volume 168 Number 208 Wednesday October 9,1974 East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Violence over school integration drives Boston mayor to seek help BOSTON (AP) - Mayor Kevin H. White were thrown from the project's rooftops school was cleared by a false fire alarm. marshals, three bodies to show we need requested on Tuesday that U.S. marshals and at least one policeman was struck and Some black pupils smashed the windows the National Guard and a holocaust to be stationed in South Boston to keep injured. of police cars. Officers encircled a show we need federal troops?" racial violence over school integration At Technical High School in Roxbury, construction site where teen • agers were White said he had no immediate from spreading to other parts of the city. about 75 black pupils stoned cars, picking up pipes and sticks. intention to call for use of the National "Without additional assistance, the smashed school windows and burned a In South Boston, the black driver of a Guard or federal troops. school buses cannot roll in South Boston, black teacher's car. city bus suffered eye cuts and a chest However, members of the Black Caucus the court • ordered busing plan cannot be Until this week, most of the disruption injury when he was struck by a rock and in the state legislature appealed to Garrity implemented and the general safety of the over integration was confined to South the bus slammed into a parked car. to call in federal troops or "federalize" the community cannot be assured," White Boston, a working class Irish Three teen - age boys were arrested in National Guard, "whichever is necessary said. neighborhood. But trouble broke out the Roslindale section when they failed to to ensure the safety of black children "Unless adequate assistance is Monday at Rosllndale High School in heed orders to disperse, police said. attending school in hostile white forthcoming, the volatile situation in one another white m ighborhood and Tuesday White said he wanted the marshals communities." isolated area of the city can spread rapidly in the Roxbury area. called in before someone is killed. He In his letter to Garrity, White said the and relentlessly throughout the entire At English High, small groups of blacks asked: "Do you have to have the body on presence of police is provoking disruption city," White said. "And unless the intense and whites fought in the streets after the the altar to show a need for federal in South Boston. burden on the police can be relieved in South Boston, our efforts in other sections will be totally frustrated." Scattered incidents of violence have broken out in other sections of the city in recent days. There was no immediate response on Ford asks aid tor jobless the request for federal marshals from U.S. WASHINGTON (AP) - Warning that congressional Democrats quickly modified across - the - board investment tax credit District Court Judge W. Arthur Garrity, inflation can "destroy our country, our general pledges of cooperation with of 10 per cent to encourage expansion of who ordered that black and white children homes, our liberties," President Ford criticism of his tax package. factories and business and to assist public be bused when schools opened Sept. 12. Tuesday proposed an anti - inflation As was widely reported in advance, utilities complaining of increased fuel and At least eight people were injured campaign combining tax breaks for Ford asked .Congress to impose a borrowing costs. Tuesday when violence erupted at English business expansion with hikes for temporary, one - year income tax Ford asked the American public to High School. They included a black corporations and many individuals. surcharge of 5 per cent on corporations drive less, heat less and waste less food television cameraman, four black girls, two In a nationally broadcast address to a and individual taxpayers in the middle and white boys and a black teacher's aide. The scraps from the family dinner table. joint session of Congress, Ford also called upper income range. school, on the fringe of predominantly for special help for the unemployed and As explained by the White House, the The President also sported a red and black Roxbury, had been generally the beleaguered construction industry, and surcharge would hit families with adjusted white badge spelling in capital letters the SN photo/John Russell peaceful until now. for new moves to conserve energy. gross incomes of $15,000 or more and I At 7 p.m. Monday devout Chicago fans had already begun their all - night vigil single word: WIN. Inviting every American The violence spread to the nearby The President was interrupted by single persons with incomes of $7,500 or to wear1 one, Ford indicated he wants it to n the Union steps. Tickets for the Oct. 13 concert went on sale at 8 a.m. above. It would apply only to their Mission Hill housing project, where several applause 25 times during the 44 - minute become a symbol for winning the war on I Tuesday. Campus police opened the Union at 3 a.m. to let an estimated 3,500 hundred black youths milled about, speech, but most of it came from the income above these amounts. in out of the cold after some appealed to a sleepy • eyed President Wharton. The President also sought a liberalized, (continued on page 15) throwing rocks. Stones and other missiles Republican side of the aisle. Some U' saysun/on/zers ign By ROSANNE LESS economic reality — fewer jobs and Cain added that he could not justify "In the past 20 years the University has The present University pay scale for The most common student jobs in a hall State News Staff Writer increased room and board rates - and how the University can spend "millions of students is $2.05 per hour to $3.38 per those in the cafeteria and as consistently found the funds that it needs are these prospects may not be so appealing dollars" on a new ice arena and a for a massive expansion of its physical hour. The AFSCME pay scale runs from e fledgling Student Workers Union receptionists. The rest are filled by during a period of tight scholarships and a performing arts building and not consider $3.15 per hour to $6.01. Homer Lafrinere. AFSCME service workers. jty be threatening the people it wants to taut, job market, Eldon Nonnamaker, vice current student demands. plant. "AFSCME was unionized on this president of AFSCME Local 1585, says The most controllable economic factor seems to be the consensus of president for student affairs, said. But the ice arena was financed entirely campus and fought for a decent wage that the $6 figure is rare, and that the is also the food and labor. When "I have been working with budgets long through the revenue from football and administrators, who maintain level. The University found the money to average pay of AFSCME personnel is maintenance costs go up, or if the the student workers are loaded with enough to know that you don't get basketball tickets. Nonstudent ticket pay for those wage increases despite claims around $3.70 per hour. AFSCME employes get a raise, this of idealogical rhetoric but are not something for nothing. There is no such prices have risen consistently with student that it could not. It's about time the "The claim that all student wages come reduces the budget allotments of food and harsh economic facts. The thinjs as a free ride," Nonnamaker said. prices. The new performing arts building is University found the money for student out of student fees is just an arbitrary labor even more, Eckel said. claims that there is no way "Students should get to know about the statement to scare people away from the limitations of the University budget, how union. It just isn't true," Cain contends. When this happens, he said, the money is appropriated. "I have been working with budgets long enough to know that you One area manager of all residence halls, question facing management is where to "We (the University) have been very Peter Eckel, wants to dear up some cut back. This is reflected in fewer jobs don't get something for nothing. There is no such thing as a free ride. and smaller meal portions. neutral; we do not encourage or "mystiques and misconceptions" regarding discourage unionism. There are no Students should get to know about the limitations of the University residence halls. "There is no big clamoring (for a ■dents get higher wages and lucrative can arbitrary or unilateral regulations imposed budget." Eckel explained that, contrary to what student union) as far as I can see," C. Inge benefits without hiking costs for by the administration in regard to the Eldon Nonnamaker, vice president for student affairs most people believe, residence halls are Keith Groty, assistant University vice lose who bear most of them already - Student Workers Union. not paid for with tax dollars. Halls are president for personnel and employe jeId students who live in residence halls "I am not taking any position on the entirely financed on the revenues that relations, said. pay room and board fees. student union. I have not talked to that being financed through state workers," he said. they receive in room and board. The ■The leaders of the proposed union argue many students about the union. To be appropriations and private donations. AFSCME, the American Federation of bigger the population of a hall, the more Groty, who currently represents the »t this is not They do not have so. perfectly honest, no student has talked to "The University vice presidents, who State, County and Municipal Employes, money the hall has to work with. Due to University in collective bargaining, is both fonomic figures to support their view, me about the union," Nonnamaker said. inflation, most halls end up with a deficit arbitration labor leader and educator. It they said this is because the amounts were already in the $40,000 - a - year represents about 1,200 service workers at an "The University can decrease wages any income bracket got nice new raises (about MSU. at the end of every school year, he said. He began his professional career in Royal ■volved are subject to collective time they want to unless you have an Eckel explained further that residence Oak in 1963, when he organized the first two weeks ago)," Cain said. "The student O'Connor added that he thought the jrgaining. organization to stop them," Tim Cain, workers want less than an eight per cent University should begin funding halls spend the most money on food, teachers union for that school district. (For fcdence many students, the job in the spokesman for the Student Workers Union raise across the board. administrators' salaries more realistically which is why consumption is so carefully Groty attributes the student workers hall cafeteria, matter how no and president of ASMSU, "There's a lot of bucks around this and that the basic bargaining point at this guarded. Labor and fixed costs of movement to a "me too" attitude. •«ty and unattractive is the difference claims.. " Furthermore, every hour time is to move student pay to that of full maintenance (water, phones, and He says that students have been raised •tween staying in school and not going to University and we want our share of it," that I work should be equal in pay to what Doyle O'Connor, interim chairman of time scale rates, though not necessarily to electricity) account for the rest of (continued on page 15) Pool at all. nonstudent personnel are paid. the AFSCME level. ASMSH's DeDt. of Labor Relations, said. expenses. | Increased wages and lucrative fringe "The University has money when they inefits could mean only one harsh want to have it," he said. Jnpaid parking fines >pur midnight arrest By STEVE ORR credit cards that feature bail bond money _ State News Staff Writer service and the officer again said they were Inn!! MSU senior hit sack early no good. IS 1ht" He had a test K g.and' 85 he put it, "I next Barringer explained that the public safety office would accept only cash. always go to T ear|y the night before a test." Addelson rousted a neighbor and I As Roger Addelson's roommate borrowed the $40, and then tried to give it Greg to Barringer on the spot. No go, said #J.wtt studied, at a time Addelson ■ d as 12:30 a.m., someone Barringer it must be paid at the public Pocked at their East Akers Hall door. safety building. BU^nuM! ans*ered the door to find an Addelson, who did not dispute the ■del!!!! y offlcer who asked if tickets themselves, went to the station, paid the bond, was released and made it |«XptaV Anstett replM""" back to bed at about 1:30 a.m. llT°R^ ktter wake him up," officer ^ r1 »• "The whole thing just pissed me off," wringer said. Addelson said later Tuesday. "All I had to Is atkenpHnPl 1*ie elMMiM3 cream It - C&mt At JacobSoriS Susan Ager Editor-in-Chief JAMES R Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R. D. Campbell Managing Editor Farm life fizzles for family G. F. Korreck City Editor Diane Silver Campus Editor Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Pay ton National Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor Wednesday, October 9, 1974 Pale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor ^litoriah $78.60. are the opinion of the State Judy Rypma Copy Chief FIERY RUN, VA. - The cool winds resources. man, who pointed out that the steers Ntws. Columns, viewpoints and letters are Joe The promise and enthusiasm Kirby Staff Representative are now blowing across the Blue Ridge and Eleven acres with a distracting view of would eat the grass in the pasture, saving of personal opinions. the Virginia mountains, a weary garden on mowing, but that steers had a way of spring ran Into some rather awk»2 seeping through the logs and mortar of our problems in the cabin. The crops and bills are coming in tractor, three sons, one daughter - in - taw wandering, so we must be sure to beat the unaware or summer. indifferent to this Appar.H? and it is finally possible for the proprietor who could keep the books, another in law bounds and see to it that they could not strerm effort to bring the family to give an account of our family's war on school who could keep us out of trouble, get out. „ . , together in one noble and J two unfailingly helpful neighbors, and, of Cost of three steers: $802.00. Cost of economy patri(2' EDITORIALS inflation. Our original. plan We was would simple if not grow our very own course, the proprietor himself, historian of the project, who sat on the porch and gave barbed wire to fix the holes: $62.50. Cost of making the barbed wire to fix the endeavor, President Nixon when the runnerbeans were resigned^! coming uoZ the weeds vegetables and raise our own beef on the orders. holes: $84.70. Cost of new gate to keep were flourishing bet we* J ! Fuel rows. hoof and get even with those robbers at We went to Fairfield Farm next eating the boxwood: $24.00. summit over steers from Cost of fence to keep steers from fouling At that point, No. 1 the supermarkets. Our knowledge of door and negotiated the purchase of three son vanished ink, yeomanry was smudgily vague, but we had young steers with Don Allen, an honest spring and falling into old ice - house: Washington to report the news of tt, departing President. No. 2 son thoughtZ saw another novel in the tragedy. No i During the next generation the Nuclear power, under the best son, an outrageously partisan Democm world community will consume who giggles over Republican conditions, will supply less than disasterv departed into Virginia to take his enough energy to melt the entire one fifth of America's energy exam. ^ Lake Michigan full of plate glass. requirements by 1985. The price of Still, we have had some The American public is the country's oil supply depends and even one or two consolation, triumphs. The d» demanding energy in sufficient largely on the political whims of got over the fence and ate the com, supply, from reliable sources, Arab moguls. What sense does was not helpful. The manager of thewhoi, without environmental damage and adventure, Florencio Olguin, trying to k| "reducing gasoline consumption" the honeysuckle, poisoned the beans without peril from radiation. make in the wake of these and and killed the potatoes, but Jim Industrialists mutter that those other reminders that America's Raton', tomatoes were spectacularly successful. H, conditions are impossible to meet. present energy sources are has in the process produced the But fin« industrialists, it may be noted, obsolete? pickles in the history of Virginia, and if have not often been credited for And what of the alternatives? you don't believe it. we have so manyyo, can apply for a taste. far sightedness. Solar power farms, superconductive Neither Meanwhile, of course, the steers h»t have government generators, geothermal power, solar done their work. They have devout commissions. The Ford and Nixon power space stations, waste heat, everything on our 11 ■ acre spread except administrations have both issued coal gasification and laser pulse the barbed wire, and at present prices,wt measures to supposedly "ease" the devices have all surfaced possible figure they have lost less money thu energy crisis. But the new policies means of energy production given anybody on the place. On present calculations, this are shaping up as wu nothing but stop adequate development funds. probably the worst agricultural disaster gaps. The 55 m.p.h. speed limit is Meanwhile, some 100,000 since the floods and droughts of 1861, but notorious for its lack of industrial scientists engineers and maybe it was worth it. The pickles stick ia enforcement. According to one technicians remain unemployed. our mind rather than the deficit, and is Michigan State Police officer, "As American corporations today they used to say in Brooklyn: "Wait til long as you stay under 65 we'll next year." employ less research personnel than overlook it." does Germany or the U.S.S.R. And 'NOW, BITE ON THE BULLET—THAT'LL STOP YOU WASTING ALL YOUR MONEY ON FOODl' (Q 1974 New York Times Now, like a new ecological corporation heads, who hold a crumb thrown to expectant an majority on Ford's energy public, President Ford is proposing "voluntary gasoline rationing." commissions, seem obsessed with turning out next year's models and Animals need But what Ford apparently does monitoring public access to fuel so A man at a zoo rolls a tennis ball down fellow creatures. The attitude that nature not want to recognize is that the that they can keep on turning out the mouth of a hippo and chuckles as he and wildlife can adjust to man's answer to the energy crisis is not a watches the animal choke to death. A destroying next year's models for a long time whims must be changed. We urge you to few half-hearted attempts to reduce to come. lynx, caught in a steel jaw leghold trap, in join us at 7 p.m. Oct. 10 in 117 Berkey already swelling energy needs. America must abandon her It is time that President Ford 'Moderate' h agony and fear chews off his own leg in order to escape. Over 50 dogs and cats a Hall. Two, free, excellent animal films will be shown and a national boardmember ot stopped stocking his energy day (18,000 per year) are destroyed at the Cleveland Amory's Fund For Animals will inefficient, outmoded and polluting summits with the visions of those The article in your Welcome Week issue even though it passed the Congress over Ingham County Animal Control Dept. be there to help us get things organized. energy sources for new production who can only see to the self - entitled "Race for Congress features two years ago and has been circulating in These are vivid reflections of the moral and All are invited — please come. alternatives. surprises" by G. F. Korreck was one of state legislatures since 1972. social problems that occur today they Tom and Deb Lowe indulgent tips of their green - must - The coal industry is thenxxt spectacularly screwed up pieces change. 431 E. 2nd St.. Perry plagued by stained fingers. The answers he of reporting I have seen in a In short, if President Ford is a The average person does not realize antipollution requirements. Natural seeks, he will be surprised to find, long time. conservative, what is Taylor? He is The article describes the winner of the that atrocities such as these and others '"v"'Editor's Note: A spokesman for the gas is in critically short supply. have been waiting for quite awhile. Aug. 6 Republican Congressional primary certainly no moderate. He is way out in occur to such a large degree. Many have Ingham County Animal Control Dept. told election, Clifford Taylor, as a "moderate right field, and his campaign strategy has been integrated into our everyday lives the State News that the department's been based on the hope and on issues." Korreck must have gone on a expectation and people are not aware of the "behind annual report for 1973 indicates 11,6{ that the MSU campus is tuned out of the long summer vacation and completely the scene" cruelties and exploitations. For animals were incinerated by the unit last missed the primary or he could not political process and that the students will not bother to vote this year. If that is the example, how many of you know how year. Most of that number were dogs and possibly have written that Taylor is a most fur products are obtained? cats destroyed by the department, h» case, and Taylor wins the 6th District Bicyclists "moderate" with a straight face. Taylor is For those of you who feel a value far more conservative than even Congressional seat simply because of MSU toward living beings, both human and Congressman Chamberlain - somewhere, I apathy, every nonvoting student will get non human, an organization is being would say, between Attila the Hun and exactly what he or she deserves - a formed. This organization will function to Bicycles are ecological modes of bike racks can be found in the city Ivan the Terrible. Let me give you a few examples, Congressman who will turn out to have even less in common ideologically than the Congressman who is with them speak out and actively protest animal abuse, to educate the members and the TV free transportation, but they are so now. starting with the premise that President public about the problems confronting 1 wish to respond to the Sept. 30 article numerous in the East Lansing area Ford is widely recognized as a now leaving after 18 years. humanitarians and to become involved in MSU's campus also suffers from in the State News entitled "Censorship conservative. Well, even Ford has backed humane legislation. that they contribute to the traffic a lack of racks. Many racks around dispute brews over cable TV." National Health Insurance legislation; Joan Burton Hunault It is time that we made ourselves more problems in the city and on the Over the past year, I have made more campus are often filled to capacity Taylor, on the other hand, violently 412 West Hillsdale St. aware of the cruelties inflicted on our MSU campus. But before area than two dozen videotapes for the public with extra bikes strewn all around. opposed it. Ford has called for cuts in access channel of National Cable in East officials begin any crackdown Some campus buildings do not even military spending; Taylor, a former naval against rule-violating bicyclists, corrective measures must be taken have bicycle racks near many doors, officer, opposed cuts. Ford has called for some sort of increased public works or Column implie Lansing. At no time has any of the tapes I have made been edited either in form or in content by the National Cable Co. David so people park their bikes in public employment program to help check to improve biking conditions. Korte, public acess coordinator for the doorways, bushes and on sidewalks rising unemployment; Taylor not only I agree with Alfred Opubor, director of in Africa is beside the point of her Anyone who has walked opposes such proposals, he has loudly company, has been uniformly helpful and across - against University regulations. MSU African Studies Center, that Judy stereotypical reference to the geography nonjudgmental in the implementation of that many bike attacked his opponents, such as Senator campus can see Also, the narrow campus bike Rypma's characterization of Africa in her of this continent. (Some blacks the production of tapes on any ideas Ballenger and Bob Carr, for emphasizing article "Foreign languages have do, in fact, riders do not pay any attention to eat watermelon.) To paths are poorly lighted, so it is the same thing the President has on this many argue that a native is presented to him. I feel that, in the light traffic rules. This fall the MSU safer for bicyclists to ride on advantages" was indeed racist. Upon defined as a resident of a particular area is of my experience, Councilman George issue. Dept. of Public Safety has placed reading her article I considered that her to ignore the historical connotation of this Griffith's statements, that cable censorship sidewalks after dark. That too, is We all know that Ford has set up a reference to the jungles and natives of word as applied to Africa. will go over into "stopping unpopular two policemen on fulltime duty to program of limited amnesty or "earned re against regulations. Africa was undoubtedly innocent in In her response to beliefs" and that censorship of obscenity catch all rule violating bicyclists, - entry" for deserters or those who intent, a reflection of the racist Opubor, Rypma - The ecological and relatively safe demonstrated her unwillingness to think is "just a ploy to get a grasp on censorship but violations continue. objected to the draft; Taylor refused to educational system which has about why she chose the bicycle is here to stay. Area answer the State News question on the shaped her examples she did power," are totally unfounded. Meanwhile, a proposed East officials should move to publicize perceptions. However, even a statement or and from whence these characterizations I also feel that the tone of the article, same subject before the primary. Ford has action which is innocent in intent came. Her Lansing ordinance would have traffic regulations and enforcement voted for and reaffirmed his support of may be sophomoric defense of her was unduly antagonistic to the cable classified as racist in its result. bicycles impounded if they are not the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. original statement is a testimony to the company, which has been extremely procedures, increase the number of Beyond Rypma's original article, I depth of racist structures and attitudes in properly licensed, and locked in bike racks and improve the lighting Constitution; Taylor has fudged on that found her helpful to the people of East Lansing who response to Opubor in white America. have been using the public access channels. issue every time he has been asked about racks. Perhaps the licensing of bicycle paths before harrassing Monday's State News to be the work of "• it, stating on a radio program that he was patently ignorant individual who harbors regulation is enforceable, but few the biking population. still trying to make up his mind about Mark Sandler J. E. Allison it, dangerous attitudes." That jungles do exist 1429 Smithfield Ave. 15569 Outer Dr., Bath The Doctor's Bag BY ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. Copyright 1974 Letters may be addressed to Dr. Wemer at filled) and where in the breast it is located. time of examination. Some guidelines are more easily detected. The procedure the MSU Health Center. Names need not Factors such as a history of breast cancer follow. should be repeated with the woman be included unless a personal reply is in the family and changes in the The best time of examination is one sitting. This makes it possible to be more requested. appearance of the lump at different times week after menstruation begins. At this accurate in checking the lower part of the I have been to my doctor for a lump in during the menstrual cycle also guide the time the breasts are not swollen from breast. Any new lumps should be physician in determining the importance hormonal influences and are generally not brought my breast. He confirms that it is there, but to the attention of a physician of the lump. tender. The breasts should be observed in says "it's nothing to worry about." How immediately. The age of the patient is also significant, a mirror, first with arms at sides then with does a doctor decide when to do a biopsy breast cancer being unusual in women above the head. What is your view of steambaths? Are or if the lump is something to worry arms Although one breast under 30. A biopsy (surgical removal of a is usually slightly larger than the other they beneficial or injurious? Do they put a about? My doctor's statement "it's piece of tissue) is done whenever there is a (the left one) they should, by and large, be strain on the heart or lungs? How often (if nothing to worry about" worries me. slight possibility that the finding could be all) should symmetrical and not have any puckering at on* take them and for how Lumps in breasts are frightening, conjuring malignant. of the skin. While in a shower or bath, up immediate images of cancer. Yet, the long? Ditto for sauna baths. The best protection against having an when the skin is slippery, the breasts Heat generally feels good after overwhelming majority of breast lumps are undetected breast malignancy is self - physical should be felt all over with the flat fingers. exertion and seems to have a not due to cancer but are due instead to examination. While malignancies are positive benign accumulations of tissue fluid (cysts), inflammations, injuries and normal unusual in younger women, it is wise to begin to examine breasts on a monthly Following the wet exam, should lie down and place one hand behind her head. With the other hand, the the woman psychological effect for some people, placing sauna and steambath use into a nonspecific and harmless class of activity. Candidate slig anatomy. basis in late adolescence or early A physician makes a decision about a fingers and palm still flattened, she should Frequency and duration of use is an Though I agree with Howard Jones, adulthood. In this way, the woman can feel the opposite breast moving her hand educated lump based on a number of factors. He individual matter usually governed by time Human Rights party or creative to provide basic caw become familiar with her normal breasts in a spiral direction swinging outward on congressional for another human assesses whether the lump is in one breast constraints rather than how well done one candidate, that unconditional amnesty is being. and form the habit of regular examination. the upper part of the breast and inward on While I don't suggest that everyone both and whether there is likes to be. Heat produces dilation of preferable to President Ford's or one lump or Examination by a physician is also the lower part of the breast. The other clemency needs to work as an orderly or nurse- blood vessels and pooling of blood in the many lumps. The doctor also decides indicated program, his statement that "war resisters neither do I feel it is necessary to belittle on a regular basis and should be breast is then checked in a similar fashion. extremities. This makes some people dizzy have more to offer this whether the mass is easily moved or a part of a routine checkup. The best way Checking while lying down with the arm if they stand up suddenly. However, the country than those who do. whether it is fixed to tissue underlying it, to learn how to examine one's breast is to emptying bedpans" (Oct. 3 State News) is tucked behind the head, the breast is main dangerous effect remains buttock the quality of the mass (soft, firm, fluid - very objectionable. It snidely implies that have it demonstrated by a physician at the flattened against the chest wall and lumps splinters. there are people who are too Elizabeth Hanink talented, 1800 High St. I Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 9% 1974 5 Arabs seek withdrawals BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Secretary of future be determined by the Palestinians plants for French Mirage aircraft. State Henry A. Kissinger faces hard - line themselves. At the same time, Egypt is trying to Ai*b demands for Israeli territorial Israeli Premier Yitzhak Rabin has said negotiate with Soviet bloc countries to withdrawals in his latest journey in search Israel is ready to withdraw from "most of buy machinery for producing spare parts of Mideast peace. Sinai," providing it remains demilitarized. locally to keep its Soviet equipment in Arab sources say his chances for King Hussein of Jordan wants Israel to working order, the sources said. regaining lost momentum for an Arab - vacate his occupied west bank and east The reports were not officially Israeli peace conference in Geneva are not Jerusalem. He has promised residents of confirmed. good unless he brings guarantees of Israeli the west bank a referendum to decide if But the to withdrawal from all occupied Arab lands - move buy arms assembly they want to form an independent lines is in keeping with Egypt's much guarantees that have not been forthcoming Palestinian state with the Gaza Strip. But in a year of massive rearmament by both publicized break from total reliance on Palestinian guerillas question his sincerity, Soviet equipment and the Arab bloc's new sides since the October war. and Israel is known to oppose such an buying power in world markets. Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian and Israeli idea. government leaders have all visited Rabin has indicated that Israel is willing The sources are also convinced that Washington in recent months for talks to return a considerable part of the west Egypt is shopping for sophisticated with Kissinger. bank to Western weapons such as Jordan, provided it can safeguard night sights for Gloomy predictions by U.S. officials the security of its border with a string of tanks, long - range tank guns and air to air who expect no significant breakthrough "nahals" or military settlements stretching missiles to customize their Soviet are interpreted by the Arabs to mean all the way to the Jordan River. equipment in much the same way that that Kissinger is not bringing what they Israel has said nothing about returning Israel has adapted its military machinery. want. east Jerusalem to Arab control - a key At the same time Kissinger cannot give issue in any settlement because 0f Israel what it wants - an Arab declaration the importance attached to its Islamic of nonbelligerence. Kissinger is reportedly bringing shrines by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia. Faisal used the Arab oil weapon last Ferency plans geographical maps outlining a partial October to regain these shrines, and he has III! ai»« Israeli withdrawal from some occupied territories. He will try to persuade the indicated a readiness to use oil embargoes campus stump and production cutbacks again until an «!■ •«' Arab governments that the Israeli Arab flag flies over east Jerusalem. proposals are not final, but deserve a Kissinger has added three oil producers Human Rights party (HRP) declaration of nonbelligerence before firm to his Middle East itinerary - Saudi gubernatorial candidate Zolton Ferency boundaries can be agreed on. Arabia, Algeria and Morocco — to discuss will be in Brody Complex at 8 tonight to The biggest stumbling block to a wide range of issues that link oil with the discuss his party's policies and answer I per y«»r- Clinical Science Building began in January 1974 and will cost over $18 million. The project should be Construction of the compromise appears to be the Golan Arab Israeli impasse. - questions. Heights. Israel has indicated it will only He will also try to tone down the Ferency, former state Democratic party completed by January 1976, Mid Robert Siefert, executive vice president of University architecture. Siefert is in charge of the withdraw from the strategic ling. Syrian escalating war of words between the chairman and gubernatorial candidate, will territory if it is placed firmly under United confrontation states. appear in B2 Emmons Hall study lounge. it completed building will provide clinical training for students in Human and Osteopathic Medicine. The major section of Nations control. Syria says the area must In Cairo, Western sources say that The HRP has a strong local base. Ferency the building will be an out-patient clinic for the two medical schools. There are no beds or overnight accommodations; only revert to its control. instrumental Egypt, backed by ever - growing Arab oil has been in providing ambulatory services will be available. Egypt insists that Israel roll back from wealth, is shopping abroad for new leadership and a quality candidate for the the entire Sinai Peninsula and that its weaponry, including entire assembly third party. mr.MJIifl /^ PiAno!! ^ asks FEAR NOT.' HERE COMES THE jtizens group stay \ UORlP-FAMCliS MEMBER 0^ THE EMEtfENCV RESCUE SQUAD.' ^FCRSET ,Tij) Michigan -Harrison held a public hearing on the project. DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau The most damaging evidence, according to Anderson, is a 1974 - 75 budget request from the State Highway Dept. for money to 0* sir, pont you lames Anderson, leader of the environmental group, Citizens hire people to study the ecological effects of road projects. remember? you a Livable City, asked Monday in U.S. District Court in Grand / rr it's about asked allthe draft oh, . Anderson said the document stated that the Highway Dept. has lipids for a stay of proceedings which would halt construction at never had a process for evaluating the social and economic effects your party party? d006ers who accepted ri6ht, your amnesty oyer right ie Michigan Avenue • Harrison Road intersection. of projects on communities, neighborhoods and individuals in t0ni6ht, what sir.. party? for dinner like u/hat Judge Wendell Miles said he would make a decision on the spite of a federal law requiring such evaluations. the nixons' pou about it? utter, hopefully by 5 p.m. today. Anderson contended that the Highway Dept. is guilty of not party Anderson said his group presented evidence on several issues to planning ahead and studying the impact of its projects on the hich it claims the courts have not provided answers. people who live near them. Anderson brought up the issue of the two segments of park "Those people don't think they've done a day's work unless nd which were taken from the MSU campus for the they've poured concrete," Anderson said. instruction. He cited a 1971 U.S. Supreme Court decision East Lansing city attorney Dennis McGinty could not be ediring that only in the most unusual circumstances could park reached for comment on the trial, but Anderson said the city ind be used for road construction. argued that stopping the project at this time would be disruptive A U.S. highway Dept. statute states that park land cannot be and dangerous. iken unless there is no alternative, Anderson said. Anderson said his group is still planning to appeal the case to Anderson also said that the state the U.S. 6th Circuit Court in Cincinnati. Highway Dept. should have PAILY LUNCH SPECIALS MON Learn I 1/4lb. CHEESEBURGER & BEEF BARLEY SOUP $1.59 TUES COMPUTER 1/4 lb. HOTDOG & BEAN & BACON SOUP $1 -39 PROGRAMMING Thursday - Friday Saturday WED ^ uctODer 10-12 October tu - 1* in Evening School 1/4lb. HAMBURGER & CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP $1.49 BARBECUE & TOMATO SOUP THURS -59 tium, • Attend classes • just two nights a week. Learn to program COBOL & RPG II. • Run and operate a Computer right in the classroom. FRIDAY • Approved for Veterans...Accredited by AICS. Josh White Jr. FISH SANDWICH & CLAM CHOWDER $1-39 •You will be totally qualified to secure a ALWAYS A FAVORITE AT THE STABLES position as a Computer Programmer or WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY Computer Operator upon graduation. -t Octotxr 9, 10, & 12 •Class begins November 4. LANSING BUSINESS UNIVERSITY EE 200 North Capitol Downtown Lansing Phone: 489 - 5767 THE STABLES 2843 E.CD,RIVER, EAST LANSING ATTENTION STUDENTS! check out the great TAKE YOUR TRIP AROUND CAMPUS ON A selection of winter coats - RALE/&H 10 SPEED BICYCLE FROM including western style 'GENE'S BICYCLE SHOP* goose down filled RALEIGH RECORD 10 sp. 1135.88 jackets, down parkas RALEIGH GRAND PRIX 10 sp. •152.88 and many leathers. Save more than ALL FRAME SIZES & COLORS $11.00 ' MT. on these specials Prepare Yourself for Clip this over 28 years of the long winter ahead - Ad for Sales & Service FREE check out . . . T-SHIRT IV4-0362 with purchase M W F 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Other days 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. MEN'S FASHION CLOTHING SI SRAAJD RIVLR AVt. GRAND RIVER, E.LANSING 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 9, | J Three battle for 59th By JOHN TINGWALL and orient voters to multi "I'm not unalterably budget campaigns, Jondahl and campus minister in i ■ a - legislature in February, which Lessard both expressed hopes Angeles, he came ^ State News Staff Writer party system. would allow druggists to opposed to a graduated income of spending less than $10,000, Lansing In the next five weeks, three Jondahl, who won wide substitute less expensive, tax, but before I speak out in in 1966 as codJrl Faith^Ill a favor of one, I'd want to see focusing on newspaper and of the Christian candidates will battle for the student support in his 1972 generic drug for a name • brand the rate and scale of such a radio advertisements. A $250 Higher Education 1*1 opportunity to represent victory over liberal Republican prescribed by a doctor. contribution from a local real thousands of MSU students in James Pocock, says he believes Lessard has taken Jondahl's system." which has its national of SI the Michigan House of his term in the legislature has voting record to task, HRP candidate Hawkins, who considers Jondahl one of estate association has been Lessard's largest contribution, MSU. In 1970,Jond.hn2 | the Democratic Representatives. proved he can offer voters the contending that he votes primary foVI All of the candidates will be best representation and "consistently to the left" on all Michigan's best legislators, his low - said profile campaign is while Jondahl has received a $1,000 donation from the 24th District state Se^iJ weighing the student vote greatest access to the issues, ignoring voter opinions. House Democratic Committee aimed at publicizing the need Lessard, 829 W Gr»J heavily in their campaigns, bureaucracy. "The ideology of a piece of and $500 from the AFL - CIO. River Ave., served as Clear record for a more viable alternative in an i„t I since almost half of the 52,000 legislation is not important," elections than the two • party Recently wed Jondahl voters in the 59th District are "My record is clear," Lessard said. "Mr. Jondahl system offers. In his first resides at 5166 Park Lake m ^hi«a" McDonald from MSU students. Jondahl said. "I've attempted doesn't do more homework Road. He attended the 1967.69*1 Paired off as major to make the whole legislature than of the other campaign for public office, the was an alternative deleraJul contenders for the 59th District seat are incumbent more responsive to the people, legislators any on determining his 64 year - old former Milliken • supporter said he would spend University of Iowa and the Yale University Divinity the 1972 state convention. She R^jl made .1 as proven by my work for open constituents' opinion on Democrat H. Lynn Jondahl, less than $100 in his campaign, School, and is an ordained unsuccessful bid for ,1 public meetings, campaign legislation." minister in the United Church Oakland elected to the office for the reform and consumer Currently assistant press LESSARD JONDAHL circulating no personal of Christ. After four years as a *atinl972. County legisUthll first time in 1972, and protection." literature and speaking only by secretary for the House Republican Cathy Lessard, a The 38 • year - old Republicans, Lessard moved to request. 25 - year - old MSU graduate incumbent views consumer East Lansing from Pontiac in actually have for the consumer. income people," Jondahl said. "We're basically coming student. affairs and protection, 1966 to attend MSU. She has "One bill that Mr. Jondahl "Eventually, I'd like to see an from a socialist point of view, Human Rights party (HRP) environmental issues, civil labeled Jondah) an ineffective supported, known as the increasing dependence on but even using the word candidate Carroll Hawkins, rights and liberties, and low communicator With his district holder - in - due course bill, income tax for state revenue, 'socialist' scares people off," MSU associate professor of income state housing as the would allow auto owners to rather than reliance on sales Hawkins said. "Hopefully we constituents, and plans political science has discounted campaign's most crucial issues. stop payments on defective and property taxes." can establish a base large frequent door - to - door himself as a serious contender, Jondahl cosponsored automobiles," Lessard said. Lessard, also voicing enough so we can make canvassing to acquaint herself but will campaign to acquaint "But the legislators ignored the dissatisfaction with Michigan's progress similar to that of the Michigan's generic drug with most of the district voters with the HRP fact that it could make bank tax system, said the state's flat New Democratic party in platform legislation, passed by the voters. _ , . Task forces loans much more difficult for rate income tax hurts fixed Canada." "Mr. Jondahl has made one auto buyers to secure, and it Low budget campaigns income people attempt at communication might make their interest rates disproportionately. Attempting to run low Clerk predicts increase with District his voters at the 59th Legislative Conference on such loans increase • considerably." in April," Lessard said. "I Both major candidates in city voter registrations would initiate task forces on support November ballot various issues and conduct Proposal C, which would repeal forums to determine which the 4 per cent state sales tax on Final figures are not available yet, but East Lansing City Clerk actions would be in the best food and drugs, and Proposal Beverly Colizzi is predicting an increase in voter registrations over interests of the constituents." D, authorizing the state to last year. Criticizing Jondahl's float $1.1 billion in bonds for Colizzi said final registration figures would not be totaled for a few weeks yet, but totals submitted by deputy registrars are support of almost all major mass transportation in available. consumer legislation, Lessard Michigan. said some consumer bills are Sales tax repeal Colizzi said deputy registrars submitted 2,555 registrations for not scrutinized closely enough "The sales tax repeal is East Lansing and about 3,000 voters were registered on campus. by legislators to determine crucial to lessening the burden She said registration was heavy Monday at city hall with about 300 people registering during the day. what repercussions they might inflation has had on lower Last year 4,963 voters were registered by deputy registrars, 3,500 of those on campus. The 1972 registration drive obtained about 10,000 new registrations before the national election. In the fall of 1971 nearly 7,500 new registrations were made. Last year there were 32,775 voters registered in East Lansing, nearly three - quarters of them students. mm llf DooLeys 5 ASIAN FILM SERIES PRESENTS ON OCTOBER 11th at 8-.00 p.m. B106 WELLS THE ADVERSARY — A compassionate and beautiful movie of the problems of a young man in comtemporary India. THE FIRST FILM IN A SERIES SPONSERED BYTHE ASIAN STUDIES CENTER Upcoming Films: Nov. 15 - White Haired Girl (Mainland China) Jan 10 - Tokyo Story (Japan) Feb 14 - Testimony (Korea) March 28 - Simabaddha (India) April 18 - Home Sweet Home (Taiwan) May 16 - Red Beard (Japan) All shows at 8 p.m. in B 106 Wells New - Season tickets $5, single admission $1 For more information call 353 1680 Wednesday, October 9, 1974 7 kiidiigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan i ■ .'."irrrr STILTED PRODUCTION # Gory 'Frankenstein' film proves staid By EDD RUDZATS overwhelming gore. A good deal of attention to detail has gone into the making of State News Reviewtr Unfortunately, the moments of interest are irregularly paced "Frankenstein" in respect to the sets and costuming, but to no and spaced in this drawn • out tale of Baron von I nt the selling point of 3 - D that Paul Morrissey bestowed Frankenstein, his avail. The film emerges as a washed out, overly exploitative his latest effort from the Andy Warhol stable, the nymphomatic sister and mother of his children and two zombies version of the Frankenstein myth. It appeals to the trend that has that are being created. ikenstein" Bk. worth looking at. currently playing at the Spartan Twin Theaters is Much of the appeal of other Warhol • directed or influenced begun to surface in recent American films: mlnge sex with violence and the audience should buy it. Unfortunately much of f7t the whole point to the tale seems to be to display, as films comes from their highly camp orientation. In what "Frankenstein" is selling could just as easily be seen in a Lrflv as possible, as many scars, entrails and blood 'Frankenstein" the camp has disappeared to be replaced by such butcher shop for nothing. ■tiered cadavers as possible. And in this respect, seriousness of tone that it proves a elegantly staid. Morrissey has InVenstein" succeeds. the appropriately proper Gothic atmosphere, a stylish cast and Id Morrissey used a litUe wit or intelligence in concocting castle, but it all boils down to exploitation of the cheapest kind. ■ version of the Mary Shelley story, perhaps a more earnest Not even Dallessandro's dumb stud delivery and Udo Kier's I on tlit' genre would have emerged. As it is, "Frankenstein" neurotic portrayal of the Baron can add anything to the witless 4 handsomely mounted, stated production that numbs the script that Morrissey has created. They and Monique Van Vooren Ipr more times than it jolts him. belabour an already belaboured situation. Van Vooren as the Frankenstein" does have its moments, however, and they nympho sister has shaved her eyebrows and decided that slurping [ from the unintentional humor of Joe Dallessandro and his sounds connotate eroticism. As a result, her sex scenes are as erotic dead fish fcklvn accent to the bloody assault on the senses by the the beach. as a on lternotional Recital wight with Chamber ,;e MSU International Recital Series season will open tonight Orchestra, Op. 52" and Mozart's "Symphony No. 40 in G li the fall term concert of the MSU Chamber Orchestra at 8:15 Minor." The Ramsey Lewis Trio I. in the Kellogg Center auditorium. Israel Borouchoff will appear as the soloist in the Busoni work. ^ Jhe Chamber Orchestra is a small, intimate group composed of Borouchoff, a Bulgarian by birth and a former citizen of Israel, is Advanced Tickets $3.00 [ents, most of whom are music majors, though this is not a a newly appointed faculty member in the Music Dept. Before coming to MSU, Borouchoff was an associate professor 1 $3.50 at the door iuiremcnt of membership. fhf orchfstra will be under the baton of guest conductor Klaro at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. He has appeared 1 Sunday, Oct. 13 lerit. Mizerit, bom in Italy, is presently the conductor of the with orchestras and chamber groups throughout the United States i Tickets available [antic Symphony Orchestra of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and is and Israel and has recorded with RCA Victor. This concert is open to the public free of charge. | at Discount Records lely known as a conductor and composer. and The Stables Hie orchestra's program will consist of Haydn's "Symphony i I) Major," Busoni's "Divertimento for Rute and fj [rewery hosts /eather Report THEE. STABLES fene of the nation's most appearing at the Brewery will 2343 CD.RIVER, EAST LANSING |i!y acclaimed jazz groups only contain two members of the original group. Zawinul be playing at TTie rnj—[ *>»"™ Open 12:45 Iwery tonight. and Shorter still hold down I f I [N " I r H'liM Feature -. \l*,G*"4 D*l/I Weather Report is almost keyboards and woodwinds, I i IMMMmU 110-8:10-5:05 , . , among jazz groups respectively, while Alphonso | y pimiii,Tiuiia 7 ,o.9,5o,. (fosi-oo")! berimenting with electronics J a rock beat in maintaining tigh degree of virtuosity and Johnson has replaced Vitous on bass. Also appearing will be Dom BIGbrazier- Thurs - Fri at 7:10 and 9 :15 p.m. only Deluxe& Fries. ■sical integrity. Um Romao, the percussionist who replaced Airto shortly he original quintet, founded I superstars Joe Zawinul, after the first album, and Shorter and Miroslav Ishmael Wilbum, who took his t An excellent short course in lous. marked the ascendancy place at the trap set last spring. ■a fourth star, Airto Moreira, Tickets are $4 and are good eating. Includes a hefty available at the Brewery. char-broiled patty topped with special VBrazilian percussionist. BRAZIER sauce, lettuce and tomato recorded only one ftum together (Weather -all on a toasted bun. A heap of ■port - Col. 30661), which crisp, golden French fries is Jn a Jazz Album of the Year optional-but recommended! Cram lard from Downbeat and is courses offered daily at the nearest ftind to be considered a ninal album of post - new COMING THIS WEEKEND DAIRY QUEEN* BRAZIER store. Jsic. ■Any collaboration of T>erstars brings its inevitable Iblems and a number of iSTCCIWMtD ^ VTAMVMbU BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! ▲ WINNER OF 3 THE DAY THE EARTH WAS TURNED ■rsonnel changes have ACADEMY AWARDS ■curred. The quintet PITH PAMMUR1 PCIURSmw INTO A CEMETERY! brazier When you can't n. D.Q. Corp OCopyright 1974. A | scream anymore! PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS Dies* "GERARD D4MIANOthe man who mode Thurs. Conrad 7:00 & 9:00 DeepThroaf'andiHE'Devil In Miss Jones' has no serious rival on the hard-core scene. Sex is always PHASE IV Thurs. Wilson 7:30 & 9:30 Thurs. Brody 7:00 Fri. Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 performed with feeling in his films, but MiSS Aggie bangs Fri. Wilson 7:00 & 9:00 Fri. 104B Wells 8:00 Sat. 104B Weill 7:30 & 9:30 out real characterization and story values." Brody 8:00 Sat. Wilson 8:00 Brody 8:30 Sat. Conrad 7:00 & 9:00 Sun. Conrad 7:30 "SOMETHING NEW IN THE ANNALS OF ADULT , PROGRAM INFORMATION 332 S8I7 Open 7:00 p.m. Sun. Wilson 9:00 Sun. Wilson 7:00 SEX FILMS! Very much a woman's picture, relating di¬ Shows 7:10-9:00 rectly to a woman's urgent needs and steeped in every woman's sexual fantasies. Damiano doesn't merely fling Feature 7:40 - 9:3( sex at his audience. He knows what he is about and explores with DEFT, DARING AND DISTINCTIVE EXPER¬ TISE. Damiano SKILLFULLY and ARTFULLY blends fad and fantasy in a saga of sexual hunger and repression People of every sexual persuasion and orientation will find this the Most Hardened EroHC, 1974's MOST HILARIOUS Vet Joyously Life-Affirming Film Ever Made. ' RENT a t.v. So Superior that Any Major Studio Would Be WILDEST MOVIE IS HERE! $25.00 per termi 1 Proud to be part of such a movie." » sck w 10-95 p month . 1 MEMORIES ■nejactv rentals! L 337-1300 adm WITHI ENDS SOON! tickets on sale m WED■SAT - Open 1:30 P.M. Shows SUN AGGIE Nothing was missing 2:00 -4:30- 7:00 - 9:30 THUR. & FRI. from Aggie's life, except Aggie This picture is rated X 'absolutely final 4 days' Absolutely no persons under 18 will be admitted. Proof of age is required. TONIGHT AND SATURDAY Showtime: 7:00 - 8.30 10:00 PM Show place: 128 Nat. Sci. Admission: $2.25 Sniri Sold . "CMtl only ,t tht union Soih" S,c"on Sol« « th. Tlck*«« union Coming soon ... Beal Film "The Teenage Cheerleader" Wednesday. October 9 , 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Buddhists seek s By SUE McMILLIN in the U.S. one has to blend that every action has a "Many Zen masters are so in service at 8 p.m. Oct. 20 at the State News Staff Writer with society to be effective," reaction. The reactions to a tune with their bodies that United Ministries in Higher If your idea of a Buddhist is Jones said. person's acts may come in his Education chapel, 1118 S. they often know when they are a bald, Oriental monk who Reincarnation is a basic present life or in a future life. going to die," Newman said. Harrison Road. Hie service will does nothing but meditate and belief of the Buddhist Jones said he first learned contain elements of the State Representative ■ 59th District eat vegetables, you are not philosophy and is one solution about Buddhism while in the Jones and Thayer will Mahayana, Theravadan and ■ Democrat keeping up with the 200,000, to the age - old questions about Army. He read up on it and perform anecumenical Buddhist Vajrayana traditions. 20th century American the soul, heaven and hell. decided to join a study group Buddhists. Newman, who is a at the temple in Saginaw. "Our goal, in dealing with campaign Rev. Unpaid fines lead to arrest Jack Jones, Lord confirmed meat eater, said he "When I found Buddhism it financing, must be to guarantee Abbot of the Matava Buddhist was drawn to Buddhism was sort of like coming home," that political office cannot be Temple, 2107 California St., because of the Christian idea Jones said. Saginaw, has medium length about death. Christianity had Leslie Newman, Newman's purchased. It is not reform simply coming at 3:30 this morning." "Hie point is, we are hair and instilled a fear of death in him, to make known who bought the a moustache, smokes wife, is presently studying in Major Adam Zutaut, students. The campus police cigarets, wears a Roman collar which he has since overcome. Saginaw to become a priest. office." commander of campus police, are supposed to be here for our and holds a position with full "I feel I was a Buddhist She is a deacon, which is the said that protection," he said. -H. Lynn Jondahl, On the House Floor, 1974 Barringer had authority to ordain Buddhist priest before this life," he said. first step in the ordination Addelson, who is a attempted to serve the warrant priests. But in the Christian world process. earlier at a more reasonable Democratic precinct delegate, During the next two weeks, some Buddhism arose in the 6th death is seldom talked about Mis. Newman said that her said he contacted Human of your friends and neighbors will time, but could not find century B.C. in northern India and makes most people husband got her interested in Addelson. At least Rights party gubernatorial be going door to door, talking some of the as an offshoot of Hinduism. nervous, Newman said. Buddhism. candidate Zolton Ferencv, attempts, Zutaut claimed, were about why they think Lynn Today there are many different "Try walking in a crowded Unlike the three priests, who made during the summer. Democratic state representative sects of Buddhism. The all said they felt very much at Jondahl is a different kind of room sometime and say 'Have "It seems to me that if the H. Lynn Jondahl and county American philosophy is taken home with Buddhism, Mrs. candidate. Talk to them, ask you thought about dying?' " campus police are here to commissioner John Veenstra from Japanese Zen Buddhism. Thayer, who is also Zen Newman said she was very protect you, that's one thing," about the matter. He planned questions, and we think you'll Jones and two associate master at the temple, said he frightened about it at first. She said Addelson. "But if they to bring it up at Tuesday agree. pastors of the temple, Rev. was drawn to Buddhism was raised a Christian and harrass you, that's another night's meeting of the Ingham Timothy Newman and Rev. because "there is no could not seem to rid herself of thing. County Board. Ronald Thayer, visited MSU damnation, only salvation." the idea of God, she said. Monday night and told why The law of karma was "In the back of my mind I (PAID POLITICAL AO) they were attracted to this another factor in his was hung up on a man in the Felix Vickers ancient religion and what acceptance of the philosophy. sky with a long grey beard," Buddhism in America is like. "The law of karma, she said. factory representative from two The Saginaw temple holds Sunday services, communal meditation sessions, conditioned cause and effect, is a valid explanation of why Newman said that the meditation and Kung Fu are for REAL political reform, things happen," Thayer said. taught for reasons of self - classes and lectures. The priests perform baptism and marriage ceremonies. Karma deals with the idea discipline. John Roberts Rings Newman, Thayer and Jones all LANSING CO-OPERATIVE will be in from help support the temple by holding outside jobs - they are SOCIETY not paid by the congregation. 10:00 ajn. - 4:00 pji. Buddhists believe in (co - optical service) moderation in all things and work to cultivate a stillness of ANNUAL MEETING mind. But there are no strict religious codes of behavior. Oct. 21, 1974 8:30 p.m. Wed. thru Fri., Oct. 9 -11,1974 Thayer, who is married and has three children, said that if LOCAL 602 UNION HALL someone wants to go out and have a drink that is fine, but 2510W. MICHIGAN, LANSING they should not get drunk. I of campus The priests all wear the Roman collar in order to blend in with other clergy. "In order to teach Buddhism 3® Fall Festival of Good Food Values Save 10% ON ALL STOCK Whoever COUPON 20% Off said that WITH THIS COUPON Offer Expires Sunday Oct. 13 growing up on Hicory Smoked Summer Sausage 2 is easy? THE ADVENT/2 For some, it's a difficult job. You can help. All it takes is a little time, a little attention, and little love. Designed to Provide a There are a lot of kids who need the simple gifts of understanding and Absolutely Convincing Sound Quality and affection. The extra measure of sharing that will help expand their potential and diminish Completely Satisfying Overall Performance at Lower Cost than Ever Before. their problems. As Big Brother Big Sister you're a or a special friend. One who gives warmth ity is very close to that of the best speakers available at any price. It can fill a big living with guidance. Give a couple hours a week of your time and yourself. room with more than enough low-distortion sound to satisfy most people's greatest demands. And the bargain it represents is further increased by its efficiency, which is high enough to provide satisfying perform¬ ance in average use with low-cost, low-power I To get involved, attend the Orientation amplifiers and receivers. The Advent/2 is the product of twenty years' experience in the design of speakers intended to offer better and better perform¬ Big Brother/Big Sister f ance at lower and lower cost. Its overall design is based on everything we have V orientation meeting Thursday, October 10th9 in i learned about taking the most simple and direct route to high performance, and we have put everything we can into it-includ¬ room 31 of the MSU Union at 8:00 p.m. or call us I ing far more expensive basic loudspeaker 8 at 353-4400. components than ever before used in a sys¬ tem of its cost. Because it is intended to I* first-quality in every sease, we have given as much attention to its appearance as to its performance, replacing the usual low imitation wood cabinet with a distinctive f If your budget for stereo equipment is molded enclosure that we believe will look limited, and you would like the highest pos¬ Big Brothers/BigSisters fresh and appealing for years to come. sible quality for what you spend, we believe The Advent/2 represents our best effort a stereo system built around the Advent/2 to provide alwolutcly everything we believe loudspeaker may well be the best buy you can make. important in a speaker for the lowest pos- sible cost-and to We make that statement out of a bring genuine component MSU Branch-353-4400 convic¬ stereo of very high tion that the Advent/2 is a quality to many genuinely new who otherwise might have to settle for some¬ kind of low-cost loudspeaker. Its sound qual- thing that only looks like the real thing. East Lansing State Bank Public Service Announcement A M W HI-FI BUYS 1101 E»il Grand Rlv»r 337 - 17«,0 HUH I III II 484-4589 Disc Shop 323 Em Grand Rn« 381-5380 Micliigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 9,1974 9 FRAMED PICTURES Our Reg. 17.88 Scenes and subjects in elegantly styled wood frames Some - thing for every decor. WHERIIHISAVMGS ARE OPEN DAILY 10 - 10; SUNDAY 10 - 7 WED., THURS., FRI., SAT., ONLY SHEER KNEE - HIGHS Stretch nylon knee- highs in popular LOW-CUT FOOT SOCKS AUTOMATIC BLANKET shades. Ideal with Sale Priced - 4 Days Only slacks. Fjt 8'/2-11. Our Reg. 18.97 • 4 Days Walk in bare-leg Shop now and save. Luxury blend single - bed comfort. White cotton/ mm ^m Q blanket with deluxe single stretch nylon. Ideal ' for sneakers. 8-11 Vi. control. Choice of colors Hurry in for savings. CHOICE COLORS 8 COLORFUL COASTERS Sale Priced 8 4-PACK24-0Z. COOLERS handy coasters Great Sale Priced and for any occasion. Helps Our Reg. 1.33 - 4 Days Only Tank set and lid cover Colorful coolers...the . protect furniture tops. adds to the luxury of i nee perfect glass for tall ^ Colorful. Save. drinks. Avocado or any home. Shop at est speakers a big living ^-distortion 's greatest presents is ;y, which is ng perform- low-[wwer . of twenty of speakers er perform- Its overall ^ave A«»emble j » --- simple and ice, and we it—includ- >udspeaker ed in a sys- ended to lie ave given as ce as to its ial low-cost ve distinctive will lo°k "SOFTIE" VELOUR TOWELS TABLES ADD A NEW DECOR Reg. 3.66 come, Sale Priced Our Rag. 15.96 -4 Days Covers beared on side for best effort oftness. one velvety Pecan finish presswood top with £ ■ # 8 Sq.Ft. m we believe Extraabsorbency. X g black trim and chrome legs. 16x48x ^ I "J ] Easy to apply natural cork lowest pos- and Towel ^ M B 20" cocktail table. Or a pair of I » ■ panels. Add sound proofing. component people ^hc,«h Mm Ti Je for some- al thing. Kmart East Only - W. Grand River near Okemos Rd 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 9i< Annual Bu slated for Sunday By PAT FARNAN Folk singer Josh White Jr. will sing the State News Sports Writer national anthem accompanied by the Eastern The Pigs and Freaks will duke it out again for band and the Jackson city police honor guard ALSAC (Aid to Leukemia Stricken American will raise the flag. Children) at 1 p.m. Sunday in Spartan Stadium At 1 p.m. the fun begins as the Pigs and in the fifth rendition of a street riot with Freaks tee it up for the fifth time. The game yardstripes - the annual Bull Bowl. will be governed by NCAA rules. Officials for the game will be head referee Chuck McCallum, A crowd upward of 40,000 is expected to MidAmerican Conference; umpire Marvin Rist, attend this year's tiebreaker contest with the South Dakota Conference; head linesman Tom series currently standing at two wins apiece. Minter, British Pro-Footbal Assn; field judge Tom Piasik, commissioner of the Midwest Pro Last year the Freaks tied up the series with a Football League; and back judge John 9 6 overtime victory by virtue of a 38 • yard • field goal, after the Pigs oinked out a pair of Graafmeyer, Midwest Professional Football wins in the second and third Bull Bowls. League. Proceeds from the game will go to ALSAC at Halftime ceremonies will include St. Jude's Children's Hospital, Memphis, Tenn. presentation of the Danny Thomas award for All services rendered there are voluntary. special contribution to ALSAC, some colorful belly dancers and a medley of songs by the Tickets, which are available all over the area, Eastern band including "When the Saints Come are $1 in advance and $2 at the gate. Marching In" and "The Long and Winding "Nobody Tiakes a pennv," Jim Quinn, general Road" of Beatles fame. chairman oj the Bull Bowl committee, commented. "There are 100 people behind the Field announcer for the Bull Bowl will be scenes who get little or no recognition for their Terry Braverman, director of MSU's Ralph services. We are extremely grateful." Young Fund. The Pigs and tha Freaks mix it up during last year's Bull Bowl played at Eastern High School band and colorful belly dancers will highlight this year'i I The Pigs team consists of police officers The Pigs' coach will be Ted Bauer, teacher Spartan Stadium before a crowd of over 40,000. The Pigs took it on the pregame and halftime festivities. All proceeds from the game wil organized under the Fraternal Order of Police, and ex-football coach at Everett High School. chops last year, 9 - 6, following a 38 - yard field goal in overtime. The series is ALSAC. Capital City Lodge No. 141, local fireman and Bauer is a former Pigs' assistant. all even as the Pigs and the Freaks both have a pair of wins. The Lansing several federal agents. The Freaks team is For the Freaks, Charley Johnson of the comprised of local street people, bums, factory workers, businessmen, students and anyone else who wants a crack at a Lansing All-Stars will handle the head coaching responsibilities assisted by former MSU all - Big SPARKLING PITCHING DOES IT cop. Ten selection Charley Thomhill, who recently Pregame activities will commence at 12:30 signed with the Memphis Stars of the World p.m. with a simulated coin toss and a short Football League, and Chuck Ginther, former performance by the 70 - member Lansing Eastern High School band, followed by a presentation from ALSAC. A1 Toler, national executive fundraiser for Pigs head coach. "We owe a million thanks to people," Quinn said. "Jack Breslin, Burt Smith, so many A's,Pirates cop playoff victories BALTIMORE (UPI) - Vida seven innings, respectively, and Hebner followed with a two - Robertson's ground ball forthtl Nick Vista and Marty Daley have all been an Saturday and Sunday, the ALSAC, and Sam Farhat, third vice president Blue fired an overpowering two the only other Orioles who run blast in the opening inning Pirates back out first Los Angeles error of Uk I of ALSAC, will present an award to Gov. invaluable help to us." came bombing - hitter and Sal Bando homered reached first were safe on and the Pittsburgh Pirates William Milliken for outstanding contribution against southpaw Doug Rau day. in the fourth inning Tuesday to errors by second baseman Dick averated a sweep in the and to the cause. In the event of a tie, (last year's game was tagged four Dodger lead the Oakland A's to a 1 - 0 Green. National League playoffs by deadlocked at 6 - 6 at the conclusion of pitchers for 10 hits. Hebner, who had only ok I victory over the Baltimore Green's second error beating the erratic Los Angeles regulation play) a sudden death eight • minute Orioles and to within provided the hometown crowd hit in six at - bats in the tall quarter will be played, preceded by a coin flip. one Dodgers 7 - 0 Tuesday. two playoff games, thai triumph of their third straight of 32,060 with its biggest thrill Stargell homered off Rau, a 13 slammed a 2 - 2 Rau pitch into I American League pennant. of the day. It came with two Reed thin righthander - game winner during the The A's can clinch their out in the bottom of the ninth Bruce Kison and 34 - year - old regular season, with one out in the same rightfield pavilion | that Stargell found. IM guest policy dropped third flag in a row by winning either the fourth or fifth games and brought the dangerous Grich to the plate. Blue seemed reliever Ramon Hernandez shut out the Dodgers on four two of them singles by hits, the first and Richie Stennett aboard on a single to right and A1 Oliver walk. of the playoffs scheduled agitated for a few moments but Bill on a For the mighty Stargell, tlx | Russell off the Pittsburgh today and Thursday in then got Grich to hit into a starter, and the Dodgers only man to hit a ball out of | Baltimore. force play at second to end the One out later, Dodger first Dodger Stadium in its 13 - year I to reduce overcrowding Blue, the sometimes fitful fireballer who was winless in seven previous post - season game. Bando, the A's captain who insists Oakland is one of the committed a playoff record five errors. Checked on a dozen singles baseman Steve Garvey, the MVP in the All - Star game this season, threw wide to Rau history, it was his first homt| run in postseason play championship playoff - s four | pitched a underrated teams in in 3 - 0 and 5 - 2 losses at home appearances, most covering first base on Bob and one World Series. In an effort to reduce at 10 a.m. Saturday in both the to the Men's IM starting magnificent game, striking out baseball history, gave Blue the overcrowded conditions in Men's and Women's Intramural seven and not permitting a only, run of the game when he Saturday. MSU booters gun win,| MSU's intramural facilities, Baltimore baserunner to reach rifled a 350 - foot shot into the students, members may no faculty and staff longer bring buildings. It will not affect family co - The MSU Dept. of Public Safety is currently making a security system check of second. The hits off him were singles left field bleachers off Jim Palmer with one out in the for third guests to use the facilities. rec swimming periods or the by Bobby Grich and Don fourth. use of the outdoor pool during intramural facilities in an The policy will take effect Baylor in the fourth and Palmer, who feared that he summer term, however. attempt to stop locker room thefts and overcrowding. might have to pass up Tuesday's starting assignment face U-M at Dearborn campus Hockey ticket sales "It's serve a question of who first," said Frank you Beeman indicated that the Tryouts slated if he was bothered by a MSU's soccer team will try A pair of East Lansing Kenney has tallied twict (or | end today at arena full survey results are expected pinched nerve in his right Beeman, director of intramural for its third win in as many graduates have paced the the Spartans. sometime this week and that, for JV cagers, elbow, did not have his usual outings today the Spartans Today is the last day for sports and recreative services. elimination of guest policy was stuff but pitched a splendid as Spartan offensive attack. Peer Greg Pochmara and Zivorad I students to purchase season "We just want to remove the based on partial results of the game. He mixed curves and travel to the University of Brunnschweiler leads MSU Zivanovic are the offensm I tickets for Spartan home kind of thing which would survey. men's golf team changeups with his fast ball Michigan at Dearborn campus with four goals, having scored mainstays for the Dearborn! impinge on a student's for a 4 p.m. match. twice in each hockey games. and aside from Bando's homer, game. Mike squad. The price for the set of 20 opportunity to use the Intramural Dept. officials Tryouts have been scheduled allowed only three singles. The Spartans have notched home games is $20. Tickets facilities." this week for two MSU men's wins over Eastern Michigan reminded students, faculty and Blue, who had an 0 - 4 mark will be on sale at the west end of Munn Ice Arena from 8:30 staff members to carry their ID cards with them to the teams. A tryout for the junior in previous playoff and World Series competition, said he (7-0) and Calvin (2-1) as coach Ed Rutherford has opened well Field hockey a.m. to 4:30 p.m. varsity basketball squad will be in his first stint at soccer. intramural buildings. threw 99 per cent fast balls. held at 3:30 p.m. Thursday at Rutherford formerly coached Jenison Fieldhouse. Andy Etchebarren came closest to giving the Orioles a run football for 25 years. Albion in gomJ first U - M at Dearborn has A second fall when he chased centerfielder qualifier for the golf team will be held at Jim North to the warning track posted a defeated Northern 5 - 2 - 2 record and The MSU women's field hockey team opens its home seasoa I Forest for his towering fly with two Michigan, 3 today facing a tough Albion squad. I Akers golf course out in the - 2, last Saturday. The match, which is the second for the Spartans this fall,wi I Saturday and Sunday. eighth. The Spartans hold a 2 - 0-2 begin at 4 p.m. at Old College Field. I Interested students should LOS ANGELES (UPI) - career record over Michigan, MSU, which finished with a 2 • 1 - 4 record last year, will be I sign up on the bulletin board at Strongman Willie Stragell hit a including a 3 - 0 victory last depending on a strong returning nucleus of veterans and a host of new members for I the clubhouse at the course. three - run homer; Richie depth this season. Locker room noise nothing new to Spartan trainer, harrier star By JACK WALKDEN aluminum siding," Kaverman down to Herb and I, who were State News Sports Writer said. "He was installing the the youngest. No one was left became a trainer his freshman there wasn't any competition I For most people the noise siding in that area and that's alone." year. to challenge me. I knew it I "If you like athletics on an went to a junior college, I I of a busy locker room is how they started conversing. The family now lives in intercollegiate or professional wouldn't get the competition P deafening. For Don Kaverman, They learned of each other's Reed City. level, training is a great field," an MSU student trainer, and situation and one thing led to The main reason why both Lindsay's senior year « I he said. "It's a field where you Herb Lindsay, Spartan cross another." track was presumed halted I Kaverman and Lindsay came to have to be continually on top after he came down with | country star, the atmosphere is After the wedding the new MSU was because Kaverman's of things. You must know not a new experience at all. mononucleosis. Two w< family bought a home in brother had gone to school what new things are Kaverman and Lindsay, you Belmont, Mich., a town just here. Each also had another in the field. It's coming up before the regional, however. J see, are stepbrothers and two outside of Grand Rapids. The reason. continually Lindsay's Reed City Hip I of II children between their horns wss once used during the becoming a more demanding School coach talked him into I "I was an athletic trainer all field." two families. The situation is Civil War as a stop - off for the through high school," running in the meet. I Lindsay liked the challenge similar to the movie, "Yours, underground railroad and had Kaverman said. "I came here of •Shockingly, he won the I Mine and Ours," a film which later become restaurant. Big Ten competition. regional and finished third i» I a with that in mind because I "I first was contacted was about the marriage of a "They used to serve chicken knew by the state meet in the mile run. I they had a great staff." MSU in 1971, two years before widower and a widow who dinners there," Kaverman said. Kaverman started out I He had won the state title l each had six children. "After we moved in we used to graduated," Lindsay said. "I during his sophomore and I majoring in business and wanted to come to a The Kaverman and Lindsay have people come around on switched to Big Ten junior years in the two - m"8' I accounting. school because of the families each also had six Sunday afternoon and ask if Despite a 3.95 grade point competition. In high school Lindsay has set Forest I children, but then added three they still served the chicken average after three years of Akers course records on botn i more after the dinners. It bizarre. marriage. was They'd accounting, Kaverman decided the five - and six - mile courses | "It's not quite as noisy as it see, all these people in the the field was not for him. IM entries due this season. used to be," Kaverman said. house eating and they'd think "I didn't actually "Some of the kids have that the restaurant had opened from accounting until I went change for two sports Lindsay and Kaverman stil I married and others arc away at up again. Actually it was just out and return home occasionally '« I actually worked for an college." our family. what they call "famlly I accounting firm as an intern," The reunions." I The story started in the mid "As kids we fought some as he said. "It intramural co rec gave me the • - 1950s. Lindsay's father died most kids will do, but we got opportunity to see what a firm volleyball team entry deadline "A few weeks ago we had' I is noon SN photo/Charlie Kkid in 1954, while Kaverman's along pretty well," he added. was like and I didn't like it I today in 121 Women's family reunion with just I mother died in 1956. "All of us had stepbrothers or Intramural Bldg. All entries Herb Lindsay, Spartan cross country star, and Don Kaverman, MSU student trainer diicusi Lindsay's mother and sisters who close to each found that I wasn't interested must be submitted with $10 immediate family invlted't were in it." a Kaverman said. "Only 0 . sports in the Jenison Fieldhouse training room. The two are stepbrothers and part of a Kaverman's father were other'sage. Everyone had some entry fee. Kaverman found training The deadline for brothers and sisters and tne« situation reminiscent of the movie, "Yours, Mine and Ours." The two have 13 brothers and married in 1958. all Men's one they could associate with to be the challenging and IM team children were invited and "My dad sold and installed paddleball leagues is all the way from the oldest rewarding field he wanted. He noon Friday. still had more than 30 peoP J Ihigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 9, 1974 Iritish campaign Slift DlsCoVjjf U.S. law says technically one Minister Harold Wilson attends Labor's press 211 E. Grand Rivet By JOHN LINDSTROM $5,000 to a can give up to campaign and no more, a rule that conference every day, and Edward Heath technique of the walkabout, similar to a U.S. candidate going into a supermarket to meet the Next to the State News Special Writer broke down completely in the 1972 Sportsmeister attends the Tory press conference at least three people. The difference is, the technique is used Mon, Tuts, Fri, Sal J-S presidential election. times a week. here all the time. Wed TKur »•» lof's note: Welcome Week edition editor Despite the lax rules, the British campaign But there is a catch. At the national level, At a walkabout, candidates put on paper and ,r State New« campui editor John will cost nowhere near the amount spent in the the party can spend all it wants on posters, but ribbon rosettes and chat with people on torn f livin8 for iemal month$ in 1972 U.S. presidential campaign. Liberals say at the local level a party can spend only a small everything from the price of meat to the J£ He has been reporting the mood and their national campaign turn of the Oct. 10 British election for $250,000 to $300,000. budget will total amount putting them up. By a complicated formula based on weather and local Another soccer matches. major difference between this CIGARETTES Neither Conservatives Xte News. nor Labor would give constituency size and density, each candidate is campaign and those in the U.S. is in the tiN • The election campaign here, on the out figures but their spending is estimated at allowed about $4,320 to spend on getting relations with and use of the media. LIMIT 2 (COUPON) / AQ C 2pk I \J 7 looks remarkably like a U.S. roughly $500,000 to $600,000 each. elected or reelected in his local district, based For example, where television has become, Expires Oct. 13, 1974 Conservatives are financed mainly East Lasing Store Only Mgn. There are, however, very, real by big business, Labor mainly by the national unions. on the constituencies' division. roughly equal population in national U.S. campaigns, the most significant tool of media use, television use is minimal t'lider campaign financing. On one level All this money goes to posters, pamphlets, t So there is an irony. At the national level, here. 10% OFF ON ALL KODAK FILM shirts, glossy manifestos, studio equipment, [ financing laws make U.S. laws look - massive being spent to put Wilson, staff salaries and electronic equipment sums are There is no advertising allowed on either PROCESSING & DEVELOPING , but on another, British laws are far Electronic equipment is a major expense for Heath and Thorpe before the public, but for commercial television or radio. The law states NO LIMIT Thorpe in North Devon, Wilson in Huyton and that newcasts must devote an equal amount of (COUPON) the Liberals, who provide a closed circuit f !he national level there is no limit to television hookup with Jeremy Heath in Bexley sideup (their constituencies) time to covering Labor, Tory and Liberal Expires Oct. 13, 1974 ft parly can raise or spend. There is also no Thorpe in his they can spend no more on getting reelected campaigns. East Lansing Store Only North Devon constituency so he can Kn how much one can give to the national communicate with reporters in London. Prime than a first time politician. The low funding mandates Each of the three major parties is granted a VICKS ftign. the popular certain amount of time for political broadcasts. BUFFERIN VAPO RUB 1.3oZ _ _ 100's ^ n/f reg. 65 cents XH reg. 1.75 ^ f) (COUPON) (COUPON) Expires Oct. 13, 1974 Expires Oct. 13, 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only PARKE - DAVIS THROAT DISCS VITAMIN C FOOD STORES 250 mg 60's r\ Q 2825 EAST Qff RIVER LANDERS i ^ •15487 NOfrft CAST STTieeT SAVE 30* LB BABY SHAMPOO SAVE 21? LB. 0P£N HeeKDAVS e*M - IO"« EBERHARD QUALITY BEEF 56 FRESH PICNIC \ 160Z. (COUPON) CHUCK POT reg. 99 cents Expires Oct. 13, 1974 East Lansing Store Only ^ DfiDI/ OHACT I y°u Eberhw/because You- rurcrv ixumo i |buv at the old lower ROAST STRIDEX Medicated Pads TAME Creme Rinse PRICE WHILE STOCK IS 42's /L"7C 16oz. reg. 1.89 1 | ,00 QQ 98 cents Q/ 69* reg. lb. / AVAILABLE! 0NCI A CAN OR PACKAGE IS PRICE MARKED, (COUPON) Expires Oct. 13, 1974 East Lansing Store Only (COUPON) Expires Oct. 13. 1974 East Lansing Store Only WE WILL MOT RAISE ITS PRICE .' Maybelline ULTRA LASH CAMAY Mascara Bath Size BUY 3 - SAVE 87* W/lN STORE COUPON - PESCHKE& mam a ZKLB ^BUY 3SAYE*9«^ reg. 1.00 reg. 34 cents 2/49^ MEAT FRANKS *59* 5AYE r 3 IBS. OR MORE W/fN STORE COUPON 1 (COUPoVl) LIMIT 6 (COUPON) f HOUSE OF PORTION CONTROL } Expires Oct. 13, 1974 Expires Oct. 13, 1974 'EBURGER' East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only SAVE 30* W/lN STORE COUPON- POLLY ANNA FROZEN CLAIROL CONDITION 3 got Jar KBREAD _ . - 4 OZ (COUPON) I .OvJ 80Z.DELMONICC& OR "*•2.50 ^s^sloVS^ I IN PROTEIN-USE UKE HAMBURG j 80Z.NEW VORK STRIPS SAVE 20* EBERHARD BULK PACK VANILLA EARTHBORN ICE CREAM B9 120Z. ree 2 25 Shampoo (COUPON) Expires Oct. 13, 1974 East Lansing Store Only _ a | ,*+/. SAVE I0< MADE RITE CRISP BRUT 33 NEUTROGENA POTATO CHIPS 69 Su. Anti-Perspirant 1.19 reg. 2.00 Twin Pack 1 ,09 Limit 1 (COUPON) (COUPON) Expires Oct. 13, 1974 Expires Oct. 13, 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Legal Size 3-OUTLET PLUG ENVELOPES reg. 69 cents ^ "| . DAY' MALIBU CHEVELLE 1963, black. COCKTAIL WAILTRESS-Friday furnished. 26,000 miles. Phone after 6, plus commission. 882-8618. RDS For appointment call: Gold interior, swivel bucket 627-7460. 5-10-14 and Saturday nights, RAMADA 3-10-9 APARTMENT AVAILABLE 5 all power, 14,500 miles, INN. Apply in person, 337-7328 1 3 .10 seats, PART TIME employment for MSU immediately. For two. Rivers $2750. Call 489 9346. 5-10-14 VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Excellent Pennsylvania Avenue, 1-96. 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 students. 12-20 hours per week. Edge, furnished, close to 4-10-9 running condition. Very good campus. 351-6265. 4-10-11 OKEMOS 1 bedroom, unfurnished, 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 MUSTANG 1969. 56,000 miles, Automobile required. 351-5800. looking. New tires and brakes. air conditioning, heat, water, 6.00 9.70 19.50 302 V-8, excellent mechanically, WANTED, EXPERIENCED pizza C-3-10-10 2.25 | Many extras. Phone after six, MANAGER NEEDED - 3 units, disposal, $150. Phone 349-3438. 7.20 11.70 23.40 body and interior fair to good. 627 7460. 5-10-14 PAINT YOUR WAGON! See cooks for part time positions. minimal services, reduced rent. 2.70 RN: FULL time opening on the after 5 pm. 5-10-15 Must tell, $1,000/offer. Apply at Alle-EY Nightclub. 220 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 Johnny Rembrandt for Call 351-3809. 3-10-10 645 2431.5-1011 VOLKWAGEN 1972, low M.A.C. 5-10-11 3-11:30 shift. Liberal fringe masterpieces on wheels. 1825 E. COUNTRY APARTMENT - 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 mileage, new tires, $1775-best benefits, MNA contract, evening Michigan. 487-6565. 10-10-16 REMODLED - 2 spacious units, Williamston area, 1 bedroom, MAVERICK GRABBER 1970. offer 489 0888. 5-10-14 and night differential no shift BABYSITTER NEEDED, weekday ideal for couple. Immediate unfurnished; except stove and d eadl ine Automatic. 6, vinyl top, just rotation, every other weekend P.M. one class U - REPAIR AUTO SERVICE mornings, few blocks from occupancy. 351-3809. 3-10-10 icebox; carpeted throughout; day tuned up, snow tires, 39,000 VOLKSWAGEN 1972, low mileage, CENTER offers you tools, campus, plenty of study time, off and weekend bonus paid. $135 a month utilities not miles. Excellent condition. tires, $1775-best offer. Call Mrs. L. Risk, RN director of ore publication. new equipment and instructions to share the job with a friend if you 513 HILLCREST, 2 bedroom, included. Call Bob Smith at $1195. 353-0959. 5-10-11 489-0888.5-10-14W can't stay the whole nursing, 349-1050 at the Ingham do your auto repairs. 5311 S. time. deluxe, carpeting, dishwasher, TU2-0294 before 5 pm or Phil 351-6984. after 5:30 County Medical Care Facility, Peanuts Personal ads VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Automatic. Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10 8, pm. security doors, etc. Furnished or Gardner at 655-3706 after 6 pm. NEED A CAR? I've got good Okemos, Michigan. 5-10-11 Good mechanical condition. Call 6 days. 20-10-23 5-10-11 not. $240-280. Wide lawns, 3 3-10-11 must be pre-paid. transportation. No money down. after 8 pm. 355-3105. 5-10-10 blocks MSU. 351-3231. 3-10-9 Walk-in, drive out. Call NIGHT HOUSEKEEPER - full and CASHlfeR FOR auto wash, full or EAST LANSING. One bedroom MASON BODY SHOP 812 East cellations/Corrections 393-1800. Ask for Paul Smith part time, apply in person at 248 VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE Kalamazoo Street since 1940. part time positions needed. furnished. Fully carpeted, air, West Grand River,, tatt Lansing. 2 class day or.MuBr**-' Xarj*^, JACK 1965. Many new parts. Needs iif|J»r«oh;*miversity Inn."- disposal, security locks. Minutes noon one auto parritiRg and , . Complete DYKStER FORD. Corner of some work. -Very reliable. Call 5 10-11 from campus. $185/month collision service. 485-0256. ore publications. Holmes and Logan 5-10-9 Woodside North. Call 351-3915 after 6, 349-4634. 3-10-9 C-10-31 WE HAVE 3 openings for students SOUTHWEST LANSING-2 OFFICE CLERK. Okemos location. or 3324987. 5-10-15 State News will be seeking part time employment. bedrooms, carpeted, lease, $175 e OPEL GT 1970 Yellow, 43,000 Some minor bookkeeping miles, 30 mpg, $1800. Call after VOLKSWAGEN - COMPLETE Car necessary. For appointment, plus utilities, deposit. 882-5833. ponsible only for the functions required, typing a DELUXE, FURNISHED, 1 9 pm or weekends, 675-7331. repair and body. 20% call 482-6382, 2 pm-5:30. 10-10-16 DISCOUNT to students, faculty plus. Potential to advance to full bedroom apartment near day's incorrect 10-10 25. charge bookkeeper. Write to 2-10-9 . campus. 332-3135 or 882-6549. on all cash'n'carry VW service COLLINGWOOD APARTMENTS, tion. State News. Box C-3. 5-10-9 5-10-15 parts. IMPORT AUTQ PARTS, COOK APPLICATIONS now being one girl for $88 or two girls for OPEL GT 1970. Great gas mileage. are due 7 days from VW SOUAREBACK 1971 - 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. taken at Longs Restaurant. $132/per month. 332-1940. Good condition. Best offer. ONE BEDROOM, furnished, East SALES PERSONNEL - part time, excellent condition. 26,000 485-204 7, 485-9229. Experience preferred. Apply in 3-10-11 3224993. 4-10-14 hours, commission. Lansing. $180/month, utilities miles, $1,900. 393-0329, 6-10 Mastercharge and Bank own person at 6810 South Cedar, Americard. C-10-31 Leigh ton Farms Inc. 489-5761. Lansing. 11-10r11 paid. Couple preferred, no p.m. 5-10-15 WANTED: MALE to share 2 PLYMOUTH ROADRUNNER 3-10-10 children or pets. Call 351-0433, bedroom apartment. 1970, Immaculate condition, 6-9 pm. 10-10-18 can be seen at 5917 Potter, VW 1968. Moonroof, good VOLKSWAGEN EXHAUST TRAVEL Non-smoker. Call 487-2377, 5-7 WANTED: CLERK Steno I, $5800, 3 -10-11 Haslett 5-10-9 condition,-$600. Call 3514546, Systems - $18.95 complete at ROUND THE WORLD pm . 1-2 ROOMMATES for 3 bedroom after 6 pm. 1-10-9 CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN excellent fringes, step increases, ON FOREIGN SHIPS." townhouse. $65/month, partly PLYMOUTH FURY III, 4-door, good working relations, call Diane, NORTH PENNSYLVANIA. Large CAR PARTS, 2605 East furnished. Call 2-5 and after 9 power steering, automatic, 318 ). 5-10-14 furnished upstairs. One VW 1968 Automatic stick, am-fm, Kalamazoo, one mile west of pm. 349-1890 3-10-9 motor, inside good condition. In bedroom. Share utilities, $120. TIN HEALEY, 3,000 MK III, campus. 487-5055. C-10-10-18 use everyday. Must sell! good condition. Best offer. CHILD CARE worker, live in around employment. Sail 351-7497.0-10-31 mmaculate, no rust, new 655-1732. 5-10-14 351-7936. 1-10-9 from Great Lake Ports. Send Children's Cottage. Experience self "ichelins, paint and interior, stamped 2300 Must ,84-4798.5-10-1S be seen. Call PLYMOUTH SCAMP, 1971. automatic, radio, deluxe V-8, VW 1968 one owner, good condition, $750/best offer. Employment ]jjf| in child care work. Should have psychology and sociology EUREKA 1024 UPSTAIRS, Furnished. One bedroom, share utilities. $125. 351-7497. GIRL NEEDED, large, near-by background. Contact William apartment, $81 Penny, OMOBILE INSURANCE only interior. $1650, negotiable. 351-0703 after 5 pm. 3-10-11 LOOKING FOR December Weitzel, VFW National Home, 0-10-31 REGISTERED NURSES. Full & 353-9642, 8am-5pm. 5-10-11 ive $$$. It pays to Evenings, 339-2840. 5-10 9 graduates. College Life Insurance 663-1521, extension 147 part time positions available on >p around. Call us. You may company expanding in East X7-10-17 NORTH PENNSYLVANIA. Large urprised. 484-8173. PLYMOUTH WAGON 1968 Good condition. $350. Call 351-6818, Motorcycles ][ftc] Lansing. Must be college graduate. Excellent salary plus MODELS - GIRLS to pose for the afternoon & night shifts. Minimum Starting salary $4.82 furnished, 2 bedroom, ground level apartment. Share utilities. EAST LANSING bedroom, unfurnished, 12 Luxury one per hour plus experience credit. month lease, no pets, $175, after 12 noon. 3-10-9 commissions, 3324326. 3-10-11 national automotive magazine $140. 351-7497.0-10-31 Excellent fringe benefits. Please including heat. 129 Highland, ICK SPECIAL 1962. Good NORTON • DUCAT I - MOTO - No nudity. Send photo and contact office of Employment, 332-0976. 5-10-9 transportation, $175. Call PONTIAC CATALINA 1968, 9 GUZZI. New models on display. BARTENDER OR Barmaid. resume to International BEAUTIFUL DEAL. Need Lansing General Hospital, 2800 32-2173, Repairs and se™*" for Honda Experience preferred. Evenings, Productions Inc. 11136 North roommate in wonderful, new after 4 pm. 4-10-11 passenger wagon, good Devonshire, Lansing. Please call and Triumph. ~ • MOTORS, call after 11am, 489-9116. THE furnished 2 bedroom duplex. MALE ROOMMATE wanted to condition, 1 owner, 677-8171. Saginaw, Clio, Michigan 48420. 372-8220, extension 268. An 5-10-15 816 East Howe, Lansing. GARAGE. 5-10-9 5-10-15 Near campus in East Lansing. share 1974 14x70 mobile home 485-6815. 0-5-10-11 Equal Opportunity Employer. in North Lansing. Call 489-2134 25-10-31 Own room, $85/month. HANDYMAN, PART time, must 351-1852 - no answer? Call or 351-7600. Ask for Randy. PONTIAC LE MANS 1969. $850 BABYSITTER IN my home for 3 337-1817. 3-10-11 5-10-14 or best offer. Also 10 - speed have plumbing and carpentry month old infant, 2 days a week tVROLET IMPALA SOLEX, MOTORIZED bicycle. 1 - 1967, 4 bike. Call evenings, 355-0012. experience. Call 482-8801, after while I work. Own old, $175. 353-7981 days, -ssr, automatic, power steering 8-10-11 year 351-5417 nights. 3-10-9 6. 3-10-10 transportation and references. For Rent £ anna ass moa •nd brakes, radio, condition, $360 etc. or Good offer. PONTIAC GTO 1971 - new SUDENTS WORK part time. 10-15 4844240. 2-10-10 CROSSWORD Mf H 3II0 I]H J TV and STEREO Rentals. H3T1Q BQ3SHS3 351-1718. 3-10-11 radials, brakes, exhaust. Hurst 3 1972 KAWASAKI-750 cc, low hours per week. Our employees KEYPUNCH OPERATORS, all $25/term. $10.95/month. Free PUZZLE -speed. 339-8176. 5-10-9 mileage, $1,200-negotiable. 1245 Weber, Lansing. 5-10-9 average Own $3.75-$4.25 transportation per hour. required. shifts and weekends. Same Day Delivery and Service. BranBHBagaa EVROLET 1964 Station Wagon. Salary-$2.50 to $4.25 per hour Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-10-31 Immaculate interior. Very PORSCHE 1967 912. New engine, Apply in person . 4295 Okemos based on experience. Phone 333 DBS EZp/J 31. Dogma "''able transportation. 5-speed. California car. Best Professional Building, suite 7. □nnn tana aaa $325. END OF SEASON SALE I 1975's 351-4840. 5-10-15 4. Dudes 32.Jujube 242 Spartan offer. 485 5607. 3-10-11 Wednesday - Friday 1-5. Monday OFFICE for rent, Avenue, East now in stock. All 1974's priced SINGLE 8. Demand 33. Melody □SOBS BBS Lansing. 5-10-11 11-2. 5-10-14 furnished. 2 desks, all utilities, to sell Yamaha, Triumph, BMW, WANTED: MARRIED couple to be 11. Snacked 34. Bobbin EEnUMLTJIllJlfi PORSHE 1973, 91 IT, perfect Rickman SHEP'S MOTOR DESK CLERK, full and part time houseparents for a group of air conditioned, music, lighted 12. Cravo 36. Tall story □□nsaaa ansa EVY VAN condition, AM-FM, radials, rust Oakland at Center, 1974, 1.000 miles, SPORTS. Inc. Holt. 694-6621. mentally retarded adults. parking. 13. Trevino 38. Iowa college W«k, % ton, power proofed, 16,000 miles. positions needed. Apply in steering! 3514386, 351-1420.5-10-9 C-5-10-11 person. UNIVERSITY INN. Rewarding work-room, board Lansing. $75 month, phone 14. Sun god 40. German □HE 3@E DBQ0 482-0113 or contact Hasselbring 15. Robert E. Lee's automatic 3cner brakes' radio' automatic, __y 0-J2. and salary. Call Irma, 487-6500. J'""Proofed. phone 5-10-14 Company at 482-1217. 10-10-J6 hone 43. Childish 1968, TC2000. 4-speed, 1970 SUZUKI 500. Excellent 3»-0680 or 627-6713. 5-10-11 ROVER WAITRESS NEEDED immediately, 17. Diagram 47. Depart 6. Clingstone well, body good, $650. condition. Many extres. 1. Grape refuse runs will train. Good starting pay, REFRIGERATORRS 19. Affirmative 48. Conifer peach Consider trade. 351-7857. DESK CLERK needed. Must have - 2LASS 1970. New brake" 694-2804 5-10-14 after 5:30 p.m. 3-10-11 other benefits. Apply in person, transportation and be willing to DISHWASHERS - 20. Smirk 49. Matron 2. Greenland settlement 7. White sale items S* 355-3180.4-10-9 3mhl' $995 Ca" DAGWOODS, 2803 East travel. Call 3 7 2-0567 or ESCHTRUTH APPLIANCES, 22. Secret meeting 50. Police 26. Inattentive organization 3. Editorial "I" 8. Aggregate Kalamazoo. 5-10-10 315 South Bridge, Grand Ledge. RAMBLER CLASSIC 1965. Good 489-1215 between 12 - 6pm. 4. Strong point 9. Notice INSURANCE -LOWEST rates on 627-2191.12-10-11 28. Harvest 51 Sneaky engine, tires, and exhaust. 0-10-31 5. Ration-book 10. Greek ghost TWSS S, 1970 cycle and auto. Call us first or SHORT ORDER breakfast cooks. goddess 52. Descry holiday coupe, Automatic. $225. 355-9030. 30. French assent agency 15. Nonkosher last, but call. Easy payment Experienced only. LANDMARK L8.JP0"e». 332-4305. 5-10-14 $1695. .Call 3-10-11 plan. UNION RESTAURANT. Phone I- I- * 5 I T~. 8 9 16. Malay gibbon UNDERWRITERS, 393-8100 or 3714774 for an interview. % 18. Poplar Mori r °ART 1966' Gt>0d en9in». only $175- Call SAAB - 4 door, 99 L. Absolute new condition, amber gold. All options except air conditioning, 485-4317. 0-10-31 5-10-10 SPECIAL " RT I is 12 % •3 21. Caviar 23. Immature 24. Daystar 4-10-14 ,0'immedia,e ,ale' presently in dry storage. $3800. % YA 25. Stalemate 349-2084. 5-10-11 miles, 17 15 % 7J 41 f/i 2i ^6 26. Pluto 27. Telepathic TORONADO 1974, 5,000 I nnhm mutmsns %VA faculty EliSf 3270657 a,,#r 2 Sage green, vinyl cream top, air, (FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED) n 28 i9 29. Lever all ■5-10-11 power. $5450. 489-0169. V/t & y4 Is 32. Fair-haired 33.Staunch girl 1969,~Body~faiir^ FROM <150°° CUSTOM 31 3-5 #00d' Ca" 37,-1] For Sale Mottle Hosts w ( | *** &**» MASON MANOR, North Street WOOLIES REAL rock'n'roll at its Mason. Merried grad students or NEED TWO good people to shire QUIET CONSERVATIVE girls - CALCULATOR, TEXAS PINBALL MACHINES - Buy your AMERICAN EAGLE 1973 - best. Now available for conctrts, typewriters. air single grad students. 1-2-3 old house. Needs furniture. $85 house near campus. Instrument SR10. Six months own and be the life of the perty. completely furnished. Financing mixers, 1967 the first 2 weeks of October 9. classes, 1974. PHOTOGRAPHIC Finest quality SERviifci Americana 4- man. $88 month. pm. 5-10-15 riflesand shotguns, 200 guitar Cash for 351-7212. 3-10-11 environment, ending Students receiving e refund ere re#J 332-2034, Stu. 5-10-10 amp, PA systems, drum sets, STAMPS & COINS Wondercraft, $4,700. 2.) 1968 priced BO YNrJ EAST SIDE large 3 bedroom, accessories. WILCOX GUITAR, Gibson ES335. Baron, $3,000. 3.) 1968 not eligible to use ASMUS PHOTOGRAPHY 4taP - SECONDHAND STORE, Buy - Sell - Trade National. $4,300. Call 482-0709, services. 10-10-9 5-10-14 " FOUR MAN - 2 bedrotm, furnished and carpeted, full line of supplies $250/amplifier Fender-Pro. 485-4391. C-10-31 Bob Lewis. 5-10-11 furnished, air, close. $288. Call basement and garage, $225. $150,349-1156. 3-10-9 MID UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 337-1800. 5-10-9 Lease and 882-5303. 5-10-11 deposit. Phone REFRIGERATOR- SEARS dorm - MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN 1880 HASLETT Rd 332-4300 FURNISHED 10x50, close to MSU. can receive refunds of their 50c CREATIVE it's best PHOTOGRAPH^ statewide TEM MARANTZ FISHER, Thorens, Great Student Medio Appropriations investment. $2300. LUKE 1136 BURCHAM. $105/wxith, size. Excellent condition. Must sell. 351-0762. 5-10-14 f" COUPON Harmon Kardon, Sansui, stereo 351-8534. 5-10-11 Board tax in room 334 Student PHOTOGRA3 313-532-9325. C-10-31 * utilities included. Quiet location. EAST LANSING - 4 bedrooms, ' 10* off all supplies I and 4 channel equipment. Services Building the first two Call 332-0408. 4-10-11 carpeted, range and refrigerator, I Expires 10/31/74 | Nikkormat FTN, Mamyla/Sekor 400 QUALITY BICYCLES - 10, 5 weeks of classes, ending October $220, lease and deposit. Phone and 3 speeds. Special Prices. 1000 DTL. 35mm cameras and Lost & Pound 9,1974. 10-10-9 Instructions * ROOMMATE NEEDED, Iwnale, 10 882-5303. 5-10-11 lenses. Fender Stratocaster and v Limited time. Call now. minutes from campu- $92. telecaster, Gibson Firebird, S.G. 484-0362. GENE'S BICYCLE 339-8268.5-10-14 LANSING- bedroom SOUTH duplex, range, Side. 2 SHOP' 702 West Barnes and 54 Les Paul. Many other fine accessories. Large selection FIND SOMETHING If you've found a pet or article of Peanuts Persoulii ID; VOICE LESSONS. Piano i, Aveneue. 5-10-14 velue, we want to help you beginning and ONE BLOCK from campus. Male. refrigerator, dishwasher, of amplifiers, including the new $70.50/month. Furnished. basement, fully carpeted, Call LIKE NEW, wedding - engagement Miller sound Used return it. Just come to the State JOHN ALPHA Xi's are lovers not $6/hour. $4.50/40 miw^l 351-4347. 5-10-14 393-4036 after 5. 5-10-9 FREE RETAIL CATALOG: Pipes, ring set. Very pretty, still in box. furniture, TV'», radios, gear. News Classified Department end fighters. Truce ok? Lots of 349-1354, after 5 pm tyT waterpipes, bongs, cigarette 353-7928.4-10-11 tell us you want to place an ad sunshine, diamonds, leather coats, electric tempormental Pat. BOARD EXAM GIRL NEEDED for rest of fall term TWO BEDRROM, near campus, papers, rolling machines, and manual typewriters, in EAST LANSING STATE 1-10-9 TUTORINGI to share two girl apartment, married preferred. $225/month. superstones, clips, underground SCUBA GEAR: tank, regulator, STANLEY H.KAPLAN 10-speed bicycles, rifles, and BANK'S Found Column. As | close. $102.50 per month. Call 351-0796. 3-10-10 Comix, etc. GABRIELLA'S guage, suit, hood, weights, belt, shotguns. Come on down to a public service EAST LANSING TUTORING COURSES I 332-3945. 2-10-9 GOODIES. Box 434, knife. 332-2284, evenings. DICKER & DEAL, 1701 South STATE BANK will run the ad at Now being formed !# J 2 BEDROOM Hollywood, California. 990028 3-10-10 upcoming MCAT, DAT, LS CARPETED, Cedar, 487 3886 C-5-10-11 no cost to you I TWO BEDROOM mobile home. basement, east side of Lansing. 5-10-14 EAST LANSING ATGSB, GRE Board Exantfl BOOKS RELIGION, politics, art, information Furnished, carpeted, dose in. Immediate occupancy. Call - AT OUR Prices get STATE BANK C|i SNOW TIRES science, 1840-1960. Central that emergency 1-313-354-0085. OMO-9 $150. Call 1-616-946-6082 393-0450. Evenings, 675-7319. 5.60x15. 4 ply Real Estate - American Stamp Collection, Rail pair of glasses. OPTICAL C-10-31 its collect. To see, 332-5797. 4-10-11 nylon. Fits VW $25. 332-1266 3-10-10 road collection. Phone DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan 5-10-14 LOST HIGH school class ring. GUITAR, FLUTE. ban|o»* 489-7255. 3-iaiO 372-7409. C-5-10-11 LITTLE ACRES. 3 AND 4 BEDROOM, carpeted, Gold, blue stone. Reward. lessons. Private i Located ... EPI 150 between Okemos and MSU/ FRANDOR - beautiful one basement. East side of Lansing. SPEAKERS/year old. 355-8661.210-10 available. MARSHALL Ml Seldom used. $200. 353-2579. SEWING MACHINE clearance salel APPLES, CIDER, PUMPKINSI Williamston on VanAtta Road. bedroom, unfurnished, Immediate occupancy. Will 351-7830. C-1-10-9 3-10-10 Brand new portables $49.95. $5 BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, 7 miles Sit on large patio end enjoy carpeting, air conditioning, furnish. Call 393-0450. evenings south of Mason LOST PRESCRIPTION sunglasses. per month. Large selection of on Hull Road. beautiful view beyond the 2V> parking, laundry. 332-1703. GUITAR 4-10-11 675-7319.4-10-11 SONY TAPE Recorder, TC-530 reconditioned used machines. Hours 9-6, closed Mondays. Near Division Street. Reward. acres of lawn. Well built, 3 LESSONS. $4 UO ,^ 1 Phone 351-2777.5-10-15 University teacher. ( ATTENTION PROFESSIONAL plus earphones and 13 tapes, Singers, Whites. Necchis, New 589-8251.0-10-31^1 bedroom rench type house with 351-0736. 41&14 RESPONSIBLE FEMALE $175. Call 489-8325. 5-10-14 Homes and many others connecting garage, fireplace, 54 People: for lease between Holt LOST: TORTOISE Shell cat, $19.95 to $39.95. Terms. OLIVETTI ELECTRIC portable bath and additional bedroom in roommate wants same for and East Lansing. New 3 female, may be wandering. NATIVE FRENCH-Spansh M spacious bedroom BUNK BED set, colonial, very EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING typewriter. Still under warranty. full basement. Lots of mature two bedroom, 3 baths, dining room, good Reward. Call 351-2006, Fluent English. Would u COMPANY, 1115 North Excellent condition, $100. shrubs and small trees. $35,000 apartment. After 5:30 pm carpeted throughout, 2 car condition, $50 . 349-0838. anytime. 5-10-11 Coll 349-3789. X-4-10-11 349-2598. 4-10-11 3-10-10 Washington. 489-6448. 337-2378, evenings. 3-10-9 firm or pey equity of $25,000 garage, family room with C-3-10-10 and take over existing land fireplace. Call 393-0450 or NEEDED, ROOMMATE for 4-girl 675-7319.4-10-11 SANSUI 1000 amplifier. Monarch SONY TC-366 - 4 channel tape LOST: GOLD ladies Jubilee watch. contract. Payment of $75 per GUITAR LESSEONS J Rewardl Call Debbie at experienced teacher, r apartment. Haslett Arms. $79. Electric range, Gretsch drum set. TROMBONE OLDS Ambassador, deck, $300. Call Steve, month with only 6% interest. 489-1624. 3-10-9 353-1013.5-10-14 Phone beginning classical < 337-1169. 5-10-14 NEAR CAMPUS, 2 - bedroom, Bird cage, and puppy carrier. perfect Marching or beginners 349-0158 for 349-1156. 3-10-9 finished basement, unfurnished. 394-0376. 4-10-11 horn. $90 firm. $250 new with appointment. 5-10-14 TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile LOST: SHORT hair black female case. 355-6984. 5-10-14 RAILROAD TIES. $5.50 $7.00. $250/month plus utilities. Call - homes. $25 - $35/week. 10 Like new, pick your own. Call cet, white heirs on chest, tare in OKEMOS • BY OWNER near MSU, evenings, weekends, 332-6279. :e minutes to campus. Quiet and 5-10-15 1973 MODEL Piggyback Custom PETERSON WOOD CHIPS, right ear, reward for return. 3 bedroom brick ranch, family ^ peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or 882-2555. Marsha, 332- 610, 619 North room, fireplace, full basement, Amplifier. 250 worn. 4 12" Delivery extra. 484-5315. 0-10-31 speakers and foot switches. 5-10-11 Hagadorn. 5-10-14 assume 7% mortgage, 351-4122 3 BEDROOMS, 2 miles north of EXPERIENCED IBM MSU, call after 6 pm. 351-7645. 355-7246. 5-10-14 evenings. 5-10-14 Dissertations (pica • eliil ONE BEDROOM LOST: SILVER ladies watch last Apartment. 5-10-15 FAYANN 489-0358. C-10-31 I Unfurnished, deluxe, 10 minutes SCHWINN VARSITY 10-speed, 4 Monday. Please return, gift from 10 SPEEDS fiance. 351-9530.3-10-10 Recreation from campus. Managers office, 5898 Marsh. Apt. 1. 339-9161. MSU NEAR. 3 bedroom, 605 - sales. service. accessories months 3-10-10 old, $65. 351-7588. £) ANN BROWN typing and multilil| Lathrop. Partially furnished. AKC BEAUTIFUL Old English LOST: LONG haired black offset printing Complete serv 5-10-9 •HI VALKS, ONEOt « NT cat, Lease and deposit. $235/month. Sheep Dog Puppy, male, shots, NASSAU OVER Christmos Break, for dissertatio female. Gets into cars, reward. 393-1622. 5-10-15 STEREO COMPONETS and camera housetrained, reasonable, December 14th through manuscripts, general I 351-8930. 2-10-9 HOLT - 2 bedroom, stove, refrigerator, carpeting. $160, deposit and lease. Call 393-0450, PERSON - OWN room, 6 bedroom vdcxipede equipment. Prices negotiable. Call 351-0600 mornings, Charli. 517-838-4451 weekends. 5-10-11 after 6 or LOST, CAT, Large, white, orange December 21st. $249 + $3.00 Bahamian departure tax. Call IBM. 25 349-0850. C-10-31 years enpermtB Evenings, 675-7319.4-10-11 house. 6 miles. $65. 655-2060. 1-10-9 peddler. ~ 6-10-10 GOLDEN LABRADOR Retreh/er, stripes. Male. Part Angora. 337-7125. 3-10-10 ASMSU Travel information. Daily 353-8857, for further COMPLETE THESES FLEA MARKET. Dealer ?ace 4 months. Registered, has 353-0659. After 5, 882-0170. PLEASANT GROVE NEAR Jolly. puppy Discount Printing. IBM T» GRAD STUDENT to share house. available. Tuesday and Saturday, 3-10-10 shots. 332-4640.4-10-11 REWARD for wallet returned and binding of disserta New one and two bedroom. Own 10 am - 6 pm. 1039 West Grand room. Furnished. ELECTROLUX SWEEPER with Appliances, carpet, air intact; lost in Frandor parking publications. Aero $85/month. On bus line. attachments, excellent River (M-43) SKIERS UTAH package - $299. Willimston, LABRADOR RETRIEVER lot; Call Gordon 337-9505 or campus corner M.A conditioning, laundry. Balcony 485-4724. 5-10-15 condition. Cost $140, sell for Michigan. 5-10-10 Christmas and spring. Call your or patio, puppies, AKC, Champion sire 353-6400. 5-10-10 Grond River. Below i ,$139- $18. 393-1510. 3-10-10 East $169. See Assistant Manager, blacks, yellows. 787-6277 Lansing Ski Center - Stationery Shop. 9-5 M NORTH PENNSYLVANIA, 325. (Jackson). 5-10-14 TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. Apartment 2, 3620 Richmond. Large furnished four bedroom Friday. Call COPYGRWlH BOGEN 100 WATT P.A. amplifier. 351-8800. 0-5-10-11 Call 676-1270; 393-6998. home, like duplex. $250. SERVICES, 337-1666 (MOW Used only four months plus CUTE KITTENS, Calico, weaned, 10-10-21 351-7497.0-23-10-31 40x 100" Shure four mike mixer. Call ROLL OF 6 mil box trained, free. 337-0052, HAYRIDES DRAWN by horses. PURPLE VICKI - Fast, accunn HOLT - 2 BEDROOM, appliances, carpeting and drapes, $165 plus FOUR BEDROOM house recently redecorated. MSU 10 minutes. 351-4200 between 8 am and 5 pm. 3-10-11 Visquine-transparent This manufactured. size no Excellent plastic. longer for after 5 pm. 5-10-14 GREAT DANE AKC puppies. J0 Coll for appointment now. Phone 676-5928. 10-10-16 inexpensive typing. Very M campus. 337-7260. C-10-31 utilities. 694-0862. 5-10-14 $300/month. 332-1946. 5-10-10 covering domes or greenhouses. Fawn and brindle, Dor-Le CIDER TIME at CORDA WEST TWO BEDROOM mobile home. SHARE HOUSE in East Lansing, $140 R-HVQ or make offer. 34*3394. Danes, 372-3408. 5-10-14 CIDER MILL. 5817 North Service IRENE ORR Thsses, W*1 Near campus. Newly furnished Okemos Road, East Lansing. papers, generel typing. FormrtM one bedroom left in house. with carpet. $150/month plus $85/month, plus utilities. Call SMITH CORONA typewriter, 12" KONICA-T 35 WELL - SCHOOLED, spirited, Phone 337-7974. Open 7:30 with Ann Brown. 482-7® J electric. Like new. Costs $219. mm. Nine months western a.m. -7 p.m. 20-10-23 EDITING - PROOFREADING. C-10-31 deposit. 694-0088. 5-10-14 after 5 pm. 332-8348. 4-10-11 gelding, 9 years old. Sell, $95. Phone 489-3174. old. 353-2258 days. 484-2158 Dissertotions, theses, research $400. Call 351-7779.3-10-11 CLOSE TO CAMPUS, two LARGE HOUSE for 3-6 persons. 2 3-10-11 evenings. 5-10-9 FREE . . . A lesson In complexion projects, manuscripts. Anne TYPING DONE by expend] bedroom furnished apartment. Call Couloy, 337-1681. 3-10-9 typist, reasonable rates Calll' blocks from care. 484-4519 East campus. STANDARD BIKES (1 speed). 1 355-4926. 5-10 14 Evergreen Street. $250/month. J. 3-10-10 $400/month plus 3930445. 4-10-11 utilities. girl's, 1 boy's. $10 each. 1805 Gay Lane. 1-1M U.S. DIVERS Aluminum tank, 72 cubic feet, J reserve. 484-8961, after 8 pm Da|e Atkins. 5-1M Mobile Homes j » Michigan Mall. or MERLE 485-7197 Lansing NORMAN WILL DO alterations, sew reasonable. Call after gowns, five, TYPING TERM Papers and the COSMETIC STUDIO. C-3-10-10 484-8003. 3-10-9 1969 PARK WOOD, 12x60, 2 Experienced, fast service I FURNISHED, UTILITIES paid, EAST SIDE. 413 South Clemens, 3 DISHWASHER RCA Whirlpool. bedroom, shed, 10 minutes electric. Call 349-1904.18-lM'l newly carpeted, excellent FRENCH TUTORING and bedroom, partly furnished. Top loading, portable. $75. MSU. 675-7432 or 485-1175. GULLIVER STATE DRUGS is location, 1 bedroom, 349-4907. $254/month. translating. Paris University Deposit. Phone 625-3022, after 4 pm. 5-10-9 located 1 block east of Abbot 5-10-14 graduate. Cell THESES, RESUMES, typing «>■ 882-7760. 5-10-14 3-10-11 Hall. We would like to be your Brigette, MARTIN 0-18. 12 years old. SKYLINE 8x42, 1 bedroom, 332-3141.3-10-9 printing. Reasonable pricel I NORTH HAGADORN, pharmacy away from home. COMMERCIAL PRINTING,! TWO BLOCKS, large room, Excellent tone, new hard case. separate study area. Excellent Employed-non-smoker over 21 woman, $220, Collingwood, GUNS, RIFLES and handguns of all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. $365. See ct leave message at condition in quiet park, partially Blue Cross and Medicare HIGHLAND HILLS - Christmas 3514116. C-10-31 to share prescriptions welcome. 1105 Parties & wedding receptions. partially furnished 351-2609. $75/month. 5-10-14 236 North Harrison, 5-A, after 5 furnished. Walk to MSU. BEST year round prices in East Grand River, 332-5171. Reserve your date now deluxe 2 bedroom apartment. pm. 3-10-9 337-9446. 5-10-9 TYPING 50c per page, large WW Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN 0-10-10-9 669-9873. 20-10-23 $100/month plus share utilities. portable. 371-4635. C 1031 ■ RESPONSIBLE GOOD PERSON, SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. Call 351-7975 after 6:30 pm. 3-10-10 prefer Grad student or teacher 371-2244. 0-1-10-9 for 2 bedroom duplex. SAVE 393-0603. X-3-10-9 CLOSE OUT of Stereo speakers, ROOM RENTI Buy my 8x28' trailer. Near MSU. reduced prices. 482-4156. SERVICE?? Excellent for students. $1175. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE neat 5-10-14 337-0003. 7-10-16 Sparrow Hospital. Unfurnished, $165/month plus utilities. 10,000 LIBRARY books. 5,000 old SUBLET BURCHAM Woods, $194 339-8557 after 5 pm. 5-10-10 books, 3,000 little children's plus deposit. Good location. books-IOc and up. Call Phone 337-1187. 3-10-9 JERRY'S FLEA MARGET, (looms j0 THAT'S 669-9311. Opon Saturday, PRESPECT- SMALL two unit. Sunday 10-5.4-10-11 Utilities, dishes, bedding. Four men. Upper, $15. Lower, $22. CLEAN AND quiet, 2 blocks from TWO SPEAKERS, electrophonic 3 371-1270.5-10-10 campus, parking, $19 week, 538 way, $60. Call after 5 pm, Grove, 351-0581. 3-10-9 351-3143. 4-10-11 L_ Horn jjjjg OWN ROOM unfurnished house, $90. near campus, TRUCK LOAD snow blower sale. Just a few in stock, single and 324 CLEMENS-Home ideal for 3-4 337-7809. Call Dave. 2-10-10 multi stage. 5 hp in crate, students or two couples. Newly $169.95. Phone 339-9522. painted and carpeted. $60 per PENNSYLVANIA SOUTH. Near 7-10-16 student. Available now. Call Michigan. Quiet for student. 484-7403, Butterfield Realty, Near bus line. $65/month plus BICYCLE GIRL'S 26" 3 speed Live at CAMPUS HILL and leave the Realtor. 7-10-11 deposit. 627-5454. 5-10-11 Huffy, almost new, $45. 349-2346. 3-10- 0 EAST SIDE-Lansing, large house, 5 ROOMS - COMPLETELY furnished home. Washer, dryer, color TV. driving to us . . . Two Bedroom bedrooms, 9 month lease, HUFFY OLYMPIA ten spped $225/month, deposit, furnished. 351-5323. 10-10-16 Five acres. 20 minutoo from campus. Phone before 5:30 pm, bicycle, ridden once. 365-5189 Apartments available for Fall before 5 p.m. 3-10-9 484-5861. 3-10-9 3 BEDROOM apartment In houai, $210 including utilities. 312 TWO ROOMS garage, - Laundry, two car 2% acres. North End FENDER TWIN REVERB. Sony Call: 349 - 3530 South Hayford. 332-2419. Color TV. Phone efter 4:30, 10-10-21 Lansing. Prefer females. $80. 393-6867.5-10-15 485-8922. 5-10-9 for information & roommate management BY: EAST SIDE, largo 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, unfurnished. $200. OWN ROOM in furnished west. Coll Don. 2-mon, 485-1002. WALNUT old, DESK, 60"x30", 2 yens $160. 2 drawer fllltg ALLSTATE MANAGEMENT CO., INC. service. 676-1557. 6-10-11 3-10-10 sebliwt. 351-1618. 6-10-10 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 91« MSU This Upper Peninsual Medical plan "We had no strict stipulation directs UP the same as any other medical , The program was ori«i By PEGGY GOSSETT students at MSU. They are by Dr. Donald wJ. Education Program is situated that the 10 students must stay State News Staff Writer professor «,f psychi,trv*2 in the UP after graduation, but given no special financial aid or If you were to break your in the UP city of Escanaba, and human medicine, they were selected on that assistance, though some have inhisi^ will train medical students who leg in one of the small towns of the intend to establish a practice in basis," Conklin said. Nine of aid through regular channels on western states that medical schools hi? Upper Peninsula (UP) it the students selected came like anyone else," said Linda and the UP after graduation. , might take a four - hour trip to from the UP and one from the Terry, assistant instructor at import doctors fron) ^ reach the nearest doctor's The first - year medical states. MSU then office. students will begin training northern part of the lower the College Medicine. of Human concept of importing ra«4 appijjj The UP and other rural areas next January in classrooms, peninsula. students into the UP of Michigan are suffering from physician offices, hospitals and Selection was also based on not She said the students prefer to have their names with the toL an acute shortage of doctors. ambulatory care facilities in academic excellence and the intention J released until January when establishing practice theft. For example, Keweenaw the UP, to familiarize them ability to learn in a less with the areas where their structured educational they move their studies to the County does not have one UP so they will not be given Dr. physician to serve its 2,166 future practices will be environment, as the students Ronald director of the Rich|J any special attention while residents. Currently, only 13 established. The cities of will rely on self - instruction Medical Education, 0ffi«X with limited faculty to oversee they are on campus this fall. per cent of Michigan's doctors Crystal Falls, Iron Mountain, and Development at are practicing in the 64 rural Marquette and Manistique will their learning, he said. They will graduate from MSU with the same medical degrees head the program, MSU^ also be involved in the three The exact number of counties, with most of them - as any other student, though receives more than $5( situated in towns and resort year program. professors for the program has several universities and colleges dollars from the areas. "A total of 75 medical not yet been determined. state wl students were interviewed for The 10 students are on in the UP are involved in the $224,000 from the fe^l MSU's College of Human the 10 positions in the campus this term and will program. government for funding. Medicine initiated a program this fall which hopefully will program," said Dr. James transfer their studies up north direct Conklin, associate dean of at the beginning of winter a physician to Keweenaw County and to admissions and student affairs term. other needy areas of the state. of the college. "The students are treated Free Family Portrait... just one more good reason to join vour credit union now. It's where you belong! What's unique about Credit Union Family Town & Country? COLOR PORTRAIT We're obsessed with duality and fashion! IN CELEBRA TION OF INTERNA TIONAL CREDIT UNION MONTH Great fitting, great looking, styles & fabrics Your Member Services/Membership Committee has made special arrange¬ ments with Krums Photographic of Battle Creek to create a FREE 8x10" full just for you color portrait of you and your family. A special studio will be set up in the credit union Community Room from Oct. 14 to 27, noon to 8 p.m. weekdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat. and Sun. For your convenience, appointments will be taken by phone beginning Mon., Oct. 7. Simply phone 353-2280 to arrange yours. An appointment to view your proofs will be arranged at the time your portrait is taken. Finished portraits will be ready for delivery at the credit union in time for the holidays. (Mail delivery will be subject to C.O.D. charges.) Limit: one free portrait per credit union family. Additional portraits will be available at special reduced rates, but you are under no obligation to make any purchase. To make your appointment: simply dial 353-2280, ask for "portrait appointment desk," and have your "The clothes you need for the life you lead." credit union account number handy. T$0$ -(>&&• $ M 5 E. Grand River next to the Campus H |r <»4Jl--95oo MSU EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION COmPUTER OPEN THUB * F« Tit 9:00 PM 600 E. Crescent • 9 to 5: JO Mon. thru Fri. • Phone 353-2200 BIRMINGHAM NORTHLAND DETROIT EAST LANSING SHORTCOURSES GROSSE POINTS DEARBORN GRAND RAPIDS PONTIAC MALL ANN ARBOR The Computer Laboratory will present a one • day I Introductory Workshop and a series of non ■ credit I shortcourses during Fall Term 1974. There is a $15 I registration fee for the Workshop and a $1 fee for each of I the shortcourses. Registration for the Workshop must be I made by October 9 at the User Information Center, 309 I CC. Registration for the shortcourses closes October 11. For additional information call 353-1800. | WORKSHOP Ttils full - day workshop Is Intended for novice computer users with I little or no previous computing experience. It will Include an I Introduction to the MSU Interactive computing facility and WW I Introductions to BASIC, API_ and SPSS. (Oct. 12, 9 am - 5 pm) ' SHORTCOURSES P1L°TTINQ " use of the Calcomp display terminal. (Oct. 20, 30, Nov. 1; 3 pen plotter and the Tektronl* | - 4 pm) ' Advanced EDITOR • use of advanced features of the Inte,...■■• . text editing system and new features of the permanent file v""10" | of EDITOR. (Oct. 29. 31, 3 - 5 nml BASIC • an easy - to - learn suited to Interactive use. programming language especially I (Oct. 17j 7 - JO pm) COBOL •. the standard programming language of tM ! processing Industry. (Oct. IB. 25. Nov. 1. 8. 15. 29-1 • 9*30 °m scientists fr,«°rCl^8' lnt®ractlve" scientists and engineers. oriented language used (Oct. 21. ?a. Nov. 4*7-9 om) prima"" BEFORE YOU GET IN 100 DEEP Check out a FREE mini lesson from Sw" '-iss?* sss/ss | SPSS • Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. (Oct. I EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS 1*13 ■ 4:30 om) learn to improve your .n.?J,?,Tc'or?.uf?SU STAT "lth Programs for dlstrlWtW reading skills, speed, your studies tool (Ort* 21, tJ. JJ' j?'s'omif*'' °' v*,linc#1 *nd lM,t squares anaDf* j check it out this week before you're in books - over your head EVELYN WOOD Social Science statistical package of the Computer Research. (Oct. 29. 31; 7 - 9 pm) Institute « FREE MINI - LESSONS AT UNIVERSITY INN M READING DYNAMICS addccnn added th.'ricenJin,P*r*,T1"®r'c to the CISSR2 Statistical System that has t* System. (Nov. 5, 7,3 - 5 pm) CALL COLLECT T0NITE, THIIRS, FRI 7:30 p.m. 1100 TROWBRIDGE RD. LLi (313) 353-5111 foMmuuf.n,'.' *.P,,08ram designed to relieve the drudgery of grading ■ pm) r9" and m#dlum enrollment courses. (Oct. 22;3 |