By DENISE CRITTENDON 1973 ■ 74 school year. Of this number, investigate and possibly prove the dangers Stat* N.wi Staff Writer some Rech explained that though an were repeats, but none resulted in of mixing stimulants and depressants. The death, Feurig said. increased effect is added in terms of a Red faced project, which is funded by a $119,000 and distant, the «olemn "It's a fad and it will go in cycles. Right person's mood, undesirable effects such as grant from the National Institute on Drug young man nervously fingers the brownish now, it's almost a smorgasboard because sleepiness can be counteracted by mixing strands of hair tossled about his neck. Abuse, began in July 1974. parties have more than one thing to Rech said uppers, different drugs. Slowly, his eyes darting glances in either drugs usually classed ' "For example, people often do not like offer," he said. Health center director as stimulants, and direction, he takes a heaping dosage of downers, which are to take amphetamines (uppers) because "In essence, I think our biggest depressants, can cause a "synergistic various vitamin shaped capsules. Then, in - combinations have been marijuana and interaction," when combined. He defined they make them irritable and jittery. But a vaguely happy sort of way, he drifts into alcohol," he added. this the amphetamines do stimulate. another world. interaction as the added effects "It's dapgerous because it gives an occuring when two drugs Therefore, if they get rid of the Though not an entirely new are mixed. The drug—mixing unpredictable reaction," he said. "You effects include enhanced elation and nervousness, they would like them," he phenomenon/mixing different drugs, such says a said. up as uppers and marijuana, has been downers, or termed alcohol and a serious "As far as barbituates (downers), some people do not like the tiredness but they danger to drug users. "If we show quaaludes and alcohol do synergize and that you are do like the euphoria. Both uppers and Dr. James Feurig, director of the much more likely to kill yourself with the two than with either one downers together can cancel out University Health Center, reports that the among MSU students center has serviced of drug an increasing number cases this fall involving the mixture of two agents. Feurig attributes alone, then it might discourage some alcoholics from dropping pills" - Richard Rech, MSU researcher. irritability and tiredness and enhance the euphoria," Rech said. Mixing alcohol and drugs, sometimes referred to as "mechanisms of death," can the recent climb in student drug mixing to cannot tell exactly how they are going to greater vulnerability to addiction. The lead to respiratory failure, Rech said. many student parties offering other drugs act when they mix it. It brings out adverse severity of these added effects have not Feurig said that each term the health besides marijuana. effects." center yet been determined. However, it is hoped handles a number of cases Approximately 2,000 drug patients Richard Rech, MSU pharmacologist, has the project will concerning drug users. The majority of were treated at the health center for the help establish just how launched a two - year project to much harm results. (continued on page 15) Prosecutors ask to check Nixon's health WASHINGTON (AP) - III, was testifying in the trial of five Nixon's doctor in an affidavit had said third day of hearings Asst. special prosecutor James F. Neal I former Nixon White House and on Wednesday, Judge outlined a plan for political espionage. Watergate prosecutors said Wednesday "it campaign the former president must wear an elastic John J. Sirica indicated he is led Dean through the I would be only natural" for Richard M. aides. thinking of early part of the stocking, take oral medication, avoid sending doctors to California to examine Watergate story beginning Dean said that at that January meeting, I Nixon to try to avoid testifying at the John D. Ehrlichman, who had also prolonged periods of sitting, standing or Nixon. The matter will be debated after with the Liddy's plan, including the use of I meetings, attended by former Atty. Gen. Watergate coverup trial and urged the trial wbpenaed the former president, told the walking, avoid extended trips and should the jury leaves the courtroom John N. Mitchell and Mitchell's prostitutes to compromise Democratic I court he would Thursday, campaign judge to send three doctors to California be satisfied with a remain in a controlled environment. and Sirica will rule then. deputy Jeb Stuart Magruder, at which convention delegates, was expected to cost toexamine the former president deposition, taken under oath. "It is clear Mr. Nixon can continue to Dean testified that in the hectic days $1 million. Dean said Mitchell said the The government filed a response to Nixon recently was hospitalized wear elastic an stocking and take oral following the Watergate break - in he told plan was too grandiose and expensive. I requests from Nixon's lawyers that the for 11 days for phlebitis and a blood medication while in transit and in Ehrlichman a great deal about the I subpena for Nixon's appearance be I dismissed because the former president's clot in his right lung. The prosecutors saj(] Nixon's Washington," the prosecutors said. They added that he can avoid long periods of involvement of Nixon campaign officials in the incident. Watergate On June 17, when James W. McCord Jr. and four Cuban Americans from Miami I h would be to Washington. endangered by traveling contention that this physical condition is such that appearance at the trial "would sitting or walking and that there are enough medical facilities in Washington to Ehrlichman, one of the five defendants in the Watergate coverup trial, is COVERUP were arrested in the Democratic headquarters in the Watergate, Dean said charged The memorandum came as the nt's first witness, John W. Dean pose a serious risk backed up by a to his life" is not "compelling showing." keep an eye on his condition. Before the jury was brought in for the with lying when he said that all he knew about the June 17, 1972, break - in at TRIAL he was in the Philippines making a speech. He said on June 19, back in the White Democratic national headquarters was Dean said House, John Caulfield, an undercover what he had read in the newspapers. a plan for political espionage unfolded. agent for the White House, told him he Bill The 35 • year • old Dean, appearing pale ban had learned from a member of the Secret and even thinner than he was last year Dean, who was brought here from the may when he testified before the Senate Watergate committee, was the government's first witness in the Watergate federal prison facility in Ft. Holabird, Md., said he introduced G. Gordon Liddy to Mitchell in the attorney general's office in Service about McCord's arrest. McCord, at that time, was the security re - election committee. director for the roverup trial. November, 1971. Dean said he talked to Magruder, the By MARY ANNE FLOOD outweighs the comfort and convenience of until conclusive evidence is found about Subsequently Liddy was hired as As he testified, marshals guarded every Mitchell deputy at the re election State Naws Staff Writer freon." the freon. general counsel to the re • election committee, who told him that there was a door in the U.S. District Courtroom and Spray deodorants could be a part of a He said that state or local legislation committee and on Jan. 27, 1972, Dean "Put them (spray cans) in, a closet and an air - terminal type weapons detection "serious problem — he said the whole | my large f problem that has lad to Hie would serve only an educational purpose (continued on page 15) system screened everyone who came in. said, he was at another meeting in thing was Gordon Liddy's fault, that damn Michigan legislation to ban a and help further serious discussion toward Mitchell's office at which time Liddy Liddy has screwed everything up." | maiHitn aerosal ingredient. developing national legislation on freon. bill it a result of publicity of recent "Our society is really crazy in the •todies warning of the dangers of context of a world culture in which we see continued use of an aerosol gas commonly a substantial population dying of I known as freon. starvation. We will have to stop consuming These studies, one engineered by Dr. I Ralph Cicerone at the University of luxury type items like body sprays and hair sprays," Bullard said. 1 Michigan, indicate that the freon may be Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, The Ann Arbor City Council is also I causing the disintegration of a protective I layer of ozone (pure oxygen) which exists considering taking someactionon the freon Hare Krishna An eye - problem. The council asked the city catching display, 110to30 miles off the earth. attorney to do some research toward a sonorous chants Other scientists are and unusual musical strains conducting studies possible antifreon city ordinance. I of the possible weakening of this ozone captured the attentions of I layer, including the possible detrimental Cicerone's study, which was printed in students walking near the I effects of jumbo jets. It is the latest edition of Science magazine, thought that life was International Center and Wells *' this planet began only after the funded through NASA and the National Hall today. Members of the | protecti ve ozone covering formed. Deterioration of this Science Foundation. He reported that two types of freon, Krishna Consciousness layer could cause Imasive outbreaks of skin cancer and called freon 11 and 12, which were found movement spent the day passing ■ undesirable climate after years of study to be the most changes by the mid out literature and sparking 11980s according to Cicerone's effective and safe aerosol propellents, are report on interest in their religious beliefs. line resulting increased the only dangerous forms. exposure to Members follow the instructions ultraviolet rays. Reportedly dangerous Though there are some aerosol products of ancient scriptures in pursuit of forms of freon, like shaving cream or heavy spray foods Ior halogenated hydrocarbons, are also a joyful, pure life. ■ "sed in refrigerators, freezers like whipped cream that do not contain and air either of these freon elements, other | conditioners. Because of the U M products like spray - on cooling used for • study, State Rep. instant frost on glasses are almost 100 per ■ ftny Bullard, D Ann Arbor, - plans to cent freon. I .ce a bi" to ban the manufacture, The only time freon is released from the I■ Bade use 'n Michigan of freon, a man • gas. large cooling devices is when the chamber Americans face breaks when thrown away. a deadly danger in the ■ of their aerosal I freezers sprays, Cicerone has suggested that concerned and ■ said ■ "it » is "" air conditi°ners," Bullard citizens try to stop using dangerous spray - a danger so serious it far can items and hold on to old refrigerators prickley vies to head EMU; faculty to picket ■ - Lt. Co,. Junes too late. I then he " greeted by Picket The 320 - member chapter voted to | University Em S F?SU>™in ■l,k"0 M,chlgan picket the arrival of Abel on campus Wednesday as well as the appearance by Brickley Monday before the regents during ltt«(felPr0Lt*stm Undents iT WUI not not be sign ** "P1 ■■ toting the final selection process. 1*2 ;°weVef' but faculty When Clifton Wharton was elected knied partiriLir ^npy that the>' were MSU president in late 1969, the board of I "e* president the se,ection of the trustees selected him from a list of names recommended by faculty and students. He 1 Si of JL th,s ■Sponbera resien»«on of Harold was not listed among the trustees' original yeM' "»e school's choices, but they selected him by a 5-3 B^didatesJl » narrowed the list of vote. 1«*1, prea ^0 ~ Brickley *nd Harold In another related development at ■Vermont, °f College in EMU, Sally McKracken, head of the faculty negotiation committee, told the k>cal ^apter teachers that talks with the university over r°Wt,? ,n ***■ of University a new contract were "almost at an lasted thateSnfy' faculty members impasse." l«akin. rem * ®y Were banred from "After over 98 hours of negotiations, she aid, "we're still awaiting discussion of l^P^denT1 00,1,1 %»«rch for the important issues, such as tenure. The C^tativw'of offer®d Include dtuation is serious." 1? ^ select? Acuity association The teachers have been working ' l(dth««n "9nmittee' ** to,ch,rs without a contract during the empty gesture" that negotiations. Thursday, October 17 2 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan 19741 Ford backs GOP candidates SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) Seeking support for his in Kansas City, Ford called on Congress, in effect you haw one praising incumbent Republican mainly to campaign forLeoK Thorsness, L - President Ford, mounting a economic programs, the Republicans to mount "a branch of the government congressmen facing stiff a former prisoner of war tryin Vietni J political rescue mission for President declared that massive effort" in the closing dictating to another," Ford challenges and seeking to boost Sen. George J| embattled Republican Republican candidates were days of the election campaign said. underdog Republican unseat McGovern I candidates in warned the Midwest, needed in Congress as "inflation fighters" that would and warned that a Democratic "Americans don't dictatorships," he added. like candidates governor. for senator and the 1972 Democrat!■ presidential candidate. Wednesday that Ford may veto Gl benefits bill sweeping Democratic victories help curb big government and landslide would give the opposition party a "veto - He then set off for South In Missouri, South Dakota "I can count on him to keen White House sources said Wednesday President Ford in next month's election would deficit spending. proof Congress" able to pass Dakota, Nebraska and Indiana and Indiana, Republican veto the GI education benefits bill passed by produce "a legislative Opening a four - state measures he rejects. on his heaviest schedule of challengers are trailing an eye on the way your will be spent in mo7y may dictatorship." politics so far this year, Democratic Sens. Thomas F. Washington - campaign swing at a breakfast "If you have a veto - proof Congress last week. Eagleton, George McGovern fo be a fulltime inflation on a fighter against year in and Sen. Vance Hartke, D - Ind., chairman of the Senate and Birch Bayh, who is - out - basis instead of ve« Congress rejects one Ford veto; Veterans Affairs Committee, said he has told the White opposed by Richard G. Lugar, every ax years - at one* House that if there is a veto there will be a major effort mayor of Indianapolis. election time, Ford said. in Congress to override it. In South Dakota, GOP Ford The legislation provides 23 per cent increases for hopefUl John Olson is believed said he has heard! complaints that he should not! House ignores warning of another. far behind Gov. Richard Kneip, most veterans who are students, a figure Ford has said is have proposed a and Republican candidate per cent income surtax c temporary 5I too high. He suggested a raise of 18 to 19 per cent as Richard Marvel is also thought corporations and middle! coming nearer to making up for cost - of - living to be trailing Democratic Gov. increases. WASHINGTON (AP) - House plan. try for a Nov. 30 cutoff date J. James Exon of Nebraska. and upper income taxpayers in tally on the same bill but agreed to delay the cutoff an election year. President Ford's veto authority Tuesday was 360 - 12. Each But Republican leaders at Senate sources said the bill, which was approved by the Capitol made no effort to until Dec. 10 Ford threw away most of a "All I can say is that was challenged in both houses was far more than the these Congress Oct. 10, still has to be processed before it can "The one restrictive prepared speech, including a of Congress Wednesday. necessary two - thirds majority. rally their troops to support are unusual times. It is not be sent to the President. They said Ford would see the the President and said they provision we demand before portion praising Missouri time for business as usual. It The Senate joined the Veteran congressional ij bill in a few days. House were under no pressure from Congress leaves is that there be Republican Senate candidate time to face up to a Wednesday in officials said they were among Thomas Curtis for his warnings serious overwhelmingly rejecting the White House to do so. no trans - ship of U.S. problem that is facing the the most lopsided votes to while a House member that Rockefeller annoyed by delay Ford's veto of the railroad retirement bill and enacting it override a veto in many was A vote to sustain the veto regarded as politically equipment from Turkey to Cyprus," he said. budget busting by Democrats future of every American," the President said. He said it years. But Chairman George H. would produce "inflation that would Nelson A. Rockefeller expressed indignation into law. The bill commits the federal dangerous since the alternative would curl hair." be better to have a tax for one to the federal subsidy would be Mahon, D - Tex., of the House our Wednesday at Congress' delay in pursuing hearings into And the House ignored government to put $7.1 billion year than a continuing 12 per warning of another possible a substantial reduction in Appropriations Committee, He criticized congressional cent inflation rate. his now controversial nomination as vice president. Into the railroad retirement said that even one canteen ship efforts to cut off aid to veto and voted again pensions now being received. Rockefeller told newsmen the Constitution call's for system in the next 25 years to On the Turkey aid bill, an from Turkey to Cyprus would Turkey, blocked Tuesday in Ford added to his speech* Wednesday to cut off U.S. his appearance before congressional committees, but military aid to Turkey Dec. 10 save it from imminent amendment by Rep. Benjamin cut off aid under Rosenthal's the House, as an action that that the slaughtering of calveiH since his nomination by President Ford two months ago or sooner if Turkey sends any bankruptcy. S. Rosenthal, D - N.Y., against amendment The House might would have done more than in Wisconsin by farmeril The President said this was any new arms going to Cyprus as well cut off aid immediately any in recent times to undercut angered at low cattle prices! he has spent only two and a half days before a Senate more arms or equipment to its "contributes nothing toward il approved 194 to 144, and take another veto by this nation's.30 - year - old occupation forces on Cyprus. too great a burden on the was committee, but the last two weeks in the nation's The Senate vote on the taxpayers and that Congress revising an agreement that had President Ford, he said. bipartisan approach to foreign solution" of their problem andl headlines. worked out with "We know that with inflation. retirement bill was 72 - 1. The should come up with a fairer been policy. "I'm getting a little indignant," he said. President Ford to cut off U.S. 40,000 troops on Cyprus they Eagleton, whom Ford did Just before Ford landed! The former New York governor fended off questions aid to Turkey after Dec. 10 are going to have to supply not mention, was a leader of here, Thorsness told reporters! about his headline - making gifts to political associates and 1970 campaign book, saying he wants to put it all NAACP pay c unless Ford determines that continued aid would encourage them something, so you might as well just cut off aid," Mahon the anti Turkey move. The - only Republican the President's visit was for his uphill drive a pi J against! further negotiations toward a said. before Congress rather than release it piecemeal to the Cyprus peace settlement Mahon said he had tried to congressman from Missouri, McGovern. Two days Thorsness had said lie w earlierj Rep. Gene Taylor, was not at press. of appe on bus sent The to revised the measure Senate, was and work out some compromise in talks with Ford himself on the the was breakfast. Aides said he out campaigning in his sure if it would help but because Ford is President an that] FAA cites labor slowdowns DETROIT (UPI) - The Michigan and 52 suburban congressional leaders hoped to Rosenthal amendment and southwestern Missouri district. has a 50 per cent rating, "we' settle the Turkish aid dispute could not. Ford flew to Sioux Falls at least break even." controversial Detroit school school districts help absorb the Sporadic slowdowns by dissident air traffic and adjourn before the end of He said he assumed Ford controllers, runway construction problems and weather busing case moved one step printing bill. the day. would veto the measure with closer to settlement Tuesday The school districts filed a conditions have resulted in massive delays in flights to Rosenthal had planned to Rosenthal's restriction in it. when a U.S. Supreme Court counter motion, saying they school terms, Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays c-...,, several major cities in recent weeks, the Federal decision cleared the way for paid $69,985 for printing Summer Term, and a special Welcome week edition Is published In September. Subscription rate Is $20 per year. Aviation Administration (FAA) said Tuesday. the case to return to a Detroit costs, and that the major Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial Most delays are caused by airport constructioif and federal court. portion of the record printed and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan The high court ruled 5 -4, for the Supreme Court was at State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. weather conditions, the FAA said. However, numerous against a National Assn. for the the NAACP's request. OERALD H. COY. GENERAL MANAGER airline passengers have reported pilots told them the ROBERT L. BULLARO, SALES MANAGER Advancement of Colored The high court ruled last PHONES delay in their flight was caused by a slowdown of air People (NAACP) petition that summer that a cross - district News/Editorial 355-8252 controllers that resulted from a labor dispute between all parties in the busing suit busing plan ordered by the late Classified Ads 355-8255 Display Advertising 355-6400 the FAA and its controllers. split the cost of printing the Judge Stephen J. Roth could Business Office 355-3447 extensive documentary not be extended beyond the Photographic 355-8311 Some of the worst delays are occurring at Chicago's material used in court appeals. Detroit city limits. O'Hare International. That airport currently is That means the civil rights undergoing major runway construction. group must pay an $89,864 printing bill. The case files will open Thursday and Friday nights until nine. Aspirin abuse tied to ulcers be returned to Detroit for a final disposition of the case. Shalom Center The payment dispute has Heavy aspirin users may find themselves with some bigger headaches than the ones they are trying to cure. delayed the Detroit return of the case since September, when Several doctors attending the fifth World Congress of the NAACP filed a motion Gastroenterology in Mexico City said Wednesday they asking that the state of have found a direct relationship between heavy aspirin use and the occurence of gastric ulcers, bleeding ulcers, ulcerative colitis and other severe intestinal ailments. One doctor said aspirin can no longer be considered A new drop-in, innocuous and should be investigated to-discover its ultimate effects on the human body. rap, study and WIN buttons still not ready coffee place If you want a WIN button, you had better be prepared to wait. for the campus Jewish Though the White House Citizen's Action Committee to Fight Inflation received 60,000 button requests over the weekend, the manufacturers who promised to Community donate the WIN buttons have not yet come through. Now open: 1-5 pm To get a button, write to the committee in care of the White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, weekdays and Sundays D.C., 20500. Located over Campus Bookstore across from Berkey Hall Jacobson's introduces Hewlett-Packard HP-65 - the calculator you can program yourself Kenya election features upsets Here is the most advanced pocket computer/calculator that Four cabinet ministers and 10 assistant ministers lost requires no programming ability, and has the 'intelligence' to learn and automatically execute the their parliamentary positions in Kenya's national keystroke sequence elections Tuesday. necessary to solve a problem. It provides 51 separate The biggest upset was Foreign Minister Njoroge pre-programmed function and date manipulation operations Mungai's defeat by university professor Johnstone Which you can use directly from the keyboard. And, you can Muthiora in suburban Nairobi. Mungai had been take advantage of optional programs prepared considered a possible successor to aging President Jomo by experts in your field by inserting a magnetic card into the machine... Kenyatta, who won a third five - year term unopposed. as many as 40 prepared programs for use with With results in from more than 100 of 158 National math, Assembly districts, 42 legislators lost their seats and 42 statistics, finance, sun/eying, electrical engineering and kept them. Incumbents did not run in nearly 20 medicine, aviation and navigation. Or, you can write your districts. own programs. Included: quick reference guide, owner's Observers said those ousted had either neglected their handbook, 115/230 V.A.C. adaptor-recharger, name tags, districts or had been suspected of enriching themselves safety travel case, soft carrying case. 11-oz. weight. $795 through their office. Also on hand: HP-35 Scientific Model. $225 HP-45 Advanced LAST 3 DAYS Group takes coffin as protest "Nice Little Newsmaker#" Scientific Model. $325 HP-70 Business Model. $275 Leftist guerillas in Argentina have stolen the remains gift is yours, with any A Hewlett-Packard expert will be here to demonstrate the of former President Pedro E. Aramburu in a bold new CLINIQUE purchase of $6 or more. The kit contains powers of all H.P. calculators and answer your questions, on challenge to the government of President Isabel Peron, police said Wednesday. Special Hand and Body Lotion, Balanced Make-Up in Thursday, October 17 Cemetery officials said at least 20 men entered the honeyed beige, bronze 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. rose Creamy Blusher, Glossy Recoleta Cemetery in Buenos Aires Tuesday night and nail Enamel in peach-coral, and Nail took Aramburu's coffin. new Enamel •Jacobson's Police believe that a leftist guerilla group known as Remover. . .all in ideal traveling sizes. the Montoneros is responsible for the theft. Jacobsorig The Montoneros accuse Mrs. Peron, who succeeded her late husband, Juan D. Peron, as president last July 1, of "betraying the revolutionary ideals of Peronism." ASMSU member arrested By ROSANNE LESS O'Connor maintains that a policeman Four policemen were reportedly State News Staff Writer pulled a gun from his belt. An ASMSU cabinet member arrested injured in the melee, though none were "At this point he screamed he was a hospitalized. Two of the 10 WAM Saturday faces a pre - trial hearing in police officer and that anyone who members arrested required medical Chicago on Nov. 13 on charges that are interfered with him would be arrested," he attention but were released from an area still not determined. said. hospital. Kit Meade, of Cleveland, is still "Officially, none of us know what we O'Connor said that the crowd was being treated at an Ohio hospital for his Pre charged with," Doyle O'Connor, fluxing back and forth. "It was a very sustained injuries. interim chairman of ASMSU's chaotic situation; all hell was Dept. of breaking O'Connor would not comment Labor Relations and also an loose. People dove in every direction. He on organizer of whether not he had been injured. the fledgling Student Workers (the policeman) was obviously frantic and or Union, said. O'Connor and 10 other people in an was flashing the gun around. He pointed The two WAM members that were estimated crowd of 500 were the gun in the direction of the crowd and injured apprehended were not treated for at least four as they marched to a socialist workers shot above them," he claimed. or five hours after they were first dinner and raffle. He also refutes the police detained, he added. allegation Charges could range from obstruction that the marchers were armed with staffs, The 11th person that was arrested was of justice to '"nut's completely absurd. 1 saw nothing aggravated battery, a an unidentified patron of spokesman for of the kind in the immediate area." a bar in the a Chicago based news U-M prof to research service said. Most of the WAM marchers ran to the neighborhood who went outside to see what was happening. DOYLE O'CONNOR O'Connor was in Chicago to attend the YMCA building at 205 W. Wacker Drive fourth annual convention of the Workers where they were arrested by police units Action Movement (WAM). He said that responding to help calls. suicide' by soybeans he was in the city to investipte the WAM By this time O'Connor and about 15 organization and to attend a series of others were crouched in the doorway of a workshops on organizing nonunionized building so as not to be shot at. groups. He is a former member of the "More shots rang out, maybe two or By JEFF MERRELL United Auto Workers State News Staff Writer (UAW). three. I wasn't counting; I was hiding. The WAM, composed of union members street was full of squad cars and at least Don't be surprised if, while wandering through a field of soybeans, one of the throughout the United States and Canada, two paddy wagons. We were at that point I little Buys does himself in. espouses a four - point program of racial cordoned off by uniformed police I ftey all do it And the fact that the soybean is becoming increasingly important and social reform. Their points include a officers." I in American agriculture has led a national group to fund a study of the suicidal 30 hour work week for 40 hours - pay as a The arrested were taken to the First means of combatting unemployment. District Police Station and held from I Pl#TTie United States Dairy Assn. (USDA) has put up $90,000 to finance a project About 500 WAM members were about 7 p.m. until they were released on I led by Larry Nooden, a University of Michigan botany professor. The USDA wants marching to the Civic Center in Chicago's $100 bond at 5 a.m. Sunday. I to develop a way to counteract a "death signal" that originates from the seeds, Loop following a rally at McCormick I urging the Plant to put on a display of color just before doing itself in. Place. Chicago police report that the I Ironically, it is this self - defeating practice that has prevented soybeans from marchers were heading north on Clark I rising to the top ranks of the food source hierarchy. Street near Wacker Drive when they I "Soybeans are 40 per cent protein, and they have a phenomenal number of uses," said Taylor Johnston, MSU associate professor in crops and soil sciences. Soybean oil is used in cooking oils, shortening, mayonnaise and just about any other food product that has any oil in it. The oil is also used in some plastics. ordered the group to disperse because they were causing a traffic jam. "At no time did I hear or hear of an order to disperse," O'Connor said. Council OKs parking lot, I Protein from soybeans can be used as a supplement to cattle feed, or synthesized Police say that after the traffic I light into a meat analog, a higi protein meat substitute. had changed twice, the group puts off began to I I slid. But crop yields have not increased at the same rate as other products, Johnston I "We've only increased soybean yields two to three bushelfuls per crop, while com congregate on both sides of the street. Then police say they tried to arrest a student from Afghanistan, Asad restaurant issue I has doubled in the same amount of time," he said. Sekandari, who lives in Arlington, Va. I Nooden's work will hopefully increase soybean yields by finding a way to Police will not say why they attempted to By JOE KIRBY I counteract the death signal. arrest Sekandari. bicyclists who live there. He added that the alley might be closed State News Staff Writer I Though yields have not increased, total output has, both in the U.S. and O'Connor said that the marchers There will be a new parking lot for the Abbott Road post during construction, causing even more problems. were I Michigan, said Leyton Nelson, MSU crops and soil sciences professor. office but no new restaurant on Graqd River Avenue. Wilier, a graduate student who is a surveyor, said he has an moving along the street when "a couple of alternate plan which he will present to the postmaster with the I The amount of land used for soybeans in Michigan increased from 500,000 acres men jumped into the crowd." He Tuesday's East Lansing City Council meeting lasted five hours says that hope of getting him to change the design of the lot I in 1971 to 700,000 acres in 1973. In the U.S., the acreage increased from 42 the men did not identify themselves as because of the public hearings that were conducted. When it was Griffiths and other citizens said congestion in the alley would ] million to 56 million. policemen, and they they "pushed their over council had approved the rezoning of land for the postoffice be particularly bad. ion also said that soybeans "are one of the top five cash crops in Michipm," way through the crowd and began parking lot but delayed action on rezoning land for a proposed One resident suggested the post office use the employe lot g in $90 to $100 million in 1973. Com, the top crop, brought in $250 attacking the Afghanastani student." restaurant. behind the building, but postmaster Gordon Briggs said that the I million. The police report that the crowd then The council chambers were filled with citizens anxious to lot was already overcrowded with mail trucks and I Nooden agreed that soybeans are becoming more important but said that is not tried to pull the student away from the speak on both rezoning issues at the public hearings. I ,the only reason he chose the soybean plant for study. employe cars. two plainclothes officers when Susan Most of those who spoke disapproved of the parking lot Council began another hearing on a rezoning request for four 1 "Soybean plants are very easy to handle, and it shows the phenomenon very Ibarre, a WAM member, allegedly grabbed rezoning request which had been denied twice by the planning I weir he said. parcels of land on Grand River Avenue between Orchard Street a gun from one of the policemen. The and Kedzie Drive. 1 Other plants show the suicidal tendency, but take longer. One desert plant that police report that the officer tried to get They believed the parking lot would lower thejjroperty value The land is currently zoned for office buildings and multiple I Nooden studied, for example, takesoneand one half years to complete its life cycle. the gun back but Ibarre threw it into the of their homes and bring increased traffic to residential dwelling housing and attorney Norman Farhat said his clients I The death signal in soybeans and other annuals originates from the seed, and crowd. At- this potfft,' the other foeets. wanted to have the land rezoned for a Jolly Tiger restaurant. I Nooden is trying to characterize the signal and discover how it is transmitted. policeman fired one shot into the air and Councilman George Griffitlis opposed the plan because he said Some older residents experessed concern that the restaurant 1 Nooden also said that some MSU professors might be "ticked off" because he the crowd fled. the location of proposed entrances and exits would cause I nsawarded the grant. might increase their pest control problems and create additional Chicago police maintain they fired the increased road congestion. traffic problems. I Johnston, when asked why Nooden might be doing this "I am voting against the ordinance because I think there are research, replied "he got warning shot because the marchers were II $90,000 grant to do it." armed with 2" x 2" wood staffs other ways to solve the problem, I think this plan will make it Farhat, who on posters was accompanied by local realtor George Ide, one the marchers were carrying. worse," Griffiths said. of the property owners, said the land has no commercial value Councilwoman Mary Sharp, who supported the rezoning, said with its present zoning and the rezoning would benefit the city. traffic was the main problem to consider and that this plan could Jeremy Mattson, 315 Orchard St., said he would not be be modified if it did not work. allowed to rezone the land his house was on just tosell that Pardon inquiry set property today The new lot would add 24 parking paces to the existing 22 and and that no other citizen should have such a benefit. would be connected to the old lot by a driveway which passes Council decided to delay the rezoning until the next meeting through an alley. in two weeks and Farhat said he would have a drawing of the Citizens complained of the present traffic congestion on propsed restaurant for council to see at that meeting. Abbott Road caused by people trying to pull into the lot but In other action council accepted a bid of $750 from Brown FROM WIRE SERVICES have about five each Griffiths and other citizens said the proposed lot would just make Brothers Construction to destroy the log cabin in Alton Park minutes for him eight days before Nixon left office AND STATE NEWS the traffice problem worse. despite a last minute plea by a citizen who wanted to move the questions. whether he would pardon Nixon in the I WASHINGTON — Democratic event he resigned. Eugen Wilier, a resident of Bower House Cooperative, 127 cabin for free. pembers of the House Judiciary In Wednesday's editions The Chicago Whitehills Drive, said the alley is the only means of access for Council approved the purchase of three trucks for The Tribune said that Ford will say he a total cost hbcommittee that will question President Tribune reported that Ford will tell the people in Bower House, Pi Kappa Phi fraternity and an apartment of $73,735. made no promise to Haig and no deals Word about his subcommittee that former White House pardon of Richard M. with anyone in the Nixon Administration building. Mayor Wilbur Brookover appointed Leo Haaks to the ■Nixon say they are not chief of staff Alexander M. Haig Jr. asked Wilier said the added traffic would Commission for the Aged. expecting to learn involving Nixon's resignation. cause problems for cars and pything new. 1 The limited time available for Questioning, the narrow scope of the ■nquiry and a TJP* the issue in I ford's reluctance to put a president the grill will prevent any their view. deep probing unprecedented appearance, Women inmates hold a toy act on his part, will be BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) - British." members of the "Provisional" wing of the 1971, in. a bid to curb the violence ™d a"d televised Large crowds which gathered outside starting at 10 Women inmates holding the Armagh A police source said 100 of the 130 Irish Republican Army (IRA), waging a between extremist Roman Catholics and the m. EDT today. jail could see two sheets fluttering Prison warden and three guards hostage quonset huts used to house some 1,900 guerilla war to drive the British out of Protestants in which over 1,075 persons from broken cell windows. One of them I WILX-TV, Channel 10, and Northern Ireland and unite it with the WJIM-TV, Wednesday said they would not surrender political detainees and convicted terrorists have died. said in large capital letters apparently ftauel 6, will broadcast Ford's until they were assured of the safety of were destroyed by the fire at Maze. Irish Republic. The Armagh siege apparently began scrawled with lipstick, "Prison Wrecked." pjony |jVe. WKAR-TV, Channel 23, the inmates of riot ■ torn Maze Prison near The blaze broke out during the fighting Security chiefs said they believe the when eight women inmates grabbed The other, in blue letters, said "Governor rioting and arson were part of a concerted pOtonight'Bl8ye^181)6 h'S apPcarance Belfast. The Armagh siege was the latest of a between prisoners nad security forces, the source said. Authorities said nine prisoners effort by the outlawed IRA to end political Cunningham cellblock. while he inspected a Held." Lieuhe»in8 will center on 14 questions by Reps, Bella series of disorders that spread through and one guard were hospitalized. internment in the province. The internment policy was started in August Troops using tear gas made two In Britain, a prison "governor" is the Abzug, D - N.Y., and Northern Ireland to protest internment of Most political detainees are suspected unsuccessful attempts to free the hostages. equivalent of a warden in U.S. prisons. J, Conyers, D . Mich., in formal suspected terrorists without trial. ■wJiom directing the House to seek the Police said more than 100 prisoners had 17® fr°m the executive branch. locked warden John Cunningham, his 1 ^ questions °r are normally answered chief guard and two officers - the latter by subordinate officials. three women - in an attic cell at Armagh, Iisvilc »fesponse was to bundle up his 35 miles southwest of Belfast. End K, th men's about the pardon to subcommittee chairman and "They have not been harmed - so far," one prisoner shouted through barred D • Mo., with a letter windows at newsmen standing beyond the Bat was nothinB more to 20 foot high prison walls. • - The woman said the prisoners wanted fcembercj ,irritated subcommittee sympathetic politicians and the te Hn„ n ^ate requested that International Red Cross to visit the t Ho«* Counsel Philip Buchen be wrecked Maze complex "and come back fort wmatio^ToT° "ungate's astonishment, uHl" SUpp,y more and tell us our men are safe and not being ill - treated." T®self. he wou,d come UP The Armagh women acted after reports of serious injuries in the rioting at the iwtemilS0" is fay the two Maze, which was largely destroyed by fire fcjSJ °" the "fcometh? subcommittee as move desiPled to Tuesday night. Officials said nine Maze inmates were injured badly enough to need hospital f?'» iS!ly PuMlc treatment while many others suffered rf%Kextrica^him8elf Son" Ronn_ Was obviously a hasty *°m minor wounds. Authorities said officers were injured and 16 British 15 prison soldiers received minor wounds. The riot at the Maze, seven miles east p,0,'10 "* • of Belfast, sparked demonstrations of support in Belfast, Londonderry, Newry, 11 % did SWd8 and Kastenmeier Armagh and Lurgan. People formed human barricades in the streets, hijacked anvthino eXpect the hwin« t0 JUmS nCW about pardon of Nixon ""sons vehicles, set fire to cars and pelted soldiers with rocks. Sept. White Police and troops in toll riot gear surrounded the women's jail but made no "oo^'fivTh le,ve the hearing fresh moves to free Cunningham and the -^rs have m 5* tlme subcommittee other three hostages. "We shall not give up until our men are AP wirephoto 2.P°rd has ks °Penin« Omenta A British soldier fires a riot gun as a gasoline bomb explodes behind him in one of the major riots that erupted in Belfast and other tgUDtn?KdetailedVer8,0n0f safe and we know they are safe, the Inmates' leader called to newsmen. But Northern Ireland cities Wednesday. Other disturbences, seen as sympathy protests against British policy of detaining suspected terrorists tee We momiL members will Pardon» the nine without trial, broke out in predominantly Roman Catholic areas of Londonderry, Armagh and Newry. probably only we will not negotiate with any of the Susan Ager JAMES Editor-in-Chief Maureen Beninson . Advertising Manager R. D. Campbell Managing Editor Ford G. F. Korreck scientists City Editor Diane Silver Chris Danietson Melissa Pay ton Campus Editor Opinion Page Editor National Editor can regroup Steve Stein Sports Editor Thursday, October 17,1974 Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor materials to manufacture aluminum, in the universities and in the Editorials are the opinion of the State Judy Rypma Copy Chief If ever there was a time when the Roy Ash is probably right that "science raw laboratories. News. Columns, viewpoints and letters are JoeKirby President of the United States needed the and scientific points of view are now to find food in the seas, to restore the They are dispersed and many Of Staff Representative then ancient granaries of the Middle East and to feel abandoned. They are a help of the best objective scientific minds represented throughout the government," great natum ^personal opinions. y to help him grapple with the problems of but he is probably wrong in thinking that find new and cheaper engines of resource of America, and know mJ. about the unused resources of the food, fuel, transportation, housing and their information about present problems transportation. world But they have to be given a chance many other things, it is now; but he is a and their suggestions about what might be For the moment, the pessimism and the nation, and only the President can to hej little shorthanded. done about increasing the food and the shortages of the world are dominating the EDITORIALS Early in 1973, former President Nixon abolished the post of presidential science fuel of the world get to the White House "every day" or even in time to influence possibilities and dampening the natural optimism of America, and this is the them all back together. adviser at the White House, and disbanded President Ford's decisions. frustration of the scientists in Washington, (C) 1974 New York Times The truth is, as Roy Ash indicated, that Inflationary the government's office of science and technology. It was decided then that men the federal government has a remarkable like James Killian and Jerry Wiesner of the reservoir of scientific knowledge in Massachusets Institute of Technology, Washington, scattered through the who had helped guide the country through departments and agencies atomic and of industry - on the mysteries of nuclear energy and space, solar energy, on increasing the production among many other things, were no longer of food by seeding and desalting the essential on the White House staff. BUS SCHEDULES and "casual conversations with waters of the world, on geologic surveys of natives" Roy L. Ash, director of the Office of Philip Lang, in regard to your letter may have made the writer of the new sources of petroleum - one of which origin,! Big Brother federal government of a major new carrier since 1938. Management and Budget, explained the (Tuesday's State News), the reason why article (Judy Rypma) first is now coming to the fore in Mexico - but laugh and then acts more like a wet nurse in its It recently refused to allow Laker reasons. During the Eisenhower you were not able to catch a bus after leap to her own defense (Oct. 7 state Administration, he said, when the all of this information is dispersed in the 4:10 p.m. in front of the Plant Biology News) to refute the charges put to her but relations with many regulated Airways, a British airline to operate Russians pushed ahead into space with departments of the government and in the Building is that the last Circle - Fee bus is Opubor's points, far from beinj industries. a New York - to - London schedule their Sputnik, "there was a need to bring universities and laboratories of America. at 4:07 p.m. Oversensitive or petty, ought to be raised The major activities for $125 each way - a little more science right to the top of the White It is not brought together, with all its of such Furthermore, at the beginning of each more often. While not going so far as to House." potentialities for the future, and put Call the passage cited indicative of agencies as the Interstate than a third of the present term the bus service puts out schedules But after that, he added, science and before the President as a vision of the "blatant that you could have picked up. Or you racism" or a "dangerous attitude" Commerce Commission (ICC), the "economy fare" of about $300. scientific points of view were represented I possible and the basis of his policies, could have simply taken the time to ask a would judge it exemplary of' Federal Maritime Commission Engman declared that "our throughout the government, so "there which is too bad, because we now have a drive about the schedule. unconscious ethnocentrism, perpetuation w „ . . . m of (FMC), the Civil Aeronautics Board complex systems of hidden isn't a need to bring the scientific point of president who is listening. Patrick Fleser facile stereotypes and myths, view directly into the President's office. It is fortunate, and accidental, that MSU bus driver unfortunate (CAB) and the Federal regulatory subsidies make welfare choice of words and irresponsible It's there every day." Nelson Rockefeller, Ford's nominee for STUDENT UNION Communications Commission fraud look like petty larceny." journalism. Well, maybe so. There is, however, vice president, has spent the last few (FCC) seem to be maintenance of These anticompetitive policies of As a woefully underpaid MSU clerical "Trekking," "jungle" and "natives," another view that Nixon did not like the months presiding over a study of the technical worker who has been benign and universally applicable words in high prices to protect inefficient the federal government have been advice he was getting from the scientists "critical choices" before America - many cited encouraging the student workers in their themselves, usually harbor culturally companies, limiting entry into the as a major contributor to our about some of his programs, like the of them on precisely this question about unionization, I was pleased to read in the imperialistic connotations in reference to field and otherwise preventing current inflation. We can afford development of the supersonic planes and what science can contribute to the State News Oct. 9 article, "'U' says Africa since they bring to mind the them the dangers of modern technology on the solution of our national and world competition. no longer. unionizers ignore economic facts," that filmmakers' exotic image of Africa, one so environment of the human race. And there problems. Lewis Engman, chairman of the President Ford's proposed our administration wants the student narrow that it shouldn't be fostered as an was another conflict. Nixon sensed, quite One of the studies in the Rockefeller workers to be well informed when they accurate portrayal of reality there. True, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) National Commission on accurately, that his official scientists were analysis, for example, has to do with the consider signing the pledge dbrds that will the writer could equally well have said has described regulated industries as Regulatory Reform will not need to not very enthusiastic about his chances of role of scientific research and development bring them a Student Workers Union. that language study might be useful in "federal protectorates, living in a look far to find atrocious examples winning the Vietnam War. They were not on the world's economic problems. It However, I was disappointed when these starting a business in Africa and in of government part of "the Nixon team," but had indicates that a bold investment of $40 cozy world of cost - plus, protected - instituted same administrators merely tossed out a chatting casually with natives in Hong become sort of a "special interest" group billion in fertilizer plants could produce few vague generalities about how the from the ugly specters of monopoly pricing. Maybe Ford's or scientific lobby within the White House Kong, but she didn't. within a few years enough additional food workers must be "realistic" and how It may be that we are all over • competition, efficiency and desire to control inflation will reacting family, with strong political views hostile to maintain three million of the world's things are tough all over. Tough for to a casual reference where no harm was innovation." finally provide the impetus to end to his own. increasing population. whom? intended. But good - willed and While the industries involved are this outrage. Maybe he was right about this and George Woods, former head of the Eldon Nonnamaker says, "Students enthusiastic Americans (myself included) And while maybe he was wrong, but the feet is that world bank, is working on a plan to bring mollycoddled, the public pays. they are at it, a look should get to know about the limitations have all too often let their cross ■ cultural he wiped them out, and transferred the the Arabs — the new capitalists of the of the University budget, how money is Transportation economists at the antitrust division of the impressions, and hence relationships and responsibility for scientific advice to the world - the United Nations, and the appropriated." Does he mean they should policies, rest on overly narrow or estimate that regulatory measures Justice Dept. might explain why it director of the National Science banking and technological skills of the know about the interest group wheeling inaccurate images supplied by school texts in the transportation industry alone permits such other anticompetitive Foundation, H. Guyford Stever, an able western world together to build and and dealing among political hacks, or popular culture. For example, the cost consumers $8 to $16 billion a arrangements as the American and talented man, who is now at the distribute this new fertilizer capacity. University bureaucrats, profit • hungry school book description of a sari as the Medical Assn., the American Bar center of policymaking at a time when Likewise, Rockefeller money and other year. For example, the trucking businessmen $nd advocates for U.S. "costume" worn by Indian women is the science is central to the problem of the foundation money is going to exploit new industry has government - forced Assn., the International Telephone foreign policy that results in MSU's annual type of linguistic oddity that nation's and the world's problems. and cheaper means of producing essential price fixing and wasteful rules that and Telegraph Co., General Motors budget? But how can they know about unconsciously molds impressions and these things when all this goes on behind thinking about people from "other" cause detours, prohibit stops and and dozens of their fellows. closed doors? It is Eldon Nonnamaker's places. School children are helpless against force about 40 per cent of trucking These interests are not in need of self • proclaimed responsibility to make this form of enculturation, but an adult traffic to travel empty. protection. Consumers are. It is this knowledge public, and he is certainly who has means of re ■ evaluating his In tfte'airlines industry, the CAB time to force a competitive market in a position to know. culture's outlook toward other culture) has not ■permitted the competition upon them. Furthermore, it is the administration's and nations is obligated to do so. duty to disclose the facts on University Communication, of which language and funding. Where does it come from and journalism are both important and where exactly does it go? Who makes powerful tools, demands accuracy and L,aw can't ha these decisions and how much are they sound judgment as well as good intentions. paid? How much have administrators' Mary Kay Hobbs, graduate student, salaries risen in the last five years, year by International and Comparative Education year, including itemized expense VIEW DISTORTED accounts? Is it true that the number of One night in the near future a district judge's shutdown of the As the State News article of Oct. 9 administrators at MSU has doubled since band of vigilantes may steal into plant in April. 1969? These economic facts are essential patently illustrates, nonmajor party to candidates have one hell of a job to get Reserve Mining Co.'s taconite making an informed decision on the their views presented accurately. 1 believe Reserve Mining Co., backed by Student Workers Union. processing plant under the cover of It is the regular campus employes and that the reporter was trying to be fair and its billion dollar parent companies darkness and sabotage the Silver accurate, but nevertheless what was the student workers who actually make Bay, Minn., facility. If such an (Armc'o and Republic Steel), has presented was a distortion. this University run, not the administrators. been allowed to dump cancer - In the story "Three battle for House event takes place, it will be hailed If these workers could cooperate in as a daring move by a little man in a producing asbestos fibers into once withholding their labor, they could shut district seat" I am seen as one who pure Lake Superior during , the this discounts himself as a serious candidate, life - and - death struggle against a place down tight, or even potentially it for themselves. And they have both and as a former Milliken supporter who entire course of the five - year court run corporate monster backed up by a the power and the right to do so. considers the incumbent Jondahl one of battle. Reserve claims land disposal hamstrung court system. The thousands of workers here will be Michigan's best legislators. The picture Last week the Supreme Court of the wastes is noneconomical, comes across as that of a harmless making important decisions in the coming refused for the second time to though every other taconite plant year, and I can only hope the professor, a low key preacher of socialism consider taking any action to stop in Minnesota uses this method. administration makes full public disclosure who finas that "even using the word and distribution of all pertinent socialist scares people off." the plant from dumping 67,000 Now the has been stayed case information so that these decisions will be This distorted story is the result of tons of poisonous wastes daily into indefinitely, with the Supreme well informed ones. underscoring statements that I made, Lake Superior. Court unlikely to reconsider it until Jeff Roby ripped out of the context in which I made Elm Place them. I did say that it would be a miracle The case was brought to the January. And so far the thousands FLUTIST AMAZING if I won. What I emphasized, however, was Supreme Court by the states of who live on Lake Superior's the very serious - even critical - need to In reference to the State News' critique Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota contaminated shores have not arouse people to protest, to free themselves of Tuesday's Lecture - Concert and the U.S. Justice Dept. after a chosen to fight from under the WMi,V>MM£STi presentation of the Concentus Musicus,I from the grasp of tradition and habit and Court of Appeals overturned a U.S. lion's paw. to seek an alternative to the two "Shake!" must conclude that A1 Newman was too discredited major parties. harsh in calling any part of the program I did say that I once voted for Milliken. "inadequate." Having attended the concert and being a flutist myself, I was But what I emphasized was that for several ART BUCHWALD amazed by the quality of performance decades I have been a strictly independent voter. (For some reason the reporter that Leopold Stastny was able to achieve with such a crude instrument as the didn't report that I told him that I had baroque flute to work with. It must be generally been a liberal Democrat, and had Nixon's bills not Rocky's ills remembered that Antonio Vivaldi wrote the "Quartetto del Cardellino" time in history when the baroque flute during a voted for Carr and Jondahl in the last election.) I did say that I thought incumbent Jondahl has one of the best records in the was all he really had to work with. There were no sterling silver, 17 - keyed, Michigan legislature, but I emphasized that I was The two scientifically tuned flutes in existence, and opposing him because I feel that as major political problems in that. But docs Nixon know it? I think you no set rules for simplified long as he stays with the Democrats he this country this week are that Nelson have a good idea, but it won't fly. We, the fingering. Yet Vivaldi, in all of his mastery as a will, if and when any "crunch" comes, be Rockefeller seems to have too much public, should give Nixon anything he asks composer, still wrote the piece for that obliged to the capitalist big labor bosses money and that Richard Nixon doesn't for and not leave it up to the Rockefellers who call the shots in seem to have enough. kind of flute and obviously thought it th^ party. of this world. sounded enough like a goldfinch to allow I do not think the distortions were Last Friday the headlines said that "While I'm the first to agree that this his composition to be performed to this deliberate. I believe that the reporter was Rocky was throwing around money like a drunken congressman, and that the Justice country should economize, I don't believe day, whether with the improved, modern trying to be fair and accurate. The it should be at the expense of an ex - flute, or with the baroque style. distortion came about because the Dept. had made a deal to defend Richard Nixon's president who was forced to resign Granted, today's flute has a much orthodox conservative - liberal ideology Watergate civil suits at no cost to and dualistic approach is deeply embedded him. because he was up to his ears in the brighter and more brilliant sound; it is in the Thjs angered many people in the obstruction of justice for which he has capable of almost perfect response from unconscious thought patterns been given a full and unqualified pardon." the very low notes to very high notes with through which the vast majority o country, including Selwyn Mimser, who Americans view "Well it was just an idea," Mimser said. little difficulty. I think most of us are a things. Thus even called in a rage. "Why should I as a "You don't have to get sore at me." littldspoiled, being used to hearing today's intentioned SN reporters cannot rewy taxpayer have to foot Nixon's legal fees?" "I'm sorry. I lost my' cool," I said." flute, and I must assume that this applies comprehend a serious challenge to the age "Because," I said, "that's the way old two parties. "But you to Newman as well. It is not often that they do it over at Justice. They feel they have to admit, we've reached a We of owe Nixon something." sorry point in this country when we one gets to hear the baroque flute played Hurpan Rights Party, in trying to question a man who give* one or two with any great skill - it is very difficult! get people to comprehend that there are "Why doesn't Rocky give him the million dollars away to people he has a Overall, I was very impressed with the different alternatives to those of the money?" Mimser wanted to know. Concentus Musicus as a performing group. established order, have set ourselves • "Why should Rockefeller give him any deep affection for." "I wasn't questioning that," Mimser It is a challenge for even the finest most difficult task. But with courage, money?" I asked. musicians of today to play on the initiative and hard work we hope within "Because if Nixon hadn't resigned, protested. "All I was suggesting was a way to take care of Nixon's legal and ancestors of their new instruments, and the next decade to be well on the way to Rockefeller wouldn't be the vice "Why are you asking me?" Mimser of interest. Suppose Nixon ran for public presidential candidate now." wanted to know. "Anyway, I think we office again? If he had accepted a gift of household bills without sticking the this challenge was well met by the achieving our goals of taking power in * should make Rocky promise to take care taxpayer. Jerry Ford did ask us to think of members of the Concentus Musicus. democratic fashion and moving ®e "That's true, but Rockefeller can't just money he'd be under obligation to Carole Williams give money to everybody. After all, there's of Nixon for the rest of his life." Rockefeller." ways of saving money." * localities, state and nation on the road to» even a limit to his fortune," I said. "Rocky can handle it," Mimser assured "If you read Rockefeller's statements, "He also said it was time we forgave ETHNOCENTRISM 38 Yake'eV Ha" social order that is better than the present. As a candidate of the HRP, that is a tas* "How do you know that?" me. "At least he can afford it more than he has never given anybody money except Rockefeller," I said, "because he's Alfred Opubor's "hostile" response to to which I am most He had me there. "I'm just can." suffered enough." seriously committed guessing we as a gesture of appreciation and friendship. the seemingly unintentional and harmless there's a limit. There is, isn't there?" "But," I said, "there could be a conflict "You know thatt" I said, "and I know Copyright 1974 reference to "treks acroat Africa's junglei" Carroll Hawkins Profeaaor of political science Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 17,1974 5 Milliken, Levin differ ThU on sales tax repeal year's only By JOHN TINGWALL petition successful citizens Chamber of Commerce, the League of drive, led by the Michigan State News Staff Writer Citizens Women Voters and Michigan food dealers. Grocer)' shoppers bothered by rising Lobby, is responsible for the appearance of Proposal C on the Nov 5 ELECTIONS Ross called food dealers' opposition blatant self I Prices will have at least one chance to ballot. • interest. I (ood?":. food PROPOSAL C , . budget this hudcet tl fall when they The 4 per cent sales tax "They don't want to give up the food and the 74 on |::vp-T^.^ "",u" I sties tax i proposal to food and drugs. 2 per cent sales tax on prescription drugs, much aasailed since its enactment in 1933, interest free cash from sales tax," Ross said. "If it's repealed, borrow money from the banks and they'll have to has become a major campaign issue in the pay interest on it." REMOVAL OF SALES TAX ON FOOD AND PRESCRIPTION gubernatorial race, with Gov. Milliken "Alcohol taxes could be increased, or Ross also said Milliken's opposition to opposing the repeal and Levin supporting the state could DRUGS Ferency says institute the tax cut has had no significant effect on even a tax on businesses provided to other businesses, voter opinion on Proposal C. A private The sales tax would be eliminated Jan. like advertising 1, 1975, if approved by the voters, or consulting services," poll conducted by a professional poller for The leaving Ross said. the citizens lobby shows the proposed constitutional amendment would: Illinois as the only major industrial state repeal Robert Kleine, one of Milliken's tax favored by voters 64 to 29 per cent. still bond taxing food and drugs. (1) Remove the sales tax food and experts, said the governor has considered A State Journal poll published on prescription drugs used for transpo Criticized as an unfair and regressive tax by repeal supporters, approval of the food all types of tax increases, but the fairest alternative is a personal income tax show 52.6 per cent of Sixth District voters endorsing the repeal, with 36.3 opposed Sunday human consumption except food prepared for immediate tax cut would incur a $200 million annual increase. and 10.8 of no opinion. loss in state revenue. Repeal proponents consumption and alcoholic beverages; and "Liquor or alcohol taxes would have to Ross said if the inadequate differ on whether a tax even mass transit and increase is be increased astronomically to raise more Vietnam veterans bonus bill necessary to offset the loss, but agree that than 100 million dollars," Klein said. are passed, (2) Compensate units of government, other than the state, for the food sales tax burdens the Michigan would not be hurt in the coming poor A tax table prepared by Sen. Harry fiscal year. the disproportionately, since resulting loss of revenue by increasing each present al¬ a greater portion DeMaso, R - Battle Creek, State taxation If the proposal fails, a food tax relief east lansing(UPIh Human Rights of lower income families' wages are spent chairman, shows that even with a 1.5 per program enacted by the legislature earlier location of sales tax revenue to such units by 1 /5th. I Jtv candidate for governor Zolton on food. Soaring food prices have added cent increase in income tax, most families this year will take effect Jan. 1. It would 1 cy said today he opposes the mass to this burden, supporters say, since the with income under $12,000 would benefit provide income tax credits for each Should this constitutional amendment be I transportation bond issue because it sales tax increases constantly food from the sales tax repeal. adopted? as member of a family earning under I doesn't offer enough "for the people who prices rise. The Michigan Citizens Lobby estimates $15,000, ranging from six to 10 dollars. have to pay for it" Proposal C also provides for He also accused Oov. William G. compensation to schools and local units of the tax cut would provide every family in Michigan with two weeks of free groceries Ross has termed the tax relief ineffective program because it fails to provide YES □ I Milliken, a prime advocate advc of the governments, which are allocated over half per year. A family of four paying $60 a enough compensation to consumers, I' nroposal, of "either kidding himself or of sales tax revenue. Because the amount week for groceries pays $2.40 in sales tax. especially those with income under NO □ to kid the people of Michigan" by of sales tax revenue would decrease with Opposing the labor and consumer $6,000, and it does not adjust itself as I claiming the cost of the bond proposal can the repeal, a one - fifth increase in supported repeal are the Michigan food prices increase. I be absorbed by the natural growth of the allocation is proposed in the constitutional I state's economy. amendment. Schools, for example, currently receive For one thing, Ferency said, sponsors of food two of every four cents collected in state I I I the proposal have failed to publicize the tact that when interest is taken into consideration the bond issue will actually sales tax. Because this sales tax fund will decrease without food and school portion will be drug tax, the upped to two and MSU ecology et the state closer to $2.1 billion than two - fifths cents. | $1.1 billion. By SUE McMILLIN The possibility of an income tax hike to reduced, Underwood said. Each of the 17 residence hall cafeterias State Naws Staff Writer Toy, sophomore, 125 W. McDonel Hall, "I intend to vote against Proposal D in compensate for the loss of funds has been MSU's Food Ecology Program, started "Based on observations of the at MSU received a kit last year at a cost of said. "It is bantered about by politicians and tax becoming an everyday decor." ..jvember, because the proposal doesn't last fall term in an effort to reduce the supervisory personnel, waste was $25 per kit. A kit has enough material to Most students said that the campaign I hive enough in it for the people who will experts. Milliken's opposition to the repeal four tons of daily plate waste in residence reduced," he said. last four school years. The kits now cost was not discussed much, but that students is based on I have to pay for it," Ferency said. his experts a .6 per cent income tax hike halls, is still going strong. Underwood said that last year's waste $35.. who left a lot of food usually got kidded He said the transporation program estimate is necessary. The If food wastes can be cut in half it is tonnage broke down to about two and a Most students contacted said that they about it. I envisioned is "business oriented rather current income tax rate is 3.9 per cent. half ounces of waste per student thought the program had been successful bound to hold down residence hall fees, per meal. I than people oriented." Milliken's Democratic opponent, Sander Robert Underwood, residence halls Coca • Cola USA developed a Food in reducing wastes. "We kid each other a lot - tell each Levin, and Douglas Ross, head of the manager, said. Ecology Kit which includes posters, "I think there is less food waste than in other to eat our beans or dorm prices will "I don't know why the ordinary people Michigan Citizens Lobby, maintain that The program, developed by MSU and buttons and suggestions for contests and previous years," Jerome Brazelton, senior, go up," Bill Bitzinger, junior, 358 Abbot I in our state ought to foot the bill for cuts in the state incentives to reduce wastes. Coca • Cola B115 Bailey Hall, said Hall, said. budget can compensate Coca - Cola USA, was devised to make s, port developments and other the lost revenue. Their suggestions include students aware of the food waste, absorbed the devlopment costs and the Kim Holmes, freshman, 819 S. Hubbard Ted Smith, coordinator of food I benefits for private corporations at the cuts in welfare programs, since an Underwood said. kits were available to universities at cost. Hall, said that she had not noticed much services, said that he thought students I public expense." Ferency said. estimated $40 million is given to ineligible Out of 23 students contacted Tuesday Posters bear such messages as "Stop waste. were very cooperative in reducing wastes. recipients, and better state government by the State News, 21 said that they were Food Waste - Take Only What YouU "Everybody just about finishes "My observation is that students are "The amount of money dedicated to Eat" and really great about eating what they take," accounting procedures. aware of the problem and thought that "Enjoy a Complete Meal - But everything they take," she said. I moving the rank and file populationof the Ross, who believes three fourths of most Complete Your Meal." This term the However, two students felt that the he said. • students had made an effort to ■ state of Michigan swiftly, safely, cleanly residence halls gave the students a quiz Coca Cola is presently trying to Michigan residents would get a tax break reduce waste. original impact of the campaign was - I and cheaply, is a drop in the bucket even if the personal income tax is with questions about food waste and wearing off. expand the program to other institutions •ed to the benefits hiked, Though MSU has not made a study to projected for said there are alternative tax increases that determine the tonnage of food wastes this awarded free coke glasses to those who "I think it had a greater impact at first. such as hospitals, nursing homes and I private corporate enterprise." might be implemented. answered them correctly. It was a topic of conversation then," Bob secondary schools. year, it appears that wastes have been T LOUDSPEAKER SEMINAR TJBL Stop in and see what makes a really great speaker system tick. IBL factory representative DickBioomwiii be on hand to answer questions on loudspeaker, design and sound in general. A FREE Film showing how JBL speakers are made will be presented by Dick at the following times: OCIOBER17 - E. Lansing 2:00 pm, 4:00 p & 7:00 pm OCTOBER 18 - Lansing 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm FREE RECORDS The first 20 persons at each film showing will receive a copy of "Sessions by JBL." An excellent record describing an actual re¬ cording session and speaker evaluation tips. FREE REFRESHMENTS **•*101 SNEAK PREVIEW**** An exciting new loudspeaker to set a new high standard of design and construction. Beautiful! NEVER SHOWN BEFORE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC 402 S. WASHINGTON, LANSING 245 ANN STREET, E. LANSING Thursday, October 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan '7,197,1 Daily schedule keeps Carr moving Demoocrat u I Robert Carr aA Republican Cliffy Taylor, candidates fall I the 6th for a certain bill expanding District By MIKE ARNETT problems.. and Carr answered questions congressional SSat State News Staff Writer It is 6 a.m. and still very "Actually, though, campaigning is fUn. People are from a moderator crowd. and the women's rights. At 10 p.m. Carr'a day was amwpm, „ »•"£1 usually really nice to you. But finally over. This was to be one ^ dark. Most sensible people are 80 in bed, snuggling deeper under you've got to have a of his "good" nights, when he hours per ^ I blankets to ward off the early temperament that can could sfeep all the way till 7 during the finA morning chill. Bob Carr has withstand a lot of anxiety." ELECTIONS a.m. the next morning. months before the I been up since four. Next Carr headed back to "Ill go about four nights a election. State /v<*J Carr, Democratic candidate the Olds plant. The night shift IPPT week on three or four hours staff writer Arnett followed JJI for the 6th District was heading in and, with the sleep," he said, "then 111 get a eachW congressional seat, is catching the incoming day - shift temperature nearly 30 degrees higher than morning, the good night's sleep and catch candidate f0r " the main day. workers at response was correspondingly The questions were easy for "Trouble is," he laughed, Oldsmobile plant in Lansing. warmer. Carr this time. He had already "I'm so used to It, III wake up "Hi, I'm Bob Carr, running After a staff dinner Carr supported most NOW tomorrow at four anyway." for U.S. Congress," he says, attended a reception at the proposals, and merely had to shaking hands reluctant to say "yes" and elaborate a bit leave warm pockets. His day apartment of Lucille Belen, when asked if he would vote will not end for 16 hours. But Tuesday was a typical • Lansing city councilwoman • at large. Several Democratic ■SUruon V ddiviims candidates spoke to the living day for Carr. Until election day room crowd and answered -Boartf he will be following a brutal schedule, attempting to outshake, outsmile and outtalk questions. Carr had to talk and run (FallX/-}l-Ci>sons Clifford Taylor, his Republican opponent. because of a Lansing National Organization of Women (NOW) f,*,*Gtnlar* The flow through the plant "meet the candidates night" gate subsided, and after a futile scheduled for 8:30 p.m. Taylor r i IjTlow search for an open restaurant SN photo/Mike C to get coffee, Carr and a few Di assistants moved on to a busy M. Robert Carr samples MSU cafeteria fare in Phillips Hall. Carr is seeking the street corner in downtown 6th District congressional seat vacated by the retirement of 18 - year Lansing. State office employes Republican incumbent Charles Chamberlain. were filing in to work, ONLY 2 more days complaining about the cold til Sweetest Day wind and receiving campaign Oct. 19 T^lac _tr . literature from the Carr to some old friends from his one of a large pile of mechanics, details and C/j entourage. days as an asst. attorney questionnaires, phoning several scheduling," he said. "I'd r cards available at "This is where it's won," Congressmen to discuss some rather spend that time out general. Then he moved on to CAMPUS BOOK STORE aide said, "shaking hands, listening to people, finding out of the questions. O/TKI.v| one meeting people, getting his downtown campaign office to return a stack of calls. "One thing I regret about what's bothering them, 507 E. Grand River up m Wit uQ£> personal contact." By sunrise more than 2,000 After lunching with state campaigning is the time lost in learning their frustrations and Across From Rerkey Hall floor' ,UraoTLor thTfo Carr pamphlets had been United Auto Workers leaders, 3*5-3355 5 lassen/ho. distributed. Can headed for his East After an hour - long Lansing law office to wade breakfast and warming up through paperwork and consult period, Carr walked to the with top aides. state Law Building to say hello Carr managed to get through HomECominc 1974 m/u presents... Return to Forever featuring Chick Corea COMING TO THE STABLES OCTOBER 20 $3.50 in Advance - $4.00 at the Door \ The weekend. And you've got a little ■: DAVE LOGGin/ time to spend. Any way you want. Good Tickets available at Discount Records and at Shows at 8 p.m. & 11 p.m. the Door, J g times, good friends. And Coca-Cola to Saturday oct. 26 ■ ■ men's tickets im building, sports arena, 9pm available at discount records, and the msy union recordland for , S3 General help make it great. ■ Wsthe real thing. Coke. TBElTMIS 2843 E.CD.RIVER, EAST LANSING Admission A Union Activities Board & MSU Development Fund Project CROSS COUNTRY GEAR ARRIVES LOOK AT OUR TRAK PACKAGES WHILE THEY'RE STILL AVAILABLE tC/" MONDAY 1/ l/> lb. llAIVlbuRqfR, a Ia carII S /c,<\. (rom5:50 io REG REG JARVINEN SKI $35.00 JARVINEN SKI $45.00 ff allTUESDAY Mix! (J (llii^ks [.Alf 1/2 PRICE NORMA NITE I |)Ri< i 11'° TRAK VASA 19.95 TRAK AROSA 29.95 WEDNESDAY TRAK POLE 8.50 IRAK POLE 8.50 PITCHER SPECIAL dowNSTAiRs TRAK BINDING 8.50 TRAK BINDING 8.50 THURSDAY, SZZl $71.95 $91.95 LADIES NITE All (fMAhsRfaiw , AMixiddi?iNl< wiilipAid AdMissioN special mc price $56.95 special mc price $65.95 Also special sale prices on + BINDING + BINDING FRIDAY ■ C , KARHU skis. Also good selection of GRAND OLE T.C.I.F. unI)( lii vaI)Ii old I AsliioNi d pim i | TRAK TOURING, LIGHT TOURING & NO. WAX |>ii( Ikrspi(jaI 6ori •irsSP!l'i HEAD TOURING & LIGHT TOURING 1><| Ir ll()t(l(X,S P K> > l)an(ls |)l AyilN(| al no (()v11{ jllgll ^ we still have plenty of alpine 5002 W SAGINAW skis at tremendous savings (JUST EAST OF LANSING MALL) 487-1863 OPEN 10-9, SUNDAYS 12-5 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 17, 1974 7 Taylor advocates low-key campaign tactic By MIKE ARNETT people a lot, otherwise you matter what you the State Newt Staff Writer believe in," meeting was to be held. By would get fed up with it," he Cliff Taylor likes people. Taylor said jokingly. the time he found it, both said. "Sometimes I get tired of The next stop was Jackson, That's good, because he has Taylor and the NAACP leaders campaigning, but mostly I like where Taylor and his had to leave for other met 30,000 of them this year. It." Democratic opponent, M. engagements. Taylor had to Taylor, Republican By the time Taylor arrived Robert Carr, were to have met candidate for the 6th District hurry back to Lansing, so the at the veterans' meeting, it was with state leaders of the 60 ■ mile round trip to Jackson congressional race, figures he just ending. So he stood at the National Assn. for the had resulted in nothing. has shaken that many hands exit and shook hands as people Advancement of Colored In Lansing Taylor picked up since he began his campaign in left. People (NAACP). his wife and attended an Italian January. And after watching After a quick lunch of two However, Taylor could not - American Club Columbus him for a day, that Coney Island hot dogs, Taylor figure locate the building in which Day dinner. might even appear began an hour of door - to - conservative. door calls. Taylor began a full Saturday "Our method for this is to of campaigning last week by select swing areas that are not attending the Apple Butter committed to either party," he Festival in the small town of said. "Then we get lists of Unadilla, just east of registered voters in the area Stockbridge. and go to their homes. This About 60 Unadillans was very successful for us in broused around booths selling the primary." pumpkins, Indian corn, cider, A steady drizzle began to donuts, homemade cookies, fall as Taylor moved from door pies and fresh hot apple butter. to door. A new batch of apple butter "That is one thing we've bubbled in a giant kettle over a found out; when people see wood fire. you campaigning out in the "You can't imagine what a rain, they'll vote for you no personal appearance in an area like this can do," Taylor said. "Keeping low • key, just saying hello — it has a big effect on these people." After a couple hours of REMEMBER . mingling, Taylor and his scheduling director, Fred Hall, made SWEETEST a long drive to downtown Lansing to shake Oct. 19th hands at a meeting of Lansing Give her flowers from Jon area Navy World War I veterans Anthony and their wives. Roses 6 for $2.99 On the way, between SN catnaps, Taylor told stories j 12 for $4.99 photo/James Overly Cliff Taylor, Republican congressional candidate in the 6th District, tries his hand at stirring the apple butter about the interesting people he JI J l\J Carnations 12 for $3.99 has met on campaigns. at the annual Unadilla Apple Butter Festival. The mush is stirred with a hoe. "You've really got to like JiNTHONY FLORIST,'A MSU buses face (Free Parking) detour Friday ay-Oct. 19! nearest (It's shown on request.) Iff also luve a Make someone happy on Sweetest Day, Saturday, you! variety of OPEN NITES plants strange, exotic Oct. 19. Hallmark Sweetest Day cards and gifts — and more! the perfect, thoughtful remembrance. SUPER WEEK IS COMING! Fall Special Student Book Store Fleece Lined Boots and Hiking Boots Regular $23.00 * $24.00 WIDEST Styled for NOW $18" We have the most complete collection of wedding rings. You'll find one to perfectly express your love, your individuality. Visit us soon. f°"ege ring at a Jg than gold &•-» Rcb"« enjoy a n. welry V°u can fog «t a?tt#rthan 8°'d" Price a „ r than Sold" forlifel 't S 8uaranteed Precious 14 karat gold wedding rings. Delicately crafted - Sir*?the tin John ' m Jewelry. See antique styles. Inspired by the past, designed for the future. ""Play ?NOW! R°berts ring Ha«dqu«t»r» for- ' Oranp SloNom wcutVMir • • Diamond Rlngi Gold Faahlon Originali Diamond *nd Wadding fllngi Art Carvad Wedding JEWELRY and • JEWELRYand ART CENTER 0 Rojer Stuart 10 FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER RlngSati JWreMtn faml Longin*y BuIov. and 310 E. Grand Rhwr Aw. alir (Cantprlutru ^luiu Ki.rr E«t Laming. Mich. * east lansine ^ > * ph0M 337-1314 Thursday, October 17 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 19741 Stables to feature Have I Known You Before," la cynical minds about thk By DAVE STERN the current Return to Forever, featuring the super tight much more relaxed and Corea and Return to Stat* News Reviewer arrangements that have made One of the nation's top Moving to an electric piano, Corea so popular in this area features more solo space than will play sets at 10 and 10 I drawing club bands and one of guitar, drums and electric bass over the past year, the preceding albums. It should Tickets are availahi I East Lansing's most successful format, Corea released "Hymn remove the few remaining Discount Records for «o r'„ll musical attractions, Return to of the Seventh Galaxy," His latest release Where reservations existing in more and at the door for $4 ™ Forever featuring Chick Corea will be playing the Sunday Film cowboys ride to rescue ABC night concert at the Stables next week. Qiick Corea, who during the past few years adopted Miles Davit' trick of frequently By KATHY ESSE LM AN at 9 p.m. "The Night Stalker" game, will provide ABC with reversal on prime ■ ume ^ changing musical style, has will retain its 10 p.m. time slot. passing ratings in the great killed series set for 7 State News Reviewer 30 „ 1 been consistently creating ABC is bringing in ABC's Saturday night line - Nielsen race. ABC also has problems on timesloU, originally cleared the networks last d rather than following the Holywood's top guns - John up, after a four week Clint spring Sonl Eastwood festival, will feature Tuesday night. The Tuesday popular mode. Though he possesses a highly Wayne and Clint Eastwood - to secure their Friday and '"Hie New Land" in its present Movie of the Week has been i?6" production 8erles we« already jj when the reve'I developed technique, he has refrained from the flashiness of Saturday night TV ratings. timeslot at 8 p.m., special getting uncharacteristically low ratings this year. That probably came. Valentine The new jKf TTiey programmed two Wayne programming from 9 to 10 series and stvle which, along with the films for Fridays and four of p.m. and "Nakia" continuing accounts for the network Crane's "Second Start" «, inaccesabflity of many modern Eastwood's films for Saturdays at 10 p.m. Barring a miracle, it rerunning a sappy comedy back in production for , jazz composers, has restricted while they rearrange their seems unlikely ABC will retain starring Connie Stevens and January debut. 1 the popularity of many other disastrous line - up on those "Hie New Land" past January. Alan Alda last Tuesday night. Movies starring Connie Stevens CBS will replace juzmusicians. nights. Saturday night is a "Sons and Corea's musicianship first The reasons for the panic are traditional weak spot in ABC'; or Darren McGavin regularly Daughters" with the summj hit 'Tony Orlando and became a "cause celebre" in obvious. ABC traditionally schedule. It gets caught in the rate highest in the overall "Sons and Daughters," Dawn1 the jazz world when Corea owns Tuesday and Friday crunch of the high - powered Nielsen list compiled by considered '50s reprise, an ill J played with Miles Davis and night, but this season NBC has NBC movie and the CBS Variety magazine in the spring. reaped associates in the "Bitches scorn from critics and achieved clear mastery on comedy line - up. The network An awful lot of people must view™ Brew" era. He issued a number love Cricket (Connie alike as the worst Friday, due to the weak lead • hopes a series of specials, venture 0| of albums during this time, in "Kodiak" has provided Stevens' role in the old "77 the season. including "Brian's Song" by showing a stylistic merging of ABC. "The Six Million Dollar William Blinn (producer • Sunset Strip"). his mainstream background Man," which follows creator of "The New Land") Cancellations will come No other changes atel contemplated at midseason bv with the new techniques he "Kodiak," has plummeted out and "Portrait: A Legend in early this year. The Federal CBS as they ride their 20 was using with Davis and his • y of the top ten this fall. Granite" preceding an NFL Communications Commission's winning streak. compatriots, and showcasing The network has pulled himself as a composer. "The Texas Wheelers" and The highlight of Corea's "The Night Stalker" for Oct. career has been the solo - 11, 18 and 25 and substituted improvisation album released proven ratings - winners like just before his present group, "True Grit" — while they Return to Forever, appeared on Poydor/ECM. The album was in a highly impressionistic decide how to salvage season. Their decision, according to the GRADUATE Jazz musician and composer Chick Corea will return to the East Lansing area Sunday night at the Stables. With each of Corea's campus appearances, his mood, featuring Corea's phrasing and sense of style. The first Return to Forever the press releases, was to end the current run of "Kodiak" and "TTie Texas Wheelers." STUDENT audience has grown, making him one of the most acclaimed musicians to visit this area. album featured a transitional band with Airto and Flora Purim and lacked the high Effective Nov. 1, the new schedule on Friday night will feature "Kung Fu" at 8 p.m., EMPLOYMENT energy electrical approach of "The Six Million Dollar Man" 'Jeopardy' faces threat A GREAT DOUBLE "Jeopardy" may be in down when people could no danger of cancellation. The longer watch it on their lunch FEATURE Two fine films T\«« KEYNOTE SPEAKER ratings have fallen off since NBC began playing roulette and moving it around to hours. The network really does read all the letters it receives, on one great program lift IAllan various timeslots. Now in a so irate viewers can rely on the 1:30 p.m. slot, many faithful mailbox. viewers have lost it, a common phenomena this season. One of the ten best A favorite with students and films of 1973!"—New York Tim»» women in its noontime slot with "Hollywood Squares" as a lead - in, ratings have gone OPEN AT 6:45 P.M. -ranAv TODAY FEATURE AT 7:30-9:30 Cartter l-Spm BEWARE! > AND They are still at large. TOUR ™ ... the Playgirls INTERVIEWING of the Liberation Army. PLANNING A JOB CAMBUGN Activists in both EVALUATING TOUR PROGRESS AND politics and love. MAKING CAREER CHANGES "Friti" at 7:30 & 10:15 •mium'THE WNEIM5of FRITZ MCA!' Haavy Traffic: once only at 9:00 q STEVE MANIZ poduda, poducedby SIM WNIZ :m£h»£ts»KM OLD TIME MCVB QMOGS ^ Now in ifs 7th spHPS LIMQl Hilarious Week! open at 7:00 p.m. PRESENTS FRANKCAPRA FESTIVAL* f 215 Aston so. • downtown Feature 7:40 - 9:30 ..lab 1974's MOST HILARIOUS MfRGD HITCHCOCK'') . WILDEST MOVIE IS HERE! "Insanely funny, outrageous and irreverent." -PLAYBOY MAGAZINE A Km c~3nnrp FillUS 39 STEPS @£S§fS 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION **2 3305 ENDS TODAY: MEET JOHN DOE * [3 ICHIGAN " JUGGERNAUT" Theatre • lansinq at 7:10 -t:1S P.M. ... - 1 B MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON | 1217 s. washington-downtown »t » Starts FRIDAY: & CONGRATULATIONS DEAR!' " Were Going To Have a Baby ... (she said) 3 of them" y.s 1 *a« 'i«L JSJJA » 1 * UNION BALLROOM "Just What This Family Needs" ( he said) Srfr *6. v '• • • A 4 ft. Basketball Player A 30 lb. Indian Chief... ... OCT. 18&19 • And an Adorable China Doll who swears WHAT! NO ESKIMO! Like a Marine! *Vi@t 7:00 & 10:00 MIXED COMPANY' (PG) Sunday OCT20Union Ballroom $1.00 under 12 5O0 Barbara Harris - Joseph Bologna 7:10 P.M.and lata shows at 2:00, 7:00, * '):>() p.m. and in conjunction • 9:00 P.M. only admission Sl.00 under l2-50<* SNEAK PREVUE ... Pitney'! "The BEARS and I" ■iiiiiiiii iiimiii 11 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 17,1974 9 Stagnant acting mars By DARRYL GRANT outside Boston. The time period is the early part of the and berates him for his vanity. Yet she is cut of much the same I 19th State N«ws rt•viewer century The central characters are Cornelius doth as Cornelius is. His arrogance is replaced by her pride, his Melody, his wife I «. Performing Arts Company (PAC) it presenting its first Nora and his daughter Sara. Through these characters, O'Neill I ?tEn of the season, Eugene 0'Nelir» "A Touch of the ncplores the antral core of man's dreams and aspirations. In egotism by her own own vain glory and his cruelty toward her by her maltreatment. Sara berates her father for his continuing through Sunday at Fairchild Theater. Cornelius Melody, we find a man unable to cope with his dream. Yet on the other hand she „»c presents a sagging production of O'Neill's lesser existence who replaces his lack of pursues her own invalid dream knowledge with arrogance and and she is strong in her persual of young Simon Harford in ■ «ork The entire first act is inert - there is literally no egotum. Cornelius was born to a ■b°wn * TV,, actors plod through their line* and the audience's married beneath his station. declining Irish fortune and has This is the superb conflict of O'Neill's drama, two alienated B"01? back and forth. The fault lies not with the play as so Through his neglect of the small inn he has bought, he ■tyel nuld like to think, but with the actors. They seem to drag figures struggling in the world around them. TTiey bear the same experiences poverty, and through his Old World Irish ancestry, he cross, but antagonize each other in their misery, both blaming the like horses through mud and the result is hopelessly experiences alienation in 19th century Boston - a Boston that is 1 other for their very existence. There have been rumors that "A Touch of the Pbet" is made up largely and r*®! worst this is not true. It may lack the overwhelming fire foremostly New World money. In his Jon Baisch as Cornelius misinterprets Cornelius' arrogance by inability to cope with these problems, Cornelius abuses those overacting. Baisch's delivery is strained and unnatural; each ward l» h more famous works, but nevertheless, It is a fascinating wound him. He turns his wife Nora into a virtual slave, and his seems to be weighted with over • significance. His total portrayal [L 1st deals with the role that dreams play in man's life, daughter Sara into a rebellious dreamer. Sara is the ironic element is as overstuffed as the shoulders of his costume. f The story takes place in the tavern dining room of a small inn in the play. She revolts against her father's arrogance and cruelty, Elma McRae as Sara also suffers from poor delivery, but one tends to believe that in her case it stems from inexperience rather than inability. If McRae has a weak delivery she compensates for it by enough boldness and fire to outdo Zeus. Magazine spotlights arts Barbara Atkinson plays Deborah, Mrs. Henry Harford, Simon's mother. Her portrayal is simply awkward, unconvincing. The role suggests Atkinson acts as if she were a embarrassing and a proud lady of refinement; little girl dressed in a costume, Arnold, Circadia's editor and assuming an upperclass accent. Indeed, she also suffers from by frank fox Circadia. problems that face Lansing's miscasting — her character is more ingenue that dowager. State News Reviewer publisher, said. "We hope to "We hope to provide a business community. Fortunately we are saved from too intense pain by the IV wide range of creative provide a medium in the medium that will stimulate Freelance performances of Brenda Nickerson and Ed Laughlin. Brenda My in the greater Lansing community that will feature other people to become articles, Nickerson as Nora Melody is excellent. Her delivery is a is spotlighted in a new what creative people are involved with the arts information and story ideas are strong, her as well as portrayal is dramatically multi - faceted and her Irish brogue is ■unthly magazine, Circadia, thinking, doing and planning. to show what is currently being welcomed by the magazine. convincing. Erich' debuted on local "We want to provide an done," he said. "We need all the input Ed Laughlin plays Jamie Newsstands last week. expressive outlet for writers In addition to covering we Cregan. His characterization is can get from citizens and animated, believable and moving. Both Nickerson and Laughlin I The magazine s polished and photographers. We hope to entertainment and arts and ■ormat is graced with make the magazine itself an groups concerning what is bring a degree of professionalism that is a welcome respite during crafts in the area, Circadia will the show. luinerous photographs and expression of creativity as going on in the area," Arnold explore the opportunities and said. "A Touch of the Poet" continues through Sunday at the Tories on area groups and well as reporting about creative Fairchild Theater. Curtain time is at 8:15 p.m. Uyjduals involved in artistic activity." fndeavors. Arnold hopes to And here in central "We have pn a re great variety of talent," Richard K. creative people from all walks of life who can be profiled in The Company A career in law— invites prospective directors without law school. to submit What can you do with proposals Now there is a way to only a bachelor's degree? bridge the gap between an for Winter 1975. undergraduate education and a challenging, respon¬ sible career. The Lawyer's Assistant is able to do work traditionally done by lawyers. Interested persons should come to a meeting Three months of intensive training can give you the skills—the courses are taught by lawyers. You Sunday October 20 at 3:00 p.m. in the lower choose one of the six courses offered—choose the McDonel East Lounge. city in which you want to work. Since 1970, The Institute for Paralegal has placed more than 700 Training graduates in law firms, For more information contact David Stern banks, and corporations in over 60 cities. If you are a student of 351 high academic standing and - 5407. are interested in a career as a Lawyer's Assistant, we'd like to meet you. Contact your placement office for an interview with our representative. We will visit your campus on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22 t The Institute for Paralegal Training PRESENTS The Leipsig HHP OVER: V-v. Gewandhaus Orchestra Tiddler on the Rpofj Kurt Masur, conducting Manfred Scherzer, violinist The magnificent Gewandhaus Orchestra dates back to 1743, when a group of 16 STARLfTi | LANStNC music lovers established the "Grosses Konzert" ("Great Concert") which, in 1781, moved to the hall of Gewandhaus, llrRU 30PEN AT ' ™ SATURDAY, SUN. the building used by the Guild of Drapers United Artists FEATURES^N ONLY^-* owo,ooh- and Cloth Merchants. But not until the appointment of Felix Mendelssohn in 1836 did the Gewandhaus find its first Tonight: Conrad 7:30 $1.25 conductor worthy of international Brody 9:00 acclaim. Mozart, Liszt, Berlioz, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Saint-Saens, Strauss and Khachaturian have all come to the Gewandhaus to premiere their new works. Since the establishment of the German Democratic Republic, the Gewandhaus Orchestra has been receiving state support on a scale unparalleled in its history. Program Mendelssohn "Midsummer Night's Dream" Siegfried Matthus Violin Concerto (1968) Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 6 ("Pathetique") Tuesday, October 22 at 8:15 p.m. in the University Auditorium Tickets on sale NOW at Union Ticket Office. ! GENIE HACKMAN "$*AL PfiClNO \ 8:15-4:30 weekdays (355-3361) Public $7.50 6.50 4.00 s/CS i MSU Students $3.75 3.25 2.00 International Orchestra &.University Series Lecture-Concert Series at MSU ONE Extra Night: Tuesday, Nov. 22 TICKETS NOW ON SALE L -A 10 Thursday, October Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan 171( 'U' By DENI MARTIN pension values Faculty and other to $42.61 at the end of the members can vary be unconcerned University with stock markej cannot withdraw their investments from TIAA Nancy Elliott, director investments and trusts, praised of return on It is Each low." ' MSU employe Valentino said employes who qualif unJ IVj State News Staff Writer professionals donate 5 per cent year. about their pension involved in the program he MSU faculty and staff have of their monthly income, while The total rate of return on investments. and CREF. Laura Valentino, the program. decides what percentage of the program can shift ! investments a special reason to worry about clerical and other union CREF investments fell 18.1 per "Hie stock market is down benefits representative for "No way could someone once a yell today's declining stock market: employes donate 3 per cent cent, compared with a rise in consistently," Morris said. "It's MSU, said this form of pension have their own program and do total 15 per cent he or she wants to put in each fund. But, with the stock it b, a lot of market f,| J the values of their pensions are Hie University matches this returns in 1972 of 17.1 per not the University that's plan is required by the federal as well," she said. Morris said, several faculty feel faculty J But some faculty members trapped. affected by an investment plan donation for the employe with cent. getting hurt so much, it's we government members indicated that they "What The Teachers Insurance and In 1973, 2,751 institutions, would like to make the 5 per can we do'" they have little control over. a 10 per cent contribution to that are getting hurt." cent investment to the two did not put much thought Into professor said. "We're Each month all MSU the two firms. Annuity Assn. (TIAA) showed The University has been comprised of colleges, , slight gain, however. The universities, independent firms optional. how much money they would in the system." Ci ■ employes who have worked One of these two firms, the a largely unaffected by the "I don't know full time for two years or are at College Retirement Equities yield on TIAA assets in 1973 falling stock market because schools and nonprofit and tax ■ "I think it is a forced put in each. happen in the future," what I least 35 years old contribute 3 Fund (CREF), showed a loss in was 7.16 per cent, compared revenues from University exempt educational decision," David Furse, asst. "My doesn't concern allow is the fund for rapid said- "It may I to 5 per cent of their income its investments for. 1973. The with 6.58 per cent in 1972. investments are a institutions, participated in professor of advertising, said. g0 Up. , relatively "I don't want it I think the there was an to two New York investment current market value of an Allan Morris, professor of minute portion of MSU's total similar programs. adjustments," Morris said. answer." firms as part of their pension individual's share in CREF fell biochemistry, said he does not budget. Money channeled to TIAA plan. from $50.36 in January 1973, understand how any faculty "Everyone is a little bit is invested primarily in direct dismayed at the drops in values loans to industrial corporations of these holdings," Harry and in mortgage loans to finance the development of Engineering contest to stress Brown, professor of history, said. "For each investor it's a serious matter involving several office buildings, industrial parks, apartment complexes thousands of dollars." and shopping centers. CREF energy resource alternatives Faculty members and other professional employes of the retirement funds are invested in a variety of common stocks. Student teams from of energy sources other than Resource Alternatives universities across the United petroleum. competition, student teams States and Canada will soon be will have to put their attempting to create energy Student Competitions on knowledge to use in designing conversion and power - Relevant Engineering, Inc. sophisticated generating (SCORE), is the student - run devices that use wind, sun, generating systems in an intercollegiate engineering organization sponsoring the synthetic gas and other sources contest. In this year's Energy of energy. competition stressing the use Youthful engineers not only will design but also will build NBC draws f working models of their projects, to be submitted in the final judging in August 1975. Experts in alternative energy of Series for technology will d&cuss areas most open to innovation at a NEW YORK (AP) - EDT, as scheduled. symposium to be held Oct 18 Hundreds of persons Because of Ford's televised to 20 at the University of telephoned the National Broadcasting Co. to complain about the delay of the World speech, which was carried live on all three major networks, the start of the third game of Texas at Arlington. Interested students should contact the office of the Dean of vOe(eon\e (c 0(de> Series caused by President the World Series was delayed Engineering for further 15 minutes. Ford's speech Tuesday night. An NBC spokesman said information. a "pleasant cafe" rhar features rhe finesr in that approximately 800 calls Football Soason at soups, sandwiches, salads, beer and wine were received when the series NITELY folk enrerrainmenr — never a cover did not begin at 8:30 p.m. charge. Chaiet BEEF 'N BOOZE olde * World Block 1 — MAC East Loosing \J) NEJAC TV RENTALS" 337-1300 -u \ RESEARCH f,p «... *\\ Thousands of Topics I ! * i aJf ' 1 \1 make your Dinlni $2.75 per page MEALS SERVED Send for your up-to-date, 160-page, UNTIL LAST CALL mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00 "Children's Portions" to cover postage (delivery time is '«■ 1 to 2 days). "Banquets Available " EARS RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE *2 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90025 V 1515 Ctnttr St. 1) PH. 484-9431 FOR RESERVATIONS* (213) 477-8474 or 477-5493 (Across from Bunday Furniture) reswrch assistance only. . HOURS: 11 a.m. to LAST CALL PIERCED Michigan Bell Service Bulletin FREE! Residence Hall Occupants: U)ith Purchase Of If you wish Let us know before Oct. 25,1974 whether or not you want to keep Piercing Studs STUDENT TOLL DIALING-the to continue convenient long-distance direct- dial service now available in every Our Painless Method Is used with the finest quality residence hall room. If each Long Distance registered student in your State room votes u Yes" on the tally card . surgical stainless steel studs. There is no chance of infection of the rejection of this material - it is totally inert and non - allergenic. It does not contain nickel which can cause a body's Direct Dialing you already have, you may lifetime sensitivity. ^14K gold balls do contain nickel). Surgical stainless steel studs are 12.00, and must be continue dialing Long Distance purchased to entitle you to free ear piercing. from your dorm rooms, calls from your own room. If we haven't received your card by FRIDAY OCT 18th 10 am to 9 pm please let us know October 25, we'll assume you wish to discontinue Long Distance SATURDAY OCT 19th 10 am to 5 pm before October 25! service from your dorm room phone. Questions? Don't hesitate to call us at 351-9900. Or contact us at with each purchase of our stainless steel FREE studs, will give you FREE 405 Abbott Road, directly across we absolutely the street from the East Lansing RONIK DV,NUO twodollar9»ftcertificate tor-d purchase of earrings. City Hall. If you are under 18 @ years of age, you must be accompanied by a parent or guardian Card Michigan Bell 309 E. Grand River - 332 - 6753 Lansing, Mich. 48823 State News. East Unsing, Michigan Thursday, October 17,1974 II Come join the celebration! There's more than $2,000 worth of door prizes waiting to be won, super savings on quality audio components, plenty of refreshments, and factory representatives ready to answer your questions and discuss the newest developments in hi- fi. This is the event you've been waitingfor. Don't miss it! SansuiAU-6500 Bonus Door Prize for MSU Students Onlv! GRAND PRIZE: Integrated Amp. WIN YOUR WINTER TERM ('75) TUITION* $600 MARANTZ 2270 Receiver Thanks to a special Grand Opening DYNACO A-25 Complete this coupon and bring to Grand Opening OTHER DOOR PRIZES INCLUDE: purchase, you save $60.00 on this Advanced 32 RMS watt per channel Speakers Name Address... I SONY TC-377 Reel-to-Reel Deck DUAL 1225 Automatic Turntable stereo amp. WHILE THEY LAST BSR Metrotec Frequency Equalizer REGULAR ....ZIP....; Phone ;... J plus lots of other surprises! *59,88 list: FAIR TRADE: $92.50 each [ * Limited to in-state tuition. DRAWING AT 5 p.m. SUN. j Ifyou win something you don t need, 5,259.95 we '11 give you equivalent store credit! THORENS UTAH KLH WATTS CROWN WATTS Model AS-2AX Model ES-212 TD160 C TURNTABLE Preener Dust Bug Buy at fair trade price ofS230andgeta Speakers 1 »" Speakers Speakers FREE STANTON REG. 49 TWO PAIR ONLY 1/2 $3 *72 681-EE CARTRIDGE REG. (Reg. $72.00) $5.00 $60.00 each $90 PRICE $595 Stereo Everything Case of Sony HALF PRICE! BASF Cassettes gf ■ ' • This is the perfect system for the small BLANK EIGHT-TRACK apartment or dorm room where FREE low-to-medium volume sound levels (12 C-60 cassettes worth $20.28) WITH PURCHASE OF ANY SONY PORTABLE MONO. are required. Hurry! Supplies limited! AM-FM Stereo Radio / 8-Track Tape Player ONE FREE Full Size Turntable / Diamond Stylus with purchase of two CASSETTE RECORDER Base, Dust Cover, and 45 rpm Adapter HARMAN KARDON MARANTZ.BSR *135 WAS MARANTZ.BSR $270.00 SYSTEM SYSTEM A super component system at Grand Open¬ A quality component system built around ing savings! The Marantz 2015 receiver the Harman Kardon 330B receiver with with wood case, a pair of Marantz 5G wood case, a pair of Marantz 4G speakers, speakers, and the BSR 620AX Total Turntable. Harman Kardon and the BSR 260AX Total Turntable. MARANTZ Model 2440 50+ 4-Channel Receiver LIST: $423.70 $349« LIST: $620.80 $499f 4-Channel Adapter LIST: $300 WAS $289.95 Yours now for HALF PRICE! A1™ $100 UTAH a A Buy ANY pair of speakers Model HSl-C ©1 A A "Odyssey" LP 1 SONY SPEAKERS SPEAKERS 144 at regular price and it's only NIKKO AM/FM SAVE $60.00 Buy one of these 8" 2-way speakers at the WAS$240/pr. $998« regular price of $80 and get the second Stereo Tuner DUAL 1218 REG. $99 |88 for only $19>88 AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE $129»8 LIST: Harman Kardon $119.95 $189.95 100+4-Channel METROTEC Base, dust cover, cartridge optional TANDBERG 4-Channel MARANIZ Receiver Model 5010 Model 4100 WAS $599.95 DECODER CLOSEOUT! 4-Channel Amp. SPEAKERS ALL PIONEER »««*88 REG. $279 each $199 188 each 1/2 PRICE Car Tape Players *399' 555 E. Grand River Ave. Open House Hours: 10to9Thurs. andFri. 10 to 6 Saturday the in East Lansing (next Phone 337-1300 to Ta Noon to 5 Sunday Five Convenient Completeln-house to Finance You For Everything Where you're treated fai JJJ \\ ■V Thursday, October 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan •7,1974 MSU By PAT FARNAN facing Illinois "Red Grange Day" in memory best. The Illini forte is running. on defense. They'll try Red Grange Day' to keep us with a pair of three - pointers, during a 15 - 13 Illini victory. This season, Beaver has leading candidates season accolades. for ^ M State News Sports Writer of that performance. Against Stanford, a team Tailback Jim Phillips is on his off balance. That's how they was the leading Illini point - collected 29 points, including Hicks, nagged by injuries hL The most famous mini of "These things don't have which gave Michigan all they way to a 1,000 yard season. operate. They'll use many getter last year with 50. The them all, the "Galloping much effect on football wanted, the mini streaked to a The speedy sophomore has different plays." son of an African missionary, five field goals. s°Ph™ore and junior finished second in J* tacklesT' Ghost," will reappear on the teams," Stolz said earlier this 41 - 7 trouncing on the West over 500 to his credit for an The Illini have an ace in the Beaver set a Big Ten record for Defensively, the Illini have th. DILI to University of Illinois campus week. "We're much more Coast. average of five yards per carry. hole, too. Kicker Dan Beaver, field goals in a single game last not been the stingiest team as a definite pro this weekend as Denny Stolz's worried about their football The Illini are slight favorites Blackman has four other who beat the Spartans last year year with five versus Purdue around, but they have the Gow, who led the nation pt0 MSU Spartans duel with the players than their alumni. to win their fifth game in six backs who share in the running personnel to put the stopper interceptions last fall, Z" in Fighting Illini Saturday. What the Spartans do outings. Only California, with a detail. on any good offensive team. Harold "Red" Grange, who not need is a repeat of 31 ■ 19 win, prevented the "They've scored a lot of Linebacker Tom Hicks and as a punt returner and averaged 11 yards per he5 helped dedicate 50 Memorial with an Stadium ■ year - old in 1924 unforgettable performance against the Grange's stellar performance in which he ran for touchdowns in 12 minutes and later threw for another against four Orange and Blue from entering Saturday's contest with an unblemished record. The Illinois offense, which points," Stolz noted. "They use multiple, multiple, formations on offense and Intrasquad defensive back Mike Gow are ASMSU PRESENTS this year. P retun> University of Michigan, will the Wolverines. slated is averaging about 24 points watch as the Illini, 4 -1 overall and in a tie with U • M and But coach Bob Blackman's Illini, who skipped past the per game, alternates quarterbacks Jim Kopatz and for NASSAU Ohio State for the Big Ten lead Spartans last year, 6 • 3, have Jeff Hollenbach, who are both at 2 - 0, entertain the Spartans. shown the offensive punch and capable of running and DATES: December 14 thru Dec. 22 The day has been dubbed stubborn defense to battle the throwing the football. MSU hockey fans will be able to get a sneak preview of how PRICE: $229.00 Quad Occupancy the Spartan squad is shaping up this season Saturday night at Munn Ice Arena. 239.00 Triple Occupancy Tough part of schedule ahead Coach Amo Bessone has divided his team into two squads for 249.00 Double Occupancy the annual Green and White intrasquad clash. + $3.00 Bahamian Departure Tax Admission to the contest, which will get under way at 7:30 COMPLETE for MSU cross country squad p.m. is $1 for general public and 50 cents MSU ID. Tickets will be sold at the door. for students with an Tour open to all students, faculty six mile home records TTie event is sponsored by the MSU Varsity Club. staff, families and friends By DAN SPICKLER Michigan golf course in Ann - course The high scoring line of Daryl Rice, Steve Colp and Brendon State News Sports Writer Arbor. at Forest Akers golf course, is For Information Contact: expected to excel at the Big Moroney will head the Green squad, while the White team sports With the home part of its Saturday's meet will enable Daily - 353-0659, 353 0766, 351-0384 Big Ten teams who compete to Ten meet, where the Spartans another top MSU line in John Sturges, Tom Ross and Robbie season over, the MSU men's DAN BEAVER Harris. Evenings - 882-0170 cross country team opens the practice for the conference finished fifth last year. most important part of its meet, which will be held at the The rigorous conditioning schedule Saturday. same place Nov. 9. program becomes more The Spartans originally This is the first year for the important as the Spartans head intended to travel to Wisconsin for a dual meet, coach Jim Gibbard instead the but has Federation Meet, which is open to any team wishing compete. Gibbard expects to to into the Big Ten meet The team is up at six each morning and usually runs eight miles try ♦ entered the team in Michigan Federation Meet to be held at the University of the see many of the Big Ten teams there testing the Wolverines' home course. before classes. In the afternoon the harriers work on sprinting and uphill cross-country's free! "I'm not sure which teams running at Forest Akers, and will be competing, but I'm sure then return to Jenison Women's teams Michigan will be tough since Fieldhouse to do various the meet is on their home conditioning exercises and play here today course," Gibbard remarked. The MSU coach says this weigh tlifting. The day ends with a sauna FREE CLINIC ... First, sit in on one of our Saturday morning clinics, 9 to 11 AM. Two MSU women's teams Just call for an appointment. year's squad is stronger than and a swim workout to have home contests scheduled last year's contingent because FREE RENTAI Then borrow a set of skis, strengthen the runners' for today. of the Spartans' intense poles and boots for a full weekday use, kicking. The field hockey squad will at your own convenience. conditioning program. On Sundays, the squad meet Wayne State at 4 p.m. at Herb Lindsay, who earlier this takes a nice, long, relaxing 18 - ThIS YEAR WE OFFER ONE OF THE Old College Field while the broke both the five and season mile run. - FINEST X - C PACKAGES EVER volleyball squad will host AVAILABLE. Western Michigan and Mott SKI PACKAGE Community College in a ARVID (LIGNOSTONE EDGED SKII 49.95 triangular meet at the Women's ARVID BOOTS 32.95 Intramural Building beginning ARVID POLES (CANE) 7.95 at 6:30 p.m. MSU's women's tennis team Learn SKILOM BINDING RAUPPS HEEL PLATE 7.50 .75 lost only 12 games Tuesday in REG. PRICE defeating Eastern Michigan, 74.50 9-0, in a dual meet at Ypsilanti. COMPUTER PACKAGE PRICE YOU SAVE 24.15 Sue Selke, Diane Suterko, Diana Scruggs, D'Angelo, Allison Marilyn Smendzuik PROGRAMMING SUPPLY IS LIMITED and Caren Goldstone won in Evening School RAUPP singles_jnatches^__ Campfitters 2208 East Michigan BELL'S • Attend classes just two nights a week. • Learn to program COBOL & RPG II. Lansing • Run and operate a Computer righfy'n the classroom. 484-9401 PIZZA • Approved for Veterans...Accredited ty AICS. ON. thru FRI. 10 a.m. to • p.m •You will be totally qualified to secure a Once you position as a Computer Programmer or Computer Operator upon graduation. •Class begins November 4. taste it you are spoiled for life. LANSING BUSINESS UNIVERSITY 200 North Capitol Phone: 489 ■ 5767 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 OPEN 11 AM EVERYDAY Downtown Lansing Free Delivery Only U.S.D.A. Choice Sirloin. Naturally aged for flavor. Broiled to your taste. 2. The Potato A plump baked potato, loaded with butter and sour cream. Or french fries, if you like. Choose from our large selection of business cases that combine high fashion with practicality. See these and 3. The Salad many others in an exciting array of patterns and colors. Fresh, crisp salad, topped with your favorite dressing. (OR hot soup. OR chilled juice.) • COLORFUL PRINTS $33.00 4. The Bread • CRINKLE PATENTS $38.00 A ,melt-in-your-mouth loaf of bread. FREE 5. The Waitress PERSONAL MONOGRAM Her smile and superb service make a Mr. Steak meal something to come back to. CHILDREN'S MEALS AS LOW AS 39* THREE LANSING LOCATIONS: OPEN 11 AM 2287 Grand River Avenue, Okemos 'til 10 PM 5919 South Cedar Street, Lansing ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC. • ST. 10UIS 5615 West Saginaw - Next to K-Mart AMERICAS STEAK EXPERT EAST LANSINQ - 209 E. Grand River DOWNTOWN - 107 S. Washington Apartments ^ DATSUN WAGON. 1969 New 1972 WHITE TOYOTA brakes, battarv, pluga, ate. $660 Cerine. REGISTERED NURSES. Full & 38,000, Zlebart, snows, like SUBLEASE AT Twyckingham TWYCKINGHAM, TWO bedrooms, 35W892. 6-10-21 part time positions available on new, well worth It. $2,100 apartment - 1 girl for 4 person. furnished, air, disposal. the afternoon & night shifts. 332-1887 aftar 6:30. 5-10-21 Immediately $70/month. After . Dishwasher. 351-7166 or DODGE 1973. Tradesman 200, V8. Minimum starting salary $4.82 5pm. 351-1565.3-10-17 332-1047. 7-10-24 power steering • brakes, extra per hour plus experience credit. tankt, aupar shape I $3600. TRIUMPH TR6 1973.~Overdrive, radio, 19,000 miles, up to 30 Excellent fringe benefits. Please NEED ROOMMATE, Fantastic deal ROOM apartment, accesible to 882-1826. 6-10-121 contact office of Employment, mpg. Offers over $3,500. Call in wonderful new, furnished 3 MSU. $110/month plus deposit. Lanting General Hospital, 2800 bedroom 355-8432, 9 am-5pm. 355-7899 house Own room Utilities included. 489-2156 after 5 pm. 5-10-18 Devonshire, Lansing. Please call $85/month. Cell 351 1852 DODGE DART 1964. Running after four. 5-10-22 condition. Call 482-8661 aftar 6 372-8220, extension 268. An between 8-11 am and 6-9pm. pm. 4-1071 VEGA Equal Opportunity Employer. 4-10-18 1974 Wagon. Automatic DELUXE, FURNISHED, 1 25-10-31 rust/proof, custom exterior. bedroom apartment, near GIRL NEEDED. Winter term only. DODGE VAN 1974. Loaded, Very clean. 484 9734 after 5 campus. 332-3135 or 882-6549. UNLIMITED SALES OPPORTUNITY Old Cedar Village. Laurie, custom paint-wheels. Parking lot pm. 5-10-21 If you're a better man than the job 351-6464. 30-18 5-10-22 naar Long's Raataurant-Stava. you're now in, we'd like to talk 694-9804,11-6 pm, 5-10-21 VOLKSWAGEN TWO BEDROOM furnished. 1971 Super to you. Commitsions. Call ROOMMATE NEEDED. Four-man Beetle. 30,000 Josephine Startweather at $210/month. Block from miles, $1400. furnished, MSU area. 882-8663. 2 10-17 694-3935. Investors Diversified campus. Available immediately. FORD CUSTOM 1969. Body fair, $80/month. October free. Call Services. 10-10-25 332-0441. 10-10-29 angina good. Call 351-3693 351-7025. 3-10-21 Mika. 4-10-18 VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Good shape. VACANCY - 1 New tires, new battery. 882 3664. WAITRESS WANTED, attractive, EFFICIENCY UNFURNISHED. needed. Immediate occupancy. FORD MUSTANG, 1970. Power 5-10-23 One block. 322 Elm Place, Rivers Edge apartment. itaarlng and power brakes. apartment one. 337-0649. 351-6265. 5-10-22 6-cylinder, good on gas Call VW 1972 Super Beetle. Excellent 5-10-21 655-3714 aftar 5 pm. 5-10-21 condition. 485-6965 or FOR RENT in duplex, own room. 372-6643. 5-10-23 MODELS FOR photography. Call MSU AREA, Okemos. One Near bus. Call 351-9307. FORD VAN, 1966. RUns good. between 10am and 6pm. bedroom, furnished, $165, air 3-10-18 $260 best offer.r. 361-8648. VW SUNROOF. Bus. 1966. Very £ COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELtY. CA 94709 489-1215. 0-10-31 or conditioned, carpeted, modern. 5-10-22 clean, rebuilt engine. Porsche Heat included. Call 349-9604. EAST MICHIGAN, seats. $1100/best offer. DOORMAN FOR Friday and after 5:30 pm. 5-10-21 room, unfurnished, stove, 393-1968 after 6 pm. 6-10-18 Alto Service FORD brekes and , 1969. Custom, V-8, steering. $300 offer. 349-2645. 6-10-22 power or best VOLVO 1966. Two door ; /] Employment JJJj Saturday nights. Apply in person at RAMADA INN, Pennsylvania and 1-96. 7-10-18 TWO near BEDROOM campus. mobile Newly furnished home, refrigerator, garage, basement, no pets. 543-2104. 5-10-22 Call 489-6253 or I - REPAIR AUTO SERVICE?" automatic. New tires, exhaust, CHILD CARE worker, live in with carpet. $165/month plus CENTER offers you tools, FORD FAIRLANE 1970. 302, V-8, rebuilt transmission. 20-26mpg. Children's Cottage. Experience deposit. 694-0088. References. 129 BURCHAM DRIVE, 2-man equipment and instructions to EXPERIENCED ELECTRONIC $650. 355-8224.5-10-22 in child care work. Should have No pets. 3-10-17 ttlck, 63,000 miles, power do your auto repairs. 5311 S. Technicien, part time, hours furnished apartment, starting fleering, regular gas. Runs wall. psychology and sociology November 1, $140/month, heat Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10 - 8. arranged, call Okemot Mutt sail. $600. 353-1763, SALE OR trade. 1948 Plymouth background. Contact William CLOSE TO campus. Two bedroom, 6 days. 20-10-23 Television, 349-1577. 10-10-17 included. Call 8-3, 351-2402. 676-7309.3-10-18 with 1964 rebuilt engine. Cheap. Waitzel, VFW National Home, two bathroom. Furnished, air. After 4-10- pm 882-2316. 339-2530. 3-10-18 663-1521, extension >n 147. | —-; 337-1800 5-10-21 0-10-10-29 LJ*M. ]ffl X7-10-17 FORD PICK-UP 1954. No rust, bast offer. VW Squarebeck, sunroof. 393-2172. 5-10-22 CLASSIC VOLVO 444 1957. ^HARDTIMES^ GIRL NEEDED to occasionally MODERN unfurnished, ONE bedroom, $138. Southeast CLOSE CAMPUS, girl to sublet, 3 NO. DAYS Excellent rebuilt engine, etc. 22-24+ mpg. See It, 361-6356, CALLFOR prepare dinner for and spend the TV and $25/term. STEREO Rentals. $10.95/month. Free Lansing. 373-0042 before five. girl apartment, winter only, $90/month. 332-4732. 5-10-22 night with arthritic. 332-5176. 5-10-23 FORD 1967 Pick-up. $626. New brakes and radial tiras. Tony. 6-10-17 AT0UGH CAR. 1-10-17 Same Day Delivery and Service. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-10-31 LARGE APARTMENT, downtown 11 I 3 | 5 I 10 489-5608. 2-10-18 PINTO WAGON 1974. 2000cc. You know how tough it is on the road. s-~ HELP WANTED, full time, gas NEEDED FEMALE roommate. One bedroom. $80. Across from Mason. $165 includes utilities. Must see. 393-0445. 5-10-18 BgnsiEBiBGEglD Stick. Radials. 14,000 milea. We'll show j attendant, male or female. campus. 337-2670. 3-10-21 FURY 1968. 316 automatic, vinyl 486-7916. 5-10-23 mpntpini:; you how Apply in person, POINT ARCO. ROOMMATE NEEDED for 4-girl roof, fair condition, $326. 1642 West Grand River. East easy it is UNIQUE 2 bedroom, fireplace, CEDAR VILLAGE girl needed. apartment. Close. $79/month. 485-7940, 373-7690. 5-10-23 ](<&#] - Lansing. 2-10-18 Motorcycles inavolvo study red shag carpet. Ideal for $80, immediate 349-2907 after 3:30. 5-10-23 occupancy. 337-1169. 5-10-18 13.001 B OO 13.00 |26.00 HONDA CIVIC Hatchback, 1973. RN'S - LPN'S. Charge nurtet. All 2 singles. $300. 694-1909 TWO BEDROOM mobile home, ■ 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 NORTON • DUCATI - MOTTO - shifts. (AM'S and nights) Skilled afternoon* Long Development. AM-FM, 30 mpg. 489-9798. ROOM IN furnished apartment, expando. $160. % mile from GUZZI. New models on display. 6-10-17 6-7pm evenings. 5-10-22 nursing facility. Provincial House beautifully new, very near campus. Large lot, garden, fence, Repairs and service for Honda Glenn Herriman Inc. South. Contact Mrs. White. campus, $80/month. Serious pets. 351-2092. 5-10-21 and Triumph. G.T. MOTORS, 6135 W. Saginaw 332-0817. 5-10-23 5059 WARDCLIFF, East Lansing. JAVENLIN AMX 1973. Excellent student, 332-3846. 10-10-30 816 East Howe, 482-6226 3 bedroom duplex. Stove only, condition. Lots of extras. Lansing. TWO BEDROOM furnished 4854816. 0-5-10-18 Volkswagen-Volvo-Body Shop WEBSTER'S MEN'S WEAR, carpeted throughout, full ONE 484-5808 5-10-17 BEDROOM, stove and apartment to sublet. $230 per Open Mon. & Thurs. Til 9 Meridian Mall. Full time sales. basement, fenced yard, garden Sat. til 3. refrigerator. Furnished, no month, call 332-2179. 5-10-23 LEATHERS LESS THAN $50 - Male or female. No experience area Family prafered. $275 children. Phone 882-4610. 5-10-23- SHEP'S it your full service ^Including Parts and Service) Excellent month plus utilities. Security necessary. starting REDUCE RENT - Minimal dealer for Yamaha, Triumph, salary. Paid company benefits. deposit. 339-9970. 5-10-17 EAST LANSING, Luxury one maintenance. Spacious house, BMW and Rickman. SHEP'S Advancement bedroom. Unfurnished. No pets. cellitions/Corrections opportunities. private units. $140 - $160. MOTOR SPORTS,, INC. HOLT, WANTED: PAIR of mounted VW Apply in person I Mr. Don Negotiable lease. $200 includes in one class day*" WAL1BU CHEVELLE 1973 blacK. OWN* ROOM in furnished 2-man, 351-3809.3-10-21 694-6621. C-6-^0-18 snow tires, from 1968 or newer. Bergeon. 5-10-23 heat. 129 Highland. 332-0976. Gold interior, swivel bucket west. Oall Dan 485-1002. *e publications. 485-3833. 3-10-18 Jro-17 15-11-6 OWN ROOM - Female grad student seats, all power, 14,500 miles. BENELLI MOTOR SCOOTER, WEBSTERS MEN'S WEAR. $2750. Call 489-9346,. 5-10-18 desires one-two roommates. le News will be 126cc. Good condition. Step Meridian Mall. Part time tales. LANSING TWO bedroom upstairs ORCHARD COURT, 1 and 2 Winter - Spring. Call Judi, after 3 thru frame. $100. 694-0918. Male or Female. Mornings and or apartment. Living Room, dining iwible only for the MAVERICK 1972 Grabber red. bedroom town house apartments. pm. 332-2179. 5-10-18 - 6-10-17 evenings. No experience room, kitchen. Has attic, cylinder. Stick shift. $138-$175. Immediate.- Many incorrect 302, 8 necessary. Great pay. basement, garage. $160/month. NEAR MSU. 1-man for 4-man. Radio. Excellent condition, extres. South • Pennsylvania- INSURANCE -LOWEST rates on Tremendous working conditions. Cedar 482-9600, PIKE REALTY. $57.50 plus deposit. 337-1580. performance, mileage. 363-8814. area. Easy freeway to cycle and auto. Call us first or Apply in person. Mr. ' Don campus. GONNIS COMPANY, Evenings. 484-2003. 4-10-18 5-10-23 P.M.-339-2022. 6-10-18 last, but call. Easy payment Bergeon. 5-10-23 489-5315. 10- 0-28 plan. UNION MAVERICK 1969. Excellent CHILD CARE: Two EAST LANSING. One bedroom, WANTED: GIRL to share furnished UNDERWRITERS, 393-8100 or responsible condition. 54,000 miles. $950. 485-4317. 0-10-31 women with child care furnished, fully carpeted, air, duplex on south side. Own Student car. 349-2645. 5-10 22 Employment jj experience will superivse your child afternoons. disposal, secur/ty locks. Available November 1. $185 per room, finished basement, plus many extras! Call after 5 p.m. 1971 HARLEY 900 Sportster, new 393-9256 after 4 p.m. 3-10-17 MAVERICK GRABBER 1970. 6 month. Call 337-1529, after 5 393-4631. 5-10-18 engine. Best offer. Call WAITRESS WANTED. Must have Monday-Friday. Sheila, cylinder, standard runs good. 332-0352, Wendy, 351-6951. pm. 3-10-18 489-4163. 5-10-17 own transportation. Experience DOWNTOWN LANSING, one $700. Must sell I Phone preferred. Apply in person only. 3-10-18 bedroom apartment, 505 Chery 882-1606 after 5:30 p.m. THE DEPOT RESTARURANT. MOBILE HOME for rent. Available |l 1972. Good condition, must 5-10-17 HARLEY DAVIDSON 90cc, 1973. 1203 South PART TIME/temporary work is Street. Call 482-1284. 3-10-17 |J[. best offer. Evening*. Excellent condition, $450 or Washington, soon. Two bedroom furnished. available at $2.50 per hour plus ONE AND 2 bedrooms furnished, p-2883.4-10-21 best offer. 351 8648. 5-10-22 Lansing. 7-10-24 $150 plus , deposit. Utilities MG MIDGET 1970, MGB 1970, travel benefits. Interested extra all new, carpeting, air Near MSU. 332-2437. MGA 1962, Triumph GT-6 PART TIME employment for MSU students call Travel World conditioning, balcony, security 1 AMERICA 5-10-21 Automatic. Corporation, ,1-313-769-3923. locks. 10 1970. See PRECISION 1972 HONDA CB350. Good students. 12-20 hours per week. minutes MSU. » brakes, tires. Rebuilt 2-10-18 10 MINUTES from MSU. 349-9152 or 694-9608. 5-10-18 i. 30 IMPORTS/BODY SHOP, 1206 condition, two helmets included. Automobile required. 351-5800. mpg. Needs Inexpensive living EUREKA 1024 UPSTAIRS. Eest Oakland for sharp, restored, $450. 353-1176. 3-10-21 c-3-10-17 in a quiet tip. $1000 invested. MAN WITH deliver Furnished. One bedroom, share GIRL sports cart. 6-10-18 van to area. Located at 6076 Marsh NEEDED, large near by Fty must sacrifice. $195. utilities. $125. 351-7497. TECHUMSCH MINI-BIKE. STUDENTS- POSITIONS now newspapers on campus. Saturday Road just north of Lake Lansing apartment, $81. Penny, p'-'446.3-10-17 Excellent condition. $75 or best night, Sunday mornings. Call Road. 1 bedroom apartments 0-10-31 353-9642, 8 am-5pm. 5-10-18 MGB - GT 1970. Excellent open. Part time. Dependable. offer. 365-2512. 3-10-21 349-0276 before noon. 2-10-18 with shag carpeting, disposal, LA SABRE 445. condition. $1800 firm. New Responsible. Benefits after one Equipped appliances, and air conditioning. ONE BEDROOM, furnished. East NEAR CAPITOL and LCC. 2 story 1 radials. 337-0471.5-10-17 year. Apply 1431 East Michigan, large trailer. Good PART TIME HELP $150 per month, furnished Lansing. $180/month, utilities duplex. Very clean, good 1973 HUSQVARNA 250-CR. DOG AND SUDS. Ask for Karen ■ Accept small car IF you have a car and can work a available at $185. Excellent for paid. Couple preferred, no location. $155 per month. Call w <* $2100. MGB 1965. Many like new features. $900. Call 482-7905, after 5. or Cindy. 14-11-5 Phone 393-7020 minimum of 20 hours per week, students, will consider nin children or pets. Call 351-0433, 351-4897 after 5 pm. 5-10-18 Best offer. Evenings, 777-2883. 6-10-23 '"••669-3780, evening,. M-78 BODY SHOP. call 484-7368 between 10 am-1 month lease. Call Manager at 6-9 pm. 10-10-18 4-10-21 with pm. 20-11-12 339-8192 or East Lansing EAST SIDE, near Sparrow plumbing experience, part one ]@ - M Service time. Also receptionist part-time Realty, 332-4128.10-10-23 ROOMATE NEEDED, October't bedroom, four rooms, private MONTECARLO 1972-power |W>. 2002 Abarth, Konis. brakes, power steering, vinyl roof. with car. 337-1436 or 482-8801. 1-10-17 PART TIME dishwasher. Weekend evenings only. SEA HAWK DESPERATELY NEED 2 girls for rent thereafter free! $68.75 monthly Call 349-2219. entrance, utilities. parking. $140 plus H Call after 6 p.m., Very good condition. 21,000 miles. MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Cedar Village Apartment. Rent 4-10-17 485-7593. 5-10-17 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. RESTAURANT, Williamston, Asking $2,200 or best offer. Call WAITRESS FOR Lansings most 355-2179 Phone for negotiable. 332-3680. 5-10-22 365-2864. 3-10-18 Complete auto painting and 0 Excellent exciting night club. Apply appointment. 3-10-17 H A R E MHS A L A D collision service. 486-0256. ■j, "•' condition, ,ir conditioning, NOVA 1973. 3 spaed. 350. Custom C-10-31 POINT AFTER, 321 Michigan Avenue after 6 pm. 5-10-17 FURNISHED EFFICIENCY. Washer, dryer, utilities. Block CROSSWORD ALI VEHALAMO DANCERS wanted, EL?8, Aski"9 $2300. Hetchback. Original owner. EXOTIC experienced preferred, apply from campus. Neat. 351-8800. PUZZLE g EI6 1 MElxENON ■«966.5-10-21 332-8920. 3-10-17 STUDENTS NEEDED for part time Thursday, noon-5. CINEMA X C-3-10-18 ACROSS TR!A|OTRBMAe U E survey work. 2-5 pm or 6-9 pm. THEATER, 1000 W. Jolly. I. Reproductive 24. Hard wood e tIbAiR'o i/sMbtf e ™wt, 23 mpg. Built to laat NOVA 1974 - Standard shift, radio, 9,000 miles, $2600. 66*3654, Mr. Dennis, 361-4337, 9-12 am. 3-10-18 3-10-17 /C CHECK OUR cell 26 Short flight IelIBs cou t! ^riy*n- $3250. after 5 pm. 5-10-22 ^REPAIR PRICES 6. Conspiracy 28. Fathered ■TREESIH UR|i "085.2-10-17 JOURNALISM MAJOR, Junior or DESK CLERK needed. Must have II. Divided 32. Size of paper TiA.ufcS OBERBLO 12. Brotherly 35. Telepathic NOVA 1973. Bright red. V-8 Senior for part time editing. transportation and be willing to 20% DISCOUNT TO love faculty R BSi EbmdI KTTj automatic. Power steering. Very Phone 882-5886 after 6 pm travel. Call 372-0567 or STUDENTS & 13. Phillipic 37. Midianite king ALTXEMMIU]LT|SH 0-18 ' C8„ 3f,er 5pfn- lean. 626-6164. 6-10-23 3.1008 489-1215 between 12 - 6pm. M.Jacksonville 28. Hatchet MOTELBiLADlLE 0-10-31 FACULTY■ ON P P £ s s^MeiTdTe r bowl 39. And so forth OPEL GT 1970. Yellow, 43,000 MATURE DEPENDABLE student CASH/CARRY VW 15. Greedy 40. Candid miles, 30 mpg, $1800. Call after to live with faculty family. WANTED: MARRIED couple to be SERVICE PARTS 16. Boy's nickname 41 Youngster DOWN $*** 366-7962.»fr 9 pm or weekends, 675-7331. Room and board in exchange for help with house and active 8 house pa rents for a group of mentally retarded adults. 18. Artificial 43. Rectangular ' Shudder 5. swelling 6. Canary's home 10-10-26. language 45. Soft tawed specialize in ii year old boy. Prefer graduate Rewarding work-room, board 19. leather "LCI '®69- Kingnvood OPEL RALLY 1970. 34,000 miles, student. Okemos, 349-1913. and salary. Call Irma, 487-6500. 20. Steep Auricle 46 111 tempered iSR. V9Ti'Lr'$795 •"93118.5-10-21 orb"' 24-26 mpg. New Michelin 2-10-18 4 10-18 21. Card game 47. Nidi radials. $1076. Call 356-7367, LOCATED AT THE 22. Rendezvous 48. Ice masses ,si,St, WINDOW evenings, weekends. 5-10-18 CORNER OF JOLLY I, OKEMOS RO » • AUTO PARTS ^ T" 3 5 ' 8 ' lo 10. Dormouse ^ -n Van 1968 1 349 - 3196 500 E. Kalamazoo at Cedar % SPECIAL tOAV A WEEK TOWING 12. PLYMOUTH ROADRUNNER wim plum S,lr,er' ,olenoid. 17C0"d,n,#r'•xc#,l*nt ro,or. 1969, 2 door, 383 engine, duel 7 AM - OPEN 6 DAVS 9 PM BUT SUNDAY Volkswagon complete repair 13 1 14 17. Gold in Spain lino ^ MM".,. r j «895 exhaust. 484-5808. 5-10-17 service. Repair & parts for most foreign and American cars. 15 4. % If '//. >8 con nand 21. Enjoy a winter PLYMOUTH DUSTER 1971. Slant 6, full power, radio, new steel VOLKSWAGEN EXHAUST 1 KMMUMMIIS Body shop & paint services. Exchange engines & transaxial. % //.t a snort 23. Skittish Sir- belted tires, axtra mounted snows, rati sharp. Call 489-5335 Systems - $18.95 complete at CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN (FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED) 19 22 w% % 25 M276^?, "an,por,«ion- H8'6 ,f«« or 337-9881. Call be seen at CAR PARTS, 2605 Eaat Kalamazoo, one mile wast of Free wrecker service with local City % :: i repain & areas. 4:30 FMM'iar pm. - 26 2ft Campus Barber Shop, 621 E. 487-5055. C-10-10-18 bus service to front 29. Composure Grand River. 6-10-23 campus. door. our W 34 35 ii 30. Happenings 'ETTE ,h Ptrfo ioct Conv»«bta. PONTIAC STAF Chief 1964. Lots VOLKSWAGEN COMPLETE CALL NOW - GOING FAST We buy and sell VW'i 5e $ y. i /A 40 31. Smirched 32. Biblical cony Hem ? rm*nce 327 di,IOn' 361-6396. of miles, runs well, dependable. Body-fair. Bast offer. 694-3487. repair and - body. 20% % 3.1 Banish JO BECK 43 44 34. Bills of fare DISCOUNT to students, faculty 2-10-18 on all cash'n'carry VW service 485-2047 485-9229 ? 6 Monday - Friday, - VA 1* Sn/JeoM73' TOYOTA COROLLA 1971. Body parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. EVENINGS & WEEKENDS WEEKDAYS 9 - 5 9 - 2 Satu 46 A 39 Giieratieni MB ^ -, "«13® *"«• Asking Ul 281'W°re 10 pm. 486-2047, 485-9229. Mastercharge and Bank 361-1925 351-7910 M7 % 42 Mel of basebi! Americard. C-10-31 J 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Apartments Houses I M »» m ForS* ''5. ' hr Sale Fa Sab |j§ EAST SIDE. 413 South Clamens. 3 NEED APPLES - YOU can pickl TABLE, GRAY formica end THORENS Tbl60 Turntable. FREE: 6 month old cat PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE TEMPORARY female LAFAYETTE 1500 Amplifier. 63 a South. Near Michigan Avenue. bedroom, partly furnished. roommate, nice furnished house watts rms, $226. Garrad 95 Jonathon, Spy's, Delicious. chrome, 60"x36" with one Pioneer AS600 amplifier. 76+ quad white, Utter ,raint(J „ ^ Furnished one bedroom. $215/month plus' utilities. on Ann. 351-8649.3-10-18 changer, $35. 373-2897. 3-10-17 Fresh cider. APPLEBERRY removable leef. Six gray and Harmon-Kardon receiver. Playback Dolby Call 363-7384 or after 6 pm. 3-10-18 3&3S Utilities paid. $150 plus deposit. Deposit. 882-7760. 4-10-22 ORCHARD. Morrice, 626-7017. green plastic padded chrome chairs. New condition. cassette deck. Santui AR 627-5454 5-10-18 THREE WOMEN - nice house. Very WHITE METAL table top kitchen 2-10-18 close with. good people. Runs cabinet, 4 drawers and 2 shelves. 677-1331. 5-10-22 electrovoice speakers and many FREE BROWN and black p,^" more quality uaed components. 6 weeks old. Call SUBLET ONE bedroom, furnished 351-3045. 2-10-18 Set of Wedgewood dishes. THORENS TD - 160C Manual Ron 400 RALEIGH QUALITY bicycles Portable cassette recorders and 361-0976.3-10-18 apartment at Northpoint AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, 489-1052.3-10-17 turntable with Stanton calculators. Great selection of up Apartments. Contact Kathy, SHARP 2 STORY, accomodate 4 furnished room in house. Quiet, Cartridge, $186. Tom, - 10,6, 3 speeds. Special prices. Limited time. Call nowl to date records end tapes. 36mm FREE TO loving home. F 351-5314, after five. 5-10-17 students. Shag carpet, fireplace, next to Scotts Woods. 3V4 miles 351-0600. 3-10-21 10% DISCOUNT 484-0362. GENE'S BICYCLE camere equipment, portable shepherd malamut* mix.B™. bar. Was $280 - now $250. Must from MSU. 485-9279. 5-10-21 televisions and many mens and ONE BEDROOM Apartment. rent. 655-3568 or 372-8044. QUEEN WATERBED. Raised SHOP. 702 West Barnes Avenue. Affectionate. tim to all MSU lediea leather coats. In our new Unfurnished, deluxe, 10 minutes 5-10-23 FEMALE REFERENCES, frame, heeter, sheets. Excellent 6-10-22 music shop you'll find nemes Housebroken. 353-0843 647-4201 evenings. g! from campus. $139. Manager's $15/week. Northwest side. students condition. Cheep. 623-6283. 3-10-18 office, 5898 Marsh, Apt 1, WANTED: HEATHKIT AR-1500, like Fender, Gibson, Ampeg. OWN ROOM, furnished six 485-7462. 5-10-21 3-10-21 339-9161. 7-10-21 on purchase! of $2 AR-16, Maranu 2270 Acoustic and the all new Miller bedroom house, $85. No lease. or more, yogurts Receiver. Call or 485-3833. 3-10-18 Super amplifiers. Many nice ST' BERNARD PUPS T* 332-8348. 5-10-23 ONE NEEDED for 4-man house. GARAGE SALE. Books, Ski registered. $100 Each. St j, MASON MANOR - North Street, Own room. Hagadorn-Grand and breads excluded equipment, clothes, appliances. porteble manual and electric 224-7646.6 10-23 Mason, Married grad students or THREE ROOM furnished cottage. River area. 351-7437 after 4 pm. October 26. Call 332-2361 after IMMEDIATE 3 SPEED bike sale. typewriter. Many car cassette single grad students. 1-2-3 3-10-17 International make. Man's 21 and 8 track decks. In our Student couple only. 5 pm. 2-1018 bedroom townhouse apartments. $135/month on lease. Available RUUMU HEALTH FOOD inch and Ladie's 19V4 inch. $45 basement is e full assortment of Mobile Hones * From $185 plus utilities. Large November 1. 332-8913. 3-10-21 334 MICHIGAN, Across from GARAGE SALE; October 18-19, each. Actual $69.50. mag wheels and tires. Come on Brookfield Plaza down to DICKER 8i DEAL kitchen and dining area. Williams, $85/month including 105 pm. Ken more washer and International Marketing service, 1381 E. Grand River ROLLOHOME Appliances including utilities. Call after 6, 332-5906. 3308 South Cedar, Suite 11, SECONDHAND STORE, 1701 12x60, Kl» L.C.C. NEAR. 3 bedroom house, gas dryer available. Large Arthur's Court. dishwashers, central heat, air X-3-10-18 332 6892 Lansing. Ask for Joe Wet kins. South Ceder. 487-3886. Monday $335/] fireplace, garage, basement. refrigerator - needs repairs, 356-2251 or 332-6329 a' conditioning, full basement, gas 5-10-23 and Friday til 9 pm. Tuesday, $275 plus utilities. Phone day-bed, Kenmore sewing pm. x-20-11-8 heat. Balconies. East drive to SPACIOUS FURNISHED basement machine, miscellaneous items, Wednesday, Thursday and 371-2400. 10-10-28 SEWING MACHINE clearance salel MSU. Open daily from 1-5:30 room. Fireplace. Private BOGEN 100 Watt P.A. amplifier Saturday 9-6. Bank Americard Brand new portables $49.95. $5 clothing. 1512 Meadowbrook MOBILE HOME, 10*50. Old Wednesday & entrance, bath, cooking used only four months, plus and Master Charge. C-6-10-18 p.m. except NEED TWO roommates. Furnished per month. Large selection of Lane, East Lansing. 332-0614. bu Thursday. Visit us or call facilities. Walk to MSU. Ideal for Shure four mike mixer.- $175, good condition. Near M three bedroom house. $85/plus reconditioned used machines. 1-10-17 JAMES FOX ASSOCIATES at couple. $125. 337-0091 after negotiable. Call 351-4200 SWEET CIDER - Atwootfs Leaving country, must sell, utilities. McLaughlin, 353-7230. Singers, Whites. Necchis, New reesonable offer accepted Pt model 676-4746. Office, five. X3-10-17 YARD SALE. Friday end Saturday, between 8 am and 5 pm. 3-10-21 Cidertorium. 1011 West Grend 5-10-21 Homes and many others. $19.95 882-1604. 5-10-18 372-1954. Manager. 676-1411. October 18-19.. 12-6 pm. 952 River, Laingsburg. Open deily 9 to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS 10-10-25 FEMALE PREFERRED, own Lantern Hill. 2-10-18 WOMEN'S 5-speed Schwinn am-6 pm. 651-5218. BL-3-10-18 EXTRAORDINARY TWO DISTRIBUTING COMPANY' PEERLESS room, $66 in house, Woodland Collegiate. $60. After 5 pm, 1970. No bedroom furnished, newly 1115 North Washington. TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile painted. Garage, basment, trees, setting, 882-4818. 3-10-21 4896448. C-3-10-17 355-4236. 3-10-21^ APPLES, CIDERI M99 to payment. Three bedro«*'»■ FAY ANN 489 0368. C-10-31 BOSTON (AP) - The adjutant iS Pertutsim Wild BmV general of the in chief;" Vartanian said. - - National Guard will remain on Roxbury to become another reported, and rain fell Quincy and Braintree. ^ jTsvruP •"« Murir" 18? WILL DO any typing. Fast Massachusetts National Guard, Gov. Francis W. Sargent Watts. We must not allow $1.09 only 71 accurate 625-3641. Pat, after 6 alert in the Boston area despite said his troops would remain in ordered the throughout the day. The infantrymen were btackp,tff . guard mobilized South Boston High to become Attendance at Hyde Park chosen for their "superior 'S 6* Grand criticism by Mayor Kevin H. " pm. 2-10-18 River. White that it comprises "an the city as long as they are Tuesday following a another Kent State," the High School, the scene of rating in civil disturbance needed. He said the men are disturbance ^17, 0.M0-17 IRENE ORR Theses, term inept, incompetent, ill - well trained and well equipped. at Hyde Park High School in which eight white mayor said. trouble Tuesday, was off training," Capt. James Porter, a home. f,.. general typing. Formerly equipped, Meanwhile, the Pentagon sharply. About 250 policemen Guard spokesman, said. papers, undisciplined and students were hospitalized, one weight with Ann Brown 482-7487. undertrained militia." "I take my orders from the' said army paratroopers at Ft. patrolled outside the high The other troops came from with a severe stab wound. Bragg, N.C., have been placed school and in its corridors. One 153-0843, u reduction C-10-31 Gen. Vahan Vartanian, governor; he is the commander Sargent also asked President on increased alert in case they youth was arrested on charges the military police companies. 3 -10-18 Ford to send in federal troops, They were issued steel I* research PURPLE VICKI - Fast, accurate, but the request was denied. may be needed in the Boston of assaulting a police officer. helmets with face shields, flak inexpensive typing. Varv near school crisis. School officials said 353 jackets, gas masks, handcuffs pUPS. ak( *-r8;s* campus. 337-7260. C-10-CT In a statement deployment of opposing Defense Dept. spokesman students - 103 whites and 250 and 36 - inch riot batons, :ach- St. Johni pni Tuesday, 3:30 the guard, William Beecher said the move blacks and other minorities — which Porter said "have less » - White said, "We cannot allow ANN BROWN typing and multilith attended classes at Hyde Park was "purely precautionary" lethal force option than a offset printing. Complete service this city to become another and added that paratroopers High. Projected enrollment at firearm." (or dissertations, theses, Detroit, where it took dozens would be used in Boston only the school is 2,051. Tuesday's [,%. open to Students and ■itudents. menuscripts, generel typing of civilian deaths at the hands as a "last resort." attendance was 1,102. Porter said the men would IBM. 26 veers experience of the police and National Mayor White's statement The guardsmen, including be issued firearms only at the 2*60, Kiit D,. Gordon Willian* 349-0860. C 10-31 Announcements for It's What' MSU Amateur Radio Club will Guardsmen to bring in the came shortly after the opening 50 men from the 220th decision of the ur<- $3300 355-8270 Happening must be received in the hold its regular weekly meeting federal troOps. guard Stale News office, 341 Student of Boston schools Wednesday. 2-6329 COMPLETE THESES Service tonight. Infantry Co., were billeted at commander, Brig. Gen. Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least "We cannot permit Discount No major incidents were guard armories in Boston, Nicholas DelTorto. Printing. IBM Typing two class days before publication end binding of dissertations and No announcements will be Any volunteers interested in accepted 0*50. Old bu Heal Estate « publications. Across from campus corner M.A.C. and by phone. working with children at Gier Park Elementary School please let the ■kp 3 side village, by owner. bedroom condominium. 714* Grand River. Stationary Shop. 9-5 Monday Below Jones Any MSU students interested helping with the re Gov. Milliken please election contact Mark in of Volunteer Bureau know. Training sessions will be held all this week. Health center director reports rise in drug mixing cases Friday. Call COPYGRAPH Observatory Open House from 8 mortaaos possible. On lake. SERVICES, 337-1666 C-1M1 McKelvey in 335 Abbott Hall as to 10 p.m. Saturday. Weather ). No 339-2981, everiinas- 6-10-21 soon as possible. permitting, the 24 • inch reflecting (continued from page 1) concerts. •• bedroom TYPING TERM Papers and theses 1974 telescope will be in operation. these instances fall and Center, said though she has not college community is pretty "nTAL VACANCY? Your Homecoming will award Public welcome, admission free! occur "Our drug patients were noticed any definite increase in much idition. Um Experienced, fast service. IBM two free tickets to see David in touch with the fact :ln spring term, when as many as ^ Atfi. a? 627-4M •* • elefctric. Call 349-1904. 18-10-31 Loggins for the finder of the Ruby Relive 800 students per term may be either sick or flying high, so to the mixing of uppers and that uppers and downers those lo^ost Want Call Slippers. First clue: If the wicked yesteryear! exciting days of The Society for treated at the center for drug speak, on one of these downers, she is certain of the together is not a healthy 356-8255 now to place your ad. THESES, RESUMES, typing and witch had had circles under her Creative Anachronism will meet at substances," Feurig said. danger involved and feels most combination." eyes, you would have a good start 8:30 p.m. Saturday in the Union use. The number usually printing. Reasonable prices. "Because of the bizarre students are aware of it also. IKIOs, BY owner. 3 bedroom on finding the shoes. declines winter term to about Rech Tower Room. behavior explained that i, over 1 acre lend, 2 car COMMERCIAL PRINTING. 450 to 500. they were "I wouldn't say college kids evidence to 361-4116. C-10-31 manifesting, it to our support his e, full basement. Loti of Feurig said that though he came mix uppers and downers as conclusion is widespread in ! '8nd privacy. Assume 7% attention. Sometimes they are 341 Natural did not want to "crucify the much as adults. Housewives terms of medical usage, but lnv,,pge interest. Priced to sail. Society for Creative Anachronism brought here by a friend 482-2055, after 6 pm. 5-10-18 pop concerts," the increases grossly disturbed by their will take diet pills does not serve as proof since usually occur during fall and behavior." (amphetamines), then take most doctors lack sufficient spring because they are the barbituates to get to sleep time and facilities for recording KEMOS • BY OWNER near MSU, NORMA STROTHER - The Student Workers Union The Northwoods Guild of Organizing Committee will seasons for activities like Irene Osterhave, asst. without realizing what they are drug use data. Current 3 bedroom brick ranch, family Accurate, perticular typist. meet at Illuminators and Calligraphers will 5 p.m. Sunday in 39 Union. scientific evidence is sparse, (0om, fireplace, full basement, Royal Electress-pica. Ten years meet at 6 p.m. Sunday in the Union Homecoming and pop director of the Drug Education doing," she said. "Most of the ,tsume 7% mortgage, 351-4122, experience. Reasonalbe rates. Oak Room. but Rech said his Used 5 week Tired of risk and looking for a itiful. Comid evenings. *-51023 B 3 -10-17 . substitute? Then check out the experimentations should help Residence Hails Assn. Judiciary Accept goo MSU Simulations Society from 1 to is prove the interactions TYPING DONE 6 p.m. now accepting applications for hone 393-703 by experienced Sunday in the Union Mural associated with drug mixture, membership. You can pick up an Recreation typist, reasonable rates. Call Liz, 355-4926. 5-10-21 Room. The GLAS first annual Fish application from the Judicial Programs Office in 339 Student Services Bldg. The deadline for Bill drafted to ban dangerous aerosol gas he said. GLE 1973 UTAH package - $299, Show will be held on Saturday and applications is Oct. 25. For more "It's often said by the street ihed, Financti Christmas and spring. Call your Transportation Sunday in the Lansing Mall. Species and aquarium competition, dealer information please call the Judicial (continued from page 1) atmosphere allowing it to this matter." he said. "It is people that alcohol and 3. Negotiabl Em Lansing Ski Center - Programs Office. store them away. Don't put quaaludes synergize greatly. If displays,-auction Sunday. interact with the ozone. The easy for these professors out to TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. we show quaaludes and alcohol MAKE FIRST impressions countl them in a trash container or a bill also calls for public 3618800.0-51018 Education should be life, not get grants to hypothesize. It is do synergize and that you are If you're interested in placing dump. Then wait a few months removal of freon from cooling more expensive for us to refute preparation for life. Free University much M "EMPLOYMENT" section will - first floor East, Union. something in Moosuski's Ski Swap to see if the scientists find out devices and replacement with than it is for them to more likely to kill get you the workers you need. and Sale, contact 240 Men's IM whether or not their current less dangerous substances. yourself with the two than Dial 355-8255. hypothesize." with either Norman Creamer, founder of Bldg. predictions are incorrect," Manufacturers seem to be The specialist, who preferred one alone, then it Solar, will speak at 7:30 tonight at Cicerone said. viewing the recent studies with not to be might discourage some TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, 1118 S. Harrison Road on Aquarian The Muslim Student Assn. identified, said that TAKE A close look at the good Bullard's bill provides for alcoholics from dropping id adjusted. Portables life style and the "Wisdom Schools announces a get together party at 8 a skeptical eye. "We are this situation is much like that things around your home you no p.m. Friday in the University the department of health to pills," he said. me to the Stal $7,50, manuals, $10, electric of North America and Scotland." looking into this and we always with phosphates. "By the time longer use. Sell them with a Methodist Church. Snacks will be abandoned freon (apartment $12.50 One day service, free recover - will be," an aerosal specialist industry discovered that they want ad. Dial 355-8255 today Peanut sauce and rice will be the served. At 9 p.m. the Arab Club to place ar pick up and delivery. 25 year* simple (cost) meal during a will be showing a movie. All containing products and to from Michigan's largest aerosal weren't so harmful after all, it 393-9774. 4-10-18 destroy the freon. This can be SING STAT * workshop on famine and world Muslims are invited. Hope to see producer, Amway Corp. in was all over," he said. Centerfolds banned rtd Column. Wanted hunger from 5:30 to 7:30 tonight you there. Wasalam. done through the use of ultra ¬ Ada, said. He dismissed the studies as AST LANSIN^^JlGHLAND HILLS - Christmas at the Peace Center, 1118 S. violet rays which also destroy "In the interest of science, scare tactics with no real data ill run the ad & wedding recaptions, NEED 4 Senior or Junior coupons Harrison Road. Sponsored by the Meeting for all those interested in planning Jewish social activities the substance in the the total industry is exploring to back them up. at Jackson prison Africa Famine Relief Committee. i your data... now. 669-9873. 20-10-23 for Purdue/State game. 361-0304. Concerned persons welcome. will he held at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at the new Shalom Center, above agptj sMVta. 4-10-18 Friends of animals and nature: Campus Book Store. JACKSON (UPI) - New :E0 CALLER to Wednesday and Friday mornings be awoken RELIABLE COLLEGE girls desire babysitting positions, the second organizational meeting for the University Animal Welfare At Hillel this weekend: chicken dinner and service begin at 6:30 Power firm faces PSC inquiry prison Michigan rules Prison at Southern here have 730 am. Pay is negotiable. Organization will be held at 7 p.m. afternoons, evenings, weekends. p.m. Friday. Morning Orthodox banned the hanging of "nudes, 351-1902. After six. 3-10-21 today in 117 Berkey Hall. OMAN WILL do general 353-0084. 3-10-17 SENIOR COUPONS nested for the Rodeo Committee meeting at 7 tonight in the Judging Pavilion. All Minyan at 10 a.m. (Talmud at 9 a.m.). Deli, 6 p.m. Sunday, will feature Marvin Zalman, asst. for ending insulation promotion pinups or foldouts" in cells, but racy calendars are wiework. Shifts. 7-11:30/1-5. professor of Criminal Justice. acceptable. Ohio State football game. Call interested in working on the 1975 essage.337-1624. 5-10-18 "A reasonable selection of Rodeo are welcome. Cathy, 337-7557. 5-10-22 LANSING (UPI) - The Romney Wheeler, vice Wheeler said that the neat Circle Coffeehouse, from 6 to 10 appearing pictures will be COMMUNTIY Coop Nursery p.m. Sunday, folk entertainment. state Public Service president of public relations company had a promotion allowed on the top of the desk English majors: there will be an ta openings for 3 and 4 At the Gilchrist Hall Pub on West Commission (PSC) is launching for Consumers, said. year PURDUE STUDENT coupon organizational meeting of the Circle Drive. Eat your Sunday night campaign until May, when or locker," according to new olds for fall. For more wanted. Prefer senior coupon. undergraduate Student Advisory an inquiry into why Consumers "Consumers Power "progressively worsening prison regulations. "Pinups or Committee at 4 p.m. today in 214 dinner and enjoy music of local information, Peggy Shook, Call Lee, 353-1880. x-1-10-17 talents. Power Co. is dropping Company has encouraged earnings made retrenchment centerfolds are not permitted." 351-0109 Morrill Hall. All majors are or Kerry Chartkoff, welcome. promotion of a home home insulation to the greatest mandatory" and Consumers Desk and hangup calendars, 337-9511.10-1025 The MSU Tolkien Fellowship will insulation program that saves extent possible, considering its discontinued virtually all including Playboy and Jet, ihoulder p^s THE BEST Service on stereo ! Car Pool ** The Jewish mother: does she rule meet at 8 p.m. Friday in West homeowners up to $54 per financial limitations." advertising. were approved for inmate cells. Holmes Hall lounge to discuss by guilt alone? Come share your >rary. Valuat lipment see the STEREO future events. Bring ideas on events year on their gas bills. perspectives on the Jewish Woman 4-10-: SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. "The commission staff will | Share Driving £4 1-3861. on Thursdays at 7:30, Hillel House. and ways to celebrate them. :alculator and LotV. C-10-31 EATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY at FROM Woodbury CORCORAN to Road MSU at The Undergraduate Philosophy Club coffee hour from 3 to 5 p.m. today in the Union Green Room. The MSU Bahai Club sponsoring a fireside to introduce people to the Bahai faith. It starts is have management to inquire of the of Power Co. why this utility, the Consumers Local ghosts and goblins 1-10-19 "• best statewide. TERRY Administration at 8 p.m. Friday in the Mason Hall only gas utility in Michigan, Building. Anyone interested in philosophy is LUKE PHOTOGRAPHY, library. which sells the highest - priced, invited to house haunting Leaving 7 am, returning around invited. Quite informal. ii Gray. ^ 313-532-9325. C-10-31 4.30-6 pm. 339-2351. 3-10-21 synthetic natural gas in the Jurcham. Cwi Interior Design students: the Petitions are available in 334 :-3-iai7 Student Services Bldg. for the world, believes it can dispense ttrtMs ]g meeting of the Whether you've found something or second official A§ID following ASMSU cabinet with further promotion of this not, it's fun to read the "LOST year is to be held at 7 tonight in 31 ED black a Union. Janet Schirn will be directorships: labor relations, legal program at this time," a PSC If you The haunted house & FOUND." Turn there now. aid, and great issues. like to spook around, was will be open Tuesday both 1 to ett into A better speaking on "Design for the report released Monday said. there is a haunted house in constructed and painted by 5 p.m. and 7 to 11 p.m. environment, cheek Community." after 5 , Consumers had told the PSC A.A.C. 2-10-1 [ Car Pool U Psychology Club meeting at 7 today in 208 Olds Hall. This Applications are available for all registered student organizations and governing groups to request Sept. 19 that there were no plans for a fall or spring East help. Lansing that needs your •volunteers. Volunteers are needed this week to finish decorating the Admission will be SI.25 for individuals and 75 cents for black rimiw p.m. ASMSU office space in 334 Student groups of 10 or more. Discount Engineeri" Driving *■» meeting discovers "group Services Bldg. All applications must promotion of the insulation The house, located next to house and to spook the house coupons worth 25 cents will be , ^ETS & WRITERS experience." Club is open to program. Federal's in the Frandor when it opens. 90. C-3-10-: be returned by 5 p.m. Monday. available at stores in the FROM psychology majors and nonmajors. The Logan and Oakland to report brought The house will be open WORKSHOP Shopping Center, is a Frandor Shopping Center. Audiology 8i Speech Clinic. A meeting of the Cantilever Club immediate reaction from the every day from 7 to 11 p.m. 'white fema The MENSA Steering Committee will be held at 7 tonight in the community effort to raise People interested in Leaving 8:30am, returning 5 pm Jackson based utility. Oct. 25 to 31, except Saturday I, about led by meeting will be at 7:30 tonight at activities room of the Natural - funds for the Impression 5 volunteering should contact daily. 363-8780. 3-10-18 "I am astonished at the 3 56-3731 Richard l. Van Der 513 Beech St. We will plan the Resources Building (across from the Museum, 729 N. Hagadorn and Sunday when it will be Marilyn Rosenberg mornings at Voort November activities, discuss bylaws big white bear). All BC members commission's criticism,' Road. open from 1 to 5 p.m. only. It 351-8050. FROM FLINT to MSU. Leaving 10 and draft a membership are welcome. Refreshments will be am, returning; must be back by information survey. latch 4:30 pm. 663-0778, 9-10-pm. y of SCltOI Western Maryland 3-10-18 C Cartal i»- The New Testament view of C-3-10-21 Wharton eyes value of art I. nlv.rd. Montana state - transformation will be considered IF YOU like great ci by the American Baptist Student ^ case - G.S. ss&H-sa "SERVICES" Foundation at 10:15 a.m. Friday in October Classified Ads. Riding JI^J 33 Union. All are welcome. *°u NEED United Ministries in Higher some extra FROM TOWAR Gardens to MSU. FROM MSU to Flint. Leaving every money, Education - sponsored experimental participants to provide a forum Park Foundation. "Americans and Britons Wednesday 3 pm. Call By DIANE GALBRAITH cT j,!? '*tr8Dial,hin«« "Mi Leaving 8:30am, returning 5.30 worship service is at 5 p.m. Sunday for open discussion of common "The participants have a lot in common as led A instruments. Everyone welcome. City London, was sponsored by the Australia and England fully prepared, but used the from the United States is a The MSU Packaging Society will Ditchley Park foundation, an discussed three broad language more as a tool," she 1974 graduate, Dr. Rose have a meeting at 7:30 tonight in organization working to categories of life in 1985 — explained. Hayden, who is now asst. 19,20, a" S»r«IhlS JT"' 65 coupon may be Bu,ld,nfl. No brought in or maile ,n"v 00 brouflht or mailed to: Car Pool Classifieds, 347 Student 106 International Center. Money making projects and future parties improve Anglo American economics, politics and social Mrs. Wharton cited director of the International kion, MIcM phone calls accepted. relations. foundation changes. discrimination as an Education Project for the will be discussed. Ed Fitzpatrick The Results of these area in * I*. which Americans and American Council on NO CHARGE from the Placement Bureau will regularly holds conferences discussions will be published English J speak. with English and American early next year by the Ditchley differ greatly. Education. I ^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Milliken details finances Oct. 1. By PAUL VARIAN LANSING (UPI) - Gov. Milliken has The biggest individual contributor found in released a detailed accounting of his campaign the records was the Michigan Council of the finances at a news conference — but Teamsters Union, which gave $10,000 to Democratic challenger Sander M. Levin rejected Milliken's re - election committee. Detroit an invitation to attend and said the governor financier Max Fisher contributed a total of was grandstanding. $6,000 with members of his family adding another $6,000. Milliken's uncle, Carl B. Grawn The governor's campaign disclosure Tuesday of Detroit, donated $5,000. went back as far as the slush fund Milliken has maintained since 1970 and was as up to date as Top auto executives headed the list of the $374,000 raised last week at a Detroit contributors to the Ford dinner. Ford Motor dinner featuring President Ford. Co. board chairman Henry Ford II bought $3,000 worth of tickets; Mrs. Edsel B. Ford A statement from the Levin campaign another $3,000; outgoing General Motors headquarters said Levin was pleased Milliken chairman Richard C. Gerstenberg $1,000; Ford was disclosing his campaign contributions and president Lee A. Iaccoea $1,000; Chrysler expenditures. chairman Lynn Townsend $500, and Chrysler But he said the move was designed to gain president John J. Riccardo $500. "maximum promotional impact" and John P. McGoff, publisher of Panax accordingly, no official Levin representative newspapers, spent $2,000 on tickets and would attend the news conference marking the campaign fund disclosure. George Romney, Milliken's predecessor as governor, bought $1,000 worth of tickets. The A breakdown of the financial transactions of names of several Milliken appointees also were the Republican state central committee and on the list and a total of 38 state employes. contributions and expenditures of the three Under the state code of ethics, state other major party candidates also was made employes are prohibited from selling political public. fundraising tickets, but not from buying them. It was revealed last week, however, that Stahlin Michigan campaign officials hailed the action as the most comprehensive financial disclosure has asked numerous state employes by letter to in the state's political history and called on have relatives and friends sell tickets. Democrats to follow suit The money raised for Milliken far exceeded But Laird Harris, Levin's campaign manager, that raised for other candidates on the state said Levin's campaign records have been open GOP ticket to the public since last July. State Rep. James J. Damman, running for Milliken's records showed that he raised lieutenant governor, had received a total of $35,734 by last Saturday; attorney general $402,224 during the primary campaign and candidate Myron H. Wahls $4,899, and $734,168 since the primary - including the secretary of state candidate N. Lorraine Beebe Ford dinner receipts. The balance of the slush $2,r- fund maintained by John Stahlin, head of the "Milliken Action Committee," was $38,834 on We're Making Room For All The New 1975 Lines Thorens TD-165C NewSANSUI ■ SAVE 20% to 50% Two Sensational Speaker Systems! "Pro" Turntable One of the finest turn¬ SR-212 Turntable during our tables on the market! 16-pole synchronous Perfect choice for the budget-minded S???'a(!!ly $199.95 Year-End Stock Reduction motor! Unified suspen¬ sion! Magnesium shell! Empire 66QE/C Car¬ 19996 audiophile! Auto cueing/arm return. Stanton 500EE car¬ i 179" on our own and manufacturer's discontinued tridge! tridge! Camping & Backpacking 11250 SONY IA-1066 Steree|^S0> Integrated Amp Save 20% to 50% on Lightweight Nylon Tents, Packs & BICVENTURI Formula 2 EP1100 System Perfectly matched, high Frames and Down - Filled Sleeping Bags from great lines One of the best performance basic and like Gerry, Alpfne Designs, Kelty, Sierra Designs and others. 8" 3-Way Speaker System speaker sys¬ pre-amp on the same | Special Savings On Camping Rental Items! j Unique design produces ex¬ tended bass to 30Hz. Super-wide 120° dispersion. Built-in loudness 99M tems at any available price! Ultra-accurate! Come in and ask for Playback's unbeatable price! chassis. 36 watts SKK®SET RMS. circuit. A best buy! Fri., Sat. & Sun., Oct. 18,19 & 20th Salt tnds Sunday, Oct. 20 At Our Okemos Between 2283 W. Grand River Shop, Only M.S.U. & Meridian Mall 523 Frandor Lane 10 a.*.-9p.«»». 10-5:30 fM. 12-5 p.m. Mon-FHdcy Saturday Sanday Playback i