Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Kissinger predicts U.S.-Soviet |lEW DELHI, India (AP) - Henry A. linger said Sunday there is a reasonable after Kissinger steady improvement left Moscow that noted demonstrated the need for arms pact in relations between mending fences within Jncf of an agreement next year between the countries. Pravda, the Soviet in a published comment blaming summit a month of the Nov. 23 to 24 meeting between Brezhnev and Moscow appear to be ■ United Slates and the Soviet Union to Communist party organ, said: "The Washington solely for the three years of President knuckling under to Ford |t offensive nuclear weapons, positive turn which came about in Soviet estrangement. "It is really for them to think this out," she said. official said. near Vladivostok, the U. S. pressure. About 1,200 Jews are leaving the Soviet Union every month, f'We are aiming for an agreement during American relations is of ■ The official said the tremendous Communist party's around 60 per cent fewer than in 1973. |5" the secretary of state said. He significance for the destinies of the whole On prospects for a U. S. - Soviet ruling Politburo obviously met early Ike to newsmen on a flight to India world." nuclear treaty, a senior American official Saturday and that afterward Brezhnev The concessions to Jackson and other Kr three days of talks in Moscow with Kissinger received a correct said a treaty might even be ready next negotiated on strategic weapons with more members of Congress cleared the trade and tax credits for way for liet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev. he arrived to reception as simmer when Brezhnev visits Moscow, but it is begin a reconciliation mission Washington. precision. not clear whether the rate of e two sides issued a communique to India. But The governments will issue emigration Prime Minister Indira Gandhi new The official described the will nick up. instructions to arms negotiators in Geneva Kissinger - Brezhnev negotiations as an Kissinger said that he advised the draw up a balance sheet as well attempt to Russians several times during his as set a stay in ceiling on the total number of nuclear Moscow that President Ford would weapons. continue the policy of detente initiated by While he pointed out there are still former President Richard M. Nixon. pitfalls on the road to a treaty, the Kissinger seemed less sure of official's overall assessment of Kissinger's Washington's relations with New Delhi. It Moscow sessions was positive. Newsmen was learned that he regards his three - day were told the two sides are closer than stay in India as a chance to put a new face ever before to guidelines on relations strained on a new 10 • by U. S. support for year treaty to limit missiles, warheads and Pakistan in the 1971 subcontinent war. He launchers. also wants to symbolize the start of a new era in which New Kissinger said he thinks his meetings in Delhi moves a little Moscow "laid KISSINGER away from its friendship with Moscow and a good basis for the Vladivostok summit," which he said closer to Washington. Henry M. Jackson, D - Wash., of letters But Gandhi's placing of blame on should "make, a useful contribution" to outlining Soviet concessions on the better U. S. - Soviet relations. emigration of Jews. Washington, published hours before the Informed sources said, however, that Brezhnev was said to feel wounded Kissinger visit, raised questions about her Brezhnev reacted angrily to release readiness to abandon the mutual distrust 1 by Sen. because release of the letters made that has kept the two apart. Common Cause to seek Wr tougher campaign reform No lobbying regulations have been Once the legislature receives the V enacted. Common Cause of Michigan will not • Political proposals, it has 40 days to act on them. If ethics commission. An enacted into law, the proposal would not rest until the Michigan Legislature enacts independent political ethics commission need to appear on the 1976 ballot. If the .... SN __ campaign reform laws that meet its with full oversight, investigative and I An MSU student gets Photo/Robert Kozloff definition of reform. legislature ignores the petition proposals, an unexpected trip through the crowd at a Spartan football enforcement authority would be ■ her face could be one of game. The expression on After a final town they automatically appear on the ballot. If anger, pain or surprise, but more likely it is one of meeting today, established within the State Dept. The delight. Interviews of passing up Common Cause officials and interested any substitutions are made, both the ■victims show many of them get into it. citizens will begin preparing the final draft independent, seven • member commission Common Cause and. the legislature's would be appointed and have the of an initiative petition proposals would be submitted to the proposal to authority to perform audits and voters. strengthen Michigan's recently passed investigations and subpoena records, "It may never have to go on the ballot," [Fons for campaign reform laws. documents and testimony. Black said. "If there is enough go By STEVE ORR own passes With completion of the expected near the end of December, officials of the citizens lobbyist group say they hope to begin circulating petitions in proposal The Common Cause proposal would also establish a voluntary $1 check - off on income tax forms to partially fund support and pressure, the legislature may have to enact it" The legislature could also introduce public and You can imagine what they were campaigns of gubernatorial candidates in enact State News Staff Writer going after," Jacobs said. January. primary and general elections. some Common Cause proposals I As anyone who attends Spartan football While some men may be while the petition drive is under games knows, not looking for a few cheap thrills, The Common Cause proposals are With the assistance of various public way, III of the passing takes place down on the field. one male student claimed he and his friends Black said. were just trying directed at four areas of campaign reform interst, political and labor groups, to pass the time. I Up there in the stands at every game, women spectators either ignored by the legislature or, as they Common Cause officials hope to gather "We haven't sought specific promise land an occasional man) are "During halftime, no one watches the band. It's just charge, too susceptible to loopholes. The from the legislators to enact any of our unceremoniously grabbed and something to do," Eric Rose, the necessary 300,000 plus signatures in freshman, 415 Bryan Hall, proposals yet," Black said. "But passed up through the crowd. I The women involved always have strong reactions. Some said. a areas are: the first three or four months of 1975, we might The band may not be at fault, but it is •Campaign financing. Common Cause though state law gives them 180 days. re outraged at the "manhandling" they receive. The ones during halftime (continued on page 11) that much of the passing up takes proposes more campaign financing reports 'io are dropped by unprepared fans are generally sore and palce. than the new reform laws One particular part of the require, and en more outraged, but, surprisingly enough, a good portion crowed, those sitting in the random audits of campaign statements If the women like it. southeast comer of the stadium, featured most of the action. would be mandatory, rather than Sections 13, 14 and 15, from about row 25 on by I "It's exciting," said Debbie Fleser, sophomore, 321 S. up, contain request. Hubbard Hall, who was "stolen" from her seat at mostly freshmen and sophomores and were responsible for The proposal would also prohibit tax • prdue game. "I didn't think Saturday's nearly all of the more than 50 instances at the Purdue game. they'd do it, but they did. I The passing up, which paid mass mailings by state officials for 90 PPt hitting people on the head with generally is instigated among days before an election, an activity still my leg, but I guess friends, is not totally limited to women. iey're used to it." legal under the reforms. Anonymous Kim Trombetta, a (male) sophomore | One woman, who refused to identify herself, said her first living at 271 E. McDonel Hall, was lifted by a group of friends at the Purdue contributions of more than $10 would be PP through the bleachers did not turn prohibited, rather than the $15 mark out as she had lnagined it would. game and sent up through the throngs. presently allowed. I "I thought it would be awful. I'd heard "It was disgusting," Trombetta said. "I'm bad stories," she a man. You're •Conflict of interest A tight code of Bid. "But I was only supposed to pass up girls." Asked if the experience had ethics for all state officials would be surprised. I just put by hands over my face widrelaxed. I wouldn't mind it damaged his ego, Trombetta said, "I'm drunk, but not instituted in the initiative proposal. All again." humiliated." 1 Some women, candidates and public officials would be though, were not too pleased to be hoisted Marsha Crandall, li boisterous fans. a junior living in Capitol Villa required to disclose publicly major I "1 just wanted to die," Cathy Scott, sophomore, 297 E. Apartments, was not only passed up the stands but passed financial interests and sources of income. PcDonel Hall, said. back down too, and the incident involving her came closest In addition, a procedure would be "They passed me up and down again. I to resulting in an injury. As she was P wry humiliated. It was horrible." being handed down established for public officials to disqualify among the crowd, she was dropped and landed on another 1I u~U "^oed the major complaint of victimized women. woman's head. That woman apparently was not themselves from official action that could They just want to get a piece of ass. You name seriously benefit their own financial status. Pchedit. it, they hurt, but she was stunned. Crandall said she thought the Everywhere." Recently passed reform laws address stunt was "kind of dangerous." I Tricia Jacobs, a junior who lives at the Kappa Delta neither of these areas. ■wnty house The campus police agree with her, but say at 528 M.A.C. Ave. they do nothing • Lobbying. Lobbyists would be n, but said it thought her trip was about stopping it because ""it is a spontaneous kind of thing, contained an unpleasant turn of events, required to register and file regular reports t done for fun." The police did say that they will of expenses, and would be prohibited way up, they accept flipped me over' onto my stomach. complaints from any victimized students. from spending more than $10 per month on any state public official or his family. Student trustee elig L Governor's Commission on 1972, also recommended that a new state recommendations, almost all of which would "No evidence exists that students would nm j Thursday formally board of postsecondary education be require constitutional use their authority as members of boards amendments. ■ i a ttlat indents be allowed to created and that governing boards of the with any less integrity than other office I he governing boards of their three major universities be appointed Students have been barred from serving holders." on the governing boards in the face of a The Michigan Legislature has blocked rather than elected. 30 li„t ,, member commission, The commission released an interim ruling by Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley that legislation which would allow students to f y Gov- Milliken in December report in April containing nearly identical it would constitute a conflict of interest participate in the governing bodies. under the state constitution. Sullivan, junior, 409 E. Holmes Hall, Two MSU students are currently on the and Gajewski, senior, 556 ballot for the board of trustees, Ftgadorn Road, though filed as candidates last Pper offers they cannot legally serve if they are spring, when a pot elected. Bradley Sullivan, 20, is the Human proposal in the Michigan Legislature that would permit students to hold a trustee position looked as if it might be passed. drawing i Rights party candidate for trustee, and Action was postponed on the House b - to Patrice Gajewski, 22, is the Socialist Workers' nominee. approved bill by the Senate earlier this month. LAHRB?n (UPI> - The Ann Arbor Sun, an underground weekly, is giving away But the commission said it "does not believe that such membership Sullivan, commission's a(ter hearing of the i,tion ° m')'an marijuana in a drawing designed to boost the newspapers would constitute a substantial conflict of recommendation, said he approved of it, but did not think it would interest." >e2S"-I!U» contest t0 reflect to® Particular interests and needs of the Ann Sullivan agreed. have much effect on the legislation. passage of the ■anRijR' ind said FJle" Hoffman, one of several Sun y candidate for managing editors and a "That's just Kelley's opinion, and it The state board of postsecondary w. University of Michigan Board of Regents. probably would have been overrruled in K"ihes2dnX!t0 'rawing tfve away things that people would appreciate andI get iexcite Jgh " ^ Columbian marijuana was the obvious first choice. court," he said. eduction — composed of nine members appointed by the bipartisan governor — Homer Hudson of rural Hart, Mich., is big on oatmeal. In fact, he has "As consumers of the educational would be responsible for eaten it for breakfast ever since he was old enough to hold a spoon. ;lk?d t0 nui"ber8 appearing in the paper's latest issue will be held process, students have a vital interest," the coordination of all education programs planning and The 90 - year old retired farmer says, "I've eaten it all my life and ^nAAof268 SUCh 88 b00kS autographed by manjuana advocate - commission said. "As legal adults, in most I've never gone to a doctor because of sickness. I beyond high school. It would attempt to like it sweet now, LitSr f°r the ncwsPaPer said he had no qualms as to the legality of the cases, in they have a basic jright to participate the political procoss. develop plans to improve statewide higher (continued on page 11) sp I use all that sugar." He has 300 of the empty two pound boxes in the house. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 28, |97( I Group condemns NY bombing; By Asiociated Press independence rally at people. quarter of the 20,000 • seat murderous and genocidal B"nk building in . _ I and State News Beaumont Tower said Sunday "Our aim is to- inform the arena was occupied at noon, policies of the yankee Street area. Police uiH\ ' I A rally for the independence of Puerto Rico was staged Sunday that his group, the United Front against Racism and people that Puerto Rico is a colony of the United States," the rally's starting time. No uniformed police were government throughout the world," the group said in a the explosive of dynamite. force oT^I Hart gets poor business rating at Madison Square Garden in Herrera said. "We condemn Inside but a normal letter to the Associated Press. Other blasts followed at a. I Imperialism, condemns the Police and the FBI, Sen. Philip Hart was one of 17 Democrats and one New York as police and federal bombings. terrorism totally." complement of patrolmen was meanwhile, continued to hunt Banco do PonCe bwnch of the a„J "J* I investigators sought the pro - "For some groups it's just a Saturday's bombings in New on duty outside the sports and for clues to the bombers. A Chemical i'I Republican in the U. S. Senate that received a zero independence terrorists who way to call attention to York were either a deliberate special events arena, the police I both in Rockefeller (SI rating from a Chamber of Commerce survey because set off five bombs in attempt to call attention to the department said. spokesman said that they have themselves," Herrera said. "I found none. Manhattan Saturday. think it's the wrong approach." plight of Puerto Ricans or to Disavowed by the Puerto they voted against business interests on 10 key issues. ' Rican Independence party on MSU student Salvador He said that violence of this protest CIA involvement in The bombs went off within The survey also showed that 63 House members Herrera, who spoke at sort is the quickest way to be that territory, he said. the Caribbean island, the rally a half - hour period starting at received zero ratings. Hilton Davis, who coordinated the chamber project, Thursday's Puerto Rican discredited by the American In New York, about a was sponsored by the Puerto Solidarity Day 2:56 a.m. Saturday. Hie first headquarters of th"°^| Rican Committee and dedicated to went off under a car parked outside the Marine Midland company, Avenue. both on £51 ^| said the survey "shows a substantial bloc of five Puerto Ricans who are congressmen and senators with what appears to be a pretty unfavorable attitude toward business." Arab officials ca serving jail sentences for the 1950 attempted assassination of President Truman and the Democrats hold big lead in poll by Jordan, guerillas 1954 shootings of five congressmen. George Gallup said his organization's latest poll A group calling itself the indicated there will be a Democratic landslide in next Armed Forces of Puerto Rican week's congressional elections. RABAT, Morocco (AP) - Arab leaders met obstacles and marginal problems and show the National Liberation (FALN) Sunday in an attempt to reconcile Jordan and spirit of tolerance needed to build a bridge of blame for The survey, taken between Sept. '27 and Oct. 14, honor." assumed the EAST LANSING'S FOR the Palestinian guerilla movement, but officials Saturday's bombings, in which OmCAUEED^ shows Democrats with 55 per cent of the vote for of both sides said a compromise was impossible. Hassan warned Israel against what he called the illusion that the quarrel between Hussein po one was killed or wounded. congressional seats and Republicans with 35 per cent. Representatives of the Palestine Liberation "We view this as a significant The percentages were nearly identical to those the Organization (PLO) and the Jordanian and Arafat "can make the Arabs forget the real delegation both claimed the right to negotiate battle." step In the formation of an anti organization reported three weeks earlier. for the return of the occupied West Bank of Called to discuss all aspects of the Middle - imperialist front in the United EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY CO-OPTICAL SERVICES Gallup said the results mark the demise of President Jordan from Israel. East conflict and of Secretary of State Henry States which will support and Dr. R. C. Minor, Optometrist Nixon's "new majority." Disillusioned by inflation and Jordan's King Hussein and PLO chief Yasir A. Kissinger's mediation efforts, the summit has fight for the national liberation of Puerto Rico, and educate Now in Brookfield Plaza Watergate, blue collar workers and Catholics who Arafat attended a closely guarded meeting in become almost exclusively an attempt to bring the palace of King Hassan II of Morocco Hussein and Arafat together. the American people to the supported the Republican president two years ago are in which Hussein made a lengthy exposition of Conference sources said the next move leaning back toward the Democrats, he said. his case. toward a settlement with Israel depended The Democrats' lead recalls their showing in 1964, FOUR CHANNEL A high Jordanian official said the situation largely on the outcome of these efforts. when they captured two - thirds of the House by the did not lend itself to compromise because Israel Hussein is holding out for the right to widest margin since 1936. refuses to deal with the PLO. negotiate with Israel to restore Jordanian "King Hussein insists on a clear mandate sovereignty on the West Bank of the Jordan Pet pill research questioned from the other heads of state want on what they Jordan to do," the official said. River. Arafat maintains that only the "Palestinian people" have a right to negotiate Seven leading control experts veterinarians and animal population believe the quest for dog and cat contraceptives aimed at curtailing the stray pet population has gone astray. not But a Palestinian spokesman said, accept concerning Palestinian any our people." "We will compromise with Jordan right to speak for the Opening the summit last night, Hassan called over the fate of Palestinian territory. The PLO spokesman said the PLO the right of Jordan to represent any part of Palestinian territory at any time and under any circumstances, including "rejects withdrawal FM Broadcasts Are Here "Millions of dollars are tied up in grants and jobs for Hussein and Arafat to "overcome all on negotiations. It is either we or Jordan." a boondoggle," Alan Beck, director of the Bureau of The State News It r tJ of Michigan Animal Affairs for the New York City Health Dept. said State University every cl , __ _ __ school terms, recently. "What we need is responsible pet ownership Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition is during and good leash laws." MED. TECHS. In September. Subscription rate is $20 per year. published Second class postage paid at East As a public service Marshall Music and radio station WFMK will Lansing, Mich. Editorial For more than 20 years, researchers have tried to find and business offices at 345 Student Services ASMT Meeting State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. Bldg., Michigan be demonstrating the new Sansui QS Vario - matrix system for an alternative to spaying and castration in order to curb four channel FM broadcasts, today and tomorrow only. GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER the growing stray dog and cat population, estimated at ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER between 26 to 50 million. Oct 29th PHONES 7 P.M. Nows/Edltorlal 355-8252 At least eight companies or universities are hot on the Classified Ads 355-8255 Revealing demonstrations will take place hourly, so stop in at Display Advertising 355-6400 trail of zero pet population growth. Business Office 355-3447 either Marshall's location for an exciting example of how good But a growing number of pet officials now support PhQtographlc 355-8311 Quad FM can be. the view that it is the irresponsible owner who turns unwanted pets loose who is causing the pet "baby Mr. Gene Darnel - Sansui representative for Michigan will be on boom." TIME IS RUNNING OUT . hand to answer your quad questions: Monday til 9:00 p.m. in Lansing;Tuesday til 5:30 p.m. in East Lansing. get your FREE Senior pictures for the SANSUI EXCITING Factory Quad FM 1975 Convicts release 3 hostages WOLVERINE Representative Demonstrations I Four armed convicts freed three hostages from a Dutch prison chapel in The Hague Sunday, but held 19 others Yearbook inRm 36A Union to exchange for a jailed Palestinian guerilla. They also demanded to talk with the ambassador or consul of an 402 S. Washington Lansing 245 Ann Street, E. LansinJ Arab country. Dutch authorities said the gunmen must release two 353 - 5292 more women and three children they are still holding before detailed negotiations can start. Don't forget to buy your Wolverine yearbook. "There is no concrete evidence pointing to the early release of the hostages," a Justice Ministry spokesman said. The convicts include jailed guerilla hijack a a Palestinian who helped the plane last March, divert it to Bethlehem Steel's Amsterdam and set it ablaze. He and the others took control of the chapel Saturday evening during a Roman Catholic Mass. It was the second guerilla siege in The Hague in six THE FRIENDLIEST LOOP COURSE, weeks. Israeli army jails 2 soldiers ETACE IN TOWN Management Two former Israeli seven years on war prisoners have been jailed for charges of disobeying orders in the face of enemy fire, the military command said Sunday. It NOW APPEARING Training Program, has opportunities for young men and women with was the first time such charges have been brought technical and business backgrounds who wish to acquire against Israeli soldiers. the management skills to make them leaders in operations, The two, who both pleaded guilty, were sergeants in a Suez Canal bunker when last October's Middle East war TIEN HIGH shipbuilding, or mining management. broke out. The Egyptian surprise attack cut them off with 24 other men, a spokesman said. Our representatives will be here on The charge sheet said the pair refused to help carry ammunition or take guard duty for the first two days of MCNDAVT NITIE 1/ the war. On the third day of fighting the bunker fell Nov. 14.15 after six Israeli soldiers died and the remainder were taken prisoner. PIZZA NITf Lets talk about it. The two soldiers were released from the army after 9INCH WITH ITEMS ...S1.CC 1 the POW exchange between Israel and Egypt in January, 14 INCH WITH 2 ITEMS. ..S2.CC the spokesman said. French 'Winegate' trial begins At I HE VII I The trial involving France's "Winegate" scandal begins today. HI CIVE Amy II S! Eighteen people have been charged with using chemicals illegally to upgrade vinegar wines into a product of table quality and mislabeling cheap Riviera wines with such premier Bordeaux names as St. Emilion, Pomerol and Medoc. Lionel Cruse, one of France's top wine merchants, involved in the $800,000 fraud, believes he will be considered "the Nixon of Bordeaux" before the trial is over. The "Winegate" scandal broke into French headlines in early summer 1973, at the height of a boom that doubled and tripled the prices of Bordeaux wines over previous years. The boom became a massive bust as the confidence - sapping standai evolved. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 28, 1974 3 CASE HALL AFFAIR NO DEBATE Trustee By PETE DALY hopefuls candidates from the two major political the concur new federal law. State New» Staff Writer Parties and the Human Rights party (HRP) "I would have to become because he felt they would be most more |Calling the affair at Case Hall Thursday knowledgeable about what the |ht a debate would be debatable. responsive to students. Thirteen people are running for the two trustee seats up for re University's records contain before 1 could ■Only three of the six MSU Board of condemn or praise the law. But I do think listees candidates invited showed up, - election Nov. 5, representing seven there should be some sort of due Ij much of the time at the debate was political parties. The two incumbents, procedure to challenge inaccurate or process Kd by the candidates to ask questions of Republicans biased information the records K student audience. Frank Merriman of Deckerville and might Kenneth Thompson of East contain," Krolikowski said. ■The event, held in the James Madison Lansing, DesCamp emphatically endorsed, the lary, was organized by graduate student begged off the invitation by claiming previous engagements, Hughson said. law.comparing secret records to a trait of Kk Hughson and sponsored by James a police department. But Democratic candidates John Bruff ■dison College. "That amendment said of Fraser and Raymond Krolikowski of everything and 1 ■ Hughson said he invited only the think it should be enforced," DesCamp Birmingham did show, as did Therese said. DesCamp, the HRP candidate from Manistee. DesCamp was extremely critical of the quality of MSU education, mentioning the Bradley K. Sullivan of Detroit, the /KAR Debates other HRP candidate, did not attend the large number of lecture classes with hundreds of students in them. debate, and DesCamp said she did not "They aren't getting an education, they Voters will have a chance to know where he was. are just being processed through to ■take a look at the candidates DesCamp, a former MSU student who graduation," she said. dropped out in September, established ■for the upcoming election this herself early in the debate as a proponent But Bruff felt that there was nothing Iveek on MSU's WKAR-TV, of free college of free eottege tuition, free particularly wrong with large lecture classes. (channel 23. and increased campus bus service and "1 don't think the point of education is A series of programs titled public ownership of utilties. Bruff and Krolikowski had little personal contact with the teacher," he J"|l I am Elected" will put nothing to say in response to much of or said. ■contenders on the spot with DesCamp's opinions. In many cases the The speakers also discussed corporate ■face - to - face debates on the three panelists were in gener^ agreement. stock owned by MSU. ■issues relevant to their desired For example, they were unanimous in "We are tied too close now to the SN photo/Larry Cunsberg denouncing the extensive building and military - industrial complex," DesCamp ■offices. said. "It is wrong to be The scheduled debate times road construction on and near the holding stock in a This flowered Tin Lizzie is one of three floats that made their way company that is taking money from down tha Red Cedar River Saturday as University. part of the Homecoming celebration. The floating parade re: Other topics tackled by the three people's pockets." was the first parade staged at MSU in years. • 57th District state speakers included the MSU policy of Bruff agreed that MSU should sell any stock it held in "bad (representative 9:30 p.m., Oct. student records and their accessibility to the student concerned. limited DesCamp said a a company." graduated income tax |2X; hike and a tax on business profits by the Bruff said he was opposed to a new »58th District state state were alternatives to corporate federal law that would open to a student open thursday and friday nights until nine ■representative 7 p.m., Oct. 29; all the records the University might have investments as sources of finance for MSU. • Gov. Milliken and on him or her. All three panelists agreed that MSU should have a law school. (Democratic contender Sander "The way the law reads, a college student's parents would also be able to see "I went to the University of Michigan (Levin 9:30 p.m., Oct. 29; their son's or law school because MSU didn't have one," •59th District (East daughter's records, and that is not right," Bruff said. "Further Bruff said. He graduated from MSU in (Lansing) state representative legislation would be necessary to correct 1950. (7:30 p.m.. Oct. 30: • the law." Krolikowski, also Bruff, said he favored an attorney like law school here if comfort is a low-down Michigan secretary of state However, an article on the law in the a it did not follow "the traditional heel. l() p.m., Oct. 30; Oct. 7 Chronicle of Higher Education says of approach Miss J's walking • the law, "which is scheduled to go into primarily protecting property rights." MSU Board of Trustees 10 effect Nov. 19, would not allow parents of Several times during the debate oxford (p.m.. Oct. 30; an is designed with • post - high school students to have access embarrassing silence settled over all in State attorney general 9 to attendance. At these points Krolikowski any of this information. Such access the heel as its lowest (p.m.• Oct. 31; would be limited to the students was prone to ask for any kind of comment State Supreme Court 9:30 themselves." or question from the audience, which Krolikowski was concerned with the numbered fewer than 20 people. point, then rounded off (p.m.. Oct. 31, and confidential letters of recommendation The panel would then listen • hth Congressional District quietly which might wrongfully damage a while students lamented at length the with a roomy toe All in (10 p.m., Nov. I. student's career opportunities, but he said problems of noisy residence halls and he could not take a stand on the issue of boring professors. soft brown leather on man-made sole Tie ^=Arco Point Service: a it up in 6to 10 Narrow and 5 to 10 Medium sizes and I VOLVO tickets on sale Aston Austin ■ Martin Jaguar Lamborghini Lancia Porsche Renault lb. kAMbuRqcR, a Ia carte ^ challenging! ** 75 he is"*| Carr would oppose constitutional increasingly unable to proper so if elected J?Li working jn.JJLl "AH," says the Philosopher, "is medical treatment. Since Taylor is one totally ineffective in flux." And the Preacher responds, amendments barring abortion and who believes government's only function is defense, it is not difficult to understand system; or 2) he is as much* prof?! politician his "That which has been is that which busing for desegregation. Taylor his perverted sense of priorities. honesty to admit as opponents but JTI b, I shall be, and there is no new thing it. If Taylor would support both. It seems everyone knows wherfr Carr general goals other than getting eiectL^I under the sun." Carr would slash $10 billion plans to get the money for his programs, Given the post - Nixonian era ot from the defense budget. Taylor RUSSELL BAKER except Taylor. As Bob has clearly and soaring pricgs and shrinking help does not believe that such a large honestly stated, he wants to cut the fat from the military budget and eliminate for the needy, of social cuts and sum could be eliminated without unfair tax loopholes. Since Taylor's top after his first term, and defense gains, of concern for the jeopardizing national strength. that he »„!! haves but not for the have - nots, of Carr would be far more vigorous Just trivia remains contributors include the developers, who constantly attempt to rich and the never seek higher office in nonpolitician claim would gain the futureTB losing instead of winning, one in plugging tax loopholes. destroy our neighborhoods, it is not credence. As it stands, a ,*1 difficult to understand why Taylor never candidal* J wishes that the Preacher's words Carr advocates nationalized will not even call himself ill did not apply to the present. Hopefully the Philosopher's flux, health care, while Taylor backs the more modest program suggested by as time zooms by discusses fair taxation. For 18 years congressman in Washington who has we have had a name -i™-- hardly deserves the supo*, by the H»„rj j| combined with democratic action, the American Medical Assn. It is extraordinary how many things we Whatever happened to George excelled in doing nothing. Let's not send 133 Belli MORE SEATS will break America out of the tired If what Taylor and Carr say is don't talk about any more. There is McGovem? Who was Elliot Richardson? another. 'William M. Beachler | In my opinion, the even cruel - policies of the past not proof enough, look at their Watergate, which everybody is tired of Where is Little Tania's Leningrad diary? 238 W. Saginaw St. construction ofil five years. contributors. Taylor has relied hearing about, and there is Vietnam, To ask these questions is to be tiresome, The pros and cons of Bob Carr versus Performing Arts Center on any lociJ 2J which everybody wants to pretend doesn't with a "Great Hall" that holds onlv Bob Carr rides the steed of heavily on the relatively affluent in to betray oneself as a lingerer in the past Cliff Taylor have been discussed mainly in exist. at a time when events are rushing ahead at terms of these two individuals and their people is inexcusable folly. Are change in this 6th District today's society - the doctors, And Patricia Hearst. If anyone ever breakneck speed. administrators of this University m,l personal view. I wish to call the attention congressional campaign. bankers, auto dealers, real estate mentions Patricia Hearst these days it is Who was Nguyen van TTiieu? What was of 6th District voters to the fact that the that there are 40,000 students here? I And when the mirage of interests and businessmen. only to ask. as one might ask about the My Lai? Does anybody remember light at candidates' party affiliations — The University of Notre Dame, dul appearance and the dust of Carr, in contrast, has received the good old days, "Whatever happened to the end of the tunnel? Democratic versus Republican — are even just 8,000 students, has an auditoriial plausibility clear, his Republican large part of his funds from labor Patricia Hearst?" more important to the citizen's own that holds 11,000 people. Even «l Whatever happened to the Symbionese Nobody wants to hear about such interest. In Congress, individual members existing Auditorium holds 3,700. What*1 opponent. Cliff Taylor, rides the unions. Liberation Army? For that matter, need more than anything is i hi things any more. We are blanking can do virtually nothing by themselves; same old nag that stumbled into There is a worthy third choice in whatever happened to black power, the experience out of memory. There are they must work with their party team to auditorium (with good acoustics) forty! this mess. Human Rights party candidate new left and "the movement?" What was weighty events bearing down upon us achieve anything. On most issues before concerts and events. To even consifel Taylor's philosophy sometimes Howard Jones, a man who has been "the movement" anyhow? which must be dealt with at once. the House, they are expected to follow anything else is a waste of time iM displays an insensitivity to the working for meaningful social Nobody ever talks about "the President Ford's swimming pool. Pollution their party line. Should they refuse too money. Susan A. Ellingwl revolution" any more, nor campus unrest, - emission controls. The cold water 337 Mason expressed opinions of students, the change since before most of us were often, they will become isolated and nor the Beatles. laundry crisis. powerless. Congressman Chamberlain once poor and the disenchanted. born. Jones has the right spirit, but When is the last time anybody talked BASKETBALL told me that he did not know how he Just look at the issues where the his party and proposals are about "hippies?" About "fun city?" It is not surprising that trivia is one of would vote on a certain bill; he was Oct. 14 and 15 junior varsity basketbdl candidates clash. nevertheless too unrealistic for Nobody says "uptight" any more, or the few pastimes that has survived an awaiting instructions from the Republican tryouts were held with 50 participial Carr supports guaranteed jobs for "backlash" or "silent majority." Nobody entire decade, for it demands the ability to House caucus. showing up. The coach, Pat MitiJ Congress in 1975. talks about "the free world," "the struggle emphasized how fair he would be remember fact without context, and facts So the question is, which party best everyone. Taylor supports the The issues, the campaign and for men's minds," "the new politics" or without context are almost all that remain selecting the team. He constantly stres, serves the voter's own interest? Over the limited jobs program of the Ford most of all, the moribund national Spiro Agnew. that nobody would be given preferential when you consume history with your years, the Republican party has been (and Administration. and political situation, point to a It is as though Agnew never existed, yet brain off. Nowadays context is harder to still is) the chosen instrument of great treatment and that everyone w Carr backs food stamps for vote for Bob Carr. He has sought, within the memory of recently born babes find than 90 • cent hamburger. wealth: the Rockefellers, big oil and gas, given a fair shake. he was the rising glory of republicanism. It is very much like flying across the In fact, what he did was v students. Taylor feels students and deserves, a coalition of working banking, real estate, insurance and the should not be given stamps because Now, »n less than a year, he has become an country by jet. The country does not rush industrial monopolies. The Democratic hypocritical. While everybody tried thesB people and students to help to unperson. by underneath so rapidly that we cannot hardest to impress, he sat on the sideling! they party represents a coalition of groups, are "voluntarily unemployed." infuse some much needed flux into So has John Connally. Anybody see it, sense it, digest it and emerge wiih talking, completely ignoring his job. IfyoiH Carr would legalize marijuana, including wage and salary earners, small did not know the coach personally, or dill the slowly changing world of remember "Big John?" He was the post - the slightest sense of what an business, family farms, ethnic minorities Taylor would not. Agnew rising glory of republicanism, and not play on the team last year, there «*| Washington. extraordinary and fascinating place it is; it and senior citizens. Each of the two now he has been consumed and forgotten is we who rush by overhead so fast that parties seeks to protect and benefit virtually no way you could make ill after three minutes of fame. the journey becomes meaningless. team, regardless of your talent. primarily the groups it represents. Three minutes of fame may be all any "We are coming up over the Grand Which party will work best for you, the It seems to me that the tryoutwa man, any idea or any event can expect Canyon on the left side of the plane now voter? If your own wellbeing is linked a formality the University has to pi Conlin deserve nowadays. There was a war in Cyprus a few weeks ago and afterward a sort of revolution in Greece, but who remembers and will shortly be crossing the Mississippi River, folks." Who was Pompidou? Which was Anthony Ulasewicz? with those of the Democratic coalition, the answer is clear. The answer is Carr through to say that everyone was given iH chance. There is no way even the boll judge of talent can cut 30 players in tM Why was Charles (Democrat) for Congress. M. M. Greer it any more? Manson? Who was the second man on the 427 Collingwood Drive days, especially when he doesn't mtdl As one of the too - few effective will solve all of Ingham County's Anything that is four minutes old is as moon? them play. 9 ancient as Egypt. And speaking of Egypt, It is fast Hie Cliff Taylor for Congress ads, such A university of this size should reilial members of the Ingham County ills with good intentions and a pile a trip up here at 35,000 light whatever happened to Libya? years above context, but despite the speed as the one in the Oct. 22 State News, are that there are a lot of people who likttil Board of Commissioners, of Monopoly money. Neither is he We consume our history so fast to get insults to the intelligence of the voters and play basketball competitively, and shouHl you sometimes wonder if you are really Democratic candidate Richard so lethargic that he can find on to the next tidbit that there is no time going any place at all. ought to be left to speak for themselves. make a sincere effort to let them achiml Conlin deserves to be re - elected nothing the county can do to help to digest it, and so become a people Since, however, the August primary their goal. Edward Lt"l without memory. (c) 1974 New York Times election revealed a significant number of 218 N. Wonders Ml for another term. people. Conlin has been able to cut Conlin's opponents. in the through red tape and petty Human Rights party and jealousies to institute county Republican party fall into the the PETE DALY programs which have moved the above categories, respectively. board away from street sweeping Mary Ellen Karczewski, Human and into real problem solving. Conlin was instrumental creating a county program which in Rights party candidate, is a self - confessed innocent in county affairs. She has little knowledge of Farmer thinks provides 50 summer jobs for young county politics, budgets or policies. Bill Field is a man President Ford Over the past two years, more tha% 200 adults and a school year program On the other hand, Republican should know, if the chief executive really farmers in Oceana alone have received which employs work - study candidate Bill Hanel feels there is wants to whip inflation. nearly $1.5 million from Uncle Sam, with students from MSU. little the county can do to solve Field, a fruit grower from Oceana more than a million of that in the outright Conlin has helped get county problems in areas like County, is one of hundreds of farmers grants and the rest in one per cent loans. there who have been receiving $5,000 I am a farmboy from that county, and funding for the Drug Education transportation and housing. Hanel handouts — with no strings attached — my father, plus dozens of other farmers I Center, legal services for poor dismisses a majority of his possible from the feds over the last two years. know well, have gotten the handouts. Of people and a rape counseling program. He has also gotten county support for mass transportation and the Capital Area Transit Authority constituency by saying that 90 per cent of students do not have any problems county commissioners should worry about. Hiis pot of gold that government bureaucrats have been cooking up stems from a federal law passed to aid farmers suffering crop losses in federally declared "disaster zones." The law, originally all the farmers I have discussed this with, not one has praised the law's application in Oceana. They all shake their heads in disbelief and agree it is insane. But almost all who qualify have Sis and he has done these things Conlin's attitudes and his record designed with the best of intentions, has accepted it. *3 without "make him the best candidate for sacrificing^ a realistic been warped so as to make available the Frost damage is a fact of life for fruit outlook toward the county budget. the 10th District county commission $5,000 grant and/or low interest loans to farmers, and though Oceana has been He is no idealistic magician who seat. Michigan farmers hit by fruit - killing particularly hard hit in the last three years, frosts. farmers there are used to the risks they face from the weather. Theirs is a backbreaking and sometimes discouraging business, but the bad years are often offset by spectacularly lucrative years. These realities the federal bureaucrats ignore. Their giveaway program in Oceana first grant but wound has dumped money in the laps of some because he had bought a summer up needing it their services (in this case, freebies). I farmers whose incomes sometimes exceed that year. home The federal agency which engw I this particular giveaway actively rec $20,000 or $30,000. He said that after the first I personally know one beneficiary who thought public outcry would halt the year, he recipients. They encouraged increo drives a late - model Cadillac. I know handout. To his and hundreds of farmers who had suffered any am°«■ ■ others who have expensive cottages on farmers' amazement, it did not. He other the expected annual frost damage w Lake Michigan. another $5,000. got for the funds. They also tried ■ One cannot really blame them for He is now damndest to make outright grants ■ using $10,000 worth of than the low interest loans. .1 taking the $5,000 grants or loans each advertising in Michigan newspapers to year. Would you turn down free money? Bill Field's campaign has openeci u encourage people to write their But farmers have always been staunch Congressman about it. of worms which is even now beings"! ■ individualists, firmly against a welfare In a full - page ad in the (Oceana state and national government. ^| state that gives something for nothing. Calvin Lutz, state director o ■ County) Hart Journal, Field writes: "Why Now they are on the other side of the federal Farmers Home Administration. ■ 8"y one of vou SUCKERS fence, and they are strangely silent. get a the law has already been amended» J 55,000 handout if some misfortune Except for Bill Field. befalls only the loans, and makes them nan- you?" Bill Field is the first (and only one, so Field calls the public "suckers" ®et" far) to do something about it. He has because "Some farmers needed the " _ they allow bureaucrats to throw awav decided to use the $10,000 in grants he their tax dollars for because of frost dama*e' ««l has received to pay for an advertising A rational person nothing. unfortunately, the previous w ^1 may ask "why would campaign calling for the handout program a government office give away free written based on the amoU the actual need of the farmer, ^ aiiB to be stopped. for no reason?" My money ,*■ guess is that the more If President Ford really wanted Why is he suddenly doing this now, money that passes through a government W| after he has applied for and received two office, the stronger that office becomes inflation, he could best begin ! J years in a row the $5,000 federal check? More administrators are the whip in his own house, root'"!I LB hired, salaries bo "My conscience bothers me," he saftl. up. Tliey begin to have an important bureaucrats deep in our 8overnronr0(jgtjB THE MOON IS RISEN Field said he intended to return the function because people perpetuate themselves but P | begin to expect nothing. I I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 28, 1974 5 ■ord: Americans 'condemn Iboard AIR force one (AP) - to Mexico. In his shirtsleeves, collar open, President: Jjidcnt Kord says Americans are tie loosened, he sat at a table in his • Talked about "tougher measufes," if could persuade him that wage and price there was high criticism of Kennedy. And except on the matter of aid to Turkey. fcted with "self - destruct" feelings and private, forward compartment on Air controls were necessary. "I don't see then it began really in an uphill crescendo "We had the paradoxical situation t is no reason why it should be. That, Force One. necessary, to reduce U. S. dependence on anything domestically," he said, "that toward LBJ and they drove him out of Arab oil and said, "We could where the Democratic and Republic ljVS) "is what we've got to lick." He laughed easily, declined dinner with really put an would precipitate it." office, literally. Then, there was sort of a embargo on foreign imports which would leadership were all with me. The troops on l«\V,.'iv condemning ourselves so much a small joke about his weight, sipped have • Predicted his wobbly "marriage" with hiatus with Nixon. Then, because of both sides of the aisle defected in large Ire hurting ourselves when we should be bourbon and water and expressed a much more severe impact availability and supply." He said this on Congress would improve after the Watergate, it just burst forward. numbers. The leaders came from ■ng just the opposite," Ford said in . . amazement "Look at the New York elections. "Troops on both sides of the an - might be necessary if Congress "failed to During a discussion about the economy, relatively safe districts or they aren't up aisle defected in Jlusivc interview, his first since taking sirloin! My God!" — at the tray served increase supplies," large numbers" on aid to Ford was asked to define a recession. for election. Everybody else is and that Donald Rumsfeld, White House staff or the public failed to Turkey, he said. "The leaders wanted to conserve. makes a hell of a difference. The leaders President spoke more than an hour director. Also present was Press be helpful the leaders come from „e Secretary • Declined to call the nation's economic ... wanted to be helpful because they thought 21 with AP Special Correspondent Ron Nessen. relatively safe districts or they aren't up problems a recession and said for election. "Well, you have certain signs I was right ... I think the marriage will be on the return trip from his visit In only an the wide • ranging interview, the international crisis of major Everybody else is and that that by traditional criteria you 'tl better after the election." proportions makes a hell of a difference." About his pardon of former President • Answered questions not aiked by call it a recession. You've got Nixon, Ford said the uproar it caused Congress about former President Nixon's this pulling and hauling that's too WILL CONTRADICT pardon, and said there was no conceivable unique at this time to use the would have appearance grown worse without his before the House Judiciary way Nixon's chief of staff could have subcommittee. "With it, I hope it's same labels." gotten the impression Ford might favor a better." pardon. He said he hoped his appearance President Ford Q. This question arises about your talks Vets plan amnesty show before Congress had lessened the mmmmmmmmmmmrnrn s mmm with Gen. Alexander M. Haig (Nixon's pardon uproar. chief of staff) Aug. 1 and 2: did you • Declared he loved "Experts, economists and others being President, but develop labels for categorizing something consider him at all as any kind of emissary came close to tears as he described his from President Nixon or the Nixon White last, if one, two, three four, five things fateful meeting with the then President House? happen," Ford said. "If those things By GARY HOFFMAN Nixon, one man on the way down from A. No, I did not. personally favors complete amnesty. the pinnacle, the other happened in the traditional sense over the State News Staff Writer "Even partial amnesty is an act of on the way up. last 10 years, you could say this was a Q. As he went through the options and ■The American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Ware (VFW) vengeance," he said. "Why "He was the most controlled got to the question of a pardon of Mr. else would you want to force them to person. I recession or this was something else... T misrepresenting many Vietnam combat veterans in speaking empty bedpans for two wondered how anybody could be that Nixon by Mr. Ford, did you have years?" "Well, you have certain signs that by any Kinst amnesty for deserters and (Jraft dodgers, Rob Lannen, a "What about all the people who controlled under those circumstances." traditional criteria you'd call it a recession. reason to feel this was kind of a probe or tner MSU student and a disabled Vietnam veteran, says. dodged the draft in other He offered a thesis that feeler? ways, like student deferments and the National Guard?" Lannen suggests Unemployment is rising; there's a ■"Combat veterans are tired of being represented by those Americans suffer a malaise that has grown A. No. asked. "They should have to perform alternative service, too." developing inventory backlog; you've got out of a vague masochism, not from the loplr," Lannen told the State News. "Many of us wouldn't have Lannen said college students stayed out of the war by being seeds of wrong a cutback in consumer confidence. On the Q. Was there any kind of spontaneous, off the cuff, a person fight in Vietnam if he were our own worst smart enough, or having policy or leaders who other hand, you've got extreme shortages - • temporary sort of reaction enough money, to go to school. misled. on your part that could conceivably have "Most deserters and draft dodgers took a moral where they can't get materials or left Haig with the ttannen. after being wounded during combat in 1969, received position," "I don't point the finger at the press or impression that you Lannen said. "That is why they won't come back under Ford's employes, so you've got this pulling and 1 Purple Heart and the Bronze Star for valor. He has a total anyone. But you look at it. It sort of might be favorable to a pardon? amnesty program." hauling that's too unique at this time to A. None whatsoever. [ability pension from the Veterans Administration. Lannen, explaining that his thinking about amnesty and the war started when they were giving Jack use the same labels." A former congressman ■Lannen, 312 Center St., and three other veterans, Daniel did not evolve Kennedy hell. You know, in the last days In his first speech to Congress, the ready to quit overnight, said the draft dodgers and deserters before the assassination." after one more term in the House, Gerald Efanski. Brian Guluska and Robert Liktoreki, have produced a exhibited foresight. President said he was less interested in a Ford said of the Ui< TV program in which they interview veterans and the Q. They? The press? presidency: "I just really "The point is that we withdrew our men. The A. Well, no. "honeymoon" than a "good marriage." love the job." He said he been Ceral public on the question of amnesty. general public People in political life. I getting a opinion finally concluded that the war was a mistake," he said. wouldn't say the press in that Now, after 10 weeks in office, he declared little bored on the Hill. "Now ■The program, entitled the old "Amnesty," will appear at 7:30 p.m. "If everyone would have thought like the case, but his congressional relations to be good, adrenalin is going." early draft dodgers, ■light on channel 11. then maybe we never would have been involved," Lannen added. ■Lannon said they produced the program to show how veterans After six weeks President Ford's ON VETERANS DM I Oi BiU. As? I HAVE i.OT5 amnesty program appears to ALWAYS 60 O/Ef? TO 0ill IN COM.WON WE MADE | deeply divided on the question of amnesty and to counter the be less than a success. Out of a total of 504,000 deserters from sided lobbying efforts of the American Legion and the MAULDlN'S HOUSE ANC QUAFF T/3 AT THE SAME TIME... the Vietnam era —dated from the Tonkin Gulf resolution of Aug. A FEU) ROOT BEERS f\V 4, 1964, to March 28, 1973 — only 12,500 are eligible for ' ■American Legion National Adjutant William F. Hauck amnesty. As of last week, only 1,481 deserters had applied for Tjently said President Ford's amnesty program ''violates the amnesty and of these 500 were already in custqdy. ■nciples for which millions served their country, thousands died Out of a total 6,800 draft -waders eligible for the program, ■combat (and) thousands more were wounded." only 66 have surrendered. And out of an estimated 213,000 men ■But Lannen, who represents no particular organization, said he already convicted of desertion or evasion, only 560 have applied. are you 60/n6 to hit PLEASE HEY, LOOKY HEBE! me" you're P0N7 HIT : hey, man, A BUSEEi HOUJS not 60/n6 70 me' i'm m, uhors IT 60IN\ BROTHER? hit me, what9 I Each Monday the State News publishes Committee will meet at 3 p.m. in A443 r Joe> happen1n'? , % SMALUR JOEFIRST The Mass Transit Commission will meet \ are you? ■list of scheduled local Administration Bldg. to discuss the agenda than wu • day, governmental at 7:30 p.m. in 14 Marble School, 729 N. man Jetings, including those of campus, city for the November Academic Council Hagadorn Road. lj state bodies. meeting. The traffic commission will meet at 7 (Citizens are urged to clip this list for The ASMSU Board will meet at 8 p.m. p.m. in council chambers, City Hall. rince. Please contact the managing in 328 Student Services Bldg. to include items here. The Environmental WEDNESDAY or Qualtiy and Aesthetics Task Force will meet at 7:30 The Tri • County Regional Planning TODAY p.m. in the city council conference room Commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. in its ■The Academic Council Steering at City Hall, 410 Abbott Road. office at 535 N. Clippert St., Lansing. Iw&rvrx n m rfz (kkfunn^nlrs STUDENT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE DISTINGUISHED FACULTY AWARD UNIVERSITY COLLEGE FACULTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Graduating Engineers: Students who have taken University College Courses are invited to recommend for nomination a professor, with at least five years' service, for the Distinguished Faculty Award. The nomination will If jour heart's in be made on the basis of (1) good teaching, since University College is a teaching college* (2) other San Francisco contributions to their departments and the university; (3) creative scholarship: (4) public service. Procedure Send the faculty member's name and a brief supporting letter to the chairman of the advisory Council of his or her University College department: Dr. Bernard Engle, American Thought and Language (229 Bessey Hall) Dr. Walker Hill, Office of Evaluation Services (202 S. Kedzie Hall) Dr. James Decker, Department of Humanities (G 58 Wilson Hall) Dr. Raymond Mollensen, Department of Natural Science (314 N. Kedzie Hall) Dr. Cyrus Stewart, Social Science (129 Bessey Hall) Departmental advisory councils will make nominations from student and faculty recommendation. They will submit their nominations together with letters of recommendation and other supporting documents to the University College Faculty Affairs Committee, who will then choose the professor for the Distinguished Faculty Award. Deadline for receipt of recommendations, November 4, 1974 M.S.U. School of Social Work and Continuing Education Service Present: fARENT EFFECTIVENESS Mare Island is hiring! A lecture Live in the heart of Northern California-America's most famous work and play land. Ideal, smog-free climate, short drive to the Golden Gate, the wine country, lots more! Thomas Gordon, Ph.D. Work in a challenging environment at the West Coast's oldest and best-known naval institution, with unmatched potential for professional growth, reward and founder and president of Effectiveness Training recognition. Get the facts on civilian career opportunities. Associates and author of best selling book, Contact your Placement Office. P.E.T., Parent Effectiveness Training, 'ALLEJO Campus interviews: October 30 7:00 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 31 McDonel Hall Kiva, M.S.U. Campus Admission at door - $100 Mare Island Naval Vallejo, California Further information: Bert Thomas 353 - 7237 An Equal Opportunity Employer U.S. Citizenship Recuired Michigan Sng Beach St. 17 Iowa 14, Illinois 12 Houston 27, Cincinnati 6 home game at the new arena, 4 - 3, Friday, but MSU came back accomplished the same feat when he beat Tataryn on a quick shot Alabama 41.TCU3 Oklahoma 63, Kansas State 0 to dump the Voyageurs, 4-1, Saturday: after teammate Tom Ross won a faceoff. Auburn 38, Florida St. 6 Stanford 20, Washington State 18 "He did a fantastic job both nights," Spartan coach Amo Ross added a power play goal, his third goal of the weekend, Southern Oil 31, Oregon St. 10 UCLA 28, California 3 Notre Dame 38, Miami (Fla.) 7 Pittsburgh 13, Navy 11 Bessone said. early in the final stanza and cocaptain Denny Olmstead finished Texas A & M 20, Baylor 0 Oark had a shutout going against Laurentian in Saturday's the Saturday scoring for MSU with an unassisted goal five Grambling St. 26, Jackson St. 13 Penn State 21, West Virginia 12 game until A1 Hamill knocked in a rebound shot with 9:33 left in minutes later. Vanderbilt 24, Mississippi 14 Nebraska 7, Oklahoma State 3 the final period. Tataryn came up with total of 37 Tennessee 29, Clemson 28 a saves, many of them Texas 27, Rice 6 "I didn't see it until the last second and then 1 almost caught it acrobatic, and Clark turned away 29 shots. Georgia 24, Kentucky 20 Florida 7, Duke 3 So. Carolina 31, No. Carolina 21 Laurentian never trailed during Friday's game and led, 4 - 2, with my arm," Clark said after the game about Laurentian's Maryland 20, N. C. State 10 Michigan Tech 76, Southwest St. 28 shutout - breaking goal. "It would have been nice to get that after two periods. Spartan All - American Steve Colp brought Brigham Young 37, Arizona 13 Missouri 30, Colorado 24 MSU to within one goal in the final period but that was as close Texas Tech 20, S\tU 17 shutout." Wayne State 14, Peru State 7 as the Spartans got. Miami (Ohio) 38, Toledo 22 The senior from Fredericton, New Brunswick, was MSU's starting goal tender throughout much of the season two years ago, Colp scored an apparent game - tieing goal with about 10 Pro but only saw action in four games last year because Gary Carr, a minutes remaining but tbe tally was disallowed because of an . freshman, grabbed the job. offsides call. Carr left school last spring for personal reasons and now Clark Tataryn was a key figure in the nets turning away 44 shots. Detroit 19, Green Bay 17 Houston 34, Cincinnati 21 New Orleans 14, Philadelphia 10 has taken over again. Greg Ciungan, one of the Spartans three returning defenseman, SN pliolo/Bj" Dallas 21, New York Giants 7 St. Louis 23, Washington 20 Cleveland 23, Denver 21 Laurentian gave the Spartans a battle both nights. did not see action during the weekend series because of an ankle MSU goalie Ron Clark had a shutout going aga"^ Los Angeles 20, New York Jets 13 New hngland 17, Minnesota 14 "Everybody thought we were getting a patsy, but I knew we injury. Laurentian University Saturday night at the Mui* Mianti 17, Baltimore 7 Ice Arena until the Buffalo 16, Chicago 6 Kansas City 24, San Diego 14 Oakland 35, San Francisco 24 weren't," Bessone said. "I think they have a good shot at their league championship.' Crowds of 4,227 and 4,348 watched the contests in the seat arena. Both attendance marks broke the previous high for a 6,255 about nine and a half minutes to Voyageurs tallied Ai After a disappointing performance Friday, the Spartans came Spartan hockey game at the Demonstration Hall Ice Arena. play in the „ f' period. The Spartans won the contest, 4-1, to* back with a sharper game Saturday, and would havi- njng Up a The old mark stood at 4,174. their season - opening series. Ichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 28, 1974 ' teories study IbvLENPENIX m is George Carlin s f0r success? What ■his jokes so privileged When people around began to laugh they labeled these same them feelings as humorous, and laughed also. respo Timing is important, good comedian such as Carlin and a will sense when arousal has hit its peak in the audience. & DkuVflJ 211 E.Grand River ley arc marketable for a Daniel Berlyne, professor of Most psychologists who N ext to the Sportmeister (annual income? Lnce A. Messe, asst. psychology at the University of follow Berlyne's theories on Won Tues, Fn Sat 9-6 Tsor of psychology Toronto, has the most humor also believe that the accepted theories about Wed.Thurj 9-9 Jed to unravel the secret problem must be described in a humor. Bjn's humor, which was He believes that a fantasy setting. If the problem T Pop Entertainment's Jutions to Homecoming told joke must skillfully at first arouse is presented too the surprise realistically, endings will fail to CIGARETTES E festivities. X who once presented a some emotion. A problem is described which stimulates invoke laughter. The roadrunner cartoons, Expires No*. 1, 1974 2 PK./69* {titled the "Psychology some emotion in the listener. As the arousal reaches its for instance, would not be Eait Lansing Store Only Enor," explained the peak, funny if the coyote died after Kn viewpoint that people an unexpected solution is given being thwarted by the bird. 10% OFF ON ALL KODAK FILM for the problem. It is this Because Carlin, as a ■at things which bother \ in this reference, unexpected solution to a is talking about comedian, something, it is PROCESSING & DEVELOPING situation to which the audience ir is a way of dealing can relate that solicits seen as a fantasy and NO LIMIT Lxiety. Dirty jokes, for laughter. nonthreatening. (COUPON) Expires No*. 3, 197« X. are a way that people East Lansing Store Only Kgh off their hang • ups ASMSU Travel Jp also suggested that the Kioning theory might presents ALL SINGLE ALBUMS I Carlin's like learn to success Pavlov's respond in a in dogs, GEORGE CARLIN NASSAU! J. Way to certain stimuli. people laugh when others laugh because they feel it is the right When students walked into Dec. 14 thru Dec. 21 & RECENT RELEASES the MSU Auditorium Friday Kin's case, people have thing to do. Under this theory, for Information call: night, they were feeling §d to respond with emotions never change, only some 353-0766 $089 emotion. They could have Er to his greaser - freak one's interpretation of them labeled it uneasiness, nervous Daily 353-0659 |le, city mannerisms and changes. anticipation, excitement, etc. Han's reputation. 882-0170 Eor is a very social thing, - Evenings OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE! ping to the cognitive s of emotion labeling, GILLETTE Complexion Problems? CREST NOXZEMA FOAMY J RENT A T.V. Skin Creme €PI*CL6AR Toothpaste Shave Cream I $25.00 per termi 1 7oz. CQC lOoz. O Q MUSTANG II - 1974. 2-door, WANTED OWN room In AURELIUS ROAD, 12 miles south. NEED PERSON. , MARCHAL QUARTZ iodine Own r . automatic, radial tires, tinted glass, apartment for female. Close to 3 bedroom, country home with house. $41.50 headlamp conversions with f ' 12,000 miles, $2800 641-4053. reflective range to 5000'x. campus. Winter, spring only. several acres. Available now. Campus • live mil, 5-11-1 $33 95/pair Contact Laura, c/o Jack. $225. 351 7497 or 676-1441. 5-10-29 CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN CARPARTS, 351 7623. 5 10-30 1-1M1 PHONE 355 8255 NOVA 1969, 6 351-9126 or 332-0866 cylinder. Call Link after 2605 East Kalamazoo, one mile CLOSE TQ campus. Two bedroom, EAST 201 South Magnolia, nice room. campus ttosi 236 seven. B-1 -10-28 west of campus 487 5055. two bathroom. Furnished, air. carpeted, 3 bedrooms. $180, Norm H*,^ 34 7 Student Services Bldy. C-9-10-31 351-0997 after 6. 5-11-1 DeArigtlu 35| , 337-1800. 5 10 30 Sam Dozn, 332S990 J* OLDS CUTLASS 1972. 2-door, FEMALE GRAD to share nice 2 "AUTOMOTIVE automatic, power steering, DEWITT, 6 miles north, 3 spacious male. SHARE large bedroom furnished house with - Scooters & brakes, air and tape deck. furnished, carpeted rooms, $136 Cycles includes heat and appliances, same. One mile from campus. Repossessed. Phone 484-5473, Parts & Service t 25. 5-11-1 pay electricity. 669-7961. $87.50. After 5 30, 3714353. Aviation 3 10-28 own room. OPEL 1972, automatic, rear furnished house. ♦EMPLOYMENT COUNTRY SETTING. Furnished " window defrost, new steel belted EAST LANSING one bedroom utilities. #FOR RENT tires and battery. 351-3480. furnished. Quiet residential area duplex apartment in large new 353-7230. 3-10 29 Lansing \> 5-10-30 VOLKSWAGEN COMPLETE 2 miles from campus Carpeting. all brick luxury colonial house. Apartments Located on 4 acres. 4 miles repair and body. 20% Disposal. Security locks. No pets EAST Houses LANSING gir| , PINTO 1973 - Excellent condition. DISCOUNT to students, faculty children. $185 Lease from south of campus. Horses share mobile hon*T Rooms Automatic, blue. $2200/best on all cash'n'carry VW service December 1, 1974 ■ September boarded near by. Could be kept bedroom. ♦FOR SALE offer 355-9357 3-10-28 parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS. 15, 1975. Woodside Apartments. on property. Four students deposit 351-4965. 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. 3324987 efter 5:30. 5-10-30 wanted, $100 each. 882-8779, 5-10-a Animals PINTO 1972. 48 5-204 7, 485-9229. after 4 pm. B-1-10-28 2-door, automatic, NEXUS CO OP. Two Mobile Homes 31,000 miles. Needs work. Mastercharge and Bank MASON HILLS Apartments. All pi*, Repossessed. 4 8 4-5473, Americard. C-10-31 NEED 2 girls to sublease winter immediately. $150 J ♦LOST & FOUND new. One and two bedroom term. Call n 25. 5-11-1 spacious apartments from $139. term, big house, 2 blocks from 351-0100.10-ttf ♦PERSONAL Aviation X, Includes carpeting, drapes, campus. Call 332-1676. 5-11-1 ♦PEANUTS PERSONAL PLYMOUTH 1971 318, 4 door, Hotpoint appliances, air, walk-in For Sale ♦REAL ESTATE excellent condition, must see to appreciate. Call 655-3061 after 4 FULL TIME '-COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY CA 94709 closets Located at 495 North Okemos Road, Mason. 10 NEAR CAMPUS, rooms in house. $90 plus utilities, kitchen, ♦RECREATION pm. 3-10-28 available at Miller Avaition. Minutes from MSU. Furnished partially furnished. 337-7809 GUNS, RIFLES, and Grand Ledge Airport. ♦SERVICE Model open Monday-Friday. 3-10-28 all kinds. Buy, trade Instruction Typing Service PORSCHE 1971, 914-6, 19-30mpg. 1972 Datsun pick-up with a Starcap. 26 393-7812. Uncongested air space. Relaxing atmosphere. Low 627-4337 or 627-7372. 10-11-6 ]» 12-6 pm. Saturdays, 114 pm. East Lansing Realty and FEMALE: OWN room in 2 woman Bast year -round Southern Michigan. ^ BOB'SP mpg, MODELS FOR photography. Call Development Company. house in country. 349-1927. SHOP. 2412 South c«bK ♦TRANSPORTATION 5-10-28 between 10am and 6pm. SUBLEASE. FURNISHED, nice big 6764874 3324128. Other 3-10-28 or 371-2244.0-2-1Q.28 ♦WANTED TOYOTA COROLLA 1971 Wagon. Employment ?i 489-1215.0-10-31 2 bedroom apartment, close to campus. $264 - available times call 6764291 10-11-1 COUNTRY DUPLEX on 2 acres, #CARPOOL Powder blue with blue interior. Deem bar. 351-4246.5-10-30 TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile NEW SHOP OPENING1 On; TUTOR FOR Statistics 316. SINGLE MALE companion - 15 minutes to campus, 2 am - 6 pm, closed tt • •♦RATES'* Winterized, snow tires, engine personal aide homes. $25 $35/week. 10 Couple hours/week. Fee? Jim. to young • bedrooms, basement, appliances, heater, tools and paint included. EAST SIDE Lansing, suitable for Glass, china, primitive, 355-9078. 3 10-28 wheelchair parson. Quiet, minutes to campus. Quiet and $210 plus utilities. T.J. FISHER 4245 Okemos Road, ii 26-35 mpg. $900. 351-1241 well-structured lifestyle. Part one. utilities paid. Call 372-6043 peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or Real Estate. 625-3196. 5-10-28 5-10-29 393-5521. 5-10-30 lumb( yard by the Rs FEMALE VOCALISTS needed for time worker or student with or 484-52(15.0-10-31 Blues-Rock band. Must be able crossii.g. 349-4648.5-1M light credit load. Car needed. NEED ROOMMATE. Own room. VEGA GT, 1972 - air, deluxe NEED ROOMMATE, 3 blocks from to sing harmony, rehearse Medical experience not ONE BEDROOM, pool, community $80 plus.Garage.482-3143 alter interior, defogger, radio, STEREO COMPLETE, regularly, 676-4727. 5-10-30 necessary, will train. campus. $49 plus utilities. house, balcony, central air five. 249 Elvin. Lansing. 5-10-28 , 4-speed, $1200. 349-4095 355-9954 or 351-2576. 5 10-30 turntable, 8 track Room/board large 2 bedroom, - conditioning, bar. $175/month. 5-11-1 component with 2 sptataj 10 1,50 4.00 6.50 13.00 BABYSITTER INTERESTED 2 bath apartment furnished plus East Lansing, 8824463 before L.C.C. NEAR. 3 bedroom house, $80. Tape and albums.1 FEMALE ROOMMATE to share VEGA 1974 day/evening. My hours fit yours! monthly salary. Call Larry, 4:30 p.m. 5-10-28 fireplace, garage, basement Wagon. Automatic, one bedroom apartment. Across selection of speakers. Close. 351-2492. 5-11-1 882 2266. 5-10-30 rust/proof, custom exterior. $275 plus utilities. Phone Pioneer, Kenwood an from campus. 337-2570. 3-10-30 EAST LANSING, 2 bedroom, Very dean. 489-9734 after 5 371 2400 10-10-28 stereo amplifiers. Cant LADY FOR cleaning and ironing DESK CLERK needed. Must have unfurnished. $190 plus pm. 5-10-29 TRANSFERRED MUST sublease Mamiya • Sekor, Petri-2I« one-two days I week. $2/hour. transportation and be willing to electricity, call 351-5589 after 5. one bedroom apartment. Close OWN ROOM, with house privileges. case. Movie camera 25 351-0776. 3-10-30 travel. Call 372-0567 or 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 Parking. $60. Woodland setting. Manual and electric VW CAMPER 1968, pop-top, good 489-1215 between 12 - 6pm. to campus. Call 351-9036. condition. Must sell, best offer. 5-11-1 8824818.5-10-31 Cassette recorders and - DEADLINE SALES POSITION 0-10-31 1 P.M. one class day 484-6461. 1-10-28 Arrange BE HOME EVERY NIGHT financial programs for REGISTERED NURSES. Full & APARTMENTS FOR RENT, in f EAST LANSING^ DOWNTOWN LANSING, own calculators. Leather furniture, small appliances,^ e before publication. Lansing. Two bedroom, bedroom. $60/plus utilities. Bus speed bikes, fishing rot individuals and business part time positions available on organizations. Will train for the afternoon 8i night shifts. carpeted, stove and refrigerator, 1 Bdrm near. 439-8707. 5-10-31 skates Fender Strato and Peanuts Personal ads Minimum starting salary $4.82 gas heat. 10 minutes from MSU. highly lucrative, annualized MARSH ROAD, Haslett. 2 SUPER BEETLE Volkswagen, Married couple only. 882-5892. furnished unfurnished and Precision. Gibson, ff must be commission sales. Prior sales per hour plus experience credit. or pre-paid. 1971. Excellent condition, call 5-11-1 bedroom duplex. Fireplace with Flood spot light. Sunn,' experience desirable. Call Excellent fringe benefits. Please immediate occupancy for a real good deal 489-9638. gas heat, furnished, $190/month West and Fender amplifiers. Josephine Starkweather, contact office of Employment. Cancellations/ Corrections NEEDED GIRL for beautiful 2 girl. plus utilities, no pets. Working Killer Miller sound g* 694-3935. Investors Diversified Lansing General Hospital, 2800 couple preferred, 339-8968. 12 noon one class day Services. 10-1108 Devonshire, Lansing. Please call 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, across from 5150°" 3-10-29 more fine axes. Saxopfc before publications. Motorcycles are 372-8220, extension 268. An from campus. $120 Andrea, 332-2515. 3-10-30 per person. coronets, on violins and cello. ' down and browse DICK, UNLIMITED SALES Equal Opportunity Employer. FURNISHED 3 Room cottage, plus electricity, AND DEAL SEC0NDHA" The State News will be THE NEW Harley 250 is now in OPPORTUNITY 25-10-31 $135/month - on lease. Student IF you're better man than the job ROOMMATE NEEDED to share 2- carpeted, A/C, STORE. 1701 South " stock. Special Fall introductory a couple preferred. 332-8913. 487-3886. Monday and fi* responsible only for the you're now in, we'd like to talk SECRETARIAL POSITION. 25-35 man apartment, very close to pool, no pets price just $1095. HARLEY 3-10-29 351-3367.5-11-1 til 9 pm, Tuesday, Wedr; first day's incorrect DAVIDSON OF LANSING, to you. Commissions. Call hours/week. Good typing skills. campus. Thursday and Saturday insertion. 5507 Lansing Road, Charlotte. Josephine Starkweather at Shorthand necessary. Send GIRL NEEDED to share house, EAST 218 North Hosmer, 1 Bank Americard and 645-2222. 5-10-30 694-3935. Investors Diversified resume P.O. Box 208, Okemos. - phone: DAYS $60 per month. 3494569 after Bills are due 7 days from Services. 10-11-8 48864. 5-10-29 bedroom, $130 includes all 351 7910 Charge. C-4-10-31 6:30. 3-10-29 utilities. Call Equity-Vest, not paid by the due date, a KAWASAKI 1970, 350 cc. New EVENINGS MID MICHIGAN'S largest HALF TIME 351-8150, 645-7338, no fee. - experienced Q'tatat ]($] 1 OR 2 PEOPLE to share beautiful - tires, new light. Excellent 5-11-1 351 1925 retailer with the finest to" condition. 339-9459. 5-10-30 secretary for afternoons. Fast, house, $50/each. 484-5055. products and electronic r accurate, scientific typing. Call 5-10-31 TV and STEREO Rentals. FEMALE - OWN room, Okemos. Shop the i SUZUKI 1971 - 500 cc. 2200 miles. 353-3846 mornings. 2-10-29 $25/term. $10.95/month. Free Good deal. Call 349-2598. after stereo ansv $700. Very good condition. FRANDOR, NEAR. Furnished, HOUSES OR rooms for rant. Off Same Day Delivery and Service. 5 pm. 5-10-30 MUSIC. 245 Ann * 655-3151.5-10-30 PERSON WHO likes children to two room. Carpeted. Utilities Michigan Avenue. Call Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-10-31 C-1-10-28 care for 2 preschoolers and do FEMALE NEEDED, beautiful paid, parking. 489-2909. 5-10-28 4824616. 1-10-28 ATTENITON MSU Students and HONDA CB450. Excellent housekeeping. References and Americana apartment. Now or ONE LARGE room for storage of NEAR LCC ■ students, 5 bedrooms, KASTLE CPM TI'S 2O0cm,_ faculty members. Rent a car condition, 5,500 miles, olive. transportation required. Full winter. 351-7920. 5-10-31 PLEASANT GROVE near Jolly. small items. Call 4844120. furnished, reasonable. 3514140 Nevada Grand Prix from JACK DYKSTRA FORD $695. 351-3231.5-10-30 time, permanent position. New one and two bedroom. Okemos 5-10-31 THREE ROOM apartment, or 655-2603. x4-10*31 Tyrolia anti- friction SI* at reduced rates as low as $7 a - 349-3827. Call after 5 Appliances, carpet, air LEATHER JACKETS for dress and weekend. 3-10-29 accessible to MSU. $110/month Negotiable Je". 353-■ day and 5cents a mile. Phone or conditioning, laundry. Balcony C-3-11-1 393-1800. 5-10-29 sport. buy. Check with us before you 10% OFF all leathers, CAKE DECORATOR - Apartments j[^j plus deposit. Utilities included. 489-2156 after four., X5-10-29 or patio, $139-$169. See Assistant Manager, Apartment 2, Rooms > OPEN 9-5:30 daily C BLAZER CST 1972 4 wheel drive. helmets and accessories. SHEP'S Experienced, full time, part 3620 Richmond. Call 676-1270; For more information, Nancy, MOTOR SPORTS, INC. Holt, time. Apply 4500 West Saginaw, HUGE 2 bedroom, dining EAST LANSING, % month rent 393-6998. 10-114 FURNISHED ROOMS. Kitchen Saturday. OPTII 353-9710, extension 248. 694-6621. C4-10-31 between 7 am - 3 pm. 5-10-31 room, fireplace, garage, furnished. free, luxury unfurnished 1 privileges. Parking. Walking DISCOUNT, 2615 Monday Friday, 8-5 pm. $215, including utilities. 332-3161. bedroom, 10 month lease. No FURNISHED EFFICIENCY, mile distance to MSU. EQUITY Michigan, Lansing. 3ft 5-10-28 4-10-31 4-10-30 NORTON - DUCATI MOTO SALES HELP, 11 pm - 7 am. Apply pets. $175-129 Highland. from campus, on bus route, VEST, 351-8150. 5-10-31 GUZZI. New models on display. 4500 West Saginaw. Must be 22. 332-0976. 15-11-13 $150 utilities included, BMW 2002, 1973. Fuel injected, Repairs and service for Honda 5-10-31 HOME OWNERS' and renters' 337-0878 evenings. 5-10-28 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, 2 ATLAS SNOW tires, t' very smooth car, blue metallic, and Triumph. G.T. MOTORS, insurance. Only you can save NEAR MSU & Frandor. Beautiful 1 furnished room in house. Quiet, $40. Used one winter * sunroof, and extras. 25 mpg, low 816 East Howe, Lansing. $$$. It pays to shop around. Call bedroom, unfurnished, carpeting next to Scotts Woods. 3% miles after 5 pm. 3-10-30 mileage. After 4 pm, 676-4736. 485-6815. 0-5-10-31 STUDENTS- POSITIONS now us. You may be surpirsed. drapes, air conditioning, Houses from MSU. 485-9270. 5-10-28 open. Part time. Dependable. 3-10-30 484-8173. B-2-10-28 laundry, parking. No pets. GIBSON ES330 guitar fa Responsible. Benefits after one MAKE THE selling easy I Advertise 332-1703. 3 10-28 EAST SIDE - 3 bedrooms. 154 BMW 1973. Wixsom Fairing, 600cc year. Apply 1431 East Michigan, Unfurnished, carpeted, household goods for sale with Call Jim, 35 1 2729.51*® BRONCO 1973, 4 wheel drive, black. Still under warranty. NEED ONE girl winter term. bath. DOG AND SUDS. Ask for Karen action Want Ads. Dial 355-8255. 10,000 miles, good shape. Make 372-4534. 5-10-28 Americana Apartments. DELUXE, FURNISHED, 1 dishwasher. Lease through June. or Cindy. 14-11-5 LUDWIG DRUMS, 5 offer. See at 5360 Park Lake 3324161.5-10-31 bedroom apartment, near 484-0330. 5-10-29 SINGLE ROOM for gentleman,fine cases with 4 cymbols.t- Road, East Lansing. 332-1737. ORGANIST. SUBURBAN campus. 332-3135 or 882-6549. condition, $525 3® INSURANCE LOWEST rates on MATURE PERSON share large location, '$15/week. Parking. X5-10-31 Lutheran Church. 4 miles from ONE MAN needed for 2 man 5-10-29 cycle and auto. Call us first or 482 8304. 3-10-28 5-10-29 apartment. Own bedroom, nicely furnished 2 bedroom last, but call. Easy payment campus. One Sunday off per house with doctoral student. CHEVY BISCAYNE, 1967. Must carpet, air, utilities, pool, EAST LANSING - adjacent to month. 349-0620 or 349-9609. sell. $250 or best offer. Linda, Plan. UNION $80/month. Call Tom or Bill, Brody, Cedar Greens East Lansing. Garage, A|P|A|6|EI 337-0195, evenings. 3-10-28 UNDERWRITERS. 39^8100 or 485-4317.0-10-31 5-11-1 337-2508. 3-10-29 Apartments. One bedroom, washer/dryer. 3514791.3-10-29 Mornings, CROSSWORD RlCjl&iEiLl furnished, 351-8631. 5-10-29 COUGA MALE CHILD care worker, live-in PUZZLE I XR7, 1970. Luxury, children's cottage. Experience in LARGE 2 man, 2 bedroom convertible, excellent condition, 332-6531. Ask for Steph. 5-11-1 I AhIo Service / child care work. Should have apartment. minutes Furnished, IS from NICE LOCATION deluxe - apartment. one bedroom $139. /C CHECK OUR 1. Fur ACROSS 27. Listening psychology and sociology $150/month. campus, 676-4398, Manager's office, 5898 Marsh. ^REPAIR PRICES'* 6. Sirup device MASON BODY SHOP 812 East background. Contact William 11. Run in 28. CUTLASS S 1973, (3 to choose evenings. 6-11-1 Apartment 1, 339-9161. 5-10-29 Study Kalamazoo Street since 1940. Weitzel, VFW National Home, 13. from, green, blue and black,) 20% DISCOUNT TO Siphon 29. Size of shot Complete auto 663-1521. Extension 147. DELUXE4 BEDROOM in Okafnos, 14. fully equipped including factory painting and 731 BURCHAM, bedroom, Arrogance 31. Marbles collision service. 485-0256 5-11-1- one includes 2 full baths, air STUDENTS & 16. Persia air, 487-6565. x3-10-29 completely furnished, 33. Attention C-10-31 close/campus, $216. 351-7212. conditioning, car port. FACULTY ON 17. Friends 34. Honey SALES MANAGER - need student Nochildren or pets. $250. Phone CASH / CARRY 18. Parson bird 36. CUTLASS STATION WAGON experienced in sales to represent 5-10-31 VW Border One owner, $1800. 332-0111 or evenings and 20. Medieval 37. Paris airport 1971. us at MSU. Potential for high, weekends « 332-3202. 10-11-5 SERVICE PARTS 699-2718, after 4 pm. 5-10-29 CEDAR VILLAGE girl needed. money 38. Earthen pot high part time earnings. Writer 21. Slower in $80, immediate occupancy. 40. Sea food University Products, Box 1653, EAST LANSING, Luxury one music CUTLASS S, 1972. Stereo tape. air. 349-2907 after 3:30. 5-10-31 42.Loyal Grand Rapids. 5-11-1 bedroom. Unfurnished. No pets. radial tires, rustproofed. Best 22. Squalid 44 1. Arid expanse Negotiable lease. $200 includes 24. Arsenic offer. 882-8467. 5-10-28 INHALATION THERAPIST - NEEDED: TWO girls for four heat. 129 Highland. 332-0976. r r -—,— symbol cative 2. D'Artagnan's woman. Call 3324429 after 25. Fictional Ben 45. Liquid rubber friend immediate part time opening for 15-11-6 6:30 pm. 2-10-28 9 26. Ballad DATSUN 610, 1973, 9,000 miles. an experienced inhalation • AUTO PARTS 46. Excels 3. Noise about therapist, night shift. Apply TWO BEDROOM furnished. 500 E. Kalamazoo at C«dar [3 ■ PINE LAKE personnel department, St. $210/month. Block from APARTMENTS - HASLETT Lawrence Hospital. Equal FORD GALAXIE 500,1964. Good condition, runs well. 69,000 Opportunity Employer. 2-10-29 10 MINUTES from MSU. Inexpensive living in a quiet campus. Available immediately. 332-0441. 10-10-29 Volkswagon complete service. Repair & parts for most repair % miles. $100. 351-5529. 3-10-28 KEYBOARD/ VOCALIST" area. Located at 6076 Marsh Road just north of Lake Laming EUREKA 1024 UPSTAIRS, Furnished. One bedroom, share foreign and American cars. Body shop & paint services. 1! i wanted for Lanting-bated HONDA COUPE 1971. Excellent Road. 1 bedroom apartments utilities. $125. 351-7497. Exchange engines & transaxles. cart commercial rock band. condition, 40 mpg. Two new with shag carpeting, disposal, 0-10-31 Organ/piano at minimum. Call Free wrecker service with radial tires, AM-FM stereo LOCATED AT THE John Rachel (351-6691) or Tom appliances, and air conditioning. CORNER OF JOLLY cassette tape deck, $1300 $150 per month, furnished ORCHARD COURT, 1 and 2 repairs local & OKEMOS RO LeBlanc (482-8715) for available at $185. Excellent for - areas. City negotiable. Phone 353-1857. bedroom townhouee apartments. bus service to front B-1-10-28 349 - 3196 6DAY A WEEK TOWING OPEN 6 DAYS -iHLtervwjyft-M PHONE GIRLS to answar phone students will consider month lease. Call Manager at nine $138-$175. Immediate. Many extras. South Pennsylvania- door. our 1 MERCURY 1971 7 AM - 9 PM BUT SUNDAY and learn pizza making skills. 339-8102 or EAST LANSING Cedar area Easy freeway to We buy and sell VW's Monterey Hardtop, $1500. Perfect. Apply DOMINO'S, 966 REALTY, 3324128. 10-11-7 campus. GONNIS COMPANY, Original owner. 489-0021. Evenings. 5-10-30 U- REPAIR AUTO Service Center offers you tools, equipment, and Trowbridge, East Lansing. __5-1(^28 PART TIME HELP FEMALE apartment. TO share two Own room. woman 489-5315. 10- 9-28 420 CHESTNUT, SOUTH. Three 4852047 8 ■ 6 485-9229 Monday - Friday, % r- MG MIDGET 1971, burnt orange, insturctions to do your auto 9 - 2 Saturday IF you have 361-2014 evenings.6-10-31 rooms, bath, carpet, appliances. a car and can work a 39,000 miles; Michelin radials, repairs. 5311 South First floor. Downtown Lansing. minimum of 20 hours per week, CEDAR VILLAGE. Girl needed, excellent condition, $1600. Call 351-5244. 5-11-1 Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10-8, six days. 20-11-20 call 484-7368 between 10 «n-1 pm. 20-11-12 winter term only, $78. Karen, 351-0144. 5-10-28 $136 plus utilities. 484-7253. 6-10-28 Mi n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 28, 1974 IJ ' ** J® By , MARKET. Open and Saturday. 10«n-6 BICYCLE. GOOD condition, 146. 366-7062 after 3 pm. (on campus) 3-10-29 "-SS Ln If you've FIND SOMETHING MHi'ue found fminH a > ,,<* » pat -< or article of SKIERS SKIERS UTAH UTAH package Christmas and spring. Call your - $299, Kelley calls Levin ad 'misleading' p039 West Grand BWw value, we want to help you- East Lansing Ski Center - DETROIT The radio ad for Sander M. 1) wiHiam«ton. Mtch(fltn. return It Jutt come to the State (UPI) - The attorney general's being personally responsible K space STEREO EQUIPMENT, HITACHI, TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. Democratic state Atty. Gen. Levin, Democratic candidate awaitaWi. Royal, Garrard, Kenwood New* C testified Department and 351-8800.0-4-10-31 Frank Kelley said "demagogic stunt" quote came for Michigan's crime rate. and tell us you want to place an ad Saturday for governor, says that "with when Wahls criticized Kelley's ■ rectilinear III Fisher components.. 351.5537. that a Kelley declined to explain in EAST LANSING STATE HAYRIDES DRAWN by horsas. campaign ad blaming crime up more than 100 per job in fighting crime. Igrs One United audio duo 3-10-29 BANK'S Found Column. As Republican Gov. Milliken for cent in the last five years, why the Levin ad was V turntable bale and duit a public service EAST Make reservations now. Kelley responded that no 'misleading. One 2440 Marantz 4 LANSING 676-5028. 5-10-28 rising crime in Michigan is "a Michigan has seen the best one official could be held When _nei adapter amplifier. Call ) Gibson's V STATE BANK will run the ad at no cost to you I little In misleading." debate taped earlier Milliken can do." responsible for the crime rise response asked to of Levin's his "demagogic E977, after 4. 5-10-31 ^ Book ^ EAST LANSING with a "A lot of times you can put and Wahls shot back that Levin stunt" statement, Kelley said: Myron Wahls, the a different interpretation on ads were holdngGov. Milliken "I imagine when he got up STATE BANK Republican candidate for things, but I would not be a Seller C-10-31^ EDITING - PROOFREADING. attorney general, Kelley said responsible. in the morning and saw it, I party to saying Milliken was "When you blame me, as an imagine he did not think that FOUND: PAIR of men's gloves. 19 Dissertations, theses, reseerch that blaming Milliken for 1000$ projects, manuscripts. Anne rising responsible for the rise in crime individual, for the rise in crime, was Frank Kelley's finest hour. Chittenden, October 24. Apply crime is a "cheap demagogic in Michigan," Kelley said in a J1 Speaker! with equalizer, Criminal Justice Receptionist. Caulay, 337-1591. 5-11-1 that's like trying to blame a He understood the logic of it. old. Must tall. $360 or stunt." news conference Saturday. if 517-546-3844. of old text C-3-10-30 dentist for tooth decay," He is a lawyer and he TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, understands it." Kelley said in a heated books FOUND: BLACK/Camel kitty. oiled, and adjusted. Portables exchange with Wahls. Milliken campaign chairman $7.50, manuals, $10, electric Trained. Vicinity - East Lansing James Barnes said Friday that JoniC ■pr and 8 track tape dack recordar, fast 25< to sl°° High School. 3 3 2-8 7 38. $12.50. One day service, free pick up and delivery. 25 years "If anyone accuses any one Kelley "has helped confirm C-3-10-30 public official for being Trd, $85 355-2431.5-10-30 PAPERBACKS experience 393-9774. 9-10-31 responsible for the rise in crime that Sander Levin is engaged in FOUND: in ' America, it's a cheap, deceptive advertising." CONTACT Lenses FOR THE BEST Service on stereo The debate )l 3300 STEREO receiver. 2 for 25c outside Morrill Hall. Must be demagogic stunt," Kelley told was taped on Jul QS500 Quad rear amp, able to identify. 361-7078 eqipment see the STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East Grand Rivair. Announcements for It's What's Wahls. WKAR - TV, a public K0 ST4 turntable, Rectlinear We Professor lpeak.rs. Sony TC366 reel • buy books C-3-10-29 C-10-31 Happening must be received in the State News office, 341 Student Thorpe from University of Indiana Law School On Saturday Kelley said his broadcasting station on the Michigan State University will speak to the MSU Pre - Law reel tape deck. Car, 8 track 111 Evergreen FOUND: Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least Assn. at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the statement did not actually campus in East Lansing. It will I cassette systems, tapes, PRESCRIPTION PHOTOGRAPHY ALL varieties, two class days before refer to Levin because Levin behind Gibsons - publication. be aired at 9 p.m. Snyder Thursday \ TV's, typewriters, sunglasses, chrome frames in finest quality, reasonably priced. No announcements will be - Phillips Hall cafeteria. All on ms Bookstore 109 accepted interested persons are invited. has never accused Milliken of WKAR. l5 WE MAKE TRADESI Anthony, October 21st. BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY, by phone. more quality stereo 361-9176. C-3-10-29 482-5712. C-10-31 Free U is offering classes in yoga BELOW COST sale of pver stocked Anyone with ideas for radio or Ju,pment. WILCOX Tuesday and Thursday: bicycle ■CONDHAND STORE, (509 1, Michigan, Lansing,) 14391 C-6 10-31 speakers, amplifiers. 116 South cabinets, West Larch. horns, Laboratories, 487-3568. LOST: DOUBLE key ring with approximately 10 keys. Call 351-8732.4-10-29 DISSERTATIONS GR APHICS-maps, graphs, charts. Professionally produced. television programs which student - produced is invited to contact the MSU Broadcasters at our office on the third floor of may be the repair Tuesday. Tai Chi Chaun Tuesday; edible wild plants Tuesday, and massage Wednesday. For more information call the Free Campaign reform sought 10-10-29, Reasonable Union. (continued from page 1) N. rates. 337-1239. U office in the Union. Capitol Ave., to introduce |nTZ condition. 1060 integrated amp. 60 watts, DINING TABLE, drop leaf, blond REWARD FOR leading to return of information 10-11-4 Tourism Club meeting at 7:30 also take that course in the content of its proposals, I small, longhaired silky Terrier All students interested in the January when our proposals explain goals and elicit jo" 353-2057. 3-10-29 wood, 3 leaves. 6 chairs, $75. 5 Bonnie. named CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY p.m. Tuesday in lis Eppley Center. All interested persons are spring 1975 humanities social are finalized." feedback. drawer chest, $20.00. Call Brown and Gray. at science program in London, it's best welcome. Come help us make or in ■OAD TIES, $5.50 - $7.00. 337-9278 or 363-7173. x3-10-28 372-0026, 205 Leslie, Lansing. statewide. TERRY plans the summer 1975 social science Legislation similar to the LUKE for this year's activities. 3-10-28 PHOTOGRAPHY, Common Cause proposals have § new, pick your own, call 313-532-9325. C-10-31 program in London, are invited to *RS0N WOOD CHIPS, IMMEDIATE 3 SPEED bike sale. Pre - Vet students: the Pre - Vet attend the meeting at 7 tonight in been enacted in other states. Eligibility 12555. Delivery Extra. International make. Man's 21 FOUND: FULL sat of keys on Club will hold its second C3 Wilson Hall. California's campaign laws, the inch and Lady's 19H inch. $45 leather tab. Call after 4 pm. meeting of B-31 fall term at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in most stringent in the nation, each. INTERNATIONAL Actual $69.50. , 353-6167. C-3-10-28 |_ Instructions [l*j 326 Members Natural of Sciences the Bldg. selection The Alpha Phi American Omega Red are Cross having and a were initiated by a citizens | AU7500 2x40 RMS. 3 committee blood drive from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. petition drive and approved by (continued from page 1) MARKETING SERVICE, 3308 LOST: BROWN suede gloves will be present to old $360 new. $250 BOARD EXAM TUTORING Monday through 71 per cent of the voters in $ answer questions. Wednesday in education programs. South Cedar, Suite 11, Lansing. in/near Library Wednesday night lotiable 482-1883. Steve. Ask for Joe Watkins. 5-10-30 STANLEY H. KAPLAN Shaw Hall lower lounge. Stop and June 1974. The commission said the (23rd). Please call 361-1755. TUTORING COURSES help give life to your fellow man. MSUEA General meeting at "We tried to take the best 3-10-29 - boards of the University of Now, being formed for the 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, members only, Dreams and a philosophy of life: from many states' campaign ■J0R BRANDS of stereo FISHER - QUICK, Koflach size 8 upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, 8:15 all C - Ts. Take an interest in Michigan, MSU and Wayne come and discuss dreams with a reform laws and proposals," State University should be boot, Tyrolia bindings. Six pair ATGSB, GRE, Board Exams. the progress and activities of your ...jot, 20%-60% discount, | pay retail? Send it Rocky Mountain Stereo $1 for car 610-30 carrier. $150. 484-8964 Personal ,{/] For information 1-313-354-0085.0-2-10-28 call Michigan Straight couple of discussion of Jung's Public welcome. Jungian analysts, autobiography. Sue Common Rennels, Michigan Cause chairperson, appointed rather than elected because it would "insure 1245 Humboldt, University said. "If we succeed in getting greater representation of all APARTMENT HUNTING? Lets ain't as straight as it used to be. SUPER STEREO! Excellent GUITAR ' Free U is looking for people jr, 80218.10-11-5 join forces. If male grad/senior. LESSONS. Experienced Come out. Gay Liberation them implemented, they will sectors of our society." condition. Kenwood 7002; Dual meeting interested in learning to use a slide Call Dan, 353-8215. 3-10-28 performer and teacher, in your and discussion groups, 8:30 p.m. be the most stringent in the In addition, it said the 1219 Deluxe. Shure V15 III, home or mine. Call rule. Call the Free U office for Ed, Wednesdays, 33 Union. |es ROAD Second - Hand Rectilinear III Lowboys; 332-6479. 2-10-28 mare information. country by 1974 standards." constitution should no longer e, 2323 West Holmes Road. Microacoustic Tweeters. $875. MUSICIANS - DON'T miss itl Phil Meet the A town meeting sponsored require that the presidents of candidates night. B-3022 30-12-3 After 6. 351-1070. 5-10-29 Jost will be demonstrating the Representatives H. Lynn Jondahl The Free U is offering a seminar by Common Cause will be held the big three universities serve i Hart competition, 400 RALEIGH QUALITY bicycles incredible piano-Clavichord-st ring ELKA [^Typing Service and Earl Nelson will be there as well as county commissioner Pam on cybernetics and culture, by Dr. Clyde Morris from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesdays in the taught Union at 8 p.m. tonight in Lansing's Central Methodist Church, 215 as the presiding officer of their respective boards. man 505 bindings. Used one synthesizer. Tuesday at 1:00 at EXPERIENCED IBM Stern. Open to all from 7:30 to 10 - 10, 5. 3 speeds. Special Prices. typing. cafeteria. $125. Negotiable. MARSHALL MUSIC. This unit Dissertations (pica - elite). tonight at Pine Forest Apartments Limited time. Call now! 0050. 5-10-31 has the best string sound of any Village House (Harrison Road and "Have a hot dog with Phil Hart," 484 0362. FAYANN 489-0358. C-10-31 GENE'S BICYCLE unit in its price range, plus it has Saginaw Street). between 5 and 7 p.m. Tuesday - SINGERS NEEDED FOR SHOP. 702 West Barnes Avenue. ||NET bundy, 2 years old. 5-10-29 split keyboard, bass peddles EXPERIENCED. TYPING, term What do doctors know about gay 25 cents a beer or a hotdog. St. n condition with 1 music stand, $95. 372-5685. case option, separate peddle control of string section, versetile piano papers, accurate theses, etc. Rapid, service. 394-2512. people^ Help questionnaire to find out. us put together a Johns Student Center, 327 M.A.C. Ave. For the Jondahl and Nelson campaigns. CARMEN Animals and clavichord sounds, and c-4-10-31 GLM/PSY 339, 8 p.m. Tuesday, separate decay controls. Hear it 309 Student Services Bldg. OPERA CHORUS REHEARSALS BEGIN Nine million women were burned OBX 117, 119, 162, demonstrated, try it yourself! Bro acoustics QDC 1 E'S, COCKER PUPPIES, female, AKC, 1:00 Tuesday at MARSHALL IF YOU'RE one of the best, tell the Come to a Bible study at 7 as witches during the Middle Ages. Tuesday, October 29, 7:30 p.m. shots. Blonde, 7 weeks. $125. public about your service or In their memory. Lansing area IMF'S tonight in conference room B of tPI 400's Tanburg 394-1762. 5-10-28 MUSIC, 245 Ann Street. business with an ad on the McDonel Hall. We MSU Campus (music practice building) are studying the |0X, Advent 201, Dual, in C-2-10-29 Yellow Page each Thursday, Call Christian lifestyle as displayed in lesbian "Witch Dance." from 5 >r immediate delivery at the to 9 p.m. Saturday. For more under direction of. Dr. Robert Harris FREE KITTENS, 12 weeks old. Michelle, 355-8255. Gospel of John. All are HI-FI, 337-9710. 7-11-4 INSULIN U-40 $1.10; U-80 $2.09; welcome! information, call the former 337-1693. Ask for Diane or Women's Center. U-100 $2.60. Atka-Seltzer 36 JUDITH CARMAN: Experienced perform with Metropolitan Opera soloists Patty. 5-10-30 way stereo speakers, count $1.05. GULLIVER dissertation typist. Papers, Any students interested in Israeli dancing meets from B2.95/pair. Cedar chest, STATE DRUG, 1105 East theses, dissertations, general. helping re - elect Gov. Milliken HORSES BOARDED. $40/month. 7:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesday in 126 ■ 50.482-4156. 4-10-31 Grand Rivar. 332-5171. please contact Mark McKelvey in 393-4672.20-11-18 Women's Intramural Bldg. Bring Includes box stalls, hay and 335 Abbot Hall as soon as possible. 0-1-10-28 your ID. Newcomers welcome. ■AGE grain daily. Outdoor riding ring SALE All Saints IRENE ORR - and trails. Excellent care. Four - Theses, term The first meeting of Women Rabbi Yitzchaq Kagan, Jcopal Church, 800 Abbot, of (touts Personal papers, general typing. Formerly Against Rape this year will be held ■day, October 28, 6-9 pm. lay, October 29, 9-noon. miles south 882-8779, after 4 pm. campus. B-1-10-28 $ with Ann Brown. 482-7487. to discuss policies and programs. All interested women are invited to Lubavitcher Chasid, meets with students from 7:30 to 9 p.m. each C-10-31 LEASE A HORSE. I feed him, you HAS THE Wonders Redhead come LOVING HOMES attend at 6:30 tonight in 34 Uniqn. Monday at Hillel. All are welcome. PITCHER back for another year? Don. are not hard to There will be a meeting at 8 ride him and give him tender The Star Trek # Club will ps 5 drum set, 1 year old. 1-10-28 find! Advertise "PETS FOR tonight in G32 Hubbard Hall for condition. Must sell! loving care. 882-8779, after 4 $40/month. pm. B-1-10-28 SALE" with Want Ads and seel distribute the first issue of our fanzine at our meeting at 7:30 p.m. any Jewish students interested in NIGHT! §3781 5-11-1 Dial 355-8255. Wednesday in Yakeley Hall getting together. For more information contact Sandra N LEAGUE Women's Guild HALF ARABIAN three year old Real Estate m PURPLE VICKI cafeteria. Hindlemann. Fast, accurate, CHEAP BEER - mere. Green broke, $150. a rummage sale Thursday, inexpensive typing. Very near Michigan School for the Deaf fcber 31 Saturday, November 882-8779, after 4 pm. B-1-10-28 3 Y volunteers will have Food & OWNER, immediate campus. 337-7260. C-10-31 an important 1227 E. Grand River it the Lejon Building, 1801 WEST HIGHLAND white terrier • occupancy, 3 bedroom ranch, planning meeting at 7 tonight in 6 Student Services Bldg. 6 p.m. - 1 a.m. Street, Lansing. excellent condition, near Marble TYPING - TERM papers, theses. Open 11 a.m. puppies. 7 weeks old. Call School, priced to sell! 339-9686. Experienced. Electric, pica type. Justin Morrill College students 663-8762. 5-11-1 5-10-28 Phone 394-2512. C-10-31 wishing to run for University frocomp (EML) and ARP OLD ENGLISH sheepdog puppies, standing committees or Justin I Hirers, quad sequencers. Stereo mixers. GILL' AKC, 12 393-6545. 3-10-30 weeks old. $150. HOUSE FOR sale 5 bedroom, - Jerome Street, COMPLETE Discount THESES - Printing. IBM Typing Service Morrill assembly should sign up Tuesday at 9 Snyder Hall. Also: PIZZA SPECIALS ictronics, 116 South living room, dining and binding of dissertations and ich, room, kitchen, 2 full baths, full The MSU Block and Bridle Club Lansing. Phone publications. Across from basement, gas heat, $12,900, on will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 1*3558.10-1 1-8 Mobile Homes land contract. Call O'LEARY campus corner Grand M.A.C. and 110 Anthony Hall. 12" 2 item pizza plus River. Below' Jones > PA„ 250 watts. 6 Bttis old. $1375 new, sell for ROLLOHOME 12x60, King REAL ESTATE, Evenings. 337-2550.3-10-29 489-1717. Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - Friday. Call COPYGRAPH group Join us for a relational at United Ministries in Higher theology 48 oz. PITCHER $4°° *13 7544. 5-11-1 Arthur's Court. $3300. SERVICES, 337-1666. C-10-31 Education at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at 366-2251 or 332-6329 after 6 1118 S. Harrison Road. This is a RENTAL VACANCY? Your ■S. CIDER, PUMPKINS! pm. x-20-11-8 ANN BROWN typing and multilith subject group for people to share 16" 2 item pizza plus message gets to people with offset printing. Complete service their lives and problems together in ^SOM ORCHARDS, 7 miles 29 P of Mason I's W, on closed Hull Road. Mondays. TRAVELO, 8x35. Furnished, low-cost 355-8255 Want now to Ads. Call place your ad. for dissertations, theses, manuscripts, general typing. the light of theological and spiritual meanings. Call for a ride or more information. 4S oz. PITCHER ® IBM. 25 ^ 8251 0-10-31 carpeted. Close to MSU. Perfect OKEMOS NEAR MSU. Lovely all 349-0850. C-10-31 years experience. for couple. $1300. 337-9209. - Southern Africa Liberation Bgibson LesPaul, Gibson 6-10-28 brick ranch on large lot featuring Committee will meet at 7:30 Live Folk Entertainment •0 and l6 guitars, Fender 3 bedrooms, 114 baths, family TYPING TERM Papers and theses. Mon. - Sat. 9 - 1 tonight in the Peace Center in ■ Gibson base guitars. Much room with fireplace and 2 car Experienced, fast service. IBM United Ministries, 1118 S.Harrison of GRAYWOOD, 1973. Yes, financing is electric. Call 349-1904. 18-10-31 Road. Everyone welcome. everything musical. garage. JLC0X SECONDHAND Semi-furnished, will sell for bank availablel Call MARYSIA ■re, 485-4391. c-6-10-31 balance. 487-6718. 5-10-29 TOBIN 351-0237, or 337-9791. Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity THESES, RESUMES, typing and invites all women to Little Sisters SIMON REAL ESTATE, East printing. Reasonable prices. open houses at 8 p.m. Tuesday and DRUM set, used, will sell WILLING TO stand out in the Lansing. B-1-10-28 COMMERCIAL PRINTING, Wednesday. Call Craig Ludin or 361 Zildian Cymbol. Call after 10 pm. Dale crowd? Then cheek outstanding autos in the today's 351-4116. C-10-31 house for rides. BOOKER GAULDEN Last day for ASMSU application (ns, x5-10-30 Classified Ads. TYPING 50c per page, large type, for cabinet directors - great issues, portable. 371-4635. C-10-31 legislative relations, labor relations For //oic EAST LANSING to form your own car pool As a public service at TUTOR, MATH III, couple hours ; Car Pool ^ DISTRICT no charge, the State News will provide a free classified help week. Can pay. 355-1156 a "ertisement for those people who would like to set up or join a car pool. 2-10-30 MSU FAN, needs tickets for Ohio j Share Driving ^ JUDGE Driving? State game. Will pay reasonable FROM JOLLY/Waverly to Fee price. Call collect, area code Hall. Leaving 7:30 am, returning BOOKER GAULDEN wants to be East From. 1-419-385-4641. 10-11-8 Lansing's first 5 pm. 355-0296. 8-5 days elected District Court |udge 3-10-29 Leaving_ _ a m" Returning _ WANTED: 3 coupons to MSU/Ohio , He will work for the following: p.m. State game. Call 353-0923 after Phone Time? FROM MILLER I Logan to MSU. e A District Court based on justice, not judicial _ 5 pm. 3-10-30 Leaving 7:30 am, returning 5:30 economy. | Parti The cipa^6 N6W$ n0t accept resP°nsib',itV for arrangements or conduct of SILVER silver, ■ TOP prices paid for bulk silver dollars and coin pm (times flexible) 394-0233 after 6 pm. 3-10-30 • Evaluation of effective council, whether the attor¬ ney be appointed or retained, to ensure the rights informati°n requested below must be supplied in order for ad to appear. collections. 484-2751. 3-10-29 of the individual are upheld. Pull Name WANTEa 4 general admission Riding • Initiate community organization involvement into _ tickets to MSU/Ohio State game the judicial process and use their expertise to Address Call 355-8665. 3-10-28 NEED RIDE to Flint guide the court and the individual. __ Wednesdays, leaving around 3 • Adoption of a Fair-Leasing Program City MODELS for haircuts, styled by pm. Call 1-313-233-4327. • Make the court schedule and process amenable prominent Toronto hairstylists 3-10-29 Needed for November 3. Call admission $1.50 to the people's schedule. '5' ITiiifH CIMW0" ™V l» brought In or muted to: C» Pool ClaniMl. 347 studaot VILLAGE HAIR SHOPPE, FROM BOGUE Street, East WITH COUPON $1.2 2- £■ No PW calls .ccwd. 349-0430. 5-10-30 Lansing to Sparrow Hospital. Committee to Elect Booker Gaulden for East Lansing District fudge NO CHARGE Leaving 7-7:30 am, returning Don't guess at vaiual Find it &&30 pn„ 3M-WC5 be.w«en 925 Virginia Ave Eat! Lansing, Mich. 48423 everyday In the Uanttted Ads. WirtKal Au 7-« pm. 3-10-29 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October J APARTMENTS AND Extra hour treat for boozers MARRHD HOUSING ZERO DEDUCTIBLE - By JOE KIRBY not stay open the extra hour. The University planned to set campus clocks back early this RENTERS PACKAGE State Newi Staff Writer Bill Ulchin, manager of Hobies, said they closed at 2 a.m. and morning. An electrician at the Physical Plant said some buildings then set the clocks back after they were closed. have one master clock that resets all the clocks in the building at Call Jaff Williams For some people the switch from Daylight Saving Time just meant an extra hour of sleep, but for those who were smart and Tilchin said most of the customers stopped coming in so there once, but in other buildings each individual clock must be (MSU '68) at 332-1838 thirsty it meant an extra hour to buy beer. was no reason to stay open an extra hour. adjusted. For many night shift emp es the switch meant an extra hour Places like Seven Eleven food stores were given an extra hour Michigan will not return to Daylight Saving Time with the rest 4^ SENTRY • to sell alcohol when Michigan repeated the hour from 1 a.m. to 2 of work. of the nation on February 23 since the state legislature passed a a.m., the deadline for selling beer and wine, Sunday. East Lansing Police Chief Stephen Naert said it would have Robert Fanslow. freshman, 4209 Greenwood, Hope, Mich., who works at Lansing General Hospital, said he had to work an bill to exempt the state from year - round fast time because of the problems it caused with school starting times. ^INSURANCE ■ * MUll II) OR0IH MIHHHI been legal for the bars to stay open the extra hour. extra hour but did not mind it. 710 Gainsborough Drive TTiere is a bill currently in the state House which would erase Dennis Schomack, senior, 135 Collingwood Drive, who works "Everyone realized it had to be done," Fanslow said. the legislature's earlier action which moved daylight time from East Lansing as a clerk at the Seven Eleven at 311 Grove St., said they Fanslow said he got paid overtime for the extra hour which - the winter to the early spring months. continued to sell alcohol and that he was surprised the bars did made things a little easier. If Michigan does not change its start of Daylight Saving Time, state residents will not have to worry about changing their clocks again until April 27. The Air Force Pilot I Executives to sample student life Year ■ round Daylight Saving Time was supposed to have continued until April 27,1975, in an attempt to conserve energy. A General Motors (GM) between corporations and division, is spending this week Other corporate executives However, Congress passed, and President Ford signed, a partial repeal of the emergency act because of widespread protests. has it made. executive will The actual energy saved was debated. Some said the nation spend this week universities gets under way. in an MSU residence hall Michael V. Tiemey, director as a guest of the faculty and students in the James Madison will visit MSU in the next few weeks as part of the used 1 per cent less electricity, but others said it caused changes in transportation habits and people used up more gasoline. Air Force ROTC sampling university life as a of personnel and public College as part of a new program. program to close the gap relations for GM's diesel Executive program. in Residence The colleges of Arts and Letters, Social Science, Justin Rep. Keith Sebelius, R -Kansas, said it reminded him of a legend which he told this way: will help you make it Drug Education Center The program is designed to promote between understanding Morrill and James Madison, along with Placement Services, off "Daylight Saving Time was invented by an Old pioneer who cut one end of a blanket and sewed it onto the other end in order Here's how. business and will host the executives. to make it longer." offers breast cancer test academia, especially in the liberal arts area. The executives If you qualify, the Air Force ROTC will vide the flying lessons. It'll be in a s The medical clinic of the will meet with both students Drug Education Center, 405 Grove St., is now offering an examination specifically for breast cancer. and faculty, with emphasis on BECAUSE YOU'VE light airplane; but-you're, started tow the day when you'll solo in an Air Force The center is developing handouts and has ordered anatomical employment in business and the role of corporations in jet I models to help educate women in the early detection of breast society. ACHIEVED, That's only one of the benefits of the AirForce! cancer. Regular clinic sessions will begin when all the materials ROTC Program. Consider all this are delivered. Women who wish more information, examination or Scholarships that cover full tuition. reimbursement for textbooks. Plus I ' Plug! instruction in self - examination should call Maggie Olmstead at the Drug Education Center, 351-4001. incidental fees. The center is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and Plus $100 a month, tax-free, to use as you like j callers are urged to leave their name and phone number if Olmstead is not in when they call. Interested?Contact CAPTAIN RAYNER For all of your needs at Quonset 67, 355-2168 from jeans PIT IT A LLTXX; ETHER! N AIk r )r( k r< m ! to smoking paraphenalia The place to be is the tflWM, The experiences that have "carved" your real achievements are the personal ones Wear a class ring and remember. Order on Ring Day and save 5%. Gqe&r Date OCT. 25, 28 Hours 10:00 MSU BOOKSTORE • 5:00 ft "In the Center of Campus" M RING DAY 00 M