Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 'rosecutor plans to pro LlNGTON (AP) - Asst. Special the trial expected to last three to four cover up the facte and obstruct the would help him if he kept the persons FBI agents lor Richard Ben - Veniste laid out months, the young, dark - haired investigation by the most powerful were planning to He said the jury should accept that men men in investigation from going any higher. The interview. The conspirators, Ben Veniste in lemment's case against the five high office use obscenities and not - prosecutor said, "this is not a case from the government of the United States in a prosecutor said even former Atty. Gen. said, constantly tried "to stay jump L covcrup defendants Monday, the government's point of view where we conspiracy that involved the participation John N. Mitchell was promised White ahead of the investigation." one allow that to distract them from the L he will prove "a conspiracy that will try to pull Perry Mason tricks out of of even the President himself," Ben - House help for not telling Watergate Ben Veniste cautioned the jury about • substance of the conversations. J the participation of even the some bag in the future. "The word conspiracy is not a difficult Veniste said. prosecutors all he knew. the hundreds of hours of White House In listening to tapes of the later days of At himself." On the trial's 10th day, Ben - Veniste's Ben Veniste did not elaborate. • tape recordings to be admitted as the coverup, Ben - Veniste said the jury ■niorr than a year, the prosecutor one - an agreement among two or more opening statement was delayed for nearly The prosecutor said that a major evidence. Saying many of the tapes are hard must be wary because some of the coverup § jury, the defendants illegally tried persons to violate the laws," he told the two hours because a juror, Lucille element in the coverup conspiracy was an to hear, the prosecu tor also warned, "The participants spoke of "a scenario" that I off the original Watergate burglars jury. Plunkett, asked to be excused, saying she attempt not only to cut off an FBI language used is sometimes vulgar and planned to testify about rather than actual I'off on a lark of their own." Ben - Veniste said the prosecution will did not understand what sequestration investigation, but to attempt to find what coarse." • events. Lid they failed because too many prove that the defendants and 19 meant. > running the coverup knew about unindicted coconspirators, including The jurors are living in a motel about Ln for illegal wiretapping and former President Richard M. Nixon, spent two miles from the U.S. District for the E in advance. $400,000 and attempted to thwart the duration of the trial and are not permitted I. Veniste, a 31 • year - old FBI to keep the investigation away from to travel to their homes or jobs. Itor from New York, spoke in themselves. Plunkett was allowed to leave by U.S. Imple sentences from a lectern only "We will prove to you in the course of District Judge John J. Sirica and was Jet from the jury box. this trial, that the attempts of legitimate replaced by another woman, Helen D. ■ courtroom jammed with reporters, law enforcement agencies of the United Pratt. ■ 35 spectators and some family States to ascertain the facts which led to In the opening statement, Ben - Veniste ; of the defendants, Ben - Veniste this Watergate break - in, including those said whenever Watergate investigators d the now familiar story of the who authorized and paid for the illegal appeared to be getting near one of the burglary and bugging of Democratic defendants the defendant would be given tibing what the jurors will hear in national offices, were met by an effort to assurances that his fellow conspirators (X discrimination law mfounds MSU officials y PETE DALY HEW has asked all interested citizens Some people are wondering how the State News Staff Writer and organizations to comment on the law can thus recommend or require proposed regulations by Oct. 15. when affirmative action preferential treatment jlelint's detailing the application of a they will review the comments and "make of one group over another because of past ■al law prohibiting sexual any indicated changes." After approval by ■ination in higher education are injustices and at the same time, in other President Ford, the regulations become fating more confusion than clauses, guarantee that such moves not be effective 30 days following publication in taken at any time by funding. J administrators do not like the the final form. anyone. MSU's report suggests that the Administrators at MSU are most affirmative action law "be rewritten to Ines as they are now written and concerned with "contradictions" within ■id so in a report sent to the federal remove the apparent inconsistencies with the guidelines, especially relative to the ■ of Health, Education and Welfare language of the statute." remedial action to eliminate The biggest questions are being asked Ion Monday. discrimination and affirmative action. TN, which drew up the guidelines by persons in athletic departments, special Some paragraphs in the guidelines programs for women only and student ; application of Title IX, had ltd comment on them by all require remedial action where there has housing offices both on campus and off. Stiff opposition to the law by the Jted persons and organizations by National Collegiate Athletics Assn. W. The guidelines were released in "It seems like it is written by a (NCAA) and athletic departments at many little old schools centered on its applicability to pninistrators do not like the lady from a small varsity and "revenue earning" sports, such , they say, because they are Eastern college who wants to as football. I with contradictions, incongruities see women guaranteed four Some athletic departments fear that ■uninterpreted clauses. Their ; are contained in a report badminton scholarships each funding of a women's foptball team — id year. " - Earl J. Fretz. MSU asst. comparable to the men's team - would be Monday. a financial burden damaging to the entire le IX of the Education Amendment professor of business law ■72 prohibits, with a few certain department Earl J. Fretz, MSU assistant professor in )tions, sex discrimination in President Ford vetoes legislation to cut off U.S. military aid to Turkey during a White House signing ceremony business law, worked with Nell Jackson, i programs or activities which been previous discrimination or asst. director of women's Monday. t federal financial assistance, athletics, on the indications of such. ft law would three major areas legal impact of the law on women in cover However, the MSU report says the athletics at MSU. Missions, treatment of students and language of Title IX provides that "As the law is written it would certainly |yment. Virtually all public schools country, as well as 2,500 ■tions of higher education currently ■ng federal funds, would be affected "nothing contained (in the act) shall be interpreted to require any educational institution to grant preferential or disparate treatment to the members of one* appear to include revenue earning sports," Fretz said. "The recently published guidelines for Title IX what it says." say the law means Ford vetoes Turkish aid le IX. sex on account of an imbalance." A clinker in the law that athletic WASHINGTON (AP) - In his first The Turkish aid cutoff amendment was the invasion of Cyprus did not violate U.S. administrators are mulling over is the major confrontation with Congress, attached to a resolution continuing the foreign aid laws. clause requiring an annual poll or survey President Ford vetoed a measure Monday funding of such major government Because of the threatened veto, to determine in which sports students of to cut off U.S. arms aid to Turkey, operations as foreign aid, health and Congress delayed the scheduled start each sex would like to compete. declaring the ban would dash hopes for a housing programs, while Congress decides Friday of its month - long recess. Unless The report said such a requirement does Cyprus peace settlement. on the agencies' annual appropriations. the dispute is settled, some government not illuminate what degree of interest is House leaders arranged a vote today on agencies could be without funds to meet necessary to support a particular sport: "It a move to override the veto. The measure The amendment would cut off U.S. aid their payrolls Nov. 1. makes it difficult to differentiate between had been enacted by a lopsided vote, but to Turkey until Ford- can certify It was Ford's sixth veto since assuming those who really want to compete and Democratic leaders acknowledged chances substantial progress toward a the presidency Aug. 9, but the first on those who may wish to observe, and the of overriding the President's action were settlement on reduction or withdrawal of major legislation. annual stipulation fails to recognize slim. A two - thirds vote is necessary to Turkish troops from Cyprus. The In a written message to the House, the override a veto. President also would have to certify that President declared that if the measure (continued on page 11) became law "we would inevitably be forced from the (Cyprus) negotiations because the Congress would have taken from us the tools need to affect the Rocky we By CARL P. LEUBSDORF OK president or vice president in the nation's Drinan, D • mo Mass., have talked of asking outcome." He added that the amendment would '"imperil eastern our relationships with our Turkish ally and weaken us in the curcial Mediterranean. It directly Associated Press history and had come through it without a Ford to withdraw the Rockefeller blemish. nomination, but it is unclear so far how jeopardizes the NATO alliance." WASHINGTON (AP) - Disclosures In a separate statement he read for about Nelson A. Rockefeller's political In Ford's case there was little in his much trouble it is really in. television cameras and radio microphones, philanthropy have created a dilemma for background that gave Congress much Both Cannon and Sen. William Ford said he vetoed the resolution "in the congressional Democrats — if they approve pause. Most votes against him were Proxmire, D - Wis., said Sunday they interest of preserving the ability of the him for vice president in 1974, can they founded in disagreement with his views, or would probably still vote for Rockefeller, United States to assist the governments of criticize his ethics in the 1976 campaign? a belief he would prove inadequate as barring further embarrassing disclosures. Greece, Turkey and Cyprus to negotiate a It is another reason why most president. And the likely negative vote so far peaceful settlement..." congressional observers now expect the Ford said the amendment "in no way House and Senate to move very slowly on appears confined to the far left. Drinan and other outspoken liberals, and the far helps the Greek people or the people of the Rockefeller nomination, perhaps right, Sen. Jesse Helms, R • N.C., and Cyprus who have suffered so much in the putting off final action until after the new past month. In fact, by dashing hopes for other strong conservatives. Congress meets in January. negotiations, it prolongs their suffering." But Rockefeller's opponents may be Democratic leaders want to make sure In the Rockefeller case, however, "i ask that the Congress., send to me a they have fully checked the former New serious ethical questions have arisen helped by the growing impact of the bill that we can all support; a bill that York governor's background before giving morality - type political issues in the tending to mar the "clean" image provides the flexibility needed to carry¬ him what amounts to a congressional Rockefeller had when he was nominated. Watergate aftermath. forward the foreign policy of the United "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval." These include the disclosures that he A number of candidates in next States," he said. Sen. Howard W. Cannon, D - Nev., gave nearly $1.8 million in gifts to present month's elections are running "Mr. Clean" Last Thursday, in a Detroit speech, indicated Sunday that the Senate Rules and former aides, reports that the campaigns, attacking "politics as usual." Ford pleaded with the House to delay the Committee probably will recall Rockefeller fortune was used to Their showing may indicate how much effective date of the Turkish aid cutoff for Rockefeller for further questioning. underwrite other ventures such as a 60 days. But the House rejected the delay And the House Judiciary Committee, mileage there is in the morality issue. newspaper once run by columnist Tom Especially if many of them win, the by a vote of 187-171. which is believed conducting a more Braden and Rockefeller's admission that Democrats are likely to make a big point This vote was much closer than the extensive background probe of his brother financed a 1970 campaign in 1976 of the Republican 291-69 margin by which the House Rockefeller than the Senate panel, has not book attacking Arthur Goldberg, his Pis babY red squirrel apparently mistook Mike Watters' leather even set hearing dates yet. opponent that year for governor. administration's scandals. rejected a conference committee's compromise on the issue. The senate has r« ,or his mother Monday morning in the woodlot between The impact of the unique congressional Sen. James B. Allen, D • Ala., a Rules In a morality - based campaign, the vice accepted the proposal by a 40 to 35 vote. t , oration Hall and the ice arena. Watters, a senior majoring in screening process introduced by the 25th Committee member, said Monday that the president designate's background could be Despite the lopsided margin, even Amendment demonstrated earlier this P °9Y, says he first saw the critter "running as fast as he could after was panel should hear from Goldberg and the a GOP liability. Democratic leaders questioned whether year when President Ford was out on the recipients of the gifts as part of its But a confirmed Nelson Rockefeller the House would vote to override Ford's VhI Mtontified W'th 'eather bootl-" Shortly after the squirrel hopped on that political hustings as the newly confirmed reopened hearings. would be able to say. with some veto. And in the Senate, Republican leader person's pantleg, Watters came to the rescue - much to vice president. And the House panel will doubtlessly go justification, that he had been examined Hugh Scott has predicted the Ford action nd „ theas"Juirrel, who decided that Watters' gloves, sleeves !ketsofwere Speakers repeatedly noted that he had undergone closer scrutiny than any into these matters in detail. Some liberals on the latter panel, such as Rep. Robert and cleared by the Democrats who run would be sustained if the House voted to - warm and loving as mother. ' Congress. override. Tuesday, October 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 15,I97J Palestinians to join UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) - The Palestine Liberation The United States said before the vote it "presents some very UN debate though he recognizes its The resolution was authority elsewhere. formally introduced Monday by Organization (PLO) which coordinates the activities of Arab serious problems." Svri guerilla groups, won an overwhelming vote Monday to take part Arab sources said PLO chief Yaslr Arafat would be joined by Ambassador Haissam Kelani, who said the PLO was entitled 3 in the debate on Palestine by the UN General Assembly. the invitation since it had been recognized by over 90 countri many Arab foreign ministers at the Palestinian debate, expected ' Cyprus POW trade to resume The assembly voted 105 - 4 with 20 abstentions to invite the PLO to take part in the coming debate as "the representative of to begin Nov. 7 and last about two weeks. Jordan voted for the resolution but was not among the 71 and had taken part in several international conferences. Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders agreed Monday to But Israeli Ambassador Yosef Tekoah said, "It represents or™ the Palestinian people." sponsors, most of which were Communist or TTiird World resume the interrupted exchange of prisoners of war and itself, namely the approximately 10,000 murderers trained a:,l Only Israel, the United States, Bolivia and the Dominican countries. King Hussein has declined to recognize the PLO as detainees on Friday, following a three - week delay. Republic voted against the resolution tendering the invitation. representative of Palestinians under Jordanian jurisdiction, paid for the slaughter of innocent human beinfes." ■ The PLO, he declared, "did not emerge from within tl,_ The agreement was reached during the weekly Palestinian community" but was established by the first Aral meeting of acting President Glafkos Clerides and Turkish summit conference in Cairo in January 1964, as a cover [J Cypriot leader and vice president Rauf Denktash. terror. The exchange of FCWfe ended abruptly Sept. 26 after the release of 1,946 of the 5,298 prisoners held at the end of the fighting. Bomb rips To No nationalist movement such as the PLO has ever been hear in the assembly itself, though several of them, including the P[ have been heard in assembly committees. Denktash told newsmen the interruption was due to TOKYO (AP) - A bomb others were led out moments and said the action was aimed target. In recent years, In Budapest, Hungary, Arafat said the ultimate goal of hj technical difficulties connected with the return to the exploded Monday in the offices of the giant trading later. One of the injured was at "Japanese imperialists that feed on the flesh of the dead Japanese radical groups generally have been more movement is "a democratic state of Palestine where Jews and Christians can live together in peace." He did Muslim] island of Greek Cypriot FCMfc held in camps on the firm, Mitsui and Co., injuring reported in serious condition. behind the mask of active in carrying out terrorism disclose details about the boundaries of such a Palestinian st Turkish mainland. outside Japan. They also had 16 persons, including five Damage was confined mostly commerce." Wilson colls for national unity policemen who had been to the area of the explosion. been splintered by disputes Arafat said he rejected hijackings by Palestinian commando] alerted by telephoned threats Police said cars parked on the The Mitsubishi blast led to over leadership and driven He said the PLO would set up a permanent mission il and were searching for the street were damaged by flying fears Japanese radicals were underground in battles with Budapest. The group maintains a bureau in Moscow and has 1 Prime Minister Harold Wilson appealed Monday for device. riot police. representative in Bucharest, Romania. glass. making big business their a partnership between his newly re - elected Labor It the second Mitsui is one of Japan's two was big government and the "whole of our national family" to Japanese corporation to be largest general trading firms, meet what he called Britain's gravest economic crisis bombed in six weeks. On Aug. with interests in metals, since World War II. The primary enemy, he said in a television broadcast 30 an explosion in front of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. offices killed eight persons machinery, chemicals, foodstuffs, textiles and other Hutchison shrugs off kidnapping; products. to the nation, is rising prices. and injured more than 300. Both the Mitsui and the Wilson told the British people he could promise no The Mitsui blast occurred Mitsubishi buildings are within improvement in the country's standard of living "over the next two years or more." on story the third floor in the eight - office downtown Tokyo, 25 minutes building in several blocks of the outer grounds of the moated palace where Emporer Hirohito lives. will return to Dominican Republic Italian to form new government after an anonymous caller There was no immediate phoned four different Mitsui link between the two blasts. MIAMI, Fla. (AP) - American diplomat Barbara Hutchison the U.S. embassy would assign a bodyguard to her. "1 si Amintore Fanfani, a staunch anti - Communist departments at three • minute Police said they never had arrived in the United States Monday, saying she has no qualms wouldn't want that," she said with a smile. Catholic leader, got the nod Monday to form a new intervals, saying "A bomb has heard of the organization about returning next week to her job in the Dominican Republic, Hutchison, embassy public affairs officer and director of thL government to try to bail Italy out of its political and been placed in the building. mentioned by the man who where she was held captive by pro - communist kidnapers for 12 U.S. Information Service in the Dominican capital of SantcL economic crisis without Communist participation. Evacuate it." telephoned the warnings — the days. Domingo, was abducted from in front of her office by sevel A warning was broadcast ''Organization for "Oh, I have no anxiety about going back," said the tall, thin leftist rebels Sept. 27. President Giovanni Leone called on the 66 - year - over a public address system Development of the Asian and freckled Hutchison, 47. She will first spend a 10 - day old Fanfani, a fourtime ex - premier and secretary after the first threat was Continent." vacation in Florida. She and six other persons were held in the Venezuela! general of the dominant Christian Democratic party, received, and most of the Responsibility for the "It was sort of a fluke type of kidnaping anyway, and I get the consulate before being released last Wednesday when the rebel after 11 days of uncertainty about Italy's political firm's 6,000 employes were led Mitsubishi bombing was choice of going back there or somewhere else. But I love the accepted political asylum in Panama in return for their hostai out of the building to safety claimed by a group which freedom. course. country and there are many things I still plan to do there." before the explosion. The identified itself as "The Wolf The veteran foreign service officer said her only worry was that Hutchison praised Dominican President Joaquin Balaguer fol Premier Mariano Rumor resigned Oct. 3, creating a his tough stance against the rebels. Balaguer refused t vacuum that many Italians speculated could only be kidnapers' demands for ransom payments and the release of filled by bringing Italy's big Communist party into the political prisoners. government. Sodat to attempt She said Balaguer had proved that the government "would no give in to such people" as kidnap leader Radhames Mendel Shah moves to revive oil plan to Cairo by Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, and working out new Vargas. She said she did not consider political kidnaping; a dangej By Associated Press deals. any longer in that Caribbean country. The Shah of Iran is pressing in international circles Egyptian President Anwar Sadat assured Secretary of State arms About her ordeal, Hutchison said, "We weren't worried abou| Henry A Kissinger on Monday that he will try to gain support for Russia practically stopped all arms shipments to Egypt after for a revival of his eight - month - old proposal for the being shot, we were scared about the dynamite," which tl interim agreements with Israel at the upcoming Arab summit. Egypt backed U.S. diplomatic initiatives to end last October's creation of a development fund of several billion dollars kidnapers had inside the consulate building. Kissinger obtained the pledge at Sadat's residence outside Middle East war. Asked how she felt toward her jailers, Hutchison said: to ease the problems of poorer countries caused by high Cairo, flew to Damascus for a tough three - hour session with In Jerusalem, sirens went off to mark the first anniversary of Syrian President Hafez Assad, then went on to Algeria. the end of last October's war, and former Defense Minister Moshe "Well, they are people that already have been punished fo| oil prices. other crimes, and Inevitably they will be punished again." The proposal has been largely ignored since Shah Syrian sources said Assad insisted on a Geneva peace Dayan signed a petition circulated by the right • wing Likud bloc She praised Pahama for accepting the rebels after Mexico anfl conference, which Kissinger now opposes, and an Israeli opposing Israeli withdrawal from occupied Jordan. Dayan's move Mohamrne^Rijfa P^jilevi \t in February after commitment for oomple^^withdrawal. from occupied Arab raised speculation he would quit the ruling Labor party and join Peru said they could not do so. "If Panama had not might still be there," she said. volunteered,| having conferred *ith international banking and territories, in particular the Syrian Golan Heights which Israel Likud. monetary officials. has said cannot revert to Syrian control. The Shah's idea !calltf for M producing countries and They said Assad also threatened to refuse to renew the mandate of the United Nations observer force in the Golan their major customer nations to provide the money as loans in cooperation with the International Bank for Heights will be on Dec. 1 unless Syria gets substantial signs its demands THIS WEEK AT THE accepted. Reconstruction and Development and the International Asked whether Egypt was prepared to offer guarantees to Monetary Fund. Israel in return for a withdrawal from Sinai, Sadat replied, "Why am I asked about guarantees? I myself, I need guarantees." CORAL GABLES But he agreed to take the initiative at the Arab summit and 2 Americans freed from sub said he was "very optimistic" about the session in Rabat, Morocco, on Oct. 26. The West German magazine Der Spiegel quoted Sadat as THEATRE Two Americans were rescued from ,the bottom of the news North Sea off Scotland on Monday after being trapped saying he would be ready to sign a peace agreement if Israel pulls back from territories occupied during the 1967 war. for six hours in a 20 - foot midget tangled in an anchor rope. submarine that got Kissinger also announced he would return to the Middle East the first week of November, following visits to Russia for nuclear TONIGHT IS The Americans, identified as Gilbert Blevins and arms talks and the Indian subcontinent. Leslie Lynch, were securing an oil rig anchor rope when the minisub's propellers became ensnarled 275 feet As he spoke, a high level Egyptian delegation arrived in Moscow for talks on improving ties with Russia, arranging a visit QUART NIGHT below the surface. Martha Reeves The State News is published by the students of Michigan Two divers struggled for 20 minutes to free the 10- State University every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring ocLl4thrul9 Wednesday nights school terms, Mondays, Wednesday, and ton minisub, which then rose to the surface under its Fridays Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Is published during own In September. Subscription rate is $20 per year. power. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial The Americans, working for a British subsidiary of an and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan American petroleum firm, were trapped inside the 20 - foot craft with about a 40 - hour life support system. State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER HAPPY HOURS FINE FOOD & URINE ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER PHONES LITE ENTERTAINMENT NITEL7 News/Editorial Classified Ads 355-8252 355-8255 8-11 pm Display Advertising 355-6400 Business Office 355-3447 THE STABLES Photographic 355-8311 2838 E.Grand River 337-1311 2843 E.GD.RIVER, EAST LANSING CLOSED WEDNESDAY open thursday andfriday nights until nine. Book compared to Watergate to preparefor Former Supreme Court Justice Arthur J. Goldberg Miss J's movin' on wedgies on Monday compared Nelson Rockfeller's admission of GRAND OPENING . . responsibility for a derogatory book about Goldberg to former President Richard M. Nixon's acceptance of Thursday thru Sunday super antique-look leather Don't buy a stereo anything 'til you've seen shoes that fit to a T atop responsibility for Watergate. The book, by Victor Lasky, was written in 1970, a flexible sole. . then rise when Goldberg was Rockefeller's opponent for the New York governorship. Laurence Rockefeller put up to many a sport occasion $60,000 to finance the book. 555 E. Grand River Ave., East Lansing Goldberg said Rockfeller's apology about the book was "very reminiscent of another statement" in which w on a comfortably-low wooden Nixon once said he would take "full responsibility for wedge. In brown, for the Watergate affair." He would gladly testify, Goldberg said, if the Senate Tl?e 6V&-10 Narrow and hearing on Rockefeller's vice presidential nomination were reopened. HAIR 5-10 Medium sizes Cabinet members may face ax LOFt $14 President Ford will begin making changes in the cabinet after the Nov. 5 congressional election, ltd. according to his close associates. PRECISION Though Ford has not yet made firm decisions on HAIRCUTTING who will be leaving his administration, the associates' said, there are four cabinet members who are expected For Men And Women to depart by early next year: Roy Ash, Director of the Office of Management and Budget; Peter Brennan, Secretary of Labor; Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, and Claude Brinegar, Secretary of Transportation. 220 M.A.C. in the University Mall Jacobson's Tuesday, October 15, 1974 ;tudent Workers Union |to seek support of RHA Bv ROSANNE LESS protocal, but a lack of it can get you in proposed union are met, room board fees State News Staff Writer trouble." would RHA approval necessarily rise. „ Cain, leading Student Workers is needed for any He pointed out that management is activity a registered student organization ■Union spokesman and president of saying only people living in residence halls IXu «id Sunday th>t uHe, fle??m! K-mud organize fully at the local level wants to conduct within a residence hall. Cain pointed out that even if RHA does would be paying any increased costs that might be incurred by the existence of a fetheS week" Only..bout 19 not move to support the Student Workers student union. Cain said he thought all rjf lLanizational meeting. attended the first weekly Union, the residence hall group would still have to approve the other planned students would share in increased costs, but added that the paying any activities. ■ "Sooner better than later, Cain said, argument itself is not a sound one and just I ttine the deadline for tentative union "Management can't say we are violating another scare tactic of management. campaigns in residence halls, any policies with authority from RHA," When nonstudent, union he continued. personnel get lain also said that a committee of raises, there is no increase in overall Lon representatives will go to the During registration week, the Student student fees, Cain said. The same would E.sidence Halls Association (RHA) Workers Union had charged the Brody complex management with tearing down apply to any student union, he added. Wednesday and ask for a resolution of "Instead of us trying to justify posters and leaflets. fcneral support- The union representatives ourselves to the University, the University Thomas Dutch, speaking in behalf of ill also ask RHA for permission to should justify itself to us," Jeff Roby, hmnize meetings within residence halls, Brody management, maintained that the MSU clerical - technical worker said. union X\pprove mailbox distributions and to people did not get necessary permission from the advisory staff of Roby called for a release of the E.K. union organizing tables outside University budget, with explicit expense Bailey Hall to put up posters. fcfeteria lines in residence I "A resolution would be nice to get," halls. Cain called the University "ridiculous" accounting, such as details on salaries and Legend: in stating that if the demands of the expenditures. iin said. "Going to RHA is just really Jack Breslin, executive vice president The above map shows the network of •— COUNTY BICYCLE PRIMARY said that the University a proposed nonmotorized budget is a public transportation plan for Ingham County. Included in the plan are •—URBAN BICYCLE -PRIMARY record, but that such specific expenditures are not recorded because that is not bicycle and hiking trails, horse riding trails, canoe routes and landing LOCAL BICYCLE SYSTEM Commission common business practice. Roby charged that the University is sites and places of historical interest. The plan was formulated county's Non - Motorized Transportation Advisory Group, with the by the ^ HIKING TRAILS CANOE ROUTE trying to set students agunst students, and help of a series of public hearings on the group's proposals. The final predicted that the next ploy of the EQUESTRIAN HIKING TRAILS recommendation now goes to the county's board of commissioners city hiring pla University will be the threat that work study programs will be cut if the Student Workers Union succeeds. Also at the meeting, the Waste of Money - for funding considerations. D ▲ A POINTS OF INTEREST CAMPGROUND CANOE LANDING/RENTAL East Lansing City Council will meet at 8 tonight and will hear from the Human Research Committee was established to • PROPOSED CANOE LANDING is Commission that the city's recently adopted affirmative action plan is check into the overall University budget O HISTORICAL SITES ^unsatisfactory. and to dig up those itemizations that are Hie commission is upset that it did not see the city's minority hiring plan before it pot part of the University's public record. vis idopted and has established a subcommittee to formulate recommendations for Cain predicted the Kellogg Center There will also be A toe Oct. ^ a public hearing on the rezoning Ab^°" counctl ur&d afl interested citizens' to,'ini_i 1 meeting of some land to build ... let counol know by*. a pus*with ^le^^M^oer^cent of all possible signatures obtained, by the end of wetfc Initial unionizing efforts bepm Unit readies transit plan tyfeelabout the rezoning. at Council will also listen to reactions to the , Keflogfc in November 1972. At that By RALPH FRAMMOLINO The four year plan, costing between environmental, and social impact that proposed bike ordinance which will deal time it took only three days to get 65 licensng, sale and use of bicycles. The ordinance was introduced at the last per State News Staff Writer $250,000 and $300,000 per year from nonmotorized transportation would have. cent of all employee signatures. A nonmotorized 1974 - 77, would provide a network of The group defined economic impact as inj. Cain emphasized that signing a union transportation plan is dirt and paved bicycle, hiking, horseriding Hie Hagadom Road Improvement Committee will submit a letter containing "... the advantages of all types of authorization card is not a committment being readied for county approval and skiing paths, plus water accessibility benefits over all types of cost." The plan gpsted improvements on Hagadom Road between I - 69 and Lake Lansing Road. to the possible union, but only a method following the last of seven public hearings. for canoeing. The breakdown per mile for would provide for an increase in Mayor Wilbur Brookover will appoint a new member to the Commission for the of putting the issue to a formal vote. He The Ingham County Non • Motorized various types of routes would be: $465 for employment and sales of construction said that over 500 cards have already been Transportation Advisory Group, now marking bike routes with signs, $545 to materials. According to the plan, more | Hie fote of the log cabin in Alton Park will probably be decided tonight when the returned. At least 2,100 are needed to considering public suggestions, will present stripe bike lanes, $20,126 plus land jobs would be created in the municipal "*ity manager reports on the bids for either demolition or removal of the building. its plan sometime in November. peition for an election. acquisition for bike trails; $625 plus land agencies for supervision, maintenance and acquisition for equestrian trails, and $425 operation of these routes. plus land acquisition for hiking paths. All The environmental impact of the plan, Police lin figures except land acquisition include signing, stripping, clearing pavement and as researched by the advisory group, considered landscape, man made and base. natural drainage, vegetation, wildlife, and William Brehm, planning consultant for noise reduction. youth, booze the group, said these figures are probably inaccurate since the cost was estimated The group also average studied such factors as traffic speeds, traffic flow and the before the current building year. He said, design of nonmotorized route crossings at |to fatalities however, the group used them to get some kind of idea of the expense of the project. "We used these prices to at lease give us intersections. The group believes its plan would combine access to interesting spots of By STEVE ORR a ball - park figure," he said. Ingham County, safety features and access . State News Staff Writer Funding of $285,000 for 1974 has to businesses, shopping centers and I A Michigan State Police been approved by federal, state and schools. Two MSU students, Jean Berry report on wohol related traffic fatalities shows • county road commissions, but it is still and Pat Comelisse, assisted in the planning wtlile drivers between the being processed, which will delay building as a senior project in landscape - ages of 16 jd 25 constitute only 25 per cent of all for this year. architecture. JMsed ' drivers in Michigan, they make up pet cent of the The nonmotorized routes under One of the first steps in nonmotorized implementing a drinking drivers transportation plan would consideration would provide extensive ■ lv®ed in fatal accidents. be public education programs in safety networks under county, local and urban distribution 0f maps and nt YeP°rt also sh°ws that 47.5 per jurisdiction. The importance for allleve s ^ ■J °,fatal accider»ts involve persoqs of government to coordinate their efforts v " ^ ^ 6 r.by the W 1 blood alc°hol concentration (BAC) Concern evinced public at the ian one one - hundredth of the wntou^toutbytheiroup. , inehided m.inten.n« of the s body weight. That figure is Peered to be the level at which persons J* "o»dujy? nz John i Czamecki, nianntnn hiking and equestrian trails and dog •"Presumed to be under the influence of group chairman a ' menaces. One petition submitted by 150 commission member said. 7»le driving a vehicle, according The group was formed elderly residents of the Grange Acres ■ "ore 11,^ half thp te motor vehicle code. county VA "j? 'T"1. when """'j the housing complex asked that a three - block fataIjties among the revenue , "ilW ilZi 3 bicycle sharing money. The need of Me;idian £all path be installed from the ■LfSftnc 0f "" Were among nonmotorized transportation routes came After to the complex. toimiim! fmBAC was be,ow the to attention. going to the county tona!L percentage decreases commissioners, the advisory group will folder age groups. "I saw a very urgent need for a present its plan to local governmental *SL n' executive director of the nonmotorized transportation system. units, who will be free to accept or reject *r.vCrci1 on Alcoho1 Problems, Bikers, skiers, hikers, etc., all wanted it- ,7* the phenomenon. L m it was better facilities," Ingham County MSU is such a governmental unit. At least one municipality, Meridian a simple matter of Commissioner, John Veenstra, D ■ East Lansing said. Veenstra, the only elected Township, is considering a .33 mill outi i, „brain things are done official in the group, sits in but does not proposal to help fund the nonmotorized KS Rice said. "There are vote. transportation plan. MSU students in the «■* t J°nses' and the more frequently "It t to our credit that we saw this side. of Akers Hall, most of Hubbard Hall and the south sides of Homes and (alt? responses take place- the need before the energy crisis hit," he said. ^ , I -uU *n,Sestablished. Before coming up with a plan, the halls ^ el,Pble to vote on the studied the economic, proposal. antn . patterns Of response automatic, driving will be more group Derien^ ng people are just less ^testabUshed" ®1d motor patterns are Grand Rapids J on the automatic fi " must mako aui°fnauc iunctl" L?frus decisions- *** continues pr ! s'so said et rolp in .uT inexPerience plays GRAND RAPIDS (UPI) - The Rev. Father Lally said it is his intention "to 1 "lore whiip -i yL! !f dfunk know what ^ ° r people wh° have Joachim Lally began the fifth week of a bring about a deeper awareness to the hunger strike Monday 16 pounds lighter, urgency of the struggling United Farm * for ft<>m their o°w hC S#id' d° n0t and said he has no intention of giving up Workers (UFW). things |ilt " experience to look his fast. '"Hie UFW has been struggling against *,""""I'W°n or Father Lally, 31, is a member of the almost unbelievable odds, especially since Paulist Fathers at the Catholic information the Teamsters Union signed •sweetheart' center here. contracts with some of the growers in California and thus denied the farm Drunk drivers on Michigan highways have always been a threat to the safety of other drivers. The Michigan His diet consists of just water and fruit workers to choose their own union," he juices - a protest of the sale of nonunion, State Police reports that almost half of the fatal accidents related to alcohol involve drivers between the ages harvested head lettuce and grapes. said. of 16 and 25. TOM WICKER Susan Ager Editor-in-Chief Maureen Beninson Advertising Manager Ford .. R. D. Campbell G. F. Korreck Managing Editor City Editor encour Diane Silver Campus Editor anti-busing Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Pay ton National Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor Tuesday, October 15, 1974 Pale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor lOSitorials are the opinion of the State Judy Rypma Copy Chief Mayor Kevin White of Boston has thePMt|: News. Columns, viewpoints and letters are Joe Kirby Staff Representative properly rebuked President Ford for But for<*s aPPafent unwillingness toi personal opinions. statements lending aid and comfort to take action to support the law in Boston -I those resisting a court order for the Mayor White s request for federal marshals desegregation of Boston schools. But the was turned down last week - is not a| fact is that the federal government no sudden turnabout ion his part or that of EDITORIALS longer has a policy for achieving school *Nixon the government. Since the advent of " * "* 1 the! desegregation, and Ford's unfortunate provided Administration, little leadership, Washington his| remarks only reflected that lack. grudginffl At his news conference last week, Ford toward the desegregation of school!'! Build PAC said a court • ordered busing plan was "not the best solution" for Boston schools. Richard Nixon regularly busing. His Justice Dept. went into c< denounced! Most important, the architects After that, he said, it was no use for him So encouraged, and with hot publid In recent years the esthetics of to urge Bostonians nevertheless to opposition to busing exploited by the! new construction at MSU themselves, who have built "respect the law."' Predictably, South administration rather than cooled I apparently has held low priority. performing arts centers around the Boston's busing foes were overjoyed to be members of Congress - Ford prominently! The University has raised dorms country, feel that the Owen Hall supported in their view from the top of among them sought repeatedly tomake^— mwuj* site would allow them the greatest the federal government. The net result, as busing illegal or even unconstitutional, that look like hospitals and an ice freedom of design, while meeting Mayor White pointed out, was the possible With that much opposition, vocally arena that resembles an oversized endangerment of school children trapped *frequently "" expressed, J from both the! hat box. the objectives outlined months ago in Boston's adult folly and intransigence. executive and legislative branches of the! by the Performing Arts Committee. Ford's insaniitivity to these federal government, busing has become -H But with the Performing Arts as Boston demonstrates The Building, Lands and consequences of his nationally televised virtually* Center, set to be done by January Planning Committee's remarks was reminiscent of President impossible to impose on communities! 1979, the choice seems clear. The outside the South. ■ recommendation of the quonset Eisenhower's adamant refusal, in the fields south of Owen Hall offer not 1950s, to give his personal support to the As the question of school desegregation! hut site near the Kalamazoo Street in the North and West has arisen, even the| only the wide open space that a Supreme Court's historic school courts have given the appearance of retreat! entrance is designed to extort an $ 16 million structure needs to show desegregation decision of 1954. The — at least from busing, and perhaps ev eventual completion of the age old itself off, but has other clear silence - which he repeatedly refused to from desegregation itself, since in ma bridge project plans. Current road break of so revered a leader encouraged cities, only busing can achieve! advantages over the five alternative - capacities on that side of campus southern politicians of the time to counsel desegregation. The Richmond and Detroit! sites considered. are too low to make access easy if resistance, even massive resistance, to the cases, in which the Supreme Court refused! This area is close to trees and the area is bloated with crowd - Letter Policy law of the land. to order the consolidation of central city| green grass. It is not cluttered by drawing buildings. Demolition costs When such resistance brought a major and suburban schools, appear to have] challenge to the validity of a federal court prevented, at least temporarily, theL other buildings which, at least in there would also be exhorbitant, The Opinion Page welcomes all faculty or staff standing - if any order in Little Rock in 1957, however, desegregation of most city schools outside! part, would set the center's design. according ,to the architects, and letters. Readers should follow a and phone number. Eisenhower recognized his duty and sent the South. It is close to students, both where traffic jams and parking hassles Letters should be 25 lines or It may well be that busing is inherentlyl few rules to insure that as many in federal troops — not, in his view, to they live and attend class. It is with athletic fans would inevitably letters as possible appear in print. less and may be edited for force desegregation, though that was the unenforceable, that too many Americans-T easily accessible to the public by occur. conciseness to fit more letters on effect, but to preserve the integrity of the mostly white, but some black are tool All letters should be typed on roads designed to carry heavy President Wharton should not the page. judicial process. As Mayor White pointed strongly opposed to it. It may be, as in the| 65 - space lines and triple - traffic smoothly. Demolition costs hesitate to approve the Owen Hall No unsigned letters will be out, Ford has made no move to support case of prohibition, that widespread and| spaced. Letters must be signed, the federal court order challenged daily by repeated defiance of the law means that! would be almost nil and added site - the most cost - efficient and accepted. the law itself has to be changed o and include local address, student, street mobs (also reminiscent of those in noise minimal. people - efficient location. Little Rock and other southern cities in repealed. If so, those who exploited th people's fears, rather than trying to calml and alleviate them, must surely bear soma IM space squ JAMES R of the responsibility. Whatever the course, it reasonably dear that federal judges cannol In a regrettable move last week, build a much needed IM building go on ordering busing plans if I awaits GOP needs economic cure Frank Beeman, director pf on the east campus President of the United States intramural sports, closed both IM consideration. If the new building is Congress constantly denounce busing, an if the federal government is unable o buildings to all but students. He approved and built, the doors of meant to eliminate overcrowding. the other two IM buildings might unwilling to provide the necessary backing No doubt he has. very well be reopened. for federal court orders. All the police ii] But victory over the locker room In the last few days, President Ford has worried about, it is the economic system, even suggested that he stay out of their Boston cannot make busing work » The future of the new East IM been out campaigning in Vermont, and many of the leaders in the Republican districts and let them fight their local the highest public officials - crush is certainly no reason to should be decided immediately. Pennsylvania and Michigan, and in the Party have been telling him that he can do battles on their own. including Mayor White - agree publicly! rejoice. Beeman has been forced to Trustees and VPs should consider next few days he will be back trying to more for his party by concentrating on Besides, bleak as the outlook is for the that busing is wrong. substitute one evil for another. Two drum up votes for the Republicans in mastering his job and fighting the inflation Republicans in November, it is a typical If Gerald Ford was willing to seelfl the decision top priority. Will _ popular MSU landmarks are now another IM be erected? Or will Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, than he can by fighting the Democrats. party - rally exaggeration to imply that the candidly and openly either legislation^ barred to much of their clientele. Indiana, North and South Carolina and Ford's strength is that nobody's mad at Republicans are in danger of extinction or court orders bringing school desegregation officials stall until future Kentucky. him. For the first time since General the two party system is in jeopardy if the - to a halt, that would be a policy, howevel 1 Since the student body has voters don't follow Ford's advice in overcrowding crises force them to This seems a little excessive for a Eisenhower left town, there is no bitter tragic. If he were able to devise a obviously outgrown the IM limit intramural access even to President who has been in office only two personal feelings about the man in the November. effective alternative to busing in order [J facilities, however, a drastic short - months and needs the support of a White House. Many people disagree with There is not one Republican party in carry on desegregation outside the South] students? term solution was needed. Democratic Congress to deal with the his economic policies, but after years of America or one Democratic party, but 50 that also would be a policy, and I A gymnasium is not the sort of sagging economy. For the more he gets Vietnam and Watergate and vicious Republican parties and 50 Democratic welcome Meanwhile, floundering involved in the rough and tumble of the contention over Johnson and Nixon and parties, with different leaders and As it is, Ford and most other politician! somewhere in the administration's place to feature iron doors. A structures and opportunities in each state. congressional and governor races, the to a lesser extent Kennedy, the of both parties denounce busing and paa bureaucratic maze, a proposal to cyclotron, maybe. But not a gym. more he is likely to weaken his position as atmosphere is not charged with personal The Republicans were supposed to be lip "service to the law. But he is a President who is trying to unite and heal or partisan hatred. wiped out in the Goldwater massacre of enforcing the latter and neither he nor an] the country. This mood is not likely to last very long 1964, but have been back in the White 0f them has a substitute for the formei Health priorit His party Democrats is obviously in trouble. The now hold 32 of the 50 with the President flying around the country addressing partisan audiences that House most of the time won ever since. Nixon the greatest victory in the history of That means there is no federal policy fo achieving desegregation outside the South American politics in 1972, and threw it as Southerners never believed there wouli governorships and may ia iay wine mi wine of the out ui come uui wi u.o lo¥e the ^e party rowS- Asides, emphasizes his party's interest the away a year later. The one clear political be, and a 5 Kevin White has learned tl The University Health Center does not have the budget to It is unfair to chastise the health center for deficiencies it is not Nov. 5 election total, including both three-fourths of the New York and ^ he pProvokes ^ yQf Watergate lesson from Harry Truman to Gerald Ford hard way. Ford has done very well as long as he is that the last election (C)1974~New York Times support a team of specialists. So the budgeted to correct. No one claims California. And nine out of the 10 with precedent for the next. has concentrated on the larger issues. It is Editor's Note: In response to mountini fact that the center does not it is a fully equipped medical center the biggest electoral votes. This would when he has seemed to be acting out of In fact, while the Democrats are back criticism. President Ford taped a employ a gynecologist is not like the kind seen on TV, even if it greatly enhance their chances of personal or partisan motives that he has on their old themes, running against Nixon Saturday asking Bostonians to "r primarily a sexist policy. should be. organizing the big states for victory in the gotten into trouble. His pardon of former and the recession, as they ran against violence of any kind" in connection presidential election of 1976. President Nixon and his excessive financial But considering the number of rewards to his disgraced predecessor raised Hoover and the Depression for over a ichool integration, Also, the outlook now is for the women who visit the health center The fact remains that if students Democrats to jjjek up serious questions of favoritism, and put his generation, they are a deeply divided party want more extensive medical care, three or four seats with no outstanding leader to carry them for gynecologist services, the hiring to add to their present 58-42 margin in the judgment in doubt. back to the White House. of at least one practicing they must expect to pay higher Senate, and a minimum of 20 seats to add His tardiness in weeding out many of gynecologist would certainly be in order. fees. Meanwhile, administrators should take a campus - wide survey to their present 248-187 margin in the House of Representatives. Nixon's aides and rewarding other members of the Nixon team with new runs Ford's great opportunity, assuming he in 1976, which is a big assumption, was not to lead the party charge, but to Pen So he has plenty to worry about. "A Presently, health center doctors as soon a possible to ascertain the appointments has also suggested that he catastrophic defeat, as some forecasters preside over a nation that was sick of During the course of a year tl are qualified enough to handle students' priorities on this and had not abandoned the old'party ways. personal and partisan strife and longing for are predicting," he said in Detroit the State News usually receives severall And his campaigning for a solid month routine gynecological problems, other questions. With building peace and hard work on the long • other night, "could write the obituary of before the election is likely to erode his letters from prisoners in state and! proposals flying like hail, it is high the GOP." His major theme is "vote neglected domestic issues of the nation. are! just like any general practitioner. If general support without changing the He was not elected by his party but federal penal institutions who there are complications, however, time administrators went beyond Republican and save the two - party interested in corresponding with I system." balance of power against him in the confirmed by a Democratic majority in the doctor refers the patient to a small advisory boards for student Maybe this argument will work, but it is Congress or the state Houses. the Congress. He had a chance to put someone from "the outside." ThraaB qualified specialist. input. not the two - party system the people are • As a matter of fact, many Republicans together a nonpartisan government of the such letters have been received in thai who believe in him and appreciate his best men and women available, none of past six weeks. I ability to raise funds by his appearances at whom could have refused his command of Anyone interested in writing tol these party rallies are nevertheless fearful service after the Nixon resignation. This these prisoners should see the Statil 'Night owls9 haunt that vigorous campaigning may emphasize national issues and revive memories of Washington most Republican candidates would like to forget. Some of them have would have served the nation better than sticking to the old party routines, and in the end it would probably have been better politics for the Republicans as well. News Opinion Page Editor, 3411 Student Services Bldg., for and further information. addresses J The on - campus location of the comfort recently. around the house during their In addition to last week's drunken revels. University president's house insures publicized night time visits to Since Wharton begins his day at that the top MSU administrator will be, at least symbolically, in close - Cowles House by representatives of 5:30 a.m., late night visits not only Bike h Unfairrenfl touch with the everyday life of the a special interest group and freezing indicate a lack of the maturity and campus community. However, concert enthusiasts, Wharton also respect taken for granted by MSU should, like a pack of cigarets, I am one of the residents of Fields Apartments who is paying StrawbeiJ $180J President Wharton has found has been awakened on occasion by University planners in establishing have a warning label. In this case the label should warn that "walking on this campus month rent for a one bedro