Register to vote before the Oct. 7 deadline. Friday, October 4, 1974 Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Senate nearing final vote on bill on tapes access WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate Watergate?" asked Sen. Russell B. Long, pushed toward a final vote Thursday on a D-La., in arguing against the Griffin bill to assure the public and courts full proposal. access to Richard M. Nixon's White House Sen. Charles Percy, R-Dl., a sponsor of tapes and papers. the Nelson bill, Originally proposed the By voice vote, senators adopted a Griffin amendment but withdrew it for resolution urging President Ford to do fear it would damage chances of passing the what he could to make public all the facts House. about the Watergate scandal, including any Nelson, Percy and others argue that any relevant documents from Nixon's 5 1/2 president's papers are actually government years in office. But the big property, even though former chief battle was over the bill executives traditionally have claimed them giving the federal government custody as their owa and control of the tapes and papers, a measure designed to overturn an The bill does not touch on the question arrangement Nixon worked out with the of ownership of the Nixon tapes and Ford administration before he was papers. It deals only with possession, but pardoned last month. would allow Nixon to be paid if a court The bill, sponsored by Sen. Gaylord rules that the bill results in the taking of Nelson, D-Wis., was prompted by a his property without compensation, provision in the Nixon - Ford SN photo/Craig Porter agreement that would allow the former (continued on page 19) president to destroy the papers after three MSU's piano tuner, Owen Jorgenson, will take his audience into the past and the future during a recital at 4 p.m. Sunday in the Music Building auditorium. See story page 11. years and the tapes after five years. In case of Nixon's death the tapes would be destroyed immediately. "Destruction of these materials would Nixon seeks ,SAASU board to consider support conceal forever the truth about the Watergate scandals," said Nelson. "Our generation and future generations would thus be unable to learn exactly happened and why." Sen. Roman L Hruska, R-Neb., led the what not to testify quizzed but still in fight against the bill, calling it >f union; Cain unconstitutional on grounds it would violate the concept of executive privilege and infringe on Nixon's freedom of speech WASHINGTON (AP) former President be excused from - Lawyers for Richard M. Nixon asked Thursday that the and his right to privacy. testifying at the Watergate coverup trial. "If the president's papers can be seized U.S. District Judge John J. Sirica said By ROSANNE LESS of Arts and Letters representative, who will represent MSU students at the "I cannot promise to do so he received motions to quash subpenas and disclosed to the world, then surely the State News Staff Writer Introduced the motion. "If we can collective bargaining table. enthusiastically however," he said. private papers of a senator or a issued by Special Prosecutor Leon support this unionizing effort it will be Garrison's support of the proposed Charles Massoglia, director of ASMSU's congressman or perhaps a corporation Jaworski and John D. Ehrlichman, one of the best thing ASMSU has ever done." union and the resolution itself came after The unconditional lupport of the Legal Aid Dept., said that if the board president, union leader or other well • the five defendants and a member of IaSMSU board may soon be coming to Union organisation efforts began in lengthy debate on ASMSU. president Tim vdocs not support the union, "we are Nixon's White House high command. known person could be seized and November 1972 with a movement among Cain's involvement In the fledgling union. ■ the proposed Student Workers Union. hypocritical and taking disclosed to all potential litigants and to workers at Kellogg Center. A court ruling Cain was grilled for an hour and a half by Sirica said he would keep the contents And then again, it may not. counterproductive measures." the curious," Hruska said. ended those efforts. At fall registration the board about his union activities. of the motions sealed from the press and A resolution giving unconditional Massoglia also pointed out that he Sen, Robert Griffin, R-Mich., ■ support to the proposed union was union organizers renewed the movement thought that regardless of what the future the public until he has had "an There was no attempt to oust Cain as attempted to require that the official I introduced at Thursday's board meeting toward a union by passing authorization stand of the board may be, and whatever opportunity to review them thoroughly." president or to censure him. Earlier this papers of all future presidents and of I but was sent to ASMSU's policy cards to students. The union needs the week some board members had happens to Cain's role in organization, he members of Congress are public property, Nixon, undergoing treatment for a ■committee tor further study. signatures of 30 per cent of the over believes that attempts by students at blood clot, is expected to be released from speculated that an attempt would be but his amendment was killed, 7 to 32. ■ "The ASMSU board must help 7,000 student employes before they can made tonight to impeach Cain. unionization will be made anyway. "What did we have to do with (continued on page 19) I students," said Marcia Garrison, College hold an election to decide whether they Many board members were concerned that Cain's involvement with the union organizing efforts represented a possible conflict of interest. 20 die as qu "1 don't think there are any conflicts of interest in the way I have handled things," Cain said. Doyle O'Conner, interim chairman of ASMSU's- Dept. of Labor Relations, Campus beer Peru; hundreds answered allegations that Cain has been using his post as ASMSU president to foster unionization efforts. The By JOHN TINGWALL State News Staff Writer Brewery, the Alle • Ey, the MSU "Even if a coffee shop opened in the Union, students would probably eat there, rather than come out to the Brewery for for the license and would have to decide where to sell the beverages, a decision at least one of them is not sure he intends to "There has been no claimer at any time Union, Lizard's and Dooley's. pizza and beer." make. Which of the above is not considered a Kacer said if students lingered in unions LIMA, Peru (AP) - An earthquake hour, restored for 30 minutes and then cut that ASMSU supports the union; in fact, that served alcohol they would spend MSU trustee Kenneth Thompson, R - off for about 45 minutes. there have been disclaimers to that haven for MSU's drinking crowd? East Lansing, said he is opposed to the ■ shook Peru Thursday killing at least 20 more time on campus than off. The answer, for now, is the Union. But I persons and injuring several hundred Running water was not interrupted effect," he said. legislation, claiming that the sale of liquor running the that may change as early as Jan. 1 if Dooley's manager Dan Hudkins said | others, government officials said. generally but had to be cut off in several "It is not like we are afternoon business would probably be the is not a part of the educational process. The places because of breaks in mains. show," O'Conner said. Karl Bush, College Michigan legislators act soon on a bill quake, which caused widespread most affected. Hudkins said Dooley's ■ P»nic and extensive damage, occurred Most radio stations went off the air for of Business representative, said that recently introduced by Sen. Gilbert "If students want beer and wine, they about two hours, but two managed to Cain's involvement with the union might Bursley, R - Ann Arbor. upstairs lounge atmosphere would face should go elsewhere to get it." he said. I during the morning rush hour and lasted serious competition if beer and wine were I about two minutes. A string of aftershocks keep broadcasting. alienate the University administration. Bursley's bill, currently in the Senate But MSU trustee Donald Stevens, D • Commerce Committee, would permit the sold at the Union. ■ followed, the strongest At least a dozen old houses collapsed in Bush maintained that this was important Blooinfield Hills, supported the legislation, being a sharp, brief governing boards of Michigan colleges and If the bill becomes law, MSU trustees I quake almost an hour after the initial one. Lima. because Cain, as president of the would have to make the decison to apply (continued on page 19) universities to apply for a license to sell I By midafternoon civil defense officials The downtown area and many of the undergraduate student government, residential districts, including the area near would have to work closely with MSU's beer and wine on their campuses. Such an ■ said that at least 20 bodies had been the bull ring, were a mass of shattered administration at times. application, presently prohibited by I "Covered and that 291 other persons had I wen injured, many of them glass and fallen masonry. Many walls "I do not predicate what 1 do on Michigan law, would limit university suffering from governing boards to one license ■ shock. Officials said that 210 of the collapsed. whether the administration will like it," I injured were in the I of three million capital of Lima, a city people. In homes, crockery and glassware shattered as a result of the violent Cain responded. "If I did, then there would be no point for the student application, and allow sales by the glass only. Nixon curses newsman; A bill that would have allowed all types vibrations. government to exist." of alcoholic beverages to be served on chunk of masonry falling from that even if the ASMSU wThe U-S- Geological Cain said requests no photographs A large ■ Survey in campus, proposed by Rep. Jackie Vaughn, I *™"n8ton said the quake hit 7.7 on the the top floor of the ornate Hotel Bolivar board does not vote to support the I Kichter Scale. The most in downtown Lima wrecked the top of a proposed union at the next meeting, he D - Detroit, died in House Colleges and devasting quake will express whatever view the board Universities Committee last spring. I ""recorded >n South America hit Peru in crowded city bus. Several passengers were LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) - Former President Richard M. Nixon angrily cursed Though MSU officials may have some 1 nkilled 20<000 P^ons. Another reported slightly injured. takes. legal ramifications to consider if the bill is at a news photographer who tried to photograph him in a hospital corridor I ,00° were >'sted as missing. That quake m Thursday, the photographer and witnesses said. passed, there is support for its passage. | measured 7.8 on the Richter Scale. Roger Wilkinson, vice president for Kent "Henderson of the Long Beach Independent Press - Telegram said he was Communications were cut off from business and finances, said a Kellogg in the corridor as Nixon emerged from undergoing early morning tests in the I nm!ftSt,U'j of the taP'tol- A government I that the brunt ^e quake 'U' works to eliminate Center prove a or Union sale profitable venture. site "Both locations would be a positive could Nuclear Medicine Laboratory at the Memorial Hospital Medical Center of Long Beach. "The door opened about two - thirds of the way and the feet of the wheelchair I Z ; ;'naild around the town of Canete factor for the University," Wilkinson said. came out," Henderson said. "I heard him say, 'You goddamn son - of • a • bitch' I (hi, miles south of Lima. Officials and I saw his face. It was contorted. He looked pretty teed • off." "Many of our Kellogg Center guests go off reported wildings were that 60 Per cent of the II builH destroyed. I in S?. repo,rU said that five persons died II leastZ65fit P^ons '3 Shing town of 15'000' at holiday-class conflict campus requested that center." for drinking, we serve and they've alcohol in the Wilkinson said, Later in the day, Nixon's physician, Dr. John C. Lungren, announced that he expected the former president to leave the hospital Friday. Henderson said Nixon, wearing a bathrobe, reached out and closed the lab's swinging doors as attendants pulled his wheelchair back inside the laboratory. The were injured. foundation for a year, said that students A Union location, By SUE MCMILLIN families on Yom would hopefully draw more students back doors crashed against the wheelchair. He never re - emerged. I their h"tlle C,ualte most Peruvians fled State News Staff Writer should be with their to the Union. Earlier Thursday, Nixon's lawyers asked U.S. District Court Judge John J. Sirica I I flnnljd as swater in panic- Streets in Lima were On Sept. 26 nearly 2,000 MSU Jewish Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement. "How many students we would draw to excuse Nixon from testifying in the Watergate coverup trial in Washington, D.C. and sewer mains broke, But if they went home they were faced students were faced with deciding whether back, though, would depend on how Sirica refused to state the motions' grounds. Lungren said earlier in the week that with the inconvenience of missing the first | masonry WUh «nd to observe one of their most important holidays or attend the first day of day of class. competitive we were with the bars on the other side of Grand River," he added. the former president should have a "restricted convalescence" and not travel for up to three months. damapp'T8' quake caused extensive With 41,000 students on campus there "We'd need more than beer and wine to Henderson said he was given an autographed tie - clip by Nixona year and a half I more!h on ree famous churches, each C,lAsSa result, MSU is now working on is bound to be problems with classes compete with their entertainment and ago in return for pictures he had shot of Nixon's daughter Julie. And in 1958, eliminating the conflict between the falling on religious holidays, Perrin said. Henderson said, he had coffee with Nixon with the then vice president pouring. atmosphere." I its base o-"'the roof, beginning of school and Yom Kippur, While he was not aware of any Managers of East Lansing bars differ The 40 • year - old photographer said the incident occurred so quickly he did not ' on Cra5ked and shifted from the main altar of San Robert Perrin, vice president for University policy to handle these over effects the sale of oncampus alcohol shoot a picture. w Church tumbled, and the walls of University relations, said. problems, most of the conflicts could be would have. Hospital spokeswoman, Karen Krantz, said later that Nixon's aides complained adoChurch Were damaged. "It's wrong that I should have to miss worked out between the student and his Lizard's manager Kent Harder said he about the incident and requested that no more photographs be taken of Nixon in the first day," Alan Herbach, sophomore, professors, Perrin said. Students with a the hospital. Also at their request, the hospital has now forbidden reporters ! mz del Sur, broadcasting from a doubted it would hurt his bar's business. and photographers to get off the elevator at the sixth floor, where Nixon has two I house?\ 7 Lima-said «>m«t half the 201 N. Case Hall, said. legitimate complaint could work through "The same people that frquent the The University is presently working on MSU's Ombudsman to gain a solution, he I abo"t 15 OOOan0te h#S * p°Pu,ation of these scheduling problems up to 1984, said. Union now would still go there and take advantage of it if beer and wine were sold $90 - a - day rooms. Since Nixon was hospitalized Sept. 23, newsmen have been allowed to go to the Rabbi Rudolph, of the Hillel Foundation, "There has to be concessions and there," he said. floor to consult with Nixon's aides. .sbFe* I nm,„!,'.,but "one of the first area. - "*d"» Several reports indicated that cars 319 Hillcrest Ave., said. A conflict arose two years ago and the next one will come accommodations in this area," Perrin said. Leah Dickman, junior, 220 Cedar St., is Paul Kacer, manager and part owner of the Brewery, said his business would A spokesman said Nixon underwent tests using if his pancreas is of normal size and appearance. radioactive isotopes to determine crashes was serious. 1977- ElectricIP Power was cut UP ,1L (continued on page 191 probably suffer. off for about an Rudolph, who has been with the Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 4,19 J Turkey aid cutoff terms eased WASHINGTON (AP) - The changes were made in a military aid would be the money measure with the to grants. earmarking of $15 mUH 1 Yielding to a veto threat, continuing resolution that suspended until the President unconditional cutoff adopted They accepted a cutoff of disaster relief jn - ■ Senate and House conferees allows foreign aid and other certifies that Turkey is in by the Senate under the further fertilizer shipments to Bangladesh and in federal programs to proceed, sponsorship of Sen. Thomas F. South Vietnam and an relief in Cyprus. Thursday toned down a money compliance with U.S. foreign bill amendment under which basically at last year's rate, in aid laws "by making (food faith Eagleton, D-Mo. Italian government collapses Premier Mariano Rumor and his coalition government U.S. military aid could be cut off from Turkey. "Hie conferees also discarded the absence of final enactment of regular annuil appropriation bills. efforts to reach a negotiated settlement with respect to Eagleton contends that Turkey already is in violation of U.S. aid laws by using U.S. Calendar fails to ha] Cyprus." resigned Thursday night in the midst of Italy's worst a Senate - passed cutoff of Under the compromise on President Ford cautioned military equipment in the economic crisis since the end of World War II. The cabinet collapsed once again in a bitter dispute military aid to Chile. aid the Turkey, further Tuesday that he would veto invasion and partial occupation of Cyprus. Jack Frost's arrival Eagleton called the over relations with the Communist party. The Marxist compromise language "a Socialists had called for close cooperation with the Communists to pull the country out of its economic Terrorists seek asylum; washout." He said he would seek its defeat when the At least Hve Michigan cities set record low temperatures Wednesday and early Thursday as Jack Frost continued to w« havoc with the calendar. J woes. resolution is returned to the Lansing had a record Oct. 3 low of 22 degrees TW Senate for final action, Rumor's Christian Democrats rejected the offer morning. The previous low of 29 occurred in 1889. ^ probably next week. J still retain U.S. The average temperature for Lansing at this time of together with the two other coalition partners - the diplomat The compromise language year b Democratic Socialists and the Republicans. degrees. In the first two days of October, temperatures r was proposed to the conferees from 15 to 23 degrees below average. It was the 36th Italian government to collapse since by Sen. Edward W. Brooke, Sault Ste. Marie has led the assault on the record be World War II. R-Mass. He said it was equaling or setUng record low temperatures for each day 1 The government crisis came amid Italy's worst SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic relatives of the hostages. acceptable to the White House. October so far. On Tuesday temperatures dipped to 28 (AP) Hungry and thirsty terrorists holding "The health of the vice consul of Venezuela degree J — tie a record set in 1947. On Wednesday the economic problems in 30 years, mounting social U.S. diplomat Barbara Hutchison and six others has deteriorated each day not because of us but The continuing resolution mercury plungedj problems and rising tensions over allegations of planned because of the inhuman and intransigent would allow foreign aid 25 degrees, eclipsing the previous record of 30 set in 1908. T hostages inside the sweltering Venezuelan coups by right - wing extremists. Consulate scrapped a $1 million ransom character of the government of President spending to continue at the On Thursday the low was 23 degrees, toppling the of 25 and setting a record for the lowest previous J present annual rate of $2.6 temperature J demand Thursday. Joaquin Balaguer," he said in a dramatic billion until the final recorded this early in autumn in the eastern half of the iw They offered instead to take political asylum appearance at a consulate window. He did not Peninsula. Stock market slides adjournment of Congress this sharply in Mexico or Peru, and modified an earlier demand that 37 political prisoners be freed say what was wrong with the vice consul. On Wednesday, the terrorists and hostages year. The Senate Wednesday The thermometer registered 27 degrees Grand Rapids, beating the old 29 - degree mark which Wednesday night J from Dominican jails to join them. They said shelved, at least until after the was J got sandwiches and water for the first time in earlier in the day. i The stock market, deeply troubled by a wide array of November elections, a $2.5 they would accept fewer, but did not say how 36 hours. Hie cutting off of food, drink and air In Muskegon, the mercury dropped to a low of 28 economic problems, slid sharply again Thursday, with many. conditioning was part of the Dominican billion authorization bill degreestl the Dow Jones industrial average closing below the 600 - There was no immediate response from the government's strategy to force the guerillas' containing ceilings, limitations set a record for Oct. 2, then fell to 26 later in the record for Oct. 3. Hie first snow of the year was also night tostt] and restrictions opposed by reported J level for the first time since Nov. 1, 1962. Dominican government, which already has hand. President Ford and Secretary the Western Michigan city, though it was just a trace. The Dow ended the session marked offered to fly the gunmen out of the country, The gunmen seized Hutchison, 47, director by slow but of the U.S. Information Service in the of State In Detroit, temperatures fell to 29 at 3 a.m. Thursday to bit, but insisted it will not meet any other demands. Henry Kissinger. the previous low of 30 set in 1888. The National Weather steady selling with a loss of 13.92 points at 587.61. The leader of the guerillas, Radames Mendez Dominican Republic, last Friday, took her to Servic, The blue chip indicator had cracked through the 600 The conferees rejected a predicted even lower temperatures in the Motor City later in tM Vargas, shouted through an improvised paper the consulate and held her with the Venezuelan Senate amendment increasing - mark on Tuesday, but came back to finish that session moming. megaphone that the situation inside the consul, vice consul, two secretaries, a Spanish economic aid to Israel by $200 No other records were set as of 5 a.m. above what analysts and traders consider a psychological besieged building had become intolerable after priest and another unidentified hostage. Thursday, but it «| million and converting $100 balmy across the state. It was 27 degrees in Lansing, 26 in Alpea landmark. seven days of scant air conditioning, little food At first the gunmen, believed to number six, million of military credit sales and 24 in Pellston. or water in nearly 100 - degree temperatures, threatened to blow up the building if their and lack of water pressure to flush toilets. demands were not met. Then they said they He said his decision also came after would kill the hostages one by one at two - Syrians use new weapons considering the international public appeals of "national and opinion" and pleas from hour intervals if they didn't get what they wanted. Syria's high command announced Thursday that intensive training with new modem weapons has brought special units of its armed forces to "high combat capabilities." The statement broadcast by Damascus radio came p\ppYs against a background of recent threats and accusations exchanged between Syria and Israel, and mounting tensions in the Middle East. The Israeli military command, meanwhile, warned the pfZZA PICNIC Serving your favorite cocktails and mixed drinks and largest pitchers of country to expect an increase in Arab terrorist attacks draft beer at most popular prices. in anticipation of resumption of peace Geneva. a negotiations in Friday, Saturday and Sunday Sing - a - Long to piano and banjo. Opens Monday Friday at 11:30 am,Saturday and Sunday at 12:00 noon. Labor leading polls in Britain - rnnnat — LONDON (AP) - Britain began the final week of its election campaign Thursday with public opinion polls showing many voters.still undecided. Among the decided voters polled, the Labor party holds a clear lead. Three polls published Thursday put Labor ahead of the Conservatives by 9 per cent, 8.5 per cent and 7.5 per cent. But bookmakers predict no party will get a majority of the 635 seats in Commons. That is what happened in February, and a minority Labor government resulted. Conservative party leader Edward Heath said if elected he would form a broad - based coalition and enlist the nation in a drive to end Britain's economic woes, the worst since World War II. The ruling Labor party of Prime Minister Harold Wilson says it will not join a coalition, and the Liberal party of Jeremy Thorpe says it will join under certain circumstances, but not under Heath. Mobil, Amoco drop gas prices The Mobil Oil Corp. reduced its gasoline prices by two cents a gallon Thursday, and Amoco Oil Corp., a unit of Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, cut its prices by three cents a gallon. In addition, Amoco lowered its price on No. 1 and No. 2 distillate fuel by three cents a gallon. All changes are nationwide and took effect Thursday. The reductions are in line with federal regulations linking wholesale gas prices to oil companies' crude oil gaar- ——-igj jjpooteys g costs. Agency reports Iranian attack The Iraqi News Agency claimed Thursday that Iran has launched a massive offensive in the Arabian sultanate of Oman to help quell a six - year - old Marxist rebellion in the south. The agency gave no figures but said the Iranian forces, supported by British - piloted planes of the Oman air force, landed by air behind a screen of bombing and strafing jets. MS. LEE In Aden, capital of neighboring South Yemen, a picks Cone spokesman for the rebels said they were under attack Cotton Denim from British and Iranian forces fighting to maintain the to give a coed lots of rule of Sultan Qaboos. The rebels are based in the looks for her money. southwestern province of Dhofar. A wardrobe in themseiv* these Indigo-dyed deniwj Weyand OKd as Army chief partners with all the asf of 100% comfortable The Senate confirmed Thursday the nomination of cotton. Choose one or Gen. Frederick C. Weyand to be Army chief of staff. all for Fall! Junior sizes. | Ask for Ms.Leeatyour Weyand has been vice chief of staff since August favorite campus store. 1973. He will succeed the late Gen. Creighton Abrams as chief of staff. /Done# surgery Abrams died Sept. 4 of complications arising from earlier this year to remove a cancerous lung. denim Winning lottery numbers Winning numbers in the regular weekly drawing of the Michigan Lottery Thursday were 922 and 190. Second chance numbers were 504 and 767. Winning numbers in the last "Paymaster" bonus drawing were Cone makes fabrics people live InJ 881,800, and 056. ■ CONE MILLS |t4«0BROADWAY.NEW VOflK N*V Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 4. PLP By STEVE ORR plans protest disorderly conduct. If convicted, they move was unusual, but said he over was not party," he said. Chicago incident Martin and the PLP believe that action. could face up to . State Newi Staff Writer one year in jail. surprised by it. The story began March 20 when pictures taken at the disruption in Chicago Again that same day, at the Hie fledgling MSU chapter of the Monday night Gov. Milliken approved D. J. R. Bruckner, vice president for Martin, White and other members of were given to the FBI and used to identify arraignment of the six students, another i ppssivr Labor party (PLP) held its .first extradition of the pair in a move that public affairs at the University of Chicago, Detroit radical groups traveled to the the protesters. Five Illinois residents were incident occured. Clinton Smith, who had EL last night and, as seems one local) lawyer termed "unusual if not when asked if the extradition was unusual, University of Chicago to take part in what immediately recognized and arrested, and escaped the battle outside Gullen's office improper." Another lawyer called it fcoropriate. set the time and place of Its purely political. explained why his school thought the was billed as a "Midwestern regional all have since been convicted on varying without being arrested, was stopped Kit MSU demonstration. extradition and trial of Martin and White antiracist demonstration." charges. It was not until May that Martin outside the court building by WSU police. T Thev opted to picket the state Capitol Kenneth A. Birch, an East Lansing Is so important. The focus of the protest was to be a and White were located in Detroit and According to Reefer, the officers were pm today in support of two Detroit attorney, said Milliken's decision to "Interference with freedom of speech guest speech at the university by Banfield, identified. questioning Smith in connection with the approve extradition on the misdemeanor at this university is far more unusual than v members who are in the process of who has often been accused by radical On May 29, Martin and White, in a earlier affair when Reilly and Bill Smith ieini extradited to Chicago in a highly charge was "not a common occurence." such an extradition," he said. groups of advancing racist social theories. classroom on the WSU campus, were arrived on the scene. Reefer says Bill "Extradition is often unusual even on a "We take the matter of freedom of |nUsual and complicated set of felony charge because of the expense speech here Though the lecture was by invitation served with a warrant issued by Chicago Smith interfered with the officers and Ircumstances. involved," Birch said. He said the as a most serious business. If a bunch of lunatics are going to invade this only, Martin, White and nine other authorities and arrested by Detroit police. became belligerent when asked to leave. It H The cause of the PLP's concern are demonstrators managed to obtain tickets Out of the arrest of Martin and White eventually took four officers to subdue „e State University students Ingrid complaining party - in this case, the campus and disrupt that freedom, then we and get into the auditorium while 250 - came two other incidents, both far uglier and arrest him. Reefer admits both Smiths University of Chicago - must pay the cost will follow the law and prosecute them," * and Phillip Martin, both 19, who 400 protesters chanted outside. than the original. were injured in the struggle but says they of hearings, attornies' he added. 1st May took part in a disruption of a transportation and Martin himself had another view of the According to a front page story in the Other members of the PLP gathered were given prompt medical attention. jail lodging for the persons being fetch by controversial social scientist extradited. uniqueness of the proceedings. April 15 edition of the Maroon, the that same day outside the locked office of Again the versions differ. The PLP Lard Banfield at the University of White and Martin's University of Chicago newspaper, the 11 WSU president George Gullen to demand claims the WSU officers beat both Smiths They are currently sought in attorney, William "They're after us because we're demonstrators inside rushed the stage as information on the arrests. indiscriminantly and that a badly hurt Bill on the misdemeanor charge of Goodman of Detroit, agreed Milliken's members of a revolutionary communist Banfield approached the podium. Smith was jailed overnight without any The PLP maintains that WSU and Detroit police used excessive force in medical care. At this time Soloway. Watkins, Reilly, keeping them from Gullen's door. They for interest deposits Clinton Smith and another await trial for Tenants up on allege that two students, Wendell Watkins and Sandee Soloway, were beaten by Detroit police. Both Watkins and Walter Reilly, another student and PLP member the altercation outside Gullen's office. Bill Smith is not charged with anything, and Martin and White are living day to day in deposits," he said. than it would save the tenants. who was present, said Watkins was kicked anticipation of extradition. By MARY ANNE FLOOD using deposit funds to make a profit. "We feel the landlord should not be The Faust bill, which could not be "A small mom and pop landlord might in the chest, sustained a gash on the side Recently Martin became embroiled State News Staff Writer of his head and bled at the mouth. He said with the law again, when he found Detroit able to use other people's money in this introduced Thursday because of a have to pay $9 to give his tenants the Renting a home or an apartment could technical procedure, will be introduced $7.50 interest from a $150 deposit," Soloway came out of the fracas with police and secret service agents looking for way," Kandler said. This interest return Lon be like having money in the bank. provision was originally included in the when the legislature reconvenes in O'Neil said. bruises and cuts. him in connection with an alleged threat Jlf an often • discussed proposal survives April 1973, tenant - landlord bill November. on the life of President Ford. An off • Its latest test, landlords will be required to sponsored by Rep. Earl Nelson, D - He also said that it is only the larger Lt. G. Reefer of the WSU Public Safety duty Detroit police officer overheard Lay interest on tenant security deposits. Lansing. Richard O'Neil of the Michigan Real landlords who use the tenants monies. Dept. related a different story. According Martin and another man discussing plans J Currently, a landlord can keep any Kandler said that the same real estate Estate Assn. said that though he had not "Most small landlords don't to him, PLP members assaulted a for a demonstration at Wayne State, and, ■nterest earned on a tenant's security lobbyists who helped knock the provision seen the Faust bill, real estate interests are even hold plainclothes officer and the two students according to Martin, the officer somehow the security deposits in interest paying ■eposit. Some larger landlords, especially out of Nelson's bill will also fight Faust's opposed to the interest return idea were injured as they resisted arrest. interpreted it as a threat on the President's ■hose with holdings nationally, can use the because it would cost the landlords more accounts," he said. Six were arrested as a result of the life. bill. Kundreds of thousands of dollars they Nelson said that the interest return lolled annually as equity to obtain loans Ko build more rental housing. portion of his bill was dropped voluntarily ■ A bill soon to be introduced in the Atate Senate would still allow landlords to Invest tenant money, but only after they after hearing testimony, especially from utility personnel, about the costs and paper work involved in returning the FBI reports big in interest. Michigan Bell and Consumers |ave paid the prevailing market interest Power Co. return interest earned on lates on their tenants' security deposits. The attorney petty thievery. Svments to tenants could be made deposits through a computer system. WASHINGTON (AP) - The FBI on general said the officials other regions in the size of its crime "When we were done listening, we Thursday reported another dramatic agreed "that the greatest deterrent to Burglary rose 16 per cent and vehicle increase. The volume was up 21 per cent Annually, through credit on rent criminals is the certainty that they will go theft 4 per cent. Murder was up 5 per in southern states, 15 per cent in western removed that portion voluntarily," Nelson increase in the nation's crime rate and layments, or in a lump sum at the end of cent, rape 8 per cent, robbery 5 per cent states, 14 per cent in north central states, ■he leasing period. said. "If Faust intends to work with this Atty. Gen. William B. Saxbe called the to prison." and assault 7 percent. bill he should go through the same process trend Saxbe suggested that some federal crime and 12 per cent in northeastern states. 1 The bill is sponsored by Sen. William disturbing. Crime in the suburbs soared 21 per of listening to bankers and utilities about The increase demonstrated that the - fighting money may be shifted from cent ■aust, D Westland, a swiftly growing and in rural areas, 19 per cent. the ups and downs of the plan." upward spiral which began in late 1973 police forces to improve the efficiency of |ommunity with many apartment One portion of the Nelson bill that was has continued unabated. prosecutors and courts. In the cities, crime rose the most — 25 Highway Dept. warns Iwellers. Faust's aide, Bill Kandler, said not stricken voluntarily, but rather The FBI figures showed that serious "I don't think there's much hope of per cent - in those with populations hat the senator had received complaints under 10,000, but increased only 6 per Irom tenants who said their landlords were removed on the last day of the 1972 crime increased 16 per cent during the getting additional money" from Congress, session in order to at least get the bulk of first six months of 1974. Crime decreased he said. "I think we've got to look and see how we're spending the money we do cent in cities of more than one million. The FBI said that during the same politicos on posting the bill enacted, called for an end to one per cent during the same periods in landlords using tenant monies for personal 1973 and 1972. The 1974 figures showed have." period a year ago, 95 cities reported crime decreases but only 17 experienced declines LANSING (UPI) - The Michigan gain. increases in all seven crime categories According to the FBI figures, violent Dept. of State Highways and crimes of murder, rape, robbery and this year. Gary, Ind., reported the largest "It's a matter of something being better measured by the FBI Uniform Crime Transportation on Wednesday warned Reports. assault rose 6 per cent, while the property drop — 21 per cent. Among the others, St. than nothing," a Nelson aide said. political candidates not to post their signs At conference Saxbe said the crimes of burglary, larceny and vehicle Louis reported a 4 per cent drop, San Two other bills were introduced in a news within state highway rights - of - way. Jcandidates In yesterday's State News a story on the 1973 that picked up on the stricken Justice Dept. is pressing ahead with plans theft leaped 17 per cent. Francisco 6 per cent. South Bend, Ind., 10 "State statutes prohibit the posting of for MSU's Board of Trustees In the same period a year ago, property per cent, and Grand Rapids, Mich., 13 per to finance special teams concentrating on portion of the Nelson housing bill. The advertisements and signs on utility poles |ncorrcctly identified Ronald Anthony identical bills, sponsored by Rep. Perry speedy and tough prosecution of repeat crimes dropped 2 per cent and violent cent. or by method within the ^ntosch and John W. Purcell Sr. as Bullard, D - Ann Arbor, and Sen. David A. offenders. crime ro6e 4 per cent. For all the other cities recording any highway right of state way," department pembers of the U.S. Labor party. Both Plawecki, D - Dearborn Heights, have been Saxbe conferred during the day with 20 The new figures showed increases in all increases, the report did not convert the - - director John P. Woodford said. and Antosch are running as raw figures into percentages. Among the American Independent party candidates. sitting motionless in committee since local prosecutors and criminal justice regions of the country and in cities, "Often these posters obscure traffic authorities on ways to implement the test suburbs and rural areas alike. largest cities, the report showed New York I The story also failed to list Thomas E. spring 1973. Both bills called for landlords The statistics are based on the number experienced 225,000 crimes in the 1973 warning, regulatory and directional signs d as a candidate from the Socialist to pay 5 per cent interest to tenants. project in 10 cities. and thus present a potential hazard to The cities will be selected by the Law of crimes reported to state law period and 234,000 this year; Chicago, party. Girard is a college student in Plawecki said that he has been working motorists," he said. or Enforcement Assistance Administration enforcement officials. 103,000 last year and 108,000 this year; lis 20s who lives in Grand Rapids. on his bill but that the committee has not Los Angeles, 103,000 last year and exoodfordsaid most political candidates Broken down by crime categories, the T Hie story further incorrectly identified responded. (LEAA) and the program financed with in past years have respected the sign laws 106,000 this year, and Detroit, 53,000 last '! U.S. Labor party as the United "The landlords should not be allowed about $3 million from LEAA. The teams report showed a startling 20 per cent and urged all candidates for the Nov. 5 increase in larceny, a blanket term for year and 60,000 this year. to use the tenants' money. Even the public would be established in local prdsecutors' election to continue Socialist Labor party. As usual, the South outstripped all complying. utilities pay interest on their security offices. pursesnatchings, shoplifting and other I The State News regrets the errors. open thursday and friday nights until nir Fall SENIORS Truck down and get Ice Hockey on your FREE League Senior pictures for the 1975 Imunn ice WOLVERINE ARENA Yearbook in For teams consisting of MSU students, Rm 26A Union faculty, staff Starting Oct. 14 353 - 5292 For Into, call 355-2380 or 353-7263 DOMINOS the look and feel of bucksuede, PIZZA western-style. . .the shirtjacket by William Barry, lightly acrylic pile-lined for warmth in the autumn outdoors Mid-length and tailored of suede-like rayon fabric, it's the one you'll find most versatile. It's the Camel or navy. 36-44 sizes. $45 "Lunch Time Special" from 11-4 daily. one small, 2 item pizza, 2 cokes, DOMINOS and a FREE Domino Frisbee PIZZA Jacobsons for 3.25 - Delivered fast to 1139 E. Grand River 81 k )j) your door! 351 - 8880 JAMES RESTON Susan Ager Editor-in-Chief Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager Ford's decisions R. D. Campbell Managing Editor U.S. awaits G. F. Korreck City Editor Diane Silver Campus Editor Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Payton National Editor, Steve Stein Sports Editor Friday, October 4,1974 Dale Atkins ... Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor of Italy, Greece and T\irkey, and In the normal switch from one even Editorials are the opinion of the State Judy Rypma Copy Chief American president to another, the new WR.P£EWtwr, WHAT of Germany and Japan, which are worn, about unemployment and the da News. Columns, personal opinions. viewpoints and letters are Joe Kirby Staff Representative man has about 10 weeks between election TltE PEOpLB WAMT eiseix> excessive deflationary policies and inauguration to figure out where he's y going and who's going with him, but ^tWHeTHWHoKBiy. v 1W„ United States. In short, while he has been more Gerald Ford was an instant President who willi, had to put the ball in the air before CAIWB' ' than former President Nixon to listen Kissinger's vision of the world as it is J EDITORIALS anybody knew the signals. The result has been about what might not yet clear that President prepared to support the hard h Ford have been expected from any new coach: politically unpopular policies to correct mi a lot of cautious plunges and dust along "We want solutions," he told the line, a few broken plays and plenty of t leaders of the World Bank and the locker room speeches. I) Maintain aid Now, however, the exhibition season is over, and the gap between the problem "which $erve broad interests rather self - serving ones. We want a cooperation, not more isolation. We wi ti and the performance is clear. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, both in Washington trade, not protectionism. We want pr In the past the needy and tightrope of spreading funds around and at the United Nations, is defining the stability, not inflation. We want grow talented college student survived on without hurting any student too problem of the modem world in the most not stagnation." But within the Ford financial aid while his middle class much. solemn, even prophetic terms, but so far Administratioi which has had so little time, and with brother was supported by his At MSU this could be done by there are no policies to meet his mixture of old Nixon and new f trying to cut down on scholarship perception of the problem of inflation, parents. and everybody is "waiting for Jerry." advisers, there is no agreement - jm Inflation has falsified this axiom, welchers. Recently universities have there is fundamental What will he do? How can a disagreement as a recent decision by the College begun to discover that many conservative, partisan politician, even with about how these admirable hope; Scholarship Service to reduce students are receiving undeserved the best of intentions, diverted by serious principles are to be achieved. estimates of the amount parents amounts of financial aid because It is reassuring how the new personal problems within his own family, Preside, must contribute to their children's parents are juggling their income handle radical world problems that require has opened up the decision . mak statements on College Scholarship unpopular political remedies? These are process to every body who has sometl college education proves. to say, and even to a lot of More students will be eligible for Service applications. One way to the hard questions now, and even with the people have nothing to say. In fact, he financial aid now, but there might combat this is to require all parents greatest sympathy for the President, they devoted so much time to and students to provide a copy of cannot be evaded. listening to i„ not be any money to give them. other people think that he has Secretary Kissinger, if we understand scarce The federal government must their income tax statement along had time to define what he thinks hinut his argument to the President, the cabinet And this is what everybody is wail begin to look at education the same with their aid application. and the officials here at the United for now, waiting for the President and way it looks at the defense budget: Though MSU does ask for Nations, is saying that democracy as we Western civilization will be transformed people into reality. But he is also talking decisions: have known it in this century cannot on gasoline consumption, f« necessary for the continuing income tax statements from about beyond the desires or imagination of the as an historian who knows something survive for more than three or four years in power. consumption in a hungry wot welfare of the nation. 25 per cent of their applicants, leaders now about the fragility of nations, pleading with the present rate unemployment and taxes. officials in the department believe of inflation. If the Obviously there are tactical political privately and urgently for a whole new There is, in Kissinger, a deep pessimis Federal legislators have become people, the parties and governments of the and diplomatic reasons for this way of looking at things, of sacrificing and historical strain, and in Ford a pervai tightfisted when allocating money that cheating and hedging on free world do not cooperate and sacrifice melancholy Kissinger theme. The inflation cooperating, at home and abroad. optimistic political strain, but fairly s< to higher education. Not only are applications is still really high. to get this inflation by the throat, the cannot be turned around by a single party President Ford is well aware of the President is going to have to sort result will be economic, financial, and or a single nation. It is a world problem Kissinger's perception of the world general financial aid funds getting MSU could also require that aid all the conflicting advice, and call political anarchy - with authoritarian demanding policies that no party or nation problem; of the warning signs out of scarce, but programs such as the signals. recipients provide notarized governments of the right or left — and likes, and Kissinger is trying to startle Britain, with its 20 per cent inflation; out Health Profession Loans are also financial statements after each (c) 1974 New York Times being phased out. term. This way changes in student Perhaps Congress feels that tiiere are too many lazy college students and parents' financial situations TOM WICKER could be monitored more closely. and lack of money will force them to enter the real world and But the main problem is lack of get a funds. Until more funds are made job. But where can a person without a college degree go or available MSU financial aid officers should seek to aide the most needy TV news autonom advanced vocational training? students first, as they are most hurt Not very far. by financial aid cutbacks and The First Amendment rights of affirmed in a Federal Appeals Court government's — for that of the network. judgment. As to the former, the FCCi For the present, financial aid cannot cut corners for an decision and should act "extrinsic evidence broadcast journalists have been strongly holding that the Federal The court agreed with NBC and many on directors will be walking the education. Communications Commission (FCC) does other news agencies and organizations that showing that a broadcaster had abused hi not have the right to substitute its news supported the appeal. Since the case was discretion as an act of bad faith - saj Register fast judgment for that of a network news argued by both sides as a major question on the meaning of the Fairness Doctrine, that he had beep bribed, or acted behalf of some hidden interest, or out ol department. Administer The deadline for registering to vote In 1972, the National Broadcasting the resulting decision appears at least to proven pattern of race discrimination. in time to participate in the November Company (NBC) aired an hour - long network sources — as a "landmark" No doubt many Americans wi general election is 8 p.m. Monday. A consider the press biased and unfair spokesman for VOTER, one of the television documentary, "Pensions," reaffirming that broadcast journalism is which was highly critical of private protected by the First Amendment from sometimes for good reason will groups spearheading the registration Empathy is the key to lengthening obstacle course which pension plans in America a subject on government regulation. welcome this decision. No one should b drive, reported that as of Wednesday understanding the problems of each student must face at the which congress since has legislated more or The decision did not overturn the deluded about the extent to afternoon there were 9,000 less MSU less correctively. Last year the FCC, Fairness Doctrine itself, or even reach it, "freedom of the press" is being questions others, but sometimes it is hard to beginning of every term? students registered to vote than the number responding to charges that the program since the ruling of the Court of Appeals in America, or about the number identify with members of another registered for the 1972 for the District of election. was biased, ordered the network to screen Columbia was, people who would tell Dr. Gallup, group without trying to fill their If top administrators had to fill If you have not registered yet, show additional material in support of the essentially, that the FCC had misapplied asked, that somebody ought to shoes for a while, following their out their names and a six - digit the doctrine. That doctrine actually is the world that you are not apathetic. pension system then existing. something about the power of the prea path. "student number" on a stack of NBC appealed to the courts, on the legislation that requires broadcasters to But the "Pensions" case aptly joins Register now. It is difficult to believe that any cards that already contain this Following is a list of offices at grounds that the FCC had exceeded its cover controversial issues and "to afford reasonable opportunity for the discussion real issue. Do the American people wantj powers. As to "Pensions" itself, the free press? If so, a certain amount top University administrators have information, and then tour every which students living in the Lansing network said it had made it clear that of conflicting views." That requirement unfairness and irresponsibility will be taken a mock run through the nook and cranny of the Mens' IM area can register. For further good pension plans did exist, but the stands. inevitable price of the freedom. On information call VOTER, 353-8857. windings of the MSU registration Building turning the cards in, the overall pension situation was bad. For the The court ruled 2 to 1, however, that it other hand, if the people would entire process might receive a closer MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP CLERK'S does not give the FCC or anyone else the process recently. What else could FCC to rule that the program was unfair have guaranteed "fairness" OFFICE scrutiny and overdue simplification. because it did not put more emphasis on power to compel the networks either to "responsibility," they be imposed i explain the persistence of the ever - S100 Marsh Road, Okemos can 349-1200 good pension plans, the network said, not broadcast or not to broadcast something the press only at the price of its fr J' Friday 8 a.m. • 8 p.m. only defeated the purposes of investigative under the guise of achieving "fairness." - and only by the government's judj Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. journalism but also substituted the The Fairness Doctrine, the court said, of what is fair and responsible. Monday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. commission's news judgment — that is, the raises the question of good faith, not news (c) 1974 New York Times EAST LANSING CITY HALL CLERK'S OFFICE 410 Abbott Road,East Lansing 337-1731 Friday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Gubernatorial Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. LANSING CITY HALL CLERK'S should meet a OFFICE To the Editor: made was unfortunate. Michigan and Capitol Ave. S, Lansing something of a "scoop" for WKAR, sine# 487-1305 I should like to comment on WKAR - WKAR - TV is an educational station. It for many reasons there is little or nd Friday 8 a.m. • S p.m. TV's format of presenting gubernatorial is thus more obligated to inform its Saturday 8 a.m. - S p.m. candidates as indicated in the State News listeners of the nature of the challenge to chance of such discussions appearing commercial TV. oaj Monday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. of October 2. It is admitted that the the established order that the "protest I end by reminding WKAR that my omi ASMSU LEGISLATIVE RELATIONS station had a problem of how best to parties" are making, and of the party's candidate, Zolton Ferency, wasfcj OFFICE establishment parties' answer to the 310 Student Services Bldg. present possibly nine candidates. Its years an important member of the st" 353-8857 solution, i.e., pairing off candidates and challenge. In an era of Vietnam and its Democratic party's inner organization. 1 miserable aftermath, inflation, Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. excluding third party people from would be educational, newsworthy, and ol Monday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. discussion with the Democratic and unemployment, the CIA forays and all interest to the Michigan public to htfl Republican that Watergate connotes, it is crucial that In addition, registration tables will party nominees, and the Ferency presenting his new position ac explanation for so doing, will no doubt WKAR fulfill its educational function by be set up in various campus residence the table from the two major r the very best use of the opportunities COME.CLIFTON -1 VILLSHOW.VOU TO Df halls near dinner lines. appear reasonable to a good many citizens. Nevertheless I think the solution that was afforded it. Of course it would have been candidates. Surely some combination < a great confrontations between major help to the third parties if WKAR had devised a format that in one fashion or candidates and third party nomiwjj VIEWPOINT: RESI other had the third party candidates in should be worked out. 1 admit difficulties, under the circumstances, but debate with those of the major parties. think it highly important that WKAR Obviously the third party candidates do not have the try, again. huge sums available to the Upgrade dorms into slum housing By CHUCK MOSS manager. freak friend, who has an answer for a mint!" major parties for media exposure, and so they receive precious little or no exposure from Furthermore, the commercial it would stations. have been Carroll Hawkins Professor of political science HRP candidate for Michigan House, 59th District "Gotta off these loans," he everything. "Thanks, Ken," I said, "You always Hockey pay Last Sunday I was waiting in line to play pinball at Case Hall, standing in with a beer in my hand. I finished the can, moaned. repossessed." "But my "Else the dorm'll girlfriend has two be "Ken, whatll I do?" I wailed, and told him the story. "The problem is simple, the solution is have the answers." "Nothing to it, chum." He swallowed another hit. "Chow." put b To the Editor: ever been. The close contact bet«« dropped it on the floor, and kicked it roommates!" I protested. "I have to wait obvious. Let everybody live off campus." That same day I went to see someone in It amazes me that this University has under the machine just as the man playing students in this crowded 2,000 acres co in line to play pinball. There's too many "But how will the loans get paid?" authority. After some time, I finally got to such an irresponsible administration. I be disasterous. Diseases could conceit rang up four more games. Disgustedly, I people." "Simple, turn the dorms into giant see the assistant Assistant secretary to the refer to their list of priorities for the left and went down to visit a friend. She hotels. Good location, access to swimming director. Briefly, I outlined Ken's plan. allocation of funds. mount to epidemic proportions in tw<>1 was in her room, watching television along "Gotta pay off these loans," he pools, heat, light, and relatively safe But instead of enthusiasm, he yelled at Now we have a spanking new ice arena three days, and I'm not sure that with her two roommates. health center could handle it. But, wen moaned. "Else the dorm'll be neighborhood." me. that costs God knows how much, and we "Angie, dear" I said, "They can't put "But Ken," I protested, "they'll never "This is outrageous," he snapped "You are obligated to either buy $20.00 worth a beautiful, new, expensive ice aren»l you in a triple, you're a senior." be able to compete look at! with the Holiday Inn." can't be serious." of season hockey tickets or pay $3 to $4 "Yes, they can. They did it." It didn't take long for the ai "Not luxury hotels, you idiot, welfare "Why not? Won't It work?" general admission for single seats. This "Quiet," growled a roommate. "You think you got problem*-.,'1 he hotels. Without serving food, and by "Won't it work! Why, I won't even riles my blood because, for the same built and it may take two to five 1 TV." "Aww, go on up to the lounge to watch exploded. "I got problems. Garbage in the reducing maintenance levels, the dorms consider such a thing. What kind of sick money, the MSU Health Center could have a new health facility to be in ope« The student body will suffer and p>y v] hallways, broken glass, vandalism, theft, could make a killing by renting to poor mind could conceive of such a plan? The expanded its facility and improved the the administration's mistake. I see tn» °1 J "Can't, too many people up there. All fights, beer cans everywhere, and everyone people. It's done all the time in the slums. services that the student very idea! The University becoming a giant body so watching Walt Disney." complains about the food. I got The cafeteria area could be rented out on slum lord." desperately needs. health takes a low position on the w| "This isn't fair," I said. problems." He started to bang his head a concession basis to small, expensive food The campus is overcrowded, classes priorities. Now, fellow students, v "What can you do?" I sighed. are "What can you do?" my friend asked. against the wall. "What can I do?" where we stand. stores, easily accessable to the tenants, overenrolled, and dorm rooms are tripled. For one thing, you can complain. So For one thing, you can figure out a where they would be compelled to buy Chuck Most, 317 S. Charles St., It a senior With winter near, I foresee the worst Adrienne Moss the very next day I went to see the hall solution. So I called up Ken, my speed enrolled In Jtmet Maditon College. poor quality food. The Universityll make crowding on campus buses that there has 194 E. McDonel Hall Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 4, 1974 I? Public safety officers issue tickets to violators of bicycling ordinances By DENISE CRITTENDON accidents could be prevented by following the Library. One student was riding north "Most of them use bike paths but there State News Staff Writer the regulations. to south down the sidewalk while the are a number going the wrong way around To a bicyclist, fatigued from another He listed three primary accident other student rode east to west on a bike the Circle (near Campbell Hall)," Groll class day journey, having to abide by causes: path adjacent to the Red Cedar River. One said. "This is prohibited, and students will traffic laws may be a heavy burden. But to •error on the part of the operator, of them was treated for fracture of the left be issued moving violations for disobeying • violation of shoulder. traffic laws." MSU Dept. of Public Safety officials, a specified law and • mechanical defect. Zutuat noted that bike paths which The addition of curb cuts, (sites where breaking them is a legitimate cause for issuing tickets. Zutuat said there is a definite increase parallel a sidewalk are particularly the pavement evens out with the street Thusday the department began issuing in bike accidents during the fall because dangerous spots. Another high accident near the curb), has encouraged bicyclists to tickets for violations to new people arrive who are not familiar zone is where a bikepath crosses a ride on the sidewalk, Zutuat said. But surprised bicyclists. Last year 186 moving violation with the campus situation. crosswalk. while the curb cuts have not contributed tickets were issued to bike riders. He said most of the campus bike Adding to the danger, some students to accidents, he said he would like to In an effort to curtail campus bike accidents are bike to bike and bike to will ride the wrong way on a bike path or impress on students that they were accidents which have already totaled 3, pedestrian which generally result from ride against the flow of traffic in the designed for the use of handicapped two officers were stationed on campus carelessness and a lack of caution. street, he said. students, not bicyclists. during the last two weeks. They spent Last school year, a verysevereinjury was Sgt. George Groll of the Dept. of Public The University ordinances pertaining to their days cautioning and reprimanding received by a pedestrian who was struck Safety said one of the major safety rules bicycles include: by a bicycle, Zutuat said. The girl was for bicyclists requires him to follow the • Every bicycle possessed on campus bicyclists failing to heed traffic laws. Now that the warning period is over the placed in the intensive care unit at bikepath. must be registered in the University department is ticketing and encouraging Sparrow Hospital in Lansing where she "We advocate use of the bikepath but Vehicle Bicycle Office, Quonset 103, for • students to follow bicycle regulations. was treated for a fractured skull. when students do use the street, they must a fee of 50 cents. Off campus students Hiey say if followed, the regulations, In another incident, two bicycles abide by the same rules as cars. That is a owning bikes must register them with the which are governed by state and collided head on, near the south end of state law," he said. East Lansing Police Dept. at City Hall: University ordinances, are effective in accident prevention. Yet, despite University ordinances on bike safety, bicycling is fast becoming a hazard to students. For the 1972 - 73 school year, 74 bike accidents occurred. 31 of this total were recorded as nontraffic (between two bikes or between a bike and pedestrian). Accidents involving bikes and cars totaled-13. In the '73 • '74 school year, the number of nontraffic accidents increased to 60 while accidents between a bike and an DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau automobile dropped to 38. Bob Bissell, vehicle officer director, said The Visce^Ai- that though it is "equally dangerous at any ReSpONsi oF THE time for students to ride bikes, careful [ AqRaziAsi SoOTn-eAST ' / be in for some surprises this fall since the MSU Dept. of Public observance of bike rules could help ASiAll io we iNtRO- I issuing tickets to bike riders Thursday. In an attempt to hold eliminateaccidents." oocrion OF sustained i bike accidents, riders will be ticketed for violating traffic Major Adam Zutuat, of the Dept. of AUTOMATIC Hj£ApO*S Public Safety, said that 99 per cent of bike Union to host political fair The MSU Married Students Union will candidates M. Robert Carr, Democrat, and district judge candidate Booker Gaulden. I Clifford Taylor, Republicans, State Rep. The group, sponsoring the fair as both sponsor a neighborhood political fair on I Sunday. Perry Bullard, D - Ann Arbor; 24th State an educational experience for area The Spartan Village baseball field off Senate district candidates Earl Nelson, residents, as well as a chance for voters to Democrat, Free I Crescent Drive will serve as the setting for I the event, which is scheduled to run firom Republican; and Phillip 0. Pittenger, 59th State Rep. district see the candidates, expects that more names will be added to the list before Family Portrait... just one more good reason II to 5 p.m. candidates H. Lynn Jondahl, Democrat, Sunday. to join your credit union now. It's where you belong! A number of local candidates are Katherine Lessard, Republican and I expected to stop by to speak and answer Carroll Hawkins, Human Rights party; A voter registration booth had been I questions. A tentative list includes: county commissioner candidates James planned as part of the fair but organizers Paul Brown, Democratic candidate for Heyser, Democrat, and Joseph said they were not sure they would be able I Lt. Gov.; 6th U.S. Congressional seat Hauptmann, Republican, and East Lansing to arrange it 0«tC#A Credit Union Family COLOR PORTRAIT IN CELEBRATION OF INTERNATIONAL CREDIT UNION MONTH Your Member Services/Membership Committee has made special arrange ments with Krums Photographic of Battle Creek to create a FREE 8x10" full color portrait of you and your family. A special studio will be set up in the credit union Community Room from Oct. 14 to 27, noon to 8 p.m. weekdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat. and Sun. For your convenience, appointments will be taken by phone beginning Mon., Oct. 7. Simply phone 3o3-2280 to arrange yours. An appointment to view your proofs will be arranged at the time your portrait is taken. Finished portraits will be ready for delivery at the credit union in time for the holidays. (Mail delivery will be subject to C.O.D. charges.) Limit: one free portrait per credit union family. Additional portraits uriU. be available at special reduced rates, but you are under no obligation to make any purchase. To make your appointment: simply dial 353-2280, ask for "portrait appointment desk," and have your credit union account number handy. eti MSU EMPLOYEES 600 E. Crescent • 9to 5:30 Mon. thru Fri. • Phone 353-2280 C The cost of this advertisement is being paid by Krums Photographic. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October^ 19] J Architects eye new MSU auditorium sites By SUSAN AGER tun At site C construction costs the center on stilts wou State News Staff Writer would be much higher than bequiteexpensive. earlier estimated, Carroll said, Location on Site B If the MSU Auditorium, because both Shaw and Farm force the affectionately dubbed "The demolition Lanes would have to be Barn," is a 1959 Edsel, then quonset huts, the Publics,/)! MSU's Performing Arts Center rerouted, leaving the area Building, a married h J crowded and confused by nursery and the widen l will be a sleek and shining 1979 Mercury. construction for two to three surrounding roads - -"in- ' And it will probably be years. price. Location on site D would Sites E and parked due south of Owen Hall force the movement of the eliminated because on what is now intramural Owen Hall of 'th fields. parking lot, cost of acoustical pr Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, probably to an additional tier architects would be fo, on the Shaw parking ramp, and give the building because^ a Houston Architectural firm selected by President Wharton the elimination of some IM sites' proximity to the nJ! in May to design the long • fields. tracks. ^ "That would reduce the Wharton said he planned center, prefers that site. They list its advantages as amount of space for intramural activities, but we're in the recommend a site soon I the open space, proximity to consulting again with i residence middle of a planning process Performing Arts Commiti halls, ease of for a new IM Building, which the accessability by both foot and Building Lands would be a tradeoff, Wharton auto, and low demolition costs. said. "That building, which Planning Commission and a! President Wharton, All - University ~ however, has not yet made the would probably be located in Commission, final site selection. that area too, would offer a SN photo/Crsig Porter Presentation much wider range of options "The architects told us we Architectural planner Randi Sahni explains a layout of the proposed facilities for a Performing Arts Center on campus. Representatives from various campus than the fields have now." UNIVERSITY could have a building that was organizations attended the presentation Wednesday night as Sahni, representing the Houtton, Tex., firm Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, fielded questions about the Expense a Rolls Royce (Lincoln Center in New York is a Rolls $11 million project. Site A was eliminated early because it is located on the REFORMED Royce), or Continental, a Mercury, a a Lincoln will replace the Auditorium, built in 1940 to hulking accessability noise and by road, area zoning of Service Road, west of Baker Woodlot and east of the power center to be the campus focal of the University, easily visible from many spots. Red Cedar River flood plain. Filling in the plane or building CHURCH campus point. Alumni Memorial Chapel I Ford, or a Pinto," said John house a swimming pool. The regulations. plant, and But Carroll and planning Dietrich Wednesday during a acoustics are remarkably bad, Sites considered were: • F the triangular area architect Randi Sahni agreed UNIVERSITY (1 block east ot Auditorium 1 — CENTRAL UNITED two - hour presentation on the the seating is uncomfortable • A — the area north of north of Mt. Hope Road and that site D would not only be METHODIST CHRISTIAN 9:30-Study Groups For F project to University planners and unsightly and the space Jenison Fieldhouse now south of Baker Woodlot and the least expensive to develop Across from the capitol CHURCH Adults and Sunday School | and student leaders. allowed performers is pitifully upied by the baseball the railroad tracks. for the project, but would 10:30 -Coffee Hour Sermon Topic Dietrich, chairman of the small. allow them greater freedom of "Thf« Arc No Unimportant 310 N. 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Excellent building Hagadorn Road Performing Arts Center design. Ptoplt" Worship Services "We're not looking toward a by: Howard A. Lyman Study Period - 10:00a.m. Program committee, is a "The challenge on site C former assistant provost and monumental building but we're "The architects (old could have Worship Services Worship — 11:00a.m. For rides call 355-0155 1 former director of the MSU us we a building would be much tougher, and Singspiration— 7:00p.m. after 9:00 a.m. Sunday I looking toward an excellent that was a Rolls Royce, or a Lincoln Continental u'd * harder t0 successfully Theater Dept. He was lured to building," said Ralph Carroll, a Transportation 6:00 - Evening worship I MSU in 1958 by vivid vice president of Caudill, Mercury, a Ford , . or a Pinto." „ .. ' . Pu" u because of the Ca"°11 said' smaller space Worship Services Provided Tom Stark, Pastor --John Dietrich, Chairman of the Performing Fred Herwalt. descriptions of the performing Rowlett and Scott and project the filter would sit on. arts complex Arts Center Program committee Associate Pastot he was told manager for the proposed Architectural design would also would be built in 1959. CALL 332 5193 Kathy Lang, Staff center. 4. ^.ssw.s^^ s s need to be compatible with the Associate Dream reinvoked Five representatives of the surrounding buildings — a "Now it's 16 years later, I'm tirm toured the MSU campus diamonds, encircled on three The architects consensus hodge - podge of early 1950s retired and the dream has been this summer, examining six sjdes to late 1960s design. by the Red Cedar River, was that either site C or site D reinvoked, this time with very sites." They then South Baptist Church "candidate • B - the area south of Site C would, however, could be chosen. Both are real chances of fruition," he thoroughly evaluated each Kellogg Center and Kalamazoo accessible to pedestrians and locate the center at the heart said. sight on many different street, east of the Munn Ice autos, have utilities nearby or The center, which planners criteria, which the architects Arena, occupied by the site and would allow the University on hope will open by January explained during the quonsethuts, SOUTH WASHINGTON AT MOORES RIVER DRIVE 1979, will cost $1.6 million in presentation. ® C - the Shaw Lane - 1979 inflated dollars, will be Criteria Farm Lane intersection, pEOplES 10 to 12 stories high and will The criteria included: 11:00 A.M. "GOD GIVES US 7:00 P.M. "OUR DAY occupied by some parking, the provide 170,000 square feet of walking distance to housing, Judging Pavilion and open Lutheran COURAGE" space, including seating for AND NOAH'S" walking distance to parking, chuRcb space, 2,5000 in what is called the heights of surrounding building, • D — the open area south Church Great Hall and for 600 in a open space, views to the site, of Owen Hall, between Shaw theater/recital hall. availability of utilities, use of Lane and Wilson Drive. Owen Pet Plan COLLEGE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP HOUR surrounding areas, trees, future Hall parking and some 200 W. Grand River Laboratory theaters and development plans for the intramural fields are there now; CLASS 9:45 AM 8:20 PM Theater Dept. offices will also areas, development costs, • E - the open area south 332-5073 be included in the ^center, In Fireside Room In Fireside Room which was given the go - ahead 9:30 a.m. 11:00 Taught by Pastor James E. Emery Refreshments - Good Time in November 1971, by the board of trustees. Faith and Sacrament A pet project of the by: Wallace Robertson Whartons since their arrival BUS ROUTE 1 A.M. P.M. BUS ROUTE 2 Sunday Worship 8:30 & 10:45 a A.M. P.M. here h late 1969, the center Sunday Education Hour 9:30 ar Monday Worship 8:00 pm Mayo 9:10 6:20 Fee E & W 9:10 6:20 Campbell 9:10 6:20 Hubbard S & N 9:12 6:22 Landon E & W 9:12 6:22 Akers E & W 9:14 6:24 Yakley 9:12 6:22 Holmes E & W 6:26 [PISCOfN CHURCH Gilchrist 9:13 6:23 McDonel E & W 9:16 FIRST CHURCH OF 9:18 6:28 WHCOMB you Williams 9:14 6:24 Owens 9:20 6:30 CHRIST, SCIENTIST Butterfield 9:17 6:27 Van Hoosen 9:20 6:30 Emmons 9:18 6:28 Shaw E & W Grand River 9:22 6:32 Bailey 9:19 6:29 at Collingwood Entrance Phillips 9:25 6:35 East Lansing Armstrong 9:20 6:30 Mason 9:25 6:35 Bryan 9:21 6:31 Snyder 9:26 6:36 Sunday Services■ 10:30a.m. On the MSU Campus Rather 9:22 6:32 Abbott Lesson- Sermon Subject 9:26 6:36 Sundays Case N & S 9:25 6:35 Bethel Manor 9:28 6:38 UNREALITY 5:00 Eucharist & Sermon Wilson E & W 9:26 6:36 Holden E & W 9:27 6:37 ALUMNI CHAPEL Wonders S & N 9:30 6:40 FREE TRANSPORTATION Just East DR. HOWARD F. SUGDEN, PASTOR of the Kresge Art Center Wednesday Evening 6:30 Student Dinner Meeting 8:00 p.m. Rides from Chapel @ 6:15 Reading Room The Rev. John Mitman, located in Church OPEN Chaplain Weekdays 9 ■ 5 p.m. Chaplain's House Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri, 520 N. Harrison evenings 7- 9 p.m. 351-7638-Home All are welcome 351 7160 - Office - to attend church services All Saints Parish and visit and use the 800 Abbott Rd. reading room. Services - 8:00 & 10:00 The Rev. Wm. Eddy, Rector Newly 351 - 7160 Minted An Electric UNIVERSITY Typewriter in Silver BAPTIST CHURCH 4608 S. Hagadorn Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. Sunday School: 11:15 a.m. for Bus Service Call: HERMES 351 -4144 or 351 -6494 John Walden, Pastor Rent it. IQIOEL OPEN HOUSE MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. SPECIAL CLASSES Try it. For the family that needs a sturdy machine to stand up to the rigors of COMMUNION SER VICE EVERYONE WELCOME for ^ent applies A family life. Or for the family that wants to spice their home with something EVENING SERVICE - 7:00 p.m. COLLEGE STUDENTS if you buy it. moody and modem and will enjoy Like a Half-baked cake by Rev. Hoksbergen Get acquainted having this beautiful precision machine around the house. Visit our new Student Center See film to age twenty Baldwin open daily 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Browse in Reading Room Learn how to find THE SOUND INVESTMENT Lunch Wednesday 3:00 - 5:00 PM 12:30 -1:30 your dominion over fear, MACLAGHUN'S HERMES Sunday, October 6 loneliness, lost identity... Piano and Organ Mart mmmm For Transportation Call: 351-6360 Sundays 10:30 AM 1606 E. Michigan Lansing, Mich AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES mrrnrnm or 332-8189 (across from CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH 487-5995 wuiraj Hubbard Hall) 709 EAST GRAND RIVER 1477 Haslett Rd., Haslett. AND STUDENT CENTER 1609 RIVER TERRACE (at - Collingwood entrance) Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 4, 1974 7 EMPLOYE CARD KEY CONTROLS ENTRY AD CLUB RETURNS! TONIGHT 8PM Gate restricts Library lot admittance CAMPBELL - 106 HOLMES HALL EWALD ADVERTISING AGENCY PRESENTATION OF COMPUTERIZED MEDIA PLANNING & STRATEGY By BRUCE RAY WALKER Adam Zutaut, of the Though officially designated a "Red Area," this fact was Dept. of Public Safety, said. not Th plan to install the Anyone attempting to park in the Library lot recently was just gates in the lot located behind the Library and beside the Administration Building, had first been posted at the Library lot nor in the student handbook, but available to students who wished to stop was ALL INTERESTED STUDENTS ARE WELCOME by the Dept. of Public 'L°ffIUihev encountered a yellow and black wooden gate brought to the attention of the Traffic Committee when the Safety. I s their way and then they found out that the little metal employes at the Library formed a committee in spring to try to Finally, in winter term 1974, the decision was made to put in controlling the raising and lowering of the gate was missing a resolve parking problems they had. Library workers on the evening shift would go out to lunch at the gates. It was also decided that only employes, certain graduate assistants, and others in special situations would be NERVOUS ABOUT "instead there was a little sign^ J P^; "nd when they'd come back the spaces would all be issued the cards needed to gain access. »i! °°l<,rich said- "They'd have to park farther from Approximately 125 workers are employed at the library during Gate Admits Only ... One Car Per Card Key w i the building then and, frankly, the scared of walking a long distance in the dark." women employes away were a little the day, Richard Chapin, Library director, said. After 6 number goes down to 25. The number of spaces available in the p.m. this EXAMS? NO COINS One of the main factors Zutaut attributed to Library lot is about 130. the employes The changeover this August from a previously open and free being unable to find a place to park, was the illegal parking of Asked whether the lot could then be opened to everyone after to one only accessible with an employe's card key, has been others in the Library lot. 6 p.m. since employes are only using around 30 spaces, Major During Fall term the M.S.U. Counseling Center will be offering a Her consideration by the University Traffic Committee and the "Tliis was designated a Red Area - Prohibited 24 hours a day, Zutaut said: "It would really be up to the Traffic Committee. As research/treatment program for test anxiety reduction. If ! of Public Safety since spring term 1973, Howard seven days a week, to anyone but employes and people with to spaces being vacant at night, it's too early in the term to know nervousness over studying for or taking exams has been a problem Ldrich Traffic Committee chairman, said. special permits. Still, people were using the lot that it wasn't intended for. It was one general mass of confusion." whether these spaces will stay that way," he said. All the permits for you in the past, you may want to participate in this project. The program will run for six weeks, and will takeaof "This was not changed without considerable thought," Major to park there haven't been issued yet." one hour per waak. Meetings will be in small groups with about five people When asked if he could possibly see the lot opened to the per group. genera] public in the future, Zutaut replied, "I doubt it very If you are interested in much. We'd go back to the same old problem of the participating in or finding out more about Gay's fast end employes not the project, call the Counseling Center at 5-8270 and ask for the may having anywhere to park." soon "test anxiety program." Anything is subject to change, Wooldrich said. "We're very flexible. If enough concern is shown about opening it back up, sure, it can be considered. But as of yet, I haven't received one By PATRICIA KOZA "I lost the column I had for something now." "a tremendous amount of official letter of complaint about the situation." four years because it became McNaught said he would support nationally from people Meanwhile, the other day, one person came up with a known that I was gay," he said wait to see the letter before both gay and straight who are temporary solution to the problem. They simply broke the wood DETROIT ( UPI) - A 25 • Wednesday night. deciding whether to end his writing both to me and the barrier arm off. But its regenerative powers are remarkable, and iy fast by a gay reporter for a "I'm really weak. I'm very, fast. cardinal." by the next morning it was back to normal — raising and lowering itholic newspaper to protest very tired, but I'm convinced "If I get a commitment He said the Episcopal in response to an employe card key. ,e church's attitudes toward that what I'm doing is right from them to educate omosexuals may soon be bishop of Michigan, H. and that it's touching people." themselves, beginning with the Coleman McGee Jr., sent a ' Bishop Gumbleton said he priests, the fast will end," he letter of support last week, and Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, and another auxiliary bishop, said. "All I'm asking them to priest in Toronto, Ont., has 1 1 a •ting head of the Archdiocese do is commit themselves to [ Detroit, said Wednesday Joseph Imesch, were a started a fast from meats." completing' a letter to program of education, because "People all over the country ight he was writing a letter to I'm sure that ignorance is the rian McNaught promising McNaught Wednesday night in are fasting in different ways in lore attention to the question f homosexuality. McNaught, 26, began which they promised to urge special attention to the question of homosexuality at enemy here." McNaught said he is getting connection with my fast," he said. Evening • invrn 9KMTKII hah VAIL v V •• an upcoming workshop for rinking only juices on Sept. 8 nd has had nothing but water nee Sept. 16 in an attempt to priests in November. He said the letter also said TOP SIRLOIN that while the Catholic Church tt a commitment from the tchdiocese to begin an cannot condone overt STEAK MlNNER homosexual acts, the two ducation program on ? For Two omosexuality. In that time he bishops recognize the church must help Tight discrimination dropped from 148 to 125 ounds. against homosexuals. Win* mushroom sauce, "We will exert our do-it-yourself salad bar or "All I'm asking them to do commit themselves to a leadership on behalf of this house specialty Caosar salad, f 10 , Idaho baked prtato, sour effort," the letter said. MONDAYS AT 10 PM ON TV 23 q rogram of education, because Gumbleton explained that cream chives and bacon bits, 'm sure that ignorance is the freshly cooked vegt table. oven no action had been taken so far nemy here," he said. because Cardinal John Dearden hot fresh bread, ca efe of wine 'I'm gay and I'm Catholic Okemos, East Lansing, Lansing, Mt. Pleasant, Grand Rapids or split of Champrgne. PER COUPLE and the archdiocese's two my gay friends say leave other auxiliary bishops have K church, but I love the been in Rome for several hurch," he said. "The fast is a weeks, "but he and Bishop KALAMAZOO AT GRAND ray of reparation for the Imesch felt we should do hurch for its sins against the ommunity." McNaught is still employed y the archdiocesan For A THE Good Time The Highwheeler ewspaper, the |atholic, but a column he rrote was dropped July 8. He Michigan Coll WEOTEMNE ' een on since sick leave from the 351 - 1200 Shop for dl seasons Restaurant midSeptember. & Lounge RESEARCH I Thousands of Topics Down Jackets Before the game or after, $2.75 per page HSend for your up-to-date. ISO-page, stop in our restaurant ■mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00 lounge for sandwiches, *24K or ■to cover postage (delivery time is from seafood or salads. Served ll to 2 days). NEJAC TV RENTALS" I RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. with your favorite cocktails ■ 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE #2 337 1300 John Hartford or beer. Watch for our COMING TO THE STABLES OCTOBER 6 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90025 Okemos 2283 W. Grand River (213)477-8474 or 477-5493 BANJO PLAYER/SINGER specials: East Lansing 217 Ann Street FEATURED ON Our research material is told lor research assistance only. Lansing 4310 W. Saginaw THE GLEN CAMPBELL GOODTIME HOUR Pitcher specials every Mon. thru Thurs. DOMINOS 1 EAST 351- 11:00 A.M. to | 1:00 A.M. FREE DELIVERY THE 2843 STABLES Restaurant 11:00 - 2:00 AM 231 MAC- E.Lansing Lounge 11:30 - 2:00 AM 5:00 -12:00 Sun. E.CD.RIVER, EAST LANSING 12:00 -12:00 Sun. DOMINOS I WEST 1351 - 71001 L 4:30-1:00 I exceptional event 3,000 mountings priced from *50 -*1,500 See our experts reset your diamonds while you wait It your heirloom diamond* and precloua stones ere of aantlmental and financial value, lat ua show you how they oan ba brought up to data baautlfully and Inexpensively. We'll remount your diamond* and precious stonea In an exquisite 14K white or yellow gold aettlng. Then we'll clean (No charge for tiling and retettlng) OCTOBER 8 appointment FRAN DOR ONLY From one beer lover to THI STROH BMWMr COMPANY, DETROIT. MICHIGAN another. 4>»6 Friday, October O Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 4,197^ Michig: superlative playing by bassist Weber and pianist J By DAVE Di MARTINO Another fine Island product, the recording showcases the Brunninghaus. R. State News Reviewer talent of the previously mentioned ex • Roxyite Eno. °n his own, "Tropic App»tit«" - Carla Bley: The summer of '74 brought little that was unusual on the he does very well. Helped by various members of King Crimson, These two albums are the first releases on the new WaikI music scene. Subtle undertones of commercialization prevailed in Sharks and Roxy Music, Eno has constructed an elaborate work making Elton John, Bachman - Turner Overdrive and other such that displays a truly warm interior - as song titles Baby s On label, a creation of the artists and the Jazz Composer's OrchHi Assn. Bley produced the classic "Escalator Over the Hill" triw^l Summer formulized artists the predictably bestaelling performers. "Hie exception to the rule was Bad Company, the Free/Mott/ King Crimson conglomerate that startlingly managed to make its Fire" and "Paw Paw Negro Blowtorch" might indicate. "Soptober Energy" - Centipede: Recorded in June, 1971, the jazz masterpiece has finally seen two years ago, and with the help of a few friends (includinor. Barbieri, Howard Johnson, Paul Motian, David Holland, and P ) put together something of a sequel. "Tropic ApneKt!!! debut album a gold one, with over one million dollars in record American release courtesy of RCA records. Centipede is, or was, a . . . features the poetry of Paul Haines, as did "Escalator" sales. That fluke notwithstanding, only a handful of summer 60 - piece orchestra featuring Britain's finest jazz musicians basically a much more listenable entity in its comparator! I releases merited much more than a lethargic shoulder shrug in among them Elton Dean, John Marshall, Robert Wyatt, Alan compact form. Some of Barbieri's work is truly exceptional only passing. Skidmore and Karl Jenkins. see "June 1,1974": Led by young pianist Keith Tippett, and produced by "No Answer" - Mike Mantler: Now that Island Records has left Capitol to go out on its own, Robert Fripp, the enormous aggregation performed live several "No Answer," Mike Mantler's first WATT release w one of the first independent offerings is this incredible recorded times in the summer of 1971 and a reunion is supposedly compelling and definitely original concept. Featuring Carl, n' imminent. The musicianship demonstrated on their only recorded document. The title date refers to the live performance of a on keyboards and Don Cherry on trumpet, the album revolt musical supercrew comprised of Kevin Ayers (ex - Soft Machine), legacy is simply astounding. around a passage from Samuel Beckett's "How It Is." Jack Bni" I "The Colours of Chloe" Eberhard Weber: gives his vocal chords an unforgettable workout that reaffirms),91 of Eno fex Roxy Music) and John Cale and Nico (both of the - superb - Velvet Underground). Though a two - record set from the gig In the tradition of previous ECM jazz recordings, Weber's first status as a superior vocalist. 8' would have been more appropriate - Cale and Nico are allotted American effort shows an ominous talent long overlooked by the Both "No Answer" and "Tropic only one song each - the mood of the evening was very well American Jazz audience. Side two of the disc, a composition Appetites" siimifv adventurous start for the WATT label. captured. The set also features guest appearances by Robert entitled "No Motion Picture," is particularly memorable, product will measure up to these commendable debut Hopefully their fL * Wyatt and Mike "Tubular" Oldfield. featuring a Terry Riley influenced background drone and some effort. aHARHflRM^ PRESENTS They've come WINNER 1972 CANNES since that "SUMM WANTED FILM FESTIVAL JURY PRIZE AWARD Only American Film to be so Honored A GEORGE ROY Hill PAUL MONASH PRODUCTION SLAUGHTERHOUSE- FIVE For Assault, Armed Robbery and 74 I! Committing a Lewd and Immoral H Act with a Chocolate Pudding. THE FURTHER A OF HERMIE, OSCY A WOODY ALLEN CLASS in OF MICHAEL SACKS RON LEI8MAM VALERIE Pf RRINE i«m «i «.* t.KURTVONWtGUT.Jr~ ■ t>- "TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN" lRha»£s— 44 Tonight: 100 Engineering Bldg. 7:00, 8:35,10:15 Tonight: 106B Wells 7:30 & 9:30 Sun.: Brody 8:30 Sat.: 100 Engineering Bldg. 7:00, 8:35, 10:15 Tonight: Wilson 7:30 & 9:30 *1" Sun.: Conrad 9:00 5|» Sat.: Wilson 7:00 & 9:00 Sat.: Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 Sun.: Wilson 7:00 Sun.: Conrad 7:00 Audiences are standing up COMING and applauding... NEXT WALKING HUi PAPER MOON Ryan O'neil Tatum O'neil STEELYARD BLUES Jane Fonda Donald Sutherland Once Again Its Time For The Peter Boyle MIDNIGHT MOVIE ORGY THE Captain Gallant, CINERAMA RELEASING preum. & Annie Oakley GODFATHER "WALKING TALL" Marlon Brando JOE DON BAKER ELIZABETH HARTMAN ROSEMARY MURPHY Program A - Midnight Fri. Conrad Wnticn by MORT BRISKIN Music by WALTER SCHARF Executive Produce, CHARLES A PRATT A1 Pacino Produced by MORT BRISKIN Dueled by PHIL KARLSON l-^ ~ —| Midnight Sat. Wilson . . Robert Duvall Program B - Midnight Fri. Wilson J FROM W CINERAMA RELEASING Midnight Sat. Conrad $f2S Tonight: Conrad 7:00 & 9:15 Brody 8:15 S|» Sat.: 106B Wells 7:15 & 9:30 Sun.: Wilson 9:00 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 4, 1974 9 El Sombrero fare By FRANK FOX residence hall. Eddie Gonzalez, co - owner of own blend of ingredients and all you taste is bumed tongue." State News Staff Writer Yet outside the ring of the the business. spices. Special orders (within El Sombrero serves a variety The following itory it the fast food emporiums that "A man came in the general menu) pose no of meals that include much one day to first in an irregular series of encircle campus, unique try a tostada - to see if it was problem. more than the traditional tacos. restaurants do exist. The personal Besides the numerous taco, articles written by staff as good as the ones at another numerous You simply have to know restaurant," Gonzalez said. touches involved in the choice tostada and enchilada dishes gourmand Frank Fox, who has where to look and be "Next time he came back with of ingredients create subtleties available, El Sombrero offers been gorging himself for a year willing to leave the womb of East 12 people." of taste and aroma that huevos rancheros (eggs served at local eateries. Lansing now and again. Most people learn about the delicately defy the onslaught in a number of ways), steak We are surrounded by an A good place to start, if you restaurant from their friends. of hot sauce that novices often ranchero, pork chops and other army of hamburgers as alike as have a taste for Mexican One family,that (fines often atEl overemploy, to their own creations including Guacomole a trainload of Long Island cooking, is El Sombrero Sombrero, remembers the food dismay. salad, which contains mashed commuters. restaurant, located at Monroe Gonzalez served at another Hot sauce is available at El avocado, lettuce, tomato, They ride to work every and Larch streets in onions, optional hot peppers Lansing, restaurant he operated in Sombrero, but should be used morning wearing identical grey one block south of the with discretion, Gonzales said. and is served with com chips. - flannel buns and read the Wall Lansing 10 years ago. intersection of Larch Street Meals are prepared to suit "When you eat good food The combination plate is a Street Journal before they are and Oakland Avenue. the customers taste. Gonzalez, and put on a lot of hot sauce basic item. It includes a taco, a eaten. Driving north on Larch his partner Julio Flores and you kill the taste," he said. "If tostada, an enchilada, rice and Rzzas are the same story. Street, it is easy to rush past their wives cook with their you use too much hot sauce, frijoles (Mexican - style beans). They vary as often as dollar the small, red building that bills. houses El Sombrero. But once In short, eating out can be as customers have discovered it, mundane as dining in a they are likely to return, says John Hartford to star e": at Stables Sunday Just a simple banjo - picking country boy with a knack for writing some real pretty lyrics. That is John Hartford, who will be coming to the Stables Sunday and anyone who likes nice banjo picking or gets caught (MMH up in listening to words should make a point of catching the show. Hartford first gained his touch of fame yhen he wrote the song "Gentle on My Mind" which Glen Campbell turned into a top 40 hit. Hartford appeared as a semiregular on Campbell's television show but since mo6t folks preferred Campbell's sm ott voice, Hartford stayed obscured in the background. SN photo/Dean Lyons Hartford currently has four albums out, his latest being I Eddie Gonzalez, co • owner of Lansing's El Sombrero restaurant, prepares a mixture of "Morning Bugle." He will appear as part of the Stables new Super Sundays series. I Mexican cuisine. El Sombrero, located at Monroe and Larch streets in Lansing, offers a Tickets will be $2.50 in advance and $3.00 at the door. I personalized menu with a wider diversity than franchised taco shops. You don't blow an extraordinary idea I(M)K WHO'S COMING TO TOWN! on an ordinary shoe. RANCH ALLEN ~ NO CHARGE THIS SUNDAY AFTERNOON 3:30 OCT. 6 HARD DAYS NIGHT, LANSING CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 1100 WEST ST. JOSEPH HELP Union • By now you're probably less work than it ever was they're made, buf how Parlor A, B, & C aware that Roots are not before well. Only the finest grade like other kinds of footwear. But a big part of Roots Canadian hides are The heel is lower to give you the natural kind of success lies in not how selected. These are hand¬ crafted into Roots, simply OCT. 4&5 walk you d get by going because, for much of our barefoot in sand The arch production, the most is supported, so if you efficient machine is still the 7:00 & 10:00 spend much time on your human hand feet you'll now spend it in This is why. of all the much greater comfort. The rocker sole helps spring reasons we could give you for trying Roots, none SI, under 12 50C 220 M.A.C. AVE. would fit quite so well as the you off on each footstep, so walking becomes a little Abova the All«-Ey shoe itself. UNIVERSITY MALL 332-2212 DAILY 10:00 to 6:00 TtlUrs. <■ Frl. til 9:00 MASTER CHARGE BANK AMERICARD Does Anybody ReallyKnow uab PRESENTS uab WhatTIME . (lAZAdiMlMAT5 7 SfS^x KIs? THG BROTH€R9 1501N CEDAR MASON.MICHIGAN PHONE 676 5955 v* ^ Today al 5:30 7:30 - 9:30 Discount Hour 5 Adults 1 00 BIG STORE 5:30 Saturday shows at 2:00 — 5:30 - 7:30 and 9:30 □Iscount Hour 5 5:30 Adults 1.00 Sunday shows at 2:00 5:30 7:3 Wk Discount hour 5 5:30 Adults 1.00 * / SUMMER] OF 42 another tint mind stretcher Does Anybody Really Knov Does Anybody Really Know What TIME It Is - 8 00 What TIME It Is? - 10:00 Stai Gazing - 9 00 360 Sound (This weekend's album: STRANDED - Roxy SUNDAY Music) - 11:00 Shows at 2 30 and 4 00 TICKETS Adults - $1 00 I ,rom the people who MSU I D ' - 75 gave you »T»1« Jaxx Singer' Children (5-12) - 50 Today at 6:00-7:45-9:30 (children under 5 rioT admitted) discount hour 5:30 Adults 1.00 — 6:00 m Saturday shows at 2:00 - 6:00 Discount hour 5:30 -6:00 Adults 1.00 - 7:45 - 9:30 Sunday OCT 6 Union Ballroom -.PLENTY OF FREE PARKING in Abrams shows al 2:00, 7:00, 9:30 p.m. admission 81.00 under 12-50$ Planetarium on the MSU campus 10 Friday, October 4, | Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan spcccatU Presents: Despite plot, 'Juggernaut' still By EDO RUDZATS members are at stake as the liner "The Britanic" is also subjected a thriller Richard Lester is a director who realizes the capabilities of the Fri. - Sat. George C. Scott and Julie Christie State News Reviewer Seven bombs have been placed aboard an English luxury liner. to heavy gale winds and choppy Such is the situation seas. in Richard Lester's new film film medium, especially in regard to the importance of editing. Each of his films, from "Help" on, is edited with the closest PETULIA Each is constructed in such a way as to go off simultaneously if "Juggernaut," a contribution to the impending disaster genre that scrutiny, producing a superbly tight ■ knit production. And 7 and 10:15 5 p.m. Directed by Ri< Richard Lester any one is tampered with or moved. is flourishing in films these days. "Juggernaut" rises above the genre it is working in for this very plus A man who calls himself Juggernaut threatens to activate the Yet "Juggernaut," even with its tried and true plot, manages to reason. It proves an extremely enjoyable exercise in escapism, Jean Cocteau's bombsat dawn if the luxury liner corporation does not deliver with just the right amount of romance, humor and suspense. generate suspense thanks to an intelligently scripted screenplay 500,000 pounds cash. The lives of 1,200 passengers and crew As "The Britanic" rides the heaving waves, a naval bomb and Lester's amazingly cinematic direction. disposal unit is parachuted into the seas around the liner. Headed BLOOD off a POET by Richard Harris, its mission is to dismantle the bombs before Jazz concerts kick off on high note they dismantle the ship. So there is a race against the clock as Harris, who calls himself the undisputed champion of the naval bomb disposal unit, tackles the explosives with the help of his blame them, for even the right - hand man, David Hemmings, and Scotland Yard frantically By DAVE STERN academic music as a means of "Morning Music," a flute pursues leads as to Juggernaut's identity. State News Reviewer biggest jazz stars are existing at making their music acessible duet, was the most effective The tension builds through this cross • cutting device and Jazz music seems headed in subsistence levels. without piece of the concert. The duet compromising its "Juggernaut" emerges as a well made adventure story that two directions. A much smaller number, format allowed integrity. the provides thrills and laughs while speeding along to a satisfying Increasing numbers of jazz associated with such words as One of the first groups to composition to develop much climax. musicians are turning to avant - garde and outside, are concentrate on compositional more fully than the solo pieces. Like all films of this type where a multitude of characters are commercialism. One can hardly turning to the formalism of values in "free" music was the introduced in the first 20 minutes of the film, it is difficult to get While the concert was Art Ensemble of Chicago. Several members of the group, disappointing in duration, with right into "Juggernaut." Each character's importance has to be less than 60 minutes of music, established ans some background on their lives provided before Family film which tours are the Japan next month presenting concerts under aegis of Roscoe Mitchell's the music itself, the intimacy- available in the planetarium, and the visual effects of the any empathy can be felt for their predicament. But Lester does this with a minimal amount of effort, usually establishing the character's relationships in a purely cinematic way without any Creative Arts Collective of East opens In recent years, it has become with Lansing in Creative Music IV. a series Joseph Jarman played flute, called sky theater made the evening well worthwhile. One rarely gets to hear musicians of this dialog and then immediately proceeding to the story at hand. "Juggernaut" is exceptionally British in tone and a great deal of the humor is British in nature, but stick with it for this new increasingly diffcult for parents caliber in such a relaxed film from the man responsible for "The Three Musketeers," is to find motion alto and tenor saxes and bass pictures suitable for their children. The films setting. This is a concert series grand fun all the way. Even though Omar Shariff as the captain is currently released for national distribution are hardly suitable for clarinet in a short concert the worst imaginable excuse for an actor, "Juggernaut" provides presented last night in Abrams deserving the support of the young audiences. entire artistic an highly diverting, entertaining evening of rousing adventure. Planetarium. Performing community. As a result, Paramount pictures has begun a family matinee Richard Lester's film "Juggernaut" is currently playing at the series of specially selected films that represent a balanced cross unaccompanied pieces on the Other planetarium concerts Michigan Theater. section of comedy, drama, fantasy and adventure. All the films in reeds, Jarman soloed faciley will feature percussionist the series have been carefully edited and rated "G" for family and imaginatively on the saxes, Donald Moge on Oct. 10, entertainment. but was plagued with Malachi Favors on Contra • The first movie of the family matinee series, "The legend of technique problems on bass Bass Oct. 16, and Roscoe the Pied Piper of Hamelin," will be presented at 1 and 3 p.m. clarinet, a notoriously difficult Mitchell with the CAC Saturday and Sunday at the Michigan Theater, jazz instrument mastered only Ensemble Oct. 23. All concerts on Washington Avenue in Lansing. by Eric Dolphy. are at 8:15 p.m. "The Pied Piper" stars Donovan as the Piper, whose music mxmmix charms not only the rats of Hamelin, but also the children. Also "A CLASS, SEXUAL SUSPENSE MELODRAMA- in the cast are Jack Wild and Donald Pleasance. Other films in the series have not been announced. For more Presented jiiiui55r kissing cousin of Psycho'. SEX IS ALWAYS PER. FORMED WITH FEELING in Damiano's films " information, call the Michgian Theater box office at 482-3905. Bruce Williamson PLAYB01 I by Karma Jae Co "UNiON Film Society TRAFFIC "Class porno has not lost its appeal THE COUPLES ARE ARRIVING \H CABS TO SEE 'MEMORIES ! BILLIARDS - "A SUPERIOR, BIZARRE MOOD PIECE with obvious ties' to 'Psycho' and 'Repulsion'.■* OPEN Addison Vemii vari[ rv | presents a live show EVERY NIGHT UNTILL11 P.M. Tiger Lil u=F»5 "A blend of character WITH GREAT STYLE." study and sex SEX IS HANDLED Addison Verm , . | and her cubs POPCORN PLUS MARX BROTHERS SHORT Fri. and Sat. - 7,9,11 p.m. "A CLASS, SEXUAL SUSPENSE MELODRAMA 111 Olds — next to the library kissing cousin of 'Psycho'." Bruce Williamson 'PLA>bc> $1 admission "SOMETHING NEW IN THE ANNALS OF ADULT Free records at 7 p.m. showing; SEX FILMS! Very much a woman's picture, reintH>fj recfly to a woman's urgent needs and steeped in every woman's sexual fantasies." bobsalmaggi " Damiano doesn't merely fling sex at his audience. He knows what he is about and explores with DEFT, DARING ANO I DISTINCTIVE EXPERTISE." bobsalwaggi "Damiano SKILLFULLY and ARTFULLY blends fact and 16CTUR6 fantasy in a saga of sexual hunger and repression that cul¬ minates in a HEART-HAMMERING CLIMAX OF wmr HITCHCOCKIAN HORROR." "MOST bobsalmaggi /eftie/ SHOT!" VITAL, EROTIC SEX FOOTAGE EVER al goldstein te university "After Making 'DEEP THROAT' and 'THE DEVIL IN 1 PETE SEEGER'S FIRST MOVIE... "A The season's first University Series "A" event: Song and a Stone" (1972) Color. 85 min. "Candid and lively." - Cue Magazine THE MASSED BANDS, PIPES, MISS JONES','Memories' makes it THREE IN A ROW." I al goldstein TONITE' 8:00 & 9:30 $1.50 Kids 75 cents U 855 Grove (Across from E. Lansing Library) - U Church, GRADUATE DRUMS ANO DANCES OF HER MAJESTY'S "Care and finesse have gone into the entire film. k,#.. ('S THE UNDISPUTED MASTER IN THE ++ MOVIELOVERS++ STUDENT Welsh Guards 'MEMORIES' REPRESENTS IN FILMS OF THIS KIND! " FIELD. A NEW ARTISTIC LEVEL i. f DISCOUNTS K*vin Sanders WABC f MERIDIAN FOUR 4 "dThe Argyll "THE SEXUALITY IS A NEW PLATEAU, i ke the price AVfllLABLETHRU COGS o go and platinum as it spirals upward. » al goldstein Rfn 316 STUDENT and Sutherland GERARD DAMIANO the man who made SERVICES Highlanders 'DeepThroaf'andiHE'Devil In Miss Jones' has no serious rival on the hard ■ core scene. Sex is always performed with feeling in his films, but MiSS Aggie brings I 12:30 - 4:30 i SPECTACULAR SPINE-TINGLING, out real characterization and story values." POMP AND PAGEANTRY "SOMETHING NEW IN THE ANNALS OF ADULT || SEX FILMS! Very much a woman's picture, relating di¬ 0 rectly to a woman's urgent needs and steeped in every woman's sexual fantasies. Damiano doesn't merely fling Q I sex at his audience. He knows what he is about and explores | with DEFT, DARING AND DISTINCTIVE EXPER- I TISE. Damiano SKILLFULLY and ARTFULLY blends I SIDNEY POrriER ■ BILL COSBY fact and fantasy in a saga of sexual hunger and repression ■ . HARRY BELAFONTE People of every sexual persuasion | and orientation will find this the Most Hardened EroMc, UPTOWN Yet Joyously Life-Affirming Film Ever Made. | SATURDAY 1 /6RI6J So Superior that Any Major Studio Would Be Proud to be part of such a mcwe." ,, cm**. sen* NIGHT Tonight at 5:45 - 7:45 - 10:00 1974-75 SEASON Twilite hour 5:15-5:45 Adults Saturday at 1:15 — 3:15 — 5:45 — 7 | CLEAVON UTTIF GENE WILDER SUM PICKENS MEL BROOKS HARVEY KORMAN art of dance SERIES CHAMBER MUSIC SERIES International This picture is rated X Orchestra Absolutely no persons admitted*. Proof of age under 18 will be is required. TONIGHT AND SATURDAY Showtime: 7.00 8 30 .10;00 PM Showplace: 104B WELLS Admission: $2.25 Coming soon... "The Teenage Cheerleader" Beal Fll T1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 4, 1974 || Music instructor to Bv ED zdrojewski stable and more in tune." State News Reviewer Despite this, all of | Pianos and harpsichords will Beethoven's music is played on I make sounds this weekend that equal temperament pianos 1 have not been heard in today. I Inturies. They will also make "We have had one utilitarian some sounds that have never tuning system for 130 years I been heard before. and most musicians have I The occasion for this is a forgotten that there were I faculty recital by Owen others," Jorgensen said. He Jorgensen of the MSU Music believes pieces played on I Dept. at 1 P-m. Sunday in the modern pianos are actually I Music Building Auditorium. "out of tune." Jorgensen's new tuning THE Music by composers system is called the "five seven temperament," ■ and (Ml HOUSE ShUbWlt SjgL THAT • such us Beethoven were referring to the number of BMQiK IM \ written tuning for different systems than black and white keys in an octave. The idea behind this si^BVAMSHED' "'■■■■■ has a room ..THE DAY THE INSANE TOOK OVER J- arc used today These system is all the black keys are Rl HP reset- wed tcf YOU I Pianos of a century ago were tuned to a different system than contemporary keyboards, making rr equally distant from each other pieces played on of the music, a fact to be demonstrated by Owen Jorgenson at a Sunday recital. and all the white keys are at modern pianos are equally spaced intervals. Open at 6:30 p.m. actually out of tune. Jorgensen will play works by sound pleasing to the ear. In might sound discordant in a were written for different TODAY... 2 HITS Beethoven, Purcell, Froberger, medieval times when music complicated Bach fugue. "Composers have fairly well 'BOLT" at 6:40 - Late tuning systems than those used exhausted the Schumann and Liszt on consisted of a single melodic Thus a number of systems of today. Referring to a equal keyboard instruments tuned to line there was no need for tuning sprang up which were Beethoven work played on an temperament system," Jorgensen is one of the few Jorgensen said. the systems used in the time tuning and the intervals or compromises between natural 18th century tuning system, faculty members who has no periods when these composers distance between notes invervals and artificial ones. Jorgensen commented "The The recital is open to college degree. His outstanding The modern system of tuning the lived. He will also perform a tended to be natural. piece sounds smoother, more I abilities as a piano tuner won public free of charge. work by James Niblock, Hie types of scales and did not come into effect until him a job with the Music Dept. chairman of the Music Dept., notes used were pretty much the middle of the 19th some ten years and he is now in charge of keeping all which was written specifically up to the discretion of the century. This system is known \ University keyboard for a new tuning system individual performer. as "equal temperament" BEAL FILM GROUP PRESENTS developed by Jorgensen in As music grew more because the 12 tones on the TONIGHT & SATURDAY ONLY instruments in tune. After taking classes in piano 1970. complex in the 16th and 17th piano keyboard are equal The idea behind various centuries, natural systems distances from each other. and theory, among others he became outmoded. Under the tuning systems used through However, music by was given a post as a faculty natural system certain intervals member teaching classes in the centuries is to make music composers such as Beethoven piano tuning. Jorgensen is better known CHUCK BERRY outside of the East Lansing for his researches into ond area Football Season systems of piano tuning of past centuries. He is presently writing a book on how to tune pianos to these historical j systems. or ^ — TUESDAY WELD PLUS... At 8:20 only n N in He's tight, together,and mean The gone Myths but the are Children's Portions * Banquet's Available f He's got to be Number One! * . „ ROCK 1 s t;,m Sat. Sun. at DELTS live - on. BEEF 'N BOOZE i I i 1:15 - 4:45 Delta Tau Delta J's combination of menu, service, staff and warm ROCK 8:20 p.m. 330 N Harrison atmosphere will make your dining experience one to remember. • 4- -.1 ROCK for information call 1515 Center St. Ph. 484-9431 v \W fS WILLIE 337-1721 Una DYNAMITE "What REEFER MADNESS did for the 30's, "Rock Rock Rock" does for the 50's . . . Chuck Berry is great" Crawdaddy "Rock Rock Rock is very funny Chuck Berry & the Flamingos are really fine - a really funny film from the fifties" Rolling Stone Showtimes: 7, 8:45, 10:30 Showplace - 109 Anthony Admission - SI .25 6TH HILARIOUS WEEK! Tonight open at 6:45 Feature 7:10 - later - Sat. & IN CONJUNCTION... Sun. 5:40 — 7:45 — 9:45 Only 1974's MOST HILARIOUS ? WILDEST MOVIE IS HERE! OOOOOOOOOOOOCCC' "May be the funniest movie of the fpAY ME MILLION DOLLARS BY PAWN OR THE WORLD'S GREATEST | OPEN LIKE A CAN OF SARDINES AND 1200 LINER WILL RIP year. Rush to see it!" -M.nnewomTnt>un« PEOPLE WILL DIE. -JUGGERNAUT "A smashing, triumphant satire!' —Seattle Post Intelligencer "Riotously, excruciatingly funny." —Milwaukee Sentinel "Consistently hilarious and brilliant! —Baltimore Daily Record "Insanely funny, outrageous and Irreverent!' -Bruce Williamson—PLAYBOY MAGAZINE 4 GREAT NEW MOTION PICTURE COMEDY COMPLETEmjPDATED ftrb,e ,or ^eryone lairs ?irfn„Lspeaks! Con- hmJ40;000 words and DAVIOV PICKER ra« anv nih«r" j!ce as many 08 RICHARD HARRIS OMAR SHARIF "JUGGERNAUT" slano r ®dilion—Including »RICHARD LESTER DAVID HEMMINGS ANTHONY HOPKINS SHIRLEY KNIGHT IAN HOLM • CLIFTON JAMES • ROY KINNEAR Sat & Sun open at 1:30 p.m. FAMILY MATINEE PROGRAM Fri & Mon thru Thurs open at, Feature 2:10 - 4:05 - 6:00 - Sat. and "The PIED PIPER" . !?t*CROW&L 7:00 p.m. Feature 7:40 • 9:30 7:50-9:40 Sunday 1:00 & 3:00pm. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Friday, October 4,1974 ! PIRGIM: defense spend By MIKE ARNETT State News Staff Writer 161 potential jobs for each $1 billion in increases, according from a localized application of her earlier widely publicized spent in almost any economic sector.. other gone down. It also used a study compiled by Rep. Les Aspin, D other of its producing own greater job • departments or the Tiylor said that much of Pentagon budget increase partly for tax relief and by the government 21 paJ The $3.6 billion rise in the to a report released Thursday report, "Hie Empty Pork The report was based partly - Wis., which showed that returned the money to the requested by President Ford is education, family p,*! to be used for pay increases for rural programs and "a Dept. of Defense spending by the Public Interest Research Group in Michigan (PIRGIM). Barrel: Michigan on a book by Bruce Russett defense spending creates less private sector in the form of tax cuts, Anderson said. military personnel. range of services who[ I recently approved by Congress Unemployment and the which showed that over a 30 • jobs than any other type of we need (J I and awaiting President Ford's Marion Anderson, PIRGIM Pentagon Budget." This report year period, when defense government spending except The report and PIRGIM's "I strongly believe in a in this district." ^I legislative director, said at a money used by NASA. suggested solution drew volunteer Army, and to have signature will actually cost showed that money spent by spending in the United States residents of Michigan's 6th news conference Thursday that the Pentagon creates less jobs has gone up, spending in other Applying the information to reactions from candidates for that you have to have pay Howard Jones, Hum* Rights Party candidate I Congressional District about this employment statistic came per billion dollars than money sectors of the economy has Michigan's economic sectors, the 6th District Congressional incentives," he said. ai« | the report concluded through seat Democratic candidate M. supported the stuJ I conclusion complex calculations that for 'Tm interested in cutting Robert PIRGIM Carr, called the report "a great that spending must be cut. mm"] ' I each billion dollars spent by waste and duplication from the "We call for L Well wishers cheer Ford the military, 3,250 jobs in defense budget, but not at the study." a $40 billion reduction - Michigan were lost because the expense of national security," "This has been part of our in Pentagon I money was not used by higher Clifford Taylor, Republican campaign from the start," he spending," he said. "A, I job - producing sectors. candidate, said. "For one, I'd said. "I want at least a $10 includes a 50 p,.r I reduction in armed forces WASHINGTON (AP) - reported thrilled by the thousands of women across the Saturday. The report released by like to see military aid to billion cut from 1974 levels. and f First Lady Betty Ford, ahead expressions of concern. country have been rushing to Referring to the well • Anderson Thursday analyzes Western Europe decreased." the removal of troops from f of schedule in her recovery "She also is aware of the seek breast wishers, the President said, these findings in terms of the "It is difficult, if not Compared with Ford's Western Europe. ™I cancer 6th District, which includes proposal for $10 billion raise in impossible, to state a figure from surgery, began to read her mail Thursday and was impact that her illness had made on people" and that examinations, her press "The expressions from literally East Lansing, Lansing, Jackson, that can be cut from the military spending, this adds up "We should take that billion and plow it $40 I secretary, Helen Smith, said. thousands of people all over Howell and Mason. defense budget, because most to a lot of jobs In the 6th jnto f President Ford Office visitors told Oval the country have just been very "The rise in the Pentagon areas that can be cut are District." programs which benefit the I Thursday heartwarming and very Carr said he would like to people of the country," f,e I budget just voted by the U.S. classified information," Taylor encouraging." said. Volunteers morning: "Betty's doing very, very, The White House reported that there have been 10,000 Congress will cost hundreds more people in the 6th District said. see that $10 billion cut used well. She is about two or three their jobs," Anderson said. days ahead of what the letters, more than 500 for TRC coun rate of doctors prognosticated as the recovery. So we're very telephone calls and over 200 telegrams for Mrs. Ford. "High military spending has the unique characteristic of simultaneously causing happy." The Tenants Resource Center (TRC) needs volunteers. A nonprofit agency located at 855 Grove St. in the Unitarian Church Bldg., the center handled over 1,100 calls in 1973 involving security deposits, maintenance problems, leasing and Mrs. Ford's surgeon, Capt. William Fouty, said in Navy the latest hospital bulletin that she was making an "excellent One cancer spokesman for the society reported that Mrs. Ford's ordeal with the disease has awakened women unemployment and inflation." "No other expenditure major American has such a bad effect upon the economy," she said. ENGINEERS eviction and related renter problems. across the country to the The center is looking for volunteers who can spare three to recuperation and that her dangers they also face. PIRGIM's proposed solution four hours a week either through telephone assistance or as an attitude and spirits are "Phones have been is a $20 billion cut in annual EXPLORE MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES adviser for center walk - ins. excellent" ringing off the. hook" wun military spending, which, says A volunteer training session will be held Oct. 11 and 12. No calls from women trying to Anderson, would create 65,000 experience is necessary. The doctor said that Mrs. Ford was permitted to eat make appointments with jobs in Michigan and 3,220 AT CHARMIN PAPER The need for volunteers increased during the summer, the doctors, clinics and hospitals whatever she wanted Thursday jobs in the 6th District. center said, as more tenants began coming to it with problems. and to move about her suite at for breast cancer examinations, These jobs would be created For more information on the volunteer program, call Cathy a spokesman for the American Bethesda Naval Medical Center, whether the government ' Fix, between 1 and 5 p.m. weekdays, at 337-7247. where she underwent surgery- Cancer Crusade said. funneled the $20 billion into 1 PM - 4 PM Thursday Oct. 3 Don't drop a 8 AM - 11 AM Friday Oct. 4 McDonald's STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP. Quarter>Pounder 124 STUDENT SERVICES and Spring Terms; He1 cone w< on your foot. !urau;rr — » County. W. 488M P «»« FRIENDLIEST 11 ACE IN ICWN • IFIEIDAY supiee TC r r ^rrr.'r.r; □ t-C BEf 113 % 1114 I You could hurt yourself, no quarter pound of 100% beef. That kidding. It's cooked just right from a s nothing to fool around with. It's a hefty hunk of hamburger, lusciously laid out with SaVTILKIDAVT ketchup, mustard, pickle and chopped onion on a terrifically toasted sesame seed bun. It's even heavier when you SATURDAY IIS PITCtlEE NITE order it with a couple of slices of cheese. Why would anybody be foolish enough to drop such i t C II1Till. IIC a fantastic feast on their foot anyway? EANO M\| If ,\| v| I SILNIDAVT SUPIEID SPECIAL i-m/H, SIPaVGIHIOII 11 Willi Ml All f VI I I || fill /VI \l VI VI I II ill AS I M. ,| ip!7z7zav I INCH Him i 111 MS... M.I C II INI ft Willi y III I I V| | || m \\j Vl 11 1 VII t H| MM y»*v> |(Nj 1 the Lowest Prices at the Jl ZAPPA/MOTHERS Disc Shop ROXY & ELSE When QOI C 323 E. ^v4n#J Grand Dumh River oci 351 - coon 5380 (hW Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 4,1974 13 'olitical activity: one key to in-state tuition With in - state status, tuition through the Out - of State Fees Michigan residency. By LARRY MORGAN for 15 credits is $315 less than Committee, the committee withheld by the State of This lowered his tuition rate be a temporary means of Massoglia voiced a similar claim to the fees committee. J State News Staff Writer out - of ■ state' (tuition. which approves or Michigan and anapartment lease support and not intent to opinion and said that some "Most of the time students rejects in - from the summer as proof of from $37 a credit hour to the Activism does not mean a remain in the state," she said. members of the committee still rejected by the committee |For some MSU students state residency. He was Michigan residence and intent $16 a credit hour. "Michigan residency is based do not understand it are and accepted by a committee Ijtical activism is like a $300 passive interest in the topic, but an active part, for exanple, rejected in his first attempt. He had to remain after graduation. Though this procedure has on actually living in Michigan completely. designate because they supply leek. as a precinct delegate. information presented to the committee He had expected the post of worked for several students, Jack Breslin, executive vice (for 12 months), and being a "Some committee members additional information (to the ■ Political activism appears to precinct delegate and the two - precinct delegate wouldn't still under the impression Nor is It a sure - fire method. establishing him are designate) not provided to the 1 letting some MSU students One such MSU student, Jess as a precinct year employment by MSU to president and chairman of the change status or weigh that students have to own committee," he said. through the side door of delegate and a University be deciding factors in his Out - of state Fees Sobel, senior, 620 Abbott employe for the past two years heavily," Breslin said. property in Michigan, have to King added that all MSU residency residency, but it did not work Committee; and MSU But Sobel and Massoglia feel Road, elected as a precinct be married with children in residency cases are subject to was (including summers). He Trustee Patricia Carrigan, D - ■quirements for in ■ state delegate last August. He went submitted proof of taxes out that way. Finkbeiner's letter helped. school and have a firm job an audit, and the committee Ktion rates. Once rejected by the Ann Arbor, both agree that Carrigan added that there is offer following graduation to has to keep this in mind and be committee, he went to Charles these two factors, by a large loophole in the present certain of a student's residency become residents," he said. Massoglia, director of ASMSU themselves, would not have residency requirements "I've had the most luck with before they accept or reject it. Swedish writers much bearing as proof of legal aid, who sent him to concerning intent to remain In those students involved in "We have to stay within the Horace King, University Michigan residency. Michigan and different "It doesn't matter a hill of politics (getting Michigan guidelines. What appears to be registrar and a fees committee interpretations can be made by harsh decision wouldn't pass beans," Carrigan said, "You residency)," Masso^ia said. a designate (a committee the committee. King put the blame for the audit," he said. member who hears residency don't have to be a resident long "ITiere is an enormous gray students not acquiring "But more often than not to be elected to a precinct Nobel appeals). area where interpretations can we've been approving requests Michigan residency on a lack of 'in Sobel then submitted a letter from Joe Finkbeiner, chairman of the Ingham delegate (30 days) or to be a registered voter," she said. "And student jobs tend to be made. The policy is not as neat and clean as it should be," she said. materials supporting their lately," he added. World War II anti preferred to award the prize County Democratic party, from wire services as an - Nazi protest. jointly to avoid awarding it too indicating his active ■ STOCKHOLM, Sweden - involvement in politics, that he Lpdish authors Harry Martinson was also frequently in Sweden. The had attended both the county influenced by early travel literature prize has been given Martinson and Eyvind to Swedes on four previous and state conventions; and abroad and Rhnson. whose writing careers wartime occasions in the 74 clarifying his position of a Tretch back 45 and 50 years experiences. An orphan who - year precinct delegate as a two ■ Joectivelv. won the 1974 went to sea at the age of 16, he history of the Nobel Prize. year one. Sobel was given ■obel Prize for literature frequently interrupted a seven - Tiursdav. year seaman's career with Citizen's group I The two, who are acclaimed vagabond periods in Brazil, 1 home but little known India and other parts of the hosts candidates Iroad. share an award worth world. Eout $124,000. Long an environmentalist The Forest View Citizens ■ Martinson, 70, was cited for and foe of artificiality in Assn. will sponsor a "Meet the loems, novels and essays that Western civilization, Martinson Candidates Night," Oct. 9, at Etch the dewdrip and reflect became a writer in 1929. He is 7:30 p.m. at Forest View it cosmos," while Johnson, best known for the epic 1956 School, 3119 Stoneleigh Drive, 4, was credited with a space poem "Aniara," which Lansing. jurrative art, far - seeing in presents nuclear age. humanity in the Candidates from the 6th ds and ages, in the service of U.S. Congressional District -rfdom." Johnson has been rumored race, area Michigan Senate J Johnson became a to have been in contention for races , 59 th State Imberjack at the age of 14 the prize on several occasions. Representative District and Bid was largely self - educated, While both Johnson and 19th County Commissioner e started writing in 1924 Martinson generally are District will be on hand to ,'ter traveling to Germany and considered worthy of speak and answer questions. ■ance. He is best known for individual awards, the feeling The public is invited to fc Krilon trilogy written during here is that the academy attend. DOMINOS EAST 11:00 A.M. to ■ 1:00 A.M. FREE DELIVERY it today in Old Crow. Old Crow was the real tiling in 1835. It still is. The original sour mash, Kentucky Straight Bourbon...mellowed and smoothed a full six years in the wood. Old Crow. Trust your taste. rfjPspffik Accept no substitutes. ^ ^ When uou know OLD CROW you know Bourbon. Friday, October 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 4,1974 Spartans bent By CHARLES JOHNSON on shutout of Syracuse. Parseghian's squad scorched Georgia Tech spoiling luck o' the Irishin total offense with on 446 yards. He has passed for 241 yards the ground has accounted for another 209 yards, including 98 and State News Sports Writer 31-7 in its first game this season and trounced Northwestern 49-3 the following week. in 11 carries agianst UCLA. Not only win MSU have to contend with an awesome offensive Notre Dame squad this weekend, but history is also stacked up Though UCLA had been favored over the Spartans by 10 The strength of both teams lies in their ground game and, against coach Denny Stolz and his charges. points, no one expected the margin of defeat to be so widespread. along with Baggett, sophomore running backs Levi Jackson and Notre Dame was totally unprepared for its upset downing by the Rich Baes should bear the brunt of MSU's offensive load. After suffering a shocking 31-20 defeat to Purdue last Boilermakers and will be trying to prove itself against the Jackson was named the Spartan player of the week for his weekend and watching their No. 2 standing in the national collegiate polls dip to No. 7, the Irish will square off with MSU Spartans in a game which promises to be a battle of talented performance against UCLA which saw him rush for 103 yards. quarterbacks. Baes has been a pleasant surprise for MSU this season and is the before 76,000 fans at Spartan Stadium Saturday. Kickoff time is 1:30 p.m. On the side of the Irish is Heisman Trophy candidate Tom Spartans' second leading ground gainer behind Jackson with 219 Since Ara Parseghian took the reins of the Notre Dame Clements, a senior who steered two previous Irish squads to a yards. Jackson has churned out 232 yards this season. coaching chores in 1964, an Irish team has not once suffered back 19-3 record. Thus far this season, Clements has shown an equal Like MSU, the Irish have a young defensive secondary and - to back losses. MSU, which suffered a humiliating 56-14 loss of - amount of flair, connecting on 44 of 74 passes for a 61 per cent may be vulnerable to Baggett's passing if he is on. The Spartans' its own last week to UCLA, will be trying to add to the Irish average. Including his running performance, Clements has been secondary got a taste of what a passing barrage really is against losing streak. responsible for 729 yards for the Irish in three games. the Bruins when quarterback John Sciarra threw for 199 yards, Both MSU and Notre Dame will enter Saturday's game with MSU quarterback Charlie Baggett's performance this and hopes to have remedied its deficiencies In preparation for 2-1 records. Both posted impressive victories in each of its season has been very encouraging, and the junior from North Clements. previous encounters. Carolina appears completely recovered from a knee injury which MSU lost to Notre Dame last year in a close battle, 14-10, and The Spartans began the season with a 41-7 annihilation of he suffered late last season. has not won against the Irish since 1968. The alltime series has Northwestern and bounced back the next week with a 19-0 After three games, Baggett is the second leading Big Ten player Notre Dame with an edge of 23 wins to MSU's 15 with one tie. OVERCROWDING, THEFT MAJOR PROBLEMS Police seek way to tighten IM security By STEVE STEIN facilities. buildings. staff without undue incon¬ expected in about a week and State News Sports Writer Frank Beeman, director of "The intramural staff will veniences to legitimate Beeman indicated that the The MSU Dept. of Public the intramural sports and work with the Dept. of Public participants," Beeman said. recommendation would involve recreative services MSU's intramural facilities two aspects, personnel and Beeman said his main Safety has launched a security program, Safety to implement a security said the survey will determine concern is overcrowding and a system survey in an effort to system that will protect are primarily for student use, physical changes. find a method of reducing the most effective means to Beeman noted. Following "We are very reluctant to reduction in this could reduce participants' property and the Walton, Jabbar locker thefts use of intramural facilities for students in priority are faculty have to do this type of thing thefts. and the screen participants using the unauthorized use of intramural Men's and Women's Intramural MSU students, faculty and and staff, spouses and families because it goes against our "The easiest deterrent of students and alumni and philosophy of an open against thefts is not to take University guests. recreation area where we your valuables," MSU police Fabled 'Mr. Clutch' quits non "There - individuals to are no provisions for University related use intramural encourage people to come," Beeman said. "But we've got to do this to Detective Ted Glynn advised. "The physical layout is a big match up tonightl problem because it's so easy facilities," Beeman said. protect the people the facilities One of the methods which are supposed to be for," for a person to be inside the DAYTON, OHIO (UPI) - The long awaited meeting of Kareem I of lockers where he won't will be used to make sure the Beeman added. rows be observed." Abdul - Jabbar and Bill Walton is scheduled to take place tonight, I facilities are used by University MSU police statistics show but to at least one of the participants, it's nothing special. I L.A. Lakers, basketball - related participants will be the checking of ID cards at the entrances to both buildings and that from July 1, 1973 to July 1, 1974, 107 thefts were reported in the Men's IM Beeman said the department will initiate the procedures fall term so that by winter term, The two former UCLA centers meet when the Milwaukee Bucks and Portland Trail Blazers play an exhibition gamp at the University of Dayton Fieldhouse. I I I when participants pick up Building alone, totaling $5,124 when the intramural buildings "I don't feel any special challenge," Abdul - Jabbar said on the I INGLEWOOD, Calif. (UPI) game today. Certainly we $600,000 contract with Jack reservation slips. in losses. get the most use, people will be eve of the matchup which has been eagerly anticipated by many basketball fans. [I Jerry West, the Los Angeles regret his decision, particularly - Kent Cooke. "Please help us serve you by During this same time used to them. Lakers' fabled "Mr. Clutch" when he's in good shape after In 1972, West and the presenting your MSU ID card period, statistics also show that "The benefits will outweigh "I try to do my best every time I step on the court and III be I who came out of the he worked so hard this Lakers climaxed a bitter, uphill upon request," Beeman asked. about 57 per cent of all crime the inconviences," Beeman trying to do my best tomorrow night," he added. 1 mountains of West Virginia to summer." struggle after finishing second The results of the survey are reported on campus was said. Walton, too, tries to minimize comparisons between the two. I become a pro basketball Regarded by many as the to Bill Russell and the Boston "There is only one Kareem," he says. "He's the best, f legend, Thursday announced greatest guard in the 28 -.year Celtics for so many years by Comparing us is ridiculous." his retirement from pro history of the National Ridiculous or not, the comparison is inevitable. giving Los Angeles its first pro basketball. Basketball Assn., the man who basketball title, beating the Abdul Jabbar maintains that he does not feel the challenge of I Spartan country squad - "The biggest reason I am retiring," the 36 - year - old made the No. 44 Laker blue and gold uniform famous New York Knicks four games to one for the championship. cross Walton is a challenge to his pride challenge of any other center. or at least no more than the I I West said, "is because I have ended his career as only one of The Lakers - and their "I like to consider myself the best center in basketball, but,of I set high standards for myself three men to score more than course, that's just my opinion," he says. "And, of course, I'm perennial all - pro guard - set J that compromise." Laker I'm owner not willing to Jack Kent 25,000 points in his lifetime. Hampered by a painful NBA records by winning 33 straight games and posting a faces Wolverines in dual meet interested in maintaining that position.' Abdul Jabbar does not talk about Walton specifically, just* I - he doesn't talk about any other opponent. [ abdominal muscle pull in his 69-13 record in 1972. Cooke emphasized that he was Portland opened its exhibition season against Los Angeles and I j 14th pro season in 1973, West Still, West, the former Forest Akers course. He won MSU cross country fashion. opposed to West's decision. "In also left the game as the No. 1 University of West Virginia All the meet in 24:33.5, beating Walton had 26 points and 28 rebounds. enthusiasts will get their This season shows much our judgment he still has the scorer in NBA playoff history. - America, had his share of the old record by .2. The Reed But he proved himself mortal in a game against New York I talent to play with the same second chance to see the promise for both squads. Each West, who considered major disappointments. In when the Knick's John Gianelli held him to six points and I Spartan harriers in action this team won its first dual meet, City native appears to be degree of excellence." retiring during a salary dispute addition to finishing second to 11 rebounds in 30 minutes of play. Walton hit on only three of I Laker coach Bill Sharman, season as Jim Gibbard's squad Michigan having ripped Miami coming into his own this year. before the 1973 season, signed Russell and the Celtics so many will host Michigan at 4 p.m. of Ohio, 1540, and MSU "I just decided this summer 18 shots. I who also tried to convince West not to retire, called West an openended contract with times, he never was named the today in a six - mile run at having defeated Notre Dame, that I was going to come here "I didn't play well," he said after that one. "I'm still trying | the Lakers in April 1974, league's MVP and that, insiders and do the job this year," things out and my shot hasn't been going in lately." "The Forest Akers Golf Course. 21-35. greatest guard in the determined to play his 15th insisted, bothered him. Unlike other sports, the In that Notre Dame meet, Lindsay said. "What I want NBA season. is to remain consistent. I "The thing I'll miss the Wolverines are newcomers to the MSU cross relative sophomore Herb Lindsay set a five - mile course record at the now felt real good against Notre MSU student MEETINGS most," he said during his final season, "is the feeling of being Canadians country schedule. Today's dual meet will be the first between Dame and I just hope I can maintain it and get some help." a kid child. When you've been a of your life, the two schools since 1933. Ruggers to oppose Lindsay got plenty of help for hockey sta lose again so many years Spartan runners were against the Irish as freshman There will be a meeting of ifs tough to go out and find initially matched against the Cleveland squad Jeff Pullen, junior Fred Teddy Season tickets for MSU students to Spartan home hockey I teams interested in playing something to do." Black United Front (BUF) Named captain of the MOSCOW (UPI) - In a Wolverines in 1922. Michigan and sophomore Stan Mavis games will go on sale Monday through Wednesday. I basketball at 6:30 p.m. Lakers after Wilt Chamberlain battle which exploded into racked up five consecutive If the MSU Rugby Club took second, third and fourth, The price for the set of 20 home games is $20, an increase of I $15 over last year's price for a season ticket. The tickets will be Monday in 203 Men's became coach of the American fistfights after the final buzzer, victories but MSU began to plays like it did last weekend it respectively. on sale at the ticket windows qt the west end of the new Munn J Intramural Bldg. Basketball Assn.'s San Diego the Soviet National hockey turn the tables in 1927, and should have no trouble against Gibbard expects the meet to Ice Arena from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each of the three days. | the early series ended with the Cleveland Blues. be close, emphasizing the fact Both men's and women's team defeated Team Canada 5 Conquistadors in 1973, West - both schools having posted six After an impressive 20-7 that "everybody is back from No individual games tickets will be sold, however. teams are invited to come and almost did not play out the 2 Thursday. beat last Students must have their fee receipts cards with them to sign up their teams. final year of his two - year, The Russians maintained a wins. win over the Detroit Rugby the team that us | lead throughout the tough In recent years the teams Club, the MSU squad invades year." purchase the tickets. - have met only twice, both Cleveland this weekend and fought contest, scoring in the will be trying to give the Blues being triangular meets. Last fall Women netters first minute of play and increasing their lead to the the men from Ann Arbor a taste of the same medicine. defeated both the Spartans and The MSU Rugby Club final three goal margin. But after the game ended at Miami of Ohio in convincing currently boasts a 7-1 record. in action this the Luzhniki Rink, players converged at center ice on Both the MSU women's tennis and golf teams will be in action the road this weekend as they travel to Decatur, Dl., and squaring off and trading punches. The officials managed to Tickets now Mount Pleasant, respectively. prevent a major brawl, but the The Spartan netters will compete for the first time this year in Tournament. 54th annual Dorothy McLure Memorial Tennis The two - day individual tournament Friday and many of the Russians refused to extend the traditional handshake to the Canadians as for Pigs - Fr Saturday will also be the Spartans first fall competition. the 14,000 fans whistled their The fifth annual Bull Bowl for ALSAC (Aid to Leukemia "I know that Purdue will be there, several of the Illinois teams disapproval. Stricken Children) is scheduled for Oct. 13 at Spartan Stadium. and Indiana State," coach Elaine Hatton said. "Those teams are A near - free - for - all also Comedian Danny Thomas, a founder of ALSAC, will again attend very strong and will be tough." occurred earlier in the game the game along with folk singer Josh White Jr., who will sing the MSU will take six members of the varsity team to compete, when Canada's Bruce national anthem. including senior veteran Sue Selke, who has won the Big Ten MacGregor fought with Soviet Tickets for the Pigs - Freaks contest are available now. They indivdual championship for the past two years. forward Victor Shalimov. Both are $1 in advance and $2 at the gate. Tickets may be purchased at "I think Sue will do real well," Hatton said. "I have high served penalties for fighting. hopes stores > in the Meridian Mall, and in East Lansing at Quality that she will place on top." The Soviets, with two The Dairy stores, Campbell's Smoke Shop, Marshall Music, Spartan golfers will face Central Michigan University victories on home ice, now lead the International House of Pancakes, Arby's, Beggar's Banquet, Saturday in an 18 - hole dual meet. The Spartans have never lost the eight - game series with a 3 McDonald's, the Canterbury Shop and Campus Tux Shop. Both to the CMU squad, and coach Mary Fossum is hoping to continue - 1 - 2 record against the squad the East Lansing and campus police departments have tickets. that streak. of World Hockey Assn. all - Tickets are also available at several locations in the The Spartans have won one of two tournaments this fall. stars. Larsingarea including the Lansing Mall. State News footbal Jack Walkden and Pam Walkden Ward Farnan Johnson Stein Ward are tied for first place after the first week of the Notre Dame at MSU ND 21, MSU 17 ND 27, MSU 10 ND 27, MSU 13 MSU 17, ND 14 MSU 21, ND 20 weekly State News sports California at Illinois fll. by 10 III by 10 Illby8 III by 10 HI by 10 writers' football prediction West Virginia at Indiana Ind. by 2 Ind. by 2 WVby3 WVby3 WVby 7 poll. Iowa at Southern California USC by 24 USC by 27 USC by 21 USC by 10 USC by 14 Walkden was the only MWiigan at Stanford U- M by 28 U- M by 24 U-M by 20 U-M by 14 U-M by 14 member of the staff to Minnesota at Nebraska Neb. by 14 Neb. by 11 Neb. by 4 Neb. by 7 pick Missouri at Wisconsin Neb. by 21 Colorado's Wis. byl Mo. by 3 Wit by 2 Wit by 7 Wit by 4 upset win over Ohio State at Wisconsin last week. Ward Washington State OSU by 35 OSU by 21 OSU by 25 OSU by 20 OSU by 24 Purdue at Duke Pur. by 7 Pur. by 7 Pur. by 5 Pur. by 5 Pur by 3 gained a tie by picking UCLA . _ . _ . . AP Wirepnoi" Oregon . at Northwestern NWbyl NW by 7 Ore. by 2 Ore. by 7 NW by 2 over the Spartans. Detroit at Los Angeles LA by 17 LA by 10 LA by 14 LA by 10 LA by 14 9-2 9-2 8-3 8-3 8-3 Rot"n'°"- ■ '<"•« • timt m. in b..h W Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 4, 1974 15 Justice official defends probe of petrol engineer and direction from treasury WASHINGTON (AP) - regulation was in violation of Asst. Atty. Gen. Henry federal statutes prohibiting and FEO officials." Petersen Thursday defended executive branch employes The evidence, said Petersen, the justice Dept.'s conflict - of from advising on matters in "is sufficient to permit the - interest investigation of an oil which they have a financial inference to be drawn that Mr. company engineer employed interest. Bowen performed exactly by the Federal Energy Office But, he said, it would "be those duties which his (FEO). unconscionable for the superiors asked him to The investigation has been executive branch to prosecute perform." assailed by a House Mr. Bowen" because he did Secretary Simon testified subcommittee whitewash before the subcommittee as a only what his superiors allowed intended to save Treasury him to. Wednesday that he was never Secretary William E. Simon Petersen said that "Bowen's given reason to suspect Bowr n from embarrassment. predicament was a direct result [night be performing work that The engineer, Robert C. of his reliance upon guidance involved a conflict of interest. The autumn iky is the highway for thisflock of wild gam* that is seeking the warmer climates in the South. Soon the gray clouds of winter^iKweTn with" Bowen of Phillips Petroleum, their load of white snow that will cover all that is now green. worked for the energy agency as an adviser during the time it was headed by Simon. The subcommittee has heard (ebate outlines pa testimony instrumental in FEO regulation that Bowen was drafting an giving the oil industry $40 million in windfall profits. for governor, continually cited Democrats and Republicans. By PAT NARDI blank checks. Fm leaving open wage of $2 an hour should be differences between the HRP Jones said the HRP Petersen, in testimony was the possibility that someone raised but Carr said the U.S. State News Staff Writer before the panel, said the FBI and Democrats, Carr and more open than the who got a general discharge legislature would not support If Human Rights party conducted a thorough Jondahl minimized the Democratic party. Since most deserved it," Carr said. This another raise now. ■gubernatorial candidate Zolton distinction between the parties. HRP candidates were involved drew an unfavorable response "It was a struggle to get that investigation of the matter ■ Ferency gets 15 per cent of the "There's not a dime's worth in before the Justice Dept. ■vote in November, he will writing the platform, they from the audience, which passed," Jondahl said. decided not to prosecute. of differences between political could all speak knowledgably numbered about 50. Jones called the $2 ■consider the election "a of the issues, he added. He said there was evidence parties," Jondahl said. Social Jones said the HRP takes a "poverty wages." ■landslide victory" for his party. change comes from a vocal Jones later clashed with that Bowen's work on the "We don't care whether we strong stand to reduce the Iwin or lose. We want to change citizenry and not from political Carr on the subject of amnesty. military budget and to end parties, he added. Amnesty should be U.S. intervention in foreign ■people's minds and attitudes," Carr said it was unfair to unconditional and universal," countries. ■said Ferency, speaking ■'Wednesday in a panel of ■human Rights Party (HRP) ■candidates and Democrats. compare third parties to first and second nartios because "it parties horaiKp would be like comparing apples and oranges." Jones said. He complained that rsnlcm racism ic is inherent in the military system. Carr said he favors amnesty n, whole "HI be voting to withdraw American troops from anywhere outside the U.S.," Carr said. SAVINGS WEEK The panel, sponsored by the Ferency said big Fully Automatic ■Women's International League a on a case by case basis. Jondahl agreed with Jones difference between the two "I don't want to write out that the Federal minimum ■for Peace and Freedom, was parties was that the HRP had ■questioned on how they would neither the ■vote, the future of third party (candidates and the differences access to the money nor the mass media of the NIKKQRMAT - EL in party ideology. Kick off J Other panel members ■State were Rep. II. Lynn Jondahl, D your football day at Black Body 45MM SLR Camera J- East Lansing, M. Robert Carr, ■Democratic candidate for U.S. the Union Building! •429. F2.0 somm lens ■Rep. in the 6th Congressional List TDistrict, and Howard Jones, ■HRP candidate for U.S. Rep. S602.50 |for the 6th District. While Jones and Ferency, a LUNCH — Try the excellent food served in the Union Iformer Democratic candidate Cafeteria, open 11 to 1 for lunch on football Saturdays. BLACK NIKKORMAT NIKON Bring your friends and enjoy a pre - game meal. Or grab a bite at the grill. BODY ONLY LENS SPECIAL 135 mm telephoto BLANKETS souvenirs and MSU ... To keep you warm, along with Marching Band records, all to boost List $285 >199. F3.5 - List $199.50 your spirits. ROLLEI AUTOMATIC VIVITAR SERIES I DARKROOM SUPPLIES MACRO ZOOM LENS ELECTRONIC FLASH Paper, chemicals, enlargers. lenses equipment by Kodak, Beseter, Luminous HOT COFFEE After the game, warm your chilled Unicolor, Peterson, Smith Victor, Nikon a5£r~' . . . Durst, Simon Omega, Vivitar & others body with a cup of coffee in the Grill, or try a sandwich, or List $49.95 EVERYTHING YOU NEED & LOW PRICES1 soup. pioneer savings BOWLING ... To top off the night, there's bowling, billiards or pinball. UNION BUILDING PIONEER - GLENBURN COmPUTER SOUND SYSTEM SHORTCOURSES r SX-525, sensitive AM-FM s 34 The Computer Laboratory will present a one • day watts of R.M.S. P pair pioneer project r matched 100 10" two-way fit!) PIONEER :he siaslss Introductory Workshop and a series of non ■ credit I high performance bookshelf shortcourses during Fall Term 1974. There is a $15 CT-3131A Stereo unique level of musical satisfaction. registration fee for the Workshop and a $1 fee for each of Completing t Cassette Deck the shortcourses. Registration for the Workshop must be SMS LED.RIVER, EAST LANSING made by October 9 at the User Information Center, 309 CC. Registration for the shortcourses closes October 11. For additional information call 353-1800. WORKSHOP Intended for m iputing experience. I List $609.95 >429. >139. introduction to the MSU interactive computing facility and br introductions to BASIC, APL, and SPSS. (Oct. 12, 9 am - 5 pm) TASCO 8 x 30 WIDE ANGLE TEXAS INSTRUMENTS ROYALELECTRIC SHORTCOURSES CALCOLATOR PORTABLE TYPEWRITER BINACULAR incl. case & batteries With case $QQ99 Price Break! j3r List $69.95 JJ ires of the Interactive OCTOBER text editing system and new features of the permanent file version MOUNTING Of EDITOR. (Oct. 29. 31; 3 - 5 nm» SAVE Bring in your present diamond one or buy a new & choose any PASCAL - ■ structured programming Nov. 6. 13: 7 - 9 pm) i 20% mounting from our large designers collection and save 20% to 50% off LEONARDS low low ZZ2 to every day price. Guaranteed savings. Diamond mountings For for ladies and men. (Oct. 21. S3. 25: 3 - 5 o. 50% FREE Store Hours: Adjacent EASTLANSING GRADER for Instructors 5 pm) - a program designed to relieve the drudgery of grading of large and medium enrollment courses. (Oct. 22; 3 Mon. & Fri. 9:30 to 9 p.m. Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat. LEONARD Wholesale Distributors Ramp Parking Evenings, Sat. Sun. 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. 309 N. Washington Ave. Leonard Downtown Pla/a .117 Eut Grand Rim Ave 16 Friday, October 4, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan I974| Streamlining of state bill process propose* By JOANNA FIRESTONE Currently, any lawmaker may introduce a bill. He or she Connecticut'i legislature meets for a maximum of three months bins and the savings of the committees' time , substantially higher." LANSING OJPI) - The clerk of the state House has proposed requests the legislative service bureau to draft the idea in bill of the year. Since Michigan lawmakers have no limit on the Thatcher, who said he worked on the proposal for five v, a streamlining of the legislature's bill introduction procedures form, which is then introduced in the House or Senate and sent number of days they may meet, TTiatcher said, the savings could has laid the idea before the legislature in the past that he said could save the state at least $100,000 a year in to a legislative committee for study. Often the bUl never sees be much higher here. without success. ® printing costs alone. debate or a floor vote. "The savings in printing costs is only part of It," he said. He said this time, however, "the reports have been L. Thomas Thatcher, who has been House clerk for 11 years, Some 4,000 bills and 2,000 resolutions — mostly tributes to "The money saved on salaries for the professionals who draft very suggested Wednesday that Michigan adopt a plan similar to one groups, communities and individuals - already have been enacted in Connecticut to cut down on frivilous, unsupported and unnecessary legislation. introduced in the 1973 - 74 legislative session. No more than 600 will actually be signed into law. The sheer volume of legislation has led many lawmakers to Veto of off-road comment that they frequently do not understand or have time to LANSING (UPI) - Gov. measure. The bill adopted by the As measure originally written, the would have dosed dune buggies terrain and other ,i 1 study the proposals they vote on. Milliken strongly hinted was state lands to off vehicles, TTie Connecticut plan, designed by a group of legislators from Wednesday that he will veto legislature in the flurry of - vehicles unless posted as open. road snowmobiles. C!*| across the country, allows lawmakers to introduce a proposal legislation that would permit activity that marked the In its Private landowner .1 conclusion of a two ■ week current form, Northern Michigan In the Sept. 30 issue of the The Community Volunteers drafted in layman's language to express the general intent of the motorcycles and other off - have J session that ended Sept. 26. conservationists contend, signs dtfffculty keeping motor State News, an article appeared are looking only for host proposal. The measure is then referred to a committee which, in a limited period of time, holds hearings on it. If the committee road vehicles to use state - owned lands unless otherwise Before final approval, it was prohibiting off • road vehicles off their property. J|■ regarding host programs for families who would like to be amended during an could be easily removed by foreign students and listed two local organizations to contact matched up with a foreign student who they would make so decides, proposals. a bill is then drafted to cover one or more related posted. "I have a very dim view of unpublicized session of the motorcyclists or vandals. In The biU stipulates the southern third that of the sbk i.lI The bill is then acted upon in the normal legislative process. the bill and the direction it will Senate State Affairs addition, many more signs for further information. The social contact with throughout Greater input into each bill and the elimination of take," Milliken Committee in a manner that would have to be posted at a operators of off road - vehiif two organizations, the the term. The student would undesireable legislation with low potential of enactment saved asked at a said when conference changed its complexion considerable expense. may use private land the express only £1 International Students not live with this family, and Connecticut $65,000 in printing costs during the first year. whether he news will veto the considerably. Hie bill covers motorcycles, owner permission oft I ®"1 Foundation which attempts to the family would not be find bed and board, and the involved in the student's Community Volunteers for academic life. The program is International Students, have no designed mainly for the connection with each other purpose of giving an American and offer two different types family the chance to become Tech Hlfi lowers of host programs. acquainted with a foreign student. the price of getting high. While the cost of almost everything else keeps getting higher and higher, Tech Hifi has managed to actually the price of getting high fidelity. lower It doesn't involve magic, or even wishful thinking. Just a lot of hard work on the part of our buyers. They've been able to arrange a number of special deals on some great high fidelity equipment. Tonight & Tomorrow Special - Stay for So if you've never owned a good both shows system, we can introduce you to the exciting world of high fidelity for remarkably little money. How does $159 for a good, brand- Super scope QA 420 four channel Amp., two Wald S72 loudspeakers IIEE STASLES I MICSmS SHOWCASE FOR NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT name, four-Channel-ready Stereo system sound? Or only $239 for a great little receiver system with KLH loudsDeakers. And the systems sound even better than the prices do! But these are andaGlenburn2110A automatic turntable - lis! over S300 / Sale S199. just the beginning. During Tech Hifi's back-to-school sale we're lowering the price of SHARE THE RIDE high fidelity across the all line! WITH US THIS Even though this is a special sale, WEEKEND we're still providing Tech Hifi's seventeen customer satisfaction guarantees with each AND GET ON system. These include a seven-day money- back guarantee, ninety-day 100% trade-in, TO A GOOD THING. and sixty-day exchange for defective units. Us means Greyhound, and a lot of your fellow students who are already on to a good thing. You leave when you like. Travel comfortably. Arrive refreshed and on time. Come in for the full story. Even if you don't You'll save money, too, over the increased air fares. Share the ride with us on weekends. Holidays. buy anything, we'll give you a "Get High" button, or Anytime. Go Greyhound. Cambridge Audio 1500 a Tech Hiflyer (it's like a frisbee, receiver, two KLH 31 GREYHOUND SERVICE except it's a freebee), or maybe '!S!!SSmlSSS^nA - SERVICE FROM EAST LANSING TO DETROIT even a packet of deluxe rolling papers! 3:30 p.m. (local) Friday only (express) Sat. only 4:45 p.m. Dally (express) 12:05 p.m. (express) (express) 5:25 p.m. Just come in and say, "high." (local) 1:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. (express) (express) Trlday only Ask your agent about additional departures and return trips. 7:35 p.m. dally express, arrive 9:35 p.m. GREYHOUND AGENT 3Q8VV.Grand River Ave. East Lansing 332 - 2569 GO GREYHOUND ...and leave the driving to us [tech hifij Vm Quality Components at the Right Price mm* 619 East Grand River Ave. E«. Lansing/ 122 E 14615 Weit 8 Mile Rd, Detroit/20715 12755 Eureka, Southgate/ 1182 Market Kelly WashlnBton St. Ann Arbor/430 N Te..„raDh RH n. k Rd, East Detroit/4526 N1 V St, Livonia Woodward Ave, - Dearborn R0y,i 0,k/125 Main St, Rochester Friday, October 4, 1974 17 N1 ^u^mSt^eNews^as Tu Fall is the Season for Fresh Donuts & Cider Check J - Advertise Call the Classifieds for local Cider Mills 355 - 8255 tatmntm ■»! FRANKLY SPEAKING. & . by phil frank Employment jj Apartments CUTLASS 1970. Naw brake, PONTIAC GTO 1971 - new APPLICATIONS ARE now being EXPERIENCED ELECTRONIC PINE LAKE muffler air, am tn, $995. C«ll radiate, brakes, exhaust Hunt 3 taken from experienced waiters, 355-3180. 4-10-9 Technician, part time, hours APARTMENTS-HASLETT speed 339-8176 5-10-9 waitresKS, captains, cashiers and arranged, call Okemos 10 minutes from MSU. Inexpensive Television. 349-1577. 10-10-17 hostesses at LONG'S DATSUN 240 - 2 1972 White PORSCHE 914 . 1073. Map. living in a quiet area. Located at RESTAURANT, 6810 South 6076 Marsh Road just north of 4 speed, air, other extras. 28,000 AM/FM, air. Dave Roat, MALE MODEL needed. Call Cedar, Lansing. See Mr. Brauer 882 2604. 3-10-4 Lake Lansing Road. 1 bedroom PHONE 355 8255 mil**, claan. 337-7570 XI 104 Department of Surgery. Brian between 2:30 and 4pm apartments with shag carpeting, I, student Services Bldy. DATSUN 240 - Z 1971. Silver. 4 - PORSHE 1973, 91 IT, perfect Coleman. $5 an hour. 353-5490. weekdays. 5-10-8 disposal, appliances, & air Ask for Marcia. 5-10-10 speed, radial tires, mtgs. condition, AM-FM, radials, rust PART Time conditioning. $150 per month. magazine and ad 332-6197. 5-10-7 proofed, 16,000 miles. Excellent for students, will •automotive 3514386, 351-1420. 5-10-9 BABYSITTER NEEDED. Weekday layout people wanted for consider nine month lease. Call I Scooters & Cycles DATSUN 510 - 1972 manual, good mornings, 9:30 - distance. 351-5977. 4-10-4 12:00. Walking expanding company in Okemos. Experience desirable. Call Mr. manager at 339-8192 or East 1 Parts & Service condition, $1900 or best offer! 351 7499. 5-10-10 SAAB 99 1971. Excellent Haber at 349-2320. 5-10-8 Lansing Realty, 332-4128. To see, stop at Managers house on I Aviation condition, up to 353-7919. 3-108 30 mpg. RELIEF CHARGE Nurse, midnight corner of Marsh Road and Pike Iemployment DODGE 1966,61,000 miles, power shift. WHITEHILLS. PROVINCIAL Call HOUSE nursing WOMAN WANTED for cleaning, ironing 5 hours/week. house Street. 10-109 IFOR RENT brakes, steering and windows. TOYOTA CORONA 19687good supervisor. 332-5061. 10-10-14 $2.50/hour. Own transportation Matrix 4 channel, 318 condition, $550 or best offer. NEEDED ONE person for two I Apartments automatic. Immaculate 355-5870. 5-108 necessary. 351-5292 after 6:30 bedroom apartment. $60. Call STUDENTS EARN $30 $40 a _P.m13-104 I Houses condition 363-1492. 3-10-4 week part - time. Make your own - 3936759. 3-10-8 TORONADO 1966 Hardtop. Going NURSES. Full & I Rooms hours, be your own boss. Must REGISTERED 513 HILLCREST 2 bedroom DODGE 1966, 61,000 miles, power cheap. New exhaust, tires. Call part time positions available on - lf0r sale brakes, steering and windows. 355-1218. 1-104 have own transportation. Apply in person 4295 Okemos the afternoon & night shifts. deluxe. Carpeting, dishwasher, I Animals Matrix 4-channel, 318 Professional Building, Suite 7, Minimum starting salary $4.82 air, security, brightly furnished. $280. Pleasant neighborhoos, 3 I Mobile Homes automatic. Immaculate VEGA, 1971-3 speed, stick, "AWBE WF SHOULD 100< AT THE fcfclT/VE CLASSIC CRAFTS per hour plus experience credit. blocks MSU. 351-3231. 2-10-7 condition. 363 1462, »-104 excellent condition. Low Excellent fringe benefits. Please kost & found sidf-tufrh are plenty or places CORPORTATION. Wednesday 1 contact office of Employment, mileage 6274657. 5-10-10 6, Thursday 1 6, Monday 10 TO KEEP CUR STASH " - - - (•personal FORD drive, BRONCO 1968, 4-wheel 1.0-10-31 Lansing General Hospital. 2800 Devonshire, Lansing. Please call COUNTRY Williamston APARTMENT area, 1 bedroom ■♦peanuts personal new Excellent running, brains, ttarter. VEGA 1971-Hatchback, 4-speed, £ COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKEl^Y CA 947C9 372-8220, extension 268. An unfurnished; except $1600. tape deckl $895. Phone MODELS FOR photography. Call J.real ■•recreation estate 355-3085. 3-10-4 882-9109. 5-10-8 between 10am and 6pm. Equal Opportunity Employer. 25-10-31 icebox; carpeted $135 a month, utilities not throughout. f service FORD 1967. GALAXIE Good condition, runs Convertible VEGA, 1974 - Estate Wegon Deluxe, automatic, air, many ; Kotonsfcles |(fe] flrtlrttT] / 489-1215.0-10-31 DESK CLERK needed. Must have ENTERTAINERS: AUDITIONS included. Call Bob Smith at TU2-0294 before 5 pm or Phil I Instruction extrasl $2,900. 6254561, being held Tuesday and Gardner at 655-3706 after 6 pm. well. $250. Call 482-9331, ask HONDA 1974. Elsinore 250 MT. PAINT YOUR WAGON! See transportation and be willing to 625-4485.5-104 Thursday, 7 9pm. GRANDE 3-10-8 I Typing Service for Dick. 5-10-8 Like new, super clean, $800. Johnny Rembrandt for travel. Call 3 7 2-0567 or - GOURMET, Frandor Shopping 487-5055; Nights, 489-0845. masterpieces on wheels. 1825 E. 489-1215 between 12 - 6pm. [•transportation FORD MAVERICK, 1971, one VEGA 1973. Bronze GT Wagon, 16,000 miles, 4 - speed, $2400. 3-104 ' Michigan. 487-6565. 101016 0-10-31 Center. 5-10-7 COLLINGWOOD (•wanted owner, good condition. 48,000 5-10-4 Call 355-1134.5-10-7 BMW 1971. R-75, windjammer, J REPAIR BANJO PLAYER wanted by miles. 393-5051. bags and rack. $1850. 669-3944. CENTER AUTO offers SERVICE you tools, BEAUTICIAN time. 1 NEEDED year - experience. part Honky Tonk pianist. Good ear flPARTfTlENTS "RATES** JAGUAR VEGA 1973 - best offer. 694-2847 5-104 and good improvisation. Mostly 1967, Classic MK II, before 5:30 pm 393-0379 equipment and instructions to Friendly atmosphere. 339-2867. (Behind Zody's - on for fun but maybe some gigs. Grand Saloon. Excellent do your auto repairs. 5311 S. 5-104 nights/weekends. 5-10-10 Call Dave, 484-9774.04-104 the river!) condition. $3,300. 355-0864. 1971 HONDA 750 Excellent Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10 8, 5-108 condition, must sell. 351-8749. 6 days. 20-1023 KIND RESPONSIBLE no. days VEGA 1974-GT wagon, 4 speed, woman GIRL FRIDAY needed for - Check Them Out - 5-10-10 student. Private room and board ?DS radials, more, excellent mileage. Doctor's office. Own HONDA CIVIC 1973 car 11,000 in family home, walking distance •air conditioned 655-2623.5-10-10 transportation necessary. 7:30 1 3 5 10 miles, like new. 30 mpg. Repossessed. Under book. 1971 HARLEY SPORTSTER, will Employment pi to campus, in exchange for 12:00, 393-7030. 5-10-7 - VEGA 1973, 3 speed, radials, very price to sell. Excellent 12-15 hours per week of 1.50 4.00 fe.50 13.00 Financing available. Call condition. 4894163 anytime. claan. $1950. 485-8735 after 4. babysitting, cooking and help in SERVICE STATION attendant - 489 9476 1 10-4 INSURANCE - CASUALTY office •model Open Dally 5-10-9 3-10-8 house. 2 girls ages 4 and 7. needs experienced part time girl midnight sfift, RANDY'S 337-7474 after 4 p.m. 3-10-4 Call 351-8282 immediately. Good opportunity MOBIL, 1-96 and Okemos Road MERCURY MONTEREY, 1961. VEGA 1973. Automatic, new radial INSURANCE -LOWEST rates on for extra income. Call 485-5958. location. Experience required. Good condition, transportation! tiras, good conditionl 393-1033. cycle and auto. Call us first or PART TIME waitress for 8.00 13.00 26.00 Evenings 48^0975.5-10-8 morning Apply in person. 349-9620. Best offer, Dave; 489-3836. 5-10-9 last, but call. Easy payment (5a o o n ). 5-10-7 EAST LANSING Luxury one 15 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 5-108 plan. UNION bedroom, unfurnished, 12 Monday-Friday. No weekends. VOLKSWAGEN 1972. SUPER UNDERWRITERS, 393-8100 or BARTENDER OR Barmaid. month lease, no pets, $175, DEADLINE Apply in person 3-5pm, MAVERICK 1971. Standard. 6, beetle. Excellent condition. 4854317. 0-10-31 Experience preferred. Evenings, including heat. 129 Highland, 1 P.M. one class day $1400. One owner, like new. Must sell. Phone 393-2122. call after 11am, 489-9116. THE Monday-Friday at DUNKIN For Rent 332-0976. 5-10-9 DONUTS 4801 West Saginaw, 3556081. 5-10-4 GARAGE. 5-10-9 [before publication. 4-104 East of lansing mMall. 5-10-8 MSU NEAR, luxury one bedroom, SUPER BEETLE 1973. Radio, FOR RENT: Mobile home for MGB 1967. Sell parts or complete NEED INDIVIDUALS to distribute unfurnished, 9 month lease, no GIRL FOR housekeeping from Furnished, $160. Call Peanuts Personal ads stereo tape player. Excellent leaflets one week. Pay is good. two. car. Good mechanically. Radial 2:30-4:30 Monday-Friday. 339-8679. 2-104 pets. $200 including heat. 129 must be pre paid. condition. 882-0711. 5-10-8 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East tires. Abarth exhaust. 349-22Q9. Make your own hours. Call Highland. 332-0976 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. $2/hour. 332-5176. 2-10-4 1 3-104 today. Rob. 332-8060. 5-10-10 SINGLE OFFICE for rent, VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Automatic. Complete auto painting and Cancellations/Corrections •'DENTAL ASSISTANT, full time furnished. 2 deaks, aft untitles SOUX*U#f£ST LANSING-? -rMQB 1967, Wltfte, GodH condition, Good mechanical condition. Call cellisten service. 485-0256 WAITRESS NEEOId immediately, I Hi till mi carpeted, lease, S175 I- 12 noon one class day radio, wire wheels. Call after 8 pm. 355-3105. 5-10-10 C-10-31 will Good fir orthodontist office. air conditioned, music, lighted train. starting pay, parking. Oakland at Center, pfiis utilities, deposit. 882-5833. 694 3 797. 5-10-8 Experience necessary. ■before publications. other benefits. Apply in person, 10-10-16 VOLKSWAGEN 1967 Squareback Downtown. Call 482-9695 days, Lansing. $75 month, phone DAGWOODS, 2803 East 482-0113 or contact Hasselbring MGB GT 1971, Michelins, Wagon. Good condition, or 4840702 evenings. 5-10-8 MASON MANOR, North Street ■ The State News will be Kalamazoo. 5-10-10 AM-FM cassette, Ziebart, Best 3516984 after 5:30. 5-1^-4 Company at 482-1217. 10-10-16 ■ responsible only for the Offer. 355-8837. 5-108 RECISION Mason. Married grad students or VOLKSWAGEN 1961. Rebuilt SHORT ORDER breakfast cooks. BUS BOYS - Bus girls, waitresses & RE F R IGERATORRS - single grad students. 1-2-3 Ifirst day's incorrect IMPORTS Experienced only. LANDMARK hostesses needed on all shifts. DISHWASHERS bedroom townhouse apartments. MGB 1972. Excellent condition, motor. 2 new tires, $300. Cindy, - 3714774, ask for From $185 plus utilities. Large I insertion. AM-FM, must sell-best offer. 337-1693. 5-10-9 RESTAURANT. 3714774 for an Phone interview. Please phone Manager. 7-10-4 ESCHTRUTH APPLIANCES, kitchen and dining area. 315 South Bridge, Grand Ledge. due 7 days from Evenings, 337-0134. 3-10-7 5-10-10 627-2191. 12-10-11 ■xpiration date. It VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Squareback. OFFICE CLERK. Okemos location. dishwashers, central heat, air by the due date, a MUSTANG 1969. Just tuned up. 4 - speed, air, runs good. Must COCKTAIL WAILTRESS-Friday Some minor bookkeeping TV and STEREO Rentals. conditioning, full basement, gas Snow tires. Phone 355-3128. sell. 3556210.3-10-7 heat. Balconies. Easy drive to and Saturday nights, RAMADA functions required, typing a $25/term. $10.95/month. Free 6-104 MSU. Open daily from 1 - 5:30 INN. Apply in person, plus. Potential to advance to full Same Day Delivery and Service. VOLKSWAGEN 1972. Excellent With fast, reliable Pennsylvania Avenue, 1-96. charge bookkeeper. Write to Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-10-31 p.m. except Wednesday & MUSTANG 1971, 20 mpg, 32,000 condition. New tires, 37,000 body and irepair Thursday. Visit us or call 4-10-9 State News, Box C-3. 5-10-9 miles, auto, air conditioning, trailer hitch and light, twin rear miles. $1800. 489-0888^5-10-4 work for almost REFRIGERATORS JAMES FOX ASSOCIATES at any car. RESPONSIBLE GOOD PERSON, PART TIME employment for MSU Model, 676-4746. Office, speakers. $2125. 349 9549 or VW CAMPER 1968 - pop top, Rent them at A C & E RENTAL, 372-1954. Manager. 676-1411. prefer Grad student or teacher students. 12-20- hours per week. 3326170. 5-10-4 AM/FM, good condition. $1600 1790 Grand River, Okemos. 12-10-11 for 2 bedroom duplex. Automobile required. 351-5800. best offer. 4846461.3-10-7 Phone 349-2220. $6 per month. 393-0603. 3-10-8 C-3-104 MUSTANG 1971, vinyl top, Deposit refunded on return. 125 NORTH HAGADORN. One automatic transmission, V • 8, VW BUG 1967. Red, sunroof, 7-104 RELIABLE GIRL needed for bedroom, wide lawns, adjacent JHEVELLE 1968 good condition. air conditioning, new tires and excellent mechanical condition. BABYSITTER NEEDED, 1 infant, cooking and staying nights with MSU and shopping. Brightly •or, automatic, $600 or best afternoons and evenings, I offer. 337-7784. 3-10-7 battery, trailer hitch. 20 mpg. $600.655-2576. 3-10-7 invalid lady when husband leaves decorated and carpeted, Monday-Friday in my home, $2,000. 332-6170. After 6 p.m. on business. 332-5176.2-104 dishwasher, disposal, air. 349-5949. Also 1971 Yamaha VW 1968 Automatic stick, Spartan Village. Own JhEVELLE 1966. 283, automatic, motorcycle. 125cc, $395. 4-104 - AM/FM, good condition, bast transportation. Call before 2 pm. Unfurnished, $195. 3516339. 3-10-8 ^ power * brakes, new parts, $350 best offer. 355-8143. 3-10-8 offer. 351-7936. 3-10-7 TIRES, BRAND NEW, size 355-1211. 5-10-10 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. ONE AND 2 bedrooms furnished, Permanent position available. 800x16.5. 8-ply. 4 for $180. all new. carpeting, air OKEMOS- ONE bedroom NEED A CAR? I've got good Phone 489-4574. 5-10-10 Superior typing, shorthand and conditioning, balcony, security CLERICAL OFFICE- two positions [CHEVROLET IMPALA convertible transportation. No money down. ability to work with figures locks. 10 minutes MSU furnished, heat, $150/month. I 1967. New transmission, top, tuns great! $600. 351-1241. Walk-in, drive out. 393-1800. Ask for Paul Smith Call Motorcycles )[fo] FORMULA 100 LUBRICHARGER system, Installed free with every from 3 pm, 38 hours weekly. Individuals on must be proficient 10-key adding maching and required. Some college preferred. Full benefits. $600 to 349-9152 or 694 9608 10-10-11 Mr. Bates, 349-4157. 5-10-10 5-10-8 MR. TUNE-UP, 1825 WANTED: MALE to share 2 or Bruce Laraway. JACK tune-up. math aptitude. Excellent start. Apply in person at 3308 APARTMENT - OKEMOS. bedroom apartment. Non- DYKSTER ORD' Corner of NORTON - DUCATI - MOTO - East Michigan. 489-8989. South Cedar. Suite 11, Lansing. ■CHEVROLET IMPALA 1967. 4 benefits. Start $474/month. Furnished, 3 rooms, utilities, smoker. Call 487-2377. 3-10-8 - Holmes and Lo^o 5-10-9 GUZZI. New models on display. 1010-15 10-10-9 Phone Mrs. Harrington, couple, bus line. $150/month. | floor, V 8, power steering, _ • Repairs and service for Honda 349-2313. 5-10-7 brakes, Radio, VOLKSWAGEN and foreign cars 371-1620. Executive Recruiters NEEDED: ONE woman 4-woman rear speakers. and Triumph. G. T. MOTORS, COOK APPLICATIONS now being Some rust, otherwise OPEL WAGON. 1969. Excellent mechanical and body. Also parts Inc. 1-10-4 apartment. Across from campus. good 816 East Howe, Lansing. taken at Longs Restaurant. condition. $375 or condition, new tires, clutch, cash and 20% $78/month. 351-8991, offer. carry, Experience preferred. Apply in - 351-1718 after brakes. Call after 5:30 p.m. 4856815^0-2-104 DISCOUNT. Check our repair PARKING LOT attendant 3326246. 5-1010 6pm or person at 6810 South Cedar, 487 8977. $785. 5-107 KAWASAKI 1974 K-Z 400 Road airport-part time, 484-6682, 355-1863.8-2-104 and parts prices. IMPORT Lansing. 11-10-11 Bike. 1,500 miles. Call AUTO PARTS, 500 East weekdays. 9am-noon. 3-10-8 ■CONVERTIBLE BUICK 1961. OLDS DELMONT Convertible 372-3035^ 5-K>-8 Kalamazoo and Cedar 1 Works OK. BABYSITTER WANTED Few §11| 1968. Power steering, power Master 3-10-7 Call 353-6903. brakes, automatic, low mileage, 1972 KAWASAKI-750 cc, low 485-2047,485-9229. Charge and Bank Americard. hours daily, girl age 3. Must have CROSSWORD mileage, $1,200-nagotiable. experience and training in child ■corvette 1970. Good excellent shape. $595 or best offer. 355-8143. 3-10-8 1245 Weber. Lansinq. 5-109 C-10-31 development, early childhood MARRIED STUDENTS, PUZZLE ACROSS 26. Boil 1 condition, 4 education. Call 485-2992. 1-10-4 - speed 350, V - 8. 1971 SUZUKI 500. Excellent LOOK FOR our special coupon in FACULTY & MED I. Hardens eyelid Call 694-1912. 2-10-4 PLYMOUTH 1969 Fury I. Good condition, very clean, best offer. the Ripp - Off Coupon Book, STUDENTS 6. Sign of the 28. Age condition, loaded, power. $750. CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN RNS AND LPNS, full and part time ■CHEW TRUCK, 1965. $200. 351-8158. 5-10-7 371-3328^5-10-7 for 3-11:30 and 11-7:30 shifts. SPACIOUS zodiac 32. Fairy queen CAR PARTS, 2605 East 10. Short jacket 35. Wise to 1971 YAMAHA, 600 miles, 125 cc, ■l-UM8'18' hi,ch- *20 339-9729. Enduro tires, $325. 349-9549 or Kalamazoo. C-10-31 Call 487-5055. Call 393-5680 Nurses. 5-10-4 - Director of THREE II. Husks 37. Three in PLYMOUTH ROADRUNNER 3326WO 500-4 BEDROOM 13. Relate to Germany detail 38. Retired |CHRYSLERmechanical 1966. condition. Excellent 1970, can be Immaculate seen at condition, 5917 Potter, LEATHER JACKETS for less than APTS. 14. Association 41. Paddle 77,000 42. Icy pinnacle HEOB C3E0 QUE 15. Yellow bugle %^cUr|forkemncs5 -adio, heat. $295. Haslett. 5-10-9 $50. Lower prices at SHEP"S, From per mo. 43 Disavow SOLUTION Oi- SATURDAY'S PUZZIE *215 353-5800. 3-10-8 your complete dealer for 16. Condemn PLYMOUTH SCAMP, 1971. V-8, Yamaha, Triumph, BMW. Closed 18. Sharp point 45 Foreign news "OWN ■ COUGAR 1970. Dark biue.~Great automatic, radio, deluxe Mondays, Open evenings until 20. Pigeon agency 3. Sheep-killing 46. Tide running shape. Some body work. 393-0517 3-10-8 interior. $1650, negotiable. 8pm. SHEP-S MOTOR SPORTS, INC. Holt. 6946621. C-4-10-4 DELIVERY ON CAMPUS UNFURNISHED 21. Augment 22. Girl's name 47. Liang parrot 4. Goddess of Evenings, 339-2840. 5-10-9 discord i 5. Razor clam 9 % I s 6 8 Please deliver the New York Times as checked below: (Delivered to please, no pets dormitories, married housing, and department offices on campus 6. Condiment [ason Hills only.) KNOB HILL 15 1% " •H il 7. Mystery 8. Straighten 9. Impede [~~I Weekdays (Mon. - Sat.) - $15 per term 16 17 10 Illegal money % 15 Student Rate 25c per issue 12. Dirk APARTMENTS io ll 17 Pecan 1 4% 18 19 □ Sundays - $9 per term 19. Encore Student Rate - 90c per issue Office Open 5T A % sn is 4 23. Moral 25. Spread to diy [ ] Weekdays and Sundays - $24 per term 11:00 or 6:00 Mon by appointment - Fri. %%% 52 3* i7 '4 26 37 Jo 31 27. However 29. Agitate 30 Motive NAME is %% MO m 31. Rhine maiden ALL NEW ■ STUDENTS WELCOME ■ 9 MONTH LEASES ■ CARPETING 349-4700 Y/, 32 Tableland 33. Catkin 10 MINUTES TO MSU "AIR CONDITIONING ■ HOTPOINT APPLIANCES MSU ADDRESS. 43 LOCATED % 44 34. Kentucky college Furnished Model Open Frl. 114 Ph. 17(4174 or 132412a «*-• Sat. «at. 1114 •«" UmM call «7« 42»1 □: % MILE NORTH V; H7 & 36. Pocketbook 39. Charge OF JOLLY RD. ON OKEMOS RD. % W Wi 40 Appear to be quiet country living 44. Fashior. 495 N Qlf-ios Rri., f 18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 4, |, Apartmwts <§? Apartments Hums llffl Houses £ For Sale For Sale Sale ^ | APPLES-PICK 10 SPEED BUY FOR the same price you're EAST LANSING. One bedroom, FURNITURE: NEW and used. GARAGE SALE: October 5th, 7th your ownl Mac, Schwinn , ■ TWO PEOPLE needed. Own room TWO BEDROOM, near campus, renting ( or even less)! 8 x 44 mobile home - 2 bedrooms, stove, refrigerator, carpets. 204 Shepard. After 5. 372-9680. married preferred. $226/month. Beds, cheats, sofas, hide-e-beds. 9 am - 6 pm 639 West Dunlap, Jonathon, Greening and Delicious. $3.50/bushel. Fresh shifter. Vista $50. 339-9596 derail*^ "J 3 107 Walking distance MSU. Parking. 3 10-4 Cell 351-0796. 4-104 dinettes, etc. See us and save Lansing between South Logan, clean, close to campus, fully No pets. Married couple. PAGES ECONOMY STORE, South Washington Avenues. cider. APPLEBERRY furnished. I payed $1700, no $167/month. Phone 337-9633. FOUR BEDROOM house recently 2 BEDROOM HOUSE near 2604 North East Street, (US 27) Good clothing for your entire ORCHARD. Morrice, 625-7017. FIVE- SPEED~Schwi„n ^ reasonable offer refund. Will sacrifice!! 351-3373 after 6:30 4 10-4 redecorated. MSU 10 minutes. $300/month. 332-1946. 5-10-10 Sparrow Ho«>ital. Unfurnished, $165/month plus utilities. Phone 372-6460. 2-10-4 family. Complete set of drums, some furniture and other good 2104 Classical "7-2516 a,,er 6 J'^1 pm. 3-10-8 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, INTEGRAL SYSTEMS buys. 1-10-4 FENDER TWIN REVERB. Sony Guitar Yam; 330-8567after 5prTV 5-10-10 power South. Furnished, one bedroom, Color TV. Phone after 4:30, Superb condition W|II 1 or 2 girls needed to share new amplifier. 200 watts, RMS. MASON FURNISHED two utilities paid. $150/month plus 6 CHANNEL Shure P.A. 485 8922. 5^10-9 $160. 351-3190. 20-4 rooms luxury country house on 5 acres, Warranty. $255. 355-6994. suitable for one person. Private deposit. Phone 627-5454. 4-10-4 Mikes/stands $500, 60" 5 miles from campus. rge oouoie oeoroom in 3"HK7 TWO bath, entrance. Reasonable. speakers, $25/each, drum set, 10 SPEED for sale. Small frame, CHESTS Twin h, 694 3887. 2-10-7 Vegetarians, car. 394-2167, 12-7 >dern house. $150, HOBIE Cat Sailboats- must sell. 1 new. $85. 332-0834. Ask for mirror. 339 9637 PLEASANT GROVE NEAR Jolly. pm. 3-108 lit. oed. Near Stables year old, 16*, $1700; 14, $1300. $50. 339-9720. 1-104 Leo. 3-10-7 .2^1 ROOMMATE MALE. apartment. Own room. 3 blocks Furnished New one and two bedroom. Appliances, carpet, air FEMALE HOUSEMATE: own appreciate. 337-0195. 12, $550. Call 487-5466. 5-10-8 RUMMAGE Sale - Saturday and 3M COPY MITE, Model 351-AA. FENDER Amplifier BA and ^7.' jMak,r room. 6 bedroom coed house. Sunday. 10-6. 410 Grove Street. good to campus. Obi, 355-0090 days. conditioning, laundry. Balcony MOVING SALE. Electronics, 1-104 $150 or best offer. Weltron 8 condition $65. 655-2060. 3-10-8 WOMEN NEEDED for 3 bedroom 371-3328. 5-10-7 351-6168, evenings. 2-10-7 or patio, $139 - $169. See clothes, furniture, books, dishes, track stereo receiver and Assistant Manager, Apartment 2 house. Grad preferred. $68. musical instruments, art HOUSE FOR sale. Three bedroom, speakers-not been unpacked, ONE MAN needed Americana 4- man. $88 month. to sublet 3620 Richmond. Call 676-1270; NEAR CAMPUS. Four bedrooms, finished basement. $400/month. 484-2030.3-10-4 supplies, van, everything. all brick, ranch-type home. distributed by Columbia House, KENO 10 sell • - Speed, $75. After 6 35 br,^ 3. 5-10-7 Sunday, Monday, starting noon. 17,000 square feet of living area. $150 or anything better. Call or see at 5:00 1542 Snyder. MARRIED COUPLE, One bedroom 5-10-7 332-2034, Stu. 5-10-10 204 Horton, Lansing. 1-10-4 Many extra features. Call 332-1803. 2-104 One Man needed for 3 bedroom in 489-1349.5-10-8 apartment. $160, utilities paid 332-6809. Sunday calls only. CEDAR VILLAGE, own room. Okemos. Own room. $90. ATTENTION PROFESSIONAL by landlord. Near Hagadorn and CROCHETED, BRIMMED hats. 1-10-4 PHOTO GRAY Lens Single en,,*! $160; share, $80. Female. 349-3852. 3-10-4 Grand River. 351-5285. 5-10-8 Choice of color, $6.00. vision. 0PT1J Nancy, 332-3064. 3-104 people: for lease between Holt and East Lansing. New 3 EAST LANSING duplexes, various Sca^f/Mittens extra. 337-7416 GUNS RIFLES and handguns ol all DISCOUNT, 2615 fl Apartment Near L.C.C., own room bedroom, 3 baths, dining room, sizes, 3-10-8 kinds. Buy, trade and sell. BEST __Mi<*igan. 372-7409. C-4 imf FOUR MAN 2 bedroom, in house, with two others, over appliances, basements, - furnished, air, close. $288. Call 22 preferred. $55. 482-856I. carpeted throughout, 2 car carpet, near bus. 351-8920. year round prices in Southern Michignn. BOB'S GUN SHOP, NEW C.ITOH 25" Still under menVuU- 3-10-4 garage, family room with 7-10-4 warranty GreatJ 337-1800. 5-10-9 2412 South Cedar. Call fireplace. Call 393-0450 or 676- 371-2244. 2-10-7 10 - SPEEDS must sell. Rich, 35M«? FEMALE NEEDED immediately! 4 NEED FEMALE. Luxury 7319. 3-10-4 COMPONETS -PIONEER PL 51 SAliS SHVICC ACCESSORIES _5-JO-7_ ** - man, block from Berkey. $80. apartment, own room, + extras! 3 Rooms V15II $200, Dynaco Factory ACCESSORIES, COMPLETE ■m vAian, oca n m AKAI V-100 Video tape 1 AND 4 BEDROOM, carpeted, 351-4925. 3-10-7 Transportation to campus. I $750. $l32.50/month. 349-38378,ter 6 basement. East side of Lansing. 120 $150, Interface:A $365, selection for audio, guitars and 1-616-9421222*1 5:30 p.m. 3-10-4 ^ ONE MAN for furnished 4 now until spring. $49. Call - man, p.m. 3-10-4 Immediate occupancy. furnish. Call 393-0450, evenings Will Teac 450 $325, EV15TRX's in cabinets $400/pair. 353-1332 band instruments with a full line sheet music department to serve vctodpcde COMPLETE SET of si X-5-10-8 music need, 675-7319. 3-10-4 your every Meddler _ THREE BEDROOMS, newly 332-0052. 2-10-4 decorated, fireplace, huge living MEN- ROOM for rent, $70 month MARSHALL MUSIC, 245 Ann equipment, two tanks eTc.ri] 541 373-6476. After 6 332S room, carpeted, sun porch, 4 including utilities. 339-2785 ANTIQUE & COLLECTIBLE Street. 1-10-4 j^rand RWgr_t>ownstfiq ROOMMATE NEEDED - super 5-10-8 after 3:30 pm. 3-10-8 duplex, furnished, beautiful acres, new kitchen-including Market, CHECK OUR "BUY 2 AND 10 SPEED, Yellow Schwinn dishwasher. Two minutes from ri. & Sat.,Oct. 4 & 5, 10 9 p.m. deal, own room. East Lansing, MSU. $350/month. Utilities paid OWN BEDROOM, furnished, SAVE" Walgreens Sale. Second Varsity. <4- inch boys bike 100 ™S-$1.25-watt, 1 ™i near campus, $80. 337-1817. FRANDOR PROMENADE, and last week. GULLIVER $75. 372-1152. 5-10-9 2-10-4 Deposit plus one year lease. campus - one block, share Lansing (bet. Saginaw St. & STATE DRUGS, 1105 East 332 6473 C'" 351-7076. Dan or Debbie. 9-5 epartment, $95. 332-1946. Mich. Ave. at 1-496) LARGE, OWN room, furnished 15 Grand River, 332-5171. 1-10-4 KONICA-T 35 mm. Nine months T~~_ ' NEAR SPARROW Hospital. 2 p.m. 3-10-4 5-10-8 bedroom unfurnished upper minute bike ride from MERRY MARKETEERS! old. 353-2258 days. 484-2158 S0,LEX 3800 bikB. ^ "V,- duplex. Very clean. $125. No CHRISTIAN WOMEN desire 4th mid-campus. $70 plus utilities. ROOM, 15 minutes from campus. ROCKER $25. Desk, $25. Hoover evenings. 5-10-9 ,lrsl 9allon- BuW«r Pannwi $ 15/peir. children or pets. Call 484-3513. immediately. Cedar Village, 2010 East Kalamazoo. Should have transportation. Call SONY 7" Reel-to-reel tape washer, $40. Boat, $25. Bar, 351-4467, ^ 5-10-7 $78/month. 35I-0989. 3-10-4 487^3426: 5-J 0-4 675-7205. 10-10-16 recorder, tapes, Sony tuner, $25. Shelf, $5. 3 speed bicycle, AIRSTREAM 1972 - 27\ like new. 3104 $30. 339-9729. 1-104 445 Buick LaSabre 1971 - very LANSING- SOUTH Side, 2 turntable, records. 351-4849. . TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile BIG 2% bedroom apartment. Easy CLEAN ROOM-Kitchen privileged, $170. 3-108 good. Great combination! PLATE GLASS mirror, 61i»L bedroom duplex, range, homes. $25 - $35/week. 10 access. Big yard, garden space. parking, Gunson. $77.50, TWO WEST Speaker Cabinets. Reasonable offer, will accept asking $100. 351-4694. Sl)| refrigerator, dishwasher, utilities included. 351-1356. Gibson and good car trade in. 393-7020. minutes to Quiet and $160/month including utilities ANTIQUES, HI-CHAIR, coffee Hagstrom base campus. basement, fully carpeted, Call 3-10-7 5-10-7 BEDS, DRESSERS, lampi peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or except electric. 339-9522. 393-4036 after 5. 5-10-9 grinder, quilts, tickets U of M guitars. Cheap. 484-7161. many an tuque items at 484-5315.0-10-31 5-10-8 game, etc. Saturday 10-8, 2807 COMPLETE FURNISHED sleeping Woodruff, near Frandor. RAILROAD TIES, $5.50 - $7.00. DAY BEFORE fOREVtj LANSING, DOWNTOWN, two ONE BEDROOM Apartment. MALE ROOMMATE bedroom rooms with full household 485-8068 or 669-7475. No STEREO COMPONETS and camera Like new, pick your own. Call 'V'ex, 10 Arby's. Noon $ pj needed. duplex. Across from Unfurnished, deluxe, 10 minutes Campus Hills aprtments. $68.75 park. $175 privileges. Near airport, 20 pre-sales. 1-10-4 equipment. Prices negotiable. PETERSON WOOD CHIPS, 3"1(M plus utilities. minutes from campus. Phone Call 351-0600 mornings, Charli. 882-2555. Delivery extra. 5-10-4 from campus. Managers office, monthly, includes bus service. References. 485-6508. See; before 5:30, 5-10-10 50c. POSTERS 50c. all ti 5898 Marsh, Apt. 1. 339-9161. 484-5861 RUMMAGE SALE Furniture, - 349-2219. 4-10-7 Make offer. 2-10-4 $25/week. 2-10-4 mattresses, typewriter, STEEL SINGLE beds, some with including black I 5-10-9 FLEA MARKET. Dealer space foam mattresses, can be double DAY BEFORE FOREVER, J NEED ONE person immediately, motorcycle. 512 Hillcrest, East ONE BEDROOM. Close air EMPLOYED STUDENT - male - available. Tuesday and Saturday, bunked. $10 each. 355-5270, to Arby's. Noon-6 p.m. 3-M NEEDED, ROOMMATE for 4 - girl own room, deposit, $240 per Lansing. Saturday, 9-5. 1-10-4 conditioned, carpeted, kitchen privledges. Share bath 10 am - 6 pm. 1039 West Grand after 6, 349-9662. 5-10-4 apartment. Haslett Arms. $79. dishwasher. term plus utilities. Phone $170/month. with one. Bed, linen furnished. ANTIQUE TRUNKS, also wicker River (M-43) Williamston, ADLER ELITE typewriter, 5 337-1169. 5-10-7 3510866. 5-10-8 351-5979, after 5 pm. 5-10-8 SMITH Limited parking. Close to bus. table and two chairs. 882-9157. Michigan. 5-10-10 CORONA Manual old, good condition. $40. Aft Call 489-0583. 3-10-8 3-10-8 typewriter, $60. Zenith Stereo. i. 5-10-8 SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA, NEAR CAMPUS. 3 bedrooms, full UTILITIES PAID, newly carpeted, FOR SALE: Judo Gee (suit) Men's $50. Call 355-1170. 5-10-7 Woman, own room, $62.50 basement, unfurnished. furnished, one bedroom, close to CLEAN, QUIET room. Close No large. Call evenings. 355-3153. WOMEN'S CLOTHING, size 111! including utilities. Furnished. Excellent for students. $300 per Lansing and campus. Phone parking, no cooking. 1-10-4 FURNITURE. QUEEN bed, sewing Excellent condition. SwT 487-5643 after 6 pm. 3-10-7 month. 351-9037 weekdays, 9-4. 349-4907.4-10-4 $68/month. 351-1754, Friday 349-9303. 1-10-4 machine, humidifier, clothes - sweaters, tops, 5-10-4 after 6 pm. Saturday after 3 pm. BIKE- MENS 28" 1 speed Schwinn. sizes 7-10, 3 speed bikes, double etc. Ice skates, size 6. 332-851 ONE MAN needed to sublease 2 ARLINGTON APARTMENTS EAST LANSING 4 1-10-4 iron bed, Thursday - Saturday. 5-10-8 bedroom apartment. Close - - bedroom, Mint condition. Best offer. Reduced, 2 bedrooms at 1 $245, lease and deposit. Phone 351-6151 after 5 pm. 3-10-8 9-9 p.m. 2158 Meadowlawn, $117/month. 351-3118. 3-10-7 bedroom rates, 10 minutes to SHARE FARM house with girls. GIBSON'S V Holt. 3-104 5-SPEED Schwinn 882-5303. 5-10-7 Carpeted, air Close/campus. 694-3798 after 8 condition, wi ROOMMATE bedroom NEEDED, 1 apartment, mtte -to - campus. conditioned. 882-5950.5-10 7 $160. Phone MSU NEAR. 2 mile*. 3 bedroom, p.m. 3-10-4 BOCK WALNUT DESK. 60"x30", 2 years old, $160. 2 drawer filing LES PAUL Deluxe - Guitar. New accessories. $50. 355-6972, time after 10 pm. 3-10-7 Ixj condition ADDIC partially furnished. .Clean. cabinet. 351-1616. MO-id - with hardshell case. campus, no utfder%V£ds. ROOM FOR male student, across $400 or best offer. 393-1622. 5-10-7 Phone $92.50/month. Charles Cetas, BAND BROKE UP. Kille- so PRESPECT- SMALL two unit. from Union. 21V/4 Grand River, 353-1857.3-104 353-0654 before 5pm. 4-10-4 YARD SALE! October 5.6. 417 Utilities, dishes, bedding. Four COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE on lake upstairs. $48 per month. BOOK SALE North Street, Mason. Baby PA. Light Electrovoice. Acous yet loud. No fi LCC AREA. men. Upper, $15. Lower, $22. in Haslett! 351-6629. 5-10-8 GOLD CHAIR and matching Large, 2 bedroom, Couple or 2 singles to furnished, for girls or couple. 371-1270. 5-10-10 share 3 bedroom. $83/eech plus 50% OFF things, -clothing, wedding gown and ottoman. $50. After 5, $2400 value, excellitl References. Call 663-8880 or utilities. 339-8156, 339-8536. ROOM FOR rent, must have own on our regular veil, size miscellaneous! 1-10-4 12 Much 641 6633. 3-10-4 condition, $1200. Sum] 3 BEDROOM $210 amplifier. Fender t 646-6526. 5-10-8 apartment, 3-10-7 transportation. 394-2639, after low prices including utilities. 312 South Maestro rhythm and sound umt.B 5pm. 7-10-4 8x44 TWO BEDROOMS, clean Hayford. 332-2419. 5-1010 394-2167 between 12 - 7 pj NEEDED, ONE roommate for two PEACE AND quiet - small, close to campus, fully furnished. 3-10-7 bedroom apartment. 10 minutes furnished, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. MEN SHARE room. Close in, 'hardbacks 50% off I - - payed $1700, no reasonable RCA COLOR TV, from campus. 351-9102 Five miles away. Basement, cooking, clean, quiet. $150 full $100. Complete offer refused. Will sacrifice! VACATION'S OVER & W evenings, 349-1199 days, ask for Marc. 3-10-4 Houses £ garage, immaculate. $175. Evenings. 332-3398. 3-10-7 term. 485-8836 or 337-9130. Ask for Bill. 10-10-9 128 W. Grand River 351-3373 after 6:30 pm. 3-10-8 crib, $10. Complete double bed, $75. 694-9080 5-10 7 back! Enjoy these 1st N evenings with great i ■pen Tues- Fri 1 - 6, 7 - 9 entertainment. Marantz 2 324 CLEMENS-Home ideal for 3-4 APPLES CIDER, Pumpkins! APPLES- GOLDEN EAST: Knob LARGE, one bedroom NEED TWO men $18. WEEK. TERM lease. Near carpeted, panelled, $120 plus students or two couples. Newly bedroom. Furnished. Campus to share Capitol Building. Bus 3 blocks. BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, seven Orchard. Pick your own I watt 150 RMS amplifier or Maramf miles south of Mason Hull watt receiver < painted and carpeted. $60 per on 8 : 30a m-6pm. 651-5435, gas. 351-0997, after 5pm. 3-10-4 very near. 332-2411. 3-10-7 Coffee shop, restaurant, bar. Kenwood Pioneer student. Available now. Call Road. Hours 9-6, Closed 651-5430. B3-10-4 CAPITOL CLUB, 222 Seymour, Sound Good? They're all I* 484-7403, Butterfield Realty, Mondays. 1-5898251. Last NEEDED, MALE roommate WOMAN TO share house. 484-4422. 0-4-10-4 Realtor. 7-10-11 Own chance to pick your own BOOKSFOR Sale: Almanac 1914, along with a Fendir| immediately for 3-man room, $57 plus utilities. Near TEAC A450 Dolby Cassette deck. Stratocaste Saturday and Sunday, 10-5pm. William Mckinley 1901, Wonders , apartment on Burcham Road. bus. 485-6453. 3-10-7 PENNSYLVANIA SOUTH. Near Marantz 1060 $75/month. 353-1471. 5-10-8 LARGE, OWN room, furnished, stereo amp. 0-3-10-4 19th Century 1900, South precision bass. Gibson EB3l^ Michigan. Quiet for student. Heathkit AR 14 FM receiver. SG, Les Paul Junior, I friendly, kitchen, parking, call America Stamp collection. CAMPUS, 2 miles - 2 bedroom Near bus line. $65/month plus Sony TC55 portable cassette WANT 4 CHANNEL? New Marantz Maker and 335. We h Paul, 489-3436. 2-10-4 489-7255. 2-10-4 ONE GIRL needed to share large plus den. New utilities. 627-5454.4-10-4 recorder. USED 2440 power amplifier with Vari stove, pocket - bestmusic amps in MicMgRl two bedroom apartment. EAST refrigerator, carpet. $175. calculators, headphones, radios, matrix unit and 2 EV - 14's. Also used furniture. I $55/month, utilities included. SIDE-Lansing, large house, 5 489-1287. 3-10-7 QUIET, CONSERVATIVE TV sets, micrscopes, binoculars, $300. 332-2286. 3-10-4 ANTIQUESI ICEBOX, milk safe, girls, albums, sporting goods, TV'll bedrooms, 9 month lease, house ox yoke, humpback trunks, Furnished. Close. 337-9431. near campus. Call cameras, albums, tapes, 500 head supplies, l< 5-10-8 $225/month, deposit, furnished. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA, 325. 349-9143 332-5497. 4-10-4 tables, chairs, dressers, picture or riflesand shotguns, 200 guitar GARAGE SALE: Today and sizes, from $15 and don't fo 351-5323. 10-10-16 Large furnished four bedroom frames. 676-4653. 3-10-4 amp, PA systems, drum sets, Friday 9am - 5pm. Thursday and skiing supplies for this winte RIVERS EDGE needs one, two, home, like duplex. $250. ROOMS IN 4 bedroom house, accessories. three or four people. 351-6758. FEMALE NEEDED, own room. 351-7497.0-23-10-31 furnished, carpeted, includes all SECONDHAND WILCOX Sunday 9am - 8pm. 1401 EARLY AMERICAN 3 piece suite DICKER 8i DEAL, 1701So«tfl $57.50 complete. Spacious STORE, Greenview, East Lansing. 3-10-4 Cedar,, 487-3886 Check u» __3-104 utilities. $95 per person. Lease with 2 chairs. Call 694-1106 home. 484-6536. 2-10-4 485-4391. C-10-31 on WVIC starting Septembet301 EAST LANSING, 630 Virginia. and deposit. Phone 882-5303. A-Z SALEI 1400 North 5-10-7 WANTED: MALE roommate to Magnolia. CJ 0-4 Fireplace, new carpeting 5-10-7 SIMMONS hide-a-bed divan Antiques, dishes, chair, dressing share 1974 14x70 mobile home SHARE HOUSE in East Lansing. 1 throughout. 4 or 5 people. $35, dresser with beveled mirror table, 20 mens suits. Household STEREO, MARANTZ 250, power in North Lansing. Call 489-2134. bedroom. $85/month plus $425/month. Lease and deposit DOUBLE AND Single rooms, one items, clothing, and etc. amplifier, 250 watts, RMS. 3-10-4 utilities. 332-8348. 6-10-9 $35, Antique Oak buffet with required. 339-9380 after 6 p.m. block from east campus, with CEDAR VILLAGE. Two-four 823 CLEVELAND • large, 3 or weekends. Craig. 4-10-4 board. Phone 351-3921. 4-10-8 mirror $50, 9x12 rug $10, Antique folding cot $35, skis 5', $20, child Thursday, and Friday 9-5 2-104 pm. 5^04 9V«n'ngs. BICYCLES - ALL Ten Si bedroom, front porch, fenced Various colors people needed. Immediate skis, boots and poles, $25. U.S. DIVERS Aluminum yard, $225. Call 351-8150. 1236 SHEPARD STREET (East 372-0352. 3-108 tank, 72 Simplex da - railer, center • P occupancy. $80. 351-3190. 5-10-7 side Lansing). 4 rooms, For Sale cubic feet, J reserve. 484-8961, brakes, high quality et d< _jM0-4_ unfurnished. Please drive by TRAVEL TRAILER 1973Skippy- J?ITl0ale Atkins. 5-10-9 cost. Forced warehouse sal#.91 ROOMMATE NEEDED for GIRL NEEDED to share bedroom first. Call collect, WATERBED, KING size deluxe, 5th wheel. GIRLS BIKE and 4:30pm Monday Must sell for chain, round RAILROAD TIES 81 wood 3-woman, 204 River Street, call in duplex. $60/month plus 1-313-261-5195. $80/month includes raised frame and heater. payments. 355-6028 after 5 pm. eating table; 2-three shelf chips. Saturday 8am -12pm. D S1 351-3606. 4-10-7 utilities. 351-9525. 3-10-4 (used to be $125). 5-10-7 $125. 394-0448. 5-10-4 Ceeutify your home, control STORAGE, 1241 Roth Drnil 5-10-10 dividers; one 8x10 braided rug, 2 your weeds, lamps. 332-0342. 3-10-7 many uses. hold Peterson moisture, South Cedar at 1-96 694-3311J Wood 04-104 Chips, 882-2555. 7-10-4 40x 100" ROLL OF 6 mil Visquine-transparent plastic. STEREO EQUIPMENT: Pioneer This size no longer QX-800 4 channel SERVICE ?? receiver manufactured. Excellent for Pioneer C-77 speakers, 4-way 4 BOTTECCHIA GIRO O'iti* covering domes or greenhouses. speaker, Garrard 95SL turntable $225. Bottecchia Gran Turis*» $140 or make offer. 349-3394. 5-10-9 i?_L„^channel 487-2106. 3-10-4 earphones! $175. Both like new extras. 351-4865. 5-10-7 THAT'S How to form your own 8t "° Char96' the advertisement for those people who would car pool State News «ill provide . free classified like to set up or join a car pool. RIGHT!! Drivinp? From _ _ ' or Riding? Returning _ _ Live at CAMPUS HILL and leave the Time? _ driving to us. Two Bedroom . . Wnldw " """ *" o. conduct of Th. information Mow mult b. lopplM Apartments available for Fall Full Name (ot w Call: 349 - 3530 Address _ for information & roommate MANAGEMENT BY: service. ALLSTATE MANAGEMENT CO., INC. Services Building. No phone calls accepted. V NO CHARQE J ctober 4 11 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 4, 1974 19 * K| 12 Schwinn, fchctes 1*1 W. Germans avoid draft cjjj jcc FOR f»n« 10 r•»Pon,ibl• FREE A tenon in complexion GUITAR LESSONS. Cheap. Call •6.3-10-7 J, or individual. Phone care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan or 485-7197 Lansing 393-0603 or 394 1920. Learn 155-497 3 2 104 thla term. 2-10-7 by serving in civilion jobs Mall MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. C-3-10-3 ) ENGLISH Sheepdog puppies, BOARD EXAM TUTORING lkC »how du,lit*- C*" STANLEY H'KAPLAN Fighting and archery practice for r dition Ya"iaha'i k |76.t'164. 339-2573. 2-1W WANTED TUTORING COURSES Announcements for It's What's Happening must be received in the the Society for Creative win Now being formed for the Anachronism will be held at 1:30 90. 20-4 1SE TRAILER for rent. SIO For PSYCHOLOGY STUDY. State News office, 341 Student BONN, Germany (AP) — West German soldiers in menial, make - work assignments. ef day 882 7410 or 882-8779. upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, ATGS8, GRE Board Exams. For Services Bldg., by I p.m. at least two class days before publication. p.m. Saturday in the Men's Intramural Turf Arena. In case of conscientious objectors care for the ill and There was dramatic upsurge of COs in West rlO-4 Information No announcements will be accepted good weather, practice will be held handicapped, work in ambulances and rescue Germany during the late 1960s, attributed least two years before , call 1 313-354-0085 0-1-10-4 by phone. behind Jenison Fieldhouse. services and protect the environment in a partly to the American war in Vietnam. In ",E A Horse. I feed him. you Please come to Olds Hall project that could serve as a model for 1967, 5,963 West Germans applied for S him and give him tender Room 203, Saturday. October 5th anytime between 10am and The Listening Ear is conducting a The Panhellic Council and conscientious objector exemptions, but by President Ford's amnesty program. o'ing c«re- $40/month. 4pm call Hugh Jones training program for new volunteers sorority women invite the 182-8779 5-10-4 882-5806 hour or to arrange tor testing session. Participants 1M« i Tjpjag Service ]g at 10 a.m. Hall. Saturday in 111 Olds administration, faculty, staff and their families to attend sorority "Most West Germans believe that as long as 1972 applicants neared 34,000. will be paid $3 per session. open houses from noon to S p.m. there is a draft, there must be equality of "The Vietnam War certainly played a role in u HORSE Show. Saturday, EXPERIENCED IBM There still service for all young men," said Manfred Harrer •d, brand ru„ ber 12, 9em. Western, typing. are some the increase, but it's also been modish among M,*r 6. Dissertations (pica opportunities for people to get of the West German Labor Ministry, which 351.'^ njlish and Hunter classes and WOOLIES REAL rock'n'roll at itt FAY ANN 489-0358. C-10-31 • elite). involved with the co op houses. If The Society for Creative young people to discount military solutions and Jn events. 475 Del Road. For best Now available for concerts, you're interested, come to the co - Anachronism will meet at 8:30 administers the conscientious objector program proclaim: 'Better red than dead,' " Harrer said. ill call 882 8779. 5-10-4 initiated 18 years ago. "America may have "Another factor is the German past. Because of ■ mixers, frat parties, etc. Call op office, 31 IB Student Services p.m. Saturday in the Union Tower Lens. Bitoa Room. lion 351-6555. 10-10-14 ANN BROWN typing and multilith Bldg. something to learn from our experiences." this, many want nothing to do with the Optica rSES FOR Sale. Several nice offset printing. Complete service United Ministries in Higher The Northwoods Guild of r. 2615 Illuminators and Calligraphers will Ford has offered amnesty to draft evaders military." '-7409. C+ilM f, Measure horses to choose from. for dissertations, theses, Education is sponsoring growth meet at 6 p.m. Sunday in the Union and deserters from the Vietnam War era in B28779 5-10-4 manuscripts, general typing. groups (Gestalt) on Monday A 39 - year - old legal specialist, Harrer afternoons and Thursday evenings. Mural Room. IBM. 25 return for an oath of allegiance to the United yeers believes West German public opinion h% A Wednesday night Bible study The Advertising rs£ BOARDED, $40/month. 349-0850. C-10-31 using Gestalt methods, and Bible the school Club kicks off with a States and for working up to two years in changed decisively in favor of civilian service in ludes hay and grain daily, Lansing. Michigan studies in West Circle residence new year public services such as national health or safety. presentation by Campbell - Ewald the last two years. stalls, riding trelll, and Civic Center halls and Brody Complex ire also advertising agency at 8 tonight in COMPLETE THESES w,door ring. 4 miles south of Service being offered. Call for more About 30,000 West German youths will 106 Holmes Hall. ideo tape + October 4*6 Discount Printing. IBM Typing "Previously there was distrust. Some claimed ^ [ampuS 88? 8779. 5-W-4 information. avoid the draft this year by establishing their 316-942 1222 Single Admission $1.00 and binding of dissertations and these young men were shirkers," he said. "But | Complete black and white status as conscientious objectors. To substitute black kittens, free, box publications. Across from At Hillel this weekend Shabbat darkroom facilities are available to now the public is aware of what they do. 1 PM to 10 PM for military service, they will be assigned by the service (creative) and dinner at 6:30 trained, weaned Call 332-8057. Closing 6 PM Sonday campus corner M.A.C. and tonight, morning minyan at 10 all MSU students and staff through Bonn government to 16 months of civilian Because of labor shortages, some hospitals IT of scuba Grand River. Below Jones the East Complex Photo Club. For uki 3-108 tomorrow followed by free lunch could not operate without these men." wo tanks etc. Q|> Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday • information contact Jim Gilmore or service duties, compared with 15 months served kiddish. Deli this Sunday will be at *'»« 6, 33221 - VforidWde Friday. Call COPYGRAPH SERVICES. 337-1666. C-10-31 6 p.m. Rabbi Bill Rudolph will Sherry Tibus. by military recruits. Franz Hebig, a 23 - year - old conscientious ") AnOqyes \\ speak on his summer trip to Israel. The East Lansing Committee of Anyone interested in forming an anthropology or archeology club, Their starting pay is about $2 a day plus meals. Many will have to finance their own objector serving in a Roman Catholic - operated hospital in Bonn, said: "I believe no one should EE BEAGLE Shepard puppies, Show & Sale PURPLE VICKI - Fast, accurate, inexpensive typing. Very near the Socialist Labor party will be or who would information, contact Abbie Leese like more living quarters. Otherwise, they receive the be forced to be a soldier, but I also believe passing out leaflets in front of the welfare benefits shots and wormed. 353-7145, 8 - cempus. 337-7260. C-10-31 or an Anthropology Dept. adviser. same as army recruits. young people have a duty to serve their Campus Theater at 1 p.m. 5.393 1093 nights. 3-10-3 Saturday. If you would like community." bike, 200 mq This Ad Admits 2 There will be an orientation Like the Ford proposal, the West German questions answered or would like to program for volunteers interested in luggar pannier | Adults tor $1.50 civilian service program has provoked Asked what he thought of Ford's amnesty, IRENE ORR Theses, term help, come and see us. the Girl's Club at 8:30 p.m. 151-4467, M, There is grumbling from Hebig replied, "I think it's correct to expect Mobile Homes papers, general typing. Formerly The Socialist Labor party Saturday at the Lansing YWCA. controversy. with Ann candidate for Congress will be Transportation for the program will conscientious objectors about low pay and some substitute service. I never considered Brown. 482-7487. available to answer your questions be available in 27 Student Services parkwood 12x60. 2 C-10-31 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today at the being forced to serve one month longer than myself better than a soldier." TRAVEL NEED two crew Bldg. "bedroom, shed, 10 minutes members to join four as part party's literature table in the Union. There will be an orientation for MSU. 675-7432 or 485-1175. in ship slated to depart owners THESES, RESUMES, typing and students interested in volunteer 5-109 October for Europe. next McConnell of Senate vote due printing. Reasonable prices. Patricia Barnes to tapes work at St. Vincent's Home for CYLINE 8x42, 1 bedroom, separate study area. Excellent 485-1886. 5-10-8 COMMERCIAL 351-4116. C-10-31 PRINTING, the will College of Urban Development speak at 10:30 a.m. Sunday at Children at 8 p.m. Monday in 6 Student Services Bldg. on access Unitarian - Universalist Church, 85S condition in quiet park, partially UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS Grove St. There will be an orientation for can receive refunds of their 50c EXPERT TYPING: Theses, papers, students interested in volunteer (continued from page 1) 50c. all Student Media Appropriations Eight different courses in Judaic work at Lansing General Hospital at prosecutor's office. tff general work. Call Carolyn, Meanwhile, special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski - studies will be offered by Hillel 6:30 p.m. Monday in It was learned that Jaworski has sent a •ck light at Board tax in room 334 Student 332-5574. 7-10-4 the Dean's LTMORE 12'x47', two bedroom, beginning Monday. The courses Conference Room of the Student has told members of a Senate committee he is second letter, dated Oct. 1, to the committee E FOREVER,n Services Building the first two carpeted, large appliances, include Bible, three levels of Services Building. still trying to decide how far he can go in members in which he said "particular oon-6 p, weeks of classes, ending October furniture. $2,900. 694-9259. Hebrew, basic Judaism, the Middle 9. 1974. 10-10-9 East conflict and a women's group. The Karma Record Exchange reporting former president Nixon's involvement consideration is being given to the propriety of 5108 in matters he is investigating, it was learned typewriter, 5 *t Contact Hillel for information. will be open from 2 to 5 p.m. including, perhaps in an appendix, transcripts idition, S40. Monday through Friday in 327 Thursday. of the tape recordings received in response to 163 10*55 Liberty. Very good 5-10-8 condition. $2500. Call Peanuts Personal TYPING- WILL pick up and Students are cordially invited to Student Services Bldg. for people Jaworski sent a letter to eight members of our subpena, upheld in the Supreme Court." deliver. Large or small orders. a University discussion group at 11 interested in buying, selling or the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sept. 17 Hie Supreme Court ruled in July that Nixon 676-5563, after 6 pm. 5-108 a.m. Sunday in the senior high swapping their old records. THING, til Phone 677-8611 after 5:30 or all had to turn over the tapes of 64 recorded White :ondition. CHI OMEGA Sorority open rush lounge of People's Church. Drop in telling them there appeared to be "substantial Sled day Saturday and Sunday. House conversations that Jaworski wanted as >s, coats, d OLIOHOME 12 x 60 - King October 6-14. Call 332-6019, 5-10-10 for coffee, donuts and fellowship. "Courtesans. Geishas and legal and ethical questions" about his authority v size 6. 332-853 Arthur's Court. $3300. Phone * 332 5018.2 10-7 Prostitutes," a lecture by Reiko to issue a report on Nixon's involvement evidence in the Watergate coverup trial that Hatsumi. wellknown author from in matters 355 2251 or 332-6329. after 6. investigated by the special began Tuesday. Tokyo, will be presented by the ■ at 3 p.m. today Asian Studies Center at 7:1 S p.m. in 39 Union. Any student Monday in 34 Union. 169 RICHARDSON 12 x 60. interested in becoming a Big Nixon lawyers say he's too sicK to testify vailable immediately 1% baths. J.P.F I'm so COLLECTOR IS paying fair prices Brother at Everett should attend. Men and worn glad you're beck . . Skirted,an, 694 9644 3-10-7 for all US. silver and coin theological study are invited to talk looking forward to many more Volunteers are needed for the collections. 484-2751. 2-10-4 with William Weiblen. President of hours of quality time together. REACH program at Everett Wartburg Seminary, at 4 p.m. )R SALE Champion mobile I.L.U. YOUR LADY. 1-10-4 Elementary School. Anyone Saturday at University Lutheran I2I furnished, good interested in being a classroom aide RIDER WANTED to Washington Church, 1020 S. Harrison Road. (continued from page 1) week to select an impartial Under court rules, tape condition, 5 minutes from and developing a one - to - one campus. Call 339-8503 after Real Estate m State. Leaving October 4 or 5. relationship with a child should Eckankar will have a potluck a Long Beach, Calif., hospital jury, a task made difficult recorders and cameras of all Phone 487 6798. 3-10-4 because of the publicity kinds are barred. 5pm. 510-4 attend an orientation session at I Darji dinner at 1 p.m. Sunday, by week's end. His personal today in 39 Union. attending the coverup case. Ehrlichman's attorneys p.m. followed by an introductory lecture physician, Dr. John C. NE MILE from campus. 10 x 55 OKEMOS BY OWNER. Thrae WANTED FOR Linguistics on Eckankar at 3 p.m. at the Pebble The judge took nearly three subpenaed Nixon to obtain Lungren, has said Nixon should - A discussion group for college Creek clubhouse, 1401 Meadowrue Schult, 2 bedrooms, utility shed, bedroom ranch, over one acre Research. Native speaker of not travel for at least three hours Thursday morning to testimony on the origins of the students on relational theology on Coolidge Road. land. Two excellent condition. Call car garage, full either Chinese, Thai, Malayam, begins at 9:15 a.m. Sunday at 1118 months. interview two potential jurors. coverup itself. Ehrlichman's 372-8921, after 5 p.m. 7-10-4 basement, fireplace. Lots of Yoruba, Swahili, Arabic, S. Harrison Road. The group is Court officials said Sirica, attorneys reportedly will paint and The MENSA Bimillenial Even before Nixon's lawyers room privacy. Assume Hungarian, Turkish, Japanese, or sponsored by the United Methodist Diplomacy Meet will be held from frustrated by the slow pace, the former White House 7% mortgage interest. Priced to any other non • Indo-European Church. The first topic of asked Sirica not to require his noon to midnight Saturday at later began interviewing the domestic affairs chief as a Lost & Found sell. 482 2055 after 5 pm. 3-10-7 language who can also speak and discussion will be childhood images Frank Kirchner's home, 1416 testimony. Jaworski urged the write English. Please call of God. Alcott, Kalamazoo. Food will be judge to send his own medical prospective jurors in groups of partially unknowing 353-9242, ask for Linguistics provided. Reservations are required. team to California for an 12 individually. participant. FIND SOMETHING There will be an experimental Call Roy Saper for more In another development, The prosecutors need Nixon Project Group. 5-10-8 worship service at 5 p.m. Sunday information. independent examination and you've found a pet or article of evaluation. Sirica ruled out the to authenticate the tapes, sponsored by the United Ministries value, we want to help you in Higher Education, 1118 S. Lansing area lesbians are having a Doctors only indirectly broadcasting of about 35 White which reportedly will comprise return it. Just come to the State SKIERSI UTAH package - $299. NEED SENIOR football coupon Harrison, followed by supper. For House major block of their dance at 9 p.m. Saturday. Call the familiar with Nixon's phlebitis tapes which the a News Classified Department and Christmas and spring. Call your for Notre Dame game. i n fo a t i i former Women's Center for details. evidence. Under a legal ell have expressed surprise at the prosecutors plan to introduce us you went to place an ad East Lansing Ski Center Desperate. Call 355-8252 or transportation, call UMHE. All women are welcome. doctrine called "chain of - into evidence. Turning down a 1 EAST LANSING STATE TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. 337-0963.3-10-4 prolonged confinement BANK'S The Unitarian - Universalist Jewish freshpeople in Mason Lungren says he plans for his request from reporters for the custody," persons who handled Found Column. As 351-8800. 0-4-10-4 a public service EAST LANSING Church is holding a rummage sale Abbott and Snyder - Phillips halls patient. three major television tape recordings or were NEEDED FEMALE for 4 woman. STATE BANK will run the ad at from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday at are invited to meet at 7:30 Sunday Meanwhile, Sirica sought to networks, Sirica said allowing participants in taped HAYRIDES DRAWN Haslett Arms. $73,75/month. 855 Grove St. Items will be priced in the Phillips hall library. by horses. the tapes to be broadcast on conversations must verify their no cost to you! Call for appointment now. 332-8182.3-10-4 between 5 cents and $ 1. speed up the tedious process of EAST LANSING selecting 12 jurors and six radio or television news shows authenticity. Phone 676 5928. 10-10-16 Episcopal students: Join us for would open up questions of Sources close to Jaworski STATE BANK WANTED TO rent secure garage The Muslim Students Assn. the Eucharist at 5 p.m. Sunday in alternates for the trial, now in C-10-31 invites all Muslims to a get together the Alumni Chapel. Don't hang why the entire trial could not have said he does not believe with electricity in East Lansing its third day. at 8:30 p.m. Saturday in 35 Union. God the wall for four years, IEWARD for wallet returned I Service ]Aj area. 351-7889, evenings. 310-4 Meet other Muslims, the new continue on in community! Dinner Sirica is likely to attempt be electronically recorded and then broadcast. Nixon's personal verification is needed if his health prevents intact; lost in Frandor parking executive committee, and learn follows. Rides provided from the through the middle of next about our activities for Ramadan. his appearance as a witness. lot; Call Gordon 337-9505 chapel at 6:15. Join us! 353-6400. 5-10-10 or VOICE beginning LESSONS. Piano lessons, and intermediate. | Car Pool £* The MSU Tolkien Fellowship White House technicians or secret Service men who $6/hour. $4,50/40 minutes. Call Driving will meet at 8 tonight in West Campus beer sales sought FOUND SUM handled the tapes might of Money. Call and 9ive details. 332-5858 after 5 Pm. 349-1354, after 5 p.m. 7-10-4 | Share Driving w Holmes Hall upper lounge. Topics of discussion will be the annual suffice. If Nixon is excused from C-3-10-8 LEAVING VICINITY of Logan and migration and the etiquette of AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE only FROM JACKSON to MSU. Monday Miller Road to Campus (MSU) weather - wizard burning. (continued from page 1) "By not arousing the same testifying for the prosecution, L°ST S'BERIAN you can save $$$. It pays to through Friday. Leaving 7am, around 7am, returning 5pm. it is unlikely he would be HUSKY puppy shop around. Call us. You may returning time negotiable. Badminton will be available to opponents who opposed Jackie 8"ack/White. Near Burcham! 882-4097 evenings, Tracy. Vaughn's liquor - on • campus called by the defense until at be surprised 484-8173. B-2-10-7 787-6277 evenings. students and faculty from 7 to 10 saying it would be especially -12pm. D 1 _ Revvard 332-5362. 3-10-4 FROM LANSING to Ludington tonight in the upper gym of the appealing to conferees and bill, chances are considerably least November, and perhaps >41 Roth Dim Women's Intramural Building. convention - goers at Kellogg better," he said. December, after the From CHARLOTTE to MSU, daily. and back. Leaving Fridays t 1-96. 694-3311 F°r «*** wa,ch in~Fiovver TYPEWRITERS. AIR oiled, and adjusted. Portables cleaned, Leaving 7am, returning 3 - 5pm. 4:30pm, returning Sundays Omega Sorority: Your Center. Bursley said he would not prosecutors have rested their 1,^9hborhood- 332-2896. C-3-10-4 C®11 Tony $7.50, manuals $10. electric 543-6488 after 5 pm. 10pm. Phone 485-1078 7am - Chi invitation to something different! Bursley believes the bill has force his bill to be brought out case. 10pm. Open rush Sunday through Oct. 13. realistic chance of being of the commerce committee It was also disclosed that a $1250. One day service, free a WST: SMALL brown FROM SPARTAN VILLAGE to For rides for more information give until he has garnered enough former Nixon aide, Richard A. female dog. pick up and delivery. 25 years FROM LANSING to Wayne State. us a call. Chi Omega is located at passed. Terrier type mut. experience. 6-10-11 Jackson. Leaving 6:30 am, support for the bill from a Moore, has become, like Answers to Leaving Monday and Wednesday 229 Burcham Drive. Hershey. 351 1820. 3-10-4 returning 5 pm. 355-0979 after Nixon, an unindicted co • f°UND FRIENDLY grey and HIGHLAND HILLS - Christmas 6 pm. 4-10-8 early am, returning early pm. 489-2657 after 10pm. Star Trek film The Star Trek clip presentation. Club welcomes Jewish diversity of interests. "We need the support various university governing of the conspirator in the case. Moore, until Wednesday a parties & wedding recaptions. FROM JACKSON to MSU. Leaving interested in just the clips, o male cat. White collar, FLINT AREA to East Lansing, anyone (continued from page 1) boards and the students, plus holdover in the Ford Reserve your date now. 12:30 pm, returning 5 pm. or in joining us at 7:30 p.m. Leeving 7am, returning administration, was named ciVi S,r9e,• 355"1673- 669-9873. 20-10-23 784-1913 after 6 pm. 4-10-8 daily. 5pm. 1-313-659-9670 after 6pm. Tuesday in the Gilchrist Hall pessimistic about the we have to overcome because of new evidence in 3-10-2 lounge. University's actions on such opposition from the Licensed MSU Beverage Association lobby, tapes received by the °mnDh BLACK lahrador mutt, 9 FOR THE Best Service on stereo FROM MARSHALL to Thursday. Leaving Anyone interested in being a problems. which instrumental in prosecutors, sources said. X •>51-8372.°ld' Campus area. Call equipment see the STEREO Monday 8:30 am, • returning 4:30 pm volunteer teacher's aide in a Head "How long does it take to was killing Vaughn's bill," he said. While Moore and the other C-3-10-4 SHOPPE, 543 East Grand River. C-10-31 Tuesday and Thursday. 8:30 pm Riding Start classroom should attend an orientation session at 7 p.m. work on something?" Dickman An aide to Bursley said the 19 unindicted co - conspirators said. "This isn't a brand new Monday in 6 Student Services Bldg. do not face trial, they can be LOchestSMhALL b,8Ck d0fl' Whlt* choke chain. MSU area. Monday and Wednesday. 616-781-7293 evenings 4-10-8 NEED RIDE from Jackson to MSU University or a brand new bill's passage might serve as an incentive for students to called upon to testify under □ Reward 332 3672. 2-10-4 LEARN TO PLAY daily. Leaving 8am, returning a d i o A f t t h . problem." looser rules of evidence than around 3pm. Call 784-8834 noncommerical progressive radio, Herbach said that he also register at several state colleges From PERRY to Commuter Lot. 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. Monday through facing enrollment declines. other types of witnesses. anytime. felt that other Jewish students L°sShTavi ; TW0 pa,r c°ntact lenses, In Daily. Leaving 7:15am, Friday on WKAR FM. 90.S. were pessimistic about the r08fl k"' Rewafd- 351-2626. the returning 5pm. Phone 651-6096 after 6pm. FROM VICINITY of Forest Road There will be an orientation and problem. and Stonleigh (Laming) to MSU. training session for volunteers Though he knew of no CIIITAR Personal Leaving 8:30' am, returning evenings, negotiable. 393-7194. interested in working at Camp Highftelds, a correctional facility organized effort in the past to TYPING ERRORS /] FROM BATTLE Creek to Commuter Lot, daily. Leaving 4-10-8 for adolescent Monday in males, at 7 p.m 27 Student Services insure that this problem would not confront Jewish students, fust call 7:30am, returning 4 - 5pm. FROM BATH to MSU daily. Bldg. Herbach said that MSU had to DENNIS 616-963-9393 after 6pm. Leaving 7:30am, returning 5pm. Pre - Vets - The first meeting of have been aware of the rsr} ERROR-FREE TYPHHL 356-4510 extension 248 before problem. 393-0603 the Pre Vet Club will be held at 8 LEAVING SOUTH Lansing to 5pm. p.m. Monday in 109 Anthony Hall. "There's no such thing as a 20-10.23 Jackson 7:15am, returning Interested in helping produce calendar without Yom Kippur around 5pm, daily Monday FROM Corner of Stoll and Wood great new music? Showcase Jazz on it." CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY at statewide. TERRY through Friday. 394-1619 after Roads to MSU Cempus. Leeving will hold an organiiational meeting at 8:30 p.m. informal, Rudolph said that he learned ERRORITE ,^ 'Mr^iV0r#,Und»o« it'i bast LUKE PHOTOGRAPHY, 7:30 em, returning 485-3553. 10-7-74 5 pm. Monday in the Union Sunporch. that the first day of classes had 334 Student •t'"< r00m 313-532-9326. C-10-31 Free University announces been scheduled on Yom FROM Grand Rapids to East OUT OF SIGHT! classes in photography, Tai Chi, From Eaat Lansing, to Ann Arbor, Kippur last spring, but at that Lansing. Leaving 6:30 or 8 am yoga, edible wild plants, massage - St.Oc,ob" 9' 55 VOICE LESSONS minutes In - 30, 45 or 60 length. Call and returning 4 or 616-942-1222 after 5 later. pm. Yptilanti. Leaving around 8 am, returning 5 pm. Phone 351-8154 and much more. Call Mayflower Bookstore or stop by the Union for time the University told him it was too late to do anything 332-2040, after 130 p.m. about it. "rvicai. io!*0.g 10-7-74 more information U" ASMUS 6-10-8 10-7-74 Friday, October 4. 20 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan iq, It's as sim Ai rrive early R runch at the C ^ heer for M.S. D ont forget your M.S. Gotf&wO / G&isxt& 1 MSU BOOKSTORE CROSSROADS CAFETERIA 9-5PM 10 -1 PM OPEN ALL HOME FOOTBALL GAMES