By PEGGY GOSSETT the business majors to the less job created a shortage of both teachers and State Newt Staff Writer oriented majors. - hand, appear to have se* • sawed into a texts. hole. The MDC program, so "Tliey were concerned with John Hudzik, assistant to the director popular just Though MSU's total enrollment has a lot of four years ago, dropped from 3,000 to been steadily climbing over the past ten public issues and idealistic concerns," said of multidisciplinary programs, said while 1,356 students. The College of Arts and years, trends inmajon resemble a see • saw, Roger Funk, asst. dean of the College of in 1971 jobs were simply not available to Letters barely managed c 2 Arts and Litters. "So the MDC students, their desires to per cent fluctuating between liberal arts majors and they majored in major increase to its enrollment. lob-oriented the pre - professional, career - oriented, majors. This fall students are congregating in religious studies and philosophy, majors which could answer the philosophical questions that many public issues brought in MDC were undaunted. also The College of Arts and Letters was experiencing an influx of students, Education majors also changed from the basic program to the special education major. The baby - boom students filled the College of Business and in pre - med up." while enrollments in the College of Funk said the students of the late teaching fields but a drop in the U.S. majors, while enrollments in the Colleges Business dropped about 20 percent. population left many classrooms unfilled of Social Science and Arts and Letters has 1960s were not as concerned with Then came the wave of disillusionment, and thus many teachers without I abandon lib waned. But in 1969 it was the liberal arts majors that were booming, while the the transfer of student concerns in the early 1970s from activist public issues to a more personal pursuit of happiness. many turned to the special - education major, which emphasized teaching of the jobs. So mentally and physically handicapped College of Business suffered an acute loss Increasing inflation and impending children, a field still in need of teachers. of students. shortages of meat, gas and money appears 43,459 students enrolled this year at What has caused this see saw effect to have brought more students' • priorities MSU, up 1,810 from the previous year over the decade? back to their own personal concerns. seek business The trends in majors seems to follow students' attitudes toward the outside world. immediate jobs after graduation are now. Enrollment statistics as they At the same time, the trends in at MSU pivoted back to career oriented areas. This year - majors with another increase slated for next The teetering balance of majors will undoubtedly undergo yet more year. in the College of College of Business majors fluctuations. TTie job • oriented majors and In the late 1960s and Social Science in 1971 increased 11.6 per cent over last year's early 1970s support his theory, the liberal arts majors will rise and students were concerned with as enrollments climbed surge in possible despite the lack of already huge increase of 15 par cent. All popularity depending upon whether draft notices, the Vietnam job openings in that major, Its of the War, minorities' premedical programs' enrollment students want to fight to change or fit in rights and political activism. At the same multidisciplinary Program (MDC) bulged soared. with the established social and business time there was a massive trend away with over 3,000 students in 1971, which The liberal arts from majors, on the other worlds after graduation. Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Rockefeller now claims total responses in inquiry NEW YORK (AP) - Stung by reports The furor the gifts and over Rockefeller's confirmation as vice that he had been "less than candid" in Rockefeller's acceptance of blame for president. reporting his almost $2 million in gifts to publication of a 1970 book derogatory of friends and political associates, vice former His Democratic opponent, former Atty. Supreme Court Justice Arthur J. president designate Nelson A. Rockefeller Gen Ramsey Clark, has made it a major Goldberg, his opponent for the New York insisted Sunday that he had now told issue in his campaign. governorship that year, spilled over everything about what he had been national politics. Javits said he would certainly ndt officially asked. Rep. Wayne Hays of Ohio, Democratic return the money "1 have responded totally to the "now and under these chairman of the House Campaign circumstances because, if I did, an requests of both committee chairmen," he Committee, said Rockefeller "mjght be in commented when implication of impropriety might be read asked about stories some serious trouble" about congressional into the contribution." emanating from unnamed sources. confirmation to the vice presidency. Rockefeller had been asked by Rockefeller talked with President Ford He said that such an implication would Chairman Howard W. Cannon, D • Nev., of by telephone Saturday, and an aide said he be "completely unjustified" in view of his the Senate committee on Rules and had. been assured that "there is no long political relationship with Rockefeller Administration, to list gifts he made to problem." , and the fact that the vice president public officials and associates between Sen. Jacob Javits, R - N.Y., whose designate "has always contributed to me." 1957 and 1974. political fortunes have been linked with Rep. Peter Rodino, D • N.J., chairman those of Rockefeller for the past 20 years, However, Javits added that he would of the House Judiciary Committee, had told series of news conferences Saturday a "consider what was the proper thing to asked for similar information. that he had reached no decision on do," and that there was plenty of time to Rockefeller seemed especially bitter whether to return a $15,000 campaign do it since the vote would not be taken about a report that "Rockefeller interests" contribution. until late November or early December. had arranged a $50,000 loan for L. Judson The senator, seeking a fourth six - year Morhouse, a former New York state term, has been under considerable pressure Moreover, he said, he felt "perfectly official. The report, broadcast by NBC, to do so on the grounds of conflict of free" to vote against Rockefeller's said that Morhouse bought stock with the interest since he must vote on confirmation of this proved necessary. money and made a profit of over $100,000. "I had knowledge of this and was Jaworski no not involved in this," the former New York governor said as he returned from a walk in the autumn - wet woods of his resigns estate at Pocantico Hills, Westchester. Day Rockefeller spent a quiet Columbus weekend in the country, remained in touch with political associates but bugging trial and newsmen by telephone. WASHINGTON (AP) - The major the five coverup defendants, including Through a spokesman, he said that a prosecution in Leon Jaworski's year - long former top Nixon aides John N. Mitchell, $100,000 loan to Los Angeles Times tenure, the Watergate coverup case, H. R. Haldeman and John D. Ehrlichman. columnist Thomas W. Braden did not fall progresses to public trial today with Richard Ben Veniste, a 31 - year • old • into the category of information requested opening statements to the jury. trial lawyer, who fought many of the by Congress. Jaworski waited to announce his Watergate tapes controversies for the "The loan was a loan to a friend who resignation as special prosecutor until the Jaworski special prosecution force, will was then executive director of the jury of nine women and three men had outline the government's case. Museum of Modern Art and wanted to been sworn and cut off from news about He told U.S. District Court Judge John SN buy a small California newspaper," he Watergate. The jury was sequestered J. Sirica he would deliver a "rather full photo/Cralg Porter said. "It was fully paid off and was made Friday; Jaworski announced his departure opening statement" lasting perhaps 24 I Apples are good for things other than shining or eating whole. They can be smashed and squeezed into a favorite fall drink - in 1954, so it did not fall within the time Saturday. hours. He said he hoped "to educate the I cider - but it takes a lot of work. See how one cider mill His resignation, effective Oct. 25, is not operates on page 13. period for which information was jury and to some extent the court." requested." expected to have any effect on the trial of (continued on page 10) Freaks top Pigs 7-0 By PAT FARNAN It was the Freaks' fourth win, this time members of the Fraternal Order of Police, State News Sports Writer in front of over 45,000 boisterous backers, Capital City Lodge no. 141, local firemen Pou ve got t0 hand it and several federal agents. to those Freaks — to produce another big bulge in the pocket "Of course the Freaks won once again lc » c,xac"y what the Pigs did once of ALSAC (Aid to Leukemia Stricken f often Sunday in the fifth annual Bull American Children). All proceeds will go as they have in Fort Wayne and Boston," Claude Signam, representative of the Fort |J"«e Spartan Stadium to the St. Jude's Children's Hospital in Wayne Freaks, said. He then inquired if Pigs grunted and snorted with all Memphis, Tenn. the Miami Dolphins had an open weekend but The Freak's team comprised a variety of continually flubbed, in their schedule. 1,7 a"d tu™ed the ball over to their local people including students, street Since play was governed by NCAA r h™8 counterparts, the Freaks, persons and burned out jocks looking for a rules, billy clubs and fire pokers were not | e° them and then won the game place to play. allowed. Nevertheless, both teams got The Pig's team included police officers, their licks in. The Freaks piled up 17 penalties for *$U bells to 177 yards, more than the total offensive participate output of their Pig opponents. For this, the Pigs thanked the Freaks, and the Freaks nearly lost the game. bicer'C^nial celebration In yet another climactic ending the Pigs had four cracks at paydirt starting from the five yard> line with less than a minute ?.GmRY something to do with Columbus Day. But to go. - State News H0FfMAN Staff Writer they will be wrong. Bets were placed, the excitement built The bells will be the MSU carillon's and both teams went to work. Pig ■es frSlStUrdents who he" 12 ringing first musical contribution to the halfback Greg Keast was finally plopped ~ ftp rra! in, " >r»> re minutes of bicentennial celebration, a tribute to the on the eight yard line, pigskin in arms. No V*IBJ1 r' ICCtUreS founding of the First Continental Congress an' 0Vcr Wil1 200 years ago. 'The Pigs had plenty of other piey wil " Wendell Nestcott, associate professor of opportunities but failed to cash in as their founding ctr, awokl> by the music and MSU carillonneur, will i-ound depleted offense sputtered like a car K fron mV)f thc "Slw Span^d out the national anthem and "America the without wheels. Jillon, ,h" Beaumont Tower Beautiful" on the carillon, an instrument "What killed us was our loss of ft "uii rTd' lh(' composed of stationary bell*.played by quarterback Van Harp," Pigs coach Ted duzed students Bauer said. "He may have broken his leg, A hoit of Freaks head in to tackle a Pig runner during the fifth annual Bull Bowl in Spartan Stadium Sunday. The Freaks took ^ tv ' "(- 's and conclude striking wooden handles. (continue*? in fMf)P 10* their fourth win of the series with a 7 - 0 wore before a crowd of (continued on page 14) approximately 45,000 spectators. Monday, October 14 „ 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Kissinger opens RIYADH, Saudi Arabia the secretary said Kissinger He met with King Faisal to door to talks economic disorder on a global scale is not in Saudi Arabia's said had Ktesinger's 19 ■ hour itop been "«n indispensible between Israel and W, then Israel and I (AP) - Secretary of State hoped to have the peace seek his support at the Arab Jordan summit meeting in Morocco best interest, aides said. phase in the process of peace in Henry A. Kissinger said Sunday that he has reached agreement negotiations underway by the end of the year. later this month and to Earlier Sunday, Kissinger the Middle East" Undersecretary Joseph Sisco drove 0# , I with Israeli leaders on "the Kissinger announced the emphasize the severe met for five hours with Premier While Kissinger gave no Jordan «Jj| principles and procedures" agreement in a statement at the repercussions of a continuing Yitzhah Rabin and other top Israeli officials. details of the next round of negotiations, newsmen were pursue River to prospects in Am^l Kenya to elect parliament today toward the next stage of Middle East peace negotiations. Jerusalem airport before flying here for talks with Saudi price production squeeze on the consuming countries. After the meeting Israeli told that the framework •rousing speculation thatSl U.S. officials accompanying leaders. Kissinger stressed that Foreign Minister Yigal Allon essentially will involve the movement in peace bids might btundJ?! return of occupied «Arab betweTi^l Kenyans will cast their ballots today to establish their third parliament in a decade of independence. territory in exchange for security guarantees for Israel. and King Hussein. >| Kissinger histalkM| depressed, said Kenya is one of fewer than a dozen nations in Africa As Kissinger left Jerusalem, that elects a national assembly. Some 4.5 million voters will choose 158 assembly members for a term of up to Survey shows buyers a few dozen Israelis continued their anti Kissinger demonstrations outside Rabin's Rabin, Minister Allon and Shimon extensive, constructive fcr^l rw j| I five years. The turnout could be a record, with 18 to 20 harmonious, *1 office, and troops searched the - year - olds voting for the first time. President Jomo Kenyatta and Vice President Daniel not confident of economic upturn northern frontier 80 miles away for Arab guerillas who reports suspicions" Washington of "difficulties! and bet,s| Jerusalem' '■ Arapor Moi are running unopposed for re - election. The slipped into Israel Saturday, He said a Middle election has focused primarily on domestic issues. ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) - Consumer sentiment is down in the latest survey for the first time in the current downturn. apparently on a terror mission. "never more in the East i*, I sharply from last May, and buyer confidence is much lower than Twelvemonths" ago, 19 per cent said they expected to After finishing talks with was of Israel, which is intZ I during previous periods of post - war recession, according to a be worse off a year later. Now, a year later, fully 42 per cent of Saudi leaders, Kissinger will prepan^l those surveyed said they are worse off now than 12 months ago. work for it." W|i survey released Sunday. hold a second round of talks in The University of Michigan's Survey Research Center (SRC) And 22 per cent expect to be even worse off a year from now. Cairo and Damascus before The Israelis Thalidomide victims win case brought up^I said that consumers are depressed by the continued high rate of "During the last 18 months, the Index of Consumer Sentiment going to Algiers and returning problems of Soviet Jews* I inflation and are not confident of an economic upturn. has declined faster and to a lower level in comparison to the home. asked Some 57 per cent of the 1,438 persons surveyed in August - declines which occurred prior to previous recessions. Kissinger to Jewish emigration ^1 The. families of 63 Thalidomide victims signed a September said they expect economic "bad times" during the "The decline has lasted two years now, and sentiment is still A senior official said more ifel compromise agreement Sunday under which the next 12 months. About 54 per cent said they expect bad times to going down," noted the report. "Past experience suggests that the Kissinger is now considering he visits Moscow, Allon ait I Japanese government and a pharmaceutical firm are to last at least five years. present combination of very deep consumer pessimism and another swing through the Kissinger was also ub^l Especially hard hit by the downturn in confidence are the new decline in real incomes might make for a real recession." Middle East in early November help get permission for leave Syria and for Jem,I pay more than $20 million compensation for the birth car and housing markets, where 52 and 61 per cent of the The SRC said spontaneous mention of inflation by after a visit to the Soviet Union searchedI of deformed babies to Thalidomide users in Japan. respondents said it is not a good time to make a purchase. respondents who were asked, "why are you better or worse off and India. That was seen as a resume on the Suez Caoil^l The dispute ended nine years after the plaintiffs filed Survey Director Jay Schmiedeskamp said that the "wait - and • financially than a year ago?" increased from 33 to 44 per cent further indication that he is for the bodies of Israeli soU^I a joint lawsuit in 1965 against the Health and Welfare see" improvement in confidence which followed the resignation since May. making progress in his efforts missing since last Octo^i of former President Nixon was more than offset by "specific bad to arrange new peace talks Ministry and Dai - Nippon Pharmaceutical Co. of "The latest survey findings show that consumer have not economic news." Japan, which sold the German - made tranquilizing drug. become habituated to inflation," the SRC said. "To the contrary^ The SRC Consumer Index, with a base of 100 in February An estimated 939 babies whose mothers reported 1966, is 64.5 cent, down from 72.0 per cent in May. It pressure on the family's financial situation continues to mount. Th« State News ts published by th. students of Michlm I now per Stat* University every dais day during Fall, Winter and SolTo taking thalidomide pills were born malformed, mostly was 90.8 per cent in November 1972, but as low as 60.9 per cent "Attitudes toward buving a house are also held down by the school terms, Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays durin! Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Is DuDikhM limbless, in Japan between 1958 and 1966. As many as last February. feeling that housing prices are too high, and by long - run In September Subtcrlptlon rate Is $20 per year. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. 900 of the victims are believed still alive. "Unlike the February 1974, slump in sentiment, which was expectations about the economy and inflation," the SRC sr,J and business offices at 34S Student Services Editorial Bidg., Michkm judged to be in large part temporary because the interviews were State University, East Lansing. Michigan, 48824. conducted during the oil embargo, there is no reason to believe GERALD H. COY, OCNKRAL MANAGER the current decline is anything but permanent," Schmiedeskamp ROBKRT L. BOLLARD, SALES MANAGER said. PHONES Thais mark antimilitary revolt "If anything, the current decline may be understated since News/EdltOrlal Classified Ads 355-8252 I 355-8255 interviewing was conducted during President Ford's so - called □Isplay Advertising 355-6400 Business Office 355-3447 Soldiers and police Sunday put wreaths honeymoon period." by the SRC interviewers found some indication of an "inflation Photographic 355-8311 caskets of inhabitants and bystanders killed by gecurity mentality," where expectations of future price rises cause forces in the uprising that toppled the Thai military consumers to spend more before prices go up. But most regime in Bangkok a year ago. respondents said they could not afford to cash in on it. The buy - in - advance psychology is a victim of decreased Blood red was the theme for the opening fireworks consumer sentiment Schmiedeskamp said. displays, a reminder of the battles that swirled around the cremation ground Oct. 14 and 15, 1973, which led "Saving money by spending now rather than waiting until prices go up has become less attractive as sentiment has declined to the downfall of Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn and finanoial pressure on the family has mounted," the survey and the formulation of a new constitution that was report said. adopted this month. "Consumers are not much in a mood to spend either now or later," the report said. "Attitudes toward buying declined sharply EAST LANSING'S ONLY CO -r OP FOR OPTICAL NEEDS Despite widespread forecasts of violence, a big Mon. & Thurs. funeral procession went off without incident. Police and 11 AM • 4 PM. 5 PM • »:30l 351-5330 troops remained oniate|t tyut were mostly out of sight. ,aTm"iK'»| Sat.. 9 A.M. to Noon JJ REMEMBER 5 more days EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. til Sweetest Day CO-OPTICAL SERVICES Dr. R. C. Minor, Optometrist Oet. 19 Now in Brookfietd Plaza cards available at CAMPUS BOOK STORE 507 E. Grand River Across From Berkey Hall ...and we've done something ■SUruon Poll shows Ford support drop - "Board From Fox Creek! The hats that've taken California by about it! storm! Made from recycled According to the Gallup Poll, President Ford's approval rating has dropped 21 percentage points since he took office. 0jlTolli^}l-CSSO7lS Foxy JOCKEY S12 _ . jeans, pockets and all! (The Jockey style is combined with used flowered drapery Funky REDFORD $10 material.) Foxy and funky, A young woman who enrolls in Air Force ROTC is eligible to compete for an Air Force scholarship that includes free tuition, lab and incidental fees, The survey shows that half of those questioned Funky NEWSBOY $10 yet superbly handcrafted Foxy McGRAW $10 and reimbursement for textbooks for her last 2 JUj!1" without law school. I What can you do with only a bachelor's degree? I nnH lhere is a way t0 bridge the gap between an I eiKir^raduate education and a challenging, respon- II Jnrlrk ,carJeer The Lawyer's Assistant is able to do traditionally done by lawyers. I tho /ifm mon,hs of intensive training can give you I rh«« ~the cou|,ses are taught by lawyers. You I e^?nSe ne of ,he six courses ottered—choose the u I UIV|n which you want to work. I hac"^e The Institute for Paralegal Training I bant? e? more ,han 700 graduates in law firms, I Hun corporations in over 60 cities. 1 aro In. are a s!udent of high academic standing and II wJa like r®s,ed to in a career as a Lawyer's Assistant, meet you. For wading through crowds of admirers. SANDLER of Boston makes this knee-high boot with a crepe sole, a round toe and a warm lining. It's got a long side zipper, too Contact your placement office for an interview with — in case you ever have to make a hasty exit our representative. We will visit your campus on Available in Black,'Brown Navy and Amber. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22 Sizes 4'/, to 11 Sizes lO'/a and 11, $200 extra SJJOO The Institute for MSU BOOIIRY Paralegal Training "The Store That Has More" ?35S('",h S|rr,.| Philadelphia. Across from MSU Union PAR* o. SHOP Susan Ager WILLIAM SAFIRE Editor-in-Chief Maureen Beninson . Advertising Manager R. D. Campbell Managing Editor Ford's policies make sense G. F. Korreck City Editor Diane Silver Campus Editor Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Pay ton National Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor Pale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor "I do not think the United States is in a us through recession's wrm*, Editorials are the opinion of the State . years, or does not botch Judy Rypma Copy Chief recession," sa^d President Ford stoutly this News. Columns, viewpoints and letters are personal opinions. Joe Kirby Staff Representative afternoon, looking at a half year of * ?.KPe?°diC and the ,xPerim«nti dictatorship of the Drri. If' declining real growth through rosegarden Enter Mr. Ford colored glasses. with the Some economists tut ■ tutted. wringer. He is a general whom* war of attrition According to the strict and simplistic wearing the» the chaplain. His is a definition of a recession by the National way wj EDITORIALS Bureau of Economic Research, our last have never tried it jUst this! two quarters do reflect a recession; moreover, unemployment is climbing, and guise™* His diSC0Ver oriPn*lit»V bid to get sinking stock prices have made bearish Congress Reform: to SO! thrill T0" spendin8 "ilinit mo "Calamity" Janeway look like a Delphic oracle. The President's news conference the average political savvy is shown here viewer y limit is agreed to, the answer, however, was no offhand remark. painful be put forward, and to 1974 will undoubtedly be expenses according to their His calculated policy is not only to deny out of federal squeeJT heralded as the Year of the Purge. percentage of the popular vote. the existence of the present recession but spending - B !! Best yet, the government pays for to steadfastly assert he will not tolerate a rising and one third of the fJ Spiked on the election banners of already gone would be mastwL both recession in the future. - a today's "new" politician are the Republican and Democratic turning anti inflation talk iT- He cannot recognize the recession of • heads of Nixon, Mitchell and the campaigns in the national election 19)4-75 as a recession; if he did, he would that would actually help u. rest of that feudal crew. The and up to $5 million in each interest rates. ^ be forced to move strongly to stimulate Watergate turmoil has inspired a primary battle. the economy and thereby give up the fight Cal'i for fiscal restraint are h«dh new moral order and a fervent against inflation. actual restraint would be new The 11*4 milieu of cost to the taxpayer, Hie strategy of his economic advisers, service to competition is squeaky clean high which he has accepted, is to deny familj priests. Gerald Ford is clean. Henry however, is only a buck a year on but if Ford is serious about bt recession for as long as possible, and when his income tax. Through this the cozy patterns in industries Kissinger is mostly clean. And the that is no longer possible, to disguise it system alone the pols should have been regulated to heights of rest are trying very hard. and treat its worst manifestations. But he in about $75 million in the pot by and adopting the kind of antitna cannot kill this recession, because only Several local pols, in fact, have last seen under Atty. Gen. 1976. which is fine considering that this recession can kill — or at least slow William recently asked for cuts in.salary, a the most they can spend in any one down —this inflation. we might have a quiet revolution* request so unique it immediately election year is 60 million. How easy it is to cavil at Ford's conservative dreams come true, arouses suspicicion. economic program for not being "bold" Ford's plea for voluntary action Unfortunately, the bill's enough. Many critics of an imperial waste and get together in car poobr Similarly, on Capitol Hill, the presidency on the international front are dismissed as cornball provisions do not extend to claptrap b\ new campaign reform legislation advocates of an imperious president on the critics, and the small - town boor being considered boasts a glaring congressional races. Senators economic front at home. pinning on a Whip - Inflation Noti The theme of the program is to cushion show human concern but do not absence of loopholes. Mansfield and Kennedy have both But there is another kind of courage in button will turn off some the nonrecession's worst effects. Since significantly prime the pump; some soak- opinion the arena of political economy: when but the exhortations by a si But whatever the motives of publicly lamented this. In their housing is a disaster area, aid is applied so the - rich tax talk contributes to the every armchair Keynes is proposing drastic might just summon view, fundraising in congressional that it will neither boom nor bust. This is impression that the government feels for long . today's politician, the reforms he or fights is usually the dirtiest of all. remedies involving new controls, there is a the working poor, patriotic spirits from the vasty deep; boldness in acting with restraint antirecessionary and unavoidably who always bear the would be the newest element of all. she institutes, at least, are brunt of recessions. inflationary - helping housing will drive A common sense, undramatir commendable. One such reform is The reason we have inflation is that we up prices of copper and other building Of course, no sane politidal figure is However, congratulations still are been put forward; its the .new campaign finance bill, to have discovered how to stimulate ourselves materials — but if the idea is to have as going to say a kind word for recession, but original ifa due to the fast acting politicians ride with an unrecognized recesa be signed by Ford Tuesday. out of recessions but have not discovered painless a recession as possible, the idea the universally avoided truth is that there not to "tighten the screws too :' now riding the popular crest of the substitute for a recession's cure of makes sense. is presently no other way to increase The bill The plan is daring in its si places a S20 million reform legislation. Hopefully their inflation. productivity in plants, to turn impulse ceiling election spending and a zealousness will not die as publicity Ford's approach seems to recognize expending credibility in a good on Similarly, some sensitivity is shown to buyers into careful shoppers at "Hiat is why, until the line a $10 million ceiling on primaries. A subsides. The job of campaign that unhappy fact. Instead of putting the effects of a necessary slowdown on the supermarkets and to seriously cut into the need no longer hold, we will hg; new federal commission investigates forth an aggressive anti • inflation plan, he man at the bottom of the economic rise in the cost of living. reform is not yet finished. Reform President saying in news conferra# has put forth a series of ideas that will pyramid (and any evocation of an FDR Most Americans hate to admit this. violations of the law. Minor parties or-not, more dirt remains to be come: "Recession? Recession? help us to live with the downturn which phrase is a mistake). Extended There must be a better way toward recession?" are reimbursed for their campaign swept from Capitol Hill. alone can alleviate inflation. unemployment benefits and little WPAs reasonable price stability that does not put (C) 1974 New York Times Scrutinize po Self w - regulation by political Community Action Program candidates, wherP"it,t works, is a Council 10 times the maximum practice that should be encouraged. When candidates go even beyond Taylor will accept from group. any such That's entert legal requirements in campaign But Taylor needs to be more honesty, voters may judge them to Congratulations Believe me when I say that '*1 vigilant conforming to his are in order for the fine be ethical humah beings, instead of review of "That's Entertainment" by State commendable limitation. For enough hassles within the bureau_ just followers of law. News Reviewer Edd Rudzats. It is most the University, without being slightrf example, even though his campaign refreshing to read a critic suggesting a our own student paper. For this reason Clifford W. returned the $3,000, it kept a movie is a must for any segment of our donation of $1,500 from the Paul Stanley, Q« Taylor, Republican candidate for society. The only exception I would take to his Pop Entert^ the 6th District congressional seat, Michigan Doctors Political A'ction review was the comment that after an Editor's Note: A preview story should be first commended for his Committee, a group which is voluntary policy of refusing gifts of closely related to the national MSU bus line hour the whole thing seems more like an ad for MGM products than an Taj Mahal performance appeared! Oct. \2 State News. more than $2,000 from interest committee. John Richards, Take ride the MSU bus entertainment package. In these days of a on line, but minutes to catch it. groups, and secondly urged to be spokesman for the Michigan group, do not pass go or collect whatever. Do After this wait, plus the 10 - minute TV commercials and constant interruption more diligent in application of his said that the national contribution waste 23 cents a day to ride an hassle of being packed so close you know of TV movies, I can ftilly appreciate the overcrowded bus, be late for class, or at the person two rows ahead of you is younger set feeling this way. However, in Chicago rule. was made at his organization's worst, wait an hour and 10 minutes at the wearing fruit - of - the loom, you will watching the movie through my bifocals, I Returning home Monday « Wednesday he announced he was request. bus stop and never even see a bus! - must admit that the time wtnt the fastest Steinke, ASMSU executive assistant, find that you have about five minutes to returning $3,000 of a $5,000 Such are the dilemmas facing the run from Shaw Hall to the Physics - of any movie I have seen since viewing observed some 400 to 500 people So, in actuality, Taylor has contribution from the American holders of a MSU bus pass. Let me say "Uptown Saturday Night." Incidentally, outside the Union to buy tickets ll accepted $3,500 from a single Astronomy Building. that these accusations are not unfounded. To top it all off, Oct. 4 I stood, that movie was panned quite severly in a Chicago concert. After numerous Medical Political Action medical interest group, not even For one, any person passing a glance at on calls and a lot of fast talking, the mainly in spite, under a bus stop sign in newspaper other than the State News, and Committee. counting $600 from private our buses, as they "speed" along their I personally would consider this a must for was finally reopened at about 2 a." front of the Plant Biology Building from This action physicians. way down a campus street, could see, movie lovers everywhere. which time there were 600 or 700 was refreshing, 4:10 until 5:20 whereupon I walked over * especially considering that his during peak times, that they closely to Shaw Hall to catch the bus. David W. Noble or more waiting out in the cold. I think thanks should be extends J Taylor clearly must become resemble sardine cans. It is obvious that I'm no mass transit Democratic opponent, M. Robert careful about the source of Class of 1940 Tim Cain, ASMSU president, Mil more Secondly, the way the bus schedule is expert, but it is also obvious that Carr, who in other ways may seem 1030 Linden St. his funds, or his voluntary restraint set up — with a pickup every 15 minutes — something is quite deficient with the bus Stanley, Pop Entertainment director,, more responsive to the public - will be meaningless. makes it easy for everyone riding buses to system. The students holding bus passes Thank you for producing our excellent. did the fast talking, and R- snoid, I can Board and Pop Entertainment hardly welcome his reviews to your pages. Rags, widows, orphans swing election Edd, this year could you please limit yourself to reviewing forms of entertainment of which you have some investigate such tickets things as wail and/or contingency I keeping the Union open all night. authoritative knowledge? Or possibly you Charles L. Mas . could find something else not quite so ASMSU Legal Aid De- Poverty has never been so richly who were pressing in on him with nickels to a press bouncing." 'I know you fellows don't want me to lay public to occupy your time. Drowning displayed as it is this fall among and dimes. "Not yet, not yet," he fumed. "A press bouncing?" any cash on you this year, but I've been kittens, for example. . „ John Hartford James Rue campaigning politicians. This is why I "I don't know where my staff gets "It's replaced the press conference. thinking about what I could do to help 2307 E. didn't recognize Senator Survine on these widows and orphans," he said. You call the reporters together and let America by getting you re • elected. And I Jolly Road We don't know why people go w Pennsylvania Ave. the other day. Editor's Note: Edd Rudzats is currently musicians in this town, but « " "They don't understand campaigning, them watch while you bounce a fat cat thought, suppose I let you bounce me out Instead of his usual Savile Row senator?" out of your office. Come along, I'll show of your office for offering you big working toward an M.A. in English with listen and enjoy. John Hartford s_ worsted, Liberty silk cravat, hand - tooled "I keep telling an emphasis on films. show at the Stables Sunday nlP them not to press the you." contributions. Wouldn't that help get you Venetian sandals and cashmere nickels and dimes on me until we attract We went to the scene of the press re-elected by showing how dean you are?"' continually harassed by rude pe°P cummerbund, he was wearing a khaki some press photographers, but they won't It seemed unrewarding for Burgos, I hope all of you that found it so im bouncing and conferred with the fat cat, workshirt open at the neck, a shiny hand - learn. Every time I stop to cross a street whose name was Burgos. "I have just one said. What was the point of being a fat cajt Taj Mahal to talk during Hartford's perfor me - down blue serge suit from the they close in on me and start pressing me request, senator," Burgos said. "When you if he didn't establish due bills with I am very disappointed at the it together before you go out a" Salvation Army and burlap wrappings with their nickels and dimes." way the someone else's evening miseraw • throw me out of the press bouncing will politicians? State News has been choosing its priorities around the senatorial feet. Why didn't he fire them and get "The fat cat is has in the writing of entertainment Hartford is a fantastic musics some you aim me so I land on my back? My a - been in this articles. I was attracted by the large crowd of new ones? knee was banged up this moming when election," Survine explained. "The big Mariah was deserves some courtesy while ne an widows and organization that was orphans clustered around "Easier said than done, boy," the Senator McJasper threw me out of his man this year is the bounced cat. A man actually out of business. However, student stage, not to mention the PeoP j. ■ this macabre figure and wheiv I saw it was senator replied. "Do you know how many to sit near you. We paid tohtfj®' breakfast press bouncing, and I don't want who lets you heave him on his kidneys at a support suggested that we try it once Sen. Survine I asked if he had taken a bath candidates are running this fall?" to aggravate it." press bouncing is going to have a lot of more. That was the Oct. 3 not you. We realize that the Sta# , in the stock market. "There must be a million at least." performance of the best place to hear someone.'u. "Who is this Burgos?" I asked after the doors opening to him after the election." Taj Mahal. "Don't you read the papers, boy?" he "And each one needs widows and bouncing. Survine headed for a television Not only was it a sellout, but it was a but being a decent audience can nep replied. "I am campaigning for re orphans to press small campaign interview at which he intended to disclose of a lot - "He's one of the sweetest old fat cats concert highly battled for .Mic election." contributions on him f6r photographers. between Mariah Next time you're in an apatnei you ever saw," Survine said. "Dial the financial records showing that he was and outside In several thousand words the senator competition, namely the I'm lucky to have these dregs. My telephone and he'll come up with a overdrawn at the bank. Stables and the Brewery. However, the about the music you hear and explained that the big money abuses of opponent waited so long to get organized hundred thousand before the TV boys can "All right, you widows and State News didn't even mention drink, please buy a six pack ■ Watergate had so poisoned the political that he's been able to scrape up only two orphans," a word home and give the rest of us, * cancel yuurad time." he barked to his about our show, but offered a nice atmosphere that a candidate had to run following. "Fall in, and article just listening to good music, 1 orphans and not a single widow." - "Doesn't he resent being bounced don't siart pressing me with those nickels on Richie Havens at the „ poor to satisfy a presumed public desire "Then Stables. you're far ahead in the running, around by you campaigners, now that you and dimes until you see the red of the Though the State News for politicians not indebted to rich I suppose." is privately don't need his money any more?" camera's eye." owned, it still is contributors. "I'm taking nothing for granted," supposed to be a "Nonsense, boy. It was his idea. Old I didn't see how he could lose. "cainpus" paper However your present He slapped at the widows and orphans Survine said. "Right now I'm 6n my way Burgos came uround last August and said. (C) 1974 New York Times actions don't totally follow this. Waters EJf -A I Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigan Monday, October 14, 1974 5 Large dairy co-ops keep milk prices at top levels prvr WASHINGTON (AP) - Big dairy dealing with bottlers. cooperatives are using their bargaining muscle Private statistics have been compiled by the to hold milk prices above federal minimums by National Assn. for Milk Marketing Reform, an as much as 11 cents per half - gallon, a record association of bottlers and cheese makers which high. seeks limits on the power of the big co - ops. Extra charges by co - ops have risen in recent These figures show that for September, co - months as dairymen sought to protect ops in southern Florida charged 8.7 cents per themselves against a sharp summer decrease in half - gallon more than the federal minimum federal minimum prices, a drop aggravated by price for fluid milk. The announced price for large imports of foreign dairy products last October is 11 cents per half - gallon above the winter. federal floor. Because of their size and their partial In June, the latest month for which a I- .<*5;£> immunity from antitrust laws, the giant government average is available, premium cooperatives and regional federations of smaller payments to co - ops raised the price of fluid cooperatives are in a position to charge milk milk by 1.9 cents per half • gallon nationwide. gngfc ■ > - - " . , . bottlers more than the legal minimum in This average includes some areas where co - federally regulated markets. The higher prices ops still receive no premium payment. are generally passed on to consumers. An official of the Agriculture Dept. asked fer?*r•• . j-f:. . . >v- SN vlni The Agriculture Dept., which is required by law to protect consumers against unoue price enhancement by co - ops, is making no move to about the October payment, highest recorded by the department. said it is the Other figures, all gathered from the bottlers photo/Stuart Rotenberg counter the present extra charges by the who must pay the premium prices, show that The old log cabin in Alton Park has been around for years but it may soon be gone. dairymen, department officials said. for August the big co • ops got 5.7 cents per The city has been taking bids to either move the cabin or tear it down, and at Tuesday's council meeting the cabin's fate will be The department refuses to make public most half - gallon extra around Denver, 6.2 cents of the information it gathers on the size of the extra ir Boston and 8 cents in Georgia. known. extra charges, saying that the information The official price list for the northern arm of One graduate student had wanted to rent the cabin and live in it but the city decided it did not want to play landlord. constitutes trade secrets. However, the Associated Milk Producers, Inc., the nation's Robert Bruce, city engineer, said all bids were due last Friday and that he knows the city has already received a bid of $600 for department published detailed figures until biggest dairy co - op, was made public in recent tearing the cabin down. June of last year, when the highest extra charge congressional testimony. It lists the premium was 3.1 cents per half - gallon. And the co - ops charged to bottlers in lower Michigan during make no secret of their price demands when September as 5 cents. Ila/ks become By MIKE ARNETT At that meeting Carr's representatives Chamberlain. State News Staff Writer raised objections to the Journal's proposed Taylor said in a subsequent Friday and format. They rejected the idea that Hickey moming press conference that the format STEVEN M.WILSON moderate, suggesting instead that reporters of the debates was of no concern to him. from Lansing news media also be involved "We'll debate anywhere, under any (Discussions about possible televised in asking questions in the debate. conditions," he said. Taylor said he ■bates between 6th District congressional The Journal rejected this idea on the accepted Carr's challenge to an Oct. 31 JndidaUs M. Robert Carr and Clifford debate in "meet the press" style, with five Ey lor have developed into an grounds that it would clutter the debates with too many persons and that little 6th District media representatives asking ■(scheduled debate between the two. would be accomplished in the half - hour questions. He encouraged Carr to accept ICarr announced Friday that he was time span. Eventually the negotiations the Journal debates. ■fusing an offer by the State Journal to nsor two half - hour televised debates were scheduled to continue at 11 a.m. "Mr. Carr is trying to dodge. He doesn't lat were to have been monitored' by Thursday. want to meet me," Taylor said. Curnal publisher Maurice Hickey or However, at 9:30 a.m. Thursday Carr issued a press release challenging Taylor to Taylor was asked if he expected the Turnal managing editor Ben Burns. Journal to endorsa him. the Oct. 31 debate. | At the same time Carr repeated a At the meeting later that morning, the "I'd suspect it, because I'm the best ■allonge made Thursday to Taylor to candidate," he said. Journal suggested Burns as a compromise ■rticipate in an hour - long televised The Journal debates seemed dead after ■bate Oct. 31, to be sponsored by the moderator, and the Carr representatives Carr said he was refusing the offer. countered with a proposal for an outside Kndidates instead of the Journal. Managing Editor Burns, however, seemed 1 An hour later Taylor accepted Carr's moderator not connected with the to be reviving the idea somewhat Friday ■allenge and accused Carr of trying to newspaper. When agreement could not be afternoon. Budge" a debate with him. reached, Carr's representatives walked out of the meeting. "I hope something can still be worked ]"1 was contacted earlier by the State At his press conference Friday moming, out," he said. "Well talk to the Can- Burnal and asked to debate with Carr on ■evision," Taylor said. "I told them that Carr explained that his refusals of the people again, maybe next week, when this Journal offer was in part because "the whole thing blows over." ■would go along with any conditions they impartiality of the debate would be Burns also said then that the Journal ■tup." 1 "I questionable. would accept Gordon Thomas, MSU went to the meeting willing to accept "The terms of the format are being professor in the Dept. of Communications, ■ything the State Journal had planned," Vnier Abraham, Taylor's campaign dictated by a news organization that is as a moderator of the debates. Thomas Banager, said. "It was Carr who raised the going to take a stand against one of the had been proposed earlier by Can- Trst objections." candidates through an endorsement," he representatives. I The controversy began early last week said. When this was relayed Friday afternoon n the State Journal offered TV time Carr noted that in the 1972 to Brian Hampton, Carr's campaign b Oct. 17 and 24 to the candidates. A congressional race the Journal had manager, Hampton indicated that a ■leeting was held Tuesday to work out the endorsed his opponent, incumbent reopening of the negotiations was a ■tails of the debate format. Republican Congressman Charles possibility. ANP vou know something else ? I THINK fOU HAVE VERY CUTE steps! [m!!) s ~r, r IDOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau MR SWOT, sure, man-um arb you ummulcn't be? PLEASED PRETTY hard t0d£at uh mr sm00t, 1 think wvc60t really? sorry, walter- looks like i'm hey.cmon, one day sale WITH THE a *60,000 pension, the conditions of you mean 60in6 to have man, you amnesty *400,000 transition your pardon con- iwrft&t cmr/ONs? expenses mp *17poo fused with those the bread7 tolet you 60. promised! OUR ENTIRE STOCK* FOR a valet' of mr nixon ythb valet? MISSES and MISS J COATS Here is your opportunity to buy that winter coat you've been wanting, at outstanding savings during our three-day sale event right at the height of the season. Selections of misses and junior sizes are complete, leathers and IT suedes, wools and wool blends, hairs fur trimmed and untrimmed cashmeres and camel styles, pretender furs STANFORD and all-weather classics, toppers and pant coats. The styles, the colors and the tailoring are superb, all ENGINEERING substantial coat values right from our current stock. Misses sizes 6 to 20. Junior sizes 5 to 15 ■I J the professional art of applying science I 0 the optimum conversion of natural •except fair traded brands, including Sportowne, resources | to the benefit of man." 10 • SPEEDS London Fog and Misty Harbor J ^Jn,ord School of Engineering's wide-ranging graduate programs Quality Brands I sat"i qu8ll',ed men and women exciting avenues to rewarding, please, no phone ot mail orders | "stying, professional careers. Best values D stud^,an,ord School of Engineering is searching for graduate 1 YEAR TO PAY N anri!k'S 'rom amon9 qualified majors in engineering, mathematics, I ana the sciences. IN Stanftj6^0ta 11 w® ,rom 'he school will be on campus to discuss velocipede proqra' * ,8n en9'neBrln9 departments and interdisciplinary I I and nd nthS',esearch other aspects ofopportunities, engineering ■ Tuetd,.y. October 15 I M^e arrangements to meet the financial assistance available, at Stanford. bim through Jaeabsoris H 0[ * (Career Servic« 8. Placement Center * S,an,orri 351-7240 School of Engineering. Stanford. California 94305 — "s41 FTC.RANO rTvER ACROSS FROM BE RKI-V HALL BEI OW rut P.UAMOUNI MI Monday. October |4 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan „ Gallery's By PAT CLYDE university gallery has a director films and would like«to present the same at MSU. In response discouraged," Ishikawa said in reference to a Danish museum insis to judge art art themselves. You don't State News Staff Writer commitment to art history." more speakers, chamber music to requests at Beloit, he staged have to Ilk, he visited several years ago that to be The new director of Kresge Since Sept. 1, Ishikawa, 55, performances and even exhibitions of photographic civilized," J the former director of theatrical improvisations in the essays illustrating the effects of exhibited mock - ups of failed However, people have *1 Art Gallery wants to represent Wright enjoying J* I 'Art Center at Beloit gallery. drying marshes on birds, the inventions, such as Leonardo capacity for contemporary art, but he shies (Wis.) "The lines between visual deterioration of land from da Vinci's flying machine. themselves than they J? I away from the current College, has been making plans "anything goes" attitude. to carry out this commitment. and performing arts, pop art urban sprawl and a prints show "Many failures arc only with thiS in l;M Joseph B. Ishikawa feels the Even though the gallery has and fine art, and between art of German Expressionist failures in the context of their organized the Dow* I gallery's prime function is educational and hopes to limited funds, Ishikawa refuses to compromise quality. itself and science, are becoming blurred anyway," he said. "A works. Ishikawa, who majored in time," he said, "It's a Gallery in Beloit passerbys could whjjjl either^? I museum's duty to remind carefully evaluate works in "I think we can offer the glassblower or a potter is as English at UCLA is also people of this and show «>®«r feet exhibits. or look *! ,l*l order to expose both students best works of second - ranked much a performer as a intrigued with the idea of artists and the best in craftsman and always draws a future shock and would like to tangible examples of man's Though he likes art ol^l and the general public to the prints," dreams." best art possible with the he said. "We don't have to crowd. see university art galleries as periods, he has familiar with modern become J| gallery's limited resources. compete with the Museum of In his 13 years at Beloit forums for speakers on The Los Angeles • born and European works AmeSI "Unlike private galleries that Modern Art to be good." He wants to continue the College, Ishikawa worked overpopulation, and dwindling food and fuel supplies. director whose father work as durin!? I can show whatever attracts an closely with other campus emigrated from Japan before curator of I audience," Ishikawa said, "a gallery program of showing departments and hopes to do "I don't like people to feel his son's birth, also believes in University of Nebraska «I the rights of artists to keep gallery and director of«.,» politics out of their art and he centers in Des Moines ! I Sioux *' Percussionist shows skill, variety sees no evidence that government subsidies for the arts endanger freedom of U.S. City, Iowa. artistic expression. By DAVE STERN planetarium concert in the recitation, movement and why the members of the Art State News Reviewer Creative Music IV series, acting with a reasonable Ensemble of Chicago have been Conga. Gongs. Traps. demonstrated that drums can amount of success. The second successful in pioneering the Hubcaphone. A solo percussion also be concerned with sound set was a little brief, not "solo" concert. Next week's concert seems a rather textures. Moye is highly skilled developing themes as far as concert will feature Malachi questionable proposition. on a large variety of percussion they might have been. It also Favors, one of the world's Drums are one of the most instruments of several would have been good to hear greatest bass players. basic instruments, though - nationalities. His facility and more of Moye's vocal e^e, only the voice, the source of all overall sense of structure let which was far more interesting music, is more basic. Drums are him play a set - long drum solo than All's. a reflection of the pulse which without ever losing audience This concert series, separates living matter from interest or bogging down in presented by the Creative Arts the droning hummfti of the repetition. The sounds he Collective, is demonstrating machines. produced ranged from the Don Moye, giving the second gamelan - like sounds of the hubcaphone (a series of hubcaps suspended so as to Grad student allow pure bell tones or a more metallic sound, created by to Henry Threadgil of the AACM) give trumpet to the more familiar sound of the trap sets, which Moye plays recital tonight with a greater ear for melody than most drummers. For the second set Moye was Graduate student Kenniston Bauman will perform on the joined by Sunni Ali who performed a series of poems to trumpet at 8:15 p.m. tonight in the Music Bldg. auditorium. Moye's backing. Ali combined He will be assisted by pianist Andre jean Heydenburg and trumpeter David Novak. Bauman will play selections by Kenman, Arutunian, Torelli Joseph Ishikawa, new director of the Kresge Art Gallery, and Manfredini. would like to see the gallery perform a broad educational role in the University community. Instructor to give lecture on flower arrangement A demonstration of ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arranging, will be presented at 2 p.m. today in Kresge ArtGallery. The lecture - demonstration by Matsuo Tomita, first degree master in the Ohara School of Ikebana and principal instructor at the Ohara Center in New York (Jty, is open to the public at no charge. Tomita conducted a flower arranging workshop last weekend, as part of an Evening College course. IN 1959, A LOT OF PEOPLE WERE KILLING TIME. K|T WAS KILLING PEOPLE. \y/ Tonlt. at 6:30 8:30 WARREN BUTTY THE PARAULAX VIEW MARX BROI "51 \Niqtit LVj '"'Vt Opriti Riy jchigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 14, 1974 7 >rd addresses )P fundraiser By MIKE ARNETT State News Staff Writer loecch by President Ford might not always inspire great [but an appearance by Ford in Detroit Tjiursday inspired m Republicans to great generosity. ■$50 - pPr ■ P,ate "Michigan Republicans Salute the Kit" dinner and a $500 • per - person reception beforehand T over $400,000 for Gov. Milliken's re - election i Fisher, the chairman of the event, said it was the largest ■pi gathering in the history of the state, in terms of both Bance and funds raised. ljdes Ford and Milliken, the event was attended by Sen. t P. Griffin, the wives of six Michigan congressmen (the Issnien were working in Washington), former Michigan Gov. K Romney and several automobile moguls. Republican Kssional candidates from several Michigan districts were ■uct'd, including 6th District hopeful Clifford Taylor, id took center stage at the affair, and the partisan 'dinner 1 of 4,000 applauded his every move and laughed at his L [,appy evening for Michigan Republicans was marred only ■y by three events. 1st, about 150 demonstrators paraded outside Cobo Hall, ■ncing Ford for his support of Turkey, his amnesty program Ts economic policies. iond, entertainer Ray Bolger appalled the crowd When he Jed, "I just lost my breast" while struggling to put on his ■Ford's wife Betty recently had a cancerous breast removed. Bird, Ford talked at times in his speech as if the Republican ■is in desperate trouble. |rd warned that a catastrophic defeat of GOP candidates in hber could "write the obituary" for the two • party system ■erica. jhe supposed odds against our party do not dismay me, they I me more determined to fight harder for what I believe is ■ial and right for America," Ford said, hd defended his recently proposed economic program, iularlv the five per cent tax surcharge on all corporate he and on personal incomes of over $15,000. Jhis will affect only 28 per cent of all tax returns. A family Br earning $20,000 a year will only have to pay an additional ■ $42 a year," Ford said. ■e want a program of success without suffering," he added. Ird chastised Congress for attempting to cut off military aid pkey. I is my unalterable conviction that such a drastic change in ■ong standing bipartisan foreign policy would severly fee the national security interests of the United States and lee world," he said. ■rd plans to campaign in 17 states before the Nov. 5 election ■pes of preventing Democratic majorities in both houses of lext Congress. DELIVERED FAST AND FREE TONIGHT to your door.... IS GUEST I / NIGHT! DOMINOS Just call and ask for 'THE LUNCH TIME SPECIA L " delivered from 11-4 daily. PIZZA 1139 E. Grand River one small, 2 item pizza 2 cokes, and a FREE DOMINO FRISBEE $3.25 - 351- TEXAS INSTRUMENTS The SR-50-TI's Most Powerful Calculator! Smallest Pocket Performs all classical slide rule functions- 95: arithmetic, reciprocals, factorials, expo¬ nentiation, roots, trig and log functions. i THE rCIENUIEST Calculator-The TI-1500! 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Five functions: +. -. x, %. we give Amy u s: Constant 9 func tions. Scientific no¬ tation Floating deci¬ ■/ J Playback Carries A Complete Line mal. Algebraic logic. Of Pocket Electronic Calculators 95 Lr r7Xili w 7:00 P M • For Students, Engineers, Housewives And Businessmen! 79 .. . 9:30 |LY FUNNy" HOURS .we ■H 10aon-9pm 10-5* pm Saturday 12-5 pm Sunday Monday thru Friday 523 Frandor Lane Frandor Shopping Center playback the electronic Lansing, Michigan playground 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Oct oberf,.! Fumbling Spartans fall to Michigan, 2 7-7 ly CHARLES JOHNSON By State News Sports Writer U-M fans, who had hoped their team would avenge MSU's vote yield any results. Capping off a 48-yard drive, Michigan the the loose loose ball in the ball in for the touchdown. the end end zone zone anticipation anticiPatio" touchdown throw, but of of Franklin's f"nkljn^ U-M ^ 1 ANN ARBOR - Mistakes, for Ohio State as last year's tailback Gordon Bell sprinted With the ball on the receiver Smith said he saw clear errors, foul - ups, miscues or Rose Bowl rep, had to be 13 yards for the TD. Michigan 46 yard line and only sailing all the way. whateverelse you choose to call content with just winning. Mike Lantry's extra point one minute remaining in the "I expected to find them them, the Spartans are still All of Michigan's 21 points try was good and marked his half, it seemed assured that (Michigan State) in a prevent singing the same old tune. were scored in the first half. first of three successful MSU would go into the defense and was quite surprised And MSU posted its lone TD late when I saw that they weren't," judging by the attempts in the game. halftime intermission trailing performance displayed in the game on a 16 - yard pass The Spartaps failed to cash by just 14 points, despite its Smith said. "I saw that I only Saturday in the 21-7 loss to from Charlie Baggett to tight in .on a couple of scoring careless play. had to beat one man and I just ran straight for the end zone." Michigan, MSU's same old tune end Mike Cobb on a fourth op$rtunities in the first half, But Michigan, effectively The Spartan defense played could well be its swan song. down situation. including a fumble recovery by using the clock, succeeded in Too many mistakes at too Six Spartan fumbles and fired up all afternoon, with defensive end Mike Duda on moving the ball to the Spartan many times continued to be two interceptions wore enough the 44 and with only five seconds defensive end Otto Smith Michigan 39 yard line late the Spartans' trademark as nails to seal the coffin on the in the first quarter. left in the half called a leading the charge. He tackled they virtually handed the game Spartan squad, which now has The beginning timeout. With everybody in the U-M runners for losses three of the end to an equally lackluster U-M lost three straight after winning for MSU came on a low snap stadium expecting the long times. squad. Together, the teams its first two. from center Jim bomb, Franklin nevertheless "Otto Smith was a great Epolito to managed to bore stiff the Michigan boosted its punter Tom Birney in the succeeded in connecting with player for us out there today," 104,682 fans who jammed unmarred record to 5.0 and second quarter. Birney, who split end Jim Smith for a 44 • Stolz said. "We just played bad Michigan Stadium to witness bettered its chances to rise to was attempting to punt from yard aerial score. Smith outran fundamental football for four what was supposed to have the top of the national the one yard line, fielded the sophomore defensive back Joe or five plays in the first half been the "grudge game of the collegiate rankings, where they snap on the ground and then Hunt, who was trying to play and that cost us the ball year." currently stand third. turned toward the end zone, in between two U-M receivers. game." As it turned out though, the The Wolverines scored the where he was popped by Stolz contended, following Michigan's offensive charge classic confrontation never first time they had the ball Michigan defensive end Dan the game, that he had his team netted 199 yeards on the developed and the partisan after MSU's first series failed to Jilek, who then pounced on in a prevent defense in ground compared to MSU's 148. Bell was the Wolves' leading ground gainer with 75 in 16 carries. Levi Jackson led the Spartan ball carriers with 49 yards in 14 rushes. In the passing contest, Franklin completed five of nine for 84 yeards and one touchdown, while the Spartans' Baggett connected on SN six of 16 for 61 yards and one photo/Cf^a Spartan punter Tom Birney picks up the football after fumbling a bad snap from center mt|_ touchdonw. Franklin suffered the MSU end zone as the University of Michigan's Dan Jilek gets set to pounce. some bruised ribs late in the Birney wmIhI moments later, fumbled the bail and Jilek recovered for a Wolverine touchdown game on a hard hit by Otto Smith. EVEN THOUGH U-M happy with victory By PAT FARNAN "You get a little older and you get frivolous," Bo said..J State News Sports Writer now even Schembechler was laughing. "We kicked the ball around out there in the second ANN ARBOR — "General George Patton Schembechler" as he hall,'! is known in said. "You see those 21 points up there and they look so University of Michigan circles, grinned sheepisly while holding sat on them today. It was my fault. I'll take all the blan court for reporters outside his team's dressing room Saturday. just bad coaching." The Wolverine coach had little to say except The Wolverines capitalized on a few key plays in thefirctJ that he was happy that his team won. It was an unimpressive victory. A against an error - plagued Spartan team and posted a 21J halftime bulge. sloppy second half, including a few rare Michigan fumbles, only "Then we got too fancy," he went on. "We should'verall | matched the dismal weather for excitement. ball right at them." Nevertheless, it was a win, U - M's fifth this year without a The Wolverines moved the ball well in the first halfpuu | defeat. It was their second Big Ten triumph, which left the together a 48 - yard drive on their first possession for six pj Wolverines knotted up with Ohio State for first place, right where But they did not look like the No. 3 team in the they should be at this point in the season. other two touchdowns were not a country.^ reflection of offensive pic* "I thought we could have had a better crowd," Schembechler laughed. Maybe they should not have happened. The attendance, 104,682, was second highest in U - M history. "We played a good football team today," Schembechlerad The Maize and Blue played a little loosely in the second half alluding to MSU. "A lot of people don't realize that. Theyl^ a lot of football and kicked the ball around, uncharacteristic of a Schembechler games this year. A 21 - 7 win is a good vid We played good defensive football." team. SN Neither of the Wolverines' circus touchdowns were a mufti photo/Rob Kozloff solid football. Schembechler, MSU throttled University of Michigan speedster Gil Chapman most of the afternoon Saturday during the Spartans' 21 - 7 loss to though, maintained that the 111 their intrastate rival. Here freshman defensive end Mike Dean corrals yard touchdown pass at the close of the first half was a solid ftp Spartan defensive end, comes in to help. The MSU defensive corps did a tough job Chapman on' a punt return while Otto Smith, another on U-M's powerful offensive punch, holding Women golf "We thought we could complete it," Schembechler ins "We just looked at the defense and the Wolverines to 250 total yards, nearly 150 below their season's average. thought we could complrt for a touchdown:" second at Credit the Wolverines. They took advantage of the S[ miscues about as well as possible. That's how they won the pi Team effort keys harrier victory, MSU's women's golf team took second in a field of seven teams Spartan quarterback Charlie Baggett moved out of the pod and hit Mike Cobb for a touchdown in the second half forfti at the 36 - hole Bowling Green Invitational tournament this past Spartans' only score. I "We didn't contain Baggett as well as we should hnl weekend to highlight the first busy week of action for the Schembechler pointed out. "But we played good delta Lindsay sets new five-mile record Spartan fall women's sports teams. The MSU golfers scored 662 and were 10 strokes behind tourney chafnp Kentucky. Two freshmen, Karen Escott and Sue Soper, paced the squad with 162 scores. Sophomores Peggy Baggett's been, doing that all year and doing it well." MSU's men's team came in cross country with its best first five places in the meet as Herb Lindsay, to whom against Notre Dame two weeks ago. sophomore tied Stan Mavis who for third with times of Carlson and Joan Garety were next best at 169. MSU again played without its top golfer, senior June Oldman, New York Mets obtain team performance of the records are becoming nothing 24:30. Freshman Jeff Pullen who is recovering from an abscessed tooth. season Saturday in beating Big set another "Lindsay's been just Ten opponent Ohio State, 22 - new, mile mark new against five the - unbelievable," MSU coach Jim Gibbard said. "If he continues was fifth with a 24:46 clocking, and freshman Amos "I'm sure the girls will be giving this tournament a lot of thought because next week we tackle the Midwest tournament," Cardinal veteran Torre 33, at the Forest Akers golf Buckeyes. Brown was ninth, running the Spartan coach Mary Fossum said. at his present pace, he should Course. course in 25:58. The newest of the women's teams, the cross country squad, LOS ANGELES (UPI) Lindsay ran the course in be one of the top runners in The New York Mets did somet It was the final home event "The squad is coming along competed in its first meet ever Saturday at the Currie Creek Run 24:02.9, shattering his own the country. Sunday they had been trying to do for six years when W of the year for the Spartans. five mile record, by 31 real well," i^Gibbard said. in Midland. It was an Amateur Athletic Union sponsored meet. obtained veteran slugger Joe Torre from the St. Louis MSU captured four of the - seconds. He set the old mark Following Lindsay were "We're where we want to be at Leading the Spartan finishers was Erica d'Elia, who came jn a three player trade. Carding junior Fred Teddy and - this time. We don't want to 13th with a three - mile course time of 21:53. MSU's Sheri The 34 year old Torre, a lifetime .300 hitter with moreM - reach our peak yet. We want to Hohenstein copped 15th spot with a clocking of 22:03. 2,000 major league hits and over 1,000 runs batted in, weat«| wait to reach it at the Big "I'm quite pleased considering we only practiced for a couple the Mets for two second line • pitchers. Spartan hooters Tens." of weeks," coach Nell Jackson commented. Ray Sadecki, 34, a journeyman lefthander who w— - . , MSU was scheduled to run MSU's tennis and field hockey teams both saw action on for the Cardinals' 1964 World Championship team, retunOT against Wisconsin this weekend Thursday. St. Louis with Tommy Moore, a 26 - year old righthander™1 at Madison but Gibbard has The Spartan netters defeated the University of Michigan 6 had a 7 • 12 record with Tidewater of the International - 3 ^ changed the Spartan schedule. in tie with Oaklan The squad will now ruu in the Michigan Federation Meet in dual meet play at Ann Arbor, Sue Selke, Diane Suterko, Diana D'Angelo and Allison Scruggs this past season with a 3.30 earned run Sadecki had aji 8 - 8 record in 34 average. games with a 3.41 earned™ won singles irtatches, while Selke and D'Angelo and Suterko and average for the Mets this year. Saturday at Ann Arbor. Scruggs won doubles games. By DAN SPICKLER season and the son of former travel to Spring Arbor for their "We Want to have the "Our girls were ready and we played well," coach Elaine State News Sports Writer soccer, coach Gene Kenney, fourth career meeting with that opportunity to run on the Hatton said about the meet. Both MSU and Oakland provided a spark of excitement school. The Spartans have won course which will be used for MSU's field hockey team saw its season's record in offense all previous meetings between drop to 1-1 University entered Saturday's during the game. the Big Ten championships when they lost a 4-0 decision to Western Michigan. soccer contest here perfect records and when it with Kenney drew a penalty shot in the final minutes of the first the two clubs. MSU won last year 1-0. before the conference Gibbard explained. meet," The whep the squad Spartans will get another shot at the Broncos, however, comes here Oct. 26. College, scores pro was all over, both squads still half. The shot by the Spartan sported umblemished season marks. forward just missed the nets however, and rebounded off from weekend's Dodgers the goalpost. Meeting for the first time ever, the clubs battled to scoreless 0-0 tie at the soccer field across from Spartan a MSU's typical pattern of offense during the Oakland contest involved bringing the inch by College ball right up to the nets, but LOS ANGELES (UPI) — The Los Angeles Dodgers got even in It was machine against machine — the man who pitches every Stadium. Michigan 21, MSU 7 Arizona 41, Utah 1 the Spartan booters just failed the World Series Sunday because they had just two catchers too day against the man who does nothing but run. Ohio State 52, Wisconsin 7 Saturday's game left the Penn State 55, Wake Foresl« to finish the plays. many for the Oakland A's. Marshall picked Washington off on his second throw to first. Indiana 34, Minnesota 3 Spartans with a 3-0-1 season Kansas 20, Kansas Slate I> record and the Pioneers with a Steve Yeager, the catcher who caught, singled home the first That, for all practical purposes, was the ball game, but then Iowa 35, Northwestern 10 Once again the Spartans out Illinois 27, Purdue 23 Baylor 21, Arkansas 17 6-0-2 mark. The Pioneers' rim and Joe Ferguson, the catcher playing rightfield, drilled a two Marshall still had to officially get the final out, and he did it Oklahoma 16, Texas U ran and out shot their by Alabama 8, Florida State 7 other tie came against Calvin opponent. MSU's strong • run homer to provide all the offense Los Angeles needed to beat fanning pinch hitter Angel Mangual on three pitches to end it. UCLA 13. Stanford 13 Los Angeles thus tied this 71st series - first ever Missouri 21, Nebraska 10 Tulane 10, Air Force S College two weeks ago. forward line forced the the A's, 3 - 2. played Vanderbilt 24, Florida 10 . Calvin described Oakland goaltender to make 27 entirely on the West Coast - at one game apiece with the third Georgia Tech 29, No. Carolmm was by The Dodgers also got some brilliant pitching, Don Sutton Auburn 31, Kentucky 13 Louisiana State 20, Tern** Spartan >soccer coach Ed saves. The Pioneers got to MSU game scheduled for Tuesday night at Oakland. Texas A &M 28, Texas Tech checked the two - time champs on four hits for the first eight 7 Miami, Ohio 31, Ohio U. J Rutherford the The Dodgers, who had 11 hits but left 12 runners on base in Notre Dame 10, Rice 3 as most sophomore goalie Gary innings before their human pitching machine, Mike Marshall, losing Saturday's opener by the same score, 3 - 2, made better use physical team the MSU booters Wilkinson only seven times. So. Cai 54, Washington St. 7 came in in the ninth to put down a had played so far this season. Rutherford has continually rally after the A's scored their of the six hits they got off Vida Blue on Sunday. No. Carolina St. two rups. 22, Virginia 21 The Spartans bullied past praised his forward line and Ferguson had the biggest of them, his two - run line shot dead Calvin, 2-1, on Oct. 2. And Marshall did it in just about the most dramatic fashion over the fence in straight center after Steve Garvey had beaten says he has difficulty deciding Rutherford was looking to who to play at the front three imaginable. out an infield hit in the sixth. the meeting between MSU and First, he surrendered the That made it 3 - 0, gave Sutton the cushion he would need positions. no - out, two - run single to Joe Rudi in Oakland as "our biggest game "The mental attitude on this that gave Oakland fans heart. the ninth, and made Ferguson feel a whole lot better about what New L'ngland 24, so far." The game turned out team is really good," Then Marshall, who pitched in 106 regular season games, two had happened on Saturday. New York Jets 0 Atlanta 13, Chicago 10 Pittsburgh 34, Kansas W# to be a fierce defensive Rutherford said. "These guys He was the man at bat when Catfish Hunter came in with two Washington 20, Miami / 7 playoff games and now two Series games, struck out Gene out in the ninth inning and Garvey on first Philadelphia 35, New York Giants 7 Cincinnati 34, Cleveland -* struggle. know what they have to do to base, and Hunter Minnesota 51, Houston 10 Junior Mike Kenney, leading win." Tenace. struck him out to end the opener. St. Louis 31, Buffalo 27, Baltimore 14 The A's called on Herb Washington, their pinch running Dallas 28 Oakland 14, San Diego 10 for the Spartans last "I just didn't do my job," * downcast Ferguson said at the scorer Wednesday the Spart..n« time. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 14, 1974 9 Boston By NEW YORK TIMES neighborhoods resist busing plan have flared into scattered violence under a federal court • ordered black attendance has been about half of that expected, and less fcoSTON His eyes reddened with fatigue, Mayor Kevin H. plan of busing to achieve school integration. on many days. The tensions are the products of years of history and politics. I te was talking of the neighborhoods, the sources of "both the To the blacks, the School Committee is a major symbol of I'neths ind weaknesses" of this now tense and troubled city. In 1965, when, at the height of the southern civil rights what they see as a city machinery dominated by the Irish, leaving ■• Only a few cities - Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Boston In Black Roxbury, where the boarded up stores and abandoned movement a local minister was slain in Alabama, the state them Httie room for advancement. ■have kept the structures built by immigration, have retained buildings stretching along Blue Hill Avenue stand as symbols of legislature passed the Racial Imbalance Act, mandating that no \ real ethnic blocks that support the whole fabric of those much of that community's poverty, powerlessness and problems, school could be more than half • black. Many of the black leaders believe the issue boils down to Immunities," the Mayor was saying. "Boston's strengths come there was fear among black parents who want troops to protect In Boston, the law gave rise to what is called "School "green follows white" - the feeling that money and good Km those neighborhoods with roots, tradition and history. They their children. And there was anger in the crowds of black youths Committee Politics." Candidates running for the School teaching will only come into schools where there are whites. K also enclaves that resist change." stoning and beating passing white motorists in revenge, they said, Committee, which is independent of the mayor and is elected There was some proof of this when a delapidated black school ■in tough, largely Irish,blue collar South Boston, the mood was for a white mob's attack on a black man in South Boston. from the city at large, won their posts by appealing to the white was given new equipment this fall before the white students For four weeks now, haggard city officials, Inmed up in the word painted in large neat letters on one of the community workers neighborhoods with an antibusing platform. It was on the School arrived. [ghborhood's club houses: "resist." and police have been frying to cope with the racial tensions that Committee that Louise Day Hicks, now a city councillor, first became prominent. The current chairman, the salty - tongued In white South Boston, however, the busing plan is viewed as a John J. Kerrigan, is an outspoken foe of busing. plot by the suburbanites, the liberal media and elected officials who send their children to private schools, to force them to do Ford State legislators from South Boston led the fight for repeal of something they would not. assures the law supported by suburban liberals each year. This spring, Gov. Francis W. Sargent declined to veto the repeal bill. But Federal District Judge W. Arthur Garrity, ruling last June about 70 cars, many on a long standing suit brought by the National Assn. for the JpOSTON (AP) A crowd of them people." the decision has the force of flying large balloons with Ford said last week that he law and must be obeyed. Advancement of Colored People, ordered the plan put into effect. ■mated bv police at 500 to "Black is Beautiful" printed in He was immediately accused He found that the School Committee had fostered segregation by ■O mostly blacks, marched deplored the Boston violence, white letters. and that he thought the federal such devices as "tracking" black and white neighborhood schools Enday from the city's by Mayor Kevin H. White of The march and rally were court decision to bus students into either three or four year high schools. - ■ ■xbury section to the Boston having "encouraged false hopes authorized by the city last to achieve racial balance in the and fanned the flames oi But many black parents have simply been afraid to send their Jmmon for a rally to support Mool integration. Friday in permits issued to the schools "was not the best resistance that will almost children into hostile South Boston, where the buses have been ■On Saturday night, Gov. Massachusetts Black Caucus. solution to quality education inevitably lead to further met with stones and jeers, and the black attendance there has Xncis W. Sargent said he had At the head of the parade in Boston." But he also said disruption in Boston." been low. Even in the Roxbury building of the high school, the Teived assurances from was a large banner that said tsident Ford that federal "Save Your Bricks to Build Your Community." lops will be available if local Tips help tenants reduce heat bills t enforcement authorities The march and rally came a Knot maintain order during month after Boston schools le integration. began integrating black and ■The 15 • minute march white pupils under a court - Tout a mile in length — ordered busing plan. By iClARY ANNE FLOOD several times a winter. All furniture and other obstructions should State News Staff Writer be moved away from vents and radiators to insure the greatest Jocei'ded under heavy police Sargent said that the pledge Everyone is up for keeping their heating bills down. flow of heat. htch without trouble and was from Ford came in a 15 • ■lowed by a motorcade of minute telephone conversation. He said Ford told him that he Hie many things tenants can do to cut down heating bills may just seem like common sense, but according to Consumers Power And as recent presidents have urged, the thermostat should be kept at the lowest comfortable level and turned down at night QhPIONEER PL-12D Co., if everyone was more careful heating bills would be sliced as while residents are sleeping and whenever the premises are had been following the Boston vacated for a day or two. Heating costs increase substantially for Stereo Turntable Park and ride' situation "very closely" and much as 30 per cent. The major principle of Consumers Power Co.'s suggestions for every degree above 70. Despite its simplified 2-control operation, this versatile unit was "upset and distressed." contains a high degree of sophistication with advanced fea¬ lids bus riders Sargent said that Ford also promised to "explore the proper heating is keeping cold air out. Storm windows, plastic coverings, and even pieces of cardboard Opening outside doors should, of course, be kept at a minimum. Doors to nonheated and nonused areas should also be tures like: 4-pole. belt-driven synchronous motor; static- balanced S-shaped tonearm; ultra-light tracking; oil damped can be the greatest source of heating bill savings. The heat lost kept closed. J Capital Area Transit possibility of federal funds" to through windows and the cold air seeping in through cracks in the An open damper on the fireplace can be a great source of heat cueing; anti-skating control; 12-inch dynamically balanced Authority (CATA) assistant help finance the integration loss since 20 per cent of the inside air goes right up the chimney. die cast platter; walnut base, hinged dust cover: 33% — 45 old East Lansing houses are probably the biggest cause of higher lirector Greg Bannen program but that he offered no cpm speeds. heating costs. If the damper will not close, place a board under the chimney Hi Fi Buys is a full service store; our in - nnounced the establishment guarantee that such money store service dept. backs every piece of The East Lansing housing code at this time does not require hole. If a "park and ride" program at would be available. I Mall and an On Saturday, in a tape • the landlord to provide storm doors and windows, said Ray A humidity check can also help cut down on the heating bill, BANKAMERICARD SKPC! sold by Hi Fi Buys and the Kieser, acting director of the East Lansing Dept. of Building and since dry air requires more heat to maintain a comfortable liformation bus. recorded message broadcast warmth. T Both programs begin here, Ford urged Bostonians to Zoning. The housing code states that if the city ever does require Even a dripping hot water faucet can be a big problem. Tenants lednesday. "reject violence of any kind" J The "park and ride" in connection with school landlords to supply storm windows, that the landlords would be responsible for putting them in each year. could end up paying for hundreds of gallons of hot water by letting drips go for a few months. Disc Shop 323 East Grand River Irogram will allow bus riders integration. A accurate account of the furnace's performance can be 9 park their cars at Meridian "The people Many landlords already supply the windows and many write more of Boston share hall and ride the bus to a tradition for reason, fairness care of the windows and installation into the leases as tenant recorded by keeping lamps and television sets away from the HI-FI thermostat since their heat may cause an incorrect reading. lowntown Lansing and East and respect for the rights of responsibilities. 1101 E. Grand River 337-1769 The landlord is responsible, however, for providing a heating Jf you follow all these instructions - or even go so far as to Lansing. others," the President said. 4810 W. Saginaw system that can keep a temperature of 70 degrees fahrenheit at a plead with your landlord to insulate your chilly dwelling - and | Tim information bus will be "Now in a difficult period for t Meridian Mall Wednesday, distance of three feet above floor level when the temperature you still end up paying more than you can afford to for heating, all of you, it is time for you to outside is 10 degrees below zero. write to President Ford for a WIN button. I have data on CATA reflect on all that your city ■us routes and other To make sure the fumace is working at its most efficient level means to you; to react in the fcrnmercial transportation. it should be checked at least once a year and its filters changed finest tradition of your city's IJIUJC New in town? •tore • Life is BOOKS more than a • word - Come on out and it has a purpose, find it expressed . in our POSTERS books • let's get acquainted if you like life, you'll like our posters • CARDS and GIFTS • The University Mall Hours 9 - 6 Mon ■ Sat — 9 • 9 Thurt I Frl Your OneASlume We've got everything you want... TUESDAY NITE Guru 4 YOUR PLEASUREclimate theatres all under one — Four luxuriousroof.motion picture controlled 4 YOUR the door. CONVENIENCE — Acres of free parking at The Spirit of Modern India Writings in Philosophy, Religion & Culture 4 YOUR andSELECTION all ages - Four prices. tastes at reasonable films chosen to appeal to edited by Robert A. McDermott and V. S. 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WITH ONE FULL PRICE PAID ADULT Please send me copies of The Spirit of Modern India □ @ $6.95 hardcover, or □ @ $2.45 Apollo paper edition. ADMISSION I enclose □ check □ money order for $ total. (Please add sales tax where applicable.) ■ OFFER EXPIRES THURSDAY OCT. 24,1974 GOOD MONDAY THRU THURSDAY ONLY - Monday, October 14 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan U974 Labor to work with slim majority By JOHN LINDSTROM State News Special Writer million less votes than in last February's election. contract, a set of voluntary proposals designed to keep pay deaths or resignations. And resignations would be likely if question now is: when Heath resign? Conservatives are divided will Slafe Btatf 211 E.Grand River LONDON - In the end Tory Edward Health's increases, and therefore, price Britain leaves the Common Next to the Sportmeister Harold Wilson got his , political future is now clear. He increases, moderate. Market. even on that. Many want him parliamentary majority - but told confidants this weekend Already Wilson is taking to resign immediately, others Mon, Tues, Fri Sat 9-6 not by much. that he would resign the steps to moderate some of his advocate waiting until a more Wtd.Thur, 9*9 J Wilson is forming his fourth leadership of the party. proposals and mollify the tranquil time. administration with the Labor The Liberals, who were opposition. He and Denis It was revealed Sunday that party holding 319 seats in expecting a major Healey, chancellor of the CIGARETTES Commons, a majority of just three. breakthrough, ended few seats and up with fewer votes. The Tories offered nothing. exchequer - a position equal to our treasury secretary — are Heath even considered resigning during the election. He knew the Tories' cry of (COUPON) / *9. The Conservatives. (Tories), They met in London Sunday They said when the election planning a special investment Expires Oct. 20, 1974 / national unity was not Eest Lansing Store Only who call themselves the party to figure out why. was over and they were in bank to help small industries, Last working, largely because the of national unity, are badly Thursday's British power they would discuss ways an institution called for by split. They now hold 277 seats. election was not so much won of solving the crisis. The people both Tories and Liberals. people no longer trust him. So he was willing to offer his 10% OFF OUR PRICE ON ill KODAK ^ 20 less than they held in the by Labor as it was lost by the did not want to wait that long, He may also be willing to last Parliament. Tories suffered Tories. Labor was the only one so they grudgingly turned to slow up 'plans for resignation as an act of good, faith for unity. FILM PROCESSING & DEVESLOPING badly in the voting in Scotland of the two big parties to offer Labor. nationalization of certain No Limit (COUPON) and failed to make any- plans on how to deal with Wilson will have to keep a industries, though that is less For the Liberals and their Expires Oct. 20, 1974 economic problems. Their tight rein over his majority, for significant gains in England, likely. leader Jeremy Thorpe it is a Eist Lansing Store Only ending up with about two plans were based on the social it could easily crumble through The most interesting different situation. Thorpe expects criticism from the party for insisting during the PEPSODENT DIAL SCOPE Jaworski resigns as bugging trial begins campaign that Liberals may join a coalition instead of VERY DRY Toothpaste Mouthwash pushing for a majority. No one, (continued from page 1) prosecution team is headed by of the phlebitis that put him to reply to Nixon's motion to however, expects to challenge him for the leadership. 12oz reg. 2.25 1■ • O O reg. 1.19 65* y* ** 12 reg. oz. 1.09 ZQC 00 Lawyers for Ehrlichman, James F. Neal, a Tennesseean into a hospital for 11 days. quash the subpena for his LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 and two other defendants, who left the Jaworski staff for The judge gave lawyers for The Liberals, in fact, lost (COUPON) appearance and will rule after (COUPON) (COUPON) Robert C. Mardian and some months and returned for Expires Oct. 20, 1974 Expires Cot. 20, 1974 Expires Oct. 20, 1974 Haldeman, Ehrlichman and the that on whether Nixon must partly because of the national East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Kenneth W. Parkinson, also the coverup case. government until Wednesday desire for a majority. Thorpe testify. will deliver opening statements But Neal deferred making encouraged the country to VICKS today. Haldeman's and the opening statement to Ben break the two • party system, Mitchell's attorneys reserved Veniste, who headed the ALCOHOL MIDOL INHALER theirs prosecution until after case is in. the prosecution staff that carried the coverup case through the Freaks slide past Pigs 7-0 but the thought of a minority Commons sent the old - time Tories, who voted Liberal in Aides to Jaworski said he grand jury and indictment on HI* 308 67* did not want to create any March 1. Before the (continued from page 1) too. When he left the game we He fumbled and the Freaks February to protest Conservative ineffectiveness - 16 reg oz 39c I reg. 1.0C \J i reg. 75c 51C publicity before the jury was opening covered the loose ball in the back to the ranks against LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 sequestered and therefore statement, however, some last - really didn't have a end zone. Labor. (COUPON) (COUPON) (COUPON) delayed announcing his minute procedural matters replacement who we had But the ball was blown dead Expires Oct. 20, 1974 Expires Oct. 20, 1974 Expires Oct. 20, 1974 worked with a great deal. We East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only decision to resign until the jury remain. Sirica has yet, to rule on the three yard line and Still, the Liberals did not do East Lansing Store Only was locked up. j on Haldeman's 11th - hour had to adjust and we didn't. Freak partisans quickly labeled too badly. They received Of all the criminal motion to suspend the trial and "Hell, we wanted to win, the call "a quick whistle." On 800,000 votes less than delay it until former President both sides did," Bauer February's record total of six prosecutions Jaworski's brought under Richard M. Nixon can appear admitted. "But I've had a great the next play Freak running million and Arthur Holt, party VASELINE INTENSIVE CARE tenure as special back O.C. Wilson fumbled, the prosecutor, the coverup case is as a witness. six weeks just working with Pigs recovered and the Freaks chairman, said, "We see it as a LOTION LIMIT! 1 AO the biggest. Sirica turned down a similar these guys. My primary interest went back on defense. temporary setback. We now 15oz. (COUPON) 1 . w 7 rBO 1 RO Expires Oct. 20, 1974 In it, all five men are is helping this charity. But I've have a stronger nationwide reg. i.o» attempt from Ehrlichman. E„, stor, Dn|y charged with conspiracy to Both men said the Nixon enjoyed every one of these Miller scored the game's organization and expect to obstruct justice by trying to testimony is vital to their guys. I'm just glad to be a part only touchdown on an eight capitalize on it." , derail investigations into the defense. of this." yard sweep following a Freak break in at Democratic party • Sirica had asked for a The Freaks nearly ran away interception. The biggest surprise was in ALL SINGLE ALBUMS Scotland. Bqth the Scottish headquarters. In addition, all statement on Nixon's health with the game in the first half, National party (SNP) and the but Mardian are accused of and was told by the former but the evil eye of the officials During halftime, ALSAC Plaid Cymru the Welsh obstructing justice, and president's lawyer and doctor prevented that. representatives Sam Farhat and & RECENT RELEASES Nationalist party gained Mitchell, Haldeman and that Nixon should not travel Punter John Powers booted A1 Iolen presented Gov. seats. The SNF gained theirs at Ehrlichman also are charged for three to six months because one of his many soaring bombs Milliken with an award for Tory expenst, though they with multiple counts of lying. to Pig running back Tom Michigan's outstanding were expected to threaten The coverup trial Stomant at the ten yard line. contribution to ALSAC. 3.89 Labor votes. 0 Roots would like o 1M0 your next walk to class FULL SELECTION ON Delivery NEJAC TV RENTALS"""1 to be a part erf your education. HAND NOW! j&j We'd like you to learn a little lowest part of the shoe. You about your feet-why they BABY OIL CORICIDIN D immediately stand straighter. cold tablets Now for rhe work as they do, and why they don't always work as they And when you walk, you use leg muscles you probably 10oz UM,T (COUPON) . 1.37 25's LIMIT 1 93 first rime ever , should. Did you know, for ex¬ haven't used for years. All of reg. 1.99 Expires Oct. 20, 1974 East Lansing Store Only reg. 1.31 » ample, that if instead of bang¬ this takes the load off other BARNES-HIND in o low;priced \ ing your soles about on cam¬ parts of your body, parts which pus concrete, you were to go all too often get overworked WETTING SOLUTION ROBITUSSIN D Pockety Book strolling barefoot on a beach, from incorrect posture. edition 2 Oz reg. 1.8! 1.17 40Z rec 1 50 re*. l.OU LIMIT 1 (coupon) 98 Exptr„ 0ct. 20( 1974 East Lansing Store Only Carlos two things would result. First, If you're wondering whether all FLANNEL SHIRTS your grades would drop. this can happen in good- 4.99 Castaneda SM - MED - LG - EX. LG Secondly, your heel would looking well-made footwear, make the deepest part of your reg. 7.98 try on a pair for yourself. One footprint. This is because na¬ look should persuade you that JOURNEY TO IXTLAN ture intended your heel to be Roots is much more than a g.e. The Lessons of Don Juon the lowest part of your body. beautiful idea. So in Roots your heel sits in the 220 M.A.C. AVE. NOXZEMA SCHICK II LIGHT BULBS 25 Weeks On The New York Times Best Seller List. Above the Alle-Ey It's also a very attractive shoe. "Staggeringly beautiful"-8oo/r World UNIVERSITY MALL medicated shave TWIN BLADE CARTRIDGE DAILY 10:00 to 6:00 Thurs. (. Fri. til 9:0 332-2212 MASTER charge bank americard "Utterly fascinating"—W.y. Times Book Review lloz 5's The "third and tinest book"! in Castaneda's magnificent trilogy that began with The Teachings of Don Juan and continued with A reg. 1.29 LIMIT 1 89' reg. 1.19 78' reg. 2/80c 2/49 Separate Reality. 'Time (COUPON) Expires Oct. 20, 1974 All three Castaneda classics now available East Lansing Store Only for only $1.50 each. virginia maid Sheer pocket-books opaque PANTYHOSE PANTYHOSE PANTYHOSE One Size 105 no. reg. 89c 49' no. 620 reg. 89c 49' No. 0 reg. • 1.50 1 78f Limit S (coupon) opaque KNEE SOX KNEE SOX tea o»c reg. 69c Limns (coupon) Expires Oct.20, 1974 29" rec 100 reg. i.uu Limit • (coupon) Expire. Oct. 20, 1974 f) / w East Lansing Store Only orlon Fashion Orion KNEE SOX KNEE SOX Martha Reeves 72' 88 octl4thrul9 TALL GIRL PANTYHOSE FINE FOOD & DRINK LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NITEL7 no. 93 PH 78' reg. 1.39 SHEER SUPPORT HOSE THE 2843 ED.RIVER, EAST LANSING E. STABLES no.611 reg. 2.95 Pet — Ave — Tall Expires Oct. 20, 1974 1.49 ^•Jt^nsln^tor^nly Monday, October 14, 1974 11 . LIQUID GOLD Fall awakens cider mill By JOE KIRBY The afternoon wears on and the apples unloaded earlier are State News Staff Writer returned to the truck in the form of liquid - filled containers. Autumn. Miller said you can usually get 2'A to 3 gallons of cider from a The leaves burn red and gold, pumpkins come ripe, winds take bushel of apples, depending on the quality of the fruit. a cool edge, and apples, sweet apples are everywhere. For those not fortunate enough to have their own apple And then apple cider, golden sweet juice for young and old, orchard, Corda West has plenty of cider for sale. begins to flow. Miller said football Saturdays are a big business day and that Corda West Cider Mill, in Okemos has been making the sweet many students add a little something extra to their cider. bronze juice for 25 years. People arrive in the early morning, some buying cider, others "Some kids come out here with some whiskey or vodka and bringing truckloads of apples which will be squeezed into cider mix up a container of half cider and half booze and then take off for 25 cents per gallon. for the woods," Miller said. They drop their apples into a chute which carries them to a Miller said that when vodka is used only the cider can be tasted machine where they are crushed. They are then but that the drink still packs a punch. wrapped in brown blankets and piled high under a press which A gallon of cider at Corda West costs $1.50 and a half gallon squeezes out the juice. 80 cents. Add a few donuts or something a little stronger for Raymond Miller, owner of Corda West, said the blankets were some instant autumn fun. originally white but turned brown after only a few weeks of use. Anyone interested in getting some cider better not wait too Miller enjoys talking about the cider business and can offer long because the season only lasts another month. advice on the best way to mix up a barrel of "We close down on Nov. 15," Miller said, "because I'm applejack or hard going cider. deer hunting." John Valo, above, struggles to hold gallon jars under the spigot while they fill with fresh cider at the Corda West Cider Mill on Okemos Road. Andrew Valo, of Lansing, left, loads the full jugs into a picking truck. A bushel of apples makes approximately three gallons of cider. Photographed by Craig Porter ■ Raymond Miller, owner of the mill, stacks wood blocks that help crush the apple mash into cider. ' 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 14 | $ave Time, Energy and Money! ( «! FRANKLY SPEAKING, by phil frank Shop the Classified Ads. j Ijr J($) Ifwtmwts ^j f Apartments MALIBU CHEVELLE 1973 black. VOLKSWAGEN 1972. Silver blue . SINGLE OFFICE for rent, OKEMOS 1 bedroom, unfurnished, ROOMMATE wanted., Gold interior, swivel bucket Baha Bug. Excellent condition. furnished 2 desks, all utilittet. air conditioning, heat, weter, bedroom hou»t i» seats, all power, 14,500 mites. 26,000 miles. Phone after 6, •if conditioned, music, lighted disposal. $150. Phone 349-3438, Laming. Own ,^ $2750. Call 489 9346,. 5.10.18 627 7460. 5-1014 perking. Oakland at Center, after 5 pm. 5-10-16 utlh"« 882 7628 Lansing. $75 month, phone 5-iJ MAVERICK 1972 Grabber red. VOLKSWAGEN Excellent 482-0113 or contact Hassetbring MALE ROOMMATE wanted to TWO PHONE 355-8255 - 1969 BEDROOMS . ^ 302, 8 cylinder. Stick shift. running condition. Very good Company at 482-1217. 10-10-16 shere 2 room apartment. Road, approximator 347 Student Services Bldg. Radio. Excellent condition, Campus Hill. 349-2856. 3-10-16 from MSU performance, mileage 353-8814. looking. New tires and brakes. $150/rr,J, •AUTOMOTIVE P.M.-339-2022. 6-1018 Many extras. Phone after six, 627-7460. 5-10-14 Apartments i:^| ROOMMATE NEEDED for 4-girl 677 2606, afterepn,^- apartment. Close. $79/month. Scooters & Cycles MAVERICK CRABBER 1970. 6 VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Radio, rear 337-1169. 5-10-18 PINE lake"*" UNIQUE 2 bedroom, fireplace, Parts & Service cylinder, standard runs good. window defroster. Mounted snows. - study red shag carpet. Ideel for APARTMENTSHASiiJ) $700. Must sell! Phone 353-4525, 694-9922. 3-1014 NEED FEMALE ROOMMATE, 10 Aviation 882-1606 after 5:30 2 singles. $300. 69*1909 1 MINUTE 1,0, p.m. minutes from campus. 393-4915 •EMPLOYMENT 5-10<7 VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1968, like afternoons. Long Development. I Inexpensive living in - after 8 p.m. 3-10-16 , •FOR RENT new throughout, rebuilt engine, 5-10-17 area. Located Road just north oil at 6076 £1 Apartments MIDGET MG 1972. Excellent snows, tape deck. 489-9480. WANTED: GIRL to share furnished Road. 1 bedroom ak,^ condition with Phone 882-8106. 5-10-15 many extras. 5-10-16 5059 WARDCLIFF, East Lansing. 3 bedroom duplex. Stove only, duplex on south side. Own with shag ^ Houses room, finshed basement, plus carpeting, fo, VOLKSWAGEN 1972, low mileage, carpeted throughout, full appliances, and air condS Rooms many extres! Cell after 5 p.m. new tires, $1775-best offer. basement, fenced yard, gerden $150 per month, fcp MG MIDGET 1970. Excellent 393-4631. 5-10-18 •FOR SALE 489-0888. 5-10-14m area Family prefered. $276 available ^t $185 ExctU, condition. Must be seen to Animals month plus utilities. Security students, will cc appreciate! 332-5723. 5-10-15 VOLKWAGEN 1972, low deposit. 339-9970. 5 10-17 month lease Call Mobile Homes mileage, new tires, $1775-best 339-8192 or E MG MIDGET 1970, MGB 1970, •LOST & FOUND MGA 1962, Triumph GT-6 offer. 489-0888. 5-10-14 'MEM -1 THINK I'VE fOUMD ONE MAN needed to subleese 2 NEAR MSU. 1-men for 4-man. Reelty, 332-4128.10-10-2 epartment. Close •PERSONAL 1970. See PRECISION VW 1970. Excellent condition. OURPROBLEM..." bedroom $117/month. 351-3118. 3-10-14 $57.50 plus deposit. 337-1580 •PEANUTS PERSONAL IMPORTS/BODY SHOP, 1206 5-10-18 MARIGOLD Low Mileage New Tires. Must £ COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY CA 94709 East Oakland for sharp, restored, 911 'REAL ESTATE sell. ONE WOMAN: four women, Marigold sports cars. 6-10-18 35V8W8^1_(H6 __ for ONE AND 2 bedrooms furnished, Completely furnished, University Terrace. Winter/spring "RECREATION VW SUNROOF, Bus. 1965. Very all new, cerpeting, air bedroom apartment!, •SERVICE MGB - GT 1970. Excellent clean, rebuilt engine, Porsche Senrice !/ Employment ji 351-4895.5-10-16 conditioning, balcony, security carpeted^ air condition) condition. $1800 firm. New seats. $1100/best offer. locks. 10 minutes MSU. CAMPUS HILL. Need For appointment c Instruction radials. 337-0471. 5-10-17 393-1968 after 6 pm. 5-10-18 one men. 349-9152 or 694 9608. 6-10-18 VOLKSWAGEN COMPLETE WANTED: MARRIED couple to be $68 Free bus to campus. Typing Service repair and bodV- 20% houseparents for a group of 349-2773.4-10-15 MUSTANG 1973 Mach I, 351-2V, VOLVO 1972. 142S, AM-FM, air, GIRL NEEDED, large near by 'TRANSPORTATION DISCOUNT to students, faculty mentally retarded adults. power steering, brakes, automatic, Pirellis, 25 mpg, excellent on all cash'n'carry VW service apartment, $81. Penny, ONE BLOCK from amour 'WANTED Rewarding work-room, board SOUTHWEST LANSING-2 E.T Mags, extras. 355-2449. condition, $2750. 339-8844. and salary. Call Irma, 487-6500. 353-9642, 8 em-5pm. 5-10-18 $70 50/month F parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, bedrooms, carpeted, lease. $175 3-1014 3-10-16 351-4347. 5-10-14 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar 5-1014 plus utilities, deposit. 882-5833. NEAR CAPITOL and LCC. 2 story ••RATES** 485-2047, 485-9229 10-10-16 TWO BEDROOM OPEL VOLVO 164, 1969. 4-door, dark duplex. Very clean, good mobile GT 1970. Yellow, 43,000 Mastercharge and Bank green, beige leather interior. MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT is location. $155 per month. Cell Furnished, carpeted, do miles, 30 mpg, $1800. Cell after Americard. C-10-31 NORTH PENNSYLVANIA. Large 9 pm or weekends, 675-7331. AM/FM, radials, extra clean. taking applications for possible 351-4897 after 5pm. 5-10-18 $150. Call 1-61&S part time employment to work furnished upsteirs. One Completely overhauled. $2500. collect. To 33k 10-10-25. bedroom. Shere utilities, $120. night shift 5 pm - 12 midnight. WORDS OPEL GT 1970. Great gas mileage. 373-6300 days. evenings. 5-10-18 351-4845 Employment y| Apply in person, 8 - 10am or 2-4 351-7497.0-10-31 EAST SIDE, neer Sparrow bedroom, four rooms, - one private 5-10-14 1 pm Monday - Thursday at NEEDED. ROOMMATE forte 3 5 Good condition Best offer. EUREKA 1024 UPSTAIRS, entrance, perking. $140 plus H CLASSIC VOLVO 444 1957. RELIABLE COLLEGE MCDONALD'S, 2040 Grand apartment. Hasten Arm"" 322-4993.4-1014 girl with utilities. Call after 6 p.m.. 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 Excellent rebuilt engine, etc. River, Okemos. 3-10-16 Furnished. One bedroom, shere 337-1169. 510-14 own transportation - housework 485-7593.5-10-17 22-24+ mpg. See it, 351-6356, utilities. $125. 351-7497. OPEL RALLY 1970. 34,000 miles, and minimal babysitting. Tony. 5-10-17 KEYPUNCH OPERATORS, all 0-10-31 TWO BEDROOM furnished 24-26 $2.50/hour 2 afternoons/week. SUBLET ONE bedroom, furnished mpg. New Michel in homes. $25 $3S weft | Susan Paslov, 351-7264. 5-10-18 shifts and weekends. radials. $1075. Call 355-7367, AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE only NORTH -PENNSYLVANIA. Large apartment et Northpoint minutes to campus. Quiet Salary-$2.50 to $4.25 per hour Apartments. Contact Kathy, 8.00 13.00 26.00 evenings, weekends. 5-10-18 you can save $$$. It peys to furnished, 2 bedroom, ground • peaceful on a lake 641^601* HOUSE PAINTERS based on experience. Phone 351-5314, after five. 5-10-17 25 3.75 10.00 shop around. Call ui You may 351-4840.5-10-15 level apartment. Share utilities. 484-5315.0 10-31 16.25132.50 OPEL GT be surprised. 484-8173. experienced, to help owner paint $140. 351-7497.0-10-31 1970, Blue, new paint, B-2-10-14 Lansing house. 489-1287. 3-10-16 ONE BEDROOM Apartment. DEADLINE 48,000 miles. $1650. 349-1608 EXPERIENCED ELECTRONIC Unfurnished, deluxe, 10 minutes 1 P.M. one class evenings. 3 10-15 Technicien. part time, hours ROOMATE NEEDED, October's day ARTIST NEEDS female figure rent free! $68.75 monthly from campus. $139. Manager's Appliances, before publication. models for his drawing and arranged, tall Okemos office, 5898 Marsh, Apt 1, Peanuts Personal ads PLYMOUTH FURY III. 4-door. power steering, automatic, 318 motor, inside good condition. In Motorcycles ]g painting. Call 676-4674. 5-1018 Television. 349-1577. 1O10-17 thereafter. 4-10-17 Call 349-2219. 339-9161. 7-1021 conditioning, laundry, 8?'- or patio. $169. See Assist; MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT is DESK CLERK needed. Must have pre-paid. use everyday. Must sell! NORTON - DUCATI - MOTTO - LARGE APARTMENT, downtown QUIET GIRLS, (1-2) needed Apartment 2, 3620 Rich.:. taking applications for possible transportation and be willing to 655-1732. 5-10-14 GUZZI. New models on display. Mason. $165 includes utilities. immediately. 731 Apartments Call 676-1270, 393 part time employment to work travel. Call 372-0567 or Repairs and service for Honda Must see. 393-0445. 5-10-18 Rent negotiable. 351-7185. 10-10-21 noon hours 10:30 am - 2:00 pm 489-1215 between 12 6pm. Cancellations/ Corrections - PLYMOUTH 1969. 4ipeed, brand and Triumph. G.T. MOTORS, Apply in .person, 8-10-am or 2-4 0-VQ-31 , 3-10-J4 12 noon one class day 816 East EAST LANSING. One bedroom HOLT 2 BEDROOM, applet new tires, good condition! $900. Howe, Lansing. pm. Monday Thursday at • before publications. 4858815. 0-5-10-18 furnished. Fully carpeted, air, carpeting and drapes, $165 487-3481. 5-10-16 MCDONALD'S, 234 West Grand RELIEF CHARGE Nurse, midnight RESPONSIBLE FEMALE River or 1024 East Grand River, shift. PROVINCIAL HOUSE disposal, security locks. Minutes roommate wants same for utilities. 694 0862. 510-14 | The State'News will be LEATHERS LESS THAN $50 - East Lansing. 3-10-16 from campus. $185/month spacious two bedroom PLYMOUTH ROADRUNNER WHITE HI L~LS. Call SHEP'S is your full service nursing Woodside North. Call 351-3915 TWO BEDROOM r apartment. After 5:30 pm, responsible only for the 1969, 2 door, 383 engine, dual dealer for Yamaha, Triumph, NURSERY SCHOOL aide. supervisor, 332-5061. 10-10-14 or 332-4987.5-10-15 Near campus Newly furriM 349-2598.2 10-15 first day's exhaust. 484-5808. 5-10-17 incorrect BMW and Rickman. SHEP'S' Monday, Wednesday and Friday with carpet $150 mon* A MOTOR SPORTS, INC. HOLT, afternoons. Must qualify for MODELS FOR photography. Call DELUXE, FURNISHED, 1 1.5-1014 insertion. OWN ROOM Female - grad student PONTIAC CATALINA 694-6621. C-5-10-18 ,work study funds. 349-4T71, between 10am and 6pm. bedroom apartment near 1968, 9 desires one-two roommates. e due 7 days Uom 349-3683.3-10-15 | 489-1215.010-31 passenger wagon, good campus. 332-3135 or 882-6549. Winter - Spring. Cell Judi. after 3 FURNISHED. UTILITIES p* expiration date. If condition, 1 owner, 677-8171. INSURANCE - LOWEST rates on 5-10-15 newly carpeted, «xcW not paid by the due date, a pm. 332-21.79. 5-10-18 5-10-15 cycle and auto. Call us first or WAITRESS FOR Lansings most PIZZA location, 1 bedroom, 3494901 DELIVERY. Nights, full test, but call. Easy payment exciting night club. Apply ONE BEDROOM, furnished. East 5-10-14 or part time. Must own good PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE PORSCHE 914 - 2.0, 1973, all plan. UNION fOINT AFTER, 321 Michigan Lansing. $180/month, utilities Avenue after 6 pm. 5-10-17 running, insured car. paid. Couple preferred, no South. Neer Michigan Avenue. appearance, limited-slip, am-fm UNDERWRITERS, 39M100 or Commission and mileage paid stereo, brown corduroy interior, 485-4317. 0-10-31 children or pete. Call 351-0433, Furnished one bedroom. Houses STUDENTS PART TIME. $50 per nightly. Apply after 4:30 p.m. 6-9 pm. 10-10-18 Utilities peid. $150 plus deposit. 20,000 30 + mpg, stored - PIZZA PIT, 203 M.A.C. Avenue BENILLI MOTOR scotter 126 cc. week plus bonus. Call Mr. 627 5454 5-10-18 winters, extras. Days, 337-1731, 3-10-14 Jlljl) extension 236. Nights 489-1706. Good condition. Step thru Carter, 351-4337.3-10-15 MALE ROOMMATE wanted to 3 BEDROOM apartment in tail " 3 -10-16 frame. $100. 694-0918. 5-10-17 share 1974 14x70 mobile home NEEDED. ONE girl for 4 man. $210 including utilities. 31 AUSTIN - HEALEY, 3,000 MK III, JANITORIAL AT New University South Hayford. 332-24# SUDENTS WORK part time. 10-15 in North Lansing. Call 489-2134 Immediately. Eden Roc. Immaculate, no rust, new Mall. 7-8 a.m. Monday through 351-5880. 3-1016 1O10-21 ROVER 1968, TC2000. 4-speed, 1971 HARLEY 900 Sportster, new hours per week. Our employees or 351-7600. Ask for Randy. Michelins, paint and interior, Friday. Phone Jay. 351-2480. engine. Best offer. Call average $3.75-$4.25 per hour. 6-10-14 $2300. Must be seen. Call 5-10-16 EAST SIDE-Lansing. large housil 489-4163. 5-10-17 Own transportation required. MASON MANOR - North Street. 484-4798. 5-10-15 OWN BE DROOM In two bedroom Meson, Married grad students or bedrooms, 9 month It Apply in person . 4295 Okemos PIZZAWAKERS. Friday, Saturday Professional Building, suite 7. apartment. $75/month. 3 blocks $225/month, deposit, furniW CAMARO. 1967. Good condition. single grad students. 1-24 Red black vinyl, 327 automatic, TOYOTA COROLLA 1971. Radial Auto Service / Wednesday - Friday 1-5. Monday or Sunday nifhts. PIZZA PIT, campus. Move in immediately. bedroom townhouse apartments. 351-5323. 10-10 16 203 M.A.C. Avenue. 3 10-14 Rent free until November 1. power. $580. 351-7797. 5-10-16 tires, good condition, $850. Call 11-2. 5-10-14 From $185 plus utilities. Large GIRL NEEDED to share bedrooe 4-10-16 355-6168. 5-10-14 PAINT kitchen and dining area. YOUR WAGON! See DOORMAN FOR in duplex. $60 plus 11#' WANTED: CLERK Steno I. $5800, Friday and CAMARO 1968, good condition, Johnny Rembrandt for OWN BEDROOM in Appliances including excellent fringes, step increases, Saturday nights. Apply in person two bedroom 351 9525. 3-1014 E.T. TOYOTA CORONA, 1969, masterpieces wheels. 1825 E. dishweshers. central heat, air Mags, call 351-2114. on good working relations, call Diane, at RAMADA INN, Pennsylvania apartment. $75/month. 3 blocks 5-10-14 automatic, 4 door, $575-best Michigan. 487-6565. 10-10-16 conditioning, full basement, gBS offer. 355-9844. 3-10-15 487-6500.5-10-14 and I-96. 7-10-18 campus. Move in immediately. SHARP HOUSE shag a heet. Balconies. East drive to Rent free until November 1. fireplace, 3 bedrooms, lurni MSU. Open deily from 1-6:30 CAPRI 1971. $1200. AM-FM, new TOYOTA CELICA, 1972. MASON BODY SHOP 812 East CHILD CARE worker, live in UNLIMITED SALES OPPORTUNITY 351-2750. 4-10-16 neer campus, $270. 655-358 tires. 355-1091, Call after 5 pm. p.m. except Wednesday & 5-10-16 Moderate mileage, excellent fuel Kalamazoo Street since 1940. Children's Cottage. Experience If you're a better man than the job 5-10-18 EFFICIENCY Thursday. Visit us or call consumption, good condition, Complete auto peinting and in child care work. Should have you're now in, we'd like to talk FURNISHED, JAMES FOX ASSOCIATES at collision service. utilities, including washer, dryer. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA, » $2350. Phone 676-4281, 48&0256. psychology and sociology to you. Commissions. Call model 676-4746. Office, CORVETTE 1962 convertible. Block from campus. 351-8800 Large furnished four bedrtxH C-10-31 background. Contact William Josephine Startweather at High performance 327. evenings. 4-10-141 372-1964. Manager. 676-1411. home, like duple*. $251 Weitzel, VFW National Home, 694-3935. Investors Diversified 03-1015 10-10-26 Excellent condition. 351-6396. 351-7497.023-10-31 663-1521, extension 147. Services. 10-10-25 MANAGER NEEDED 3 units, 5-10-18 TRIUMPH 1969 TR-6. Overdrive, - X7-10-17 minimal services, reduced rent. luggage rack, wire wheels, CHRYSLER 1966. Automatic Michelins. Excellent engine. MODELS - GIRLS to pose for REGISTERED NURSES. Full part time positions available on & __c_a"f!1?w?'_3-i_0-15 CROSSWORD power, excellent condition. Must 34,000 miles. Burgandy/black CEDAR VILLAGE, sell $225. 353-5800. 3-10-16 interior. Clean, but rusty. Asking national automotive magazine. No nudity. Send photo and the afternoon & night shifts. Minimum starting salary $4.82 one girl needed for 4-person. $80. Call Collect PUZZLE $1495. 484-3697 or 669-3502. 1-782-5200. 3-1014 21. Precise resume to International per hour plus experience credit. CUTLASS S, 1970 holiday coupe, 5-10-16 ACROSS 24. Sweetsop Productions Inc. 11136 North Excellent V-8, spotless, $1695. .Call fringe benefits. Please 27, Asian holiday 332-4305. 5-10-14 TRIUMPH TR6 1973. Overdrive, TIRES - LIKE new size A70-13, Saginaw, Clio, Michigan 48420. 5-10-15 contact office of Employment, Lansing General Hospital, 2800 CHECK OUR T\ 1. Weep 29. Large vat radio, 19,000 miles, up to 30 five for $75. Phone after 5, Devonshire, Lansing. Please call ^"REPAIR PRICES* 4. Vanity 30. Quill for FORD CUSTOM 1968. 6 cylinder, 7. mpg. Offers over $3,500. Call 332-6472.3-10-15 PART TIME evenings, Accomplish- winding silk engine very good, $350. 355-8432, 9 am-5pm. 355-7899 372-8220, extension 268. An ment 332-6051.4-10-16 working with children. Equal Opportunity Employer. 20% DISCOUNT TO after 5 pm. 5-1018 11. Overseas VOLKSWAGEN EXHAUST Knowledge of pottery* kiln 25-1031 STUDENTS & address FORD, 1966 Convertible, small Systems - $18.95 complete at operation, leatherwork, and V-8, runs good, $100. 339-2673 VEGA 1973. 22,000 mites. $1700 CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN jewelry making. Call 663-1521, FACULTY ON 12. Bongo For Rent 19. Arabian after 3 pm. 3-10-16 or best offer. 351-5378 evenings, weekends. 5-10-14 CAR Kalamazoo, PARTS, 2605 East one mile west of 127. 7-10-16 ^ CASH/CARRY SERVICE PARTS VW prince 2. English FORD SIDEWALK SNOW 14. Russian painter PICK-UP 1967. Great campus. 487-5055. C-10-10-18 removal TV and STEREO Rentals, condition. $575. Phone VEGA 1972 Hatchback, 4-speed. needed, Pinecrest Townhouses. $25/term. $10.95/month. Free village 3. Innate 351-0015 after 6.1-10-14 $1300- best offer. 353-6824 U - REPAIR AUTO SERVICE Equipment provided. 351-7194 Same Day Delivery and Service. 115. Gums 4. Elicit evenings. 3-10-16 CENTER offers you tools, afternoons. 5-10-15 Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-10-31 }| 16. Matron 5. Slingshot 17. Antibiotic victim FORD VAN, 1961 3 speed. 6 equipment and instrufctions to - 20. Teachers' 6. Unwritten VEGA 1973 Hatchback. 4 speed. do your auto repairs. 5311 S. cylinder. Good body, tires. Runs association 7. Thecal Good condition. Must sell. Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10 - 8, I. Coarse hominy well. $500 487-0440. 5-10-16 AUTO PARTS 6 days. 20-10-23 IT" 8 Originate $1495. 351-4633. 5-10-16 GREMLIN LEVI'S 1973. V-8 SPECIAL 500 E. Kalamazoo at Cedar 1 i 9. Help 10. Endeavor 18 Incumbents automatic, 14,000 miles. $1995. Can Cycle be - seen at East Lansing 1215 East Grand River. Volkswagon complete repair service. Repair 8. parts for foreign and American cars. most 1 19 Permit 22. Young Bo* 5-10-14 Body shop & paint services. Scout 1 Hum tfunnrs Exchange engines & trentaxles. 23. High e*Pl0S HONDA CIVIC 1973 car 11,000 (FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED) Free wrecker service with % m 24. Hole inone 25. High hill miles, like new. 30 mpg. Repossessed. Under book. Financing available. Call mm w repairs - local areas. City bus service to our front Wdwwmumvmmm 26. Gourmet 28. Workers door. III. r/A V/A 31. Size of wi"* 489-9476. X5-10-16 CALL NOW GOING FAST "aper MW2Smvumm ALL NEW ■ STUDENTS WELCOME • S MONTH LEASE* ■ CARPETING - M We buy and sell VW's 32. Nucleic at™ 10 MINUTES TO MSU ■ AIR CONDITIONING • HOTPOINT APPLIANCES JAVENLIN AMX 1973. Excellent 34. Cotton pa"'® condition. 484-5808. 5-10-17 Lots of extras. ktst 12-« Mon.-Frl. Sat. 11-4 o,h•, ,im« * ,7g.4J#1 JO BECK 485-2047 8■ 6 485-9229 36 ChicagoWJJ 38. fencings*0™ Ph. C7C-4S74 or 332-4121 Monday ■ Friday, EAST LANSING EVENINGS & WEEKENDS WEEKDAYS 9 5 9- 2Satu 39. Gallivants quiet country living 351-1925 351 7910 40. Radiate 41 inquisitive 42 That gir' 43. Ballad Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Otobei 14, 1974 13 For Sale f*S* Houses for Sale _](§ Motile Hums 6r hoi Jj«,] Cat Pool Driving i) LANSING • 2 bedroom*, (•ridable people preferred, TEAC A450 Dolby CMMtte deck. Merentz 1060 stereo amp. Haethkit AR 14 FM receiver. BOGEN 100 WATT P.A. amplifier, U*ad only four month*, plut PORCH SALE, Saturday 9-3:30. Toddlers clothing, toy*, nur*ery ROLLOHOME Arthur'* 12x60, Court. $3,000. King HAYRIDES DRAWN by horw*. Call for appointment now. [SnJWi^jaj furnished. 709 Samantha. Sony TC66 portable- caaeette Shore four mike mixer. Call 361-4200 between 8 am and 6 chair, miacellaneou* household item*. 342 M.A.C. AVENUE. 355-2251 pm. 20-11-8 or 332-6329 after 6 Phone 676-5928. 10-10-16 racordar. USED pocket FROM KNOB HILL apartments to pm. 3-10-16 SKIERS UTAH package - $299, Mason-Cedar Street. 1 ROOM bedroom calculator*, headphone*, radio*, Leaving ■,,e ■come. Petj in two end $80/month. 372-6207. *moker* TV *at«, micracopa*. binoculars, camera*, album*, tape*, 500 THORENS Pioneer TD160 Turntable. AS600 amplifier. HOOVER SPIN wahser. BRAND NEWI Apartment tize. $179. [ Lost & Foam) |g) Christmas and spring. Call your East Lansing Ski Center - TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. 7:30 am, returning 5 pm. 349-0938 after 5:30 pm. rifletand shotguns, 200 guitar Harmon-Kardon 75+ 3-10-16 FROM NORTHERN Flint area to quad Sell for $10(5. 656-3362. 5-10-17 FIND SOMETHING §10-14 amp, PA *y*tem*, drum set*, racalvar. Playback Dolby If you've found a pet or article of 361 8800. 0-5-10-18 MSU. Leaving daily 7:30 am, I lCC • studenti, 5 bedroomi, accitiorla* WILCOX cauatte deck. Santui AR ONE NEW Yamaha Comet. $175. value, we want to help you TAKE A clo*e look at the good returning 5 pm. 1-313686-3472 Jpished, reasonable, 361-4140 SECONDHAND 485-4391. C 10-31 STORE, electrovoice speakers and meny more quality used components. Call after 6 pm. 3616460. 2-10-14 return it. Jutt News Classified come to the State thing* around your home you no longer u*e. Sell them with a after 6 pm. 3-10-15 Department and |65-2603. 5-10-18 Porteble want ad. Dial 355-8255 today. 400 QUALITY BICYCLES - 10, 6 cassette recorder* and tell us you want to place an ad Riding ^ Kg 4 bedroom, carpeted, and 3 speeds Special Price*. calculators. Great selection of up NIKKORMAT WITH 50mm fl.4, in EAST LANSING STATE TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, lemen,, $175/month. Call Limited time. Call now. to date records and tapes. 35mm 135mm, f2.8, leather case. Appraised excellent condition. BANK'S Found Column. A* oiled, and adjutted. Portables LOVING HOMES are not hard to find! Advertise "PETS FOR ■ 8150. 5-10-18 camera equipment, portable a public service EAST LANSING $7.50, manuals $10.00, electric FROM EAST Wilson to Willow 484-0362 GENE'S BICYCLE television* and many $225. 332-8014. 3-10-14 SALE" with Want Ads and see! mens and STATE BANK will run the ad at $12.50. One day service, free Pond Stables, Harper Road, SHOP' 702 Wett Berne* Dial 355-8255. | SIDE, large 8 room*, 4 Aveneue. 6-10-14 ladies leather coats. In our new SOLEX, MOTORIZED Bicycle. 1 no cost to you I pick up and delivery. 25 yeer* Mason everyday after 3 pm, ■rooms, unfurnished. $200. mu*ic *hop you'll find names EAST LANSING experience. 393-9774 x6-10-14 except Monday; returning 1.1557. 5-10-18 FREE RETAIL CATALOG: like Fender, Gibson, Ampeg, year old. Best offer. 353-7981. STATE BANK FROM OWOSSO area to campus anytime. 353-0102 3 10-16 Pipe*, Acoustic and the all Miller day*. 351-5417, night*. 3-10-14 HIGHLAND HILLS Christmas new C-10-31 - waterpipe*. bongs, cigarette parties & wedding receptions. Leaving 7:30 am, returning 5 |lG MAN to live with retiree, paper*, rolling machine*, Super amplifiers. Many nice Reserve your pm. 723-7437 after 5:30 pm. ■ferences, no drinking, portable manual and electric ASAHI PENTAX Sup Pac. 300mm, FOUND: TWO Mann Theatre date now. 3-10-16 luperttonet, dip*, underground 669-9873. 20-10-23 fcsonable rates. 393-3962. Comix, etc. GABRIELLA'S typewriter. Many car cassette Telephoto lens. $140. 641-4590. Student diicount passe*. Dale(?) ■0-16 and 8 track deck*. In our 6-10-17 K. Stephenson. 353-8166. GOODIES. Box 434. batement is full a*sortment of MSU COMMUNTIY Coop Nursery FROM MILLER and Haag to FROM SHEPARD and Kalamazoo a C-3-10-15 Hollywood, Californie. 990028 has Natural Science. Leaving 7:30 ILIUS ROAD, 12 rpile* *outh. mag wheels and tires. Come on SKIS - Head GK03 185, Soloman openings for 3 and 4 year to Natural Science Bldg. Leaving 5-10-14 for fall. am, returning 5 pm. 393-8057 l, country home with down to DICKER 8i DEAL 444 bindings $115, Call after 4 LOST. CAT, long-haired, male, olds For more 7:45 am, returning 5 pm. information, after 5:30 pm. 3-10-15 372-5086 after 5 pm. 3-10-15 jres. Available now. SECONDHAND STORE, 1701 pm. 339-9180. 2-10-14 brown and tan. Gunson area. Peggy Shook, i 351 7497 or 676-1441. South Cedar. 487-3886. Monday Reward. 351-8754.3-10-16 351-0109 or Kerry Chartkoff, / GIBSON'S V and Friday til 9 pm. Tuesday, 337-9511.10-10-25 FURNITURE, COMPLETE living Wednesday, Thursday and room, dresser and dinette set. FOUND: KEYS on ring with ■ BEDROOM kichen and living room. and bath. $70 BOCK Saturday 9-6. Bank Americard and Master Charge. C-5-10-18 Set up and delivery. 482-8517. 3-10-15 leather tab on campus. Call to identify 337-9292. C-3-10-16 EDITING Dissertation, - PROOFREADING. theses, research kplati. Call 332-8987, after 5 1.5-10-15 ADDIC CLOSE OUT of Stereo speakers, IMMEDIATE 3 SPEED bike FOUND: CAT, All black, young, papers, Cauley, manuscript*. Anne 337-1591. 3-10-16 yle. ■ HORSE Boarding - beautiful BOOK SALE reduced price*. 5-10-14 4824156. International make. Men* 21 vicinity of Fee Hall. Call FOR THE BEST Service on stereo inch and Ladies 19% inch. $45 Marianne, 353-7379. C-3-10-16 trails. Females - eqipment see the STEREO irn ,m. $90. 339-2361. 50% OFF each. Actual $69.50. SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. International Marketing Service. LOST: BLACK address-date on our regular C-10-31 jD-15 low prices 3308 South Cedar, Suite 11, book. Reward. 351-3041. Lansing. Ask for Joe Watkint. 3-10-16 PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES - ■e house. Carpeted and LES PAUL 5-10-16 Announcements for It's What's Young People and Careers fall Deluxe. Like Kas. 2 blocks from campus. •hardbacks 50% off ' Sunburst. With new. $325. FOUND MAN'S watch by Finest quality - reasonably Happening must be received in the speaker series presents Kathy Kte and deposit. 393-0445. 351-0481.3-10-14 case. KONICA - T 35mm. Nine- month* Jacobson ramp. Call and Identify. priced. PHOTOGRAPHY. BOYNTON State News office, 341 Student Jacobs of Foster, Lindeman, Swift 482-5712. Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least and Collins law firm in Lansing to |0-18 128 W. Grand River old. $190. 353-2258 day*. 351-4956. C-3-10-15 5-10-14 two class days before publication. speak with students about her TRUCK LOAD blower sale. 484-2158 evening*. 3-10-14 i CAMPUS, 2 bedroom, upstairs snow No announcements will be accepted experience in paralegal work. Just few in stock, single and LOST: SET of three keys by by phone. Jacobs will speak at the Counseling open Tues - Fri 1 -6,7 -9 a fished basement, unfurnished. multi stage. 5 hp in crate, WEST FILLMORE amplifier with Student Service*. Please return. CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY at Center from 3:30 to 5 p.m. 60/month plus utilities. Call Fender speaker cabinet. Call 3536255. 5-10-17 it's best statewide. TERRY ASMSU Board will meet at 8 Wednesday in 207 Student Services $169.95. Phone 339-9522. igs, weekends, 332-6279. 7-10-16 351-6818. $450. 3-10-14 LUKE PHOTOGRAPHY, p.m. tonight in 328 Student LOST: YOUNG male cat. Gray 313-532-9325. C-10-31 Services Bldg. with white marking*. South Come be a part of a Bible study MID - MICHIGAN'S audio GARAGE SALE October 12 & in the Gospel of John. We will be GUITAR 12 *tring epiphone, old - but in good condition. $130. retailer with the finest in stereo products and electronic repairs. 13. 10 to clothing, mi*c. 5. Antiques, coin*, Schoolcraft, Holt. 2-10-11 1898 Francis area. 485-0864. 3-10-15 LOST: 3V4 Month old puppy, kstatms |0. Unicyclist* - The first meeting of the MSU Unicycle Club will be searching the Christian Lifestyle. Call 882-1604. 3-10-15 Shop the store with straight VOICE LESSONS. Piano lessons, brown and white, freckle* on held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 606 S. Attention shooters. Do you like j NEAR. 3 bedroom, 605 stereo answers. MARSHALL STEREO COMPONEnT face, male, half Irish beginning and intermediate. Case Hall. All are welcome. to hunt, shoot, trap and / or skeet? MUSIC, 245 Ann Street. set, 280 ■throp Partially furnished. GUNS, Rifles, and handguns of all watt receiver, Bose 501 speakers, Setter-Bassett Hound. Answers $6/hour. $4.50/40 minutes. Call Come investigate the activities of C-1-10-14 ynt and deposit. $235/month. kinds. Buy, trade and sell. Best turntable records, etc. $675. to "ARLO". 394-0785. 3-10-15 349-1354, after 5 pm. 5-10-14 Residence Halls Assn. Judiciary the MSU Shotgun Club at 8 p.m. C 1622 5-10-15 is now accepting applications for Tuesday in 211 Men's IM Bldg. year 'round price* in Southern EYE' GLASSES Phone 487-9372. 5-10-16 at large savings. WANTED: BANJO teacher to teach membership. You can pick up an Michigan. BOB'S GUN SHOP, LOST PRESCRIPTION sunglasses. Gay Liberation holds its | or Two people needed to 2412 South Cedar. Call Why Pay More 7 OPTICAL Near Division Street. Reward. at our home. One night a week. application from Judicial Programs e classic farm mansion. 40 DISCOUNT, 2615 East WILLING TO stand out in the Okemos. Call afternoons Office, 339 Student Services Bldg. meetings at 8:30 p.m. on 371-2244.0-2-10-14 Phone 351-2777. 5-10-15 Wednesdays in 33 Union. Everyone $6 5/month including Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. crowd? then check the 655-1102 or evenings. 349-2295. The deadline for applications is Oct. 25. For more information is welcome. es. 641-6802 evenin(js. C-6-10-18 outstanding auto* in today'* 5-10-16 TWO TICKETS together to LOST: GOLD ladies Jubilee watch. please call the Judicial Programs Classified Ads. Michigan game, 45 yard line. Reward! Call Debbie at Office. Israeli dancing begins at 7:30 MORSE CONSOLE stereo with p.m. Tuesday in 126 Women's IM Best offer. 1 313-761-2761. 353-1013. 5-10-14 BOARD EXAM TUTORING IRE HOUSE, 3 bedroom, AM/FM radio. Needs some TROMBONE OLDS Ambassador, Rodeo Committee meeting at 7 Bldg. and will continue there ?ach 2-10-12 STANLEY H. KAPLAN fhser, dryer, fireplace, clean, work, $125. 365-8211. 3-10-16 perfect Marching or beginners FOUND: GLOVES, one pair in TUTORING COURSES p.m. tonight in the Judging week. All levels welcome. Good I. North Fairview. horn. $90 firm. $250 new with Pavilion. AD interested in working instruction, good exercise and DYNACO STEREO 80 amplifier International Center. Leave Now being formed for the friendships. 176798. 5-10-17 AM/FM stereo radio, $40. 10 gallon case. 35&6984. 5-10-14 on 1975 rodeo are welcome. and Pat • 4 Pre-Amp-1 year old. name and Phone, 485-1078. upcoming MCAT.DAT, LSAT, aquarium, set - up $30. ATGSB, GRE Board Exams For Human Rights party needs your Excellent condition, never used, 7am-10pm. C-3-10-15 Jodied for - 2 spacious unit*, $190. 353-4006. 5-11-17 Complete-Wilson golf club set, 1973 MODEL Piggybeck Custom information call Radio Drama - Concerts - help! Attend the open meeting couple. Immediate $90. 351-2641.5-10-18 Amplifier, 250 watts, 4 12" 1-31.3-35+0085.0:2-11:14. Public Affairs - talk shows. If you Tonight at 8.30 p.m. in 33 Union! Bcupancy. 351-3809. 3-10-15 speakers and foot switches. FOUND: ORANGE W*ten, Would mte '16 become involved in Cash for SNOW SKIS. 3-speed bike. Warm 355-7246. 5-10-14 Spartan Avenue. White collar with Student Radio at Michigan State, GUITAR LESSONS. $4.00/% hour. wool coat for sale - all like new. Phone number. Call 332-4353. come to the orientation meeting of ■FORTABLE UPSTAIRS room stamps coins C-3-10-15 University teacher. Call the MSN Network Production Staff Call 361-5425. 3-10-16 APPLES. CIDER, PUMPKINS! 351-0736. 4-10-14 J fantastic house. Furnished, Buy - S«H - T,sd» BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, 7 miles at 8 p.m. Tuesday in room 6 in the basement of the Student Services flly carpeted, ditpoaal, color full line of supplies CARPET AND Padding: green south of Mason on Hull Road. LOST: SHORT hair black female Near Potter* Park. Bldg. or contact John Nagy at |125/month. 487-9384. MID - MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN 1880 HASLETT Rd 332-4300 tweed, room size, $45. 484-3541 after 5 pm, weekdays. 3-10-16 Hours 9-6, closed Mondays. 1-589-8251. 0-10-31 cat, right white hairs on chest, tare in ear, reward for return. Typing i MSN, 8 Student Services Bldg. ■10-17 Marsh, 332-1610. 619 North EXPERIENCED IBM typing. COUPON SONY TC - 530 tape recorder, 16 Hagadorn. 5-10-15 The Socialist Labor party's > 10% off all supplies I Dissertations (pica - elite). D STUDENT to ihare h I Expires 10/J1/74 | tapes, earphones, $175. Hi-Way Motel, U.S. 27 (North), Room 1, Ms |iV( FOUND: SPRINGER Spaniel black FAYANN 489-0358. C-10-31 candidate against Congress will be available for questions from 10 a.m. weekdays. 5-10-18 and white speckled. Female. to 2 p.m. today at the SLP LABRADOR RETRIEVER Olds Hall IRENE ORR - Theses, term literature table in the Union. Vicinity. 355-8217. PETRI FT 35mm SLR with 50mm puppies, AKC, Champion sire 3-10-14 papers, general typing. Formerly BICYCLE BOY'.S, 27" 10-speed lens, electric flash and other blacks, yellows. 787-6277 with Ann Brown. 482-7487. racing bike. Like new, $65. Also | SIDE. 413 South Clement. 3 acce**orie*l $45. negotiable. 20 gallon aquarium, light, filter, (Jackson). 5-10-14 C-10-31 The Tenant's Resource Center partly furniched. can provide information and 12 7760. 5-10-14 onth. Deposit. 361-8323. 2-10-15 etc. No stand, $50. Phone 882-5017.3-10-16 CUTE KITTENS. Calico, weaned, box trained, free. 337-0052, . C — 32 PURPLE VICKI - Fast, inexpensive typing. Very near accurate, assistance housing about any problem - security kind of STEREO AMPLIFIER, 4 channel, deposits, maintenance problems, TURQUOISE JEWELRY. Genuine after 5 pm. 5-10-14 CIDER TIME at CORDA WEST campus. 337-7260. C-10-31 subleasing or eviction. If you're 280 wett. Separate tuner. Two CIDER MILL. 5817 North i old i e with a toons @ 3-way Sound Studio Speakers, separate tone controls. Call after 4 pm. 351-6833. 5-10-18 Navaho, Zuni. Compare prices. 349-1706. 5-10-18 my GREAT Fawn DANE and AKC puppies brindle, Dor-Le Okemos Road, East Lansing. Phone 337-7974. Open 7:30 ANN BROWN offset typing and multilith printing. Complete service hassle, call or stop by our 855 Grove St. between 1 and 5 office at Danes, 372-3408. 5-10-14 a.m. 7 p.m. 20-10-23 for p.m., Monday through Friday. BREAKFAST SET, large formica - dissertations, theses, table and six chairs. 332-5728 manuscripts, general typing. The New American Movement, a DINING SET. Drop-leaf cherry ST. IBM. 25 years experience. democratic socialist organization, ■1014 after 6 p.m. weekdays. 5-10-18 BERNARD Pups, AKC WEIGHT wood, 6 chair*, 3 inset leaf*. registered, St. Johns 224-7646. 349-0850. C-10-31 will hold an open business meeting Large oak desk. Call after 4 pm, 6-10-17 REDUCTION to discuss student worker flOUS FURNISHED DOKORDER, 6020 Auto-Reverse organizing, socialist feminism and Fireplace. Private 351-6833.5-10-18 Reel-to-reel, 30 tapes, perfect OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog RESEARCH COMPLETE THESES • Service Discount Printing. IBM Typing revision of the bylaws, at 7:30 ) P m campus: Include* $13.SO. Open to students and SERVICES. 337-1666. C-10-31 color. $2.50/each. Call Tape deck with Dolby, $750. non-students. isher/dryer, $35/month plus 882-2555. 10-10-26 Call John, 489-4398 after 6 p.m. MINIATURE SCHNAUZER, AKC, •litis*. 651-6419, after 6 pm. Champion Sired, 3 females, Dr. Gordon William TYPING DONE by experienced 3-10-16 Juvenile wards of the Ingham §10-15 RAILROAD TIES, $5.50 - $7.00. wormed and shots. 489-1127. 35&-8Z70 typist, reasonable rates. Call Liz, County Court need tutors in all 355-4926. 5-10-14 Like new, pick your own. Call COMPACT STEREO - AM-FM 6-10-17 subjects. Those interested in PETERSON WOOD CHIPS, automatic record tutoring may attend an orientation | r0OMS - Laundry, two car 882-2565. Delivery extra. stereo, changer, 8-track tape player with SAINT PUPPIES, AKC, champion WOOLIES REAL rock'n'roll at it* TYPING TERM Papers and theses session at 4 p.m. today in 33 acres. North End best. Now available for concerts, Experienced, fast service. IBM Union. Call the Office of Volunteer pnsing. Prefer females. $80. 6-10-18 dust cover. Portable stand, sired, show quality. X-rayed, mixers, frat parties, etc. Call. electric. Call 349-1904. 18-10-31 Programs for more information. ■93 5867 5-10-15 headphones. $100. 882-1327. shots, wormed. 675-7370. 351-6555. 10-10-14 TEAC A-4010-SL reel-to-reel tape 3-10-16 3-10-15 Sign up now for classes in THESES, RESUMES, typing and deck, excellent, $300. Sansui macrame. needlepoint, knitting, '• Ren< and lease printing. Reasonable prices. negotiable. SP-2500 speakers, 80 watt, guitar, decoupage and dry flower 11 house :er 7 pm. 2-10-14 privileges. 487-8755 excellent, $250. KH-71 stereo headphones, Kenwood $20. ELECTRIC works. S'T'ry - everything iSOv-V.ent condition. $35. Call 351-3323. 5-10-15 Mobile Homes [ M Est* ][«] COMMERCIAL 351-4116. C-10-31 PRINTING, arranging at the Union Board Office, 2nd floor Union. tfoW-SutAnn for CUFFS, Rost-060 transceivers, 5 wBtt, 6 tMKM th«tc«ne with'Ralph- • AMERICAN EAGLE 1973 LITTLE ACRES. Linda Jenness, cochairwoman of i-E SINGLE, ■ walk to campus, channel, 20 mile range, never the 1974 Socialist Workers Party ■oo completely furnished. Financing Located between Okemos and king, 334 Evergreen. sued, $180. 349-4727, after 5 available. $3700. Negotiable. Williamston on VanAtta Road. Campaign speaking on "Why the ■89-1893. 5-10-18 pm. 5-10-18 system won't work - Nixon's gone - 663-4135. 5-10-15 Sit on large patio and enjoy TYPING - FAST, accurate, typing the problems remain," at 8:30 beautiful view beyond the 2% of theses, term papers, general HURON 10x65 2 bedroom, tonight in 34 Union. acres of lawn. Well built, 3 typing. (IBM, pica-elite) Contact furnihted, expando new bedroom ranch type house with Gary or Mary at East Lansing How to form your own car pool furnace, fenced double lot, connecting garage, fireplace, 54 Business Associates. 351-2324. the Students applying for a major in School of Social Work for apricot tree, vegetable garden. bath and additional bedroom in 5-10-16 winter term must have their As a public service at no charge, the State News will Walking distance to campus. full basement. Lot* of mature applications in by Oct. 17, at 254 a provide a free classified $3400 will finance. 787-6277 shrubs and small trees. $35,000 Baker Hall. Please see one of the wert'sement for those leopla who would like to set up or join a car pool. Wanted academic advisers. (Jackson). 610-14 firm or pay equity of $25,000 and take over existing land Here we go again! Join the Star Drivino?_ or Riding? _ MOBILE HOME, .10x50. Old but contract. Payment of $75 per SOFA. DINETTE *et, dresser. For Trek Club at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday good condition. Near MSU. month with only 6% interest. sale, 14' aluninum boat, oil in the Yakeley Hall cafeteria as we ia: Whin you p««4 From Leaving country, must sell. Any Phone 349-0 1 58 for heater. 19" TV. $15. 482-2787. attempt to get organized. See you ..itimt md really reasonable offer accepted. Phone appointment. 5-10-14 1-10-14* there! m*ndy«ur assen¬ a.m. Leaving_ f 882 1604. 5-10-18 ts g«iCLirrr>ttT£j " Dreams and their interaction ,Phone _ Time? _ GRAYWOOD 1973, 12x65, plus RENTAL message VACANCY? gets to Your people with with life: informal discussion with 'JiMrwn^tvirw* 'J]for other subjects. The State News will two Jungian analysts at 7:30 low-cott Want Ad*. Call Message, 337-1624. 5-10-18 not accept responsibility for arrangements or conduct of expando, includes washer, dryer, 356-8255 tonight in 214 Berkey Hall. Participants. disposal, skirting, tie-downs. now to place your ad. Discussion of Jung's autobiography. Low down-aaume mortgage Public welcome. information requested below must be supplied in order for ad to appear. 7.97%. 6-10-14 332-0657, 332-4249. OKEMOS, BY ranch, over owner. 3 bedroom 1 acre land, 2 car ! Transportation The Outing Club will hold its Full Name - weekly meeting at 7 tonight in 118 garage, full basement. Lot* of Physics - Astronomy Bldg. A slide TRAVELO, 12x60 - axpando, room and privacy. Atiume 7% RIDERS EOR Ann Arbor show on the national outdoor Address __________________________ Leeving Carpeting, drapery. Near mortgage interest. Priced to sell. Fridays at 4 pm. Call 332-5281. leadership school's summer session campus. 351-3466; 361-1194 482-2055, after 6 pm. 6-10-18 3-10-16 in Utah will be shown. Everyone City _Phone . evening*. 5-10-15 welcome. 197S ASMSU Budget Request "This coupon may be PEERLESS 1970. No down OKEMOS BY OWNER near MSU, MAKE FIRST impretsion* count! Classifieds, 347 Student - brought in or mailed to: Car Pool 3 bedroom brick ranch, family A good ad In the applications are available in 307 ces Building. No phone calls accepted. payment. Three bedroom. Student Services Bldg. They must Excellent condition. Land room, fireplace, full basement, "EMPLOYMENT" *ection will be completed and submitted no fa) CHARGE contract available. 627-4842 assume 7% mortgage, 351-4122 get yot> the worker* you need ialer than S p.m. Thursday, Oct. 6-10-17 evening* 5-10-14 Dial 356-6255 24. 2 C 3 Q Q_ GO -+• CL CD Q 3" O o "I CD CO CO CD (/> ~o CQ CQ '475 TANDBERG X 9000 dtaepcke, fwuoitlhr warnty. rpertiaciel Stereo year Regular $69 .90 s567 pL oularweicst wevrclas. LOWESTIMAR only 5 I»&g:S' -HiI f■S* W5lifi&sH:-*aga iliniHHigI!tlrf = i A swyteems weev'ver SSoTnyR's one. EPICURE tshouend saw BSR's prease H fEPsIoCnUy.R octormomhmbinnaoitefsghNaseavv-wlrt advertis. 60Abri4eceiuvAfs.tyOpeaurnfotmhsg 1f0opeakrs heaxpvretsd 5C2fo0mAp/leXrt $Lr5ea9icyso2b.dc3tk0 DEGTYTRIOMHOVINUEE UNWARIT WCCOLIOLMSEE. O L O P O U E W SUPER S N E PRICES WE'RE PRICE AND SERVICES 1? r OFF RECIVRS NBRAAMNED MANUFCTRES STEREO FROM OFF automic arencodd fEruorompe Famous turnables changers 30% OFF \SYTEM ACOUSTI others SPEAK R LIKE AR DESIGN SONY KLH many And 15% SEL CTED TAPE OFF DECKS HEW iJsif|2t;s ltiflt ^2*5 ISA*" |iIs-«ls jf;' 7* »IS|r'llli » SPEAKER SEMINAR October &18 RSJaBelpLs. btagoiweveny JqauBbe:sotioLunt i»W!M 17 7ou YBEOTUR LOVETRFSY TMOHNITSH 5* Midwest 1asnt4-orieg EL1asant5o-srietg EfoarsPaen-ldIp Sherwod Sesion Blom fJroBmL public construi PREVI W AMOUNCRDEH OMUIST! any albums E.LS16atnosrieg FILdesoMspiagnknr REC1OJR0BDLS DISCUMAsOrNkS. rensvpoeeluatwkirary bteshhfoowren GETTOKNOW PLAN I G SEPVECNIATLS MRaneufpctsre:s L D0N7 s and * ** I October October Lutz Rex October SNEAK THIS ALL WE'RE never f| l-I =^se-=io.^ FREE FREE OPEN A •§=§~1L&§ TO 3 « '129 *119 $439 *279 '57 *69 '14 '169 '350 ;3-8si|S fi=r£st,a milk.I?1ri!If q§ §■£§ $469 I i S 1 9 . 5 p i 7 9 . 5 $ 3 6 0 r8 2 0 E appreciated 6 9 . 5 0 1 0 o u a d A M / F R g 9 2 1 . 5 * 9 . 5 ii 1 9 . 5 >ut 600 , §§£ si3K Ill L i t feet." 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