100 NumDer 223 Wednesday, October 30, 1974 Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 lixon's condition critical following surgery LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) — Former indicated that a possible visit President Richard M. Nixon went into Wednesday "recovering in the normal manner." The by President Ford to the former president doctor said Nixon had the usual shock after phlebitis surgery and is in was under consideration. critical condition, his doctor said postoperative effects of sleepiness Tuesday Ford was scheduled to be in Los because of the anesthesia and was night. Angeles Thursday for A team of physicians administered a campaign visit. confined to bed. Surgery was decided on Monday night Both Hickman and Lungren noted that "countershock measures for three hours after doctors feared that a until a stable vascular condition was once large clot in Nixon will be prohibited from eating a Nixon's leg could break loose and again restored," Dr. John O. Lungren said lodge regular diet initially and will be fed in an artery to the heart or in a written statement. lungs, which intravenously Tuesday. could cause sudden death. "The patient is still considered The former president was taken to Lungren, who had warned that his bleeding might be a. problem during critical," he said. room on the top floor of Memorial surgery because of anticoagulation Lungren said the serious complication Hospital Medical Center of Long Beach was probably caused bv "some for recovery. therapy, said there was no excessive retroperitoneal bleeding secondary to At the news conference bleeding during the operation. anticoagulation therapy." early Tuesday, Nixon was given no extra doses of the doctors did not answer The physician had said earlier that questions on Vitamin K to prevent excessive bleeding when Nixon there was "somewhat more risk than might be well enough to during the surgery. Doctors said he would travel to Washington, normal" to the surgery because Nixon D.C., to testify at continue to receive heparin, as he had the Watergate had been taking anticoagulant cover-up trial of five before the operation, to prevent further drugs former political associates. which left him prone to uncontrolled He has been subpenaed clotting. bleeding. by both the Nixon's youngest daughter, Julie defense and prosecution. Nixon Eisenhower, said surgeons at Lungren said after the surgery that "With the threat the clot could become there Memorial Hospital Medical Center had was no excessive bleeding. a pulmonary embolus, we placed a Miles wanted to operate Monday night, but "he "Replacement of blood loss and Clip relaxation of anticoagulation therapy was . . . partially occluding but not was too weak. He's exhausted." completely occluding the vein," Hickman A few hours after surgery, Ronald L. instituted," Lungren said. said. He said the clip was permanent. Ziegler, Nixon's former press secretary Retroperitoneal means behind the He said the operation was uneventful said Nixon had been in "some PMWsW lining of Nixon's abdominal area. and that pain" and the former president AP Surgeons attached a plastic clip to a vein was depressed at times before surgery. wircphoto tal attendants in Long Beach, Calif, wheel a patient believed to be former President Richard M. in Nixon's groin area to keep blood clots Nixon from threatening the former president's n surgery to a recovery room early Tuesday ebitis condition. The patient was not identified, but Secret Service shortly after the former president was operated on for his agents who had been guarding the life. After surgery, Nixon was described as Ma Bell's severe dor disappeared immediately afterwards. "doing well" and making a normal PROMISES INFLATION FIGHT recovery. Nixon went into shock about 12:45 p.m., more than six hours after surgery, * cause phone Lungren said. By BRUCE RAY WALKER called one number they reached someone Lungren said that while "vascular State News Staff Writer else clear across campus. stability is still maintained at this time, If over the weekend you called your Each of the cut cables had hundreds of :ord stumps the patient is still considered critical." girlfriend's number and a male voice wires leading through them, and before By Wire Services needed their in Lungren's statement was read by hospital official. Lungren had called the operation a success and said that hopefully there a answered, don't think much of it. The trouble wasn't two - rather ditch - digging on the construction site at Michigan Avenue and Harrison Rd. timing, but these can be spliced back together, they have to be tagged and tested. Sometimes the wrong wires are put together and then the number being called gets a different help at the polls next homecoming. Earlier this month Milliken would be no more complications from Four large telephone cables serving the person than the one intended. and Tuesday to conduct. He warned, as he has raised nearly $400,000 at a benefit in the phlebitis Nixon suffers in his left leg. MSU campus were severed Friday at about Tom Dickinson, freshman, B424 I State News in other stumping tours across the Detroit where Ford At 5 p.m. country was the guest of a news conference 30 minutes after by workers on the State Highway Armstrong Hall, said he has not been able ■BAND RAPIDS - Not many against the legislative dictatorship of a honor. th£ hour-long operation, Dr. Eldon Dept.'s project to redesign the to call out of his room since Friday. One |dent! visit the defunct furniture "veto proof Democratic Congress." Onq of Goebel's campaign workers felt Hickman, who performed it with two intersection. time he went into a room where the phone Jl of the United States, but even Republicans and Democrats differed in the Ford visit would be instrumental in With the cables cut, phone service to assisting surgeons said, "Mr. Nixon is was working and called his number and d Tuesday, it was more like opinions on what effect Ford's visit would VanderVeen's defeat. doing well various parts of the . . . recovering in the normal campus was someone from Bailey Hall answered. They have on the Nov. 5 election. jt) had come marching home. Hurrah. "It can be nothing but a plus," Goebel "President Ford and Paul Goebel have manner." interrupted to different degrees. Some told him their phones were messed up as been back - slapping, beer ■ drinking White House aides were keeping close students could call out but not receive well and suggested he call their number tent Ford came home for the first said. "I don't know about it in terms of buddies for years," he said. touch on Nixon's condition and one calls, while others found that when they (continued on page 13) * his August ascendancy to the votes. Some Democrats say it means 100 I House and found that he was still votes and some Republicans say it means I wsional Jerry" to at 10,000." CATA least 7,000 of his old constituents [orad, downtown rally, returning to the congressional fa where he served from 1948 until who turned Goebel's own polls show him trailing VanderVeen by leading by 20 5 per cent, while VanderVeen's polls show the Democrat per cent. VanderVeen was service irks when he became vice among the many Ford wellwishers. By STEVE ORR short in those categories, only to look at bt, tried to steer his hometown Ford did not dwell long on the election State News Staff Writer another in which the only improvement back toas the good old days of pblicanism he during any of his around - town "We're people too," an MSU student was wider doors. campaigned for Paul appearances, instead he focused his said he waited in the rain Tuesday in *1, who is as "Those buses are totally oriented to running for Ford's old seat comments on inflation. the hopes of proving a point about the wheelchair users," Gentile said. "There is |stnderVeen Richard VanderVeen. "It is individuals and families who are inadequacy of public transportation for became the first Democrat keys to solving our number one problem - no way in hell people with leg braces, the physically handicapped. crutches can get up the steps." Npy that seat since 1910 last inflation," he declared. "I have asked canes or The student, Ken Laux, freshman, got Gentile called the $25,000 buses "half Congress and all of you as individuals to his point across. • try when he rode the tide of anti - and impeachment sentiment assed adaptations." He said CATA is to join,me in what I believe will be the most Laux, who uses a wheelchair,attempted Mover state Sen. Robert concentrated attack ever made in this taking a "simplistic and uneducated stand. to board a Capitol Area Transit Authority Whoever makes decisions at CATA is country on a problem that affects all of td promised the people a concerted us." (CATA) bus outside the MSU Union. He totally ignorant" of the problems facing wanted to demonstrate that CATA buses, the physically handicapped. Gentile said. f10 "f!ht inflation, one in which he Gov. Milliken was also on hand for the like nearly all public buses, are not He also called CATA consideration of equipped with the facilities needed to handle wheelchairs. He also wanted to [ecream sundae poll show the problems that arise with other "If the physically disabled and physically handicapped passengers. Heshowedwhen he could not board the elderly can use a bus, then it's bus himself that CATA buses have no public. If they can't, it's an elitist, 5es tight fall election facilities for the physically handicapped. He also served as a living example of able - bodied - only bus service, not a public one." - Eric Gentile, problems that have arisen over CATA's president of the Lansing chapter By JOE KIRBY future intention to provide for physically of the National Assn. of the State News Staff Writer handicapped people. But many physically handicapped people find their Physically Handicapped. plans Motion observers that has most hungry totally unacceptable. "in wondering, is who will CATA has received a state grant for the the annual ice cream poll. those buses "a cheap, quick way of F's Farm j, purchase of smaller buses, and plans to ■ l i. -vv cream parlors iii paiiuia have showing the public they're trying." equip four of them for use by the | ,8 election polls since 1952 a.™ physically handicapped. They will be put Gentile, who uses a wheelchair, defined T lS„SUnLdae vote is shaping up as a in use early next year on specially planned the physically handicapped as many L j* ween Republican Gov. routes. Such a move would be a first step elderly people, people with visual, speech 7™ democrat Sander Levin. by CATA toward providing for the public and hearing impairments, quadriplegics I ,' fiRt poll,Miller's has had a and paraplegics, those suffering from transportation of the physically cerebral wiaii8Vfry Presidential atnri and handicapped. palsy, muscular distrophy, election in its ice cream multiple sclerosis and congenital birth It appears the move would work to P «ross southern Michigan and the defects, amputees, dwarfs and those using dispel one long - standing complaint from y I "en wrong yet. the physically handicapped. But it is the crutches, canes and wheelchairs. L•n V8?' totals in the poll show selection of the buses that has fed the He said it is estimated that roughly 10 ho|dmg a slim lead, but Bryce to 13 per cent of East Lansing's 8eneral controversy. manager of Miller's, said population fits into one of those Greg Bannon, administrative asst. of I it P,t',r.^nta8e of undecided voters CATA, said the state grant provides for a categories and that there are about 500 katt'I F>t this time.t0 Predict the fin"1 maximum expenditure of $25,000 per physically handicapped students and bus. employes at MSU. ' f* countwithshows Milliken 721 and there with Eric Gentile, president of the Lansing Gentile called facilities for the MSU's transportation are chapter of the National Assn. of the physically handicapped »Miii ers' statewide. "woefully inadequate, reaily a bummer, > Physically Handicapped, said the only bus Rr s.In East Lansing has Milliken that is well enough equipped to fully serve with special units with lift." consisting of only one II co . towns is out ^ front in the the physically handicapped costs $50,000. van a of Ann Arbor and Bannon said the buses CATA has Laux, who ended up refusing an offer from CATA bus driver Steve looked at will exceed state standards and Purdy to be E! K,y,from thc East La™'"* will be the best vehicles available for the lifted onto the bus Tuesday, said when he fouS!1lhken,witha commanding 1,720 have been cast, with 257 undecided. money. "We cannot just let the program travels to classes he either rides with a llevin£?"g Levin 254 t0 138- Thomson said Miller's had not had any drop because it's not ideal," Bannon said. friend or goes by himself in his motorized wheelchair and "hopes to make it." 2l?Ann Arbor62 '<> 17' complaints from .third party candidates, "It shouldn't be put off. God knows we're What it boils down to is that "if the ire biKi East Lansing parlor trying." I Ann A?m,mand of{ice workers, though in some of the college locations "CATA's buses will not at all be physically disabled and elderly can use a L Arb°f clients are mostly someone will occasionally vote for Zolton bus, then it's public. If they can't it's an acceptable," Gentile said. He said that the elitist, able - bodied only bus service, not Ferency. - j W111 When the poll first started, Miller s , $25,000 buses CATA has looked at have a public one," Gentile said. ■ ^ Millie mn97° raCe betWeen merely labeled identical sundaes as "Ike* doors that are too narrow, inadequate lifts Bannon stressed that while the buses ftvin. trn,'m ' ore lce cream eaters for wheelchairs, dangerously designed CATA bus driver Steve Purdy was caught a bit off - guard Tuesday and "Adlai" and kept tab on a bulletin they will select may not be perfect, they -^around m8ki"g "P their minds board when one or the other was sold. steps, poor straps for securing wheelchairs will be the best CATA's limited ftinds can when an MSU student in a wheelchair attempted to board his bus. and are of unsafe body design. The student, Ken Laux, was "'m'initio97?,after 2,677 votes There are now seven "campaign concoctions" and the voter - eater is given Gentile said CATA dropped buy. "Our hearts demonstrating the lack of facilities for the physically handicapped on CATA buses. Laux refused an comn ithere Pift'd to this were on|y295 (continued on page 13) consideration of one model because it fell said. are in the right place," he by Purdy to be lifted onto the bus. offer year when 1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 30,19741 Hunt says money dem WASHINGTON (AP) - E. trying to get those who had times to grand juries and had Howard Hunt Jr. testified made prior commitments," decided to tell the truth finally Hunt said. after reading the White House Tuesday that the money demand former President Hunt underwent cross - transcripts last summer Richard M. Nixon viewed as examination on this second Asked whether he would day witness at trial of John have felt differently had his Economic future index drops blackmail last year was just an attempt to collect an overdue as a N. Mitchell, H. R. Haldeman, demands been met, Hunt bill. John D. Ehrlichman, Robert C. replied: "I felt a rude An index that often points to future trends in the "You don't consider your Mardian and Kenneth W. awakening." economy registered its second sharpest decline on comments to disclose seamy Parkinson, all charged with he had done for the White "I read the President's record last month, the Commerce Dept. reported things you did unless you got conspiracy to obstruct justice. House. contemptuous reference to $50,000, $60,000, $72,000 as Hunt had testified that in The White House tape those of us who had gone to Tuesday. blackmail?" the Watergate March 1973 when he was transcript of a conversation prison as idiots and jackasses. I The department said its index of "leading indicators" realized there had been a wild break - in conspirator was about to be sentenced for his former White House counsel dropped 2.5 per cent in September. The only bigger asked at the Watergate coverup role as foreman of the John W. Dean III had with scramble going on for months decline on record was 2.9 per cent in June 1951. trial. Watergate break - in team he Nixon on March 21 showed in the White House to Though some economists are skeptical of the index's "No, sir," said Hunt. had word relayed tb the White that both Dean and the protect themselves and very "What do you consider it, an House that he wanted President viewed the demand little thought had been given to validity, last month's sharp drop was still another piece of evidence that the economy is weak and probably will investment plan?" $122,000 to pay his lawyers. as blackmail. our plight, much less to the "I consider that I was in the He said he threatened to On Monday Hunt testified money which was the easier continue to deteriorate well into 1975, at least. disclose other covert jobs that he had lied at least a dozen thing for them to give to ease position of a bill collector The leading indicators are a set of 12 economic our burden." yardsticks selected because they have tended to rise and On the evening of March 21, fall in advance of broad movements in the general 1973, after the president said economy. The index is used as a clue to future trends. High court agrees to review the blackmail money could be raised, $75,000 was delivered to Hunt's attorney, William O. Bittman, and Hunt said he got Rocky discloses loan activities N.C. capital punishment case the money the following day. 'Thatmoney delivery 'figures New figures made public by vice president designate largely In the charges against The death penalty case involves James three of the five defendants Nelson A. Rockefeller bring the total of personal loans WASHINGTON (AP) - Hie Supreme Court Thurman Fowler, who was convicted of killing because the government said it he acknowledges making to friends and associates during agreed Tuesday to review the death penalty again, including arguments that it is John Griffin last April 10 in Wake County, N.C. was paid to keep Hunt quiet. the past 18 years to more than $2 million. unconstitutional under any circumstances. A decision on it could affect the fete of Hunt admitted again that he Rockefeller Monday added 26 additional names to The court will take up the case of a North more than 100 persons in the United States lied even in the book of his the list of individuals who have benefited from his Carolina man who was condemned to die for a who are on death row. memoirs scheduled for fatal shooting that The Supreme Court's 1972 ruling said it was publication next month. largesse since 1957, a philanthropic record that has followed an argument over a William Prates, representing $10 bill during a dice game. unconstitutional to allow a jury to decide, become a primary issue in the investigation of his fitness It will be the first death penalty case the between two persons convicted of the same Ehrlichman, read Hunt one of to hold the nation's second highest office. the statements from that book court has heard since June 29, 1972, when it crime, which should live and which should die. held that capital punishment laws then on the In response, more than half of the states that in two notebooks Dean books were unconstitutional. have passed new laws which either make capital destroyed after Hunt's arrest, In other action Tuesday, the court: punishment mandatory for specified offenses or "there were documents in • provide for mandatory review of the jury's which I recorded Gemstone Agreed to consider whether bar decision. North Carolina is one of the states from its inception." Gemstone associations may draw up and enforce schedules of lawyers' fees without violating federal with such a law. was the code name Hunt antitrust laws. Before it was passed, however, Fowler and adopted for the fruits of the • Upheld by a 5 - 4 vote a Maryland law 30 other men were condemned under an wiretaps placed in Democratic under which motion pictures are licensed by a interpretation by the North Carolina Supreme headquarters at the Watergate state board of censors. Court of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision. • Upheld the government's right to withhold The state court said that the decision merely Hunt had written that the taxes that two pacifists objected to paying on invalidated the portion of the North Carolina destroyed documents would Kissinger reassures India grounds that they went for military expenditures. Justice William O. Douglas law that made the death penalty optional with the jury, rather than mandatory. implicate Dean, Mitchell, and Mitchell's re • election dissented. The cases of seven men sentenced under this committee deputy, Jeb Stuart Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger apparently has • Magruder. But Hunt said that Upheld James Earl Ray's effort to obtain ruling were appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court assured Indian leaders in New Delhi that the United evidence about the Circumstances of his plea by the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. untrue. of was States will not resume shipment of lethal weapons to guilty to the murder of the Rev. Martin Luther Though the court's action Tuesday directly "Why did you put in the Pakistan. King Jr. involves only Fowler, who is black, a decision false statement?" Prates asked. Watergate defendant H.R. Haldeman greets I With Kissinger due in Islamabad on Thursday, Indian mine • Upheld black lung regulations that coal on even the narrowest grounds presumably affect all of the men sentenced would "I put it in to support the position I maintained for a newsmen upon his arrival at U.S. District Court for | officials are' carefully avoiding public discussion of the operators said would cost billions of the Watergate coverup trial. dollars. under the state supreme court ruling. year or 1W yean," Hunt said. sensitive subject. But newsmen traveling with Kissinger are being The State News 1$ published by the students ot Michigan advised privately that India has been reassured that the State University every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays during nine year - old embargo will be maintained. Ijjjfo - Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Is published . In a joint communique both sides agreed that in September. Subscription rate Is $20 per year. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial "outside powers" should not attempt to pin positions and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. of special privilege in the region. GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER PHONES British to nationalize industries News/Editorial 355-8252 Classified Ads 355-8255 Display Advertising 353-6400 Business Office 355-3447 Queen Elizabeth II told Parliament Tuesday the Photographic 355-8311 Labor government plans to nationalize key industries, The "aha reaction in religion is alive and well including aviation and oil, in a Socialist bid to revive and lives in Dr Littiefair's Britain's economy. sermons. Hear Voice of the Liberal' 9:10 A.M. ASMSU Travel The Sundays, queen's address, written for her by Prime WJFM, 93.7 on your dial. Minister Harold Wilson's cabinet, said a National Or write lor free copy: Enterprise Board will be proposed to direct the Fountain Street Church, restructuring and reorganization of Britain's industries. The address also contained proposals for taxing 26 Fountain Street, N.E., Grand Rapids, 49502. NASSAU! Sermon title of Nov. 3 Dec. 14 thru Dec. 21 private wealth, gifts and estates. "Do You Call That " for Information call: 353-0766 Chile may Daily release prisoners 353-0659 Chile's 882-0170 - Evenings ruling junta will soon release about 2,000 political prisoners, diplomatic sources in Santiago said Tuesday. They said about 500 will be deported. The sources said negotiations are under way to find countries to accept the expelled prisoners, including the U.S. Army Lt. Dorothy Clark inc aii t itr f I head of the Chilean Communist party, Luis Corvalan, and the foreign minister of the late Marxist President Is I I I VIM/ Salvador Allende, Clodomiro Almeyda. Coming To Campus Meanwhile, a Harris survey released Monday showed To Talk About III III INI ASM VI that by a 60 - 18 per cent majority, the American public believes it was wrong of the United States to intervene JIE:. |;| All COUNCIL in and participate in the overthrow of the Chilean government. HALLOWEEN Arab nation wants oil price cut College Junior and Student Officer Programs HAM I 11 VI I IDA! IL The College Junior Program is an exciting chance to preview life as an officer in the A Saudi Arabian official said Tuesday that his WomenVArmy Corps. It's open to girls who have completed their junior year at college. country has told Arab oil states it wants a "symbolic As cadet corporal in the Enlisted Reserve, you spend four summer weeks at 1IM//II:/ a cut" in world petroleum prices but plans no unilateral Fort McClellan, Alabama-with other students from all over the Nation. You find out about training, social life and the many opportunities available to i i i i action. you n i i i i it i in i i The disavowal of a unilateral cut in Saudi Arabia's oil as an officer. IIM II III HI price of approximately $ 11.65 per barrel contrasted Then you'll go to Fort Benning, Georgia, where you'll see and meet your male with a report from Rabat, Morocco that appeared in the Army counterparts. I \S| I II New York Times. You'll be paid a cadet corporal's salary. All your transportation from home and back The newspaper reported that an informed Arab source said the per - barrel price of Saudi oil would be lowered next week by less than a dollar. As the world's will be paid for medical care by the Army. You'll also receive uniforms, meals and at no expense. a ten mien After you have completed this program, you'll be under no obligation to continue -A IIIIII If II largest oil exporter, Saudi Arabia theoretically could in the Reserves. But when you have received your college degree, you may apply force down all oil prices with a unilateral cut. II .1 I VI/ I I I M II for a commission, as a second lieutenant, in the Women's Army Corps. Convicts make new demands Student Officer Program pays you while you're a senior at college Four armed convicts holding 16 hostages in the Scheveningen penitentiary in the Hague Tuesday If you're convinced that you want to become an officer in the Women's Army Corps the Student Officer Program can be the rewarding second step. Only those wfio have completed the College junior Course are considered, and only a limited number - AlfeF*' m •••••••' demanded an aircraft to fly them out of the of applicants are selected. Your qualification and acceptance are based on your standing in the College Junior Course. Netherlands, a Justice Ministry spokesman said. They also insisted that a Palestinian terrorist in the For more information on the College Junior Program, and more details on the ( prison infirmary, who asked them Monday night and Student Officer Program, get in touch with again Tuesday to give up, be turned over to them. In ret urn, the convicts offered to release three of their Lt. Clark from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. hostages - two women and a man with a heart ailment. The government spokesman did not reveal where the convict*. wanted to go or the government's response to Monday, November 4 at the Placement Bureau, Student Services Building their demands. Michigan Stale News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 30, 1974 3 Quakers, Tuesday at a conference of military reps Bv NANCY CRANE high school guidance and sympathies of high school apparent victors. conference itself, which wasn't stj;e News Staff Writer counselors in Lansing. counselors state. from across the "We had a lot of people sign true." Army, Navy, Air Force, When the smoke of rhetoric interest sheets for us," Jim However, the Marine Quakers' e° and Coast Guard Coombs, program assistant for interest lists could not Friends Service recruiters exchanged cleared, the armed services, the Quakers keep up „ pamphlets through use of high ■ powered Quakers, said."We <•>;.< "Wo think think we uto ,„im with the barrage of _» » free mittee (Quakers) fought and opinions with the Quakers sales techniques and were received pretty well, pamphlets leaflets, glossy posters, geological war Monday and in a battle for the attention advertising, emerged the considering that some people friibees, rulers and thought we were protesting the monogram med grill scrapers which hit the counselors from all sides. rterim director faces ouster threat If* the visual and informational attack was not enough to keep the interest of the counselors, an Air Force publicity machine flashed yfellow ASMSU board member By ROSANNE LESS Aid to go before a pictures of planes and careers to the accompaniment of military marches and sonoric renditions of "High Flight." judiciary or for the head of the Interfraternity This was all in a proper spirit State News Staff Writer Council to live in a fraternity," O'Connor said in refuting of competitiveness, armed Sutake's allegations. "Her concerns about a conflict of interest ,e to oust the interim director of ASMSU's Labor forces representatives at the have no basis and may only be smokescreen for personal and tions department could force student government to re • a conference said. political conflict between us." line why the labor department exists in the first place, Sutake alleged that O'Connor and Cain are "Since the end of the draft loyle O'Connor, interim director of Labor Relations, was drawing up a the armed services have had to budget for Labor Relations that includes provisions for the itened with recall Monday night by Nancy Sutake, College of Student Workers compete with business and Union. She maintained that this implies SN peering representative on the ASMSU board. Sutake alleged O'Connor is other professions for recruits," photo/Robert Kozloff O'Connor's chairing of the labor post was a conflict of "acting like a permanent department head." Air Force Staff Sgt. "There is Jay S. Military representatives did people into military wt because O'Connor is a student worker. O'Connor is also something fishy about the way Doyle came on the Lodge said. "However, the air not careers. . advantages of military see their role in national scene," Sutake said. "I'm UDset about the close ties between Tim Military representatives, educations and careers, deny B in the fledgling Student Workers Union and in other force has been cutting back on affairs in the same light. and Doyle. Tim may be influencing though admitting the tight that the military is taking in munity labor organizational groups. Doyle. personnel in advertising since "I would say that we want "I'd like to see the Labor Relations department independent economic situation encourages unqualified or less • educated Inder the provisions of the ASMSU constitution, only the of the president of ASMSU." we have been making our the military to be a collection young people to look at the applicants. jdent can hire and fire an interim cabinet director. "I'm a completely free agent," O'Connor said. quotas for men." of citizen - soldiers," Maj. John V Labor Relations department was designed in 1973 as a Sutake admitted that her actions, while Coombs, however, claims McClure, an MSU assistant net service to encourage and support student collective procedurally out of that the military is the second professor of military science order, may have been triggered by an individual personality aining efforts. Tim Cain, now ASMSU president, requested conflict. She maintained that she was moved to this display of largest advertiser in the world, and that it said. "Ninety - five per cent of Steve Stills will perform formation of this service on behalf of the Kellogg Center dissatisfaction because O'Connor has been uses its already too our time is spent in service Employes Assn. Then ASMSU president Ed Grafton "slandering" some of large advertising clout to areas and less than 5 her actions earlier in the evening. per cent ed the development and appointed Cain to act as interim emphasize the travel and of our time, is spent in combat "I just want to get him out of here," she said. O'Connor and Sutake clashed earlier in the educational opportunities of activities." concerts to benefit Carr in resigned that position following his own election as meeting when discussing an amendment to a bill taking a stand on the triple military careers, clouding the "In fact, the emphasis on ISU president in 1973, and appointed O'Connor as interim issue of real military intent. military skills has been toned situation in residence halls. O'Connor deemed Singer Steve Stills will perform two benefit concerts for 6th ttor until a permanent head could be appointed. Petitioning "gutless" any "I'm gad that the military is down so much in the resolution that would delete the phrase "the administration is Army, District congressional candidate Bob Carr Jiepost has been going on all term and closed Monday. making it much more attractive people are beginning to tonight at the Stables. undertaking no positive action." to be in the military, but that Shows are at 5:30 and 8:00. Admission is $3. [ O'Connor is ousted as the head of a student government Sutake claimed that O'Connor was just wonder," McClure said. using this as another Ticket information can be obtained r service because he is a student worker and has outside labor does not change the fact that Coombs charged the military by calling the East Lansing chance to put down the University. She also paralleled the Can for Congress office, 351 - 0710. political affiliations, then any future director of the same the main purpose of the with using the current bad resolution in question to the similarly worded one that Stills will be meeting with students in the ice may not be able to be either a worker or have union military is destruction and economic situation to entice Holden Hall recognized the Student Workers Union. cafeteria between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m. and in Wilson Hall killing," Coombs said. cafeteria pathies. This appears inconsistent with the overall purpose of less educated and poorer young from 5:00 to 5:30 p.m. Ubor Relations department. KARATE O'Connor is a student employe fighting for his own cause," ike charged. "He can't see objectively, like administration is fair with wages. It's like recognizing that bargaining for TOURNAMENT 'TRICK SENIORS. . . v self, your own interests, without a mediator." SUNDAY Here is no more of a conflict of interest for a student WILL YOU BE IN THE ker to be in Labor Relations than it is for a member of Legal ———— mr —■*—-bj 1975 WOLVERINE? TREAT' DooLeys s your Halloween friends FREE SENIOR PICTURES ARE NOW BEING TAKEN IN RM 36A UNION Card 353-5292 WEDNESDAY from CAMPUS BOOK BUY A WOLVERINE YEARBOOK TOO!! 507 E. Gr. River PITCHER ] across from Berkey SPECIAL open thursday and friday nights until nine doWNSTAiltt Till * 10:00, cover 50^ FOXX OCTobER 29-NOVEMbER 5 Miss J's savvy shows through in super sweater dresses that hug in all the right places, then fall free in a gentle A-line shape, a soft blend of wool/acrylic/silk in 5 to 13 sizes. BIRMINGHAM Left, jade turtleneck dress GROSSE POINTS' DETROIT with cabled bodice, black NORTHLAND ANN ARBOR and white accent stripes. DEARBORN GRAND RAPIDS EAST LANSING. Right, camel V-neck, with rust and cream stripe accents, and cream collar. $28 OPEN THURS& FRI TILL 9 m Jaeobsoij's «*i. "Vvuid DO ART BUCHWALD Susan Ager Editor-in-Chief Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R. D. Campbell Mary Hood Diane Silver Managing Editor City Editor Campus Editor Ford Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Payton inflation National Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor Editorials are the opinion of the State Judy Rypma Uncle Sam was News. Columns, viewpoints and letters are Copy Chief wheeled , Joe Kirby emergency room on a stretcher Staff Representative personal opinions. "What seems to be the nurse asked. trouble"' "■ "I don't know," his nephew, John Q. EDITORIALS Public, replied. "He's sick. His rate of inflation is twice as fast as it used to be Re-elect Lynn and he can't move his gross national product. He keeps In an election year full of would prohibit the sale and complaining that his mediocre incumbents. Lynn manufacture of nonretumable economy is Jondahl is an exception. During beverage containers. Jondahl has sluggish." "I'll call Dr. Ford," the nurse his two years as state supported transportation bond Dr. Ford came into the issues in the legislature and elllt representative of East Lansing's and took Uncle Sam's",. . room 59th District, Jondahl has supports Proposal D, which would "Hmmn," he said. Then he listened to provide $1.1 billion for 'FIRST OF ALL MERRY CHRISTMAS!' heart with distinguished himself as a good, . . . a stethoscope. said again. He looked into Uncle Si honest and competent legislator. development of state - wide mouth and said, "I don't like it." Cathy Lessard, his Republican transportation systems. VIEWPOINTS: TEACH "What's wrong?" John Q. Jondahl supports a graduated Public ask opponent, has tried and failed to "How do I know?" Dr. Ford m find skeletons in Jondahl's closet. state income tax, and has worked "I'm new at all this. Now if he Language center flaws reviewed ne Jondahl has done an excellent for appropriation of funds for pardon operation, I could help him' rehabilitation of low income "Please, Doc." John Q. Public cri job serving his constituents and - "do something." the people of Michigan. He clearly housing. merits a second House term. Friday's article on the English Language 2) Use of literature students as well. While there are some good language "I'm going to need a other doctors. I'll call a consultation J Cathy Lessard has charged that Center (ELC) quotes one of the English assistants in the ELC is rationalized as instructors there, most are only capable of Most recently Jondahl has week." Jondahl is out of touch with his literature majors teaching there as saying giving these graduate students experience teaching how to read French or Spanish demonstrated his willingness to constituency, even inaccessible to that background training is not important in a secondary aspect of the study of and not how to speak them. Just because They left Uncle Sam in the emerJ someone can speak a language does not room and a week later specialists buck the Democratic party "as long as you have a good attitude when English (Teaching of English to Speakers whd them. flown in from every part of thecoi machine when he believes the you teach." This leads one to conclude of Other Languages - TESOL) so they mean he can teach it. There are several However, the fact that Jondahl that the work done by MSU's Teaching will be able to find some kind of points, then, which should be made in gathered around the patient. people's interest is at stake. He has been lauded by citizen and defense of the ELC: One doctor said, "He's sufferingfj member of the English to Speakers of Other Languages employment if they cannot find jobs was a clear case of swollen stagflation. 1 m consumer groups for work in (TESOL)' program is a waste of time. related to literary pursuits. 1) The problem of who teaches at the "magnificent seven," a group of areas ranging from clean Either that or the foreign students 3) The Dept. of Linguistics, which is center was created by the administration we should inject more body." money into] legislators who refused to ramrod studying in the ELC are getting "nice much more qualified to handle the of the English Dept. and the University. government to a clean The ELC does not have any control over "Wrong," said kidney specialist 1 completely ineffective campaign guys" when they could be getting good theoretical concerns of language learning, a environment shows he has the teachers. had the opportunity to take control of the this because it is not autonomous. have to lower his prime rate and incn controls through the state citizens' interest at heart, and It was not clearly brought out in the ELC several years ago but declined to for 2) There are several experienced his productivity. Give him an immej legislature last spring. understands his consituents' article that there is a significant pool of esoteric reasons. graduate assistants. Several of us are shot in the arm." As a result of their efforts, the these good teachers on campus, namely 4) The former director of the ELC, certified professionals in TEfcQL. needs. "No, no, no," another doctor shi new campaign reform bill is only returned Peace Corps volunteers and Shigeo Imamura, is well known to be in 3) Not everyone can learn a foreign "We should put him in traction an Carroll Hawkins, opposing partially, rather than totally, others who have lived and taught abroad. the fore of TESOL. He is a recognized language. The ELC has no way of controls on every part of his Jondahl on the Human Rights body." ineffective. Most of these people are banned from authority who is known throughout the screening its applicants for aptitude for party ticket, lacks both Jondahl's "I say we should ration his blood."l Jondahl also has employment at the ELC by the center's world for his expertise as both a language language learning. Some foreign students sponsored, restriction of hiring teaching assistants are sent by their governments without "Tax his heart." legislative expertise and hfc teacher and as an educator of teachers of cosponsored or supported a series from only the TESOL and English Dept. English as a second language. Imamura regard for language aptitude or "Transplant his liver." awareness of the issues that of people - oriented bills. Yet the Peace Corps teachers, for example, persisted in pointing out that the ELC intelligence. However, this generally is the "Let him bleed some more untj He cosponsored the generic concern Michigan residents. have received at least three months (not returns a profit to the general fund of the case for only a very few of the students. hurts." 4) In spite of all the problems of using "Cut his defenses." drug bill, which allows the Jondahl is far more qualified days) of training and usually have at -least University because more money is taken in untrained teachers, the "Take him off Medicare." two years of teaching experience by the by way of tuition than is spent for ELC still manages purchase of lower cost drugs than either his Republican or "Reduce his consumption." time they hit this campus. Their "grasp of professional personnel, graduate assistants, to perform well (though not as well as it which are equivalent in quality Human Rights party opponents in could). In the face of seemingly Uncle Sam was groaning in pain bil human behavior" is often as wide as secretaries and other expenses, and hence the East one seemed to notice him. but cheaper than name brands. Lansing representative's anyone's and perhaps in general wider, in the center should be allowed to expand. insurmountable barriers very few students He sponsored a bill which race, and his record proves it. view of their cross • cultural experience. Because he had the nerve to be critical, the finish the program at the ELC without a Finally Dr. Ford said, "Thank i| The unnecessary waste the present formerly permanent position of director fair degree of proficiency in English. gentlemen, you've all been a big he situation apparently leads to is clearly of the ELC became a revolving position Nonetheless, it is a deplorable situation don't know what I'd have done witlj for those of within the center who you." P.O. revealed in the remarks by the Chinese boxed and he revolved of us can i was out the student who could not understand his directorship. see the problems and yet are powerless to teacher, but kept quiet rather than be, in 5) Even though the ELC has effect any change. Graduate assistants at a very low his mind, disrespectful to her. An cost - per - credit hour, four fulltime the ELC have one of the heaviest work When they were gone, John Q. N Anyone who has waited in line The Michigan - Harrison experienced TESOL instructor would have professional positions have been loads on campus. We must prepare and on Abbott Road to get into the been teach two classes a day, five days a week, anxiously said to Dr. Ford, "Whatare] controversy proved that once aware immediately of the discontinued in the center. communication breakdown. The teacher 6) The English Dept. lacks the for a half time appointment. The going to do to him?" poorly planned post office plans are adopted it is nearly - "He's going to have to bite the bul who had lived abroad would have been necessary full time staff for a fully assistants themselves are in a very difficult parking lot knows that improved impossible to get them modified. Dr. Ford replied grimly. He went ova aware of the cross - cultural factors that adequate TESOL program. What few position because they arc led to believe parking facilities for the building Councilman George Griffiths Uncle Sam and said, "I don't know ho| prolonged it. TESOL staff members there are are they are adequate to the task and made to are in order. has suggested that more people be James L. Campana distracted work overly hard. It should be noted that tell you this." by administrative "It's okay, Doc," Uncle Sam cr Right now the post office hired to work at the post office 1418-1 Spartan Village responsibilities in the ELC. while the situation at the ELC is less than "I can take it." proposes to construct a horrid It seems that these have all come as the commendable, it was exaggerated and during busy times. Though this The allegation of the inadequacy of the "Now this is what I want you tol new parking lot across an alley result of a deeply seated prejudice that the .exacerbated by Nardi's reporting. She plan may not be the whole English Language Center (ELC) to should have done a little more homework. Dr. Ford said, writing out a prescin from the study of language is less aesthetic than the present lot. The lots answer, it is worth considering. properly facilitate the acquisition of "When you sit down at the dinner i study of literature. It is unfair to single Stephen L. Tyma would be joined by a driveway Griffiths also suggests that the English by foreign students is essentially out the ELC, because this attitude is true take all that you want but eat all tlu' Graduate Student in Linguistics and correct, but by no means is it a recent take. I hope you'll be better in il cutting across the alley. Abbott Road post office of the Dept. of Romance Languages as graduate assistant, English Language Center development. It should be noted that the months.'* Cofwstol Residents of the area oppose encourage its customers to use ELC, while at the center of the the plan because it would congest controversy, is itself the victim rather than post office contact stations the alley, which is the only the cause. There are several factors which located in the Campus Bookstore and must be considered and were not entrance exit for the 24 and the MSU Union. This could mentioned by Pat Nardi in her expose: residents of Bower House take some customer pressure off 1) The use of literature students as Cooperative, its entrance and exit the Abbott Road post office. graduate teaching assistants is the result of on Whitehills Drive would cause Citizen reaction to the new decisions made by the chairman of the ' U.S. GOVERNMENT excess traffic on that street and it plans for English Dept. There is a general prejudice a post office parking lot that the study of literature is superior (i.e. Two hundred years ago our forefathers would lower property values for warrant immediate attention. more aesthetic) to the study of drafted the Bill of Rights which was to area homeowners. language. become the cornerstone upon which was Local planners should get As a result, more students study literature These are legitimate citizen built the Constitution of the United together with post office patrons than language 0r the teaching of concerns, and so far they have States. According to the articles of the bill and Whitehills area residents to language. The absurdity of this position is all men were to be considered equal under been dealt with inefficiently by work further highlighted by the fact that the out an acceptable demand for Ph.D.'s in the law. All laws were to be made for the both Postmaster Gordon Briggs literature is compromise to this long - probably less than that for any other type good of all the people and by the people. and most city council members. Freedom of speech, liberty and the pursuit standing problem. of degree at present. of happiness were guaranteed unto all citizens. Over the last three decades, a complacent, dejected, despondent The Doctor's 0 citizenry has allowed the legislative and Bag judicial branches of government, through ignorance, corruption and the influence of high special interest groups to make a political criminal and two weeks later in a local traditions of New York wore del BY ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. law and order meeting states that all lesser At Attica in 1971, grievances haDi mockery of these rights and true justice Copyright 1974 within our land. criminals must be removed from the negotiated and most of the poml Oct. streets and forced to serve maximum jail conflict had been cleared up in •■ 1, 1974 marked the first sentences? anniversary date of Michigan's worst form agreement. The few remaining p<®| Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at the total nilmber of complications for the (doctor's It appears our legislatures, federal, state conflict might have been settled «■ office, before a speech or „of legalized extortion ever to be forced MSU Health Center. Names need not be number of IUDs in use is still so low, it is musical performance, etc.) my stomach upon its unsuspecting citizens. Public Act and local, have a very poor concept of Rockefeller had intervened, f included unless a personal reply is difficult to tell whether the cases reported growls, bowels groan and the back of my 294 (Michigan's no ■ fault insurance law) what is morally right or wrong. Whether a responsible officials urged him ML requested. merely reflect the greater usage of the has been declared unconstitutional in all piece of legislation is unconstitutional or He refused to even go to Attica. thighs and seat tingle. I often have to run Dalkon shield or whether they reflect a for a john fast. I have been like this ever aspects except concept alone by the immoral seems to have no bearing on their we always do," he ordered. | Why don't men shave their underarms? Wouldn't they perspire less and thus have higher rate of complications. The general recommendation is that if a since I can remember and I am 22 now. Is circuit courts, but is still extorting millions chain of thoughts. It is strongly suggested that an impartial watch dog committee is The assault by state correction officers on the prison troopeij of dollars from its'victims through the less body odor to worry about? woman becomes pregnant with any IUD, there any help (or hope) for me? needed to monitor all pieces of in the deaths of 32 inmates state's insurance companies. How can a pending Nervousness before a performance or The question is backwards. It should the device be removed because continued law which is so discriminatory and legislation, federal, state and local and to hostages. Photographs taken at <■ II be: why do women shave their underarms? pregnancy with an IUD is potentially speech is very common and can result in socialistic in nature be endorsed so highly enlighten the general public as to their showed that Gov. Roekefelle' ®l sufficient changes in heart rate and other Shaving or not shaving your underarms hazardous. Removal of the IUD at this by our governor and praised as the best merits before they become laws and have effect, given the signal to ofn I time would most likely result in cardiovascular phenomena to jeopardize to be over ruled years later by the will not change the amount you perspire. ending automobile insurance law in the nation? - they could get away with mu The body odor of fresh perspiration is not the pregnancy. the health of older people with heart Supreme Court through civil suits. How could our state legislatures and our offensive whereas rancid sweat smells The question of what to do if one does conditions. To have anxiety of a such It is the duty of the states to protect 19935 Glastj Attorney general have been so blind or the health, safety and welfare of their pretty bad, hair or no hair. The presence have a Dalkon shield in place is answered degree that it occurs in many day - to - weak as to force upon the general public or absence of body hair relates strictly to differently by different people. My day situations is a condition worthy of citizens - not the monetary welfare of DON'T PASS UP BAND own such an oppressive law? Since the intervention. people's ideas about what looks good, and so is heavily influenced by cultural factors. view of a sane and safe approach is to keep the Dalkom shield if it is now in place and Often the anxiety is triggered by fear, initiation of this so • called no - fault law special interest groups. Robert Skubic I am writing in reference to tlwOL you are having no difficulty with it. Most even though the person cannot hundreds of the young and poor have been Clawson front page article, "Fans go ■ I have read recent warnings to the effect identify killed or seriously maimed upon our passes." Eric Rose was quoted IUD problems crop up in the first few anything particularly threatening in the that if a woman becomes pregnant while months of their use, so if you are situation. Sometimes a set of early life highways through motorcycle accidents - ROCKY RECORD BLOTTED "During halftime, no one, | using the Dalkon shield and decides to past this this means of transportation being forced band. It's just something to do. 1 time and it is working experiences involving humiliations can get continue the pregnancy, it can be effectively, the odds upon them by high automobile insurance There was no excuse for Nelson possibly by the time a few people '1 are good that it will continue to work such a problem started. If the symptom is extremely dangerous, even fatal. This is effectively. as discrete as you describe, it should .premiums. Thousands who own insured Rockefeller's failure to act in the Attica, you about it, you will realizef ,, J the IUD that was recommended to me and automobiles have been deceived and N.Y., prison riot when he was governor. opinion does not voice that ol | Contraception, like most thin# in life respond to a rather straight forward cheated of millions of dollars by the Rockefeller was well acquainted with the opinion, the MSU band is a I which I am now using. associated with pleasurable activities, is program involving some simple behavior , insurance companies who failed to explain principles of executive action advanced by which practices hard and P" There have been serious complications not free of problems. There is no method modification techniques. The idea is that Mayor LaGuardia and Mayor Lindsay in | and even some deaths when pregnancies if you have become conditioned to or pay in full the benefits entitled the outstanding halftime show. I that is fool proof, free of New York City. Those-men understood have occurred with IUDs (intrauterine hazards, victims of accidents. participated In "passing up, »1 convenient at all times and requires no respond the way you do, you can also be Our country, great as it is, has' become that in vast bureaucracies a big overburden spend most of my time *» i devices) in place. In terms of absolute thought. Then again, neither is anything in deconditioned. Such deconditioning society of two rules of justice - band. Please watch what yo J numbers there have been more of these a one for of official callousness develops. They had life. makes use of verbal techniques and graded the poor and one for the very rich. How 'please do not stereotype me T with the Dalkon shield. But, there have wen the need of going to the site of a been so many more Dalkon shields placed I have a rather annoying problem. exercizes. I suggest you give a call to the Counseling Center here on campus for can the public have confidence in our crisis to see directly what was going on, to one." I hope lam voicing the opmj K'l in women than other types of IUDs and judicial system if our very own president get below the layers of jobholders in order others. Whenever I aminanervous waiting situation further help. The number is 355 - 8270. on the one hand pardons the highest to determine the truth for themselves. The 533 Gi Wednesday, October 30,1974 5 aylor trailing in polls but winning at bank By MIKE ARNETT financial sources reveals as much about m state News Staff Writer them as all their group, has, since July 26, received: campaign literature and • The Conservative Victory Fund is $5,900 from physicians and medical |. any congressional race, the slogans combined. groups, including $2,000 from the "trying to elect solid conservative 1 Line battle is second only to the GROUPS CONTRIBUTING TO 6TH DISTRICT CONGRESSIONAL candidates. By that I mean people like JS?for votes. And though 6th District rfCeived about ha)f $41,900 raised since July 26- of the American Medical Political Action CAMPAIGN $20,192 - Committee and $1,000 from the Michigan Barry Goldwater and James Buckley (U.S. Enublican congressional candidate from nine different labor unions. The Doctors Political Action Committee. CARR Senators from Arizona and New York, I fford Taylor is trailing in the polls, he contributions range from a TAYLOR $10,000 • $16,550 from businessmen, respectively)," Ron Dear, executive is to be winning the money race by a donation from the United Auto Workers industrialists and related groups, LABOR UNIONS $20,192 NONE director, said. Community Action Program to $300 from including $2,000 from the Business • The Committee for Survival of a Free ■ frvlor in a vear when most Republican LA,T!^arnated Cutters and Political Action Committee. Industry BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY $367 $16,550 Congress said it is "firmly convinced that In/ressionai candidates are having n . Butcher Workmen Committee On Political • $3,500 from real estate interests - we must save conservatives everywhere if I • f f i c u 11 y making ends Education. $1,500 from individuals and $2,000 from to prevent a liberal 'veto - proof L leads Democratic opponent Bob The other MEDICINE $205 $5,900 we are group contributing the Real Estate Congress which could destroy the America in total money raised, $88,172 to substantially to the Carr campaign is Political Action Committee. we all know and love." Jg8166. education - $3,678 from • EDUCATION $3,678 $500 college $3,100 from bankers, including $500 The Committee for Fifteen provides ■perhaps even more crucial is the professors, teachers and education groups from the Banking Profession Political financing for 15 nonincumbent liberal ■ ount of cash each candidate has including $1,800 from the National Action Committee. BANKING $25 Democrats. Earning for the final days of the Education Assn. Public $3,100 Affairs •$2,950 from auto dealers. "Thdse tpaign. While Taylor has more than Committee. • $1,800 from 13 persons in the the are hardest people who normally have ■5OOO stored up for the final push, the Taylor is backed by a coalition of REAL ESTATE $170 $3,500 time financing their construction and building industry. Kir campaign is $2,000 in debt. business, industrial and medical interests, • $1,646 from 11 persons in the campaigns," John Wagley, committee Jlhe candidates' financial reports, as well as banking, insurance, real estate, NONE treasurer, said. insurance business. AUTO DEALERS $2,950 The National Committee for an ■leased last week, show that Taylor has construction and auto dealer groups and Taylor, in defining "special interest Effective Congress supports "progressive Ifhtlv outspent Carr since just before the individuals. groups," has said he considers $25 INSURANCE fug. 6 primary by .$47,570 to $39,850. ■ Taylor, who has set a $2,000 limit on contributions from individuals to be $1,646 liberal candidates, both financially and through technical assistance their ■ breakdown of the candidates' contributions from any special interest to separate from contributions from the * campaigns," administrative assistant Don CATEGORIES INCLUDE CONTRIBUTIONS BOTH FROM Fraher said. INDIVIDUALS AND FROM RELATED POLITICAL COMMITTEES Taylor has out spent Carr in all media Inferesf groups t expenditures since July 26, including television, $10,397 to $4,028; radio, $9,452 to $5,007; newspaper groups to which those persons are related. Taylor $15,283 and Carr $11,557. advertisements, $1,457 to $113, and liUPI) - A IMroit Free Press study of campaign contributions volunteer help from the UAW. By this definition, for example, accepting The candidates each reported donations billboards, $2,800 to $0.00. lis that special interest money dominates the 1974 Michigan In local legislative races, interest $2,000 from the Real Estate Political from two strictly political groups — for Howard Jones, Human Rights party groups have played major Action Committee and $1,500 from Taylor, $2,000 from the Committee for ion despite growing sentiment for campaign reform, roles in both incumbent and nonincumbent (HRP) candidate, reported spending $558 he study shows that most citizens contribute almost nothing The battle for the 24th District state campaign financing. realtors does not exceed Taylor's self • Survival of a Free Congress and $1,000 on the campaign. The money came from a Senate seat may cost each imposed $2,000 limit on contributions from the Conservative Victory Fund; and 1 candidates. candidate upwards of $25,000. Incumbent general Lansing - area HRP fund, into ■ But labor unions, organized teachers, merchants, bankers, real Republican Philip from any one special interest group. for Carr, $1,000 from the Committee for which Jones funnels all contributions sent Pittenger, who listed $3,750 from the Republican Senate Both candidates have received healthy Kate agents, racehorse owners, contractors and physicians give Fifteen and $400 from the National Campaign fund and $1,000 from the Michigan Board of Realtors personally to him. lousands of dollars to legislators and their challengers. as his only interest group contributions as of Oct. 10, said he will grants from their respective parties — Committee for an Effective Congress. ■ The study says most special interest money goes to not publicize the final total on interest group contributions until Jcumbents, whose voting records and committee work are election- 85 required by law. Pittenger had spent WE 5TUPIEP inly known. $10,100 through Oct. 10. ALL ABOUT ■ Asked about their contributions, these special interests say j His Democratic opponent, state LOCAL Rep. Earl Nelson, has drawn ley are only working for good government by supporting people heavy labor support. Nelson has received a $4,300 UAW 60wKNM£NT. ■ho they think deserve support. contribution and $2,000 from the AFL CIO in ■ Reported contributions indicate that state Rep. Josephine has also been given $1,000 from the • Michigan. Nfelson ■unsinger. D • Detroit, raised $3,825 for her tight primary race, and $500 from Michigan Education Assn. the Lansing Area Teachers Public Affairs zrf lit only $25 came from within her own district. Committee. Nelson also received a $250 contribution from the | Sen. James D. Gray, D - Warren, who lost his Aug. 6 primary, Michigan Doctors' Political Action Committee and $200 lised $32,059, of which $1,189 came from the Senate donations from a dentists' democratic Caucus and the Real Estate Political Action group and the School Alliance Politcal Action Committee. The Nelson lommittee. $23,000. campaign has spent nearly DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau IhoThe rest of the money was raised at a dance, with no hint of bought tickets to the affair. In the race for the 59th District legislative seat, incumbent WHAT'S THE I Gray said he does not know who bought the tickets, that under Lynn Jondahl, D East Lansing, has received $1,000 le present law he does not have to say and that it is none of the - , MATTER WITH , I TOLD YOU- contributions from the House Democratic Caucus and the I W MAN* WHY > MOM'SHE EVEN 'MY NAME IS BOBBY Jiblic's business, the newspaper reports. Michigan Education Assn. The Michigan AFL - CIO contributed : DO YOU KEEP I, TO? BY .. WROTE nOUT MATTHEWS I AM SEVEN I "This SAVING,"PLEASE INS, • whole campaign finance reform thing was designed by $500 to Jondahl's re election «IH0 ? FOR ME, SO I YEARS OLD PLEASE nmunist Common Cause," Gray said. "Campaign reform is as - campaign, and $200 was donated E DON'T HIT ME"?! 71 by the Michigan Apothecaries Political Committee. ' j WOULDN'T FORGET, DON'T HIT MS." ny as a $3 bill because the people who have something to hide Working with I./ X an $8,500 budget, Jondahl has spent $5,634 so far. /SEE? k going to hide it no matter what the law says." Cathy Lessard, Jondahl's Republican opponent, received a I Another example listed by the newspaper involved Democrats $2,000 contribution from the House Republican luted Lane, the Flint senator, and state Rep. Dale Kildee, also Committee in addition to a $500 donation from the Campaign Associated ■ Flint. Builders and Contractors, a builders' union. Lessard was also I Line'TTies $48,000 rest in contributions includes $8,000 of unknown given $250 by a local real estate association and $100 donations it. comes from a variety of professional and business from an automobile retailers' organization and a local doctors' [fits. committee, MedPac. Lessard said her campaign has cost almost IKildee's $31,000 in cash came half from organized labor, $4,000 so far, and she estimates total campaign expenses will not the UAW and teachers. He also got substantial exceed $5,500. Lynn Jondahl... Graduating Engineers: State Representative - 59th District - Democrat If jour heart's in San Francisco ' 1974: srjD\ DUE DATE FOR POLITICAL REFORM 'Ouf goal, In dealing with campaign financing, must be to guafentee that political office cannot purchased. It Is not reform simply to make known who bought the office.' Lynn Jondahl, on the House Floor Mare Island is hiring! Live in the heart of Northern California-America's most . . Yours was a courageous stand. . . Common Cause supports famous work and play land. Ideal, smog-free climate, short drive to the Golden Gate, the wine country, lots and encourages your continued efforts to effect real reform.' more! Work in a challenging environment at the West Coast's Common Cause of michlgan, In response oldest and best-known naval institution, with unmatched to Lynn's votes on campaign financing. potential for professional growth, reward and recognition. Get the facts on civilian career opportunities. Contact your Placement Office. Students for Jondahl, 210 Abbott (upstairs), East Lansing, 337-7759 (Paid Pol. Adv.) Campus interviews: October 30 Mare Island Naval Shipyard tor REAL reform. Valleio. California Valjejo, California cd a Mr 1 crn rKANLIbLU An Ec*ual Opportunity Employer us QitizenshiD Required 6 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 30,19 J Singing Statesmen traditional tunes students! By CD ZDROJEWSKI "For the last six or seven years it has lost its ima«i> with , I State News Reviewer proper leadership," he said. During this tim^ the 7/1 It is probably an even bet that few students at MSU know the Statesmen have been the domain of graduate assistants 'H "f words to the "Alma Mater" or the "MSU Fight Song." It would directorship changed often. This caused a natural deoT "f be even more difficult to find anyone who knows such old quality, Jones said. "ne i traditional tunes as the "MSU Toast." George Steinmetz, associate professor in the Dept. oi But there is a group of 60 musicians in the MSU Music Dept. that keeps these traditions from days gone by alive. and Russian, and former member of the group, disagreef" The Singing Statesmen (not to be confused with the State group has had the same good quality as ever," he said who spent 21 years with the group, first joined Steinm'H Singers) have long been associated with the very existence of a the s2l land grant college in East Lansing. Statesmen as a young teacher back in the 1930s. He at that time, the group was under the direction of Fred recalls Phi Loren Dones, associate professor with the Music Dept. is Patto 1 Wagperian bass with the New York Metropolitan Opera. | returning to direct the group this year. He directed the group "Fred once back in the early '60s and then "retired" for about seven years. signed a review he wrote with the initials B Gpi Jones said the Singing Statesmen are one of the oldest which, as he explained to me, stood for Blood and Guts Patt I Steinmetz said. - ' l0n'" organizations on campus, dating back to the last century."The group is probably older than most of the fraternities and sororities," he said. "Students should take advantage of an The Singing Statesmen are also known as the Men's Glee Club opportunity wh failed to do, or frankly, was afraid to do as a student," hi and like all musical groups within the Music Dept., members earn Steinm i one credit per term. said. Throughout their history, the Singing Statesmen "Fortunately, I was able to take advantage of tl, have represented MSU. At one time they sang at halftime during opportunities as a teacher, but not many will get similar chanc3 every home football game, often competing against glee clubs or find the time in later life to get these enriching values." from other Big Ted schools. "No other group reaches as much into the whole University," Jones commented. The repertoire of the Singing Statesmen covers a wide range. They sing traditional songs, sacred music, Broadway show tunes and the classics, but no one type of music is emphasized. In past years, the Singing Statesmen have enjoyed a wide reputation and an annual tour has always been part of the course. These tours have included appearances at the Rockefeller Center in New York, at Eisenhower's second inauguration in 1956 and on national TV shows hosted by Dinah Shore and Ed SN photo/Larry Gunsberg EAST LANSING'S ONLY CO - OP FOR OPTICAL NEEDS Sullivan. Staying on perfect pitch and keeping correct rhythm demands total concentration from members of the MSU Singing Statesmen. Jones has not been left it altogether pleased with the group since he 36, 5330 teTTfl uAM.xvr VI. 2-5PM I KARATE EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. CO-OPTICAL SERVICES TOURNAMENT SUNDAY GRAND OPENING Dr. R. C. Minor, Optometrist Wow in Brookfield Plaza TODAY, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY I Film 8-5pm ONLY Group presents - for persons 18 yrs.ofagel or older • FREE DRYING NEJAC TV RENTALS" • • DOOR PRIZE EACH DAY FREE COFFEE & DONUTS 337 1300 TEENAGE Come in and Coin • see our new full service laundry facilities featuring the latest in do it yourself Op Dry Cleaning. We also offer complete professional cleaning and pressing. Laundry Drop - Off Service with attendant always on duty during open hours. Texas Instruments CHEER RESEARCH slide rule calculator LEADEI Thousands of Topics SUNSHINE CENTER SR-50 $2.75 per page 401 N.CUPPERTST. 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Honda Opel and all If you want more Peugeot information about this film, GRADUATE Isetta American Cars S-8-S. just ask anyone who saw the preview. EMPLOYMENT If you car isn't listed here, Showtimes: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 421 E. Gd. River Showplace: 128 IMat. Sci. call us, maybe we can help you. Admission: $2.25 CLIMATE 15% oil" FOLLOWED all parts and labor ARCO <> with this coupon BY Expires, Nov. 15,1974 Point Service 351 5858 1542 W. Grand River WORKSHOP IV 1542 W.Grand River corner of Saginaw 351 5858 EVALUATING YOUR PROGRESS & MAKING CAREER CHANGES PRESENTS - WITH... RECORDED OCT 24 MIDNIGHT AT THE GRADUATE George Glenda HORROR L M P I. 0 Y M E N T I ORUM SPONSORED Segal Jackson SPECTACULAR BY THE COUNCIL OF A FULL MOON CONSORT GRADUATE Touch Program A Program B STUDENTS (COGS), Of Class Legend of Hell And now (formerly Jake Jones) PLACEMENT House Start Screamin in a live performance of origin SER VICES, AND THE Dracula A.D. GRADUATE SCHOOL. FRI. Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 FR| ' Wilson 7:30 & 9:30 FrL Fri. music composed for the Sky Theati Brody 8:30 Wilson 12 Conrad 12 and visuals created SAT ' Wilson 7:30&9:30 SAT. Conrad 7:30 8.9:30 by Brody 8:30 Midnight Midnight Shows: Fri & Sat: 8 & 10 p.m. Conrat' 7:00 Wi|s°n7:30 Sat. Conrad Sat. Wilson 12 COSMIC RADIANCE [TONIGHT SUN SUN Conrad 9:30 12 Midnight Midnight Sunday: 8 p.m. STAR TREK Halloween Eve Tickets: Discount Records Channel 11 Only Union Festival Night of the Living Dead Planetarium NATIONAL Featuring Four of Your Shown in Three Locations Favorite Star Trek Episodes CABLE Thurs. Pro. A Frl. 100 Eng. 7:30 & 9:45 Night Only 24 hour program 7-9:30 Sat. 104B Wells 7:30 & 9:45 Conrad Brody 6 - 8 Holden in Abrams Pro. B Frl. 104B Wells 7:30 «. 9:45 Planetarium info: 355-4672 Sat. 100 Eng. 7:30 & 9:45 8:00 & 10:00 9:00 7:00 on the MSU campus Micliigan Stale News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. October 30, 1974 7 iampaign, party problems plague Milliken By PAUL VARIAN With recent polls PD . gov. Milliken may be losing yound at the crucial stage forecasting a nationwide sweep for Uemocratic candidates in the against Myron Wahls, Milliken's hand - picked choice as the GOP A central issue of the campaign has been the Nov. 5 election, Milliken, 62, has disagreement . -■ibattl ueh battle for re • erection - a victim of recurring problems ad his share of candidate for attorney general. between Milliken and Levin over the feasibility of F *. setbacks on the homefront in the repealing the OWL bisc own campaign apparatus and a gloomy outlook for or the campaign. waning hours With just two weeks left in the campaign, Million had no state sales tax on food and drugs - a proposed constitutional general. The most recent choice but to stand by Damman - especially in light of the fact amendment that will appear on the ballot as Proposal C. rCcUbderM. Levin, the Democrat Milliken edged by only 44,000 was the newspaper disclosure last week of that he was aware of the potential embarrassment the donations Milliken, who has cut taxes in Michifpn over the past two mteS in 1970> flatly predicts he will win this time around because i?" ames J.? £nS t0 ^ 1970 lePslative Damman from land campaign of running mate could have before he picked him for lieutenant governor. years, says repealing the food and drug tax would force an r '|e want a change." as a Troy city official. developers whose plans he voted for increase in the income tax and for that reason opposes the However, The report came on the heels of earlier unfavorable publicity proposal. Levin favors it, saying that by trimming the budget an to themselves, expecting the race to go down to the income tax hike ■predictions generated by the fundraising activities of Milliken Finance can be avoided. Chairman John Stahlin and conflict of Though Levin has found little support for his stand from his interest allegations leveled Democratic colleagues in the legislature, the popularity of Levin, a 42 - year - old Berkley attorney, is putting the Proposal C could rub off on him. finishing touches on a well organized campaign whose beginning The former state senator has avoided personality clashes with Team studies can be traced all the way back to his defeat in 1970. The enthusiasm he displayed en route to an overwhelming victory over Jerome Cavanagh remains his strongest ally. Pointing to the national trend favoring Democratic candidates, primary Milliken, but denies he has conducted "a softball campaign." He also disputes the theory that the campaign has suffered for lack of an emotional issue to draw voters, to the polls. "I am convinced that there is deep emotion about inflation in . By MARK LEEDS inland waterway area served as Levin said, "People are tired of Republican rule. And Milliken is I iwugh processed and catalogued at this state," he said in an interview. "There's dissection of the part • time homes for the the MSU Museum, are tribes. As yet undetermined is part of that rule." nothing in my lemains of an Indian Indians. the actual identity of the judgment more emotional than bread and butter." expected to tell more about Indians. They may have been Milliken, a wealthy Traverse City retailer who served in the civilization which flourished Settlements they are the Indian Senate with Levin in the 1960s, is no less aware of the dilemma Klone the shorelines of unearthing were those of lifestyle, and yield of Potawatomi, Chippewa or means with which to Ottawa heritage. facing Republicans. But, "it's a trend which I think will be lorthem Michigan in 300 B.C., Indians who lived during the distinguish between various reversed in Michigan," he says. I team of MSI' anthropologists Woodland and Archaic eras and I painting a picture of a were part of Algonquin KARATE Lobile society which centered speaking tribes that settled in In manufacturing and trade, small gatherings mainly along TOURNAMENT f As part of a project which water bodies, Lovis said. SUNDAY Lgan last summer, Charles E. Artifacts appear to indicate foeland and William A. Lovis, the Indians wintered along the £{su professors of inland waterway and spent pnthropology. have undertaken summers along the Lake fc study of the American Indian Michigan shore, much as In the region of Michigan's summer vacationers today Inland waterway. flock to the state's Great T The waterway stretches Lakes' beaches. Jfrom Cheboygan, on Lake Discovery of chunks of Huron, across the tip of the pottery and copper at these ■Lower Peninsula to Little locations indicates they ■Traverse Bay and Lake engaged in some form of trade. ■Michigan at Petoskey. Among artifacts discovered, J Cleland and Lovis, with the Lovis said, were flint chips |id of undergraduate and thought to be byproducts of graduate students and a stone tool manufacturing. Few Presents "The Life (75,000 grant from the artifacts were found along the and Times .National Science Foundation, lake shore, which is believed to have done an extensive survey have been the tribes' THE WORLD of Judge summer lof the 200 • square - mile area trade locale. of Roy Bean"J^ Jof Emmet and Cheboygan Dividing the area.into 30 ■counties, confining their work zones for random sampling, STAR TREK |o lake and river shorelines. Cleland and Lovis based their J fliey have found evidence to study on resources such as soil, Featuring Indicate that both the Lake, elevation and vegetation. Gene ljlichigan shoreline and the Their findings, now being Roddenbery "One of the Best "TOGETHER BROTHERS" PG ((M 51 00 Movies of 1974: Sun. Nov. 3 THURSDAY OPEN At 6:45 P.M. Bulgarian pianist 7:30 p.m. FEATURE At 7:20-9:30 P.M. The most amazing outdoor adventure ever filmed) Iclass for music University Aud. I0SEPN E LfVINE presents J ■for Bulgarian pianist Bozhidar Noev will conduct piano students at 3 p.m. Thursday in the Music Building a master class THE COmPRNY PRESENTS Bit GEORGE CSC0TT ^Auditorium. "HARRYfrfoNTO" MIKE NICHOLS on campus for a recital with the MSU Orchestra's fl mUSICflL Tickets on sale at (International Series, is on his first tour of the U.S. He is a Union Ticket Office 3® fll. THE DAY OF pduateof Bt the the Sofia Conservatory and studied with Carlo Zecchi Salzburg Mozarteum. THE DOLPHIN -n I Hie lecture - demonstration will include Beethoven's "Fifth Piano Concerto." I Noev will be accompanied in the dass by a performance of Ralph Votapek, JACQUES BREL ■sociate professor of music. Nov. 1,2,3 in McDonel Kiva rent a t.v. $25.00 per term Nov. 8,9,10 in Wonders Kiva 8:15 pm $1.50 at the door THE STABLES ■ F'ee Service $10.95 MICHIGAN 5 SHOWCASE pei delivery Inejac tv rentals! month! FOR NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT 3371300 od/ WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS presents " ifelt DisneyS the Bears and I TECHMCOLOR & & -- / Direcfors'Choice FILM SERIES FOR FALL '74 Tbm Rush Now in it's 8th Toniteat 6:00- •: 15 Lecture-Concert Series at MSU B JUGGERNAUT" Twlllte hour 5:30 - 6:00 Adults i.25 Last Day I presents Hilarious Week. Open 7:00 P.M. ISSr'^i". HELD OVER Jean Arthur & James Stewart in another Frank Capra October 29 & 30 Feature 7:40 - 9:3( One of the countries most highly regarded folk American Film Classic artists. Tom is currently undergoing success with his latest release, "Ladies Love Outlaws," 1974's MOST HILARIOUS. on Columbia Records. ... i* WILDEST MOVIE IS HERE! "Insanely funny, outrageous and irreverent." iHilli'lU'l'lttliHiH'M -PLAVBOY magazine A MASTERPIECE! I 2iSH0RT 0F A MASTERPIECE! I Ofm£JtN TIMES the ENERGY I Re* Reed ■ w, oST CONTEMPORARY Opening "Tomorrow! I IThactc9i SLEEPE* HIT OF THE YEAR! FILMS! VwV Washington (1939) 130 minutes black & white , Ny Daly News * Thursday, October 31 2showings: 7:00& 9:30p.m. Fairchild Theater Roeer aBlakeEctaards film or a $1.25 at Directors' Choi thy MCGuinn Julie Omar Oct 31-Nov 2 TODAY OPEN 1:45 Shows Andreu» Sharif As ex-leader of The Byrds, Roger McGuinn was responsible for writing "8 Miles High," "So You 2:00-4: Wanna be a Rock N' Roll Star," and "Ballad Of 7:00-9:20 Easy Rider " His latest release entitled "Peace Thelamanind on You" is available on Columbia Records. THURS .. Seed wh«r« lov* grow* and pa««ion flower*. I Slows at 9^11 OPEN 6:45 7:00-9:20 SPECIAL! «s&®,ous'v stay for both STARTS FRIDAY shows BARBRA STREISAND • GENE SHALT, WNBC • Tv & 'FOR THE STABLES GEORGE SEGAL in PETE'S 'THE OWL AND SAKE' THE PUSSYCRT' 2843 E.OD. RIVER, EAST LANSING Coming Nov. 8th "AIRPORT 1975" 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 30, |9- Ford to get tough on WASHINGTON (AP) - President Ford signaled a get - tough about an hour after the government announced that leading oil import decrease justify a change I will be open to suggestions, he added. Moscow talks with Soviet leader Leonid constructive" and "some of th* I. Brezhnev attitude to hold down oil imports and said Tuesday he "will be economic indicators had taken the sharpest one - month plunge in The President would not apply the label "recession to what differences narrowed" on a second open to suggestions" for revising his anti - inflation program if the 23 years. he acknowledged were "some difficult economic circumstances." agreement. - stage strategic arms .ave iimiutT^ The first questioner cited that gloomy economic Aews and "Whether it is a recession or not a recession is immaterial," he economy continues to falter. • The decision of Arab chiefs of state to asked Ford whether he was ready to amend the anti inflation said. "We have problems... we want solutions.. "Agnize In a wide • ranging news conference, Ford also reported „ • the Palestine Liberation Organization "may or form, progress in nuclear arms limitation talks with the Soviet Union, program he announced earlier this month. When Ford was asked about possible limits on Arab oil reaffirmed his support for vice presidential nominee Nelson A. Ford responded that he believes his proposals are a sound, imports, he responded that he believe^ his voluntary energy U.S. peace efforts in the Mid'dle East, Ford ai^Xfj"' conservation recommendations can achieve the goal of cutting aren't certain what impact it will have." SU!! Rockefeller and announced a shake • up in the federal energy '"finely tuned ... constructive program" but said Congress must hierarchy. act on portions of it. imports by 1 million barrels per day. But he added: "In the interim, if there are any economic factors which "If there isn't the saving of 1 million barrels per day of oil Ford convened the surprise White House news conference imports by voluntary action, we will, of course, move to any Seats on cou other alternative, including the possibility of mandatory limitations, to achieve the result." Arab decision may Regarding the domestic energy program, Ford announced he was removing John C. Sawhill as energy administrator and vacant; applic replacing him with former Asst. Commerce Secretary Andrew E. Applications for seats on Academic Council standi, RABAT, Morocco (AP) - A The Arab nations, with strong with the PLO. Palestinian spokesman Abu Gibson. committees and the Student Media Appropriation Board (SMa decision by Arab leaders to endorsement from Moscow, While designating the PLO as Maizer, asked to define the In answer to another economic question, Ford said he was are due noon Thursday in 101 Student Services Bldg. create an independent recently called for reconvening the "sole legitimate PLO's attitude toward Israel in making "a maximum effort" to trim the current federal budget Twenty - two seats on the Academic Council committees, Palestinian state under Yasir of the Geneva conference in representative of the Palestine the wake of the summit by $5.4 billion to a $300 billion ceiling, and spoke of the open, two on each of the following committees: Acaden Arafat's Palestine Liberation preference to Kissinger's step - people on any Palestinian land endorsement, said: "We respect possibility of sharper cuts - perhaps totaling $7.5 billion. Governance; Building, Lands and Planning; Business Affai Organization (PLO) appeared by - step bilateral proposal. that is liberated," the the Jewish religion and, as As for the budget he will send Congress early next year, he Curriculum; Educational Policies; Faculty Tenure; Horn Tuesday to have doomed the In line" with the moderate conference gave Jordan, along Semitic Arabs, we have no declared "it will be a tight budget, a very tight budget," but cited Programs; International Projects; Library; Public Safety Geneva Middle East approach of Arafat at the with Egypt and Syria, a free no figures. Student Affairs. peace ethnical quarrel with the Jews, talks, at least temporarily. conference sessions, PLO hand in negotiations with Our dispute is political and it When questioning turned to foreign affairs, Ford made these One seat on each committee must be filled by a nonwhite, In an Israeli radio interview officials avoided claiming the has arisen because of Zionism." major points: Two seats are available on the SMAB. The Elected from New York, Information decision was a defeat for Israel. • Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger's just - concluded Council will select the new members. Stiide Minister Aharon Yariv Jordan's King Hussein. denounced the decision taken Jordan had sought to at the Arab summit meeting represent Palestinians in the and repeated Israel's vow not peace talks and to gain control to hand over territory to the over Palestinian territory PLO. demanded from Israel. "There is nothing to talk A summit spokesman said about at Geneva," he said. Hussein and Arafat exchanged PLO spokesman Abdul expressions of mutual support. Mohsen Abu Maizar said the He added that the conference Arab summit's decision "is a called on Egypt, Syria, Jordan big blow against Israeli and and the PLO to organize American policy." He relations among themselves so reiterated the PLO goal to they can carry out the merge Israel into a Palestinian Palestine decision. state where "Jews and Arabs Summit sources said Jordan will have equal rights and expressed firm "reservations" obligations." to the Palestine decision, but Israel's rejection of a Geneva then explained this would conference involving the PLO allow Hussein to negotiate with left any hope for a settlement Israel without being identified to the bilateral, gradual approach proposed by U.S. KARATE Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger. However, even this TOURNAMENT seemed in question since Israel and the PLO have consistently SUNDAY refused to recognize or talk with each other. l/fac&Cf'&l SfWE 7URK&V Cvening ^sticks 6-BURGER • SERVED DAILY • TOP SIRLOIN STEAK DINNER For Two 8(JY3-SAVE 75V U/ZH'STDRG COUPON.. PfSW/ttF Win* mushroom sauce, SAVE I4< SAVE 17* cuev-TUwoaro VIEtJUfl do-it-yourself salad bar $ house specialty Caesar salad. DOHUn BREAD 10 Idaho baked potato, cream chives and bacon bits, freshly cooked vegetable, oven hot fresh bread, carafe of wine. or split of Champagne. f rtllDI r PER COUPLE GHICKE* ftuartefs TROM OUR l«J- STOttC DiU AMD 6,, 59' 2s 89* ALL-MEAT BOKERV SAVE 16* SAVE IK 148* oepftffrxewrs SMOKV usiu«m KALAMAZOO AT GRAND 12-0Z CUFDDAR BROUN- 330/ EAST WT. MICH/GAM CWEESE SCHWEICER * STORE ONLV' 89^ :;79< FLASH: * * — _____ * ^ ■ 4 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★* r BUV3-SflVEt|.l4 SAVSS6*! SAW 204 f W/IM S1WK COUPON "Returnable WITH IW-STORE Coupon) EVER THINK ABOUT IT? 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RISE CANOE "75 STYLES UNBEATABLE BUCKSKINS & M 11 oz. BABY FACE SHAVE CREAM 0"7C COLOGNE AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES... REG. 85.00 VALUES reg. $1.39 / / leg'e.oo 4.49 LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 (Coupon) (Coupon) , dln9 0 definite sporting interest to your col- Expires Nov. 3. 1974 East Lansing Store Only Expires Nov. 3, 1974 90 East Lansing Store Only I® or career wardrobe — revved-op, rugged 49 buckski i 250 MG GE and m'sses earthy colors and navy ... junior sizes... just three of collection shown VITAMIN C here SUN LAMP MEN'S FASHION CLOTHING ORANGE FLAVOR-CHEWABLE KIT Use y°ur charge or our convenient layaway plan 1 19 EAST LANSING ANN ARBOR ioo's Reg. S2.00um|T ( Reg. $15.00 LIMIT 1 9.98 Open Thursday and Friday 'til 9 | (Coupon) Expires Nov. 3, 1*74 (Coupon) Expiras Nov. 3, 1*74 Park Free With Purchase East Lansing Store Only East Laming Store Only 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 30, BIG JOB FOR N Frosh head kicking game By PAT FARNAN By CHARLES JOHNSON State News Sports Writer State News Sports Writer The latest in a long line of imported wonders from across the MSU punting and kickoff specialist Tom Birney has come a sea has gotten his precious little foot into the Spartan locker long way since he first adorned a football uniform at Detroit's room. Bishop Borgess High School. Another of those wiry little converted soccer players who can The 6-4, 207 - pound freshman is huge as kickers go, but kick the oblong ball sidewinder style, from the wrong side, Birney has adapted his hulking frame well to the rigors of barefooted and sometimes behind the back, has donned the kelly competition in the Big Ten. green and white of MSU in pursuit of knowledge and three "When I was in high school I doubled as a defensive end and a - pointers. kicker," Birney said. "But 1 developed my kicking more and more as I practiced and it eventually became my main duty." Luckily the Spartans didn't have to sail to Viking country to recruit freshman Hans Nielsen, their little Danish dandy. He was In three years as a field goal and punting specialist for Bishop hiding out in Manistee under the alias of an exchange student and Borgess, Birney earned all • state honors twice and established a kicking 60-yard field goals in his spare time. Detroit Catholic League record with a 47-yard field goal. Nielsen hasn't been so dandy for the Spartans. He split the Birney began the season as MSU's primary place kicking uprights from 40 yards against Purdue last Saturday, the lone specialist, but has since seen action only as the Spartans' punter time in three attempts the Spartans' investment has paid returns. and kickoff man. Nielsen has converted 10 of 11 extra point attempts, however. "I thought that I would mainly be doing field goal and extra "Hie coach usually tells us before the game whoU kick," point kicking when I first came to MSU, but my punting has Nielsen said. "Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't kick because if I worked out well," Birney explained. "Hans Nielsen is a good miss I'm done, you know. I'm more confident after making that kicker and we have competition in practice to keep us improving. one." Whoever looks the best in practice is the one who does the Former Spartan kicker Dirk Kryt.whobshioned wearing blue kicking in the games." socks, a watch and setting NCAA records on the field, has advised Nielson has taken over as the Spartans' field goal and extra Nielsen to approach the ball from less of an angle. point specialist, but Birney is satisfied with punting and kicking "Dirk has helped me a lot even though he is Dutch," Nielsen off. cracked. "I think the change has made me more accurate. I cant "I didn't start punting until my junior year in high school, so TOM BIRNEY kick as far, probably about 45 yards." there still lot of are a things I have to learn," Birney said. "For A former soccer player who still considers Vejle, Denmark, as HANS NIELSEN instance, earlier in the season, I wasn't getting any height or home, Nielsen tried out for the Spartans this fall at the advice of distance on my kicks. Manistee high school coach Duane Wedberg. Nielsen kicked for Wedberg in 1970, listing a 47 - yard field goal as one of his accomplishments. After his brief stint there, Neilsen returned to "Coach (Andy) McDonald showed me that I was pointing the nose of the football upwards when I should have been the nose of the ball down. It's helped." pointing WFL founder Spartan booters Denmark and attended a Danish prep school for two years. After trying out for the Spartans and Central Michigan Birney currently stands seventh among the conference punters with a 37.5 average. His longest punt as a Spartan was a 61 - University, he chose MSU. "MSU offers a bit more academically and that's what I'm here for," Nielsen, a predentistry major commented. "At first I had yarder against Notre Dame. Like his kicking comrade Nielsen, Birney was born in a foreign country. Until the age of six, he lived in Scotland, where his as league face U-M today trouble but I'm getting along all right now. It's a different educational system, you know." Nielsen seems to be getting along better on the field, too. father played professional soccer for five years. As a starting punter in only his first year at MSU, Birney has CHICAGO (UPI) - World Football League founder Gary I "I've felt the pressure more now that I've begun to take demonstrated a few traces of inexperience, but he says things are Davidson resigned Tuesday as commissioner of the League, and I club owners decided to complete the season with its present 101 By DAN SPICK LER kicking more seriously," he admits. "This is big business. I knew getting easier. teams. that before, but now it's more obvious." "The first game was the hardest," Birney recalled. "It's State News Sports Writer Davidson's resignation came after Chicago Fire owner Tom I The Nielsen has shown the ability to kick the ball great distances. getting a little better though. My confidence is improving with Origer initiated a power struggle by threatening to end his team's ft University of Michigan does not have soccer listed as a He once knocked out an opposing player with an attempted field the more playing time I get. season immediately with three games still to play. varsity sport, but the Wolverines do have a club team. goal at Manistee. "Everybody dreams of playing professional football, but that's Going into the meeting, which lasted almost three hours,! Officials at MSU's intra - state rival school have indicated that "He jumped up and got his chin in the way," Nielson said. "It a long way away. If I can't make it that way I'd like to be an the soccer program next year will become a varsity sport. Origer said it was impossible for him to "coexist" with Davidson. I was a stupid thing to do." accountant." Though the sport is not similar to MSU in organizational Davidson said he would remain as a member of the executive ft committee and become involved with the Southern California I appearance, this yeu: the Wolverines, as usual, have a tough Sun. contingent. When Spirt an coach Ed Rutherford's undefeated Donald J. Regan will take over as executive director of the | booters travel to U-M today, they could be facing their toughest test this year. The last two years the two schools have met, MSU has Dual schedules: are league and will report to the executive committee, which is headed by Memphis owner John Bassett. Bassett said he believed the league has been turned around. I managed only to tie U-M twice. Last year at home, the game "We're very bullish on it now," he said. "We have some very I strong owners and we're looking forward to the playoffs and the | for ended in a 1-1 deadlock and two years ago, the final score at U-M was 2-2. Game time in Ann Arbor for today's contest is 3:30 p.m. women's golf, 1975 season." Bassett said he thought there was no chance that any of the 101 teams would withdraw. Rutherford is not one to rest on past records and team By ROBIN MclNTOSH off a winter where they haven't because the weather is nicer to which tennis has had a dual "We will finish with 10 teams, and the minimum next year will reputations. He has said that every team the Spartans have faced this year, whether from a large or small school, has played well State News Sports Writer played at all unless they went play in. You can't have your schedule. The reason behind it be 10 teams and maybe as many as 14," Bassett said. I against his booters. v MSU's women's tennis and South for winter break," she own way competing with a was that some schools changed "Everybody has a different interest. Gary's interests hattl golf teams are the only two said. dual schedule - either you play their schedules to the fall while changed and the interest of some owners have changed. Ton I "Any time these teams play MSU they get juiced up." women's squads which "The weather can't be others have kept their spring (Origer) placed no pressure on us." Rutherford commented. "I am willing to or you don't. bet that all of the.teams counted much in the "The fall is schedules. we have played this year have given their compete during both the fall on as good practice for best performance of the and spring seasons, and even spring it can be in the fall, the Coach Elaine Hatton feels season against State." as spring, when we have really though both coaches agree that either." important tournaments," she the competition is good both Usually the incentive to play harder against MSU has been the "small school vs. big school" situation. Against U-M all the incentives needed will come from the tremendous rivalry with the a dual schedule is beneficial, the Spartan golf coach does Fossum has a complaint about the amount of minor commented. "I don't think that the giris mind all that seasons. "Schools have been changing Benefit cage contesti have one minor complaint. time the team has to prepare much; you give them a chance, in the past three or four years "other school." and many of them feel that the Both teams recently for the fall season. and they'll play anywhere and MSU leads the series with U-M 2-0-3. Today's booter game will once again present a challenge to the offense. The Spartans, with a 6-0-2 record, have scored completed successful fall seasons. The tennis squad was 3 0 in dual meet competition, - "You can look at fall competition two ways," she said. "It's bad from the girls' at any This time." was the first year in weather is better in the fall for tennis. excellent Both seasons offer competition, planned for tonight! one goal or less in half of their games. while the golfers highlighted standpoint because they have however, and that's why we to come to campus a week don't have A benefit basketball game between the Nod Squad, all I Rutherford insists that as long as the team is winning, that is all their season with victories at one exclusive that counts, but the squad is stressing improvement in scoring the Midwest Invitational and early. Our first match was at schedule," she said. University and independent women's Intramural champs the past! during practice. MSU Invitational tournaments. Illinois State and I made them Hatton also thinks that two seasons, Rated - X, has been scheduled for tonight. 1 The booters, however, have consistently dominated their Golf has had a dual season come here on Sept. 16. You having competition both The two arch - rivals will battle it out between 7 and 9 the varsity court in Jenison Fieldhouse. The donation for tlx p.m.otj for two years now and coach have only so many weeks to seasons is beneficial to the opponents in shots on goal. In their last game, a 1-0 victory over contest is 75 cents, which is payable get ready for a tournament. The deadline for Men's team. only at the door. Mary Fossum likes fall Proceeds from the contest will go to the MSU Office of winless Albion, the team finished ahead in that department, competition. "We're not as rushed in the Intramural residence hall "It gets us going sooner and Blackl 29-11. Affairs, the Black United Front (BUF) basketball league and! "When you compete in the spring as we are in the fall." badminton teams has been it helps everyone, especially Project Save. I In the past eight games the Spartans have outscored their fall, you have girls fresh from But in spite of having to extended until noon, the newer girls. It's beneficial Project Save is a community ■ extension oriented program! opponents 18-.4. playing golf during the summer start working out early, Thursday. to have some experience under designed to project the creative talents of the MSU black! After today's game, MSU will host Hope College in its last and they have a pretty sharp Fossum believes fall Play will start at 6 p.m. our belts," she said. "However, community into the black community at large. ■ home tilt of the season next Wednesday. competition is beneficial for Thursday for both residence do have to work out on the game. When you have we All previous BUF basketball league games scheduled foil The soccer team ends its schedule the following Friday on her squad. hall and independent teams. indoor courts and the facilities competition in the spring, tonight have been canceled and will be rescheduled for a laterl the road against Indiana. however, you have girls coming "I like competing in the fall Fraternity play begins today. aren't as good." date. Trainers aid By JACK WALKDEN Thompson, in his second year as head trainer, begins his day State News Sports Writer sometimes as early as 6 a.m. and is always the last person to leave. There is an old saying which claims, "behind every successful "I'd say 10 hours is a normal day," he said. "The trainers and man is a woman." Dr. Feurig are the last ones to leave at night so the day sometimes runs until seven in the evening. I feel that to administer to the This slogan could also be compared to an athletic program because behind every successful athletic program is a good program to the point where everything is running smoothly, that much time is necessary." training program. The long hours Thompson puts in are spent doing such things MSU's football team has not yet risen back to the upper Jft echelons of the Big Ten football race but Clint Thompson's as teaching, giving injured athletes treatment and conducting athletic training crew will be right behind themwhen they do. rehabilitation programs. "In a short sentence the main job of an athlete trainer is the Thompson and the rest of the training staff put in long hours keeping the Spartans physically ready for each Saturday's game prevention, care and rehabilitation of athletic injuries," and he makes no bones about calling the training program here Thompson said. one of the best in the country. "Prevention includes the taping we do every afternoon. The "I'd say it's right up there with the rest of the schools," care comes in after a player is hurt. It involves the physical Thompson said. "There are certain schools around the country therapy that goes into getting an injury better. that have outstanding athletic training programs; With the.advent "When I think of rehabilitation, I think of a serious injury of an athletic training degree being offered now at many schools, where you have surgery or are disabled for more than three days. you have more and more schools that have good programs. When you're out that long, you've got something jnajor wrong "Even though we do not have the curriculum offered here yet with you and you're going to have to do some muscle for an athletic training degree, the in - service rehabilitation." training that a student athletic trainer can get here is tops. It's one of the best in As if Thompson's day wasn't long enough already, he is also the country." the editor of Athletic Training, the journal of the National , Thompson presently has a 12 - member staff, if Dr. James Athletic Trainers Assn. Feurig, team physician, is included. Besides Thompson, Gayle As busy as Thompson is, especially during football season, he Robinson is the only other full time staff member. is - always looking for ways to improve the MSU training program. The staff also consists of four graduate assistants, two of "I think that the main which are women, and five undergraduates. The four graduates thing that has to be done here is to make sure that the quality of teaching given to these young men are Jim Rankin, Tim Kirschner, Sue Schneider and Peggy Pettit; while Don Kaverman, Sean Ovington, Mike Soloman, Mike Mascaro and Ray Saltzman are the undergrads. is up to date," Thompson said. "There are always changes being made in any field and as long as we keep up with these changes, K these people are going to graduate from here and go into the The two women trainers give MSU a distinction which profession with the latest knowledge and techniques in their Thompson believes no other college can claim. minds." "We really have no line of demarcation between who takes Though he puts in so many hours, Thompson loves his job. ~ " "Wphoto/MarkWi.^ 1 ' care of whom," Thompson said. "We have women trainers taping "I wouldn't want to do any thing else," he explained. "Under MSU head trainer Clint Thompson is shown taping the men. We have the men trainers giving physical therapy to the circumstances, most people might not think of this as a job. up freshman Melvin Land Wore football practice- Thompson and his staff aid the entire Spartan athletic program women athletes. In that respect I take the people that I have and am able to cover a larger area rather than having the women for It's something that I really enjoy doing and time passes by so by keeping players physically in shape competition. Thompson's staff includes two women graduate students Peggy Pettit and Sue Schneider, for « »nH th«» mer for men only." quickly that I really don't have enough time during the day to get everything done that I want to do." work not only with women athletes but with men, also. who Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 30, 1974 11 Truckers to comply wit I JEFF MERRELL campaign is successful, and maximum penalty of $25,000 J State News Staff Writer representatives from the local trucking industry Indicate that per day. homes, delivery trucks and tractors vans over and 10,000 trucks will make no more noise than an accelerating car. Trucks in Lansing, said. "But when there are laws, we meet I 3sy%r shattering, earth it will be. The EPA According to the EPA, the cost of pounds gross weight. Noise reduction in these would of Dave Van, terminal manager Interstate those laws." recently ordered installing new exhaust areas System, a Orders like this "make it |CC«Harima8e.of;he Lencan trucking industry 70,000 of the trucks to install heaviest, noisiest quieter tires systems and quieter tires (tires with a different tread design) is have to be built in manufacturer by 1977, with by the trucking company, foresees no problems with the new very hard to make economic decisions," Knox said. Ell change, however, if an and mufflers before Oct. 15 about $135 per vehicle. EPA standards becoming regulations. Continually changing EPA (vironmcntal Eency (EPA) Protection ant. - noise 1976. Violations detected after that date could draw a The EPA also proposed new standards affecting motor progressively stricter through 1983. "It's nothing but another cost," he said. "We just bought regulations make it hard for small truck manufacturers to By that year, the EPA hopes 520 new tractors from Ford, make long range design which are supposed to be up to decisions. date." Clayton Hatch, general Volunteer readers, coach needed "The average use of our tractors is only 12 months," he said. Van contends that most manager of Warner and Swasey Co - duplex Division, said the only way to keep up with the I MSU's Volunteer Bureau needs a number of volunteers for a resource teacher with special education classes between 8 a.m. of the problems with the regulations is to keep ahead. Lety of activities. and 3 p.m. regulations will be in "As of Oct. 1, we changed [ WKAR radio needs volunteers to spend one to two hours per A 28 • year • old woman, confined to a wheel chair, wants companies that use older our mufflers around," Hatch Lek taping novels or reading stories live. The station is looking someone, preferably a woman, to sit and talk with in the evening. models. said. lor people with clear, distinct and animated reading ability. An MSU graduate student is looking for volunteers to help Hatch also said that most 1 Capitol Alternative Education is looking for a basketball coach observe preschool children in free Howard Bosscher, of play settings. People are needed Associated Truck Lines, Inc., people do not realize the V ^ with children daily after school. Hie youngsters are about 12 hours a week for 18 weeks. standing mode, where the technique because of the cost problems involved in cutting Jimiliar with "street ball," but need someone to help get them He also needs workshop assistants for six to generally agrees with Van. truck is eight weeks to "Most of our people are stationary while involved. noise levels, even just three Krainized into a team. take notes during discussion sessions and to summarize the running, and the roll - by, "Our expense, also, won't be decibels. 1 A 15 • year - old boy needs a special friend to help him get sessions for the group. The volunteers will also be getting into compliance with where the truck is actually in participating in quite as large for the standing "If we reduce from 90 to 87 Ihrough the problems of adolescence. He has been involved with parent - child game situations. the regulations, if they're not already there," he said. "Most motion. mode as for roll - by," decibels on the driveby Probate Court. The Homebound Handicrafters are Roll - by captures all of the Bosscher said. looking for people to help of our equipment is in order (exterior truck noise) we I A tutor with some knowledge of Cantonese Chinese is needed set up and take down their handicraft show at the Meridian Mali. noises made by the vehicle Manufacturers of trucks, like would be halving the noise |o 5 help a woman and her ■ year - old child learn English. The show starts Nov. 17 and ends Nov. 24. Volunteers are also with the anticipated itself, plus additional noises the trucking companies, said ^vel," Hatch said. J East Lansing High School is looking for tutors to help needed to help sell crafts during the show. regulation." like the air rushing by and their Several However, one problem may only choice in the environmental ■reshmen and sophomores with reading and math. Volunteers Volunteers interested in these or other quivering sheet metal. situation is to comply. programs should stop groups have expressed Ihould be willing to help from two to five hours per week. by the Office of Volunteer Programs, 27 Student Services Bide still develop, Bosscher said. Bosscher said, however, that "We can't take the order in dissatisfaction with the new There are two ways to test | high school is also in need of teacher aides to help a or phone 353 • 4400. there is little chance of the stride," John Knox, director of orders, however, claiming they noise levels in trucks: the EPA using the roll by - engineering at Diamond Reo are not strict enough. GET the real taste of pizza at CUFF TAYLOR BELL'S 225 MAC. 332 5027 |i0PEN11A.M. EVERY DAY Free Delivery HE'S HIS OWN MAN. Special Guest Stars SKILES AND I HENDERSON r/ One Performance Only I 8 PM- Mon. - Nov. 4 When you vote for Congress on November 5th, consider this: will the person CIVIC CENTER you elect really represent yog in Washington, or will they represent a few power IN LANSING brokers or special-interest groups? Tickets $6.50 $5.50 $4.50 • • To help answer this question, you might want to look at the financial reports of the two major candidates: CLIFF TAYLOR Personal contributions and ticket purchases 70.8% Personal contributions and ticket purchases 21.1% CAMPUS LIFE Republican Party contributions 17.5% Democratic Party contributions 20.4% Special • interest group contributions 10.1% Special-interest group contributions 58.4% PRESENTS Sales and other contributions 3.1% Other contributions 0.1% As you can see, Cliff Taylor has received only 10.1% of his campaign contributions when they tried to go over that amount. from special - interest groups and 70.8% from private citizens making individual contributions. Because Cliff Taylor has taken positive action like this to prevent his'campaign from being financed by a small group of monied interests, and because he has financed his Bob Carr, on the other hand, has received 58.4% of his contributions from interest campaign with contributions from over 700 sources, Cliff can truly be an independent groups - groups which he has said are "going to Washington with me" - and only 21.1% Congressman in Washington. from private citizens. In other words over half of Bob Carr's campaign finances have come from special - interest groups. And in his primary campaign, over 55% of the money That's the way he wants it, because Cliff Taylor wants to represent you, and you alone. he raised came in£ne check from just £ne interest group! He wants his only debt to be to the people in his district - to voters like you. I from You see, Cliff Taylor has placed a limit of $2,000 on contributions to his campaign special • interest groups or individuals. And he even gave back $3,000 to one group And after all, isn't that the way it should be? CUFF TAYLOR Citizens for 0(tob»r " 24 • 26, 2. -ontinuously - 3) Republican ®n $1.50 WlTH COUPON H.,5 id group Paid for by studonts for Taylor call: ♦85 -4313 1 Xi! Lei a Want Ad Call Now 1 Mi Work for You Today 355-8255 Auto Service / FRANKLY SPEAKING, .by phil frank «l»Ms ](V| ! Nartiwts JV) Houses FIAT 850 Spider, 1971, 25,000 MARCHAL QUARTZ iodine SUBLEASE, FURNISHED, nice big WANTED: OWN room In EAST 201 South miles, 37 mpg, excellent headlamp conversions with 2 bedroom apartment, close to apartment for female Close to carpeted, 3 MagnohL condition, $1200. 332-6200. $264 available Winter, spring only. bedroom, |5| 3-10-31 reflective range to 5000'x. $33 95/pair. CHEQUERED campus. Dcember 3514246. . 5-10-30 campus. Contact Laura, c/o Jack. 351-0997 after 5. 5-11., "I 351-7623.5-10-30 MERCURY 1971 Monterey FLAG FOREIGN CARPARTS, 2605 East Kalamazoo, one mite EAST SIDE Lansing, suitable for FARMHOUSE MARR|Ed?.4 PHONE 355 8255 Hardtop, .axJ)'®- Perfect. west of campus. 487-5055. ' GO one, utilities paid. Call 372-6043 129 BURCHAM DRIVE, East available month. Immediately jkTI Original SHvner. 489-0021. C-9-10-31 or 393-5521.5-10-30 Lansing, furnished, heat 676-1558, Mason 4 7 Student Services Bldy. Evenings. 5-10-30 included, available November 1, DUPLEX 4203 Gull NEED ROOMMATE, 3 blocks from $140 per month. Cell 351-2402 minutes from •AUTOMOTIVE from 8 to 3, after 4, 882-2316 camp,,,. campus. $49 plus utilities. bedrooms, 1 i/-> . Need Little Work 355 9954 until 9. 0-10-11-11 Scooters & Cycles a or 351-2576^5^0-30 dishwasher, air conditi^T Done Parts & Service MG MIDGET 1971. 29,000 miles, on your CEDAR VILLAGE girl needed. EAST LANSING, 2 bedroom, flarage. $250 plus deposit. IV4-6560 utililjlj^ Aviation Michelin radials, tape deck. Formula A Chevron... $80, immediate occupancy. 349-2907 after 3:30. 5-10-31 unfurnished. $190 plus 5-11-5 0' o 487-6^1 $1,500. 332-5040. 2-10-31 electricity, call 351 -5599 after 5. •EMPLOYMENT 5-114 ONE MAN for three •FOR RENT MG MIDGET 1971, burnt orange, rr side. Large Apartments 39,000 miles; Michelin radials. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 1 own bedroom «I excellent condition, $1600. Call bedroom furnished, close to _ month. 627-2294. 2-10-31 Houses 351-5244. 5-11-1 campus. 351-7655. 3-10-31 FEMALE, Rooms own roorn 7 miles. $6 5 Co^ 655-2060.3-1(1 ...or TRIUMPH 2 BEDROOM duplex, Jolly-Logan •FOR SALE MUSTANG , II - 1974. 2-door, your SPRITE full Animals automatic, radial tires, tinted glass, 12,000 miles, $2800. 6414053. ..or ..or your your DATSUN m area, basement, yard, carpeted, $180/month plus COUNTRY house. Own SETTINgT^ room f:-Mll.M Mobile Homes Utilities. Security deposit ..or your TOYOTA &j VOLVO required. 372-8073. After 6, Dogt- >75. 349-1778. (9 •LOSt & FOUND ..or your •PERSONAL NOVA 1969, 6 cylinder. Call Link ..or your JAGUAR 669-3090. 10-11-11 OKEMOS - TACOMA^BouiJ Tri-level house with 351-9126 or 332-0866 after option, •PEANUTS PERSONAL LAKE LANSING. Luxurious quiet buy. Three bedroom, yj seven. B-1-10-30 recision family room. Built in living on the lake. One bedroom p •REAL ESTATE kitchcM OLDS CUTLASS 1972. 2-door, Imports apartment, unfurnished. Watch 1H bath. Large fenced lot fj ♦RECREATION the sailboats from your window. per month. Available fe.1 automatic, power steering, $165 3494420.5114 •SERVICE per month. 339-2075. brakes, air and tape deck. 4-11-1 Instruction Repossessed. Phone 484-5473, 10 MILES SOUTH. Countryh# Typing Service •TRANSPORTATION extension 25. 5-11-1 ^ THE SMALL CAR PEOPLE^ REGISTERED NURSES. Full & REGISTERED NURSES. Critical SHARE 2 campus. - man Parking, apartment near furnished. 3 bedroom, $200/month. 351-7497. fireplace 2 sc- 0-loJ OPEL 1972, part time positions available on care units, CCU-ICU including VOLKSWAGEN - COMPLETE 485-1002, 8-6 pm. 3-10-31 •WANTED window defrost, new steel belted the afternoon & night shifts. NEED 2 girls to sublease mrJ post-operative cardio vascular tires and battery. 351-3480. repair and body. 20% Minimum starting salary $4.82 •CAR POOL 5-10-30 DISCOUNT to students, faculty per hour plus experience credit. surgery. Experience preferred. TWO FEMALES needed. Close to term, big house, 2 blocks frol **RATES*# on all cash'n'carry VW service Excellent fringe benefits. Please Needed in a new 254 bed a campus. Immediate occupancy. campus. Call 33 2-1676. 5i|.| care progressive hospital. No $70. 351-9279. 3-10-31 PINTO 1972. 2-door, i parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, contact office of Employment, shift rotation. Excellent 31,000 miles. Needs work. 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. Lansing General Hospital, 2800 orientation to both hospital and NEED ROOMATE, fantastic deal in Rooms > 485 204 7, 485-9229 Repossessed. 4 8 4-5473, Devonshire, Lansing. Please call unit.' Comprehensive benefit wonderful new furnished 3 l 25. 5-11-1 Mastercharge and Bank 372-8220, extension 268. An Americard. C-10-31 package. Opportunity for bedroom house. Own room, 3 FURNISHED ROOMS. Equal Opportunity Employer. FEMALE ROOMMATE to share Kitch* advancement. Apply Ingham blocks from campus in East privileges. Parking. Walkii^ 25-10-31 one bedroom apartment. Across 1 3 5 PONTIAC GRAND Prix SJ, 1973, • Medical Center, 401 West Lansing. $85/month. Call 10 from campus. 337-2570. 3-10-30 distance to MSU. E0UIT1 green with chamois top and Greenlawn Avenue, Lansing, 351-1852. between 8-11 am and VEST, 351-8150. 5-10-31 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 SINGLE MALE companion interior, too many extras to list - Michigan 48910. Phone 6-9 pm 4-11-1 . 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 call 339-2834 evenings. 7-11-6 personal aide to young TRANSFERRED. MUST sublease 371-2121, extension 249. LARGE, CLEAN quiet I wheelchair person. Quiet, one bedroom apartment. Close 2.25 10-11-12 $68/MONTH, 2 lb 6.00 9.75 19.50 well-structured lifestyle. Part to campus. Call 361-9036. men needed room for male. Very doscl TOYOTA COROLA 1971 - Body 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 immedietely. Campus Hill campus. Light cooking C interior excellent condition; time worker or student with 5-11-1 apartments, George. 349-2457 337-2655. 5114 8.do For Rent 20 25 3.00 3.75 10.00 13.00 26.00 16.25 32.50 engine needs work. Best offer. 355-9855. 5-114 light credit load. Car needed. Medical J APARTMENTS FOR RENT, in 5-114 OWN ROOM. 3 bedroi TV and STEREO Rentals. Lansing. Two bedroom, MASON HILLS Apartments. All house. $61 / mon D EADL INE TOYOTA CORONA, 1972. Four Room/board - large 2 bedroom, $25/term. $10.95/month. Free carpeted, stove and refrigerator, 1 new. One and two bedroom 484-9601. 3 11-1 P.M. one class day door, standard. Must sell. Call 2 bath apartment furnished plus Same Day Delivery and Service. gas heat. 10 minutes from MSU. Larry, 349-1879. 5-114 Married couple only. 8d2-5892. spacious apartments from $139 before publication. monthly salary. Call Larry, Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-10-31 FULL TIME instruction now Includes carpeting, drapes, ONE WOMAN to sublease » 882-2266. 5-10-30 5-11-1 available at Miller Avaition, Hotpoint appliances, air, walk-in room in house, winter t TOYOTA CORONA Mark II. Grand Ledge Airport. ONE LARGE room for storage of closets. Located at 495 North $82/month, 436 M.A Peanuts Personal ads Engine in excellent condition. DESK CLERK needed. Mutt have HOME OWNERS and renters Uncongested air space. Relaxing small items. Call 4844120. Okemos Road. Mason. 10 332-2641.5 114 must be pre paid. Tires like new. Snows included. transportation and be willing to insurance. Only you can save atmosphere. Low rates. 5-10-31 Minutes from MSU. Furnished $850 or best offer. 4894203 travel. Call 372-0567 or $$$. It pays to thop around. Call 6274337 or 627-7372. 10-11-6 Model open Monday-Friday, OWN ROOM. Furnished tl 489-1215 between 12 - 6pm. us. You may be surprised. Cancellations/ Corrections 12 noon one class day 0-10-31 Apartments ^ 484 8173. B-1-10-30 12-6 pm. Saturdays, 114 pm. East Lansing Realty and bedroom house. Lansing, da to MSU, LCC. $67/month, pJ before publications. TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1974. $3300. Call 485-3241, extension 544, Employment §i MODELS FOR photography. Call PLEASANT GROVE near Jolly HAST LANSING - adjacent to Development Company. utilities. Bob, 353-72M 6764874 or 3324128. Other 487-9328. 5-114 676-2758, after 6 pm. 3-11-1 PART TIME employment for Msu between 10am and 6pm. New one and two bedroom. Brody, Cedar Greens 489-1215.0-10-31 times call 6764291. 10-11-1 The State News will be students. 12-20 hours per week. Appliances, carpet, air apartments. One bedroom, VW BUS 1970. Good condition, 9 furnished. 351-8631. 3-11-1 THERE'S A roon Automobile required. 351-5800. conditioning, laundry. Balcony responsible only for the good tires. AM-FM,. TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile looking for \ passenger, C-3-10-31 DATA SYSTEMS ANALYSTS or patio, $139-S163. See first homes. $25 $35/week. 10 vacancies with Wi day's incorrect 22 mpg. 351:5933, evenings. $11,671 - $15,409. Positions Assistant Manager, Apartment 2, 'ERFECT LOCATION: 1 girl - Advertise 5-114 needed for' 2 bedroom minutes to campus. Quiet and Ads. Dial 355-8255 insertion. located in Ingham and Wayne 3620 Richmond. Call 676-1270; FEMALE VOCALISTS needed for 10-114 apartment. Winter term. Eden peeceful on a lake. 641-6601 or counties. Education: (1) Possession are due 7 days from Blues-Rock band. Must be able Roc, 351-0839. 2-10-31 484-5315.0-10-31 OWN ROOM in hon of a bachelor's degree with not less to sing harmony, rehearse $62.50/month, plus < d than 6 semester credits in computer GIRLS WANTED. Strawberry by tt bOt l< regularly, 6764727. 5-10-30 science experience courses; OR, (2) as a one year computer of Fields. after 5pm. Low 3-10-31 rent. 393-2610, ROOMMATE NEEDED to share 2- man apartment, very close to Houses £ Bob, 349-0727 days or com 4888 Montrose, Okemos, 4- STUDENTS FOR part time sales, programmer or computer campus. 351-3367. 5-11-1 COUNTRY SETTING, furnished DELUXE DUPLEX. 2 bedrooms, vyith Northwestern Mutual Lifes, programmer trainee and possession duplex apartment in large new 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX, close | of an Associate of Science degree in basement, garage, air, carpeted, EAST - 218 North Hosmer, 1 campus, $240/month p Intership program. Full time all brick luxury colonial house. SUPER BEETLE Volkswagen, data processing; OR (3) one year of convenient. 393-8465. 10-11-11 utilities, 351-1704.4-11-1 * employment opportunity upon bedroom, $130 includes all Located on 4 acres, 4 miles 1971. Excellent condition, call experience as a data systems analyst utilities. Call graduation. Interviewing at Equity-Vest, south of campus. Horses NEW, FURNISHED apartments. One AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE only you can save $$$. It pays' to for a real good deal. 489-9638. 5-10-30 Placement Bureau. 5-6.6-11-5 November and possession of an Associate of Science degree; OR. (4) two years block from campus. Contemporary 351-8150, 645-7338. no fee. boarded near,- by. Could be kept For Sale ^ living at it's best. Reservations on property. Four students ^hop around. Call us. You may of experience in data processing being taken for January occupancy. wanted, $100 each. 882-8779 I.S. DIVER I RN'S & systems anaylsis. NOTE: two years ](S] FEMALE - OWN room, Okemos. be surprised. B1-1-10-30 484-8173. Motorcycles excellent LPN'S, 11-7:30 shift - benefits including 8 of college may be substituted for an 234 Center Street. 351-6088, Good deal. Call 349-2598, after after 4 p.m. B1-1-10-30 Healthways tank, both » 487-8780. 4-11-1 boot and pack with single w paid holidays, 12 sick days per Associate of Science degree under 5 pm. 5-10-30 double hose regulator SinjIJ BLAZER CST 1972 4 wheel drive. THE NEW Harley 250 is now in year, 2 weeks paid vacation, option No. 3 above. Two years of OWN R06M, with house privileges. For information, Nancy, stock. Special Fall introductory $3,000 life insurance, income college with less than 6 EAST SIDE. Near Sparrow FEMALE Parking. $60. Woodland setting. stage. $250 or best. 332-55f more not NEEDED, beautiful price just $1095. HARLEY Hospital. Upstairs. Furnished, 8824818. 5-10-31 Chuck. 2-10-31 353-9710, extension 248. protection plan. Call Director of semester credits in computer Americana apartment. Now or one bedroom. $120. 351-7497. Monday - Friday, 8-5 pm. DAVIDSON OF LANSING, Nursing, 393-5680. 4-11-1 science courses may be substituted winter. 351-7920. 6-10-31 5507 Lansing Road, Charlotte. 0-3-10-31 JENCO VIBRAPHONE. Call U 4-10-30 for an Associate of Science degree DOWNTOWN LANSING, own 645-2222. 5-10-30 in data processing under option No. 2 CLOSE TO campus. Two bedroom, bedroom. $60/plus utilities. Bus between 6 pm and 7 pm onf SALES POSITION NEED ONE girl winter term. 487-0082. 3 11-1 BMW 2002, 1973. Fuel injected, above. Experience: 09 level requires two bathroom. Furnished, air. near. 489-8707. 5-10-31 BE HOME EVERY NIGHT Americana Apartments. very smooth car, blue metallic, KAWASAKI 1970, 350 cc. New one year of experience as a Data 337 1800. 5-10-30 Arrange financial programs for 3324161. 6-10-31 SKIS FISCHER Alu, 185 8 sunroof, and extras. 25 mpg, low tires, new light. Excellent individuals and Systems Analyst 07 or equivalent THREE BEDROOMS in spacious business Marker Rotomat Bindings: mileage. After 4 pm, 6764736. condition. 339-9459. 5-10-30- experience in data processing LARGE 2 TWO GIRLS for Cedar Village. house, $50. Call 351-5184 or organizations. Will train for man, 2 bedroom 3-10-30 systems analysis. 10 level requires apartment. Furnished, 15 Winter and Spring. Call .485-5354. 3-11-1 Sharpened hot waxed, S'jl SUZUKI 1971 500 cc. 2200 miles. highly lucrative, annualized two years of experience in data 337-7663.3-11-1 negotiable. Vicki, 355-727T - commission sales. Prior sales minutes from campus, 5-114 BRONCO 1973, 4 wheel drive, $700. Very good condition. processing systems analysis $150/month. experience desirable. Call 676-4398, NEAR LCC 10,000 miles, good shape. Make 655-3151.5-10-30 equivalent to the 07 level in the CEDAR VILLAGE girl needed. - students, 5 bedrooms, offer. See at 5360 Park Lake Josephine Starkweather, evenings. 6-11-1 furnished, reasonable, 3514140 HEAD MASTER skis. 205cm.ftl state service. Application forms are $80. Immediate occupancy. Call HONDA 694-3935. Investors Diversified or 655-2603. x-4-10-31 offer. Call Darryl,v 372-3W Road, East Lansing. 332-1737. CB450. Excellent available at the office of most PINE LAKE 337 2497. x-3-11-1 Services. 10-1108 2-10-30 x5-10-31 condition, 5,500 miles, olive. County Clerks, all M.E.S.C. offices, APARTMENTS -HASLETT $695. 351-3231. 5-10-30 the Detroit branch of the 10 MINUTES from MSU. SUBLEASE 1 bedroom, furnished, UNLIMITED SALES BUICK Convertible, SKYLARK good 1971. condition, LEATHER JACKETS for dress and OPPORTUNITY Department of Civil Service at Inexpensive living in a quiet $140, all utilities paid. 349-1486 after 6, Okemos. 10-11-11 CROSSWORD IF you're better man than the job Michigan State Plaza Bldg., 84 area. Located at 6076 Marsh must x-3-11-1 sell, best offer. 394-2735. sport. Check with us before you buy. 10% OFF all leathers, you're a now in, we'd like to talk North Tower, 1200 6th Ave., Road just north of Lake Lansing ONE BEDROOM furnished. Cedar PUZZLE Detroit, Michigan 48226. Submit Road. 1 bedroom apartments helmets and accessories. SHEP'S to you. Commissions. Call ACROSS applications to: Recruitment with shag carpeting, disposal, Village area, Winter/Spring, no CHEVELLE 1970 Malibu 307 MOTOR SPORTS, INC. Holt, Josephine Starkweather at • Section, Department of Civil appliances, and air conditioning. deposit, $170. 337-1542, after 6 1. Harpoon 31. Note of the automatic, power steering, new 694-6621. C4-10-31 694-3935. Investors Diversified Service, 320 S. Walnut St., Lansing, $150 per month, furnished pm. 3-11-1 6. Footless scale tires. 355-7418. $1300 Services. 10-11-8 - offer. Michigan. 48913. available at $185. Excellent for 12. Donkey's 32. Before 3-10-31 NORTON • DUCATI - MOTO - AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CAKE students will consider nine offspring 34. Wise GUZZI. New models on display. DECORATOR - EMPLOYER CHEVY II 1965. Motor month lease. Call Manager at 13. Discreet 36. Saute Repairs and service for Honda Experienced, full time, parti B1-1-10-30 AER excellent. Automatic. Power time. Apply 4500 West Saginaw, 339-8192 or EAST LANSING 14. Trencherman's 38. Shoshonean and Triumph. G.T. MOTORS, 429 CHESTNUT, SOUTH Three brakes, steering. Snow tires. 816 East between 7 am 3 pm. 5-10-31 REALTY, 3324128. 10-11-7 pastime 40. Black mark 51E Howe, Lansing. - BEAUTICIAN, GOOD stylist salary rooms, bath, carpet, appliances. $300,355-4021.5-114 16. Narrow streets 41. Outstanding 0-5-10-31 and commission. Closed First floor. Downtown Lansing. SALES HELP, 11 7 LARGE APARTMENT, 2 17. King topper 44. Compass point pm - am. Apply Saturday's. Call 489-7371. $135 plus utilities. 484-7253. BMW 1973 Wixsom fairing. 600 cc, 4500 West Saginaw, Must be 22. Evenings, 4844798. 5-11-5 bedroom, lovely brick fireplace, 10-11-11 18. Throughout 46. Allocate DOWN 6 Wire service | 5-10-31 20. Black gram 48. Theater 7. Shrewd black. Still under warranty. country setting, in modern home 3'11"1 $550, assume payments. with private entrance. $165, LANSING: NEED female, $25 22. Dull finish district 1. Mets' stadium g. Buck herome ■ _ 3724534.5-114 STUDENTS- POSITIONS now NOW HIRING. East Lansing includes utilities. 641-4495 after deposit, $75/month, no utilities. 23. Baseball's Mel 50. Foliage 2. Expiatory 9. Wild dog T COUGAR XR7, 1970. Luxury, open. Part time. Dependable. company has expanded and 4 p.m. 3-11-1 4854746. 2-10-30 26. Girl's name 52. Steve 3. Comes in 10. Consumed I convertible, excellent condition, HONDA 360 1974. Excellent Responsible. Benefits after one needs 10 people for 28. Transformation 53. Dish of bread 4. Cuckoo 11 French articlW 332-6531. Ask for Steph. 5-11-1 condition. 1700 miles. Save year. Apply 1431 East Michigan, merchandising division. Part NEAR MSU & Frandor. Beautiful 1 731 BURCHAM, Three - man, 30. Abraham's crumbs 5. Millstone 15. Russian V now. 393-0343. 3 !0-H DOG AND SUDS. Ask for Karen time work, 5-9 pm, 4 days a bedroom, unfurnished, completely fUrnished, birthplace 54. Men's club support department I CUTLASS 1963. Good running week. No auto needed. Walking store or Cindy. 14-11-5 carpeting, drapes, close/campus. $76.67 each. I" T- 5 6 .o distance from campus. Only i 8 9 condition. Must liquidate fast, $120. Call 351-0870. 3-11-1 INSURANCE cycle ^ -LOWEST rate* us first on „ ORGANIST. SUBURBAN ambitious, dependable air conditioning, parking. 332-1703. 3-11-1 laundry, 351-7212.5-114 12 % 19. 21. Bleak Wither CUTLASs" SUPREME i972 — J*] J"* WJJ*1 Lutheran Church. 4 miles from campus. One Sunday off per individuals need apply. Call Mr. Wilson, 3514337, Thursday, FEMALE, DESPERATELY needed DELUXE 3 BEDROOM in Okemot. includes 2 full baths, air '4 % ir~ 24" 25. Wolframite I Endeavor flame orange and white. Extras, $2,725. After 4 p.m. 351-5161. UNDERWRITERS, 393-8100 485-4317.0-10-31 or month. 349-0620 or 349-9609. Friday 10-2 pm only. 2-10-31 for own room in two bedroom. 394-1505 after 4 p.m. 1-10-30 conditioning, Nochildren car port. $250. Phone '7 18 'ti, '9 26. Fairy 27. Exploded % %% or pets. WANTED: PART time workers, 332-0111 or evenings and io 29 Choke sales, good pay. Call 489-2720, 23 in 15 21 22 Greek let!" I CONVERTED DODGE Van - 1969. Loaded, $850, good j AlltO S&ViCO II d I MALE CHILD care worker, live-in children's bottage. Experience in between 2-5 pm. No car TWO BEDROOMS: furnished, very close to campus. $180/month. weekends at 332-3202. 10-11-6 Ya 26 V/, w % io 33. 35 Black orna- I necessary. 1-10-30 351-6839. 5-11-5 EAST *3 29 % mental*0'111 MASON BODY SHOP 812 E«st child care work. Should have psychology and sociology i- LANSING, Luxury bedroom. Unfurnished. No pets. one 31 32 % 35 37. Chinese DATSUN 610, 1973, 9,000 miles, Kalamazoo Street since 1940., background. Contact William FULL OR part time car washer. Good driving record. Prefer 21 LARGE TWO party furnished efficiency. Close to campus, cir Negotiable lease. $200 includes heat. 129 Highland. 332-0976. m % magnolia Goddess of | like Complete auto painting and Weitzel, VFW National Home, it 37 3fl i HO 39. new. 487 9340.3 10-30 many extra.. colliflon C-10-31 service. 486-0256. 663-1521. Extension 147. or older. 489-1484. 3-11-1 conditioning. -Immediate occupancy. $165 / month. Call 16-11-6 •ii % % &3r % 42. healing Tempo'"* !1 DODGE CHALLENGER. 1970. — COOKS, FULL and part time. Pizza 4874451 after 5 p.m. 10-11-12 EAST LANSING - one bedroom furnished. Quiet residential area %% % 44 43 Phone tone I SALES MANAGER - need student experience required. Apply in 46 n 5T *9 45 Eternities F — reasonable. 355-6113. 1-10-30 offers you tools, equipment, and insturction* to do your auto experienced in sales to represent person, 3-11-1 ALLE-EY. EAST LANSING, Vt month rent 2 miles from campus. Carpeting. Disposal. Security locks. No pets. SO % 51 52 46 Bullfinch us at MSU. Potential for 47. Meadow high, free, luxury unfurnished 1 % L Runs go d, body in go d shape - REPAIR AUTO Service Center FIAT 124 Sport - children. $185. Lease from Coupe 1969. repairs. 5311 South high part time earnings. Writer bedroom, 10 month lease. No 49. Clay D0HC 5 speed, reliable, strong, December 1, 1974 - September *53 Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10-8, University Products, Box 1653, pets. $175-129 Highland. 51 samarium S500 482-0407. 3-11-1 ,ix days. 20-11-20 16,1975. Woodside Apartment*. Grand Rapids. 8-11-1 : 332-0976.16-11-13 symbol 3324987 after 6:30. 6-10-30 . M*" State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 30, 1974 ] 3 * f»S* ]®' IS f«s* i us.tF.rt0 [ ser*»-j5| L-rrssss:**. 5 STRING BANJO with 332-5143 after 6 p.m. Glenn. case, $70. APPLES, ES, BLOSSOM CIDER, PUMPKINSl PUMPKINSI inCT. LOST: Cll WCD SILVER and inrnnniu turquoiM "RPATIV/P CREATIVE PWfiTn^DADUV PHOTOGRAPHY cables interrupt telephone service U'L chin., p'imi''W*V ORCHARDS, 7 miles bracelet. Much sentimental It', bett statewide. TERRY •outh of Mason on ■IMS Ok.mo. Road, in th. Hour. 9-6, closed Hull Roed value. Reward. 332-2138. 3-11-1 LUKf PHOTOGRAPHY. (continued from pagt 1) director for Michigan Bell, said H yard bv the Railroad TEXAS INSTURMENTS CAIculator, $100. Call 355-3707 SR20 1 589-8251. 0-10-31 Monday. LOST: 313-632-9325. C-10-31 "At that point, I gave up," Monday that the mess, which being crossed, he said he was unaware of the problem and GOLD wire rim Raises, after 6 p.m. 3-11-1 he said. affected between 700 and 800 would seek to rectify it as soon tinted lenses, blue case. October SPECIALISTS IN cleaning and INCOMPLETE, ■ tabl., 8 track tape pl«V«r AM/FM. TWO CORNETS. Holton. Excellent TDK, MAXELL ^T,'„UD' $24/1°- cassettes, C-90 ED a>"». 22, Room 100 Vet Clinic. 351-6462. 3-11-5 restoring leathers and suedes. OKEMOS Another student in complex said that someone Brody phone customers in Brody Complex and the married as possible. A spokesman for the , 353-1332.3-10-31 CLEANERS, |; ■2n on.n« w.«h 2 speakers - T«p» and albums, lar* condition. $95 each. Phone Helen Sheehan, 355-9611 FOUND: WIRE rimmed glaMe. in 349-0910. 0-1-10-30 kept calling his room toying to get someone else. He said what housing apartments, along with disrupting the state police Michigan Bell Repair Service said it could be as late as CHESS SETS, K,ion of speaker.. Marantz. Unique Onyx and marble. gifts, several colors red case in Berkey Monday. TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, made it so bad was that his computer lines, had been Friday before all the lines are I? nl Kenwood and Sony 487-9041 evening.. C-2-10-31 oiled, and adjusted. Portables roommate had the same first cleared up by repair crews I T amplifiers. Canon FTb FENDER TELECASTER guitar reasonable. 882-0046. 11-11-12 $7.50, manuals, $10, electric name as the person the caller working around the clock. straightened out and tested. So if a male voice answers lEy. Sako', Patri-2 lans and $180 with hardshell case 1959 GIBSON UsPaul. Gibwn LOST: Saturday. Wire rimmed $12.50. One day service, free was trying to reach. However, when contacted girlfriend's phone |fi Movie cameras and mora. 627 2294 after 4. 2-10-31 stereo and L6 guitars, Fender glas.es, between Cherry pick up and delivery. 25 years James Bury, public relations Tuesday about the lines still your I Manual and electric typewrit.*. and Gibson base guitars. Much Lane/Stadium. 332-6783 after 3 experience. 393-9774. 9-10-31 Saturday morning, then you | Cassette recorders and pocket PIONEER receiver. QX 2 4000 4 channel Utah 12" 3-way more WILCOX of everything musical. pm. 2-10-30 DISSERTATIONS can start wondering whether it's a crossed wire or a crossed speakers. Yamaha turntable SECONDHAND LOST: SMALL green 3 ring MSU GRAP date. STORE, 485-4391. C-6-10-31 HICS-maps, graphs, ■ lied bikes, fishing rod'- ice 351-4026, Bob. 5-11-5 notebook. Needs note, charts. Professionally produced. I** and car tap. decks. LUDWIG DRUM set, used, will sell desperately. Call Kris, 353-2371. Reasonable rates. 337-1239. I Finder Stratocaster, Telocaster 35mm MAMIYA-SEKOR 1000 cheap. Zildian Cymbol. Call 3-10-31 10-11-4 |jnd Precision. Gibson. Firebird DTL automatic camera, with 55 Ice I FU>od spot liflht. Sunn, Marshal. |■ Killer Fender amplifiars- New Miller sound gaar. Many and $250. 200mm See at telephoto lens. Cedar Apartments, No.. C-4 (just west Greens 484-8961 after 10 pm. Dale Atkins, x 5-10-30 LOST: ONE male cat Street area. Tiger stripes with white paws and stomach. If in River kstatiK ]@ cream poll IMMEDIATE 3 SPEED bike sale. found please call, 332-6018. Announcements for It's What's Merle (continued from page 1) ■ more fine a*as. Saxophone., of Brody) after 4 p.m. 5-11-5 International make. Man's 21 BEGINNING ASTROLOGY class Happening mu*t be received in the Moore will .peak on I roronets. violins and callo. Coma inch and Lady's 19% inch. $45 2-10-30 starting next Monday, State News office, 341 Student horticultural therapy at 7:30 I nd^n and browse-DICKER FOUR RECTILINEAR iii speakers. One United audio duo each. Actual $69.50. LOST: intermediate on Tuesdays, Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least tonight in 204 Horticulture Bldg. Presented by the MSU Horticulture a secret ballot choice. to make his ■ AND DEAL SECONDHAND INTERNATIONAL EYEGLASSES, plastic 332-8536. Craig. 2-10-30 two clau d.ys before publication. Club. IsTORE, 1701 South Cedar. 1219 turntable base and dust One MARKETING SERVICE, 3308 frames, black case, lost last No announcements will be accepted The ice cream choices are 1 487 3886. Monday and Friday cover. 2440 Marantz 4 South Cedar, Suite 11, Lansing. week. 351-5933. 2-10-30 SPEECH LESSONS. Instructor by phone. I.D. McFarlane Bill's Butter - Fudge Festival, I ti| 9 pm. Tuasday. Wednesday. channel adapter amplifier. Call Ask for Joe Watkins. 5-10-30 trained at Swiss conservatory. University will of Oxford lecture on "The Sander's Super Strawberry I Thursday and Saturday 9-6. 349-4977, after 4. 5-10-31 LOST: HELP! 5 month old mixed Drammatic speech, poetry An organizational meeting will 1549 Entry Into Paris" at 8 tonight Supreme, Women's Lib ■ Bank Americard and Master FISHER puppy. Shepard colored. Beagle be held for people interested in in the BOSE 901 Speakers with equalizer, - QUICK, Koflach size 8 reading, self-expression therapy. Kresge Art Gallery. Sundae, Conservative's shaped. Brown collar. Stadium | Charge. C-4-10-31 1 year old. Must sell. $350 or boot, Tyrolia bindings. Six pair car carrier. $150. 484-8964. area, Saturday afternoon. Call 355-7976. x-3-11-1 being volunteers for the Children's Leukemia Foundation at 8:30 Building construction majors: Chocolate Nut Surprise, best offer. 51 7-54 6 3844. 351-2642 351-7813. 3-10-31 tonight in 35 Union. The speaker There will be a meeting of the Liberal's Lemon - Lime Float, mjSTLE CPM TI'S 200 cm, Look or 5-10-30 BOARD EXAM TUTORING ■ Nevada Grand Prix bindings. 3-10-30 will be Michigan's foremost Cantilever Club at 7:30 tonight in Teen Jeans Jubilee and Ballot STANLEY H. KAPLAN leukemia researcher and physician. the Natural FOUND: Resources Bldg. Box Banana Split. ■ Tyrolia anti-friction. $100 - PANASONIC KEYS, navy Princess TUTORING COURSES Activities Room. gj 8 ■ Negotiable Jeff, 353-1546. track player and recorder, fast tape deck Animals Gardner case. Cedar Street. Call Now, being formed for the Young People and Careers fall The Miller's menu says Bill's 332-0243 before 10 pm. Butter - Fudge Festival is the |C-3-11-1 forward, $85. 355-2431. 5-10-30 C-3-10-31 upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, speaker series presents several The University Duplicate Bridge FREE KITTENS, 12 weeks old. ATGSB, GRE, Board Exams. people in the area of public health Club will be holding regular games number one seller at the state I 9-5:30 daily. Closed 337-1693. Ask for Diane or For ition nursing who will be available to talk every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on capital now, but on Nov. 5 SANSUI 3300 STEREO receiver, with students about their careers the second floor of the Union. I Sat u r day OPTICAL Patty. 5-10-30 FOUND: PAIR of men's gloves, 19 1-313-354-0085.0-1-10-30 voters may decide that Sansui QS500 Quad rear amp, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. today in 207 ■ DISCOUNT, 2615 East Chittenden, October 24. Apply Sander's Rabco ST4 turntable, Rectlinear Student Services Bldg. South Collegiate Fellowship will Super Strawberry I Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. Criminal Justice Receptionist. GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and drum ■ 4-10-31 III speakers, Sony TC366 reel C-3-10-30 hold a Bible study at 9 tonight in Supreme is their favorite lessons. Private instruction Women in Communications, Inc. 34 Union. All are welcome to flavor. to -reel tape deck. Car, 8 track available. MARSHALL MUSIC. will hold its first meeting at 6 attend. Tonight's topic: How does and cassette systems, (atlas SNOW tires, E73x14's, albums, TV's, tapes, typewriters, FREE CAT, kitten. White, tiger - FOUND: BLACK/Camel Trained. Vicinity - East Lansing kitty. 351-7830. C-1-10-30 tonight in 31 Union. A man obtain salvation? „ 10. Used one winter. 485-0335 striped. Both male, affectionate. demonstration on self - defense for cameras. WE MAKE TRADESI I after 5 pm 310-30 High School. 332-8738. AQUA LUNG women and election of officers is Join the Star Trek Club at 7:30 Much more quality stereo 371-4052. 1-10-30 C-3-10-30 SCUBA CLASS planned. tonight in Yakeley cafeteria. We Jailed cop KrT KNIGHT Skis. Intermediate. equipment WILCOX HALF ARABIAN three Now forming. Seaway Aqua Lung The MSU will discuss KOWEST* Con and R SECONDHAND STORE, (509 Center. 3024 East Michigan, chapter of the oddenberry's upcoming |l80cm Used 3 times. 694-3223 East mare. Green broke. $150. FOUND: MALE rust colored American Assn. of University appearance. We have one trek I or 699-3411. office. 3-10-31 Michigan, 485-4391. C-6-10-31 Lansing,) 882-8779 BI-1-10-30 after 4 p.m. puppy, white markings. Hagadorn • Grand River area. Lansing. 332-0841. Tuesday - Saturday, 10-7. Friday til 9 . Professors will present a "Meet the Candidates Evening" at 8 tonight in minds. released on 5-11-4 PNEER QX-8000 receiver. Used 137 Akers Hall. Candidates for i hour. No scratches. Le8d Cash for LEASE A horse. I feed him, you Michigan Senate, 24th District, Michigan House of Representatives, ■ 2-1030 K included $375. 339-2609 stamps acoins Buy - Sell - Trade ride him and give him tender loving care. 882-8779 after 4 p.m. $40/month. [ *g~T7) 59th District and MSU Board of Trustees will discuss higher transcendental meditation at 4 and 7:30 p.m. today in 316 Berkey $1,000 bond full line of supplies EXPERIENCED IBM education and the future of MSU. Hall. ■IS 205 cm Hart Competition. BI-1-10-30 INSULIN U-40 $1.10; U-80 $2.09; typing. All welcome. Isoloman 505 bindings. Used one MID - MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN Dissertations (pica - elite). Attention residents of married CHARLOTTE (UPI)-Ing¬ U-100 $2.60; Alka Seltzer 36 1880 HASLETT Rd 332-4300 FAYANN 489-0358. C-10-31 housing! Don't forget to vote for ham County Deputy Sheriff ■iiason, $125. Negotiable. HORSES BOARDED. $40 / month. count $1.05. GULLIVER In a free society the exchange of ■ 394-0050 487-8748. 5-10-31 repreMntatives to the Married Robert Shaaf, 27 was freed on Includes box stalls, hay and grain STATE DRUG, 1105 East goods should be voluntary. EXPERIENCED. TYPING, term Students Union. The polling places, HOLMES ROAD Second - Hand daily. Outdoor riding ring and Grand River. 332-5171. Taxation is theft. MSU Libertarian married housing laundromats, will $1,000 personal bond Monday- IwiNG MACHINE clearance salel Store, 2323 West Holmes Road. trails. Excellent care. Four miles 0-1-10-30 papers, theses, etc. Rapid, Alternative meets at 8:30 tonight in be open from 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday. after arraignment in District ■ Brand accurate service. 394-2512. Cl 12 Wells Hall. new portables $49.95. $5 882-3022. 30-12-3 south of campus. 882-8779 after Court here on a charge of ■ per c-4-10-31 month. Large selection of 4 p.m. BI-1-10-30 THE ALOHA A Jewish women's rap group on felonious assault stemming The Young Socialist Alliance ■ reconditioned used machines. feminist alternatives will be held at COUCH, end tables, e presents debate between Michigan from the shooting of a Detroit ■ Singers, Whites, Necchis, New HORSE BOARDING, small clean hawanan IF YOU'RE one of the best, tell the a gubernatorial candidates Robin 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Shalom ■ horns and many others $19.95 tables and more. 393-8397, after public about your service or Center, 507% E. Grand River AVe. man stopped for a traffic ■ to $3995. Terms. EDWARDS 6 pm 4-11-1 barn. Near Rose Lake. $55 &£& holiday gifts business with an ad on the Maisel, Socialist Workers party and Zolton Ferency, Human Rights violation Oct. 12. monthly. 641-6976. 3-11-1 ■ DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, Inexpensive Yellow Page each Thursday, Call party at 2 p.m. today in 30 Union. Skiers! Moosuski's Ski Swap will be held on Nov. 12 -14 from 1 to 8 The Detroiter, Jon Allandt, WURLITZER HOME organ. Needs <£ Unusual Michelle, 19, was wounded in the chest ■ (115 North Washington. WEST HIGHLAND white terrier - p.m. in 238 Men's Intramural Bldg. 8. C-3-10-31 tuning. $100. Call 332-2425. 255 Ann 351 1911 What is a communications skills Get your equipment in shape and was hospitalized in Lansing puppies. 7 weeks old. Call - JUDITH CARMAN: Experienced 3-10-31 workshop; How can It help women? for several weeks before 663-8762. 5-11-1 dissertation Find out at a brown bag lunch for FREE A lesson in typist. Papers, INNHEISER 414 Headphones. ... complexion women students 25+, recovering. RAILROAD TIES, $5.50 - $7.00. thews, dissertations, general. sponsored by ■ (20. Electric OLD ENGLISH care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan the Women's Resource Allandt arrested after guitar for Like new, pick your own, call 393-4672.20-11-18 Center, at was a AKC, $150. or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE ■beginners. $20. 351-4463. PETERSON WOOD 12 weeks old. noon today in 6 Student Services All MSU students are welcome to high - speed chase on I - 496 ■ 110-30 CHIPS. 393-6545. 3-10-30 NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. Bldg. 882-2555. Gilchrist Hall's open trick or that envied when his car left Delivery Extra. C-3-10-31 4-10-31 All students interested in the treating from 7:30 to 10 p.m. the highway. Thursday. 5 Homes » spring 1975 humanities - social The Eaton County SANSUI AU7500 2x40 RMS. 3 STUDENT LOANS science program in London, or in Free recreation equipment and prosecutor's office, which is the summer 1975 social science months old. $360 new. $250 Undergraduate students may facilities for ROLLOHOME 12x60, King obtain 3 week loans up to $25 LOVING HOMES are not hard to program in London, are invited to married housing handling the case, said they negotiable. 482-1883. Steve. Arthur's Court. $3300. attend the following meetings: 8 residents at check out areas in Red were prohibited by law from iL RED Stars skis, 195 cm find! Advertise "PETS FOR 5-10-30 from the ASMSU Business Cedar and Spartan Village Schools I plus Tyrolia bindings, $60. Call 355-2251 or 332-6329 after 6 tonight in 107 S. Kedzie Hall or 7 Office, Room 307 Student SALE" with Want Ads and see! and each village. Call Community offering any explanation of the x-20-11-8 p.m. Thursday in 31 Hubbard Hall. 1351-1893, between 9-11 pm. 26 MAJOR BRANDS of stereo pm. Services, from 8 - 4:30, Monday Education office (Red Cedar exact ci rcu mstances ■ 2-10-31 School) for more information and surrounding the shooting of equipment, 20%-50% discount, FOR SALE or rent. Nice 1973 - Friday. Dean Robert Williams of Harvard PURPLE VICKI Fast, accurate, Allandt why pay retail? Send $1 for - Law School will address the MSU until after a |ectr0lux deluxe sweeper price! Rocky Mountain Stereo 12x60 mobile home located in inexpensive typing. Very near Pre - Law Assn. at 7:30 p.m. Elect Howard Jones to Congress! preliminary hearing on the case ichments and floor quiet park in Holt. 351-2316, campus. 337-7260. C-10-31 Thursday in 115 Eppley Center. All ■ polisher, Cost $150. Sell for Brokers, 1245 Humboldt, after 5. 3-11-1 Peanuts Personal interested Contact Greater Lansing Human in November. Denver, 80218.10-11-5 persons are invited, Rights party. ■ $20.393-1510. C-2-10-31 TYPING - TERM papers, theses. especially minority groups. Ingham County Sheriff BUY SOMETHING with your rent. FORWARD INTO the past. It's Experienced. Electric, pica type. Kenneth Preadmore said the "BITER" DBX 117, 119, 152, MSU Russian Club will meet at 7 been about a year since P. and I Nine million women were burned deputy transferred to a Ied HEAD skiis, 210 cm. Look Micro acoustics QDC 1 E'S, 10x60 Huron, expando, Phone 394-2512. C-10-31 as witches during the Middle Ages. tonight in A707 Wells Hall. Material was ■ Nevada bindings. Henke boots, OHMF'S EPI 400's Tanburg furnished. Large fenced lot, came in out of the cornstarch relating to the past, present and desk job, pending the outcome In their memory Lansing Area and fell in love. Love you a future of Russia will be presented of the case. ■size 13.882-7655. 5-11-5 3300X, Advent 201, Dual, in garden, shed. Behind Gables. TYPING, EXPERIENCED, fast Lesbians will sponsor a lesbian stock for immediate delivery at $3,100. 787-6277. 5-11-5 bunch, be-be. G. 1-10-24 and reasonable. 371-4635. "Witches Dance" from 5 to 9 p.m. and discussed. Knowledge of the Capt. Clarence Wheeler, of Russian language is not required. ■ST FOLDED horn, 15" S.R.O. C-3-10-31 Saturday. For the TECH HI-FI, 337-9710. 7-11-4 DELIA, DIDN'T more information, All are welcome! Ingham County Sheriffs ■ speaker cabinets forget Happy contact the former Women's ■ cheap. TRAVELO, 8x35. Furnished, Dept., said the arrest of Shaaf Birthday Big Mouth. Signed OY COMPLETE THESES Center, 547V4 E. Grand River Ave. |<84-7161, anytime. 3-11-1 NEWI 3-way stereo speakers, carpeted. Close to MSU. Perfect for Vay Tushy Tushy. 1-10-30 DiKount Printing. IBM Typing Service Progressive Labor party will was, to the best of his $152.95/pair. Cedar chest, couple. $1100. 337-9209.4-11-1 show a free film at 8:30 tonight in >T SELL and binding of dissertations and recollection, the first arrest of $22 50 482-4156 30 Union. It depicts working class ■ sofa hide - new contemporary 4-10-31^ THE ALPHA Chi Omega's welcome publications. Across from unity during a mass march on any officer in the department a bed. $300 ||Cj[J - best [ or since he joined the force 15 '"sr. Days, 353-3947. Evenings, DRUMS 5 drum set, 1 year old. Good condition. Must sell! Lost & Found new pledges and ribbonies Debbie Chambers, Cheryl campus corner Grand River. Below Jones M.A.C. and COUPONS AND general admission Washington. Everyone is welcome! years ago. 655-3781. 5-11-1 Johnston, Cathy Mease, Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - tickets to MSU/OSU Organizational meeting of the FIND SOMETHING game, Kathleen Smith, Michelle Sociology Undergrad Assn. at 3 If you've found a pet or article of Friday. Call COPYGRAPH 669-5848. 5-11-5 iVING SALE TV's, bicycles, URBAN LEAGUE Women's Guild Stapleton, Beth Teasdale, Lisa p.m. today in 404 Berkey Hall. Harvard law dean - value, we want to help you- SERVICES. 337-1666. C-10-31 Make department policies fit your ■ furniture, terrariums, lots more. have a rummage sale Thursday, return it. Just come to the State Vanderberg, Mary Wallace, Liz DESPERATELY NEEDED, upper | November 2, 3. 10-7, 806 W. October 31-Saturday, November Whalen, and Sue Wolf. 1-10-30 ANN BROWN typing and multilith class coupons for Ohio State ale, Lansing. 3-11-1 2, at the Lejon Building, 1801 News Classified Department and tell us you want to place an ad offset printing. Complete service game. Call Darlene, 355-8573. Women interested in creating, to speak Thursday West Main Street, Lansing. for dissertations, theses, 3-11-1 producing or contributing to in EAST LANSING STATE IeRYTHING in 5-11-1 Real Estate