) NOT Student food stamp abuse ZwSmp* sp,nou >4 »i at MSU suspected By STEVE ORR as to alter the guidelines." high report any and all income. The USDA said State News Staff Writer that while sources of student income such The county board "knows we have a lot as scholarships, government financial aid of students getting food Then are hundreds of students at MSU stamps and that or wages can easily be checked, it is some of them may be cheating," Kem receiving food stamps, and two separate said. government sources claim that a good extremely difficult to determine how much money a student is receiving from portion of those students may be abusing The survey by Rep. Anderson showed that privilege. parents unless the student volunteers that information. that there are 1,310 food stamp recipients The sources, the U.S. Dept. of attending MSU. County social services Agriculture (USDA) and the office of Rep. Otto A. Kern, Ingham County Social director Helen Rinehart said, however, John B. Anderson, R • 111, claim that Services Board member said, the county many that she is uncertain of the validity of that student food stamp recipients do not come does not know if it has the power to check up on students' parental financing. figure. Kem said there were at least 1,000 from the low income families that the - "We are going to find out if we can find recipients at MSU. program was designed to aid, and that the majority of out or not" after the next board meeting, Anderson has been leading a fight all recipients' parents could afford to pay their children's food bills. Kern said. summer to exclude students who are Both Kern and Judson M. Werbelow, claimed on their parent's income tax from Students not in great financial need are food stamp eligibility. This proposal has able to obtain food head of the Social Services Board, said that stamps when they all the county can do is pass out food been presented as a part of the Agriculture apply to county social services Appropriations Act and has not yet been departments for food stamps because stamps under the current policy. "If Congress and the Dept. enacted. Rep. Charles Chamberlain, R • many deny that they receive any financial of Agriculture say students are eligible for Mich., congressman for the MSJJ area, support from their parents, theUSDA says. food stamps, well administer the vehemently supports Anderson's proposal. The issuance of food Sixth District congressional candidates stamps is based on program," Werbelow said."niey establish financial need, and an applicant must the eligibility. It's not within our control (continued on page 11) Volume 168 Number 222 Tuesday, October 29, MEW1974 Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Conspirator Washington . Id '9an c Khool terms, Mondays, Wednesday, and Frld.l" -!"« supported 86 per cent of the measures that increased "No longer should we be, nor can we be, all "The professional schools just get a lot of Thousands of Topics Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week In September. Subscription rate Is $20 edit spending above the amounts sought by the Republican things to all men," Neville stated in 1966. attention, but they are relatively insignificant in $2.75 per page per year administration, the Democratic Study Group (DSG) Send for youi* up-to-date, 160-page, mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00 State University. East a?ass Lansing, Michigan, 4B824. MlchWn staff said Monday in Washington. Moreover, the staff of the organization of 170 liberal Establishment of food reserves to cover postage (delivery time is 1 to 2 days). GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER ROBERT L. BULLARD. SALES MANAGER RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. PHONES and moderate House Democrats said, Congress has News/Editorial 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE *2 355.8, increased spending by less than one - tenth of one per cent over the amounts requested in the last four years seen as federal responsibility LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90025 (213) 477-8474 or 477 5493 classified Ads Display Advertising Business Office Photographic 355-8255 355-6400 355-3447 355-8311 by former President Richard M. Nixon. WASHINGTON (AP) - The "Such a policy is urgently American consumers, the CED Ford's charge earlier this month "that Democrats in federal government should needed to enable the nation to said in a 66 - page statement. Congress are primarily responsible for increases in "assume the principal cope effectively with the short responsibility" for creating a • term consequences of poor The report, "A New U.S. federal spending does not hold water," the DSG staff said. "In fact, it is ridiculous in light of his own record as a congressman and that of the overwhelming majority food reserve as a buffer against world hunger and depressed prices for U.S. farmers, the harvests here or abroad," the committee said. A government - planned Farm Policy for Changing World prepared Food Needs," was by a CED HIIMNITIES-SOCItL SCIENCE IN LONDON of Republicans." Committee for Economic reserve of key commodities subcommittee headed by John Development (CED) said would also help insure H. Daniels, chairman of ANY STUDENT INTERESTED IN THE SPRING Monday. relatively' stable food prices for Independent Bancorporation, Minneapolis, Minn. OR SUMMER SOCIAL SCIENCE—HUMANITIES Rocky reveals loan amounts LONDON PROGRAMS SHOULD PLAN TO No formal U.S. food reserve Vice president designate Nelson A. Rockefeller policy exists now, though some ATTEND ONE OF THE MEETING LISTED revealed Monday members of Congress and that he has made personal loans of BELOW. INSTRUCTORS WILL BE AVAILABLE A front of others have urged that slightly more than $500,000 to friends and associates page story in Religous Studies. Two stockpiles be accumulated for during the past 18 years. Monday's State News courses were listed as one. In use in times of scarcity. The TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS AND A FILM concerning passing women reality, the two courses are: The total included loans of $84,000 that went to a CED report made no estimate of former treasury secretary, Robert B. Anderson, and gifts through the stands at football Rel. 335, "Islam," a general how much might be needed ABOUT THE LONDON EXPERIENCE WILL BE games inaccurately attributed introdijction course offered as high as $60,000 and as low as $ 1,400. statements to MSU sophomore each winter term and Rel. 336, but stressed that the first step must involve policy changes. SHOWN. The list of loans was included with letters sent by Cathy Scott. The State News "The Life of Muhammad and Rockefeller Monday to Sen. Howard W. Cannon, D - reporter had taken quotes from the Quran," offered each TONIGHT, OCTOBER 29, 7pm in M-C Brody a second • hand source and had spring term. KARATE Nev., and Rep. Peter W. Rodino Jr., D - N.J., chairmen not checked them with Scott. The article also neglected to WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 8 pm in 107 S. of the two congressional committees charged with TOURNAMENT In the Oct. 22 State News a mention Rel. 151, KEDZIE investigating the former New York governor's vice "Introduction to Western story about courses on the Religions," which studies SUNDAY presidential nomination. Middle East incorrectly listed religious traditions that arose THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 7 pm in 31 HUBBARDl courses on Islam in the in the Middle East. Dept. GRAND OPENING TODAY, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY 8-5pm ONLY TIT III IT T • FREE DRYING • DOOR PRIZE EACH DAY WEDNESDAY Kissinger warns India in talk • FREE COFFEE & DONUTS Henry A. Kissinger lectured India, the newest Come in and see our new full service laundry facilities featuring the latest in do it yourself member of the atomic club, on the perils of nuclear Coin - Op Dry Cleaning. We also offer complete professional cleaning and pressing. Laundry Drop • Off Set ice with attendant alwav on duty during oprn hours. proliferation, then promised Monday to help the !, ;gry nation without interfering politically. The speech to the India i Council on World Affairs SUNSHINE CENTER capped a busy day of reconciliation w ith Prime Minister 401 N. CLIPPERT ST. Indira Gandhi's government. The American secretary of ACROSS FROM FRANDOR state also signed an agreement to set up a joint commission for cooperation in education, science and culture. _ UN begins Cyprus debate The U.N. General Assembh leaded into a week's debate on the C> prus crisis Moruiu> with Cyprus and Turkey still widely split and the nonaligned bloc trying to work out a com: nise solution. A group of five nation* - Algeria. Guyana, India, Yugoslavia and Mali - has. in behalf of the nonaligned nations, produced two draft resolutions it had hoped would pass at the end of the debates. The first was FOUR CHANNEL Hit Al l I Ity M3ESEN1 rejected b> Turkey and the second by Cyprus, which It I il l I ND ANNUM then submitted its own version. The Cyprus resolution categorically opposed the island's "division in any form" - ruling out a federation of Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot autonomous zones - and calls for the "immediate withdrawal of all FM jflC. CIAj/GT council HAILCWCEN foreign armed forces." Broadcasts Are Here M/UCLER4EE CALL Security tight for Japan visit Security will be so tight for President Ford's visit to Japan next month that not even a small error in PRIZE/ guarding him will be tolerated, the nation's police chief As f i l l II Mill I It I Hi a public service Marshall Music and radio station WFMK will said Monday. be demonstrating the new Sansui QS Vario - matrix system for 1151 I f II I HI Seitaro Asanuma told state police c! efs to cooperate four channel FM broadcasts, today only. in protecting Ford because leftists are itensifying their I AM I II campaign against the Nov. 18 to 22 visit. He gave no details. Revealing demonstrations will take place hourly, so stop in at either Marshall's location for an exciting example of how good s* TIEN IHII6IH It will be Ford's first overseas trip as president and the first visit to Japan by any U.S. President. Big anti - Quad FM can be. American protests forced Dwight D. Eisenhower to ^ hi 1 in 11 1 cancel a visit to Japan in 1960. Mr. Gene Darnel - Sansui hand to answer your quad representative for Michigan will be on £ II .11A f I II MI II questions: Monday til 9:00 p.m. in 15,000 attend New York rally Lansing; Tuesday til 5:30 p.m. in East Lansing, Some 15,000 persons at a Madison Square Garden rally in New York for Puerto Rican independence heard speakers, including actress Jane Fonda and Communist activist Angela Davis, support the professed goals of terrorists who bombed several Manhattan banks last weekend. SANSUI Factory EXCITING Quad FM ^ ••••••• A number of the speakers at the Sunday gathering Representative Demonstrations also said that they had no quarrel with the terrorists' methods. The terrorists said the bombings were to shpw support for Puerto Rican independence and release of 402 S. Washington Lansing 245 Ann Street, E. Lansing Puerto Rican "political" prisoners in the United States. ondahl refutes, essard stands y charges in ad GRAND RAPIDS NO LONGER GOP BASTION Michigan Fair Campaign Practices Commission may decide today whether n ratio State Rep. his Republican Jnndahl has H. Lynn Jondahl really is a better judge of his legislative record opponent Cathy L«ssard who he complains distorted his views in an complained that Lessard, who is seeking to unseat him as 59th District Ford will find home fctforesentative in the Nov. 5 election, has distorted his voting record in an ad which By DIDIER GUERIN putting the issue on a national basis as a predictions that he will lose the election. public officials. last week in the Lansing State Journal and in a somewhat similar ad that ran in the and DIANA MOGHISSI "referendum on Richard Nixon." Several Recently, while touring a factory, Goebel The peculiarity of Grand Rapids in this times during his last campaign he said that was told by an employe that his work was election is the shadow of Ford, and both 30 - second public opinion poll," the State Journal ad listed 12 issues Two years ago Gerald Ford "we need Gerald Ford as a President." probably cut out for him. "Don't believe candidates are conscious of it. ,, ked readers to "fill it out and see where you stand." Below the listed issues, the expected to spend tonight shaking familiar When he was elected by a small everything you read, big fella," VanderVeen, who wanted Ford to implied that most district voters would support most of the issues, but that Jondahl hands in Grand Rapids to ensure that he majority, he declared: "Tonight, we are "especially when the polls are his." become President last February, has not voted no on each of them. would retain his • congressional seat. But he sending a message to Washington to two As everywhere, inflation is the main has since moved changed his mind. jondahl has said that his largest concern about the ad is that it misrepresents his up in the world and different addresses, one to Capitol Hill and issue of the election, and Grand Rapids is "I am very pleased he is President and instead will spend the -doncampaign reform. evening shaking one to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave." ' no exception. Both candidates agree to he still has all the opportunities to be a Lesard admits that in some cases the ad was poorly worded but that in post hands for somebody else. - Uphill struggle fight "Public Enemy No. 1" by tutting good President," VanderVeen said -ate times, candidates must be judged on their actions rather than their words, Ford will be asking his old constituents . government expenditures, but none of recently. "dahl said that Lessard has misrepresented the votes in question and distorted his to get rid of the Democrat fill his vacated they elected to Although the soft - spoken VanderVeen them have mentioned economies in the One of his most important political -don these issues. congressional seat last was jubilant over capturing the consumer or the business sectors. tracts sent to the voters was headlined Both candidates have submitted lengthy documentation to the state Fair Campaign February. To do that hell be stumping for traditionally R<, blican seat, he realized "You Republican Paul G. Goebel Jr., who is Lower oil consumption can keep an old tradition alive. You -tices Commission - much of it identical - to support their viewpoints. that keeping the office would be an uphill intent on making Democrat Richard can keep an honest man in Congress." After lengthv interviews with both candidates, the State News has compiled the struggle. Both candidates are aware of the Goebel VanderVeen's term in Congress one of the reacts differently to the wing list of how each candidate feels it should be interpreted. immediate need to reduce the shadow of Gerald Ford by trying to shortest on record. consumption of energy in the United convince people that the President needs A CAMPAIGN REFORM BILL THAT WOULD COVER ALL POLITICAL The President will find today that his States. Goebel favors a "good system of him in Washington. NTRIBUTIONS' REGARDLESS OF AMOUNT OR SOURCE. hometown has changed since his recent local research development with an Goebel employs the candid and open ascendency to power. increase in consumption of natural gas, lessard Before December while the Alaska pipeline is being style of President Ford. He quickly jondahl 1973, when Ford addresses his visitors by their first name. became vice president, Grand And Republicans wasted no time in the constructed." Rapids had He believes that President Ford's visit to Lessard maintains that Jondahl, who "Of particular concern to me is her the reputation of being an impregnable fight to win the seat back. The GOP VanderVeen is no more explicit about a d against reporting the names "~J his old friends of Grand Rapids will give attempt to portray me as a foe of Republican bastion. In the 120 candidate, Goebel, is aware that winning prompt solution, and talks about "an - year him the small number of decisive votes he resses of those who contribute less campaign reform," Jondahl said. "I have this election is important to both his international agreement with the oil - history of the Michigan Republican party, needs to become a congressman. $25 to a campaign, does not believe and will continue to be a strong voice the GOP has held the Grand party's and President Ford's national consuming nations in order to reduce the full reporting of campaign for campaign finance reform legislation." Rapids seat in But many observers are wondering the House for 108 years. Beginning in credibility. consumption by 10 or 15 per cent. Asked about the reaction of the people who tributions. Jondahl, who is one of only several 1948, Ford never had any problem being Goebel, 41, is a tall, handsome about effective measures in the short run, "We have a clear difference in our could have the opposite attitude than the legislators who has been commended by re - elected every two years, with a insurance executive. He is also well • he suggested a rationing policy, but he one expected. Many other presidents have ophy on campaign reform," Lessard Common Cause for his "courageous" majority of at least 60 per cent of the known to the people of Grand Rapids and never mentioned it in the literature he stand on campaign reform, maintains that vote. surrounding Kent County area. He has an sends to the voters. experienced this kind of unforeseen echo. She said Jondahl's stand to require Lessard has distorted his record. extensive record in civic and educational President Ford will probably enjoy The people in Grand Rapids are no GOP domination ends I only the sources of revenue "Our goal, in dealing with campaign affairs. better qualified than their candidates to being back home next Tuesday. But he $25 (i.e. fundraisers or bumper This Republican domination last ended won't know before election day whether r financing, must be to guarantee that Against a Democratic opponent who appreciate the problems and find revenues), and not the name and Feb. 18, in the middle of the trauma of Grand Rapids is a genuinely Republican ker political office cannot be purchased," only spent nine months in Congress, solutions. They may be unable to decide .ss of each purchaser, is not "covering Jondahl said in a House Journal. "It is not Watergate, when the people of Grand Goebel has a similar lack of experience. whether VanderVeen or Goebel is the best district, or only that of the specter of contributions." She feels the names of reform Rapids elected their first Democratic The people of Grand Rapids wonder what candidate on the inflation issue. They are "Jerry." simply to make known who contributors, regardless of amount, congressman since 1910 to succeed Vice he can do for them in Washington, since Ford will be in downtown Grand bought the office." President Ford. likely to make their decision on the ba<=is d be reported. Jondahl has said that he expected all he has only local and regional political of other issues. Rapids between 4:30 and 5 p.m. At 6 p.m. The Republicans at that time he will have dinner at the Hospitality Inn. Many other of Jondahl's campaign informed people knew of his support for experience. As in many other districts, these issues m votes are involved in this charge. considered the election abnormal and The good At 8 p.m. he will appear at Cdvin College stringent campaign reform and that - natured, bard ■ driving include the pardon of Richard Nixon, Lessard maintains that the only expected that nine months later Goebel is not before returning to Washington at about Lessard has grossly distorted his attempts discouraged by the recent abortion, busing and the honesty of the is whether or not he voted no, everything would return to normal. Many 10 p.m. n to vote against inadequate legislation. of them now wonder if the old traditions what his explanations of the votes are. are still alive and if Ford is not already just Jennings leaves consideration OF THE CAMPAIGN REFORM BILL I TIME FOR THE a part of Grand Rapids history. ember ELECTIONS. Today in Grand Rapids the people talk about- the economy and inflation much Lessard said the only question here is The vote in question is a House vote on more than they did when "their the last day of spring session to suspend a Jerry" By FRANK FOX The Tennessee Three. Jondahl voted, not why he voted as aged Telecaster guitar covered with tooled was running for office. Politicians now are did. rule and vote on the campaign reform State News Reviewer Jennings' band, however, looked like it leather and a cigarette sometimes stuck spending up to $120,000 to finance their was recruited from Uncle Ernie's between the tuning pegs. "He is asking people to believe what he measure. It looked for all the world like Saturday weekly- ' At the time of the vote the secretary of campaigns. Gerald Ford needed only poker game. Judging by its music, it After almost an hour and a half of and not what he did. That's the same $3,500 in 1948. Even if some people still night in Cripple Creek and payday at the ;m we had with Watergate," she said. state had told legislators it was too late to mines. probably plays a wicked game. mounting excitement, the band brofce into consider "Jetry" as "their boy," he is no She also noted that several House get the measure working by the November The Waylors were anchored by Ralph the final encore v longer their congressman, but' the But it was only Sundajr night at fhe ittee chairmen who had worked on election even if passed then. President of the United States and the Stables. Mooney, "the most imitated pedal steel "If them rollln' rockers can do our bill voted to suspend a rule on the last Jondahl said he voted no because he guitar player in America." President who pardoned Richard Nixon. Waylon Jennings, "the first of the last songs, we can do theirs," Jennings snapped of spring session to vote on the was not willing to be a part of a political of the real cowboys," took command at Sitting behind the tiny American flag as the band began a heated version of •:gn reform. game being played by the representatives Economy chief concern the Stables like Matt Dillon at the Long pasted on the front of his steel guitar, "One More Silver Dollar." in order to put the blame for stalling the More important than the habits of the Branch Saloon. Mooney sliced in and out of the music reform legislation on the Senate. old days is the concern about the with notes as sharp as a back alley razor Jennings, Whitmore and Goff were The crowd loved it. almost standards of living. Voters who notice and as wild as a west Texas banshee. He shouting the lyrics of this song as Minutes into their first show, Jennings the- audience lost the last semblance of tarp coverings FOR TRUCKS CARRYING every week that the dollar has less and less seemed able to bring the crowd to a frenzy SAND, GRAVEL AND OTHER and his band, The Waylors, were grinning control. "e materials. WOULD CUT DOWN HIGHWAY value, are more interested in the whenever he pleased. ACCIDENTS AND LOWER at each other like a gang of thieves in the rance premiums. candidate's ability to deal with economics Denver Mint. They had the rowdy crowd "It takes Ralph a couple of drinks to Cash's performance Friday was than by his party affiliation. pounding on tables and howling for nearly really get going," Jennings quipped at one interesting in its own way. This bill was never voted bill Jondahl said that his Most people now want nothing more point. He had fiddle player who did a fine on as a general every song. a only in two House motions to orientation is to vote no on discharge than to preserve their current way of life, Hie audience cheered at the mention of Behind Mooney stood Roger Crabtree, imitation of a mule while Cash himself did tisfge it from committee and send it to motions because they and they are ready to make some sacrifices whose bawdy harmonica work powered commendable imitation of a train. weaken the places like Texas and New Orleans as only a Door. committee system. to maintain that status quo if necessary. several of the extended jams The Waylors people who have never been farther south The high point of the show was an kssard claims that This particular bill had been worked on Both candidates of the 5th District do not favored throughout the evening. a representative's than Dearborn can do. extended medley of train songs, played on a procedural motion like this are for over 14 months by the committee and dare talk too much about sacrifices by the Jennings' two shows at the Stables The Waylor's performance began against a film backdrop of speeding steam cative of his people and prefer to suggest sacrifices by feelings on the issue itself. Jondahl said that since the committee Sunday capped a weekend of country building momentum from the first song. engines, depression era hobos on flatcars She also said that there is no mention members themselves had not voted to the government. music in the Lansing area. Friday evening, Richie Albright's crisp, sharp drums and reading the Daily Worker, and prison her ad that Jondahl was in fact VanderVeen, 51, the Democratic opposed report the bill, it was not worth Jennings' old fishing buddy, Johnny Cash, Duke Goff's bass lent a rock beat to scenes. the bill or that he incumbent, is a Harvard - educated lawyer. even voted on the bill challenging the committee system to vote played to an eager audience at the Lansing several of the numbers, while Larry Cash danced like a highballing freight '. only that he voted no on the issue, for this bill's discharge. He made three unsuccessful tries for Civic Center. train while accompanying himself Whitmore's 12 • string rhythm guitar and with a political office before his election to Cash performed with his wife, June Chuck Cochran's electric piano added screaming, plaintive harmonica. !LELFARE 'MATED AT TENS OF ABILITY STANDARDS TO REDUCE WELFARE FRAUD, Congress last February. Carter; his sister - in • law, Anita Carter; intricacy and depth. Perhaps he sometimes thinks he is a MILLIONS EACH YEAR. VanderVeen won the election by his two daughters and a six - piece band, train. Jennings presided over it all with an h Lessard and Jondahl are using a Jondahl, who said this bill was of Social Services analysis to railroaded through the House, questioned their claims on this issue, Lessard the legality of several points in the bill and 9 'he department lends said there 6) REVISION OF THE VETERAN'S RELIEF ACT TO INCLUDE BENEFITS FOR she says. It was only due to a legal hassle He said the person who dropped general was not nearly enough anyway. ft to the bill. with the word loitering that it was not information on the bill and far too many VIETNAM VETERANS. the bowling ball was already breaking """rd said Jondahl is just giving included in the final draft. several laws, and another law unanswered questions to warrant a yes was not not even explanations, in his vote. The vote was one on an amendment. Jondahl said this claim was totally false necessary. "lamt about her mention; of a Lessard could not document her claim since the amendment in question did not no vote Jondahl sites the same analysis by the ' bill she said has the that the amendment had anything to do deal with Vietnam veterans but rather 10) TAXATION OF FARM PROPERTY ACCORDING TO USE. potential for Dept. of Social Services that Lessard uses. a substantial amount of money, The analysis admits there are many with Vietnam veterans, though she said with the question of allowing township Lessard cites that the amendment in Jondahl said this claim is totally false, w he she had been told that it concerned them. officers to withdraw emergency funds for keeps saying is not that he questions and potential areas of question was authored by a farmer, and He said he had consistently supported a vote no, which is the "It may have been misleading," she veterans from county tills. only claim we ineffectiveness in the bill. that many legislators did not feel, as House bill designed to assure that farm said,"but it is certainly not a basis for the He said he felt this Lessard claim was butnhe just says he had a reason ' for Jondahl said such bills are easily passed Jondahl did, that the amendment in property be taxed according to use but kind of yjcious attack Jondahl is waging." also one of the most immediately jno, she said. "Since when is it the because legislators are afraid to vote question would simply clutter this amendment was redundant, *l,ty of the challenger to explain against welfare attacks and seeming damaging because it misrepresented his the law. "My position is that we should not put °tes of his views on an important part of his opponent?" reforms, whether they find them into law anything that is not needed," worthwhile or not. constituency. Jondahl said. "Why vote to clutter a law?" 7) DEVELOPMENT OF A DRUG AND ALCOHOL EDUCATION PROGRAM IN 11) EMPOWERING THE GOVERNOR TO DECLARE A STATE OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. SEVERE ENERGY SHORTAGE (DURING THE GAS CRISIS). THIS WAS DONE IN OREGON. "What's the difference between Jondahl claims this charge too is totally Lessard said Hie purpose of one "I have no quarrel about the governor's voting against the program and requiring false. amendment Jondahl supported was to ability to declare the state of severe energy it? Clearly this bill deals with a more He says he did not oppose development take away the power of the governor. It shortage," said Jondahl, who claimed this comprehensive program," Lessard said. of the drug and alcohol program, which he was a shrewd maneuver, she said, to part of the ad was also totally false. "I "He is just nitpicking and dealing in has supported in the past, but voted no on exclude one section which gave the worried about the other provisions that semantics." the bill in question because it made the governor the ability to declare a state of can be implemented after it is declared." progTam mandatory, which he feels should shortage, but which would then remove all He said he was especially concerned only be decided by the State Board of his crucial Dowers after that declaration. about a provision which permitted the Education. governor to suspend state statutes by executive order. 8) LEGISLATION TO PERMIT LOCAL GOVERNMENTS TO LICENSE AND legislative CONTROL OVER ADC COST OVERRUNS. REGULATE MASSAGE AND SAUNA PARLORS. PART OF THE SUPERME 12) A RESOLUTION TO PUT A LIMIT ON STATE TAXES FOR THE YEAR. COURT'S RULING WHICH LEFT PORNOGRAPHY UP TO LOCAL charlgepertams !! amendment to which He said the vote did not deal with GOVERNMENTS. This vote too was not on the resolution Jondahl, who has noted his reluctance was a call for the Dept. legislative control of ADC cost overruns, Jondahl does not itself, but rather a roll call vote on to challenge the committee system by but rather It only added redundant argue this point whether to discharge the resolution from tive fun!T"CeSi t0 recluest needed except to note that Lessard's association discharging bills, was on the committee in language presented as an amendment just committee. ,iif»n2aSenWghf0rthem^ so the author could "reap unwarranted of the bill with the decision is incorrect. Supreme Court Again, Lessard contends that a vote on question here, and said he felt there were too many unanswered questions to political leverage from criticism of welfare discharge is indicative of the legislator's discharge it. noted that on many of his programs. 9) THE PROHIBITION OF LOITERING ON HIGHWAYS, BRIDGES AND feelings on the bill. Jond.1,1 clled OVERPASSES. THIS WOULD REDUCE ACCIDENTS AND VANDALISM. There are two other points of dispute between the two candidates, both arising from -c .. maJ°nty of the legislature Calling Lessard's misinterpretations of another Lessard ad which ran in the Towne Courier several weeks ■ 'nought the issues important The bill was introduced after a bowling Jondahl argues that though earlier Lessard noted in the ad that Jondahl had voted to ago. votes (No. 4 and 5) . w vote for. these two welfare put farm activities under tighter ball dropped from a highway overpass drafts of this bill dealt with loitering, the control. Jondahl claims this is potentially the most damaging of her misleading since the activities in question were already claims in the long run, Jondahl said he has killed an auto passenger. legislation in question does not prohibit under the Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Act and he merely voted against shown before that he does not always "That bowling ball incident would have loitering but makes it a misdemeanor to removing them from that control. all I needed to pass this legislation," felZS that lhis vote. was think the majority is right. "But if she been Lessard said. disobey a policeman's order to vacate highway overpass. a The ad also stated that Jondahl voted to require development of consumer economic •gains? sill ,Would have the guts to • continues to make political hay out of The final draft of the bill did not He said this is redundant because one classes in public schools. Jondahl argues that he did not vote to require the classes, but rather to require the State Dept. of Education to • scorin appears to another human needs, that wUI only encourage the develop an optional program of sc°nnganti-welfare" vote. chicken - hearted legislators to quickly include loitering, though earlier drafts did, can be arrested for disobeying an officer consumer education. v pass shoddy legislation," he said. Susan Ager WILLIAM Editor-in-Chief Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R. D. Campbell Managing Editor 'Envirocrat' attack hits home Mary Flood City Editor Diane Silver Campus Editor Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Pay ton National Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor Tuesday, October 29, 1974 Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor WASHINGTON — An agglomeration of This week, as if by orchestration, Concentration on news magazines may In fact, home buyers of Editorials are the opinion of the State Judy Rypma by a real estate a decade J Hews. Columns, viewpoints and letters are Copy Chief federal bureaucrats, foundation officials, another report — well be over a lot sooner, in my view, than are considerably better off Joe Kirby personal opinions. Staff Representative social planners and nobly motivated land consultant firm at a cost to taxpayers of concentration on single • family homes, stock ■ buyers.'The single"- BJH use freaks have taken advantage of the $150,000 - was issued with great pride by and envirocrats will be rocking away their a conservatizing force, as candwiTl energy faddism and the depression in the its sponsors, the Environmental Protection old age in high - rise cubicles while more suburbia will attest, and 2SJ?1 homebuilding industry to launch an attack on the single - family house. Agency, the Dept. of HUD, and sure enough, the same Peterson's council. Americans will be spending dollars for human need of even privacy planners acknowledge has or castSol, "Hie Costs of Sprawl" is the loaded shelters on places to call their own with value. The Urban Land Institute, which EDITORIALS prefers to see people clustered together in title of this study, and its conclusion is that the single - family house is the most picket fences and backyards. If the sloganeers of the homewrecking But in this day and age, we are told apartment houses, issued a report last average man cannot afford such p,iv | ' week blasting "energy - inefficient costly to build, most wasteful to operate lobby force us to choose between the inefficient use of equally pejorative terms of sprawl and energy do« patterns of sprawl" which is foundationese type of housing possible. Moreover, single Judg< e Tschirhart for a development of single - family homes in the suburbs. ■ family homes pollute the atmosphere and drain communities of services much more crowding, I am for sprawl. The dramatic rise in home ownership discourage him, the high will. That need not be co« 0« h* "c Russell Peterson, chairman of the readily than do apartment houses. has done more for economic stability than so. The cm construction labor is Council on Environmental Quality, is As if it were not enough to castigate the any other single fact of the past maintained i The East Lansing District Court courts, and follows with a series of generation. The revolution that started in artificially high level by the Davis quoted in that report as saying: "We have typical American house as a smoke - Act, a sop to the most inflationary un,r deals with the legal cases that affect reforms that he would institute as long taken for granted that single - family belching oil - waster, it is condemned Levittown, Long Island, after World War II introduced equity into the estates of over and local building codes make students most. Traffic cases make houses were the standard pattern of elsewhere as an uneconomic anachronism. it diffi, judge. to introduce modern development in the suburbs and that they "When and if housing does revive," the 30 million families; urban planners may techniques up 80 to 90 per cent of the trials, Among the reforms Gaulden sniff at the "dreariness" of the tract materials. One day this interference were the cheapest and most efficient way current Time magazine intones, "inflation with small claims, disorderly would make is hiring a magistrate the free market will end. for fiscally responsible suburban is likely to cause one basic change in its house, but it is a lot less dreary to the conduct, break - ins, and pot cases to render "round the clock And when our current - - communities to grow. Both of these pattern: concentration on the free people who have raised families there and recession fin. accounting for most of the rest. service" - a move which he assumptions have now been pretty much standing, single - family house may well be sold to new families at a considerable puts a crimp in the rate of inflatj discarded." over." profit. potential homebuyer will have less inter recently has admitted would be to pay and will find banks The incumbent judge is Daniel demanding impossible until the legislature of a down payment. Tschirhart, who was appointed last changes state law. A single - family residential February by Gov. Milliken after a recovery will take place early"," detailed screening of 10 candidates Gaulden proposes an evening normal turn of the business cycle as 1 including Tschirhart's opponent division of small claims court, as our well intentioned urban planners^ Letter Policy - not succeed in in this election, Booker Gaulden - which is within the power of the changing public toward the individual home. by lawyers throughout Michigan. judge. The need for such a division That policy is to The encourii is questionable, however, as Opinion Page welcomes all homebuying. We permit interest Since that time, Tschirhart's Tschirhart now settles all small letters. Readers should follow a mortgages to be deducted from inc taxes. We also have Federal court has been noted for its clarity, claims on Fridays within 30 days of few rules to insure that as many Hou Administration (FHA) insurance fairness, mercy and efficiency. notification of the parties. letters as possible appear in print. mortgage loans, in the most success! Tschirhart has been known to All letters should be typed on New Deal experiment of all, which I Gaulden has openly campaigned 65 - space lines and triple - made possible the building of the subui interrupt a trial to ensure that for harsher penalties for hard drug spaced. Letters must be signed, But the people who helped everyone involved fully understands bring us t the proceedings. pushers. But such cases do not and include local address, student, energy shortage are using a shortage energy as an excuse to apply theirnotii He has shown a respect for appear in district court. Other faculty or staff standing - if any of land use to what should be the M evenhanded law, proving himself reforms, such as a new jury and phone number. choice in the purchase of shelter. selection procedure, which Gaulden Letters should be 25 lines Apartment houses partial to neither side in disputes or are fine, has supported, admittedly deserve less and quadruplex condominiums, such as tenant - landlord cases. may be edited for townhc careful clusters and menage study and possible conciseness to fit more letters on • a • trois In sentencing, he has preferred homes, if that is what the cu..„ implementation. the page. to use alcohol or drug rehabilitation prefers. But diversity and individuals No unsigned letters will be the hallmarks of democracy, and programs when available. Jail terms Nevertheless, in addition to affordable single - family house she accepted are unusual sentences in East espousng "reforms" which are continue to be encouraged as an availi Lansing District Court. sometimes unnecessary, impossible, choice to the coming generation. In or irrelevant to the office of judge, speed and efficiency, Booker Gaulden (Cj 1974 New York Times Tschirhart's court has far surpassed was involved the state average. Of the traffic during the primary in campaign cases handled by his court, 99 per tactics smear sheets followed by cent are disposed within 30 days, - contradictory denials - that make VIEWPOINT: FACULTY PENSIONS compared to 61 per cent statewide. him a questionable choice for a Tschirhart's opponent, Booker Gaulden, bases his hardhitting campaign on a vague attack on the judgeship. The State News endorses Daniel Tschirhart for East strongly Retirement fundsecure poor tradition of jtisffceHtt district Lansing (54 B) district judge. b'j>ho n By GARY i. POSNER Program may designate how the total Many people will participate in CREF fully invested, and CREF participd The articV written by Deni Martin in contributions of the employe and the from 30 to 50 years, allowing for a benefit, through the pattern of regJ the Oct. 17 State News boldly headlined " University are to be invested. These predictable flow of tunds which permits CREF purchases, from the principle! 'U' pension values vary with stock contributions may be allocated 100 per CREF to link its investment policy to the dollar - cost averaging as stocks duct - Bring artists market" needs further clarification to cent to TIAA or CREF or split in 25 per long range growth of the economy and Now is an excellent time to be in avoid misinterpretation and undue cent multiples. Fluctuations in retirement have funds invested in companies with the in CREF if the employe's outlook fori! apprehension by University personnel. income from TIAA (a fixed annuity) are best prospects for earnings growth over economy by the time he or she retired The article's description of eligibility Right students interested in students would be exposed to an and minor and vary only as to the declared the years. CREF's investment objective is optimistic. Most CREF moderate their exposure to the ri participa^ now participation guidelines was dividend rate. to achieve long - term performance to the fine arts learn artist not only in performance and inaccurate. In brief, fulltime faculty and CREF was established in 1952 to equity investing by allocating a portiorj by doing. If Jim provide reasonable security in retirement. administrative • professional staff may provide a conduit for employes wishing to For the first 20 years of CREF (1952 their retirement savings to TIAA. 1 Fleming, director of the Union classes, but also in a living situation. enter the Teachers Insurance Annuity place money in a variable annuity which TIAA-CREF program Board, has his way, students will be For instance, if opera singer Beverly through 1972), investments produced an Assn. - College Retirement Equities Fund may rise or fall in retirement based on average net rate of return (capital employes, at the time of retirement, I learning not only from their own Sills were quartered in McDonel (TIAA-CREF) program upon employment common stock investments. It is this phase transfer accumulations from CREF f appreciation and dividends) of 11.2 per experience but also from the Hall for two weeks, voice students and are qualified to participate upon of the retirement plan which can fluctuate buy TIAA annuities if they wish. cent each year. Faculty and staff who are experience of established artists. could how completion of two years service or their from year to year. Faculty and staff The TIAA-CREF program provided see a great artist 35th currently investing in CREF should be less prepares for the brief hour of birthday, whichever is later. Contribution levels are 5 per cenf for wishing to invest solely in fixed income concerned with yearly fluctuations (which framework on which University person| securities and not have their pension vary can provide for their retirement n< Fleming is developing" plans for triumph under the spotlight. the employe and 10 per cent for the Individuals may allocate monies betweel with the stock market may elect to place admittedly have decreased recently) than University - wide artists - in - University. All other employes may. all contributions solely in TIAA. with the aggregate net return on all funds fixed and variable annuity, may tax she! residence which would fill program, Fleming's idea's a good one, but optionally enter the TIAA-CREF program In the United States more than 325,000 invested during their working careers. their contributions, have their after give students a chance to live, work as with everything nowadays, three years of service and are required to participate after three years persons are allocating part of their retirement savings to CREF annuities. During participation years, immediately vested and enjoy a wide ri^ and learn with experienced artists. financing is a problem. Therefore, contributions are made periodically and of survivor and retirement options. and attainment of age 35. Contribution CREF regularly receives money from invested not only when the market is up Right now, several University University administrators should Gary J. Posner is director oj I levels are currently 3 per cent for the participants over a long period of time. but also when it is low. Funds are kept Compensation and Benefits. departments conduct mini - look at his proposals carefully, and enpioye, 6 per cent for the University and residence programs in which only allocate funds to develop such a will increase automatically to 5 per cent / students in selected 10 per cent by July 1,1977. majors project. The article implied that all employes' participate. pensions were directly affected by stock Learning in a classroom is an market changes. In actuality, any faculty Fleming's proposal deserves everyday occurrence, but learning or staff member eligible for participation support. It will broaden the base of from an artist is a once - in - a - in the TIAA-CREF Retirement Annuity participation in artist - in - lifetime chance. If MSU initiates a FLY MSU? residence programs. The proposed broad artist - in - residence I've just read the letters of Karen W. program also would enable program, at least some of the , DEADLINE Tyson and Wilbur H. Campbell interested students to gather a complaining about traffic on football classroom boredom that dominates Letters relating to the Nov. 5 election days. Unbelievable! What do they expect better working knowledge of the must be received by the State News before student life will be dispelled the traffic to do, fly into the stadium? 5 p.m. Friday to be considered for arts. through contact with the real publication. Apparently they have lived sheltered Under Fleming's proposal world. lives. They should take a trip to Ann Arbor or to South Bend on a game day. Or even to Pasadena for the Rose Bowl. Entire towns are "taken over" rather than DIANE campuses. The situation is a paradise at MSU compared to situations in other places. The traffic directors MSU do building and was promptly ticketed, "considering purchasing a bus 1 Professors don't at a magnificent job of getting care into Because the ticket was issued by our hydraulic lift for wheelchairs » care out of the stadium in record time. Isn't it a shame that these people are and neighborly East Lansing police, I have no provide easy access for the elderi university grounds for appeal even though present there is no plan to pure 1 inconvenienced a few Saturdays during a it was their code which was violated, but bus, designed and constructed y merely the placating promise that they Corp. of Santa Clara, Calif- _ couple of months of the year? They can do their errands in the morning or leave will try not to overassign parking spaces so understood it, this bus was .1 the area. blatantly next year. Great. demonstrated in the eommiimty ■ the facts and theories found in By campus because it is the firstt ven J I wonder if that man standing up there, our text. I an old man. He is not the stereotyped old But what about the next months? A big Booooo to these cry babies! droning on, knows what he is doing to us? can only guess that either he is a fraud professor who has spent too many years at registering my car I made a contractual record to be totally designed w with Rita Gilbert I wonder if he knows how we feel or even no knowledge of the subject or (yafve the University and is getting senile. This arrangement with MSU - my money for a needs of handicappers and elderiy in cares? got to be kidding!) the text contains all man Is not the kindly old man who at least Lansing piece of their parking lot. And if the The Office of Special "®P~t| This is the fourth week of classes and the knowledge in the world. No one can add to its wise words. cares about the student. This man averages ROOKED University cannot manage to uphold its end of the bargain, I have no keenly Interested in seeing tc>11 two - thirds of his class does not show up about 40 years old but can be as young as choice but to transportation needs of nana for lectures. Of the third that shows, two 24. This "professor" can be a man or Periodically there arises a discussion as renege on mine. students enrolled at MSU are m ■ to whether the University exists for itself are snoring in the back row. woman. There is no single type because or to meet the needs of the students. Possibly the feeling is that a student more than two years special prop But the at the front of the room "he" is everywhere. budget should man Though the answer inevitably affirms the not include the luxury of a Prov>ded the only coordinated,spejj (the "professor" — the so - called teacher) You could kidnap half the You could kidnap half the faculty at latter, I have a real question as to the car and thus such attitudes should be transportation program for handic does not take the hint. His class is more discouraged. But it seems to me that there faculty at MSU and the students MSU and the students would never know validity of this conclusion. This service costs more than a simple bore. The thing is a rip - off. could be more would never know they were they were gone. For the students, the The incident which most recently equitable and efficient transportation for other studenti\ j He lectures from years - old notes. His ~ faculty is never there. caused this question was my arrangements made to accomodate those numbers of handicappers re^ hands seldom gesture and his voice is an gone. I am not alone in these observations. being students who do need a car to facilitate specialized transportation i ticketed for parking in empty monotone. I defy anyone to detect Talk to students. They will always speak faculty - staff their continued pursuit of academia special programs recognizes the note of enthusiasm in it. He seldom parking at 4:30 on a Saturday moming. a raises his eyes to the class. He never asks enthusiastically about the one teacher Mary Therese Zipple consider alternative means for pro* they had a year or two ago who was Parking places for Owen residents are at a W559 Owen Hall transportation program which is questions, never challenges our knowledge. For this I paid $64! I would rather pay minimum and true to form I cama back to and usable by handicappt^ JL interesting and who cared. That faculty The lectures cover and recover the the $13 for the text, and study the thing member is remembered because he or she from babysitting to find every space in SPECIAL BUS actions in this regard will be bey® J material in the textbook. The myself. At least I would be secure in the is so rare at MSU. Lot O and in the student section of Shaw limited resource capability ; An article in the Oct. 24 State News mimeographed handouts cover the knowledge that I was finally being taught This is quality education? Ramp full of both registered and states that the Office for programs and will of necessity > material in the text. Our "expert" at the by someone who cared - myself. unregistered cars. Having exhausted my Programs for other University offices. This is my education. I have been Handicapped Students, which is James g.Hi front of the room never adds anything to The man at the front of the room is not legitimate resources, I parked behind the a part of Asst. P ripped off. the Office of Special Programs is lection forum Candidates draw cheers & jeers Let criticized us assume (for the Conlin understanding a sake broader issue) that the of Lessard debated "30 second public opinion poll" can be called nothing but a cheap shot at Jondahl. «. cute News' failure to endorse squad does in fact exist to Tight hard Human Hights party county drugs. Because of the much abused laws H. Lynn Jondahl seems to claim Being quite concerned with women's ein - candidate Mary Ellen of supply and demand in this capitalistic political sainthood in spite of his poor problems and accomplishments, I would Ski and to instead support the society, the police relentlessly wage a voting record. ordinarily appreciate a woman running for Tlnai politician who doubles as losing battle against drug users. Put quite Cathy Lessard is not a saint and does office, but in this case Ms. Lessard is way tSnT serves to illustrate toe '-s commitment to token rather simply: the more heroin busts there are, the more demand not aspire to sainthood. Cathy only wants to honestly represent the 59th District out of bounds. H. shown himself to be a Lynn Jondahl has fine, conscientious increase, raising prices sin «itfnificant socia! change. of heroin and forcing addicts to make with expertise of her training and legislator in many areas including women's Z vears ago. Dick Conl.r, was more armed • robberies, break and enter experience in government. Cathy expects issues, and deserves to be re - elected to Id promising to oppose the Metro more often, mug (and often as a by - your input too. congress. Charlene Crickon 2 Today, such promises are product, upe) more victims more A young, well - informed, highly 2780 E. Grand River Ave. 'MORE?? YOU WANT Mgftf?!' .n't ten as the "professional frequently; all of this so that the addict organized crusader for decent and honest Scian" supports this pot - busting, can get what means more than life or government, Ms. Lessard has a special sensitivity to concerns for women. Levin lashed In this year's campaign, there are two sides to every issue, and it just seems that Taylor rapped ndercover narcotics unit while he aims death to the user. Therefore, according to Levin can't help getting on BOTH sides. "Ids the chairpersonship of the toe laws of logic the Metro Squad does not Her opponent, H. Lynn Jondahl has his What is the real question of this year's In short, two records are being offered As an MSU student and a resident of East Lansing, I would like to rd of commissioners and a future in fajt decrease the crime rate, but accomplishments, too. gubernatorial campaign? It is a choice, a register my •He to the voters this November. Bill Milliken dismay at the deception that is being otat state representative. actually increases the rate of criminal over spends his extravagant simple choice between promise and offers a strong record of accomplishment perpetrated in the 6th District Finally. I musl disassociate myself activity. campaign treasure chest and appeals for more cash performance. While one candidate has on a broad range of issues. The other congressional race. The deception is, of from mm what I consider to be an I have a hard time excusing the one special interest been traveling around the state making offers a kind of broken record that keeps course, the effort by Republican candidate group. Lriflv inconsistent editorial policy moralistic, narrow - minded blind law and •He "foul" when Cathy focuses wild promises that even he knows he can playing the same old tune. Clifford Taylor to convince the people of -the part of your newspaper. You fail order commissioners who refuse to know crys never keep, another candidate has been the East attention his Betty Jane Owen Lansing / MSU community that to mention Conlin's active support on extraordinary and doing and performing and bringing 403 S. Case Hall he is a political moderate and can well the Metro Squad despite your own progress to this state. represent student interests. rdent opposition to it. Such This November the voters of Michigan Trustee A seemingly endless tradiction borders on schizophrenia, will have nine candidates for governor to praised television, radio and newspaper i barrage ■ of erefore, 1 take this opportunity to choose from. The two top contenders are advertisements blast Recently the State News ran a story out the nudiate the lackluster State News former state Sen. Sander Levin and detailing the backgrounds of this year's "independent" nature of Mr. Taylor, ndorsement of my candidacy and Gov. Milliken. candidates for the board of trustees. It bending over backward to omit any -xiously await the next issue of the The issues this year are varied, and one was mention of the Republican interesting to note the relative emphasis, party which, sing Star. receiving a great deal of attention is the after all, is the party that nominated and is or rather lack of it, given to the two Dave Rathke, HRP candidate better. But I cannot excuse the actions proposed removal of the sales tax on food 8th District county commission of contradictory voting record over the past Republican candidates. Even though the supporting him. This is a very important one particular and drugs. Levin says he commissioner who already two years. supports such a two trustees that will strategy, because in a race against an be elected will does know better. That commissioner Editor's note: Conlin defends hi* yes ran •He deluges the mails with political measure (it would cost the state some probably be from the two major parties, obvious Democrat, Bob Carr, Taylor can $200 million yearly in revenues) yet he te on Metro Squad financing by on a platform which advocated the "position" papers, strong in the Republican nominees still got less be confident of the votes of the abolition of the Metro Squad. says he will not raise income taxes. How Republican stronghold. The key to victory aining that the squad would continue Now, for generalizations, cliches and pious does he plan to pull that neat trick? space than most of the minor party the second time in for Taylor will be how j, activities even without the county's two years, that platitudes, but far from concrete answers Deficit nominees. many "swing" commissioner, Richard Conlin (10th spending is not allowed in votes he can muster, particularly from the 400 120 per cent of their budget), but to Cathy's concise questions. Frank Merriman, one of the Republican district) has snubbe 10 s« revenue for Ali has had 46 fights, losing only two - the one to pay television is what has made possible $5 million guarantees for Frazier other to relatively unknown Ken Norton. Norton each man in a production which carries a price tag of broke Ali' in the second round of a 12 - rounder which went the disu" approximately $30 million. Muhammad reversed that verdict in a close rematch with N and then Foreman flattened Norton in two. Because of his showmanship, his stand on race issues anH h- religious militancy, Muhammad Ali has become more ill fighter to much of the world. His fights have becoV "happenings," drawing people who know less than nothing care less, about the bawdy old sport of boxing. They come to see and cheer and admire Ali. But there is no way Ali the fighter can be record against the best of his era speaks for itself. He downgraded Hi. is tom In two spirited sets, Tighe squeezed past Rick Huffman in the fastest the finals 7-5, 7-6. heavyweight ever and one of the best boxers of Keating became the Men's them Intramural's first fall tennis Neither player lost his serve champion last Friday when he during the first four games of the championship as the lead Women's team swayed back and forth between the two men. Huffman grabbed a 5-4 lead faces CMU here but failed to win the initial set as Keating came back to win Two of MSU's women's the fin.il three games. sports teams will be in action Huffman staged a comeback The MSU Sailing Club successfully defended its Ohio George Foreman (right) prepares tor tonight's fight with Muhammad Ali by sparring with one of his partners. today. of his own in the second set. Intersectional Regatta title this past weekend. State Foreman and Ali will answer the opening bell at 4 a.m. Wednesday Zaire, Africa time, which is The field hockey team will After being on the verge of Derrick Fries and John Walton were skippers, along with crew 10 p.m. tonight EST. A crowd of about 64,000 fans, mostly Ali rooters, is expected to attend the fight, play on Old College Field at 4 elimination with the score at Barbara Hollerbach and Bonnie Smith. which has been delayed about a month because of a cut Foreman sustained last month. p.m. today when it faces 5-1, ho managed to tie it up at The win, the squad's fourth straight at the Ohio e 6-6 to force a tie - breaking Central Michigan. qualified the team for the annual Sugar Bowl Regatta in New Sandy Hudson scored three game. Orleans. goals Saturday to lead the MSU Keating shook off The Sailing Club was also represented at the Indiana Huffman's challenge, in the Graduate Regitta last weekend by Ralph Blasier and University squad to a 3-2 victory over Carolyn Win puts Spartans Western Michigan here. The women's cross country will travel to Eastern final game, however, to win both the championship. set and the IM Wooley. The team placed second in that event. Two members of the MSU Karate Club won their divisions at team the Michigan Karate Championships held Sunday in Detroit Michigan for a dual meet Altho gh Keating had very MSU's Darryl Kearney captured the reserve assignment in the offensive MSU travels to Wisconsin In their three home contests few problems on his way to the championship in MSU's football team is right today. The harriers are coming the brown belt division while Tom Triplett, an instructor for the back in the thick of the Big backfield." Saturday to face the improved this season, Wisconsin has off a dual meet win this past finals, Huffman met stiff club who was competing in his first tournament as a black belt Ten race following Saturday's The Spartan defense allowed beaten Nebraska and Missouri weekend Central competition in the quarter - Badgers, who have been tough over won the lightweight black belt championship. 31-7 thrashing of Purdue - just the Boilermakers to roll up 406 at home this season. and lost to Michigan, 24-20. Michigan, 23 - 32. finals. ask Denny Stolz. yards in total offense, but "They always play well at "I don't know why people allowed only one touchdown. home," Stolz lamented. said the game didn't have an effect on the race," the KARATE Spartan coach said Monday at TOURNAMENT his weekly press luncheon. The Air Force Pilot has it "Sure it had a bearing on the SUNDAY made. Air Force R0TC Big Ten race." will help you make it. The victory vaulted the Spartans into a third place tie with Illinois at 2-1-1. The HelvV how conference leaders are, as It vjiu <|uulilv. the Air h'orce ROTt will provide the flying usual, the University of Michigan and Ohio State, each Greek lessons. It'll be light in a small airplane: but-you're with 4-0 records. started towards the day when you'll solo in an Air Force jet. Purdue, meanwhile, dropped PIZZA That's onlv one of the benefits out of contention as its league of the Air Force ROTC Pro¬ record fell to 1-3. gram. Consider all this: MSU offensive guard Charlie AT IT'S Scholarships that cover full Wilson was named Spartan of tut ion. Plus reimbursement • 1 the Week for his performance for textbooks. Plus lab and • • •• v' * BEST AT , against the Boilermakers. incidental fees. Plus $100 a month, tax-free. To insure truth-in-advertisir.i. our sale prices are Stolz praised his offensive u like discounted from our regular prices-not from mislead¬ and defensive units, which put everything together to produce MSU's first victory in five Bell's CAPTAIN RAYNER ing list prices. Your savings ai ilways comparable. weeks. at 355-2168 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 OPEN 11 A.M. EVERY DAY ITT IT ALI.TtM.KTIIKK "We executed well," the l\ AIR FORCE ROTC second - year coach said. "We Free Delivery didn't have one brtken 39 ^ BIG HALLOWEEN SALE!!!! Capitol* WED 16 U.rt Oct."30*f3|* $(,,59 off selling price on LP's!! V'-qwA off selling price on tapes!! COKJKT "TSSiair ^Ol g;. JCl-64GO 1Q Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tjjesdaj^obe^ ,9?4 Let a Want Ad Coll Now i for You 355-8255 I Work Today Auto Service / FRANKLY SPEAKING. . . .by phil frank | ]® [ Jiffi For Sale ^ MUSTANG II 1974. 2-door, VOLKSWAGEN COMPLETE OWN room in EAST 201 South Magnolia, NEW SHOP , • - WANTED: OPENING! oDen „ automatic, radial tires, tinted glass, repair and body. 20% apartment for female. Close to carpeted. 3 bedrooms. $180, 12,000 miles. $2800. 641-4053. DISCOUNT on to all cash'n'carry students, faculty VW service campus. Winter, spring only. Contact Laura, c/o Jack. 351-0997 after 5. 5-11-1 '^.6cKeSt>- 4245 Okemos Road jl *5 FEMALE GRAD to share nice 2 lumber yard by the' MG MIDGET 1971, burnt orange, parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar 351-7623. 5-10-30 bedroom furnished house with crossing. 349 4648 5-11., Railr(^ 39,000 miles; Michelin radials, ORIVE, East seme. One mile from campus PHONE 355 8255 485-2047, 485-9229 129 BURCHAM excellent condition, $1600. Call Mastercharge and Bank Lansing, furnished, heat $87.50. After 5:30, 3714353. STEREO 347 Student Services Bldg. COMPLETE, AMffu 351-5244. 5-11-1 Americard. C-10-31 included, available November 1, 5-11-1 turntable. 8 track tape p ' $140 per month. Call 351-2402 component with 2 "Ifwl SPMker) * AUTOMOTIVE OLDS CUTLASS 1972. 2-door, i from 8 to 3, after 4, 882-2316 $80. Tape and albums |arB. . automatic, power steering, until 9. 0-10-11-11 selection of speakers. Scooters & Marar Cycles brakes, air and tape deck. Pioneer, Kenwood and FULL TIME EAST LANSING, 2 bedroom, COUNTRY SETTING, Okemos Son Parts & Service Repossessed. extension 25. 5-11-1 Phone 484-5473, available at Miller Avaition, unfurnished. $190 plus house. Own room, fireplece. stereo Mamiya amplifiers. Canon Ft! Aviation ■ Sekor, Petri-2 iensand' Grand Ledge Airport. electricity, call 351:5599 after 6. Dogs. $75. 34£,V) 90/month TOYOTA CORONA, 1972. Four year, 2 weeks paid vacation, Lansing General Hospital 2800 or 393-5521. 5-10-30 NEED ROOMATE, fantastic deal in plus utlll\|tSJ\ pets. Working OPEN 9-5:30 daily. CI— door, standard. Must sell. Call $3,000 life insurance, income Devonshire, Lansing. Please call wonderful new furnished 3 couple preferred, 339-8968. NO. 3-10-29 Saturday. OPTICA NO DAYS Larry, 349-1879. 5-11-4 protection plan. Call Director of 372-8220, extension 268. An NEED ROOMMATE, 3 blocks from bedroom house. Own room, 3 ' ^ DISCOUNT, 2615 Eastj WORDS Nursing, 393-5680. 4-11-1 Equal Opportunity Employer. campus. $49 plus utilities. blocks from campus in East FURNISHED 3 Room cottage. Michigan, Lansing 372-7409 TOYOTA CORONA Mark II. 25-10-31 355-9954 or 351-2576. 5-10-30 Lansing. $85/month. Call 4-10-31 1 3 5 TO LADY FOR cleaning and ironing 351-1852, between 8-11 em and $135/month - on lease. Student Engine in excellent condition. 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 Tires like new. Snows included. one-two days / week. $2/hour. SECRETARIAL POSITION. 25-35 CEDAR VILLAGE girl needed. 6 -9 pm . 4-11-1 couple preferred. 332-8913. 2 ATLAS SNOW tires, E73x14r $850 or best offer. 489-4203. 351-0776. 3-10-30 hours/week. Good typing skills. $80, immediate occupancy. 3-10-29 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 $40. Used one winter. 485-033: 4-11-1 Shorthand necessary. Send 349-2907 after 3:30. 5-10-31 $68/MONTH, 2 men needed 15 2.25 6.00 9.70 19.50 after 5 pm. 3-10-30 SALES POSITION resume - P.O. Box 208, Okemos. immediately, Campus Hill GIRL NEEDED to share house, 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 BE HOME EVERY NIGHT 48864. 5-10-29 FEMALE TO share apartments, George, 349-2457. $60 per month. 349-4569 after VEGA 1974 Wagon. Automatic, two woman 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 rust/proof, custom exterior. Arrange financial programs for apartment. Own room. 6:30. 3-10-29 individuals and business 351-2014 evenings. 5-10-31 25 3.75 10.00 D EADLINE 16.25 32.50 Very dean. 489-9734 after 5 pm. 5-10-29 organizations. Will train for highly lucrative, annualized For Rent Iff] SUBLEASE, 1 bedroom, furnished, $140. all utilities paid. 349-1846 1 OR 2 PEOPLE to share beautiful house, $50/each. 484-5055. LUDWIG DRUMS. 5 piece se 1 P.M. one class day VW BUS 1970. Good condition, 9 passenger, good tires. AM-FM, commission experience sales. Prior desirable. Call sales TV and STEREO $25/term. $10.95/month. Free Rentals. fEAST LANSING^ after 6. Okemos. 10-11-11 , 5-10-31 cases with 4 cymbols. condition. $525 . Excell" 349-272T1 before publication. Same Day Delivery and Service. NEAR LCC students, 5 bedrooms, 5-10-29 22 mpg. 351-5933, evenings. Josephine Starkweather, • 694-3935. Investors Diversified Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-10-31 1 Bdrm furnished, reasonable. 3514140 HART KNIGHT Skis. Intermedial Peanuts Personal ads Services. 10-1108 or 655-2603. x-4-10-31 180cm. Used 3 times 69432 must be pre ONE LARGE room for storage of furnished or unfurnished 429 CHESTNUT, SOUTH. Three paid. or 699-3411, office. 3 10-31 13 UNLIMITED SALES items. Call 4844120. immediate occupancy rooms, bath, carpet, appliances. OPPORTUNITY small 5-10-31 First floor. Downtown Lansing. Rooms PIONEER QX-8000 Cancellations/ Corrections IF you're a better man than the job $135 plus utilities. 484-7253. re SUPER BEETLE Volkswagen, one hour. No frem MM04 serf 12 noon one class day FURNISHED ROOMS. Kitchen ]g you're now in, we'd like to talk 10-11-11 1971. Excellent condition, call wires included. S375. 339-i before publications. for a real good deal. 489-9638. to you. Commissions. Call ApaMs privileges. Parking. Walking 2-t0-30 5-10-30 Josephine Starkweather at LANSING: NEED female, $25 distance to MSU. EQUITY 694-3935. investors Diversified PLEASANT GROVE plus electricity, deposit, $75/month, no utilities. VEST, 351-8150. 5-10-31 The State News will be near Jolly. SKIS 205 cm Hart Competiti- Services. 10-11-8 New one and two bedroom. carpeted, A/C, 4854746. 2 10-30 responsible only for the first day's incorrect Motorcycles ][»b] PERSON WHO likes children to Appliances, carpet, air conditioning, laundry. Balcony pool, no pets 731 BURCHAM, Three - man, LARGE. room CLEAN quiet. for male. Very close to Double Soloman 505 bindings. Used season. $125. Negoti, 394-0050. 487-8748. 5-10-31 THE NEW Harley 250 is now in care for 2 preschoolers and do or patio, $139-$169. See completely furnished, insertion. campus. Light cooking. Call stock. Special Fall introductory housekeeping. References and Assistant Manager, Apartment 2, phone: DAYS close/campus. $76.67 each. MUSICIANS - DON'T miss it!*" Bills are due 7 days from transportation required. Full 3620 Richmond. Call 676-1270; 351-7212. 5-114 price just $1095. HARLEY 351 - 7910 Jost will be demonstrating DAVIDSON OF LANSING, time, permanent position. 10-114 ' EVENINGS DELUXE 3 BEDROOM in Okemos, CEDAR VILLAGE girl needed. incredible ELKA' piano Okemos 349-3827. Call after 5 5507 Lansing Road, Charlotte. - $80, immediate Call Clavaichord • string synthes::1 or weekend. 3-10-29 ONE WOMAN to sublease own 351 19,?5 includes 2 full baths, air occupancy. 645-2222. 5-10-30 room in house, winter term. conditioning, car port. 337-2497. 3-10-31 Tuesday at 1:00 at MARSHAL MUSIC. This unit has theu. CAKE DECORATOR - $82/month, 436 M.A.C. Nochildren or pets. $250. Phone 332-2641.5-114 332-0111 or evenings and OWN ROOM. Furnished three string sound of any u Experienced, full time, part FEMALE ROOMMATE to share weekends a« bedroom house. Lansing, close price range, plus it has condition. 339-9459. 5-10-30 time. Apply 4500 West Saginaw, one bedroom apartment. Across 332-3202.10-11^-5 to MSU, LCC. $67/month, plus keyboard, bass pedals optif between 7 am - 3 pm. 5-10-31 GIRLS WANTED. Strawberry Fields. Low rent. 393-2610, from campus. 337-2570. 3-10-30. EAST LANSING, Luxury one utilities. Bob, 353-7230, separate pedals control of St.; SUZUKI 1971 - 500 cc. 2200 miles. bedroom. Unfurnished. No pets. 487-9328. 5-114 section, versatile piano > ATTENITON MSU Students and SALES HELP, 11 pm - 7 am. Apply after 5pm. 3-10-31 $700. Very good condition. TRANSFERRED. MUST sublease clavichord sounds, and se faculty members. Rent a car 4500 West Saginaw, Must be 22. Negotiable lease. $200 includes 655-3151.5-10-30 one bedroom apartment. Close 129 Highland. 332-0976. from JACK DYKSTRA FORD 5-10-31 DELUXE DUPLEX. 2 bedrooms, heat. NEED PERSON. Own room, farm decay controls. Hear at reduced rates low $7 basement, garage, air, carpeted, to campus. Call 351-9036. 15-11-6 demonstrated, try i as as a HONDA CB450. Excellent house. $41.50 plus utilities. 5-11-1 1:00 Tuesday at MARSHA day and 5cents a mile. Phone STUDENTS- POSITIONS convenient. 393-8465. 10-11-11 Campus five miles. 694-3798. condition, 5,500 miles, olive. now BEDROOM furnished. - 393-1800. 5 10-29 TWO 5-10-29 MUSIC, 245 $695. 351-3231.5-10-30 open. Part time. Dependable. APARTMENTS FOR RENT, in $210/month. Block from CM 0-29 NEW, FURNISHED apartments. One Responsible. Benefits after one Lansing. Two bedroom, BLAZER CST 1972 4 wheel drive. block from campus. Contemporary campus. Available immediately. LEATHER JACKETS for dress and year. Apply 1431 East Michigan, carpeted, stove and refrigerator, 332-0441. 10-10-29 EAST LANSING girl wanted to SEWING MACHINE clearance"' For more information, Nancy, DOG AND SUDS. Ask for Karen living at it's best. Reservations sport. Check with us before you gas heat. 10 minutes from MSU. share mobile home. Own Brand new portables $49.95. 353-9710, extension 248. being taken for January occupancy. buy. 10% OFF all leathers, or Cindy. 14-11-5 234 Center Street. Married couple only. 882-5892. EAST LANSING bedroom bedroom. $75/month plus month. Large selection Monday - Friday, 8-5 pm. 351-6088, - one per helmets and accessories. SHEP'S 5-11-1 deposit. 3514965. 5-10-29 ±10-30 487-8780.4-11-1 furnished. Quiet residential area. reconditioned used macltirt MOTOR SPORTS. INC. Holt, ORGANIST. SUBURBAN Lutheran Church. 4 miles from 2 miles from campus. Carpeting. Singers, Whites, Necchis, 694-6621. C-4-10-31 NEEDED GIRL for beautiful 2 BUICK SKYLARK 1971. campus. One Sunday off per EAST SIDE. Near Sparrow girl. Disposal. Security locks. No pets NEXUS CO-OP. Two places open, homes and many others. $19 Convertible, good condition, month. 349-0620 or 349-9609. Hospital. Upstairs. Furnished, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, across children. $185. Lease from immediately. $150 for rest of to $39.95. Terms. EDWAR NORTON - DUCATI - MOTO - must sell, best offer. 394-2753. 5-11-1 one bedroom. $120. 351-7497. from campus. $120 per person. December 1, 1974 - September term. Call 351-0100. 10-11-8 DISTRIBUTING COMPAN' GUZZI. New models on display. Andrea, 332-2615. 3-10-30 3-10-31 0-3-10-31 15,1975. Woodside Apartments. 1115 North Washing! Repairs and service for Honda 3324987 efter 5:30. 5-10-30 489-6448. C 3-10-31 and Triumph. G.T. MOTORS, MALE CHILD care worker, live-in THERE'S BMW 2002, ROOMMATE NEEDED to share 2- A roomer in town 1973. Fuel injected, children's cottage. Experience in NEED ONE girl winter term. 816 East Howe, Lansing. looking for rental. very smooth car, blue metallic, 485-6815. 0-5-10-31 child care work. Should have Americana Apartments. man apartment, very close to MASON HILLS Apartments. All your HEAD MASTER skis. 205cm." Advertise vacancies with Want sunroof, and extras. 25 mpg, low 3324161. 5-10-31 campus. 351-3367. 5-11-1 new. One and two bedroom offer. Call Darryl, 372-3 psychology and sociology Ads. Dial 355-8255. mileage. After 4 pm, 676-4736. BMW 1973 Wixsom fairing. 600 cc, spacious apartments from $139. 2-10-30 background. Contact William EAST 218 North 3-10-30 ONE MAN needed for 2 man - Hosmer, 1 black. Still under warranty. Weitzel, VFW National Home, Includes carpeting, drapes, apartment. Own bedroom, bedroom, $130 includes all $550, Extension Hotpoint appliances, air, walk-in BRONCO 1973, 4 wheel drive, 10,000 miles, good shape. Make assume 372-4534. 5-11-4 payments. 663-1521. 5-11-1 147. carpet, air, utilities, pool, utilities. 351-8150, Call 645-7338, Equity-Vest, fee. closets. Located at 495 North CROSSWORD r p gk tIIdB.ai $80/month. .Call Tom or Bill. no Okemos Road, Mason. 10 offer. See at 5360 Park Road, East Lansing. 332-1737. Lake HONDA 360 1974. Excellent SALES MANAGER - need student 337-2508. 3-10-29 5-11-1 Minutes from MSU. Furnished PUZZLE condition. 1700 miles. Save experienced in sales to represent Model open Monday-Friday, X5-10-31 FEMALE - OWN room, Okemos. ACROSS now. 393-0343. 3-10-11 us at MSU. Potential for high, 12-6 pm. Saturdays, 114 pm. 26. Philanderer Good deal. Call 349-2598, after high part time earnings. Writer 5 pm. East Lansing Realty and 1. Workshop 27. Concerning CHEVELLE 1970 Malibu - 307 5-10-30 INSURANCE -LOWEST rates on University Products, Box 1663, Development Company. 4. French 28. Compass point automatic, power steering, new cycle and auto. Call us first or Grand Rapids. 5-11-1 676-4874 or 3324128. Other novelist tires. 355-7418. $1300 - offer. FEMALE NEEDED, beftutiful 29. Hale last, but call. Easy payment times call 6764291. 10-11-1 8. Swift 3-10-31 Americana apartment. Now or 30.21 plus Plan. UNION INHALATION THERAPIST - STUDENTS winter. 351-7920. 5-10-31 11. Hawaiian 31, Party giver UNDERWRITERS, 393-8100 or immediate part time opening for TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile CHEVY II 1965. Motor baking pit 33. Purchases Automatic. 485-4317.0-10-31 an experienced inhalation FACULTY, STAFF THREE ROOM apartment, homes. $25 - $35/week. 10 12. Giraso! excellent. Power 34. Dinner dish therapist, night shift. Apply accessible to MSU. $110/month minutes to campus. Quiet and brakes, steering. Snow tires. 13. Little |irl 35. Fondle personnel department, St. 3 BEDROOM, 11/4BATH peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or $300. 355-4021.5-114 [ toto Service]!/] Lawrence Hospital. Equal UNFURNISHED APT'S plus deposit. Utilities included. 489-2156 after four. X5-10-29 484-5315.0-10-31 14. 16. Pity Sheldrake 36. Ethereal 38. Detective 6. Note of II* COUGAR XR7, 1970. Luxury, Opportunity Employer. 2-10-29 17. Goal 1. Pitcher's edge scale 41. Consonant Boy's nickr. convertible, excellent: condition, 332-6531. Ask for Steph. 5-11-1 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Kalamazoo Street since 1940. PART TIME HELP IF you have a car and can work a from '215 per month EAST LANSING, V, month rent free, luxury unfurnished 1 | Hones j[£j 18. Mother of Zeus 42. Diva's forte 44. Low 2. 3. Chalice Lighter fluid 7. 8. Customary Complete auto painting and bedroom, 10 month lease. No 9. Twitching (Includes gas heat fc water) EAST SIDE 3 bedrooms, 1V4 20. Tie 45. Obsolete 4. Camera lens collision service. 485-0256. minimum of 20 hours per week, $175-129 Highland. - CUTLASS S 1973, (3 to choose pets. 5. Harvest 10. Inquire C-10-31 call 4847368 between 10 am-1 332-0976. 15-11-13 bath. Unfurnished, carpetjd, 22. Cliff dwellers 46. Run from, green, blue and black,) Call 15. Masked 20-11-12 dishwasher. Lease through June. 25. Stout 47. This minute goddess fully equipped including factory pm. 16 Obligation KNOB HILL NEAR MSU 8i Frandor. Beautiful 1 484-0330. 5-10-29 air, 487-6565. x3-10-29 r r* i r* 6 VA » 9 18. Oevastat' SINGLE MALE companion bedroom, unfurnished, carpeting APARTMENTS 19. flock personal aide to young drapes, air conditioning, MATURE PERSON share large " 13 ii 20. Lively r" V/14/< - CUTLASS STATION WAGON wheelchair 349-4700 laundry, parking. No 1971. One owner, $1800. person. Quiet, pets. nicely furnished 2 bedroom 21. Breadsp« well-structured lifestyle. Part Community atmosphere 332-1703. 3-10-28 house with doctoral IB 699-2718. after 4 pm. 5-10-29 time worker or student with 5 miles from campus East Lansing. Garage, student. % 22. Luxurious 23. Carousal DELUXE, FURNISHED, 1 t? •r DATSUN like 610, 1973, 9,000 miles, new, many extras, light credit load. Car needed. Medical experience not % mile north of Jolly Road bedroom apartment, near washer/dryer. Mornings, 3514791.3-10-29 y4 Jr io % % vr ■8 % u w 24 Witnesses 26. Enemies 332-3135 882-6549. 487-9340. 3-10-30 U- REPAIR AUTO Service Center offers you tools, equipment, and necessary, will train. Room/board - large 2 bedroom, APARTMENTS PINE LAKE - HASLETT campus. 5-10-29 or 2 BEDROOM HOUSE - carpeted i5 % 29, Abide 30. Fall FIAT 850 Spider, 1971, 25,000 miles, 37 mpg, excellent insturctions to do your auto repairs. 5311 South 2 bath apartment furnished plus monthly salary. Call Larry, 10 MINUTES Inexpensive living in from a MSU. quiet EAST B rody, LANSING - adjacent to Cedar Greens living room and kitchen. $150/month. 10 minutes from W % w 32. Tatter 33. Napo|eon condition, $1200. 3-10-31 332-6200. Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10-8, six days. 20-11-20 882-2266. 5-10-30 area. Located at 6076 Marsh Road just north 9f Lake Lansing Apartments. One bedroom, campus. 371-2178. 5-114 sr % rr /(/ DESK CLERK needed. Must have transportation and be willing to Road. 1 bedroom apartments with shag carpeting, disposal, furnished, 351-8631. 5-10-29 OWN ROOM in home. 54" % & I ff% %% MARCHAL FORD PICK-UP 1957. Good condition. $100. 355-1196 after QUARTZ headlamp conversions with iodine travel. Call 3 7 2-0567 or 489-1215 between 12 - 6pm. appliances, and air conditioning. NICE LOCATION - one bedroom deluxe apartment. $139. $62.50/month, plus deposit. Bob, 349-0727 days or come to % ir UO five. 1-10-29 reflective range to 5000'x. $33.95/pair. CHEQUERED 0-10-31 $150 per month, furnished evai labia at $185. Excellent for Manager's office, 5898 Marsh, 4888 Montrose, Okemos. 4-11-1 %% Hi sr iW MERCURY Hardtop, 1971 Monterey IiO'O. Perfect. FLAG FOREIGN CARPARTS, MODELS FOR photography. Call students month will consider nine % *r %W % lease. Call Manager at k 2605 East Kalamazoo, one mtfe CLOSE TO campus. Two bedroom, 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX, close to £ Original SiWner. 489-0021. west of campus. 487-5055. between 10am and 6pm. .339-8102 or EAST LANSING two bathroom. Furnished, air. campus, $240/month plus Evenings. 5-10-30 C-910-31 489-1215.0-10-31 REALTY, 3324128.10-11-7 337-1800. 5-10 30 utilities, 351-1704.4-11-1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 29, 1974 11 For Sale ^ For Sale § [iKttFM jfC^j ( Service ^ C|EA MARKET. Open • BICYCLE. GOOD condition 355-7062 attar 3 pm.' $45 LOST; BROWN Student food stamp abuse at MSU suspected as high SawTl°Zt 1039 West Grand River campus) 3-10-29 (on •n/n.ar Library suede Wednesday night gloves CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY at it's best statewide. TERRY (23rd). Please William"0"- Michigan. call 351-1755 LUKE PHOTOGRAPHY, (continued from STEREO 31029 page 1) corporations and wealthy separate issue. He has been been worked out with the U.S. EQUIPMENT, HITACHI 313-539-9325, C-10-31 Royal, Garrard, Kenwood and Howard Jones of the Human people," he said. working for the establishment Post Ofice to use their offices ■ P RECTILINEAR III Fisher components.. 351.5537 LOST: Saturday Wire rimmed TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, Many students are entitled of a food stamp outlet nearer for food stamp distribution. f1°Ulrs On# United audio duo 3-10-29 glasses, between Cherry Rights party and Robert Carr, to the stamps because "a lot of the campus. Presently, most oiled, 1 turntable base and dust Lane/Stadium. 332-6783 after 3 and adjusted. Portables $7.60, manuals, $10, electric a Democrat, both said that people from the so - called students who are granted food He said it has not been I One 2*40 Marantz 4 SLICKER LADY'S Saftey Shaver pm. 2-10-30 $12.50. One day service, free alleged abuse of food stamps middle class are just able to get decided which post offices will I s- I 3494977. alter 4 5-10 31 0,11 $1.09 GULLIVER STATE Regularly $149 LOST: SMALL green 3 pick up and delivery. 25 years by students is paled by other abuses by the wealthy. by. Many parents are hard stamps must go to the Cristo Rey Community Center in give out whichever the ones stamps but are chosen, ORUG, ring MSU 3-9774 9-10-31 1105 East Grand River notebook. Needs notes "I'd like it better if pressed to put their children Lansing. they will be more convenient ■ "7ur to all MSU IMMEDIATE 3 SPEED bike sale ROUND: PRESCRIPTION two class days before publication. Program in London are invited to The channel carries No announcements will be accepted information about the students International make. Man's 21 sunglasses, chrome frames in EXPERIENCED. TYPING, term attend one of the following by phone. inch and Lady's 19!4 inch. $45 109 Anthony, October 21st. papers, theses, etc. Rapid, meetings: 7 tonight in M - C Brody meetings of various city- Hall, 8 p.m. Wednesday in 107 S. each. Actual $69.50 351-9175. C-3-10-29 accurate service. 394-2512. groups, including reports on Kedzie Hall: or 7 p.tm Thursday in c-4-10-31 Pre • Vet students: The Pre - Vet (continued from page 1) action taken by the city INTERNATIONAL 31 Hubbard Hall. Club will hold its second council the morning after their MARKETING SERVICE, 3308 FOUND: MALE rust colored meeting of IF YOU'RE one of the best, tell the fall term at 7:30 tonight in 326 new clots have formed, a South Cedar, Suite 11, white markings. The MSU Lansing. puppy, Chapter of the meetings. Information about andall health food Ask for Joe Watkins. 5-10-30 Hagadorn - Grand River area. public about your service or business with an ad on the Natural Sciertce Bldg. Members of the selection committee will be American Assn. of University Profs will present a "Meet the Candidates hospital spokesman said. The activities at the public library 353-8028 3-10-31 present to answer questions. other is a radioactive and schools is also carried. Brookfield Plaza FISHER Yellow Page each Thursday, Call Evening" at 8 p.m. Wednesday in QUICK, Koflach size 8 137 Akers Hall. Candidates for fibrinogen up - take test. It will East Lansing is the only 1381 E. Grand River boot, Tyrolia bindings. Six pair Michelle, 355-8255. 332 6892 car 5-10-30 carrier $150. 484 8964 Personal ][/] JUDITH CARMAN: Experienced Any helping student interested re - elect Gov. Milliken in Slate Senate. 24th District. House of Representatives, 59th Distri. t and the MSU Board of Trustees >vnl show if new clots are Surgery for forming. Nixon's community in the state making fulltime use of government dissertation typist. Papers, please contact Mark McKelvey in condition is described a> acc id is one of very few WOMEN INTERESTED in discuss higher education and the . theses, dissertations, 335 Abbot Hall as soon as possible. ■OLMES ROAD Second Hand SUPER STEREOI Excellent medicine: Call Rebecca general. future of MSU. All welcome. relatively simple. There are two in lite country to do so. rStore, 2323 West Holmes Road. 393-4672. 20-11-18 common methods. In the condition. Kenwood 7002; Dual 353-9620 send and first, According to a survey taken by I 882-3022. 30-12-3 1219 Deluxe; Shure V15 III, or name Michigan Straight University isn't Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity a surgeon ties off the main vein the Cable Television phone number to Box 137, IRENE ORR invites all women to Little Sisters Rectilinear III Theses, term as straight as it used to be. Come taking blood, and any clots, Information Center this year, Lowboys; College of Human Medicine. Rush open houses at 8 p.m. papers, general typing. Formerly out. Gay Liberation holds a today from the legs to the heart. Microacoustic Tweeters. $875. B-1-10-29 no significant with Ann Brown. 482-7487. meeting and discussion group at and Wednesday at the house on 341 usage of the After 6. 351-1070. 5-10-29 8:30 p.m. Evergreen Ave. Call for rides. Other veins take over the government channel had C-10-31 Wednesday in 33 Union. access FREE A lesson in complexion function of the vein closed off been developed in city. ... 400 RALEIGH QUALITY bicycles The Tourism Club an> Call 484-4519 East Michigan care. LOVING HOMES are not hard to What do doctor: by surgery. pjrlitzer home organ. Needs - 10, 5, 3 speeds. Special Prices. or <485-7197Lansing Mall. MERLE meeting to plan the ye In the other operation, a find! Advertise "PETS FOR people? Help us at 7:30 tonight in 115 uning. $100. Call 332-2425. Limited time. Call now! NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. Eppley SALE" with Want Ads and see! questionnaire to Center. All interested small, umbrellalike screen is I 3-10-31 484-0362 GENE'S BICYCLE C-3-10-31 Liberation meets people are Dial 355-8255. inserted in the vein, allowing SHOP, 702 West Barnes Avenue. 309 Student Servic 5 Bldg. ■AILROAD TIES, $5.50 - $7.00. 5-10-29 blood to pass through but PURPLE VICKI The MSU Employe's Assn. will I Like new, pick your own. call Peanuts Personal jjj - Fast, accurate, Join us for relational theology hold a general meeting at 7:15 stopping clots. I PETERSON WOOD CHIPS,4 inexpensive typing. Very near a tonight for members only and 8:15 "Whenever you talk about group at United Ministries in Higher 1 882-2555. Delivery Extra. Animals FORWARD INTO the past. It's campus. 337-7260. C-10-31 Education at 6:30 tonight. This is a for all C T's in 105 S. Kedzie Hall - surgery, you're talking about support group for people to share Take an interest in the progress and risk. It would require a general been about a year since P. and I TYPING TERM - papers, theses. FREE KITTENS. 12 weeks old in their lives and problems t10-30 WEST HIGHLAND white terrier GAMMA PHI welcomes Lynnda TYPING, EXPERIENCED, fast International Folk - and reasonable. 3714635. Dancing Nixon re - entered the puppies. 7 weeks old. Call France, in the house pledge' meets at 8 tonight in the Union "October in Boston Eye | MAJOR our - C-3-10-31 hospital last Wednesday after BRANDS of stereo 663-8762. 5-11-1 1-10-29 Tower Room. Dances from all over Witness Report from the Black ■nt, 20%-50% discount, the world will be taught. Everyone Community" with - B. R. Lungren found that the oral ■ wtiy pay retail' Send $1 for ^COMPLETE THESES Service is welcome. Washington speaking will be anticoagulant Nixon I price1 Rocky Mountain Stereo OLD ENGLISH sheepdog puppies. Discount Printing. IBM Typing presented by the Young Socialist was taking ■ Brokers, 1245 Humboldt, VvKC, 12 weeks old. $150. Real Estate « and binding of dissertations and The Fisheries and Wildlife Club Alliance, the New American at his San Clemente home was 393-6545. 3 1 0-30 not working adequately. He 1 Denver, 80218.10-11-5 publications. Across from will meet at 7 tonight in 223 Movement, liie Human Rights HOUSE FOR sale - Jerome Street, Natural Resources Bldg. The guest party, the Organization of Arab left the hospital Oct. 4 after 12 campus corner M.A.C. and Students and the Wounded Knee ■ITER" DBX 117, 119, 152, 5 bedroom, living room, dining Grand River. Below Jones speaker will be Dr. Reeve Bai'ev. days of treatment and tests. ■ Micro acoustics ODC 1 Mobile Homes room, kitchen, 2 full baths, full Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - curator of fish at the University of Suppo E'S, Michigan museum, and president of it 8:30 tonight ■ OHMF'S EPI 400's Tanburg basement, gas heat, $12,900, on Friday. Call COPYGRAPH the American Fisheries Society. ■ 3300X, Advent 201, ROLLOHOME 12x60, King land contract. Call O'LEARY Dual, in SERVICES, 337-1666. C-10-31 Everyone is welcome. ck for immediate delivery at Arthur's Court. $3300. REAL ESTATE, 489-1717. MSU Students for Animal Rights | CH 355-2251 or 332-6329 after 6 Evenings, 337-2550. 3-10-29 ANN BROWN typing and multilith Free will meet tonight in 117 Berkey HI-FI, 337-9710. 7-11-4 - U is offering classes in pm. x-20-11-8 offset printing. Complete service Hall. There will be a committee yoga, bicycle repair, Tai Chi C'huan. RENTAL VACANCY? Your for dissertations, theses, edible wild plailts and massage. For meeting at 6 and a general meeting P1 3 way stereo speakers, at 7. All are more information call the Free welcome. 1 Sl52.95/pair. Cedar chest, TRAVELO. 8x35. Furnished, message gets to people with manuscripts, general typing. - U office in the Union. ■ $2250 482-4156 4 16-31 carpeted. Close to MSU. Perfect for low-cost Want Ads. Call IBM. 25 years experience. Professor Thorpe of the 355-8255 now to place your ad 349-0850. C-10-31 University of Indiana law school couple. $1100. 337-9209 4 11-1 Free U is offering a seminar on PUVIS 5 drum set, 1 year old. - will speak to the MSU Pre - Law ■ Good condition cybernetics and culture, taught by Must sell! TYPING TERM Papers and theses. Dr. Clyde Morris from 5 to 7 p.m. Assii. at 7:30 tonight in the Snyder 1655-3781, 5-11-1 GRAYWOOD, 1973. Recreation (Q Experienced, fast service. IBM Tuesdays in the Union cafeteria. - Phillips cafeteria. All interested Semi-furnished, will sell for bank electric. Call 349-1904. 18-10-31 people are invited. balance. 487 -6718. 5-10-29 ,BAN LEAGUE Nine million women were burned Women's Guild SKIERS UTAH package $299, tare a rummage sale as witches during the middle ages. Learn about the benefits of Thursday, THESES, RESUMES, typing and [ Christmas and spring. Call your In their memory, Lansing Area transcendental meditation, the October 2. at the 31 Saturday, November Leion Building, 1801 Lost & Found East Lansing Ski Center - TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. printing. Reasonable prices. COMMERCIAL PRINTING, Lesbians sponsors Dance" from 5 to 9 p.m. Saturday. a "Witches Students' International Meditation Society presents free introductory JWest Main Street, Lansing. FIND SOMETHING 351-8800. 04-10-31 3514116. C-10-31 For more information contact flic lectures at 4 and 7:30 p.m. ■ 511-1 If you've found a pet or article of former Women's Center. 547'/j E. Wednesday in 316 Berkey Hall. value, we want to help you Grand River Ave. H ECTROCOMP (EML) ■ synthesizers, quad and ARP sequencers. Stereo return it. Just come to the State News Classified Department and Service A, TWfWw pi Israeli Dancing meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m. tonight in 126 Women's will hold its first Wednesday in meeting at 6 31 Union. p.m. A mixers. GILL tell us you want to place an ad EDITING - PROOFREADING. NEEDED, RIDE to toronto. This demonstration on self - defense for Intramural Bldg. Bring your I.D. [ELECTRONICS, 116. South in EAST LANSING STATE Dissertations, theses, research Friday, anytime. Please call Newcomers women, and election of officers is jLarch. La, Phone BANK'S Found Column. As projects, manuscripts. Anne 351-2513.2-10-30 are welcome. planned. ■<87-3558.10-1 a public service EAST LANSING Cauley, 337-1591. 5-11-1 The MSU Sailing Club meets tonight in 208 Men's Young People and Careers fall ■MAMA PA., 250 watts. 6 STATE BANK will run the ad at FOR PAINTING/ General clean up. Wanted Bldg. Beginning Shore School Intramural speaker series presents several no cost to you I "ponths old. $1375 new. sell for Call Bill, 332-8498 after 7 pm. begins at 7. A regular meeting will people in the area of public health EAST LANSING "93-7544. 5-11-1 3-10-31 be held at 7:30 to elect this year's nursing who will be available to talk STATE BANK b officers. Your I.D. is with students about their careers, WILL PAY two dollars for Purdue required C-10-31 for admittance in o the from 3:30 to -5 p.m. Wednesday in FOR THE BEST Service linLCIDER' P-OSSOM ORCHARDS. PUMPKINS! 7 miles FOUND: CONTACT Lenses eqipment see the STEREO on stereo program. 1-10-29 332-2210 after six. The building. 207 Student Services Bldg. student branch of the SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. IT of M9son on Hull Road outside Morrill Hall. Must be Society of Automotive Engineers Children's Leukemia Foundation C-10-31 LIVE MODELS for fine art classes, is looking for volunteers. An able holds its first meeting at 7 I-5KWU?' ■W82S1. 0-10 d0S6d31 MondaVS- C-3-10-29 to identify. 351-7078. hours flexible, rate $2.50 per in 220 Engineering Bldg. We will tonight organizational meeting will be held hour. Reply LCC, 507 South elect officers and at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in 35 PHOTOGRAPHY ALL varieties, see a film. 1*E' "EN'S Schwinn" 24'\ LOST: DOUBLE key ring with finest quality, - reasonably priced. Grand, Lansing. 3-10-31 Union. The speaker will be The MENSA Books Michigan's foremost leukemia cLlke new. Phone approximately 10 keys Call BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY, Group will researcher and ■ "0-5M3.5-11-4 meet at 7:30 tonight at the East physician. 351-8732.4-10-29 482-5712. C-10-31 TUTdR, MATH III, couple hours Merle Moore will speak on Lansing Public Library. 950 Abbott horticultural therapy at the next help week. Can pay. 355-1156. Road. Hitler is the topic this 2-10-29 month. Nancy Denton has the meeting of the Horticulture Club, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 204 //on* to form your own car pool suggested reading list. Horticulture Bldg. MSU FAN, needs tickets for Ohio The Young Socialist Alliance will State game. Will pay reasonable All building construction majors: As a public service at present an eight - way debate there will be a meeting of the no charge, the State News will provide a free classified price. Call collect, area code between candidates for governor at weftisement for those 2 p.m. Wednesday in 30 Union. Cantilever Club at 7:30 p.m. 1419 3854641. 10-11-8 people who would like to set up or join a car pool. Wednesday in the Activities Room Maisel, Perency, Dennis, Horvath, of the Natural Resources WANTED: 3 coupons to MSU/Ohio Andrews and Davidson will be Bldg. Driving?_ State game. Call 353-0923 after present. Milliken and Levin will he represented by proxy. Mountain climbing in Mexico is admission $1.50 5 pm. 3-10-30 the topic of a slide program at the From outing club's weekly meeting at 7 WITH COUPON $1.25 Leaving ■ Returning _ SILVER - TOP prices paid for bulk j Share Driving tonight in 118 Physics - Astonomy Bldg. Climbing, cycling and hiking silver, silver dollars and coin trips will be discussed. Everyone is Phone _ collections. 484-2751. 3-10-29 FROM MILLER / Logan to MSU. Leaving 7:30 am, returning 5:30 P^cipanT NeWS Wi" "0t 8CC8Pt responsibili,y for arran9ements or conduct of TllC MODELS for haircuts, styled prominent Toronto hairstylists. by pm after (times flexible) 394-0233 6 pm. 3-10-30 ST. JOHN S 'n'ormation requested below must be supplied in order for ad to appear. Needed for November 3. Call STUDENT CENTER VILLAGE Name 349-0430. 5-10-30 HAIR SHOPPE, Riding 327 M.A.C. _ Address Car Pool i^j NEED RIDE Wednesdays, leaving around 3 to Flint NASSAU! 25* City pm. Call 1-313-2334327. Dec. 14 thru Dec. 21 A BEER OR HOT DOG 3-10-29 Share for Information call: ls couP°n may be brought in or mailed to: Car Pool Classifieds, 347 Student students for jondahl- FROM BOGUE Street, East IC6S Bu,ld|n9- No phone calls accepted. FROM JOLLY/Waverly to Fee 353-0766 students for nelson, Hall. Leaving 7:30 am, returning Lansing to Sparrow Hospital. 353-0659 Daily NO CHARGE Leaving 7-7:30 am, returning sponsors 5 pm. 355-0296. 8-5 days. 5-6:30 pm 353-6905 between 3-10-29 882 0170 - Evenings , 7-8 pm. 3 10-29 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Tuesday, October 29, |J Ex-ASMSU official ba personnel at least system, he said. student involvement in committees, such as the By ROSANNE LESS takes new others picket lines and that will State News Staff Writer two active terms to get shut down the University, "The people who would academic governance. Educational Policy Committee A six veteran of have been out in the streets The Academic Freedom and the Curriculum - year acquainted with the day - to - period," Massoglia said. MSU's student government day running of the department. "I think the University is demonstrating are now Report identifies rights and Committee. Students on says that though ASMSU hps He also said he hopes to remain concerned about the Student involved in the political duties of students and provides these committees have a vote come a long way since the in the them with an explicit system in determining what on the Legal Aid staff in an Workers Union, but not scared. process, political 1960s, it still has a long way to campaigns," he said. of procedural and substantive curriculum, and academic advisory capacity. But if there's an election go. Karl Bush, College of they're going to run scared. Massoglia feels the energies due process within the changes can be implemented in Charlie Massoglia, former Business representative, and This (the union) puts of former student activists are University. course structure, department director of ASMSU's Legal Aid Jon Botsford were selected by now directed toward the "The University is far less unbelievable power in the requirements, etc. department who retired Oct. the ASMSU board last week to Democratic party organization autocratic than before," he "There are a lot of things hands of the students," he 21, told the State News that he be the new directors of the in Ingham County. He said. "The Academic Freedom that ASMSU should do that it added. thinks the Student Workers department. attributes this re • channeling Report gave students the right doesn't," Massoglia said. Speaking about student UnlAn (SWU) is necessary Massoglia has been involved of energies to the decline of to challenge any University "ASMSU has enough capital government on the whole, because ASMSU does not have with campus judiciary since he Massoglia said the current student protesters, the 18 year policy or official in a campus to set up cooperative ventures, an equal legal standing with the challenged the Sunday dinner trend within ASMSU is to - old - right to vote and the judiciary." like a bookstore or record co - residency ruling that allows Limited power University. dress code in Wilson Hall six reflect broader, far - reaching op. If ASMSU wanted to, they Massoglia also predicted years ago. He has been student concerns. college students to vote in their "Yes, ASMSU has power," have the funds to hire a that the SWU will be approved affiliated with ASMSU since Over the years, ASMSU has college towns. Massoglia said. "ASMSU has professional business manager. when put to a secret ballot 1968. The Ingham County limited power to bring about "ASMSU continuously gets presented a "loose" student vote. Students on equal par Democratic Executive change if they choose to involved in inter board government appearance, with • "The Student Workers "The union puts students Committee, which is the exercise that power political conflict. You're a the major purpose of Union will be the single most on an equal par with the highest level of Democratic specifically." Greek, I'm not a Greek; you're combating existing social He cited the appointments important action that students University legally," Massoglia regulations, like changing leadership at the county level, a liberal, I'm a conservative. * have collectively taken since said. "It's a contract that can't women's hours and visiting has a very large number of ASMSU is authorized to make This should not have relevance fV| burning the Academic be altered by either party and students in executive positions. to the various University but it does. rights. The new trend is shown Freedom Report on John it's enforceable in a court. The in ASMSU's participation and Also, one ■ third of all the MASSOGLIA Hannah's doorstep," he said. University can't change a the Democratic precinct delegates Besides reminiscing over the concern with fledgling KARATE in Ingham County come from policy by whim — but then, SWU, he added. last six years. Massoglia spoke neither can the students. "The difference in ASMSU East Lansing, he said. TOURNAMENT of the areas in which student "When it comes to a now is the difference between Massoglia cited the passage X)ooLey's 1 government could become secret ballot, the union is going asking the University to of the Academic Freedom SUNDAY more effective. He also to pass but you're going to see make changes and in becoming Report in 1967 as the single analyzed the shift in the a hell of a lot of publicity by involved with the University to most important boon to student activist movement and the University to kill that affect those changes," what students are now doing You know why? union. Massoglia said. politically. Because when AFSCME Students more aware Commissioner candidate He feels students are far strikes, students are used as Massoglia served as Legal scab labor. Not so if there's a more politically aware now The yr TUESDAY Aid director from 1970 until student union." than ever before. The biggest his self - imposed retirement AFSCME is the American concerns on campus in 1966, last week. He is also the Democratic candidate for a 9th District Ingham County Commisioner seat in the Nov. 5 Federation of State, County and Municipal Employes and represents about workers on campus. 1,200 service when were Student activism he first came panty and jock raids. demonstrations peaked back in the to MSU, and Great Ghastly 1/2 PRICE NITE election. University shutdown Cambodia invasion days. Now - IS COMING HALLOWEEN NIGHT Massoglia said he was "If AFSCME and the SWU people are more productive retiring because he feels it strike, each will honor the and willing to work in the * We've Brewed aII Mixed dmNks Wierdness Contest Some Great Organizations seek to develop IhaIf INORMaI pRiCE # Prices so low it's unbiased admission standards almost scary This one is crazy people ... Don't miss Washington Star - News top - ranked preparatory competitive colleges, WASHINGTON - An schools. universities and professional unusual alliance of three The joint project, schools have been selected on national organizations has been announced in Los Angeles the basis of a combination of formed to develop equitable and Monday at a meeting of the factors, including test scores, nondiscriminatory standards American Jewish Congress's high school academic record, for admission of students to National Executive place of residence, Council, is colleges and professional designed to "develop guidelines extracurricular activities and schools. for fair and rational admissions family relationship to alumni. The issue of admissions policies, financial aid and In recent years, race, income gained wide attention with the supportive services at level, sex and ethnic case of Marco DeFunis, who institutions where there are background have become charged that the University of more applicants than openings important admissions criteria Washington law school for students." with many institutions. discriminated against him by The three organizations will admitting blacks whose exam bring together specialists in scores and college records were lower than his. The case reached the admissions practices and affirmative action regulations for a Washington conference to NO FAULT * Supreme Court, which avoided draw up the criteria, then deciding the issue, ruling that the case was moot DeFunis had been admitted to since develop a strategy for gaining nationwide acceptance. INSURANCE Historically, applications at the law school under lower court Call Jeff Williams ruling and had almost finished his studies. KARATE (MSU '68) at 332-1838 Allying themselves for the TOURNAMENT joint study are the American Jewish Congress, which sided SUNDAY itsentry with DeFunis; the American Council on Education, and A Men's IM f| INSURANCE - * \noi ioohhhimvou Better Chance, which helps low Special Guest Stars 710 Gainsborough Drive • income minority students in SKILES AND East Lansing HENDERSON One Performance Only! r 8 PM - Mon. - Nov. 4 THE COfTlPANY PRESENTS ^ fi mUSICRL |erV" CIVIC CENTER .Pelivery IN LANSING NEJAC TV RENTALS" Tickets 337-1300 $6.50 - $5.50 $4.50 JACQUES BREL AT Nov. 1,2,3 in McDonel Kiva PRE-VET CLUB MEMBERS Nov. 8,9,10 in Wonders Kiva 4 kCIVIC CENTER - BOX OFFICE 8:15 pm $1.50 at the door The Pre - Vet Club will hold its second meeting of fall term tonight at 7:30 in 326 Natural Science Building. Members of the Selection Committee for -4lS REpRtSe AUWtoS ON SMJS the College of Veterinary Medicine will be present to answer questions. =Arco Point Service El Specialists in Alfa - Romeo & Volvo 0.P.5 Aston ■ Martin ana Jaguar Porsche I'voLvon \. J #^ACK- IN ?2. Austin Lamborffhini Lamborghini Renault Austin Healey Lancia Rolls Royce B.M.W. Lotus Rover Citrogen Marcus Saab Daimler Mercedes - Benz Subaru Datsun Metropolitan Sunbeam oor "WSSoU Ferrari M.G. Toyota Fiat Morgan Triumph Healey N.S.U. Volkswagon Honda Opel and all Peugeot American Cars isn't listed here, call us, maybe help you. HAPPY we can HALLOWEEN 15% OH all parts ai WITH A CARD FROM with this coupon Point Service CAMPUS BOOK STORE Expires, Nov. 15,1974 351 585$ 1542 W. Grand River corner of Saginaw 1542 W. Grand River Acrosi from Berkey Hall 351 - 5858 seam V*