-.it Lansing, Michigan 48824 ritons go to polls today; ibor party given edge old minority government to be a clear Labor politicians from relaxing into kkomwikk services favorite this time around. euphoria. k[)0\ Britons go to the polls Conservative party politicians, led by There is the memory of 1970 when the J in a crucial national election in 1 all major pollsters are predicting a Heath, who was ousted as prime minister Conservatives upset the Labor party, in February, privately expressed worry I victory' but saying that late shifts by which had enjoyed a big lead in the polls. about their chances but cautioned that the A low turnout could hurt Labor if its ■ided voters and apathy could result polls had been wrong before. For the supporters feel overly confident. And the tot Prime Minister Harold Wilson record, Heath said that he was confident of victory. large bloc of undecided voters represents a major unknown. | his campaign Wednesday night with "If we're wrong this time, we'll start l|l for calm, while Conservative Moreover, the Liberal party, which ■nger Mward Heath predicted a packing," said one pollster Wednesday. captured 20 per cent of the vote in the "There will be no way to explain it to House of Commons in February, is \ victory would bring catastrophe. ■isUrs. whose iast two national anyone." maintaining its strength in the polls. Its There remains a number of success seven months ago, coupled with ■on predictions were wrong, said their ErS showed Wilson's seven - month - imponderables, however, that discourage that of nationalists in Scotland and Wales, left the balance of power in the 635 - seat House of Commons in the hands of the smaller parties and deprived the Tories and )ord rejects Labor of an overall majority. on Wilson, who ousted Heath in February a minority vote, called for the new elections, hoping that voters would return Delores Wharton tells a small group of Jewish students late Tuesday night that she and President Wharton do not want squod a majority Labor government, giving him drug the freedom to act without having to count on backing from any opposition members. to discuss the invited plight of Soviet Jews with them at such a late hour. the group inside. However, President Wharton soon overruled his wife and When Parliament was dissolved last month Labor held 298 places, p.500 may not seem v. but to a _,iv Commissioners, the figure alloted ■he funding of the Tri-County metro like a lot of minority of Ingham Conservatives 296, Liberals 15, Scottish nationalists 7 and Ulster Unionists 10. Labor needed a shift of at least 1.2 per cent from the Tories to reach the Jewish students' appeal Id was a high price to pay for a unit necessary 318 seats in Commons needed ■ labeled as innefective. turned down for a majority. The Tories need a 1.4 per I move to eliminate the metro cent swing to achieve the same result. Ipnation was made at the Tuesday Heath's talk of looming "national T meeting of the Ingham County catastrophe" if Britons elect a "full - jd of Commissioners, but failed for blooded socialist government" came in an Jecond time in two years. impassioned speech to a rally in Kent. object in terms of signing my name to a out his front door. His wife Delores, had Lines Hevser, D East Lansing, who He accused Laborites of "total letter. Anybody can do that, but a person just returned from four days in London, I the motion, distributed copies of madness," saying: "Are they blind? Are in authority can do other things to be where she participated in a British • [paper accounts of metro squad busts they deaf? These are men trapped by their President Wharton grudgingly got out meaningful." American conference on the possible lampus last spring at the meeting. tribal traditions." of bed and invited 20 Jewish students into The 20 students, led by Rabbi William world society of 1985. Vr said the articles showed examples Wilson countered with the charge that his campus home late Tuesday night, but Rudolph, arrived at Cowles House shortly When the students arrived, Wharton L squad's arbitrary drug bust policy. Heath was trying to provoke public panic. the small group left frustrated after after 10 p.m. to ask Wharton for support furst asked them to leave. Mrs. Wharton Wharton made several sharp comments soon walked out onto the porch to explain Jie metro squad was set up to stop "He has abandoned any hope of winning and gave only verbal support to the cause in their efforts to publicize the struggle of on policy," Wilson claimed. He said things the two million Soviet Jews who are that she and Wharton were quite tired. I drug traffic, a job Heyser said it of the Soviet Jews. "I don't spit at what you're doing," she working toward - arbitrarily, and are better than last February when under prevented from emigrating to the Mideast the Tories the nation was working a three - "I don't feel any shame or lack of said. "I don't spit at you at all. I'm no citizen monitoring. by the Russian government. I compromise Heyser had earlier day week; commitment," Wharton, wearing blue Wharton told the students, who interested in your concerns, but I hope pajamas and a robe, testily told the group moments earlier were holding candles and you understand our circumstances, too." HEYSER See related story page 12. after they entered his living room. "I She added that the life of a university (continued on page 15) singing on his porch when he first asked them to leave, that his father had been president's family is hectic. commended by Israel for his efforts to Then Wharton reappeared at the door and told her to invite the group inside. help Jews emigrate to their homeland. Ford claims U.S. not in recession "Do you know about my father, about After the brief initial debate, the how many Jews he saved while he was conversation turned to discussion of ambassador to Rumania?" Wharton asked. Israel's increasingly serious problems, "I'm not taking credit for that — it's a which the Whartons and the Jewish group 1-KOM WIRE SERVICES some meaningful reduction in the rate of "I don't think we have to put a tax on Two questions were asked that related demonstration of his commitment. I'd say agreed were more pressing than the Soviet gasoline users to achieve our objective," he to former President Richard Nixon. he did it in a way that was meaningful." emigration dispute. inflation." WASHINGTON - President Ford To one, Ford declined to discuss further Wharton's father, Clifton Wharton Sr., In fact, Wharton even injected a little said. "And if we can do it (conserve k sun drenched Rose Garden news In the past, Ford has talked about the United States ambassador to tension - easing levity into the discussion energy) by voluntary action, I think it is the unconditional pardon he granted his was Brcnee Wednesday that he hopes for conquering rising prices by mid - 1976, Communist Rumania from 1958 • 62. as he continually teased a young child who but Alan Greenspan, chairman of his far preferable and more in the tradition of predecessor until he testifies on the matter ■e meaningful reduction in the rate of the American system." before a House judiciary subcommittee, Rabbi Rudolph pointed out that was sitting on the floor with his mother. Council of Economic Advisers, has said it "Hie freshmen here are getting younger ■ion" by early next year and that he Ford did express dissatisfaction with which is scheduled Oct. 17. University of Michigan President Robben I not believe the might take until 1977. To the other. Ford defended his Fleming occasionally signs petitions in all the time," he quipped. country is suffering Nevertheless, Ford said that if Congress the pace of Project Independence but la recession. recommendation that Nixon be provided support of various causes and asked Wharton explained after the group left grants his request for a one - year, 5 per sought to place part of the blame on the I the first outdoor question - and • Democrat controlled Congress, saying: with $850,000 for a transition period, Wharton, who regularly cites the that by "meaningful action" he meant cent surcharge on income taxes for - effort "with consequence, with an t session with reporters since the "There have been a number of despite congressional opposition. "neutrality" of his office in declining to some i Johnson Administration, Ford corporations and middle and upper officially support specific political efforts, effective impact." He said that he was not ■declared that: income Americans, such measures would legislative proposals before the Congress "The amount that was submitted on to make a similar expression of support. in a position, as his father had once been, not have to be extended beyond 1975. that would increase domestic supplies. this occasion," Ford said, "was roughly 1 Despite his wife's recent "Don't give me that stuff about what to make that kind of effort. cancer Asked to explain why he rejected Unfortunately, in too many cases the comparable to the amounts that have been ■rv, he has seen nothing to change Fleming does or what they do at other But though the group politely thanked his Congress has not responded, so the ■ation to run for election in 1976. proposals for a higher gasoline tax or fuel made available to other presidents who universities," Wharton shot back. "I'm not the Whartons for their time and interest, rationing, the President said he decided Congress has to share some of the blame were leaving office." the late - night visitors left dissatisfied. T'lf there is a reason" for him to meet with the executive branch." going to be involved in just a lot of 1 that a surtax would be more equitable. rhetoric or hoopla. I told you that before, "In general. President Wharton has Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev but obviously this is an exercise you want been reluctant to take a stand on this F>; a planned 1975 Washington pit, "1 will certainly consider it." to engage in." matter," Rabbi Rudolph said. "It's been Hie 20 - minute gathering in the hard to see him even to discuss it, while J House officials say that a November others in his position are willing to make a ling somewhere in the Pacific is under Wharton home, which quickly became ■deration. more relaxed, followed holiday services at statement." ■He continues to the Hillel Foundation and a candlelight The display of solidarity is held oppose forced busing Thieve racial balance in schools, but march down Grand River Avenue as part annually on the Simchat Torah. a Jewish "ks it is of "maximum of a nationwide evening expression of holiday which for the last several years has importance that ■citizens of Boston respect the law" solidarity with Soviet Jews. been an occasion for Soviet Jews to gather ■that it will not be necessary to send "We were dead to the world when they and remind the Russian government of their desire to emigrate to Israel. ■al troops there to deal with racial got here," Wharton said as the group filed •'bailees. ■He still hopes to find a constitutional 1 to provide federal aid to private and •chial schools though the courts have |M I had upon the tax credit idea that he 'WIN' inflation button favored. I He will meet Mexican President Luis ■verria l'nat country |A on the border between Arizona on Oct. 21, and $50,000 gift by Vice President Ignate Nelson A. Rockefeller to rallies public appeal Henry WASHINGTON (AP) - With President White House aides responded to the I Kissinger before he joined the Ford exhorting Americans to adorn their emergency by tracking down Miller and Tnment was free of retrieving the emblem Ford had given him. impropriety and lapels with the red badge of his economic I he secretary of state deserves crusade, it is now a question of button, Percy wore it on TV. Then the White pver good ana appropriate things I button, who's got the button? House had to fetch the much • traveled Wy about him." button back from Percy so it will be The White House began getting available for others. lnrtfW'" I «me in less than rt tum to Michigan for month the telephone requests for the emblem even Russell Freeburg. White House one today before Ford finished his economic address Paign for the re - election of Gov. coordinator of the effort to mobilize to Congress Tuesday. On that occasion he >e wore one proudly, declaring that its simple popular support for conserving energy and president last appeared in Detroit fighting inflation, said Wednesday Ford injunction "WIN" - meaning Whip 1-Oliver the opening address of Inflation Now — will be the rallying cry has authorized the purchase of 100,000 buttons that will be sent to people who IS iclded r !?rld Knergy Conference, questions with for citizen participation. write the President pledging support for ease during There was - and remains a problem. '■ s„half • hour session, making a Ford's button is the only one in the citizens program. ■f„ e fro"1 thc customary news existence. It is a handpainted prototype. Freeburg said that if more than 100,000 rt nc'' format by encouraging Moreover, the President gave away his people write in, which seems quite _ lJoask followup questions. button as he left the congressional possible, the White House will be hard Irnonr" P"on, lord t?g J° the first but is a very mixed House Tuesday seeking a similar button help out," he said, emphasizing that Ford's "all - out nationwide volunteer was Sen. Charles Percy, R - 111., who I C°cnnnSS-an(1 the PeoPle respond to ^ k„ih. un a WIN enlistment form which asks citizens to sign up as inflation fighters during his news conference in wanted to wear one during a Wednesday mobilization," as the President described T program he unveiled „ „ . c morning appearance on NBC's Today it, is operating more or less on a I sdav can hi ? ' he is convinced that « WIN .und..» Whip Inflation No». Th. tan, «h. Chi* Extcut hold,*, i. ,„™k. show. But there was no button. shoestring. [ avc' hopefully early in 1975, by John Oiborne of Washington. D. C. * Thursday, ()dober, 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mills linked to bizarre "intoxicated." incident fie said the I reasiii\ 5 told conference. Arthur said of the the car. „ j WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. a news one officers based that on the smell Simon tectified Arthur told the news on |\ J Park Police said Wednesday Mills, chairman of the tax - persons involved was a 38 - Kurd's tu they had no doubt that Rep. writing Ways and Means year ■ old woman who jumped conference one of them of his breath. Mills has not been seen in Ulman, D Or. propoal, JM JS Wilbur D. Mills, D - Ark., his into the tidal basin at the foot identified himself as Mills. "I Committee, could not be Mills' absent >jl face scratched and bleeding reached for comment about of the memorial and was think the officers would public since then. and breath smelling of alcohol, the Monday morning episode. rescued by police. recognize Congressman Arthur said. Mills," to Goss said, "I've only talked Congressman Mills by car Wtee said that stopped, \ ,uj" was one of the people involved His administrative assistant, The incident occurred at 2 Income tax surcharge weighed in a bizarre late • night incident Oscar Gene Goss, said early a.m. when police stopped a late The asst. chief said he was phone, the last time this Battlstella of Arlington, Va„ Jllmpe71 at the foot of the Jefferson model Lincoln Continental not certain what sort of morning. I can only go by what Wednesday that "Mr. Mills told he tells me." crying and shouting so, An inflation - fighting income tax surcharge may Memorial. me he was not in the car." described as traveling at "an identification the man offered have to be levied for at least two years instead of just police. Mills was not at his office or partly in KnjjlM, p J "We can assume it was later, however, Goss said "I unreasonable speed with its the Mills," Franklin A. what the Park lights off." Arthur said the police at a Ways and Means Spanish. She i;n '1 single year proposed by President Ford, the acting Arthur, cannot refute Committee hearing at which ground, but head of the House Ways and Means Committee said asst. chief of the park police, Pblice say." Five people spilled out of report described Mills as as policy questioning Wednesday. occupants, she got up ^'1 "We're not going to come out of this economic crisis bridge and lumped into* tidal basin, which rang,! and we'd better recognize it - in one year. It is going Spartan Oil - in depth from three to ixf^l to take longer than that," Rep. A1 Ullman, D - Ore., told reporters. Ullman presided in place of Chairman Wilbur D. make 5 to 10 cents a gallon. But Spartan ec Oil does not get Arthur said the "obviously in toxica ltd; She gave her Mills, D - Ark., as the panel opened consideration of the By JEFFMERRELL Ingham County - based think we 3000 South Kads I distributor if recent trends gallon," Maguire said, "but Maguire admitted, however, all of its gas from the Bay Arlington, the site proposals advanced by Ford Tuesday. The panel first State News Staff Writer that Spartan had earned more of th( J heard Treasury Secretary William Simon present the There seems to be some continue. prices and margins have refinery. Durins August, one apartment complex whert3 As an independent "jobber," changed every month." earlier in the year, but would fourth of the gas that Spartan and his wife also administration's case for the new taxes. argument between Spartan Oil i For the month of August, not release specific figures. bought was from other and its dealers as to just who is or middleman, Maguire's Mills, who has the 26 service stations that are Some dealers contend that the refineries. Current figures were two chik the more undernourished. company is being squeezed out is facing an unexpecti Ford signs defense measure Bruce Maguire Jr., president one end by Bay Refinery, its a part of Spartan Oil earned a company may have been not released, but Maguire said challenge this year of Spartan Oil Corp. says there supplier, and dealers at the total of $338, Maguire said. earning as much as $50,000 a that the company was still month. campaign for re election|S President Ford signed the $82 billion defense is a real "possibility of going other. That figures out to a gross buying from other sources. 19th term in the Houw out of business" for the "Most people probably profit margin of .009 cents per Maguire also responded to To determine the cost of gas appropriation act Wednesday but said it has "a major dealer complaints that they to Spartan, Maguire takes the Arthur said Mills had U drawback" in that military aid to South Vietnam is less cannot make enough money to seated in the front seat oil present cost of 33 cents per car with Battlstella and than he wanted. run their businesses with the gallon from Bay and adds 13 Alln Bay station dealer seeks G. Gapacini, 39, of The $700 million funding for South Vietnam is prices that the company cents in federal and state taxes, Arlmj who was driving. charges for gas. one cent for freight and about inadequate to provide for all of her critical needs if He said that prices are high Arthur said there J 1.7 cents for sales tax, which enemies "continue to press their attacks," Ford said. "It because Spartan Oil gets most evident there had been ■ adds up to 48.7 cents. may, therefore, be necessary to approach the Congress cheaper supplier of of its gas from Bay Refinery, a Maguire would not say altercation in the i early next year to work out some critical solutions to meet critical needs which arise." gas part of Dow Chemical Co. Bay only processes Canadian crude oil, which is the highest priced exactly how much he is charging dealers for gas, and bore Arkansas lice DOT in ■ 003 and wa> Mills' many dealers do not know nan on the market, and pays about Either. Spartan Oil does not congressman ha Weinberger blocks drug OK By JEFFMERRELL State News Staff Writer Jim Smit, general manager of Spartan Oil, said the reason There is a 30 - termination clause in his lease day twice as much per barrel as put its prices in writing, and scratches and a bloody no Hie war rages on. that Smith believes Spartan Oil major oil companies. they change every day. the official said Caspar W. Weinberger, Secretary of Health, they dropped the policy was On Sept. 30, Mike Smith because "we had a reduction in would initiate if he bought his "Spartan Oil Corporation Education and Welfare, blocked imminent approval cannot have a competitive dropped the price of gas at his price from our supplier." gas on the open market. Wednesday of a controversial long - acting contraceptive East Lansing Bay service Smit also said "there is Initiating the clause would price," Jim Smit, general school terms, Mondays, Wednesday, and Ini., because of lingering suspicions that it may cause cervical station to 49.9 cents per gallon be illegal, said Smith, because manager of the company, said. Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition nothing in his lease that says he in September. Subscription rate is $30 per year , and breat cancer in women. to protest a new policy of cannot buy from the open of a "tie - in requirement" of Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mm The secretary said Food and Drug Administration Spartan Oil Corp., his supplier. market," referring to Smith's having to buy gas from Spartan and business offices at 345 Student Services Hm : Now Oil if operating on their land. State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 488?'). Smith is looking decision to look elsewhere for (FDA) Commissioner Alexander M. Schmidt had agreed elsewhere for his gasoline. gas. Smit said that Spartan Oil Another Area Bay dealer, GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER to stay formal federal approval of the drug, scheduled ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER "They're obligated to would not take Smith to court Lawrence Gottsc.halk, PHONES for Saturday, and to hold a public hearing before the supply me, but I won't buy if he did drop them as his displayed a sign Monday "in News/Editorial FDA's Obstetric and Gynecology Advisory Committee. from them except when I want supplier. support of Mike Smith's Classified Ads Display Advertising A single injection of the drug provides birth control to," he said. "I can't run 49.9 "I find that hard to efforts" that read "Spartan Oil Business Office at the price Spartan Oil gives is starving out its dealers." Photographic protection for three months. believe," commented Smith. me." The policy that origihally Last draftees face discharge drew Smith's ire dealt with the prices Spartan Oil wanted him The Army announced Wednesday it will discharge its to charge for his gas. The last 2,500 draftees before Thanksgiving. company, by charging Smith more for his gas for every Some draftees could have remained in uniform until penny he raised his retail price as late as next June 30, above what they wanted, The Army said the action is possible because of what eventually forced him into it called its "success in recruiting a volunteer force." setting his prices at the Authority to draft men into the armed forces died on company's level. The policy was illegal, June 30, 1973. Smith said, so he protested. He speculated that there must House unit kills Cuba aid bill have been a "big meeting" at Spartan Oil after his protest The House Affairs Committee rejected 22 to 4 an and before the decision to discontinue the policy. amendment to lift legislative barriers to a normalization of relations with Cuba. The chief provisions of the amendment, introduced by Rep. Michael Harrington, D - Mass., would have ended prohibitions on aid to and trade with Cuba. U.S. citizens are forbidden from trading with Cuba both by federal statute and collective agreement with other members of the Organization of American States. Jaworski cites selection bias Special Watergate Prosecutor Leon Jaworski indicated Wednesday that many of the 144 potential JACOBSON'S BABY WEEK SALE jurors in the Watergate coverup case believe former President Richard M. Nixon's pardon makes it unfair to Save now on baby's wardrobe needs.. .Thursday, October 10 through Saturday, October 19 prosecute the five defendants in the trial. Jaworski asked District Judge John J. Sirica to revise current jury selection procedures, which the prosecutor Print cotton flannel receiving blankets, »36"x36" 3.20 Print cotton crib sheets.... . . 2.90 said are now weighted to the advantage of the Solid cotton flannel reqeiving blankets, 36"x36" 2.00 Print cotton bassinet sheets, 26"x32" 1.5b defendants. . . Sirica is now in the seventh day of winnowing down Crib blanket of acrylic, 35"x50" 199 Hooded cotton terry towels, 30"x40" 280 the pool to 12 jurors and six alternates. Convertible cotton print quilt/bunting 7 20 Cotton terry wash cloth', 10"x10" Patchwork print quilt, 36"x50" 4.40 Baby pillow, acetate filled, 12"x 16" Senate sends Ford cutoff bill 1 49 Print/plaid cotton comforter, 36"x48" 6.90 Cotton blend dresses, 9-18 mos. . 3.90 Defying a veto threat, the Senate passed Wednesday a Flame-retardant blanket sleeping bag, birth-18 mos. 4.29 Acrylic knit sweaters, boys and girls. 12 24 . mos. 3.90 money bill suspending military aid to Turkey. Flame-retardant blanket sleeper; S,M,L,XL 4.99 Long sleeve polyester/cotton knit turtlenecks. M,L,XL The 62-16 vote cleared the "continuing resolution" . . . . 2.20 for President Ford's desk. Bunting jacket/attached hood and mitts, size 4.99 one . . Corduroy snap-crotch jumperalls; M,L,XL 4 20 The President Tuesday called the Turkey aid cutoff Flame-retardant sacque sets, one size 2.80 Corduroy snap-crotch overalls, V-2 24 reckless and misguided and said it would reduce U.S. mos. 120 influence in seeking settlement of the Greek - Turkish Now you can order it! Acrylic knit shawls 3.90 Print and solid knit coveralls, 9-24 mos 4.90 dispute in Cyprus. better than Flame-retardant nightgowns, layette size Z20 Language in the continuing resolution, adopted a gold Toddler dresses, 2-4 4.90 Monday by the House, cuts off funds for further college ring at a Flame-retardant kimonos, layette size 2.00 Toddler sweaters, boys and girls, 2 4 390 military aid to Turkey until the President certifies that lower than gold White cotton snap-side shirts, 6-18 mos 1 90 Long sleeve polyester/cotton knit turtlenecks, 2-4 Z20 Turkey is in compliance with U.S. foreign aid laws and that "substantial progress toward agreement has been price! Pastel cotton snap-side shirts, 6-18 mos 2.00 Cotton corduroy jumperalls, 2 4 4 20 With the John Roberts made regarding military forces in Cyprus." White cotton pullover shirts with tabs, 12-36 mos. . 1.70 Solid and print overalls, boys and SILADIUM Jewelry you can girls, 2-4 3.40 enjoy a "better than gold" Pastel cotton pullover shirts with tabs, 12 36 1.90 mos. . . Corduroy and knit slacks, 2-4 Supreme Court sets hearing ring at a "lower than gold" price. And it's guaranteed White 2-way stretch cotton training pants, 2-4 . 2.10 Corduroy and knit overalls 2 4 140 The Supreme Court agreed Wednesday to hear for life! Cotton solid color crib sheets 2.80 Find out more about the arguments on the constitutionality of the Regional Rail NEW Siladium Jewelry. See Reorganization Act passed last year by Congress. the John Roberts ring The court set a hearing for Oct. 26 on an appeal from display NOW! a decision panel of three federal judges in Philadelphia striking down key portions of the act. The June 25 ruling was appealed by the government and the U.S. Railway Assn., a public, nonprofit corporation set up under the act to map the future of a number of bankrupt railroads. Jacobson's The act is challenged by creditors of the Penn Central Transportation Co., who say continued operation of the railroad under the legislation is draining the money which they have coming. lealth center lacks specialists for women Human Medicine, and their services the center. By LARRY MORGAN not free. are But should other Feurig said that between the birth medicine or surgery they choose," the Holzman said abortions are handled on State News Staff Writer problems occur such control program and the regular spokesman said. a single patient basis. A consultation and evaluation 0U are one of MSU's 19.620 women as ovary cysts, abnormalities of the cervix gynecological problems, there is enough Both Feurig and the practice board Jits and have a recurring pelvic appointment with a gynecologist can cost or uterus, cnronic recurrences of pelvic work for two fulltime gynecologists. spokesman said doctors often take "There is no absolute criteria involved. Eon take out your checkbooks. anywhere from $20 to $40. infections or abortions, the woman will be "But there is no money appropriated in additional courses in their The decision is made between the patient particular However, five health center physicians referred to a gynecological specialist from and the doctor," he said. e care at the University Health who have a special interest in the College of Human Medicine. the budget for one, and putting a interest area. |r is not available for women with gynecology gynecologist on the budget would entail do take care of pelvic examinations and A pelvic examination is "A special interest means the doctor Feurig said the health center is |] health problems such as a recurring other problems free of charge. a woman can receive required before putting all other specialists on too," does a lot of detailed reading and attends experiencing its annual fall rush of women contraceptives. The Feurig explained. Kr"are no gynecology specialists on A birth woman control can also get counseling on and examination also checks for infections and Future plans do not provide any seminars and clinics," Feurig said. The free examination is one thing that having checkup examinations to obtain contraceptives. Staff and problems like this are other normal cancer. specialists for the health center either, as draws many women to the health center, d to specialists in MSU's College of gynecological matters without charge at "It's a crime the University doesn't have several full time gynecologists, since about specialists will be housed in the new one woman said, and added that the The health center, open every Monday Clinical Sciences Building and will through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to noon half of the student body are females and quality of the service varies with each there are also many students with wives," continue to charge fees for their services, doctor. for gynecological appointments, usually Mary Kay Scullion, Council of Graduate Feurig said. handles approximately 30 to 35 women a Students (COGS) representative to the The primary care provided by the Though there is a fee for the College day. health center is general practice across the of Human Medicine gynecologists, Dr. Women's Advisory Council, said. Gerald Holzman, one of the gynecologists, "Now have double that number with "This is one more illustration of how board, and anything outside the realm of we said this should not discourage a woman sexist this University is. This is normal this has to be referred to a specialist who a waiting period of a few days," Feurig from seeking their care. health care which should be provided charges a fee, Feurig continued. said, and added this situation will last until "Whether the patient can afford the fee the first of November. without a fee," Scullion continued. However, a spokesman for the Michigan shouldn't be a criteria for getting care. Our However, Dr. James S. Feurig, director Medical Practice Board said it is not "Once the rush is over we can get of the health center, said gynecology is unusual for a general practitioner to have a obligation is to provide care at an affordable price," Holzman said. women in for appointments within 24 not the only area without a fulltime special interest in a particular field. hours," he said. specialist at the health center. In fact, he "Once they have their general "Our fees are competitive with other Thursday, October 10, 1974 said, the health center does not have any practitioner's degree, one year of training gynecologists in the community, and the Appointments with the gynecology fulltime specialists who provide free and have passed a licensing exam, this specialists are based on a referral from department will usually give liberal services on its payroll. allows them to practice in any phase of discounts to students," he added. another doctor, Feurig said. igham commissioners iK budget compromise By R.D. CAMPBELL though smaller than that originally tuberculosis patients there must be paid State News Staff Writer proposed, represents a $1.4 million regardless of budget appropriations, he I third version of Ingham County's increase from 1974. P million 1975 budget was approved Though funds for several e county board of commissioners county Richard Conlin, D • East Lansing, said programs and county taxes were cut, the lay night as a responsible the same is true for the $25,000 reduction commissioners also approved pay raises for bromise in line with President Ford's in funds for social services. elected county officials other than ■ of fiscal restraint through balanced themselves. A 5.5 per cent pay increase for The $13,380 cut for Community p?ting. officials including the sheriff, prosecuting Mental Health ie board voted 18 to 2 to accept it as programs is more in their last monthly meeting in attorney, drain commissioner and local substantive, since it will mean over judges will take effect Jan. 1, with an $50,000 lost to the program because of its [n until the Nov. 5 elections, additional 5.5 per cent raise coming July p first version of the budget was three to one matching of state funds. |ned committee e by almost $168,000 by the this week after two The commissioners also cut $14,000 Excepting a 25 • minute debate over from a temporary summer jobs program Bmissioners proposed the second funding of the Tri - County Metro Squad, In what they called "a people's that many MSU students took advantage - the final version of the budget met only " of. But Conlin said that program had at a public hearing last week. minor opposition. SN photo/Eric Brooks leftover funds at the end of this summer. J budget cut the original by nearly He did not expect the reduction to hurt Public safety officer G. A. Groll uses the MSU police's newest gadget, a radar gun. Speeding motorists do not stand a chance |,000. with most of the reductions in Commissioner Kenneth Hope, D- Holt, students too much. against the unit, which can measure the velocity of any car within 750 feet. es programs, chairman of the finance committee, said fcme of the commissioners claimed an $11,000 reduction in funds for The commissioners also voted to cut ^everal lantia!. of the cuts, though seemingly the Ingham makes the County Medical Care Center the property tax millage, from which the are really meaningless, budget only appear more MSU police get radar e budget approved Tuesday night, austere. The bills for the care of county gets about 60 per cent of its gun operating revenue, from 6.7 to 6.65 mills. That will mean about a 50 cent reduction for the average homeowner and a revenue loss for the county of about $70,000. [iss/nger trie in Some commissioners criticized the cuts social services county officials' pay. funds while raising By STEVE ORR State News Staff Writer The next time you are cruising a campus street and get weekend. "We just want the community to be aware of the fact that we have the radar," Zutaut said. "We want them to know that this is not a speed trap." that urge to stomp on the accelerator and let it out, beware - )r peace in Calling mistake" approval and a of the raises "a "misordering of priorities," commissioner John Veenstra, the MSU police now have a radar gun. At any time and any place on MSU's campus, a, public • Zutaut said the unit, which most closely resembles a hand held hair dryer, will be available for use 24 hours a day. He said the unit will be used all over campus, but police will R East Lansing, said, "We should use our - safety patrol car could be lurking in the shadows,waiting to concentrate usage in high accident and residence hall areas. try out their latest acquisition, a $1,000 Zonal Enforcement The radar device is hand • held and all the officer has to do limited dollars to help those with the most |\IR0 (AP) - Secretary of State N. auspices. need." Doppler Radar unit. is point it at any car or motorcycle within about 750 feet. Kissinger flew to Cairo An attempt to reach a settlement Major Adam Zutaut, commander of campus police, said The speed of the car is instantaneously printed out in digits ■esday to begin a new search for a through the Geneva peace conference on a screen on the unit. The police car using the device must the Public Safety Dept. has considered purchasing a radar last peace settlement. He immediately seems out of the question at this point, unit for a long time, but that it was not until this fall that be stationary, and it works only on cars moving at Id on Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. officials said. they could afford it approximate right angles to itself. Jnior 1'. S. officials told newsmen ■< East situation had the Both Israel and Egypt have indicated a Commissioner Jim Heyser, D • East Zutaut has been seeking to make public the department's The unit, which plugs into a cigaret lighter for power, is improved in the i of the device before it goes into official use this admissible as evidence in court. Byear, but they foresaw likely new ties willingness to enter the next stage on Lansing, said the approval of the raises another Israeli withdrawal in the Sinai. demonstrated the "white upper middle i the Soviet Union and Cairo, class bias" of the board. Bding the possibility that Moscow soon Kissinger's main task is to find the Resume arms shipments to Egypt. means of linking such negotiations with Ie Soviets already are sending in spare subsequent "disengagement" talks | for rundown equipment. unveils While Israel between Israel and Jordan. %'ria are said to be stronger militarily before the October war, U.S. Bigence estimates a slight falling off in Kissinger and Sadat conferred after nightfall since observant Moslems fast MSU water Egyptians' fire " power. during daylight hours during the lunar visit by Soviet leader Leonid month of Ramadan. By DENISE CRITTENDON about one> - fifth of the average output of making up the laboratory started in the the future. Will their property go up or v to Cairo is highly probable, a Today Kissinger will sightsee at fall of 1972. down? These type of things will give us U. S. official said, State News Staff Writer the city's sewage treatment plant. mosques and museums in the moming, The problem the project expects to clues," Tanner said. president Ford is committed to Today, at 9:30 a.m. MSU's Institute of The laboratory includes four lakes, spend the afternoon conferring with aides Water Research will unveil its answer to three marshes and a spray irrigation eliminate is one caused by the chemicals, Tanner claimed the project as mainly ■"can efforts to settle the Middle East and then have dinner with Egyptian research and demonstration for the time llcl Kissinger told newsmen at the water pollution - the nation's first facility. It is located on the southern part phosphorous and nitrogen. These Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmy. At 9 p.m. of the MSU campus and spreads over 500 chemicals, which are released by sewage being. Presently, he said, he and other Pt on his arrival for his sixth Middle he is to meet for a second time with Sadat combination aquatic and terrestial of forests and fields. It is bounded disposal plants, are plant nutrients causing directors are learning things about ■ mission since the October war a in session scheduled to last until 2 a.m. recycling system. acres year a excessive growth of water plants and algae. operating the laboratory best, such as The Water Quality Management Project by Hagadorn Road and I - 96. Friday. is a $2.3 million outdoor laboratory The project, which is funded by the These water plants and algae, in turn. die. what valves to tum or how fast to apply Mnger hopes to emerge from his water to the land." Thereafter the secretary moves on to designed to biologically recycle Environmental Protection Agency, the adding to the sediment and absorbing [ ' 'on8 tr'P to seven countries with Syria for talks with President Hafez Assad, wastewater and the nutrients it contains. State of Michigan and the Kresge, dissolved oxygen from the water. "Right now we cannot supply a lot of J rough ideas, but not the specific When fully operative, the project will useful information," he said. "That's what P8. for the next phase in to Jordan to see King Hussein and to Rockefeller and Ford foundations, was In the project, wastewater from the negotiations cleanse about 2 million we are trying to accomplish." Been 'sra®I and the Arabs. Jerusalem for discussions with Israeli gallons of East begun in 1969. The construction of the East Lansing sewage plant is piped to the leaders. Lansing wastewater daily. This figure is series of man - made lakes and marshes project's lakes where the chemicals are |e P terms e is making himself on a future available to work absorbed by the aquatic plants growing in Inquiries about the system have been received from far as Guatemala and visit, much as he as the laboratory marshes and lakes. As the |N an Israeli withdrawal from the China. During the summer a group of 2 share Nobel economics plants mature, they can be harvested for I,ront and the B'far. Itrth; °P«ation Golan Heights earlier is loath toandgetwillinvolved in an prize use as phosphorous fertilizer or livestock feed. Thus and nitrogen have been removed from the lakes. Japanese researchers visited the water institute to observe the new system. Robert C. Ball, associate director institute, views the entire system as an of the offer several economic theory as "both profound and original." In a political The laboratory's fourth lake, the one endless task consisting of long research. He ■krl!? ■ • »ers in EgyPt- Sy™. Jordan Among the options STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) - Two 75 - year - old social book called "The Road to Serfdom," published in 1944, von through which the sewage is pumped last, said problems will always arise when having economists of fundamentally differing viewpoints were named are ■ will be used for fishing and other i?n ministers make alternate visits Hayek critically analyzed the planned economy championed by dealing with pollution because there is not Wednesday as winners of the 1974 Nobel Prize for Economics. recreational purposes. After passing T* Tn and on the sPot talks Both are individualists. Gunnar Myrdal of Sweden is best Myrdal. any single solution to pinpoint. The book had an impact on young economists in Soviet bloc through three lakes, the strength of the "It isn't something like inventing a |en the negotiating parties under U. known for his controversial studies of the American Negro and of countries discussing roads to "market socialism." chemicals will be reduced to such an wheel. It's a continuous process," he said. Asian democracies, while Friedrich.von Hayek of Austria is a well Both Myrdal and von Hayek took their doctorates in extent that the fourth lake will be safe for known theorist of conservative economics. economics in 1927 and won professorships in Stockholm and recreational uses. "It's just like taking trash out. You get The two will share the $124,000 prize money equally. London respectively in the early '30s. Howard Tanner, assistant director of rid of wastepaper and yciu have solved that "One (Myrdal) will be surprised he had to share it, the other MSU's Institute of Water Research, problem, but then you have created air Myrdal, a regular visitor to the United States, returned with his (Hayek) that he got it," said a prominent economist at the prize - wife Alva last year to study at Santa Barbara, Calif. He is pollution." explained that a recreation area will be 1 awarding Royal Academy of Science (of which Myrdal is one of currently a visiting professor at the graduate school of the City provided in conjunction with the project Ball said though he could see no announcement on page 15 of the 180 members). sort of an end result of cleansed water solution to the problem in the foreseeable University of New York. as ■ Sy a5 .Stat* News stated that there The economist, who asked his name be withheld, said von The Vienna - born von Hayek was a professor at the University and a proof of the dual purpose of the future, he does not anticipate an end to * hearing 'torized transportation on Ingham County' Hayek is "a scholar who delves back into the centun^searching of Freiburg in Germany from 1962 to 1970 and now resides and project. Work on the recreational area will the project. at East plans at 7:30 or ideas" while Myrdal "always comes up with original 1, works at Salzburg in his native Austria. He has made numerous begin by next summer. "We have put together a major research Lansing City lecture tours. In observance of public health rules, a facility that is a credit to the University," The academy cited the two "for their pioneering work in the Myrdal early showed his talent for "revaluating values" and bumper zone of 800 feet was allowed he said. theory of money and economic fluctuations and for their arousing controversy. He did so as an ardent advocate of a higher between the neighboring community and Tanner said while most cities simply penetrating analysis of the interdependence of economic, social domestic birth rate, as a minister of commerce extending credits the laboratory site. A few nonfarm rural dumped sewage into the water. East tiwid^wm ?"lumbers • Mni plac,e remain the same- andMvrdal's of the county's institutional phenomena." most important work, An American Dilemma. The to the Soviets in 1945 - 47 and later by his political involvement in the Vietnam issue. homes are located across from the project site. About 50 people dwell in the vicinity. Lansing now has a facility for learning, teaching and researching various Notorized Transportation j i , on Advisory Negro Problem and Modern Democracy " publishedI 30 years ago In 1968 he became chairman of the Swedish Vietnam "We are watching closely to see whether alternatives of sewage treatment. or not we turn out to be a good neighbor "This is one of the reasons we think our f Nent of Committee, welcoming deserters and attacking Washington's a proposed bike path basic work, "Asian Drama, is a broad, pessimistic study of the Vietnam policies while declaring himself a staunch friend of tt\e or a bad neighbor and whether peop': will way is decidedly better than the way most later to *he M submitted roots of the vicious circle of poverty in ^^Pl^wtions. American people and democracy. move closer toward us or away from us in cities treat their wastewater.' h. >nd ■ntV board of« If commissioners. The academy described von Hayek s widely debatt d works on Susan Ager WILLIAM Editor-in-Chief Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R.D.Campbell Managing Editor key to global football G. F. Korreck Defense City Editor Diane Silver Campus Editor Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Pay ton National Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor Dale Atkins Photo Editor defensive squad, the moral June Delano Entertainment Editor Only avid fans of professional football oppose intervention in the internal affairs from penetrating our hemisphere. Its question u tutorials ideological linebackers will occasionally be fought over is this: does our e< are the opinion of the State Judy Rypma Copy Chief can understand the complex line • up of of neutral countries while supporting to the self - determination of News. Columns, viewpoints and letters are Joe Kirby Staff Representative forces that determines U.S. foreign policy. intervention in the internal affairs of penalized for personal fouls - no murders na„ personal opinions. The two arch - rivals, which recently Communist countries. These geopolitical or coups are permitted - as they fight for that we should stand idly by when'L^j clashed in the Chile Bowl, are the newcomers do not understand the two ■ the dominance of democracy wherever in freedom is threatened bv Com % Isomoralists and the Detenteniks. In our platoon system. the Third World that the two superpowers takeover, especially when dem^P The Detentenik offensive squad aims governments are being subverted withd run to the daylight of insight, we must from outside? "■ understand that each of these two teams for the goal of relaxing tension between EDITORIALS has a separate offensive and defensive unit. The Isomoralist offensive squad aims When the Isomoralist lines up agianst the Detentenik defensive J offlS for the goal of "Live and let live" in Squad, the question is this: does our commitment to human freedom JL international affairs. With "No more When the Isomoralist offensive squad takes the field against the in our dealings with the Soviet Vietnams" emblazoned on its jerseys, the Detentenik defensive squad, the moral question being fought over is place the fate of some discontent..^'J Fair play to all parties offensive unit's game plan is to cut the defense budget and denounce the immorality of CIA intervention into the this: does our commitment to the self ■ determination of nations mean that we should stand idly by when human freedom is citizens ahead of the need cooperative relationship that to build^B will World War III? affairs of a sister republic. threatened by a Communist takeover? To the newcomer or The Isomoralist defensive squad - passing fan th better served seems to be a profound Minor party candidates by a full and different in character, but part of the same illogii within * sometimes pose problems for the substantially equal airing of all team - has as its goal the pressuring of the team; to an experienced pro fJuB electoral process, but they are so candidates' views. Otherwise, the Soviet Union to loosen up its immoral viewer, it is no surprise to see a |Z| vital to a free society that it must United States will be locked emigration policy. With "No trade the superpowers, placing the common geopolitical football widow wonders why the Detenteniks are so reluctant to meddle change character when it squads from, offense to defense cluii|i«?B■ concessions to tyrants" emblazoned on its interest of survival ahead of the special put up with inconveniences to give perpetually into contests between jerseys, this squad listens to defensive interest of ideology. Coach Kissinger, in the affairs of the other superpower Enough of the program: Now them full chance to be heard. Republicans and Democrats who when they are so ready to fight for scoreboard. Who is winning'' ■ a coach Scoop Jacksbn exhort them to despite aging legs and hamstrung by a A conflict arose last week often look alike and sound alike. breathe on the sparks of liberty behind the pulled owner, grimly insists on playing freedom against Communist forces elsewhere. (She does not really want an The score is tied at on* each; oddly, the defensive unit touchdJ between WKAR-TV and several of Physically, there is no way to Iron Curtain. quarterback as well because nobody else can remember his signal system. explanation, she wants attention.) team is responsible for its side's < ,rin. I People who pass through the living Michigan's seven minor parties produce a nine - way debate. But to room when geopolitical football is being The Detentenik defensive squad blocks When the Isomoralist offensive squad The isomoralist defensive gJ competing in the gubernatorial allow a two - way debate is to televised wonder how the takes the field against the Detentenik recovered a Detentenik fumble and same team can viciously to prevent a threatening ideology race. The station originally wanted encourage the misconception that to the end zone. As a result. ;|t)r, < J no trade bill with the Soviet Union to produce a debate between all of there are only two choices. utM the contenders. However, faced The voters can only hope that in firm promise is made to M others who want to emigrate. with nine candidates. WKAR future elections, a small enough {■ cockamamie Detentenik end - aroundfoB realized this would not work. number of parties participates so as designed to dress up quimjB - an - Instead of a debate, they split up to permit debate then that cannot understanding between nperpoj coaches with a firm - sounding letter fa the parties into two - party groups, happen now. the President to the Senate with the Republican, Gov. William In this case, WKAR should have for a loss this weekend. Mil liken, appearing with the abandoned its two - party format in The Detentenik defensive Democrat, Sander Levin. The other favor of separate presentations of other hand, intercepted an parties were matched according to the nine candidates. The candidates pass at a previously accepted CIA prsei«B the votes they .received in the last could respond individually to and scored. As a result, it is mm ^J state Board of Education election. questions posed by a moderator, policy of the U.S. President that we^T intervene surreptitiously wherever we J Zolton Ferency, of the Human with the filmed responses shown in fit to support our friends and deter«[ 'v'(its party, and Robin Maisel.of random order. ideological adversaries. Socialist Workers rart>. Unfortunately, the average Now here comes the subtle twist thrH Minded b\ picketing the station voter's desire t > see a clash between only the pro football afficionado til protest then lack of opportunity his or her major choices would have, grasp: The game is being changed, notbfl the action of the players on the field,tar to confront the major parties. to suffer in order to be fair to the by the change that has taken place J Th rieht mi: tritv ' be heard. those who watch and root. made in "I his \tiiifui, but M.ich No longer do we have bliiu 'best sep. .. l\. . g .. contrast conflicts 01 principle are the supporting the teams, accepting it between the candidates most voters inevitable price to pay for a fair inherent contradictions within each teal More and more, we see the old tune fusH will support, was shortsighted. electoral process. In the becoming infected with the enthusiasm™ long run, the public is the morally interventionist newcomeJ who - no matter which team has thebil| staod up and holler, "Dee • fern — 'JERRY, ABOUT YOUR PROPOSED UPPER-INCOME SURTAX . . . Will MY $55,000 PENSION, OR MY $200,000 TRANSITION ALLOWANCE?' (C) 1974 New York Times Billing policy efficient defended 1 am responding to the letter by Pamela and participatory feelings away from the Recently the University Health is "incompetent and inefficient." Dilley that appeared Oct. 3 in which she spectators. Also, it would be a very big said she was shocked that the new Munn eyesore. Being hit by a puck is the risk Center's new billing policy has The new policy is a step in the ice arena had no safety precautions against involved in attending a hockey game just come under attack as being unfair direction of efficiency. errant pucks hitting spectators. Evidently as being hit by a line drive off the bat of a and inconvenient for students. Now a student must pay bills less that $5 In medical care, competency and efficiency do not come free. Dilley came to the ice arena not to watch a hockey game but rather to see how hitter is at Kobs Field. It seems quite clear that Dilley would rather sit at home and Tuition refund beautiful the building was. watch hockey on TV than be a part of the within 48 hours or that bill is raised Students must realize that health action at the arena. to the minimum S5 fee. care is not all Florence Nightingale Hockey is one of the few sports The University has spent a substantial This is an open letter dealing with refunded only one half the amoun: off«| Yet a quick check of area and cold cloths on the forehead. remaining that allows spectators to be on amount of money on the design and University policy concerning drops and paid for the course. adds. I would like to especially address I believe an alternative would bra hospitals shows that, reputation Hospitals have administrative costs top of the action at ail times. Any persons construction of a beautiful place to watch I have ever known who have gone to a an athletic event. More importantly, myself to the procedure of dropping a - long grace period in which the stuMl aside, the health center is still one which, under the American system, hockey game to watch the game itself course after classes have begun. may drop a course and still receive 1 Ml of the cheapest places around for will be passed on to the consumers, though, they attempted and I believe they were pleased to find no obstructions in It seems to me that the drop policy is a refund. There is, after all, n succeeded, to maintain the spectator as emergency and medical care. in this case students. the way of their view. Most people who the number one interest. It is very sad that little more than blatant exploitation of the determine the total work load until dastj Single visits to other area Most students who incur less have attended the hockey games at student body. If a student feels that he or have begun. people have to miss the point entirely. emergency rooms and outpatient than $5 bills will, not be Demonstration Hall in the past years know Mark R. Jenkins she cannot meet the class requirements at Patricia Kiltfl clinics would net bills between $ 12 inconvenienced by paying the bill what it is like to be situated behind a post 501 N. Case Hall the time, he or she drops the class and is 107 W. Holden Hi I for over two hours. and $30. Most of the hospitals within 48 hours unless they are Furthermore, when a puck does fly also require customers filling totally poverty stricken in which into the stands most people, if not all, prescriptions to pay cash, unless that person has been admitted to case they are probably eligible for grab and push to retrieve the tiny black disc. It is a souvenir to be MSU's Yom Kippur government assistance programs treasured the hospital. or have been seriously injured. And especially by small children. Having a "net Phillip Singer's claim in Monday's State consider or some other implementing an alternative if new year and having to start One of the major protective covering" News that Christians are slighted by they are made aware of the extent of this school orientation on the second. IdonolB .. nplaints in the last case their medical bills hanging from the ceiling down to the top about health center servic is that it are likely to be greater than $5. of the glass would take all of the closeness University policy just as much as Jews are problem. A letter to Provost John Cantlon ask that the spring Passover week be fitteiH is simply false. Jews are required by their faith not to engage in any and Registrar Horace. C. King would into the calendar so we Jewish students J business their facilitate recognition of the problem. can be on exempt from going to class Holy Days. Christians are not. Even Claire F. Siegel, Assistant professor, many others, simply feel that our rrlign«| Catholics, who have the most scrupulous observance of the one most Huh D:1'- inH Workable parking observance of the Christian Holy Days Singer mentions, ere required only to Counseling Center and Dept. of Psychiatry I would like to add a point of the Jewish year should not affect we get on the entire school year. thestalB ■ attend Mass once during the day, a clarification to the article in Friday's State Patty Baity! ceremony of less than an hour. As an News on the conflict between the date of 205 W. Owen Hm ex-Catholic who spent many years in a Yom Kippur and the beginning of classes. The East Lansing code housing and zoning commissions. Illegal tandem parking abounds Catholic school, I can testify that Church - The article suggests that the University I must comment on Phillip Sin^t® in the driveways of the city, letter in the Oct. 7 State News. Lastthinffl regulations on parking and housing It is probable that the city will run schools hold classes on all those days administration is "working" to avoid such first: in his last are bad, and the fact that the city and no special consideration with regard conflicts in the immediate future. paragraph. Snur get variances for the three homes proving that the parking provisions part: "Due to ignorance, I am unable toB to studying or assignments is awarded Actually, the decision already has been must apply to itself for variances to of the housing code are not really being -considered by the housing there either. made to reschedule the beginning of discuss Holy Days of non-Cliristi'jB these rules proves it. board but will be turned down on enforcible. classes in 1977, the next year in which our religions, such as Mormon and Islam James R. Shanks Housing code regulations one request by a tougher zoning Recently the city housing 1518 A Spartan Village tentative schedule would have created a The full name of the "religion" basically specify that one parking board. commission presented a list of A recent letter written by Leah problem. Instead of beginning classes on Singer calls Mormon is the "Church «■ Jesus Christ of Latter ■ Day Saints, tWB space with an individual ^ntryway Though the expected housing housing code changes to the city Dickman in the State News (Oct. 2,1974) September 22, 1977, the date of Yom be available for every two unrelated for consideration. This list included underscores an issue of critical importance Kippur that year, the opening day has first church to legally register " " n"'® decision will not specifically grant a the name of Christ in its name. ThenaWH been shifted to September 29. This adults living in a residence. changing the parking regulations to to many Jewish students at MSU. When change "Mormon" refers to a revealed script®® right to back - to - back, or tandem the Jewish also will avoid a conflict between This is the regulation allow tandem High Holy Days, Rosh the "Book of Mormon," a eonipaN®! which parking, it will not discourage it, parking. Hashanah and Yom Kippur, occur during registration and .Rosh Hashana, a problem the city has applied for four which has occurred in the past. volume to the Holy Bible. "Mormon, since it will allow more unrelated Changes in the parking rules are the fall registration period, observant variances on and its applications Jewish students who wish to spend the The University administration is "Yankee," was first used as a term people to live in a house with only opposed by community sensitive to the importance of these derision by enemies, and later becantt'L are now being reviewed by the one parking space. organizations, like the Bailey holidays with families out of town usually . register late, with resulting financial and religious high holidays to the Jewish popular nickname. As for ^n8e'B School Assn., who believe relaxed students and regrets that the comments on religious holidays slip1 ■ choice penalities, or they expend complexities parking regulations will encourage considerable effort to arrange an of schedule - making has resulted in by MSU, as he says, he does not begin ■ past students to move from student alternative with varying degrees of success. difficulties. Although special efforts were exhaust the possibilities. I ghetto areas to traditionally middle It would seem that the University has a made to accommodate affected students it would be better if the problem could te For example, there is the Islam the Feast of Ramadan, which lasts a ■ hoMjl number of available options for this class areas of East Lansing. Fighting avoided altogether, and this will be the month. By considering every problem so that late registration would over changes in parking regulations not be necessary, and a better institutional objective in drawing up future academic represented in the University continual could stymie any changes in the alternative could be provided. TTiree schedules. I'm quite sure a religious holiday could 1 housing code. alternative solutions readily come to Robert Perrin, found for every day of the year, if ■ mind: 1) Jewish students wishing to Vice President for more than one. A further case <> ■ City council must make changes discrimination could be made out for ■ in the housing code in order to attend services could pre-enroll and their University Relations cards could be held without penalty until atheists, agnostics and the religious gw' ■ make the code workable. One of Philip Singer, in his letter in which do not believe in cell i.> i - 11,1 late registration; 2) the University, upon Monday's State News, showed a lack of the first things to be considered are consultation with the Hillel rabbi, could understanding of the point nade by Holy Days for our are they not being insistence on the time l"'1<>fl1^® I■ changes in parking regulations. provide an alternative, nonconflicting various Jewish students. No Jewish Even if city council does not registration day during the regular student has asked for all or even most religious reasons? Recognition of n'f'P ■ registration period for Jewish students, or Holy Days off from classes. We ask that holidays by the government and ■ want to allow tandem parking, there other solutions to the 3) a person other than another student the single most important day, Yom University are generally made fori0C ft are and political, not religious, could be authorized to register for the Kippur, be recognized for what it is ahd ^ ■ problem such as allowing overnight Jewish student. There are, I am sure, other some consideration be given. because of the problems outlined a ,■ parking on wider side streets. alternatives. I personally did not object to having Kendal B. Stone Electronics Spec« J■ I believe the administration will to travel to campus on the first day of the Dept of Audiology and Spec''1'11" ■ VIEWPOINT: NUCLEAR WEAPONRY Voters must act to halt arms race fAT * | eWPOINTS: TIGER CAGE Bv HOWARD BRODY I have always been surprised that students as a group have been so -TWE SOOMP OP THE BLAST THE "TIME WILL BE .... strategists have shown would lead almost inevitably to all - out war. Also, it can be shown from Pentagon plans dating back to uninterested in what is possibly the single the 1950s that we have in fact always had biggest political issue of our era the the degree of flexibility which is now jiticism of display - nuclear arms race between the U.S. and being called for. the Soviet Union. • After SALT I, the Defense Dept. Even during the height of the protests came to Congress with a "shopping list" of over the Cambodian invasion, students practically every weapons system not [efuted as ill-informed failed to challenge the Pentagon's nuclear policies. While going all demonstrate for environmental protection, students failed to call attention to the out to ruled out by that agreement, suggesting that these appropriations would help to win Pentagon support for any future SALT negotiations. Any congressman who increasing dangers of the ultimate in went along was simply submitting to McConnell states: "A painstaking U.S. ■Apparently Michael McConnell (in his ecological destruction. blackmail of the civilian government by ■um„ Tuesday) missed the point that Embassy study could find space for only Since the American public as a whole the military. T Center for Peace and Conflict 35,000 total prisoners in Vietnamese jails. seems blissfully unaware of this problem, • Even if this figure neglects district prisons, Possibly most important to expose is •solution was attempting to establish or undercounts crowding, it is difficult to it is easy for students to use the same a call for cutting the military budget, Eh its tiger cage display during last believe that in addition to common excuses. First, the general view is the risk without giving thought to implications for tit's International Week of Concern for criminals in the prisons, there is space for of nuclear war has recently been the arms race. While a very valuable Idochina. minimized, especially following the advantage of ending the arms race would 200,000 others." This aparently neglects a Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT). be to free needed resources for social vast collection of varied detention and ■\Vhcther we quibble over the number of This appears to be what the U.S. and programs, we must remember that if all we interrogation centers. Ijtical prisoners being held in South Soviet governments want us to think, do is save money while the arms race goes ■etnam. the size of the tiger cages and Moreover, McConneH does not seem to while their respective military machines on, we may not live to enjoy the savings. A number of people inside each cage, or proceed full steam ahead on their weapons For example, it has been stated in the realize that many of the political prisoners E the fact remains that U.S. tax dollars were reclassified as common criminals development programs. authoritative Jane's Fighting Ships that Kitinue to provide for 80 per cent of the after the "ceasefire." One such, the well In actual fact, SALT I left more the U.S. Navy, in areas other than nuclear ■dgets of the Thieu and Lon Nel regimes. known scholar on international law, Ngo loopholes that it closed, and SALT II this submarines, is becoming obsolete and ■thout this funding, the repression Ba Thanh, was only released after pressure summer was almost a total failure. Nixon, second - rate. If a congressman simply esented by tiger cages could not take was brought to bear from women's groups bent on saving money voted to deny funds facing impeachment, felt he could not risk around the world. Lastly, is McConnell support among hawks in Congress by for building conventional ships (which really asking us to believe a U.S. Embassy entering into meaningful negotiations with cannot wage nuclear war) but left intact I Since the Paris Peace Agreements were study? Is he unaware of the role the ted in January 1973, 80,000 people the Soviets. Henry Kissinger publicly funding for multiple warhead missiles, he Saigon Embassy has played in Vietnamese criticized the military establishments of would be guilty of accelerating the arms |ve been killed in Vietnam. Shall we politics? both countries for impeding progress on these missiles for many years, and had "preparedness" and "deterrence." These race. Thus, a congressional candidate who ■rget the war merely because the color of taken this into account in their previous simplistic views have been exposed for Je corpses has changed? The peace center McConnell • refers to Buddhism and any agreement. budget requests to Congress. Thus, not their errors, while those that follow hide favors reduced Pentagon spending cannot (providing ■ a service by focusing attention Catholicism in the northern part of TTie second good excuse is that anyone only was the military able to use these behind a superficial appearance of be praised for this stand automatically; he n issue many would like to forget. Vietnam, though he apparently knows who wants to keep informed on the arms must be questioned closely to see if he scare tactics to push for an increased rationality. e will be no peace until the United little about the government in the North. race must go beyond the popular press, to knows which weapons programs to cut budget, they were even able to get double • Some echo the view that we need lates discontinues all aid to the Thieu More germane to the point that he is sources such as the September issue of the first. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which mileage out of the same story. more nuclear arms even though we have The unfortunate fact is that by the trying to make, he seems to be unaware These are good excuses, possibly, as to no warlike intentions because the Soviets that a large number of the political offers ah excellent summary of our above criteria, at least three - fourths of why the general public has remained in a crisis might force us to back down if prisoners most recently incarcerated are present predicament. The regular press uninterested in preventing nuclear war by the present members of both houses of we allow them to achieve weapons not communists, nor even neutralists or simply cannot follow the development of Congress are incompetent to sit in those a complex issue over time, and so acts as a slowing the arms race. But these excuses superiority in any area. It is revealing that pacifists, but Buddhists and Catholics. bodies. In many congressional races this surely cannot apply to our elected this reasoning is not heard from the State perfect tool for the Pentagon officials, who are generally no better fall, no candidate may meet those criteria, Dept., which is charged with carrying out ■ .Michael McConnell's "Tiger Cage Story "While Thieu is harsh, unjust and propagandists and their congressional informed than the public. As the fall and the voter may be left to choose the the negotiations in that hypothetical area, corrupt, any reasonable person recognizes allies. lesser of the two evils. My personal view is fstorted" is distorted, though I don't A in elections approach, it is imperative that but rather from the Pentagon. This is just that in our local 6th District, the voters do ik McConnell realizes it. The tiger cages that he is more humane than the case point was the so - called students as well as everyone else carefully "leaked" frntagon intelligence reports about one example of how our original have a clear choice. I) not come in a uniform size. Many of Communist alternative," McConnell states. scrutinize the voting records and public constitutional ideal of the military under On face vahie, this statement is false. More the deployment of new Soviet The most important thing is that 1 were so small that a Vietnamese statements of all House and Senate the control of the civilian government has students, who in the past decade have ..on could not stand up in them, importantly, it shows an abysmal "superrockets" with a vastly increased candidates. been turned completely upside down. ignorance of what the varied alternatives pay load. These stories, reprinted as gospel been several years ahead of the general Rising crippling after a long enough There is room for honest difference of • Recently new weapons systems have Iriod of time. Though they were are and what the Vietnamese people have by the press, were followed predictably by public in political awareness, must raise opinion on the arms race issue, but many been urged on the grounds that we need been struggling for. calls for increased military spending to these issues and insist that candidates take ■rtainly wider than three feet, most of office - holders are simply ignorant of more "flexibility of response," suggesting stuffed full as we were shown by meet the "threat." No one in the daily basic facts. I submit that anyone is acceptable stands on them. It matters little n were that right now an American president has press noted that the Pentagon had known whether we are able to curb inflation if we i Pierre Debris. The one • person incompetent and unfit to hold federal no options other than giving in or waging in advance of Soviety capability to build allow the entire human culture to be tsimile is an accurate representation. office if they subscribe to the following all - out nuclear war. When examined, incinerated through our inaction. views: however, scenarios for this "flexibility" • Easiest to Howard Brody, 133 Beal St., is a graduate IJ sM.'llinlHT pick out are those who really turn out to be a resurrection of the OH, uOElw iF jJEi?c TO AFTER <00 LEA(?N TO frankly espouse the Cold War rhetoric of idea of limited nuclear war, which student in the College of Human Medicine. PlAV tTNOttJ WPPROMU LOVE ME. SUJEETIE, YOU'LL J16T STRiKE A ScoIEK NOTE: APPRECATc AW HUMOR! HA!UA!HAlUA'.MAi ■DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau I/VEIL, WEU,MAYBE, M COMPLETE FACTS CHILE HAD AH THAT$G00P, SIR UNFORTUN¬ YES, SIR-YOU ATELY, IN CHILE REMEMBER ON CHILE7 WELL, ELECTED SOCIALIST ISN'T IT? yf> PRESIDENT, GOVERNMENT, WHICH T MEAN, IT WAS REPLACED UH FASCISM, DON'T OH, RIGHT, WE COVERTLY HELPED SOCIALISM BY UNBELIEVABLY FASCISM? YOU? WORLD RIGHT they'RE PRETTY TO OVERTHROW IS BAD. war a? / ' MUCH WEIL KNOWN. . , ' ••• .jrLlV* mc sporting goods says: DON'T be Fooled Get a perfect fit from our professionally trained staff. See George Janes & his staff soon for your proper needs & fit. A good price on ski equipment doesn't mean anything if it doesn't fit! CHECK OUT OUR GREAT WOULDN'T YOU RATHER BE BURNING SELECTION OF NEW EQUIPMENT THE MIDNIGHT OIL SOMEPLACE ELSE? EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS CLOTHES can help you increase your reading speed and skills so that you BOOTS can be burning that midnight oil someplace else besides over nordica, lange, caber, head, roffe, white stag, your books ! Check out a and more! kastinger, technica FREE MINI LESSON AT UNIVERSITY INN SKIS 1100 TROWBRIDGE rossignol, dyna star, kneissl, olin, 7:30 p.m. LAST 2 NIGHTS! head, k2, hart and more! T0NITE, THURS OCT 10 and T0MM0RR0W FRI OCT 11 EVELYN WOOD SPECIAL VALUES STILL READING DYNAMICS CALL COLLECT AVAILABLE ON 5002 W SAGINAW (JUST EAST OF LANSING MALL) 1-313 353 - 5111 1973-74 SKI EQUIPMENT , 487 1853 OPEN 10-9, SUNDAYS 12-5 Thursday, October 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 10,19?J U' experts: By DENI MARTIN State News Staff Writer Ford's speech lacks reform to eliminate today. some of the glaring tax loopholes that exist Adams said. "Voluntary cooperation solve the problems." doesn't go far enough to , solutions we'll have to become Boger said the less dependent on oil and other fuels." fuel embargo and demand for food abroad »*, I the main reasons for the current shortage in these items. 1 President Ford's address before Congress Tuesday got mixed "I think it's grossly unfair to lay a surcharge on an individual Adams said the country needs a reward and punishment The 5 per cent surcharge, Boger said, is designed | reviews from three MSU economic experts, but they all agreed who earns $7,500 a year, when a corporation like Exxon, Gulf or system that would discourage the consumption of scarce redistribute income. materials like gasoline. that Ford's anti - inflation proposals offer no easy solution to our Texaco pays less than 10 per cent of its swollen income on Lawrence Boger, dean of the College of Agriculture and ByTon Brown, assistant professor of economics, said th. I current problems. taxes," Adams said. Natural Resources and a participant at the Sept. 27 economic President's proposals showed a lack of imagination by hk I "There were several commendable proposals made," Walter Adams called the formation of a Community Improvement economic and political advisers. B Corps to provide public service jobs when unemployment exceeds summit in Washington, was happy with several of Fords "The proposals that Ford made are typical of a|j ,*• Adams, distinguished professor of economics, said. "But the sum total of the package does not add up to much." 6 per cent nationally a good idea, but he added that it was not a proposals. reactions of all previous administrations," Brown said. "Tw In particular, he praised Ford's emphasis on fuel conservation, Adams said Ford's proposal to impose a 5 per cent surcharge cure for recession. but said he was not sure if people would voluntarily cut back. he claims to offer a solution, his proposals contain no solution! on corporations and individual taxpayers in the middle and upper Ford's promise to encourage vigorous enforcement of antitrust hand." laws pleased Adams. "It may take more aggressive action," Boger said. "Somehow income range would be offset by his proposal to offer a 10 per cent investment tax credit to expanding corporations and Adams also considered Ford's dependence on voluntary cooperation a weakness to his proposals. businesses. He said a higher priority should have been placed on tax "His whole speech was like an exhortation at a pep rally," Free Family Portrait... just one more good reason to join vour credit union now. It's where you belong! School issues pro emotional strain and stress," marshals, tactical police were from white working class By ASSOCIATED PRESS through busing, the order Violence continued at White told U.S. District Court should be carried out and sent to a section of largely South Boston to other white public schools Wednesday near Judge W. Arthur Garrity. violence should stop. black Roxbury to quell a neighborhoods and Charleston, W. Va., where "What we have in this city is At Hyde Park High School, disturbance. The mayor's predominently black Roxbury. where there have been several office said around 200 black In West Virginia, violence pickets are protesting hysteria, and hysteria breeds classroom textbooks, and in violence." youths roamed through a three returned to Kanawha County disruptions over the past three Boston over school integration. White repeated his request weeks, 11 pupils were • block area. Wednesday as one school was Boston mayor Kevin H. of Tuesday to the court to call suspended Wednesday for A white man was stabbed, dynamited, a fire was set at White told federal court in at least 125 federal marshals the office said, and was taken another and coal mines were a fighting and roaming through the halls. In the Jamaica Plain to Boston City Hospital. His shut down by pickets Wednesday that he could not to guard children on their way guarantee public safety if he is to and in school. section, two black girls were condition was not disclosed. protesting textbooks. required to implement the Meanwhile, President Ford cut by flying glass when white Garrity first ordered cross - A dynamite or powder court's school desegregation told a news conference that youths smashed school bus town busing of 18,200 black charge set off at the West order without help from U.S. while he personally disagrees windows. and white pupils when Boston Branch Elementary School on marshals. with As Garrity heard arguments schools opened Sept. 12. Since Cabin Creek blew out the door Garrity's order to "This city is' under great on the deployment of then, racial violence has spread and some windows. integrate Boston schools fn& Credit Union Family COLOR PORTRAIT IN CELEBRATION OF INTERNATIONAL CREDIT UNION MONTH Vour Member Services/Membership Committee has made special arrant ments with Krums Photographic of IJattle Creek to create a FREE 8x10" full color portrait of you and your family. A special studio will be set up in the credit union Community Room from Oct. 14 to 27, noon to 8 p.m. weekdays. 10 a.m. In 5 p.m. Sat. and Sun. for your convenience, appointments will he taken In phone beginning Moit., Oct. 7. Simply phone 353-2280 to arrange v»urs. An appointment to view your proofs will be arranged at the time your portrait is taken. Finished portraits will be ready for delivery at the credit union in time WINGED SPARTANS FALL PICNIC for the holidays. (Mail delivery will be subject to C.O.I), charges.) Limit: one free portrait per credit union family. Additional portraits will he available at special reduced rates, but you are under no obligation to make any purcha.n Saturday, October 12, 1974 1:00 pm - ? To make your appointment: simply dial 353-2280, ask lor "portrait appointment desk," and have your Jewett Airport, Mason, Michigan credit union account number handy. Take Hagadorn to Mason, Michigan a Turn left at the second traffic light, MSU EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION Turn right on Barnes Rd. to the airport. ruKri • Phone 353-22M An afternoon full of Free Introductory Flights (1-4) pm bt'inn paid by Krums Photographic and Fly»-.g Competition (4-6pm), and an evening of free food and drink, a warm fire, and a lot of talk about a lot of things - but mostly flying! Bring a car load! FRESHMAN. SOPHMORE, JUNIORS SENIORS... The Marine Corp Air-Ground Team May be for you. 1 .The Steak Only U.S.D.A. Choice Sirloin. Naturally See the Marine Corps Officer aged for flavor. Broiled to your taste. Selection Team, 2. The Potato in the Placement Bureau A plump baked potato, loaded with butter and sour cream. Orfrench fries, if you like. Oct 10 & 11 3. The Salad Fresh, crisp salad, topped with your favorite dressing. (OR hot soup. OR chilled juice.) 4. The Bread A melt-in-your-mouth loaf of bread. 5. The Waitress Her smile and superb service make a Mr. Steak meal something to come back to. CHILDREN'S MEALS AS LOW AS 39* THREE LANSING LOCATIONS: OPEN 11 AM 2287 Grand River Avenue, Okemos 'til 10 PM 5919 South Cedar Street, Lansing 5615 West Saginaw - Next to K-Mart AMERICA'S STEAK EXPEf" V Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 10, 1974 7 ho's afraid of the big, bad U-M Wolves? the 11 riv rat farnan past months. The Though Spartan coach In Ann Arbor they are Rose Bowl vote by game time. the country. They are very probably the swiftest backfield "They are good on offense, I state News Sports Writer memory hangs heavy in Ann Denny Stolz has said that last calling this year's clash, phase Despite an earlier 56-14 solid in nearly every in U - M football history. great on defense, kick well and I wip Michigan Wolverines Arbor. year's controversial Rose Bowl one of "Operation Turncoat," pasting by UCLA, MSU is department and have added a Franklin, who accumulated have many skilled players. lv0 not lost a football game in Saturday's annual intrastate vote (which sent Ohio State to with phase two next week anything but a pushover. This. new dimension to their 2,288 yards in total offense That's about all there is, isn't ft tries Yet they did not make rivalry between coach Bo Pasadena) will have little against Wisconsin, who also U - M vs. MSU contest will be offensive prowess — the pass. last year, has Chapman and it?" Schembechler's No. 3 ranked * trip to the Rose Bowl last Wolverines and the MSU bearing on Saturday's game as voted for the Buckeyes. like all others have been — a Dennis Franklin, whom Keith Johnson to aim at if he fc'ir Figure that one out. far as MSU is concerned, the Schembechler has said, grueling football game. Schembechler calls "the finest decides to put the ball in the g That is what the Maize and Spartans could lend a little sentiment down the road however, that his players will The Wolverines are without 4ir. Both quarterback in college are capable receivers. Deadline extended luc have been trying to do for insight into the matter. presents a striking contrast. not need the motivation of doubt one of the best teams in football," has thrown more Defensively, the Wolverines that vote to get ready. passes this year (35) than remain strong despite "Michigan Michigan State substantial losses to graduation for hockey tickets - Spartan quarterback Charlie isn't any grudge match," Women nip of them first because of experienced depth and today f Baggett, )eadline some on Schembechler said tautly. "It's the likes of all MSU student season hockey down. - Big Ten the old battle. Don't start ticket sales have been extended Adrian, 1-0 Wolverines linebacker Steve Strinko and same The have a bringing up any of that (Rose cornucopia of running backs All - America safety Dave through Friday. The tickets are Bowl vote) stuff. This is a including sophomore Roy Brown. U - M has giveh up only being sold between 8:30 a.m. The held MSU women's field and 4:30 p.m. at the ticket Registration highly competitive game." Lytle, Gordon Bell, versatile 23 points this year. The Wolverines have been hockey team opened its season Gil "They're an outstanding booth on the west side of at Champman and converted Munn Ice Arena. made three touchdown Adrian Tuesday on a football team," Stolz said. - tailback Chuck Heater. It is successful note, winning 1 - 0. favorites, and it is not likely "Last year we had 36 teams in playing should contact him The Spartans had numerous Teams interested in playing and we're looking to go over that the "three ■ digit shots on goal, but were able to 1, the Black United Front to organize teams. scoreboard" will post a third 40 this year," he said. "The main thing about our tally just once. Sandy Hudson fcUF) basketball league this Albert said he would like to figure. and Karen Miller combined for program is that its open to fcason have until 9 p.m. today The Spartans are at worst see more underclassmen sign everyone and its for everyone's the goal with the ball |o register their squads. up and that women interested benefit," Albert said. one of the top four teams in both of their sticks and into going off I A series of scrimmage games the Big Ten, and the the net. Hudson received credit Ltween league teams is being Wolverines will probably have for the goal and Miller Xeid between 6 and 9 p.m. ■oday in gym No. 3 at the Oakland, Dodgers dispelled the memory of the assist. got an Fine entertainment ★ s Intramural Building. _ra»iS can sign up then by with ■onUcting Ocie Albert. 1 For the first time, a $10 win league crowns 10% OFF Intry fee is being charged. With Student I.D. ★ Albert said that 25 teams plain BALTIMORE (UPI) - The Oakland A's were presented with Jave signed up to play in the their third consecutive American League pennant as a "gift" ■eagues three divisions — Wednesday when they made only one hit but beat the Baltimore idependent, residence hall and Orioles 2 -1 in the flag - clinching fourth game of the playoffs. ■vomen's. The A's Santa Claus in a Baltimore uniform was pitcher Mike Cuellar who was wild high, low, inside and outside from the start brown wrapper Regatta crown of the game, walked a record nine batters without allowing a hit in 4 2 - 3 innings and handed Oakland its first run by walking four consecutive batters in the fifth inning. A/on by sailors The A's, meanwhile, continued to make a mockery of Baltimore bats as Jim Hunter and Rollie Fingers combined in a J The MSU sailing team five - hitter. lefcated two nationally ranked Schools this past weekend to Eke its second consecutive ^ LOS ANGELES (UPI) — Steve Garvey lashed a pair of two - la ry Price Jntersectional regatta Memorial run for homers and righthander Don Sutton pitched a three - hitter eight innings for his 11th straight win Wednesday to give the WERE YOU (OLD ■hampionship. pennant - starved Los Angeles Dodgers their first national League I The regatta, which was Jt the University of Michigan, lualified the Spartans for the held title in eight seasons with a 12 - 1 romp over the Pittsburgh Pirates. LAST WINTER? LOUNGE Beaten 7 • 0 by the Pirates Tuesday, the Dodgers won the NL Come into our store at 2208 Innual Sugar Bowl tournament best - of five playoff series three games to one to join the E. Ed be held in New Orleans over - Oakland A's in the World Series, which opens here Saturday and Michigan Ave. and look over Christmas vacation. our wide selection 7 The MSU crews outsailed Sunday. 4 <5 Jwo powerful Eastern schools, Kings Point Academy and Tufts University. Football Season at DOWN I The MSU team is ranked Seventh nationally. CLOTHING HILTON INN-LANSING Chaidt featuring BRAND NAMES<**\ BEEF 'N BOOZE such " as: •NORTH FACE open thursday and friday nights until nine o o o o •ALPINE DESIGN H •GERRY Homecoming CommittM •W00LRICH Dave Loggins •CAMP7 concert Sat. Oct. 26 Men's MEALS SERVED I. Sports Arena Tickets on UNTIL LAST CALL. : now at Union Ticket office, "Children's Portions" | Discount Records, Recordland RAUPP in Meridian & Lansing Malls "Banquets Available " $3.00 PH. 484-9431 FOR RESERVATIONS Campfitters Hours: 1515 Center St. Mon - Fri to 8 from Bunday Furniture) Sat. 9 5 HOURS: 11 a.m. to LAST CALL You're invited to view a most exciting collection from Patty Woodard of California ... dynamic Autumn looks brought together by a unique mix of fabrics, colors and patterns. 5 to 13 sizes. MEN'S CLOTHING SALE Thursday, October 10 October 10 through 12 9:30 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. M SUITS *95 111®, SPORT COATS SLACKS 820 - 860 Jacob^orisL - A distinctive group of men's clothing, from our regular stock. . .an opportune time to add to your wardrobe at outstanding savings during our three-days-only sale of men's top-quality suits, sport coats and slacks. Jaoobsoris Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 10, |J 'tilsx/%^ PLAYBACKS thurs./fri./srt. BUY OF THE YEAR!! PIONEER SX-424 SYSTEM-UNDER $200! SANSUI System-Under $300! Pioneer SX-424 AM/FM Stereo Receiver-a great performer! Precision BSR Changer includes base", dust cover and cartridge. Two Wide-Range Utah JF-8 Speaker Systems deliver rich clean bass response and smooth, clear highs. An unbeatable value! ♦ i# m I mmm m ] Record Changer FREE With The Purchase Of Either Great 3-Piece Stereo Compact Below! PIONEER SX-535 AM/FM Stereo System-Under $400! Separately $566.70 11900 3-Piece Compact Excellent FM/AM perfor¬ mance. Built-in precision 8-Track Player. Two wide- range speaker systems. A best buy! Deluxe Stereo 3-Piece Pioneer's NEW SX-535 Get great Stereo Stereo FM/AM Receiver of¬ FM/AM reception fers 40 watts of clean power plus a built-in plus 1.9 /i.V FM sensitivity! Garrard 62 Changer in¬ Record/Play Stereo 8-Track cludes base and Empire 66E/X Cartridge. Two 10" Tape Deck. Un¬ beatable! 2-Way Speaker Systems deliver rich, natural re¬ production. ,an state ■liean News', East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 10, 1974 9 THURSDAY NITE FRIDAY NITE SATURDAY NITE 8-Tr. Player Play your 8" 2 Way 8-Tr. tapes thru your home system! Reg. $29.95 AC/DC Cassette GARRARD Recorder Zero-IOOC Was $209.95 Auto Cassette Sony AM/FM Player Stereo Receiver Reg. $39.95 Sensational features and performance! 30 watts RMS. Sony reliability. 'With Purchase ot Speaker Systems and Turntable Pkg Cassette Deck K0SS PR0-4AA Was $199.95 Uses regular and extended- range tapes! Auto-stop. Memory marker. 2 Meters. 12900 12" Diagonal B&W TV Reg. $69.00 *With any Color TV in Playback's TV Dept. Select from names like RCA, SONY, SYLVANIA, SHARP, EXCEPT HILLSIDE, EVANSTON and LA SALLE ST. SANYO. Salo Ends Sunday Oct. 13 Regular Hours playback y 523 Frandor Lane 10 am - 9 pm — Monday thru Friday 10 Frandor Shopping Center - 5:30 pm Saturday 12 5 pm Sunday Lansing, Michigan [he electronic plaijcjround - 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, 0^ ,n J Drum artist to play solo at Abrams Creative Music IV, sponsored by the Creative Arts Collective of East Lansing, offers the second of four concerts featuring individual members of the Art Ensemble of Chicago at 8:15 tonight in Abrams Planetarium. Donald Moye, whose extraordinary percussive powers brought the Art Ensemble to musical completion, will appear in solo concert. His command of a vast array of percussion instruments - congas, bongos, African hand drums, cymbals, gongs, bells, log drums, African thumb piano and whistles, as well as instruments of his own design - set him apart from traditional trap - set jazz drummers. SN photo/Craig Porter Moye began as an early Concents Musicus of Vienna opened the Lecture - Concert Chamber Music series with a program of baroque music in Fairchild leader in the Detroit Artists Auditorium Tuesday night. The 12 - member group performed on authentic instruments to a receptive audience. workshop and in 1968 joined Detroit Free Jazz and journeyed with the group to Europe before he joined the Inadequate flute weakens concert Art Ensemble of Chicago. Tickets for the solo struggled valiantly with resistance of the evening, and percussion concert are available By AL NEWMAN a conducting the group by at Abrams Planetarium box flauto taverso through the audience agreed, awarding State News Reviewer weaving and nodding while the musicians three curtain office, the Union ticket office Conceritus Musicus, Vienna, "Quarteto del Cardellino (The playing the cello. There is an calls and demanding an encore. and Discount Records for $3. the premier offering of the Goldfinch)" by Vivaldi. easily apparent rapport Chamber Music Series in Unfortunately, his flute, which "Water Music" proved an between Harnoncourt and his Fairchild Theater, gave a solid was supposed to mimic a excellent choice because it is a wife, for she too sways as she but not flawless performance goldfinch, was inadequate for collection of dances — a form performs on violin, almost as if the composition. at which the Concentus the two of them Tuesday night. were dancing. This 12 member group was - The high point of the Musicus excels. This piece was founded in 1954 by Nicholas evening was a Pergolesi piece notable, along with Handel's Overall, it was a good and Alice Harnoncourt with for seven strings. The "Concerto Grosso," for its opening to the Chamber Music several members of the Vienna composition, rarely heard, is elegant dynamic contour. Series, which will next offer excellent and was beautifully Nicholas Harnoncourt was The Fine Arts Quartet Symphony Orchestra. Its goal is to perform polyphonic played. It was demonstrated responsible for the fine featuring the music of music, the music of more than the best of polyphony. The dynamics and rhythm, Beethoven Nov. 8. one melody, from before 1800 individual melodies were M INTORMATtON «H 3905 J— on the instruments for which pronounced and, better yet, the music was composed. interesting. f 1 n / TODAY and FRIDAY ^'■'1 " Doors open 6:45 It was these instruments, "Water Music" by particularly the flute, which Tellemann was obviously | / Feature 7:10- 9:15 p. marred an otherwise fine intended to be the piece de performance. Leopold Stastny RICHARD HARRIS OMAR SHARIF ill ^ MARTIN HEN-SI&SKB ladWJKNQMES' ilHMGJB P»0G»m IWrOBMATIQW 33?5g|7 Open 7:00 P.M. Shows 7:10-9:00 Feature 7:40 - 9:30 215 ABBOTT HO. • DOWNTOWfi A BREATH-BATING 1974's MOST HILARIOUS BtMMS SUSPENSE STORY A HARROWING HINT OF THE SUNLIT TERROR OF OUR TIME! WILDEST MOVIE IS HERE! KING OF "AMERICAN FILM¬ MAKING AT ITS BEST! HEARTS A DAZZLING EXERCISE IN MONTAGE AND MELODRAMA! In an isolated surreal pocket ot World War I, the British send Alan Bates into a highly unlikely, tiny French town to discover a bomb. The townspeople have lied and the inmates ol the local asylum have taken their place. The resulting inter¬ WARREN MATTY action gives us some ol the most enchanting sequences on THE PARALLAX VIEW film. When the reality of the retiming armies breaks the bubble and the inmates have returned to the asylum, we can really share Bates' confusion about which people are really insane In our opinion, KING OF HEARTS is a rare treat; funny and sad at the same time. Twllit* hour 5:30 6 00 Josh White Jr. ©a ALWAYS A FAVORITE AT THE STABLES THE WHOLE WORLD LAUGHS AGAIN! WEDNESDAY. -THURSDAY, and SATURDAY October 9, 10, & 12 Harpo -* KITTY CARLISLE . ALLAN JONES — A METRO GOIDWYN-MAYER MASTERPIECE REPRINT ty SAM WOOO.Sc.n ploy to, OfOROI S KAUFMA*4 and M ORRil «rSWND ■ Mk lugaii State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 10, 1974 11 >ld, new favorites high KATHY ESSELMAN take their sugary nostalgia with a dash of rum. Chris Connelly * But last year, though it rose in the ratings, the quality By season. psychotically identified with a female star of the 30s. The State Newt Reviewer seems as wellsuited to the role of Mose as his "brother" from deteriorated under a producer imported from "The FBI." This character worked out the agressions of the female side of his split i „ht TV - viewers can pick their poison: comedy, family Peyton Place" Ryan O'Neal, was in the Peter Bogdanovich film. year John Wilder produces "Streets" and it is cause for personality by murdering traveling salesmen who picked "her" "Movin' On" updates two road series, "Route 66" and "Then I'mvstery movies or adventure. It is all there for the asking. Came Bronson." The good Samaritans ride in a diesel truck this celebration. up. It was a strange, brilliant and intelligent dramatic work on a I;!', "dav showcases four new series: "Sierra," "Paper Moon," time. Economics being what they are, characters have to work for Wilder wrote the best episodes of the first season. He subject that could easily have deteriorated into exploitation. "The Sex Symbol," also directed by David Lowell Rich, showed ' On" and "Harry 0." It also boasts the best returning a living and can no understands his subject matter, he loves the show and the man '"•The Waltons," and "Streets of San Francisco." longer afford to go looking for the meaning of life, like Buzz, Todd and Bronson. has taste. What more can you say? The episodes this season have how easy it is to do this material badly. r' W(lbb-S street • wise crew cannot seem to find its footing been consistently fine. "Streets" deserves its ratings. It should have no trouble "Movin' On" stars Claude Akins and Frank Converse. Akins Rh trails of "Sierra." Magnificent photography and marvelous roles have had him Wilder writes and produces to emphasize the strengths of his outrating the aging "Ironside," which looks feeble. Most sources f w ti r bits cannot mitigate the feeling that R.A. Cinadar's cast menacing everyone in film and television. performers. Karl Maiden is one of the finest American actors of believe that this will be its last season, since Raymond Burr wants Converse starred in two prestigious but short • lived Icri w feel out of place so far from traffic lights and muggers, Coronet Blue" and "N.Y.P.D." Akins and Converse demonstrate efforts. his generation and Michael Douglas has proven a disciplined, to spend more time on the island he owns in the Pacific. He i best bits turn out to be observations of city people's intelligent performer. Together they are one of the most dazzling should have retired the series last year. the best rapport since Culp and ■tions to the wilderness. Unfortunately, the cast looks like Cosby stopped spying. They seem teams in dramatic television. K think a trip to Central Park represents a trip to the wilds. real, fun and make a good team. "Mask of Death," presented last week, guest - starred John ■•Paper Moon" conflicts with the second half of "Hie "Harry 0," a classy private eye show, will be reviewed in Davidson as a Jim Bailey - like impressionist who became ■tons" but appears to be surviving. The adaptation has proven depth later. Bible It offers a pleasant alternative for those who prefer to "Streets of San Francisco" did brilliant dramatic work its first .rgentine film scheduled y FRANK FOX The film follows the rise of "The Traitors" is set largely of their flndytttorM* Trankcnstcin "Breaking Out of the 1 State News Staff Writer a powerful union boss, in the working class districts of Silence" film series. Admission ■ Running a trade union can Roberto Barrera, through the Buenos Aires. Many of the is $1. ■a gold mine. intricate and often petty performers appear to have been ■ A skilled union boss can compromises and recruited from the factories Future films in the series and sell his workers in manipulations that take him and proletarian bars and cafes will be "Lucia" (Cuba) on Oct. olesale lots and retire a rich from the floor of a factory to a where most of the action 24 and 25; "Tupamaros" plush union bureaucrat's office occurs. (Uruguay) and "When The lln the United States, such suite. "The Traitors" is being People Awake" (Chile) on Nov. often called labor The story is told through a presented 8, and "The Hour of the by United Front series of intrigues that reveal as Furnaces" (Argentina) on Nov. Against Racism and |Sn' ■tors. Argentina they are called much about Argentine politics as they do about Barrera. Imperialism (UFARI) as part 22. ■ The life and violent death of Through a series of J big time labor broker is Iftly portrayed in the flashbacks, the richly detailed characterizations illuminate the RED .IQI COCKttt i lentine film "The Traitors," cozy, relationship between ■jch will be shown for the Argentine industrialists, union MAD DOGS &. Kt time in Michigan at 7 and ■ 5 p.ni.. Friday in 107 South hacks and military politicians. Hie combination of subtle ENGLISHMEN, Bdzie Hall. character studies and grimly ■ The film is the work of authentic settings are the film's AI0VELY S0RT QtATHti: Bgentine filmmakers, actors, main strengths. »tory workers and students fto call themselves the Krupo Cine de la ■ "The Base." Traitors" is l€CTUft€ Evolutionary Marxist cinema rh ir explores the role of leaders in the working BO* OfHCEOPfNS AT 7 00 SHOW STARTS JUSK mnmn ; political movement in ?ntina from the fall of Juan "Ft$ THE CREATIVE ARTS collective at /ERIE/ michigan state university in in 1955 to the early ■1974 Homecoming PRESENTS 1974-75 SEASON Dave Loggins OCTI3 8pm JENISON Tickets $5 & $6 THE TRENCH ("so THH cirtofckiAce CONNECTION I SKVIiiN SERIES J.M concert Sat. Oct. 26 Men's Sports Arena Tickets on ai iDiUE fie R ' ^ v t at Union Ticket office, Records, Recordland ian & Lansing Malls tlx MSUnion(opeti at 8:00 am) Rturvtd Seat Tickets Concerts *Rlv!n flUey S3.00 Sold only at the Union Reserved Section Tickets Sold at the Union RJ-LftRJHARI-lRRHB Donee Theater Modern Ballet from New York and Marshall's PRESENTS THE SKY THEATRE Saturday, October 26 AbftAMS PLANETARIUM A at new exciting salon, centrally located 141 T/i £ Michigan, l^nsing (just JANE FONDA DONALD SUTHERLAND Tickets $3.00 *BelloLewltzky above Bancroft blowers and Gifts). PETER DOYLE Dance Company Modern Dance from Los Angeles The newest techniques in ha singeing, painting, flashing, streaking, uniperms, body waves, straightening. Donald H Friday, January 24 indivdualized cuts - free consultation. I hursday Ballet Folklorlco Ask for Glnny or l/turie. October 10 &;i5 offlflexico 101*: EHIfiGUGOGKB p.m. Ethnic Ballet of Mexico Tuesday, February 4 I GERARD MMIANO.he ]I has Deepserious Throaf'and man ihe' Devil In Miss Jones' who mode $ TECHNICOLOR' • Fiom Warner B'os A Warrie»Communications Comoan Ballet no rival on the hard-core scene. Sex is always Classical Ballet from Salt Lake City I performed with feeling in his films, but MiSS Aggie brings Tonight: Wilson 7:30 & 9:30 Tuesday, April 15 I out real characterization and story values." ["something new in the annals of adult II SEX FILMS! Very much a woman's picture, relating di- rectly to a woman's urgent needs and steeped in every I woman's sexual fantasies. Damiano doesn't merely fling /ialacfii Ej All at 8:15 p.m. UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM in the I spy d) his audience. He knows what he is about and explores Wedh&scla BUY A SERIES TICKET AND SAVE! jI DEFT, daring and distinctive exper- 7 tise. Damiano skillfully and artfully blends October lt> Series Tickets are on sale now. [ ! iniasy in a saga of sexual hunger and repression S'-lS People of every sexual persuason p.m. Union Ticket Office, 8 15-4 30. _ ■'' !'• • will find this the Most Hardened Erotic, Sales close Oct. 11 |Yel Joyously Life-Affirming Film Ever Made. ■So Superior that RESERVED SEATS ONLY Any Major Studio Would Be VfOUd to be par t of such a move " f% taken ItaMfft PUBLIC: $20, $18, $15 Tonight: Brody 7:00 MSU STUDENTS: $10, $9, $7.50 "^"In residence at MSU. Roscoe chell and For information about classes call 355-6686. ~U CTANVIAJ1 tk G-ta+'iVe. Arts Collective Ensemble (Declr\esd 'on, power steering, All 1974's priced $18.95 complete at No nudity. Send photo and 3-10-10 I Power brakes, radio, automatic, Torinos. Vehicles may be now to in stock. sell. Yamaha, Triumph, BMW, Systems - CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN resume to International PUZZLE 'ustproofed, phone inspected by calling Mason Rickman. SHEP'S MOTOR CAR PARTS, 2605 East Productions Inc. 11136 North ACROSS B80 or 627-6713. 5-10-11 Police Department. 676-2458. Saginaw, Clio, Michigan 48420. 1. Computes 34. Scottish alder SPORTS, Inc. Holt. 694-6621 Kalamazoo, one mile west of 5. Spring Bid, must be received by 4 p.m. 5-10-15 tree C-5-10-11 campus. 487-5055. C-10-10-18 •UTI.ASS S, 1970 November 4, 1974 at 137 West 8. Wolframite 35. Heroes holiday coupe, 11 Russian veto 37. Church bench V *-8. spot-less, $1695. .Call Maple, Mason, 48854. City 1970 SUZUKI 500. Excellent M CHECK OUR M reserves the right to reject all + REPAIR PRICES 12. Ott 39. Fair I 332-4305. 5-10-14 condition. Many extras. + 13. Wing 44. Astonish bid,. PODGE DART 1966. Good B-1-10J0 Consider trade. 361-7857. 14. Close 47. Layer engine, SAAB - 4 door, 99 L. Absolute new 3-10-11 20% DISCOUNT TO 15. Argumentative 48. Arrowroot I 90od economy, only $175. Call I A|, 353-3554 for immediate sale. condition, amber gold. All STUDENTS & 17. Egotism 49. Trouble I 4-10-14 option, except air conditioning, INSURANCE LOWEST rates on 19.1 leal golf 50. Lab burner FACULTY ON presently in dry storage. $3800. cycle and auto. Call us first or 20. Period 51. Endeavor 3. Expensive 8. Anchor tackle 349-2094^1 (MJ CASH/CARRY VW 24. Blunder 52. Tunisian ruler J00" '967, Standard, 6. Tun, last, but call. Easy payment UNION 27.Each 53. Genuine 4. Razor 9. Actress 1I ri $375 337-0557 Pm. 5-10-11 after 2 TOYOTA COROLLA 1971. Radial plan. UNDERWRITERS, 393-8100 or SERVICE PARTS 29. Slide DOWN sharpener MacGraw tire,, good condition, $850. Call 485-4317.0-10-31 30. Secular 5. Smudged 10 Varnish 355-6168.5 10-14 32. Unbtanched 1. Mrs. Roosevelt 6. Honey buzzard ingredient l°rRD EC0^0 VAN 1964, $275^ antler 2. Textile worker 7. Color blue 16 Old World lizard ^artment,ST 8t CamPUS HiH 1I Awrtm 2 3 * 5 6 7 8 9 to E 201. 3-10-10 1 fa 18.Lacuna SPECIAL 12. 13 21. Palm leaf ■ °cR? VANr 1961 - 3 speed, 6 WHERE HAVE ALLTHE CADDIES GONE? AUTO PARTS 500 E. Kalamazoo at Cedar 1 15 % 16 22. Mongrel 23. Female salmon I l ;cG°0d bodV. tires. Run, Country club members are discovering a more efficient if 1 $5°0 487-0440. 5-10-16 Vol kswagon it ft 24 Samuel's way to carry their clubs. The luxurious Volvo' 164. complete repair % %V//^ teacher jord wagon" 1970. Good lci'°n' dep8n^ble, 8 I IEM0M UPHTWHIS Naturally, you sit on leather. Air conditioning envelops you. Legrooni is more than generous. However, the 164 is a miser on fuel. It gets about 50% better gas mileage service Repair 8< parts for most foreign and American car,. Body shop & paint service,. % % Ya >9 io 21 22 23 25. Radiation unit 26 Kind of coffee 28. Apace ff is 5-9 Lssj-Vir*"- iu (FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED) than most comparably priced domestic sedans.♦ Exchange engines & transaxles. 25 c"" Come inspect the Volvo 164. It's for people 5o 31 32 i3 3H 31. Short for an Egyptian queen Coup® 19T3. FROM'ir who don't have gas to burn. Free wrecker service with 53 %* 57 33. Acquire 36. Nestling I 882 514, , mi,BS Phon« •U.S. Government EPA figures tor '74 model year carl repairs - local areas. City VA 38 Wt % % pigeon 1 alter 6 pm. 3-10-11 bus service to our front & CALL NOW GOING FAST m *3 38. H;0 I c°"di'tion 1966 NeW tirM' I00'1 - door. w % 45 % kf 40.Unicorn fish I.J10-H '900d Pric8 351-5329. JO BECK Glenn Herrimnn, Inc. We buy and sell VW's % 41. Nibble 42 Russian river 1 So VOLKSWAGEN VOLVO-BflfeY SHO Me err.:4'000 miiM $1"5. EVENINGS & WEEKENDS 5 485 2047 485-9229 Si fi Si to 43. Epochal 44. Bright Cvc^V' 361'7910 8■ 6 Monday - Friday, % 45. Title I 5 ir14 > Lansing 15 Ea" Grand Rivsr, 351-1925 J ^ 9 -2 Sa turday J 46 Perth's river Thursday, October lo, 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan For Sale Lost & Found « m wmis Urns ]!>] Fer Sale ^ hrS* For Sale 39 that emergency FIND MASON NORTH HAGADORN, CALCULATOR, TEXAS PINBALL MACHINES Buy your LIKE NEW, wedding - engagement AT OUR Pricat get If you ve found SOMETHING MANOR, North Street QUIET CONSERVATIVE girls - pair of glasses OPTICAL a pet n, I own and be the life of the party. ring set. Very pretty, still >n box. Mason. Married grad students Of Employed-non-smoker over 21 house near campus. Instrument SR10. Six months Double, single play. All in good 353-7928. 4-10-11 DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan value, we want t0 I single grad students. 1-2-3 to share partially furnished 349-9143/332-5497. $65/$75. old. 371-3513 evenings. 2-10-10 mechanical condition. Back glass 372 7409 C 5-1011 r"urn It Just come toZ* I bedroom townhouse apartments. From $185 plus utilities. Large deluxe 2 bedroom apartment $100/month plus share utilities. 4-10-11 SCHWINN CONTINENTAL - 10 broken. Paint your own and SCUBA GEAR tank, regulator, N.w. Class,l,() tell Oepa,,*! us you want ,0 ** I kitchen and dining area. 351-7975 after 6:30 pm. MSU WALKING distance. Room: speed. 22" frame, brand new. save $100-$225 4433 W Michigan 482 3632. 3-10-11 guage, suit, hood, weights, belt, Animals W In EAST LANSING (ll STan I Appliances including dishwashers, central heat, air 3-10-10 share with father and son, Kitchen privileges. $80. Phone Call 484 5082.3 10-11 knife. 332-2284, evenings. 3-10-10 a BANK'S Found pubic service EAST Column UNsitol J FIVE SPEED Boys bike. Sears. 1 1974 WORLD VOYAGER 23", GOLDEN LABRADOR Retreiver, conditioning, full basement, gas heat. Balconies. Easy drive to Hoses 351-7781.3-10-10 year old. $65 or best offer. CaU Shimano components, 26 BOOKS - RELIGION, politics, art, 4 months. Registered, has puppy state ba^ no cost to you! nL51 " MSU. Open daily from 1 - 5:30 OWN ROOM near campus, 353-3407. 3-10-11 pounds, absolute mint science, 1840-1960. Central shots. 332-4640. 4-10-11 EAST p.m. except Wednesday & condition. Costs $275 best American Stamp Collection, Rail LANSING unfurnished house, $90. STATE BANK 324 CLEMENS-Home ideal for 3-4 APPLES GOLDEN Knob Orchard. offer. 351 7890. 3-10-11 Thursday. Visit us or call 337-7809. Call Dave. 2-10-10 road collection. Phone LABRADOR RETRIEVER students or two couples. Newly C-10-31 JAMES FOX ASSOCIATES at Pick your ownl 8:30am - 6 pm. 489-7255. 3-10-10 puppies, AKC, Champion sire painted and carpeted. $60 per Model, 676-4746. Office, 372-1954. Manager, 676-1411. student. Available now. Call PENNSYLVANIA SOUTH. Near 651-5435, BL-3-10-11 651-5430. STEREO SYSTEM Nikko 5010 SEWING MACHINE clearance sale! blacks, yellows. 787-6277 (Jackson). 5-10-14 LOST HIGH school clgu " I 12-10-11 484-7403, Butterfield Realty, Michigan. Quiet for student. Near bus line. $65/month plus receiver, ALM 303 speakers, Brand new portables $49.95. $5 Gold, blue stone 355 8661 2 1010 ReJJ II Realtor. 7-10-11 ELECTRIC STOVE - everything Dual 1214 turntable Nearly per month. Large selection of CUTE KITTENS, Calico, weaned, deposit. 627 5454.5-10-11 works. In excellent condition. new, $350 351-9012 evenings. MALE ROOMMATE share 1974 14x70 mobile home wanted to EAST SIDE-Lansing, large house, 5 bedrooms, 9 month lease. TWO ROOMS - Laundry, two car $35. Call 351-3323. 5-10-15 3-10-14 reconditioned used Singers, Whites, Necchis, New machines. box trained, free. 337-0052, after 5 pm. 5-10-14 LOST Near PRESCRIPTION sungla!lft Division St.eet ReAJia If in North Lansing. Call 489-2134 $225/month, deposit, furnished. garage, 2V4 acres. North End Homes and many others Phone 351 2777 5 10 15 or 351-7600. Ask for Randy. SWEET CIDER - Atwood's STEREO PHONOGRAPH, $19.95 to $39.95 Terms. GREAT DANE AKC puppies. 351-5323. 10-10-16 Lansing* Prefer females. $80. 5-10-14 Cidertorium. 1011 West Grand excellent condition. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING Fawn and brindle, Dor-La LOST: 393-5867.5-10-15 River, Laingsburg. Open daily 9 With/without headphones, under COMPANY, 1115 North Danes, 372-3408. 5-10-14 TORTOISE Shell " , female may be GIRL NEEDED, large, nearby 3 BEDROOM apartment in house, OWN ROOM in furnished 2-man, am 6 pm. 651-5218. B-3-10-11 $30 332-3873. 1-10-10 mnfam Washington. 489-6448. Reward. Call 351 apartment, $81. Penny, $210 including utilities. 312 west. Call Dan 485-1002 C-3-10-10 2006 WELL SCHOOLED, spirited, anytime. 5 10-11 1 353-9642,8am-5pm. 5-10-11 South Hayford. 332-2419. 3-10-10 OCTOBER IS Audio Open House FOR SALE: Petri FT 35mm SLR western gelding. 9 years old. 10-10-21 Month. Open Thursday evenings with 50mm lens, electric flash TROMBONE OLDS Ambassador, $400 Call 351 7779 3-10-11 LOST: GOLD ladies CEDAR VILLAGE, one girl needed until 9 pm. MARSHALL and other accessories! Best offer. JuNee*^ perfect Marching or beginners Reward' Call Debb,e for 4-person. $80. Call Collect, 1-782-5200. 3-10-14 EAST SIDE, bedrooms, large 8 rooms, 4 unfurnished. $200. For Sale ^ MUSIC. C-1-10-10 Phone 351-8323. 2-10-11 horn. $90 firrp. $250 new with Mobile Homes w 353-1013. 5 10-14 1 case. 355-6984. 5-10-14 676-1557.5-10-11 FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR IMMEDIATE 3 SPEED bike |ale. LOST: SHORT hair black QUIET GIRLS, (1-2) needed TEAC A450 Dolby Cassette deck. International make. Mens 21 f, separate freezer - $50. 1973 MODEL Piggyback Custom AMERICAN EAGLE 1973 cat, white hairs on chest immediately. 731 Apartments. GIRL NEEDED to share bedroom Marantz 1060 stereo amp. Apartment gas stove $25. inch and Ladies 1954 inch. $45 - Amplifier, 250 watts, 4 12" completely furnished. Financing right ear. reward fQ,',e Rent negotiable. 351-7185. in duplex. $60 plus utilities. Heathkit AR 14 FM receiver. 351-3809. 2-10-11 each. Actual $69.50. speakers and foot switches. available $3700. Negotiable. Marsha, 332 010 619 No* I 3-10-14 351-9525. 3-10-14 Sony TC55 portable cassette International Marketing Service. 355 7246. 5-10-14 663-4135. 5 10-15 USED pocket Hagadorn 5 10-14 ■ recorder. YAMAHA FIBERGLASS Skii's, 3308 South Cedar, Suite 11, OWN BEDROOM in two bedroom SHARP HOUSE - shag carpet, calculators, headphones, radios, Henke Buckle books, Cubsco Lansing. Ask for Joe Watkins. HURON 10x65 2 bedroom, apartment. $75/month. 3 blocks fireplace, 3 bedrooms, furnished, • TV sets, micrscopes, binoculars, bindings. $50. Negotiable! 5-10-16 ADLER J4 Manual typewriter. furnihseil. expando new LOST: SILVER lad.es wd.Ch i„ I albums, tapes, 500 Excellent condition. $35 firm. , Monday Please return, ^(t i campus. Move in immediately. near campus, $270. 655-3568. cameras, 351-2458. 1-10-10 furnace, fenced double lot, fiance 351-9530 3 10 10 Rent free until November 1. 5-10-16 riflesand shotguns, 200 guitar DOKORDER, 6020 Auto-Reverse McLaughlin. 353-7230. 3-10-11 apricot tree, vegetable garden.. amp. PA systems, drum sets, NIKKORMAT WITH 50mm fl.4, reel-to-reel 30 tapes, perfect Walking distance ONE GIRL needed to share house. accessories. WILCOX 135mm, f2.8, leather case. condition, $200 Four smaller $3400 will to campus. finance. 787-6277 LOST: LONGHAIRED black October 4th. Gets into cat | Own room. Mile from campus. SECONDHAND STORE, Appraised excellent condition. Advent speakers,, year old, c (Jackson). 5-10-14 Reward. Call alter 5 $60/month. 482-1931. 1-10-10 485-4391 C-10-31 $225. 332-8014. 3-10-14 $225 353-2057. 5-10-16 , PIONEER 7100 amp, 22 watts 3518930: 302 MAC 21011 I GRAYWOOD 1973, 12x65, plus 1 MINUTE from MSU. NEED TWO good people to share REFRIGERATOR- SEARS dorm SOLEX, MOTORIZED Bicycle, 1 MONARCH ELECTRIC range, RMS. month old, $200. expando. Includes washer, dryer, LOST: TIFFANY Inexpensive living in a quiet old house. Needs furniture. $65 size. Excellent condition. Must year old. Best offer. 353-7981, Gretsch drum set, bird cage and 351 7212. 3-10-11 Black-Wh.t, Located at 6076 Marsh disposal, skirting, tie-downs. English Setter area. + utilities. Dan, 484-0755. sell. 351-0762. 5-10-14 days. 351-5417, nights. 3-10-14 puppy carrier. 394-0376. Spaniel neat Low down-assume mortgage Road just north of Lake Lansing 3-10-11 2-10-11 MARANTZ FISHER, Thorens, 7.97%. 332 0657, 3324249. Berkey. Reward 351^256 I Road. 1 bedroom apartments 400 QUALITY BICYCLES - 10, 5 3-10-14 GARAGE SALE. Antiques, dishes, 5-10-14 with shag carpeting, disposal, YOUNG MAN to live with retiree. and 3 speeds. Special Prices. Harmon Kardon, Sansui, stereo scout uniforms, ice skates, KONICA - T 35mm. Nine months appliances, and air conditioning. and 4 channel equipment. References, no drinking, Limited time. Call now. clothing crocheted afghans old. $190. 353 2258 days, TRAVELO, 12x60 - expando, FOUND SPRINGER Spaniel black I $150 per month, furnished 484-0362. GENE'S BICYCLE Nikkormat FTN, Mamyia/Sekor and white speckled Female reasonable rates. 393-3952. andother items. 2150 Kent, 484-2158 evenings. 3-10-14 Carpeting, drapery. Near | available at $185. Excellent for 5-10-15 SHOP' 702 West Barnes 1000 DTL. 35mm cameras and Olds Hall Vicinity 355-8217 Okemos. October 1-12. 9 am - lenses. Fender Stratocaster and campus 351-3466 351-1194 students, will consider nine Aveneue. 5-10-14 WEST FILLMORE amplifier with 3-10-14 month lease. Call Manager at 7 pm. 2-10-11 telecaster, Gibson Firebird. S.G. evenings. 5-10-15 Fender speaker cabinet. Call 339-8192 or East Lansing FREE RETAIL CATALOG: Pipes, and 54 Les Paul. Many other CITIZENS FOR a Liveable City 351-6818 $450. 3-10-14 PEERLESS 1970. No down LOST. CAT, Large, wvh.te uan* Realty, 332-4128. 10-10-23 waterpipes, bongs, cigarette fine accessories. Large selection Garage Sale. October 10, 11, 12. payment. Three bedroom. stripes Male. Part Angora of amplifiers, including the new ROOMMATE NEEDED, own room papers, rolling machines, 71 University Drive, East GARAGE SALE October 12 & Excellent condition. Land 337-7125. 3-10-10 ONE PERSON to share house. in furnished three bedroom superstones, clips, underground Miller sound gear. Used 13. 10 to 5. Antiques, coins, contract available. 627-4842 Cooperative living situation, own Lansing. 1-10-10 furniture, TV's, radios, house. $66/month. Call Comix, etc. GABRIELLA'S clothing, misc 1898 6-10-17 REWARD for wallet room. $62/month. Call Patrick, diamonds, leather coats, electric returned, 484-2077 or Charlie between GOODIES, Box 434, REMINGTON'S sale this week Schoolcraft, Holt. 2-10-11 intact: lost in Frandor parking 3 pm -6 pm. 332-4292.1-10-10 on and manual typewriters, I 5-8.487-6400. 3-10-11 Hollywood, California. 990028 at BOB'S GUN SHOP, 15% off KING ARTHUR'S COURT lot: Call Gordon 33 7-9505 or 5-10-14 STEREO COMPONEnT set, 280 10-speed bicycles, rifles, and 5 miles from campus, quiet nature on manufacturers list price on 353 6400. 5 10 10 ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2 AURELIUS ROAD. 12 miles south. shotguns. Come on down to the 2%" on Magnum's, 20% off watt receiver, Bose 501 speakers, environment, 1.(1967 bedroom house in South 3 bedroom, country home with SNOW TIRES 5.60x15. 4 ply DICKER & DEAL, 1701 South - turntable records, etc. $675. Wondercraft. $4,700. 2.1 1968 Lansing. Own room. $80 plus several acres. Available now. nylon. Fits VW $25. 332-1266 manufacturers list price. 30-60 Phone 487-9372. 5-10-16 Cedar, 487 3886 C-5-10-11 Baron, $3,000. 3.) 1968 Personal / utilities. 882-7628. 5-10-16 Pump Action Rifles. List $225. 351-7497 or 676-1441. 3-10-10 National. $4,300. Call 482-0709, $179.95, our price $139.95 1-10-31 RAILROAD TIES, $5.50 - $7 00. APPLES, CIDER, PUMPKINSI Bob Lewis. 5-10-11 CIDER TIME CORDA WEST LARGE ROOM in recently Remington Bolt action rifles in at EPI 150 SPEAKERS/year old. remodeled house, 100 yards OWN BEDROOM and living room. Seldom used. $200. 353-2579. model 700 deluxe, 15% off Like new, pick your own. Call BLOSSOM ORCHARDS. 7 miles south of Mason on Hull Road. FURNISHED 10x50. close to MSU. CIDER MILL. 5817 North | manufacturers list. 300 Magnum PETERSON WOOD CHIPS, Okemos Road, East La from campus. Many extras. Share kichen fcnd bath. $70 3-10-10 Hours 9-6, closed Great investment. $2300. caliber, 20% off. 2412 South 882-2555. Delivery extra. Mondays. Phone 337-7974. Open 7 30 j Willing to share bedroom, complete. Call 332-8987, after 5 1 589-8251 0-10-31 351-8534. 5-10-11 $62.50. Solo, $100. 332-2411. Cedar, Lansing. 0-1-10-10 a m • 7p.m 20-10-23 pm. 5-10-15 Cash for 4-10-15 EAST SIDE - large 3 bedroom, STAMPS & COINS TWO BEDROOMS - Hagadorn furnished and carpeted, Buy - Sell - Trade Hie State News Yellow Page Road, approximately 3V4 miles basement and garage, $225. full line of supplies from MSU. $150/month. % acre. Lease and deposit. Phone MID - MICHIGAN STAMP 8t COIN 677-2606, after 6 pm. 5-10-16 882-5303. 5-10-11 1880 HASLETT Rd 332-4300 NEEDED. ONE woman apartment. Across from campus. 4-woman , EAST LANSING - 4 bedrooms, carpeted, range and refrigerator, f j COUPON to* off all supplies I Business Service Directory $ 7 8/month. 351-8991, I Expires 10/31/74 | $220, lease and deposit. Phone 332-6246. 5-1010 882-5303. 5-10-11 ONE MAN needed to sublet TWO BEDRROM, near campus, ELECTROLUX SWEEPER with ★Save Time * Save Money Americana 4- man. $88 month. attachments, excellent married preferred. $225/month. 332-2034, Stu. 5-10-10 condition. Cost $140, sell for ROOMMATE NEEDED, female, 10 Call 351-0796. 3-10-10 $18. 393-1510. 3-10-10 Dependable firms and individuals ready and eager to serve p 2 BEDROOM CARPETED, minutes from campus, $92. 339-8268.5-10-14 basement, east side of Lansing. BOGEN 100 WATT P A. amplifier. Arts 6 Crafts Costume Rental For Sale Optometrist Shoe Store Used only four months plus Immediate occupancy. Call Shure four mike mixer. Call ONE BLOCK from campus. $70.50/month. Furnished. Male. 393-0450. 4-10-11 Evenings, 675-7319. 351-4200 between 8 am and 5 LANSING KNIT SHOP DONTMISS OUT Horstmyer's CO-OPTICAL Domestic and Imported Yarns ON THE FUN pm. 3-10-11 351-4347. 5-10-14 SERVICES THIS HALLOWEEN!!!!! TWO BEDROOM mobile home. 3 AND 4 BEDROOM, carpeted, basement. East side of Lansing. —* ♦Bernat Yarns 'Free Knitting Sugar House (East Lansing's Only Cooperative Optical) Furnished, carpeted, close in. Immediate occupancy. Will Instructions Bee ■YOUR CHILDREN'S Supplies Raw Honey Or. R. C. Minor, Optometrist SHOE STORE $150. Call 1 -616-946-6082 furnish. Call 393-0450, evenings *Specialists in SMITH CORONA typewriter, 12" • EYES IN FRANDOR collect. To 332-5797. 675-7319.4-10-11 Rugs and Needlepoin EXAMINED „ 5-10-14 see, electric. Like new. Costs $2f9. OS? 'Needlepoint Supplies Maple Syrup Jnfants and Children'] SHOES ATTENTION Sell, $95. Phone 489-3174. *Crewel A Stichtry Costume Rental • GLASSES • PROFESSIONAL Widths B-EEE 3-10-11 Come to 5236 Curtice Rd. Mason, • MSU/ FRANDOR - beautiful one People: for lease between Holt Service Orthopedic Shoes bedroom, unfurnished, and East Lansing. New 3 332-1939 Reserve Early Michigan Columbia on One mile south of Onondaga. Turn left • CONTACT LENS • • Tap and Ballet DISHWASHER RCA Whirlpool. 3028 Vine P.F. Flyers carpeting, air conditioning, bedroom, 3 baths, dining room, • 1131 E. Grand River parking, laundry. 332-1703. carpeted throughout, 2 car Top loading, portable. $75. Across From Frandor Shoppinf Appointment Only1 •rookfleld Pi«« • Cowboy Boots Phone 625-3022, after 4 pm. call 682-2011. House Slippers 4-10-11 gar-age, family room with Center 351 - 5330 489 - 9061 3-10-11 351-4747 fireplace. Call 393-0450 or RESPONSIBLE FEMALE 675-7319.4-10-11 Auto Service Stereo Repair CLOSE OUT of Stereo speakers, spacious two bedroom NEAR CAMPUS, 2 reduced prices. 4824156. DR. D.M.DEAN bedroom, BOD'S - apartment. After 5:30 pm finished basement, unfurnished. 5-10-14 349-2598.4-10-11 NEEDED, ROOMMATE for 4-girl apartment. Haslett Arms. $79. $250/month plus utilities. Call evenings, weekends, 332-6279. 5-10-15 10,000 LIBRARY books, 5,000 old books, 3,000 little children's books-10c and up. Call AUTO PUTS, mm OPTOMETRIST VISION CARE CENTER. THIS FALL MAKE 337-1169.5-10-14 3 BEDROOMS, 2 miles north of JERRY'S 669-9311. FLEA MARGET, Open Saturday, INC. SURE YOUR CONTACT LENS PROFESSIONAL AUDIO MSU, call after 6 pm. 351-7645. • REPAIR TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile 5-10-15 Sunday 10-5.4-10-11 ABORTION SERVICES homes. $25 - $35/week. 10 • CONTRACEPTION * BUSINESS, SERVICE * "three full - time professionally LATE MODEL COUNSELING minutes to campus. Quiet and MSU NEAR. 3 bedroom, 605 TWO SPEAKERS, electrophonic 3 • STERILIZATION or ORGANIZATION * trained technicians peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or MOTORS AND 210 Abbott Rd. Complete Test facilities Lethrop. Partially furnished. way, $60. Call after 5 pm, CAN BE FOUND IN 484-5315. 0-10-31 Lease and deposit. $235/month. 351-3143. 4-10-11 PARTS A SPECIALITY GYN Clinic 332tS63 694 2154 Speakers Available THE YELLOW PAGE!! 393-1622. 5-10-15 HOLT - 2 bedroom, stove, Halfway Between Holt I. 1226 E.Michigan Ave. 555 E. GRAND RIVER TRUCK LOAD snow blower sale. refrigerator, carpeting. $160, GRAD STUDENT to share house. Just a few in stock, single and Mason on M. Cedar Lansing 485-3271 Golf Riding Stable deposit and lease. Call 393-0450, multi 5 hp in Barter Evenings, 675-7319.4-10-11 Own room. $85/month. On bus line. Furnished. $169.95. stage. Phone crate, 339-9522. Shop PROBLEM PREGNANCY INDIAN HILLS GOLF COURSE HAY RIDES 7-10-16 BIG SAVINGS * 4854724. 5-10-15 372-1560 24 Hours And Golf Shop & PLEASANT GROVE NEAR Jolly. THE BARBERS New one and two bedroom. Appliances, carpet, air NORTH PENNSYLVANIA, 325. BICYCLE GIRL'S 26" 3 speed Unisex Hairstyling MARITAL PROBLEMS? 5TUDENT RAXE& AVAILABLE PARTY ROOM CAN BE |]4 & Large furnished four bedroom Huffy, almost new, $45. Warm up with a conditioning, laundry. Balcony home, like duplex. $250. 349-2346. 3-10- 0 NEED TO TALK? 349-1010 Comfy FOUND EACH or patio, ,$139- 351-7497.0-23-10-31 TWO CONVENIENT h Mile Eatt of East DOWN-FILLED JACKET $169. See Assistant Manager, Lansing ]ust off East WALNUT DESK, 60"x30", 2 years LOCATIONS CATHOLIC EAST GRlNn IGrand River Ave Great for Hunting, Skiing THURSDAY IN Apartment 2, 3620 Richmond. FOUR BEDROOM house recently old, $160. 2 drawer filing niVER Okemos. Mich. And AH Winter Sports!!! Call 676-1270; 3 93-6998. redecorated. MSU 10 minutes. cabinet. 351-1618. 5-10-10 SOCIAL ~ 44*rv THE YELLOW 10-10-21 $300/month. 332-1946. 5-10-10 WHITE BIRCH SERVICES PAGE. 'k STEREO COMPONETS and camera HOLT - 2 BEDROOM, appliances, SHARE HOUSE in East Lansing, equipment. Prices negotiable. Lansing: 'Can Help' WESTERN carpeting and drapes, $165 plus Call 351-0600 mornings, Charli. 482-2420 Shop and Stable one bedroom left in house. :aU 372-4020 ,, utilities. 694-0862. 5-10-14 5-10-10 1935 S. Meridian Rd. 677-0071 335-8255 michelle $85/month, plus utilities. Call 113 Washington after 5 pm. 332-8348. 4-10-11 TWO BEDROOM mobile home. (in Kositchek's) For Sale Laundry Near campus. Newly furnished FLEA MARKET. Dealer space available. Tuesday and Saturday, SERVICE Typing Service LARGE HOUSE for 3S persons, 2 with carpet. $150/month plus from 10 am - 6 pm. 1039 West Grand 1 Now Hear This WASHDAY deposit. 694-0088. 5-10-14 blocks campus. Rivar (M-43) Williamston, JLV From The Top THE ART WORKSHOP TYPING $400/month plus utilities. Michigan. 5-10-10 Hinge At The SAVINGS 393-0445. 4-10-11 Store With * CLOSE TO CAMPUS, two bedroom furnished apartment. The Red Doorl 25* Per Load Cartooning Papers Theses EAST SIDE. 413 South Clemens, 3 * Evergreen Street. $250/month. IMPORTED Audio-Visual Aides Call 351-6839. 3-10-10 bedroom, partly furnished. Pipes WENDROW'S * Dissertations $2 54/month. Deposit. Brochures Pamphlets - 882-7760. 5-10-14 LES PAUL Deluxe. Like new. *Cigars in my home. FURNISHED, UTILITIES paid, Sunburst. With case. $325. *Cigarettes ECONOWASH Charts and Graphs newly carpeted, excellent TWO BLOCKS, large room, 351-0481. 3-10-14 Electric Type ■ Elite location, 1 bedroom, 349-4907. 'Tobaccos woman, $220, Collingwood, Special Taxas Thesis drawings 5-10-14 351-2609. $75/month. 5-10-14 Block One M.A.C. Reasonable Rates APPLES - PICK your ownl Waihar 50c * 332 - 4269 Graphics Pick Up and Delivery Jonathon and Delicious. 24 Hrs. open a day PRESPECT- SMALL 'Utilities, dishes, bedding. Four men. Upper, $15. Lower, two unit. $22.' 2 BEDROOM HOUSE Sparrow Hospital. Unfurnished, $165/month plus utilities. near $3.50/bushel. Fresh cider. APPLEBERRY Spies $4/bushel. ORCHARD. Morice, 625-7017. Ciun^Ua^wtflaShoi, 3006 Vine St. Taw to 11pm. 1 Mh W. of Sears Call 349-3417 CALL 655-1611 or 655-1542 STATE NEWS 371-1270. 5-10-10 339-8667 after 6 pm. 5-10-10 2-10-11 YELLOW PAGE ^ ■Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 10, 1974 1 5 I personal / [ Typing Senrtte # i\ lesson j 11 in complexion 484-4519 East GENERAL TYPING, Reasonable rate*. Near campus. IBM Black leader to run in '76 351-8118 5-10-16 kchiga" ' c r 485-7197 Laming By NEW YORK TIMES Democratic National Back in Atlanta after MERLE NORMAN brokering weight at a ATLANTA - Julian Bond, Convention to give blacks a another speaking tour around convention that has been IsMfcTlC STUDIO. C 3-10-10 k PURPLE VICKI fast, accuiate, inexpensive typing. Very near the Georgia politician and significant say in the outcome. the country he says he has thrown wide open by the campus 337 7260. C 10-31 black civil rights advocate, During past Democratic addressed five million potential withdrawal of Ted Kennedy. JLIES REAL rock'n'roll at itl Announcements for It's What's The Lansing Chapter of Lee L. Now available for concerts, Happening must be received in the Amis du Vin is sponsoring a plans to enter a number of conventions, black delegates supporters in 49 states in the "The candidate who ANN BROWN typing and tnultilith State News office, 341 Student Democratic presidential seldom had notable impact. last six years, he explained his gourmet dinner featuring Veal promises to do the most for offset printing Complete service Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least Oskar and Denis primaries in 1976. two class days before publication. Cloi St. - They have been either too few plan, saying: black people can have my for dissertations, theses Burgundy at the Lions Den, 213 S. He says he does not expect No announcements will be in number or too divided on a "Now that the winner - take delegates. If the vice manuscripts, general typing accepted Grand Ave., Lansing, at . 8 p.m. WANTED by phone. Oct. 22. Reservations must be made to win the nomination, though common candidate. Bond, who - all primaries have been presidential thing should IBM 25 years experience there has recently was elected to the 0i psychology study 349-0850 C-10 31 in advance. Call Lyle L. Brown. been some outlawed, I can pile up blocs of somehow develop after that, speculation about his vice Georgia state Senate after black delegates in Southern well, well just have to see." MSU Volunteers: Michigan COMPLETE THESES Service presidential potential. Rather, several terms in the state House and industrial states. Gov. George C. Wallace of School for the Deaf volunteers Sigma following a Discount Printing. IBM Kappa invites you to he of Representatives, believes he 12 Typing meet at 8 tonight in 37 Union for attend open sorority October 6 to says he hopes to carry "The sum total of those Alabama is considering a Please and binding of dissertations and training and transportation; tutors 14. Come see what the Greek enough black delegates to the can change all that. blocs will similar political plan, using 203 carry special publications. Across from for foreign students meet at 4 p.m. system is all about. For rides and blocs of delegates from the oclooer 12,anytime campus corner M.A C and today in CI03 Wells Hall; Big information call Pat Hampton or opposite end of the ideological Commission rejects drug squad fund cutoff jy 9 30 noon and 1 • 4 Grand River Below Jones lirother/Sister Volunteers meet at 8 Debbie Halsey at the Sigma Kappa tonight in 31 Union; Otto Jr. High house. Go Greek. Pass it on! spectrum. 'huj,. Jones 882 5806 to Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday Volunteers meet for orientation at Both Wallace and Bond are lor 1"' h0"' testing Friday Call COPYGRAPH 7 tonight, rides will leave from 27 SERVICES, 337 1666 C 10-31 (continued from page 1) "I don't totally agree with the hard drugs and pushers are working on the assumption , participants will be paid Student Services Bldg. Elect Howard Jones to Congress! anyone here," Ryan said. "I but when he sees these inflated that they can draw at least 15 TYPING DONE by experienced Contact the Human Rights party, considered, that of requesting a 855 Grove St. civilian think the real problem is counts of busts and dollar per cent of the vote in many typist, reasonable rates Call Liz, review board to N SHOW, October 18, starting 355-4926 5 10 14 Meeting for new Hubbard monitor the squad, was whether we are cutting off the values of $1,000 placed on a states. „ |9 20 all day Pake Plaza, Information Center volunteers at Under the Democratic 7 .10 tonight in the H.I.C. office, dropped because, Heyser said, heavy drug traffic and I don't pound of pot, he's going to I son, Michigan. Intersection TYPING TERM Papers and theses Just what is the MORONSA see this (the metro squad) as dam up and we'll lose him," party's new rules, the winner third floor room 9 Library. it would take the consent of all )(I94 127 B 1 10-10 group you've been reading about? of a primary no longer gets all Experienced, fast service IBM Copies of their latest news letter the other agencies who fund it working." Ryan said. electric. Call 349 1904. 18-10-31 the delegates. Instead, each will be on the streets soon. Keep to NJO PLAYER wanted by Friends of animals and nature: get it through. No candidate is awarded delegates Tonk pianist. Good ear University Animal Welfare watching for time and place. "Not Ryan, who proposed to cut argument really held, (onky funding it was the proportionate to his share of improvisation. Mostly THESES, RESUMES, typing and Organization's first meeting, open metro funding last year, said however, and the eventual vote in(l good to all, presents two excellent free only alternative available," the marijuana busts would turn ended much like last year's. the total primary vote. fun buy maybe some gigs printing Reasonable prices Heyser said. animal movies. I'lease come from 7 Lll Dave. 484 9774 2-10-11 COMMERCIAL PRINTING. First meeting of the year for Pre off the only viable source of Only Heyser, Veenstra, Ryan, However, no delegates are to 10 tonight in 117 Berkey Hall. He cited figures from a 3514116 C 10 31 professional club at 7:30 tonight information on hard drug Mary Sc hoe me hi, D-Lansing, awarded unless a candidate gets in 104 Natural Science Bldg. metro squad report that pushers that police might get. and Pamela Stern, D-East at least 15 per cent of the vote. | Real Estate (ft Students for Cliff Taylor will hold a meeting at 7 p.m. tonight in 30 Union. The Northwoods Guild of showed a number of marijuana busts during the year and he "Every 14-year old kid in my neighborhood knows where Lansing, opposed funding the squad. States can lower this minimum, but many have not. estimated the actual figure was Illuminators and Calligraphers will LITTLE ACRES. TYPING- WILL pick up and meet 6 to 8:30 p.m. even higher. Sunday in the >d tietween Okemos and deliver. Large or small orders. Union Oak Room. Heyser claimed the pot ACM is holding its opening VanAtta Road, Phone 677 8611 after 5 30 or all Student Hamston on busts were usually for publicity positions on large patio and enjoy day Saturday and Sunday meeting at 7 tonight in B104 Wells Hall. Dave Wessel will present purposes. He added that he had utiful view beyond the 2'/> 5 10 10 Go Medieval and learn to brawl. canvassed the campus portion Computer Generation of Music. es ol lawn Well built, 3 Everyone is welcome. Refreshments Attend the Renaissance Dance Class of his district and "at least a .ucJroom ranch type house with TYPING FAST, accurate, typing served. Recorder Consort of the Society for Creative Anachronism from 7 to thousand" pot plants in Lnnecting garage, fireplace. '/> of theses, term papers, general student rooms. media fund 10 p.m. in the Williams Hall ith .ind additional bedroom in .typing. (IBM. pica elite) Contact il basement. Lots of mature Gary or Mary at East Lansing Business Associates The Yahshuans invite you to Cafeteria. John Bos, R-Lansing, rose from his seat and declared that on rubs and small trees $35,000 351-2324 examine a breakthrough in the m or pay equity ol S25.000 5-1015 metaphysical science of theology at if Heyser was correct he would 8:30 tonight and 3 Sunday in What did the welldressed knight id lake over existing land p.m. see to it the pot plants were 34 Union. wear under all the armour? Find jntract Payment of $75 per Wanted cleared out of the dorms. By DAVE GUZNICZAK funds for financially burdened onth with only 6% interest, J out at 8:30 p.m. Saturday in the Union Tower Room. "If we gotta bust every pot (COGS) Student and the Elected Council, will campus publications. hone <4 9 0 1 58 tor smoker on campus, I'd be in I '.1014 Be a volunteer at the Tenants Applications are now being determine how their funds will Encouraged by the trustees, Resource Center! We provide favor of it, if it'd keep 10 kids taken for positions on the Call af t« Fellowship at an intimate depth be appropriated to alternative the governing groups formed information and assistance about a in junior or senior high school level is what Koinonia groups are all Student Media Appropriations the media board. BY OWNER near MSU, 3-10-11 variety of housing problems. If you from getting involved with publications at MSU. brick ranch, family about - mid - morning, evening and Board. oom Funds for the media board fireplace, lull basement TWO TICKETS lor Michigan spare 3 to 4 hours a week, sign up weekend groups now being offered, drugs," Bos said. The nine - member board, Board members receive no now for our fall training program in Relational/Support Theology, John Veenstra, D-East come from a 50 cent / mortgage, 351-4122 State/U M game 351 -05/5 aftei Divorce Recovery, T.A. and Family appointed by ASMSU, the salary and work an estimated Parting Oct. II and 12. Call (we're refundable fee collected from 5:30p.m. 3 10 11 listed in the phone book) or stop Life. Call Rev. Jon Powers at the Lansing, said young kids were Council of Graduate Students 10 to 15 hours a week. University United Methodist not the only ones using drugs, students during registration. by at our office at 85 5 Grove St. in Recreation WANTED 4 or b bedioun, house the Unitarian Church Building and that the whole approach to An estimated $18,000 has been Applications are available (£ Close to campus. Available between 1 and 5 p.m.. Monday the problem was wrong. collected. until Friday at 334 Student PSSAU OVER Christmas Break, December 15, after 6 pm, 3-10-11 /4 355-9015, through Friday. James Horvath, the Socialist "I see my fellow commissioners putting Women seeking The idea for a media board Services Bldg. Anyone who is a party's gubernatorial originated last winter term director, officer, member of mber ber 14th 21st. $249 + $3.00 through CATSITTER Michigan Linguistic Society Labor candidate, will be speaking on poisonous chemicals in their academic seats when financial problems the editorial board or a staff .UNTIL Decembe. bodies and 1 think it's wrong; I annual public meeting from 9 a.m. campus Oct. 22 and 23. For more member of ■ B.i'tan departure tax. Call All expenses paid. Good cat Call to 5 p.m. Friday with speakers on information contact Mike Ballard at don't know why they do it," should file soon caused the closing of the an applicant U Travel for further 355 0034 5 10 15 student publication can not be vatious linguistic topics in tile Con - the literature table from 10 a.m. to Veenstra said. "It seems we are Grapevine Journal, a ation. Daily 353-8857, 2 Friday and Monday in a member. Officers of an MSU Con Room of the International p.m. on conditioned from the time we Women students who wish newspaper published by MSU's 1353-0659 After 5. 882-0170. TWO TICkfTS to UM MSU game, the Union. student |31010 good location 353-6453. Roger ^htu'ugh lhc/ Pept. of are young that better living to be considered for three vatancies oh the Academic s minority students. Th)r ~ government 3-10 10 through chemistry is the triggered a move by°the'MSt or^pjSation ar^'aiso barrecT" IciERS UTAH package - $299. Zeta Phi Beta sorority rush! At answer to all our problems." Council must file petitions by Board of Trustees to create an from the board. All other 3:30 p.m. Sunday in the Union. To Oct. 17 at 101 Student nas and spring. Call your Interested in ending the Milliken Veenstra said it might be noon students eligible. I Ey,i NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. il ir .11 ion Help elect Sandy be an Ebony Woman is to be a Services Bldg. organization that could provide are Lansing Ski Center Volunteer tutor lor teenage boy. .1 111 III IS Zeta! better if television commercials ■ TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. Levin governor. Contact Bob Hood The agenda committee of ■ 351 8800 0 5-10-11 Basics. Transportation Worked advocating the use of chemicals the Elected Student Council out. 489-0091 5-10-11 There will be were banned. will interview petitioners and KAPPA DELTA PI all those students interested in Gordon Swix, R-Lansing, AVRIOES DRAWN by horses. volunteer work at Grier Park took issue with Heyser's initial make selections for the at - ■ Call for appointment now. HONOR SOCIETY IN EDUCATION Car Pool Gay Liberation will meet at 8:30 Elementary at 6:30 tonight in 6 remarks and claimed the large council seats. I Phone 676 5928. 10-10-16 p.m. every Wednesday this term in Student Services Bldg. 33 Union to discuss a variety of hassling of student pot users Both graduate and topics. Come out, it's easier than was, to him, a necessary evil. undergraduate students are Tonight 7:30 Room 33 Union Bldg. Sen/ice Share Driving eligible for the seats, whose ^ The MSU Science Society will hold a disorganization Fiction Following Swix's comments, Patrick Ryan, purpose is to provide full All members urged to attend FROM SPARTAN Village to meeting at 6:30 Friday in 34 D-Lansing, stood up and said representation for women on PEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, Free senior pictures for the 1975 Union. D. Jones, the famed Jackson Leaving / am, returning all previous arguments he had the Academic Council and the REFRESHMENTS oiled, and adiusted. Portables MSU Wolverine yearbook arc being iconoclastic depterian, will speak 5 pm 355 1006 after 6 pm taken Monday through Friday in 36 on how to copyright black holes. heard were wrong. Elected Student Council. $7.50, manuals $10.00, electric 3 10-11 | i 2 50 One day service, free pick up and delivery. 25 years FROM MILFORD. Howell to MSU experience 393 9774 x6-10-14 AND return Leaving 6 45 am, returning 5:45 pm, Monday • JUPNITURE STRIPPING; Old Friday 337 2646 84 30 itives at 7:30 p.m. "lishes sately removed from the Hillel Building, 3 10-11 Michigan Bell Service Bulletin 'recious old pieces. Bring them Avenue at Hillcrest "let us do the hard work. FROM JACKSON to MSU Leaving I 627-4251. 5-10-11 8 am, returning Monday and llGHlAND Tuesday 5 pm, Wednesday and Register for the draft yet? HILLS - Christmas Friday 4 20 pm, thuisday 11:50 Selective Service still requires you I Parties & wedding receptions. am 7829005 after 5 pm to register at age 18. BI62 Student e your date now 3 10 11 Services Bldg. ivthe place. | 669-9873 20-1 a 23 FROM JACKSON TO MSU Leaving Residence Hall Occupants: tHE HEST Service on stereo 8 am, returning 5 pm Monday Fnglish majors: graduate school eqipment see the STEREO and Tuesday. 4 20 pm meeting at 4 p.m. today, 214 SHQPPE 555 gast Grancj R,ver Morrill Hall. Catalogs and ORE Wednesday and Friday 11 50 forms will be available. Thursdays 782-9005 after 5 pm x3 10-11 'HOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES F|nest quality "Transformation," as presented reasonably FROM SPARTAN Village to MSU Let us know before Oct. 25,1974 will be studies at 10:15 If you wish P 1 • c e d B 0 Y N T O N , Student Services Building, area in Romans, PHOTOGRAPHY Friday in 33 Union, by the 5-10-14 482-5712 Leaving Monday - Friday 7:45 a.m. American Baptist Student whether or not you want to keep am, returning around 5 pm. 353 0905 after 6 pm 110-9 Foundation. All are welcome. STUDENT TOLL DIALING-the to continue •TIVE PHOTOGRAPHY l»st statewide. TERRY at Winged Spartans will have their convenient long-distance direct- Fall Maiic beginning at 1:00 p.m. I LUKE PHOTOGRAPHY, Driving this Saturday at Jewett Airport in dial service now available in every "13-532-9325. C-10 31 Mason. All faculty, staff and alumni residence hall If each Instructions i* FROMJACKSON to MSU Leaving 8 am, returning 1 pm Monday and Friday, r> pm Wednesdays 782 6258 after 6 pm 3 10-11 nts for Taylor invite air* Long Distance room. registered student in your State room votes "Yes" on the tally card II ^'nnin9 ™ hour. $4 50/40 dr,d intermedi OFFERING Suburbs HIDES Loaving this to Chicago Thursday cd persons 30 to 12:30 today at the ne Bridge. to meet ititial candidate Cliff Taylor Direct Dialing you already have, you may I 349 1354. Call night 332 0866 2 10 10 continue dialing Long Distance from your dorm rooms, after 5 &-1014 Will all former Adopt A - Grandparent volunteers please calls from your own room. If we I^SIAN I translating, TUTORING Moscow University and FROM MSU to Leaving 2 40 pm. 616 Battle Cieek 964-0240 make contact with Gary Shapiro in the Volunteer Bureau: We are haven't received your card by 3 10-14 please let us know looking especially for those people II 337ivi'e "2 3563 1-10.10 Ca" Edward. who will be continuing this year. October 25, we'll assume you wish Riding ^ Hear the Socialist Labor party's to discontinue Long Distance PaNTED before October 25! BANJO leijchei to teach candidate for Congress critique the service from your dorm room 1 nL°Ur tl0me °"fi "'S'" a week. capitalist system and explain the of Socialist industrial I ("'1" ;i,,er"oons program unionism WKAR KM at 8:30 phone. Questions? Don't hesitate to I 51016 9Venin9S' 349 2295 517-773 3633 evenings 3 10 11 p.m Sunday. on call us at 351-9900. Or contact us at Rice and Tea Supper from 5:30 405 Abbott Road, directly across | UyTnAjR LESSONS. $4.00/'/, hour. c"' FROM Jolly STRAWBERRY Road to FIELDS, downtown to 7:30 lonighf at the Peace Center, United Ministries, those who would the street from the East Lansing like to evaluate the International Lansing Leaving 7.30 am, Week of Concern for the returning 5 pin 394-2752 indochinese People and make plans City Hall. 1ftuhF"ae"»«* tutor. 6:30-7 pm. 3-10-11 for the future should come. Cost 25 cents with donations for Africa @ NEED RIDERS from Jackson to Famine Relief MSU, to share gas oxpenses J Service ^ Leaving and pm fnday Monday Wednesday returning Leaving Tuesdays and 2 15 Riding & l^'^CED IBM typing Thursdays 9 am, returning 12:15 pm. 7824046 after 9 pm FROM Hall PORTLAND to Agricultural Leaving 7 am, returning 5 Michigan Bell 3-10-11 pm. 647 8512 evenings. 3-10-10 ohh ™ 'hessi, term FROM FLINT to MSU Leaving RIOfcriS FOR Ann Arbor Leaving „ '.9eneral 'VPing. Formerly before 2 pm, returning after 5 Fridays at 4 pm Call 332-5281. I C1Q-31 pm. 1-313-238 8074 after 7 pm " 485 or beioie 1 P™ 1 10 10, 16 Michigan State News, East Thursday, October 10, H Lansing, Michigan Calm down— course baseball's off Marshall hear about - I myself could Education 106, but By GARY HOFFMAN - season. never take stress like that." he State News Staff Writer is also a graduate assistant in can only take about in* But Beach says Charlie Beach's physical the department. neuromuscular relaxation can course will also be offl? Beach Marshall uses education course may come as a shock to those who pant and says neuromuscular relaxation work for anyone who faces' MSU9.E„ni„( sweat profusely at the mere during games to handle stress. stress, not just athletes. in the stands once, "The mention of the word "I was "Most people come into the popularity i\ "physical." watching him pitch at phenomenal," Beach J class and say, 'I'm hyper and I The Actually, it involves less Chicago," he said. "His team word word ° mouth" just spre,*? effort than grappling with a was behind, it was the last need this," Beach said. with help of some pre * very r2 Over 100 students signed up frozen daiquiri or hefting a 12 - inning and the crowd was ounce can of beer. hostile. It was just like you for the class, Physical tongues. ^ "We have the individual perform certain activities — some that are no more African self-sufficiency strenuous than pointing a toe," Beach said. Beach, a graduate assistant with the Dept. of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, teaches a course on neuromusular relaxation, which offers MSU student one credit's worth of tension relief. suggested by food group Neuromuscular relaxation is "nothing whatsoewr" like By PATNARDI Africans will be coming to the United Statesto exercise, he explained. "In fact, State News Staff Writer help Americans with their problems g it's the exact opposite. Exercise development," he maintained. involves contraction, but "Give me a fish and I will nourish "Right now we can help Americans find join neuromuscular relaxation in Africa if they share our ideals and want to allows the muscles to lengthen. myself for a day. Teach me to fish and I become members of 4 - F," Awe said. Students let the kinks seep out of their bodies during an exercise at MSU's new course in neuromuscular relaxation. During the "We teach the students to will nourish myself all my life." term, students will learn to relax every muscle from the muscles in their thighs to the delicate ones in their eyes. Chinese proverb Awe urges anyone willing to donate recognize when a muscle is tin*, tense and contracted." talent or equipment to the 4 • F cause to c| A person can stop the him at 332 • 6280. stimuli going from the brain to The solution to Africa's food problem lies in 4 - F memberships can be obtained In Drug authorities' statistics show teaching Africans to become self - sufficient sending $2 to 4 - F, P.O. Box 731, Ei the muscle, which create the tension, Beach explained. not in giving them handouts of food or - Lansing, Mich., 48823. He said students first learn money, Farm Forestry for Food and Freedom, A program called "Seeds for Africa" will k to relax the big, fleshy muscles, Inc. (4 • F) says. sponsored by 4 - F on Nov. 17. Further detaili like the hip flexor in the thigh. possible rise in area heroin use 4 - F, an international nonprofit organization will be announced later "Then we take them through with a chapter at MSU, is devoted to alleviating Another area group concerned with the all the muscles - every muscle worldwide food problems, especially the famine in the body." African drought and famine is Africa Famint in Africa. Relief. By STEVE ORR Even small muscles lfke the study results showed that the number of Michigan users has risen State News Staff Writer to 100,000. The most recent estimates tongue and the muscles that "Prolonged food donations will only While 4 - F stresses the long ■ range solution put the number at around Heroin may be the upswing in the area, several Lansing control the eyes can be promote the evolution of parasitic societies," 4 to Africa's problems, Africa Famine Relief has use on 25,000. drug authorities say. Nichols said it could be assumed that the increase would be relaxed, but the task is difficult - F president Oluwadare O. Awe said. Awe, a worked more for Africa's immediate needs by The authorities — officials from the state Office of Substance true for Lansing. He said the preliminary statistics because of the high ratio of Nigerian, is presently a Ph.D. candidate in raising money for food and medicine. predict that Abuse, East Lansing's Drug Education Center (DEC) and New about 1.1 per cent of nerve endings in these muscles, forest ecology at MSU. Michigan's residents are heroin users, Since la§t year a core of about 15 MSU Birth, a methodone clinic in Lansing — were responding to Beach said. putting the number of users in Lansing at approximately 1,400 "4 • F will act only as a catalyst. The bulk of students in Africa Famine Relief has raised over reports from Washington that hard drug abuse is once again on and in East Lansing at about 550. "Complete relaxation needs our working members will be African farmers, $9,000 to send to drought - afflicted nations by the rise, with smaller cities being hit hard for the first time. Nichols said the report, which will be finished by December, to be taught," he says. herdsmen and village blacksmiths," Awe said. sponsoring fasts in residence halls and givinj DEC's statistics showed the most dramatic increases. In the will be the most comprehensive study of drug abuse ever for the ''Tension control is a skill, like The goal of 4 - F is to increase food presentations to schools and churches. three • month period from July 16 to Oct. 15, 1973, they state. throwing a baseball or kicking received 32 contacts about heroin, both by phone and in person. a football. production in 10 African villages a year by This year the group will explore tht Hershel Roper, director of New Birth, said that the number of This included crisis and general information calls. "Some cultivating 300 acres of idle land in each village. possibility of arranging some long range people experimenting with heroin may have increased. He also people sleep tense. In the month of August 1974, they recorded 76 contacts. And said it appears that more people are They are simply tense the 4 - F is involved in forestry, animal activities in addition to just donating money, going back to using heroin said Warren Day, adviser to Africa F in the 30 - day period of April 16 to May 15, they logged 135 after having quit it. whole eight hours they are husbandry, improved methods of food storage contacts. asleep. and other activities related to food production. Relief. Roper said utilization of his methadone clinic has not Debbie Sykes, DEC worker, said the marked increases do not "It makes absolutely no A benefit dance held at the beginning of fill increased, but Nichols cited figures for the City of Detroit's clinics necessarily mean heroin use has increased. difference what shape a person "We want every activity tied to food that showed that use of those facilities has increased 14 term netted Africa Famine Relief only $1.19, per cent "It could just be what's available," she said. For example, in the last three months. He pointed out, is in," Beach said. "People production," Awe stressed. "When you are They blamed insufficient advertising for the though that those just Sykes said that in the past when Qualudes have been scarce, beginning to use heroin now probably would not tum up at don't realize that a guy who hungry you can't think creatively. Only when a poor attendance at the dance. contacts for problems with alcohol and marijuana have gone runs five miles a day can still man is full can ha make other decisions." up. methadone clinics for help for another year or two. Irvin Nichols of the Office of Substance Abuse said the be so tense that he can't get The group will sponsor a tea, rice and peanut The Michigan State Police reported that arrests for possession Awe said 4 F will preliminary data of • begin its field work In • sauce dinner Thursday, Oct. 17, from 5:30 to a report that his office is preparing indicates and use of heroin have not increased over the last several years. more than two hours sleep." that heroin use is up all over the state. January 1975. 7:30 p.m. at 1118 S. Harrison Road. Their figures showed between two and four arrests for those Beach is aided by his "The early indications are that use is higher than we'd coinstructor, Mike Marshall, He said while Africa "dormant" Donations to Africa Famine Relief may be crimes in each of the past three years in Lansing and East was a previously estimated," Nichols said. Lansing. the star relief pitcher of the continent, it wouldn't always be helpless. made at the East Lansing State Bank, account He said the number of users is "going to be considerably Los Angeles Dodgers, during "We want to stress that before too long, number 5 - 03040 • 2. higher" than before, and that he "wouldn't be surprised" if the LIESEItmANN'S 4 FREE tickets to Chicago CRYSTAL WINE SET Come in & register no purchase necessary Drawing - Noon Friday Lansing's most popular number for dining out! 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