1. P. C. Library Bst Lansing JUh. Michigan State .ANSIX*; .MICHIGAN. TUESDAY, MAY News NINETY HORSES Students Make Plans SERVICE KEYS Rained On, Girls LANTERN NIGHT llHREEMENGET One Board Made Into Big Table Top Hie I Jnder Wagon ANDSWINGOUT STATE FACULTY WILL COMPETE For Summer Vacations TQBEGIVEN AT AT ROTC SHOW5 wimmng, Golfing, and Travel Divert Thoughts of Col¬ NEWS BANQUET DATES ARE SET APPOINTMENTS legians Despite Approaching Final ilxants. I i Journalists of College Publica¬ Dorothy Longdon and Doria Seventy-two Entries Over Week¬ [ B. Harper of Univeraily of j' end Make This Largest Regis tions to Attend Annual Af¬ Reber Are Chosen by Mortar Wert Virginia R,c,iv,i Posi¬ fair in Union Ballroom. Board to Head Activities. tralicn for Several Years. tion *i Sociology Profciior. ' MURRAY TCASTMASTER SWINGOUT IS JUNE 8 HELD NEAR DEM HALL STEWARD IS RETIRED Seniors Will Wear Caps and Studerts to Have Chance to Ex L. W. Paget! Will Speak on 111. of M. Man Will Teach Eeo- - ' hibit and Jump Mounts Fri¬ "Ideas That Click"; Ceil to Gowns for Both Traditional Domici: Ebingrr. MSC Grad.: ^ Present Awards. Events; Peters is Chairman. ii Eitcniioniat in Ag. Eng. m, day and Saturday. tuning they got t i Dorothy Lunj?(lon anil Dorin in C'l.AHl JENSEN Or. Ernent H. llnrpor of the '•l' * Hetmr wit direct the activities I t'nivi r.ity of Virginia ha, I of laHiitern Nijrht, annual i aoctirnd a» head of the|„ . spring term ceremony of June nlogy (I. purl men t. Donalil I , 7. and Senior xwingout, an- | Ebiaftr has received an ip> I" I other traditional ceremony of Loir.tm.'nl as extension spe> -1 ! graduation pageantry will lie ilii-i i" AirriruHural Kngin- tie id JuneK, Dick f'olina, presi- wr.njf. and Dr. Roy J. Bur- rows ha* accepted on assist professorship in economics, it \ HNAL CONCERT SEMBOT PLANS OFFERS PATTON ANNUAL FORAY Mumford Requests Withdrawal {paper organization and tin Dr Harper comes t*» State, with national Film Service fur ; Picnic Lunch to Feature All-day I wide experience tn the held « ! Voice Head Will he Soloist: in mm uf years before juitung tin sponsored by xxtology, having held position* i and Oilier company. As a re Excursion Set for Next tl«* Hw logout Case cf Bad Weather it is Uwrcncc. Kansas. Knlama/iM* col- •ntative of this (Inn. he ha Saturday. Ifjf. t'nversity of Maryland. Van Will be in Gvm. of the evening •jprbilt university. University oi ! Hem Put will hold its annual ' tern Night* all Trxav and the University of Wesi {teen journalism service key i-eds will meet Im- awarded to memtiers «» building and g to floss funk. II interested in an outing arc in- ..Senior girls j | vited. J gowns and i* j Any one who wants to go on tin-. will w»-.u lin .. ; all-day automobile trip shouldj Upon lea1 • : register with the clerk in the j building, the f,f ; botany office* not later thun 3 p j march acroM* uke't Kr"",v M#> 2» ! ,k:la".lc"' «"• DANCE SOCIETY i be-! The Charge for the trip, to bt j est of Aidei f,0, j Paid at registration, will be 25 will be erect* isl.BRhp: agricultural cngi- {' mg welt-tune to attend at th Tins fee will cover the cost j President as The board also announced that WELCOMES SIX admission price Tim rxpen* Can i the entire banquet project •K , of; tjn. | of cofTce, cream, aiigar, and lull I 'ore [ Pref J W Steward had been re- ■ tired *« supervisor of attendance- ' Orcheiil Banqurt Features Init¬ Wukl.wistant professor of drawing iation and Induction fContinued on page 3* »f Officer*. MSC PHYSICS MEN HEALTH LECTURE TO ATTEND CONVO BEING HELD HERE CLASS TO VISIT DETROIT Students w "'n' I Will Inxprct Nrw Classes in institution 'furnish- I they would I t hj'"; Ownrd by U. of M. Phyiici Dr Frank A. Polle. Saginaw ing, taught try Misn Catherine Hart ; should indcate that as e . Health Official, Will Address and Miss Julai Tear, wll go to tic- register. •j Department. trod next Thursday on a held trip ! As far us supplies for Hie tri| Group of Men Tonight. i Scouting Group The groups, made up of hotel * ore concerned, one should went training and institution manage- j ttn.tr old clothes, should take •* t partmeiit of M S. C. and the De¬ Ai! men students an* r.tend a lecture being giver invited t Petitions Frat men! majors, will visit ttie house (Gray's Manual, or ut least have out troit physics club travel to the furnishings departments at Hud- ! to every three students, and a little University of- Michigan next Fri¬ hank A Polle, city health com- son's and the linen room u! the j < itronella oil to diacouruge mitf- day night. May 29. at 8:00 o'clock r*i*sioner of Saginaw, on the *ub- Local Service Fraternity Coex to examine the new additions to Hotel Statier. j qiiitoea. rct "Psychol-Analytic Wws uu Ahead With Organization Fol¬ the University's physical reseach Social Hygiene " The lecture w; l equipment. lowing Faculty Sanction. I be given in the Little Theater Blue Key. junior men's activiti * Former Barman Gough Several of the most recent ad¬ ditions to the research equipment boftorxry, is sponsoring the lectu v (I > the cyclotron, or the Can Really Shake ym up are: >" colia bora lion with the college electric gun that breaks atoms, health service. Eugenic problems (2) the machine which is a source at college students will be open t<< By KOBKKT II. BI RIIANS \ elimination* of high potential for production | discussion in an open forum fol-. I The legalizing of spirit eon- . So it wan tagged "The ttievitab'*# of artificial radioactive substances [ *>wiriK a general talk by Dr. Polle for mediral use, <2» the modulat¬ [ Dr Polle was secured by the has lately been I sumption following the repeal of Coektuir and sent in for the acid Experience the eighteenth Amendment pr »-1 teit. Back came the word that the ed 5-centimeter waves, or • sponsors because it was felt that in a public health service, h • Teachers olk-ge authori- imolete a num-1 duawl a new occupjition in this Geoffery Gough, barman of the country that ha* grown apace the ; Mayfair llou.se hud placed second most and interesting it waves, (4) the vacuum nd unexplained ucuum infra-red Infra-red : cwnes in contact will all cases and t types of people i torn, he has received In addition n* some acclaim Beginner's Symptoms New Deal—barmen, shaker-uppers. And if you ore . . or cocktail in the Phllly eliminations and the reeipc hud gone on to Gotham's infra-red waves are generated in "wondering just j Waldorf-Astoria for the final no¬ a vacuum and studied by a syn¬ lachine spectrometer, a machine by by which which ** a speaker and instructor B, LAtM ANN PltATT ^ ; At... Andr where you come in, the invitation j tional judging chronized spectrometer, (5) a Students attending are asked to ifler at the rweption table. The campus and aiding in the manage- 11 hereby given to dwell on the ) Five old hands at judging cuck- complete set of instruments to b-rmulate their questions ahead of The general sympto ' dances were given by the new ment of large college functions r gu; fact that GeofTery "Jeff" Gough, ' tails, Including u French music- study quantatative spectroscopy, ttmc on the particular field they ginning teacher are * | initjeitcs and of the alumna*- The national chapter of Alpha nervousness, and a d« iosc. some Wells Hall yearling, is, under the j comedy star, a stage actor, and which meat)* quuntatativly study¬ | interested In. The lecture will, through the ftocH*. a ci'iiiu iu'rdirth.-*.','h'rr, tault. bul up-| lUrriri Skntmun, pr.-scnti-d two j Phi On,rgu number, 2# chepter. Martini and Rossi classification,! others—slowly tasted through the ing spectrum* by means of a fcowever, incite many other ques- several seniors who ar* »ing their siting Too teacher* are asked dances "Indian Maiden'' and j in the outstanding universities and the eighteenth best cocktail shaker I field of drinks submitted, a most spectroscope, und (6) equipment ran*.*.* from what t r P.-u.nt O.ti". V.r*m.a SUprrt,college, in thr country. The local hans, and it is felt that a very *wcessful general meeting may be practice teaching this i r.t T*i» - 'que,lion, in these United States (bar none), enviable task. And back came to measure sound intensity. hasten to add. howev that th^ give the girl friend for graduation | gave a dance which interpreted ,group will petition for national J Going back to last summer we word that Geoffery Gough hud The visitors will be served din¬ However, it will aid Dr unwilling and awx- ; membership find Jeff a young upstart shaker- J proclaimed eighteenth best ner at 6:30 at the Union, and at and that to why they give so many tests, j P&Uc greatly if questions are writ- feeling soon disapiH- at historic Germantown's ! producer of potions and fomento' they (eel quite competent by th ■ OI.d tnry aay that h.*h arhool ,tu-| warrt *,rl lak.n* • ballet ■f"or" DnM, man 8 00 o'clock a meeting wllJ be held out and given to him before 8>t lecture. In this way he will end ot the term dent- have p*.rtected thr art : « .Ima Hanhy a comic Indian INCENDIARY BOMBS WILL (Pa ) Mayfair House where the of fi/zes in the country to outline the reasearch work of About 110 Mmion. under 12 broan.n* even beyond thow ,..] Hunter dance. Marywie Tribe alw. ■£ TERROR OF NEXT WAR Philadelphia blue-bloods drop in The Trophy Kays So the physics department of the uni¬ able to cover the field, and Points, much more to the satisfac- critic teacher*, are do.n* their coUe« I prewmled two dancea, one ot the | for their thrill-inducing libation* of an afternoon or evening. He Following Uiis distinction, Jeff great demand throughout versity The laboratores will be i H„h Khool popila on the whole j Greek goddea, llebe. and Die oil.. open to inspection at the end of was in b«a of the listeners. practice tcachln* at Eart Um».u* got so he could really jerk out the cocktail belt of Philadelphia. hi*h achool. and other, teach in ' «-en. to like the ayaiem of practice (a man on a itreet car. The . ttie meeting teaching now In force. While nldar.ee *,ven by three pa,t p.c.i-j P°fnd Incendmry bomb, With a personality style of turn¬ Laiuin* and Okemos Khcolc Sub- AUTO S FINDER GETS JOB ieel, uuiht are miences. aocial! few Mid that rtudent-teacheri denU of Orchanta—Wanda Falar-j'"g inermite. win oe ure fession and it wasn't long before ing out drinks, he moistened some CAKtOM MONOXIDE CVU Kon.—(ACP)-Cly*i« i^cr. math, phyrtcal education. I,und to much on Uwtr dignity. >ka. V.r*rn.a D«y. and Mary |k> the next war. '"""J"1* he was head man. of the most expensive palates in SOUGHT IY OHIO STUDENT | ftwnbaugh, who discovered thr bgUah. hbUxy imai*:. and home and can not get the matcrud . France. Hauie. wa. taken from J- toriqu. Zanett of Columbia Quakertown and environs — the I P^net Pluto at an amateur astro- economics There are two teach- j acroM a, well a, experienced I the colleje', pr.aiuction of 1 University • chemistry de pa Up rote the liquor firm of Mar¬ Biddies, Aldens, and others. Earn- (ACP) claw, who observe for the j teachers, many others liked the j .urnmer Night s Dream," given j ment. tini and Rossi with a scheme to *Wr six yean ago, will begin to a A «ir.*le t wo-ton bomber can ers select the best barmen in th* •tor-gazing anew next month, thi» flr.t part of the term, and then J informal atmosphere of the classes j two years ago. It was the "Nc:- ^ w»th the benefit of a college teach in turn for the rest of the'and the variety which comes w.tn turne" from Mendelssohn's music j carry .,000 of these bombs, says country through a •Nation. ! different teacher,. Sometimes the I for the play, and this dance uai, P*"f Zanetti. and if only one in *hen he graduates from the This system keeps the prosprc- [ teachers Uke the class every other | composed by Vuginia Desy. 100 makes a hit, that bomber will lYUvwnty o( K,nui in June live instructor, from having heart .day. and aometimcs one takes one j Officers for the coming year to get In for a whack at the big Twr.Uufti expect, to return to failure, a, they would if called phase of the work and the other j were named during the initiation money—$500 for the district con¬ Fta«- upon to tearh from the first of th - 'the next. This change in teachers | service Mary Ellen Grover is to test, then on to the finals. He ex¬ term As it is. one high school gives the class different angles or. jbe president Rachel Minges, vice- junior said, "When they get up the subject. ; president: Louise Langdon. secrc- there for the first time, they shake ; The teachers themselves differ jury: Harbars Struble, treasurer, so that I feel sorry for them." It j as to how they like teaching and and Virginia MrBride, eorrespomf- ,eems that onlv after esperienr-ihow competent they feel, but alii ing secretary. bibing, according to expert can a teacher keep track of a lea- j agree that they feel very ignorant son plan his notes, and class sometimes I MATS CLEANED AND llOCEt D—T WICIEll MICHIGAN STATU NEWS Tuesday, May 26, 1935 fage Two Mctorbcaf* Britten and Peg Sharp OOO strong in Michigan alone, went out to ENTRANCE RI.ANK TOR WATER CARNIVAL EVENTS are happy that Dick Colina Michigan State News . . . Friday* during reform the world according to the dictates of a couple of tribute-exacting leaders. Jf GRIDDLE J should land a honey of I summer and from there a job this on in */"r*o . It must have been glamorous for awhile, i j Column | that others Kurt Warmbein and are going with Firestone a few But when they got into wholesale murder it (j Pho [ I believe that Tiger" Stonecliffc . became something else. Police investigators I Rt'KlTMi-* Address CHECK EVENTS YOU WISH TO ENTER eft About jand -River'' Morse will be right and judges still feel that murder should draw • Dick Young says, it is just I there with the lads . . By HARRY W18MER . Men's Singles Women's Doubles ( ) life Sentence in prison. Now thev shall have their chance to auf- I "' expect more, I justly so. As far as we can ^(students * trip to th« Johnnie Heis- The *•* Passing Show I «ome rank with the best State has ( Olympic i . of time to develop a more constructive jn,,t necessarily to earn more, motor city will philosophy. And their colleagues who just i • • • | ever had. All the class presidents I mari- cf missed the same punishment will probably do VIRTUE - - • Bv ARTHUR FAR WEI.I. Jj will make good leaders'and may j on the fi: have proven their ability along J work I likewise.—1). V. C. j ,.r* Co'umbo^ ! leadership lines . . . Vinnie Van- ; surr.m • popular C ! derberg and Howie Swartz have j S** Food . . . The musical life of East Lansing 'acquainted with Mr. Evans' Cho er Jack e party wn.« engagingly puetuatcd on Wed- j pin playing to know him proflcicn i shown a lot on the gridiron for j Moore ar The Rhap (Michigan State and although we j along uc. The Lowly Catch Question lei that nesday evening by the perform-! in these refinements. . sit in- anrr of George Gershwin's far- j sody is so wrritton, however, as t ! haven't been able to get much dope, Peckhan present odious system that the Dour Women, famed "Rhapsody in Blue" by 1 give the piano several brillian on Clarence Dennis we understand' here m Ea Uie most ha KMitate.s an examination before the in- . Joseph Evans, pianist, with the (solo passages, and in these th I he should he a Sic to fill the bill J <** *'■ j Michigan""alcone, State college band, I pianist declared himself in a quit ' Varsity News | frcmh tructo scovor just what the student * The Varsity club had a subject, Ij conductor, at the j triumphant manner. Mr. Falcon ' frrc Kid Stuff and Death knows a <11 lit*.-* not know about ..AM ■»■«•«* his ..... euoj.M, point arises in the discussion of writing jpUt a ban on thi* N. combined I>„... . fagnen will out-dim it drew nut a ied hi« farsr share nf the work inS tast week si— tii-ntly. with hi. well-trained ; voting on their own hook Rrueh Tsrra n low with Fred Bit Are American colleges too advanced in these examinations. It is an all-confirming ; 0 0 luetic crowd Mr I ,'ans is a pupilj i.men flolh he nnd the pian- ' ready f.sdball star. Howie : Barb 1 Is Bob Saundor- »f 1,0wis Richard: head of the j Fenced most hearty applause I Ztndel replaces Kid Wagner ai ner" and sciences to consider • the fields of arts task to turn out a comprehensive query Till III Of.Y Charles Palmer P» teaching a course in driving? Some will any professor will admit. But the form department j On Sundky aflernoi.n. May 24.1 preaalsnl; Milt and Lehnhardt Milt looks tbe;rd throucf. utt , work holds the distinctive ' in the gymnasium annex, two slu- 1 viie-prexy say that the college Isn't interested in such shape that it takes is wholly dependent on the ' subject like-theology < ;• whirh in the sphere ! dents, Ruth Ryder, soprano, and 'beat he ever has on the diam end. Pl« il enjoy* Wh.tey Arnold things and will compare the suggestion with resource and Industry applied in the making, (during a Phi T«u p.utv islrnl rrilirhmi hv virlue of I flu i.tie Hoois r. violin,M. were I "us spnnx; Art flrandslatler. proposed courses in strictly manual fields. Long a bane of the conscientious student (""thing can stay dry at Hr: ,1 thill I. IS the tlrst aignnrael 1 heard in a joint graduating reeital ' "c: " m"n ,,n,n w"h h" football hero j •fatn r Seaman M Perhaps driving is a simple operation, u bectiUM* of its hidden pitfalls is the so-called j p,,jrf'v|0|tj Asmm imposition in the Jnrr manner in | Thry nr.- pupils respectively of laim a place in the somewhat ' Frrtl Ration an-) It has to be remembered, at "Brandy Dolly Dahlgren won al-jeterna there are only a few things to remember sta h I misleading filtration; or. It sometimes takes Joes n't see thetP"1 ' New York itself now admits. ! these recitals, that the participants so and the brawny guard is a j m'ich as not passing on a hill or a turn and the another shape it is a question tiiat could | solely by virtue of the good j are not artists challenging the happy tad these day-v. Stevte Sebo. I ms'.ra regulation of speed to fit driving conditions, j never oerur in the applied field of lhat sub¬ nission waxed j nvlfrfiy which finally springs forth j critic at pay concerts, hut thev stu- peppery catcher deserves his ath-! Penile I jeet and is made up for the primary purpose i Clark Frs«ta> If there is no more limit this, it is hard to Thnt i the "liege counctlship and H< heard cheerleader ha- t understand why th' isands die every year in of snaring the unwary, irw and is plenty wiling to t automobile arritlMi s and still more are j I'ntil a better substitute is procured in thing new. which eounU plm't* of thy i-xam for teat, in# acquired knowl- horribly dlsfiitureil. the catch question should be shunned e lot. Even if lh«- field nf (Irivinir due* involve scholastic outcast that never profit ted Skip With Hopkins fast and accurate Ihinkinir *nd an imder- t lie mild I ' Wednes night of the stanriintr nf the hundred* of emergency sit¬ Ih» permitted tm any examination,—K. D. H. ie work, nevertheless, gives a nghty uations. some will point nut, it I* tint the will waft their way back and b;rth i duty of college* mid universities to Inst nu t across Lake Lansing they tell' Rumor* denote the fact that there is plenty . in these problems. The eolleye is enneerned me that. Claude Hopkins will be < of chinelinir going mi in the wiMHlahop, to with more abstract problem*, with art ami "running wild" with his band at j Hipp* Thoughts say noltring of the boring lecturer. the Dells tomorrow night The wiener and philosophy. ampiv demonstrated that I popular Stan Bower* hooked the; it is the duty of every enllcge' to train band w hich will give you the! mind* to fuuetion to join the parts and relate ndvnntage which the ! high class entertainment at nuch | a m»>drrate flgur« the fragments, to train above (he mere a<- J . Miss Hoober offere I Onlv Heard eumuiatiim of data ami thus help students That Betty I^nz and Buzj: Bart-! to live and enjoy life. • II u.itild b«. On- ; »' hug are s»-en togi'thn more and Yes, there is mere, hut the lllieleus of the college object is' the training of men ARK YOU MKXAM-C,«NSC'lfHH jind indortl impossible. J tr,j still like Now that verdant foliage is unfolding itnelf ( HMithly and with Horatio Alge: Jr to lead I letter and fuller lives. Specialized on tree* and bus he* and the warmth of a j Uuthoril, and at tn with .1 t CLASSIFIED f 'f all thai i» allotted to thnt Boozie Mollett has he. n visit¬ fields air Interested in helping man to live There late .spring ha* finally arrived, one predom¬ where ihe two are playing Penchant and telli ing the Phi Delt Houm- at all. Here the biological sciences train inant fact begin* to ebb it* way into .student '.jaM ially a. rrs.rdf i "othlnk timid also irr perffh Ikiozie ha* been out quite some DARK RED Park r- men to preserve life among their fellows. It mind*—ami that fact is* Mrotigly accentuated time with illness, but the old boy would seem that these particular branches is rounding back in shape and; should is' interested in u menace greater by an analytical glance at the calendar. ! should b. w ith us again thi* '*11 f JT For the end of this week find* only one ' WTKItN NIGHT I'l.ANS That Bartling and Sebo have than the most dreaded disease, but, as they and one-half week* of ilu** work remaining «d Nh WS ( already received their tie* from \ ^ ARK NKAH f'OAII'I.KTIDN say, it is out of their line. for the aemexter in the majority of the col- j ;.i it>w jhiys i* Jim Brakeman for their hc»me run* j fr We study firsts. They are important in hit against Ohio State ... 2-: lege* on the campus. Due and one-half weeks! ' # i;«e j ment or soft gravel? Is it always better to "till very effectively be worked into a com situation with dry pave¬ prehensive review |K*riod in which c tasswork can be organized and digested in the fashion * a laist.-. | AH 3« mh u'Ues have new sent unchanged j in their plan? for the Cranivai 'Un-1 float* In diM-usiing these floats, joli j Dave Rube, who i» working' with alumni support would bo with¬ the campus would remain almost A minority report stated that for Saturday's Sandwich turn out f"t a car than to take the ditch. j intended by instructors. drawn if national ties Rolls and the other good What part does mechanical |w*rf»Htion play The piXKvdure requires neither endurance | Prof. O .1 Drake on the examin- wcrc fitioli of plans submitted by stK ie- severed t were in safety? These IhniRs are fundamental, j ttor atliiitittnal inventive, for the time short t* oung! ties, ixuntcd out that changes must things you want for the but more diflkult .mestions wotilti conW u|t. and the singular »dv»nUlte lies with the d Ih» made in several float plam. | Som.s.ttr has t., take the real responsibility <'tou«hlfui student.—Marguette Tribune, have j Fait h society has endeavoi ed to i make it float colorful and aJrik- of drittnit eduratinn. Why shouldn't it he a j ——8N j lit*. IU:he of has decided after ex- A. Y. Ati eastern rollege dean contends that au¬ the plans If these tomobiles are damaging the generation of r.i.kme those J plans were all allowed to go! school age. Well, turn about is fair play.— things again in order to save roup- • through unchanged, the theme of j Their Big Chance Taconta Ledger. r.s tn order to furnish hi? home He moists on d»>ing that wheti h« J the Carnival would be destroyed j The Carnival mutt, Ruhe ftaid.l could buy cigarets for the same i tie icgtirdtxl as a unit, with floats j With the action of Detroit's Duncan MeCrea in issuing murder warrants Prosecutor in the shoe business there is the AAA A. a width called It look* decidedly unconstitu¬ i,n" Cliff Haml.n used to smoke fragments of the whole. Drab ; varying in britlianee acting as| I ®hc JJiirnt ^bob for 25 member* of the sudden!)-famous them, too; but Cliff had a real i floats w»l, thus gain from contrast j tional.—American Lumberman. Black Legion, the followers of that radical reason for it: "I'm smoking my-'with the more colorful, cult wilt !*• given a splendid opportunity to self to death so I can win a cock-! Floats will be judged on the She was only a shoemaker's daughter, but tail shaker and drink myself toi basis of their authenticity and ex - show how seriously they take their oath. she was an innocent sole.—Daily North¬ death " I actness in following. the theme In their oath they swore to "devote my western. | plan. All floats van t be spec taeuiar. life to the obedience of my superiors—no IH I.IVQt ENTS ... but the less sensationol floats w ill You, You and You, Are Invited Id Attend the danger or peril shall ileter me from execut¬ B<»b Nott, who put me through! gain the same consideration as the ing their orders . . . exert every possible means in my power for the extermination Children who will be unsuccessful in later an English course in high school brilliant life ran lie spotted at the age of six, says Dr. oner. Pat White. Bill Sell* and a! Prof. O. J Drake wfll art m few others were evicted from the!master of ceremoniesv for the ANNUAL PRESS CLUB BANQUET of _anarchy, communism,- the Koman hierarchy and their abettor* ... die lighting J. W. M. Rothney of Harvard. Aragon the other night Ux-ause Carnival and will give a they looked too young j | account of the floats as they pass running! WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt speaking: "The for those witos*; serpent trail itas winnowed the fair fields of our alliee and sympathizers answer of the old school of economics isn't shun Lewis, Rathbun and Sargent stuped ties and shirts now. L. W. PAGETT - IDEAS THAT (HOT ..." They agreed to have their bodies ripjted the otto. There must be something else, so They recently got bids from the Black Legion, the result of their limb from limb rather than violate that oath. you've got to go tin searching. It is you nefarious conduct of last Thurs* j Union Ballroom <:15 And thus a band of morons, reputedly 40.- young people who must find the answer." day night —D. V. C icrdaes next June 13. Tuesday, May-26, 1936 MICHIGAN STATE NEW a Page Three Two-Game Series Michigan Next Withtor Kobsmen Spartans Seek First State Title In Games YOUNG SELECTS BRAND IS STAR Friday and Saturday FIVE MAN TEAM ASSTATEGOLF Entered in Olympics Split Two Game Series With Ohio Slate; Win First Behind FOR 1C4A MEET TEAM TRIUMPHS All right—all right. The series with the Buckeyes Is over. You Hill, Walters Drops Second. Athletic Director Names Dit- Writ iiys lost your third gnme of the year, and there isn't any way to Virginia Player Cardi 73 irn hack time so that you can ploy that last game over. There's - trich. Dennis. Sparks, Boss for Medal Honors; Zimmer¬ | By AL THEH.ER United States highway num- I and Mueller. lore lu^luuk business dh hand, however, and there isn't any sense in sit- on your record and moping about a ball game. Satur- man Follows with a 76 in ■»> V ball game went bad—you guys' forgot that you were a better Match With Ohio. lier It! will lie pone over thor- • By OEORGE MASKIS all team than the Rucks for a while, and something happened. oiiphly this week as far as _ I There's only one thing to do -forget It Athletic Director Ralph H, By MSI. n.AIHM. Rriphton, because it will ho j Michigan I* coming up this week. They've got a good hall team. VP traveled on Frida:v morning. j l ot* of scribes will tell you that. In fact, w hen they eome up to Michigan State'* pilfer* I'm- j to College Field Saturday. they'll he leading the Conference. I'm rr- Coach John Kohs i Fill pile hta ally hit their xtri.l. l» I prating this because I know somebody has told you alrearit. Other- the Buckeye* of Ohio Spartan baseball rnachino in- I wise I'd forget about it. because It doesn't mean a darn thing to private cars at that time Mulligan ran up against Ypsilanti earlier this year and University at Columbus, i and head for the t f a two-game series with a hard fought split. You guys nml defeated the Big easy it was to beat the Hurons. Now, other guvs will team by a score of B to ft. Michigan, when his rline will play Francl* Dittrlch. en-captain the first of a two-cam good enough to four of State's men turned ,f the State track team with Ray Fisher's Wolvcr ine hopefuls r that Yp rolled up a total card* in the seventies for Charles Dennis, is counted up- Friday afternoon A with Ohio for points in his favorite two-game •crin* State history. Kohs w ncnt. the broad jump, in the tarda y ami today tryi ing to decide t. I-A. meet in Philadelphia thU week-end. *quad around in hopt another line-up Th* • State rum- split with the Burke Two More Tennis « TV7dhand"'"*th Wins for Stale on Trip in Ohio The After Fourth Wilt Spartans will into the final stage* partins Whip Oberlin and lonship fight that Western Reserve With Little i. ati It thm Ct • Difficulty. • Michigan they want. Hurons safely stored Hooter? Ypsi h« v< and iutv. a flilllopppi jwlt. th* Distance Star WEDNESDAY, MAY 27th Sporting THAN EVEB/[ Claude ORCNEfTRA r.2Sn* ;ir:i; »:•! •;p,!jj.it,.. Advance Sale 50c plus tax Door Admission 75c plus lax MATH UNIT ELECTS Advance Sale Ticket* at Mart Stew art's, Kast Lansine NEW GOVERNING BOARD Luggage for Graduates QUALITY AND DISTINCTION t IIAilAtT KUIZE LIEUKKMANN GIFTS The shorter distance men are learning to fear Charles Gladstone Bags hoard ANNOUNCES j Dennis. Stale eo-rsiptain. In changes in facultyj the etenls the l.wiinitton man is entered. Dennis and Dit- Continued from page I) j trirh will lead the Spartans in i Prof Steward is one U* veteran member* of the j the National lnterrolle|[!ates $5.95 to .S2.">.00 and has enjoyed a this week end. long j *** with the college. A wimmer structural program of Princcbm I ha\r the wmr k.nd of support H«n»rd, Irwto with ttic Board s approval, transfer of the chemical en- Wing department to the fourth I The i Bucks and Spartan* vv ♦ r. tied f)ono\art of Dartmouth. Steele of) tin the ninth toning, and Waller* Pi no and CoHdj of Stale M.S.C. jj got two men out Then the fire¬ Pole Vault—-Medina of Prince-•' i works started. SHOE SHOP * «f Olds Hall will be made fol- ton. Harding of Vale, Dubie! of | Its evacuation by th art d- | Elsass tingled and then Rauda- Harvard. Allen af Male and Camp- j Beautifully fitted over nt New art studios are bell of Vale [baugh grounded to Randall for construction in the new j Broad Jump—Mmam of MtT.i OUR wing. Screened windows what j out. should have been the third. But Randall fumbled and j|Green of Harvard. Ritzman of! SPECIAL coid, and tweed. ** were approved for Welle theie were two men on the paths > Yale, fackrrt of Princeton and THIS WEEK $54)0 to $25.00 A triple to left which Kuhne gotj his hands on but couldn't hold j brought home two runs and an- Ken'* Half ' other tingle accounted for the; third. That ended whatever doubt Sotaa..._^.^ 09V j Milf' Half there might have been about the, matter and the Buckeyes had earn- **« .... S9C Saturday's gam* at College Field, W< Sell All Cetera wBI begin at 3:00. The neat home game »111 be with the University of Iowa in another two-game ser¬ ial neat week-end on Thursday] Tuesday, May 26, 193(j MICHIGAN STATE NEWS C. E. Teacher Owns Official Sprinkler Inundates FR0SH FREELY FROLIC Child Prodigies Campus Ferns Dabble Antique Compass New Sod and Ponders Weather Lose Brilliance jn Multiple Production Banqnrts and Mart Parlirs Fill Sthedult . . . N o r t hweitern U. Profeuor ——: .. Century and a Half Old Sor- Jesse James Armstrong. Water Boy to a Green Field, Agrees It the Flash's party in every way they made all the ar¬ Makes Study of Young Snooping Scrivener Delves luto Botanical Monstrosities, Com- veyor's Instrument Treasured Stadium Gets Pretty Dark of a Night. by Professor Cade. was . . ®'verl an<® Sandry Information. . rangements. hired Mike Falk's orchestra, planned the decoration geniuses 'n* ^or ^'r Sometimes he fits and thinks until 11:00 Is the last piece w> scheme, which was in green and white. . and then proceeded to r I >-nmetunes he just sits. Then* thoroughly. Each day a new pieci outnumbering upper-classmen , cinch their top-notch position by far it-re are mosquitoes to slop and 1 is added--a 15-foot stretch somi at the dance Friday night i,.,..-' to move every twenty days, and that means more wv.t , . , !•,. The girls of the fi:ct year class know exactly what's what ac¬ cording to Danu K. ;., o tl i >«.■: . . (lever rotten spring formal* ;,s are thick around the twi It's dark as the Inside of n co, jt .it rtrodlisht* which shine on < underneath the stadium where thi , id. and if the Story was at all*'sw itch is located and the h.vs, coYd! . . there were a!s«, irit.-rUkinii I'm j - ofthr *anv cord on the COLLEGE BULLETIN! AROUND WASHINGTON SHIRLEY TEMPLE "CAPTAIN JANUARY" tl.il I Sp.nWx. Sactiuw. v* .is phi hrlu Thru j initiated l«sl night K. l , The Phi U lt» arc git kng thru ; WEDNESDAY • j lowing the tetemony u special ■ animal stag jwrty next Thursday i AMI j dihn« i mm held nt | -.1 T Caswell. \V wh.ch'Profc* K Rruling I >mi Gnnxftn *r..i Kpatk* g.»\« fticm* N'u : lught • • • r. 3E$nD . THURSDAY talks • * * Bruit Sent by played at the Sigma i i Nu f|ii itig term party-last Satui• j ONLY IK SCREEN'S MOST FRSCNU1NK •At the- i Trl-Ph* day night Alumni guests at the! Alpha I'pftilon Pi SIM.. could portray the . : Krriot "Ding" Crosbie has hern, party ucrc Minimi Karl, v, Al j I crowned national champion dtst. j jBradley, William Berridge, Milton j A partv was h ★ STATE ★ moat fascinating character in am *' walker by virtue ut his vie-j Borgexon. Wayne Chapman, ClifT I Monday night, fait or fiction! jtorv in thr 5M.C00 mrtei champion- Krigum.n, Joe Carlton, and Hilt] j >hip i act- at Cincinnati last Sunday, j Ha wiry THEATER j This also lands him a place on! • ♦ • the United State Olympic team j Alpha \l Helta WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY I for 193® Martha M. Vial, 'SB, Iron River, j Delphic "The Man Who Broke the Hank j Eve-ryone had a good time at j was pledged Monday evening, The Spring Term formal party- at Monte Carlo" the party held Saturday fright. Out i * * • Starring Ronald Potman and llermian was held Saturday night with Ray I [of amlin town guests included CorabcUc j Sigma Kappa Jackson w ith Harryj The Hermian Spring Term party Virkristaffs orchestra play:tig j Joan llrnnrtt Si of Sigma Kappas have brightened The picture opera in the famous Harvey and Kathleen Wiegel of | will be held in the Union Saturday Guests present at the party were: up considerably the last few days Dave Sharp of Oxford, Al Kunze ; Sporting Club in Monte Carlo, the j Windsor. Canada, with Roy Mak-, Perhaps it's a reflection from their night, in conjunction with Sigma da. Also Mr. and Mrs. Harold , house which has now been thor- Kappa. Don Davidson's orchestra of Ann Arbor, Howard Green of j gambling center r»t the world. Belding. Ed Hammond, and John i; Smartly gowned women and Ihe.r Glaxson of Laming, Mr and Mr? j oughly cleaned of all smoke, dirt will play. Kuwait h, both from Lansing. Pat- jI sophisticated escorts gaze in awe Roy T. Connolly of East Lansing, j and soot. Maybe the .fact that thev Sunday morning after the party Ji>e Pryor and Herbert Allen of ( can trow sit d^wn again after hav- the group will migrate to Pot¬ runs were Mr. and ^Irs. E A. Gee]| as Ronald Col man, an impov Kalamaroo, Roy Wawianka of ing to stand up for several days ter's Park, or some other picnic and Mr. and Mrs. H, Wyngarden. ]! erished Russian Prince, runs a Jackson, and Bernard Osthouse. while their furniture was being ground, and hold their annual pic¬ ] few franc* into 10,000,000 francs "Knitted velvet is an un« Patrons were Mr, and Mrs Claude dry-cleaned has something to do nic, This outing has grown to be Eclectic ]and breaks the bank. expected fabric fur bath¬ Bryan and Mr. and Mr*. Walter with the lift in their spirits. a tradition, having been given an¬ A smker was held a tthe house \> In the meantime, Colman has ing suits." Morofsky. Senior* of Sigma Kappa, all nually for more than ten years. Saturday evening. House guests ] fallen in love with Joan Bennett, ] for the week-end were Jimmy 1 • * * thirteen of them (bad luck), dined | hired by the gambling syndicate Simmons from U of M Bob to lure him back to Monte Carlo. At the Country Club Sunday even- Chi Omega . "Big bright felts go with Mima Kappa Virginia Taggart left Thursday Swartx from Grand Rapids, Ra\ A merry chase ensue* which take* Jean Lowe, 39, was ribboned Ing as guests of the patronesses of printed dresses as well as Serene from Saginaw, and Frank Colman through capital after cap^ Monday evening. the sorority, Mrs. R. C, Huston, morning for Kalamazoo to partici¬ sports clothes." Mr. Rudolph LoomU of Lan- Mrs W. L. Mailman, and Mi*. C. pate in the Intercollegiate ten is Haight from Grand Rapids. tal until he and the girl wham he tournament From there she went is trying to win land in Intcrlaken. sing spoke cm "Books and Read- W. Bachman. "Go and return in a two- ktgP at literary meeting Monday Attfild friend and frequent call- to Holland 1o spend the week-end. Switzerland, world-famous fear its Mr and Mrs. Dunston Story Anti-climax of a heavy week¬ winter sports. piece dress." night. er at the Sigma Kappa houae was were dinner guests Sunday. end at thme Alpha Gamma Delta Professor and Mrs. J. T. Caswell a dinner guest Saturday night; Lucille Story, Mary Bruce, house was a dinner Monday night Saturday afternoon Katherine and Mr. and Mrs. Strong are din- Dick Wasson (Jo Roosa's Dick) Derby, Helen BullU and Lois Kill- Grace Lou Smith, and Anna May for all actives and pledges. ner guest* tonight. was the man. A formal party at the Union ham were initiated, and Sunday • • • Betty Morel! went to Marshall Child*, senior members, were en¬ afternoon a faculty tea was given. I'alMi Dormitory Saturday to attend the wedding tertained by the alumnae at a Friday night started events, with Next Tuesday night Lansing al¬ Members of the General Com- announcement party of a friend Sunday night super. May 34, at Harriet Wojtowicz and Betty Rose the home of Mr*. John Davis in as out-of-town guests at the dance. umnae are giving a skating party mittee for the Spring Term party In general, everybody stayed in June McLaughlin, was a guest at