PIRGIM study attacks Pentagon spending By JUNE E.K. DELANO The PIRGIM report translates Russett's State New* Staff Writer costing, but the defense budget was never "We've fiT l?ires mt0 i°bs and rentes them to the Michigan cut and now they're asking for billions sponsored this kind of to convert companies which are phased of public relations people who work for economy, which by Russett's legislation each of the last two years," said effects of military spending on the calculations is very vulnerable to more." John Holum, McGovem's out of defense contracting into areas the Pentagon. defense legislative like transportation, low ■iliin ■ economy have always been spending. The major areas which suffer The report says that except in areas of assistant, "but it's hard to draft a ■ cost housing or "There is no concentrated lobbying idered beneficial, but new research from military spending are durable goods intensive military contracting, like Texas, legislative vehicle. The administration can conservation. Holum said. It, too, will be effort to cut the defense budget," she said. ijnated in a PIRGIM report released services and state and local California or Washington, there would be a ask for a $15 to 20 billion increase in an amendment to the military "There is a constant and concentrated government, all f^eek shows that each billion dollars of which are prominent in the Michigan procurement bill. effort to maintain it." 11 bv the Pentagon costs the people of economy. However, Holum does not believe that Ihigan 3.200 jobs. The report also uses a study conversion legislation will meet success Anderson is optimistic, however, I'The Empty Pork Barrel" researched commissioned by Rep. Les Aspin, D-Wis., Congress is male and WASP. Many of these men fought in World until there is a wholesale scaling down of because she thinks the credibility of the 1 compiled by Marion Anderson, which shows that for War II and reached their the military. Joint Chiefs of Staff is waning. That, $1 billion of political maturity during the Cold War. "Hie people who would supposedly be combined with a new Congress and iClM's legislative director, details the government expenditure, defense They just dnn't see the massive ttive effects that the annual $80 billion will generate spending change in public opinion." interested, the employers and employes in political impact of the PIRGIM study, will only 48,000 jobs while lenSf budget has on employment, public housing will generate 76,000, the -Marion Andrson, PIRGIM's legislative director. defense industries are more interested in spur legislation, she hopes. Ljficallv in Michigan. Job Corps will generate 151,000 and a the job they've got now," Holum said. She is encouraged because gubernatorial Cpor every job that Henry Jackson has "Conversion legislation just doesn't seem teaching program could generate 100,000 candidates here in Michigan, California to have constituency." d off for the state of Washington," jobs. a Anderson agrees that though surveys senators, the Electrical Engineering News ^rson said, "there are two people The thrust of the PIRGIM net gain in jobs if defense spending report is to was defense spending and they know it will go and many individuals have requested cut. and polls indicate that people are —employed in this state." point out that defense spending has a through. Why should they bother with copies of the report, and she has appeared ■Anderson's conclusions are based on negative effects on the However, the crux of the problem is the conversion overwhelmingly in favor of defense budget radio and television shows to discuss it. economy and to legislation?" cuts, Congress is lagging. on ,cl, by Bruce Russett of Yale conclude that the defense conversion of military production plants budget should McGovem's amendment to last year's "Congress is male and WASP." she liTsity which shows how military be cut by $20 billion dollars. over to civilian production, and that, Military Procurement Authorization Bill, A Defense Dept. spokesman sai<$ tiding affects the civilian economy and "That is the amount of the peace Anderson stresses, is dependent on which would have required all defense explained. "Many of these men fought in World War II and reached their political Tuesday that the PIRGIM statistics were diets what spending in the civilian dividend' that Nixon conversion legislation from Congress. contractors to initiate accurate, but that they did not mean that promised us at the Sen. George McGovern, conversion maturity during the Cold War. They just nomy will be sacrificed when military end of the Vietnam War,'' Anderson D-S.D., has planning, received only 29 votes in the defense spending caused unemployment. been proposing conversion don't see the massive change in public He insisted that the traditional view of nding is increased. explained. "That's how much the war was legislation in Senate. the Senate since 1964, witn no success. He is opinion." military spending as a booster of the trying again this year with a plan She also blames the tens of thousands whole economy was still true. Wednesday, June 19,1974 Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Nixon finishes says By JOHN HERBERS NEW YORK TIMES understanding createdAt the Amman airport Tuesday, Nixon said "If there is one fact that stands out it millions in five countries, are dedicated to peace. economic and military aid to Jordan, AMMAN, Jordan, President Nixon is this; the leaders of the nations we partly to upgrade weapons destroyed in Senior Administration officials said the the October War. completed his seven - day tour of the visited are dedicated to peace and the Middle East Tuesday, terming it a success formal agreements announced during the But for symbolic importance, there was under his limited set of objectives. people we saw, and we saw literally President's trip would have been achieved no doubt that the American presence in He left Amman for the Azores where he anyway. the form of the President and his party was to remain Secretary of State Kissinger said the had made a strong impact, particularly overnight for talks with plan to provide nuclear energy to Egypt among the Arab countries. The cover of Portugese President Gen. Antonio de for peaceful purposes had been negotiated a weekly Arab magazine, A1 Diar, Tuesday Spinola before returning to Washington. He will set out early next week for a Moscow summit meeting with Soviet Welcome before the trip; the resumption of diplomatic relations with Syria was carried a color picture of Nixon in Arab headdress. leader Leonid I. Brezhnev. planned independent of the trip; the Though Nixon stressed at every stop In an exchange of toasts last King Hussein, Nixon stressed the symbolic night with Back nuclear and military agreements with Israel were scheduled whatever the that he had not come here offering any specific solution, his presence and message The State News begins its summer President's plans, and a joint statement was interpreted by the Arab leaders as importance of the Middle East trip. schedule with today's issue. It will be reached here Tuesday between the two "It is the last stop on this trip," he said, offering hope that there would be. published three times each week and heads of state was no significant advance "but it is only the beginning of the through negotiations, a substantial Israeli distributed in all occupied residence halls, over what was already under withdrawal from Arab territory taken not journey for peace. way. classroom buildings and the mail slots in The chief step announced here was the "We have a long way to go," he only in the October War but also the 1967 married housing. creation of a joint Jordanian • United war. continued, "and this trip is simply another Inside today: States commission to review on a regular In Jerusalem, Nixon promised continued step in which understanding has been •President Wharton testifies in basis the various areas of cooperation support to Israel but warned that she must King Hussein of Jordan and President Nixon created where there stand at attention as the was misunderstanding • Washington before a Senate subcommittee between the two countries' economic consider new approaches to a peaceful I national anthems are played on Nixon's arrival before; where new relations have been at Amman airport Monday on education. He told the subcommittee development, trade and investment, I for a state visit. created where there were no relations solution, including alternatives that would that the tuition increase at MSU last military assistance and supply and not have been considered in the past. before." year could have been avoided if federal scientific, social and cultural affairs. U.S. officials said this was a suggestion promises had been kept. It was pointed out in the statement that that Israel would have to make new u NIXON ENDS I0UR •The state House will vote today on a Nixon has legislation for submitted a to Congress substantial increase in concessions on territory beyond those it proposal to let Michigan voters decide already has made to Syria and Egypt. whether 18 - year - olds should run for state offices including governor, senator Israelis bomb Lebanon and representative. Supporters of the proposal claim opponents are disguising their motives with complaints about other parts of the bill. See page 3. •MSU's commencement speaker Sen. pL AVIV, Israel (AP) - Israeli planes fighters streaked over villages and immediate punitive raid. Edward Brooke, R - Mass., told graduates T*d and strafed suspected Arab plantations near the Israeli border and in The Arabs' raid on Shamir came soon there are other important issues besides list centers in southern Lebanon the shadow of Mt. Hermon. The area is after Nixon began his Middle East tour Watergate. See page 12. *da>'. minutes before President Nixon known as "Fatahland" because of the ™ his Thursday to an enthusiastic greeting by Middle East tour, the military Palestinian guerrilla bases located there. millions in Cairo, Egypt. land reported. pto raids Israel said its planes returned safely to The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which claimed credit for the Refund were evidently delayed base. attack, called it "our reaction to the Students carrying 10 credits or more Won for the Palestinian guerrilla "» Nixon visit to the Arab world." who do not wish to read the State News or last Thursday on the Shamir The air raid apparently was timed to use its services may obtain a $1 refund •z near the Golan Heights, where * women come immediately after Nixon ended his The four Arab raiders apparently authorization by presenting their fee were killed and three men J- The four Arab trip to four Arab capitals and Israel. The slipped across the border from Lebanon receipt card at 345 Student Services Bldg. raiders also were Israeli communique said the raids began at from 8 to 12 a.m. and 1 to 5 p.m. throutfi despite the taut Israeli air and land border 3:10 p.m. Israel time, minutes after Nixon June 28. boarded his jetliner and (continued on page 10.) Initial reports from Beirut said two 18 minutes before nians were it left Amman, Jordan. wounded in the fialf - £ raid. There was no immediate Tape said to refute llf of Israel's Information Minister Aharon damage. Yariv admitted Monday that Nixon's visit "tnesses in Lebanon said the Israeli jet was a fyctor in Israel's refraining from an Nixon coverup stand tor accident k WASHINGTON discussion of the (AP) - The House Watergate matter and Judiciary Committee heard a tape Tuesday possible involvement of White House pn last day of which sources said indicates President Nixon discussed the Watergate coverup four days earlier than he has publicly said personnel and others." The committee hopes to complete its hearings of evidence by Friday. Items he learned of it. remaining to be covered by the committee J*"1SU treshman w«p over and everyone was in a big hurry to get home for the summer, but this week include the events never got there. No member would comment publicly surrounding . . . the dismissal of Watergate special *7* Marie Arsen, 20, was killed when the van she was driving was struck b> on details of evidence heard in the closed prosecutor Archibald Cox last fall, Nixon's Rrrcar at 5 p.m. June 7 at the intersection of Farm Laneand Wilson Road. sessions. But sources said a tape recording 1969-72 income tax returns and a study of ■Jjwas only one the third fatal accident in history on the MSU campus butwaithe of Nixon listening to other tapes and the secret bombing of Cambodia in P'pole. this school year. Last fall a student was killed when his motorcycle hit a commenting on them confirmed earlier 1969-70. claims that the President talked of White |*j*n Bv" °n Farm Lane, was going west on Wilson Road when her van was hit by a Mustang traveling House involvement in the coverup as early Meanwhile, James D. St. Clair, Nixon's Watergate lawyer, said that committee throwing her from her vehicle. as March 17,1973. staff memos on ly0ctor TNince arrived. She and a medical was student who were passing by treated Ar^"^f