Overcrowded city bars ignore Tuesday, October 8,1974 East Laming, Michigan 48824 fire ordinances By JOHN TINGWALL Monthly police and fire department State News Staff Writer inspections of East Lansing bars have not resulted in any written violations during the last year. "We know we're in excess of But random police inspections, conducted as often as three times during capacity two or three times a week and we know the East one week, have found Dooley's and other local bars in violation of fire marshall Lansing police could shut us down, seating capacity limits several times this but is it fair to enforce capacity year. limits every night of the week?" "We've issued Dooley's three or four an East Lansing bar manager warnings this year, but they've complied and cleared the place out every time," Just as it may be illegal to yell "fire" in Gregg said. Police usually return half an a crowded theater, so is it illegal to cram hour after issuing warnings for a recheck, too many people into a building where a he added. legitimate fire may spring up. "We don't conduct actual head counts What may be unknown to many to determine overcrowded conditions," students is that area bars are often caught Gregg said. 'There's too much activity; shoe-horning customers in on weekends, a but we can estimate a number by looking fact one bar owner readily admits. at the dance floor and the number of "We know we're in excess of capacity chairs filled." and we know the East Lansing police Dennis McGinty, East Lansing City could shut us down," the manager of Attorney, said a warning from the fire Dooley's said. marshall presumably results in But police and fire officials have made compliance. no attempts to do so. East Lansing '"hie fire marshall has recourse to assistant fire chief Jack Gregg said the come to me to enforce capacity limits, bars compliance with warnings and the but he has never referred a case to us for difficulty in obtaining evidence for prosecution," McGinty said. "Proving prosecution are the main reasons no fines how many people were actually in the bar have been issued and no violators taken is probably the biggest obstacle to to court. prosecution." The basement location of many of East McGinty said he was called to the AP Lansing's most popular bars adds to the Alley-Ey about eight months ago by the Wirephoto fire marshall to inspect the overcrowding seriousness of the overcrowding During the season of the pumpkins a daring field cat can have the time of his life walking from one pumpkin to another. Maybe he's got nine lives and doesn't mind the and attempt a headcount, but the problems. risk, or maybe he's just out for a cat walk. One area bar owner, Paul Kacer, of the management had thinned out the crowd Brewery, estimates that moving people up by the time he arrived. from the basement in an emergency Fire Marshal Berman Prether said the would take five times as long as moving fire department's monthly inspections [issinger denies relationship began a year ago. prompted by consumer them out from a ground floor location. any The East Lansing Police and Fire Departments, who inspect and enforce building regulations in the city, admit complaints about city bars and their service. "We hear a lot about violations, but we that overcrowding is a problem. They find that most bars are willing to comply Mideast talks, oil prices mention Lizard's, Dooley's and the with capacity limits, especially after a letween Alley-Ey as the meet frequent offenders. "Several weekends ago, we asked one bar to remove a hundred people," Gregg warning," Prether said. Prether said monthly inspections are conducted on Thursdays, Fridays or said. Saturdays from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. IWASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of of any military nuclear device exceeding CIA is more restricted and under tighter flow of Western currency to the Middle The bar complied and no violation was "Maybe we don't hit some of the bars It? Henry A. Kissinger has added three 150 kilotons in power. control now than when he* first assumed East oil producers." issued, a common occurence. at the right time," Gregg said. "I don't fcrgy producing Arab states to his The agreement also provided for responsibility in the area. In his discussion of the Middle East, The bars are issued periodic warnings deny we should get out more often on Iddle East trip, at the same time claiming further negotiations on the question of • He acknowledged that there has been the secretary said "there is no possibility" by the city but they need only clear the inspections, but we only have two men Ve is no link between Arab • Israeli on our regular staff and overtime pay including peaceful nuclear explosions. little progress in U.S. efforts to arrange that he would see Yassir Arafat, the leader premises to capacity limit at the time of jotiations and the high cost of oil. The secretary said the problem facing greater cooperation and unity among of the Palestine Liberation Organization. inspection to obtain police approval. provides a problem in salary." (He told reporters Monday at his first negotiators is the development of "criteria major industrial nations concerning an oil Kissinger also said he would not see any "It's almost impossible to prosecute on Sgt. Murray said the number of is conference in nearly two months to distinguish a peaceful explosion from a policy. P&lestinian leader "while I am in the a capacity violation," East Lansing Police random police inspections varies with the kt he will stop in Saudi Arabia, Algeria mUitary explosion." However, he said, "I am basically Middle East." Sgt. Richard Murray said. "You have to department's workload. Hie Ford Administration has faced optimistic about ultimately convincing "I would like to point out that there go to court and cite the day, time, and "There's an officer in a bar two or f Morocco in addition to Egypt, Syria, three times a week, usually, and we an and Israel. serious opposition in Congress to other oil consumers that there must be a will be no concrete results in terms of figures. A head count is virtually ratification of the threshhold treaty if it cohesive policy to reduce demand and find impossible in a crowded bar, because you average about one warning a month to | Kissinger Icsves tonight for the Middle it in his latest effort to does not also cover peaceful explosions. solution to the serious financial agreements or dramatic announcements that can be expected out of this trip," can't get the patrons to sit down for a Dooley's and the AUey-Ey for rejuvenate a In answering a question on President imbalances caused by the extra count." overcrowding," he said. Jgotiations lis now for a Middle East settlement, scheduled to return Oct. 15. Ford's decision to hold up the sale of 125 - ordinary Kissinger told reporters., I None of the three countries added is million bushels of grain to the Soviet fctly involved in the Arab - Israeli Union, Kissinger said the problem came luation, but each is pivotal in Arab about because "we may have misled" the making on the price and supply of Moscow government. change • I as well as related products such as Itural gas. " 1, Kissinger told reporters that "the J pact of the high oil prices is not Blaming the situation on "a misunderstanding between bureaucracies," Kissinger suggested that the Soviet Union assumed it could order as much American Management •vitably linked to the Arab - Israeli grain as it wanted at any time to be But not all were rewritten. Holquist By MARY ANNE FLOOD But several dozen apartment dwellers at "I understand it's perfectly legal, but I jotiations." delivered on demand. State News Staff Writer the Strawberry Fields complex, formerly don't think it's ethical or fair," said tenant said he has been in contact with the "The administration pulled back from I Other officials acknowledged that the Tenants are seldom willing to pay more named Meatlowbrook Trace, have gotten Mike Jenkins, an MSU junior who is being "higher ups" who must decide to take the the arrangement, which was worth $500 Icretary could not escape discussing the million" because such an order would have for less but for an extra $15 a month, some the short end of a long, involved charged $180 for an apartment size which revenue loss associated with dropping | situation during his trip, and Kissinger had "a disporportionate impact" on the Strawberry Fields tenants get one less bureaucratic process. rents for $150 to most current tenants. everybody's rent. vs cautious in discussing this concept bedroom and one less bathroom than the These tenants signed leases with the Jenkins' only mistake was that he lived Holquist, who said he has heard little U.S. inflation crisis, the availability of ■ring his news conference. At one point, Kassuba Corp. for summer and fall. When in the 430 - unit complex over the summer tenant protest, expects a decision this grain to domestic users and the ability to people down the hall. 1 qualified himself by saying that "we Kassuba began transacting the sale of the and stayed on through the management week. meet other global obligations. Other rent specials at the large Lansing k'ieve that to some extent, these property in August, it changed change. But one tenant said that he has just Other State Dept. officials said apartment complex at Jolly and Dunkel Jgotiations should be conducted in Treasury Secretary William E. Simon is Roads (5 miles southwest of MSU) management companies and the new The management change, along with refused to pay the extra rent and does not irate forums." think that the landlord has noticed. include one less bedroom for $25 and one company, Littlestone Management, the rent and name changes, was made in expected to work out a substitute Another tenant, Deborah Blackford, I In another area, Kissinger said less bath for $30. changed the rent. They lowered it $30 to August, according to complex manager arrangement on a much smaller scale when said she was planning to form a tenants ijouations are starting in Moscow on the he gets to Moscow later this week. These prices are a result qf a midstream $40 for all fall tenants except those who Hal Holquist. He said both the current ■estion of lived in the complex over the summer. owner, Kassuba, and the prospective group to complain about the rent including peaceful nuclear On other subjects Kissinger made these change in management which gave most discrepancy, but she will hold off until the •plosions in a treaty to limit tenants a better deal than they expected Littlestone reasoned that since the buyers, agreed to the management points: summer renters had already begun their turnover for the transition period of the manager informs her of the decision from Pderground testing of atomic devices. • He did not operate any differently and some tenants the feeling that they are leases at the higher rates, they would have sale. the corporate policy makers. 1 The secretary denied this was an effort from his predecessqrs concerning direction being gypped despite the fact that they are to continue paying that rent. "The Lansing market dictated the rent Kassuba, which bills itself as the "the I ^negotiate an earlier and control of covert operations of the paying what they expected. Many of the treaty that set a Littlestone proceeded to rewrite leases change," Holquist said. "We rewrote all largest landlord in the world," has been in f • called threshold for atomic Central Untelligence Agency in other changes implemented this summer seem for all other tenants, even those who had the spring leases which is a pretty nice federal bankruptcy court since December ■jtoground tests. This agreement was countries. especially geared toward attracting (continued 6) signed leases for fall last June. thing to do." on page Ted last July and prohibited the testing Nonetheless, Kissinger said that the students. City wins, drivers lose in parking game By STEVE ORR approved an ordinance allowing city "Some officers are a little bit more, shall we say 'aggressive,' than parking in a "no parking, 2 to 5 p.m." zone at the wrong time, and parking in a duty. Currently two officers patrol the streets full time in search of wayward I State News Staff Writer parking lots to remain open until 2:30 others." - East Lansing Police Chief, Stephen Naert "no parking" zone. parkers. a.m. a change from the previous 9 p.m. Naert also said the degree of difficulty ■rivino .!'n said that drinking and East Lansing Chief of Police Steven Kreii ithon 1 mix- Parking doesn't mix closing time. To bargoers, many of whom But for the city, keeping the lots open director of the city parking authority. Naert said the number of parking tickets is in avoiding a ticket varies because, as he I using bargoers.1" °f m8ny ** end up shelling out up to a dollar for has been a boon. The parking authority Warden said the city bond which down from years past, because fewer put it, "some officers are a little bit more, night's parking, the decision was an police are assigned to parking violations shall we say 'aggressive,' than others." I Ust sprinK ^st Lansing City Council unpopular one. has broken even for the first time in three years, recovering from a loss of about financed the parking lot contains language stipulating that the city make as much $50,000 in 1971. money as quickly as they could to pay The move to increase revenues by for the lot. To East Lansing, that meant extending lot hours is one of several blind meters. devices used by East Lansing to keep the As motorists jockey for one of the parking authority's financial head above 1,200 public parking spots available in the water. Some of the city's other the city, they may also run across the methods may seem a little more devious. For instance, the parking meters in the graduated meter system. In this case, Warden said, meters charge lot at Bailey Street and Albert Avenue, from 5 to 20 cents per hour for parking. near the Taco Bell Restaurant, are what The closer one gets to prime parking are known as "blind meters." spaces — those nearest the biggest They lack any indicators of the businesses on Grand River Avenue - the amount of time left on the meters. In more the meter costs. other words, a person who comes into the Should drivers slip up - as they did lot and finds an unexpired vacant meter almost 25,000 times last year — East has no way of knowing how much time is left on it The person is left with the Lansing police are right there with parking ticket in hand. choice of gambling with the police and Of the 24,540 parking violations risking a parking ticket or pumping in written by city officers in 1973, nearly another coin. SN half —10,963 — were for meter violations. photos/Charlie Kidd "Hie purpose of the blind meters is to Other areas of heavy ticketing included A number seal* shows the time remaining on this meter face, and allows the user make as much money off the parking parking too long in a two hour zone, to budget time accordingly. system as possible," said Frank Warden, - 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 8 | Officials eye amnesty WASHINGTON (AP) Pentagon officials said Monday - prosecute he a man for this after has received his military "It would be an impossible task," one senior official said. arise very much. Another defense official loopholi Department officials acknowledged there was a for assignment hospitals or to to, other^L1 \ it would be said in an interview that loophole which would permit service. Hie lawyer, virtually impossible discharge. In law, the most difficult thing to prosecute military deserters Pentagon is to prove what is in a man's "nobody in the Defense Dept. returning deserters to escape they knew of no federal spokesman alternate public service. law that could be who foil to fulfill pledges to William Beecher said "it would mind." or the Justice Dept. has any uJj perform alternative public thought of prosecuting Pentagon lawyers conceded punish such * Kissinger defends Rocky gift services, unless they publicly be very difficult to prove In a court of law that when he Beecher been a said there have few cases of public anybody for this." at the time that returning men. state their intention to renege. made the pledge he did not statements Shortly after President Ford deserters would be beyond the Then, Thursday, renU by deserters that Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger defended the Even in those cases where a intend to live up to it" announced his conditional reach of military law once general counsel they would refuse openly to Hoffman suggested propriety! of a $50,000 gift from Nelson A. public assertion is made there Other officials spoke more perform public service. amnesty program for Vietnam given their undesirable in, Rockefeller by releasing a letter Monday signed by two appears seridUs doubt of the bluntly in a background He told newsmen he would era draft dodgers and deserters, discharges preliminary to Atterbury, ind . conference that former lawyers for ex - President Richard M. Nixon. government's legal powers to context not expect this situation to Defense and Justice reporting to civilian officials desertennS go back on their pledge, The letter said the gift did not violate the law or conflict - of interest regulations. possibly be p,oSecJ Elusive Hoffman said that loan offers "if, ? - The gift by the vice president - designate was statement to obtain disci* l» given, the military confirmed on Saturday when a Rockefeller spokesman' can continue under the said it represented gratitude for long - time service by co^l NEW YORK (AP) - such loans had been but that two weeks since last March by Cook said he also sought they usually wanted Beecher was Industries and utilities, starved completed, all firms people calling themselves out a member of the Saudi unable The letter was signed by Edward L. Morgan and Egil large fees should the loans be explain to for financing in these tight contacted denied receiving made. Most were reported to financial brokers, money Arabian royal family living in newsmen how tkil ■ Krogh Jr., both at that time deputy counsels to money days, are receiving any and said they knew of no be Americans; some spoke with finders or consultants. Washington and asked his was possible. president - elect Nixon. numerous offers of loans at companies which had done so. accents. He said they offered 20 opinion of whether such A low interest from elusive agents Supreme Court decs.! Krogh this year served four months in prison after Low rates The offers come at a time - year loans of oil money at money could be obtained. after the Korean War pleading guilty to violating the civil rights of Daniel who say they represent Arab oil money. "We chased maybe 20 of when corporations are pressed interest rates varying from 7V4 "He said it would be two or men were no held*,! longer subject t>l the offers, but they to raise money to pay off debts to 9 per cent The usual rate Ellsberg's psychiatrist in a break - in. Though one financial led three years before they feel prosecution under mUitaryk,! nowhere," said Edward L and finance expansion and for 20 - year money is lO'/i or consultant said two or three comfortable with this kind of once they have been discfJI Hennessey Jr., senior vice modernization. 11 percent. A recent New York Stock investment," Cook said. back Into civilian life. ™ president for finance of United Michael Cook, treasurer of Senate unit hears Vesco plans Senate passes Aircraft Co. Exchange study predicts Florida Pbwer and Light Co. Morton T. Lewis, vice Beecher also "They offer, $650 billion shortage of a estimated he had talked to 50 president finance of was unabltj say, $100 for explain why the Defense Ik, I Fugitive financier Robert L. Vesco attempted bill to increase million or $200 million at a investment capital over the people about Arab money. Dayton Power and Light Co. in was silent on any $ through an intricate third party arrangement last April ridiculously low rate like 6 or 7 next decade. Exchange Some of them, he said, were Ohio, said he had one such call, interpretation of it.a per cent with no Interest Chairman James J. Needham people who came to him; from a man who said he was to purchase 2,000 machine guns equipped with a prosecuting powers in |l silencers, a Senate subcommittee was told Monday. pensions to Gl's payment until the end of 20 years," he said. said the shortage threatens the development of housing, others he contacted because he had heard they might have Saudi agent and offered 20 year money in $10 million - deserter cases until weeta after the nearly thl Vesco also explored the possibility of financing a Hennessey, whose firm is energy and mass transit and access to money. increments at 7V4 per cent loophole ql WASHINGTON (AP) ■ The reported. machine gun factory to mass produce these located in East Hartford, could reduce the number of weapons-in Senate passed legislation Costa Rica, investigators for the Senate permanent Conn., said most of the calls jobs. Monday to increase by 12 per came from individuals who left Since March subcommittee on investigations testified. cent pension payments for no number and promised to Richard Hardy, vice Vesco currently is under federal indictment on charges stemming from an illegal $200,000 contribution veterans and their survivors. It also would raise by $400 call back. Strange meeting president for financial planning of General Telephone and You don't blow an extraordinary ideal the annual income limitations, to former President Richard M. Nixon's campaign in an re - alleged attempt to influence an election making it $3,000 for single pensioners and $4,200 for those to One man, he said, asked him come to New York to meet with an Arab "in a dark corner Electronics, said he had been approached an average of every on an ordinary shoe. investigation by the Securities and Exchange with dependents. of some restaurant," but Commission. After Senate passage by canceled the meeting before unanimous consent, Chairman the day arrived. Vance Hartke D-Ind., of the Similar stories were told by Court may take Reserve case Senate Veterans Affairs financial officers at other Committee, said he hopes firms. They said none of the The Justice Dept. asked the Supreme Court House passage will come Monday agents asked for advance fees to order a Minnesota mining quickly so the cost-of- living company to halt its increase can be on President The State News is rubtished by the students of discharge of allegedly hazardous pollutants into Lake Ford's desk soon. Michigan State University every class day during Fall, Winter and Sprint school terms, Superior and the air. However, House sources Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition is published in September. Subscription rate is Solicitor Gen. Robert H. Bork asked the court to void said it is unlikely the~ House $20 par y—r a U.S. circuit court of appeals order will vote before Congress starts Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and blocking the closing business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., By now you're probably less work than it of the Reserve Mining Co.'s Silver Bay, Minn, its election-time recess Friday. University, East Lansing, Michiian, 48824. Michigan State ever was they're made, buthou1 plant. The pensions are paid to aware that Roots are not before. well. The plant was ordered to shut down by a U.S. district veterans within the income GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER like other kinds of footwear But Only the finest grade | court last April as a means of halting the limitations if they are ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER a big part of Roots' Canadian hides are daily discharge The heel is lower to give success lies in not how selected These are hand¬ of 67,000 tons of solid wastes into the lake and 100 permanently and totally PHONES disabled for Newt/Editorial 3SS-8252 you the natural kind of crafted into Roots, simply I tons of waste particles into the air. Classified Ads 355 8255 walk you'd get by going nonservice-connected causes Display Advertisinf because, for much of our f The court held a brief ceremonial session Monday to Business Office 353-6400 barefoot in sand. The arch mark its return from summer recess to a docket whose before age 65. At 65 or older Photographic 355-344? production, the most health is no factor. 3S5-8311 is supported, so if you efficient machine is still the | more than 2,000 cases raise issues ranging from the spend much time on your human hand. death penalty to presidential impoundment of funds. feet you'll now spend it in This is why. of all the much greater comfort. The reasons we could give you I Trial of Danish leader begins FOR THE INNOCE rocker sole helps spring for trying Roots, none you off on each footstep, 220 MAC. AVE. would fit quite so well as the I Denmark's "trial of the century" began Monday with in her so walking becomes a little Above th« Allt-Ey UNIVERSITY MALL 332-2112 shoe itself. a political leader in the dock facing nearly 3,000 counts of tax evasion and fraud that could send him to jail and Give her flowers from MASTER CHARGE BANK AMERICARD turn him into a martyr. The state charged Mogens Glistrup, head of the Jon Anthony second biggest party in Parliament, with helping himself Free Family Portrait... just one more and clients evade income tax by setting up 2,700 good reason Roses 6 for $2.99 to join your credit union now. It's where dummy corporations and using an intricate web of you belong! intercorporation borrowing and lending, selling and 12 for $4.99 buying to reduce taxable incomes to zero or less. It specifically charged that Glistrup and his clients (;Joit VF M ■ Carnations 12 for $3.79 qptnony* florist cheated the taxman out of $700,000, and that $4 801 million worth of capital listed in the thousands of E. Mich. corporations never existed. Soviets may lose export credit The Soviet Union could lose $200 million in U.S. farm export financing as a result of White House jawboning to halt further wheat and corn sales, Agriculture Dept. officials said Monday. A spokesman said the $200 million credit line remains on the books as part of a $750 million package arranged by the Nixon administration in 1972 to help Russia buy U.S. grain. Under that agreement announced July 8, 1972, Russia was entitled to draw on the credit over the following three years. Thus, if no further sales are allowed, the remaining credit will lapse next summer. Antibusing violence continues Credit Union Family Black students were kept out of one predominantly, COLOR PORTRAIT IN CELEBRATION OF INTERNATIONAL CREDIT UNION MONTH white high school in Boston and police ringed another Monday as fears of racial violence continued. The city ROCK ft STEREO IOI lZle^T Serv'r/Mem!*"hip Committee ments with Krums has made special arrange¬ Photographic of Battle Creek to create a FREE 8x10" full entered its fourth full week of court ordered busing. - color portrait of you and your family. A special studio will be set up in the credit At Roslindale High School, school officials described the situation as "very threatening" after about 500 6s05 to midnight I" 5 p.m. Sat. and Sun. from Oct. 14 27, to noon to 8 p.m. weekdays, 10 a.m. to For your convenience, appointments will be taken bv persons threw books and surrounded buses carrying £rntZ> " °Ct' 7 fS"nP'y Phone to arrange yours. An black children. Police arrested 18 whites for disorderly Vle: y°ur be arranged at the time your portrait is conduct or unlawful assembly in four separate incidents. orthphnl for the holidays.W'JT" f°r deliver* (Mail delivery 6will be subject at credit uniVn in time All but four of those arrested were juveniles. JAZZ « ROCK ft STEREO free portrait per credit union family. Additional to C.O.D. charges.) Limit: one portraitt will be available at ipecial reduced ram, but you are under no obligation to make any purchase. Mrs. Ford cheered midnight to 6sOO To make your appointment: simply dial 353-2280, by letters ask for portrait appointment desk," and have your First Lady Betty Ford spent a comfortable night and credit union account number "her spirits and condition continue to be excellent," her handy doctors said Monday. Dr. William Fouty said that "Mrs. Ford is up much of UJILS-Fm STEREO IOI.7 the time now and moving about the suite as she wishes." Meanwhile, a White House spokesman said Mrs. Ford had received some 24,000 letters of cheer and since her cancerous right breast was removed a week sympathy ago • • PROGRESSIVELY BETTER •• 00 MSU EMPLOYEES CREDIT S00E.Cr«MtR( . 9 to 5iM Mm. thru Fit . UNION Ph.MjSJ.2M0 Saturday. He said such letters are now arriving at the rate of 5,000 a day. The co«t oUhl»«d vrtjMnunt bfing p.ld by Krum. PhotogripMc. Tuesday, October 8, 1974 Council may hear motion on dorm triples problem By GARY HOFFMAN student needs, Raymond said. crowding in residence halls. State News Staff Writer The Academic Council'is the "All this is not to demean the efforts of ■ A motion to bring out the big guns of parent body of the 35 • member Elected ASMSU on triples," Raymond said. "We I University government and zero them in Student Council. Student members can help them out by adding more I on the triples problem may be made at maintain overlapping memberships in both student input." I today's Elected Student Council meeting. bodies. I Councilmember J. Brian Raymond said The Academic Council, composed of A recommendation on triples by the I he will move that the Elected Student 151 students, faculty members and Academic Council, a larger body I Council establish a committee to make administrators, normally legislates and composed primarily of faculty and I recommendations on triples to the makes recommendations on academic administrators, would carry more weight I Academic Council. matters ranging from academic advising to than one by ASMSU, Raymond said. I Approximately 500 women and 300 course changes. The I men are now living in overassigned rooms. But Raymond, citing Academic Council University does not have I The move will be the first step in a bylaws, said the council also has continuing source of student opinion on residence hall crowding, Raymond said. I series of student actions designed to make responsibility for "the general welfare" of He said his motion would provide a one 1 the Academic Council more responsive to MSU students, which should include - month deadline for the report, so it SN photo/Bob Kaye could be brought before the Academic Council at the November meeting. Richard Sode and Don Redker inspect part of a recycling apparatus that is capable of recycling any material that is put into it. The machine is a prototype of a system that would retrieve materials that were lost in other systems. MSI/ remains Raymond said he is not certain what needs to be done about triples, but releasing underclassmen from their by falling sto residence hall contracts is a possibility. Whatever the solution, the Academic Council may not have jurisdiction over the problem. Total recycling James Bonnen, a member of the By JEFF MERRELL But "nothing to date has done it recycle glass and metal, and produce at steering committee which determines the least 35 salable products, including liquid By DENI MARTIN MSU was more fortunate. Tefry said State News Staff Writer economically and efficiently with the way agendas of the Academic Council meeting, State News Staff Writer the book value of the $11,817,000 that has recollection of the council we throw away trash," said Redker. petroleum gas, amminium sulfate no ever Garbage is something very dear to the MSU invested in various stocks last year Outside of the Redker Young process, - fertilizer, acetone, acetic acid and While other universities that depend acting on a housing issue. heart of Don Redker. It may make him a fell to $10,562,000 by June 1974. This is present technology has come to the point burnable charcoal. "Such an action would be moving very rich man someday. I heavily on endowments for much of their where it is possible to recycle 80 per cent One gallon of antifreeze, 55 gallons of a not a significant loss, Terry said, further and further away from the Richard Sode likes garbage too. He likes I income are feeling the sting of a declining of common municipal refuse into usable fuel oil commonly used by industry and I stock market, MSU remains largely considering losses of some corporations academic process," Bonnen said. to get rid of it. products, with the remaining 20 per cent 120 pounds of fertilizer are some of the nhurt. through investments during the economic Redker, an inventor, is the developer of "I wouldn't say the council absolutely escaping into the atmosphere or becoming things that can be made from just one decline. the Redker - Young process for total "Endowments are not a significant wouldn't discuss the issue," he said. part of a landfill. Redker - Young takes person's wastes over a one - year period. recycling. Paul Young, Redker's partner in Redker I portion of our total revenue," Stephen MSU depends on state and federal "There is always a vague line between the the remaining 20 per cent and turns it into • Young claim the process will charge of marketing, is the second half of also eliminate groundwater contamination, I Terry asst. vice - president of business and appropriations for most of its total academic and the nonacademic." the process's name and the man useful, salable products, too - hence, total 1 finance, said Monday. "Only one quarter "Whether we have the power is the air pollution caused by burning leaves and revenue. Last year the University received responsible for the marriage between recycling. I of one per cent of our total revenue comes $29,218,000 from the federal government question," Eugene Buckner, student Redker describes his process as a refined trash, and insects and rodents that inhabit Redker Young and Ingham County. Sode • and $90J07,000 from the state. Student member of the steering committee, said. "destructive distillation," or "fractional dump areas. I from endowment fund income." is the chairman of the county's public All of which, Sode said, saves the fees accounted for $32,955,000 in the "Another question is whether distillation." Last works board. Thursday the stock market, fell university budget. councilmembers will want to get involved What it amounts to is chemical taxpayer and the county money. A study I sharply with the Dow Jones Industrial Sode and Redker - Young are now in the housing question." decomposition of refuse through the use is now under way to determine exactly 1 average closing below the 600 • level for working together on a project which both of controlled heat, with emphasis on the how much. An endowment is a gift restricted to believe will have I the first time since 1962. Stock prices Even if the council has jurisdiction, the extraordinary national controlled heat. Present methods "flash" Presently, Sode and Redker - Young are investment. A gift to the University can and international ramifications. Redker I have been declining steadily for over a triples issue would be only one of many - the refuse, burning it quickly, letting gases "in the stage of improving the quantity either be restricted or unrestricted in its fear. before the council. Young has already been contacted by and escape and producing a useless ash which quality of the input" and looking for The Academic Council always has the representatives from New Jersey, Ohio, is used as landfill. some financial assistance from federal, Terry said that though MSU's problem of too much business and too Florida, Canada, Spain, India and Japan. state and local governments. Eventually, I investment value Terry said that endowment 4money Through controlled heating, Redker - is down, "any large little time to deal with it, Bonnen said. Though seemingly impossible, both however, the system will be run by private supplements funds received from other Young does not produce the useless ash. | investor reflects this sort of trend.:: sources. It enables the University to be Moving into the nonacademic area would Sode and Redker - Young contend that After siphoning off the gases, the process enterprise, because it is more "economical 100 per cent, total recycling is not only exaggerate the problem. leaves a charcoal - like substance that still and efficient," Sode said. - Harvard University, which receives flexible in its budget planning of feasible but practical with the new I more endowment funds than any other has enough energy left in it to be a useful Large public recycling companies had University programs unlike research "Almost every councilmember has his process. They believe the process could estimated the cost of a Redker 1 university in the nation, lost $200 million grants from the federal government, trade pet project," Bonnen said. "Taken fuel, or it can easily be turned into a - Young own immeasurably relax the strain on world 1 in the market value of its investments over fertilizer that "those organic people go process for Ingham County at $4 million associations, and corporations which are together they would be more than the resources. to $10 million. Sode said by gathering I the last year. tied to council could properly manage to handle." nuts over," Redker said. a specific use. "To make (total recycling) a reality it The system is also designed to use some together the scrap metal industry "sitting Raymond said he realized the council has to start somewhere, and my intention in our own backy ard," they could lower of the fuel it produces to power itself, already carries a full load. is to have it start here," Sode said. "We the figure to $2.5 million. though it puts out four times as much as it "But we think the housing problem is should be off the ground and under way consumes. Sode also wants to propose the important enough to be considered," by January." Sode and Ingham establishment of a metropolitan waste County became Raymond said. "Only important, pressing What is this new, mysterious process involved with Redker - Young last May authority, since a large volume of issues should go before the council, but that may just make Ingham County the when they put up $30,000 for research, materials would be necessary to be this is one." trash capital of the world? and seem excited about the process' competitive. The student faculty body needs to It is nothing A presentation of the Redker • Young • really new, Sode said. "We prospects. In addition to eliminating the start dealing with more student problems, have gone back to the 1800s and picked need for landfill areas (which are process will be made at Kellogg Center up where the inventors left off. Oct. 17. Raymond said. expensive and unsightly), the process can Man finds wait on death row lonely NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) • A "... they ought to let me go in the yard like everybody else. I'm no except for the electric chair." 22-year-old man, the father of two small different from anybody else, except for the electric chair." — "I usually stay awake at nights and sons, spends his days quietly on death Clarence Leonard Collins Jr.. on Tennessee's Death Row sleep during the day. Most of the other row, reading magazines and trying not to men on the block do that, and I think of Jan. 5,1975 - the day he is to die. just fell into the pattern." Clarence Leonard Collins Jr. is scheduled to become the first man in more Leonard, 2 months. He said he does not Collins, who is in solitary confinement, Sometimes, he thinks about the jury than 14 years to be executed in the want to see anybody from Morristown exercises in the prison yard three times a that sentenced him to death. electric chair under Tennessee's new week under guard and spends the rest of except his children. capital punishment law. "When I see my folks or people from the time in his cell. "I can't really bring myself to believe "Ill be sitting in my cell and then "I think they ought to let me go in the that in three hours and 40 minutes they home, I start thinking about home. I don't something in the back of my mind tells want to think about it. But I would like to yard like everybody else. Fm no could make a decision like that," he said. me Jan. 5 is coming closer and "To take a man's life see my boys," he said. different from anybody else . . closer," Collins said in an interview at the Tennessee State Prison. "Then I will yell at somebody, to talk, so I won't have to think about it." Tennessee's new capital punishment statute was placed on the books last February after the state Supreme Court Ford support struck down as unconstitutional a law enacted in February 1973. The new law President Ford is less of a favorite among Michigan voters than unfair were Republicans, 50 per cent were Democrats and 42 per makes death mandatory for certain types he once was, a Detroit News poll released Monday said. cent were ticket - splitters. of murder and for the rape of a female Of 700 registered voters sampled by Market Opinion Research, The poll was conducted from Sept. 24 to Sept. 29. under 12. 41 per cent said they approve of Ford's overall performance in Collins was sentenced to death Sept. 4 the White House, a marked contrast to Ford's popularity during by him a Morristown, Tenn., jury that found guilty of shooting a middle-aged his first few days in office. Another 30 per cent of the sample said they had no opinion regarding Ford's performance and 29 Center plans couple on March 19 and then burning the per cent disapproved. bodies by setting fire to their house. Ford received majority approval only from Republicans and Collins' court-appointed attorney, Eric Christensen, has appealed the case to the those in households headed by professional and business officials, the poll said. of talks on state Court of Criminal Appeals and has Disapproving voters included Democrats, blue collar and union is to bring in speakers who had The Counseling Center's requested a stay of execution from Gov. workers, blacks and voters in their 20s. been in their careers three to Winfield Dunn. The poll said two of Ford's more controversial decisions during Young People in Careers Fall five years so they will be able his early weeks in the presidency — the Nixon pardon and the Speakers Series will begin Oct. Apart from saying, "There were more 16 with a law firm employe to talk about details of their than just me involved," Collins would not amnesty program — may have caused the high ratio of "no careers and still be able to speaking on paralegal work. discuss specifics of the case. opinion" returns, and that many voters are taking a "wait relate to the graduate who is ans see" attitude on the Ford presidency. Kathy Jacobs, who works However, he did claim his case was with Foster Lindemer Swift & just starting out, Sue SN photo/Cr»i| Porter prejudiced by adverse pretrial publicity. Only 25 per cent of those polled approved of the pardon and Cullens in Lansing, will give a Belingham, asst. career Member, 60 per cent said it "made me mad and more likely to vote against of the East Laming branch of the Progressive Labor Party (PLP) "The jury had decided what they were short talk on how she got development specialist, said. On Oct. 23 Pam McManamy, 8 "informational picket line" Friday outside the State Capitol. They any Republican candidates this fall." on an going to do before the trial even started," started in her career and what *we he said. The poll showed that 43 per cent of the sample disagreed with it is like. Students will have the from Jacobson's Store for the a,tempting to spread the word about two Detroit PLP members who are Ford's amnesty proposal. A party breakdown of the figures shows Home, will speak on interior Collins and his wife, Dorothy, have two opportunity to ask questions. cha1Jes"trad't8d * ChiC#9° * ,t,nd *'*' °" ** *** C*,l, children, Eric Russell, 2, and David that 33 per cent of those believing the amnesty proposal to be The Counseling Center's aim decorating. ... Susan Ager Editor-in-Chief TOM W Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R.D.Campbell Managing Editor G. F. Korreck Rocky pointing toward 1976 City Editor Diane Stiver Campus Editor Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Pay ton National Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor Tuesday, October 8,1974 .. Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor Editorials are the opinion of the State confirm, former governor Judy Rypma Copy Chief When Gerald R. Ford became president But let us return to the computer with politician's wife that she had sought help New News. Columns, viewpoints and letters are Joe Kirby Staff Representative of the United States by appointment and a new set of inputs. Crank in first that with the problems it cause'd her. Rockefeller of New York as viceHi PVWtfLqpmions. succession in August, he also became the Ford said in 1973, during his confirmation Now Mrs. Ford is recovering from of the United States. Having tH" surgery for cancer. Even if, as is devoutly openly sought the preidencv, and all - but - certain nominee of the hearings, that he had promised his wife resigned the governorship of Ne* to be hoped, her recovery is complete, it Republican party for 1976 and the that he would serve only one more term in last year In a transparent automatic favorite for election that year Congress, then return to Grand Rapids and seems entirely likely that Ford will feel gambit to™! fourth pursuit of the grail, even more strongly the concern that once Rockefeu?j| EDITORIALS to a presidential term of his own. Or so it seemed, particularly after Ford let it be known, rather casually, that he probably the peaceful life of a small • city lawyer. Remember also that it later developed that Betty Ford had become in recent years so caused him to promise his wife a return to private life. hardly be considered disinterested i„?| Republican nomination for 1976 He does not seem to be one of those If Rockefeller is would be a candidate. dissatisfied with the life of a traveling confirmed „_ president by a Democratic men so obsessed with his own career at to congre* J!| Ford announces - say, in be willing to sacrifice everything else to it early 1976 tl Small intention to Grand Rapids, It may even be — as some who know Rocket I depositor him well are now suggesting - that he intended, even before Mrs. Ford's surgery, to honor his pledge to her and go back to w»l be In the catbird incumbent vice president, he powerful position from which to „„ would T^l (Jl milI Grand Rapids in 1976. party's nomination, as well is electkml!! In one sense, that notion is supported the office that has always eluded by low-interest by his casual suggestion - former press secretary, Jerry terHorst - through his His prospects would be enhanced long record of public service it him. by tl that he probably would be a candidate in own state and federal levels, and by the ta| 1976. TerHorst's statement committed ob»ioi The small investor, the home high - yield federal securities. Thus Ford to nothing. Yet, if he indeed had it disarray of the Democratic party foBowia the small investor is forced in mind to retire after 1976, it still would Edward Kennedy's decision not to buyer, the construction industry by law bh| and the unsophisticated investor are to invest at interest rates which are have been necessary politically for him to candidate in 1976. Those prospects coil all victimized by a discriminatory kept low by law. raise at least the possibility that he might be strongly reinforced if, sometime 1976, Ford cho6e to resign the presidnnl i| run, so that he would not be regarded as a federal banking regulation - the But that is not the only damage in Rockefeller's favor- '■ 'lame duck" by political friends and foes ceiling on interest rates to this policy does. Individuals, throughout the brief term he would serve. Even in that case, Rockefeller depositors. especially home buyers, rely on If to these inputs are added the great not be a sure thing. As vice presidents! Under Regulation Q of the banks and savings - and - loans for probabilities* that neither Ford nor any other president could deal effectively, by would be an appointee once remove I Federal Reserve System, banks and the bulk of their loans. But with 1976, with the parallel crises of the since Ford is an appointee, too. Ajal savings - and - loan institutions are interest rates in those institutions so American economy and the internationl appointed president, Rockefeller wouldbtl forbidden to offer market low, banks cannot attract enough oil situation, so that Ford's political twice removed, and none the better f«K| determined rates of interest to their much obvious manipulation. Besides, ou| money to provide all the loans that popularity is more likely to sink than to wounds do not' heal easily in'ifel depositors. Instead, regular savings borrowers desire. rise, a most interesting new readout comes accounts may pay only 5 per cent In fact, commercial banks have, from the computer. Republican accession of Nelson party; and the artifioi| Rockefeller to thtl It suggests that Gerald Ford may not, annually, while types of longer lost $4 billion in deposits since July after all, be even a candidate in 1976, let leadership of that party in 1976 would bt| term deposits range from 5 to 7Vi 1973 because better - informed alone the republican nominee. bound to set off a zealous campaign t«| per cent. Checking accounts are not investors switched to higher yield This is a possibility that ought to be of Ronald Reagan or Barry Goldwater or| allowed to pay any interest. investments, such as the 9 per cent considerable interest to the Democrats James Buckley or almost any without a jail record. conserve*| With inflation running over 10 who dominate a Congress confronted with Treasury notes sold for thee the necessity to confirm, or not to (C) 1974 New York Times per cent, these low rates mean that months last summer. depositors are actually losing So there is less mortgage money money on their savings. available, and the demand has As with so many government - driven the price of mortgages up, created investors policies, fat cats and shrewd escape this trap which in turn has devasted the construction industry. Without Letter policy unscathed. Only the small investor available loans, housing starts SN cartoo The Opinion Page welcomes all staff standing - if any - and phont I puts his savings in thrift declined from 2.5 million to 1.4 letters. Readers should follow a few number. institutions. Depositors of over million between 1973 and 1974. $500,000 have only 4 per cent of their money in savings or checking The only parties to gain from anti - Se rules to insure that as many letters as possible appear in print. less Letters and should be 25 lines may be edited /or oi I I Regulation Q are industries and the All letters should be This letter is in response to the tasteless typed on 65 conciseness to fit more letters oi accounts or U.S. Savings Bonds. government, who can obtain money and trashy cartoon accompanying the - space lines and triple - spaced. the page. This big investor will typically have by selling bonds at the market thoughtful and cogent letter of Leah Letters must be signed, and include No unsigned 96 per cent of his assets in other determined, high interest rate. Dickman in the Oct. 2 issue of the State local address, student, faculty or letters will bt | investments such as $10,000 U.S. National commissions since 1961 News. The cartoon of a Rabbi caricatured accepted. have recommended deregulation of in an offensively stereotyped manner is '_ Treasury notes and high, interest little different than those cartoons of ^ews corporate bonds. interest rates, and it is high time for drawn by Hitler's cartoonists in Nazi But the small investor usually have over two - thirds of his life savings of under $5,000 in these will action. It is just not fair for home buyers to suffer, construction workers to go unemployed and Germany. Furthermore, a cartoon of a Rabbi saying, "If you can't beat 'em, join Icy reception greets 'em," is indeed a hurtful and sad low interest savings accounts. small savers to lose their savings to The Spartan icers have always played - commentary on all that Jews believe and director for business affairs, was quoted as come up with a "reasonable" price. Here's | hold sacred. Much Jewish blood has been before a capacity crowd in the old ice Indeed, a $10,000 block of inflation just because of an unwise saying that "There was no rationale used to an empty arena! shed, and will continue to be shed, in arena. Though the seating was bad, loyal in setting the ticket Darlene DeMeulenaert I money is required to purchase most and unjust federal regulation. price for season order for a Jew to remain a Jew. Jews do Michigan State fans crowded in to watch their tickets." That is very believable! 221 Yakeley HaD ■ not "join 'em" if we cannot "beat 'em". hockey team play. They cheered and We fight to remain Jews, just as we have waited for the promised arena where they wouldn't miss a good pass or a goal Students have just paid their fees and done for generations and generations. Cut Such preservation of ourselves as a people because of poles in their way. purchased textbooks. Where are they Breakfast drug squ is a cornerstone of our faith, and is one of the miracles of Judaism. The cartoon, in its flippancy and This year, however, the story different. The new Munn Ice Arena has may be going to get $20 for hockey tickets? as a I have followed the Spartans for 3 years loyal fan. 1 have yet to miss a home I have been concerned current resident hall meal contracts about tl»l and ill I obscured message, was both an affront to Tonight the Ingham County more than 6,000 into the mute maw Dickman's letter, which spoke to an issue excellent facilities, but I believe they will hockey game. Unfortunately, my all encompassing effect. I, personally,■ Board of Commissioners will of get minimal use. I believe that there are checkbook cannot stand to have a $20 don't feel I should be pressed into a paid ■ a mysterious Metro Squad is of major significance to the University many students who cannot afford $20 for withdrawal made at the present time for a contract of which I can't take advantip I consider funneling $6,500 to the nothing but a waste of money that Jewish Community, as well as an affront hockey ticket. I have put money into the More specifically I can't see paying Tri - County Metro Squad. The could be better directed toward to many Jewish readers. It demonstrated a season ticket. The hockey team will new arena by accepting a rise in the cost breakfast I don't eat. fon| the kind of insensitivity, naivete and play, but in front of a greatly reduced Squad is devoted to drug busts. It drug rehabilitation. crowd. for all MSU sporting events without I do realize that many people still ignorance which is most typically receives * annually from various Rehabilitation centers, at least, associated complaint because I believed that State's adhere to a mornings nutrition I'm glad ■ with the lowest order of do not deal with mysterious hockey team and its fans deserved a better to hear it! Their right should not be ■ sources $35,000 and eight staffers. _ irresponsible journalism. Ethnic and social I do not feel that a $15 increase in It is unfortunate that now the In 1973 the squad concentrated "stakeouts" and "informants" or arena. price infringed upon either. stereotypes have no place in a responsible season hockey tickets is necessary. Last for tickets is so high that I and feel the need to prove their many But, alas! I have many comrades in one fourth of its energy on newspaper. In the future, leave the ethnic year, hockey tickets were $5. With the others will have to listen to the icers' pursuit of the terminal 10:20 class that | marijuana arrests. One occurred masculinity by raiding the dorm stereotypes to those anti - Semites who increased seating capacity, $10 for season games on the radio. agree with me. of innocuous students. publish their little hate pamphlets. The tickets should be sufficient. It is also during the Snyder Hall raid last rooms State News demeans itself and its readers unfair that students who do not wish to Let's not only "take as much as we cu | I urge all hockey fans to protest the eat," but also "pay forasmany meals asm I year, during which two agents were Better yet, they are open to when it stoops to that level. attend all of the hockey games be forced injustice that is being committed by the suggestion from the hand that feeds Arnold S. Berkman eat." I apparently forgetful and neglected to pay $3 or $4 for the game(s) they do MSU Athletic Dept. and refuse to Mark Alwood I to bring a warrant. them. Associate professor of psychiatry wish to see. Bill buy Beardsley, asst. athletic hockey tickets until the department can 206 N. Case Hall | Hopefully this year they will be a little more considerate of the law. But all one can do is hope. The board of commissioners has no RUSSELL control over the operations of the squad and has no idea where its money goes. All they receive for their cash is a regular report detailing the latest busts. It simply makes no sense for the Sports cavort while Granny snorts board to support an institution over For days we sat at the box mesmerized Namath shaved Curt Gowdy, who was in scoreless which it has control. Throwing innings to get credit for the were too busy watching the Pistons, the no by sport. We saw the Mets beat the Nets and the Jets, saw Pancho Segura score a Munich for the World Figure Skating shave. Oilers and the Wheels battle it out We never learned what sport the ne* I Quarter finals. for the league would be playing - could it h«« I • "Cosell has great desire," Grandmother hole in one and watched thunderstruck "This is the dullest shave I ever saw," championship of the Hardward Division been team turtle racing? - because young I while Evonne Goolagong came off the said, "but he'll never be a patch on Lefty and a chance to play the winner griped Herman, switching the of the Herman suddenly remembered the crucw I Grain d bench in the final seconds of play to the mighty Nebraska Comhuskers with a whip young channel just in time to see National Football League Commissioner Pete Grove." She was deep in the shadow of her own goalposts, but didn't know it, and Redskins • Indians in the Scalp Bowl on New - Chiefs • Braves gemes Year's Day game between the Lakers, the Whalers and | the Lobsters, and switched the chanMi. line drive to center field. Rozelle suffer a pulled hamstring while we were all too absorbed watching the which would be one of four major games Grandmother said she didn't want MJ I | "Shades of Big Bill Tilden!" cried demolition derby to tell her. Afterward we of the century to be played that day. wisely Grandmother as she went down to fetch another six pack. While she was gone Joe • trying to shave baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn's snow tires. Howard Cosell went in for Rozelle and pitched three watched reruns of the previous day's shoulder separations. We saw elbow surgery performed on on Meanwhile, Jack Nicklaus channel 13 and was penalized as three Texas millionaires missed a putt $30,000 part of any team called the Lobsters and I tried to switch to the hydroplane races, ■ but Mark Spitz told her to keep her hud I President Ford has decided that three 20 game winners, which was slower signed a high off the dial until he had finished shavteg; I - school basketball player to a than yacht racing, so we switched to $3 - million "Spitz may be a championship shaver, I American consumers are more contract and Jim McKay set a new world channel 7 and watched yacht said Grandmother, "but when it com«B I important than Russian livestock. racing until shaving record at the Caracas Bowline Grandmother, rooting through the TV Festival. * swimming he'll never be a patch «I All bread eaters, corn lovers and Johnny Weisamuller." She was in the1W» I schedule, discovered that there was a rerun We were so keyed meat users should rejoice, for Ford of the Seabiscuit up by McKay's round and so groggy that she didn't kn° I - War Admiral Match brilliant achievement that we has delayed or stopped a deal that Race on channel 12, and we watched War paid hardly the four • minute mile had become I any attention to the Belgian auto race in would have shipped $500 million Admiral go down to defeat 35 years ago to which three drivers were commonplace as the Game of the Century. I fetch a bale of hay. killed, which was but we didn't bother to tell her. Ins#» I worth of our already short grain not a record for that event, but the brutal By the time he got back, three football hard - fought battle between the Chicago we sent he? for another six - pack becau ■ supplies to Russia. Grain reserves players had jumped to a new league on Bears and Billie Jean Curt Gowdy was coming on next rro I there are the highest in three years, channel 2 and Curt Gowdy was King kept us riveted historic Chavez Ravine where the shadow ■ shaving to the TV set. and the American grain was to go William Paley on the 40 - yardline in a "Billie Jean will never be a patch on were lengthening and there Is I to feeding livestock. punting situation at historic Lambeau Jim Thorpe, said Grandmother. She tomorrow, as every sports fan knows- I Russian cattle already have Field with commentary by the immortal a male chauvinist pig, we we didn't bother was "That's nonsense," said Grandmotn _ I Bart Stan. to tell her because what matters is not "There's always a tomorrow, but it's I enough to eat. It is time that "Bart Starr may be immortal," whether you win or a patch on yesterday." She was batu»i ■ American consumers get some grain Grandmother said, "but he'll never be as lose, but how you 1,000 when Frank Gifford interrupt I shave your beard, and anvhow we were products to eat at prices not immortal as Hoagy Carmichael's immortal already absorbed in the Girls's Equitation with a bulletin* that Commissions I 'Bart Stardust'" She was in the bottom of Semi - finals at Oslo, Rozelle's pulled hamstring had W" I artificially inflated by greedy the ninth with two outs and two strikes on Norway, followed foreign transactions. immediately by the formation of a new restrung and that he would be ready ■ har, but we didn't bother to tell her. We World Sports League. shave again next week. (q 1974 New York Timet Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 8, 1974 5 Soaring By JOHN LINDSTROM At the Stockpot Restaurants, for • In terms of real inflation income - with continue their daily operations. offer different solutions. key nationalized include airlines and Stitt IW« Special Writ* example, the 1973 Frommer tells us figures adjusted to reflect the shrinking However, Labor, the party in power, The heart of Labor's economic transportation industries and some energy spaghetti bolangese is 48 cents. Today it is purchasing power of the dollar - the heads into the upcoming election with two companies. I Editof'i not*: Welcome Week edition just under 60 cents. typical British worker In 1973 earned $73 important boosters. proposals is the "social contract," born after the struggle between Edward Heath Tories criticize nationalization x ind former State News campus TTje tourist may complain and shell out a week while today's weekly pay check is First, unemployment went up in and the mineworkers last winter which because it not only lowers investments, „ John Lindftrom i» living for meral the additional pence and pound. But worth $69; and August but at a lower rate than before. caused the three - day week in Britain and but, because of pricing policies, „„thi in London. He ha» teen reporting Britohs, unlike American tourists, cannot * Industry faces a severe cash crisis. More importantly, it was shown that the Conservative government's downfall in productivity is affected — which in turn L mood and momentum of the British go home to the U.&, where inflation With the rising costs of materials and the rate of inflation had fallen to six per affects employment. the February election. grows at a lower rate, incomes and the tfion Oct. 10 for the State News. taxation, British investment has fallen off cent, an impressive decline which Dennis Two vital aspects of the contract - a But figures indicate that despite Tory standard of living are higher and there are sharply. With such tight cash supplies, Healey, Chancellor of the Exchequer, loose agreement between the government and Liberal criticism of nationalization, I LONDON - For Americans to get a more resources and greater self . many companies are having to lay off revealed to the press and the public on the and trade unions - are that wages, i.e. real those industries with few exceptions, are Vnse st the impact inflation has had on sufficiency. workers, making unemployment a campaign's first day. wages, shall not go down and that there turning a good profit, and that their leatBritain, th*y should comP,ire F*'"* The economic conditions Britons live under are these: problem second only to inflation. All three of Britain's major parties have should only be one agreement every 12 efficiency ratings are high. I in the 1973 edition of the tourist's Already the government is providing warned the voters of what continued months. In other words, when the ® The rate of To fight inflation, Tories say they will _)f _ Arthur Frommer's "England on inflation is rising at nearly $5 million a week to over 100 inflation and economic decline could agreements are negotiated, once a year pay institute a price stabilization plan and seek ■o S Day" - with Price* ^y- roughly between 16 and 20 per cent; British companies that lack funds to mean to their country's future. All three increases should equal only the rise of the voluntary cooperation with unions to limit cost of living and no more. wage demands. If this fails, they will seek To a certain extent the social contract 'ilson rejects Conservative call has worked. The building unions, for example, decided not to demand an incredible 107 per cent increase because of the contract. statutory limits on wage demands, they say. The problems with this are that these proposals are spelled out in any none of But there are problems, most notably detail, which fuels taunts by Labor and for coalition government in Britain at the British Ford Motor Works, where a Liberals that the Tories are baiting the strike recently forced the company to seek people but have nothing to back up their another agreement only seven months claims. after one was concluded. Liberals, on the other hand, are very asserted. "Their coalition. Wilson told a TV audience that This has caused both the Conservatives I LONDON (AP) - Britain's election policies will have getting into office." (also known as Tories) and the liberal specific about the measures they will take. catastrophic consequences." Heath had made clear he would have the Britain's 40 million eligible voters troop Impaign neared its climax Monday with Heath did not spell out the sort of right to veto any part of the projected to the party to claim that the contract cannot Hieir plans include a broad • based attack Ebor party Prime Minister Harold Wilson polls Thursday. contain wage inflation as it was designed on inflation at both business and labor Meeting Tory calls for an all party "castrophic consequences" he foresees for coalition program which did not conform Just about every major poll makes levels. Britain under Labor rule. He argued, with Wilson's Laborites runaway favorites to to do. Kemment to avert national catastrophe. Tory policy. ■ The calls for some sort of undefined though, the end result of Labor policy "The Conservatives have now given up win. But pollsters in this country have The Tories' mam concerns are, not Hiey encourage not nationalization of would be to throw workers out of hope of winning the general election surprisingly, business, increasing industry but a breakup of monopolies to Irtlition under Conservative leadership more jobs. This would come about if Wilson's any on their policies, their team or their proved wildly wrong before. And Heath appeared to be pinning his hopes on productivity and limiting nationalization encourage competition. Nationalization Lne from Wilson's chief challenger, of industry. should only take place, Liberals say, Eward Heath, who fyas hammered the men tighten their already harsh control of record," he told newsmen. "We heard winning over the substantial number of Labor has said it would nationalize "where there is no viable alternative and heme throughout the campaign as the prices and pump more money into the nothing of coalition talk last February uncommitted voters. economy. when the crisis was even graver. They are Besides the Laborites and Tories the industries such as shipbuilding, docks and liquidation would be detrimental to the way to save Britain from its A scornful Wilson retorted middle • road Liberals also command a airline construction. Industries already nation." ;ortomic crisis. "The Labor government Monday that pursuing an ill - thought out and ill - is lost control of the economy," he only "stooges" would join a Heath explained political deal as a means of mass following, though their representation in the 635 • member House of Commons is slight. With three campaigning days left Wilson CATA plans extensions, Ford may face dela had a winner's look about him. He picked up questions at his daily news conference with ease and good humor, spiced at times alterations in bus routes with flashes of aggression. Heath, by I WASHINGTON (AP) - The slow pace of jury selection in the Colson for a reduction in his sentence. ■atergate coverup trial may force President Ford to postpone his Colson is serving one to three years on a charge of obstruction contrast, seemed subdued. Aides have Capitol Area Transit Authority (CATA) assistant director Greg Bannen announced advised him to forgoe the touch of five route changes to begin Monday, Oct. 14. Ippearance before a House judiciary subcommittee, it was learned ot justice stemming from his attempts to smear Daniel Ellsberg abrasiveness that cost him much support The East Lansing route will no longer be linked to Fischer Body. The new route will Eonday. before Ellsberg went on trial in the Pentagon Papers case. in Britain's last election in February. include Lansing Mall and Churchill Southwest, though East Lansing stops will remain I Ford is scheduled to go to Capitol Hill Thursday to tell the Colson, who pleaded guilty to the charge, was sentenced last Heath has yet to spell out in detail how the same. Buses will alternate between Lansing Mall and Churchill Southwest. lubcommittee on criminal justice why he granted a pardon to June 21 and began serving his sentence July 8. he will form his proposed government of Hie Lansing Mall route will be extended to include the Farm Bureau and Hilton er President Richard M. Nixon. In his request for reduction of sentence, Colson said, "Ford's national unity and who will serve in it. He Hotel area. I But there appeared to be a strong possibility that selection of a action in pardoning former President Nixon raises serious has been snubbed not only by Wilson but Hours for both these routes will be from approximately 5:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Lry for the coverup trial will not be completed by Thursday. questions with respect to even ■ handed justice to former also by Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe. Also, the East Kalamazoo and Hunter - Foster routes will be combined, as will the T Asked if he would request a postponement of Ford's House subordinates of Mr. Nixon who have been prosecuted for offenses Without locking the door to Liberal Fischer Body and West St. Joseph routes. bpearance, U.S. District Judge John J. Sirica said, "That's up to in which he was a participant. TTiis is particularly troubling in the participation in such an administration, There will also be a rush hour downtown route starting at Grand River and Michigan he committee. We might be able to pick a jury by then. We case of Mr. Colson, who was convicted for disseminating avenues and going to central places of employment. Thorpe has said Heath himself would be Light not." derogatory information — at Mr. Nixon's direct request." unacceptable as its leader. And both In addition to the route changes, bus drivers will begin wearing uniforms, and the 1 It was learned that special Watergate prosecutor Leon Jaworski Colson originally was a defendant in the coverup case but Wilson and Thorpe have challenged Heath buses will begin wearing advertising, Bannen said. las asked subcommittee chairman William Hungate, D — Mo., to charges against him were dropped after his guilty plea. to outline just what sort of program an all CATA is also looking into the possibility of an express route to Meridian Mall, and a postpone the Ford appearance ifdecision jury selection is still underway. - party government would seek to fulfil. roaming information bus, which will give details about routes. I Committee sources said no Irhether to go along with Jaworski's request. has been made yet on Police raid gambling hall I White House Press Secretary Ron Nessen said Ford plans to Ippear as scheduled Thursday. DETROIT (UPI) - A 35 - long undercover investigation,, I "Any change would be made by Rep. Hungate," Nessen said. man police force raided an was the "most significant"' ■At the moment; the President plans to appear as scheduled." eastside American Legion hall since a 1968 raid that netted early Saturday and arrested 129 persons. | Jaworski wants Hungate to wait till the 12 jurors and six Police said they also Jltemates are chosen and locked for the duration of the trial 100 persons, about 60 of them ■here they would not be influenced by news accounts of Ford's described as key figures in confiscated dice, cards, other Statement about the Nixon pardon. Detroit gambling. gambling equipment and I Potential jurors are being interviewed one by one, in a locked, rded courtroom and all Ten persons were charged with gambling and 90 with $5,000 in cash. A police spokesman said the parties in the case are forbidden by ca to say loitering. American Legion hall anything about progress. I The Nixon pardon was a major factor cited Monday in a A spokesman said the raid, operation netted an estimated ■quest filed by attorneys for former White House aide Charles W. which ended an eight - month • $20,000 a night. IT MtffT HAVE BEEN! 0CT I'LL BET BEETHOVEN NEVER HAP TO PiTT l/P WITH MAYBE CAN (SET TO it ANYTHING LIKE THIS! BEFORE IT come? GOT of THE £T0RM PRAiN... POONESBURY sai, mikb, h0uipo you your ovtoeowett i think thb De¬ ourof (mil fense is 60nna w£ -1usr 6£t back in whoass shaft up in tub ccm-up trials? w3r\ ^ ^ \ r ".llfecCUr-i J L HAD IT ALREADY? It's only the second week of classes - think of what it's going to be like by midterms and - Learn finals! Why not check out a FREE EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS MINI LESSON this week - before its too late! We can help you increase your reading speed and help you retain it too. Don't wait till the night before the midterm to find out you can't read fast enough - COMPUTER PROGRAMMING START NOW! ATTEND A FREE in Evening School MINI LESSON •Attend classes just two •Learn to program COBOL & RPG II. nights a week. T0NITE OCT. 8 ■ FRI. OCT. 11 • un and operate a Computer right in the classroom. •Approved for Vet«rans...Accredited by AICS. •You will be Josh White Jr. 7:30 P.M. totaNy qualified to secure a ALWAYS A FAVORITE AT THE STABLES Position as a Computer Programmer MONDAY-THURSDAY, and SATURDAY Computer Operator upon graduation. •Class begins or UNIVERSITY INN November 4. 1100 TROWBRIDGE LANSING BUSINESS UNIVERSITY 1533: EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS I 200 North Capitol Phone: 489 - 5767 THE STABLES 2843 E. BD.R17ER. EAST LAHS1N8 CALL COLLECT 1 -313- 353- 5111 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 8, POLICE WILL MOVE FROM QUONSETS V plans Public By PETE DALY the bill. on Red Cedar Road south of have said that a person armed with a canopener could escape with vertically straight lose this m,! State Newt Staff Writer Steve Terry, asst vice the Audiology and Speech from the huts. Struggle# my curvatu*7J spine I have," Bernitt said. The new Public Safety president for business and Sciences Building, is set for between police and prisoners I Building could make a lot of finance, said these sources next fall or winter of 1976. Though escape have resulted in feet and probably be people happy. totaled $353,800 for fiscal University architect Robert elbows poking through walls the new building, more difficult!! Construction bids are now 1973-74. He said an annual Siefert said the building will inside the Quonsets. be relieved to find prisonersiil being amount like that would be be one story and have 26,000 their accepted by the University. On Oct. 18 the enough to finance the cost of feet of floor space. toilet facilities. ^1 board of trustees will review the new building, set at "ft won't really be a large Many of the tenants of the Quonsets report often being one "Currently toilet for we have w!l ,J the bids and name the $1,400,000. building, but it will be big our contractor who can do the job Terry said the money from enough," Siefert said. depressed by the curvature of which must be shared wl at the lowest cost campus car registration and Another happy group, in the walls. other people here on busier addition to taxpayers and "If I ever get into a building Bernitt said. ■ Taxpayers will be happy to parking has been used to build know that financing for the MSU's parking ramps and administrators, will be the parking lots. campus police. After 25 years Baroque musicians construction - which could begin as soon as Nov. 1 - will The building has been of "temporary" residence in not come out of their pockets. designed to house all the the Quonset huts they are Instead, annual revenue offices of the campus police finally being freed. collected Public by the Dept. of Safety (DPS) for and also the University Safety Services, which include Are, The 13 Quonset huts the campus police now occupy will to play at Fairchild student and pest and environmental hazards be sold and removed or torn faculty car officers. down, Siefert said. Nothing is registrations and parking Completion date for the presently planned for the In response to the growing popularity of Renaissance hista! permits, plus coins from meters and lots on campus, will foot building, which will be located location, which is west of the and art, the MSU Chamber Music Series will present an JJ.P Munn Ice Arena, he said. Baroque music concert tonight in Fairchild Theatre. I "Our one aim in life is to The Concentus Musicus, a dodectet from Vienna, specialize^! playing the music of the 13th through 19th centuries get rid of the Quonset huts," j Tenants burned by change Siefert said. "When we moved into the authentic instruments of this period. The Concentus Musicus, founded in 1954 and conducted hi Quonset huts in 1950, we were Nikolaus Harnoncourt, has won several awards including the 1981 (continued from p *1) reason to change the name and told it was only temporary," Grand Prix du Disque for its fine replication of Baroque pieces. I 1973. This has contributed to the Littlestone group has made said Richard Bernitt, director The group will perform "Concerto Grosso in F Major" |»1 the complications surrounding many changes to make the of the DPS. "Everyday since Georg Friedrich Handel; "Concertino Per 4 Violini, Violettal the rent decision and the sate complex more attractive and then I h*ve had to redefine the Violone E Basso Continuo No. 4 in f Minor" by Giovnttl of the property. word temporary to include one Pergolesi; "Quartetto del Gardellino" by Antonio VmU keep it filled for the winter. Chicago court clerks said Among the changes is the rent day more. "Concerto A 4 Violini Senza Basso" and " Overture in C Majgl that the involved Kassuba casa decrease. "We'll be more relieved Das Meer" by Georg Teleman. H is so big that it is now only in "They're really doing a when we see the hole in the Tickets are on sale at $6.00 for the public and $3.00 tgl students at the Union Ticket Office. State News Photo/.0.!?;> Kozloff its early stages. good job," tenant Jenkins said. ground," Bemitt siad. "I hope An inanimate sculpture of angles, lines and shadows is formed by the metal and glass of the The $500 million company "They've cleaned up a bit the board of trustees okays a Student Services Building, reflecting in the sun as filed bankruptcy under a law started watering the lawns, put bid soon." a lone intruder passes through the abstract which talis for the federal in Traditional piece of art new ca'pet.. complaints court to protect Kassuba from Littlestone has also about the Quonsets include the hundreds of various organized i Friday parties and lack of usuable space, flimsy creditors who have filed has planned ski trips for the construction and the high Academic Council seeks complaints against it. many students who now live in cost of maintenance. The Holquist, a former tenant the complex. "We'd love to rounded, tin structures have organizer himself, has been turn you on," the new been called, among other manager since February. He Strawberry Fields ads read. things, tin cans' and officers said there was no particular new New governance bylaws GERARD D^MIANOme man who made 'DeepThroat'andfff'Devil In Miss Jones' has no serious rival on the hafd-core scene. Sex is always »t /GRIG/ michipn data university bylaws for academic Grwin Bettinghaus, students at the ASMSU office, governance will be the main chairman of the Academic 307 Student Services Bldg. and performed with feeling in his films, but MiSS Aggie brings agenda item of the MSU Council Steering Committee, in residence halls by October out real characterization and story values." 1974-75 SEASON Academic Council meeting at said he hopes all interested 12th. 3:15 p.m. today in the Con students and faculty "SOMETHING NEW IN THE ANNALS OF ADULT Con Room of the International Center. The faculty and students of examine the bylaws and will contact their representatives on the SEX FILMS! Very much a woman's picture, relating di¬ rectly to a woman's urgent needs and steeped in every woman's sexual fantasies. Damiano doesn't merely (ling arlofctaiKe council if changes are sex at his audience. He knows what he is about and explores SERIES the council will also hear required. with DEFT, DARING AND DISTINCTIVE EXPER¬ opening remarks by President Copies of the proposed TISE. Damiano SKILLFULLY and ARTFULLY blends Wharton and a report of the fact and fantasy in a saga of sexual hunger and repression bylaws will be available for University Curriculum Committee containing course faculty in the October 10th MSU News- Bulletin and for and orientation will find this the Fteople of every sexual persuasion Most Hardened Erotic, *fllvln Alley changes. The proposed academic Yet Joyously Life-Affirming Film Ever Made. So Superior that Any Major Studio Would Be Donee Theater governance bylaws will be Modern Ballet from New York Proud to be part of such a movie." — «i sc«w brought up as an information Saturday, October 26 item, and any action on the new regulations will be postponed until the council's second meeting of the term November 5th. *BellaLewltzky Council members are Dance Company expected to examine the Modern Dance from Los Angeles proposal during the month of October and make suggested Friday, January 24 changes at the November meeting. Ballet Folklorlco of Mexico Ethnic Ballet of Mexico Tuesday, February 4 This picture is rated X Ballet UJe/t.U./.A. Classical Ballet from Salt Lake City Tuesday, April 15 All at 8:15 p.m. in the UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM BUY A SERIES TICKET AND SAVE! Series Tickets are on sale now. Union Ticket Office, 8:15-4 ^ Sales close Oct. 11 RESERVED SEATS ONLY PUBLIC: $20, $18, $15 MSU STUDENTS: $10, $9, $7.50 A/ 77In residence at MSU. For information about classes call 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 8, 1974 7 We/by' "Welby," insist that the fact assault episode ky kathy esse lman The publicity releases sent that attacker and victim are "The ABC Network and David Victor, station received only three over - emotional except that abuse find arcane? Local social SttttNewsR aviawar out by ABC describe the plot creator and executive letters objecting to the episode the episode deals specially with work experts explain they oading the dice ag» nut both male should bear no producer of "Welby" insist from local doctors who a homosexual assault by the as dealing with a "boy who has that the fact that attacker and victim are both rarely see such cases and that llation, "Marcus Welby, weight with the viewer. male contended the program would boy's high school science incest and enticement been the victim of child » puts in his two cents The National Gay Task should bear no weight with the viewer." be harmful for normal molesting and although Injured teacher, played by youthful - represent a more significant 'h against Gay Liberation Force and other and depressed will not reveal organizations homosexuals. looking Glen Corbett, while on proportion of cases of sexual jht The episode titled the name of his attacker to Dr. representing the causes of A gay correspondent a field trip. Legislators or abuse of children. fe Outrage" graphically Welby." The ABC Network homosexuals viewers would did not think was submitted to the National should never air. pointed out the program "will parents, under pressure to pass j|s the psychological and David Victor, creator and see this as an Gay Task Force for advising, It will air tonight on slap every gsy person in the legislation that will allow The use of the word child to irrelevant factor. When the m incurred by a 14 year ■ "input" leaders were furious channel 12. According to the face." homosexual teachers to describe an adolescent boy of executive producer of boy after a homosexual script, written by Eugene Price, and flatly declared the program director of programming, the That reaction might seem maintain their positions, could 14 is in itself misleading. be influenced by this Though a boy is legally emotionally considered a child in most - charged drama. In the states until the age of 16, child same way, "A Case of Film footage superb in 'War' episodes By KATHY ESSE LM AN and she spent months editing the final version. The work stands episode dealing with Japan's entry into the war portrayed the Rape" attempted to influence pending rape legislation, and "Gunsmoke" con and "Nichols" presented arguments pro and on the gun control issue. molestation in parlance usually connotes a preadolescent rather than a popular teenager. It would seem that the program owes more to State News Reviewer as a personal tribute to her artistry and Japanese invaders as "yellow devils," a sharp contrast to "The Outrage," thou#i dealing revulsion inspired by the a masterpiece of documentary filmmaking. Houston murders than to an 'The World at War" presents World War II as it should have American postwar historiography which tends to exculpate with a criminal offense, seems with eloquent orchestration and narration by Laurence Films like "Triumph of the Will" and Rdfenstahl's Emperor Hirohito and portray the Japanese as worthy opponents, to have geared its argument to interest in the problem of child Olympiad inspired the photographers who followed the much as the Germans are portrayed in "Hie World at War." the propriety of a homosexual molestation. Peter Batty produced this prestigious series for Thames yerman army into the field. The German footage incorporated functioning within society, Viewers can judge the into the episode on the Russian Front reflects her There is a post • Vietnam concentration on the though evision and it has received high ratings and impressive critical penchant for a brutality of the the character is material for themselves tonight Wagnerian dramatic construction and chiaroscuro, high - contrast conflict. The episodes emphasize the cost in human life. The described "typical sption in England and the United States. Pulling together as a at 10 p.m. ierial from half a dozen film archives in over three countries use of black and white film. Japanese slaughter at Shanghai will remind many viewers of pedophile with severe mental Bogged tanks and the inglorius retreat from Moscow are similar execution footage live and in color on the and emotional problems." each episode would be job enough in itself. But Batty has evening news rdinated interviews with survivors, combatants, government photographed with the grace and eloquence bestowed on a night - during the Vietnam conflict. In light of Vietnam, there is little of How are viewers supposed officials which he integrates into the episodes, time demonstration for Hitler in the glory or glamor of conflict, except in terms of the air war to separate the fact of a TOMORROW: military "Triumph of the Will." It is over Germany. glorius, magnificent cinema. The Russian footage shot under the homosexual assault from the pipisodes provide concise, intelligent introductions, while each centrate on a specific aspect of the war. Three episodes, for influence of Sergei Eisenstein, father of the Russian cinema and a "Hie World at War" runs on channel 12 at 6:30 p.m. on theoretical statement of mple, concerned the Russian Front, the Allied Air Offensive leading exponent of the documentary and the documentary Saturday and it is worth watching. The hour episodes provide pedophilia — a term most a social workers and t Germany and Japan's entry Into the war. drama, has also high style and drama. fascinating, compact introduction to complex historical events. psychologists who deal in child [Tie episode on the Russian Front boasted magnificent The problem raised by this footage is distinguishing between smatography which swept the view* along, wrenching documentary and documentary drama. Should the viewer accept Dtion with the ordinary. Germany and Russia both appreciated this footage? Should the viewer instead question the nature of the potential of cinemi. Hitler and Stalin used the cinema and the filmmaking units which produced the footage and explored the umentary to achieve national solidarity. historical materials which related to the events under discussion? Leni ReifenstahFs "Triumph of the Will" documented a The hour episodes are fascinating introductions to the sive demonstration in support of Hitler at Munich. She had historical events under discussion. Sometimes the British personal backing of the Fuhrer, a platoon of camerapersons historical view of events differs radically from the American. The Electrostatic highs combined with dynamic lows. tables audience a Until trostatic now, you had to choose between the clear, smooth highs of our elec¬ phone, and the heavy bass of our dynamic phone. We combined both in the new Electro-Pro. So you can enjoy the highest notes on the >y John Hartford's moog, mellotron, or electric fiddle, without missing the driving beat of the bass guitar and drums. Turn up the volume, no distortion. The Electro-Pro comes in black, with Chroma trim, and a 15 foot coil cord. Its comfort lies coming back to "Gentle on My along portion of the show early albums Hartford said, "I By JOE KIRBY reckon at one time or another I in its lightness, its fully adjustable headband, and soft ear Mind." when Hartford did "Turn Your State NewJ Reviewer have probably played the part cushions. The electrostatic element and mylar woofer Hartford had the crowd in Radio On." The audience was the palm of his liand by this of every one of the abstract are inside the phones, while the crossover and power "He is great, but doesn't singing and clapping as if they time and he was not ready to would not villains in these songs, or word ow it Kis music and lyrics quit. After he components are housed in a self protecting energizer. movies as I sometimes call unlike any I've heard. He is lose them as he settled into finished, Hartford liked it so Overall response is 10-24,000 Hz. 1 year guarantee. much he came back with an them." nself and will not be told amusing songs which the crowd For rock music, the way it was to write or liked hearing as much as he extra verse or two. After watching him w sing, because has only his own world." enjoyed singing them. The second show was not perform, one realizes that recorded, we give you the | Hartford in his songs and those Johnny Cash talking Not only is Hartford fun to as lively as the first but word movies have a little Superex Electro-Pro. Just listen to, but the key to the Hartford displayed his musical about John Hartford what you always wanted. show is watching his ffcp.JHe qbility with the fiddle. something to say to everyone. n Hartford did two He looked tlretf during the at the Stables Sunday enjoys being on stage and playing his songs for everyone second set but then Hartford Josh White Jr. will be Snperex Stereophones d about the only word to to hear, just smiling along with has the kind of face that returning to the Stables all this Feel what yon hear. i up the night is amazing. the crowd. always looks tired, so it is hard week with the Ramsey Lewis Hartford did not waste any Trio appearing for one night For free literature write Supere« Electronics Corp. DepI 33.151 Ludlow Street. In addition to to tell. le. He started out with a banjo, In Canada, Paco Electronics Ltd Quebec On the back of one of his next Sunday. Hartford displayed his talent ijo tune called "Up on the for playing the guitar and Vhere They Do the " that got the crowd fiddle, not to mention his mouth. Hartford can make [pping and smiling. w Next the some amazing sound effects came big favorite, with his mouth that add Hartford song everyone has another dimension to his act; and was waiting for, at the end of his second show lentle on My Mind." he even played a drum solo on Green Giant - 4 ear pkg. Just a skinny fellow sitting his mouth. with his eyes closed, There was an audience sing - Corn - on - the ■ COB ving his lieving that head slowly, every word he Pet Rite - 20 oz. 59' SOUR CREAM 3/* 1 oo is true; he broke into "A iple Thing as Love" before PUMPKIN or Spartan - 5oz. MINCE PIE 2/88' ,' RENTAT.V.^ CITRUS BLEND *25-00 per term S| 8/$l 00 [nejac tv rentals! Lean & Tender r A 3.17-1300 UNIVERSITY OF OSLO fmrn PORK STEAK (jmif Boneless Country Lean & Meaty INTERNATIONAL 61b. bag, Utility Grade MdNTOSH APPLES PORK ROAST 98*/lb W SUMMER SCHOOL 77* Fresh Sliced 6% oz. Chunk Light OSLO, NORWAY Fresh -1 gal. STARKIST TUNA 44' PORK LIVER 49'/lb Plice of Pizza June 28 to August 8,1975 APPLE CIDER 98" Spartan - 12oz. Old Farm For Everyone UNDERGRADand - 24oz. LUNCHEON MEATS 69c GRAD COURSES SYRUP Welcome Back Students) Fresh Kent Mich. Grade 1 Today and International Student Body! BROCCOLI 44' 6pk 16oz. No Return ROASTED or POLISH SAUSAGE 99', DAD's ROOT BEER 99' Tender Cubed [Tomorrow at For catalog write to Otlo Summer School Admluioni PORK CUTLETS $109 1 /lb 40 St. Ola' College BELL'S Northtleld, MN SS0S7 Two ye2598.4-10-11 Amplifier, 250 wetts, 4 12" efter 5 pm. 5-10-14 menuscripts, general typing. 1 and S p.m., Monday through 3 AND 4 BEDROOM, carpeted, size. Excellent condition. Must speakers and foot switches. taalsPirsaul IBM. 25 yeers experience. Friday. sell. 351-0762. 5-10-14 XO, ROOMMATE for 4-ghrl basement. East side of 355-7246. 5-10-14 GREAT DANE AKC puppies. 349-0850. C-10-31 t. Hatlett Arms. $79. Lansing. Beekman School will be training Immediate Fawn and brindla, Dor-La occupancy. Will 400 QUALITY BICYCLES 10, 6 MY TIGER, Heppy 24th! Loving volunteers to work there at 7 pjn. 17-1169. 5^14 furnish. Call 393-0450, evenings and 3 speeds Special • Prices. SCHWINN VARSITY 10-speed, 4 Danes, 372-3408. 5-10-14 you more each dey is blissful. COMPLETE THESES - Service today in 30 Union. Discount Printing. IBM Typing fBEDROOM furniihed mobile 676-7319.4-10-11 Limited time. Cell now. months old, $65. 351-7588. Your Little Feet. 1-10-8 end binding of dissertations and $25 $35/week. 10 484-0362. GENE'S BICYCLE 3-10-10 ; Volunteers interested in working net. 0 • campus. Quiet and ATTENTION PROFESSIONAL SHOP' 702 West a publications. Across from with the Civil Rights Commission Barnes campus corner M.A.C. and lake. 641-6601 or STEREO COMPONETS and camera should attend a meeting at 4 p.m. m a People: for lease between Holt Aveneue. 5-10-14 ■eal Estate Grand River. Below Jones today in 6 Student Services Bldg. A ^5315.0-10-31 end Eest Lansing. New 3 equipment. Prices negotieble. Call 361-0600 mornings, Charli. 1969 PARKWOOD, 12x60, 2 Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - representative of the commission bedroom, 3 beths, dining room, FREE RETAIL CATALOG: Pipes, bedroom, shed, 10 minutes will be available to 6-10-10 Fridey. Cell COPYGRAPH answer BEDROOM Apartment. carpeted throughout, 2 car weterpipes, bongs, cigerette MSU. 675-7432 or 485-1176. LITTLE ACRES. questions. SERVICES, 337-1666. C-10-31 ad. deluxe, 10 minutes gerege, family room with papers, rolling mechines, 5-10-9 Loceted between Okemos and campus. Managers office, fireplace. Call 393-0450 or FLEA MARKET. Dealer *>ace Williamston on VanAtta Road. Simchat Torah services and 11 superstones, clips, underground PURPLE VICKI - Fast, accurate, 8 Marsh, Apt. 1. 339-9161. 675-7319.4-10-11 available. Tuesday and Saturday, HURON 10x65 2 bedroom, Sit Soviet Jewry candlelight march Comix, etc. GABRIELLA'S on large patio and enjoy inexpensive typing. Very near GOODIES, Box 10 am -6 pm. 1039 West Grend furnlhsed, expendo new beautiful view beyond the 2V4 originate at Hillel at 8 p.m. today 434, , campus. 337-7260. C-10-31 and continue through Grand River NORTH PENNSYLVANIA, 326. River (M-43) Williamston, furnace, fenced double lot, of lewn. Well built, 3 2 bedroom, stove, Hollywood, Celifornia. 990028 acres and campus. All are welcome to Large furnished four bedroom 5-10-14 Michigan. 5-10-10 apricot tree, vegetable garden. bedroom ranch type house wi(h Efrigerator. carpeting. $160, home, like duplex. $250. 10 SPEED, Yellow Schwinn Welking distance to campus. connecting garage, fireplece, V4 join the service or 9 p.m. march. poiitand laase. Cell 393-0450, 351-7497.0-23-10-31 $3400 will finance. 787-6277 SNOW TIRES • 5.60x15. 4 ply Varsity. V4-Inch boys bike, bath and edditional bedroom in Pi Mu Epsilon Math Society will enings, 675-7319.4-10-11 $75. 372-1152. 5-10-9 (Jackson). 5-10-14 full basement. Lots of mature hold its first meeting of the term at nylon. Fits VW $25. 332-1266 FOUR BEDROOM house recently 7:30 tonight in A204 Wells Hall. 3-10-10 shrubs and small trees. $35,000 |ASANT GROVE NEAR Jolly. redecoreted. MSU 10 minutes. BIKE- MENS 28" 1 speed Schwinn. GRAYWOOD 1973, 12x65, plus firm or pay equity of $25,000 TYPING DONE by experienced Everyone is invited. « one and two bedroom, $300/month. 332-1946. 6-10-10 EPI 150 SPEAKERS/yeer old. Mint condition. Best offer. expando, includes washer, dryer, end take over existing land typist, reasonable retes. Cell Liz, ■ppliances, carpet, air 351-6151 after 5 pm. 3-10-8 disposal, skirting, tie-downs. 355-4926. 5-10-14 Free-U seeks teachers in these jiditioning, laundry. Balcony Seldom used. $200. 353-2579. contract. Payment of $75 per areas: 1) art 2) guitar and banjo 3) 1 or 2 girls needed to shere new Low down-assume month with only 6% interest. 3-10-10 mortgege crafts 4) pottery S) auto repair 6) .$139- luxury country house on 5 acres, WALNUT DESK, 60"x30", 2 years 7.97%. 332-0657, 332-4249. Phone 349-0158 for TYPING TERM Papers and theses. ■|69. See Assistant Manager, carpentry 7) woodworking. 5 miles from cempus. it 2, 3620 Richmond. SONY TAPE Recorder, TC-530 old, $160. 2 drawer filing eppointment. 5-10-14 Experienced, fast service. IBM Vegetarians, car. 394-2167,12-7 plus earphones end 13 tapes. cebinet. 351-1618.5-10-10 electric. Call 349-1904. 18-10-31 1 676-1270; 393-6998. SKYLINE 8x42, 1 bedroom, pm. 3-108 $176. Cell 489-8325. 5-10-14 OKEMOS • BY OWNER neer MSU, organizational meeting for those fc-10-21 separate study area. Excellent interested in working with the 8 x 44 TWO BEDROOMS, clean 3 bedroom brick rench, family condition in quiet perk, partially THESES, RESUMES, typing and MSU Film Societies' filmmaking FEMALE HOUSEMATE: own BUNK BED set, coloniel, very good close to campus, fully furnished. fireplece, full besement, ■t 2 BEDROOM, appliances, . room. 6 bedroom coed house. furnished. Walk to MSU. room, printing. Reasonable prices. project at 3 p.m. at 328 Student condition, $50 349-0838. I peyed $1700, no reasonable assume 7% mortgege. 351-4122 Brpenng and drapes, $165 plus $65 665-2060. 3-10-8 . 337-9446. 5-10-9 COMMERCIAL PRINTING, Services Bldg. Watch this column 3-10-10 offer refused. Will sacrificel evenings. 5-10-14 3614116. C-10-31 for future classes in winemaking, plitist, 694-0862. 610-14 351-3373 after 6:30 pm. 3-10-8 ballet, swimming, massage and BILTMORE 12*x4r, two bedroom, SHARE HOUSE in East Lansing, SANSUI 1000 amplifier. Monarch How-To's of beginning member | BEDROOM mibi>e home, cerpeted, lerge appliances, Recreation ir ctmpus. Newly furnished one bedroom left In house. $86/month, plus utllltlee. Cell Electric range, Gretsch drum set. Bird cage, and puppy carrier. furniture. $2,900. 694-9259. £ owned co - operatives. Let the energy flow! . S150/irionth plus 6-10-8 after 6 pm. 332-8348. 4-10-11 394-0376. 4-10-11 iposit. 694-0088. 5-10-14-. 40x100" ROLL OF 6 mil NASSAU OVER Christmas Break, TYPING- WILL pick up end , All wives of foreign students and 1963 10x65 Liberty. Very good scholars are invited to a Coffee LARGE HOUSE for 3-6 parsons, 2 CLOSE OUT of Stereo speekers, Visquine-trensperent plestlc. December 14th through deliver. Large or small orders. from 7:30 to 9 tonight in the (ale TO share one bedroom blocks from campus. reduced prices. 4824156. This size no longer condition. $2500. Call December 21st. $249 + $3.00 Phone 677-8611 efter 5:30 or ell United Ministries lounge at 1118 S. See Janet, B-35 menufectured. Excellent for 676-5563, after 6 pm. 5-10-8 Bahamian departure tax. Call $400/month plus utilities. 6-10-14 day Saturday and Sunday. Harrison Road. Pre-school children Jar Graf ns 3-6 p.m. 1-10-8 ASMSU Travel for further 393-0445. 4-1011 covering domes or greenhouses. 5-10-10 are welcome. $140 or meke offer. 349-3394. KING ARTHUR'S COURT information. Daily 353-8857, 10,000 LIBRARY books, 5,000 old |SE TO CAMPUS, two 6-10-9 5 miles from campus, quiet nature 353-0659. After 5, 882-0170. I EAST SIDE. 413 South Clemens, 3 bedroom, partly furnished. books, 3,000 little children's books-IOc JERRY'S and FLEA up. Call environment, Wondercraft, $4,700. 2.) 1968 1.M967 3-10-10 Tfi Your- invitation to something different: Chi Omega Sorority Open rush, October 6 to 13. For rides or $254/month. Deposit. MARGET, 669-9311. Baron, $3,000. 3.) 1968 SKIERS UTAH package - $299. WANTED FOR Linguistics more info, give us a call! Chi 882-7760.5-10-14 Open Saturday, National, $4,300. Call 482-0709, Christmes end spring. Call your Reseerch. Netive speeker of Omega, 229 Burcham Drive. Sunday 10-5.4-10-11 KONICA-T 35 mm. Nine months |NISHED, UTILITIES paid, FEMALE TO share nice home with Bob Lewis. 6-10-11 East Lansing Ski Center - either Chineee, Thai, Malayam, carpeted, excellent old. 353-2258 days, 484-2158 TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. Yoruba, Swahili, Arabic, same, $85/month. 882-2281. FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR, more IWH Pg. 12 in. 1 bedroom, 3494907. evenings. 5-10-9 FURNISHED 10x50, close to MSU. 351-8800. 0-5-10-11 Hungarian, Turkish, Japanese, or 1-10-8 separate freezer - $50. Greet investment. $2300. any other non - Indo-European Apartment gas stove - $25. U.S. OIVERS Aluminum tank, 72 351-8534.6-10-11 TWO BLOCKS, 351-3809. 3-10-8 HAYRIDES DRAWN by horses. language who can also speak and |R T H lerge room, cubic feet, J reserve. 484-8961, HAGADORN, Call for appointment now. write English. Pleese call Ittploynd-non-smoker over 21 woman, $220, Collingwood, after 8 pm. Dale Atkins. 5-10-9 AUDIO OPEN HOUSE specials. Phone 676-5928. 10-10-16 353-9242, ask for Linguistics LEAVING VICINITY of Logan and 351-2609. $75/month. 5-10-14 > share partially furnished lluxs 2 bedroom apartment. ■00/month plus shere utilities. RESPONSIBLE GOOD PERSON, This week feeturing headphones. Stop in and see our specials. lost i FowT[SL Project Group. 5-10-8 Miller Road to Campus (MSU) around 7am, returning 5pm. ■10-10 >1-7975 after 6:30 pm. prefer Grad student for 2 393-0603. X-3-10-9 bedroom or teacher duplex. MARSHALL MUSIC, 246 Ann Street. C-1-10-8 MARTIN 0-18. 12 yeers old. Excellent tone, new hard case. FIND SOMETHING If you've found a pet or article of C^L]® DESIRE HAYRIDE for little sisters party neer Halloween. Within student budget. 349-1145. FROM 882-4097 evenings, Tracy. LANSING to Ludington value, we want to help you EDITING - PROOFREADING. and back. Leaving Fridays ■E ROOM RENT! Buy my $365. See or leave message at return it. Just come to the State Dissertations, theses, research EAST SIDE, large 8 rooms, 4 ELECTROLUX SWEEPER with 236 North Harrison, 5-A, after 5 4:30pm, returning Sundays »28' trailer. Near MSU. News Classified Depertment end bedrooms, unfurnished. $220. ettachments, excellent projects, manuscripts. Anne TWO TICKETS to UM MSU game, 10pm. Phone 485-1078 7am ■"cedent for students. $1176. pm. 3-10-9 tell - - 676-1567.5-10-11 condition. Cost $140, sell for us you went to place an ad Caulev. 337-1591.3-10-9 good location. 353-6453, Roger 10pm. ■'■0003. 7-10-16 in EAST LANSING STATE $18,393-1510. 3-10-10 TURNTABLE - BSR McDonald WILL DO alterations, sew gowns, 3-10-10 BANK'S Found Column. As I AREA. Large, 2 bedroom, 2 BEDROOM HOUSE near 510 with new Shure M-93 a public service EAST LANSING reesonable. Call after five, FROM LANSING to Wayne State. Pnlshfd, for girls or couple, Sparrow Hospital. Unfurnished, REMINGTON'S ON Sele this week certridge. $40. 361-3236. 3-10-9 484-8003. 3-10-9 Leaving Monday and Wednesday STATE BANK will run the ed et NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. $165/month plus utilities. at BOB'S GUN SHOP' 15% off early am, returning early pm. ffaencss. Cell 663-8880 or on manufacturers list price on no cost to you! Volunteer tutor for teenage boy. 489-2657 after 10pm. lB-6526. 5-10-8 339-8567 after 5 pm. 5-10-10 GUITAR, Gibson ES335. EAST LANSING TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleened, Basics. Transportation worked the 2V, on Magnum's 20% off $250/ampllfier Fender-Pro, STATE BANK oiled, and edjusted. Portables out. 489-0091. 5-10-11 ■OED, MALE roommate MARRIED COUPLE, One bedroom manufacturers list price. 30-60 $150,349-1166. 3-10-9 $7.50, manuals $10.00, electric FLINT AREA to East Lansing, C-10-31 ^mediately for 3-man epartment. $160, utilities peld pump ection rifles list $179.95, $12.60. One dey service, free daily. Leaving 7am, returning 5pm. 1-313-659-9670 after 6pm. 11 on Burcham Road, by lendlord. Near Hegadorn and our price $139.95. Remington MARANTZ FISHER, Thorens, LOST: GOLD ladies Jubilee watch. pick up and delivery. 26 yaers Car Pool & 3-10-2 ith. 353-1471. 5-10-8 Bolt ection rifles in model 700 Grand River. 351-5285. 6-10-8 Harmon Kardon, Sansui, stereo experience. 393-9774 x6-10-14 Rewardl Call Debbie at deluxe, 15% off menufecturers | GIRL naaded to share lerge list. 300 Magnum caliber, 20% and 4 channel equipment. 353-1013. 6-10-14 FURNITURE STRIPPING: Old FROM JACKSON to East Lansing. '••droom Nikkormat FTN, Memyia/Sekor Share Driving & Leeving 7 am, returning 5 pm. apartment, Rooms off. 2412 South Cedar, Lansing. 1000 DTL. 35mm cameres and LOST: SHORT hair black female finishes safely removed from 764-2177. 3-10-9 po/month, utilities included. 1-10-8 precious old pieces. Bring them lenses. Fender Stratocaster and cet, white hairs on chest, tare in Close. 337-9431. in-let us do the hard work. FROM JACKSON to MSU. Monday telecaster, Gibson Firebird, S.G. right ear, reward for return. FROM FOW LERVILLE to CLEAN AND quiet, 2 blocks from TWO SPEAKERS, electrophonic 3 6274251.5-10-11 through Friday. Leeving 7am. pl■pa parking, $19 week, 538 way, $60. Call after 5 pm, end 54 Les Paul. Many other Marshe, 332- 610, 619 North returning time negotiable. CAMPUS. Leeving 9:15 am, U | in IET BURCHAM Woods, $194 cempus, Grove, 361-0581.3-10-9 351-3143. 4-10-11 fine accessories. Large selection Hagadorn. 5-10-14 FRENCH TUTORING and 787-6277 evenings. returning 11:30 am. 1-223-9226. 's deposit. Good location, of amplifiers, including the new 3-10-9 r sm na 337-1187. Miller sound translating. Paris University 3-10-9 TRUCK LOAD snow blower sale. gaer. Used LOST: SILVER ladies watch last 1 mb MEN- ROOM for rent, $70 month graduate. Call Brigette, From CHARLOTTE to MSU, daily. furniture, TV's, radios, Monday. Please return, gift from FROM MSU to Battle Creek. Just e few in stock, single and M ifl ■ ft bedoomapartment. Easy including utilities. 339-2786 multi stege. 5 hp In crete, diamonds, leather coats, electric fiance. 351-9630.3-10-10 Leaving 7am, returning 3 - 5pm. Leaving 2:40 pm. 616-964-0140. efter 3:30 pm. 3-10-8 543-6488 efter 5 pm. fp ■ov ■W/month B'° v#rd' 8#rd#n ,p,c#> $169.95. Phone 339-9522. and manual typewriters, HIGHLAND HILLS - Christmes 3-10-9 to including utilities 10-speed bicycles, rifles, end LOST: LONG haired black cat, parties & wedding receptions. OWN BEDROOM, furnished, 7-10-16 FROM SPARTAN VILLAGE to P B]C •'Mtrlc. 339-9522. campus - one block, share shotguns. Come on down to female. Gets into cars, reward. Reserve your dete now. Riding 1 nB l DICKER 81 DEAL, 1701 South 351-8930. 2-10-9 669-9873. 20-10-23 Jackion. Leaving 6:30 am, apartment, $95. 332-1946. BICYCLE GIRL'S 26" 3 speed He l Ceder. 487-3886. C-5-10-11 returning 5 pm. 355-0979 after 6-10-8 Huffy, almost new, $45. 6 pm. 4-10-8 NEED RIDE from Jackson to MSU ■f LOST, CAY, Large, white, orange UNION ACTIVITIES Boerd needs e a inriB,E°R0°M. J" ditlonad, Close air 349-2346.3-10- 0 AT OUR Prices get that emergency stripes. Mele. Part Angora. Instructors In leather work, daily. Leaving Sam, returning ■T carpeted, ROOM, 16 minutes from campus. HOBIE Cat Sailboats- must sell. 1 peir of glasses. OPTICAL 337-7126. 3-10-10 gutter, banjo, knitting, and /or around 3pm. Call 784-8834 Should have transportation. Call FROM JACKSON to MSU. Leeving DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan crochet Instructors will be paid. anytime. 676-7206.10-10-16 yeer old, 16', $1700; 14, $1300: REWARD for wallat returned 12:30 pm, returning 5 pm. 356-3356 or stop by the Union 12, $650. Cell 487-6466. 6-10-8 372-7409. C-5-10-11 784-1913 after 6 pm. 4-10-8 Intact; lost In Frandor parking Board Office, 2nd floor Union. FROM VICINITY of Forest Road iil2": kSMALL two unit, dishes, bedding. Four ROOMS - COMPLETELY furnished home. Washer, dryer, color TV. CROCHETED, BRIMMED hats. Choice of color, $6.00. APPLES, CIDER, BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, 7 miles PUMPKINSI lot. Call Gordon 337-9505 or 353-6400. 5-10-10 2-10-9 FROM MARSHALL to MSU and Stonleigh (Lansing) to MSU. Leeving 8:30 am, returning Five acres. 20 mlnutee from FOR THE BEST Service on stereo Monday - Thursday. Leaving Scart/Mittens extra. 337-7416. south of Meson on Hull Road. evenings, negotiable. 393-7194. campus. Phone before B:30 pm, 3-10-8 FOUND: SUM of Money. Call and eqipment see the STEREO 8:30 am, returning 4:30 pm 4-10-8 Hours 9-6, closed Mondays. 484-6861.3-10-9 give details. 332-5858 after 6 SHOPPE, 555 Eest Grand River. Tuesday and Thursday. 8:30 pm 1 589-8251. 0-10-31(ff SI QUIET houia CONSERVATIVE near campus. girls - COMPONETS -PIONEER PL 61 V16II $200, Dynaco Factory 120 $150, Interfaced $365, OLIVETTI ELECTRIC typewriter. Still under werranty. portable LOST pm. C-3-10-8 - TWO pair contact lenses, In shaving kit. Reward. 351-2626. C-10-31 PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES - Monday and Wednesday. 616-781-7293 evenings 4-10-8 FROM BATH to MSU daily. Leeving 7:30am, returning 5pm. 3554510 extension 248 before ■CLEMENS-Home ideal for 3-4 349-9143/332-6497. $65/$75. Teac 450 $326, EV16TRX's In Excellent condition, $100. Finest quelity - reasonably From PERRY to Commuter Lot. 5pm. 4-10-11 $400/pair. 353-1332 4-10-8 ■TiH!1 °f tW0 C0UP,M< Newly cabinets 337-2378, evenings. 3-10-9 priced. BOYNTON X-5-10-8 PHOTOGRAPHY. 482-6712. Daily. Leaving 7:15am, J" ,nAd csrpeted. $60 par , returning 5pm. Phone 651-6096 FROM EAST Lansing, to Ann MSU WALKING distance. Room: 5-10-14 |B4.7401 AvBall#b,t now. Call share with father and eon, SONY TC-366 - 4 chennel tape efter 6pm. Arbor, Yptilanti. Leeving around Reel-to-reel tape pi.,;™"'""' Kitchen privileges. $80. Phone 361-7781.3-10-10 SONY recorder, Sable, 7" tapes, records. Sony tuner, 3614849. deck, $300. Call Steve, 489-1624. 3-10-9 VOICE LESSONS minutes In - 30, 46 length. or 60 Call 8 am Tuesday and Thursadays, returning 5 pm. 361-8157 332-2040, after 1:30 p.m. FROM BATTLE Creek to Monday, Wednesday and Friday. $170. 3-108 COMPLETE SET of icuba diving Commuter Lot, daily. Leeving 3-10-9 OWN ROOM In furnished 2-man, equipment, two tanks etc. Days: JHM 7:30am, returning 4 • 5pm. wast. Call Dan. 486-1002. ANTIQUE TRUNKS, also wicker CIDER TIME at CORDA WEST 3736476. After 6, 332-2820. CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY at FROM MARYLAND 3-10-10 table and two chairs. 882-9167. 6-10-8 CIDER MILL. 6817 North It's bast statewide. TERRY 616-963-9393_after_6pm. _ to MSU. 3-10-8 Ok emos Road, East Lansing. Leeving 7:30 am, returning 56 lft* F°^r bsdrooms^ LUKE PHOTOGRAPHY, LEAVING SOUTH Lensing to pm. 486-5034. 3-10-9 PENNSYLVANIA SOUTH. Near Phone 337-7974. Open 7:30 RAILROAD TIES, $6.60 • $7.00. 313-532-9325. C-10-31 Jackton 7:16am, returning ^400/month. ■ Michigan. Quiet for student. bj«. • 7 p.m. 20-10-23 New bus line. 186/month plus HUFFY OLYMPIA tan sppad Like new, pick your own. Call around 5pm, daily Monday FROM PORTLAND to Ayiculturel SnVd». utHltlsi. 627-6464. HO-11 bicycle, ridden once. 366-6189 before 6 p.m. 3-10-9 PETERSON WOOD CHIPS, 882-2655. Dallvsry extra. BANJO PLAYER Honky Tonk pianist Good ear wan^d by QteMw through Friday. 394-1619 after Hall. Laeving 7 am, returning 5 pm. 647-8612 evening*. 3-10-10 EMPLOYED STUDENT - male - 6-10-11 VOICE LESSONS. Piano lessons, ■'°°includ?,rtrn#nt hou"« kitchen prMedget. Share bath and good Improvbation. Mostly beginning and intermediate. FROM MOUNT Pleetant to MSU. LtS* 312 with one. Bad, linen furnished. Limited parking. Cloaa to bus. FENDER TWIN Color TV. REVERB. Sony Phone after 4:30, for fun but maybe some gigs. Call Dave, 484-9774.1-108 $6/hour. $4.50/40 minutes. Call Laming 8:30 am, returning 6 RIDERS FOR Ann Arbor Leaving Fridays at 4 pm Call 332-5281 486-8922. 5-10-9 349-1354. after 5 pm. 6-10-14 pm. 356-7601 8-12 pm. 3-10-9 3.10.io Call 480-0683.3-10-8 12 Tuesday, October 8,1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan INDONESIAN TEST CLASS HELD THIS TERM The College Republican Campaign Committee will meet at 8:30 tonight in 39 Union to mobilize student volunteers. All interest Republicans are welcome. Will Grandparent all former Adopt volunteers make contact with Gary Shapiro in the Office of Volunteer Programs, especially those people who will be - A please - Third By NANCY E. CRANE State News Staff Writer World language comes out." language p/onne taught this term, he hopes to class in Amharic next term. expand the program to in Famine conditions continuing this year. Griffing will take Indonesian this fall with three other students "Right now we're working on this program cautiously continue MSU students who have searched the course in a test run of the program. The program is being coordinated by across Africa and in other parts of Come meet Barbara Braathen catalog in vain for doesn't cave in on us," Dwyer laid. "We have to worry £ classes in languages such as Urdu, Amharic and Indonesian David Dwyer, professor of linguistics, Oriental and African the world. Concerned persons are and hear all about her new "Women may administration and organizing, getting rooms and invited to a meeting at 7:30 tonight in Art" class, at a brown bag lunch take heart. languages. now." funding ™ J3 at the Peace Center, 1118 S. for women students 25+ at noon Several University departments are working toward "The program is designed to provide highly motivated students developing William T. Ross, director of the Asian Studies Center Harrison Road. Sponsored by the Wednesday in 6 Student Services a program in Third World languages on a demand, pay-as-you-go the opportunity to learn languages not now offered at MSU," whuJ African Famine Relief. Bldg. basis. Hiis program would make it possible for students to take Dwyer said. also involved in the project, says interest in developing a J*! There will be a free bicycle Sigma Kappa invites you to languages like Urdu, Pakistan's national language, and Amharic, Small groups of students who want to take languages not language program was generated when the South Asia UmZ workshop for all types and makes of bikes. General and specific attend open sorority Oct. 6 to 14. an Ethiopian language. offered at MSU can set up a program through Dwyer who will be program fizzled out this year because of lack of interest. ™ Come see what the Greek system is "I Ross said low enrollments in African languages. Chinee- problems are handled. The all about. For rides and information would call the program 'Vend-a-Language' said Julie in charge of organizing materials and training a native speaker of Alternative Resources Center will call Pat Hampton or Debbie Halsey Grifflng, geography graduate student who is participating in the the language as a teacher. Japanese added incentive to develop an alternative prom-? case these language programs go the way of the sponsor the meeting at 7:30 tonight at the Sigma Kappa house. new program this term. "You just put your interest in and your Dwyer said that though Indonesian is the only class being South u at Velocipede Peddler, 541 E. program. Grand River Ave. Students interested in helping Attracting graduate students to study Third World ait#- elect Cliff Taylor to Congress are The Outing Club will present a slide show on caving in Indiana at encouraged to contact the Taylor MSU is another reason for the language program. Most graiJ its weekly meeting at 7 p.m. today in 118 Physics - Astronomy Everyone welcome. Bldg. Congress Committee a"t 310 N. Grand Ave. Heroin usage shows dramatic rise students in TTiird World fields will not study at universities do not offer language, and quality professors do not like to where there are no graduate students, Ross said. Aikido Club - Will any Ross said the program is designed to offer Candidates for the 6th Aikidoists please contact Ira languages t> Drillick to determine the fall students who need them right away. There is so much red Congressional District seat (Robert schedule. WASHINGTON (AP) - All that drug use radiates out from number between 600,000 to may well surpass the tin Carr, Cliff Taylor and others) will discuss the issues and possibly Volunteers are needed in various the indicators of hard drug the major population centers 800,000, compared to less than nightmares 1970s." of the early involved in initiating new programs through the added, that professors sometimes end up with University^ abuse are up again for the last and can be expected to hit the half that figure a year ago. no students by h answer questions from 7:30 to 9 Halfway Houses in Lansing, time the class is offered. six months after a steady smaller cities and eventually tonight in McDonel Hall kiva. working with adolescent girls, He said Mexico had downturn since 1971, Dr. the rural Deaths from drugs are up Ross also said the University is unwilling to take alchoholic women and emotionally areas after a 100 per cent in Chicago, for succeeded Turkey as the main chancesq There will be disturbed adults. Interested Robert L. DuPont, director of classes and programs which may just have flash in the* an organizational reasonably predictable time meeting for those students students should plan to attend an the National Institute on Drug lag;" DuPont said. instance, Rogers said, and are supplier of heroin and interest. currently involved in the surgical - open orientation session at 7 p.m. "Mexican brown heroin now Abuse told Congress Monday. apparently showing sharp According to Ross, any costs the students pay go directly | clerical volunteer unit at Ingham today in the Dean's Conference DuPont testified before a floods this nation and we see "So we have a genuinely increases in the Midwest the teacher, or native speaker of the language, or for Medical Hospital at 6:30 p.m. Room of the Student Services material^ House subcommittee on health small and medium towns today in 6 Student Services Bldg. Building. new situation and a worrisome generally and in the smaller the course. and environment. cities. involved with heroin for the Council for exceptional children the Star Trek Club's one," DuPont said. "We can no Ross said additional funding for the program has not Come to first time." ho reminds all interested members of film clip extravaganza and longer talk about turning the The chairman, Rep. Paul G. With the breakdown of an completely worked out, and he is not sure how much of the the Fall Conference 1974 at Grand introductory meeting. All Trekkies The influx of Mexican materials the students will have to provide. comer on heroin." Rogers, D - Fla., said there has agreement between the United Valley College Friday, Saturday and other sci-fi fans welcome, at One aspect of the recent been a dramatic increase in the States and Turkey and the heroin has increased the drug "Right now the program is running on the seat of its put, and Sunday. For information about 7:00 tonight in the Gilchrist Hall registration, car pools and lodging lounge. Note the time change! phenomenon is the illegal use of dangerous drugs resumption of heroin planting use in the Southwest, but by next year we hope to get funding from other Universti Now! Draft Registration Service "unexpected increase in heroin in the last three months, with and harvesting in Turkey, especially in Texas and departments and possibly government agencies like the Dept.of on campus! Male students may addiction in smaller cities like heroin deaths up 100 per cent Rogers said, "I have a great California, and in what appears Health, Education and Welfare," Ross said. register in B162 Student Services Macon, Ga.; Des Moines, Iowa, in some cities. foreboding that we are again to be a major distribution If response to the program at MSU is great and the propu Bldg. or Jackson, Miss.," he said. The point, the state of Illinois, proves to be efficient, it might expand to include other camping hearing will survey entering another era of hard more IWHPg. 11 "This has led us to speculate reports that heroin addicts now drug use in this nation which DuPont said. and groups in Michigan. $25.00 per termi ' $10.96 p« ■ NEJAC TV RENTALS There is a difference!!! PREPARATION FOR: MC AT Over 35 yeari of experience Miss J's got DAI Small classes Voluminous home Miss J gathers colors the hat-knack LSAI study materials from the good earth and Courses that are joins 6RE with perky pinwale constantly updated them with sunny Tape facilities for gold-tone links, AIv)D reviews of cless corduroys that pep up marbled and matte-finished lessons and for shapes of supplementary in brown and 0CAT materials. her crisp-weather wardrobe. . newsboy cap sandstone, combine with hunter or teal to create warm autumn CPAT or flowered cloche, in navy, camel, red or rust. accents for your earth-toned wardrobe FLEX $8 By Capri. Matinee Length Necklace, $5 ICFMG Jsdlop9 Choker, $3 Bangle Bracelets, Set of three, $3 ECFMG Pierced or Clip-on Earrings, $2 NAT! MEDBRDS For complete Information call (313)354-0085 Stanley h. tsslan f OOCATION AL 3 CENTER ^ STOP ^ PUTTING IT OFF! an invitation all suede. Call us . .Miss J's to view for an accessorizing for clog sandal made for appointment a total fall look kicking up Autumn leaves with pants and jeans. Soft Separate Ways suede from end to end Continental Breakfast and in rich, coordinating * colors of navy, dark brown, Wednesday, October 9 dark green or wine. Sizes £ 10:00 A.M. EAST ROOM 5 to 10 Medium only. $12. reservations please 351-2550 we have 4 specialists to give you the 75 prix fixe latest in hairstyling. Gary's Campus Beauty Salon k 351-6511 549 E. Grand River (Across From BerkeylJ Jacoteoris Jacobsoris