Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 President Ford may re FROM WIRE SERVICES consumption and to raise new tax revenue A White House economistsaid LSHINGTON -- The Ford to finance federal programs, such as public cent increase in the that a 10 - will go along," the White House source the increase because it would be • Establishment of a White House labor ^ration is considering asking service unemployment gasoline tax would said. "But we think it's something that "exorbitant, unwise and unnecessary." • mangement committee to advise him on raise about $9 billion in extra revenue. ss to raise the federal tax on would help," he added. ,by anywhere from 10 to 20 cents »f.?pH!!.bert arter Fords HumPhrey- D - Minn., said economic He said the administration also has been The gasoline tax increase would be TerHorst said the declaration tied in with earlier statement that Ford will not major economic policy and • summit conference discussing a 15 an Appointment of Princeton University i, White House source says. Saturday that he - cent increase and a 20 - submitted to Congress as part of Ford's seek any tax increase this year. economist Albert Rees to head the Council expects the cent increase. t this same source said that the administration to propose the tax, which new economic policy. The tax is Ford said Saturday that his economic on Wage and Price Stability which was If I had to make a stration fears a public outcry if and Predicted would be political decision, I understood to have its chief support from program would go to Congress within 10 recently authorized by Congress. "highly would guess we would uch a tax plan is announced, and is controversial." opt for a 10 • cent Treasury Secretary William E. Simon. days. Ford urged all Americans "to join me in whether Congress would approve The federal tax tax," the source said. But the final Reports circulated in August that the on gasoline is now It is expected to include help for the a great effort and to become inflation about four cents a decision on the tax and its amount rest administration was considering a 10 cents • gallon. States also with Ford, he noted. housing industry in the form of mortgage fighters and energy savers." purpose of the higher gasoline tax impose a tax on gasoline averaging about "We know the public won't be a • gallon increase in the gasoline tax. On interest subsidies, budget cuts, a public Humphrey said the bipartisan steering he twofold: to discourage gasoline eight cents per gallon. happy Aug. 30, then White House Press Secretary service employment program and some tax committee that planned the summit will about this and we can't be sure Jerald F. terHorst said Ford did not favor Congress relief for groups hard hit by inflation. have the first look at the program and Congress, which plans a recess from indicated that it could advise against some Oct. 11 until after the November portions of it if it considers them elections, is under increasing pressure to unacceptable. work the rest of the year on economy But as for the higher gasoline tax, measures. Humphrey said he would want to At the summit conference, Ford "withhold judgment" for the time being. announced three steps he has taken: Speakers at the summit called for a new • Consolidation of the government's program of energy conservation to reduce domestic and foreign economy efforts the nation's reliance on costly foreign oil. under an Economic Policy Board, to be A higher tax would be aimed at reducing headed by Simon, consumption. President's wife recovering well from operation NEW YORK TIMES There, he took communion at the rail WASHINGTON - Betty Ford was and heard the Rev. John W. Turnbull pray showered with flowers and get • well notes for Mrs. Ford's "quick and complete Sunday after what doctors described as "a recovery." There was no sermon, reasonably good night" following surgery (continued on page 15) Saturday for the removal of her right breast to prevent the spread of cancer. A bulletin from Bethesda Medical SN Center reported that the 56 - year k intersection of Michigan Avenue and Harrison Road has been a controversial photo/Craig Porter First Lady's "post • operative course old Inside Monday... intersection in an effort to save trees. But Thursday construction began and the court • ■ for over a year. Citizen groups have attempted to stop plans for continues to be satisfactory" and that she Spartans crushed 56 - 14 by redesigning the battles may almost be over, though plans are being made for another appeal. was expected to have "short periods of ferocious UCLA Bruins (ouch). Page 8. sitting and walking." • The bulletin was issued shortly before County budget stalled. Some President Ford, after a morning of worship Republican commissioners propose a irees Michigan-Harrison and White House business, drove to the "Peoples' budget." Page 10. gone at hospital for a long visit with his wife. Doctors attending Mrs. Ford have said that it will be several days before further • East Page 3. Lansing's new cable TV franchise may meet censorship hassles. Host homes will help cut costs pathology tests disclose whether the for foreign students. Page 11. cancer had spread from the breast into any uf fight to halt road work goes on • Some serious monkey business. of the surrounding lymph nodes that also were removed in the surgery. Page 9. Students interested in working for Sunday's hospital bulletin reported that the State News as reporters or Mrs. Ford "had the expected amount of By JOE KIRBY notified by telephone of the decision but proceedings from either the U.S. District another appeal in the case. photographers are invited to attend an post - operative discomfort during the State News Staff Writer the official written opinion would not be Court or Circuit Court to halt East Lansing City Councilman George open house at 7:30 p.m. tonight in night" and was given "minimal ■ *as available until later in the week. construction while the appeal is being Griffiths, who has opposed the medications" for relief. the State News editorial office 341 a glorious fight, filled with bitter drives and dead trees. It appeared to On Tuesday the city and state highway made. construction, said he was unaware there Student Services Bldg. Clippings and ■ "This morning she is alert, but more pr; the treefreaks could not possibly departments began working on final City Manager John Patriarche said the would be another appeal but thought it aware of fatigue," the bulletin reported. portfolios should be brought along. •mother comeback. contract bid clearance on a "rush basis," contract has been given to T.A. Forsberg would be interesting to see if the court ■t it is not yet over. Anderson said. Inc., and construction was scheduled to issues an injunction. Mrs. Ford's condition, the bulletin Refunds '■ Thursday morning when construction begin on Sept. 23, but the state Highway "I'm utterly happy it is being appealed continued, "Has progressed to the point Students carrying 10 credits or battleground is the Michigan that she will be able to rest more easily more who do not wish to read the work began Anderson said he still did not Dept. agreed not to start until the federal even though it seems the case is lost," Harrison Road intersection and and will probably begin eating solid food have a copy of the written opinion needed State News or use its services may le to stop its redesign has raged in judge made a decision. Griffiths said. to decide if his group had grounds for an Because the arrival of winter marks the Construction costs for the project were today." receive a $1 refund authorization by Ms for over a year. appeal. end of the road work season, Patriarche originally estimated to be about $300,000, Meanwhile, President Ford rose early- presenting their fee receipt cards at Sunday to attend communion services at the State News business office, 346 kursday morning "They had that project geared up like said the company had to get started but have soared to the $500,000 level. the bulldozers the Normandy invasion," he said. St. John's (Episcopal) Church, just across Student Services Bldg., through Oct. Kin and construction immediately on the project- Patriarche did not have the final figures was underway. Anderson said the city had the legal He said he was unaware there would be available Sunday. Lafayette Square from the White House. |toesto thathadcitizen i save groups had been cut down been right to begin the project and referred to during their action as "a case of roadbuilders immer and now the final phase of the tlnas started. vengeance rather than legal wrong." ' •krops Anderson, 1,85 been " of a vocal citizen leading the fight with the consumer group PIRGIM in a Anderson received a copy of the opinion at 5:30 p.m. Friday, after two full days of construction, and that night Evader seeks amnesty court encounters with the decided to appeal the decision. City of unsing and the State Highway He is working with a small group of NEW YORK (AP) -- A young draft Constitution clearly forbids such »®on, is ready to appeal the case, concerned citizens who plan to appeal the tost dodger says he will confront President treatment. I cannot accept these Monday Anderson and friends project to the U.S. Circuit Court in Ford's clemency officials Monday in " word proposals." from the U.S. District Court Cincinnati, Ohio. ™ Washington and refuse alternative service Meis and Mike Uhl, national Rapids that Judge Wendell Miles Though the trees are gone, Anderson in an effort to win "total, unconditional coordinator of Safe Return, refused to say dissolved the restraining order thinks the courts have failed to answer a and universal amnesty" for all Vietnam - how or exactly where the Washington "ting construction and refused to number of questions brought up by era draft resistors and deserters. confrontation would take place but Uhl iiwther injunction, citizens. said Meis would announce his intentions frson said all parties involved were Anderson hopes to get a stay of Bill Meis, 29, of Decatur, III., who (continued on page 15) returned to the United States last week from Canada with help from the Safe Return Amnesty Committee, based here, ackground: said in an interview Sunday he was worried that the confrontation might result in his arrest. Draft evade W controversial Michigan Ave. Harrison Road intersection project had its Nngs in June 1971. "le - .. "But if you commit yourself to action," Meis said, "you have to be willing cautioned project sifted through the city's commission process, being vetoed by tnree to take risks." ■Omissions, and came into the public spotlight in spring 1973. revealing ..... . "spite of the large volume of citizen opposition voiced in April and May or Meis, under indictment charging ^^project designed to make the accident ■ riddled intersection safer began in Wlth violation of the Selective Service law, is one of about 4,000 draft evaders the By WASHINGTON STAR NEWS a goal of preventing or modifying the Michigan Ave. - Harrison Road government considers fugitives - 3,000 of WASHINGTON - Draft evaders who these citizen protestors banned together as the Citizens for a Livable City ■p the project in four different court battles. whom are in Canada. The government says reveal their status in connection with the «June 1973, more than 12,000 Vietnam - era deserters President's leniency program may expose they were denied an injunction against the project in federal and are currently at large. themselves to vigorous prosecution if they court and appealed the county decision to the Michigan Court of Appeals decide not to take advantage of the plan, I8•PPcals they were granted a stay of proceedings. A hearing has still not been set for On Sept. 16, President Ford offered according to the Justice Dept. court whose construction restrictions expired in May 1974. clemency to draft dodgers and deserters " June Deputy Atty. Gen. Laurence H. 1974, East Lansing began the project by cutting to relet bids for the work in down 17 trees. They who return and work at public service jobs Silberman said in an interview last week August. "promoting national health, safety or that if a U.S. attorney learns the identity June tree cutting sparked a short • lived drive to recall East Lansing Mayor - interest" for up to 24 months. The work of a draft evader that he was not 2PfisedBrookover and Councilwoman Mary Sharp. Though the recall group was would be considered acknowledgement of previously aware of as the result of a mostly of citizens involved in the Michigan Ave. - Harrison Road the draft evaders' allegiance to the United ak wirephoto query from the evader, that information Bill Meis, 29, of Decatur, III., is shown on New York's Fifth Avenue last week JJrsy, the group had a long list of other complaints about the two council 5 States. Deserters are required to reaffirm allegiance with an oath. could trigger an investigation and following his return from Montreal, where he had spent six years after he was denied August, James Anderson, a leader of the Citizens for a LiviableCity» (which prosecution. series of appeals for status as a conscientious objector. Meis says he will confront "I have never been disloyal, Meis said. a *nt over Silberman's statement contradicted $15,000 in court costs already) initiated a fourth court cane in "The President demands that I perform President Ford's clemency officials in Washington today and refuse alternative court but failed again to attain the injunction against the construction^/ involuntary servitude, even though the (continued on page 15) service. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, September 30 J FBI tied to watch on WASHINGTON (AP) — Newly released Senate testimony discloses that the FBI kept watch on former Ambassador W. Harriman, a former New York governor and former U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union, at that time was a vocal ex-envoy originated outside the FBI. Reached for comment on the reported FBI Averell Harriman's home to identify participants in a meeting said stakeout u J opponent of American policy In Indochina. Sunday he was unaware of any surveillance on hw kl there of State Dept. personnel opposed to the 1970 Cambodian The Harriman surveillance was disclosed Saturday when the no written record of any meeting May 18 1970 nn^ °mfI invasion. committee released "sanitized" transcripts of closed hearings on recall who may have taken part. ' ' 01 Former FBI agent Bernard Wells told the Senate Foreign Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger's role in the wiretapping of Relations Committee he believed that the FBI learned of the May 13 government officials and four newsmen. 18, 1970, meeting through a wiretapped conversation. However, The released testimony showed that Kissinger told the panel •'Mr Hoover went through a particular cnM Minority groups plan meeting there was Harriman's. no indication that the tapped telephone was that it was the FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover who fingered the first four individuals wiretapped in a 1969 • 71 investigation into file of an espionage agent who had been Wells also said there was no attempt to overhear conversations leaks of national security secrets. successful here in Washington with a number A during the meeting inside Harriman's house here. highly placed people. It happened slw The Rev. Jesse L. Jackson has announced plans for a By contrast, FBI records showed that requests for the wiretaps (deleted) national a very attractive Was°'a conference early next year among black, gal who lgl J Jewish, Arab spread her favors around rather and Latin religious leaders. loosely (deleted). Jackson made his announcement last week after meeting with 40 black ministers at the sixth annual Black Expo, an exposition of black Hostages in Santo Domingo given -Gen. Alexander M. HaM social, cultural, Harriman indicated he was not political and economic progress sponsored by Operation surprised to |earn „r1 People United to Save Humanity (Operation PUSH). Jackson, who is president of Operation PUSH, said in food, bargaining reportedly stalled surveillance. "My position on the war was well noting that he had been attacked publicly for his view* k,!1 Vice President Spiro T. Agnew. known" h i Ws by 1 an interview that officials of B'nai Released by the Senate panel B'rith, along with along with the Arab and Spanish - American groups, had already agreed testimony was a staff chronology prepared for the to the consulate through commi■ SANTO DOMINGO, fearing gunfire from inside the Hutchison, 47, from in front of from documents supplied by the FBI. 1 to the meeting. Dominican Republic (AP) - beseiged consulate. the U.S. Information Service electric pumpfe, there is no The staff report said FBI Director U.S. diplomat Barbara A. office. Then they gave the water without electricity. report of the Harriman surveillance a Hoover attached to th.1 Hutchison and five other who Salvator Pitaluga. secretary Dominican officials refused handwritten note government a list of demands "An excellent job. I talked to Haldeman at Key Biscavne"' of the Dominican Newsmen's that included a $1 million to comment on negotiations, are being held as hostages in was apparently a reference to H. R. Haldeman,White the sweltering Venezuelan Assn., said the Dominican ransom from the U.S. but there appeared to be little of staff under former President Richard M. Nixon. Hou* J government allowed him and Strikes slow auto production consulate got their first food Polanco to deliver the food and government and freedom from or no bargaining in progress. It was unclear how many Besides Wells, other FBI witnesses - including ins* and water in 24 hours Sunday Dominican jails for about three Thomas J. Smith and Deputy Associate their drink to the terrorists and dozen political prisoners. terrorists were involved. One of Director James B Am as terrorist captors - testified that the effort to combat hostages "in a humanitarian Carl Davis, a State Dept. them told the Associated Press national securitv U awaited a government response involved physical surveillance as well as to demands for $1 million and capacity." They were not official who flew from by telephone that he had 22 wiretaps. L More than 50,000 auto workers The panel at its closed • door review assembling the last freedom for dozens of acting as intermediaries for the comrades. But Gen. Rafael also heard Gea Alexaii of the 1974 model cars and trucks have been told strikes Washington, said they also had M Haig, formerly a key Kissinger aide and later Dominican prisoners. Dominican, U.S. or Venezuelan demanded a means of getting Guzman Acosta, the chief law staff, testify about concern over an attractive female Nixon'schiel will force them off their jobs over the next two weeks. governments, Pitaluga said. enforcement officer of the es Archbishop Hugh Polanco, out of the country, and there agent who had been active in Washington. If General Motors Corp., the giant of the who took sandwiches and soft They carried in. 12 Dominican Republic, insisted industry, were reports that they wanted Haig said Hoover pointedly laid out the details carries out its warning to sharply curtail production, as a drinks into the consulate, said sandwiches and 12 soft drinks, a plane to fly to Cuba or Sunday that there were no meeting between Kissinger and Hoover at FBI durij result of strikes at its plants, the he saw Hutchison. 47, head of and Pitaluga said there was a Mexico. more than 10. He said that "Mr. Hoover went through a headquarters 1 unemployed figure could exceed 200,000 by the end of next week. the U.S. Information Service in sandwich and a soda for each President Joaquin Balaguer's about five persons kidnaped particular rase file of espionage agent who had been very successful here in I Santo Domingo, and that she terrorist and hostage. This government rejected all the Hutchison and that two or with a number of Washing! highly placed people," Haig testified The most critical strike is at Arvin Industries Inc. at appeared to be in good supported reports from the demands except safe passage three others joined them at the happened she was a (deleted) national, a very attractive 1 Franklin, Ind., which produces catalytic converters and condition after two days in the National Police that six from the Dominican Republic, Venezuelan mission. £iess spread her favors around rather loosely and gal wH exhaust systems to the auto industry. consulate. hostages and six kidnapers which shares with Haiti the (deleted)" were in the The news came as the industry neared the end of a The archbishop said the building, despite Caribbean island of Hispaniola, terrorists told him that one claims by the terrorists over between Cuba and Puerto year that saw overall car production fall 1.8 million the telephone that 23 of them person was injured without Rico. from the record production of 1973 models. were involved in the operation. specifying whether it was a One hostage escaped The archbishop received a kidnaper or a hostage. Saturday by flinging himself note from the terrorist leader Negotiations to free through a closed window. The Hutchison, Venezuelan Consul that was addressed to the terrorists released a woman and • General Jesus de Gregorio and Venezuelan charge d'affaires, a 9 ■ year ■ old girl who were in the other hostages appeared to but its contents were not the Nixon condition building when the episode holding steady be stalled, but there was no disclosed. He quoted the began. now, that's advance plannin sign that the gunmen might guerilla as saying, "We need "Everything is at a standstill medicine and other food, but as it was carry out their threats to kill yesterday," Davis Former President Richard M. Nixon wound up his them. otherwise everyone is in good said. Food for one meal was slature must be a visionary body health except for the problem - attend™ first week in the hospital on Sunday with no reported Bottles with messages from taken through a police cordon recently dealing with leases, in the suit. They are Clinton Snyder, ■ntcnance, eviction, security deposits, "I'm lucky because 1 have a small farm professor of social science and former ■using codes and other areas should call back in Kansas and my wife works, assistant to Dunham, and Edward A. PState News at 355-8252. otherwise I couldn't afford it." Carlin, dean of University College. Guys you've got the time . we ve got the place (the time) (the place) 1148 E. Grand River Open House 7-10 p.m. Monday Sept. 30 for rides or Tuesday Oct. 1 information Wednesday Oct 2 call 351-3921 SuxnAger Editorin-Chief WILLIAM Maureen Beninton . Advertising Manager R.D.Campbell Managing Editor G. F. Korreck City Editor Diane Silver Chris Danielson Melissa Pay ton Steve Stein Campus Editor Opinion Page Editor National Editor Sports Editor 'Plural presidency' rapped Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor Editorials the opinion Last year, after learning that I was orders to are of the State Judy Rypma Copy Chief wiretap worn among the 17 government officials and Deputy FBI Director Newt Columns, personal opinions. viewpoints and letters are Joe Kirby Staff Representative newsmen illegally wiretapped, I called A1 who said he received Willffl* The idea of hydra headed president, with accountability surveillanro Haig to find out if President Nixon had a - from Al Haig. Hoover Wo,ild tO known about the tap on my line. diffused and blame unfixable, is the Kissinger - Haig defense against written authorization from the !" "Absolutely not," Haig said. "The general bearing responsibility for their active sponsorship of an illegal White and the taps Wpn( 1 EDITORIALS President just now." was The general shocked to learn about it was lying, it seems. In House spying operation. Kissinger documents lie, and Haig now bearing thev claim Z nothing about certain of the testimony released yesterday as part of were attributed to them. ps the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's Chile story whitewash of the Kissinger - Haig role in wiretapping, Sen. Fulbright asked: "So is it correct to conclude that the President approved then, and therefore, I believe that he did." Then Haig added curious thought about say. Consider those words, because they reveal a conception of a plural president j J. SETJ0** ,h8t 'eaVe Edgar Hoover, who washold'«9the the grim reaper a while deepV back, and L Sullivan, who insists that Lies. parties, support anti - Allende personally requested that each of these individuals be tapped?" Nixon's approval of each of these that is at the root of so much of the make the wiretap requests he Haig did! invasions of privacy: "Now, how formally Watergate agony. When I recently nowde The old familiar sound of striking workers and bribe members Our next NATO commander replied that was done, whether it was done by Mr. remonstrated with Haig for lying to me If we are to believe falsehood has again covered up artfully: "...three or four weekss ago the the Kissing,r ' United States policy of deliberate of the Chilean Congress to oppose Allende. Hennessy directed President signed a letter suggesting that he Ehrlichman of Mr. Haldeman in his behalf, or Dr. Kissinger running it by him, I can't last year about whether the President "knew," he replied in the same vein: "You tie fbT! the rBI was run ' Wo with nuis' no boficve subversion of foreign governments. economic reprisals which lowered nno.., Bill, 'The President' is more than professionalism, with man." activities left lightly Testimony of CIA Director William Chile's credit in private banks from one that could readily be rovered b7?J E. Colby before a subcommittee of $220 million in 1971 to less than CLOAK AND D/VCXSEPC. The idea of a hydra - headed president, not the disavowed S with accountability diffused and blame was way .1. Rdgar noo;.* the Senate Foreign Relations $40 million a year later. unfixable, is the Kissinger - Haig defense known to operate. Committee has revealed a And Kissinger, Nobel prize against bearing responsibility for their The conflict in Kissinger testimony between! multimillion dollar campaign to winner and chief architect of active sponsorship of an illegal White - Haig defense and'the testi House spying operation. They were just of the overturn the government of Marxist "detente," personally chaired - living FBI men js ah President Salvador Allende Gossens "following orders" from a president who somebody is committing („n! and still does - the 40 Committee, - in their eyes - was sometimes J. Edgar perjury, and nobodv in in Chile. Even though: which authorized the Chilean governmen Hoover, sometimes John Mitchell and interested in finding out who's lying.1 • Secretary of State Henry operations. once in a while the individual who had Kissinger in his confirmation As the Senate Foreign Relations been elected to the job. The Senate Foreign Re|J Committee investigating was a Spying on his colleagues was necessary, j<>kr hearings on Sept. 17, 1973, said staff report suggested, Scott even railed that the protests of "we have absolutely stayed away Kissinger explained over the sound of Sen. people who were tapped wa> a diW investigations of perjury and Case's sympathetic clucking, to show the from any coup." performance;" the committee contempt charges are in order to fierceness of his own loyalty - after all, from the clue • Former CIA Director Richard that Kissinger dro control the lying which officials Henry had long experience in Washington about yet another FBI program Helms, in his confirmation hearings seem to do freely before Congress under Democrats: "I was a friend of both wiretapping, not yet revealed. as Ambassador to Iran, told the Jack and Robert Kennedy ... in 1967 1 and the people. The special prosecution force conducted negotiations with the North due committee that the CIA had given Moreover, the CIA must be find Vietnamese for Harriman and Katzenbach. illegal wiretapping ideolo "no money" to opponents of brought under control. It has 1 saw a great deal of Robert Kennedy satisfying and has dropped it. The Allende. heard from Leon Jaworski overstepped its purpose of before his assassination and, of course, I was a ir • Former asst. Secretary of the was a consultant to the President then." relayed to me by Al Haig a lew mor intelligence gathering and ago to "tell your man Safire to This decade - long record of top level lay o Treasury John M. Hennessy discredited the United States in the Haig said he told the Washington experience was suddenly special prosecut' testified that no economic pressure eyes of the world. If we are serious was not his man. forgotten by Kissinger when asked to was placed on Chile except for in our opposition to Communist explain his remark to Director Hoover that Which is true enough. Al Haig considerations of Chile's subversion, we must stop our own Henry and his friends "would destroy boasted to colleagues in San Clemen "creditworthiness." $200,000 While these interference in the domestic affairs whoever did this" "I was leaking. in Washington," he sector from the • a • year offer Rockefellers. Let in the H public servants of other countries. new him' explained. "... I might have had a it. reassured the Congress of the Then - maybe - our officials tendency to show him that I was alert to The post held with honor United States. Helms' agency spent will be able, with clear conscience, the by gene danger of security." Eisenhower, Gruenther, Ridgeway S8 million to finance opposition to tell us the truth. Dead men tell no tales, Kissinger and Norstad should not go to the Haig have decided, and — as expected - good soldier who - to this day they have tried to place the largest portion that " 'the President' is more th of guilt about the wiretaps at the doorstep man." of the FBI. 'Red Squad9 In several cases, mine included, the (c) 1974 New York Time* La a commendable move last It is interesting that the Michigan State Police are willing to spend ART BUCHW week, Gov. Milliken proposed to review and eventually destroy the more to convict one "pinko" than Anti - Subversives Unit of the it does to, say, rehabilitate one Michigan State Police. The infamous "Red Squad," as its members have dubbed it. released information on incarcerated delinquent. But perhaps the Anit - Subversives Unit, long cloaked under shrouds of Please destabilize Newark its activities for the first time in 24 secrecy and mounds of red tape, is years. The results, though not accustomed to expecting the surprising in the Watergate era, taxpayer to shrug and mutter, Newark has been a pothole in the "It won't work. We need federal money I'm not. The CIA spent $8 million to the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey. H were still a pointed reminder of just "Ours is not to reason why." poverty pocket of New Jersey for some and we're not going to get it. The destabilize Allende in Chile. If we could mayor how far a bureaucracy will go to Fortunately, State Rep. Perry time. I went up to talk to the chamber of keeps going to Washington and all he gets get them to spend that kind of money in him call a meeting of the 40 Commit^ commerce the other night, and all the is and let them recommend that the "protect its own." Bullard and Milliken have not empty promises. No one down there Newark we'd be in great shape." speakers had some great ideas as to how gives a damn about the cities" "But why would the CIA want to finance the overthrow of the Newark operated long under that sort of they could get Newark out of its "That's true," I agreed. destabilize Newark?" I asked. "It's not a government. If someone from here t: The Red Squad spent over Machiavellian mentality. Their doldrums. He said, "Our problem is we keep going threat to the United States." Kissinger, he won't believe us. But si S700,000 in state revenues last efforts to destroy the Red Squad After the dinner was over I retired to to HEW, HUD and the Dept. of "Have you walked around it lately?" he you're the last foreign correspondent deserve support. Hopefully we in my hotel room when there was a knock on Transportation - and all we get is the run - asked me. year. Considering the number of the door. A man who refused to give his have visited us, he might believe you. I around. There is only "Looks are not everything," I told him. "subversives" it apprehended and Michigan can continue a precedent name said he had to talk to me. I let him one agency in CIA is our only hope." convicted in that time, the money set on Capitol Hill: to eliminate Washington that has money to burn and it "You have to do something that would in. doesn't have to answer to anybody." "But if the CIA destabilizes you. endanger the security of the Western have to destabilize New V seems wasted: $20,000 per such McCarthy institutions as the "Listen, all that talk you heard at "You mean the CIA?" would Hemisphere. Allende was Marxist and we apprehension and SI50,000 per Red Squad from the American dinner tonight about improving Newark -- "Right. What we want to do is have couldn't stand Chicago, Baltimore and every other ci forget it" something like that so near trouble. They don't have that kirn conviction. them destabilize Newark," he said. to North America." system of government. "Oh?" I said. "You have to be "Okay, we'll put out the word that our money." kidding." "How can you be sure?" the man s? mayor is a Marxist, and then they can send us the aid." "No one knows how much mom RUSSELL has." "Your idea has merit,"1 admitted, '' I'm willing to pass it on to Kissinger, ' H®'S„1S0 desperate city, he II go along with for money for the you know the CIA isn't dumb. W anything." Quiet heroics anachronistic That's all well and makes you think that they would beli good, but what can that Newark has gone Marxist?'- i do for you? "Get word back to "What makes you think it won't i Kissinger that Newark is about don't get the money?" to recognize Castro's government and is planning to nationalize Copyright 1974 Lindberg just did it. It was unheard of. fans of transatlantic flight who were Fans and children of the 1970s were puff punches to the clavicle? the Atlantic that he was unable to speak. embittered because he had taken all the Their first fight, staged for closed - astounded. Evel Knievel was astounded, Public interest had just begun to stir in excitement out of the big event by circuit TV ($25 a ticket) in the Houston just the Lindbergh promotion when Bascom too. So were the press and television and doing it. Astrodome (beer at $2.50 a can) ended took his young aviator and a television Muhammad Ali and Bobby Riggs. Destitute and unable to buy airplane indecisively when David's slingshot broke crew to the oceanside airport from which They all told him it was antique to just fuel, he was finally rescued from obscurity its second heave and on Goliath the flight would begin. do it. by Malcolm Bascom, the entrepreneurial accidentally broke a toe with his stone "Nobody just does it any more, Lindy" genius who understood the age in which the closed circuit television people warned club, thus forcing the referee to end the It was Bascom's intention to get some we live. match and whetting the fans' appetite for publicity film of Lindbergh shaking his fist him. "Nowadays you just talk about it." Lindbergh was 10th rate at talk. His David It was Bascom who had turned the • Goliath fights into one of the the $25 million rematch in the Yankee Stadium. at the ocean and wading in to punch the waves, but the airplane had been wheeled Come to Top long suit was grinning. So he grinned richest bonanzas of all time with his Under Bascom's direction, Lindbergh out for the photographers too, and the and climbed into his overloaded airplane To the Editor: skillful promotion. Who will with no front window and just did it. forget the agreed to spend two years talking about sight of it distracted Lindbergh. In reference to the article in the Yakeley • Gilchrist staffs have a spectacle of David and Goliath on the his determination to whip the Atlantic in found All the way to France. Carson show, exchanging threats to Welcome Week edition dealing with the vitality. w slay solo flight or die in the attempt. "Kiddo," said Bascom, "What we will We feel confident that if the State N When he landed at Le Bourget outside each other on the West Circle residence halls, we who have big day? Or their do on the big day is this. You will start to Paris he was greeted by two wire service televised chat with Howard Cosell which Unfortunately, Lindbergh had so little talk the privilege of living on the were to re-examine dorm life. w£ that he had to be accompanied everywhere take off, and stop half way down the "Top find out moded stereotypes are no c reporters and an irritated airport ended with the terror of the Philistines O'campus" would like to bring to your - by a publicity agent who said that runway, and come back and say the engine attention varied and significant applicable to the "Top O'campus. electrician who had had to work late that and the Israeli shepherd boy rolling on the Lindbergh was concentrating so has a serious ping in it and will have to be changes We hope those of you living evening because his boss had heard that are taking place in the studio floor in an exchange of powder • completely on his coming struggle with rebuilt, which will take eight months, Yakeley - West Circle will come and experience Lindbergh was flying the Atlantic and Gilchrist residence halls. The most which will give us an even longer period of important of these changes is the newly growth. might need the runway lights turned on so he could see to land. buildup in which to fleece the suckers." established unity not only in Yakeley - The reporters' first question was: Lindbergh grinned and climbed into the Gilchrist but throughout West Circle. Yakeley Hall goverm "Why did you just do it, Lindy?" Under the auspices of new area airplane and turned on the engine. director Lindbergh grinned. He was airborne three minutes later and Betty Floyd and manager Bill Drake, the Gilchrist Hall governr Their second question was: "Don't you 33V4 hours later he was in Paris. Bascom know that nobody just does it any more?" was furious when he reached him "Is this France?" Lindbergh replied. by Next day, several American papers carried a three - paragraph story about it. telephone. "You can't just do it, you dilapidated Letter policy A man named Lindbergh, the stories antique," Bascom shouted. The Opinion Page welcomes all said, had done a strange thing. Nobody "I can't help myself," Lindbergh staff standing - if an) and />'" letten. Readers should had ever flown solo from New York to grinned. follow a few number. Paris before, and now On his return to the states, he was rules to insure that Lindbergh had done as many letters Letters should be l'"es it, just like that. He had no excuse for his jeered through the streets as a hick who as possible appear in print. failure to talk about it for nine months was too dumb to handle a big time hustle. All letters should be less and may be edited beforehand. He had just simply gone His apologists said his only fault was that typed on 65 conciseness to fit morec letters space lines and - ahead and done it. he had been unable to shrink with the triple - spaced. the page. On his return to the Letters must be states, Lindbergh times. signed, and include 'No unsigned letters w" was still unrecognized local address, except for a few U O'CLOCK ...AUDI student. faculty or accepted. OUIM Wl WONT IVU Ul TNI UKU Of HIM AOAINI' (c) 1974 New York Times I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, September 30,1974 5 ASK WHARTON sSiSSSl Women await decision By GARY HOFFMAN Useem had reminded council members in making the State News Staff Writer dissolution motion that their advice was not sought on the Today is the deadline set by the Women's Advisory Council for projected affirmative action goals for employment of women at President Wharton to dissolve the council - a gambit the women MSU until after the recommendations were made public by MSU hope will bring better representation for student, staff and officials. faculty women within the University. Useem also said the council has never been sure about who it is Council members, in a 7 - 0 vote, recommended the dissolution supposed to advise. of the body on Sept. 16 and set today as the deadline for Mary Kay Scullion, the Council of Graduate Students Wharton's decision. The council has also canceled all formal representative on the council, said the women's council could meetings. have been stronger and more effective. The women say their action is necessary to force a re - "Communication has not been a two way street," she said. - evaluation of the vague purposes and faulty structure of the nine - Useem and councilmember Gwen Andrew, who seconded the Catch a Blimp* of the future. An member council. advanced hinh r j —^ motion for dissolution, explain that action was necessary to bring putt into East Larwina'i new train deDot at Ha ^ Canadian passenger train will Wharton will not accept the recommendation until the about an evaluation of goals and purposes of the council. today. The train may be u»d on man? ^ " a"d Tr0WbridBe roadl at 11:55 a™- administration and the council discuss the problems, Robert They explained that an evaluation in August had to be program in November. V ,t3,e ra,lway rou,e'if ««.ri approve a mast transit Perrin, vice president for University relations, said. A meeting postponed because of the difficulty in seating a quorum. between Wharton and the council is being set for the week of But the administration planned to start work on filling the new Oct. 7. council appointments, and it appeared the needed evaluation and I Train hits Ruth Useem, council member who made the motion, told the members Sept. 16 that the main purpose of the council has been reforms would be postponed indefinitely, they explained, "The action is a mechanism to bring about a re - evaluation camp to postpone controversial matters so they would not have to be faced by the University administration. "My best assessment of the council's purpose is that it has the before a series of appointments are made," Andrew explained. "We tried to make it a visible decision. "The members are trying to bring an end to the limbo kind of 11[you look quick enough today, you may catch a glimpse Capable of speeds up to 120 miles per hour, the LRC will hidden purposes of 'cooling,' the reasonable, but often unpalatable • to • the • administration demands of women," she status that we find ourselves in," she said. "My impression is that we have never been able to address ■lie future. pull into East significant matters." ■H technically advanced, high speed Canadian passenger Lansing's new train depot at Harrison and said. Andrew, the director of the School of Social Work, said the Lch and locomotive will stop briefly in East Lansing today lrowbridge roads at 11:55 a.m. A half - hour ceremony and Useem, a professor of sociology, said during an interview problem is due to the structure of the council, not the University inspection stop will follow. Thursday that the members could not directly confront problems administrators or council members. |ui effort to promote voter approval of Proposition D on Should voten approve the mass and the University administration did not ask very often for 1, November ballot, the $1.1 billion bond issue that would buch as the LRC will crisscross the transit program, trains advice. "I have never believed that the University would not listen," Xease mass transit service in Michigan. state and provide East she said. ■ The train - called the LRC, for light, rapid, comfortable Lansing with direct, quick (the LRC moved at speeds close to "It's been an uneasy, unworkable committee," she said. "There The real problem is that one council simply cannnot represent twice that of It prime candidate for use on the statewide high speed rail existing Michigan trains) transportation to Port was a feeling that we were not being in on the things that we the diverse groups of women in the University, who range from Huron and Chicago. Connections also will lead to should have." clerical twork that would be made possible by passage of the mass such exotic - technical employees to tenured faculty, she said. cities as Detroit, Bit bill. Kalamazoo, Muskegon, Battle Creek and lilJMUM Pontiac. |jfy council rehtaTuesday; got SMSl/ slates first DOONESBURY MR PRESIDENT, IN by Garry Trudeau 7RVIN6 TO ERADICATE THE QUESTION, AS I )&! 00MIT! the ansujer, , "PUBLIC ENEMY NO. /„* I Kich Monday the State News publishes Tuesday 8 p.m. in city council chambers. 1 SUBMIT THAT UJE MUST : f ultimately face up to SEE HIS "DOME BRING BACK THE CONTROL OF p! QOfORlT! AHH0U. t of local government meetings City council meets at 7:30 p.m. in jr H/A6ES AND PRICES?" ONE CENTRAL QUESTION tding campus, city and state bodies, council chambers, City Hall, 410 Abbott Planning Commission holds a work ns are encouraged to clip this list Road. session at 7:30 p.m. in council conference Inference. Please contact the managing room, East Lansing City Hall. Wednesday |orto include meetings here. The Student Workers Union Organizing Thursday Committee meets from 7 to 10 p.m. in Today South Kedzie Hall. Progress, organization The Associated Students of MSU le Steering Committee meets at 3 and union authorization cards will be (ASMSU) holds its first board 1 in 443A Administration Bldg. to set meeting of discussed. the term at 8 p.m. in 328 Student Services lie agenda for the Oct. 8 meeting of Bldg. Committee appointments will be Academic Council. Human Relations Commission meets at gdE made. i* Jg FOR ALL UNDERGRAD COURSES PLUS CLASSROOM SUPPLIES SPIRALS NOTEBOOKS PENS PAPER SOUVENIRS Gins ROOM DECORATIONS ETC. ETC. AT CAMPUS BOOK STORE ACROSS FROM BERKEY 507 E. Grand River OPEN 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Daily Mon. thru Sat. 351 - 5420 J Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday..Sep|emberJ Albums vindicate Clapton, Youn By DAVE DiMARTINO the tremendous success of "Down By the River" and even It is depressing stuff, agreed State News Reviewer A consistent flow of choice "Harvest," Young seemed to tread for quite some the tremendously powerful "Last Dance" of "Time Fades - but some of the finest 8nd Youn«'s nationwide supposedly the J I water depressing stuff this writer has albums were released this time. "Journey Through the Away" (which seems totally heard since the days when f^ingrock in history and J J summer, establishing a few Past," a soundtrack from an as out of context with the rest of James Taylor contemplated clear that - and ft « trends and re - establishing . yet - unreleased film that album, incidentally). suicide rather than bachelor Young has st superstardom to several produced by Young, was a treading water and is Side two is where it all lies parties and the joys of on solid ground. » performers who have seemed rehash of some of the worst of fatherhood. this time around. Beginning sadly on the decline. "Harvest" and a few old with the title song, "On The Neil Young has Two cases in point are Eric "Shindig" outtakes. The album regained Clapton and Neil Young. did not make it and sales Beach," Young seems to have whatever it was that was lost to reflected that fact. dispelled the vocal wimpiness him, and "On the Beach" is by Clapton's latest effort, "461 that marred much of the truly Ocean Boulevard," marks the far his finest work since " After When "Time Fades Away" excellent material of "After the Goldrush." legendary guitarist's first return I to the recording studio since hit the stores it failed to The Goldrush" and his later generate a fraction of the work. Indeed, Young seems to Couple the artistic success "Layla," along with his recent "ith the financial success of U.S. tour, have reaffirmed popular reaction that have solidified again with this Clapton's willingness to again "Harvest" did. Though it was a soul - baring trilogy of songs — reunited Crosby, Stills, Nash 355-1826 produce and perform excellent good live album, some subtle "On the Beach," "Motion music. ingredient was missing that Pictures," and "Ambulance After his shaky stint with made the album one of Blues." The three tunes might Young's least enjoyable efforts. best be grouped together and heroin over the past two years, 2 ORDERS OF PANCAKES FOR and the rather dismal retitled, in Young's current "Rainbow Concert" of last Finally, this summer's "On parlance, "Razor Blade Blues." The Beach" It is the Neil How can you lose on this came. special year, Clapton's musical status offer? Just bring in this ad Young album that should have . .. pay for was in question, if not in total arrived long ago, even before one order of pancakes ... get a second jeopardy. "After the Goldrush." It is a order of the same value, FREE. A tastefully smooth album, Choose from 22 different perfect continuation of the pancake "461 Ocean Boulevard," has varieties from around the world. Young personality so fully vindicated Clapton, Limit: one coupon per couple. memorably displayed in his though there might be a few classic "Everybody Knows This INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES GEORGE HARRISON blues purists and is Nowhere." amphetamined Cream freaks Mon. Sept. 30 - Frl. Oct. 4 who would argue the point. Sparingly produced, with no Apparently, the public agrees, Jack Nitzshean orchestration since both the new album and to muddle Harrison to appea its included single, "I Shot The Sheriff," simultaneously hit product, "On up the finished The contains the haunting elements Beach" ■ THE CREATIVE ARTS COLLECTIVE! Former Beatle George at the the charts as number one "with a bullet." As for Neil Young — he's that characterized most of Young's best work, from PRESENTS keyboard. other cities. "Expecting To Fly" through Harrison and his current band Harrison will also another story entirely. After "The Old Laughing Lady" and perform An announcement is will appear in Detroit Dec. 6 as in Vancouver, B.C.; Toronto, expected shortly as to how part of his first tour since the Ont.; Montreal, Quebec; tickets can be purchased for concert for Bangladesh in Chicago, Boston and numerous J&sephCJc the individual concerts. 1971. 1. Joining Harrison will be Ravi Shankar, whose artistry- was so instrumental in bringing Wednesday Octobers/ the influence of Indian music to contemporary Western music in the past decade. Shankar will appear with his own group which will perform all original Shankar compositions. Harrison's band will consist of Tom Scott, saxophones and woodwinds; Chuck Findly, trumpet and trombone; Robben Ford, guitar; Andy Newmark, drums; Emil AalacL YRoscoelirtcUl Richards, percussion; Willie Weeks, bass; and Billy Preston an< the C>-t«+Like fiovinq ■W. R. Dukelow (standing) and lab assistant Tom Kuehl work the development of technique ftfie.eartfi on a ^■discover what effect drugs, heat, cold and radiation may have on chromosomes and fetal ipc 01 .^Hlopment. Their experiment may determine if such common drugs as aspirin or cold tablets ' damage during early development of offspring. ^beneath your .feet. SNOWfLAKES senEwecR? we*\ope NOT,ftm" • SMCWfUKCS The Dexter Guru similar to the Earth Shoe combines contemporary styling with a carefully on 1CA RCA Ifl# designed form for your feet. It is built the way cotos |, -m«r your foot is built and shaped the way you were PLUS PANClriCt ■£% meant to walk in the first place. POSTERS MUGS SWEATSHIRTS etc . . . $25.00 Womens $26.00 Mens I LU5 f ~ Fbfc. S3T SOW tUr OMU _ I BO^j * copy of " TVoO s/wsue O'P AND COME ON IN TO YOUR ONE - STOP fifiEJ>AJOOMC,"-VIP.-T\JOSO R-TKcnvc. PEftRogMAnCJES CP- SHOPPING CENTER IN 'DEBUSiS.V'S 8EMX>f^u EAST LANSING ^WTINGS ei TOAIT/V MSU BOOTERY "The Store That Has More" SB S across from the MSU Union Park & Shop tudent oolc tore 421 E. GRAND RIVER 351 - 4210 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mo"d'y.Seplemb„„ Commissioners clash on budget By G.F. KORRECK Commissioners expected to commissioners supported it. "But I'm Board Chairman David social services are paid for disappointed you State News Sports Writer pass the proposed $15 million What Bos had done was cut did not try and hash Hollister, D - Lansing, called through such federal programs them out as Med 'id and you can't cut plus budget Thursday with a and small groups of - John Bos called it a some $275,000 from spending in committee," Hope told Bos. for a recess minimum of changes, but Bos, the fun> 1. g unless you cut the "people's budget." programs, most of it from the When accused of arbitrarily Republicans and Democrats R — Lansing, floored broke off into caucuses to revenue, Kyan said. Patrick Ryan called it a everyone Health, Education and Welfare cutting social service spending political ploy. James Heyser called it when he proposed the adoption of a substitute budget section, and added $140,000 to expected revenue. and no other county expenditures. Bos shouted discuss a plan of attack. Dems seemed hopeful of pushing the Hope remained Bos that the addition of $140,000 in 10- SPEEDS he said no one but he and two Democrats the back "that's original budget through but expected revenue was in farcical. Emotions were running high other commissioners had seen on commission declared the cuts not saying and you know it." what I'm Republicans were determined contrast to the county Quality Brands until that night. to postpone. controller's estimation of the as a Guernsey in need of arbitrary and demanded a line Heyser, D - East Lansing, Best values Bos, claiming he was itemization of the cuts. Bos denied the Democratic maximum amount of income milking Thursday night in a frustrated in his attempts to questioned the motives behind "I dont have those claims of playing politics with the county could expect to 1 YEAR TO PAY typical clash at the Ingham figures the substitute budget and cut spending as a member of his "people's budget" County Board of available at this time," Bos labeled the cuts biased," with saying receive. the Finance Committee — answered. 30 that no one on the From this point, the Commissioners meeting. per cent coming from which draws up the budget — Bos had commission, other than he and discussion of either budget The problem is much like barely finished Health, Education and Welfare velocipede called his proposal 9 "people's and none from Public Safety finance committee member that of the Guernsey. Ingham explaining his proposal when bogged down and both sides County has too many budgets. budget" and said the tax levy Democrat Ryan of Lansing and the courts." Frank Sudac, R— Lansing, and continued to share scowls until could be reduced .2 mills if the shot back: "It's getting dose to Bos answered: one other person had seen the further action was postponed. "Every time election time, isn't it?" you cut spending somebody's substitute budget. Finance committee Bos's substitute budget cut ox is going to get gored." Ryan stuck by his claim of members met after the meeting Campaigning back categories F"nd from funding for such as the Child Care $632,000, to As tempers flared, Heyser made a motion that meeting be adjourned "on the the Bos's playing politics and explained how the substitute budget was unworkable. and party members promised to get breakdowns on categories soon to determine state wage $623,000; Social Services from $1.85 million to $1.8 million grounds that it has become obvious farce." an "A lot of the items under what is being cut, and where. and Health Dept. from $1 Though Heyser's motion million to $972,000. failed, the budget discussion LANSING (UPI) - Legislation to raise the minimum wage to $2.30 by 1977 fell temporarily by the wayside Thursday when re Bos claimed the county's was postponed until the - election campaigning. • bound lawmakers adjourned for five weeks of TTie proposal was passed by the State House on a 76-25 vote proposed budget inflationary and that Ingham County was was headed for October meeting. The finance committee meets tonight at Mason to begin the process of A GUITARS carefully chosen selection of instruments, handpicked to and returned to the Senate, which had already passed it in a financial disaster unless it cut picking and choosing between different version, for concurrence in amendments. The Senate, spending. the two give you the BEST guitar for the money. budgets. Finance Committee Whether political or not, it We have over 75 models of new and used Guilds, Martins however, after eight hours in session, adjourned without even considering the House changes. Chairman Kenneth Hope, D — seemed obvious there were two Yamahas, Madiera, Contessa, Gibson, Dobro, Conn, Fender, Sponsored by Sen. Pagrick McCullough, D • Dearborn, the Holt, admitted that there sides taking options on the Epiphone, Dorado and more. measure would raise the minimum wage from its current $1.60 might be areas in which the substitute budget proposal. Al, our instruments are shop adjusted. In addition to per hour to $1.90 Nov. 1, with raises each May until it reached budget could be cut. Shortly after its introduction. factory warrantees we guarantee every new instrument. $2.30 in 1977. Our prices are always very low. Since the law will not be enacted by Nov. 1, however, the dates of the scheduled raises will have to be juggled by the In stock now Thess. and many mare f legislature when it reconvenes Nov. 18. The measure would also require employers to pay overtime DANCE CLASSES GUILD MARTIN after the first 48 hours of each work week starting Nov. 1; after 46 hours beginning May 1,1975; after 44 hours beginning May 1, F50 D50 D25 D41 D18 1976, and after 40 hours beginning May 1, 1977. The version which has already passed the Senate would have F40 D40 F212 D35oo21 Ballet required overtime pay only after 46 hours. F412 D35 MKH D28ooo28 Jazz Tap ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS Call 332 - 4060 or ft# ft downstairs 541E. Grand River 351 - 9510 EAST LANSING'S ONLY CO , - OP FOR OPTICAL NEEDS wr rm Mon. & Tnurs. $f"00 FREE Capo 351-5330 . fk Alll Y 1111 AM -4 PM, 5 PW -8:30PN Tues., Wed., Fri. .. 5"* *^our OFF $1.25value I UZL-IhHI luTl 9 AM - 1 PM. 2 - 5 PM Sat.. 9 A.M. to Noon Assiff Studio of Dance already low price a FRE£!!!! EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. of guitar strln CO-OPTICAL SERVICES 140 W. Grand River to the first 75 pi who present this c y Dr. R. C. Minor, Optometrist E. Lansing limit 1 per par! Wow in Brookfield Plaza BIC CIGARETTES EVERYDAY LOW PRICE FLAIR Felt Tip Pens Limit 6 (coupon) Expires October 6, 1974 East Lansing Store Only 2/69< Limit 2 (coupon) Expires October 6, 1974 East Lansing Store Only sftfe 211 E. Grand Rivet itm CIGARETTES 100's $3.70 All Taxes Included >60 Limit 6 29* (coupon) Expires October 6,1974 East Lansing Store Only Next to the Sportsmeister« Nuttery CHEER FLANNEL SHIRTS MIXED NUTS MOUNTING SQUARES small • med - large • ex. large 49 oz. 10% OFF OUR PRICE reg. $1.49 97' 13 oz. $1.00 59" 16's 37' teg. $7.98 4" Limit 1 (coupon) ON ALL KODAK FILM reg. reg. 59 cents Limit 1 Expires October 6, 1974 East Lansing Store Only PROCESSING & DEVELOPING (coupon) Expires October 6, 1974 East Lansing Store Only No Limit (coupon) STORAGE CHESTS Expires October 6, 1974 East Lansing Store Only APPIAN WAY PIZZA MIX 63 00 (coupon) Expires October 6, 1974 East Lansing Store Only MAGICUBES FLASHCUBES reg. 55 cents ea. Limit 3 (coupon) Expires October 6, 1974 3/1 East Lansing Store Only IVORY 1 1^ ymit l 88" CHIFFON KOTEX (coupon) Expires October 6. 1974 BRECK DIAL BAYER Bath Size East Lansing Store Only Dishwashing Liquid Tampons Shampoo Very Dry Aspirin 40's 15* 22 oz. 43' |27 KODAK FILM 15 oz. 100's reg. 59 cents reg. $2.09 reg. $2.15 98' 5oz. reg. $1.35 63' reg. $1.17 66 Limit 6 Limit 1 Limit 1 (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) ;p Limit 1 (coupon) 1I 29 Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 Expires October 6, 1974 Expires October 6, 1974 Expires October 6, 1974 (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Expires October 6, 1974 ■ Expires October 6, 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Expires October 6, 1974 Expires October 6,197" East Lansing Store Only East Lansing StoreOnly^ CEPACOL COLGATE PERNOX LP SPECIALS Mouthwash Cleanser EDGE PERSONNA ONE - A - OA Toothpaste Multiple Vitamins Ins ALL 698 LIST PRICE LP'S 3" Shave Cream Super Stanless Blades with Iron 2 oz. 161 reg. $1.29 74* $1.09 59' $2.3 77' 100's 1" Limit 1 reg. Limit 1 reg. Limit 1 BAD COMPANY BAD Co. 389 reg. $1.25 39' reg. $3.39 (coupon) Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 (coupon) (coupon) Expires October 6, 1974 Expires October 6, 1974 (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) Expires October 6, 1974 Expires October 6, 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only AMERICA HOLIDAY Expires October 6, 1974 Expires October 6,1974 East Lansing Store Only 389 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only NYQUIL HALL'S LC - 65 BACHMAN - TURNER OVERDRIVE MEN'S VIRGINIA MAID ONE SIZE 389 ORLON SOX Mentholyptus Contact Lens Cleaner NOT FRAGILE PANTY HOSE PANTY HQS Cough Drops One Size 6 oz. '/4oz. 98* 29' | 28 reg. $1.00 reg. $1.59 reg. $2.00 ELTON JOHN CARIBOU 389 78' No. 105 No. 620 AO* Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit fa reg. 89 cents 49' reg. 89 cents ^' (coupon) (coupon) Limit 6 Limit 6 Expires October 6, 1974 Expires October 6, 1974 (coupon) Expires October 6, 1974 JOHN DENVER (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) East Lansing Store Only Expires October 6, 1974 East Lansing Store Only 389 Expires October 6. 1974 Expires October 6,19" East Lansing Store Only BACK HOME AGAIN East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lanslt^StoreOniy THEME BOOK VASELINE INTENSIVE TRAFFIC Opaque WHEN THE EAGLE FLIES 389 CARE Lotion ORLON KNEE SOX iooz. KNEE SOX Limit 3 (coupon) 63' fI_u1 77* CAROLE KING reg. $1.50 Limit 6 Limit 6 Expires October 6, 1974 East Lansing Store Only WRAP AROUND JOY 389 (coupon) Expires October 6, 1974 88' reg. $1.00 (coupon) Expires October 6,1974 East Lansing Store Only East Laiislnn Store 0njy HERBAL ESSENCE PEPTO BISMOL JONI MITCHELL Creme Rinse COURT & SPARK 3" Orion 8oz. KNEE SOX KNEE SOX reg. $1.50 Limit 1 (coupon) Expires October 6, 1974 86* reg. $1.09 Limit 1 (coupon) 73* AND MANY MORE NEW RELEASES! reg. 69 cents Limit 6 3/89' Limit 6 72 £ast Lansing store Only Expires October 6, 1974 Explros October 0, 1974 reg. $1.00 (coupon) East Lansing Store Only Expires October 6,1974 East Lanslni) More Only East Lansing Store Only b\p>n State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, September 30,1974 ost By ANNE STUART plan to aid jobs to pay their college foreign students eyed State News Staff Writer expenses. would prevent young American minority group members and The Community Volunteers for International Programs can Last spring, the U.S. Immigration Dept. notified universities m students studying at MSU may have to depend on the Vietnam veterans from obtaining jobs. also give information on host programs, and on other volunteer ■Ling " area residents to keep them from being forced to work i TT that they W"e "° lon*er authorized I" ^sue MSU has 1,200 foreign students from 80 countries, many of programs for foreign students. Their office is open weekday for financial reasons. !°L SUmmer j0bs t0 foreign students- barring whom could be affected by the ruling. Between 800 and 900 of afternoons, and the number is 353-1735. * t il.OOO of the approximately 150,000 foreign students f or tk the u ° nts ^rom their only revenue source. The reason these are graduate students studying mainly in the areas of Because of his feeling that "in justice to foreign students, a change in policy is the current job shortage. jn the U.S. depend on the income from their summer me immigration Service, summer employment of According to science, medicine and education. reversal of attitudes must be pursued." Plymat intends to foreign students To help reduce the costs foreign students face, the introduce a bill into the Iowa legislature which would provide International Students Foundation, a nonprofit orgnization reduced room and board rates for foreign students. He said he ssinger, Syrian official discuss § created this summer, is trying to set up a host program in the East Lansing area. A host is a person or family who can afford to offer room and board to a foreign student. If the student wished, he hopes this step will be the first of many to help foreign students in financial difficulty. could contribute financially as much as he could afford, but there MM RKS PHOTO SHOP eping peace forces in Mideast is no fixed fee. The student might also help out with odd jobs or babysitting. Lansing businessman Shrikumar Poddar. president of the DARK ROOM foundation, said he feels the opportunities offered through the 1u|NC.T0N E. (AP) - the UN They had General Assembly. also met on the United Nations last week for discussions with other with Mavors' Turkish host program are beneficial to both the student and the host. WORK SHEET of State Henry A. counterpart, Foreign Minister "The cultural advantages, especially, would be a unique *. returned to the Saturday. visiting foreign ministers. He is Turan Gunes. Kations Sunday for an Kissinger told a newsman expected to stay most of this Mavros and Gunes have been experience to both the foreign student and the family that he BASIt NIEPS afterward that the discussion lived with," Poddar said. ft,, round of meetings was "very good and week, particularly dealing with the at the UN since the opening of Poddar and Sen. William N. Plymat, R -- Iowa, who serves as EQUIPMENT (HEMICALS/PAPER ^Cyprus crisis, but not covered Cyprus question. the General Assembly two the entire aspect of the Middle His first chairman of the foundation, also hope to organize committees on ■devoting some attention East." meeting in this weeks ago, but they refuse to Film Developer Huddle East. round was with Greek Foreign see each other and depend on university campuses. The purpose of the committees would be to a 90 - minute Kissinger said that Khaddam he and Minister George Mavros on indirect contacts through canvass their own campuses, analyze the situations, and try to □ Easel Paper Developer ■meeting in Washington, discussed the Sunday night to discuss ways officials of other governments. find suitable hosts or obtain reduced room and board rates for ■(ith Syrian Foreign question of an extension for Kissinger might become more Kissinger also is expected to foreign students. Trays Stop Bath ■ler Abdel Halim keeping forces UN in the peacekeeping involved in settling the Greek ■ explain moves in Congress to Area residents who are interested in the host program or X, followed by lunch disengagement Turkish conflict on Cyprus. cut off military aid to Turkey committees, or students who need help can contact Poddar at the Tank Fixer zone between Israel and Acting as a sort of litaving for New York Syria. for having used American - foundation's headquarters in Lansing (393-0250) or at his home Safelight I continuing sessions of Kissinger spent three days at middleman, Kissinger also supplied arms to invade Enlarging Paper scheduled (351-6249). a meeting for today Cyprus. Thermometer {■road vehi Have It Graduate - 16 o; Isses legislatur MARKS PHOTO SHOP |\SING (UPI) jn which could allow snowmobiles and -- intoxication. Any incapacitated person arrested for a misdemeanor or a felony KING Yo"rWay REtOMENPEP ITEMS Enlarging Tim Hypo Clearing Agent would be lydes to zoom through eligible for ■forest lands has been Ld by the state merge medical treatment c y so long as Burger King MARKS PHOTO SHOP the arresting officer did not USEFUL ITEMS I _e bill, awaiting of the the governor consider him dangerous. The Senate vote was 27 -1, We're open 10:30 A.M.-11 P.M. Film Clips passage in both the with only Sen. James Fleming. Large Trays aj J House Thursday, R- Jackson, dissenting. Fleming on weekdays Print Dryer or r Paper Cutting Board f road vehicles to go [tails and roads in state maintained that the bill would give criminals a way to escape h: j j Blotter Boon/Roll Poly Bottles Photo Chamois or Sponge unless ■ bv the Dept. of Natural otherwise prosecution. Till midnight Fridays & Saturdays j Extra Graduates Film Squeegee m(DNR). The Myths are ! Extra Safelight Coupon Focusing Aid Kvntly. such vehicles are gone but the Contact Proofer d from traveling on lils and roads unless they DELTS live on. Buy one WHOPPER { Lg. Easel - Adjustable MARKS PHOTO SHOP Polycontrast Filters Irked open to them, ftservationist groups Delta Tau Delta Get one FREE . . . Lansing & East Lansing's ONLY Complete Photo Store. We are located at S24 E. Michigan Ave. Id the bill, claiming it n Lansing between Cedar & Larch. ■ expose fiuge tracts of 1c damage from the off - 330 N Harrison at Burger King Ibicles. ■porters of the bill for information call Barrel iMARKSi I PHOTO SHOPS Inc. «d the DNR would be 337 ■ 1721 521 E^Grand River o protect endangered ie„ E. Lansing only __CLIP AND SAVE- ■such as marshlands, by nting the motorized (elderly from public COLUMBIA PRESENTS these great artists istruments E Firesign Theatre O) o Taj Mahal Sly and the Family Stone 0 The Byrds CD Peter Nero 1 Dave Brubeck | d) Aretha Franklin I 0 o REO Speedwagon Is- ■— la Benny Goodman la ^ |o .. and many more! 10)-I O Now at \i 3 lfl 33. Buddies Imamaoememt % % 1 % 36. Bombast 37.Tod? 351-7910 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mondi«y. September 3 Employment Iff] Amrt"rtsj(5) IpMs M Houses Hums In) L ! Sale WANTED, VOLUNTEER WSI, PINE LAKE MSU AREA, Okemos. 1 and 2 GIRL NEEDED at 305 Eden Roc. FEMALE TO share house, 3 BEDROOM. Short drive to STUDENTS 1 huge room in 5 girl - jenior life savers. and recreation APARTMENTS-HASLETT bedroom furnished, air 252 River Street. 337-2041. campus. Fully carpeted, clean. house, if shared $60 each plus •MTERBED, k„|0 leaders to assist in after school non-smoker, V4 mile from '"eludes raised recreation program. Call 10 minutes from MSU. Inexpensive conditioned, carpeted, modern. 3-9-30 campus. 484-3195. 5-10-2 $215 monthly. Call 694-0841. utllltiee. or singly $80 plus fram? living in a quiet area. Located at $165 and $185, heet included. 5-10-2 utilities. Alio steeping rooms & Michigan School for the Blind 6076 Marsh Road just north of Call 349-9604, after 5:30 p.m. FROM $169. Lovely, modern 2 after 3:30pm. NEW 6 bedroom 2 blocks from efficiency apartment available. Cathy Ryan Lake Lansing Road. 1 bedroom bedroom apartment. Short drive 373-3730 extension 63. 5-10-2 _5-H>;£ campus. $425/month plus 7 BEDROOMS, 2 baths, 2 kitchens. Phone 669-5711. 5-10-2 apartments with shag carpeting, to MSU. Furnishings available. 10 minutes from campus. $416 2 roommates id, own utilities. Call 349-0457. 5-10-2 disposal, appliances, & air 349-3604, 372-6852. 0-3-9-30 monthly. Call 694-084T 6-10-2 WANTED - WOMEN Boarders SHORT ORDER cooks. Full time if bedroo, 349-0879 conditioning. $150 per month. ROOM FOR 2 3, prefer for information call Alpha Delta possible. Days or nights. after 9 p.m. 5-10-2 ONE BEDROOM furnished or TWO WOMEN. Own bedroom, E xcellent for students, will Experience helpful. Apply High consider nine month lease. Call apartment. Three blocks from non-smokers in Eaton Rapids. kitchen privileges, $80/month. _PL332-«6471V9;30 STEEL SINGLE born Wheeler office, formerly Lums SOUTH HOLMES, 301. East side Kitchen privileges, price can vary so manager at 339-8192 or East campus. Phone 332-8597. William st on area. 655-2904, MALE, CLOSE to campus, no stresses, can " office, 220 Albert Street, East near Sparrow Hospital. 2 room if willing to do some Lansing Realty, 332-4128. To evenings after 6 p.m. 3-9-30 after 8pm. 5-10-2 parking. Call 337-2655. 3-9^30 $10 each furnished efficiency. Cooking, handywork. Car pools from here 3 Lansing. 5-10-2 see, stop at Managers houn on corner of Marsh Road and Pike parking, utilities. $130. NEEDED: ONE woman 4-woman possible. 663-4574. 3-9-30 3 & 4 BEDROOM Home* from 3 BEDROOMS for rant in Holt. __»|tar6, 349 9662 5-,^ 351-7497. 0-3-9-30 DESK CLERK needed Must have apartment. Across from campus, $200 per month. 5 minutes from $50 eech monthly. 694-8519. '0-SPEEO; G,rrs Rale . transportation and be willing to LANSING 16 blocks west of 6-10-2 9°«i con*,^ NEED QUIET female for Cedar $78/month. 332-6246 5-10-2 MSU. Call 351-8150. Equity - 332 2 SMALL BEDROOMS. $160 plus h travel. Call 372-0567 or 489-1215 between 12 - 6p.m. utilities. 11 month lease. Village apartment. Call FEMALE WANTS to share bedroom brick house with large Vest. 5-10-2 ^Kedzle, $85. 3-ta2 ' 0-3-9-30 Furnished. Near Gables. apartment, preferably own living, room and fireplace, EAST LANSING duplexes, various For Sale FURNITURE finished recreation Will NEW ar Margaret - 351-0007. 5-10-2 GIRL NEEDED now to share 2 Debbie. 332-3472. room. sizes, appliances, basements, room. chests, sofas h! MODELS FOR photography. Call bedroom apartment, own room. 7-10-4i, rent to family or couple with carpet, near bus. 351-8920. teds, dinettes, etc's.. COUNTRY references. $275 per month with NORTH AMERICAN Indian between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. ATMOSPHERE, Closa, $100 month. 351-1633 after 7-20-4 "«• pages deposit and lease. Phone Turquoiee silver jewelry. Brother ECO 489-1215.0-3-9-30 spacious, newly decorated, 5:30 p.m. 3-9-30 STORE, 2604 North E,J carpeted. Parking, storage, near shopping, campus 10 miles. 4 MAN - 2 bedroom, furnished, air, Houses £ 489-6482. 3-9-30 _ CAMPUS - 10 Minutes. Girl and/or horse. Large country home. Own Gambits, 205 M.A.C. 352-0825 5-10-2 351-0825. W* »l jj Unfurnished NEED 2 girls for spacious house. room. $90. 339 2351.5-10-2 - $170; furnished, close. $288. Call 337-1800. $185. Plus utilities, deposit, COMPLETELY FURNISHED 1 Own room. Deposit. $240 a SEW THAT Fall outfit. Fabric real 5-10-2 lease. Available bedroom home for two. On east term plus utilities. Phone cheap. immediately. B Evening*, Janny, Margie, 351-3809, 337-9791. ONE GIRL for 4-girl i side Lansing. From October 7 351-5979, after 5pm. 2-10-1 ROOMS 351-8781.3-10-2 5-10-2 $68/month. Close. 337-7168. until June 15th. Student couples gibson; 3-10-2 EAST SIDE large, 8 rooms, 4 preferred, $150 per month. No MEN'S 10-speed, C.ltoh. Good SOUTHWEST LANSING 2 bedrooms, unfurnished. $250. - smoking, no pets please. condition. $75. 351-2626, ask bedrooms, carpeted, refrigerator, FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. 3 482-9805. 3-9-30 676-1557 7-10-4 for Doug. 1-9-30 BOOKKEEPER - DOUBLE entry, built ins, lease, $175 plus girl, close to must be experienced all phase: - campus. 351-5754. ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom home, ROOM IN friendly house. Use of through financial statement or utilities, deposit. 882-5833. 3-10-2 FARM HOUSE. 20 miles west of STEREO. MARANTZ 250, power have appropriate accounting 5-10-2 Lansing. Handyman only. stove, refrigerator, carpeting, kitchen, dining room. Rent amplifier, 250 watts, RMS. BOOK M Cheep. drapes, $150 month, deposit. negotiable. 400 South Fairview. STUDENTS MOVE 351-7989, after 5pm. courses. Permanent, full time position. Own transportatior EFFICIENCY apadtmcnt c|0se in modern 2 bedroom furnished. today. Large 3-9-30 484-2244. 510-2 487-8755.3-10-2 $325. -JLIM. 355-2750, evenings. 50% ... necessary. Apply in person to car FILLED is utilities. $225 nine months. $200 twelve $18 WEEK. Term lease. Near MID MICHIGAN'S largest audio on our regular 9:30am *1 °"1 months plus lights. Near campus. EAST LANSING - luxury 3 FEMALE, Own room, $65, six - low prices to 12 noon. retailer with the finest in stereo Capitol Building. Bus 3 blocks. SIMPLIFIED BOOKKEEPING MALE NEEDED for 4-man 351-6168. 5-10-2 bedroom townhouse, Hickory miies. RENTED 655-2060. Coffee Shop, Restaurant, Bar. products and electronic repairs. Hills condiminiums, 1 1/2 Ooblau. & TAX SERVICE. 4305 South apartment. Capitol Club, 222 Seymour. Shop the store with Cedar Street. 3-9-30 < campus. CHRISTIAN STUDENT - Male, baths, finished basement, straight •hardbacks 50% „ $7 6.2£ J32 8260 unfurnished. Call 485-7147. FOUR BEDROOM home, % block 484-4422.0-2-9-30 stereo answers. MARSHALL share apartment. 428 Division, 3-10-1 5-10-2 from bus. Furnished for 4. MUSIC, 245 Ann Street. 128W. Grand JANITOR - FULL & part time, Campus Action, 351-7234. SLEEPING ROOM. Kitchen C-1-9-30 River 3-10-2 Upperclassman or grad students upstairs Monday - Saturday, 7 a.m. - 10 NEED ONE SHARE HOUSE in Lansing. privileges. Close to LCC. Call girl for 4-girl, preferred. Lease and deposit. 26 INCH 3 open Tues Fri 1 .$ - a.m. or 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. JIM'S $92.50/month plus anytime, 489-5809. 3-10-1 bicycle. V4 utility. TIFFANY PLACE, Downtown September - June. Next to CHRISTIAN FEMALE desires 487-5791. 3-10-1 482-5927. Call after 5pm. 3-9-30 $25. Call 3. SOLD I )-30 Sat 12-5 campus. 332-6869. 3-10-1 443 GROVE. Employed gentleman roommate. Own room, $83.50. Lansing, 372-4300. Ask for Call before 4pm, 393-4738. EAST 635 North Magnolia, 3 or 4 or male student. Close/Union. CANNON POCKETRONIC 9 digit Bessie. 3-9-30 LANSING, DOWNTOWN. 2 NON - SMOKING female wanted calculator. 4 3-10-2 bedroom man, furnished. 351 6866. 5-10-2 332-0205. 5-10-3 functions plus to share large two bedroom duplex to lease with constant and change gas stove. References and For Rent apartment in Okemos. Own NEED ONE female for 4 female deposit, plus utilities. 485-6508. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. SINGLE ROOM for male graduate. calculations. Thermo print out. BOTTECHIA GIRO room. $99. 353-5384, 8-5. Large double bedroom in AC adapter Americana Apartment. Fall - Fine location. $15/weekly. ■ charger. Cost $200, Campagnolo Deraille., 349-9108 after 5.3-10-1 3'10"1 modern Spring or Fall only. 351-5755. >^£0 Near $150. house.Stables. IV2-8304. 3-10-1 asking $90 351 7349. 3-10-1 double butted frame, J _ _ _ HORSE STABLES. Campus 3% utilit GIRL WANTED, 3-10-2 FRANCIS STREET, need woman, o«d. months old. $280 miles. $35. Rooms also. Call fall term only, ROOM FOR male graduate student 10 - SPEED, Spanish, 2 months old. own room, $70 plus utilities, See vo appreciate. 337-0195. 3-10-2 351-8231.3-9-30 Capi #,1°. i.-.f 351-81", FILLED 5- c«" MASON MANOR. North Street Mason. Married grad students or unfurnished, 489-0888. 5-10-2 5-10-22 - clean, quiet, comfortable. $15/week. Call ED2-1354. $100. 351-2593. 939 Burcham. 5-10-2 REFRIGERATOR, 4.5cu single grad students. 1-2-3 NORTH SHARE 2 BEDROOM trailer with 5-10-2 good for ATTENTION LONG term students PENNSYLVANIA, 325. RUMMAGE dorm i bedroom townhouse apartments. male. South SALE - Okemos Large furnished four bedroom Lansing. Call 339-2076. 3-10-2 - apartment for sale! Low down Community Church, Wednesday. From $185 plus utilities. Large 373-8660 until 4:30 ONE BEDROOM in house. 535 NEJAC. 337-1300. C-1-9-30 payment. Land contract. 2 home, like duplex. $250. p.m. kitchen and dining area. 351-7497. 0-3-9-30 393-3205. 5-10-2 Shephard. Come see after 5pm. October 2, 9:30 - 3:30, ART family. 485-2615. 3-9-30 SUPPLIES, msttin SINGLE OFFICE for rent, Appliances including 3930 Thursday, October 3, 9 - 1. Cheap. Call 332-6765 furnished. 2 desks, all utilities, dishwashers, central heat, air EAST LANSING (students). 3 MSU CLOSE. Man needed, mid Sponsored by the Womens P.m. 3-10-2 STUDENTS APARTMENTS in EMPLOYED air conditioned, music, lighted conditioning, full basement, gas bedroom duplex for 3. 20's, to share large basement STUDENT male, Society. 3-10-1 Lansing (reasonable rant). Pets heat. Balconies. Easy drive to kitchen privileges, share bath room in cooperative coed house. USED $700 model Bell and parking. Oakland at Center, welcome. No damage deposit. Furnished, including utilities. WOULDN'T MSU. Open daily from 1-5:30 with one, bed linen furnished, YOU like a neo - Lansing. $75 month, phone Also 2 bedroom duplex. Call 351-0969. 3 9-30 16mm sound projector,; Neat and clean. 371-4158. colonial antiqued pine slant lid p.m. Wednesday & limited parking, close to bus. 482-0113 or contact Hasselbring 5-10-2 except CLAUCHERTY REALTY, desk bookcase, chair in good condition, $300.1 Thursday. Visit us or call COUNTRY SETTING. 4 bedrooms. Call 489 0583. 3-9-30 Company at 482-1217. 5-10-2 351-5301. Evenings, 332 5900. condition for only $100 and/or 694-8645, 373-0388.3-1; JAMES FOX ASSOCIATES at New barnwood panelling, newly REFRIGERATORS NEEDED 1 female for 2 bedroom Model, 676-4746. Office, 3^9-30 CLOSE MALE student, linens, 5 drawer tradional dresser with carpeted. $265/month. TEAC 3340 Simul-sync qij Rent them at A C & E RENTAL, Campus Hill apartment. Free bus 372-1954. Manager, 676-1411. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY kitchen dark finish in excellent 675-5252 or 675-5279. 5-10-2 A-iyileges, parking, $15 deck. Excellent co 1790 Grand River, Okemos. service. 349-1957. 4-10-1 condition for $80? 351-0377 12-10-11 Single in house. Close. Phone 349-2220. $6 per month, $77/month. room 332-3848. 5-10-4 2, 3, and 4 bedroom houses. Very per wee?§|^8252. 5-10-2 after 7pm^ 3-9-30 Call 337-0779, a 3MO-2 Deposit refunded on return. GIRLS NEED 4th 3eechwood SHARP ONE bedroom - five r e a so na b I e. 675-52 52 o r ROOM FOR ren^^jst have own CHECK OU« "BUY 2 AND 7-10-4 apartm-p.t 332-47. i.Ja-30 V-ED .nly. Phone minutes to campus; garage; sun PREFER THREE male students, 2 675-5279. 510-2 transportation. 394-2639, after SAVE" Walgreens Sale. Second SONY SOP 400. 4-channel, deck; appliances; all utilities; bedroom, tyspO garage, 5pm. 7-10-4 brand PHone 74; and last week. GULLIVER new. REFRIGERATORS $175. Mature female only. Mr. close ti * ^uO/month. - BAKER 535. Furnished 4 STATE 5-10-4 DISHWASHERS 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, No pet*. Phone 482-8114 or ROOMMATE(S) WANTED. Own DRUG, 1105 East - Freezers. Henry, 372-7943 4856766 bedroom, fully carpeted, lots of , in mobile home. Phone Grand River, 332-5171. 0-1-9-30 ESCHTRUTH APPLIANCES, unfurnished, deluxe, 10 minutes 5-10-2 351-5773.5-10-2 room from campus, Managers office, parking. 675-5252 or 675-5279. 315 South Bridge, Grand Ledge. 655-3263, after 6pm or FARM APARTMENT. 1 bedroom 5-10-2 AMPLIFIER (JVC) 60 watt, RMS, 627-2191. 12-10-11 5898 March, Apt. 1. 339-9161. NEAR CAMPUS. 2 bedroom house, weekends. 5-10-2 5-10-2 equalizer $150. Speakers Royal GUNS. RIFLES handl private entrance, ground floor. Partially furnished, $185. FURNISHED ROOM in house on MEN SHARE and - room. Clota in, 3-Way. $100/pair. Negotiable. all kinds. Buy, trade Horse boarding available. Unfurnished, $175. 349-0560 or Clifton Street, Lansing. Need - aj Apartments MSU WEST - Cozy, fireplace, very 645-7519 or 485-7600. 5-10-2 694-3693.3-10-1 male, quiet, no smoking, 3V4 cooking, clean, quiet. $150 full term. 485 8836 or 337-9130. 484-0252. 3-10-1 BEST year-round i clean, excellent environment, southern Michigan. B miles from campus. $75. parking, no utilities, no lease, ONE COMPLETE Ask for Bill. 10-10-9 STEREO RECEIVERS. Realistic FURNISHED. One bedroom house and 2 485-9279. after 10pm. 5-10-3 SHOP, 2412 South Ced^ CAMPUS HILL. $68 includes maid service free. Great for and Fisher. Each $300 new. utilities. Need 2 men. Stan, students. grad apartmt RENTED or girls. apartments. Close to campus. PRIVATE BEDROOM, 15 minutes Make offer. 351-5849. 5-10-3 371-2244. 0-2-9-30 351-3212, after 6. $140. 3S>o-aa47. 5-10-2 Utilities and furnishings COMPLETE FURNISHED sleeping 355-6595. 5-10-4 5-10-3 from campus. Includes color provided 2, 3, 4 man units. Call rooms with full household T.V., stereo, washer/dryer. NEEDED ONE girl for 4 girl. Rivers WANTED, MALE roommate, own NEJAC, 337-1309. C-2-9-30 privileges. Near airport, 20 513 489-4017. 5-10-i HILLCREST. Deluxe 2 bedroom, $115. Call 351-3118, minutes from campus. Phone Edge Apartments. 351-4166. 310-2 bedroom, pleasant building near ask for Dave. 3-9-30 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, study, new before 5:30 484-5861 , . WANTED ONE girl. Own room, campus. Brightly furnished, stove refrigerator, on River in $25/week. 5-10-2 MALE ROOMMATE, 2 bedroom $75/month. Close to MSU. Call dishwasher, air, security doors, EAST LANSING. Luxury, one Okemos, yard borders park. apartment, after 5, 332-3708. 3-9-30 own room, minutes everything. $280. Similar 1 bedroom, unfurnished. 9 month $225/month. Will consider 3-4 BEDROOM house near Lake from campus, 487-5393. 5-10-4 487-1688, bedroom unfurnished, $175. 351-3231 lease, no pats. $200 includes responsible students. Call Lansing (Haslett). $250/month. ON LANSING side of Frandor. DELIVERY ON CAMPUS . X-2-9-30 heat. 332-0976. 5-10-2 349-4696 or 371-1793. 3-10-1 Lease. Call 372-9158, after 5 phone 8i parking. Must be quiet ONE AND 2 bedrooms furnished, TWO BEDROOM apartment, EAST LANSING. 1230 Haslett __p.m. 5-10-2 and day employed. Reasonable. Please deliver the New York Times as checked below: ( all LARGE, OWN room, furnished 15 new, carpeting, air carpeted, $170 LCC NEAR. Three bedroom house. 372-7973. 5-10-2 dormitories, married housing, and department offices plus utilities. Road. Large, 1 bedroom. $170. minute bike ride from conditioning, balcony, security 339-9472, after 7 p.m. 5-10-3 City Basement, only.) locks. 10 minutes MSU. bus to MSU. For mid-campus. $70 plus utilities. fireplace, air WOMEN FURNISHED information phone 351-0919 or 2010 conditioning, garage. $275, plus - single East Kalamazoo. downtown 349-9152 or 694-9608. 10-10-11 MALE STUDENTS - Furnished 2 Lansing. Loft bad. utilities. 371-2400. 5-10-2 ROOMMATE NEEDED bedrooms with shower, newly Halstead 351-7910. 5-10-2 Management. 487-34126^5; 10-4 $70. 351-0997. 3-9-30 □ WMkdayi (Mon. - Sat.) - $15 per term decorated. Also 2 rooms with SHARE REMODELED farm house. immediately - one mile from bath. 14 miles east of MSU. $100 per Leases through June. FEMALE TO share bedroom in campus. $85/month. 351-4894. Parking. 1214 East Kalamazoo. large two bedroom South month plus utilities. Call [ j Sundays - $9 per term __M0-2 GRAD STUDENTS - 3 bedroom 3-10-1 Lansing apartment. furnished. $47.50/month, plus Partially 353-5269 or 353-3736 during the day. 5-10-4 RANDALL HEALTH FOOD ^ duplex near Frandor. 114 baths, CAMPUS HILL. 4 - man sublet, utilities. 393-1457. 3-9-30 IS NOW [ j Weekdays and Sundays - $24 per te formal dining, garage, basement. $275/month. Call 351-1578 or NEAR CAMPUS. 3 bedrooms, full OFFERING ALL One year lease. $275. 489-4063, 487-6141, extension 400. 3-10-1 TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile basement, unfurnished. T6 evenings. 5-10-2 Excellent for students. $300 per MSU STUDENTS NAME homes. $25 - $35/week. Ten month. 351-9037 weekdays, 9-4. .PHONE . OKEMOS: SPACIOUS, one LANSING, WEST Maple. Upper, furnished one bedroom on bus minutes to campus. Quiet and peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or 5-10-4 — 10% DISCOUNT - MSU ADDRESS. bedroom apartment, partly line. $150. Utilities paid. No _ INTERESTING WOMAN wanted on purchase of $2 or more furnished from $173, includes utilities, Ideal for 1-3 people, children or pets. 337-7628. HOT TIP on new apartmentsl One - share very nice house - own yogurts and breads excluded □: 5-10-3 bedroom - $150, two bedroom room - yard - 520 Spartan - Brookfield Plaza young couple. 349-0558. 5-10-2 - $175. Includes heat, air, close - Patricia. 337-0579. dishwasher and much 2-10-1 1381 East Grand River, East Lansing ONE BEDROOM apartment, more. Call unfurnished, 910 Abbott Road. 882-3897. 4-10-1 ^ 332-6892 6 blocks from campus. Total electric living • including garbage FEMALE NFPncn - • )et Cedar disposal and dishwasher. SMALL 1 Bedroom apartment, Village RENTED .,rM terml $85. Short drive to campus, Call 351-5406. 3-9-30 Security intercoms and door locks. Community sun deck and 482-9542 or 1-468-3627 ($.03 ONE BEDROOM FREE toll call) 5-10-3 apartment, SERVICE ?? storage lockers. $180/month. Married or graduate students preferred. Call Woodside Manor NEEDED, ROOMMATE for 4 - girl apartment 3-9-30 Apartments, 332-4240 or immediately! Diversified Development Real University Terrace. $70 per EAST LANSING. Quiet,*attrative month. 351-9426. 3-9-30 _ Estate Inc. 393jm0._!yq-3_ furnished, 2 bedrooms, garage. No students THAT'S ONE TWO or pets. Available BEDROOM, North Lansing, BEDROOM, furnished, November 1. $200. EDM455. appliances. Available $180-heat included. Three miles 3-9-30 immediately, $130. Call from MSU. 349-4939, after 5 351-0997. 3-9-30 P.m. 5-10-2 . RIGHT!! Live at CAMPUS HILL and leave the driving to iu...Two Bedroom Apartments available for Summer & FalL.Call 349-3530 for information & roommate MANAGEMENT BY: ALLSTATE MANAGEMENT CO., INC. In¬ state News, East Lansing, Michigan 15 Monday, September 30,1974 Nr Sate Is* W- For Sale |[><] | 65 GALLON AQUARIUM with Animals [ Personal J/| Confrontation (continued from page 1) stands and full floretcent GUITAR GIBSON electric 120T hoods 10 GALLON Aquariums set up to refuse alternative service to $150. Baldwin amplifier, $225. CIDER TIME at CORDA WEST only $99.95-also we have 10 with pump, filter, charcoal, Both in mint condition! CIDER MILL. 5817 North "officials directly responsible gallon tanks for $4.96 or Mt floss, tubing and gravel - only with up 393-74V7.4-10-1 Okemos Road, East Lansing. for civilian and military review pump, filter, charcoal, $10 at the FISH MONGER. flow, tubing and gr*v«M for only 1522 East Phone 337-7974. Open 7:30 and overseeing and FREE RETAIL Catalog: Pipes, Michigan Avenue. e.m. 7 p.m. 20-10-23 implementing Ford's earned re - $10 at tha FISH Stop in and get your free MONGER, waterpipes, bongs, cigarette Announcements for It's What's "Victimless Crimes" are no 1622 E. Michigan Avanue. Open papers, subscription to the FISH HAYRIDES, NOW taking Happening must be received in the crimes at all. Declare your - entry program." 7 day* a week at noon. 5-10-2 rolling machines, State News office, 341 Student Meis said, "I urge President superstones, clips, underground MONGER'S JOURNAL. Open reservations. Many nights independence. Come meet with the comix, etc: GABRIELLA'S everyday at noon. 5-10-2 available. Phone 645-7519 or Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least MSU Libertarian Alternative, 7:30 Ford, the Congress of the MOVING. BEDROOM Suite~3 GOODIES, Box 434, J8&7600.5-10:2 two class days before publication. No announcements will be accepted p.m. Tuesday, C216 Wells Hall. United State and above all the 10 ,p##d ,rKj piace davenport, American people to support n«w sewing Hollywood, California. 90028. ALPHA DELTA Pi invites you to by phone. Come meet State Rep. H. Lynn Hvinisnt monthly machine, children*! albums, 8-10-2 Bbile Homes w Lansing Area Lesbians will Jondahl and help plan his campus and declare a total, L'- P0 VELOCIPEDE. 641 frOITI table top racing tat. Phone go Greek. October 6 through 13. 332-6547.1-9-26 hold a dance 9 p.m. Saturday, Oct. campaign, 8 p.m. Tuesday, 114 unconditional and universal . arrnAl 485-4943. 3-10-1 CANON EXEE 5, at 547% E. Grand River Ave. Call - very good Bessey Hall. condition, $125. Call 355-5981 the former Women's Center amnesty. I urge that this be 10 x 55 DETROITER, furnished, UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS done not only for myself but afternoons for information. Classroom education leave you __after 7 p.m. 3-9-30 storage shed included. Will will be able to receive refunds of for my wife and children, for m maN « 22" 10 - speed consider their 50c ASMSU tax in room feeling stagnant and a little empty? renting. |£l $». 349-4346. MOVING mattresses; SOUTHI teenagers, Twin adults, 1-616-75545170. 5-10-2 334 Student Services building The MSU Table Tennis Club will hold a ladder tournament Oct. 14 through Dec. If interested Well, fill up through the Free University this fall. Contact Dave or my brothers in exile at home and abroad, and for those men good clothing, coats, the first 2 weeks of classes, 6. Fred at the New Free U office, first 'OOPS. 436 ATLANTIC 10 x 50 furnished, contact Michael Matz Craig and women whose resistance miscellaneous. 351-6543. 5-10-2 ending October 9, 1974. or floor, student offices, Union. from within the armed forces ■2 ,8" speaker, $1300 clean, many extras, quiet. Students receiving a refund are Burton. ■% $650. 339-8394. 10 .SPEEDS AMPLIFIERS - FENDER twin, $350. Ampeg VT 40, $300. $3000.641-6226. 6-10-2 not eligible to use ASMUS services. 10-10-9 The MSU Block and Bridle Club Microbiology Club will meet 7 to 8 p.m. Undergraduate Tuesday, earned them less than honorable discharges." Alts, soviet ACCESSORIES 8 x 30 CARPETED, furnished, will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in in 146 Giltner Hall, for an Phone 372-9322. 5-10-2 110 Anthony Hall. From Washington, Meis said H SCHW-NN; ■loudipeekers *",h $50. e* 1ST VAUB, OKKKMn GRETSCH DOUBLE pick - up lead shed. % mile from campus. $1250.489-0520.3-9-30 FREE ... A lesson in Call complexion 484-4519 East The Outing Club will organizational meeting. provide ideas for this Come year's he would go to Springfield, 111., care. n program of activities. and surrender to a U.S. V (40 |,"/$17. 353-1826. Guitar, »• S». vekxipedej guitar and amplifier. $250 or best offer. Call Jeff, 332-3563. 6-10-2 1970 Active Mobile Home. 12' x 60' with 7' x 12' expando. Michigan Mall. or MERLE 485-7197 Lansing COSMETIC STUDIO. C-3-9-30 NROMAN Physics-Astronomy Experienced members will explain Bldg. Spring teachers term, 1975, interested in student student attorney. Uhl said Safe Return would offer legal counsel in ce 2 bedroom with Redder-. 541 E. Grand River RCA 21" Color Table Model TV - Partially furnished, $5,000. 20 minutes from campus. Call UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS climbing, caving and other activities and display equipment to anyone teaching in the Netherlands should apply for the project at 4:30 p.m. addition to attorney, and provide Meis' private bail if j in low teens with 7" wrought iron shelf unit to 625-7797 or 339-8969. 3-9-30 interested. can receive refunds of their 50c Wednesday in 228 Erickson Hall. Meis is accommodate, $350. 489-5922, jailed. sayment and land MARLETTE 1967. King Arthur's Student Media Appropriations Individual interviews with the terms Monthly VACATION'S OVER 8< welcome after five, 351-8575. 3-9-30 Board tax in room 334 Student Star Trek lives! The Star Trek director will be scheduled at this A youth counselor and Court. 2 bedrooms $150. Call Cheryl beck I Enjoy these 1st term Services Building the first two Club is planning its introductory initial meeting. aspiring novelist, Meis fled to unfurnished good condition. meeting film clip presentation. UNIVOX ELECTRIC guitar, Les , - a Montreal in 1968 to duck the L * 655-171 2 or Darrell evenings with great stereo Paul types. 2 pick - ups, very Very reasonable. 482-7510, after weeks of classes, ending October Call Lori Chapek or Candace Hale The Minority Advisory Council entertainment. draft after he was denied a Agsncy, 339-8277. Marantz 200 good condition, $130. Phone _8pm^5:i0;2 9, 1974.10-10-9 for further information. meeting will be held at 2 p.m. watt RMS amplifier or Marantz Tuesday, in 443 Administration series of appeals for status as a 150 watt receiver or maybe _351^865. 5-J0-2 CONCORD 1972, 14x60, 2 The MSU Hang Gliding Club will Bldg. Dr. Joseph McMillan, director conscientious objector. His , Off Kenwood Pioneer bedrooms. 1 3/4 bath. Offers meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday in 158 of the Human Relations Dept., will wife, Elaine, 29, accompanied d! BY brick ranch, 3 Sound good? They're all here or KLH. DRESSER matching WITH mirror desk, will sell and considered. 625-4970. 5-10-3 [ Peanuts Personal ;(j Natural Resources interested persons welcome. Bldg. All address the council. him. They have two children, f ami ly room, along with a Fender separately. 351-0726. 3-9-30 Jamie, 2, and Marika, eight Stratocaster, telecaster or 8x36 MOBILE HOME for sale or w |gll basement. Assume rent. Excellent condition. Mile THE GAMMA PHI Marauders All journalism students are synchronized swimming are invited months. Meis' father is a 351-4122, after precision bess. Gibson EB3 and BAND BROKE Up. Killer sound invited ,. to the Society of to attend the first meeting of Green Decatur dentist. PA. from campus. Pets welcome. Call hav' struck, are you missing any ls-lO-3 SG, Las Paul Junior, melody Electrovoice. Acoustic. Professional Journalists - Sigma Splash, 4 p.m. today. Rules, tryout maker and 335. We have the best Light yet loud. No feedback. anytime, 351-8141. 5-10-3 prized possessions? We are Delta Chi - meetings at 8:30 p.m. dates and times will be discussed. ■ EQUIPMENT: Kenwood music amps in Michigan. Also $2400 value, excellent waiting for a serenade. 1-9-30 Tuesday in the Union Sunporch. Interested in dreams? Come and MOBILE HOME, 12x50, on shaded Bob Berg, Panax newspapers writer, M,to Receiver amplifier H,ftyihm composer. $350. ■«d KL-5080 4 way 5 used furniture, tapes, albums, sporting goods, T.V.'s, head supplies, leather coats - all sizes, condition, $1200. Sunn amplifier. Fender stratocaster. Maestro rhythm and sound unit. lot, awning, shed and other extras. F urnished or TODD AND Friend from Meijers - Watch out for Cemetery movies is featured guest. The Free University needs talk Jungian with Analysts. two Zurich-trained Discuss Jung's Draft evaders unfurnished. Lot No. 4, 1560 people who are interested in sharing —fi $300 pair. 484-0349 from $15 and don't forget skiing 394-2167' between 12 - 7pm. and Grocery Carts - Love, the what they know and people willing Reflections." The meeting will be (continued from page 1) 5-10-2 Eifert Road, Holt. 3-10-1 Happy Hook's. 1-9-30 held at 7:30 tonight in 214 Berkey pjn. 5-10-2 supplies for this winter at to learn because learning is exciting. information provided in a Hall. DICKER 8i DEAL, 1701 South Call the Mayflower bookstore or White House news briefing on FOR SALE: Green colonial SKYLINE, 1966. 10x52, excellent come over to the Free U office - Cedar, 489-3886. Check us out Southern Africa Liberation Wednesday by Charles Goodell, i USED on WVIC Starting September 30. style sofa. $35. Call after 5 p.m. 482-9426,627^200. 3-9-30 condition, 2 bedrooms, 1 mile from campus, $2700. 351-0975. Real Estate first floor east, student offices, Committee will meet tonight at chairman of the President's C-3-9-30 7:30 p.m. at the Peace Center, KSHOP 5-10-3 The MSU Karate Club will hold 1110 South Harrison Road to clemency board. The Justice Dept. STEREO'S, CAMERAS Used. Mid REFRIGERATOR - Two, older WILLIAMSTON - 254 acre building develop educational and -action had Michigan's largest selection of • models, §0^-^ jndition, $19 FOR SALE: Champion mobile sites; mature pines; 485-6766, its first meeting of the term at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Sports Arena, projects. assured the board, Goodell each. Can J32-1918. 3-9-30 homes, (2) furnished, good used equipment. Phase Linear 694-1208, evenings. 5-10-2 Men's IM Building. Coed classes will said, that "any information condition, 5 minutes from New local publication is 700 power amp. P.E. 30 60 REFRIGERATOR DORM room be held for beginning, intermediate that comes to the U.S. campus. Call 339-8503 after OKEMOS BY Off and advanced students this term. looking for poetry, fiction and automatic changer. Rectilinear size, Se 1 V*3'- 0n,V - owner. feature article writers. If interested Attorney or the Dept. of 6pm. 5-10-4 Hagadorn, all brick ranch, 3 Everyone welcome. Justice from such an inquiry III speakers. Teat model TCA40 $70. 484-0252. 3-9-30 write: East Lansing Magazine, P. O. TRAVELO 8' x 35'. Furnished, bedroom, family room, Box 1871, East Lansing 48823. will not be used to generate quad reel - to - reel deck. Sansui The Michigan Botanical Club will fireplace, full basement. Assume AU222 stereo amp. Sony ST80F close to MSU. Perfect for begin its fall season with a talk by further charges, that 7% mortgage. 351-4122, after Demonstrate for unconditional tuner. Dual HS37 compact couple. $1400. 337-9209. 3-10-1 Dr. Jay Jarmon of the Geography individuals who are told that 5pm. 5-10-3 amnesty for all draft evaders and stereo system. Used 8 track tape decks $15 - up. Hundreds car Animals jjgj REMBRANDT 12 x 52. Two Dept. discussing "Climates of Michigan and Their Vegetative Implications." The Club will meet deserters at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday at Beaumont Tower. HPR they investigation are or not are under under of used 8 track tapes $1.50 each bedroom, 1% miles frdm MSU. at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 233 Congressional Candidate Howard indictment will not then, when Recreation 1000 used stereo albums 10c $1.00. New Robyn CB - LABRADOR RETRIEVER puppies, AKC, sired by Excellent, occupancy. Immediate $2800. 349-4205 [g|| Natural Resources Bldg. All are Jones will speak. they come back, be subjected Champion blacks, yellows. after 6pm. 5-10-2 The MSU Tennis Club has to new investigations and equipment. Olympus OMI Free U Yoga - 7 p.m. Tuesdays 787-6277 (Jackson). 5-102 SKIERS! UTAH package - $299. programs for beginners to advanced perhaps new indictments." 35mm SLR system. Pentax and Thursdays, 9 a.m. Saturdays - tournament players, free tennis Silberman said Goodell had spotmatic motor drive system. LEISURE LIVING at Melrose Christmas and spring. Call your HORSE TRAILER for 36C Union, instruction and more for only $15 rent. $10 Mobile Home Park. 10 miles East Lansing Ski Center - no business talking to the press Nikkor 200mm and 135- mm per -term: Attend the club's first per day; 882-7410 or 882-8779. from MSU on beautiful Moon TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. about things that were not lenses. Many more lenses, meeting tonight at 7:30 in 215 5-10-4 Lake. Lots for 30 - 70' trailers. 351-8800. 0-3-9-30 Mens IM Bldg. This meeting is for within the limited charter of rengefinders, pocket instamatics, Student with family travel all tennis club members and anyone movie cameras and projectors. the Clemency Board. Those LEASE A Horse. I feed him, you trailers welcome! Immediate COMPLETE THESES- Service interested in tennis. Much morel WILCOX who are hiding out, in this I, HORSES, phrenology, ride him and give him tender eology 1848 - 1870. o prints. Post card SECONDHARD STORE, 509 East Michigan Avenue, Lansing. loving C8re. 882-8779. 5-10-4 $40/month. occupancy, 675-7212. 5-10-2 lake privileges. j Service Discount Printing. IBM typing and binding of dissertations and Get involved this fall! College Republicans will meet at 8:30 p.m. country or outside the U.S., have no assurance that they publications. Across ,rom Tuesday in 3G Union to plan this Phone 489-7255. 4854391_;C-3j9-30 FOR SALE, mobile home, 12 x 60, campus, corner M.A.C. and fall's election campaign. will not be prosecuted if they OPEN 2 bedroom, study, furnished, INSURANCE - LOWEST rates on SLIDE PROJECTOR - Airequipt, HORSE Show, Saturday, Grand River. Below Jones decide not to take advantage of October 12, 9am. Western, one mile from campus. Call cycle and auto. Call us first, oi 450EX, electronic focusing and last, but call. Easy payment Stationery Shop. 9 - 5 Monday - Interested in volunteering? Come the plan that permits them to English and Hunter classes and 351-3096. 6-10-2 SPEED Raleigh, remote control. Excellent plan. UNION Friday. Call COPYGRAPH to a meeting, 7:30 tonight at St. avoid prosecution by bn Bround 10 times. Best condition, $45. game events. 475 Del Road. For SERVICES, 337-1666. C-3-9-30 John Student CentT. show bill call 882-8779. 5-10-4 1973 RAINBOW, 12x60, fully UNDERWRITERS, 393-8100 or performing up to two years of 1,393 8347. 3-9-30 6-10-3 furnished, all appliances, 10x10 485-4317. 0-3-9-30 alternative service. EXPERT TYPING: Theses, papers, Wolverine yearbook office hours shed, $6950. Perry. 625-7648, are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday The man who has evaded IE, GIRL'S 10 • speed. 1973 MODEL Piggyback Kustom HORSES FOR Sale. Several nice general work. Call Carolyn, or 625-3111. 5-10-3 VOICE LESSONS. Piano lessons, trough Friday, 30 Student the draft, but who is not under V Racing bars, excellent amplifier. 250 wetts, four 12" pleasure horses to choose from. 332-5574. 7-10-4 beginning and intermediate. Servi :s Bldg. $95. 332-4790. speakers and foot switches. 882-8779. 5-10-4 10x60, EXPANDO, walking $6/hour. $4.50/40 minutes. Call investigation, is just as subject Lifetime guarantee. $1,100- Ca" There will be an open to prosecution, Silberman said, distance to campus. Apricot 349-1354, after 5 p.m. 7-10-4 355-7246. 5-10-2 HORSE BOARDED, $40/month, tree, vegetable garden, shed. Wanted and training session for students as the man already under includes hay and grain daily. interested in volunteer work at - 5:30 daily. Closed Fenced double lot. 787-6277 BABYSITTING WANTED in my investigation or the one under COFFEE TABLE - glass free form. Box stalls, riding trails, and Michigan School for the Blind at indictment. day. OPTICAL (Jackson) evenings. 5-10-2 University Village home. 36" x 60". Best offer. 349-2679. outdoor ring. 4 miles south of SISTER, OWN bedroom, 4-man 6:30 tonight in the Dean's fCOUNT, 2615 East 3-9-30 campus. 882-8779. 5-10-4 ONE MILE from campus. 10 x 55 Experienced, full or part time. house, $65. Lansing. Hip deal! Conference Room, Student Services What advice would you give . Lansing. 372-7409. Please call 356-6150.5-10-2 to the man who is not sure of Schult, 2 bedrooms, utility shed, 3-10-2 RAILROAD TIES & wood chips. his status? Silberman was FREE KITTENS, 8 weeks, box excellent condition. Call The New American Movement, a Ceautify your home, control asked. 'CIES - ALL Ten speeds! trained. 349-2723 after 6 p.m. 372-8921, after 5 p.m. 7-10-4 WANTED: TICKETS for Elton democratic socialist organization, your weeds, hold moisture, Phone 355-9892. 3-9-30 John concert. Call Bill. will hold an open meeting to "I don't give advice," he i I«* de colors and sizes. many uses. Peterson Wood 5-ljM QUIET COVE Trailer Park-It is 487-5802. 3-10-2 welcome new members and discuss replied. "I'm a prosecutor." • railer, center - pull FOR THE best service on stereo student worker Chips. 882-2555. 7-104 OLD ENGLISH sheepdog puppies quiet! Adults only please. organizing at 8:30 J*, high quality at dealers AKC registered Champion $55/month, no deposit, to rent a equipment see the STEREO NOTRE DAME tickets or coupons, p.m. Tuesday in 30 Union. | forced warehouse sale. 9 SHOPPE. 543 East Grand River. Betty Ford - GIRL'S RALEIGH ' >eed Coaster sired-start $150. 1-569-2544. trailer or buy at the lot. senior preferred. 393-8270. n. Monday Friday. 8 C-3-9-30 Wolverine yearbook open house T12 p.m. Saturday. D & C ■ bike. Lil cOl^ $70, now 5-10-2 675-7312. 5-10-2 3-10-2 to be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in $45. 487 ^3. 3-9-30 HIGHLAND HILLS Christmas 30 Student Services Bldg. All pSE, 1241 Roth Drive. HORSES BOARDED - Clean, 1970 LIBERTY - 12 x 60, 2 - parties 8i wedding receptions. TWO ROOMMATES needed. undergrad students, including (continued from page 1) 196.694-3311. GIRL'S BICYCLE 26" Sears. adequate, country facilities. bedrooms, front kitchen, shed, - Reserve date now. Unfurnished townhouse, Brand new, 3 - speed, brown. Three box stalls, pasture, partially furnished. Stonegate, your Returning to the White 669-9873. 20-10-23 Okemos. Call Lou between Ridden infrequently. No less excellent care. $55 per month. $3650. 487-6852. 5-10-2 House, Ford met with the HG MACHINE 2-5pm and after 9pm. 349-1890. Clearance Also, 7 year old Appalocca Brazilian Foreign Minister, than $50. 482-6071. 5-10-2 CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY at 2-10-1 Hj"5 Brand new portables Gelding for sale, $400. Five MSU Marketing Club informal Antonio Francisco Azeredo da $5 per month. "to of reconditioned used lines- Singers, Large GIRL'S SCHWINN Varsity 24-inch. Excellent condition, best offer. miles east , Williamston. after 6pm. 5-10-2 [ Lost & Found ][Cj[] it's best Statewide. TERRY LUKE PHOTOGRAPHY. 313-532-9325. C-3-9-30 coffee hour, 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Teak Room, Eppley Center. Dean Lewis will be the guest. Silveria, and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to discuss Whites, Bogen Monaural tuner, $15. FREE LABRADOR Sheperd, relations between the two i. New Homes's, and ■"V others". $19.95 to _ 332-0J10.3-9-30 male, 2 years old, friendly - FIND SOMETHING FIESTA WARE: Any pieces in To help re-elect State Rep. H. countries. If you've found a pet or article of Lynn Jondahl, call the People for As Ford posed Terms. EDWARDS FOR SALE: Zenith Stereo, good likes kids. Call 355-2188 Instructions good condition. Call 351-3823 Jondahl office or Claude Hershe. with the value, we want to help you return evenings. 5-10-2 JflBUTlNG COMPANY, sound. Excellent condition. before 5. 3-10-1 . foreign minister for it. Just come into the State News V North Washington. •1oo.48£3:w3.j4;30_ AKC OLD English Sheep Dog Three lecture on Transcendental photographers, he discussed his Classified Department and tell us BOARD EXAM TUTORING wife's condition, reporting that ^8. C-3-9-30 27" French Jeunet 10 speed puppy, shots and wormed, to place an ad in EAST Meditation - 1 p.m., 240 bicycle. 6-10-2 Call Ken, 394-0382. reasonable, 517-838-4451 after JS. 5-10-2 you want LANSING STATE BANK'S Found Column. As a public service EAST STANLEY H. KAPLAN TUTORING COURSES [ Share Driving Engineering Bldg., 4 Wells Hall, 7:30 p.m. Hall - all Tuesday. p.m. B102 B102 Wells she was "surprisingly happy" when he visited her Saturday Now being formed for the LANSING STATE BANK will run Lansing to night. 3 PIECE SECTIONAL couch, WEST HIGHLAND White Terrier, the ad at no cost to you! upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, LEAVING SOUTH Student Open House for the "She is very strong and beige, good condition, best AKC, 5 1/2 months, loves ATGSB, GRE Board Exams. For Jackson 7:15am, returning EAST LANSING College of Urban Development will expects the family to be [ IAN0condition, I'enl - Gulbranson. asking offer, 487-8726^102 children, 655-3313. 5-10-2 STATE BANK information 0-2-9-30 call 1-313-354-0085. around 5pm, daily Monday through Friday. 394-1619 after be 3 to 5 Wednesday, W-2 Owen (too)," the President said. > "asher and electric COUCH, TWO chair« lamp, two SuCKSKIhT GELDING - well C-3-9-30 6pm. dryer, trained, will trade. Call IV 1 year old, $225. end tab! tab,e *j°' FOUND: TIGER cat, flea collar, 6 T»«. 5-10-2 372-5860 w 394-0237. 5-10-2 5-2928 or IV 5-7922. 5-10-2 months old. Park Lane area. | Twht Service j[j| FROM JACKSON to MSU. through Friday. Leaving 7am, Monday How to form your own car pool LOST: 332^332:C-3-9-30 AFFECTIONATE pure black male cat, Street, 332-2018. 3-101 vicinity Gunson TYPING, 50c per page, large type, portable. 371-4635. 5-10-2 From returning time negotiable. 787-6277 evenings. CHARLOTTE to MSU, daily. looLeys TYPING TERM Papers and theses. Leaving 7am, returning 3 - 5pm. I As a public service at no charge, the State News will provide a free classified LOST: FEMALE cat, orange, Experienced, fast service. IBM 543-6488 after 5 pm. I advertisement for those people who would like to set up or join a car pool. declawed, Ann, Wayland Street. electric. Call 349-1904. 0-1-9-30 Reward. 337-0025. 3-1 OI or Biding? PURPLE VICKI • Fast, accurate, TONIGHT Drivinp?. inexpensive typing. Very near campus. 337-7260. C-9j0_ LOST: HP35 CALCULATOR THESES, RESUMES, typing and FLINT AREA to East Lansing, has Larry A. Rahn printing. Reasonable prices. daily. Leaving 7am, returning engraved under the batteries COMMERCIAL PRINTING. 5pm. 1-313-659-9670 after 6pm. iPhone_ Time?. s50 REWARD ^6M116^C-3^-30 3;10^ Tl* State News will Please call TIMMIE not accept responsibility for arrangements or conduct of 353-6690 or 355-6085 ANN BROWN typing and multilith offset printing. Complete service LEAVING VICINITY of Logan and j Participants. for dissertations, theses, Miller Road to Campus (MSU) The information around 7am, returning 5pm. requested below must be supplied in order for ad to appear. LOST: CONTACT LENS in small manuscripts, general typing. 882-4097 evenings, Tracy. brown vinyl case. Probably lost IBM. 25 years experience. Full Name. 349-0850. C-3-9-30 near Social Services Building, 9-25. Reward. Call 485-1489. Address 3-10-2 IRENE ORR. Theses, term papers, general typing. Formerly with Riding to Ann Brown. Call 482-7487. City LOST: BROWN felt cowboy hat while hitchhiking Grand NEED RIDE from Jackson to MSU daily. Leaving 8am, returning to: Car Pool Clas»i«eds, 347 Student River/Hagadorn, Wednesday, typing. *Thi, coupon may be brought in or mailed EXPERIENCED IBM 9-25. Left in gold car. 339-8112. Dissertations (pica - elite). around 3pm. Call 784-8834 |^Services Building. No photM call* accepted. 2-10-1 FAYANN, 489-0358. C-3-9-30 anytime. NO CHARGE ^ 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, SeptCl MORE BOOKS ARE ARRIVING DAILY AT THE MSU BOOKSTORE All sales are guaranteed, refunds will be given thru Oct. 9 with receipt and in saleable condition Hours For This Week Monday 9-30-74 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Tuesday 10-1-74 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Wednesday 10-2-74 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Thursday 10-3-74 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Friday 10-4-74 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Saturday 10-5-74 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. We will resume our normal 7:30 5:30 - hours, Mon - Fri. starting Mon., Oct. 7, 1974 OPEN HOME FOOTBALL GAMES 9:00 - 5:00 Traveling Spirit Shop located in NW corner of Stadium.