Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 lixon sought Dean pledge in testimony, tape reveals Washington (ap> - in April 1973, The prosecution bowed to defense the pieces together from tidbits that the Dean said that on Jthe Watergate scandal was about to pressure and played the April 16 tape plan April 15, 1973, he Lk open. President Nixon sought apparently because even at that late date that was it approved (later) but in wouldn't be a way told Nixon, "1 didn't think my having Dean was traced to the [ranees from John W. Dean III that he assuring Nixon: "I think you are committee," Dean gone to the prosecutors was an act of luld not be hurt by what Dean was still five steps ahead of what will ever Mitchell. recalled telling disloyalty, that the best way for me to handle it was to tell what I know." Sty# prosecutors. emerge publicly." % tape of the conversation, of a "Mr. Mitchell said to me, 'Well, John, The White House said no Xing between Nixon and Dean on April that's pretty close but we would be two to three times thought it of that conversation was made tape recording because the | was played Tuesday at the Watergate removed.'" recording machine filled up in early p trial as the prosecution finished Dean said. afternoon. Nixon that day was told of the Ltioning Dean. "Two to three removed from what?" full involvement of his aides in the then John J. Wilson, the 73 - year old asked the prosecutor James F. Neal. by Atty. Gen. Richard G. Kleindienst and scandal jmev representing Haldeman, began "Prom the committee," Dean said. asst. Atty. Gen. js. examining Dean, the government's Henry E. Petersen. [y witness so far. Mitchell, one of the five defendants in Dean met with Nixon if delved into the agreement under the trial, flushed red at that again the point. The following day and the President asked him other defendants are H. R. Kch the former White House counsel Haldeman, to sign two versions of a resignation letter Tallowed to plead guilty to a single John D. Ehrlichman, Kenneth W. Earlier Dean had testified that he met to be used if Dean was Parkinson and Robert C. Mardian. All five charged with a ■nt of obstructing justice, and into reluctantly on March 28 with John N. crime. Dean refused, are charged with conspiracy to obstruct saying he wanted to ■te House documents that Dean turned Mitchell and Jeb Stuart write his own letter and Magruder, once justice. that Haldeman |r to government attorneys. He also the top two officials of Nixon's re - and Ehrlichman should also submit theirs. Jsti oned Dean about records that the election committee. He said he asked Dean said that near the end of March In asking for the her White House counsel used to recall Mitchell what had he hired a criminal lawyer and first met resignation letters, happened between the ■ precise date on which conversations Feb. 4, 1972, with prosecutors on April 8. Nixon told Dean "If we have to use these meeting when Mitchell lurred. rejected a political espionage plan, and He said he told Haldeman what he had things — I pray to God we don't — 'cause ■'The principal documents I relied on June when re election done and received the you guys don't deserve it You don't - committee It newspaper clippings," Dean said. He burglars broke into Democratic party reply, "John, you deserve it." I the clippings refreshed his memory on ought to think about that because once headquarters. the toothpaste is out of the On April 30, Haldeman and ■dates of certain events. "All I've tube, it's Ehrlichman ever been able to do is to put awfully hard to get it back in." resigned and Dean was fired. ,C«t'i]\milK Retail prices rise again; ■IMWOO V N 152)— annual hike tops since '47 WASHINGTON (AP) — Inflation surged ahead in September as for seasonal influence*, is cquivalp-U 'o an annual rate of 14.4 retail per SN photo/Craic Porter prices rose another 1.2 per cent, the Labor Dept. reported cent if projected over the full year. Dave Beal, 23, is a man in search of good fortune. Good Tuesday. In absolute terms, without seasonal adjustment, prices rose 1.1 Fortune (Ho TTie increase pushed consumer prices 12.1 per cent Choi in Chinese) is the name of a Chinese teakwood higher than per cent in September, compared with 1.3 per cent in August. sailing junk Beal a year earlier, the sharpest increase in any 12 - month period since wants to buy and sail around the world. Potential crew members This lifted the Consumer Price Index to 151.9, meaning that it 1947. need only to come up with $700 to Retail prices increased across most of the economy last month cost $151.90 to buy a variety of goods and services that cost get in on the Lansing resident's $100 in the 1967 base period. dream. with food, clothing and mortgage interest rates leading the way. A few items declined, notably Earning rose a little more than prices in September and the gasoline and fresh fruits and purchasing power of the average worker with three dependents vegetables. President Ford's economic advisers have predicted that retail prices will continue rising at a rate of about 1 per cent per month edged up one - tenth of 1 per cent, the first increase in three months. However, purchasing power was still 5.2 per cent below a year ago. Grad student seeks through the end of the year, and that there would be no The government said food prices rose 1.9 per cent in significant easing of inflation until sometime next year. September, the sharpest increase since February. Nonfood to sail Chinese The year already is destined to go down as the worst junk commodities increased 1 per cent, the smallest rise in nine peacetime inflationary year on record. Retail prices have climbed months, but still a substantial jump. The cost of services, 9.7 per cent so far this year, surpassing last year's rise of 8.8 per including rents, utilities and medical fees, rose 1.1 per cent, the cent, which was the worst since 1947. same as in July and August. The Labor Dept. began the Consumer Price Index in 1913 and Grocery prices, which usually decline in September, were up 1571 72 73 U government analysts said the current inflationary rate was 1.5 per cent last month with everything but fruits and vegetables By STEVE ORR State News Staff Writer co-owner Ho Choi. to refinish, refit and revitalize exceeded only during war time economies. increasing in cost. Dairy products, which had been declining, This is a story While having some money to spend and The 1.2 per cent rise in prices last month, adjusted to account posted their first increase in four months. with two main characters: a Chinese junk named Ho Choi being willing to work may be prerequisites (which for signing on with Ho Choi, being able to means "good fortune") and David Bea. 23 sail is not. That is fortune, because Beal a • year • old MSU graduate student. It is set in Lansing, Skokie. 111., admits that he knows very little about and the high seas the world over. It takes junks. Apparently not many people do. Vandals victimize campaign signs place now and for the next several years, and involves money, nautical adventure and the Chicago World Trade Fair in 1960. Ever since Beal learned of Ho Choi, a According to an expert of Chinese sailing crafts from the Cresent Sail Yacht Club in Grosse Pointe, there are "just a few" Chinese junks in America. Beal said Chinese junk sitting in dry dock in Skokie, he knew of no others in the area. That is ByJOHNTINGWALL residents requesting replacements for wait until Halloween," McKeon said. Pittenger, incumbent Republican he has wanted her. Beal calls Ho Choi "the State News Staff Writer McKeon said children's pranksare candidate for the 26th District Senate one thing Beal finds attractive about Ho . stolen or damaged lawn signs. Choi. I Theft insurance chance of a lifetime," and sets a simple on your favorite With cardboard and lumber prices responsible for many of the seat, said. "In the past there have been "Most people aren't interested in these goal for her: "to go everywhere and |®Paign lawn sign? rising, coordinators do not shrug off disappearing signs, with school some organized candidate efforts to kinds of boats," Beal said. "It's simply anywhere everybody on the boat wants to I Ttlou8h no one has started selling the loss. Wooden stakes, going for vicinities hardest hit. tear down signs, but I haven't heard of because she's so different that we like her. go." F' some East Lansing and Lansing about 20 cents apiece, and posters, As a group, though, the thieves any this year." "Ho Choi sticks out like a sore thumb." pmeowners and tenants running between 20 and 35 cents, For those who have confronted the Ho Choi, a 43 • foot solid teakwood may be defy categorization. Coordinators he said. "People go berserk when they see r™y10 apply for some. make most signs worth 70 or 80 cents. blame not only mischievous school problem, one Haslett resident has an craft, was built in Hong Kong in 1960 and her. They flock all over her. especially I cause in this Dick McKeon, campaign answer. sailed to America to promote the World campaign year, as in children for the thefts, but neighbors around docks, where they're used to f ffs, After Trade Fair in Chicago that year. Even campaign wars are in full coordinator for Earl Nelson, with differing political tastes and witnessing his neighbor seeing nothing but sleek, modern P fc and the Democratic candidate for the 26th burning Nelson signs behind his though Beal has not yet bought Ho Choi victims, campaign lawn young people who instigate crusades boats." District Senate said thieves have garage, he called Nelson headquarters from her Chicago owner and he needs two |7are offering considerable losses. to further their parents' political to report the incident, and told or three more investors, he and the two A sleek, modern craft Ho Choi is not. Istiml? J lLcamPa'gn coordinators ate that filched about 50 Nelson signs of the preferences. campaign workers he was protecting other men who have already promised to Styled after time - tested Chinese ocean - they receive as many as 1,500 distributed so far. "This campaign has been better going cargo ships, Beal described Ho Choi ■ Phone calls "And if it's his own sign from such a fate. invest in Ho Choi have figured out where per week from a problem now, just than most," state Sen. Philip as heavy, hard to sail and handle and slow. "The guy took it into his house they want to go. every However, Beal said, the boat is very night when he came home from seaworthy and dependable in the roughest rjf work," McKeon said, "and then put it out again when he left for work in the They plan to sail Ho Choi on the Great Lakes first, to accustom themselves to her; weather. then to plow through the Great Lakes and Existing plans do not call for Beal and morning." his Other the St. Lawrence Seaway to the Atlantic partners to make things any easier on residents, more themselves, either. He said they plan to and make their way to their first major apprehensive, are waiting until learn how to steer by the stars and use election day to put their lawn signs port of call, New York City. their sails to dock and undock, leaving out. Florida is next on their list, and from Judy there: the world. Beal mentioned the new - fangled navigational equipment and Hollister, campaign office the manager for her husband David, Bahamas, Africa, the canals of southern engine for emergencies. Democratic candidate for 57th Europe, the fjords of Norway and the Far Learning how to sail Ho Choi can only East as places he and his copartners now come after some much needed District representative, said some renovations. neighborhoods find it impossible to just dream of visiting. Beal said the junk "needs work beyond keep their signs on display. belief." It has to be stripped, refinished "We have a little bit more trouble But, Beal claims, getting Ho Choi is no and rewired. The engine needs to be than most," Hollister said, "since dream. In fact, he says, if they can find Democratic signs seem to have a two or three men or women to completely overhauled and there are join them, rotten the chance of obtaining Ho Choi are "100 planks in the hull that must be higher mortality rate than Republican cent." replaced. signs." per Beal said the One complaint from an ardent M. "The only thing that's going to keep us co - owners could do almost all of the repair work. One of the Robert Carr (Democratic candidate for from pulling this off," Beal said, "is lack current partners, Beal said, is a diesel 6th U.S. District congressional seat) of interest." engine expert, another is knowledgeable in supporter indicates discrimination has caulking and restoring boats, Beal has mew* SIMM W"!M permeated even the ranks of sign Several people have already approached some skill in thefts. him about joining the venture, but they carpentry and Beat's brother is an electrician. He said that professionals "Somebody trampled over my have all backed off. Beal, who can be would be hired to do some of the crucial newly seeded lawn, tore down my reached at 485-1886, said he still badly hull work. wire fence around the lawn and needs two or three men or women willing ripped Beal admitted, though, that all his off my Can sign," he said. "But to make the initial investment of about they dreaming and scheming is contingent on left my Earl Nelson $700 needed to buy the boat. sign standing." just getting ahold of Ho Choi. SN photo/Griig Porter "If it was a 1 llke thi*. Republican," he "All I know is, this is too go of a buy Peppered with lawn signs, are prime targets for mischievous children or political hotheads continued, "he didn't do a very After that, Beal said, more money and to let get away. The hardest rt is v r°0tlcamPaign sign and upset a zealous supporter. thorough job." work would be required from each finding the people to go aloni; w . Wednesday, October 231 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Ford links fall v sandwiched no substitute for honesty and But the White OKALAHOMA CITY, Okla. The new tact in his effort to beef imports. cattlemen was House., Ford voiced concern about between a pair of Oklahoma candor. disputed Bellmon's ward off what he calls "a veto - (AP) - President Ford, City speeches to boost the re • Bellmon and the state's fte* Secretary R, proof Congress" came as an the "breach in .the campaigning through the election campaign of other Republican senator, «id Ford told the Midwest to ward off predicted extemperaneous addition to bipartisanship" of the nation's Dewey Bartlett, sat in on the there was "a mmimi foreign policy and called for Republican Sen. Henry high deril population growth slows prepared text of an address the U.S. major Democratic Bellmon, who admits that he hotel room session between likelihood he would to a Republican rally at an the election of congressmen congressional gains, said faces an uphill battle against Ford and five representatives Imports." But Nessen » Oklahoma City convention who are "far - sighted, Tuesday that "if we get the Democrat Ed Edmondson. of Oklahoma's cattle and dairy not make a similar assertin, J The U.S.-Census Bureau's latest state population wrong kind of Congress, peace center. visionary, imaginative, beef imports. Ford said Bellmon has "a industry. Bellmon said ■ estimates released Tuesday showed the nation's growth could be in jeopardy." Before the rally, the cooperative ... so we can have afterward that Ford "indicated When the It is the first time that Ford President told cattlemen that peace abroad and so we can deep - seated belief that you newsmen m rate as of last July had slowed to seven - tenths of 1 per work on our problems at have to be honest," adding that an inclination toward for the President's position J has linked the outcome of next he is leaning toward curbing beef imports, cent a year, compared to a 1.1 per cent average annual home." "we've had too little of that in reimposing" quotas on beef Nessen tilJ month's elections to the dairy imports, but sidestepped with Ford by growth rate for the previous three years since the 1970 nation's foreign policy. the question of restraints on A private meeting with recent years." He said there is imports. telephone if census. The preliminary figures pegged total population reported that the fL would talk to at 211,390,000. (ApiculL. Secretary Butz about i face test Southern and western states accounted for virtually Soviet detente interests question of beef import, 1 all the population growth last year. week. " Bartlett said he got the Colorado, which had been the fourth fastest growing an, impression as Bellmon^ state with an average annual grwoth rate of 3.9 per cent Ford's conference in Rabat, Morocco, steps to curb the arms race. complete a 10 • year treaty views toward b in the previous three years, dropped off to a 1.1 per WASHINGTON (AP) - On and probably the Middle East and Turkey, may clarify Soviet to decide whether the timing is Kissinger's mission is to limiting offensive nuclear imports. his latest mission to Moscow, cent growth rate. Secretary of State Henry A. intentions in the Arab - Israeli appropriate to attempt direct determine whether the public weapons "at the earliest Dairy imports already J mediation between the Arab ofTer was made largely for possible date." limited, but Nessen's commf Kissinger will test Soviet dispute and set up a November push to quit, Sawhill soys indicated that No interest in promoting detente "quickie" summit between states and Israel. propaganda purposes or is They also signed a pact to Ford ( President Ford and Soviet A stop in Ankara would give backed by serious intentions. moving toward a fmtL with the new Ford halt underground weapons Federal Energy Administrator John C. Sawhill said leader Leonid I. Brezhnev. Kissinger an opportunity to try tightening. Beef import mJ Administration through serious Privately, some top U.S. tests with an explosive force of were suspended by fonj Tuesday he is not being pressured to quit his job, but he nuclear arms negotiations. In India, Kissinger will to speed a Cyprus settlement officials have suggested that more than 150 kilotons President officiate at the formation of a and soothe feelings in the wake Richard M. NjJ added the administration seemed to have "a little The trip, which will also congressional challenges to beginning March 31,1976, and commission to promote trade, of congressional restraint on more than a year ago in aigT concern that 1 was a little too outspoken about the need take Kissinger to the Indian Kissinger's authority over to set up a visit by Brezhnev to to bring down high retail^ subcontinent. Eastern Europe culture and technology with military aid to Turkey. for energy conservation." the United States. In Pakistan, With the change in the foreign affairs and Soviet Washington early next summer. in meat. uncertainty that Ford will be A report in Newsweek magazine said the he will be pressed for a White House, the Soviets are re elected in 1976 are causing If Kissinger arranges a Ford Ford made no mention! beef or dairy imports in Supreme Court - administration was angered by Sawhill's public advocacy resumption of arms sales. known to be taking a second the Kremlin to re • evaluate - Brezhnev meeting it will | of a new gasoline tax and other tough energy - saving In Iran, the secretary will look at the detente policy relations with Washington. probably be held in the Soviet Oklahoma City speeches,! during Richard M. plugged for his anti infljJ steps. lets decision on assess the Shah's influence in pursued Nixon's five and half years as Far East Vladivostok port city of program, and continued! • easing the impact of a Kissinger's task may have around But Sawhill said he still favors a horsepower tax or president. been eased in recent days by Thanksgiving, immediately attack on the Democs to stimulate improvements in nnt nrrect stand quadrupled oil prices, in Congress. some similar measure por arresr sruriu he is to make a The momentum behind the compromise with Congress after the President's trip to automobile fuel economy. major address on U.S. food detente, which began to clearing the way for Soviet Japan and South Korea. He acknowledged that pel WASHINGTON (AP) - The policy. slacken amid domestic trade benefits in exchange for a Newsmen were told Monday point toward miji Happy's aunt, miner may wed Supreme Court Monday to review contentions declined Kissinger's Moscow was departure for scheduled for late controversy will now over Watergate, have to pick up if the liberalized emigration policy, as well as a second compromise on Ford's flight to Mexico that a meeting with the Soviet Democratic victories in m month's congressioi Insisting "I'm no gigolo," a 29 - year - old coal that government agents were Tuesday night. United States and Russia are to on selling American grain to leader could be useful "just to elections. But, he declared,! miner's son says he is engaged to marry the elderly nosier than they had any constitutional right to be in Kissinger will be away three agree on a new treaty limiting offensive nuclear weapons. Russia. establish contact." U.S. do not agree with those peddle despair and defeat if1 millionaire aunt of Nelson Rockefeller's wife Happy. weeks if his itinerary winds Nixon and Brezhnev pledged officials said "it will be a very But Michael Wilson, who was a butler in Florida making an arrest for possession into the Middle East and Brezhnev declared at an at last summer's summit brief meeting if it lakes am not downhearted over I of marijuana. East German rally earlier this fate of the Republican pt when he met Rachel Fitler, said Tuesday he feared a Turkey, as expected. He is meeting in Moscow to try to place/" At issue is whether the month that the Soviet Union awaiting completion early next publicity blaze in Britain over his announcement could "blow the whole thing." doctrine that officers do not need a search warrant to seize week of the Arab summit was prepared to take additional ■Mr"" -HI contraband which is "in plain ijjjooLeys "1 think by now that if she had anything to say she The State News is published by the students of Michigan view" applies if the stuff is in would have telephoned me. I think I'll leave it for a State University every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring plain whiff. school terms, Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays during couple of days," he said. The court left intact a Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Is published In September. Subscription rate is $20 per year. A spokesman for Rockefeller, the U.S. vice president decision by a federal appeals Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial designate, said, "I heard such a story was coming from court in San Francisco which and buslneis offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. Wales. I don't know anything about it. I think it may be rejected an argument that GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER seizure of 442 pounds of correct, but 1 just don't know." ROBERT L. BULLARO, SALES MANAGER marijuana from the trunk of a PHONES illegal because a Border News/Edltorlal 355-8252 Ray trial review begins car was James Patrol agent leaned over and Classified Ads 355-8255 Display Advertising 355-6400 As James Earl Ray looked on without emotion, his sniffed at the crevice between the trunk lid and the body. Business Office Photographic 355-3447 355-8311 WEDNESDAY attorney, Bernard Fensterwald, opened the battle today to win his freedom with a declaration that Ray was hounded and badgered into pleading guilty to slaying Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Fensterwald's statement opened an evidentiary SENIORS Are you in the PITCHER hearing before U.S. District Court Judge Robert M. McRae Jr. in Memphis, Tenn. on whether Ray is entitled to withdraw the plea and stand trial for murdering King. 1975 WOLVERINE SPECIAL Ray, 46, gained the right to the hearing this summer yearbook? when the U.S. Supreme Court declined to interfere with a U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that Ray's FREE pictures doWNSTAiliS Till claims of a coerced guilty plea required judicial review. 10:00, cover 5(V are now being taken Students searched in Boston in Rm 36A Union Pupils were searched with metal detectors Tuesday as officials tried to prevent weapons from being ROYAL AMERICAN carried into two of Boston's racially troubled high schools. 353-5292 SHOWMEN There were no reports of serious trouble at the city's 200 schools, which have been disrupted by sporadic violence since they opened Sept. 12 under ordered busing program. a court - Return your proofs now ocrobER 22- 27 In armories around Boston, about 450 National Guardsmen remained on alert. In Charlotte, N.C., four high school pupils from z; Boston attended integrated classes in an attempt to learn how integration works. How Roots give your feet Rat hair, maggots found in tuna Rat hairs and fly maggots are among the extra a good feeling, ingredients Consumers Union says it found when it took then send it up your spine. a close look at some canned tuna. Of the 16 distributors whose brands were tested, 13 had at least one contaminated sample, the nonprofit agency said. "The FDA's usual excuse for its lax standards on filth in food is that the filth originated in nature and couldn't be readily removed," the article said. "Well, rats don't live in or around tuna fish in the ocean. A likely explanation for their presence is direct contact between fish and rat." Trj - ,^7 A spokesman for the Tuna Research Foundation of San Pedro, Calif., said, "It is obvious that Consumers Union investigators know nothing about the To the idea behind Roots, lake a Near the front, you'll notice tht v >le tuna industry." side view look at the shoe. Instead ol a is cutved like a rocker In normal warn heel lo lift you up and tilt you forward, ing. your weight lands first on your . you'll find a one-piece base lo plant heel, shifts along the outer side of youi you firmly in touch with Mother Eartfv fool, then diagonally across to your W Roots, you see. work very much like Close your eyes, unlock your mind, and imagine sound so real it's roots. And if you take a side view look toe which springs you off on your ne«t step The rocker idea simply ma*''* almost three dimensional: syncopating snares, gyrating guitars, crash at the human foot, you'll see why they work as well as they do Your heel is the that transfer of weight a little ea;siet ing symbals, and the other sweet sounds of a "live" performance. lowest part of your foot, so in Roots which makes each step a little b»,in,"J Then open your eyes, ears, and mind to the dynamic speakers that It sits in the lowest part of your shoe bring it all home... the BOSE 901 and 501 SERIES II Direct/Reflecting Speaker Systems. If you're seeking spatial realism, a sense of presence, and ensp de¬ finition of instrumental timbre without the traditional "hole-in- Suddenly you stand straighter as additional muscles in the back of your the-middle" effect — we invite you to compare the BOSE 901 SE¬ RIES II to any conventional speaker regardless of size or price, and legs and the small of your back spring to life to help hold you All told. Roots bring a good natural feeling to man's somewhat un natu I Smallpox close to elimination? the BOSE 501 SERIES II to any speaker up to the price oT the 901 up and move you around Now consider that recess in your sole called the arch. If you custom of treading hard floors anu IV sidewalks Roots are design™ an" I Doctors SERIES II directing a massive war on smallpox say they spend a good deal o( time on your feet, made In Canada, and at the heal are nearing a final victory that would wipe the disease Experience the BOSE 901 and 501 SERIES II tcday and let unsupported arches can sag and may our production are two geiwr.U"1 visions of "whatever-turns-you-on" dance in your head. fall out ol shape altogether (This is cobblers (a father and three sons) W from the earth. why in those precruiser days a police cling to the premise thai good man was known as a flatfoot.) To An international campaign to track down the scourge HI-FI BUYS prevent your arches from fallina Roots help footwear must still be made l.irgf V ^ ] are contoured to hand The way we feel about making and halt its spread has drastically reduced tf\e number of support them. There's Roots has a lot to do with the way a smaller recess between the 1101 E. Grand River balls of 220 M.A.C. AVE. cases in India and the three other countries - Ethiopia, your feet which Roots will take care you'll feel wearing them 4810 W. Saginaw of as well. i Aila-Ey) Pakistan and Bangladesh - still afflicted by the ancient UNIVERSITY MALL and deadly disease. The has been dramatic the last three months rop hat specialists so over predict they can eliminate the City feet need Roots. disease altogether by early next year. 00,Thuri. 4 Frl. til »=0Q MASTE* CHARGE - BANK AMERICA^! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 23, 1974 3 Ruling expected today ,n Dems' election fate At 9:55 Monday night, a 1966 blue Pontiac GTO went through the front window of the College RALPH FRAMMOLINO than Brockwell got Travel Agency, 130 W. Grand By during the primary ■ state News Staff Writer campaign. River Ave. No one was injured in ■This election year could end today for "I'm just in the middle," Whitmeyer the crash. Police report that the Tl Democratic Ingham County said. "This thing started when Junntonen driver was arrested at the scene Lnissioner candidates if . recently withdrew in late August after the primary. and charged with driving under ■nld election law is interpreted in favor At that time there was no law governing ■their Republican opponents. replacement of candidates yet." the influence of liquor. He was ILies Shaver Jr., who is replacing his Whitmeyer said he called the State released on a $60 bond Tuesday ■her James. Sr., the incumbent in the Elections Division Office and was advised morning. The car apparently was Kh District, and Ron Smith who was to that the Democratic party could replace going east on Grand River Avenue Alice Jo Junttonen in the 16th District, its candidates. He passed the information and jumped the medians and ■re named candidates by the county along to the party. He was called back Iniocratic party after Shaver Sr. later and informed that the informal struck the storefront. Jim Miller, Khdrcw because of illness and Junttonen decision by the Election Office was president and general manager of Aved out of her district. incorrect there was no provision for the travel agency, estimated ■The two Republicans, Robert Lewis replacement candidates in the law. Again, damage to be between $500 and Ickwell. nth District, and Ronald Whitmeyer passed this on to the party. $600. He said that the glass in the Cjs i6th District, are suing Ingham "TTien, I went on vacation," he said. window is normally replaced ■unty Clerk John Whitmeyer, paying he "When I came back Gov. Milliken had ■owed the Democrats to fill the vacancies signed this bill into law. I received it every 2 or 3 years. A Shout regard to the limits defined in a through the mail with an informal representative from an area glass Tw state law. attorney general decision that a county company put in some temporary glass following the accident. SN Photo/Craig Porter "I think the Republicans are damn nervous and are trying to steal a I few seats from us. " - Joe Finkbeiner, Ingham County Democratic I party chairperson. ■ Eaton County Circuit Court Judge commissioner can be replaced for reasonsof ■chard Robinson is expected to provide a today. Ingham County Circuit " " moving, illness and death." Section 1, of Public Act 273, states: "A SAYS THIRD-PARTY CANDIDATES IGNORED i declined to hurt Judge James I candidate of a political party . . . who has tide the case Tuesday, after being been nominated for that office (township [fronted with conflict of interest office or county Jnsiderations. ■The law, signed Oct. 2 by Gov. Milliken, is that declared candidates for county moved commissioner) shall not be permitted to withdraw unless he from the county or from the district from which he was nominated, or has HRP group pickets ftownship offices may be replaced in an has become physically unfit." n only in case of death. The law Section 3 refers to the replacement of a By JOHN TINGWALL building. No Journal representative "The only coverage they've lo suggests, however, that a withdrawal candidate only in case of death. But State News Staff Writer confronted the protesters. been superficial coverage of given us has Ben Burns, managing editor of the Cancy can be filled on the advent of the section 4 says "A vacancy shall not be HRP secretary of state gubernatorial race," McClure said. Ferency's Journal, said the Journal has covered ^date's moving from the county or filled by the county committees Fifteen Human Rights party candidates candidate, "everything of significance" in area }r becoming physically unfit. except James McClure said the party members campaigns. and workers picketed the for the above causes and as herein Lansing State were protesting Most of the pickets were HRP (The Republican candidates say the law specified." Journal offices Tuesday afternoon that a Journal editorial policy makes it impossible for Journal candidates for local offices, including "This is just their way of getting more Jecifies that replacements for candidates protesting the newspaper's policy, which Howard Jones, candidate for the 6th t only occur in "If you notice, section 4 says 'for the reporters to do an effective job. publicity," Burns said. "Why should we cases of death and want they believe ignores minor party District congressional seat, and John above causes' - that's plural," said Joe devote a lot of space to a minor party k names of Shaver and Junttonen candidates. "The Journal has said that it is 'not Fishbeck, candidate for the 26th District (d from the ballot. Finkbeiner, Ingham County Democratic candidate who hasn't come up with about to become a press agent for minor state Senate race. party chairperson. "I think the significant issues?" [Brockwell and Norris said they are Republicans are damn nervous and are The pickets, notably without their parties,"' McClure said. "And in an Terested in clarification of the law, most eminent party member, HRP editorial, they said that being ignored is "Every time they do a major story on a J Brockwell labels slipshod. "We're trying to steal a few seats from us." candidate, they mention his or her major Calling the picketing a good stunt, gubernatorial candidate Zolton Ferency, one of the problems a minor party must Burns said the Human Rights party and Kply testing the law," Brockwell said. Finkbeiner also stated that after began picketing in front of the Journal's face." opponent - the Democrat or Republican other third parties misunderstand the role and ignore any others." Ed Aho, HRP J"Jim Shaver Jr. ran for state - investigation it was determined that the main entrance at 3:15 p.m. and dispersed of the newspaper. Iwesentative in the 57th District and lost McClure said that the Journal, as bill's original intent, no matter how it is an hour later. Lansing area campaign coordinator and J the primary. Now he's replacing his construed, was also intended to permit Lansing's only major daily, has a MSU student, said. Ither for county commissioner," substitution under causes of illness and responsibility to cover all political "They think we should disseminate kwell said) Toting signs saying, "We demand fair platforms, but has ignored third • party Aho said several HRP candidates were their messages," Bums said. "But they moving. iBrockweII said that Shaver has already "The sponsors of the bill had this in coverage" and "The Journal doesn't want coverage because of ideological differences interviewed by the Journal, but few should be able to develop programs so you to know," the pickets chanted "junk between the paper's editorial policy and of their remarks « more publicity in this one move mind," he said. were printed in the compelling that voters will demand to hear the Journal" and paraded around the the HRP it platform. newspaper. in the newspaper." NEW RELEASE The Mid-Semester S at • East Lansing and culminates tomorrow night with a spectacular moonlight sale from 7 to 11 pm Here are the great fashion bargains you will find today: Wrap Style Bulky Knit Sweaters $12 One great style and it's a beauty. Come early, as supply is limited. reg. 30 Good Wed. thru Sat. - Oct. 23-26 Famous Name Junior Pants UA5H LJIMLT 57 90 It's a great selection from one of our top junior manufacturers. Excellent reg. 16 choice of easy - carc acrylic knits. 'New1 Longer Length Skirts * MUSIC CO. 1 SJ90 One of this year's exciting fashion looks specially priced for the first time. reg. Lots of patterned challis and crepe fabrics to choose from. Better Designer Sportswear 'A off HomecommG The kind of clothes you look at, love, and hope will go on sale. Today, they do, and you'll find selections from Jones. Slew York. Maggie Sweet, and other greats. reg. 24 to 12 1974 m/u European Import Wool Pant Length Tunics s9 90 Presents... A distinctive, fully lined long sleeve style that can be worn in many elegant reg. 44 ways. Beautiful quality at a "look - twice" price. Acrylic Knit $g90 Double-turtleneck Sweaters reg. 12 & 14 High Fashion 20% A really pretty variation on a great classic look. Lots of good colors to Leather Jackets reg. 85 to 119 choose from. A beautiful selection of this season's really "in" look. Wonderful colors and detailing. Long Sleeve $ty90 All for you and your great fashion life at Cardigan Sweaters reg. 18 DAVE LOGGIfl/ Another warm, fashionable and winning sweater washable acrylic knit. look in many shades of Saturday oct. 26 men s im Sophisticated Junior $12 & rMMlg building, sports arena . 9 pm ■ tickets available at the discount records, and msu union . Dresses reg. 20 to 32 recordland for *3 oenerai Good selection in both short and new knee - length styles. Casual to semi - dressy types, including jacket dresses for travel and job interviews. East Urn *««•» Board & MSU Development Fund Lansing store "SU Alumni Assoc, Project directly across from the Union. Susan Ager WILLIAM SAFIRE Maureen Beninson Editor-in-Chief .. Advertising Manager R.D.Campbell Managing Editor Ford's lies' G. F Korreck Lesson lies in Citv Editor Diane Silver Campus Editor Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Payton National Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor Wednesday, October 23,1974 Dole Atkins Photo Editor The facts are not in dispute. On Aug. 1 President resign, he would forever I "What is truth?" jesting Pilate said - President Ford as he explicated his pardon branded as a usurper by a l Editorials are the opinion of the State June Delano Entertainment Editor and would not stay for an answer." of Richard Nixon. Gen. Alexander Haig told then • Vice sizable JL I News. Columns, viewpoints and letters are Judy Rypma JoeKirby Copy Chief Staff Representative The question that St. John, and later In the week before he became President Ford the contents of the tape of the public. Since the vice always has a vested interest 11 n^11 personal opinions. Lord Bacon, attributed to Pontius Pilate - President, Gerald Ford had to ask himself that showed Nixon had been a participant in the coverup of Watergate. The new presidential resignation, ethics reauiJn! I the responsibility - ducking governor of what was truth, or more accurately, Judaea who found no fault with Jesus but when does a man in public life avoid revelations, President Ford testified last to hold himself aloof from anv^l y who went along with the job demanding telling the truth in order to be true to his week, "ran completely counter to the on that decision. nuettt«| crucifixion — concerns us again in the conscience or true to his vision of the position that 1 had taken for months in Most important, the during that momentous week national i„t--| testimony given to the Congress by public interest? that I believed the President was not guilty ending I EDITORIALS of any impeachable offense." With that new knowledge of Nixon's Nixon presidency called coolheadedness all around. Events J* I r I guilt, Ford faced appearances in rolling toward the revelation of truths!I 'vuefee FROM CflEEP...-m6 ooMMrffee 1& tEetuMe tiefweawHf. the necessary response of Mississippi and Louisiana on Aug. 3, 4 and the resignation,, I 5. What to do? Ford related: top. An announcement by the ml I MSU should "In the previous eight months I had repeatedlv stated my opinion that the President' would not be found guilty of next in line declaring the President guilty might have derailed that prolonged the agony and left the coZI totI tni!l any impeachable offense. Any change in paralysis. "» ft from my stated views or even refusal to And so Ford "remained firm" I records acces comment farther I feared would lead in the press to conclusions that I now wanted answers, continuing to he had previously believed to be say publicly in h wC true CI I what he knew to be false to see the President resign to avoid an weekend of the Nixon on that'll impeachment vote in the House and presidency. "Know thyself," was the ancient comments will not be missed. probably conviction in the Senate. Only after the evidence was Greek guide to study. But in many The unfairness of opening files nud,| "For that reason," the President said, MSU students have been the that were accumulated in the past explaining why he had deliberately lied, "I public on Aug. 5 did Ford let it be that know I cases, last to know the content of under rules of confidentiality is remained firm in my answers to press he would President's innocence. By no longer affirm ftj information kept about them by another potential problem. But it questions during that trip and repeated my days - by lying for two days waiting tw,| belief in the President's innocence of an - the University. can be solved by returning impeachable offense." president to be paid in the coin of - - hi credibility for orderly ^1 own an Recent federal legislation, confidential material to the persons Thafs quite an admission; as a matter sponsored by Sen. James L. who submitted it. They could then of fact, there has never been a presidential amicable transfer of power. I be nudtl In retrospect, a better case can Buckley, C-R N.Y., will open resubmit any items they are willing admission quite like it before. Before for the alternative of having contrail students' official files to their to have the student see. reacting with a knee • jerk "for shame!," political laryngitis that weekend, but M| scrutiny. This will guarantee that In the future, no promise of let us explore Ford's alternatives at the case at all can be made for being the fintl time. to tell the truth when the truth they can b'ecome familiar with the confidentiality would be made. f information that is given by the He could have contracted "diplomatic steadily unfolding. Varying interpretations of the school to prospective employers or law could also produce some illness," pulled the covers and have become incommunicado. This over his head The public interest sometimes a public man to fall silent and tell requinJ college admissions offices. problems which must be ironed the truth, but rarely if ever less thu| The legislation also raises a lot of out. For example, all health and would have been duly — and alarmingly - tell an outright lie. That is what we requires himtol reported, and rumors would have been rife cu| problems in interpretation and counseling records that are used about 'What does Ford know that has caused him to slam his door?" hope this fascinating episode has Ford, but it will be no lesson at all ifm| Uughtl practice. only inside the treatment center Should students be able to see should be handled the same as Or he could have told the truth, an insist that he should have blurted out thtl alternative never to be overlooked. But truth that weekend. ™ confidentially submitted letters of private physicians' records. consider the consequences: Unlike Pontius Pilate, President FordiL recommendation? What are the Physicians and counselors often Since the information had been given not running away from responsibility foil implications to the need to keep notes private in order to him in absolute confidence, it would have been immoral for him to have his actions. On the contrary, hisl recommendation process of to treat patients effectively. revealed it, much as a reporter feels guilt willingness to reveal publicly his' dilemma should cause the rest of tosetl us mortl| opening these files to student view? Parent's Confidential Statements, revealing an off • the - record comment or aside simplistic reactions - to ask, jestiif| Some officials argue that candid vital to students' scholarship subjective descriptions of students chances, should be open to them, exposing a source. More important, if the vice president aside, "What is truth?" around for an answer. - and to stick| will be eliminated, which mav harm but the parents should be notified were suddenly to demand that the (C) New York Times the admissions process and also of that beforehand. Thus, they place applicants more at the mercy would not be forced to divulge BELEAVEO of grades and test scores. their financial status if they wanted ART BUCHWA In FOOTBALL TRAFFIC certain Saturdays, especially at the This afternoon I returned to my room reality, this problem is it kept private. I cannot let the letter of Barbara Ann moment the fans"are finished with their to find that a gigantic dust storm, induced probably overstated. Presently, MSU and the Office of most recommendations are Education in the Dept. of Health, Davis concerning Saturday football traffic (State News, Oct. 16) pass without a enjoyment in Spartan stadium. Without getting into why I am pissed by one of the leaf blowers being used by the grounds department, had penetrated WIN losing complimentary, and this would not Education, and Welfare are refutation. Davis finds fault with those off at "The Football Establishment," I my slightly open window. be changed by the law. Moreover, presently embroiled in these who have the audacity to suggest that would like to suggest a compromise 1 don't understand why it was necessary Dear Mr. President, the possibility of student scrutiny there might be Saturday activities other solution to the Saturday football traffic. to blow leaves toward the window and I'm having a helluva time. I watched! problems, trying to arrive at a set of might force the counselor or than the Sacred Game. The problem is not Basically, I suggest keeping certain MSU building, since the idea is to get them into you on television the other night whO| policies and interpretations which a central pile near the center of the grass. solely a post - game problem. The problem streets open to "normal" traffic on waiting to see the World Series, and yo professor making the will meet the spirit of the law. football Saturdays and to route the Further more the man running the blower prevails before, during and after the game. message really got to me. Ever si recommendation to be more Such deliberations take time, but Those of us who live was then raking the leaves away from the on or near campus football traffic around these "normal heard you tell us that the best way to fightf thoughtful and accurate. prompt answers to the problems are have two choices. routes." I assume this will create some building so he could get to them. My inflation was not to spend money and nd Those without the time or needed to protect the rights of 1) Find an activity within walking additional inconvenience for footbali fans; modest but new stereo and the air in my to waste anything, I've I or interest to be more thoughtful will students. MSU should move with all biking distance or however, it would give the nonfootball room are now filled with very gritty leaf been trying to follow f I 2) Leave before the game and return students, staff and faculty a chance to get dust. your advice with f 1 I probably cease to make due speed to implement these after the game traffic clears. to their respective places on campus on As with the helicopters bombing us very questionable ***. I recommendations and their hasty changes. My husband and I elected the second football Saturdays. with insecticides, the grounds department has shown its total inconsideration of our results. For vyvjT I course the day of the Notre Dame game. Could we have one street open to example, the ■ Unfortunately, we miscalculated our time central areas of the campus all day on rights to an unpolluted existence. My only next morning I went A of return and were caught in the post - football Saturdays and could this suggestion is that everyone who is down to the fl game stampede. After 45 minutes of information be publicized before the similarly attacked complain vocally and in supermarket and 1 Distorted ad trying several unsuccessful approaches to our home on Marigold Avenue, we finally football Saturday? I feel, that MSU can serve both "The Football Establishment" writing until the supervisors impress on the workers that people live around here. bought some bones. I made the soup la * reached it (notwithstanding dirty looks and the academic community if it were to mistake of telling the butcher I « from officers who apparently felt we had ^ going to buy any steak until the pricj Wilbur H. Campbell right to turn onto Marigold from down. Lessard's no came Research Associate cre Harrison). The problem is not so simple as Davis thinks. Dept. of Biochemistry That evening I received a visit from members of the cattleman's association twj I realize that, on a football afternoon, who said they had heard about what 1 s# cannot Cathy Lessard, Republican Committee. we expect to go home by the most direct route. The difficulty is getting home in the supermarket, and they wanted to know that they were having the wr mj candidate for 59th District State by any route at all! The Lessard campaign was year in their history and if I didn't give J representative, has damaged her Surely some sort of compromise could damn about the food industry ir 'L negligent in not investigating be worked out so that those of us who credibility by placing a newspaper Jondahl's record more carefully. country, they wouldn't give a damn ai» choose not to watch the sorry Spartans advertisement that distorts her They would have found statements can have access to our homes. I do not me. I explained to them that you said thj only way to fight inflation v opponent's voting record. by Jondahl in the House Journal think we should be forced to order our within my budget — and you know wl In the advertisement, which ran lives by the football schedule. explaining many of his stands - they did? They shot two steers in the hei recently in the State Journal, she Karen W. Tyson on my front lawn. It cost me $89.50 1 and clearly refuting their claims. Graduate assistant, economics claimed that Rep. H. Lynn Jondahl, Jondahl is a difficult man to have the carcasses carted away. The next day I had a call from J a Democrat, voted against 1 2 pieces ' I generally feel it is a time to try to fight "The Football total waste of automobile dealer who told me the w Jj of legislation, all of which she feels attack. Lessard started off on the correct tack in Establishment." However, I feel the models had just arrived at the shown# would be supported by the district. trying to confront , While him on issues and not media image. practice of allowing the campus to be and advised me to come down right a«<| two of the claims are totally taken over by football is out of I told him that, because of your pi correct, several are blatantly false But she has hurt her hand at this University. I understand that Kansas City, I decided to forego campaign - and the rest are quite misleading. and her efforts to be fair and open football games are probably big luxury of a 1975 car until the econoiffl Jondahl will file a complaint with the district's votere by not moneymakers for the University and that the fans should be made as comfortable as was straightened out. An hour later three officers of ta J about the ad today with the taking the care to insure that her possible. This comfort apparently includes United Auto Workers Union broke irni Michigan Fair Campaign Practices claims are accurate. total domination of MSU streets on my office and asked me what I though ■ was doing. 1 told them the car I own WEATHER REPORT was perfectly satisfactory, and I didn't need a new car. Well, you stn For years we have patiently observed Presideni The Doctor's Bag musical reviews and it is apparent that nothing has changed. Criticisms by State have heard what they said, Mr. They accused me of crel'J unemployment in the most impM"! News reviewers lack musical intelligence industry in America and shouted tin I BY ARNOID and the spirit of an open mind. WERNER, M.D. everyone thought the way I did we w°°« Copyright 1974 Dave Stern's review of the Weather have the greatest depression in the his W Report concert claims the rock beat of the country. I tried to calm them a "usually has nothing to do with the rest of by pointing out that everyone in Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at the music," and "there was little heterosexual relationships. It would be to, give my office a call and I will try to be Eating should be one of those areas of soloing country had to bite the bullet t>u MSU Health Center. Names need not be and what there important to know the previous sexual was was patently were so infuriated they threw a of assistance. biologic function pursued in pleasant unimpressive." included unless a personal reply is experience of the person who is having the through my window, which cost me *j I have a friend who eats very fait. It is surroundings, with enjoyable people, and The beat is the core surrounded requested. difficulty. For instance, is the lack of at a leisurely pace. The only difficulty that by a to replace. unbelievable the way he can take a large musical experience true to the We are confirmed lesbians - we like orgasm something recent or is this would result for your friend may be a lack feelings Just as they left I received a call w mouthful of food, chew it once and Weather Report has our arrangement and are not asking for something that has always been the case? of pleasure. You might help him by taking developed in their Mr. Rumstead who owns the local th*» Is there a particular event that marked the swallow. He immediately follows this with past two albums. This experience is clearly any advice regarding changing our sexual another large mouthful and this cycle away his silverware and providing him void of solos common to most jazz He wanted to know if I was coming status. However, we have a problem beginning of the difficulty? How with chopsticks. to see "The Great Gatsby" that m important is the sexual side of the continues until he has demolished a full settings. Instead, the bass, saxophone and which is causing some concern in our Why do natives of equatorial regions of said no, we weren't, because w« meal within minutes. Is this keyboards mix related feelings set up and relationship. While performing mutual oral relationship to each partner? mere habit or the world have the same essential body You specifically mentioned difficulty is it expanded by each other, giving the listener fighting inflation. stimulation, one of us is experiencing psychological? And what, if any, temperature as natives of the polar regions? a sense of spacelessness. "That does it," he said. "I'm closing , involving oral sex. Some people have difficulties could result? The efficient operation of enzyme Stern also felt the group theater for multiple organsms while the other is not concerns about oral sex or just find it I am afraid you describe an should split up good." m, able to climax at all. Is there eating style systems and other intracellular phenomena because they are in the danger of Because the kids have no a more unpleasant. It might be that other forms that is quite prevalent. I have never been in the human species depends upon a body effective way for us to achieve a of stimulation would be becoming sterile. The demolition of a theater to go to anymore, they re more satisfying. sure whether the pattern is a reflection of temperature that is constant over a fairly band's integrity based on a around the house with their frien®> satisfying end for both? Discussing the problem with a the hectic pace some people live by, a narrow range. Human beings are single A reasonable evaluation of the performance Is absurd. has cost me $45 for beer ana P problem physician or other professional who is throwback to what must have been a sufficiently closely related to each, other, In short, we disagree with describe would require more every view 8lone- you knowledgeable in the area of sex therapy thuie W« common style when human eating regardless of where they are in the world, Stern takes in his review. But this is neither here nor Uiere- information than what is provided by your would be wise. Finding such a person behavior more closely resembled that of that they share the same highly developed Possibly he should leave opinions I'm really writing to you about is, letter. People involved in homosexual might not be easy since the subject of lower animals, or whether it is simply a Involving "jazz physiology. People who live in different renaissance" to more progressive minds. please have my WIN flag to fly "1 relationships can have the same range of homosexuality still makes a lot of people matter of dealing realistically with the parts of the world adapt in a variety of difficulties in terms of sexual response as uncomfortable, If you or your friends terrible fasting food one gets served in so Ken Wade house, because I want everybody | ways to maintain an internal environment can people who are involved in Jun't mow anvone you can trust to talk many ousters the.> days. that is fairly constant David M. Brown how easy it is to fight infl^F 3469 Lake Lansing Road Economical!}, yours, A.B Michigan Slate News, East Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, October 23, 1974 5 Environmental reports' impact may grow By JEFF MERRELL powers to back it up. of environmental, social and economic what effects the project will have on the State News Staff Writer Anderson s bill has its best chance of effects of state projects, such funding for impact statements," he said, in the other with socio economic as the natural and human environments," Ted • problems. cental impact statements could passage next session, Alex Sagady of the Michigan Avenue and Harrison Road Black, chief of the Dept. of Natural explanation of their faults. Very few state more of an impact if either of two Michigan Student Environmental departments have enough people to do a widening. The City of East Lansing, in its lis is accepted by the Michgian Confederation, Inc., said. The other introduced in the Senate, is "not liked bill, Impact statements are required by the resources board, said. and member of the review professional job on the impact statements. move to strengthen the power own of impact by state for major |St impact statements carry little ■Lit members of the 16 - person too many people," he said. The whole problem centers around the department projects. or controversial Many impact statements do not cover the full breadth of possible problems, or The Highway or 37" people Dept., however, has "36 statements, has been considering an ordinance requiring impact statements "The statement should be a fair and who work on impact from all projects within the city. fhican Environmental Review Board influence of environmental impact complete statement of what the project is, all of the possible alternatives, Black said. statements, Bob Adams of the department fbecause the review board is given no statements, those much publicized studies what the environment of the irea is and "The governor did not provide said. The people work in two sections, one The ordinance would provide a review T beyond making recommendations. adequate concerned with environmental impact and board similar to that of the state. |Lh bills are designed to make the board, which assesses impact permanent and more State .-ts a CM agency of the state government. Tr ntlv the review board exists because [a temporary executive order from Gov. accused of ignoring ■The PoWI'r of the review board r By JOE KIRBY Highway Act since 1968. in the influence of the governor, Eric State News Staff Writer The group also released a said the environmental group had some Sagady said the released document The highway department document document „,an MSU graduate assistant and An environmentalist group has charged drawn up by the good information but had drawn the stated that the highway department has released by the Michigan Student C'ber of the 16 • person board, said. the highway department wrong conclusion. Dept. of State Highways and requesting funds from the legislature to not had a process designed to identify and Environmental Confederation was used T^e most we can say is 'Governor, we Transportation with failing to conduct in conduct environmental studies. Adams explained that the highway evaluate the implications of transportation recently in a court case attempting to halt I't think this project should proceed,' " - depth studies on the environmental impact The document showed that the department is working to cut costs and programs on the social and economic construction on the Michigan Avenue - I said Millikcn then has the option of of its highway projects. department highway make its operation more efficient, so the fabric of the State. Harrison Road construction. was 39,000 staff hours short ling to influence the department that is Alex Sagady, coordinator of the of completing the impact statements 16 additional staff members will be Adams said this meant that the liating the project under review to make Michigan Student Environmental adequate. department had to evaluate each project required. The legislature consequently The Federal District Court in Grand \ necessarv adjustments in its impact Confederation, said the highway approved Adams said that in the past many on an individual basis because it did not funding for 16 additional Rapids refused to halt the project and department has not fully complied with employes. projects had been delayed until an have the staff to build a process by which James Anderson, who is leading the court state and federal laws environmental impact study could be the project could be evaluated requiring statements Sagady said the department will still be during the fight, is planning on appealing the decision _,ict on Milliken's suggestion. on the environmental, economic and social short staffed even after these positions are completed. planning stages. to 6th Circuit Court in Cincinnati. ■House bill 6123. introduced by Rep. impact of the projects. Tilled. m Anderson, D-Southgate, would turn a Assessment of social, economic and Bob Adams, administrator of westion from the review board into an environmental effects has been environmental and required Ifr, and would supply the budgeting under the provisions of the Federal Aid community factors division of the state highway department, Five candidates for trustee seats PL6A5E don't set /oooooou aren't ill bet Beethoven never . lemonade on MY PlANO the 6USS.H6HUE/we A RINq y i fussy, fussy, fussy y COMPlAlNEP u/hen A cute CHICK set A 6LA55 Of LEMONADE JN his PlANO.',' to discuss problems facing MSU Five candidates for the board of Trustees will discuss issues Sullivan, 20, an MSU student, is ineligible for a seat under a p facing the University in a panel discussion Thursday night. 1969 ruling by Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley, which said that such an Speaking will be Democrats John B. Bruff and Raymond W. activity would constitute conflict of interest. Sullivan said he will Krolikowski, both attorneys; incumbent Frank Merriman, board not campaign for the office, but said that chairman and Republican candidate, and two Human having his name on the Rights ballot would help to establish the HRP as a prominent group. party (HRP) candidates, M. Theresa Des Camp and Bradley K. O0NESBURY Sullivan. The discussion will be at 8 p.m. in the James Madison by Garry Trudeau Des Camp, 20, is a former MSU nursing student. of Case Hall. The public is invited. library LISTEN, you mo, I'M 7RYIN6 TO no cross- mm APARTMENTS AND RUN A BALANCEP YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY* MARRIED HOUSING ECOSYSTEM HERE1 pollination - YOU KNOW THE (Ml MAY.' ZERO DEDUCTIBLE RULES! \ \ m c mon, \ MAN! RENTERS PACKAGE With contacts from i§tJi Call Jeff Williams East Lansing's only Co - Op for Optical Needs MON & THURS (MSU '68) at 332-1838 AM - 4 PM, 5 PM - 8:30 PM 9ATMUKi'P^2-5>M SAT 9 AM to NOON it-SENTRY TT" TTT EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY CO-OPTICAL SERVICES tj INSURANCE WADf 10 0R0( H! OR H)U DR. R.C. MINOR, OPTOMETRIST 710 Gainsborough Drive NowinBrookfield Ptaza East Lansing Phone Day or evening open thursday and friday nights until nine. Miss J's All-Leather Sport Shoe Lynn Jondahl... State Representative - 59th District - Democrat here's an exceptional value. no leather sling-back with stacked heel. a top-stitched for pant and casual dressing in coordinating colors of camel, LYNN JONDAHL HAS BEEN NAMED "CONSUMER navy or black 61A to 10 ADVOCATE OF THE YEAR" BY THE MICHIGAN Narrow and 5 to 10 CITIZENS' LOBBY. Medium si*es Writing about what he called "the most comprehensive prescription drug legislation for consumers ever enacted in the United States the Generic Drug . . . Bill." Doug Ross, Director of the Citizens' Lobby stated: "Numerous consumer and public interest groups worked hard for enactment of this bill. But if it had not been for the leadership and legislative skill of Rep. Lynn Jondahl (D- Ea$t Lansing), it is doubtful the bill would have passed. able "Through his remarkable mastery of the many medical and other technical issues raised by the legislation, he was successfully to defend the bill both in committee and on Jacobsoris the House floor against strong special interest opposition." - State News 6/21/74 t0 The Generic Drug Bill allows consumers for the first time shop for the least expensive brand of drug the doctor Hey, chicken lovers- Prescribes, requires pharmacies to post the prices of commonly prescribed drug products to permit comparison come on over to The Other Fried! shopping, ;md protects the shopper's health and pocketbook by Pr°viding for state to more complete labeling of drug products. Lynn Jondahl is working with citizens throughout the repeal the regressive sales tax on food and drugs. As Wednesday !!co - thair of the House Consumers and Agriculture °mmittee, Lynn has helped guide to the House floor consumer legislation such as the Auto Mechanics Licensing ct ail(* the revision of the Holder in Due Course law. Family Night Special 3 pieces of chicken, cole slaw, Students for Jondahl, 210 Abbott (upstairs), East Lansing, 337-7759 (Paid Pol. Adv.) mashed potatoes and gravy, hot biscuits. Great time to discover the toucha honey Jwhovs Recfi •Michigan's No. 1 difference in Famous Recipe, The Other Fried Chicken. Delicious dipped-in-honey Reg. 1.65 Now only < Consumer Advocate. batter, fried really crisp and all the way through. No wonder people who cross over to The Other Fried Chicken stay there! 1900 East Kalamazoo 4500 South Cedar 3007 N. East St. (U.S. 27 North) *1.15 Wednesday, October 23, | 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Ensemble to play at He is convinced that "the CAC tnany blues and dance ban* playing with local bands. learning from other musicians, By MARIANNE BELL Other goals include A student in the College of arts." "The CAC is a source of playing together creatively, not will ignite a mid - Michigan Michigan. He now p|a?l" Roscoe Mitchell and the contributing financially to Urban Development at MSU, Drummer and percussionist just performing." renaissance." the Inner City Band 4 Creative Arts Collective charitable organizations, William Townley has played Louis E. Haynis said "for me, great inspiration to me as I can Percussionist Dushun Mitchell, the drivin. Raymond Brooks, trumpet foh. ensembl^ will perform in the providing employment for and trombone with numerous the CAC is the best musical continue to grow musically, Mosley has also played with of the CAC, thinks and trombone player and ils final concert of the Creative helping to secure employment groups in the Detroit area, outlet in this area. I see and spiritually and intellectually," local groups in Lansing and coming. he said. "Being among many economics major, has played Music IV series at 8:15 tonight for creative musicians and including the Metropolitan participate in the freedom jazz Detroit and is the other leader "The music scene often in recording studios in jn tv. in Abrams Planetarium. young musicians exploring and of the Green - Mosley Lansing is about to break »i? Founder of the Art learning new modes of Detroit and in the Symphony ready to'J! said. "People arc Community Arts Ensemble. Complex. Ensemble of Chicago and interpretation together will sound in action. president of the Creative Arts hopefully create a completely His musical score to the play, Sidney Mosely, an of They,J* Collective "Hopefully the Creative Ar'ts Collective will see the incorporation of music music." "Natural Trial," was performed engineering major at Flint's the rock and oth» (CAC), Roscoe with other arts and the East Lansing area will become a paradise for those new General Motors Institute, commercially Mitchell ranks among the top Guitarist Spencer Barefield recently in Chicago, at MSU the Detroit Art works as percussionist and musicians and arc open saxophonists in creative music. seeking the benefits of playing and being exposed to noncommercial, profound spent much of his time and at sound technician for the CAC new, creative and to tk Institute. hirtb His inspired performance at the arts." - William Townley of tlfe CAC "playing around town trying to and the Green - Mosley original music." ^ 1972 Ann Arbor Jazz ana find worthwhile gigs to get Coleader and arranger of a Complex. Tickets are available Blues Festival, his workshops into" before the CAC six • piece combo, the Green - ,t * in 1973 at MSU and his developed. Barefield, a Mosley Complex, pianist A worker at the Lansing at Abrams Planetarium 1 Arts Ensemble. offers musically and Oldsmobile Plant, Harold Union ticket office'#,. subsequent decision to live and upholding the tradition of psychology major at MSU, Kenny Green has played Smith has performed with Discount Records. work in Bath, Mich., elevated cultural musiciaiis "The CAC is the only media emotionally. I'm sure that the thinks that "the future of the numerous campus and cabaret handed down from the past. in mid Michigan for CAC will bring a uniting of CAC is a communication deal; performances in the Midwest. generated the initial energy Current activities of the progressive music," he musicians in the area. Also a which united musicians in the CAC include workshops in explained. "Hopefully the CAC pride in the musician himself Lansing • East Lansing area to learn and to help others local child centers, regular will see the incorporation of into Collective. the Creative Arts meetings, rehearsal sessions and music with other arts and the with what he himself knows." PRE-VET CLUB MEMBERS Incorporated in April 1974, weekly classes in harmony and East Lansing area will become George Howard, tenor Learn as a nonprofit organization, the music theory for the CAC a paradise for those seeking saxophonist, taught himself to ensemble. The outcome of this the benefits of playing and play six years ago and began collective sponsors live intensive activity is this final There will be a short organizational meeting COMPUTER performances of creative, being exposed to concert of Creative Music IV. noncommercial, profound for the field trip to Lancer's Arabian Horse Farm improvised music in an Members of the collective tonight at 7 in 118 Physics Astronomy Building. environment established and beginning in which who will be featured are A. Everyone who is planning on going please attend PROGRAMMING Spencer Barefield on guitar this meeting. musicians learn and perform (electric and acoustic bass); in Evening School together. The formal Raymond Brooks on trumpet goals of the and valve trombone, Kenny CAC include creating an Green on piano; Louis E. environment for fostering • Attend classes just two nights a week. musical scholarships through Haynis on drums, conga bongo (livery • Learn to program COBOL & RPG II. and percussion; Tony Holland the development of a free NEJAC TV RENTALS" • Run and operate a Computer right in the classroom. on soprano and alto THE CREATIVE ARTS COLLECTIVE training program for the • Approved for Veterans...Accredited by AICS. saxophones; George Howard 337-1300 young; sponsoring concerts and recitals in order to enhance the cultural growth of the on tenor saxophone; Roscoe Mitchell on tenor, alto and bass PRESENTS •You will be totally qualified to secure a position as a Computer Programmer or saxophones and flute; Dushun Computer Operator upon graduation. community; increasing the mutual Mosley on drums and •Class begins November 4. respect between creative artists and musical percussion; Sidney Mosely on tradesmen (booking agents, percussion; Harold D. Smith on manufacturers of musical guitar and William Townley on trombone and melodica. instruments, etc.), enhancing unity among people and the sky theatre LANSING BUSINESS UNIVERSITY in the arts. abrams planetaria THE BOARSHEAO PLAYERS at the LEDGES PLAYHOUSE *Smgl«Tickets«$3.00 200 North Capitol Phone: 489 5767 PROFESSIONAL THEATRE COMPANY. GRAND LEDGE, Downtown Lansing 20 minutes from campus. AUDITIONS FOR Roscoe H&W an<* JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR the O-eaV.vt Av+i ColUct'ive Ensemble JESUS, "jUDAS 'ind'cHORUS> (De dries day October^B Auditions MSU Music Practice Bldg. Rm No. 308, Thurs., Oct. 24, 4-6; 7:30 - 9:30, rehearsals {'.ispX . - Dec. 1-18 (in Lansing), performances Dec. 19 - Jan. 19 (Thur thru Sun), call 627-7805. RHAAHA Presents THE WORLD tickets available n«w at; A^i-4 m»TUn*+a>' t«w»» i Returning of Discount Rtcot-cfs, ah J to the MSU The StuJcht Onio*, STAR TREK EAST LANSING,MICHIGAN, Auditorium PLUS by popular Featuring demand! TravisStnok&ttieCtubWow Gene Roddenbery HOMECOMING Sun. Nov. 3 OCT25-8pm Beal Film Group presents - for persons 18 yrs. of age or older MSU AUDITORIUM 7:30 p.m. University Aud admission $2 TEENAGE CITYCENTER DANCE THEATER CHEER Tickets on sale at Union Ticket Office He choreographs to communicate. 3 COLOR HITS LEADER With his audience. And with his dancers. And they all respond to his artistry. It has universal appeal. In IN CAR HEATERS Alvin Ailey's own words, "There is no generation gap; audiences from children to age 90 can respond." All of this is expressed in the great joy THE SEDUCERS AMD of dancing (a thin disguise for a joy of living) which you will experience ARE TWICE AS N with such great Ailey dancers as The amorousl Judith Jamison, Sara Yarborough, adventures of four little | Dudley Williams and John Parks. sex kittens... who decided to stray TWO EXCITING EVENINGS. from pad to pad- to make #r TWO DIFFERENT PROGRAMS: life Thursday, October 24 at 8:15 p.m. Lively Arts Series & "Choros" "Portrait of Billie" "Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder" "The Wedding" Saturday, October 26 at 8:15 p.m. Art of Dance Series "The Lark Ascending" "Cry" "Nocturne" "Carmina Burana" "Teenage Cheerleader is the most daring, explicit film we Remaining tickets on sale NOW have ever seen. The erotic footage is the most graphic ever Union Ticket Office screened. Beautifully made, Teenage Cheerleader is a) 8:15 4:30 weekdays (355 3361) erotic explosion." LA. After Dark_ This film has played 7 months in New York at $5.00 a person, A months in Public: $6.50 5.50 4.00 Detroit at $5.00 a person, and 5 months in Los Angeles at MSU Students: $3.25 2.75 2.00 $5.00 a person. You must be 18 - all persons will be THERE ARE SEVEN BASIC FEMALE RESPONSES! checked for proof of age. This film is absolutely hardcore - no minor will be admitted. Lecture Concert Series at MSU Response! If you want more information about this film, just ask anyone who saw the preview. TIMES Showtimes: 7:00,8:30,10:00 SEDUCERS 7:15 REPEATED FRI Showplace: 111 Olds PUSSYCATS 9:00 & SAT, Admission: $2.25 RESPONSE 10:00 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 23, 1974 7 ;jss leaves bitter taste In Brewery appearance sell out the I ovDAVE DiMARTINO Brewery for two waggling a 12 - inch tongue in crowd its feet. J Lte News Reviewer consecutive nights - though and out as a prelude to spitting on I if Kiss is any indication of this might be easily explained up "blood" on the strings of Between the smoke and I' future direction0™* when one considers the group's his bass guitar, a la "The flashing police lights, Kiss rising popularity in Detroit. managed to play a convincing, |d roll, we are all in big tact, only a Detroit crowd In Exorcist?' though conventional, set of could Picture drummer with rock and roll. As collective group's concert at the have a ■ The loved this band a face made up to resemble composers, the group leaves I(wery Monday night was a Monday night, as it pioneered negative image of Felix the a much to be desired, Ktated conglomeration of new loudness levels previously occupying Iter rock, blood'n'guts, high reached only by the Blue Cheer. legendary Cat. For his grand finale, he and his drum set rose four or a nether region somewhere between Bachman Turner Ecibel thrills and images At a uniform blast five feet in the air while Overdrive at their best and - hiring fro"1 "Batman" and Kiss drove the intensity, smoke blew out from the dry ice Blue Oyster Cult at their worst. jtir Vek" to your typical crowd to near ecstasy. very rowdy airborne set's point of Lloween party. origin. A few numbers from the The group's visuals I The magic was definitely unusual, were Lead guitarist Ace Frehly, band's second album were the music. It was in the to say the least. looking like an extra in "It squeezed in during Monday's Picture an Uncle Fester (of the Came From Outer Space," performance. The album, I Surprisingly. K'ss has strong old "Addams Family" TV strutted back and forth Casablanca Records, is due for on show) onstage loujh pull in East Lansing to lookalike, with hair, on his five inch platform release this - week. Titled shoes while continuously increasing his volume, which, "Hotter Than Hell," the album will again display Kiss as Oct. 22-26 through two Marshall trendsetters, fhorus singers amplifiers, was sufficiently loud at the show's start. rumor having liner notes written has it, by in ELECTRIC JAZZ both English and Japanese. an pnoio/Lraig rort with Lead vocalist and rhythm Drooling, spitting "blood" and generally behaving Carmen' p Kiss, in concert, or Charles was not guitarist Paul Stanley was the much to listen abnormally, the group Kiss entertained a sell out - least grotesque of the to, but after group, audience at the Brewery Monday with just a black star seeing a show filled with blood night. The band, painted I Rehearsals of the chorus for chorus through the MSU Opera over his right eye and a and police sirens, can anyone a regular crowd pleaser in Detroit, offered East %nen," MSU's major opera Induction for this year, will w beginning at 7:30 p.m. Workshop. He said there is also a possibility that credit be earned through the French might studded leather choker around his neck. Probably for the group's teen appeal, Stanley really complain? * Lansing a startling visual performance. " Llqyd [night in 103 Music Practice Dept., but it is still being considered. spoke - or more correctly, screamed — to the audience Shows at 9 811 ■ The practices will continue Interested singers should between each number, and had COMING THIS WEEKEND lcry Wednesday night Reparation for a January in 10 report to the rehearsal tonight. no trouble in getting the entire SPECIAL! lough 12 performance of the fcsic opera, cosponsored by Mike Nichols- I 1 I i pi who stay for both leLansing Opera Guild. |"We still need about 20 j, interested voices," said Carnal Knowledge JH LOVEDCRIOHNBINO shows MICHIGAN S SHOWCASE i Burkh, conductor of METROCOLOR > • €> Je MSU Symphony Orchestra. Thur. Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 "I I A> IJV4AIV FOR NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT ■The chorus will perform Thurs. Wilson 7:30 & 9:30 ■hind soloists from the Fri. Wilson 7:30 & 9:30 SAM" Fri. 109 Anthony 7:30 & 9:30 Thur. Brody 7:30 7 & 9:15 Itropolitan Opera of New Sat. 109 Anthony 7:30 & 9:30 Fri. Conrad 7:00, 8:35 & 10:15 Brody 8:30 THE STABLES Irk City, and under the Brody 8:30 Sat. Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 lection of Robert Harris, of Sat. Wilson 7:00, 8:35 & 10:15 Sun. McDonel 7:00 Sun. Wilson 7:00 Jj Music Dept. ■ "The opera will be sung in Conrad 9:00 Sun. Conrad 7:00 Wilson 9:00 McDonel 9:00 pnch," Burkh said, "but the is doesn't need to speak miE.6D.RIVER, EAST LANSING : language. Well have •*« OPEN 12:45 - LAST DAY . At 1:30 ■ 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 laches." ■Burkh said that credit pi be earned for singing in the DOMINOS THURSDAY... OPEN At 6 45 P.M. FEATURE 7:15 -9 30 ^ oca\ show set PIZZA jy Johnny Cash 966 TROWBRIDGE I -w j ■Johnny Cash, one of the 1 Somebody TOGETHER BROTHERS. ts of country - western ic, will perform at 8 p.m. 351-7100 offed their It's about finding main man. Jiday at the Lansing Civic Alter. ■ Others in his show include IW0 DOMINOS One little boy saw a kiHer. a little Thank God Saving boy. 1 l"( Carter. P'don Terry and the Carl Perkins, "T Barrel ARE BETTER THAN ONE! | the murder. he's got brothers. ■nnessee Three and Rosanne ^521 E^Grand River 1 WQWM WOtttUTKM 390S ENDS THURS. Id Rosey Cash, all of whom • successful recording artists. ICHIGAn SURE ■Tickets for the one Theotre Lansinq LAUGH-' • - night to insure that famous YOU'LL •formance available DOMINOS are at 1 knsing Civic Center box IT AIN'T HAPPENING TO YOU! ■ice for $7, $6 and $5. FAST and FREE DELIVERY UTrentat.v. call the Dominos PIZZA Mixed Company $25.00 per term nearest you! 1139 E. Grand River PG-S- open 12:45 ...at 1:10 - 310 - 5:10 - 7:15 - 9:20 at michigan state university L SUPER WEEK IS COMING! 351- W»ttDta«)rS Directors' Choice Film Series WAIT DISNEY ~T presents the Bears and 11 TECHNICOLOR G: ss§ C-r:rBp« A* A A X • Jean Harlow U.S. Army Lt. Dorothy Clark f > I ^$10.95 0 and Loretta Young in Frank Capra's Now in it's 8th Hilarious Week. Is Coming To Campus Open 7.00 P.M. 0 Feature 7:40-9:30 SMvery 0 PLATINUM To Talk About 1974 s MOST HILARIOUS. JEJAC3370300 TV RENTALS— BLONDE (1931) 90 minutes black & white College Junior and Student Officer Programs ^WILDEST MOVIE IS HERE! « ' Insanely funny, outrageous and irreverent." Wednesday, October 23 The College Junior Program is an exciting chance to preview life as an officer in the -playboy magazine I Thousands of Topics 2 showings: 7:00 & 9:15 p.m. Women's Army Corps. It's open to girls who have completed their junior year at college. I $2.75 per page Fairchild Theater cadet As a corporal in the Enlisted Reserve, you spend tour summer weeks at N'oryour up-to-date, 160-page, $1.25 at the door Fort McClellan, Alabama-with other students from all over the Nation. H onler catalog. Enclose $1.00 or Directors' Choice Series Ticket You find out about training, social life and the many opportunities available to you |tXss,a|!e ,deilvery ,ime is as an officer. I&assistanCE, INC. ISlEBLVD'' suite#z Then you'll go to Fort Benning, Georgia, where you'll see and meet your male Army counterparts. 1 »CALIF ■ (213)477-8474 477-5493 or 90025 You'll be paid a cadet corporal's salary. All your transportation from home and back "'I!.1?'0!1 mi,*rlal is sold for ^J|^|^sslslanceonly^ will be paid for by the Army. You'll also receive uniforms, meals and medical care at no expense. real After you in have completed this program, you'll be under no obligation to continue the Reserves. But when you have received your college degree, you may applv for a commission, as a second lieutenant, in the Women's Army Corps. ^°°fl nnd I R'eh. And Student Officer Program pays you while you're a senior at college If you're convinced that you want to become an officer in the Women s Armv£orps the Student Officer Program can be the rewarding second step. Only those who - the price have completed theCollege lunior Course are considered, and only a limited number of applicants are selected. Your qualification and acceptance arefased on your I * right at standing in the College Junior Course. For more information on the College Junior Program and n1 e details on the Student Officer Program, get in touch with NlX'S Lt. Clark from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday, November 4 at the Placement Bureau, Student Services Building 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 23, |, TWO ALL-STARS SWAPPED Bobby Bonds traded for NY's Murcer first they wanted pitchers, too, said have sought Bert Blyleven NEW YORK (UPI) - Bobby Bonds? Physically, he's average for seven seasons. years in a row. Mays managed Outfielder Bobby Bonds, the and Doc Medich's name was a complete player. He's got a from the Twins, Steve Carlton Bonds, in 1973, became the same feat in both 1956 and slugger - speedster who was brought up. But we killed that good arm and he can do it all. from the Phillies and Jon only the second player in 1957. Only three other players supposed to take Willie Mays' part of the deal. Along with everything else, Matlack from the Mets. major league history to hit 30 ever have achieved that 30 - 30 place with the San Francisco "One basic rule in making a he's a good defensive player. The deal was the first homers and steal 30 bases two distinction even once. Giants, was traded to the New deal is that when you are going "There's nothing I can see interleague swap following the York Yankees in an interleague for a real solid righthanded that he can't do." World Series. The interleague swap Tuesday even • up for hitter, why go flitting around." Virdon provided three trading period officially outfielder Bobby Murcer, once heralded as Mickey Mantle's Bonds and Murcer, both 28, had relatively poor seasons reasons for the trade: "Bonds will steal more bases (than opened Tuesday. Bonds, acclaimed "the best IM Turkey successor. after enjoying outstanding ones Murcer), hell hit more homers player in baseball" by at least "I don't think there's ever in 1973. The immediate and he's a righthanded hitter. two major league managers a been a trade with two all - stars following We need to change our club finished sub slated year ago, for consensus a - par swapped even - up," Yankee announcement of the deal was around from lefthanded to 1974 season with a .256 President Gabe Payl said. that the Yankess shaded the righthanded hitters." batting average, 71 RBI's and "Most trades of name players Giants in the trade. Bonds was on a fishing trip 21 homers after hitting .283 in have someone thrown in on the "We needed a lefthanded when the deal between the two 1973. He also had 39 homers The annual Intramural Turkey Trot will be held at 5 p.m. side. But this was a one - for - hitter badly," said Jerry clubs was announced. and % RBI's. one trade. Murcer, who started as a today, starting at Old College Field. Entries to the event will be Donovan, the Giants' assistant There has been spirited "The deal was finalized last to president Horace Stoneham. shortstop with the Yankees accepted by the Intramural Dept. right up until starting time. bidding for Bonds' services, night on the phone between "We're very happy to get with the Minnesota Twins, and then was groomed to Men and women, students, faculty and staff are eligible and myself and Horace Stoneham. Murcer." Philadelphia Phillies and New replace Hall of Famer Mantle, may run on a team or individually. Teams may represent We must have been on the Yankee Manager Bill York Mets all showing interest tailed off from a .304, 22 • residence halls, residence hall houses, fraternities, sororities or phone, back and forth, 20 Virdon, reached in Springfield, in the 6 - 1, 190 - pound homer, 95 - RBI year in 1973 just any group of four contestants. Any number of men and times in the last few days. At Mo., by UPI, said: "Why not outfielder. The Giants were to .274 with 10 homers and 88 women can run for a team. RBI's this past season. The first four contestants of any group across the finish line Blunt - speaking Gene are considered for the team place of that group. Last year 17 Mauch, manager of the teams and 106 individuals made the run. Two women's squads set Montreal Expos, called Bonds "the today" best player after in baseball the outfielder Each team must provide a name card or sign at least three by five inches for each runner to wear. Teams must have been went on a 1973 hitting spree. represented at the scratch meeting held Tuesday night. Cincinnati Manager Sparky for first home matches Anderson, who skippered the Bonds - powered National The Turkey Trot is approximately one mile in length. Participants should run the course at least twice before the meet and have had a physical exam after July 1974. SN photo/John HartmpJ League all - stars to victory Peer Brunnschweiler currently leads the over the American League in First and second place team finishers will receive, of course, a M$U| By ROBIN MclNTOSH Allison Scruggs. The fifth and Friday when it blanked Wayne 1973, agreed with Mauch. turkey. The first and second place individual finishers in both the soccer team in goals scored this season with fivt.1 State News Sports Writer Two MSU women's sports sixth singles players are undetermined. There will also still State. 2-0, then squeaked by the University of Waterloo, Bonds will arrive in New men's and women's classes will also get a turkey. All birds will The freshman forward and his teammates take oil York with a .273 career be donated to a charitable organization. Western Michigan here today. teams will be playing their first be three doubles matches. 2-1. home matches of the season Coach Hatton thinks that The volleyball team will be this week. the team strength lies in the in action again Thursday when doubles teams, as the singles Brunnschweiler and teammates The tennis team will try to they travel to Battle Creek to extend its 3-0 dual meet players need improvement in face Ball State, Grand Valley record today when it hosts their net play. College and Kellogg Central Michigan at 3 p.m. at "They have good ground Community College. MSU the tennis courts south of strokes, but they should feel coach Annelies Knoppers feels more confident playing at the Spartan Stadium. In their last that Ball State will be the two matches, the Spartans beat the University of Michigan, 6-3, and Eastern Michigan, 9-0. Last year, Central Michigan net. The newer girls also need work, but that will come with experience," she said. The golf team, coming off a toughest tournament. team in the face WMU Broncos here today had a weak team and the first place finish in the Midwest Spartans trounced them, 9-0. Invitational last weekend, will Mets deal Dyer By DAN SPICKLER freshman from East Lansing, "He's young and he still team itself. He played football the pigskin in the end zoncfl MSU coach Elaine Hatton feels host the MSU Invitational State News Sports Writer have an accent, he has no and track at East may makes mistakes, but he's ran Lansing kickoffs. CMU is a lot better this year. Friday. Peer Brunnschwiler speaks difficulty with the English learning how to cope with his High and may be doing some Word got around I "Central Michigan is tougher Three state schools will be for Biics' Clines English with just a hint of his language. An arts and letters errors," Rutherford remarked. long jumping for the Spartans about Brunnschweiler's kick! this year than they were last represented in the tournament Swiss heritage, though he has major, he has accumulated Offense is not the strong this spring. year and I hope that it will be a and the top four scores for 36 lived in the United States for a enough advanced placement point of this year's soccer ability. Rutherford, who if better match," she said. holes will determine the PITTSBURGH (UPI) - The credits to be a sophomore next He has dual citizenship in the appointed as head soccercoi good part of his 18 - year - old squad. Brunnschweiler stands last spring, met Brunnschweifl Pittburgh Pirates Tuesday life. United States and Switzerland. Playing first singles for MSU term. out as a subtle symbol of the at a high school graduatiF will be Sue The field hockey team traded outfielder Gene Klines "It On Last summer he played in a Selke, second can be a problem when top of that, entire team, not because of his singles will be Diane Suterko, traveled to Eastern Michigan to the New York Mets - for someone asks you your name Brunnschweiler has little soccer league in Mexico. party. catcher Duffy Dyer. scoring, but because of the third singles will be Diana Tuesday. It picked up two and you tell them with a bit of difficulty booting a soccer ball attitude he reflects in Brunnschweiler has traveled "The coach explained 1 D'Angelo and fourth will be victories last Thursday and Clines, 28, had been used an accent, 'it's Peer.' They up and down a field. The conversation. all over the world. His father, program to me and 1 w mostly in a utility role since don't seem to ask you much forward leads the Spartans in He emphasizes all the players D. H. impressed," Brunnschwefll Brunnschweiler, 1970. Last season he hit .225 more, thinking you're some goals scored so far this season on the teamwhen he speaks. professor of geography at said. "I knew I wanted toplT in 107 games. His career foreign student who would with five. "It's really great being with MSU, often does field research soccer somewhere, but I had! average is .287. have difficulty speaking "He really is something to such a diverse group of for various archeological study made up my mind until thaT English," he smiled. watch on a breakaway," MSU people," he said. "No one here groups. Mets Dyer, 29, farm a product of the Brunnschweiler, along with soccer coach Ed Rutherford is on scholarship. All the guys The new booter pla^ system, shared his teammates on the said. "He puts on a real show Brunnschweiler says he league sports at I catching duties the past three play because they really love international school I undefeated MSU soccer squad, when he gets that ball." the game. cannot pinpoint his first seasons with Jerry Grote. He attended two will host the Western Michigan While Brunnschweiler is "We have got people from experience booting soccer years ago| played in 63 games for the Broncos at 3:30 p.m. today on balls. In Switzerland, where he Europe. That is strong on breakaways, he many different backgrounds. Mets last season, hitting .211. the soccer field south of was born, soccer ranks equally picked up more advanci recognizes where his weakness The team is made up of players Pirates General Manager Joe Spartan Stadium. lies. with skiing as the most popular competitive techniques befol ranging in age from 17 to 27. coming to the states. L. Brown said it was felt Dyer The Broncos have never "I still have to work on About the only thing we all sport, he said. would be "a good solid backup defeated MSU in soccer. Last positioning," the rookie booter have in common is the game," As the kicker for the East "He's got great potential catcher" for Manny Sanguillen, year the Spartans tied WMU, said. "I have to become a little he added. Rutherford commented." Lansing High football team, who played in 151 of the 1-1. more aware of the place to be Brunnschwiler has about as Brunnschwiler was quite just a matter of getting h| Pirates' 162 games last season. While Brunnschweiler, a during plays." diverse a background as the used to college soccer." impressive. He consistently put Cheerleading: it's fun but rouglBy PEGGY GOSSETT season is another question. Last year the funds were exhausted But somehow the Purdue squad found a way to travel State News Staff Writer before the sports season ended, and the cheerleaders had to dip toll Hawaii Invitational basketball tournament last winter. 1 They sprint onto the Astro Turf at Spartan into their own pockets to pay for the last few cleaning bills. Stadium, green and "Though each cheerleader contributed $100 dollars fori white clad arms waving in unison with the crowd stomping and They also paid their own room and board for two weeks trip, the athletic department found a way to come up with P singing, "Go right through for MSU, watch the points keep before the season started, so they could practice for it. other $300 needed for growing." Bill Beardsley, asst. athletic director in charge of financial sponsor each cheerleader," said Thomas of the Purdue cheerleaders. McHenij Since the early 1900s when the all - male squad was called affairs, said the cheerleaders receive the maximum revenue "The athletic department recognizes the value of cheerlew yell masters, the MSU cheerleaders have been trying to entice amount possible from the Athletic Dept.'s budget. for public relations work, and to "Like any sport, they decide for themselves how the money carry enthusiasm between! screams and spirit from Spartan fans. They attend every home team and fans," he said. "So we help them all we can." football and basketball game and many of the away games. will be spent. When their money's gone, it's gone," he said. What motivates an MSU student to bounce and split and cheer Whether they travel by plane or University - owned cars is a Cheerleading camps his or her way onto the cheerleading squad? matter of budgeting and their priorities, Beardsley said. McHenry said the Purdue squad often holds cheerleajj camps where they teach high school squads Purdue cheerleaiM "It didn't even occur to me that I would make it when I tried "They could fly to the UCLA game if they wanted, but they could not afford to travel anywhere else," he added. techniques, and the squad makes about $700 this way each J'1J out," said Kathi Tiplady, senior and cocaptain of the squad. The alumni foundation also contributed money to i "I tried out for the fun of it. I had "Find a way" nothing to lose," she said. cheerleading program last year, he said, and probably will®! This is her third year on the squad. Ed Rutherford, adviser to the cheerleaders this year, said, "If again this season. Not all fun their funds run out this year you can bet that 111 see to it that The MSU cheerleaders have made similar attempts at m Cheerleading is not all fun, however. Cheerleading means they don't pay for their own cleaning. We'll find a way." It seems the Athletic Dept. has found another way to aid the raising projects to boost their budget. gritting teeth and stomping feet, not to cheer, but to keep saddle "I had to go out like a - shoe clad feet warm through the cheerleaders this year. All 12 regular cheerleaders were given two goodwill ambassador, asking W freezing rains and snow of businesses to donate to the cheerleaders," McCabe said. "Fin* some games. tickets to every home football game, where in past years they Coca - Cola donated 400 large bottles of Coke which w ffl It means 10 hours of practice a week, and if were only given two tickets to one game of their choice. you do not show away for a $1 donation." L you do not cheer on the squad. It means an entire weekend The cheerleaders also receive free health care and medications sacrificed driving to the furthest away from the University Health Center, a practice which began last The squad also made a television commercial for Spartan 01 games, such as the six - Stores, which will bring in $750 dollars when they get pa'd «■ hour trip to the Illinois game last weekend. year. "This should see us "But it's worth it. I Athletic Director Burt Smith said cheerleading is considered a through the season, hopefully, ' \ j intrinsically love the school spirit. I just said, in the undaunted Spartan spirit that the cheerleaders dl enjoy cheering," Jill Krause, who is in her second year with the minor sport, since it has a budget just like other sports programs. Cheerleaders receive letters and letter jackets, which are fleecy generate among themselves as well as on the playing field. squad, said. Cheerleading has an element of fear, especially for the green wool with white leather sleeves, the same as many cheerleader perched on top of three people in the tallest lettermen wear. formation. Krause fell from that position game Oct. during the Notre Dame 5, and after tearing the cartilage in her left knee, underwent surgery. She is out for the season. "In line with the other minor sports we money," Jim McCabe, senior and cocaptain on the squad, said. do have enough Minor sports had their total budget cut $5,000 last spring, and LA's WalterA/ston I "I don't worry about fear. To me it's more of a my physical abilities to try the hardest cheerleading mounts than to overcome any fear," Krause said. challenge to though the cheerleaders' budget was not cut, neither was it fattened. "Those cutbacks had nothing really to do with the honored season!f Sometimes it costs cheerleaders," Smith said. Walter By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL J The cheerleader makes nOmoney for his or her effort. On the The cutbacks came in grant - in - aid programs, which affected Alston, baseball's "father time" among modcrnJ tennis, golf, wrestling, swimming, track, baseball and gymnastics, managers who led the Los Angeles Dodgers to their sixth penw contrary, the position sometimes costs the cheerleader minor under his expenditures for equipment like shirts, socks and bodysuits, parts Smith said. stewardship, has been overwhelmingly named National League of the uniform which the cheerleading budget does not cover. "But compared to other schools, we don't'have the luxuries- Manager of the Year for 1974. SN photo/John Russell Each year the cheerleaders receive $1,300 from the Athletic that their cheerleaders do," McCabe said. Alston, who only two days ago signed his 22nd C0"*V,J one MSU cheerleader Cathy year contract with the Dodgers, received 11 first place vque (AP) - "CPU. Monday. that about 160 persons were mercenaries to fight in exchange lasted 30 accepted the job. Knties said Tuesday tha I persons died in racial Central Hospital officials inured in the racially tense Mozambique. minutes, until Portuguese troops arrived in armored The first report of capital. Authorities said Portuguese cars. mercenaries being recruited said the dead included 33 llence that followed an X ck on troops of whites, 15 black Africans and In another Swiss businessman development, a and Frelimo troops were in Afterwards, blacks rampaged through the city, appeared in the Stockholm newspaper Aftonbladet, which one person whose reported in firm control of the colony's ■ozambique's black race could Zurich that wealthy Portuguese attacking buses, cars and said Lenzlinger planned to go capital Tuesday, but a pedestrians. Officials attributed to Sweden to recruit 500 men government broadcast urged many of the deaths to rioting. before hiring 500 more from A COUNTRY MUSIC SUPERSTAR everybody to stay home. It was the second fhree get media awards The Portuguese servicemen major Germany and Africa. outbreak of racial turmoil in "I have nothing to do with involved had been demobilized after Lisbon agreed last month to turn over the colony next Mozambique since the Sept. 7 independence Lourenco Marques and agreement. In this," Lenzlinger, who used to run an escape route for Waylon Jennings June the refugees from eastern to to Frelimo, the [rom Project Grapevine port of Beira, 190 persons were western Europe, said. "Not Mozambique Liberation Front, killed and more than 500 even 5 per cent of this is true." a black group that fought a 10 injured in rioting after a brief, ■ year war for The independence. bloodless rebellion by white Hie Aftonbladet story said that Lenzlinger had received October 27 fcroject Grapevine has decided to give three grants fighting began when the settlers opposed to the about 1,000 letters, mostly $3.50 in Advance $4.00 at the Door instead of one." York, and did similar work for Portuguese soldiers attacked - Tiounced three recipients of Essence, black entertainment four Frelimo troops outside prospect of black rule. from soldiers in Sweden Tickets available at Discount Records and at the Ooor. I first annual Media and King was consultant for New and black a On the mercenaries Shows at 8 p.m. & 11 p.m. sports magazines. crowded sidewalk cafe story, looking for easy money. ihievemi'nt Grant, an award Day Productions, a media Sims has also worked for the on the Swiss businessman Hans Avenida da Republica, took Lenzlinger said he received the ■ $150 given to students for group that puts together slide State News. Lenzlinger said he had been their weapons and drove letters, but that he did not and audio presentations. She ■(inordinary achievement in away asked to act as a recruiting spend money to have them THE STABLES also served in a truck. ft media. as consultant to the Burgen has worked on the agent for the Portuguese, but translated and that he does not "Black "Let's go get our guns and ■Winners are Gayle King, Lansing, Grand Rapids and Notes" program on denied reports that he had know their subject. Flint cable television, and has done a give these men a lesson," one lor Arthur Sims, junior, schools; coproduced of the Portuguese l Michele Burgen, junior. Upward Bound Day, and has study on the history of the reportedly ■"Originally only one award done freelance photography. black press. She has worked for said. They returned about a half - hour later and opened 2843 E.ED.RIVER,EAST LANSING Is to be given." George Sims has done advertising WKAR Radio and the State fire on Frelimo hite director of Project and design work for the News. troops guarding fcpevine, said. "However, due I ee outstanding nature of of the applications, we College of Urban Development, was asst. director of art and design for CBS records in New a Awards will be presented at dinner at 7 tonight at Kellogg a newspaper office. Rush - hour crowds fled in panic as the black soldiers returned the BOOKER GAULDEN MCDONALD'S Center. fire. The ensuing gunfire and For PEOPLE ARE EAST LANSING COLLEGE OF SOCIAL DISTRICT GUARANTEED SCIENCE UNDERGRADUATES JUDGE I'M BILL MILLER Petitions for Candidacy as College of Social YOU CAN COUNT ON ME Science BOOKER GAULDEN wants to be East Undergraduate Representative to the Lansing's first TO HAVE YOUR elected District Court ludge University Educational Policies Committee and to He will work for the following: k TABLE CLEAN Every Wednesday Night the University Library Committee are now being A District Court based 5 P.M. TO 10 P.M. • on justice, not judicial Your next meal is on us if you accepted by the Student Advisory Committee of economy. can't find a clean table or • Won Ton Soup ALL YOU the College. Evaluation of effective council, whether the attor¬ •Bar B Que Ribs • someone to clean it for you. • K« Roll with S»ur« CAN EAT Petitions may be picked up at 104 Linton Hall. ney be appointed or retained, to ensure the rights • Chi('km Almond of the individual are upheld. Bffl Pepper Steak They must be returned to 104 Linton Hall by 5 5395 • • Sweet & Sour Pork • Initiate community organization involvement into p.m., October 25,1974. the judicial process and use their Shrimp Fried Rice I Guarantee It! • expertise'to guide the court and the individual. Do It ill Salwl The Student constituency of the College of Social /\/\ Science includes all full • time regularly - enrolled • Adoption of a Fair-Leasing Program. Variaty ol / , Make the court schedule and process amenable • If I Archy's students assigned a Curriculum Code with the letter N beginning to the people's schedule. Mm 1 234 W. Grand River 1024 E. Grand River KALAMAZOO AT GRAND. LANSING (designation of a major in the ■ McDonald's (Committee to Elect Booker Gaulden 2040 E. Grand River College). TELEPHONE 482 6233 for East Lansing District judge 925 Virginia Ave. East Lansing. Mich. 48823 I ■ L / Paid Political Ad P THE 1974 MSU HOMECOMING COMMITTEE PRESENTS . ¥ HOMECOMING 74 ACTIVITIES THURSDAY OCT. 24... • * bonfire at im field mural judging FOUR SATURDAY OCT. 26... ^ ^ ,, ♦ float • msu vs. parade, 10am bogue St. bridge purdue 1:30 CHANNEL dave loggins at the SEMINAR * men's im, 9pm ♦ fleamarket and concession - style dinner, adm. free Presented by Technics ♦ info, 353-4604 Mr. John Bermingham - Midwest Sales Mgr. I ACTIVITIES BOARD, MSU CEVFLOP^ for TECHNICS High Fidelity components will discuss and demonstrate various four channel systems with emphasis on CD-4 New Fall Boots SEE: Discrete Quad. LARGE SCREEN, 3 COLOR, FOUR CHANNEL OSCILLOSCOPE VISUALLY 20% off t DEMONSTRATE CHANNEL SEPARATION. HEAR: DIRECT COMPARISONS BETWEEN It's our preview of the moonlight sale, which starts tomorrow MATRIX AND DISCRETE QUAD SOUND. ASK: QUESTIONS ON FOUR CHANNEL Also: All of our famous Jan-nette shoes WHEN: OCTOBER 24th e.lansing-2:00,4:00&7:oopm are now priced at $18.90 OCTOBER 25th lansing 5:30 and 7:30 pm - A group of selected clearance shoes at further reductions: $6.90 - $14.90 402 S. Washington, Lansing 245 Ann Street, E. Lansing SHOES 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Shalom Center Replies to abortion stand By RALPH FRAMMOLINO Rev. Daniel M. Buske, pastor of Emmanuel 1st Lutheran vary '"Hie Intent of the thing was to help thecounselingprocess, State News Staff Writer Church, said his stand is against abortion. uid Rev. James A. Schalkhouser, of Bethlehem Lutheran Church, A recent decision by American Lutheran Church (ALC) "I don't believe 1 should judge over what any other body 549 E. Mt. Hope Ave. "It was not a very dogmatic sort of thing, delegates that approves abortion in some cases has met with a decides" he said. He cautioned that with abortion "you enter into it was left more to the dictate of the individual's own degree of favorable response within the church, but criticism without. the realm of sanctity of human life." "It is a commandment - thou shalt not kill," he said. conscience." Rev. Paul PretzlafT, of St. Paul Lutheran, 3823 Lake Lansing ft new drop-In, , . The criticism from outside sources, ranging from citizens Response from Campus Crusade for Christ was antiabortion. Road, said, "I think the important thing is that people groups to other religious organizations, stemmed from the belief that abortion is unallowable, except in very wel) defined "Our response is that scripture says that children are a blessing from God," Bill Flynn, director, said. understand that the convention doesn't speak for the to the church." Pretzlaff is also in the ALC. church, but rap, study and situations. .... Previously, the ALC took the stand that abortions were L Father Albert Homberger, of St. Casimir Catholic Church, also said that abortion is not a matter of personal conscience. "TTiis kind of thing does not have an easy answer, so we must coffee place permissible only in cases where the mother's health was "Catholic teaching is unequivocal look not at only the religious but social implications," he said. abortion is murder," he endangered. The resolution, which reaffirmed the church's policy of the said. - "Our own church pretty much took that stand some years ago," Rev. R. S. Nelson, pastor of St. Stephen Evangelicistic for the campus Jewish | Michigan Citizens for Life views the decision as undefinitive in Lutheran Church, 3838 Delta River Drive, said. unborn child's right to life, said that members must make the best its philosophy and ethics, Jane Muldoon, president, said. decision about terminating a pregnancy "based on the situation and accountability for God, self and neighbor." It also reserved the right for members to make "the judgment that - all pertinent "What seems to be weighed in the balance of judgment is the mother situation," she said. "TTie end result may be that the real "We all would say that the Bible is the final word. There is a difference in interpretation, where the human element enters into it," he said. Community factors of responsibility considered - the developing life may be balance is not considered - should the child continue its life or should it be killed." Rev. James K. Pflueger, of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Now open: 1-5 pm terminated to defend the health and wholeness" of those The citizens group believes that the termination of life, as said that as a group they were antiabortion, but as an indivdual, involved. "I would like to know on what biblical grounds they based derived at by personal decision, would lead to anarchy. he said that a broader responsibility guideline was necessary at times. weekdays and Sundays "Again, this is a questionable principle for society to adopt and their decision," said Pastor W. E. Michael of East Lansing Trinity Located Church, an interdenominational organization. "I have strong certainly contrary to the principles of Christ himself - who loves all men," she said. "What we call therapeutic abortion is narrower than it should over Campus Bookstore be," Pflueger said. "Therapeutic should be redefined. We doubts about the wisdom of their decision, and have great Supporters from within the Lutheran Church say the decision should be careful in making value judgments on people's lives. across from Berkey Hall difficulty accepting it. I think people are toying with things that was based on a need for more counseling leverage and hesitancy "I see the essential right of the mother to have some control, don't belong to them." to pass value judgments on people's lives. some say," he said. Want A Job That Means Something To Yourself And Others? Help Serve The Public Interest In Making Nuclear Energy Sale, By Joining AEC's Regulatory Staff As the fuel shortage has recently demonstrated, energy has become a matter of vital concern to the future welfare and prosperity of our country. The expanding use of nuclear energy will undoubtedly help to ease the crisis. But if it is to fulfill its promise, nuclear power requires responsible handling, and that is of the utmost concern to the Atomic Energy Commission Regulation. Our business is to protect the public and the environment by making nuclear power safe. We do this through the rigorous regulation of the design, construction, and operation of nuclear power plants. The challenge of harnessing nuclear energy demands a significant expansion of our manpower resources. We can offer you an excellent career opportunity ... the satisfaction of rewarding work ... exceptional chances for advancement... competitive salaries and very attractive government benefits. Professional Positions Available for College Graduates at the BS, MS, and PhD levels In: Materials Engineering Nuclear Engineering Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Electrical Engineering Environmental Sciences Visit our representative on your campus November 6,1974 or Pick up career information at your placement office and Send resume or our application to: U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION PERSONNEL OPE RAT IONS-REGULATION 008 Washington, D. C. 20545 Include grade transcript An Equal Opportunity Employer - U. S. Citizenship Required What's unique about Town & Country? We're obsessed with auality and fashion! Great fitting, great looking, styles & fabrics just for you nesH civet EVERYPD0T S nWOWTe - JeWOS l_ J ■■■■■ PIZZA MIX '94% I Gxqfoa "The clothes you need for E. Grand River next to the the life you lead." Campus n State News, Easi Unsingjiichigan Wednesday, October 23, 1974 11 ||y to call liberty of . colony |,y for the independence f Rico will be held at 3 Thursday at Beaumont I rally organized by the 1 Front Against Racism IpeSl 1 four isspeakers m (UFARI). will who will I why they think Puerto [hich they call a colony | united States, should ■ its total independence. | of the speakers are |> Garzon, a member of Juerto Rican Solidarity lommitto of Chicago, (ncente ¥ student at Castro, a Puerto MSU. A |r of October League, a Ljdc Marxist • Leninist Xtion. and a member of ■Twill also speak. Tadorc Herera, a member ■ARI, ^'d the United |s last December voted J 5 in favor of officially ■izing Puerto Rico as a I, rather than a common - five countries voting I the resolution were the ft States, Britain, France, Kal and the Republic of ■ Africa. That should tell lomething," Herera said. is has been officially mi International Week, ■we at UFARI want Kty with the oppressed |. not the ruling classes," n Davis, another UFARI |er. said the rally is to The MSU community to long movement in Puerto % Jo working for* ■ndence. ■don't think any students ■ are aware of what is Tning in Puerto Rico," aid. s and llircra said a would begin from ant Tower to some on campus, but led to identify that locale. |AR1 will show a film at i. Thursday at 111 . "Lucia," a Cuban has been called "an epic Je and revolution" and is p the few films "which lie fate of social struggle as of the part played in i by women." kission to the film is $1. m... 1 355-1826 P RENTAT.V.^ $25.00 per term ^■JAC TV RENTALS I m1' 4 1te11^ T RENTAT.V.^ $25.00 per term ' 1 :JAC TV RENTALS, ^ MM300 •'ESS/- » 1 Investors ' I and Collectors Buy and Sell Stamps & Coins I *90811 93.T J rfcaha reac,ion i„ l«Sve,andwei1 L*1 nDr Littiefairs 'ar 9 ir?i ,y°ice °' 'he I ■ WjFM 93 "'on7* Sundays, your dial I GC&INE., 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVtR - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA SHOP MON. THRU SAT. 8«.m. to 1Q;30 p.m. -SUN. 9 a.m. to 7 p.m 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October n J THE CLASSIFIED ADS Call Now Everybodys' Marketplace! — 355-8255 MwlN 'la" [ motorcycles ](«*) FRANKLY SPEAKING... by phil frank Hfj ](§5 i fcrtMts $ NEEDS girl for liflht MODERN ONE bedroom, DUSTER 1970-automatic, slant6, NORTON - DUCATI MOTTO ■ DOCTOR unfurnished, $138. Southeast TWYCKINGHAM, Tw0b. 19-21 mpg. $1100. 489-9513, GUZI. New models on display. housekeeping and cooking furnished, air h evening meals for him and two Lansing. 373-0042 before five. after 6:30 pm. 5-10-24 Repairs and service for Honda and Triumph. G.T. MOTORS. teenage boys. Approximately 10 5-10-23 Dishwasher 35,^ 332-1047 7-10-24 J|1 FORD 1969, 85.000 miles, snow 816 East Howe. Lansing. hours a week, no weekends. May COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES. MASON MANOR tires, best offer. 351-8190. 485-6815.0-5-10-25 live-in or receive salary. Immediate occupancy. 1 and 2 Nor^« PHONE 355-8255 3-10-24 351-5379 evenings. 3-10-24 Mason. Married nr.d.„u?l bedroom townhouses for sale. »ad 347 Student Services LEATHER JACKETS for dress and FORD CUSTOM 1969. Body fair, All utilities included except bedroom Townhouse "AUTOMOTIVE engine good. Mike. 4-10-25 Call 351-3693. sport. buy. Check with 10% OFF us atl before helmets and accessories. £HEP'S you leathers, Ft* Rail ][f] electricity Tax deductions and all incomes acceptable. $109 - From $185 plus kitchen and apertny utiliti.7] dining ^3 TV and STEREO Rentals. $160 per month. 1-5 pm. Scooters & Cycles MOTOR SPORTS, INC. Holt, FORD TORINO 1970. V-8, 694-6621. C-3-10-25 $25/term. $10.95/month. Free Monday - Fridey. 882-4176. dishwashers, central" Parts & Service automatic, power Same Day Delivery and Service. 6-10-26 conditioning, tu|| ba^.l Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-10-31 heat. Balconies East Aviation steering/brakes. All new tires. BMW 1973. Wixsom Fairing, 600cc * ■ EAST LANSING, 1220 Wolf Court, MSU. Open daily (rom {"J Very clean. 351-4542. Must sell! black. Still under warranty. "EMPLOYMENT 4 bedroom, carpeted, range and P.m. except Wednwwl ♦FOR RENT 3-10-25 FORD m. 1969. V-8, automatic, 372-4534. 5-10-28 Apartments ~)[%>| refrigerator, $195, lease and deposit. Phone 882-5303 before Thursday. JAMES FOX Visit us g, A ASSOCIATED Apartments INSURANCE -LOWEST rates on HUGE 2 bedroom, dining 11, after 6. 4-10-26 model power steering, brakes, after 6 pm, 676-4746 01J Houses cycle and auto. Call us first or 482-6512. B-1-10-24 last, but call. Easy payment room, fireplace, garage, furnished. 3 72-1954. Manager 57e.1T Rooms $215, including utilities. 332-3161. EAST SIDE - 921 Linden Grove, 3 10-10-25 1 plan. UNION bedroom, furnished and 5-10-28 •FOR SALE FURY III 1969. 58,000 miles. UNDERWRITERS, 393-8100 or carpeted, basement and garage. TWO BEDROOM Animals Good condition. 694-5871, 485-4317. 0-10-31 $210. Leese and deposit. Phone furnishedmgM OWN ROOM, large furnished homes. $25 1-589-8207. 1-10-23 882 5303 before 11, after 6. ■ $35/*WJ Mobile Homes —~ Auto Service / 'iTVt N0 LOGGER WRWMG TO CK&U apartment next to campus. Call 4-10-25 minutes to campus. Quit A •LOST & FOUND FURY 1968. 318 automatic, tic, vinyl I w 351-2354. 5-10-24 peaceful on a lake. 64lW| THE CAPITALISTIC, PQOFIT-ORIEMTED, 484-5315. 0-10-31 " •PERSONAL roof, fair condition, $325. NEAR LCC-students, 5 bedrooms, 485-7940, 373-7590. 5-10-23 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East fRBW ENTERPRISE SYSTEM- NOW IfA EAST SIDE furnished apartment. furnished, reasonable, 351-4140 ONE AND 2 bedrooms •PEANUTS PERSONAL Kalamazoo Street since 1940., $140/month. Utilities furnished. furn^l Complete auto painting and itW HOARPIS/6 PENNme.' Lease to June 15 or September or 655-2603. 4-10-26 all new, carpennjT •REAL ESTATE GREMLIN X, 1973. Stick, conditioning, balcony, ^ rustcoating, deflector, AM/FM, collision service. 485-0256. € COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKElEY CA 94709 15. 351-5323 10-10-31 429 CHESTNUT, SOUTH. Three locks. 10 •RECREATION C-10-31 minutes u $2250. Excellent conditon, rooms, bath, carpet, appliances. 349-9152 01 •SERVICE 351-4942.4-10-25 FARM APARTMENT - two First floor/ Downtown Lansing. Instruction Typing Service GREMLIN, 1974-X. Black, radial VOLKSWAGEN repair and COMPLETE body. DISCOUNT to students, faculty 20% Employment || JIB) bedroom, $125/month. 15 minutes from campus. Lots of room to roam, garden. Lease to $135 plus utilities. 484-7253. 5-10-28 3 WOMEN Cedar NEEDED, win» J Village, $80;™ tires, locking gas cap, standard DATA SYSTEMS ANALYSTS 351-3806. 3-10-24 •TRANSPORTATION on all cash'n'carry VW service DORMITORY STUDENTS June 15 or September 15. shift! $2,100. 641-6806. 5-10-25 $11, 671 -$15, 409. Positions MSU NEAR one bedroom, >art time, earn cash. University 351-5323. 10-10-31 parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, •WANTED 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. located in Ingham and Wayne products needs Rep's for out unfurnished, couples only. $167 SHARE 2-man apartment 1 TAR POOL LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 1965. counties. Education: (1) products, do it in your owr plus utilities. 413 Hillcrest, campus. Parking, turrJ 4 door, hardtop, loaded. Extra 485-2047, 485-9229 Possession of a bachelor 's degree 337 9633, 351 9349. 5-10-25 485-1002, Wp.m.3-1M 1 Mastercharge and Bank time, get paid cash, male an< ••RATES** sharp. $1350. 373-6300, days. with not less than 6 semester Americard. C-10-31 female, inquire at Holiday Inr 351-4845 evenings. 5-10-25 credits courses; in computer OR, (21 one year science of East, 1 pm to 8 pm, Thursday October 25 only. 2-10-24 10 MINUTES from MSU. GIRL TO Immediately. sub-lease 4 Delta - girl. Arm's. ONE BEDROOM, pool, house, balcony, cunu^J Inexpensive living in a quiet LEMANS 1966-6 cylinder, power, experience as a computer $78.50. Deb M. 351-7847. conditioning, bar. $175/moJ FM, runs but needs work. Best TTIR programmer or computer CHRISTMAS VACATION area. Road Located at 6076 just north of Lake Lansing Marsh 5-10-25 East Lansing, 882-4463 t»d offer. 349-1855 3-10-24 programmer trainee and Waitresses needed for 4:30 p.m. 5-10-28 Sugar Loa Road. 1 bedroom apartments possission of an Associate of Resort. EUREKA 1024 UPSTAIRS, Outstanding facilitie; with shag carpeting, disposal, Science degree in O 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 MAVERICK 1971. One owner, processing; or, (3) one date of including indbor tennis am appliances, and air conditioning. Furnished. One bedroom, shere TWO WOMEN needed to su|J good condition. Radio, new year skiing. Send letter, resume, ant $150 per month, furnished utilities. $125. 351-7497. four-person. Cedar \ tires. 393-5051. 5-10-24 experience as a data systems photo to: Waitress. Sugar Loaf 0-10-31 Sandy, IV2-5575 after I available at $185. Excellent for .analyst and possession of an Route No. 1. Cedar, Michigar 4-10-25 students, will consider nin NOVA 1973. Bright red. Associate of Science degree; or V-8 U - REPAIR AUTO SERVICE 49261. We will contact you fa month lease. Call Manager at MASON HILLS Apartments. All automatic. Power steering. Very (4) two years of experience in EAST LANSING, 1 J CENTER offers you tools, an on campus interview. 3-10-2! 339-8192 or East Lansing new. One and two bedroom be* 8.00 13.00 26.00 lean. 626-6164. 5-10-23 data processing systems analysis. unfurnished, equipment and instructions to Realty, 332-4128. 10-10-23 spacious apartments from $139. Note: Two years of college may electricity, call 351-5599aftel 25 3.75 10.00 16.25132.50 do your auto repairs. 5311 S. Includes carpeting, drapes, OLDS F85 1970. 3-speed Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10 - 8, be substituted for an Associate WANTED: FEMALE, OWN room, 2 bedroom Hotpoint appliances, air, walk-in 5-10-28 DEADLINE of Science degree under option transmission, one owner, radio, 6 days. 20-10-23 apartment, furnished, close, closets. Located at 495 North 1 P.M. one class No. 3 above. Two years of PLEASANT GROVE day good condition, $1000. 4 Persons interested cheap. 332-4248. 3-10-25 Okemos Road. Mason. 10 nea college with not less than 6 New one and two b before publication. 489-2758 after 6 pm. 5-10-29 FORD PARTS: 302 motor, $150. Minutes from MSU. Furnished semester credits in computer in Appliances, Automatic transmission, $50. or participating FOURTH FEMALE, Cedar Village. Model open Monday-Friday, carpi OPEL GT 1970. Yellow, 43,000 science courses may be 12-6 pm. Saturdays, 11-4 pm. conditioning, laundry. Bald Peanuts Personal ads $175 for both. Four new 14" substituted for Associate of Now or Winter-Spring. $80. miles. 30 mpg, $1800. Call after an East or patio, $139-$169. J $120, with tires. $225. 351-4241.3-10-26 Lansing Realty and must be pre-paid. 9 pm or weekends, 675-7331. mags, Science degree in data processing AS SUBJECTS Assistant Manager, Apartm Call 484-9734 after 5:30. Development Company. 10-10-25. 1-10-23 under option No. 2 above. NEED ROOMMATE, fantastic daal 676-4874 or 332-4128. Other 3620 Richmond. Call 676-)2| Cancellations/ Corrections Experience: 09 level requires in in wonderful new furnished 3 times call 676-4291. 10-11-1 10-11-4 one year of experience in data OPEL KADETTE Wagon 1968. bedroom house. Own room, 3 12 noon one class day TIRES - 4 Firestone glas-belted. BEHAVIORAL GRAND LEDGE, fu Runs and looks great. Good processing systems analysis. 10 blocks from campus in East EAST 218 North Brand new. G-78-14's. $75. • Hosmer, 1 before publications. mileage too! Don't miss this one. level requires two years of apartment, for 1 882-7789, after 6 pm. 2-10-24 RESEARCH Lansing. $60 month. Call bedroom, $130 includes all PRECISION IMPORTS/BODY experience in data processing 351-1852, between 8-11 am, and utilities, Call Equity-Vest, $100/month. Phone 627-24| The State News will be SHOP 1206 East Oakland. systems analysis equivalent to 3-10-24 6-9 pm. 5-10-25 351-8150, no fee. 5-10-25 5-10-24 the 07 level in state service. responsible only for the Call 353-4624 first day's incorrect Application forms are available THREE ROOM apartment, EAST LANSING. Walking distance FURNISHED EFFICIENCY, | at the office of most County from campus, c OPEL RALLY, 1970. 34,000 miles, accessible to MSU. $110/month to campus. Lovely 1 bedroom nsertion. Clerks, all M.E.S.C. offices, the 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $150 utilitie 24-26 mpg. New Michelin plus deposit. Utilities included. carpeted apartment with porch Bills are oue 7 days from radials. $1075. Call 355-7367, Detroit branch of the 489-2156 after four. x5-10-29 and garage Students welcome. 337-0878 evenings. 5-10-28 | department of Civil Service at Call 371-4158. 5 10-25 evenings, weekends. 3-10-25 good pay for a few Michigan State Plaza Building, ORCHARD COURT, 1 a Dy tl hours of your HOME OWNERS' and renters' SOe Mte si 84 North Tower, 1200 6th time NEED bedroom townhouse api PINTO WAGON 1974. 2000cc. insurance. Only you can save SECOND female. Winter Stick. Radials. 14,000 miles. Avenue, Detroit, Michigan $$$. It pays to shop around. Call term only. One bedroom. 711 $138-$175. Immediate. « 485-7916. 5-10-23 48226. Submit applications to : MODELS FOR photography. Call us. You may be surprised. Burcham. Rant negotiable. extras. South Pennsylvf Recruitment Section, between 10am and 6pm. Cedar area. Easy f 484-8173. B-1-10-23 332 2708 after 5 pm. 5-10-25 PONTIAC TEMPEST 1967. White, Department of Civil Service, 320 489-1215.0-10-31 campus. GONNIS COMPAfl South Walnut Street, Lansing, TWO IMMEDIATE 489-5315. 10- 0 2f black vinyl top. Automatic 326. GIRLS to sublease OCCUPANCY 1 Michigan 48913. B-1-10-23 SALESMEN EXPERIENCE in AUTOMOBILE i INSURANCE, Good condition, best offer. rickim advertising, sales, or printing Twyckingham, furnished, bedroom, furnished, close to FRANDOR, NEAR. FtirniJ 487-1579. 5-10-29 $70/month each. 351-1565 after campus. 351-7655. 5-10-25 only you can save$$$. It pays to shop around. Call us. You may I IMPORTS TEACHERS: HEALTH, business, preferred. Commission, 5 pm. 3-10-25 two room. Carpeted. Utii be surprise^. 484-8173. PLYMOUTH DUSTER 1971. Slant science, Phys. ed. and special ed. needed in USA and expenses. 5-10-25 Call 339-9518. TWO BEDROOM furnished paid, parking. 489-2909.5-1IJ 1206 Oakland sixty THREE CHRISTIAN B-1-10-23 h 6, full power, radio, new steel women need apartment to sublet. $230 per developing countries. Peace for 2 belted tires, extra mounted Call for Appt. roommate bedroom month, call 332-2179. 5-10-23 Houses Corps-Vista interviews this week. KITCHEN MANAGER, full time, ATTENITON MSU Students and snows, real sharp. Call 489-5335 apartment. If you would like to IV 4-4411 Placement Center. 1-10-23 experienced in all facets of small faculty members. Rent a car or 337-9881. Call be seen at live with sisters call 351-5159. ONE MAN for furnished 4 man. from JACK DYKSTRA FORD Campus Barber Shop, 621 E. kitchen management. Wage B-1-10-23 $57.50, deposit TWO BEDROOM house, | at reduced rates as low as $7 a Grand River. 5-10-23 ^ THE SMALL CAR PEOPLE^ ENGINEERS: Civil, electronics, mechanical. USA, Asia, Africa, commensurate Apply in with experience. person, ALLE-EY near or campus. October rent. no 337-1895. minutes from carr day and 5cents a mile. Phone EAST MICHIGAN, attractive 5 $250/month. Married a Latin America. Peace NITE CLUB. 5-10-25 3-10-23 393 1800. 5-10-29 PORSCHE 1971, 914-6,19-30mpg. MARCHAL QUARTZ iodine room unfurnished references required. 1 stove, 1972 Datsun Corps-Vista interviews this week. Swains Lake Road, C pick-up with a headlamp conversions with refrigerator, garage, basement, 8UICK Placement Center. 1-10-23 PART TIME HELP FEMALE, OWN room in two GRANSPORT, California, Sta reap. 26 mpg, 393-7812. reflective range to 5000'x. no pets. Call 489^253 or 49237. 3-10-25 1968. Clean car, IF you have a car and can work a bedroom apartment. Available runs good. 5-10-28 $33.95/pair. CHEQUERED 543-2104. 5-10-29 PHONE GIRLS to answer phone minimum of 20 houfs per week, immediately. .394-1505 after 4 355-5647. 5-10-28 FLAG FOREIGN CARPARTS, and learn pizza making skills. call 484-7368 between 10 am-1 pm. 3-10-23 EAST SIDE • 3 bedrootnj TOYOTA COROLLA 1971 Wagon. 2605 East Kalamazoo, one mile ONE BEDROOM, furnished, bath. Unfurnished, MipfT Apply DOMINO'S, 966 BUICK ELECTRA, 1967 Power Powder blue with blue interior. west of campus. 487-5055. Trowbridge, East Lansing. carpeted. Haslett and Hagadorn, DOWNTOWN LANSING, one dishwasher. Lease throughJ| steering, air, AM-FM, radials, Winterized, snow tires, engine C-9-10-31 DESK CLERK needed. Must have Cata bus to Grand River, $165. 484-0330. 5 10-29 S650. 351-0454. 3-10-25 5-10-28 bedroom, furnished. 505 Cherry. heater, tools and paint included. transportation and be willing to 351-4799. 3-10-25 482 2184, after 4. 3-10-23 AURELIUS ROAD, 12miln«l 26-35 mpg. $900. 351-1241. Aviation travel. Call 372-0567 or CHEVELLE 1970 Malibu-307 5-10-29 JOBS FOR Nurses, therapists, 3 bedroom, country hoMf 489-1215 between 12 - 6pm. VACANCY • 1,2 roommates automatic, power steering, new technologists and technicians in CEDAR VILLAGE. Girl needed, several acres. Available I 0-10-31 needed. Immediate occupancy. USA, Asia, Africa, Latin tires. 355-7418. $1300 - offer. VEGA 1974 Wagon. Automatic, AUTUMN SPECIAL, Cherokee America with Peace Corps-Vista. Rivers Edge apartment. winter term only, $78. Karen, $225. 351-7497 or 676-1J 3-10-25 rust/proof, custom exterior. 140, $14.95 per hour, October UNLIMITED SALES OPPORTUNITY 351-6265. 3-10-25 351-0144. 5-10-28 1-10-31 22-27. Take your biennial check Interview today. Placement Very dean. 489-9734 after 5 If you'rtf a better man than the job at this low rate. FRANK'S! Center. 4-10-25 CHEVROLET 1965, V6, standard, pm. 5-10-29 you're now in, we'd lika to talk DELUXE, FURNISHED, 1 new valves, dependable transportation, $150. 35545010. FLYING SERVICE, Jewett Airport. 676-4860. 4-10-25 KNOW ABOUT land use? Peace to you. Commissions. Call bedroom apartment, near CROSSWORD Josephine Startweather at campus. 332-3135 or 882-6549. VEGA 1973 Wagon. 3-speed. 3-1024 20,379 miles. $1,800. Excellent Corps-Vista needs soil scientists, civil engineers, architects, 694-3935. Investors Diversified 5J0-29 PUZZLE Services. 10-10-25 m°" CHEVROLET CORVAIR 1966. condition. 372-3906. 5-10-24 Employment j|; urban-regional planners, FURNISHED EFFICIENCY, at., 65,000 miles, 25 mpg, $300. horticulturalists, agriculturalists. BABYSITTER, OLDER, sublease winter. Across from 1. Negrito 31. Greek letters VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Good shape. Interview today. Placement experienced with infants, in our 4. Prune 33. About Jeff, 337-0866. X5-10-28 WAITRESS WANTED. Must have campus. Spacious, quiet, New tires, new battery. 882-3664. Center. 1-10-23 home. References. 355-3182. 332-3932. 3-10-25 7. Harmless 34. Stottlemyre own transportation. Experience 5-10-23 3-10-25 11. Mountain pass CUTLASS S 1973, (Tree-green, preferred. Apply in person only. 35. Distort WANTED - MALE or female - EAST LANSING 12. blue and black,) fully equipped THE DEPOT RESTARURANT. - adjacent to French assent 36. Entity VW 1972 Super Beetle. Excellent substitute school custodians. To HAVE GENERAL phemistry including factory air, 487-6565. 1 203 South Washington, Brody, Cedar Greens 13. Scottish resort 38. Helper condition. 485-6965 or be available on call for knowledge? Student with Apartments. One bedroom, 14. 3-10-25 Lansing. 7-10-24 Fascinate 42. Tribe 372-6543. 5-10-23 occasional work. $3.30 per hour. "Incomplete" needs review. Pay furnished, 351-8631. 5-10-29 16. Territory 43. Mendicant PART TIME Candle makers Excellent opportunity for negotiable. 349-1145. 1-10-23 CUTLASS SUPREME 1968. One 17. Refute 45. Whetstone 1972 VW SUPERBUG, Formula needed. retired person with annual NICE LOCATION owner. Good condition. 51,000 Experience necessary. - one bedroom 18. Raft 46. Extraordinary Vee stereo, extractor, new tires, Please phone 882-0174. 5-10-24 income limitation, student with ARABIC SPEAKING applicants- deluxe apartment. $139. miles. 332-6620.3-10-25 20. Footpath success 351-5537. 3-10-25 class schedule obligation. Person openings in Middle East. Prefer Manager's office, 5898 Marsh, 23. Conceit 47. Siouan 1. Frosted ORGANIST. SURBURBAN. wanting supplemental income, construction engineering and Apartment 1,339-9161.5-10-29 25. At bat 48. Caama 2. Quality CUTLASS STATION WAGON Lutheran Church. 4 miles from or for unemployed person who accounting backgrounds. Fee VW BUS 1968. Rebuilt engine, new 27. Serf 49. Watch 3. Astronaut 1971. One owner, $1800. would like to work into full NEEDED FEMALE roommate, campus. One Sunday off per paid. Phone Jim Hoefer. one 699-2718, after 4 pm. 5-10-29 clutch, tires. Must sell, time. Apply Waverly Schools month. 349-0620 or 349-9609. 371-1620. Executive Recruiters. bedroom, $80/month, evenings, 489-9480. 5-10-25 Service Building, 3809 West St. across n r- s~ r" 7 5- r* lo- CUTLASS S, 1972. Stereo tape, air, 6-10-25 Joe, Lansing. 1-10-23 3-10-25 campus. 337-2570. 3-10-25 % ;/A !5" II radial tires, rustproofed. Best offer. 882-8467. 5-10-28 VW 1973. Super Condition. Beetle. Excellent Reasonable. 25-30 STUDENTS- open. POSITIONS Part time. Dependable. now PART TIME employment for MSU DELUXE 3 BEDROOM in includes 2 full baths, air Okemos, 4 % 4 1 16 mpg. 351-4173.4-10-25 Responsible. Benefits after one year. Apply 1431 East Michigan, students. 12-20 hours per week. Automobile required. 351-5800. SECRETARIAL POSITION. 25-35 conditioning, Nochildren car port. 17 % ft * y/< $250. Phone %% % or pats. CUTLASS 1972. Power steering, VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER 1973. DOG AND SUDS. Ask for Karen C-3-10-24 hours/week. Good typing skills. 332-0111 or brakes, air. New radials. evenings and 2i n Excellent condition, West Phalia or Cindy. 14-11-5 Shorthand necessary. Send ^weekends at 332-3202. 10-11-5 '/A % 16 P Excellent condition, $2450. model, fully equipped including RN'S LPN'S. Charge nurses. All resume - P.O. Box 208, Okemos. 355-8118. 3-10-24 tent, phone 627-2465. 3-10-24 - CEDAR VILLAGE 25 SL 57" 5a KNOW ABOUT fisheries, agriculture? ecology, Peace Corps-Vista shifts. (AM'S and nights) Skilled 48864. 5-10-29 $80, immediate girl needed. % COUGAR, 1967. 289 cubic inches, automatic, 20 mpg. Just overhauled. Mechanic's car. No CLASSIC VOLVO 444 Excellent rebuilt engine, etc. 1957. has jobs in USA, Asia, Africa, Latin America. Interview today. nursing facility. Provincial House South. Contact Mrs. 332-0817.5-10-23 White. -REGISTERED NURSES. Full & part time positions available oi> 349-2907 after 3:30. 5-10-23 EAST LANSING, occupancy. 29 & d ir- W % 33 rust. Car of the year in 1967. 22-24+ mpg. See it, 351-6356, Tony. 5-10-24 Placement Center. 4-10-25 the afternoon & night shifts. Minimum starting salary $4.82 Luxury bedroorti. Unfurnished. No pets. one wmmmmmmmmm Best buy. 3-10-26 $650. 332-2928. KEYBOARD/VOCALIST i MALE CHILD care workeHiye in children's cottage. Experience in par hour Excellent plus experience credit. fringe benefits. Please Negotiable lease. $200 includes heat. 129 Highland. 3320976 mumumwmmmm « 43 44 DODGE CHARGER 1970. I" Msfcrcydis wanted for commercial Lansing-based rock band. child care work. Should have psychology and sociology contact office of Employment, Lansing General Hospital, 2800 16-11-6 ¥7 Automatic, console, air Organ/piano at minimum. Call background. Contact William TWO BEDROOM furnished. Devonshire, Lansing. Please call conditioning. Red with black 1973 HUSOVARNA 250-CR. John Rachel (351-6691) or Tom Weitzel, VFW National Home, $210/month. Block from h5~ 55" vinyl 3-10-26 top. Call 489-4297. $900. Call 482-7905, after 5. 5-10-23 LeBlanc interview. 5-10-28 (482-8715) for 663-1521, Extension 147. 5-10-26 372-8220, extension 268. An Equal Opportunity Employer. 25-10-31 campus. Available immediately. 332-0441. 10-10-29 Hi — Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 23. i974 13 m lis FtrU» 1(5) )^irirhI • Mob VW I [j*"* SB L,|DE . 118 Rifltnt, large 3 VIVITAR 70-210 Macro Auto APPLES, UPI corresponde Zoom lent CIDER, PUMPKINSI COCKER PUPPIES, female, AKC, CIDER TIME at CORDA WEST CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY Lorn, c.rp.t.d turn. Maiyma/Sekor DSX1000 body. Buz, 332-3335 BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, 7 miles shots. Blonde. 7 weeks. $125. CIDER MILL. 5817 North it's best statewide. TERRY at students welcome. speak south of Mason itquitV-VM'. 351-8160. No L. 5-10-26 deyi only, 11-6. 5-10-26 Hours 9-6, closed 1-689-8251 0-10-31 on Hull Road. Mondays. 394-1762. 6-10-28 Okemos Road, East Lansing. Phone 337-7974 Open 7:30 LUKE PHOTOGRAPHY, 313-532-9325. C-10-31 to on BIKES. BOY'S, girl's cheap a^rt. -7 p.m. 20-10-23 1637 Mobile Homes a IlE NEEDED in large hou*. Greencrest Avenue, East PLASTIC INSULATION THE ALOHA FULL home. TIME babysitting in Frandor Groesbeck. Call my Noted White House correspondent Helen Thomas of United Jmmi room, clow to campu. Laniing. 332-5444. 3 10-23 corrugated sheets for windows, ROLLOHOME 12x60, King 372-1071. 3-10-23 Press International (UPI) will speak at 8 p.m. Thursday in 158 ■3320429.5-10-25 doors, doghouses, garage, Natural Resources Bldg. RALEIGH 10-speed Grand Prix Arthur's Court. $3300. HA WAllAN attic (-anywhere to stop the cold! The speech is sponsored by the campus chapter of Sigma Delta l^|TRY'minutes DUPLEXto oncmpu., 2 acre. 24" frame. $100. 361 1829 46"x84"x1/8" thick. Frost 365-2251 or 332-6329 after 6 x-20-11-8 Chi, the professional journalism society. fLoms. basement, appliances, 2 3-10-24 color. $2.50/each. 882-2565.10-10-26 Call pm. ^T-SHIRTS & JEANS CBS correspondent Dan Rather referred to Thomas in a recent interview as one of the top three White House reporters. She is a IfoTusutiliti#.. T.J. FISHER FLEA MARKET: Attention 1967 PARKWOOD, 12x60, air 5 Ann 3B1-1911 RUSSIAN TRANSLATION ■^Estate, 625-3196. 5-10-28 dealers' Good inside Lansing location, 482-7928, 10-3 TECHUMSCH MINI-BIKE. Excellent condition. $75 or best conditioning, washer and dryer. Holt. 694-0100. 1-10-23 tutoring by native-born Russian. Call Andrei. 4860870. 2-10-23 graduate of Wayne State University and began working at UPI in 1943. In 1961 she became a White House correspondent. pm CHECK OUR Halloween Specials! tfif 5 bedroom house acrOM 2-10-23 offer. 366-2512.3-10-24 Buy your winter vitamins at Thomas will also visit with journalism students and faculty. The Thursday night talk is open free to the public. m Doolevs. Two batht. full TRAVELO, 8x35. Furnished, discount now. GULLIVER CLASSES NOW FORMING _itchen, basement, HARMAN-KAROON CAD5 Stereo GIBSON ES330 guitar for $250. carpeted. Close to MSU. Perfect STATE DRUG, 1105 East Lfll-furnished. $250/month Cassette Deck with Dolby TDK Call Jim, 351-2729. 5-10-299 for couple. $1300. 337-9209. Grand River, 332-5171. Sew bike bags, ruck sacks, ,1 utilities. 332-4662, Tape. $150. 337-9233. 3-10-24 5-10-28 0-1-10-23 ski and tennis totes, U4311. 5-10-28 LUDWIG DRUMS, 5 piece set and sleeping bags, tents and SEWING MACHINE clearance sale! cases with 4 cymbols. Excellent HURON 10x60 expando. FREE. A lesson in complexion Two classes-$5. IeTrOOMMATE. . . Brand new portables $49.95. $5 more. Own room. condition. $525. 349-2728. Furnished, fenced double lot, care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan ■$80 plus. Garage. 482-3143 after per month. Large selection of 5-10-29 apricot tree, vegetable garden, or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE Starting October 23rd or 28th ■five. 2*9 Elwin. Lansing. 6-10-28 reconditioned used machines. shed. Behind Gables. Pets NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. call Singers, Whites. Necchts. New marantz 1060 Integrated allowed $3,400. 1-787-6277. C-3-10-24 NATIONAL FABRICS Homes and many others. $19.96 amplifier and cabinet, $210. JaUTIFUL PEOPLE to share 5-10-24 371-1244 393-9720 Kternative living style. Call Rhia. to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS TWO $6.50 Alvin Ailey tickets for ■366-6722. 3-10-24 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, TWO BEDROOM, 10x50, north Announcements for It's What's MSU Amateur Radio Club will 1115 North Saturday night, trade for GUITAR, FLUTE, benjo and drum Washington. STUDIO COUCH. Beige,~ with side of Lansing. Call 484-3615 Thursday night tickets. Happening must be received in the hold its regular weekly meeting at tc NEAR. 3 bedroom houw, 489-6448. C-3-10-24 . &°1Mt) I?0 353-6833 any ,ime after 6 pm. 5-10-25 361-7129.2-10-23 lessons. Private instruction available. MARSHALL MUSIC, State News office, 341 Student Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least 7:30 p.m. Thursday in 339 Jfiriplic*. 9arage. basement. Engineering Bldg. Call Stephen H. ■ ^275 plus utilities. Phone Cash for must "selll~Am7f~M stereo.~Wiil MOBILE HOME. 10x50, Old but 351-7830. C-1-10-23 two class days before No announcements will be publication. Smith for information. build speakers to suit. $60 accepted 1371 2400 1 0 1 0-28 stamps i cms negotiable. 482-5027. 5-10-29 good condition. Near MSU. Leaving city, must sell. Any Peanuts Personal, $ BOARD EXAM TUTORING STANLEY H. KAPLAN by phone. a Lesbians make music together at coffeehouse at 9 p.m. Friday. All 201 South Magnolia, 3 Buy - Sell - Trade IMMEDIATE 3 SPEED bike sale. reasonable offer accepted. Phone The League of Women Voters lesbians CONGRATULATIONS TO our are invited to share in the full line of supplies TUTORING COURSES Jdrooms, carpeted, $190. MID • MICHIGAN STAMP 8i COIN International make. Man's 21 882-1604. 5-10-25 new pledges: Kris, Sue, Heidi, Now being formed for the and the National AsSn. of Social Workers spirit and song. Call the former p-0997 a'ter 5.3-10-24 inch and Ladie's 19% inch. $45 are sponsoring a candidates Women's Center for information. 1880 HASLETT Rd 332-4300 Rosemary, Judy, Sherely, Robin upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, meeting with State Senate and S9th each. Actual $69.50. AIRSTREAM 27\ Used 5 weeks, and Leigh. Your sisters the Dee ATGSB, GRE, Board Exams. District House candidates at 8 International 2,000 miles. Beautiful. Consider 1974 Homecoming Fourth Clue: Rooms jp*| HOLMES ROAD Second Store, 2323 West Holmes Road. Hand 3308 Marketing service, South Cedar, Suite Lansing. Ask for Joe Watkins. 11, reasonable offer. Accept good small car trade Phone 393-7020 Gee's 1-10-24 For information 1-313-354-0085. 0-1-10-23 call tonight at Edgewood Church. 469 N. Hagadorn Road. most stories have a moral but this CONGRATULATIONS TO our The Office of Overseas Study • MICHIGAN, across from 882 3022. 30-12-3 5-10-23 days. 669-3780 evenings. r new pledges Ellen, Janell, Peggy, ■ Williams Dorm, $75/month 25 MAJOR BRANDS ZERO 100 HARMON-KARDON 5-10-25 (Cheryl, Janet, Michele, Vita, Typing Service £j| will have an open house from 9 to noon and 1 to 4 today for students Social Petitions are Science undergrads: being accepted for a ■ including utilities. Call after 6 of stereo Kathy, Connie, Joyce, Debbie, and faculty. Refreshments will be seat on the University Education 75+ quad receiver, Marantz MONARCH, 1970, 12x60. Skirted, ■pm. 332-5906. 3-10-24 equipment, 20%-5Ci% discount, model 1200 200 Watt amp. bar, etc. Must see to appreciate and Shelly! A big welcome from EXPERIENCED IBM typing. served in 108 International Center. Policies Committee and the Library Committee. why pay retail? Send $1 for Sigma Kappa. 1-10-23 Dissertations (pica - elite). Petitions may be Electro Voice and Sansui The Married Student's Union uniqueness. Owner desperate. picked up and Mailable immediately, pricel Rocky Mountain Stereo speakers. Miller sound gear and 625-3585. 5-10-24i, HAPPY BIRTHDAY FAY ANN 489-0358. C-10-31 election of representatives will be Linton Hall. returned in 104 ,ished room in house. Quiet, Brokers, 1245 Humboldt. to our favorite held Oct. 31. This election was axes like Firebird, SG, 335 and t to Scotts Woods. 3V4 miles Denver, 80218.10-11-6 elf from Lambie, Louie, and previously scheduled for this AMERICAN . JUDITH CARMAN: Experienced 1975 ASMSU budget request MSU. 485-9279. 5-10-28 Melody Maker. Albums, tapes, EAGLE 1973 - Doc. 1-10-23 n dissertation t ist. Papers, Thursday. Polling places will be all applications are available in 307 FENDER JAGUAR electric guitar. coats, furniture. Canon FBT and completely furnished. Financing married housing laundromats. Student Services Bldg. They must other 35mm equipment. Come available. $3700. Negotiable. theses, dissertations, general. Excellent condition. 351-1186 SIGMA KAPPA welcomes our new be completed and submitted WLE, SHARE large quiet room. on down to DICKER & DEAL 663-4135. 5-10-23 393-4672. 20-11-18 no after 6 pm. 3-10-25 initiates Pam, Maureen, Karol, The MSU Cycling Club will later than 5 p.m. 0 campus. Call 337-2655. Thursday. SECONDHAND STORE. 1701 at 7:30 tonight in 201 Men' Pinky, Andrea, Sue, Cherie and ■ 5-10-28 DINING TABLE, drop leaf, blond South Cedar. 487-3886 Monday GRAYWOOD, 1973. Mary Beth. Lots of Love from IRENE ORR - Theses, term Intramural Bldg. Topics t be The Young People and Careers and papers, general typing. Formerly discussed are Saturday's fall speaker wood, 3 leaves, 6 chairs, $75. 5 Friday til 9 pm. Tuesday, Semi-furnished, will sell for bank your EK Sisters, October 19, series presents an 0 ROOMS in house available. with Ann Brown. 482-7487. finances and upcoming events. interior designer to speak with drawer chest, $50. Call Wednesday, Thursday and balance. 487-6718. 5-10-29 1974. 1-10-23 B1-2 miles from campus. $60, C-10-31 students about careers in that field, 337-9278 or 353-7173. Saturday 9-6. Bank Americard The ■ utilities included. 484-6419 and Mastercharge. C-5-10-25 Hospitality Assn. will from 3:30 to 5 p.m. today in 207 I evenings 3-1 *25 P.J. YOU surprised us all I present the interviewing team from Student Services Bldg. or 3554130 mornings. - PURPLE VICKI - Fast, accurate, ■ 6-10-28 Congrats to you and Reed. Love, Holiday Inn at 7:30 p.m. Thursday SKIS. KNIESSI Red Stars. 205 cm. inexpensive typing. Very near in the Kellogg Center auditorium. ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER; Royal Peace Corps and VISTA your ZTA Sisters. 1-10-23 campus. 337-7260. C-10-31 Bed PERSON. Own room, farm Apollo, good condition, asking Head standards, 180cm. Best FIND SOMETHING Following their presentation there representatives are on campus this offer. 332-8396, after 5 pm. will be an informal question and week in the Placement offices. ■house 34150 plus utilities $75. Call 332-8134. 3-10-26 If you've found a pet or article of CONGRATULATIONS TO our TYPING TERM 5-10-25 - papers, theses. They are especially interested in ICimpus - live miles. 694-3798. value, we want to help you fourteen new pledges. Kosh, Experienced. Electric, pica type. refreshments. FIRE WOOD for sale. Try beating talking with people in business, 15-10-29 UTILITY TRAILER - closed return it. Just come to the State Kathy, Kristen, Lisa, Anne, Phone 394-2512. C-10-31 education, science, math and this deal. Two year old News Classified Department and Betsy, Jana, Karen, Jeanne, A program by the Seagram's wooden box, 96x32x46, $150, agriculture. I TO share house with hardwoods, stacked and tell us you went to place an ad Ruth, Julie, JeanTe, Jan, Colete. Distillery will be presented by the Intermediary - media theater best offer. 694-0766. 3-10-24 ANN BROWN typing and multilith | three others. Own room, $57.50 delivered. % truck loed, from in EAST LANSING STATE Love, Your ZTA Sisters. 1-10-23 offset printing. Complete service Hospitality Assn. at 4 p.m. Thursday in the Eppley Center open workshops begin tonight at 8 itilities. 485-0409. $26, on down. 651-6133. BANK'S Found Column. As in the Union Tower Room. for dissertations, theses, Teak Room. Interested persons are | 487-3821, after 6 pm. 6-10-24 5-10-29 MCINTOSH 2100 POWER a public service EAST LANSING Real Estate manuscripts, general typing. Volunteers are needed to Amplifier, TEAC A3340 quad STATE BANK will run the ad at IBM. 25 years experience. supervise homecoming hayrides 10 FURNISHED rooms. Kitchen ten inch reel to reel tape deck, no cost to you! Phi Gamma Nu will hold a 349-0850. from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday I privileges. Parking. Walking TEAC AN300 Quad Dolby, EAST LANSING BY OWNER, media C-10-31___ general meeting for all members at Contact Harry Doscher for more . to MSU. EQUITY Technics SL1100 STATE BANK occupancy, 3 bedroom ranch, COMPLETE THESES Service 7 tonight in 103 Eppley Center. information. turntable, ■ vest 351-8150. 5-10-24 MOVING SALE, Skis, boots-sire Sony STH-«120 FM stereo . .- C-1031, . excellent condition, near Marble Discount Printing. IBM Typing Major Issues will be discussed. 10, RCA nereo, ice skates, old receiver, Bose 501 Speakers. WE School, priced to sell! 339-9686. and binding of dissertations and The Pre • Vet cliif> will hold an §RNISHE0. clean. REASONABLE, guitar, drums, lots of MAKE TRADES! Much more FOUND: LADY'S wristwatch. 5-10-28 publications. Across from Help elect Sandy Levin for governor. Contact Bob Hood or Sue organizational meeting for those wishing to go to Lancer's Arabian Parking, male miscellaneous items-dishes, quality stereo equipment. Pesticide Research Center, campus corner M.A.C. and LeBlanc in 417 E. Holmes Hall Farm, at 7 tonight in 118 Physics - btudent, quiet. Double. tables, books. 2783 College WILCOX SECONDHAND October 18, Phyllis Stasik, WILLIAMSTON, large Bi-level Grand River. Below Jones Astronomy Bldg. (332-3094 . 3 10-25 Road. 1-10-23 STORE (509 East Michigan 353-9431. C-3-10-25 home on 3V> acres with pond Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - The Rodeo Club will hold a site. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. 24x28 Avenue, Lansing). 485-4391. Friday. Call COPYGRAPH board meeting at 7 tonight and a Has your bike been stolen? iT LANSING girl wanted to APPLES GOLDEN KNOB finished rec room with fireplace. SERVICES, 337-1666._C-1(W1 general club meeting at 8 tonight, Room broken into? Crime on - C-12-10-31 FOUND: BROWN key case with hare mobile home. Own ORCHARD. Pick your ownl 12x22 balcony, heated garage, followed by committee meetings in campus will be the large "B" near Wells Hall topic on Elipsis (bidroom. $75/month plus 8 30 am-6 pm. 651-5435, 30x40 pole building, $66,900. TYPING TERM Papers and theses the Judging Pavilion. at 8 p.m. Thursday on the Michigan 355-1488. C-3-10-25 it. 3514965. 5-10-29 651-5430. 3-10-25 Animals ]jg LOST: KEYS - leather 4-leaf clover. 655-1792. 3-10-24 Experienced, fast service. IBM electric. Call 349-1904. 18-10-31 How can a woman balance her dual roles - at home, school and/or State network. 64 AM Male on Consciousness Rising is your dial. BE FEMALE needed. 4 bedroom GUITAR MARTIN. D-18. WEST HIGHLAND white terrier Near Kedzie, October 22. FARM - 36 acres. 15 minutes to work? Come share ideas and again arising. Contact Free U for ■house, own room, $70. Excellent condition. Must sell. 355-9948. 3-10-25 campus. Horse barn, sheds, large THESES, RESUMES, typing and discoveries with Joanne Rettke, information. puppies. 7 weeks old. Call farm house. $36,000. Terms. more 8.5-10-23 Best offer over $400. Phone 663-8762. 5-10-25 printing. Reasonable prices. director of the Women's Resource 351-5323. 5-10-24 COMMERCIAL Center, at a brown bag lunch at The MSU 487-1716, ask for Natalie. I AM lost without my red knife-, PRINTING, Marketing Club will noon today in 6 Student Services meet 4 3-10-25 OLD ENGLISH sheepdog puppies, key attached. Reward, 351 -4116. C-10-31 at p.m. Thursday in the fr a AKC, 12 weeks old. $150. 355-1565.3-10-25 OKEMOS • BY OWNER near MSU, Bldg. Eppley Center Teak Room. The 3 bedroom brick ranch, family guest speaker will be Charles VIOLA: FENDER F-35 flat-top 393-6545.5-10-25 room, fireplace, full basement, Any student interested in helping Bronfman, president of Seagram's guitar with cases. 220 Charles, LOST: 1 gray and vtfiite female cat the election campaign of Gov. of Canada. ■FLEA MARKET. Open - assume 7% mortgage, 351-4122, re - No. 3. 1-10-23 GORDON SETTER puppies. AKC, in vicinity o* ^.tpitol Villa Mil liken, please contact Mark ■Tuesday and Saturday. 10 am- 6 evenings, x-5-10-23 »m. 1039 West Grand champion blood lines. Available Apartme^" pV^-JCtober 18. Wanted McKelvey in 335 Abbot Hall. A VISTA representative will River DRAPES FIT Brody dorm November 1, 313-769-5017. Reward. VU J32-8439, after 5 ■JW3! Williamston, ' 1e Michigan. available. 10-10-29 windows. Phone 337-2743 after 3-10-23 pm. 3-10-24 RENTAL message VACANCY? gets to people Your with CAMERAS WANTED: Used James O'Neil, vice president of the State Board of Education, will Business students (MBA jnJ candidates) at 8 tonight in 114 BA 5:30 p.m. 3-10-25 low-cost Want Ads. Call 2Vtx2% and 16 mm. Phone Jim, present a talk on the concept of Eppley Center. BLACK 81 WHITE 1/8 bob cat LOST: LADIE'S Tissot watch. K> COUPONS for 394-0597; 332-0690. 5-10-29 free college tuition at 7:30 p.m. Purdue, 2 for LUDWIG DRUM set. used, will sell Black band. Call 337-2036. Bo*. Call 332-3421.1-10-23 kitten, 6 months old, very Thursday in the Mason Hall The South Collegiate Fellowship cheap. Zildian Cymbol. Call 3-10-24 basement lounge. Everyone's will hold a Bible study at 9 tonight affectionate. 351-7308. 3-10-25 PERSON(S) WHO will board my 484-8901 after 10 p.m. Dale Recreation yg invited. in 34 Union. Join us for fellowship IaypeN, BUGGY, double Atkins. 6-10-29 IRISH SETTER puppies, AKC. FOUND: FIXED male tiger kitten. outdoor campus. Dalmation, near 355-9822. 2-10-24 and study of God's word. ■ headboard. Miscellaneous West Holmes Hall area. Friendly, Television and Radio Majors: add Champion blood lines. 3499355 SKIERS UTAH package - $299, practical experience to ■ Children's clothing. Call SUPER STEREO! Excellent some Moosuski (MSU Ski Club) is 10-Spm. after 5:30. 3-10-25 trained. 353-6306. C-3-10-24 Christmas and spring. Call your academia ■ 349-4222. 2-10-23 condition. Kenwood 7002, Dual UPPER CLASS coupons needed for by joining the MSU meeting at 7:30 tonight at the Coral East Lansing Ski Center Broadcasters. Thefe will be a Gables. Trip information, door 1219 Deluxe. Shure V15 III; LOST. SOLID black cat, yellow Ohio State game. Call Darlene, REGISTERED MORGAN mares in TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. meeting at 8 tonight in Old College prizes and ski movies. PITIZED FEATHER bed Rectilinear III Lowboys; eyes. October 18, Cedar Village 355-8573. 3-10-24 Hall in the Union. foal. Half registered Arab and 351-8800. 0-5-10-25 Jpiljowi. Nice for gifts. Feather Microacoustic Tweeters. $875. Welsh Cross. Beautiful 4-H area. Reward. 332-4049. 3-10-23 Elect Howard Jones to Congress! ■°Mt made to order. 6773 West ™ After 6. 351-1070. 5-10-29 projects. Bernard Russell, HAYRIDES DRAWN by horses. NEED ELTON John tickets for the The Renaissance Dance Class for Society of Creative Contact- the Greater Human Rights party. 855 Grove St Lansing 1 8- Perry. 675-7231 "Hmoons 7 days/week. 400 RALEIGH QUALITY bicycles 655-1015, Williamston. 3-10-25 LOST: SUEDE CAP, 3rd floor Make Anachronism will meet from 7 to 5-10-24 C-Wells, Thursday, 17, 11:30 676-5928. 5-10-28 10 p.m. Thursday in the Williams The Administrative - 10, 5, 3 speeds. Special Prices. am. Reward. Mike, 353-7428. Management Hall cafeteria. Society discussion of I. TR0LUX ™ DELUXE sweeper Limited time. Call nowl ST' BERNARD PUPS, AKC 3-10-23 Service 4 GENERAL ADMISSION tickets today's presents a banking industry, with attachments and floor 484 0362. GENE'S BICYCLE registered, $100 Each. St. Johns. Charles Hathaway, vice president of Lansing Area Lesbians will once Cost $150. Sell for to OSU. Willing to pay $$$! Call SHOP, 702 West Barnes Avenue. 224-7646.6-10-23 LOST: WHITE long-haired female again sponsor "Game Night" at 8 Michigan National Bank, at 7:30 fO. 393-1510. Al, 351-5226. 3-10-25 C-3-10-24 5-1029 seven month old kitten, p.m. Thursday. All lesbians are p.m. Thursday in the Eppley Center EDITING - PROOOFREADING. declawed, 351-0353. 3-10-23 welcome. Call the former Women's Teak Room. Business students are PY CF-500 Stereo, SIBERIAN HUSKY, AKC Dissertations, theses, research FM-AM Center after 3 p.m. for information. encouraged to attend this informal BELOW COST sale of over stocked registered, 6 months, female, TEAC 3340 4- track deck or I Wo, cassett player and projects, manuscripts. Anne discussion. speakers, cabinets, horns, shots. $90. 337-1341.5-10-24 LOST: WOMAN'S Gre*n wallet equivalent. Will pay up to $800. ■ Wakers. 355-9874. 3-10-24 Cauley, 337-1591. 5-10-25 In ssted spring amplifiers. West Laboratories, near Harrision 81 Shaw. Reward. Call 489-3969, after 5:30 pm. ties social science and The University Duplicate Bridge 116 South Larch. 487-3558. DALMATIONS, AKC, male and 332-0011.3-10-23 TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, 3-1024 humanities program in Club will be holding regular games 1 Uni ted'Methodist wf kSALE:Church, Univer,itv ■ 10-10-29. female. $75 for both. 482-1769, oiled, and adjusted. Portables London? There will be a meeting at every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on r""1 1120 LOST: LONGHAIRED black cat, 7:30 tonight in 108 Bessey Hall and the second floor of the Union. evenings. 6-10-24 $7.50, manuals, $10, electric Car Pool I o!!L 0n Road- Tuesday, FRAMES - OLD, cracked or October 4th. Gets into cars. $12.50. One day service, free & 7:30 p.m. Thursday in 111 Bessey I Octh*' 7-9 "m. Wedneiday, broken? Replacements at Low Reward. Call after 5 pm. pick up and delivery. 25 years Hall. Faculty members and students Student organizations are to l^b,r I «MnSor9d by 23- Uni Cost. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. KITTENS, CLASSIC silver tabby. 8 weeks. Males. 351-5263, after 351-8930. 302 M.A.C.. 3-10-23 experience. 393-9774. 9-10-31 will discuss the program and answer reregister by Friday. Registration forms are available in the Student | Wwwn. 2-10-23 C-5-10-25 six. 5-10-28 [ Share Driving A questions. Acivities Division. 101 Student - il/J SPECIALISTS IN cleaning and restoring leathers and suedes. FROM HOLMES / Logan to Berkey A Hebrew Speaking Club is meeting from 7:30 to 8:30 each Thursday night in C100 E. Holmes Services Bldg. Usarufa - rules or relations? OKEMOS CLEANERS, Hall. Leaving 7:30 am, returning How to form your own car pool STUDENT LOANS 3490910. 1-10-23 5:00 pm. 882-2341 evenings. Hall. Newcomers are welcome. Come hear and decide for yourself, 3 p.m. Thursday in !607 Wells Hall. 3-10-24 Omicron Nu, honorary society Undergraduate students may As a public service at HIGHLAND HILLS - Christmas for human ecology majors, will Unicyclers: the Unicycle Club no charge, the State News will provide a free classified obtain 3 week loans up to $25 ' parties 81 wedding receptions. have its first business meeting at will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in ver,i$ement for those from the ASMSU Business FROM FLINT - Fenton area to people who would like to set up or join a car pool. Reserve your date now. MSU. Leaving and returning to 4:15 p.m. Thursday in 9 Human 606 S. Case Hall. If y ou have a Office, Room 307 Student Ecology Bldg. unicycle. bring it. New members 669-9873. 20-10-23 Services, from 8-4:30, Monday be arranged. Phone 313 - welcome. Drivinfl? -Friday. 629-5482 after 7 p.m. 3-10-23 MSU Wine - Tasting Club will FQR THE BEST Service on stereo hold a boring organizational There will be a meeting of "New From. WOMEN INTERESTED in eqipment see the STEREO WILL SHARE meeting at 7:30 tonight at 348 Way In" volunteers at 7 p.m. driving and / or Medicine: Call Rebecca, SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. Oakhill, Apt. 16. Winos welcome. Thursday in 27 Student Services expenses from Jackson to MSU. Leaving Returning _ 353-9620 or send name and C-10-31 Bldg. to discuss planned activities. Daily, leaving at 7 a.m. and ""p.m. phone number to Box 137, Helpers for new Jewish radio Phone Time? returning at 5 p.m. Call show on WKAR meet at 1:30 p.m. Puerto Rico Solidarity Day is _ _ College of Human Medicine. PHOTOGRAPHY - ALL varieties, 787-6277 evenings. 3-10-23 B-1-10-23 today at Shalom Center or contact Thursday. There will be a rally at finest quality, reasonably priced. Participant'8 N6WS W'" not accept re,P°n,ibilitV for arrangements or conduct of WANTED BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY, Riding Beaumont Tower at featuring the following speakers: 3 p.m.. The 482-5712. C-10-31 Council for Exceptional Children Yolanda Garzon, Vincente Castro information requested below must be supplied in order for ad to appear. For would like you to commit yourself and a member of the October PSYCHOLOGY STUDY. MSU COMMUNTIY Coop Nursery FROM SHOPTOWN - Haslett to to the Halloween party at the Pine League. The rally is sponsored by Full Name Male students who lived with MSU - Berkey Hall. Leaving 8:30 Rest Home for Emotionally the United Front Against Racism _ has openings for 3 and 4 year mothers alone at least 2 years Impaired children in Grand Rapids. and IMperialisin. olds for fall. For more am, returning 11:15 am. before 12 following a We are going at 5 p.m. Monday. For Address age information, 339-8844. 3-10-25 _ divorce or seperatlon. Please Peggy Shook, information and reservations to go The College of Education grad come to Olds Hall 203 - 351-0109 or Kerry Chartkoff, call Donna Woods or Pam Miller no student council has collected a file City Wednesday October 23 at 6 or MOVE AROUND a lot? The 337-9611.10-10-26 later than midnight Wednesday. of grad students in the College of 7:30 p.m. or call Hugh Jones "Service" columns of the Want 882-5806 to arrange for }■* Education who need assistantships Ads help you get things done. 'This coupon hour testing session. Participants DISSERTATIONS Christian Science counselor or other part - time employment. U may be brought in or mailed to: Car Pool Classifieds, 347 Student will be paid $31. GR APHICS-maps, graphs, Check there now. available to all to help answer Faculty with positions to be filled Buildin9- No phone calls accepted. charts. Professionally produced. questions and solve problems from are urged to use this service. For WANTED, MUSICIANS to play in a spiritual standpoint. From 3 to 5 more information contact the Reasonable 337-1239. NO CHARGE J rates. ragtime band. If intartttad, call p.m. Wednesday in the,Union Oak Graduate Student Affairs Office. 332-2263. 3 10-24 10-11-4 2S2 Erickson Hall. /.