Ford disreg advice to dump nominee WASHINGTON (AP) - President Ford "Everything that's come out about Nelson indicates some conservative Republicans Rockefeller has been open." have urged him to abandon vice president Saying that vice presidential nominees designate Nelson A. Rockefeller, but he now must meet "a pretty stringent does not take the advice seriously. standard," Ford declared: "One can't help "I'm still convinced he would make but wonder how many a people on either goodI vice president," Ford told five (continued on page 13) reporters during an unusual mini • news conference aboard Air Force One late Saturday night. Ford and Press Secretary Ron Nessen, who met the newsmen in shortsleeves during a flight here from a campaign stop Poll pred in Louisville, Ky., asked that accounts of the meeting be withheld from publication and broadcast until Sunday night. The President, relaxed and occasionally Levin v puffing on a pipe, but ignoring a highball SN photo/Charlie Kidd he placed on a table, made these other WATER THEY THINK OF NEXT Two unidentified men enjoy their breakfast with the ducks on - the Red Cedar River Friday Though a.m. some students did see the display, most were still asleep at 8 points during the 25 - minute session: • He would be "delighted" to make if vote morning even though the temperatures are anything but comfortable. public any taped conversations with resigned President Richard Nixon if the DETROIT (UPI) — The second Detroit special prosecutor's office has no News gubernatorial poll shows the close objection. Nixon's taping system was race getting tighter and predicts that trustees scrapped months before Ford became vice reject statement on hiring Democrat Sander Levin would win if there president, however, and there is no is an exceptionally high voter turnout. indication such tapes exist. • The President The first News poll published two hopes he has laid to rest the Nixon pardon issue, weeks ago showed Milliken saying of a House leading his Judiciary subcommittee before which he Democratic rival by five percentage points, )f handicappers, seek more input testified Thursday, "I don't know what more they would want to know.' • Ford said he has told staff that he plans cabinet no one on his but in its most recent said Levin has taken the GOP incumbent. a survey, the News 2 per cent edge over changes, but he The copyrighted survey conducted by By PETE DALY Trustees Warren Huff, D - Plymouth, from handicapped actually sidestepped an opportunity to deny that Market Opinion Research showed Levin persons. consulting the handicapped," State News Staff Writer remarked that the statement, in the Robert any changes are in the works. Perrin, vice president for Carrigan said. • with 45 per cent of the voters' backing He is encouraged by his campaign I Demanding more meaningful input works since July, seemed to be "slightly University relations, said the statement Administration officials said the policy against 43 per cent who indicated they travels, saying "If I don't do anything and ton) handicapped students, the board of degrading" to handicapped people. had been submitted to handicapped statement was the first stage of affirmative we lose, would cast their votes for Milliken. "It looks like we're just trying to help Republicans in the House would nsttes has rejected an MSU policy for their review. action for Those voters listed as most "likely" to persons hiring handicapped persons. The say, 'He didn't even try.' At least 1 tried, |atement regarding the hiring of the handicapped, but we are actually "Perhaps the language may not be ?s second r.U'^e, the> said, would be a survey and if the results are better than the polls participate in the election, however, gave appers. trying to help the University through the enthusiastic as we feel, but it is carefully of MSU offices to determine who the say —He did not finish the sentence but Milliken a 47 ■ to - 41 per cent edge over IIV board called the statement "weak" excellent capabilities of the handicapped," written out to say what it is supposed to handicapped persons are, how they are clearly felt such an outcome would help Levin, the poll said. Huff said. say at this point," Perrin said. him. TTie News concluded pi "degrading" at its monthly meeting handicapped and what jobs they have. • Ford defended his refusal to intervene the battle for iv and asked MSU administrators to Trustee Pat Carrigan, D - Ann Arbor, "It is totally incomprehensible to me The University's action is in response to governor may be decided entirely by how in the Boston school desegregation n{ back a more definitive statement in said the statement appeared "weak," and that a committee could work on a the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, many voters turn out Nov. 5. situation, and said of the long • range The likely voters, who represent 69 asked if the administration used any input handicapped program since July without which requires recipients of federal funds answer to such problems, "That's for per the cent of the voters surveyed in the to hire qualified handicapped people. poll, will judge to decide." The statement issued by the When asked if any conservative probably be the deciding factor in the U' picks new administration for board approval read: "As an equal opportunity employer, MSU recognizes its responsibility to encourage Republicans had asked him to withdraw the Rockefeller replied, "I nomination, which has become increasingly controversial. Ford wouldn't election, the News said. One key factor which helped push Levin forward in the race, the News was a split in the said, the employment of handicapped persons say anybody traditionally Republican consistent with their abilities to meet the seriously." areas outside the Detroit area. By GARY HOFFMAN State News Staff Writer through." at an unspecified date in the near future. requirements of the job to be performed. At another point he said he expected Voters in the outstate areas preferred An ombudsman is that person who Stieber, who dislikes bureaucratic Rockefeller's nomination to be confirmed L«vin and Milliken equally, | Students have a new ally to cajole takes on the battles of individuals against injustices, said she refuses to take the fol - In order to facilitate such efforts, MSU prior to Ford's planned trip to Japan next according to sing grades out of cranky professors will, when feasible, provide such services the poll. the bureaucratic Goliaths of modern ups of big organizations lying down, month. The President id to harass slow presumably spoke Another important factor lies in some • moving University society. At MSU he or she fights student witness the Michigan Bell incident. as job counseling, on - the - job training without thinking since he is Jmaucrats. for the employe, supervisor awareness tentatively 12 per cent of the core Republicans who ■ That battles with grades, student loans, housing Yet the problems of students are -in scheduled to leave for Tokyo on Nov. 17 ally is Carolyn Stieber, named contracts and numerous other hangups. some training and removal of barriers. and Congress will not return indicated they would vote for Levin university ombudsman Friday by the ways greater than those of from its Stieber says she is ready to take up individuals up against the government or "Existing administrative units are election recess until the following day. against 15 per cent of the core Democrats JSL'Board of Trustees. those battles, and start nagging those MSU big business, shje said. charged with responsibility for Responding to who said they would back Milliken. ■ Only a few a question, Ford said he days earlier she bureaucracies that befuddle the unwary "Students the sheer substance of the saw no connection between Rockefeller's The final key to the race, the News Tfmonstrated the are coordinating the implementation of this tenacity needed to fight student. University, but student doesn't have difficulties and what a newsman termed said, is held by ticket splitters who have students' rights when she called a policy. . A member of the State News Board of time to spend a year pushing a piece of "the post - Watergate morality." not yet made up their minds about the ichigan Bell management to complain for a full Directors, Stieber succeeds James Rust, paper through the labyrinth," Stieber (continued from page 13) "Watergate was a coverup," Ford said. candidates. day she got only a recording who became the first MSU ombudsman in N she dialed 411. explained. 1967. Stieber has handled student grievances rMy family can testify to the fact that Rust will retire Sept. 1, 1975, but as chairman of the Political Science Dept. T re% good I *st. professor of at nagging," said Stieber, political science. Steiber will take his place as ombudsman "You have to be persistent and follow faculty ■ student judiciary and as member of the University antidiscrimination board. Most of the cases before the Secret ingredients in beer, wine antidiscrimination board were not the expected grievance about race or sex, but concerned the hair length of men. "The Athletic Dept. was hung up about hair length several years ago," she said. enough to turn drinker's stomach "We could understand why wrestlers had By STEVEORR to have short hair, but many of the cases State News Staff Writer involved water boys and people like that." Next time you sit down to a glass of Stieber smiled each time she recalled your favorite frothy brew or sparkling how a student won a particular battle wine, you may be getting some against the University. ethylenediamine - tetraacetic acid, As she is feel University ombudsman, Stieber said prepared to listen to students who they have been unfairly treated, takamine cellulose 4,000, urea, oak chips, eggs or genuine Wyoming clay in the CONTENT ONE bargain. whether they can point to a specific These are just a few of the secret violation of University regulations or not. ingredients that federal law allows to be "It does not have to grievance," she said "I think general be a formal added to beer, wine and other spirits. While most people assume the head on - URAL INGREDIENT complaints about unfairness are their beer or the clarity of their wine is a appropriate." natural phenomenon, this is not the case. But the ombudsman's power to resolve For years, some manufacturers have used grievances is limited, and students may various food and chemical additives to do become frustrated when they do not get the jobs nature once performed. the results they expected, Stieber said. At the present time, there is no law "There will still be some frutstration requiring manufacturers of alcoholic because I will not have the power to give beverages to list their ingredients. anybody an order to satisfy a student's A public hearing on the question was demand. scheduled for this fall, but sources in "In order to be effective I am going to Washington say pressure on the part of have to be persuasive, she said. "I won't be legislators backing the alcohol industry ordering anybody around." caused postponement of the hearing until Stieber predicted that complaints about February. In any case, implementation of grades will involve the greatest student the law would not come for several years. disappointment. An ombudsman can "I do not see what benefits the persuade but cannot order a professor to consumer would derive by having brewers change a student's grade. list all their ingredients," Thierry "Grades are a touchy issue," she said. McCormick, vice president of public "Sometimes you can get the instructor to relations at Meister Brau Brewery, was take another look, but we aren't going to quoted to have said in a pamphlet on be able to start changing grades on our additives in alcholic beverages. own." "It would be a strange univeristy that Jeffiy Coors, director of research and did not give departments and universities development at Adolph Coors Brewery, the power to dictate grades." (continued on page 13) CAROLYN STIEBER I Monday, October 21 1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan I9?J Mexican leader Ford today; oilto dea/s| From Wire Service United States since he became exaggerated in what he called international maneuver I NOGALES, Mexico-When President in August. an get his government to sell oiul SI today's meeting between the At a press conference Simon urges oil use cutback presidents of Mexico and the United States was arranged last Tuesday, confirmed Mexican the officials discovery of He considers the Treasury Secretary William E. Simon said Sunday month, Luis Echeverria had important oil deposits in the f^l that American consumers have three to four months to little to offer President Ford In southeast. Though they refused worker program vitiit.l exchange for U.S. concessions to estimate the size of the important. A farm laborer whll demonstrate that they are willing to conserve energy finds work north of the except Mexican goodwill. reserves, they expressed border I voluntarily. Now the situation has support for the Organization of often can earn as much i„,| If they do not heed the pleas from the White House changed. Echeverria carries oil Petroleum Exporting Countries day as he might in Mexican farm. a monthoj to reduce fuel usage, "The Ford Administration is and copper into the meeting as and promised to follow its a million Mexicans are Ahm* ,1 prepared to achieve our target" of reducing total bargaining tools, and the price policies. deported I petroleum usage by one million barrels a day, he said. outlook is brighter for the four Echeverria has made clear every year for crossing Zt main concessions he seeks. that oil will be discussed but border illegally. ■ The United States currently imports about six million Two of the four deal with that no deals will be made that Trade is also a verv| barrels of oil per day. President Ford said two weeks ago Mexicans who go north to could boomerang on Mexico. important item list in the third on BchevaiS I that he wanted to cut national oil consumption down to work. Echeverria wants to "Let it be known well," meeting of the I five million barrels per day. convince Ford to allow a fixed Echeverria said Saturday, that neighboring countries'! Simon said that if Americans do not cut back oil number of farm workers into he will make "no concession presidents in 138 Mexico's trade deficit is yeU5,l consumption, the administration would most likely the United States each year that Mexico might repent from heavy | return to the fuel allocation program that was in effect and to get assurances that Mexicans who are arrested later. There will be no even when taking into $300 million or so spent in| account I mortgage on our future." during the five - month Arab oil embargo against the after sneaking across the However, officials made it Mexico by American tourisUI United States. border will be given fair plain that the United States and salaries paid by American.| treatment under the U.S. was not interested in any owned manufacturing plants in I Constitution. agreement for Mexican oil Mexico. 1 Happy making quick recovery He also wants to sell more exports at this time. It was Oil and copper sales couldl goods to the United States to understood that this country help offset that, as couldl Happy Rockefeller, recovering from breast cancer help balance Mexico's trade would wait for Mexico to increased sales of Mexican! deficit and to get American establish her own export and surgery at Memorial Hospital in New York, was reported fruits and vegetables. Because! support, or at least to remove trade policies before making in excellent condition again Sunday after a good night's American opposition, to his any move for an American - of its climate, Mexico is in ideal position to export mml u| sleep. proposal for a United Nations Mexican agreement. Rather, "She now has a minimum of pain and her physical charter on economic rights and the U.S. interest is that Mexico fruits and vegetables competes with Florida growers,! but| progress is most satisfactory," said a spokesman for the duties of nations. be able to mine and market the When Echeverria met! hospital, where the wife of vice president designate The smuggling of drugs oil internationally as soon as President Nixon in Washington! across the Mexican border has Nelson A. Rockefeller was operated on Thursday. possible to offer more in June 1972, he urged the also been an increasing competition with Middle East United States to relax some of problem for the United States. countries. its nontariff barriers, which' Daley friend's house bombed AP Wirephoto Use of border patrols and the Echeverria said the size of were tampering Mexican A bomb exploded Sunday morning behind the home A Bangladesh mother holds her starving child while she waits for food in a cooperation that has existed Mexico's new oil finds has been agricultural reports. of George Dunne, president of the Cook County Board relief camp in Dacca, Bangladesh. The camps were recently set up to feed between American and landless peasants who have migrated to the capital in search of food. Mexican officials to date has and a close associate of Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley, Chicago police officials said. failed to stop the traffic. The U.S. government is reported to be promoting a possible new Defense to get turn No injuries were reported and authorities ruled out the possibility of an assassination attempt. The explosion caused considerable damage to the back of Dunne's building on Chicago's posh Near North Starving refugees held arrangement under which the Mexican government would take new steps to control the in coverup trial soorj flow of drugs from inside WASHINGTON (AP) story of Watergate through Uu Side, and shattered windows throughout the block. But police had no immediate estimate of the damage. Dunne, who was sleeping, said he was not frightened by police in Bangladesh Mexico. The Mexican president considers himself a friendly but firm and independent Defense lawyers get their chance to attack the testimony of former White House Counsel John W. Dean III at the coverup trial despite Preside! Ford's pardon of form President Nixon. It would come out throi, by the blast. DACCA, Bangladesh (AP) - The policeman and nutritious rice broth, but because rice neighbor. But it is clear that he Watergate coverup trial this the White House tapes, he sat standing guard at the camp entrance has a single stocks are exhausted, the daily diet usually is plans to use, as best he can for week. Jaworski said he I Inflation cited as worst problem mission: to make sure none of the starving, limited to a few hard chapatis, or wheat bargaining, the major mineral The prosecutors expect to agreement with President Ft emaciated refugees get out to spark food riots pancakes. finds announced last week by No single issue since World War II has dominated on Dacca's streets. Much of the summer crop was destroyed by Horacio Flores de la Pena, his conclude their questioning of that none of the tapes o( Americans' thinking as inflation does today - and "With those guards making sure they do not floods. Large stocks of grain that went nationalistic minister of Dean today or Tuesday at the documents would be sent t(| latest. Then it will be the California as originally at Democrats are viewed as most likely to solve such leave, I have to say it, but you almost have to harvested were smuggled across the border to national properties. make the analogy to the World War II India, according to government officials and defense's turn to cross - by the White House and til national problems, t^ie Gallup Poll shows. Flores de la Pena will be concentration camps,* one foreign diplomat other Authoritative sources. Echeverria's official examine. former president. In the latest survey, 81 per -cent of those questioned said. The Bangladesh government has arranged to among Early in his testimony, DWn party at talks in Nogales, Ariz., Jaworski, interviewed on ^ cited the high cost of living as the nation's number one The refugees, mostly women and children, import emergency food shipments, including across the border from this corrected an error that caused NBC program 150,000 tons provided by the U.S. government. him trouble when he was a problem. „ have been streaming into the Bangladesh capital town, and in Magdelana de Press," did not say how la Much of the food aid will not arrive for another witness before the Senate The poll also noted that the Democrats have their by the hundreds this month in search of food. Kino, 50 miles south. It is his agreement for custody ol They are victims of the most severe famine month, however, by which time it is feared Watergate committee. the Nixon tapes aol widest lead since 1945 as the party viewed as most Ford's first visit outside the At the committee hearing in to strike the Indian subcontinent in at least hundreds of thousands will have starved. documents would remain capable of handling the nation's problems. three decades. They have come to Dacca by The three Dacca camps are set up in an June 1973, Dean told of force. The survey showed 63 per cent favoring Democrats as boat, by train and on foot. As they reach the abandoned industrial estate and in a high school meeting with Herbert W. He implied, however, tt better able to handle the nation's problems and 37 per train or boat terminal or are found lying along and college closed indefinitely because of the Kalmbach, then President cent favoring Republicans. the pavements of the city, they are herded by a famine. Each has a population of 3,000, and Diplomat finds Nixon's lawyer and fundraiser, the period would be length; "I would like to see all tbl police into these camps, known as "gruel the number is growing by at least 200 daily. at the Mayflower Hotel in tape recordings made publiJ kitchens." Inmates still strong enough to talk tell arrival soured Washington. They discussed during the trial, and I thin| National guard stays on alert The government has set up 4,500 such similar stories of their exodus to Dacca. the need to raise money for the you will see all the tr throughout the Florida - sized country, Seated on a straw mat with his wife and Watergate break • in camps recordings made public durinl The Massachusetts National Guard remained on ostensibly to provide emergency relief for some of the than 5 million who face starvation three children, Samezuddin Sheik, a peasant Jamalpur subdivision in Mymensingh by wrong song defendants. Dean gave the committee a the trial," he said. standby alert Sunday, as Boston schools prepared for more from their sixth full week under a court - ordered integration among the country's 77 million people. The district, about 90 miles to the north, said: detailed account of their The trial is expected tj three gruel kitchens in Dacca have become, in "We had no food. We came to Dacca last FLORIANAPOLIS, Brazil conversation but gave the continue at least thron plan. fact, internment camps whose inmates are week by boat. Then we were brought to this (UPI) - As Gunther Severin, wrong hotel at which it January. Gov. Francis W. Sargent ordered the guardsmen on East Germany's ambassador to occurred. Moreover, Jaworski a slowly dying. place. We are dying without enough food. We standby during a troubled day Tuesday. The schools The government placed armed guards at the want to leave, but we can't because of the Brazil, arrived in this resort Dean actually had met "If all 64 recordings are were relatively quiet and attendance rose during the rest camps to keep those inside from roaming the guards." city, a band struck up West Kalmbach at the Mayflower used, I'd like them to c< of the week. capital's streets and causing social unrest. The first thing that hits a visitor to the camp Germany's national anthem. Coffee Shop in Hie Statler out." Some diplomats offered what they said were at Khilgaon High School in northeast Dacca is It was only after Severin Hilton Hotel. He was then asked if tin President Ford, meanwhile, praised Sargent's action listened passively and conservative guesses that a million Bengalis the stench of human excrement. When he described that was a danger that the ti and defended his own refusal to send federal troops to diplomatically as the military would be shipped to Nixooi would die of starvation or related diseases, Supervisors put handkerchiefs over their meeting at the coverup trial, he Boston. He said he did not think sending in the82nd based on reports reaching Dacca from the faces when the odor becomes overpowering. police band played the wrong gave the correct location. California, thus frustrating top Airborne Division would have done any good. government and volunteer organizations. This The only effective sanitation is lye thrown anthem, that he informed his Meanwhile, Special publicity, and replied: will be within six weeks, they said, before the along the corridors and into classrooms that host, Gov. Columbo Sales of Watergate Prosecutor Leon "I have an agreement th have become temporary resting places for 1,000 Santa Catarina State, of the Jaworski said Sunday that the nothing will be sent, whet" autumn food crop is harvested. The kitchens were supposed to offer rich persons. mistake. public will learn the whole it's tapes or documents.' I The State News Is published by the students of Michigan State University every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring open thursday and friday nights until nine. school terms, Mondays, Wednesday, anct Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition is published In September. Subscription rate is $20 per year. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and business offices at 346 Student Services Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER ROBERT L. BULLARO, SALES MANAGER SALE PHONES Swiss vote to keep foreigners News/Editorial Classified Ads Display Advertising 355-8252 355-8255 355-6400 3 days only Swiss voters, concerned about their Business Office 355-3447 Alpine nation's Photographic 355-8311 economy and humanitarian image, voted 2-1 this Back-zip Nylon Turtleneck weekend against a proposal that would have kicked out 540,000 foreigners. Officials in Bern, the capital, announced that voters Now $6 in 17 cantons had rejected the proposal, killing it regardless of the national popular vote. Under Swiss law, a constitutional amendment must thru Wednesday, October 23 be accepted by a nationwide popular majority as well as enjoy significant savings on by a majority in most of the cantons. If either condition fails, the proposal is rejected. these wardrobe basics in a It was the second law against foreigners turned down in four years. wide color selection. . .from India may get U.S. grain aid 10 • SPEEDS the lightest neutral to the India may get U.S. grain soon under a new Food for Quality Brands lushest dark in S,M,L sizes. Peace agreement, the first such aid in more than three Best values LITTLE SEPARATES - STREET FLOOR years, but government officials say they cannot estimate how much. 1 YEAR TO PAY Andrew J. Mair, coordinator of Food for Peace in the State Dept., said he was sure an agreement with India was in the offing. "The question is a figure of how much we'll supply," Mair said Sunday. "To be honest, I don't know what velocipede that might be." India has not received Food for Peace aid since before its war with Pakistan almost three years ago. The last Jacoteori0 agreement expired June 30, 1971. It includtd 1.5 million metric tons of wheat worth $98.7 million. n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 21, 1974 3 OLD-FASHIONED DAIRY P Cheese store features homemade treats By MARY KAY WERY TT»e men experimented together with some of Hedrick's ideas to the MSU cheese store in Anthony Hall and youH I SleE "k to the good ole days of homemade dairy products. V .«.nv Will remember the days only a decade ago when the caraway'chees ^ deVeloped smoked cheese, dagano and improved 1 Bu' , pjted in a much larger room on the first floor. They Kondrup added gouda, edam, samso and brick cheeses to the |S inventory from his own previous experience. from the campus Into a "Dairy Queen" atmosphere to During the '50s and '60s, the dairy plant, located in rooms with friends and fellow students over a malt, cone or adjacent to the store, processed an average of 30,000 to 35,000 pounds of milk per day, five days a week. This was then used to ^Tfewoldtlmers may even recall the first store of the early make ice cream and cheese in addition to the fluid milk products. which evolved out of dairy product processing classes of On campus only ■ ilfndoir Hedrick, professor of food science and human By agreement with local dairies, MSU's dairy did not sell to local stores or have retail routes lutrition said this early store sold butter, milk and a little ice on camjxis, off campus. It sold to customers dormitory services, campus vending machines and to Operation grows customers on the married housing routes, Hedrick said. The dairy store, I1 rhefse making grew after Hedrick was placed in charge of the during those years, was still located in , in 1956. Anthony Hall, but in a much larger room with tables and chairs at which to relax while r'"Peoplf fr°m thr camPus had visited Eur°Pe md commented eating the homemade products. I _,,at variety of fine cheese over there," Hedrick said, Hedrick said that in this respect the store was "More . like a Dairy Queen" at that time. y thought it would be nice to have some good cheeses here, It also sold carry - out products, however, such as butter, milk, airjck thus arranged for an experienced cheesemaker, Erland cheese, ice cream, dry milk and two novelty items. Benton Meeks, an to MSU from Denmark, a country known for idrup, to come Novelty items employee of the MSU "Frumil" (fruit and milk) was a very popular gelatin • type Dairy, samples some of dairy product, containing pieces of fruit. The store also sold the delicious produce iMlLMbAN frozen whipped cream three years before similar products, like from a small container ■2»j Cool Whip, were marketed commercially. that one of the other 1 CTATC During this prosperous period the dairy plant and store workers gave him. u 1H1 xJ employed 24 fulltime workers and 25 to 30 part - time students per term. Besides making excellent ice cream, the HbIM si Training, experience dairy also makes "The MSU dairy and store have always existed for two main several fine cheeses. reasons," Hedrick said. "One is to provide training for students SN photos/John Russell and the other is to provide facilities for experimental purposes." 10BB Though the operation is considerably smaller today, its purposes remain the same. Eleven part - time students work picking up milk, cutting, wrapping, labeling and pricing cheese for sale and working behind the cash register in the store. Natural, unprocessed j The current dairy plant also employs two fulltime people in _i cheese capacities. • making, maintenance and supervisory - research iii Khimji Nakrani, a dairy technologist and supervisor at the dairy plant, said that all of the cheeses are naturally cured and unprocessed. "That means they are made from natural products and contain no additives," Nakrani explained. He said the plant also makes, on an experimental basis, a J noncholesteiol cheese called rozano, in which butterfat is 3 'Representative' reigns as queen replaced by com oil, as well as a no - salt dagano and no - salt cheddar. Cheese prices J—SB Cheese prices at the store range from $1.07 cooking scraps to $1.20 to $1.25 per pound for the mild cheeses and $1.40 per pound for aged cheddar. Prices arc per pound for slightly higher fades from Homecoming tradition immmrn for half Ja - pound quantities. The 14 varieties of cheese sold at the store include such By PAT NARDI "The main duty of the "That may sound conceited, they chose, Gessner said the representatives is to speak to wtnEur mystical varieties as gouda, tilsiter, trappist, edam, dagano and State News Staff Writer but it was really tough top 10 were finally selected for Smoked versions of cheddar and dagano as well as a A stereotyped beauty queen the alumni. They will tell them selection process. We were not samso. poise, personality, appearance chocolate cheese confection are also available. and her lovely court will not what students are doing and and judged on beauty. They were intelligence. She said Just last winter, the dairy plant began reign Homecoming communicate to them how more concerned with speaking producing ice cream over judges included people from (JTflTr once again in chocolate and vanilla flavors. Prices are $1 per half festivities at MSU this they feel," Gessner said. ability and intelligence." ASMSU, Residence Halls Assn. L.l weekend. Gessner admitted her Lillis, who is also the gallon, 66 cents per quart and 12 cents for a 3'^-ounce Dixie cup. (RHA), professors, students, 1 U The queen will not be committee is also trying to president of the Wilson Hall graduate advisers and resident .IkIm a queen. She will be a think up other things for Student Assn., said he was assistants. Homemade taste "Homemade ice like this "Homecoming representative" representatives to do. shocked when he found out he cream just can't be compared to the The change in terminology store and will wear neither crown was in contention for Homecoming representative • bought kind," one customer said as she waited in the long from nor robe. ''queen'' to Homecoming representative. Bonnie Farrell said: "I think IjCE CREAM^IWjjf] line for her turn to choose from the cheese display and ice cream freezer. Her court will be her "representative" also allowed "I didn't have the faintest it's a great feeling to be known "associates," and male students to run for that idea that I was nominated until as a person and not an idol. The store's new hours, initiated at the start of fall term, are they, will from 12 to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. also have been chosen more for position and, for the first time real late in the process. But I We're representing the whole their speaking skills than their in MSU history, a male, Charles decided to stick with it because campus, and not just those Marj L. Field, Holt senior and student employe at the store, beauty. Lillis, is part of the court — er, I wanted to be the first to do who have looks, glamor, said, "The lines are shortest on Thursdays and longest on associates. Fridays, probably because the store formerly was open only Indeed, the traditional something, and who could turn beauty and all that." "I think in a way I am kind down the chance to get in with Wednesdays and Fridays." Homecoming queen and court LMTrmmn The easiest way to find the cheese store in Anthony Hall is to have been replaced by a group that sounds more like a student of a token male, but I honestly believe I got there on my all those beautiful women?" Though residence halls, In line with Farrell said she that spirit, and future go in the door on the Farm Lane side, just south of the door with council. ability and personality," said sororities and fraternities could Homecoming representatives the 4-H sign. Once inside, the arrow on the cheese sale sign will Lillis, junior, 616 E. Wilson nominate Homecoming will not wear a crown or a "They will truly be point the way. Hall. candidates for whatever traits robe. representatives of the Group tours through the dairy plant can be arranged by calling students," said Paula Gessner, a Empty ice cream boxes wait to be filled with the 355-8466. A trip to the store and plant offers a brief change of cochairman in charge of the I chocolate and vanilla ice cream made at the dairy. pace from a preprocessed, prepackaged America. Homecoming competition. DEMON open thursday and friday nights until nine. 35 million Americans are affected bv the 349-2698 SALE abnormal drinking of someone close. Are you one? IMPERIAL GARDEN' Think of the person vou're concerned about and answer these Gourmet food from All o< Chliw. Miss J Suede/Leather questions "yes" or "no": |«0 POlynMlwi drink, and Anwrlcwi Food. Hiking Boot SPECIAL LUNCHEON $1.75 (»up, tntTM, tM & cookie) *12 1. Do you worry about how much they drink? FAMILY DINNER <4oourM) FOR TWO $8.00 2. Have you ever been hurt or embarrassed by their behavior (•ach additional dinner $4.50) now through Saturday, October 26. . enjoy substantial when drinking? •CARRY OUT PARTIES WELCOMED^ savings on a sturdy boot that stands up to all kinds 3. Are holidays in your home unpleasant because of their • LUNCHEON COCKTAILS 2060 Grand River, Okemoi of rugged wear, with padded collar and speed-lace drinking? OKtmoi (III 0»f 4. Do you sometimes feel that drinking is more important to up on a surefooted composition lug sole In dark them than you are? brown or navy, sizes 5-10 Medium. 5. Do they get angry if you criticize their drinking or their drinking companions? 6. Have you ever lied for them because of their drinking? BOOKER GAULDEN IF YOU ANSWERED ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS "YES,' THEN YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN WATCHING For . . east lansing DISTRICT 1UDGE Carol Burnett in ~ " ^flllk "OOKKR CAHI.OEN wants to be East Lansing's first elected District Court ludge Dn ' ,ip will work for the following: • A District Court based on justice, not judicial economy. • Evaluation of effective council, whether the attor- n' Yappointed or retained, to ensure the rights "f thr individual are upheld. • Initiate community WITH E G MARSHALL, RENEE TAYLOR, JOE BOLOGNA AND LARRY BLYDEN. ' organization involvement into judicial process and use their expertise to 8»'de the court and the FOLLOWED BY A MID MICHIGAN OUTREACH PROGRAM TO GIVE individual. ' ^option of a Fair-Leasing Program SPECIFIC INFORMATION ON WHERE TO GO FOR HELP. • Make the court schedule and process amenable - people's schedule. mZ!; an,'n« Di"Plc, ,ud(te V^vr^"clVrt' Ro°ker GauMm lfln,in' Mith 48823 351 Jacobean® tonight EAST LANSING I Susan Ager ANTHONY Editor-in-Chief Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R. D. Campbell Managing Editor Rocky questions flying thick G. F. Korreck City Editor Diane Siber Campus Editor Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Pay ton National Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor Monday, October 21, 1974 Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor Editorials are the opinion of the State JudyRypma Copy Chief What did Nelson Rockefeller know News. Columns, viewpoints and letters are Joe Kirby Staff Representative about the hatchet biography of Arthur personal opinions. Goldberg, and when did he know it? On Oct. 10, in a public statement, Rockefeller said his assistant Jack Wells "told me early in the 1970 campaign that EDITORIALS Victor Lasky was working on a biography of Arthur Goldberg. I really didn't pay any attention ..." He added that when the FBI asked him last summer whether he had had any connection with the book, "I Massoglia told them I had heard about it at the time r but knew nothing about its preparation or financing." Then on Oct. 12, in a telegram to Goldberg, Rockefeller said: "It is quite Derwood Boyd, 9th District doing a fine job because "to catch a clear that when the project was brought to big fish you gotta catch the little my attention, I should have immediately Ingham County commissioner, is a taken steps to ones too." see to it that it was representative of specifically stopped." business interests and he isn't And Massoglia would like to see Why should Rockefeller have thought ashamed to say so. He is basing his a womens' commission established of stopping it if he "knew nothing" about re - election campaign on his "roots to investigate charges of any Rockefeller connection with it? And discrimination on the county level. was it a book or a "project" that Wells in the community" and his long mentioned in 1970? history of inaction in county Boyd does not seem to think that If there is nothing to hide, why has government. the issue means much. "As a male Wells been in hiding since the story of the He reminds one of those who chauvinist," he says, "I'm not sure book came out? Will Rockefeller instruct that the women's commission is him to answer questions about the disbelieve in their disease until Rockefeller connection with the book, that important." they're dead. In short, an old dog and make relevant records available to who disagrees violently with new Boyd obviously considers most Congress? WHATEVER ELSE YOU FIND, I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT, OR APOLOGIZE FOR IT!' tricks. Charles Massoglia will be revisions of his own prejudices to Why did Rockefeller's brother Laurance challenging Boyd for his county be unnecessary. "I'm not the type provide $60,000 for the Goldberg book? days of an election, a record of "all to public challenge on an issue of additional compensation. Loans, seat in November. Massoglia is a of commissioner who wants to go Did he really think such a campaign monies or other valuable things" received campaign propriety with openness? especially on favorable terms, would for use in the campaign. Did Nelson There are legal and philosophical almost certainly be considred a "benefit.' out and initiate a lot of new biography would "sell well" and hence quiet man who thinks a lot would be a good "investment," as Rockefeller's filing in 1970 mention the questions to be asked, also, on Ronan was secretary to t; before he answers. And unlike his programs." Rockefeller said on Oct. 10? If so, why books? Rockefeller's gifts and loans. Especially: Rockefeller from 1958 to 1965 a... opponent he considers the job of Perhaps, if Derwood Boyd did he not take a business deduction on Precise questions are necessary because will he provide Congress with precise thereafter became chairman of the county commissioner to be more enjoys county "caretaking" as his loss? Rockefeller's explanations have rather details of his financial arrangements With Metropolitan Transportation Authority. In than that of county caretaker. much he says, he could apply Why the money for the book slipped away at the edges. A masterful William J. Ronan? discussing the $550,000, in has as for was channeled through a Philadelphia law politician, four times governor of New Ronan over the years received loans emphasized that it was converted to a gift He has policy changes in mind. a job at a local park after his He would like to see Metro Squad firm's nominee? Was it to keep the York, asks us to believe he knew nothing totaling $550,000 from Rockefeller. during two weeks last May when ho was deserved failure at the polls this not on the state payroll. But did he receive eventual recipient from knowing the of a project that produced 100,000 books $hortly before he took over last May as funds cut because he doesn't November. source? Would it be impolite to refer to for his campaign. Then he suddenly takes Chairman of the Port Authority of New loans while he was a "public servant '" believe in wasting money on an this process as laundering of the money? "full responsibility" for the book affair — York and New Jersey, that sum was Inadequate pay for public servants is a institution he The State News Was only the Laurance Rockefeller but without producing the witnesses or converted to a gift. Ronan has not given national problem. But is it a wise solution cannot even vigorously $60,000 involved, or was there more? records that would show his role. the dates or terms of the loans, and those to have a governor with a private fortune partially control. Boyd, meanwhile, endorses Charles Massoglia for The Rockefeller campaign received Some will hear echoes of Watergate, for facts could be legally significant. subsidize a select few? What does that do philosophizes that the squad is county commissioner. 100,000 copies of the Goldberg which Richard Nixon after all tried to take Section 200.30 of the New York laws to the 49 other states, and to the general biography. Was the cost, whether covered "responsibility" without disclosure. Of makes it unlawful to "confer any benefit notion embodied in the New York statute by Laurance Rockefeller or others, course the facts are different, but are the on a public servant for having engaged in of public salaries for public rtutic recorded as a campaign contribution? attitudes? Here, a? there, the original fault official conduct which he was required or there a principle here that N Veenstra a Section 322 of the New York Election Law requires a candidate to file, within 20 is less troubling than the way it was handled. Has Nelson Rockefeller reacted authorized to perform, and for which he was not entitled to any special or Rockefeller can define and defend? (C) 1974 New York Times Neither candidate for 6th White, on the other hand, is District county commissioner gung - ho on police funding, never VIEWPOINT: JOB OPPORTUNITY thinks that the holder of the office questioning the effectiveness or is able to accomplish very much of responsiveness of the units receiving earth - shattering importanq$. of And, given their almost total Jack persuasiveness or strength of money. Veenstra admittedly has a sound voting record. White's would almost liberal arts majors personality, they are correct. surely not be as good. Veenstra is and to individually design specific cam r By JOHN K. HUDZIK merely agree with these points disguises boggling number of areas. Yes, we do have Neither John Veenstra, the against the Metro Squad, White for I am concerned that the University the issue with half truths. graduates underemployed, but I dare say oriented course packages to complement Democratic incumbent, nor Charles it. Veenstra is against a cross - Liberal arts majors do find jobs. Studies that every other major does as well. their general liberal studies. community is receiving faulty and highway across the The intent of liberal arts is I White, the Republican who held the campus incomplete information concerning the financed by the College of Social Science No major on campus will guarantee seat from 1969 to 1973 and is southern side of campus, White is relationship between choice of major and education, education for life, about our for it. job opportunity. For example, the Oct. 14 society, its institutions, its problems and, trying again, shows much promise perhaps, some solutions. A job is a job, front page State News article entitled, of effective leadership. But being a commissioner means No major on campus will guarantee anyone a job in a given field. but a mind attuned to the complines of "Job - oriented students abandon liberal If they were both placed on the a lot more than just voting. It Some majors such as medicine may come close... but how about all contemporary life is something else again arts; seek business majors," may lead some Board of Governors of the Universe requires understanding of the to draw the entirely erroneous conclusion those pre - med students who do not get into medical school? and, I think, equally important Students are attracted to the for a two - year term, a plan to community and innovation in that liberal arts majors, including social science majors, do not find jobs. I feel Multidisciplinary Program (MDP) and build a bike path to Venus is the dealing with problems. Veenstra liberal studies, in part because of "public compele'd to set the record straight on this in the last three years find our graduates anyone a job in a given field. Some majors most dynamic move we could and White just don't have what it issues and idealistic concerns," but 1 for issue, as I see it. employed in well over 300 job categories, such as medicine may come close. There expect them to make. takes. I find are few jobless doctors. But how about all one think that is good. Jobs have been myself quoted in the Oct. 14 including classifications such as Veenstra himself admits that a The voters in the 6th District, accountant, assistant director of motion those pre - med students available in the past and are available issue, but I do not recall being interviewed who do not get bike path route plan for Ingham which is a part of Meridian recently by the State News on this topic. pictures, millwright, production manager, into medical school? today for students who study such And if I had been interviewed, I would accounts payable clerk, safety engineer, The College of Social Science is problems. Some students have been County was his single most Township and includes much of the have said something quite different from bank teller, bank manager trainee, dry wall concerned that its graduates obtain good persuaded by the prophets of doom to J important action in his two years East Complex, probably should that reported. finisher, juvenile liaison officer, city jobs. The dean of the college has placed change to nonliberal arts curricula. (In on the board of commissioners. vote for Veenstra in 1971 the MDP had 2,420 not 3,000) No one denies that liberal arts majors planner, V.D. investigator, IRS special great emphasis on career planning, Bike paths are great, but they acknowledgement of his voting have greater difficulty than some other investigator, field coordinator, juvenile encouraging close cooperation with majors. Last year we were down to about look pretty bleak as a record. But the State News cannot majors in pinpointing their career options, court officer and surgical technician. I Placement Services as well as career 1,300.) However, I find no mention of the or that many students have turned toward could continue ad nauseam but the point advising services within the college itself. fact that at least part of that decline is commissioner's greatest fully support either political the more "vocationally" oriented curricula Students are being encouraged by college attributable to deliberate efforts on tin is clear: College of Social Science students achievement. maladroit for office. because of the issue of "jobs." But to do find good jobs and in an almost mind advisers to anticipate career goals early part of the MDP to discourage 600 students from enrolling in our program. We did so because we knew too teaching KUSSELL BAKER many students were training solely for the field of teaching, for which there were few openings. Finally, not all social science majors in ghostly showdowns will find agreeable work without some Gary Cooper cleaning up effort. Nor will all students in majors. In the present economy we can find engineers, architects, scientists, as other well as social scientists without jobs. Under these circumstances, the liberal arts I go to the movies. Gary Cooper is in a bunch of crooks," he whispers. Cayuses. I am fearful that someone will over her on the screen, "you need a little Cooper is there. He even likes the major may find himself with a P;,rticu'" "They happen to be Robert Redford know Cooper was with me and beat me church training." movie. "This is OK," he grins as Duddy the next seat as usual wearing his badge advantage in that his training has provided and Paul Newman," I say. "Even if they for being an accessory to the triumph of He throws her over his shoulder, covers goes into the business of making home and stetson. I am sick and tired of him. He movies of bar mitzvahs. But what is this? him with a degree of additional I are crooks they're charming and lovable, law. her with his badge and says, "I'm taking grins and offers popcorn. "What are we employment flexibility. going to see tonight?" he asks. " 'The and the audience loves them, so stay out My analyst is no comfort. "You are you down to the schoolmarm so she can Duddy is behaving rudely to grownups. The MDP has a trained staff 0 of It." merely hallucinating Cooper as an agent introduce you to the Ladies Aid Society." Yes, very rudely. He is laughing at them assist Sting,' " I say, "and this time stay out of excellent advisers available to It is too late. He is already striding for fulfilling childish desire for heroes who The audience pelts the screen with and ordering them off his land. it, Coop." Cooper is anyone thinking through career options. down the aisle and up on the screen with are honest," he says. He suggests staying comic books and dark glasses. in the aisle before I can "Shucks," says Cooper. "You know stop him. "Stay John K. Hudzik, an assistant professor, « the drop on the whole roomful of away from movies in which criminality My analyst loves this report. He asks me out of it, Coop." me." swindlers even before Newman can get and corruption prevail until I become less to commit myself for study at the assistant to the director of the College of Soon Science Multidisciplinary Program. j I know Gary Cooper all right. The It is useless. Up on the screen Cooper away with the loot. infantile. Institute of Incredible Sexual Repressions previous week he embarrassed me at has Duddy under his right gun arm and he "Chinatown." The "Get those hands up," he says. "We're So I go to "Deep Throat." Cooper is in Zurich. I run. unprincipled cop was is saying. "Young fellow, I'm taking you all going to take a little walk down to the there. After 10 minutes he says,"whew." To the movies, of course. But this time just about to let John Huston get away over to old Judge Hardy's booklined den with murder, on account of Huston's marshal's office." "Stay out of it, Coop," I plead. to "The Apprenticeship of Duddy for a man - to - man talk about good The audience boos as Cooper rides them being a millionaire, when Coop threw his popcorn box on the floor, strode down all off into the sunset manacled aboard Futilely, of course. "Miss Lovelace," says Cooper, towering Kravitz," which I know in advance is merely about an ambitious young man. manners." End of picture. Quickly, I run to Letter Policy the aisle and drew his six - shooter on see "Going Places," Huston and the cop. figuring Cooper will be tied up giving "Get off the screen," the audience Andy Hardy some quick draw tips, but he The Opinion Page welcomes oil yelled, but Gary Cooper paid them no arrives in time to see the movie's two letters. Readers should follow a I heed. "I'm takin' you both down to the utterly charming heroes engage charmingly few rules to insure thai us many I in burglary, kidnapping, car theft and U.S. marshal's office," he said. casual thuggery. "Those fellows are letters as possible appear in print. I "You can't do this," Jack Nicholson nothing but a pair of ornery skunks," he All letters should be typed on I objected. "The whole point of this picture is that good guys never win." says, striding down the aisle. 65 - space lines and triple ' I "You better get on your buckboard and "Stay out of it, Coop!" spaced. Letters must be signed, get out of town fast, son," Cooper told The audience is enraged to see him and include local address, student, I him, "before I take you in for interfering with an arrest." rescue a lovely mother from ravishment but Cooper takes the charmers to faculty or staff standing ifanV the - and phone number It was a long speech for Cooper, so marshal's office anyhow. without another word he marched Huston Letters should be 25 line* or I My analyst Gary Cooper is dead and the cop off the screen, and the movie and I am says too immature to accept reality less and may be edited jor I ended Laramie. with Nicholson heading for Cooper looks at the analyst without conciseness to fit more letters on I expression. "I could take him down to the the page. "I hear this is a real good one," Cooper says of "The Sting." marshal's office for useless taking money for explanations," says Cooper No unsigned letters will be j "Just stay out of It, Coop," I say. "Stay out of It, Coop," I plead. accepted. After awhile he begins stirring unhippiiy. "Thest fellows are nothing but (C) 1974 New York Times $ I w Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 21, 1974 5 Stumping Mondale rips proposed economic plan By MIKE ARNETT •Said "it would be surprising if there is State Newj Staff Writer not voter apathy" this election year, Sen. Walter F. Mondale has yet to admit he is running for president - and if ELECTIONS considering the recent tragedies of Vietnam and Watergate, and you ask him why he has made speeches in feaid that coal should not be strip nearly 30 states this year, he will tell you it is because he simply likes to travel. Mondale, D • Minn., was in the Lansing 74 mined at the expense of the environment. Mondale has been called an unexciting speaker, but practice is apparently helping area Thursday to campaign for 6th District considerably. Speaking from a chair at the Democratic congressional candidate M. that hurts Pretzel Bell fundraiser without notes or a working Americans, let's fill the Robert Can. He has been running an tax loopholes that the big boys have." microphone, he stirred the crowd of unannounced campaign for the nearly 200 to loud applause with barbs Democratic presidential nomination for Mondale said that if the federal budget aimed at the Republican administration. is cut, the cuts should come from the about a year already, though the first state primary is more than a year away. Dept. of Defense, not the "human side" of "Each time they estimate Rockefeller's "There hasn't been a wide open field the budget. wealth, the figure goes up," Mondale said. like this in many years," he said. "The "I say we hold up the hearings for a few "An administration like this, that Democratic nominee will be the one who more months, and by that time the earns it" doesn't know the difference between up estimates will be so high we'll have enough and down, should be given another Mondale, at an afternoon press to pay off the national debt," he said. direction — out," he said. conference and an evening fundraiser for Mondale, who calls himself a 'moderate Carr at the Pretzel Bell in East Lansing At his afternoon press conference, progressive,' also attended a United Auto ripped into President Ford's recently Mondale: Workers reception in Lansing. His visit proposed economic program. •said he would raised an estimated $4,500 for the Can not support a "A detailed analysis of the program Democratic ticket which included campaign. done by the Wharton School of Carr described Mondale as Alabama Gov. George Wallace; Economics shows that if it is followed, representative of the positive side of everything will get worse — inflation, •Called for public financing of Congress. unemployment and interest rates," congressional as well as presidential "Hopefully he'll be our next Mondale said. "Before we start a surtax campaigns: President," Can said. YES, AND iF VOU SCRATCH SN photo/Bob Kaye IT WITH YOUR STUPID Sen. Walter F. Mondale, D-Minn., left, campaigning for M, Robert Carr at a press conference Thursday, ELBOWS, I'LL POUND VOU! criticized President Ford's economic program and said that if any budget cuts take place they should be from Defense Dept. spending. Grads to hear job outlook expert The man who raised controversy and of Advanced Graduate Studies and the once they start on their careers," John DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau ■ disbelief seven years ago when he Placement Services. Shingleton, director of Placement Services, ■ predicted a slump in the graduate student Cartter is a professor of education at said. ■ employment market is this week speaking UCLA, the chancellor of New York Several experts in the field and one Ion campus as a recognized authority in his University, program associate of the Ford moderator from Placement Services will be I field. Foundation and the author of many present at each workshop to advise pr. Allan Cartter, a specialist in higher books, including a soon -to-be - graduate students and answer their I education and the related job outlook will published book on the academic labor questions. ■ speak at 1:30 p.m. Thursday in the Union market. Patricia Carrigan, director of human ■ Ballroom. His speech will be followed by "The workshops were designed to help resources for the Bendix Corporation and I four workshops between 2:35 and 5:30 graduate students plan their job an MSU trustee, is one of those who will lp.m. campaigns, understand the interview discuss the problems involved with i The forum is sponsored by the Council situation, develop their resumes and evaluating progress in a career and making ■ of Graduate Students (COGS), the School credentials and evaluate their progress career changes. Each Monday the State News publishes that have requested space will be finalized Tuesday i list of scheduled local governmental at this meeting. A presentation will be The East Lansing Housing Commission ■ meetings, including campus, city and state made on behalf of the proposed Student will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 201 First State ■ bodies. Citizens are urged to clip this list Workers Union, and the bill moving for I for reference. Please contact the managing Savings and Loan Bldg., 303 Abbott Road. support of the union will be discussed. The East Lansing Library Board will | editor to include items here. meet at 7:30 p.m. at the East Lansing The East Lansing Cable Public Library. Today Communications Commission will meet at Thursday ■ ASMSU will meet at 8 p.m. in 328 7:30 p.m. in the conference room at city hall, 410 Abbott Road. The East Lansing Fine Arts ■Student Services Bldg. Space Allocation Commission will meet at 7:30 in the ■for cabinet services and all other The rate increase will be discussed. groups conference room at city hall. DooLeys 1 MONDAY Xv fy 'if iA lb. hambimqeh, O a Ia No carte \* cover •/> 75(p t rom to o:oo till 9 downstairs 7 TUESDAY 1/2 PRICE NITE j aII \iixi (I driisks I ia 11 normaI price WEDNESDAY PITCHER SPECIAL dowNsiAiRs Till 10:00, coyer 50tf THURSDAY Pitcher special upstairs, 8 to 10 LADIES NITE aII IemaIes recede <; a wixed dimik wiili pAid AtjMissioN GRAND OLE T.C.I.F. UNbtlii vaI)Ii old fAsliioiNtd pRicEs^gfc pin In r spi (JaI 210.6 ijfiSI I.5 The Spartans' last six - pointer came when seven occasions, losing four and the ball game along with them. a chance to«] Baggett pinpointed a 35 - yard pass to Dane "We had field position a number of Fortney as MSU took a 19 -14 lead. times'fl Because Hans Neilson had missed the PAT Stolz said. "But when we did, we'd lose momentum." fumblea#P after MSU's second touchdown, Baggett and his Both teams had opportunities in the waniJ Spartan troops attempted a two • point conversion. And Baggett succeeded in making it moments of the game, but neither could across. push] spectacular. | Baggett dropped back to throw, scrambled Beaver, the hero of last year's MSU IjJ • to his left, wheeled around and threw clean contest (6-3), had a chance to duplicate hisM across the field to Richie Baes who faked once minute heroics this time with three seco and dived into the corner with an lllini remaining. SN defender hanging on. But Beaver dubbed a 41-yard attempt. photo/Rob Kozloff Spartan quarterback Charlie Baggett bursts through a big hole in scrambling helped MSU gain a two - point conversion on the It wasn't easy. But it was 21-14, and MSU Baggett nearly pulled it out for the SpartaJ the Illinois line Saturday to score one of his two touchdowns lead for the first time, but only for about 30 too. He had Mike Hurd open near the goal lid Spartans' third touchdown as he finally passed to tailback Rich late in the fourth quarter, but a seconds. gusting winfl against the lllini. MSU tallied all of its points in the second Baes, who lugged the pigskin in the end zone. quarter as the two teams battled to a 21-21 standoff. Baggett's Illinois coach Bob Blackman wasn't left Baggett's long pass hanging and gave tlJ interested in sitting on the ball and put lllini defender time to recover. The ball (el alternate quarterback Jeff Hollenbeck back into incomplete. the game. Four passes later it was all even as In another Big Ten game Saturday. Archil tight end Joe Smalzer caught a Hollenbeck pass Griffin became the greatest rusher in Big Tel Booters put 'the and slipped past Spartan defenders for a 45-yard score. Dan Beaver converted and that's how it ended, 21-21. The roof seemingly history as Ohio State bombed Indiana. 49-jl Griffin rolled up 146 yards and now has3,32B yards in his career, breaking the record total oT 3,315 set by Purdue's Otis Armstrong two yen caved in on the Spartans in the next play. ago. By DAN SPICKLER himself that he was in a soccer of the game by the Spartan keep from losing, and that's The Spartans literally ran State News Sports Writer game. booters, but for the record, just what we've been doing this circles around their opponents, MSU soccer goalie Gary Wilkinson, a sophomore, MSU won, 1 ■ 0. mocking basketball team's year," he added. a Wilkinson stood all during most of the Spartans' game in the freezing weather here Saturday. He would alone played the entire game against the Ohio State Buckeyes, but did not see much action. The Buckeyes rarely got the "For as long as I coach 111 be content with and settle for a lot of these 1 - 0 wins," MSU The booters extended their unbeaten string this season to six games with Saturday's win full court press. "I say this every game," Rutherford remarked, "we win mental attitude and Lindsay sets new mark soccer coach Ed Rutherford oyer previously undefeated on occasionally jump up and down, perhaps to stay warm and awake or maybe to remind ball near the Spartans' goal. The score did nothing to indicate the total domination remarked. "I learned a long that the best way to tim^ ago win is to OSU, and now post a 5 - 0 - 1 record. Shots - on - goal totals help conditioning. "We have hard - a great group of working players," he at U-M Federation meet tell how the contest went. Hie added. The By DAN SPICKLER course and finished with a Gibbard was expecting i Spartans were way out in front only goal in the game State News Sports Writer 30:05.9 timing. Big Ten competitiol MSU at 36:41 of the first half see some golfers grab first; in that department, as they came women have been in every contest so on a direct free kick by senior MSU's Herb Lindsay set a in It was yet another keynote at the event, but only Michigan far this season, 16 - 7. forward Jim Nugent. new six - mile course record Lindsay's outstanding season gave the Spartans a conferei for the Spartan harriers. Earlier Defensive play cannot be While Rutherford praised Saturday in winning the first challenge. harriers finish in second place assessed in any game statistic, but that is where MSU shows the whole team, he was especially happy with the play Michigan Federation Meet in Ann Arbor. this year the runner from Reed City broke both the five six - records at and but "We expected to see Illinoifl I guess they its punch. Buckeye ball of the defensive backs. Mike • mile course concerned about a fewottheS The MSU sophomore led a MSU's Forest Akers golf runners," he remarked. "We (ST possession was Kenney once again showed By ROBIN MCINTOSH three events in as many days and extended its aggressive team leadership both pack of 50 runners on the course. get another look at Michigaff - characteristically short and State News Sports Writer season record to 5 - 2. on defense and offense. University of Michigan golf MSU coach Jim Gibbard and I think we did a"" always harrassed. called Saturday's showing the MSU's women's golf team grabbed first place MSU hosted Mott Community College and better against them." in the Midwest Invitational golf tournament Western Michigan Thursday, with both the first "best team effort to date." The Spartans faced ll while the women's volleyball team extended its and second teams playing. The first team /Students need IDs\ There were, however, no team standings. Wolverines at home Oct. 1! record to 5 • 2 and the cross country team placed second in the Michigan Amateur played Western Michigan and won 15 - 8, 15 10, while the second team defeated Mott. - Lions finally top Vikings; I for IM admittance \ Freshman Jeff Pullen losing 22 - 33. MSU will Michigan once more this ye faj coasted in with time of 30:26 Athletic Union meet this past weekend. The University of Waterloo (Ontario) was the Beginning today, a security to a when the Wolverines host thj The golf team captured the tournament with check system will be in effect grab fourth place for the Big Ten Meet Nov. 9. opponent Friday and the Spartans lost, 15 • 7, a 690 36 - hole total. The University of Illinois placed second with 729 strokes Wisconsin was 6 -15, 8 -15, and 12 -15. Munson keys 20-16 win at both the Men's and Women's Spartans. Teddy Junior Fted was close behind, The Spartan harriers Friday to Eastern Michigan f« travj Intramural Buildings. Students third with 730 and Illinois State rounded out The squad traveled to Grand Rapids taking sixth with a 30:35 their first away dual meet th| must present IDs for the top four with a 733. Saturday to face Calvin College, Eastern BLOOMINGTON, MINN. (UPI) - BUI Munson completed 22 clocking. season. admittance to either building. Individually, MSU did well also as senior Michigan and Waterloo in an all - day meet. The of 32 passes, 10 of them to Ron Jessie, and Altie Taylor scored The deadline for entry into Sophomore Stan Mavis Improvement is the k June Oldman, freshman Sue Soper and a player first team beat Calvin College 15 • 6,15 - 6, and finished ninth with a 31:12 word for the harriers tl" two touchdowns Sunday that rallied the Detroit Lions to a 20 - the Eastern Michigan 16 -14 and 15 -12 but lost to turkey trot is noon from Illinois tied for the runner - up spot with a 16 victory over Minnesota, handing the Vikings their first loss in timing, and freshman Amos next few weeks. The Spa Waterloo 10 15, 15 - 10, 15 - 17. The second Wednesday in 201 Men's IM' Brown followed 168 score. Oldman broke the tie in a sudden for the must finish high in the Big Td - six NFL games this season. up team beat Eastern Michigan while losing to Bldg. The cross country - type death playoff. Munson, who had solid pass protection all afternoon, directed Spartans, taking lltfcat 32:09. meet if they are to go to tlj Calvin College. running event will begin at 5 The Spartans' Joan Garety finished third the Lions to their first win over the Vikinp in their last 14 "We actually told Herb to NCAA District IV meet Ni p.m. Wednesday on Old hold back and pace our slower with a 172 total. Other MSU scores included The meetings. 16 in Madison, Wis. Spartan cross country team totaled 33 College Field. Contestants may Peg Carlson's 182, Karen Escott's 183 and runners the first few minutes," "This weekend's points to finish second behind Michigan. The Taylor scored on an eight - yard run with 3:47 elapsed in the run individually or as a team Carol Peterson's 188. fourth quarter after the Vikings had taken a 16 - 13 lead late in Gibbard said. "But when I saw shows that we're right o top MSU finisher was Erica d'Elia, who placed member. For further Meanwhile, the volleyball team played in seventh. the third period. information call 355-5250. they didn't need it, I gave him schedule," Gibbard said. «| the go ahead. hope to finish in the top thi "That shows a lot of team in the conference. Whites top spirit and sacrifice part." on Lindsay's very "So far I'd say well." we're doflf in hockey By STEVE STEIN State News Sports Writer College, scoresl pro MSU's hockey team put on an offensive show for approximately 1,000 fans at Munn Ice Arena Saturday night as the from weekend's games Whites knocked off the Greens, 9 - 4, in the team's annual intrasquad contest. "We had a lot of scoring out there," coach Amo Bessone, who College headed the White squad said after the contest. "But we had some MSU 21, Illinois 21 Clemson 17, Duke 13 pretty good goaltending." Michigan 24, Wisconsin 20 Maryland 47. Wake Fores. Bessone singled out senior Ron Clark and Bob Locher for their Ohio State 49, Indiana 9 . North Carolina 33. A. C. ' ■ play in the nets. Minnesota 23, Iowa 17 Texas 38, Arkansas 1 Left winger Marty McLaughlin, a freshman from Livonia, Purdue 31, Northwestern 26 Oklahoma 49, Colorado N led all scorers by collecting the three - goal hat trick. Penn State 30, Syracuse 14 New Mexico 31, Wyoming 21 McLaughlin scored for the White squad at the 18:50 mark of Pittsburgh 35, Boston Coll. 11 Southern Cat. 16, Oregon 1 the second period, then put the puck in the net behind Oklahoma State 31, Missouri 7 Stanford 34, Washington 17 goalie Jim Miami (Ohio) 34. LaPointe just 11 seconds later after stealing the puck at the Bowl Green 10 Texas Tech 17, Arizona 9 _ Nebraska 56, Kansas 0 Green's blueline. Kentucky 20, Louisiana Stale /■> | Notre Dame 48, Horida 24, Florida Stale M He got his third goal during a goalmouth scramble five minutes Army 0 Auburn 31, Georgia Tech 22 Tulane 30, Citadel 3 into the final stanza. Georgia 38, Vanderbilt 31 Arizona State 32, Utah 0 "He's a good digger," Bessone said of McLaughlin. South Carolina 10, Mississippi 7 UCLA 17. Washington State 1 I Another freshman, Jim Johnson of Bloomfield Hills, tallied Alabama 28, Tennessee 6 California 17, Oregon State 14 \ twice for the Whites in the first period. Also scoring for the Whites were senior Pat Betterley, sophomore Bill Hourigan, Jack Johnson (Jim's brother, who will be eligible to play winter Pro term) and sophomore Robbie Harris. Baltimore 35, New York Jets 20 Junior Steve Colp, the nation's leading collegiate scorer last Buffalo 30, New England 28 season, tallied twice for the Greens while linemate Brendon Washington 24, New York Giants 3 New Orleans 13, Atlanta 3 Moroney, a junior, and freshman defenseman Mike Slack added one each. Pittsburgh 20. Cleveland 16 MSU faces Detroit 20, Minnesota 16 - Laurentian University of Canada Friday and St. Louis 31, Houston 27 Saturday at the new arena in the opening series of the 1974 • 75 SN photo/Dean Lyons Dallas 31, Philadelphia 24 season. Miami 9, Kantas Two seniors, defenseman Paul Pavelich and winger Denny MSU's hockey team staged its annual Green and White intrasquad flame Saturday niflht at Munn Ice Arena Denver 27. San City 3 and coach Amo Bessone's White squad rolled over asst. coach Alex Terpay's Green team, 9 - 4. In the above Diego 7 Olmstead, have been elected team cocaptains, with Daryl Rice as Los Angeles 37, San h>an. 14 alternate. photo, sophomore Chuck Cartier (16) battles another Spartan for the puck during the contest. I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 21, 1974 9 jab leaders I gy EllAS ANTAR J «,r°"C" a-* E will meet this week in » ministers starting Tuesday. President Anwar Sadat of Egypt and King Faisal of Saudi Arabia head the moderate group. They back the decision Heights. to meet Israelis have said Thus, Assad they would never give back all of the Golan could side with Saturday emptive military strike. The Arab leaders also will take up the question of what to do about the Palestinians. press summit, for recognition by the but Arafat has an Achilles heel in the four extremist Palestinian shape of sift tetf 211 E.Grand R iver fit conference whose of the Arab summit in the radicals at the summit and Arafat maintains the PLO is groups that pulled out of the Next to the Sportmeister will be crucial for Algiers put a stop to diplomacy. The their sole legitimate T"n the Middle East and in November 1973, to seek a quickest way to do this would representative and demands a PLO. These groups are backed Won, Tu«v Fn Sat 9-6 t'ng of the global energy negotiated possible. peace with Israel, if be to refuse to renew the mandate of United Nations place for his organization at the Geneva peace conference by Iraq. Since last year's oil Wed.Thurj 9-9 ■L kings and presidents of embargo, the Arabs have said when it reconvenes. If and ■Lb Uagut' will gather in 1K£>, when the Israelis withdraw repeatedly they will use their cigarettes f f-irst full • dress summit i» from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, the PLO wants to "oil in weapon" sight. again if no satisfactory peace settlement is (COUPON) 2 PK./69' Jon in almost a year. They establish a Palestinian But without the hard Expires Oct 27, 1974 East Lansing Store Only ■ to overome some Iraq and Libya are the forces separating Syrian and authority there. prospect of further Israeli Binding differences and try !£ ♦! "UCJ'US- TheV ,sr®el» armies on the Golan Israel has categorically ■ teach accord on the j boycotted the Algiers summit, front. rejected any dealings with the withdrawals, any such proposal from the moderates would be 10% OFF OUR PRICE ON ALL KODAK Iwingkey issues: Iraq is sending its vice president The UN mandate expires PLO and holds that only King branded as treason by Libya FILM PROCESSING & DEVELOPING * Whether to endorse to Rabat this time, and efforts Nov. 24. The Israelis have Hussein is a valid interlocutor and Iraq. Kuwait also is on Xtarv of State Henry A. are underway to persuade broadly hinted such a move by on the West Bank issue. record as opposing a cutback in No Limit |Lr's step ■ by - step Libya s Col. Moammar Syria would prompt a pre - The PLO is expected to prices. (COUPON) Expires Oct 27, 1974 Toach to peace with Israel, Khadafy to attend instead of East Lansing Store Only | Whether to f"Hy •nd sending his premier. Equi vocally recognize Yasir Et's Palestine Liberation Kissinger partly set the stage for the twice • deferred summit Inization (PLO) as the only Emate representative of the during a tour of five Arab countries and Israel earlier this STEREO LP'S ■stinians. and month. He is known to have I Whether to help ease the proposed to Sadat and Faisal THE FRIENDLIEST Jst's staggering financial that peace would best be Stevie Wonder Fulfillingness First Finale En over oil prices. served at present by another ■foreign Minister Yigal Allon round of partial Israeli PLACE IN TOWN Jim Croce His Greatest Hits JethroTull War Child ■Israel has said new peace withdrawals from territory it "C is depend on what occupied in the 1967 six - day Rod Stewart Smiler The Who Odds & Sods W • \J Vy' ins at the summit, adding, war. ■,. Kissinger is not a This would involve a further NOW ADDFADIN6 John Lennon Walls and Bridges Eormer of miracles, and the pullback in the Sinai Desert The Isley Brothers Live It Up m to renew war exists and the Golan Heights of Syria, —use the military force and Israeli negotiations with Ets and the negative ALL SINGLE ALBUMS Bjvation in the Arab states King Hussein of Jordan ? the withdrawal from the Bank of the Jordan West irnen River, Already the summit ■icipants have lined up into occupied since the 1967 U.S. officials war. traveling with 3.89 of moderates, a small Kissinger this month said mcniiw nite 1/ ic jfr of radicals and a larger Sadat, Hussein, Faisal and the [ping |er that could swing way. The disagreements Israelis went along with this jergens Dristan vaseline ■ expected to surface at a proposal, but President Hafez Assad of Syria was reported idiz/a nite Lotion Cold Tablets Petroleum Jelly Laratory meeting of foreign unhappy with it, since the 9 INCH WITH 2 ITEMS. .S1.CC 6'^oz CQC 24 s QQC 3%oz QCC reg. 89c ^ / reg. 1.49 QO reg. 59c O w 14 INCH WITH 2 ITEMS .S2.CC Limit 1 Our Grinders (COUPON) Expires Oct. 27, 197« (COUPON) Expires Oct. 27, 1974 (COUPON) Expires Oct. 27, 1974 DOMINOS East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only EAST are already famous AT THE ALLE GILLETTE 1351 8888 1 - all over Michigan. WE GIVE AWAY FUN! visine 11:00 A.M. to [ colgate trac ii Eye Drops Shave Cream Blade Cartridge | 1:00 A.M. And you thought *>z o xc Uoz. C At 5 s -T QC IE BELIVERY we only sold reg. 1.50 VQ reg. 89c reg. 1.10 / (J Limit 1 (COUPON) (COUPON) pizza at Expires Oct 27, 1*74 East Lansing Store Only Expires Oct. 27, 1974 East Lansing Store Only (COUPON) Expires Oct. 27, 1974 East Lansing Store Only I DOMINOS I WEST BELL'S Clairol Kit - 7100 225 M.A.C. 332 5027 frost & tip kit ^4:30 • 1:00 * OPEN 11a.m. EVERYDAY FREE DELIVERY roa ^ Q8 reg- °-M0 Limit 1 (COUPON) Expires Oct. 27, 1974 3.99 East Lansing Store Only No Deposit — No Return REVLON pepsi flex balsam Conditioner 'Like ftavinq 1 *44 _ _ 8pk-16oz. (coupon) 170Z. (COUPON) 1 WOLFSCHMlpT SCHMILE *281-gUNPPATF reg 1.63 Expires Oct 27, 1974 ree*' 2 50 Expires Oct. 27. 1974 1 East ftfie earth Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only FABERGE ORGANICS ^beneath your ACCOKPING TO THE COMPUTER PATiNG x you were SUPPOSEP TO BE po YOU LOVE I HATH OUTDOOR SPORTS, PO YOU WHEAT GERM & HONEY SHAMPOO ,feet. SERVICE YOU WERE x SUPR9SEPTOPE SIX-FOOT THREE OUTPOOR v SPORTS? LOVE" THE OPERA7 160Z. reg. 2.50 (COUPON) Expires Oct. 27. 1974 1 1 « 1 1 X A pLONPE colgate tek fostex Toothpaste Toothbrush Cake 7°z. 3'/«oz. QQC CQC reg. U9 Limit 1 OV reg. 69c 17^ reg. 1.39 Limit 1 QQ Limit 1 (COUPON) (COUPON) (COUPON) Expires Oct. 27, 1974 Expires Oct 27, 1974 Expires Oct. 27, 1974 AREVOUKJPPIN6? IT GIVES East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only I HATE THE OPERA ME HIVES .yOU MEAN THOSE po you \ 00 YOU NEW SPRAY CANS, \ likf '/ L'i5E. ITALIAN MODERN THEY'RE ALRIGHT WOULDVOU secret q-tips tide FOOP? fWNUNG? LIKE ANOTHER i Anti Perspirant - Detergent 170's WOLFSCHWIDT V 6°z. CQC REG. $1.19 20oz. A r\ c GIMLET? reg. 1.39 Limit 1 J7 73 reg.65c A+O (COUPON) (COUPON) (COUPON) Expires Oct. 27, 1974 Expires Oct. 27, 1974 Expires Oct 27, 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only EATON'S CORRASABLE BOND PIP YOU KNOW IT SLEWS LIKE THAT ENRICO CARU&O typing paper s29°° EVERY GIRL IN - THE WORLD HAS WAS ONLY FIVE FOOT THREE? Limit 1 63c rpo (COUPON) gLONPE HAIR reg. oOC Expires Oct. 27, 1974 THESE PAYS. East Lansing Store Only ACTION SCOTCH TAPE LIGHT BULBS Magic Transparent 100 - 75 • 60 Watt rs f\ (t IOC Limit 1 < VJ ' (COUPON) 1 O (COUPON) xJ J Res •' 59c Expires Oct. 27, 1974 reg. 29c Expires Oct. 27, 1974 Start somethi East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only opaque panty hose withMotfschmi St NO. 0-1 ICR. 1.50 rec *.«/V One Size Umit s (COUPON) Expires Oct 27, 1974 Eajt |_|n(|ng Stor, 0n|y —i 00 A gimlet, a bloody mary, a martini, a screwdriver. SHEER ORLON OPAQUE Or anything else MSU you have in mind. KNEE SOX KNEE SOX KNEE SOX Wrifschmidt BOOTERY I he Store That Has Moce" Genuine Vxlka reg. 69c 29' *■ ' reg. 1.00 IT / *- reg. 1.00 67 ' across from the Union $36S Limit • Limit C Limit 6 °Pen Thurs. till 9 Friday til 8 FIFTH SIZE-CODE #6122 (COUPON) Expires Oct. 27. 1*74 (COUPON) Expires Oct. 27, 1174 (COUPON) Expires Oct. 27, 1974 I East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only VODKA » DISTILLED FROM GRAIN • 80 AND 100 PROOF » SEAGRAM DISTILLERS CO NEW YORK. N \ Monday. October 2! 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan "741 PATIENT WOULD FORGET OVER! Scientists study memory-erasing drug ONE LAST NIGHT By MICHELE BURGEN Though little is known about lorazepam, other drugs with use. I would guess that it has no effects on long ■ term memory." In what seems like a great leap toward 1984, researchers in similar effects are used today with Food and Drug Administration Unlike Aronoff, he sees little chance that the drug could be Denver have been testing a new drug that erases short - term (FDA) approval, Brody said. used by unscrupulous persons to completely blot out memories Return to Forever memory. The drug, lorazepam, is being eyed for presurgical use to A drug with similar properties is scopolamine, a derivative of they find distasteful. blot out painful recollections of operating room experiences. the belladonna plant which has been used for more than 5,000 Both Brody and Aronoff agreed that Stringent rules will have featuring Though still under experimentation in the United States, the years, Brody said. Generally it is employed as a presurgical to be provided for the drug. drug has been marketed abroad as a sedative under the name sedative mixed with other agents, producing a groggy, twilight Aronoff foresees drug companies clamoring for the rights to Chick Corea Antiban for several years. sleep. It induces amnesia in the patient, as well as dries the such a dnig that could be used for the express purpose of erasing When administered intravenously prior to surgery, the drug mucous membranes to allow for easier insertion of tubes in the the memory. But Brody believes that lorazepam would be in low Mon. Oct. 21 allows the patient to remain fully awake during the operation. He mouth and trachea or other organs. demand in the drug market, and is confident that over • the ■ $3.50 in advanc* - $4.00 at or she experiences the pain and trauma associated with surgery, would be ruled out. Brody explained that doctors would have to be selective about counter sales the door. Tickets available but will be unable to recall anything afterward. the use of lorazepam, should the FDA give its approval. A psychologist and pharmacologist at MSU have agreed that at Discount Records "If scopolamine is any indication, possible side effects, such as use of the drug can be a real benefit to preserving post - surgical increased heart rate and too much dryness, would preclude its and the Door. mental health. But both acknowledged the dangers that could arise through irresponsible use of lorazepam or any mood - Shows at 8 p.m. & 11 p.m. altering or behavior • changing drug. "Anything can be used by someone who's more powerful in an activity that can be evil, even homicidal," Joel Aronoff, associate J THE STABLES professor of psychology, said. "The biggest issue here is the interpersonal responsibility between two persons, particularly in the doctor patient relationship." • Though most major operations require the patient to be unconscious, certain surgical procedures like eye and oral surgery 2843 E.GD. RIVER, EAST LANSING require the full cooperation of the patient, said Dr. Theodore M. Brody, professor and chairman of the Dept. of pharmacology. When people are apprehensive or nervous, he said, their blood pressure goes up and their heart rate increases, which could cause postsurgical complications. The use of a drug such as lorazepam also could allow doctors to use less anesthesia. Doctors David V. Heisterkamp and Peter J. Cohen of the University of Colorado Medical Center reported their findings Homecominc Tuesday at a meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists in Washington, D. C. The report described a group of patients who were TOLKIEN F. Schaeffer 1974 m/u administered small doses of the drug 45 minutes before surgery. Thirty minutes later they were shown a picture of a double - size dollar bill and were asked to describe it. we're in the mind presents... During surgery the patients were asked to recall the dollar bill growing business and then again 24 hours later. A group of control patients not given lorazepam were also shown the dollar bill. Those given the drug had no recall of the dollar bill, while the control group had • CARDS* perfect recall. Express yourself Two posts open and your feelings Barrel through a wide E'Grand River variety of cards on county panel selected from 20 different companies. Our over HOllY, I WAMA ) 6UT Haute IF VWte A COSTUME I BUT There are two positions open on the Ingham County Equal GO C£ / Jit MOT ID HOUS*> SJlfiKt 4 ' Ft Opportunity Committee. cards can add ! 1 HAUOWEBO. Y'6£T A FREE Coke , NOT.. The nine member panel was established in 1971 following the light to your life DRVE LOGGIfl/ - county board of commissioners' adoption of an equal opportunity as well as others policy. The committee, which operates with volunteers, is responsible for • evaluating current county hiring practices and for making - We're here to Saturday oct. 26 recommendations to the board regarding equal opportunity help - ■ men's im building sports arena 9 pm employment. . Any interested resident of Ingham County should submit a , brief .letter stating his or her background and interest in serving. & The I Re¬ S3 Applications should be se&t to Becky Struble, Ingham County Courthouse, P.O. box 319, Mason, Mich.,48854. University Mall 220 M.A.C. 4. discount records . and recbtdland for General 337 - 7250 The deadline for filing is Nov. 1. Applicants will be screened Nov. 5 and 6. Appointments will be made at the Nov. 12 Hours 9 - 6 Mon - Sat A Union Activities Board & MSU Development Fund 9 • 9 Thurs & Fri meeting of the board of commissioners. & MSU Alumni A« oc. Project FTO OCTOB0? 22*Hd3U KIDS ..."TILL I 6ETMV 1KJ CQSItlMES GET" A FREE Coke OOSTUTIE OKI / DON'T BE fl SLOW-POKE... SIGN UP NOW for your Ak)D BE&ICE£,, >rtU CAkJ GET* A ?Wi & FU/WKINJ PIE FDR Jusr 25 cms/ 1323ES! FREE SENIOR PICTURES FOR THE 1975 WOLVERINE YEARBOOK IN Rm 36fl UNION 600 N. Homer at E. Saginaw near frandorShoppingCtnter 5001W. Saginaw across from the Lansing Mill 535 - 5292 Don't Forget to Return Proofs! FLASH I EVER THINK ABOUT IT? All those times you didn't hove enough light to take that picture without blurring it MARKS PHOTO SHOPS has a flash for almost every need - from the occasional snapshooter to the Pro. Now you can order it! fe. a better than gold college ring at a lower than gold price! With the John Roberts SILADIUM you can enjoy a Jewelry Find out more about the NEW Siladium "better than gold" ring Jewelry. See the John Roberts ring display U ONE Extra Tuesday, OCTOBER H Might: at a "lower than gold" price. And it's Mon., Oct. 21,1974,9:30 • 5:00. guaranteed for life! TICKETS NOW AUTOMATIC "$39.95 4 penl ight cells. Guide K25 - 36 MANUAL ON SALE 2 year guarantee w operates on AC, alkaline or rechargable batteries. Complete with charger. Guide No. K25-34 BOOKITOBI HOURS 2 year guarantee. TICKETS FOR B0&-5E6CR Al^O ON SM-E Monday Sat. 9 -6 Friday 9 - 9 SI LAPIU M is a trademark of John Roberts, Incorporated State News, East Lansing, Michigan ■Michiga" Monday, October 21,I974 11 EXPERT CRITICIZES loutheast Asian data questioned J BV NANCY CRANE Grace, besides lecturing campus for two weeks on social and cultural problems," They will be expected to Staff receives funding from ■swte News Staff Writer Grace said. "The semester in 15hea>t Asia is .nundatcd recruiting MSU students for a semester program Asia is a quality program, and communicate Grace added. with people," sponsor universities and from foundation grants. in Southeast J American scholar. now, Asian studies which he if Im lucky none of my Grace Imanv Asians think these coordinates for the field staff students will ever come back to American represents Universities Field the Grace said that since the Vietnam War there has been an Pra, ticp a Southeast Asia and the University of Hawaii. looking for Staff, tademic imperialism," • figures." studying a group of scholars upsurge in Western and Itheast Asian expert Grace does not feel that his Grace also complained about worod which is sponsored problems, Japanese business interest in Kring at MSI' this week study program in Asia is contradictory to his opinions the high class life many universities, including MSU. by 11 Southeast Asia. "Recently there has been American scholars lead in Asia a American scholars. The field staff representatives -scholars' fly into on while doing research. resurgence of economic write reports and I for a few weeks, pick up a "How else are we going to *"n>ey (scholars) live too keep member nationalism in Asia," Grace K of data and fly out to teach American students that well universities informed of said. "This can be seen in the - They are removed from II books which will be so there are real social issues In the political, social and cultural recent Thai and Indonesian everyday life of the people. affairs in different countries. Asia?" Grace said. reaction to Japan's economic l„sive that most Asians "There Graduate students on research Every few Rding scholars, can t afford ig too much are not so bad because years the expansion in their countries." they do representatives Grace explained that ■ buy and read them, scholarship in Asia for not have as are expected to money. They get give lecture tours Southeast Asian Lean Universities held quantifiable data now too down to grass roots. at member universities. That is why Grace governments representative J. Brewster many people collecting facts "Students in the field staff are making it harder with and learning nothing about is at MSU. business and visa restrictions |e said Thursday. program won't live that well. American Universities Field for businessmen and scholars to gain footholds in Asian nnua/ leave countries. city c "I think it is important that American students see what is happening in Asia now - and they learn a lot by being he East Lansing Dept. of Public Service will begin the annual at the city clerk's office in city hall and at the city garage, 2000 there." )n of leaves today which continues until Nov. 21. Merritt Road, for $2 per 50 - bag roll. Before joining the American Jlckup for residents living west of Abbott Road will be after 5 The Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources has suggested that Universities Field Staff, Grace SN photo/Bob Kaye ■Mondav evenings. For those living east of Abbott Road, people save leaves and use them in a compost pile this fall to J. Brewster Grace is recruiting MSU students to spend a semester in Southeast worked for the American lup will be after 5 Thursday evenings. provide a richer garden next summer. Friends Service Committee Asia and learn the real situation in that area of the world. Residents must put the leaves in plastic bags and place them as One compost "recipe" calls for five parts of fibrous materials (Quakers) in Japan and in [curb on the appropriate nights. Plastic bags may be obtained leaves, grass — or plants — to one part nitrogenous matter such Southeast Asia, where he as animal manure. Because leaves it may be helpful to add contain a high amount of acid, powdered limestone to balance out the coordinated the Quaker International Seminar Program. HOT DOGS ^mposium to begin compost. liie best results are obtained by piling the materials in at least two feet deep and periodically turning them with a layers Grace is teaching a course about modern Southeast Asia at the International Center this 'n' BEER Iternational Week pitchfork or shovel. The layers of ingredients should not be piled deeper than four week. Monday Special feet and should be about four feet in length. • Hot r Dogs ■SU will celebrate Michigan International Week, Oct. 20 to Trith foreign visitors, seminars and international dinners. Iwo top African diplomats and the chairman of the House APARTMENTS AND COLLEGE OF SOCIAL A 25* each from Sign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa will speak today at a liosium on "New Directors in African Development" at MARRIED HOUSING - SCIENCE UNDERGRADUATES 3 till close ZERO DEDUCTIBLE • Pitcher Specials Egg Center. Petitions for Candidacy as College of Social i! E. Bomani, ambassador of the United Republic of nia. will speak at 10 a.m. in the Lincoln Room. The RENTERS PACKAGE Science Undergraduate Representative to the m - Thurs all day ■on speaker will be Rep. Charles C. Diggs, D - Mich. He will University Educational Policies Committee and to bat 12:10 p.m. in the Centennial Room. Call Jeff Williams the University Library Committee are now being • Happy Hours Tie afti moon session begins at 2:30 p.m. in the Lincoln (MSU '68) at 332-1B38 Mon - Fri In with a talk by Emmanuel 0. Obe, minister counselor of accepted by the Student Advisory Committee of federal Republic of Nigeria. the College. 4:30 - 6:30 V Tuesday Norman Rose, professor of history at Hebrew 4-SENTRY Petitions may be picked up at 104 Linton Hall. Jersity, Jerusalem, will lecture on Zionism. The Office of Jseas Study will host an open house Wednesday. Tl INSURANCE MA0110 ORDf R f OR > 0U They must be returned to 104 Linton Hall by 5 Ihursday. United Nations Day, there will be a variety of 710 Gainsborough Drive p.m., October 25,1974. DON'T FORGET ires and also a Bohemian dinner. The dinner at 6:30 p.m. at Phone Day or evening East Lansing The Student constituency of the College of Social WED, NITE IS TEQUILLA NITE Lansing Civic Center is open to the public. ■ second international dinner will be held Friday in Owen Science includes all full - time regularly - enrolled %te Center. There will be entertainment by foreign students pecial exhibits in the lobby. Jrage Art Center is currently exhibiting works by German Coming Events students assigned with the letter N a Curriculum Code beginning (designation of a major in the ^The ■Oriental artists. Works •arc on w by a number of prominent German display in the North Gallery, Detroit Institute of Arts has loaned the Oriental works of Interest: • Pro!. Norman Rose tollege). il}lghwheder ■ved in the Entrance Gallery. Included are scrolls, paintings, International History Specialist ■ sculptures and ceramics ranging from the 11th century B.C. Iel9th century A.D. Hebrew University An informal chat with the CLASSICAL RECORD f RENT A T.V. campus community at [ $25.00 per termi ^ Shalom Center above Campus SALE Bookstore. Monday 8 P.M. # Rabbi Vitzchag of Kagan, Lubavitcher Chasid returns 337 1300 qM to MSU for weekly discussions 1' on Jewish Mysticism Mondays 7:30 • 9 P.M. at Hillel A COUNTRY MUSIC SUPERSTAR. ac»MriiSHWiEimNc^v«UR 351 - 11:00 A.M. 8880 S.2im MINUTES QF WQRKIN H Waykm 99c to s1098 Jennings to | 1:00 A.M. and selected works by l EE DELIVERY iJiNMKEIiJIMIG October 27 $3.50 in Advance Tickets available at - $4.00 at the Door Discount Records and at the Door. BRAHMS CHOPIN TCHAIKO VSKY BACH BEETHOVEN AND O THERS Shows at 8 p.m. & 11 FIIMS-PACKAGING DIVISION p.m. P'NOS WEST H 00 ISIIM1NG ONCIPIIS THE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31 STABLES 2843 E.GD.RIVER, EAST LANSING S 8 S ^Ptvmnt ^ 421 E. Gd. River VP"" 1 351 4210 J P™E W4 Ms" HOME-.ominc [ WIWIITEE PRESENTS... Dontletthe A career in law— Have It I HOMECOMING 74 price ofa college ACTIVITIES thursday OCT. 24... education stop without law school. What can you do with only a bachelor's degree? Now there is a way to bridge the gap between an undergraduate education and a challenging, respon¬ kmSG Vou,Way you. sible career. The Lawyer's Assistant is able to do Burger King work traditionally done by lawyers. ♦ bonfire at im field The price of a college education is skyrocketing. Three months of intensive training can give you the skills—the courses are taught by lawyers. You ♦ mural judging Fortunately the Air Force has done something to choose one of the six courses offered—choose the catch up with it. For the first time, the Air Force ROTC Scholarships include the 2-year program, city in which you want to work. Since 1970, The Institute for Paralegal Training We're open 10:30 A.M.-11 P.M. Saturday OCT. 26... for both men and women. has placed more than 700 graduates in law firms, banks, and corporations in over 60 cities. If you are a student of high academic standing and on weekdays If you can qualify, the Air Force will pay for the re¬ ♦float parade, 10am are interested in a career as a Lawyer's Assistant, mainder of your college education. Not only do we'd like to meet you. * bogue St. bridge AFROTC 2-year college scholarships cover full Contact your placement office for an interview with Till midnight Fridays & Saturdays msu vs. purdue 130 3 tuition, but reimbursement for textbooks, lab and our representative. pv * dave loggins at the § incidental fees, as well as a tax-free monthly allow¬ We will visit your campus on b * men's im,9pm fleamarket and z * ance of $100. TO cash in on all this just apply, qualify, and TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22 BUY ONE CHEESE WHOPPER enroll in the Air Force ROTC at Quonset 67 concession-style „ Captain Rayner, 355-2168. The Institute for GET ONE FREEH dinner, adm. free a It's a great way to finish your college education in with coupon one per customer * info, 353-4604 * the money, and build a future where the sky's no Paralegal Training - offer expires Oct. 24,1974 limit... as an officer in the Air Force. ' UN,0N activities f MAKE THE MOSTOFIT board, msu tevrio'* 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Monday, October ?1 .i It's National Business Women's Week October 20 ■ 26th Automotive Jf^]1 Ml Strict 7] FRANKLY SPEAKING... .by phil frank j Apartments |f>] [_ «■* |ffl hr Sale FURY 1968. 318 automatic. vinyl TWYCKINGHAM, TWO bedrooms, EAST SIDE - 116 Regent, lerge 3 VIVITAR 70 210 VOLKSWAGEN EXHAUST furnished, air, disposal. bedroom, carpeted, stove, Mac,0 roof, fair condition, $326. Zoom lens Systems - $18.95 complete at Dishwasher. 361-7166 Maiym,/,j or refrigerator, students welcome. DSX1000 body. Buz 485-7940,373-7690. 5-10-23 CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN 332-1047. 7-10-24 Call Equity-Vest. 361-3150. No days only, 11-6. 5-1025 3323m! CAR PARTS, 2605 Eaat fee. 5-10-26 GREMLIN. 1974-X. Black, radial Kalamazoo, one mil* wast of ROOM apartment, accesibla to PHONE 355-8255 tires, locking gas cap, standard shiftl $2,100,641-6806. 5-10-25 campus. 487-5055. C-10-10-18 MSU. $110/month plus deposit. NEED ONE person for house BIKES: BOY'S, girl's Greencrost ^ Utilities Included. 489-2156 Avenu« immediately. $80 plus $120 Lansing. 33 2 347 Student Services Bldg. HONDA CIVIC Hatchback, 1973. after four. 6-10-22 deposit. 351-5979 after five. 5444 3-^231 6-10-25 "AUTOMOTIVE AM-FM, 30 mpg. 489-9798, DELUXE, FURNISHED, 1 S A M Y 0 4 c h~ 1 5-7pm evenings. 6-10-22 decoder-amplifier Mj bedroom apartment, near OWN ROOM, furnished six Scooters & Cycles camera. KLH 38 1 campus. 332-3136 or 882-6549. bedroom house, $85. No lease. Classical guitar. LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 1965, 351-7560 ] Parts & Service 6-10-22 332 8348. 5-10-23 4 door, hardtop, loaded. Extra after 6 pm. 3-10-23 Aviation sharp. $1350. 373-6300. days. 351-4845 evenings. 5-10-25 TWO BEDROOM furnished. THREE ROOM furnished cottage. 'EMPLOYMENT Cash for $210/month. Block from Student couple only. "FOR RENT campus. Available immedietely. MAVERICK 1971. One owner, 332-0441. 10-10-29 $135/month on lease. Aveilable November 1. 332-8913. 3-10-21 STAMPS I col, Apartments good condition. Radio, new Buy - Sell - T,a^' Houses tires. 393-5051. 5-10-24 full line of supplies VACANCY - I L.C.C. NEAR. 3 bedroom house, I MID Rooms needed. Immediete occupancy. fireplace, garage, basement. - MICHIGAN 1880 HASLETT Rd STAMPjrL MGB 1965. Many like new features. •FOR SALE Best offer. Evenings, 777-2883. Rivers Edge apartment. $275 plus utilities. Phone 33jJ Animals 4-10-21 351-6265. 5-10-22 371-2400. 10-10-28 !"" COUPON 1 I ! 10% off all supply II Mobile Homes NOVA 1974 - Standard shift, radio, L0CATE0 AT THE "W INTEREST |N BEING A ONE MAN for furnished 4 man. NEED TWO roommates. Furnished I Expires 10/11/74 | V •LOST & FOUND CORNER OF JOLLY near campus. $57.50, no deposit three bedroom house. $85/plus 9,000 miles, $2600. 669-3654, after 5 pm. 5-10-22 ft OKEMOS RO 349 - 319* SlCCm^KER. PROPPEP PV or October rent. 337-1895. utilities. McLaughlin. 353-7230. •PERSONAL 3 10-23 HOLMES •PEANUTS PERSONAL NOVA 1973. Bright red. V-8 60AY A WEEK TOWING OPEN 6 DAYS NEARLY 8 ROlMB TCWY!" 5-10-21 ROAD Second i Store, 2323 West HoIitwr] NEED ROOMMATE, fantastic deal •REAL ESTATE automatic. Power steering. Very 7 AM 9 PM BUT SUNDAY EAST. THREE bedrooms, 882-3022 30 12 3 icOU.EGE MEDIA SERVICES-SOX 9411-eEflKEl.EYO 9«709 • in wonderful new furnished 3 lean. 626-6164. 5-10-23 carpetad. $195. Magnolia Street. •RECREATION bedroom house. Own room, 3 •SERVICE OPEL GT 1970 Yellow. 43,000 U - REPAIR AUTO SERVICE" blocks from campus in East 3510997. X3-10-21 ROLLAWAY BED 36 condition, $28 Call solid, j] 337.1J Instruction miles, 30 mpg, $1800. Call after 9 pm or weekends, 675-7331. CENTER offers you tools, equipment and instructions to m [ «prtmk p | Lansing. $85/month. 351-1852. between 8-11 am, and Call NEED TWO to shore classic ferm mansion. $65/month including evenings. X3-10-22 Typing Service 10-10-25. do your auto repairs. 5311 S. 6-9 pm. 6-10-25 utilities. 641-6802, evenings. MODELS FOR photography. Call MODERN ONE bedroom, Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10 - 8, •TRANSPORTATION between 10am and 6pm. unfurnished, $138. Southeast X3-10-22 •WANTED OPEL KADETTE Wagon 1968. 6 days. 20-10-23 489-1216.0-10-31 Lansing. 373-0042 before five. FEMALE, OWN room in two GIBSON'S > Runs and looks great. Good bedroom apartment. Available 5-10-23 AURULIUS ROAD, 12 miles south. •CAR POOL ••RATES** mileage too! Don't miss this one. PRECISION IMPORTS/BODY TIRES Brand - 4 Firestone glas-belted. new. G-78-14's. $75. CEDAR VILLAGE girl needed. immediately. .394-1505 after 4 pm. 3-10-23 3 bedroom, country home with several acres. Available now. BOCK, SHOP 5-10-24 1206 East Oakland. 882-7789, after 6 pm. 3-10-22 WANTED: $80, immediate 349-2907 after 3:30. 5-10-23 occupancy. DOWNTOWN LANSING, one $225. 351 7497 or 676-1441. 1-10-31 ADDIC PINTO WAGON 1974. 2000cc. Ttir — Persons interested ROOM IN furnished bedroom, furnished. 505 Cherry. 482 2184, after 4. 3-10-23 BOOK SALE | Cj5T]0 Stick. Radials. 14,000 miles. apartment, in participating beautifully new, very near EAST MICHIGAN, attractive 5 50% OFF _48^TOJ6jy(K?3 campus, $80/month. Serious on our regular 1 3 5 10 PLYMOUTH DUSTER 1971. Slant room, unfurnished, stove, student, 332-3846. 10-10-30 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, low prices AS SUBJECTS refrigerator, garage, basement, 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 1 3.00 6, full power, radio, new steel no pets. Call 489-6253 or furnished room in house. Quiet, belted tires, extra mounted ONE BEDROOM, stove and 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 543-2104. 5-10-22 ^Mxt to Scotts Woods. 3V4 miles snows, real sharp. Call 489-5335 refrigerator. Furnished, 15 2.25 6.00 9.70 19.50 or 337-9881. Call be seen at no 'from MSU. 485-9279. 5-10-21 QUARTZ iodine children. Phone 882-4610. 5-10-23- 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 Campus Barber Shop, 621 E. MARCHAL BEHAVIORAL 129 BURCHAM DRIVE, 2-man 128 W. Grand R.vei headlamp conversions with furnished apartment, starting FEMALE REFERENCES, Grand River. 5-10-23 EAST LANSING, Luxury one 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 reflective range to 5000'x. RESEARCH November 1, $140/month, heet $15/week. Northwest side. upstairs bedroom. Unfurnished. No pets. 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 TOYOTA COROLLA 1971. Body $33.95/pair. CHEQUERED included. Call 8-3, 361-2402. 485-7462. 5-10-21 open Tues Fri 1 -6,7 9 I FLAG FOREIGN CARPARTS, Negotiable lease. $200 includes Sat 12-5 excellent. Completely rebuilt After 4-10- pm 882-2316. D EADL INE heat. 129 Highland. 332-0976. 2605 East Kalamazoo, one mile Call 353-4624 0-10-10-29 PERSON TO share house with 1 engine. $1250. 355-9855. 15-11-6 P.M. one class day west of campus. 487-5055. three others. Own room, $57.50 5-10-22 before publication. C-9-10-31 10 a.m.-4 p.m. CLOSE CAMPUS, girl to sublet, plus utilities. 485-0409. COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES. 3 1972 WHITE TOYOTA Carina, girl apartment, winter only, 487-3821, efter 6 pm. 5-10-24 38,000, Ziebart, snows, like Immediate occupancy, 1 and 2 $90/month. 332-4732. 5-10-22 FASHIONABLE WOMEN SsiJ Peanuts Personal ads new, well worth it. $2,100. Employment good pay for a few bedroom townhouses for sale. TWO FURNISHED rooms. Kitchen clothes, like new ski suit I must be pre-paid. All utilities included except 332-1887 after 5:30. 5-10-21 hours of your time MASON MANOR - North Street, privileges. Parking. Walking 10. Reasonable1 12-8 | WAITRESS WANTED. Must have electricity. Tax deductions and 351-8115. 2-10-21 Mason, Married grad students or distance to MSU. EQUITY VEGA 1974 Wagon. Automatic, own transportation. Experience all incomes acceptable. $109 - Cancellations/ Corrections preferred. Apply in person only. single grad students. 1-2-3 VEST 361-8160. 6-10-24 $160 per month. 1-5 pm. RUMMAGE J® /proof, custom exterior. AVON and an 12 noon one class day rust THE DEPOT RESTARURANT. For f Monday Friday. 882-4176. bedroom town house apartments. . Very clean. 484-9734 after 5 From $185 plus utilities. Large 1 or 2 people wentad in house neer Starting Saturday Octob before publications. 1203 South Washington, pm. 5-10-21 5-10-25 kitchen and Frandor. Good heating, new through Thursday Octobvl TV and STEREO Rentals. dining area. Lansing. 7-10-24 $25/term. $10.95/month. Free Appliances including stove, garage. $48. Pats. 210 Spartan Avenue, ™ The State News will be PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE Lansing. Use North Drive VEGA 1973 Wagon. 3-speed. Same Day Delivery and Service. dishwashers, central heet, eir 489-1804.3-10-22 PART - TIME Candle makers South. Neer Michigan Avenue. 202 Spartan 3-10-22 responsible only for the 20,379 miles. $1,800. Excellent Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-10-31 conditioning, full basement, gBS needed. Experience necessary. Furnished one bedroom. condition. 372-3906. 5-10-24 heat. Balconies. Eest drive to FEMALE PREFERRED, own first day's incorrect Please phone 882-0174. 5-10-24 Utilities paid. $150 plus deposit. SHERWOOD S7100A f MSU. Open daily from 1-5:30 room, $66 in house. Woodland 627 5454. 5-10-26 insertion. VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Good shape. ORGANIST. SURBURBAN Apartments p.m. except Wednesday & setting, 882-4818.3-10-21 Sony Casette deck, 4 2-way speaker, Marantz New tires, new battery. 882-3664. Thursday. Visit us or call tie 7 days from Lutheran Church. 4 miles from MSU NEAR bedroom, 5-10-23 campus. One Sunday off per GIRL NEEDED - own room in one unfurnished, couples only. $167 JAMES FOX ASSOCIATES at ONE FEMALE needed. 4 bedroom Quad adapter. Call 332-if 3-10-22 month 349-0620 or 349-9609. Collingwood apartments. plus utilities. 413 Hillcrest, model 676-4746. Office, house, own room, $70. VW 1972 Super Beetle. Excellent $75/month. 332-1940. 2-10-21 372-1954. Manager. 676-1411. 489-0888. 6-10-23 6-10-25 337-9633, 351-9349. 5-10-25 condition. 485-6965 or 10-10-25 SANITIZED FEATHER \ 372-6543. 5-10-23 STUDENTS- POSITIONS pillows. Nice for gifts. C| now OWN ROOM, large furnished THREE CHRISTIAN women need SINGLE ROOM in quiet house; TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile beds made to order. 6 7 731® open. Part time. Dependable. apartment next to campus. Call for 2 bedroom kitchen; $80 plus utilities; cloee. VW BUS 1968. Rebuilt engine, new roommate homes. $25 - $35/week. 10 M-78. Perry 675 7® Responsible. Benefits after one 351-2354.5-10-24 Call 351-8764. 5-10-22 Automotive j ** clutch, tires. Must sell, apartment. If you would like to minutes to campus. Quiet and afternoons 7 days/week 5-llJ year. Apply 1431 East Michigan, live with sisters call 351-5159. evenings, 489-9480. 5-10-25 DOG AND SUDS. Ask for Karen peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or EAST SIDE furnished apartment. ftrS».f51 - B-1-10-21 AUDI 1972. Good condition, must sell, best offer. Evenings. CLASSIC VOLVO 444 1957. or Cindy. 14-11-5 $140/month. Utilities furnished. Lease to June 15 or September 484-5315.0-10-31 } THORENS turntable TD with 160C « StanB GIRL TO sub-lease 4 - girl. 777-2883.4-10-21 Excellent rebuilt engine, etc. 15. 351-5323. 10-10-31 PLEASANT GROVE NEAR Jolly. Cartridge, $185. V STORE DETECTIVE in prestige Immediately. Delta Arm's. FLEA MARKET. 22-24+ mpg. See it, 351-6356, New one and two bedroom. Open 351-0600. 3-10-21 retail chain. Immediate openings $78.50. Deb M. 351-7847. BMW 1971. 2002 Abarth, Konis. Tony .>10-24 Appliances, carpet, air Tuesdey end Saturday. 10 am- 6 available. Full or part time. Call FARM APARTMENT - two 5-10-25 pm. 1039 West Grand River Michelins, and more. $2800 - bedroom, $125/month. 15 conditioning, laundry. Balcony QUEEN WATERBED. A Phyllis Gayden 332-6547, (M-43) Williamston, Michigan. negotiable. 485-4591. 5-10-22 VOLVO 1966. Two door 5:30-7:30 pm. 2-10-21 minutes from campus. Lots of EUREKA 1024 UPSTAIRS, or patio, ,$139- Deeler space evailable. 10-10-29 frame, heater, sheets. Exaj automatic. New tires, exhaust, room to roam, garden. Lease to Furnished. One bedroom, share $169. See Assistant Manager, condition. Chesp. 623f BMW 1970. Excellent condition, rebuilt transmission. 20-25mpg. June 15 or September 15. Apartment 2, 3620 Richmond. 3-10-21 SALESMEN - EXPERIENCE in utilities. $125. 351-7497. GUNS, RIFLES, end handguns of sunroof, air conditioning, $650. 355-8224. 5-10-22 351-5323. 10-10-31 Call 676-1270; 393-6998. advertising, sales, or printing 0-10-31 all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. AM/FM, XAS, Asking $2300. 10-10-21 BELOW COST sale preferred. Commission, Best yeer 'round prices in 485-2966. 5-10-21 ORCHARD COURT, 1 and 2 speakers, cab— Motorcycles |Q . expenses. Call 339-9518. MASON HILLS Apartments. All Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN bedroom town house apartments. 3 BEDROOM apartment in house, amplifiers. West Laboratal 5-10-25 $138-$175. Immediate. Many new. One and two bedroom SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. Call CHEVROLET 1969. Kingswood extras. South Pennsylvania- spacious apartments from $139. $210 including utilities. 312 371-2244. 0-2-10-21 116 South Larch. 487-3| Wagon, power, air, $795 or best NORTON - DUCATI MOTTO - South Hayford. 332-2419. 10-10-29, - KITCHEN MANAGER, full time, Cedar area. Easy freewey to Includes carpeting, drapes, offer. 349-3118. 5-10-21 GUZI. New models on display. 10-10-21 experienced in all facets of small Hotpoint appliances, air, walk-in PANASONIC RS-281-S 30 watt campus. GONNIS COMPANY, Repairs and service for Honda kitchen management. Wage 489-5315. 10- 0-28 closets. Located at 495 North am-fm, fm stereo, built-in PLASTIC INSULATIJ CHEVROLET CORVAIR 65,000 miles, 25 mpg, $300. 1966. and Triumph. G.T. MOTORS, 816 East Howe, Lansing. commensurate with experience. Apply in person, ALLE-EY Okemos Road, Minutes from MSU. Mason. Furnished 10 i '"■»» Iffl cessetta. $150 . 351-4753. corrugated sheets for wi' doors, doghouses, 8 Jeff, 337-0886. 5-10-25 485-6815.0-5-10-25 NITE CLUB. 5-10-25 Model 3-10-22^ attics-anywhere to stop tha«B open Monday-Friday, EAST SIDE. 413 South Clemens. 3 12-6 pm. Saturdays, 11-4 pm. bedroom, partly furnished. RCA COLOR TV. Console. 21". 45""x84"x1/8" th^ P COMET 1972. Automatic LEATHER JACKETS for dress and RN'S - LPN'S. Charge nurses. All 10 MINUTES from MSU. East Lansing Realty and $215/month plus utilities. Good condition. $150. color. $2.50/each. * transmission, good sport. Check with us before you shifts. (AM'S and nights) Skilled 365-0736. 3-10-21 882-2555.10 10-25 Inexpensive living in a quiet Development Company. Deposit. 882-7760.4-10-22 condition/and gas mileage. buy. 10% OFF all leathers, nursing facility. Provincial House area. Located at 6076 Marsh 676-4874 or 332-4128. Other Asking $1750. 651-6518. helmets and accessories. SHEP'S South. Contact Mrs. White. Road just north of Lake Lansing times call 676-4291.10-11-1 MALE NEEDED in large house, 3-10-22 MOTOR SPORTS, INC. Holt, 332-0817. 5-10-23 Road. 1 bedroom apartments own room, close to campus. CROSSWORD 694-6621. C-7-10-21 with shag carpeting, disposal, EAST 218 North Hosmer, 1 332-0429.5-10-25 DATSUN 1968. 510 Wagon. Very MALE CHILD care worker-live in appliances, and air conditioning. - bedroom, $130 includes all PUZZLE clean. 47,000 miles. $650. 489-5674 after five. 3-10-22 INSURANCE -LOWEST rates on cycle and auto. Call us first or children's cottage. Experience in child care work. Should have $150 per month, furnished available at $185. Excellent for utilities, Call 351-8150, no fee. 5-10-25 Equity-Vest, /T CHECK OUR 1. ACROSS Apparel 29. Blockade 30. Billfish DUSTER 1970 - automatic, slant 6, last, but call. Easy payment psychology and sociology students, will consider nin ^REPAIR PRICES^* 31. Happen plan. UNION background. Contact William month lease. Call Manager at RIVERS EDGE, one man until Butterfly" 32. Mass of ice 19-21 mpg. $1100. 489-9513, UNDERWRITERS, 393-8100 or 12. Regional 33. Roman Weitzel, VFW National Home, 339-8192 or East Lansing June. Close! Greatl 351-2583. 20% after 6:30 pm. 5-10-24 485-4317.0-10-31 DISCOUNT TO 13. Nail polish 663-1521, Extension 147. Realty, 332-4128.10-10-23 5-10-25 philosopher 5-10-25 STUDENTS & 14. Scarlet sage 35. Synthetic DODGE 1973, Tradesman 200, V8, HARLEY DAVIDSON 90cc, 1973. FACULTY 16. Wrong material DESPERATELY NEED 2 girls for EAST LANSING. Walking distance ON "■ power steering - brakes, extra Excellent condition, $450 or PART TIME HELP - fatale 37. Extreme Cedar Village Apartment. Rent to campus. Lovely 1 bedroom CASH/CARRY VW tanks, super shape! $3600. best offer. 351-8648.5-10-22 IF you have a car and can work a 19. Arthur of 39. Riding-school 882-1826. 5-10-121 negotiable. 332-3680. 5-10-22 carpeted apartment with porch SERVICE PARTS minimum of 20 hours per week, and garage. Students welcome. tennis 42. Tubular part 1972 HONDA CB350. Good call 484-7368 between 10 am-1 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted. Call 371-4158. 5-10-25 20. Mannerisms 44. Dormouse DODGE DART 1964. Running condition, two helmets included. pm. 20-11-12 Spacious apartment. Own room. 22. Imitative 45. Solidify 2. Italian 6. Myself condition. Call 482-8561 after 6 $450. 353-1176. 3-10-21 Okemos area. 349-2698, after 5. NEED SECOND female. Winter 24. Brut 46. Lyric muse daybreeze 7 Memowj pm. 4-10-21 DESK CLERK needed. Must have 3-10-22 25. Pilot's control 3. Church tower 8 Table eWB term only. One bedroom. 711 TECHUMSCH MINI-BIKE. transportation and be willing to Burcham. Rent negotiable. 26. Exist 1. Oriental ship 4. Roof edges 9 Mennomtcfl DODGE VAN 1974. Loaded, Excellent condition. $75 or best travel. Call 372-0667 or LUXURY APARTMENT" 332-2708 after 5 pm. 5-10-25 9 28. Roger captain 5. Svelte 10 Network custom paint-wheels. Parking lot offer. 355-2512. 3-10-21 489-1215 between 12 • 6pm. 9 AUTO PARTS 11. Different I Fireplace, dishwasher. Need 1 r~ T" near Long's Restaurant-Steve. M 5 BeginnerJ % 0-10-31 roommate. Immediately. Call IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. 1 500 E. Kalamazoo at Cadar 15 694-9804,11-6 pm, 5-10-21 1973 HUSQVARNA 250-CR. 18 lnsc"Pt|OI| after 4 pm, 393-0079. 3-10-22 bedroom, furnished, close to ■2 15 FORD MUSTANG, 1970. Power $900. Call 482-7905, after 5. 5-10-23 UNLIMITED SALES OPPORTUNITY If you're a better man than the job ROOMMATE NEEDED. Four-man campus. 351-7655. 5-10-25 Volkswagon complete service. Repair & parts for most repair '4 %15 16 20. Stir 21. Annoy steering and power brakes, 6-cylinder, good on gas Call you're now in, we'd like to talk furnished, MSU area. $80/month. October free. Call TWO BEDROOM mobile expando. $160. % mile from home, foreign and American cars. % 23 Winter 25. Thus: I"1-1 P«| j[/j '7 Auto Service %% Body shop & paint services. 18 19 655-3714 after 5 pm. 5-10-21 to you. Commissions. Call Josephine Startweether at 351-7025.3-10-21 campus. Large lot, garden, fence, Exchange engines & trensaxles. 20 21 ir %23 26 Legal J profession! %% pets. 351-2092. 6-10-21 FORD WAGON, 1968. Good engine. Full power. $500. MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Kalamazoo Street since 1940., 694-3935. Investors Diversified Services. 10-10-26 MSU AREA, Okemos. One bedroom, furnished, $166, air Free wrecker service with % 75 26 17 27. Work umt 29. Made W ■ 355-8059, 353-9610. 2-10-21 Complete auto painting and REGISTERED NURSES. Full & conditioned, carpeted, modern. TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment to sublet. $230 per repairs bus - service local to areas. City $ if % 3o 30 Classes J FORD VAN, 1966. Runs good. collision C-10-31 1 service. 486-0256. part time positions available on the afternoon ft night shifts. Heat included. Call 349-9604, after 6:30 pm. 5-10-21 month, call 332-2179. 5-10-23 door. our front Va It SI 31. Fishing'1! 32 Blunder I v4 b $250 or best offer/. 351-8648. VOLKSWAGEN COMPLETE Minimum starting salary $4.82 REDUCE RENT - Minimal We buy and sell VW's % 33 Ham's j"1! 4% 5-10-22 CLOSE TO campus. Two bedroom, si *4 34 Accord'1® - maintenance. Spacious 551 *t\ %% per hour plus experience credit. house, repair and body. 20% two bethroom. Furnished, air. Excellent fringe benefits. Please private units. $140 $160. 36 Ivy leaW DISCOUNT to students, faculty - 4852047 485-9229 iT FORD 1969. Custom, V-8, power , contact office of Employment, 337-1800 5-10-21 35V-3809. 3-10-22 & HO * college T on all cash'n'carry VW service 8 - 6 Monday brakes and steering. $300 or best Friday, offer. 349-2645. 5-10-22 parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, Lansing General Hospital, 2800 MOBILE HOME for rent. Available ONE BEDROOM Apartment. - Ml n '38 win 9-2 Saturday HS Receded % Devonshire, Lansing. Pleaee call 40. 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. soon. Two bedroom furnished. Unfurnished, deluxe, 10 minutes 41 World 1 FORD PICK-UP 1954. No wit, 485-2047, 485-9229. 372-8220, extension 268. An $150 plus from campus. $139. Manager's or deposit. Utilities area best offer. VW Squareback, Equal Opportunity Employer. Near MSU. 332-2437. office, 5898 Marsh, Apt 1, Mastarcharge and Bank extra sunroof. 393-2172. 5-10-22 Americard. C-10-31 25-10-31 6-10-21 339-9161. 7-10-21 tl Type^J Micliigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 21J 974 13 Animals L«.*«]S1 i,, •L r i l GRAY (ormica 60"*36" with loaf bl* and on. WEST HIGHLAND whit* terrier puppies. 663-8762. WBlOJ.O-IViO 7 weeks 5-10-25 old. Call FOUND: MEN'S black rim mad glasses l«ft in Engineering _ — -W——■ S. Viets stage protest marches ^ , padded ehrom. BuiWln« 3534490. C-3-10-21 1 pl condition. n,n OLD """ ENGLISH sheepdog—-- puppies, FOUND: BLACK/white female From Wirt Services demonstrators to throw stones AKC, 12 weeks old. $150 Headed by the Rev. William prisoners. called for the ouster of kitten. Dec la wed, about seven Roman Catholics and others at the police and cause other 393-6545. 5-10-25 months old. 355-3739 staged antigovernment violence in vtnlftn/»A in fVia Csv.ttu McNaughton of Boston, the In the South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu, the South . marchers chanted , , , |RAL7lGH QUALITY bicycles C-3-10-21 demonstrations in South Korea Dictatorial capital of Saigon, 300 students, an end to the fighting in 'm GORDON SETTER puppies. AKC, champion blood lines. Available November FOUND: GIRL'S v*atch on tennis and South Vietnam Sunday, and 36 policemen and a Vietnamese capital. In Inchon, 20 miles from the South Korean capital of Regime Go Away" after attending mass on the plaza monks, nuns, priests and political leaders were involved Vietnam and the release of all political prisoners. 1, 313-769-5017. Seoul, court, first day of school. outside Inchon Cathedral. in a violence packed protest. Violence broke out when 3-10-23 number of demonstrators were - an American bishop led 500 Cop, 702 west B. 355-4014 identify. C-3-10-21 reported injured in Saigon. About 250 police fired tear The demonstration, rock - throwing and stick - 1.1022 Roman Catholic priests, nuns ST' BERNARD PUPS, AKC Saigon Radio claimed a gas trying to stop the marchers, organized by a collection of wielding students and children and laymen in protest that [ ^ 12" a who advanced about 400 yards registered, $100 Each. St. Johns. group of Buddhist nuns and a leftist Buddhist and Catholic split off from the rally and police tried to break up with and then 224-7646.6-10-23 woman activist encouraged pulled back after groups as well as a faction that attacked a stalled police jeep, tear gas. CIDER TIME at CORDA WEST staging a roadside sitdown for favors the return of exiled overturned it and set it afire. I t was the second about one hour, emperor Bao Dai, started The group then marched to Mobile Homes w CIDER MILL. 5817 North antigovernment demonstration Others remained outside the BSSEVft Erf* Ask for Joe Watkins. ROLLOHOME 12x60, King Okemos Road, East Lansing. Phone 337-7974. Open 7:30 a.m.-7 p.m. 20-10-23 Service by Catholics in South Korea smce August when President cathedral demanding an end to South Korea's martial law peaceably. Near a monument erected in memory of a monk who immolated himself in the downtown vanguard of area where youngsters stormed the National Assembly a 110-23 Arthur's Court. $3300. NEED CALLER to be awoken Chung Hee Park lifted two constitution, restoration of 1963 shortly before the fall of building, breaking its ornate 355-2251 or 332-6329 after 6 decrees cracking down on CHECK OUR Halloween Specialsl Wednesday and Friday mornings press and other freedoms and President Ngo Dinh Diem. glass doors and porcelain I '■ "tOO Watt P-A. amplifier pm. x-20-11-8 Buy your winter vitamins at 7:30 am. Pay is negotiable. political dissent. the release of political flower pots. During the rally, politicians £ only four month,, plus discount now. GULLIVER 351-1902. After six. 3-10-21 TRAVELO, 12x60 :;;abir..m'and?ai5 rpm.,x^-42oo Expando, STATE DRUG, 1105 East Trustees reject statement on hiring of handicappers carpeting, drapery. Near campus. Grand FULL TIME babysitting in my River, 332-5171. »tw»en 8 am 3-1021 351-3466; 351-1194 evenings. 0-1-10-21 home. Frandor-Groesbeck. Call 5-10-22 372-1071. 3-10-23 5.speed Schwinn WOMEN INTERESTED in (continued from concerned about physical 1) Collegiate. $60. After 5 pm, MSU COMMUNTIY Coop page Construction Inc. of Lansing Wilkinson had just read the HURON 10x60 expando. Medicine: Call Rebecca Nursery ^54236.3-10-21 Furnished, fenced double lot, 353-9620 or send name and has openings for 3 and 4 olds year All units of the University are requirements facing for construction of the new description of the Public apricot tree, vegetable garden, phone number to Box 137, for fall. For more expected to cooperate fully and prospective handicapped Public Safety Building, which Safety Building. ihed. Behind Gables. Pets information, Peggy Shook, to take individual employes. College of Human Medicine. 351-0109 or Kerry Chartkoff, initiative, as is scheduled to begin in "A holding room is a. . . allowed $3,400, 1-787-6277. B-1-10-21 In reply to Stack's and offer 694 0766 3 10 24 337-9511. 10-10-25 opportunities arise, to improve November. Related contracts Well, a holding room is a jail!" 5-10-24 employment opportunities of Stevens' questions, Provost for the project were awarded he ELECTION OF blurted out, amid much OLD, cracked or Honors College handicapped persons both John Cantlon said MSU does Replacements at Low TWO BEDROOM, 10x50? north Representative to UHPC. Honors CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY at it's best statewide. TERRY not to Bosch Plumbing and Heating laughter. side of Lansing. Call 484-3615 College members may vote for presently employed or newly yet know the physical Co. and the Hatzel and Buehler "I've been hearing rumors ],, OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 after 6 pm. 5-10-25 three student representatives to LUKE PHOTOGRAPHY, hired," the statement said. requirements of each job Electrical Contractors. around the campus lately that Jt Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. the University Honors Programs 313-532-9325. C-10-31 Judy Taylor, coordinator of opening advertised. In response to a question f 10-25 MOBILE HOME. 10x50, Old but Committee in Eustace Hall any the Office of Programs for "Well, we want to be sure by say what we're building here is Carrigan, Roger Wilkinson, vice a big jail," Carrigan ). MICHIGAN'S largest audio nailer with the finest in stereo good condition. Near MSU. Leaving city, must sell. Any reaeonable offer accepted. Phone time before Following is a October 30. list of volunteer candidates: Mark Genser, J, EC, Instructions ](jv) Handicapped Students said the policy should be the physical examination is not an employment barrier to the president for business and finance, said all financing for replied. new Ljducts and electronic repairs, 882-1604. 5-10-25 Betty Hibler, J. ZOL; Arthur BOARD EXAM TUTORING the store with straight STANLEY H. KAPLAN strengthened and clarified. handicapped," Stevens said. the building is from parking Jalkanen. J. SS-Pre Law; David "I would like to know the Stack charged that though , answers marshall TUTORING COURSES revenues, which do not include Wilkinson assured her, AIRSTREAM 27' Used 5 weeks, Kastner, F, JMC; Marty Kresnak, intent of those phrases like |C, 24 5 Ann Street. S, COM; Frank Lessa, Soph, SS; Now Being formed for the physical exams have long been parking fines. however, that the two cells will 2,000 miles. Beautiful. Consider 4 >1-10-21 upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, whe n feasible,' 'as used to screen people applying reasonable offer. Accept good David Manderscheid, Soph, Parking fines, he said, are not be used to hold people small car trade. Phone 393-7020 MTH, Rob Russell, S, PSY; ATGSB, GRE, Board Exams. opportunities arise' and for jobs, they could be used to used solely for the MSU short - overnight. i ,00 harmon-kardon days. 669-3780 evenings. Bruce Walker, F, JRN. For information Call 'existing administrative units,' determine physical capabilities term student loan program. quad receiver, Marantz 1-313-354-0085. 0-2-10-21 " Other routine action 5-10-25 Representatives'!' names will be she said. rather than handicaps. In'odel 1200 200 Watt amp. published in the Another Carrigan query included the appointment of State News. Voice and Sansui Trustees like Jack Stack, R In other action, the board [WW| 0 1-10-21 dealt with the description of Carolyn Steiber, asst. professor s. Miller sound gear and MONARCH, 1970, 12x60. Skirted, - Alma, and Don Stevens, D - awarded a contract of the proposed building, which Cies like Firebird, SG, 335 and , etc. Must see to appreciate of political science, as uniqueness. Owner desperate. f» 7, ] f) EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Bloomfield Hills, were $1,098,498 to Vector includes "two holding rooms." University ombudsman. lWody Maker. Albums, tapes, » , She L»ts, furniture. Canon FBT and 625 3585. 5-10-241 "831111$ nJTSOHal } Dissertations (pica • elite). "What is FAYANN 489-0358. C-IO-31 a holding room?" replaces James Rust, who AMERICAN EAGLE 1973 WELCOME MEGAN. Sue and Carrigan asked. retired Sept. 1. it 35mm equipment. Come - completely furnished. Financing Cindyl The Gamma Phis love IRENE ORR - Theses, term in to DICKER & DEAL available. $3700. Negotiable. you! 1-10-21 papers, general typing. Formerly secondhand store. 1701 663-4135. 5-10-23 with Ann 482-7487. Ford Brown. disregards advice th Cedar. 487 3886. Monday RUMOR HAS it the Sigma Chts C-10-31 Bnd Friday til 9 pm. Tuesday, - Wednesday, Thursday and Biturday 9-6. Bank Americard ind Mastercharge. C-5-10-25 lllSl i fMKl]g] KAPPA DELTA extends 1 pJhTle VICKI - Fast, accurate, inexpensive typing. Very near (continued from FIND SOMETHING campus. 337-7260. C-10-31 page 1) discussed before Nixon welcome to their 13 flaming new If side of the aisle can undergo |s, KNIESSI Red Stars, 205 cm. you've found a pet or article of pledges - Tracy, Patty, Diane, resigned, value, we want to help you' TYPING TERM ppapers, theses. Happening must be received in the d standards. 180cm. Best MaryCaryl, Kathy, Mary Ann, - State News office, 341 Student working for Gov. Milliken' election this kind of scrutiny. It's The President's nitial return it. Just come to the State Experienced, electric, pica type. effort on campus, please ifler 332-8396. after 5 pm. Lori, Jane. Kathy, Ro, Denise, Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least contact Mark McKelvey in 33S pretty rugged." response was to say the News Classified Department and Phone 394-2512. C-10-31 Marie, and Lori. 1-10-21 two class days before publication. Abbot Hall as soon as possible. He said Democratic House executive branch was tell us you want to place an ad No announcements will be accepted Speaker Carl Albert, currently protecting the tapes for in EAST LANSING STATE ANN BROWN typing and multilith by phone. jHWINN GIRL'S 5 speed MSU Russian Chorus Auditions next in line to the presidency, Watergate and other ■Collegiate. Ridden twice, BANK'S Found Column. As Real Estate m offset printing. Complete service are from 4 to 5:30 p.m. today and is in a position to receive prosecutions and would keep a public service EAST LANSING for dissertations, theses, Bible Study on the Christian Tuesday. Knowledge of Russian is n $80. 372-4156 after them for the time being. STATE BANK will run the ad at manuscripts, general typing. lifestyle is at 7 tonight in not special foreign policy and m. 5-10-21 LAKE SIDE VILLAGE,by owner, required. Asked Saturday night if he no cost to you! I0M«, 25, years experience. Conference Room &McD0fel Hall. intelligence .briefings but that 3 bedroom condominium. 7%% We are studying' Tne Gospel of ""ffii'Pifljlfi Ablations Student EAST LANSING 349-0850. C-10-31 he has not talked to Albert 'woof# make ptfblic such tapes JlNTOSH 2100 POWER mortgage possible. On lake. John. All are welcome. Society of America will meet at STATE BANK about it. if there was no problem with Amplifier, TEAC A3340 quad 339-2981, evenings. 5-10-21 COMPLETE THESES 8:30 tonight in 33 Union. You can C-10-31 Service The President said "Air the special prosecutor, he :h reel to reel tape deck, The Council of Graduate learn about PR, gain practical Discount Printing. IBM Typing Force Two" is being made C AN300 Quad Dolby, FARM - 36 acres. 15 minutes to and Students (COGS) will meet at 6:30 experience and meet PR replied, "I would be delighted binding of dissertations and tonight in the Con Con Room, professionals. available to the Oklahoma to." Jirtmcs SL1100 turntable, FOUND: FIXED male tiger kitten. campus. Horse barn, sheds, large publications. Across from fnternational Center. I STR-6120 FM stereo West Holmes Hall area. Friendly, farm house. $36,000. Terms. campus corner M.A.C. and Social Science Democrat and said he Ford also was asked about Undergrads: the se 501 Speakers. WE trained. 353-6306. C-3-10-24 351-5323. 5-10-24 Grand River. Below Jones Volunteer Training Session at Student Advisory Committee will understands Albert will use the Holtzman's aggressive Jlluslity AKE TRADES! stereo Much more equipment. RENTAL VACANCY? Your Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - 7:30 tonight at Edgewood United Church. 469 N. Hagadorn Road, for meet at 7:15 Berkey Hall. p.m. Tuesday in 203 Dean Winder will big jet in the final stages of the off - year election campaign. questioning. He said he wished LOST, BETWEEN Mayo, Anthony Friday. Call COPYGRAPH interviewers interested in the attend. All interested students are she had given him time to JILC0X SECONDHAND 109. Charm Inscribed. Bernard message gets to people with SERVICES, 337-1666. C-10-31 The Democratic party would answer her inquiries, ■TORE (509 East pretrial release alternative to money Michigan low-cost Want Ads. Call L. Goodman. UofM, 1951. pay for the use of the plane, he He said he tried to avoid sing). 485-4391. 355-8255 now to place your ad. TYPING TERM Papers and theses Reward. 356^)403. 3-10-22 Residence Halls Assn. Judiciary said. being rude and interrupting. t-12-1031 Experienced, fast service. IBM The Shalom Center, a new drop is now accepting applications for OKEMOS BY OWNER near MSU, electric. Call 349-1904. 18-10-31 in center for the Jewish - During his Thursday Expressing hope his - membership. You can pick up an ■LING TO stand out in the LOST: SOLID black cat. yellow 3 bedroom brick ranch, family community, is now open, it is application from the Judicial testimony before the Judiciary testimony satisfied Congress, P'owd? Then check the eyes. October 18, Cedar Village room, fireplace, full basement, THESES, RESUMES, typing and located above the Campus Book Programs office in 339 Student subcommittee, Rep. Elizabeth the President said, "Congress Store on Grand River Avenue. Services Bldg. The deadline for Holtzman, D - N.Y., asked had its opportunity and I really nding autos in today's area. Reward. 332-4049. 3 10-23 assume 7% mortgage, 351-4122, printing. Reasonable prices. Open 1 to 5 p.m. weekdays and applications is Friday. For more Ford to provide all tapes of assified Ads. evenings, x-5-10-23 COMMERCIAL PRINTING, Sunday. information please call the Judicial believe I answered any LOST: SUEDE CAP, 3rd floor 351-4116. C-10-31 1975 ASMSU Budget Request Programs office. conversations between him and questions. . . I certainly |LES, CIDER, PUMPKINS! C-Wells, Thursday, 17, 11:30 applications are available in 307 Nixon, saying later they might answered anything they JLOSSOM ORCHARDS, 7 miles am. Reward. Mike, 353-7428. Recreation Student Services Bldg. They must show if a pardon had been asked." " 1h ol Mason be completed and submitted no Dean Badger from the University on Hull Road, 3-10-23 of fours 9-6, later than 5 p.m. Thursday. Chicago Law School will speak closed Mondays. SKIERS UTAH package - $299. to the MSU Pre - law Assn. at 7:30 ■•589-8251 0-10-31 LOST: WHITE long-haired female Christmas and spring. Call your TYPING DONE by experienced p.m. Tuesday in A and B 33S Case South Africa Additives cloud beer, wine Liberation seven month old kitten, East Lansing Ski Center - typist, reasonable rates. Call Liz, Committee will Hall. All interested persons are — - meet at 7:30 declawed. 351-0353. 3-10-23 TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. 5-10-21 tonight at the Peace Center in 351-8800.0 5-10-25 United Ministries, 1118 S. Harrison Registered student organizations TSE BOARDING. 5 miles south LOST: WOMAN'S Green wallet Mrf { Road. Everyone welcome. requesting funds from the 197S (continued from page 1} near Harrision & Shaw. Reward. ASMSU Budget should pick up thought it was foot - stooped J0' campus. Good i 332-0011.3-10-23 JONI MITCHELL'S "Blue" LP. Inflation, its cause and cure, will request forms at 307 Student was reported by the pamphlet grapes and that was about it." J67_7j0402. 5 1 0-21 Guitar chords desperately be the topic presented by James Horvath, Socialist Labor party Services Bldg. All requests must be to have said: "I believe After learning of the presence ODCREST TRAINING Stables. LOST: LONGHAIRED black cat. wanted! Deb. 332-5497. 3-10-23 gubernatorial candidate, at 8:30 completed and returned to 307 complete chemical content of additives, Nugent said he October 4th. Gets into cars. EDITING - PROOOFREADING. Student Services Bldg. by S p.m. rtlers show horses, Arabian, Dissertations, theses, research p.m. Tuesday in 30 Union. labeling of beer would be would continue to drink. "I'm Reward. Call after 5 pm. Thursday. P'QH;A., Appallosa, several projects, manuscripts. Anne SENIOR COUPONS needed for the extremely confusing to the consuming all that stuff in the 351-8930. 302 M.A.C.. 3-10-23 Don't forget to vote Thursday ampionships; also 10 head of Ohio State football game. Call The Outing Club will holds its average consumer." food I eat anyway," he said. Cauley, 337-1591. 5-10-25 .for 21 representatives to the rabian- 4-H and Brood Cathy, 337-7557. 5-10-22 weekly meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, More than 50 additives are But he added that he would Married Students Union. Polling • to sell. in 118 Physics - Astronomy Bldg. Also MISSING: Brown shoulder purse. TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, places at all married housing permitted in beer and over 70 definitely favor a law requiring Climbing and cycling trips will be ■kJ! b0arding' indoor ar<™. Last seen in library. Valuable oiled, and adjusted. Portables ANY STUDENT coupons for laundromats open 6 to 9 p.m. Any discussed. A slide show, "The are allowed in wine. Only a the listing of contents. )-10-25 fcii^0"5 647-4724. 3-10-21 and shovv sadd,es- papers. Call 372-3861. 4-10-21 $7.50, manuals, $10, electric Purdue game. Jerry. 332-6479. resident vote. of married housing may Land," will also be shown. handful are used in liquors. Elizabeth Frick, sophomore, $12.50. One day service, free 1-10-21 Nearly all of the additives 265 Snyder Hall, knew nothing sMd n REWARD FOR calculator lost pick up and delivery. 25 years Free U is offering classes in yoga have been tested and found to husky, AKC FOR A better environment, check of the additives either, but also Lot Y. Call experience. 393-9774. 9-10-31 form, are availabfe'in thTst'udent »' 7 P m Tuesday and Thursday in be e|i I. 6 months, female, between Conrad and the new apartments for rent in Activities Division, 101 Student C36 Union, bicycle repair at 7:30 relatively harmless, but said she had no plans to curtail t|v M t90.337-1341. 5-10-24 Dave, 353-1915. 4-10-19 HIGHLAND HILLS • Christmas today's Classified Ads. Services Bldg. Tuesday and Thursday at there are some that are her occasional drinking. |Fe £i| parties & wedding receptions. Velocipede Peddler, 451 E. Grand questionable. Among these is "Drinking those things Rations, akc, male LOST: GRAY cat Angora, Spade, Reserve your date now. The Foods and Nutrition Club River Ave., also Tai Chi Chua, asbestos, which is used by h a;r 3t s In) FW. $75 for both. ™nj». 5-10-24 482-1769, and female, Street. 3-10-22 332-8635, 151 Bogue 669-9873. 20-10-23 I fcrPooQg will hold a meeting at 7:30 tonight in 38 Union. Come listen to the edible wild plants and massage. Free U needs some vintners to filter wines. The Wall Street Journal in doesn't make me any more nervous than drinking regular alcohol does. If I'm going to 3se FOR THE BEST Service on stereo experiences of two students. some ne to teach lNJI alj ^SIAMESE home. 351-7296 kittens, Free to FOUND: BLUE nylon jacket at IM eqipment see the STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. | awiwi [f»l The College Republican Spanish, dulcimer astrology playing, drawing, vitiemaking. 1972 reported that at times asbestos particles have been put that shit (alcohol) into my body, I might as well put the DBA m after 6. Soccer field on Tuesday. Call Campaign Committee will meet at dancing and pottery. found in wines. Asbestos is a C-10-31 He i» 091 355-6331. C-3-10-22 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in 37 Union. All rest of that stuff in there too," Im'i L0j FROM Woodbury CORCORAN to Road MSU at interested Republicans are tonight ASMSU in Board will 328 Student meet at Services 8 potent cancer causing agent. The major complaint against she said. ■ st 11 Building. welcome. Bldg. James Nevels, a graduate Administration manufacturers, the center says, How to form your own car pool Leaving 7 am, returning around Anyone interested in helping to Professor Norman Rose of the is not that the additives student and an instructor in 4:30-5 pm. 339-2351. 3-10-21 set up the Zoology Club showcase themselves are dangerous. It is, American Thought and meet at 7 Hebrew University will meet tonight in 404 Natural Language, said he learned of the center claims, that people ^Asertisement a publicforservice those at no charge, the State News will provide a free classified FROM FLINT Fenton to Science Bldg. The next meeting will be Nov. 4, when Dr. Baker will take informally with the campus community at 8 tonight in Shalom have a right to know what they some alcohol's chemical people who would like to set up or join a car pool. - area interested persons on a tour of the Center (above Campus Book Store). ingredients when he worked as MSU. Leaving and returning to are drinking. "The consumer's basic right a bartender. He said he and his be arranged. Phone 313 The Student Advisory Driving?,. 629-5482 after 7 p.m. 3-10-23 - Committee for the School of to know what's in the bottle — colleagues used to discuss the Meeting for members of the Criminal Justice will meet at 5:30 various additives and that was a From Biological Honorary. Beta Beta Beta, for whatever medical, religious, at 7:30 tonight in 341 Natural p.m. today in the lounge - west scientific or idiosyncratic result, "a lot of bartenders WILL basement of Mayo Hall. Members SHARE driving and I or Science Bldg. Programs for the year thought it better not to Leaving • Returning _ from Jackson to MSU. will be discussed. Refreshments. and interested persons please reason he or she may have - expenses attend. should be a foremost indulge." Daily, leaving at 7 a.m. and Phone Time? MSU Ski Team consideration in labeling," Dr. Nevels said that when he is returning at 5 p.m. Call meeting at 7 The Karma Record Shoppe has 787-6277 evenings. 3-10-23 tonight in 218 Men's Intramural Michael F. Jacobson wrote in taking a drink and visions of Pa,taipanti The NeWS VWi" "0t accept "POHHWKV 'or arrangements or conduct of Bldg. Elections of officers, business, organisation. moved to 313 Student Services Bldg. So C'mon, you Rock an' the, center's pamphlet. The chemicals come into his mind, ln,0fmation Rollers, buy or trade your albums pamphlet also claims that a list "I repress those thoughts and requested below must be supplied in order for ad to appear. for new tunes. Open 2 19 5 p.m. The congressional candidate of of contents would aid put them away." the Socialist Labor party will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 3 to 5 "I knew they put in some Full Name _ the first floor of the Union at 10 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and allergenic drinkers in a.m. today at the literature table to determining the safety of a stuff, but I didn't know they FROM TOWAR Gardens to MSU. Address answer any questions about the particular beverage. put in all that garbage," said Leeving 8:30am, returning 5:30 Israeli Dancing meets at 7:30 Several MSU students, when pm. 337-0257 evenings. 3-10-21 SLP's program. sophomore Kevin Markwardt City p.m. each Tuesday in 126 Women's asked if they knew exactly of 271 E. McDonel Hall. "I The Women's Media Collective, IM Bldg. All are welcome. what could be in their beer or don't understand it," sponsor of "Woman's Voice," a Setvir 'SnOUpon maV brought in 6$lBuilding. No phone calls accepted. or mailed to: Car Pool Classifieds, 347 Student I "* weekly radio show, will be holding weekly meetings from 9:30 to The History Dept. will sponsor a lecture on "Archaeological Balloon wine, said they did not know. "Wow, I never, ever Markwardt said. "When I toured Stroh's Brewery in 11:30 a.m. Mondays in the Photography at Santa Severe and fathomed anything like that," Detroit this summer, 1 didn't FROM MSU to Flint. Leaving every Women's Pompeii" by Prof. J. Wilson Meyers Center in the Union. Wednesday 3 pm. Call at 3 tonight in the Kresge Art said sophomore Jim Nugent, see them doing it I wonder 1-313-233-4327. 3-10-21 Gallet). oSl Vi r\kis Hali. "I always why." Monday Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan The MSU Bookstore is having a GIANT APPRECIATION SALE! \v m E*fi3ree. s (J% r mm || mMF*/ # \ \f KA 5«V mmjn M = MM // ) /Lm\ u w/rml |j9|g|g Ml] ' m V /1 l/l h fy/f/ /KKf H i iMMzl1 \M^^H i[im To show you how much we we're having the best book To top off the fact that we've we're adding new titles andCome in see Mill IBOOKIIORE