House OKs 'officeholder By MARY ANNE FLOOD State News Staff Writer at 18' proposal mjSt,,of recapitulated and offered the dissenters rectDitulatpH Since the conference report is much like to devote The last legal barrier to young adults support of the the already a majority of his time between living f"11 adult rights in Michigan approved proposal, observers now and November hesitancy on the part of Michigan voters Engler, who also said he have no doubt that touring the state and changed positions it will easily pass the too, when they vote in November. because there v have been broken Thursday, The House Senate and be the soliciting the support of voters as well as was no other compromise in me Michigan House of Representatives version made any felony on November ballot. state officials, organized labor, the sight and most representatives who wanted The large House ratification and the fact Rep. H. Lynn Jondahi, D I . 17 vote, agreed to put the of 18 - year - olds running for XfIOTH grM "ds office. The for exPulsion from felony and 18 year - old - that the approving votes were a bipartisan Democratic and Republican parties and student leaders. Lansing, said the proposal may have a - East the 18 - year - old section on the ballot could live with the i portions are in one coalition also make Senate tough time passing. He noted that several felony portion rather office on the November ballot. proposal since they approval seem Supporters of the proposal have not had than kill the proposal k more likely. times Michigan voters denied 18 - entirely. A,,, proposal in the form of a Joint officials WHh qua,iflcations of elected "Michigan now leads the nation in an easy road thus far. Before the joint olds the right to vote when the year - question In another youth - oriented r . Senate Conference Committee granting basic rights to conference committee met, it fought bill the t will be a constitutional amendment davNenr,y aay period i° ofV?t8S chan6ed m the two - our Rep. Jackie Vaughn, D- Detroit, adults,"' young efforts to remove lieutenant governor and was on the ballot. But Jondahi said politicians have been forced to take young that House earlier this month passed a House mssed by the voters. It had earlier been reconsideration of the author of the principal governor from the list of positions an 18 - joint resolution which takes proposal after a original proposal said. He voters more seriously since the voting age away any Bed, in different forms, by the House strong effort from its said year old could seek. There also was an has been lowered to 18 and that 18 conflict of interest that might be claimed supporters to sway the Michigan 18 - year • olds can vote, year . senate and now goes back to the votes. effort to put the amendment • - against students running for purchase on the olds are now part of their college te for an expected passage. tnT? *solutionto calls ^ 18 to be allowed run for - year - olds liquor allowed to run for all state and will soon be offices. August ballot which might weaken its constituency. boards. all state offices, possibilities of passage since so The same proposal was defeated, 52 - lnecurrent age limitations Vaughn plans to begin a statewide many are 21 for Rep. John M. Engler, R • Mount "Conflict of interest, previously claimed I in a House vote Monday night, because legislators state campaign young voters are not at their voting 'concern among a large number of and 30 for lieutenant governor immediately in order to residences. Pleasant, said he voted for the proposition by the attorney general, will be and governor. The mobilize support for the felony portion calls for amendment. Since there Thursday but was one of the leaders of eliminated," said resolution sponsor Rep. relators that a section dealing with expulsion of officials "There is no was an organized effort in the opposition Monday, question that the saying that he felt Evicted felons was not strong enough. felonies which breach the sentenced for amendment can pass, but a lot of work has the legislature to delete the executive the inclusion of lieutenant governor and Perry Bullard, D - Ann Arbor. The resolution passed in the House 82 - 14. If public trust to be done to positions from the list, several insure it," he said. He proposed governor on the proposal may cause its plans supporters feared that there may be some passed by the Senate, it, too, will go on defeat. the November ballot. Volume 68 Number 171 Friday, June 21,1974 East Lansing, Michigan 48824 lo secrets,' N >f his Middle East deals FROM WIRE SERVICES White House President Nixon dove into Deputy Press Secretary Byrd said, "not entirely, but to some Gerald L. Warren would give no other Beparations for his Moscow summit details of the Cabinet or degree." Iceting after assuring congressional Council meetings. Security Byrd said he questioned whether rs Thursday he made no secret deals Warren said that no new developing nations such as Egypt could ■tbe Middle East. agreement has make effective use of nuclear yet been worked out with the Soviet power plants ■At a two hour when the United States, with its Youth in the Bourj el Shemali ■ meeting in his first full Union on strategic arms limitation. "These advanced refugee camp look through debris for victims after jy back in Washington since the 10 technology, "has not been Palestinian refugees were killed and 94 wounded, Thursday's Israeli air attack. Twenty seven - things will be negotiated at the summit," very according to a guerrilla spokesman. • k trip, the President also sought to Warren said. successful" in developing atomic quell - n congressional uneasiness about the Asked whether powered electric generators. Nixon had told the 5, promise to provide Scott quoted Nixon as Egypt with congressional leaders of any secret saying the ctar aid. United States would have more safeguards Israelis bomb Lebanese in agreements or understandings with any of attached to its nuclear aid [Nixon originally planned to fly to Key the five Middle East nations he visited, would other countries that program than (, Fla., Thursday to relax and do Warren replied: "He said there were might I homework for a trip starting otherwise step in to provide such help. Tuesday none." I Brussels and then Moscow. But he Other officials from the State Senate Republican Leader id plans and will work instead at the Hugh Scott Department and Atomic Energy of Pennsylvania said Nixon told the iidential retreat at Camp David, Md. kkIs to ' |iimsof the s of NATO nations will sign meet in an agreement stating anew Atlantic Pact. The Moscow bipartisan congressional group that this country "will give no encouragement to any weapons." country in acquiring nuclear Commission have given Congress assurances that the nuclear aid could not be converted into weapons. However, legislation to block export of fourth retaliation attack limit meeting will nuclear power equipment begin Thursday. Some concern has been expressed in technology to See related story page 6. incursion into the territory of another "cretary of State Henry A. Kissinger both Egypt and Israel was introduced in Israeli receiving 40 casualties from the raid and a Congress that Egypt might be able to utilize the Senate Thursday. planes attacked Palestinian state." refugee camp hospital at Ein A1 Hilweh td Nixon in briefing 22 congressional technology from the promised power guerrilla targets near the major Lebanese The bomb and rocket raids were the outside the city said it received us about the NATO The amendment by Sen. Frank Church, eight killed agreement as well plant to produce cities of Tyre and Sidon on Hie Middle East travels. Similar nuclear weapons. D Idaho, to a Thursday. A fourth in three days of retaliation for last and 43 wounded. briefings Senate Democratic WhipRobert ■ pending foreign aid guerrilla spokesman said 27 Palestinian week's Palestinian terrorist attack on the given later to a Cabinet meetine. Byrd of authorization bill would prohibit such Reports from Tyre, 50 miles south of West Virginia said Nixon explained the refugees were killed and 94 wounded. Israeli settlement of Shamir in which three Beirut, were sketchy. ■Hie National Security Council met exports to any nation not a party to the Zohair Mohsen of the Syrian - backed safeguards being provided to prevent 1968 treaty on nonproliferation of nuclear women were killed. The raids were The Israeli command claimed its fursday afternoon to discuss diversion of nuclear fuel to weapons use. Saika guerrillas told a Beirut news pilots weapons. Neither Egypt nor Israel has delayed until President Nixon left the took "all possible measures" to avoid arations for Moscow. conference that the statement issued in Asked if his doubts had been removed, Middle East on Monday. innocent casualties, and that all ratified the treaty. targets Jerusalem Monday by President Nixon and The Lebanese government "were definitely identified as Israeli Premier Yitzhak Rabin appealed by military "signaled radio for "urgent blood donations of all installations of the terrorist the green light for the barbaric raids types." The Red Crescent, the Palestinian organizations." against innocent civilians." guerrilla equivalent of the Red Cross, Penned pachyderm prompts pity - He was referring to a clause in the U.S. Israeli communique saying every nation has a duty to abstain "from sought for Arab and international help to rescue men, women and children buried in the rubble. Among them it listed a command post of the Popular Front for the Liberation Palestine - General Command, the group of organizing or which claimed responsibility for the encouraging irregular forces or armed The Lebanese government Shamir attack. bands hospital in About two miles west of the MSU including mercenaries from Sidon, 25 miles south of Beirut, reported The Tel Aviv command said other campus, a half - ton baby spends her targets were a terrorist headquarters, a central garage for guerrilla vehicles, an days at the end of a 14 - foot chain. operations unitdirecting infiltrators Some area residents aren't too happy about it. Bingo, the two - year - old female Senate approv through the border, bunkers and various other military posts. But Israeli military sources said that elephant in Lansing's Potter Park zoo, is kept on the chain in her 20 by 20 some targets were inside the refugee camps and that the Palestinians foot home. She gets five minutes of freedom each day. At 3:45 p.m. a zoo worker removes to hike ex-GI were their own safety by harboring guerrillas. The raids, the government sources endangering said, were intended to disrupt the guerrilla the chain and lets Bingo stretch her By ASSOCIATED PRESS and STATE NEWS organizations legs before locking her in a small Division (EX-2), Kansas City, Missouri by striking at The Senate 64197. (continued building until 9 a.m. the next day unanimously passed a bill on page 6.) when she is brought outside. Wednesday to increase education benefits The cost of the Senate veterans benefits for Vietnam - era veterans by 18.2 bill for the fiscal year "Some people don't think it's per starting July 1 is Inside right," Jerry Miller, zoo supervisor, cent, give them up to $720 a year in tuition costs and provide $2,000 estimated at $1.9 billion compared to $561.4 million of the House bill. • The milk Friday said. He added that the zoo has per year fund affair is in the news in loans. received five or six complaints. No problem is expected in the Senate again. Texas lawyer Jake Jacobsen appears Hie measure will have to be reconciled - to have agreed to Miller said Bingo has to be chained House conference in testify against former because of her size, since she could with a House - passed measure which reconciling the 18.2 Treasury Secretary John B. Connally. Page provides a 13.6 per cent cost - of - living per cent and 13.5 per cent figures hurt someone. He compared it to the though 2. increase but not the tuition administration favors 8 per cent. Most keeping a dog on a chain. grants and members of the House Veterans loans. Affairs Bingo is about five feet tall, She • East Lansing City Council Meanwhile, the Pentagon Committee and the administration have temporarily won't reach her full- grown size of announced abandons the Kalamazoo Street this week that tens of vigorously opposed the grants and loans. project about nine feet and two or three tons thousands of and answers to servicemen who served Sen. Vance Hartke, D - Ind., chairman nonreappointed city for another 18 years. in October, commission members who say the council November and December 1972 of the Senate Veterans Affairs Miller said Bingo must get used to are eligible Committee, abandoned them. Stories on page 3. said the bill is a the chain while she is still young and to receive back pay from the government. "major step in finally The back pay will be issued as the giving Vietnam - era veterans a real chance • Members trainable. of the House result of a Court of Appeals decision that at getting an education and training, the Judiciary "We've complied with the federal kind of chance that I and millions like Committee impeachment panel speak out ordered President Nixon to veterinarian, the state veterinarian and pay to civilian me on President Nixon's taxes. and military had after the Second World War." Page 5. the MSU veterinarian," Miller said employes the salary increases he withheld in 1972. • William regarding the chain. Many veterans' groups have complained Calley, Jr. has agreed to "If it was hurting the animal the vet A typical E5 or that veterans could not use the GI surrender himself Army sergeant with bill or to U.S. Army wouldn't allow it," he added. four years in the had to shop for authorities. Page 8. Army in 1972 would be inexpensive colleges due about $86. because there is no tuition grant as Veterans provided for World War II veterans. • Irene are asked to file claims McCabe, the volatile housewife including their A proposal by Sen. from Pontiac who made national name, Social Security Henry Bellmon, headlines number, rank, current mailing address, R-Okla., to write in a cost of living - • during her march on Washington date of separation and duty station during escalator provision was beaten 54 to 35. protesting cross - district bussing in 1972, that period. is back on the trail the Hie Senate bill would raise the — campaign trail, monthly that is. Page 12. Requests should be mailed to: Military payment for single veterans from $220 to $260 compared with $250 in the House Pay Division, Army Finance Center, United States Army, Indianapolis, Indiana bill. A married veteran would receive $309 Refunds i 46249 or Air Force Finance Center, instead of the present $261. The House Students carrying 10 credits or more 30800 York St., Denver, Colorado 80205 proposed $297. who do not wish to read the State News or A married veteran with use its services or Bureau of Supplies and may obtain a $1 refund Accounts, one child would authorization United States Navy, Thirteenth and Euclid get $352 instead of the present $298 and by presenting their fee SN pholoi/Divid Schmier Sts., Cleveland, Ohio 4411# or Marine the House proposed $339. Hie rate for receipt card at 345 Student Services - from 8 to 1"—1—m ■■ Bldg. Corps Finance Center, Examination *• • «0* 15.) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Friday, June 21,19741 Milk fund charges may lesse n Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski had I ROM WIRE SERVICES payment from his client, Associated Milk Producers Inc., but that said the testis Texas lawyer Jake Jacobsen has worked out a tentative Connally refused the gift. interfere with his own milk investigation. • "u arrangement to plead guilty to a reduced charge of bribery in the Sources said Jacobsen is now offering to testify that Connally According to informed sources, Jacobsen's lawv„ , milk - fund affair, and to testify against former Treasury took the money for helping the dairy - fanner cooperative with McNelis, tentatively agreed to the bribery - charge deal - Secretary John B. Connally, according to informed sources. government problems and Connally later tried to cover up the two weeks ago. g Watergate prosecutors have offered to let Jacobsen plead guilty transaction after federal investigators began looking into the Jacobsen had been seeking to have all charees .. 1 to the least serious felony charge of offering or paying a bribe, a affair. reduced to misdemeanors, which would have ereatlv im kl Bonn, East Berlin open relations charge that carries a maximum penalty of two years in jail and a Connally has consistently denied taking the money, and says chances of keeping his license to practice law. iiffl $10,000 fine. Jacobsen offered it to him not as bribe, but as a fund from which felony almost automatically leads to disbarment. ofl East and West Germany opened formal relations In return for a guilty plea and his cooperation, the prosecutors he could make political gifts to candidates. His lawyer, Edward Currently, Jacobsen faces a seven count with each other Thursday for the first time since the offered to drop their perjury case and a separate, unrelated Texas Bennett Williams, said he had heard "rumors" that the connection with alleged misuse of funds - felony indictmenJ savings ■ and - loan indictment, the sources said. Jacobsen faced beloneineto longing to two states emerged from the World War 11 collapse of government might have worked out a deal with Jacobsen. a ■ Hitler's Reich. possible maximum punishment of up to 40 years and $80,000 in On Wednesday, the Senate Watergate Committee decided and • loan institution in San Ar.jelo, Tex. The eharol !P1 fines if convicted on all counts. against calling Jacobsen to testify under immunity about the conspiracy, perjury and misapplication of funds The * 1!? T The event was low keyed in both East Berlin and Jacobsen once testified that he offered Connallv a $10,000 Connally matter. Committee Chairman Sam J. Ervin said that punishment "would be 35 years u niinishmont u/oiiIH ko AR convicted on all counts. uaow in jaifand'VsSnnT?1"! u:i . * U'°00 I Bonn, and each side stood firm on its version of the In addition, Jacobsen faces possible relationship between German states. reindictment 01 The accreditation of Bonn's representative. Guenter Gaus. in East Berlin and East Germany's Michael Kohl Canada threatened charge related to the Connally money. A federal juge th» ~L the first perjury indictment because of a prosecutors could remedy in a future indictment. technical defect 1°1 Convicti! 1 in Bonn had been delayed a month by a spy scandal that ?10M0WfinUed ^ "maXimUm penaIty of flveV™injaillf toppled the Bonn government of Chancellor Willy Brandt. His successor. Helmut Schmidt, insisted on the if refusal to buy U The perjury indictment said Jacobsen lied when he™n*,d cooling - off delay but also made clear his government the $10,000 he offered to Conally stayed in a bank WASHINGTON (AP) said, is whether the Canadians reports back department feeders. Poage called it an untouched for 2'/i years until inventoried would continue Brandt's policy of detente with the - will accept his proposal for economists still will project a "unfinished measure that we November. by an FBI " Communist East. Agriculture Secretary Earl.L. * Butz said Thursday he is farmers to certify themselves probable level of imports just will polish up." Actually, serial numbers on the bills showed that Gaus was received in East Berlin with full diplomatic "prepared to recommend that their cattle destined for below last year's 1.35 billion The administration has them were not in circulation at the time man fl honors by Chief of State Willi Stoph, emphasizing the drastic action" if Canada Canada have not received DES, pounds. Butz cautioned, opposed the bill and Butz, in he received them, Jacobsen testified thl more according to an unpublished staff renort JJ with a veterinarian certifying however, that in answering a Poage question, Communist view that the two countries are separate and does not soon reopen that dealing with Watergate committee. * the meat at the slaughter the international trade said, "My only plea is that you sovereign and maintain normal foreign relations. country's markets to U.S. beef. Jacobsen now is prepared to testify that Connally received 1J "We have retaliatory action house. question "we must be careful put sufficient safeguards in it" $5,000 payments, one of them after helping the milk In Bonn. President Gustav Heinemann accepted the we can take," Butz told the Butz said there is substantial we don't invite severe so that "we don't perpetuate get an increase in federal milk price supports in 1971 a^J produd accreditation of Kohl with a minimum of normal House Agriculture Committee hope that Canada would agree retaliation and thwart U.S. people in the business that other after helping with another administration in matter f protocol in keeping with the West German view that at its last day of hearings into a move to head off efforts to lower farm - trade ought not to be there." sources said. ' * Kohl represents another state on German soil but not a the distressed U.S. livestock increasing congressional and barriers." situation. cattle • industry pressure for foreign country. Chairman W. R. mandatory beef import quotas, Poage, D • He said he understood the Deputy Asst. Secretary- Tex., of the House Agriculture Americans' personal income up Canadian cabinet was meeting Richard Bell leaves today for a Committee, said the committee on the subject later in the day. one • week trip to major would consider the Senate Americans' personal income jumped in May by SI0.6 Two months ago, when the exporting countries, Butz Agriculture Committee's billion for the largest increase so far this year, the federal government lifted a ban announced. proposed $3 billion guaranteed Commerce Dept. announced Thursday. on feeding the controversial Bell will go to New Zealand, loan measure to help chemical DES to cattle, Canada Australia and Japan to check The department said personal income increased economically pressed livestock responded by closing off estimates of their probable virtually across the board, with the exception of American imports, which shipments and to warn them farmers. Their income declined for the fifth straight amounted to about $100 that Butz does not want to see month to a level of S23.9 billion, or 26 per cent below million annually. Butz has been "the United States remain as what it was in December. saying for a week that the residual dumping ground" The overall rise in personal income was the fourth agreement on reopening is for World beef, Butz said. consecutive monthly increase, amounting to about a one However, the secretary said The problem, the secretary he expects that after Bell per cent rise. Wages and salaries increased by $8.6 billion, with about S2 billion of that attributed to an increase in federal minimum wages and the workers covered by the law. THE CORAL GABLES Soviets give contract to U. S. firm PRESENTS The Soviet Union on Thursday awarded the Chemical Construction Corp. of New York a contract valued at more than $2007 millidr Vo'Tdesign and equip four ammonia plants in*Russia"; "FLOOD" THIS W^EK AND NEXT The U.S. Embassy said it was the largest Soviet order IN THE SHOWBAR ever given to an American firm. Chemico President Thomas G. Gibian said in New York that all the equipment for the plants - including steam turbines, compressors, boilers and towers - will ALSO. . . be purchased in the United States. The four plants, producing about 1,360 tons of ammonia per day. are to be the first units of a huge DON'T FORGET THAT ammonia - fertilizer complex being built 400 miles east of Moscow. QUART NIGHT Poor train conditions criticized HAPPENS EVERY THURSDAY AND Seven out of 10 long - distance trains were late last year, compared with four out of 10 in 1972, FLAMING HOG NIGHT congressional investigators reported Wednesday. An increasing number of late arrivals was only one of ON TUESDAYS 8- 10p.m. several "significant unsatisfactory conditions" found by investigators for the House Commerce Committee in a review of Amtrak. the nation's rail passenger service. Bumpy rides, overheated and freezing cars, dirty, fogged and broken windows, slow and inaccurate ticketing and discourteous service are "seriously detracting from the performance, reliability and comfort to which passengers are entitled," the report said. Countries plan mission to Jupiter Space scientists from the United States and a dozen European countries are planning the world's first international mission to explore another planet, tentatively slated for 1980. Their goal is to place an unmanned spacecraft in orbit around Jupiter and perhaps send a probe into the giant planet's dense and poisonous atmosphere. The planning began this week at Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif., where international scientists met for two days under the nine Unbeatable. leadership of S.I. Rasool, deputy director of planetary programs for the National Aeronautics and Space fot new catbuyetcf Administration. The $60 million cost would be shared equally between the United States and 12 members of the Right now you can make the best new car buy of the year! Dealers are deal¬ European Space Research Organization. ing — and your credit union has just reduced the annual percentage rate Garland sweatshirts ... out of on new car loans to just 10%! Matched with the convenience of ABC Cash (on-the-spot credit union the gym and into your summer financing through all Lansing area auto dealers), no down payment require¬ FBI asks probe of its operations ments, credit life insurance at no eitra charge, and a reduced repayment Time was, sweatshirts were for track stars and football players. schedule, you can't afford to pass up this opportunity. For the first time, the FBI has invited an outside All gray and grimey and boyish. Now Garland's given them a new The 10% rate is in effect from June 3 until Oct. 1, so you've got the time expert to examine its domestic intelligence - gathering to shop carefully — but get started now! dimension . . . you! These sweatshirts are soft and richly colored operations and suggest future policies. with extras like a hood or kangaroo pocket or a collar. All FBI Director Clarence M. Kelley promised to give machine washable. S-M-L. They're especially for you, lor serious consideration to the conclusions of the two - summer, from Garland. year research project, which was announced Thursday. A. Tri - tone sweatshirt with 2 button opening at neck, slash The study will be conducted by political scientist pockets. $16. MSU EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION John Elliff, an assistant professor at Brandeis University B. Sweatshirt with a collar for added interest. Front slash in Waltham, Mass. Elliff has written extensively about pockets. $14. FBI and Justice Dept. policies and participated in a C. Hooded sweatshirt zips up the front. Front slash pockets. $ 1971 academic conference on the FBI at Princeton MX)E Crescent • 9to5;30Mon thruFri. • Phone353-2280 University. Junior Sportswear, second floor Downtown, lian Mall, Kelley's predecessor, the late J. Edgar Hoover, Lansing Mall anH Westwood Mall, Jackson criticized the conference and refused an invitation to send FBI representatives to it. ■ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 21, 1974 City seeks yes-men, commissioners say By MARY ANNE FLOOD seven students appointed to commissions, possibly be. State News Staff Writer two are high school students, four are Brookover said that the council had no graduate students and one is an intention of not Several soon to-be retired East appointing students. "The - - undergraduate. number of student Lansing citizen commissioners have Dolores applications has Bender, a housing declined, though," he said. charged that city council has reappointed commissioner, told the council Wednesday He also said that there can be only rubber - stamp commissioners. that she is very anywhere At Tuesday's East unhappy with the between 12 and 30 applications for one or Lansing City Council commission she serves on. two commission seats and that meeting, human relations commission "The new distribution of citizens member Claude Hersh told council that he lifestyles on who don't get appointed don't realize the this commission is believed he had not been disturbing, given the effort and considerations that went into reappointed percentage of young people in this town," the decision. because of student and homosexual the graduate student said. "I am the prejudices on the part of the council. He only Most council members agreed there was unmarried commissioner and it is not said council did not an overwhelming number of student reappoint obviously unfair." applications. There commissioners who had differed with Bender told the council that she felt are only a dozen them in the past. students out of nearly 140 members on 23 uncomfortable trying to represent the vast East Lansing citizen commissions Two other commissioners, Charles numbers of students who have no other though students comprise over 65 per cent of the Massoglia from the traffic commission and representation. Bruce Roth from the voting population. housing commission Mayor Wilbur Brookover later said that Council members also noted were not that reappointed and they believe it is Bender, who was once Off because of their student - Campus reappointments are made in some cases to - oriented and Housing Office director, is a far better provide continuity and denied in others to nonconforming viewpoints. representative of students' needs than a make an honest effort at "I think to get reappointed to a sophomore without her experience coufd including more citizens. commission, all one has to do is agree with r* the council and be a rubber Massoglia, an The council may MSU senior, said. stamp," eventually purge the Freeway exits now have IHUT commissions of Massoglia said. all troublemakers, East Lansing City Council member Mary joint meting of the council and the Sharp discusses housing commission SN photo/Craig problems with Robert Rice at a Porter "They can't people just to make say they don't reappoint room for other numeral designations, too chairman of the commission housing commission Wednesday. Rice was citizens, because they beginning July 1. recently appointed to serve as reappointed so Silver on green exit number signs are many commissioners this time," he said. being erected on top of interstate freeway guide signs in southwestern Michigan and will be extended to other freeways Roth said: "I know I was appointed throughout the state, the Dept. of State Highways and Transportation announced. \Kolamazoo because at that time it was expedient to The signs are part of a new national system of designating freeway exits by milepost Street appoint bad year for a young person. It all how the political winds depends on blow, and it is a young people in East Lansing numbers. Hie number assigned to an exit will be that it is located from the state line or the line. determined by the number of miles from the start of the freeway if it begins inside government." road commission to There were several students commissions when the council appointed Until now, Michigan has not used numerals the Indiana line to Detroit. Exits have name of the to designate exits been marked by word - street, highway or community. Word message except on I - 94 from directions, giving the signs will remain but will approved its long list on June 4. Of the carry the additional exit number sign on top of the traditional By MARY ANNE FLOOD sign. State News Staff Writer At the same The State News is meeting Human Relations for a nice family duplex. The difference published by the students of This week the East Lansing city council Commission member Claude Hersh is University every class day during Fall, Winter and Michigan State I like night and day." terms, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Spring school received notice that the controversial charged the council with being antistudent Fridays during Summer Term, I Kalamazoo Street project would be and antihomosexual in its decision not to and a special Welcome Week edition is published in September. Mayor Wilbur Brookover Subscription rate is $20 per year. I postponed indefinitely. reappoint him to the commission. Hersh said that he Second class postage paid at East said was opposed to the sort of restrictive business offices at 345 Student Lansing, Mich, editorial and City Manager John Patriarche read a that the council had refused to Services Bldg., Michigan State covenants this neighborhood has. Univeristy, East Lansing, Michigan, letter from the Ingham County Road reappoint those whose opinions differ 48824. Brookover said that such covenants | Commission to the council Tuesday night. from the council's. Several council device to keep out the were a PHONES n order to receive federal aid for the members mentioned that "wrong kind of I project an environmental study would they did not people." He noted that Harrison had also News/Editorial even know Hersh and 3SS-82S2 they were not been careful to point out that the Classified Ads I have to be completed by the end of June discriminating in their decisions. duplex Display Advertising 355-825S would not attract this 1 1975, and the road commission noted that The council also approved a "wrong" kind. 353-6400 I it was now too late slight rate 355-3447 to complete the change for city parking lots 1, 3,and 9. 355-8311 | necessary study. The lots were formerly 10 cents for the The council, with only the objection of I Councilman George Griffiths, gave its first half hour or fraction thereof during the day. They will now cost 20 cents for Report tells 10 - SPEEDS I support to the Kalamazoo project. But the the first hour or fraction thereof. I county also needed approval from the 1 MSU Board of Trustees who never agreed The council approved a new schedule for many city salary of 1973 fires Quality Brands I to the employes. The project. average pay increase will be 7.1 per cent. Best values There were 89,446 fires in Michigan Griffiths expressed his pleasure that the The raises will go into effect I July 1 with during 1973, causing a record $132 project seemed at least temporarily dead. Dept. of Public Service employes' wages million in property damages and claiming Councilwoman Mary Sharp said she was still under negotiation. 296 lives, state police reported I my disappointed that the trustees did not After a public hearing on I agree to the project which was intended to rezoning a Wednesday. parcel of land at 129 Kenberry Drive the In East Lansing and on campus there I eliminate flooding and congestion on council denied the request because of a were a total of 149 fires, causing $90,156 I Kalamazoo Street. neighborhood covenant barring the duplex in property damages with only one death, "They listened to a group of hysterical dwellings to be constructed. I individuals who were according to the East Lansing annual misrepresenting the During the discussion Evan Harrison, report. I facts over the thoughtful advice of those representing the buyer and seller of the The total property loss marked a sharp I who were assigned to study the project," property, said: "This is not the kind of lot reduction from the 1972 figure of 351-7240 I she said. for a student housing duplex but rather 541 ETGRAND RIVER $306,536 for the city and campus. A^OS^RO^y*>02ikig- 40 VEA« i«J -i&e vdiicwa>*$s an or - these two constitutional VIEWPOINT: TERRORISM year - old candidate being elected amendments is essential if 18-, 19- governor or chosen lieutenant and 20 - year - olds are to have the governor are slim to say the least, all adult taxpayers should have the full promised. adult rights they were Israeli retaliat Official summe unjust to Pa By SALAMA EL SHAWAF - I am writing in response to the argument of the Zionist leader Miriam to spring win On the other hand, the attack of th| Freund who asked American women "to Israeli government on the Lebanon village cry out for the civilized world to end these and the destruction of acts of infamy Arab terrorism" during her without differentiation between childrel At 1:38 p.m. today Michigan glasses and protective body rubs recent campus appearance.- and women is in fact a barbarous act. sino| lapses into summer. This may come have a vested interest in the Depending on logic and reasonable such an attack was organized by tl surprise to some - the analysis, not upon lies, sympathy or government of the so as a sunlight, clocks and wristwatches biased information, I would like to correct - called civilizef state of Israel. Does this make sense? mercury hit the ^mid - 80s have put most sun dial producers- some of the false Issues in Freund's Thursday, and the outdoor pool has out of business. conference. If a personal attack from the insidi been open for a few weeks. Summer does instigate subtle The high school boys and girls in Maalot Israeli towns to free prisoners i were killed or wounded mostly by the anti considered a barbarous act, what ca University administrators may be changes in lifestyle, however. Many terrorist squads as ordered by the Israeli governmental attack on the othel especially red - faced, since they got members of the diminished student summer term underfoot on population will leave the classroom government. Reading the whole story as countries be considered, in the logic if published in Newsweek, May 27, 1974, Freund? If Israel is not able to protect ill Wednesday. and spend their sleeping hours the layman could easily understand that doubtful borders nor its interior, Lebanol However, there is no particular outside. Feet will be liberated from fact, but Freund wants to hide it. cannot be expected to be responsible fol reason for despair. In a country of their leather prisons, and the The purpose of the brave Palestinians Israel's internal problems. was to free their brothers in the Israeli artificial light and heat, artificial stoveless will fry eggs on sidewalks. We are sorry that the mass media in prisons. Everybody knows that those summer should raise no eyebrows. During the summer months it U.S. still support the untruthful side I people are depressed, homeless and have The sun will shine for a few will be especially Israel. Why, when the government of Isril important to lost everything. They will not be under seconds longer today than any avoid staring at the sun. The bombs civilian targets in Arab countriJ sovereign control until they reobtain their do the mass media pass it off easily? An other day in 1974. Starting unwary viewer should remember when some desperate individuals Saturday, darkness will that the sun is closer now than it VOX POPULI attaj from the inside of Israel, why do thesar i mperceptably begin its was during those wintry months mass media make a big issue of it? encroachment upon the sun. From when could spend hours Jondahl one then until late December the day will be going gradually downhill. searching for it among the clouds. There are several dther common praised for Have we forgotten the organized attack on Houdh A1 - Baker primal school in Egypt and the killing isral f Of course, the activities of the sense guidelines to observe, in order hundreds of boys? Have we forgotten AH To the Editor: of us for the first time to shop for the Numerous consumer and public interest big orb which rises in the east and to enjoy a safe and secure summer: Zaabal factories and the killing of 1| This month the Michigan Legislature least expensive brand of the drug the groups worked hard for enactment of sets in the west are irrelevant to • Don't dive into the Red Cedar this bill. But if it had not been for the citizens? Have we forgotten t passed a bill that will enable Michigan doctor prescribes, require pharmacies to continuous destruction of the / many Americans. Ubiquitous if it's covered with gunk. residents to save millions of dollars each list the prices of commonly prescribed leadership and legislative skill of Rep. electric currents can be tapped to • Don't picnic or fish on campus year in reduced presciiption drug costs. It drug products above each drug counter to Lynn Jondahl, D-East Lansing, it is settlements in Lebanon, Jordan, t is the most comprehensive prescription permit comparison shopping and protect doubtful the bill would have passed. Syria and the killing of thousands. light nearly in the presence of a every nook and cranny police officer. drug legislation for consumers ever the shopper's health and pocketbook by Through his remarkable mastery of the No, we have not forgotten am1*1 no matter where the sun is. • Don't forget to remember enacted in the United States. Known as providing for more complete labeling of many medical and other technical issues never forget. The violence of the state of Israel spurred more viol* nuMJ While manufacturers of tinted summer's over in September. the Generic Drug Bill, it would allow each raised by the legislation, he was able drug containers. successfully to defend the bill both in against it, and the late, mindless wr of Dayan that "their homes w committee and on the House floor against destroyed and the whole area « strong special interest opposition. Of equal desperate importance, he was willing to devote deserted" makes these hui| A SAD COMMENTARY ON DINO-A-LINGS himself, along with Joseph Forbes, D-Oak beings full of hatred. I Park, to the tedious but crucial details of I disagree with any attack of the Ml Palestinians that takes place outsideB managing a major piece of legislation Israel, like the airline hijacking, but I aT through the House. becl Why is the telephone licking its chops? with every attack inside Israel The consumer movement in Michigan is such attacks will measure the ability! deeply indebted to Jondahl. Israel to meet the test of survival by W If it cannot survive by force, then it* Douglas Ross, director change its policies and return the n| Michigan Citizens Lobby and property that wen1 taken from By RUSSELL BAKER out of the house? and how generously it contributes to call. The telephone is cross because it will | New York Times If he did that, you see, he would be cut original people of that land. widows and orphans wno own it. get less more money this way. It wants the I urge the American citizens to rel This is a telephone. It is not making a off from the world. But what is this? Stand back, everyone! man to place the call with the operator so that Arab people always behave* sound. See how quiet the telephone is. See He could no longer have his dinner Hold onto your money! The man is going it can get lots more money. civilized nations and their friends* how happy it looks. interrupted by real estate swindlers who to use the telephone. The telephone is so cross that it will not Americans can provide benefits tof Why does the telephone look so happy? It looks happy because it is making money want to sell him a quarter acre of swamp. He could no longer hear from bill Look at the telephone glow with complete the call. It buzzes angrily at the man. See him dial again and again. It is no Letter sides. They are not barbarous as portrj without doing any work. It is collectors threatening to cut off his lights. excitement. Do you know why the use. He has made the telephone too angry. by their enemies who want to and hide their own crimes. rationj congratulating itself upon being such a He could no longer hear bad news as telephone is excited? The telephone is Policy The telephone is embarrassed about living clever machine. It is thinking that this man soon as it happened. hoping the man will call somebody across in the house with a miser. in whose house it is living will soon be He could no longer be communicated the city line so it can charge him more same Ah, the man has given up. He is turning Instead of criticizing the the historian of Hadassah Conferencp UN, IJ1 with by people with nothing to money. giving it even more money to let it take up It is hoping he will call somebody who on his television set. He is watching a reads her own books and comes i ■ room in his house. communicate. lives in another city so it can charge him splendid commercial. It is telling him about The Opinion Page welcomes all how few times Israel has obeyed | Look at the man. Can you see the If a burglar broke into his house, he the wonderful service his telephone letters. Readers should follow a few decisions since 1948. could not call policemen who would come lots more money. strange hand removing money from his provides. See the man crying. Do you to his rescue five hours later. It is hoping he will ask an operator to rules to insure that as many letters pocket? It is very nice of the man. It will belong to the telephone. The hand is If he became ill he could not call a place a call for him so it can charge him know why he is crying? Do you think it is as possible appear in print. Arab people are not against the Je| doctor who does not make house calls. lots and lots more money. because he is reminded of all the widows religion. To be Moslem you must»_ collecting the money the telephone and orphans his telephone is supporting? All letters should be typed on 65 in both Judaism and Christianity. W The man believes it is worth $90 a It is hoping he will call someone far charges the man for living in his house. year - space lines and triple • spaced. same time, Islamic religion doesurg W to enjoy these blessings. away and talk longer than three minutes Every year the telephone charges the Do not be foolish, dear children. He is Letters must be signed and include behave in a fair and strong m®n"erv J The man is also happy because the so it can charge him lots and lots and lots man $90 for just sitting there doing and lots more crying because the telephone hand in his local address, student, faculty or for eye and tooth for tooth. 'WJL telephone cares for so many widows and money. nothing. Is this man not dumber than any pocket is becoming bigger and bigger and thousands, why should we not * orphans. He has read the telephone's staff standing and hometown. you have ever seen? He has shelves of advertisements and press releases. He has See how dreamy the telephone looks as he is thinking that his telephone is equal number? They destroyed mucnj Letters should be 25 lines or less should not destroy as much u W books which also sit in his house doing the the man approaches it. It is dreaming of conspiring to turn his wife and children we seen telephone's television the day when it can charge him tons and and may be edited for conciseness right is in the hands of its owne l nothing, but he would be very angry if one commercials. into widows and orphans before their of the books put its hand in his pocket tons of more money for talking more than to fit more letters on the page. era of clear promise is achieved. I time. and removed $90 for the privilege of The telephone is a fierce believer in two minutes. It is dreaming of the day Will the telephone then take the No unsigned letters will be Mass media in the U.S., thec 1 advertising its own goodness. Each year it freedom, should not be allied ■ taking up house space. whin it can charge him truckloads of more poor dears under its generous care? Surely accepted. side, even though they are ow | He would choke the book and call it a raises the amount it charges the man in it will. money for calling someone who lives order to pay for this advertising. The man number of American Jews. scoundrel and throw it out of the house, outside his block. But if it will, why is the telephone would he not? Indeed he would. Why does does not complain, because the winking at the television commercial? Why advertising Oh, see how cross the telephone is. Salama A. El ■ Shawaf is » he not choke the telephone and throw it is the telephone licking its chops? tetls him how wonderful his telephone is The man is dialing his own long distance doctoral student in resource develop Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 21, 1974 ixon role in tax form WASHINGTON (AP) - The House jjciarv Committee got down to a study President Nixon's income tax returns in I m talking about preparation of the the President's role returns," Wiggins $432,787 in back taxes. "I think the President, with preparation debated Rep. Jack Brooks, D - Tex., said he felt study of Nixon's income tax returns / said. He said he •Vice President Gerald R. Ford told the was not including those regard to it would not be necessary to prove tax ursdav, but again members gave mixed who advised Nixon taxes, was looking around for some good including the decision that he owed back U.S. on the preparation of fraud against Nixon to use the taxes as a Jaycees in San Diego that the '-views as to what it means for his challenged 1969 ■ 72 personal income advice and ended up getting some bum basis for impeachment. He taxes to the government, as well as the Watergate affair has caused a "domestic neachment prospects. tax returns. advice," McClory said. committee only needed to find said the thick report of a joint congressional impasse which has this nation spinning its "The President personally is like the "matters committee which concluded Rep. Robert McClory, R - 111., expressed However, other members said they had of intentional that Nixon wheels." iven snow on this," said Rep. Charles a similar view on what the not gotten to wrongdoing or gross owed even more. evidence so far key points of the tax negligence." iMinS) R • Calif., a Nixon supporter, who shows about Nixon's controversy in the presentation of "He signed -it (the Nixon has agreed to pay the amount •A White House spokesman personal role in his returns). He let it go argued that nsiders Nixon to be innocent on this tax problems, which include an Internal evidence being given by the committee on," Brooks said. "That asked by the IRS but the White House has "due process is being violated on a staff. might be an said it was daily Revenue Service And several said possibly bad advice and constant basis" by the committee judgment that he owed they still had impeachable offense." reasonable mistakes rather than through questions about the case. The committee has before it an leaks of information and "there is no the IRS intentional act which led to the question that is deplorable." underpayment. Deputy Press Secretary Gerald L. N conference The tax question is one of two Warren said. "Anyone in the White House remaining items before the committee as it would be concerned about the leakage of r» i /I A C \/ana7llolo i A P\ on concludes the closed hearings which final item set for evidentiary portion of its began May 9. The prejudicial or one - sided information that has the effect of being prejudicial to the Friday is the secret President of the United States." — ^ treaty negotiations "which enables us to bombing of Cambodia in 1969 70. - Starting next week the committee must proposed by the United States. In other exploit the riches of the sea while The United States has insisted that it Watergate developments. settle some ticklish procedural issues such •Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr., D preserving the interests of all." will not agree to - N.C., said as the calling of witnesses, release of 2d SUtes declared readiness'to extend uV^ntrereTTheUw^nL'&a111'' 1 Five thousand delegates and official extending territorial limits until it receives guarantees that the Nixon should withdraw Earl J. nomination to be U.S. Silbert's evidence gathered in the secret session, territorial sea limits. Waldheim called for observers from all but two nations of the vital straits connecting attorney for the and a chance for presidential lawyer James the world's - a "new balance" in world oceans District of Columbia. Ervin said that D. St. Clair to present his gathered in a new skyscraper will remain free to when response to the international Nixon submitted the name of complex in the heart of this oil navigation. Silbert, evidence heard so far. rich lousing unit reviews - who handled the capital for nearly three months of work. original Watergate Chairman Peter W. Rodino, D - N.J., Only Taiwan and North Vietnam were China, in a statement investigation, he should have known it would said he hopes to have the committee's issued earlier not represented on prompt new inquiries into the original opening day. Taiwan through its Hsinhua news agency, problem. investigation completed and an declared. ode with city council was not invited and the North Vietnamese "It is within a country's impeachment vote taken by the end of refused to attend because the Viet sovereign rights to determine the limits of •Special prosecutor Leon Jaworksi asked July, which would take it to the House were not invited. Cong its the Supreme Court to deny the White floor own territorial waters and zone of House access to material that led by mid - August. But other By MARY ANNE FLOOD Shortly before the conference officially jurisdiction, and the superpowers have a grand committee Democrats are talking of a that it has been too no jury to implicate President Nixon in the schedule about two weeks or more ahead busy hearing appeals opened, chief U.S. delegate John right whatsoever to fix them." State News Staff Writer to explore its limits. Stevenson told a news conference that the Watergate cover - up. of that. ! After one year of hard ' work and City Manager John Patriarche explained U.S. government was nistration the East Lansing Housing ready to abolish its to the group that the commission has been traditional three - mile coastal limits in ijommission i finally met with its creators, granting variances for situations that favor of an international are system of 12 he East Lansing City Council. miles. 1 absolutely prohibited in portions of the The two groups met Wednesday to code. He said the commission He said the United States is in effect would also iscuss commission recommendations for agree to a limit beyond that where changing the code, and only the council ■anges in the housing code. has that power. individual nations could claim control ! During the discussion commission "over living and Sharp likened the variance situation to nonliving resources," but ember Cathy Fix, who is also a Tenants the council's appeals where hearings on the sign ships could pass freely. p Center coordinator, asked America would be "flexible" in why code. She said the council listens to them e council's housing code had no "teeth" all but is forced by the code to say no. determining the breadth of the second help tenants. Fix mentioned that the The two groups examined some of zone, he said. !ty often refers tenant complaints to the the DOONESBURY problem areas of the code such as parking, Stevenson stressed that the United by Garry Trudeau -nants center. States would agree to these ceiling heights, the number of unrelated extensions Man Sharp and George Griffiths, who only as part of an international agreement. •ere both on the council when the code people allowed in one dwelling and the absence of a grandfather clause in the "We are here to make law for man's SIR, THBY r passed, were both surprised that the ABSOLUTELY INSIST THBY ?as ordinance. future in the oceans," Stevenson said. HA, HA, THAT'S Emission felt it had no powers to help HOTi THBY HAVEN'T I'LL SB HA, HA, GREAT, SIR. The commission "The alternative to law is chaos HAVE ALL TUB BN0U6H TO WHO DOBS? jnants. change suggestions will and, in . TUB JUPGB HA, HA HA HA, ANP THEY SAY I WANT UH YESSIR. be officially submitted to the council in international society, chaos has too often emHCBTHBY MAKF A FAIR OF THAW . HA, HA! HA! YOU DON'T HAVE THEIR I'LL 6BT j "We worked hours with the code to the near future and the council will then led to war." NEED! \ JJP6MENT.. HBB, HBE! A SENSE OF f that the commission had such hold a public hearing on the code The conference must come to grips with / / HUMOR' NAMES. RI6HT ON IT. rs," Sharp said. changes. some 100 Thursday Mayor Brookover appointed separate items dealing with all ; She was especially surprised that the Robert Rice, chairman of the MSU aspects of Dept. ocean use, and the question of emission said there was no mention of of Human Environment and territorial limits is one of the most Design, to [aunty deposit law enforcement in the serve as chairman of the commission. Rice controversial. le since Sharp said she remembered will take the post Some Latin American nations claim a July 1. Current • eluding that in the code. chairman Byron Brown will remain on the full 200 miles of territorial limits, but Mayor Wilbur Brookover said that the commission but he asked council to there appears to be willingness at the ^amission has these disputed powers but appoint a new chairman. conference to compromise along the lines BSBSlim FM/AL HW 21-2M, F«A -tw MOtJ A-l V" fREQSTER f&R oor. BICYCLE Bietae; WMK 10-SPEED BlKt oil. ctcu€ cauVtaO-1 oj- cftossfcofco's DRAMAS N\m0^i mi 24 at (?DDOCr soAa. CU\S&ICAL_ oio .. | 3tAoo-U>«. Q p&MO ON RCA R€C0PO<=» saleU O I V Fft£>A A*fV\ »Mt< v cat 5T$m - DWAAf SlAOG»VT©8, oorbhfcvJE tow uuaeu- struggling Man JIMMVCUFF 06UVMO*) , DAv*P BOkMt -OlAttCMO OOCvS STfcui*e.T-*HO Mewx" raw\d river awe cast Taxv : 3SI-fc460 ;|S 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan FridaV' June 21,1974 Fiscal experts join to cut excesses in state budget By JOANNA FIRESTONE budget people have admitted subcommittees from both Press International that the spending was $62 chambers met Wednesday and out of whack and cute in u,, I KI United will just about million too high. pared down the bulky social House and Senate fiscal services story," according to sLM A balanced budget by cutting $12 experts teamed with Gov. mandated budget is by the state million from the Medicaid Appropriations ComnJi? I Milliken's chief budget aides Wednesday to begin peeling constitution. Milliken's original program. The program was Chairman Charles 0. Benton Harbor. Zoi? ,R' ' $62 million from the faltering $2.9 billion recommendation boilerplated; that is, hikes were left a slim $19.5 million authorized for later in the 8*ttin(! the issues 1974 75 state budget. u* ■ As which must written, the budget, be approved by margin, which was more than gobbled up by election - bound lawmakers in the House and fiscal year if revenues exceed expectations. The committee also began cutting the size of •Peed on ipirnti the problem £ them.'*6 W! | July 1, exceeds anticipated Senate /Appropriations welfare staffs. solve revenues. Early predictions committees. The welfare budget alone In addition to pegged the overrun at up to the We|f.« $200 million, but legislative Appropriations was an estimated $50 million budget, Zollar pointed education and mental *5 health I programs that will have to Jw Israelis bomb cut down. Zollar said that despite fond progress in the subcommittee however, he doubts the July i (continued from page 1.) Forty - six Israelis have been In Beirut, Palestinian budget deadline can be met. killed and more than 70 The Senate their headquarters, and to guerrilla leader Yasir Arafat already has wounded in a series of guerrilla passed legislation authorizing pressure the Lebanese appealed to Arab kings and the raids from Lebanon that began heads of state for "help in funding of state government into taking steps departments at with an attack on the northern current to curb commando activity. resolving this matter, especially settlement town of Kiryat spending levels if the new The Israelis listed eight that the refugee camps are Shmona on April 12. The most budget is not enacted on time. targets in five areas centered unprotected against air raids." The house could act on the around Tyre and Sidon. The recent was the assault last week In Jerusalem Israeli Defense stop - gap measure later this targets ranged from about 12 on Kibbutz Shamir, in which Minister Shimon Peres claimed week. to 25 miles from the Israeli three women were killed. the Arabs were still not ready border. Military sources said that the for peace and were using the guerrilla organizations U.S. Mideast peace effort to Floyd Wallace, 55, claims to be the first person in the world to make gold. Using an "electron gun" in his home aluminum and even SN photo/Craig Porter clay, transforming the elements into appeared to be concentrating on attacking targets inside Israel, in contrast to their win back territory. He said a Israeli • held sign that the Arab peoples laboratory near Leslie, Wallace says he adds and subtracts electrons from in elements such gold or any other substance. Wallace gained fame in November when he developed and sold a process for On Wednesday's front page, in the story "Car accident kills earlier sabotage and hijacking campaigns in Europe and elsewhere. They said the states were truly ready for peace would be a change of CHURCH atoms as copper and making gasoline from garbage. priorities student on last day of finals guerrillas have been sending week," campus police had heavily armed commando originally informed a State squads across the border to CENTRAL UNITED Lebanese News reporter that the van dig for bodies attack civilian settlements driven by Diane Arsen was METHODIST 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. rather than simply on struck by a car driven by Across from the capitol intelligence missions as before Sermon Topic: "One Came Running " EIN AL HILWEH, Lebanon Cynthia Sheldon. Wednesday, the October War. by William Fuerstenau shelters and no real means of We dashed for another "One of the rockets finally (AP) - Weeping children defense." police rechecked their report trench. Again no room. So we hit our house and it came down and said the van struck the car. "Miracles Do Happen!" watched on Thursday as their "Shortly before noon. I ran back into the house and in an avalanche of dust. Only Also, a paragraph deleted at CHURCH SCHOOL mothers and fathers dug heard the explosions. I shouted tried to take cover in a corner Compact by Dr. Howard A. Lyman 9:30 and 11:00 A M by God's will did we survive." press time stated that the Crib through Adults frantically into the debris of and ran through the house of a room. The Israeli planes accident was still under Refrigerator Rentals University Students Israeli bombing for bodies and Dorm Rent-All looking for my six children and roared overhead. Explosions Worship Services belongings. took them to a trench out back When arrived after investigation and that there is a were shaking the whole camp. I newsmen 372-1795 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. More than 100 houses in this stop sign on Wilson Road and where some of the neighbors could see from a window. Pair the planes had gone, they not Farm Lane. The van was Nursery Available camp 25 miles south of Beirut already were huddled. There after pair swooped down, fired found burning homes and an 485 9477 traveling on Wilson Road at the - were damaged in the strikes, launched in retaliation for the was no roonl for us. rockets and disappeared. angry, bitter populace. time of the accident. UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY Palestinian raid on the Israeli settlement of Shamir last week. CHRISTIAN CHURCH THE REFORMED The camp hospital reported OLD! T0WNE CLAM BAKE EPISCOPAL CHURCH receiving eight dead and 43 CHURCH 310 N. Hagadom Roai wounded. Aziza Ahmed, a refugee - FRI. & SAT. NKHT 6-11 P.M. Study Period 10:00a.n». SUNDAYS Alumni Memorial Chapel I! 5:00 Eucharist (1 block east of |j housewife in her early 30s said, We at Bill's OLDE TOWN CLAM BAKE Worship - 11:00 A.M. Auditorium) "We have been expecting serve seafood in the true style of New Singspiration • 7:00 p.m. Alumni Chapel something. Bit for God's sake, Youth Meeting - 7:00 p.m. on campus 9:30-Study Groups For I England. what could we do? We have no We feature: Transportation Provided Adults and Sunday School II The Rev. John Mitman 10:30 Coffee Hour - * Whole lobster * Call 332-5193 Cherry stone clams PASSPORT * Shrimp * Com-on-the-cob Chaplain 9:30 a.m. Worship Service $450' - and APPLICATION 351 7638 PHOTOS ^Regular $5 90 for 2 photos All seafood is steamed and uniquely served in a wire mesh basket direct to F^OKEMOi— 8:00 and 10:00 All Saints Parish Church For rides call 355-0155 after 9:00 a.m. Sunday I BPS Studio FIRST BAPTIST 6:00 , 351-1477 your table. Added extras include com - Evening worship NEJAC TV RENTALS- bread, tossed salad, drawn butter, and 800 Abbott Road Tom Stark, Pastor 4684 MARSH RD. 2 Blocks E. of Abbot Hall 337 1 300 seafood sauce. Our regular menu is also t 117 Cunson St. The Rev. William Eddy Fred Herwalt, Associate Pastor| ■ •> Restaurant available. As always we will be serving homemade clam fritters & polish sausage 9:45 a.m. Bible Study Rector Kathy Lang, Staff S & Bar hor's doeurves before dinner & your 351■7160 Associate CROSSROADS favorite drinks & cocktails. 11:00 a.m. Worship 718 E. Grand River Serving Lansing CYCLE & SPORT Lansing since 1921 Call 482-6100 for Information and Reservations 5:00 p.m. Praise Servici- UNIVERSITY 7:30 p.m. College eiO ABBOTT Fellowship BAPTIST CHURCH| EAST LANSING 4608 S. Hagadom 517 332-40B1 Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. Sunday School: 11:15 a.m. COMPLETE IWCtCOMC BACK for Bus Service Call: 351 -4144 John or 351 -6494 Walden, Pastor _____ LINE OF tO MCOOMALOS UNIVERSITY SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH MORNING SERVICfe - 10:00 a.m CANN0NDALE 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 149 Hiqniand Avenue E«Jt Lansing M 337-1430 or 882-0805 PACKS & PANNIERS BIBLE STUDIES EVENING SERVICE - 7:00 p.rr • 234 W. Grand River - Across from campus Now in Progress FOR CYCLING TO maid* • 1024 E. Grand River - East end of campus Saturday - 3:00 p.m. MOUNTAINEERING • 2040 E. Grand River - Near Meridian Mall Pastor Frederick Diaz Voice of Prophecy Visit our new Student Center REPAIRS: WE SERVICE Lansing ■ WJIM -12.40 open daily 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. ALMOST ALL MAKES Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Lunch Wednesday Your Story Hour 12:30-1:30 Charlotte - WCER -13.90 Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Faith for Today Grand Rapids - Channel 8 Sunday at 7:00 Quiet Hour a.m. wnmus> Jackson - WIBM Sunday at 2:30 - 14.50 p.m. mmmn Hubbard Hall) AND STUDENT CENTER - 1509 RIVER TERRACE^ FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST South Baptist Church Clrand River at Collingwood 1518 S.Washington I^nsing mow Last Lansing Sunday • 7:00 p.m. Sunday Services 10:30a.m. Lesson - Sermon Subject "!» The Universe, "The Night The Light Came" 73 Including Man, Evolved -_„@e heat By Atomic Force?" Sunday School to age 20 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Pf Wednesday Evening Meeting 8:00 p.m. 9:45-A.M College Bible Class and refreshments 8:30 p.m. cApdthe in the fireside room. Reading Room in the fireside room located in Church OPEN Uf mnlrm Weekdays V - 5 p.m. Mon., Tues.. Thurs., b'ri., Sunday 11:00 a.m. evenings 7 9p.m. "God To The Rescue'' AII to attend are welcome church services Dr. Howard F. Sugden,Pastor James Emery .Youth Pastor | and visit and use the FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening reading room. Call 482 0754 for information Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 21, 1974 U.S. hungry getting hungrier, By WILLIAM ROBBINS York Times experts ffi«y. told Thursday. t0'd thC the Senate t». Senate told 1ByWIL IAM ROB INS New These inese were were ^ among the proposed aa "treat"great American Ampriran »/«ii WASHINGTON - The Furthermore, the outlook conclusions of a four month - initiative" that he called toll on u the poor and the -• aged, poverty with income the head of one a number of family spends a larger And dy m the United States are ror improvement is grim study by 100 specialists from "plowshares for peace." It panel of the statistics. because of the proportion of its income for increased pressures unpier and poorer than they without massive changes in universities, businesses and the would be a experts reported. food, another is that higher - on the program to help "The poor have been cheaper types of food, their ,erP four years ago despite production and distribution professions, who were developing countries become "Over the past three income families have been to four victimized far more by the vast costs have ^at increases in spending on systems, population patterns commissioned by the more productive and years, our nation's food price increases over the "spending down," that, is, increased income levels and aid committee to needy have disproportionately. programs, and tx)dor)d agricultural outputrishas ing programs, the experts told Senate Select the food and nutrition In the explore world problems. incorporate some recommendations from the of the become hungrier and said poorer," Ronald Pollack, director past several years than have buying cheaper types of food, an option that is.not available ,ght little benefit to the Committee on hearings, Sen. George study group. of the Food Research any and all of the other to the poor. ftungry abroad, a wide range of Nutrition and Human McGovern, D. - S.D., who is In the and economic classes in our Needs. chairman of the United States, Action Center of New committee, inflation has exacted a who York, country," Pollack said. "There simply were no heavy headed a 26 ■ member study panel on "nutrition and One cheaper food items to which reason, his report they could 'spend down,' " special groups." showed, was that the low - Pollack said. arrowe, Spanish group Pollack noted that federal spending on food programs had increased three - fold between THE DISCOUNT Gunnin^hams the fiscal year 1970 and the fiscal year 1974. But he said: o STORE WHERE D„ By IIINFE K.DELANO JUNE E.K.DELANO sponsor «- -j Delano, Calif, - street theater you "I would be pleased to tell that we have made substantial progress in the effort to eradicate YOUR DOLLAR State News Staff Writer for the farm workers, Larrowe explained. lemonade will be served. the New York However, to do so would be hunger. FULL SERVICE The New York Street Gonzales, a former student of Larrowe's, introduced him The second show will politically updated version of be a Council. Because the State Arts untruthful. For the sad and tragic truth is that, over the BUYS MORE! the Brementown group is DISCOUNT Cheater Caravan, an to members of Musicians in multiethnic, the members can past several years, we have ntemationally known street Lansing's the tradition of street theater. moved Spanish ■ speaking community, This show, also highlight the problems they backwards in our heater group, will give two who were also interested in the free, will be have lived, struggle to end hunger, poverty lerformances in the Lansing performed in Spanish at 2:30 fulfilling Kimbrell's irea Saturday under the group. "So we asked them to come p.m. at Oak Park in The park is located on Lansing. goal for the theater it "an experience so to make exciting and malnutrition." *— sponsorship of Charles P. here," Larrowe said. North and vital that we want Pollack's testimony was Arrowe, candidate for the US, 6th Congressional District; understand they travel with a flatbed truck which converts 'I Pennsylvania Avenue just south of West Saginaw street. An change ourselves and the world after we see it." to based on a slide of the 185 - page report his group, which illustrated by the ^RUG Urturo Gonzales, candidate for into a stage in about 25 interpreter will attend this The group has performed all needy into deeper show. Ingham County Commissioner minutes." over the United States and 1 Quinto Sol. an action The New York Street The first show will be for represented this country in up of Spanish ■ speaking Theater Caravan was created in children at 10:30 a.m. street theater at the Keople. 1965 by Marketa Olympic Saturday at Valley Court Park. Kimbrell, a Games at Munich. I A member of Larrowe's staff member of the Lincoln Center It will be a montage of ■eamed that the theater group. and actors and will call puppets Repertory Theater. The street r Lhich often performs in audience members upon theater, which has a for Prisons and for social causes, participation. multiethnic cast, is fuilded by as traveling west to perform grants from the National The performance is free and Endowment for the Arts and PRESCRIPTIONS are our business THERE'S A REGISTERED PHARMACISTS ALWAYS ON DUTY TO SERVE YOU. I MENNEN HAI KARATE Skin Bracer Lotion After Shave Lotion OLD SPICE SCHICK After Shave Lotion Hot Lather Refill k 109 REG. 1.39 77c ■ rn REG. 1.09 r SCHICK SOLARCAINE 1 Styling Dryer Sun Burn Spray 336 9^ REG. 12.1 2" REG. 2.79 CUNECO SPRAY GUN 1 Vacuum Bottle As Seen on TV 144 A REG. REG. 2.49 $2001: a Sound Odyssey This week's special system at Tech Hifi JBL L200 floor-standing loudspeakers Even if it would take you 2001 years ■s monolithic. Both in performance, and (their regular price of $1314), reknowned to save up the money to purchase this Price. PLANTERS BENTLEY throughout the universe for their ability week's featured system, we invite you to Even at our sale price of $1899 (List to produce massive levels of volume, with come in and hear a Sound Odyssey, Dry Roasted Peanuts Disposable Lighter Price: $2001), we excellent fidelity. We include also the and also our less expensive music systems. honestly don't expect to f'nd many people who can afford this Phenomenal Sound Odyssey. However, we state-of-the-art Pioneer SA9100 inte¬ grated amplifier, the Philips GA212 With over 140 lines of name-brand 53c C REG. 1.29 do exPect components to choose from, Tech Hifi can passionate music lovers and hifi turntable employing an electronic servo- control to maintain precise playing put together a system at the price you want enthusiasts to drop by our sound room, i"st to listen. to spend. speed, and a Stanton 681 EE cartridge. You will hear the future. Reproduction Fair Trade laws prohibit us from °f sound so astoundingly real and powerful charging any less for this system, so that you'll gain new respect for the tech- we are including a pair of Koss Pro 4AA n°logy of mankind. Tech Hifi's Sound Odyssey includes the 619 E. Grand River Ave headphones and Tech Hifi's optional 5-year Warrantee, at no extra cost. Jtech hifi W^uallty Component! at the Right Price—J r R.G. DUN CIGARS KING EDWARD CIGARS /122 East Washington St., Ann Arbor / 430 N. Telegraph Rd.. Dearborn / 14615 West 8 Mile Rd„ Detroit 499 East Lansing / 20715 Rally Road, East Detroit / 4526 N. Woodward Ave., Royal Oak /125 Main St., Rochester /12755 Eureka, Southgate 50's REG. 5.83 50's 288 REG. 3.24 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan F«day, June 21.19)4 Calley will return to Army jail COLUMBUS, Ga. (AP) - William L. Calley Jr., still appealing a Asst U.S. Attorney Charles T. Erion told newsmen, "He has But the judge demanded assurance from Erion that Call™ I murder conviction for the 1968 My Lid massacre, agreed agreed to turn himself in to the provost marshal's office at Ft. have access to his attorneys and would be "treated a*, Benning... He said that would make him happy." Elliott said he had read that Ft. & Thursday to turn himself in to Army authorities. Erion said Calley would be held indefinitely in a cell at the Gen. Thomas Tarpley, had referred to Benning's commanding?-" The 30 • year - old former Army lieutenant appeared relaxed after a federal court hearing as his attorney negotiated with post stockade. "He'll be treated just like any other Army Calley as "a nonpjjj» prosecutors to allow him a few more hours of freedom on bail. prisoner," he said. "I'm forced to conclude that the general meant to indict ,l I Calley had been under house arrest for three years in an in his opinion Mr. Calley is not a person," the some assurance from the judge said "£!?' I apartment at Ft. Benning unUl U.S. District Court Judge J. Army's counsel that Mr Callev produced in this courtroom as a person and treated as a will! I Robert Elliott released him last February on $1,000 personal pe^i" Judge gets recognizance bond. He originally was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of at least 22 civilians in the Vietnamese hamlet of My Erion responded, "I give assurance that the general everyone else in the Army realizes the commitment to bwiu ., I I Calley just like anyone else in custody." | murder ■ Lai. That sentence was reduced to 20 years by military review, over and then cut to 10 years by Secretary of the Army Howard "Bo" Callaway. UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL DETROIT - A judge said lodged against witnesses said had Rice, no who physical was After President Nixon upheld dismissed from the Army the 10 - year sentence, Calley "under conditions less than NOW SHOWING contact with the victim. honorable." Wednesday he has received threats from a county prosecutor's office of political When a medical examiner testified he did not consider The short, sandy - haired Calley, dressed in a beige suit, appeared fit and tanned at Thursday's hearing before Elliott, who will hear Calley's appeal of the three - year - old court - martial STMIMKID retaliation if he rules in favor the defendant in a murder case. Recorder's Court Judge the case a replied: homocide, the judge conviction Monday. Elliott confirmed the Army's right to jail him after the 5th & BEDFORD \ / Thomas L. Poindexter fired the charge at the Wayne County "I'm inclined to agree with your opinion of the subject in U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the bail ruling last week. prosecutor's office, but would this case. But I've been not give names. threatened with retaliation if I An official of the office said he hadn't heard of any threats dismiss this case, so naturally I'm very hesitant. THE WAY against the judge but "if I find out anyone in this office said such a thing IH find a way to the case. WE WERE fire him." The judge is running for "They told me that as a pq ...rrrr.r™ ° Circuit Court seat in August. political candidate I couldn't Poindexter told of the afford to decide this case for alleged threats during an the defendant," Poindexter SN Photo/Bob Kaye evidentiary hearing for Dale B. Rice, who is charged with the said. HELD OVER FOR murder of an old man who Severin Browne, acoustic will appear at guitarist, vocalist and pianist, the Stables tonight and Saturday. Browne, brother of composer - performer Jackson Browne, is on died after being harrassed on a city bus. The controversial one case is a because of a Sun- Mitch Jacobs ONE WEEK ONLY! __ ^2.11 MAC /*•*. tour after recently releasing an album on the Motown label. defense contention that a murder charge should not be {OUeVhrl^ - 3214 N U S 27 TONIGHT: 7:30,9:40 SAT. and SUN: 1:00, 3:10,5:20, -ipgapagg- PROGRAM IwrpRMATlOW 33? Ml7 Ffj & M Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 21, 1974 A MSU VOLUNTEERS GET $4,965 v NOW \ SHOWIN County Ingham County has funds allocated nearly $1.5 million $128,000 for financial $355,000 land deal by the end The remaining categories dollars of federal administration and $120,000 of the month, eventually and amounts for the county's general for social services. 1974 share of the five - year, revenue ■ sharing funds for providing county residents distribution in the fiscal The board with a second, and much $30 billion national program year also assigned beginning July 1. $225,000 to Ingham's park larger, waterfront public are: environmental protection, The county board ot trustees to pay for almost two recreation area on Lake $65,866; multipurpose and • commissioners divided the thirds of the purchase price on Lansing. general government, $25,900, refunded federal tax the Lake The commissioners' revenue Ingham County library, into 10 money Lansing amusement TEENAGE categories, including park. - sharing program grants the $20,360, and recreation, $602,000 for health campus Volunteer Action $3,168, given to the YMCA services, $261,000 for public Officials hope to close the Corps $4,965, the East Lansing summer camps. ^ -nun TWO OF THE odueing Su»ie Mitchell safety, Drug Education Center BIGGEST HITS and Marc Stevens $9,360, and the Capital Area EVER SHOWN GRINDERS Growers face Transportation Authority $12,000. Also, $9,000 has been And PLUS ALL IN THE FAMILY price fix charge reserved counseling for a rape service, guidelines for its operation to victim with PIZZA Perfect ^IwDevil PLUS LIVE STAGE SHOW WASHINGTON (AP) - The be established by the board of commissioners' finance c Mis SHOW STARTS AT DUSK Joqes the commission, or 18 ABSOLUTELY NO ONE per cent committee. Federal Trade of the national total of 111 The move was proposed UNDER 18 ADMITTED by SHOWTIMES Commission began proceedings Thursday alleging that a price fixing pact in the legal million cartons. Commissioner Richard Conlin, D East Lansing, at the board's - BILL'S SHOW STARTS AT DUSK nation's salad bowl contributed Trading prices for lettuce hit June 11 meeting as a record PIZZA I The Beirut magazine Al Diyar in a levels in the Salinas compromise to a rejected tongue - in • cheek cover to last summer's soaring lettuce Valley last year, according to request from the Women's montage portrays President Nixon in prices. the agriculture a kaffieh, the dept. Center in East Lansing for | traditional Arab headdress. The magazine called him $7,400. "Arabized." The proposed complaint TTie high prices were blamed The named 22 growers and Ingham County who are members shippers on heavy rains which cut down Extended Care Facility, a of the planting early in the season. Central nursing home for the aged, was California Lettuce But the trade commission also assigned Producers Cooperative $350,000 for lAirport in complaint said the cooperative building renovation. in Lansing California's Salinas Valley. The Salinas Valley is the members in May last agreed in writing "to sell lettuce to all customers year nation's single largest source of only at tontinues expansion lettuce, accounting for 28 per prices within the limits of the ceiling prices and floor prices I Lansing's airport is in the cent of the lettuce year. shipped last The cooperative's lettuce established on a weekly or daily basis by Central." Olde World Foundations for the -Bread 4 Ale eft shipments |idst of its first major building addition are nearly finished, million cartons, amounted to 20 since opening in Brown said, and the steel and according to ■959. masonry work are proceeding I The Capital Region Airport on schedule. Authority is adding about Included in the new single • 4-H groups ■,000 square feet of floor story terminal area facing the n the north side of its airfield will be passenger |tnninal. i at an expected cost terminal tenants of lounges for both North Central and United airlines, to visit MSU baggage 34,350. and freight rooms and airline About 5,000 Michigan 4 - H offices. members will converge at MSU I Airport Manager Russell for the University's fourth n said the target date for Construction began about annual 4 - H "Youth Action Jompletion of the construction ■ Oct. 1. In the two months ago after the Day" on Saturday. meantime, he Lansing firm of Foster • The event, which is ■id travelers have Schermerhorn Barnes open to accepted - was the public, will be held in the c necessary inconveniences awarded the contract in early Spartan Stadium concourse April. from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. FIRST ORTHSIDE DRIVE III THHTU RIM MPlhU S77 4IJ 7IM 2 COLOR HITS FIRST AND REPEATED RIDE US- FOR THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE! At 10:56 p.m. EDT, July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 astronaut Neil A. Armstrong set foot on the Moon saying: "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." Perhaps the second part of this statement epitomizes the significance of the space program. This program provides a glimpse MJG of the limitless horizons, infinite portunities for benefits, and advancement op¬ 21-24 BOGAET! of knowledge offered space. by the exploration of Schedule Friday & Saturday 8:00 & 10:00 p.m. Sunday 2:30& 4:00 p.m. After 8:00 pm shows there is a special presentation for skywatchers. After 10:00 pm shows a current album release is played in 4-channel sound. Following 2:30 pm shows on Sunday a half-hour movie on space or astronomy will be shown. Admission Adult $1.00 M.S.U. student (with ID) .75 Child (5-12) .50 ALL SPACED OUT May 31—July 21 June 24 & 25 Union Ballroom June 26 ios b vtfeiis Hail Imrsl $1.00 under 12-500 7&9 w PLANETARIUM 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fr»day, June 21, |974 LAKELAND, Fla. (UPI) interest of baseball. clear When she barely eluded the Thursday that unless an Wearing only her long brown hair, a lithe, lean • limbed, sheriff chasing her, she escaped equitable New York state income tax structure is worked clause!' COntroversi«1 « deeply tanned young lady streaked out of the stands here among the batting cages beyond right field, where a out, it can no longer compete Kennedy meeting was said "mo,tofJ taken upwi j fairly with other boxing discussion 0f Wednesday night, raced to the possible accomplice had centers for a major events, and negotiated pitcher's mound, delivered a clothing waiting for her. She then said she had gotten clean without major events there is and the between players associateJ theSI quirk kiss on the cheek, and no way the Garden can operate effeot, the proposal then outstripped a startled away because "it was supposed boxing profitably. would!' ■ deputy sheriff who was unable to head her off in the outfield. to be that way." MacDonald said his league tax The Garden had expected relief after the state eUmtnafd to be replacedthT^JJ by a [,,! ? She caused an uproar with would investigate the affair if it legislature had passed a bill right of first refusal flving up a player at foS0" her nude act in the third inning received a complaint, but by exempting non resident he finishes his «« of the second game of late afternoon Thursday no contract." I fighters' revenue generated by The NBA chief doubleheader between the objection had been lodged by TV outside of the state from said that J Lakeland Tigers and the Tampa fans or by pitcher Pat MacCormack, who was on the income taxes, but Gov. compensation a forateanu', player was included Tarpons, and she also raised Malcolm Wilson startled the proposed jn the eyebrows of Florida State receiving end of the kiss. Garden by vetoing the measure option clause. elimination of til I "I would hope that the law League President George the very day of the Jerry "I wasn't Mac Donald, Jr. enforcement agents would really shocks «■ Quarry Joe Frazier bout "id L«rry MacDonald, said the Godiva on the scene, gallop seemed apprehend some of the streakers and we could find out Monday. *** director of the Fleischer, NBA exec^M thuM spontaneous was on and "everything the up and up," despite just what is going they are doing it as on and if a whim or NEW National YORK (UPI) Basketball - The Assn.'s £»-<■» that the *.ifil elimination of th.l option clause had been reports the lady was on the not," he said. *** Board of Governors tabled the matter of a turned! payroll of one of the clubs. successor to Workmen are continuing construction on the new Biggie SN photo/Craig Porte surface is scheduled to be installed June 27. After an The streaker, refusing to be NEW Madison YORK (UPI) - Square Garden and Commissioner Walter Kennedy for several hours Thursday, "After yesterday. I be really began wary. I didn't believ J J identified, claimed she was Munn Ice Arena as shown in the above photo, taken earlier exhibition hockey game between the Detroit Red Wings merely giving an encore of a boxing may no longer be electing to hear and turn down produce the 0wners WOuldl this week. Gene Kenney, assistant to the athletic director for facilities, indicated Thursday that the arena should be and the St. Louis Blues, the Spartan hockey club plays its performance a week ago in synonymous a year from now. Garden officials made it a proposal by the association for the elimination players would be from this meaningful ir ■ mMtiJ first game in Munn Arena in late October. The final cost of Tampa during a game between finished sometime around the middle of July. The ice the arena has not yet been determined. the same two clubs. After that streak, she told the Tampa Times that Mike BASKETBALL HERO SWAYED BY MOM Kavanaugh, general manager of Lakeland, said "he'd like for me to be there for the Tuesday Prep star to play for Maryland PETERSBURG, VA. (UPI) described him as "the no. 1 big But this night game rain in Lakeland and that he'd give me $20 or so." When forced a year, Driesell's success was Robertnett (Pro) postponement, she decided to Petersburg High School — man in the country," and basketball star Moses Malone hustling almost backfired as Hayes, the newly appointed give it a whirl Wednesday. added that if he and others on Malone, fatherless and head basketball coach at ended an intense marathon the Maryland team ' play up to Kavanaugh denied he was painfully shy, took to Petersburg High. responsible and was backed up recruiting chase by signing with their potential, we can win the Whisenant, confided in him the University of Maryland national title." Hayes, who referred to by club president Frank and trusted him. Driesell as "my main man," Thursday but only reluctantly, Decker. Maryland, fourth - ranked in "Moses would come by and was the father • substitute for under pressure from his the UPI coaches "Just because she said she poll this past talk - about girls basketball, Malone throughout recruiting. mother. was hired doesn't make it season, lost only two senior The two visited so," The 6 - 10 Malone, sought lettermen. Tom McMillen and cars - anything just to get campuses MacDonald declared. He added after by Len Elmore and Malone will away from everyone," together, heard scores of sales that if such a thing were true more than 200 Whisenant said. "We knew his colleges, wanted to attend the take over Elmore's center job. pitches, and singled out the "we could not condone it. It mother wanted him to go to legitimate offers. University of New Mexico and A rueful Whisenant said of would not be in the best was believed leaning that way Malone's decision: "He wanted Maryland, and we knew that "There were some schools would definitely work against that offered him everything," only a few hours before to go to school at New Mexico switching to Maryland. - he told me that and so did us. Hayes said. "Cash and anything "But I just told Moses that else you can think of." Undergraduate students Considered by many scouts several of his friends - but his he would have to make up his can receive refunds of as the top high school mother wanted him to go to own mind, that it was his life." basketball plbyer since Lew Maryland." their 50 * ASMSU tax in Alcindor (now Kareem Abdul - Whisenant's casual, low Mary Malone, a tiny, frail - key room 334 Student Sen/ices woman who was hospitalized Jabbar), Malone formed recruiting approach direct was a during the heavy recruiting Bldg. on or before June extremely close ties with New contrast to the tactics of -Mexico's duef recruiter, boyish campaign because of a bleeding 25, 1 974. Students Driesell, grudgingly regarded ulcer, was partial to Maryland. ■ looking John Whisenant, 30, by his peers as one of the best Its proximity to Petersbuigand receiving a refund are not who practically qualified for recruiters in the business. Washington appealed to her, eligible to use ASMSU Virginia residency by spending Four years ago, Driesell services. she said, and she thought her nearly three months in a snatched McMillen, then the son would be less likely to "be Petersburg hotel only a mile top schoolboy prospect in the and out there on the streets where a half from Malone's nation, away from North he could get into trouble." home. Carolina at the last minute. Malone Another factor in Driesell's frequently dropped in to see Whisenant to seek PASSPORT shelter from other college recruiters pressuring him. One tut APPLICATION PHOTOS $450* We'y* Lowered Our Prices, So Why Not Come See of them *R«CuUr *5 SO for was Maryland's 2 photo* Bill Albert hardselling coach Charles (Lefty) Driesell. ■ss.ssr 01d& World Driesell, who said he has 2 Btodu I. •! Attrt H wanted Malone for three years, jssiteuuiLfisi EAST LANSING'S ONLY CO-OP FOR OPTICAL NEEDS Mon. & Thurs. a® 11 A.M. - 8:30 P.N NOW 351-5330 _ - - Tues., Wed., 9 A.M. • 5 P.M. AVAILABLE EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Sat., 9 A.M. to Noon AT CO-OPTICAL SERVICES Dr. Richard Hearn, Optometrist TREMENDOUS Now in Brookfield Plaza SAVINGS; Jacks or< NEARLY NEW BALDWIN ^uue4 mietS'k \* Better 521 EAST GRAND RIVER ACROSS FROM BERKEY HAUL WEDNESDAY NITES PIANOS AND ONLY ORGANS Carl Throne You've spent years getting your FROM — One Man Band INTERLOCHEN Free Opening Lectures on the organ, trumpet and drums — degree. Are you willing to spend the week of June 23rd. ARTS 8 -12 pro three more months getting a on the following topics: NO COVER career? ACADEMY Palmistry, Tarot, 220 S. Howard 371 - 1752 The career is in Law—as a or General Practice. And you'll Mm I 11 (.IlilYS Psychic Awareness and Lawyer's Assistant. And the choose the city in which you Reflexology (Foot Massage). work is challenging, meaningful want to work. Our placement I'l.WO WD and responsible. As a Lawyer's ORGAN MART 1606 East Michigan Ave. For Information Call: Army Surplus Assistant, you work in a law firm, bank or corporation doing record is outstanding: since our over inception, we've placed 700 graduates in positions Lansing, Michigan Mayflower Bookshop work which had previously been in more than 50 cities through¬ ph. 517 48 7 5995 541 Gr. River Downstairs Aviator Style Sunglasses done exclusively by lawyers. out the United States. 35I-8I78 We're not going to try to tell If you're interested, mail the you everything about this career coupon—and we'll forward 398 here. We wilLtell you that some interesting reading. Schcnsuls Cafeteria Jungle Boots 16" becoming a Lawyer's Assistant involves about three months of intensive training in Phila¬ delphia—and that to qualify I There's a session starting July 8. The Institute for Paralegal Training i you'll need a Bachelor's Degree . 235 South 17th Street i Meridian Mall ★ Tent Rentals and a good college record. If l 1 Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 I & Open: Mon Thun. 4:30 7:30 • • you're interested in a career I'm interested. Send me more inlorma- ] Noon: Mon. 1 tion about a career as a Lawyer s as- Fri. with a good starting Lansing Mall Fri. 4:30 - 8:00, Sat. II:I5 - 8:00 salary and | II: 15 ■ 2:00 Sun. II: 30 7:00 • ★ Backpacking not just a job—The Institute for l sistant. | To find out this weeks menu specials, call 349-4028 or 482-7114 Paralegal Training may be your I Address next logical step. J City. Sltlt, Zip Value expires June 24 19/4 Pamper Your Budget! Headquarters You'll choose your field of Law: Corporate Law, Employee I Graduate of - — 1 | Rising25rof*, your "schensul coupon-it s easy \ Buy a Schensul Discount Benefit Plans, Estates and i Dale ot Graduation I per family, toward the purchase or lunch of dinner at Schensul's any day. Coupon Book Trusts, Litigation, Real Estate, I Grade Point Average g Frandor Center D Y When you have finished a delicious meat at either our ? I 10 $2.00 coupons for Only $15.00 QtnrO ® ® conveniently located cafeterias i 1, simply present the coupon to the cashie ^ value will Be deducted from your bill, A varied _ 9"- 9" Mon thru Fri The Institute for Paralegal Training With the redemption of it reasonable | these coupons you prices, awaits you at one of 1 9et a 25* discount on the tny meal, anytime. purcnse price of 400.6°° Sat 351-5323 235 South 17lh Street, Philadelphia. (215) 732-6600 Pennsylvania 19103 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 21, 1974 11 MSU hockey star It 's a time o signs By STEVE STEIN pro contract the 28 league ... a return to quality and good taste. State News Sports Writer contests, Barnes "'d- "We hate to lose him but accumulated six goals and 43 MSU all we'll have to do a lot more - American hockey assists. He set a new team defenseman Norm Barnes, who season record for assists work to fill the hole." last and year was the highest became the all time career scoring defenseman in the assist leader with 98. - Philadelphia defenseman Western Collegiate Barry Ashbee Assn. (WCHA), Hockey signed a Barnes was also named to the all WCHA first team last announced his retirement from recently eyewinker hockey because of an eye - professional contract with Thursday season and was runner up in injury he received during the great looks for great ladies - the Stanley Cup the most valuable player voting past spring's playoffs and champion Philadelphia Flyers. by just one tally. Barnes said this had a "little Barnes, who will pass up his Just last summer, another senior year influence" in his decision to here, was drafted in Spartan all American between Jacobson's & Campus Theatre the ninth round of the sign. amateur defenseman, Bob Boyd, signed draft by the Flyers in 1973. open Mon.-Sat. 9:30-5:30 a pro contract with the However, the soft spoken Thursday's Til 9:00 p.m. - "I just couldn't turn their Minnesota Fighting Saints of Barnes was making no m offer down," Barnes said the by World Hockey Assn. He predictions on how well he'll phone from a Philadelphia also missed do in the hotel. his senior year Flyers' organization. here. "We'll have Terms of the contract were to watch and see Spartan hockey coach Amo what happens," he not disclosed by the Flyers, said. NOW PRE - LEASING FOR FALL but Barnes indicated Bessone, who said he was that he "pretty certain" earlier that Barnes, who said hell come signed a three year pact. • Barnes would sign with the back to school in the off - A stalwart defenseman in his Flyers, thought that Barnes season to get his degree in three seasons at MSU, Barnes could have used the extra year health, physical education and had his best year last ♦flVAOE season. of collegiate competition. recreation, said playing at MSU The Rexdale, Ont., native "I can't blame him at all for helped him in three areas. played in all 38 games and had signing, though, if he got a eight goals and 56 assists. In worthwhile offer, Bessone "I improved my skating, gained self - assurance and got a lot of experience," Barnes said. He also praised the Two NBA centers Spartan coaching staff. FIRST TIME EVER OFFERED Iranian & U.S. end playing careers COmPUTER 9 MONTH LEASE Spartan hockey defenseman Norm Barnes signed a Two National Basketball Assn. centers, Willis Reed and Walt PERSONNEL 1 BDR $180 per month Bellamy will not be playing next season it was Openings for Iranian and 2 BDR 1 bath professional contract with the Philadelphia announced - $212 per month Flyers Thursday, as Reed refused knee surgery and Bellamy retired. U.S. citizens as Systems 2 BDR Thursday, thus passing up his senior year at MSU. In a news conference at the - 2 bath - $222 per month NBA meetings, New York Knicks' Engineers, Analysts and 3 BDR coach General - Manager Red Holzman said, "An examination by Programmers — $237 per month Drs. Donald for O'Donoghue and James Nicholas has shown that it is Deadlines necessary for Reed to undergo surgery behind his However, Willis has decided not to right knee. undergo this surgery and employment in Iran by the govt of Iran. Olympic size pool each unit has a garbage recreation hall disposal therefore he will not be Minimum B.S. degree in playing with the New York Knicks next air conditioning, central heating 'or IM team season." Asked in what capacity Reed two years of his might serve out the remaining Computer related Sciences or field required. and hot water contract, Holzman said, "I don't know what is Advanced degrees highly The deadline for team entries in the men's intramural possible. I haven't talked to Willis yet or to desirable. U.S. open Larry Fleischer of the citizens Office hours Mem - Sat 10 6 PM, Sun - 11-6 PM NBA Players' Assn." league softball competition is 5 p.m. today, with play beginning must have minimum 5 call Bellamy, blasting Atlanta Hawks coach Cotton Fitzsimmons as 393-0210 Monday. Teams can be made up of full- or part - time students, years experience. Mail a "con artist," announced his "forced" Ihculty and staff. retirement at a press resume Two conference in the parking lot of a downtown including leagues are scheduled - a 10 - week and a first five - week Atlanta hairstylist references and transcript of league. Bellamy, a 13 - year veteran of the NBA, went to the New There is a $10 entry fee. Orleans expansion team in the recent NBA college records to: draft, apparently as The deadline for entering the intramural student - part of a deal that sent superstar Pete Maravich Pacific Architects and to ihe Jazz for faculty top future draft choices. ingles tennis tournament is Tuesday. Play begins Thursday. Engineers, Incorporated Each contestant is required to bring one new can of tennis balls "Atlanta forced a player on New Orleans," the 6 - 11 center said. 600 S. Harvard the match.-The winner of the match will advance with the "They came up with a scheme where they forced New Orleans to take over my contract.«So this is a Los Angeles, CA 90005 unused can of balls. forced retirement of "*" The co • tec volleyball and slow someone not ready to make that equal opportunity employer pitch softball deadlines have decision." both been extended to 8 p.m. Tuesday. Entries should go to 121 Women's Intramural Bldg. Intramural swim hours at the Women's IM are irregular today because of 4 - H synchronized swim classes. Hours at the lower pool are noon to 1:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 8 pm.atthe upper pool. SUMMER MUSIC LESSONS Compact Refrigerator Rentals Beginning To Advance Dorm Rent-All Experienced Instructors 372-1795 All Private • BANJO • FLUTE CHICKEN •DRUM Call now * GUITAR for further information DINNER 245 Ann Street 351-7830 East Lansing 17 79 Saturday and Sunday 4 - 9 p.m. 2802 E. Grand River TTTTTTTTTT OPEN Sun. thru Thurs 6 Frl. and Sat. a m. to 4 a.rr THE FRIENDLIEST Jl.m. to 11 p.m. 467- 3761 PlAf E IN TOWN LEVI'S MMIAIL 551 E. Grand River 500 sq. feet of student service LEVI'S DELI SUPER PINT SANDWICHES corned beef ham & cheese beef, chile dogs, cones sundaes ICE CREAM sodas turkey salami pastrami floats . 3t-€ It l \» TG - i IIII I I1II SALE slushes thick shakes SPEEDY PRINT S4TLED4y 10 copies $1.00 100 copies $3.95 IIS PITCHER NITIE 50 copies $2.45 500 copies $7.95 1000 copies $11.95 We pick up & deliver on orders ^ 1I f 71I TIL It of 2000 or more. Phone 351-1120 PHOTO STUDIO tr* 'Towfis Passport - $10 Photo Blowups OJiajtiY; JpW...' 18 X 24 B & W $4.95 While U Wait PINBALL PALACE East Lansing's largest "The Clothes You Need for the pool foosball Life you Lead" E»«t Grind Rivir Ntttto the CanywTha«tn 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 21 EVENTUAL SENATE LEARN Busing By PATRICIA KOZA had an enemy to run antibusing plank in its representing a state that has for office McCabe said her decision to need to work within the KARATE United Pre$$ International displayed countless The MSU Karate Club will platform as their policy; that's on enter politics to promote her political system. begin classes for anyone wanting to team k not true with the Democratic occasions massive resistance to cause traces back to a meeting She said two weeks ago on the PONTIAC - antibusing Irene McCabe, leader who party,'' she said. busing, but he votes his own about six months ago by the some 60 people in the Tumday^JufW 25. at 6:00 p.m. in the Sports Arena Classes for beginners, intermediates, and advanced of the students will be MenfC tai, JJ?' ''Consequently we hope to be preference. National Action Group, antibusing movement in the gained national attention in "I an Master Black Belt instructors. Everyone Welcome. 9ht b* able to restructure their consider this wrong, organization she founded to downriver Detroit area filed 1 972 by walking to Washington with five other policies and provisions." arrogant, and I promise in two work against the busing of petitions to run as precinct housewives to protest busing, has decided to carry' her fight McCabe must Democratic incumbent Niles face years if we do not have a good piece of antibusing legislation schoolchildren to achieve racial integration. She said the delegates on the Democratic party ticket. MSU KARATE CLUB antibusing amendment, I "Probably a week ago I SPORT & SELF DEFENSE Olsen in the August primary. or an discussion entered on the slow into the political ring. "The incumbent has been in will run for his seat and I will progress made in promoting decided I've got to do the McCabe filed nominating office six years and I have no run hard." antibusing legislation and the things I preach," she said. positions Tuesday for a seat on the Oakland County Board of problems with him," she said. Commissioners as a Democrat "It's just that we both live in with the intention of the same district and want the eventually running for the U.S. same office. I feel strongly how Senate in 1976 if there is no money is spent in Oakland antibusing law or County and expect to spend constitutional amendment by the time learning the ins and that time. outs of politics." "After four years of being on the outside with no success. She said if no antibusing law I've decided to get involved or constitutional amendment is right in the political arena, as passed in the next two years, Jamboree distasteful as it will be," the she will then run for the seat of Pontiac woman explained. McCabe said she filed on the Democratic ticket because the party is associated with a probusing posture and it needs more people to advocate the Sen. Philip A. Hart, D-Mich., in 1976. "Sen. Hart was responsible for the defeat of an antibusing amendment twice in a row," unc neighborhood schools concept. she said. "That really hurt after "The Republican party has four.,years of work. Hart is All year round we'll save you money on quality components from our Sound Shop, but right now we've got super savings during our JUNE INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE Gays to c ALL DEMO AMPS annual prid ! CAR STEREO QUANTITIES LIMITED ON ALL UNITS TUNERS AND 1/2 PRICE USED MOST RECONDITIONED ("WITH 90 DAY The third annual Michigan There will be a number of events held in Detroit during PIONEER 222 >42 RECEIVERS BSR 310 AXE *46 USED EQUIPMENT DYNACO PAT4 GUARANTEE) s'°" Gay celebrated Pride Week will be from Saturday to the week and also a festival in Stereo 8 track. List $64.95 Record changer with cover and base cartridge. List 91.80 PRE-AMP • Lans. '55 TENNA RR59 >29 30% DYNACO FM-3 June 30. Lansing. MSU Gay Liberation will hold its second annual Festival Stereo 8 track. Reg 57.95 WEST 1250 TUNER * Lans '57 MSU official of Life on Saturday at the Schaferman farm, east of SANYO 818 Stereo 8-track list 49.95 $34 12" three-way speakers. *55 REALISTIC INTEGRATED AMP E.un, $17» Lansing on Woodbury Road. OFF LIST PRICE Air suspension. Regular 109.50 BSR 610AX PIONEER 333 E. Lam. elected to The festival will consist of a 24 - hour picnic and cam pout. Stereo cassette. Reg. 94.95 *67 SANSUI 9500, TANDBERG, PHASE LINEAR, SONY STC 7000, AND EPICURE UNITS ✓ EMPIRE >33™ TURNTABLE COMPLETE AS IS s19 A car pool will be formed at NOT INCLUDED ) 2000 E/111 wide response HEATH KIT school post noon Saturday in 309 Student SANYO 882 THIS LOW PRICE APPLIES ID elliptical cartridge. Reg. 69.95 INTEGRATED AMP. AS IS '30 MSU's director educational Services Bldg. for people needing transportation. On June 29, there will be a FOUR CHANNEL 8 track. Plays discrete and matrix quad. List 99.95 *74 DEMONSTRATORS ONLY WITH FULL FACTORY WARRANTY SIIPEREX stereophones. List 60.00 *30 CONCORD MKIV AUTO REVERSE TAPE DECK E Lans H3 development program won one demonstration, rally and dance of two positions open in East iTHE QUTPERFORMER in Detroit. Lansing's Section, n Allan J. school board Abedor, 1667 The rally will begin at 1 p.m. A Dynamite This loud mouth is THE LOUD MOUTH loud, but he always speaks clearly and Melrose Ave., received 1,128 in Kennedy Square, followed • system - and now at the lowest price you'll ever pay distinctly.] by a march up Woodward votes, while incumbent Mary Avenue to Louis Stone park at W. Thaden, 1005 Lantern Hill 2:30 p.m. Later in the evening Drive, was returned to her seat there will be a gay dance at on the board of education with Cobo Hall. 1,435 votes. A total of 2,441 people voted on the June 10 ballot, or MSU Gay Liberation will slightly less than 7 per cent of form a car pool in front of the the city's registered voters. The Student Services Building at 9 largest number of votes in a campus precinct was 27. a.m. on June 29 for people who want to attend. SONY. Losers were Kenneth L. Featuring the best performing receiver in its class - the SONY 11 Sansui's 661 receiver really puts out • 50 watts RMS J continuous power over the full 20-20,000 Hz range at ui Harding with 758 votes. STR-6046A. High power, low distortion, exceptional tuner Shirley R. Lacy, 724 votes and and plenty of features. 0.5% distortion. It has a great tuner, dual tape monitor,] Edward H. Strolle, 565 votes. The muting and more. perfect choice for great sound. Played through the EPICURE We've selected JBL's L-26 Decade because it's tl 100 speakers you'll obtain smooth full range sound from really accurate, efficient speaker in this price range plus it's ■ deep bass to sparkling highs. Top rated by many critics and built to the same exacting standards as all other JBL pseakeri.l becoming the most popular speaker in its price category. f '470 The L-26's sell for the Fair Trade price of $156 each. Your records play automatically with precision and gentleness PE automatic turntables are the prime example of old! on the new BSR 520A/X. Diecast platter, dynamic balance type arm, damped cueing. With base, cover & cartridge. German craftsmanship and new engineering. We supply the | _ _ _ PE 3015 with base, cover and EMPIRE 2000E/11. Separately <597. COMPLETE WITH OUR 5 YEAR WARRANTY canm im out s m wmmiti swrawel LMlNfi SPEtlALS... MISCELLANEOUS i mm specials AKAIGX370D >599 CRAIG Calculator PHASE LINEAR 400 * Capture the 9 Reel to Reel. DEMO. Full warranty. $7gg 95 5 function including percent key. Power Amp. DEMO. Full warranty ■3JS sparkling, refreshing aire : * PHASE LINEAR 700 Power Amp. DEMO. Full warranty $779.00 *580 floating decimal, 8 digit display. Fully rechargable. Includes case 8i AC adaptor. List 89.95 *52 JBL PRIMA Speakers. DEMOS AKAI MIID EA SONY HP219A *185 WEST Speakers ft : Reel to reel. Demo of the cool * AM/FM, phono, Model 1240.12" woofer, 3" tweeter SONY SOP 400 HI cassette. Demo $255.00 mountain : SANYO 3300 Air suspension design. Built-in 4 channel music system >291 * 4 channel receiver. Only 2 left $399.95 $259 circuit breaker. Walnut finish. Reg. $89.50 ea. SANYO 3000 springtime DOKORDER 7200 BSR BIO/AX 4 channel receiver. 3 only : * Reel to reel auto rev. DM EM DEMO $499.95 *399 ie^wv8^nd^HUR^^rtrid^e^isM3V80 Automatic turntable. Includes >79 ASSORTED TV STANDS Regularly up to 19.96 dual AUTOMATIC TURNTABLES MANY MORE SPECIAL " PRICES—DONT MISS REG. 189.95 '125 PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE BASE OR COVER ONLY A VERY FEW REMAINING IN STOCK Reg. 154.95 m'105 THIS IMPORTANT SALE THEY'LL GO AT THE START OF THE SALE : All prices listed are for cash or our own credit accounts. Sorry no layawaysl TWO DAYS ONLY JUNE 21st and 22nd BOTH STORES OPEN BOTH STORES OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 PM SATURDAY UNTIL 5:30 PM 402 S. WASHINGTON 249 ANN STREET LANSMG E. LANSMG •^LL RJROHASES^BA^KE^B^jDim^COMJ^ETE ELE^TRONjC^SER^rcE FACIL|TIES ^ILANSING'S LARSHll Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 21, 1974 13 Foreign art on d Okemos, Lansing, Mt. Pleasant, Traverse City, Grand Rapids By JUNE E.K.DELANO 0. , Two foreign exhibits, and another of African State News Staff Writer Center gallery through July 7. one of contemporary Pakistani paintings prints, are on display in the Kresge Art THE WEATHEMNE The collection of African prints, organized by art graduate student William Roberts in consultation with Alfred Opubor, director of the African Studies Center, shows the direction that printmaking has taken in Africa since it became a recognized discipline in the early 1950s. The prints range from IJzo Shop ford seasons lithographs Egonu's large, multi to Hezbon Owiti's primitive linocuts of animal - colored Prime Northern Down Filled figures. "Some of the artists are highly relief prints, deep to create unusual experimental, using assemblage, etching (collography) and serigraphy combined effects," Roberts said. "This is an exciting idea with many possibilities." Sleeping Bags It is difficult for the artists to find patronage in their own country, he explained, so they must depend on travelers who buy their work and take it home to get exposure to a wide audience. Our Special Pries Many of the 45 prints, on exhibit in the Entrance mmer weight sleeper of 100% available for purchase. Gallery, are n rlpstop featuring sewn - The Pakistani collection is part of a traveling exhibit organized by the Pakistani government. It was assembled Semi $54.95 by a panel of artists and art critics who toured exhibit which represent a broad Pakistan, selecting pieces for the Rectangular backpacking. $74.95 Slant box channel construction, spectrum of contemporary art without restrictions on the The exhibit, sponsored Pakistani Embassy in age, school or style of the artists by the Asian Studies Center and the Style 10 • 70 degrees comfort range! Comparable to other sleeping bags from $90.00 to $110.00. and etchings from Washington, D.C., includes oils, watercolors the period since 1947 when the nation of 100% nylon rips1 Pakistan was formed. f ™!^ing the Kresge showing, the paintings will be moved to Mummy degrees comfort r Style Comparable to Gerry, AlpineT I Two exhibits, one of on saaass? °°' °r ^Libnuy *»' * $122.50. I contemporary Pakistani 7 to 9 q p.m. ,T *"A Tuesday - 10 5onP m' M°n,la>, through Friday, and 1 ' 4" p.m. weekends. Okemos - 2283 W. Grand River Lansing - 4310 W. Saginaw I paintings and another of I African prints, are I currently on display in I Kresge Art Gallery. The I paintings are part of an I I I exhibit Pakistani assembled the 45 African government by prints, many the and Canon SPECIALS I of which are for sale, were I collected by William I Roberts, graduate student in CAMERAS AT DEALERS COST! List $593 Canon f--1 f 1.8 Lens S399 List, $448 Canon FTB F1.4 Lens $279 List $384 Canon FTB F1.8 Lens $239 List $350 Canon 518 SV Super Movie Camera " 'If immw i i r*. AM with carrying case $239 SN photo/Craig Pc ,.iSU team develops class to help Canon List $175 Canon List $225 List $206 List $407 List $381 local children gain self-awareness Lenses at 135mm F3.5 Canon 28mm F3.5 Canon 100mm F2.8 Canon 17mm F.4 Canon TELEPHOTO 300mm F5.6 WIDE ANGLE j | Byy DIANE SILVER State News Staff Writer learn about himself or herself learn in order to function well with Five to six children will be The fees will pay for t DEALER Portrait Wide Angle Telephoto E A program to evelop self - help children awareness will other people." Only about 20 children will accepted into the second part which will consist minute, bi • weekly of 45 • one - to - COST! $117. *150. *133. *264. •247. be accepted into the first part The in Monday at the All Saints one sessions for the children. program is the of the program. Eight to 10 brainchild of two MSU iscopal Church, 800 Abbott All area children are eligible will be accepted into the graduate assistants and Gary for enrollment in the program separate morning and Stollak, associate professor of and may be enrolled in either 1 '/a PRICE SALE! I Children from 4 to 8 yean afternoon sessions. psychology. Part I, Part II or both. If age are eligible to participate This first part will focus on A weekly fee of $15 for Part In the two group activities. One feature I and $5 for Part II is required. Parents interested in • part program that will be what the teachers call a enrolling their children should If the child is enrolled in both peks to help the child learn "Magic Circle" where the contact Zale at 482 9066 or bout his own thoughts, wishes, parts the fee is $17.50 per - feelings and abilities as well as children and teachers will form week. Tracy Harris at 882 - 0956. a circle every day and discuss a ■in knowledge about other Fisher particular subject. Jeople. J Kathleen Zale, MSU ■raduate student in early Ihildhood education and one Compact Refrigerator Rentals f the program's originators, Ws that it is not a day - Dorm Rent-All ★ Fisher 195 '/a price with the ire plan. 372-1795 purchase of a pair of I "We believe we can offer the speakers at regular price Wild much more," "Our Toncem is with the child as a pique individual who must See & Hear this Fisher per month receiver in O $24.00 per term Free Service WEDEMEYER'S LEONARD'S & Delivery, SOUND ROOM NEJAC TV RENTALS" 337-1300 We give you the List $419.95 w/wood BICYCLE AUCTION case softest soft to THE FISHER 195 100-Watt AM/FM Features: STEREOBEAM ■ Bass, Receiver Treble, Balance and Vol¬ RINGS & WATCHES ume Controls. ■ Loudness, Muting, Mode, Tape Monitor lever the loudest loud, switches. ■ Illuminated Program Selector. ■ Black-out Front with the purchase of a pair Panel and Illuminated Dial Pointer. of speakers at regular price You wont get 'clipped! BICVENTURI Thursday & Friday (June 20, 21) 1:30 p.m. MSU SALVAGE YARD 1330 S. Harrison ' On Campus Various makes and conditions. All items may be seen « Salvage Yard Wedneiday thru Friday from 8:00 A-M. to 12:00 noon. Store Hours: It8«is are refundable ■JVms: Cash offered m is - All sales are final and not 800 MERRILL (Turn left-1 Block Past Uncle Johns) PHONE: 489-9049 NEW HOURS Mon - Fri 10-8 Sat 10-6 Mon. & Fri. 9:30 to 9 p.m. Tint., Wed., Thuri., Sat. 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. LEONARD Wholesale Distributors Ramp Parking — 309 N. Washington Am. Leonard Downtown Pl.» Evenings, Sat. Sun. 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 21 1974 ( Call Now 355-8255 Officially it's the 1st Check the Classfied day of FRANKLY SPEAKING... Summer. Employment Column! by phil frank j IptMft Jg Job-Hunting? I Jffi ! Bilgi TOYOTA COROLLA 1971. Good TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile FURNISHED Two and homes. $25 - $35/week. Ten bedrooms. 4 OKEMOS - I condition, great mileage. Call Fireplace, perking, bedroom hom. iSHED M Evie or Peter, 351-3050. 1-6-21 AUTO REPAIR minutes to campus. Quiet and peaceful lake. 641-6601. welking distsnce. Available month. Avail*™, *275 »l & PARTS 0-5-6-28 on a __8ymb* 337*412 X*" Family ,5I PHONE 355-8255 20% discount NEED TWO people, own rooms, 349 2718^5-7 1 #I"R 347 Student Service Bid? on 551 ALBERT. 2 bedroom, furnished, close, cheap. TW0 • IOP~y"7 -I VW Parts furnished, for fall. One block from campus. 351-6676. 10-7-10 361-3129.1-6-21 imnJr Immediately. LE, Own ,or room "ou» I I VOLVO 1964. 2 door, 122 S, . ■ Body Work •AUTOMOTIVE good mechanical condition, Check LARGE ROOM in house, one block .Jl*" ®1J1568 3-6-26 ' S5° ■ $400. 351-7037. 2-6-24 our repair prices from Scooters & Cycles SUMMER SUBLET. 4 man, 3 campus. $65/month, ,1|u ~ We Buy, Sell and level apartment. Bailey Street. summer only. Call 337-1265. SUMMER ROOMS - Ml ■ Parts & Service VW 1971 Super. AM/FM, tape $225. 332-0534. 3-6-26 3*-26 Farmhouse Fraternity Trade VW's. Bogoe, across fr°m Snydar I Aviation deck, no rust. $1250. 489 •EMPLOYMENT 0328. 1-6-21 Cedar & Kalamazoo EAST LANSING. One bedroom QUIET, FURNISHED home for 4 students. Single beds, near __^e337-9230.1-6-21 ~ ~~ "li I 485-2047 furnished apartment. Ample •FOR RENT campus. Call 349-0293 or .7 ,ror" campu, [ JS] perking. Utilities paid. _ Apartment! $145/month. Call after 12, 332-1695. 2-6-21 "0,,h near Spt£| Hospital. Houses 485-4911. 3-6-26 Students ,jjjl HARLEY 74 - 1958 chopper. 309 WEST OAKLAND Lansing. larB". 3 ^room. Cell wl Rooms Excellent condition. $1500. TROWBRIDGE. FURNISHED one $195, 3 bedrooms, pertly •PPOlntment, 694-0712. 56-2s| EXPERIENCED FEMALE college furnished, 489-1893. 5^-28 «ftnUi7r~ •FOR SALE 485-5319 before 3 pm. 5-6-28 bedroom. $140 $145. —- Animals student to babysit 1 small child 3 51 - 9 0 5 7 weekends, RO°MMATE>pHOT0GRAPHYi FOR SALE 1972 late model 1 or 2 nights a week. 337-0164. weekdays after 6pm. 10-7-12 3 4 BEDROOM, vvorker need* lnl Mobile Homes SAGINAW/Abbott Roed. First Hou,e 351-6690■ Hodaka 125cc. Very good •LOST & FOUND months rent plus deposit. condition. $375. 484-6919. 348 OAKHILL. BLOCK from •PERSONAL 06-24 'mm the ratbecause h Greyhound. 1 - 3 bedrooms. 394-1520 between 8am - 9pm. •PEANUTS PERSONAL •REAL ESTATE ATTENTION 360 RACERS! 250 and MX's, $1095. 250 YZ's m jam mnum $140 $170. 351-8055 weekends, weekdays after 4pm. 10-7-12 TWO AND three bedroom houses. [ Rooms A $1295. While they last. IONIA Reesoneble rates, furnished, SUMMER - GIRLS. Own •RECREATION \ COLLEGE MEDIA SEnviCES-BOX 9M1-BERKEIEY CA 94709 unfurnished. 349-1540. 3-6-24 close ro to CYCLE SALES, 616-527-1040. CAREER OPPORTUNITY with PENNSYLVANIA NORTH. Large, campus Ho i •SERVICE 5-7-1 privileges. 332-5497.57-1 American Multi - Cinema. 3 bedrooms, furnished, summer Instruction Typing Service CYCLE INSURANCE Central Michigan's largest Chance to grow in a National company that's a pioneer in its •part""® fP] [~frartwarts jl^l retes. OR-5-6-28 $190. 351-7497. WOMAN, OWN room, nice house, neer campus. Now through June GIRLS SINGLE blocks from Union. rooms. 1 •TRANSPORTATION motorcycle insurer. Low industry. 349-2701. 5-6-28 NEED GIRL for summer, TWO APARTMENTS. Close to 1975.332-5765.3-6-24 Avail*! rates, monthly payments. Two $56/month. Own room, immediately! Phone 35i.vncl •WANTED locations: furnished. 351-3279. 2-6-21 campus. All utilities paid. EAST SIDE. 4 bedrooms, $160 for SEVEN BEDROOM house. 4-6-28 50781 PART TIME experienced insurance Reasonable. Call NEJAC, group or $50 for single. Deposit. redecoreted, $350 or $55/room. LLOYD'S OF LANSING biller for physician's office. No 337 1309. C-3-6-24 Unfurnished. 676-1557. 5^-28 332-1946, 332-3746. 3^-24 '•RATES** weekends, 393-0720, weekdays. EAST LANSING. Close - in. Three MALE. WALKING disttn«7r 484-8143 332-5335 rooms unfurnished. Married MSU. Two separate roc 3-6-24 ROOMY APARTMENTS TWO MEN needed for large SUMMER. 2 for 3 10 word minimum - person duplex; Aveilable immediately 5 HONDA 1973 CB 450. 3,000 miles. couple or single woman only. townhouse. Each their downtown Lansing for married own close, cerpeted. air, utilities paid, Division Street. 33228! LPN TEMPORARY work for $160. Phone 332-5988 after 6 Stock $1100, with accessories • couples. 5 - 10 minutes from room. 394-2866 between 5 - 8 $50 eech. Two bedroom house, 36-24 pm. 2-6-21 NC 1 $1300. 371-1543, 8 - 5. 3-6-24 physician's office. Experience campus on 1-496. $125, utilities pm. 3-6-26 $150 . 332-1946, 332-3746. NO. DAY! required. No weekends. included. 351-6769, after 5 pm. 36-24 WC)RDS TWO ATTRACTIVE UNIT with YAMAHA 1974 Weekdays, 8 - 6. 393-0720. BEDROOMS, unfurnished In NEED ONE RD-350. 2500 351-6996, daytime. 4-6-28 girl for 4 - girl rooms. Refrigerator/in East Lansing. Dishwasher, air. 1 1 3 5 10 miles, accessories. 3-6-24 Twyckingham. $55/month. LARGE, THREE 489-5008, Short term bedrooms, cooking. Redecoratedl lease. 351-7852. LARGE THREE room apartment, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, 337-1172. 4-6-28 students welcome, neer bus line 663-8418. 2-6-24 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 MODELS FOR photography. Call 5-6-28 Thursday, after 7 pm. Best offer. $175/month plus water and to cempus. 329 North 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 3-6-24 between 10am and 6pm. - electricity. Require first and last NEW. ONE bedroom, furnished, Pennsylvenia Avenue, Lansing. MEN. ROOM in clean, c. 489-1215. 0-5-6-28 TWO - MAN furnished, air, 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 month's rent. Gas furnished. Use petios, security locks, self - Call 694-0712 for YAMAHA - TRIUMPH BMW. summer. Cedar Street. Rent appointment. efficiency apartment. ParkinJ • of washer and dryer. References. 5-6-28 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 cleaning oven, carpeted, $190 1145 Abbott. 3324709. SHEP"S is your full service DESK CLERK needed - must have negotiable. 337-7495. 2-6-21 372-9371. 5-7-1 3-6-2J 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 and $195. Heat and water dealer. Helmets, leathers, transportation and be willing to included. No undergrads. ROOMS IN duplex. $65. Fully ONE FOR house, sum 2b 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 accessories, parts and service. travel. Call 372-0567 or 1711 SOUTH CEDAR, 3 SUMMER SUBLET, 2 bedrooms, Aurelius bedrooms, unfurnished Apartments, 2371 cerpeted, air conditioning, room, rent negotiab SHEP"S MOTOR SPORTS INC. 489-1215 between 12 - 6pm. except D EADLIIME furnished, air, pool, pets Aurelius Road, just south of dishwasher. 337-1612. 5^-28 332-1852. 26-24 2460 North Cedar, Holt. (Just 0-5-6-28 stove and refrigerator. Utilities 1 welcome. $2 25. 882-9942. 349-9152, P.M. one class expresswey. (Jay south of 1-96 overpass). paid, deposit and references. Call 3-6-26 694-9608. 3-6-26 PROFESSOR GOING ROOMS FOR summer. Alto hoi SITTER WANTED for 6 - year - on leave before publication. 694-6621. C-36-24 485-2897 or 393-4254, after 6. old. East Lansing home. Good 56-28 OWN ROOM, summer only, huge August 30, 1974 to August 30, Close to campus. 351-571. FURNISHED EFFICIENCY, 2 1975. Three bedrooms, large 351-1754, after 6 pm, 2-6-24 1 wages and working conditions. two person apartment, gigantic Peanuts Personal ads Must be absolutely reliable and UNIVERSITY TERRACE. Acroas persons, utilities peid, perking, livingroom, family room. Good park backyard, close, FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM. 30 must be pre-paid. Auto Service / have own transportation. Call from campus. 424 Michigan. $80/month. Call Jim. 351-4120. walk to campus. 351 4606, 9 - residential area. Seven minutes Beal. Share kitchen *id bj 12. 351-3052, after 6 pm. 3-6-26 to campus. $325 monthly, plus 373-7845 office. 351-8624, Two bedrooms, furnished. From 1-6-21 utilities. Call 484-7685. 54-28. 349-3604. 0-1-6-21 Cancellations/ Corrections home. 10-7-12 $150. Phone Resident Manager. 1024 EUREKA. 337-0580. 4-6-28 12 noon one class day VOLKSWAGEN EXHAUST bedroom, pertly furnished. SUMMER SUBLEASE, own room, EAST LANSING. Single w CONCESSION HELP. Female, part before publications. systems - $18.95 complete at $125,351-7497. OR-5-6-28 RIVER'S EDGE AND parking, 3 blocks 1 time evenings and weekends. DELTA - 235 Delta Street. Two $75/month 351-2221, call CHEQUERED FLAG, 2605 East Apply in person, STARLIGHT bedrooms, furnished. From WATER'S EDGE APTS. after 5 pm. 3-6-24 Shown Saturday, June 22.2 - j Kalamazoo, one mile west of 301 SOUTH HOLMES. Two pm. 253% Gunson. 1-6-21 The State News will be DRIVE-IN, after *:30 pm. $150. Phone Resident Manager, room campus. 487-5055. C-5-6-28 apartment efficiency. Furnished, responsible only for the 3-6 26 351-6839.4-6-28 DUPLEX, 3 bedrooms, partly all utilities For Sale included. $125. first day's incorrect Filled again furnished, Beech Street. Close to YARD SALE. Saturday, J 351-7497. OR-5-6-28 HOUSE CLEANING. ONE morning BEECHWOOD. 1130 Beech Street. campus. Call 351-7026. 3-6-24 insertion. or afternoon a week. Call Two Summer anc 10 am to 6 pm. 955 . ^ bedrooms, furnished. ROOMMATE NEEDED, Try us earlier n< Avenue. Hide 351-3014. 3-6-26 near LCC, ue 7 days trom Special summer rates. $150. RESPONSIBLE PERSON for room conditioner, pool table, 1 2 bedroom apartment furnished, Phone Resident Manager, in house. Close, $60. Good utilities, $87.50/month. Ed, baby crib and car seat, COUNSELOR CASEWORKER - 351-6168. 4-6-28 people. 332-8953. 2-6-21 485-6629. 3-6-24 children's school chairs, cli experience in child care and THANKS and toys. 16-21 counseling required. Bachelor's NEED GIRL. Fell - Spring. Cedar OWN ROOM in house immediate LARGE. TWO bedrooms, degree in social work and/or Village. $80/month. Dishwasher. occupency. $70/month, utilities GARAGE SALE M/ psychology. Salary is negotiable. furnished, air conditioning, 1050 Wattrsadge Dr. 351-0132. 3-6-26 peid. All house privileges. Two miscellaneous items. month to month lease, Call 663-1521, extension 148. blocks from campus. 351-4829. Riverwood, Okemos. 9 am m 3-6-24 FRAN DOR NEAR. Large references. 372-8241. 5-6-28 $160. Phone 5-7-1 pm.Saturday, 1-6-21 BUICK SPECIAL 1961. 4 red, still runs. Best • door, offer. GRADUATE STUDENT wife needs house cleaning work. 355-3158. attractive, 1 bedroom, $155 unfurnished, $170 furnished. We pay utilities. Laundry, parking, Houses j|jg CHRISTIAN HOUSE needs men. $60 per month. Near Union. ROOM, TWO blocks 1 Quiet, Own phone. $45, Gr^ 489-9323. 2-6-21 1-6-21 351-7844. 3-6-26 332-8498, 1-6-21 shopping, bus, no car needed. DUPLEX, 595 SPARTAN. Private, 489-1323 or West Phalia DODGE CHARGER, 1970. V-8 PERSON TO assist handicapped 351-6437. 3-6-24 comforteble, 2 bedrooms, ROOMS AVAILABLE, (11-587-6680. Prefer married or EAST LANSING, furnished, 5 AM/FM radio, automatic, 17 attorney on occasional furnished, perking, pool women, close to campus. Chea LOCATED AT THE graduate. 5-7-1 bedrooms, $200, Summer/fell, mpg. $850. 349-4273. 3-6-24 CORNER OF JOLLY weekends, in arising mornings ONE BEDROOM, partially privileges. $170/summer. $350. 339 2961. 1-6-21 Singles available. Nexus Cool & OKEMOS RD and retiring nights. Some lifting LOVELY FURNISHED efficiency. furnished, utilities peid. Shown $245/yeer lease. No pets. Phone 437 Abbott. 351-0100 3-6-fl 349- 3X96 required. Compensation by eppointment. 485-5222, 351-3118. 2-6-24 VAN 1970. 318 915 Lilac, across from campus. ATTENTION THREE mature 6DAY A WEEK TOWING negotiable. 484-9657. 1-6-21 prefer couple. 2-6-24 645 EVERGREEN. One ro $125 plus electricity. 349-3604, adults. Lansing, East side. Large OPEN 6 DAYS PEOPLE NEEDED for house bedroom house. Summer l« 372-6852. 0-3-6-26 3 bedroom house, garage, 7 AM - 9 PM BUT SUNDAY BABYSITTER FOR infant and NEED ONE for three girl, close, summer term. $50/month. Call Cheap. 3-6-24 toddler. 1 2 afternoons/one $55. 487-0192. 3-6-26 basement, yerd, $185/month • 124 337-9334. efter 5:30. CEDAR STREET, East plus utilities. Aveilable July 1. MASON BODY SHOP - 812 East evening a week. Call 351-3014. 1-6-21 334 EVERGREEN. DODGE DART 1970. 33,000 Lansing. 2 man, furnished 351-7283. 1-6-21 miles. First owner, automatic, Kalamazoo Street since 1940: 3.6-26 apartment. Summer or GREAT DEALI Only $70 per Cooking, walk to camp year SUMMER SUBLEASE. Need one Complete auto painting and SUMMER EMPLOYMENT person for entire summer. Four 489-1893. 56-28 price negotiable. 355-1100. lease. Call 8 - 3 pm 351-2402. NEED THREE people. Own room. collision service. 485-0256. female for own room. Call bedrooms. 1634 Greencrest. Cell 1-6-21 FOR STUDENTS After 5 - 10 pm 882-2316. $60. Close to cempus. 351-2396. C-5-6-28 We 351-6879. 4-6-28 332-5551 or 337-0551. 1-6-21 WOMEN. QUIET, single ro are accepting applications from 0-4-6-28 3-6-26 FIREBIRD 400 1969. 4 - speed, conditioned, close • in, college students who want a excellent condition. 351-1485, summer job. You must be willing to TWO GIRLS needed for 4 - woman. HAYFORD NORTH. Large, 4 143 BOGUE. OWN Summer and/or 74 - 1 LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom room. $60, after 5. 4-6-26 devote minimum of 40 Summer. Delte Arms. Call bedrooms, summer rates. $190. utilities included. Will 332-0647, after 5:15 I a apartment. 121 Beal. Summer Barter. Sharon or Ava. 332-4945. 351-7497. OR 5-6-28 36-24 FORD CUSTOM 500 1967. New OUR VOLVO 1W hours/week and be able responsibility. On the job training is to accept rates, utilities. $160/month. Includes 332-4558. 3-6-26 349-3604, 372-6852. brakes. $400 FIVE MINUTES from campus in 2402 VINE. Two bedrooms, panly SINGLES $55 to $65, ' after 5. 3-6-24 Call 355-2842, SUITS FIVE. provided for those who are accepted. For an 0-3-6-26 Lansing. First floor, 4 large furnished. Summer rates, $145. NEED TWO people for house $70/includes utilities, summer or furnished, parking, I 351-7497. OR5-6-28 facilities. 332-6990. 3-6-24 FORD, 1972 Pinto. In excellent VERY 484-7368 noon. 56-28 between 11 APARTMENT CLOSE to campus, rooms, basement, garage and yard. $135/month. Includes fell. 626 M.A.C. 5-7-1 laundry, shopping plaza. One WOMEN, summer or fall. Large condition. 27,000 miles. $1600. 487-0703. 5-7-1 COMFORTABLY. bedroom, cerpeted with utilities. Available Immediately. 351-7283. 1-6-21 house, close. Rent negotiable. With five people up front, For Rent dishwasher and air conditioning. 351-3045. 36-24 CROSSWORD FORD FAIRLANE 1967. Excellent there's rixim for six two- 125 North Hagadorn. 351-6339. TWO ATTENTION FOUR graduate condition, bucket seats. $525. suiters in back. And like the TRAILERS, close to campus, clean, very reasonable. 3-6-26 students. East Lansing. Coolidge ONE PERSON, own room. Six PUZZLE 543-2168. 2-6-24 passengers, they sit side by Road. Available September 15. miles, garden, summer. $65. side, not one on lop of another. 355-9771, evenings only. 3-6-26 ONE BEDROOM, quiet, cleen, near 665-2060. 3-6-2d 1. New duplex in country setting, 4 Wings 28 Palm starch MAVERICK, 1970, automatic, 6 campus, air conditioning, 5. Allegory 29. Forget TV AND STEREO bedrooms, family room, 2 baths, cylinder. Radio, good mileage. $24/term, $9.95/month. Free rentals. furnished, 5-7-1 balcony. 351-1206. dishwasher, disposal, year. OWN ROOM in house. One block 10. Persian 31. Chasm nula]Ei«*rP^J 393-4406. 4-6-28 same day delivery and service. 351-7283. 1-6-21 from campus. $56/month. 213 gazelle 33. Hindrance u'NiDAB.EP Glenn Herriman Inc. MGB Green 1972. Excellent 6135 W. Saginaw Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-5-6-28 EAST LANSING. Two blocks from Bailey Street. 332-4604. 3-6-26 11. Lizard 13. Chinese 34. Romulus' NQ jsMBWRL NEAR SPARROW. Two bedrooms, twin condition. 18,000 miles. 482-6226 campus, large apartment, air secret 36. Criticize Ziebarted, ski rack. $2900. Call Volkswagen - Volvo - Body Shoo >n. & Thurs. Til 9 PARKING SPACES 1 block off conditioned, free parking, rent furnished, air. Utilities except electricity. Summer, $150 per NEAR summer MSU, 2 bedrooms for only, $180 plus utilities. society 38. Gums TfEte ElttTAlTL I [cMk0 349-4347, 12 noon - 9 p.m Sat. Til 3 - reasonable. 351-9037, 8 - 5 14. Trace 3-6-24 month, also efficiency $110 per References required, 332-8263. 39. Secret meeting campus. Phone 651-5542. YESTERDAY'S PU» VEGA 1972 Hatchback, 13,000 V (Including Parts & Service) 56-28. NEAR weekdays. 5-7-1 MSU, one bedroom, month. 332-5144. 3-6-26 4-6-28 15. Six 17. Framework 44. 45, Methyl symbol Roman ON OF DOWN 4 Hole in one ■ miles, 3 speed automatic, L-11, CAR TROUBLE, need cheap help. REFRIGERATORS, TV'S, Best ONE AND bedroom ROOMS WITH house 19. Study magistrate two privileges. excellent - condition. 393-3650. Please call 351-2946 or rates - Free delivery. DORM unfurnished, carpeting, air, laundry, parking. 332-1703. apartments from $130/month. Need 3 students. Close to 20. Midianite 46. Western State ihe 5. To the 6. po'"tp Exchange r 351-2936. 5-7-1 RENT ALL. 372-1795. 5-6-28 king 47. Headdresses Bible 3-6-26 - 2-6-24 Call EQUITY - VEST, INC. cempus. Excellent erea. Parking. 21. Immature 49. Quality 2. Behold premium I 351-8150. X-5-7-1 Call Saturday morning, 7. cottontail I 23. Dandy 50. New 3. British 351-5705. 1-6-21 g. Buddhist pi| WHY SPEND THIS SUMMER SWEATING OPENINGS FOR SUMMER OVER END OF THE MONTH UTR.ITV PENNSYLVANIA i NORTH. EAST LANSING. Private bedroom. 26. Termite 2 T" >1 51. Apparent i • & composer V 9. Type measure I 355-8313 PAYMENTS??? Furnished, $155 includes utilities. Carpeted, large closets. Share beth, kitchen, and rec - 10 % %% 1? 12. Retaliate I Bar ol metaB " $55 % 16 room. per month. Married couple, no pets, no children. 487-0843. 2-6-21. 351-9037, 8 - 5 weekdeys. 5-7-1 it 18 Space walk J i5 CoopcRATivc Housimq IlllR CHAM 13 17 w< IB •M %if 19 Double 22. Bone ECONOMIC Heat, Light, and Air Conditioning Bills are all included in % 23. Court 24. Menu item! llVINq your already low monthly rates! FOR SUMMER APARTMENT LIVING % %% 20 % 21 22 25 Variety01 J 'Heated Pool 'Laundry Facilities Swimming Pool, Air Conditioning, u 2U 25 w ii % cotton FOR THE REOPIE *A mple Parking *Nicely Furnished Balcony, Furnished 5* %30 sr % fr 3i 27. Sully You Ital I *Air Conditioning 3l % £ 36 % IT 30 32. Low boot I Now STUDIOS Ulrey 505 M.A.C. 332 • 5095 Leasing For Summer $135. % y4 % 35 Frighten P Bogue Street Knight Bower Hedrick 207 Bogue 420 Evergreen 127 Whitehills 140 146 Col lingwood 351 - 337-1801 351 332 - - 8660 4490 0844 Efficiency, 1 Bedroom, & Including utilities. Fall Rates (12 month lea$e) 2 Bed) ONE BEDROOM TWO BEDROOM - $145 $160 38 ill % i W % 46 Mi '37, 40, Hades P Turkish I chambers 41, Upon | HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT %% 42, Weathercol Nexus M8 M9 % 437 - 445 Abbott Rd. 351 -0100 Howland 323 Ann St. 332 - 6521 745 Burcham Drive 351-3118 SO Bl 43 English nv| or 484-4014 351-7910 %% 45 Auto 48. Maybe Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 21,1974 15 ROMS ]0 For Sale ^V Mobile Homes » tnOM FOR re"'. 560 Gunion J Street. Call 332-2436. 3-6-24 YARD SALE. 12- •PMd girl's bike, TV $45 i 10' x 55' partly furnished, fully lit's what's Senate passes veterans' bill iilALE STUDENTS. Summer term. J furnished, reasoname, quiet, quiet, clothing, plants. 619 $8, Women's household items Stoddard, today and skirted, close Call 351-4672. *6-24 to campus. $1800. happeningi (continued from page 1.) Saturday. 1-6-21 TWO TRAILERS for other children would be raised $18 each to $21 compared with nearby. Pacing. 332-3094. sale, 10' x 50' Announcements for It's What's The Tenants Resource Center I 3-6-24 and 8' x 35'. Happening must be received in the Democratic primary candidates $20 in the House bill. Good condition, can provide information and for the 6th Congressional District, furnished, 5 - years - old, close State News office, 341 Student On - the job training rates also would be boosted assistance about any kind of Charles Larrowe and Bob Carr, will ■ 18.2 per to Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least cent. ■room for rent. Close to campus. campus, reasonably priced two class days before housing problem - security meet at noon Saturday at Families' $65/month. 332-1809, 6 p.m. 355-9771. 5-7-1 publication. deposits, maintenance problems, Coffee The Senate bill would raise the maximum months of education No announcements will be Shop located in the Medical [ 5-6-28 DETROITE R 10' by phone. accepted subleasing and eviction. Volunteers are needed to help staff the center. Center West at the corner Saginaw and Logan streets. Larrowe of payments from 36 to 45 months. Both bills would let veterans use their benefits up to 10 x 55', It takes about three hours a years uN6 SINGLE room, male student, 10 furnished. Shed included. week, and Carr will be present to discuss after leaving service instead of the current eight years. lin6ns furnished, near campus. SPEEDS Near Gay liberation will hold a 24 - and they'll train you. The next with voters their positions and SALES, SERVICE, campus. 351-6989, Must hour Festival of Life This two • years extra would be extended to those four million selll picnic and training program will be June 29. [ 332-1682.3-6-24 ACCESSORIES BEST X-3-6-26 overnight Interested campout Saturday. To volunteer or for more answer questions in setting. Everyone is welcome an informal to who left service between 1955 and 1966, when the retroactive GI VALUES, persons should contact information stop by between I and attend. bill was passed, and who are due to lose their benefits at the end IeaST LANSING. Male students, CHECK US OUT 1973 GREYWOOD, 2 bedroom, gay liberation, 309 Student Services 5 p.m. at 501 MAC Ave. single rooms. Parking, Bldg. Those needing transportation, of this month. It would immediately affect Frank, 206,000 post • Korea refrigerator. 332-5791. 3-6-24. vdociped 3-6-26 484-2521, 487-6718 meet at noon Student Services Bldg. Saturday in 309 Have a couple of extra hours this summer and want to help out how Demonstration rides given on to weekends, transportation provided. veterans and 79,000 Vietnam era veterans on the education rolls. ^Odler ,r | women? Why not try PARK ESTATE with 6' Mobile Home x 1965. 12' 8' addition on lot in Gay liberation will have informal rap groups meet all summer at 8 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday summer staffing at the Women's Center? Training for staffers will be from 11 Meet at 8:30 a.m. Saturday or Sunday in front of the Union. For more information call Marc - Musicians needed park, central air a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at the for local orchestra in Buchner or Carl Wagle. ■OWN ROOM in house, close to KENWOOD'S FINEST stereo 309 Student Services Bldg. T campus, $50. Call 337-7746 conditioning, shed and fence Kveryone is welcome to attend. center, 547% E. Grand River Ave. amplifier: Model 8004. 60 watts 675-5360. 5-7-1 Bring something to pass for lunch. The MSU Karate Club will Available immediately! 3-6-26 channel. Three weeks old, full begin Volunteers needed to interview classes for anyone wanting to learn A chance to practice during the summer 2 The Twins Assn. of months, with access to year | Michigan will karate at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the - warranty. Cost $400 prisoners ■rOOM BEAUTIFUL - cheap, new, asking $300. 351-4463 Lost & Found pretrial at Lansing and Mason for release program. Training hold its 28th annual convention tonight, Saturday and Sunday at sports arena of the Men's University music and the opportunity to work with musicians from the Lansing and MSU Symphony Orchestras are a few of the | Close. Summer lease. 332-5622 1-6-21 sessions begin 7 p.m. Tuesday at Intramural Building. Instruction the Olds Plaza, 125 W. Michigan benefits offered by the East Lansing only early evenings. 6-7-3 FIND SOMETHING Edgewood United Church, 469 N. will be given by master black belt String Orchestra, directed by Ave., Lansing. FOR THE BEST service on If YOU'VE found a Hagadorn Road. For information Everyone welcome. Glen Halik. stereo IgiRL WANTED to sublease room equipment see the STEREO value, we want pet or article of to call Frank Dennis, 304 Horticulture The MSU Tolkien Fellowship A picnic, followed by r The orchestra, which operates under a grant from the Michigan cool house. Close, rent free help you Bldg. will meet at 8 p.m. tonight in the n SHOPPE, 543 East Grand River return it. Council of the Arts, is open to anyone interested in ,ill August 15. 351-6278.3-6-26 C-5-6-28 Just come into the main lounge of the Union. and a worship service, will be held attending State News Classified Manuscripts are invited for a Tonight's topic is "Where Did the at 6 p.m. every Monday at regular rehearsals throughout the summer. Department and tell us you want women's poetry anthology to be F.ntwives Go?" All are welcome. University Lutheran Church, 1020 The 10 - week session is now in its second week and will ■LARGE HOUSE, excellent FOR SALE, Zenith S. Harrison Road. run Circle of to place published in December. Printing T location. Kitchen, laundry, Sound, Excellent an ad in EAST costs through Aug. 19. There is a $1 fee for participation in the condition. LANSING will be shared STATE among I parking. Room for 2 students. $100. 487-3273. 3-6-26 found column. As a public BANK'S contributors. Include self program. I 332-1918. 1-6-21 service EAST LANSING addressed stamped envelope for TWO TWIN beds, $50 and STATE return of $75 or BANK will run the ad at no cost manuscripts. All area SEVERIN BROWNE! both for $100. Call women poets, especially minority ■LIBERAL ™ WOMAN needed for 694-3635 6 and gay poets, are summer, own room, fabulous - 10 pm. 5-7-1 cordially invited. EAST LANSING Contact W. Hayes or A. Tracy. e Sun - porch, fireplace, PIONEER STATE BANK I parking, 2 blocks from campus. TUNER amplifier, 75 watt per month. Call 337-2036, speakers, Sansui turntable, FOUND: KITTEN 8 weeks. Black, Severin Browne corns to the Stables in East I after 6 pm. 3-6-26 $250. Michael, 353-9471 or brown Lansing to kick white patch. eyes, Saw oft his fitst national promotional tour. ■ROOMS FOR male students. 489-0328. 1-6-21 Leather strap C-3-6-26. - bead. 351-0132. ^ H Michigan and Harrison area. RECONDITIONED , MEN'S 26" 3 His newly released album on Motown Records titled speed English bicycle, $25. - I $!6/week. Call 337-9318. 3-6-26 After 5 pm. 351 -0604. 2-6-24 REWARD/LOST: Yellow Schwinn LENS PRECISION yound in our "Severin Browne" features the talents of "Sneaky Pete" on Super Sport. Taken from 'ab- OPTICAL DISCOUNT - steel guitar and Allen Lindgren on keyboards, with the Jenison, June 17 - pm. 2615 East Michigan, Lansing. ][^| vocal assistance of his brother. Jackson Browne, as well as For Sale MOVING SALE! Sofa, dining room 485 5928, 353-7158. 5-7-1 372-7409 C-5-6-28 Linda Ronstadt and John David Souther. set, double bed. Filing cabinet, etc. 332-8302. 2-6-24 LOST: SMALL black Call Us Severin will be featured at the Stables for one week kitten, male. only—don't miss him I ■panasonic PORTABLE video Ann/Division area. Reward. tostructions For An WHOLESALE PANTS Clearance. Phone 332-4279. 3-6-24 [ recorder, model NV-3082. All sizes and - Stereo component, musical styles. $1.25 and quipment, televisions, cameras, up. 627-7766, noon 5 p.m BOARD EXAM TUTORING APPOINTMENT JUNE 17-22 5-6-28 - Personal STANLEY H. KAPLAN | scuba gear and much more. We TUTORING COURSES NOW! I buy, sell and trade. DICKER & deal SECONDHAND STORE,, FRIDAY and SATURDAY. Audio Now being formed for the Cover Only 50* Inventory Clearance Sale! Big I 1701 South Cedar. 06-28 487-3886. savings, many specials. Friday WEIGHT upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, We 'II get your hair in swinging shape 2 Shows Nightly- ATGSB, GRE Board Exams. night in audio 'til 9pm. MARSHALL MUSIC, 245 Ann REDUCTION For information, Call for the summer. BICYCLES | Various colors and sizes. I - ALL Ten speeds! Simple* de-railer, center - pull Street. C-2-6-21 PROGRAM 1-313-354-0085. C-5-6-28 Stay for Both Shows! I I brakes, high quality at dealers cost. Forced warehouse sale. 9 - MOVING SALE. Friday, 12 7 446 Saturday, Information meeting today VOICE LESSONS, any style, experienced teacher. Bachelor of Gary's Campus tie sums pm. Grove. through Kri. June 28 at 3:30 Music. 349-9314. 3-6-26 I Refrigerators $30, waterbed, 4 30 p.m. Monday 12 p.m. - Friday. 8 Saturday. D A C couch, chairs, radios, bikes, pm and Wednesday 7 pm. Student and evening at EXPERIENCED FRENCH tutor. Beauty Salon | STORAGE, 1241 Roth Drive, chests, etc. 1-6-21 nonstudents. Must be French 101, 102, 103. Call ih Cedar at I-96. 694-3311. available through August 30. 332-6204 afternoons or I M-6 ?8 AQUARIUM, 35 gallon marine. 549 E. Grand River Rm. 253 Student Services evenings. 3-6-26 JuSEQ PIONEER SX9000 AM/FM Complete set • up. $75 or best offer. 393-0792. 3-6-26 Dr. Gordon Williams 355 - 8270 r (Across From Berkey) 2843 E. GRAND RIVEft AVE. ... EAST LANSING r M.racord 50H Mark II FREE. . . A lesson in Typing Service *£ r Rectilinear III speakers. TYPEWRITER - ROYAL manual; complexion care. CALL ANN BROWN and wooden typing and multilith | S Advent speakers. AR4X study desk. Call 484-4519 East Michigan or ■s >J«ed Soni portable after 6 pm, 351-1208. 5-6-28 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE offset for printing. Complete service THE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE ' " te player*. Mcintosh dissertations, theses, NORMAN COSMETIC I I MQ102 MICHIGAN'S equaliser. MID - largest selection I Minis ](§ STUDIOS. C-6-28 - manuscripts, general typing. IBM 24 years experience. 349-0850. of used stereo equipment, ra equipment, TV sets, and FREE, ALL black kittens to good homes. 372-1885. ext. 216. I "ACCtsTcENTER^ | C-5-6-28 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY writers. All merchandise 487-5347, ask for Nancy. 3-6-26 1 FOR COMPLETE THESES - Service 1 and guaranteed. WILCOX | Human Reproduction Health | Discount printing, IBM typing I SECONDHAND STORE, 509 FOR CAT lovers only - free (offers Abortion - Contraception services! and binding of theses, publications. resumes, Across from ★ SAVE TIME * SAVE MONEY East Michigan Avenue, Lansing. kittens. Call 332-5562.1-6-21 485-4391. C-5-6-28 FREE KITTENS I 1226 East Michigan I Lansing 485 - 3271 campus Grand corner River. M.A.C. Below and Jones Dependable firms and individuals ready and eager to serve you. to good home. Box trained. Stationery Shop. Call Call 371-4463 COPYGRAPH SERVICES, 2-6-21 Real Estate 337-1666. C-5-6-28 Apothecary BARBER SHOP Golf , RING SALE Mobile Homes OKEMOS SCHOOLS (Pebblebrook IRENE ORR THESES, term Travel to Health | t//Diamond Rings 207c OFF or MORE! sub - division). 4610 Rocky Hill - papers, general typing. Formerly free coupons!! CO-OPTICAL Rings 20% OFF 10' x 50' VAGABOND. Excellent Drive. Lovely family home with with Ann Brown. Call 482-7487. L- Mounted or We Will condition. 351-4830, after 5 many extras. 1630 square feet union butler's kiddielani SERVICES C-5-6-28 Set To Suit With Our Fine Diamonds In Your p.m. weekends. 5-6-28 weekdays. Anytime and finished basement. 7%% GULLIVER STATE DRUG building (East Lansing's Only assumable mortgage, will Cooperative Optical) THESES, RESUMES, typing and Favorite Mounting. consider contract. Ten minutes printing. Reasonable prices. Dr. Richard Hearn, Optometrist barber BtEmerald Rings, Ruby 1967 MARLETTE, King Arthur's from campus. By owner, phone COMMERCIAL PRINTING. terrace golf • EYES EXAMINED Court. Must sell, very 655-3779. Open Thursday Rings, Opal Rings, ALL 351-4116. C-5-6-28 shop \ reasonable. Phone 482-7510. Sunday from 2 - 5. 3-6-24 • Colored Stone Rings - Crutches: Rented - Sold GLASSES 3-6-24 EXPERIENCED IBM 28% OFF. BEAUTIFUL FAMILY typing. Third Party Pay Prescriptions 8 • 5:30 Mon. - Frl. • home. Dissertations, (Pica - Elite). CONTACT LENS W Linde Star Marble/McDonald schools. Four Welcome. Free Parking OPEN DAILY " Rings, Pearl YORKSHIRE 1970. 12' x 60'with FAYANN, 489-0358. C-5-6-28 By Appt. or Walk in FRANDOR SHOPPING ?s-1/3 OFF. 8' x 22' expando. Two bedrooms, 2 V4 baths, formal Rooms 1331 E. Grand River 355-3359 CENTER bedrooms, Mediteranean decor dining room, family room. 351-4054 or 351-0160 Brookfield Plaza with white $45000. 351-6376. 5-7-1 3&1 - 5330 stone siding. Matching skirts, 8' x 12' storage Arts & Crafts Counseling II THOMPSONS' FRANDOR shed. Furnished, washer/dryer and tie downs. Available now Recreation [_ Wanted Ijjj Fairway dr. LANSING KNIT SHOP - JEWELERS PROBLEM PREGNANCY? d.m.dean or September. 625-4852. 3-6-24 NEED STUDENT volunteers to 3220 Mall Court, Frandor ■Open Monday Friday, 9:30 til 9. work for non • partisan Domestic and Importad Yarns 372 -1560 24 Hours GOLF RANGE OPTOMETRIST Saturday 9:30 til 6. 1967 DETROITER. 12'x 56'. Two CROSSROADS candidate. Call 332-8338. *Bemat Yams Phone 332-1385 for bedrooms, unfurnished, stove Committee to Elect Gaulden, 'Free Knitting and Custom Work. and CYCLE District Judge. 6-7-1. refrigerator, skirting. Must " Instructions MINIATURE - MARITAL PROBLEMS? VISION CARE be moved from lot. $2700. V 210 ABBOTT R'D ^ •Specialists in ■sewing -V'EAST NEED TO TALK? CONTACT LENS 1 Sale! Brand new portables 1 $49.95. $5 per month. MACHINfc Clearance Phone 646-6543. 5-7-1 LANSING | Car Pool Bugs and Needlepoinl *Needlepoint Supplies GOLF SERVICES Large AIR CONDITIONED 10' x 50', 2 i^p'MS Makes \ from around the world *Crewel & Stichery CATHOLIC 1410 Grand River - Okemos ■ selec,ion of reconditioned used bedrooms, newly carpeted, (A mile East of Meridian Mall) I '"•chines. l] *10 'adult bicycles 332-1939 SOCIAL SERVICES 210 Abbott Rd. I Necchis, I 0,h*s." Singers. New Homes and Whites, "many reasonable. Will consider Call 4 89 * 4293 renting. for - speeds *free repair classes | Share Driving £3> 3028 Vine can help 349-2850 332-6563 $19.95 t0 $39 95 appointment. 5-6-28 Across From Frandor 4 332-4081 Memphis, Michigan through Shoppinj I T'r m s EDWARDS Center 372 - 4020 Stereo Repair . i [ M - W, Frl., Sat., Macolm St. Clair, Lapeer county distributing company, TWO BE DROOMS, air, //' ,9:30-5:30 , area. Leaving 6am, returning J'5 North Washington. washer/dryer, V4 mile MSU, Thurs., 9:30 - 9:00 4pm. Call 392-2273. For Sale 489-6448. C-3-6-21 $2,750. 393-0506.1-6-21 Sun., 12-5 MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT ■WM ■ ^ i'wW Hear This 349-1010 le East of El... THE MARSH ■k/"? From The Top inslng just off East QUAINT SHOP Hinge At The rand River Ave. LOW COST FLIGHTS WITH SCHEDOLEO AIRLINES TO EUROPE 'Needlepoint and Accessories Store With The Red Door I lOkemos, Mich. ! STILL AVAILABLE FROM COLLEGE TRAV1 SERVICES EAST CMND RIVE* PROFESSIONAL AUDIO •Knitting Yarn 'Antiques *Blng and Grondahl imported REPAIR Christmas Plates * Royal Copenhagen Pipes ' Three full - time professionally I LATEST AVAILABLY $269 Christmas Plates *Blng and Grondahl #Cigars ' trained technicians Complete Test facilities NEW YORK to SPAIN . *Cigarettes ' 3 • month warranty on all • NEW YORK to LONDON . $319 (Fixed return) " Mother's Day Plates 10743 Petrlevllle Highway * Tobaccos ' Loaner amplifiers available work I NEW YORK to LONDON or PARIS $389 (3 to 6 weeks) { Block One M.A.C. I NEW YORK to AMSTERDAM or BRUSSELS Add $90 $389 (3 to 6 weeks) j 332 4269 "SffT I From COLUMBUS From CLEVELAND and DETROIT Add $60 :6,mpLrefy%ift<§Sh the river I) L. office or by contacting college travel services directly. ^ SAVE! 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 21 1974 Well be open Saturday from 8 to 3 p.m. to help with your book buying needs. Well be open from 8-3 p.m. Sat., June 22,1974, with a complete selection of summer term textbooks, all on the official MSU booklist. Come in and choose from both new and used books. We're HP35 your $225.00 calculator Texas Instruments headquarters. HP45 $325.00 SR - 10 $74 95 HP 80 $395.00 sr. ii $99.95 HP65 $795.00 T| . 2550 $79.95 Mekor 400 539 95 " 2500 $59.95 SR - 20 $139.95 Bowmar Mx 55 $69.95 TR . 400o $139.95 Bowmar Mx 100 $179.00 ___ _ Bowmar Mx 20 ™ «uo q* $49.95 Tl ' 3500 $79.95 Canon Pocketronic $189 50 Kingspoint with memory $89.95 Kingspoint Micro Algebra $99.95 Summit with memory $89.95 NS Electronics 600 $29.95 Lower level of the In the center International Center of campus