Today is the last day titizens group continue fight In road project By MARY ANNE FLOOD Another member of the long • fighting State News Staff Writer group Citizens for a Livable City, Mary Davis, said, "One consolation we have is that other similar projects may get more fresh craters at the Michigan P. Harrison Road intersection must thought." Davis said that it appears the project is A more like open wounds to the Iborhood residents who have fought being done in a sort of irreversible pattern, ir and a half against the recently starting everything at once in anticipation of any further attempts to halt the Kted project, hose involved citizens, who have been project. jing intersection contraction for over "Seeing the scope of the construction, Lk now, have not said their last words some people are waking up. Tliey're It the plans which will be contested in beginning to say, 'Oh, that's what you meant,'" Davis said. I District Court in Grand Rapids again Mary K. Hodges, who also worked llvs Anderson, a vocal citizen who against the project, has put a sign on her SN photo/Charlie Kidd front lawn re?Hin«- ctop inflation, cut fteen leading the fight against the $500,000 road JfSJSS, section plans, said that the courts A sign across from the Brody residence halls on Michigan Avenue protests the construction project underway to modify the Michigan ^ failed to answer a number of "Everybody in the neighborhood is Avenue -Harrison Road intersection. Ktions brought up by the citizens in disgusted to see this last bit of green space 1 list trip to federal court in August. ruined," Hodges said. She said the protest Anderson ^ that the court never group's major concerns - the plan's Ford's 'fair' anti-inflation program in wiiai he believes were the detrimental effects on neighborhood ,_s strongest points. They include character and safety — have already begun | Lansing's failure to hold public to be realized. King and illegal use of park land, "We're already seeing more traffic lerson will also present documentation through the neighborhood," she said. Ceming the highway department's Hodges said that though the battle was Management of environmental studies. ■I've lived with these maps for a year 1 a half, but seeing it - it's really an Anderson said. (te contested, they've torn up." "Everything lost at this particular intersection, she hopes people will take better looks at future plans and that city council will begin to consider pedestrian and other transportation forms rather than pumping may WASHINGTON (AP) include tax structure changes - Personally A White House spokesman said that cut $5 million from the federal budget. As he strolled through Lafayette Park Ford has yet to make final decisions on Time said the surcharge would after church services, Ford was asked by a i said that even if Michigan • its monies and energies into highways built ruling out higher gasoline taxes, President Ford said Sunday that the anti • inflation the program. But administration sources "probably" be on family incomes of reporter about the possibility of higher |ison has to be the sacrificial land, he with only the motorist in mind. indicate the President is moving toward $15,000 and above and on incomes of gasoline taxes. "I thought I was very firm e it as a precedent for similar Another involved citizen, Marilyn program he will present to Congress and $7,500 and above for single persons and in saying no the other day," he replied. |s in the future. Hanley, said that looking at "the half - the nation on Tuesday "will be a fair proposed changes in the tax structure to ease the impact of inflation on lower would be used to pay for federal The President is expected to call upon j don't dare give up as long as million dollar boondogle" made her feel one." income families. emergency relief measures for the poor. Americans to voluntarily conserve fuel, way agents have money," he said, especially bitter toward the media. She The President also summoned Treasury Under the tentative plan, these families There would also be a 5 per cent surcharge and as if to set example, he decided to idiereon plans to take the case to a said the press unfairly characterized those Secretary William Simon, Alan Greenspan, would recieve a tax cut while those in on corporate profits. walk the 150 yards from the White House er court if the decision is negative and opposing the intersection as "tree freaks," chairman of the Council of Economic The investment tax credit, Time said, to church rather than ride in the lee the case through trials, not just failing to understand the group's objection Advbersand other aides to the Oval Office higher income brackets would face a tax increase to make up the difference and would be increased from 7 per cent to 10 presidential limousine. s for injunctions on federal and to the style and impact of the planned Sunday afternoon to review the package Grain exporters have been invited to bring the federal budget into balance. per cent for industrial companies and construction. of proposals he will outline to a joint meet with Ford today to discuss voluntary session of Congress. Aides reported that the president from 4 per cent to 10 per cent for utilities. remains opposed to mandatory wage and An Associated Press survey shows that cooperation and to report what would Americans are still driving slower, turning assure reasonable supplies to both price controls and also firmly opposes out lights and lowering thermostats. But domestic and foreign users. gasoline rationing. TTiey acknowledged )ues cut may boost that his anti inflation program will have - some mandatory features but refused to many state energy officials contacted said those efforts are declining and further action is necessary. On Saturday, Ford won cancellation of contracts by two exporters to ship $500 million worth of grain to the Soviet give specific details. Time magazine reported Sunday that "I'm for more mandatory Union. should choose to do so. Workers Union and determined its overall Ford was planning a 5 per cent income tax conservation," said Frank DiLuzio, New White House Press Secretary Ron fledgling Student Workers Union The Council 7 convention represented merit. surcharge on persons with higher incomes Mexico's energy chief. Nessen said Ford expressed to the ■mother shot in the arm Saturday as an ■dment lowering the cost of union members from all the locals the council The Student Workers Union stand to and on corporations, along with larger Presidential spokesmen said last week exporters his "strong concern over serves. These are university and college date has been not to affiliate with any investment tax credits for business to Ford would not seek an increase in the the potential domestic impact that such 1 was unanimously approved at a labor federal excise tax on gasoline. Ford gave sales could have at a time when the United tion in Grand Rapids. locals, with some civil service locals. local union, but student union leaders say encourage production; an expanded public that the final decision to affiliate will service employment program; federal aid personal emphasis to that decision on States is experiencing a disappointing American Federation of State. "If another University wanted to get come in a membership vote. for the mortgage market and a proposal to Sunday. harvest of feed grains." Bnty and Municipal Employes organized, this per capita tax would also T5CME) Council 7 voted a $1.50 apply to them," Swick said. Jction in monthly dues for Boyed less than 20 hours members Currently AFSCME dues run about per week. $8.00 per month. The enactment of this False alarm I group wanting to affiliate with rate new per capita tax reduces the amount JCME must join at the local level, in affiliated employes working less than 20 ■ case No. 1585, and then must pay hours per week pay from $8.00 to $6.50 ■thly dues to support the local, council per month. ^international federations, Swick wrote and introduced the j1erry1585,Swick, president of AFSCME which represents about 1,200 amendment at the convention. Roy Barr, a By BRUCE RAY WALKER in that the department did not bother to serious fires. One student suffered serious also remain closed. If they are left opened, member of local 1585 and a delegate to answer. burn injuries last year when a lit candle the fire will spread much more quicklv. te workers on campus, said that this Whether in protest over cold hands or idment is significant to the the convention, called for its approval and The large number of false alarms in ignited a tapestry he had hanging from the If you open your door and there is struggling for just pure contrariness, Mrs. O'Leary's wall. smoke in the hall, close the door and stay residence halls is particularly dangerous. lent Workers Union because it will • support. Barr is the chairman of the cow kicked over a lantern one frosty Smoking in bed or in an overstuffed in your room to wait for help. He said that E it student liason,committee, a group that has Gingrich said. Not only does it reduce the economically easier for the morning and allegedly started the Great number of fire drills a hall can run but chair are dangerous practices, Gingrich at Cornell University a few years ago there Puts to affiliate with AFSCME if studied the feasibility of the Student they Chicago Fire of 1871. false alarms tend to convince students that said. was a fire and the halls filled with smoke. every alarm is false. Some students attempted to find their Each year Fire Prevention Week (Oct. 6 Fire extinguishers and hoses way out and never made it through the to 12) commemorates that holocaust, It gets to the point where students mysteriously disappearing from the walls smoke. Firemen found them dead in the parking regulations which claimed 300 lives and left 90,000 homeless, by attempting to inform people of fire hazards and safety rules. shrug their shoulders and say "just another false alarm," Gingrich said. This tendency almost brought disaster in last February's further hamper fire prevention, Gingrich said. Last year 96 extinguishers, valued at $2,646, were stolen along with seven fire hallway. Gingrich stressed that any student nozzles, valued at $84. iscriminate, male claims responsible for a fire can be held fire in the 12th floor of South Hubbard found At MSU last year, there were 44 fires costing over $77,000 in losses. Almost Hall. Gingrich says that if a fire occurs, all financially liable for any damages a windows and doors should be immediately good reason, he said, to make every week The fire, which caused the University a closed. All fire doors in the dorms should Fire Prevention Week. By PAT NARDI students and Van Hoosen Hall residents loss of over $50,000 and damages to floor State News Staff Writer park in the ramp. occupants of nearly $11,000, had been One sophomore girl who parks in the preceded that week by two false alarms in Fire caused an estimated $1,000 i JV'6 MSU s'udent thinks Shaw ramp said she understands why »he the hall. As a result, many people refused J ^rkl"g priorities established by damage in Owen Graduate Hall early J nivers'ty to prevent rapes are . Pnnunatory. sophomore males complain: "I guess it is discriminatory, but I sure wouldn't walk back from Lot Y at 3:30 Sunday. No one was injured. The source of the fire is believed to to believe it "I was a thought it real fire. was a false alarm, but Milliken holds slight lead; Tom BwJett tow the Sute News have been a plastic container in the when I went into the hall the smoke was a.m. I think the University should build Bltinne .niversity discriminates felinf iuph1omort' male Frjday residents of by more parking facilities close by," Karen Wiese, junior, 332 Mason Hall, said. kitchen that was filled with towels, MSU Fire Safety Officer Sam Gingrich said. The halfway to my room, and the resident assistant was yelling that it was real. So we just forgot to close the windows or youth favor Levin in poll lki!i.(nv r and Mason " Abbot hails Robert Bissell, Public Safety records towels are thought to have been ignited by doors," the occupant of one of the most TOough Gov. Milliken holds a 5 per of less than 50 respondents was ly wM.Vne,and one " third miles manager, said he does not blame students a cigaret butt that had been dropped in damaged rooms said. Leaving her door cent lead over his Democratic recorded in this category. E'mUh i6 s°Phomores can for complaining about the distance to Lot the container Saturday night. opponent Sander Levin, a Detroit Black voters, according to the News f| c|oser in ramp No. 1 near Shaw Y. The East Lansing Fire Dept. confined open allowed the fire to spread and it totally destroyed .everything in the room. News poll released Sunday shows survey, favor Levin by a 55 to 14 per "It all hinges on space, though. We have the fire to the kitchen area, putting it out Levin to be favored among young cent majority, with 29 per cent T&pc hsophomore. 42 Phillips Hall, a limited number of parking spaces in that area," he said. about 5:15 a.m. "The responsibility (for false alarms) rests on the students' shoulders. The Michigan voters. undecided. White voters favored Milliken 46 to 35 per cent with 15 per Bissell said females were chosen to fill Damage was for the most part caused The poll, completed with a 700 cent undecided. alarms are there for their protection. I see load. of Farn> Lane and Mt. Hope the remaining spaces in the Shaw ramp by heat and smoke. The meal schedule at no solution for the problem except for the person sampling by Market Opinion Levin fares well among skilled and because of the danger of assault. the hall ran almost on time Sunday as the Research, shows Milliken with a 42 students to be responsible enough not to unskilled workers and voters per cent to 37 per cent edge over k in"!0! ylr ^at the males have to "We are concerned with the safety cleanup continued. turn in false alarms," Gingrich said. Levin. Human Rights party (HRP) belonging to unions. In those three dettsa^d reany bothers me-" factor involved in having girls walk home that distance in the middle of the night. Some other worries MSU's fire Candidate Zolton Ferency shares 4 categories, persons favored Levin by 10 to 20 per cent margin over prevention bureau, the Fire Safety Services, per cent of the total alloted third 1»nd "thi'S 'nconsistent for women to I'm not saying it isn't discriminatory. But hold concern electrical appliances and party candidates, and 17 per cent of Milliken. Professionals, officials and , let ! sam« w»ges as men, while there just isn't room for everyone in the $62,000 of this was University property extension cords. A faulty space heater a the sample said they were undecided. business owners favored Milliken by as 'kintin h6mf be Pampered by Shaw ramp." but nearly $16,000 was lost to students, student had in her was much as 24 per cent, the poll said. ®b>bly sound mSt lot'" he said- "Th« Bissell said there is a possibility that room When broken into age groups, Income earners in the $10,000 to faculty and staff on campus. believed to cause the Hubbard Hall fire. »kway 0ut SXly' but if y°u had to parking in the Shaw ramp may become Levin maintains a 79 — 21 superiority $14,999 per year bracket favor Levin even more restrictive, depending on where The first fire loss of the 1974 75 in the 18 to 20 age group and a 37 to by 45 to 38 per cent, but wage earners the proposed Performing Arts Center is This year MSU fire safety officers are - 34 edge in the 21 to 29 age bracket. in four other categories - except the school year was reported recently as a particularly concerned about the large ■iTjrj"si,,w r,mp ■» built. The Center should be completed in 1979. If the new auditorium is built on number of false alarms on campus. Of the popcorn popper overheated in a residence However, breakdown an shows occupational that the $5,000 to $6,999 category with a base response of less than 50 per cent — dents of Phny senior and iuni°r 253 alarms the East Lansing Fire Dept. hall room. Extension cords that are frayed the intramural fields south of Owen Hall, |bot halls as IS ' Sf"y(ler ,nd Mason ■ or near the intersection of Farm Land and answered on campus, 26 were false alarms, or too weak for the current going through unemployed, housewives and students fivor Milliken by 33 to 28 per cent support Milliken. The $15,000 and over wage group gave Milliken a 51 to I add'tion s„m as.female sophomores. Shaw Lane, then it may require parking Sam Gingrich, MSU's fire safety officer, them are another potential fire hazard. ^The sample does indicate that a base 34 nod. mem^ n°wen 0™'Hallfaculty «d • graduate space in the Shaw ramp. said. Many other false alarms were turned Candles in the tooms can also cause . Michigan State News, Hast Lansing, Michigan Monday. October 7 i Arabs vow readiness to fight missiles, armored personnel of the desert, and a national BY ASSOCIATED PRESS Yitzhak Rabin's office, by Mottie Ashkenazy, whose television audience. Egypt paraded its armed demanding a general election bunker on the Suez Canal was carriers, tanks, and artillery, marched for 90 minutes in the President Anwar Sadat and him on stand. Arafat the shaded reS might Sunday to mark the and "an end to our leadership the only frontline defense that as usual , first military parade in Egypt War Minister Ahmed Ismail fatigues. anniversary of last year's war crisis." was not captured by the in more than seven years. took the salute as troops It with Israel and vowed it was They claimed Rabin, who Egyptians. "I can't stand to see was Arafat's first- that Israel in 1974 is back to Western military experts said marched by. since August when ready to fight again to regain took over from Golda Meir EgyDti, In a major indication of the the PLO by Congress rushes to finish the Sinai Desert. Israel after the war, had failed to correct the failings that they its old Ashkenazy said. ways of 1973," there were no surprises in new weaponry or aircraft displayed direction Arab politics will with Jordan's seemingly King 1W reported all quiet take as leaders prepare for a Congress will pause this week in its rush toward a along the Sinai and Golan believe brought on the war "an extravagant lifestyle, over Across the canal, Soviet - made bombers and jets roared in the march, which was witnessed by an estimated summit at the end of the representing the the Geneva peace Palest!^ talks campaigning recess to hear President Ford's fronts, but in Jerusalem 100 month, Sadat invited Palestine Israelis who fought in the war confidence and the social gap." overhead and Egyptian troops, 100,000 persons in Nasr City, a Before the parade i recommendations for economic legislation that may northeast suburb on the edge Liberation Organization (PLO) said in a speech keep the lawmakers working late in the year. gathered outside Premier The demonstrators were led manning ground - to - ground recover Israeli occupied EgLj" Ford is scheduled to address Congress Tuesday "either in peace or in war " Chile afternoon. "Egyptian troops buys figh are ■■ Meanwhile, both chambers crowded their calendars with major and minor bills to be disposed of before they begin the month - long recess at the close of business Friday. jet prepared than are ready for a year ago another round fighting to liberate Sinai if decision is taken," he said. Bills to tighten regulations on campaign financing, an SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) - eventually go to war against Nevertheless, there is Hawthorne, Calif. replace obsolete tanks and Ismail said that Chile is quietly buying Chile. concern here that there are a Delivery of the first units are other armor, according to v $11.8 billion program to aid mass transit and a Egyptian troops stormed supersonic jet fighters and A high source in the Chilean number of Marxists in the expected in about two years foreign observers here. broadening of Vietnam - era veterans' educational close air support attack planes air force confirmed the arms Peruvian military who are not and in the interim, Chilean air They are vigorously pushing Bar • Lev defense line a» benefits are awaiting final legislation. ago. Sadat in his battle from the United States in a deal but said he is "optimistic" friendly toward"Chile. force pilots are flying training for sales by the United States multimillion dollar arms deal, about future relations with The of modern M60 tanks gave them a limited object Chilean military models in the United States. and not to retake Sinai it was learned Sunday. Peru's military regime. overthrew the government of antitank missiles. but to Poll shows Democrats ahead Diplomatic and other Peruvian officials have Marxist President Salvador They said Chile has paid initial down payment of $6 an "The Israel hard and show Chileans have no continued occupation sources, say the military denied publicly that they want Allende 13 months ago. million for the Freedom tactical arsenal to defend be a painful burden The Gallup Poll showed Sunday that Democrats are government is purchasing the to wage war on Chile, and Thousands of Fighters, and the balance of aircraft and looking for Chilean officials also have said Allende themselves against a foreign given a substantial edge over Republicans in the nation's supporters went into exile or the money will be paid over attack right now," once source "Our aim was to additional weaponry because they maintain cordial relations were rounded congressional districts because Democrats are considered up and eight years. said. "They have old U.S. M41 Israel's theory of security better at controlling inflation. of concern that Peru may with their northern neighbor. imprisoned. In addition, Chilean air force and M48 tanks which are no prove that its defenses are The poll said interviews in August and September Though Chile is in a state of and other sources said 36 match against Russian armor. impregnable," Ismail said. siege, foreign sources say the A37B close air support attack "The old British Hawker Open house slated showed 54 per cent of those surveyed favored the The field marshal aircraft purchases are being planes, manufactured by Hunter tfc^ Democrats in their congressional districts, 35 per cent fighters they now have decorated Sadat with made with an eye to defense Cessna and used by U.S. pilots would fall out of the air before Emf favored Republicans, 3 per cent wanted candidates from and not for highest military honor, ' use against in Vietnam, are being they could reach Peruvian other parties to win, and 8 per cent were undecided. Chileans. Order of Sinai, and the purchased. Canberra jet bombers if they pl: - When those interviewed were asked which party they thought could do a better job of dealing with inflation, on Buddhist group For internal security reasons, the bulk of the armed Chilean air force pilots fly a training version for several appeared over Santiago. The Chileans don't have any began with five troop carry? helicopters speeding U 39 per cent favored Democrats, 18 per cent said forces are now stationed in and years before graduating from bombers themselves. trailing military flags. Two Buddhist priests will be at an open house from 8 to 11 around the Republicans, 30 per cent saw "no difference" and 13 capital, leaving the Santiago air force academy "The Freedom Fighters It was the third time ' per cent were undecided. tonight in 337 Case Hall, for those interested in developing a border areas undermanned, the and are well acquainted with would be used as interceptors Nasr City grounds ! Buddhist study society. sources add. the A37Bs. The first units used for are to destroy the bombers, and a military display The Rev. Jack Jones and the Rev. Ronald Thayer of the The sources said the expected to arrive in March. the A37Bs would be used to Egyptian officials said Matava Buddhist Temple of Saginaw will explain their Chileans are paying $60 million teachings Chilean military officials knock out tanks and ground October's successful I Michigan's jobless rate drops and present three films entitled "Buddhism," "Mood of Zen" and "Requiem for a Faith," which provide background and practices for 18 F5E Freedom jet5, the latest model of a Fighter have had less success in units if they ever came over the crossing made it the first of the religion. obtaining ground equipment to wall, so to speak." with any meaning. fighter especially produced for The Michigan Employment Security Commission said A panel of MSU faculty members will participate and answer developing countries by the Friday that unemployment in Michigan last month questions. Refreshments will be served. Northrop Aviation Co. of dropped to 7.4 per cent from the August rate of 9 per cent, with 289,000 workers seeking jobs in September compared with 348,500 unemployed in the preceding month. The Michigan rate was substantially higher than the Nation's 5.8 per cent unemployment rate, which is the highest for the country in the last two and half years. In September of last year the state jobless rate was 4.9 per cent. French blow up dynamite ship The French navy Sunday blew up a crewless, dynamite - laden freighter which had been burning in the English Channel for two days. The French coast guard said cannon fire from a naval escort vessel destroyed the 420 - ton Cypriot tanker Ammersee which had been abandoned by its crew Friday after the ship's engines caught fire. The Ammersee left Bordeaux, France, in early September carrying 150 tons of dynamite destined for Kuwait. It developed engine trouble off Spain and was WOLfSCHMIPFSCHMILE «I8B-TBEUPERATEPMAN refused admission to several Spanish and French ports before anchoring off the British coast. .IKKOW YOUR TyPE. YOU THINK YOU CAN Indian leader Menon dies at 77 TURN ANY GUYfc HEAP WITH YOUR FEMALE V.K. Krishna Menon, the controversial Indian leader CHAUVINIST SWEET TALK. YOU THINK A whose sharp tongue often provoked the United States, GUY WILL GO TO died Sunday. PIECES JUST BECAUSE "A volcano is extinct," said Prime Minister Indira YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL Gandhi of the man who shaped India's foreign policy of AND VOLUPTUOUS. nonalignment and became a symbol of its anti - American stands when he was at the height of his power in the '50s. Meanwhile, thousands of shouting Indians paraded YOU RE NOT Sunday through downtown New Delhi to bring a WELL, |V\ISS ONLY HANRSOtAE /SUPERIORITY, growing antigovernment campaign home to Prime 1 HAVEN'T BEEN YOU'VE GOT - Minister Gandhi. STANDING AROUND EJRA1NS T&O Estimates on the number of demonstrators varied ALL MY LIFE JUST from 15,000 to 50,000. Stretching for UNITING FOR YOU AND THAT nearly a mile, the TO GOME ALONG procession sent up shouts such as "Down with Indira 1'IA A LIBERATED MAN Gandhi. End Corruption. Create a new society. Sack ISN'T ALL ... corrupt ministers." CALCULATORS COPY SERVICE Ariyoshi takes Hawaiian race TEXT BOOKS Soft - spoken George Ryoichi Ariyoshi, thrust into Hawaii's political front line when he took over as acting BEST SELLERS governor, has surmounted a major obstacle in his attempt to become the nation's first elected governor of CLIFF NOTES Japanese ancestry. The son of an immigrant sumo wrestler, Ariyoshi HALLMARK CARDS won the Democratic nomination for governor Saturday POSTERS in a tight three - way primary race. We're Complete! In another primary contest, Sen. Daniel K. Inouye, a member of the Senate Watergate committee, again won Art 4 SWEATSUITS the Democratic nomination for senator unopposed. The Hawaiian balloting closed out the nation's primary election season. Start something Engineering Supplies, For All Courses MSU T MUGS - SHIRTS Fighter planes used by Laos withVol fsehmfiat. A» Reasonable Prices ETC... A vodka and tonic, The Laotian military command has used fighter a martini, a bloody mary, planes to repel Pathet Lao troops, the first use of air a screwdriver. Or anything else power since the two factions formed a coalition you have in mind. $, B S government six months ago, informed sources said Sunday. Wrifschmklt The sources said at least three propeller - driven T28s Genuine >odka had bombed Pathet Lao positions in the 40 miles southwest of Luang Prabang, Hongsa Valley, tudent WPoolc f^tore following a $3.15 Communist offensive in the region. FIFTH SIZE-CODE #3888 At least three government soldiers and five civilians 421 E. Grand River have been killed in the fighting, they added. VODKA • DISTILLED FROM GRAIN • 80 AND 100 PROOF • SEAGRAM DISTILLERS CO.. NEW YORK. N 351-4210 Michigan Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 7, 1974 3 HOUSE HOPEFULS Students a key to fall vote By MIKE ARNETT In addition, Carr has testified before "building on the strength of the present State News Staff Writer the U.S. House of Representatives and private practice - oriented medical MSU students will play a House committees in support of national system." He supports a return of power to key role this November in determining who represents health insurance, stronger environmental state and local governments through them in Congress — whether they vote in a protection and public financing of programs such as revenue sharing. single bloc or do not vote at all. elections. He once served as an assistant Taylor also has suggested cuts in The importance of the student vote was Michigan attorney general, working foreign aid and a policy of energy self • made clear in the 1972 6th Congressional exclusively on environmental issues. sufficiency. District race. Newly enfranchised MSU Carr, on the other hand, strongly Taylor attended the University of students nearly ousted eight • term Michigan and went to law school at supports the Kennedy ■ Griffiths health Republican incumbent Charles George Washington University in instance plan. He has called for an end to Chamberlain by throwing 88 per cent of the present exclusion of students from Washington, D.C. In his last year at that their support behind a political school he served federal minimum wage laws and an newcomer, on the staff of former Democrat M. Robert Carr. expansion of student financial aids. Michigan congressman James Harvey. Carr, who lost that election by less then After graduating Taylor enlisted in the Neither candidate is taking the student 2,500 votes out of nearly 200,000 cast, Navy where he spent three years as an vote lightly. Can has spent nearly an declared his candidacy in the 1974 officer. In June 1971, he became an entire week on campus getting acquainted congressional race the next day. Four assistant prosecuting attorney for Ingham with students and Taylor is making months later, Chamberlain announced he County. In October 1972, he entered frequent stops. Five on - campus debates, would retire in 1974. initiated by Taylor, are being planned. private law practice. Carr will be facing Republican Clifford In 1972 Taylor worked for the "We need a very strong student Taylor in the Nov. 5 election. Both are 31 re • election of U.S. Sen. Robert P. Griffin. turnout," said Brian Hampton, Can- year - old East Lansing lawyers. - Both candidates have vowed to help campaign manager. "There is a greater Taylor went against Chamberlain's slow inflation if elected. Taylor proposes a degree of apathy than in 1972. We'll be longtime financial backers by announcing registering and getting out as many his candidacy in January. In a students as we can." meeting that same month those backers had "I haven't seen any polls, but it's decided to support moderate 33 - year old state Sen. William S. Ballenger, R - - ELECTIONS reasonable to assume that Carr will do well among students," Taylor said. "We're Lansing. campaigning hard." Taylor ran an aggressive campaign against Ballenger, stressing door - to - door voter contact and hard - hitting radio 74 In addition to Carr and Taylor, Howard Jones of the Human Rights party and Meg Hayes of the Socialist Workers Party are advertisements. running for the 6th District congressional SN photo/Craig Portei balanced federal budget and cuts in federal One. of those ads criticized Ballenger's seat. Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, D - Texas, left, and M. Robert Carr, 6th Congressional District candidate talked to support of a bill to allow minors to obtain spending. Carr has called for a $10 billion Students wishing to work for Taylor reporters Friday at a campaign dinner in Lansing. contraceptives without parental consent. cut in military spending and the closing of should call 487-6315 or 487-6317. Another accused Ballenger of not tax loopholes for the living wealthy and for Volunteers for Can can call 371-2277 or within the 6th District boundary lines. A corporations. 351-0710. The Human Rights party can be boundary line change two years ago had Taylor has stated his opposition to the contacted at 489-6375. The Socialist Senator stumps for Carr moved his residence outside the district. of In addition, Taylor charged that a piece Ballenger campaign literature incorrectly implied that Ballenger proposed Kennedy • Griffiths national health insurance plan, saying he prefers Workers party can be reached in Detroit at 831-6135. was the incumbent congressman. The state Fair By MIKE ARNETT "I've seen them bring inflation and Bentsen's presidential aspirations. State News Staff Writer recession at the same time. That wasn't 'Tm a moderate," Bentsen said, "and I Campaign Practices committee agreed. think that for someone to win in '76 they This, along with the campaign slogan easy to do," he said. "Unless there are U.S. Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, D - Tex., must "Congress doesn't need another some changes in the job market, the stock appeal to the center." Each Monday the State News publishes [stopped by Lansing Friday night to market and the supermarket, there are Bentsen agreed that with Sen. Edward professional politician," won for Taylor a a list of scheduled local governmental International Center. The new bylaws will ■campaign for i 6th Congressional District Kennedy, D-Mass., out of the his narrow upset victory by less than 2,000 be discussed as an informational item. sure going to be some changes in the race, ■candidate M. Robert Carr, and though he chances of grabbing the 1976 Democratic votes over Ballenger in the Aug. 6 meetings, including campus, city and state The Ingham County Board of ■would not come right out and say it, he ^ political market." nomination have been enhanced. primary. Jackson County Prosecutor bodies. Citizens are urged to clip this list Commissioners will meet at 7:30 p.m. ■ may have been doing a little campaigning Bentsen, 53, can speak with some Bruce Barton was third. for reference. Please contact the managing Tuesday at the Mason County Court "There are no clear front runners yet," |for himself. authority on economic matters. After he said. "But I haven't made up my mind Meanwhile, Carr won a relatively easy- editor to include items here. House in Mason. The main item on the Bentsen, speaker at a $10 - a - plate serving as a congressman from 1949 - 55, victory over Charles P. Larrow, an MSU Today agenda should be the approval of the 1975 about running. 1976 is light years away. I Democratic fundraiser at the Capitol Park he returned to Texas and amassed millions economics professor. ASMSU meets at 8 p.m. in 328 Student I'm not well known around the country." county budget. ■ Motor Hotel, is considered one of the top of dollars through a savings and loan Carr is a graduate of the University of Services But when no one else mentioned it, Bldg. to discuss Pop Wednesday Ithree or four possible Democratic operation, a mutual fund, an insurance Bentsen asked an important question Wisconsin law school and in 1968 studied Entertainment, space allocation and The Zoning Board of Appeals meets at ■candidates for the presidency in 1976. company and a bank. Two months ago he political science at MSU. Since then he has general committee appointments. 8 p.m. Wednesday in 201 First State himself. I As chairman of the Democratic Senatorial delivered the Democrats' nationally been active in support of a wide variety of The Council of Graduate Students Savings and Loan, 303 Abbott Road. . "Would I like to be President? — televised rebuttal of then - President (COGS) meets at 6:30 p.m. in the Con ■Campaign Committee, he has visited 32 ask me that," he said. "The answer is yes. causes. The planning commission will hold a ■states in the past eight months, stumping Nixon's economic policy speech. Carr has been aide Con Room of the International Center. But I'm not sure I can win yet." an or adviser to public hearing on the Btechtree ■for candidates but also establishing After his successful economic vtntures, gubernatorial candidate Sander Levin, COGS president George Seperich will subdivision preliminary platform at 8 p.m. Sen. Walter F. Mondale, D-Miyn., a [valuable contacts for the future. Bensen returned to national politics possible competitor for Bentsen in the state Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley, Wisconsin speak on the graduate student in the council chambers at City Hall, 410 Bentsen's speech was riddled with ml970 by successfully running for a U.S. 1976 presidential campaign, will be in Sen. Gaylord Nelson and Wisconsin Gov. employment forum to be held Oct. 24. Abbott Road. I knocks at the economic record of the Senate seat in Texas. Patrick Lucey. He was elected in 1972 to Thursday Lansing Oct. 17 to join the Carr campaign. Tuesday ■ Republican presidents in their five and At a press conference after the dinner, the state board of the American Civil The Building Board of Appeals will a Michigan's Sen. Philip Hart will campaign Liberties Union and has worked for The Academic Council meets at 3:15 meet at 7:30 p.m. in 201 First State I half years in the White House. much of the questioning concerned with Carr Oct. 28. student voting rights. p.m. in the Con Con Room of the Savings and Loan, 303 Abbott Road. Tlw Slate News u | ublished by the rtuJonts of Mil University every clsss day durinp Fill, Winter and Spring si Mondays. Wednesday, and Fridiys during Summer Term, a \ Welcome Week edition is published in September. Subscri $20 per y«ar Second diss postage paid at Fast Lansing. Mich, ti 1 business offices al J4S Student Services Bldg.. Mid Ttuwtf Siereo Spen University. Fast Lansing, Michigan. 4HS24. GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER Ness s/tdilorial 355-8252 Classified Ads .IS S 8255 Display Advertising 353-6400 Business Office 355-344'' MONDAYS AT 10 PM ON TV 23 Hrase Photographic 355 8311 open thursday and friday nights until nine ■l(T KOSS HV Comfortable - 1 lightwei High vdocity phones Superex QT - 4 a beautifully wrapped Miss J . . .with fur to accent the top- stitched and tailored lines of this Delivers physical sensations you plush, classic shirtcoat wouldn't expect from headphones. Its the flatest purest Set-in waist, yoked back a sound around. Complete with control soft blend of wool/nylon colored console and one year We've got a super value in camel and shawl-collared guarantee. Regular $85.00 on aSUPEREX closeout too. The Superex 930 with natural Argentine guanaco. Perfect for cars or small systems. Regularly $15.00 $050 popular Pro B V woofer/tweeter headphones 5 to 13 sizes. $175 Pickering 4933 populir models. Reg. $39.95 $26« Regularly $60.00 ,]Aop' We guarantee you won't find lower over the counter prices than ours in the U.S. tf you do. bring us written proof and we'll beat it. Jacobsori's 245 Ann Street E. Lansing 402 S. Washington Lansing THE HEADQUARTERS FOR "STRAIGHT STEREO ANSWERS" 3 JUDYRYPMA Susan Ager Editor-in-Chief Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R. D. Campbell G. F. Korreck Diane Silver Managing Editor City Editor Racism rap Campus Editor Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Monday, October 7, 1974 Melissa Pay ton Steve Stein Dale Atkins National Editor Sports Editor Photo Editor uncalled fori June Delano Entertainment Editor Iiditorials are the opinion of the State Judy Rypma How does News. Columns, Copy Chief one react to being «iul viewpoints and letters are Joe Kirby Staff Representative among other things, a blatant racial ^ personal opinions. patently ignorant individual who h^l dangerous attitudes? """Hm My first In the Oct. 1 State response to the letter mJ amHI EDITORIALS Opubor, director of the MSU Studies Center, who News by Atoil mad,, *J| accusations, was to laugh. Values guide I could not seriously pull out a quote believe that he referringtoSIl advantages of being able to speak a' ® The most language and make it a racial issue. striking feature of the Management and Budget, indicate Opubor was quoting a paragraph economic "summit" last week was that a $5 billion cut in expenditures article I wrote in,-| that even the "experts" did not would only cool inflation by 0.1 on "Foreign languages hill seem to know what to do to many advantages" which read: "Hav( Jl per cent. ever thought about owning a business1 control inflation without causing A Hong more promising area for Kong? Or how about treklfal severe recession. Their confusion through the jungles of Africa and stems from the questions of value scrutiny is monetary policy, which casually with the natives?" The chattel controls interest rates and the U.S. FOREIGN POLICY—1974 then went on to explain the artbl inextricably tied to economic money supply. Under the theory advantage! o(| issues. grounding monetary policy, prices learning a foreign language the ytl In a democracy, value questions are determined, in the long run, by WILLIAM SAFIRE opportunities which increased pleasures of travel can open up, ^1 and tlx I must be answered at the grassroots how much money is in the system. ability to converse with people with level. But first laymen must be able If there you could not otherwise wbonil are lots of dollar bills, each communicate. to get a grip on thrown around by economists these days. the jargon being one is worth less. By buying and selling bonds, the Federal Reserve is able to control Watergate I decided possibly expect a that sensitive, mistaken accusations Opubor could rebuttal; his ovohl n«| desert I What is fiscal policy? In running no comment. However, the more |F closely the amount of money The publicity extravaganza that opened To the keen disappointment of those thought about what he had said, theme programs, making expenditures, forcing the defendants to testify at (usually defined as the sum of in a federal courthouse here last week is televised public hearings, making the who write his name in vitriol, Nixon I felt that I should dispel >,l and raising revenue, the federal the most currency and checking account inherently unfair trial in many a sensible point that such pretrial publicity turned out to be legitimately ill. This was misconceptions. government has a tremendous deposits) in the economy. year: the accused face the wrong charge in would harm their chances for a fair trial, especially infuriating since it could not be It does not take a college educate I effect on the economy. Federal the wrong place before the Sen. Sam Ervin, D • N.C., grandly swept complained about; ironically, the people Proponents of this theory blame wrong judge. The central accusation is not that who most fervently wish him the speediest person to know that there are indent spending has been described as a the massive (over 10 per cent Nixon's men actually "covered up" th« aside that objection, saying that the recovery are the ones who despise him jungles in Africa. Much of Africa |fl "balance wheel." annually) increases in the money exposure of the truth was more important covered with land which is overgrown fit I Watergate break - in; it is that they than most. He can be expected to recuperate, in dense vegetation and tropical Under this notion, the supply for inflation. A small, but "conspired" to do so. The broad putting a few men in jail. Now the Shakespeare's phrase, "with all convenient which contains less than 15 forests;landl government spends more than it government is trying to have it both ways. people p«l steady, increase of about three per conspiracy copout is used when a Those who are profoundly convinced speed." square mile. takes in whenever employment cent prosecutor cannot prove the crime itself; that the Nixon men are guilty of trying to Because Mr. Ex is of reach, both annually is their prescription its use ordinarily makes the skin of civil out This does not infer that the whokl needs to be increased. The effect of for an economy with growth and subvert our civil liberty should in the physically and legally, his pursuers have continent is so covered. I am well awanl libertarians crawl. vanguard of those demanding that the the deficit spending spreads stable prices. turned to this trial to flay him by proxy. that this is not true. But to deny that The wrong place is Washington, D.C., rights of these particular defedants be Already public resentment has begun to laipl through the economy, causing hotbed of anti Nixon sentiment, center portions of the continent can be classified! The ill effect of this restrictive - scrupulously safeguarded. But they are cool, which they cannot allow to happen; as "jungles" would be absurd. greater employment, demand and of all the Watergate publicity, where silent, perhaps in the mistaken belief that monetary policy is that it leads to defendants curiously, those flash polls showing anger output. are spat upon as they come to excesses of power can be curbed by the I assume that the other part of th« I But when inflation higher interest rates, which depress court, the one area in the United States counter application of excesses of power. at the pardon have not been followed by is the business and homebuilding. Of most likely to burden any juror with the - comparative polls now that the anger is phrase that Opubor objected to was the I This is not the fair trial of Mitchell, problem, "balance wheel" most word "natives." Why would he t: course, as long as inflatiorv is prejudice. Haldeman et al, as it could and should , ebbing. offense to economics holds that spending The wrong judge is "Maximum John" Trial by fury is really all the Nixon a word which refers to people I should fall below revenue, thus running at 10 per cent annually, no have been, but the show trial by proxy of who are born or reared in a particular I Sirica, the man who rode to reknown by Richard Nixon. Frustrated by the pardon haters have left, and they will seek to seal one -will lend money for less than taking money out of the system cracking the case originally with his the judgment of history now, as if place? I could have just as easily referred I of the man they wanted to see broken and history 10 per cent interest. :md cooling down an overheated aggressive prosecution from the bench. punished before their eyes, the Nixon can be prevented from cooly revising the to thq natives of India or Canada or | This judge, who appointed himself to record later. In so doing, the prosecution Michigan. economy. Other economic theories add to try this case, cannot be haters need a substitute show trial as an in the court and in the press claim to be as disinterested as a TTiere are over 800 different However, it does not necessarily the uproar. But an admittedly judge must be. emotional outlet. languages I "letting the system work" — when they and dialects spokert in Africa. In view of I follow that running surpluses now simplified understanding of fiscal Of course, much good can come from That is why there is so much salivating are abusing the judicial system to prewrite the fact that most Americans can will cure inflation. Studies at the and monetary policy is the first the Watergate trial and its likely reversals at the prospect of fresh tapes showing the historic condemnation of a man who is onlyl former president to be culpable, and of speak English, they will never be able to I University of Michigan, by Data step toward making sense out of on appeal. The conspiracy statutes can be not there in the dock. That system is converse freely with many of the African! I the dramatic possibilities of defendants Resources, and by Roy Ash, nonsense. Then the value exposed as unfair; new rules for changes of damaged severely whenever the wrong who they would meet in a judgments blaming their safely fallen leader trip to thai I (jjjirector of the r Office of can come into venue can flow from the refusal to avoid to save charge in the wrong place in front of the continent until they open up their minds I play. their skins. Most of the accused will cater wrong judge is wrongly hailed as justice. the circus like atmosphere of and learn another Washington; to the public demand, Nonhaters have vision to cheer us up. It language. That was the I hoping to be let off and federal judges may learn the need to in a national fist - shaking in the direction is the year. 2000, and in our vision a point I was trying to get across, and it is I disqualify one which I would think the African ■ themselves, as Mr. Justice of San Clemente. decrepit old man dodders up the steps of No U.S. aid fo Rehnquist did in the Nixon even the appearance of favoritism. case, to avoid Out there, however, cooperating in the general hammering of Nixon is not the White House, supported on either side by a governor named Cox and a senator Studies Center as other nations would agrW on. well^ as the people of I But it might be good to remember what nails into the coffin named Eisenhower, to be greeted at the I would suggest that Opubor li containing his this trial is about. It is not about the fair reputation. For a time, the reader will front door by his daughter Julie, in her around him at the very real problems and I ■ Like a bad memory. South infamous for application of the laws to the formerly recall, there was a spreading suspicion that second term as President of the United prejudices which exist between blacks and I bribery ami black Vietnam's President Nguyen Van market profiteering. He has jailed at high an0 mighty, since the case has been his illness was a trick, an orchestrated States. whites and devote his time and typewrite I Thieu once again plagues the front least so blatantly rigged against them. spate of rumors first to encourage and An impossible dream? Let us not be to those instead of wasting his time taking I a thousand political prisoners. Ages ago, when Special Watergate later to excuse the action of President sexist. offense to quotes (taken out ofcontextil I pages of America's dailies. With However, these policies are,not Prosecutor Archibald Cox fought against Ford in pardoning him. that) which imply no racist ideas and an I (C) 1974NEW YORK TIMES typical diplomatic subtlety,he both new in South Vietnam. It is certainly not "ignorant" or "dangerous." t attacks simply the United States and that in the last few years, Thieu has demands the more aid. Dissatisfied with begun to remove the glove from the ART BUCHW measly $700 million Congress iron fist. reduced him to during the summer, his cash demands rest on the Meanwhile, President Ford has Deputy Secretary of Defense Summit sent produces negative proposition that only he William Clements to Saigon to Save South Vietnam from the Red Menace. But one wonders just how much more m«nacing a assure Thieu that he will supplemental aid." Congress is "press for answers communist coalition would be than opposing Ford's position, and Thieu's own regime. rightly so. It is possible that I listened to th£ economic summit for prices, we have to make more money programs. Labor has to show another reduction in U.S. aid two days and it was a great inspiration to available for business investment. more responsibility I Ever since declaring martial law might Congress has to vote new funds to keep when force Thieu to accept a coalition see so many learned men from all walks of We must make bank loans more the country from going into a depression. asking for wage increases. | late in 1972, Thieu's oppressive life tell us why the country is in such a difficult for business investment. Unless have tax Labor is being penalized for the I government and bring a touch of we a cut, the economy mistakes of management. 1 leadership has demonstrated such mess. Though there was some Arthur Bums of the Federal Reserve will never recover from the doldrums it is We must have wage and price moral peace to South Vietnam and disagreement, this is what know Board is responsible for the recession we controls I stagnation that even we now to ward off disaster. I ourselves. for sure: are in. The only way to lick inflation is to raise hardened politicians find Introduction of wage and price George Meany is responsible for the taxes and controls I themselves amazed. In series of Thieu is planning to run for a The keep the dollar from being would be a disaster. 8 a Republicans are responsible for recession we're in. devalued. tyrannical decrees he has hiked the third term, an option he created for inflation because of their tight money There is no recession. The Arabs are responsible for all our The people who are suffering the most I policies, high interest rates and giving in to from inflation are the poor, the sick and I income tax rate, subjected religious himself by pushing a constitutional We cannot solve our economic problems troubles. the old. groups to the draft and ordered amendment through the National big business at every turn. until we bring down the cost of fuel, There is no inflation. Our main problem The poeple who are suffering the most | Saigon's 40 or so newspapers to Assembly in January. If Congress The Democrats are responsible for particularly oil and natural gas. is stagflation. from inflation are the brokers. | inflation because of tiieir large welfare The only way we can get more fuel is to We must stop selling agricultural cough up 550,000 in "security" remains firm in opposing aid to raise the price of oil and gas to We cannot lick inflation overnight. programs, reckless government spending encourage products abroad so we can bring down the Inflation must be licked overnight. against libels they had not Thieu's fascist regime, the days of the oil companies. and catering to the interests of labor. price of food at home. Summit conferences are the best way to committed. His appointees are the despot's rule may be numbered. Congress is responsible for fhe crisis We must increase our food I In order to cure the upward exports so spiral of because of the large amounts of money it we can have a more favorable balance of resolve differences in economic I has voted for unneeded philosophies. 1 government payments. Calling back Nixon's economists to ttll I us how we can win the battle against I Watergate coverup inflation is like asking the Italian general staff to tell Copyright 1974 us how to win World War II. I The major outcome of the long - legal system has a hard time confinement for about four awaited Watergate coverup trial can handling the most publicized and months. Compare the onus of this be predicted already, though the the most important - court cases. show will not be over for several For instance, after 18 jurors are "civic duty" to the suspended or light sentences received by several Christians als months. Even at this early stage the trial is proving that the American selected from a pool of hundreds, the chosen few will be held in of those already convicted in the Watergate affair. I comment am unable to let pass without the claim in Wednesday's (ongues and see how far that gets you. More seriously, what about Letter policy everyone this opinion page that Jewish holidays are year who will have to travel on faster to The jury in the trial is likely to ignored by MSU, while Christian holidays take waiver exams and/or spend more time locked up than receive favored treatment. Registration Monday? register on The Opinion Page welcomes all I this year was a perfect example. Jewish letters. Readers should follow' a fw I the defendants. It addition to top - Of course, not all Christian students were allowed to register late fall on Sunday. The Eastern Holy Days rules to insure that as many I notch counsel, the accused have the Christmas strong argument that it is without paying a late fee. Three falls on Jan. 7, the Epiphany on Jan. 6 as possible appear in print. I years ago the Western Holy Week fell the Assumption on impossible for a major Watergate during registration week. No offer was Day Aug. 15, Reformation on Oct. 31, All Saints Day on Nov. All letters should be typed on 6i I space lines and triple - spaed I - 1 made to let Christians register late. and the Immaculate figure to get a "fair" trial - free Conception on Dec. Letters must be signed, and include from the influence of pretrial The claim that Christians hever have to 8. The odds are 5 to 2 that class will be in L go to class on a Holy Day is patently session these local address, student, faculty or I publicity in Washington, D.C., or days. The following always absurd. True, Christmas is a legal holiday staff standing anywhere else. So any initial (though it is doubtful if the reasons for occur on classdays: Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Ascension number. - if any and ph°ne J conviction is likely to be followed this are Christian) and Easter, falling on a Thursday. by a reversal in appeals court. Sunday, is also not a class day. However, Due to ignorance, I am Letters should be 25 lines or I unable to less and may be edited f°r I no recognition is given of this in discuss Holy Days of non - Christian conciseness However, the trial must go on. scheduling exams. religions, such as Mormon and Islam, but I to fit more letters o* When the sordid coverup story is As a better example, take Pentecost am sure that believers therein would the page. , also Sunday. The Monday after Pentecost, try have reason to complain. No fctold under oath, chances for a unsigned letters will bt telling your professor that the reason you successful repetition of such abuse couldn't study for the test was that accepted. you of power will be diminished. had a busy night before speaking in Phillip Singer 131 Whitehills Dr. PETE DALY VIEWPOINT: AFRICA The refusal of the United States to join the overwhelming unliberated zones of the continent. Happily, events have moved £j| Underground majority of U.N. members in rejecting South Africa's credentials was as predictable as it was deplorable. Despite pious pronouncements against apartheid and colonialism, the United States has consistently refused to sanction any positive action forward without us as Portugal phases out as a colonial power, SeP1- 24 marked the first anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Guinea - Bissau. We submit the which might promote transition to democratic rule in the yet following poem to mark the occasion: that make up MSU traffic. a, Sure as the nuts drop every fall, the "The most dangerous campus. Guinea-Bissau: Mainstreams and Backwaters month Kamikaze Derby begins on group will Fartweiler grinned ecstatically. "The admittedly, be dealt with harshly, but it is ft, rius in September. Wave after wave of steam tunnels can function as traffic time that a stop was put to their insidious Far from thestaid Potomac's marble tombi, Now wood gongi are knocking: Crfal 10 - speed bikes pick off stray encroachments against our most American arteries for the pedestrians! Just picture it. Far from the Rouge's grim satanic mills, Tink - tonk • tink - tonk - tink • tonk. Lisboa antigua shaken from her slumbe ■Brians while screeching and honking institution - the wheel." We could put up traffic signs, like 'Berkey Far from where the Hudson oozes through Gourds shaking: Caught in confusion, perhaps, But yet we wonder, tracks and elephantine buses look for Hall, Next Right' and 'Olin Health Center, the toes Shak-shak ■ shak. . Has a new breeze reached the TaguaT Fartweiler'i eyes narrowed to a slit as Hands clapping: J; t0 shoot through. The bedlam scene he leaned toward me and hissed the word I 500 Feet.' And the students would be nice and Of rust • encrusted Liberty, On the green brim of a newer New World, Shap - shap - shap. ■completed by the pedestrians, some cozy down there in the winter The wandering Corubal Ending nimbly like desperate jack was guessing - "pedestrians." months." I asked Fartweiler what Moves out to meet the sea. City streets shimmering in Sweet steel strumming, Will new breezes, warm winds, gusting p ■hits through the trudging, faceless "What does this all mean, Fartweiler?" would then make on the surface, where changes he Warm winds whistling Surge across our sleepy streams, T,s Sometimes a long stream of 1 queried haltingly. The professor didn't From the quays of Bissau to the hills To the broken bastion of Boe, of Bafata, Through ripe rice - dancing! Or were we merely born to be fcestrians will stampede across a street know that 1 was pedestrian myself. only bicycles and automobiles remained. The nights of thunder had passed Witnesses of history? "Well, the lovely scenery of our campus Je migrating lemmings while stalled "It means that these creatures must be would be And all this newly laughing land lay Warm winds rushing down the Windward shore, Jvers grind their teeth. taken off the streets of MSU. They are a pedestrians more visible without the Hot gales gusting eastward, more Thrillingly thrusting southward toward the ■ Rut help is on the way. Prof. Hugo hazard to our automobiles and to obstructing it But my Cuanzo, Cuando, Cubango, Submitted by Gerald Kleis for the South Africa committee has Etweiler of the MSU Committee on bicyclists. Why, just last w>*k one skipped the. plans to further improve Zambezi, Lindi, Limpopo. Liberation Committee, 1118 S. Harrison Road Iffic called me the other day. his voice into the path of my Cadillac. Do you . . shall we say. between bicycles and cars. . . 'competition' Evering with excitement. A little later I realize he caused $50() damage where his "The MICHAEL McCONNELL Eoed into his office. An MSU meter head poked through the radiator?" bikes would have complete had just run over my foot with her "I see," I murmured. "But what will be control of the sidewalks, which are done with them?" rightfully theirs, and the cars would have I'Soon we shall have this mobile "It is so-o-o simple. We shall move their streets. Now, the problem arises Ivhem licked!" he said. "First of all, my ■mm it tec ■th each of the proposes to deal separately three different groups them underground. Into the MSU steam tunnels. Why, there are miles of tunnels down there, connecting all buildings on where a bike tries to cross a street So, we would install launching ramps at junctions so that the bikes could simply all these V. Tiger cage story distorted jump over the streets and cars." East ventilated, as the replica would not aid to South Vietnam. While Hiieu is "Why, that's brilliant, Professor. I am The Lansing Peace Center conducted a Week of Concern last week indicate, they are miserable places. One harsh, unjust and corrupt, any reasonable glad to see that an MSU committee is with three points: unconditional amnesty, can imagine that with thousands of person recognizes that he is more humane grabbing the bull by the horns. That's prisoners crowded in the cages, life would than the communist alternative. what I call action!" cutting off aid to South Vietnam and be unsanitary, degrading and short. Monday, October 7,1974 Fartweiler modestly accepted my alerting the public to the plight of political We do not even know the extent of prisoners in Vietnam. Today, however, Con Son is less than congratulations. two - thirds full. North Vietnam's injustice and brutality, 'That's what we're here for," he said. , Hiey also carted around 3 by 4 foot because they do not admit the box with bars over the roof. Signs identified it as a "replica of a tiger cage, Second, the figure 200,000, which is international press. Wo cannot accuse them the largest estimate Amnesty International of rigging elections, for there are no used by the Saigon government to could find of South Vietnam's political elections in the North. Buddhist and imprison many of its 200,000 political prisoners, is a gross exaggeration. Roman Catholic groups do not protest prisoners." Students sit or crouch inside to show Northern policy, because in that intolerant what it is like to be imprisoned by Nguyen A painstaking U.S. embassy study could country Buddhism and Christianity are Van Thieu's regime. find space for only 35,000 total prisoners suspect. in Vietnamese jails. Even if this figure Whether you At least there is hope for improvement agree or disagree with neglects district prisons, or undercounts their stand, you should know that the in the South, as international and crowding, it is difficult to believe that in center is not being domestic pressure can be brought to bear completely truthful addition to the common criminals in the InnQNESBURY by Garry Trudeau in the cause of human liberty. Those with you. prisons, there is space for 200,000 others. under Communist control are doomed to I C'mon. ron. First, the term "tiger cage" has been Third, the New York Times, August 20, perpetual subjugation. I - see, I'm my earns SUNDAY, HE WAS used primarily in connection with the cells 1974, reported that the "tiger cages" have SORRi, PAVe, on my back heavens, no! DEVOUT. ALTHOUGH OKAY, Cut off South Vietnam from aid? When at the island prison on Con Son. Inmates now been abandoned. i BUT PR£SIP£nt for a story! ALL SATURDAY, WELL, HOUJ LATER ON IN THE FRlPAf.THENI SORRY. DAVE ON FRIDAY, THE at Con Son would not recognize the "tiger The center for peace had a valid point our reductions have already shrunk ford had a didn't he do- MR FORD WAS ABOUT EVENING, HE MAS IMS THE COURA6EOUS AND REAL STORY PRESIDENT WAS DAMN' cage" made by the center. three years ago, but no more. They munition supplies to a fifth of ceasefire STRAI6HT, OPEN SUNDAY? ' normal,work- any7hin6 rot- AND DECENT. COMPASSIONATE ON FRJDAY' SELF-EFFACING. ° The real tiger cages measure 6 by 11 perform no service by circulating levels, and fuel to a half? . mmwd ten at All?! / feet, with a 10 - foot high roof. Even distortions of the truth in a misguided Such an act would be simply cruel, and though they are relatively well lighted and attempt to convince us to cut off military unbecoming to the ideal of peace. Free Family Portrait... just one more good reason i k>-7 %, to join your credit union now. It's where you belong! Credit Union Family COLOR PORTRAIT IN CELEBRATION OF INTERNATIONAL CREDIT UNION MONTH Your Member Services/Membership Committee has made special arrange WHY SPEND 1HE BESf YEARS OF ments with Krums Photographic of Battle Creek to create a FREE 8x10" full color portrait of you and your family. A special studio will be set up in the credit YOUR UFE WITH YOUR NOSE IN A BOOK? union Community Room from Oct. 14 to 27, noon to 8 p.m. weekdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat. and Sun. For your convenience, appointments will be taken bv phone beginning Mon., Oct. 7. Simply phone 353-2280 to arrange yours. An there's more to college than books and classes - you appointment to view your proofs will be arranged at the time your portrait is olready know that. But sometimes you'll find yourself taken. Finished portraits will be ready for delivery at the credit union in time for the holidays. (Mail delivery will be subject to C.O.D. charges.) Limit: one too booked up to enjoy what's out there. Why not check free portrait per credit union family. Additional portraits will be available at into EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS for extra help. special reduced rates, but you are under no obligation to make any purchase. We can help increase your reading speed and leisure time, To make your appointment: simply dial 353-2280, and maybe even your gradepoint average. Attend a ask for "portrait appointment desk," and have your credit union account number handy. FREE MINI LESSON MON. on. 7 thru FRI. OCT. 11 UNIVERSITY INN 1100 TROWBRIDGE 7:30 P.M. a MSU EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION 600 E. Crescent • 9 to5:30 Mon. thru Fri. • Phone 353-2280 EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS CALL COLLECT 1 - 313 - 353 - 5111 The cost of this advertisement is being paid by Krums Photographic. 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Octob,>er 7, | J PAGEANTRY OF BRITISH TRADITION AT MSU Welsh Guards, Highlanders excite crowd Americans pride themselves to the English tradition. uniforms with the tall black highlanders in green tartan crossed swords. on the simplicity and lack of The massed bands, pipes, helmets that are familiar kilts, replete with bagpipes and When the Highlanders and ritual exhibited by their drums and dances of Her around the world. drums. Three drummers, with the Guards performed government, and so they cried Majesty's Welsh Guards and the leopard skins draped over their together, more than 80 out .vehemently against Argyll and Sutherland The Guards, a marching shoulders, twirled their sticks brilliantly uniformed marchers elaborate uniforms which Highlanders brought the full band of military heritage, between each crash of the. filled the floor in a former President Nixon chose pageantry of the British performed precision drilling on drums, as this band also breathtaking display of for the White House guard. monarchy to a full - house the small floor of the performed with precision to ceremony. The audience was crowd at the Auditorium. Auditorium with members traditional marching tunes. delighted; their fantasies had But these same Americans Four dancers joined the come to life, and for a brief wheeling and parading delight in the pomp and First came the flourish of while, the reign of a monarchy unconcered about colliding bagpipers and the pageantry ceremony of another country trumpets, heralding the with walls or into protruding continued with kilts swirling with all its tradition had come and Saturday's Lecture - entrance of the Welsh Guards, corners. and bagpipes skirling as the to MSU. Concert offering was a tribute splendid in their red and gold Then followed the nimble feet flew between A bagpipe soloist pipes plaintively. The combined Welsh Guard marches in the Auditorium Saturday night. A Scottish dancer leaps around crossed sabres. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 7, 1974 7 Better seats assured for mil jx L,M kKLlMM Chicago act J*L _i'u_ 211 E G rand R iver I Ticket seekers for the Oct. M . L Chicago concert will find Next to the Sportmeister th,t Pop Entertainment has KK LL MM Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat 9-6 eating improved the Wed.Thur, 9-9 (arrangement in Unison H,I Fieldhouse, guaranteeing that -1,2 | students who wait the longest II 1 r ill- CIGARETTES (inline get the best seats. | Tickets, which go on sale 1 I H 2 PK / 69' ! Tuesday, will include reserved D&UJT- -*■ — 5' 2' 3.4 I seats for $6 on the main floor and the reserved sections for $5 in balconies. Reserved seats 1 m [6- 1 1 J' 1 \n 10% OFF ON ALL KODAK FILM were not offered in the past ftc.r.G ■ 5,6 PROCESSING DEVELOPING and problems arose because 114 FF DP some higher priced tickets I turned ojLit to be less desirable Expire(sCOctP°i3, 1974 Lansing Store Only seats than lower priced ones. Pop Entertainment has also •C D changed the location of the stage, hoping to give every seat ALL SINGLE ALBUMS in the fieldhouse a clear view Pop Entertainment will this use seating arrangement in Jenison Fieldhouse beginning with the Chicago of the performers. The stage will be located at the west end concert on Oct. 13. & RECENT RELEASES of the arena rather than on the side, so no one will sit behind lt- Main floor tickets for Bar features Chicago the Union will be on sale only at ticket office. Balcony tickets will also be on sale at Marshall Music on Ann Little Feat will be appearing at the Brewery tonight. member Roy Estrada, and together with former Lansing audience. Tonight's performance should make that 3.89 ^Chicago, whose unique Thought by many to be one Fraternity of Man drummer following even greater. sound is so familiar it no longer of America's finest rock and Richie Hayward and Payntf, The new album has placed Tickets can be purchased at roll bands, the Little Feat born. higher in the charts than any of the door. needs explanation, will return hardworking was the group's earlier works and Full Selection On Hand Now!! to MSU with songwriter Peter group has yet to become as successful financially as they After a. few the previously underground Cetera playing bass, Terry Kath have been critically. Currently personnel changes - Estrada following of the group has on guitar, Robert Lamm Little Feat is in the midst of a left to join Captain Beefheart's swiftly risen to surface heights. playing keyboards, Denny national tour promoting their Magic Band and the lineup After last year's Mariah Seraphine on drums, Walt Parazaider on woodwinds, .Lee newest album, "Feats, Don't expanded to include guitarist Paul engagement with Bonnie Raitt, Little Feat has clearly FLANNEL SHIRTS Loughnane on trumpet and James Pankow on trombone. Fail Me Now," on Warner Brothers Records. The group is built around Sam Barrere, percussionist Clayton and bassist developed a growing East / Sm - Med - Lg - Ex. Lg 4.99 The sophisticated the nucleus of guitarist Lowell arrangements and meticulous George and pianist Bill Payne. No Deposit • No Return vocal work that distinguish George reached some degree of Chicago's music from other prominence four years ago as a PEPSI rock and roll bands has been developing since the group's member of Frank Mothers of Invention. Zappa's Leaving that group because of artistic DOMINOS 8 pack Reg. 1.63 - 16 oz. 1.38 early days as a bar bad in the conflicts, the East Lansing Store Only guitarist took windy city. The band as a whole attributes their style to the blending of seven with him former fellow PIZZA CONTAC BREACOL PONDS Cold Capsules individual tastes and abilities. Cough Syrup Cold Cream Reg. 1.69 73c 3 oz. Reg. 1.19 74c 6.1 oz. Reg. 1.75 1.09 (coupon) Expires Oct. 13, 1974 Koupon), Expired. It's the East Lansing Store Only "Lunch Time Jergens Special" from EARTH BORN 11 4 daily. GLEEM DIRECT AID Toothpaste Lotion small, 2 item DOMINOS one pizza, 2 cokes, and a FREE 7 oz. Reg. 1. 64c Reg. 10c 10 oz. Reg. 1.19 75' THE Domino Frisbee for 3.25 PIZZA (coupon) Expires Oct. 13. 1974 (coupon) Expires Oct. 13. 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Delivered fast to 1139 E. Grand River UNIVERSITY MALL your door! Northern 220 M A C. 337-7250 351 - 8880 FACIAL TISSUE EXTENSION CORD 3/1.00 FRESHMAN. SOPHMORE, JUNIORS WHEAT GERM & HONEY SENIORS... FILLER PAPER CONDITION 16 OZ. Reg. 2.50 (coupon) 1.24 58c The Marine Corp Air-Ground Team EasTLa'nsTng slo^Onty Limit 1 Expired. 1974 May be for you. E„,TOS,OT.On„. 1.18 E"iL'"'in's' BIC Medium Pt. Pens See the Marine Corps Officer Lady Lora PONYTAIL HOLDERS 8C Selection Team, 36c Limit 6 Reg. 59c Expires""?0"], 1974 Expires OctP°13. 1974 in the Placement Bureau Lansing Store On'y Nov. 27&28 KNEE SOX ORLON KNEE SOX Reg. 1.00 72° Limit 6 29« (coupon) Expires Oct. 13, 1974 East Lansing Store Only FASHION KNEE SOX Opaque KNEE SOX Reg. 1.50 (coupon) Expires Oct. 13, 1974 East Lansing Store Only 88( MEN'S ORLON SOX Reg. 1.00 63' Limit 6 (coupon) Expires Oct. 13, 1974 East Lansing Store Only Reg. 1.50 East Lansing Store Only 68' Virginia Maid Tall Girt PANTYHOSE SUPPORT HOSE PANTYHOSE One Size No. 105 No. 611 No. 93 PH Reg. 89c Limit 6 49« Reg. 2.95 1.49 Reg. 1.39 78c (coupon) Expires Oct. 13, 1974 East Lansing Store Only 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. October 7,1974 Spartan rally falls short The Spartans had a golden opportunity to cash in A depleted and frustrated Notre Dame team hobbled Into the n«th when a pair of misconduct penalties on the Irish Spartan Stadium Saturday and had the MSU Spartans singing a gave MSI! tw. ball on the Notre Dame 10-yard line. The Irish song of lament - to the tune of a 19-14 loss. turned 'em h> k and the Spartans failed to make even three points when SnaVt MSU gave the Irish, beset by injury, suspensions and a 31-20 field-goal kicker Hans Neilson missed a 25-yard field /U upset loss to lowly Purdue last Saturday, just enough breaks and attempt. N the Irish capitalized just enough times. The defending national Heisman trophy candidate Tom Clements seldom champions rolled to a 16-0 halftime lead and withstood a air Ir Saturday, content to grind it out on the ground second-half Spartan comeback to gain the victory. rugged Spartan defense. agatoaj The Spartans handed the ball to the Irish on a gold and blue "They were physical, very physical. We expected them to k. platter twice inside the irish 30-yard line in the first half. The just that," Clements said. The Irish quarterback put it up just a Irish converted the fumbles into two touchdowns. times cashing in on three of them for 35 yards. 81 Charlie Baggett riled up the Spartan offense in the second half after a sluggish first 30 minutes. Baggett, who was very effective moving out of the the second half, pocket i completed four of 11 for 102 yards. " A goal line stand by the Spartan defense gave Baggett the ball on the MSU one-yard line midway through the third quarter. "Baggett's hard to corral), there's no doubt about th«t» Parseghian admitted. Notre Dame was guilty of roughing the kicker when the Spartans were forced to punt and then the fun begar* Baggett A capacity crowd of 77,431 watched the Irish beat their neatly topped off the 99-yard sustained drive when he hit split Spartan archivals for the sixth consecutive time. end Mike Jones, who nonchalantly dribbled the ball past a Notre Dame defender on the goal line for a 26-yard touchdown pass. Notre Dame and fullback Wayne Bullock, who set an Irish record for lugging the football 36 times (for 127 yards) marched right back into Spartan territory early in the final stanza that was climaxed by a 32-yard field goal by Steve Reeve. Baggett responded with a 76-vard drive of his own. Tailback Rich Bass scampered into the end zone from nine yards away helped by a key block by fullback Levi Jackson and the Irish were hearing loud footsteps with 3:49 left to play. But as Ara Parseghian said later, Notre Dame "rammed the ball down their (MSU's) throats", and held onto the ball until there SN photo/Craig Porter were only 12 seconds left and the Spartans were out of timeouts. MSU fullback Clarence Bullock tries to penetrate the tough Notre Dame defensive line during the Spartan's 19 - 14 loss to the Irish Saturday at Spartan Stadium. The Spartans scored two touchdowns in the second half after falling behind 16 - 0 at "If we hadn't come up with that first down on that third and halftime. Notre Dame thwarted MSU's final shot at victory with a game - ending interception. eight play, it might have made a big difference," Parseghian said. "We just went back to fundamentals - not beating ourselves." Baggett unleashed a desperation pass, the Spartans last play, only to have it snared out of a crowd by Irish defensive back Lindsay notches second record Randy Payne. TUESDAY NITE By STEVE STEIN Fred Teddy took sixth and Gibbard said of MSU's Detroit coming along real well." State News Sports Writer seventh respectively. Freshmen The all important Big Ten - Northern High School product. Jeff Pullen and Amos Brown meet is coming up Nov. 9. ."Pullen pulled out too quickly Herb Lindsay made it two - rounded out the top five Gibbard also noted that the but he learned by it." for - two Friday afternoon. finishers for MSU as they Wolverines had about a three - The Spartans will be home Lindsay, a sophomore, set a copped ninth and tenth. week conditioning jump on the again this Friday as they new six mile course record at - Spartan coach Jim Gibbard Spartans because Michigan oppose another Big Ten Forest Akers golf course in was not displeased by his starts school earlier than MSU. opponent, Ohio State. It is the winning the MSU - University team's performance despite the "Amos Brown ran much final home event of the of Michigan cross country dual setback. better than he did last week," season on the MSU schedul meet. "We're not in the condition The Wolverines took the we eventually hope to be in," next four places after Lindsay Gibbard said after the and grabbed a 22 - 33 victory, competition. "But we're YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY which dropped the Spartans dual meet mark to 1 • 1. In MSU's first meet Notre Dame here, Lindsay set the five - mile course record of With contacts from . 24:33.5, which was just .2 East Lansing's only Co - Op for Optical Needs second better than the old mark. 11 AM 4 PM, 5 PM nMON &THURS • - 8:30 PM TUES, WED, The Reed City native's 9AM-1PM, 2-5 PM 30:07.9 clocking against the SAT 9 AM to NOON Wolverines beat the previous EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY tops by a little over 11 seconds CO-OPTICAL SERVICES (30:19.0). OR. R.C. MINOR, OPTOMETRIST After the four Michigan Now in Brookfield Plaza runners completed the hilly course, MSU's Stan Mavis and Tbe HAIR LOFt ltd. OPENING OCT. 10! DARK ROOM WORK SHEET BASK MEEDS PRECISION HAIRCUTTING FOR MEN AND WOMEN 220 M.A.C. pjione 332 • 2769 for appointment THE 2843 E. BP. STABLES EQUIPMENT ]Enlarger (HEMICAIS/PAPEH p—| Film Developer In the University Mall RIVER, AST LANSING ] Easel .1—I Paper Developer ] Tray. I Stop Bath •JGUITARS A carefully chosen selection of instruments, handpicked to [~~j Safellght □ ~j Enlarging Paper give you the BEST guitar for the money. Thermometer We have over 75 models of new and used Guilds, Martins Have It Yamahas, Madiera, Contessa, Gibson, Dobro, Conn, Fender, □ « Epiphone, Dorado and more. All our instruments are shop adjusted. In addition to [ [ Negative File factory warrantees we guarantee every new instrument. marks photo V SHOP KING Our prices are always very low. In Stock now These, and many mere RKPMENPEP ill#} m Enlarging Timer GUILD MARTIN Print Tongs Burger King P50 050 D25 D41 D18 marks phoio shop F40 D40 F212 D35oo21 We're open 10:30 A.M.-11 P.M. F412 D35 MKD D28ooo28 Fflm Timer Clips on weekdays Large Trays Till midnight Fridays & Satordays ELDERLY Poly Bottles [ I 1 J Paper Cutting Board Photo Chamois or Sponge INSTRUMENTST^JM Extra Graduates [ ] F»m Squeegee downstairso41 E. Grand River Extra Safellght TRY OUR Contact Proofer Q] Focusing Aid POO Adjustable Q] Polycontrest Filters 5—OFF FREE Capo marks photo shop ONION already lew price a$U5»alue FREE!!!! Ci.Mirtii Tie Skirt in Lansing between Cedar fc Larch. wo,° s,or,• on any new Guild guitar 5350 RINGSI rif tree Store Hours limit X coupon per guitar "le purchase of any I MARKS, PHOTO SHOPS Mon - Sat 9-6 Frl 9-9 Inc. «CLIP AND SAVE- I Mulligan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 7, 1974 9 ♦ * Stolz's emotions mixed By CHARLES JOHNSON which team of Notre Dame's caliber one of the best collegiate totes. was thwarted me today that they had learned State News Sports Writer completely in the first half, 16 points." quarterbacks today. In all, the Spartans' offense to believe in their team and in Stolz said, "We called the game The Spartan defensive unit, "We did a very effective job posted 265 yards total offense their defense after what Denny Stolz was obviously the way we thought it ought to which came away in in containing Clements," Stolz compared to 296 for the Irish. happened a week ago. I think disgrace pleased his team came back from the 56 14 said. "I think our defensive Stolz had high praise for from be called. It's over with now." - UCLA they believe in the coaches and a 16 - 0 deficit to almost backfield has come of age. We Nevertheless, Stolz was trouncing, Sept. 28, redeemed Baggett, who completed 4 of it's awfully hard on them to upend Notre Dame Saturday, itself with an excellent effort knew that our line and 10 passes for 102 yards. come back as far as they did encouraged with the way the yet the Spartan head coach was team refused to let up. in containing Irish quarterback linebackers would be as good "We have a very good and then not to win it. It's real wincing at the thought of "We didn't quit," Stolz Tom Clements. MSU expected or better than last year and quarterback," Stolz said. "He tough on them." MSU's costly giveaways. Notre Dame to rely heavily on they have been. But I'm really showed a lot of poise under a The loss left the Spartans said. "We're very proud of our "You can't leave the ball Clements' passing since the 188 pleased with our secondary's lot of pressure. The Notre team and think that th$y did a with a 2 - 2 mark on the season down there twice and expect heckuva job after spotting a - pound senior is considered progress." Dame defense is unbelievably and permitted the Irish to to win," Stolz said Clements finished the game during the strong, but I'm sure they boost their seasonal record to 3 post - game interview session, with just 54 yards in total respect us." ■1. referring to the Spartnas offense, including only 35 After the pasting the It was the final blowing two scoring opportunities inside Notre Dame on fumbles deep Deadline a yards through the air. With the aid of a strong pass rush by the Spartans took at UCLA, Stolz said the coaching staff had to nonconference contest of the season for the Spartans, who territory. Spartans' defensive line, MSU's make sure the team would not resume the Big Ten campaign "Other teams can make secondary corps of Joe Hunt, suffer another collapse against in Ann Arbor next week those mistakes and for Tom Graves, Tom Hannon and the Irish. overcome them, but we can't. Both fullbacks Levi Jackson and IM open John Breslin played shadows to the Irish receivers all "At UCLA we diverted from against arch - foe Michigan. MSU is 1 - 0 in the Big Ten our game plan and the players after beating Northwestern in Clarence Bullock fumbled in afternoon. started doing a lot of free - the season opener. the first half. There's your 14 The entry deadline for the Men's Intramural open tennis singles MSU's running game once lancing and forgot about the "This game really didn't points," he said. tournament is 5 p.m. today. All players should attend the again proved to be the things they should have been mean anything," Baggett In anticipation of any Spartan's principal asset, organizational meeting in 208 Men's Intramural Bldg. Play begins doing," Stolz said. "If this reasoned after the Irish defeat. second guessing about the accounting for 163 yards, Tuesday. game has taught the younger "I can't wait until next week. SN photo/Craig Porter Spartans' offensive game plan, including 59 yards by players anything, they showed That's the roses." The Women's IM co - rec volleyball entry deadline is noon quarterback Charlie Baggett. I Spartan coach Denny Stolz ponders what to do during a Kaline posters Wednesday. Entries should be submitted to 121 Women's Rich Baes led all Spartan ball tight situation in the Spartans 18 - 14 loss to Notre Dame Intramural Bldg. All entries must include a $10 fee. carriers with 60 yards in 16 Saturday. Stolz was encouraged that his squad did not quit despite falling behind early. made available Women's bowling entry deadline for residence halls, sorority and independent teams is noon Tuesday in 121, Women's IM Bldg. by Tiger office |a whips Pirates The colorful posters, which were Al Kaline distributed to fans at Tiger Stadium Sept. \s tie series 29 when they honored the Tiger star for picking up his 3,000th career hit, are now I PITTSBURGH (UPI)-Ron eighth that ignited a three - run available to the public. rally which proved decisive. Jpy, so ill the past few weeks fat he lost six pounds, made They can be purchased for $1, postpaid. Mail orders Kc Pittsburgh Pirates feel even OAKLAND (UPI) - Sal should be sent to: Posters, arse Sunday with a booming Tiger Stadium, Detroit, Mich. Bando, Joe Rudi and Ray it that looked anything but Fosse provided the firepower 48216. The poster is 2 by 3 feet and and Ken Holtzman, pitching his best game of the season, printed in four colors. J Cey, the dimunitive dandy ftrith a hearty bat that belies his stopped the Baltimore Orioles foot 9 frame, collected a on a masterful five - hitter er, single and a pair of Sunday in leading the Oakland Roubles to lead the Los A's to a 5-0 victory that evened Ttngcles Dodgers to a 5-2 the American League playoffs triumph over the Pirates in the at one game apiece. Tecond game of the National -cagut' playoffs. [ The triumph was the second n for the Dodgers in the lest • of • five series and moved ■hem to within one game of llinching their first pennant :e 1966. I Cey, who admittedly jplaved Jinc of his worst games of the ■ear Saturday when he Committed two errors in the ■lodgers' opening game 3-0 Kriumph, hit a solo homer in Ihe fourth inning Sunday, but ■t was his leadoff double in the 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October" 'tyl FCC commissioner House may reorganize irks HRP nominees state small claims courts! By GARY HOFFMAN representative of the By JOANNA FIRESTONE said the court! are He said the State News Staff Writer Supreme r,- broadcasting industry and "anticonsumer" and cater to has had informal Federal is concerned with LANSING (UPI) - Small about the discus^I claims courts, set up as a cheap political and corporate problem, but h1 Communications maximizing its profits," pressures. re • d y to legal channel for citizens suing make Commission (FCC) Ferency said, referring to businesses and individuals, have "District court judges just recommendations for sv member James Quello Quello's past executive become a tool of collection aren't very excited about reform. angered local Human positions with WXYZ and spending time on small WJR radio stations agencies, lawmakers and jurists Bullard Rights Party in suggested ufl (HRP) say. claims," he said. "It's too maximum candidates Detroit. recover} be !1 Saturday by The Michigan House ordered informal. District court judges, from $300 to h telling a conference that campus news The committs "Quello the theory" United an investigation Sept. 26 into as part of the drive for status $1,000 corporations, businesses Zl andjl full the charges with an eye toward that every group of society States irrevocably creditors should be broadcast coverage of third party campaign two • party system and to the a radical revamp of the small goes through, don't want to deal with little matters." from suing in prohibSI small di2| claims system next year. discourages the rise of a court, as they are in efforts would thwart public debate. new party, as the Small claims courts are Bullard's charges were NewYoJI divisions of district courts supported by Einar Bolin, Bullard FCC policies should not Republican party rose 100 where citizens can sue for administrator of the state questioned legality of businesses J require equal access for years ago, Ferency said. damages up to $300. No Supreme Court. small claims sum, J third party candidates, "All this is why Quello attorneys are permitted, the "It's the same old crusty court even u ™ present law. Quello said. never should have been language there is supposed to problem that's always with Equal exposure for all appointed and be non - legalese and the cost us," Bolin said. "That is, that "According to political parties would Mlcllifc law, he said, "no subtract broadcast time confirmed," Ferency said. Quello, a Nixon of bringing a suit is usually under $10. the small claims never really been used by the court has can appear in corpor£| any court unWB from the Republican and represented by an Democratic parties and appointee to the seven - man regulatory panel, was But State Bullard, D Rep. Perry Ann Arbor, people it was intended for the individual. Mostly it is used by and attorneys are attom«| would limit the discussion confirmed by the Senate - creditors for small claims court. forbidden J and debate most of the instigator and probable another." one reason or that is Howeml American public wants to last April. chairman of the investigating frequently overloo^f The FCC should require committee, said small claims hear, he added. stations to open time to alt courts are no longer courts of Quello, a 1935 MSU parties, Howard Jones, the people. graduate, came receive an outstanding Alumni Award from the here to HRP 6th Congressional District candidate, said. been "The whole intent has just perverted," Bullard said. "Instead of a place where an Radio Tax Refund When questioned about College of Communication the suit average person can go to sue a Arts Alumni Association. against Lansing's SN photo/John Harrington landlord who rips him off or a "The idea of access is WJIM - TV charging QUELLO Undergraduate students living on campus who do ni store where he bought his wish to the services provided by the violations of the fairness use noble, but it would be stereo, it's a sewer service for Network and its stations, WMSN, WBRS, WEAK, Michigan State G thwarting public doctrine, Quello said he Liberties Union brought broadcasting stations and who recently predicted collection agencies. WKME may receive a refund of their $1.00 radio W'MCD, [ discussion of issues rather could not discuss the case the suit in October 1973, networks, Quello said. eventual government "They use it as a cheap, going to room 8 Student Services Bldg. between 1 • 5 p.m. tax by 1 than encouraging it," he because it is involved in an FCC hearing. charging the station with "In no way did regulation of newspaper. quick collection service where Mon. Oct. 7 thru Fri. Oct. 11. Please I said. But Quello did call the news blackouts and unfair anything come down as a "All I can say is, Mr. they have a sophisticated ID cards to obtain refund. bring fee receipt and I election coverage. directive," he said. "As far Whitehead is leaving the HRP gubernatorial case "delicate" and said as I'm concerned, there is White House. That would nonattorney suing an candidate Zolton Ferency WJIM would have a full Charges that the Nixon be unsophisticated defendant." no pressure from the censorship and a told the State News opportunity to refute the administration White House." violation of Bullard, himself an attorney, freedom of Saturday that Quello's charges, either now or manipulated the FCC are the press," he said. anna remarks standing as reflect a corporate broadcasting. his tool of later, during an appeal before himself and other' FCC members. untrue, despite the taped threats of the former president to make trouble Quello disagreed with Clay Whitehad, Nixon's FCC lottery prohibition advertising of on MM former DooLey's radio and television is also 'Quello is a The American Civil for bothersome telecommunications chief, wrong, Quello said. High court will get mining case V ONE NIGHT ONLY' WASHINGTON (UPI) - beginning a new term today it out of work, but the 8th U.S. Minnesota, Michigan and Dept. MONDAY, 0(1. 7th U.S. Solicitor General Robert appeared likely that the issue Circuit Court of Appeals H. Bork said Friday that the Wisconsin asked Blackmun will go before the full court allowed it to open the next day Justice Dept. will ask the earlier this week to overturn Bork said that he decided on instead of being left for and has since issued an order the circuit court ruling, his to bring the Justice MASTIC50's own Supreme Court today to shut Blackmun to decide. for an indefinite delay in down the Reserve Mining Co. Blackmun called for the Dept. into the case and was not U.S. District Judge Miles closing the plant. positions of other interested influenced by the appeals of plant at Silver Bay, Minn., on Lord ordered the facility The attorneys gefttraT of pstttes, Inchidhig the Justice the three states. grounds that it is polluting part closed in April on grounds that of Lake Superior. the 67,000 tons of waste from Supreme Court Justice low grade iron ore is creating SIGOURNEY JONES - Harry A. Blackmun has refused a health hazard. Lord was told — repeated petitions since that the waste contains EUROPEAN LAYERCUTS summer Circuit that he overrule a U.S. Court of Appeals asbestos fibers that can cause cancer when inhaled. HAIRSTYLING decision indefinitely delaying Lord's order closed the plant a lower court order that the and put about 2,500 people company halt the dumping. Since the Supreme Court is HAIR RECONDITIONING & BODY PROCESSING LANSING EAST PRICE 484- 1491 FREE CONSULTATIONS Okemos, East Lansing, Lansing, Mt. Pleasant, Grand Rapids TTTT Hill THE fRIENDUEST THE PIACE IN TOWN VEJSTHEMNE Shop for dl seasons NOW AlffAEINl Today, We're Having Our... 5th Anniversary SCOTCH M0NID4T NIITE 111 SALE Come in today and PIZZA NIITIE 9 INCH Hill 2 III HV AMI help us celebrate our 14 INCH Willi 2 111 HV W.H 9th Anniversary. To thank you for your loyal patronage we're offering yoi AT THI VI11 Potatoes need love ^ WF GIVE !NJlfW< lOoff too ya know* that^s why on any item in our Shops * except sale items. Today, Monday, October 7th only! Okemos 2283 W. Grand River SU m i* they all want to be McDonald^ French Fries. II you were a potato awfu things you wouldn't want to be want to be hall baked or hard boiled or flaky. You wouldn't mashed up or any ol those No sir, not you. You'd want to be cooked at just the East Lansing 217 Ann Street deHciousPera,Ure Un,il y°U W6re Cr'SP' 9°'den brown and mcred'biy All Lansing 4310 W. Saginaw Shops Open Today 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. But you're not a potato, and it's person who gets Irench fries are probably just as well. You're a human hungry a lot (right now even) and just waiting for you to love them. McDonald's ^l^nalds 234 W. Grand River 1024 E! Grand River 2040 E. Grand River \ l974^BMi*-l"garL State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 7, 197411 Fall is the Season for Fresh Donuts & Cider - Check Call 8255 the Classifieds for local Cider Mills 355 • ( FRANKLY SPEAKING., by philfrank mmr ][«| L flu L I ||y| -OATSUN 510 - 1972 manual, good THUNDERBIRD 1964 WCMEhS' WIMG •;0d EXPERIENCED ELECTRONIC R E F R IGE RATORRS condition. $1900 or bast oHerl PINE LAKE good condition, full power, - 351 7499. 5-10-10 '' Technician, part time, hours DISHWASHERS APARTMENTS-HASLETT including air and snow tires. $585 'fe, arranged, call Okemos - 349 2094. 5-10-11 ESCHTRUTH APPLIANCES. 10 minutes from MSU. Inexpensive DODGE 1967, Standard, 6, rum Television, 349-1577. 10-10-1? 315 South Bridge, Grand Ledge living in a quiet area. Located at great $375. 337-066' »'ter 2 627-2191. 12-10-11 6076 Marsh Road just north of ihone 355 8255 pm. 5-10-11 TOYOTA CORONA condition, $550 or 1968. good best offer MALE Departnv- MODEL needed. Call Lake Lansing Road. 1 bedroom rgery Brian SINGLE OFFICE for apartments with shag carpeting, ■ student Services Bldq. 355-5870. rent, FORD CUSTOM 1969. Body fair, 5-10-8 Coleman. „our. 353-5490. furnished. 2 desks, all utilities, ... disposal, appliances, & air engine good. Call Ask for Marcia. 5-10-10 air conditioned, music, lighted 371-1060. conditioning. $150 per month. ""ail in New ciifcB Ltomotive 3-10-9 TOYOTA 1972 Celica. Red with black vinyl top. Air parking. Oakland at Center, Excellent for students, will Y^l looters & Cycles conditioned, RELIEF CHARGE Nurse, midnight Lansing $75 month, phone consider nine month lease. Call [rts & Service (viation FORD GALAXIE Convertible 1967. Good condition, runt wall. $250. Call 482-9331, atk for Dick. 5-10-8 rustproofed, $2500. Call 487-2064, after 5 pm. 2-10-8 VALIANT 1966, convertible, 1 shift. PROVINCIAL HOUSE WHITEHILLS. Call nursing upervisor, 332-5061. 10-10-14 482-0113 Company1 or contact at Hasselbring 482-1217. 10-10-16 manager at 339-8192 or East Lansing Realty, 332-4128. To see, stop at Managers house on of Marsh Road and Pike VIPLOYMENT Apartments corner automatic, 6 cylinder $190 STUDENTS - EARN $30 - $40 a ^ Street. 10-10-9 (or rent FORD WAGON 1970. Good 349-3387. 5-10-11 week part time. Make your own hours, be your own boss. Must ■partments louses condition, cylinder, 349-9531.5-10-11 6 dependable, passenger. 8 Call VEGA. excellent 1971-3 speed, stick, condition. Low \ h8ve in own person transportation. Apply 4295 Okemos ONE AND 2 bedrooms furnished, NEEDED bedroom ONE person apartment. 393-6759. 3-10-8 for two $60. Call looms mileage 627-4657 5-10-10 1 Professional Building, Suite 7, CLASSIC CRAFTS conditioning, balcony, security locks. 10 minutes MSU. COUNTRY FORD VAN 1966. New tires, good APARTMENT- JOR SALE condition, good price. 351-5329. VEGA 1971-Hatchback, 4-speed. / / —1-313 CORPORTATION. Wednesday 1 349 9152 or 694-9608. 10-10-11 Williamston area. 1 bedroom, Bnimals 5-10-11 tape deck! $895. Phone - 6, Thursday 1 - 6, Monday 10 - unfurnished; except stove and 1.0-10-31 MSU NEAR, luxury one bedroom, lobile Homes 882-9109.5-10-8 I FEEL PRETTY UNC01LE6IATE RIDING TUE icebox, carpeted throughout; unfurnished, 9 month lease, no $135 a month, utilities not ■ost 8- found JAGUAR 1967, Classic MK II, VEGA 1973. Bronze GT Wagon. ELEVATOR TO THE >4™ FU30R FOR A MODELS FOR photography. Call pets. $200 including heat. 129 included. Call Bob Smith at Grand Saloon. Excellent Iersonal 16,000 miles, 4 - speed, $2400. P/WTYRAIDI' between 10am and 6pm. Highland. 332-0976. 5-10-9 TU2-0294 before 5 pm or Phil condition. $3,300. 355-0864. Call 355-1134.5-10-7 COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKElEY CA 94709 489-1215.0-10-31 Gardner at 655-3706 after 6 pm Jeanuts personal 5-10-8 PENNSYLVANIA ,AVENU£, 3-10-8 ieALestate KARMAN GHIA convertible 1971. VEGA 1973 HATCHBACK One DESK CLERK needed. Must have South. Furnished, one bedroom, mint condition, 11,600 utilities paid. $150/month plus (ecreation Iervice Like new, 1 owner. 48&6802. 6-10-11 owner, miles. $1800 Call 372-2026, ) Service / Employment jJJ transportation and be willing to travel. Call 3 7 2-0567 or deposit. Phone 627 -5454 after 4 pm. 5-10-11 489-1215 between 12 - 6pm. 5=10-11 Instruction MERCURY MONTEREY/~1961. VEGA 1973 best offer. 694-2847 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Kalamazoo Street since 1940. WILL CARE for Children in my __0-10-3J COSMOPOLITAN FEMALE SOUTHWEST LANSING-2 iyping Service - Good condition, transportation! licensed home. Dependable, BEAUTICIAN WITH some bedrooms, carpeted, lease, $175 before 5:30 393-0379 - needed. Own room, phone, pm Complete auto painting Iransportation Best 5-10-8 offer, Dave; 489 3836. nights/weekends. 5-10-10 collision service. and references. 484-6348. 5-10-11 clientele, guaranteed $65 a week fireplace, dishwasher, central air plus utilities, deposit. 882-5833. 10-10-16 plus commission. 882-8618. . jlanted VEGA 1974-GT wagon, 4 speed, C-10-31 MCDONALDS RESTAURANT is 3-10-9 and heat, Cluuiouse and pool. $80. 393-0079, after 4 pm. MG MIDGET 1971. Excellent taking applications for possible 2-10-8 radials, more, excellent mileage. "TRAVEL marigold condition Volkswagen 1969. part time employment to work "rates** 655-2623. 5-10-10 911 Marigold Sunroof, radio, 337-9369. noon hours, 10:30 am-2 pm, and 'ROUND THE WORLD ONE BEDROOM. Nice location, air word minimum for night shifts, 5 pm-1am. Completely furnished, large 3-10-9 VEGA 1973, 3 speed, radials, very ON FOREIGN SHIPS." conditioning, carpet, balcony, clean. $1950. 485-8735 after 4. Apply in person 8-10 am or 2-4 eted, air conditioned, h security locks. Unfurnished pm Monday-Thursday at Men and women, good pay, no MGB 1967, White, Good condition, 5-10-9 $170, or furnished $185. 1790 mm )RDS NO1. DAYS radio, wire wheels. Call MCDONALD'S. 234 West Grand River or 1024 East Grand River, experience. Excltting summer or year around employment. Sail Great Lake Ports. Send Woodside Drive. 351-0544. 337-7328 Hanral 5 10 797^6-10^8 VEGA 1973. Automatic, new radial East Lansing or Grand River, from 6-10-11 I 1 3 _ tires, good condition! 393-1033. stamped self - addressed Okemos. 1-10-7 envelope. Macedon Int'l. Box MGB-GT 1971, Michelins, 125 NORTH HAGADORN, one 11 5° 4.00 6.50 13.00 5-10 9 864, St. Joseph, MO. 64502. HASLETT - 2 person, carpeted, mm AM FM cassette, Ziebart, Best $170 plus utilities. 339-9472, bedroom, wide lawns, adjacent K 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 Offer. 355-8837. 5-10-8 SUPER stereo BEETLE 1973. tape player. Excellent Radio, DESK CLERK, full and part time positions needed. Apply in EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. after 7 pm. 5-10-11 MSU and shopping. Brightly decorated and carpeted, ii 7.20 11.70 23.40 MGB 1972. Excellent condition. condition. 882-0711.5-10-8 person, UNIVERSITY INN. Permanent position available. MOBILE HOME for rent, female. dishwasher, disposal, etc. 12.70 . must sell best offer. 6-10-11 Superior typing, shorthand and Unfurnished. 351-6339. 1-10-7 ■ 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 AM-FM, Evenings, 337-0134. 3-10-7 VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Automatic. ability to work with figures Utilities included, $77/month. 1 mile from campus, 512 Trailer 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 Good mechanical condition. Call NEED INDIVIDUALS to distribute EAST LANSING required. Some college Haven. 332-8485. 3-10-9 Luxury one leaflets one week. Pay is good. MUSTANG 1969 56.000 miles, after 8 pm. 355-3105. 5-10-10 preferred. Full benefits. $600 to bedroom, unfurnished. 12 deadline wsm P.M. one class 302 V 8. excellent mechanically, Make your own hours. Call start. Apply in person at 3308 ROOMMTE NEEDED. 1 bedroom month lease, no pets, $175, 1 day VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE LOCATED AT THE today. Rob. 332-8060. 5-10-10 South Cedar, Suite 11, Lansing. including heat. 129 Highland, body and interior fair to good. apartment, mile to campus, no ;ni store publication. Must sell, $1,000/offer. 645-2431.5-10-11 1965. Many new parts. Needs some work. Very reliable. Call CORNER OF JOLLY & OKEMOS RD WAITRESS NEEDED ii 10-10-9 undergrads. $92.50/month. Charles Cetas, 353-0654, before 332-0976 5-10-9 in Peanuts Personal ads after 6, 349-4634. 3-10-9 6DAV A WEEK TOWING will train. Good starting pay, other benefits. Apply in person, PART TIME waitress for morning 5 pm. 5-10-11 MASON MANOR, North Street m1 MAVERICK GRABBER 1970. OPEN 6 DAYS shift. (5 a m - n o o n ) . Mason. Married grad students or must be pre-paid. VOLKSWAGEN 1961. Rebuilt M - 9 PM BUT SUNDAY DAGWOODS. 2803 East Monday-Friday. No weekends. Automatic. 6, vinyl top, just CEDAR VILLAGE, own room. single grad students. 1-2-3 motor, 2 new tires, $300. Cindy, Kalamazoo. 5-10-10 Apply in person 3-5pm, ,tuned up, snow tires, 39,000 $160; share, $80. Female. bedroom townhouse apartments. incellations/ Corrections miles. Excellent condition. 337-1693. 5-10-9 Monday-Friday at DUNKIN From $185 plus utilities. Large Nancy, 332-3064.3-10-9 ,«S TIRES, BRAND NEW, size SHORT ORDER breakfast cooks. DONUTS 4801 West Saginaw, kitchen i12 noon one class day ,600-U and dining area. VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Squareback. 800x16.5. 8-ply, 4 for $180. Experienced only. LANDMARK East of lansing mMall. 5-10-8 Appliances including NEED ROOMMATE in wonderful More publications. 4 speed, air, runs good. Must Phone 489 4574. 5-10-10 RESTAURANT. Prfone- dishwashers, central heat, air NEED A CAR? I've got good BH I furnished two bedroom sell. 355-6210. 3-10-7 371-4774 for an interview. COOK APPLICATIONS now being conditioning, full basement, gas transportation. No money down apartment. Near campus in East he State News will be FORMULA 100 LUBRICHARGER 6-10-10 taken at Longs Restaurant. heat. Balconies. Easy drive to Walk-in, drive out. Call Lansing. Own room, $85. SBI■^sponsible VW CAMPER 1968 - pop top, system Installed free with every Experience preferred. Apply in MSU. Open daily from 1 - 5:30 393-1800. Ask for Paul Smith only for the or Bruce Laraway. JACK AM/FM, good condition. $1600 tune-up. MR. TUNE-UP, 1825 COCKTAIL WAILTR ESS-Friday person at 6810 South Cedar, 337-1817. 1-10-7 p.m. except Wedr^sday^S irst day's incorrect best offer. 4846461 3-10-7 East Michigan. 489-8989. and Saturday nights, RAMADA Lansing. 11-10-11 ■■ DYKSTER PORD. Corner of INN. Apply in person, 513 HILLCREST, 2 bedroom, Thursday. Visit us or call usertion. 10-10-15 JAMES FOX ASSOCIATES at Holmes and Logan. 5-10-9 VW BUG 1967. Red, sunroof, Pennsylvania Avenue, 1-96. deluxe, carpeting, dishwasher, Model, 676-4746. ^Sl tills ax) 1 due by trie 1 rom OPEL WAGON, 1969. Excellent condition, new tires, clutch, excellent mechanical condition. $600,655-2576. 3-10-7 VOLKSWAGEN repair and COMPLETE body. 20% 4-10-9 security doors, etc. Furnished or not, $240-280. Wide lawns, 3 blocks MSU 351-3231 3-10-9 372-1954. Manager, 676-1411. 12-10-11 Office, ftr ■as brakes. Call after 5:30 p.m. 1968 - Automatic stick, DISCOUNT to students faculty BABYSITTER NEEDED. 1 infant, APPLICATIONS ARE now being y VW on all cash'n'carry VW service taken from afternoons and experienced waiters, TP! 487 8977. $785. 5-10-7 evenings, OKEMOS- ONE bedroom AM/FM. good condition, best 125 NORTH HAGADORN, parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, Monday-Friday in my home, waitresses, captains, cashiers and one bedroom, wide lawns, adjacent furnished, heat, $150/month. offer. 351 7936 3-10-7 500 East Kalamazoo and Spartan Village. Own hostesses at LONG'S i m OLDS DELMONT Convertible 1968 Power steering, power brakes, automatic, low mileage, 485 264 7, Mastercharge 485-9229. and Bank transportation. Call before 2 pm. 355-1211. 6-10-10 RESTAURANT, 6810 South Cedar, Lansing. See Mr. Brauer MSU decorated and shopping. Brightly and carpeted, Mr Bates, 349-4157. 5-10-10 WANTED: MALE to share 2 Americard. C-10-31 dishwasher, disposal, etc excellent shape. $595 or best Motorcycles ^ between weekdays. 5-10-8 230 and 4pm Unfurnished, 351-6339. 1-10-7. - bedroom apartment. Non- offer. 355-8143. 3 10 8 WANTED, EXPERIENCED pizza smoker. Call 487-2377. 3-10-8 VOLKSWAGEN EXHAUST cooks for pVELLE 1968 good condition. Systems - $18.95 complete at part time positions. PART Time magazine and ad ONE BEDROOM, furnished. East NEEDED ONE woman 4-woman V door, automatic, $600 or best PLYMOUTH 1969 Fury I. Good NORTON - DUCAT I - MOTO - Apply at Alle-EY Nightclub, 220 Lansing. $180/month, utilities CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN layout people wanted for apartment Across from campus. |>ffer. 337-7784. 3-10-7 condition, loaded, power. $750. GUZZI. New models on display. M.A.C. 5-10-11 paid. Couple preferred, no CAR PARTS, 2605 East expanding company in Okemos. $ 78/month. 3-51-8991. 351 8158. 5-10-7 Repairs and service for Honda children or pets. Call 351-0433, Kalamazoo, one mile west of Experience desirable. Call Mr. 332-6246 5-1010 and Triumph. G.T. MOTORS, WANTED: GRAD students to pVELLE 1966. : campus. 487-5055. C-10-10-18 6-9 pm. 10-10-18 i' brakes, new parts. $350 PLYMOUTH ROADRUNNER §16 East Howe, Lansing. teach, part time evenings. Call _Haber at 349-2320. 5-10- 8 Geof, 332-2902. 5-10-11 ROOMMATE MALE ' Furnished » best offer. 355-8143 . 3-10-8 1970, Immaculate condition, 485-6815.0-5-10-11 abb-wjis. u->iu-.i qw tires 600x12, like REGISTERED NURSES. Full 81 1-2 ROOMMATES for 3 bedroom apartment. Own room. 3 blocks BEVROLET IMPALA convertible 7" Haslett 5-10-3 69,7 P0M"' Fit all Datsun's. $40 or best BABYSITTER NEEDED, 4 nights, part time positions available on the afternoon 81 night shifts. townhouse. $65/month, partly furnished. Call 2-5 and after 9 to campus. Obi, 355-0090 days. SOLEX, MOTORIZED bicycle, 1 offer. 882-0257, 487-6878. 351-6168, evenings. 2-10-7 ■1967. New transmission, top, """ 7:30-11:30, Spartan Village. Call Minimum starting salary $4.82 pm. 349-1890 3-10-9 year old, $175. 353-7981 days, 5-10-11 ■runs great! $600. 351-1241. PLYMOUTH SCAMP. 1971. V-8, 353-6879. 3-10-9 per hour plus experience credit. 351-5417 nights. 3 10-9 ONE MAN needed to sublet automatic, radio, deluxe a. LOOK FOR our special coupon in Excellent fringe benefits. Please Americana 4- man $88 month. interior. $1650. negotiable KAWASAKI 1974 K-Z 400 Road BABYSITTER NEEDED, weekday contact office of Employment. the Rjpp . off Coupon Book. 332-2034. Stu. 5-10-10 BevR0LET 1964 Station Wagon. Evenings, 339-2840.5-10-9 Bike. 1,500 miles. Call CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN mornings, few blocks from Lansing General Hospital, 2800 ■ immaculate interior. Very 372-3035.5-10-8 campus, plenty of study time, Devonshire, Lansing. Please call GIRL NEEDED, large, near-by CAR PARTS, 2605 East FOUR MAN - 2 bedroom, share the job with a friend if you ■ reliable transportation $325. PLYMOUTH WAGON 1968. Good Kalamazoo Call 487-5055. 372-8220, extension 268. An apartment, $81. Penny, _____ can't furnished, air, close. $288. Call ■242 Spartan condition. $350. Call 361-6818, KAWASAKI 750 cc, low stay the whole time. Equal Opportunity Employer. 353-9642. 8am-5om. 5-10-II Avenue, East 1972 C-10-31 337-1800. 5-10-9 ■ Lansing, 5-10-11 after 12noon. 3-10-9 351-6984, after 5:30 pm. 25-10-31 mileage, $1,200 negotiable. 5-ian APARTMENT - OKEMOS. 1245 Weber, Lansing. 5-10-9 PAINT YOUR WAGON! See FEMALE NEEDED immediately' 4 ENTERTAINERS: AUDITIONS Furnished, 3 rooms, utilities, VAN '974, 1,000 PONTIAC LE MANS 1969 $850 Johnny Rembrandt for man, block from Berkey. $30. - milev NIGHT HOUSEKEEPER full and being held couple, bus line. $150/month. ton, power steering. or best offer. Aiso 10- spwd lg?1 SUZUK| 500 Excellent masterpieces on wheels. 1825 E. - Tuesday and 351-4925. 3-10-7 part time positions needed. 349-2313. 5-10-7 bike Call evenings, 351-5350. Thursday, 7 - 9pm. GRANDE iSsT brakes' radio- automatic, condition, very clean, best offer. Michigan. 487-6565. 10-10 16 Apply in person, University Inn. GOURMET, Frandor Shopping ■ '"''Proofed, phone 371-3328. 5-10-7 5-10-11 Center. 5-10-7 CROSSWORD __ ■ 3530680 or 627-6713. 5-10-11 U REPAIR AUTO SERVICE PONTIAC ^GTO 1971 - new end OF SEASON SALE! 1975's CENTER offers you tools, DENTAL ASSISTANT, full time GIRL FRIDAY needed for INVERTIBLE BUICK 1961 - r»B176XM0.'fl speed. 339-8176. 5- 0-9 novv in s,ock A" 1974 5 priced and instructions to for orthodontist office. Doctor's office. Own PUZZLE to sell. Yamaha, Triumph. BMW, do your auto repairs. 5311 S. 24. Roughrider's T°'V 0K- Call 353-6903. 7 Rickman SHEP'S MOTOR Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10 - 8, Experience necessary. Downtown. Call 482-9695 days, transportation necessary. 7:30 12 00.393-7030. 5-10-7 - ACROSS initials PORSHE 1973, 911T, perfect SPORTS, Inc. Holt 694-6621 6 days. 20-10-23 26 Compass point or 484-0702 evenings. 5-10-8 condition, AM-FM, radials, rust c-5-10-11 SERVICE STATION attendant 1. Vault 27 Word of JWYSLER condition. 1966. Excellent midnight sfift, RANDY'S 5 Wire service choice ■ mechanical 77,000 35M0idi5i1i64'r5i(r9',,s 351-4386,351-14*0.5-10-9 1971 h0nda HONDA 750 ~ Excellent Emplopent r ii WT OFFICE CLERK, Okemos location. MOBIL, 1-96 and Okemos Road 7. Twosome 29. There lufd0VVer' ■353-5800. 3-10-8 radi°- heat- $295- condition, must sell. 351-8749. INSURANCE - CASUALTY office Some minor bookkeeping functions required, typing a location. Experience required. 11. Related 30. Street sign SAAB 99 1971. Excellent 5-10-10 Apply in person. 349-9620. 12. Ruthenium 32. Twilled cloth needs experienced part time girl plus. Potential to advance to full condition, up to 30 mpg. 5-10-7 symbol 34. Exceptional immediately. Good opportunity charge bookkeeper. Write to 353 7919. 3-10-8 13. Regarding 38. Girl's name |55'S0srbo',y""1- SAAB - 4 door. 99 L. Absolute new 1971 HARLEY SPORTSTER, will price condition. to sell. 489-4163 Excellent anytime. Evenings 489-0975. 5-10-8 State News. Box C-3 B-iao DO YOU have bills? Need Christmas I For Rait '^ j 14.Advance 15. Poison 39. Demolish 40. Fabricate condition, amber gold. All BARTENDER OR Barmaid. money? or just need money? We TV and STEREO Rentals. 17. Yale 41. Substitute for 47. Radiate 2. Cub Scout 3-10-8 fclfai'970 ^ew brake. options except air conditioning, presently in dry storage. $3800. Experience preferred. Evenings, need help! Call Ruth Cheeney, $25/term. $10.95/month. Free 18. Sinister beeswa* 19.Shoshonean 43. Girl's name 48 And: Fr. leader |355-3T80a,r4.,0m9tn' ^ C"' 349-2094. 5-10-11 INSURANCE LOWEST rates on cycle and auto. Call us first or call after 11am, 489-9116. THE GARAGE. 5-10-9 Stanley Home Products, 882-4716. 2-10-8 Same Day Delivery and Service Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-10-31 20.Seasoned 44. Minus smoked beef 45. Tellurium 4 49. Threespot 3. Close 4. Conclude last, but call. Easy payment 5. Biblical PARKING LOT attendant 22. Cover symbol plan. UNION mountain 23. Inflame 46. TV's Columbo UNDERWRITERS, 393-8100 or airport-part time, 484-6682, — 6. Feast of Lots r— 1- T- r- 6 weekdays, 9am-noon. 3-10-8 w 485 4317.0-10-31 rr- | iT~ n 7. 8. Dessert Cancel ison Hills r 9. Eye A inflammation our repair our repair 10. Flow back apartments. prices prices iT" .8 16. Enamored 485 - 2047 AUTO PARTS 485 9229 ~ r 18. Kitchen 500 E. Kalamazoo at Cedar I- utensils 21 Oolong mw Volkswagon complete repair service. We buy and sell VW's. 20% DISCOUNT to students & faculty on cash 81 carry VW service parts y/m ■ I W//MWSMW 28 ^9 y> 31 25. Fabulous bird 27. Seer h >139L Body shop 81 paint services. Complete do it yourself parts fit service. Exchange engines 81 transaxles. Valves Brakes • Shocks - Tires. SI V' in y/< 36 //t % 36 ST 28. Make amends 30. Small piano 31. Column Repair & parts for most foreign and American cars Free wrecker ilirt'ltudents welc0me TO MSU ■ AIR • • month leaks • cahmtino CONDITIONING ■ HOTfOINT APPLIANCES service with repairs local area. 38 33. Fire worshiper City bus service to our front door. 35. Apartment * 8-6 Monday ■ Friday 9-2 Saturday 36. Corridor « IIMtM MMTMMI 37. Not waterproof EAST LANSINO •Pta country living Our parts Master Charge our parts 4) *6 42. Timetab'f: abbreviation prices Bank Americard* PricM _ _ __ w __ 43. Triton 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 7, <9?J Wanted *ms Houses frS* fe for Sale For Sale ^ Igltw l(q] Qsnta BUY FOR the same price you're LARGE 4 bedroom, parlor, all TEAC A450 Dolby Cassette deck. 10 SPEED Schwinn, SunTour ADLER ELITE typewriter, 5 years REWARD for wallet returned EDITING • PROOFREADING. renting ( or even I en) I 8 x 44 mobile home 2 bedrooms, carpeted, basement and garage, Merentz 1060 stereo amp. shifter, Vista derailer. Call Steve. old, good condition, $40. After intact; lost in Frandor parking Dissertations, theses, research Volunteer tutor f»'-j fenced yard, $195. Lease and Tr.n»or,,tJ*l - Heathkit AR 14 FM receiver. $80. 339-9596. 3 107 4, 355-6098:5-10-8 projects, manuscripts. Anna clean, close to campus, fully lot; Call Gordon 337-9505 or deposit. Phone 882-5303. Sony TC55 portable caasetti *89-0091. furnished. I payed $1700, no 353-6400. 5-10-10 _ 5-10-11 recorder. USED FIVE- SPEED Schwinn with extras. WOMEN'S CLOTHING, size 10-12. pocket WILL DO alterations, tew gowns, reasonable offer refused. Will sacrificel! 351-3373 after 6:30 EAST SIDE - large 3 bedroom, calculators, headphones, radios. TV sets, micrecopes, binoculars, Call 337-2516 after 6 pm. 5-10-9 Excellent condition. Slacks, sweaters, tops, coats, dresses, FOUND: SUM of Money. Call and give details. 332-5858 after 5 reasonable. Call after five, | Car Pool pm. 3-10-8 furnished end carpeted, 4Q4-8003.3-10* cameras, albums, tapes. 500 etc. Ice skates, (j2e 6. 332-8531. pm. C-3-10-8 MASON FURNISHED two rooms basement Lease and and garage, $225. deposit. Phone riflaeend shotguns. 200 guitar 5-10-8 TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, I Shan Driving suitable for one person. Private amp, PA systems, drum sets, COMPLETE SET of scuba diving LOST - TWO) r>-; lklo lenses, in oiled, and adjusted. Portebles FROM JACKSON 882-5303.5-10-11 accessories WILCOX shevin{ fO"^0. 351 2626. $7.60. menu els $10.00, electric to Msu u bath, entrance. Reasonable equipment, two tanks etc. Days: through Friday Ls 694-3887. 2-10-7 SECONDHAND STORE 4-10-8 $12.50. One day service, free EAST LANSING 373-6476. After 6. 332-2820. returning time *85-4391. C-10-31 pick up end delivery. 26 yeers carpeted, range and refrigerator, 5-10-8 787-6277 evening, NEAR SPARROW Hospital. 2 experience. 393-9774 x6-10-14 $220, lease and deposit. Phone SIMMONS hide-a-bed divan 10 ■ SPEEDS bedroom unfurnished upper RAILROAD TIES. $5.50 - $7.00. From 882-5303. 5-10-11 $35, dresser with beveled mirror SAltS, SERVICE ACCfSSOItlES FURNITURE STRIPPING: Old CHARLOTTE toto< duplex. Very clean. $125. No Like new, pick your own. Call $35, Antique Oek buffet with »CT YA1H, 01KK BS 0*T finishes safely removed from Leeving 7em. returning children or pets. Call 484-3513. LANSING- SOUTH Side, 2 PETERSON WOOD CHIPS. 543-6488 after 5 [ mirror $50. 9x12 rug $10. 5-10-7 Antique 882-25 55. precious old pieces. Bring them pn bedroom duplex, range, Delivery extra. two BEDROOM furnished mobile refrigerator, basement, fully carpeted, dishwasher, Call folding cot $35. skis 5', $20, child skis, boots and poles, $25. 372-0352. 3-108 velocipede 5 10 11 in-let us do the hard work. 627-4251L 5-JO-II jacKson Leaving $ 3Q I homes. $25 - $35/week. 10 minutes to campus. Quiet and 393-4036 after 5.5-10-9 TRAVEL TRAILER 1973Skippy 3eddlcr, NEW C.ITOH 25" men s 10 - speed Still under warranty. Great buy, CIDER TIME at CORDA WEST CIDER MILL. 5817 North AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE only you can save $$$. It pays to returning 5 6 pm. 4-10-8 pm 355-09MJ ** peeceful on a lake. 641-6601 or NEED ONE person 541_E^ranc^Jverj)owns must sell. Rich. 355-9094. Okemos Road, East Lansing. '5th wheel. Must sell for 5-10-7 shop around. Call us. You may 484-5315. 0-10-31 deposit, $240 Phone 337-7974. Open 7:30 FROM JACKSON to own term room, plus utilities. per Phone payments. 355-6028 after 5 pm. a.m. -7 p.m. 20-10-23 .^_furpriMd _4§4-81[73^B-2-J 0-7 12:30 pm, retumino MSlT|L. ONE BEDROOM Apartment. 5-10-10 FENDER BANDMASTER FRENCH TUTORING and <^J 351-5979, after 5 pm. 5-10-8 784-1913 after 6 pnUljA _ Unfurnished, deluxe, 10 minutes evenings. 5-10-9 Amplifier and speaker. Very translating. Paris University INTEGRAL UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS SYSTEMS power good condition, FROM from campus. Managers office, EAST LANSING - 4 bedroom, amplifier 200 watts. RMS. AIRSTREAM 1972 - 27', like 371-3328. 5-10-7 $250. will be able to receive refunds of graduate. Call Brigette, Monday MARSHALL to~i 5898 Marsh, Apt. 1. 339-9161 $245, lease and deposit. Phone Warranty. $255. 355^994. new their 50c ASMSU tax in room M2^HK 3O0-9 • Thursday. | 445 Buick LaSebre 1971 - _ 8:30 em, returning 5-10-9 882-5303. 5-10-7 3-107 good. Greet combination' very 5-SPEED Schwinn in excellent 334 Student Services building HIGHLAND HILLS • Chrietmes Tuesdey and Thursday 43^ the first 2 weeks of classes, parties 8i wedding receptions. jjJ NEEDED, ROOMMATE for 4 - girl MSU NEAR. 2 miles. 3 bedroom, HOBIE Cat Sailboats- must sell. 1 Reesonable offer, will accep: good car trade - in. 393-7020. conditio" accessori, .q ith many S°r. J55-6972. best ending October 9, 1974. Reserve your dete now. Monday and WednJI apartment. Haslett Arms. $79. 337-1169. 5-10-7 partially furnished. Clean. yeer old. 16', $1700; 14, $1300; 5-10-7 time after 10 pm. 3-10-7 Students receiving a refund are 669-9873. 20-10-23 _ 8^781^7293 even,ngs^Jl 393-1622. 5-10-7 12, $550. Call 487-5466. 5-10-8 not eligible to use ASMUS From PERRY t0 BAND BROKE UP. Killer sound services. 10-10-9 FOR THE Best Service on stereo Commut, J SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA, Daily. Leaving 71SJ PEACE AND quiet - small, CROCHETED. BRIMMED hats. PA. Electrovoice. Acoustic. equipment see the STEREO Woman, own room, $62.50 returning 5pm. Phone 65lri furnished, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Choice of color, $6.00. Light yet loud. No feedbeck. DOCTORAL CANDIDATE end SHOPPE, 543 Eest Grand River. including utilities. Furnished. after 6pm. Five miles away. Basement, Scaff/Mittens extre. 337-7416. after 8 pm. Dale Atkins. 5-10-9 wife desire to rent end house-sit 487-5643 after 6 pm. $2400 value, excellent __C-10;31 3-10-7 garage, immaculate. $175. 3-10-8 condition, $1200. Sunn for Doctor on Sabbatical. Solid, FROM BATTLE Creek VOICE LESSONS - 30, 45 or 60 J ONE MAN needed to sublease 2 Evenings. 332-3398. 3-10-7 amplifier. Fender stratocaster. reliable couple with local Commuter Lot, daily, l minutes in length. Call bedroom COMPONETS -PIONEER PL 51 Maestro rhythm and sound unit.. references. Available starting 7:308m, returning 4 apartment. Close 332-2040, after 1:30 p.m. NEED TWO men to share V15II $200, Dynaco Factory 394 2167 between 12-7 pm. December. Reply State News, $117/month. 351-3118. 3-10-7 bedroom. Furnished. Campus 120 $150, Interfaced $365, MARTIN 0-18. 12 years old. 3-10-7 Box A-1. b-1-10-7 _ 10M3_ _ 61_6 SI?3-9393 after 6pm Excellent tone, new hard LEAVING LCC AREA. Large, 2 bedroom, very near. 332-2411. 3-10-7 Teac 450 $325, EV15TRX's in $365. See or case leave message at CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY at Jackson SOUTH Lan^l cabinets BANJO PLAYER wented by it's bast stetewide. TERRY 7:15am, furnished, for girls or couple. $400/pair. 353-1332 236 North Harrison, 5-A, after 5 around References. Call 663-8880 WOMAN TO share house. Own X-5-10-8 Honky Tonk pianist. Good LUKE PHOTOGRAPHY, 5pm, daily or pm. 3-10-9 through Friday. 394-161919 646-6526. 5-10-8 room, $57 plus utilities. Near earO-5-10-11 313-532-9325. C-10-31 bus. 485-6453. 3-10-7 6pm. SONY 7" Reel-to-reel tape TURNTABLE BSR |fi*] - McDonald GULLIVER STATE DRUGS is NEEDED, MALE recorder, tapes, Sony tuner, 510 with new Shure M-93 located block east of Abbot instructions FROM Gr'and Rapids ti immediately for 3-man CAMPUS, 2 miles - 2 bedroom turntable, records. 351-4849. one cartridge. $40. 351-3235. 3-10-9 Hall. We would like to be your Lansing. Leeving 6 30 ex |l apartment on Burcham Road. plus den. New stove, $170.3-108 BO.TTECCHIA GIRO • D'italia. GUITAR LESSONS. Che«>. Call pharmacy end returning 4 o, J $75/month. 353-1471. 5-10-8 refrigerator, carpet. $175. S225. Bottecchia Gran Turisimo away from home. 393-0603 or 394-1920. Leern GUITAR, Gibson ES335. 6 1 6-9 4 2-1222 after 489-1287. 3-10-7 ANTIQUE TRUNKS, also wicker S175. Both like new. Many Blue Cross and Medicare this term. 2-10-7 5| $250/amplifier Fender-Pro, 10-7-74 ONE GIRL needed to share large table and two chairs. 882-9157. extras. 351-4865. 5-10-7 prescriptions welcome. 1105 NORTH $150. 349-1156.3-10-9 East Grand GUITAR LESSEONS from two bedroom apartment. PENNSYLVANIA. 325. 3-10-8 River, 332,-5171. FROM MOUNT Pleasant to $55/month, utilities included. Large furnished four bedroom 0-1-10-7 experienced teacher. Prefer Leeving 6:30 am, mturmrqH Furnished. 5-10-8 Close. 337-9431. home, like duplex. $250. 351-7497. 0-23-10-31 GUNS RIFLES and handguns of all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. BEST TWO Gibson WEST guitars. and Speaker cabinets. Hagstrom bass Animals ;(Vj WOOLIES REAL rock'n'roll at its beginning clessical students. 349-1156.3-10-9 so. J-iu-ir pm. 355-7501 8-12 pm. 3-# Cheap. 484-7161. best. Now available for concerts, year round prices in Southern AKC BEAUTIFUL Old English ROOMMATE NEEDED for FOUR BEDROOM house recently BLMO-7 NATUVE FRENCH-Spanish tutor. ! Michignn. BOB'S GUN SHOP, Sheep Dog Puppy, male, shots, mixers, frat parties, etc. Call redecorated. MSU 10 minutes. Fluent English. Would 1 3-woman, 204 River Street, call 351-6555. 10-10-14 351-3606. 4-10-7 $300/month. 332-1946. 5-10-10 2412 South Cedar. Call SOFA, MATCHING chair. housetrained, reasonable, Call 349-3789. 4-10-10 LEAVING VICINITY of Log* J 371-2244. 2-10-7 517-838-4451 after 6 or Miller Road to Campus IMS Excellent condition, like weekends. 5-10-11 TRAVEL NEED two crew around 7am, returning 5j PLEASANT GROVE NEAR Jolly. 1 or 2 girls needed to share new HUFFY OLYMPIA new-$150. 2 chairs, good EXPERIENCED TYPING (or type ten spped , members to join four as part 882-4097 evenings, Tracy New one and two bedroom. luxury country house on 5 acres, condition $20/each. 3 tables bicycle, ridden once. 355-5189 - 3 BLACK your own), new correcting Appliances, carpet, air 5 miles from (coffee, 2 end) like new - $90. KITTENS, free, box owners In ship slated to depert campus. before 5 p.m. 3-10-9 Selectric II. Editing availeble. FROM LANSING to I Kenmore' Zig trained, weaned. Call 332-8057. next October for Europe. conditioning, laundry. Balcony Vegetarians, car. 394-2167, 12-7 Zag sewing Estimates. 351-3622. 3-10-9 and' back. Leaving I machine $50. 3-10-8 485-1886.5-10-8 or patio. $139 - $169 See pm. 3-108 373-5434 STEREO COMPONETS and camera 4.30pnh, returning SundJ Assistant Manager, Apartment 2 3620 Richmond. Call 676-1270; 393-6998. 5-10-7 FEMALE HOUSEMATE: room. 6 bedroom coed house. own equipment. Prices negotiable. Call 351-0600 mornings. Charli. . 5-10-11 MARANTZ FISHER, Thorens, Mobile Homes w UNDERGRADUATE can STUDENTS receive refunds of their 50c TIP"* Service fj| 10pm. Phone 485-1078 10pm. ?n| 5-10-10 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Harmon Kardon, Sansui. stereo 1969 PARKWOOD. 12x60, 2 Student Media Approprietions $65. 655-2060. 3-10-8 Dissertetions (pica - elite). and 4 channel bedroom, shed, 10 minutes Board tax in room 334 Student WORKING MALE grad wishes to equipment. FAYANN 489-0358. C-10-31 FLEA MARKET. Dealer *ace MSU. Services Building the first two Nikkormat FTN, Mamyia/Sekor 675-7432 or 485-1175. share 2 bedroom apartment or 1236 SHEPARD STREET (East available. Tuesday and Saturday, 1000 DTL. 35mm cameras and 5-10-0 weeks of classes, ending October ANN BROWN duplex with same in East side 10 am - 6 pm. 1039 West Grand typing end multilith Lans]ngl. 4 rooms, lenses. Fender Stratocaster and 9,1974. 10-10-9 Lansing area Furnished or unfurnished. Please drive by River (M-43) Williamston, telecaster, Gibson Firebird, S.G SKYLINE 8x42, 1 bedroom" offset printing. Complete service for dissertations, FLINT AREA to East I unfurnished, beginning first. Call collect, Michigan. 5-10-10 separate study area. Excellent theses, and 54 Les Paul. Many other daily. Leaving 7am, Pers»al::JSf' November 1. 373-7546 days, , 1-313-261-5195. $80/month fine eccessories. Large selection condition in quiet park, partially Peawts menuscripts, general IBM. typing. 5pm. 1-313-659-9670 after J 372-9441 after 9 p.m. 1-10-7 (used to be $125). 5-10-7 furnished. Walk to MSU 25 years experience. of amplifiers, including the new 337-9446. 5-10-9 349-08501C-10-31_ __3-10-2 SUBLET BURCHAM Woods, $194 RESPONSIBLE GOOD PERSON, GIBSON'S \ Miller sound gear. Used CHI OMEGA October Sorority 6-14. Call open 332-5019, rush COMPLETE THESES Service FROM JACKSON to East Le plus deposit. Good location. prefer Grad student or teacher furniture, TV's, radios, BILTMORE 12'x47\ two bedroom, Leaving 7 returning Stl Phone 337-1187. 3-10-9 for 2 393-0603. X-3-10-9 bedroom duplex. BOCK diamonds, leather coats, electric and manual typewriters, carpeted, furniture. large appliances, 332-5018.2-10-7 Discount Printing. IBM Typing and binding of dissertations and 764-2177.3-10-9 am, $2,900. 694-9259 LUXURY APARTMENT needs male, $82.50. Apartment one 5, EAST SIDE, large 8 rooms, 4 ADDIC 10-speed bicycles, rifles, and shotguns. Come on down to 5-10-8 BOB PARISE, so you finally made it. Welcome to menhood. Happy publications. Across from campus corner M.A.C. and FROM FOWLERVILLEJ 1234 E. Grand River, 351-1892. bedrooms, unfurnished. $220. BOOK SALE DICKER 8i DEAL, 1701 South 1963 10x55 Liberty. Very good 21st. 1-10-7 Grand River. Below Jones CAMPUS. Leeving 9:15 •( Cedar, 487-3886. C-5-10-11 Stetionery Shop. 9-5 Mondey - returning 11:30 ar 1-10-7 676-1557.5-10-11 condition. $-2500. Call 3-10-9 Fridey. Cell COPYGRAPH 50% OFF MID- MICHIGAN'S largest audio 676-5563, after 6 pm. 5-10-8 Real Estate « SERVICES, 337-1666. C-10-31 CEDAR VILLAGE, fourth man 2 BEDROOM HOUSE near FROM MSU to Battle C retailer with the finest in stereo needed now through spring. $80. Sperrow Hospital. Unfurnished, 1969 RICHARDSON 12 PURPLE VICKI Leaving 2:40 616-96K)l4 products and electronic repairs x 60, - Fest, accurate, pm. call 351-7665. 3-10-9 $165/month plus utilities. available immediately 1% baths, 3-10-9 Shop the store with straight OKEMOS BY inexpensive typing. Very near 339-8557 after 5 pm. 5-10-10 - OWNER. Three stereo skirted, air, 694-9644. 5-10-7 campus. 337-7260. C-10-31 MARSHALL | ~1|«i answers. bedroom ranch, over EAST LANSING. 2 bedroom, very nice, air, dishwasher, close to MARRIED COUPLE, One bedroom *l.araDacks 50% off MUSIC, 245 Ann Street C-1-10-7 KING ARTHUR'S COURT land. Two car one acre garage, full IRENE ORR - Theses, term Hit campus. $260/month. Call Dave, apartment. $160, utilities peid 128 W. Grand River 5 miles from campus, quiet nature basement, fireplace. Lots of pepers, general typing. Formerly NEED RIDE from Jackson to 355-8524. 1-10-7 room and privacy. Assume with Ann by landlord. Neer Hagadom and upstairs AT OUR Prices get that emergency environment, 1.11967 Brown. 482-7487. daily. Leaving 8am, ri 7% mortgage interest.. Priced to Grend River. 351-5285. 5-10-8 open Tues - Fri 1 Wondercraft, $4,700. 2.) 1968 C-10-31 around 3pm. Call 784-88) -6, 7-9 pair of glasses. OPTICAL sell. 482-2055 after 5 pm. 3-10-7 BIG 254 bedroom apartment. Easy Sat 12-5 DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan Baron, $3,000. 3.) 1968 anytime. THESES, RESUMES, typing end access. Big yard, garden space. 372-7409. C-5-10-11 National, $4,300. Call 482-0709, $160/month including utilities Bob Lewis. 5-10-11 printing. Reasonable prices. FROM VICINITY of Forest Rce COMMERCIAL PRINTING, except electric. 339-9522. APPLES, CIDER, PUMPKINS! Recreation jg and Stonleigh (Lansing) to 5-10-8 BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, 7 miles FURNISHED 10x50, close to MSU. __351j4Ji6.CJ0-31 Leaving 8:30 am, CLEAN AND quiet, 2 blocks from 1.0 SPEED, Yellow Schwinn Great investment. $2300. evenings, negotiable. 3 south of Mason on Hull Road. campus, parking, $19 week, 538 Varsity. 74- inch boys 351 -8634. 5-10-11 NASSAU OVER Christmas Break. 4-10-8 MALE ROOMMATE needed. bike, Hours 9-6, closed Mondays Grove, 351-0581. 3-10-9 $75. 372-1152. 5-10-9 December 14th through Campus Hills aprtments. $68.75 1-589-8251. 0-10-31n meeting at 7: IS in East II lower and lounge. All HR1 other interested - contact Jim Gilmore, or Sherry Tibus. After college, Anyone interested in forming an Anthropology or Archaeology club, or would like more information, will you get the job contact Abbie Leese or an you deserve? anthropology adviser. Car Pool, ^ MSU Gay Liberation a FORUM. At 8:30 p.m. Wednesday nights in 33 Union. Gay Liberation Let's face it, things aren't equal in today's job mar¬ Riding ^ will present a scries of lectures followed by discussion on a variety ket. Even with a college degree. But the Air Force of topics dealing with the Gay has jobs that fit your college education, on an equal Liberation movement. ■ROM MARYLAND to MSU. opportunity basis. J Leaving 7 30 am. returning W> The monthly MENSA game night The Air Force is deeply involved to provide un- m. 485-5034. 3-10-9 «riU be held al 7:90 tonight at Sue defrstahdiog ft>r"tt*,pe< >pl< ■ about the sensibilities and Hildebrand's new house. 626 Charles St. in East Lansing. New, sensitivities of others. Doing its part to make things in East Lansing, to Ann Arbor, I Vpsilanti. Leaving around 8 am, interested members welcome. Bring better. We're not perfect-yet. But brother, we are your favorite game and a snack to rning 5 pm. Phone 351-8154 getting there. I 10-7-74 There are many job opportunities open to you as an officer in the United States Air Force. You may consider being a pilot or navigator. A career in law— And don't forget the Air Force ROTC Scholarship Program. Scholarships that cover full tuition, reim¬ without law school. What can you do with only a bachelor's degree? Now there is a way to bridge the gap between an bursement for textbooks, lab and incidental fees. Plus an allowance of $100 a month and flying lessons. Apply, qualify, and enroll in Air Force ROTC CAPTAIN RAYNER THE STABLE 2843 E.CD.RIVER, EAST LANSING undergraduate education and a challenging, respon¬ 355-2168 sible career. The Lawyer's Assistant is able to do work traditionally done by lawyers. QUONSET 67 Three months of intensive training can give you the skills—the courses are taught by lawyers. You Put It All Together in Air Force ROTC COITIPUTER choose one ol the six courses offered—choose the city in which you want to work. Since 1970, The Institute for Paralegal Training SHORTCOURSES has placed more than 700 graduates in law firms, banks, and corporations in over 60 cities. I' you are a student of high academic standing and The Computer Laboratory will present a one • day are interested in a career as a Lawyer's Assistant, Introductory Workshop and a series of non • credit we'd like to meet you. shortcourses during Fall Term 1974. There is a $15 Contact your placement office for an interview with registration fee for the Workshop and a $1 fee for each of the shortcourses. Registration for the Workshop must be our representative. made by October 9 at the User Information Center, 309 We will visit your campus on CC. Registration for the shortcourses closes October 11. For additional information call 353-1800. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22 WORKSHOP meet us under the parachutes The Institute for FALL FASHION Paralegal Training FOOTWEAR FESTIVAL SHORTCOURSES -gagjj,g lipr ' BREAKFAST TILL 11 AM Advanced EDITOR - use text editing system and new Of EDITOR. (Oct. 29. 31; 3- WAFFLES & PANCAKES WITH MAPLE SYRUP FRUIT PIES & CAKES FRESH SQUEEZED ORANGE JUICE IMPORTED COFFEES processing Industry. (Oct. IS. 25. DAILY LUNCH & DINNER SPECIALS HERBS & SPICES PRODUCE & CHEESES SPECIAL DIET FOODS Nov. 6. 13: 7 - 9 Dm) TAKE OUT ALSO SAT/SUN open NOON - 9PM daily 8AM 9PM - GRAND PRIZE WINNER Jan Schneider of St. John's is (Oct. 21, 83. 25: 3 • 5 om\ shown accepting the 10 - speed bike from manager Bill Shepard. xhepards /H