey rink more? the health center staff well. Still When the new facility is the system which has held this special prosecutor is a bluff, an begin after Labor Day.i MSU merely skimmed the surface of the on another as the provided,| problem. 1 would like to encourage the area needing investigation is the same doctors man it? Why not sti country together for nearly 200 attempt to stall for time. It is the The timetable must be met so doctors and students from I State News to take the initiative to do emergency care provided. Why is it that with years must be construed as the final, futile gesture of a trapped, the cleansing process can be some investigative reporting into health only the most severe1 emergencies are colleges of Osteopathic and Hul most blatant of many offenses. dying animal. completed before the November 5 care related problems. Several areas need treated by doctors on the spot (after 5 Medicine? I'm sure they would prof For the good of the nation and elections. Nixon, by his own public airing, such as the thousands of p.m.) while others have to settle for a more conscientious and thorough sera rumors concerning poor services provided nurse's treatment until morning? than the present staff. the office he so ardently claims to The Supreme Court should move actions of defying and obstructing Shouldn't there be a doctor at the center The MSU community needs tol favorably toward Jaworski's request by health center doctors and staff. If only protect, Nixon must be removed - justice, is asking for impeachment. 24 hours a day? for a fraction are true, then some atrocious informed factually as to the status of tl preferably before the heat of fall more tapes. The House Congress and the courts must things must be going on there. In addition to the above areas, I would and other problems, and the State Nea elections. Judiciary Committee must receive remove Nixon, or the theory of Another area of concern is why like to be further informed as to why it the likely candidate to make r The American judicial system is all the evidence it requests, despite students are not able to see specialists on a has taken so long for the University to investigations and disclosures. Let's I checks and balances will be based on the ideal that the law is Nixon's denials. Anything less regular basis. For instance, women should decide to provide new physical facilities there's a little Washington Post in you# , replaced by the grim reality of a be provided with the services of full • time for the health center. Where are the MSU , Marc Oleshansky, secref paramount for every citizen, the represents an impeachable offense monarchial rule. gynecologist(s) (as demand warrants) administration's priorities? After all, the Clinical Microbiology Laborali POINT OF VIEW Lack of aid h To the Editor: Therefore, I had to try and guess I Hospital view detailed To me there is something very puzzling about a school that on the very same day sends me first a letter asking that I apply amount of aid MSU would be give me. I finally came to the cc that whatever amount they decided I willifl to become a member of its Honors College, would by no means be enough. First* identified only one hospital as the major BY HARRY PERLSTADT followed by yet another long form from I am from out of state, a definite I teaching hospital and then used data on its Office of Financial Aids. I see these against me. In my three terms here, f My arguments against a teaching salaried staff in that hospital for the two as terribly contradictory. noticed a very strong bias in fav« hospital at MSU are not based on secret analysis. The rule of identification of the Michiganders. I'm not saying that tT information from unknown sources, as major teaching hospital was to choose the Howard Brody contends (May 24). I general hospital owned by the medical In the t^o months since I filed my last right or wrong — perhaps it is The point is that such a bias does if jusj obtained my data from the American school first; if none, then the general application for financial assistance, all I exist. Secondly, in the fall of this! Medical Assn., the Assn. of American have heard is that I may be eligible for an hospital in which the medical school had when my need for aid first arose, th# Medical Colleges and the the right to appoint physicians to the additional type of government grant. I National response to my application was® receive one more form to fill out, and the Internship Matching Program. The data clinical staff; and if more than one, the "changes in family circumstances *1 covers 78 medical schools in the United hospital in which the most clinical clerks promise that when I receive the results, be reflected until the following year J States which have been in existence for at some six weeks from now, work will served. The hospital to be built on this again - 75." However, the problem | least 10 years in 1966. be resumed on my first application. Maybe I correleated a number of variables with campus would be the one I would identify as the major teaching hospital for MSU if I to redo my Studies should I'm crazy, but a decision about a whole year of my life (to return to MSU or to obviously already existent to me. Finally, though I am sure one stB two indicators of a school's were study. out of 40,000 makes very little difffl tendency to To the Editor: other reason would someone enroll in a/ work) cannot be made a week before that produce primary care physicians. The first to anyone, I hope you are pro# I am responding to an article appearing school of higher learning such as MSU year is to begin, especially when I come A was the per cent of the school's 1966 more detailed examination of these than for primarily academic purposes? Is from so far away (Massachusetts). Things yourself MSU. You've lost one straiffl in the State News on May 22 which taught graduates who were placed in rotating and other relationships can be found in not the educational role of the University such as storage and housing reservations student, who very much want« my attention. The article discussed the internships through the National my articles "Internship Placement and Faculty Influence," Journal of Medical possibility of a cut in grants • in - aid to the first and foremost to be considered? have to be taken care of before the school graduate from here. Cynthja L. cfl Internship Matching Program. This Education, November, 1972, pages 862 - athletes. I understand quite clearly how year comes to a close. 392 W. WilsoP involved over 6,000 individual placements. 868 and "Goal Implementation and One section of the article especially important athletic sports are at MSU, The second was the per cent of alumni of Outcome in Medical Schools," American stood out in my mind. Athletic Council being a member of the Big Ten and all. each school who reported in 1960 that But why should the vast amounts of they were in general practice. Sociological Review, pages 73 • 82. February, 1972, Chairman John Fuzak was quoted as saying that with this cut, there will money spent on recruiting athletes from all over the nation be used to enhance our Flowers lead The following variables were negatively probably be "more MSU students who correlated at a significance level of .01 enrolled primarily for academic purposes level of performance in the area of sports To the Editor: I feel this ticket is unfair. However! when it could 'mean so much more in with the two indicators of primary care comprising our varsity sports." For what Following is the letter I sent to the not my car and not meaning to 1 other areas? Parking violations Bureau in regards to a owner in trouble, I enclose my production: number of inpatient - One must question motives in all of ticket that I received on May 23 for attending staff at the major teaching had to load plants from the Horti® this. Do you attend a large and prominent parking in a permit space. I feel that the hospital salaried to any extent; ratio of Building, and the loading zone was| salaried to attending staff at the major teaching hospital; number of full ■ time Absentee ballo university to read your name in the sports section or to acquire an education? If the incident is worthy of public notice: I parked next to it. greenhouses are only open from »1 ™eH?f former is the principal reason for choosing 5 p.m. on weekdays, so it was unava clinical science faculty; number of to attend the University, then I seriously Mariah that I remove the plants during I graduate students and post doctoral students in the clinical sciences; per cent of clinical science faculty having half their bring partisanThe doubt whether the money spent is truly worth spending at all. I would sincerely To the Editor: When students are not allowed to campus. Even designated visitor ■ ■ salaries paid out of federal grants and the To the Editor: way this works is that the hope that the latter of the two motives We would like to publicly thank those (where the parking officer told! ratio of clinical science faculty to students Many of you who apply for an absentee applications are sold to a partisan would be the considered goal. friends and members of Mariah who gave should have parked) is a con ballot for the August 6 primary election campaign, which puts its own address, Another suggestion in the article was so much of their time in the recent distance from the greenhouses. in their third and fourth years of medical not the city clerk's, on the back. So when school. may get an unexpected bonus in the form the possibility of eliminating grants - in • campaign drive of May 13 to 18. These Being a student and a part L these applications are mailed, the individuals addressed residence Each of these would be the outcome of of partisan campaign literature in your aid except for income - producing sports hall University, I felt I should be aii| mailbox. This junk mail comes to you campaign group gets them, puts your such as football and basketball. Is the councils to raise additional funds and minor privilege such as driving on J a teaching hospital on campus. Brody's name on their mailing list, and then withstood inclement weather to man courtesy of your student government, gives profit involved all that is really important for a totally valid reason, l ami top - notch faculty would come to the ASMSU. the applications to the clerk. in sports? What kind of business are we booths on campus, collecting funds from chronic parking regulations violator teaching hospital. They would be salaried. Even if you are • not using the dealing with? the student body. Due to the work of feel you are totally unjustified in ■ They would receive federal grants. They Legislative Relations, an ASMSU applications, your money is still being A cut of grants - in ■ aid to athletes these people, and the support of all those me pay this ticket - especially so ■ cabinet office, has printed up absentee would attract graduate and post doctoral ballot applications with your tax money. used to propagandize your fellow students might alter the outlook in varsity sports individuals and hall councils who donated fine as $10. If this University cannj students. They would, in short, negate the Now on behalf of a candidate you may not even considerably, but I think it would be more both time and money, Mariah will be in its students - its supporters sue ■ they are distributing these know, much less support. Is this of a shame to consider this University an existence in the fall. production of primary care physicians by applications in the residence halls. So far the "services" you had in mind when one of leeway, then it truly has <• f institution of higher athletics rather than MSU. so good. However, in filling out these paid your ASMSU tax? you an institution of higher learning. Karen Young 369 W. Holmes Hall impersonal machine that many a being. Lindl J Though many medical schools are forms, you are also adding your name to a Jason Trautz affiliated with several John Braden Debbie Mazur hospitals, I junk mailing list. 145 E. Wilson Hall 1724 E. Grand Ril 376 Abbot Hall 551 Albert St. Friday, May 31, 1974 5 VOX POPUU Story To the Editor: distorts views would be over 1972 and 1973. We would not expect that I wish to express my extreme long periods of time under such circumstances, adverse health effects the state would need data on the same displeasure with the content of article Road an on lead poisoning in the supplement "Counterpoint" to the May 29 State would be difficult to detect. is The article quotes me as saying, "This problem*; indefinitely. We would expect research and data needs to change with h News. Specifically, I am a serious problem, but we're being time. There were equally worthwhile To the Editor: displeased with frustrated by the state activities in the remaining components of quotes in the article alleged to be mine government, which In reply to the concerned pedestrian of has cut our budget." The article the health projects. the that I simply did not say. goes on to May 20 Opinion Page. I can The article quoted me as say that the Michigan Student What I intended to communicate to the sympathize with his problem. However, I saying, "Many Environmental Confederation author of the article was that our think of Michigan's old homes have (MSEC) is a comment should be made for the dangerous "crying foul" concerning the frustration comes because the entire other plumbing systems. Old rusting water pipes termination side, the unyielding motorist. I fully of the lead detection health project grant has not been renewed are flaking lead into people's drinking program. agree that provisions should be made for water and The author of the article fails to for 1974. However, we are, by no means, pedestrians, as well as for the growing they are slowly being poisoned." mention that the lead - based paint "crying foul." population of bicyclists we are I said Alexander Sagady, coordinator MSEC experiencing. nothing of the sort. What I did detection project was part of a larger say is that there is a potentially serious Editor's note: George White, State News A pedestrian recently crossed the street program called the "Student problem with lead water mains in areas Environmental Health Projects" which freelance reporter and former editor of the as if daring me to hit him. In the process where tap water tends to be acidic. of hitting my I also were financed through a grant from the Grapevine Journal, maintains that his brakes, throwing friends ' said that the extent of the askew, and honking my horn in a warning, problem, Michigan Dept. of Public Health in 1971, quotes are accurate. including a survey of lead mains and lead I received instead of a thanks for not concentrations in tap water, should be hitting him, a distinct gesture from the investigated. The article said, "However, Alex SLA deaths third finger of his hand. We now have over 12,000 * bicycles on Sagady claims that children continue to die and To the Editor: members, but they would not campus. This makes for much confusion come out of blames the problem on the house. What would time have done to and fear on and off the sidewalks. When I flaking water A shallow appreciation of the problems pipes." walk on the sidewalks I live in terror of involved in the SLA shootout appeared improve the situation? Again, I did not say this. We don't evident in one reader's recpnt> If you ttke the stand that the police being run down by a 10 - speed. I have know the extent of the problem and, as were inexperienced at grown alert to the steady whiz of a bike as contribution, "New method needed to handling this type such, such it misses my legs by inches. no judgment could be made. If halt terrorists" (May 24). of case, then you are classifying those in And, if bicyclists there is a problem with dissolved lead in Criticizing the the SLA in a separate category from are going to be on the road with autos, actions of others as irrational is drinking water, it would be likely that the everyone's criminals. But it is they should obey the rules of the road just prerogative, evident that their concentrations would be low. Because of as long as his or her own as I must. I course of logic is applicable and actions were not dissimilar to those of the spend just as much time this, and the fact that consumption of lead justifiable ig from var The criticism in the State News of the gangs of the 1920s - 40s. dodging bicycles as I am sure the letter The special tactical force which writer does dodging 'ans. policemen in Los Angeles who attempted was unyielding motorists. ■ratching IEWP0INT: CAME THEORY to capture some of the members of the called to the scene was well versed in Something must be done by the don't ofte SLA to be coaxing and flushing criminals out of University in order to facilitate the seems unjustified. structures without wear or bi Even though the author had noted that killing. growing number of students and bicyclists Though it is senseless on campus. There simply are not enough Watergate replaces Monopoly be observi there were disadvantages to his to condone the approach death of sue subversive people as a result signals or bike trails. But while we must ;aters - e (surround the home and wait as long as of police action, it is share the road and the mselves. necessary), he still believed that the six even more senseless sidewalks, I feel to be at peace with one's mind at the there should be common passing By PETER DONAGHUE SLA members nevertheless need not have courtesty from le trebled and compounded if three death of innocent people as a result of both sides of the issue. applyinf not widely known, but the Parker policeman, is an impressive Watergate been killed. Warnings and opportunities to lto uproar „ properties of the same color are owned by police inactivity. John Gebarowski P. L. Stiffler. secretary hers game company is planning to the same person. building, with slightly revised instructions: surrender were issued to the SLA Go directly to jail. Do not 301 N. Case Hall Dept. of Agricultural Economics ,te its 1974 lines in the middle of this The two pass Go. Do not nple, does remaining streets will be taken implicate anyone else. Collect $200,000. I NEVER SAID ¥01 OKAV, I'M Rumor has it that all Monopoly up by high rent, pitifully maintained slums YOU'RE 6OTH6OIN6TO >ry. Thri Chance and Community Chest card DID, PATTY... I JIM 6AME FOR its are being recalled shortly, to be for poor people — to live SET HEPATITIS AND END lly determ in, not to own. possibilities are limitless: CWTOANTTO ANTTWIN6.. iced by a new revised version, to be Instead of Water Works and the Electric , DP IN THE HOSPITAL! t, in the •Presidential pardons. DO IT ALONE... J JS'6 CD IT! n as "Watergate." Company, the game has Lockheed Aircraft f doesn't •Deliver $50,000 in a brown paper bag. V purpose of the new game will and Penn Central, with their owners doesn't fi •Take $1 million from the Treasury for ally remain the same as Monopoly, entitled to permanent guaranteed low radical, as in addition to stockpiling wealth, the improvements on each of your properties. interest loans and unending subsidies from •"Executive privilege" and "National nilation of political power has been the treasury (bank). itudies, N edasa goal. The four Security" cards, which enable the bearer railroads will be replaced by to break any ylbelievel foe board will be similar in appearance little items law. e is, he ct anyone with enough money •Caught suppressing evidence; Monopoly, with few lose 18V4 a ingenious could buy: minutes of playing time. idifications. Instead of Boardwalk and The four railroads will be replaced by •You have been elected President; triple k Place there will be ITT and the Milk little items anyone with enough money your wealth. oducers. After landing on either space, could buy: the Justice Department, the •Called before a Grand Jury at which HEY. YOU 60TIN 2 w i player can purchase it by contributing 10,000 either to the campaign fund of president of his choice, or mention expenses in the city toward of the Internal Revenue of the purchaser's choice. Service, unlimited ambassadorships, and a regulatory agency A game such as this, of course, will there are three variations — days, suspended sentence; Convicted • 10 days in jail. Caught red • handed - No Indicted 5 - 1 f ■■ YOU60T /N, DtPNT YOU?! J CAN TBLL FROM YOUR FACE — you 6ot in! x v 7'3 hfv.evmbopyf mm in! she got /m lauj school! jdame 0 you 53 01h! zt- l KNOW, :'4L sident's choosing. prosecution, just resign. require a much larger jail than usual, so1 The game will be-marketed just as soon ^ Hk investment returns, while not yet , three spaces are used, cutting down on the as the Parker Brother ^j| 60t in! ^ that v Imiiiied, will be fantastic. slum areas. The free parking space will be engineers come up with a way to make the game The other three properties on the same revised to free parking for those with more playable within a reasonable amount of time. ret. and the six units of the preceding than $1 million in assets; all others will provided, (Copyright 1974 by Peter Donaghue) ret will be oil companies and the pay the usual $50,000 kickback. hy not st) ts and Hu from vould pro ner's depletion allowance and price per " (when an opponent lands there) is At the third corner, instead of the outmoded "Go To Jail" picture of a stern Peter will be a Donaghue, 1306H University Ullage, graduate assistant in the school of journalism starting summer term. 5-3/ I rough ser needs tol status of tl Texas Instruments Electronic Calculators State NeJ make I f s. Let's I and the Student BOOK Store announce... ist in youl REDUCED PRICES. Unbeatable,ooMbimtioa foi new oat Right now you can make the best new car buy of the year! Dealers are deal¬ ing — and your credit union has just reduced the annual percentage rate on new car loans to just 10%! Matched with the convenience of ABC Cash (on-the-spot credit union ALSO NOW IN STOCK financing through all Lansing area auto dealers), no down payment require¬ ments, credit life insurance at no extra charge, and a reduced repayment schedule, you can't afford to pass up this opportunity. TI2500 77 25 77 25 The 10% rate is in effect from June 3 until Oct. 1, so you've got the time to shop carefully — but get started now! WL X yzi 59" 4995 7995 Ol MSU EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION S 8.S ^^tudent 421 E. Grand River ook tore 600 E. Crescent 9to5:30Mon. thru Fri. Phone 353-2280 351-4210 East Lansing 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 3 u,7( Police forces will patrol gravel pit sites in Haslett By JOE KIRBY No trespassing signs have futile since people fill in the State News If you are Staff Writer been ripped off and motorcycles have been heard space with dirt. Nelson said that the ~ as? c :* thinking about area will heading out to the old gravel racing around until the early be patrolled by the Ingham pits and taking a late morning hours. County Sheriff's Dept., the So it now appear* tk. night skinny dip you could Efforts by the owner and neighbors to fence off the area Meridian Townihip police and the Michigan State Police. another MSU trad! nJt get caught with your down. pants - which has four gravel pita — He said they are currently f«d ng away, as again student The Haslett gravel pits, by a deep ditch have proved only issuing warnings but will are other cheek. forced to turn Z the located near Park Lake and Burcham roads, were closed off by the Meridian Township police last Thursday. For years MSU students have gone out to the pits to party, get naked or ride around Cyclists warned on their motorcycles, but area police say the crackdown has begun. Lt. James Nelson, of the campus racks Meridian Township police If you own a bicycle and Bicycles stored there are through Friday. force, said, "We are not fooling leave it in a campus bike rack stored at the owners' risk and All bicycles not remove about this. We're going to keep after June 9, be forewarned - must be removed by the first from the laundry by Oct. r them out." it may not be there on June day of classes, fall term. will be impounded and sold Nelson said that people in 10. Indoor storage will be a public auction. the area have been complaining All bicycles must be available in the MSU Laundry Summer term studen SN photo/John Dickson removed from bike racks by about the noise and the owner Building for a $5 fee. cannot move their bicycles Meridian Township police closed off the roads that lead to the gravel pits located near Park Lake and Burcham roads Thursday has requested that police keep June 9 so that the grounds Bicycles can be checked in their summer residence hi in an attempt to keep late night swimmers and motorcyclists from disturbing nearby residents. people out. department can take care of froiA 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday until Monday, June 17. maintenance and improvements of the rack areas. 5 families to build house All bikes left In the racks Britain-N. Ireland split proposed between June 10 and 14 will IMMOKALEE, Ha. (AP) - Under a program, In the American tradition of families can build their o be impounded by the Dept. of bam - raising, five local families three • or four ■ bedroo Public Safety. Students who want to store are joining forces to help build homes, worth up to $15,"" have their domestic has and Dublin keeps its each others' homes without a downpayment. BELFAST, Northern Ireland big Belfast shipyard was population, some voice in own sense bikes for the summer without parliaments, or independence. nose out we have a good charge can leave them in the (AP) - Protestant leaders reported only a day or two government as called for in the Paisley stressed total chance of producing a new racks located proposed independence for away from normal operations. constitution. along .the UNIVERSITY CENTRAL UNITED integration but said if it were constitution and putting it southern edge of lot J, located Northern Ireland Thursday as Meriyn Rees, Britain's But the Rev. Ian Paisley, a one of three alternatives after minister for the province, met hard - line Protestant leader, refused, "Then the people of successfully to a referendum," at Jenison Fieldhouse. CHRISTIAN METHODIST with leaders of six political said after the meeting with Northern Ireland have a right Paisley said. CHURCH Across from the capitol rejecting a British attempt to to consider how they Sermon Topic: government that parties in an effort to form an Rees, "The constitution is restore a shares power with Roman administration. Britain took dead duck." a themselves should be =OKEMOS= 310 N. Hagadom Road Catholics. over direct rtile of Northern governed." FIRST BAPTIST "Bom Of The Study Period -10:00a.m. Commercial and industrial Ireland after the province's He and Protestant militants Spirit" 4684 MARSH RD. Worship - 11:00 A.M. business headed quickly back experimental coalition Harry West and William Craig He said elections should by Rev. Betts to normal in Ulster after a 15 - proposed instead: total integra¬ Singspiration -7:00 p.m. collapsed under the weight of then be held for a constituent 9:45 Youth Meeting - 7:00 p.m. tion witi Britain giving Northern a.m. Bible Study day Protestant strike which the strike Wednesday. assembly which would work Worship Services Prime Minister Ireland a. larger contingent in Transportation Provided' 9:45 and 11:00 toppled the previous British out a new constitution. Call 332-5193 a.m. the British Parliament; a local government. Stores and public Harold Wilson pledged Rees "If the British government 11:00 a.m. Worship Nursery Available self • government in a United 485 9477 transportation were operating would make every effort to • and many light industries were Kingdom Federation in which 6:00 p.m. Praise Service give Catholics, who make up back in full production. The third of the 1V4 million Scotland and Wales would also one • UNIVERSITY 7:30 p.m. College SEVENTH-DAY THE Fellowship ADVENT 1ST CHURCH EPISCOPAL 149 Hlqhland Avenue East Lansing CHURCH 337-1430 or 882-0805 BIBLE STUDIES SUNDAYS Now in Progress 5:00 Eucharist Saturday - 3:00 p.m. Alumni Chapel Pastor Frederick Diaz on campus Voice of Prophecy Lansing • WJIM • 12.40 The Rev. John Mitman Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Chaplain Your Story Hour pEOpUs Charlotte - WCER -13.90 351-7638 8:00 and 10:00 Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Faith for All Saints Parish Church chuRch Interdenominational Grand Rapids Quiet Hour Today • Channel 8 Sunday at 7:00 a.m. 800 Abbott Road The Rev. William Eddy 200 W. Grand River Jackson - WIBM • 14.50 Rector at Mich.gan Sunday at 2:30 p.m. 351-7160 332-5073 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURC Crib tnrough Adult* 4608 S. Hagadom University Student! Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. Discussion Group 11:00 A.M. Sunday School: 11:15 a.m. for Bus Service Call: 351-4144 or 351-6494 John Walden, Pastor UNIVERSITY REFORMED , MORNING SERVICfc - 10:00 a.m. CHURCH Alumni Memorial Chapel EVENING SERVICE - 7:00 p.m (1 block east of Auditorium) Rev. Hoksbergen 9:30-Study Groups For Adults and Sunday School Visit our new Student Center 10:30 - Coffee Hour open daily 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. 9:30 a.m. - Lunch Wednesday Worship Service 11:00 a.m • Worship Service 12:30 -1:30 For rides call 355-0155 after 9:00 a.m. Sunday For Transportitio 6:00 - Evening worship Call 351-9059 Tom Stark, Pastor or 351-6360 Fred Herwalt. Associate Pastor (across from Kathy Lang, Staff Associate mmm Hill) AND STUDENT CEHTM ■ <«« HIVEB TtBR*Cj FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST South Baptist Church (irand River at Colllngwood Kntrai.ce 1518 S. Washington Unsin8 East l.ansing Sunday • 7:00 p.m. Sunday Services 10:30 a.m. Lesson " - Sermon Subject "When Will Cod Take Over?" Ancieitf and Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced" Sunday School to age 20 10:30 a.m. Fellowship 9:45-A.M Wednesday tvening Meeting and refreshments 8:00 p.m. College Bible Class 8:30 p.m. In the fireside room. Reading Room in the fireside ro»m located in Church opi:n Weekdays 9-5 p.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. Mon.. Tucs.. Thiirs., Fri. evenings 7 Vp.m. "Marks Of A New Life" All arc welcome Dr. Howard F. Sugden,Pastor James Emery,Youth Past to attend church sen-ices and visit and use the FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening reading room. Call 482 0754 for information State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan Friday, May 31, 1974 7 SPECIAL PREVIEW: tudents vie for housing in city IKE SCIENCE OF -/ mary anne FLOOD ry anne State New" Stiff Writer FLOOD n the vacancy rates are rent of Whether there is anyanv mutual mutual setting or it is all the game competition, it Is hard to when they couldn't1 East Lansing second highest in the rents are the East Lansing landlords actually screen their prospective tenants to hell if lease," they don't like the housing commission The intention of the code to * CREATIVE MTELLKENCE (SCI) i V SCI I tell. But many tenants state, was protect tenants from down low and the rent do have second to Ann Arbor. Rents and usually many have member Bruce Roth said. & unsafe and „„ full volume, a landlord • ,t have a lot of style or a misconception that rent money goes right into a have been steadily on the rise for at least 10 hundreds of applicants if their properties are close to campus Another unhealthy conditions. Yet, when it comes '%C to make successful landlord's pocket, which is not years and have and offer each tenant the housing down to preparing for a fire SCI is the systematic study of the source, range & not stopped yet. commission member and thlit unfoldment of creative intelligence in man & nature. SCI true. may never happen or Landlords claim that rent is privacy of their own room — landlord herself, Mary Luttrell Rent control advocate the biggest selling points with having an extra person share contributes a wholistic integrative approach to education. uCh conditions are Charles high because of high taxes and said, "Even the best lease in the rent and sleep in the SCI provides the basis of all -fljly referred to as a Ipcar of Tenants insurance costs. Several students, rent aside. the world won't stop a knowledge: development of Resource Center has said that "The basement, most students prefer consciousness. Transcental Meditation is the practical lord's market and are landlords have said that students bid landlord from taking advantage to go with more for East Lansing to haVe they desperately for people and eially the rule in East the make about 10 per cent profit a place to stay of a tenant if he wants to." less rent. aspect of SCI. The SCI course is a 33 - lesson course for the winter," said 'inn where apartment comprehensive rent control on their properties and that for Coalition centered around color video - taped lectures by Maharishi S's are filled for fall in that it obviously needs, that landlord profit figures would all the headaches they might be for Better Housing and owner of at president "The real rip • off landlords the ones who buy houses But if East Lansing citizens Mahesh Yogi. day and landlords Who better off putting their least 15 are were ever to start have money organizing The preview will include a video - I jot of houses hardly ever to be obtained. Ipcar in bonds. houses, David Feintuck. and let them run down, gaining behind a rent control tape of Maharishi proposal, Mahesh Yogi and will outline the SCI course ■i advertise during the hoped that the East Lansing "The only reason f'm still in Feintuck, like many landlords large profit from rent money as was done in Ann Arbor in material & structure. TODAY, FRIDAY, MAY 31 7:00 P.M. C103 -| vear. Housing Commission would try the business is because no one in East Lansing, owns many not used for upkeep," she said. April, the private interests of to obtain houses concentrated in "A landlord WELLS HALL, MSU CAMPUS. pecially in the apartment subpena power and has offered to one or who purchases landlord and tenants would be get an accounting of landlord buy me out," two city blocks. more than he can responsibly •n«s. i« which Pric".are# apartment manager Lee negligible. profits. With a tight market the care for is perhaps being a little similar and a handful of Halstead said. on East (Open to all meditators & But it appears as if the landlord's side when it comes greedy." Lansing's Coalition for non - meditators.) For more info, call pie manage about half of Most landlords do admit to Better commission will not seek such to signing the lease - a Housing was somewhat units in the city, nonprofit making a decent living off thair patterned after Ann document which in principle Arbor's hip advocates scream powers. Housing commissions properties - when a landlord East Lansing landlords have landlord chairman Byron Brown said: should be hammered out group Citizen's for poly. That means you do picks up the rent in a new organized to protect their Good necessarily own Ventnor, "The Congress of the United jointly by landlord and tenant interests in the Coalition for Housing, formed States could not make the oil Stingray it is hard to keep it a originally for the sole purpose Gardens and Atlantic secret. together, not just Better Housing. Feintuck, who of defeating rent control. The that you and the other companies reveal their profits. The low vacancy rate for the mimeographed by the landlord spoke at a recent I can't imagine that we could - housing Ann Arbor group accumulated ers get together and keep East Lansing area also works to a prospective tenant has commission meeting for the uncover private little choice. Even some of the $50,000 for the antirent ■rents in line. profit rates the landlords' group, said that there was also advantage. Many housing commission members, a student control campaign. who wing to the group, are fully aware of their though he could not give any "If someone really works at rights as tenants, have accepted student supporters' names. it, this is one of the few oting slated for June 10 situations where rooms that Indeed the kinds of businesses where it is still did not meet the housing code changes in the housing ordinance that possible to make the American were being used for sleeping. the landlords want are similar 'pauper to king' dream come "Most landlords are in the to those the student tenants true," said attorney and or city education board position to tell the tenants to go would want. landlord Jim VandeBunte. East Lansing Board of at 8 p.m. June 4 at Hannah -ation elections will be Middle School, sponsored by picked up in the city clerk's office at 410 Abbott Road. The School Year's Monday, June 10, to fill the League of Women Voters. Registered voters who wish to open positions. Each candidate will speak for vote by absentee ballot may do five election candidates running are: Allan J. five minutes, followed question and answer period. by a so there any time between now Linn Camera and June 10, simply by or, MSU professor of On May 20, the candidates ition and asst. director of Education Development addressed the East School Assn. to present their Lansipg identifying themselves and filling out the ballot. would like to t —.Kenneth Bill Harding, platform. :l' professor of education; ',ley R. Lacy, East Lansing There are no other items on the ballot, though the millage HAPPINESS STATE NEWS ISA for their support ■J-nt; Edward H. Strode, tiy in the insurance ..ss, and Mary W. Thaden, and teacher contracts are expected to be major issues next year, Abedor said. © CLASSIFIED AD! 355-8255 also like to w incumbent whose term Absentee ballots may be sd and who seeks re - in. PASSPORT other position was and APPLICATION PHOTOS $450* or by Richard Chapin, of MSU libraries, who Regular $5 90 for 2 photos summer!! L not seek re • election, public is invited to a 2 Blocks E. of Abbot Hall the Candidates Forum" Grand River at U7 Gunson St. Almost 100 bikes—all reduced. by 30% on cash sale. BE AN EARLY BIRD up to All back packs & touring gear— 25% OFF! frames—s39 and up. SELL YOUR BOOKS NOW Summer storage for your bike $1.75 per month. INSURED U WEDEMEYER'S ItCil Stereo We specialize in buying & selling USED BOOKS lor For the Grad undergraduate dasses-we have to give you a better deal. or the Dad yomi* lifc rca stereo 8/stereo fm 12R600 . . . only 129.95 You get more from an RCA 507 E. Grand River Car Stereo You get more from an RCA Car Stereo. RCA solid state car stereo gives you what you want. Rich high-fidelity stereo sound . . . total peak power from 15 watts to 40 watts depending on model (Across From Berkey) variety of music from cassettes, stereo-8. or AM/FM/MPX stereo radio. Its advanced engineering and high quality performance makes an RCA car stereo the finest in . . . electronic equipment to give you years of outstanding performance. Stone 351-5420 800 MERRILL (Turn left 1 Block PHONE: NEW HOUR3 • 489-9049 Mofl F,i ^astUncjeJohns^ 8 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 3| MSU By DENISE CRITTENDON expands aid to countries State News Staff Writer Smuckler indicated that the main emphasis of the majority of areas about different and better methods of growing food, Manetsch said. the projects is placed on bettering the agricultural and "Some of these countries don't produce enough food so they In 1955, MSU helped build a national institute of educational systems of the areas involved. He said MSU faculty administration for police training in Vietnam. The project, members willing to participate are transferred from a certain have to import food supplies, but the cost of importation has developed to assist the South Vietnam regime, lasted until 1962. department for two years or more to another country. They gone up," he said. Today, 19 years later, the University has broadened its receive the same salary. In general, Smuckler confirmed, many of the University's programs to include countries from Ethiopia to Peru. "A typical program activity would call for advisers or programs are based on nonformal education, which easily fits into Currently, MSU is involved in about 12 international programs, professors in the field working with the people desiring help, rural lifestyle. Some people which are financed by different agencies. Most of the programs while at the same time we have foreign students working here People in rural areas often have complex problems, he said, and say T |n»"' - are financed by the U.S. Agency for International Development who will go back and become faculty members or take over in order to reach them MSU has to initiate programs to benefit Bicycle Ctinn nf has the ij™, y (npleted nAiintv and (AID). their needs. In a country with a high illiteracy rate, Smuckler positions in the new institutions," Smuckler said., To this date, millions of dollars have been spent on the TV duties of the recruited MSU faculty members are said, the programs must "relate to the immediate problems or programs, and the University makes no profit, Ralph Smuckler, specifically to assist in whatever administrative or productive task aspirations of the people." dean of international programs, said. necessary. The tasks usually vary with the area. But in addition to the aid MSU has offered other countries Countries presently receiving assistance from MSU are Peru,, "None of them have been easy. Each requires its own setup through its programs, Neff says, the programs have also served to brands. From Italy: Colnago DeRosa. and Cinelli From Ga^mozjffc 'l'" structor in the Brazil, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Thailand, Salvadore, Indonesia, Korea, and each has to fit into a culture to which it is a part," Smuckler be of some help to the University itself. England Bob Hetchins, Mercian. Rale.gh, and Carlton Ja^ ""d Colombia, Costa Rica and Sierra Leone. said. Neff asserted that while spending time in other areas, the t France: Motobecane From the The international programs at MSU first began in 1951 when University gains experience and "consequently you look over this USA *" "It would be easy to say MSU sets them up, but that would Sterling, Bob Meyers,and Yellow Jersey, And mo™ campus and you see a large number of faculty members who have i the University sent a team of faculty members to Colombia. The be wrong; the countries set it up and MSU provides help," he Japan. Holland, Germany, and Argentina. What's been all over." more n, wl faculty members were sent to aid in the construction of two continued. experts together have more than 100 years of exper.ence behS educational facilities for Colombian students. Kenneth Neff, professor with the Institute for International "As your people go over to other areas and participate in new so you can BOunt on the best possible advice and hei| The programs, meant to strengthen agricultural education in Studies in Education, spent six years in Turkey, from 1968 to challenges, they get broadened. Then they return here, and I Turin in Chicago (60614]. at 1932 North Clark other countries, were a direct result of President Harry Truman's 1973, as part of a program to aid the country in the evaluations think the students here benefit,"he said St.-|312l 944 «. k Turin m Evamton 160201),at 1027 Davis call for aid in his 1949 inaugural speech, Smuckler said. In the of programs. Street-1312] umJ speech, Truman reiterated concepts of his Point Four Program for Neff described the biggest responsibility of the trip as the Wanted: a person to delete expletives aiding underdeveloped countries and emphasized the need for a development of decision - making systems for rural and Urban "bold new program." communities. They had relied on an "archaic system borrowed BALTIMORE (AP) - A job The ad listed the telephone When the statement was issued, John Hannah, MSU president from the Europeans" for their educational system, he said. for an "expletive deletor" was number of the White House, from 1941 to 1969, responded to Truman's call for U.S. assistance, and MSU became the first in the nation to engage in He said the program in Turkey attempted to erase the country's "high-selectivity" in education. Their system he said, offered Wednesday in a classified ad in editions Baltimore Sun papers. of the where a telephone operator questioned "We're aware about it said, 6f it. We've had a Semi-Annual contract assistance projects. would "weed out certain people" so that only a select few could Hannah also served two years on the International Development Advisory Board which formulated the Point Four attend school. "We were working with a planning unit within the "Sensitive position preparing official documents for number of calls." But House press a White office employe Clearance . Program, which urged U.S. assistance. administration of education, helping to develop a planning and said, "It's the first I've heard of publication," the ad said. it." The Point Four Program was operated by Truman through the research education office," Neff said. Technical Assistance and Technical Cooperation Administration, Tom Manetsch, professor of electrical engineering and systems MISS J which later turned into AID. science, said his department has been working in conjunction According to Smuckler, many of the overseas projects grew out of the University's efforts in Colombia in 1951. During that with the agriculture department in Korea in a program started in 1971. The program relies on the use of computers and math VOLUNTEER STAFF SPBING AND SUMMER period, he explained, administrators saw many flaws in the models to aid in the decision • making process involving utilizing SHOES efficient resources. programs and were unsure of the overall effects. However, the results from the work in Colombia were "Basically information a lot of what we have to do is to get a great deal of how the economy is and assimilate it in a POSITIONS AVAILABLE satisfactory enough to lead the University into another project in on Dress and Casual Okinawa providing administrative help for the University of computer," he said. "We then use the computers to test different Ruyukyus, only a year later. decisions." 'Remember the hassles of high school days? "Much of what we have done in Colombia has lasted," Smuckler said. "The contribution of work is observable The systems science and Dept. of Agricultural Economics Interested in helping high school students Save 30% to 40% our even program is basically concerned with the development of very through some though at the outset it did not appear to be very significant." poor parts of a country, and attempts to instruct residents of the problems you faced only yesterday? ♦Interested in reaching out to a scared kid who is involved the great styles and colors with the judicial system for the first time? Worker hang WHY NOT TRY SOMETHING ♦Interested in doing this thru a whole man approach to life of the season are here. Select NEW? of balancing the mental, spiritual, physical and social dre§s-ups, casual and sport aspects? at Lansing shoes at superb savings. . . An hourly worker at the system stretching from the BOWLING If so, the CAMPUS LIFE AND YOUTH GUIDANCE DIVISIONS OF YOUTH FOR CHRIST would like to share with you the opportunities available for summer and fall then take a slip them right on and walk in the sunshine. General Motors Corp. Fisher Bowling is fun, good exercise piping in the shanty. terms. His body was discovered by and you need to exercise this No phone or mall orders Body plant in Lansing fellow worker at the plant, time of year. And with our apparently committed suicide a Representatives will be at: which is adjacent to the automatice scorers anyone can Wednesday by hanging himself from pipes at the top of a Oldsmobile Division Structure. play. The Baptist Student Center JAejp shanty inside the plant. Police said 35, of Lansing, Raymond R«U,. was^eid pn HOUDAXUUUS 4608 S. Hagadorn Friday, May 31 Noon to 7:00 p.m. arrival at Lansing's Sparrow Just North of Frandor Hospital. Authorities said Bell had constructed an elaborate rope Billards • Cofektails Other details can be had by calling 4854383. Jacobsoris Presents Dr. Erich Klinghammer Naturalist and Animal Behavioralist, with his fij[m, "Death of a Legend," his live wolves, and a short talk. Friday, May 31 7:30 P. M. 137 Akers Hall Open tn All When you only have one item on your menu... it's gotta be GOOD.' IH;za-sr"a11 pizza- Domino's only makes pizza. So we have to make the best pizza possible.! Domino's uses only the finest ingredients: the freshest dough, top I quality cheese, and Domino's With any Este'e Lauder purchase of $6 or more, receive beautifying basics for a summer-fresh exclusive secret sauce recipe. These ingredients are prepared with extreme you: Tender Blusher, soft color in a compact. . European Performing Creme, under-makeup care by Domino's to bring you a delicious pi/za>And Domino's fast, free delivery brings your pizza hot and moisturizer. Lip Gloss, shiny and sunlit. . Youth-Dew Purse Spray, the haunting fragrance. fresh to your doorstep. So call the people who know the most about pizza. DOMINO'S-THE PIZZA PEOPLE. PERIOD. Shown from our Beauty Collection: Fresh Air Makeup base in 4 shades, 1 oz., 7.50 Under-makeup Estoderme Emulsion, 2 ozs , $8 Dry Dry Skin Astringent, 8 ozs., 6.50 Whipped Cleansing Creme, 3% DOMINO'S ozs., Re-Nutriv Lipstick Refill in a great variety $5 Enriched Under-Makeup Creme, 2 ozs., 8.50 of shades, 3.25 offering The Beauty Essentials... a gift for you from Estae Lauder... thru Saturday, June 15 Friendly, Fast Free, Delivery DOMINOS TROWBRIDGE Jacobsoij's in Spartan Shopping Center 351-7100 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 31, 1974 9 open thursday and friday nights until nine County eyes cent ■ ■ state By JIM KEEGSTRA New» Staff Writer I improvements in local day and to locate possible sources for it Cole's report states funding Averill School — said the main idea behind such an agency fees, averaging nearly $6 The centers also said it is hard a day. by government agencies Jacob^oris that at claiming to represent them. |!e services available for present there are no agencies would be to make the much needed day care services as to get enough money to However, Schoemehl said Ischool children may be working on the behalf of good maintain low teacher - to • the county is already involved L|y on the way. families as a unit or presenting as possible. Schoemehl child ratios and operate at the with assistance for children in ■A 15 • Pa*e study 0,6 a unified voice for the rights of said a staffed quality level desired. trouble and sees improved ■ coordinating day ^ 0f child care agencies in children at local, state agency could Cole said low salaries for day care as or reduce day care costs a means of IJham County has been national government levels. bulk through care personnel often result in intervention to early prevent mipleled and presented to Of the 25 organizations purchasing, provide a very high staff turnover and problems. C county commissioners' liman Services Committee. working with youth which were contacted for means share for youth workers to their experiences and minimal training requirements. She also points out that for Both the study and new low the study, offer individual Schoemehl point out that ■After nine months of litigation, Kathryn Code, Cole said over half * ne®d for a pointed out countywide agencies expert talents they could not afford families income at the for $11,193 rredian Ingham County, many mothers work because of economic prices Xruct0r in the MSU Dept. of "umbrella" agency to separately. Cole has also sent day care fees amount to close feels the necessity. Schoemehl Enilv and Child Sciences, will coordinate and upgrade all surveys to to one • eighth of their income making money spent on Kably be told by the their varied services. the 16 day care within Ingham programs for the care of only one child. day care the possible will be a small amount best Kpimittee today to begin County Commissioner Mary County and received answers from 12. Cole also found parents had when compared to its positive ■dementing plans for a Schoemehl - also a teacher of no means of learning about results for many children. Eral county youth agency Seven programs said parents different youth preschool deaf children at care agencies A state social services had difficulty other than word of mouth and grant paying child care for the program is also the telephone directory. likely, Schoemehl said. If approved, it The picker in Cole's plan for Jarr, Larrowe debate for would pay three - a central youth agency is its quarters of the cost, leaving cost - estimated at $75,000 to only some $20,000 for Ingham County to $100,000. fund. One member of the Human [irst time on local turf Services Commissioner Gordon Swix, said this is just a Committee, fairly high cost for Galbraith may quit Harvard position |m. Robert Carr and Charles difficult issues and failing to The major difference a n i nformation 1 Larrowe faced each other on state any positions, Larrowe between the lawyer and the coordinating agency. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) - |,rae territory Wednesday TWit for the first time since claimed to offer of candor and a long record prof emerged when all three Swix also questioned whether it is government's job Harvard economist John Kenneth Galbraith says he will TI-2550 79" actions office • seekers were asked to electronic calculator with memory by Texas Cting their 6th Congressional consistent with his words. about amnesty for Vietnam provide babysitting services. He suggested the private and probably not return to the Xrict campaigns. Carr's response was that the war resisters. teaching job he has held for 25 Instruments. .full functipn memory system . ■ The accusation was an insult to the church run youth two Democratic - programs years. stores and recalls subtotals, results of previous litenders for the August voters of the 6th district who Larrowe said he favors each pitch in a small part of Galbraith, who will be 66 in Euan nomination in the U.S. had given him 95,000 votes in the fees they receive and hire a October, told the Harvard calculations, able to repeatedly recall stored universal, unconditional Mjuse of Representatives race 1972. amnesty regardless of whether secretary for $8,000 to act as a central Crimson that "everything is in numbers. Five function capability plus per¬ Ewered questions from 60 to Badgered further by Larrowe, men were draft evaders or information. clearinghouse for the realm of interior cent key.. .automatic constant to multiply or T students and reporters Carr said he supports effective deserters from military service. speculation; I'm contemplating The divide by a constant number automatically. long term danger of Jhered in Holden Hall. wage, controls. price and interest Both Carr and Ballenger, increasing government • the whole future." He said he'd been Ni-Cad or alkaline battery operation. .com¬ ■ Larrowe, professor of however, refused to make a thinking . bureaucracy was also cited by gnomics, and Carr, and East At home in his own field, generalized statement and felt Swix. He fears parents' of retiring "for some time. I plete with batteries, AC adapter/charger, ising attorney, were joined Larrowe elaborated that these individual rights find that professors, like cases would have to and control over their children carrying case and manual. 6.5"x3.2"x1.8". it midway through the controls are a necessary part of be treated separately. could too politicians, should quit while hh, debate by one of the a combined attack on easily be upplanted they are ahead." Li candidates from the other unemployment and inflation. jj. of the contest, Sen. He also proposed changes in Kliam Ballenger, R • Social Security taxation and increased "Pot ■iamston. public service ■ Accusing Carr of avoiding employment. *74e Mayflower liWOCMCC Bookshop I Classes ROSES 6 for $2.99 12 for S4.99 Workshops CARNATIONS 8 for $3.99S Books to grow by. 541 E. Grand River 809 E. Michigan ^ 485-7271 351-8178 Lots of parking in front of our new store! A Film of Blood and Revenge, /o\sne£> Texas Instruments electronic slide rule Death and Compassion calculator with split second accuracy, clearly visible 12-character readout with 200 decade range number display, 10-digit KING OF THE keys plus decimal point and 12 function keys. Do basic arithmetic and. L0GGINS and MESSINA .reciprocals, . squares, square root, SWORDSMAN KINGS „ change sign, scientific notation, automatic conversion to scientific notation, mixed calculation. AC power 109 anthony— converter/charger, carry case included. Compact 6%"x3"x1%" size. 7:30 and 9:30 pm 2-recordset $798 list, Tonight | $1.00 admission for students low$479 Sponsored by Asian Studies On Columbia Records Your Mama Don't Dance/Danny's Song Listen To A Country Song/Back To Georgia v Vahevala House At Pooh ICorner BICYCLE SALE! SR-11 SPECIAL PURCHASES with a Constant switch and Pi key ALLOW US TO OFFER YOU EVEN GREATER by Texas Instruments.. .this electronic slide rule calculator takes Pi value to 8 significant VALUES digits.. .performs most classical computations. NOW THROUGH FINALS WEEK LOGGINS AND MESSINA FULL SAIL Capabilities: the four basic functions plus JUNE'8TH $5.98 list, now reciprocals, squares, square root, change sign, $5.98 list, now $3$9 SJW SAVE UP TO 20% scientific notation, automatic conversion to ALL LOGONS & MESSINA LP'S ON SALE THIS WEEK scientific notation and mixed calculations. A ON BICYCLES IN ALL quality, versatile portable with low-cost PRICE RANGES NiCad battery operation.. .AC adapter/charger and carrying case included. dscountf STORE HOURS: 89" tocipecte MONDAY - FRIDAY 9:30 a.m. • 9:00 p.m. records0 SATURDAY 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. SUNDAY Noon 6:00 p.m. - I^ANI) river 0STa|KS 351-7240 ■jJFR°M berkey HALL MON-THURS 10:00 a.m. - 7p.n FRI & SAT 10 AM - 6PM JacobBon'B ^ro par amount nfwq 401 E. 61 351-8460 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. May 31.19,4 King of jazz organ deserves title By DAVE DiMARTINO "I'm not conceited - shit, Smith's set I* every guitar and Edward Brown on drums - smoothly anticipate seems that the organist never I'm good, man!" Smith told keyboard player's dream - he State News Reviewer the audience during a rap comes onstage with the group, and pick up Smith's speedy WhenT When he °\ playsme'a 0diC ide« lick it « Wednesday night. And those sits down at the organ and organ licks and complement clearly identifiable as a Jimmv "I'm still the king — gonna t *■ listening to the speech and the breaks into just whatever he him superbly. When Smith Smith lick, simply out of jaz', " be till the day I die!" feels like shifting musical gears, 5- Those proud words of jazz music knew every word to be feels like playing. His backing organ tradition. But hi in half a beat the band is aware true. musicians - Ray Crawford on stylizations certainly do organist Jimmy Smith were and shifting right along. cramp his no spoken during his performance output. Smith The 47 • year • old jazzgiant at night. the Stables Wednesday New planetarium show owns what many appreciative listeners regard as "the fastest continually music. produces fJ The organist and his M look at space probes Smith is the undisputed king groun to hands alive." His show at the will be featured at the Stable . % % -1 i of the jazz organ. Since organization of his first trio, the Stables has proven that both tonight and Saturday m After the 8 p.m. shows, there* assertion to be true. It also "All Spaced Out," the new p btck in 1955, when one thinks of using the organ in any sort of jazz context, Smith and his Abram's planetarium show opening tonight, will provide will be a 15 - minute demonstration of the current 349 2700 MERIDIAN maim ^A fast fingered style immediately an hour - long glimpse of the evening sky. Following the come into mind as a prime horizons, opportunities for Sunday 2:30 p.m. PWt INSANITY ^Wl/A benefits and advancement of performance, there will be a 30 "•* *—d HKBVL. influential source. knowledge offered by the - minute movie on astronomy. Smith has won the exploration of space. Admission is $1 for adults, Downbeat poll for jazz organ Showtimes are at 8 and 10 75 cents for students and 50 year after year, and probably cents for children 5 to 12. The p.m. today and Saturday and every other poll that ever at 2:30 and 4 p.m. Sunday. show will run until July 21. Photo/John Harrington Jimmy Smith, the father of iazz organ, is appearing tonight and Saturday at the Stables with considered the organ a jazz instrument. For it is universally agreed that Smith is solely responsible for making the ami •assnuflw. w6 ™11,1,1,1 his guitarist and drummer. Smith, often credited with the "fastest fingers in the world," has a the jazz instrument it is unique improvisational style which has been widely imitated. organ now. ok - Robbing 36 banks was easy. Witch what happens when they hit the 37th. 'OF MICE AND MEN' ROBERT ALTMAN'S Production nibbles By EDD RUDZATS State News Staff Writer hulk of a act as a ran with the maturity of an overgrown child. George must protective figure in all their encounters. Ultimately, LIKE US" *© United Artiitt however, as the dream begins to reach fruition, tragedy strikes. Sadness permeates John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men," for it is a work that examines the desperate need of the human spirit As directed by Ken Parnell, the Arena Theater production of Steinbeck's work suffers from a leisurely pace. While Parnell has iTonlmwStoryoT te at 5:00 • 7:30 • 9:55 Twillte hour 4:45 • 5:00 Adult* *1 ?5 Saturday «t 2:00 • 5:00 • 7:30 - 9:55 for companionship. Ironically, the sadness that is exemplified by captured the proper feel of these transitory workers' lives and the th« Two Cops Called the Arena Theater Production of Steinbeck's work is twofold. essence of the characters, he has failed to prune the work down Batman and Robin On the one hand, the feeling that prevails is derived directly to less weighty proportions. Tonlt* at 6:00 - 8:00 from the author's thematic exploration of loneliness in a As a result, this production proves too thoroughly faithful to transitory worker's lifestyle. On the other hand, this sadness its source and far too long. The climax, once it comes, is more comes from an awareness that by faithfully adhering to the anticlimactic than involving since the predominant feeling is one of relief that the whole thing is winding its way to a close. original work, the piece is terribly verbose and lacks the power it had in prose. Thus length becomes the greatest hindrance to an Yet there is much in "Of Mice and Men" to recommend it otherwise finely executed adaptation of this tale of two loners. Parnell can effectively create a mood of dreamers lost in their "Of Mice and Men" takes its title from the famous quotation hopes that prevails throughout the entire piece. He has thrown in "A BASIC KIND OF LOVE STORY "the best laid plans of mice and men are apt to go astray." some exceptional directorial touches which add to the realism of Steinbeck's moralistic tale revolves around just such a situation. the situation and |ias been able to garner exceptional RICH. REAL AND FIRST RATE. George and Lennie are two different drifters in search of employment as the play opens. Like the characters in Eugene performances from almost all concerned. Especially worthy of mention are Gary Cavello as George, A DtlfcfcPoGtwkMoH htooodTton TECHNCOlOR* • From Warner Bros A Warner Communications Company -DAVIO SHEEHAN CBS-TV Ho O'Neill's "Iceman Cometh," they have a special pipe dream that keeps them from despair — raising enough money to buy a rabbit Richard G. Chew as Lennie and Earl J. Fisher as the old geezer Candy. Fisher smoothly handles a role three times his own age Cinderella liberty Tonight 6:00 8:00 10:00 farm where they will be their own masters. But George, it quickly becomes apparent, will always be the with the skill of a professional. Henry T. Graff deserves several plaudits for his effective mall theatre Sat. Sun. and Wed. J Saturday at 5:00 • 7:30 - 10:00 Adults 1.25 1:30, 3:20, 5:20, 7:20 8t 9:20 master in one way or another, since Lennie is a feebleminded lighting which enhances the tone of many of the scenes. 1913...a good year for oil companies, They had the perfe a bad year for wildcatters, and even worse for women. Until they fell Detective Harry Callahan. You don't assign jr* him to murder cases. You just Th« STANLEY KRAMER Production GEORGE C.SC0TT turn him loose. FAYEDUNAWAY JOHN MILLS JACK^PALANCE | oklIhqma crude A Joseph E. Levine and Brut Productions Presentation George Segal GlendaJackson in a Melvin Frank Film a Touch Co-starring OfClass Paul Sorvino Songs by George Produced and Directed by Hildegard Neil Barrie and Sammy Cahn Melvin Frank An Music by John Cameron Avco Written by Melvin Frank and Jack Embassy Release Rose Technicolor" Panavision* Clint Eastwood | Original Soundtrack available on Brut~Records I DirtyHarry iby MARC NORMAN • Mu«B»HENRY MANCINI HAL DAVID CLINT EASTWOOD in "DIRTY HARRY' A Malpaso Company Production Co-Starring MARRY GUARDIN0 Tonight: Wilson 7:30 & 9:45 p.Mucedando.ecdw STANLEY KRAMER Brody Auditorium 8:30 Tonight: Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 Tonight: 100 Engineering 7:30 & 9:45 Sat: Conrad 7:30 & 9:45 Sat: 109 Anthony 7:30 & 9:30 Sat: Wilson 7:30 & 9:45 Sun: Wilson 7:30 Sun: Wilson 9:30 Sun: Conrad 9:45 Admission $1.25 Admission $1.25 Admission $1.25 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 31, 1974 11 BEAL FILM GROUP PRESENTS Area music: a very qood year DEEP THROAT'S , By DAVE DiMARTINO State News Reviewer that that copyband was was or not not of strfctly the local a The continually establishments bringing in appearances Sanders and Donald of . ~ Pharoah Wainright III with these jazz * performances were: Spirit, who LAST TWO DAYS variety. MSU Pop prominent acts have been the Byrd have talents have made each Entertainment proved — and has continue to capitalize on a TONIGHT & SATURDAY was the only The 1973 • 74 school year at Stables, the Brewery and, of demonstrated commendable consecutive Stables name they have no right to; drawing source for big name IwSU was Phenomen'1 acts and 9 times out of course, MSU's Pop taste in their bookings. presentation eagerly Alice Coltrane and Argent, 10, Entertainment. The latter anticipated by East Lansing ■ considering the vast number of those "big names" two both because potentially I ited S musicians that came be nothing more than proved to have concentrated almost residents. superlative shows were ruined IfSis I town. Most likely the the delayed result of disappointments. big exclusively on rock and roll acts while the Stables and The Brewery has consistently pulled in the finest by overbearing sound influx was This last year has Pop problems; Freddie Hubbard, II Unnj of the drinking those lean times a proven thing of the Entertainment's Mariah rock and roll entertainment this year. Of the ten best because of the less than stellar I tie in 1972 and the growth of past. A stunning array of coffeehouse have brought more musical talent of his musicians, low keyed folk and II college bar scene. international talent has passed - jazz acts. performances that I will soon who have yet to be heard on I tvo vears ago it was nearly near this The Stables has made an mention, the self - appointed any Hubbard recordings, and campus, making these I impossible to witness a rock three terms particularly effort to bring in some top Their mixture of such "MSU West" is responsible for Three Dog Night, simply for I nd roll band in East Lansing memorable ones. names in the jazz scene over the past year - as the renowned folk acts as Roger eight. Of those eight, it would be being chosen, in 1973, to McGuinn and Loudon appear at a college concert. difficult to single out any one The decidedly mediocre performance as best, but the awards, which go to those shows given by the Soft Woman singer's 1st album shows Machine, Tim Buckley and Rory Gallagher, though totally performances that did not quite stand the test of time, are presented to America (the different in appeal, were group, one understands); both power to rock, universally admirable for professionalism. With these monumental their Badfinger, which was a bit dreary in performance; Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes, performances out of the way, though guitarist I«11 1114,U successful European Christmas Nugent still without X we can proceed to the First ever losing the children with a tune that is retains his always discernible tour, Kiki Dee has finally JANICE RUNKLE released her first album, subtlety for a gentle love song. easy to start humming in your Annual Unofficial East Lansing Academies. degree of high class; Fanny, who were more D€B> "Loving and Free." Among the best cuts are sleep. appealing, after The ten best performances After knocking Suzi Quatro The real delight of her "Amoureuse," her British hit, The album is rounded out deliberation, as novelties than ■ nilVril I is shattering records across America. I with an old Jackson Browne were the Soft Machine, Tim It has become the most off the top of the British pop album is its and "Loving and Free," one of musicians, and, finally, widely seen adult film in cinema versatility. This Buckley, Rory Gallagher, I charts and completing a woman has the power to rock several she wrote herself. Both favorite, "Song for Adam," Bachman - Turner Overdrive! history. Words are simply inadequate to convey the and a strong version of Captain Beefheart, Iggy and whose appeal has decidedly incredible eroticism of the film. DEEP THROAT is are superbly arranged and the Stooges (of astoundingly explicit - it goes beyond orchestrated. Egan/Hafferty's "You Put course), Big lessened after a few earth - anything previously made. DEEP THROAT is Kiki started out as a singer Something Better Inside of Star, Z.Z. Top, Strawbs, Ian shaking appearances in town rapidly becoming the standard to which all other adult films Matthews and Chick Corea and will be compared. DEEP performance Me." Dance for Motown, but today she has a spot on the roster of Rocket It is obvious from this album Return to Forever. Matthews was and the unnerving of their "Takin' overplaying Care of THROAT cannot be described - it must be Anything you have seen before is merely preparation for experienced. that Kiki is going to be a lot part of a Pop Business"single. the experience of DEEP Records, a new label for young THROAT. Entertainment show, Corea In closing, let it be said that by class at MSU artists. Elton John and Bernie more than just the fancy of a set Taupin are the masterminds few music freaks in Southern was sponsored by the Nubian the worst shows of 1973 74 Knights and the Brewery probably rank right up there - was Deep Throat it still banned found obscene in in New York. It'* the film that Detroit and was responsible for the behind Rocket, and when they California, so give her a listen snared everyone else. padlocking of five theaters. Deep Throat has been busted and with the best of the subsequently acquitted more than any other film in history. The dance production range from modem dance to wanted to write Kiki a special - you will make a new friend. the previous most disappointing year's shows The Beal Film Group is showing Deep Throat, I students of MSU (students in musical comedy and from jazz song, they came up with uncut, not one frame has been deleted. I HPR 436) will present "A to '50s • ish jitterbug." "Lonnie and Josie." It is a I Dance Production" at 8 p.m. The works to be presented song about two runaway I Monday in the McDonel Hall are Carolyn Webb's "Drum | ki*a. Song," Jean Bonnel's "One We present I I only to those persons over More Chance," Joan Banks' CsKwfc The performance, under the 18 years of I direction of Debbie Vogel, is "Le Fleur," Toni King's MaclA UGH age who enjoy extremely explicit erotic entertainment. We have no wish to offend or shock. I in amalgam of dancing styles Fiddler "What's Going On," Paula If you do not enjoy viewing incredibly graphic sexual I and is the culmination of the Spiteri's "Alive Without behavior, we at Beal strongly recommend that you PIANO AND I diss's term project. . Breath," Frito Waber's "Two , stay away. In DEEP THROAT we have the ultimate "The whole in erotic entertainment, if you wish to point of the Timing Me" and Dale Orrin's experience it, onthegpof we cordially invite I course is to put on a dance "In the Mood." you to attend - if you have any I concert with the students ORGAN MART doubts about your probable reaction to this film, we Admission to the production strongly encourage you to enjoy another program. I doing everything - sets, props, is free. DEEP THROAT is stricUy for those who can take it. I lights, choreography, and of AB persons desiring admission lo this picture must hjvt proof of age. , dance," Vogel said. [ "And the pieces themselves RENTALS SHOWTIMES 7:00, 8:30 & 10:00 M17,18, f9 SHOWPLACE 106B Wells ADMISSION $2.00 SALES j Kva 2 FILMS BY HITCHCOCK SERVICE / m 3iUc 1 k/^ofc DAILY HAPPY HOURS Monday - Saturday BALDWIN PIANOS AND ORGANS Vi price msin UNION ACTIVITIES BOARD INN 2-5 p.rr. MacLAVGHLim BIZARRE FILM SERIES Fridays - Chili Dogs bO cents 1606 East Michigan Ave. PRESENTS l<^r • The Varsity Inn Lansing, Michigan 1227 E. Grand River ph. 517 - 487 - 5995 TWO CLASSICS ORSON WELLES' PRESENTS CITIZEN MERIAN C. COOPER'S The KANE ORIGINAL BILLY JACK I'm not going to let the animals RETURNS in ot the world take over..." -Billy Jack STRANGERS ON A TRAIN and STAGE FRIGHT SHOWTIMES STRANGERS ON A TRAIN 7:00 & 10:30 LIFE MAGAZINE STAGE FRIGHT 8:45 SHOWPLACE 108 B WELLS NEW YORK TIMES BOSLEY CROWTHER ADMISSIONS!.25 PARLORS A, B, C- A GRCWTPOUBLI f EATWU: STUDENT UNION Friday - May 31 5 p.m. Citizen Kane 7 p.m. King Kong 9 p.m. Citizen Kane 11p.m. DOUBLE FEATURE King Kong The Most Dangerous Game TOM m"BORN & Saturday - June 1 , LAUGHLIN as Billy Jackn LOSERS" same as above } reabeth james • jeremy suite • william wellman. jr. • h jane russell 3 $.*.00 PER SHOW including Tonight & Saturday double feature! Tonight: 107 South Kedzie 7:30 & 9:45 Showtime* Sat.: 100 Engineering 7:30 & 9:45 Charlie Chan in London 7:00 & 10:15 Sun.: Conrad 7:30 Charlie Chan in Shanghai 8:40 information -355-3355 Showplace 104B Wells Admission $1.25 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 31, 1974 Concerts up sale By MARGARET GOSSETT artist's promotional stint so to promote his hit single, people showed up for the give - with State News Staff Writer Doug Kershaw's Many students who mia*. far this year. "Spiders and Snakes." away - just a few ticket - performance bought his performers A saleswoman for Marshall when th After appearances by Promo people came up from holders dropped ^n to see what albums. first popular musicians at local nightspots, Detroit for the Jim Stafford Music said it did not help they bought tickets for," said The Fifth Dimension tallied years agoawS whether melodious bluesmen appearance at Mariah earlier album sales, but it helped sell Tom Westgate, manager of the most record sales at the eager to purchase their eaE at the Stables or glass • rattling this term and arranged for him singles Stafford had Marshall Music. Disc Shop after their hard to come by. rock groups at the Brewery, to help give alway a live autographed. The number of albums sold appearance in the rail of 1971, "The old record sales indicate students tarantuala and boa constrictor "It wasn't a usual promo for 'depends largely on the artist's Peter, Pau| and Westgate said, and M«ry albums were i„ often stock up on the artists' with WVIC and Marshall Music East Lansing, and not many performance, 1 said Tom Mancini's albums were Henry the next demand .2 albums to continue the concert Westgate, manager of The Disc biggest seller in past years. after Yarrow? at home. -Shop. Demands for Rick Mancini has appeared on We keep some in stock "On Monday and Tuesday Nelson albums were practically hut many students come for albums of groups in asking that had Orchestra to offer nil, people he added, while many who were impressed campus twice for the Lecture Concert Series that Westgate could remember. not all stores old classics and keep up with the they are not just appeared in town over the f»y to find." * not weekend," said Dean Graham, last concert of year manager of Discount Records, 401 E. Grand River Ave. The MSU Symphony Orchestra will present its final concert of TOWN! CLAM BAKE Graham said he keeps the the 1973-74 season at 4 p.m. Sunday at Fairchild Theater. appearing artists' most recent The orchestra will be under the direction of guest conductor FRI. & SAT. NIGHT 6-11 P.M. album on display, and often Carmen Moral, the director of the National Symphony Orchestra We at Bill's OLDE TOWN CLAM offers special sales on their of Peru. BAKE serve seafood in the true albums after the concerts. Moral will replace Alun Francis, the conductor of the Ulster style of New "Not only does it service the England. Symphony in Northern Ireland, who was originally scheduled to We feature: people who want the conduct this concert. * Whole lobster * Cherry stone clams performing artist's album, but Moral, who has a master of music degree from Columbia * it creates a good image for the Shrimp * Com-on-the-cob Univeristy, has conducted extensively throughout the United store, keeping up with local States and Latin America. All seafood is steamed and performances," Graham said. The orchestra's program will consist of Beethoven's "Triple uniquely served in a wire mesh basket direct to After the Beach Boys Concerto" and Brahms' "Symphony No. 2." Soloists in the concert on May 18, Discount your table. Added extras include com SN Photo/Susan Sheiner Beethoven concerto will be pianist David Renner, violinist Records sold over 150 of their bread, tossed salad, drawn butter, and Walter Verdehr and cellist Peter Rejto, all of the Muse Dept. Larry Van De Sande, 335 S. Wonders Hall, looks at a Rick albums, mostly their surfing seafood sauce. Our regular menu is also Nelson album put on sale after Nelson's recent East Lansing appearance. Record stores report an increase in the sale of era records. The Disc Shop and Marshall Music noted only a faculty. The concert is free to the public. p Restaurant available. As always we will be homemade clam fritters & polish sausage serving albums by artists who appear locally, particularly if the slight fluctuation in sales of S & Bar hor's doeurves before dinner & your the SAME PLACE, NEW NAME favorite drinks & cocktails. store does a promotion. theic Beach Boys records, which were not put on special Call 482-6100 for sale like those at Discount Information and Reservations Records. U-M artisans "We often get promotional stuff from the record companies when their artists sponsors cr are appearing in town," Graham said. "The artist rarely has the time or desire to The University of Michigan p.m, Friday and Saturday and promote his record sales. He Artists and Craftsmen Guild from noon to 5 p.m. Sundav at will sponsor an arts and crafts just assumes the company will the Briarwood Mall in Ann handle it." fair from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 Arbor. East Lansing has seen one STOCK CAR RACING EVERY FRIDAY RACING HOTLINE TIME TRIALS 7:00 PM 676 4763 FIRST RACES 8:30 PM SPARTAN US 127 at College Road SPEEDWAY (between Holt and Mason) a Mitchell Brothers Film Group Production "Rolls Royce of Hard-Core!' -SHOW imw Schensul's FOR PRE-GRADI Before you enter the real world, enter Tech Hifi Cafeteria during our PRE-GRADUATION SALE. Be sure to come, because we're saving you drinks Meridian Mall & Open: Mon Thurj. 4:30 7:30 • and dollars. You can get soused and stereo • Noon: Mon. Fri. Lansing Mall Fri. 4:30 - 8:00, Sat. 11:15 8 00 at the same time! - 11:15 - 2:00 Sun. 11:30 7:00 - The time is 11:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m., Thursday & Friday. To find out this weeks And 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. menu specials, call 349-4028 or 482-7114 The place is Tech Hifi in East Lansing: 619 E. Grand River Ave. Expires WSING YOUR "SCHENSUL- COUPON" It's easy JUNE 3 1974 Pamper Your Budget! Buy a Schensul Discount 1 25*"per family, toward the purchase techhifij | or lunch of dinner at Schensul's any day. Coupon Book |1 When of our ? you have finished a delicious meat at either 10 $2.00 coupons for Only SIS.oo conveniently located cafeterias in this 2 area, simply present the coupon to the cashier. The value will be deducted from With the redemption o yi'jr bill. A varied it reasonable 9«t a 25% discount on prices, awaits you at one of any meal, anytime. ^■■Quality Components at the Right Prkeaaa/ Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 31, 1974 13 RUHANISATSANG Region feels penny pinch; DIVINE SCIENCE Of th* SOUL PUBLIC MEETING SAT. JUNE 1st 7:30 PM STUDENT CENTER 327 M.A.C. many people hoard coins By JOE KIRBY He said that when they run out they wil; have to ask people for Is holiness SANTKIRPAL SINGH Guest Speaker State News Staff Writer the exact change or round the price off to the nearest nickel. The Living Master Carol Haseltine, manager of Kirpal Singh Stanger's, 230 MAC Ave., said The theme of the meeting will Gone are the they only get $5 worth of pennies from the bank now as opposed Discourses, Books, days when pennies were sneered at and looked be "Man Know Thyself" upon as insignificant objects to be to $15 worth previously. Movies and tape put in a pair of loafers. embaracing the need for Because some people think the "Customers have been cooperative," Haseltine said. "Some No charge, universal love, service to copper value of a penny is no collection. worth more than the have even given us a few extra humanity and all creation as penny itself, many people are hoarding pennies saying "you need it worse '• God resides in every heart. them. than we do." A pound of MARK BISHOP - 337 • 2553 copper is selling for $1.20, but Robert Cook, asst. Raymond Morris 393 - 2075 vice president for the Federal would probably take about 160 Reserve Bank in Detroit, said it Shore leave ends for British sailor pennies to make a pound of copper. SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) during World War II, and has Tliere are currently 62 billion - Walter Talbot will receive an been living in San Diego for pennies in circulation and the federal mint is honorable discharge from the with his delivering 35 million a day but the government has years wife and been forced to cut back on the British navy after 54 years, children. allotment it gives to banks. Beverly Nye, asst. cashier at East Lansing State Bank, 100 W. British officials say. But the 73 - year - old Grand River Ave., said the bank's allotment In 1920, a 19 - year • old Talbot turned himself in during has been cut by 75 sailor deserted his the visit here in March of the per cent, from $1,000 worth of pennies a week to $250.00 ship in Nye said the bank is limiting penny sales to commercial Canada and assumed the name HMS Jupiter, saying, "I want depositors. Talbot. He served in the U.S. to square the record before it's Nye said that they are asking customers to "bring in their Navy twice, re - enlisting too late. piggybanks" and the bank will count out and wrap the pennies for them. Nye added that the problem could be alleviated if "people would stop hoarding them" and realize that a penny is still worth only a penny. It is a federal offense to melt down pennies and sell the copper. William J. Fleming, executive vice president for the First National Bank of East Lansing, 435 E. Grand River Ave., said, "The situation is becoming more critical." SN Fleming said the bank's allotment has been cut 75 per cent, photo/Dave Olds from $200 to $50 worth of pennies a week. The penny pinch hat struck East Lansing, and area banks Some local stores are also beginning to feel the penny pinch. Dean Graham, manager of Discount say their supply from the federal mint in Chicago has been Records, 401 E. Grand River Ave., said they have had real problems cut back as much as 75 per cent. Businesses predict they getting pennies from local banks. will have to round prices to the nearest zero or five cents in "We've only been able to get them on three order to compensate. days over the last two weeks," Graham said. Graham said banks have been limiting them to $3 worth when they have been able to get them and, consequently, he expects to run out any day now. I M 1 wocmi WrOKMATK* 4g W0S St3ftS * TODAY: presents I I L 1 1 n i . " J?l WryjPHWWPWPPB 7 S. WASHINGTON DOWNTOWN Doors Open 6:45 Feature 7:05 & later p.m. CANNES 1974 FILM FESTIVAL WINNER! Golden Palm Award.. .'Best Picture'! J407 E. GRAND RIVER-DOWNTOWN Harry Caul will go anywhere to bug a private conversation IT OPEN 6:45 • shows Shows 7:15 - 9:20 His talfeepts pr? unequalled They ve SUN. 1:00 • 3:05 • 5:10 - & & 7:15 - 9:20 already been ,t^*fPons'ble for three murders r—Sirvbad battles the- creatures of legend one hoar live show! The Las Vega also 9 Danish MON. • THURS. featurettes 1 p.m. til 11 p.m. FRI. • SATURDAY 1 p.m. til 1 a.m. ADMISSION >0 per parson, 5.D0 * couple Open 7 days * week GeneHackman. 3 At 10:56 p.m. EDT, July 20, 1969, "The Conversation" Apollo color 11 astronaut Neil A. Armstrong set foot on Francis Fofd Coppola the Moon saying: "That's one small John Cazale - Allen Garfield • Cindy Williams hits for a man, one giant leap for mankind." step Perhaps the second part of this statement XCLUSIVE FIRST RUN] epitomizes the significance of the space program. This program provides a glimpse FIRST AT DUSK AND REPEATED LATE of the limitless horizons, infinite op¬ portunities for benefits, and advancement Starring JOHN PHILLIP lAw CAROuNE i^nkO TOM BAKER | EXORCISM... • • of knowledge offered by the Creator of Special Visual Effects RAY HARRYHAUSEN exploration of IS ONLY THE BEGINNING! space. Starts Wednesday Schedule SEAN CONNERY in "zarpoz" PROGRAM INFORMATION 33? Ml7 Friday & Saturday 8:00 & 10:00 p.m. 2nd Fun Week! when Sunday 2:30 & 4:00 p.m. I Open 7 p.m. - feature IWOOTWTION MWB there's After 8:00 pm shows there is OPEN 6:45 TODAY! | 7:40 -9:35 -Sat Sun no place a special 2ND WEEK! f 2)5 ABeon no -downtown " 3:45 5:40 • - 7:35 • presentation for skywatchers. After "Athlete" at 7:00 ■ Late left 10:00 pm shows a current album release "Snowball" at 8:30 only WANTED! 1000 Laughs Reward! to is played in 4-channel sound. Following IT'S THE "GREATEST" ALL-COMEDY Ruth Gordon (Alias "Maude"! 2:30 pm shows on Sunday a half-hour caused 125,000 Detroiters to die P " YOU CAN ALWAYS GO MAD. movie on space or astronomy will be ALL-FUN PROGRAM! laughing last ovie year while her "HAROLD AND shown. MAUDE" played 72 weeks at EXORCISM'S Adult Admission the studio theatres. She's wanted in 50 states on charges of creating mass hysteria. Be on the $1.00 DAUGHTER lookout for this woman, who M.S.U. student (with ID) .75 has returned to Lansing in her Child (5-12) .50 other outrageous comedy, r NMIONAl "WHERE'S POPPA?" FORUM RELEASING PRESENTATION [R] THIS WOMAN IS EASTMAN COLOR" ALL SPACED OUT DANGEROUSL Y FUNNY HI May 31—July 21 Approach with caution (the film is rated R for some good reasons) Don't be fooled by that horror curse doddering old woman disguise DEAN NANCY HARRY KEENAN GEORGE TIM JAN-MICHAEL JOHN R0SC0E LEE she sometimes uses. Miss Gordon of of JONES ■ OLSON • MORGAN • WYNN • LINSEY TECHNICOLOR* CONWAY • VINCENT • AMOS • BRO' TECHNICOLOR* aims straight for the funnybone and Sat - Sun at 2:30 Sat Sun at 1:00 rarely misses. franken 5:35 - 8 35 p.m. 4:05-7:10-Late RUlH GORDON dracula PLANETARIUM stem TERRENCE HILL "Man of the East" GEORGE SEGAL IN 'WHERE'S POPPA?" 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 31, 1974 Intramural champions crowned By JACKWALKDEN defending fraternity champion, team's with diving catches. (.500), pitcher Bob Milmlne "great fan support" innings, respectively, and State Newt Sports Writer Sigma Chi, just to gain a berth The team was led as usual by (.469), catcher Gary Buccilli helped drive the team to the stopped any hopes of a rally bv One old champion and one in the finals. They did that, 3 • second baseman Ray Gomez, (.290) and outfielders Jim title. the losers. new champion were crowned 2, Tuesday night rightfielder Randy Fagerberg Crabtree (.286) and Joe Superb defense carried GTW In the fifth after Jeff Levine Wednesday night as the men's and shortstop Moore in the Huntzicker (.313). to its shutout win over Mixed led off with a single, Stu After topping the champs Nuts for the independent title. Wish intramural department closed hitting department. Gomez hit a wicked line drive and ending Sigma Chi's bid for up the out its 1974 Softball collected three singles to finish The win brought GTW's record middle. GTW shortstop Steve the triple crown of intramural Coach Moore credited tournament. the season with a .526 batting to a perfect 22 - 0 after two Rodriquez caught the ball on sports, the championship was experience as the key to the Alpha Kappa Psi was the average. Fagerberg and Moore team's championship. years of competition. his shoe tops and then fired to new fraternity champ after anticlimactic. Alpha Kappa Psi each had a pair of hits to wind To gain the finals, GTW first to double off Levine. raced away to a 10 - 0 lead in "We advanced all the way to topping Phi Kappa Psi, 12 • 8. up at .545 and .639, rallied to beat TVyin' One, 4 - In the sixth it was almost the first four innings and then the semi - finals a year ago and an GTW (Grand Trunk respectively. 2, earlier Wednesday. Both instand replay as only held off a late Phi Kappa Psi all the guys were back from pitcher Westbound) defended its runs by the losers were Mike Fabian handled the that team," he said. "We had a ball independent title by routing rally for the win. Third baseman Roy Sgroi unearned. Pitcher Mike Fabian Scott Broadwell walked the Mixed Nuts, 8 - 0. chipped in with a home run. good attitude and everyone of GTW thus finished the to start the For Alpha Kappa Psi, the Leftfielder Dan Moore was pulled together. Three times year inning and one out by not allowing an earned run later Dave Fire hit a drive road was rough to win the title. of the keys to the win as Other regulars on Alpha this year we came back in the up one over his last 12 innings of the middle. Fabian last inning to win games." speared the The team, coached by Rick he took away three sure extra Kappa Psi included first pitching. ball and then threw to first base hits from Phi Kappa Psi baseman Bruce Bommarito He also added that the for Moore, had to beat the The Mixed Nuts held on to an easy double play to end the nip PBJs (Peanut Butter and game. BUT NUMBER OF LOCKERS LIMITED Jellys), 3 -1, to gain a berth in Bruce Loria, who finished the finals. PBJs posted with a .778 just a 3 batting average and • 2 regular season record but nine home runs, paced the Outdoor won four straight in winners with a double and a MSU's outdoor the Women's Intramural 8 pool through June 16, the pool ope 10 to 15, and 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. the tournament the semi • final game. before losing GTW committed just one single. Chris Truhan chipped in with a pair of hits, while Paul Reimer added a homer. pool will harmless error, while holding Tuesday night Cannonballs open at 11:30 a.m. Saturday. Building. The building will be will be available for women for children swim and 1 to 3 the Mixed Nuts to just two defeated Snidegrass 2, 11 9, - Students, faculty and staff are open for recreational activity only according to the following p.m. for women only June 16. hits. to win the from 8 to 8 p.m.. Monday independent urged to come dressed for a.m. schedule: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 - Paddle ball and racquetball Much of the winners' fastpitch title. through Thursday. p.m. June 8; 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. play offs have been scheduled swimming since the number of IM swim for women only - defensive play was of the Trailing 9 • 2, Cannonballs Liquid Libations IM outdoor pool lockers is limited. Glass bottles of suntan lotion will be open Monday through Thursday of finals week from for the children swim and 1 to 3 p.m. June 9 for women 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. only; in a single elimination tournament. Call the Men's IM office for details. spectacular variety. defensive gems of the game The rallied for four runs in the fourth inning and five in the and baby oil are not allowed in June came in the fifth and sixth fifth to gain the victory. co-rec water polo title the pool area. 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. The The seven member Vacation hours for the Liquid Libations team - Friday of finals week the woo the MSU intramural co Libations squad included Gary Men's Intramural Building for Sakamoto, Andy Nelson, June 9 through 16 will be building will be open for - recreational water polo recreation from 8 a.m. to 5 championship Wednesday night Roger Keding, Roger Wise, posted in the building during Mollie Blake, Sally Bultrude p.m. The pool will be open at the Women's finals week. that day from 11:30 a.m. to 2 and Laur Riendl. All are Intramural Building pool by from Wonders Hall except p.m. for women only. There defeating Going Under, 6 • 4, SEE IDE NEW MKKORMAT-EL There will be no "early bird will be no evening swim. in a closely contested match. Sakamoto. swim" during finals week at During summer break, June Mr. Gindlesberger factory representative will be here! Sat. June 1 10 AM to 5 PM Nikkormat-EL Black body DEMO 50 mm F2.0 Lens SPECIAL! List $602.50 $439°° ft*? onmttor with the purchase of a lenses '20. Nikon or Nikkormat Limited time only1 The offer during demo We will five you ah additional $20 off our regular telling price on a new Nikkor lent when you buy a new Nikon 01 Nikkormat camera with one lem. OFF You can choose any one of 38 Nikkori (all except the three normal lenses). Nikkormat Black Body! 50 F2.0 LENS mm DEMO $00099 List $409.50 SPECIAL ZDu i Greek Feed Greek Pastries Vi PRICE SALE! Interesting Beeths K EN WOOD- P1 0N EE R Entertainment Kenwood KR-7200 or Pioneer SX-626 Va Price with purchase of any pair of stereo speakers in stock (George & the Aristons 8 p.m. - 1 a.m.) and Free Greek Dance Lessens dD PIONEER' SX 626 $ KENWOOD pub KR-7SOO Am - Fm Stereo Receiver 260 Watt (IHF) ■ FET • IC • FM/AM Stereo Receiver 110 Watt IHF Music Power featurinc Direct Couplinf Amplifier art "Mike Mixin|"in Ml Modes List $339.95 with purchase' List with purchase of 2 stereo speakers $OJQ90 $499.95 of 2 stereo speakers ZHw IHolu Holy Trfnitu Trinity Diamond & We Friday June 7 Creek Church Quality plus Savings and Saturday June List $750. LEONARDS Noon 'til 1 a.m. Marshall and mc year total Both Ringi JEWELER! FREE LEONARD 1 Fit Adjacent 9:30 to 9 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME Ramp Tims., WmI., TMiri., Sat. Wholesale Distributor* Parking 9:30 to 9:30 p.m. Evening!, Sat. gjpjjjj Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 31, 1974 15 Spartan women athletic squads COMING NEXT WEEK By Popular Demand display improvement, excellence By PAM WARD The team was Manono Beamer, who led by members, Joey Spano, Jan national marked improvement State Newt Sports Writer swimming and diving ESTHER the Midwest captured Parker, Karen Miller, Joan throughout the individual golf championships. Jane season. The An increase in budget, title. 8 Woloszyk and Carol Kiddon, Manchester continued to lead team is only in its second year were chosen of competition improved facilities and by a panel of the Spartan divers as she took and went 7 - 1 equipment and a strong In the spring, women's golf judges on ability and her second consecutive NCAA for the season. The Spartans commitment to the continued organized its first Big Ten performance. sent six members diving title. Several to the PHILLIPS! new meet. The Spartans The volleyball growth of the women's athletic the captured team had a freshmen on the team emerged intercollegiate championships. program at MSU were certainly conference title and disappointing season as it as valuable assets including Marjorie Grimmett placed in Beamer took fourth ended with 6 -11 record and the 100 and 220 yard dash at not wasted during 1973 ■ 74. a place Lucy Johnson (freestyler) and - The women's teams individual honors. MSU is was defeated in semi - final Barbara Harding (diver). the tourney. She ran 12.8 in continued to improve and bring back to Spartan land a host of titles, awards and sending four golfers June Oldman, Dee Carol Peterson - - Beamer, Wait and to the NCAA competition at the volleyball tournament. state new The gymnastics team, with coach Barb McKenzie, saw its best season the 100 for eighth place and 25.3 in the 220 for fourth place. Laurel Vietzke jumped (Monday-Saturday) Winter term was an performance in national recognition. national golf array of school history. The 18 feet VA inches for championships in a sixth The golf team began its San Diego, Calif., June 17 to 22. outstanding team individual performances. and were 8 - Spartans 1 in dual competition place finish in. the long jump. The women's softball team June 3-8 second year of competition The women's swimming and for the first time the entire early in the fall on a split The field hockey team, team qualified for the national showed improvement this team, coached by Jennifer season schedule. The Spartan coached by Mikki Baile, had a gymnastics championships. season and gained national Parks, captured its second Big 5-1-4 season record last fall. MSU ended up 13th in the recognition. The Spartans golfers maintained a Ten title and went TBRUUS The undefeated captured first place at the spectacular two - year team qualified five in dual meet tournament. members to competition. The The women's basketball Calvin College All Sports Day undefeated record and play in the Great Spartans also took the regional captured its second Midwest Lakes field team also had its best tournament and went to the hockey sectional title and qualified 11 swimmers season in regional title. tournament. The qualifying and four divers for the school history. Its only loss College World Series to NCAA represent the state of Michigan. came against Calvin College, "...we offer the number one team in the The Spartans took ninth in the a better alternative!" state. The Spartans placed tournament, an improvement Sailing club to g third in the state tournament and received a bid for the Midwest from last year's 11th place finish. Sherrie Tyler, Sue Lawson and Gwen White The MSU Sailing Club is Being a club sport, it receives and John regional title Walton and Cathy provided the planning to Send two teams, no funds from the Nolan the other. Fries will also championships. Linda Stoick team with a University. was the team's top scorer. strong pitching staff. the women's squad and the The team is currently soliciting compete in the individual The women's tennis team regular team, composed of men donations but still needs about dinghy race. captured its second consecutive and women, to the $800. Donations can be sent to Ray Munson, Pat Walker and Big Ten title. Sue Selke took Intercollegiate Yacht Racing 201 Men's Intramural Paul Bldg., in Pokorny will represent the conference's individual Assn. of North America care of Russ Rivet. MSU in the intermediate sloop honors and went undefeated in (ICYRA) championship meets. competition. dual meet competition. The sailing club's regular The club is currently ranked The track team with new The women's team is team will be in Boston, Mass., sixth in the nation. coach Nell Jackson, showed scheduled to be in Newport June 9 to 20, for the ICYRA Beach, Calif., Wednesday championship meet. There will through June 8 for the ICYRA be 14 teams competing, meet, which is sponsored by including Harvard, the host the University of California at school. Irvine. The women will be MSU will field two teams in competing against 14 other the dinghy competition. teams from across the nation Derrick Fries and Mary Ellen and Canada. Schutz will make up one boat The team, consisting of Marilyn Tripp, Lauri Gabrielson and Jill and Janeen Gore, is undefeated in the Midwest with a 3-0 record. However, the team may not be able to make the trip because of financial 1 BDR—$180 per month 2 BDR—1 BATH—$212 per month 2 BDR—2 BATH—$222—per month 3 BDR—$237 per month * Olympic size pool * Recreation hall *Each unit has garbage disposal, iir conditioning Ci central heating & BOOKS graduate students Ml All Yew needs committee members for •academic council •educational policies Stop At committee •minority advisory committee •business affairs committee GIBSON'S •university student advisory Applications committee are also being accepted for all BOOKSTORE committees for next fall. Contact your department representative or call Council of Graduate Students office. the 128 W. Grand Riv*r 353-9189 (1 Block West off the Union) Batwetn 10:15 and 2:15 MON. - FRI. 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan LYNN HiNNING Spartan sports exciting Sports future has bright spots § My friends and I have a standing joke concerning our allegiance to Detroit's professional teams to MSU sports. Why, we ask, do By JACK WALKDEN State News Sports Writer Even though the MSU men's sports teams failed to win a Big Ten title outright for the second year in a row, the 1973 ■ 74 athletic year was full of excitement and surprises. It was also a year of record breaking performances by Mike More than 8,000 fans, the biggest crowd in University of Michigan wrestling history, attended the Spartans' match with U - M held in February at Jenison Fieldhouse. For a rebuilding season, MSU's baseball team finished with a respectable 23-16-1 record. Dale Frietch batted .425, sixth best in Spartan history, while alternating as catcher and designated hitter. we root for them? Are we some kind of masochists? Do we like Robinson, Steve Colp, Marshal) Dill and Val Washington. Robinson and the Spartan basketball team probably presented Frietch was named to the first team all - Big Ten and all - losses? MSU fans with the most excitement during the year, challenging District 4 (Mideast) teams and was also selected to the Big Ten's Following the Tigers, Lions, Pistons and Red Wings through as Big Ten title contenders for the first time since 1967. The team all - academic team. The Cincinnati junior finished this past term year after year of mediocre efforts has been tough enough. I was too young to appreciate Bobby Layne's great days when he was finished a surprising 8 - 6 in the league, good for fourth place. with a 3.33 grade point while majoring in math and statistics. The 5 - 11 Robinson wound up his lucrative career with a leading the Lions to championships. There have been few thrills since. Hie Red Wings have gone since 1953 without a Stanley Spartan record 1,717 career points and was drafted in the seventh Spartan second baseman Craig Gerard. Frietch's roommate, round by the Cleveland Cavaliers of the NBA. was also named to the team. MSU was sixth in the Big Cup, and while the Pistons are approaching championship caliber, Ten. you know their sorry history. Only 1968, when the Tigers did it Colp led the Spartan hockey team to a fourth place finish in the Western Collegiate Hockey Assn. as he led the nation in For the 17th straight season, the Spartan soccer team finished all, has prevented a complete washout over the last 15 years. Not even Philadelphia has been as bad off as Detroit's pro teams over scoring with a team record of 97 points. Colp's 43 goals were also with a winning season. MSU wound up with a 4 - 3 - 3 record. a Spartan record. the same time. Former head coach Gene Kenney's son Mike led the team in That's bad enough, but what about MSU? It has been slightly Though losing freshman goalie Gary Carr in May, the future scoring. He tallied four times in an early season win over Eastern looks very bright for the Spartans, who will move into a new ice embarrassing. It has now been two years now since any of MSU's Michigan. men's teams has outright won a Big Ten championship. That's 0 - arena this fall. The Spartan swimmers finished with a 7 - 4 dual meet record for 26 if you're counting. - Dill and Bob Cassleman were stars of the MSU track team. Dill Oh, MSU hasn't been the only school blitzed. Purdue and set a world record in the 300 - yard dash during the Spartan and a sixth place standing in the league meet. The season's Northwestern with their combined enrollment of 33,000 haven't highlight came when diver Dave Burgering defeated NCAA relays with a time of 29.3 seconds. Cassleman became the first won over the last two years either. to win four champions Tim Moore on the three - meter board in a dual meet runner straight Big Ten indoor titles in his event when But this is MSU with an enrollment of over 40,000. This he won the 600 yard run. • against Ohio State. Brad Hyland earned a spot in the nationals as the golf team University used to be one of the leaders in intercollegiate athletics Cassleman and Dill also combined with Bill Nance and Mike finished third in the Big - Rose Bowls, tournament berths, national attention. Holt to establish a world record in the mile relay with a clocking Ten. Hyland boasts a 75.8 per rdund MSU has had just one winning football season in the last seven of 3:11.7. scoring average going into the NCAA tourney. years (6 - 5 in 1971) but MSU was again in the top 10 in MSU finished second in the conference during the indoor The Spartan tennis team placed sixth in the Big Ten collegiate football attendance last year. You still draw here with a season and fourth at the outdoor meet. loser. championships after a 7 - 7 dual meet mark. Washington led the Spartan lacrosse team to its best season Freshman Tom Gudelsky gave notice that he will be a player to Administratively, there have been bungles. Economics ever (5 • 7), scoring 20 goals to finish with a career record 77 be reckoned with in the future as he advanced to the finals as tallies. shouldn't have forced a man like Payton Fuller out of the athletic MSU's No. 6 singles player before losing. MSU's football team finished with a mediocre 5 - 6 record, 4 • department, whether he was part time or not. 4 in the Big Ten, but the prospects are brighter for the future Herb Lindsay led the cross country team to a fourth place There have been positive signs, however. The school has taken after an excellent year of recruiting. finish in the Big Ten and a third place ranking in the regional. A a realistic approach toward its football program. Bill Simpson was the one highlight of MSU's 1973 season. controversial MSU rule which stipulates that a team must finish in Assistant football coaches are no longer paid peanuts as they were when Duffy Daugherty was head man. Gus Ganakas was Simpson's play earned him the honor of being the first defensive the first two spots at the Big Ten meet to be allowed to go to the back picked in the NFL college player draft. The 6 • 1, 180 - nationals forced the Spartans to sit at home during the NCAA given help enough to land two quality assistant coaches and the potential for MSU taking its basketball program seriously is much pound Royal Oak native was drafted by the Los Angeles Rams. meet. He signed his contract with the Rams Wednesday. better than before when Ganakas was practically forced to run The Spartan gymnastics team wound up sixth in the Big Ten. Pat Milkovich won the Big Ten and NCAA wrestling title at the whole thing himself. All - around performer Bemie Van Wie was the team's 126 pounds and led the Spartans to a third place finish in the top Compared to the Univeristy of Michigan, though, MSU is far, athlete. league. far behind at this point and that's what hurts because if there are two schools which should remain competitive, it's MSU and U • M. Further, the arrogance pouring out from Ann Arbor is beginning to get unbearable. Bo Schembechler has been literally consumed by the hatred he holds toward this school since the iDftnCf TO THC fflUSIC; Rose Bowl incident and he's talking about the three digit scoreboard being set up when MSU pays its visit this year. It would be great to see State knock them on their maize and blue butts, but 111 lay no wager that happens. to The point is things attitude advance. The future will be had better change in a hurry. It's too easy get used to losing and at MSU it would be a shame to see this as bright as MSU wants it. PUNK Punk" will be playing Fri. and Sat. nitps Women's Softball too late for paper The women's intramural all - OPEN BOWLING University championship softtfill game Thursday night EVERY NIGHT was played too late for Joe Joseph'! publication. Results will appear PRO BOWL this summer and next fall. brookfield plazo t e^aco North Login at Gr. River - Phone 372-7502 1301 E. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING CHECK OUR ONE WAY PRICES!! 5' x 8' ir Trailers Trucks From East Lansing To: $30.00 Traverse City, Michigan $192.00 $40.55 Minneapolis, Minnesota $190.00 $68.30 Denver, Colorado $293.00 $73.00 San Antonio, Texas $450.00 $68.00 Los Angeles, California $429.00 $50.00 New York City, New York $164.00 $45.80 $45.80 Richmond, Virginia Orlando, Florida $153.00 $375.00 AMERICAN $45.80 St. Petersburg, Florida $375.00 MAKE EARLY RESERVATIONS. INDIAN JEWELRY 332-1888 ART SALE RYDER TRUCKS presented by nfivruRoco Distributors of Select Jewelry Varsity Inn NAVAJO SILVER ZUNI INLAYS Finals Week Special AND TURQUOIS SANTO DOMINGO BRACELETS & FREE COKES! NUGGET NECKLACES HESHE Order a medium size 1 item SPECIAL PRICES BELOW ARIZONA RETAIL Varsity Pizza and get 2 large (16 oz.) Cokes FREE An unusually jprge selection of Rings, Bracelets and Squashes, on sale for Order a large 1 item Varsity Pizza and get 4 large (16 oz.) Cokes FREE. 2 DAYS ONLY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Offer good with this ad during 11 am - 7 pm finals week. Inside and delivery. at The Varsity Inn 1227 E. Grand River WIMI v 351-1980 £>poileb ftotten 1071 332-6517 Trowbridge INN Free Delivery on Pizas and Subs Folk Entertainment Evenings Mon - Thur \ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 31. 1974 17 Farmer enters By PETE DALY race for board of trustees The commission acts as liaison State News Staff Writer between state Democratic farmers graduate from college. He has been full time farmer since he and their congressmen. a • Clemens, is chairman of Michigan's 12th District Democrats. non Wegner, a 42 • year - old farmer from Freeland, Michigan was 19, he said. Vader, a high school government teacher from Escanaba, is vice Though he has never served as an elected public official, "People that can't Miiounced this week that he will seek the Democratic Wegner told the State News Wednesday that he has go to college for the regular four years chairwoman of the 11th District Democratic party. Snation for a seat on the MSU Board of Trustees. active Democrat He has been a long been an member of the Saginaw County should have an opportunity for some kind of continuing Dropping out of the contention for the nomination is Charles If nominated, Wegner would be vying for one of two seats on education," Wegner said. Massoglia, an MSU senior who has been director of ASMSU Legal Jaycees and participated in their lhe eight - person board that are up for re - election this Community Drug Program. Aid and also Off Campus Council He also feels that tuition costs for - president. Lember. Neither of the current holders of those seats, Frank Michigan universities are iferriman, R - DeckervUle, and Kenneth Thompson, R - East IJlteT °riand operate8 8 1-000 " ** *vy bean farm near freeland, which is eight miles from Midland and Saginaw. He is climbing too high, and said that academic capabilities of potential Massoglia had been considering seeking the Democratic nomination for MSU Board of Trustees, but decided this week to students should have Losing, has decided yet if he will run for re - election. higher priority in university admission than run instead for Ingham County Commissioner. He will be running Wegner, who has spent three years studying part time at MSU MSUintS tolT f°Ur Chi,dren' 006 °f Wh°m Wi" * attendin« the financial status of the student. for the seat currently held by Derwood Boyd. under the Kellogg Farmers Study Program, was picked as a Two other state Democrats who have Wegner said he is largely already announced "I felt I was starting too late to run for a trustee's nominee candidate by the Democratic Agricultural Commission especially concerned with continuing education, for people like himself who never had a chance to candidacy for their party's nomination for an MSU trustee's seat seat," are John Bruff and Elnora Vader. Massoglia said. "I don't think I am well known enough yet to the Bruff, a lawyer from Mount Democratic party on a statewide basis. Students give end- TONIGHT! By MARGARET GOSSETT State News Staff Writer ■We'd like to thank all the Intramural Buildinc 200 more Building with about with about showers than the women's. She said she makes «iH said two female swimmers. "I'd like to thank Burt Florence Denny, secretary in the science library, said "It's all brains in the early morning and JIMMY SMITH- 1AZZ ORGANIST Smith for putting the the same mundane covering the campus with 1|rly spring streakers, plenty of friends waiting in University of Michigan humdrum, cement. in its and I don't have especially the males, who really long, boring lines for the place and out of the anything to "Thanks? I'm just glad the Rose say." started off this term with a shower. year's over," Bob Alger, Bowl," said Beth Shalit, 233 One male student ing.'four anonymous women "Thanks to the maintenance River St. basking in freshman, 149 Abbot Jimmy Smith has been for their continued refusal the hot noon sun said he Hall, Kho lived off campus said. men "I'd like to thank hailed as being the world's "I'd like to thank Mariah for to let my thanked the hoards of rain that dogs into campus resident assistant for not has kept the beautiful Red greatest jazz organist. It is tinging fantastic folk and buildings," said one squealing on my habitual dope Cedar river flowing Now appearing - our no lie. Jimmy Smith and blues onto the MSU campus," anonymous woman. "If they're smoking all year," said an through the summer wine his band may well be the too exquisite lawns of campus. and Jdhnny & Kathy aid Bill English, junior, 612 W. prissy to clean up dog anonymous Mason Hall "Pm glad we got along with most fantastic performers McDonel Hall. messes themselves, there are a resident. the students and I thank them. you will ever see in East These and other people at MSU were eager to hand lot of students who would be glad to walk around with One student wished to thank the MSU trustees for It used to be we were > Olde World Lansing - Don't Miss oui their "thank - yous" to pooper • scoopers for $2.50 an his beliefs in their verifying considered pigs, now we're f 4 Ale. NORTON models - GUZZI on - DUCATI. New display. Repair and Add variety to your list 1215 East Michigan Avenue. 2-5-31 Summer Rentals from $50 bedrooms. 1 Vt bath. Close to 30,000 miles. Call Lou 355-4482 mpg, sun roof, air, good this summer. Male and (next to Cedar Village) shopping, 10 minutes MSU. • service for Honda and British Bus line. Reasonable. 371-3993. before 5pm. 3-5-31 condition. Best offer. 676-1433. female applicants needed. STUDENT - PART time evenings makes. G.T. MOTORS, 816 332 - 4432 1-531 2-5-31 KAWASAKI 1973, 250. $750. Office and industrial areas. and Saturdays. Inside salesman. CHEVY 283 1964. Good Honda 1972 125 SL, $425 / Howe, Lansing. Phone $2/hour. Apply room 635, - Experience not always Stop playing budget bingo. Look condition $150 or best offer. PINTO 1974 wagon 10,000 miles, 339-8659 after 3 pm. 5-5-31 -_!8Jh®81_5Aj£5-31_ Stoddard Building, corner of < for a better job in today's SUMMER SUBLEASE, one | Call 355-8008. 2-5-31 YAMAHAS necessary. Apply in Capitol / West Allengan, bedroom apartment. Furnished, radio, 2000cc, 4 speed, radial - MOST models now Classified Ads! tires, electric defroster. $2,675. CYCLE INSURANCE lowest in stock. person, 105 East Lansing. 2-5-31 air, close to cmapus, reduced | - Shep's is your full Washtenaw. 1 351-1036, 351-5819. ](! CHEVY VAN, low rate. mileage, family 485-7916. 2-5-31 rates on any sized cycle. Easy service dealer. For Yamaha, owned, economical, no rust. payment plan. Call UNION Triumph, and BMW. CLEANING WOMAN needed. 1 SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS, INC. 2460 day per week. East Lansing area. _J?^:B04l^S-31__ PINTO 1972. Excellent condition, UNDERWRITERS, 372-8120 or MANAGER OF gas station. Call 332-4918. 2-5-31 GRAD, SUMMER, own room in 26,000 miles. $1750. Call 485-4317.9-5-31 North Cedar, Holt. Just south of TWO PERSON, furnished, air, COMET 1966 - runs great, body Experience essential! Full time. two bedroom apartment, close 489-7614. 2-5-31 1-96 overpass. Phone 694-6621. Will be working with ex-drug close. Summer sublease. $150 I fair, economical. 60,000 miles, BABYSITTER: LIVE-IN. Two $75. 351-4546. 1-5-31 HUSQVARNA - 400CC late 72 $250. 1 964 Wildcat, PLYMOUTH VALIANT 1967. One model. Fantastic condition. Call C±M1 abusers. 371-3662. 1-5-31 small children. Five and three. month. 351-8628. 10-5-31 mechanically excellent, $175. 487-6682 before 3pm. 2-5-31 HONDA 1970. CL-450. Excellent 371-1084. 2-5-31 ATTENTION GRAD students. I owner. 34,000 actual miles. SUPER SALESWOMAN, weekends. BEAL APARTMENTS. 2 or 3 _ *W-5737. J-M1 $700. 332-3970. 2-5-31 condition, extras. $700/ best person, one block from campus, Northeast Street, upstairs, 3 I Travel horse and art shows, cycle COUGAR 1968 - Power steering, 1973 HONDA CL450. 3000 miles, offer. 351-7531.4-5-31 ' ENGINEERS, ME OR EE, summer or 12 month lease. Call rooms and bath. Partially f and car LUKE brakes. Automatic. Good PLYMOUTH 1969. Excellent like new, $1,000. 355-3209. HONDA 1970. SL-350. PHOTOGRAPHY, races. 351-6690. established midwest firm seeking 337-0449 between 4 and 8 pm. furnished, $110 includes | condition. $750. 339-8545 after condition, stick shift, family 2-5-31 Two recent graduates, opportunities utilities. Available June 15th. helmets, $425 Best offer. Call C-1-5-31 or drop by. 7-5-31 owned. $595. 351-5791. 2-5-31 - for advancement. Fee and 351-7283. 1-5-31 6om. 2-5-31 489-9470. 2-5-31 1966 BRIDGESTONE 90. Needs relocation paid. Start $925, DODGE SECRETARY - TYPING, 80 SUMMER ROOMS 2 blocks from VAN, 1966. Carpeted, PLYMOUTH FURY 1967. 1 lots of work. $50. 332-3970. more for experienced engineer. ONE BEDROOM apartment. Air. 1972 650 TRIUMPH. 1,0303 miles, w.p.m., shorthand 100 w.p.m., campus. $13 / week. 332-5053. mags, rebuilt engine. New owner, air, radio, good body, 2-5-31 filing. Knowledge of Call Sue Anderson, executive Edge campus. 2 months, alternator and regulator excellent condition. Call Donna, some B"5"31 summer, 332-6715. 1-5-31 snow tires. $325. 353-2933 or construction helpful. Excellent division, PERSONNEL 351-3328. 2-5-31 332-3865, after 5. 2-5-31 CAREERS AGENCY, CMEA. 655-3106. 1-5-31 TRIUMPH 250 cub, 1971 - $500. " fringe benefits. Equal DODGE CHARGER 1968. Metallic Please call after 6pm, 332-5586. 489c 1441. 2-5-31 green, black vinyl top, 318. PLYMOUTH 1948 California car. 2-5-31 Santa ' / Opportunity Employer. Send call 393-1670. Cherry shape in and out. $1200. Excellent engine. 339-2530. resume GRANGER or CONSTRUCTION DESK CLERK needed - must have CROSSWORD □db □UK r-iuu UE3W QHfflB ugag 655-2252. 5-5-31 1-5-31 1970 TRIUMPH TIGER. 5,500 transportation and be willing to COMPANY, 2702 South Cedar. miles. Stock and flawless. Looks BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced Lansing, Michigan. 5-5-31 travel. Call 372-0567 or PUZZLE EGIE0HBE EBaE and runs as it did the day it was rates to students. Also 489-1215 between 12 - 6 pm. ACROSS 25. Slogan □HEJH QB new. $1200. 349-9492. 2-5-31 guaranteed rust proofing. VAN OR-5-31 26. Travel □LJUUIO SERVICE STATION - Driveway I. Encircles WORLD, 645-2123. OR-5-31 salesmen and light mechanical. DISHWASHER. CORAL GABLES 5. Embers 28. Linen plant agns MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE - VW - GUARANTEED REPAIR. Day, night, and weekend hours dining room. Apply in person 10. Scale 30. 31. Crowbar Gender rannn HQuansg New low rates. INSURANCE. Phone 676-2449 FIEDLER RANDY'S MOBIL, Okemos Roed and available, at least 1 year's recent experience. Apply in person, anytime. 5-5-31 II. 12. Intone Flood 32. Duster [iHSHnasagBB 1-96. 349-i 33. Inlet 0-1-5-31 C-5-31 DAN'S MOBIL, 2704 Lake WEINSTEINS' RESORT, South 13. Axe handle 34 Window glass ewes 0HSOEB0 Lansing Road at US 127. 3-5-31 Haven, Michigan needs waitress, 14. Steeps 35. Residence ansa nrsH aiiBQiS sgo GOING, salad girl and.short order cook. 15. Spawn of fish 37] rnaciB CED\R CAN VAS8E RS WANTED. No Apply immediately. Very good 17. Truncate 39 News channels selling necessary. Salary $100 / summer job. Room board and 8. Fool 40 PocketbooK week plus 7% commission and 19. Small cyst 41 African 6. That girl salary. Phone 1-616-637-2007. bonuses. To set appointment call 20. Chaps 7. Big toe Write Mrs. Wolf. Route No. 2, ante|0pe GONE 21. Editorial "I" 3. Slein 8. Ambassador GREENS Globe Contrect Carpet. South Haven, Michigan. 49090 42. Forefather 627 4046. 8-5-31 22. Chinese leader nnu/u 4. Sound 9. Staircase 1-5-31 23. French spa equipment 10. Web-footed 1135 Avoid the last 24. Glutton 1 Pauses birds Michigan Ave. 5. Throb (Next to Brody) minute crush WHY SPEND THIS SUMMER SWEATING 1 J 7 9 12.Sketch 1% 5 e We offer pleasant one bedrooom furnished during finals. OVER END OF THE MONTH UTILITY % " 16. Ahead 19. Joker apartments. All apartments are carpeted and have accent paneling. Each has individual JOIN THE PAYMENTS??? % if' % 20. Mirthful electric heat For 1 22. Blend a choice 13 and air conditioning units. location one block BANDWAGON TO BURCHAM WOODS '1 1 i fir 17 23. Boring 24. Oriental * 12 month leases $165.00/175.00 from campus COLLINGWOOD APTS! Heat, Light, and Air Conditioning Bills are all included in 18 % % lo temple '9 Restricts * 9 month (school) leases $180.00/190.00 hurry to your already low monthly ratasl n y4 rr % TT 25. 26. Aladdin's V//< %% * 3 month (summer) leases $135.00/140.00 *air conditioned % friend d •Heated Poo! 'Laundry Facilities 27. Draft animals (higher WATER'S & ♦dishwasher •Ample Parking •Nicely Furnished 2M 25 % 26 rates are for balcony apts.) ♦shag carpeting %% 28. Border 'd •Air Conditioning 3s 2$ io 31 29. Tag For our residents convenience there laundry RIVER'S EKE •unlimited parking % 30.3.1416 d are ♦Plush furniture Now Leasing For Summer facilities in each building. And for their pleasure h Sv 3M 31. Mud we have a swimming pool. APARTMENTS ♦Model Open Daily 3* % 36 47 s volcano "J*"1 Fall Rates (12 month lease) $ 33. Enjoy literature Roommate service 1 Managed by: call 361-8282 w MO All State Management Summer rent from $50. Bedroom, <■ 2 Bedroi % 34. Cat's Equal Housing 1050 Water's Edge Dr. 332-4432 (bahind Zody'j. on the river!) les. 745 Burcham Drive 351-3118 or 4844014 * 1 7T %% Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 31, 1974 19 Miwrts ]gg [ Apannmts f | Apartments Apartments ^ ^ 11 Houses j Houses Houses I 1 two BEDROOM furnished mobile APARTMENTAL homes. $25 ■ $35 / week. Ten RENTALS - ONE girl needed for summer / fall, close. nice MILFORD STREET 126. FEMALE WANTS One or two After 6pm, - minutes to campus. Quiet end 332-0625. 1-5-31 townhouse. Summer. Own Summer rentals, reduced rates. 2 Cedar Village. Summer. $75 girls. SUMMER ONLYI 3 large bedroom, NEAR LAINGSBURG - 15 miles 3 BEDROOM HOME for summer, peaceful on a lake. 641-6601. room. $80/month. 332-6648 and 3 man. 2 blocks from $50. Non-smoker(s). 1-782-5200 or rent negotiable. 419 Albert. northeast. Large 4 bedroom 0-5 31 3-5-31 337-1265. 4-5-31 for four. $65 each. Furnished, ( DESPERATELY NEED to sublet 2 campus. Deluxe, furnished, air (collect). 3-5-31 house, 1 acre. Unfurnished, bedroom apartment for conditoned. 361-2647, parking, utilities paid, two $200 per month. Available now. I FEMALE ROOMMATE to share 2 term. $100 I month. Call Dave summer luxury furni shTd 484-8494, 48^1656. OR-6-31 DUPLEX UNIT near for 5-6 person house for summer, 1 351-7497. OR-5-31 blocks from campus. Call Mark bedroom, 3 person at efficiencies across from campus. campus block from campus, excellent 351-7236, or Grady 355-5270 or 1-313-563-8804 after 6 pm. Air rent: summer, fall. 349-2184 349-9662. 7-5-31 332 3939. 5-5-31 Or Date, conditioned, quiet. Summer SUMMER SUBLEASE, from condition. 332-2103. 4-5-31 SUMMER SUBLEASE, 351-5013.1-5-31 or fall lease. Phone 351-1258 across evenings. 3-5-31 new, campus, two bedrooms, full spacious, furnished duplex 5 SUMMER, 4 bedroom. $65 / man, SUMMER and fall 3-6-31 ONE GIRL - summer. 2 NEAR SPARROW - 2 bedroom kitchen, bath 1 %, $150. MELLOW WOMAN needed blocks bedrooms, 2 baths 1 block from furnished one block, Gunson. for rentals! furnished. Air 332-2486, 351 3906. 2-5-31 three person flat. Fall from Union. Own room. campus. Parking 351-3784. conditioning, 337-9206. 5-5-31 $120- $l80/summer $210 $ 300/fall $150 per month, summer. HEAT, LIGHT, and 332-5316. 3-5-31 - spring. 332-1263. 4-5-31 2-5-31 332-5144. 1-5-31 NEEDED, ONE or two men, ROOM in COED house for summer. Ccdarbrook Apartments AIR CONDmONMe BILS summer, Twyckingham DESPERATELY NEED male for THREE WOMEN needed to share EAST LANSING. Greatly reduced $40/month plus utilities. Call 208 Cedar Street 1-2 girls for Apartments. $55/month. two large house. 326 M.A.C. summer rates. 3 and 4 bedroom 4-girl. Fall Capitol • man summer. Furnished, 332-4292. 3-5-31 351-6256. 4-5-31 <; block to campus Villa. $46.25 / each. 337-7998. 60! YOU DOWN? 337-7766.2-5-31 pool, air. $65. Lon 337-0823 duplexes, appliances, near bus. -—■""" 5-5-31 pets ok. 2-5-31 351-8920. 2-5-31 TWO PEOPLE for three bedroom \ coWM£B su^TLEA*"^ ' CASA SUMMER ROOM and board for • DEL SOL: Unfurnished, ' $235. Nexus Co-op. 351-0100. house near Street Lawrence bed'0 °''-i furnished, ONE ROOMMATE. Furnished, 458 one bedroom, luxury DUPLEXES. SUMMER and Fall. 3 15-5-31 NEED TWO men foT^iouse near $75/month. Ray 484-6117. air poot, Pe® tond,5225 ' 882-9942 or Evenjtan, $80/month, air, Paul 337-0805. 5-5-31 apartments. Summer rates, 351-8681 after 3pm. 2-5-31 bedroom. Completely furnished. 669-9939. 23-5-31 campus includes starting utilities. summer. 351-6496. $70 After 7,484-1341.3-5-31 3551883.4-6-3^ SUMMER - ON burcham woods ON CAMPUS. 227 Bogue. Small NEED ONE person to share 2-5:31 4 BEDROOM house, Kalamazoo 2, 3, 4 MAN APARTMENT. Street, $62.50 / month each. 1 SUMMER married «ud#nts' Furnished, one bedroom. campus. Heated Pool one bedroom, furnished. $135. or beautifully furnished house. NEED 2 for summer. Own room in Summer, option fall. 484-2345. b university $100 I •Ample Parking «Alr *Laundry Available August 1st. Single girl $180/month. Pool, air, new house. $57/month. oaoTmonth. utilities month, 355-0914. 4-5-31 includes utilities. •Nicely Furnished Cond. or married couple only. dishwasher, pleasant location on Grand River. 349-3692. 3-5-31 Own call 355 room. - Close. 1471, after 9 Please p.m. 351-4177. 2-5-31 3-5-31 489-5922, 2-5-31 WANTED: 1 girl, close to campus, - summer leases LOVELY 4 bedroom house 1216 own Call 351-1704. TWO BEDROOM room. ■ 1 TTtS« 4-person, MSU. Clean, trailer. Close (Utilities Included) Efficiency NEED GIRL for 4 man, summer, SUMMER SUBLET - large friendly SUMMER ONLY 4 needed for Allen, Lansing. $180 plus 3-5-31 $ nthVool. Ph°ne reasonable! Call private but One Bedroom $140 mo. $149 mo. River's Edge, $55. 351-0806. efficiency in house. One block four bedroom - a utilities. Stove, refrigerator, evenings after Two Bedroom 2-5-31 from campus. Please call 5-8pm house. Phone carpet, panelling. Available now. 353-06'*• 349-0996, Ron- June 4. 351-3373. $169 mo. SHARE HOUSE. 3 bedroom, 1-5-31 351-4294. 3-5-31 482-9672, or 482-0278. 2-5-31 349-3604,372-6852. 2-5-31 2-5-31 washer / dryer. Air conditioner, 745 Burcham Dr. 351 SUMMER SUBLET 2-man ^ ONE - 3118 roomy. $70 includes utilities. 1 5uMWER. palL. across ffOfrt BEDROOM, all utilities paid, furnished apartment, air, close. BEAUTIFUL NEW home, air - EAST SIDE Lansing. 3 and 5 332 North Fairview. 487-6798. garage, or 484 - 4014 $139. 332-1819. 3-5-31 Abbott. 4-man, completely carpeted, conditioned, dishwasher, all bedroom houses. Summer, $150. 3-5-31 unfurnished. No pets or children. $140. 332-8300. 3-5-31 carpet. June - September, $54 / 676-4186. 2-5-31 548 EAST Mount Hope: 3 Close to ONE MAN for September - downtown, 4 miles bedrooms, large dining, living. June. person. 351-9036, 8-5pm CUTE ONE bedroom house. from campus. Cedar LANSING weekdays. 2-5-31 349-4907. 1-5-31 $180/month plus utilities, Village, $80/month. - WOMAN to share SUMMER, OWN room, beautiful Furnished, 1218 Walsh Street 337-2640. 3-5-31 large apartment, own room. Cah house, close, fireplace NEED TWO sublet security and lease. 694-8236. SUMMER Lansing, $145 plus utilities. Year summer. Own 482-3918. 3-5-31 - ONE girl. 5 Or 10 $70/month. 351-2626. 2-5-31 3-5-31 lease. 663-4900. 3-5-31 rooms. $95/month plus SUBLEASE 2 bedroom furnished weeks. $58. Close. 355-9210 or electricity. Will negotiate. SUMMER University Village $250 / TWO GIRLS needed for Capitol 351-3995. 2-5-31 OWN ROOM in house. Only $56. 2 SUBLET. Huge, 3 BEDROOM furnished, comer Option for fall. Close. 351-0345 furnished, 2-person, air, close summer. 355-6181. (weekdays). Villa Apartments. Next year, blocks from campus. Summer Kalamazoo and Magnolia. 3 -r 351-5979. 1-5-31 3-5-31 pool. $62.50 per month. Call 3 OR 4 WOMEN for summer', ssrassrs $149,332-5829. 3-5-31 only. Call 332-5980. 2-5-31 month lease, $195 plus utilities. furnished house. Call 332-8412. VMMite^a I • 711 east apartments ACROSS NEED TWO girls for 3 bedroom _ 332-45U.3;5-31_ 12 month lease negotiable. 351-7424. 711 FROM Campus: 124 duplex. Own 607 Oak. 1 bedrooAn, furnished _2«1 SUMMER SUBLEASES, three 332-6715. 3-5-31 V5-3^ Burcham Road. Large I bedroom furnished apartment. Cedar Street, 135 Kedzie 2-man, one bedroom furnished Drive, rooms, month. 332-8338 for showing. $100 / apartment. $160. 351-1997 after NEED EXTRA person for 3 and 4 bedrooms, block from campus, $55/month, I TWO*" G,RL®. Suitable for 2 or J 4-5-31 5. X-5-5-31 bedroom houses. 675-5279. furnished. LARGE HOUSE, furnished. Very <0F.l!VVe$68. Carpeting, air persons. conditioning, apartments, $170 and up. 5-5-31 351-2506. 2-5-31 close. Cample parking. Low JgSi 353-6829 ^-31 heat included. Renting for fa I For Available June and September. 129 Burcham, Summer leases. TWYCKINGHAM. upper. FOUR One male needed. man, GRADS, MALE, share, close, quiet, laundry. 349-3328 after 6pm or THREE BEDROOM duplex for TWO MEN to share large upstairs / summer rent. 484-9774. 0-5-31 Call 487-3216. bath, nice house, fall, close! $70. 3 LARGE Evenings 5-1 Opm Starting fall. 351-2225. 5-5-31 weekends. 4-5-31 summer, furnished, carpeted. bedroom, furnished. 882-2316 or 8-3pm, 351-2402. $200 / month. 337-0094. 3-5-31 337-1274 Diane, Barb. 2-5-31 Near MSU. June 15. 337-1846. nn,er'cioi summer rates TWO MEN to sublet 0-5-31 summer prices slashed| CLEMENS 517 North - Graduate, 6-5-31 ^21130. V*31 apartment. 204 River Convenient location. Street. 332-8730. roomy WALK TO campus. bedroom, carpeted, air - heat Beautiful 1 I^arge 2 Bedroom Apartment in Seven Unit married bedroom, couple, partially 5 room, furnished, 2 3 AND 4 bedroom houses and cheap, for summer months - neat RESPONSIBLE PERSON room, summer and fall. $65, - Own NEW DUPLEX, close, own room, - parking. $160 plus Close. 332-8953, 7-10 PM dishwasher. $55. 332-3746 after utilities. only. 675-5279. 3-5-31 1 6-5-31 dishwasher. Quiet surroudings, Building. One block from Lease. Immediate occupancy. ONLY! 1-5-31 6pm. 6-5-31 large lawn. Convenient to all Campus, Shopping. New as.srt»« NEAT UPPER, furnished. one Near bedroom, Sparrow. facilities. No pets. 125 North Hagadom. Phone 351-6339, Carpet, Furnished, Air 484-7253. 4-5-31 WANTED: SIX People, own room, $55/month, summer only. SPACIOUS HOUSE for summer SUMMER, WOMEN needed for big, $29/week. 663-8418.9-5-31 Conditioned, 1V4 baths. SUMMER SUBLET cheap. Two 332-5923. 3-5-31 sublet. Five or six bedroms, $75 close, air conditioned, house. manager, after 5:30 p.m. 6-5-31 each, rent whole or part. One 351-3045. 3-5-31 Heat, Water PAID. bedroom, air, across from ~HJ1— NEED ONE girl, summer, University Terrace, $50. Call TWO MAN block to Furnished, air 337-1846. one $160/mo. for two, $200/mo. for four. campus. 351-1852. 3-5-31 SIX BEDROOM, close, air, dishwasher, super low summer block to campus. 351-3057. MALE STUDENT wanted for APARTMENTS ■Close to Campus Margie. 349-4682. 5-5-31 6-5-31 campus. also available: rates. 332-3746. 3-5-31 TWO MALE students to share house near college. Reasonable, house - own 675-5279. 3-5-31 room, on east side. 1 GIRL for fall at Tuvckingham, Private Rooms $SS-$65 SUMMER ROOMMATE needed. •Air Conditioned SUBLET JUNE, July, and •All Appliances August. Efficiency Apartment $120 1 FEMALE Own room, $70 plus utilities. Phone 332-5977. 1-5-31 139 SOUTH MAGNOLIA Street. One bedroom apartment with $70, after 3pm, 332-1221. One Bedroom Apartment $140 needed for four man including dishwasher 2-5-31 3 Bedroom Duplex apartment fall • spring Cedar Call 351-5995. 3-5-31 Large 3 bedrooms, plenty of •Luxurious Furnishings pool, air conditioning, phone, $240 NICE Large House $3S0 Village. Air donditioner, DUPLEX, own room, very parking. 3-6 or 12 month lease •Shag Carpeting furnished, car port. Close to close; $75, utilities included. available. $225, plus utilities •On-site Management GIRL NEEDED 2 bedroom, dishwasher, on Bogue Street. TWO FOR house, own room - campus. $175. Call 351-0524 - own •Private Balconies or Janit 355-7188. 3-5-31 kitchen • near Frandor $62.50. 351-0784. 1-5-31 and deposit. 484-8131. 3-5-31 517-541-7352, collect. 5-5-31 room, near campus. Terry •SWIMMING POOL 337-2380. 3-5-31 882-2281.2-5-31 2 PEOPLE SUMMER, option fall. FURNISHED LICENSED houses. Now Leasing ACROSS UNION, summer or Fall LARGE TWO party, furnished, FURNISHED EFFICIENCY, close One block, parking. Call Dave 2-4 bedrooms. EXCEPTIONAL 2 to campus, 3 or 12 month lease, SUBLET DUPLEX - Summer, Walking distance. bedroom, efficiencies. Air conditioned. Summer and Fall rent. Available June 1. unfurnished, near Franjtor Close to campus. Summer, $128. 332-0650 after 5:30. 3-5-31 reduced rates, 4 bedrooms. 332-4938, 1-5-31 Available September. 337-9412. S(/mmer-$150 1-3 persons _jfti-57i 2. 4-5-31 $180. Call 489-7093, evenings. Fall $165. 484-0585.8-5-31 Option fall. 351-0310. 3-5-31 2 3-5-31 , 3 BEDROOM BEDROOM HOUSE tor rent. FURNISHED 1 bedroom, utilities 2-5-31 apartment - 4 OR 5 people 1 Woe* to F^l $73 Occupants $300/month. 660 SUMMER TWO Excellent condition, garage, • campusj included. Price $150, deposit OWN BEDROOM in two bedroom Virginia - responsible Summer, option fall. 332-8300: Avenue. women. Large luxurious home. fenced in backyard, ideal for Dixountfor 12 mo. Lease $75. 426 North Magnolia, OKEMOS. NEAR campus. 1 man Fall rental. Call 3-5-31 furnished apartment for small family or serious students. 489-4789. 3-5-31 apartment. Furnished. Beginning 332-8338. 3-5-31 Privady, extras. 484-7978. summer. Air block from campus. 351-7212 summer term. 337-2285 after 332-5534. 2-5-31 3-5-31 $220 per month. 627-2106. 1-5-31 Phone Ed 2 WOMEN. Furnished house. East SUMMER AND/or next year, 1 or COUPLE - 1 bedroom, furnished, 731 Bur chain Drive 6pm. 2-5-31 side or Lansing. $50 / month. utilities included. $140/$150. 531 SOUTH CLEMENS. 1% story, Models open 1-6, Moti ■ Sat. 2 females for large 2-bedroom Call Sally. 489-2741. Call 349-4071, 349-3084. 3-5-31 2 bedrooms 2 NEEDED FOR house. Summer, Tuesday Other times "OKEMOS 2 down, fully and Thursdays. 5-5-31 by appointment apartment in South Lansing. - bedroom own room, rent $47.50 / month. 393-1457. unfurnished apartment. In quiet furnished. $285 per month, negotiable. WANTED: utilities included. 9 month lease. 332-1852. 1-5-31 I EAST LANSNG, one bedroom, 3-5-31 10 unit building. No undergrads, room. 393-8307. 2-5-31 FOURTH man for EAST SIDE — North Pennsylvania. summer. $45 per month. Delta 351-6229. 3-5-31 furnished, air, close - in for 2-3 children or pets. Available June Large, furnished, 3 bedroom persons. No FURNISHED 2 15. $185. 349-0558. 2-5-31 Arms. Call 355-6796 or house. Available June 15th. pets. 332-8760. - rooms anc bath OWN ROOM - $85/month for 'COZY FURNISHED 2 bedroom 5-5-31 summer or fall. Also 4 i 355-3320 afternoons. 3-5-31 $250. 351-7497..0-6-5-31 summer. Please call 353-4797. house in country, 8 minutes 1-5-31 and shower, fall lease. 1 or 2 ( L IK E ART, contemporary 2-5-31 SISTER NEEDS from campus $169 / 12 month | ONE OR two apartments available man each. 1214 East furniture? Designer (female) to share summer, lease. 355-7819.2-5-31 MID JUNE to mid September will EAST SIDE - North Hayford 131. in house. $125 e8ch or Kalamazoo. 5-5-31 needs own room. After 9, 351-0494. Large, furnished, 4 bedroom. same roommate. 337-0205, 1 GIRL fall through spring, share 1 rent our attractive 2 bedroom $210 both 3 month 339-9515 extension 7.2-5-31 3-5-31 Available June lease, bedroom furnished % block 3 AND 5 bedroom home to married couple. $160 15th. $250. SERIOUS UPPERCI.ASSMAN / houses in furnished, deposit. Lansing, east — from campus. 332-6849. 2-5-31 plus small 351-7497. 0-6-5-31 NEED FEMALE for 3 country, 8 minutes from responsibility. side, 351-5323. 5-5-31 grad student for 731 Apartment ONE OR two for person campus. Panelled, wall to wall References. 332-1746.4-5-31 summer / fall. Pool, air, apartment, non • smoker. Call NEED 2 females for 4 female summer. Capitol Villa.11 a. HAGADORN ROAD one person carpeting throughout, $229 and 3554986. 3-5-31 | GIRL NEEDED to sublet for carpeting, furnished. $75. Bike 351-4019. 2-5-31 own room in seven bedroom two 5-6 PEOPLE. 9 month lease, house. Near MSU. Ample summer. $65/month. Call to campus. Dave. 6-9 pm. — level apartmerft. Now through parking. $75. 694-1514. 6-5-31 SUBLEASE APARTMENT, close. deposit, $300, furnished. 351-0136. 5-5-31 353-9426.3-5-31 WOMAN TO share East Lansing, September 15. $65/month. Lansing, east side. 351-5323. apartment. Own room. Summer. pook,> air, discount on rent! 3 BEDROOM 337-1612. 2-5-31 LARGE MODERN furnished 3 5-5-31 east side; furnished, 332-6221.3-5-31 | SUMMER, ONE bedroom EAST SIDE, 1-2 bedroom, partially $95. 332-1360 Louise. 2-5-31 bedroom duplex on Abbott. carpeted, air conditioned, fenced furnished, air, very close. $165 I furnished, utiliites paid except INEXPENSIVE, NEAR CAMPUS. $310 / 12 month lease; or ? for SUMMER yard, washer. Summer, option TWO BEDROOM or efficiency FURNISHED five month. 351-6237.3-5-31 electricity. $150 - $175. 1 GIRL needed for 4-person, Delta Share apartment. Call 332-0743, bedroom duplex. Private Students welcome. 361-8150. Arms. Fall 6-7am apartment. Completely - spring. $75/month. or 11-12pm. BL-2-5-31 parking, close. $75. 332-8765. furnished, clean, close. | NEED Cedar TWO girls, four persons, fall. 3-5-31 353-2363. 3-5-31 TWO BEDROOM Utilities, parking. very 484-9774. 4-5-31 EAST SIDE (Lansing). Four Village. 353-2301, furnished, bedrooms, unfurnished. Summer TWYCKINGHAM C-5-31 332-0174. 3-5-31 APARTMENTS SUBLEASE SUMMER, 4 man, unfurnished townhouses. $170, deposit. 676-1557. 6-5-31 MODERN FURNISHED duplex 7 TWO ROOMMATES needed by - 2 needed, $66.25 / month. 12 Summer and fall. Also summer close, air 2 full baths. 337-2019. 551 ALBERT Street. One block rooms plus 2 baths, wall to wall July 1 to share 3 bedroom | °NE'month. GIRL for summer. $53.75 month lease or just summer or fall. 332-2936. 2-5-31 2-5-31 rooms. Across from campus. 351-0717. 2-5-31 from campus, large 2 bedroom. shag carpeting, fire place. 4 house. $50/month plus utilities. CLASSIFIED ADS. people who do . . where Pool. Burcham Woods. blocks from campus, available 484-6221, after 9:30 pm. 4-5-31 their big 351 3624. 6-5-31 ONE BEDROOM apartment in old Furnished, for fall and summer. Resident Manager Apartment June 15. $400 / 12 month lease shopping, do their big savings. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. house for summer, right across LOVELY, FURNISHED efficiency. or ? for summer. 355-7819. SUMMER, 3-5 vacancies for Turn there now! from Mason - Abbott on Bogue No. 3. 332-2404 / 351-6676. Woman needed, furnished, air, 915 Lilac. Available beginning I SUMMER furnished, SUBLEASE. 1-bedroom, convenient, $f5/month. Street. 351-4280. 2-5-31 June 15. $125 - $135 plus 3-5-31 2-5-31 apartment I house combined. Furnished. 351-5529. 4-5-31 4 BEDROOM house (study could air, pool, close, call __ 351-6879.3-5-31 electricity. 349-3604, 372-6852. be additional bedroom) Double 337-1813. 3-5-31 ONE MAN needed to sublease QUAKER WANTED to share 0-2-5-31 house ROOMS FOR rent - 523 Grove garage, carpeting, full basement, summer term. University with other Quakers IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ample storage. Close to campus. I COZY, air (jrep|ace No Colonial Townhouses Co-op, Terrace. 351-7298. $50/month. LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom summer and / or fall. Call Street for summer and / or fall. Near ■ damage 2 4-5-31 Margaret 371-4572. 2-5-31 Call 482-5147, after 5 pm, Bailey School and deposit, lease or utilities. Full bedroom townhouses. All utilities YOU have fun McDonald Middle School, High apartment 121 Beal. Summer and save money 337-1196. 4-5-31 '•ciliites made. Excellent included except electricity. $130 - NEED ONE girl for rates $180/month. Available when you buy, sell, trade hobby School. Family preferred, $310 / fvironment. 4-girl Cedar SUMMER - NEED 1 man. Next to Inexpensive! A $133/month. Phone 882-4176. Village. September - June. June 15. 349-3604, 372-6852. items with Want Ads. Dial Cedar Village. Good condition. EVERGREEN - FURNISHED - 5 month plus utilities. 626 Kedzie great deal. 351-3212. 3-5-31 Monday Friday, 8:30-5:30. 8-5-31 355-9210. 2-5-31 0-2-5-31 355-8255 now. bedroom. $300 summer, $375 Drive. 351-8630. 2-5-31 • Own room. $67/month. Ifc- 332-5656. 2-5-31 fall. 332-5622, evenings. 3-5-31 SUMMER SUBLEASE - 16 EAST. 3 Bedrooms, carpeted, bedrooms, near campus. appliances. Available June 1. 332-5345. 2-5-31 $175. 351-0997.3-5-31 SERVICE ?? FRANCIS STREET 2 women own rooms $60 summer $70 fall. Years lease. 351-9302 after TIRED OF 6pm. 5-5-31 WAITING FOR 309 WEST Oakland, Lansing. 3 THAT'S A REFOND? bedroom, bath and V4. Ideal for LOC students. $195/month. 489-1893. 5-5-31 HALSIEAD MANAGEMENT TWO BEDROOM house, summer REFUNOS DEPOSITS term, 12 minutes from campus. RIGHT!! Completely furnished, $200 / IMMEDIATELY! month includes all utilities. No 'ingle students need apply. ..vailable June 15 through Special Summer Rates August 17. Inquire 641-4073. 3-5-31 1 Bedroom from Livp at CAMPUS HILL and leave $145 2 Bedroom from $160 THREE PERSON house, one the opening for summer. 2 blocks driving to us...Two Bedroom For showing, please contact Resident from campus, $58. 33 I month Manager at building listed below. plus utilities. 351-4471. 3-5-31 Apartments available for 3 BEDROOM. Furnished, available •eechwood 1130 Batch St. North Points 1240 Haslatt ftd now / near 3S1-S1SI college, plenty of Summer & FalL.CaU 349-3530 Delta Armi 23$ Oilta St. 332-S$7S University Terrace 424 Michiga parking. 489-7226. 3-5-31 3$1-»$3» 337-0510 Evergreen Arms 341 Evergreen St. University Village $3$ Abbot R WANTED GIRL, for information & roommate 3$1-(I3$ Haslatt Arms 13$ CoUingwood St. 351-201 1 or 12 month own room. lease. 3, 9, Inn America 273$ E. Gr. Rivei $68/ 3SI-II $0 117-1121 summer, $80/fall, utilities included. Close. 332-6620. MANAGEMENT BY: Halstead Management 3-5-31 ALLSTATE MANAGEMENT CO., INC. 351-7910 SUMMER, women furnished house. 2 blocks from campus. 355-1994. 3-5-31 20 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 31,1974 For Salt Houses r Rooms 10 For Sale For Sale > J® Ms |0,| FEMALE, SUMMER only, own PLAN NOW for next ROOMS FOR and fall. DESK, TWIN size bed. foot locker, USED SONY TC440 Auto GUNS, RIFLSS, and handgunt of LABRADOR year's CLEAN ROOM, Gunson Street, tummer HUSKY, 7 week furnished, clot*, molded chair, 351-9270 reverse reel to reel tape all kinds. Buy, trade and tall. room, housing. Double rooms to rent kitchen privileges, parking. Nowl Cooking, parking, laundry, TV - - wormed, .hott, $66/month. 332-0719. 2-5-31 deck. Santui AU505 ttereo amp. BEST year 'round pricet In beeutiful healthy in sorority house, close to $65. 351-1356. 2-5-31 room. Very clote to camput. evenings. 2-5-31 female. Must tell' campus. Room and board $415 Phone 332-5722 Monday • Sony ST80F tuner. Kenwood Southern Michigen. BOB'S GUN $40/bett offer. Neil 2002 Stereo amp. Pioneer SHOP, 2412 351-27M 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. Stove, per term. Call after 6pm ROOM FOR rent. All bath and Friday, 9:30 -11 am. 0-5-31 AIR CONDITIONER, 6700 BTU, South Cedar. Call 1-5-31 "*■ refrigerator, washer, dryer, 482-9511; 332-3551 daytime. SX990 Stereo AM/FM receiver. 371-2244. OR-5-31 kitchen facilities. First and last used 2 months, $130, 8' pool $180/month, vacant June 15. 8-5-31 MEN - ROOMS, board, fall term. Rectilinear III speakers. Konica "SHAGGY months rent, no lease, no table, new felt cover, $130. ROYAL TYPEWRITER DOG," puppy 3 301 South Hosmer at Prospect. Price comparable to dormt. autoreflex T 35mm. SLR - SMrd, montht. Extra deposit. $75. 349-2120 er 332-6715. 2-5-31 $5q, like new. Phone 489-5140. playful, flr Call 1-616962-9069 or see NEED 5th GIRL for house, dose to Better food, quiet, friendly, camera. Kodak pocket 484-0629. Ask for Chrit 5-531 personality. Family / Nf, yard tenants. 2-5-31 campus. $75 includes utilities. excellent location. Call inttamatic cameras. MUCH $15. Apply, 663-8418. Cawood. 2-5-31 I.5.31 Cooking, fireplace, parking. Farmhoute. 332 8635. 13-5-31 MORE . WILCOX OLYMPIA PORTABLE typewriter: KENWOOD KR100, 160 watt, LOVELY 2 bedroom house. 550 IV-28932. 249 Center, East SECONDHAND STORE, SAMOYED PUPPIES / Elk PRIVATE ROOM, summer. oversize carriage. Like new, $85. receiver. KL660 speakers. Dual hound Stoddard. Available beginning Lansing, see Julie. 1-5-31 SUMMER. BEAUTIFUL roomt, 485-4391. C-5-31 puppies - males. Special at Kitchen privileges, unlimited Encyclopedia International - 1219 turntable. Excellent $80 June 15. Summer rate $185 plus low pricet, very near camput. and $48. Top parking. Close / camous. $140. never unboxed: $75. Folding condition, bett offer. 351-8551. pedigree! Safe utilities. 349-3604, 372-6852. SINGLE, male student: Block Phone 332-5722 or 484-0774. GARAGE SALE: collectables, hornet only. 332-5035. 2-5-31 chairs - 141 $12 curtains, 4-531 663-8418. 15.31 0-2-5-31 campus, cooking, parking. 314 0-10-5-31 stamps, coins, knivet, tackle, m itcellaneout household. Evergreen. 332-3839. 1-5-31 ROOMS WITH refrigeration and 351-0484. 1-5-31 bottles, baby bed, record*. jUkthjlp ntNilvO "WUIRJ Urwnpc ANTIQUES A UNIQUES. Buy anc PEOPLE summer 2-5-31 NEEDED for only. $75. 332-5345. house, FOR SUMMER, rooms in large hot plates. Close to Union. No cars /pets. 663-8418.2-5-31 ' ||5l SCHWINN VARSITY 10-tpeed Friday and Saturday. 10-9. 138 University Drive. 1-5-31 tell. 220 Albert Street, under Lumt. C-5-31 house, excellent location. women't. Good condition, $60. RICHARDSON, 1971 _ 3 Kitchen, laundry, parking. SUMMER AND Fall. 334 Michigan KENWOOD 8004 355-6002. 1-5-31 SONY TURNTABLE 5520 with bedroom, 2 baths, skirting, shed FALL, FOUR bedrooms, east side, ttereo amplifier: RUMMAGE SALE: 332-1918. 1-5-31 Avenue, across from Williams Stanton 681 EE, 4 month old. Furniture, Very reasonable! 372-724H $280 / month. 351-5891, after Gutty 60 watts / channel! Newl clothes. June 1-2. 238 Oakhill. Dorm. Call after 6 pm. Full two RUMMAGE EXTRAVAGANZA Any reasonable offer. 372-7425. 5-5-31 5:30 pm. 2-5-31 - year warranty Comic! 2-5-31 GIRLS, SINGLE rooms. Summer 332-5906. 4-5-31 transferable. Retails for $40C 1-5-31 Saturday: Furniture, antiques, term, quiet, close to campus. MONARCH, 1970 asking $300 negotiable. dresses, books, bedt, enticing [ 12x65-, - I® WOMAN WANTED to share house - 3 near Sparrow. Dog okay. 351-5076. 1-5-31 FEMALE - LARGE centrally air conditioned home, room in 351-4463. 3-5-31 ttuff. 164. Kedzie Drive, 11-4 pm. 1-5-31 17" RCA COLOR TV model. $150. 332-4362 anytime. - 1972 *Ms bedroom, washer / dryer,' V taths. best offer! 882-0557. 484-6434 nights. 2-5-31 MEN, SINGLE rooms. 3 blocks private bathroom, kitchen CANON CAMERA FTB with FD 1-5-31 from Union, summer term. FREE QUALITY kittent. Ready privileges, parking, neer bus. 50mm f/1.4 lens with case. FABULOUS CLOTHING sale, all by JUNE 15, 2 singles in large house. 351-5076. 1-5-31 351-6037. 3-5-31 June 4. Choose now, will hold. AMERICAN EAGLE, 1971-1?* $45. Clifford Street. 487-3063. Slightly used. $275. Brand new items from the former Ray Panagor zoom lens with case: Leffler Custom Shop. Shirtt 372-2533.4-6-31 50'. furnished, disposal. 10'xlO' 2-5-31 ROOMS FOR men. Clean, quiet, OWN BEDROOM, cooking, 85-205 mm, f/3.8 mount for 14-15V4, long and short sleeve, utility shed, skirting. Windmill carpeted, close, free parking, furnished, parking, close. Canon. $115. Call BIKES 24" girls. $20. 26" boys, PUPPIES 11 beautiful pups. Park, $4,500. 694-2930. 5-5-31 HOUSE CLOSE 2 needed, own 355-3885. $1.75 or 2 for $3.25. Sportcoats - - from $68 per month, utilities Utilities included. $70/month. $10. Excellent condition. Mother Golden Retriever. Father 3-5-31 $5. suits $8. 38. 39. and 40 room $80. 332-6448 after 6pm. included. Phone Sue 351-0473 Open now! 337-9519. 3-5-31 regular. Slacks $3. Raincoats $3 332-3035 after 5pm. 1-5-31 Labrador Retriever. Hunter's MORE PRIVATE than the 2-5-31 between 4-8pm. 1-5-31 dorm, FULL SET Ben Hogan golf clubs, and $8. Condition good to delight! 6 weeks old. $10 to cheaper than apartment! 8'x45' ' SUMMER, CLEAN, furnished, good condition. Bob, 353-3327. SNOW TIRES, cheap, F 78-14, good home. 351-4732. 2-5-31 mobile home, ONE • THREE subleases, own excellent. 522 Eatt Oakwood furnished, 2 close! Kitchen, living room to 3-5-31 leaving Michigan. 351-8407. bedrooms, air, close / campus, room, very close to campus and Drive, Eatt Lanting. 1-5-31 share. One available May 19. BL-1-5-31 PUPPIES. ST. Bernard bus, shopping. Priced right shopping. $75/month plus - Shepherd, 351-8154. 3-5-31 HIDE-a-6ED. Cabinet, radio, dog Sheepdog mix., 7 weeks old. $10. 337-2388, 332-0731. 5-5-31 utilities. 908 South Harrison, REFRIGERATOR houte. Car carriers. Crib, books. APARTMENT JOHNSON FURNITURE Phone 339-2369, after 337-0342. 1-5-31 (3/4) size. 6pm. GOOD ROOM, East, between COMPANY, SPRING Lansing and Frandor. Phone, 351-2384. 3-5-31 $15/bett 355-0617. 1-5-31 offer, mutt sell. CLEARANCE ON floor samples, 2-M1 RICHARDSON - 12'x60' 2 bedrooms, new stove, carpet and 7a7ge 5 OR 6 BEDROOM luxury home, fenced yard, modern kitchen, parking. Reasonable. 372-7973. MW discontinued styles and fabrics. AFGHAN HOUND puppies for shed. Near MSU. Excellent 1-5-31 e to si h the show ROOM IN fraternity for summer MOVING SALE: Homemade Some items slightly damaged but or companion. Mithra condition on lot with yard. Call attached garage. Must see. Grand largest kselectii $14/week, fall $390/term. Call Michigan. • bookshelf, bike, rugs, counter all are reduced in price for big Afghans, 349-0895 mornings, 332-2960 after 5pm. 3-5-31 River in East Lansing. Call SUMMER, OWN room. Kitchen, 332-0834. 3-5-31 Brookfield PIjzj savings. Furniture ideally suited late evenings, or weekends. 351-8150. 1-5-31 1311 E.Grand River top dishwasher, humidifier, close, air, quiet, parking. $69. Panasonic 9" TV, fan, lamp, for your cottage, rec • room, or 1-5-31 NEW MOON, 1971 - 2 332-1130.1-5-31 Downtown bedroom. DUPLEX: PENNSYLVANIA, SOUTH, near 223 S. Washington curtains. Call 355-3065, rentel property. Chairs, sofas In good condition. In WINDSOR 3-bedrooms; close; PONY MARE - rides and drives, Michigan Avenue. Quiet for (rood Nutrition IS Prevention afternoons. X-4-5-31 and dinette chairs, odd dining ESTATES. $6,200. Work, summer, fall option; $220 / . HOWLAND COOPERATIVE has with registered H Arabian foal, month. 332-5509. 1-5-31 student, near bus line. tables and buffets, also some 489-2419, after 5pm 646-0617 summer vacancies. $110 summer $15/week, plus GARRARD SLX-3 turntable. Shure bred for April 1975. $250. deposit. NEED SOME SUMMER CASH? bedding. 15 MONTHS WITH NO 3-5-31 plus work requirement. Call 627-5454. 2-5-31 N75ED Cartridge. $50 Great Sort out all of your stuff before INTEREST OR CARRYING 489-3085. 2-5-31 1 OR 2 people for house. Garden, 332-6521. 1-5-31 condition! 355-9400. 2-5-31 CHARGES. JOHNSON you leave and bring in what you BEHIND near campus, summer. WARREN'S, 12'*55', 332-4459. 1-5-31 $65/month, no lease or deposit. don't want to take with you! We FURNITURE COMPANY, 1121 SIX YEAR old Bay Gelding, well good condition, furnished, going NEED 2-3 for summer, _ air, Stop by 417 Charles Street. 12 STRING EPIPHONE guitar with buy everything from stereo South Washington Avenue, trained, reasonable. 3 year old west, must sell - $2000 or best furnished, washer, dryer, close. 2-5-31 case. Excellent condition, $115. equipment to baseball glovet. Lansing. 482-0771. 7-5-31 Bay mare, reasonable. Will trade. SHARE ROOMY house with 4 grad offer. Cell Kevin 3554657 353-1176.1-5-31 351-8076. 2-5-31 Take home cath instead of trath. 485-2928,485-7922. 6-5-31 men. Private room. Parking. $55. between 9-5pm. 3-5-31 GIRL NEEDED to share large DICKER & DEAL SILVER COINS wanted, 489-3174. 1-5-31 ROOM IN liberal house near apartment. Own room, $80. ANTIQUE TRUNKS, kitchen SECONDHAND STORE, 1710 collections bought Will pick-up. Frandor, $55. Call 351-7898. 351-7168 after 6pm. 2-5-31 Call 484-2407. 7-5-31 OWN cupboard, iron bed, wardrobe, South Cedar Lanting. 487-3886. ROOM, beautiful house, 2-5-31 summer, 349-1729 or references. 355-6515. 1-5-31 Phone SUMMER rooms rent SUBLEASE. available. Close, negotiable. Furnished parking, 351-0225. ROOMS FOR across summer from Maosn - Bogue Street. 351-4280. 2-5-31 in old house Abbott on NEED collectables. 655-1109. 2-5-31 SOME SUMMER CASH? Sort out all of your stuff before Open 9-9 Monday, Wednetday, Friday. 9-6 Tuesday, Thurtday, Saturday. C-4-5-31 LOFT, GREAT for 6th floor. South Complex room. $20. Will trade for waterbed frame. eQlG Wtdsdiv you leave and bring in what you ATTENTION CAMPERS Attend 353-2408. 2-5-31 GROVE STREET - 3 people 3-5-31 a MEN: ROOMS for summer term. don't want to take with you! We Lightweight Food Production C 0&U.UML needed for 6 bedroom furnished I Close - in, cooking. Clean, quiet. buy everything from stereo STEREO GE Trimline 500. Good house. Summer 355-2139. Workthop and learn to make Hurry ■ offer. Call 337-2036. 3-5-31 new, asking $200. 351-4463. Edge Apt. cooking, qrad preferred. Available June 1. 351-7283. $75/month. 332-1790 (5:30 3-5-31 BRETT'S PRINTING THE COMPLETE 1 1-5-31 (next to FREE ROOMMATE Cedar Village) 7:30 pm). 3-5-31 - BOCK USA DIVERS, Aluminum scuba tank with regulator. Brand new. SERVICE WEDDING SERVICE 1 9 340 EVERGREEN 2 baths, - 4 bedrooms. starting June 15th. SERVICE 3324432 TWO SINGLE students, rooms, linen furnished, near male ADDIC 882-9131. 2-531 355-3733. 3-5-31 24JS SOUTH RUNDLE 489-2687 DIAMONDS: 3y ORANGE BLOSSOM 1 489-1893. 1-5-31 TEAC 350 stereo cassette deck, 'Traditional and Customized GOLD FASHION 1 campus. 331-1682. 3-5-3f STEREO COMPONENTS Sony GOLDMASTER 1 JUNE 15 - September 15. Sleeping • Used books 'A nrice hardly used. $200. 351-0957 invitations. anytime. 2-5-31 TC-255 reel deck $95. 2 15" •One day service available. PEOPLE NEEDED for house. Summer only. Own room, $50. unit, private entrance, bath, furnished, utilities. $100 I ONE BLOCK from Private, furnished rooms, $15 campus. • Out of print searches 3-way speakers, Garrard SL-55, WEDDING RINGS: By ART CARVED % ' 11 • 1st Editions and Americana SUNN AMPLIFIER with two Altec 485-3981. 3-5-31 353-2826. 1-5-31 month. 882-4280. 2-5-31 per week. Evenings, 372-7456. ORANGE BLOSSOM 1 Lansing speakers; Must sell. Bakeries SOUTH LANSING deluxe two TWO SINGLE rooms. Summer, 3-5-31 • Over 25,000 Books in Stock 355-6857. 2-5-31 HEXAGON DINING room table, GOLD FASHION | bedroom duplex with family $75. One block from campus, WOMAN, SPACE, own room, June hand - made, Spanish oak. Was GIFTS: For the 1 $1600, will well for $800. Four 3RIDAL PARTY room, full batement, completely grocery, bars. 337-2061. 2-5-31 15. $40 plus utilities. South TUE-FRI 1-6, 7-9 SCHWINN 3 speed, Farfisa organ, fire alarms, new, $250. | carpeted, draped. $220 / month Foster. 372-5385. 3-5-31 good condition, best offer. 694-2246 anytime. 2-5-31 OPEN THURSDAY fl plut utilities. 882-0007. 1-5-31 YOUNG 355-9768. 2-5-31 CHRISTIAN couple SAT 12-5 EVENINGS. I desires roomer for quiet home GIRL FOR own room $57.50 MEN'S jUQr I - 3 SPEED Schwinn - THREE BEDROOM furnished. One 211 Cowley. 377-7526. 2-5-31 -SUPER SALE NOW at THE DAY plus utilities and deposit. Close. 124% W. Grand River standard size, good condition, block campus. $300 per month. BEFORE FOREVER! New June 1. 332-4915. 3-5-31 $45. Summer. 332-5144. 1-5-31 ROOM Greg Sullivan, 332-8641. - MALE, very close, paperbacks Va off, used albums 1 JfWElKY and * 9 ROOMMATE, NEXT year - clean summer. or $50/month. 353-4111 332-5622. 2-5-31 PERSON NEEDED, own $60/month. No utilities. Starting room, ^ »reTAIRS J dollar, posters fifty cents, all items on sale including antiques 2-5-31 WATERBED WITH heater ART CINTf* TELEPHONE 337-1314 9 9 $65. country house - must like dogs. June 10. Call after 5 pm, FENDER SHOWMAN Amplifier. 2 and leather goods. See our new Chairs $10. Dresser $15. 319 E. Grand River Ave. 3 353-6064. 1-5-31 QUIET ROOM for grad women. 484-2081.3-5-31 15" SRO's in cabinet, $300. shop today! 254 West Grand East Lansing, Michlqan 9 Epiphone 12 string guitar $75. Reference. 513 Sunset Lane. 332-5931. 4-5-31 River next to Arby's 3-5-31 Sale Friday - Sunday. Gene EXCEPTIONAL FIVE bedroom - 332-1746. 2-5-31 SUMMER - 4 rooms in house, 393-9758. 2-5-31 (1RKATKH LANSING'S Jacobson's I two baths, fireplace, furnithed, across street from campus. LARGE SELECTION of frames. FOUR MONTH old Garrard < AKI HAKKKSI OR Precious Stones 9 269 Milford, East Lansing. June. SUMMER ROOMS % block to 351-4304. 2-5-31 Glasses for everyone. OPTICAL turntable. $85 new, will sell $45. HOBIE 14 sailboat. Ready to saill 339-2961. 1-5-31 campus. $75/month. 332-1809 DISCOUNT, 2615 East Desperate. Linda 355-2403. Whl)l)lNC{>, PARTIES, Beautifully Set and 1 $1095, includes trailer. (1KAIH! ATION, UIK HI)A YS, 3-5-31 HOUSEKEEPER: Room and board Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. 2-5-31 349-4174. X-5-5-31 SPECIAL OCCASIONS i Bands for bride & groom. J AVAILABLE SUMMER - 3 person provided. Call 351-2006, C-4-5-31 F ine Jewelry 9 house. Very reasonable, utilities ROOM SUMMER close to 23" ZENITH console TV. Black Seven locjtions to serve you. In STREET FLOOR 1 - anytime. 2-5-31 NIKON PHOTOMIC FTN -F1.4 paid. 351-3116.1-5-31 campus, kitchen privileges. GfRL'S SCHWINN 10-speed. One and White $95. 355-5842. with case. Excellent condition. $80/month. 351-3340. 2-5-31 SINGLE, QUIET. $60/month, year old. $80, 400 Gunton, No. 2-5-31 $350. 9-5pm, 353-3744. 3-5-31 BROOKFIELD PLAZE -337-0832 HOUSE STARTING June 15. 412 close, no cooking. Call Bill, 19 anytime. 3-5-31 FRANDOR -^51-5032 Tux Rentals i M.A.C. one block from campus 332-8498. 2-5-31 DON'T TAKE your bike home! Sell HERTERS 16' Quebec fiber glass SINGLES, MALE walk 1 1956 GIBSON Let Paul. Excellent - - to 5 bedrooms, two full baths, it to me. I need one. Will^ boat and trailer. 7V4 horsepower. campus, cooking. 334 Evergreen. original condition. Original case fireplace, $350 month, deposit required. 351-2283. 1-5-31 489-1893. 6-5-31 and strap. $500. Would consider consider — "" any <2-2-6-31 make, model. McCulloch electirc start motor. $500. 393-0583. 4-5-31 Bridal Registries CAMPUS TlX jJ trade. 484-9869. C-5-31 SUMMER ROOMS near cooking, parking. campus, ECONOMY DOUBLES for VOX ORGAN, heethkit amp, 8 TRACK MASTERWORK Stereo. SHOP Phon« East Lansing 332-5722 between 9:3011am summer. Furnithed, kitchen, TV ATALA 10-speed, white, one year Leslie, all or part. 332-4310. Phono - selector. Good Jacobson's 351-6 1-5-31 lounge, near camput. Phone old. Extras, $170 new, $110. 2-5-31 condition. Best offer. 353-6209 across from campus. ■ OR-5-31 Visit complete shops 1 our 484 97 74 or 332-5722* Sony STR-6055 amplifier, 145 before 11am after 3pm. 2-5-31 for the home- 351.6.130 2-3 BEDROOM HOUSES east side watts, 3 years old, $210. POCKET CALCULATOR all MONTI E COOP has rooms for fall of Lansing. Available June 15th, __0-1_Ofr31_ 351-3801. 1-5-31 - solid state design, 8 digit display. and take advantage term. Room and board $225. WANTED OLD Steel or wooden SINGLE ROOMS for tummer and of our Bridal Registry summer ratet from $150. Year Near campus. Call 332-8641. Specially priced at $28.99. fall. Panelled, carpeted, ACCESSORIES, COMPLETE guitar with metal retonator. Will Bridal Registry leases from $165. 349-1540 5-5-31 ALTA SURGICAL SUPPLIES. Lower Level after June 1st. 1-5-31 furnithed, cooking and laundry selection for audio, guitars and pay good price. 484-9869. 1717 Eatt Michiga. 489-1404. band instruments with full line C-6-5-31 facilities parking. Two blocks a 2-5-31 CEDAR - NEAR Meijers, I-96. from sheet music department to serve $1/DAY campus. Call Mark house. rent. Garden. Fully Sun furnished porch. Nice 2-room efficiency, 351-7236. 7-5-31 your every music need. PA SYSTEM, Peavey. Complete - 6 Bridql Shops furnished. References. No pets, MARSHALL MUSIC, 245 Ann SENIOR PICTURES that look like . channels, 250 watt. 12-12" 371-1678. 1-5-31 speakers, $22/week. 663-8418. 9-5-31 SINGLE EFFICIENCY, fine Street. C-1-5-31 you do. Weddings and passports. two horns. $750. location! 372-0026. 5-5-31 Dorothy's Bridal Shop ONE MAN, own room, furnished. Parking, $18/week. LUKE PHOTOGRAPHY. BRIDES-MOTHERS Opposite Brody. $70 - complete. SUMMER ROOMS - men. Farm June 8, IV2-8304. 3-5-31 GARAGE SALE: slide projector, 351-6690. C-2-5-31 BRIDESMAIDS The little shop 9 351-2719.1-5-31 House Fraternity. Acrott from household goods, a little bit of USED FURNITURE bought end HOLIDAY FORMALS that has everything fl Snyder Hall. 151 Bogue, MALE STUDENTS. Summer term. everything. 1917 Roberts Lane. BEDROOM SET - bed, desk, chair, told. TREASURE CHEST, 116 -Custom made in men's formal wear 9 WOMEN FOR summer. Own room, 332-8635.1-5-31 Reasonable, quiet. Near campus. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, dresser. Best offer, must sell. North Main, Perry. 625-3188 t -regular & hard to lit sues 1 block from Union. Nice house, Parking. 332-3094. 3-5-31 Saturday. 2-5-31 394-2525 evenings. 2-5-31 10-6-31 15972 Turner-Lansing Call 372-6941 lor ippt. E. Michigan Ave. 1 FALL TERM only. One female in $71,351-4114. 1-5-31 SUMMER OF humor? Own room, across from Sparrow H house. Ann Street, 2 blockt / CANNON ZOOM lens. FD alto air camput. $70 includes utilities, close to Lizard's. $64 per BRIDES Hospital H conditioner and sideboard. own room, kitchen fadities. Call month. Call 337-1289. 5-5-31 For Over V* Century 1 355-9243,355-9216. 1-5-31 SINGLES SUMMER or Falll. $55 351-6256.4-5-31 DOUBLE-WIDE Choose Lansing 489-4830 H SUMMER. LARGE room, ROOMS, FURNISHED for $80. Utilities included. Parking, WANTED, 10-speed bike, butted Lamberts ■ Ann Arbor H completely furnished, kitchen facilities, laundry, parking, close. tummer. Sharon $80. 337-0090 after 5pm. Call kitchen facilities. 332-6990 after 4pm. 6-5-31 24 - 25V4" 351-4610. 2-5-31 frame. Owen, SALE 311 South Washington Lansing IV5-9818 Vpsilantl Phone 484-9774 332-5722. 1-5-31 or We have the answer to your TUXIDO RENTALB ■ 0-10-5-31 7/////// Jacobson's SUMMER ROOMS Elsworth VARSITY fA Hiimlliii «/ student housing needs! Three An outstanding selection For all Detroit weddings ■ PAR"! at Co-operatirve. A double only $10 a week utilities included. Call 332-3574.4-5-31 ONE 1-5-31 MORE girl wanted in nice BARBER SHOP d to choose from- Completely furnished and delivered. of gowns, from traditional to avante garde. Bridal Salon ROSnDALC- \7oimal ' 11 I houte with one other ROOM FOR male student, across girl and Men and Women's Haircuts SECOND LEVEl from Union. 211V4 Grand River, upstairs, $48 per month. 4-5-31 three guyt. Starting winter. Own room. fall or $60 Call For An Appointment or Just AMERIHOMES MOBILE HOME SALES Best of luck w *0 groom with adding party 1 ■ monthly. 355-8896, 355-8845. Qf s or more 1-6-31 Walk In 6900 South Cedar to all • Special discounts to H SUMMER, FALL, single in quiet ^ houte, kitchen facilties, parking, TM MEDITATION houte, clote to 208 M.A.C. 694 - 8644 newly married k 1V4 (Beneath Jones Stationary) AT C/KHORCCN H miles, naer bus line, camput, own room, $60, no couples ■ k 361-9043 after 6pm. 4-5-31 utilities. 351-7587.1-5-31 332-8191 Open nightly til 9, open $af. and Sun. orrHO'T, MICH. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 31, 1974 21 *#ho«KS - ( mm ig]' [PMrts^jd] ehind v Hasher' I dryer, air conditioner, [j| Michigan. Secretary Ford Motor Company, to Black Students of Case: Party from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday in Splash always. Society Shalom for Aleichem. Creative to declare hundreds of ceiling heights, rooming units inhabitable. Because of room area, window space, available parking and bedrooms, furnished. Close / youth safaris Roy Sgroi the Men's Intramural Building. Free Anachronism: practice and many other code requirements, the commission could force A BIG youth fares, Abe's Redford Michigan, MSU dance show from 10 a.m. to 1 meetings until the end of the term landlords to either spend thousands of dollars in campus. Very reasonablel Call "THANK YOU" to all the p.m. repairs, rent four today in South Case Hall cafeteria; will be at the Union Tower evenings after Junefl. 351-3373. CONTACT Room • bedroom houses to two people, pave over Numbers in Classified for your Senior, Alpha Kappa Psi soul dinner and fashion show from at the regular times. Fighting backyards, or any j 1-5-31 help this week and throughout TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON number of other rent • raising moves. the year! Ace those finals - Love Fraternity. 4:30 to 6:15 p.m. today in Case practice on Saturday - follow the But the commission has limited space or forced landlords to 351 8800 Hall cafeteria. clues to Jenison's archery range. TRIALERS FOR sale or rant, close - No. 2.1-6-31 pay ungodly sums only in the most severe cases. Still, the costs to campus, various sizes and VISIT TURKEY this summer and Kathy McKenna, Lansing that most landlords incur just to meet the code's electrical years for summer or fall. Call and 351-0435. 2-5-31 SCHNOOKUMS, TOMMY - Goo - my friends will provide free Michigan. Western Michgian Gay Liberation: Dance and drag plumbing requirements, which seldom are waived, may have room, board, serve as show at 8 tonight in the Union Goo, and Willie • Botsum. Thank guide Graduate, to Jeff Page affected the housing market. The landlords have to you for typing. Scooter ■ Pia. 355-9950. 3-5-31 Tower Room. We urge all people pass the $500 FOR SALE - Rent. 2 bedroom, Spencerport, New York. MSU who are gay and proud to wear blue activities. We also need to allocate for grounded and duplex receptacles on to somebody, and rents 10'x50*. New carpeting, air jeans today to celebrate gay pride. money to liberation EUROPE - ISRAEL post Graduate, Delta Upsilon All concerned persons invited. are going up in the fall in a majority of student ghetto houses. We along with Lansing Area conditioning, one mile from Discontinued of now illegal basement and attic $2150 or $155/month. TO OUR Graduating friends: Fraternity. Lesbian feminists will host a use rooms, ji. which the more honest landlords will not continue Call after 4pm for appointment, Congratulations and keep potluck picnic from 2 to 8 p.m. First East Lansing Spring Festival renting as smiling! Peace. Janie, Karen, Koni Saturday in section A of Alton from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday bedrooms, also may have had an impact on the general rent levels 389-4293. 3-5-31 Travel Discounts year 'round. Gullekson, Cadillac Park. behind Kresge Art Center. Informal and available room market. Kanni, and Laurie. 1-5-31 Int'l. Student Travel Center 739 Boylston Street - Suite Michigan. MSU Senior, to dialogs exploring the spiritual, FOR RENT I Sale. 14'x60'. Two GOOD LUCK Boston, Tel. (617) 267 - 1122 113 James Crabtree, Adrian, psychological, psychic, artistic and High rents in East Lansing have sent some students to small on your finals Flash scientific approaches to student ghetto areas of Lansing and to other bedrooms, unfurnished, and have Michigan. MSU Senior, -Alpha expanded outlying areas. a great summer. P.S. consciousness. Also appearing will But for this coming year, as the East liamston. 655-3108, Tri-County Bike Assn: We are Lansing housing code 655-3432. 3-5-31 You too Berk. 1-6-31 Real Estate Kappa Psi Fraternity. sponsoring rides of 25 and 15 miles be the Cosmic Beam Experience. approaches its first birthday and rent and inflation reach new all m in conjunction with cycle tourist time highs, more students - PITTS AND ASSOCIATES living in residence halls have decided to 1971 CHAMPION - - 2 badroom, furnished, lake location, lot rental. 10 minutes from the July 1, Meeting viking, LOVELY 2 BEDROOMS, aluminum siding and windows, [Typing Service g symposium. Participants in the 25 - mile ride meet at 12:45 miles at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at lot Y. p.m., 15 of The Pentecost Event, the the Holy Spirit, will be celebrated at 5 p.m. r Sunday in coming stay on campus than ever before. Nearly 70 per cent of those on campus now have requested residence hall rooms for next fall, We are sponsoring a Cycle - Touring Alumni Chapel according to the rite 1,200 more than expected. jus. Phone 675-5271.8-5-31 mount clemens, ok? fenced yard, screened in beck TYPING TERM Symposium. Talks and workshops of the Episcopal Church Robert C. Underwood, manager of residence i Love, porch. Cer and V4 garage. papers, on equipment, bike preparation, using the halls, speculated . dissertations. Experienced, MSU folk Mass, "Promise" by Jane that a combination of factors MUST SELL, Rembrandt 12'x50\ Your Classified Girls, Immediate possession, financing road repairs and,riding technique, including the current economy and Two bedrooms, on lot, good 504/page, near campus. Feererv the iwide variety of available. Phone 332-1234 332-2987. 2-5-31 from 10 adn. to 3 p.m. Saturday at housing options that the University offers- condition, appliances. $3000. Margie and Sue 7-5-31 the south entrance to the The Ancient, Honorable and account for the high return rate. Underwood said that an 394 0574. 4-5-31 Chemistry Building. Sacred Traditions Society will meet accumulation of policies such as 24 hour RANDY AND Company, thanks - visitation, alcohol on YORKSHIRE, 1970. 12'x60\ 2 for the wonderful weekend. SPACIOUS FOUR bedroom home: Fireplace, screened porch, Transportation ffi The Boarshed Players present at 9:30 tonight in North Hubbard Hall to record old traditions and campus and especially co - ed housing plans may be significant Love Kathy. 1-5-31 "Butterflies are Free" at factors in the increase. 8 p.m. bedroom with 8'x22' expando. modern kitchen, built in dream up new ones. Mediterranean decor with white dishwasher, disposal, electric now through June 8 at the Ledges "Surely the East Lansing housing ordinance was a factor also, NEED RIDE to California after Playhouse. LINNEA, JOAN. Carol, Linda. Jan The MSU Hoka Society will meet especially if it pushed rents up, making the fixed residence hall stone siding. Matching skirts and and Lucy. I'm going to miss range, in one of East Lansing's finals week. Share expenses. rates more 8'x12' storage shed. Furnished, most pleasant and convenient MENSA activities, game S1G at to plan the assault on the enemies attractive," he said. 353-4309. 2-5-31 of the washer / dryer and tie - downs. every one of you. Love, Debbie. Plenipotentiary.Bring space Because of the increased returning rate on campus, neighborhoods. $36,900. 7% 8:30 p.m. Monday at the Union " 1-5-31 Oak Room. i and ray guns at 8:30 tonight Underwood's office will be taking steps to avoid tremendous Available now or September 15. assumable mortgage. 332-1181. RIDERS TO Oregon - California. in North Hubbard Hall. 625-4852. 2-5-31 2-5-31 Estimated time departure, June overcrowding. This was previewed last fall when students were Meet the candidates for East allowed 12th. 355-8814. 1-5-31 The Alternate Historical to waive their housing contracts to alleviate the Lansing School Board at a public Society VINDALE, 12'x60', 2 bedrooms, Service forum at 8 p.m. Tuesday at Hannah will meet at 9 tonight at North overcrowded triples on campus. skirted, shed, nice Hubbard Hall. Tonight's suggested Between triples on campus and neighbors. NEED RIDER(S) to Maine, leaving Middle School auditorium. negligible vacancy rates off $3,500.485-8885. 2-5-31 departure event: the Crusades. FOR THE BEST service June 7, 5pm. 355-3894, after Sponsored by the League of campus, a student tenant is pretty much at the mercy of MSU or on stereo Women voters. equipment see the STEREO 10pm. 3-5-31 Loyal Order of Hoptoads private landlords. are Ml Fori M TO ROGER, Horticulturist of the Year: Congratulations, you've made it! Really proud! Love Pat. SHOPPE, 543 East Grand River. C-5-31 DRIVING TO Washington D.C. area female rider needed. Call Film "Breaking Out to the Silence Series" presents. "State of Siege" at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at meeting at midnight tonight North Hubbard Hogarthian Elephants are coming to Hall. in Six Among the housing commission's charges is to investigate possibilities for low - cost housing projects in the city. One of the housing commissioners who was find SOMETHING 349-1699. 3-5-31 celebrate the departure of the studying the 1-5-31 CHILD 402 Computer Center. Big OPENINGS available Toad. Allen Neuner prospects, Cathy Fix, said: "There is just no more land available IF YOU've found a pet or article presiding. MSAU Day Care Center. for low Anyway you view it, you get good - cost housing. MSU has the land but we want to help you THANK YOU 11N and IIS for Summer term. Call 353-5154. The, MSU Science Fiction The MSU Tolkien they seem to be Hum it. Just come into the results selling TV sets with Want Society will meet at 6:30 p.m. Fellowship getting out of the housing business as fast as they can. State making our last one the best. 4-5-31 will try to have Ads. Dial 355-8255. tonight in 34 Union. Discussion will a truly law Classified Department and Tolkienesque meeting "With the triples situation that Wl us you want to C.K. end T.R. 1-5-31 center around the sequels to "The in North Hubbard Hall. at 8 tonight developed this year, it is place an ad in PLANTSITTING AND grass cutting evident that the University doesn't care where or how Aeolian Mold" and other students fAST lansing STATE BANK'S this summer. Reasonable. Call tart column. As a T.M. - A short time together is far Green Thumb 353-1928. 4-5-31 Car Pool abominations. Free U - new course in the live," she continued. "At least students have a vote in East public aarvice better then no time at all. Love, martial arts: judo, aikido, karate, Lansing. They have no power on campus." east lansing STATE BANK Audio aftermath self - defense. Tandy. 1-5-31 - progressive Kung Fu. Every In the conclusions drawn from the 1971 East I run the ad at no east LANSING cost to you I [Typing Service ^ Share (riving £4 rock p.m. plus community to 2 a.m. WKAR-FM 90.5. Special guest on news week from 11 nights Thursday and Friday the 1 to 4 p.m. in second floor lounge of the Union. All are welcome. Free of survey, strong emphasis was put on the need for the University and the city to work together on the Lansing housing State bank housing problem. The Monday, "Rock is Rhythm and charge. current IRENE ORR - THESES, term Blues," by Larry Read. housing commissioners have complained several times that the two bodies make too papers, general typing. Formerly The many decisions without consulting LOST: SPIRAL Tolkien Fellowship will each other and that some of today's notebook from CJR. SENIOR year at an end. with Ann Brown. Call 482-7487. The Students' International mee^ at 10:30 tonight at North problems resulted from that Campus Bookstore, May 22, You've been such a nice part of C-5-31 Meditation Society presents special Hubbard Hall for the election of same lack of communication. '972. Reward Mike. 2-5-31 484-0733, ask for it. Mona. 1-5-31 EXPERIENCED TYPISTS. Wanted Tfl preview for the Science of Creative Intelligence including videotape of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Open to all next McGregor, year's you officers. Glenn are being usurped. Charles, of the tenants group, has advocated nonprofit ownership as a solution to some of the city's housing ills. He Okemos, IBM (Pica-Elite type). noted that in Ann Arbor, the LOST: SCHAFFWOMAN, THANKS for meditators and nonmeditators at 7 The University of Michigan has donated LAST 373-6726 weekdays, or FURNISHED HOUSE to lease? Loyal Fans of Allen G. Thursday man's continual friendship, and being a tonight in C103 Wells Hall. Neuner will land where cooperative housing has been built. Charles said this "aiding band 349-1773 evenings and Professional couple with two meet at 5 near Wonder's special roomie. Congratulations, was a small step in the " Heward. 355-2833. 2-5-31 weekends. 0-1-5-31 school age children. Excellent Saturday morning to witnesi the right direction. He also suggested that were Lambo. 1-5-31 Sailplane rides on weekends, galloping away of their idol MSU to build some low rise dormitory - apartment t references. Please call 355-8191. weather permitting. Use our car greyhound. - buildings f°UND BLACK female kitten. COMPLETE THESES - Service, 2-5-31 pool to and from the airport. For they might help ease the tight housing situation. BURNS, HOPE the Phillipines Discount printing, IBM typing details call MSU Soaring Club - The MSU Trivia Former Housing Commissioner Jim Jones noted at a en Street. 332-4338. Society will meeting „ C-1-5-31 appreciates the friendship I've and binding of theses, resumes, Carl Wagle or Dave Pope anytime meet at 10 tonight in North once that the ONE GIRL for Cedar University of Texas in Austin, a large institution, grown accuitomed to. Village. Fall - after 5 p.m. Hubbard Hall to continue the publications. Across from Spring. has no student housing problem because it runs buses all Congratulations, Patti. 1-5-31 353-0431, 353-2820. Tolkien Trivia Tournament and to over the campus corner M.A.C. and 1-5-31 Grand River. Below Jones Education majors and dual seek the answer to the question: city which are free to students. enrollees: "What is Allen Neuner's Middle "They solved their housing problem by spending money on BEAUTIFUL FRIENDS, thanky Stationery Shop. Call Election for KAWASAKI 125 - 175. 1971 or Name?" you and I love you all. Gail. COPYGRAPH representatives to Academic buses instead of dorms," Jones said. expensive SERVICES, newer. Also want Grumman or Council, Academic Governance , Waes looking 1-5-31 337-1666. C-5-31 near West McOonel Hall. Old Town canoe in reBSonably Committee, College Curriculum 3554195, C-2-5-31 good condition. Please Call Committee and Dean's Advisory SUE: NEW job, new world. Good EXPERIENCED IBM typing. 487-3096. 2-5-31 Group will be today, Saturday and LSAT REVIEW CLASSES - GOLD round wire rims luck, good life. Love, Dan. Dissertations, (Pica - Elite). Monday. Please vote, candidates ™»nd Administration Building. 1-5-31 FAY ANN, 489-0358. C-5-31 BIKE. ANY type considered. Guy's statements will be available to help JULY 6-7 IN DETROIT l»W, 332-6693. 4-5-31 or girl's. Any speed. 355-5842. you make a choice. CONGRATULATION AKPSI all - TYPING - electric mechine. Fast 2-5-31 The Council of Graduate ■WHITE, long frit champs AKPSI means accurate, experienced. Please call - haired cat, Students will meet at 6:30 p.m. business. 1-5-31 372-4746. 12-5-31 1 USED ice cream truck with or Q Extensive materials designed to duplicate LSAT questions; Q » we tipping. Reward. Monday in the Con Con Room in miss her. 355-6034. without bells. Call Bob, the International Center. X Analysis of ISAT's nafure-structurescoring, leading to KIDDO - BE a good traveling boy. PURPLE VICKI on X - Fast, accurate, 351-1069. 2-5-31 X improved approach to the exam and higher scores; I Give us a wink. Love, Lance. inexpensive typing. Very near World Invocation Day group 1-5-31 campus. 337-7260. 3-5-31 meditation to be held at 6:30 p.m. p Proven methods lor quickly analyiing LSAT types of problems □ ; *"«• Brown women's clutch type Monday at the Mayflower ow upi show that our average student increases his LSAT score by over 80 - silver horseshoe points with son LEMON, YOU'RE the sweetest Bookshop. ieving a nearly 200 point increase, demonstrating the course's „,^nt. In/near Wells, May thing that's happened to me. limize your capacity for enabling you "■355^7095, 4-5-31 Cincha. 1-5-31 RIDE share AROUND driving, USA pay In gas. June, Call Dr. Klinghammer, animal score within your ability. behavioralist and environmentalist, d' male dog, area of will talk, display his live wolves and The Next LSAT Is On 355-5326^5-31 July 27th; Our Preparation Course Will Be Given: . S AND T typing service. °nd HEY SCORPIO Jim, (Meika end __ show a movie at 7:30 Michigan. Experienced typists, fast and tonight in %8922. C-1-5-31 Nlkkl too) Bahamas, Canada DESIGNER MOVING to Flint, 137 Akers Hall. July 6-7, 9: 30 to 5:30 efficient. 55< miscelleneous per soon! Hooka# - but not landed? needs mature female roommate. Hazel Pk Holiday Inn, 1 W 9-Mile Rd, Hazel Pk. page, double spaced. $2 pick-up fa* Bawoel? Miss you next year. The red-heeded Pieces lo-. you 11 and delivery. Call 393-3482 or Nonsmoker. 353-4634. 1-5-31 We are interested in former CWENS to contacting gather and Offered By The low Board Review Center of New York, Inc. 351-1728. 6-5-31 discuss the COMNfTf FEF INCLUDING ALL MATERIALS, IS 1-6-31 HOUSEKEEPER: ROOM and possibility of $65; FOR ADMISSION USE COUPON O* board provided. Call 351-2006 establishing a chapter at MSU. CAll^ltECT. (9114) M WIDOWS: Information ANN BROWN typing end multilith Please contact C. Boots, I. Swank M9J330 orJ9l4^234-3702__ GOODBYE MSU, East Lansing, and anytime. 1-5-31 Board Review Center Q Register 1 and appreciated for offset printing. Complete service or R. Egidio. me tor the LSAT Review Course; $45 enclosed. T I.C.C. It's been a gasl Annette. for diaaertations, theses, JloJV research paper. If FARM - girl / student wishes to 1-5-31 manuscripts, general typing. IBM Married Housing Activities: call 6274244. 2-5-31 clean / babysit for room I board. - 24 years experience. 349-0850. basketball will be from 7:30 to Fall. 9:30 p.m. Tuesday at Red Cedar > JUT on Revlon lipsticks THE GAMMA Phi's welcome their C-5-31 353-0562^1-6-31 School. - new actives Helene, Janet, and PART TIME JANITOR. 10 ^"nued colors. Pick up old Nina. 1-5-31 THESES, RESUMES, typing and hours weekly. Hours - flexible, 15 The North , a< up to 40% off. Buy Woods Guild of 1AST ICHOOl * PlOltllS; printing. Reaeonable prices. apply in person before noon on Illuminators and Calligraphers will ITat'"! GULLIVER reach out COME RCIAL PRINTING. J* ^ River. DRUGS, 1106 East MARY, PLEASE help m# Friday, May 31M at 427% Albert meet at 6:30 p.m. June 8 at the ntiot isat scorns: COtHOI IQAUP SCOMSi 0-1-5-31 - Tarn. 1-6-31 351-4116. C-5-31 St. downstairs, w Union 0»k Room. s Friday. May 31 THE MONEY MAN WILL BE READY TO BUY BACK YOUR SPRING TERM BOOKS AT MSU BOOKSTORE NEXT MON. -FRI. (JUNE 3-7) Special Booky Buying Personnel will be in our store from 730 to 500 daily. Also SUMMER TERM BOOKS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE!