Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Kissinger wins support from Arabs on strategy From Wire Services differing approaches to the question of oil King Hassan II, who will host an Arab RABAT, Morocco Henry Kissinger prices, and we (reviewed ways and summit meeting that starts Oct. 26. headed home Tuesday with assurances approaches to reconcile these different In shaping his negotiations strategy, from several key Arab leaders that points of view in the months ahefcd," he they Kissinger has now gotten Israel, Jordan. will back his Middle East said. peace strategy Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Algeria to go and try to stave off another hike in oil Kissinger's session with Boumedienne along with a step - by - step approach. But prices. also is expected to speed a resumption of newsmen were told that President Hafez The latest to give such diplomatic relations between Algiers and Assad of Syria remains support was skeptical and that a Houari Boumedienne, the Washington. president of consensus imperiling the U.S. strategy Algeria and one of the most influential He stopped in Rabat to confer with could develop at the summit meeting. and radical Arab leaders, U.S. officials reported. Earlier assurances came from Egypt's President Anwar Sadat and King Faisal of Saudi Arabia. After a three - hour Boumedienne Monday night, meeting with reported, "I told him of some of the Kissinger Attorney says Nixon positive trends I have found. His advice deceived Ehrlichman was very helpful and his attitude very understanding." U.S. officials consider the fiery Algerian president's support a major development in the American effort to arrange talks WASHINGTON (AP) - John D. them Ehrlichman. between Israel and two of its moderate Ehrlichman's lawyer portrayed the one ■ In reality, according to Frates, Dean Arab neighbors, Egypt and Jordan. time White House aide Tuesday as a victim had done on his own acts which he told Boumedienne's conciliatory attitude on of the deceit of former President Richard oil prices, meanwhile, was said to be based the prosecutors Ehrlichman had ordered M. Nixon and John W. Dean III. him to do. AP on Kissinger's alarm that recent increases "Richard Nixon deceived, misled, lied wirephoto "Remember," Frates told the jury of totaling 400 per cent having | Secretary of State Henry Kissinger reviews the honor guard during his arrival to see King Hassan II in Rabat. devastating effect on are Third World a to and used John Ehrlichman to cover his up nine women and three men, "Dean was Morocco, the last stop on his tour of Middle East capitals. countries. own knowledge and his own working as the President's lawyer under activities," said William Frates in his the President's direction." His assurance comes on the heels of a opening argument at the Watergate similar pledge from King Faisal last week. Frates said Ehrlichman never ordered coverup trial. Faisal is known to have sent a message to Dean to destroy evidence, never attempted 58 the Shah of Iran Frates said Nixon was "covering up to hepati to obtain coverup funds from the Central given suggesting a joint effort to bar a hike when the save his own neck." Organization of Frates was the first defense attorney to Intelligence Agency and never suggested Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) using money to buy the silence'of the meets in Vienna in December. make an opening statement in the trial of break - in defendants. five former Nixon Administration and By PEGGY GOSSETT requirement that those people be Boumedienne, whose country produces campaign aides charged with conspiring to While Frates spoke Ehrlichman, dressed anyone else worried about catching about one million barrels of oil in a dark blue suit, sat State News Staff Writer immunized, the health department a day, block the investigation of the break - in at facing the jury. hepatitis who had physical contact with surprised Kissinger by raising the question strongly suggests that they get shots. Democratic national headquarters in the Formerly one of Nixon's closest aides, I The Ingham County Health Dept. Almada. of oil prices. Algeria has given strong Ehrlichman showed "In this case the infected person had Watergate building on June 17, 1972. no emotion when his Hnnoculated 58 MSU students for hepatitis had Originally the University Health Dept. public support to the actions of the OPEC attorney attacked the former president. tremendous contacts with others," wanted the Sigma Chia fraternity to pick lay, most of whom were members of in raising the prices four - fold on the David G. Bress, attorney for former he Feurig said. the gamma globulin serum from the Frates promised"~to present evidence Sigma Chi fraternity, after one of the Almada worked at Dooley's, 131 Albert up average in the last year. Asst. Atty. Gen. Robert C. Mardian, Hntetnitv brothers was diagnosed as that in an unrecorded conversation on the Ingham County Health Dept. But Bill Kissinger only hinted at his success with followed Frates and described his client as St., and took part in activities which day Ehrlichman resigned Nixon told luring the virus. involved many people at the fraternity. Lovely, the fraternity's house manager, Boumedienne as he left Dar El - Beida "very minimally involved in the evidence Ehrlichman. Almada entered the (continued on page 7) in this case." "John, you've been my University airport in Algiers. "We discussed our Feurig said the health department was conscience but I didn't follow your advice. jhiUi) Center (Olin), Friday with giving free immunizations to those at the The other three defendents are former White House staff chief H. R. Haldeman. It's all my fault. If I'd only followed your ■plaints of stomach pa: and fatigue, Dr. Junes Feurig, director of the health fraternity and at his previous summer former Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell and advice we wouldn't be in this situation." hter, said. He was treated by Dr. us Hill but it was not clear he had lis until after a complex blood test residence at 134 S. Frances Ave., Direct contact means those Lansing. sharing eating, drinking and bathroom facilities," Campaign abuse charges Kenneth W. Parkinson, one • time attorney for Nixon's re • election committee. so "He the (Ehrlichman) heat was forced to resign would be taken off the President and the President standing Feurig said. Richard Ben . . . Veniste, an asst. special against Milliken dropped - «tun which showed presence of the there knowing it he who He said it was possible that others Watergate prosecutor, outlined the was was covering wpatitisvirus in the blood, Feurig said. up," Frates said. ■ Almada was immediately outside the Sigma Chi house might need government's case in a long opening put into the immunization, but only if they had statement on Monday. All five defendants Wation. and given injections of gamma Frates said that last August when Nixon (obulin, a derivative of human blood come in direct physical contact with Charges of illegal and unethical Ingham County Circuit Judge Thomas are charged with conspiracy to obstruct released the tape of a June 23, 1972. pich lessens the effects of the disease. Almada. fundraising against Gov. Milliken and his L. Brown dismissed the allegations against justice and all but Mardian also are conversation which showed Nixon was "Hepatitis cannot be contracted by chief fundraiser made by Zolton Ferency, Milliken and his chief fundraiser, John charged with obstruction of justice. aware of the | Feurig said one or two cases of hepatitis shaking hands or just being around the Human Rights party gubernatorial Stahlin, because Ferency "failed to allege Frates said that in spring 1973, Dean, coverup far earlier than he »treated every week by MSU's health previously had acknowledged, Nixon infected person," he said. candidate and MSU professor, were any specific wrongdoings on the parts of then White House counsel, realized "the iter. Hepatitis is an infection of the apologized to his lawyer and to the House Members of the Sigma Chi fraternity dropped Monday. the defendants." house of cards was falling in on him." Judiciary Committee. In a suit filed Sept. 9, Ferency alleged |Hie fonticted Ingham County Health Dept. then expressed concern that many recent visitors to the house during rush week that campaign funds were raised illegally Dismissal of the suit cooled one It was then, said Frates, that Dean went "But he didn't apologize to this man." the members of to his Sigma Chi and and unethically for Milliken's 1973 "Bill's controversy over Milliken fundraising lawyers and they started bargaining said Frates. pointing to Ehrlichman. "It pwted that they be immunized for might have been exposed to Almada, who with the prosecutors in an effort to obtain Beefsteak" birthday party. tactics. Last week, Stahlin admitted that was too late." lwcautionary measures. Feurig said was passing out drinks and kissing some of immunity from prosecution for their the the girls at the party. State Insurance Commissioner Daniel he urged State Dept. heads to have their Nth department client. "In simple terms, John Ehrlichman had routinely contacts Demlow, a Milliken appointee, still faces relatives and friends sell tickets to a been had by his boss who happened to be Pj«e in Though Ptont. the immediate household there is of the Feurig said that immunization shots scrutiny, however, for his part in the Milliken fundraising dinner in Detroit that But the prosecutors wanted worthwhile the President of the United States." Frates no mandatory were available at Olin for 50 cents to fundraising. President Ford attended. information, Frates said, and Dean offered said. Ex-coach claims tiring racially motivated By CHARLES JOHNSON and confirmed that Fuller and Hartman State News Sports Writer had been victims of the money pinch. Payton Fuller, who was dismissed last However, Hartman has since been reinstated as head lacrosse coach and May from his job as MSU's head soccer Fuller is still unemployed. Former MSU coach, says his firing was racially inspired. As a result, Fuller has a discrimination suit freshman football coach Ed Rutherford has assumed the duties of head soccer pending against MSU athletic director Burt Smith. coach. The suit, filed last spring with the just cannot believe that the reason University's human relations department, for me being fired was because of the charges that Smith actively collaborated financial situation," Fuller said. "I was with student athletes on the soccer team only making $1,500 a year and I didn't in the decision to remove Fuller. Fuller have any assistants." also charges he was constantly mistreated Hiough Fuller filed the suit almost by Smith, and the real reason for his immediately after his dismissal, he cites a dismissal was based purely on Smith's number of events and occurrences since personal feelings toward him. that time which he says supports his Smith had no comment on Fuller's discrimination claim. allegations and said he would wait until "Hartman has his job back, although the Human Relations Board reaches a when we were dismissed, his status was conclusion on the matter. supposed to have been the same as mine," Dr. Joseph McMillan, asst. vice Fuller said. "Also, even though the reason president and director of the Human for my firing was publicized as being an Relations Dept. ;aid a formal investigation attempt to cut back on the athletic into Fuller's charges has begun and budget, Rutherford is full time, salaried interviews are currently being held. and has four assistants." "The case is moving along and is An Athletic Dept. spokesman said none following regular civil rights procedures," of Rutherford's assistants are being paid McMillan said. "We are just getting things and Rutherford has tenure as an assistant back under way because during the professor in addition to his Athletic Dept. summer there was no one around to duties. interview. Fuller, the second coach in Spartan "All the backup work is being done in soccer history, posted a 20 - 8 - 9 record in the case and it will eventually be presented four years as the MSU soccer coach. He is before the University Antidiscrimination also a former MSU all - American soccer Board for a decision on its validity," he player and played under Gene Kenney, the added. first Spartan soccer coach, who is now an When the public statement about Athletic Dept. aide. Fuller still maintains Fuller's dismissal was released last spring his position as a graduate assistant and by the Athletic Dept., the move was Ph.D. candidate in engineering. supposed to have affected all part - time Fuller says it was Kenney's son, Mi We, MSU coaches, including lacrosse coach who coheaded a small group- of Fred Hartman. Smith cited the players who complained to Smttfe about Fuller's department's budget • tightening financial (continued on page 13) BURT SMITH situation as the reason for th* dismissals Wednesday, October 16,197, 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan cus: House upholds veto of aid cutofi TION WASHINGTON (AP) - President Ford won his first foreign policy showdown with Congress Tuesday when the House sustained his veto of a bill cutting off military aid to Turkey. predicted bankruptcy. The vote on Turkish aid also killed an emergency resulution for a variety of federal programs. funding )( Opponents of the Turkish aid, House leaders and White Hou officials immediately began frying to work out a new resolution with some sort of Turkish aid cutoff compromise fun^ tha could be put quickly through Congress. The vote was 233 to 135, 16 votes short of the two - thirds Afterward, Ford called on Congress to take "prompt action House Leader John J. Rhodes, R - Ariz., indicated a propo* Ford signs campaign measure necessary to override the veto. to provide funding for the programs. He asked that the resolution be passed "without encumbering restrictions," a reference to the compromise might delay the effective date of the Turkish >i Less than an hour later, the House overwhelmingly overrode cutoff until Dec. 10 or 16. 1,11 Ford's veto of a railroad pension bill 360 to 12, sending the Turkey cutoff amendment attached to the original bill. Declaring that "the times demand this legislation," measure to the Senate. That bill would put a $7.1 billion tap on Ford said the House action would help maintain "the strength The Senate approved a similar 60 • day delay last week th President Ford signed a far - reaching, Watergate - Ford said he would accept. The House rejected it bv a nam, the Treasury to help save the railroad pension system from of our vital security relationships in the eastern Mediterranean." inspired campaign spending reform bill Tuesday. 187 to 171. °' "There are certain periods in our nation's history The President hajl warned against "reckless acts" and said when it becomes necessary to face up to certain cutoff of aid to Turkey would jeopardize both Cyprus neiJ negotiations and the NATO alliance. Troops ready for Boston unpleasant truths. We have passed through one of those Opponents contended neither Turkey nor Greece wou|« periods," Ford said in a clear reference to the Watergate scandal.. negotiate a pullout of Turkish occupation forces from Cypruss< long as the U.S. aid permitted Turkey to rearm. Starting next year, the law imposes limits on the The resolution to which the aid cutoff amendment « amount of money that any person or group can give and attached would have given emergency spending authority fa From Wire Services of the current Elsewhere, the city's schools court - ordered school busing, on the amounts candidates can spend in campaigns for aware BOSTON Gov. Francis W. developments in Boston, the were quiet. The disturbances at Hyde foreign aid, agriculture, military construction and a number 9 federal office - president, House and Senate. - White House statement said Hyde Park had been the Park began in the corridors education, housing .welfare and labor programs until Congrra It also provides for public financing of presidential Sargent mobilized the National approves their regular appropriation bills. Guard Tuesday and asked "no formal written request for scene of scattered racial between classes and spread to campaigns, but not for House and Senate races, and President Ford to send federal federal troops has been fighting during the month of the classrooms. establishes an independent commission to enforce the law. troops to help end racial received by the President." troubles in Boston. A spokesman for Mayor Eastern Airlines case probed In Washington, Ford said he feels the primary responsibility for maintaining order Kevin comment H. on White refused But he said White has opposed to Sargent's request. Court refuses wiretapping review The House Judiciary Committee plans to look into continues to lie with state and the calling out of the Guard The Ivanov decision came as the court screened nearly i,ooi possible connections between * a Rockefeller family local officials. into his city. Lt. Gov. Donald From Wire Services and State News Tuesday won the which piled up during the summer recess, accepting 25 fo contribution to former President Richard M. Nixon's cases Boston's racial troubles were R. Dwight was dispatched to WASHINGTON The federal government full - scale review, including a hearing. 1972 campaign and Nixon's reversal of two rulings triggered by a school Boston City Hall to inform Supreme Court's permission to use wiretaps t? gather intelligence desegregation plan which calls White of the governor's data about foreign governments. Cases it agreed to consider involve: against an Eastern Airlines acquisition. decision. Without explanation, the court chose not to review tjie • Whether states may deny welfare benefits for unbon for busing. Committee sources told the New York Times constitutionality of electronic eavesdropping in foreign children, as 35 states do, under federal regulations which make In a statement issued by the Sargent acted after racial Tuesday the investigation would be in connection with White House, Ford said no fighting broke out again in the intelligence cases. optional. President Ford's nomination of Nelson A. Rockefeller request would be in order schools, this time at Hyde Park The court's surprise decision let stand the conviction of Ivan A. Currently, Michigan does not count unborn children | to be vice president. "until the governor is in a High School, after a three - day Ivanov, which was a result of evidence gained from wiretaps. determine welfare benefits. But a federal injunction requires tt Less than a year after the Rockefeller family position to say he has utilized holiday weekend. Nine persons Ivanov was found guilty 10 years ago of spying for tli» Soviet state to give Aid to Dependent Children to pregnant women wh the full resources of the state were reported injured. Union. file between Oct. 29 and Dec. 26. contributed $200,000 to the Nixon campaign, Nixon It had been widely assumed the court would review tlie case, and that despite these efforts The governor told a news cited unspecified "foreign policy reasons" in reversing conference that he determined because attorneys for both Ivanov and tne Justice Dept. had • The constitutionality of a Pennsylvania law providing stal he can no longer control the financed tutoring, textbooks and equipment for pupils in prival two Civil Aernonautics Board rulings and allowed situation." that "the public safety can no asked it to. Eastern to acquire Caribair, a Puerto Rican - based Sargent said earlier the longer be assured solely by Three justices — William O. Douglas, William J. Brennan, Jr. schools. Guard troops would remain in local police or law enforcement and Potter Stewart - favored hearing the appeal. • Whether a Social Security law providing death benefits I airline, according to the newspaper. The court does not hear a case, however, unless four justices The Rockefellers have large holdings in Eastern. their armories, adding: "But if agencies even with the widows but not to widowers is unconstitutionally discriminator] reinforcement of want to. federal troops are denied or additional • Whether returning veterans are entitled to have their militaJ delayed, and the safety of the state and metropolitan police Justice Thurgood Marshall, who frequenUy sides with Douglas service counted in computing vacations from their civilian jobs.] Post reports property trade public requires, I will not which I ordered into the city and Brennan, did not take part in the decision. In other actions, the court upheld the constitutionality of til hesitate to order the National last week." Marshall was solicitor general when the Ivanov case was appealed to the Supreme Court the first time, in 1969. At that time, the trans - Alaska pipeline act and agreed to review a lower cc The federal government traded $27 million in Guard into the streets of The alert call followed what order requiring the builder of the line, Alyeska Pipeline Servjj the headmaster of Hyde Park court sent the case back to a lower federal court to determine productive property in California for a one million Boston. whether there had been illegal wiretaps. Co., to pay costs of a lawsuit which delayed its construction. "I don't look forward to High School described as a square - foot building so that former President Richard seeing tanks rumbling down "riotous situation" there. It M. Nixon could store his records near his San Clemente the streets, but I am not going resulted in nine injuries and the home, the Washington Post reported Tuesday. to stand by and let people be early closing of the school The story said federal officials arranged the trade hurt," the governor said. following fights between blacks under pressure from the Nixon White House earlier this While declaring that Ford is and whites. year. It also said the government still had a need for the The State News is published by the students of Michigan buildings it traded away, and the replacement cost could State University every class day durinj Fall, Winter and Spring EUROPEAN FLAIR: school terms, Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays during run as high as $18 million. Meanwhile, the story added, Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Is published in September. Subscription rate is $20 per year. TONIGHT in the Dining Room the building obtained by the government for Nixon's Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial EAST LANSING'S ONLY CO OP FOR OPTICAL NEEDS and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan - enjoy Schuler's records remains unused. Stat* University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. W rl 11 am - 4 pm, 5 pm • 8:30pm GERALD H. COY, GENERAL ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER MANAGER 351-5330 ja J| 1 Tues., Wed.^ Frl.p| STROLLING Proxmire raps HUD official PHQNES News/Editorial Classified Ads 35S-"S252 355-8255 EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. VIOLINISTS Sen. William Proxmire D - Wis., called Tuesday for Display Advertising 355-6400 CO-OPTICAL SERVICES 355-3447 James T. Lynn to resign as secretary of the Dept. of Business Office Photographic 355-8311 Dr. R. C. Minor, Optometrist Thi A lansu Trio Wow in Brookfield Plaza Housing and Urban Development. "This department is spending $5 billion a year and Every Tues. <• Wed. Evening 7 • 10 p.m. has produced no new assisted housing starts since Entertainment nightly in the January 1973," Proxmire, said. "Its policies have ONLY 3 Goldsmith Lounge after 9 p.m. more days ... blocked millions of families from buying the homes til Sweetest Day- they need." Oct. 19 Tonight & Thurs. STARSEED Proxmire, a senior member of the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, said that Lynn is not cards available at Fii sat it ARAPAHOK responsible for the slump in conventional housing sales CAMPUS BOOK STORE and construction, but "he has done nothing significant 507 E. Grand River to help it." IntheScftultr tradition Across From Berkey Hall Eagleton: Wallace not racist Tun,,Tbodi^ftjpiiits Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton, D - Mo., says he could support Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace if Wallace were the Democratic presidential or vice presidential nominee in 1976. ROCK n STEREO IOI "I don't think he's a racist anymore," Eagleton said. 6:05 to fTlidnight "I think he means it when he says he is concerned about Evening ^ fOOD To 0 the common man, the farmer, the truck driver, the • SERVED DAILY • beauty shop operator." JAZZ & ROCK n STEREO TOP SIRLOIN midnight to 6:00 STEAK DINNER For Two UJILS-Fm STEREO 101.7 Win* mushroom •sue*, • • PROGRESSIVELY BETTER • • do-it-yoursalf salad bai S house specialty Caesar salad. 10 Idaho bakad potato, cream chives and bacon bits, freshly cooked vegetable, oven 3 win Nobel science awards hot fresh bread, carafa of wine r AIIBIC or split of Champagne. PER COUPLE An American chemist . and two British radio astronomers Tuesday were awarded 1974 Nobel prizes Bosn 's Mate' for chemistry and physics. KALAMAZOO AT GRAND Paul J. Flory, 64, professor of chemistry at Stanford University, took the prize in chemistry for his work in macromolecules, the substance of most common plastics ■SU-nion. and of a number of important biological compounds. Sir Martin Ryle and Antony Hewish, joint winners in physics, were the first radio astronomers ever to win a Board fish sandwich! | If you have to eat and run-catch Nobel prize. yourself a Bosn's Mate sandwich- Ryle was cited for his work in developing advanced tender breaded fish fillet topped techniques for using telescopes in observing detail in with shredded lettuce and tartar celestial bodies and Hewish for his part in the discovery sauce. There's lots of delicious, of mysterious energy sources called pulsars. hot BRAZIER* food ready for quick Return to Forever getaways at the nearest French workers gain Irr. benefits featuring DAIRY QUEEN* BRAZIER . store-anytime. A new agreement signed by the French Xru.lYi.mj Chick Corea employers association and major trade unions in France H COMING TO THE STABLES OCTOBER 20 assures workers laid off for economic reasons nearly fj $3.50 in Advance - $4.00 at the Door their full salary for a year. }V.acrani y i Tickets available at Discount Records and at tha Door, Shows at 8 p.m. & 11 p.m. The money will be paid from a fund to which uamwtoj/Kjaxv:. • —rxmn employees, employers and the government contribute. IBESima It is expected to go into effect by Jan. 1, after approval by the government. J7t up inVu, brazier. Under the agreement, employers will contribute JLHear1 Unionof or •Reg U.S. Pat Oil., Am. D.Q. Corp ©Copyright 1974, Am. d.Q. Co'PB payroll taxes to make up 80 per cent of the fund and call 3*5-3355 5U i&nyjt/o. 2843 E. SD.RIVER, EAST LANSING employees will contribute 20 per cent. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. October 16. 1974 3 Threatened quonsets By PAT NARDI halls and Landon and Yakely halls State News Staff Writer Clarence Zeno, one of the first army Take a good look now, because the veterans to attend classes at MSU after the quonset huts may soon join the ranks of war, remembers living in a quonset hut the extinct. Once 104 during spring term 1946, before moving to strong, this metallic species Mason Hall. thrived over much of MSU's South "I didn't mind living in the quonset hut Complex and housed many students and because it wasn't much of a change from faculty members after World War II. Most the army barracks," said Zeno, who shared were gradually replaced by residence halls the quonset with 13 other men. Today only 13 quonsets are still occupied at MSU, and their existence is "We couldn't cook inside, so we ate now threatened. The Dept. of Public either at the Union or at places in East Safety will move out of the huts and into Lansing. We learned to live pretty well off a new building on Red Cedar Road. hamburgers," he said. Construction of that building is expected "After a term in the quonsets, we to begin later this fall. The land where the Army guys moved to Masoit It used to be quonsets are presently located is being a women's dorm, so we had to clean their considered as a possible site for the powder out of our drawers and take the proposed Performing Arts Center. doors off the While MSU's Dept. of Public Safety will potties," Zeno said. be overjoyed to move into a new building Matthew Epstein, professor of social and eventually see the quonsets razed, science, recalled living in the prefabricated some of the old residents of the barracks which he called "flat tops" on quonsets will be sorry to see them disappear. campus in 1956 and 1957, when there was no other housing available for "My wife and I have very fond faculty. memories of our years in the quonset "We look back on that time with a huts," said Arthur Vener, professor of social science, who lived in a hut between great deal of nostalgia," Epstein said. He described the barracks as long buildings 1955 and 1959. made of wood and tar which held four inese quuiwi « *w»«iuwui om^ny iiic uoriioni ana oricK •acuity for the Dept. of Public Safety, the folks who now reside "We thought they were absolutely residence halls at MSU, may soon disappear. Construction of apartments. a new within the huts, is slated to marvelous. They were cheap, and we had begin later this fall. trees outside. TTiey were private and we "They were flimsier than the liked that very much," Vener said. quonsets," he said. "The only heat came He recalled opening windows during from an oil space heater, so we opened up ASAASU tables discussion of union the winter because the central our gas stove to give us added heat. We heating even tacked always made the air too warm in the cellophane over the windows quonsets. Despite that, the quonsets were to keep out the wintry air." poorly insulated. Epstein said that he, his wife and baby '"Hie walls were metallic, and if you son felt like they were "one big family" By ROSANNE LESS while the bill was "unanimously defeated" The four areas are: "One way or another, this union will be inadvertently slept with your head against with other residents of the barracks. there were four areas that were not I State News Staff Writer yet • What objectives and student interest established I hope it is this year," the wall, you woke up with your hair 'We'd all pitch in and help one another J The ASMSU board voted Monday night sufficiently answered. When these answers would a union fulfill? ... frozen to it," Vener said. I to table further discussion on a proposed are provided, more discussion Massoglia said. with babysitting and we'd party together," on the bill • What will the union need from Before living in a quonset, Vener said he said. I bill that would unconditionally support can take place, he said. student government (office space, "I find it hard to believe that this board he and his wife lived in a trailer without I the Student Workers Union. "There are four issues that need answers executive board, etc.)? will not give vocal or financial support to a 1 He bill was defeated earlier Monday in before ASMSU can vote on the Student union that is going to exist running water, and in barracks on campus. • Where does the union expect to find anyway," he "Living in the quonsets was considered I a policy committee vote. J Greg Corona, Interfraternity Council IflFC) board representative and chairman Workers Union if we are to fairly represent our need constituency," Corona more information before said. "We we can the additional funds to meet increased student wages? • What are other said. Corona also haggled with Cain on the prestigious. There was a long waiting list to get in," Vener said. "I'd like to see the huts stay for Hopefuls plan I of the ASMSU policy committee, said that Big Ten universities appointment of Doyle O'Connor as decide." campus talks doing in the student labor area? interim chairman of ASMSU's Dept. of nostalgia reasons," he said. "But as a Labor Relations. The IFC representative faculty member, I would like to see more Paul King, College of Communication j'li' Arts representative, argued charged Cain with violating a section of permanent buildings go up. I'm surprised trustee s to become that the proposed Student Workers Union could a partisan unit. ASMSU should the ASMSU code of operations that states that board members must be notified in writing of a vacancy in the cabinet. they lasted so long. They were supposed to be obsolete when we moved in." The quonsets were built on campus in more Students will be given a chance to be responsible voters through a series of debates to be held across campus. Ibids not support or endorse the union because 1946 along with prefabricated barracks to The first debate, to include all state on proposed ASMSU is a nonpartisan student group, he said. The Dept. of Labor Relations was formed in April 1973, after a request from Cain, who was one of the organizers of the temporarily alleviate the serious housing shortage that occurred when the World War II veterans came to school. senator, state representative and county commission candidates, will be held at 7 "How can we give support? Wouldn't a p m. Thursday in Snyder Hall cafeteria. All Kellogg Center union movement. Ed MSU enrollment leaped from 5,284 in three I The regular meeting of the MSU Board union become political?'' King asked Tim parties - Republican. Democratic University officials said that though MSU Grafton, the president of ASMSU at that and Human Rights - will be represented. ■ ofTmstees will be held at 10 a.m. Friday Cain, president of ASMSU. 1945 to 13,282 in 1946. The University already takes a handicap into favorable time, appointed Cain as interim chairman rented out a Lansing trailer camp to help The debates, sponsored by ASMSU t Administration Building Board of the department, a position Cain held consideration when hiring employes, the "Will these 7,000 union members have Great Issues, will be presented Oct. 22 in absorb the overflow of people, and also (Room on the fourth floor. board will formalize the current unwritten the power to elect an ASMSU president?" until he was elected as ASMSU president the northeast lounge of put bunk beds in the gymnasium at Brody Hall, Oct. J The board will review construction bids policy and outline specific plans for King said. The minimum amount of spring term Cain then appointed Jenison Fieldhouse. Women were crowded 23 in IS2 033 Rubbatd HaQUnd Oct. 27 gfor the proposed Public Safety Building. handicapped employes in the future. students the proposed union would affect O'Connor as the interim chairman. into the upper floors of the Union and in 334 335 Case Hall. ■Staid the board award a contract to a - In other routine is 7,000. Cain contended that he did not know students were tripled up in Mayo, Williams The county commissioner candidates miittble bidder, construction on the $1.4 action, personnel that .stipulation of the code, and pointed and Campbell halls. for each locality will be the ones to InOlkn project could begin in November. changes plus* gifts and grants to the appear Charlie Massoglia, Off - Campus Council out that under the code the president In the fall of 1945, construction began in these informal debate and H Hie board will also act upon an official University will be reviewed by the board. question • (OCC) representative maintained that any could make interim appointments. on new residence halls - Phillips - Snyder answer forums. JMSU policy statement /regarding The meeting is open to all interested group or cabinet department on campus ■employment of handicapped people. members of the community. has the potential to become partisan. open thursday andfriday nights until nine. m rent at. v. V RENTAT.V. $25-00 WSwvlct per term $"10.95 p< $25.00 per term TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION -S.rv.co $10.95 AS TAUGHT BY MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI IEJAC TV RENTALS NEJAC TV RENTALS ENERGY • INTELLIGENCE • HAPPINESS ^ 337 1300 ^0 ,37l30° adi FREE PUBLIC LECTURES TODAY Energy, concentration self - expression STRANGE 1:00 323 Chemistry increase through daily experience of a unique physiological and mental state. PLANTS MM ,Mersonal opinions. on the give. Public exposure of the use of politician - whether a Rockefeller, being a bigshot is even more fun than being rich. Well intentioned, yes; in character f0, J Kennedy or Harriman - is not to be Rockefeller wealth in politics came not as revered for being "too rich to steal," but is In accepting over a half - million dollars free, Dr. William Ronan tried to have philanthropist, yes; the appearance conflict of interest, off EDITORIALS a result of a Senate committee duty, nor of the press demanding equal doing its to be watched for against." being "too rich to run tax ■ it both ways, to and now this Pere Trembley Rockefeller's Richelieu goes down in Rockefeller will have to come to absolutely grjj scrutiny, but because some government with that, or the nomination will faj| u employe invaded the privacy of income Time, too, to recognize that rich men in New York history as the first is going to have to see that light and adnjJ Ford must tax returns when it became evident that our watchdog institutions were politics are under enormous pressure to supplement the salaries of good men they "[/Eminence Grease." Surely Rockefeller's motives were good; certainly he had all these people indebted the practice is wrong and promise nf do it again. determined not to watch. bring on the public payroll. That is against Embarrassed at having been caught with the law. By careful timing, Rockefeller to him before he gave them money; and Along with the exposure of Sen. RobeJ granted, he expected nothing from them Byrd, D • W.Va., as a bit of a fraud forhj Gerald Ford's number one vice Meanwhile, the Goldberg smear their double standards showing, both the may have stayed within the law, but the presidential draft choice is fiasco has surfaced and touched off Senate and the press have belatedly skill with which rules were circumvented that he would not otherwise get, because pretension Rockefeller at his of cross examininl donned their full Watergate regalia to go shows that he was well aware that his they were all on the same team anyway. hearings, that is what J beginning to look like a third string several bitter Watergate analogies. out and smite the Rockefeller dragon. largesse was against public policy. But there is a sign on the political wall good about showing that the "myth" 01 rookie. Nelson Rockefeller, it Last Thursday Rockefeller testified There is good and bad in these tardy And it is timely to remind anyone that reads, "no tipping allowed." When the political power of Rockefeller is true. wealtjl seems, cannot even succeed in that his brother was responsible for Now here is where it is bad. covering up his coverups. financing book of Weareou a smears against for blood. The atmosphere is such that Congressional examiners are time Rockefeller opponent wl. one - cannot merely reproach a nominee fal beginning to unearth some of the Arthur Goldberg. Two days later, what we find, listen to his remorse oT more decrepit hallmarks of Rocky's under congressional questioning, certain episodes and then judge his fitnJ East coast political career. They are on the whole. Rocky admitted his own Instead, we are caught up in a total wi discovering his flair for "gift - responsibility for the smear. on reputation, a habit of finding si giving." They are gazing with Furthermore, Rockefeller's weakness in a career and then moving iJ suspicion at his recent "white lie" policies as governor have been for the kill. Even the victims pass ahl about involvement in the Goldberg anything but successful. His the savagery, as Abe Fortas denounce® smear. They are remembering that infamous "get tough" drug policy Nixon, and Thomas Eagleton, soundinl Rockefeller's own party has in New York was remarkable only like old Joe McCarthy, lashes out at Petel Flanigan, and the habit of tearing do J repeatedly rejected him for national for its ineffectiveness. His hasty public men beegmes ever more ingrained! office. actions at Attica are still heralded Is that what we want? Have we becomJ And this last point would set a by liberal and conservative alike as the prisoners of our own mora fine precedent for the' senators now products of a mind that thinks big revolution? Will the only nominees able the Vietnam -veteran has ; his patience has worn so thin over the two years, what place is free of anti president stand trial for criniial House, and is expected to easily State News was a tissue of faulty reasoning. delaying tactics of the defendants and Nixon feeling? Shall we move the trial to wrongdoing. The odd thing is that at thf $eejn the most maligned vet in pass the Senate. He claims the Watergate conspiracy trial their lawyers that his actions will now be San Clemente or Key Biscayne? No. time Safire claimed that it was r American nistory. He has been put The bill provides some needed of Mitchell, et. al. is in the wrong place, precipitous. But there is no evidence of Anyone who reads the newspaper knows Nixon's underlings who were guilty I down, tossed around and denied benefits, but these are not enough. because Washington, D. C., is a hotbed of that. how painstaking the jury selection process actual crimes. Now that Dick is off tl anti - Nixon feeling; is run by the wrong benefits given to veterans of For instance, the bill limits Finally there is the claim that there has been to avoid this kind of charge. hook, however, we're supposed to thinl for judge, because John Sirica gained reknown can't be a fair trial in Washington because We should not be at all surprised that that nobody in the administration isguiltfl previous wars. increases vocational by his original cracking of the case so many of anti - Nixon sentiment. Where are the Safire failed to see how unpersuasive his Maybe Safire thinks that Krogh, Hunt Whether the latter snub results rehabilitation, apprenticeships and months ago; and is held on the wrong opinion polls to substantiate this claim? "evidence" really is. After all,he is the man the Cubans engineered the coverup. mainly from the sagging economy on - the - job training to 18.2 per charge, because conspiracy charges are a With letters to the White House running 4 who urged us not to impeach Richard James R. Shanks, 1518 A Spartan I //kei .tl or from widespread disgust with cent. "copout" used "when the prosecutor to 1 against the Nixon pardon and Nixon because we would then have to graduate assistant in philosophy cannot prove the crime itself." None of anything to do with Vietnam is not This discriminates against GIs these reasons are substantiated. certain. Recently Congress passed a who want to extend their Satire's claim about conspiracy charges GI education bill, which President educations outside usual college is only a halftruth. What makes the Ford has threatened to veto, channels. Since the world needs charges so insidious is that the prosecutor designed to create equity for more plumbers and less liberal arts must show the state of mind of an alleged Vietnam veterans. majors, the wisdom of limiting offender because there is no other The bill, which unfortunately vocational benefits is questionable. evidence of his intentions at the time of CONCERT HALL was watered down, still gives GIs in the act. Such the was case against the For people who like their classical college a 23 per cent increase in Even the ogre of inflation Chicago Seven. But that is not the case music live, what a relief it will be when benefits. It would also institute a provides Ford with np justification here. We have thousands of feet of tape MSU has a concert hall worth its musicians $600 per year loan program and to discriminate against Vietnam era which conclusively show what the and audiences. defendants actually said in private The State News article on the proposed extend maximum GI benefits from vets,who put their lives on the line 36 to 45 months. The latter benefit when war was no longer patriotic. conversations prior to, during and after building and its location however, makes the Watergate coverup. some of us nervous. There is no mention which would allow ex - GIs nine If America owed educational of accoustical excellence as a goal of the As for "Maximum John" Sirica's more months of benefits to benefits to those who fought in the architects. Just "freedom of design." objectivity, it appears that Safire would complete their uuergraduate popular "wars of salvation" earlier have us believe either that a federal judge Actually, whether the building staggers in this century, the nation must who has conducted himself with the eye or the ear or some divine balance college education, must be between the two, it is not going to be extended to cover graduate study. provide at least an equivalent boon noteworthy fairness, respect for the law worth what it costs if access to it depends and respect for the rights of defendants (as President Ford should not veto to those who fought without the convicted burglars like Egil Krogh have on competition for campus entry and this bill, especially since it has solace of "righteousness" on their parking when concerts coincide with publicly testified), has become so am sure if motorists would only show received unanimous support in the side. infatuated with fame that he is now sports at the Ice Arena and Jenison. POLICE SUPPORTED For as long as the Music courtesy and respect it would be Building has I read the article in the Oct. 9 Sfl housed concerts across the street from reciprocated by the traffic controllers and even the Women's IM and the Library, officers. News about Roger Addelson. They way! musicians and audiences have sweat the Barbara Ann Davis tells the story makes the police sound ■ the lawbreakers instead of himself. Iffl The Doctor's Bag problem of parking on campus. Now that there is an opportunity to do better than the last time, why does the LAWS IGNORED 233 River St. had shown a little responsibility last and paid those tickets promptly, he sprB wo® planning Two articles on your front page Friday BY ARNOLD committee not grab it and sponsor a seem to show the utter disdain of the not have had this problem. As I see it,| WERNER, M.D. building equal to its fine purpose? did it to hirpself, and if he is unavailaB Copyright 1974 people in the Milliken campaign and MSU Mary F. Davis administrators for the laws during the day and the police have ■ of* this 215 Kensington Road country. come calling at one in the morning, if his doing and no one else's. FOOTBALL TRAFFIC According to election laws, candidates Tim Lee would be a good idea to have a public After working as a student traffic are required to identify what party they 971 N. Hubbard II Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at beginning of the summer I had plenty of director for my second year, I have come are with on their literature. To do MSU Health Center. Names need not be interest group operate condom machine time to make observations and to ask to the conclusion that the attitude taken by otherwise is misleading. included unless a personal reply is concessions in college dormitories. The some discrete questions. Personally, to Brad Sullivan in his letter Friday is an associate Bill Milliken with the Human requested. profits could be used to provide free To begin with, the navel (umbilicus) is unfortunate one taken by many who are Rights party makes me nauseous. Mr. Roger Addelson, you pompous 4 contraceptive services to the needy. round. The ultimate shape of the The Will you please explain why are not placed upon the ordinary display condoms Ironically, contraceptive foams, jellies umbilicus is dependent upon what kind of caught in MSU football traffic. The job of the traffic directors and officers is to keep federal access law, which MSU is choosing to ignore, is another case. This Why would the police expect you to down and pay the tickets the coj and applicators are on display as self - pulling and tugging goes on in the University is already telling people where shelves in drug stores instead of in some service items in pharmacies, even though abdominal wall and for some reason, the traffic continually moving in one direction morning if you had not bothered to (r drawer behind the counter? It would be away from campus. By stopping a car to to live, with whom to them in the first place? You talk of poi live, what classes to — condoms are not. Clearly, this is a sex of the belly button's owner. nice to be able to compare brands, various talk to an officer, one immediately causes take, denying them the right to see harassment, but they were only d0B situation of antimale sexism designed to Women who have never had children features of each, prices and the like as one student ratings of instructors and now embarrass men by making them get a backup in the flow of traffic. If an their job because you neglected y® does with most other nonprescription indeed seem to have more longitudinal officer had to listen to every car that this. The University is, in permission to have intercourse. navels than round ones. But women who that it isn't going to effect, saying responsibility in the first place. You tr items. Moreover, one would not need to stopped to relate a similar plight, no one comply with the law * of protection, and that is exactly #1 A while back I published a description have been pregnant have had considerable search out a salesperson, and hope that the would get off campus for quite a few until it is forced to. Students are of various types of condoms and a guide already they were doing, protecting the rights* salesperson would not giggle, make a smart stretching of the abdominal wall and this hours. As the situation stands, it only second - class citizens, and remark, etc. when one inquires about to their use. If the interest is high, I will be seems to account for the change. If there takes one hour to clear traffic after the Robert Perrin are doing their best to people like keep the people who abide by these laws. Please do contact your guberna <1 JP condoms. Let's do away with this vestige happy to provide an updated guide for is enough time between pregnancies and them there. ' consumers. In the meantime, going into a the woman does not gain weight, game. This is a minimal amount of time candidate and your representative, of prudery - put condoms on the counter. usually This country is established on the pharmacy and asking the pharmacist about the abdominal wall reverts to its considering the number of people idea bring it up at the Ingham County Some states have distinct rules original attending the game. that all people are equal. what kinds of condoms he or she sells state and the umbilicus more or less does Apparently MSU meeting. I am sure that they want to w regarding the sale of condoms which The obvious solution to Sullivan's thinks that some are more represents a reasonable test of the same. Even so, some women who have equal than their time on someone who, had he a * indicate that they must be dispensed by a problem is to avoid driving others. The law states that students assertiveness. on campus for have by the law in the first place, wouia J never been pregnant have round ones. that one hour. "the right to inspect and review pharmacist and cannot be a self - service any and have someone waking him up a r item. Such is the case in Michigan, which Is it true that the shape of the navel is Interestingly, men do not have As for the actions of the campus all official records, files, and data different in women who have never been directly ungodly hour of 12:30 a.m. .L also explains why condom vending longitudinal navels even when thin and officers, I can only defend them. I, other related to them." If I want to go in and For Steve Orr and the respo ■ machines are not found here either. 'Tis a pregnant compared to women who have muscular. For some reason, the pull on the students and officers have been subjected see what they have about me, they'd damn been preqnant? I have heard that women umbilicus is lateral in men and vertical in to the most abusive language and obscene well better show me. If the people at the State News, I congra V pity because condom vending machine Watergate who have been prelum women. I suppose if there is to be a you on an article of such import811 ■ certainly would be more in the public never have a part gestures, not to mention the times some of trials have taught us anything, it should be interest and do more for the public health longitudinal navel and those who have of the body to remain shrouded in us have been nearly run down, because an that no one is above the law. the front page accompanied by a nin | -fiveinch picture. than bubble gum machines, which are been pregnant have a round one. Siuce I was A FREE Film mens im building sports , arena. 9 pm showing how JBL speakers are made will be presented by Dick at the tickets available at the msu union , tollowing times: discount records. and recordland for $3 OCTOBER 17 - E. Lansing 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm & 7:00 pm IA Union Activities MEN'S FASHION CLOTHING OCTOBER IB Board & MSU Development Fund 305 E. Grand River at M.A.C. - Lansing 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm Project EAST LANSING . FREE RECORDS The first 20 persons at each film showing will receive a copy of "Sessions by Hey, chicken lovers- JBL." An excellent record describing an actual re¬ cording session and speaker evaluation tips. come on over to The Other Fried! • FREE REFRESHMENTS JBL SNEAK PREVIEW ★★★★ Wednesday **** An exciting new loudspeaker to set a new high Family Night standard of design and construction. Beautiful! NEVER SHOWN BEFORE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC Special 3 pieces of chicken, cole slaw, gashed biscuits. potatoes and gravy, j.«at f'me discover the toucha honey Reg. 1.65 Fr' rnuCe 'n ^amous R®cipe, The Other l 16 ^'cken. Delicious dipped-in-honey Now only *1.15 a e^, fried really crisp and all the way rougn. No wonder 1900 East Kalamazoo 402 S. WASHINGTON, LANSING 245 ANN STREET, E. LANSING er *o people who cross 4500 South Cedar The Other Fried Chicken stay there! 3007 N. East St. (U.S. 27 North) 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, October | WILS Presents- Tiny landsca enthral a By PAT CLYDE State Naws Reviewer Matsuo Tomita, a soft spoken man in a kimono, enthralled MSU audiences this past week by creating miniature Japanese landscapes with fragments of branches and flowers. In a visit sponsored by the Asian Studies Center, Tomita demonstrated Ikebana, the ancient Japanese art of flower arranging at a workshop this week. 8:00 p.m., Monday, November 4 He is a first degree master in the Ohara School of Ikebana, which is based in Tokyo but has branches throughout the world, CIVIC CENTER IN LRNSING including Grand Rapids. Tickets: $6.50 - $5.50 - $4.50 Of the many different arrangements, Tomita demonstrated the ^ Choice Seats Now! - Box Office Now Open! most basic: the upright style, the free style and the landscape. Lan»ln| Civic Center. Mail ■% | The landscape style best indicates the creative imagination that Orders: payable to CARPENTERS SHOW, lend to JI .V Civl Civic Center, SO} W. Allegan, Laming Ml 41923, ~ H is necessary for this art. The artist must create aesthetically and realistically a scenic view. •W- with self • addressed, stamped, envelope. m/9 ' In the corner of a long, shallow ceramic bowl filled with water, Tomita anchored a one and a half foot - long slender maple branch. It arched toward the center of the bowl so that it THE 1 PORNO V resembled in miniature a lifesize maple tree arching over a river. QUEEN! 1 He arranged bunches of princess pine at the base of the branch, so that together they resembled the banks of a river. Tomita stressed the importance of consistency and proportion. He pointed out that chrysanthemums were appropriate to use with the freshly picked maple because the flower blossomed in autumn. Tulips that blossom in spring would be inappropriate, he SN Photo/Jim Bush explained. Matsuo Tomita demonstrates Ikebana, the ancient Japanese art of flower arranging. Tomita gave several He then showed that it would be unrealistic to use the large demonstrations of his miniature creations at MSU in the past week as a guest of the Asian Studies Center. bunch of chrysanthemums he had because it was as large as the slender "trunk." So he scaled the bunch down, clipped the buds | BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 630 SHOW STARTS M | with only a few leaves and placed them among the crabmoss. manic M CM HHTiltS OfTIOMi TWIN DRIVE IN THEATRE Black culture show tryouts set As autumn a final touch to create the seasonal mood, he ■ colored maple leaves in the water to drift. dropped small Auditions for "Black Arts readings from American black directed by Gaines, Pat Ford A GREAT DOUBLE Appreciation," a cultural variety program, will be held at poetry, a musical adaptation of "The Lady Sings the Blues" and Michael Gordon. Musical directors are Charlotte Steele FEATURE Two fine films McQUEENj 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the called "Lady Day," andaplay and Glenda Pittman. Virgil MacGRAWl Williams Hall black culture by MSU student Robert Uaines Taylor is the technical director. on one great program THE «r room. called "Bouquet of Black Roles are available for both BLUE getaway! black and white players. The program will include Starts Friday: •miXED COmPflNY' Starring BARBARA HARRIS JOSEPH B0 L0GNA (PG) TOM BOSLEY Open 1:15 - Last Day... at 1 45 - 3:40 - 5:35 7:30 -9:30p.m. THURSDAY OPEN AT 6:45 P.M. "PHASE IV" (PG) pLAYGIRLS OF THE ($4$1.00)| FEATURE AT^ p—. LIBERATION ARMY'« Now in it's 7th Hilarious Week! open at 7:00 p.m. 's Awouao.-downtown Feature 7:40 - 9:30 1974's MOST HILARIOUS WILDEST MOVIE IS HERE! ' "Insanely funny, outrageous and irreverent." -PLAYBOY MAGAZINE \ PROGRAM IHfOBMATION 1326944 FINAL WEEK! - Sat - Sun Miction State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 16, 1974 7 Mo mnniT fliPI) ctbdiT (UPI) ®tin« •• "bad Oitinj "bad to to worse" *orse" slumP Bell slump inIn earnings, earnings, ••u)o admits service ' Telephone Co. announced a general austerity TheyWeJ0n' alreadyt need know.t0„tel1 anyone what's happening. ■ Bell "They already know." "A storm during the July 4 weekend at Traverse I Mi*n ^e 25 and told customers to expect delays and So far, he said, the cutback has meant: City knocked out service to a lot of our customers," Smith said. "We sent 88 Dan E. Smith, vice president • A of drop of 800 employes, who now number 31,333 and still nien out to make emergency repairs. We used to send out 300 on i Michigan Bell reports that that is exactly Michigan Bell Telephone Co. make Michigan Bell the state's fourth • That service largest private employer; requests take up to seven days to fulfill now as assignments like that." I ^l^KterioraUng "Service i day to day," Vice President Dan E. opposed to a maximum of two days before the austerity The backlog of people who has grown to 1,400 from a are awaiting telephone installation permanent average of 600, another I Smith said. " 'No one can see It, but one day it will catch up with announcement. JStf °.ma11 increase wouJd additional revenue per produce $111.4 million in • Long distance call delays and, more obvious to many sign of the slowdown. Michigan Bell officials often cite the cost of living index to year, a sum that the company says it needs \ m. eXecutives think it already has. to reverse its earnings slump. * customers, delays in reaching information operators, and show that telephone bills are rising at a slower rate than other r ' Danv, which has 2.7 million customers and five million But the company insists it is not • Less maintenance of the company's vehicle fleet and a consumer items. twisting political or public slowdown in its projected $53 million construction i hones in service in Michigan, still is seeking Public Service opinion arms by reporting that service program in 90 Rates have risen 15.8 per cent since 1967 while the overall installation and I asion (PSC) approval to raise its basic monthly rate by maintenance has worsened. cities and towns across the state. The most dramatic price index has gone up 43.5 per cent. "We don't need to tell signs that things tighter 1 $1.30 to $1.85. anyone what's happening," Smith said. are occur during "In comparison with the prices of most other goods and emergencies. services," company president David K. Easlick said, "telephone service remains a bargain, not a burden." The company reports current profits of 6.7 Ford outlines citizen anti-inflation plan per cent, which Easlick called the worst earning record in the nationwide Bell system. "We're going down and down," Easlick said. "We've got to tum it around." Farmers of KANSAS CITY Mo. (AP) America chided lawmakers and other for the other 'marshmallows' in citizens • Business and labor should ■ president Ford outlined a 12 - convention here, the President critics for their lukewarm can fight inflation, the called on citizens to my latest message" that President |Doint voluntary program postpone response to his proposals. included a 5 per cent surtax. added two only raise prices or wages to 1 xuesdav night for Americans unnecessary borrowing, save Noting that some said he "But if they don't like my recommendations - reduce the extent that costs or services more, shop for bargains and waste and guard health - to ■ to become inflation fighters had offered absolutely require; drive more slowly. "only a menu, I may be back with the 10 points recommended by I and energy savers and warned He declared that "a marshmallow" instead of some his Citizens' Action Committee • "Insist on productivity great tough turkey, the ■ Congress he may propose citizens asking the nation to "bite the President said, adding "1 sense to Fight Inflation headed improvements where you mobilization has by ■ tougher measures if it balks at begun" in the wake of his bullet," Ford declared that that the American people are columnist Sylvia Porter. work" to wasteless time and I lib economic proposals. Congress rejected a proposed material; I national radio • economic proposals to hungry for some tougher stuff Its 10 recommendations |„ a delay in federal pay raises and to chew tonight." are: • ■ television speech at the Future Congress a week ago but has not "shown much • "Bring budgeting back in "Shop wisely, look for appetite In listing ways ordinary style" by balancing family bargains... and brag about the fact you are a bargain hunter;" budgets and expecting Fraternity brothers get shots to help prevent hepatitis government officials to do the same; • Postpone unnecessary • Work to eliminate "outmoded regulations that keep costs of goods and borrowing and wait for interest services _ (continued from page 1) the injections at all, he said. strongly points to hepatitis, needles which are subsequently rates to come down "as they high and to enforce liaised enough commotion that The injections last six to eight Feurig said. used by another person. Feurig will;" regulations that advance delivered at weeks, and are administered at efficiency, health and safety;" | the serum ' Diagnosis can be certain said this is a drastic problem in "Save as much as you can 11:30 p.m. Tuesday. regular intervals to those in the after a blood test, and drug traffic, especially in — and watch your money • "Plant WIN gardens for I Lovelv also arranged for the foreign service and the Peace injections of gamma globulin Detroit. yourself or within your grow;" Iregular charge of 50 cents per Corps who work in areas where are immediately administered Hepatitis can also be • "Conserve energy" by community" and pool other |I person to be dropped, a there is a high number of in the intramuscular areas, transmitted when blood is observing the 55 m.p.h. speed skills; and spokesman for the Sigma Chi's hepatitis epidemics. commonly into the buttocks. transfused from a donor who limit, using public transit and • Assist recycling 1 said. Symptoms of the disease Hepatitis in most commonly has hepatitis. car pools and walking more; and reuse scrap programs materials. J A spokeswoman for the rank in three stages. First, the transmitted through I health center said the center victim feels tired, much like contaminated food or I lad received calls all afternoon ■ from persons worried about with mononucleosis, and has trouble digesting food, beverage, and most reaches epidemic proportions often THE CREATIVE ARTS COLLECTIVE The ■contracting hepatitis. particularly fats. Secondly, when a water supply is found I Tom Selleke, roommate of ■the stricken Almada, said, "A vomiting, discoloration nausea of the and urine to be connected or a sewer. leaking into Peanut ■ lot of people didn't like it, but Though less common, Barrel occur. an ■some of us took it easy and The third stage where the infected individual can transfer ■just thought it was funny. skin and eyes turn yellow, the virus through unsterilized 521 E^Grand River I "I'm not worried about it, ■but some of the girls who ■visited here are upset about TONIGHT! ■getting shots," he said. J Several fraternity brothers ■expressed concern that women New Age Visionary To Speak Weolr\esc|cr Oc+ober llf RoscoeH^c^ and ild not want to go out ■them, fearing contraction of with HEAR THESE LECTURES: Ss|Sp.m. the. F\yU ■hepatitb Collective. Ensemble k , "Mans Response to Energy" J Feurig said there was no "Preparation for Destiny" ■long term cure for hepatitis, "Wisdom Schools of N. iLlftdrvt^day OctoberdlB fee rinn sometimes causes, ■death but with America and Scotland" S'.lSpX treatment ■chances of recovery are very In these lectures Norman Creamer will I Hiere is no long - term introduce to you the Aquarian lifestyle - a means both to personal fulfillment and success Hncrine like we have for polio Bud small pox to prevent and to a peaceful and enlightened world in the Cor\cchts Returning future. h to the MSU jhepatitis. though ■searchers many Tonight Oct 16 & 17 7:30 p.m. arc working on it." Auditorium T>kl Feurig. T5E SKY T/tE/ITRE by popular i he gamma though they receive abrams planetarium demand! globulin injections tople might contract the ■epititis, though in a milder Tickehi$3-00 +*-kets available how at: POP ENTERTAINMENT & Abt-s mjTlonctqr'iom, porci than if they had not had Discount Rtcol-ds, dhJ Reg. $1.93 1 . JL 0 statewide GOP ticket were Limit 1 17141 635-3453 (COUPON) (COUPON) expected to follow suit Expires Oct. 20, 1974 Expires Oct. 20, 1974 Tuesday. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Total contributions to APPLY NOW FOR DAY, EVENING, OR WEEKEND Beebe's campaign were CLASSES BEGINNING FEBRUARY 3, 1975 $2,841.51, plus some free meals, lpdging, printing, SOUP MUGS SN photo/John Russell postage and four bushels of apples. Her expenditures outstripped donations by PROVISIONALLY ACCREDITED BY THE BAR EXAMINERS OF THE COMMITTEE OF STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA Reg.B $1.00 LIMIT 8 coupon) Expires Oct. 20. 1974 44* East Lansing Store Only Tom Helton, a worker for the MSU Waste Control Authority, operates a $12.74. bailing machine that was built by the group at a fraction of the cost of similar 4 cup Electric commercially built machines. ALUMINUM HO T POTS RESEARCH SENIORS "V§ LIM IT 2 Thousands of Tcpi» fi We'll be YOU CAN NOW GET Reg. $2.25 £(P||°I kS.'S PON) 1.73 $2.75 per pageb-"4' Send for your up-to-date, CLOSED WEDNESDAY YOUR FREE GE mail order catalog. Enclose frOO SUNLAMP to cover postage (delivery time is 1 to 2 days). to prepare KIT JOY RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. SENIOR PICTURES Dishwashing Liquid 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE s2 GRAND OPENING LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90025 (213) 477-8474 or 477-5493 Thursday thru Sunday FOR THE 1975 Reg. $15.00 9.95 32 oz. Reg. 894 /QC O / Limit 1 Umit 1 (COUPON) (COUPON) Don't buy a stereo anything 'til you've seen Expires Oct. 20, 1974 WOLVERINE East Lansing Store Only Expires Oct. 20. 1974 East Lansing Store Only ^ftStereo yearbook in FORMULA 44 Vicks / V Sfioppe 555 E. Grand River Ave., East Lansing , Rm 36R Union IVORY Reg. 56c Soap *T \J 3 oz. Cough Syrup Reg. $1.09 A"7C 0/ 353-5292 LIMIT 2 COUPON) Expires Oct. 20, 1974 (COUPON) Expires Oct. 20, 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only IHE GRADUATE SYSTEM ASPIRIN COTTON BALLS 5 GR 100's 1 Q« 260's CO C Reg. 394 | 7 Reg. 96lta|i is made better than this BELL'S harvest Sale! MelNTOSH APPLES IN YOUR CONTAINER 10* OFF LABEL FAB GIANT IAUNDRV DETERGENT pizza 49 OZ OM.A.C. 332-5027 WT BOX n Every Day MEIJER ARMOUR There is a | III"HI mut I) AT difference!!! 'REPARATION FOR: Over 35 yeari experience and success TREET 12 Wt. Can oz. HI-PRO 3 Lb. Package BURGER Smell classes Lt AT Voluminous home LUNCHEON MEAT I L Studv m(,erl<1' per lb. 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SAGINAW - 2055 W GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA Wednesday, October 16,1974 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Spartans' Smith learns value of academics By PAT FARNAN that he had neglected himself will stress the education. importance of professionally but it's a long coaching. The switch has made a big MSU coach Denny Stolz said after the game in one of his I'm supposed to be even if the play appears to be going the State News Sports Writer in the classroom. way away yet," he said. "Ill MSU defensive end Otto "In high school I was an "It's been difficult for me just wait and see how things difference in Smith's few positive observations. other way." Smith has learned his lessons athlete, and that is what was to change and concentrate on fall in place. Right now I'm performance on the field and Smith was in on 13 tackles last year's Ohio State game the hard way and now the emphasized," he recalled. studying," Smith said. "But it looking forward to coaching. I in the classroom because of the Saturday and dropped U - M's was Smith's big break. Inserted lanky junior wants to make "When I came to college I held was really important for me to learned that if I couldn't play discipline he has learned. Dennis Franklin twice, once in the starting line - up for the make that change." professionally, I needed to for a 12 - vard loss. He also things a little easier for myself in the same regard. I've He has made 32 solo tackles first time, Smith responded by someone else. really had to bear down on Smith, at 6 - 3, 207 pounds, have something to fall back forced the Wolverine and been in on 22 others for a earning Spartan defensive Smith waded through four academics as a result." isMSlTssecond leading tackier on." quarterback into a fumble but is not overly optimistic That is where academics total of 54 this season, just which teammate Mike Duda player of the week honors. He years of high school football in A physical education major, four behind linebacker Terry dropped Buckeye quarterback South Carolina and another Smith plans to enter coaching about playing pro ball. entered the picture and Smith recovered. McClowry. Smith has also Cornelius Greene three times after graduation and says he "I'd like to play directed hi^ interests to Smith attributes his year at MSU before he realized sacked opponents six times for losses in that contest. improved play to experience, behind the line of scrimmage discipline and good coaching. for a total of 30 yards and "It helps to have playing In the classroom, Smith caused a pair of fumbles. time under your belt," he said. now maintains slightly better "You learn a great deal just by than a 2.0 average, but it was He performed brilliantly in Ann Arbor Saturday during the being in there. Coach (Howard) not always that way. He has Weyers has been a big plus, learned his lessons, and Smith Spartans' 21 - 7 defeat. "Otto Smith was a great too. We work together a lot, and the Spartans are happy and I've learned to stay where with the results. OTTO SMITH football player for us today," Undefeated MSU with 'tiny' Spring By DAN SPICKLER scoring column after last Saturday's 0 • 0 tie with Oakland. State News Sports Writer "You would think Oakland thought they won the way they I On the surface today's soccer contest between MSU and Spring were counting down the final seconds of that game," Rutherford I said. Arbor looks like an unfair matchup. "You can't take the credit away from Oakland, they did tie us, Here is a soccer squad from a school with a student body of over 40,000 traveling to a little college of 900. Yet the contest but I think the shot - on - goal totals tell the story," he remarked. I with Spring Arbor will be a tough one and MSU will have to MSU outshot the Pioneers 19 - 7, showing the pressure the I continue its fine early season play to win against the pesky Spartans were able to put on Oakland goalie Dennis Macalak. Cougars. "They've only got 900 students, but they all support soccer. There's a lot of enthusiasm at that school and I'm sure they'll be tough to beat," MSU soccer coach Ed Rutherford said. Spring Arbor goes into the battle with a 3 - 3 - 3 record, while STEVE STEIN MSU carries a 3 - 0 - 1 mark. Rutherford remarked that Spring Arbor's game experience advantage (9-4) will certainly be a ..V witrV factor in the contest. MSU defensemari Jim Stelter collides with an SN Oakland University player while both were going for the ball photo/Charlie Kidd Spring Arbor has never been an easy pushover for the Spartans, though MSU has won all three previous meetings between the two Prices too high during the Spartans' 0 - 0 tie with the Pioneers Saturday. MSU, with a 3 - 0 - 1 seasonal record, will meet teams. Spring Arbor on the road today and Ohio State here Saturday. Stelter, one of the squad's co captains, has In 1971, the Cougars took a 2 - 1 beating. The last two years for game played a big part in helping hold Spartan opponents to just two goals in the four games. ■ the Spartans have edged the tiny school, 1 • 0. Soccer teams from tickets Spring Arbor are notedfor their outstanding defense. "If we keep hustling, we'll give them a good game," Rutherford said. "Our guys have shown a lot of courage and 1,500 TICKETS ALREADY SOLD enthusiasm, and we hope to continue it," he added. Spring Arbor coach Vernon Dunckel will rely on Tim McVey, a sophomore from Flint, playing forward, to lead the Cougars on Zaire set for Ali-Foreman bout offense. Rutherford said the Spartans will be trying to get back into the After 24 years of watching MSU hockey games standing up, between posts and through screens. Spartan fans will finally be able to sit back, relax and enjoy college hockey this season at the I I | new Munn Ice Arena. There are three package tours still available, he explained. NEW YORK (UPI) - The Stadium of the 20th of May in Costs range from $1,225 to $1,800, depending upon how much The first MSU contest is just around the comer, too, against | Kinshasa, Laurentian University on Oct. 25. Zsy|re, has 100,000 seats available for the title match between morning of Mufiinimad 0|t. 30. Ali and champion George Foreman on the of Zaire the visitor wishes to see, how long the visit and the quality of accommodations tfeired. The government, he said, wants to let everyone know that Deadline Friday As expected, ticket prices for the new arena are higher they were at old Demonstration Hall. One needs only to look thaijl at] A smiling and gracious Njoli Balanga said with pride on Kinshasa is ready and eager to have the tourists come, not only to the two facilities from a fan's viewpoint to see why. Tuesday that, as of last week, "1,500 have been sold." 1 for IM entries There are 6,000 ringside seats at $250 each. Immediately the bout, but also to visit the entire former Belgian Congo Season tickets for MSU students cost $20, or $1 per home behind them, are 1,000 seats at $180 each, and then 2,500 seats territory. Accordingly, the government has expended a great deal game. Sales ended last Friday and according to Bill Beardsley,! of money for its participation in the $20 million fight — an asst. athletic director for business affairs, about 1,700 season! at $100. All remaining seats are $10 each. Balanga, the commissioner general of tourism in Zaire, as well expenditure that will be rewarded, Balanga trusts, in a good image passes were sold. This fell within the expected range of 1,500 tol as a member of President Mobutu's staff and a member of for his country, thus leading to increased tourism and investments 1,800. The entry deadline for the intramural mixed doubles in the emerging nation's economy. Parliament, came to the United States to straighten out the chaos badminton tournament is Friday at the Women's Intramural The $20 price is extremely fair, especially when you consider! which developed when Foreman cut his right eye, forcing The technical aspects, particularly in the field of Building. First round matches will be played from 7 to 10 p.m. that it comes to just a buck per game. Season prices per game last V postponement of the match originally slated for Sept. 25. communication, have been decidedly improved in the six - week Friday at the Women's IM. All other matches will be by season were 50 cents and as Beardsley said, "The good seating! It is his mission to assure the American people that all is well and vision alone are worth the extra 50 cents." interval between the original date and the new one. Journalists in arrangement between opponents. Participants must make and ready in Zaire for the fight, and that tourists will not be Kinshasa at the time of the postponement were virtually unable "ripped off' by exorbitant travel and accommodation prices. their own court reservations and report the results at the What is distressing, however, is that student prices fori to get their stories out of the country due to inadequate facilities. Women's IM after the first round. individual games are the same as they are for the general public - Of the tickets sold, Balanga said 1,000 have gone at $250 and The deadline for entry into the Men's IM doubles handball $4 for the chairs and $3 for bleacher seats. 500 at $280, but "I am sure that many more have been sold since "There are now 33 telephone lines - there had been only one league is noon Friday. Play begins Oct. 24. I left this visit." connecting Kinshasa with the rest of the world," Balanga said For the student who still ^ants to see the Spartans play I - on through his French interpreter. "There were only 10 Telex lines Managers are responsible for knowing their team's schedule. hockey but doesn't want a season ticket, the price is a lit"'" Managers can pick up a schedule or call for playing times. previously available. Now there are 100. And the test patterns for exorbitant. the closed circuit telecast have been performing well." Competition in the Men's IM football passing contest will 2 busy days ahead Balanga also attempted to brush aside reports that the rainy continue through Thursday this week and will run Monday through Thursday next week on the main IM fields. The prices represent, in fact, increase from last season's a 300 per cent and 400 $1 individual game price. percent! season had set in, thus threatening yet another delay. "While the rainy season does begin on Oct. 1, the full effect is The competition is held during the evening game times. MSU and nine other schools around the country make up the! Anyone interested in participating should sign up in the IM trailer Western Collegiate Hockey Assn. (WCHA), the most powerful! for women's teams # ' not felt until Nov. 15, and even then the rains occur only two or three times a week for a maximum of two hours a day," he said. near the middle of the IM fields before participating. hockey conference in the country and in order to get some sort! of comparison on student ticket prices, a telephone poll of the! other schools was taken during the past few days. MSU's women's field The squad is coming off two first place finishes in Of the three other Big Ten schools in the conference, the! hockey and volleyball teams the last will be busy Thursday and two tourneys they played. University of Michigan has $1 student tickets, Wisconsin's tickets^ Friday as both squads have The team hosts the cost $2 and Minnesota's cost $2 and $3. home matches scheduled. University of Waterloo at 4 Notre Dame student tickets are $3. _ The field hockey team will p.m. Friday at the Women's face Wayne State University at IM. It's difficult to draw any sort of comparison between MSU and ! 4 p.m. Thursday at Old College MSU's tennis team faced the the other five WCHA schools because of the size differences of| the schools. field. The Spartans will be Eastern Michigan at Ypsilanti trying to improve their 1 - 1 on Tuesday. But for what it's worth, Michigan Tech charges between $1,251 season's mark after losing to, and $1.75; Denver, 75 cents and $1; Minnesota - Duluth $l,andl Western Michigan in their last North Dakota and Colorado College students get free admission,! game. The Bill Walto which is actually paid for through tuition. squad will host the Fears of students buying large numbers of tickets and scalping! University of Waterloo Friday them has been listed as the reason for keeping student prices at! with the match beginning at 4 p.m. on TV the same level as those of the general public. The volleyball team also has But depending upon the number of total season tickets sold, ■ a big match Thursday against NEW YORK (UPI) - Three • there may be a limit placed as to how many individual game! Mott Community College and time All - America Bill Walton tickets students can purchase. MSU should place a limit on howB Western Michigan at 6:30 p.m. gets a chance to face old nemesis many tickets a student can buy if this will help lower the prices. J at the Women's IM Building. Tom Burleson when the Portland Trail Blazers host the Even a $1 reduction to $2 and $3 per ticket would not only! help out students, but would put MSU on a par with the other* Seattle Supersonics Oct. 27 in major schools in the WCHA. Court lets stand the first of at least 38 National Basketball Assn. games to be Herb a class guy I exhibition ruling nationally televised by CBS. On another note, I'd like to say a few words about Herb® Walton last met Burleson in Washington, the former MSU track star now the "designated! WASHINGTON NCAA semifinal game last runner" for the Oakland A's. ■ (UPI) - an The Supreme Court Tuesday season, when Walton's UCLA let stand a lower court ruling team lost to Burleson's North Herb is one class guy. He has faced heavy criticism all season! that long, including a great deal from his own teammates, becausw professional football Carolina State squad in teams can force season ticket they don't feel someone who only runs the bases should have overtime. This time Walton will holders to also buy tickets to place on a professional baseball team. have to contend with Jim Fox, exhibition games. The justices declined to hear who has been seeing a good deal of action for Seattle at Herb is a class guy because he understands the situation he in. He has fielded the barbs thrown at him like a smooth - fielding j an appeal brought by Norbert center, as well as Sonic forward third baseman, and though his statistics weren't as impressive this] A. Laing, who buys season Spencer Haywood, likely to be season as compared with other base stealers like CatnpM tickets to Minnesota Vikings helping out on Walton. games and contended that the The network, in releasing its Campaneris, Bill North or Dave Lopes, who play the field andP bat, Herb has great confidence in his ability to achieve. "ty - in" practice violated videocast schedule Tuesday, antitrust laws. When Charlie Finley stormed into the Oakland clubhouse after! said the game will be seen at U.S. District Court Judge 4:30 p.m. EST after a Sunday's game in the same manner he did before Mike Andrews! was suddenly put on the Earl R. Larson ruled against regionally televised National "disabled list" after two costly erroR| SN photo/Rob Kozlo last year, one sports writer Laing. Larson said sports fans Football League contest, the Two MSU volleyball players block a spike attempt by a Kellogg Community College player during Friday's commented, "Uh - oh, there goes not Herb." were compelled to first of four such NFL - NBA four squad tournament, which the Spartans won. MSU also placed first out of five teams Saturday. The - purchase exhibition game twin bills. What did Herb think of the remark? tickets since there were always CBS will also telecast Spartans have two matches coming up at home this week, against Mott Community College and Western "Had I heard the comment -1 mean 'Uh • oh, there g- at least 2,500 single - game doubleheaders on Nov. 10, Michigan on Thursday, and Friday against the University of Waterloo. Both will be played at the Women's - I d have Mid Mike tickets available for purchase. Dec. 8 and Dec. 15. IM (Andrews) made two errors. I made 01 Building. one. I still have one left," Washington said. CMte News. Hast Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 16,1974 11 win* !«■«(_ coupon SAVE 15^3?" SAVE SO* "SI Eberhnhd letrdef frust CUvat We 16-Ot ftetufitiabk dtls WHITE 1 BEET 8-PflK • BUG. WEST SAG1UAW _ BREAD I SUGAR PEPSI • 93Q west m*es_BafeiL . 3301 EAST MIC«»8AN_ • 2825 EAST 6BANP RIVEC . 15487 NQgffl EAST STREET OPEK WEEKDAYS 8AM- 10PM.. AND SUNDAYS 10 AM TO 8 EM r S STEAK X SAVE 2W IB! 3-LB PK5- or MORE / SfiVE 26*\^ HflMBUES ' With Ad Coupon -Jatfs \ * save 2\<- lb!! wurrr WUtTT or- or DARK meat dark MEAT powro chips ) TRVINfr CHICKEN •V- $m 30^ quorters-48' Vf492-SH/e limit 2-p£r coupon ret GOOD THffU SAT. OCT■ rjMtt.* 19 XDd Qiir D. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 16, 1974 13 I in®** ]® For Sale |^j L ust t F-)[§] pi*** iw Ex-coach says ROLLAWAY BED 36" solid, good condition, $28. Call 373-1175 BOGEN 100 WATT P.A. Used only four months, amplifier, plus BICYCLE BOY'S, 27' 10-**ed 'FOUND: YOUNG male cat < BOARD EXAM TUTORING firing racial 3 racing bike. Like new, $65. Also (continued from page 1) desk and say, evenings. 10-J8 Shure four mike mixer. Call campus. Gray-white, 'What do you |N'W|!.nce«, cvptt. air 361-4200 between 8 am and 6 20 gallon aquarium, li^it, filter, medium-long hair. 355-9471. STANLEY H. KAPLAN performance as coach. want now'," Fuller iS**laundrv %7 SEWING MACHINE clearance salel pm. 3-10-16 etc. No stand, $50, Phone 882 5017. 3-10-16 03-10-18 Now TUTORING COURSES being formed for the Fuller said a meeting with complained. I Assistant Manser. Brand new portables $49 95. $5 par month. Large selection ot THORENS LOST: CAMEO ring, silver upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, himself, Smith and the players Fuller also claims he was the I $ nt 2 3620 Richmond. TD160 Turntable. TURQUOISE JEWELRY. Genuine settir^, ATGSB, GRE Board Exams. For concluded with Mike Kenney victim of embarrassment in a I STTi-iJ" >«•" reconditioned used machines. Singers, Whites, Necchis, New Pioneer AS600 Harmon-Kardon 75+ quad amplifier. Nevaho, Zuni. Compare my prices. 349-1706. 5-10-18 neer Eppley. Revwrd. 332-1292. 3-10-18 information 1-313-364-0086. 0-1-10-16 call losing his temper and charging that Fuller did not motivate couple of instances in which Smith was involved. 1 10-10-2' Homes and many others. $19.95 receiver. Playback Dolby MISSING: Brown shoulder purse. the team. "I had requested an to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS cassette deck. Sansui AR GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and drum BREAKFAST SET, large formica "Most of the players in the assistant coach several times, Houses DISTRIBUTING COMPANY' electrovoice speakers and many table and six chairs. 332-5728 Last seen in library. Valuable lessons. Private instruction 1116 North Washington. more papers. Call 372-3861. 4-10-21 meeting denied Kenney's but always I had been refused. quality used components. after 6 p.m. weekdays. 510-18 available. MARSHALL MUSIC. 489-6448. C-3-10-17 Portable cassette recorders and accusation and one even said Finally I found this well - Igsssa 351-7830.1-10-16 calculators. Great selection of up REWARD FOR calculator lost that of all the coaches he ever qualified guy (James Taylor) DOKORDER, 6020 Auto-Reverse between Conrad and Lot Y. Call who offered to help out with BOOKS: METAPHYSICAL Occult to date records and tapes. 35mm WANTED: BANJO teacher to teach had, I had motivated him the Reel-to-reel, 30 tapes, perfect Dave, 353-1915. 4-10-19 by Cayce, Holier, Wheetley, camera equipment, at our home. One night a week. most," Fuller said. "I should the team as long as he would J 1010-21 Lobsang, Rampa, etc. televisions end many mens and portable condition, $200. 353-2067. Okemos. Call afternoons be recognized as an assistant 3-10-16 have never gone to that IlEAS tier SlOE L"nsi"9' lar9® h0"W' 5 ; rn« 9 monfh lease, Paperbacks, 4 for $1.00. Hardbacks, very old, $1.50 and ladies leather coats. In our new music shop you'll find names FOUND: BLACK & Gray, white tiger cat at 243 Burcham. Can't 655-1102 or evenings, 349-2295. 5-10-16 meeting and it was the first coach," Fuller said. KENWOOD KR 4400 Stereo meeting I have heard of 1 ^on.h, deposit. furnished. up. Phone 339-8996. 4-11-18 like Fender, Gibson, Ampeg, Receiver. 4 Pioneer Project 100 keep. 332-0821. C-3-10-17 where the ever players were "I talked to Burt about it J $*323 1 0-10 1 6 FLEA MARKET. Open Acoustic and the all new Miller Super amplifiers. Many nice speakers. Pioneer-PL-12D Turntable. Kenwood KX710 LOST: LONGHAIRED black cat, [ Tjipig Senrice j^ allowed to dictate the and told him that the guy didn't want any money, but |:"AV HOUSE shafl carpal. Tuesday and Saturday. 10 am-6 portable manual and electric Tape deck with Dolby, $750. October 4th. Gets into cars. operation of the team." only the benefits (faculty ^ illace 3 bedrooms, 'urnilhad. pm. 1039 West Grand River typewriter. Many car cassette Call John, 489-4398 after 6 p.m. Reward. Call after 5 pm. EXPERIENCED IBM typing. "I always had an open door parking sticker, football | J campus. $270- 655-3568. (M-43) Williamston, Michigan. and 8 track decks. In our 3-10-16 351-8930; 302 M.A.C. 2-10-16 Dissertations (pica - elite). policy with every player on the tickets, etc.) that other J 5-1016 Dealer space available. 10-10-29 basement is a full assortment of mag wheels and tires. Come on COMPACT LOST: LONGHAIRED black cat, FAYANN 489-0358. C-10-31 team," Fuller contends. "Before practice everyday I assistant coaches receive. Smith 17cLQ lCC - students, 6 bedrooms, PIONEER PLA36 down to DICKER 8i DEAL STEREO • AM-FM October 4th. Gets into cars. would ask the players if they agreed and I arranged for | t0,655-2603.5-10-18^ onis^d' reasonable, 351-4140 turntable, cartridge. Shure M-91-ED Excellent condition. SECONDHAND STORE, 1701 South Cedar. 487-3886. Monday stereo, automatic changer, 8-track dust tape record player with Reward. Call after 5 351-8930; 302 M.A.c. 4-10-18 pm. IRENE papers, with ORR - Theses, general typing. Formerly Ann Brown. term 482-7487. had any gripes that they Taylor to meet Burt. Right in front of the guy's face, Burt cover. Portable stand, wanted to get out in the air. 351-6319. 3-10-18 and Friday til 9 m. Tuesday, said, 'No he can't have any —"l'aNS.NG ■ 2 bedrooms. Wednesday, Thursday and headphones. 3-10-16 $100. 882-1327. FOUND: KEYS on ring with C-10-31 Invariably, nobody said faculty sticker and no he won't Spendable people preferred. Saturday 9-6. Bank Americard leether tab on Call to anything. I suspect that my SESh-. 709 Samantha. Cash for and Master Charge. C-5-10-18 MCINTOSH 2100 POWER campus. identify 337-9292. C-3-10-16 PURPLE VICKI - Fast, accurate, inexpensive typing. Very near being black and coach of an all get any free football tickets.' I couldn't believe it," he said. 6-1018 stamps coins Amplifier, TEAC A3340 quad campus. 337-7260. C-10-31 - white team could have been Another instance in which Buy Sell Trade DINING SET. Drop-leef cherry ten inch reel to reel tape deck, FOUND: CAT, All black, young, the reason for the lack of 1^7 NEAR 3 bedroom house, - - full line of supplies wood, 5 chairs, 3 inset leafs. TEAC AN300 Quad Dolby. vicinity of Fee Hall. Call ANN BROWN communication." Fuller says he was put on the 1 fireplace. g»*; $275 plu« utilities. bi*mant Phone MID • MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN Large oak desk. Call after 4 pm, Technics SL1100 turntable, Marianne, 353-7379. C-3-10-16 typing and multilith offset printing. CompleteMrvice Fuller had been the only spot reneging on because a of Smith's previous 1880 HASLETT Rd 332-4300 351-6833. 5-10-18 Sony STR-6120 FM stereo for dissertations, black head coach of a Big Ten 371 2400 1 0-10-28 LOST: theses, commitment occurred two receiver, Bose 601 Speakers. WE BLACK address-date manuscripts, general typing. varsity sport. lutpn TWO roommates. Furnished J" COUPON 10% off all supplies I APPLES • GOLDEN Knob Orchard. Pick your ownl 8:30 am-6pm. MAKE TRADESI Much more book. 3-10-16 Rewerd. ' 351-3041. IBM. 25 years experience. The way in which Fuller years ago when the University of Munich soccer team visited quality stereo equipment T ,il bedroom house. $85/plu. } Expires 10/11/74 | 651-5435,651-6430. 3-10^18 WILCOX SECONDHAND 349-0850. C-10-31 says he was notified of his MSU for a game. dismissal also did not wear well | utj|jties McLaughlin, 353-7230. 400 RALEIGH QUALITY STORE (509 East Michigan LOST: SET of three keys by COMPLETE THESES Service with him. "I had informed Burt that J 510-21 LAFAYETTE 1500 Amplifier. 63 - bicycles 10,5, 3 speeds. Special prices. Avenue, Lansing). 485-4391. Student Services. Please return. 3534255. 510-17 Discount Printing. IBM Typing "They told Rutherford the Munich team had requested C-12-10-31 fclET CONSERVATIVE flirls - watts rms, $225. Garrad 95 Limited time. Call now! and binding of dissertations and publications. Across from about the decision two weeks a game with us here and he assured me that I could go J 349-9143/332-5497. 41018 $65/$75. changer, $35. 373-2897. 3-10-17 WHITE METAL table top kitchen 484-0362. GENE'S BICCYCLE SHOP, 702 West Barnes Avenue. 5-10-22 GARAGE SALE. 701 West Grand River, Williamston. October 19. Lamp, furniture, small djspZI campus corner Grand River. Below Jonas M.A.C. and Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday before they told me," he said. "In fact, they never did tell me. I finally had to call Burt to ahead with the necessary arrangements. A week before - cabinet, 4 drawers and 2 shelves. CIDER TIME at CORDA WEST the team was supposed to be ■EXTRAORDINARY two appliances, antiques, Friday. Call COPYGRAPH verify it." Set of Wedgewood dishes. SWEET CIDER - Atwood's women's-men's winter clothing. CIDER MILL. 5817 North here I went into Burt's office n bedroom furnished, newly SERVICES, 337-1666 C-10-31 Fuller also says that several 489 1052.3-10-17 Cider tor ium. 1011 West Grand 3-10-18 Okemos Road, East Lansing. and asked him about money j ^nted Garage, basment, trees, River, Laingsburg. Open daily 9 Phone 337-7974. Open 7:30 of his players knew about his for the Munich team's lodging I grass 236 Fairfield, Lansing. BOY'S DELUXE Schwinn am-6 pm. 651-5218. BL-3-10-18 STEREO COMPONEnT set, 280 a.m.-7 p.m. 20-10-23 TYPING TERM Papers and theses dismissal before he did. and meal expenses," Fuller J $175 332 3398 3 1 0 1 7 10-speed. Good condition. $100. watt receiver. Bose 501 speakers, Experienced, fast service. IBM electric. Call 349-1904. 18-10-31 "There's no excuse for that, but it was indicative of the related. IfQUR bedroom, bath. 487-1576. 3-10-17 APPLES, CIDERI M99 to Columbia, West 1 mile. South turntable records, etc. $675. Phone 487-9372. 5-10-16 THE ALOHA kind of treatment Smith gave "He told me that money 1 Modem spacious home on two GENERAL ELECTRIC Cannister 1'/« mile to 495 South Smith, THESES, RESUMES, typing and me all the while he has been hadn't been set aside for the I acres. Suburban Williamston. Eaton Rapids. 3-10-18 WILLING TO stand out in the Hawaiian printing. Reasonable prices. J j3Q0. For appointment, sweeper with attachments. A-1 the athletic director," Fuller Munich team's visit. I asked crowd? Then check the COMMERCIAL PRINTING, I 655-2918.4 1 0-18 shape. $13. 393-1510. C-1-01-17 said. him what should I do, and he 10 FAMILY GARAGE sale. Fruitcakes and 3514116. C-10-31 outstanding autos in today's "As a head coach, Smith told me to try and work SONY TC-20 automobile cassette Wednesday, October 16, from 5 Classified Ads. Candies ■ EAST, THREE bedroomi, never gave me the respect and something out on my own," stereo player. Excellent until 8 pm. and Thursday, n Street 351 191 | carpeted. $195. Magnolia Street. condition. $55. 371-4471. October 17, 9-6 pm. Household fair treatment that he showed Fuller said. "Since it was too 351-0997.3-10-18 APPLES, CIDER, PUMPKINSI FREE the other coaches. My presence late to cancel the game, my 3-10-17 goods, box springs, baby items, ... A lesson in complexion BLOSSOM ORCHARDS. 7 miles closthes, furniture and drapes. care. Call 484-4519 East NORMA STROTHER - even seemed to bother him. I team eventually wound up ■EASTSIDE. 413 South Clemens, 3 south of Mason on Hull Road. FLUTE, ARTLEY, $130. 2828 Victor Avenue, Hours 9-6, closed Michigan or 485-7197 Lansing Accurate, particular typist. would go into his office just to spending their own money to | bedroom, partly furnished. Reconditioned, 509 Grove Lansing. 1-10-16 Mall. MERLE NORMAN Royal Electress-pica. Ten years say hello in the morning, and help feed some of the Munich 5254/month. Deposit. . 0-10-31 COSMETIC STUDIO. C-3-10-17 experience. Reasonalbe rates. 882-7760. 5-10-22 Street, East Lansing. 332-1266. he would look up from his players." 3-10-17 MORSE CONSOLE stereo with 694-0088 3 10-17 ■ 1.2 GIRLS NEEDED to share ™ spacious luxury home. Secluded IBM TYPEWRITER • standard, AM/FM radio. Needs work, $125. 355-8211. 3-10-16 some totals )(g annual a.a.ii.w Used Book Sale TYPING DONE by experienced electric, excellent condition, typist, reasonable rates. Call Liz, | 4 miles south of campus. Large recently overhauled, $225. After AM/FM stereo radio, $40. 10 gallon HORSE BOARDING, 5 miles south of campus. Good arrangements. Oct 17,18,19 355-4926 5 10-21 [ bedroom includes fireplace, aquarium, set - up $30. im, carpeting, and 6 pm. 332-6812. 5-10-21 677-0402. 5-10-21 MERIDIAN MALL (east end) Complete Wilson golf club set, | balcony overlooking 10 full acres oI wildlife preserve. Full at-ci 3 TALK-A#fHONE, intercom set. $90,361:2641,>10-18 OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog puppies, 9:00am — 9:00pm Sat «UI (pm a Books of all Kinds use of house facilities and many 6 stage capacity. $200. Seven registered with AKC. Whelped 36" office SNOW SKIS. 3 speed bike. Warm MAKE FIRST impressions Htras. Vegetarians. $150/one. sections of August 15. Champion blood count! wool coat for sale - all like new. A good ad in the partitiorv^frojted | $200/two. Includes [ 394-2167.3-10-18 utilities. steel bottoms, $250. Phone glass tops, Call 351-5425. 3-10-16 lines. Sired by Jeremy Dee of Halsall from England. Call Ron Peanuts Persaetal. jg "EMPLOYMENT" section will Announcements for It's What's The MSU Amateur Radio Club get you the workers you Happening must be received in the will hold its regular weekly meeting 393-7020 days. 669-3780, at 349-2320 between 9S or need. State News office, 341 Student CARPET AND THE at 8 evenings. 4-10-18 Padding: green leave message. PAT — mouse roars on. Dial 355-8255. p.m. Thursday in 339 N ROOM 6-10-18 Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least in two bedroom tweed, room size. $45. 484-3541 Happy 10th on the 16th. Love, Engineering Bldg. two class days before publication. I house. Pets and smokers after 5 pm, weekdays. 3-10-16 Mike. 1-10-16 STEREO AMPLIFIER, 4 channel, MINIATURE SCHNAUZER, AKC, TAKE A close look at the good No announcements will be accepted Discover group experience at I welcome. $80/month. 373-5207. 280 watt. Separate tuner. Two Champion Sired, 3 females, things around your home you no by phone. this week's I 8-1-10-16 SONY TC - 530 tape recorder, 16 meeting of the 3-way Sound Studio Speakers, wormed and shots. 489-1127. longer use. Sell them with a Psychology Club at 7 p.m. separate tone controls. Call after tapes, earphones. $175. Hi-Way 510-17 Real Estate « want ad. Dial 355-8255 today. Young People and Careers Thursday in 208 Olds Hall. The ■ AURELIUS ROAD, 12 miles south. presents Kathy Jacobs of a Lansing club is open to psychology major 4 pm. 351-6833. 5-10-18 Motel, U.S. 27 (North), Room 1, H 3 bedroom, country home with .5-10-18 law firm to speak with students and nonmajors. FREE: 6 month old cat. Buff LAKE SIDE VILLAGE, by owner, :res. Available now. TRUCK LOAD snow blower sale. white, litter trained, has shots. 3 bedroom condominium. 7%% Wanted about her experience in paralegal $225 351-74 9 7 work from 3:30 to 5 p.m. today in The University Duplicate Bridge or 676-1441. Just a few in stock, single and SKI IS OLINMK IV, 2 pair. 170cm. mortgage possible. On lake. Call 353-7384 or 353-8429, 207 Student Services Bldg. Club will be holding regular games 1-10-31 $125.180cm with Salomon 555. multi stage. 5 hp in crate, after 6 pm. 3-10-18 339-2981, evenings. 5-10-21 NEED 4 Senior or Junior coupons every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on $169.95 Phone 339-9622. $200,355-^216. X-3-10-18 1975 ASMSU Budget Request the second floor of the Union. for Purdue/State game. 351-0304. I URGE HOUSE. e and Sate, contact 240 Men's IM toys, large aluminum awning, MOBILE HOME, 10x50. Old but 882-2555. Delivery extra. TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. Criminal justice graduate pities. Call after 6, 332-5906. baby items, photo equipment, good condition. Near MSU. 351-8800. 0-5-10-18 3-10-17 5-10-18 students: There will be a short gear reduction motor, vacuum Leaving country, must sell. Any Share Driving A organizational meeting of the The MSU Soaring Club will meet pump, collector stamps, reasonable offer accepted. Phone Graduate Student Forum at 6 p.m. at 7:30 tonight in 208 Men's IM "ACIOUS FURNISHED basement TEAC A-4010-SL reel-to-reel tape ,00m. Fireplace. Private •ntrince, bath, cooking aquarium equipment. New things each day. 1617 Linden, East Lansing, (1 block from deck, excellent, $300. Sansui SP-2500 speakers, 80 watt, 882-1604. 5-10-18 PEERLESS 1970. No down ! ]® FROM KNOB HILL apartments to Mason-Cedar Street. Leaving today in the conference room of Olds Hall. fourth floor Bldg. Anyone interested is invited to view a film on soaring. tacilities. Walk to MSU. Ideal for excellent, $250. Kenwood payment. Three bedroom. TYPEWRITERS. AIR cleaned, 7:30 am, returning 5 pm. Residence Halls Assn. Judiciary- Council for Exceptional Hagadorn) October 17,18,19 KH-71 stereo headphones. $20. <*Ple- $125. 337-0091 after Excellent condition. Land oiled, and adjusted. Portables 349-0938 after 5:30 pm. is now accepting applications for Children will have a meeting for all after 10am. 1-10-16 3-10-16 Ross-050 transceivers, 5 watt, 6 contract available. 627-4842 $7.50, manuals, $10, electric 3-10-16 membership. You can pick up an officers and people interested in channel, 20 mile range, never 6-10-17 $12.50. One day service, free application form at the Judicial being on committees or chairman, ROOT SHOES, dark brown oxford, *EED TEMPORARY sued, $180. 349-4727, after 5 pick up and delivery. 25 years LOVING HOMES are not hard to Programs Office in 339 Student at 8 tonight in 117 Bessey Hall. All female fits guys sue 8, girl's 9-9V4. Services Bldg. The deadline for are welcome to come and actively pm. 5-10-18 TRAVELO, 12x60 - Expando, experience. 393-9774. 4-10-18 find! Advertise "PETS FOR | nice furnished house Brand new. $27. 353-7301. returning applications is Oct. 25. participate in our organization. | °n Ann. 351-8649. 3-10-18 1-10-16- SCHWINN GIRL'S 5 speed carpeting, drapery. Near campus. 351-3466; 361-1194 evenings. HIGHLAND HILLS - Christmas SALE" with Want Ads and see! Dial 355-8255. For more information Judicial Programs Office. call the Rodeo Rough Stock practice, Collegiate. Ridden twice, 5-10-22 parties & wedding receptions. Sunday. Contact Mike Tarrier or BELOW COST sale of over stocked Rooms J*|J speakers, cabinets, horns, lock/chain. $80. 372-4156 after Reserve your date now. Learn to Galliard! Come to the Chuck Wiefrich or stop by the FURNISHED. 8x44 Two bedroom. 669-9873. 20-10-23 Renaissance Dance Class of the Rodeo Club Room. amplifiers. West Laboratories, 5 pm. 5-10-21 116 South Larch. 487-3568. Clean. Close to campus. Must Car Pool ^ Society for Creative Anachronism sell. Best offer. Call Ethel, (SCA) from 7 to 10 p.m. Thursday The MSU Promenaders will meet MSU COMMUNTIY Coop Nursery in the Williams Hall cafeteria. The 10-10-29, at 7 tonight in 34 Women's IM St cr00m in h0use OAK DESK, $35. Honda 350, 361-6610. Monday-Friday. 9:15 IIlf?,or 'ia°le immediately, Qui«. has openings for 3 and 4 year SCA will also hold fighting and 10 Scotts Woods 3V, miinc W/fl.7 $400. Table saw, $35. 1966 am-12. 3-10-17 olds for fall. For more Driving ^ archery practice at 1:30 p.m. Bldg. Anyone interested in learning to square dance is invited to attend. MSU 485-9279. 5-11^2* MINOLTA 55mm lens. SR-T101 $180. Phone Chevy Pick-up $275. Trailer, $20 and morel 663-6585 or AIRSTREAM 27'. Used 5 weeks, information, Peggy Shook, Saturday in the Men's IM Building's Turf Arena. The MSU Horticulture Club will fei "INFERENCES. 882-9939 after 5 pm. 3-10-18 628-2954. 3 10-17 2000 miles. Beautiful. Consider reasonable offer. Accept good 351-0109 or Kerry Chartkoff, 337-9611.10-10-25 FROM Logan and Oakland to Audiology & Speech Clinic. Leaving 8:30am, returning 5 pm The Tenants Resource Center meet at 7:30 tonight in 204 Horticulture Bldg. All interested MAYTAG ELECTRIC dryer $50. can provide information and people invited. KNEISSL RED stars, Marker small car trade. Phone 393-7020 EDITING PROOFREADING. are Good condition. Will deliver. - daily. 353-8780. 3-10-18 assistance about any kind of bindings, Lange buckle books, days. 669-3780 evenings. Dissertation, theses, research 394-2167. 3-10-18 housing problem - security Norman Creamer founder of $80-Negotiable. 351-2458. 410-18 papers, manuscripts. Anne FROM FLINT to MSU. Leaving 10 "Solar" will speak at 7:30 tonight deposits, maintenance problems, 4man hout#- 3-10-17 Rive, ara> Tet ^K^n-Grand EMC P.A. SPEAKER Columns, CaMlay, 337-1591. 3-10-16 am, returning; must be back by subleasing or eviction. If you're a on aquarian life style and the *37 after 4 pm. old with "Wisdom Schools of North America [ Lost & Feend ][C^] 4:30 pm. 653-0778, 9-10-pm. new tenant 3-10-17 A-K G Microphone and or an one a hassle call or stop by our office at and Scotland." At HISS. Harrison Boomstand. Less than one v»ek HOOVER SPIN wahser. BRAND 3-10-18 855 Grove St. between 1 and 5 Road. old I Perfect condition. $350 or -NEW! Apartment size. $179. p.m., Monday through Friday. J ' "ear AVENUE best offer. 363-7914. 3-10-18 Sell foi* $100.656-3362. 510-17 FIND SOMETHING IF YOU like great care, check the I <°< .tul,'9an Avenue- Qui" If you've found a pat or article of "SERVICES" in today's The Student's International ln./'Sf r 1x15 TABLE, GRAY formica and ASAHI PENT AX Sup Pec. 300mm, value, we want to help you Classified Ads. Meditation Society will present free 16275454.5.10.2^ deP0$i,• chrome, 60"x36" with removable leaf. Six gray and one Telephoto 6-10-17 lens. $140. 641-4690. return It. Jutt come to the State News Classified Department and CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY at it's bast statewide. TERRY Car Pool public lectures on Transcendental Meditation, a simple mental Friends of Animals and Nature the second organizational tell us you want to place an ad LUKE PHOTOGRAPHY, |(£4 technique for energy and meeting for the University Animal |tieEm ***** bedroVm. • green chain. plastic New padded chrome condition. IMMEDIATE 3 SPEED bike yle. In EAST LANSING STATE 313-632-9325. C-10-31 intelligence, today at 1 p.m. in 323 Welfare Organization will be held at I Furniihed o0"' flood deal' I 3-10-i8 CaH 351-4241. 677-1331. 5-10-18 International make. Mens 21 Inch and Ladies 1914 inch. $45 BANK'S Found Column. As a public service EAST LANSING STATE BANK will run the ad at FOR A batter environment, check the new apartments for rant in [ FROM Riding EAST niii Wilson to Willow Chemistry Bldg. and at 4 and 7:30 p.m. in 10S S. Kedzie Hall. 7 tonight in 117 Berkey Hall. Peanut Sauce on Rice will be the EYE GLASSES at large savings. each. Actual $69.50. Tonight's the night! The Star simple meal during a workshop on International Marketing Service. no cost to youl _ tod,v t Clarified Ads. Pond Stables, Harper Road, Trek Club meets at 7:30 in the famine and world hunger at 5:30 Why Pay More? OPTICAL I^WsSr,'" I qui•, hou*: utl,i,'es:closa. DISCOUNT, Michigan, Lansing. 2616 East 372-7409. 3308 South Cedar, Suite 11. Lansing. Ask for Joa Watkins. EAST LANSING STATE BANK IF YOU NEED Mil soma soma extra money, extra things with Mason everyday after 3 pm, except Monday; returning Yakeley Hall cafeteria. This time it really is an introductory meeting! p.m. Thursday at 1118 S. Harrison Road. Sponsored by the Africa. FlMtit Hlllli Cu*aul.M, 6-IO-16 C-I04I aityim*. 353-G1.K 3'.0-.A hc.p on trekking! U-frtii-16 ClMitwd Ads Dial Jsb08260. Wednesday, October 16, 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 197J /— MSU BOOKSTORE MAKES THE MOST OF YOUR BOOKBUYING with o foil boo 8 165 Pub. at $4.95 Special Value Only sl98 Only '2" 'j Alabquf S campfTg Pub. at $25.00 Pub. at $8.95 Pub. at $10.00 Only J798' Only s498 Only $398 Other Titles A COOKBOOKS * OUTDOOR SURVIVAL CHILDREN'S ROOKS OCCULT (con't) THE GOLD COOK BOOK: By Master Chef Louis P. Oe HOW TO MAKE IT ON THE LAND: A Complete Guide WONDERS OF NATURE: A Child's Intorduction to the I CHING BOOK OF CHANGES. Translated by James Gouy. to Survival in the Country. By Ray Cohr-^ . World of Animals, Plants, Birds, Fishes, Insects. Pub. at $8.95. Only 5498 Pub. at $10.00 °nly $398 Pub. at $5.95. Legge. Only $298 Pub. at $10.00 Only $398 THE DELIGHTS OF CHINESE COOKING, by Rebecca TAMING THE WILDS: A Handbook of Woodcraft BEST LOVED NURSERY RHYMES AND SONGS. Ed. Hsu Hui Min. Wisdom. By Bradford Angier. _ . by A. Baker Only s2" _ Pub. at $7.95 Only $298 Pub. at $7.95 Pub. at$5.95. Only s2 SPORTS & OAMES THE NEW HUNTER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. ITALIAN COOKING. THE TAILGATE COOKBOOK: A Practical Handbook BEST LOVED FAIRYTALES. Pub. at $24.95 Pub. @$6.95. Only J298 of Delightful Meals for Campers, Travelers, and Sports Pub. at $5.95. , Only $298 . Only s1298 Enthusiasts. SOLITAIRE CHESS. Family Circle LOW-COST MAIN DISHES. Ed. by Nancy Pub. @$7.95. Hecht. Only $198 THE LITTLE COCKEREL, by Victor G. Ambrus Pub. at $3.50 Only sr Special Value $298 Pub. at $3.75 Only sl00 WINNING CHESS TACTICS ILLUSTRATED. COOKING FOR ONE AND TWO. By Bernard Wile NATURE & BIRDS Pub.at$3.95 Pub. at$4.95 Only S198 BIOGRAPHY Only ST' WORLD TREASURY OF MUSHROOMS IN COLOR. MC CALL'S INTERNATIONAL COOKING SERIES Text by Bernard Dupre. COSELL. By Howard Cosell. Pub.at$3.98 Pub. at$10.95 Only $398 Only $298 HOBBIES & CRAFTS Each Only sl49 THE CRAFT BOOK. Ed. by Colin Elliot. WORLD TREASURY OF BIRDS IN COLOR. Text by KARLOFF: The Life of Boris Karloff. By Peter Pub. at $8.95. Cecil Matsen. Underwood. Only J4'B n . $1,8 FILM Pub. at $8.95 Pub. at $5.95. Unl^ 1 CINEMA OF THE FANTASTIC. Only J396 By ChrisSteinbrunner REFERENCE and Burt Goldblatt. AMERICAN JOURNEY The Times of Robert Kennedy. CONTEMPORARY Pub. at $12.50. Only J498 FLOWERS Pub. at $8.95 QUOTATIONS: A Treasury of Only $100 Notable Quotes Since 1950. WILD FLOWERS,Text by Matthias Hermann. THE FRED ASTAIRE & GINGER ROGERS BOOK. By Pub. at $8.95 Joan Crawford: MY WAY OF LIFE. Pub. at $7.95 Only $298 Arlene Croce. ^ Only $398 Published @$7.50. Sale Price $100 The Writer's Digest Guide: HOW TO MAKE MONEY IN Pub. at $9.95. Only $398 HERBS AND MEDICINAL FLOWERS. YOUR SPARE TIME BY WIRTING. Pub. at $8.95. THE PICTORIAL TREASURY OF FILM STARS Only $398 TRANSPORTATION Pub.at$4.95 Only Ingrid Bergman, Marlon Brando, James Cagney, Bette PORTRAIT OF THE RAILS. By Donald Ball. Davis, Katharine Hepburn. ART Pub. at $19.95. Only $798 Pub. at $4.95 Each Only sl98 BOOKS OF GENERAL INTEREST VINCENT VAN GOGH. By Marc Edo Tralbaut. THE GREAT BOOK OF WINE. FOUR ASPECTS OF THE FILM. By J. L. Limbacher Pub. at $42.50 Only M998 Pub. at $50.00 Only s19'e Pub. at $7.95. THE OCCULT Only $198 CURRIER & IVES - CHRONICLES OF AMERICA. THE LIVING ZODIAC. THE PRIMAL REVOLUTION Toward a Real World. By Ed. by John Lowell Pratt Pub. at $7.95. Only $398 Arthur Janov. AMERICANA Pub. at $17.50 Only $8" Pub. at $6.95. Only $1' ROAMING THE AMERICAN WEST. By D. E. Bower. ART TREASURES OF THE WORLD IPub. @ $6.95 THIRTY STRANGE STORIES. By H. G. Wells. Dr. David Reuben's ANY WOMAN Pub.at$9.95. Pub. at $10.00 CAN! Only $498 Only $398 Each Only *398 Pub.at$7.95 THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WILLIAM Only $1J' TOUCH THE EARTH. By T. C. McLuhan. COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. By R. M. Bucke, M.O. SHAKESPEARE. GRIM FAIRY TALES FOR Pub. @$6.95. Vq|us ^ Pub. at $8.95. Only $298 ADULTS By Joel Wells. Only $298 Pub. at $3.95. . LOVE JOURNEY INTO AMERICA. Only $1°° By William Tuohy. Pub.at$6.95. ^ Only $100 NIIH BOOKSTORE