y 1 Volume voiume 168 ioo Number iNumber 217 Tuesday, luesaay, October ucroDer 22, il, 1974 Michigan State University 11 / iv/4 Mien East Lansing, Michigan 48824 jndahl to file compla The 30 second y Lessard distorted voting record public opinion poll. (Fill it out and see where you stand.) By MARY ANNE FLOOD State News Staff Writer never aware of any Secretary of State announcement that the July 13 vote co¬ ,o candidates have some serious would be too late to get and make Lments interpreting the meaning of campaign reform effective in November. I Rep Lynn Jondahl's record - he Jon'Jahl said that her interpretation of his □n- nn*- ius opponent Cathy Lessard. vote on the Veteran's Relief Act vote as Z disagreement will manifest itself excluding benefits for Vietnam Veterans complaint to be filed with the was ridiculous since the Vietnam veterans Fair Campaign Practices CO had been included in the bill way before mitte this week in which the Jondahl the amendment was the question. ,s wj|| c|aim Lessard has distorted the "It seems a matter of difference of id in a Sunday State Journal ad interpretation," Lassard said. "The only je full page ad, billed as "The 30 way we can really tell is to have an nd public opinion poll", contained a objective party look at the bills and jf twelve check-offs for various state discern what each vote means." □CP 5 ,nd noted at the bottom that lahl has voted against all these issues, State Journal Managing Editor Ben emocrat Jondahl maintains that Bums said that if the ad is found to have JONDAHL LESSARD ird's interpretation of all but one of been deceptive the paper will probably this but I don't think it's the kind that twelve, the one dealing with his vote Lessard has a list of House votes to run a story on the problem areas. will swing the election," Jondahl said. Bt regulating massage parlors which substantiate each of her claims about her "When 1 saw the ad I just off hand You probably scored al least eight "yes" votes. Some of us voted "> "But if a media blitz were involved, we elt would merely increase the power opponents record, she had to submit the thought, 'gee, she could be doing some The fact is, given the chance, the people of the 59th District wi would be foolish to allow this kind of etectives to conduct a search without list with a signed affadavit to the State things here, perhaps twisting the record'," on just about all of them. distortion to continue." Journal when they took the ad. Burns said. rrant, were either distorted or wrong, But Lynn Jondahl voted "no" on Another of the Jondahl group's big to of the "poll" questions, those Lessard said Jondahl should have made Journal Advertising Director Ted every one. Which brings up the ing with state tax limits and truck complaints is Lessard's alleged his reasons known sooner on several of Sontag said that the paper always reserves disturbing question of just exactly whose interests does Lynn Jondahl coverings, were never presented to misrepresentation of Jondahl's votes on the votes in question, like one on drug the right to reject advertising copy, and house to vote on as bills but only campaign reform. Two of Lessard's dozen education programs where Jondahl said has done so recently with another That's one reason why a growing check-offs were about campaign reform he is for the programs but against political advertisement. (up as matters of di9charing them making number of us support Cathy Lessard i committees "My goal on campaign reform was to them mandatory because that would be The Jondahl campaign had originally for State Representative. ihe could have found things in my get a more stringent bill passed, I never dictating state education policy which he planned to take Lessard to task over With the kind of problems we've supported any efforts to remove another ad, one run in last week's Towne ig record to complain about and still does not consider a legislative function. got in go\ernment and the economy, rately interpret my voting record," reporting of all contributions,"Jondahl, "All you know is that he's opposed to Courier. They complained that she had we need all the help we can get. And lahl said. "If she wants to get upset who was commended by Common Cause it, how can you pick up on a strain of given the impression of incumbency, an we just don't think it's coming from for his votes against campaign reform bill issue that Congressional candidate Lynn Jondahl. it my stand on victimless crimes she philosophy," she said. "How can you Clifford Taylor had attacked one of his d point out that I'm a cosponsor of a on the grounds that it was inadequate, attack it other than going to a man's lolegalize prostitution." opponents on during the summer idahl and his meeting of campaign said. Lessard, who has continuously record?" Lessard said she didn't think any of her primaries. Cathy Lessard for State Representative u;rs generally decided that the real attacked Jondahl on his campaign reform points were at all distorted. She said she Though they decided against filing on they wanted to take action on the was to ensure Lessard would not votes said: "Regardless of any other things, the campaign reform bill that got considered voting against discharging a stalled and crucial bill from committee as complaints about the Courier ad, the Jondahl campaign noted that Taylor's Republican • 59th District tinue to distort Jondahl's record as he name was in the Courier signature ad as through does not cover all contributions. good as voting against it. ustandsit. There are too many times when I just On several one of the contributing Lessard points the two candidates ill be a negative impact from don't think Jondahl voted right." information differed. Lessard said she was supporters. Mexicans HAGDELENA de KINO, Mexico (AP) crowd gathered in a cobblestone - paved would not be dominated by the newly greet hacienda. It was Ford's first trip outside relations between the neighboring nations. Ford border by applying the reason of law and t paced round of shirt - sleeved, • plaza. discovered oil deposits in southern the United States since he became In his remarks, Echeverria said Mexico reciprocal respect," he said. rt diplomacy surrounded by a fiesta Ford told the crowd: "I can assure you Mexico. President Aug. 9. Both he and Echeverria is struggling to achieve social justice with The Ford - Echeverria summit took on i, President Ford and Mexico's Another major subject on the agenda mobbed our meetings . . . Will be off on the right were by crowds in both Nogales balance that will allow the country to new significance with the recent sident Luis Echeverria conferred was Cuba and the U.S. position against its and foot and will be productive. Magdalena, to the dismay of further its development. He said inflation announcement of the discovery of huge oil day on issues ranging from Mexico's "We will meet in the spirit of Father recognition. perspiring security men. The two has seriously affected Mexico and cited it bonanza to relations with Cuba. deposits in southern Mexico U.S. officials Kino," Ford said in reference to the Jesuit The two leaders met at the border town presidents walked more than a mile as "only one of the manifestations of a said that Ford and Secretary of State Wore opening their private talks in the of Nogales for a colorful, hands - across - priest who colonized much of northern through Nogales in temperatures over 80 lack of balance between rich and poor" Henry A. Kissinger were pressing for a ' lull of this mountain town, the two the - border greeting in the morning before Mexico 300 years ago and whose bones are degrees, leading a parade viewed by a and the people of the two countries. promise to allow U.S. access to the oil (dents walked side by side through interred here. flying by helicopter to this historic city in crowd estimated at more than 40,000. Echeverria has said repeatedly that the finds to help ease America's energy ty streets. They were greeted with the mesquite - covered mountains 65 miles Ford told Echeverria in Nogales that "is and the cheers of After laying a wreath at the priest's more developed nations should have a shortage. thousands of tomb, the two presidents strolled to city to the south. the summit "exemplifies the spirit of the larger role in helping poorer nations in The precise size of the oil deposits has sins. hall. Later in the day they flew to Tubac, a newdialog into which we have entered with their struggle for economic growth. He has not been 8oth Ford and Echeverria shed their officially announced, but As Ford was en route to the summit, a southern Arizona desert resort south of the nations of Latin America.' proposed a United Nations charter spelling unofficial estimates range up to 20 billion ' coats during the walks and senior White House official on the Tucson, for a luncheon and a wrapup He called for frank and i d friendly out the economic rights and obligations of barrels, a deposit twice the size of that on nowledged the noisy welcome of a meeting on the patio of a country club consultations to give meaning to nations, which has been opposed by the presidential plane said the discussions new Alaska's north slope. United States. Echeverria, in turn, was reported Echeverria said cooperation has been planning to push for a solution for the Uf'• good between the United States and Mexico. "During the past it has been problems of thousands of migrant workers in the United States who are unprotected possible to solve the problems along the by either U.S. or Mexican laws. White House ordered M to hold papers, tapes i WASHINGTON" (AP) - A federal judge to protect the President's rights under the issued an order Monday temporarily agreement he signed on Sept. 6. blocking the White House from giving The agreement about the Nixon former President Richard M. Nixon materials preceded by three days the custody of his White House papers and pardon granted Nixon by President Ford. tapes but allowing him to look at them in Earlier Monday a group of three the meantime. organizations and eight individuals also The order by U.S. District Judge asked the judge for an injunction seeking Charles R. Richey was issued in response to preserve the tapes and papers and to to competing motions asking him on the wipe out the agreement. one hand to force the White House to stop Both suits named the head of the giving out the materials and to ship them General Services Administration (GSA), to California, and on the other hand to Arthur F. Sampson, and Secret Service order them held in government custody. Director H. Stuart Knight as defendants. Richey ordered a little of both, In addition, the Nixon suit had directing the White House to hold onto presidential counsel Philip W. Buchen as a the papers at least until the broader defendant. questions of the legal issues are worked Nixon's lawyer, Herbert J. Miller, told out, but at the same time directing it not Richey that the former president would be to disclose any of the materials except willing to release materials sought by under proper court order. Watergate grand juries. And he said that he But he ordered that Nixon can have had written the GSA, telling them that the access to the materials from his clause providing for destruction of the administration "for the sole purpose of tapes on Nixon's desk does not go into preparing to testify in the Watergate effect for five years. criminal trial," and that if he cannot In his order Richey noted that "the physically come to Washington to look at criteria for granting a temporary the materials, he can have copies made. restraining order have been met" and said that the motions for the order "are hereby Richey, who held a hearing on the matter earlier Monday, said his order granted in part and denied in part." The injunction granted by Richey will should not prevent the turning over of remain in force for 10 days, and he said it materials in response "to a validly issued will be renewed if the parties ask for it. subpena in any civil or criminal case," or I*BJHV' ii' to producing such materials for the "It seems to the court that there has . -rWm .mm** Watergate coverup trial now going on. been a sufficient showing that the question of ownership of these materials W 1 AP wire photo Nixon's lawyers had asked for a does need some solution," Richey said. temporary restraining order against The judge heard four hours of presidentcr°wded 0Wn a Luis Echeverria of Mexico, toft. President Ford and Alicia Arellano, mayor of Magdelena, Sonora, Mexico, join hands as they walk officials of the Ford Administration to bar them from releasing the Nixon papers and icontinoed on ^aoe I3> street of the town during Ford's visit Monday. Tuesday, October 22, | 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Dean tells of tapes, Haldeman tells former cov WASHINGTON (AP) - Watergate coverup trial, Dean was then preparing to begin its Investigation and hearings. President Richard M. Nixon wL°f White uHe House^ from the '"side * n, John W. Dean III testified testified that he once believed that he believes Mitchell knew on the outside." At that time, Dean said, Monday that he once that Mitchell, a former about the burglary in advance. Asst. special "There was no Investigation ,,rWf__ recommended that John N. attorney genera^ could be James F. Neal Mitchell be talked into sacrificed so the Watergate likely of events after June 17, Mitchell, Ehrlichman Haldeman and are among the five who would be asked^#J 1972, if Mr. Mitchell would protected1" Flight fares to increase Nov. 1 admitting Watergate guilt about so investigators coverup unraveled. would not be step forward and admit his defendants in the coverup trial. In addition to Dean's .J?" h"W"'- "».»,*■ The Civil Aeronautics Board Monday approved an would stay away from the Dean said at a meeting with guUt in events before June 17." testimony Monday, the jury ■>« >1 average 10 per cent increase in air fares over the north White House. former White House aide* H. 1973, that there was discussion v The original Watergate heard a fifth White House tape Neal: "Would Mr. and mid - Atlantic routes between the United States and During his fourth day on R. Haldeman and John D. of how to deal with the Senate burgars were arrested June 17, in which Nixon talks with be inside the wagons?" Miw the witness stand at the Ehrlichman on March 21, Watergate Committee which 1972> ■nd in White House Haldeman, Dean and Dean: "No, sir." Europe. Ehrlichman about how to Neel: "Would Mr. t| The increases, which range from a low of 3.6 per cent handle the various Watergate (Jeb S. Magrudor New bugging counts deout* to 19 per cent, are effective Nov. 1. director of the 1972NixoIJ seen investigations, which were The new hikes mean that the cost of a round - trip growing closer and closer to election committee) b the White House. the wagons?" economy flight between New York and London will The tape is of a late Dean: "No, sir." jump from $604 to $626. That increase is the lowest WASHINGTON against an individual who force is Mitchell's testimony afternoon March (AP) • 21, 1973, Lawyers for Mitchell sourt® approved by the board. Special Watergate Prosecutor already had been convicted in about the merger before the to block the another Watergate case. Senate Judiciary Committee. meeting at which Dean jury from hejl FDA chief's action questioned Leon Jaworski Monday he expects more indicated "The fact that he is Mitchell testified at the proposes that White House aides be immunized from portions of the final House tape to be introduced! Whl charges will be brought in cases convicted in one Watergate hearings of the nomination of prosecution and then go before Sen. William Proxmire, D - Wis., charged the food and still under investigation by his case does not mean he is not Richard G. Kleindienst to be a grand jury. connection with Demi testimony. drug commissioner with misfeasance in allowing the office. going to be charged in attorney general. As a result of Though the meeting ends In that tape, also another," the prosecutor their testimony at those releud sugar substitute Aspartame to be manufactured and In an interview Jaworski inconclusively, Nixon and by the Judiciary Commit distributed before holding a public hearing on it. declined to discuss specific replied. hearings, charges were brought Ehrlichman oppose Dean's idea Nixon orders Mitchell , areas where new charges might Jaworski refused to discuss against both Kleindienst and in favor of sending Dean to March There have been charges by Dr. John W. Olney, former California Lt. Gov. Ed 22, 1973 tfl be expected. He did say that a specific possibility, the caae write a general report which associate professor of psychiatry at the Washington investigations of illegal of former Atty. Gen. John N. Reinecke. they hope will satisfy "stonewall" Wate'raJ investigations. " University School of Medicine in St. Louis, that the campaign contributions and Mitchell, one of five Kleindienst pleaded guilty Watergate investigators. Mitchell's defendants in the Watergate to a misdemeanor charge of lawyer, Wita substance can cause brain damage to children when the International Telephone On the tape, previously Hundley, objectedto thettpH combined with monosodium glutamate. and Telegraph (ITT) antitrust coverup trial. failing to testify fully. made public by the House being admitted as evidence of case are "not yet completed." It is understood that one of Reinecke was convicted of one Proxmire's charge was leveled at Alexander M. count of perjury. Judiciary Committee, grounds that while Deal Jaworski was asked if he the matters under investigation Haldeman Schmidt. TTie charges cautions that present for part of the meetij JAWORSKI would pursue an investigation by the prosecutor's ITT task against both the tape shows that he wa men were based on their immunizing White House aides from prosecution would result of the room for the Chavez cancels Canadian tour testimony about ITT, which in "a hue and cry from White that includes the pora was the main issue raised at the "stonenl House critics who would say order. president of the United Farm Workers Supreme Court decision ends Cesar Chavez, confirmation hearings. this is just a super coverup.' " Neal contends that union, is cancelling,because of illness,a tour seeking Earlier the same day, Dean can authenticate the Mitchell testified at those tapeH support in Canada for his union's grape and lettuce hearings that he never testified that he had another testimony that no one left M boycott, the Canadian Labor Congress said Monday. A spokesman said Chavez was recovering in a banker's campaign for office discussed the ITT case with then - President Nixon, a meeting with Ehrlichman and Haldeman, but not the office once he left Mitchell the president to continue th conversation. d California hospital from a back ailment and exhaustion. statement later contradicted by president. He was to start the Canadian tour today in Sydney, WASHINGTON (AP) - South Carolina Abortion the White House. He also Dean said there he proposed Hundley's challenge I banker Charles D. Ravenel's campaign for the Let stand a ruling that municipal hospitals testified he was unaware of an that they "draw the wagons expected to be the first ( Nova Scotia. around the White House." several in which defenL governorship of his home state apparently came may not restrict abortions to those required to ITT pledge to help underwrite Canada is the largest importer of California - grown to an end Monday. save the life of the mother. the cost of the 1972 Asked by U.S. District lawyers will seek to prerj Judge John J. Sirica what that White House tapes from bein produce. The Supreme Court rejected Ravenel's Republican National Criminal Justice meant, Dean replied, "It is a played for the jury unlessthi request that it overturn a lower court ruling Convention at the time Bused Boston students clash that he was ineligible for the job, even though Agreed to consider when, if ever, members of antitrust suits against the sort of cowboy and Indian are legally verified i he the state's Democratic gubernatorial phrase which means to protect authenticated. won the armed forces have the right to be conglomerate were settled. A fight between black and white ninth graders at a primary, because he did not meet state represented by counsel at summary courts That contention was small high school in South Boston occurred Monday as residency requirements. martial. contradicted by material made In other actions Monday, the court: Declined to consider whether servicemen public by the House Judiciary city schools entered their sixth week of court - ordered Obscenity facing court martial are protected by the Committee as part of its integration. Refused, in a series of 5 to 4 votes, to constitutional guarantees against unreasonable impeachment evidence. The fight at South Boston High School, one of 200 search and seizure. interfere with the convictions of nine persons schools ordered to integrate under a Sept. 12 busing and one corporation in nine separate cases Agreed to consider whether state prison Jaworski, #ho has resigned effective Friday, continued to decision, was the only major disruption reported by involving violations of obscenity laws in New officials may transfer inmates from one prison to another without warning and without a maintain that he would need school officials Monday. York, Virginia, California and Florida. additional congressional Pushing began at an orientation assembly for new hearing. Women's Rights authority to include in that pupils, and a black boy punched a white girl in the face, <,uu Schools report all his office learned police said. A few others joined the fray before state police marched into the school and calmed the pupils. Agreed to consider a challenge to a Utah law setting a different age of majority for men and Rebuffed Missouri and California parents seeking state aid in sending their children to about Nixon's involvement in Watergate. Frames ] The girl hurt in the fight was treated by a school nurse for cuts and bruises. women. The court will hear an appeal of a Utah Supreme Court decision denying child support parochial schools. The court affirmed lower court orders overturning a California law "Our chief problem is how far a prosecutor can go to Uuliiiiiti disclose things that are not a payments to the divorced mother of a girl after providing state income tax credit for nonpublic her daughter reached the age of 18, three years school fees and denying a Missouri parent's basis for charges," he said. Power companies threatened younger than the majority age for males living demand that public school buses transport his in the state. children to a Catholic school. Power companies said Monday in Seattle that beefed - up security measures can provide no ultimate defense T"? SU* N.wi If published by State University every class day the stud ants of Michigan open thursday and friday nights until nine. during Fall, Winter and Spring school against an extortionist who has demanded $ 1 million to terms, Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Is published stop sabotaging power transmission towers. In September. Subscription rate Is $20 per year. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial The dynamite blasts are still viewed as threatening a and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, possible blackout in the Portland area. But the Michigan, 4aa24. GERALD H. COV, GENERAL MANAGER Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), a federal ROBERT L- BULLARD, SALES MANAGER agency that distributes power throughout the PHONES News/Editorial 355-S232 Northwest, has warned all area utilities to the possible Classified Ads 35S-82S5 Display Advertising 355-6400 Business Office 355-3447 Eleven BPA transmission lines in Oregon have been Photographic 385-8311 damaged by dynamite blasts, causing an estimated $50,000 damage. Five of the blasts occurred last Wednesday and the BPA received a letter Friday in dd Portland demanding the $ 1 million. r _ oq. ri Tallty}1~C!>$OTlS ' VtijFUnnrQr Soviet Jew exit RESEARCH 70u£UnPtion drugs million a year if the taxes are repealed and billions of leaves that fall on 2,000 acres Small blowers take care of the "crooks became a mechanical process. Wh'Iminf>matfn. that this, in turn, may force an increase in of campus. and crannies between buildings." Zink "And when the leaves are gone, it's ed $nSh »aid voters may rejcct a the state's income tax. 1 HHion transportation bond Levin says the state could get by without the sales tax and that cost cutting Applications due Swift winds and cold weather will make leaves fall sooner. The unusually brisk temperatures this October have caused said. After the leaves are blown, usually pretty close to said. snow removal time," Zink a early in the week, machines called ioVE5' c?nducted by the Market measures would avert any income tax Nov. I for seats sudden downfall of leaves on campus. "pickers" gather the dead foliage like big *s said vnt po" organization, the increase. "We've found out the value of leaves," ■ttntfnl?!" SUpport rePeal of the 4 The poll showed that virtually every John Zink, grounds supervisor who is in vacuum cleaners, Zink said. The next step has the hundreds of WJIM, MSU 61.28 and ^ P" cent on drugs Proposal C, the charge of all the gardeners on campus, voter group favors constitutional amendment on repealing on council units said. "Leaves are used again. They're pounds of leaves being "dumped right out onto the ground" near the incinerator, 88 most '"rely to the tax. But it said support was strongest recycled. They're not wasted." Zink said. to show Carr, "**68 3?C P0"S 0n Nov- 5' the among blacks, voters under 30, service Students who desire seats on Academic Council standing committees should file Zink explained that the basic process of leaf redistribution is to "mulch them up The leaves piles for are left outside in compost a full year. They are then repiled workers, the unemployed and Democrats. phati/nn (KSh.0Wed voters are less Both Levin and Milliken agree on applications by noon Nov. 1 in 101 and return them to the soil." This is done after rotting, break down, and are used as lonents ah!"e. ?,nsportation issue. with Proposal D - which would authorize $1.1 billion in bonds so that Michigan could Student Services Bldg. The agenda committee of the Elected Student Council will select students for 24 by blowing them into piles, picking up the piles mechanically and taking the clusters organic fertilizer on the University grounds. Taylor debates out to the incinerator south campus, Zink explained that oak leaves are obtain additional funds for transportation. near »d likely in°jCdJthat undec|ded voters Southeast Michigan voters strongly positions on the 12 Academic Council committees. Half of the positions are where they are left to rot until next year especially good organic fertilizers. He said Persons wishing to compare 6th District issue. the transportation "It's really a hassle trying to get the oak foliage has a high acid content, and congressional candidates M. Robert Carr support the measure, but this, the poll reserved for minority students. campus," around to all these areas on this is especially good for fertilizing azalea and Clifford Taylor will have the chance esN "p 18 P«r cent of all said, is offset by opposition elsewhere in The committees perform much of the campus, , Zink said. Many years ago. and rhododendron plants. this week and next through two televised vote cent those most likely the state. legislative work of the council in various only the Circle Drive area got heavy leaf Oak leaves typically are the last leaves and three on campus debates. ■ Many voters believe the transportation academic areas, ranging from student falls. Because the campus expanded and to fall every season, but the quick changes ' ^ sales t«'s hinds would to chiefly to the Detroit rights to campus planning. the tree population increased, leaf ■ in weather this year have caused oak leaves The televised debates will be shown Gov Min i" the e,ectlon battle metropolitan area, but in fact about 50 In addition the Academic Council has gathering now includes south and east to fali earlier, causing «euie prcbkws in from 7 to 7:30 p.m on WJIM, channel 6, cent of the proposed transportation opening reserved for Thursday and also on Oct. 31 on WJIM le^S»nderll eni^dnhlsDe,nocratic one a woman per campuses, Brody Complex and University segregating the etpecidlj valuable o&L - projocts are in outstate areas. student. Village. leaves. TV, channel 6. Susan Ager RUSSELL Editor-in-Chief Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R. D. Campbell Managing Editor Inflation won't deflate G.F.Korreck City Editor Diane Silver Campus Editor Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Pay ton National Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor Tuesday, October 22, 1974 Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor Editorials are the opinion of the State Judy Rypma Copy Chief I affixed my powerful WIN button to - hour speed limit." "No!" government still wanted us to enjoy arvt J News. Columns, viewpoints and letters are Joe Kirby Staff Representative my lapel and went to the White House The professor's famous smile was warm, "Fourteen?" dinner somebody said to live in a land where wasn'tit £?I personal opinions. chanting "Whip Inflation Now." friendly. "One more word on this subject and I you dSl "You have an idea for reducing "Just give up the lamb chops, Venice shall resign." At home everybody was pleased to hear America's self - indulgent waste, as urged and second car. Wastrel," ha said. "Your (c) 1974 New York Times that there was at least one excess the by President Ford to help whip inflation President is not asking you to accept now?" asked EDITORIALS helmeted aide in the a war penury." against inflation. "Giving up the guarantee of being killed "Exactly. I propose to spend less for 15 times isn't that much of a hardship, kingdom - come insurance." professor. Actually, the lamb chops will be "That is Professor Kissinger's harder to part with." City must imp department," the aide said, showing the Middle East. The professor pressed a hookah on me me to "How much doomsday insurance do you propose to keep?" We had talked it over at home and and, as we squatted around a smoky camel decided that if we could get along with ■ chip Are, I told him I yearned to sacrifice one car we could certainly scrape by with affirmative in the war against inflation. He was urbane, witty and charming. "I have been wasteful," I wailed. "I have been self indulgent." enough bomb power to kill each of us just once. There was an intimidating edge on the • professor's friendly smile, however, so I East don't talk about specific "Of course," he agreed. "That is why said, "Well, we thought, in view of the Lansing councilwoman we have this terrible inflation." President's call for sacrifice and all, Mary Sharp says it is better to have departments," Wright said. They "But now I'm cutting back. we could get along with being killed a weak affirmative action plan on don't even give the turnover rate in Macaroniburgers instead of lamb chops. only six or seven times." the books and make changes than managerial areas." One car instead of two. One bath a week "What! and you a family man?" the to have no plan at all. Yet city City council did not even instead of seven. Vacations in a mud hut professor exclaimed. "Do you want to see council's recently adopted consult its own human relations instead of Venice." your wife snubbed by other women commission before formulating the because her husband is too cheap to buy affirmative action plan is "That's not my department," the her more than seven or eight?" admittedly only a policy statement, guidelines. Why, if not to comment professor said. "More than that would be a shamefully and it needs provisions for on these decisions, is there a human "True, but as part of my war on excessive self - indulgence I intend to cut inflationary waste." implementation before it really can relations commission? "And your children. Imagine them at back my doomsday insurance." be called anything at all. It appears that city council is The professor tilted slightly toward school, laughed at and ostracized because the trying to do a snow job on East their daddy didn't give them as many Pentagon. I told him the papers said we Council's proposals nebulously were now living in a world furnished with doomsdays as the other children have." Lansing residents because of the "Fifteen is a lot for a kid." suggest that the city should hire Hack it received for not having an enough nuclear blasting power to kill The minorities and everybody 30 times. Assuming that half professor became cagy. more possibly more affirmative action program earlier. this furniture was being bought by the "Confidentially," he said, "I will tell you women, but doesn't detail any Jackson and Ann Arbor have had what is in the President's heart, for he told United States, I observed, I was specifics on how this plan will be affirmative action programs for six squandering money for the luxury of me just the other night. 'Professor,' he carried out. said, 'if this inflation ever gets so bad that years. being killed 15 times. "Owning two cars is wasteful enough," every American cannot afford to pay for Harold Wright, Lansing district Affirmative action is needed in I said, "but paying to be killed 15 times is being killed at least 15 times, the America executive of the Michigan Dept. of East Lansing. However, a nebulous even more self - indulgent than driving we have known is washed up.' " Civil both of them in of the 55 mile per "Wouldn't 12 times be enough?" Rights, has blasted the policy policy statement will not suffice for excess • statement because the city does n^t a well considered plan. make any commitment to As it stands, the city's completely on the players. The coaching of deciding whether my bike is t implement the plan. affirmative action program rests staff seems to have a "wait and see" "insuring?" Point two is that if a bol attitude, meaning they don't do anything were to steal a bicycle is it conceit! "Their goa!s are minimal. They only on the commitment of the except run the ball up the middle until the that the thief might have the can say the goals are r inttHigefl '.vtive t>f city manager's office. And that can Spartans are 16 or 21 points behind. to take the sticker off the said bicvtj the number of minori' c- ! ; not always be counted on. Stolz has told us time and again what a After all, we are the great recruiting job the coaching staff did "intelligentsia," and one r of "Hansel and students and faculty have with the artist's particular area Recital Series, sponsored by fine arts in Justin Morrill, said. by Klaro Mizerit, conductor of introduced to the l-retel and Ted and Alice; an artists who come here for those who are just becoming and received but usually involve only students from specific the Music Dept., and the dance "In the classroom situation the Atlantic Symphony of program, United States first Brera in One Unnatural Act?" performances or extended involved with the arts," areas of study. residencies, cosponsored by the there is not enough time for Nova Scotia, and recitals by performances of certain pieces Lecture Concert Series and | Members of the University stays in residence. artists to talk to all - Beachler said. the Czechoslovakian organist of music that were never A University • wide artist - in the dance program of the students who wish to speak Ferdinand Klinda. before performed here. Many Health and Physical Recreation with them. So we try to have Further guest artists in this artists come to the United (HPR) Dept. them over for dinner or to States for the first time kills 'Mixed Company' program will include Bulgarian Slow pace More than a dozen dance residencies, held in conjunction with on - campus speak with lounge,"she said. students "I would like to in the pianist Bozhidar Noev in November, Hungarian organist through this program," Burk said. bring artists with snail's pace as the wife performances, have been to campus to live in the dorm RUDZATS (IBB a By State EDD News Reviewer yearns for another child, The main characters three children — a black adopt mediocrity. conducted at MSU since 1968. and talk with students for a MERIDIAN FOUR boy, a Yet their talents seem Among the participating I >'Mixed Company" is • though she is already endowed Vietnamese girl and an wasted couple of weeks," she added. THE KING LOVES THE PEOPLE! by this television troupes were the Alwin TTie Music Dept. and Led bag. Billed as famtly with three charming of various ages. youngsters American Indian. The conflicts situation comedy script that Nikolais Dance Theater, the African Studies Center the Xjp it is one of those films that result as these children fails to give either a chance to Louis Falco Dance Company, are Cone earty, stay Ut, eajojr proves tediously simple - Attempts at procreation fail meet with the values and currently sponsoring the display their gifts. the Joffrev Ballet and the residency of Samuel Akpabot THE KING AND HIS LOYAL SHORT SUBJECTS Kinded for the adult viewer and a doctor is consulted. It behavior of the typically "Mixed Company" ' is the Alwin Ailey City Center Dance from Nigeria. Now in his BAMBl MEETS G00ZK.U THAN* YOU. MASK MM (Lenny Bract) |nd only mildly diverting for turns out the husband is middle class family form the - type of film that is supposed to Theater. second and final year at MSU, The younger set. incapable of having children basis for this film. It also forms be heartwarming. It should Dance troupes often remain J fhis film by Milton Ahavelson deals with the due to contracting while on the road. mumps the basis for the least amount of wit or humor to appear in a reach the viewer in some way in residence here for several Akpabot has taught courses in African music and spoken to KING OF HEARTS "Mixed Company" usually because it contains a days. During their visits they classes in several departments. Hfforts of a basketball coach then film of this type. charming script or some give lecture demonstrations, He will remain at MSU until IT ■ Tte Ttis mrk« wacky crvj, rmyi beautiful fibn has awakened, become be. a |„d his wife to adopt minority spends three ■ fourths of its The theme of "Mixed endearing performances. master classes and seminars on June. \\ P? t** and turned the There is one Ihildren. Unfortunately it is time meandering through the wife's efforts to convince her Company" is a common one, Milton Shavelson's film has reason tor this ft phenomenon: people love the King as rewarding as its premise and as a result, it only serves to neither. What it does contain is husband to adopt. By the time bore the more experienced V,av sound. such a Tonight at 6:15 8:3 simple - minded J - I What Shavelson has done is "Mixed Company" really gets viewer. Even for children it started it has already numbed approach to the problems of [PGl Twilite hour 5:45 - 6: |o take his own sweet time in would be innocuous at best - adoption and racial prejudice Enveloping the situation he the viewer with its television not really offending anyone that \ 8 HomEcominG it proves more atuation Hints to explore and comment - comedy blandness and overabundance of cliches. and probably proving heartburning than warming. THE GRANDEST MUSICAL 1 in his film. The film moves sufficiently pedantic for "Mixed Company" is OF THEM ALL! younger minds to get its currently playing at the Reception slate message. Unfortunately moves so the film Michigan Theater in Lansing. 1974 m/u IMAML slowly that it proves more of a chore than a delight. JTlucille ball London Tonight at 5:30 - 8:15 [or art "Mixed benefit Company" has the of using two fine presents... L——, Twilite hour 5:00 • 5:: f "MAME" I The MSU Art Dept. will discuss the foreign studies performers, Barbara Harris and Lid a reception today from 3 program and the London art Joseph Bologna, who valiantly |>5 p.m. in Kresge Art Gallery scene. try to save the film from utter AN ALAVTTAWULA W00UCTKN fcr students interested in tidying art history and studio WARREN BOTH It in London next summer. THE PARALLAX VIEW I This is the department's rst foreign studies program. It Tl?e HUME CR0NYN WILLIAM DANIELS«« PAULA PRENTISS being planned with loldsmiths College, a division HAIR The Girls Tonight at 6:30 - 8:30 If the University of London. from Smith College, Twilite hour 6:00 - 6:30 I The guest of honor will be _|an Lynton, head of the Dept. LOFt Mt. Holyoke College and Adults 1.25 ■f Art Complimentary History and Studies at ltd. Univ. of Mass. are crazy poldsiniths College. She will about Tuna Grinders DAVE LOGGin/ PRECISION our HAIRCUTTING loprano recital Michigan State Univ. For Men And Women girls will like them Saturday oct. 26 let for tonight too at ■ men s im building sports , arena . 9 pm A DAY AT THE RACES 220 M.A.C. For Appointment '■ tickets available at the msu union I Soprano Diane Skentzos in the University Mall phone 332-2769 , and 1 perform in :ital at 8:15 p.m. today in a graduate OPEN SIX DAYS BELL'S discount records, and recordland for *3 General Tonight THE BIG STORE fte Music Building auditorium, 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 rill be assisted by Julia OPEN 11am everyday A Union Activities Board & MSU Development Fund I Twilite Day at the S:006:25 hourRaces -5:1510:10 • Fang, piano; Michael Fr— Delivery & MSU Alumni Assoc. Project Iherline, tuba; Elizabeth Ibbey, bassoon; Louis fiimano, sax, and Linda irtig, flute. I The program will include ■lections by Scarlatti, Handel, Piccini, R. Strauss, Bernstein Michigan Bell Service Bulletin kid LaForge. Residence Hall Occupants: Let us know before Oct. 25,1974 If you wish whether or not you want to keep STUDENT TOLL DIALING-the io continue convenient long-distance direct- dial service now available in every Long Distance residence hall room. registered student in your State room votes "Yes" on the tally card If each Direct Dialing you already have, you may continue dialing Long Distance from your dorm rooms, calls from your own room. If we haven't received your card by please let us know October 25, we'll assume you wish to discontinue Long Distance A COUNTRY MUSIC SUPERSTAR. before October 25! service from your dorm room phone. Questions? Don't hesitate to call us at 351-9900. Or contact us at Waylon 405 Abbott Road, directly across the street from the East Lansing Jennings City Hall. October 27 @ $3.50 in Advance - $4.00 at the Door Tickets available it Discount Records and at tha Door. Shows at 8 p.m. & 11 P-m. THE STABLES 2843 E.GD.RIVER, E4ST LANSING Michigan Bell / ^iDqiacu xnaspeA' 03l°tc3J ^ ' g ,\|i>-.qi3nu sje}3 N3MS' gcsj iBusfuS' ^duui|;dj uojues jieop qD||0| ^oj )lj6jl Doni-1 I fOVNNV dia3S10N3 HaBpiu8 nd jqa ijadnq|{3Bu jmosoius joJ JMa 3 M aA ^qonSq jqa 3BupipBjds M3J3 S3[33jap bj dBJjX 3OUA3UJI0US bnasj|ous IS wi| 0|ian|j foqu M UJefawip- U»et»"lP' Bdd0!Ur; jqBJ vijoqiSBupajs onj jqaiJ qB||oj HM ,jqa 0|p jerui|X uBiuas jqaX jnu bs uoudBjjisBus ou jqa 8auaup paajiou ju bu Bjjaiudj JQ 00"J^n ou j>BABUBn8q,s sjwu8jq' I n .n .n, 11* a«3budX iajj qX lhojubs gjauuBu pBU BpAajj|saiuaujs sndjaiua Qonjj qB[|oj jqis XaBJ ou Bja qBpi ou jqa do|!Ji3B( j33jq fnp3a hibij vioopX fj- is sqBjiuS qnjudajsji3^3js' Mouajqajass" B|| qBAa paguija dsjjX !paujrj{D«jious* W m aaiuoawj xqoiuw yjzSajBjp' Mqo |isjs jqa uaap JOJ smijj ]ub|s BS - b sapBjs ooulfBSJ 1° \&LZts mus - mbX qi3q oonjj JB33• xqa sonjj.s 3njJ3Uj 3q|3J fnsjiaa' Bup serudtpSu ||jaj«jnw M|jq jqa aqiaj fnsjiaa• oN oj jqaiu 3J3BJ3P soipX JOJ jqBJ BddaBjs jo qo|p jqa qj8q 3Bjp iu jqa jsoa joj jmo |s jqa sou OJ aqiaj poMujB[|' is jqa ou|A 3®"PIP"^ Mq0 qW JllBP!cn!!l oua jqa Xonu8asj oj jqa jonj osupipsjas »j -jg' ^BABUBnSq' ftjoopX' S3A3U dBJjiss' cnd«® 1U 16LZ' ip sbubjoi y.oiu W(3q|8Bu |u jqa iu Qonjj.s uaM aopa oj ajqios b iUBfoj SBiud'i^" 'SSnS tfjqsu iqa siuo(53 XaBJ jauus ai8qj ■ jqd |Bja aierJ \joop* , lTS' pqoMsp oujo jqs jfOAaiuqsJ qBi|0J' pasjiou' oonujX b jouuaj uaMSiusu erip qBS qaau b wBXua I sup qBS sajAap b pozau Xasjs ou jqa sndjaiua oonjj I690S Ha is na papvjap qa Mon|p sasadj uo ooujuqn^jous jjo^ paBJap' VJ!3qi8BU(s jijsj moiubu fnsji33' wbjA s ooisiubu' jjBABUBnSq' 95' ib^DP Mq;|a ^BABUBnSq siiud|X Buuonu);aP ^ta Mon|P "3 qawu M3ia papsjap qa oeripipsja oqBJ|as uoudBJjissu fnpipB[ dBJjX pjamj fnp8a joj uiua XaBjs• qausq' io oj jqosa bs oqiaj fnsjioa" v jouuaj bjjojubX gauajB[' iK qss qaau bj jqa jojajjouj oj jqa aonjj ,s dnsq joj sjBja jnupiuS oj y<[OOpX SBip p(SdBJfjX IU S3UJ3Upu8 3JlUljUB[S |S B JUBfOJ 3BnS3 OJ djOAisjous/, Mqioq djoqiqiJ 3BUPIPBJ3S JJOIU so|!^!J!ua jqa miuusjs- , . 511(1 JJOIU I«4J0JU3AS dnq||3 3ouj|pau3«;u jqa 3onjjs aojjopiuS ubiuss B3JIA3 iu vjiaqiSB^s dol!Ji3B| qisjoiX — bj[ oonjjs• gnj jqis Xsbj' I Mjjq jqa uaaassijX joj paBJ sjBupBjps xqe jonjjq 3«upip«j3 ou jqa sndjaiua QonJj qP »• perm b jiuu qo|p oa3j jqa xBAButnSq jo8ajqaj yjzSsJBip Bup vjoopX - 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VldHV OVWWV dHO jaqpous joj ^crtpipeoA es QOj|a6a oj gooiP[ IHS S1YS13S goiauoa nupajifjepneja yadjasaujBjtAa jo jqa daonaiA vNNonNoas dVH i6U hou §|ieuuou 1H3 d13QD3 OIVSSOd jfuiAaJEjA gpnoejrouBj joqpas ^ouiiuijjaa eup jo jqa lfuiAaosijA qiqjpjA QOiuiuijjaa eaa uom qaiu6 mm VISJO ,3VSA11AIN9. unssauONS rOHNHOdNA eooadjap qA jqa gjnpauj f\pAtsOJA QOiuutijjaa oj im ngrnm'nsi dVlHOMVUO D30HD3 anDXHVN w, jqa oona6a Hvuvia rvnivws invux DHVdinvN dlVAINO 3A3HA dHI « SV1 NI13 japjtous uieA qa djp^ap nd iof qiujou H®It r3JJ I>1IN3 VIVNDniHVIH S ,jqaA iunsj qa jamjuap *° io^ qiujou HEII DVUAa3dn3 WX31VDHVND3 no aooa OHVbDa I6.W l>Dd10nND»31 DV1AIN13VAILL d',u < opoqaJ ZS' DH3D OI1VIVH1IN HOD3U VVOOy3 odau goM|;u6 sejnjpeA i\|ijas ,jqa gjnpauj oouspjnauoA oj jqa oonaifa oj gooip[ 9UAVN D0103N r3JJdUID3 aujojjap OHdlS HVD03H1A r3dJ SV A d3 goiauoa iupnpas elf jnlf - put a ja6niej{A - lOV/l H3INZ3 IHVUX SIVdISH e Qnjuonjniu };opa qa6iuuiu6 sjnpaujs essi6uap JJO goM| jqa iajjaJ n )pasiifuEjiou oj e iuefoj iu jqa Mtjq rOHN inDXBUWVN bj QJBup yiA3J j\|OJjq ]~o6bu dqoua ZLZ-LS0Z yajnuimB iAisn io ma ynpijounuC qA dodn|BJ pauiBupi VlifINVllJA 0JJA03N13H avNoaiHavjaa ya oqoJaoBjBdqs jo ooiuiunuioBja \/\/ijq qis Birpiauoa yup AAijq qis jo qis pBuoajs /\up jqaA bh jasdoup |u buisjjA )j qss nuiA3JSB| BddaB| ,,.jqaja is viaiu vi|aA(s omu wojps jjoui Bnpiauoas uo Bbubjbjiou 6Bd' V|.| aqppjau 1° e6a 60 3bu iasdoup/, loA o| is exdjassap iu jqa 6j3B) b [oA oj pBUDfuB )b jqm pisBnisa joj oj |iaiu6( AAqioq Aon aai|| axdauauoa BS \v/ijq snpi 6j9B) v i|aA pBuodJS se^e xBJqoion6q' pnpijq peuiisou' anpiaA \/\/i||iejus sup poqu dBJ|>$• 1AAO 3X3I1INO 3A3NIMIDS 1AAO aidd3«3Nl dbODdVIAIS: 8 tg dru ooioqaJ Z/\ ei LjqnjspBA' 1!Aa|A vus gauas a!ll!3„ (i3jiojos(( ,,)jOUJeil °J ,,yBjuqoAA ,yonup |\/|A sqonipaj „xqa mappiuB,, sejn/peA oojoq^ Z9 e* 8:lg d ut• yu oj qbudb gauas ysoaupiu^ ,,qj/, (ixq3 |-bj|> ()|\|oajnjU3(( ,,qbjuiiub gnjBue( NOAA yauieiuiu6 l|3i>3is 0u KI3 lfUIOU i,3|>3I OJJI33 )£99 ££91( 8 L9 7t C0 Maa|>peAs Jt'00 2 00 SE 29 Z L9 IAISO sinpaujs Qouaaji sauas |~33jnja eilAlSD Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 22, 1974 9 ecision expected soon Bv JEFF MERRELL temporary restraining order in order will become permanent is August prohibiting the U.S. shading and crowding of «praying and in fish several Stjt, N«wj Staff Writar expected soon. hardwood trees like maple, oak miles from the chemical defoliation by harvesting equipment, said the what's going on," he said. "The H,rdwood trees stand Foreit Service from The Forest Service wanted spraying site. helicopter are hand spraying job be done and aspen. But Wilber can mechanically. Forestry Service has no untouched in thew. 9""? defoliating the area. to spray, by helicopter, an 84 - Burton, and mechanical harvesting. "There's no logical reason opposition whatsoever." A decision The Red Pines would information director at the National Forest, in Michigan s by the federal ■ere area of the forest Hand spraying is too costly and why the government should be with the eventually be harvested Ottawa National J per ofPeninsula, Michigan since the obtained a district court in Grand as to whether the Rapids chemical defoliant 2, 4, 5, - T commercial timber. for contends that "the dioxin Forest, mechanical harvesting will not work on the small trees that defoliating national trees forests in when the "But the people do own this timber and should have some e restraining to release Red Pine trees from The chemical 2,4,5,-T is a content analysis showed there we are causing most of the developed and proved a say about it. There are over 8 component of a controversial was not enough to do any million acres of timberland in defoliant mixture uaed in crowding, Burton said. mechanical solution to the harm." Norval Morey, who owns Michigan, which is a pretty Vietnam. Arthur Westing, a thinning problem five years Classes give information Chuck Alpert, asst. state Morbark Industries, a leading good piece for every person," ago," he said. professor from Windham attorney general, said, manufacturer of mechanical he said. "Hie public doesn't know College in Vermont who however, that the State is still testified for the State of concerned with the possible Michigan, participated in the health and environmental State Senate candidate denies about 'new' Middle East study of the chemical during impacts. its military use. "We felt there were a "There is absolutely no way number of alternatives, and 3V LEONARD PENIX If Lawrence of Arabia were with "The people we are dealing are well - educated and America during the 18th and 19th centuries. to manufacture without some 2,4,5,-T of this dioxin in it," Wessing said. "Dioxin is so that they (the Forest had not prepared an environmental impact Service) adequate taking abduction tor campaign MARSHALL (UPI) - A 34 - year - old forced him to leave his Marshall office about 1 living today, he might forsake intelligent," he said, adding Another related course will poisonous, it shouldn't be used statement," he said. at all." candidate for the state Senate has denied a.m. Friday. He was taken to an abandoned L that many Middle East "There's the possibility of is trusty steed and riotous be offered spring term. David suggestions that he faked his own abduction to universities now surpass their Dioxin is toxic to fish and building near Battle Creek where the man tied lifestyle for an Eldorado and a Stephenson, asst. professor of drift, which is in violation of draw attention to his political and gagged him, Brattin said. has been shown to cause birth federal law," said campaign. harvard education. european counterparts in geography, will teach Alpert, John D. Brattin, director of the Calhoun The candidate told police that he managed Life in the Middle East has educational quality. defects, he said. Another meaning the chemical may "Geography of the Middle East County Tax Equalization Board, disappeared to free himself and escape when his alleged Lh.need drastically since the During winter term, Alford and North Africa" (GEO 364). spraying project in Missouri enter the waters of nearby from his office early Friday, kidnaper left the building. "boom began, and five MSU Welch, asst. professor of was blamed for several Ontonagon River. leaving a note Every term Alfred Wolf, children's contact with dioxin, behind saying that he had been kidnaped. Brattin stumbled into a home in Springfield, rofessors are attempting to religious studies, will teach a professor of humanities, "The Forest Service was not The husky 200 - pounder turned and their up nearly about 20 miles away, at 4:30 a.m. Saturday-and Enlighten students on the [ course on Islam, "The Life of teaches "The Cultural subsequent illness. regarding the federal law to 24 hours later under equally mysterious called authorities. new" Middle East Muhammad and the Qura'n" Traditions of Islamic World Though noboby really strictly follow the label circumstances. knows Brattin, who is given a slim chance of Fauzi Najjar, professor of (REL 335). Islam is to Turkey Continuation" how long dioxin instructions, which prohibits "We are treating this as a case of kidnap," a (HUM 294), remairfs defeating Sen. Harry DeMaso. R-Battle Creek, !-l science, says 53 per cent in the environment, L and other nations of the which the chemical from region may be substituted as getting into spokesman for the Calhoun County Sheriffs in his bid for the seat, blamed "a cynical news Lf the world's oil supply now what Christianity was to a humanities requirement. Wessing said it has been found water," Alpert said. Dept. said.. media" for suggesting that he staged his own ^omes from the Middle East in fish several months after Two alternatives to Brattin told authorities that a lone man abduction. Lnd, as a result, tremendous economic and cultural Advances have been made j Najjar, who will teach Modernization: the Middle (IDC 345) during term, cited the of Arab Emirates, the ormer Trucial States, to exemplify his point. When the CLIFF TAYLOR: Wry recently became the 33rd member of the United ' tions, it reported its per -pita income as $100,000. The professors hope to set a specific branch of the enter for International udies to educate students to he modem Middle East. In his way, a student could ve a minor in Middle East dies. However, with the current or a nd toward a tiding for similar programs, jects of cutback securing financing Middle East center appear in NO STRINGS ATTACHED. "im. Meanwhile, the professors -ve incorporated classes on e Middle East into their lie specialities. Alan Fisher, associate f/ -fessor of history, will teach fo courses, "The Traditional "iddle East" (HST 395) during Jiter term and "The Modem 'iddle East" (HST 397) spring "nn, which he hopes will help lleviate the traditional -reotyped concept of the iddle East. Don't let the price ofa college education stop you. The price of a college educa¬ tion is skyrocketing. The Air Force has done something about it for the first lime, Before you decide who you'll vote for for Congress, you might want to ask yourself, "Will the person I elect really represent me, or will they just listen to to Air f orce ROTC Scholar¬ ships include I he 2-year special interests or a few power brokers?" We think, if you ask this about Cliff Taylor, you'll see that he owes nothing to special interests - that he's a private program, for men and women. citizen who's beaten professional politicians at their own game and who, in the process, has brought a new and refreshing style to the politics of government. If you qualify, the Ait Force "ill pa\ for the remainder of To your college education. Not begin with, Cliff Taylor has never before run for public office. His major opponent has been running for 2!4 years. Cliff won the Republican primary this "fly do AFROTC 2-year summer in a stunning political upset which saw him take on and defeat the professional politicians in the party. scholarships cover full tuition, reimbursement for textbooks. Cliff decided to run for Congress earlier this year because he was disenchanted with the sorry state of our government in Washington. But because he was a ,Land incidental fees, and •IMamonth. tax-free. 'o political unknown, because he didn't know how things were "supposed to be done," the political pros said he didn't stand a chance and so they put their money ash in on all this apply and support behind other candidates. Cliff proved them wrong. qualify, and enroll in the Force ROTC at Quonset 67, Cliff Taylor won because the voters wanted to elect a private citizen who'd tell the professional politicians in Congress what the average person is thinking. 355-2168, Captain Rayner. Cliff can do this because in his campaign he has walked to over 15,000 homes in the district, and is continuing to meet people this fall. You may very well have * 8rcal way to finish seen him somewhere on campus. your * education in the money, Juild a future as an Air force officer. Also, Cliff won because of his total candor. On the day he announced his candidacy, Cliff revealed to the press his complete personal finances - his income, Make m most or it stock holdings, and taxes paid. Since then, he's revealed the source of every contribution to his campaign. And he has openly and consistently stated his views on all of today's key issues. Perhaps you've heard him during one of his many speaking engagements at MSU. There is a Most importantly, Cliff Taylor has been a leader in developing a new ethic for political candidates. He has voluntarily set a limit of $2,000 on any difference!!! contribution to his campaign; he recently enforced this policy by returning an attempted $5,000 contribution to his campaign by the American Medical 'REPARATION FOR: Association. In sharp contrast to this, Cliff's major opponent, Bob Carr, has accepted at least $20,000 from one special interest group alone. Wat Over 35 yeari of experience and success Cliff Taylor, then, is a candidate who owes nothing to special - interest groups or party bosses. Because he's never run for public office before, because no dat Small classes powerful groups are bankrolling his campaign, Cliff can go to Washington and cast an independent vote for you in Congress. ism Voluminous home study materials And more than that, Cliff will be able to represent the people at MSU just as he will farmers in the rural parts of the district, or workers at Oldsmobile. In (re Courses that are constantly updated short, he can be a Congressman for all the people. AttSB Tape facilities for reviews of class Which is, after all, what we need in Washington today. lessons and for use "t oca! supplementary materials. »aj FLEX Make-ups for m'wea lessen. IF YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF AN INDEPENDENT VOTER, YOU SHOULD BE fcfmg INDEPENDENT ENOUGH TO CONSIDER VOTING FOR CLIFF TAYLOR. «fmg HA't MEDBRDS or°L^pl,,e '"formation call J313I354-0085 Paid for by Students for Taylor. §§sa T«n Mile Rd. Mien. 48Q75 Tuesday, October 2,2, 1974 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan TOOK COURAGE TO MAKE CHANGE' Stolz applauds it into the end tone, whether "safety" call change which Stolz, however, By STEVE STEIN touches it or not, occurred at a crucial moment the receiver Monday that gm* fi|ms State News Sports Writer during the Spartans' 21-21 tie it is a touchback. one official calling for a Z Usually when a football with Illinois in Champaign. "They should change their and the other for a touchZ? coach discusses officiating, he is not throwing praise at the After the Illini had scored their third touchdown of the mind when they make an obvious error," Stolz said. "It MSU^niorspnten^ Jones suffered badly a spj and s2 took courage to make the anWe against Illinois men in the striped shirts. contest to knot the score, said it ! But Spartan football coach kicker Dan Beaver booted one change. was doubtful if he could to Spartan kickoff return man "It was obvious that Ty play at all Saturday when Denny Stolz had much praise tht Wilson never had possession so Spartans face Purdue Monday for the officials at the Tyrone Wilson. there was no other Z MSU - Illinois football game Wilson fumbled the ball on Homecoming Day. Saturday. the one yard line then downed interpretation. Dane Fortney. who repined The first topic of it in the end zone for an "I have more confidence in Jones against the Illini, snared conversation at Stolz's weekly apparent touchback. However, Big Ten officials because of the a 35 - yard scoring toss from press luncheon centered the officials ruled it was a play." the Spartan second • Baggett late in fhe "JJ around the controversial safety, prompting an argument yearcdSch added. quarter. Q from Stolz and his coaches. Illinois coach Bob Blackman Baggett was named Spwtin saw the situation differently of After the discussion was the Week forT, Rugby Club over, the decision was reversed and the Illini did not get the after the game. two "It was a tough decision but signals concurred on the performance against The senior quarterback twice on one l||inoit scored two points. - yard runs U(j grabs title The rule in that if the impetus case states of the ball drives play," Blackman commented Saturday. also tossed the pass to for six points. Fortnev ' MSU's Rugby Club team hosted the first annual Michigan Stroh's Rugby .3, Tournament this past weekend DooLeys s and came away with the inaugural championship. The Spartans' A team swamped Traverse City, 29 - 6, and edged Bowling Green, 10 - 0, Saturday before coming back Sunday to sneak past Kalamazoo, 7 - 6, and Detroit, 11 - 7 for the title. The game against Detroit took two overtime periods yTUESDAY^ before MSU pulled out the 1/2 PRICE NITE victory. S3& . SN photo/Bob Kaye With the victory, MSU A member of MSU's Rugby Club team reaches for the ball during action last weekend at the Michigan earned the right to represent Stroh's Rugby Tournament held here. The Spartans won the event by defeating Detroit, 11-7, Sunday. ■si AII Mixed dRhks the Midwest Rugby Union at the spring championship tournament. The final tournament results Students offered saw Detroit finish in second s place, followed by Flint, talf NORMAI pRicE MSU students will be single games are $3 and $4. that weekend. Laurefttian Besides the games this NCAA champion Minnesota here Nov. 1 and 2 and North Bowling Ann Arbor, MSU's Traverse City. Traverse City Green, Kalamazoo, B team and the Si accorded a special reduced price deal for reserved seat The sale begins this week for the games Friday and weekend, MSU has 18 other Da':ota Nov. 15 and 16. sportsmanship trophy. won HAH home games this season. The tickets to individual home Saturday against Laurentian hockey games this season, it College in Canada. Spartans will face current ALPHA KAPPA PSI was announced Monday by Athletic Director Burt Smith. Tickets may be purchased at IM Turkey Trot ROYAL AMERICAN the athletic ticket office at Proudly Announces The tickets will be priced at $2 each and will go on sale Jension FieldhQuse from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. set for Wednesday its 1974 FALL TERM SHOWMEN Monday of each week in which The deadline for entry into there are home hockey games. There will be a number of the Turkey Trot is noon Pledge Class .... Each student wiB be buying tickets require^ to show or special student tickets sold for each contest, but the amount Wednesday Intramural in 201 Bldg. The cross • Men's GRIFF DEMARE ERIC HEERMANN oaobER 22- 27 her ID card and the limit is two will depend upon the final country type running event tickets per student. total season ticket sale and will begin at 5 p.m. Wednesday RICH GURNE BILL JARVIE General public prices for which team is the opponent at Old College Field. HEIPGMER w SPARTAN -10 oz. Corn, Peas Ink)- ORCHARD GROVE % GAL. VEGETABLES - • PEAS & CARROTS 4/M00 ORANGE JUICE 58c SPARTAN POT PIES - 8oz. Chicken, Turkey, Beef 5/$r° SPARTAN • 1 lb. GOODRICH'S SPARTAN 10oz. STRAWBERRY HALVES MARGARINE 49< ^ 3/$r°> Vanden Brink, Semi - Boneless ymm Michigan 3 lb. bag HAMS SPARTAN SKINLESS WATER ADDED BY MFG. WHOLE FRANKS 2 ib. pkg Mcintosh apples 44' FARMER PEETS OLD FASHION WHOLE Hunt's - 28 oz. Sweet FLA. ■ 5 lb. bag TOMATOES 44 HICKORY SMOKED HAM Spring Veg., Chick noodle. Tomato FARMER PEETS THIN SLICED JUICE ORANGES 77' LIPTON CUP-A- SOUP's LUNCHEON MEAT 3 oz. pkg SNOW WHITE 2/77' FARMER PEETS REPEATER CAULIFLOWER 58 6 PACK, 16 oz. N.R. BACON 1 ib. pkg VERNORS POP *1 '8 HERRUD -CHUNK STYLE BRAUNSCHWEIGER DIAL - BATH SIZE -bakery- BATH SOAP 28' SPARTAN - 8 ct. Appian Way • 13% oz. HOT DOG & CHEESE PIZZA HAMBURG BUNS MIX 44' LARRY'S 2/77" side of MSU at East Grand River. 1109 Open Mon • Thur 9 - 9, Fri 9 -H| ONE Extra Night: Sat 9 -10. Sun 11 -5 VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON TONITE! MAXWELL HOUSE - 2 Ib. FUN PAC - % gal. Vanilla SCOTTIES - 200 CT. TICKETS NOW COFFEE ICE CREAM FACIAL TISSUE ALL GRINDS CLEANSER ON SALE 64* 3/$r° $ ] 88 9< SAVE 37< Save 354 on 3 SAVE AU SAVE 154 Limit 1 please with coupon and $5 Limit 1 please with coupon and $6 Limit 3 please with coupon and $6 Limit 1 please with coupon and S6 TICKETS FOR purchase. Good only at Goodrich & purchase. Good only at Goodrich & purchase. Good only at Goodrich & purchase. Good only at Goodrich & ALSO OH SN-£ Larry's Shoprite. Expires 10-26-74 Larry's Shoprite. Expires 10 -26-74 Larry's Shoprite. Expires 10 -26 74 Larry's Shoprite. Expires 10 - 26 - 74 mmwwMi State News. East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 22, 1974 11 Michigan, MAtttlli!: SECOND WEEK'S CONTEST WINNERS! MO » U Far Left: First place this week was won by Tim Ross of W A Dimondale by correctly guessing all but two games. He is shown here receiving his prize money from Dave Dunham BEETLE I of RENTABEETLE iPER DJI L«ft: Greg Bannen (second from left) of the Capital Area Transportation Authority presented second and third place prize monies to Phillip Burns, Mark Pirasian, and Woody McAndrew. THE STATE NEWS FOOTBALL CONTEST HAS FIVE , WEEKS LEFT AND $300.00 IN PRIZE MONEY YET TO BE AWARDED. ENTER TODAY! ] COLORADO Q MISSOURI SECOND ANNUAL STATE NEWS GOLDEN GOEBEL In case of a tie, the single professional game "INFLATION FIGHTER" will determine the winner. All participants should guess the,-total number of points for that game. * BE SURE TO GIVE US FIRST PRIZE *30 YOUR NAME, & ADDRESS & PHONE... PRIZE *20 ADDRESS PHONE THIRD PRIZE *10 DETROIT ( TIE BREAKER: vs GREEN BAY ) Total Points BELOW LOCAL PRICES □ NORTHWESTERN □ OHIO STATE RULES OF TNI GAME: S 8 S i final and all entries id two wtekt from today in THIS PAGE IS YOUR OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM or you may pick up an entry form for the games of Saturday, Oct. 26 and Sunday, Oct. 27 at the STATE NEWS ADVERTISING DEPT. Office. ★ NOTHING TO BUY ★ NO OBLIGATION : ~ V ,V. VM OF FLORIDA Blue Jeans to Smoking MSU'S Needs .... the place A DOLLAR'S to be is the FAVORITE WORTH IT Big Boy \/wam University G^eetf DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 3301 E. MICHIGAN-east of Frandor RAS/JEWELRY/HOUSEWARES/STEF Big Boy J 1050 Trowbridge Rd. * Meridian Mall / OPEN 24 HOURS WISCONSIN □ INDIANA □ IOWA □ ILLINOIS □ MICHIGAN □ MINNESOTA □ AUBURN □ FLORIDA STATE Don't General Auto forget to stop bv pgV ndres 10* Repair for your A RIDE homecoming Souvenirs. T~l 8300 W. SAGINAW AT 1-96 AND EAST LANSING ROUTES Tune Up Spedalists Lube Special Call 489 3768 for routes Open () - 5 Home Football Saturdays & Schedule information. • Front End and AC Oil Filter 5qt. of 10w40 Oil & Lube All Cars F77 JOIN THE PEOPLE POOL! • Wheel Alignment • Brake Service • Shocks & Ball Joints ST GST- Mon. & Thurs. 7 a.m. 'til 9 p.m. CAPITAL AREA • Engine Rebuilding Sales & Service Tues., Wed. & Fri 'til 6 • Valve Jobs - Carburetors TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 351 -3130 • TEL. 627 - 2151 Foreign Car Repairs 2615 E. Grand River □ IOWA STATE □ KANSAS □ CLEMSON □ TENNESEE □ NEBRASKA □ OKLAHOMA STATE FOOD AT ITS BEST See the fine selection Capital News and Try the all new of men's outerwear Movie Arcade Family Style Chicken Dinner mashed potatoes, biscuits and gravy Just like down on the farm. including western - style 20 double X rated movies daily down jackets and leathers for your viewing *345 in many styles at 10 new movies every Wednesday NEW PLACE 'ftiaAZ/*' MEN'S FASHION CLOTHING 305 E.Grand River at MAC. 2758 Grand River, East In our 29th year. learning Phone 332-2113 □ ARKANSAS □ COLORADO STATE □ USC □ OREGON STATE □ ALABAMA □ TCU One Car Hey, chicken lovers- come on over to The Other Fried! CAMPUS s One Rate and for those away games Wednesday Family Night Special BOOK STORE ID 3 places of chicken, cole slaw, we have mashed potatoes and gravy, have a happy homecoming Weekend Rates hot biscuits. Glut Mm. to ditcov.r Hi. touch. hon.y with souvenirs from ... 487-2260 different. In Fwnout Rxip., Th. Oth.i Frl.d Chick.n. D.liciou< dipp*d in hon«> 2501 E. Michigan Ave. b.tt»r, lii»d i.illy crltp and >U th. way through. No wondor pwpl. who *~t to croil Th. Othor Fritd Chick.n it.y th.n CAMPUS BOOK STORE # BENTftBEETLE I 1900 E. Kalamazoo 4500 S. Cedar 3007 N. East (U.S. 27) across 507 E.Gr. River from Berkey 351-5420 □ EASTERN MICH □ BAIL STATE j WESTERN MICH □ OHIO UNIVERSITY □ AIR FORCE □ RUTGERS 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Octoher1 Everybodys' Marketplace! — THE CLASSIFIED ADS Call Now 355-8255 •"10 ll/l FRANKLY SPEAKING... by phil frank IB H * FURY 1968. 318 automatic, vinyl ) . REPAIR AUTO SERVICE TWYCKINGHAM, TWO bedrooms, FRANDOR, NEAR. Furnished, PERSON TO share k. I roof, fair condition, $326. CENTER offers you tools, 485-7940, 373-7590. 6-10-23 equipment and instructions to furnished, air, disposal. two room. Carpeted. Utilities three others. Own rJUl'Lr Dishwasher. 361 7166 or paid.parking.4892909. 5-1928 plus utilities do your auto repairs. 5311 S. 332-1047. 7-10-24 487-3821, after 6 ,J GREMLIN, 1974-X. Black, radial Pennsylvania. 882-8742. 10 - 8, ORCHARD COURT, 1 and 2 — Dm tim, locking gas cap, standard 6 days. 20-10-23 bedroom townhouse apartments TWO FURNISHED Shift! $2,100. 641-6806. 5-10-25 ROOM apartment, accesible to roomie J PHONE 355-8255 MSU. $110/month plus deposit. Utilities included. 4892166 $138-S175. Immediate. Meny extra*. South Pennsylvenie- privileges distance to MSU Parking Si 34 7 Student Services Bldg. EaJ HONDA CIVIC Hatchback, 1973. after four. 6-10-22 Cedar area Eaey freeway to VEST 351-8150 5 in.,,! AM-FM, 30 mpg. 489-9798, campus. GONNIS COMPANY, 1 "AUTOMOTIVE 5-7pm evenings. 6-10-22 4895316. 19 9-28 ONE FEMALE DELUXE, FURNISHED, 1 needed «^ Scooters & Cycles LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 1965, bedroom apartment, neer »'«*-» house, own room 1 Parts & Service Aviation 4 door, hardtop, loaded. Extra sharp. $1350. 373-6300, days. campus. 6-10-22 332-3136 or 882-6549. (___■■» ]g __'M!S88;5'aa "EMPLOYMENT 351-4845 evenings. 5-10-26 TWO BEDROOM furnished. EAST SIDE. 411 S«,th Cka 3 "S; ~* Block from "FOR RENT LEMANS 1966-6 cylindtr, power, FM, runs but needs work. Bast $210/morvth. campus. Available immadietely. S! 72.,rx.c"136'8,54«« Apartments 332-0441. 10-10-29 Deposit. 882-7760.4-1922 r „ offer. 349-1855 3-10-24 Houses For Sale <\ VACANCY - 1,2 roommetes MALE NEEDED in large house. v Rooms MAVERICK 1971. One owner, own room, close to campus. ■ needed. Immediate occupancy. . r . •FOR SALE good condition. Radio, new Rivers Edge apartment. 332-0429.6-1926 £Tuaadey JL and Mar«ET oJ tires. 393-5051. 5-10-24 351^265.91922 Saturday. ioj Animals Standard shift, radio, LOCATEO AT THE "PERHAPS l& THAT MOOD OF COUNTRY DUPLEX on 2 acres, ^J°3® Grand % Mobile Homes NOVA 1974 - 9,000 miles, $2600. 6693654, CORNER OF JOLLV & OKEMOS RO PRACTICALITY THAT* BEEN EAST MICHIGAN, attractive 6 16 minutes to campus. 2 Z' ! ^ % •LOST & FOUND 349 - 31M room, unfurnished, stove, bedrooms, basement, appliances, ___ . wace avaiUbl« 6-10-22 •PERSONAL after 5 pm. 60AV A WEEK TOWING £FTTLING OVETRTUE NATW& refrigerator, garage, basement, $210 plus utilities. T.J. FISHER PANASONIC NOVA 1973. Bright red. V-8 OPEN 6 DAYS LAthj-Y " no pets. Call 4896253 or Real Estate. 625-3196. 5-1928 am-im, , im RS"28,S »| stereo, bud •PEANUTS PERSONAL 7 AM - 9 PM BUT SUNDAY 543-2104.5-10-22 •REAL ESTATE automatic. Power stearing. Very lean. 626-6164. 5-10-23 £ COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELcY CA 94709 LARGE 6 bedroom house across from Dooleys. Two beths, full 110.35* 5150 FEMALE, OWN room in two ________ •RECREATION MARCHAL QUARTZ iodine bedroom apartment. Available kitchen, besement, rmiBnu '<• -"I", OPEL GT 1970. Yellow, 43,000 •SERVICE miles, 30 mpg, $1800. Call after headlamp conversions with immediately. .394-1509 after 4 semi-furnished. $260/month wJin«l < L 1 Instruction 9 pm or weekends, 675-7331. reflective range to 5000'x. Apartments j^pi pm. 3-10-23 plus utilities. 332-4562, ri " N*1 $33.95/pair. CHEQUERED Typing Service 10-1025. FLAG FOREIGN CARPARTS„ DOWNTOWN LANSING, one MARSHALL'S^ "emi ' •TRANSPORTATION OPEL KADETTE Wagon 1968. 2605 East Kalamazoo, one mile DOCTOR NEEDS girl for light MODERN ONE bedroom, bedroom, furnished. 505 Cherry. NEED TWO roommetes. Furnished C 1 10-22 west of campus. 487-5055. housekeeping and cooking unfurnished, $138. Southeast 482-2184, after 4. 3-10-23 three bedroom house $85/plus piavpen Rur "" "1 •WANTED Runs and looks great. Good v •CAR POOL mileage too! Don't miss this one. C-9-10-31 evening meals for him and two teenage boys. Approximately 10 Lansing. 373-0042 before five. CLOSE CAMPUS, girl to sublet, 3 utility McLaughlin, 363-7230. 1-10-22 *V?board' riBU°GY' d«| 5-10-23 PRECISION IMPORTS/BODY Children s clothing. Call ID hours a week, no weekends. May girl apartment, winter only, ♦•RATES'* SHOP 1206 East. Oakland. $90/month. 332-4732. 5-10-22 349-4222. 2-10-23 5-10-24 Ttir — live-in or receive 351-5379 evenings. 3-10-24 salary. CEDAR VILLAGE $80, immediate girl needed. occupancy. AURELIUS ROAD, 12 miles south. 3 bedroom, country home with 3492907 after 3:30.5-10-23 STUDENTS several SANITIZED FEATHER1 PINTO WAGON 1974. 2000cc. PART TIME HELP FACULTY, STAFF acres. $225. 351-7497 Available now. pillows Nice (or ails J Stick. Radials. 14,000 miles. IF you have a car and can work a ROOM IN furnished or 676 1441. t»ds made t0 wd* __4897916. 5-10-23 minimum of 20 hours per week, beautifully new, apartment, very near 3 BEDROOM, 1% BATH »>» eisl 1 3 5 10 PLYMOUTH DUSTER 1971. Slant call 484-7368 between 10 am-1 pm. 20-11-12 campus, $80/month. Serious UNFURNISHED APT'S NEED AOOMMATE.'oim """"" """ "" s'i 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 6, full power, radio, new steel student, 332-3846. 10-10-30 $80 plus. Garege. 482-3143 after SNOw TIRES, like r* belted tires, extra mounted five. 249 Elvin. Lansing. 5-1928 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 snow*, real sharp. Call 4895335 DESK CLERK needed. Must have EAST LANSING, Luxury one $215 Pern „ Duster rimt ^ J transportation and be willing to 650x13 on Pinto ri 15 2.25 6.00 9.70 19.50 or 337-9881. Call be seen at bedroom. Unfurnished. No pets. BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE to share AUTUMN SPECIAL, Cherokee travel. Call 372-0567 or 372-9163.110-22 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 Campus Barber Shop, 621 E. Negotiable leese. $200 includes alternative living style. Call Rhie, Grand River. 5-10-23 140, $14.95 per hour, October 489-1215 between 12 - 6pm. heat. 129 Highland. 332-0976. 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 3696722.3-1924 ELECTROLUX DELUXE 22-27. Take your biennial check 0-10-31 M 15-11-6 2b 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 PORSCHE 1971, 914-6, 19-30mpg. at this low rate. FRANK'S! Call with attachments and ll 1972 Datsun pick-up with a FLYING SERVICE, Jewett UNLIMITED SALES OPPORTUNITY COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES. KNOB HILL L.C.C. NEAR. 3 bedroom house, polisher. Cost $150 Sell DEADLINE Starcap. 26 mpg, 393-7812. Airport. 676-4860. 4-10-25 If you're a better man than the job Immediate occupancy, 1 and 2 fireplace, gerage. basement. $20,393-1510.0-3-1924 ~ 1 P.M. one class APARTMENTS $275 plus utilities. Phone day 5-10-28 you're now in, we'd like to talk bedroom townhouses for sale. before publication. to you. Commissions. Call 349-4700 371-2400. 191928 SONY CF-500 Stereo, Ful All utilities included except TOYOTA COROLLA 1971. Body Employment f| Josephine Startweether at electricity. Tax deductions and 3 miles from campus radio, cassett player I Peanuts Personal ads excellent. Completely rebuilt 694-3935. Investors Diversified all incomes acceptable. $109 - % mile north ofJolly Road NEED TWO to share classic farm speakers. 355-9874 3-192t| angina. $1250. 3 55-9856. WAITRESS WANTED. Must have Services. 10-10-25 mansion $65/month including $160 per month. 1-5 pm. must be pre paid. 5-10-22 utilities. 641-6802, evenings. STEREO PHONOGRaJ own transportation. Experience Monday - Friday. 882-4176. FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted. *3-1922 excellent preferred. Apply in person only. 5-10-25 Cancellations/ Corrections VEGA 1973 Wagon. 3-speed. THE DEPOT RESTARURANT. WANTED: Specious apartment. Own room. Okemos area. 3492598, after 5. 332-3873 after five. 1 12 noon one class day 20,379 miles. $1,800. Excellent 1203 South Washington, 3 10-22 EAST SIOE 116 Regent, large 3 1922| condition. 372-3906. 5-10-24 Lansing. 7-10-24 Persons interested i. ciflNtltt.tMHbe s bedroom, carpeted, stove, before publications. RUMMAGE SALE Unit* refrigerator, $195, lease and refrigeretor, students welcome. VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Good shape. PART - TIME Candle makers in participating deposit. Phone 882-5303 before MASON MANOR - North Street, Call Equity-Vest, 351-8150. No United Methodist Church, fl The State News will be needed. Experience necessary. Mason, Married grad students or South Harrison Road.Tueq New tires, new battery. 882-3664. 11, after 6. 4-10-25 1 fee. 6-1925 Please phone 882-0174. 5-10-24 single grad students. 1-2-3 October 22, 7-9 pm. IA responsible only for the 5-10-23 AS SUBJECTS bedroom townhouse apartments. Octber 23, 9am-no EAST SIDE - 921 Linden Grove, 3 NEED ONE person for house first day's incorrect From $185 plus utilities. Large Sponsored by Unitet VW 1972 Super Beetle. Excellent ORGANIST. SURBURBAN bedroom, furnished and immediately. $80 plus $120 insertion. Lutheran Church. 4 miles from in kitchen and dining area. Women. 2-1923 condition. 485-6965 or carpeted, basement and garage. deposit. 351-5979 after five. 372-6543. 5-10-23 campus. One Sunday off per $210. Lease and deposit. Phone Appliances including 5-1925 are due 7 days from month. 349-0620 or 349-9609. BEHAVIORAL 882-5303 before 11, after 6. dishwashers, central heat, air RUMMAGE . AVON an a by tr 6-10-25 4-10-25 conditioning, full basement, gas EAST, 201 South Magnolia. 3 Sterling Saturday Octobtl VW BUS 1968. Rebuilt engine, new RESEARCH heet. Balconies. East drive to 501 late si e charge will bedrooms, carpeted, $190. through Thursday October! clutch, tiras. Must sell, STUDENTS- MSU. Open daily from 1-6:30 POSITIONS now NEAR LCC-students, 5 bedrooms, 351-0997 after 5.3-1924 210 Spartan Avenue, | evenings, 489-9480. 5-10-25 open. Part time. Dependable. p.m. except Wednesday & furnished, reasonable. 361-4140 Lansing. Use North Drive Responsible. Benefits after one Call 353-4624 or 6692603. 4-192E Thursday. Visit us or call 202 Spartan. 3-10-22 VW 1973. Condition. mpg. Super Beetle. Excellent Reasonable. 351-4173.4-10-25 25-30 year. Apply 1431 East Michigan, DOG AND SUDS. Ask for Karen or Cindy. 14-11-5 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 429 CHESTNUT, SOUTH. Three JAMES FOX ASSOCIATES at model 676-4746. 372-1954. Manager. 676-1411. Office, «w»s ]g MAN'S 19Speed 351-9056, ask for J rooms, bath, carpet, appliances. 334 10-10-26 MICHIGAN, across from 1-1922 good pay for a few First floor. Downtown Lansing. BMW 1971. 2002 Abarth, Konis. VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER 1973. GIVE YOUR Williams Dorm, $75/month teaching skill an $136 plus utilities. 484-7253. Mtchelins, and $2800 Excellent condition. West Phalia hours of your time including utilities. Cell after 6 RALEIGH 10-speed Grand more. - model, fully equipped including experience with Peace 5-10-28 TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile PJ negotiable. 485-4591. 5-10-22 Corps-Vista. Interview today, homes. $25 - $35/week. 10 pm. 332-5906. 3-1924 24" frame. $100. 351 If tent, phone 627-2465. 3-10-24 Placement Center. B-1-10-22 REGISTERED NURSES. Full & minutes to campus. Quiet and 3-1924 MSU NEAR one bedroom, BUICK GRANSPORT 1968, AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, part time positions available on unfurnished, couples only. $167 peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or California, clean runs good, CLASSIC VOLVO 444 1957. furnished room in house. Quiet, 355-5647. 5-10-28 car, Excellent rebuilt engine, etc. KNOW ABOUT fisheries, ecology, the afternoon & night shifts. plus utilities. 413 Hillcrest, 484-5315.0-1931 FLEA MARKET: AttentJ agriculture? Peace Corps-Vista Minimum starting salary $4.82 next to Scotts Woods. 3% miles dealers! Good inside L 22-24+ mpg. See it, 351-6356, 337-9633, 361-9349. 5-10-26 CAMARO 1967. 327,48,000 miles, has jobs in USA, Asia, Africa, per hour plus experience credit. ONE AND 2 bedrooms furnished, from MSU. 4899279. 5-1928 location, 482-7928, 193 p| Tony. 5-10-24 Latin America. Interview today, Excellent fringe benefits. Please all 2-1923 $300. Must sell. 337-9243. GIRL TO sub-lease 4 - girl. new, carpeting, air Placement Center. 4-10-26 contact office of Employment, MALE, SHARE lerge quiet room, 4-1025 Immediately. Delta Arm's. conditioning, balcony, security VOLVO 1966. Two door close to campus. Call 337-2655. HARMAN-KARDON CAD5Sd Lansing General Hospital, 2800 $78.50. Deb M. 351-7847. locks. 10 minutes MSU. automatic. New tires, exhaust, PHONE GIRLS to answer phone Devonshire, Lansing. Please call 3499152 or 694-9608. 4-10-26 6-1928 Cassette Deck with Dolby TB CHEVROLET 1965, V6. standard, 5-10-25 rebuilt transmission. 20-25mpg. and learn pizza making skills. 372-8220, extension 268. An Tepe. $150. 337-9233.3101 new valves, dependable $650,355-8224. 5-10-22 3 WOMEN NEEDED, winter term. TWO ROOMS in house available. Apply DOMINO'S, 966 Equal Opportunity Employer. EUREKA 1024 UPSTAIRS. transportation, $150. 355-6010. 25-10-31 1-2 miles from campus. $60, SEWING MACHINE cleara Trowbridge, East Lansing. Furnished. One bedroom, shere Cedar Village, $80/month. 3-1024 f Wmaqcte "~||fo| 5-10-28 utilities. $125. 0-10-31 351-7497. 361-3806.3-1924 utilities Included. 484-6419 evenings or 3590130 mornings. Brand new portables $49.&l per month. Large selectionj CHEVROLET CORVAIR 1966. 65,000 miles, 25 mpg, $300. Jeff, 337-0866. x5-10-28 NORTON - DUCATI GUZI. New models - MOTTO - KEYBOARD/ VOCALIST" wanted for Lansing-based Far tat $j MASON HILLS Apartments. All SHARE campus. 2-man apartment Parking, furnished. neer 91928 reconditioned used r Singers, Whites, Need on display. commercial rock band. TV and STEREO Rentals. new. One and two bedroom 4891002, 89 p.m. 3-10-24 1 or 2 people wanted in house near Homes and many others $I9| Repairs and service for Honda $25/term. $10.95/month. Free to $39.95. Torms. EOWAff CUTLASS S, 1972. Stereo tape, air, Organ/piano at minimum. Call spacious apartments from $139. Frandor. Good heating, new and Triumph. G.T. MOTORS, John Rachel (351-6691) or Tom Same Day Delivery and Service. ONE BEDROOM, pool, community DISTRIBUTING COMPAIf radial tires, rustproofed. Best Includes carpeting, drapes. stove, garage. $48. Pets. offer. 882-8467. 5-10-28 816 East 485-6815.0-5-10-25 Howe, Lansing. LeBlanc (482-8715) for Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-10-31 Hotpoint appliances, air, walk-in house, balcony, central eir 4891804.3-1922 1116 North Washing 4896448. C-3 1924 iw. 5-10-28 closets. Located at 495 North conditioning, ber. $176/month. Okemos East Lansing, 882-4463 before Road, Mason. 10 CUTLASS 1972. Power steering, brakes, air. New radials. BMW 1973. Wixsom black. Still under Fairing, 600cc JOBS FOR Nurses, therapists, •partmaits Minutes from MSU. Furnished 4:30 p.m. 6-1928 CROSSWORD warranty. Excellent condition, $2450. technologists and technicians in Model open Monday-Friday, 372-4534. 5-10-28 355-8118. 3-10-24 USA, Asia, Africa, Latin America with Peace Corps-Vista. 12-6 pm. Saturdays, 114 pm. East Lansing Realty and TWO WOMEN needed four-person. Cedar Village. to subleese PUZZLE INSURANCE -LOWEST rates on Interview today, Placement Sandy, IV2-5675 after 1 pm. 21. Ornamental COMET transmission, 1972. Automatic cycle and auto. Call us first or Center. 4-10-25 Development Company. 676-4874 332-4128. Other 4-1926 ACROSS clock B Sj|A good or condition/and gas last, but call. Easy payment times call 676-4291.10-11-1 22. Sorcery yMsJt, Asking $1750. mileage. 651-6518. plan. UNION PART TIME employment for MSU OWN EAST LANSING, 2 bedroom, 1. Slant 24. Place Maine UNDERWRITERS, 393-8100 or ROOM, large furnished 6. Repetition 26. Soft food 3-10-22 students. 12-20 hours per week. EAST - 218 North Hosmer, 1 unfurnished. $190 plus 485-4317.0-10-31 apartment next to campus. Call 10. Berry 28. Scrimps Automobile required. 351-5800. 351-2354. 5-10-24 bedroom, $130 includes all electricity, call 351-6599 after 5. 11. Chris of tennis DATSUN 1968. 510 Wagon. Very C-3-10-24 utilities. Call Equity-Vest, 6-1928 32. Cistern HARLEY DAVIDSON 90cc, 1973. 13. Romeo and 35. Half boot clean. 47,000 miles. $650. EAST SICE 351-8150, no fee. 5-10-25 Excellent condition, $450 or - furnished apartment. WATERS EDGE, girl needed, Juliet 37. New star 489-5674 after five. 3-10-22 SALESMEN - EXPERIENCE in best offer. 351-8648. 5-10-22 $140/month. Utilities furnished. immediate occupancy. Cell 14. Jacksonville 38. Mysterious advertising, sales, or printing EAST LANSING. Walking distance Lease to June 15 or September 337-9360. 3-1924 bowl preferred. Commission, to campus. Lovely 1 bedroom 41. College DUSTER 1970 - automatic, slant 6, 19-21 mpg. $1100. 4899513, 1973 HUSQVARNA 250-CR. expenses. Call 339-9518. 15. 351-5323.10-10-31 carpeted apartment with porch 15."Exodus" hero building 2. SubsisteMj $900. Call 482-7905, after 6. 5-10-25 and garage. Students welcome. PLEASANT GROVE near Jolly. 16. Sweetest sugar 42. Channlng 3. United after 6:30 pm. 5-10-24 5-10-23 FARM bedroom, APARTMENT $126/month. - two 15 Call 371-4158.5-1925 New one and two bedroom. 18. known 43. Hoodwink 4. KmttingstJ 5 German ciW KITCHEN MANAGER, full time, Appliances, carpet, air Skating area 45. Love FORD VAN, minutes from campus. Lots of 20.Zero i«W 19PJ. Runs good. conditioning, laundry. Balcony 6. Star $250 5-10-22 or b- ^ 351-8648. Auto Service ][/] experienced in all facets of small kitchen management. Wage room to roam, June 15 garden. Leipt to September 15. NEED term SECOND female. only. One bedroom. 711 Winter or patio, $139-$169. See r 46. Lodger 7, Stadium I Assistant Manager, Apartment 2, i or commensurate with experience. Burcham. Rent negotiable. 351-6323.10-10-31 3620 Richmond. Call 6791270; MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Apply in person, ALLE-EY 332-2708 after 5 pm. 5-10-25 FORD 1969. Custom, V-8, power 393-6998. 1911-4 , Kalamazoo Street since 1940., NITE CLUB. 5-10-25 f- brakes and steering. $300 or best Complete IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. 1 offer. 349-2645. 5-10-22 auto painting and GRAND LEDGE, furnished, studio RN'S - LPN'S. Charge nurses. All bedroom, furnished, close to collision service. 486-0256. shifts. (AM'S and nights) Skilled 351-7655. apartment, for 1 or 2 persons, FORD PICK-UP 1954. No rust, C-10-31 10 MINUTES from MSU. campus. 5J 0-25 $100/month. Phone 627-2466 nursing facility. Provincial House Inexpensive living In a quiet best offer. VW Squareback, TWO BEDROOM furnished 3-1924 sunroof. 393-2172. 5-10-22 VOLKSWAGEN - COMPLETE South. 332-0817. 6-10-23 Contact Mrs. White. area. Located at 6076 Marsh apartment to sublet. $230 per V/ Road just north of Lake Lansing repair and body. 20% month, call 332-2179. 6-10-23 FURNISHED EFFICIENCY, mile Road. 1 bedroom apartments FORD 1969, 85,000 miles, snow DISCOUNT to students, faculty MALE CHILD care worker-live in from campus, on bus with shag carpeting, disposel, route, tires, best offer. 351-8190. children's cottage. Experience in ONE MAN for furnished 4 men, $150 utilities included, on all cash'n'carry VW service 3-10-24 appliances, and air conditioning. near campus. $57.60, no deposit 337-0878 evenings. 91928 parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, child care work. Should have $150 par month, furnished FORD CUSTOM 1969. Body fair, 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. psychology and sociology background. Contact William available at $186. Excellent for students, will consider nin or October 3-10-23 rent. 337-1895. LUXURY APARTMENT. wmMumvuM* engine good. Call 351-3693. Mastarcharge and Bank Weitzel, VFW National Home, Fireplace, dishwesher. Need 1 month loase. Call Manager at NEED ROOMMATE, fantaatic deal Mike. 4-10-25 Americard. C-10-31 663-1521, Extension 147. 339-8192 East roommate. Immediately. Call Lansing I or in wonderful new furnished 3 5-10-25 after 4 pm, 393-0079. 3-1922 GREMLIN X. 1973. Realty, 332-4128.10-10-23 bedroom house. Own room, 3 Stick, TIRES - 4 Firestone glas-belted. blocks from campus in East rustcoating, deflector, AM/FM, MODELS FOR photoyaphy. Call CEDAR VILLAGE. Girl needed, DESPERATELY NEED 2 girls for Lansing. $86/month. Call $2250. Excellent conditon, 331*4942.4-10-25 882-7789, after 6 * ®; 2 pm. *'3-10-2. between 4891216.0-10-31 10am and 6pm. Cedar Village Apartment. Rant negotiable. 332-3680. 6-10-22 361-1862, between 8-11 6-9 pm. 6-10-26 am, and winter term only, $78. Karan, 361-0144. 910-28 ill m I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 22, 1974 13 for ^ II^J ; m[wTwjg] « ilt's what's happeningi | TA„R SfMriSjfif MCINTOSH 2100 POWER Amplifier, TEAC A3340 quad LOST: 1 gray and white female cat In vicinity of Capitol Villa OKEMOS - BY OWNER near MSU, Papers, tapes I>S.5bio.S2'3336 ten Inch reel to TEAC AN300 Qued reel tape deck Technics SL1100 turntable, Dolby! Apartments on October 18. Reward. Cell 332-8439, aftar S pm. 3-10-24 3 bedroom brick ranch, family aesume 7% mortgage, 361-4122, Announcements for It's What's Happening must be received in the State Newt office, 341 Student the Inflation's cause and topic presented by James Horvath, Socialist Labor Party cure will be The Young People and Careers fall speaker series presents an interior designer from Jacobson's (continued from page 1) Services Bldg., by I p.m. at least gubernatorial candidate, at S:30 Store for the Home to speak to ''S, girl's chMP 1637 Sony STR-6120 FM stereo evenings, x-6-10-23 arguments from lawyers two claaa dayi before publication. tonight in 30 Union. students about careers in interior r ..«•« Av.nu., East receiver, Bom 601 Speakers. WE representing Nixon, the Justice LOST: LADIE'S Tissot watch. No announcements will be accepted design, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. KJi*6444 MAKE TRADESI quality stereo equipment. Much more Black bend. Cell 337 3-10-24 2038. RENTAL VACANCY? mewege gets to people with Your by phone. If you are interested in helping Gov. Milliken's re - election effort, Wednesday in 207 Student Services Bldg. Dept. the Watergate special prosecutor's office, a group of low-cost Want Ads. | u"v'o 4 c h a n n • I WILCOX STORE SECONDHAND (609 East 366-8266 now to place your ad. Call The MSU Outing Club will hold Its weekly meeting it 7 contact Mark McKelvey in 335 Abbot Hall. scholars and journalists and ■ amplify- Minox B Michigan FOUND: FIXED male tipr kitten. tonight in Has your bike been stolen? Your columnist Jack Anderson. r" "°H 38 W"" Avenue, Lansing). 4864301 West Holmes Hell area IIS Physics - Astronomy Climbing and cycling trips will be Bldg. Israeli room broken into? Crime on Nixon attorneys had asked |3»i»3 10 23361-WO.JW. Mf(er6pm C-12-10-31 treined. 363-6306. C-3-10-24 Friendly, dhcuMed. A slide show will also be Dancing meets at 7:30 tonight in 126 Women's Intramural Bldg. campus will be the topic on Elipsis at 8 pjn. Wednesday on the Michigan State Network, 64 AM on in a second action that the materials be transferred to (tTdiscount □§*□53 LOST, BETWEEN Meyo, Anthony 109. Charm Inscribed. Bernerd L. Goodman, UofM, 1961. SKIERS UTAH package - $299. Christmas and spring. Call your East Laming Ski Canter - Social science undergrads: the Student Advisory Committee will meat at 7:15 tonight in 203 International meets at 8:30 Folk Dancing tonight in the Union your dial. The Pre - Vet Club will hold an California. Calling the situation WEST HIGHLAND white terrier Berkey Tower Room. Dances from all over organizational meeting for those "unique," Richey noted that Rewerd. 3660403. 3-10-22 TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. Hall. Dean Winder will ipeak. to all MSU puppies, 7 weeks old. Call the world will be taught. wishing to go to Lancer's Arabian the "public has an interest in 361-8800. 0-5-10-26 Farm at 7 p.m. Wednesday in 118 663-8762. 5-10-26 having the issue resolved." students LOST: SOLID bleck cat, yellow a Halls Assn. Judiciary The College Republican Physics • Astronomy Bldg. HAYRIDES DRAWN by horse*. la now accepting applications for Campaign Committee will meet at Several times during the eyes. October IB, Cedar Village on purchases of $2 OLD ENGLISH sheepdog puppies, Maka reservations now. membership. You can pick up an 8:30 tonight in 37 Union. All Volunteers are needed to arguments Richey commented area Rewerd. 3324049. 3-10-23 or more, yogurts AKC, 12 weeks old. $150. application from the Judicial interested Republicans welcome. 678-6928.5-10-28 supervise Homecoming hayrides from the bench about the ind breads excluded 393-6545. 5-10 25 Programs Office in 339 Student from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday. LOST: SUEDE CAP, 3rd floor prospect of having to decide Services Bldg. The deadline for The League of Women Voters Contact Harry Doscher for more CWells, Thursday, 17, 11:30 applications is Friday. ultimately which of the FOOD For more and the National Assn. of Social information. DULL HEALTH GORDON SETTER puppies. AKC, champion blood lines. Available am. 3-10-23 Reward. Mike. 353-7428. i information call the office. Workers are meeting Senate and 59th District House with the Intermediary media theater open president's papers are *his workshops are beginning at 8:30 personal property and which November 1, 313-769-5017. Brookfield Plaza EDITING - PROOOFREADING. Dean Badger from the University candidates at 8 p.m. Wednesday at p.m. Thursday in the Union Tower are government documents. He 3-10-23 LOST: WHITE long-haired femele of Chicago Law School will ipeak the Edgewood Church, 469 N. Room. 1381 E. Grand River Dissertations, theses, reeeerch to the MSU Pre said lawyers would be asked to seven month old - Law Assn. at 7:30 Hagadorn Road. Peace Corps and Vista kitten, projects, manuscripts. Anne ST' BERNARD PUPS, AKC tonight in A A B 33S Case Hall. representatives are on campus this brief the question fully. declawed, 3514363. 3-10-23 Ceuley, 337-1601. 5-10-26 registered, $100 Each. St. Johns. Homecoming 1974 second clue: week in the Placement Office. Auditions will be held for the if someone is waiting for you, tell are especially interested in They Though the law makes clear 224-7646.6-10-23 talking distinctions between the ■lMES road Second - Hand LOST: WOMAN'S Green wellet TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned. MSU Russian Chorus from 4 to them you will just be a moment. with people in business, education, ■tor*. 2323 West Holmes Road. near Harrision & Shaw. Reward. S:30 p.m. today in 135 Music Bldg. science, math and agriculture. personal and official properties SIBERIAN HUSKY, AKC ■823022 30-12-3 332-0011.3-10-23 $7.50. manuals, $10, electric Knowledge of the Russian language The MSU Marketing Club VISTA representatives will meet of government workers in registered, 6 months, femele, $12.50. One dey service, free ia not required. proudly presents Faculty Night, with interested College of Business general, it has never been l[iAWAY BED 36" solid, flood shots. $90. 337-1341. 5* 10-24 LOST: LONGHAIRED Mack cat, pick up and delivery. 26 years 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Eppley students (MBA and BA Candidates) applied to presidents. ■condition. $28 Call 337-1175 Things. *3-10-22 DALMATIONS, AKC, male and female. $75 for both. 482-1769, October 4th. Rewerd. Call after 5 pm. Gets into cars. 351-8930. 302 M.A.C.. 3-10-23 experience. 393-9774. 9-1041 Q ANY Center Teak Room. The Capitol Area Club of the at 8 p.m. Wednesday in 114 Center. Eppley Registered student organizations Should probably ultimately Richey, and the HIGHLAND HILLS - Christmas STUDENT coupons for American Youth Hostels will evenings. 5-10-24 requesting funds from the 1975 Supreme Court, resolve the parties & wedding recaptions. Purdue geme. Karen at present a narrated travelog of a six - ASMSU budget should pick up Reserve your dete now. 3569791.310-24 month, 7,000 - mile canoe voyage request forms from 307 Student issue, it would be a major legal TWO SIAMESE kittens, Free to good home. 351-7296 after 6. x-3-10-22 M 689-9873. 20-10-23 VOLKSWAGEN O^R from Montreal to the Bering Sea. Non members and members are invited to the presentation at 7:30 Services Bldg. All requests must be completed and returned to that office by 5 p.m. Thursday. landmark. Richey indicated he wanted CIDER TIME at CORDA WEST FOR THE BEST Service on stereo Karmann-Ghia. Sunroof or a careful examination of the tonight in 458 C.A.S. Bldg., 419 N. The MENSA Books Group will CIDER MILL. 5817 North eqipment see the STEREO convertible, late model. Capitol Ave., Lansing Community meet at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 29 in the thorny issues and wanted the KITTENS, CLASSIC silver tabby. 8 SHOPPE, 556 East Grand River. 489-6830. 4-10-25 weeks. Meles. 351-5263, after Okemos Road, East Lansing. College. meeting room of the East Lansing papers and tapes held safely Phone 337-7974. Open 7:30 C-10-31 Public Library, 950 Abbott Road. while they are resolved. six. 5-10-28 The MSU Art Dept. will hold a 7 p.m. TEAC 3340 4-track deck or Hitler is the topic this month. e/n.- 20-10-23 PHOTOGRAPHY - ALL varieties, equivalent. Will pey up to $800. reception for Jan Lynton, Nancy Denton has the suggested COCKER PUPPIES, female, AKC, finest quality, reesonebly priced. Dept. of Art, Goldsmith College, reading list. shots. Blonde, 7 weeks. $125. WANTED Call 489-3969, after 5:30 pm. University of London, to celebrate Puerto Rico Solidarity Day New law protects BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY, 3-1044 the announcement of an art 394-1762.6-10-28 For 482-5712. C-10-31 Thursday. Rally 3 p.m. at ■LOW COST sale of over stocked program for MSU students in Beaumont Tower. Join us and the auto owner from PSYCHOLOGY STUDY. London, summer session 1975. Speakers, l|16 South cabinets, horns, Amplifiers. West Laboratories, Larch. 487-3S58. Mobile Hones hb Male students who livea with mothers alone at least 2 years before 12 following a DISSERTATIONS GR APHICS-meps, graphs, Ifej Interested students are invited to discuss the program with following speakers: Yolanda Garzon, Vincente Castro and a member of the October League. unfair repair work age charts. Professionally produced. department representatives or Sponsored by United Front Against ■0-10-29, ROLLOHOME 12x60, King Arthur's Court. $3300. divorce come to or seperatlon. Olds Wednesday October 23 at 6 or Hall Please 203 - Reasonable 10-114 rates. 337-1239. | Stare OrivBij Lynton from 3 to 5 p.m. today in the Kresge Art Gallery. Racism and Imperialism. MSU Sailing Club will meet at 7 LANSING (UPI) Legislation aimed at preventing - 365-2261 332-6329 after 6 7:30 p.m. or call Hugh Jones tonight in 208 Men's Intramural price gouging and shoddy |astic insulation or 882-5806 to arrange for lUi FROM HOLMES / Logan to Berkey Male Consciousness Raising is Bldg. Beginning Shore School, 7:30 orrugated sheets for windows, pm. x 20-11 8 hour testing session. Participants FULL TIME babysitting in my Hall. workmanship in the state's Leaving 7:30 am, returning again arising. Contact Free U for regular meeting. Nominations for )f$, doghouses, gerage, will be paid $3. home. Frendor-Groesbeck. Call 6:00 pm. 882-2341 evenings. more information. officers will be taken. IM requires auto repair shops was signed Itiics-anywhere to stop the cold! TRAVELO, 12x60 Expando, 372-1071.3-10-23 3-10-24 Free U is ID for admission to building. into law Friday by Gov. ■5"x84"x1/8" thick. Frost carpeting, drapery. Near campus. KNOW A little about offering classes in: a lot of yoga, 7 p.m. tonight and Thursday Milliken. §olor. $2.50/each. Call 351-3466; 351-1194 evenings. things? Peace Corps-Vista needs MSU COMMUNTIY Coop Nursery FROM FLINT - Fen ton area to in C36 Union; bicycle repair. 7:30 The Retailing Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in B104 Wells Hall. The legislation, sponsored 82-2555.10-10-25 5-10-22 liberal arts (pads. Interview this has openings for 3 end 4 year p.m. tonight at Velocipede Peddler, MSU. Leeving and returning to This first meeting, entitled "Sights by Rep. Earl Nelson, D - week. Plecament Offica. olds for fell. For more 541 E. Grand River Ave.; Tai Chi be arranged. Phone 313 - and Sounds of Retailing." ■chumsch mini-bike. B-1-1072 informetion, Peggy Shook, Chuan, 5 p.m. tonight in 45 Union: will Lansing, requires larger repair TRAVELO, 8x35. Furnished, 629-5482 after 7 p.m. 3-10-23 feature a slide presentation. nt condition. $75 or best 361-0109 or Kerry Chertkoff, edible wild plants, 7 p.m. tonight in shops and service stations carpeted. Close to MSU. Perfect Sffer. 355-2612.3-10-24 BUSINESSPERSONS: WORK in 103 Bessey Hall and Massage, 7:30 which perform major repairs to for couple. $1300. 337-9209. USA, Asie, Africa, Latin ^ 337-9611.10-10-26 WILL SHARE driving and / or p.m. Wednesday in 301 Agriculture Peace Corps - Vista r register with the secretary of 6-10-28 expenses from Jackson to MSU. Hall. interviewing for jobs in the U.S., |blE. GRAY formica end Amerlce. Peace Corps-Vista CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY at Asia, Africa and Latin America state's office. Daily, leeving et 7 a.m. and The MSU Railroad Club will from 9 5 50"x36" with one interviews this week. Placement it's best statewide. TERRY a.m. to p.m. today In addition, it would require HURON 10x60 expando. returning at 5 p.m. Call hold its usual business Center. B-1-10-22 LUKE meeting at through Friday in the Placement [movable leaf. Six gray end Furnished, fenced double lot, PHOTOGRAPHY, 787-6277 evenings. 3-10-23 8:30 tonight in 33 Union. Office. the auto shops to have certified c padded chrome 313-532-9326. C-10-31 mechanics by 1978 apricot tree, vegetable garden, Jew condition. FREE. . . A lesson in complexion shad. Behind Gables. Pets 1771331.5-10-22 care. Cell 4844619 East Michigan ithodist Church, RALEIGH QUALITY bicycles •vo'«llosved»' S-10-24 83)40Onut-?®?"6277. or 486-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. JB- rison Road.Tues 10,5, 3 speeds. Special prices. C-3-10-24 RUSSIAN TWO BEDROOM, 10x50, north TRANSLATION 2,7-9pm.Wedn« limited time. Call nowl side of Lansing. Call 484-3615 tutoring by native-born Russian. 23, 9a m-n< 1940362. GENE'S BICYCLE Call Andrei. 485-0870 2-10-23 after 6 pm. 5-10-25 by United Meth WOP, 702 West Barnes Avenue. 10-23 1-10-22 MOBILE HOME, 10x50, Old but CLASSES NOW FORMING AVON and antk good condition. Near MSU. MEDIATE 3 SPEED bike sale. Leaving city, must sell. Any Sew bike bags, ruck sacks, leturday October nternational make. Man's 21 reasonable offer accepted Phone hursday October nch and Ladie's 19% inch. $45 ski and tennis totes, 882 1604. 5-10-25 irtan Avenue, He h. Actual $69.50. sleeping bags, tents and The Grand Giveaway fp se North Drive* nternational WANTED, MUSICIANS to play in Two classes -$5. Marketing service, more. in. 3-10-22 I308 South Cedar, Suite 11, AIRSTREAM 27'. Used 5 weeks, 2,000 miles. Beeutiful. Consider 332-2263.3-10-24 Starting October 23rd or 28th Lansing. Ask for Joe Wat kins. caH peed Jaguar, 1 >-10-23 reasonable offer. Accept good , ask for Jm small car trade. Phone 393-7020 NATIONAL FABRICS TWO $6.50 Alvin Alley tickets for V> 100 HARMON-KARDON days. 669-3780 evenings. 371-1244 393 9720 Saturday night, trade for ■5* quad receiver, Marantz 5-10-25 Thursday night ticket*. ■nodel 1200 200 Watt amp. 351-7129. 2-10-23 ■ lectio Voice speakers. Miller sound gear and and Sansui MONARCH, 1970, 12x60. Skirted, bar, etc. Must see to appreciate I marte H Personal;!! , fcet like Firebird, SG, 335 and uniqueness. Owner desperate. Peamts EXPERIENCED IBM typing. 625-3585. 5-10-24 plody Maker. Albums, tapes, Dissertations (pice - elite). oats, furniture. Canon FBT and EPICURE DELTA SIGMA Phi Little Sister FAYANN 489-0358. C-10-31 tfier 35mm AMERICAN EAGLE 1973 - equipment. Come Rush, Tuesdey, October 22, J" down to DICKER & DEAL completely furnished. Financing 1218 East Grand River. Cell SECONDHAND STORE. available. $3700. Negotiable. 1701 332-6035 for ride. 1-10-22 T«tli Cedar. 487-3886. 6634135. 5-10-23 Monday Jnd Friday til 9 pm. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday >"'d Mastercharge. C-5-10-25 and ( Lost & Found FIND SOMETHING !fq| T R I - CONGRATULATIONS to Ann, D Nancy, Debi, Debbie, Lois, Rosanne* and Laura. 1-10-22 E L T A IRENE 3934872.20-11-18 ORR - Them, papers, general typing. Formerly term m If you've found a pet or article of with Ann Brown. 482-7487. Red Stars, 205 cm. to help you- C-10-31 a standards, 180cm. Best value, we want Real Estate « return it. Just come to the State after 5 pm. News Classified Department and BY OWNER, immediate PURPLE VICKI - Feat, accurate" tell us you went to piece an ad occupancy, 3 bedroom ranch, inexpensive typing. Vary near i ) ) f|TY TRAILER -~ cioead In BANK'S EAST LANSING STATE Found Column. As excellent condition, near Marble School, priced to selll 339-9686. campus. 337-7280. C-10-31 [®oden F1 offer. box, 96x32x46, $150 public service EAST LANSING TYPING - TERM papers, theses. 694-0766. 3-10-24 a 6-J0-28 STATE BANK will run the ed et Experienced. Electric, pice type. A system guaranteed to get you back to sonic purity - at a giveaway price. WILLIAMSTON, large BMevel Phone 394-2512. C-1M1 One thousand dollars. IT °LD, cracked or no cost to you! . home on 3K acres with pond EAST LANSING lnrrr Pl3C Stale football game. Call Cathy, 337-7667. 6-10-22 402 S. WASH., LANSING Serv ICes n°UP0n m"V be brought in or mailed to: Car Pool Classifieds, 347 Student Buildinfl- No phone calls accepted. UPPER CLASS ooupons needed for *" NO CHARGE Ohio State game. Call Derlene, 386-6673.3-10-24 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan SYMBOLS, CHANTS CREATE Buddhists hold relaxing service to maintain At the conclusion of the By SUE MCMILLIN blessing, Jones read from the Jones said of International a consistent J Gospel of Buddha and gave a Week. service the congregation was while chanting. p State Newt Staff Writer Wall hangings about love, invited to participate by "Fortunately, r,v , brief sermon. The small chapel glowed in a lighting incense sticks and can follow my lead," He spoke easily about love joy and hope hung in the One woman asked he iok soft light as about 45 people and the vibrations in the chapel and Jones spoke about placing them in a bowl. what? sat cross - legged on the orange chapel. He said he was trying what they meant. Following the 50 - minute thought about visions. dreams!!* shag carpeting. "I'm interested in getting service Jones and Thayer Candles flickered on the to open up his mind and "talk answered questions as Thayer "We are from his heart." people to become love itself. living in »d j altar; incense wafted through demonstrated the lotus state and "It is a time when we stop That type of love that makes working towimi the air and the group, relaxed position for meditation. but attentive, watched two our busy rounds and bother to you give a damn about see what others are doing," someone else." Thayer said it took practice priests perform a Buddhist service. The service, held in the United Ministries of Higher Education, Road, was 1118 S. Harrison the first activity celebrating Michigan International Week, Oct. 20 to Gaping holes in 27. Rev. Ronald Thayer, from the Matava Temple in Saginaw, called the Matava service "an leave studeats wi audio • visual aid for meditation." By GARY HOFFMAN Birdwall, asst. professor of said. "It's the subtle issues that has not been the written n Thayer and Rev. Jack Jones, State News Staff Writer American Thought and are not grasped." but oral and visual stimuli|J also from Matava Temple, Featherstone complained television," Featherstone id Language, said. Birdwall began by blessing the An MSU student reads the teaches freshmen with poor that, for many freshmen, She said many studentsU offerings, rice and water, first page of an expensive reading and writing skills. writing has always been on never read anything bcyod which symbolize the spiritually textbook and then stares starved. blankly at the wall, trying to Dressed in long white robes remember what he read. "The major stimuli in the lives of too many with shimmering blue His problem may be that his individuals has not been the written word, but oral overcapes and gold stoles, the elementary and secondary and visual stimuli like television It's difficult priests chanted blessings and . .. schools, in an effort to be religious vows.manyin Japanese "relevant," have failed to give for students to write when they don't know or Tibetan. him the skills he needs to make enough words to say what they mean." "May the light of wisdom be it through college. Jane Featherstone, director of lit in the world and may the The of lamp of compassion temper average scores MSU's Comprehensive English Program freshmen on the MSU reading that wisdom." test have fallen several points Thayer swung a gold sphere since 1969. Verbal SAT scores chain filled with incense what has been on a across the nation have declined Birdwall said most of her personal subjects, instead of assigned | during many of the blessings. students' difficult material that a school. 1 steadily during the last eight problems involve "It's difficult for students■ years, except last year when mechanics like grammar and university student must wrestle They sat facing each other, with. write when they d the average rose slightly. spelling. SN photo/Steve deklerk and quietly reading vows and So it is no surprise that 12 "No one comes to class and "The major stimuli in the enough words to say whattlJ chanting in a low monotone. 'He don't hardly,' " she lives of too many individuals mean," Featherstone said. J per cent of the freshman class, says Sitting in the lotus position, Rev. Ronald Thayer demonstrates Zen meditation. "Though there are or about 800 students, must A Buddhist service held at the United Ministries of Higher Education, 1118 S. numerous beings, I vow to take the remedial American enlighten them all." Harrison Road, offered a chance for the public to witness the Buddhism experience. After the chantings and Thought and Language courses 101 through verbal skills. "And we 103 to bolster haven't been Financing of Levin ads blasted to the Levin campaign and should be reporti actively recruiting nonreaders," (UPI) - State Republican Chairman William roofing as such," McLaughlin said. Kelley Jane Featherstone, the director McLaughlin has accused Democratic candidate sues of MSU's Comprehensive English Program, said. for governor Sander M. Levin of "Watergating Michigan voters with newspaper advertisements "Quit Watergating us, Mr. Levin, and givefl the real figures," he said. Milliken released campaign documetl r Featherstone said MSU paid for by the United Auto Workers (UAW). UPI - Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley has filed suit against Perma - Kelley said some 100 consumers have filed complaints against In a statement released by Gov. Milliken's earlier this week that showed he has raised of students often lack basic the company. $1 million in his race against Levin u Seal Roofing of Flint, Saginaw, Midland and Bay City for fraud "In one instance, for example, Perma - Seal applied a slate gray reading and writing skills for reelection committee, McLaughlin said a UAW McLaughlin said it is time Levin made.su and misrepresentation in its advertising for a thermo • plastic plastic material to the roof," he said. "However, the application numerous and complex ad carried in Thursday's Detroit Free Press comprehensive disclosure. roofing technique. amounted to "downright political propaganda was too thin to prevent leaks in the roof. reasons, but one problem is "His claims that his records are 'open I "The Cover Company of Flint is literally a coverup for that there are gaping holes in on behalf of Mr. Levin." The suit was filed in Genessee County Circuit Court. It also inspection by anyone' don't suffic extensive consumer fraud," Kelley said. "Perma • Seal's wrongful certain of their He said such advertising financed by outside named the owner, Gerald Fries of Flint, as a defendant along with areas McLaughlin said. "It is time for Levin to adi acts range from failure to inform consumers of their right to sources makes Levin's claim that he is spending the Cover Co., Inc. of Flint, which is doing business as education. that his limitation does not include the mi cancel the in home sales contracts within three days to offering • only $850,000 on his campaign "questionable "Somewhere in the so - called full 15 - year guarantees which, in fact, are Perma Seal Roofing. • at best." amounts of money being spent on his behtlffl The complaint seeking revocation of Perma • Seal's builder's elementary grades there is a the UAW and AFL • CIO." meaningless, worthless and false." license will be filed with the board in its Lansing office. loss of reading skills," Christine The advertisement constitutes a contribution ^^PTHE 1074 MSU HOME-.OMINQ THIS WEEK AT THE COMMITTEE PRESENTS. . LIEERAL AI TS MICCS HOMECOMING 74 CORAL GABLES ACTIVITIES PQTcan open a whqle new world of opportunity... writing in its broadest sense, including salary increases as you assume greater Each year, NSA offers challenging career TUESDAY NIGHT IS: THURSDAY OCT 24... opportunities to Liberal Arts majors through research, writing, editing, illustrating, layout responsibility. NSA also is anxious to , and reproduction stimulate your professional and intellect!!* participation in the Professional Qualification FLAMING * bonfire at im field Tesf. This year, for NSA has scheduled the PQT Saturday, November 23. Completion of this • Programming-includes data systems program writing, and development of growth in formal as many ways, well as including intensi™ on-the-job training. mural Advanced study, if job related, is avail) * judging mechanical and administrative procedures HOG NIGHT Test by the Liberal Arts major is a prerequisite to consideration for NSA employment. • Cryptography— developing & logical proving of new crypto-logic concepts at any partially of seven are? or universities and cai wholly reimbursed through Nl The Career Scene at NSA: The National Research-the gathering, analysis, and re¬ Fellowships or other assistance program I WEDNESDAY NIGHT: SATURDAY OCT. 26... • Security Agency is the U.S. Government porting of substantive data The deadline tor PQT applications isN I agency responsible for developing invulner¬ I HAPPY HOURS * float parade, 10am able communications systems to transmit and receive vital information. As an NSA Your specific academic major is of secondary importance. Of far greater importance are ber 15(for the Noveml ■ PQT Bulletin at your Placement Office lr bogue st. bridge professional, will be trained to work your ingenuity, intellectual curiosity ind contains full details and the necessary l«J 8 - 11 P.M. you of national importance in such perseverance —plus a desire to apply them in registration form. Collegi Relat 1 ■ msu vs. purdue 1:30 s on programs areas as: assignments where imagination is the essential National Security Agency, Ft. GeorgeG. I Meade, Maryland 20755. Attn M321 A" ■ and ► dave loggins at the § • Language I Slavic and Far Eastern) —used qualification. equal opportunity employer, M/F men's im,9pm as a basic tool of research into a number of Salaries arc supplemented by the benefits of s analytical fields career federal employment. THURSDAY NIGHT IS: * fleamarket and • Library/information Science-technical Advancement and Career Development — concession-style * QUART NIGHT dinner, adm. free Q NSA promotes from within, and awards * info, 353-4604 * 2838 E. Grand River 337-1311 m A UNION ACTIVITIES BOARD, MSU CEVFLO'"^' INFORMAL TEA AN to announce for THE ART DEPARTMENT KRESGE ART CENTER ART IN LONDON SUMMER 1975 Mrs. Jan Lynton of Goldsmiths College The University of London will meet with all interested students of the University to discuss the London art scene TODAY at the Kresge Art Gallery 3 - 5 p.m. Regular MSU courses available in art practices and Art Department Art History For further information call 355 - 7612 or Office of Overseas Study 353 - 8921 WAIM >NA1 SHi nn \HM \