Friday, October 18, 1974 Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 ord denies making deal in Nixon pardon MCH1NGT0N (API /\D\ - Pwciripnt Fnrri President Ford, But moat Riihrnmmift^ most subcommittee members ..usaid radio - TV audience the they still regarded many questions as steps leading up to prosecutor and the courts would do. He said the White House was "beseiged" " . unorecedented personal appearance the pardon. The tape was made public Aug. 5, .congressional panel, said unanswered, and Chairman William He said a pardon was first mentioned to "Shortly afterwards," Ford told with requests for access to the tapes by producing overwhelming sentiment in congressmen, "I became greatly concerned i "there was no deal, period, Hungate, D - Mo., said further hearings, him by Haig at a meeting Aug. 1, a week Congress for Nixon's impeachment. that if Mr. Nixon's prosecution and trial the special prosecutor and others, and iTno circumstances." in hU pardon of with other witnesses, might be held after before Nixon resigned, as one of several Ford said the subject of a pardon for were prolonged, the passions that he set out to settle that question XsidentKichardM Nixon. said that he granted the pardon the November elections. "I'm confident all the facts are not courses of action being considered in the Nixon was not brought up again until his over a long period of time would generated seriously before the pardon issue arose. The issue of the tapes produced the out," said Rep. John Conyers, D disrupt the healing of our country from Je benefit of the nation. no^Nix^ - Mich., the wounds of the past." sharpest question of the hearing from Rep. he is convinced he did the right thing author of one of the two resolutions of Ford said he sought legal Elizabeth Holtzman, D - N.Y., who noted rieht time. inquiry that led to Ford's appearance. "I wanted to do all I could to advice from the agreement gives Nixon ownership of h. shift our attentions from the pursuit White House counsel Philip Buchen and I wanted to do all 1 could to shift our Rep. Bella Abzug, D - N.Y., author of the tapes and provides for their ] the pursuit of a fallen the other one, said more witnesses had to of a fallen president to the pursuit of the urgent needs of a rising other lawyers on his staff about the destruction on his death. She said that be called, particularly former White House nation." pardon powers of a president, but raised a suspicion that there might be chief of staff Alexander M. Haig, before President Ford otherwise consulted no one about it. He recorded conversations between Ford and also said no one recommended he grant Congress and the nation could be certain Nixon that Ford would like to see kept there was no deal involved in the the pardon. pardon. from the public. "This is only the beginning," she said. Other than seeking assurances that White House. The meeting was prompted first news conference as president on Aug. Nixon would accept a pardon, he set no Ford did not reply directly to her Before submitting to brief by the discovery that questioning a tape Nixon had 28, when he was advised to prepare for conditions on it, he said, specifically no s and suspicions that have by the subcommittee members, Ford read been question but said the tapes were fully withholding from the courts questions about it. Hie questions came under the control of the White House and the pardon since he for 45 minutes from a prepared statement contained requesting a confession. In answer to a damaging evidence of his and Ford said he would not make any would be available to the special in which he recounted to a nationwide question later, he said he felt the knowledge of the Watergate coverup, Ford decision until he saw what the special prosecutor or the courts. acceptance of the pardon was an admission of guilt by Nixon. Holtzman was the only subcommittee Ford said there was no connection member who seemed to regard Ford as between the pardon and the arrangement just another witness, not the President. for disposition of White House tapes and She said the hearings were the result of other documents reached with the former "dark suspicions" that could not possibly president at about the time the pardon be allayed in the brief time set aside for was being considered. the hearing. Nixon files suit to obtain private tapes, recordsFrom Wire Services when he agreed not to transfer any of the material without the prior approval of the WASHINGTON - Former President Richard M. Nixon filed suit Thursday Special Watergate Ptosecutor. Buchen's agreement vwith the prosecutors was seeking to force the government to give reached on Sept. 9. him possession and control of millions of "The possible production of the tapes and documents accumulated during his five - and - one • half years in the White presidential materials to persons other than the former President, and the search House. of such materials by persons not Nixon alleged that the government has failed to live up to an agreement for the authorized by the former President, poses swift transfer of his presidential materials an immediate threat to the former to California. President's constitutional rights and "Such records are still located at the privileges," the suit said. favors defendant over MSU White House and, despite requests, have It also alleged that the failure to live up ury not at thfc time been sent to the former to the agreement has impaired Nixon's President, the suit said. access to the material and also his ability Named as defendants are Arthur F. to comply with a subpena from John D. Sampson, head of the General Services Ehrlichman, a defendant in the Watergate advisory verdict on tenure suit Administration (GSA); Philip W. Buchen, coverup trial. counsel to President The suit noted that Atty. Gen. William Ford, and H. Stuart B. Saxbe had ruled that all the materials Knight, director of the Secret Service. Nixon asked the court to order the are the property of the former President. three defendants not to produce or "With respect to the tape recordings of By GARY HOFFMAN and worked for changes in department disliked the growing influence of associate about the bylaws" when tenure was conversations, the agreement provides that disclose any of the presidential materials State News Staff Writer policy. professors within the department. denied in an effort to get around the such to anyone other than himself. recordings will remain on deposit federal jiry in Grand Rapids reached decision. University officials argued that tenure Laing charged that Dunham and the The suit, however, seeks a staged until Sept. 1, 1979," the suit said. dvisory verdict Wednesday declaring was denied because of his performance. others violated University bylaws by "It's a tradition to have tenured faculty "In no event will the tape recordings be former MSU associate professor John implementation of the agreement and Hildebrand, who began a two - year holding tenure hearings during the summer decide who gets tenure," Carr said. would not affect the Watergate special destroyed prior to that date . . . This gift brand should not have been denied of 1968, instead of the fall, and by "Those of you on the jury who have Prosecutors' access to the Nixon materials was conditioned upon the former appointment to the Social Science and on Sept. 1, 1968, and should be Latin American Studies departments in consulting only with full professors in contact with matters of professionals for use in the cunent coverup trial. In President's right to order destruction of toted into the faculty, know that members decide addition, it would not affect any tapes or such tapes as he then might direct and 1967, filed the suit in October 1971. making the tenure decision. who gets tderal District Court Judge Wendell Hildebrand's attorney, Kenneth Laing The University bylaws require that documents which have been subpenaed so upon the further condition that the tapes membership," Carr said. will be destroyed at the time of the fornier verdict is expected within several far. Jr., said his client is seeking about information on tenure decisions be No evidence existed showing any evil or He has the power to overrule the On Sept. 6 Nixon and Sampson signed President's death subsequent to Sept. I, $200,000 in damages from the defendants gathered during the fall. It also requires conspiratorial agreement by the 1979, or on Sept. 1. 1984. whichever 'erdict. an agreement in which the former , for back pay, benefits and alleged damage that department heads seek the advice of defendants to deny Hildebrand his rights, should first occur." iles ruled president agree to house all his presidential Tuesday that the jury's to Hildebrand's career. their advisory council and / or tenured Carr said. materials with the GSA in facilities near A bill passed by the Senate and pending id could only be advisory. He said he Laing told the jury Tuesday that staff. Can said Hildebrand was terminated Nixon's San Clemente, Calif., home. in the House would cancel the agreement d his ruling on the legal precedents Dunham and the other defendants wanted But University attorney Leland Can- because of his performance, but Laing said The suit alleged that Buchen interfered and give the government control of the uding the use of a jury decision as the argued that Hildebrand began "nitpicking (continued on page 6) with Nixon's rights under the agreement Nixon documents and tapes. verdict in civil to get rid of Hildebrand because they equity suits similar to 'brand's case. Hie six • person jury also found that defendants in the suit, including Wharton, the board of trustees four other MSU «rately deprive Hildebrand of his or violate officials, did not Rocky's NEW YORK (AP) - Surgeons Thursday wife has brea University bylaws. The Preliminary examination showed no pve no reasons for its removed the cancerous left breast of evidence that the cancer had spread to the decision. °addition to Wharton and the board Happy Rockefeller, wife of vice president lymph nodes, Urban said. He described designate Nelson A. Rockefeller, less than Mrs. Rockefeller as in good spirits and said fees, Douglas Dunham, chairman of three weeks after the President's wife her chances for recovery are excellent, . pt of Social Science; Clinton underwent a similar operation. with a more than 90 per cent chance of professor of Social « Science, and Rockefeller said the surgery came as a survival at 10 years. Urlm, dean of University College, result of a checkup prompted by Betty Dr. Edward J. Beattie Jr., general Pendants in the suit, Ford's operation. director of Memorial Sloan Kettering idebrand charged during the hearing, "She recuperated fantastically Cancer Center, said the operation was a !an Oct. 10, that his tenure was ■ modified radical mastectomy, in which the because he was elected to the rapidly," Dr. Jerome A. Urban told entire breast and the lymph nodes in the newsmen shortly after completing the 3V4 - lencf DePt- advisory committee hour armpit were removed, but only part of the _ operation. chest muscle was taken out. He said the lump in Mrs. Rockefeller's Stern ^SDA makes breast was less than two centimeters in diameter, about the size of the tip of a little finger. Two smaller nodules were found, and all were determined to be denies link cancerous. Mrs. Ford underwent a mastectomy of the right breast Sept. 28 and got out of SwGJ0N,(AP) ~ ^ Agriculture Dept. (USDA) bought $1 million worth the hospital less than a week ago. "The coincidence is almost "d threatenrJ*" >ed Congress bUtwith. U ** nothlng to do ^ the "toUgh tUrkey" PresWent unbelievable," President Ford told a group Fo'd said Tuesday in of Spanish - speaking leaders at the White House. Ford said that many women have gone for examinations because of his wife's illness and he commented,"There's some k »&, 70 oon ' th®UsDA announced it bought 380,000 pounds of cooked turkey «ttkeys for Z!"nds of «"*»»* dark turkey meat and 1,820,000 pounds of whole good in all difficulty." He said "It is so easily detected and so % Ir"atlon to school cafeterias. n ffl^femarkertUu tarkey The departmp„?taVOlded fUrther questioning. b ,n department's cafeteria," a USDA easily handled, when so many otherwise might have neglected it." "I was deeply distressed when I received AP wirephoto ^ lunK tM , n fwrehwed $15.5 million worth of turkey since July 1 for the of Mrs. Rockefeller's operation," Happy Rockefeller, left, and First Lady Betty Ford wave to newsmen from a balcony at the White House Aug. Pounds S i? ' Anting the rolls and ground meat, the equivalent of 35.8 news l0n 22. Rockefeller underwent surgery for breast cancer Thursday just two weeks after Fcrd had the same _whole Nrda have been bought > (continued on page 6) operation. 0 Friday, October 18, 1974 I 2 Michigan State NeWs, East Lansing. Michigan Impasse WASHINGTON (AP) - The head - to - head impasse between President Ford and Congress over cutting off U.S. military aid to It was passed overwhelmingly by the House and then by the on Senate within hours after the House failed by only two votes to Turkish In his second veto message, Ford said this dangers to the NATO alliance and Cyprus would nn« h, peace efforts ,^ I Turkey was broken Thursday with approval of a new compromise override Ford's second veto of a congressional Turkish aid cutoff. immediate Turkish aid cutoff he vetoed the first time. ^I reportedly acceptable to Ford. The House approved the new compromise 191 to 33, and the But Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton, D-Mo., a leading 0pDOnp„( J Senate OKs no-knock repeal Senate sent it to Ford by voice vote the aid, called Ford's new veto "an outright endorsement °I The new compromise delays cutoff of the Turkish aid until Turkey's use of American guns and bullets to occudv anl I Dec. 10, providing Turkey sends no more "implements of war" to country." othwl A compromise drug control bill, containing a repeal its occupation forces on Cyprus, txi not enlarge those forces More than 26,000 federal workers are caught in the im ■ of the controversial no - knock law, was passed by the and continues to observe the present cease - fire. The measure between Ford and Congress, and many of them will opiY*! Senate and sent to President Ford Wednesday. Ford vetoed earlier would have cut off aid if Turkey sent any paychecks this week and next. Vl shortl kind of equ ipment to the Cyprus forces. By voice vote with no debate, the Senate accepted The compromise passed the House with little debate after The Turkish aid cutoff was in emergency resolute! the House - passed legislation which would authorize leaders announced it would not be vetoed by Ford. authorizing federal agencies that were legally penniless since sTI $480 million for a three - year continuation of the 1970 "It is a compromise acceptable to the President," said Rep. 30 to spend until Congress approves their regular appropriatEM Controlled Substances Act. It also would repeal the no - Elford A. Cederburg, R-Mich. "It is better than it was but worse knock feature of this law. than it should be." The no - knock feature lets federal judges issue Rep. John Brademas, D-Ind., a leading opponent of the Bank offers Turkish aid, said Ford was consulted by telephone from a warrants authorizing Justice Dept. agents to break into a surprise prize meeting of House leaders, opponents and White House aides and '•'* MICHIGAN S residences unannounced for searches in cases where it is believed the property being sought would be quickly Some customers at the drive - in window of the East accepted the compromise "very, very, very, very, very reluctantly." SH0WCAS?\- Lansing State Bank are startled to find dog biscuits and FOR NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT compromise cutoff approved by Congress Wednesday died \ The destroyed or the agents would be in danger if they balloons along with their cash in the envelopes they get when the House upheld Ford's veto 161 to 83, two votes short of knocked before entering. from the tellers. Tellers include the treats to those the two • thirds needed to override. The House Commerce Committee, urging the repeal That measure would have cut off U.S. aid to Turkey earlier customers with dogs or children in their cars. of the no - knock section, cited several cases in which than Dec. 10 if Turkey sent any U.S. equipment to its Cyprus Drive - in window teller Jeff Cole says customers "get federal officials broke into the homes of innocent forces. quite a kick" out of the gifts. In fact, several have people. suggested the bank expand its giveaways to include something for the grown - ups - say, a $10 bill. The bank replies, "Regular customers don't get anything." No-fault hearings set FDA recalls sandwich spread Drug Administration announced Site selection still steaming The Food and Thursday the recall of nearly 12,000 cans of a sandwich President Wharton called the University Building. for state consumers Martha Reeves spread which it said was underprocessed, creating a Lands and Planning Committee to task Wednesday for oct 14 thru 19 potential health hazard. The 16 - ounce cans of Nut - Me - Ta sandwich filler their vote on the site for the new Performing Arts Center. The committee last week supported that area have (UPI) - Five public hearings been scheduled around preparing a revision of the no fault law which went into effect Oct. 1, 1973 because of - HITS LIKE "HEAT WAVE". j the state for consumers to were produced by Tennessee Hills Foods, Inc., Dunlap, "bugs" in the law, committee "DANCIjMG IN THE STREETS" between the Munn Ice Arena and Harrison Road, where voice their opinions about the Tenn.. and distributed to health food stores and Seventh state's mandatory no fault chairman Matthew McNeely, the quonsets now sit - a site both the architects and • D-Detroit, said. FINE FOODS'MINE Day Adventist churches in 19 states, including Michigan. Wharton had pretty clearly eliminated. auto insurance law. Consumers are advised not to eat the contents or Wharton asked to meet with the committee and, on A special House committee no - fault insurance no The - constitutionality of the fault law has been LITE ENTERTAINMENT NITELT i throw away any cans of the product, but to return them according to one member, was "obviously not too announced Thursday that the challenged by two circuit court to the store where they were purchased. decisions since it went into pleased" with its decision. After the committee hearings will be held Nov. 15 in effect. Both decisions have THEE.6D. STABLES explained its decision to him, he left, and they voted to Detroit, Nov. 16 in Kalamazoo, Nov. 18 in Saginaw, Dec. 3 in been appealed and McNeely let their choice stand. (Wharton is said to favor the site Ruling restricts benefit drops south of Owen Hall on the intramural fields.) Traverse City and Dec. 5 Marquette. All hearings are at in said he hopes the courts will issue a definitive ruling on the A U.S. District judge says the government cannot Hannah 10 a.m. law before the committee 2843 RIVER, EAST LANSING remove aged, blind and crippled persons from federal disability rolls without first giving them a hearing. caught in middle The House committee is completes its study. The precise and poetic cover story on former MSU The ruling by Judge Alexander Harvey II concerned a president John Hannah that appeared in the September suit filed by the Baltimore Legal Aid bureau on behalf issue of the MSU Alumni magazine has been introduced open thursday andfriday nights until nine. of four persons dropped, or notified they would be into the Congressional Record, compliments of 6th dropped, from the rolls when HEW began paring District Republican Rep. Charles Chamberlain. recipients. Chamberlain, who decided to resign his seat in Harvey said he ruled against the government because "no reasons were given for such a finding of ineligibility and no hearing had been accorded the plaintiffs before the determination was made." February 1973, had been the butt of many a critical State News editorial, most written by former staff writer Bob Bao. Bao, now a stringer for Time magazine, JacobsoriB is an editorial assistant at the alumni magazine and C. Christopher Biown, a Legal Aid official, said the authored the Hintiah story. Harvey ruling could affect as many as 100.000 persons across the country. Culture shipped by truckload They are shipping in culture by the truckloads now. Trucks bearing the foot - high letters "ATL" travel the state's highways frequently. Rather than American Thought and Language, the • letters actually denote Associated Truck Lines, a Grand Miss J redefines the shirtdress Rapids company. for '74. . .upbeat and updated MSU faculty quote of the week but as comfortable as ever in On the bulletin board of J. Aldrich, Political Science Dept., third floor of S. Kedzie Hall: "Remember, the soft polyester that's a snap i surgical intern must learn, in part, by killing a few to care for. daytime dash to Troops rushed to N. Ireland patients. Be thankful that we only bore them or, at . worst, fill their minds with relative rot." (Quoted from a Britain rushed letter from a political science professor at the University eyening ease, achieved with more troops to Northern Ireland of Rochester.) Thursday and gave notice that internment of suspected a quick change of accessories. guerillas will continue despite prison riots. C, J State ews is put>llshe<1 by the students of Michigan University every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring The British cabinet met in emergency session in school terms, Mondays, Wednesday, and In rust or hunter Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition is published London to discuss the latest bloody clashes in Belfast. It in September. Subscription rate is $20 per year. made no announcement except to say it was dispatching Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial for 5 to 13 sizes. $30 and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan 600 more troops to swell the garrison of 15,000 already State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. there. GERALD H. COY. GENERAL MANAGER ROBERT l_ BULLARD, SALES MANAGER Merlyn Rees, British minister in charge of Northern' PHONES News/Editorial 355-8252 Ireland, said 36 hours of rioting in four prisons in the Classified Ads 355-8255 province would bring no change in the government's Display Advertising 355-6400 Business Office 355-3447 policy of interning suspected guerillas without trial. Photographic 355-8311 Detention without trial was first introduced in August 1971. Honduran cabinet under fire HomEcominG Foreign Minister Cessar Batres of Honduras resigned Thursday following charges the government mishandled relief efforts for victims of Hurricane Fifi. 1974 m/u Reliable sources said the entire Honduran cabinet submitted resignations Wednesday to President Oswaldo presents... Lopez Arellano. There was no immediate word on whether the Miss J's all-leather sling president accepted the resignations. pump shows off skirts and dresses to Autumn advan¬ tage. Upper, stacked heel and sole of smooth leather . . .simply stated and sophis¬ ticated in navy, black or camel. 6& to 10 Narrow and DAVE LOGGin/ 5 to 10 Medium sizes. $17 Saturday oct. 26 J/JLojp • men's im building, sports arena, 9pm ■ tickets available at the msu union. discount records, and recordland for S3 aenerai SECOND CHANCE Jacabsoris Admission 790 778 (Must have both numbers) A Union Activities Board & MSU Development Fund & MSU Alumni Assoc. Project JACKPOT 473157 05066 091 Ballot to include veterans bonus proposal BvJOHNTINGWALL because of homosexuality, court martial "In the previous bill, veterans StateNew, Sttff Writ, r offenses or other cases could not collect going to r0L| to award bomae. to Michigan would join the ranks of 16 schools received too many additional ^ra veteran* will appear on other states which have already voted benefits," Snepp said. "It discriminated against skilled workers and those not in PROPOSAL B I hioin's November ballot. bonuses to Vietnam veterans if Proposal B some kind of vocational VIETNAM AND OTHER VITERANS BONUS BONDS Innroved by voters, Proposal B is approved. Bonuses in other training." ■ /Ce the State of Michigan to 1(1 from maximums of $200 in Indiana and states vary Snepp also said combat and noncombat Th* proposal would: Jo $205 million in general $300 in Massachusetts to $500 in Iowa veterans are treated more the 1974 plan. equally under (1) Authorize the state to provide reterans of the Vietnam and other conflicts who bonds to finance cash bonuses Vletnim Service Medal and $750 in served between January 1,1961 through September 1, 1973 with rv himin veterans who served in the or the Armed Pennsylvania. Don Svom, veterans coordinator on a service bonus; and Forces Wween 1961 and 1973. Expeditionary Medal - Bonds for the bonuses, to be issued as campus, said the bill has a better chance of (2) Authorize the state to borrow the sum of 205 million dollars for this purpose, and noncombat veterans would be veterans eligible to apply for benefits, will be passage its second time around. (3) Authorize the state 1422 000 veterans would be eligible receive $15 for each month of service, to a marketed at the lowest to issue general obligation bonds therefor; and ftSK*m of for maximum bonus of $450. To be eligible for the benefits, veterans possible interest rate, W. B. Kirsch, deputy executive secretary of the Michigan Veterans' Trust "The tougher economic situation this year, though, won't help it much," Svorn (4) Provide for repayment from the Should this proposal be approved? general fund. *!im!ilr6 proposal was defeated by must have been a Michigan resident for at Fund, said. Interest payments over the 25 said. Veterans of the two world wars and i_ 1972 by a 1.60 million to 1.49 least six months before YES year period of bond repayment would - vote The $266 million bond entering active the Korean War were voted bonuses from , duty in the Army, Air Force, Marine add $101 million at current 6 NO in 1972 would have provided per cent Michigan residents totaling $400 million. Corps or Coast Guard, and served a interest rates to the total cost of the bond No new or increased tax has been , benefits of up to $2,000 In minimum of 190 days between Jan. planned 1, issue. Some estimates of total costs have to offset the costs of this year's in to a $500 bonus. 1961, and Sept. 1,1973. climbed to $400 million, proposal. accounting for (proponents of this year's bonus National Guard and U.S. military soaring interest rates. I believe that the educational reserve units would be excluded provision may have been from Eligible veterans would be able to apply benefits unless they served on for their bonuses at active, a Veterans Affairs lonsible " for the 1972 defeat, since fiiUtime duty with regular armed forces office, to Robert Bilger, service officer at ^eive educational assistance units. Beneficiaries of deceased veterans Ingham County Dept. of Veterans' Affairs, the federal government through the would also be eligible for benefits. said. Bilger said Veterans Administration as Administration. Bonus requirements also include an offices on campus in the Student Services ■Besides a $600 bonus for combat honorable or general " discharge. Deserters Building and at Ingham County and 5 - those eligible to wear the and veterans with bad conduct discharges Lansing offices would all probably handle such applications beginning in January of February if the proposal passes. toecf contact Though no polls have gauged voter opinion on Proposal B. state Sen. Harry DeMaso, R introduced - the bond Battle Creek, who proposal in the state legislature, said there is no organized |ose legal pro opposition to the bonus, and it has a "very good" chance of passing. Both Gov. Milliken and support Sander Levin the bond issue, and each is circulating separate campaign literature By PEGGY GOSSETT addressed to veterans and State News Staff Writer support the Jhen women infiltrated predominantly male physical education classes in fall 1973, | Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPR) Dept. became concerned with the bonus. Milliken's brochure approval of the proposal by a wide margin to prove to Vietnam veterans "we urges voter appreciate the sacrifice they made during a Sirica postpones decision libility of law suits because of women's participation with men in contact sports, long and unpopular war." d with enrollments of women in these classes rising, the concern of the to order Nixon DeMaso said neither resentment toward tmcnt has proportionately soared. testimony involvement in Southeast Asia, nor th males and females have been accepted in wrestling and other HPR classes since I"l973, though the schedule of courses handbook still distinguishes between male, opposition to President Ford's amnesty plan would affect voter sentiment toward ^ale and coed classes. the bonus plan. iUrting winter term these designations will be dropped from the handbook. It takes WASHINGTON (AP) - After hearing Of the 422,000 Michigan veterans going to be favorable." dt a year for changes to be made in the handbook, Gale Mikles, HPR chairman, said, reports that former President Richard M. eligible, about 1,900 MSU students would Nixon's health is rapidly Earlier Thursday, more than 100 Lining the delay. be eligible for bonuses. Veterans counselor improving, U.S. persons in the he changes were made to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of District Judge John J. Sirica courtroom, including Sirica, Neil Snepp said almost all of the delayed a donned earphones to hear the first of which specifies that no person may be barred from any class because of sex, 2,000 decision Thursday on whether to order veterans on more than 30 White House jer the class be medieval history or weight lifting, campus are Vietnam era Nixon to testify at the Watergate coverup tapes. veterans, though who served trial. With chief prosecution witness John W. hides said it is the contact sports that the department is primarily worried about, some Dean HI listening as he sat on the witness between 1955 and 1961 would be Sirica said he would prefer that Nixon bntact sports such as wrestling pose problems for the department, however, ineligible. testify personally in court rather than give stand, the jury and spectators heard we're liable for anyone who gets hurt from mismatching of physical ability," he Snepp and other proponents of the decision in three weeks on the issue of former President Richard M. Nixon praise depositions in California if he continues to Nixon's testimony. His ruling came after plan term it his former counsel. likles said they were more worried about female and male facing injury in contact a more equitable proposal recover from a chronic phlebitis condition. than the 1972 bonus the prosecutors played the first White Nixon said that Dean's plan. The judge said he would reach a handling of the psthan male and male. House tape recording relating to the coverup three months after the break in - st year, once women were enrolled in the predominantly male classes, many coverup. at Democratic National headquarters "has uctotstried to discourage them from staying, Mikles said. Nixon sought to be excused from been very skillful because you — !b spite of the rhetoric, we're well aware the average female has less physical putting testifying at the hearing. His lawyer, your fingers in the dikes every time that agth than the average male, and when females |tobe careful," he said. are involved in contact sports we've Class skipping symptom Herbert J. Miller, said he would have a new health report and that 'Tm sure it leaks have sprung here and sprung there." The incident marked the first time that ids said the department is trying to balance concern for discrimination and worry will be favorable." Dean was summoned before Nixon to ability. The hearing was held without the jury make a progress report on the Pt try to explain the danger element involved to the girls who take them (the coverup. It pes), and explain our position of being liable," he said. k type of course and the of visiting autumn flu bug present. Sirica also asked lawyers for the occurred original Sept. 15,1972, the seven same defendants were indicted by day the ability of girls to handle them must be taken into defendants and the prosecution to submit a grand jury. Also at the meeting was (deration, he added. the names of doctors who could make an former White House chief of staff H. R. - - last year we had a girl who had played ice hockey all her life sign up for an ice Making its annual visit to the MSU independent examination of the former Haldeman. ley dass, and she did fine," Mikles said. "But we also had a mixed judo class where However, Feurig added that this year's campus this fall is that favorite class - peak is past. The health center is currently president at his seaside estate in San During the conversation, Nixon ■till complained about being banged around by some guy." Clemente, Calif. discussed using the FBI and other federal skipping illness — the flu. seeing about 100 to 125 cases a day. to beginning wrestling class this term has a woman enrolled in it. Dr. James Feurig, MSU Health Center A flu bug will either fill The prosecutors and defendant John D. agencies for political revenge during his to) Detzik, instructor of the course, said the woman attends the class but up your head second term, a move that Dean called "an does not director, says instances of flu are usually and make you feel generally miserable or Ehrlichman have subpenaed Nixon, but his «e to engage in physical practice with any of the other class members, who are all heaviest with the start of fall term. He it will hit you in the stomach, testimony is not likely to be required for exciting prospect." attributes the phenomenon to so many causing several weeks. More than 100 persons, including lie tried to get a cramps, vomiting or diarhea. It will usually partner, but the other girl dropped the class," Detzik said. people being thrust into communal living last no more than two days. The special Watergate prosecutors say Sirica, were given a set of olive - grey Jkles said classes might be sexually indiscriminate but locker rooms would never go and the high chances that someone is If it hits you, Feurig recommends they will question Nixon in the courtroom sponge earphones from supermarket carts carrying the virus. Also with the increased only if Ehrlichman is successful with his wheeled down the aisle by lawyers from lit will occur is well getting plenty of rest, sipping fluids get off this sameness kick and settle for separate but equal," amount of social activity students tend to subpena. the prosecutors' staff. slowly, taking two aspirin every four hours get tired and resistance goes down. Nixon's lawyer argued that written When Asst. Prosecutor and laying off the tacos and pizza. George questions and answers submitted by Frampton tried to get Sirica's attention, Ehrlichman to Nixon should be sufficient. he discovered that the judge had Prosecution and defense lawyers said that prematurely put on his earphones and would be unacceptable. could not hear him. lairstyles influence barber's role On Oct. 3, in asking that Nixon be The novelty of a courtroom silent excused, Miller said in court papers that except for the electronically produced the physical condition of the former voices of Nixon, Haldeman and Dean president was such that if he testified prompted many persons to swivel around By RALPH FRAMMOLINO "Now, we charge anywhere from $4 to Cook, 46, has cut hair at the Union there would be "the risk of permanent watching each other listen. "Last June, we joined the Lansing Barber I State News Staff Writer $7. The reason for this, of course, is that since 1955 and has observed the injury or incapacitation." While the jury listened intently changing Assn. because we couldn't do much with J» matter how you cut it, we have to do a lot more today. We had to role of the barber. 16 members — electing officers and all Besides asking for doctors' names, throughout, some spectators giggled freely F is not like it used to setting a learn a lot of styling, straightening and a "Twenty Sirica said he wanted prosecution and when they heard Nixon admonish the be - and years ago we had eight that." is being a barber. dozen other services." barbers in this shop. Now we're down to defense lawyers to determine who should former head of his 1972 re ■ election . ■ [wnty years ago we used . usea ioto cnarge charge Cook pointed out, however, that the three or four he said. Cook said that the reduction in the pay for any medical inquiry. committee, Clark MacGregor in jest: "And don't bug anybody without Fjor a haircut," Wayne Cook barber hardest style for him to learn was still the Cook, a member of the East Lansing number of barbers resulted from the long Of the projected report on Nixon's r ™on Barber Shop, said. "But then old flat top, a mid '50s style in which all Barber Assn. recalls that the group once hair pinch, felt in barbershops all across health, Sirica said. "Fm quite certain it's asking me. OK?" Py had two styles included 53 menbers. the country during the mid '60s. - the regular and the hair on the top of the head was cut ^tt0P- "It finally got down to 16," he said. evenly. "The shops that went out of business were all good shops. The older guys who didn't want to cope with long hair retired. The younger ones who couldn't deal with Inaudibles inaudible, it left the business," he said. Today's hair - cutters stay in barber school longer. When Cook went to barber but tapes liven up trial school, nine months was sufficient to complete the course but modern - day WASHINGTON (AP) What is it like barbers stay for a year. Prospective barbers Dean, the government's chief electronic have to learn all the styling techniques for eavesdropping on a president of the witness. United States; to hear one of those famed, Haldeman, one of the five defendants today's hair styles, while alumni keep up hard gotten tapes? Fascinating. with the current trends through magazines charged with conspiracy to obstruct Absorbing. A lot different from reading justice, held his head in his hands, listening and workshops. the cold type of a transcript. intently, occasionally making notes. Cook also said more women are It was neither as difficult to hear as John N. Mitchell, the former attorney entering and graduating from barber billed in advance; neither did it approach schools. He said that this may the quality of cheapest tape machine. general, holding only one earpiece to his be caused head. John D. Ehrlichman, the former from the fact that men are finding it The voices domestic counsel, busily scribbling notes. increasingly difficult to support their were unmistakable. The families with a barber's income. Women deep, distinctive sound of Richard M. Robert C. Mardian and Kenneth W. Nixon saying are entering the profession as a second things in the privacy of the Parkinson, thi\ least known of the income source. Oval Office in a way he would not have defendants, following along. dreamed of doing it in public. For 32 minutes the conversation of e Cook said one reason haircut prices H.R. Haldeman, the chief of staff, Sept. 15, 1972, came through the pale have risen suddenly is because they are olive green headphones. determined on a flat increase basis by a calling the Watergate investigation "this majority vote the association. It is a silly ass damn thing." Many of the famed White House practice Cook does not agree with. John W. Dean III, the White House unintelligibles and inaudibles were indeed counsel, in the first nonsocial conversation unintelligible and inaudible. Paper "There should have been something set he has ever had with the man who was his shuffling and other room noises added to up that the prices would be based on the some of the confusion. cost - of boss, saying "What an exciting prospect." - living," he said. when Nixon called for retribution against Once the entire courtroom seemed to Cook's shop services customers from political enemies. gasp. That was when Nixon, talking about campus as well as off. The majority of the civil suits filed against his re • election One hundred and eighty people customers are from on committee by Democrats, said: campus, and judge, defendants, jurors and spectators at students make up 60 per cent of the the SN photo/John Russell business. He said that there are as Watergate coverup trial put on "This thing is just, uh, you know, one many bulky padded earphones to hear the first of those side issues and a month later W* professors with long hair as * r "'long h„r ltvlH ^»W Cook dtmomtratn styling wchniquea fallow barber Barry Walk*. Cook, who undergraduates, public playing of a WatergV.i :ut. SusamAger Editor-in-Chief ANTHONY Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R. D. Campbell Managing Editor record G. F. Korreck Publish Watergate City Editor Diane Silver Campus Editor Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Pay ton National Editoi Steve Stein Sports Editor Friday, October 18, 1974 Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor Editorials and documents. in doing so, he unfinished business. Another six months are the opinion of the State Judy Rypma Copy Chief There was a picture in the paper the or s should be I A word first about Leon Jaworski. He News. Columns, viewpoints and letters are Joe Kirby StaffRepresentative other day of Archibald Cox perched on knew he would be dismissed as Watergate took the job under unfavorable enough to wind up the investigationIm¬ pending cases and write the final JJJI personal opinions. one of the bridges over the River Cam, in Special Prosecutor. He feared that the Cambridge, England, where he is teaching this year. In the background were the whole effort to reassert the supremacy of law in this country might fail. It did not, circumstances. Because he was the Nixon Administration's choice, some naturally For that period it will be have a genuinely important! independent person I because his demonstration of character suspected he would be soft. Nixon clearly charge - presumably Henry s H,,th ,'t EDITORIALS lawns and glorious buildings that make Cambridge seem so serene, so detached made the country understand what was at hoped so. When Gen. Alexander Haig who has been deputy to Co* J.'L stake. telephoned to offer the job, he told Jaworski. Then it will be safe to from the troubles of the world. Looking at win How long ago it all seems, that Jaworski that the country faced "a this extraordinary office and that scene, one wondered what the |Pt ,h ■ revolutionary situation." The Nixon White Justice Dept. handle any loose weekend in October 1973. When a special " Nelson merits academics there make of this professor who brought down a president. It is a year since Cox said no to prosecutor resigns, now, earthquake. But Leon Jaworski's decision there is no House thought Jaworski's function was to damp down the firestorm over the Cox But business there is one other that requires urgent ends part of attenti^l thl| to leave is still an occasion to reflect on dismissal. That is publication of the full record nil President Nixon's order that he stop trying to get any more White House tapes the special prosecutor's office and its Jaworski was in fact no crusader. He Watergate. President Ford's pardon of Senate was a cautious man, and deeply respectful in state of the presidency. He advised the Watergate Grand Jury not to indict Nixon. short the ordinary legal process of out the evidence. Whether Nixon Nixon cu brinihn.l will evJ| be subject to questioning in the He was reluctant to prosecute Nixon after trial is in doubt. The special eoverj It is moral rot and party candidate John Fishbeck, the resignation, and he was probably just office is concerned about prosecutor1!! not whose as happy to be relieved of the including in J corruption which accounts for the inconsequence is matched responsibility of decision by the pardon. report an accusatory section about! who is not slow emergence of reform only by his inability to defend his But his natural conservatism rrede it all someone going to h.1 fl debat the telling when Jaworski stood up prosecuted. Nine-way more legislation in the United States. It party's ideas. is the insufferable inactivity of Sen. Pittenger has initiated for the law against White House maneuvers, as he so honorably did. His For all those consider the reasons it is important problem outside i to| elected officials. Few of them can surprisingly little legislation in the insistence on pressing the issue of the prosecutorial framework. Then w The State News editorial suggestion that party debate would give them an be considered evil. Most consider past four years. He has associated subpenas for White House tapes to solution is really quite straightforward hi WKAR interview gubernatorial candidates opportunity of rebuttal. So far, however, themselves open - minded. But it his name with the issue of from each of the nine parties running in these two major capitalist parties have resolution in the Supreme Court played a crucial part in bringing on last summer's is simply to publish all the papers and ta»| is also true that most, in practice, tenants' rights reform, but he transcripts relevant to Watergate. ■ the Michigan election separately would preferred to avoid the issues and hide seem to consider the word neglects to mention that Earl technically give "equal time" to each behind the shield of the media, like denouement. The work of the special A sound approach is indicated in Sen! "action" to be a radical, if not Nelson spearheaded the most party and avoid the arbitrary and WKAR, which protects them from main Gaylord Nelson's bill, already passed bv| recent tenants' rights legislation. discriminatory pairing of the parties as debating us. prosecutor's office — the investigation and the Senate, to preserve the Nixon tap«l prosecution of the many crimes of servi J communist, term. and papers. It instructs the genera] presently practiced, by the WKAR Denis Hoppe One such congressman is Similarly, Pittenger has management. However, if each party were East Lansing Socialist Workers Party Watergate — is now well in hand. administrator to arrange access to thel Phillip Pittenger. Republican practically amended to death a obliged to appear separately, no party Campaign Committee The duty that remains to be completed Nixon materials for a number of purposes,1 incumbent in November's 24 bill that might have forced auto would be able to refute slanders or is informing the public. When the original charter was written for the special the first of which is to "provide the public'! Senate District race. mechanics to license themselves. distortions of its platform which might be with the full truth of the abuses ofl prosecutor, making reports to Congress governmental power" known as Watergate,■ made by the other parties. Opposing Democratic state him, however, is Rep. Earl Nelson was again the bill's author. And Pittenger, it may be The Socialist Workers Party Campaign Committee believes that the best way to Health and the public was pointedly listed as one of his responsibilities. Cox explained at The mechanism should be for administrator to have an advisory panel thtl jo| the time that it was as important to know through the tapes, pick out all that is! Nelson, who has already proven noted, considers this election to present the Michigan voters with a full and This is in response to the editorial of why someone was not prosecuted as to relevant to Watergate and not injurious tol himself to be no stagnant and be a battle between conservative democratic exchange of views would be Oct. 15. I, for one, think it is time to know that someone else was. We still need such other interests as fair trial a static politician. Unlike his more and radical philosophies. Nothing for all party candidates for a given office to know the reasons for some decisions realize that a large volume of women — publish it. Without comment just thel "experienced" opponent, he has could be further from the truth. to appear together. If that were physically why, for example, former Atty. Gen. record. entering Olin are in need of competent The choice this November, rather, impossible - perhaps because WKAR does not only cosponsored, but gynecology services. It is not so much the Kljindienst's lie was handled so gently. fCJ 1 9 74 .New York Times not have enough vest - pocket spearheaded nnmeroiw bil'- He will be between a man of action lack of gynecology services at Olin as it fs 'ILL BE LAID OP FRQfA 316 6 MONTHS OG UNTTIL THEEkIO Of THE microphones or chairs — and a two - way as institute. ' )rm and a man who does little but debate were necessary, every candidate rusting an O.D. (actir -nder the guise of WfltFGATE CCVERUP TRIAL—WHICHEVER CQM66 FUtfT. * revise could draw lots so that each party would a gynecologist. to corcclly diagnose and prison reform f . fine treat female ailments. So have an equal chance to debate the arts programs, support for the actually the electorate is Let's find out how much inconvenience incumbents (i.e. the Democrats and aged, greater funding fc>i sickle rather lucky this year. Election and discomfort have been caused because Republicans). ell anemia res<. i decision are usually hard ones to A nine • -son wns prescribed the wrong • party debate would not bo as make. It is old hat iiat major ••'ion. A.. .«» "»all, let's find out planning more. unwieldy as your editorial makes it sound. how many women were not referred to a But one does party candidates tend to look, It could be conducted in the classic npt have to agree debaters' form — each party giving an qualified specialist until considerable with everything Nelson does to speak and think alike. damage had been done. Unfortunately, But this looks like a opening statement, a rebuttal and a support him for the Senate. The race summarizing statement. this is the case for too many times. important point is that the man is choice between fine wine and I want a doctor that I feel I can trust to Since the lesser known parties are all an active legislator and very Fizzies. The State News heartily making strong charges against the diagnose my problems and prescribe correct treatment. And most of all, I feel excited about his job. . . endorses Earl Nelson for 24th Democrats and Republicans, it would that I, along with 20,000 other women, Alscx runnijsg is Hu?nan Rights District state senator. &em ■ heavy ones. EAST LANSING Perhaps 4.0s, 3.5s, etc. are not so bad — chairman, but the salary of the Jewish Kippur. I'm sure that all the JeW'¥ They voted last spring to allow even the pre Cro - Magnon utilization of professor who complained about it was students and staff will appreciate yn coed housing on campus. A, B, C might be rationalized and effectively reduced by giving him a efforts three years from now. ■ They voted in 1969 to approve reinstated. (It is recognized that pre - Cro « punitive 3 per cent raise when the cost of However, I am now concerned v» i Clifton Wharton as MSU president. GRADING Magnon man might not have had an living rose by 6 per cent and the average raise was 6 per cent, and moreover in much more immediate conflict of this academic year, not only dat« l did alphabet, but that would equate his They voted this summer to keep violation of the recommendation of Kippur coincide with the first day o J in state tuition steady and let out - - SYSTEM literacy with latter day authors of report cards.) advisory committee of the department involved. Even after further evidence the term, but the Festival of Hanuktan i of - state tuition increase by one was during fall term exam week, and the ^ hangover of a Nixonian age it is obtained that the chairman had dollar. In the blatantly day of spring term classes just happe ■ interesting to observe that study skills discriminated in hiring, he was fall on the first day of Passover, By not voting, they allowed include "takes care of property of others" removed. This chairman had hired not j 35 Perrin, the Jewish faith does have Kalamazoo Street to remain intact. well as "takes care of own property," people over a few years and not one as Jewish person, and even than one holiday a year, and your tu 1 all of which would seem more appropriate unselfish efforts would ^ ? They approve every professor who admitted J is hired here. They will vote to an Oliver Twist era. inquiring whether a prospective candidate appreciated In order to reduce this nu was Jewish for the express of coincidences in the coming years. purpose of not eventually to approve or turn dow" _ John Wagner submitting an offer to him. Allan Kimerlfl Prof , >r of a'hematics Why does Wharton act against the ucation Jewish minority? It is simple. The Jewish RALPH FRAMMOLINO Nightmare bore The struggle for identity in a university like the Marines, but a strange rattling fully illustrate the size of MSU can cause our point, we have assigned a freshman all sound accompained every step. Along with sorts of unpleasantries. you student numbers. Some of you are no the marching sound came the Last night I had a dream faint hint of different from anyone else except for the that shocked sniveling, muted cries of anguish and sobs. fact of a small digit. me into the reality that my subconscious For a moment I thought my dream was "To further illustrate our intention, we is suffering from a trauma I don't even going to project me into finals week, but know about. I speculated for are making it compulsory for you to live awhile that it the mist parted and in residence halls. In order to even may have been the sausage and mushroom along the street came eat, a line of incoming freshmen. you will line up like a pack of wolves." pizza I had the night before, but after They careful scrutiny, 1 decided that I marched, two by two, except that some of He moved up and down the columns could be a classic case for Freud. the pairs occasionally carried an screaming at the top of his lungs other extra The dream's prisoner on their backs. I say prisoner facts, such as the administration vs beginnings were erie and I intention to make public examples of shudder even in because the students recalling it. I dreamt that were chained by the some students. This would be done the area between the foot and dressed in convicts' univorms. by Administration Building and Kedzie Hall was bathed in a stringing them up and strangling them Unlike the traditional gray and strange gray light of the full moon. Mist black, with red tape, or by making them forfeit these uniforms were green and white. their only means of rolled up from the individuality, the ground, so thick that it There was one more wouM even make Sherlock Holmes wear a thing about these picture* on their IDs, in exchange for miner's helmet. Clouds crossed prisoners - on the front and back of their obtaining a copy of Better Homes and the moon, shirts a number was denoted. Gardens. casting shadows on the parking structure. Somewhere out of the mass of Then, growing from a faint rumble to a At this point students started humanity, I detected myself chained to fainting SHOW ME SOMETHING I'D WANT thunderous roar, the sound of with alarming regularity. In fact, I sensed TO SPEND A DOLLAR feet, my "roommate Dan, and on my chest and that Dan was about to ON! thousands of feet, echoed between go when I the back were these numbers: 692064. buildings. The sound came in a cadence, whispered to him that they couldn't take MICHAEL McCONNELL I was shocked - my student number! I away his music. He seemed to take heart turned to Dan and his student number was in this fact, and stood on his shirt, too. Somewhere up straighter than in the noise, before. which had now grown to a horrible din, I "And finally, there will be no music heard my old high school buddies J* V Campaign 'reforms' favor incumbents encouragements and, as rating the girls from our high school graduating class on a scale from 1 to 10. yelling they endlessly do, listened to unless an individual first listens to the Alma Mater and Marching Song for fifteen minutes," said the helmeted figure. This, I realized, was not so much from Dan's knees gave out and I caught him Perhaps 1 am overly cynical, but I do Republican and Democratic party force of habit, but to just before he hit the ground. in kind assistance, into 40 key to express my keep in tack their ■not trust politicians, as a rule. . conventions and automatic funding only political point of view, I sense of sanity. I found myself wakening in a life • and • for major parties, the bill will congressional races. If it succeeds, labor believe I have a constitutional I The campaign "reform" act recently discourage will control a majority of right to do The column death struggle with the dresser. I let it the growth of alternatives to the Congress and so. halted and out came a down gently, my mind still enraptured in ■passed bv Congress and signed by President present perhaps even two • thirds. In return, labor A far better approach to reform of cash large, intimidating figure from the Bford thus makes me uneasy. Not all that two - party system. expects - and receives - favorable votes contributions would be to establish a Administration Building. He was girded thought about the dream. To say that this has Thirdly, the bill effected me would be a ■politicians call "reform" is necessarily leaves unlimited a on a score of issues. group that would receive donations of any with a bright green body suit and wore a understatement. To this day, my face gross Ireform. major source of campaign assistance from interest The lack of control of in kind amount from individuals who want to Spartan helmet. turns the J The glaring faults in the bill make me groups. In kind contributions, contributions is not only offensive to the contribute. This group would then "You students are now being characteristically MSU green ■fear that the members of Congress are such as volunteer or paid staff, free anytime I have to fill out a form that spirit of reform, but is also blatantly transmit the funds to the incorporated into the mass. You are no lJiyinj to take advantage of the country's publicity, printing services or such - often partisan. With a few notable exceptions, candidate. The candidate would not know designated different from anyone else in the student requests my student number before my name. And it's not because of ■Watergate inspired reform mood to make portrayed as nonpartisan, but in actuality labor envy — it's support is overwhelming whom the donation was from, population here at MSU," he cried. "To because I am sick. |things worse for us and better for them, heavily supportive of one side - have a Democratic. In short, prolabor Democrats so r First, I fear that the reform bill will massive effect on congressional consequently, he or she would not owe campaigns. are using the bill to gut the Republicans, the contributor Jmake it more difficult for challengers to The interest group that is the any favors. largest all under the guise of reform. C^eat incumbents. The bill places strict contributor of in kind assistance is labor. Then freedom of speech would be limits on campaign spending, making the Senator Joseph Montoya, D • N. M., Fourthly, tax dollars will be used to finance presidential campaigns. Whether I preserved, politicians would be denied this Incumbent's natural advantages of name reportedly requested and received fulltime bill's protection and financing, and my ta* support a candidate, or any candidate, my Recognition and government - paid stafr support from the AFL • CIO's money would not go to support politicians money will be used, directly or indirectly, publicity, such as letters to constituents, Committee on Political Education (COPE) that I do not trust. to further their interests. This removes the III the more important. in his last election. Sen. Claiborne Pell, D • burden of fundraising from politicians and [ Opposing candidates will not be R. I., in his re - election victory message, places it squarely on the long - suffering DOONESBURY iwed to raise and spend the funds credited his win to the efforts of union ■ taxpayer. by Garry Trudeau y need to challenge an entrenched organized teachers. lenator or representative effectively. Finally, the limit on permissible vm the end £ a And this year COPE is pumping donations is an infringement on freedom OFTHECONFWHCE, REP I Secondly, by providing financing .for support in the form of contributions and 6i/yS! Hit 60TTA 6ET COATBP ..HARD, MBER. ..THESE ARE of speech. If I want to dcnate $10 billion hockey ma a Few SACK TO CANADA! MOUKTIES SHOT FROM yje ALSO 60P SAVE HE*.! SACK TOW TALL, OF OUR, PEKHEP ' ' rammi mum.. THE SHE KEPT OOP THINK METRIC' UHISPEM PtMS,'N H&HNTHOP. cAAmm BUYS OUT OF HON HOT MAPLE SYRUP. STIRRUPS. *p\ V , THIM6S!/ CHILS! ■ THE 1974 MSU Okemos, Lansing, East Lansing, Mt. Pleasant, Grand Rapids HOMECOMING COMMITTEE PRESENTS... HOMECOMING 74 MCDONALD'S PEOPLE ACTIVITIES THURSDAY OCT. 24 THE ARE GUARANTEED * bonfire at im field mural WEJSTHEMNE TO SERVE YOU BETTER * judging Shop for all seasons SATURDAY OCT. 26 I'M CONNIE JO OBITS ►float parade, 10am YOU CAN COUNT ON ME FOR bogue St. bridge FRIENDLY SERVICE I promise to give you a courteous Thank You for your ♦ msu vs. purdue T30 ,AV * dave loggins at the order — if I don't, tell me before buy your next meal. you walk away and I'll 1 men's im, 9pm ♦ fleamarket and concession - style I Guarantee It! dinner, adm. free * info, 353-4604 I'M DAVE BEADLE YOU CAN COUNT ON ME FOR A HOT SANDWICH If your food is not hot when I serve it to you, bring it back We're Making Room For All The New 1975 Lines immediately and I'll replace it at no charge. SAVE 20% to 50% I Guarantee It! during our Year-End Stock Reduction on our own and manufacturer's discontinued I'M ANN BREDECK YOU CAN COUNT ON ME TO HAVE YOUR TABLE CLEAN Camping & Backpacking Your next meal is on us if you someone to clean it for you. can't find a clean table or Equipment I Guarantee It! Save 20% to 50% on Lightweight Nylon Tents, Packs & Frames and Down • Filled Sleeping Bags from great lines like Gerry, Alpine Designs, Kelty, Sierra Designs and others. YOU CAN COUNT ON US . | Special Savings On Camping Rental Items7"| FOR FRIENDLY SERVICE, HOT FOOD AND A CLEAN TABLE M Now Through Sunday East Lansing At Our Okemos Shop, Only! 234 W. Grand River I McDonald's 1024 E. Grand River 2283W.Grand River Between M.S.U. & Meridian Mall I ■ fc_ 2040 E. Grand River / 6 Friday, October 18, Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan !9?4 Welfare funds for states cut to curb abuse families annually. By Associated Press $18.2 million that the states ineligible for such aid or are The state had previously 88,000 welfare families over a per cent overpaid or underpaid. Dwight told newsmen that months," Dwight said, "tv. I and State News had estimated they could save, being overpaid or underpaid. taken the word of individuals 12 month period found that Hall said It would be errors have been estimated^ I WASHINGTON - Federal and another $43.4 million withheld by HEW. Leland Hall, deputy director who expressed a need for 5.7 per cent were ineligible for unrealistic to expect Michigan or other states to reduce their during the first half of this year states reduced the national cost taxpayers year, and we are over $1 bil ion^ I confident th,! I for AFDC, but it will now AFDC, another 21.7 per cent rate from 41.1 per quality and program AFDC Urge part of this is welfare grants to states have The intended effect of the analysis in the Michigan Dept. investigate all claims. were overpaid, and 8.1 per cent error rate to that level. "That tolerance level is error cent of total cases to 37.9 per • HaH said that the Saveib| '!f been slashed $61.7 million for fiind reductions is to spur of Social Services, said that the James S. Dwight, were underpaid. AFDC error rate has Michigan k the last half of this year as the states to correct welfare administrator of HEW's Social HEW is requiring states to totally arbitrary and cent. actual I first shot at enforcing a payment errors faster. HEW 40 per cent figure is probably fairly accurate for Michigan. and Rehabilitation Service, said cut those error rates by Dec. capricious," Hall said. He said that meant that increased this year, but not know he SI crackdown on welfare abuses, estimates that 40 per cent of the additional federal fund 31 to a point between half the States failing to meet those 37,500 ineligible families had by how much I Hall said the state has begun goals will lose a portion of been weeded out from the the government said Thursday. the 10.7 million adults and cutback was based on interim present figures and the their federal welfare matching AFDC program. Hiat, added to The Dept. of Health, children receiving Aid to a program of verifying the error • reduction goals that mandatory July 1, 1975, goal grants, which cover 55 per cent reduced overpayments, saved UNIVERSITY Education and Welfare (HEW) Families with Dependent eligibility of all AFDC states must meet by Dec. 31. of no more than 3 per cent CHRISTIAN said the reduction includes Children (AFDC) are either claimants. of the $8 billion paid to AFDC $71 million in federal and state A national sampling of ineligible, and no more than 5 CHURCH funds, he said. "We have good reason to believe this reduction in error 310 N. Hagadorn Road i MSU to install will accelerate in th# coming Study Period-10:00am pathological incinerator CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST Across from the capitol Worship-11 :ooa.m Singspiration-7:00p.m Transportation Provided By JEFF MERRELL building. regulations. Sermon Schleif said the present incinerator in the No excess air will have to be pumped into the incinerator, Topic: State News Staff Writer Veterinary Clinic is CALL 332-5193 being overloaded and will not meet future air pollution standards which is a major cause of the great amounts of fly ash produced. A $95,000 pathological incinerator will be installed at MSU by of the State of Michigan. The new process will also destroy 95 percent of the waste early spring, Norman Schleif, asst. University architect, said. "With the new incinerator, we can better than duplicate what materials put into it. Schleif announced the projected installation date of the incinerator, used to destroy animal carcasses left from experiments and autopsies, at a recent Waste Control Authority we have in the Veterinary Clinic," Schleif said. The new will be capable of incinerating 800 pounds per hour. facility John Hoffman, division of engineering research director, was also at the meeting. He announced the beginning of a research Worship Service* 9:45 a.m. UNIVERSITY The equipment is also relatively new, appearing on the market project that may help municipalities in their decisions concerning Board of Directors meeting. The $95,000 figure is for the incinerating equipment only and about three or four years ago. waste control methods. Hoffman said the 11:00 a.m. Nursery Available REFORMED does not include the cost of a building for the facility. University "Hiere should be no problem in getting it certified by the project will develop a computerized model architects and engineers are now in the process of designing the state," Schleif said, referring to future state antipollution that communities methods are can use to help determine what waste disposal best suited for them. 485-9477 CHURCH A working model should be ready by summer. Alumni Memorial Chapel I (1 block east of Auditorium! Mrs. Rockefeller has surgery for breast cancer peoples 9:30-Study Groups For Adults and Sunday School I 10:30-Coffee Hour (continued from page 1) sustenance at this time. surgery started at 8:30 a.m. in conscious of the danger of 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Mrs. Ford said in a statement. "I am sure that the love of her "I only wish I could be by her side to give her the strength Sloan Hospital. Kettering Memorial breast cancer since the recent operation on President Ford's CHURCH Worship Services For rides call 355-0155 family, the prayers of the so very many have giveh to "I'm confident that it's wife. Interdenominational 200 W. Grand River after 9:00 a.m. | entire nation and her me." going to come out. All I can at Sunday "As just one more family Michigan 6:00 • Evening strength will be of great Rockefeller said his wife's say is thank God that she got 332-5073 worship we're just very grateful that it Tom Stark, Paitor in and that this country has led to a checkup," he said. Fred Herwaldt such wonderful doctors," Rockefeller, seated at a Associate Pastor Jory reaches verdict in suit Rockefeller told a news conference in his Manhattan table, spoke calmly. Kathy Lang, Staff1 office. Associate Rockefeller opened the news (continued from page 1) in 1968, he has survived on the conference by telling reporters, the earnings of his farm in Kansas. CHRISTIAN only evidence about "You won't believe what I'm & His wife is a professor of Hildebrand's bad performance going to tell you." REFORMED family child science and family He said that his wife was was proven false in court. ecology at MSU. probably a little more CHURCH Laing said one portion of the evidence that was discredited concerned MORNING SERVICE Hildebrand's book, "Economic Buying Stereo? 10:00 a.m. Development: A Latin American Emphasis." "Who Can Forghre Sin?" Laing said that David Klein, Take advantage of By Rev. Hoksbergen a professor of social science who recommended in 1968 Tech's advantage. that Hildebrand be denied EVENING SERVICE- tenure, testified that his 7:00 p.m. evaluation of the book led to his recommendation. But the book was published in 1969, and could not have by Rev. Tim Limberg figured into the tenure decision, Laing said. The book Visit our new was entered into evidence. The Rev. John Student Center open Mitman, daily 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Since Hildebrand left MSU Chaplain Lunch Wednesday Chaplain's House 12:30-1:30 p.m. 520 N. Harrison 351 -7638 -Home 351 -7160 -Office For Transportation All Saints Parish Call: 361-6360 800 Abbott Rd. or 332-6189 Services - 8:00 & 10:00 The Rev. Wm. 1509 River Terrace Eddy, Rector 351 - 7160 UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCHH 4608 S. Hagadorn Worship Service: I0:00a.ra. Sunday School: 11:15 a.m. for Bus Service Call: 351 - 4144 or 351 - 6494 John Walden, Pastor Smith Baptist Church SOUTH WASHINGTON AT MOORES RIVER DRIVE LANSING 11:00 A.M. "FAITH-VITAL 7:00 P.M. "GOD'S WORK IN OR FAULTY?" OUR WORLD." COLLEGE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP HOUR CLASS 9:45 AM 8:30 PM In Fireside Room In Fireside Room Taught by Pastor James E. Emery Refreshments - Good Time BUS ROUTE 1 A.M. P.M. BUS ROUTE 2 P.M. A.M. * Mayo 9:10 6:20 Fee E&W 9:10 6:20 Campbell 9:10 6:20 Hubbard S & N 9:12 6:22 Landon E & W 9:12 6:22 Akers E&W 9:14 6:24 Yakley 9:12 6:22 Holmes E&W 9:16 6:26 Gilchrist 9:13 6:23 McDonel E&W 9:18 6:28 Williams 9:14 6:24 ' Owens 9:20 6:30 Butterfield 9:17 6:27 Van Hoosen 9:20 6:30 Emmons 9:18 6:28 Shaw E&W 9:22 6:32 Bailey 9:19 6:29 Phillips 9:25 6:35 Armstrong 9:20 6:30 Mason 9:25 6:35 Bryan 9:21 6:31 Snyder 9:26 6:36 Rather 9:22 6:32 Abbott 9:26 6:36 Case N & S 9:25 6:35 Bethel Manor 9:28 6:38 Wilson E&W 9:26 6:36 Holden E&W 9:27 6:37 Wonders S & N 9:30 6:40 FREE TRANSPORTATION DR. HOWARD F. SUQDEN, PAITOR State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan Friday, October 18, 1974 7 defaults the*-. on ,oan spur federal action ■ J , „SW| , By PETE News Sam DALY staff Writer stands to lose «n participating education institutions banks and obey proposed restrictions. failing to students fail to repay the loans it insures or reinsures will $245 million by reach 1976. require work - more administrative which is getting costlier - and thus, more been granted in 1962. Michigan since MARKET IL L iount of money MSU students awarded the Ulitmately, defaults on Appel said about $3.9 October is APPLE month lnCref Herallv insured college guaranteed loans last year currently outstanding loans overhead. Some banks would million has been paid by his lldeSiandhedoesnot totaled 2,234, amounting to over $2.5 million. However, could cost taxpayers $508 million, the Government be turned off by the idea and not said. give out loans," Roderick •gency to banks holding guaranteed loans which the the Michigan Higher Education student defaulted on. ■'^However, his solution to the Though APPLES Fresh I hlem of students defaulting Authority said Michigan is one of the 26 states having a lower Accounting Office recent report. said in The proposal by the Office a The guaranteed nine • year student - old loan 80 per cent of that amount is paid by the federal • Apple Cider rate of defaultment. program, which provides up to government, the state agency K penalize th.- innocent along Passage of the law - if it is of Education includes the bank requiring $2,500 per student per year for has managed to collect making the loan to rttScleSamhasinmlnd I,federal law that wouldI curb specifically intended to include all states - could possibly disperse it to the applicant in installments rather than a college and vocational study, is administered nationally in two $385,000 of the millions defaulted. Squash • Gourds lump different ways. Twenty - four !" rising number of defaults W T\ U.S. Office of make those loans harder to The U.S. Office of get. sum. be Theoretically, loss would states run their own agency proposal which Education predicts that the student much lower than if the with the federal government Pumpkins • Indian Corn ■Education ■threatens to "limit, suspend or money educational It repays banks or suddenly absconded owing the whole sum. paying 80 per cent of the defaults encountered. In There is ■terminate" the loan program at institutions when In the loan program, the almost all states other than federal government promises to a best in Michigan the federal APPLE PEELING CONTEST Plan for cuttin repay the loan if a student defaults on payment. The loans are distributed by banks and government directly handles the loan backing through the Dept. of Health, Education and even field. Visit the market for information & entry blank educational institutions. Welfare. In medical Ronald Roderick, associate director of financial aids, said that rule might Federal and state officials say, however, that the state- This weekend special - Apples state's high court Tuesday discourage run agencies have a lower J DETROIT (UPI) - Two "pours fat in the skillet," some banks from granting the default rate because they can Lding Detroit attorneys have though he stopped short of loan to the student. He said the more carefully screen lttacked a proposal by the extra cost of BELL'S repeated applicants and the applicant's Tbvsicians Crisis . Committee predicting a legal war between payments, rather than just one fit the Michigan Supreme doctors and attorneys. big one, would make their school, and more efficiently |J % mile east of campus on ^Kf enforce collection of the Grand River lourt trim "excessive" legal Sheldon Miller, whose firm already small return still repayments. 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 , medical malpractice smaller. OPEN 11 a.m. EVERYDAY Mon thru Sat also Walter Appel, an official ■nuits. represents plaintiffs 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. "They (banks) say they with the Michigan Higher FREE DELIVERY T Lawrence S. Charfoos, against doctors accused of don't make much money now Education Sun 12 - 6 p.m. iresident of the Detroit Bar malpractice, called the on the Authority, said guaranteed loans. about 125,000 federally committee's action "a red bi„ said flatly that the Installment payments would guaranteed student loans have nmittee's petition to the herring and a smoke screen." WILS Presents - ^ FACTORY DEMO - SALE Rolleiflex SL35 Mr. Larry W. Landon will be here to answer all your Rollei questions Sat. Oct 19- 10a.m. to 5p.m. Simplicity • The Rolei 35 • l World's Smallest Full Frame is its Genius , i i ,,ar '• a ' 35mm Camera SKI I.liS AND HENM-RkON ' -$148 8:00 p.m., Monday, November 4 CIVIC CENTER IN LRNSING Tickets: $6.50 l Choice Seats Now! i - - Bo* " $5W ( -kwi fice Now It Lintl*! Civic CMtlr. Open! 0 Rollei SL35 35mm SLR f Li,.$139.95 .| $88 to CARPENTERS SHOW, U • focal plane shutter spee Rollei 134 REB Civic Ctnter, SOS W. Alltgin, Laming Ml stimpfd, envtlop*. 41123, A Camera • • through-the-lens metering, focusing and viewing superb Schneider i/1.8 • of 1 second to 1/1000 second fully interchangeable lenses Thyristor swiveler Xenon lens • ultra lightweight body AUTOMATIC ELECTRONIC FLASH TEXAS INSTRUMENTS DARKROOM SUPPLIES VIVITAR E-54 Paper, chemicals, enlargers, lenses CALCULATOR equipment by Kodak, Beseler, Luminous EKLARGER incl. case & batteries Unicolor. Paterson. Smith Victor, Nikon for negative to Durst, Simon, Omega, Vivitar ana others 2V< • 3% ■SELECT Price Break! w EVERYTHING YOU NEED AND LOW PRICES sone OP TUE SEST" V€N OF £U_"1\W*5S I a£lau/rv^ CxjuM&IA: G-J KMLES DM\S.,KaMAV\SHNV .JOHN lACl/UtittUK/, VjeMMBK. &ooOMAN/OrtARUe' tttfc STI AfO, 4 CHANNEL a SOLO FLIGHT m benny goodman trio and quartet live 1937-38 muSrSs^sn * V» PRICE SALE! Fisher 40 or Sanyo DCX 3000 % Price Charlie Christian *nr"" I Dmg Dong Daddy with the purchase of 2 speakers at List Price ^ Got Rhythm Benny Goodman i • ^ sextet septet and orchestra including r FISHER 40 Solo Right Rose Room Flying Home AM-FM Receiver Honeysuckle Rose.'On The Alamo Built in turntable, rvl KM 8 track 4 channel RECORD MILES DAVIS AM/FM 4 channel discrete I Carlos Santana Mahavishnu John McLaughlin music center, 80 watt music ©SANYO power with Fisher 2 + 2 | LOVE DEVOTION 4 channel decoder. 4-channel AM/FM SURRENDER including: A Love SupiemelNaimafTh* Ufa Divlna List $499.95 stereo receiver. L«l Us Go Into The House Ot Tha Uxd/M«dtt»tion 80 watt power output *249" Individual channel spatial level controls Tape monitor Tuning meter w° w/purchase of Inputs for tape decks, record changer, etc. w/purchase of 2 stereo speakers Outputs for 4-channel recording 2 stereo speakers PG 32866* A specially priced 2-record set OMUf : I©11* "lV,fr0 OCT OCTOBER DIAMOND MOUNTING SALE • -fcspnA Bring in your present CC>A«fo^t>CTV SAVE diamond one or buy a & choose any mounting from our new large designers collection MIWVUIII 20% • and save 20% to 50% records off LEONARDS low low (jns.0 wry *3? 50% every day price. Guaranteed savings. Diamond mountings for ladies and men. Store Hours: FREE ('8460 Mon. & Fri 9:30 to 9 p.m. Tues., Wed.,Thurs., Sat. LEONARD Wholesale Distributors Adjacent Ramp Parking 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. Evenings, Sat. Sun. >9 N. Washington Ave. Leonard Downtown Plaza 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 18,1974 'Harry By EDO RUDZATS found in similar more youth - made a hymn to life much in & elderly father who ultimately Tonto' & Maude." Though both films The situation in "Harry & rings there, Harry decides to take himself and his feline hardened filmgoer State News Reviewer oriented versions. the same way that Hal Ashby finds himself drifting from one deal with delightfully vital Tonto" is one of alienation, Everything about u.l "Harry & Tonto" is an In detailing the dilemma of did with "Harold & Maude" - child to another in search of a central characters in their late only this time it is the elderly companion Tonto to Chicago reactions of Harry's plight I findsfal , to visit his daughter. the situations he odyssey of life as seen from an old age and the progress of one and Mazursky has presented place to live, sixties or early seventies, the Harry who must now search man across the American just as irresistible a character Yat "Harry & Tonto" is of a tone of each varies. "Harold & for a new place in life as he is r,"P true. The hon * I older viewpoint but -with that same verve and energy usually countryside, Paul Mazursky has as Maude in his portrait of the different caliber than "Harold Maude" was filled with an eccentricity that made it forced from his apartment building in New York City by However, Harry runs into difficulties as his feline Mazursky has displayed approach to the subject«.« I f8| particularly appealing. "Harry construction crews intent on companion has trouble is refreshing. «Ha„yTToS I affectionate I boarding the flight to Chicago presents a warm, & Tonto" has all the joy and building a parking ramp. Soloist shines in Abrams concert humor that Ashby's film did, yet depicts a situation which as His journey begins quickly he travels to New Jersy to and the cross country trek begins. By the time it is over, ye honest look at a being who suddenly rj I himself still alive hum« I arises during this time of life live with his eldest son. "Harry & Tonto" have friends when all fS I By DAVE STERN allowed him to incorporate theatrics smoothly into his with a far more realistic touch. Realizing that he is only a provided enough hilarity and are dead. It's a fiS I State News Reviewer performance. "Harry & Tonto" is yet burden on the family situation poignancy to please even the worth seeing. nini ■ The only intensely annoying thing about this series is that, another affectionate look at What are the aesthetics of a solo concert? without exception, the concerts have all been at least a half hour growing old; it displays a man Take a performer on any nonchordal instrument, put him late in getting started. It is difficult to justify this for a solo who wants to live rather than unmoving in a chair for two hours, and even a great virtuoso will concert. simply exist in a corner of present a concert guaranteed deadly to all but the connoisseur. else's life. As a result Contrast this with the performance of Malachi Favors at the Despite this problem, the series remains the cultural highlight someone of this term and will be sorely missed after next week's final fans of "Harold & Maude" third of the Creative Music IV concerts in Abrams Planetarium concert. Each concert has topped the previous one, and all have should rush to see Mazursky's Wednesday night. Favors not only demonstrated his virtuosity on been an extremely worthwhile investment of time and money. film for it is just as appealing as contrabass, but sang, danced and shook in a performance that The final concert will break from the solo format and present their favorite, and far more combined ritualistic ecstasy and technical sorcery. Roscoe Mitchell and the Creative Arts Ensemble. authentically done. In a little over an hour's time. Favors presented the entire history of music from its cave origins to modern harmonic manipulations. He has an extremely strong stage presense which RHA presents Gene Roddenberry- the creator of Star Trek, in a unique lecture appearance you won't want to miss. Mr. Roddenberry will present a Star Trek "blooper reel", a collection of amusing mistakes and pranks which happened during Star Trek's three years of filming. You will also see the first Star Trek pilot film, never shown on television having been turned down by NBG as "too cerebral". It later won the international Hugo Award for Science Fiction. Don't miss this exciting show! Sunday, November 3 at 7:30 pm in the Main Aud. Admission price of $2.00 includes a free pass to the Star Trek festival. Check the State News for times and locations. t Tickets on Sale at Union Ticket Office PRESENTS GENIE HACmW. ALPHCINO t Tiddler™ thcRpof I 1974's MOST HILARIOUS WILDEST MOVIE IS HERE! SC/miCmN ooooooooooooooc "May be the funniest movie of the year. Rush to see it!" -Mmneaponsmbune "A smashing, triumphant sqtfre" • —Seattle Post Intelligencer "Riotously, excruciatingly funny." —Milwaukee Sentinel "Consistently hilarious and brilliant. —Baltimore Daily Record "Insanely funny, outrageous and irreverent!' —Bruce Williamson—PLAYBOY MAGAZINE A GREATNEW * MOTION PICTURE COMEDY The prospective owners of Maxy*s Car Wash, Pittsburgh, Pa Fri. Wilson 6:45 & 9:45 Written by GARRY MICHAEL WHITE • Produced by ROBERI M SHERMAN Directed by JERRY SCHAIZBERG PANAVISION* TECHNICOLOR® Sat. Conrad 6:45 & 9:45 Sun. Wilson 7:30 $1.25 CeleBrating Warner Bros 50tfr Anniversary© A Warner Communications Company Sat. & Sun. Fri. Conrad 7.30 & 9:45 Fri. 104B Wells 7:30 & 9:45 COMING NEXT WEEKEND Fri. & Mon. thru Thurs. Open at 1:30 P.M. Brody 8:30 Sat. Wilson 7:30 & 9:45 Sat. 104B Wells 7:30 & 9.45 Open at 7:00 P.M. Shows 7:10-9:00 Shows 1:40-3:35 5:30 - 7:20 - 9:10 Sun. Conrad 9.00 $1.25 Sun. Conrad 7:00 $1.25 Play it Again Sam Carnal Knowledge Feature Feature 2:10 - McDonel Kiva 7:00 7:40-9:30 McDonel Kiva 9:00 Man Who Loved Cat Dancing 4:05-6:00 - 7:50-9:40 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 18, 1974 9 Former Germain des Pres, a Belgian dishwasher By LAURIE WINK Spanish rttorn"7joh»>T BrMtarf ""HUte'to T S°sK art society, at its MSU as a dishwasher in thev interpretations of scripts maintain the I Vasils, staff international festival in Paris. °h"h''S h" Gilchrist Hall and he took written by professors for symphony." Albert |£or for the MSU Graphic Though this is a prestigious h"™ ss 6,51 10 spons"Ul pr°mp"'d him to ** " several courses while waiting to classrooms and publications, as He remains a bachelor in award, it is only one of many be enrolled. Eventually he order to devote his spare time Kstudio in the Instructional honors Vasils has received. He nationally and internationally acclaimed artist he is became a janitor in the well as illustrations for slide to "fanatically searching for EL Center, began as a has collected over 20 ribbons now. presentations and films done Gentle evenings and took classes new art styles to satisfy my CUher in Gilchrist Hall and awards from judged art softspoken Vasils mannered, during the day. by the MSU film department. Vasils is own ego." His current projects is now internationally exhibits in major American 1915 in was bom in Vasils' tenaciousness earned a member of the include illustrating children's Siberia where his Community Art Gallery, a ■cognized contemporary cities like New York, Los parents made a modest him a Bachelor of Fine Arts nonprofit group that sponsors books and other free lance living from MSU in 1962. He fit I summer Vasils was Angeles, Chicago and Detroit. Perhaps the greatest by farming. When Vasils four was received his M.A. a year later, courses, discussions and assignments. Vasil's works have been Vy the Order of the achievement years old the family presentations and rents he has graduating with 3.5 grade included in the U.S. Archives L, d'Or by the Saint made, moved to native Latvia, his parents' land. The point average. a paintings to institutions. He is concerned with promoting art and National Aeronautics and newly He has developing nation offered a worked in the appreciation in the Lansing Space Administration more progressive way of life graphics department of the area and is somewhat permanent art collections in )ld-time village until, Vasils said, it came under Russian control in 1939. His interest in art developed media center for 15 years enjoys his work as an illustrator. His job involves and discouraged by the attitude of the state legislature. "They won't finance a the National Gallery of Art, as well as in many private and educational institution collections around the world. at an early age. "As a young producing visual gallery," he said, "although [o host concerts Tickets are available at student, I was scolded by my mother for doodling in school books," he said. After World War H, Vasils my | jones a tiny village in Discount Records for $3. They was a displaced person in fcuthwestern Michigan, will will Germany and was recruited as be $4 at the i one • day folk and gate. a laborer for English farms. He iSpjss festival beginning at had to learn to adjust to an ■oonSiturday. unfamiliar culture and ■ The festival will be held in Economic output language. As he gradually A amphitheater constructed in increased his fluency ■ maple woods near the village, slumps; inflation English, he developed w Thich was recently renovated I resemble a turn • of - the Jentury community. - rate accelerates artistic talent and Crafts in by enrolling in art classes at the College of Arts Birmingham, PRESENTS ■ Among the scheduled England. Terformers L are Nathan Abshire WASHINGTON - Meanwhile, Vasils the Pine Grove Ramblers Government statistics issued corresponded with Latvian who play Thursday showed nun i Louisiana, music; Roy McGinnis the third consecutive quarterly decline friends who were Lansing. They found him living in an MfRGD HITCHCOCK'9 Ed the Sunnysiders; the Tap in the nation's total output, 5y Revelers: the Sweet Com practically assuring that the t| Band and other artists. current economic slump will go into the I Some of the performers will recession. record books as a Tgduct workshops. Production of I Jones is located it of Three Rivers at the goods and 10 miles services dropped at a seasonally 39 STEPS adjusted annual rate of 2.9 per _jn of M - 60 and M - 40. cent in the July - September k is available for camping. quarter- Starts Monday! "Teenage Cheerleader" (If you saw the preview, you know what it's about. If you didn't, ask someone who did. Rated X - by Deal, of course heldover Sunday OCT20Union Ballroom shows at 2:00, 7:00, * 9:30 p.m. admission $1.00 under 12-50c 03HEE AqySSSy fa33Mi] ReallyKnow : FRANKCAPRA FESTIVAL JSJatJIME It Is? MEET JOHN DOE & MR. SMITH GOES TO another multi-media mind stretcher WASHINGTON J® Extra Might: 7:50 Show: Does Anybody Really Knov 9:50 Show: Does Anybody Really Know UNION BALLROOM Tuesday, Hon% h: SOU) 01' I! Nov. 22 What TIME It Is - 8:00 Star Gazing - 9:00 What TIME It Is? - 10:00 360 Sound (This weekend's album: WOLF - Darryl SUNDAY: Ways) - 11:00 OCT. 18&19 J'CKETS NOW ) ShoWs at 2:30 and 4:00 TICKETS: Adults - $1.00 SALE I J MSU I D - .75 Children (5-12) - .50 (children under 5 not admitted) 7:00 & 10:00 2-KE.Ts for THE $1.00 under 12 50C Friday, October '8,1974 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Chagall By PAT CLYDE State News Reviewer etchings developed in Germany at the time that Jackson Pollock experimenting the United States. Japanese Wood block prints of the 18th and 19th centuries Marc Chagall, the 85 year - old Russian - bom painter, is most predominate in the oriental exhibit, but there are also famous for the colorful works that decorate such building as the representatives from other periods of China and India. Paris Opera House. However, the Kresge Art Gallery is showing a "Ukiyo - e," the Japanese art of making wood block nrim, series of his early etchings that Indicate the development of his developed from about 1660 to its height in the early 19th distinctive style. century. The etchings are part of the Paul Lutzeier collection that The term "Ukiyo - e" also Indicates in contrast to the subject Marc Chagall's "Fire in opened Sunday along with an exhibit of oriental art from the matter of previous art. that the prints were of common peoDu the Town" is one of a Detroit Institute of Arts. Both exhibits will run until Nov. 3. and everyday life, known as the "floating world." The Lutzeier collection also consists of works by 14 modem collection of Chagall The works of the two most famous landscape printmakers German painters that Lutzeier, who now lives in Ann Arbor, of the 19th century, Hokusai and Hiroshige, are exhibited side bv etchings from early in collected while he was in Germany just after World War II. • side so that the differences in their style can be observed. his career on display at Chagall, who lived most of his life in France, worked on the The untitled wood cut by Hokusai is of fishermen the Kresge Art Gallery. etchings in Berlin, where Lutzeier found them partially destroyed pulling in their net at the foot of a mountain. The figures are by the Nazis. almost The etchings are inconsequential, however, because Hokusai was more concerned Chagall experimented with several styles for the "My Life" with composition. All of the elements in the print, accompanied by an series which was commissioned by a Berlin publisher in 1922. including the exhibit of oriental art. Surrealism and cubism are the prominent styles in these black and figures, flow out of the sea diagonally across the print. white etchings of his childhood. The scenes are distorted and Hiroshige's print brings out the gentleness of the Japanese life He is a favorite in Japan for his sympathetic portrayal of dreamlike, as though freshly transcribed from the imagination. |oc»| scenes. The scene of a fire in Chagall's hometown is dominated by what probably most affected him townspeople pushing the bed Kresge Art Gallery is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through I of an invalid through the streets. Friday, 7 to 9 Tuesday evening and 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday and I "The Grandfather" is an angular construction of two men. This Sunday. Cubistic division into planes, apparent in many of Chagall's works, is more obvious in this one. Though Lutzeier never met Chagall, he met many German artists in post - war Germany. He encouraged them to work even PopEntertamment &p»J though times were hard, by offering his hospitality and trying to And painting materials for them. The works of Juro Kubicek indicate the shortages artists faced. He used automobile lacquer in three of his works shown at Kresge. The untitled pieces are in the drip technique which he GOLDEN GOEBEL THE BOYS of IKE LOUGH arj Tuesday October 29 two shows 8:001 IO:30 McDoriel Kiva $1.50 in advance $2.00 at the door Tickets at Elderly Instruments BtheMSUnion K, Joel Mabus u'special thanks to ELDERLY The I Leipzig Getraitdhaus Orchestra Kurt Masur, conducting Manfred Scherzer, violinist The magnificent Gewandhaus Orchestra dates back to 1743, when a group of 16 music lovers established the "Grosses Konzert" ("Great Concert") which, in 1781, moved to the hall of Gewandhaus the building used by the Guild of Drapers and Cloth Merchants. But not until the appointment of Felix Mendelssohn in 1836 did the Gewandhaus find its first conductor worthy of international acclaim. Mozart, Liszt, Berlioz, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Saint-Saens, Strauss and Khachaturian have all come to the Gewandhaus to premiere their new works.. Since the establishment of the German Democratic Republic, the Gewandhaus Orchestra has t>een receiving state support on a scale unparalleled in its history. Program Mendelssohn "Midsummer Night's Dream" Siegfried Matthus Violin Concerto (1968) Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 6 ("Pathetique") Tuesday, October 22 at 8:15 p.m. in the University Auditorium Tickets on sale NOW at Union Ticket Office. 8:15-4:30 weekdays (355-3361) Public $7.50 6.50 4.00 MSU Students $3.75 3.25 2.00 International Orchestra & University Series Lecture-Concert Series at MSU Midiig1"1 State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 18,1974 ' DJ iDAVE DiMARTlNO DiMARTlNO advises working for Berry beuanbegan his his rinwr career inin rvm, CKLW and campus radio TechHifi hostile other 1962 at the age of 12 when his as a regular night Jackson every week night. school in one shot," he said. "If people are ttte News Review" DJ at going to go father bought him a transistor Lansing's WVIC. Between commuting to and After his Jackson job, Berry into a television and h Rerrv is a weekend disc "Tlie first day [ was on the from work, the novice DJ had found himself back in radio stereo stores Jt J*S CKLW U» radio station in the radio. "I remember waking up the air, I remember clear made so as a bell, I mistakes'" little time for school and Lansing with a nightly show on WILS. major here, they should get into the classes and learn, „est and second only to family all night long listening many Berry explained. "But that's dropped Now out. re - enrolled, with plans That lasted until March when he started working for 1972, because they do teach a lot of good management concepts," outnumbered. J"m New York in nat.onal to WXYZ in Detroit and that was it. I just decided I wanted what radio is all about you've got to make mistakes." to graduate in June, Berry sees WVIC. he advised. it Ko an MSU student «ot h's start at WBRS in to be a jock," he recalled. Beginning as an anxious Berry could not have made too many of them because in differently. "I have to say, that if you can work it out, don't The big opportunity came when he moved on to CKLW. "A friend of mine used to "But in terms programming, you're going to of [techhifil drop out have to pick it up yourself - L Complex, and he thinks MSU freshman looking for a 1971 he began working of school - and work there - better experience job a WBRS, Berry ran through stay in radio. Big Jim and pick it up at the stations , is no professionally for WFMK in Keep yourself happy Edwards," Berry explained. on campus," Berry added. aspiring DJ than to work a variety of local jobs East Lansing. Then he found your leading ego needs and your career "Jim always encouraged me in At age 24, Bob Berry is in a to his i campus radio station current position at himself driving to WIBM in needs happy - and finish the business - helped me with position to give advice. technique and things like that. "I had a goal in mjnd that I "Apparently he talked to was going to work at CKLW Bill Hennes, the program someday," Berry recalled. director at CKLW, and they Twelve years after his first needed a disc jockey to fill in transistor radio, he has reached nights on the weekends," he his goal. said. Berry still regards campus radio with considerable respect, and considers it an unbeatable learning experience. "I spent two years at WBRS learning how to run a control board so that I could be out in another room and hear my record ending and just come in, sit down and do it," he said. Berry said there are a lot of students he hears about from ' professors and former students that go to their professors during their senior year and say, "I want to be a disc Iy jockey." "They've spent four years at this University where they've m got a tremendous opportunity. If they've got an hour or two a iW* *• week, they can sit down and learn that stuff. Otherwise, they face a tremendous handicap," Berry said. I mm SN Photo/John Harrington I Bob Berry, announcing at the control board, is an MSU student who holds disc jockey positions at both ■ WVIC in Lansing and CKLW in Windsor, Ontario. Berry believes on - campus radio stations are the best I loarninn pxnerience an asoirina disc iockav can have The and play 5pCCC{K-VC presents: Company billiards! Fri. - Sat. invites prospective directors submit Union Billiards to proposals NIGHTS OF CABIRIA for Winter 1975. Open every night 7 and 10:30 until 11 p.m. Peter Lorre in Interested persons should come to Sunday October 20 at 3:00 p.m. a meeting in the lower TTTTTTTTTT McDonel East Lounge. THE M For more information contact David Stern I 111 M III M 11 A€ V 1% TCHN 108 Wells 75c 351 5407 FRIDAY - "] PROGRAM INFORMATION 4tt J90S SUPER nrn |F0R A MIXED - UP COMEDY HIT! ... 3-4 TD If 11 %l 1141 * Add a Few Doses of Reality SATURDAY ... * Add Some Fine Performances ... * Add a Group of Kids as Cute as Multicolored ■Buttons... and Some Funny Lines... IrSiL sc°Rt NICELY WITH GOOD FAMILY SATURDAY IS DITCHED MIC (ENTERTAINMENT!" DD1F2 111 MIXED COMPANY' (PC) 14M MUI/ \l §:€ IPI/ZZaV 9 INCH WITH I ITI HS S1.CC 14 INCH WITH i ITEMS...J2.0C Nfl I I VII SHNHAT/ II I PI U 11 Ml 4 IV* FUN Lr °' Vear's ten best" - New York Times, Films in Review. Winner of Cannes Film Tonight & Tomorrow tfite Club Showtime*: 7,8:45,10:30 Showplace: 109 Anthony Admission: $1.25 A Beal Film S V•••••• Friday, October 181,1974 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan HOPE TO BREAK MSU By CHARLES JOHNSON pitted against Fighting lllini coach Bob Blackman's squad, in previous weeks has stemmed Perrin, Phillips has accounted receiver with 12 catches and following a 27 • 23 win over from its inability to hold on to for 505 yards rushing and six one touchdown. State News Sports Writer Purdue last week, is 2-0 and the ball in crucial situations, touchdowns in five games. Illinois' defense is anchored At no time during the last three encounters between tied with Michigan and Ohio but Stolz is not getting overly Aside from a surprising by all - America candidate MSU and Illinois have the State for first place in the Big alarmed about the fumbles. 31-14 defeat two weeks ago to Mike Gow, a defensive back Ten. "Check the newspapers on California, Illinois has looked hailing from Farmin gt on, Mich. Spartans yielded a touchdown MSU's defensive unit MSU will take a 1-1 the big games last weekend and superior in wins over Indiana, to the Fighting mini. conference record into the you'll see that other teams Stanford, Washington State seemed to come into its own Coach Denny Stolz' charges fumble too," he said. "Whin and Purdue. last week against Michigan. will again attempt to thwart game, as a result of its 21-7 loss last week to the Wolverines. you play against good teams Other top performers for End Otto Smith and tackle the Dlini's touchdown punch Saturday when the two teams The defeat dropped the you're going to get hit and that the lllini include its alternating Greg Schaum were the Spartans' seasonal record to brings fumbles. It's just part of quarterbacks, Jeff Hollenbach motivating forces. meet at 1:30 p.m. (2:30 p.m. Smith continued his fine 2-3 and marked their third football. But, we'll work at it and Jim Kopatz, with both here) in Champaign. The Spartans will have their consecutive defeat. just as we have all along." currently sporting impressive play with eight solo tackles, "We're in a tough spot, no Illinois won last year's game statistics. five assists and three sacks for hands full though, as the game Hollenbach has struck on 17 15 yards in losses. Schaum's promises to draw a highly question about it," Stolz said against MSU, 6-3, at Spartan partisan crowd of lllini fans for about the team's possibility for Stadium on two field goals by- of 36 passes for 311 yards and performance netted him "I've been ace kicker Dan Beaver. Beaver two touchdowns, while Kopatz Spartan of the Week honors, as "Red Grange Day," a recovery. the junior from Baltimore celebration for the dedication discouraged by our losses, but I is back again this season as a has hit on 14 of 25 for 256 main lllini offensive weapon, made 10 solo tackles and two of the 50 - year - old Memorial still think we're pretty good. yards and two TDs. Split end I'm not going to panic." but the Illinois arsenal also Jeff Crystal is the mini's top assists. Stadium. To add to Illinois' incentive, Much of MSU's misfortune contains a potent running game and a defense to match. "They're multiformation really team," Stolz a Expert favors As Big weekend said. "They run out of the T a lot, but they use as many as 10 to' 15 different sets on NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - Arthur O. Schott, Louisana's official baseball club ever put together three World Series titles in a row. historian, offense and the same number for women's on defense. That keeps the opposition hustling to cover all researched World Series play back to 1906 Thursday and "A victory places the Oakland A's alongside of picked the Oakland A's to baseball's champion of the possibilities." become the first team since champions, the 1938 New By ROBIN MclNTOSH Tailback Jim Phillips has 1938 to win three consecutive York Yankees, who became State News Sports Writer been one of the principal lllini' world baseball championships. the first club to perform such a A busy weekend is on tap for four of MSU's women's athletic horses this season. In a fillin Schott said other than the feat. I'm picking them to teams. role for the injured Lonnie New York Yankees, no ball succeed," Schott said. The golf team is competing at the Midwest Invitational Tournament at Indiana University today and Saturday. It will be a key match for Mary Fossum and her squad because the winner N pnoto/Howsrd Netly I will compete in the national tournament next summer. Seventeen teams are slated to compete in the tournament, including Bowling Green, Central Michigan, Cincinnati, Dlinois, leers face off The MSU men's cross country squad will be in Ann Arbor Saturday for the j Michigan Federation Meet, where it will be facing several other Big Ten squads. In the above photo, MSU's Stan Mavis is leading the pack during a dual meet | Dlinois State, Iowa, Indiana, the University of Michigan, Minnesota, Northwestern, Ohio State, Wisconsin, La Crosse and against Ohio State at Forest Akers golf course last week. Whitewater. There will also be independent entries from schools that do not in annual intra field a team. The toughest competition is expected to come from Big Ten foe Wisconsin. MSU's hockey team takes to the ice for the first time in game competition at the new Munn TTie games will mark the earliest curtain - raiser in MSU hockey history. Harriers face Big The volleyball team will host the University of Waterloo Ice Arena Saturday night in the annual Green "The new arena is a lot pleasanter place (Ontario) at 4 pjn. today in the Women's Intramural Building. The squad will be trying to add to its winning season record which already shows two tournament victories. and White intrasquad game. Faceoff time is 7:30 p.m. Tickets, which will be sold at the door, are $1 for the general to work out and play," Bessone said. "It's a 100 per cent improvement. The ice surface is real good, too." Michigan Federatio Saturday the squad will travel to Grand Rapids to face Calvin public and 50 cents for students with an MSU MSU's high - scoring line of Daryl Rice, Steve The MSU men's cross expects to see many beating Notre Dame and Ohifl College, Eastern Michigan, Central Michigan and Waterloo in an ID. Colp and Brendon Moroney will head the Green country team will get a mini • conference teams at the open State and losing to Saturday'! event because it is the same site host, Michigan. all day meet. - The contest is sponsored by the MSU Varsity squad, and John Sturges, Tom Ross and Robbie preview of the Big Ten of the Nov. 9 conference meet. The cross country team, coached by Nell Jackson, will travel to Club. Harris will head the White team. championship meet Saturday Herb Lindsay is once agaifl when they travel to Ann Arbor Northville for the Michigan Amateur Athletic Union meet. Spartan coach Amo Bessone said his squad's Hie Spartans tied their best record last While Gibbard was not sure expected to pace the SpartaiJ for the Michigan Federation Mikki Baile's field hockey team will host the University of practices have been going well in preparation season in posting a 23-14-1 mark. Bessone's which teams would participate, Lindsay broke the five- and sil Meet. he said the University of Waterloo at 4 p.m. today at Old College Field. Baile's squad had a for MSU's opening home series. Oct. 25 and 26, squad finished fourth in the 10 - team Western - mile course records earlie| 1-1 record going into Thursday's game with Wayne State. against Laurentian University of Canada. Collegiate Hockey Assn. with a 15-12-1 record. Spartan coach Jim Gibbard Michigan will be a heavy this season at Forest Akers go) favorite to win at the U-M golf course. course, the home course for the Wolverines. Fred Teddy, Stan Jeff Pullen and Amos B Mirif State News football poll MSU has posted a 2-1 are all improving steadily an record in three home dual should help the Spartans makl The State News pollsters meets to open its season, an impressive showing. took a tumble last week as Walkden Farnan Johnson Stein Mcintosh Spickler Jack Walkden grabbed a one - MSU at Illinois MSU 21,/II. 20 III. 17, MSU 14 MSU 16, III 14 MSU 14, III 10 MSU 21, III 14 MSU 14, III. 7 lead over Pat Farnan by game posting only a 6-5 record. Indiana at Ohio State Iowa at Minnesota OSU by 48 la. by 1 OSU by 1,364 Minn, by 4 OSU by 27 Minn, by 3 OSU by 35 Minns, by 3 OSU by 21 Minn, by 7 OSU by 60 Minn, by 7 MSU Tennis Club offers Meanwhile, two new sports Purdue at Northwestern Pur. by 7 Pur. by 3 Pur. by 7 Pur. by 4 Pur. by 6 Pur. by 14 writers have been added to the Michigan at Wisconsin U-M by 8 U-M by 13 U-M by 14 Wise, by 2 U-M by 20 U-M by 7 poll this week. Dan Arkansas at Texas Arizona at Texas Tech Texas by 7 ■Tech by 1 Texas by 14 Tech by 2 Texas by 3 Tech by 10 Texas by 3 Tech by 7 Texas by 7 Ariz, by 3 Texas by 10 Tech bv 14 clinic beginning Sunday Spickler, presently Alabama at Tennessee Ala. by 14 Ala. by 11 Ala. by 7 Ala. by 7 Ala. by 10 Ala. by 21 covering soccer and men's cross The MSU Tennis Club is sponsoring a tennis clinic which wi Missouri at Oklahoma State Okla. St. by 3 .Okla. St. by 10 Mo. by 7 Mo. by 7 Okla. St. by 10 Mo. by 14 country, and Robin Mcintosh, Okla. by 14 Okla. by 7 Okla. by 21 begin Sunday and run for six weeks. Oklahoma at Colorado Okla. by 6 Okla. by 21 Okla. by 10 the new women's writer, have Two different Sunday sessions are being offered. The first wil Detroit at Minnesota Minn, by 14 Minn, by 11 Minn, by 10 Minn, by 10 Minn, by 6 Minn, by 14 joined the staff and will be run from 10 to 11:25 and the second from 11:35 a.m. 23-10 22-11 20-13 a.m. tog predicting for the first time. 21-12 p.m. The entry fee, which includes a fall term membership in club, is $15. Interested persons can register for the clinic bj calling either 353 - 5108 or 337 • 2701. • ASMSU PRESENTS Take a break and try Ron Shannon • something different... NASSAU AND 'EASY DATES: December 14 thru Dec. 22 : BOWL! PRICE: $229.00 Quad Occupancy • Mon. - Tims. 8 ajn. -11 p.m. PLAYING EVERY FRI. & SAT. NITE 239.00 Triple Occupancy NO DOOR CHARGE 249.00 Double Occupancy J Fri. -11 ajn. -1 a.m. + $3.00 Bahamian Departure Tax 0 Sat. - noon -1 ajn.' Open Bowling Saturday Nites • Sn. - noon -11 pjn. COMPLETE • Tour open to all students, reasonable rates faculty Pro Bowl staff, families and friends For Information Contact: • UNION BOWLING North Logan at Grand River Phone 372-7502 Daily Evenings - 353 0659, 353-0766, 351-0384 - 882-0170 S LANES (lower level Union Building) Lizard's ^ SALE COLD WEATHER COATS FOOD FROM $8°° FRIENDS ALL WEINBRENNER BOOTS FUN ON SALE TUBE SOCKS 3 PAIR LIMIT s2°° 6 PAIR Return to Forever NAVY MITTENS WITH UNER ONLY featuring *3" Chick Corea COMING TO THE STABLES OCTOBER 20 & 21 [ $3.50 in Advance - $4.00 at the Door Tickets available at Discount Racords and at tha Door. Shows at 8 p.m. & 11 p. m. I BUDDIES °CT20 | mwm | juitjauwith PENTAGRAM -Monday | 2843 E.CD.RIVER, EAST LANSING State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michiga" Friday, October 18, 1974 13 MSU booters square The eight teams will be By DAN SPICKLER Sophomore forward Pahod Fraser scored MSU's only goal l-T. MSU Rugby aub tean) divided into two divisions, with State News Sports Writer unassisted at 22:07 in the second half. It was his third Rutherford said. "We had to hustle to keep up with them. the first annual tally of the "In the second half we got the wind and took over. I would f h£ Stroh's Rugby the winners of both blocks foolLTi ^SK°f 0h!° StaU> d0n,t iust feature ""defeated year. also say we were in a lot better physical condition in the last Lent this weekend. meeting at 4:30 p.m. Sunday sDortlno g ^h°°J in Colun,bus also has a soccer squad "They were really tough in the first half," MSU coach Ed half." * Rraa" off two victories last in the championship game. mci? a,perfecf record so far this season. MSU outshot the Cougars 34-11, once again showing great I^nd the Spartans' A and "Our team and Detroit1! undll'r*11 a!*2c t0 ** yet an°ther match between R£!i will compete along should be the best this StLrflnm Saturday when c at thpthesoccer f,eld across from Spartan Spartans and Buckeyes meet. Last Did Red Wing goalie penetration by forwards Fraser, Peer Brunnschweiler and Mike Kenney. Ith S Other teams Saturday weekend," said Butch Moon, MSU's executive club weekend they watched MSU tie Game time Oakland University 0-0 MSU's record is now 4-0-1, with six games schedule. Two of the remaining games are at home, remaining on the Sunday. At 1 p*> Saturday is 1 including j JnUy, MSU will face the B president. Stroh's is sponsoring the ohioi'wXiiyihe p.m. de",w take a cheap shot? Saturday's contest. Against Spring Arbor, Gary Wilkinson earned his third shutout IStches begin at 11 a.m. tournament and supplying trophies, bumper is also ve^YnT™ the Buckeyes for the r'»t time in 16 ATLANTA (UPI) - Left wing Jacques Richard of the Atlanta of the season. The sophomore goalie has allowed only two goals this year, both in the second half, one of them a penalty shot. to «h. t-o stickers, door prizes and beer • ofTo and &1 ' Y dUri"g ** MSU won by 8Cores Flames suffered a broken nose and a fractured eye socket when "Defense has been the primary reason for our success," for a party Saturday he was struck by Detroit I dav tournament at Old night at CastniPi«Paf£n? !?' have to watch Buckeyp forward Javier announced Thursday. goalie Jim Rutherford, the Flames Rutherford remarked, singling out the fine play of sophomore I nil Field will be the King Arthur's Court in defensive back Jim Stelter and junior middle back Phil Smith. SCOrer °SU with two 808,5 md tw0 Atlanta coach Bemie "Boom Boom" Geoffrion said that if the fc.y.fNWf"-™"'' Ktroit, Traverse City, Lansing. The public is invited. Financial donations to assists tin^SJif^ntinUfd, l* Winning ways Wednesday, scooting by action by Rutherford in Wings intentional, it Wednesday's 4 - 2 victory by the Red c 1*£> and Hillsdale. Goodwill Industries of Central Michigan can be made during ve« year the JEE*! £ Spartans have Spnn8 uArb°r' 1"°- U wasthethe third stfaight was Geoffrion told was a cheap shot. newsmen after the game that Richard had a the matches. won by that score over Cougars. broken nose. TOMORROW "How did it happen?" said the Atlanta coach, is Robinson The winner of the IM "Ask Rutherford. He hit him in the face with his stick. disgustedly. tournament will represent the Midwest Rugby Union at the entry deadlin "He'll get it back, somewhere," Geoffrion added. SWEETEST DAY! Juf by Cavs ■CLEVELAND (UPI) - Mike spring tournament. chamionship Two members of the MSU for badmiotoo, Thursday morning the Flames announced that Richard, their leading scorer last season, had suffered a depressed fracture of the right orbit (the socket underneath the eye) and He will be out of the line - up for two or a fractured three weeks. nose. cards available CAMPUS BOOK STORE 507 E. Grand River at Ibinson, who twice won the Weightlifting Club took first The deadline for entry into the Men's Intramural handball IT Ten scoring championship places at the Michigan AAU doubles league is noon today at the Men's Intramural Across from Berkey K|e at MSU, has been cut by Junior State Powerlifting Building. Play begins at 6 p.m. Thursday. T Cleveland Cavaliers of the Championships held in Grand Men's IM managers should be aware na] Basketball Assn. they are responsible for Rapids last weekend. finding out their own schedules for games. Managers should pick ■ me 5 feet 10 inch Dan Wandell came out on up a schedule or call the IM office for playing times. This includes lobinson. drafted in the top in the 148 - pound division touch football, volleyball, soccer and bowling squads. Tenth round by Cleveland, TO©®2 and James Appleton won in The deadline for entry into the X one of the last two players the 165 "turkey trot" is noon • pound class. Wednesday at the Men's IM Building. The cross ■becut by the Cavaliers. Two other - country type Spartans took running event will begin at 5 p.m. Wednesday. Contestants may second places Roger Peltier run individually or as a team member. and the 220 pound class and - The deadline for entry into the badminton mixed doubles Eric Walline in the 242 pound - league is today at the Women's IM Building. First round matches class. will be played between 7 and 10 p.m. today. All other matches Roger Rominak was fourth will be by arrangement between opponents. in the 148 pound division and - Participants must make their own court reservations and report Mike Nolen fourth in the 181 - the results to the Women's IM information desk on all matches BROc pound division. after the first round. *1 estiva? plus l1ttle RASCALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NITES OCTOBER 18 & 19 How can Tech Hifi FRIDAY SATURDAY 7:00 & 9:30 7:00 & 9:30 sell a music system McDonel Kiva (features run 2 hours) G - 8 Hoiden Hall STILL ONLY $1.00!! that sounds this good A MCMESIC PRESENTATION for only $320 At most hifi shops you have to spend four, the Nikko 2020 stereo receiver is all these speak¬ five, and sometimes six hundred dollars in order ers need. Really. But don't think we're putting to get a system capable of delivering the satis¬ the Nikko down, because its FM section and fying bass response, high accuracy, and out¬ handsome appearance are NIKKO Enough free tape to record right volume that this music system does. So the equal of. many receiv¬ how come Tech Hifi can do ers costing almost GLENQURN it for only $320. twice as much. The Glenburn 2155 automa¬ tic turntable offers many desirable features, We can answer that as well as famous "Glenburn" durability. 'A 60 minutes of music question using only two handsome base and dustcover are included. words: PURCHASING So is a factory-installed POWER! Shure magnetic cartridge. Tech Hifi gets the If you're in the market for a good best deal from the hifi hifi, from $159 up to several thousand dollars, Introducing the new BASF/LH Super than the LH Super. The tape for manufacturers < less noise and sound. With you should put Tech Hifi's cassette: Buy one at our discount price and more a because of wider . purchasing power to work get another for half price. By taking dynamic range than other the massive, high density tapes. BASF/ purchasing ^ | for you. advantage of our special offer you can record LH Super also provides 50^ more sixty minutes of your favorite music free on power of To boost your own purchasing the new LH Super CI20. playback volume at the same level. the forty-six Tech Hifi stores. We pass these power, Tech Hifi honors Master- And we're making the same With a BASF/LH Super you're savings on to you, along with fourteen customer charge and BankAmericard. introductory offer on the LH Super assured of a lot less distortion... satisfaction guarantees. C60 and C90 cassettes. In addition and a lot more pure sound. And like we're making the same half-price all BASF cassettes it's guaranteed Ohm E loudspeakers are some of the finest (tech hifi) small bookshelf speakers you 11 ever hear offer on our BASF/LH jamproof. regard¬ The BASF Half-Price Sale. less of price. And their unusually high efficiency 8-track cartridges in 45, 64, and 90 minute Look at it this way: means that the 10 watts RMS power output of Quality Components at the Right Price mmJ lengths. Buy two twin- There's no bet¬ pack LH Super ter time to get t C120's and record BASF/LH Super c two hours of sette. And there's music free. Come better high den¬ in today because sity ferric the offer is avail¬ oxxde tape able only while the supply lasts. The Largest Inventory of BASF Tape at the lowest prices around 402 S. WASH., LANSING Arbor / 430 North Ttltgraph Rd.. Dearborn /14615 W«st 8 Milt Rd„ Ottroit throughout N*w 245 ANN, E. LANSING Engl.nd, New York, New Jerwy. Ptnn«ylv«nn. end Ohio. 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 1 Michiga Dont't forget "Sweetest Day" Saturday ■ October 19th. ID TWO to THR A|' FRANKLY SPEAKING... by phil frank ]S Apartments 510997.3-1 DOOGE VAN 1974. Loaded, TRIUMPH TR6 1973. Overdrive, Houses MODELS FOR photography. Call MODERN ONE bedroom, custom paint-wheels. Parking lot radio, 19,000 miles, up to 30 10am and 6pm. between unfurnished, $138. Southeast near Long's Restaurant-Steve. mpg. Offers over $3,500. Call 694-9804,11 6 pm. 5-10-21 355-8432, 9 am-5pm. 355-7899 489-1216.0-10-31 Lansing. 373-0042 before five. Dishwasher. 3 51-71 Le0"'- ST SIDE. 41! after 5 pm. 5-10-18 5-10-23 332-1047. 7-10-24 6 • 1,droof. DOORMAN FOR Friday and FORD CUSTOM 1969. Body fair, Saturday nights. Apply in person CEDAR VILLAGE girl needed. ROOM apertment, j2l5/monil VEGA 1974 .882 PHONE 355 8255 engine good. Call 351-3693. Wagon. Automatic, at RAMADA INN, $80, immediate occupency. MSU. Dei' Pennsylvania $110/month plus (wj? Mike. 4-10-18 rutt/proof, custom exterior. and 1-96. 7-10-18 349-2907 after 3:30. 5-10-23 Utilities 34 7 Student Services Bidy. Very clean 484-9734 after 5 included REE WOMEN after four. 5-10-22 FORD MUSTANG, 1970. Power pm. 5-10-21 ROOM IN furnished apertment, close «',h •AUTOMOTIVE For Rent beautifully 351-3045. 2-1 steering and power brakes, new, very near DELUXE, VEGA 1973 Wagon. 3-speed. $80/month. FURNISHED^ Scooters & Cycles "6-cylinder, good on gas. Call 655-3714 after 5 pm. 5-1021 20,379 miles. $1,800. Excellent TV and STEREO Rental*. campus, student. 332-3848. 10-10-30 Serious bedroom apartment J AflV 2 STOf Parts & Service ' cempus. 332-3135 0, 882-65M tents. Sba condition. 372-3906. 5-10-24 $25/term. $10.95/month. Free 5-10-22 ** Was $281 Aviation FORD WAGON, 1968. Good Same Day Delivery and Service. ONE BEDROOM, stove 'and I. 666-35 VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Good shape. •EMPLOYMENT engine Full power. $500. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-10-31 refrigerator. Furnished, no TWO BEDROOM ,Urnil)l 355-8059, 353-9610. 2-10-21 New tires, new battery. 882-3664. children. Phone 882-4810. 5-10-23 $210/month Block ♦FOR RENT 5-10-23 EAST campus. Available immediate ROOM FORD VAN, 1966. Runs good. LANSING. Luxury one Apartments 332-0441. 1010-29 V' bedroom hou $250 or best offer*. 351-8648. VW 1972 Super Beetle. Excellent bedroom. Unfurnished. No pets. Houses 5-10-22 condition. 485-6965 or Negotieble lease. $200 includes 332-8348. 6-1 GIRL NEEDED own room in VAC^°Y,Immediate - Rooms 372-6543. 5-10-23 Collingwood apartment*. heat. 129 Highland. 332-0978.' needed. • U r00™»<« •FOR SALE FORD , 1969. Custom, V-8, power 15-11-6 occupancy $75/month. 332-1940. 2-10-21 Rivers Edge brakes and steering. $300 or best VW 1970. Good condition, must apartmint Animals offer. 349-2645. 5-10-22 sell, best offer over $1000. Call, LANSING TWO bedroom upsteirs 351-6265.5-10-22 L $135/month OWN ROOM, lai November 1. Mobile Homes 349-4248, evenings. 1-10-18 apartment. Living Room, dining apartment next to campus: Call FOR RENT in duple* FORD FAIRLANE 1970. 302, V-8, room, kitchen. Has attic, •LOST & FOUND 351-2354. 5-10-24 basement, garage. $160/month Near bus. Call 35193 stick, 53,000 miles, power VW SUNROOF, Bus. 1965. Very 3-10-18 •PERSONAL steering, regular gas. Runs well. cleen, rebuilt engine, Porsche' 482-9600, PIKE REALTY NEED ROOMMATE, fantastic deal •PEANUTS PERSONAL Must sell. $600. 353-1753, seats. $1100/best offer. Evenings. 484-2003. 4-10-18 in wonderful new furnished 3 EAST MICHIGAN, 675-7309. 3-10-18 393-1968 after 6 pm. 5-10-18 attractive 5 •REAL ESTATE bedroom house. Own room, 3 EAST LANSING. One ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-0ERKELEY CA 94709 bedroom, room, unfurnished, blocks from campus in East furnished, fully carpeted, air, refrigerator, garage, basenW •RECREATION FORD PICK-UP 1954. No rust, CLASSIC VOLVO 444 1957. best offer. VW Squareback, Lansing. $85/month. Call disposal, security locks. no pets. Call 489-6253 1 •SERVICE Excellent rebuilt engine, etc. 351-1852 between 8-11 and am Available November 1. $185 per 543-2104. 5-10-22 Instruction sunroof. 393-2172. 5-10-22 FORD 1967 Pick - up. $625. New 22-24+ mpg. Tony. 5-10-24 See it, 351-6356, i W,s«w Employment JfjJJ 6-9 pm. 1-10-18 month. Call 337-1529, after 6 pm. 3-10-18 129 BURCHAM DRIVE, ~2~m Typing Service WANTED: PAIR of mounted VW STORE DETECTIVE in prestige EAST SIDE - furnished apartment. furnished apartment, brakes and' radial tires. starting ED TWO roon •TRANSPORTATION VOLVO 1966. Two door retail chain. Immediate openings $140/month. Utilities furnished. MOBILE HOME for rent. Aveilable November 1, $140/month. hw . 2-10-18 snow tires, from 1968 or newer. three bedroon automatic. New tires, exhauit, 13.3-10-18 available. Full or part time. Call Lease to June 15 or September soon. Two bedroom furnished. included. Call •WANTED 8-3. 351-2402, itilities. McLa rebuilt transmission. 20-25mpg. Phyllis Gayden 332-8547, 15. 351-5323. 10-10-31 $150 plus deposit. Utilities After 4-10- •CAR POOL FURY 1968. 318 automatic, vinyl pm 882-2316 $650. 355-8224. 5-10-22 5:30-7:30 pm. 2-10-21 extra Neer MSU. 332-2437. 0-10-10-29 roof, fair condition, $325. FARM APARTMENT ••RATES** 485-7940, 373-7590. 5-10-23 SALE OR trade. 1948 Plymouth \Ki:USMK\ HELP WANTED, full time, gas bedroom, $125/montfi. 15 - two 5-10-21 CLOSE CAMPUS, girl to sublet, 3 10 word minimum ' EUREKA 1024 UPSTAIRS, HONDA CIVIC Hatchback, 1973. with 1964 rebuilt engine. Cheap. 339-2530. 3-10-18 IAVIWIS attendant, male or female. Apply in person, POINT ARCO, minutes from campus. Lot* of room to roam, garden. Lease to Furnished. One bedroom, shere $90/month. 332-4732. 5-10-22 NO. AM-FM, 30 mpg 489-9798, 1542 West Grand River, East June 15 or September 15. utilities. $125. 351-7497. NO. DAYS 5-7pm evenings. 5-10-22 1206 Oakland Lansing. 2-10-18 351-5323. 10-10-31 0-10-31 PENNSYLVANIA 1 3 5 10 MALIBU CHEVELLE 1973 black. Motorcycles ][fe] Call for Appt. IV4-4411 RN'S - LPN'S. Charge nurses. All ORCHARD COURT, 1 and 2 ONE BEDROOM, furnlthed, Eatt South. Near Michigan Avenue Furnished one AVENUE bedroi GIRLS NE 6.50 Gold interior, swivel bucket shifts. (AM'S and nights) Skilled bedroom townhouse apartments. Lansing. $180/month, utilities 10 1.50 4.00 13.00 NORTON • DUCATI - MOTTO - Utilities peid. $150 plus deposit. seats, all power, 14,500 miles. nursing facility. Provincial House $138-$175. Immediete. Many paid Couple preferred, no I miles south 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 GUZZI. New models on display. With fast, reliable South children or pen. Call 351-0433, 627-5454 5-10-18 $2750. Call 489 9346,. 5-10-18 South. Contact Mrs. White. extras. Penniylvania- ledroom in 2.25 9.75 Repairs and service for Honda 15 6.00 19.50 body and irepair 332-0817. 5-10-23 Cedar area Easy freeway to 6-9 pm. 10-10-18 athroom, and Triumph. G.T. MOTORS, ONE BEDROOM Apartment. 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 MAVERICK - 1972 Grabber red. work for almost campus. GONNIS COMPANY, elcony over 816 East Howe, Lansing. Unfurnished, deluxe, 10 minutes 302, 8 cylinder. Stick shift. 489-5315. 10- 0 28 LARGE APARTMENT, downtown is of wildl 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 4858815. 0-5-10-18 any car. from campus. $139. Manager's Radio. Excellent condition, Mason. $165 includes utilities. lie of house f: 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 office, 5898 Marsh, / Male Mutt tee. 393-0445. 5-10-18 performance, mileage. 353-8814. LEATHERS LESS THAN $50 - or female. No 339-9161. 7-10-21 . Vegeta P.M.-339-2022. 6-10-18 SHEP'S is your full service necessary. Excellent starting 200/two. Ii D EADLINE ROOMMATE NEEDED for 4-girl 1 P.M. one class dealer for Yamaha, Triumph, salary. Paid company benefits. MASON MANOR North 194-2167.3-10 day 10 MINUTES from MSU. apartment. Clote. $79/month. Street. MAVERICK 1969. Excellent BMW and Rickman. SHEP'S Advancement opportunities. before publication. Mason, Married grad students# condition. 54,000 miles. $950. Inexpensive living in a quiet 337-1169. 5-10-18 MOTOR SPORTS, INC. HOLT, Apply in person! Mr. Don single gred students, Student car. 349-2645. 5-10 22 area. Located at 6076 Marsh 694-6621. C-5-10-18 Bergeon. 5-10-23 bedroom townhouse apartments Road just north of Lake Lansing TWO Peanuts Personal ads BEDROOM mobile home, From $185 plus utilities. Largs Road. 1 bedroom apartments must be pre-paid. MAVERICK 1971. One owner, INSURANCE -LOWEST rates on WEBSTERS MEN'S WEAR. expando. $160. <% mile from kitchen and dining a VOLKSWAGEN - COMPLETE with shag carpeting, disposal, good condition. Radio, new cycle and auto. Call us first or Meridian Mall. Part time sales. campus. Large lot, garden, fence, Appliances repair and body. 20% appliances, and air conditioning. includin) tires. 393-5051.5-10-24 last, but call. Easy payment Male or Female. Mornings and or pets. 351-2092. 6-10-21 dishwashers, central heat, • Cancellations/ Corrections Plan. DISCOUNT to students, faculty $150 per month, furnished UNION evenings, -fio experience ' on all cash'n'carry VW service available at $185. Excellent for conditioning, full basement, t • 12 noon one class day MG MIDGET 1970, MGB 1970, UNDERWRITERS, 393-8100 or necessary. Great pay. TWO BEDROOM furnished heat. Balconies. East drivel MGA 1962, Triumph GT-6 485-4317. 0-10-31 parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, Tremendous working conditions. student*, will consider nin apartment to sublet. $230 per before publications. 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. MSU. Open daily from 1-5:3 month lease. Call Manager at 1970. See PRECISION Apply in person. Mr. Don month, call 332-2179. 5-10-23 p.m. except Wednesday 485-2047, 485-9229. 339-8192 or East Lansing The State News will be IMPORTS/BODY SHOP, 1206 HARLEY DAVIDSON 90cc, 1973. Bergeon. 5-10-23 Thursday. Visit us Mastercharge and Bank Realty, 332-4128. 10-10-23 East Oakland for sharp, restored, Excellent condition, $450 or REDUCE RENT - Minimel JAMES FOX ASSOCIATES el (PORTABLE responsible only for the Americard. C-10-31 sports cars. 6-10-18 best offer. 351-8648. 5-10-22 CHILD CARE: Two responsfcle maintenance. Spacious house, model 676-4746. Olfic* 1 fantastic h DESPERATELY NEED 2 girls for first day's incorrect women with child c*re private units. $140 - $160. 372-1954. Manager. 676-1411 illy carpeted Cedar Village Apartment. Rent insertion. MGB 1965. Many like new features. 1972 HONDA CB350. Good experience will superivse your 351-3809.3-10-21 10-10-25 Best offer. Evenings, 777-2883. condition, two helmet* included. TPR -N. child afternoons. negotiable. 332-3680. 5-10-22 4-10-21 $450,353-1176.3-10-21 Monday-Friday. Sheila, OWN ROOM • Female pad student TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted. 332-0352. Wendy. 351-6951. desires one-two roommetes. homes. $25 - $35/week. 10 3-10-18 Spacious apartment. Own room. MONTECARLO 1972-power TECHUMSCH MINI-BIKE. Winter - Spring. Call Judl, after 3 minutes to campus. Quiet an ED TEMPO Okemos area. 349-2598, after 5. brakes, power steering, vinyl roof. Excellent condition. $75 or best pm. 332-2179. 5-10-18 peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or oommate, nici PART TIME/temporary work is 3-10-22 Very good condition. 21,000 miles. offer. 356-2512. 3-10-21 484-5315. 0-10-31 Ann. 351 Si available at $2.50 per hour plus NEAR MSU. 1-man for 4-man. Asking $2,200 or best offer. Call FEMALE SHARE bedroom. Bogue travel benefits. Interested $57.50 plus deposit. 337-1580. 355-2864. 3-10-18 1973 HUSQVARNA 250-CR. TIRES - 4 Firestone glas-belted. PLEASANT GROVE NEAR Jolly $900. Call 482-7905, after 5. Brand new. G-78-14's. $75. students call Travel World Street, good deal. Furnished. Call 351-4241. 3-10-18 5-10-23 New one and two bedroor Rooms 5-10-23 882-7789, after 6 pm. 3-10-18 Corporation, 1-313-769-3923. NOVA 1974 - Standard shift, radio, WANTED: GIRL to share furnished Appliances, carpet, 1 2-10-18 AUDI 1972. Good condition, must 9,000 miles, $2600. 669-3654, LUXURY APARTMENT. duplex on south side. Own conditioning, laundry. Balcony AILABLE I after 5 pm. 5-10-22 .$139 urnished sell, best offer. Evenings. Auto Service'][/] patio, or Fireplace, dishwasher. Need 1 room 777-2883.4-10-21 NOVA 1973. Bright red. V-8 L Employment jj MAN WITH van newspapers on campus. to deliver Saturday roommate. Immediately. Call room, finished basement, plus many extresl Call after 5 p.m. $169. See Assistant Manager, Apartment 2, 3620 Richmond. I to m Scotts MSU. 4{ night, Sunday mornings. Call after 4 pm, 393-0079. 3-10-22 393-4831. 5-10-18 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE only automatic. Power steering. Very MASON BODY SHOP 812 Ejst WAITRESS WANTED. Must have 349-0276 before noon. 2-10-18 Call 676-1270; 393-6998. lean. 626-6164. 5-10-23 j you can save $$$. It pays to Kalamazoo Street since 1940., own transportation. Experience GIRL NEEDED. Winter term only. ROOMMATE NEEDED. Female. Call 10-10-21 shop around. Call us. You may Complete auto painting and preferred. Apply in person only. PART TIME HELP Old Cedar Village. Laurie, after 5 p.m., 371-5927. 5-10-18 OPEL GT 1970. Yellow, 43,000 be surprised. B-1-10-18 484-8173. miles, 30 mpg, $1800. Call after collision C-10-31 service. 485-0256 THE DEPOT RESTARURANT. 1 203 South Washington, IF you have a car and can work a minimum of 20 hour* per week, 381-6464.30-18 I ONE AND 2 bedrooms furnished, Houses £ 9 pm or weekends, 675-7331. ROOMMATE NEEDED. Four-man ' 10-10-25. Lansing. 7-10-24 call 484-7368 between 10 am-1 all new, carpeting, air BUICK LA SABRE 445. Equipped pm. 20-11-12 furnished, MSU area. 3 BEDROOM apartment Ir. BABYSITTER IN my homes. 2-3 $80/month. October free. Call conditioning, balcony, security $210 including utilities. 313 to pull large trailer. Good locks. 132-1833.1-10 OPEL KADETTE Wagon 1968. 10 minutes MSU. condition. Accept small car Runs and looks great. Good afternoons/week. Must be DESK CLERK needed. Mutt have 351-7025. 3-10-21 349-9152 or 694-9608. 5-10-18 South Hayford. 332-2419 trade or $2100. Phone 393-7020 reliable and love children. traniportation and be willing to 101021 E ROOM. Well mileage tool Don't miss this one. 351-4480. 1-10-18 EFFICIENCY UNFURNISHED. days. 669-3780, evenings. travel. Call 3 7 2-0567 or GIRL «t Lansing. F PRECISION IMPORTS/BODY One block. 322 Elm Place, NEEDED, large neer by NEAR LCC - students, 5 bedroor 4-10-18 489-1215 between 12 - 6pm. 3514596 1 10 SHOP 1206 East Oakland. PART - TIME Candle makers 010-31 apartment one. 337-0649. apartment, $81. Penny, furnished, reasonable, 351-4141 5-10-24 353-9642, 8 am-5pm. 5-10-18 or 655-2603. 5-10-18 BMW 1971. 2002 Abarth, Konis. needed. Experience necessary. 5-10-21 SON TO sh Please phone 882-0174. 5-10-24 WANTED: MARRIED couple to be Michelins, and more. $2800 NEAR CAPITOL and LCC. 2 2 bedrooms 1 others. Oi - OPEL RALLY 1970. 34,000miles, story SOUTH LANSING • hou*eparents for a group of MSU AREA, Okemos. One negotiable. 485-4591. 5-10-22 duplex. 24-26 mpg. New Michelin R06ER I PAULS ORGANIST. SURBURBAN mentally retarded edult*. bedroom, furnished, $165, air Vary clean, good Dependable people pre""™ utilitii in radials. $1075. Call 355-7367, Lutheran Church. 4 miles from Rewarding work-room, board conditioned, carpeted, modern. location. $155 per month. Call Unfurnished. 709 Samanthi W7-3821. BMW 1970. Excellent condition, 351-4897 after 5 pm. 5-10-18 sunroof, air conditioning, evenings, weekends. 5-10-18 MARATHON campus. One Sunday off per and (alary. Call Irma, 487-6500. Heat included. Call 349-9604, 5-10-18 4-10-18 after 5:30 pm. FURNISHEI AM/FM, XAS, Asking $2300. PINTO WAGON 1974. 2000cc. month. 349-0620 or 349-9609. 5-10-21 485-2966. 5-10-21 Stick. Radials. 14,000 miles. Where all we 6-10-25 UNLIMITED SALES OPPORTUNITY CLOSE TO campus. Two bedroom, 485-7916. 5-10-23 in it CAPRI 1971. $1200. AM-FM, new PLYMOUTH DUSTER 1971. Slant STUDENTS- open. POSITIONS Part time. Dependable. now If you're a better man than the job you're now in, we'd like to talk two bathroom. Furnlthed, eir. 337-1800 5-10-21 CROSSWORD tires. 355-1091, Call after 5 pm. 5-10-18 6, full power, radio, new steel belted tires, extra mounted LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF JOLLY Responsible. Benefits after one to you. Commissions. Call Josephine Startweather at PUZZLE year. Apply 1431 East Michigan, snow* real sharp. Call 489-5335 & OKEMOS RO 694-3935. Investors Diversified MARRIED STUDENTS, ums DOG AND SUDS. Ask for Karen CHEVROLET 1969. Kingswood or 337-9881. Call be 349 • 3196 Services. 10-10-25 FACULTY & MED au.™ seen at 6DAY A WEEK TOWING or Cindy. 14-11-5 1. Counting frame 29. Gaelic Wagon, power, air, $795 or best Campus Barber Shop, 621 E. offer. 349-3118. 5-10-21 OPEN 6 OAYS STUDENTS NEEDED for part time REGISTERED NURSES. Full & STUDENTS 7. Contributor 30. Astern Grand River. 5-10-23 7 AM • 9 PM BUT SUNDAY pert time potitiont available on SPACIOUS 12. Civil 31. Oakota Indian survey work. 2-5 pm or 6-9 pm. the afternoon 8t night shifts. 13. Adult insect 32. Work one's CHEVROLET 1969, 6-cylinder PONTIAC STAF Chief 1964. Lots Mr. Dennis, 351-4337, 9-12 am. THREE Minimum starting salary $4.82 14. Placebo trade of Biscayne. Good transportation. miles, runs well, dependable. VOLKSWAGEN EXHAUST _3-10-1_8_ BEDROOM 15. Oracular 33. Countertenor 349-1276 after 4:30 Body-fair. Best offer. 694-3487. Systems - $18.95 complete at per hour plus experience credit. pm. 3-10-18 20 CM 8 MATURE DEPENDABLE student Excellent fringe benefits. Pleete APTS. 16. Exists 34. Highway CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN to live with faculty family. contact office of Employment, 17. Persian fairy 36. Before noon CAR PARTS, 2605 East -———— TOYOTA COROLLA 1971. Body Room and board in exchange for 18. Surface 37. Oividend COMET 1972. Automatic Lanting General Hoipital, 2800 From SOLUTION OF transmission, condition/and gas mileage. good excellent. engine. 5-10-22 Completely rebuilt $1250. 355-9855. Kalamazoo, one mile west of campus. 487-5055. C-10-10-18 help with house and active 8 year old boy. Prefer graduate student. Okemos, 349-1913. Devonthire, Lanting. Pleete call 372-8220, extention 288. An $215 ~ 21. Combat 22. Athena's bird 25. Stabilize 39. Ran away 43. Nautical 46. British novelist Asking $1750. 651-6518. U REPAIR AUTO SERVICE Equal Oppdrtunity Employer. direction OOWN 3-10-22 1972 WHITE TOYOTA Carina, CENTER offers you tools, 2-10-18 25-10-31 UNFURNISHED 26. Spoils 27. By birth 44. Environment 45. Ceases 1. Disposed equipment and instruction* to 2. Constrictor CORVETTE 1962 convertible. 38,000, Ziebart, snows, like do your auto repair*. 53II S. pleats, no pets 1 1 jr T" T~ 6~ GLE Room new, well worth it. $2,100. 7— r- T~ sr 'T" i High performance 327. Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10 - 8, 332-1887 after 5:30. 5-10-21 ^n;$80p|u SPECIAL Excellent condition. 351-6396. 6 days. 20-10-23 iF~ 351-8754. 5 5-10-18 KNOB HILL DATSUN 1968. 510 Wagon. Very clean. 47,000 miles. $650. r V/ '•Salt 489-5674 after five. 3-10-22 I HUM IMHWB APARTMENTS mmwmm ■ mVA DUSTER 1970-automatic, slant6, 19-21 mpg. $1100. 489-9513, (FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED) Office Open is & rr after 6:30 pm. 5-10-24 11:00 6:00 Mon.-Frl, % FROM $150°° - W DODGE 1973, Tradesman 200, V8, or by appointment 3] W % 35- S' R'FLES~ar 5T~ Sr kinds. Bu'yi steering - brakes, extra i power ' tanks, super shape! $3600. ALL NEW a STUDENTS WELCOME ■ 9 MONTH CALL NOW - GOING FAST sir Vear 'rou 882-1826. 5-10-121 10 MINUTES TO MSU a AIR CONDITIONING ■ LEASES a CARPETING HOTfOINT APPLIANCES 349-4700 P % _L 36 V'2 s°' DODGE VAN 1967. Six. clutch, brakes. Good condition. New Furnished Model Open Mon.-Frl. 12-6 Sat. 11-4 ?.«iVJlV.f* ,ppoln,m,nt 10 BECK LOCATED j_ !!_ S9 tO ft 1 ^244.0-2-10 Pti. 676-4974 or 332-4121 «7«-42»1 KMILE NORTH f3 44 337-7157.1-10-18 EVENINGS & WEEKENDS WEEKDAYS 9-5 Slc ,mRS-2 DODGE DART 1964. Running quiet country living —TLAm"'° 351-1925 351-7910 OF JOLLY RD. ON OKEMOS RD. 35" I w I ' « condition. C9II 482-8561 after 6 pm. ,4-10-21 _ _ -J .X," "5, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 'V,< '974 15 His* i® Fa Sale For Sale ^ I TWO to sh»'« cl,Mle ,8rm AM SHORTWAVE radio console APPLES - YOU can pick! SCHWINN Lost & Pound][^j j Service „ 1946 vintage, GIRL'S 5 spaed LOST: HIGH School class T H J65/month Including works well. large $140. speaker, Phone Jonathon, Spy's, Delicious. Collegiate. Ridden twice, Siver with blue stone. 484 0647. ring. NEED CALLER to Wednesday and Friday mornings be awoken .1 641-6802. evenings. 394-0597. 1 10-18 Fresh cider. APPLEBERRY ORCHARD. Morrice, 625-7017. lock/chain, $80. 372-4156 after 2-10-18 7:30 am. Pay is negotiable. 21 5 pm. 5-10-21 2-10-18 351-1902. After six. 3-10-21 FASHIONABLE WOMEN'S size 9 FOUND: YOUNG male cat on ■ THREE bedrooms, MCINTOSH 2100 POWER WOMAN WILL do general clothes, lika new ski suit size campus. Gray-white, Bad $196 WagnoHa Street. 10. Reasonable! 12-8 pm THORENS TD - 160C Manual Amplifier, TEAC A3340 quad medium-long hair. 355-9471. housework. Shifts. 7-11:30/1-5. Announcements for It's What's Student organizations are to |"5To997. 3-'H8 361-8116. 2-10-21 turntable Cartridge, with $185. Stanton Tom, ten inch reel to reel tape deck, TEAC AN300 Quad Dolby, C-3-10-18 Message, 337-1624. 5-10-18 Happening must be received in the State News office, 341 Student reregister by Oct. 25. Registration forms are available in the Student 351-0600. 3-10-21 HUSK ;jife[ MAYTAG wood tires WRINGER Washer, burning stove, 14" snow and QUEEN WATERBED. Raised Technics SL1100 turntable, Sony STR-6120 FM stereo receiver, Bose 501 Speakers. WE LOST: CAMEO ring, silver setting, near Eppley. Reward. 332-1292. 3-10-18 FOR THE BEST Service aqipment see the STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. on stereo Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two class days before publication. No announcements will be accepted Activities Division, 101 Student Services Bldg. rims. 339-8168 There will be meeting for frame, heater, sheets. Excellent by phone. a ict side. 413 south cl#m*n'.3 1-10-18 MAKE TRADESI Much more C-10-31 people interested in planning JSTS^ - partly furnished. condition. Cheap. 623-6283. quality stereo equipment. MISSING: Brown shoulder purse. The first MENSA Travelog Jewish social activities at 1:30 p.m. 3-10-21 WILCOX SECONDHAND RUMMAGE , AVON and antiques. Last seen in library. Valuable CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY at Hodge - Podge will feature an Sunday in the new Shalom Center, STORE (509 East Michigan it's best statewide. TERRY around - the above Campus Book Store. Starting Saturday October 19, papers. Call 372-3861. 4-10-21 world slide show. GARAGE SALE. Books, Ski Avenue, Lansing). 4854391. Debbie Stuart will host the event 2 LUKE PHOTOGRAPHY, through Thursday October 7k IflfE WOMEN -rnce house. Very 210 Spartan Avenue, East equipment, clothes, appliances. C-12-10-31 REWARD FOR calculator lost 313-5329325. C-10-31 p.m. Sunday at 616 Grove St. Give At Hillel this weekend - chicken ■r,0!e K513045. 2 1°-18 with good P.OP1.- Lansing. Use North Driveway of October 26. Call 332-2361 after 5 pm. 2-10-18 GARAGE SALE. 701 West Grand between Conrad and Lot Y. Call Debbie a call if youll be there. New friends welcome. dinner and service beginning at 6:30 tonight. Talmud at 9 a.m. Ias'pTsTORY, accomodate 4 202 Spartan 3-10-22 GIBSON FIREBIRD electric guitar BELOW COST sale of over stocked River, Williamston. October 19. Lamp, furniture, small Dave, 353-1915. 4-10-19 \ instructions JQ the There will be an open house at Observatory from 8 to 10 p.m. Sunday, followed by morning orthodox minyan at 10. Deli at 6 p.m. Sunday will feature Prof B speakers, LOST: GRAY cat Angora, Spade, „ Shaa carpet, fireplace, cabinets, horns, appliances, antiques, BOARD EXAM TUTORING Saturday. Weather permitting, the Marvin Zalman of the Dept. of - good condition. $140 Must amplifiers. West female, 332-8635, 151 Bogue ■^ $280 now $250. Must Laboratories, women's-men's winter clothing. STANLEY H. KAPLAN 24 inch reflecting - telescope will be Criminal Justice. sell. 337-2367. 1-10-18 l*nt. 655-3668 or 372-8044. 116 South 10-10-29, Larch. 487-3558. 3-10-18 Street. 3-10-22 Now TUTORING COURSES in operation. The Observatory is located on Forest Road between Enjoy folk entertainment at the ■&-10-23 GARAGE SALE, 1240 Prescott, in WILLING TO stand out in the FOUND: BLUE nylon jacket at IM Being formed for the farm Lane and College Road. The Circle Coffeehouse from 6 to 10 Shaw Estates, East Lansing. MINOLTA SR-T101 W/f1,7 Soccer field on Tuesday. Call upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, public is welcome, admission is p.m. Sunday in the Gilchrist Hall ■En'rOOM, furnished six October 19,10 am. 1-10-18 55mm lens. $180. Phone crowd? Then check the 3566331. C-3-10-22 ATGSB, GRE, Board Exams. free. Pub. Eat your Sunday night dinner ■ bedroom house, $85. No lease. 882-9939 after 5 pm. 3-10-18 outstanding autos in today's For irmatior Call and enjoy the music of local Classified Ads. ■ 332-8348.5-10-23 BASEMENT SALE I TV'S, fur, FOUND: MEN'S black rimmed 1-313-354-0085. 0-2-10-21 The MENSA Omelette Special talents. glasses left in Engineering Interest Group will be havine its furniture, dishes, MAYTAG ELECTRIC dryer- $50. r Typing Service^ir clothing, Jpfe ROOM furnished cottage, miscellaneous. Friday, Saturday, Good condition. Will APPLES, CIDER, PUMPKINSI Building. 353-6490. C-3-10-21 fr» flng 11 a.m. Sunday at Roy Saper's. The MSU Tolkien Fellowship deliver. ■student couple only. 394-2167. 3-10-18 BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, 7 miles 513 Beech St. Reservations are a will meet at 8 tonight Holmes Hall lounge to discuss in the West Eftssaws south of Mason on Hull Road. FOUND: BLACK/white female EXPERIENCED IBM typing. future events. Bring ideas on events EMC Hours 9-6, closed Mondays. kitten. Declawed, about seven P.A. SPEAKER Columns, Dissertations (pica - elite). The Madrigals of the Society for and ways to celebrate. 1 5895251 0-10-31 months old. 355-3739. Creative A K G Anachronism (SCA) will Microphone and FAYANN 489-0358. C-10-31 share spacious 3 ACCESSORIES, COMPLETE Boomstand. Less than one week C-3-10-21 meet at 6:30 p.m. Saturday in the ' The MSU Bahai Club is I hid roam house, west end, selection for audio, guitars and Music Building lobby. New sponsoring a fireside to introduce ■SS/month. ■5.2-10-21 487-6988 after band instruments with sheet music department to serve a full line old I Perfect condition. $350 or best offer. 353-7914. 3-10-18 Animals )[§ FOUND: GIRL'S watch court, first day of school. on tennis WILL accurate pm. DO . 2-10-18 any typing. 625-3541. Pat, after 6 Fast members are welcome. There will be a regular meeting of the SCA at people to the Bahai faith, 8 p.m. today in the Mason Hall library. HORSE 8:30 p.m. Saturday in the Union your music TURQUOISE JEWELRY. Genuine BOARDING, 5 miles south 3554014 identify. C-3-10-21 every need, of campus. Tower Room. Come and relive The campus girl scouts will meet 1~C* NEAR. 3 bedroom house. MARSHALL MUSIC, 245 Ann Navaho, Zuni. Compare my Good arrangements. IRENE ORR - Theses, term those exciting days of yesteryear! at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in 34 Union. Eireplace, garage, basement. Street. C-1-10-18 prices. 349-1706. 5-10-18 ^JjMOZJJO-^ LOST: BROWN key case - G.S.A. papers, general typing. Formerly Bring guitars, songbooks and other Central campus. October 11. I>2;5 plus utilities. Phone WOODCREST TRAINING Stables. with Ann Brown. 482-7487. Tired of risb and looking for a . Everyone welcome. B3712400 1 0 1 0 28 SHERWOOD S7100A Receiver, BREAKFAST SET, large formica Offers show horses, Arabian, 485-2384. 2-10-18 C-10-31 substitute? Check out the MSU Simulations Society from 1 to 6 The Muslim Student Assn. will Sony Casette deck, 4 Utah table and six chairs. 332-5728 A.Q.H.A., Appallosa, several p.m. Sunday in the Union Mural have a get together party at 8 roommates. Furnished 2-way speaker, Marantz 2440 after 6 p.m. weekdays. 5-10-18 □**■!'32 ■ED TWO championships: also 10 head of PURPLE VICKI - Fast, accurate, Room. tonight at the University Methodist je bedroom house $85/plus Quad adapter. Call 332 5417. % Arabian, 4-H and Brood inexpensive typing. Very near Church. Snacks will be served. At 9 is, McLaughlin, 353-7230. 3-1022 TABLE, GRAY formica and mares. Priced to sell. Also campus. 337-7260. C-10-31 The Student Workers Union p.m. the Arab Club will be showing training boarding, indoor arena, CIDER TIME at CORDA WEST Organizing Committee will meet at a movie. All Muslims are invited. chrome, 60"x36" with one SANITIZED FEATHER bed removable riding lessons and show saddles. CIDER MILL. 5817 North ANN BROWN 5 p.m. Sunday in 39 Union. leaf. Six gray and typing and multilith pillows. Nice for gifts. Feather Petitions are available in 334 I BEDROOM, 154 bath, green plastic padded chrome Call 6474724. 3-10-21 Okemos Road, East Lansing. offset printing. Complete service beds made to order. 6773 West Interested in helping with the re Student Services Bldg. for the n spacious home on two chairs. New Phone 337-7974. Open 7:30 condition.. election campaign of Gov. Milliken? following ASMSU Cabinet Suburban Williamston. M-78. Perry. 675-7231 OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog puppies, a.m; -7 p.m. 20-10-23 677-1331. 5-10-22 manuscripts, general typing. Contact Mark McKelvey in 335 Directorships: labor relations, legal S3OO. For appointment, afternoons 7 days/week. 5-10-24 registered with AKC. Whelped IBM. 25 years experience. Abbot Hall for information. aid and great issues. C55-2918.4-10-18 400 RALEIGH QUALITY bicycles August 15. Champion blood ANNUAL A.A.U.W. 349-0850. C-10-31 lines. Sired by Jeremy Dee of Support your local baron! Come tJ GIBSON'S V, - 10,5, 3 speeds. Special prices. An ecumenical Buddhist service Halsall from England. Call Ron Used Book Sale to the fighting and archery practice I GIRLS NEEDED to share Limited time. Call nowl COMPLETE THESES - Service will be held at 8 p.m. Sunday at the at 349-2320 between 96 or of the Society for Creative js luxury home. Secluded 484-0362. GENE'S BICYCLE Oct 17,18, 19 Discount Printing. IBM Typing United Ministries chapel at 1118 S. leave message. 6-10-18 Anachronism at 1:30 p.m. Saturday Harrison BOCK south of campus. Large SHOP. 702 West Barnes Avenue. Road. Guest ministers es MERIDIAN MALL (east end) and binding of dissertations and in the Men's IM Building Turf 5-10-22 from the Buddhist Temple of im includes fireplace, 9:00am — 9 00pm publications. Across from SIBERIAN HUSKY, AKC Saginaw will be present. Free om, ; overlooking carpeting, and 10 full ADDIC WANTED. HEATHKIT AR-1500, registered, 6 months, female, shots. $90. 337-1341. 5-10-24 campus Grand corner River. M.A.C. and Below Jones Applications are available for all registered student organizations and literature will be available. es of wildlife preserve. Full AR-15, or Marantz 2270 Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - The Tenants Resource Center lie of house facilities and many BOOK SALE Receiver. Call 485-3833. 3-10-18 COIN SHOW. October 18, starting Friday. Call COPYGRAPH governing groups to request can provide information and DALMATIONS, AKC, male and 3 pm, October 19,20, all day. ASMSU office space in 334 Student ;. Vegetarians. $150/one. SERVICES, 337-1666. C-10-31 assistance^ about kind of |$200/two. Includes utilities. 50% OFF IMMEDIATE 3 SPEED bike sale. female. $75 for both. 482-1769, Paka Plaza. Jackson, Michigan. Services Bldg. All applications must be returned by 5 p.m. Monday. housing problem. If you're any a tenant evenings. 5-10-24 Intersection of 1-94, 127. TYPING TERM Papers and theses. with hassle call 94-2167 3-10-18 on our regular International make. Man's 21 a or stop by our BL-2-10-18 office at 855 Grove St. between 1 low prices inch and Ladie's 19% inch. $45 Experienced, fast service. IBM The New Testament view of TWO SIAMESE kittens, Free to and 5 p.m., Monday through each. Actual $69.50. electric. Call 349-1904. 18-10-31 transformation will be considered IrELIUS ROAD, 12 miles south. good home. 351-7296 after 6. § bedroom, country home with International Marketing service, x-3-10-22 Peanuts Personal jjj by the American Baptist Student Foundation at 10:15 a.m. today in Available now. 'hardbacks 50% off 3308 South Cedar, Suite 11, THESES, RESUMES, typing and A German worship service will be 33 Union. All are welcome. 5 351-7497 Of 676-1441. Lansing. Ask for Joe Watkins. printing. Reasonable prices. held at 5 p.m. Sunday at University '28 W. Grand River 5-10-23 PIXIES - YOU are fantastic. Best Lutheran Church. 1020 S.Harrison FREE: 6 month old cat. Buff COMMERCIAL PRINTING, United Ministries in brothers ever! Love, 8th South. Higher Road. Fellowship and refreshments upstairs white, littar trained, has shots. 3514116. C-10-31 Education offers an experimental open Tuei - Fti 1 6,7 -a BQGEN 100 Watt P.A. amplifier 1-10-18 p£f HOUSE. Carpeted and CaU...359*7384 .or 353-8429. worship service 5 p.m. Sunday at Sat 12.5 used only four months, plus 1118 S. Harrison Road. Dinner it 2 blocks from campus. after 6 pm. 3-10-18 I Shure four mike mixer. $175, follows the service. Join us for More IWH on Page 16 deposit. 393 0446. negotiable. Call 351-4200 spiritual growth. PORTABLE UPSTAIRS room r between 8 am and 5 pm. 3-10-21 LULU, HAPPY Sweetest Day, have TYPING DONE by experienced typist, reasonable rates. Call Liz, pizza for breakfast. Moody e&l6 WtiL FLEA MARKET. Open WOMEN'S 5-speed Schwinn 355-4926. 5-10-21 J» fantastic house. Furnished, Tuesday and Saturday. 10 am- 6 Collegiate. $60. After 5 pm, Housebroken. 353-0843, 8-5. Blues. 1-10-18 I". carpeted, disposal, color pm. 1039 West Grand River 3554236. 300-21 6474201 evenings. 3-10-18 Near Potters Bl.25/month. Park. 487-9384. (M-43) Williamston, Michigan. THORENS TD 160 SUA. HAPPY Sweetest Day, MSU till Saturday. LuVOO lots, St. Transportation Dealer space available. 10-10-29 Turntable. ST' BERNARD PUPS, AKC ■5-10-17 Pioneer Cloud. 1-10-18 AS600 amplifier. registered, $100 Each. St. Johns. Harmon-Kardon 75+ quad 224-7646.6-10-23 MSU TO Detroit. Leaving Fridays 5 Cod/lLUMl PIONEER PLA35 turntable, Shure M91-ED receiver. Playback Dolby BUM- BADUM, DUM, THAT pm. Returning Sundays. cassette deck. Sansui AR SAXAPHONE finally made it to 332-0595. Linda. 3-10-22 cartridge. Excellent condition. u-l-i 11 361-6319. 3-10-18 elactrovoice speakers and many MODI16 HOfTlfiS S® Peanuts Personal (Kind of). The more quality used components. real reason? Happy Birthday Dee Portable cassette recorders and Bee!!! Comrade. 1-10-18 Wanted Rooms A BOOKS: METAPHYSICAL Occult calculators. Great selection of up ROLLOHOME 12x60, King - by Cayce, Holier, Whaatley. Arthur's Court. $3300. to date records and tapes. KAPPA ALPHA THETA welcomes Lobsang, Rampa, etc. 35mm 355.2251 or 332-6329 after 6 . need 4 Senior or Junior coupons Bailable its 10 great lfmished room in house. Quiet, immediately, Paperbacks, 4 for $1.00. camera equipment, portable televisions and many mens and pm. x-20-11-8 pledges^Barb. Unda, for purdue/s,a,e game. 351-0304. Hardbacks, very old, $1.50 and 4-10-18 Jwxt to Scotts Woods. 3% miles ' up.Phone 3 ladies leather coats. In our new MOBILE HOME, 10x50. Old but Announcements Jewelry >m MSU. 485 9279. 5 1 0 21 music shop you'll find names good condition. Near MSU. SENIOR COUPONS needed for the like Fender, Gibson, Ampeg, TOOTS, HOPE you enjoy your Leaving country, must sell. Any Ohio State football game. Call ■ MALE REFERENCES. Cash for stay. Love and kisses, Buddy. ■$15/vveek Northwest side. Acoustic and the all new Miller reasonable offer-accepted. Phone 1-10-18 Cathy, 337-7557. 5-10-22 Jaeobson's STAMPS * COINS Super amplifiers. Many nice 882-1604. 5-10-18 '85-7462.5-10-21 portable manual and electric , 2435 SOUTH RUNDLF Precious Stones Buy Sell Trade RIDE TO Marshall next week. Call - - full line of supplies typewriter. Many car cassette TRAVELO, 12x60 - Expando, Real Estate « soon as possible. 351-1755. 489-2687 Beautifully Set and and 8 track decks. In our Bands for bride & groom. MID - MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN carpeting, drapery. Near campus, 1-10-18 •Traditional and Customizec basement is a full assortment of 351-3466 : 351-1194 evenings, LAKE SIDE VILLAGE, by owner, 1880 HASLETT Rd 332-4300 mag wheels and tires. Come on 5-10-22 3 bedroom condominium. 754% STREET FLOOR ANY STUDENT coupons for down to DICKER 81 DEAL BE ROOM. Well furnished house. COUPON mortgage possible. On lake. Purdue game. Jerry, 332-6479. THE COMPLETE ■ 10% off all supplies I SECONDHAND STORE, 1701 ATLANTIC 10x50, furnished, 339-2981, evenings. 5-10-21 1-10-18 Lansin9- Pleasant location. I Expires 10/11/74 | South Cedar. 487-3886. Monday c|ean_ many extras. $3000. Bridal Registries WEDDING SERVICE ■35M596. 1-10-18 and Friday til 9 pm. Tuesday, 641-6226 weekends 1 10-18 DIAMONDS: 3y FARM - 36 acres. 15 minutes to 'NEED TICKETS to KISS at Wednesday, Thursday and ORANGE BLOSSOM campus. Horse barn, sheds, large Brewery Monday. October 21st. ■SON TO share house with STEREO AMPLIFIER, 4 channel, Saturday 9-6. Bank Americard HURON 10x60 expando. farm house. $36,000. Terms. 355-6710. 1-10-18 Jaeobson's GOLD FASHION P"ee others. Own 280 watt. Separate tuner. Two and Master Charge. C-5-10-18 Furnished, fenced double lot, room, $57.50 351-5323. 5-10-24 Visit our complete shops GOLDMASTER Plu» utilities. 485 0409. 3-way Sound Studio Speakers, apricot tree, vegetable garden, 7'382'. after 6 pm. 5-10-24 separate tone controls. Call after SWEET CIDER Atwood's shed. Behind Gables. Pets Car Pool & for the home- WEDDING RINGS: By RENTAL VACANCY? Your and take advantage Cidertorium. 1011 West Grand allowed. $3,400. 1-787-6277. ART CARVED message gets to people with of our Bridal Registry ORANGE BLOSSOM Jo furnished rooms. Kitchen ■P^vileges. Parking. LIVE TROPICAL Fish Auction. River, Laingsburg. am-6 pm. Open daily 9 651-5218. BL-3-10-18 5-10-24 low-cost Want Ads. Call Share Driving & GOLD FASHION Walking 355-8255 now to place your ad. to MSU. EQUITY Guppies to exotic African MONARCH, 1970, 12x60. Skirted, PEST 351-8150. 5-10-24 Cichlids, tanks, equipment, APPLES, CIDERI M99 to bar, etc. Must see to appreciate OKEMOS, BY 3 bedroom owner. FROM CORCORAN Road at ajpplies. Sunday, October 20. 1 Columbia, West 1 mile. South uniqueness. Owner desparate. ranch, over 1 acre land, 2 car Woodbury to MSU Bridal Shops J»2 People wanted in house pm Lansing Mall, GLAS 1'/. mile to 495 South Smith, 625 3585. 1-10-18 near garage, full basement. Lots of Admi nistretion Building. c vcmwuo. ■nsndor. Good heating, sponsored. 3-10-18 Eaton Rapids. 3-10-18 room and privacy. Assume 7% new AIRSTREAM 27'. Used 5 weeks, Leaving 7 am, returning around BRIDES ■InfcU 8arage- $48- pets. 530 tape recorder, 16 2000 miles. Beautiful. Consider mortgage interest. Priced to sell. 4:30-5 pm. 339-2351. 3-1021 3-10-22 EYE GLASSES at large savings. SONY TC - 482-2055, after 5 pm. 5-1018 For Over % Century reasonable offer. Accept good stm Why Pay More'!> OPTICAL tapes, earphones, $175. Hi-Way Choose V J P MICHIGAN? 7c™ Trom DISCOUNT, 2615 East Motel, U.S. 27 (North), Room 1, small car trade. Phone 393-7020 OKEMOS - BY OWNER near MSU, Car Pool jewilRY and ' t;N 'ams, $85/month including Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. weekdays. 5-10-18 days. 669-3780 evenings. 3 bedroom brick ranch, family Lamberts ■op C-6-10-18 4-10-18 311 South Washington BjL.[0 m ^ 8f,er 6' 332'59°6- SKIIS OLIN MK IV, 2 pair. 170cm, AMERICAN EAGLE 1973 room, fireplace, full basement, assume 7% mortgage, 3514122, Driving Lansing IV5-9818 Eiui YARD SALE. Friday and Saturday, $125.180cm with Salomon 555. - evenings, x-5-10-23 tel si tAmLEJREFERRED7own October 18-19.. 12-6 pm. 952 $200. 355-7216. X-3-10-18 completely furnished. Financing available. $3700. Negotiable. FROM Logan and Oakland to Titinn «.,!■" house' Wo°1land Lantern Hill. 2-10-18 Photography pig, 8824818.3-10-21 PLASTIC INSULATION corrugated sheets for windows, 6634135. 6-10-23 rMiB Audiology 81 Speech Clinic. Leaving 8:30am, returning 5 pm 13", C-78 SNOW tires, like new. daily. 353-8780.3-10-18 ft FEmale needed. 4 bedroom BRIDES IT!!' » °wn 5-10-23 room, $70 Phone 393-8057. 2-10-18 doors, doghouses, garage, attics-anywhere to stop the cold! 45"x84"x1/8" thick. Frost | Lost & Found ||51 SKIERS UTAH package Christmas and spring. Call your East Lansing Ski Center $299, FROM FLINT am, to MSU. Leaving 10 returning, must be back by We have a Gift for you RCA COLOR TV. Console. 21". color. $2.50/each. Call FIND SOMETHING TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. 4:30 pm. 653-0778, 9-10-pm. call us Good condition. $150. 882-2555.10-10-25 If you've found a pet or article of 361-8800. 0-5-10-18 3-10-18 CAMPUS WEDDING 356-0736. 3-10-21 value, we want to help you PHOTOGRAPHY DINING SET. Drop-leaf cherry SCOTT STEREO receiver, $136. return it. Just come to the State IF YOU like great care, check the *8*5253 wood, 6 chairs, 3 inset leafs. Ampax stereo recorder. News Classified Department and "SERVICES" in todey's Large oak desk. Call after 4 pm, Magnecord professional tell us you want to place an ad Classified Ads. 351-6833. 5-10-18 recorder. 332-8050, evenings. in EAST LANSING STATE TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, Tux Rentals 3-10-18 BANK'S Found Column. As oiled, and adjusted. Portables FROM TOWAR Gardens to MSU. a public service EAST LANSING APPLES - GOLDEN Knob Orchard. $7.50, manuals, $10, electric Leaving 8:30am, returning 5:30 Pick your ownl 8:30 am-6pm. RAILROAD TIES, $5.50 - $7.00. STATE BANK will run the ad at $12.50. One day service, free pm. 337-0257 evenings. 3-10-21 Jaeobson's WE HAVE no cost to youl 651-5435,651-5430. 3-10-18 Like new, pick your own. Call pick up and delivery. 25 years An outstanding selection EAST LANSING Your Tux, Sir. PETERSON WOOD CHIPS, experience. 393-9774. 4-10-18 0/ gowns, from 3 TALK-A-PHONE intercom set. 882-2555. Delivery extra. STATE BANK Car Pool traditional to avante garde. ♦Latest in Fashion C-10-31 6-10-18 HIGHLAND HILLS - Christmas ♦Trained Consultants 6" capacity. $200. S stage sections Seven of office parties & Reserve wedding receptions. Hiding ^ ♦"New" Playboy Products partition^frosted glass tops, TEAC A4010-SL reel-to-reel tape FOUND: FIXED male tlgr kitten. your date now. deck, excellent, $300. Sansui West Holmes Hall area. Friendly, 6699873. 20-10-23 steal bottoms, $250. Phone SP-2600 speakers, 80 watt, trained. 363-6306. C-3-10-24 393-7020 days. 6693780, FROM MSU to Flint. Leaving every Help the fall and evenings. 4-10-18 excellent, $250. Kenwood MSU COMMUNTIY Coop Nursery Wednesday 3 pm. Call winter bride. Advertise KH-71 stereo headphones, $20. has openings for 3 and 4 year 1-313-233-4327. 3-10-21 Ross-050 transceivers, 6 watt, 6 LOST, BETWEEN Mayo, Anthony olds for fall. For more in the wedding column AM/FM stereo radio, $40. 10 gallor 109. Charm Inscribed. Bernard aquarium, sat up $30 channel, 20 mile range, never information, Peggy Shook, Whether you've found something or - L. Goodman, UofM, 1951. Complete Wilson (jolf club sat, sued. $180. 349-4727, after 6 351-0109 or Kerry Chartkoff, not. it's fun to reed the "LOST Marge. 355-825$ 1100 East Grand River 3bl-8650 Reward. 365-0403. 3-10-22 $00. 361-2641 5-10-18 pm. 5-10 18 337-9511.10-10-26 81 c0UND." !urn tfrc Friday, October Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 18,1974]^ Veterinarian By DENISE CRITTENDON be trouble." warns of toxic miniature plnetree are all toxic. garden plants horses or cattle feed on the nonconsumable leaves of blurt >, State News Staff Writer Newman, who teaches a course on toxic plants, said poisonous "Just a handfUl of Japanese Yew needles will kill a horse," he or wild cherry trees. chert>' In an instance occurring this year in northern plants are so common, an individual said. Michigan t Beware: that dainty little row of flowers decorating your front can pass as many as 25 cattle died after eating a plant known as brakenfern. lawn just might be a trimming of poison. during a mile • long campus walk. In addition, Newman said, certain edible plants are only safe which Is a common fern In many pastures, causes Brackenfe^ for consumption under certain conditions. Elderberries are Contrary to popular opinion, poisonous plants are not a rarity There ire more than 15,000 Americans, mostly children, excellent for jam or wine when ripe, but green berries can be syndrome In cattle. m"rrhage and in many cases they have been classified as popular garden poisoned by plants each year, he said. Over 100 of these Incidents Since this year has been very dry, less livestock feeH fatal, he added. The hollow stems of elderberries, sometimes used plants, Louis Newman, an MSU veterinarian, said. result in death. available, Newman said. As a result, farmers not aware of V "Most plants are only poisonous if consumed," Newman said. as pea shooters by children, also contain poisons. Newman explained that many of these poisonous plants are danger involved may feed the animals bush trimmings in "However, if you burn poison ivy and inhale the fumes there could Though peaches are edible, their pits contain a deadly poison to economize. m effort often very pretty and may even be used as traditional symbols of called cyanide, Newman said. special occasions. For example, he said the mistletoe, the He further explained that farm livestock are often victims of Those green bushes look real good, so they may figure if th„, feedn inhe livestock that, they will not have to feed poinsettia and the Japanese Yew, a small yard plant resembling a plant poisoning. Many of these cases occur when a grazing herd of them hay he said. If animals are allowed to graze where toxic week killers hit been sprayed, they may be poisoned, Newman said. Certain unpalatable, nontoxic weeds may become deadly and«t Energy the same time tasty to animals after treatment with 2,4 d usage . common herbicide. The chemical increases the nitrate content of weeds, making them a potential danger to livestock. You are cordially invited to The 1 East Lansing String attend open rush of Little Sisters of Orchestra will not meet on Monday WASHINGTON (AP) - A Sharply questioning many use more electricity. or more of these sources would Alpha Kappa Psi at 7 p.m. Sunday night but will continue on Oct. 2ft, at 123 Louis St. For rides, call the because of Mr. Verdehr's violin $4 million Ford Foundation present or contemplated • A shift of federal research be needed unless the nation house. recital. chooses a zero energy growth study said Thursday that the government policies, the money, now mainly invested in The Women's Media Collective, Second Clue for Homecoming nation should cut the growth project's final report urged a energy production, toward policy, the report said. sponsor of "Woman's Voice," a contest: the shoes will be easier to of energy demand in half and large shift in emphasis and energy conservation The study stopped short of weekly radio show, will be holding find if you take the Tinman along. could, if necessary, achieve funding from programs to technology. recommending zero energy weekly meetings from 9:30 to zero energy growth after 1985. develop huge new energy Such steps, the study said, growth, but did urge further 11:30 a.m. Mondays at the Women, are you confused about Such cuts can be made sources toward programs to cut could lower the nation's energy study of the idea "as an Women's Center in the Union. your sexual identity? Lesbian Anyone interested in joining counselors are available 5 to 7 p.m. through improved efficiency energy growth. • consuming growth rate from undertaking of the highest io attend. Mondays at S47V4 E. Grand River without sacrificing economic, It proposed four main around 4 per cent to about 2 priority." Ave. to help you answer questions. growth, the final report of the energy - saving steps: per cent. The congressional candidate of foundation's • the Socialist Labor party (SLP) will The African Studies Center is Energy Policy Mandatory minimum The slower growing energy be on the first floor of the Union at sponsoring a one • day symposium Project said. standards for automobile fuel needs then could be met, the the literature table at 10 a.m. on African development Monday at Short - range issues such as economy. study said, without immediate Monday to answer any questions Kellogg Center. Three addresses on President Ford's policy to • A federal loan emphasis on "four troublesome program you might have about the SLP's Tanzania, Nigeria and U.S. policy in reduce oil consumption one program. Africa are scheduled. helping home owners and small energy sources... oil imports, million barrels a day by businessmen to finance nuclear power, the Rocky There will be a meeting of the Lansing area lesbians sponsor voluntary conservation were insulation and other energy - Mountain coal and oil shale MSU Ski Team at 7 p.m. Monday in Night" at 9 p.m. Saturday. not considered in this study. and "Game saving improvements. drilling in the Gulf of 218 Men's Intramural Bldg. for the Bring your favorite board games, But project director S. David • Changes in electricity rates Alaska and off the East and election of officers' and other cards and guitars to 547V4 E. Grand Freeman told reporters he to end the special discounts West coasts." business. River Ave. All lesbians welcome. considered the present that encourage industries to Beyond 1985, however, one There will be a meeting of the The Word of God is the will of administration policy "grossly Biological Honorary, Beta Beta God. Come enjoy a family inadequate." Beta, at 7:30 p.m. Monday in 341 fellowship at 6:45 p.m. on Sunday "I have very little Natural Science Bldg. Programs for at 514 Spartan Ave. "I am come the year will be discussed. that they might have life more confidence this will produce Refreshments will be served. abundantly." much in the way of results," he Refresher said. "We ought to try to cut A volunteer training session for How is the New Testament one million barrels per day interviewers interested in a pretrial written in our hearts or minds and release alternative to bond money what does it mean that the Messiah forthwith ... we ought to be will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday at fulfilled the law and the prophecy? building up stockpiles." the Edgewood United Church, 469 Find out 8:30 p.m. Thursday and 3 If the nation is serious about N. Hagadorn Road. p.m. Sunday in 34 Union. saving fuel immediately, There will be open badminton All interested students* and Freeman said, it will have to from 7 to 10 tonight in the upper adopt some kind of fuel course. faculty are invited to the first gym of the Women's IM Building. Russian folk dance group rehearsal rationing. He favored coupon Today is the last day for entries of at 2 p.m. Saturday in 34 Women's the mixed doubles badminton IM Bldg. rationing, saying that energy tournament, which begins tonight taxes or price hikes are unfair, meet u» under the parachutes and is open to all students and hurting the poor more than the faculty members. More IWH on Page 15 rich. WEDGE and CREPE Roots would like The right combination for comfortable walking. your next walk to class to be a part of your education. We'd like you to learn a little lowest part of the shoe. You about your feet-why they immediately stand straighter. work as they do, and why they And when you walk, you use don't always work as they leg muscles you probably should. Did you know, for ex¬ haven't used for years. All of ample, that if instead of bang¬ this takes the load off other . ing your soles about on cam¬ parts of your body, parts which all too often get overworked Notables pus concrete, you were to go strolling barefoot on a beach, from incorrect posture. Navy or Antique Tan Sizes 5 to II N.&M: two things would result. First, If you're wondering whether all your grades would drop. Secondly, your heel would this can happen in good- looking well-made footwear, \hepards Jh