Ineligible By JOHN TINGWALL House approved bill last week. Since it is too late for the state elections Detroit junior, said that though his student making her eligible for the board seat. trustee Ratings Forms (SIRS) last spring proved something about it after the election." State News Staff Writer chances of vlcotry are slim, he would go to "If I won and I did choose to return to students remain powerless at MSU. Bartrem is one of two Michigan division to alter the ballots, both names Winning is not everything. will appear in the November court if he won to determine his MSU, and I met with opposition, I'd fight One former candidate for the board of students named in a court suit against the Tn fact winning would mean nothing election. general eligibility. It in court to return," DesCamp said, trustees, Larry Bartrem, said Atty. Gen. attorney general last May by the Michigan old to the , r two MSU student candidates for the Gajewski, 22, 556 Hagadorn Road, "I'm sure a test case would be "because I believe it's unconstitutional to Kelley probably did not act on the Higher Education Student Assn. and the ends up as necessary, and I'd be willing to go through prohibit American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), »ority, said MSTLheBOasIud°enrSBradley Sullivan and senior, candidate for the Socialist Workers party, said she will conduct a full with it, because students deserve the right to be represented on the board," Sullivan themselves boards." students on their from own representing governing ineligibility of the candidates because their chances of winning were minimal. claiming his ruling is unconstitutional. An ACLU lawyer failed to appear at the Bartrem, defeated by incumbent Kenneth ich of the campaign regardless of her ine'iglbility. said. "Who else knows more than we do Detroit district court in August on behalf "I bet there area a lot of students who DesCamp said she would begin Thompson for the Republican nomination Sature was considering a bill that don't even know it'» illegal for an MSU about the problems aft this University:" campaigning on campus next week, for the trusteeship, said Kelley would of the student group, and the case is still t recyclinj 3d have changed the language in the 2 «an constitution and made s udents student to run for a trustee seat." Sullivan, 20, will not campaign for the office, but said the appearance of his name attacking the board for violating the state probably step in only if one of the pending. housing code by tripling students in the ineligible candidates won. •n arid off 2 for trusteeships at their own Gajewski, an East Lansing senior, said she would spend no money of her own and on the ballot would serve to establish the dorm. "Kelley probably doesn't want to draw At a press conference Tuesday, Gov. wrsities Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley ruled Human Milliken reiterated his support for students ws around Rights party as a more "The biggest issue in the campaign, too much attention to his ruling that UnlV^S that such a service would would limit her campaign to leaflets and party rallies. recognizable political group. though, will be the students' lack of power prohibits students from serving on the serving on their own governing boards. board and [•Institute a conflict of interest. The Human Rights party candidate, Another Human Rights party candidate in governing themselves," DesCamp said. board because he's up for re - election and "Students should have the opportunity er's stores, The students remained ineligible when for MSU trustee, Therese DesCamp, DesCamp said the controversy over he needs the student vote,'' Bartrem said. to run and serve on these boards," Bradley Sullivan, 409 E. Homes Hall, a 6200 S. the Senate postponed action on the dropped out of MSU last spring, thus student access to Student Instructional "But if one of them won, I'm sure he's do Milliken told college newspaper editors. Cans can » Michigan Volume 168 Number 204 Thursday, October 3,197t Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Cain tells union meeting ASMSU may recall him Fitting to this theme - union organizer laws require a minimum of 30 per cent of negotiating sessions with other campus and ASMSU president Tim Cain the signatures of all possible employes on unions. He suggested that the proposed announced to the group that the ASMSU union authorization cards. Well over 600 students' unions would have low dues, Loard may attempt to impeach him for cards were distributed at Wednesday's but could not explain how to stabilize 'lis union activities at tonight's ASMSU meeting. residence hall room and board rates that Somewhat fearful of the wrath of their meeting. Collecting these signatures "is no small may rise because of proposed union wage employers, but still willing to take a crack task and will probably take you into increases. it solidarity, nearly one hundred people Cain has been involved in student winter term," Larrowe said. Cain, who asserted throughout the attended the first meeting of Michigan unionizing efforts since November 1962. The next step after collecting meeting that he was not acting as ASMSU State University Student Worker Union Wednesday's meeting was the first signatures is petitioning the Michigan president said: "The University has Local No. 1. campus wide effort of the union Employment Relations Commission $200,000 worth of good lawyers so they Many of those in attendance were organizing committee to establish a might find some reason to challenge us collective bargaining agent for student (MERC) for acertification to hold an especially concerned with learning what a election. (the union) in the courts." student union reaily may be able to employes. The University has threatened that Larrowe charged that the University iccomplish and what an employer might Also speaking at the organizing session were two area labor organizers, Vicky gets away with as much as it can during (continued on page 13) do to a union organizer. Mybarg, and C. Patric Larrowe, MSU professor of economics. Milliken Nyberg was active in the unionizing efforts of University secretaries last year. That unit is now legally recognized as the School benefit Clerical-Technical Workers. bill to r "The worse paid employes on this campus are females and students," near for Viet Nyberg said "Even though the student role has changed in the last few years, it is campaigning still a submissive one. There is no to be submissive as an employe." "Step by step this union will be won. reason By AP and State News The conferees met for the first time Wednesday since last month and a a deadlock developed previous conference LANSING (UPI) - Gov. Milliken One-half (of the student employes) is not WASHINGTON - House and Senate agreement was rejected by the House. signed the state's campaign reform bill here tonight because they do not care. conferees agreed Wednesday on a Rep. Olin Teague, D-Tex., who led the into law Wednesday, but the legislation The other half is not here because they compromise bill to increase school House conferees, predicted that President will not take effect until April 1 of next are scared. You must not be a closet benefits for Vietnam Veterans by 23 per Ford would sign the bill, though Ford year. unionist." cent. had warned he would veto the earlier The legislation limiting campaign In addition, the bill would establish a conference report — with nearly identical Nyberg said that most students are Peter M. Flanigan, nominated to be ambassador to Spain, testifies before the spending and requiring disclosure of from the managerial class of society, loan program of $600 for each veteran provisions — as being inflationary. Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington Wednesday. Flanigan said contributions was enacted at a bill - where unions have traditionally been and would extend from 36 to 45 months Many veterans returned to school this there is no substance to allegations raided against him in connection with the signing ceremony attended by several re • regarded as evil and troublesome. the time an undergraduate could receive fall without knowing how much their International Telephone & Telegraph antitrust settlement. election bound lawmakers eager to "There is nothing wrong with benefits. monthly support check would be. identify with the bill. respectable wages for a respectable day's Don Svorn, coordinator for more than A single veteran now getting $220 a The campaign bill requires disclosure of work," she said. "The next time we meet 2,000 MSU veterans, saw the step as a month would receive $270 monthly the names and addresses of all must have more cards than need sign of progress. Nixon aide denies we we under the compromise bill, retroactive to contributors, except those who give less than S10 at fundraising affairs and $15 to signed." Larrowe, defeated in August 6th At the least it would improvement," he said. "Ideally, more be an Sept. 1. A veteran with a wife would have Ex - independent committees. District Democratic Congressional race, benefits would have been great." benefits increased from $261 to $321 a It limits explained the mechanics of union contribution spending by gubernatorial The bill still must be approved by both month. A veteran with a wife and child candidates to $2 million in the primary ind general elections, Senate candidates to $50,000 and House candidates to organization to the crowd that he described considering." as "enormous, the House and Senate and signed by President Ford before the increased benefits go into effect. would get $366 instead of $298, and would also get $23 instead of $18 for each dependent over the age of two. WASHINGTON (AP) - Former White bargains the President's campaign and in return for $25,000. He said that if 7,000 students are The total cost of the compromise bill Dan Zimmerman, Veterans Milliken called the bill "an important would be $1.48 billion. House aide Peter M. Flanigan denied under that $250,000, she would be appointed employed on campus, then state union Administration representative at MSU, oath Wednesday that he offered ambassador to Costa Rica," Kalmbaeh step toward election reform." said that he felt personally such an ambassadorships in exchange for said. increase in benefits "certainly would contributions to former President Richard At a subsequent meeting, Kalmbaeh help." M. Nixon's campaigns. said Farkas was interested in a post in "As the GI Bill is now, you can't live in any kind of style unless you're also Flanigan's testimony to the Senate Europe and she asked, "Isn't $250,000 an Foreign Relations Committee, which is awful lot of money for Costa Rica?" working. It is tough enough just to make considering his nomination as ambassador "She didn't want to pay $250,000 for a ends meet. It does not provide a free ride, to Spain, conflicted with that given House little banana republic," Eagleton told the and I don't think it was intended to," Zimmerman said. impeachment investigators by former Nixon lawyer Herbert Kalmbaeh. According to committee sources, the Ford administration made a last minute Sen. J, W. Fulbright, D • Ark., chairman "She didn't want to pay of the Foreign Relations Committee, did $250,000 for a little banana proposal to increase benefits 20 per cent, knock out the loan program and drop the not indicate an attempt to resolve the republic. She wanted Europe and extension of benefits for undergraduates. differences. she got Europe." In addition, the administration wanted The charge of selling ambassadorships to delay the benefits increase until Jan. 1. was one of several raised before the Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton. D • Mo. In the original conference agreement, committee by Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton, D the per person loans established under the - Mo., who said Flanigan is unfit to hold such a high post because of his role in the panel. "She wanted Europe and she got special fund would have been $1,000. The original House bill passed earlier in ITT antitrust affair, the ambassadorships Europe." Farkas later donated more than the year was for $1.1 billion, and the allegation and his reputation of being the Senate passed a $2,076 billion bill. The White House go - between for $300,000 to the 1972 Nixon campaign businessmen seeking favors. and was named ambassador to initial conference produced an agreement on $1.59 billion. "Most of these matters have been Luxembourg. She has said the donation and the appointment were unrelated. The administration had wanted no looked into at great length by the more than a $1.29 billion bill. Watergate special prosecutor . . and his . Flanigan said Kalmbach's recollection of the events differed from his. response is that they know about these It actually was Kalmbaeh who initiated things and they have no charges against the first telephone call, Flanigan said, and BULLETIN me," Flanigan said in response to the conversation involved Kalmbach's Gagleton's allegations. Flanigan, 54, specifically denied any asking for the names of some well - to-do WASHINGTON (AP) - The Houie unethical role in the ITT case, any attempt persons who could be approached for to sell ambassadorships and any allegation contributions. voted overwhelmingly Wednesday night that he used his position as presidential At that time, Flanigan said, he to trim another $145,000 from an adviser to financially enhance himself. cautioned Kalmbaeh that no commitments expense money request for former In could be made to contributors. Kalmbaeh President Richard M. N?xon that already testimony before the House had been dashed to $398,000. Judiciary Committee earlier this year, protested, and Flanigan was upheld by Kalmbaeh said that in July or August White House Chief of Staff H. R. But it rejected an initial effort to cut 1971 Flanigan called and said, "Herb, we Haldeman. all $245,000 in transition funds. would like to have you contact a Dr. Ruth In the Justice Dept.'s antitrust case The House approved 342 to 47 an amendment by Rep. Joieph P. Addabbo, Farkas in New York. She is interested in against ITT, Flanigan said his only role was to find a consultant, at the request of D-N.Y., to cut the $245,000 for giving $250,000 for Costa Rica ..." "It was dear in my understanding of antitrust division chief Richard McLaren, cataloguing Nixon's tapes and papers and that conversation that she to write a report on the consequences of answering more than 500,000 letters to was interested $100,0001 in, that she would contribute $250,000 to blocking the ITT - Grinnel merger. Thursday, October 3,1974 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Ehrlichman conducted to determine the seek with conspiring to block thi WASHINGTON M. Nixon was one of those Nixon on whether he would the subpenas or a statement on (AP) - cause of Nixon's phlebitis. investigation of the June 1971 District Judge John J. Sirica named. obey subpenas demanding his the former President's health. Earlier this week, Dr. John In his daily written Watergate break - in. * pressed his search for an Jaworski also Tiled a appearance as a defense witness statement, Lungren said Nixon In addition to impartial jury in the Watergate response on behalf of the for Ehrlichman and as a C. Lungren, who has been Ehrlichman continued to respond well to they are former White Hou# coverup trial Wednesday while Central Intelligence Agency prosecution witness. treating Nixon for a recurrence staff chief H. R. treatment and he is stiD Haldeman one of the defendants, former (CIA) to a subpena filed by Herbert J. Miller, Nixon's of phlebitis, said it would be scheduled to go home. former Atty. Gen. John White House aide, John D. Ehrlichman demanding CIA Washington attorney, said last weeks before the former N The five defendants at the Mitchell, former assistant Atty Slaughtering of calves averted Ehrlichman, claimed double documents. The prosecutor said the week he would submit material to the court by today. But president would be well enough to travel. cover up trial, including three Gen. Robert C. Mardian and jeopardy as grounds for Cattlemen in Texas scrapped plans Wednesday to dismissing him. agency would voluntarily Miller declined to say publicly Lungren said Wednesday no men who were among the Kenneth W. onetime attorney for Parking slaughter hundreds of calves to protest economic whether his submission would closest to Nixon during his first Nixon'i Ehrlichman said the White provide some of the material signs of hidden cancer have re - election committee. term as president, are charged conditions after John White, state agriculture House plumbers case, in which subpenaed, but asked that the be a motion asking dismissal of been detected in tests being commissioner, said President Ford may possibly meet he already stands convicted, is subpena be dismissed. with them in Washington. so inextricably linked to the Without identifying the suspended penalty specific items subpenaed, the The cattlemen called off the slaughter after White spoke to them at the scene and warned them that their Watergate coverup that the separate accusations violate his constitutional rights. response described the demand as "a blanket request for every Reinecke gets plan would create a bad public image. He said in a memorandum piece of paper in the agency's "Thousands here in the United States can't afford to that as soon as a jury is chosen files that mentions or in any quits post in California he will petition the court to refers to" individuals for ITT lie; way buy beef and milk. They're not going to understand linked to Watergate. dismiss the Watergate charges what you're trying to do," White said, referring to the of obstructing justice. The Jury selection on the second cattlemen's cost price squeeze. - day of the coverup trial of prosecution, meanwhile, count perjury conviction was five years in prison and a White issued his plea as an estimated 400 cattlemen disclosed that it has linked one former Nixon administration FROM WIRE SERVICES $2,000 and campaign aides closely fine. and dairymen gathered on a ranch north of Stephenville, more person to the alleged followed the pattern set on WASHINGTON - A half - hour after he resigned Wednesday Reinecke stood before Parker prior to the sentencing m NAT'L MEDBRDS For complete Information call Diamond tap ' or write: Gold Fashion OrifinaH (313)354-0085 124 STUDENT SERVICES Diamond and Wedding Branclwt In Major CIH*> in USA ■ # Art Carved Wedding Rings JEWELRY and f Stanley h. taplon ampfltters Ring Sets 'Longbm. Move and ART CENTER EDUCATIONAL; 310 E. Grand Rhmr A**. CENTER LTD. 22011. Michigan Av«. Seiko Watches Lonsing East Laming, Mich, M»m 414-9401 phone 337-1314 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 3, 1974 PLOT MAIN FOCUS Miss Aggie' an erotic success By EDD RUDZATS level of production is of the some of the performances. the film succeeds on two "Memories Within Miss State News Reviewer highest caliber, making the film Several of the players in the levels: as a pornographic film Aggie" is not your run • of - seem more like the product of film have difficulty with their and as a much more seriously the - mill pornographic film, Gerard Damiano has proved a studio than an independent delivery but that is only to be constructed piece of for it has more to say than to the public once again that filmmaker. It is obvious expected. After all, Lord storytelling. others of its type. In fact, it's pornography need not be a Laurence Olivier and Katherine Damiano knows what to do refreshing, despite a somewhat voyeuristic experience without substance save for the with film and that he has a Hepburn would hardly be sluggish pace, to find a porno sharp sense of drama. involved in such a production. For stargazers, Harry Reems film that may emerge as the titillation inherent in exposing "Memories Within Miss Deborah Ashira, who plays of "Deep Throat" fame also most macabre Gothic tale to be flesh to an erotically starved Aggie" tells a tale and tells it Miss Aggie, lends credibility to puts in a trustworthy brought to the screen, perhaps audience. well, save for the quality of the character and, as a result, appearance. since "Psycho." "Memories Within Miss Aggie" uses erotic footage to enhance the plot rather than as the sole purpose for the film. And Damiano has quite a tale to tell, even though it is a direct steal from William Duddy Kravitz' enthralls viewers Faulkner's story "A Rose for Miss Emily." Miss Aggie is a middle - aged spinster whose befuddled mind finds constant with fast-paced, fine performance release in fantasy. Throughout the course of the film, she By EDD RUDZATS There is a futility to the type of character who is disappeared. Though the tale is State News Reviewer Duddy's insatiable desire to be constantly on the go, running, set against a Jewish backdrop, imagines herself as a petite golden • haired virgin, a raven - In each and everyone of us recognized by those around jumping, scratching, smiling, taken directly from Mordecai lies a desire to be somebody. him that rises above the typical bouncing on his toes — and Richler's novel of the same haired vixen yearning for sexual release and, Whether that somebody is a ambitious, young man sweating like a race horse, and name, the film rises above the doctor, lawyer, farmer, characterization. From the first Dreyfuss has captured Duddy's stereotype of Jewish ultimately, the finest whore in teacher, actor or playboy, it is it is clear that whatever this spirit down to the smallest avariciousness. People like a high class brothel. a dream or goal that exists character will do, his efforts twitch. Duddy Kravitz exist in all These flights into fantasy within the heart of every or motives will be Duddy emerges as so multi - walks of life and in all races; reveal Aggie's inability to cope human being. misunderstood by all. Yet faceted, thanks to Dreyfuss, one specific segment of the with her own sexuality, a fault obviously nurtured by her Exactly how we go about Duddy forges on, in pursuit of that the film has the power to world's population cannot achieving that goal depends on the dollar he believes will buy keep the audience enthralled claim to hold the patent for father's abandonment of her the individual, but each of us him the recognition he craves for over two hours. In fact, this type of parson. mother. She admits as she sets out in our own way to so desperately. when Kotcheffs film ends, you It is precisely this universal grows older that it is becoming fulfill the dream. And Duddy One of the finest things in cannot help but wonder what quality, plus KotchefTs sure - difficult to distinguish the Kravitz, the main character in "The Apprenticeship of Diiddy will become of Duddy in the fire direction and Dreyfuss' fantasy from the reality of the Kravitz" is Richard Dreyfuss' Ted KotchefTs film, is no future. performance that makes "The past, and they begin to merge with increasing frequency. This different. He too wants to be amazingly accurate portrayal Set ip Montreal in 1948, Apprenticeship of Duddy somebody. of the main character. Dreyfuss "The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz" such an exceptionally forms the center of Damiano's "The Apprenticeship of turns in a performance of Kravitz" paints a finely etched welldone, satisfying film. film, the memories of the title mammoth proportions as he taking on a frightening aspect Duddy Kravitz" details the portrait of the "anything for a "The Apprenticeship of as it becomes apparent they are efforts of one young man to fills the screen with an buck" tradition that was so Duddy Kravitz" is currently not what they may appear in reach his goal. Upon arresting, vital deputation of prevalent in those times and playing at the Meridian Four graduation from high school, the energetic Duddy. Duddy is still has not completely Theaters. to be Aggie's mind. Duddy Kravitz yearns for With success. His impatience to be a steady hand, "a somebody" will not allow Damiano takes his film forward to a surprisingly conclusion. It is this intent chilling or him to drive a taxi like his father or study medicine like New planetarium show his brother. Duddy wants purpose that makes "Memories immediate results. explores concept of time Within Miss Aggie" more than a pornographic film. The erotic In talking to his sequences are handled quite grandfather, Duddy is told that tastefully with each displaying "a man without land is a another side of Miss Aggie's nobody." So after he gets a job By FRANK FOX mythical land called Smarba where time is at State News Staff Writer measured between the crows of a two - headed SN photo/John Russell mind. a plush resort in the Time. rooster called a twoster and four suns meander mountains for the summer, 9 Havem, guitar in hands, performs to a standing room only crowd at the Stables Technically, again Damiano The Scythe of Time, Poe called it. through an ever brilliant sky. Duddy finds the land he wants Tuesday night. Opening Wednesday night was Oliver. Artists such as Josh White Jr., Buffy St. is the master of this type of to buy and begins to hustle in We waste time and time wastes us. From Smarba, the journey brings the Mirii, Lei McCaqn |nd TP»» Rush \$lLbe «e«tufed throughout the fall. film. Like "Deep TTiro^t" and But what is time? audience back to earth, which as a matter of every way possible to raise the "The Devil in Miss Jones," the capital to purchase it His Abrams Planetarium attempts to answer this fact, is slowing down. hustling efforts form the main thomy question in their new show "Does Some 600 million years ago what we now core of a film which emerges as Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?" call a day was only 21 hours long. What's more, one of the best to come along The program explores conceptions of time Orchestra needs in recent months. "The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz" is an effective, from primeval man rising sun god to spaceage and retiring with the man bending traditional ideas of absolute time with Einstein's relativity since 1900 the earth has lost more than half a minute. "Does Anybody Really Know What Time It captivating, fast - paced film theory. Is?" will run through Oct. 27. Shows are at 8 The East Lansing String Orchestra, directed by Glen Halik, is "Hie string orchestra was designed primarily for people who about a young The audience journeys from metaphysical and 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 2:30 and man you I looking for amateur string musicians to join their weekly are not playing in a symphony or string ensemble," Halik said. almost love to hate. Yet it is speculations on the creation of the universe to a 4 p.m. Sunday. Admission prices are SI for | rehearsals. "We have an average of 20 to 25 players at each rehearsal." more than just another film hypothetical voyage in space at nearly the adults, 75 cents for MSU students with ID and The orchestra began in January with a minigrant from the about a money • hungry, !>peed of light. 50 cents for children under 12. No preschool The orchestra will meet as an East Lansing adult education Michigan Council of the Arts. ambitious young man, for, The timely expedition takes a side trip to a children will be admitted. I course for 10 weeks on Mondays from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at About 30 members of the group gave a concert at Hannah thanks to Richard Drey fuss' | Hannah Middle School on Abbott Road. Middle School May 31, and they plan to perform at a fine arts performance, you also like Halik said interested musicians should call him at 332 2640 to festival in January' at the Lansing Civic Center. Duddy despite his tendency to SAVE 10% - | arrange He an audition. The fee is $5 for the 10 weeks for school district residents, and be pushy, greedy and particularly needs double bass and viola players. $7.50 for nonresidents. unfeeling. on all Christmas Cards when you come in and order from our catalog books between now and Nov. 1. We have a large selection of both regular or more personal, unique Christmas cards for Residence Hall Occupants: you to chose from. Linn's Camera Shop Let us know before Oct. 25,1974 If you wish whether or not you want to keep STUDENT TOLL DIALING—the E. Lansing 207 E. Grand River Downtown 210 S. Wash. Frandor 351-5464 to continue convenient long-distance direct- dial service now available in every residence hall If each I'd like to buy the world a Coke. Long Distance room. On a hill lop in Italy we assembled registered student in your State young people from all over the world to bring you this message from the room votes "Yes" on the tally card Coca-Cola Bottlers all over the world Direct Dialing you already have, you may It s the real thing Coke continue dialing Long Distance from your dorm rooms, calls from your own room. If we haven't received your card by please let us know October 25, we'll assume you wish to discontinue Long Distance before October 25! service from your dorm room phone. Questions? Don't hesitate to call us at 351-9900. Or contact us at 405 Abbott Road, directly across the street from the East Lansing City Hall. @ Michigan Bell inihooty hi 1ho Cora Cola Company by TH« Coc«-Col« Bottling Compel Thursday, October 3,1974 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fighting Irish lacking previous punch they lost as a result of the Tim Simon, first string free knee injury shortly before the things clearer as to how our connected on 45 of 74 passes By CHARLES JOHNSON for a superb 61 per cent defeat. season opener and will be out situation really stands." State News Sports Writer safety, lost the sight in his left completion average. It was ten months ago that In the line of bad luck, eye as a result of a summer for the season. Despite the player shortages, Notre Dame has left no stone the Irish still have a potent Twenty of Clement's Notre Dame defeated Alabama accident in which he and a Though the situation Notre - one unturned since the end of last friend had been fencing with Dame finds itself faced with is offense, anchored by passes have been caught by in the Sugar Bowl to finish the season as the No. 1 collegiate season. A number of injuries sticks. After getting the go - less than ideal. Parseghian is quarterback Tom Clements. wide receiver Pete Demeriy, for and bizarre incidents have been still Clements has gained a total total of 326 yards worth of team in the nation. With a ahead to play, Simon suffered optimistic that things may a a knee injury in early fall drills. work out. of 729 yards through the air the aerials. team stocked full of talented responsible for eight of last "He's taking a and on the ground thus far this returnees, the Irish's prospects year's starting players being Senior halfback Eric Pennick Wait - and - Notre Dame will carry a 2 - suffered a severe ankle injury attitude," Notre Dame season and is classified as an for the future seemed nothing put out of action. see 1 record into Saturday's game authentic contender for the short of phenomenal. The most damaging casualty during spring practice and is sports information director and will be trying to defend its Heisman Trophy. Behind the The future is now for Notre to date has been the suspension doubtful for the season. Roger Valdiserri said. "The seventh place standing in the Dame and much to the dismay of four starters last summer for Bob Zanot, starting game with MSU Saturday protection of a powerful offensive line, Clements has national collegiate polls. of coach Ara Parseghian, the an alleged rape involving a defensive halfback, sustained a should help to make some Irish have found themselves student. Halfback A1 Hunter, forced to play without many safety Luther Bradley and of the players who were defensive ends Ross Browner and Willie Frye were suspended RAISE RECORD TO 2 - 0 supposed to have led them to a second straight national crown. indefinitely by school administrators. Coming off a stunning 31 - 20 upset loss to Purdue last weekend, the Irish will face MSU at Spartan Stadium Steve Quell, the starting Irish left guard, was injured in a truck accident during the summer which left his calf Spartan booters e Saturday with hopes of By JACK WALKDEN up again," Spartan coach Ed shot past Spartan goalie Gary "well conditioned, well bone broken in eleven places. Rutherford said. coached team," but added that regaining some of the prestige State News Sport* Writer Wilkinson seven minutes into Peer Brunnschweiler scored Brunnschweiler, who has the second half to tie the game the visitors had a tremendous two goals, the second breaking now tallied four goals in the before Brunnschweiler won it. advantage because they were a tie midway through the first two games, broke a 1-1 tie playing their sixth game, while Wilkinson stopped 12 Calvin Baseball's playoffs second half, as the MSU soccer team edged Calvin College, 2-1, at the 20 - minute mark of the second half after taking a pass shots, making two key saves late in the game. MSU was playing only its second. This has been a trying year 10 far for Notre Dame coach An Parseghian. Since last season he has lost eight starters, many Wednesday at the Spartan from Jim Nugent. The East He praised the play of becaus* of unusual circumstances. The Irish sport a 2 - 1 mark soccer field. Lansing High School graduate "Wilkinson was tested a defenseman Phil Smith as a key this year. under way Saturday The victory was Spartans' second straight this the scored the hard way, heading the ball into the net. little more against Calvin than he was against Eastern a to the victory. Smith broke up breakaway in the final, two Brunnschweiler's first goal Michigan," Rutherford said. minutes to preserve the win. NEW YORK (UPI) - The Baltimore Orioles in the season, 2-3-1. while Calvin fell to gave MSU a 1-0 lead at "When Calvin put the pressure Grid tickets Approximately 300 fans halftime. He broke past the on us in the late moments, our best - of • five major league American League and the Los defense and scored unassisted entire defense rose to the braved the icy temperatures to Deadlines playoffs open Saturday with the Oakland A's hosting the Angeles Dodgers traveling to the home park of the National League East champion. watch the MSU home opener. "I was very intersted to see at the 21 - minute mark of the first half. occasion and did real well, though." near for ND, Michigan Pittsburgh held a one - game the crowd there backing soccer Jim Hengeveld put a penalty Rutherford called Calvin a for IM entries Because of cancellations, a few general public tickets for the Notre Dame - MSU football here Saturday and the Michigan • Spartans host lead over St. Louis Wednesday on the final day of the regular The entry deadline for Men's Intramural touch football, MSU game at Ann Arbor Oct. 12 remain on sale at the athletic ticket office in Jenison Fieldhouse. rowing regatta season in the N.L. East. In the American League, the A's and Orioles play their Birds drive for independent volleyball, fraternity bowling and open The ticket windows are open from Monday through Friday. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. soccer teams is noon Friday. second game at Oakland on here Saturday The annual Men's IM open The MSU Crew Club will Sunday and then move East to Baltimore for games on Oct. 8 - started with 'kan tennis tournament is scheduled to begin Tuesday. All students, 9 and 10. host its first annual fall rowing faculty and staff members are The N.L.'s Eastern Division DETROIT (UPI) The The clubhouse justice They will take that record regatta Saturday at Grand - eligible and may sign up in 208 team hosts the circuit's second Baltimore Orioles clinched into the American League River Park in Lansing. system was a device Frank Men's Intramural Bldg. or call Festivities begin at 9:30 a.m. playoff game on Sunday, with their division title only two Robinson instituted in his early championship series Saturday 355 - 5250. An organizational the playoffs switching to Los seasons with Baltimore to keep at Oakland. with the dedication of the days ago, but their meeting is planned for Monday boathouse to C. Rowland Angeles for the remaining championship drive really the team loose. A mock trial The clincher was a 7 ■ 6 in Men's IM Bldg. Stebbins in appreciation of his games on Oct. 8 - 9 and 10. started in late August when the takes place after every game Oriole win Tuesday over the A Women's Intramural The World Series opens with players set up a "kangaroo and players are fined various support of the club. The races Detroit Tigers coupled with the touch football clinic for all follow and will be over by 11 a two ■ day set in the National court." token amounts for errors — officials and team Milwaukee Brewers' 3 - 2 a.m. League champion's park on The "court" was agreed and rewarded for good plays. defeat of New York in 10 representatives is scheduled for Teams from MSU, Notre Oct. 12 and 13. The American upon in a closed door The Orioles agreed to the 7 p.m. today in 137 Women's innings Tuesday night. Dame, Wayne State and Grand League champions host the clubhouse meeting, from which player - imposed justice system Intramural Bldg. Valley State College will next three games on Oct. 15, manager Earl Weaver and his and then they started their "We out of it," third were Volleyball and touch participate. The Spartan 16 and 17. If additional games coaches were barred. move. They were seven or eight baseman Brooks Robinson football schedules will be women's team will make its needed, they will be piayed Paul Blair "brought it up," said. "But Boston cooled off are games back of pacemaking available at noon Friday in 121 debut, joining the men's squads on N.L. grounds on Oct. 19 - catcher Andy Etchebarren said. Boston when the rush started. and we came back into it. Women's IM Bldg, in the competition. 20. "A lot of guys thought it 'We got three straight was a good idea," he said. "It Boston," BOOKTHliFT shutouts against was players only. We didn't Etchebarren said. "That's what want them (manager Earl turned it around. We picked up Weaver and his coaches) to know what we were getting on three quick games and we got good pitching the rest of the FOR BOOKlOVERS each other about." way." Come join us at our extraordinary Etchebarren said players The Orioles, not counting 50% OFF were not hustling. the final game of the season giant paperback book sale. Women interested in competing on the MSU women's "Everybody got on Wednesday, were 27 - and - 6 Outstanding current and back list -ing team should meet at 4 p.m. today in the lower pool everybody about it," he said. won - lost (or .818) since Aug. titles from many leading publishers. area. ine Women's IM Building. "That's when we put the 29 and that pace pulled them This is a sale Booklovers can't afford to miss. 'kangaroo court' back in." to the Eastern Division title. Freshmen interested in trying out with the MSU baseball team should attend a meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in 225 Jenison Lansing's most popular Fieldhouse. number CAMPUS BOOK STORE The MSU Varsity Club will hold its first meeting at 6:30 p.m. DANCE CLASSES tor dining out! 131 E.GR. RIVER Sunday in the Varsity Club Room at Spartan Stadium. (across from the Union) Open till 5:30 Mon - Sat ED2-0827 Greek, Italian & American favorites TONIGHT Ballet Free Evening Parking RUBY STAR Jazz m AND FLAT ROCK Tap TICKETS ON SALE FOR Call 332 - 4060 or WEATHER REPORT & LITTLE FEAT 351 - 9510 TIFFANY PLACE Assiff Studio of Dance 140 W. Grand River E. Lansing Whot'» unique about Town & Country? We're obsessed with John Hartford Quality and fashion! COMING TO THE STABLES OCTOBER 6 Great fitting, great BANJO PLAYER/SINGER looking, styles & fabrics FEATURED ON THE GLEN CAMPBELL GOODTIME HOUR just for you THE STABLES 2843 CD.Rim, EAST LANSING E. Gompn "The clothes you need E. Grand River next for the life you lead. to the Campus n state News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 3,1974 A Season of Fall Values! Check Our T°. Advertise 1 B Call 1 Classified Ads for Your Best Buys 355 - 8255 I FRANKLY SPEAKING... by pWI frank m C Mwtw « IBS p* 1® Apartments ^ FORD BRONCO 1908, 4-wheel TOYOTA CORONA 1972. 4door, APPLICATIONS ARE now' being FOR RENT: PINE LAKE Mobile home for drive, new brakes starter. standard. Phone 48a 1669 taken from experienced weiters, APARTMENTS-HASLETT two. Furnished, $160. Call Excellent running, $1000. 6-10-3 waitresses, captains, cashiers and 339-8679. 2-104 10 minutes from MSU. Inexpensive __3M40flS. 3-104 _ TOYOTA_ CORONA ?968? good hostesses at LONG'S living in a quiet area. Located at FORO GALAXIE Convertible RESTAURANT, 6810 South SINGLE OFFICE for rent, 6076 Marsh Road just north of condition, $550 or ben offer. Cedar, Lansing. See Mr. Brauer furnished 2 desks, all utilities, Lake Lansing Road. 1 bedroom 1987. Good condition, rune 366-6870. 5-10-8 between 2:30 and 4pm air conditioned, music, lighted apartments with shag carpeting, well. 8260. Call 482-9331, atk for Dick. 6-10-8 TOYOTA weekdays. 5-10-8 parking. Oakland at Center, disposal, appliances, ft air COROLLA, 1971. 103 horsepower, 40,000 miles, Lansing $75 month, phone conditioning. $150 per month. BUS BOYS - Bus girls, waitresses & 482-0113 or contact Hasselbring Excellent for students, will FORD MAVERICK, 1971. one T exes, No saltl $1450. hostesses needed on all shifts. Company at 482-1217. 10-10-16 consider nine month leese. Call owner, good condition. 48,000 356-9866. 5-10-9 Please phone 371-4774, ask for manager at 339-8192 or East roMai; 383-6061. 6-104 VEGA 1971-Hatchback, 4-speed, Menager. 7-104 REFRIGERATORRS - Lansing Realty, 332-4128. To JAGUAR 1987, CWc MK II. DISHWASHERS - tepe deckl $895. Phone see, stop at Managers house on Grand Saloon, OFFICE CLERK, Okemos location. ESCHTRUTH APPLIANCES, of Marsh Road and Pike Excellent 8B2-9209. M0-8 corner Some minor bookkeeping 315 South Bridge, Grand Ledge. condition. $3,300. 3580864. Street. 10-109 VEGA, 1974 - Estete Wagon functions required, typing a 627-2191.12-10-11 6-10-8 Deluxe, automatic, air, many plus. Potential to advance to full MSU WEST TV and STEREO Rentals. - Cozy, fireplace, very MAVERICK 1971. Standard, 8, extrasl $2,900. 6254561, charge bookkeeper. Write to $25/term. $10.95/month. Free clean, excellep^nivironment, State News, Box C-3. 5-109 $1400. One owner, like new. J^264W. 5-1W_ _ Same Day Delivery end Service. parkinr a£.N*fc-. no lease. 3668081 6-104 maid st tree. Great for grad VEGA 1973. Bronze GT Wagon, SERVICE STATION Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-10-31 attendent. 10,000 miles, 4 - speed, $2400. students. 351-3212, after 6. MERCURY MONTEGO 1988 5-10-3 Call 366-1134. 6-10-7 289. 2 door hardtop, automatic, REFRIGERATORS Excellent Rent them at A C & E RENTAL, vinyl top, condition, $450/best AM. offer. VEGA 1973, 3 speed, rediels, very 'how dowu spell scholarship?* PART TIME employment for MSU 1790 Grand River, Okemos. TWO carpeted, BEDROOM $170 apartment, plus utilities. clean. $1950. 485-8735 after 4. Phone 349-2220. $6 per month. 381-4884.3-104 students. 12-20- hours per week. 339-9472, after 7 p.m. 5-10-3 6-10-9 Automobile required. 351-5800. Deposit refunded on return MERCURY MONTEREY, 1901. 7-104 C-3-104 LANSING. WEST Maple. Upper, VEGA 1973. Autometic, new rediel Good condition, transportation I COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY CA 94709 furnished one bedroom on bus Beet offer, Dave; 489-3836. tires, good condition I 393-1033. RELIABLE GIRL needed for line. $150. Utilities paid. No 6-10-8 6-108 cooking and staying nights with Apartments ^ children or pets 337-7628. MGB 1987. Sail parti or complete car. Good mechanically. Radial VEGA also 1973, Hatchback, $1550, 1969 Caprice. Must see. I I hHtuwt jfjy invalid lady when husbend leaves on busing332-5176. 2-104 SMALL 6-10-3 1 Bedroom apartment, 361-4633. 5-103 ONE AND 2 bedrooms furnished, tires. Abarth exhaust. 340-2209. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. $85 3-104 HONDA 1974. Elsinore 250 MT. INSURANCE - CASUALTY office all new, carpeting, air qPNTED VOLKSWAGEN 1972. SUPER Like new, super cleen, $800. Permanent position available. 482-95" . I-"K>8-3627 (S.03 needs experienced part time girl conditioning, balcony, security beetle. Excellent condition. Superior typing, shorthand and toll call! 5-10-3 MGB 1987, White. Good condition, 487-5055; Nights. 489-0845. immediately. Good opportunity locks. 10 minutes MSU. Must sell. Phone 393-2122. 3-10-4 ability to work with figures radio, wire wheels. Call for extre income. Call 485-5958 349-9152 or 694-9608. 10-10-11 required. Some college MASON MANOR, North Street 884-3797. 6-10-8 __4J_0-4 INSURANCE Evenings 489-0975. 5-10-8 preferred. Full benefits. $600 to Mason. Married grad students or - LOWEST retes on ONE BEDROOM apartment, MGB-GT SUPER BEETLE 1973. Redio. cycle and auto. Call us first or start. Apply in person at 3308 single grad students. 1-2-3 1971, Mlchellns, BARTENDER unfurnished, 910 Abbott Road. '•RATES** AM-FM cassette, Ziebert, Best stereo tape player. Excellent last, but call. Easy payment OR Bermeid. South Ceder, Suite 11, Lansing. bedroom townhouse apartments. Experience preferred. Evenings, 6 blocks from campus. Total condition. 882-0711.6-10-8 10-109 From $185 plus utilities. Large 10 word mininiuiT) Offer. 355-8837. 5-10-8 plan. UNION call after 11am, 489-9116. THE electric living • including garbage UNDERWRITERS, 39M100 or kitchen and dining area. GARAGE. 5-10-9 PART Time magazine end ad disposal and dishwasher. MGB 1972. Excellent condition. VOLKSWAGEN 1964, excellent 486-4317. 0-10-31 Appliances including layout people wanted for Security intercoms and door NO. DAYS AM-FM, must sell-best offer. condition. No rust. $400. Call dishwashers, central heat, air RNS AND LPNS, full and part time locks. Community sun deck and expanding company in Okemos. conditioning, full basement, gas Evenings. 337-0134. 3-10-7 626-2260 efter 5 30 p.m. ^10-3 4o-4^ou efter o:ou p.m. > iu-j , .. . for 3-11:30 and 11-7:30 shifts. storage lockers. $180/month. Experience desirable. Call Mr. ll 1 I 3 I 5 I 10 MONTE CARLO 1972, vary good «S—TS—> VOLKSWAGEN 1967 Squarebeck I* ** Call 393-5680 - Director of Heber at 349-2320. 5-108 Married or graduate students heat. Balconies. Easy drive to MSU. Open daily from 1 • 5:30 Nurses. 5-10-4 preferred. Call Woodside Manor inglEaBglmij condition, 20,000 miles, $2,500 Wagon. Good condition, Apartments, 332-4240 or p.m. except Wednesday 81 WOMAN WANTED for house IPfngmgiaggS or bast offer. Cell 355-2864. _3518984_after_5:30. 5^104 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East- BABYSITTER NEEDED. Weekday cleaning, ironing 5 hours/week. Diversified Development Real Thursday. Visit us or call JAMES FOX ASSOCIATES at inni 0311231 BIB JM03_ VOLKSWAGEN 1961. Rebuilt Kalamazoo Street since 1940. mornings, 9:30 • 12:00. Walking $2.50/hour. Own transportation Estate Inc. 393-8170. 5-10-3 Model. 676-4746. Office, MUSTANG 1969. Just tuned up. Complete euto peinting and distance. 351-5977.4104 motor, 2 new tires, $300. Cindy, necessary. 351-5292 after 6:30 NEEDED: PERSON to share two 372-1954. Manager, 676-1411. Snow tires. Phone 355-3128. 337 1693. 5-10-9 collision service. 485-0256. imtumaEIIZ C-10-31 RELIEF CHARGE Nurse, midnight __p.nO-104 bedroom apartment. Own room, 12-10-11 8-104 jfX)Gi23K22E2fi MUSTANG 1971, 20 mpg. 32,000 VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Squarebeck. shift. WHITEHILLS. PROVINCIAL Call HOUSE nursing COOK APPLICATIONS now being taken at Longs Restaurant. near campus 332-0387 3-10-2 _ 4 - speed, air, runs good. Must NEAR SPARROW Hospital. 2 DEADLINE miles, auto, air conditioning, sell. 3658210. 3-10-7 supervisor, 332-5001. 10-10-14 Experience preferred. Apply in bedroom unfurnished upper COLLINGWOOD P.M. one class day trailer hitch and light, twin rear person at 6810 South Ceder, fore publication. speakers. $2126. 349-9549 or PART TIME for landscaping. Must Lansing. 11-10-11 duplex. Very clean. $125. No APflRTmENTS VOLKSWAGEN 1972. Excellent children or pets. Call 484-3513. 3328170. 5-10-4 have own transportation. Call condition. New tires, 37,000 5-10-7 (Behind Zody's - on 349-3150. 3-10-3 BABYSITTER - LIGHT Peanuts Personal ads MUSTANG 1971, vinyl top. miles. $1800. 489-0888. 5-104 the river!) housekeeping. 3 year old. 11:30 must be pre paid. automatic tranemiseion, V - 8, TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile VW CAMPER 1968 - pop top, STUDENTS - EARN $30 - $40 a - 5:30, Monday - Friday. My air conditioning, new tires and week part time. Meke your own East Lansing home. 332-1446 homes. $25 - $35/week. 10 - Check Them Out - AM/FM, good condition. $1600 minutes to campus. Quiet and ncellations/ CorreqtiQfU battery, trailer hitch. 20 mpg. best after. 484 6461. 3-10-7 hours, be your own boss. Must evenings. 3-10-3 •air conditioned $2,000. 332-6170. After 6 p.m. peaceful on a lake. 6418601 or have own transportation. Apply •dishwasher 12 noon one class day 349-6949. Also 1971 Yemehe BOOKKEEPER WANTED - part 484-5315.0-10-31 VW BUG 1967. Red. sunroof, in person 4295 Okemos •shag carpeting efore publications. motorcycle. 125cc, $396. 4-10-4 time, about 10 hours par week, •unlimited parking excellent mechanical condition. Professions! Building, Suite 7, $3 per hour. M-78 BODY SHOP, RESPONSIBLE FEMALE $600. 655-2576. 3-10-7 CLASSIC CRAFTS roommate wanted for spacious 2 482-8801, after 6pm. 3-10-3 he State News will be NOVA 1974, Custom. 3,000 miles, CORPORTATION. Wednesday 1 bedroom apartment. 349-2598. ■sponsible only for the buckets, extrasl Must sell, VW 1968 - Automatic stick, - 6, Thursday 1 • 6, Monday 10 - 3-103 $3300.393-0264.5-10-3 1.0-10-31 REGISTERED NURSES. Full 8< rst day's AM/FM, good condition, best incorrect offer. 351-7936. 3-10-7 part time positions available on NEED A CAR? I've got good the afternoon & night shifts. CEDAR VILLAGE, own room. EAST LANSING Luxury one nsertion. LOCATED AT THE MODELS FOR photography. Call $160; share, $80. Female. bedroom, unfurnished. 12 transportation. No money down. VW 1968, automatic stick. Must CORNER OF JOLLY between 10am and 6pm. Minimum starting salary $4.82 s are Que 7 days from & OKEMOS RD Nancy. 332 3064. 3-104 month lease, no pets, $175, Walk-in. drive out. Cell sell. Call 355-2456. Best offer. 489-1215.0-10-31 per hour plus experience credit. ad expiration date. If 349 - 3196 paid by tne due date, a 393-1800. Ask for Peul Smith 6-10-3 Excellent fringe benefits. Pleese including heat. 129 Highland, 60AY A WEEK TOWING FOUR MAN - 2 bedroom, 332-0976. 5-10-9 ! late service charge will or Bruce Lereway. JACK OPEN 6 DAYS DESK CLERK needed. Must heve contact office of Employment, DYKSTER FORD. Corner of furnished, air, close. $288. Call 7 AM•9 PM BUT SUNDAY transportation and be willing to Lansing General Hospital, 2800 337-1800. 5-109 MSU NEAR, luxury one bedroom, Holmes end Logan. 6-10-9 travel. Call 372-0567 or Devonshire, Lensing. Pleese call OPEL WAGON, 1969. Excellent ( Motorcycles i^] PAINT YOUR WAGON! See 489-1215 between 12 - 6pm. 0-10-31 372-8220, extension 268. An Equal Opportunity Employer. FEMALE NEEDED immediately! 4 • man, block from Berkey. $80. unfurnished, 9 month lease, no pets. $200 including heat. 129 condition, new tires, clutch, 25-1031 Highland. 332-0976 Johnny Rembrendt for 3514925. 3-107 brekes. Call after 5:30 p.m. MAKE MONEY with your NORTON - DUCATI - MOTO - masterpieces on wheels. 1825 E. 487-8977. $785. 5-107 ENTERTAINERS: AUDITIONS SOUTHWEST LANSING-2 GUZZI. New models on display. Michigan. 487-6565. 101O16 telephone! Your own hours, call being held Tuesday and ONE MAN for furnished 4 - man, bedrooms, carpeted, lease, $175 REDI - RESERVED FOODS. Repeirs and service for Honda now until spring. $49. Call PLYMOUTH 1969 Fury I. Good 676-4405, 9:30 - 5:30 daily. Thursday, 7 - 9pm. GRANDE plus utilities, deposit. 882-5833. end Triumph. G. T. MOTORS, FORMULA 100 LUBRICHARGER condition, loeded, power. $750. GOURMET, Frandor Shopping 332-0052. 2 10-4 10-10-16 816 East Howe, Lansing. system Installed free with every 5-10-3 351-8158. 5-10-7 Center. 5-10-7 4858815. tune-up. MR. TUNE-UP, 1825 ttALINA 1967, V - 8. 0^104 Eest Michigan. 489-8989. TYPISTS, PART time 8 • 12 and 12 ROOMMATE NEEDED - super MSU AREA Okemos. 1 and 2 PLYMOUTH FURY 1966 Power KAWASAKI 1974 K-Z 400 Roed 4. 60 wpm. Morning typist BANJO PLAYER wanted by duplex, furnished, beautiful bedroom furnished, air automatic, good tires, $200. 1010-15 - steering,automatic,engine in very Honky Tonk pianist. Good ear deal, own room. East Lansing, conditioned, carpeted, modern. 355-7962 after 5 p.m. 3-10-3 Bike. 1,500 miles. Call apply 8 - 11 am, afternoon good condition. Some rust. end good improvisetion. Mostly near campus, $80. 337-1817. $165 and $185, heat included. 372-3035. 5-10-8 VOLKSWAGEN and foreign cars - typists apply 1 - 4 pm. 427% $175. 356-3149. 5-10-4 for fun but maybe some gigs. 2-104 Call 349-9604, after 5:30 pm. IEVELLE 1968 good condition. mechanical and body. Also parts Albert, basement of Towne 1972 HONDA CB350, good Courier Building. 5-W-104 Call Dave. 484-9774. 04-104 1-10-3 X-5;10-8 not eligible to u: in house, with two others, over 5-10-7 I $750. 1-616-942-1222 efter 22 preferred. $55. 482-8561. miles from campus, $75. services. 10-10-9 5:30 p.m. 3-10-4 FREE PUPPIES - helf Lebredor, 485-9279, after 10pm. 5-10-3 APPLES CIDER, Pumpkins! 3-10-4 720 CHICAGO NICE 4 or 5 half ?. Adorable. Cell 655-1259. - BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, seven RCA COLOR TV, $100. Complete bedroom, carpeted, garage, COMPLETE SET of scube diving MISS MOM'S Cooking? Buy2iJ WOMEN NEEDED for 3 bedroom miles south of Meson on Hull crib, $10. Complete double bed, 6-10-7 NEED ? V A LE . Luxury $240. Call 351-8150. 5-10-7 Save on vitamins. Semi-annJ house. Grad preferred. $68. Road. Hours 9-6, Closed $75. 694-9080. 5-10-7 Welgreen Sale. GULLIVEi 484-2030. 3-10-4 Mondays. 1-589-8251. Last Transportation to campus. 2 FOR 3 bedroom house. Own 5-10-8 STATE DRUGS, 1105 E $l32.50/month. 349-3837a,ter 6 p.m. 3-10-4 bedroom, $85 including utilities. 351-2108. 5-10-7 MARRIED COUPLE. One bedroom chance to pick your own Saturday and Sunday, 10-5pm. WHY BUY can make a used bike when you buy a new 10 speed and convenient 100 RMS-$1.25-wett, Heathkit Mobile Homs] W Grend River, 332-5171.0-MO- apartment. $160, utilities paid 0-3-10-4 monthly integrated emplifier. Call Roy, COIN SHOW. October 18 starting by landlord. Near Hagadorn and payments at VELOCIPEDE 1969 PARKWOOD. 12x60, 2 THREE BEDROOMS, newly FIVE BEDROOM, 2 bath, 332-6473.3-10-4 pm. 19th, 20th ell day Pain Grand River. 351-5285. 5-10-8 WANT 4 CHANNEL? New Marantz 541 East Grand River, across dec or a tod, fireplace, huge living bedroom, shed, 10 minutes fireplace, furnished, downtown 2440 power amplifier with Vari - "from Berkey Hall. 351-7240. Pleze, Jackson, Michigan MSU. 676-7432 or 485T176. room, carpeted, sun porch, 4 Lansing, beautifully decorated. SOLEX 3800 bike. 200 mpg on Intersection of 1-94 127 EAST LANSING duplexes, various matrix unit and 2 EV - 14's. 2-10-3 acres, new kitchen-including 3, after 5. 3-10-3 sizes, $300. 332-2286. 3-10-4 first gallon. Bugger pannier begs, __5;10-9 B-1-10-3 dishwasher. Two minutes from appliances, basements, APPLES- GOLDEN Knob $16/peir. 351-4467, 6-7p.m. SKYLINE 8x42, 1 bedroom, MSU. $350/month. Utilities peid 2 PERSONS carpet, near bus. 351-8920. to share co - operative 3-10-4 DOCTORAL CANDIDATE 7-104 GARAGE SALE: Orchard. Pick your own I seperete study aree. Excellent Deposit plus one year lease. house situation with 2 others. 4 8:30a m-6pm. condition in wife desire to rent end houseet Thursdey. 2332 Devonshire, 651-5435, cjuiet perk, pertielly 351-7076. Dan or Debbie. 9-5 bedrooms, $49 month. Patrick, for doctor on sabbatical Solid Lansing. Roll - awey cot, 661-5430. B3-10-4 p.m. 3-10-4 3324292. 3-10-3 reliable couple with Itans portable sewing mechine, ladies BOOKSFOR Sale: Almenac 1914, referencee. Avileble EAST coats, kitchen erticles, 1967 CHRISTIAN WOMEN desire 4th SIDE, large 8 rooms, 4 William BEDS, DRESSERS, lempe end BILTMORE 12,x47, two bedroom, December. Reply State N«a Mustang in good condition. Mckinley 1901. Wonders immediately. Cedar Village, bedrooms, unfurnished. $230. meny entuque items et THE Box A-1. B-1-10-3 2-10-3 19th Century 1900, South cerpeted, large eppliencee, $78/month. 35I-0989. 3-10-4 676-1557. 7-10-4 DAY BEFORE Americe Stemp collection. FOREVER. furniture. $2,900. 694-9259. BIG 254 bedroom apartment. Easy GARAGE SALE: Today end 489-7255. 2-104 Next to Arby's. Noon -6 p.m. 6-10-8 UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT! WISING K 3 AND 4 BEDROOM, carpeted, Friday 9am - 5pm. Thursday and 3-104 n receive refunds of their 5ft MALE, WALKING distance from access. Big yard, garden spece. basement. East side of Lansing. Sunday 9am - 8pm. 1401 1963 10x56 Liberty. Very good Student Medie Appropriation $160/month campus, large, pleasant room including utilities 60c.POSTERS-50c. Boerd tex in room 334 StudsM except electric. 339-9522. Immediate occupancy. Will available. 509 Division Street. Greenview, East Lansing. 3-10-4 NEAT STUFF ell types condition. $2500. Call furnish. Call 393-0450, evenings 332-2859. 3-104 fill-In s, Frathes, Old Things and including bleck light et THE 676-5663, after 6 pm. 5-10-8 Services Building the first M 5-10-8 A-Z SALE! 1400 North Magnolia. DAY BEFORE FOREVER, next 675-7319. 3-10-4 Antiques for apartments* weeks of clesses. ending Octole OWN Antiques, dishes, chair, dressing WILLI AMSTOWN to Arby's. Noon-6 p.m. 3-10-4 9,1974.10-10-9 ROOMMATE NEEDED for BEDROOM, furnished, ROLLOHOME 12 x 60 - King 2 BEDROOM CARPETED, table, 20 mens suits. Household EXCHANGE campus - one block, share Arthur's Court. $3300. Phone 3-woman, 204 River Street, call basement, east side of Lansing. items, clothing, and etc. 11-5 Tues tnru Sat. ADLER ELITE typewriter, 5 yeers 351-3606. 4-10-7 apartment, $95. 332-1946. 109 E. GRANO RIVER, 355-2251 or 332-6329, efter 6. Immediate occupancy. 5-10-8 Thursday, and Friday 9-5 pm. WILUAMSTON 517-655-1534 old, good condition, $40. After 4-104 Real Estate « Call 393-0450. 2-104 4, 355-6098. 5-10-8 Evenings MALE ROOMMATE needed. 675-7319. 3-104 ROOM, 15 minutes from campus. 1969 RICHARDSON Campus Hills aprtments. $68.75 STEREO EQUIPMENT: Pioneer WOMEN'S CLOTHING, size 10-12. 12 x 60, OKEMOS - BY OWNER. TW Should have transportation. Call monthly, includes bus service. QX-800 4 channel receiver, Excellent condition. Sleeks, eveileble immedietely 1% baths, bedroom NEED ONE girl, own room. Near 675-7205. 10-10-16 ranch, over ons i 349-2219. 4-10-7 Pioneer C-77 speakers, 4-way 4 sweaters, tops, coets, dresses, skirted, eir, 694-9644. 5-10-7 land. Two car MSU. Pets allowed. $81. Deb, garage, 349-4319. 2-10-3 RUMMAGE SALE. Multi-family - speeker, Garrard 95SL turntable, etc. Icesketes, size 6. 332-8631. besement, fireplece. Lots CLEAN ROOM-Kitchen privileged, CONCORD 1972, WANTED: MALE beds, tables, TV's, books, dishes, JBL 4-channel 5-10-8 14x60, 2 earphones. room end privacy. As» share 1974 14x70 mobile home parking. Gunson. $77.50, bedrooms. 1 3/4 beth. Offers utilities toys, clothing and much more! 487-2106.3-104 7% mortgage interest. Priced in North TWO PEOPLE needed. Own room. included. 351-1356. considered. 625-4970. 5-10-3 Lansing. Call 489-2134. October 4-6.10 am - 6 pm. 3799 STEREO'S, CAMERAS used. Mid - sell. 482-2055 efter 5 pm. 3-lM 204 Shepard. After 5, 371-9680. 3-10-7 3-10-4 South Van Atta, Okemos. 1-10-3 3-10-4 ANTIQUES! ICE80X, milk safe, Michigen's lergest selection of 8x36 MOBILE HOME for sale or used equipment. Phase Lineer OKEMOS - BY owner. COMPLETE FURNISHED sleeping ox yoke, humpbeck trunks, rent. Excellent condition. Mile CEDAR VILLAGE. Two-four 700 power amp. P.E. 30 60 GIRL NEEDED to share bedroom rooms with full household APPLES-PICK your ownl Mec, tables, chairs, dressers, picture from cempus. Pets welcome. Call Hagadorn, all brick ranch, people needed. Immediate Jonethon, Greening and automatic changer. Rectilineer bedroom, family foom, in duplex. $60/month plus privileges. Near airport, 20 fremes. 676-4653. 3-10-4 occupancy. $80. 351-3190. Delicious. $3.50/bushel. Fresh III speakers. Teac model TCA40 anytime, 351-8141. 5-10-3 utilities. 351-9525. 3-104 minutes from campus. Phone fireplace, full basement. Ai 3-10-4 cider. APPLEBERRY qued reel - to - reel deck. Sansui before 5:30, EARLY AMERICAN 3 piece suite 7% mortgage. 351-4122, 484-5861 SKYLINE, 1966. 10x52, excellent ORCHARD. Morrice, 625-7017. with 2 chairs. Call 694-1106. AU222 stereo amp. Sony 5pm. 6-10-3 LARGE, OWN room, furnished 15 $25/week. 2-104 ONE BEDROOM. Close air 2-104 5-10-7 ST80F tuner. Duel HS37 condition, 2 bedrooms, 1 mile conditioned, minute bike ride from from cempus, $2700. carpeted, GIRL compact stereo system. Used 8 351-0976 mid-campus. $70 plus utilities. WANTED. Own furnished 6-10-3 dishwasher. $170/month. FENDER TWIN REVERB. Sony treck car tape decks $15 - up. 2010 East Kalamazoo. room. Co-ed House. $65. Call STEREO, MARANTZ 250, power 3510866. 5-10-8 Color TV. Phone after 4:30, Hundreds of used 8 treck tapes 487-3426. 5-104 3514967. -10-3 amplifier, 250 watts, RMS. 485-8922. 5-10-9 $1.50 each. 1000 used stereo FOR SALE: Champion $290. 355-2750, evenings. mobile MELLOW WOMAN needi NEW COMMUNITY Co-op, 343 5-104 albums 10c • $1.00. New Robyn homes, (2) furnished, good SKIERSI UTAH peckage - S299. three person xlat. Fall - LANSING- SOUTH Side, 2 CB equipment. Olympus OMI Christmas and spring. Call V00' 10 SPEED for sale. Small frame, condition, 6 minutes bedroom duplex, range, Albert Shore Room, $260 per from i. 3-10-3 new. $85. 332-0834. Ask for East Lansing Ski Center * refrigerator, dishwasher, term. Includes food, utilities, REMINGTON'S on Sale this week 35mm_ SLR system. Pentex cempus. Cell 339-8503 efter Leo. 3-10-7 spotmatic motor drive system. 5pm. 5-104 TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. at BOB'S GUN SHOP, 15% off TWO GIRLS needed to share room basement, fully carpeted. Call parking 351-3820.1-10-3 Nikkor 361-8800. 04-104 on manufacturers list price on 200mm end 135mm in 3934036 after 5. 5-10-9 Collingwood Apartments, 3M COPY MITE. Model 351-AA. the 2 3/4" on Magnum's 20% off lenses. Meny more lenses, ONE MILE from campus. 10 BOWER CO-OP Space for 1 man. x 65 $66.50/person. 332-1940. $150 or best offer. Weltron 8 rengefinders, pocket instemetics, Schult, 2 bedrooms, utility shed H AYR IDES DRAWN by I*"* Live with friends, low rent manufacturers best price. 3040 3-10-3 LANSING, DOWNTOWN, two track stereo receiver end movie cameras and projectors. •xcellent Call for appointment includes everything, even food. Pump action rifles list $179.95, condition. Call bedroom duplex. Across from speekers-not been unpecked, Phone 676-5928. 10-10-16 ROOMMATE NEEDED Call 3514490, Stu, Terry. Our Price $139.95. Remington Ufjch Morel WILCOX 372-8921, after 5 p.m. 7-104 park. $175 plus utilities - 2-104 distributed by Columbia House, Bolt Action Rifles in model 700 Secondhand store, 509 _ immediately. Own bedroom. References. 485-6508. See; $150 anything Eest Michigen Avenue, 1973 or better. Deluxe, 15% off manufacturer's Lensing. RAINBOW. 12x60, fully $110/month, includes utilties. Make offer. 2-104 332-1803. 2-10-4 4854391. C-10-31 furnished, all SHARE FARM house with girls. list. 300 Magnum Caliber, 20% appliances.<10xlo 351 1^ 3-10-3 Close/campus. 694-3798 after 8 off. 2412 South Cedar, Lansing. •d' W950. Perry. 626-7648 NEEDED FEMALE-own room, UTILITIES PAID, newly carpeted, p.m. 3-104 GIRLS BIKE and chain, round 0-1-10-3 or 625-3111. 5-10-3 $80, 3 blocks from campus. eating table; 2-three shelf furnished, one bedroom, close to 351-8845.3-10-4 VOICE- LESSONS. Piano Lansing and campus. Phone dividers; one 8x10 braided rug, 2 U.S. DIVERS Aluminum tank, 72 intermsdW Paifrilfq] ROOM FOR male student, across beginning and 349-4907. 4-10-4 lamps. 332-0342. 3-10-7 cubic feet, J reserve. 484-8961, BOTTECCHIA GIRO • D'italia. NEED ONE person immediately, from Union. 21154 Grand River, $225. Bottecchie Gren Turisimo $6/hour. $4.50/40 minutes/ after 8 pm. Dale Atkins. 6-IOfl own room, deposit, $240 per upstairs. $48 per month. 40x 100" ROLL OF 6 mil $176. Both Ilka new. Meny 349-1364, after 5 p.m. 7-10' ARLINGTON APARTMENTS - 351-6629. 5-10-8 term plus utilities. Phone Reduced, 2 bedrooms at 1 Visquine-trensperent plestlc. OCTOBER IS audio open house extras. 361-4865. 5-10-7 L0J'«ckShrNNHiSKLS" 351-5979, after 5 pm. 5-10-8 This size HIGHLAND HILLS Christ bedroom rates, 10 minutes to ROOM FOR rent, must have own no longer month. Check deily end weekly Carpeted, air manufactured. Excellent for OKEMOS BY Reward. parties ft wadding recspt" campus. NEAR CAMPUS. 3 bedrooms, full transportation. 394-2639, after specials or just come In end - owner. Off 332-5362.3-10-4 Rasarva your dete w conditioned. $160. Phone covering domes or greenhouees. browse. MARSHALL MUSIC, Hegedorn, all brick ranch, 3 basement, unfurnished. 5pm. 7-104 $140 or make offer. 349-3394. 069-9873. 20-10-23 882-5950. 5-10-7 bedroom, femily room, Excellent for students. $300 per 6-10-9 SOUND SHOP,C1-10-3 fireplece, full besement. Assume F0UP 513 HILLCREST deluxe. - 2 bedroom Carpeting, dishwasher, month. 351-9037 weekdays, 9-4. 5-104 MEN - SHARE room. Close cooking, clean, quiet. $150 full term. 48^8836 or 337-0130. - in, 10 SPEED, Yellow Schwinn Varsity. 24 - Inch £oys bike, 5-SPEED Schwinn condition, with meny in excellent 7% mortgege. 5pm. 5-10-3 3514122, after JwSfSSf T"" FOR THE Bast Service on equipment see the STERW »u air, security, brightly furnished, EAST LANSING $75. 372-1162.5-10-9 accessories, $50. 355-6972, best LOST: SMALL brown female dog, SHOPPE, 643 East Grand R[* Ask for Bill. 10-10-9 Terrier type mut. Answers $280. Pleasant neighborhood, 3 time efter 10 pm. 3-10-7 SLIDE PROJECTOR C-10-31 $245, lease and deposit. Phone - Alrequlpt to blocks MSU. 351-3231. 3-10-3 450EX, electjr tic focusing and Herehey. 361-1820.3-10-4 882-5303. 5-10-7 FEMALE HOUSEMATE: own KONICA-T 36 mm. Nine months BAND BROKE UP. Killer sound room. 6 bedroom co - ed house. 0,d- 363-2268 days, 484-2168 PA. remoUgOVV.ol. Excellent CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY Electrovoice. Acoustic. ROOMMATE WANTED, 2 MSU NEAR. 2 mile*. 3 bedroom, $66.666-2060. 3-10-3 Llflht yet loud. No feedback. condition, $45. 482-6069. FOUND: white FRIENDLY yayTnd It's bast statewide. TEW" bedroom, 2 bath. Strawberry partially furnished. Clean. — $2400 velua, excellent 6-10-3 mala cat. White coll* LUKE PHOTOGRAPH Fi*lds $91. Ira, 394-2768. AIRSTREAM 1972 - 27', like new 313-632-9326. C-10-31 3-10-3 393-1622. 5-10-7 $18. WEEK. TERM lease. Near Cepltol Building. Bus 3 blocks. 445 Buick LaSabre 1971 - vary condition, emplifier. $1200. Sunn Fender stretocestar. RAILROAD TIES & wood chipl •••£•<'«. 3SS-1873! OWN FURNISHED room in five good. Great combination! NEEDED, ONE male for 3 man, man house. $65 plus utilities. Coffee shop, restaurant, b*. CAPITOL CLUB, 222 Seymour, Maestro rhythm and sound unit.. 394-2167 VOICE LESSONS minutee In - 30, <6 <* length. c* J $77. 731 Apertments, 731 between 12-7 pm. Case. Call Call 3F1-4967. 3-10-3 484-4422.04-104 good car trade In. 393-7020. 1:30 ^ - Burcham, B-204. 3-10-3 6-10-7 3-10-7 366-7036, C-3-10-3 332-2040, efter 6-104 ■Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 3, 1974 13 Wanted pSenfe £ Share Driving ]g |„CIICED II" NEED lor SENIOR footb.ll Notr* Dama gam* coupon LEAVING SOUTH Lansing to Bill seeks campaign limit Jackson 7:15am, returning Desperate dl 355-8252 or tJKmA C IO-31 337-0953. 3-10-4 around 5pm, daily Monday through Friday 394 1619 after WASHINGTON Democratic and (AP) - Republican McGovern's losing effort cost $30 million to $35 million. finance the nominating conventions of the national differing Senate and House versions of the legislation, CMc Center WANTED FOR Linguistic! presidential candidates would In addition, candidates political parties. Compromises also were October 4-6 Research. Native speaker of be limited to spending $20 seeking a presidential Public financing of Senate reached with respect of " either Chineae, Thai, Melayam. From PERRY to Commuter Lot. million each in their general nomination could get up to $5 and House races, either enforcement machinery and to diss«f*8,ion*' Single Admission $1.00 Daily. Leaving 7:15am, Yorube, Swahili, Arabic, election campaigns and the million in government subsidies primary or general election spending limits for candidates tr, russ. 1 PM to 10 PM Closing 6 PM Sonday Hungarian, Turkish, Japanese, or any other non Indo-European returning 5pm. Phone 651-6096 after 6pm. government would pick up the to help them in their races. They would be limited to campaigns, is out. It was dropped by Senate - House for the House. Another meeting of the §1)850 C 10-31 tab under legislation awaiting - language who can also speak and final touches. spending $10 million. conferees Tuesday in a victory conferees is set for Thursday write FROM BATTLE Creek to l"E«" THESES Sarvict WfarldWde English. Please call 363-9242, ask for Linguistics Commuter Lot, daily. Leaving The measure would place Minor party presidential for the House. Senate when, members said, they both candidates on an equal candidates also could qualify conferees gave up on this issue hoped to complete work on a Vlii Printing. IBM Typing Antiques Project Group. 5-10-8 7:30em, returning 4 • 5pm. 616-963 9393 after 6pm. financial footing. By contrast, for federal campaign subsidies, after their House counterparts compromise draft. t ending of d1s«-«t.on, aod Sen. Howard W. Cannon, D - Show&Sale NEED FIVE adult and student tickets to Notre Dame three in 1972 former President Richard M. Nixon's re - depending on their percentage of the popular vote. refused to budge. That removed a major - Nev., chairman of the Senate FROM Grand Rapids to East U River B.IOA Jorm 351-9619.3-10-4 Lansing. Leaving 6:30 or 8 am election costs ran $60 million And up to $2 million would stumbling block to working conferees, expressed hope that ■-«L* Shop. 9-6 Monday - This Ad Admits 2 and returning 4 or later while Democrat Sen. George S. be provided in tax funds to out a compromise between final congressional action on ■ 1 Call COPYGRAPH Adults for $1.50 NEEDED FEMALE for 4 woman. 616-942-1222 after 5 pm. the legislation could be taken |rviCES. 337 1666. C-10-31 Haslett Arms. $73.75/month. 332-8182. 3-10-4 10-7-74 before the start of a recess for the November elections. ""orb Thaw, arm COLLECTOR IS paying fair price* WANTED TO ■It's what's happeningi The bill would require L general tvpi"9 Fo«n*'V for all US. silver end coin rent secure garage substantially reduced levels of , Ann Brown. 482-7487. collections. 484-2761. 2-10-4 with electricity in East Lansing Driving expenditures and contributions area. 361-7889, evenings. 3-10-4 Announcements for It's What's WANTED United Ministries in Higher Does religion seem too mystical for campaigns for federal Happening must be received in the Education is sponsoring growth and unscientific? Learn why Jesus' offices. An individual would be For PSYCHOLOGY STUDY. Male students rrom fatherless, Q tor hoi « • LEAVING VICINITY of Logan and Millar Road to Campus (MSU) State News office, 341 Student Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two class days before publication. groups (Gestalt) on Monday afternoons and Thursday nights, as Hebrew name wasYohshuaand what his salvation really meant with the barred from contributing more than $1,000 to an election »wWi|i|al well as a Wednesday night Bible Yohshuans Input 337-7260. c 10-31 broken or divorced homes at least two years before «9« 12. |. around 7am, returning 882-4097 evenings, Tracy. 5pm. No announcements will be accepted study using Gestalt methods. We p.m. at 8:30 tonight and at 3 Sunday in 34 Union. campaign of a candidate and by phone. are organizing Bible studies in West more than $25,000 in any one Please come to Olds Hall Room 203, Saturday, October Circle hails and Brody Complex. ts, RESUMES, typinfl Md 5th anytime between 10am and Free University needs people Call for more information. year to all candidates for FROM JACKSON to MSU. Monday FROM LANSING to Ludington Students interested in helping federal office. ■intina Reasonabia prices. 4 pm or call Hugh Jones and who are willing to share what they elect Bob Carr to Congress are back. Kmercial PRINTING. SS2-3S06 to arrange for lunge of People's Church. Stop in Hinge At The HOMEMADE for coffee,donuts and fellowship. Union. BUILDING Store With PARTY ROOM NEW YORK (AP) For all r1 CANDIES AND ICE % , The Red Door! Campbell Fwald advertising Patricia Barnes McConnel of those Vietnam War resisters f timnn ittp Warm up with a Comfy - - BARBER CREAM the College of Urban Development out there, wherever you are, IMPORTED agency of Detroit invites all DOWN-FILLED JACKET! interested students to its will be guest speaker at 10:30 a.m. the telephone number to call Needlepoint *Pipes Sunday at Unitarian Church, 855 SHOP We invite you to Great for Hunting, Skiing presentation, "A Special Approach to get church advice about *Cigars IAppl ies Antiques 'CLASSES t- 5i30 Mon. • Frl. *Cigarettes come and sample our And All Winter Sports!!! to Media" at 8 p.m. Friday in 106 Holmes Hall. your situation is code 317, 1 Furniture Accessories *Tobaccos delicious treats. The Unitarian - Universalist then 635 - 8259. It's free. I Handcrafted Gifts By Appt. or Walk In WHITE BIRCH The Company will hold Church will hold a rummage sale A special counseling service, 'k Block One M.A.C. auditions for the musical "Jaques from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday at I Consignment Welcome 3359 1409 E. Mich. Lensing WESTERN set up by the National Council 3S5 - 332 4269 Brel is Alive and Well and Living in 855 Grove St. [ Mon. ■ Sal llUnm 11-7 Mon. thru Set. Paris," at 7 tonight in East of Churches to aid those _ Auto Service tonselto km^iiel 'a 482-7871 McDonel Hall lower lounge. MOOSUSK1: organizational meeting for all those wishing to affected by President Ford's "earned re - entry" program, Stereo Repair An agency orientation meeting work for the ski club, at 7:30 said many of them are poor, BUD'S Horstmyer's will be held at 6:30 tonight in 27 tonight in 208 Men's Intramural ICHECK Student Services Bldg. for those Bldg. out of touch and needed the AUTO PARTS, .rnnsi Sugar House Bee Supplies Raw Honey students interested in a volunteer experience at the Boy's Club of Lansing. The Company will hold auditions for the drama "A Man for All Seasons" at 7 p.m. today in 316 free number. many "Nobody knows where of them are," a spokesman said. "A lot of INC. CENTEK MSU Gay Liberatioi FORUM, at 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays Bessey Hall. them have been living Maple Syrup The Yellow Page Each PROFESSIONAL AUDIO in 33 Union. Gay Liberation will PIRGIM: Public Interest * ABORTION underground and have no idea • CONTRACEPTION present a weekly series of lectures, Research Group in Michigan is UTEMODEL * COUNSELING Thursday For the best REPAIR discussions and debates about gay holding a recruitment meeting to about where to go to get help." • STERILIZATION deals in town, Three full The counseling center has MOTORS AND » - time professionally pride and the gay revolution. start new projects in environmental Services trained technicians action, political reform and other been set up in Indianapolis, [ARTS A SPECIALITY GYN Clinic Columbia on Onondaga. Turn left on CURTICE RD. 10 a.m. - 5 • » Complete Test facilities 3 - month warranty on all work New Visions community shop areas at 7 tonight in the Union Sun near Fort Harrison, the center Speakers Available Michelle 355-8255 will be open for business from 1 to Porch. p.m. Monday - Saturday or to which all deserters must first * Loarter amplifiers available 1326 E. Michigan Ave. v-.ii 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Lantini 485-3271 Books, posters, jewelry and Anyone interested in the return, and will accept toll - cosmetics are on sale. mechanical aspects of agriculture free calls around the clock should meet at 7:30 tonight in 118 from those seeking legal and PROBLEM PREGNANCY MORONSA Round Table Agricultural Engineering Bldg. 372-1560 24 Hours Typg Service discussion topic: Quantitative Charles Laughlin will talk on other advice. DR. D.M.DEAN measurement of political agriculture in the Peace Corps. philosophies. We will raise the MARITAL PROBLEMS? TYPING NEE0 TO TALK? %\»mm OPTOMETRIST question, "Is 0 the sine of a 180 degree change in policy?" Kappa Delta Pi, honor society in education will hold an officers And it's time for Papers Theses MSU Amateur Radio Club will meeting at 7:30 tonight. Contact William Walsh in 316 Erickson Hall CATHOLIC us to thank you for your for location. VISION CARE Dissertations meet at 8 tonight in 339 patronage this past year. CONTACT LENS Engineering Bldg. Anyone A story dealing with the SOCIAL in my home. interested in obtaining an FCC The Volunteer Action Corps is Hope to see you back SERVICES license is welcome. having an orientation recruitment problems of parking on campus session 7 tonight in 31 Union. All SERVICES next spring. Electric Type - Elite The Administrative action corps members and those in Wenesday's State News Management 1 •Can Help' interested in joining, please attend. incorrectly said that students Michelle BUTLER'S KIDDIELANC 210 Abbott Rd. Reasonable Rates Society of MSU presents James F. could park overnight in any M 372-4020 Pick Up and Delivery Rainey, Undergraduate Dean of the and Terrace Golf 3^2-6563 Business College, at 7:30 tonight in Check out Alpha Phi Omega, gated lot. In reality, no one is the Teak Room, Eppley Center. All national service fraternity. We will allowed to park in any gated Frandor Shopping Center CALL 655-1611 MP * SAVE 355 - 1255 or 655-1542 Business College students welcome. Refreshments will be served. hold an informative meeting at 7 tonight in 133 Akers Hall. parking lot overnight. Thursday, 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan October^, EDITOR CALLS PLAYBOY VICTORIAN Penthouse gains By PAT NARDI State News Staff Writer sales, and in some cities ahead of Playboy. Goode said we are looks right at the camera. She has no intention of going to feeling. You feel you see in these more than pictures," considerations besides responsibility to our readers," •m His name may be Goode, he was in town to tape an bed with you. Actually, Goode explained. For examples of r but mother probably would not interview with WJIM. Playboy is a very Victorian "We are very candid. muckracking, he cited the approve of his work. Goode attributes the success October issue's article "The magazine," Goode said. Nothing is dirty. Sex is a very James Goode is the of Penthouse to the candid "Our girls are more natural. fundamental biological Old Shell Game," which claims executive editor of Penthouse, presentation of the girls. They don't look at the camera. oil companies have faked oil impulse. Are we to pretend an international magazine for Penthouse has a monthly Quite often our girls even close that it doesn't happen? All shortages on many occasions to which is fact challenging circulation of 5,350,000. their eyes," he said. raise the price of gasoline. men, human beings make love," Playboy's monopoly on the "Our girls are natural as "We do not approach Goode said. Future issues will discuss the girlie magazine market. opposed to the phony attitudes photography of our girls like Penthouse was the first perilous state of the "We are neck and neck with of Playboy's playmates. Hie butchers dissecting carcasses. magazine to show pubic hair environment and the coming Playboy in domestic newsstand Playboy model is a tease; she Our pictures show emotional demise of paper money, he regularly, Goode said. Though Playboy first ran very tiny said. "We hate to sound like pictures exposing pubic hair, States renew mining firm suit Goode said, Penthouse was the first to regularly run large pictures. prophets of gloom, but well see you in the next bread line!" Goode said laughing. WASHINGTON (UPI) - they said subsequent actions of stop immediately has been "I heard it said there are a He said it is the job of the the appeals court have resulted media to get rid of politicians Michigan and two other states continually blocked by the whole generation of boys who renewed Tuesday a request in such confusion and delay as circuit court, held more didn't know girls had hair like President Ford, that Supreme Court Justice to require the high court to hearings on alternative because they were looking at Rockefeller and Henry Harry A. Blackmun stop exercise "its extraordinary methods of disposal. He vetoed Kissinger. Playboy," Goode said. Reserve Mining Co.'s daily powers." a plan proposed by the Goode said Penthouse gets When asked if there was any dumping of wastes into Lake "The actions taken by the and various other politician he did like, Goode company, very little hate mail from Superior at Silver Bay, Minn. Court of Appeals . issues are still before him. In fact, Penthouse has emphatically replied, "No!" f . . women. The three states told demonstrate a greater concern The lawsuit against Reserve Goode didn't claim to be a larger feminine readership Blackmun that the 8th U.S. for the economic health of Mining brought by the than MS magazine, he ahead of Playboy in numbers was said. Circuit Court of Appeals seems Reserve Mining Co. and its Justice Dept., the three states Besides exposing physical of subscriptions, but said "determined to let this private parents, Armco Stell and and some environmentalistis. beauty, Goode said an subscriptions cause magazines operation continue to pollute Republic Steel, than for the The waste rock, called tailings, important objective of to lose enormous amounts of and threaten the health of physical health of the public," contains many minerals which Penthouse is to expose political thousands, and make large the application said. spread several thousand money. "That's why Life went ar* photo;D»nTj_ James Goods, executive editor of Penthouse magazine, says his magazine and Playboy over corruption. scale profits for the indefinte The states enclosed a recent future." article from the New York square miles at all depths, "We are muckrackers. We do broke. Newstand sales is the about equal in newsstand sales, but that Penthouse is overtaking its rival because itigiriun™ according to the complaint. not lie. We have no only circulation that matters." more natural than the "phonies" in Playboy. Blackmun, who administers Times indicating that asbestos the 8th Circuit, refused on July fibers, which are in the water 9 to block the dumping of supply at Duluth, Minn., and polluting taconite wastes, other Lake Superior areas, may cause cancer after only a very pending final resolution of the lawsuit. brief exposure. Plogbock The states said they are well Recently, district Judge aware that a second request "is Miles W. Lord of Minneapolis, highly unusual procedure." But whose order that the dumping 1 free sample bar an of RK Men's Bar organic cleanser the electronic plaiiQround with any haircut or hairstyiing ami this coupon offif expires Oct. 4 Varsity Barbershop UEBERfTlflNN'S SPECIAL SELLING SnmSONITE TOTES Blank Tape Bonanza! Great for week • end travel. Easy - to - reach outside pockets and spacious interiors to take the clutter out of travel. In all the Silhouette fashion colors: dover white, 1800 Ft. Reel Recording Tape 99° Biscayne blue, strawberry or moonglow 80-Min. 8-Track Tape 4-Pack SHOULDER TOTE UTAH WD-90 12" 3 Way (Regularly 32.00) NOW 23.99 System THE PLAYBACK 5-YEAR WARRANTY Every hi-fi component we sell has an HANDI-TOTE POLICY unqualified 5-year parts guarantee and a 3-year labor guarantee. This is our assurance that your investment (Regularly 35.00) NOW 25.99 WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL! is safe when you shop PLAYBACK. Playback is a factory-authorized service facility for virtually everything ONE-YEAR EXCHANGE we sell. In case of a problem, you SPEAKER SYSTEM POLICY FOR A needn't return your merchandise to If, for any reason within one year LIMITED TIME the factory or to some distant service after the purchase of any hi-fl speaker ONLY center. All you have to do is return it system we sell, you are dissatisfied, to Playback where our factory-trained you will receive FULL CREDIT of your technical repair staff will put it back purchase price toward the list price of ANY into like-new operating condition. equivalently or higher-priced speaker. 10 9 pm — Monday Salt tnds Sunday Oct. 6 am - & 10 - 5:30 pm Saturday 523 Frandor Lam 12 5 pm Frandor Shopping Contor - Sunday EAST LANSING - 209 E. Grand Rver DOWNTOWN • 107 S. Washington