B s. C. Library h. ' Mt Lansing, Hi Michigan k A ST l.ANSIMi State M1CHIOA# FRIDAY. MAY 22. 19:1". News Volume 28 Horse Show Entries PLANS SPURRED MAE CLIFFORD V Must Be Registered FOR CARNIVAL WINS MNG presidency By Large Majority; By To_™; (lunorial Wetk-and to Set Gala Area Brings Total cf Ac¬ Stsdest. Gets Highest Score: Lght Compete in Contest, i Proposed Amendments AI{_Car- Co.eds %pyrove /ws RUiom TIIK WINNERS Equine Showing of Oot-atate commodations 2,500. Swartz Wins Position to I rjr by Margin of at Least Two Rideri aod Horaea. Senior Class Officers SIGN UP FOR CONTESTS fAKE IS FIRST PRIZE one: Vote i, F.,riy Light. President. Vincent Vanderbura Vice-Pre*. Kathleen Woodlock As Junior Class Head usr student cusses STUDENTS ILL Fre,k let Crnm Given Aw.y to1 HIGHER DUES FAVORED Secretary. Grace Newtns Treasurer, l lnin Willrtt Visitor, at Dairy Opfti Hou»e , for Third of Senior Parties in Drnnii it Winnrr in Soph Prtiidency Race; Woodlock Defeat. Two Programs Each Friday ind on Saturday; Priie Money GIVE RECITALS Un icn Nest Wednesday Night. Held LaU WeJnriday Nigkt. Tests for House Heads Also Co into Effect Immediately as to Junior Class Officers President, Howard Swartz Hand by Three Vote, to Become Senior Vice- F.« -t in the xriMfd Vice.-Pres.. June lltingtrford Preiidenl; Newin, ii Senior Secretary. to Approximate $1,870. Do All Other Changes. Secretary, Lucy Tranter Music Department to Sponsor v ? g i fst._-.-t fi'-ituml at [ Treasurer, Robert (truce lty Harvey Harrington Two Joint Recitals; cn Sun¬ V . f. |-i; house lust I Vanderburj?, Muskegon junior, was successful .. With only one day left to Blanket approval of all pro-1 Vincent the 11th annual R. (I. day, the Other Monday. \v. . .. • night went to j Sophomore Class Officers in his quest for the presidency of the senior class at the fr»fhmittt mtui-1 |M*eil change* in the A*.*oci- ter Mar » u President. Clarence Hennis ('. Horse Show, to lie held j at«.lrss v ... ■! •» y4j,v I>ulx>rd! ling factor in the race foi Same of the outstanding features show are the stake for three j riUMt men's wrlf-government. The amendment to Article V. j HOLD BANQUET [senior vice-president. Kath Active, and Alumni to Banqoet puted saddle horses, the Lansing J s*)l S''<-tu«ri 5. requiring sorority and! leen Woodlock, Lansing, won, l>av Sunday Preceding Reception ib junior stake, the Hotel ; J'" 'J L. W. Pag. tt to Speak on "Idea, tng the lift of New Member,. Id* stake, the stake for jumpers.! for Margaret Hand, Hay City. j the hunter stake That Click" at Annual Joint Tn another close-fought buttle udents will have their chance I s Meeting of Journalist,. Grace New ins of East Umsing won j Michigan State's chapter of the xhibiting horses and jumping J ^ii^v out over laiuixe Doherty. Detroit. I nationid dancing honorary, Or- co-ed saddle class is open to J ***£' * That Click" will lie the for the senior class secretaryship j che.sin.js having its annual spring girl enrolled at M S C The The vote was 125 to I IB j mitialio Sunday, May 24. at. 8:00 ents' jumping class is open t.? Ahtlt* f I.. W Pngett's speech at Bud A«,\ fault j P Tin. iniliatun will bo pro- cavalry R. O T C. ktutlm h > i till Pre ss Club banquet next Wtxl- tho Klwln Willrtt. pust or urtilnr IrcuituriT. Ik-iih ! by a lurmal bnnqurt for at Stale, and to students fiom evening at 6:30. Pugett, Ami. who irf employed by the Jahn It unuppiwnl. III. tinn* opponriit, 'h« naw im-mlirn and vi.llmit «l- r senior units. In addition i "* withdrew before the primuiie* j umime ut Hunt's Food Shop. After will be teams of three jdu-1 Oilier Engraving company, is well t i-y.-- June Hump,lord, Suull Sll. 'he iK-rvire a receptkm :*. which U open to cavalryj known by those connected with t publications. Merle Mipliomoro. junior at the dancing atudlo udenu from here and other ad-j ,h' ,,,nl o.-eut "tw tt.i.ty campus clnu vice preeldent wlun ,l,e d.~ '"r and «"*"•'» M" Alwt The Press Club banquet, and an¬ units ichcdulr for the two day> Kv,!v Uoith. the foelod lien.le Core, Ulwin*. by a i Andt""' m",h,'r Marl,,n Andrm- of tnMUHr bvjt*^ hi tn the spring nual meeting, is the only uncial tallv of 151-143 - | president of < kwhesis, wiM prrmtb-^ JJows: Friday aftretwwn |t ! function of the year for the mem- Tranter. E»d Ul.n.nn:., i at the reception table Following until 4 50 o'clock. Friday ' *,vr ,h Ik-is of the Wolverine staff and the I.ncy th|, wl„ ^ „ ,ho„ tr„k the Junior m retary . p.r.t by | owning from 7:43 until 10 40. j night. •State News staff This coining o( ,liint..., whl,h |,.1Vo Saturday morning, ft 15 until 11-45 i * *' | Wednesday, the publications fatn- j a 'BrM» majority Ann Pratt, i comptwed by new members th. same afternoon from 1 15 Pj*»> 1* itv will dine together in the main! 166-100, over Ij jKirt of their initiation re- dining mom at the Union and listen j inents, and a dance "Nut- Nineteen Entries to Date j 1 ' to the interesting speech to b i The junior treasurer's pt turne ' from Mendelssohn't "Mid¬ ! came Rotiert Hiucc's when I summer Night's Dream", present- successful in defeating I Dowd. 162-132 III uce in Ort hesis Marv Fiance* llaulr, COLLEGIANS TO j Hamburg, N. Y , Dowd from : ford j Wanda Falarski, and VuginU em I 1 'rubers who ha1 | Elsie McKiblun. Foist l.i >r the initiation are •r.g King Tuenn> .»od (»a> JUDGE ANIMALS ISO. M< Hi ide. hiinquet, Virginia *. Louise langdun; ..»ned by Michel I> Thurg*- llad f . -f Holland <>wned by Afternoon Muh Taylo< - Collin M Tea. owned by PATTONTOSING Conteit W.ll be day in Held Neil Mon¬ Pavilion at Agri¬ vited to attend the ban- Sully Ho ell, Bagiiuiv". ] incut*. Marion Ellen Graver; reception, Audio*, Struble. Louise Lungdon, costum¬ Mary Barbara cultural Hall. Ruth Suekoff Arcadia Adroit Adair, owrw-d by J d<«n Chandu. Cavalcade. K*- \U.- A ON BAND SERIES ugh the impression might ued that the coming puh- to 155 es, June Killeen; programs, Mar¬ ion Andros, Maiy Frances Haule; alumnae guests, Mary Frances i banquet is a closed «f- rutted William j Peavme. Firefly iaove. and Voice Prof. Featured a, Soloilt Haule Two try-out girls, Barbara > ail owned by Mrs Sam J. ' eral student t.u Hi at tin and Mary Hulhgufi, pubic iniey; Marge! s Silver and for Curtain Concert; Will the campus inte will assist in receiving the guests BUSY WEEK LISTED on was 185 to 140. owned by Margaret and Sing Fautt Eicerp!,. PERSHING RIFLES >• Rally invited rn>r Hurd. the Informal and ,,"nir j theHol|ir)g up H 2 to 1 all-college ballot. Steve Kcl During' the past two week* tho •« u* Spring, owned by Elmer Kirby's Carolina Moon, twn- ELECTS OFOCERS ON SWL CALENDAR Tickets may rate Ncwiiis lie purchased from or from any of the kH |Hat|Js. Creek, defeated Mai He ||oWMrc| f,ty. f.,r members! advisor, Miss Ann lajuis© Kuehl, and the members, have been meet¬ iy Harry Dad Dazzling MC- ficers ut the Pie** Club. ing with the gill* trying out for. |on lh(. athletic council One m »id. Dazzling la»d>. and Jun- Tn, Ro»t, and Spring Party On hesis to discover whether they W Donald, owned by Charles Ckrittiar, Pfgg, Thomai-Stalile. j |H|^ pointed by the Varsity club. Seboi are eligible fur initiation Kligibil- and Chester Mclhm- Fill Next Week', Bill. •oil. Jr < *ned . by Mabel C Pirker and Esrhenhurg to Head Com¬ Offer Advanced totaled 574. ller.kel 288. »«y for initiation depends upon a Forest' of Arder Howard Clark. East Lansing, j girl * development in three lines: pany for Next Year. Tliese concert ItOTC Competition- II be head cheer-leader next j in technique, in composition, and He won the right to this p«>- j in dance personality In addition ts» USINESS SOCIETY Michigan State band with college miht.e Leonard Falcone di¬ v Military Department I «r sitioti when he defeated Roger i attaining a satisfactory control terruty t Urtrxl ia*r Wad- N Y, and over grsxl movement, each girl recting In spite of the cold ELECTS OFFICERS weather they have proved very » r?,t-dal will be given girl* Wednesday afternoon, May j uising. Clark must have composed at least two rlances; and she must have a dance | 320. Terwilliger 273 and - popular this year In the vicinity r r#..- fre*j.rro,n judge 17, in the Women's building; a j Ability; for Junior, nnd received Mansfield 250 votes spirit and a love for the dance of BOO people attended the concert allowed roast for all memliers at the W. A Senior, Only. kartatwiadmr Named Head of last Wednesday when Joseph lieutenant, and first sergeant, y • ' -.r ,-r- will that comes up to Orchesis ideals . .. ; r writmg of reasons «>fi; party in the Union Friday night,! Two competitions are being tif- is try-outs girls working to pa*a off the campus only once before thv* ! year, when he appeared with the senior engineering student frotv ^, •V. >..*,* ar» ba»e for the League's spring party in the Michigan State Police. Jerry Cohen was aelected as sec¬ Scal^bard and Blade medal*. A group of co-eds will leave [ the Union ballroom, May 29. a retary and Bob Root wae named are: Marion Andros, gMillMlj HOLD ANNUAL BANQUET The aut-guing officers. Brorr the gym Saturday night at € 00 : Tickets are eighty cents a couple. To be eligible to compete, junior must have had eight terms treasurer. Don Boston will be the Virginia Gann, secretary: Virgtato Warner, captain, Ed. KiUian. first • o'clock for an overnight can'- Merle Himser is general chairman of military training, and a senior student manager next year. McBride. treasurer; Rachel WW lieutenant; Herbert.J3recdt, sec- j trip down the river. The trip is { for the party. Other committee officer must have had 1) terms. The Wells Hall Boarding Club end lieutenant: and Tom Matiack sponsored by W A. A, and all heads assisting are Blanche Ross, The contest for juniors will be meets with Dsen Mitchell. Secre¬ may well be commended on th- * rcHepe girl* are eligiM to go. orchestra; Pat Pieraon. invitations; held in Demonstration Kail June tary Hannah, and Treasurer WU- work they have done during th provided that they have |x>*s«d! Nor in© Irwin, decorations; Lenna- 8. The seniors will compete on post year. canoe and swimming tests at the belie McBride, publicity, and Jean , , j gym. j Brooks, tickets. MICHIGAN STATi! NEWS Friday, May 22, 193g_ Page Two employment nnd according to reliable infor¬ ENTRANCE RI.A.NK FOR WATER CARNIVAL EVENTS MCBRIDE TO HEAD Michigan State News mation he is doing it. He has been unafraid to publicize the situation, whereas Hoover kept it quiet. His beneficiaries might lie GRIDDLE CAKES PIFFLE ABOUT HONORARY GROUP I lazy, but they're not getting pure charity. Phone... PIPPLE If Republican leaders, masters of private PULCHRITUDE— Address McCrith, McCalhnn and Scholtz CHECK EVENTS VOU WISH TO ENTER Alaa Ntared h Elactwa. industry and of the press, really believe that As picked by John LaGatta, Mc- . the government is Interfering with the prop¬ .Men's Singles ( ) Women's Doubles There are poems and there are Manuring Kdit ClelJand, Barclay and George Lennabellc McBridc was elected Bo»in«*M Manwtcr—iM'nAld C. O'Hmn er economic procedure, let them do some¬ les ( > Mixed Doubles ( ) pomes. Pomes are always good Petty. Only seniors are listed. ( ) Titling ( ) space fillers This is president of Beta Alpha Sigma, Co-ed Editor - Ruth H#IU ed a very real refinement of sen- ! home-town boy friend last Friday Some Will Swim —I). V. C. To which the stooge replied, The first was given by Stanley »timent, with a tasteful management juight . . Johnny Pingle ha# grad- talk is not limited to member- : Beta Alpha Sigma; anyone inter¬ On June 15, 550 senior* will lie graduated, j —SN— •'Where- The gals have hung so Butler, pianist, at the some place, I of shading and rubatq. uated to the limping stage now. ested may attend. ( many on him that there Isn't room on Monday evening. April 20. Both «phe fhopin group included the This is the largest class ever to receive di- | students are pupils of Lewis Rich- J ,om,.what pick-ups— Special invitations have plnmas from Michigan State That*- The Locust Revival h- infrequently heard Economic lay thinks that a cap¬ sent to President and Mrs H dear George George the I ards, head of the department. j fctudes, No 2. No 1. and Opus 10, italist is shift key on the type¬ Shaw, Secretary John A. Harm., With the first week of June and gradua¬ a A new record is set. j gfH.fl boy: George the smooth*; Butler's program, including the I No 9 The No 1 wasjhe only At the commencement exert this I tion. Rifts, Will arrive swarmitlff clouds of the I George the soph prexV He liked 5pan from Bach to the moderns, 1 presenting the essentially writes the deans of all division.- : In t Some say it this way It's better their wives, Miss Iron Shal t - last; j WHS oni, |() tax the powers ,,f a j . group will lie told that this is not the end 17-vear locust that reincarnates this year Nonnie Smith rteristic Chopin of highly to have lived and loved than never Miss Winifred Gettemy. and i Fhyl Jones, but he took ' the the end of school nnd pleasant acquaintanr —of parties and cramming, but rather it is, for the first airing since its hedditiR down j^4' [11 ana j apable merc technical presentation, pianist's subtle chromatic line fluent and engaging to have lived at ail. Flapper Fanny says that every¬ art and art supervisors of Lan. ; P. Waldo; also to critic teacher* | 1919, on,. „f nature's quirks out after | lt.aving asidt, thp mottrr of in. handling of it made one wish she . as the title suggests, the commencement of | j* quite phenomenal, the locust does nothing I that; he likes Lucy ami so does dividual artistry. It can be said, had offered more in this manner. thing she likes is either imprac¬ and East Lansing, and all alum-, tical, naughty, or fattening. of Beta Alpha Sigma who a new life. That's good, too; a noble thought, j more serious than serenading through a few | Jimmy, and Jimmy was there that Mutler brought a The music of the incomparable this vicinity. Then the class will jrain its five dollar j days and niKhts of it* sporadic existence, Pole is perhaps the ultimate test I MORE GAB— In addition to Miss Crea- of sheepskins and la* all set for remunerative (to cycle is a simple one. In 1919 at 1H< any pianist, and Miss Mack's Nanrv Farley and Jack McKlb- talk Sunday afternoon. Pro!< >.-< style gives indication that she bln had a positions. Even those with ideals and high | end of that post-war mi(rration, each insect JQi fi» would do well to 'Phi Delts last pretty swell time at the A. 0 Scheie will pre.s«i, Friday eve aesthetic code* will lie pleased with the pros- , produced some 300 pkrh that forthwith bur- j award to the senior mem bo . . Thr m|iitarv (Duffy Arntz really contacts the Beta Alpha Sigma who ha* pert of a fine position with a progressive con- j rowed into the ground two feet, attaehed j aust (ball From the Forest of Ar- tributed the most to the rat con¬ ; I t hemselves to a root, and the holing up was j The . cern. den: "Give MF. the letter . . Give in the way of cultural art;. ■ A few have jobs lined up with Uncle Harry ( complete for a 19-year sleep a la Rip Winkle, I me the LETTER." et. . Well, On the committee tn mU . • and dad's friend in the lumber business, but j And without the clleris of mountain rum. people owe Jerry Cox money any- person fur this award ar> V the majority will have to fret jobs on their j The current erop ulmut to sprout is that Alma Goetsch. Miss K.ct z •. Wmrklor, Prof f P H. own ability or persuasiveness. I matured family. It will climb out of the Martha Fisher and Pauline M One firm wrote an employment bureau that I ground, flex ils wings, and mobilize fin the Callum. "of course it wan intort'idcd in collepc Rriulu- utcm with an all A average. Also, it wan in¬ Alter much din in# by day arid smginir by ! terested in men who hud been' very active in I night, the larKe-scale laying of epjr* will re- j u Barbara Brnttln j COLLEGE campus activitieA, and who becaUKe of these j auit.'and the cycle completed. out." hp said. • Bern ice Procter | activities had been pressed for time and un¬ 1 able to achieve an average above a R." Venerable prophets of every native heath (wooden leg" I will seize on the locust for prognostication. ! Thp |nai*,ctr Eileen McCurdy Marion Moore j BULLETIN! That'M good, t«*». It shows that business | F«»r instance, the tip of each locust winjf is Jor Buzulo* Dean Conrad All junl > interested if, -j firms have lowered their standards ( etched with a plain W. That is to signify, , witi> David H.< sit ions iiccnmc so plentiful that employers infallibly, fhat jwar is on the way. If tin Any Cat# | s*1 >n lou ahead, make your own cast IH CVx>per r leave your nai: began to beg for men to till them. Every big | sht*ll of the insect is hart! atul dry, a drouth [INTELLECT- i' it, then every- dean's business has scouts in .the graduate fields, j ,s inevitable. !<• Fire mi»- jbody'll l»e happy (I* everybody | Thai's splendid—-it puts business in the ma- |* Hut the fortnight of life ends ami the r\"Die Walkucr. wa» Bill, to M •'jh»pp»") I STILL MORE OAR Th» Stud.nl flub »UI m frtsit «»m P">pl.« chur. ■ jor league class. | locust multiplies and dozes. The sole loss j them 'erhaps graduation ih the beginning of j will lie a few leaves and many a night's *1< rnoir. an,t midablr dilTirultii t«mc ' , J.nn Snnftbamm.r and Bnverly : Srm»nnw fl.w tn Pitt«b,ir,h tail jn.Kfit. May 22. at S Jti, to I lor O" lutnlf lb firancl la^' real life and happiness. It will be that l«»r asily recovered. —R. D. 1 tor* and apparent j w»^'k-eml and into discord, shall f some, hut for others it will mean tlioappoint- (we say'* With a little co-op. All junior entineerinc ' ment and bitterness. They will cry out that recipient of Miller might have made it| that are interested in Sigro • they've spent four years in college and gam- Ai thr parade Hrttlc!Ti"'- national honorary en* nd on thr sideline* . ltnK "P*ech fraternity, pleas.- ed a job as a factory hand. ... encores, Zrtk- ***** •*! curled up Rudy j>«-ur name a! thr dean • " Even a college education can't compensate En Bateau, and Swv 10 •fetching hi# neck dogs I »» touch wtUt either . for a Urn I. Q. or a |M»or personality. High Gavotte of Pro- ,unnin® around, four legged i,,r H R Cooper. This >?,• achi»ol frraduates with these qualities, are ! ( ramming Versus Studying— ,..net and no reflections cast (done as early a# possible jiheiul of college men without them. i Doris Woodburn waiting for himj • • • Students who have mastered the art < Son the bridge "Eyet rrright."| Next Tuesday, .May 28. ('■ Others will hub ambition. Drive and en- j cramming state that its main advantagi .then he flopped over a tuft of hold thr term inatailai thusiasm will carry the average man a long I are that it enables a student to pass exam 1 grass. Alright, stumbled then, jnew member* All the ; way toward succe- Even the briUiant and , nations and leaves the student • • • j membersylrc urge»l to at o. j polished are lost without some degree of en- devote to social activities, because it U jack HORSFR MODERNIXFfX—. | thusiasm. j Diminutive Jack llornm- reposed j Active and alumni men.!- the time spent studying. in the vortex of a trihedral Ithe Student Grange will iu*. Most of the graduate* wdl have gained something from the lour years here. A lew j The main object of education is to pass the angle, (Sunday at 7:0t) a m m ti examinations, and tiie main object of eolUgc •t hi. Yul.tidc pa.torall A*r>cu»ur«l Hall t., iw- : have, as one mild-mannered professor said, j life is to attain a successful social standing. product. . annual spring breakfa*: "been exposed ami found t>» l«e immune." t InMTting his primary manual member must furni»b !us Cramming enables a student to do lioth of digit, he dtaeloMcd a "genus} transpt.»rtation. The irraduatitiR seniors came here as imli- » these tilings. prunus dumestica." . viduals and will go out the same way. Their . ; And uttered. "What Every crammer is ready to admit that the an admirable personalities haven't Uen blotted out by , night before the examination is a nerve-rack¬ juvenile am I " CLASSIFIED stamping them "college men." The world j ing one. hut this is compensated for by the GENUS BENSON owes them nothing. The school owes them fact that the student has the other night* of VET— nothing. They've had Advantages in learn- j t he week to do as he pleases. Football games Brown of the psyaiology dept. ing and culture that others have missed. i Still, there's no real test to determine tb« and social activities are more interesting | Dr. Fraak A. P«lie to Give Le<- ''»"'ding Up building* on Sunday h lege man, the graduate from institutions of learning, and there's no reason why they | Cum studying for ; able* the student.t s. Leisure time en- j... op more friendships. [• »"«8«*d to >t«* on tt-»- j rd Ujiott to ignore mei INyiht.l-Analytic Vie*# on So- Jur' Evan< doing juidice to stance: Putting rival new* organs instead j ing a crammer is that this student knows lou,,d ,M,t ,a|,r ,!wt ' : 1J tional modem work*. , ctai Hygiene ' 1 "Rhapsody tn Blue" , . Evelyn j that fir in right ami ,!,«•. not have to bothor C*™taltaMtX,* J vote himself only to such as have Tlu, talk 1, N ina sponsored by "''rl ',n,, Krn u- °'» spprreutin* of biscuits on the |ian, hungmg the bird in¬ a true and appealing poetic con- stead of the clothes, and darning Roosevelt j with trying any other method of passing ex- j • • • ; tent- Butler's exhibition may " , iHlur Kc. ,n collaborstwn with the '* T,1,w h«*l(uli n( prof, ( ninin&tton*, j driving— { said to give genuine promise. jrellags health ren.ee, and is tor ,hu,"m' A M'»" ,h« Instead of tin knitted sweater. students only f*11 •lorH! his teeth in hu person to U< a sin - are piqued be-' —SN— It mi intrlliirent j The first par! et 'he Ireture will:,nouUl i-ramnii'r. Ukmiim' hr must acquire I"1"* Dorothy DeLay, violinist, and re a STtu'ral talk by L>: Pollc. aflrr Smoke In Their Eyes . Richard Clayton, v icloncclltst rnouizh know liilfc in a iu*hl to pa*, an ox- "Sfudrlit, ytlrrnriv I wnwh there will re an open lorum A (rami W V. W. C . A. , , hav. The aolo |iortion ot her prograt.t "The . Governor Krank I». KiUk'crald. addressing , aminatinn. The atudnn.t must convince the 'th.ir cjr, maikrd by thr j presented less work demanriins; disruxsu*n tin practical eugente!m llMS form *upprr will Top" « group of Boston womon thr other day. teacher that he doc* not talk in claaa lie- "I."--iwncr. bravura, ho, ... none the "IS \£ made the statement that R playing. Her style revealed itself acutely. pay tor the gas. Booty styled for young men eliminated.—The Skiff (T. C. U.). as one of notable charm and deli¬ The Republican* rejoice that they ha\ e de¬ feated the Democrat* |on the Florida whip —SN— SWIM.IT cacy, though she was not found wanting in passages demanding a GRADUATION CARDS $1.95 1 anal ami Passamaquudd.v dam project*. "Unwilling to take any realistic *tep to Claude Hopkins, is coming Wed- greater vigor They derive keen tut U*fact ion from enlarg¬ avert war. we talk peace and steadily develop most t am out nesday to the Dells. One of the proponents of j Her first solo group conaUted CAMPUS VffiWS IN COLORS ing on tho apathy of the works projects. But a policy of 'maoht polltik' which can only end "Swinging Rjthm." he ought to ( of live three_ Brahms' Intermezzi, 117. New. 1. 2 and 3, those late what would they do if they were in power? in our participation in the iuzxt work! war, draw a crowd: Tax $1.40 per opus works in which the great sym¬ KODAK FINISHING Probably what they did—they gat tight. regardless of the greatest united effort of couple. They don't have any more idea* now than the peace societies." Felix Alorlev, editor riuitt- phonic embodied some of his mo»t MAYi BROS. the Lambda Chi's i, 1 lyrical iaspwaUoas. ^XeHUSlMvsrtkrTwMi they did when Hoover went down with the of the Washington Post, tells the American finest flower of ^rabby that even his frut brus j ahip. Academy of Political and Social Science just won't have unytiling to do with Ids peculiarly lyrical genius. Those Kousevelt is it tempting to alleviate uu- how thiugs stand. . r the pianist rendered with a fine! Fridaj May 22. 19.16 MICHIGAN STATE NETVo Bill, Wafers JFi/Z Mound Against Take Ohio State Stars of Heavy Hitting Kohs Squad THE PROBABLE STARTING LINE-UPS State Seeks Revenge SPARTAN FROSH Faurot, cf: Rnuriabaugh, ss - s _. Stemm, rf Weimer, 2b For Double Loss to THINCLADS ARE Wnylik. 3b Sebo, c Zarnos. rf . .. Bartiing, 3b Klinoski. If l^»hnhardt. cf Buckeyes Last Year BEST IN YEARS Sper.v, lb ' Randall, us Seaman or Moser, c Kuhne. If Dye, 2b Ziegel. lb Yearlings Romp to Easy F.dwards, F.l.sass or Ballnwnv, p Hill, p Kobi Srndi Hi. Two Aces Victories, Defeating Grand gASEBAU. BROADCASTS Against Invaders; Hill Start¬ baseball contests with Rapids Junior in Last Meet. f- State this week-end will er Today. Walters Ready for By GEORGE At A SKIN ' i Teachers Frosh ;l;:;K'onk"'BOOd a"cr chan"ing adrart over WKAR. the Tomorrow. N h State college at East Strong freshman t rack; Win Third Game Z with Harry Winner at mike The game Friday By AL Tlll.ll.ITt teams at .Michigan State have! From State, 11-2t"';M Ohio State's Buckeyes came been unknown in recent years, j f -t. at 4*fK> and the fray nn hut this spring Athletic Di-j «j».urda> gets the call at 3 OU into town early this morning- Hope Reserves Defeated But ■ primed to tee off this after¬ rector Ralph II. Young finally' Western Repeats Win j ( noon against Coach John has succeeded in moulding to-j Over Frosh. ! t..rcr Koba* heavy - hitting State get her a yearling team capa- j Pi Kappas. AGR's i baseball outfit. The Bucks .hie of doing business. j ! were hopeful of bettor success tn Advance to Frat jon their second venture into Mich- Baseball Finals 'rather ! igan. their last trip having disastrously with ended three {straight losses to Michigan's Wol- ft, Dflti and Tri-Phii M«t in ■ vertnes. Other Sem-Final Cam. I George Hill was Kobs' choir* as | starting pitcher against the invad¬ r Kappa Ph. will m«P Alph. ers HiU was set to try to give -+-rr,.\ Rho and Phi Delta The! 1 linvs in I hp lw» isimrs Iwtwocn the two rft> Walter* will lie the pitcher in tnmar- rnl hitler, nn the rluh. pnuniiinc the lull I i in net inn in nne nf the mimes, sill hunch t»n tame., lie i. a diinireruu. pinch- —4|ii:id. Uindsill ii. now i« \\ timer ill .ernnd hnxe. interim: the .hurt .tup NETMEN OPPOSE Hurt- apnt.| HFnTlF-l ■bbbbqdd SPORTORIALS OBERUN TODAY Spartans Play Western Reserve at Cleveland Tonwrrow in Final Rnad Meet. ml j Six members of Michigan State's v*> i tennia team Invaded QhrrUn col* v- | leg*- today confident of tutoring he | over the Ohio school. Ip u recent vs mnt lh< local courts Shift SPARTAN GOLFERS he nd j \ Following the Oberlifi mnf»4i the S|»«rtjins bead for Cleveland u i j where they will oppose Western FACE OHIO STATE ihl; Reserve tomorrow. The latter | meet i* the fltn.l rood event of the he | season for the State netters Vsrtsns Seek Fonrtk Striijkt ui Couch C D Ball. Jr., picked ! h« j Captain Robert Rosa, Willinrd i Advance Salt* ~)0c plus tax Victory Over Buckeyes at •g Klnu/inger. Harold Srholtz. Cllf- lei j ford Stonebreakcr, Walter Hyatt,' DtMtr Admission 7'm* plus tax f and George En-sler to make the 1 - golf team, which ha * P i trip. • v*n iri si* matches to de!«. Adtanrr Sal, Tirltrlx at Mary Strmart's, Ka-I lainslne r*npt to bettei ft* avetagr s^arians will *eek tbctr Co-eds Entered Let Your Baggage "Mk in tnc Western On- : in Tennis Match NEW ELECTRIC GUN Golf duimpH>tuOip. Ohi" TO BE EXPLAINED r , .ji cd fttxth in the tear Go Home s. -. with individual sew* nodiocrc standing Rootrt '! . ; topped the Ohioan* ir Sigma Pi to Feature Dr. Barker by the "to * .ding*, turned in cards of at Open Lecture Thursday. 4 and 74 (or a «rventv-tw» .*«! of 304. which was good Next Thursday night. May 2t. : > land him »n sixth piac* t T IKI o chirk in the Physics lec- and St John, the onb j jre room. Sigma Pi Sigma brings LAUNDRY >r E E Barker, professor of .iiTu .si » 'ours, . phyxir.H at the University of Mirhi- hoxing must for a public lecture *iti "Ths' J Cyclotron and Nuclear Research"! ROUTE spartan Golfer's scbetiuk. j or an electric gun which files *bul- ! ing the our with Michigan | lets'* us powerful a* thunderbolts ( f Lansing Country Club t lifter-Fraternity leagu e jus! about Dr Barker heads the research of ■scheduled. lor Friday, Ma.» f postponed game-'; and he ( Itantpioii- j'th® cyclotron at the university Arrange to ship it off tht* June by your old friend i Railway Rxpreaa and when Commentenient Day t*r hoys in those two lei ;ne.s have just | Shooting "electric bullet*," or j lawns, be fancy fret? to board the tram for home. they're going to hove i»» year. But protons, at 15,000 miles a second, ifled -they want some ore ; this gun produces danation said Anything — trunka, bags, books, golf clubs, cut**, Each team j-laved throe game- this year—running • wording to thej t<> be more penetrating than the j •ven your diploma—Kail wuy Express will ptck them i>< duie anar.ged at lh< b» giriiung of the year. The t*-anu> are divided j x-ray. now used In cancer trea!- • ill up on your phone call, forward them at passen¬ U» gro-ip.i of four each, and the winner in each group enters the |mcnt ger tram speed, deliver them safe and sound at ai* That i ai; righf foi the winners, but makes it *K»rt of tough There is another cyclotron at the j your home. And it's economical. Railway Express STUDENT CRANCE HOLDS r the "ue.. who lof** The boys want to play more games, but can't | University of California, but the rates are low, and you puy nothing at all for pick¬ INITIATION OF MEMBERS hi the present arrangement j physicist* who built this new gun j up and delivery service. There are no draymen's Something different could be tried next year. It would be better | — Dr. R. O. Herb, D. B. Parkinson. demands, no tips, no standing in line, and sure* group* 'if eight each g.vmg each learn j and D W Kearst ^wiid that it did ! ne»s is made doubly sure by Railway Express's It would take a little more time, hut they could get . Twenty-one member* were in- >. j jts work byVmaahfng atoms. Also, j double receipts, with $50.00 liability included on to decide thrVinneis ' ' ted earlier and still have plenty of t If ' mated at the Student Grange j ouid get through seven game* without a loss, then Wicre would j piey said it was "very much" dlf- every piece you ahip. Besides, you have the choice meeting last Saturday evening ai j j fcrent from the atom-shattering \ be any necessity tor a playoff. Have two divisions of eigh! cyclotron developed at the I the spring election which termin- ; and they'll be home as soon as you are. No other team* each, with the winners in each one playing in a Little World vcraity of California, in that the , [ a ted tiie contest between men and \ Series for the championship. Suggestions arc in order-"-address them cyclotron used low voltage to way of shipping gives you this kind of service, ! women tor new member*. Since j to the State News office. as you probably know, and to get it you have I three initiate* applied tor mem- j whirl Ions to terrific speeds and | the new "gun" uses high voltage , only to phone the nearest Railway Express office. I bffuhip without special invitation, j under high pressure in a tnoiv 225 Abbot Koad I'honr 5.2*23 I tfie contest ended in a tie at nine VOUNC, BACHMAN ATTEND compact form. \ tot each side. BIC TEN STRING MEETING They said that the proton* or (I Annual spring term breakfast :f "bullet*' were shot at velocities as j the grange will be held next Surt- ! day morning- Athletic Director Ralph H high es 2.MMMMM voile into the New and old mem- | be: a are instructed to be in front Young and Football Coach Charles RAILWAY EXPRESS AOtMCY INC. | of Agricultural Hall at 7 •- m. on ' NAVION.WIDI RAIL.AIR SIRVICt tius date and to furnish their own (transportation. Friday, May 22, 193g MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Page Four Green Grow the Frosh THETA ALPHA PHI Waldo, Fields to Conduct C. E. DEPARTMENT Phone S-340G Dally Matinee at 3 Nights and Sundays • . J5C MAY BE SHIFTED 23c NAMES OFFICERS July Hegira Into Mexico . . Folk Famishes Faultless Fun For Frolic . . . TODAY AND SATI'RI)\Y- Burr Palm Elected Preiident Texas Centennial One of Many Stop-over« to be Made by Move From Chemiitry Building The yearlings are. the top-notch* to Olds Hail Planned. of Drama Society. Group: Mexican Attraction! Numerous. . but they still consider themselvr Profes their decoration scheme for their e combining white with the K' ig themselves j At a business meeting following i Br ROBERT D. Bt'RHANS , tain climb, Side trips will be! yal Spartan sons and daughters ring the crejje j a banquet at Hunt's last Thursday j What are your plans for July? conducted to Xochimilco, the float- ; iper . and the gymnasium will earns of green! night, Theta Alpha Phi. national | If ever you had a penchant for ; tug gardens, and the Churubusto. id white pap. r . Mike Falk i< j Mr. and Mrs dramatic society, elected Burr i an immersion into the historic Monastery, a musiutn of Mexican ; , R. PrttiLir. rvt and Mr. and Mu hapc rcne , . j Palm president of the local chapter j bad-lands of the southwest or a ' history, 'for the coming year. Other of- { view of revoltive Mexico, consider ] The ancient pyramid of CHoluh ' fleers choosen were Marjorie Kid- | well the educational junket spon- ; and the twin peaks Popocatepetl Both t Theater will be inhabited tonight president; Dallas Chap- j sored by Prof I. Waldo of the and ixtaccihuatl \ i>ited to *h. too . . bt, Prof and Mrs | Bride, treasurer. 'Fields, instructor in history. j highway. The road back leads; 1. C Hug ] The program committee for the ! These two faculty member#* past the states of San Luis Potosi. • banquet consisted of Marion both experienced in world travel, Coahuila, and Nuevo Loon, the Alpha Chi | parr,'Don Wettlaufer, and Cla.e { will escort an all-expense tour In addition to these highlight* ' t'omedy A C'artia i Mr and Mrs. j Pocklington. Dorothy Rose hand-'j into Mexico for 2? days, leaving | will be several enlightening intra-j j led the publicity. Texas of the ! id noted at the route will tii.i; lows; Virginia Centennial Da Ik of the • SONfiS • ItAPPY Mil t«f Mr- F T Mil Mr Bride, Mary ! las Chapin, Ru 'aim, Marjorie ! statehood. Kidder. Normar VOVABIf um* UDY oMHF IfGHTHOUSf! .rid Zaratec: K-klingto This trip i nthy Rim I Mi- J 11 K<. Y ROAST PLANNED ,'jj —At the- J FOR SUNDAY EVE »S* STATE CMUHJUUmW Mis K A Gee > thr Waldo Will Addrrsi Group it Campfire After Pitnic. THEATER O&H ! GUY KIBBO • SLIM SUMMERVILLE OA«IYl f ZANUCK I. *1 had.«t»« Y M roMr.iii ami SATURDAY ADDITI =j the Masonic I roast temple j this fo VTS'aTmlTen Inducted by ■'Sill* Billies Starring Bert Wheeler. Robert CITY YMCA SENDS Ot It GANG COMEDY lit A V El. \ CARTOON I Wnolsey and Dnrnthv t.er [er and his orchestra rente field of the Phi Lambda Tau 5 TO SPRING CAMP | charge of the roast i-rmntn and listening! Heoney, Joseph F Uisft. and Swingoot and Banquet Mark Formal Acceptance Go to Student Off: Rapids . . anyone j Roger P. Wilcox { 1 nor L P Waldo, nssr «»f English and p cert'Training Conference at Camp Ohiyrta. What would YOU do West Marv Ma to C. K Wildon, and ™ of campus < briefly the Mi. (' S llrvi. Mi* the it in Making a I rite admission el st will be 19 ren •ryone attending •mors Wednesday j back from prue-j iPEOPLES CHURCH NOTES SIMtU MONHVX HIM>\\ ttda.v, and John A Yunek, nl. N J . vice president I .indentha I and Htws STUDENT PULSE „ # , I Faculty attd students from the . r Central State Teachers college at Mt Pleasant will b gur>ta at this I K'" nili.tti.in u ill la- aiv.-n Delia Siting:* Phi | .,1 tin- Sigma A.I'Iih h|iMli>n ln»u>»- Th.-rc will la- no milting on tho jSunday uft.-cm-n Judge Tuttle of; lw,Illy.third becauw .. tin,. h..h- ; Ih Hull w ,11 l« gm-M of honor ; (b> #m) |h), (m, (h4, , nmt , mrmbers of the different religi- Alpha Chi Sigma | Sigma Kappa uus groups are to attend the Re- Mrtigan ' t'ollinge. Fast j ligtous Council Retreat at Trails ! Lansing, was ribboned Thursday j End, Gun laike. Officers of YWCA. jufterrioon j YMCA, Camps Girls Assembly. X.f end Mis K U Sigtna Kappas are lending an Sp.ut.in Forum, Social Club, and upright life these days, what with ; Students Christian Union will iall the living room chair*, daven-; form the largest part of the group polls, and everything but the j of fifty which will make the trip Green Splash j i ad to and piano gone out to the | They will leave the church Sa'.- ! smuke remover jH-oplc, along with • Green Splash, women ;. i the drapes. cuitams and all the. turn Sunday noon j urduy morning at 8 o'clock and re- in a case like this? The girls have | term pa'dy m the" Ki!sV l^nstng IlUg# j wa*ed the ,h ,,u ,U,UH° T*ho *,rl» have j Helen Hyerse u chairman ofparts ffwtr s and spend their! Retreat Other important Helen Hyersc is chairman of the ! the j1 'w lingerto lh*' go fnir. to but .« Mas. v , , temple Saturday night . . , \ another, this A man rotnrs to your door. You anawcr hi* knock. nu Dancing will begit clock ipare moment* dancing. , aro Mac talua by John San«.trr,, „ fu» Ihit addti You don't know hint, and he can't identify himself as ptrlltlrnl, and Mary Harden, as ™uld mission be¬ and continue to 12 Delphic iecrrtary. j" ,h,r". '11" ax rcprocntatitc of one of (he fsUbliahfd com¬ |i This Sunday evening's program ituern viasse lly objection panies you've rome to know and irunt. James cutaway spent the week¬ such a proposal is the fact that of the 8. C U. will include Chi Omega end at the Delphic house. Ksppa Delta fet rnppcr at 6 o'clock. Dr. Walter U Jenkins of Detroit wiU lewd the the roads may pass from existence. an> Un" ,n ,«c<- !hr h'*h««y GOODY, GOODY Question: Wuuld you open thr door? The Chi O* have set Saturday dis.-us.ion followint on the wb. j aMittoi program has .Urody be. Answer: aside as Dads' day Father* Patronesses gave the nine gun with the closing of Farm Lane No, Not if you're like Moot of the i jeet, "Does a Student's Religioi iors a breakfast at Hunt's, Sunday.} between the Dairy arid Hort build¬ student« who buy thing, for themnclvcn or their expected to arrive in the afternoon _ . ,, , In time to go to the State-Ohio Eleanor Ploch hero ^ ^ ings. frnternitiew here ai xehool. State boll game with their daugh¬ Detroit llil, week-end i l4" Pr YOU CANT WIN ^That's what you'll say when y first put on a pair of our new ters. In the evening the dad* will » ,. » tional director of Presbyterian churches, is popular in student Spring WALK-OVER shoe*. be honored at a dinner at Sandy'*. Eileen McCurdy 1* In Copemish Delta Sigma Phi groups and summer camps as a initiated the fol¬ discussion leader, and an interest- OHIO STUDENTS VOTE They'll make you feci swell, Kreate*t danger^ admitting aUuwer* in the dan¬ HAUPTMAN NOT GUILTY ger of being xoid Mintething witheut • rtpaUlhm. attending the graduation exercise* lowing men Monday evening. May because they take your ot her brother. U: George Burns, Detroit; Julius Dettieich, Detroit; Bert Wysacki, sigma altha iota holds Columbus, Ohio (ACP)—Bruno mind off your feet All Result: Student* who know that a mine h ax Richard Hauptman died a ninno- Grand Rapids; Keith Muixlock, annual McDowell tea cent man, if a recent poll of Ohio you*11 think of is how much a matte, of "known lipaHlian" as it ia a A spring term party was held Detroit The McDowell Tea, given an- State students means any thing nice they look, and Delta Sigma Phi will hold its an¬ at the Kappa house Saturday night Of 300 questioned, 161 stated, how economical in the Michigan State New*. They km* they get Patron* were; Mr. and Mr*. J. M nual parent day next Sunday, their belief the Bronx carpenter doable protection when they dm DeHaan. Catain and Mrs. D. A May 24. held Sunday Tlrlor, Mr. and Mrs. Huston, events. May 17, at Typical comment: "1 was in . E. L. Anthony, and The Japanese government the home of Mrs^awe in Lan¬ launched a new aircraft carrier on sing. Mrs. Dean Kelley, president Klemington at the time of tho December 23, 1935, at Kure, Japan. of the patroness group, spoke on trial Hauptmann was not guilty., BURTON'S WALK-OVER SHOP So many questions remained un¬ The Delta Alpha apring term This vessel is reported to be the McDowell and the McDowell col- INTRODUCES VALUES YOU CAN TB'ST ■rty was held In the Little Maryorie McL*ne. of Detroit. answered or were not even asked.' ideal* of the Clarence Dsrrow could have saved , - "heater Saturday night. Patrons mmmm^. rare; Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Hays.