EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 BEACH, Calif. (AP) - Former being treated. Richard M. Nixon almost died Nixon's doctors have side bleeding, which triggered the shock, had strength and great courage, and he will - stepped apparently stopped. pull out of it," Ziegler said. going into shock following surgery questions as to whether Nixon's life was in Blood for transfusions was set aside in jjbitis, his former White House press danger during the crisis on Tuesday. case Ziegler said Nixon's condition after he revealed Wednesday, Nixon was still on the critical list bleeding recurred. went into "vascular shock" - collapse of jere is no lent Id L Nixon doubt that we almost lost yesterday afternoon," Ziegler told an impromptu news Wednesday. Dr. John C. Lungren, Nixon's personal physician, said the former president had Lungren said that though Nixon's vital signs were stable, it was too early to make a prognosis on his condition. blood circulation — for three hours was so serious that "I think it's President Nixon was fortunate that in the intensive care Background: "I know that President Nixon unit. at the hospital where Nixon is shown improvement. He said has not NEW YORK (AP) — Hie medical "shock" that put former President internal lost the will to live. Richard . . he's a man of great 'It s also fortunate that the doctors M. Nixon in critical condition Tuesday means a collapse of blood circulation. were handy and could go through the Some people go into very mild shock when they see their own blood from a necessary procedures to deal with the simple cut on the hand, or even getting a vaccination shot. They become woozy or president's condition and pull him out of even faint. what was... a very serious Emotional states affect blood circulation, which is one reason for showing condition." can Nixon was originally pallor placed in the or feeling faint. intensive care ward, on the Nixon's postoperative shock may have been complicated top floor of by his reluctance to the hospital, for his seek early treatment for his phlebitis, or vein security and privacy. condition, or his own emotional Ziegler said neither he nor any other reaction to the Watergate scandal that led to his resignation, one physician says. aides have been permitted to visit Small arteries, called arterioles, dilate, or expand, thereby who has been isolated from Nixon, losing ability to everyone but contract normally to push freshened blood to all parts of the body, including the his family and doctors. heart and brain. Of Nixon's wife Pat and Shock can result from accidental injuries, excessive daughters bleeding, excessive Tricia and Julie, who flew here manipulation of organs during surgery or operations on the vascular system. The Tuesday night, Ziegler said, "I think the best way veinous, or vein system, is particularly sensitive to manipulation surgically. Nixon to describe the family's state of mind is as had a major vein clamped mostly shut. one of very deep concern." Further, he apparently had a very extensive series of clots throughout much of He said the three women were his left leg, a pre - existing interference with veinous blood return to the heart. at a private residence staying near the hospital on Treatment of Nixon's kind of shock usually involves giving massive blood the advice of Lungren. transfusions. Normally, the human body has about five quarts of circulating blood. Earlier But if arteries relax, and do not push the flow Wednesday, President Ford said along with normal pressure, more he was praying for Nixon and asked to be blood is needed to fill up the system so that weakened artery contractions can still kept abreast of Nixon's condition. do the job. Ford will be in Los Nixon was particularly susceptible to excessive Angeles for a bleeding because he has been campaign appearance Thursday night, but given anticoagulant drugs to prevent formation of new blood clots and dissolve old a White House spokesman has said there (continued on page 15) Board rules Lessard ad distorts Jondahl's record By STEVE ORR State News Staff Writer "J feel we are still just talking about The ad in question contained a list of A state commission has ruled that semantics, and there is still no question 12 interpretations of state issues and Cathy Lessard misrepresented the voting but that Mr. Jondahl did vote no," she claimed that Jondahl had voted against all taewed heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali plays out some record of Lynn Jondahl, her opponent said. of them. of the action from his match with Hman during a press conference. Georj for East Lansing's state representative Though she plans no more ads right Jondahl, the Democratic incumbent in See related story page 11. seat. now, she said that if she does any she will the 39th District, filed a complaint with The Michigan Fair Campaign Practices use the same points of Jondahl's record the campaign board on Oct. 24, claiming Board ruled Tuesday night that an ad but with the technical descriptions. in a letter that Republican Lessard's ad Lessard ran in the Oct. 18 Jondahl said he saw a Lessard ad in Lansing State "falsely presents the voting record of DISCRIMINATION Journal, when "taken as a whole and in Wednesday's contained some Towne of the Courier that Lynn Jondahl by distortion, numerous specific instances same allegations as misrepresentation and by taking notes the disputed ad. He noted, however, that out of context." misrepresents the positions of Mr. Jondahl." the ad would have been submitted to the The campaign board, which is Police tow family's van The campaign board, however, has no power to enforce their opinion and can do nothing if Lessard should continue to run the ad. paper before Lessard would have learned of the campaign board's decision. Jondahl said Wednesday that he was "obviously very happy at the decision. comprised of 13 citizens appointed by the governor, responded to the complaint Tuesday with a unanimous vote finding Lessard's ad misrepresentative. Lessard said she thinks the board is We knew they would have to rule that The board sent a letter explaining their By BRUCE RAY WALKER But when the Digbys called the Dept. of had recently attended. His mother made making a mistake and closing the way for way." He added, though, that it was decision to both candidates Wednesday. JIbert State News Staff Writer Public Safety Sunday morning, the officer him a costume. He was looking forward to any challenger to criticize an incumbent's "frustrating" that the campaign board In it they cited three examples of Digby took his record without using the precise technical had ho powers of enforcement. Lessard's misrepresentation of the issues son Roger, who said no one from public safety had called the party with enthusiasm until the school pally and physically handicapped, to No one in the state has those powers of in the ad. According to the board, them. The Digbys still have to pay the told his mother he would not be able to legislative language. kt colors and feel the She said she agrees with recent enforcement, campaign board member Lessard distorted Jondahl's no votes on oompah towing bill, he said. attend. The State News contacted the y as the MSU criticism of the boards ineffectiveness, Bill Shepherd, a Southfield attorney, said. campaign reform, taxation of farm *s before the Marching Band When contacted, Major Zutaut of the director of the school, Fred McGlown, and football game. public safety dept. said the Digby's story the misunderstanding was cleared up. This and thinks strict rules on membership Shepherd said the board functions as property according to use and Pt as they "more of a moral force" than anything empowering the governor to declare watched, Digby's van was was "totally erroneous." morning Roger will be back with his powers and standards of the board should a V away by order of the MSU be set down in legislation. else. state of severe energy shortage. Dept. of "No officer gave them permission to friends at the Beekman party. F Safety. It now sits in a junkyard park in the handicapped area, and no | the Digbys refuse to pay the towing officer in this department called and [charging they discriminated Stills were apologized to them," Zutaut said. flesh, r and misled by a public safety However, the State News learned that Sgt. Jensen was the officer who made the call to the Digbys. "I called them and told them where pumps F' officer told my husband they could get their van, but I didn't By STEVE ORR apologize to them or say they didn't have pild 1'wpped park the van in the to pay the towing bill J' Jensen said. State News Staff Writer area because Roger Mrs. Digby called Zutaut's statement an mblcd, and so he did. Then out and out lie. "When that call came • - Stephen Stills was on campus scheduled to mingle with students in yw us that we got towed away through we had 16 people present at a Wednesday to stump for Democratic lunch and dinner lines at residence halls. dinner party we were giving. All 16 of congressional candidate Bob Carr. In his A Can campaign worker said Stills did p we F on didn't have the a special those people were witness to that call." wake he left some thrilled fans, a lot of not get out of bed until nearly noon van. Why, that's When the Digbys learned Sunday that Mnaforr. There's nothing disgruntled students, an embarassing Wednesday. Stills then decided not to on they were going to have to pay the bill moment and $3,000 for Carr's election make the residence halls scene and left I.m tlu>t says that those they decided they would not pay. The coffers. hundreds of students standing around p sP"ccs arc just for MSU inconvenience had become a matter of Stills is in the midst of a tour to raise their cafeterias waiting for him. Jtappcd students." principal, Mrs. Digby said. • support for various Democratic "That officer told my husband he candidates, and in East Lansing he played Stills also was 40 minutes late arriving Mrs. Digby for 15 minutes at the Beta Theta Pi at the fraternity house, where all students could park the van in the handicapped area because Roger was disabled, and so he fraternity house and later performed two not belonging to fraternities or sororities did. Then they tell us that we got towed sets before packed houses at the Stables, were turned away at the door. One HthVuan are R°8er's oxygen mask s, lhl)l|g!i the mask is away because we didn't have a special Proceeds from the ticket sales at the Stables - 1,000 tickets at $3 apiece - disgruntled Can campaign worker said about the delay, "When you're as famous not vital, sticker on the van. Why, that's went into Carr's election fund as he is, I guess you can afford to be discriminatory. There's nothing on that f SwtaJ" " °"ce a" hour t0 sign that says that those par King spaces are Stills was visiting his wife in Paris temperamental." V ,Digl}5 he drove onto campus just for MSU handicapped students," Mrs. several weeks ago when he apparently asked decided he wanted to aid Democratic Stills said little at either one of the officers Digby said. appearance. campaigns. He contacted the Democratic With about 300 Greeks crowded into the J.pea . 11 he could park in the On Wednesday the Digbys learned that v.. National Committee and they put him in parking area. The officer gave their van had been towed away to a dining area of the fraternity house, he touch with candidates. followed a brief introduction 1 "ieh' KMd band "lc 'wo "J Digbys went to junkyard by the service station because Stills said he was stumping because he performing three by Carr by warmup. Upon returning, they refused to pay the bill. Roger's songs, accompanying "really liked the party" and because "we himself *calU^n had.been towed away. eyeglasses and oxygen mark are still cannot afford to have any more right on acoustic guitar. and him'S W'ft> to come and P'ck locked in the van. wing, reactionary, plastic-faced people in At the Stables, Stills did a 45-minute f0, h up- He h»d to wait over an The Dept. of Public Safety says the Congress." matter is out of their hands now and the set for the first show, ixvdon a.tnvc' Durin« 'hat time, Stills may be familiar with the dividing his lis Lot"1 repasses, Koger needed, along were in the Digbys have to pay the service station the , Democratic party, but he still gets his considerable talent between the acoustic guitar and the plane. His between-song van. towing bill. candidates mixed up. When he returned ted i?!"1"8 home-' the Digbys "The worst thing about the situation is conversation consisted mainly of the to the stage for an encore at the first ?hri S their van- They found that a relative from New Zealand is visiting Stables' show he said, "111 do one more "John Carr" mistake and calling Taylor, Carr's Republican opponent, a Cliff : Kal»m She" service station, us and she just can't believe how this song if you'll go get two votes each for not id i!,IT00 ^ Ve" and were told K *leased until the towing bill could happen in America," Mrs. Digby John Carr." Polite titters from the "creep." audience crowd tipped him off to his Most of the people in attendence at the Troubles with the MSU Dept. of Public misnomer. He may have been confusing tonyfeaftpr ^P'ds, received the D'gbys, who live Safety were not the only problems the Carr with John Reuther, Democratic 2nd Stables seemed to be there more for a glimpse at one of their favorite pop stars Stephen Stills was on campus Wednesday adding a little harmony to received a nh a phone call Digbys had this week. Bob Carr's congressional campaign. He and Carr jnit unidentified District Congressional candidate, who . than to help support Carr. One member appeared at the Beta tho n""7cu person claiming to Roger had desperately —«---- - wanted to Stills stumped for Tuesday. of the crowd looked at a Theta Pi fraternity in the afternoon and tolJ. Jcpt-.of ^lic Safety. The . .. .i attend a Halloween party trkHaV fit today^at the In addition to his shows at the Stables campaign poster performed two sets at the picturing Can, appeared puzzled and Stables Wednesday night. Proceeds from his concert there went to d M-they >d andcould said there had "been a Beekman Center, 2901 Wabash Road, and the fraternity house, Stills has been overheard to say, "Who's that guy?" was Carr. claim their van. school for the mentally retarded that he 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 3|, Nixon tied to cover up WASHINGTON (AP) - Jeb shortly before Magruder was to aid otter expenditures." Stuart Magruder testified Watergate give his perjured testimony and "The President was particularly pleased at my Magruder sain Wednesday that early in the told Magruder: the White efforts at keeping the truth of Watergate from considered the idea but after f0.^S National Airlines strike ends Watergate coverup he was assured that then Nixon was ■ President pleased at the way COVERUPi "Everyone at House and the committee, particularly the President, the coming out." - Jeb Stuart Magruder consulting wja i! J0?*Mitchell °fflcials it was fc and HaM A machinists' strike which idled National Airlines, the Magruder was keeping the true TRIAL President was particularly Watergate burglar E. Howard were the too close to story of the scandal from pleased at my efforts at Magruder testified that in blametobedumTd?15 nation's eighth largest airline, ended Wednesday after coming out. keeping the truth of Watergate Hunt and the other five the second week following the on Magruder. Magruder now is serving a 108 days. In the second day of his .minimum 10 - month prison from coming out." original Watergate defendants. break - in, his offer to step An airline spokesman said limited flight service would testimony as a prosecution term for his own part in the Looking vigorous and Magruder was questioned by forward as the official ^and8 ^ult, Magruder , a healthy for a man coming out asst. prosecutor Jill Wine he resume Friday. witness at the Watergate coverup. of prison, Magruder quoted Volner who was frequently responsible for the crime turned down because "it was was from Mitchell, Kenneth W. Pa,uv with t coverup trial, Magruder said he He generally recounted a The new 26 - month contract, ratified by the Dean as saying that if anything and was promised financial help if interrupted by objections by too well known that I had no Robert Mardian <<-** International Assn. of Machinists, raises hourly wages story told before in testimony anything went wrong with before the Senate Watergate went awry, he would be given Parkinson's lawyer, Jacob authority for making policy or an explanation $250,000 Liddy for top - scale mechanics from $6.98 per hour to $8.28 plans for him to lie to federal committee and in his book, grand juries in the summer and "An American Life: One r.isn's money just like Liddy, Stein. approval for financial budge" per hour by Sept. 1, 1975. The pact also covers all fall of 1972. airline stock clerks, utility employes, maintenance and Road to Watergate." warehouse workers. Magruder, formerly the deputy director of Nixon's 1972 re - election campaign, Magruder, 39, told preparing an elaborate cover of Inflation persists story for federal investigators 72 election challenge killed said he once volunteered to to account for $250,000 WASHINGTON (AP) — The new figures from the The decline in output in the take the blame for the June 17, Labor costs continued rising at output per man hour An attempt to undo the approved for use by Watergate Labor Dept. were further third quarter was 3.3 per cent, - 1972 presidential election 1972, break • in at Democratic burglar G. Gordon Liddy, then near ■ record rates during the evidence of the nation's twin 2 unit labor costs up. ' National Committee per cent in the second because of the Watergate scandal has failed in the official of the election But labor an re - past three months, while problems of a sagging economy quarter and 7.8 per cent in the was not i Supreme Court. headquarters but was turned committee. productivity in the American amid persistent inflation, flrit. blame, for the rise i„ down by senior officials at the Th challenge to the election of former President Magruder said that former economy declined sharply, the Unit labor co6ts, an By comparison, the decline failed to keep White House and the re • up with Richard M. Nixon and former Vice President Spiro T. White House counsel John W. government reported important indicator of in output of the private election committee. Dean III came to his office Wednesday. inflationary pressure, itxe at an economy in the first quarter of Agnew, on the ground that the 1972 election was annual rate of 13.9 per cent in the 1969 - 70 recession was 2.5 "rigged," was pressed by an unemployed New York City the third quarter of this year, per cent, and the decline in stockbroker, Samuel H. Sloan. The four Nixon appointees disqualified themselves Ford tires FEA administrator; the second fastest rise in 25 years. The rate was exceeded output per worker • hour was eight - tenths of a per cent. when the court acted Tuesday on Sloan's appeal that only by the year's first • Despite worsening statistics, quarter increase of 14.6 per President Ford on Tuesday left the court without its required quorum of six justices. appoints Morton energy chief cent. Productivity - that is, output per worker hour - fell defended sent to his economic plan Congress three weeks ago as still sound. He followed FBI releases Rocky report WASHINGTON (AP) - An energy power Sawhill was not managing the Federal Energy at an annual rate of 3 per cent this up Wednesday with some struggle fueled by White House dissatisfaction Administration (FEA) firmly enough. President in the July - September period tough talk to his Cabinet, with John C. Sawhill's style and management Ford said publicly he was dissatisfied with the after The FBI has turned over to the House Judiciary and a slight rise in the urging that it prompUy push Unit nonlabor led to his ouster and the installation of Interior progress on new energy programs. previous quarter and a 7.1 per payments, Senate Rules committees a 2,300 - page report on its legislation and take part of the price of each Secretary Rogers C. B. Morton as the • Finally, some sources think Morton cent drop in the first quarter. administrative action to carry of production that investigation of Vice President designate Nelson A. administration's one and only energy czar. resented FEA's grab of important Interior Productivity usually declines out his program. goes n Rockefeller. In removing Sawhill as federal energy wages, but to investmen when overall output in the The Labor Dept. said in its administrator Tuesday, President Ford Dept. offices and officials when FEA was plant and equipment ui A Judiciary subcommittee, headed by Rep. Don formed last December. economy falls, as has happened report that the rise in wages, demonstrated that he is backing Morton as profits, went up at an adjus Edwards, D - Calif., has been reviewing the report. He A well in all three quarters this year. combined with the decline in annual rate of 9.2 energy chief with the President's own power to placed source who knows and likes per cent was scheduled Wednesday to summarize the findings for Morton said Morton "had no love for any of hire and fire. the full 38 member panel. The committee has been them" at the FEA and that the ousting of - High placed administration sources say Sawhill was "normal political retribution." called back to Washington by its chairman, Rep. Peter various forces focused that power on Sawhill: • He was urging mandatory energy Morton told reporters there was nothing W. Rodino, D - N. J. conservation when Morton and the President wrong with Sawhill except a "style" that The FBI report also has been made available to somehow did not fit the "style" of others in wanted only voluntary measures. senators on the rules committee. • He showed a the administration. tendency to reveal policy proposals before the administration was ready Morton agreed later under a barrage of Officials probe bribe charge to talk about them, such as the gasoline tax questions that Sawhill's advocacy of mandatory conservation had something to do with his proposal. "Premature leaks blow your chances on the demise. Federal and state prosecutors in Florida are Hill (Congress), if you don't touch the bases Another said the source question of energy investigating allegations by Senford K. Bronstein, the first," one source' said, referring to the need to conservation versus energy production was "a convicted former president of Cedars of Lebanon line up congressional support in advance. phony issue." More important, this source said, • Some administration officials Hospital in Miami, that he paid bribes of more than thought was a need for toughness at the head of FEA. $260,000 to federal officials in Washington and a former U. S. congressman. According to informed sources in Florida, Bronstein RESEARCH The State f State University every cl school . _ terms, Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition is published claims to have paid the bribes to the officials for their Thousands of Topics in September. Subscription rate is $20 per year. help in the granting of $62 million Federal Housing $2.75 per page Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial *"— -* ~ " Send for your up-to-date, 160-page, s Bldg., Michigan Authority loan guarantee for expanding the hospital in mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00 14. 1970. to cover postage (delivery time Is * GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER 1 to 2 days). ROBERT l_ BULLARD, SALES MANAGER Sources said that both a federal strike force in Miami PHONES and the office of Dade County state's attorney Richard RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. News/Editorial 355-8252 Classified Ads 355-8255 E. Gerstein are investigating the allegations of Bronstein, Display Advertising 353-6400 Business Office 355-3447 who was convicted last week of stealing $525,000 of the Photographic 355-8311 federally financed and now - bankrupt hospital's funds. Friendly feelings and the great taste of Coca-Cola. That's the way it should be. * KARATE Bottled Wsthe real thing. Coke. under the authority of the Coca-Cola TOURNAMENT Company by: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Michigan. open thursday and friday nights until nine S. Vietnam SUNDAY NOV. 3, SPORTS ARENA, MENS IM. newsmen arrested ELIMINATIONS 11 A.M., FINAL 6 P.M. I Secret police raided a Vietnamese press club in SEE THE BEST BLACK BELT FIGHTERS downtown Saigon early Thursday and arrested up to 50 IN THE MIDWEST, DEMONSTRATIONS OF newsmen and several opposition deputies who were preparing for an antigovernment demonstration against KENDO, SELF DEFENSE, AND OTHER MARTIAL ARTS. censorship. The arrests came just hours after President Nguyen Van Thieu announced the firing of three military corps commanders and 11 generals in a major new shake - up to curb corruption. mmmr— Thieu's firing of the corps commanders was an apparent effort to quiet critics in the United States and to blunt the effect of a series of scheduled antigovernment demonstrations in Saigon. Israeli minister quits in protest DooLey's Israel's only woman cabinet minister resigned Wednesday to protest the return of religious politicians to Premier Yitzhak Rabin's coalition government. Shulamit Aloni, leader of the reformist Civil Rights Qr *j THURSDAY Pitcher special upstairs, 8 10 to ^V Movement, joined two other party members serving in Israel's parliament in voting to pull out of the ' government. Aloni's party is pledged to a program of separation of religion and state. In resigning, she said Rabin's decision LADIES NITE to include the National Religious party in the government would solidify religious control over All fEMAlES RECEiVE A IVlixEd diwk marriage and divorce and stifle secular reform. gold or silver plated Elephant Hair Bracelet Italians protest higher rates wiikpAid AdiviissioN Till )0:00, downstairs, /ft handmade accessory that holds legendary powers to bring good fortune, In an Italian - style protest, more and more courage and consumers are attempting to fight inflation by simply long life to those who wear it. Adjustable disregarding higher utility bills and bus fares. and in a protective deer-suede The practice is snowballing in Rome and in the bag. $10 northern industrial centers of Turin and Milan, and in some cases it is working. Powerful labor unions leading the movement say FOXX Not shown: Elephant hair necklace, $12 about 40,000 families in Turin, Italy's Detroit, paid i| tf only half the amount charged on their current light bills. They say 60,000 more have pledged to do the same at the next billing in three months. OCTObER 29-NOVEIVlbER } JacobiSoriS sL MICHIGAN CALLS TO 411 COULD COST Ma Bell considers By DENI MARTIN "We haven't come up with a conclusive State News Staff Writer plan at this time," James Bury, public T-shirts emblazoned with the slogan relations manager of Michigan Bell in "Ma Bell is a cheap mother" which Lansing, said. "But we've looked into it." flourished during the telephone workers' Telephone companies like Cincinnati strike several years ago Bell and New York Telephone, which may someday be worn by her customers as well. charge for information calls, cite the Michigan Bell is studying the possibility increase in the number of 411 calls and What Michigan Bell would like to do, Bury said, is charge people on the basis of usage. One plan offers a rebate to customers who do not use the service. But the plan most states are currently using is based on setting a limit for free directory assistance calls and charging customers for any additional calls. operating expenses as the reason. Throughout the Bell system, 5.2 billion So far Michigan Bell has not followed directory assistance calls were made in the lead of telephone companies elsewhere 1973, compared to 4.6 billion in 1971 and 4.9 billion in 1972. in applying for permission from regulatory In Michigan, calls for directory commissions to charge for directory assistance have jumped 8 to 10 per cent assistance (411) calls. But that day may be over the last few years, Bury said. In 1973, coming. A Michigan Bell customers made 600,000 Michigan Bell operator is kept busy by the flood of directory calls per day compared to 560,000 in assistance calls the company handles. Due to increasing numbers of 1972. The total will probably be even information calls, telephone companies around the nation are itudent union demands higher for 1974, Bury said. As a result, the phone company spends considering charging for the service calls. $22 million to supplement a phone directory that costs $6 million to produce. Bury said Michigan Bell has been collecting statistics over the last year and a half to determine how to curb customer UN vetoes re iccounting of 'U' budget abuse of the directory assistance service. "Fifty per cent of these calls are for numbers already in the book," Bury said. But it is only a minority who abuse the on ouster of service, he said. Company research shows By ROSANNE LESS doing research on behalf of business 80 per cent of the customers make fewer assistants and advisory staff. State News Staff Writer UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) - The country could be more effectively corporations. • Complete and detailed budgets for the than five calls per month to information, Charging that the administration hides • United States, Britain and France saved influenced to drop the policy if it were Expenses incured on behalf of the Public Safety Dept. and the schools of 10 per cent make five to 10 calls a month, South Africa's seat in the United Nations inside the United Nations rather than » University money is spent, the Democratic and Republican parties, such and the Criminal Justice and Labor and Industrial remaining 10 per cent call by vetoing resolution outside. i organizing committee of the as providing free office space in the Nisbet Relations. information more than 10 times a Wednesday night Ident per that would have recommended Workers Uniori has demanded a Building to President emeritus John • A month. expulsion. "History holds no example of a pariah description of all grants to the It was the first triple veto in UN history. state that reformed itself in exile," U.S. I and complete accounting of MSU's Hannah, who is the chairperson of the University including those from the What Michigan Bell would like to do. bt. Michigan for Milliken Committee. federal government to finance research for Bury said, is charge people on the basis of The resolution asked the council to Ambassador John A. Scali told the council Mt recommend expulsion of South Africa to before the vote. South Africa should be a press conference Wednesday, the • Expenses the University incurs antidemocratic governments. usage. One plan offers a rebate to the General n committee alleged that while the Assembly, where the African kept in the United Nations so it can be gathering information which is not "The University is supposed to customers who do not use the service. But and Third World sponsors had the votes to claims it cannot afford, to available to students and workers, such as the plan most states are currently using is "exposed over and over again to disseminate information, not withhold it," its passage. Ivide equal work for equal pay, it the Student Instructional Rating System based on setting a limit for free directory assure expressions,of abhorrence" over apartheid, Lawrence Tharp, asst. professor of social A veto by at he said. least one of the three pals accounting of how it spends its (SIRS) faculty evaluation forms. science and a member of the union assistance calls and charging customers for Western permanent members of the 15 • Scali called expulsion an "all or nothing • The cost to the University for committee, said. He is also affiliated with any additional calls. . nation Security Council had been ■The committee is demanding approach that would be a major strategic protection against the wrongful acts, the New American Movement (NAM). "Placing registers on lines would be expected. mistake at a time when we are Tountability in these areas: errors, mis - statements, omission, neglect The University budget is a public costly at this time," Bury said. "But it ... hearing PA complete accounting of the increase or breach of duty by administrators and Voting for the resolution were the what may be new voices of conciliation record, and a thick budget document is would be beneficial to the customer and Soviet [lumber of Union, China, Byelorussia, out of South Africa." University the board of trustees (this is "school board published annually. Specific itemizations Michigan Bell." Australia. Cameroon, Kenya, Indonesia, British Ambassador Ivor Richard told ■ninistrators over the last five years and liability insurance;" the Board of Trustees are often difficult to obtain because of the He said when Michigan Bell has a final Mauritania. Peru and Iraq. Austria and the council: "With reluctance we have | salaries and expense accounts of ... are insured under this policy for up to $50 tremendous dollar amounts involved, MSU proposal ready, it will submit an Costa Rica abstained. decided to vote against this resolution" nistrators during the same period. million maximum per suit). officials said. application to the Michigan Public Service The three Western powers explained because Britain feels expulsion would not P Disbursements to faculty for junkets • A complete accounting of the cost to Commission for approval. The commission ■ out of town conferences, • • Roger Wilkinson, vice president of their vetoes by saying they condemned bring progress toward "righting the the University for the policing and staffing business and finance, was unavailable for will then hold hearings and decide if the South Africa r Expenses the apartheid, or racial undoubted wrongs done to the majority of University incurs while of student dormitories by police, resident comment on these demands. proposal is acceptable. separation, but felt the white - ruled South Africa's people." Campaign tactics spa tarr claims Taylor ads Nelson says vote record istort tax reform stand twisted by Pittenger data By MIKE ARNETT billion in tax loopholes. The Taylor By JOHN TINGWALL bill when his opponent was "not present State News Staff Writer State News Staff Writer for voting." Though it does not name advertisements have said that to do this, it If students are not reading the campaign Nelson directly, the literature states that f°b Cm. 6th District Democratic would be necessary to eliminate the $750 literature they receive, rest assured Pgressional candidate, blasted personal exemption, deductions for "my opponent" has been absent for nearly Jwblican opponent Clifford interest paid on home mortgages and somebody is — the candidates. 20 per cent of roll call votes. Taylor In fact, The insinuations that Nelson is Mnesday for "poisoning the political deductions for medical expenses and some are so upset with what a part - ■"ss through distorted charitable contributions. they have read in their opponents' time, coffee break legislator has been campaign literature that called ■srtisements. they are devoting a "cheap shot" by Nelson. Taylor said Wednesday that Carr had considerable time and effort to refuting ■'I'm sadly compelled to not itemized which loopholes should be "Most of my absences are excused point out, just ■ B'l Ballenger (Taylor's main closed in order to equal $30 billion. allegations made in campaign literature. State Rep. Earl Nelson, D - Lansing, is ones," Nelson said. "If there is any "Time and again at debates we've NELSON Eniiprimary " to point opponent) was now one of those candidates. Nelson, question of my competence, almost any out, that a campaign is challenged him to tell us where these Democratic candidate for the 24th District legislator can testify as to how serious I V? waged in this district which is Pittenger, said that the literature does not loophole cuts would come from," Taylor State Senate seat, is perturbed about two take the job." ■fled to poison the political process said. "But he's never come up with the Of the six specific charges of absence specify what area of voting Nelson was by CARR pieces of campaign literature absent for. distorting and misrepresenting being made by Pittenger in the tabloid, Nelson ■ e public the positions I figures." distributed by his opponent, incumbent • have taken," $3 billion by changing foreign tax claims that he was absent without leave "Sometimes his absences were during • said. Taylor, in defending the charges in his credits to deduction. Republican State Sen. Philip Pittenger. a Nelson's primary concern is references only twice. House Journals, which record voting on amendments I'd call less than charges advertisements, cited a report published in • $1 billion by dropping the natural roll call votes and legislators, attendance, centered around made to his crucial," Ashley said. "But we were only ■"Paper, television and radio June 1973 by the U. S. Treasury Dept. voting record in Pittenger's resources depletion allowance. substantiate Nelson's claims. trying to make it known that he does miss and the House ■ Senate Joint Committee major piece of campaign literature, a four fjmenk for Taylor which Carr said on Internal Revenue Taxation, which he "It appears that Carr has started on page tabloid called "The Pittenger Story" "Two qf the claims are totally wrong, parts of the voting procedures." K, "my stand on ta* reform." name calling," Taylor said Wednesday. since I did vote on the bills," Nelson said. T" has ca"ed for the closing of $30 said was the committee which dealt with "This morning he said he didn't want being mailed to all registered voters in the Nelson also has misgivings about a 24th Senate District this week. "And my excused absences on two votes such matters as tax loopholes. Taylor said to see the campaign degenerate into a were for subcommittee work and a tenants rights' pamphlet distributed by the The Pittenger brochure lists six the report showed that to close $30 billion numbers game. But when you're talking Pittenger campaign in the first week o( instances in which Pittenger supported a speaking engagement at a conference I in loopholes, it would be necessary to about the taxes being paid by the lower, could not miss." October to MSU students. eliminate the personal exemption, middle and upper income tax payers of Nelson has been replying to Pittenger's mortgage exemptions and charitable and this district, you've got to talk about accusations at speaking engagements since Nelson scrutinized the tenants rights' medical exemptions. numbers," Taylor said. he first saw the literature last week. brochure closely, since he sponsored Carr had previously opposed the closing Though Carr had previously opposed Sen. Pittenger, defending his campaign landlord - tenants' protection, especially of those particular loopholes. the elimination t»f the personal deduction concerning security deposits. literature, said that the statement "my A Carr aide said Wednesday that $30 and the deductions for home mortgage The Pittenger pamphlet, he said, opponent was not present for voting" was billion in loopholes could be closed in this interests, medical costs and charitable not intended to Nelson misquotes the law. mean missed way: contributions, he did not until Wednesday voting on certain items of legislation Nelson campaign coordinator Dick itemize the particular loopholes he would "altogether." • $14 billion by taxing capital gains McKeon said he requested that the close. "He was there on almost all of them at and by taxing capital gains at death. attorney general review the statement • $3.3 billion by eliminating the oil Doug Lee, staff economist for the one time or another," Pittenger said. "But in the brochure House Senate Joint last week, and that he • Economic he was absent at one time or another on depletion allowance and other oil industry Committee, said Wednesday: "It's quite an amendment or a final vote." agreed it was a misquote. tax benefits. • possible to close $30 billion in loopholes Pittenger, who has a 94.5 per cent roll Pittenger said he had never heard any $2.3 billion by dropping the tax without eliminating those provisions (the call voting attendance record, termed roll complaints about his tenants brochure, exemption for interest on state and local personal deduction and the home call debts. voting a legislator's top priority. which he pointed out was mainly authored mortgage, medical and charity "Anybody can obtain an excused by the Legislative Service Bureau and used • $2 billion by eliminating the $25,000 deductions). absence., but if you're supposed to be surtax exemption for corporation profits. by several other legislators. "Other loopholes could be closed there, you should be, without any "All we were trying to do was present • $1.5 billion by changing the asset instead. The way I he (Taylor) stated it excuses," he said. the facts, we have to assume the legislative depreciation range to the true depreciation seems to be incorrect." PITTENGER Rrv ; L y, a campaign aide to bureau knows them," he said. A t»A€ PROfA 1W U.«. lMlTWioff COU#»* BOOK RUSSELL BAKER Susan Ager Editorin-Chiej Maureen Beninson . Advertising Manager R. D. Campbell Managing Editor cu/f$[ Mary Hood Diane Silver Chris Danielson Melissa Pay ton City Editor Campus Editor Opinion Page Editor National Editor '^1 U.S. Editorials are the opinion of the State News. Columns, viewpoints and letters are Steve Stein Dale Atkins June Delano Judy Rypma JoeKirby Sports Editor Photo Editor Entertainment Editor Copy Chief Staff Representative P* It was front • page news the other day when Henry Kissinger arrived in Moscow, ■ can'tcommun/'cofel H>e two cultures - culture and the Jackie the Ki« ■ Personal opinions. culture - though at the time he had not done different. Members of the anything but arrive, which a lot of other Jackie In people do every day without getting a line Ca"f°'e'' y°u *e of Elizabeth Taylor and Present mari Richard R,« JS in the papers. Members of the Kissinger culture H EDITORIALS There was nothing surprising about Kissinger's Moscow arrival. The previous such wisdom as you the names of triviality, but Talleyrand's theycJH mj23 day's papers had said he was going to and the last five presidents of Moscow, which was not very surprising To members of the Harvard Dump callous either, since earlier papers had said he was probably going to Moscow and since, in any case, he goes to Moscow as regularly the most would be significant a Kissing event of breakthrough negotiations. The Jackie culture the in the SALT cult d«2 J To a student, the MSU Board and dine with them, Merriman and as other people go to grandmother's for equally stirred only by an wouldi of Trustees is just slightly less Thompson talk to faculty and Sunday dinner. O- sighting, or authentj, After his arrivals in Moscow, Kissinger a message from J noticeable than the air that they administrators. Thompson says he other side relayed generally has "a fruitful exchange of through a pi J breathe. will meet with students only if they ask views" with Leonid Brezhnev. The most medium in indisputable contact And slightly less vital to their him to, an attitude showing a recent visit was no exception, and in due Rudoph Valentino. lives here. after the arrival stories The eight - member board has callous lack of concern for 43,000 of MSU's consumers. course unsurprising stories that he had had "a came the among There are many other Americans, of course. There is J cultj fruitful exchange of views" with Leonid sports culture, to whose members final authority over every decision In contrast to Thompson and all m Brezhnev. foregoing will seem piffle. This might h! made at this University - tuition, Merriman, Democratic candidates We had also been told in advance that called the Muhammad • Namath culture fees, hirings, new colleges, building John Bruff and Raymond he was going to arrange a "summit" after the two men who never * rOLOR EVERYTHING" BLAC* v\: exhaust thrl demolitions, antidiscrimination Krolikowski will take student meeting between Brezhnev and President sports culturist's Ford. This was not surprising either. The tedium. capacity to abstrtl policies and countless others. concerns to heart. Too often in the past, trustees Bruff, a 45 - year only kind of meeting President Ford goes As the Kissinger group can read about - old Fraser to anymore is a "summit" meeting. After Moscow arrivals with have refused to hear or refused to attorney, has a long history of work his "summit" meetings with economists at limpid excitemJ every time, and as the Jac kie consider student concerns. Yet in higher education, and was an MICHAEL McCONNE the White House and with the president of absorb bulletins about Fifth group J Avenue strolb there are 43,000 students, and it's early trustee at Oakland University. Mexico on the border, anything in the without begging for mercy, so tin foothills meeting category with Brezhnev high time they were represented by He has also served on President - Muhammad - Namath group has the would have been unthinkable. sinister power to dilate until dawn trustees who will not brush away Wharton's Lifelong Education upoj their pleas as inconsequential. Commission. Voters must spurn This did not stop the weekend papers from giving front - page display to stories the distinction between and shoulder separations and how pulled hamstriJ The Republican incumbents - When he first decided to seek that a Ford - Brezhnev meeting would have whimsically changed the the? course Kenneth Thompson and Frank the boafd position, Bruff indeed be held at the "summit." human athletic events. Merriman - throughout their terms have been insensitive to the student immediately scheduled meetings Santa Claus' Carr None of this could pass for news under a strict definition of the term. News would all Sociologists could probably catalog J into our distinctive with students and faculty to hear cultures M have been a situation in which Kissinger, studying the people voices that speak from the pages of their concerns. He also supports the we are willing toreadj It looks like most MSU students will he says that such a cut is possible without though headed for Moscow, had arrived at about on days when there is nothy this newspaper every day. election of students to the board, Kabul, had a fruitless exchange of views worth reading about them. support Bob Carr for Congress this causing a decline in strength. They have opposed student and is deeply concerned about and arranged a valley meeting between election. I think their decision deserves a Carr's second big issue is elimination of Ford and Brezhnev. It is all a questions of what you thinkit| representation on the board, and quality education. hard second look. important enough to care about when student liaisons to the board. tax loopholes used by the rich and the big Why all, this attention to Kissinger's there is nothing worth even Krolikowski, 46, also an Why would an informed group of voters caring about. Hi corporations. Any reasonable person must is why, to a certain group of They have opposed the coed attorney, lacks experience in higher back Carr, a candidate who has been first ask "What is the full effect of the doing what everyone knew he was going to people, do? The explanation is that Kissinger, like newspaper editors among them, Hemyi living option available for the first education and even knowledge constantly running for office for two and loopholes on the average citizen?" a half years, with none - too - precise Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, is a Kissinger's arrival in Moscow is bid time this fall, citing letters from about MSU, but does care about notions propped up by massive infusions Some, if not most, "loopholes" were representative figure of a certain American news, though it is not news at all, d parents and the expected reactions students. He fears that those from of Big Labor money? devised to encourage the wealthy to use culture. least if you are tearing the paper apart inaf of legislators. middle income families are being With about half of his campaign funds their money in socially constructive ways. He is one of those people about whom futile search for bulletins about the latest! Both were eager to vote the priced out of higher education and donated by labor unions. Bob Carr is Thus, charitable contributions are a certain group of Americans will read restatement of Evel Knievel's or whom Mrs. Onassis saw philosophy] Kalamazoo Street project through deductible, and interest on municipal even when there is nothing to read about just before hopes to reverse that trend. bought and paid for. bonds - used to finance hospitals, schools, lunch yesterday. without them. This is not the same group of waiting for an The State News has a grave But contributions aside, which and other worthy projects voted by the We are not one culture, but many, and environmental study of the area. Americans, obviously, who will pay good unlike Kissinger, we rarely have concern about his lack of candidate has the more reasonable people - is exempt from federal tax. anythin) money to read that Mrs. Onassis left the but a fruitless exchange of views. They opposed the availability of experience, but considers that approach to national decisions? yacht at lschia to take tea one cool day abortions at the University Health Taylor rightly challenges Carr's facile secondary to the crass lack of Carr has campaigned predominantly on assumption that all such loopholes are last August. (C) 1974 New York Times Center. the issue of a $10 billion cut in the sensitivity exhibited for eight years bad. Not even all loopholes for the rich They opposed policy that defense budget, claiming that such a figure a by the incumbents. should be eliminated. Moreover, in order allows students to drink in their The State News thus endorses represents waste. to raise as much as $30 billion, Can would own dorm rooms. Where does Carr get his $10 billion have to eliminate not just "bad" Democrats John Bruff and While several other trustees hold figure? Did he conduct a study of the loopholes, but also such socially desirable Raymond Krolikowski for MSU Defense Dept., identifying all waste, and tax breaks as the personal exemption. monthly meetings with students board of trustees. totaling it up to exactly $10 billion? I Remember that Carr thinks he can use think not. Carr's specifics just don't TAYLOR OPPOSED SAVING CANNED this defense and tax reform money to add up to that sum. I suspect that Carr We will vote against Cliff Taylor finance large - scale social services in,the Last weekend my boyfriend and I wei Big Governments Brother just plucked the figure out of thin air, hoping that it would appeal to the voters. And before accepting Carr's specific spending. A few such proposals universal nationalized health care, which would cost upwards of $70 billion; are: upcoming election for the 6th District congressional seat partly because he is opposed to the right of women to choose abortion. Though the Supreme Court has to see a movie at the Spartan Tw Theaters. In keeping with President Ford'fl plea to cut down on unnecessary took our own soft drinks and popcoral spending can usually find representatives in Washington have instances of waste, the military increased aid to education, and guaranteed we at last agreed that personal rights federal jobs for the unemployed. All, affirmed this right, Taylor has stated that We were stopped by the ticket collect® excuses to justify their invasions of importance of his cuts should be closely believe it or not, without raising taxes. if elected, he would press for a and told that we couldn't take our gl«r citizens' rights. It is far more evaluated. are more important than drug constitutional amendment which would soft drink bottles inside the theater. Whei unusual to see Congress and the busts. Taylor is also in favor of cutting waste Santa Claus must be coming to town. . make abortion illegal, except in extreme we asked what should we do, he said President take actions which lessen The other action repealed the from the military. But instead of using a It would almost be funny to hear a cases. could purchase an empty cup from tin seat belt interlock requirement that demagogic dollar figure with no basis in Taylor's position is appalling to those refreshment stand for 63 cents (the pried governmental intrusion into our grown man saying he can increase reality, Taylor looks at the actual spending of us who feel strongly that abortion of a large soft drink)! Now we understood private lives. Two such actions would prevent motorists from of military money. He has found waste, spending by over $100 billion — at least — should be a matter of personal, moral and occurred this week. starting their cars without buckling but he has not found $10 billion of waste. and finance it with a $10 billion cut in medical choice and not of governmental that theater management doesn't broken glass all over, and we would™ w«j| The controversial "no knock" up. military waste and the plugging of In fact, with a volunteer army needing constraint, and to those of us who regard have minded paying 5 or 10 cents for law, which allowed 'police to enter With buzzers in the autos loopholes ($30 billion at the extreme family planning and population control clearly to spend more all the time in order to attract as paper cup, but to be penalized in th. homes in certain drug cases without outside.) essential if the human species is to survive. manner for trying to economize seems® reminding the forgetful motorist of competent soldiers and an inflation rate it would be funny if it didn't We affirm the Supreme Court decision, knocking, was repealed. This law, unbuckled belts, anyone who drives that enables the defense dollar to buy less accelerating inflation. mean and urge others who feel strongly about bit out of keeping with the nation's to hold down inflation. effort^ passed during the law - and - order without a belt is deliberately taking and less, the other sectors of the Defense Given the reality of the United States, the right of women to choose abortion to Next time we'll take cans! frenzy of the early Nixon days, was risk risk that he Dept. have already been cut substantially a a - a or she has a in real terms. vote against Taylor in the upcoming Paulette SmitB 1974, however, Bob Carr is closer to being justified on the grounds of right to take without government dangerous than to being funny. election. Barrie Thorne 1712'i ToddA«| It may be correct, as Human rights controlling drug traffic. interference. Asst. professor of sociology PUERTO RICO party candidate Howard Jones suggests, Labor may have bought Carr and paid Civil liberties groups have made Paternalistic and repressive laws Peggy Bailey that a decline in the military strength of fojr him, but we students don't have to On Tuesday the State News n the law a prime target, and finally Grad student in clinical psychology listed as coming from bothi should be rejected, whatever the the United States is desirable. But Carr is deliver him to Congress. I urge a vote for article Teresa Bernardez they have won. The people's "good reasons" behind them. making an idle politician's promise when Cliff Taylor. Associate professor of psychiatry Associated Press and a State V*| reporter'. . . and 52 others This article, which dealt with tt TSCHIRHART HIT Puerto Rican independence struggle, # CHRIS DANIELSON based in part on a telephone inter**! We would like to correct some of myself by a State News reporter. misconceptions about Daniel.Tschirhart. article grossly distorts my statements BP We refuse to honor this individual with the views by taking my statements complete Trick-or-treater gets tricked title "judge" because he has not indicated in any way that he deserves this title. The title "judge" indicates that the individual who holds the title is able to out of context and by outright of my words. Therefore, 1 wish to U* this opportunity to clarify my views. On Mardi 1,1964, Lolita misquwj I.ebron.MJ ■ Felix was always big Halloween fan. a cars were in the driveway. distinguish between two points of view Cancel Miranda, Irvin Flores, and Aw»T The adventure of taking on a new identity and to determine which is the more and peddling it door - to - door- was * But the next door did open to his cry. just. Figueroa, entered the gallery of the u J Felix had his hopes up, since this was Mr. Tschirhart did not earn the title and as the House of Representatives and begun w virtually overwhelming during his appointed incumbent, he has boyhood years. He could shed the Tucker's house. Mr. Tucker was a demonstrated that he is totally shoot at the congressmen while cryin8°j garbageman — an occupation toward "Viva Puerto Rico Libre" (Lx>ng ^ive uncertainty of a dull year punctuated by incompetent to attain such a title were it anticlimax and, for one brief hour, have which Felix aspired — and Felix always not for the Republican pork barrel. He is Puerto Rico). Several congressmen** treasured the grab bags he received from him wounded in the assault, and the upperhand in his life. not only unable to see both sides of However, Mr. Tucker gave him just a any nationalists were arrested. Unfortunately, by the time Felix question (his own), but also is totally These four courageous freedom "8" entered junior high school, he was big for damp razor blade, and slumped back into unable (from lack of experience, his age and that was the end of Halloween. the dark doorway. and common training are still confined as political Prisone J decency) to render a just U.S. federal prisons, serving sente»T Sure, his parents let him hand out candy Nearly crushed, Felix resolved to make verdict. He is totally unfit to be a member the next year. But as he shivered in the one more try. He walked toward the last of any judiciary in a ranging from 50 to 75 years. Todayi society which values remain heroes to their people, an doorway Felix knew he was now part of house on a deadend street, where Mr. justice. the Establishment, and the echoing cries freedom was one of the demands "j Washington lived. Mr. Washington had a Tschirhart has demonstrated himself to of "trick or treat" outside moved him to fearsome reputation - it was said that he be antistudent in the clearest Oct. 27 rally held in New York. wistful tears. never gave back a baseball hit into his In of his possible way. Saturday's bombings in NewYo ^ one decisions, MSU's outrageous bring two possibilities to mind. ' > However, Felix got over this trauma as yard, which was surrounded by a high campus roach problem was blamed on a people "get over" all childhood ills. fence - but last Halloween Felix had student. In another of his have been the desperate acts ot Therefore, Felix was surprised to find "judicial" group of Puerto Rican indep«n»"l gotten a juicy, though bruised, apple from pronouncements, his response to a student himself dreaming of Halloween last night. him. whom he forced to serve on his fighters acting out of frust[®' njjl He was walking down the familiar streets jury and isolation from the heart of tne 1 Bra< ing the barking and nipping of Mr. whose only means of of his childhood, as yet unblemished by transportation, her Rican independence movement, ■ Washington's dogs, Felix mustered up the bicycle, was destroyed by some vehicle the subsequent overdevelopment and raw and unappetizing. all sorts of sweet things," last remnant of his courage and screamed, while parked in the sinister and calculated act of the | concrete flood. His she coaxed, but city of East Lansing I am not now and have never costume featured "Whaaas that," Felix stammered. Felix had turned and run. "trick or treat." When Mr. Washington bike rack at City Hall, was to lecture her gilted cardboard wings and a coathanger "A Supreme Court Delight," the doctor came out on the dimly lit porch, Felix her civic opposed to violence being used as J Nearly out of breath, he tried again at on responsibility. by oppressed peoples to free th halo. He could not remember ever wearing replied. "And back here I have some No the Bakers' house. The brownie Mrs. Baker could see he also wore a costume. But the idea of civic Tschirhart's J such an outfit. Return Hearts ..." but Felix responsibility is the from the violent rule of their o( was already gave him was plastic, and he could not old man's garb was indistinct, and Felix "donation" of a $70 bicycle for the Trying to reproduce the old spirit of moving off toward happier could only make out that he wore some However, tactics must be used w i hunting swallow it. "privilege" of serving in his court. adventure, Felix first approached Dr. grounds. Next he approached Rev. Blackburn's sort of voluminous black robe. Felix The proper response to such appropriate to the circumstances. J White's drab house on the corner. He knocked at the door of Miss home and got a lump of coal. Felix passed tripped down the porch steps as Mr. unfeeling egotism is to throw this appointed rascal assume the right or responsibility j "Trick or treat," he mumbled, unsure Lerner's small home. She was a teacher Washington was forcing acrid mushrooms out and to elect a the Puerto Rican people how to WJ by the Roacheads, because he was afraid proper judge to serve all of himself. Then louder, "trick or treat!" who lived alone. "Trick or..." he began, the smoke of the leaves burning in their on him, but at this point the dream ended. the people justly and struggle for independence, but 1 He felt the ancient magic returning. but she was there before he finished. Felix is taking today off, staring at the humanely. Vote for Booker T. Gaulden in the Nov. most Puerto Rican independ^ j yard would pervade his disguise. However, when the good doctor "How would you like this, little The old Volks' house was all dark, and cracked ceiling of his rented room. He 5 election. Sam Wetmore recognize that bombings opened the door he was not holding the expected jawbreaker. What he held was Felix?" she cajoled, stretching a beehive toward him. "Dig into this and youll find no one answered his fading call. Felix was hopes that he doesn't hear the children Margery Wetmore appropriate under presenUijcu^ ^ sure they were home, though, since their tonight. 1203-D University Village 226 Genesswl ■Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 31, 1974 5 lerriman would abide By DIANE SILVER rules and regulations that are finally come State News Staff Writer Raymond W. Krolikowski. The trustees needs in the days ahead is in the whole m nk Merriman, Republican thP k the board./S t0 th* legality of studen's on Today's interviews with MSU are elected every eight years in a statewide area of food," Merriman told the State Xhent candidate for the MSU Board Board of Trustees candidates election. Membership on the board is an News. "This is in which MSU ■Trustees, said Tuesday he would ii i ' ^a#ve kvored nonvoting student liaisons for Kenneth Thompson and Frank unsalaried job. played a very an area prominent part in the past. I ■ a long time. I think there Merriman current chairman of the election of students to should be communication Merriman are the first of a two believe it is going to be a most crucial need boards if the state between the board, was elected in 1959 and is serving in the years to come. It is lersity governing student body and members of the board Part series of interviews with his second term. He is something this ■titution were amended. but under the Constitution, as has been trustee candidates. Friday the Deckerville. a dairy farmer from country is also going to face unless we continue to put the emphasis on research explained, students cannot legally be on the board." State News will run interviews He has been a member of the and helping to solve the problems we have Advisory Students have been barred from with Democratic candidates John Committee on Vocational Technical in food. serving Education at the state dept. of Education on boards by a ruling by Atty. Gen. Frank Bruff and Raymond Krolikowski. "Being a farmer I think I have and a member of the state Kelley. Kelley s ruling said it would be a Advisory something to offer in this particular area, Committee 74 conflict of interest under the state on Civil Rights and on the and I personally think MSU does these about students serving on the board. If state Youth Constitution for students to serve on their Planning Committee. He has things extremely well," he said. students are allowed to serve then would served as the local In the area of MSU's affirmative action university's governing boards. president of the In the past year, student faculty be allowed, he asked. He is worried Michigan Milk Producers Assn. and programs, Merriman says that the organizations that faculty on the board might be a clear president of the Michigan Agricultural ■•But I am not going to be the one that have attempted to get an amendment to conflict of interest. Conference. programs have not been functioning long lulates petitions. I think this is going to the state Constitution on the ballot that Merriman, along with fellow Merriman also said in the interview that enough for him to make their a judgement of J, to be something that students are would allow students to serve on Republican Kenneth Thompson of East the most crucial issue success. lived in," Merriman told the State governing boards. facing MSU and the "Affirmative action programs as far as "I am quite willing to abide by the Merriman said he had Lansing, is running for the two trustee world today is the scarcity of food. I'm concerned are important," he said. some reservations seats against Democrats John Bruff and "I really think that one of the crucial "But they have to be tempered to the point that the ongoing program of the University cannot be put in jeopardy in MERRIMAN any way, shape or form. When positions rustee opposes students on board are open, by all means I think the essentials programs of have the to affirmative be taken action into responsibility of the trustee to keep the quality what it is. I think one of the real consideration." crying needs is to get the dollars necessary to provide that quality education and this Merriman said he fears that MSU might By DIANE SILVER Thompson, of East Lansing, along with far removed from students. does not come easy." fellow Williams, for the MSU presidency in 1970. be pressed into a situation of making State News Staff Writer Republican Frank Merriman of Thompson said he has always been "This University needs trustees decisions faster than they should be Kenneth Thompson, the incumbent Deckerville, are running for the two board available to students. However, he declines dedicated to the kinds of concerns I have made. MSU might be forced into filling Merriman said the highest priority he Iblican candidate for the MSU Board of trustee seats against Democrats John to hold monthly meetings with students as mentioned, who are bold enough to cause slots with who are not has is to maintain the best faculty possible Jrustees said Wednesday that he would Bruff and Raymond W. Krolikowski The one trustee currently does. action and to resolve the University's qualified. persons However, when a member of at MSU. ■ support an amendment to the state trustees of Michigan's three major "I don't think I need meetings like problems and to take positive steps to a minority or a woman is qualified there "The quality of the faculty determines ■titution allowing students to be universities are elected every eight years in Trustee Carrigan (D • Ann Arbor) holds," should be no question of hiring them, he improve things," Thompson said. "I think the quality of education. And to maintain I to their university's governing a statewide election. he said. "I think the demand for a we need trustees who are meeting willing to rise said. that quality faculty you must maintain should come from students and not from above petty The quality of MSU's education has ll think the student should have a partisanship and those salaries, keeping the incentives for faculty me, but if the students want a meeting factions who represent specific interests definitely improved in the past years, he to remain at MSU. I don't think we can |e, as some do now, but I do not think then I think it is fine." and are concerned with the best interest of dare let our salaries get out Vnts or faculty should govern the of line with Thompson noted in the interview that this University." "But I think it is part of the other universities," he said. Thompson told the State of his one major concerns is the rising cost immm Js. "Students would judge what is good of higher education. T0M6HT 6 HALLO(JJC£\ ■the University and make decisions on "I can see the time when we will price all the pumpkins hoj |basis of only being here four years. young people out of higher education. I SEE T0NI6MT ARE FlLLE" is not the way to run a university." think this would be catastrophic. This fall U/'ITH 6H05TS! Btudents have been barred from serving we did not increase tuition for in state oards by a ruling by Atty. Gen. Frank ,w students. I am a strong supporter of no y. The ruling said it is a conflict of increases and I want you to recall that our Jest under the state constitution for dormitory rates are the second lowest in ■ents to service on governing boards. the State of Michigan," he said. 1 the past year, several attempts have Thompson also said he was very J made to get an amendment to the concerned about the food problems of the DOQNESBURY by Garry Trudeau (titution on the ballot that would nation and the world. He characterized » students to serve on governing himself as a strong supporter of MSU's College of Agriculture Experiment Station WELL, I TOLP HER thompson said he supports a proposal and Cooperative Extension Service. SO HOW N0TS0 600D. ABOUT HOW I SAT I would give students input into the i ARE THINGS MOM ALMOST HOW NEXT TO YOU OH SHE CHECKEP I SHOULD "I can assure you that the agriculture Id, but will not support a proposal for ; WITH YOU KEPT ME HOME COME? THE BUS YESTERDAY, ANP? ME FOR KNIFE HAVE HIT college on this campus is going to become ' WAV. FROM SCHOOL ! ANP HOW YOU UDNT I WOUNDS AND SENT YOU I THINK ident liaison who would have access to THOMPSON increasingly more significant and more \ MAN? I HIT ME ONCE THE ME TO B SHE MEANS lame information as trustees. important," Thompson said. MUE WAY- WELL |l don't think students should have Elected to the board in 1966, Thompson listed the caliber of MSU's o legal, financial and personnel Thompson is a former trustee and vice leadership in academic administrative, rs that trustees deal with," he said. chairman of the MSU Development Fund. research areas and on the board of trustees He is also founder and director of the |don't think the taxpayer puts his MSU Engineering Alumni Assn. and a as another big concern. He charged that y into an institution to have the the current board is too politically s run that institution for four member of the advisory board of the MSU oriented. k We don't run a business that way Highway Traffic Safety Center. This orientation is exemplified by the a big business as far as I am Thompson, a board member since Jan. support some board members gave to a 1, 1967, is a member that some say is too politician, former Gov. G. Mennen \A LLOWEEN presents: CARDS Murnau's A HALLOWEEN and NOSFERATU 7:30 German Expressionism at it's most terrifying! fECO RATIONS Fellini's SPIRITS OF THE DEAD 9:15' Thurs. Oct. 31 Fri. - Sat. Nov. 1-2 Both for $1.25 To the students, 100 Engineering 108 Wells faculty and staff of Michigan State University: i;i2rpii Last year each of you responded vigorously to the appeal to help the University weather the energy crisis. Because of your wholehearted cooperation, our conservation program saved the equivalent of 12,704 tons science and 13°9 E, Grand ■ There is a River of fuel between November 1973 and June 1974, compared to the same period a year before. Similar savings in electrical consumption and steam generation resulted in an language majors I difference!!! overall reduction in energy use averaging 10%. »>ARATION FOR: At NSA, our success depends on yours. |(AT 0ver 35 years of experience Nevertheless, fuel costs continue to rise, offsetting our savings even as we accomplish them. Moreover, the energy crisis has proven to be by no means a temporary lAT' Volumin°u«horn# _ BE study materials Courses that phenomenon - rather, it has become a fact of life. Each of us must deal with it in our homes, as we travel, and on the are constantly updated job. As we move from fall into winter, it is imperative that materials we all continue in our united front against waste, shortages, fAT |EX Make-upi for and rising costs. Please observe the guidelines already ■ ° missea lessens established - lower thermostats, reduce unnecessary lighting, keep doors and windows closed, and the like - and assist us further through your suggestions and ideas for new |'M6 measures not yet initiated. Let us continue to prove that MEDBRDS conservation works, for our own benefit and that of the IS- in,or"i«tlon call entire community. ^1313)354-0085 Sincerely, Clifton R. Wharton, Jr. President NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY lllSLSli, ^ Thursday, October Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 3], |jj Mariah success boosts hopes for winter shows MSU to By FRANK FOX State News Reviewer Elated by the success of At that time, MSU Pop Entertainment, Mariah's parent organization, almost dropped done so, he added. "Breaking fven every time is great," Campion siad. "Making Greek drama their Mariah concerts this term, Mariah permanently as a money would be fine, but it is the staff of Mariah are financial liability. Only a not our objective." determined fund The MSU Theater Dept.'s first "Arena" production determined that their blues and raising Campion said Mariah's goal will h. folk - music coffeehouse will campaign by Mariah volunteers is to allow MSU students to Aristophanes' "Lysistrata," to be presented Nov. 5 throuth Q and an improvement in the in the Arena theater, downstairs in the Auditorium continue through winter term. experience fine folk and blues Tuesday evening, Mariah financial situation of Pop artists in an intimate "Lysistrata" is a witty and poignant play dealing with. attracted large, enthusiastic Entertainment saved Mariah atmosphere its a nominal timely question: How do you stop war? audiences for two for another term. price. Lysistrata thinks she has found the answer. She gathers together the women of Athens and performances of The Boys of "The problem is in getting Sparta The Lough at McDonel Hall artists who are fine performers they take the Acropolis by storm. Once in control of tl kiva. Earlier this term, two and musicians who people Acropolis, they also control all the monies to be spent on th Mariah • sponsored concerts by "Tonight's turnout know and will react to," he war. A good plan but not good enough, so they gjve the* blues artist Taj MahaLsold out. said. oaths to a below - the - belt blow: They will and the sellouts for Taj withhold connubial rights from their husbands and lovers until the "Tonight's turnout and the Mahal "We would like to bring in wur prove that is terminated. To insure the success of their plan, sellouts for Taj Mahal prove many fine musicians and artists Lysistrata that traditional folk music has traditional folk music who are not name performers. leads the women in teasing and tantalizing the men to makp an audience in East Lansing," lias an audience in East That would be esthetically the imposed abstinence all the more painful for them. financially It becomes almost impossible for the men to Tom Campion, director of Lansing." - Tom beautiful but keep their minds on the war and the conflicts that ensue Mariah, said following the Campion, director of disastrous," he added. are hidilv Mariah is staffed entirely by comical and bawdy. But they nonetheless hold a note of concert. Mariah "Mariah will be back volunteers. Approximately 45 tragedy. Together, these elements are the basic fabric of good stronger than ever," he added. people are now involved with the group, Campion said. Director John Baldwin has transported "Lysistrata" The bouyant spirits of the to Mariah staff are in sharp Campion said Mariah Mariah's last concerts of fall burlesque house, where the brash and brains behind th term will feature blues duo crusade for peace becomes the head stripper. contrast to the extremely entered this term hoping to Curtain time is 8:15 p.m. Tickets are available at the shaky position Mariah was in break even. Thus far, for all Sonny Terry and Brownie Brenda Nickerson, Jennifer Wild, Donna Nelli, Trish Kozloff, Nancy McGhee in late November. Fairchild box office. late spring term. practical purposes, Mariah has Baumgartel and Paul Van Antwerp rehearse for the Arena Theater's "When we announced the production of "Lysistrata," which opens Nov. 5. Sonny Terry Brownie McGhee concerts, there was an MSU assistant uproar Debbie from the audience," Mazur, Mariah's to perform publicity director, said Tuesday night. "The enthusiasm crowd makes us very hopeful of the Abrams will host that we will have no problems Abrams planetarium will The geodesic dome of the Abrams and elsewhere. This .the first bands ever to perform concert was composed en MSU students can purchase tickets at a discount when Harlan with their concerts," she present its fifth annual rock year's show will feature more in a planetarium setting and are by Full Moon for sky theatre will provide the Jennings, asst. professor of music, performs with the Michigan added. concert and light show, A.R.C. backdrop for the visual hardware than ever before, veterans of a nationwide planetarium. It begins with Opera Theater in Detroit on Sunday. 74, at 8 and 10 p.m. Friday creations of Cosmic Radiance, including up to a dozen lasers, planetarium tour from 1971 to creation of the universe Jennings will sing the role of Andrei Shchelkalov, a Russian and Saturday and 8 p.m. the planetarium's light show, color organs, strobes, lumia 1973. ends with the distant future. nobleman, in Mussorgsky's opera, "Boris Godunov." The work is Sunday in the planetarium's and the music of A Full Moon projections, overheads, zooms A five piece group, Full Advance tickets are on being presented by the Michigan Opera Theater Nov. 6, 8 and 9 at Sky Theatre. Consort. and more. Moon utilizes melotron, moog at Discount Records it the Music Hall in Detroit, 350 Madison. INFORM AT«jC A.R.C. 74 will be presented Cosmic Radiance is A Full Moon Consort is the synthesizer, organ, guitars, Lansing, the Union tr Orchestra and second balcony tickets for the Sunday office and the planetarium each weekend through Nov. comprised of veterans of outgrowth of the former group piano, drums and various other performance will be priced two • for • one for MSU students. Jake Jones. TTiey were among instruments. This year's office. All tickets are $2/ Further information on tickets can be obtained by calling 313 • numerous light shows at 963 - 7681. RECORD SALE! OLYMPUS The Olympus OM-1 camera Is 35% than conventional 35mm SLR smaller system OM-1 SLR CAMERA SYSTEM cameras. You can store 2 OM-1 " LYNYRD 35% SMALLER SKYNYRD and 35% LIGHTER TOO! LIGHTER The Olympus OM-1 i mera Is the lightest 35mm SLR camera Ii the world weighing THE OLYMPUS OM-1 CAMERA. only 23.3 o [he 50mm f 1.8 lens, Lansing's most popular number for dining out! Greek, Italian & American favorites Free Evening Parking MTIFFANY PLACE T Disc Shop 116-East Michigan Avenue, Lamina U 323 E. GRAND RIVER MC'S GOT IT! PH. 351-5380 INTRAMURAL ATHLETIC NEEDS! PUMA SHOES CLYDE III, JOE NAMATH SWINGER, THE CLYDE, CROCK, PLATFORM TENNIS MORE SHOES FROM BATA, TRETORN, HAVE YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED BY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 12-5 E. LANSING STORE and HEAD, DUNLOP, 8t HYDE RANDY NELSON, factory representative SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2 SAVE •2 ON ANY ATHLETIC SHOE (Prices Good Frl. & Sat, on Merchandise Store only.)' 10-5 FRANPO" SHOPPING CENg THRU SAT. NOV. 2 ELECTRONIC RACKETBALL LEACH SWINGER & B ANDIDO SAVE $2-THRU SAT. NOV. 2 Vivitar FLASH UNITS • EVER LAST CHAMPION HANDBALL GLOVES 28mm f2.5 $89.88 regular $112.75 135mm (2.8 $79.88 regular $99.50 200mm f3.5 $92.88 regular $116.00 • WHITE STAG & KING FISH WARMUPS 85-205mm zoom $167.22 regular $205.00 • COMPLETE SELECTION OF SPORTS CLOTHING • BASKETBALLS & VOLLEYBALLS FROM PENNSYLVANIA, SPALDING, VOIT, WILSON ORDER YOUR I.M. UNIFORMS FROM MC The ultimate in accessory lenses The Series 1 70-21 Omm f3.5 Macro Focusing Auto Zoom; the 135mm (2.3 Auto Telephoto; and the 200mm f3.0 (5) (S) (J) Available in 5002 W SAGINAW mounts to fit (JUST EAST OF LANSING MALL) most 35mm i SLR cameras. 487 1853 OPEN 10-9, SUNDAYS 12-5 Michigan Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 31, 1974 - CITY COUNCIL M hew restaurant possible By JOE KIRBY the evidence had not yet been presented. State New» Staff Writer The city planning commission originally turned down the I tot Lansing eaters get yet another new restaurant? request because it felt the restaurant would deviate from the I Question will be answered when the East Lansing City citys comprehensive plan, designed to provide concentrated LI decides if it will rezone four lots on Grand River Avenue. commercial development. ■ the last council meeting, a public hearing was held on the Michael Conlisk, East Lansing city planner, said his department k to rezone the four lots, located between Orchard and foresees some traffic problems because the median f stre€ts. but council delayed making a decision that night. Kiver Avenue would on Grand prevent east bound traffic from entering the J land is currently zoned as residential with some limited restaurant. 6 f jaj purposes. The owners want to have it rezoned so they Conlisk said that since a site plan for the proposed restaurant (]| it to a group that wishes to build a Jolly Tiger restaurant. has not yet been submitted, it would be difficult to appraise the I -ilman John Polomsky said there is a need for a good situation. Ely ■ type" restaurant in East Lansing and that the Jolly Margaret Nerad, who owns two of the lots, s^id she is anxious I would fill the bill. to sell the land, something she feels she will be unable to do if it ie students arc deluged with hamburger joints," Polomsky is not rezoned. Nerad said she as not actively tried to sell the land before and llomsky said the Jolly Tiger would be a restaurant with that nobody has expressed a desire to buy the land for the liable prices for students as well as a nice place for families. purpose of building apartments. |lph Monsma, a member of the Bailey Community Assn., said Immunity has more important needs than a restaurant. Attorney Norman Farhat, representing the people who want to build the restaurant, said the Ihere is a need for housing in the area. Hiere are plenty of complaints expressed by the commission and neighborhood residents were unfounded. Id rants," Monsma said. Ansma said that over 100 signatures have been collected from Farhat said the land does not have any value as it is currently [(wh0 feel that more housing is needed in the area, zoned, and that the restaurant would be vacant lots. an improvement over the luncilman George Griffiths said he is opposed to the rezoning Hie rezoning issue will ■he restaurant because once the land is rezoned anything probably be on the agenda for the Nov. built there. 6 council fc be meeting and though the public hearing is completed, Xpcilwoman Mary Sharp and Mayor Wilbur Brookover said interested citizens will have an opportunity to express their AP wirephoto ■ could make no comment on the rezoning request because all opinions on the issue by speaking from the floor. Douglas Raymond, 29 a r j pounds, romps with his 180 - pound Great Dane in Chicago, enjoying the 70 degree weather. The HAIR What Michigan needs is ★ |L0Ft ltd. Fine entertainment ★ a good, honest governor. precision i haircutting with -J [or men and women plain ★ And it has one. In the University Mall brown wrapper n3 * O, ★ * * /,QJ^ Vj LOUNGE M.S.U. for Milliken Committee Dr. V.M. Mishra, Chairman jLJ (1 ★ INN-LANSING 10-SPEEDS 3 SPEEDS jTj fr 1,,^ HILTON 5 17-627-3211 Governor Milliken for Governor jr entire stock except Fuji is reduced 15% and more, paid for by MSU for Milliken Committee i t get caught at Christmas and in the spring buying the ne bike at top dollar. OLD TIME MCV« series ROSSROADS I YCLE 210 ABBOTT RD. EAST LANSING MICH. 48823 517-332-4081 Btlow Crossroads Imports uab PRESENTS uab ;i HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL j MfcRlOtl BRM1DO Texas Instruments / If slide rule calculator A STREETCAR SR-50 NAMED DESIRE SR 50 THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN DRACULA UNION BALLROOM 149.95 NOV. 1 & 2 NOW IN STOCK 7:00 & 10:00 $1.00 under 12 5O0 Sunday NOV noBallroom inU3 $««. 8 S shows at 2:00, 7:00, *9:30 p.m. 421 E- Gd. River admission $1.00 under 12-50* Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 3| M Ferency, Maisel discuss political system social movements, all of whom is also seeking a 5 per cent vote ruling class of the most Ferency disagreed with the »nd Republican By RALPH FRAMMOLJNO Maisel stated, however, that SWP stand that a revolution believe that the two imperialistic country of the Maisel said. He Sri State News Staff Writer there are basic differences ELECTIONS - party tally which will then, by the will take place in this country. said A debate which was originally planned for the eight between the two parties. He said that the SWP is Leninist system does not respond to those needs. laws of the State of Michigan, make it a major political party. world will ever relinquish its power if it loses an election," "After 30 years in politics, I •ra. «* ™ contCfj gubernatorial candidates turned out to be a two - man and Marxist in its philosophy while the HRP is not. Maisel i mi i "It's demonstrable that these large institutions are not being used "The major party candidates are so miserable, so Maisel said. "We believe that unless there's a social revolution, don't think the American society is a revolutionary society," Ferency said. Nov. Selection. Ferency said of the thatthetbL discussion of political also said that the SWP says that between the parties as a result in the public boring that people will vote for socialist partv there will be no socialist "The real question isn't one philsophy between candidates interest," he said. us, if not only out of spite," a significant social reordering of their origin. society," he said. of a prediction of violence, the We ve noted Zolton Ferency, Human Rights cannot take place unless there Ferency also stated that the Ferency said. that twfl "The Socialist party has HRP is a democratic socialistic "We can't advocate auestion is if there is a need for whole lot of Maisel said that he disagreed a party, and Robin Maisel, is a revolution by the working been in existence for 50 years violence, predict it," Maisel violence," Ferency said. peop|e Socialist Workers party. class and the HRP does not. party that believes the United with the HRP's view that a we in agreement when «. | and they were able to hammer States will operate under an said. He said that this "We think the HRP has Maisel said that because of "We don't think it is out a line of philosophy," he economic socialistic system - socialistic government is achievable by means of reform. inevitable social violence has taken a positive step by something, people who nod before because j the failure of other candidates possible to have a peaceful said. "The HRP is a new party than later. already been evident at Attica breaking with the Democratic turned thnl sooner "We do not believe that the off," to appear^ the subject of the transition from capitalism to which has only been in The purpose of the HRP, Ferency debate, held Wednesday in the socialism," Maisel said. existence for four years." Union, was fundamentally Ferency said, is to provide a changed from the quality of the political status quo to how Ferency, gubernatorial candidate from the HRP, explained the differences Ferency said that the people in the HRP are people who have come out of the various more socialistic government by way of reform and to give the voters an alternative. The HRP RHfWHAR^^ RHRPJHARJHARiil the political system can be changed. PRESENTS "Both the Socialist Workers Beal Film Group presents for persons 18 yrs. of age NIGHT - party (SWP) and the Human Rights party (HPR) agree that or older ONE _ ONLY this (capitalism) is a rotten system, a system that needs fundamental said. changes," Maisel TEENAGE HALLOWEEN CARNATION SALE CHEER TODAY in the LEADER ■ ST THE-r% Horticulture building and International Center Buy a treat Ghost of for your favorite or Goblin A Living Dead RATED X L From 5-9 all day L 0 They keep coming back in a W bloodthirsty lust for E HUMAN FLESH!... 1 Pits the dead against the living in a struggle for survival! Teenage Cheerleader is the most daring explicit film we have ever seen. The erotic footage is the most graphic ever screened. Beautifully made, Teenage Cheerleader is an erotic explosion." L.A After Dark. You must be 18 - all persons will be checked for proof of age This film is absolutely hardcore - ho minor will be admitted. If you want more information about this film, just ask anyone who saw the preview. TONIGHT Showtimes: 7:00,8:30,10:00 Showplace: 111 Olds Admission: $2.25 CONRAD BRODY G-8 HOLDEN| *1.25 "The Red Shoes " (1948) Moira Shearer dances the 8:00 and 10:00 9:00 7:00 Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale.Color. U-U I early morning and inspector aeabopv 11 Church, 855 Grove (Across from E.L. Library) SI.50 Kids .75. Tonight & Saturday. 8:00 p.m. EXTRA! Magic By Day Sat. only. THE STABLES m BEEN CALLED TO VIOLET'S FLOWER SHOP SORRY TO GET YOU UP PEABODY.l | NO SHOW FRIDAY MICHIGAN 5 SHOWCASE FOR NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT International 2800E.GR/IND RIVER PRESENTS raw v _ Direcfors'Choice stowuaq FILM SERIES FOR FALL '74 Inspector HarrisonOrville Beabody Lecture-Concert Series at MSU presents Tbm Rush Jean Arthur & James Stewart in another Frank Capra October 29 & )0 I DID, INSPECTOR PEABODY, I'M HER NIECE, ROSE PETAL, THE SHOP OPENS AT 9 A M. I'VE BEEN HAVING SOME One of the countries most highly regarded folk DO YOU ALWAYS COME TO SMALL PROBLEMS AMP American Film Classic I GOT WERE AROUWDGAM artists. Tom is currently undergoing success with his latest release, "Ladies Love Outlaws," AND FOUND 1UE FRONTDOOR WORK SO EARLY? COULDN'T SLEEP-1 WA$' on Columbia Records. HAD BEEN BROKEN IN,THEN I GOING TO EAT BREAKFAST Mr. Smith DISCOVERED MY AUNT'S BUT THE IWOPWA9NT OPEN YET,50 I CAME Washington (1939) 130 minutes black & white Thursday, October 31 2 showings: 7:00 8e 9:30 p.m. Fairchild Theater Roger MCGuinn Oct 31-Nov I As ex-leader of The Byrds, Roger McGuinn was responsible for writing "8 Miles High," "So You Wanna be a Rock N' Roll Star," and "Ballad Of Easy Rider." His latest release entitled "Peace on You" is available on Columbia Records. Shows at9&n SPECIAL! stay for both Shows THE 2843 STABLES LID.UVB,EAST LANSING Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 31,1974 9 Attorney general hopefuls clash on crime By G. F. KORRECK ticket and a personal choice for it in 1961. • _ State Newi Staff Writer the nomination by Gov. Kelley has not done much changed the ruling must needs a crime commission to Jobes, 39, is a member of "It will show a definite Ia black a woman and an Milliken. Clarice Jobes, an campaigning for the office and ELECTIONS stand," he said, explaining his handle its problems, and says the first all - woman law firm decrease in crimes that are now Ichman whose lucky number attorney from Highland Park, a Detroit News poll issued Oct. reasons for filing both briefs. Kelley has done little for the in the state. She is a former bottling up the courts." E turn out to be 13 are the is the Human Rights Kelley served as a voting L^74 party 24 shows the 50 state's main problem area, Democrat who jumped the She also cited the duties of • year • old member of the University of incumbent with a 65 to 20 per Detroit. party along with Zolton Detroit when he was a law attorney general and said she cent Wahls blames drugs for most Ferency when she saw what advantage overWahls. student there in 1949. would communicate more with Wahls charges that crime has of the state's crime problems, she described as a lack of local prosecuting attorneys. sit on governing boards. Kelley submitted his own increased in proportion to the and says Kelley has not made a initiative on party members to "There are a lot of statutes A Kelley ruling in 1969 was plan for bringing crime in tow size of Kelley's staff and major bust since he took discuss opposition to the on the books that aren't being the the basis for prohibiting to the legislature in January. It two recently clashed on who office. Wahls said a cirme Vietnam war. enforced students from serving, and included increased by them," she was to blame for the monetary commission would deal Jobes says both Wahls and claimed. "And the law says state's Kelley said he would uphold compensation to crime victims, crime problems. the ruling if it went to court. primarily with drug related Kelley are engaging in finger - they shall be enforced." elimination of bail for those crimes. "When you blame me, as an "The ruling was not my with pointing, and that the state She cited the public major crime records and "Rehabilitation and crime rate will not recede until individual, for the rise in crime, personal view but the legal the doubling of maximum accommodations act — that's like trying to blame a education is the answer, but in different steps are taken. view of the state according to penalties for assaultive crimes prohibiting discrimination in a dentist for tooth the meantime we have to get "The only way to rationally decay," the State Constitution, and public place to race, sex or on persons over 60. these people off the streets," deal with the problem is to Kelley said. creed - and factory inspection until the Constitution is Wahls, 42, believes the state he said. legalize all drugs," she said. laws as two examples. Kelley was involved in an unusual case last May, when he planned to prepare briefs for both the prosecution and starts TODAY defense if the Michigan Higher DOORS OPEN At 6:45 P.M. Education Student Assn. Feature At 7:20-9:30 P.M. WAHLS kelley threatened to go to court to The most amazing outdoor adventure ever filmed! Ididates for the post of candidate. secure the right of students to Thigan attorney general tn.a Both are fighting an uphill JOSEPH E LEVINf presents L the polls suggest is already battle trying to unseat ■elded. , black is Myron R. incumbent Democrat Frank J. Kelley, who has held the post GEORGE C.SCOTT Ihls, a Detroit attorney since he was first appointed to MIKE NICHOLS Ling on the Republican THE DAY OF Wj W' $25.00 RENT A T.V. per term « 1HE DOLPHIN Tectiiutif fiiaiisin ta hti [«tasj Mite -4 y COMING * "DEVIL'S TRIANGLE" Open 7:00 P.M. Shows 7:10 9:00 • Feature 7:40 9:30 - 1974's MOST HILARIOUS, WILDEST MOVIE IS HERE! A NAME NAME NAME NAME Name these new ArtCarved wedding ring styles and win your choice of match¬ ing styles featured in the current issue of Modern Bride magazine. Enter today and you may be getting married with beautiful ArtCarved wedding rings that you named. Leon G will award Enter the contest a beautiful set of these famous rings c^rt Carved today Pick up your entry to a local winner blank at our store you can be the There yvill be a local winner. lucky one 319 E. Grand River Ave. East Lansing, Mich, JEWELRY and phona 33} • 1314 ART CENTER 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, October 3]^ Cake figures Student nominations oper America's By STEVE ORR State News Staff Writer Marie Antoinette once said of the masses, "let them eat for faculty, staff awards One of last year's winners of cake." By PAT NARDI academic years. The award is Award, students need Well, if the masses tried to take a bite out of the cake now State News Staff Writer $1,000 and a citation. the Distinguished Faculty send a letter to the h. M on display in the State Capitol Rotunda, they would wind up exciting Another award is the Award thinks the award is with a mouthful of foam rubber, rock • hard icing and a bit How many intriguing professors have you or Excellence in Teaching citation inspiring to professors. office of the proper 0ving a rationale f l cot of America's history to boot. encountered at MSU? for graduate assistants who "I guess such an award does nomination, inciudi A nine foot six layer cake currently sits atop the display - - Though students have little have taught for at least two Acuity member's performs.! case in the Rotunda, the work of cake decorating expert terms. The six winners will give incentive for us to do opportunity to rid the campus better teaching and research," in teaching and advising Betty Jo Steinman of Dundee. She made it to commemorate of dull and lifeless instructors, receive $500 in addition to Jonathan Wright, professor of the nation's 200th anniversary. On the cake, which took they can reward and help their citation. The colleges eligible Distinguished Faculty forft forestry, said. Steinman six weeks to complete, are iced colorful moments retain the exceptionally good There has been speculation Aw! from America's past. that the winners of the Teacher Nominations for the rotate each year. Included are scenes of Paul Revere, the Spirit of '76, early ones. Student nominations are Scholar Award have a better Excellence in Teaching Award This following colleges and J year; American Indians, the Washington Monument. Johnny now being taken for awards chance of getting tenure at the and the Teacher - Scholar are eligible: Agriculture 2 Appleseed, Mt. Rushmore, the Gold Gate bridge, Niagara that will be made to faculty award are due Nov. 4. To Falls, a bikinied woman swimming and Uncle Sam standing members in February. University. Barbara Steidle, nominate a faculty member, Letters, Natural Science, Educ.tJ Nominations will be students should contact the Socii proudly on top. administrative intern in the Science, the Librae Steinman made the cake in August, in time for display at accepted until Nov. 14 for the provost's office and asst. appropriate department Cooperative Extension Servia the Monroe County Fair, the Michigan State Fair and the Distinguished Faculty Award. professor of history clarified chairman to get a nomination University College, the Z Southeast Michigan Cake Expo. It was that exposition, which Members of the teaching staff this, saying: "Winning one of packet. If the instructor has residential colleges (Ly Steinman organized, that the idea of giving the cake to the who have been with MSU at these awards is not a guarantee already been nominated, Briggs, James Madison m state for bicentenial celebrations first came up. Steinman first least five years are eligible. of receiving tenure, but students can write letters of Justin per se Morrill), and % contacted Gov. Milliken, who accepted the cake for the There will be 10 winners this it is convincing material to support. noncollege faculty m state and in return set a national precedent by declaring Sept. year, each of whom will receive have in your folder when you To submit a nomination for which includes counselors m 22 to 28 Michigan Cake Decorating Week. $1,000 and a certificate. go up for tenure review." the Distinguished Faculty administrators. Steinman also prepared smaller cakes of the edible variety Six Teacher ■ Scholar awards for Gov. Milliken and Michigan's favorite son, President Ford. will be given to instructors and . Milliken got a strawberry cake and Ford an Australian banana assistant professors who have cake, which Steinman said was especially difficult to make. been with MSU for at least Steinman ought to know her cakes — she owns and three terms but less than five j operates both a cake decorating business and several cake SN photo/Steve de Klerk decorating schools in southeast Michigan. She said she is a certified cake decorating teacher, and has instructed over 600 She said the giant cake will be on display at the Capitol women and men in the fine art of decorating over the last for a week or two more and then will be put in storage to re - three years. emerge in January, 1976, for the bicentenial. Milliken firm saves DETROIT (UPI) - The J. program, which has saved the includes an annual salary of W. Milliken Co. of Traverse company an estimated $50,000 $18,000 for the governor plus City has escaped paying to $90,000 since Milliken left ... thousands of dollars in taxes active management of the on corporate profits by paying family - owned department its stockholders, including Gov. store for public office. Milliken, salaries instead of The financial arrangement dividends, the Detroit Free r Press said Tuesday. The paper reported that the Internal Revenue Service has approved the payment Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 31, 1974 H CHUCK JOHNSON Ali proves why he's boxing master To jay that he is the greatest boxer of all time just does ,„m to be enough to describe the magnitude of what rnrlfan^K constant themenight, of brain h'8 resurgence, over brawn. as he gavr> support to his previously been used to annihilate Joe Frazier and Ken Norton fiercely, Foreman began to lunge in desperation. within two rounds. But Foreman could not do it this time. He hunmad All accomplished Tuesday night in Kinshasa, Zaire. °espite ^ bulking Foreman's Then it came. Right, left, right, right, left, right. Ali delivered A whole decade after he first captured the heavyweight devastating body punches and was dealing with the "scholar of boxing," as Ali would later call six punches with almost incomprehensible speed that spun ? * jonship of the world with a stunning victory over Sonny M T ^r8U^l master kept his 08101 and stuck to his p|an- himself. with instinct, Ali stayed glued to the ropes and Ali continued to take Foreman's most intense Foreman all the way around and on the floor. ,('rform«B. ;,J, Ali proved once again that he is the master of boxing, permuted Foreman to charge at him with the fleshy sledge belts, but for sine i crunching right hook to the side of the head by Ali sent every body punch George delivered, Ali stung the 24 - year - old The master calmly shouted after the fight, "I told you I was hammers that protruded from his shoulders. comized champ George Foreman to the canvas for good at The master took Foreman's best champ with a mixed assortment of jabs.and hooks to the face. the greatest." shots, shots that had By round eight Foreman 58 of the eighth round. And as the wild scene erupted on the was a weary man. With Ali heckling Don't worry, Muhammad, there are no doubters now. Ld circuit TV screen at the Lansing Civic Center, I could not but feel a sense of pride in this man. [have never seen Muhammad Ali in person. I do not know thing about him other than what I have read and heard. But, I 7e him. And Tuesday night I found that I was not alone in my ,lings toward this living legend. As Foreman's staggering body was being helped to the dressing 0in by members of his entourage, the cheers among the crowd Spartans must stop Badgers' offense By PAT FARNAN the civic center became more deafening with the realization of Madison, Wis. The Wisconsin defense, meanwhile, has allowed its opponents s State News Sports Writer this victory really meant. The '"Hiey've got real good balance," Stolz said of the Badgers. to roll up 179 points, an average of over 25 points per game. University of Wisconsin is well acquainted with the rigors "Wisconsin puts At the age of 32, Ali, weathered by controversy and frustrated of a lot of points on the board." "They're an experienced football team," Stolz said. "They play playing a tough schedule. the long road back to the title he never really lost, finally made Coach John Jardine's Indeed, they do. With the exception of the Ohio State debacle, very well at home and they're a well - coached football team." lievers out of them all. Badgers have clawed their way through the Badgers have posted at least twenty points each game this one of the more formidable slates in the It was Feb. 25, 1964, when Ali, then known as Cassius Clay, country for a 4 ■ 3 year. They have averaged over 27 points per outing. record this year. The scoring machine is powered wed a knockout over Liston to win the heavyweight crown. His The Badgers, by a set of wheels who probably the most improved team in the Big Ten average better than five yards per carry. Fullback Ken Starch is umpionship reign saw him duck no one, giving all comers a this fall, have dropped a pair of ice at his title. But no one could take it - at least not in the nip and tuck encounters among the main piston, having churned for 477 yards in just 69 carries their defeats to Colorado and Michigan. They lost those two this season for a stout 6.9 average. games by a total of five points. Tailback Billy Marek adds a 4.9 average and 368 yards. Billy JFor refusing military induction on the basis of his Muslim The other Badger loss was a 52 - 7 MSU's Water Polo Club team will face the. University of pasting by Ohio State, Morgan, a second • string tailback, averages 5.3 and has picked up ftligjon, Ali was stripped of his title in 1967 and forced to drop game that the Badgers were blown out of, although they had a 286 yards. Larry Canada, Starch's Michigan at 8:30 tonight in the Men's Intramural Bldg. pool. Kt of boxing. initially taken a 7 - 0 lead. yards and a 5.1 average. backup, has pumped for 261 There is no admission charge, but those interested should bring I |t was not until 1970, after three years of legal battles and a But a volatile Wisconsin offense has enabled them to best the IDs to gain admittance into the building. The ground game is given a lift from loionged absence from the ring,'that Ali once again put on the likes of Nebraska (21 - 20) and Missouri (59 • 20). That will be the bench at Ohio State for a Gregg Bohlig, who left MSU's Rugby Club team upped its seasonal record to 15 - 2 loves. starting shot in Badgerland. Bohlig last weekend by defeating Kalamazoo here 9 - 0. Spartan coach Denny Stolz's chief concern when his squad has passed for 963 yards and five touchdowns this I The layoff had visibly taken its toll on Ali's once lightning - clashes with the Badgers at 1 p.m. season, in The Spartan B team tied Kalamazoo, 3-3. Saturday (2 p.m. here) in addition to completing a cool 56.8 per cent of his passes. Lick speed, but the talent was obviously still there. MSU faces Toledo Saturday on the road. |pla\;cPS presents KGoferv; once upem-a A HALLOWEEN ncU) union ballroom tfjeatrc nob.8,9 15,16 21,22,23 ATION IT'S A HI-FI "TRICK OR TREAT BONANZA"! Tichcfsonsak ncu WITH SOME VERY SPECIAL VALUES AND af tfic Anion Box Office -S2.5Q •ISO at th. door ^nf8-$ I.5Q SURPRISES THURS. FRI.& SAT. 'TIL MIDNITE SUopnt 3 ml I LIEBERMANN'S Eat well for less |with our authentic ORIENTAL WOK I oin the growing number of people who have discovered I c C ec°nomy and exciting flavors of authentic Oriental I CU'slne 0"r wok is made of heavy gauge steel for even heat 1 an. ,nc'udes stove ring, aluminum cover, skimmer, two stir 1 -fry tools, steam- • rack, cleaning brush, chop sticks and wok I c°ok book. 14" dia. MARANTZ • PIONEER • DUAL • AUDIO TECHNICA • EPI • UTAH • AKAI • SONY • MUSIC TAPE • PHASE LINEAR • AR • RCA SONY* SANSUI • BSR • SHURE • HITACHI • CERWIN-VEGA • DOKORDER • SUPERSCOPE • SCOTCH • SOUNDCRAFTSMAN • THORENS • WOLLENSAK S.A.E. • PROJECT/one • GARRARD • STANTON • INFINITY • BIC VENTURI • REVOX • TEAC • MAXELL • E/V INTERFACE • ADC • SYLVANIA 523 FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER Playback Hours 10 am 9 pm Monday thru Friday PHONE 351-7270 10 - 5:30 pm Saturday East Lansing 209 E. Grand River 12 - 5 pm Sunday ffie electronic playground DOWNTOWN -113 S. Washington 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 3| | Arab decision atsummitparley threatens Kissinger peace efforts By BARRY SCHWEID (PLO). Unless Kissinger can find a way Presumably, all that was needed then Michigan Sen. Philip Hart lent Associated Press around that obstacle, the peace effort he was an endorsement by the summit in his political prowess and DACCA, Bangladesh - The Palestinians' began earlier this year, with Israeli Rabat, Morocco, to set the stag* for popularity to local Democratic triumph at the Arab summit conference is pullbacks in the Sinai and on the Golan negotiations between Israel and its two candidates Tuesday, making clearly a setback for Henry A. Kissinger's Heights, could grind to a halt. fairly moderate neighbors, Egypt and Mideast peace effort. In the view of many seasoned observers, Jordan. several campus appearances in How much of a setback it is depends on that could be a prelude to a fifth Arab - This would have temporarily shelved cafeterias and classrooms. whether he can put the pieces together, Israeli war. the Palestinian issue and further difficult Hart predicted a good year for beginning most likely with a trip to the When Kissinger toured the Middle East dealings with militant Syria as well. Michigan Democrats, saying that area late next week. this month he appeared to have lined up Though U.S. officials want to analyze the party in the White House Israel has vowed never to negotiate with Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Israel in results of the summit before making final the Palestine Liberation Organization support of his step - by - step strategy. judgments, it is apparent that this strategy usually has a rough time at the is shaken. polls when there is serious Egyptian President Anwar Sadat may be economic trouble in the nation. unable to start the ball rolling with "Ford's pulling power in State to probe another round of Sinai negotiations with Israel - even assuming that he remains Michigan probably won't prove committed to Kissinger's approach. that effective," Hart said. "It's To do so would put Sadat dangerously been proven in the past that far ahead of the other Arab states. If presidents with enormous to withdrawing Kissinger returns to the Middle East, his first priority will be to assess Sadat's popularity like Eisenhower couldn't pull in the votes." current attitude. SN photo/Robwt KotlofT UPI - The attorney general's office said Wednesday it will investigate reports that "I do not believe the door to all state Rep. Josephine Hunsinger, D - Detroit, gave an election opponent $125 the day the negotiations in the Middle East is closed," opponent withdrew from the race. Kissinger said Wednesday, "but in what "Well certainly look into it and see if there's been a violation of law," deputy Atty. framework there can be negotiations - Gen. Stanley Steinbom said. that will have to be seen." The Detroit Free Press said Wednesday that Hunsinger, a 20 - year member of the He said he would make a decision on legislature, gave Sharon Reed the money on June 21. another trip to the Middle East within 72 Reed withdrew from the Democratic primary the same day. hours. But Hunsinger denied the money was a payoff. Reed said Hunsinger gave her $100 A spokesman for Yasir Arafat, the PLO reimbursement for her filing fee, plus $25 "for my trouble." leader, had declared triumphantly that A section of the state election code describes all lawful purposes for campaign "Kissinger's policy is in ruins." expenditures. Spending campaign money for any other purpose, such as reimbursing a While U.S. officials do not agree, they withdrawing candidate's filing fee, is a felony. are frank to describe the current situation When told of Reed's statement that the $100 she received was reimbursement, the in the Middle East as "a Free Press said Hunsinger replied: "I think I better get a lawyer." minefield." NOTICE 10 ALL STUDENTS Academic Advising, Enrollment and Registration For 1975 Winter Term GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FROM JAMES MADISON COLLEGE COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCE COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE THE REGISTRAR During the week of November 4 • 8 all James Madison 1. Schedule an appointment for a conference with your The Student Affairs Office will pre • enroll all COM students are asked to meet with their academic advisers to academic adviser by signing the appointment sheet students for the standard curriculum during the week of The 1975 Winter term Schedule of Courses and Academic plan a Winter term schedule. Students should make an designating his available hours. TTiis sheet is now posted November 11. Those students on alternate programs will be Handbook will be available to dormitory residents in their appointment to see their advisers at this time. It is near his office. Conferences are to be held residence halls on Friday, November 1; and to other during the period so enrolled upon presentation of a completed, adviser recommended that students take this opportunity to 4 November to 8 November. students at the counter in Room 150, Hannah undertake some long - range planning and to come prepared approved Winter term schedule. 2. For your appointment, bring to your academic adviser Administration Building beginning on Monday, November with Student Handbook and MSU COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE a Catalog. your planned program for the entire year and go over it 4. ♦Special note to non - Madison students: Non • Madison with him for his suggestions. Preveterinary A summary of what to do — where, when ... concerning the students will be admitted to certain Madison courses during 3. All All students should see their adviser by November 8. enrollment and registration procedure for Winter term is College of Natural Science majors must see their Winter term, 1975. These courses will be indicated in the academic advisers each term to discuss their program. Appointment schedules are posted outside adviser's office. outlined in the 1975 Winter term Schedule of Courses and Schedule of Courses by an asterisk. For more Information 4. All College of Natural Science, and other majors Veterinary Academic Handbook. and further details, please call 3-6758 or stop by the office interested in applying for teacher certification programs in All students will be enrolled by the Dean's Office. Your discussion with your adviser will be based on a of the Assistant Dean, 369 South Case Hall. Student Academic Progress Plan which you should develop biology, physical science and general science, the deadline COLLEGE OF HUMAN MEDICINE LYMAN BRIGGS COLLEGE to submit complete applications for winter term 1975 will or modify in conference with your adviser. Bring your Medical Students Progress Ran record with you to see your academic adviser During the period of November 1 - 8 students shouldcontact be November 18. Apply at E-37 McDonel Hall. Notification All students must have consulted with their academic their advisors to prepare an academic program for Winter of action will be mailed by November 25 in time for early according to the arrangement in your college (and possibly adviser before November 8. Please come to the Office of Term. Academic advisor assignments for freshmen and new registration. department) as outlined below: Student Affairs, Room A-234 Life Sciences Building. transfer students are listed in the October 15 issue of the UNIVERSITY COLLEGE- COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS Medical Technology Students All undergraduate majors in the College of Arts and Letters, Briggs Newsletter. Questions regarding the academic NO PREFERENCE All students must have made an appointment and seen their advisement procedure may be directed to Dr. Jud Carlberg, except Studio Art majors, should see their academic An appointment card has been mailed to each No academic adviser before enrolling for Winter term. Please advisers during their office hours on Monday, Tuesday, Sandy Conner, or Emily Feudo in the Briggs Office (E-30 Preference student. Students who do not receive cards come to Room 100 Giltner Hall or call 353-7800. or Holmes Hall). Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, November 4-8. who are unable to keep their appointments may report to COLLEGE OF HUMAN ECOLOGY THE HONORS COLLEGE an advisement center before November 11. ALL ENGLISH MAJORS NEEDING ASSISTANCE Group sessions SHOULD GO TO ROOM 212 MORRILL HALL ANY DAY No Preference students in the Honors College should report Students who do not confer with an adviser must assume Mrs. Beverly Anderson's Advisees attend evening sessions in DURING THE HOURS 9 - 12 & 1 • 4. APPOINTMENTS to their Advisers in the Honors College office for academic full responsibility for their programs. Room 101 Human Ecology, Tuesday, November 5 and ARE NOT NECESSARY. HISTORY STUDENTS SHOULD advising before completing early enrollment procedures for Every No Preference student who will have earned 85 Wednesday, November 6 from 7 • 9 p.m. Students with GO FIRST TO THE UNDERGRADUATE OFFICE IN the Winter term. credits (junior standing) by the end of Fall term, 1974, special problems make an appointment other than during MORRILL HALL 341; FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES must declare a major before the end of the term. Students these sessions. WILL THEN BE DIRECTED TO FACULTY ADVISERS. All other Honors College students should arrange to visit enrolling in evening classes only may confer with an adviser Group Sessions for majors in the Human Environment & HISTORY STUDENTS SHOULD GO FIRST TO THE with Honors Advisers in their fields before completing the by telephone (355-3515) during regular office hours (8 a.m. Design Department. UNDERGRADUATE OFFICE IN MORRILL HALL 341; enrollment procedures outlined by the to 5 pjn.). college of their Retailing of Clothing 8i Textiles majors: Monday, FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES WILL THEN BE major. STUDENT ADVISEMENT CENTERS: November 4, 4:30 - 5:30 Room 300 Human Ecology. DIRECTED TO FACULTY ADVISERS. MUSIC MAJORS S33 Wonders for Case, Wilson, Wonders, Holden residents Mrs. Slocum and Miss Greene would like to meet with their SHOULD GO FIRST TO THE UNDERGRADUATE Honors College students, who have not received the 229 E. Akers for East Campus residents advisees after this session at 5:30 in their individual offices. ADVISING CENTER, MUSIC BUILDING 155. MOST "Bulletin" by November 6th, should pick one up at the 1109 Brody for residents of Brody Complex HUMANITIES MAJORS ARE ADVISED IN THE Honors College. 170 Bessey Hall for all others: off - campus, Abbot, Mason, Clothing and Textiles majors: Tuesday, November 5,4:30• UNDERGRADUATE OFFICE OF THE COLLEGE OF 5:30, Room 307 Human Ecology. Phillips, Shaw, Snyder, and West Circle Hall residents HED majors: Tuesday, November 5, 4:30 • 5:30, Room ARTS AND LETTERS IN LINTON HALL 207. COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS 115 Human Ecology. HUMANITIES PRE-LAW MAJORS SHOULD CHECK Students in Asian Studies, African Studies and Latin Academic advising for Winter Term, 1975, will take place THEIR ADVISER'S OFFICE HOURS WITH THE American Studies Programs should see their respective Interior Design majors: Monday, November 4 4:30 - , 5:30, HISTORY OR PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT. during the week of November 4 - 8. Students should adhere Room 207 Human Ecology. Center advisors as well as the advisers in the Department of to the following schedule: Advisers will be in their offices at least one hour each their major. All other majors in the College of Human Ecology make 1. Students in Economics, Business Education, Distributive individual appointments with your adviser during the moming and afternoon of these four days. Check with Education, Office Administration, Risk and Insurance, and advisement period November 4 • 8. department offices for the hours of individual advisers. Labor and Industrial Relations - Graduate Students should the Honors College should see their faculty academic Make an appointment to minimize waiting in line or if you Students may sign up for advising appointments outside the see their advisers before enrollment and registration. advisers in the respective departments during the advisers' cannot come at the hours scheduled. You may, of course, office door of the following advisers. Dr. Vera Borosage and see your advisers during their regular office hours or regularly scheduled office hours. Mrs. Thelma Hansen sign up outside Room 405 Human by Social Science - Undergraduates - Students should see 2. Students in all other undergraduate majors should see an appointment. their own advisers before enrollment and Ecology Building. Mrs. Sylvia Gartund advisees may sign up registration. academic adviser in the College of Business Advisement in Room 1 Human Ecology Building. Studio Art majors should see their Art advisers on Monday, Office hours are posted in 141 Baker Hall. Social Science — Center, Room 7 Eppley Center, from 8 - 5 on the following Students enrolling in FCS 364 and 369, please contact Dr. November 4. All Studio Art classes will be dismissed on Graduates - 206 Berkey Hall. Phone 355-7531. dates: November 4, A-D; 5, E-K; 6, L-Q; 7, R-V; 8, W-Z. that day and advisers will be in their offices from 8 -12 and Nancy Carlson Home Managemeht House Unit II, 353-7999 3. Juniors and seniors should review major field or 353-6617 for 1-4. laboratory placements. Anthropology - Ms. Pam Holcomb, Undergraduate requirements with their faculty academic advisers during Adviser, is available in her office, 346 Baker Hall, from 9 COLLEGE OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND this advisement period. a.m. until 4 p.m. during November 4 - 8. 4. Graduate students should make an appointment to see Majors in Urban & Metropolitan Studies and Racial S NATURAL RESOURCES Ethnic Studies are expected to plan their Winter terra All students in the College of Agriculture and Natural their respective academic advisers. schedule with their academic advisers between November Resources should see their academic advisers by Geography - Mr. Kenneth Keifenheim, Undergraduate JUSTIN MORRILL COLLEGE Adviser in Department, will be in his office, 318 Natural 8. Appointments should be made with their advisers. Non appointment during the period of November 4 - November 1. During the period November 4 - November 8 students - Urban Development students should consult with the 8, 1974. Appointments should be made as early in the Science, during posted hours, November 4 - 8. should see an academic assistant or faculty adviser to plan Director of Student Affairs, Room 114 West Owen advising period as possible, except Packaging and Building Political Science an academic schedule for winter term. Students who do not Graduate Center, 353-1803, if they wish to receive Construction majors who should follow their previously - Students wishing to be advised prior to know their advisers can check in office 59. SENIORS are information about programs and courses. assigned schedule. early enrollment should see Mrs. LeeAnn Matthews, reminded that your Field of Concentration Planning Form Undergraduate Adviser, during posted hours, November 4 - must be signed by your adviser and be on file in the COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION ARTS Assistant Dean's office before you can register in either CHANGE OF MAJOR Advising Schedule for Winter term, 1975 December or January. FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES: University College Advertising 355-2314, Nov. 4-8. Call or visit departmental Psychology - Mrs. Mary Donoghue, Undergraduate students with 84 or fewer credits initiate changes of majo Adviser, will be in her office, 7 Olds Hall, from 8 • 12 and 1 2. Justin Morrill students will early enroll for all courses office, 204 Journalism Bldg., and sign up for appointment preference in the appropriate University College Academi with your advisor. - 5 during November 4 - 8. (university and JMC) in front of office 59 from 8:30 am to Student Affairs Office. 12:00 noon according to the alphabetical schedule and Audiology and Speech Sciences 353-8780, Nov. 4-8. South Campus Residents: ,S33 Wonders Hall Communication 355-3471, Nov. 4-8. Advising will be dates published in the Winter 1975 edition of the Schedule Sociology - All majors should plan to consult with their Brody Residents: 109 Brody Hall conducted 8-4:30 in 502 and 512 S. Kedzie. No adviser prior to early enrollment. of Courses and Academic Handbook. Office hours are available East Campus Residents: 229 E. Akers Hall appointment necessary. Attendance required of majors in 201 Berkey Hall. 3. JMC course descriptions will be available in the Advising North Campus and Off - Campus Residents, including Sha wishing to early enroll. Center (11 Snyder) on November 1st. Hall: 170 Bessey Hall Journalism Nov. 4-8. Hours posted on advisor's office Criminal Justice - Students who have not had their JUNIORS AND SENIORS: Students wishing to change doors. programs planned for the Winter Term should report to 4. NON-JMC STUDENTS: All courses in Justin Morrill Television and Radio 355-8372 Nov. 4-8. their majors in one degree college to major in anot Marilyn Frost in 402A Olds Hall for advising during posted College are open to non - JMC students on a space available degree college must initiate the change in the office ol. t COLLEGE OF EDUCATION hours, November 4-8. * basis, enrollment priority being given to JMC students assistant dean of the college in which they are registered, Students in Health, Physical Education and Recreation, in Social Work - Freshmen and Sophomores see Mrs. Sally Detailed course descriptions of all the winter courses will be a change is approved, it becomes effective at the begmn available in the college Advising Center (11 ' Industrial Arts, and upperclassmen in Special Education, Parks, Room 220 Baker Hall, 353-8626, November 4 - 8, M of the next term. Snyder) by Novemoer 1st. Questions about courses or the should consult with their advisers between November 4 and W F 8:30 - 12:30; T Th 1 - 5. Juniors and Seniors see Mrs. college The student must meet the requirements for graduati November 8. Advisers will observe normal office hours Jean Graham, Room 234 Baker program can be answered in the Advising Center bv given in the catalog current at the time the change Hall, 353-8619, November or during this period. 4 8, M W 1 - 5; T Th F 8 -12. - calling 353-9599 ' effective. Thirty credits must be completed while enro in the Undergraduate Elementary Education and Special Urban Planning - For academic advising see advisers during major in the college in which the degree is to earned. rrill Education majors who are assigned to the Advisement posted office hours located outside their offices, November COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING . M Center need not see their advisers unless special assistance is 4 • 8. Students with majors in the College of Residence college students (James Madison, Justin ' needed. Advisers will be available to see students on a first - Engineering should Lyman Briggs) must initiate changes of major in the - Landscape Architecture — All Landscape Architecture have recieved information about advising appointments affairs or dean's office of their respective college. come, first - served basis during their regular office hours, students will be advised by Professor Hazlett from their adviser. November 4 through November 15. Office hours are posted during the COUNSELING: Facilities of the Counseling Center"* hours from 1 to 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Any student! who has not received notification should in 134 Erickson Hall. Friday; Thursday from 1 to 4 p.m., November 4 - 8. contact his adviser Immediately. available to assist students considering a change of maJ° major preference. n state News, East Lansing, Michigan 13 Thursday, October 31,1974 Treat Yourself In The Clossied □ w""NI]i'§ FRANKLY SPEAKING.. by phil frank | 6»pg |[jj| ^ Augments f CHEVY IMPALA, 1967. In VW 1968. 1 operable condition, good tor owner. Good COOKS, FULL and part time. Pizza condition. 351-0703 after 5 pm LARGE APARTMENT, 2 EAST local experience required. Apply in LANSING, Vi month rent traniportation, $100. x-3-11-4 bedroom, lovely brick fireplace, free, luxury unfurnished 1 485-4724 Evenings. 3-11-4 person, ALLE-EY. country setting, in modern home bedroom, 10 month lease. No 3-11-1 CHEVELLE 1970 Malibu - 307 VW BUS 1967. good tireT. na^ds engine, $150. 485-1002. 3-10-31 with private entrance. $165, includes utilities. 641-4493 after pets. $175-129 Highland. 332-0976 15-11-13 automatic, power steering, new ORGANIST. SUBURBAN 4 pm. x-3-11-4 tires. 355-7418. $1300 - offer Lutheran Church. 4 miles from VW BUS, 1964. California car. CEDAR VILLAGE 3-10-31 campus. One Sunday off girl needed. rebuilt engine, $800 or best per month. DELUXE 2 bedroom apartment. $80, immediate occupancy. offer. 355-0879 Faculty or grad students 349-2907 after 3:30. 5-10-31 evenings. 3-11-4 5-11-1 ■tomotive VW preferred. 677-1161. 5-11-6 FEMALE TO share 1971, Superbeetle, sunroof, MALE CHILD care worker, live-in two woman Voters & Cycles AM-FM, radio, $1800 children's cottage. Experience in GIRL TO share townhouse. apartment. Own room. t$ & Service COUGAR XR7, 1970. Luxury, 351-7328. 2-11-1 child care work. Should have Sublease for 2, possible 3 351-2014 evenings. 5-10-31 months. Reduced rent, $100 iation convertible, excellent condition, VW psychology and sociology TRANSFERRED. MUST sublease 1 966, economical includes utilities, $50 deposit. (ployment 332-6531. Aik for Steph 5-11-1 transportation. New muffler background. Contact William Weitz.l, VFW National Home. Available November 5. Near one bedroom apartment. Close IR RENT CUTLASS 1963. Good running $225. 355-5522 or 349-1023. 663-1521. Extension 147. Frandor. Phone 372-2321. to 5-11-1 campus. Call 351-9036 4-11-5 lartments condition. Mutt liquidate fast 5-11-1 $120. Call 351-0870. 3-1^-1 APARTMENTS FOR RENT, in VW BUS 1970. Good IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. 1 man condition, 9 SALES MANAGER - need student Lansing. Two to share 3 man, next to campus. bedroom, passenger, good tires. AM-FM, experienced in sales to represent CUTLASS SUPREME 1972 22 mpg. 351-5933, carpeted, stove and refrigerator, evenings. us at MSU. Potential for Furnished, $70. 351-3437. gas heat. 10 minutes from MSU. |r sale flame orange and white. Extras, $2,725. After 4 5-11-4 high part time earnings. Writer high, 7-11-6 Married couple "only. 882-5892 |imals 6-11-5 p.m. 351-5161. University Products, Box 1653, 5-11-1 le Homes Kotorcycies |g Grand Rapids. 5-11-1 SUBLEASE, FURNISHED, nice big 2 bedroom apartment, close to 1st & found DATSUN 1971, 2402, Silver, bsonal 4-speed. mags, radials, $3100 332-6197. 337-7017. 5-11-6 HONDA excellent CB350, 4000 miles, condition. Two REGISTERED care NURSES. units, CCU-ICU including Critical campus. $264 December. 351-4246. 2-11-2 - available f EAST LANSING\ LNUTS PERSONAL helmets. 393-2505. 3-11-4 post-operative cardio vascular £ COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY CA 94709 surgery. Experience preferred. MSU AREA: Okemos. One 1 Bdrm |ALESTATE DODGE VAN - 1969. Low mileage, LEATHER JACKETS for dress and Needed in a new 254 bed acute bedroom, furnished and ■creation 318 V-8 engine, automatic transmission. Sharp! 694-0350 sport. Check with us before you care progressive hospital. No unfurnished, air conditioned, furnished or unfurnished shift rotation. Excellent carpeted, modern. $150 to buy. 10% OFF all leathers, immediate occupancy jrvice after 4 pm. 3-11-5 Art) Service $165. Heat included. !j/j orientation to both hospital and Call Itruction helmets and accessories. SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS. INC. Holt, ; jiMJ unit. Comprehensive benefit 349-9604 after 5:30 pm. Jpmg Service CONVERTED 1969. Loaded, DODGE Van - 694-6621. C-4-10-31 VOLKSWAGEN COMPLETE REGISTERED NURSES. package. Opportunity for advancement. Apply 10-11-13 from s150°° $850, good - Full & Ingham ■asportation shape. Call 351-9346. 3-11-1 NORTON repair and body. 20% pert time positions available on Medical Center, 401 West NEED 1 Man for DUCATI - MOTO ; inted GUZZI. New models DISCOUNT to students, faculty She afternoon & night shifts. Greenlawn Avenue, Lansing, T wye k ingham plus electricity, on display. on all cash'n'cvry VW service $75/month plu: |r pool FIAT 124 Sport Coupe 1969 Repairs and service for Honda Minimum starting salary $4.82 Michigan 48910. Phone carpeted, A/C, DOHC 5 speed, reliable, parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, hour plus experience credit. 371-2121, extension 249. 332-2413. 3-11-4 •'rates'* strong, and Triumph. G.T. MOTORS, 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. per pool, no pets $500. 482-0407. 3-11-1 Excellent 816 East Howe, Lansing. fringe benefits. Please , 10-11-12 485-2047, 485-9229. contact office of Employment, FEMALE, DESPARATELY . 0-5-10-31 Mastercharge and Bank NEEDED for own room in two FIAT 850 Spider, 1971, 25,000 miles, 37 mpg, excellent condition, $1200. 332A200. BMW 1973 Wixsom fairing. 600 cc, black. Still Americard. C-10-31 Lansing General Hospital, 2800 Devonshire, Lansing. Please call 372-8220, extension 268. An Q For Rmt |[$] bedroom. 394-1505 after 9 pm. 1-10-31 phone: DAYS 351-7910 undo, warranty. TV and STEREO Rentals. EVENINGS 3-10-31 $550, assume MARCHAL QUARTZ iodine Equal Opportunity Employer. payments. WEST WILLOW 351 - 1925 i 25-10-31 $25/term. $10.95/month. Free - upper, 3 rooms, 1 3 5 10 372-4534. 5-11-4 headlamp conversions with FORD PINTO Same Day Delivery and Service. furnished, $110, includes Station Wagon, reflective range to 5000'x. .50 4.00 6.50 13.00 SALES POSITION Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-10-31 utilities, call 372-0548. 2-11-1 1973. Good1 shape, best offer. HONDA 360 1974. Excellent $33.95/pair. CHEQUERED .80 4.80 7.80 ! ' BE HOME EVERY NIGHT 373-7946. After 6. 332-5834. condition. 1700 miles. Save FLAG FOREIGN CARPARTS, EAST LANSING Arrange financial COZY ONE bedroom, furnished, all .25 6.00 9.75 19.50 3-lU now. 393-0343. 3-10-11 2605 East Kalamazoo, one mite programs for ONE LARGE room for storage of individuals and business small items. Call 484-4120. utilities paid, only $145. 7.20 11.70 23.40 west of campus. 487-5055. .70 485-8019, persistently. 3-11-4 C-9-10-31 organizations. Will train for 5-10-31 MG MIDGET 1971. 29,000 miles, INSURANCE -LOWEST rates on ,00 S.00 1 J.00 26.00 highly lucrative, annualized Michelin radials, tape deck. cycle and auto. Call us first or FEMALE NEEDED .75 10.00 16.25 32:50 commission sales. Prior sales REFRIGERATORS, NEW stock to share 2 man, $1,500. 332-5040. 2-10-31 last, but call. Easy payment 1 minute from campus. 'ERFECT LOCATION: 1 girl experience desirable. Call just in and dishwashers. Winter, plan. UNION needed for 2 bedroom D EADLINE Josephine Starkweather, ESCHTRUTH APPLIANCES, 351-3949.5-11-7 MG MIDGET 1971, burnt orange, UNDERWRITERS, 393-8100 or 315 apartment. Winter term. Eden M. one class day FULL TIME instruction now 694-3935. Investors Diversified Bridge, Grand Ledge. 39,000 miles; Michelin radials, 485-4317.0-10-31 627-2191. 2-11-1 Roc. 351-0839. 2-10-31 available Miller Avaition, Services 10-1108 Irejlublication. excellent condition, $1600. Call at IT'S NOT Grrnd Ledge 1 Afrport. anuts Personal ads 351-5244. 5 11-1 Auto Service / Uncongested air atmosphere. space. Relaxing Low rates. UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITY SALES Apartnwts]]® TOO LATE!!! TWO GIRLS for Cedar Village Winter and 337-7663. 3-11-1 Spring. Call Imust be pre paid. MUSTANG II • 1974. 2-door, IF you're a better man than the job PLEASANT GROVE near Jolly. BURCHAM , 627-4337 or 627-7372. 1011-6 automatic, radial tires, tinted glass, you're now in, we'd like to talk New one and two bedroom. CEDAR VILLAGE girl needed 12,000 miles, $2800. 641-4053. Commissions. Call Appliances, carpet, |ir Kellations/' Corrections to you. WOODS $80. Immediate occupancy. Call ■ noon one class day 5-11-1 Employment fi Josephine Starkweather at 694-3935. Investors Diversified conditioning, laundry. Balcony or patio, $139-$169. See 337-2497. x-3-11-1 Ire publications. OLDS CUTLASS 1972. 2-door. PART TIME employment for Msu Services. 10-11-8 Assistant Manager. Apartment 2, Due to some recent SUBLEASE 1 bedroom, furnished, automatic, power steering, students. 12-20 hours per week. 3620 Richmond. Call 676-1270; 10-11-4 dropouts we now S140, all utilities paid 349-1486 I State News will be brakes, air and tape deck. Automobile required. 351-5800. STUDENTS- POSITIONS now after 6, Okemos. 10-11-11 Repossessed. Phone 484-5473, C-3-10-31 open. Part time. Dependable. have comfortable |onsible only for the 125.5-11-1 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Responsible. Benefits after one GIRLS WANTED. Strawberry and spacious 1 bedroom ROOMMATE NEEDED to share 2 day's incorrect TUTOR FOR Calculus. Couple year. Apply 1431 East Michigan, Fields. Low rent. 393-2610, Kalamazoo Street since 1940., furnished apartments available man apartment, very close to PINTO 1972. 2-door, automatic, ho'Jrs/week. Fee?? Mark, DOG AND SUDS. Ask for Karen after 5pm. 3-10-31 Complete auto painting and campus. 351-3367. 5-11-1 31,000 miles. Needs work. 332-6197. 3-11-4 or Cindy. 14-11-5 immediately. collision service. 4854)256. Repossessed. 4 8 4 5473, DELUXE DUPLEX. 2 bedrooms, $175 , C-10-31 DESK CLERK needed. Must have basement, garage, air, carpeted, per month EAST - 218 North Hosrner. 1 125.5-11-1 OFFICE HELP mature person transportation and be willing to 1. 10-11-11 Utilities included bedroom, $130 includes all needed to aid innkeeper's utilities. Call travel. Call 3 7 2-0567 or Equity-Vest, PONTIAC GRAND Prix SJ, 1973, secretary. Good typing skills 745 Burcham Drive 351-8150. 489-1215 between 12 - 6pm. NEW, FURNISHED apartments. One 645-7338, no fee. green with chamois top and required. Full time, Apply in 0-10-31 block from campus. Contemporary 351-3118 or 484-4014 interior, too many extras to list person HOLIDAY INN, 3121 E. call 339-2834 evenings. 7-11-6 Grand River, or call 351-1440. living at it's best. Reservations .ng TOYOTA COROLA 1971 - Body 2-11-1 BEAUTICIAN, GOOD stylist salary and commission. Closed Saturday's. Call 489-7371. being taken for January occupancy. 234 Center 487-8780.4-11-1 Street. 351-6088, PINE LAKE ONE BEDROOM furnished, Cedar Village area, Winter/Spring, deposit, $170. 337-1542, after 6 no interior excellent condition; "CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVE APARTMENTS - HASLETT ■ - 1974 VW wanted" Part • time work. For Evenings, 484-4798. 5-11-5 10 MINUTES from MSU. pm. 3-11-1 ■('beetles $5 per day • 10 engine needs work. Best offer. EAST SIDE. Near Sparrow 355-9855. 5-11-4 information, call (312) Inexpensive living in a quiet Ws > mile. Free pickup. Hospital. Upstairs. Furnished, 337-2704 or write Suite No. MODELS FOR photography. Call area. Located at 6076 Marsh ■NTABEETLE 487-2260. one bedroom. $120. 351-7497. TOYOTA CORONA 1969, 1602, 1360 N. Sandburg, between 10am and 6pm. Road just north of Lake Lansing automatic, 4 cylinder, $800. Chicago, llinois, 60610. 5-11-6 489-1215.0-10-31 0-3-1M| Road. 1 bedroom apartments NEED ONE girl winter term. with shag carpeting, disposal, Nochildren or pets. S250. Phone Phone 332-4903. 2-11-1 [CO '973, 4 wheel drive, STUDENTS FOR part time sales, NOW HIRING. East Lansing Americana Apartments. appliances, and air conditioning. 332-0111 or evenings and miles, good shape. Make with Northwestern Mutual Lifes, 332-4161. 5-10-31 $150 per month, furnished weekends at 332-3202. 10-11-5 *e at 5360 Park Law TOYOTA CORONA, 1972. Four company has expanded and Intership program. Full time available at $185. Excellent for <1. East door, standard. Must sell. Call needs 10 people for Lansing. 332-1737 employment opportunity upon students will consider nine Larry, 349-1879. 5-11-4 merchandising division. Part LOCATED AT THE graduation. Interviewing at month lease. Call Manager at CORNER OF JOLLY time work, 5-9 pm, 4 days a Placement Bureau. November 339-8192 or EAST LANSING TOYOTA CORONA Mark II. & OKEMOS RD week. No auto needed. Walking SKYLARK 1971. 5-6.6-11-5 REALTY, 332-4128. 10-11-7 429 Engine in excellent condition. 3*9 - 3196 distance from campus. Only CHESTNUT, SOUTH. Three •avertible, g00d condition, Tires like new. Snows included. 6DAY A WEEK TOWING rooms, bath, carpet, appliances. RN'S St LPN'S, 11-7:30 shift - ambitious, dependable T sell, best offer. 394-2735. $850 or best offer. 489-4203. OPEN 6 DAYS individuals need apply. Call Mr. FEMALE NEEDED, beautiful First floor. Downtown Lansing. 7 AM 9 PM BUT SUNDAY excellent benefits including 8 ■ Americana apartment. Now or $135 plus utilities. 484-7253. paid holidays, 12 sick days per Wilson, 351-4337, Thursday, winter. 351-7920. 5-10-31 10-11-11 : year, 2 weeks paid vacation, Friday 10-2 pm only. 2-10-31 ELECTRA 1969. Full TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1974. $3300. U- REPAIR AUTO Service Center $3,000 life insurance, income Call 485-3241, extension 544, offers you tools, equipment, and protection plan. Call Director of WANTED BABYSITTER; 676-2758, after 6 pm. 3-11-1 insturctions to do your auto N u rs i ng, J)9 3^680^4- 11^1 - watch 2 well behaved infants to on TWO BEDROOMS: f CROSSWORD repairs. 5311 South MSU campus in East Fee Hall. 8 TR 4A 1966. $750. Excellent Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10-8, CAKE Experienced, DECORATOR full time, part - am • 12 pm weekdays. Phone close to campus. 1.5-11-5 $180/month. PUZZLE six days. 20-11-20 353-9160 and ask for Marilyn ACROSS 28.Inborn condition, new tires, convertible. time. Apply 4500 West Saginaw, Call 487-0082. 5-11-6 Sigman. 5-11-6 1. Pirate 30. Girl's name between 7 am - 3 pm. 5-10-31 4. Henpeck 31.Journal TAKE A close look at the good 7. Stake 32. Portly discount to VOLKSWAGEN 1966 - runs good, things around your home you no SALES HELP, 11 pm - 7 am. Apply FULL OR part time car washer. 11. Onassis 33. Cephalopod indents & best offer over 482-8459. 5 11-6 $350. Call longer use. Sell them with a want ad. Dial 355-8255 today. 4500 West Saginaw, Must be 22. 5-10-31 Good driving record. Prefer 21 or older. 489-1484. 3-11-1 12. Palm leaf 36. Coves JCULTY QN 13. Portent 37. Gentle breeze l^/CARRY VW LOOKING 14. Prohibit 38. Write down 7 V1CE PARTS LUXURY CAR /COLONIAL V TOWNHOUSES VILLAGE 15. Police picture 16. Castle ditch 39. Roman bronze 42. Fuzz FOR A TOWNHOUSE 17.3 scruples 43. City on the TERDAY'S PUZZLE 2216 S. Wadsworth 19. Addressed Ouse 3. Tape % 5937 Haverhill Near-SW of Holmes \ TOWNHOUSE? Near-Miller 20. Peered 44. Bother 4 Wanderer & Pleasant 22. Spanish gold 45. Vaulted alcove & 5. Styptic V Grove f Logan 23. Small animal 46. High hill 6 Choke P AUTO PARTS 24. Thrive 47. Shout ™ r- 3 r- 6 ' T~ 9 7. Ostentatious- J E Kalamazoo at Cedar COOPERATIVE TOW " 1 12 1 13 ■T'90" complete repair ~Tn 6pair & Parts for most EVERY TASTE <4 /{' 15 1 * .Am8ricsn car» For Information & Sales '7 % % %% P & paint services. en9»nes & transaxln. 20 21 % 22 I w«cker service with To cet luxury car with four-wheel power- (ALL 393-9513 2$ 24 y4 % 25> 7* 27 I""* . local areas. City a assisted disc brakes; three-liter fuel-injected eng.ne; % I*"1* to our front an all-welded one-piece body; air conditioning and PM ONI INC. 26 Si 29 % 32 3° VebuV and sell VW'i CORONADO 1-2-3 & 4 Betjrooms * Low % Va % 33 34 35 % it Volvo]64.^ Monthly Rates HIGHLANDS room. Ours. And see our % %% Complete Maintenance d GARDENS COOPERATIVE 37 39 HO Mi 3056 N. Waverly Rd Good Tax Deduction Children & Pets Welcome 6294 Haag Rd 1 i% Near-Grand River 42 43 44 & Waverly Community Building- 6135 MON. W.SAGINAW Ph. 371-5600 A THURS. 'TIL 9t SAT 'TIL 3 Recreational Facilities Near Transportation 45 $ 46 H7 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, October 3! , Fur SHe Houses m c "■is,s ; ** V Far Sale )$j ' Nr S* ]|^] For Silt MASON HILLS Apartments. All OKEMOS 3 bedroom ranch. 2 car EAST 201 South NEW SHOP OPENINGI Open 10 JENCO VIBRAPHONE. Call Lee 400 RALEIGH QUALITY bicycles Magnolia, new One and two bedroom spacious apartments from $139. garage, after 5 pm. 5-11-6 basement. 482-2055 carpeted. 3 bedrooms, $180, am - Glass, 6 pm, closed Mondays china, between 487 0082. 6 pm and 7 pm only. 3-11-1 - 10, 6, 3 speeds. Special prices Limited time. Call nowl T05;1AXE;i<«.* 351-0997 after 5. 5-11-1 primitives, etc Includes carpeting, drapes, 4245 Okemos Road, in the 484-0362. GENES BICYCLE Hotpoint appliances, air, walk-in lumber yard by the Railroad SKIS 205 cm Hart Competition. TEXAS INSTURMENTS SR20 SHOP, 702 West Barnes Avenue. closets. Located at 495 North crossing. 349-4648. 5-11-1 Soloman 505 bindings. Used one CAIculator, $100. Call 355-3707 MM Un,que o„„ O'ft*. J? ; Okemos Road, Mason. 10 2-11-1 season, $125. Negotiable. after 6 p.m. 3-11-1 Minutes from MSU. Furnished COUNTRY SETTING, Okemos STEREO COMPLETE, AM/FM, 394-0050. 487 8748. 5-10-31 SANSUI 3300 STEREO receiver. _ reasonable 832-0046 Model open Monday-Friday, STUDENT RENTAL, 7,800 feet house. Own room, fireplace. turntable, 8 track tape player TWO CORNETS. Holton. Excellent DRUMS 12-6 pm. Saturdays, 11-4 pm. from campus. Seven room home, Dogs. $75. 349-1778. 5-11-4 component with 2 speakers condition. $95 each. Phone Sansui QS500 Quad rear amp, Rabco ST4 turntable, Rectlinear Good 5 (1,um w *3 brand Cash for condition' u East Lansing Realty and new carpet and paint. $80. Tape and albums, large Helen Sheehan, 355-9611. III speakers, Sony TC366 reel 655-3781. 5 111 Development Company. Four students, $250. Call today Room >! selection of speakers. Maranu STAMPS & COINS 3-11-1 to reel tape deck. Car. 8 track 676-4874 or 332-4128. Other times call 676-4291. 10-11-1 till 7 pm. REALTY COMPANY Realtor, BUTTERFIELD FURNISHED ROOMS. Kitchen Pioneer, Kenwood and Sony stereo amplifiers. Canon FTb, Buy Sell - Trade full line of supplies FENDER TELECASTER guitar. and albums, cassette TV's, systems, tapes, typewriters, URBAN ave a LEAGuVSj rummage Bi, - 484-7403. 1-10-31 Mamiya - Sekor, Petri-2 lens and $180 with hardshell case cameras. WE MAKE TRADES! October 31 MID MICHIGAN STAMP 8t COIN TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile privileges. Parking. Walking case. Movie cameras and more. • 627 2294 after 4. 2-10-31 Much more 2. at the Saturday distance to MSU. EQUITY 1880 HASLETT Rd 332-4300 quality stereo Leion Bui homes. $25 $35/week. 10 EAST SIDE Lansing house for rent, Manual and electric typewriters West St^ - equipment. Wl LCOX Mam minutes to campus. Quiet and suitable for 2 or 3 students. Call VEST, 351-8150. 5-10-31 Cassette recorders and pocket PIONEER QX 4000 4 channel SECONDHAND STORE, (509 APPLES, CIDER, PUMPKINSI peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or 4-9 pm. 882-2316. 1st and last; calculators. Leather coats, receiver. 2 Utah 12" 3-way East Michigan, Lansing,) BLOSSOM ORCHARDS. 7 mile* 484-5315.0-10-31 month rent and damage deposit LARGE, CLEAN quiet. Double furniture, small appliances. 10 - speakers. Yamaha turntable. 485-4391. C-6-10-31 south of Mason on Hull Road. required. 0-1-10-31 room for male. Very close to speed bikes, fishing rods, ice Hours 351-4026, Bob. 5-11-5 Call 9-6, closed Mondays. EAST LANSING, unfurnished. 2 bedroom, $190 plus ONE PERSON needed to occupy campus. Light 337-2655. 5-11-4 cooking. skates and car tape decks. Fender Stratocaster, Telocaster 1 589 8251 0-10-31 35mm MAMIYA-SEKOR 1000 FALL and quad *£* two bedroom townhouse. Must and Precision. Gibson, Firebird ELECTRONICS, Hj electricity, call 351-5599 after 5. be female. 393-9236 after 5:30. OWN ROOM. 3 bedroom furnished Flood spot light. Sunn. Marshal. SEWING MACHINE clearance salfl DTL automatic camera, with 55 and 200mm telephoto lens. FESTIVAL SALE 487-3558 house. $61 / month. Parking. Brand new portables $49.95. $5 5-11-6 West and Fender amplifiers New $250. See at Cedar Greens 484-9601 3-11-1 Killer Miller sound gear. Many per month. Large selection of November 1st 2nd IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. 1 Apartments, 'No., C-4 (just west YAMAHA reconditioned used machines. 250 bedroom furnished, close to more fine axes. Saxophones, of Brody) after 4 p.m. 5-11-5 months old. OWN ROOM, with house privileges. $1375 ONE WOMAN to sublease own Singers, Whites, Necchis, New 351-7655. 3-10-31 coronets, violins and cello. Come $900. 393 7544 5. campus. Parking. $60. Woodland setting. in house, winter term. homes and many others. $19.95 -SAVE ON- room on down andvbrowse DICKER DEER RIFLE 30-30 Win. Bolt 882 4818. 5-10-31 to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS 2 BEDROOM duplex, Jolly-Logan $8 2 /m onth, 436 M.A.C. AND DEAL SECONDHAND action, Weaver scope, custom 25 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, men's flannel shirts, thermo MAJOR BRANDS 332-2641.5-11-4 of area, full basement, yard, STORE, 1701 South Cedar stock, $75. 332-6896. 2-11-1 equipment, 20%-50% THREE BEDROOMS in spacious 1115 North Washington. underwear, men's work « carpeted, $180/month plus 487-3886. Monday and Friday house, $50. Call 351-5184 or OWN ROOM. Furnished three 489-6448. C-3-10-31 why pay retail' Send utilities. Security deposit til 9 pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, SMITH - CORONA electric boots, men's denim price! Rocky 485-5354. 3-11-1 bedroom house. Lansing, close Thursday and Saturday 9-6. Mount*, required. 372-8073. After 6, to MSU. LCC. $67/month. plus FLUTE GEMEINHARDT, Solid portable. Like new, $89.50. Call dungarees Brokers, 1245 Hu 669-3090.10-11-11 Bank Americard and Master Robert, 353-6797 or 351-1387. silver, open hole. Low B, Neil. Denver, 80218.10-11-5 utilities. Bob, 353-7230, NEAR LCC - students, 5 bedrooms, Charge. C4-10-31 Nights. 3-11-4 487-9328. 5-11-4 339-8536. 5-11-5 MORE SAVINGS! NEW! LAKE LANSING. Luxurious quiet furnished, reasonable, 351-4140 , r 3 way stereo " living on the lake. One bedroom or 655-2603. k-4-10-31 THERE'S A roomer in town KNEISSL RED Stars skis, 195 cm GIBSON ES330 guitar for $225 Drive on over and see $152.95 pair cj,; apartment, unfurnished. Watch 10% DISCOUNT plus Tyrolia bindings, $60. Call negotiable. Please call Jim, $22.50. 4824156 4-ia; the sailboats from your window looking for your rental. 351-2729.5-10-6 $165 Advertise vacancies with Want 351-1893, between 9-11 pm. per month. 339-2075. CARPETED BEDROOM, living to all MSU Ads. Dial 355-8255. 2-10-31 Animals \ room combination in friendly house with kitchen privileges. 2 students GUITAR - 12 string Gibson, 1 year, BARRETT'S OWN ROOM in home. ELECTROLUX DELUXE sweeper case, good condition, $275, 111 W. GRAND RIVER YELLOW SHARE 2 - i blocks from campus. $62.50/month, on purchases of $2 with 372-2676. 5-11-6 WILLIAMSTON LABRADOR,/ plus deposit. attachments and flooi weeks old. campus. Parking, furnished. Immediately. 351-8117. 5-11-6 or more, yogurts PHONE 655-1766 355-9927.3.' 485-1002,8-6 pm 3-10-31 Bob, 349-0727 days or come to and breads excluded polisher, Cost $150. Sell for 12 minutes East of MSU . BOGEN 100 WATT P.A. amplifier. 4888 Montrose, Okemos. 4-11-1 $20. 393-1510. C-2-10-31 On Grand River HORSE Used only four months, plus Master Chjrge and Bank BOARDING, ynd TWO FEMALES needed. Close to DUPLEX - 4203 Gull Road, 15 barn. Near Rose Uki Shure four mike mixer. $150, Americard accepted campus. Immediate occupancy minutes from campus. Three 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX, close to RANDALL HEALTH FOOD USED HEAD skiis, 210 cm. Look both. Call 351-4200 between 8 monthly. 641-6976.3-11 $70. 351-9279. 3-10-31 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, campus, $240/month plus Nevada bindings. Henke boots, EVERYTHING IN rock band am and 5 pm. 3-114 dishwasher, air conditioning, utilities, 351-1704. 4-11-1 Brookfield Plaza size 13. 882-7655. 5-11-5 equipment! Gibson guitars, WEST HIGHLAND NEED ROOMATE, fantastic deal in garage. $250 plus utilities and 1381 E. Grand River AIMS amplifiers, Shure SLICKER LADY'S Saftey Shaver wonderful new furnished 3 deposit. IV4-6560 or 487-6283. MSU WEST, clean, parking, linens, 332 6892 WEST FOLDED horn, 15" S.R.O. $1.09. Regularly $1.49. - microphones and much more. 663P8762 5-1 iT^ " bedroom house. Own room, 3 nice environment, telephone, speaker cabinets - cheap. Cheap! 353-1857. 3-11-1 GULLIVER STATE DRUG. blocks from campus in East 351-3212 after 6. 5-11-6 484 7161, anytime. 3-11-1 ONE MAN for three man on west HOLMES ROAD Second Hand 1105 East Grand River. MARANTZ 1060 integrated amp Mobile Homes a Lansing. $85/month. Call 332-5171. 0-1-10-31 side. Large own bedroom. $70 4th GIRL NEEDED for house. $70 Store, 2323 West Holmes Ro8d. MUST SELL - new contemporary Perfect condition. 60 watts 351-1852, between 8-11 am and month. 627-2294. 2-10-31 monthly. Own r< 882-3022. 30-12-3 sofa hide - a • bed. $300 or best $175. 363-2057. 3-11-1 ROLLOHOME 6-9 pm. 4-11-1 12*60, 2-11-1 offe'r. Days, 353-3947. Evenings, TONIGHT IS the Halloween 1973 OLDSMOBILE. AM/FM 355-0763.3-11-1 $68/MONTH, 2 men needed NEED 2 girls to sublease winter HART KNIGHT Skis. Intermediate Special Sale. See ad in this paper stereo 8 track component. Make immediately, Campus Hill apartments, George, 349-2457 term, big house, 2 blocks from For Sale ^ 180cm. Used 3 times. 694-3223 COUCH, end tables, entertainment for details, MARSHALL MUSIC, an offer. Call after 5 p.m. campus. Call 332-1676. 5-11-1 or 699-3411, office. 3-10-31 tables and more. 393-8397, after 245 Ann Street. C-1-10-31 484-5082. 3-11-1 5-11-4 GRAYW00D VER 6pm.4-11-1 Semi-furnished, w OKEMOS - TACOMA Boulevard. RAILROAD TIES. $5.50 - $7.00. Healthways tank, both with KASTLE CPM TI'S 200 cm, Look MOVING SALE - TV's, bicycles, balance. 489^718.311-4 EAST LANSING, Luxury one Like new, pick your own, call Tri-level house with option to Nevada Grand Prix bindings. FOUR RECTILINEAR III bedroom. Unfurnished. No pets. boot and pack with single and furniture, terrariums, lots more. buy. Three bedroom. Living, speakers. One United audio duo PETERSON WOOD CHIPS, Negotiable lease. $200 includes double hose regulator. Single Tyrolia anti- friction. $100 - November 2, 3. 10-7, 806 W 882-2555. BUY SOMETHING with family room. Built in kitchen. 1219 turntable base and dust Delivery Extra. heat. 129 Highland. 332-0976. stage. $250 or best. 332-5555, Negotiable. Jeff, 353-1546. Hillsdale, Lansing. 3-11-1 4-10-31 10x60 Huron. t 1!4 bath. Large fenced lot. $375 cover. One 2440 Marantz 4 15-11-6 Chuck. 2-10-31 C-3-11-1 furnished. Large ler per month. Available now '■ channel adapter amplifier. Call garden, shed. Behind 1959 GIBSON LesPaul. Gibson "BITER" DBX 117, 119, 152, 349-4420. 5-11-4 349-4977, after 4. 5-10-31 SKIS FISCHER Alu 185 cm. OPEN 9-5:30 daily. Closed stereo and L6 guitars, Fender Micro acoustics* QDC 1 E'S, $3,100. 787-6277 5115 731 BURCHAM, Three man, Marker Rotomat Bindings. Saturday. OPTICAL and Gibson base guitars. Much OHMF'S EPI 400's Tanburg completely furnished, 10 Miles south. Country home, Sharpened hot waxed. $75, DISCOUNT, 2615 East BIKE. MEN'S Schwinn, 24", more of everything musical. 3300X, Advent 201, Dual, in TRAVELO, 8x35 Fun close/campus. $76.67 each. 3 bedroom, fireplace. 2 acres. 351-7212. 5-11-4 $200/month. 351-7497. 0-10-31 Negotiable. Vicki, 355-7270. Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. 5-speed. Like new. ('hone WILCOX SECONDHAND stock for immediate delivery at carpeted. Close to MSU. Per] 4-10-31 482-5143.5-11-4 STORE, 485-4391. C-6-10-31 TECH HI-FI, 337-9710. 7-11-4 couple. $1100. 337-9209 THE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE Business Service Directory *Save Time * Save Money Dependable Firms and Individuals Ready and Eager to serve you Jlrts 6 Crafts Barter Shop Tor Sale Engraving Optometrists Travel Typing Service LANSING KNIT SHOP ) TROPHIES Over 10,000 Toys CO-OPTICAL Domestic and Imported Yarns To Choose From! TYPING UNION SERVICES *Bernat Yarns PLAQUES ~r" 'Free Knitting BUILDING (East Lansing's Only AIR-STEAMSHIP-Rail Papers These Instructions For all Occasions Cooperative Optical) Tours • Cruises Dissertation! * *. Large Selection - *Specialists in BARBER * Reasonable Prices Dr. R. C. Minor. Optometrist Hotel Reservations . CfTj Ru8s an p Usually 1 Day Service Stuffed • EYES EXAMINED in my home. *Needlepoint Supplies SHOP COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE *Crewel A Sticherv IHGRAVING AnimalsOur Specialty • GLASSES 130 W. Grand River Electric Type Elil Toy Village 332-1939 8 - 5:30 Mon. - Fri. Downtown Free Parking 3105 W.Saginaw • CONTACT LENS East Lansing *411 Reasonable Rates 1 By Appt. or Walk in IV 4-2322 3028 Vine Serving Over 60 Years IV7 0851 351-6010 Pick Up and Delia across From Frandor Shopping 355 3359 - PARKER JEWELRY "The Big White House CALL 6551611 111 South Washington On The Hill" or 655-1542 THE Car Wash For Sale TINY TOLE HOUSE DR. D.M.DEAN CAMPUS GAS 'N' WASH ur-'Vs-Pv If r r Now Hear This Prom The Top *?- Hin9® At The Store With OPTOMETRIST We 248 W. Grand River Ave. East "A Clean Car Rides Lansing, Mich. Better" IMPORTED Pipes The Red Door! VISION CARE CONTACT LENS WttLd *Cigars SERVICES *Cigarettes ABOUT THE 735 Princeton Ave. 337-9331 *Tobaccos Block One M.A.C. YELLOW PACE 210 Abbott Rd. 332 J563 Cod/UWM. 485-3677 332 4269 355-8255 Bridal Registry Promotion Mb Repair ipbll.f) si Hotkey Equipment Service Jacobson's BUG'S Counseling Horstmver's Hockey Equipment THE ART WORKSHOP BRIDAL REGISTRY LOWER LEVEL AUTO PARTS, * mm Cartooning Let the Sugar House * Vitit our complete for the home- shops IIRIDE Audio-Visual Aides . INC. Bee Supplies Raw Honey ' Brochures - Pamphlets • IW and take advantage of our Bridal Registry know CENItK Maple Synip BRETT'S PRINTING what you h0 * Charts and Graphs SERVICE LATEMOOEL • ABORTION 2435 SOUTH RUNDLE FINE JEWELRY to offer MOTORS AND * CONTRACEPTION Come to 5236 Curtice Rd, Mason, Thesis drawings 489-2687 STREET FLOOR * COUNSELING Michigan One mile < Precious Stones PARTS A SPECIALITY * ~ •Traditional and Customized STERILIZATION "umbia on .C * 694-2154 Services CURTICE 1421 W. Saginaw, Graphics invitations. Beautifully Set and Lansing •One day service available. Halfway between Holt l> GYN Clinic ■1. Monday - Saturday 1 Band! for Bride A Groom Mason on M. Cedar call et2-;oii. 4*9-4297 Call 349 3417 Speakers Available 1226 E. Michigan Ave. Jewelry Bridal Slaps r Shop Lansing 485-3271 HAVE Laundry (Hnrnn stereo ■» t Repair THE COMPLETE THE BARBERS WEDDING SERVICE PROBLEM PREGNANCY SOMITHIHC WASHDAY JEWELRY: Orange Blossom Jacobson's advertise Unisex 372-1560 24 Hours SAVINGS Gold Fashion in the Hairstyling FOR SALE? Art Carved an outstanding wedding TWO CONVENIENT MARITAL PROBLEMS? 25* Per Load GIFTS selection of column NEED TO TALK? THE YELLOW Custom Picture Flaming LOCATIONS gowns Marge iti*1 Meridian Mall: CATHOLIC PACE WILL SELL WENDROWS PROFESSIONAL AUDIO traditional and REPAIR 349 - 2760 SOCIAL H FOR YOU!!! ECONOWASH » Three full • time professionally JfWHUt art ' avante garde trained technicians Lansing: • 482 2420 SERVICES CALL 355-8255 Special Texas ' Complete Test facilities 3 - month warranty on all work Bridal Salon 337-1314 113 'Can Help' Washer 50c ' Loaner amplifiers available 319 E. Grand River Ave. Second Level Washington open 24 Hrs. a day East Lansing, Michigan 555 E.GRAND RIVER (in Kositchek's) :all 372-4020 3006 Vine St. 7am to Upm. 1 tXk w. of Sears THE STATE NEWS YELLOW PA6E Convenient CLIP 'N' SAVE Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 31, 1974 ]5 intones <*• EDITING - Dissertation!, PROOFREADING thews, rtsaarch projects, manuscripts. Anne Cauley, 337-1591. 5-11-1 Guinness Records marks 21 st edition Rpi!f.ND?N Records, heading ng nails - Murari Mohan Aditya, 31, of to reach more county Judith Bell, a health methyst stone. Initials OMJ. TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, Benjamin Spock's "Baby and Child Care" as A major decline in the residents. Calcutta, India, boasts fingernails on his left department spokesman, noted between Hillcrest - oiled, and adjusted. Portables s "" " time t0P • number of children being selling copyright hand with"an aggregate It offers a wide range of the public's relaxed attitude ,reen. Reward. 351-7847. $7.50, manuals, $10, electric book. Spocks total sales were said to be length of 55". inches. immunized against disease has Dog trek - Whisky, an 8 year old fox immunization and health toward having children $12.50. One day service, free 23,916,000 since 1946, - - aroused the attention of state terrier lost by truck driver Geoff Nancock services, most provided to the immunized. pick up and delivery. 25 years GOLD wire rim glasses, experience. 393-9774. 9-10-31 "™e. year, the™°'du wil1 ^ wait until next south of Darwin, arrived back home at Manbray public health officials. public at no "charge. 'A lot of people think that McWhirter brothers say. The decline m the past The since they've lived through the ,ted lenses, blue case. October The Creek Station north of Adelaide last June after department gives new edition is expected to sell close to a decade has been attributed to a immunizations for Room 100 Vet Clinic. covering 1,800 miles across central Australia. diptheria, measles, their child can, too," DISSERTATIONS million copies over the next 12 months. The general lack of commitment by ii-6462 3-11-1 GRAP HICS-maps, graphs, Eating out - Fred E. Magel, a restaurant the public to get children tetanus, polio, measles and she said. "But measles can charts. Professionally produced. rubella, and offers tests for cause a lot of serious side immunized. SILVER and turquoise Reasonable 10-11-4 rates. 337-1239. ! It's what's happening Since the drive for tuberculosis, sickle cell anemia effects which immunizations and abnormal blood pressure. could prevent." Bracelet Much sentimental immunization in the '50s and ie Reward. 332-2138. 3-11-1 The county immunization early '60s subsided, the (j\D AIRE rimmed glasses in Instructions |[p*j Announcements for Happening must be received in the It's What's The Madrigals of the Society for Creative Anachronism will meet at Sunday morning breakfast for college students, 8.30 a.m. at 1118 number of children vaccinated against polio has dropped by Use moderation clinic is staffed by clinical and public health nurses who |d case in Berkey Monday. State News office, 341 Student 2 p.m. Sunday in the Music vaccinate both children and SPEECH LESSONS. P7904I evenings. C-2-10-31 trained at Instructor Swiss conservatory. Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two class days before publication. Building lobby. hU", jr* ? r znL- this November, adults. Drammatic speech, poetry No announcemnts will be accepted Education (UMHE). Discuss faith rUbllC Health Dept. statistics Besides immunization SMALL green 3 ring MSU 4 The Renaissance dance class of and doubt, alienation and show. T: by phone. Sixty per cent of services, the department also lotebook. perately. Call Kris, Needs notes 353-2371. reading, self-expression therapy. Call 355-7976. x-3-11-1 State the Society for Creative Anachronism will meet from 7:30 more Michigan children aged four and younger liquor unit asks operates venereal disease, Rep. Earl Nelson will be to 11 tonight in 106 Holden Hall. have been prenatal and dental clinics. lecturing o UPI — The Michigan Liquor AQUA LUNG the Hun Experimental worship at s p.m. immunized against measles. Information on the clinics SCUBA CLASS Sunday. 1118 S. Harrison Road, In light of this trend, Control Commission, which* and hours is available at the T: HELP! 5 month old mixed Urbanization diss (Urban Jewish grad students get together Now forming. Seaway Aqua Lung distributes &11 liquor in the rry. Shepard colored. Beagle Center. 3024 East Michigan, Development 200) from 12:4S to 2:30 p.m. today in McDonel Hall at 6 p.m. Sunday at the Shalom SKt&rSJfSTiS "OctotahB. state, has designated November health department office. Raped Brown collar. Stadium Lansing. 332-0841. Tuesday kiva. Anyone interested is welcome Center (above Campus Bookstore). Free deli. new people, develop spiritual observing October "Know Your Limits" Saturday afternoon. - and urged to attend. There will be a i caring community. Immunization Action Month, as >642 or 351-7813. 3-10-31 Saturday, 10-7. Friday til 9 5-11-4 question and answer period At Hillel this weekend: Shabbat with campaigns aimed at month. Michigan provides following the lecture. overcoming this potentially The commission adopted a begins at 6 p.m. with Conservative KEYS, navy Princess ' prayers and dinner. Orthodox dangerous problem. resolution saying November driver license tests ier case. Cedar Street. Call Typg Service g The astronomy physics minyan 10 a.m. Saturday. Deli at 6 Skiers! Moosujki's Ski Swap will The Ingham County Health should be a time "to encourage 132-0243 before 10 pm. colloquium presents Thomas Jones p.m. Sunday will be informal. All be held from 1 to 8 p.m. Nov. 12, the healthful living habit of from UC San Diego speaking on Dept. operates an in many (-3-10-31 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. "Variable - Radio are welcome. • 13 and 14 in 238 Men's IM Get your equipment in shape now, Bldg. immunization clinic Monday moderation in eating and languages Sources in Dissertations (pica elite). FAYANN 489-0358. C-10-31 Galaxies and Quasars" at 4:10 Cleveland Amory speaking at more info at 240 Men s IM Bldg. through Thursday in its offices drinking." today in 120 Physics - Astronomy U-M Union, Ann Arbor, noon to 1 in the Ingham Medical Center, "The program is founded on (UPI) — Michigan motorists Bldg. p.m. today, also at Henry Ford 403 the take their driver EXPERIENCED. TYPING, term The 9th Annual Spartan Open W. Greenlaw Ave., concept that every can now College, Dearborn, 8 to 10 p.m. individual should know his or license tests in any one of a papers, theses, etc. Rapid, All MSU students are welcome to Topic: "Mankind - Our incredible Karate Tournament will be held Linsing. The department Gilchrist Hall's Sunday in the F > intramural recently expanded clinic hours her own personal limits and dozen languages, including accurate service. 394-2512. open trick or war on wildlife." treating from 7:30 to 10 tonight. Building Sports Ai Eliminations practice moderation in the use Arabic and Serbo - Croatian, c-4-10-31 at 11 a.m., finals at 6 p.m. See the Camp weekend for Jewish best black belt fighters in the or consumption of beverage Secretary of State Richard H. college students in Michigan will alcohol," commission Austin said Wednesday. IF YOU'RE one of the best, tell the Wanted take place Nov. 8 to 10 at Camp Midwest. Personal / public about your business with an ad on the service or COUPONS AND general admission Rodeo Club i girls Nixon better Chairman Stanley G. Thayer said. The "Know Your Limits" "All secretary of state driver license offices will be able to A lesson in complexion Yellow Page each Thursday, Call practice from 6 give the written driver license Michelle, 355-8255. tickets to MSU/OSU game, Are you gay? Are you tired of test in virtually any language fail 4844519 East Michigan 669-5848. 5-11-5 Judging Pavilion (continued from page 1) program is sponsored by the faking it? Come out to Gay P5-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE Liberation meetings at 8:30 p.m. Michigan Licensed Beverage represented by any identifiable JUDITH CARMAN: Experienced were no plans for him to visit Assn. in cooperation with the J COSMETIC STUDIO. dissertation DESPERATELY NEEDED, upper every Wednesday in 33 Union. Nixon. foreign language group who typist. Papers, lives in the state," Austin class coupons for Ohio State state Office of Substance theses, dissertations, general. Tired of Hundreds of persons have your closet? Gay Abuse Services. said. 393-4672.20-11-18 game. Call Darlene. 355-8573. Liberation offers gay counseling Rights party, 8SS Grove St. mailed, telephoned or wired JMEN INTERESTED in 3-11-1 l»*ii "'•Services 1kini 11o"5 p.rft. MortUay"* get - well messages to Nixon, a (•dicine: call r send Rebecca name and IRENE papers, ORR - Theses, term general typing. Formerly WANT TO buy 2 tickets, to Elton through Services Bldg. Friday in 304 Student Dean Robert Williams Harvard Law School will address from hospital spokesman said. The 61 - year - old former MERIDIAN FOUR 1<§H ber to Box 137, John concert in Detroit, the MSU Pre - Law Assn. at 7:30 with Ann Brown. 482-7487. ) of Human Medicine. November 13,14,15. 337-9075. Amateur Radio Club W8SH will tonight at 115 Eppley Center. All president was experiencing C 10-31 1.110-31 5-11-5 hold its regular weekly meeting at 8 interested persons are invited, restlessness and receiving BAMBI MEETS GODZILLA tonight in 337 Engineering Bldg. especially minority groups. medication for pain and, - second lot second the funniest short net mide' LOVING HOMES are not hard to « occasional nausea. He also was THANK YOU. MASK MAN find! Advertise "PETS FOR Vietnam and Vietnam Is Personal SALE" with Want Ads and see! veterans of era taking nourishment and -» lennr Bruce routine in minuted cartoon Michigan will rally at 1 p.m. Saturday at Beaumont Tower. antibiotics intravenously. JTHE PUMPKINS' KING OF not carved If you are a veteran who qualifies for the Vietnam bonus Proposal B, Attention: residents of Married Ziegler said Nixon was can't find Melbourne PURPLE V|CKI NEEDED: 5 COUPONS or regular - Fast, accurate, receiving blood transfusions S-Hurry. 1-10-31 come and show your support. Housing vote for 21 representatives inexpensive typing. Very near tickets for MSU/OSU game. to Married Students Union. Polling Wednesday morning. campus. 337-7260. C-10-31 353-7566. 6-11-6 ■GRATULATIONS D.G.'s. Christian Science Organization - Lungren said Nixon received HEARTS south campus will meet at 6:30 three *om 4 to 33 sisters in less than TYPING TERM pints of blood to - papers, theses. TICKETS FOR Ohio/State game. 2 tonight in 331 Case Hall. All are Te year. You counteract shock and internal girls are doing Experienced. Electric, pica type. or 4. welcome. Desperately, 1 723-4465 right. Welcome back! Phone 394-2512. C-10-31 bleeding, and "several more Owosso, evenings. 3-11-4 The MSU Simulations Society Candidates" will be tile subject this units are being held in reserve will hold its weekly meeting from I week of Woman's Voice on for him." TYPING, EXPERIENCED, fast 1-2 MSU OHIO STATE coupons. to 6 Sunday in the Union |BER WKAR-AM (830). Woman's Voice - p.m. Nixon continued under the MAY the Gibbon of and reasonable. 371-4635. Jr/Sr. preferred. 351-2169. Mural Room. All interested board is broadcast at 4:30 p.m. »s brighten up your day. C-3-10-31 every care of specially trained Steve. 2-11-1 gamers are welcome. Plans for Sunday. Tune in! COMPLETE THESES Service multiplayer games will be made. Nominations are being intensive care nurses, said "A MASTERPIECE! TZ" - WANTED: AN Hp-35 Calculator. Lungren, adding: "All Thanks for what Discount Printing. IBM Typing The of for the Distinguished Contact Paul after 5 pm. Aardvarks will hold its fourth emergency resuscitation NOTHING SHORT OF A MASTERPIECE! 1 done for Student and binding of dissertations and Award of Awara 01 the College 01 inc college of Ans ana 9 . / fcrsonnel Graduate Students at 355-5320. 2-11-1 annual Halloween Barefoot Three - Letters. Students, faculty and equipment for any contingency STUNNING! SLEEPER HIT OF THE YEAR! publications. Across from Mile Run at 5:30 p.m. today on alumni may make nominations, are at his bedside." IT HAS TEN TIMES THE ENERGY OF |S.U. 1963-74! 1-10-31 campus corner M.A.C. and MSU FAN, needs tickets for Ohio south campus. Nominees must be members of the He said Nixon's heart MOST CONTEMPORARY FILMS! Grand River. Below Jones ■. TO the bestest in the whole State game. Will pay reasonable ««« Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - Halloween carnation sale in the —Rex Reed. N Y. Daiiv News T°'ld. Thanks for being price. Call collect, area code being monitored continuously. you. Friday. Call COPYGRAPH 1-419-385-4641. 10-11-8 Horticulture Building and om WMU. 1-10-31 International Center today from 9 A tube was being used to TtDKOTCMfFF v SERVICES, 337-1666. C-10-31 t*t. to 5 favori' THE APPftCMTtCCSMIP OF p.m our prevent sv ?lling of Nixon's LIVE MODfLS for ie art classes, fhost ieal Estate « ANN BROWN offset typing and multilith printing. Complete service hours flexible, rate $2.50 per or goblin a treat. abdomen because Nixon could not move his bowels as a side - DUDDY KRAVITZ hour. Reply LCC, 507 South Consider renewing your mind at for dissertations, theses, ■M0S BY owner. 3 bedroom Grand, Lansing. 3-10-31 10:15 a.m. Friday in 33 Union with effect from the bleeding, a • manuscripts, general typing. Education undergrads (and dual the American Baptist Student Inch, Over 1 acre land, 2 car 25 years experience. enrollees): petitions are available in hospital spokesman said. Foundation. 134 Erickson Hall for the J'age, and full basement. College Anticoagulation therapy — m privacy. Assume 7% Lots of 349-0860. C-10-31 j QaT POOl The Women's Center is now of Education representative on the University International Projects clot fighting drugs that made - Nixon prone to the bleeding B°"9age interest. 482-2055 TYPING TERM Papers and theses. located in the UN Lounge of the Union. The new mailing address is Committee. ttr5pm. 5-11-6 Experienced, fast service. IBM which sent him into shock - electric. Call 349-1904. 18-10-31 Share Driving [<«. p.o. Box 110, East Lansing, Mich. Step into the world of castles, was discontinued. Lungren said VACANCY? Your Don't Delay! Enroll now in the it will not be begun again gets to FROM MSU to U of M. Leaving 7 swords and knights! Attend the people with THESES, RESUMES, typing and MSU Tennis Club's Fast 'n' Easy "until we feel safe that Wan< Ads. Call am. Returning 5 pm. 337-2591 meeting of the Society for Creative printing. Reasonable prices. Speed Reading Program. Classes I 8255 "OW to place your ad. evenings. 3-11-4 begin at 6:30 p.m. and last until Anachronism at 8:30 p.m. Saturday bleeding from surgery is not a COMMERCIAL PRINTING, in the Union Tower Room. danger." 8:30 Tuesday in 38 Union. For 351-4116. C-10-31 ]g more information contact the MSU | Riding Tennis Club in 231 Men's IM Bldg. UTAH package - $299, Transportation |£] FROM MICHIGAN Avenue or it 7:30 HALLOWEEN SALE NEED ride to Grand River pistmas and spring. Call your DESPERATE - to Collingwood Jr' L,ans,n9 Ski Center - Harrison or surrounding area this Avenue. Leaving 7:45 am, Hike some of the 25 miles of Irioo™ ■5,Q°K).0-4-10 BY HARRINGTON. 31 weekend. Call 351-1122, Pam. 3-11-1 ask for returning 5 pm. 332-2734 after 5 pm. 3-11-1 foot trails at Ludington State Park, hotdog roast in the evening. We will leave at 8:30 a.m. Saturday from ON NOW! corner of Ottawa and Pine streets in Lansing. For more information How to form your oivn car pool contact Andra Scott. Sponsored by American Youth Hostels. For example, let Tech Hifi As a 9 Million women were burned as Treat you to $162 off this system public service at no charge, the State News will provide a free classified witches during the Middle Ages. In Yertisement for those people who would like to set up or join a car pool. their memory, Lansing Area Lesbians sponsors a Lesbian "Witches Dance" at 9 p.m. or Riding? . Saturday. For more information call the former Women's Center between 5 and 9 p.m. Lansing Area Lesbians will hold a "Pumpkin Carving" in preparation for our Witches Dance at 8 tonight at 547V4 E. Grand River Ave. s will not accept responsibility for arrangements or conduct of Lesbians welcome - bring knives The m,ormation requested below must be supplied in order for ad to appear. Any woman Interested in creating, producing or F"(l Name . contributing to Woman's Voice, a weekly radio show sponsored by Address the Women's Media Collective, [tech hifi) should attend our meeting at 9:30 City every Monday morning in the _ Women's Center in the UN Lounge In the basement of the Union. This coupon VanQuality ■Quality Components at the Right PrKta^ V'Cfis may be brought in or mailed to: Car Pool Classifieds, 347 Student Jewish Women's Rap Group on Bui|ding. -No phone call,Ii accepted. Feminist Alternatives - 7:30 p.m. NO CHARGE Thursdays at Shalom Center (above 619 E.GRAND RIVER 337-9710 Campus Bookstore, across from J Berkey Hall). Thursday, October 3|)rl MARSHALLS EAST LANSING SPECIAL SALE HOURS STORE ONLY 7:00 to ?? We've Brewed We don't have a habit of making outrageous claims on 5.98 list 3.96 Some Great equipment we sell and we don't think this is one either: The system below will give you sound quality unbeatable for less than 6.98 list 4.98 $150 more than the system price. We'll gladly prove it to you. 9.98 list 6.98 Sherwood's S7200 receiver has been top rated for good reason. It is rated very conservatively at 32 watts continuous power per Special selection of stock LPs 99* channel into 8 ohms from 20 - 20,000 Hz (Two test reports proved it much better) IHF FM sensitivity is 1.8 uV, selectivity SORRY NO CHARGE CARDS 60dB and distortion below 0.25%. EPI has really outdone themselves with the model 110. No one SUPEREX ST-M else builds a speaker anywhere near its price that will reproduce Woofer tweeter as wide a range of sound (from below 35 hz to above 18,000 Hz), stereophones with as high a degree of accuracy and as wide dispersion - No one! with tone control. Reg. 29.95 $23 To provide maximum record quality at an affordable price, we chose SANSUI's SR212 belt drive manual turntable with auto return. Tracks as well as and with as low rumble as turntables CRAIG 4504 costing at least forty dollars more. Complete with the new EMPIRE 2000 E/111 elliptical magnetic cartridge. Separate retail 8 digit, floating decimal price $833. four function electronic I I calculator with rechar- 1 $CQ0 ger. Originally S99.95 ONLY A FEW LEFT '29 Sherwood Eurm Sasixui. 1)00 PIONEER 0X646 SANSUIAU101 The GX • 285D from AKAI has everything DEMO four channel receiver with full Stereo integrated amplifier A great little performer GWGIECRDCNCESS going for it. GX glass and crystal ferrite heads for extended response and 100,000 hour guarantee. factory warranty Regular $499.95 >350 perfect for moderate size systems. Reg. 129.95 >99 GQfNcrcEG§^r 3 motors and full logic solenoid control for fool proof, exacting tape handling. And, built - in DOLBY ™ for ultra quiet recordings. BUY TWENTY AND SAVE AT PRECISEL / MIDNIGHT' JUDGING WILL An exceptional unit at a price so low its almost BASF HAS ANNOUNCED HIGHER PRICES ON THE SKLH CASSETTES (THE U.S. GOVT. CALIBRATION STANDARD). IF YOU TAKE PLACE FOR THE MOST ORIGINAL COSTUME WORN BY ANYONE IN THE STORE AT THAT TIME. PRIZES WILL BE frightening. Regular $750 4 only ■640 BUY NOW IN QUANTITY WE'LL DISCOUNT THE CURRENT PRICE SPECIAL PRICE INCLUDES OUR UNIQUE TAPE DISCOUNT NEW RETAIL AWARDED AS FOLLOWS: CURRENT RETAIL SALE C60 SKLH 2.09 1.69 20 at N.U8 < 090 SKLH 1st PLACE Superex Pep 77D 2.89 2,39 20 at *1.69 ( electrostatic stereophones. Value $120 C120 SKLH 3.99 20 at *2.19 e 2nd BSR 310 AX/E automatic turntable. Value $91.80 Voice of Music 3rd Sharp El 122 record changer BS-01 PLACE electronic calculator. Value $39.95 9SB 4 channel matrix decoder 4th PLACE Discwasher $39 Complete with Deluxe adaptor. Quality quad at budget price. a world's best record cleanser. Value $12.95 5th to 10th Watts Preener How about a system: That'll play loud, sounds realistic; pulls in a lot of good FM; and that won't wear your records out on the first play. $29 REGULAR base, cover and ceramic Can't afford it? We'll prove you wrong. $44.95 6 only PLACE record cleaner. Value $4.95 cartridge. List $89.95 The new SANSUI 44I delivers good, low distortion, full range power and FM sensitivity that'll surprise you. We've matched it with the popular West Lab 1020 loudspeaker We've combined something old with something new to provide REFRESHMENTS systems with 10" woofer and 3" tweeter. BSR's 260 A/X automatic record changer handles your discs you with natural sound at an unbeatable price. with care you just don't find in economy models. Separately $423. SANSUI's 551 AM/FM stereo receiver is the new. Its our choice Fresh Apple only$299 because it provides ample power for hefty volume^ at very low distortion. FM performance is quite good too. Sa/Lsui M WEST AR 4xa speakers are the old. In this case a logical choice Cider and because we couldn't think of another speaker as natural sounding to use in a system at this price. more. Anything better will cost much Doughnuts BSR's 310 A/XE record changer rounds out the system. Complete with base, cover and good magnetic cartridge. Excellent until 11:00 pm tracking with low wow and flutter. Price of components separately $524.75 GUITAR SHOP OPEN fiiBin AR, $399 MIX and MATCH Your own system WHY SACRIFICE SERVICE FOR IE SAME PRICE? from our complete If you've been saving up for the day you could buy JBL speakers STOP! Now anyone can afford the world's bast built loudspeaker. selection of name In addition to giving you as low or lower prices than other retailers The new L16 speakers from JBL are featured in this system. brands, for sound You won't find we provide: an as accurate, efficient speaker in its class, and to fit your own all the construction •Complete 5 year waranty protection in writing * The most liberal quality and detail that has made JBL famous is one year speaker trade ■ in requirements at here too. The L16 speakers included at $135 each. Oak finish. priviledge * The longest money - back plan * sale prices that Our natural match is a pair of *The largest electronic service facilities in central Michigan * Plus great products from SONY. won't turn your The 6046A receiver is the present performance leader under $300 many other buyer protection policies - All absolutely free * savings into with high power, low distortion and excellent FM. The NEW PS -1100 Check us out and then let that other guy down the street try to convince phantom funds. single play manual turntable compliments the other units beautifully. you he's giving you a better deal... He'll try, till he's blue in the face, he'll try. Complete system. Reg $650. j/,J RAIN CHECKS ON ALL ITEMS SOLD OUT CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS AVAILADLE EXCEPT THOSE MARKED LIMITED QUANTITIES LAYAWAYS FOR THIRTY DAYS OR LESS ONLY 245 E.ANN STREET EAST LANSING ONLY