Wednesday, October 2,1974 Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 irica predicts trial FROM WIRE SERVICES may The pickets outside carried signs and The Watergate coverup case went to banners bearing such slogans as "Support trial Tuesday with the judge predicting it Nixon's Clot," "Nixon and Rocky planned will be months before the jury renders its it all" and "No wonder Mitchell pouts." verdict upon three men who once sat with Some of the pickets said they belonged Richard M. Nixon at the government's to an organization to block the high command. nomination of Nelson Rockefeller as vice "Every effort wfll be made to conclude president. the trial before the holiday season, but Once the jury is selected, the trial will this cannot be guaranteed," U.S. District move to the second floor courtroom Judge John J. Sirica said as he began the where Sirica tried the seven Watergate painstaking process of selecting a jury break - in defendents in January 1973. from more than 600 panelists. The room has been wired with headsets The trial has been nearly two years in for each of the jurors and spectators to coming, and its significance and impact listen to some 33 White House Watergate apparently have not been eliminated by tapes that are expected to be the major the resienation and pardon of former evidence in the trial. President Richard M. Nixon. Sirica expects to learn officially on This case involves many of the same Thursday whether former President Nixon acts and personalities as the overall scandal will honor prosecution and defense that toppled his administration. subpenas for his appearance as a witness. Until two months ago when Nixon The President's lawyers are expected to resigned, it might have been an claim that the blood clot and phlebitis embarrassing dav • by • day questioning — that caused his hospitalization will prevent in absentia - of an incumbent President. a personal appearance by the former The evidence to come out over the coming President. three months might have brought the final undoing of Nixon's administration. The five defendants include a former attorney general, a former assistant attorney general and two of the most Drama builds powerful men of any American government. Present Tuesday were John N. Mitchell, Richard Nixon's law • and - order attorney general; H. R. Haldeman, as coverup who ran the executive branch as chief of staff, and John D. Erhlichman, who wielded presidential influence over the nation's domestic programs. trial begins Along with ex • aides Robert C. Mardian and Kenneth W. Parkinson, they WASHINGTON (AP) - John J. Sirica are accused of plotting to hide looked over the heads of men who once responsibility for the Watergate break - in ran the government and spoke in judicial through "deceit, craft, trickery and tones to 155 plain citizens who had filled dishonest means." up most of the cavernous courtroom. Demonstrators carrying signs and banners march outside U. S. District Court Tuesday where the Watergate coverup trial is being held in Washington. In addition, all but Mardian are accused "We are here," he said, "for selecting a of obstructing justice. Mitchell, Haldeman jury in a criminal case." and Ehrlichman face multiple charges of With that, Sirica, 70. began the trial of lying to investigators about Watergate. United States vs. John N. Mitchell and andidates picket WKAR station; Thev arrived separately at the federal courthouse, a mile from the White House, and shook hands warmly in the courtroom in their first reunion since they pleaded other defendants. Some say it may provide the final and definitive telling of the Watergate story. While Sirica warned the prospective innocent to the charges seven months ago. jurors that the trial may run through The trial, one of the most publicized in request time to debate opponents Christmas, former White House domestic history,-attracted a dozen pickets outside affairs chief John D. Ehrlichman practiced the courthouse. And at the entrance of the a talent learned in the 17 months since he large ceremonial courtroom on the sixth left power. floor, spectators stood in line waiting for Looking over Sirica's head to the four one of the few available public seats. to the voters since 99 per statues of Justinian, Moses, Hammurabi By MARY ANNE FLOOD Socialist Worker vote in the last State Board of Education cent of the votes For the jury selection, Sirica had party members were will go to the two major party candidates. and Solon, Ehrlichman sketched busily State News Staff Writer protesting because they said all candidates election, in which most of the nine parties available the regular October courthouse with a ball • point pen. The four figures The Milliken campaign manager, Jim Two gubernatorial candidates picketed were not being given the chance to debate running gubernatorial candidates pool of 6,000. But not nearly that number surely were part of Ehrlichman's Barnes, said that Milliken welcomes third tside WKAR TV studios Tuesday while • the major party contenders. participated. That meant major party were expected to be needed to make the education as a lawy er. other candidates taped a public forum WKAR, faced with the possibility of candidates. Milliken and Levin would be party involvement in debates though he final panel of 12 jurors and six alternates. will not insist on their participation. Outside the U.S. District Courthouse, a side. nine gubernatorial candidates debating in paired off. There were 155 in the first contingent dozen Milliken seemed receptive to an August young Yippies had greeted The pickets were Human Rights party one forum, decided to revise the format to The management of WKAR - TV have of prospective jurors to be questioned by Ehrlichman and his silver - haired frife indidate Zolton Ferency and Socialist four two ■ party debates. Station manager denied the voters of Michigan the challenge by Ferency to debate the front ■ the judge and by the noon recess 42 of Jeanne as they approached the door. A runners, a possibility which paled orkers party candidate Robin Maisel. Bob Page said WKAR decided to pair off opportunity to witness a full exchange of them had been excused for personal heavy - set young man in a blue denim side were Democratic candidate Sander the candidates in order to views among the candidates," Maisel, who following a Ferency lawsuit against present a clearer reasons. jacket chased after the Ehrlichmans and made a complaint about the matter to the Milliken alleging illegal campaign Sirica said that because of the and Republican Gov. Milliken. picture to the voters. publicity spat upon the right sleeve of Ehrlichman's The third party candidates and a few Candidates were paired according to the FCC, said. "We are all legally qualified and financing. surrounding the case it will be necessary to "Whatever method we chose, we would gray business suit. all entitled to be treated equally by the sequester the jurors - keeping them apart Asked why, the young man said, have been criticized by somebody," Page media." from their families and friends for the "Because he (Ehrlichman) is a Nazi." said. "We just did what seemed best for Maisel said he called the FCC in duration of the trial. ienate vote reduces When the young man attempted a the viewers." Washington, D.C., because he felt WKAR "It is always difficult in a matter of this second assault, he was chased and grabbed was violating the equal time law of the The tapes will be aired at 8:30 p.m. kind to estimate how long a trial will last," Thursday evening on WKAR - TV. Two of briefly by one of Ehrlichman's lawyers. FCC fairness doctrine. He was told the the judge said. "I would estimate it will be the nine candidates, those of the U.S. Pausing before he entered the station was operating within its rights. somewhere in the neighborhood of three Labor party and Socialist Labor party, did courtroom, Ehrlichman was approached oreign aid spending "The FCC just reinforced the monopoly to four months — it may be longer, it may¬ not participate in the program. by a U.S. marshal. the Democrats and Republicans have on be less." (continued on page 6) the media. They have a monopoly on the ballot box too," Maisel said. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate voted Tuesday to reduce foreign aid spending in Ferency, who also joined the picket "*ps and also not to cut off military aid to Chile, despite the warning of a presidential veto. The foreign aid provisions were attached to a ""ids for various federal been paced. pending stopgap resolution providing programs for which regular annual appropration bills have line, said that he does not know what more can be done to further the equal treatment of third party candidates. Ford to testify "We've demanded, protested, picketed, President Ford announced his veto intention if an amendment cutting off military and asked the media to stress the WASHINGTON (AP) - President Ford television and radio coverage. Ford's appearance is a concern that it not lid to He said he had consulted five of the TVkey survives a Senate • House conference. importance of third party candidates," he will testify before a House Judiciary prejudice the Watergate coverup trial, . ™ President said the amendment by Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton, D-Mo., adopted 57 said. "I've been saying all along that to subcommittee on his pardon for former nine subcommittee members so far and which began Tuesday. 20 Monday night, would deprive the United States of its negotiating flexibility and only allow Milliken and Levin to engage in President Richard M. Nixon some time they had no objections to permitting live Ford told Hungate in a "Dear Bill" a debate is to have no debate at all, there's next week, panel chairman William L. coverage of the first testimony by a sitting letter delivered Monday night that he will Gypm"06 'n efforts to negotiate agreement between Greece and Turkey for peace on not a dime's worth of difference between Hungate, D • Mo., said Tuesday. president before Congress since that by personally respond to 14 questions before It is my intention The Missouri Democrat said he expects Abraham Lincoln. ... to withhold my consent to any continuing resolution which them." the subcommittee on why he granted Manager of the Levin campaign. Laird to announce the day for Ford's testimony Nixon the pardon. j es my desk containing language such as found in the Eagleton amendment," Ford Harris, said, though Levin does not rule Wednesday. Chairman Peter W. Rodino Jr., D • N.J., The questions include whether former The chairman also said "I am rather of the House Judiciary Committee, militl fyAn^fa' Turke>,< Defense Minister Hasan Isik said the Senate vote to suspend aid to Turkey would have out third party candidates, that Milliken - Levin debates will have the most meaning clear" that the hearing will be open to live indicated one factor in the timing of White House Chief of Staff Alexander M. no effect on Turkey's Cyprus policy. Haig Jr. initiated negotiations for the pardon before Nixon resigned Aug. 9, and »la'tiLSaidjTufl{Cy * tryin* 10 maintain the recent improvement in U.S. - Turkish what promises and conditions were made. imminent" ** 416 not waitin6 10 see w^at action will be taken by the U.S. Earlier Tuesday, subcommittee member Word of the possible veto was relayed to the Senate by senior George Danielson, D —Calif., said he was «tril!t,.0ns.Committee men>ber», the Senate voted within minutes to add further apprehensive that Ford's charming and It adnni!!? c°ntinuing money measure. friendly manner might cause the udamZ an amendment by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, 52 to 31, to cut off military subcommittee to fail to probe deeply 222m't °Jabout $12 mil»°n to Chile. enough. Winum/ ?! ttu' ^enate the "military dictatorship" in Chile "is engaged in a At the White House, Press Secretary joliticai prisoners'" °f P0SS violations of 'human rights ~ including the torture of Ron Nessen said Ford agreed to testify because "he is the best person to supply °f his amendment, he said, would "put the United States on record in the information that was requested." AdoDS,rotl0nofhuman rights." Danielson told the subcommittee that *opessLp 7 7 31 was an fmendment by Sen. Alan Cranston, D ■ Calif., making Ford is "one of the most open, frank, •ontinues w-th monthly spending rate for foreign aid as long as the program Member!TUt new authorizing legislation. The cuts would start with 30 per cent in charming and congenial members who ever served in Congress." Chairman 'uCrease by 10 per cent each month until it reached zero next June, i "I suggest the subcommittee may be in ityetu tflV° cn L McClellan. D - Ark., of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the position of the farmer's daughter," eadlock "ft it in i P ,nate n°t to load the resolution with policy amendments that might conference with the House. Danielson said. "You should beware of presidents who come with broad smiles." »t«in2Uti0n would authorize continued spending, basically at last year's rate, for McClpii^ramsjThe Previous continuing resolution expired Sept. 30. Rep. Fortney H. Pete Stark, D - Calif., •ducation j® ,that meant there now is no money available for major health, » also urged the subcommittee to question KtolutZ, ,welfare Programs, including an estimated $2.8 billion in the continuing Ford closely on just what "criminal (Wcr?umentary Bnd secondary school aid. ' t conduct" he thought he was pardoning Bf the Z, • hls Progressive cut amendment was intended to thwart those opponents Nixon for. Wdconti!,'ng restrictive foreign aid authorization bill who seek to delay final action But Rep. Lawrence J. Hogan, R • Md., Kennedy mm?"08 under ,ast year's authority. Th« sensitive hands of an MSU blind student explore the surface of the first braille map of the MSU campus. The maps were said Danielson and Stark were being unfair *ioluticl J'd ause he Passed his Chile militar aid cutoff amendment to the money presented to the University Monday by the inmates of Jackson state prison and the Lions Club. See story page 7. by issuing such warnings. "this mr, foreign lid'bill" Wednesday, Oct.; 1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 2 pesticides banned; cancer control, and not in products In banning most production of the pesticides for use only in on crops In 1975. risk cited undisputed findings that AlfoJ WASHINGTON (AP) - Environmental Protection used around the home. of these pesticides, TYaln three wayi: Etotii* supplies may still be and Dieldrin cause cancer |3 Agency administrator Russell Nonetheless, EPA agreed with Perlman that • Deep ground • insertion for sold and used, but as they are mice do not prove cancer in people. they CJ E. Train Tuesday banned any administrative law judge Aldrin and Dieldrin "present a termite control, depleted farmers may have to find substitute pesticides or But Perlman said further production of the Herbert J. Perlman warned 10 methods for controlling crop animals are good tcj Nixon blood clot clearing up pesticides Aid-in and Dieldrin days ago that the entire U.S. cancer hazards to man. indicators J ' for most farm uses, citing them population is exposed to "Dieldrin has probably accumulated in the ^A spokesman for Shell said A small blood clot in former President Richard M. Aldrin and Dieldrin, in the air as probable cancer hazards. Shell Chemical Co., the sole and residues food. body tissue of every individual..." that the company was ft would be "irrespomnJ Nixon's right lung has begun to clear up and latest tests manufacturer of Aldrin and as on EPA official Herbert J. Perlman currently producing Aldrin for in the extreme" to wait uiflL show no sign of any new clot, his doctor said Tuesday. Perlman said that "Dieldrin termite control, a permitted widespread human Dieldrin in the United States, has proved the suspicions ahj Dr. John C. Lungren said the clot moved to the lung probably accumulated in use, so production was not announced that it would the body tissue of every high risk of cancer to man." • Dipping of roots and top6 Aldrin and Dieldrin, Perlr^ from Nixon's phlebitis - striken leg two weeks before his of nonfood plants and interrupted by the order. appeal to a federal court. individual" and that some An EPA spokesman said said. • Mothproofing of materials He said the company has hospitalization, when he was vacationing in Palm The EPA said the two people may be more that Train's decision allowed The pesticides used only for Shell to continue in closed areas which allow no not yet started production of two pesticides |„ Springs, Calif. are susceptible to adverse health the pesticides for use on the been in widespread use for"J farm and commercial pest effects than others. manufacturing limited amounts escape of pesticides to the There was no indication whether the development 1975 corn crop, which would past 24 years. Perlman cit<3 environment meant that Nixon would be released from Memorial But the ruling prohibited be blocked Shell by Train's order. issued a statement estimates that more than million pounds were sold in lo| Hospital Medical Center of Long Beach before Shell from manufacturing repeating its argument that the United States last year. scheduled today Thursday. Aldrin or Dieldrin for their Betty Ford recovering well Amnesty rally major uses - to protect corn, citrus crops, pineapples, Stale News is | sily every ublished by the students of Michigan class day during I all. Winter and Spring school onions and other minor crops, The surgeon who operated on Mrs. Gerald R. Ford Toronto with Army deserters and draft lys. Wednesday, and tridays during Summer Term, and a An amnesty rally sponsored jointly by the and for treating seeds. me Week edition is published in September, Subscription feels that the First Lady "has had an excellent post - resisters. Brown returned from Toronto last Human Rights party (HRP) and the East The EPA said the chemicals i»r y«*r week where he had similar meetings with war >nd class postage paid a operative course," the White House said Tuesday. Lansing Peace Center will be held today at 3:30 resisters. must be clearly labeled ss offices at J4S Student Service A medical bulletin issued by the press office said that pjn. at Beaumont Tower. Both groups favor a indicating the prohibited uses sily. Kast Lansing. Michigan. 48824. total and unconditional amnesty for all Also speaking at the rally will she had a good night, enjoyed breakfast and showed be Le Thi Anh, a vice chancellor at Hoa Hao and that it would monitor GERALDH. COY, GENERAL MANAGER Vietnam war resisters. more interest in sitting and walking. Mrs. Ford is at University in South Vietnam. She will talk production and distribution to ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER enforce its ban. PHONES Bethesda Naval Medical Center in nearby Maryland, Howard Jones, HRP candidate for the Sixth about the continuing war in South Vietnam and The agency estimated that New s/Kditorial where her cancerous right breast was removed last Congressional District, and Nelson Brown, its effect on the population there. 355 8252 Peace Education director of the Michigan its restrictions would bar the Classified Ads 355 8255 A documentary, "The Post - War War," will 353 6400 Saturday. Council of Churches will speak at the rally. be shown tonight at 7:30 in 106 Holmes Hall production of some 10 million 355-344'' Jones has made the amnesty issue a focal depicting the American government's pounds of Aldrin and Dieldrin Terrorists' demands hold firm point of his campaign. He met this summer in continuing role in Vietnam. which would otherwise be used Terrorists who took over the Venezuelan consulate in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, are holding firm to ransom demands for the release of an American woman diplomat and six other hostages, a negotiating churchman said Tuesday. The six terrorists demanded the release of 37 imprisoned guerillas and $1 million in ransom after they seized American Barbara Hutchison and the others Friday. In Caracas the Dominican ambassador told newsmen, "My government guarantees the terrorists that they can leave the country providing they free their hostages. We, however, refuse to negotiate the other demands made by the terrorists." We at Jacobson's are of one harmonious voice.. .welcoming the arrival of Autumn throughout the entire Kissinger to visit Soviet Union store. Come join us as we take a look at everything from fashion to sports during our 10-day collage The State Dept. formally announced Tuesday that Wednesday, October 2 through Saturday, October 12 Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger will visit the WEDNESDAY Getting underfoot beautifully while getting us underway... TUESDAY Ensembles sized 12% to 24% and sportswear sized 32 to 44 informally Soviet Union Oct. 23 to 27 "to discuss matters of our Salon Showing of Designer Shoes from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. modeled throughout the day in our Dress Salon. mutual interest." The primary purpose of the trip is to assess prospects THURSDAY Fashion showette in Collection Sportswear, 6 to 16 sizes, WEDNESDAY "Separate Ways" presentation during a 10:00 A.M. Continental Break for a new treaty limiting offensive nuclear weapons. The from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Second floor Bridal Open House, 6:00 P.M. fast in the East Room. . .all about accessorizing for total Fall looks and wardrobe visit also may resolve, by way of a compromise, a to 9:00 P.M., featuring lovely apparel, fine jewelry and ideas for the new versatility. Please call 351-2550 for reservations, $.75 prix fixe. congressional blockage of trade benefits because of home. An expert comes up with answers to calculator questions in the emigration restrictions. Electronics Shop, street floor, 10:00 A.M. THURSDAY From 10:00 AM. to 8:00 P.M., Young Signature fashions, sizes 4 to 14, to 4:00 P.M. Storytime for Indians riot in Canadian capital children, 7:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M... ."Raggedy Ann" telling tales. will be informally modeled in Dresses.. .and the Patty Woodard holiday collection, sizes 5 to 13, informally modeled in the Miss J Shop. Seven Indians faced* charges Tuesday in Ottawa, FRIDAY 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M., second floor Showette of Casual Furs. Canada, resulting from a riot that disrupted the opening The return of our calculator expert in the Electronics Shop, 10:00 A.M. to FRIDAY Introducing Dona Designer Quilts in the Bath and Bed Linen Shop from of the Canadian Parliament. Their leaders charged that 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M 4:00 P.M. lovely stitch-it-yourself creations and individually custom- Canadian military officers and Royal Canadian Mounted made, heirloom-to-be quilts. Police used unnecessary force, which they had planned SATURDAY What else could it be but. .footballllt's Stadium Day in our in advance. Men's Shop with some grand ideas on what to take and wear to the game. SATURDAY Jim St John of WVIC radio broadcasts from the Miss J Shop, 10:00 A.M. The demonstration began about a week ago in to 2:00 P.M. All day in Miss J. .informal modeling of 5 to 13 sized . fashion^and the Vancouver, British Columbia, where a so-called' Native MONDAY Introducing designer loungewear by Anne Klein for Lily of France, shoe visited by the area Capezio clown. Winter Sports Day in the Children's Shops People's Caravan began a pilgrimage to Ottawa. The idea S-M-L sizes, informally presented in our Loungewear area from 10:00 AM. to featuring speakers and M.S.U. films on skiing and hockey from 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. was to register complaints about living conditions on 4:00 P.M. Come learn from a wine authority. .about varieties, selection and . Dona Designer Quilts again presented on the lower level, 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. their reservation and to demand an investigation of the apropos edibles.. .1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. in the lower level Dining Center. Casual Indian Affairs Dept. and the resignation of its minister, and at-home fashions, sizes 8 to 18, will be informally modeled in the Home Judd Buchanan. Decorative Shops throughout the day. It ended in two waves of fighting at Parliament, which resulted in 18 arrests and injuries to nine Mounties and several Indians. Britain's labor to trouble grows Eight thousand workers at a Ford auto plant outside Liverpool, England, returned to work Tuesday, but even before assembly lines began moving several new labor disputes elsewhere stalled the works again. Production at some Chrysler and British Leyland Motor Corp., factories was tied up as labor troubles spread through the industry. The news was a blow to Prime Minister Harold Wilson's Labor party in the campaign for Britain's national elections Oct. 10. Meanwhile, in Puerto Rico, between 3,000 and 4,000 longshoremen began a dock strike Tuesday that, if prolonged, could cripple that country's import - dependent economy. The government said the strike is illegal. Union sources said wages were not a principal issue. Longshoremen receive $6.10 an hour for handling Miss J gives leather containership cargo and are expected to get raises to stay on a par with New York longshoremen. top coverage. . .the Israel three buckskin jacket with announces killings Israeli authorities Tuesday announced the killing of contrast stitching to three Arab infiltrators, including one who allegedly outline every excellent murdered an Israeli Arab tribesman in the desert below the Dead Sea. detail. . .the lean lines, The Israeli command said the tribesman was found slain Monday and troops, after discovering a terrorist snap front and tab waist, Miss J has it plush at the hiding nearby, killed him in a gun battle. A zipped pockets. In communique said the man wore a military uniform and the top. . .the velveteens that give a rich shades of rust carried a Jordanian identity card. or The command said the two other infiltrators were new look to the sporty way hats shapes up brown and a sure thing killed Tuesday while trying to cross the border from this Fall. And the rich colors coordinate with pants and jeans. Lebanon on a terror mission. with her casual wardrobe in shades of dark 7 to 15 sizes. $65 It said a frontier patrol intercepted gunmen armed with Communist - made Kalashnikov automatics. green, bright red, navy, brown or black. Congress acts on reform bill Select the gob cloche or newsboy cap. . $9 ^ *kUA JdLoip House - Senate conferees Tuesday reached agreement on the horniest provisions of a historic campaign reform measure that would finance future presidential campaigns with public funds. After weeks of negotiations, Senate conferees agreed to drop a demand for public financing of congressional elections bitterly opposed by the House - in JacobSoriB - exchange for provisions to create a strong independent elections commission and revise spending limits for congressional races. V COMMITTEE BOUNDARIES Judiciary lines cross in hearings Ruth Renaud, director of judicial he has access to keys, and he is caught explained. "The case might end up being By GARY HOFFMAN State News Staff Writer programs, said Tuesday that medical and going into the desk of a professor to steal heard by both bodies." veterinary student grievances and disputes an exam," she said. Renaud also said the appeals procedures If you are caught "eyeballing" test "I am not sure that simply firing the of University judiciaries need an overhaul. normally end up being decided by ' answers or rifling a professor's desk for an administrators of the respective college, individual is a substitute for other "We have had cases where a faculty examination, do not be surprised if no one rather than by judicial hearing. disciplinary action," she said. "The member, a graduate student and an is really sure which campus judiciary student is involved in academic undergraduate have been involved in the should hear your case. dishonesty." same appeals dispute," she said. "The Bonnen also said problems of University administrators say the jurisdiction arise in the case of graduate whole thing can really spread." judiciaries are an unwieldy mass with assistants because they are students, Renaud said cases involving the In this way, three simultaneous hearings conflicting jurisdictions, vague rules for faculty and University employes. It is grievances of minority group members can might have to be held by three separate appeals and unspecified rights for medical unclear which judicial body should hear also lead to overlapping jurisdictions. judiciaries on the same dispute. Renaud and veterinary students. Minorities have access to the Anti - said the campus judiciaries have fairly the case. In fact, officials have diffculty Discrimination Judicial Board as well as clear internal appeals procedures. However, Renaud said the jurisdictional estimating the number of judiciaries on problems in dealing with most student normal channels, like a department "But the question is 'What about their campus. employes are greater than those for hearing. compatibility?' " she asked. She said some In addition to five campuswide "In each case two boards may have to framework for all campus judiciaries is graduate and teaching assistants. judiciaries covering students, faculty and "Suppose a student is hired as a janitor, decide what their jurisdiction is," Renaud needed to eliminate the overlap. staff, there are judiciaries in many college departments and residence halls. The judiciaries composed of faculty and students, hear grievances and decide Triple troubles tarrying; whether violations of University regulations have occurred. For example, a dispute on academic dishonesty could be brought before a department hearing board or the Student special problem Faculty Judiciary, which considers cases on cheating and falsification of records. The current mass of judiciaries is "all in pieces," James Bonnen, a member of the Academic Council steering committee, told the committee Monday. Not all aspects of overassignments are By ANNE STUART situation. One problem frequently "There seems no way to make a State News Staff Writer encountered is that of the person who negative. Three roommates in Case Hall coherent whole out of it as it is now," he does not smoke and has been placed with found they all wore the same size and said. "There are a lot of poorly defined smokers for roommates. One Akers Hall could trade clothes. Many people found areas." "Two is company, three is a resident was transferred immediately that another roommate had brought an A report asking for an ad hoc crowd " because she was allergic to the cigarets appliance or room decoration they had committee to make recommendations on smoked by the other four girls in the forgotten, or something else that everyone —Anonymous could University judiciaries was approved last use. spring, but the steering committee delayed In spite of all the complaints about The old saying has taken on a new overcrowded conditions from students, no creating the committee Monday until the Requests for transfers for students who new Academic Council bylaws are significance to many students who are want to be one yet has cited the room reassigned when space becomes living in overassigned residence hall rooms overassignments as his or her reason for approved. this year. As of Sept. 27, 311 men and available are now being processed. This The problems a special committee will presents another problem in many cases - withdrawing from the University. 515 women were living in overassigned "To date, none of our withdrawals have have to deal with include the current lack how to decide who has to leave. rooms, Gary North, coordinator of the been due to overcrowding in the residence of judicial programs for medical students. Residence Hall Programs, said. Last year, A medical student has no judicial body halls," Betty Del Din, director of student SN photo/John Russell 550 students were overassigned. to go to hear his grievance, while some "Everyone in my room likes each withdrawals, said. (i Wachob, MSU junior, dramatizes the plight of political prisoners still students may be able to find three hearing Letters were sent from residence hall other," an Akers Hall sophomore said. "Students were notified in advance, and being held in South Vietnam. The demonstration is part of the Week of Concern, boards ready and willing to hear a dispute. managers to present fall term residents last "No one wants to leave, but there just though there are problems caused by the sponsored by the East Lansing Peace Center. "You might say there are holes left spring, warning of overcrowded conditions isn't room for an extra person in there all overassignments. none have left so far between the slats," Leroy Dugan Jr., asst. year. We really don't know what to do." because of that." and suggesting that students bring only dean of the graduate school, said. absolute necessities. However, the letters Dugan said a graduate student in the Political captive treatment College of Natural Science who has a problem with a physiology course can take could not prepare students for the personal problems that result when three people live together in a room built for the grievance to a deparment judiciary. two. But a student with the same problem in S. Vietnam protested who is taking the same course as part of a College of Human Medicine program has no judicial body to hear the case. The unfortunate third person in each room must depend on the generosity of Striking Ford's car the other two roommates for space. By JEFF MERRELL symbol of our giving money to the "That is why we hoped the judicial Though an extra bed or couch is provided, State News Staff Writer Vietnamese goverrtmentf Day said. systems could be merged into one, so the extra shelves, desks, closet and drawer jy The brown wooden box is 4 feet just 3 feet Day and Homan contond that Saigon it areas where students were not covered could be filled in," Dugan said. space are not. earns man probation I holding up to 200,000 prisoners, all for "I've been living out of boxes and Still, someone, a manacled young crammed inside it. That was political reasons, at a cost of $20 million suitcases," said one freshman girl from an, was A former MSU student pleaded no contest Tuesday morning in East Lansing District Hthe she wanted it. per year. Many of the prisoners are being Yakeley Hall. "I feel as though I'm wav held for violating South Vietnamese Court to a charge of malicious destruction of property stemming from an incident that J■of The "victim," Pam Wachob. a member President Thieu's ban on labor strikes, Students invited constantly imposing if I ask to use occurred last May when President Ford was on campus. the East Lansing Peace Center, spent someone's desk." Dean Brisbois, 20, of Drayton Plains, pleaded no contest before Judge Daniel time in the tieer peace demonstrations and neutralism. ( cage as a A Holmes Hall freshman said his two Tschirhart to the charge that he damaged a Secret Service auto which was part of Ford's Idemonstration of how political prisoners The U.S. government's part in the tiger to open house roommates had signed up to room motorcade. Ford, then vice president, was on campus to receive a Distinguished Citizen's (nSouth Vietnam are still treated. cage affair stems from the billion dollar Award from the MSU Board of Trustees. The cage is being exhibited by the together and had made clear immediately Brisbois was assigned to a 90-day probation by Tschirhart and ordered to pay Hpeace center in the greater Lansing area as military aid to be given to the South government during fiscal hosted by CUD that he would be the one to leave. restitution for the damages. Vietnamese "They left me some drawers to stick my pnrtof its Week of Concern. 1974. Some of this money makes ud Brisbois struck the car with his fist while the motorcade was pulling away from clothes in, but told me not to unpack or On Tuesday the peace center held an The College of Urgan Development will about 80 per cent of the operating funds put anything on the shelves or walls, since Kellogg Center and was arrested immediately by campus police. [exhibition iHill at which in front of East Lansing City of Thieu's government, according to the host an open house for all MSU students I wouldn't be there that long anyway," he The Secret Service, complainant in the case, claimed Brisbois caused $35 damage to Bud Day and Betsy Homan, today from 3 to 5 p.m. in W2 Owen hall. the car. Judge Tschirhart has assigned probation officer Brian Matter to determine if center. said. ■both members of the group, told of the All interested students should attend and that is an accurate estimate of the cost of the damage. ■U.S. government's part in the "postwar The center will sponsor a rally at 3:30 visit with faculty, staff and students of the James A. Timmer, Brisbois' attorney, said that under terms of the probation Brisbois Request cards for different types of p.m. today in front of Beaumont Tower in college. Refreshments will be served. housing, filled out last spring, often were would have no police record if he completes the 90-day probation without any further "The political prisoners have become a support of unconditional amnesty. not honored because of the overcrowding scrapes with the law. Brisbois was unavailable for comment. M.S.U. EMPLOYEE'S UNION LOCAL i 1585 SUPPORTS! MSU Student Workers Union local! "Don't let the bosses grind you. Organize!" ATTEND THE STUDENT WORKERS UNION ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING TONIGHT -4MS<-A15ST 7 p.m. at 105 S. Kedzie Hall UP. ON VTOKMY FCREST 1?gfiCR,PS OSOA.L MOKl-PR\ lOMA-QPM ^ONtWVf Moon- fcPM ingleTicketsi $3.00 Ab** m«TUn*tqri• Lgnature Student No? February 18-23 May 20 - 25 dThe Argyll MOVIE IS HERE! and Sutherland /ERIE/ "GERARD D^IMIANOthe man who made it michigin itate university Directors' Choice Film Series 'DeepThroal'andiHE'Dcvil In Miss Jones' has no serious rival on the hard-core scene. Sex is always Highlanders performed with feeling in his films, but MiSS Aggie brings presents out real characterization and story values." , SPECTACULAR SPINE-TINGLING, Gary (MpfftJun Arthur "SOMETHING NEW IN THE ANNALS OF ADULT in Frank SEX FILMS! Very much a woman's picture, relating di¬ Capra's rectly to a woman's urgent needs and steeped in every woman's sexual fantasies. Damiano doesn t merely fling sex at his audience. He knows what he is about and explores Mr. Deeds with DEfT. DARING AND DISTINCTIVE EXPER¬ TISE. Damiano SKILLFULLY and ARTFULLY blends fact and fantasy in a saqa of sexual hunger and repression People of every sexual persuasion and orieniaton will find this the Mosl Hardened Erotic, Goes to Town Yel Joyously Life-Affirming So Superior that Any Major Studio Would Proud to be pat of such a movie " Film Ever Made. Be (1936) 118 minutes black & white Thursday, October 3 MEM0P1ES 2 showings: 7:00 & 9:15 p.m. Fairchild Theater $1.25 at the door or Directors' Choice Series Ticket WITH I tCGW, Nothing was miv.iii|i from Aggie's liftv except Aggie this picture is rated X Absolutely no persons under 18 will be admitted. Proof of age is required. Showtime: 7:00 8.30 -10:00 PM Showplace: 100 Eng. Bldg. Admission: $2.25 jON Coming soon ... Beal Film "The Teenage Cheerleader" Wednesday, Oct. 2 J (. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan I Art Ensemble I will perform Joseph Jar man, composer magazines. They have released the President of the CAC and and multi • instrumentalist over 15 records in the United the sole member of the Art member of the Art Ensemble States, Europe and Africa and Ensemble of Chicago living in of Chicago will give a solo they recently returned from Michigan. Mitchell said the saxophone concert at 8:15 their third European tour. CAC was formed by local p.m. today in the Sky Theater at Abrams Planetarium. Jarman is currently developing an artist's workshop musicians to further the live performance of creative CIGARETTES The concert is the first of a series of four programs on Chicago's near - north side. The workshop, like Jarman's contemporary music. "We plan to set up an (coupon) 2pk/ 69c live Expires October C. 1174 featuring individual members performances, unites environment where established Cist Lanslni Store Only of the Art Ensemble. The poetry, music, dance and and beginning musicians can series, called Creative Music IV, theater. learn and perform together," is sponsored by the Creative ' Mitchell said. "We would like 10% OFF ON ALL KODAK Fli/l 'African musicians were f Arts Collective (CAC) of East to see a new atmosphere where Lansing. also actors, dancers and poets. audiences can experience music PROCESSING DEVELOPING The Art Ensemble of What we are doing just re - written and performed by establishes an old tradition," Chicago has won music polls people who live and work in conducted by Ebony, Jarman said. the Lansing - East Lansing area Downbeat and Jazz Hot Roscoe Mitchell, of Bath, is people whose exposure in — local night spots, restaurants and campus events has been limited." LISTERINE SOFT & DRI Mouthwash Company offers Percussionist Donald Moye Anti • Perspirant will host the second program 12 oz. Thursday, Oct. 10. The third concert bassist will feature acoustic Malachi Favors on [. 85c JO reg. $2.45 1.49 Limit 1 drama musicals Wednesday, Oct. 16, and the final performance of the series will be by saxophonist Roscoe (coupon) Expires October 6, 1974 East Lansing Store Only Mitchell and the CAC Allergan Ensemble Wednesday, Oct. 23. ByDARYLLGRANT State News Reviewer Really Trying." The Company has a 8:15 All performances will be at p.m. in Abrams JERGENS Lotion CLEAN-N-SOAKI Contact Lens Solution Most students have constitution, a president and a Planetarium on the respective undoubtedly been confronted governing board. One of the 10 oz. 4 87" dates. oz. in the MSU residence halls and class buildings with a poster attractions of The Company is that anyone can participate in the Tickets are now available at planetarium box office, the reg. $1.19 reg. $2.25 1.52 Limit 1 announcing tryouts for "A the productions by Union ticket office and at (coupon) (coupon) Man for All Seasons." Expires October S, 1974 Expires October S. 1974 auditioning. And if the Discount Records, 401 E. East Lanslnf Store Only East Lansing Store Only "A Man for All Seasons," student's talents do not lie in directed by Alan Schratter, is Grand River Ave. performing, there is an Tickets for individual Saxophonist Roscoe Mitchell of the Art Ensemble of Chicago is president of the Creative Arts the opening presentation of opportunity for painting The season. Company's The 1974-75 Company is a scenery, sewing costumes and performances tickets are $10. are $3 and series Collective, which will present Joseph Jarman, also of the ensemble, in concert tonight at Abrams Planetarium. CUTICURA selling tickets. student - run organization offering MSU audiences the Auditions for "A Man for All Seasons" will be held at 7 Medicated Soap ymit i (coupon) 29c Expires October 6, 1974 exuberance of Broadway p.m. today and Thursday in Mariah leads off with Taj East Lansing Store Only Mahal musicals and the eclectic thrills 316 Bessey Hall. A meeting of dramatic shows. will also be held for outside Northern The Company is the directors and proposals for new NEO- Nasal Spray youngest theatrical group on shows. This meeting will be at PAPER TOWELS campus, founded in 1971 by a 7 p.m. Sunday in the lower By DAVE Dl MARTINO chants, and unusual Mariah will showcase his new critical successes and financial SYNEPHRINEl half dozen earnest students east lounge of McDonel Hall. State News Reviewer "spontaneous" rhythm six - piece band which includes disasters, have included such wanting to provide MSU with Va% Originally, The Company Taj Mahal's gritty country instruments. more theatrical productions. Their first show was "Once performed mainly musicals but as of late they have added blues will open the third season of the Mariah Folk and Blues Acknowledging his early big band influence, several musicians. Jamaican studio notables as Tom Rush, Dave Van Ronk, Lightnin' Hopkins, 42' reg. $1.30 Limit 1 Taj appeared In presenting Taj Mahal, Ramblin' Jack Elliot, Leo Limit 4 Upon a Mattress" and dramatic offerings to their Coffeehouse Thursday in the for a time with a 10 - piece Mariah, a branch of MSU Pop Kottke, Eric Anderson, David (coupon) (coupon) Expires October t. 1974 Expires October $, 1974 subsequent shows were "Damn repertoire. McDonel Hall kiva. group, including four tubas. Entertainment run entirely by Bromberg and others. East Lansing Store Only Yankees" and "How to Last year's season included Taj, a major force in the Yet his latest album, "No student volunteers, continues Advanced tickets for Taj ^^as^Unrtn^Stor^Onh^ Succeed in Business Without Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for current blues resurgence, is a Roots," features new direction its policy of presenting Mahal, priced at $1.50, will be Godot" and "Inherit the distinguished recording artist for Taj. It combines Jamaican distinguished folk and blues on sale at the Union and Wind." The inclusion of with six excellent Columbia reggae music with his more artists in intimate settings at Elderly Instruments, 541 E. CORICIDIN FORMULA 441 Panel discussion nonmusical works has made albums to his name, including traditional blues - based sound. the lowest possible prices. Past Grand River Ave. Admission at Cold Tablets The Company one of the most the sound track to the highly A pane] discussion on voting Taj Mahal's appearance at productions, almost invariably the door will be $2.00. acclaimed film "Sounder," is scheduled from 7:30 to 9:30 tonight at the United Ministries interesting will groups on campus. "A Man for All Seasons" be presented As an artist, Taj Mahal has gained a reputation as reg. $1.45 Limit 1 73" reg. $1.29 731 for Higher Education, 1H8S. successive weekends, on Nov. two something of an eclectic. He is WELCOME (coupon) Limit 1 (coupon) Harrison Road. Expires October 6, 1974 an accomplished multi - Sponsored by the Women's 14, 15, and 16 and Nov. 21,22 and 23. For more information, instrumentalist, and can play AMTRAK! East Lansing Store Only International League for Peace contact The Company's piano, banjo, bass and fife, As and Freedom, the panel will Mid-Michigan's oldest active, most experienced rail agents, we d president, Dave Catlin, though onstage, Taj usually respond questions to a series of designed to gain 337-7526, or write at The accompanies himself on guitar like to officially welcome AMTRAK to East Lansing. Not only can we make your reservations and write your tickets. INSTANTLY, but we can BRIGHT SIDE and harmonica. He often also take care of your hotel and car rental needs. Company at McDonel Hall. the candidate's views coming election. on the accents with hums, whistles, Our rail agents have all experienced both AMTRAK and Canadian National services. We even have their menus! HOLIDAY RAIL AND AIR 39 RESERVATIONS ARE GOING FAST, so, call or stop by and discuss The candidates who are your plans over a cup of coffee. We're experts in helping people travel. expected to participate are: M. Robert Carr, Democrat, J& J VO 5 6th Congressional District Chicago 8 a.m.; Port Huron/Toronto, 9:25 p.r Candidate; H. Lynn Jondahl, group programs (including sleeping c BAND AIDS CREME RINSE Democrat, 59th state House any extra charge tor services district; Zolton Ferency, no. 4626 8oz. gubernatorial candidate for the Human Rights party (HRP), The d Corner ol MAC and Ann reg. 79 c 54? reg. $1.09 39c and Howard Jones, HRP Myths are Limit 1 (coupon) Limit 1 candidate for 6th U.S. Distr ct. (coupon) gone but the Expires October 6, 1974 East Lansing Store Only Expires October C, 1974 East Lansing Store Only DELTS live on. TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON Northern Delta Tau Delta FACIAL TISSUE MAGIC SIZINGl reg.<6c«?/l .00 Limit 6 reg. 79 c 48' (coupon) Expires October 6, 1974 East Lansing Store Only ACTION LIGHT BULBS UNICAP M 19" reg. $3.38 1.99 PIXIE PANTS VITAMIN E Stretch Bikini Panties 100 mg. reg. $1.00 Limit 1 62< 100's reg. $3.50 1.961 Limit 1 (coupon) (coupon) Expires October 6, 1974 Expires October 6, 197* East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 8 pack — 16 oz. PEPSI No deposit • return ,. Limit 1 (coupon) , 1.38 reg. $1.63 Expires Octobers, 1974 East Lanslnf Store Only SHEER KNEE SOX Limit 6 (coupon) Expires October «, 1974 789' East Lansing Store Only One Size OPAQUE PANTYHOSE Limit 6 no. reg. 0-1 $1.50 (coupon) Expires October (, 1974 E»it Lanslnf Store Only 78* Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1974 9 300 TICKETED EV Hurry Seniors! Illegal parking remains "But these areas are clearly Visitors to MSU a hassle to get your By pAT NARDl are free to On weekends, however, cars different areas of campus, potted, so there's no excuse," Swte r^roy,ry-t News Staff Writer he added. Cars parked are also ticketed when on East Lansing streets park overnight in the main student lots: F Lot behind Holden Hall; X Lot near Fee Hall; L Lot near Brody without permits are neither checked nor ticketed. Cars may also be parked overnight in any gated lot on drivers should carefully note what is before posted parking. on the meter FREE between the hours of 2 and 5 Complex; and Y Lot near a.m. Mason Abbot Halls. - campus. If you are an earlybird, you The $4 ticket you save may be your own. senior pictures in the Though drivers occasionally "We encourage visitors to get away with parking park in these storage lots if can some park overnight for free in metered areas on 1975 WOLVERINE campus. srssassa issued for pTk-e overnight in shopping center lots or church parking lots near campus, others have been they're going to stay a day or so," said one officer from public safety. Most meters early are enforced as 7 a.m., so you will as yearbook. have to get up awfully early to WJ""u m "li" ,rk'n,i'' ticketed in these spots. The Zutaut said during the week beat the meter maid. ROOITI 36fl Union University United officers check license plates on can steer him to a safe parking Methodist Church, 1120 S. cars without permits parked in Visitors should also be alert soot next weekend. Harrison Road, will leave students lots. If the car belongs that many MSU meters are 353-5292 The most common sites for mimeographed letters on to a student it will be ticketed. enforced on Sundays. Since narking offenses are in areas windshields of cars who park times vary on meters in Served for University overnight in its lot. personnel, said Capt. Adam "This is a private lot!" the Zutaut of the MSU Dept. of letter says sternly. It proceeds Public Safety. to chastise the car owner so he will park somewhere else the next time. Tow - away zones to avoid Talk slate are the parking lots near the Bogue Street and River Street on minorit apartments. Those lots can barely accommodate the cars of residents who live there, job chanc much less extra visitors. HRST 300 9H0PPERS- FRlDflV, OCT. 4th FIRST 300 SHOPPERS- S/WIHHW. OCT Stfc Don Coleman, asst. director 3301 E MICHIGAN STORE 0NIV 3301 E MICHIGAN STORE ONIV of MSU's Placement Services will speak Thursday on the career prospects for minority college graduates at 2 p.m. in 48-OZ. COKE 20" BREAD 31 Union. .. (Ho Qeturn Batik ) .. (Shaft- Soft 7V Good) Coleman is being presented by the Multi Ethnic Counseling 63* VALUE ! 57< VALUE! Center Alliance (MECCA) in the first of a series of lectures called the "Identity Series." All students are welcome. Cash for STAMPS & COINS Buy - Sell - Trade full line of supplies MID • MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN 1880 HASLETT Rd 337-0114 3301 EAST MICHIGAN » 15487 NORTH EAST STREET open meemays aa» iop" SAVE 23t LB! % f SUNDAYS FSCW 10*" 8'" "FRESH TRVING 1 SALES PARTS 1 DAY SERVICE 1 SERVICE and CHICKEN ACCESSORIES COUNTRY CUT- ASSORTED PARTS, mm m 10 - SPEEDS Quality Brands Best values vou SAve at etetmuvs 1 YEAR TO PAY BUV AT THE OLD LOWER PRICE WHILE STOCK IS AVAILABLE I you se ofi vug is pace harjc£V we will not wise irs pace velocipede SAVE 214 OKI BIG E' EBERHARD f LIQUID JOV SALAD MESSING-68 SAVE 29$ ON ORANGE, GRAPE or GRAPEFRUIT HAVOCS OXVDOLl Detei^entl WASNEB DRINKS 34 TRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY, OCTOBER STH, 1974 ;iw SAVE T* Ok) ROVfll SCOT fiOUP MfflttMIHE SAVE OM SCOT TflRM +UJME-STVLE »- fliD PIONEER'PL-12D B'MIIK BISCUITS BUV 2-SPve 0ck with in stwt COUPOfO . gkeeu DlflHOMD Despite its Stereo Turntable simplified 2-control operation, this versatile unit sHttiEP mmtmns » contains a high degrpe of BUV 2-SOVC 40< ullW l«-STDRt CouPou sophistication with advanced fea¬ tures like: CliSCO ShoHenifK) 4-pole, belt-driven synchronous motor; static- balanced S-shaped tonearm; ultra-light tracking; oil damped cueing; anti-skating control; 12-inch dynamically balanced die cast platter; walnut base, hinged dust cover; 33Vi - 45 "or* »rvlc« "•P*- Mcks every piece OANKAMERICARU •t>u|Pm*nt K>ld By hi Fl Buys end tl -spccmi 3 Shop' /QgjjijA'jkii'i'iTiViiVi'iii'ii'B fDC CDOKllXJ-MIOt * 16-07 RET &T15 i «u>ov SAVE l DiscShop 323 Eiit Grand River SAVE 8-PflCK 80* COKE a^O; ifflUwiireT |3a VELLOW a ONIONS 132] W| \ HI-FI ]101 E. Gr^nd Rivar 3371700 IRK tri-pc* caufwi hkwho save \ood rwtosAr oct s ' •ova- ,♦1.60 t /- pc* coo pom kr 'a»uy u> thmsat. oct. 5 1 ky\ Wednesday, Oct. 2,197J 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan TO FACE RUGGED IRISH Spartan defense Spartans' voung defensive backfield busy. By PAT FARNAN Again this weekend, the Spartan defense will have U> stop th.I State News Sports Writer run and they will have to do it more effectively than they did| Denny Stolz's MSU defensive corps may never ascertain what against UCLA. happened to them on the West Coast last Saturday, but the Offensively, the Spartans will try to accomplish a Uiu Spartans now must look beyond that debacle and prepare to put objective. They will have to move the ball on the ground araZI the shackles on visiting Notre Dame Saturday. an excellent Notre Dame defense. ■ The Irish are big and fast offensively and quite capable or putting points on the board. Also, coach Ara Parseghian s Stolz has already commented that the Irish contest wj|jl defending national champions lost last week. The Irish get angry determine just where the Spartans are at as a football team \M when they lose. large part that responsibility will rest with the defense. Anothol "This is Notre Dame week around here, defensive co-captain 56 point outburst could leave Stolz as puzzled as before. - Jim Taubert emphasized. "I just hope we can impress some of the younger kids around here with what that means." Taubert, a senior who was granted an extra year of eligibility, is one of the leading Spartan tacklers with 12 solo takedowns and 16 assists. The burly tackle had little to say about the UCLA trouncing, offering "lack of concentration" as a possible explanation. Spartans ready Spartan booters Taubert said the Spartans would be ready Saturday when the Irish invade Spartan Stadium. "Every week, every game is a big one," Taubert continued. "But the Notre Dame game is always something special. It's confront Calvin always been an intense rivalry. Notre Dame is not that far away and of course, their name is tantamount with college football By JACK WALKDEN powerhouses. As far as I'm concerned, they're the name team in State News Sports Writer college football." MSU soccer coach Ed Rutherford will get his first chance to! Irish hold edge see how much effect the home field advantage has when the! Saturday's game will be the 39th meeting between the two Spartans open the home portion of their schedule today. I archrivals with the Irish holding a 23-15-1 edge in a series which The Spartans will meet Calvin College at 3:30 p.m. at the| soccer field located on Shaw Lane south of Spartan Stadium. began in 1897. There is no admission charge. In ten possessions last week, UCLA scored eight times. I hey The meeting of the two is the first since 1967. Going on p were never forced to punt the ball. Against the Irish, the MSU defense will have to turn the ball over a bit more often. Notre contests, the Spartans should have an easy time of it. MSU has I won all nine previous matches and has outscored Calvin, 66 - 3,inl Dame likes to play ball control. If they can hold onto the pigskin that span. Rutherford does not expect an easy match with Calviol long enough, they can push it across the goal line. SN photo/Bob Kaye Similar offense this time, however. 1 "Calvin should be a much better indicator of the type of team! MSU defensive back Tom Graves and defensive end Mike Duda pursue Northwestern quarterback Mitch Anderson during the The Bruins managed to pull off at least one big play nearly we have," Rutherford said. "They're one of the better teams on Spartans' 41-7 romp over the Wildcats. The Spartan defense will have to be up to the mark this Saturday when defending every time they had the ball. Notre Dame is similar offensively. our schedule." NCAA champ Notre Dame rolls into Spartan Stadium. The Irish possess a fine quarterback in Tom Clements, who is a threat That's how they bested Alabama in last year's Sugar Bowl. Rutherford's emphasis this week in practice has been shots on The Irish also have a double threat in quarterback Tom both passing and running. MSU has only allowed seven points in eight quarters of play at h ime this season. goal. Despite scoring seven goals in Saturday's shutout win over Clements, considered a prime candidate for the Heisman Trophy. Eastern Michigan, Rutherford was disappointed with the shooting A tested runner, Clements also has a fine arm and will keep the of the team. "The offense has been practicing their shooting on goal, while! the defense has worked on defending against comer kicks, Student ice ticket sales announced Rutherford said. A few line • up changes have been made for today's contest.1 PAM WARD Hungarian Zdravko Rom and 27 - year - old Rudy Sandoval will! surround center - forward Peer Brunnschweiler in the Spartan! Season tickets for MSU director for business affairs, extra 50 cents." remodeling to be done in front line. Rutherford is using Rom and Sandoval in place of I Let's not let students to home Spartan Calls "a getting acquainted "We plan to do the same Jenison Fieldhouse will cause a Gino Baldino and Pahad Fraser. The changes were not made] hockey games will go on sale thing with basketball next reduction in the seating because of poor play by Baldmo and Fraser, however. Monday through Wednesday. "It will allow students to see year," he said. "The capacity." "We want to start Rudy and see what he can do.J progress stop The price for the set of 20 the games and to look over the Rutherford said. "He has a strong leg and in a scrimmage! home games is $20, an increase ice arena and its advantages," Tuesday, we scored two goals in the five minutes he was in thel of $5 over last year's price for a season ticket. The tickets will Beardsley said. "I think they'll find that the price is very Cunningham 76 ers; lineup." The remainder of the line - up is the same. Jamie Doby, Mikel I For the past two years the MSU women's athletic program has be on sale at the ticket reasonable." Kenney and Jim Nugent will form the midfield line, while Jin received nothing but praise for its progressive action in furthering the opportunities for women student athletes. It has boasted the windows at the west end of the new Munn Ice Arena from For students who fail to buy season tickets, the cost per tries to end c Stelter, Phil Smith, Doug Bigford, Phil Bertlesen and T Schenck will alternate at the four defensive spots. finest competitive record, the fargest budget and (fie most varsity 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each of game will be the same as for Fans can expect to see a running - type game from the w< sports in the Big Ten conference. « . the three days. No individual the general public, $4 and $3 PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - 76ers. conditioned Spartans. Rutherford credits his four assistant! It is too bad that now, at a time when women athletes are game tickets will be sold, per game. Billy Cunningham, the former TTie court dispute began coaches, Joe Baum, Kevin Byrnes, Bob Imhoff and Jim Hoffman,! however. "The rationale behind that is Philadelphia 76ers star forward when court ruled his ABA gaining a foothold, University and Athletic Dept. officials have a with keeping the team in good shape. decided to stand still. Students must have their fee that there are certain people who is the subject of an contract had precedence. The Last year the women's sports program received a $50,000 receipt cards with them to who would project themselves extensive legal battle between agreement with the Cougars, make the purchase of tickets. into the ticket business by the Sixers and the Carolina who have since moved from budget increase. This year, the program, which supports 10 varsity sports, received an additional $15,000. That is just about enough to cover the increase in the cost of living and travel As in football, students will be given a packet of coupons which will be redeemable for buying all the tickets for the best series and then selling Cougars Tuesday joined the Philadelphia team after North Carolina and become the St. Louis Spirits, expires Howes score expenses. them," Beardsley said. boarding the 76ers' bus here to Monday. reserved seat tickets on a per Beardsley said that no actual The recommended budget of $150,000 made by Dr. Nell Binghamton, N.Y. Jackson, asst. athletic director in charge of women's sports, was chopped to $105,000. "A $105,000 budget may sound like a large sum but when you game cases basis or per series basis in where a visiting team plays here two nights in a row. rationale was used in setting the price for season tickets. "There was no ration or Cunningham was scheduled to be with the 76ers for a Tuesday night against the New game The 76ers have maintained their old contract Cunningham, which has not with Team Canada/osesl begin to work with it the improvement isn't that good. The There is one exception to formula as such," he said. "We York Nets, a move which expired, binds him to the team. MOSCOW (UPI) — Gordie and Mark Howe each scored J $15,000 increase certainly isn't as nice as it sounds," Jackson the policy. For the opening didn't want to go any higher, signaled his attempt to end the The ABA contract however goal Tuesday night, but Team Canada could not stop ail series against Laurentian, Oct. however. It's a lot of court battle. He joined the contains an option clause aggressive Russian squad from posting a 3-2 victory to take thi said. "The cost of living almost absolves the increase. Well be 25 and 26, the coupons entertainment for one dollar." team for the first time in two under which St. Louis could lead in their eight - game series. mainly carrying on the status quo." "Carrying on the status quo" certainly does not sound like the themselves will admit the Last year tickets were only years after playing two seasons seek to keep Cunningham by Alexander Maltsev scored twice for Russia as the Canadiaml kind of goal that should be set by the Big Ten's progressive leader bearer to the ice arena. Seating 50 cents a game with a season with the Cougars of the court action. played catchup hockey after the Soviets scored the opening gall of women's athletics. will be on a general admission ticket, but Beardsley believes American Basketball Assn. A 76ers spokesman said it with 8:34 gone in the opening period. I basis for these games, which that the "good seating and was not known if Cunningham Each team had one victory and played two ties in the first four! Even given the benefit of the doubt, that the money situation Cunningham previously Bill Beardsley, asst. athletic vision alone are worth the would play Tuesday • games in Canada. is tough and that funds are simply not available for the women's played seven seasons with the program, the Athletic Dept.'s attitude this year leaves a lot to be desired. For almost a year the Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare has debated proposals for the 1973 Title IX Education Robinson will ma Amendment. TTie Title IX guidelines, which will compel schools to offer an equal opportunity for women athletes, including NEW YORK (UPI)-Frank Cuevas said. "You need the him as a manager to Cuevas. scholarships and competiton, will go into effect this Jan. 1. "If you can manage in Robinson will be named same prerequisites to manage Undoubtedly, the guidelines will affect the current MSU women's Puerto Rico, you can manage program, and will help to further its development. playing manager of the in the major leagues as you do Cleveland Indians Thursday, to manage in our league." anywhere," Weaver said. "I Discussions, proposals, student and faculty input and'most thereby becoming the first Baltimore Orioles manager think Frank will make a good important, affirmative action should be taken now by the black manager in major league Earl Weaver preceded major league manager. I've University and Athletic Dept. to implement the guidelines into the current program. How will they affect the program? What baseball history, it has been Robinson as Santurce's thought that way for a long learned. manager. He recommended time." should or could be changed to meet the demands of the Robinson's salary will Under Weaver, Robinson proposals? What about scholarships? These and many more questions should be answered or at least remain at its present $173,000 helped the Orioles to four World Series. He was voted the discussed, now, by the University, Athletic Dept. heads and women coaches. Instead, the "leader of the Big Ten" has not level, automatically making him the highest - paid manager Sign-up starting American League's Most in the history of baseball. Valuable Player in 1966 after taken any action in that direction. "Title IX will help us one way or the other. The guidelines will The 40 - year - old for BUF teams winning the triple crown with Robinson, who was obtained the Orioles, leading the league be a boost to women athletics but we're not sure just exactly how on waivers from the California "All teams interested in with 122 runs batted in, 49 much they're going to do," Jackson commented. "Sometime this Angels 2'/i weeks ago, will be a homers and a .316 batting year we (athletic officials) are going to have to sit down and look playing in the Black United at women's athletics as a whole." designated hitter for the next Front (BUF) basketball league average. year, as well as manager. fall term must sign He was also named the Sometime. Discussions on the philosophy of the women's up Some baseball people are National League's MVP with sports program should be carried on all the time. Not sometime. beginning today in the Men's Avenues for improvement and development (i.e. Title IX) should opposed to playing managers in IM Building office. Cincinnati in 1961, a year in the majors on the theory that which he had 124 RBI, 37 be looked for and encouraged, not shied away from or ignored. Play will start Monday and any manager has more than the deadline for team entry is 6 homers and a .323 batting The past praise for the MSU women's athletic program was well warranted and certainly the progress and accomplishments enough to do without having p.m. Tuesday. average. to worry about playing, but made are something to be proud of. But continued progress can The BUF league is open to Shortly after the Indians the Indians don't agree. all claimed Robinson from the only be made by moving, not by waiting. teams, both men's and They remember that the last women's. Angels for the $20,000 waiver man ever to lead them to a For further information, price, they fired Ken World Championship was contact Ocie Albert at 487 - Aspromonte as their Orioles nip ;6-7D playing manager Lou Boudreau in 1948. Boudreau played 152 0253. manager. games for the Indians that year, all but one of them at clinch tie for shortstop, and finished second only to Ted Williams in batting with a .355 average. DETROIT (UPI) - Pinch - hitter Andy Etchebarren placed a Robinson already has run - scoring double squarely on the left field foul line with one managed Santurce of the out in the ninth inning to snap a 6 - 6 tie Tuesday and enable the Puerto Rican League for five All those interested in trying out for the MSU wrestling team Baltimore Orioles to clinch at least a tie for the American League winters. The man who should attend a meeting at 4:30 pjn. today in 208 Men's East Division title with a 7 - 6 victory over the Detroit Tigers. originally signed him for that Intramural Bldg. The victory moved the Orioles 114 games ahead of the second *** job, Santurce club owner and place New York Yankees who played at Milwaukee Tuesday President Hiram Cuevas, has no Women interested in competing on the MSU women's swim night. doubts that Robinson will do a team should meet at 4 p.m. Thursday in the lower pool area at Baltimore has one game remaining on its regular season good job the Women's IM Building. as a major league AP wirephoto I v In-dull' • today at Detroit - while the Yankees had games manager. *** World heavyweight boxing champion Georg. Foreman has "bouncd Tuesday night and today at Milwaukee and needed to win both. "There's no question about Freshmen interested in trying out with the MSU baseball team w postponed hi. titl. titf,, with Muh.mmrf Ali back real well" after the f Baltimore lost Wednesday to even gain a tie for the title and force his baseball should attend a meeting at 7:30 pjn. Thursday in 225 Jenison qc. 30. hi. mow'. p playoff game Thursday at Shea Stadium. knowledge, and he Dick Sadler, said. Above, Foreman poms before a workout has shown he can lead Fieldhouse. Monday. men," Michigann state News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1974 11 WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY OPEN DAILY SUNDAY 10-7 10-10; October & Discount Sale AIR FRESHENER 7%-OZ. BLUE TINT ACCENT LAMP Sale Priced Our Reg. 74 i Our Reg. $3.44 S I >88 'MALIBU' STRIPES 4 Days Only 44' Choose from evergreen, rose 4 Days Only 66 Blue tint in tank toilet bowl 4 Days Only 17" • tall plastic desk lamp lilac, lemon and bouquet cleaner. Helps keep your with 12" - dia. round dome on Our Reg. $3.47 4 Days Only $014^ W win Flat Twin Fla fragrances. *7 oz. net wt. bowl clean for up to 8 weeks. handsome cone-shaped base. or Fitted Modern as tomorrow! Gala striped sheets in easy care, no iron polyester/cotton 2.97 Cases... 2.57 4.57 Dbl. Sheet... 4.14 5-PACK WASHCLOTHS Our Reg. $1.27 99' Absorbent cotton terry cloths come in bundles of 5. Choice of colors. Don't miss this huge collection of mens jeans You name it we've got it! In solids, patterns men's sizes. Shop PANTY and save at K mart. HOSE Sale Priced 36 Seamless stretch nylon, Stay snug for comfort MR. COFFEE II® SWEATSHIRTS COFFEE MAKER Our REg. $2.27 - $3.68 CREW Many 97 *26 Sale Priced Colors SOCKS 4 Days Only 33 10-13 Our Reg. 78 i S197 to $3 Faster than instant coffee! No water to boil... easy clean-up with toss-away fil¬ ter. 10-cup capacity. Charge it. 48* Cotton/acrylic sweatshirts in lively colors. Men's sizes Orion acrylic/stretch Charge it at K mart. nylon socks in men's extra filters available sizes. Save. Dupont TM WROUGHT Your iron tables 2 DRAWER 4-FT DESK 8-FT SUPER SHELF MIRROR TILES Choice lo?Ky' 'or '?'aCk ,ableS $066 Modern walnut vinyl 5/8x12"x8ft. Particle Decorative 12x12 (avOQ books, phone any utility purposes'. W Reg.* Reg. $4.44 permaneer finish with chrome trim $1Q96I # Reg. $25 board shelf with finished shelf edge $233 mirror tile. Self stick tape. Save ▼ # # Pkg. of 6 Kmart East Only - W. Grand River near Okemos Rd. Wednesday, Uct. 2,197 J 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan British electorate faces elections Labor is the only calmly party which has flatly poll i« the Liberals' standing at 26 n»l power. It may be the last time he will have cent, a very large and By JOHN LINDSTROM Food prices, in a country where the because everyone knew there would be chance, for it is likely the Tories will discounted any chance of forming a cent hike over the lastimpressive six State News Special Writer average wage is jusl below $100 a week, one: if not now, soon in the future. a seek a new leader. coalition. Wilson and Labor argue that poll. That extol Welcome Week edition editor and are hitting U.S. levels, with beef and pork David Deeley, press secretary for the The Liberals, led by Jeremy Thorpe, they deserve a majority to carry out with support was gained mostly »J| little opposition the policies they started surprisingly from Labor, which re|| fjl former State News campus editor John costing $1.20 a pound. The housing and Liberal party, spoke for all the parties, in a are hoping for enough votes to crack the * in the Parliament just ended, the shortest points from the previous poll. Lindstrom is living for several months in stockmarkets are depressed, while interest sense, when he told reporters: "We haven't London. He will report the mood and and mortgage rates are high, running over stopped campaigning since February (the two • party domination in Britain and one since the 1880s. It is the Tories who have to momentum of the British election Oct. 10 11 per cent. last election.)" The parties' manifestos, some day gain a majority of their own. worn! All three major parties are using At the campaign's beginning it most, though, about a Liberal threat I for the State News. While the major issue will be equivalent to platforms, have not changed national unity as a primary theme in the appeared that Labor may just get the Seates in south and southwest Britain I economics, there seems to be endless much, if at all. majority. Most of the polls put labor traditionally Tory, may go Liberal. ■ LONDON Britons are taking the facets to it, including inflation, In calling the election Harold Wilson, campaigns. Neither Conservatives nor — ahead of the Conservatives with 42 per Liberals have ruled out the possibilities of upcoming Oct. 10 election calmly, despite investments, nationalization of industry, prime minister and leader of the Labor a coalition government. The Conservative cent to the Conservatives' 34 per cent and Labor is most concerned about! their living in what has been called Britain's status in the European Economic party, is gambling that the elctorate will manifesto says that if returned to power the Liberals with just 20 per cent Scotland which has gained in importaij Britain's worst crisis since the end of the Community better known as the return him to power with an overall since the discovery of oil off its - The Opinion 1 Research Center, which they would confer with all parties and second World War. Common Market — and the labor unions. majority, something he did not get in the facets of society before developing policy. time has showed usually has the most shore. Traditionally Labor has held tt»l The crisis is mainly economic. The cost But British activity does not seem to last election. Conservative leader and The Liberals have said if there is a accurate poll, put Labor ahead with 38 per most populous sections of Scotland, 1J of living rose 16 per cent last year, and is have changed for this crisis. The pubs are Edward Heath, cent over the Conservatives with 34 per lately it looks as if the Scottish \atlon^B currently rising at a level of 20 per cent a packed, theaters and bookmakers both do former prime minister, is gambling his mortally serious enough crisis facing party, which wants self government [J cent. ■ political life. If the Tories - the other Britain they would join in a coalition year. a brisk business. Englishmen still But the big news in the research center Scotland, will gain in prestige. The cost of living in the United States complain about losing the Empire. name for Conservatives—lose this election government, if only temporarily. has been rising at a rate between 11 and Britons take the upcoming general it will be the third time in four elections 12 per cent this year. election, the second this year, calmly, that Heath has failed to bring his party to 4p\Cv , j jWBj.11 jl*winifcwwtl1"W mm 1 Mr 1 Back to(^\li^lc SALIN CAN YOU AFFORD THE COSTLY EXPENSE OF ACCIDENT OR SICKNESS? Protect Yourself With SajisuL STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE SPECIAL PURCHASE! The Sansui AU-6500 solid state integrated amplifier delivers a level of performance which WHAT DO YOU GET? ranks very near the finest amplifiers ever made. You could match it only by making a tremen¬ ★ Out-patient emergency accident and sickness dous investment is specialized studio-type equipment. The AU-6500 boasts such performance characteristics as total harmonic distortion and intermodulation distortion of below 0.1% throughout the audio spectrum and well bevond. coverage With its super-wide power bandwidth of5 to 40,000 Hz, you can achieve RMS power of 32 watts per channel, each channel driven, into 8 ohms, along with total harmonic distortion which never ★ exceeds 0.1%! Up to 70 days in-hospital coverage And the AU-6500 is equipped with a full range of convenience features, including 4-channel adapter switch, low and high filters, muting and loudness controls, and the ability to handle ★ 24 up to two tape decks. hour-a-day coverage, ANYWHERE Rarely do you get an opportunity to own Sansui equipment at a savings like this! YOU SAVE $60.00! ★ Options for Maternity Coverage Regular Fair Trade: $259.95 SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE PRICE: ★ Plus: Coverage for injury to natural teeth! Up to $500 surgical expense benefits! m Payment made directly to you! ★ Pays in addition to other insurance . . . WHAT DO YOU PAY? We've kept the premium at the same low price! Student, only With accident Death-Benefit s4600 Accidents won't wait! Student and Spouse *9500 ENROLL TODAY! Where? SAVE EVEN MORE! Student, Spouse and Children $15700 At registration Student and Child M0800 You can save $186.90 at the Stereo Shoppe right now on this super system built around the or Sansui AU-6500. Included is the famous Dual 1216 automatic turntable with Stanton 600-EE Optional Maternity—Plan I $7500 Rm 113 in the cartridge and a pair of powerful Cerwin-Vega Model 24 12" 2-way speaker systems. Come on in—check it out today. You can be back to your kind of music — played the way you NEW! Optional University Health want to hear it—tonight! Maternity—Plan II ,22500 YOU SAVE $186.90 (covers in-hospital expenses) Center List Price: $761.90 SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE PJUCE: Approved and Sponsored by The Associated Students of Michigan Stale University and the Council of Graduate Students Underwritten by: American ereo Community Mutual Insurance Company Plymouth, Michigan Administered BY: G-M Underwriters, Inc. Troy, Michigan Where oppe you're treatedfai 555 E. Grand River (next to Taco Bell) • Phone 337-1300 10 to 9 Mon.-Fri., 10 to 5 Sat. Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1974 |3 M state News^as^ai^^lichjRan A Season of Fall Values! Check Our To J Advertise Call Classified Ads for Your Best Buys 355 - 8255 MmoIM FRANKLY SPEAKING. . Jjy phil frank j{ CUSTOME FORD, 1969, green JAGUAR 1967, Classic MK II 4-door. automatic. HONDA 1974. Elsinore 250 MT. HELP WANTED, part time, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, 485-7505. Grand Saloon. Excellent Like new, super clean, $800. married man to work on farm Permanent position available, Bait offer. 3-10-4 condition, $3,300 355-0864 487-5055, Nights, 489-0845. weekends, in exchange for Superior typing, shorthand and 5.^3 3-10-4 apartment to live in. 694-9355. ability to work with figures COUGAR 1970. Dark blue Great — — KAWASAKI 1974 K-Z 400 Road 5-102 required. Some college running shape. Some body work. MAVERICK 1971. Standard, 6, PHONE 355 8255 _.-!LQ00J?3-05J7„3-IO3 $1400. One owner, like new Bike. 1,500 miles. Call RNS AND LPNS, full and part time preferred. Full benefits. $600 to start. Apply in person at 3308 |347 Student Services Bldq. DATSUN 240 - Z 1971. Silver, 4 • _36&*°81 M°"4 372-3035. 5-108 for 3-11:30 and 11-7:30 shifts. South Cedar, Suite 11, Lansing. Call 393-5680 - Director of 10109 1972 automotive 33«l'97r5d108i maB' MERCURY 289 2 door MONTEGO '968 hardtop, automatic, HONDA CB350, good condition, 2 helmets included. Nurses. 5-10-4 PART Time magazine and ' ad Scooters 8t Cycles $480. 353-1176.3-103 DATSUN, 1972. 240Z. Mag wheels, vinyl top, AM Excellent BABYSITTER NEEDED. Weekday layout people wanted for radial tirei, automatic condition, $450/best offer, expanding company in Okemos. Parts & Service 1971 SUZUKI 500. Excellent mornings, 9:30 - 12:00. Walking transmission, AM/FM radio, 351-4884.3-10-3 distance 351-5977. 4-104 Experience desirable. Call Mr. Aviation 24,000 miles. 337-9466 5-102 condition, very clean, best offer. Haber at 349-2320. 5-108 371-3328. 5-107 employment DELMONT 88 1967. MERCURY MONTEREY, 1961. RELIEF CHARGE Nurse, midnight for rent Air, new Good condition, transportation! TRIUMPH 1971 500. 5500 miles, shift. PROVINCIAL HOUSE WOMAN WANTED for house exhault, carburetor, shocks Best offer, Dave; 489 3836. WHITEHILLS. Call nursing cleaning, ironing 5 hours/week, good condition, extras. $625. Apartments Needs some door work. $200. 5-108 337-9567. 2 102 supervisor, 332-5061. 1010-14 $2.50/hour. Own transportat.on Call 355-7825, after 5pm 3 10 3 necessary. 351-5292 after 6.30 Houses MG MIDGET 1972 Excellent Rooms HONDA 450 Chopper. Custom PART TIME for landscaping. Must P.m. 3-10-4 DODGE CHARGER 1972, low condition. $2,250 or best offer have own transportation. Call •for sale mileage includes 400 cubic inch 351-4685. 5 10-2 Completed 1 month ago. Must 349-3150. 3-103 TEMPORARY POSITION-College 2 Barrel V 8, of Human Medicine. Physical Animals automatic MGB GT 1970. New radials, am IT£ PROBABLY NCrr IMPORTANT sell this week. Any reasonable transmission, power steering, offer. 351-7889 evenings. 3-103 STUDENTS - EARN $30 - $40 a examination course for patient Mobile Homes concealed headlights, vinyl roof, radio, 26 mpg. Very good TO "TtXJ BUT MY MAJOR 16 PCE-VET week part time. Make your own models. Must be 18 years or over lost & found vinyl interior with wood grain condition. $2200. 337-0471. NOT PRE-VERT I' hours, be your own boss. Must have own trahsportation. personal trim. $2575. Negotiable. 5-10-2 HONDA 1974. Elsinore 250MT. have own transportation. Apply $3/hour. Call Sue Kratzer, 337 2772. 5-10 2 ' COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY CA 9470S in person 4295 Okemos 353-5440.1-102 peanuts PERSONAL MG-B, GT 1967, very good Like new, owner dumped. S800. Professional Building, Suite 7, Days, 487-5055. Nights, real estate DODGE 1966,61,000 miles, power condition. $1295. 372-8130. CLASSIC CRAFTS MAN WITH Van to deliver the 489-0845. 3-10-3 brakes, steering and windows. 5-10-2 CORPORTATION. Wednesday 1 Detroit Free Press on campus. recreation Matrix 4 channel, 318 Automotii 1971 YAMAHA, 600 miles, 125 cc, - 6, Thursday 1 - 6, Monday 10 - Must work weekends. Call service automatic. Immaculate MGB 1967. Sell parts or complete Enduro tires, $325 349-9549 or 1.0-1O31 before noon, 349-0276. I"1®-2 condition 353-1492. 3-10-4 car. Good mechanically. Radial 332-6170. 5-10-4 Instruction tjres Abarth exhaust. 349-2209. PORSCHE 914, 1972 Silver, VEGA 1974. Excellent condition MODELS FOR photography. Call DENTAL ASSISTANT, full time Typing Service DODGE 1966, 61,000 miles, power 3-10-4 metallic, good condition. Call reasonably priced. Call BMW 1971, R-75, windjammer, between 10am and 6pm. for orthodontist office. 393-5625. 5-102 TRANSPORTATION brakes, steering and windows. 332-6280:373-6727. 5-103 bags and rack. $1850 669-3944 489-1215.01031 Experience necessary. Matrix 4-channel, 318 MGB 1967, White, Good condition, 5-10-4 Downtown. Call 482-9695 days, WANTED automatic. Immaculate radio, wire wheels. Call PORSCHE 914 - 1973. Mags. VEGA 1973, Hatchback, $1550, DESK CLERK needed. Must have or 484-0702 evenings. 5-108 condition. 353-1492 3 10-4 694 3797 b-10 8 AM/FM, air. Dave Roat, also 1969 Caprice. Must see LEATHER JACKETS for less than transportation and be willing to 882-2604. 3-104 351-4633. 5-103 "rates** $50. Lower prices at SHEP'S, travel. Call 372-0567 or PIZZA DELIVERY, nights, full or word minimum ENGLISH AUSTIN Taiitsb. 1962- "J,,",',' VEGA 1971 Wagon, 4-speed your complete dealer for 489-1215 between 12 • 6pm. pgrt tjme; must own good 010-31 sisas °,to'35i8837- 1-102. transmission, $800 as is. Yamaha, Triumph, BMW. Closed Mondays, Open evenings until running insured car, commission and mileage paid nightly. Apply 10. VOLKSWAGEN, 2924 East 655-1305 5-102 2nd Class NC). day; MGB 1969. New: top. radials, and 8pm. SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS, TECHNICIAN 1st or - after 4 p.m. PIZZA PIT, 203 i/qrds _ -Of* WMr.jjBB. MO-? brakes. Must sell. 393-5846. SAAB 99E 1971. Fuel injected, air INC. Holt. 694-6621. C-4-10-4 part or full time adjustable M.A.C. 351-8870. 5-102 VOLKSWAGEN 1972. SUPER hours. Call SE LCO 3 5 10 FAIRLANE FORD 1968. 2door. *1*2 conditioned, 4 - door, AM/FM. beetle. Excellent condition. 1 INSURANCE LOWEST rates COMMUNICATIONS. SHORT ORDER breakfast cooks. v Like new tires and muffler. - on 0 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 . * automatic, good motor, MGB 1969 for sale. $900. Good Excellent condition, $1950 firm. Must sell. Phone 393-2122. cycle and auto. Call us first or 372-4948. Ask for Jerry. 5-102 Experienced only. LANDMARK 4-10-4 2 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 rLnn,^' performer, $595. 337-7219 after TX con^on. 332-5931 after 5 p.m. R - n A 355 9780. 3-20-3 last, but call. Easy payment MAKE MONEY with FtESTAURANT. Phone plan. UNION your 371-4774 for an interview, 6p,m, S-10-2 SUPER BEETLE 1973. Radio, 5 2.25 6.00 9.7!» 19.50 RENAULT R 16 197:. 30 mpg. telephone! Your own hours, call _ - stereo tape player. Excellent UNDERWRITERS, 393-8100 or 5-10-2 8 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 FIAT 1970, 124 Sport Spider, M0NTE CARLO 1972, very good AM-FM, rebuilt engine. $1000 condition. 882-0711. 5-10-8 485-4317.0-10-31 REDI - RESERVED FOODS, 0 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 AM/FM, 4 new radial tires. 5 condition, 20,000 miles. $2,500 or best offer, Phone 484-2951 676-4405, 9 30 - 5 30 daily. bus BOYS - Bus girls, waitresses & 5 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 speed. 46,00 miles. Call Mark b?St 0,,#r 355 2864. before 9pm. 5-10-2 VOLKSWAGEN 1964, excellent 5"10"3 hostesses needed on all shifts. Dunkel, 372 9600 days. condition. No rust. $400. Call Auto Service / Please phone 371-4774, ask for TEMPEST 1963. Good engine, runs ______ 482"4668 nights 510 3 626-2250 after 5 30 p.m. 3-10-3 TYPISTS, PART time 8-12 and 12 Manager. 7-10-4 d eadline MUSTANG 1969 Just tuned up but needs some work. $50 or - 4. 60 wpm. Morning typist P.M. one class ^ day before publication. FIAT~ 1971 850 Sedan, rebuiM jj" "rBS Phone 3553128 best offer. 351-4718. 3-102 VOLKSWAGEN 1967 Squareback MASON BODY SHOP 812 East apply 8 - 11 am, afternoon SURVEYING ROD MEN. Part time engine, new battery and exhaust, Wagon. Good condition, Kalamazoo Street since 1940 typists apply 1 • 4 pm. 427% fQf fa|| term. Must have full days TOYOTA CORONA 1972. 4-door, 30 mpg, phone 351 8098. 5-102 MUSTANG 1971, 20 mpg, 32,000 4 after 5:30. 5-10-4 Albert, basement of Towne available for work. Civil standard. Phone 489-1669. .Complete auto painting and Courier Building. 5-W-10-4 Peanuts Personal ads " -- miles, auto, air conditioning, 5-103 collision service. 485-0256 engineering students preferred. must be pre-paid. FIAT 1972 Sports Sp.der 850 Convertible. 4-speed Low trailtr hitch 8nd |jght tyvjn re«r VOLKSWAGEN condition 1972. Excellent New tires, 37,000 C-1031 BEAUTICIAN NEEDED - part Write for application to Consultants Inc. 1627 Capitol Lake speakers. $2125 349 9549 or TOYOTA COROLLA, 1971.103 mileage, like new Snow t,res 332-6170.5-10-4 horsepower, 4000 miles. Texas, no miles. $1800. 489-0888. 5-104 time. 1 year experience. Lansing Rd., Lansing, 48912. Cancellations/ Corrections included. $1 450 Call FORMULA 100 LUBRICHARGER Friendly atmosphere 339-2867 5-102 salt! $1450. 355-9855.5-10-8 . 12 noon one class day 1-628-2577,evenings 5-102 MUSTANG 1971. VOLKSWAGEN ia£T, Squareback. system. Installed free with every vinyl top, ' '•* " *'*'" ' aOtOrtta/ic 'transmission. V 8, NeW muffler. tune-up.' MR. TUNE-UP. 1825 CIVIL ENGINEERING students, before publications. - TOYOTA CORONA 1968, good FORD BRONCO 1968, 4-wheel gjr conditionin nevv tires and 484-2J58 af ter5om: 3-1^0-2 East Michigan, 489-8989. NURSERY SCHOOL aide Must or junior levei for condition, $550 or best offer. 101015 drive, new brakes, starter. ,raj|er hi,ch 2() mpg qualify for Work-Study. tjm> afterno(jn draftjng 355-5870. 5-108 VW 1968, automatic stick. Must The State News will be 349-3683, 349-4171. 5-102 /"nn'n9- $2,000. 332-6170. After 6 p.m. sell. Call 355-2456. Best offer. position. Write for application to responsible only for the 1?™ 349 5949. Also 1971 Yamaha TOYOTA CORONA Deluxe 1969. 5-10-3 VOLKSWAGEN and foreign cars - Capitol Consultants Inc. 1627 INSURANCE - CASUALTY office Lake Lansing Road, Lansing, first day's incorrect FOR D ^962 Fair lane" 53,000 m iles. 1»cc. MM. 4-UM speed. AM-FM radio, 4 - mechanical and body. Also parts 482-6169, after 5:30, weekdays. VW CAMPER -1971, pop - top, - cash and carry, 20% needs experienced part time girl 48912. 5-102 insertion. Excel! en t condition NOVA 1974, Custom. 3.000 miles, Anytime weekends. 3-10-3 radial tires, excellent condition, DISCOUNT . Check our repair immediately. Good opportunity ie 7 days from self contained. $2,700/best preices. IMPORT for extra income. Send resume - DISH MACHINE operator, full or iration date. If the due date, a Sams' * TRIUMPH SPITFIRE convertible, ^oHer. 339-91^6 5-102_ and AUTO parts PARTS, 500 East Box B-2, State News. 5-10-8 part time. SEAHAWK Kalamazoo and Cedar. APPLICATIONS ARE now being RESTAURANT, Phone FORD GALAXIE Convertible OLDSMOBILE 1968. Power 19 7 3 , 3 55-3354 before 5, VW SUPER Beetle, 1971, sunroof, 485-2047, 485-9229. Master taken from experienced waiters, 655-2175. Ask for Gary or 1967. Good condition, runs 349-9427 after 5. 5-102 steering-brakes. AM-FM, air, new AM-FM radio, $1 800. waitresses, captains, cashiers and Robbie. 5-102 well. $250. Call 482-9331, ask Charge and Bank Americard. tires, good condition. $450. 351-7328. 5-102 hostesses at LONG'S TRIUMPH SPITFIRE. 1965. C-1031 for Dick. 5-108 355-7938, after 7pm. 5-102 COLLEGE STUDENTS 38,000 actual miles - $525. RESTAURANT, 6810 South Cedar, Lansing. See Mr. Brauer $2.25/hour. Married male FORD LTD 1972. Power steering, Also 1939 Ford transmissions, VW BEETLE 1969. AM-FM, AUTO SERVICE OPEL WAGON, 1969. Excellent U - REPAIR preferred. Stock work, 2:30 and 4pm Automotive ^ brakes, factory air, radio, vinyl condition, new tires, clutch, 651-6584. 5-102 sunroof. Phone 484-2951, CENTER offers you tools, between showroom sales, etc. 25 - 30 before 9pm. 5-102 weekdays. 5-108 top. 489-0132. 5-10-2 brakes. Call after 5:30 p.m. equipment and instructions to hours/week, between 8 5 TRIUMPH GT - 6, 1968, maroon, 487 8977. $785. 5-10-7 do your auto repairs. 53II S. BARMAID Experience preferred. Monday through Friday, Apply completely overhauled engine, VW CAMPER V®j 39 with tent. FORD LTD 1969, power brakes, ~ Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10 - 8, 41,000 miles. $1000. Call $250. 67tSO -eep calling. Evenings, call after 11am, in person, BROTHERS power steering.automatic,engine PLYMOUTH 1969 Fury I. Good 6 days. 201023 489-9116. THE GARAGE. RESTAURANT SUPPLIES. 482 5049. 5-10-2 5-102. :AMARO 1969. V good condition. 355-0957. condition, loaded, power. $750. 5-108 2326 South Cedar, Lansing. 3-10-2 351-8158.5-10-7 5-102 power steering, factory sir, VAN, 1969 Ford. V 8. 3" shag, FOUR CHEVY Wheels - 15x6, 6 VW 1972 Super Beetle, sunroof, radio, vinyl Good refrigerator, rebuilt engine, lug. $50. 485-9843 after 6 p.m KIND RESPONSIBLE woman top. FORD MAVEFtlCK, 1971. one PLYMOUTH FURY 1966 Power AM-FM stereo, rustproofed, COOK APPLICATIONS now being condition. Phone 353-3579. stereo speakers, beautiful 3-102 student. Private room and board owner, good condition, 48,000 steering,automatic,engine in very make offer. Cell after 5. taken at Longs Restaurant. 3-10-3 interior. $1350. 372-1605, after in family home, walking distance miles. 393-5051. 5-10-4 good condition. Some rust. 489-7864 . 5-102 Experience preferred. Apply in 5pm. 5-10-2 LOOK FOR our special coupon in to campus, in exchange for $175, 355-3149. 5-10-4 person at 6810 South Cedar, VOLVO 544. Top condition, B-18 the Ripp - Off Coupon Book, 12-15 hours per week of 1972 FORD PINTO. 2-door, Lansing. 11-10-11 VEGA GT 1972, 23,000 miles. engine. $625 firm. Call CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN babysitting, cooking and help in 31,000 miles. Phone 484 5473 1972 PLYMOUTH CRICKET, CAR house. 2 girls ages 4 and 7. extension 25. 5-10-2 Excellent mileage, condition. Excellent condition. $1595 or 355-7819. 5-102 PARTS, 2605 East BABYSITTER LIGHT :aPRi '971. 2000. Low best offer. 373-1123 day. Kalamazoo. Call 487-5055. 337-7474 after 4 p.m. 3-104 mileage. 1971 Ski Natique, complete housekeeping 3 year old. 11 30 Call 482 9426, 349 2786 night. 5-10-4 C-10-31 627-6200. after 5 FORD ECONO Super • Van 1966. with trailer and hoist. 332-4573. - 5:30, Monday - Friday. My PART TIME waitress for morning P.m. 5-10-2 New motor, 2 years old. Less __5J0-2 VEGA 1971-Hatchback, 4-speed, Motorcycles shift. (5am-noon). East Lansing home. 332-1446 than 33,000. Body needs __eyeninfg.3-1°-3 u minimum work. $700. Phone PINTO 1973. Automatic, mags, $2100 or best offer. tape deck! $895. Phone Employment Monday-Friday. No weekends. Apply in person 3-5pm, BOOKKEEPER WANTED part 625-3560. 5-10-2 asking 882^09. 5-J08 1973 HONDA CL 350. 1,000 miles. - 489-3426. 5-102 New in April of 1974. 408 Monday-Friday at DUNKIN time, about 10 hours per week, VEGA, 1974 - Estate Wagon SOUTH AMERICAN Diamond DONUTS 4801 West Saginaw, S3 per hour. M-78 BODY SHOP, FORD 1963 *«10, good PINTO WAGON 1972. Green, Deluxe, automatic, air, many South Traver, St. Johns, Mining Company has opening East of lansing mMall. 5-108 482-8801, after 6pm. 3-10-3 CHEVROLET IMPALA luggage rack, clean. Carl extras! $2,900 625-4561, Michigan. 224-7687. $900. for part time representative. Can convertible transportagO*' 13 South . 5-102 '967. New transmission, top, Magnolia. Can 489-I365. 5-10-2 394-2408 evenings. 5-10-2 625-4485 5 10-4 set own hours. Must be runs great! $600. 351-1241. ambitious Sophomore or Junior. S-10-8 Hornet X, 1972, 6 cylinder, S"CK. PORSCHE 911 1967 5 - speed, VEGA 1973. Bronze 16,000 miles, 4 - GT Wagon, speed, $2400. Call Mr. Jagusch between 12 and CROSSWORD excellent condition, $1995. Call $3000 or best offer. 351-7799. 4pm. 557-4550. 5-103 •HEVROLET BISCAYNE, 1967, 482 2075. 5-10-2 5-102 Call 355-1134. 5-107 PUZZLE «* cylinder, automatic, reliable ACROSS transportation, $275. Linda, 1. Insertion mark 26. Destiny 337-0195.3-10-2 6. Imperfections 27. Namath 11. Sour 28.Reckon COMET 1966, 13 Kind of lace 29. Iron symbol SERVICE ?? good gas mile new battery. $125. 655-3! 14. Dais 31. Prizes evenings. 3-10-3 16 Calamitous 33. Italian 17. Silkworm province 18. Guided aerial 34. Conifer bomb 36. Greek letter 37. French islands THAT'S 20. Idaho's nickname 38. loiters DOWN 5. French 21. One in 40. Flower dealer shooting match 42. Market place 1. Profession 6. Size of shot Germany. 22. Piece of 44. Stupor 2. Insatiable 7. Cover 45. Pick-me-up hunger 8. Dismount jewelry 24. Sun god 46. Biblical 3. Balsam 9. Lived RIGHT!! 25 Sneaky witch's home 4. Girl's name 10. Stalk I r- 12. Spice I- r~ •* 5 6 9 0 % 15. Low 19. Winter HURRY UVER! " a % 13 ailments and check 15 16 22 Baa 8 Collingwood out Live at CAMPUS HILL and leave «H 18 % »9 20 23. Food fish 25 Plant Apartment the 17 % 27. Cant driving to m...Ttvo Bedroom 22 23 *»ir conditioned 21 % 2b % 28. Mature 29. Style of dishwasher *shag carpeting Apartments available for SM % % 27 25 %2S 1i 29 30 painting 30. Church unlimited parkins Summer & FalL.Call 349-3530 m % 33 celebration 32. British flyers V/, A 31 P'ustl furniture % 33.Ignorant °dei Open call Daily for information & roommate 34 ie 35 'i 39 & % Y/< 37 34. Apartment 35. Othello's enemy 37. Persia 351-8282 M4 MANAGEMENT BY: ALLSTATE MANAGEMENT CO., INC. 45 i •fi 39. Hindu title 41. Native metal 'Behind Zody't °n the river) % Ya 43.EI* trie 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Oct. 2,197! Employment jj Apartments •§£ IpaMS ;§?! Apartments ^f\ Houses tt Houses Rooms ft-*] ' for Sale 19 ENTERTAINERS: AUDITIONS MSU AREA, Okemos. 1 and 2 3 BEDROOM. Short drive to PENNSYLVANIA SOUTH. Near WATERBED, KING EFFICIENCY APARTMENT, own EAST LANSING. One bedroom, FEMALE TO shore house, A being held Tuesday and bedroom Michigan Quiet for student. includes raised furnished, air campus. Fully carpeted, clean. frame Thursday, 7 9pm. GRANDE conditioned, carpeted, modern. bedroom, carpeted, bath, stove, refrigerator, carpets. non-sno^JMTEO nile from $215 monthly. Call 694-08" 1. Near bus line. $65/month plus *125 394-0448 SlO-T^ kitchen with skylight. $95. Walking distance MSU. Parking. campus. -*>-»-Jl95. 510-2 GOURMET, Frandor Shopping $165 and $185, heat included. 510-2 utilities. 627-5454. 4-10-4 353-3812, after 6pm. Very close No pets. Married couple. Center. 5-10-7 Call 349-9604, after 5:30 p.m. RAILROAD TIES $5 cn ~ to campus. 5-10-7 $167/month. Phone 337-9633. NEW 6 bedroom - 2 blocks from Like new, pick 5-10-2 4-10-4 7 BEDROOMS, 2 baths, 2 kitchens. QUIET. CONSERVATIVE girls, your . BjJI BANJO PLAYER campus. $425/month plus house near campus. Call PETERSON wanted by NEEDED, ROOMMATE for 4 - girl utilities. Call 349-0457. 510-2 10 minutes from campus. $415 WOOD rj Honky Tonk pianist. Good ear 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT monthly. Call 694-0841. 510-2 349 9143 or 332-5497. 4-10-4 882-2555. Delivery apartment. Haslett Arms. $79. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, and good improvisation. Mostly between Sparrow - MSU. Partly 337-1169.5-10-7 South. Furnished, one bedroom, 3 AND 4 BEDROOM, carpeted, for fun but maybe some gigs. furnished, fireplace, air 2, 3, and 4 bedroom houses. Very BOWER CO-OP Space for 1 man. STEEL SINGLE bod* utilities paid. $150/month plus basement. East side of Lansing. Call Dave, 484-9774. 0-4-10-4 conditioner, fully carpeted, 675-5252 Live with friends, low rent foam MASON - FURNISHED. deposit. Phone 627-5454.4-10-4 Immediate occupancy. Will reasonable. or mattresses, bunked. $10 each can be J* parking, ground floor, must have includes everything, even food. references. $145 plus lights. Call Efficiency, carpeted, new furnish. Call 393-0450, evenings 6755279. 510-2 after 6, 349-9662 35c? GIRL FRIDAY needed for Call 351-4490, Stu, Terry. convert • a - bed, private 6757319. 3-10 4 5-10-4 393-0042 after 5. 3-10-3 BAKER 535. Furnished 4 2-102 bath/entrance. Phone 694-3887. PLEASANT GROVE NEAR Jolly. 2-10-2 New and bedroom, fully carpeted, lots of 10-SPEED, Girl's Raie,gh _ ONE MALE student for 2 - man, one two bedroom. ROOMS IN 4 bedroom house, good condition. 332141/' Appliances, carpet, air parking. 6755252 or 6755279. close. 3009 Woodruff, number furnished, carpeted, includes all Kadzia, $85 3-10-2 ROOMMATE NEEDED, 1 510-2 FULL OR 9. 3-10-3 conditioning, laundry. Balcony utilities. $95 per person. Lease part time persons bedroom apartment, mile to or patio, $139 - $169. See needed, must have fish FURNISHED ROOM in house on and deposit. Phone 882-5303. FURNITURE. NEW APARTMENT OKEMOS. campus, no undergrads. Assistant Manager, Apartment 2 experience. Apply Tuesday - - Clifton Street, Lansing. Need 5-10-7 Beds, chests, sofas, h $92.50/month. Charles Cetas, 3620 Richmond. Call 676-1270, Friday, 6pm - 9pm at THE FISH Furnished, 3 rooms, utilities, beds, dinettes, etc See" 353-0654 before 5pm. 4-10-4 8. 5-10-7 NEED ONE girl, own room. Near male, quiet, no smoking, 3V4 MONGER, 1522 E. Michigan. couple, bus line. $150/month. STUDENTS 1 huge room in 5 girl 3-10-3 349-2313. 5-10-7 MSU. Pets allowed. $81. Deb, miles from campus, $75. - house, if shared $60 each plus save. PAGES STORE. 2604 North E,sisJl ECONoJi LCC AREA. Large, 2 bedroom, UTILITIES PAID, newly carpeted, 349-4319. 2-10-3 485-9279, after 10pm. 5-10-3 furnished, for girls or couple. utilities, or singly $90 plus (U.S. 27) phone 372^ NEED ONE girl for Cedar Village furnished, one bedroom, close to FOUR LADIES - to help with References. Call 663-8880 or TWO WOMEN. Own bedroom, utilities. Also sleeping rooms 8i 3-10-2 ^ apartments. $78/month, Lansing and campus. Phone Christmas rush, putting on 646-6526. 510-8 kitchen privileges, $80/month. efficiency apartment available. 351-0144. 5-10-7 349-4907.4-10-4 GIRL NEEDED immediately for Stanley parties. For personal Williamston area. 6552904, Phone 669-5711. 510-2 EARLY AMERICAN 3 nice house. Close to campus. interview, 882-4715. 3-10-3 NEEDED, ONE roommate for two after 8pm. 510-2 with 2 chairs. Call 6 HOLT — 2 bedroom unfurnished, ARLINGTON APARTMENTS 351-3045. 1-10-2 REGISTERED NURSES. Full bedroom apartment. 10 minutes 3 BEDROOMS for rent in Holt, 510-7 & $165 plus utilities, carpeted and Reduced, 2 bedrooms at 1 part time positions from campus. 351-9102 FRANCIS STREET, need woman, COMPLETE FURNISHED sleeping $50 each monthly. 694-8519. available on drapes. 694-0862. 3-10-3 bedroom rates, 10 minutes to evenings, 349-1199 days, ask for own room, $70 plus utilities, rooms with full household 5ia2 SMITH CORONA the afternoon & night shifts. campus. Carpeted, air Minimum starting salary $4.82 Marc. 3-10-4 unfurnished, 489-0888. 5-10-2 privileges. Near airport, 20 typewriter, $60. Zenith St 2 SMALL BEDROOMS. $160 plus conditioned. $160. Phone 882-5950. 5-10-7 minutes from campus. Phone $50. Call 355-1170 510-7 per hour plus experience credit. utilities. 11 month lease. Excellent fringe benefits. Please Furnished. Near Gables. EAST: LARGE, one bedroom TWO PEOPLE needed. Own room. before 5 30 , 484 5861. For Sale ^ contact office of Employment, carpeted, panelled, $120 plus 513 HILLCREST - 2 bedroom 204 Shepard. After 5, 371-9680. $25/week. 5-10-2 FURNITURE. QUEEN Margaret - 351-0007. 5-10-2 gas. 351-0997, after 5pm. 3-10-4 Lansing General Hospital, 2800 deluxe. Carpeting, dishwasher, 3-10-4 3-4 BEDROOM house Lake NORTH AMERICAN Indian machine, humidifier dothTB Devonshire, Lansing. Please call 372-8220, extension 268. An COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE, spacious, newly decorated, NEEDED, MALE roommate air, security, brightly furnished, $280. Pleasant neighborhood, 3 GIRL NEEDED to share bedroom Lansing (Haslett). $250/month. near Turquoise silver jewelry. Brother sizes 7-10, 3 speed bikes, iron bed, Thursday • SatJ do^j immediately for 3-man Lease. Call 372-9158, after 5 Gambits, 205 M.A.C. 352 0825. 9-9 p.m. 2158 MaadowlJ Equal Opportunity Employer. carpeted. Parking, storage, near blocks MSU. 351-3231. 3-10-3 in duplex. $60/month plus apartment on Burcham Road. p.m. 5-10-2 510-2 351-0825. 25-10-31 utilities. 351-9525. 3-10-4 Holt. 3-10-4 shopping, campus 10 miles. $75/month. 353-1471. 510-8 ROOMMATE Unfurnished - $170; furnished, WANTED, 2 LCC NEAR. Three bedroom house. SEW THAT Fall outfit. Fabric real LES PAUL Deluxe $185. Plus utilities, deposit, bedroom, 2 bath. Strawberry • Guitar, to ONE PERSON needed to share Fields, $91. |ra, 394-2768. Basement, fireplace, air cheap. Evenings, Janny, condition lease. Available immediately. bedroom, garage, - with hardshellej large room in townhouse. 3-10-3 close $200/month. conditioning, garage. $275, plus 351-8781. 3 10-2 $400 or best offer Margie, 351-3809, 337-9791. utilities. 371-2400. 510-2 ptJ SERVICE STATION attendant - $59.50 apiece. Call Craig or Nr. n.*: Phonp 482-8114 or 353-1857. 3-10-4 5-10-2 midnight sfift, RANDY'S Donna. 332-6160. 4-10-4 STEREO, MARANTZ 250, power NEEDED, ONE male for 3 man, MOBIL, I-96 and Okemos Road WOMEN NEEDED for 3 bedroom PINE LAKE $77. 731 Apartments, 731 amplifier, 250 watts, RMS. MUST SELL - Nikon PB-4 BtkJ location. Experience required. CEDAR Village, own room-$150 house. Grad preferred. $68. $325. APARTMENTS-HASLETT or Burcham, B-204. 3-10-3 LARGE, OWN room, furnished 15 355-2750, evenings. and slide copy unit; Mi Apply in person. 349-9620. share-$75, female. minute bike ride from 484-2030. 3-10-4 5-10-4 10 minutes from MSU. Inexpensive Nancy, Super 8 movie camera, otra 5-10-7 332-3064.3-10-4 mid-campus. $70 plus utilities. living in a quiet area. Located at blossom diamond ring. EveniiJ WANTED, VOLUNTEER WSI, 6076 Marsh Road just north of Lake Lansing Road. 1 bedroom LUXURY APARTMENT needs one Houses £ 2010 East 487-3426. 5-10-4 Kalamazoo. MARRIED COUPLE, apartment. $160, utilities paid One bedroom HOBIE Cat Sailboats- must sell. 1 year old, 16', $1700; 14, $1300; 6257843. 2-10-3 senior life savers, and recreation male to share costs. $87.50. by landlord. Near Hagadorn and 12, $550. Call 487-5466. 510-8 apartments with shag carpeting, NEEDED FEMALE-own GOLD CHAIR and leaders to assist in after school ONE COMPLETE room, Grand River. 351-5285. 510-8 Apartment No. 9. 458 house and 2 disposal, appliances, & air $80, 3 blocks from campus. ottoman. $50. After 5 recreation program. Call apartments. Close to campus. VACATION S OVER & welcome conditioning. $150 per month. Evergreen, after 5, Monday, 351-8845. 3-10-4 641-6633.3-10-4 Michigan School for the Blind Utilities and EAST LANSING duplexes, various back! Enjoy these 1st term Excellent for students, will Tuesday, Thursday. 2-10-3 furnishings after 3:30pm. Cathy Ryan provided. 2,3,4 man units. Call sizes, appliances, basements, evenings with great stereo consider nine month leese. Call STEREO RECEIVERS. 373-3730 extension 63. 5-10-2 manager at 339-8192 or East ONE GIRL needed to share large NEJAC, 337-1309. C-2-10-2 NEED ONE person immediately, carpet, near bus. 351-8920. entertainment. Marantz 200 and Fisher. Each $300 Reai«J own room, deposit, $240 per 7-10-4 watt RMS amplifier or Marantz * two bedroom SHORT ORDER cooks. Full time if Lansing Realty, 332-4128. To apartment. SHARE HOUSE in East term plus utilities. Phone Make offer. 351-5849. 5-10-3 $55/month, utilities included. Lansing, 1 150 watt receiver or maybe see, stop at Managers house on CAMPUS 10 Minutes. Girl and/or possible. Days or nights. bedroom. $85/month plus 351-5979, after 5 pm. 510-8 - Kenwood Pioneer or KLH corner of Marsh Road and Pike Furnished. Close. 337-9431. . 3 SPEED SCHWINN, $25. I* Experience helpful. Apply High utilities. 332-8348. 6-10-9 horse, Large country home. Own • Sound Good? They're all here Wheeler office, formerly Lums Street. 10-10-9 _510-8 NEAR CAMPUS. 3 bedrooms, full room. $90. 339-2351.510-2 KLH loudspeakers, v along with a Fender wire, $50. Guita office, 220 Albert Street, East RIVERS EDGE needs one, two, LARGE HOUSE for three - six basement, unfurnished. SOUTHWEST LANSING Stratocaster, telecaster, or Amplifier, $17. 353182$! 2 three or four people. 351-6758. persons. 2 blocks from campus. Excellent for students. $300 per Lansing. 5-10-2 - precision bass. Gibson EB3 and 510-3 bedrooms, carpeted, refrigerator, built 3-10-4 $400/month plus utilities. month. 351-9037 weekdays, 9-4. Rooms SG, Les Paul Junior, Melody - ins, lease, $175 plus 694-3101. 1-10-2 510-4 Maker and 335. We have the utilities, deposit. 882-5833. One Man needed for 3 bedroom in bestmusic amps in Michigan Also 5-10-2 Okemos. Own room. $90. NEAR CAMPUS. Four bedrooms, EAST LANSING - 4 bedroom, used furniture, tapes, alvums, 349-3852. 3-10-4 finished basement. $400/month. $245, lease and deposit. Phone BABYSITTER, EXPERIENCED. STUDENTS APARTMENTS in Call or see at 5:00 1542 Snyder. 882-5303. 510-7 sporting goods, TV's's , head RCA COLOR TV, $100 Com Infant. Mornings. $25. Own car. supplies, leather coats- all sizes, Lansing (reasonable rent). Pets Apartment Near L.C.C., own room 9. 510-8 MALE, WALKING distance from crib, $10. Complete double bd 332-3166, after 1pm. 5-10-2 welcome. No damage deposit. in house, with two others, over MSU NEAR. 2 miles. 3 bedroom, from $15 and don't forget skiing $75,694-9080.510-7 campus, large, pleasant room supplies for this winter at Neat and clean. 371-4158. 22 preferred. $55. 482-856I. ATTENTION PROFESSIONAL partially furnished. Clean. available. 509 Division Street. 5-10-2 393-1622. 510-7 DICKER & DEAL, 1701 South 3-10-4 people: for lease between Holt 332-2859. 3-10-4 GARAGE SALE! ThursdlyJ For Rent ] 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, NEED FEMALE. Luxury and East Lansing. New 3 bedroom, 3 baths, dining room, OWN FURNISHED room in five OWN Cedar, 489-3886. Check us out on WVIC starting September 30. Friday, Saturday. 1223 N Hayford.all dayl 1-10-2 BEDROOM, furnished, C-10-4 unfurnished, deluxe, 10 minutes apartment, own room, + extras! carpeted throughout, 2 car man house. $65 plus utilities. from campus. Managers office, Call 351-4967. 3-10-3 campus - one block, share ART SUPPLIES, matting, frjr* .RE F RiGERATO R_S i Transportation to campus. garage, family room with apartment, $95 332-1946. 5898 March, Apt. 1. 339-9161. Cheap. Call 332-6765 after d . DISHWASHERS - Freezers. $l32.50/month. 349-3837after 6 fireplace. CaH 393-04^6 or 675 510-8 ESCHTRUTH APPLIANCES, 5-10-2 p.m. 3-10-4 7319. 3-10-4 NORTH PENNSYLVANIA, 325. p.m. 3-10-2 315 South Bridge, Grand Ledge. Large furnished four bedroom MEN MSU WEST -NICE room, cooking 627-2191. 12-10-11 - Cozy, fireplace, very THREE NEED TWO people for house. $65 home, like duplex. $250. COMPONETS -PIONEER PL 51 WHY BUY used bike when yo BEDROOMS, newly privileges, parking, close to a clean, excellen'«ivironment, decorated, fireplace, huge living per month. 371-2743, after 351-7497. 0-23-10-31 V15II $200, Dynaco Factory can buy a new 10 speed an SINGLE parkinr »** lease, campus. 482-8932; 1-10-2 120 $150, Interfaced $365, OFFICE for rent, -, no room, carpeted, sun porch, 4 10pm. 3-10-3 make convenient mont^l furnished. 2 desks, all utilities, maid st tree. Great for grad EAST LANSING, 630 Teac 450 $325, EV15TRX's in acres, new kitchen-including Virginia. SHARE FARM payments at VELOCIPEDE! students. house with girls. air conditioned, music, lighted 351-3212, after 6. dishwasher. Two minutes from CHARLES STREET, need 2 men, Fireplace, new carpeting cabinets $400/ pair. 353-1332 541 East Grand River, acroal 5-10-3 throughout. 4 or 5 people. Close/campus. 694-3798 after 8 X-510-8 parking. Oakland at Center, MSU. $350/month. Utilities paid own room, $70/$75, plus from Berkey Hall. 351-724lll $425/month. Lease and deposit p.m. 3-10-4 Lansing. $75 month, phone Deposit plus one year lease. utilities, furnished. 337-0114. 2-10-3 TWO BEDROOM apartment, APPLES CIDER, 482-0113 or contact Hasselbring 351-7076. Dan or Debbie. 9-5 2-10-2 required. 339-9380 after 6 p.m. Pumpkins! carpeted, $170 plus utilities. or weekends. ROOM IN friendly house. Use of- BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, seven Company at 482-1217. 5-10-2 3-10-4 Craig. 4-10-4 APPLES- 339-9472, after 7 p.m. 5-10-3 p.m. 823 CLEVELAND kitchen, dining room. Rent miles south of Mason on Hull GOLDEN Knob| - large, 3 Orchard. Pick your TV and bedroom, front porch, fenced TWO BEDROOM, negotiable. 400 South Fairview. Road. Hours 9-6, Closed STEREO Rentals. CHRISTIAN WOMEN near campus, LANSING, WEST Maple. Upper, desire 4th 487-8755. 3-10-2 8:30am-6pm. 651-5 4 35,1 $25/term. $10.95/month. Free immediately. Cedar yard, $225. Call 351-8150. married preferred. $225/month. Mondays. 1-589-8251. Last 651-5430. B3-10-4 furnished one bedroom on bus Village, Same Day Delivery and Service. 510-7 Call 351-0796.4-10-4 chance to pick your own line. $150. Utilities paid. No $78/month. 351-0989. 3-10-4 ROOM FOR male student, across Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-10-31 Saturday and Sunday, 10-5pm. BOOKSFOR Sale: Almanac 19U.1 children or pets. 337-7628. 1236 SHEPARD STREET (East from Union. 211'/> Grand River, 720 CHICAGO NICE 4 or 5 0-3-10-4 510-3 BIG 214 bedroom apartment. Easy bedroom, - carpeted, garage, side Lansing), 4 rooms, upstairs. $48 per month. William Mckinley 1901. WondrnB REFRIGERATORS access. Big yard, garden space. 351-6629. 510-8 WANT 4 CHANNEL? New Marantz 19th Century 1900, SouM $160/month including utilities $240. Call 351-8150. 5-10-7 unfurnished. Please drive by Rent them at A C & E RENTAL, SMALL 1 Bedroom apartment, 2440 power amplifier with Vari - America Stamp collection.™ first. Call collect, 1790 Grand River, Okemos. 585 oCMTED 10 campus, except electric. 339-9522. ROOM FOR male graduate student matrix unit and 2 EV 489-7255. 3-10-4 1119 HICLORY 3 1-313-261-5195. $80/month ■ 14's. Phone 349-2220. $6 per month. 482-95" \-«»s8-3627 ($.03 510-8 - bedroom. 2 .. (used - clean, quiet, comfortable. $300. 332-2286. 3-10-4 toll call) 5-10-3 car garage, fenced yard, $185. to be $125). 510-7 Deposit refunded on return. $15/week. Call ED2-1354. STEREO EQUIPMENT PioneeB Call 351-8150.510-7 7-10-4 ROOMMATE NEEDED for 2 roommates id, own 3-woman, 204 River Street, call FOR FEMALE, room in faculty 5-10-2 GARAGE SALE: Wednesday. QX-800 4 channel receive, | 2 FOR 3 bedroom house. Own house with use of kitchen in CLOSE MALE student, linens, Thursday. 2332 Devonshire, Pioneer C-77 speakers, 4 bedroo 349-0879 35I-3606. 4-10-7 after 9p.m 510-2 bedroom, $85 including utilities. exchange for light housekeeping. kitchen A-ivileges, parking, Lansing. Roll • away cot, speaker, Garrard 95SL turntabH,B Apartments ^ 351-2108. 510-7 Fall term only. Call 351-4782. $15 portable sewing machine, ladies JBL 4-channel earphonul ONE GIRL for 4-girl apartment. MALE ROOMMATE Campus Hills aprtments. $68.75 needed. 3-10-3 per wee7fy^8252. 5-10-2 coats, kitchen articles, 1967 487-2106.3-10-4 NEEDED ONE girl for 4 girl. Rivers $68/month. Close. 337-7168. monthly, includes bus service. FIVE BEDROOM, 2 bath, ROOM FOR ren?0 ust have own Mustang in good condition. 2-10-3 TWO Edge Apartments. 351-4166. 3-10-2 349-2219. 4-10-7 fireplace, furnished, downtown CLIFFORD 527. 3 bedrooms, fully transportation. 394-2639, after WEST spaaker cabineaj Lansing, beautifully decorated. carpeted. New 4 piece bath. Gibson and Hagstrom I 3-10-2 5pm. 7 J 0-4 Good parking. $185 plus GARAGE SALE: Today and guitars. Cheap. 484-7161.1 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed, 3 WANTED: MALE roommate to 6552603, after 5. 3-10-3 deposit. 675-5252 or 675-5279. ROOMMATE(S) WANTED. Own Friday 9am - 5pm. Thursday and B-1-10-2 ONE AND 2 bedrooms furnished, girl, close to campus. 351-5754. share 1974 14x70 mobile home 3-10-2 in North Lansing. Call 489-2134. 2 PERSONS to share co - operative 5-10-7 room in mobile home. Phone Sunday 9am - 8pm. 1401 ail new, carpeting, air Greenview, East Lansing. 3-10-4 655-3263, conditioning, balcony, security 3-10-4 house situation with 2 others. 4 ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom home, weekends. 5-10-2 after 6pm or ANTIQUESI ICEBOX, milk safe ox yoke, humpback trunkal | STUDENTS MOVE in today. Large bedrooms, $49 month. Patrick, locks. 10 minutes MSU. stove, refrigerator, carpeting, GUNS, RIFLES and handguns of modern 2 bedroom furnished. CEDAR VILLAGE. Two-four 332-4292. 3-10-3 tables, chairs, dressers, picture J 349-9152 694-9608. 10-10-11 MEN SHARE room. Close in, or drapes, $150 month, deposit. - - all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. frames. 676-4653. 3-10-4 $225 nine months. $200 twelve people needed. Immediate PIPER 5920. 484-2244. 510-2 cooking, clean, quiet. $150 full BEST year 'round prices in months plus lights. Near campus. Three bedrooms, ROOMMATE NEEDED occupancy. $80. 351-3190. term. 485-8836 or 337-9130. southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN ARIA carpeted thoughout, 2 car FOLK guitar with cas 351-6168. 510-2 3-10-4 Ask for Bill. 10-10-9 immediately - one mile from garage. $185 plus deposit. EAST 635 North Magnolia, 3 or 4 SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. Call Excellent condition, $100 fin campus. $85/month. 351-4894. 675-5252 675-5279. 510-7 371-2244.0-1-10-2 351-0886. 2-10-2 CHRISTIAN STUDENT Male, ONE BEDROOM. or man, furnished. 351-6866. 510-2 PRIVATE BEDROOM, 15 minutes 5-10-2 - Close air share apartment. 428 Division. from campus. Includes color conditioned, carpeted, BAKER 535. 4 bedroom MOVING SALE beautiful 9x12 AIRSTREAM 1972 ■ 27', like net furnished, AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. T.V., - Campus Action, 351-7234. dishwasher. $170/month. stereo, washer/dryer. ? GRAD STUDENTS - 3 bedroom 3-10-2 carpeted throughout. Neat and Large double bedroom in 489-4017. 5-10-3 3 - tone orange shag rug + 445 Buick LaSabre 1971 -v» duplex near Frandor. 114 baths, 3510866. 510-8 miscellaneous furnishings. Ideal formal clean, lots of parking. modern 'IVT^.0 house. $150, for married good. Great combination!] dining, garage, basement. $245/month plus deposit. utilit, „ed. Near Stables. ON LANSING side of Frandor, housing. Doris, days, Reasonable offer, wi CHRISTIAN FEMALE desires FURNISHED. ONC bedroom 484 9458. One year lease. $275. 489-4063, Evenings, 355-2997 675-5252 or 675-5279. 510-7 See to appreciate. 337-0195. phone & tV ist be quiet good car trade - in. I "6 evenings. 510-2 roommate. Own room, $83.50. Call before 4pm, 393-4738. apartmt RENTED or girls. 510-22 and da^^.Hioyed. Reasonable. 4-10-4 510j7 $140. 3faj-ot>47. 510-2 3-10-2 EAST LANSING - luxury 3 372-7973. 5-10-2 OKEMOS: SPACIOUS, one bedroom townhouse. Hickory SHARE 2 BEDROOM trailer with BIKE FOR sale, excellent 10 - SPEED, Spanish, 2 months old. ■ bedroom EAST LANSING. Luxury, one FEMALE HOUSEMATE: own condition. 355-5842. 10-10-14 $100. 351-2593. 939 Burcham. I apartment, partly NEED ONE female for 4 female Hills condiminiums, 1 1/2 male. South Lansing. Call furnished from $173, includes bedroom, unfurnished. 9 month room. 6 bedroom co - ed house 510-2 Americana Apartment. Fall — baths, finished basement, 373-8660 until 4:30 p.m. utilities. Ideal for 1-3 people, lease, no pets. $200 includes unfurnished. Call $65.655-2060. 3-10-3 Spring or Fall only. 351-5755. 4857147. 393-3205. 510-2 young couple. 349-0558. 510-2 heat. 332-0976. 5-10-2 3-10-2 510-2 $18. WEEK. TERM lease. Near COUNTRY SETTING. 4 bedrooms. ONE BEDROOM MASON MANOR, North Street EAST LANSING. 1230 Haslett Capitol Building. Bus 3 blocks. apartment, EAST SIDE, large 8 rooms, 4 New barnwood Road. Large, 1 bedroom. $170. panelling, newly Coffee shop, restaurant, bar. unfurnished, 910 Abbott Road. Mason. Married grad students or bedrooms, unfurnished. $230. carpeted. City MSU. For $265/month. CAPITOL CLUB, 222 6 blocks from campus. Total single grad students. 1-2-3 bus to 676-1557. 7-10-4 675-5252 or 6755279. 510-2 Seymour, information phone 351-0919 or 484-4422.0-4-10-4 JfMjlNMMPyS electric living - including garbage bedroom townhouse apartments. disposal and dishwasher. From $185 plus utilities. Large Halstead Management. Security intercoms and door kitchen and dining area. 351-7910. 510-2 locks. Community sun deck and storage lockers. $180/month. Married or graduate students Appliances dishwashers, central heat, air in eluding NEEDED: ONE woman apartment. Across from campus, 4-woman tason Hills conditioning, full basement, gas preferred. Call Woodside Manor heat. Balconies. Easy drive to $78/month. 3326246. 5-10-2 apartments. Apartments, 332-4240 or MSU. Open daily from 1 - 5:30 I J Weekday! (Mon.. Sat.) . $15 p., t„m Diversified Development Real p.m. except Wednesday & MELLOW WOMAN needed for Student Rate-25c per issue Estate Inc. 393-8170. 5-10-3 Thursday. Visit us or call three person xlat. Fall - spring. NEEDED: PERSON to share two JAMES FOX ASSOCIATES at Model, 676-4746. Office, 8.3-10-3 D Sun» son^ %■ 1 0-4-1 CM half ?. Adorable. Call 655-1259. a public service EAST LANSING Board tax in room 334 Student State News office, 341 Student Services Bldg.. by 1 p.m. at least The members. club warmly invites new '' ,ach doi, ~Z~cr& 400. 4-channal itereo, 6-10-7 STATE BANK will run the ad at Service! Building the first two SISTER. OWN bedroom, 4-man two class days before publication. 355.51* LLOYDS nocott to you I weeks of claseet, ending October 2 S104 ^ Phon. 743-3074. STEREO - 8 track house, $65. Lansing. Hip deal I No announcements will be accepted Last year's volunteers wishing to EAST LANSING 9,1974. 10-109 phono. Must tall. $225. AKC OLD English Sheep Dog 4894990. 3-102 by phone. volunteer for the Ingham Medical >1(M STATE BANK 361-4006. 3 10-3 shots and wormed, Hospital thit year please call the Rale,gh s- puppy, C-1031 University Duplicate Bridge Club Volunteer Bureau. Ask for Steve Vder bandmaster reasonable, 517-838-4451 after 332-1414 Oilier and V,rV ««• _ *6-102 FOUND: GOLD Ladies watch Bogua VanHooten. on Ceil [WbEJ(«] WANTED: John TICKETS concert. 487 5802. 3-102 for Call Elton Bill. will be 7:30 Ballroom. holding regular games at tonight in the Union Anderson. Open meeting for all people WEST HIGHLAND White Terrier, near ,71-3328. 5-10 7 AKC, 5 1/2 months, loves Mike at 363-6047. C-3-10-3 WILLIAMSTON - 2V4 acre building interested in volunteering for the •'as, hide BOTTECCHIA GIRO D'italia. NOTRE DAME tickets or Rung Fu, don't let the man do it MSU Volunteer Program 7:30 children, 665-3313. 5-10-2 titet; mature pinei 4854S766. coupons, $225. Bottecchia Gran Turiiimo >back "king $100. 351-4694. 5-108 Light yet loud. No feedback. shed. $6950. Perry. 625-7648. 355-8665, 355-8670, 3-5 p.m. essers, $2400 value, excellent or 625-3111. 5-10-3 PURPLE VICKI - Fatt. accurate, FLINT AREA to East Lansing, 1-102 3-10-4 "EOS, DRESSERS, lamps and condition, $1200. Sunn inexpensive typing. Very near daily. Leaving 7am, returning ™ny antuque items at THE emplifier. Fender stratocaiter. 10x60, EXPANDO, walking camput. 337-7260. C-1031 5pm. 1-313-659-9670 after 6pm. DAY BEFORE TRAVEL NEED two crew Maestro rhythm and lound unit. distance to campus. Apricot 3-10-2 FOREVER, members to join four et part Next to Arby's. Noon -6 394-2167 between 12 7pm. tree, vegetable garden, shed IRENE ORR Theies, term p.m. owners in thip tlated to depart - 3-10-4 6-10-2 Fenced double lot. 787-6277 for Europe. papert, general typing. Formerly J® next October (Jackson) evenings. 5-10-2 with Ann Brown. 482-7487. 50c 485-1886. 5-108 POSTERS-50c. all types C-10-31 eluding black light at THE ONE MILE from campus. 10 x 55 UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS NEED RIDE from Jackson to MSU DAY BEFORE Schult, 2 bedroomt, utility shed, ANN BROWN typing and multilith FOREVER, next will be able to receive refundt of daily. Leaving 8am, returning t0 Arby's. Noon-6 p.m. 3-10-4 excellent condition. Call off let printing. Complete service LABRADOR RETRIEVER around 3pm. Call 784-8834 372-8921, after 5 p.m. 7-104 their 50c ASMSU tax in room for ditiertationi, theses, puppies, AKC, lired by 334 Student Services building anytime. m ELlTE ,vP«wri,•^ oW, good condition, $40. After i 355-6098.5-10-8 5 years Champion blacks, yellows. 787-6277 (Jackaon). 5-102 QUIET COVE Trailer Park-It it quiet I Adults only please. the first 2 weeks of clattet, ending October 9, 1974. manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 25 years 349-0850. C-10-31 experience. FROM BATH to MSU daily. A career in law— refund are without law school. $55/month, no depotit, to rent a Students receiving a Leaving 7:30am, returning 5pm. WOMEN'S CLOTHING, CATS MAKE a house a home. trailer or buy at the lot. not eligible to ute ASMUS 3554510 extention 248 before size 1 1012. Siamese kitten.337-0996. 2-10-3 675-7312. 5-102 services. 10-10-9 Excellent condition Slacks, ,0PI. is, dresses. oresses HORSE TRAILER for rent. $10 1970 LIBERTY - 12 x 60, 2 What can you do with only a bachelor's degree? Now there is a way to bridge the gap between an Mof >>2( 6> 332 8631 per 6-104 day. 882-7410 or 882-8779. bedrooms, front kitchen, thed, partially furnithed. Stonegate, undergraduate education and a challenging, respon¬ STEREOS, CAMERAS used. Mid $3650. 487-6852. 5-102 How to form your own car pool sible career. The Lawyer s Assistant is able to do work traditionally done by lawyers. - LEASE A Horse. I feed him, you "wigan's largest selection of Three months of intensive training can give you At a public service at no charge, the State News will provide a free classified 'w ~ equipment. Phase Power amp. automatic changer. Linear P.E. 30 60 Lost & Found](C[) advertisement for those people who would like to set up or join a car pool. the skills—the courses are taught by lawyers. You choose one of the six courses offered—choose the Rectilinear city in which you want to work. ,'rS l0Teac mocW tCA40 Drivinp?_ or Riding? Since 1970, The Institute for Paralegal Training n .H r*| OPEN HORSE Show, Saturday, LOST: SIBERIAN HUSKY puppy. . . . rit) dtck s,nMji has placed more than 700 graduates in law firms, October 12, 9am. Weitern, Black/White, Near Burcham. banks, and corporations in over 60 cities. STMF V#r#0 amP' So"V English and Hunter classes and Reward. 332-5362. 3-104 From, col 'Un,r Du" HS37 game events. 475 Del Road. For a.m. If you are a student of high academic standing and interested in a career as a Lawyer's Assistant, ^Pac. ,„reo syn^. Uud 8 show bill call 882-8779. 5-104 Found: MEN'S watch in Flower ~p.m. are we'd like to meet you. Hunrtr"! taP® d*ckl $15 " UP' Pot Neighborhood. Cell Tony $1 50 J5' uted 8 track tapai HORSES FOR Sale. Several.nice 332-2896. C-3-104 album 1000 u,#d itoreo pleasure horses to choose from. The State News will-not accept responsibility for arrangements or conduct of Jum. 10c- $1.00. n.w Robyn 882-8779. 6-104 LOST: SMALL brown female dog. participants. 35mm'l"e?1'n' Olympui OMI Terrier type mut. Antwert to We will visit your campus on Pentax The information requested below must be supplied in order for ad to appear. •Potm , Herthey. 351-1820. 3-104 Nikkor 20rw!°r *'"• TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22 'ens. 'ano.fL t 8nd 135mm V mor* '•niei. FOUND: FRIENDLY grey and outdoor ring. 4 mllei louth of white male cat. White collar, cam put 882-8779. 5-104 Bogua Street. 365-1673. Address. C-3-104 OLD ENGLISH sheepdog puppies City The Institute for AKC registered Chemplon FOUND SMALL gray tired-itart $160. 1-669-2644. kitten near North Cate. Call Paralegal Training 5-102 355-7036. C-3-103 •This coupon may be broufhtln or mailed to: Car Pool Classifieds, 347 Student Services Building. No phone alts accepted. FREE KITTENS, 8 weeks old, box FOUND: BLACK labrador mutt, 9 NO CHARGE ^2 S0LU-n' 394-0382. trained. 337-2618 after 4 p.m. 3-10-3 montht old. Camput area. Call jfel-iU/2. C-3-104 V. , Wednesday, Oct. 2,1974 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ENTERS PHASE TWO Recycling unit expands After all the paper is collected and baled it is sold to t By JOE KIRBY State News Staff Writer Michigan Carton Co. in Battle Creek and eventually ends up cereal boxes. After recycling enough paper to save 17'0(j° , Mark V'Soske, public relations director for the authority, saia working in the cold and rain, the MSU Waste Control Authority is apathy is the biggest problem facing them since much of tin moving inside and stepping up production. earlier excitement about recycling has faded. The Waste Control Authority opened a new 45 by 65 foot V'Soske said people still need to be reminded about recycling warehouse, located at Jolly and Aurelius roads, Tuesday as it if they hope to keep the waste bins filled. began the second phase in its recycling program. The authority currently has 13 collection sites, on and The warehouse is being rented for $460 a month and the walls inside the building are decorated with environmental murals campus, in addition to 300 waste paper barrels in offices around painted by East Lansing high school students. campus. The authority began in the fall of 1972 with three student Though the authority recycles only paper, cardboard employes and a rented U-Haul tiailer. They now have four plastic, there are bins for recycling glass at area Meijer's stores, located at 2065 E. Grand. River Ave., Okemos; 6200 S. vehicles and by the end of this term expect to employ 85 Pennsylvania Ave. and 5125 W. Saginaw St. in Lansing. Cans can ft took the authority about a year to collect its first million be taken to bins at Frandor Shopping Center, between Michigan Avenue and Saginaw Street. pounds of paper, five months to gather the second million and director Mark Rosenhaft now expects to collect a million pounds every two months. Rosenhaft said that by collecting an average of 60 tons a week Hannah If § the authority can continue working on a break • even basis. School Rosenhaft said this new phase of the program is called Project Recovery and now with the addition of the new warehouse, the authority should be able to save the University more money and A/ B«r koy • provide jobs for more students. Since the program began Rosenhaft figures the authority has saved the University $10,000 in waste disposal costs. The new warehouse has two balers which will allow the The MSU Waste Control Authority opened a new storage center at Jolly and Aurelius roads Tuesday, bringing to 13 the total authority to bale its own waste, thus saving more money. number of units monitored by the authority. Director Mark Rosenhaft estimates the authority has saved 17,000 trees since it One of the balers was purchased for $4,000 while the other began recycling paper and plastics in 1971. Currently, the authority handles some 60 tons of recycled material per week and was built by authority workers for one • fifth the cost of a new maintains a staff of 85 employes. baler. SHAW LANE • Judging Pavillion I State meat laws prote • C harry lan* WILSON J < ID By SUE McMILLIN produced according to federal presently allow such things as new standards which would nutritionally, but usually cost standards. State News Staff Writer standards, Wendell Brewbaker, cereal, soybean flour, lips, also allow bacon ends, ham the same, Brewbaker said. The He hopes that the Dollar for dollar, sausage supervisor of chemistry labs in snout, tongues and artificial trimmings and the cheeks and consumer does not pay less, department will soon have an Ml products that live up to the Michigan Agriculture color to be included in the diaphragms of animal carcasses but the manufacturer makes amino acid analyzer which Michigan standards have more Dept., said. products. The U.S. Agriculture to be used. more money. would make the process much nutritional value than those The federal regulations Dept. is nearing approval of Michigan law allows only "Our concern is to get quicker. skeletal muscle tissue in maximum nutrition for the Though nutritional labeling • EXISTING IINS sausage products, such as least amount of money," he has not been instituted, many © MOPOSID frankfurters, and said. bologna consumer groups are working (g? Worthoui* knockwurst. The law does not Hot dogs are the main towards it, Brewbaker said. It Pictured above are the 13 MSU Waste Control Authority cover lunch meat, George source of meat for many will aid the consumer even locations for recycling paper and plastic. For location of Thompson, head of one of the children, Brewbaker said. They more in the stores. need food with nutritional glass and can recycling centers, see related story. labs, said. Companies producing and value, not just something to fill selling these items in Michigan them up. must abide by the state "The people we really have standards or post a large yellow to be concerned about are the sign stating that they are not housewives without the money conforming to Michigan law, Thompson said. The label on the products must also identify what the products contain. Products made outside Michigan for sale in the state of and education to make the choice in the store," he said. "I think the low income people are in getting gypped." Presently white rats the test to are used determine OPEN HOUSE can be manufactured according nutritional value. The test to the looser federal standards, takes about three months, but must state the contents on Brewbaker said. The tests need the label. to be speeded up so that the Hot dogs made to meet department can tell if products federal standards are inferior on the market are living up to Prices upset Belgium, Japan The Japanese stocked up, the Beligans turned off in efforts to cope with the rotten Tuesday, the price of 22 - pound bags of standard - grade rice goes up to $7.10 from TODAY state of the economy. $5.40. Japanese lined up at Tokyo railroad stations and stocked their cupboards in last minute The price hikes in the increases probably will trigger cost of other goods for the ARMY ROTC EAST LANSING'S ONLY CO - OP FOR OPTICAL NEEDS efforts to beat stiff price hikes on transport and Japanese consumer, whose costs have been rice. Commuters spent more than an hour in line rising at about 25 per cent a year. "We probably are at the 351-5330 LMJ 9AT^i^2F5PM OPEN HOUSE to buy six - month subway passes at $27, to beginning of our L22_JImI sat.. 9 A.M. to Noon beat the rate of $37.25 that goes into effect Calvary," economics Minister Andre Oleffe EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Tuesday. Phone calls from customers seeking said. "Everyone must keep a cool head, the country must rediscover the virtue of economy CO-OPTICAL SERVICES Dr. R. C. Minor, Optometrist AT and unity needed to face difficulty." deliveries flooded neighborhood rice shops. On Now in Brookfield Plaza For A DEMONSTRATION HALL Good Time Call AUDITORIUM 351 - 1200 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. TODAY What aA place to Exhibits and Information RwA Concerning ARMY ROTC CAREER OPPORTUNITIES with FOR ARMY OFFICERS THE WINGED SPARTANS ALL Whether you are a, fledgling pilot or an old pro. Winged Spartans can get you flying. Come to our introductory meeting and see what our non - STUDENTS & FACULTY profit club has to offer you. If you can't attend tonight's meeting, write: Winged Spartans Information P.O. Box 287 INVITED East Lansing, Michigan 48823 Refreshments will be served INTRODUCTORY MEETING 332-0666 TONIGHT, 7:30 PM, 115 BESSEY HALL SEE WHAT ARMY ROTC PRIVATE PILOT AND INSTRUMENT GROUND TONIGHT SCHOOL SIGNUPS TONIGHT HAS TO OFFER YOU!