President She# Old Library Bid*. City Michigan KAST 1.ANSINC. State MICHIGAN. KHIDAY, MAY 29. 19:ifi News Volume 28 lantern night MEMORIAI. DAY There will be no classes lo¬ pagett speaks Senior Players, Kids annual horse Kobsmen and Wolves date changed ftier row Varied sport brrauM* of the holidav. attractions inefude the horse show, starting tonight at 4th annual on Keeper Recess, show started Playing Irk First Game PPFCQ RANOIIFT Hul Somehow the Psychology of Work and Play Enter In and at noon today by committee at 7:45 and ances Saturday's appear¬ billed for 9:15 a. in. and I I\L»3J DrtltVULl Notable Progress Evolves From Madhouse. in ann Arbor Today 1:15 p. m. The daytime show¬ Journalists of the Wolverine. ings will he in the exhibition Carol Dwelley wouldn't be. after six 1 About Hundred Horses. Many of Two Teamt Return to College Ertot Will be Held ring, the evening alYair in the Stale News, and Press Club Exceptional Ability, Entered Field for Second Game To¬ Jane 9, to Comply With Tra¬ riding hall. Hear Speech, "Ideas That t.: to be a bill collector out of here. After chas- "Oh you." fumes Prof. in Various Classes. The baseball game with the Afternoon. dition of Followiof Swiof- University of Michigan will Click." i earn pus « including >t has a shell, but you havel morrow the Little Theatre). I Old College .. s'art at 3 p. m. on 15 KEYS PRESENTED DRAWS WIDE INTEREST WALTERS AND LARSON of Arden half the j president to speak „„„„„„ Three-year Members of News¬ .. dnd out what Profes- i Yearly Equine Parade Calls STARTING PITCHERS speech group him«: is doing with the Out Best of the Riders in Ira.i.d.r .f f„r<« Will paper anj Yearbook Stiffs IGeorge Hill to Face Fithman Consist of Passing of Lan¬ Given Service Awards bv ;; (he Middle West. Tomorrow; State Title at terns by Each Clasa to Not to hold meet Ceil. ' * i Il> CLAM: JF.NHEM Stake in Two Baltlex. 1 The horse show opened to- io Line. Pi Kappa Delta Will Conduct j Li Hey and Pond. | flay at I o'clock, to continue in At. Till it i t: [the Wolvt rine w through tonight and all day LiotiK ft bout noon today Pue to conflict with other Formal Initiation and I roach John Kobs piled his nior daw* activitiea, the ; tml the Piv* Award Degrees. fthe' fourth j ' .Spartan sludgers into a char- t illers ami mounts from this ite for Lantern nitrht haw liotiK banquet ! part of the country will be on let ed bus and carted them en shifted to June 9. it was p, Kappa |v|l;l nnijr a* giiesf? of th« manafr hand for the various elm {down to Ann Arbor, where mnounceit yesterday. «>ct.ty. witl h..n, m- Intents of the Wolverine am *}they lire opening a two-game Under the new '"plans, all' have participated .». t i tattle every minute And il all the Captain Itergrr tairsun •teran sciies with'Unv Fisher'* Big j te« Michigan State ctveds vx ill during the last i 11 mrmbrr of the Mti hic.i dusk at the education1 P*HHve activities im'j ,n energy wasted was laid nd to end, . « i staff who will o|i|iti< v:r »«■ "« ding, march through the bot- *t "qhuesdav. J.I in* J th»- east and its keep" would be tor | Walters in the opener , two 1 • l'% w et. I .1 K' l> . Iinlcc «< jsl gardens and then around » Klir dboul|too ' * vc - - for then all tin- fun-would j < i. I be gone from what is really hard ! «i)iy college circle to Abbott hall W.,!k Ceremonies will begin with the i thi* ni of the M S C Shadow summer term was planned before, all scn- to add juniors U will wear caps and gowns, the girls of other classes will flans are set hght dresses i traditional mrnencement week This prnce- that Lantern should fall on Tuesday of egree Thelma Bisho of fraternity || as counselors X*ng ' Expected Increair in Enrollment ' Stale Student! Ahead of Regular May Enroll Date. « now being followed out You it Retponiiblr for Action by Sayi Crowe. Active men Dorothy Langdnn and Doris vho will direct thus event. Big Silteri Group. all- Ho Ml Mil w» point that thi* i function, in wht ie* with hould participate ii tost lass affiliation can be rarnci t Mich I- lent Shaw will address the! be given to Dt assembled girls and the colorful Donald O'Hara. of the passing of lanterns to Lela Keener, gntfyiflf the handing -down of Hani Sikkenga. *pon»tbility from each claw to ' — below it. will be carried have arrived it* lanterns for this event RAILROADS SLASH FARES ON JUNE 2 MUSICAL SENIORS The Fire Drill ( Is Unadorned New Pauenger Rato in Eait TO RECITE MONDAY and Mid-West Mean With Firemen 44' .''. Cut. College Symphony. Under M. Prcii, Will Accompiry Aad When the Chief Ring!, Graduating Artist*. You Gotta Go-Preieut Cou- j The mush- department of Mirh- icqueacet Regardlen BESSEY ELECTED N H.imIv (.r Ki.ll ft, Class Practices k;».= t- judging the hu «i girl, and just gotten t In Store Windows HONORARY HEAD oping i liisws «*»•{ Maybe you've just lit you igarette after an evening e .•d in th. Wistona rot ng. or you might be in th Sigma Pi Sigma Initiatei Seven. let Olds tonight afte !> Anyway, when Oirin Elect! Officer! for Com¬ . i hr*tra will ..pen the pr<>- East Mayr May - fear lea iref. gets that gleam in he ing Year. Wilh Air for String Or- by J S Bach, and wHI " * a cinch you'll be so eiiinpany for the following when she rings the fire fjhe Interstate Cornmei Pourquoi" slrtn into the matter Co-ed (.roup Will apt David A t'< fur one thing. iujeri.1 on all the light* in your valent to a slash of appr Hold Picnic Soon use all the windows grabi44'?~ in existing fan vnr's officers and towel and a coat, and be in th" The permanent-, of U III Meeting of inueprnurm _ kw.gc inside of two minutes And turn depend-, entirely stairs,, which were plenty; results obtained by th ms Are ftoben Women Will be Pow AYOOian LOU 10016(1 jassenger revenues, Hol»ert Bow. w.. Mm—, Pair] *uie going up. are far too narrow | men' accommodate the upwards of: long ebb, show a definite j rginia Boss, sec- »rd Slow, treas From College i snarling girls, ai! going down; inch The last general meeting of I No criticism, you und-r- rates will be permanently a faculty adviM-i Woimn's indcpf'iident league w once By OIA fill./EK , the Arabian: nd you'd have to try it. to get, ed be iield Monday evenmgi, June ! to the college a year ago la at I mcna. All Michigan railroads at 7 o'clock, on the campus picnic The first time s October by W K Kellogg, Butt The only good point to a ftre j adopt the new low fares on especially the kind that i, along with the eastern The initiated members art grounds behind the botanicul gai - racing across the paddock at it ; Creek breakfast food manufactui Ra;ph Guiie, L Coffer and B1 dens on the Bed Cedar, The affair j mother's side, his chestnut side jer and philanthropist. Sinc^ th« !Glee (Tub Holds «aae* after midnight, is listening j riers. Oisen. all graduate assistants in will take the form of an Indian | Mr Kellogg has giwn the hoi * Annual Banquet to some of the remarks that pene¬ i bemtstry. Laurence White. David flying out behind him. And that's j to the college. trate the fog. \ Biesl. Gerard Boss, and Howard i committees going some for a four-day old, Mvrtlr Patton Initallcd N*w unfortunate who thought fee bell was her alarm clock, and Insects Live in Peace {Ciark. ntrwiy fleeted cheer leader arP ^ f0uows: The retiring officers ere Tom Chmeral Chetrmen—Chief Keep- even »f he is the first Arabian. ,uaM i,;..., Mu-hlf"n SU'' «#.,». it ... , rarity n Michigan, it is benev . , , Preaideat of Wwti'i CUfal wtos. president, Kermit Smitii. j um Moving. jttat these .re the on!y one. in t *Pt*ared armed not only with towel, but toothbrush, soap and ' doth* Is getting to be 0 at College Sanctuary ce-prnidetit. Elaine thnken.j aecretary; Wade Allen, treasurer,! bone. Enlertainment — Chlfe Tickle- "llUt'orr «« made very early ! According - some Ohio-owned Monday morning when Su2ettc, j others in Nashville, Tenn, and Arabians, and - Group; Kackley Sptaki. »d some of these, and experiment- and Dr C D Ha use. faculty Myrtlr Patton wa, inJtallfd U id. Don't blame her—she j By MIRIAM GEBOO ed with them. ad-.j KefreshmenU—Chief Pad Oul. the only Ariaban marc in the col¬ New Hampshire Mr Kellogg also president of the women's glee sleeping SO soundly And it Publicity—Chief Big Noise. lege stables, dropped her foal, Have you ever wondered what Many times there are brought club at the annual spring banquet *ill brings a chuckle to recall the that little screened-in structure. ^ department tor cSaimftca- The requirements for member- J Chief Ticklela has promised j Amador, likewise, the only co!- to the University of Southern of that organization held la-t j ship are eiUver Ukng advanced a varied program of music, danc lege-owned Arabian stallion, is the California, from where Suztte anJ - dnr who held whAle she remoVed her hair behind the night at Sandy's grill. Patricia j entomology budding tlon insects which are rare and pbj tut-s or being a graduate as- j and stories A short meeting to Amador were brought here. Whitefield was installed as vica- i. She thought it was an; might be* Well, it's an Jnsectary., j,arrj to classify. These insects ar<- •aslant in an allied science an i discuss general plans for next year The youngster is really a beauty president, and Beth Sarie as Mere* e drill. |a pb>ce where living insects ar- propagated that more 9ptasnens having a B average. will precede the prgoram. as colts gob Of course, he Is most¬ horses, and for that reason the tory-treasurer. lx»rna Kaye Bar¬ <* w»U, «l ltn»« the pow.n h«v. kn>« »~1 propegeted It It built |iml} b, ,v,lUb!e. »n4 .. * • waiting for a slight change in circumstances i ™ ! All who *\prrt to do '" "*« >" dem wm no| ot hold hnM demonstration tract different people in diffcr- Friday j ',)r songbirds, has been accom- .,!This of many thousand* of ; mulber gi t bored, others get indi- ie gy m j phshed by plant in black cherry. The pines, of which ' Michigan acres Such la? gestioti. Al the 1 'rcss dub affair Kay Dwel- ley got th-is way: %. I he the l*»t Student club party „fj n oon were planted thi* year, ore; been farmed for a abort (the year valuable for their wood products4 and then allowed to dcti Oh, come let us sing • * • and also serve as a source of ahel- through loss of its top sr ' Of the lowly potato, SENIORS MIST act Ihelr caps',Pr enrf winter cover for many planned reforestation >1 " Brains! Adored by the Caesars '"lar t g.tMir.w in the ne.n ft.luir And relished by Plat". prof. Thoma Thomas N. Carver. Republican While Socrates liked it Brain Truster, includes in his booklet, "What But not old Xanthippi. Must We Do to Save Our Economic System ?" Because the gal realized Let Your Baggage the following rules? They made her too hippy "The substantial people of America must Not that Plato ever saw a potato organize and defend their rights. "The jobless needy must In* forced off re- I perhaps that isn't the point. Go Home lief rolls, by severe regulations, if necessary. Frnah Frolioerw— "Marriage must !*» limited to those who ran afford to buy and maintain an automo- I j Dale Springer rotating with Wilma Porter by the . . Belanger ami Robert* leaving early . . . bifc. " . The frosh hanging together .. The Dellaans j u.-k. "What right.-" What i- We rneanl now by 'severe regulations'—what would | dancing the last one dens rgiht hand) . . . . The botanical gar¬ Adhesive ta|>e playing , LAUNDRY they he? What has the cost of maintaining j an important part in personal decorations an automobile to do with the values of mar¬ The ex-soph officers, Jean Ballard and * riage , . , Cecil Hunter, not exactly treading on each ! ROUTE Obviously, Professor Carver has nothing other's tors . . Dorothy Hasselbring with construct He may 1*» the pride of the Hmkenbury family ably is. ; intelligent man. dame scene: Brat!in saluting his lad ArranR«» fo nhip it off thi# June by your old good is that doing him—ami us? right on the—-middle of the dame f Railway Kvpresa and wh«in Commvncrmant Day Professor Carver, however, is not alone in dawn*, be fancy frev to board the train for home. his intellectual isolation. We have a nation Anything — trunks, bags, book a, golf club*, cups, full of editors who rant: "We must eliminate even your diploma—Railway Kxpreaawill pick them "My U»> friend dot all up on your phone call, forward them at passen¬ our philosophy of defeatism!" (How?! "We ger train speed, deliver them safe and sound at must replace the New Deal with something your home. And it's economical. Railway Express sensible!" (What?! "We must have world rates are low, and you pay nothing at all for pick¬ pean"' (How?! "We must eliminate s ainie so damn is up and delivery service. There are no draymen's technological unemployment*" (How?) >ais pas what to o demands, no tips, no standing in line, and sore¬ We have a nation full of professors who ness is made doubly sure by Railway Express's tell to: ••You must learn this" (Why?» double receipts, with $50.00 liability included on Stuff ?n* Things— "This is mvessary," be¬ RESIGNS AFTER SO YEARS Epaulets—*-small appies lieve that some of our wise elders with intel¬ ligence would do some const rue t it e planning j for us. We used to think that experienet Builget—a method of Railway' Express still in the dark. Our Icr More Stuff are so wise that they arrive at the vi¬ • upjv.H,' you know that Pat Riordan and j o.-j t sions without going throughi th< the logo al steps I a Chapman dine at Sandy's on Sunday j'*f *n> } Having- reached their deei sions. they kn-w ' . . i,ra*e Niebkin's b. f.'s name is U «g- 1 u "'• no! how to analyze t hem. There is nothing constructive about their suggestions. Natural!*! That'* what make* isn't it, tirade? e iv msrht soon and go down to the side- I . at the carnival and see your friends, UvoRDn- . . Ditch your dame L.;n Suggestions for them mtelitxtuul—the* r« hard to figure U a turnout last idnesday night. i» we of the graduating class will take He PhIuv am) out the Graduation Gifts a tip ai d. setting ourselves up as intelligent people. iAiii say with mysterious conviction: 1st be successful . . . We must get \ i»o.lburn is sporting an A I We must had good lives." ok* like UU*r>-... Anil. oh. M.vr- "v *!?(.» —D. V.C : Srtnw the people your Phi Tau |)\>n(Mdfa M. S. C. Kings 1 pin Ia»ts of Ym don't know . . More ala»ut the Pre*s banquet: ^4U"n N SPORT Compacts I Don't Want to Play It g»ki keys, silver keys, tin key When the athletes of the world converge , but they forgot to give the icathl COATS Cigarette Cases around Berlin this summer f -r another re¬ Harrington. new ai of the Dme-worn Olympic games, a Knives familiar flag is more than hkeh to he miss *Nugge of th* week: Yours would be mg from the rim around the huge 1h>w} Smartest style* in year* in¬ Book Ends clude District Checks and where the games will be held. A French government that t> unwilling ab>ut almost j Mure Things—- ci,h' P"»'e«ue wx Glen I Maids. Half-belt, Bracelets j and Puc-like sp shirred liack with expand- everything has announced its*if unwilling j Dick koung has keen coupon competition t tashior Naughtily atcd prrvcrw-l jng Side to appropriate th»- funda to tram m Mildred (iie.«w*. A merger, strictly busi- Mrs. RoHcboom ; iy ditreren: tnm- tver. besly rtr- plsatv at alecve*. cents. Cloths of homespun Lockets .... . ,, - 1'rr.idnit Shu *nd send a team into tiermany nrse. might prove protitaid " h» K> t» ail E.„dlii • 1, , ^ to hi* ct.actou* moment*. Debus,.- and flannels. j aem. to have hu nervou* *ere- There were newral -fTprkti i-y effgind by ,h*l thai j t(it- (m- tifkct* for Dill* pubiitity? And nader standing, or rather dancing, M. S. C. Stationery government fi»r their rvf u-ui On* wg- thai -[■•■ailing of |Niblirit.v. 1*1' |fi\* !*h>-*l(>i hfy it apL Houlmrr It.,--.. -. .- j oo hot coat*, iingtng Trter Piper tbej didn't Want U. hxvy French muitpy n*-in ] Bruwn u littk ntorv. Last Friday night he ' picked a t«- S .>r pickled pepper* in Germany. The Iran- U tiw yaiuahle in I* i am *tri>Uing i«t the eant|HU> with ntie nf ' ' ! It l» a serenade that out-Beekme*- «a*UH in a yoonlr) where it would later be u-eii to io*ter Hitler pru|iagamia. J the i fairer MX . . it hat l*-»-ti |irophc*itni that the next |taraili' will lie one big mistake. Jun- ,j a.'"ru'rk "f!?, V1 good; but if. the bi-st J t ,. »tt Beckinr**er htmaelf in hi* n; grotesque attempl to una the Washable slacks. 31.95 Felt Pillows and t stolen "Prise Song" of Watther. ! i do thu. early tn :-s rr..r .r. ; Both performer* managed the in¬ . Frenchmen evidently feel that they would ior takes eontntand, y«>u know. and 32.95. Worsted flan¬ be honoring Germany too roueh through | . « • • jCapt outw»re. -Hatmevah tricate and fanciful pattern, tl nel (hold their press) Banners their pretteme at the game*, while a Franch .It the I'arade 1 AlMl ,h' slacks. 34.95. victory there would «dd littir to their j rr>- Bill Gladden losing his individuality in the (the arch-impresuont*t with un- Altei the re. ..iu. | dcrsUndrn* and skill, and met ad- See them here, together Leather Skins and tige. Their athlete*, however. »re nuxiou* line- Pitt Pittwuod had his picture took tion every thing will be dtf.ei-j mirabty hut demand* upon a weli- with stylish accessories. PUkws . . for a chance to prove that the homeland pro¬ while he .was struttin' his stuff and he got c-n*. " i developd techmc duce* jiL-t a* good miler* and sprint men a* loo confused . . . You jumped with the can¬ mmd js-u "art received many how- — With Oik* SmI ar Nwru | Hrfty Bourn*. "Yuu |>#j> er*» *°d both performers were re¬ doe* the nation across the border. non; I saw you . . . Norm Kcnyon could go in* (or it.-ain't you warded wiUi .enthusiastic ap- It i* doubtful, extremely so, if the French for Beth Sarle. but he's timid ... fir. Person j Dirk Ymui: ,'*Siw r«k\* with me plain*. would whip the Germans at the Olympics. treating his family at the Hut ... Betty Kirk j because ( look like an Ar- " -■■■■■ ■ MAVBROS. We doubt if Hitler would have to agree th passed the Gilberts to her sorority sisterst rrtcnun She was always' in- A ticket beaded by U. S. Senator terrsted in the starving Ar- Lester Dickinson and Represents- the miPstore of Use Twwf another Treaty of Versailles to save his wilt¬ Monday night just three months and eighteen j me mans" Uva James W. Wadsworth was ing athletes from another French disaster. day* after she got Bob Perrin's Phi Tau pin. Bcuile*. "Cut that stuff " named at a New Vis k student G. Not since the days of Henri Cochct have th* A bit tardy 7—L. 11. —D. V. C O. P. convention. MICHIGAN STATE! NKTYo rago flirw Friday, May 20. 103C phi Delts Out Pi Edge Phis Another Pitcher Ace Hackstop Five State TrackmenSCORE IN LAST I CAGERS CLOSE Compete In I.C. 4-A. V y ac INNING TO WIN SPRING DRILLS Meet in East Today ^ Jfen THRILLER, 7-6 NEXT TUESDAY Coach B. F. Van Alstyne Di- Spartan Thincl.d, Face Out- ; Hardy Helpi Own Came With Schedule Double ai Both Squads Stage ! vides Teams Into Two Fives standing Opposition of Sea- & , ion in Philadelphia. AnnOUIlCCd ImH Several Rallies. | For Final Workout. gkoroi: miasms' Coming " Season I IIv MM. FI.AOINfi . i Spring basket but! practice ] trains an insignificant place in time in four Manhattan Again Appears on | Behind the masterful pitch- (the already crowded athletic; j weeks, Michig st.vto track List; Plav Qarnegiet jinir of John Hardy. I'hi Helta program at Michigan State t John t7iati struck I ciuh course in the final lliaiuimg faded out »rU aiound the Univer* '■> end the inning. a Hy | twof100|s . m srhcduld this between the two season, '* '• then proved hi> mettle Chuck Kncsis. individual honor •'•«. chtrt. r *&s d from the mound hilaj.i struck out on four! winner in the Western Conference as basketball capi tails, and was followed to I tournament, may nut apfwar '•*?* a whale of a cam* ; Chicago, 111 < ACP i —An inter- ; ut hy Cieyts and Lander j meet providing he Is successful in down kbe.'t? he can use his 6 ft. 3 in j national language fur radio use is; it by the strikefHit his attempt to j stay in the True advantage. HeyUgcr a pressing nt* i. says E H Scott. ' to Temped Tournament now being > outiitidrr, is next year * ca,> j head of the Scott Radio Lsbora- iiM' tit the moat- exciting fin- run off in Detroit, but th Wolver¬ u'r. the hockey iquad Pa?Lai.- \ ,>rie* hare, and he proposes to do witnoau.'d iin the vanity field ines will lie none the less formid¬ iuwoii or Any seaxon. able with Woody Malloy, who '• *'i i lead the Wolverine grid- i something about i? Michigan's Only ** next fall placed second in the. conference iu*t what the Wolves and th«?j first ace for state V ■»*-■ Ihrhmin Travels meet playing In the number one senior at clenmoor : an ha« been o Six Spartans will play, the > * k»rd to That Situation 3-: i«vt year when the two teams ' Tom Dunrton. senior and men:- 1 **»>' at 3 ot! „ ,v s,M,rtjIu; since of the the clot footba extra men having been agree I Artificially Cooled Ballroom tot Kneduled to tangle down j ber of Phi Kappa Tau. entered jon m,. campu season n Ti The- ■ M»n»*l * , t , I I Knkrtil 1 I 'i I of the two teams. Taylor wll lead tor, and it looked for a while! the golfing hali-of-famc > ester-j croWfj the st u u nprilgw, s o i o the Spartans with Brand, |*.pul«r suit- ; i merman, and Npsal playing ii v though there would be g.Jday when he got his hole-in-one je xited 1 ■ t • » ,. du6b».header up tune on Mem* > at tli« Gkmmoor course' between j College field. The starting mentor hag, J i 2 s < i i next three position*. The hsl Bay. here and Lansing Dunston uwl But the athletic heads wouldn't Ia number 7 iron on the seventh ; uudne»». ct MICHIGAN STATE Stemm, ri talked In most ■ every city in.»! *» M***' t 9 u ' " « » <• f t t squad for the meet are Ricliardscn Starting Tonite Michigan and —; —■ < * aoab(a-biU because It would (bole to make the 123 yards in Of* Wesmcr f>r several in Ohio. patrons away from the It was his first ace j Brewer. » "American magazine articles TEDDY BREWER ■** the The Wolverines, other than Indiana »mlj||ld wr.4»l '« horse-show, ad uo* game so they only last year. George j—WKAR I Ferner, 3b is getting more sport-j Uricek, 2h Illinois^Bachman bast advertisements Mr j B priestly, noted alike arc Malloy ami Kotkife. who will juur- week hurlad a pretty game that day, j mimk-d all the time Next Tuesday j Jablonski. c 1 |)rUuh scrivener, clears the air termined. was at the Big 1 |or students of Arizona Slate col- "* ai " t>m and His Swing Artists j night they'll carry an acct>unt of j Lerner. lb Stale, whose golfers have been with a aweet 4-1 dc- t L___ ■ m*c*w cucg hjf cradd. Dodo will be]the spring basket-ball training i Kremer. If Ten Tcn meeting inj m(H.tinc Id;lege. ^ the same role tomorrow— j wind-up, and it ought to give Wi - j tleyliger. if |Columbus i and this week is in] No Advance in I'ricn. Chicago. The hard working) the shrew. Ray Fisher was j mer a chance to show just how j Larson, p at Kalamazoo. State was 'many words be can throw; *" | coach, famous from coast to coast. ■ over : I Pressure from above caused C. f battles 12 months. a year in the \! mowed under 14 to 1- Coach | C. N. Y. students to abandon a poll i interests of Michigan State. f ro»h Weak !jFrimodig has experienced tough going this Spring in ,'k trying to DONT FORGET— ion the fitness for office of Dr I j Frederick B. Robinson, president ! The Spartan frosh took another j It's Cool at the Delis ; of the college who has been under | severe trouncing yesterday at the fire- hands of (he Western .Yearlings! FrWnr. May 29. 1933 SnCHTOAK STATE NEWS ' CAMPUS CAMERA Dr. Megee Shapes State Theatci Students Invent I Club is Shown It'll Be a Hoss on Us Social Studies Bean Experiment Cheap Hay Hoist "PAUL REVERE':* CAPT. DAVID H. NICHOLS of New Soy Types Herbert DeKliteVk^^Mc. In Fact, There Will Be Scleral Around This Week-End Lindquiit Exhibits Photo, and a AMCVt gWvjKT WOKCRXCK Different Varietie, Will be ,ATl.RDAr Cnire Combia* J^fgiU |0 Jus Stations and htm-ir.-ns ronu-is -pi-pular with Spartans Explain, Their Uie at thr FRI|)AT AND Devixe Planted in State-wide Ex- ■ the voice of Busir Ann" Camera Club Meeting. CfffM-S K- periment Test,. Martin. IJonel lUrrvmore an The agricultural engineering de¬ rti: r wcclP partment now has a new machine on display in their lab in the base-, CI.VK AT men: «.f Ag Hall This drv ■ Trout Fore Examined By Walton Enthusiast Engineer liuilds Model 'Steamer' W. F. Morofsky. Co-operating With Michigan Fisheries Depart* ment. Conducts Extensive Food Besearch. Seale-Dovm Contrivance of Hv R \Y TtRVFR ' <* « Carl Keai. Entirely Home Made. Rrache, I' HP. A f' M • '- '• • ' Make Fxart Duplication* CLASSIFIED Erskine Advises Study of Greek Author Urges Application of Ancient Philosophy to Modern Life. MARTHA IS A GOOD NAME FINE 'Hopper Control Advised by Dibble Svitematiied Curbing of Pe,t in Independent Men North-,late Plot to be Financed by National Government. Up*1 GOOD Will Meet Monday SERVICE New Conititvtion to be Dis¬ tuned a, Fir,t Year Nrara End. PUNISHMENT PUNNED mm FOR UMPOON EDITORS Insect-Free Corn living Developed VOICE of BUGLE ANN Work Going on in Tutco'a Conn- ty it Supervited by Michi¬ gan Slate Man. UOIfl "OTM< OCSuBukw - Luidui'J^ "Faculty will entertain marriage cunic head Is it true what they say tors of the Larrvptxin. humor I arm*. were in line lor m»«wj rough ] will address senicrs MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON Charlie Chase Comedy about Dixie? party foe the home economics j treatment by the dean lor the part j iseniors, after the Lantern Nigh*..: ihey allegedly played in the red-, • Arrangements were completed. i next Tuesday The party will be i[ flag, incident. ' j by telephone Wednesday after- distant strain that is suitable foe j . ; noon to bring Or. Foster, head of ; the southern part at Michigan ! ( held on the lawn erf Home Man- j Seventy of the disciplinary i| the marriage clinic of the Merrill- ;i This type of corn, bswevcr, Is i Frankly, we dun't know We dw.'t fct i agement house No 4 Invitations ;| measure* taken against them, it I Palmer school in Detroit, here to too late for the northern parts of But we do krvr ; was said, would depend upon the , j . much about- Dixie. j have been sent to 104 senior*. The (speak to the senior women at 7 j[ Michigan and as the borer has j . about WALK-OVER ahoes And chairman of the committee is Muu>. protects of federal authorities m j j o'clock, Wednsday evening, June I traveled north, the experiment: ( i Washington. are tell you that everything we I Millet. Other members are: Miss j station baa been moved to Tuscola | say about them is the truth.1 | Neidert, Miss Lmdquist, Miss i According to Wilma Wagen- | county. It is the center of the; i Lcuis, Miu Godfrey, Miss Hawk*, math club to picnic the whole truth and nothing oord, president of Mortar Board, j| heaviest infested area of the one 1 1Miss S.mmoods» Miss Tear, and; I the subject of his address has not |i brood type of the European cornj but the truth. You 'ii .Mrs. Byers. ft, too, When yon wear a | Math club will hold a picnic j been learned. Tentatively, thr [borer in the United States. j j ! on Tuesday. June 3. The place is j Home Economics building has Different varieties of our native ' pair. That's an invv- J ; over the center table, with red and ; j still uncertain, but transportation \ been selected as th place for Uh Michigan corn are being crossed with maize amargo. a resistant Ution. « white streamers extending all j will be furnished. Cars will leave | meeting. species from South America, | over the dining room. Honro;[Olds Hall at difTerent times be-'j — tween 4 and $ o'clock. Anyone Minceonta't opponents win do j guests were: Mary Ellon Christen- j interested in attending should j weft to watch out for Bill Matheny ■ | sen. Margery DeUnde. Jane Fish- BURTON'S WALK-OVER SHOP i er, Alice Gillespie, Lucille Ha'.- tnake reservations with a mathe* j when the Gophers take to the lett, June Hungerford, Gerry matics instructor before Tusday. [ gridiron next fall. Hie stood out in j Hartz, Alice Lang, Mary Jane The charge will be twenty-five cents for non-members. j the dosing game of the spring . football season by racing through