By R.D. CAMPBELL informal partnership called Almost 89 per cent of the registered To the probable delight of males who State Newt Staff Writer Communications Research Institute to freshmen questioned said their chances of are certain that women are fickle, the polls Who are the MSU students going to conduct political polls. the voting were either excellent or pretty good, shows that women are substanu y more local polls in Tuesday's election? On Friday the State News while reported that the precentage of sophomores, undecided about which lever tl Mil pull They are the sophomores who prefer Republican Gov. Milliken had a narrow juniors and seniors who said likewise were than men. In the 6th District congressional the Republican congressional candidate margin over Democrat Sander Levin each about 80 per cent. race, 39 per cent of women were and the seniors who among registered MSU students and that But graduate students led all give the Democrat a categories undecided and 25 per cent of the men five to one Democrats Bob Can, 6th District SN survey identifies They are total student margin. fewer than 40 per cent of the body. congressional candidate, Earl Nelson, 24th District state Senate hopeful, and Lynn of registered students in their likelihood of voting with 95.9 percent. As eager as registered freshmen are to were women undecided. Similarly in the gubernatorial race, and 22 per cent 32 per cent of the of the men had They are the off campus students who • Jondahl, incumbent 59th District state lose their voting virginity, so it seems that not decided. will probablyvote twice as heavily for representative candidate all had healthy you can't teach an old voter new tricks, Sex was also apparently a factor in the Human Rights party (HRP) margins over their Republican opponents. Noting behavior gubernatorial especially when he hasn't voted before. East Lansing state House race where candidate Zolton Ferency as their on - The polls shows that 82.5 per cent of Nearly 90 per cent of the 140 students Republican Cathy Lessard faces campus counterparts. MSU students are registered to vote and who said they had voted before said their incumbent Democrat Lynn Jondah. They that 83 per cent of those are women who are more say their chances chances of voting were high whereas, 78 Women supported Lessard at a rate nearly undecided about how they will vote and of voting Tuesday are either excellent or per cent of the 188 students who said they twice that of the men. The results here are men who tend to be almost twice pretty goQd. had not voted before said MSU as they would subject to a fairly high degree of error among supportive of HRP candidates. These are among many trends showed by a State News random, scientifically But that turnout figure is probably inflated, especially if the weather is probably vote Tuesday. Atkin said that if freshmen were since only 13 respondents out of 158 said they would vote for Lessard. Jondahl got discouraging for a trip to the polls, removed from this sampling, the 78 per 76 yes votes. selected sampling of 406 students. cent would probably be according to Charles Atkin, MSU substantially As expected, the poll indicated that The poll was conducted last Communications Dept. asst. professor, lower. Sunday 60.5 per cent of all students call and Monday by 25 State News editors and who has conducted other While local political observors political polls of usually themselves independent voters. Twenty ■ reporters. Three graduate students in MSU students. say that between 50 an 55 per cent of one - and a half per cent said they were - communications - Kim Serota, James The poll indicates that the- MSU students "novelty are registered in East Democrats, 14.4 percent Republicans and Taylor and George Bamett - examined, factor" is at work in Lansing, the poll shows only 38.2 per cent 2.3 Human Rights party backers. criticized and approved for scientific determining whether students will make it to the polls anytime or 128 of the 406 poll respondents are validity the survey. The trio has formed an between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. (continued on page 15) registered here. Find out where to vote. Precinct map Page 11 VOLUME 168 NUMBER 226 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1974 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 & Damman affair may end career of Gov. Milliken State News and Wire Services In most election years the lieutenant governor is just the other guy on the ticket who nobody pays attention to during the campaign and who isn't heard from during the four years after the election. But in this year's gubernatorial race the person Gov. Milliken has selected to fill that office may become the albatross that ends Milliken's political career. Milliken announced Saturday, that he would keep James Damman as his running mate despite questions that have arisen during the past two weeks. The controversy began when the Detroit Free Press published a series of articles investigating Damman's alleged part in a land development firm while a member of the Troy Zoning Appeals Board. In a Friday editorial the newspaper SN photo/Ron Biava urged Milliken to dump Damman. |"0n the banks of the ■specialty is Red Cedar, is a school that's known to all; It's marching band s confrontation with some Nazis in Chicago. They did The newspaper reversed itself Sunday straight," Damman said at the press fighting Nazis, and those Spartans beat them all..." That not actually fight, but the band employed their own sort of musical and said the known facts do not justify conference. "My involvement was a totally ■could be the new version of the school fight removing Damman. innocent one." song, after the Spartan weapon to come out on top. The earlier Free Press articles said Damman and several partners, some of Democratic gubernatorial candidate whom are past and present members of Sander Levin had challenged Milliken Band's Friday to speak out publicly on the de Troy muncipal posts, started a land concert investment firm that secretly while Damman was helping draw a master development plan for Troy. purchased land Damman affair. "Milliken has the responsibility to find out all of the facts and if the answer is yes It also said realtors and land (continued on page 15) By STEVE ORR . I thought they were some sort of guard," thinking that in any way, shape of form Nazis. They made a lot of noise. developers were chief contributors to State News Staff Writer he said. "Then I got up closerand saw the they were connected With our band, our "We were making as much noise as 250 Damman's 1970 election to the state fc there was the MSU swastikas." University or what we believe in." people can make," Turkus said, his pride House of Representatives. Marching Band Picago, waiting to play an invitational Ron Appelman, a drummer with the The Nazi group had a permit, and showing even more clearly now. He said Milliken opened his Saturday news fwt for Mayor Richard I in front of them, Daley. And delaying the start pir concert, was the American Nazi band, said he thought one of the Nazis seemed familiar. "He looked like Adolph Hitler," legally they were entitled to be there. Turkus said, however, that it because he and the band were easily was only they tuned their instruments loudly and sang patriotic songs. Among the ditties intoned by the marching band to drown conference by reading a seven - page statement that outlined the case against Damman, as published by the Free Press, Nixon better; identifiable that the Nazis got away in one out the harangues of the Nazis were "As and said he reviewed all allegations and Appelman said. J was Friday afternoon and -the "Adolph" was standing on top of a van piece. the Caissons Go Rolling Along," "Semper considered them baseless. Ping band was on their way, in T*about manner, to the MSU lonsin football a • addressing a crowd of about 300 mostly hostile people. When Turkus realized who were "Don't think for a minute that if we not -in uniform that van wouldn't Fideles" and "Anchors Aweigh." "We wanted to show our beliefs, however symbolic," Turkus said. "It is my strong belief Damman, as a that Mr. public servant, did not condition no game in Madison. One violate the public trust, did not use his ■ their brief Suddenly, several of the Chicagoans office for personal gain and did not abuse stops included the "When we got there, I noticed some of these guys walking around who had been listening to the Nazis moved his power," Milliken said. |mance in Chicago's Civic Center 7- Unfortunately for the band, the J| had scheduled a demonstration at •bout the in uniform and I thought they were some sort of guard. Then I got up closer and saw the swastikas." in and began a were called. and their fight with them. Police They pried apart the Nazis over However, Milliken said he is turning his findings on Damman's longer grave same time. - Peter Turkus, MSU Marching Band drummer attackers and restored peace. involvement to Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley peal television and radio stations While there was no doubt about which for further review. If Kelley finds any have LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) - Former side the sentiments of many band |,e tha( there was rock • throwing impropriety on Damman's part Milliken President Nixon was taken off the critical the speakers were, he said he became have been overturned and they wouldn't members laid on, none of them took part. said he would ask for Damman's ■ ij'r mar('h'n£ band's concert was Sunday for the first time in six days. list angry. have been run out," Turkus said with a Kenneth Bloomquist, band director and ■f by the Nazis. But marching band touch of pride. professor of music, made light of the resignation should win. the Republican ticket He continued to show increased strength 1 e' eter Turkus said none of that lened. "I guess it would appear to the people While the marching'band members did entire incident. Milliken said he has a verbal pledge since a brush with death brought on by there," Turkus said, "that in some way we post operative complications. abstain from any physical action, they "We just set up and waited for them to from Damman that he would comply. Fen Wo 8°t there, I noticed some of were together, that we were connected "It's his best morning since I ys wa'king around in uniform and with the Nazis. I did not want them quickly found another way to express finish," he said. "That's all that happened. "I have been done a grave injustice but hospitalization began," Nixon's physician, their displeasure at appearing with the Our concert was terrific." my interest is in setting the record Dr. John C. Lungren, said in his daily medical bulletin. Lungren said through Representative hit with residency charges hospital spokesman Norman Nager that the 61 year - old former chief executive - began a soft food diet, including custard and vegetables. He would sit up later Sunday for the first time since entering By JOHN TINGWALL effort to conftise the issues of the the hospital for treatment of phlebitis Oct. said Kelley will probably not make a 23. _ state News staff Writer decision on the charge until after the campaign. \ "Alfreda Schmidt knew that Mr. Nixon had been fed intravenously Tuesday election. 1 viol ft ^ar' kelson was charged Kelley's office could not possibly during the critical period, until Saturday 'eraenb h'"8 Ieeislative residency . Schmidt charged that Nelson moved from his Lansing residence on McPherson investigate these charges and clear my when he was first allowed to take rday b by a local Republican leader Street to Haslett, outside his district's name before the election," Nelson's consomme and gelatin. statement said. "I am truly sorry that my Lungren said Nixon was now in rSricfatnri',tnSlnB) ■date f(,r PreS?tative servin« the and Democratic boundaries. Both residences are within the 24th state Senate district boundaries, opposition has seen fit to use this sort of tactic." subintensive care, which he described as a step down from critical care. The next less Ate ra„„ 24District state though. Nelson refuted Schmidt's charges, serious condition would be intermediate In her letter, Schmidt states that ■biican pi,!ii °Pln0site incumbent maintaining that his residence is still in the care, but there was no indication when Bed of ,i lll,p ^enger, has been Nelson signed a lease for the Haslett 57th District. Nelson said that he took the Nixon might be put in that category. that his automobile §wjffg19°7u3ttd,1 Wican ,h#ili973A1by togham County his district residence last year and title is registered at his Haslett address. place in Haslett because of personal problems at home, but that before he Nixon slept at intervals Saturday night, Lungren said. He described his patient's Kmidt ZTlf Alfreda Schmidt, According to the state Constitution, vital signs as normal. signed the lease he checked with attorneys ■attorney ! ^harge in a letter to legislators are required to be electors in to insure that it would not damage his Lungren said the blood clot in Nixon's lestin V'"?1 dated Nov. 2, the district they represent. "Removal of his domicile from the district shall be status as a legislator. left leg, which forced urgent surgery last ■cations JV "g on the leP»' deemed a vacation of the office," the "They don't really want to talk about Tuesday morning, had not enlarged. The lelson's a Vl0lati°n would have Constitution states. \yhere I live, they want to make an issue doctor said Saturday that internal bleeding about the fact that I'm temporarily near Nixon's abdomen had been stopped In a statement released Saturday night, 1""> Alls. Gen. Nelson called the charges a last ditch (continued on page 15) SCHMIDT (continued on page 15) Stanley Steinbom Mond.y, November Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 4( j^| Dems WASHINGTON (AP) - see Democrats predicted massive victories California, New York and most - If not all - of the country s big year terms. The seats now we held by 2 Democrats ga and J Republicans. Sunday while Republicans shied away from guessing about what big states are expected to elect Democrats as governors Tuesday. The Democratic domination of state legislature* nationwide could Republicans go into the election on the short end of.n I might happen to their party in Tuesday's elections. 18 margin - an exact reversal from 1969. Democratic party Chairman Robert Strauss predicted that his reach near - record proportions. The Mh I Things haven't looked as good for Democrats since 1958, governorships belong to nine Democrats and six Reouhii„.-< party will pick up four to six Senate seats and 27 to 32 House Watergate trial going slowly seats in Tuesday's vote. The Democratic tide is also expected to when they held a 35 ■ 14 edge in governorships. The outcome California, New York and Massachusetts are expected^! Republican governors for Democrats! Pennsylvania Tern a I result in nine governorships in the 10 most populous states. TTiat might approach the 1936 tally, when 39 states had Democrates at and Florida should remain in Democratic hands. The Watergate coverup trial is running behind would place 85 per cent of the nation's people under Democratic the helm. Illinois ani n I schedule and hope is fast fading for meeting U.S. governors. Such a landslide would build a powerful base for Democrats at Jersey are not electing governors, but the seats alreadv m I District Judge John J. Sirica's goal of a verdict by Republican party chairman Mary Louise Smith, appearing on the state level for the 1976 presidential year and would restore Democrats. Of the 23 Democrat • held safe for the party. These gbvernorshinsrtu'l NBC's "Meet the Press" program with Strauss, declined to say Democratic governors to a long • gone prominence in party at least 16 seem include ai.k I Christmas. how the elections would turn out but forecast that it won't be as affairs. Florida, Idaho, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska Nevada IWI The time consumed for questioning witnesses by bad as people are predicting." Thirty • five states are electing governors, all but four for four • Island, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont and Wisconsin' incumbents are running. ' °fl|l prosecution and defense lawyers is one potential cause for delay. In Arkansas, Hawaii and Oklahoma, Democrats to succeed retiring Democratic incumbents. are exn«wl When Sirica asked once again last Thursday if his Christmas goal still looked possible, prosecutor James F. Neal responded that it did, with the one unknown being 74election may mark major gains Only in Alaska and Ohio is there a serious challena. Democratic governors running for re - election. The outcome of the Michigan gubernatorial race remii t.1 "1 I "that matter we're all aware of." question mark, however. 'B The final pre • election survey by The Associated Neal never said what "that matter" was, but it seemed clear he was referring to Richard M. Nixon and for country's minority candidates indicates that Democratic majorities could come close ■ thirds mark in both houses of Congress. ft to the hi! ^ the question of whether he will be well enough to come But even if the polls are correct, there is little indication tfinl to Washington to testify. of the rural districts. Blacks In the Southwest, the the necessary 67 votes could be counted onwhenevei p^Z*! By JAMES R.POLK also may be able to win a third Democratic nominees for Ford vetoes a bill. ™mu Washington Star • News ELECTIONS southern city seat in Congress governor in Arizona and New Based on reports from AP bureaus in the 50 WASHINGTON - In a states, late nt Hopes to avert coal strike fade nation with a textbook image in the Memphis race, after first Mexico are both Spanish • and interviews with politicians, the survey shows that DemoaaB Early hopes for averting a nationwide coal strike of government open to all peoples, the election of 1974 term victories last time in Atlanta and Houston. But the statehouse, rather Americans, and both are locked in close fights. In Arizona, Tucson lawyer 74 could add five to seven seats to their current The survey indicates that the Democrats, who now majority of 58jnflJB seems likely to mark a year of In Congress, the key h Nov. 12 faded Sunday despite intensified efforts by race major gains toward the reality than Congress, may be the Ral H. Castro, 58, a former for black candidates is jn majority of 248 to 147 in the House, could increase it bv negotiators to forge a contract settlement. of an American political scene for key shifts of political ambassador to Bolivia, came Tennessee, where state of 30 to 60. Bargainers for the United Mine Workers and the rainbow. power, and it is possible the within 7,700 votes of upsetting legislator Harold E. Forid is Twenty of the Senate seats at stake are held by Democr- Bituminous Coal Operators Assn. faced against an A Democratic tide next nation may have minority the Republican incumbent Surveys indicate that 14 of the Democratic candidates are 2 trying to unseat four - term bets for election and another 11 informal weekend deadline to reach agreement on the week is almost certain to elect Americans as governors of governor four years ago. TTiis Rep. Dan H. Kuykendall. The are leading. the first Japanese • American three western states next year. time the incumbent is retiring, Thus, the party that now holds 58 of the 100 seats couldid basic wage and benefit package and remaining Memphis district is 47 percent governor in history in Hawaii, In Hawaii, Lt. Gov. George and the polls predict a up with 63, the mo6t since the 1966'election. n on economic issues. black, though the voter could give Arizona its first R. Ariyoshi is a clear favorite Democratic trend nationally. registration runs a little behind Chicano governor, and might to become the first governor But the race still looks tight. that ratio. locus: send the first Eskimo to Congress from Alaska. For minority Americans, of Japanese ancestry after emerging from a tight primary fight earlier this month. a New Mexico has not elected Hispanic governor 1918, and state legislator since Jerry Hie Ford contest offers the possibility for a • Kuykendall only realistic black addition MCDONALD'S! the trend this fall points to a westward customary movement of the patterns of new Ariyoshi, 48, a Honolulu attorney, has a long pedigree in Hawaiian politics extending Apodaca has faced an race, partly because a primary left Democrats divided uphill fierce in the House. In Carolina, veteran civil rights attorney Matthew J. Perry is a South PEOPLE ARE WORLD power, long confined to big city politics in the East. Meanwhile, blacks are • back to five years in the territorial legislature before statehood. He has been acting this summer. Apodaca is pitted against rancher Joe Skeen, 47, in a contest without any clear distinct underdog against Rep. Floyd Spence. Blacks now hold 16 seats in the house, including GUARANTEE! focusing on state legislatures in governor for a year because of favorite as yet, though out - of the Atlanta and Houston the South, with the prospect of the serious illness of incumbent - state Democrats are more districts won last time by Reps. Montreal firemen end strike picking up a significant number Gov. John A. Burns. optimistic about prospects in Andrew Young, D - Ga., and of seats in Alabama and The mainland, meanwhile, is Arizona than in New Mexico. Barbara C. Jordan, D - Tex. I'M BILL MILLER I Montreal's firemen returned to work Sunday after a Blacks could take the no. 2 YOU CAN COUNT ON ME Georgia. expected to send its first In the statewide race for 2Vi - day strike during which about 20 fires caused an Those gains, however, are Japanese - American member statehouse jobs in another pair Alaska's one seat in the House, TO HAVE YOUR estimated $2 .million damage, mostly to abandoned expected to come in the urban to Congress, Mayor Norman Y. of western races. In California, 33 - year - old Democrat TABLE CLEAN enclaves in the South instead Mineta from San Jose, Calif. state legislator Mervyn buildings. It was the largest number of fires to occur in William L. Hensley could Dymally is an obvious favorite become the first Eskimo ever Montreal in a 60 - hour period. for Lt. Governor on the sent to Congress,^but it would Your next meal is on us if you I No fire deaths occurred. can't find a clean (ableor I Journal poll shows Democratic ticket headed by . take a sudden reversal of the The 2,400 firemen of the Montreal Firefighters' Edmund G. Brown Jr. But in frosty winds now blowing someone to clean it for you. I Assn., an independent union that quit the AFL-CIO this Colorado, another state against a battered Democratic senator, George Brown, who is year, walked off the job Thursday night despite a party there. the Urban Coalition director in provincial ordinance, forbidding strikes by public employes: They demanded immediate cost - of - living raises of $750 plus a living costs escalator clause in their Carr - Taylor close Denver, may need a big victory by his Democratic running mate, Richard D. " I Guarantee It'J A poll published Friday by showed Can favored by 44 to next contract. The current pact expires Dec. 31. become Lt. Governor. the Lansing State Journal 17 per cent over Taylor among 234 W. Grand River After Quebec premier Robert Bourassa intervened, indicated that the 6th District MSU students, with 31 per 1024 E. Grand River the union accepted Mayor Jean Drapeau's offer of a congressional race between cent undecided and 7 per cent 2040 E. Grand River $750 allowance before the end of the year and put off Democrat Bob Carr and favoring Human Rights party Republican Cliff Taylor is candidate Howard Jones. negotiations on the new contract. The State News poll showed nearly deadlocked, while Democrat Earl Nelson holds a Nelson favored among students Smoker blamed in Korean fire massive lead over Republican 33.9 to 6.9 per cent. opponent Phillip Pittenger in Police in Seoul, South Korea, blamed a careless the 24th District state smoker Sunday for a hotel fire that killed 88 persons, senatorial race. The Journal poll showed most of whom were trapped inside a discotheque. A Carr holding a slim 34 to 32 school terms, Mondays, ' Fridays survivor said the club's employes locked the only exit, Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Is pubttshed per cent lead over Taylor, with In September. Subscription rate is $20 per year. apparently to make sure the customers paid their bills. 33 per cent undecided and one Setond class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan It was Seoul's fifth major hotel fire in less than three per cent favoring other State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. candidates. A previous Journal years, the second in three weeks and the second in the GERALD H. COY. GENERAL MANAGER poll, taken three weeks ago, ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER Brown Hotel in just over two years. had shown Carr leading by a 32 PHONES The blaze destroyed the hotel's sixth floor, where . to 24 margin, with 40 percent News/Editorial Classified Ads police found 65 bodies in the nightclub. They said they undecided, compared to 43 per Display Advertising cent in the earlier poll. Business Office were looking for the patron who started the fire by. A poll taken by the State Photographic carelessly disposing of a cigarette butt in his 6th - floor News and published Friday room. A Talks buoy Cunhal, Tass Portuguese delegation headed by Communist says TTTTTTTTT minister Alvaro Cunhal left for home Sunday, glowing over the prospects of expanding relations with the Soviet Union, official Soviet news agency Tass reported. THE FRIENDLIEST Cunhal, minister of state without portfolio in Lisbon's new leftist government, arrived in Moscow on DL4CE IN TOWN Tuesday and met with top trade, government and party officials. He was quoted as saying the talks centered on NOW APPEARING increased Soviet - Portuguese cooperation in matters of trade, tourism, cultural exchanges, science and technological training. Specific agreements were not I II I VI ILAirK V c ) YOU KNOW OV/YOU'RE BEAUnFOL ' reported. wirHOuriouR GLASSES. Rightist plot revealed in Italy EXPRESS Italian rightists planned to storm the Quirinal Palace last August, arrest President Giovanni Leone, and force MCNIDAVT NIITE 111 him to dissolve Parliament to set up a "strong government," investigating judges in Rome said Sunday. IPIZZAV NIITE They said 21 arrest warrants would be issued soon. The judges said the coup organizers also planned to 9 INCH Willi 2 ITf ...SI.CC pollute aqueducts, destroy bridges and pipelines, disrupt 14 INCH WITH ITEMS... S2.CC I Start something communications to provoke a civil war, and murder politicians, magistrates and union leaders. EHAM Tt\ I UNEC predicts hard times for no The United Nations' Economic Commission (UNEC) Europe predicts difficult times for world economies but says at least in the industrialized West there danger of the kind 6f crisis that preceded World War fe. hi civi wv us* withWblfschmMt II. The commission's trade review, A martini, a bloody mary, published in Geneva, Switzerland, on Sunday, said only the least developed UtteiCVuF" a screwdriver. Or anything else nations will suffer from tougher competition on world you have in mind. markets and worsening terms of trade as foreign aid by developed countries, beset by their own worries, tends MUfschmidt to be slowed down. GenuineW>dka "The most urgent world economic problem today is that several poor countries will not have their basic •36" I needs for consumer goods and input materials covered," FIFTH SIZE-CODE #6122 l| the review aays. VODKA» DISTILLED FROM GRAIN » 90 AND 100 PRQQf . SEAGRAM DISTILLERS CO . NEW YORK. Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 4, 1974 3 eterans urge support f Proposal B in march in drafting the proposal. michele burgen press conference in Detroit at Robert Carr, Democratic t3te News Staff Wrjttr the time. The spokesman These veterans, clad in PP'proximately ' ' 100 veterans candidate for the 6th District affirmed Republican party army garb with stripes colleges throughout the Congressional seat arrived as support for the bonus and indicative of their came to the MSU campus the crowd was beginning to called the issue one of top rdav for a rally and march organize for the march. Can priority. former ranks, applaud pport of Proposal B, the urged support for the proposal Though a similar proposal one of the speakers at a ns bonus that would on Nov. 5, but cautioned that that would have provided a rally near Beaumont Vietnam era veterans a the fight does not begin with cash bonus and educational """" the proposal. Rather, the main Tower Saturday. bonus of up to $600. benefits for veterans was roups from Hint, Saginaw, thrust in alleviating problems defeated by state voters in Veterans from colleges Ul Michigan University, faced by Vietnam veterans is 1972, spokesmen for the throughout the state and several candidates for the abundance of issues veterans groups believe came to the MSU the office rallied at Beaumont awaiting congressional bonus will pass this year. campus to show ,cri then marched consideration,he said, "According to the polls, efully to the Capitol The march, marked by we're ahead by about 64 support for the cash per bonus for Vietnam era ■ing placards and banners friendly smiles and horns cent," said Ismael Villastrigo, a g voters to vote yes on the honking in support of the member of the MSU Chicano vets. osal. effort, was escorted by police Veterans Assn. and coordinator SN Jondahl, and arrived at the photo/Robert Kozloff . Lynn Capitol of the rally. He referred to a ocratic incumbent in the without incident. State News poll published • th District state Backers of the bonus joined Friday that showed students tentative race, said the in the march down Michigan overwhelmingly in favor of ge of Proposal B would Avenue, raising the number of Proposal B. to address the problems participants to between 150 Jondahl said that because by veterans in Michigan. and 200. this proposal is less expensive Phi's is one step in the At the Capitol, the group than the one in 1972, and tion of trying to initiate a heard speeches by Charles P. because of more awareness of ling process." he said, Larrowe, MSU professor of the problem of veterans, it is ding that high economics, and members of likely Ford refuses to the bonus will be pioyment and inadequate predict election the CMU Veterans Club. approved. ms of education and Larrowe, himself a veteran But Carr was not as ing are the most pressing of World War II, stressed the optimistic. s that must be dealt need for the cash benefit to "There is an effort on the Vietnam era veterans. A similar part of voters to say no to any WASHINGTON hold their in (AP) - own Tuesday's newsmen's efforts to solicit a now hold a 58-42 margin; in His final three day burst of ! crowd cheered and cash bonus was given to spending," he said. "It will be President Ford concluded his congressional elections. White House prediction on the the House, 248 to 147. «d at the affirmation of veterans of World War II. harder for it to pass now, when 16,000 - mile campaign effort But the President refused to campaigning carried him from outcome of Tuesday's The President, who cast a Iowa to California and Oregon, Democratic party support A spokesman addressed the inflation is higher and people through a score of states early make specific pre - election balloting. Michigan absentee ballot, plans then to ed by Paul Brown, crowd in behalf of Gov. Utah, Colorado and are fighting for economic Sunday with undiminished predictions. "We don't want to get into no further Kansas. didate for lieutenant Milliken, who survival." "Not on Sunday," he told campaign Along the way, the was attending a hopes that Republicans can any numbers game," said one appearances before Tuesday. President sounded a call for the r, and echoed by Dave reporters who sought a forecast aide. He is inviting a few friends voters to "throw the big lister. 57th District from him as he left services at But a senior official pointed from Congress to join him at didate for state St. John's Episcopal Church spenders out" and added, "If to Ford's earlier statement that the White House in watching some of them :-ntative. across Lafayette Square from he are Republicans, hopes the Republican - the returns on television so be it." illiam Rustin, assistant to the White House. Democratic ratio in Congress election night. But most of his Milliken in charge of As Ford returned during will stay about the same. "We In his campaign wrap - up, campaign rhetoric cast Republican affairs, said the Each Monday the State News publishes a list Sunday's wee hours from his stand behind that," the official Ford concentrated on helping iken Administration's of Library. last campaign stop in Wichita, candidates as necessary for a scheduled local governmental said. Republicans cling to crucial erements in veterans meetings, Tuesday "cooperative Congress" in the including campus, city and state bodies. The Academic Council will meet at 3:15 Kan., aides also turned aside In the Senate, Democrats Senate and gubernatorial seats. ns include tax credit fight against inflation. Citizens are urged to clip this list for cash benefits for p.m. in the Con Con Room of the International reference. Please contact the managing editor to Center to discuss proposed bylaws and ans and their families, fits for war orphans and right to put Proposal B on include items here. Today COGS will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Con Con curriculum changes. NO FAULT | Wednesday -not. Room t of the International Center. The jOur obligation cannot to be met until Proposal Vietnam veterans bonus proposal (Proposal will be discussed. B) ASMSU will meet at 9 p.m. in 328 Student Services Bldg. The East Lansing City Council will meet at INSURANCE passed on Tuesday," he The East Lansing Bicentennial Committee p.m. in council chambers, City Hall, 410 Rustin was instrumental will meet at Call Jeff Williams 7:30p.n^j.East Lansing Public , Abbott Road. (MSU '68) at 332-1838 Have It jLSENTRY OOKER GAULDEN TTinsurance * WADf lOORDIR f0R>0U 710 k! Gainsborough Drive Your Way East Lansing Phone Day or evening For © EAST LANSING DISTRICT IUDGE Burger Kiing BOOKER GAULDEN wants to be East Lansing's first We're open 10:30 A.M.-11 P.M. Fellowship elected District Court Judge He will work for the following: on weekdays • A District Court based on justice, not judicial economy. • Kvaluation of effective council, whether the attor¬ Till midnight Fridays & Saturdays ney be appointed or retained, to ensure the rights of the individual are upheld. MSU • Initiate community organization involvement into the judicial process and use their expertise to Ruide the court and the individual. • Adoption of a Fair-Leasing Program. For: In the fields of: Benefits include: • Mako the court schedule and process amenable to the people's schedule. BEAT nmittee to Elect East l ansing District Bfooker Gaulden Masters, Electrical, Educational stipend, ST fudge ' Virginia Ave. Kast Lansing. Mich. 48823 OHIO Engineer Aerospace and dependent allowance, and Mechanical all academic expenses, open thursday and friday nights until nine Doctoral Engineering, professional salary, Degrees Computer Science, employee benefits and Physics and travel allowance. Value of Mathematics these ranges from a handsome hobo approximately $8,500 to $13,000 annually. shoulder bag in light, supple leather-look vinyl Be one of the more than a hundred students to win this outstanding opportunity. You will Hughes Aircraft Company, Scientific Education Office, that's a spacious, 15"*11Vi" study at a nearby prominent university through World Way P.O. Box 90515, Los Angeles, Calif. 90009 the Hughes Fellowship Program. Work-study Please send me information about Hughes Fellowships. and a limited number of full-study plans are . . super for traveling or offered. You also will gain professional expe¬ Name (printed): rience with full time summer assignments in toting everyday necessities Hughes research and development laborato¬ ries. You may take advantage of a variety of with its easy-access zip-front, technical assignments through the Engineering Rotation. Program. raining: □ Masters fl Engin< zip back pocket and adjustable Requirements: B.S. degree for Masters Fellow¬ fellowship in the fit ships, M.S. degree for Engineer and Doctoral strap. In tan, brown or black, Fellowships; U.S. citizenship; grade point e (or expect) a Bachelor's degret average of 3.0 or better out of a possible 4.0; with goldtone accents, $18 selection by Hughes Fellowship Committee. Hughes is substantially increasing the number of fellowship awards leading to the degree of Engineer. For additional information, complete and air¬ mail form to: Hughes Aircraft Company, Scientific Education r -i Jacobsorig 90515, Los Angeles, California 90009. L__ HUGHES v -... An equal opportunity employer - Ml F state proposal a democratic ^/fclCAII . IN C0NCIESS republican CLIFFORD W TAYL0I 44 EDITORIAL (1) LIMITING USC Of MOTOR FUEL TAX FUNDI (hi district 1 WOftKlitV MARGARET M HATES 45 ( tf> Limit I •llwi it 1 lltfc «l lh« < MICHAEL MUMD 46 mh»mm !!S.\Ns TaYoY1^ HOWARD (ONES 47 RANDOLPH A. WEDLER 48 H* Sample ballot list Th« pr*p«tvl woulrfi STATE [All E NELSON 49 SENATOR During the past three weeks State News endorsements. i«ir*«ii< (2) A.I i, in . mm district Republican phiufo 'ittenger t -> endorsements of candidates running in Tuesday's The sample ballot arranged on this page includes ■I I*. *!• .10.. to pwrpo.*; and (3) AuHi.r john 1. FISHCECK SI election have appeared regularly on the left side of all of the races and issues that voters in East («) Pfovld this page. Most of these endorsements were made Lansing's predominantly student precincts will after members of the State News editorial board decide on Tuesday. However, voters will be faced 5 RfPRCSINTATIVE ii stat* proposal c y/^ ITNN IOHNOAMI S3 interviewed all candidates running for the office in with just one Ingham County commissioner's REMOVAL OF SALES TAX ON FOOD AND PRESCRIPTION ORUGI J REPUBLICAN CATHERINE A LESSAID 54 question. election, depending on which district they live in . Th. proposed cvo.litutionol sm.ndmon. woildl { (II Ronox l*i« >•!•> to. on food and proscription CARROU1. HAWKINS 55 State News endorsements are presented as an Candidates endorsed by the State News are u.od drvg. N"M" RIGHTS Jot human consumption ..opt lood pt.porod lor opinion that readers can consider in deciding how indicated by a check mark in front of their name •or r.iullln| lot* to vote. The knowledge of reporters who have been on the sample ballot. Circles indicate the State I" ••on'ollo<«iono JAMES C NOW'TK ILFtEOW NftlNEI WTONrilfNCT ^ i M DISTRICT ripubl.can CHARLES P WHITE 131 I ISSm AECINAIKNULTT " CONSERVATIVE iid0n « mdtnw V/'lOHN 1. HUFF 97 B^ AUTEimtUHl 26 district court s daniel 1. tschirhart county democratic | IAMES W. HEYSER 130 democratic RAYMOND W KROLIKOWSKI 98 judge COMMUNIST TWttAIDCNNIS w commissioner v Y- WTRKTCOMIiiimi a' ' WILLIAM AUAN V T republic an JOSEPH A HAUPTMANN 131 DISTRICT 34B •th DISTRICT FETE! A SICNOHLLI FRANK MERIIMAN 99 BOOKER GAULDEN 208 ^STATES x a 8 ■ A H»TNE EVANS v~rr- ™g"htns m,id k)h* mth" 13- members of tne board KEN THOMPSON 100 of trusties of michigan state JOHN W PURCELL. SI 101 ihomas m kavana£h ,0"~r- county oenocr.tic^ CHARLES L MASS06LIA 130 SUMIHiaiUIIIIMTICI lvl AICHAI0 H. AUSTIN 3; ^ .n^dVmt justices of the | Dt,,0C"ATIC commissioner republican DERW000LWT013l-> university I0NALD ANTHONY ANT0SCH102 supreme court allah carpenter miller 192 N. LOIIAINE BEEIE 31 ^ | MR DISTRICT m^ secretary PATRICE GAIEWSKI103 TENM ENDING of HENRY N. A«0ES II. 3; «mm*Y JANUANY 1, 198] blair m00dt. jr. 193 FRANK E. BROUGHI04 state towerY RACHELE FRUIT 33 county democrat ^^RlCHAW CONLIN I30»> | THOMAS E.GIRAR0105 )0hnw.pitzgeraijr~r- commissioner "KB?1 I0HN GIU M0TZEI 34 ' lOtti DISTRICT republic^ RILLTE HANEL 131 EDCAR THOMAS 106 judge of the s jerome ir0ns0r IAMES F.RcaUIE 35 2hd appellate APPUtl CBUI1 lunei n:>mT jich'ts MANY ELLEN KARCZEWSKI 132 court v" ROBERT C. LEE 36 M. THERESE DES CAMP 107 nr^ robert). 0anh0t^rrr~ •FFUUCOUItlimct lyt) mT conservative SXns BRADLEY K. SULLIVAN 108 REGULAR TERM ! B^ I ungates JUDITH S. CROWELl 37 ^ county commissioner democratic y/* PATRICK) RYAN 130 donald r. freeman 197^ | HtB DISTRICT republican j RACHEL D HAMMOND 131 *T.°.oTf5 SUSANN L COO* 109 judge of the bernard l. kaufman 198 2hd appellate SARAH POWER 78 MILDRED JEFFREY 115 court michael j. keut 199 DEMOCRATIC - BARBARA ROBERTS THOMAS A. ROACH 70 MICHAEL{INHEUSERII6a^ NEW TERM george e. montgomery 200 DONA SCOn FARAER 80 ROGER TILLES 60 RORMAN OTTO ST0CKMEYER117 members members V«l. to, no. ma,, than >.o of, the board REPUBLICAN JAMES f. O'NEIL 61 of the board michael f. cavanach 201-4 DAVID F.UPTON 81 FRANK B. WALKER 118 of regents of members of governors of university of FLORENCE F SAL17MAN circuit court michigan I0ANCJOHNSON 82 of the 62*^ •ayne state PAUL lOHN ALTESLEIENU9b^ judge thomas leo brown 202 n4 CIRCBI? C004! IU0C{ INDEPENDENT DANIEL ELLER 83 5 state board of education VERN C. MOUSE 63*^ independent| ALICE CHARLOTTE HENCT120 30TM DISTRICT in^oVnt S STEVE IIEDE 84 BERNARD J SKIBINSKI ><4 I MICHAEL D. IEUTUIb^ """"roSeN l. 5WH! - .ORKERS ' ■orkers ^EOBiHIURC! 204 i TERM ENDING January i. wbj CLAUDIA H0MMEL 85 GERTRUDE HAWKINS 65 ARTUR0 RAMIRE2122b> probate juoge i0hn i shrank 205 q I0SEPH C. T0TH 86 BURTON LEE un 66 LOWELL E. MILLER 123 TC FILL VACANCY S LABOR FRANK TR0HA solcabort JANUARY 1, 1979 oonalos OWENS JAMES J. H0RVATH 87 67b^ TERRY LINDSAY 124*^ labor RICHARD BURCIS DIANE LA0HN 88"^ 68 M ELIZABETH BUNN125 RIGHTS KAREN LEE BAIZE ELLEN HOFFMAN 89 b^ 6g v.,........ ALIEITSTEIGEIWALTI26*> denocrat-c FRANK 1 REUEY 34 SSSft L0RDELL J. TAYLOR attorney »M.£I R MELLWARTH 90 conservative EMERY i.HRAIOVSIT127*> r general republican MTNONHWAHLSt ' PEGGY GOLDMAN AR.HERCZ 91 communist 71 upstates BRUCE I.W000128 v... u....«... RAY D. MAIKEL 41 ^.dstates RARRARA A 6ETTEL 92"^ SHEILA JAMR 72 SIThVs CLARICE JOBES ELECTION FORUM ' Susan Ager HditorinChitl fl Maureen Bcninson . Advertising Mmtgc I R. D. Campbell Managing EimW Local candidates Mary Hood Diane Silver Chris Danielson Melissa Pay ton u.'vfiiwB Campus Edits I Opinion Page Editor I National Editv I Steve Stein Sports Editt»w I strongly urge you to take the time be prepared by people who walk, bicycle written, the article on myself rambles Monday, November 4, 1974 Conlin backed and vote for Mary Ellen Karczewski, or ride a horse. through a number of vague stands which I Dale Atkins Photo EditaI June Delano Entertainment MtwM Human Rights party candidate. Of the Road commissions in Michigan, as their found interesting — however, they are not Editorials are the opinion of the State After reading the State News editorial News. Columns, Tom Oren C'opi'CWB three candidates in the 10th District, she name implies, have been concerned with my own. viewpoints and letters are Joe Kirby StaffRtprtmM V endorsing Richard Conlin for county personal opinions. commissioner I felt I would write in is, in my opinion, the most progressive for building roads for sole use of the To correct the third paragraph of the the following reasons: automobile. Because of Mr. Veenstra's article, dealing with the Metro Squad, I support of both the editorial and Conlin. • efforts a new policy is now taking place in The editorial just briefly mentioned Only Karczewski has unequivocally quote my campaign material: "Metro Conlin's support of human rights issues. opposed the Mickey Mouse pot busts on Ingham County. Ingham County is now Squad was designed to crack down on the Gaulden supported urge all individuals who are interested® campus by the Metro Squad. for the first time seriously considering sale of hard drugs. However, much of its Not only has Conlin worked towards • Only she proposes to use the powers other forms of transportation. resources have been wasted minor pot The State News, in its endorsement the District Court and in the quality of J on here in East Lansing to vote for funding of a rape counseling program, but of a County Housing Commission to help As an ex - officio member of the Non - busts. In addition, the county commission editorial concerning the race for East Booj he has also helped in the creation of a Gaulden for East Lansing Di "' alleviate housing shortages and high rents. Motorized Advisory Group, Mr. Veenstra receives inadequate information on its Lansing District Court judge, not only women's commission. This commission is • backed an essentially incompetent and judge on Nov. 5. _ Only she favors extensive county has displayed a tremendous insight as to activities. This program needs a major one of the few county women's insensitive Daniel Tschirhart, but also used Gregory Wodl expenditures for day care. the transportation problems of the overhaul to justify continued county 635 Abbott M commissions in Michigan. Conlin has also • Only she, as an MSU junior (the only County. While many people associate Mr. distortion, and innuendo to support its worked in eliminating sex discrimination funding." In other words, make it go after student candidate), will be really in touch Veenstra with bicycle paths, he has pushers of hard drugs or abolish it. position. Furthermore, that (Sstortion and in county jobs. His method was simple, innuendo was used in an attempt by the raise the with the concerns of other MSU students worked hard to make county government The last paragraph of the article totally As a concerned MSU student, I w salary of women to equal that of State News to destroy one of the most in the same who are facing the same hassles with more open and responsive to the needs of ignored my position on housing. It is not like to come to the defense of men job level. citizens of his district and the county as a outstanding candidates for any office this county, city and university that f do not "know what jurisdictional Lansing District Court judge candid Effectuality is the most important administrations. whole. He deserves to be returned to the year, Booker Gaulden, also running for reason to re elect a person. Richard problems with local communities" a Booker Gaulden. Mr. Gaulden is nota - • Karczewski is one of the few women board of county commissioners. East Lansing District Court judge. Conlin has proven that not only is he housing commission would face, but that I one of the best qualified attorneys in commission candidates who has a chance First of all, the State News claims that concerned, but that he turns this concern to be elected. John Czarnecki, chairman oppose the county using a commission to force its will upon local communities in Tschirhart has run what amounts to a first state, but his candidacy offers forjll into action which brings results. class court, of which the entire East Lansing residents a much improved» Her Democratic opponent, Richard Ingham County Non - Motorized Misty Kuceris the field of housing. My campaign has with emphasis on individual rights!" Conlin, has had two years as a Transportation Advisory Board been geared to getting the power out of Lansing community could be proud. with more sensible and ««cu 129 E. Grand River Ave. However, this newspaper has not talked to commissioner to show what he is like. In the hands of the county bureaucracy and the procedures. . j 1972 he campaigned against the Metro numerous individuals who have been back to the individual citizens and the Mr. Gaulden presents s#W local governments - which are closer to insulted and mistreated by Tschirhart. Squad; four times since then he has voted credentials, with degrees^ I urge voters to for re support Richard Conlin for Metro Squad funds. Recently he Hauptmann corrects the people and their needs - through the Furthermore, the State News does not academic Harvard and the University of MW - election to the Ingham County seem to be concerned. Board of Commissioners. Richard Conlin publicly defended dorm pot busts. He has use of decentralization (a fact mentioned Law School. Mr. ('au,de"s ^ been visible in the 10th District. The State News is out of touch with in the State News endorsement of Dave However, the State News is concerned has worked hard to change the ptesent never reality. Its Nov. 1 reporting of my with experience has been of the hign« Areas concerning the constituents such as Rathke.) finding some justification for its and he has distinguished himse" v wasteful priorities of our transportation positions in the 8th District county support of Tschirhart, and the only means system. He believes that we must move as a student workers union, rent control commissioner's race is one of the best In an editorial endorsement or of finding that justification was the very best, practicing with tt efforts, and needed work for progressive "Opinion Page" article, I would expect through known activist law firm, Philo, fast as possible toward an works of fantasy I have run across in quite energy • city council candidates have been ignored the State News to buld up one candidate extremely biased and inaccurate reporting Cockrel. He also has further experie efficient transit system, accessible at a while. In the caption under my picture aimed at attacking Mr. Gaulden. minimal cost to rich and poor by him, as he largely associated with only and ignore the others. However, page eight an asst. attorney general for»e „ alike, and the only correct information is my name, For example, when the State News Democratic party regulars and elected of Friday's State News was presented as one far less destructive to the environment party and district. I am 21, not 23, I am claimed that Booker Gaulden's Michigan, in which capacity he spe^ officials. not a member of Honors College and I being objective news reporting of each advocacy in consumer affairs. and scarce energy resources. am of an evening division of small claims |4l If you are concerned about 'splitting candidate's positions, and as such, l would He initiated county support for the the vote' and allowing a conservative a senior in general business, pre - law, not have expected a little more effort on the court was unnecessary because Tschirhart The programs that Booker G area bus system, worked hard to help business law insurance, and office settles all small claims within thirty days, advocating are genuine, for they Republican to beelected, there is no such administration. But these errors are triviaT part of the State News staff to obtain at bringing a broader spectrum . bring passenger train service back to possibility. In 1972 the Republican accurate information about my it neglected to mention that Mr. Gaulden's compared to those made in the statement positions. community into the judici Lansing, supported the proposed county commissioner candidate got 24 per cent of proposal would speed up that process to 7 bicycle path sytem and introduced the the vote. One informal poll in October of my positions. Whereas the articles Joe Hauptmann days. These reforms will make fue, W county resolution calling on voters to showed only 14 per cent favored the covering my two opponents deal with Candidate for 8th District Also, when the paper said that another reality at all levels of the District' support the positions on specific issues, concisely county commissioner A vote for Booker Gaiilden1 transportation bond issue Republican. proposal of Mr. Gaulden's, a magistrates a vote for the most quahfifd c (Proposal D) on the November ballot. Jim Heyser assistant which would enable the court to I hope voters who are concerned with 8th District render round - the - clock service, was but it is also a vote for an indPJJ transportation priorities will campaign and impossible, it once again neglected to print candidate, for Mr. Gaulden ha ^ Ingham County Commissioner vote for the re - election of Richard that this is possible through an application campaign funds from only ^ Conlin. to the State Supreme Court. personal friends. Indeed, ^ James R. Anderson These points, and others, have been between the highly qualified ^ Professor of Humanities Veenstra pushed covered by Mr. Gaulden in his forward Booker Gaulder» - highly Tschirhart is marked, Over the past year and a half, as a personalized door - to - door campaign distinctions are a great dea However, the dirtiest attack hurled at Mr. Karczewski urged member of the Ingham County Non - Gaulden was the accusation that he rudeness, and the fart ^ , hjnl Motorized Transportation Advisory Group, I have come to know John involved in questionable campaign tactics. was Republicans decided to hand In talking with Mr. Gaulden, I found him political patronage. IM Dear 10th District Resident, Veenstra, 6th Distrist county to be very candid and I know these things, feci ]■ commissioner. In that time I have copie to honest, and there is When you go to vote Tuesday for no substantiation at all to the lies which questions and paid attenti ^ do«fl statewide offices, your vote will be one of know John as an honest, sincere and this newspaper has fabricated. something the SUU News yJJ approximately three million cast. extremely dedicated public official. He I cannot see how this case. I urge all East Un » £■ worked diligently to see that a citizens' anyone can trust the However, in the 10th Ingham County advisory group made up of those most Mate News, for in this case it did not look students and homeowners ^ M Commission District (on the east MSU for the better candidate, but it looked for for Booker Gaulden, for , directly concerned was formed to prepare campus and surrounding apartment and housing areas) your vote may be one of a plan for nonmotorized transportation in lies, innuendo, and distortion to back a high qualities that we neea candidate who made it to the District Court judge. the crucial 1,900 votes, needed to elect Ingham County. He felt that a bench not Mom® tlirough open election, but through the your next local county representative. nonmotorized transportation plan should 124 C« generosity of our Republican governor. I ACTION F t?ENaM WGHTCONCtDGR LEAXXNGr A. THIRD PM3TY -&&6rffcM Criticism of Carr, Levin refuted another article in the Kgnse cut needed McConnell, in his State News column, and Taylor in Friday. present job market. Secondly, one of the somehow able to obtain tickets. This letter supposedly best ways to a secure future is is dedicated J'* state**?■ that™kue a "at " out lie when they the $750 standard through higher education. This people: however, to another group of those great people who were I Friday's State News, a columnist would need to be closed deduction under Carr's plan, necessitates taking anywhere from two to forced to suffer the aftermath of Bobb-'s |g,ted one local Congressional ui fact, Carr supports an increase in the 10 years to receive the desired degree. To benefit. lLe Robert Carr. for advocating a deduction to help offset the attend college fulltime makes it extremely Seven Stills was great I am sure, but a Lion cut in the Pentagon budget. inflation. effects of difficult but not impossible to also hold number of people were looking forward to n is not alone in this position. The TTie $70 billion for down a fulltime job. Thirdly, many the 10 p.m. Tom Rush show which was to national health _ Rights party candidate, Howard would be financed, as Carr has always said, care students are financially independent of follow the 8 p.m. Stills show. After 1 has endorsed an even larger military their parents. waiting partially from an increase in social They work fulltime during in line for 45 minutes for the benefit to Nine former assistant secretaries of twees - but would be more than security the summer and part - time during the clear out so we could enter the offset by Stables, we se have asked for a $15 - billion cut. the reduction in medical school year to support themselves. There were graciously informed that the cover expenses for the _or Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz. has average family. is no discrimination against these students charge to see Tom Rush had been raised to fcded a $5 billion cut. Finally, Bob Carr has not been when the time comes to take taxes from three dollars. Well, I don't grudge that. It IrGIM's research on the economic "bought" by labor. They support him, just their paychecks. A portion of these taxes was a good show. What I do grudge is Js of military spending, reported in its as the business interests support Taylor, do support the governmental program in having to wait an extra two hours to see it "The Empty Pork Barrel," justified because question, namely the food stamp program. start. As a result of the earlier benefit, the '. billion cut they agree with his ideas - and in military spending, he's not ashamed of that. Carr and To exclude students from food Tom Rush show was the stamp delayed until nearly on hard data and close analysis. benefits even if they' do unions both want national health qualify midnight. Tom Rush was great, and that statistics, corroborated by the under government regulations would be put me back in a good mood. Nonetheless, insurance, campaign reform, and consumer jon, showed that 261,000 Michigan and environmental blatant economic discrimination. I shouldn't be very protection. This type surprised at all if Can ns are presently out of work because of legislation doesn't It should be noted that in the same lost as many votes that help unions; it helps night as he gained. .h military spending. This is because debate Mr. Can skirted the same issue, people. And that's what Bob Can's Scott R. Shaw The State News, throughout their I virtually the entire U.S. personal candidacy is all about. never answering the question directly. We 677 E. McDonel Hall Levin supported he tax goes to the Pentagon, people assume this avoidance of the endorsement, misrepresents the views of Mark Atlas question was Democrat candidate Sandy Levin. The J unable to buy the goods due to Mr. Can's fear of losing precious SN Ifaetured in Michigan or to take 825 Grand River Ave. student votes. ignores SLP' The State News endorsement of Zolton endorsement claims Levin wouldn't touch the idea of a graduated income tax with a ■tions in our state. Severe Ferency was not based on accurate facts. ten foot Before this jyeat November election pole. If the editorial writers had Iployment is the result. begins, I wish to publicly congratulate the Sandy Levin has made the utilities a major bothered to do their TIGIM's study demonstrates that issue since the primary. Levin believes that ho(mework a little State News and the local media in general better, they would have known that Levin Xry spending creates far fewer jobs for the fairness they have shown in residential rates should not go up until has wholeheartedly supported a graduated I ie same money spent for civilian industry pays a fair share, since industrial income tax and supported a proposal for a covering the campaigns of the Reprocrats, rates are 70 to 80 per cent less than Demopubs and that harmless constitutional amendment for such on the je U.S. fighting in Vietnam has been Rights party. little Hippo residents. The last two rate decisions the Public Service Commission have by 1972 ballot. hated. It is time to reduce the Rather than "pussyfooting around," as I also wish to commend the State News followed Levin's proposal by budget by the $20 billion for increasing the State News would call it, Levin has lised the country as a "peace totally ignoring the program of industrial rates much more. classless, democratic, industrial self • strongly supported the repeal of the state hd." Carr not bought' We support neither candidate. Bob government proposed by the evil Socialist Levin started working on campaign sales tax. To replace lost revenues, he has reform two years before JRGIM believes that a $20 - billion cut Can's statements are too Levin - like and Labor party (SLP). It is clear to me, as I Watergate. As a proposed a re - evaluation of the state state senator, Levin introduced more than ■itary expenditure would be a major In his Oct 31 column on the Carr we find it a contradiction in terms budget to eliminate ■ Taylor am sure it is to all responsible voters who 30 campaign reform bills. These included unnecessary 1 toward fiscal sanity. It would race, Michael McConnell contends that between Cliff Taylor's "own man" have ever been handed a leaflet governmental expenditures, not the Itaneously lower the inflation rate Can is "bought and by these limits on contributions, ceilings on services which are needed. He has called paid for" by labor concept and the reality of representing mad people, that implementation of the Jie unemployment rate. because of campaign donations. such a large and diverse SLP's program would mean the end of our expenditures, full disclosure measures and for reducing the staff of the executive ■RGIM supports issues, not constituency. a public check off system. Levin is the Apparently Mr. McConnell does not even beloved free enterprise system and the first office, annually re - examining old ■dates. But we are very glad to find read the paper he writes for. This Halloween we really did gubernatorial candidate in the history Let's set the see a beginning of a life without capitalists or programs which cunently remain un • 1 candidates for public office taking record straight by ghoul and a goblin. politicians. These Socialist Labor partyites of Michigan to make public both evaluated once instituted, limiting outstate reviewing campaign expenditures and contributions. ■RGIM findings seriously. contributions listed in the Oct. 30issueof would have us believe that legislative travel expenses except to gain Marion Anderson Mark Sanford Rubin production Levin thinks a graduated income tax is the State News. Of the should be carried on for more federal monies help create jojbs $34,146 listed as people's needs much more equitable, but points out that or Legislative Director, PIRGIM contributed to Cliff Taylor's Oak Park for campaign. and desires, not for profit. Can you the voters would have to Michigan, and streamlining the $33,646 from those Nancy Lynn Hanson change the state administration of the welfare program. comes benevolent imagine houses, food, cars, etc. being constitution which would take two years. contributors such Grayling Among the Ir/or backer hit as medicine, banking, real estate, business • industry, auto dealers produced for use? I'm sure you can't. However, you, as I, have recognized that It is for these reasons that Sander Levin should be the governor of the State of so • called "few jabs" that Levin has made at the utilities are his and insurance. In other there are certain irresponsible elements in proposals to freeze all general rate words, 98 per cent Michigan. lhael McConnell's column endorsing of Cliff Taylor's listed contributions come Carr benefit hurts these troubled times (undoubtedly victims Camille Mrozowski increases to the residential customers and 1 from business and professional of permissiveness) who would a rollback for residential customers of the Taylor for the 6th District groups. welcome, A323 Butter field Hall I let you, dear reader, recent estimated 50 per cent Consumers ssional race is a good example of ponder who is organize and even go so far as to vote for khe Taylor campaign is all about. By bought and paid for. Mark Let me say at the outset that this should such Utopian godlessness. Power increase in gas rates. Schwitzgoebel Therefore, it is ling the truth, ignoring the obvious A 414 Armstrong Hall not be taken as a strictly anti - Can letter. essential that we keep these negative ideas, Facts distorted1 A vote for Zolton Ferency is not a vote I making unfounded accusations, which go against all the immutable laws of for political reform and responsiveness in Though I have become thoroughly ■nell decides that Taylor gets his Students stamped on disgruntled as a result of a certain aspect of Bob Carr's human nature, out of the news media, lest we have to The State News has truly shown their government. Rather it continuing the social and economic is a vote for campaign tactics, this js not superimpose martial law on our tonnell specifically attacks Carr's an effort to debunk the man and I hold no sacred two and a half irresponsiveness to the students of MSU in problems that this state cannot afford to During the televised debate between • - - • party system as their endorsement of Zolton k priorities. Can's proposed $10 personal or political grudges. What I Ferency for bear by keeping the cunent administration Robert Can and Cliff responsible Chileans had to do. Taylor on Oct. 31, governor. The paper should pay a little in office. Such I cut in the military is not Mr. Taylor made the inference that he protest is when the vote - gathering Hiank you, and again, congratulations for a vote cannot be called business can reach such a more attention to the anything but a job well done. Michael Ballard facts, instead of a waste. Sue LeBlanc pgogic." but rather it is an honest considers students to be secondary better interest of the frenzy that the distorting and ignoring them. 1 ■ studied stand on this issue. The citizens. His comments were made in public can be lost 531 Ann St. cocoordinator, Students for Levin I that Taylor doesn't state and innocent people forced to suffer the any response to the question of student ill • effects of a campaign DOONESBURY Jc figure is because he looks with a eligibility for food stamps. He seems to be extravaganza. by Garry Trudeau ■ more favorable eye towards the under the misconception that students are Hie extravafpnza which I refer to is the y, and any "waste" he fihds will be voluntarily unemployed and thus should rufus, what's recent Steven Stills benefit concert for Bob now then - leant. be exempt a '"hooky"? mom mrs "honky"?. from aid available to the needy. Carr at the Stables. Most of us around write rr if someone don't no, c'mon, tax reform said 10 watch out "honky; oh., i down ? proposals were May we point out that some students campus are by now aware of that recent calls me a worry- n0w-i I at and thoroughly substantiated in for anyone who man, bene* are unemployed simply because of the concert and those blessed few who were bobby, 'honky, 'what're you'll pick want to calls mb a "honky' write that w. my options as it up. be read> \hooky.* down.. re6ards a / to 60. rewrj? I'M REALLY INTO SPORTS marqe DURING THE OFF-SEASON YOU'RE AN STOP CALLING IT'SMVuFE.UweNieROUJUPl'M I'LL PROBACY po A LITTLE AMAZIN6 ME "SIR" GONNA Pi AY PROFE55I0NAI BALL B0ULIN6 OR pop A UJHEELie IN A MOTO-CROSS. PERSON, 5lR IN THE SUMMER ANP 5KATE IN AN ICE SHOu) IN THE WINTER... Ifjlwtwnffi (tlfinririri. J)ooLey's as t(/ MONDAY J Xj fl/j lb. UlVlbuRqER, A U CARTE ^ 754 fROM 5:50 TO 8:00 nil 9 downstairs Y TUESDAY 1/2 PRICENITE i i J aII iviixEd dmNks IhaIF inormaI pmce downs' WEDNESDAY PITCHER SPECIAL dowNSTAiRs I ill 10:00, cover Sty THURSDAY Pitcher special upstairs, 8 to 10 LADIES NITE AII IEMAIES RECEDE a MixEd dRiisk wiT^ pAid AdMissioN r Till 10:00, downstairs,. f FRIDAY Vj GRAND OLE T.C.I.F. UNbf liEVAblE old fAshiONEd PRICE jj pilcllERSpECiAl 2 T06 jfflHFS ER llOldo(,S 2 TO 5 WKfl < l)ANds pUyilNC, AT NO COVER 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mon<>ay, November J AFL-CIO tops in last-minute campaign gift The AFL CIO now has reported spending $1.7 million so far $105,934. WASHINGTON (AP) - Hie AFL - CIO's political arm spent such as the United Auto Workers (UAW) and United - The biggest sum given by the UAW was $15 $297,861 in 10 days to help labor - approved candidates in Steelworkers. this year for federal, state and local elections, the largest total for ooo t„ u. Blanchard, a Democrat trying to unseat conservitiJl d Tuesday's elections, topping a list of last • minute spending by Many of these other special interest groups, however, reported a single political committee. special interest groups. large amounts of cash on hand at the end of the period, and may More than half the money in the most recent period - Rep. Robert J. Huber of Troy, Michigan. * A check of reports on file with the government showed the now be making large donations that won't be disclosed publicly $150,000 of it - went into the giant labor organization's Telegrams continued to pour into government offices over the weekend, telling of giant labor group's political spending in the moet recent until next year, when the next batch of public reports is due. "educational fund," which will pay for get • out • the - vote large donation*» candidates after the close of books Oct. 24. reporting period - from Oct 15 to Oct. 24 inclusive — far Last minute donations of $5,000 or more must be reported - efforts aimed at helping candidates on election day. The remainder of the money was given directly to 121 The steelworkers gave $5,000 to Sen outpaced that of other rich lobbies, including the American publicly by telegram, but anything smaller won't be known to Jacob K Javit, d Medical Association, dairy cooperatives and big individual unions voters until well after ballots are cast. individual campaigns. The biggest donations were $5,000 each to $5,000 to Gary Hart, the former McGovem camasi™ now trying to beat Sen. Peter three Democratic candidates for the Senate. Rep. Wayne Owens Dominick, R Colo - John A. Drukin, Democratic candidate for " of Utah, Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont, and Wendell H. Forti of Vermont. ^ Kentucky. asks The nation's Egypt fo biggest dairy cooperative, Assorts UN J Hie AFL - CIO continued to make large donations even after Producers, Inc., had $1.6 million in cash on hand Oct. 24. Sen. Birch Bayh, D - Ind., reported by telegram that he the reporting period, more than at 1 ■ got a $5,000 gift from the labor federation. Owens also reported any other political trust receiving an additional $6,000 from the AFL • CIO, and a By ASSOCIATED PRESS Ismailia buildings. The radio were preparing for a fifth war The sources said the separate $5,000 donation from the steelworkers. A United Nations official said that the Egyptians wanted with Israel. American diplomat will test The auto workers and the steelworkers unions reported went to the Egyptian town of Ismailia on Sunday after Egypt the buildings for the Suez A spokesman for the the ground in Egypt and other spending large sums in the most recent 10 ■ day reporting period. jplaveps' prtstnts asked that the UN Emergency Force (UNEF) vacate some of Canal Authority. Under its commander Lt. Gen. Ensio Finnish Egyptian Foreign Ministry said Cairo "still Kissinger step holds by to the step Middle return reassess East capitals, then to U.S. Washington to The auto workers listed $98,160 and the steelworkers reported PGalfciA- - - policy with its headquarters buldings there. Siilasvuo, UNEF has policed an approach. We welcome any President Ford. Beal Film Group presents - for persons 18 yrs. of age once ... The Jerusalem Post said agreement worked out last step forward and will do our or older observers feared the Cairo winter by Secretary State utmost to persuade other Arab request was made because of countries to go along with it." TEENAGE Henry A. Kissinger to keep plans "to build up Egypt's military potential in the area" and that the Egyptians were apart Israeli and Egyptian troops east of the Suez. Ismailia, with the main UNEF He did not rule out that possible secret agreement was reached at the Arab summit to a upon. trying to have the head quarters moved to Cairo. "The question of UN UNEF headquarters, is western bank. on the canal's Kissinger returns to the allow Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to do whatever he considers in Egypt's interest CHEER Emergency Force headquarters Middle East now that the Palestinians are a Tuesday for talks accommodation at Ismailia has been raised, and the matter is under discussion," a UN to try and save his peace mission summit in light decisions in of Arab Rabat, separate entity in the situation. Egyptian officials would not speculate on Sadat's thoughts, LEADER itcto union tljcatrc Iwllroo J ••• B spokesman in New York said. Morocco, that strengthened the but diplomatic sources said the nob. $,9 He said the Egyptians want position of Palestinian Egyptian president messaged the buildings back in guerrillas. Kissinger the outcome of the 15,16 connection with next spring's At Rabat, the Arab leaders summit and asked that he RATED X 21,22,23 planned reopening of the canal designated the Palestine return to the area. Ticbcfson sak n:u , and that the proposed turnover Liberation Organization (PLO) does not mean the UNEF the sole legitimate af ffie Anion Bos Cffice I headquarters wili be moved. The Israeli state radio representative for the area's 3 million Palestinians. A PLO It the door Sjll'jjnlS'SljJ I reported that UN sources in spokesman said Saturday the 8:15pm Jerusalem said the Egyptians summit rejected Kissinger's requested two months ago that plan, which he called "sheer ] Spartan Twin West L UNEF evacuate some of its nonsense." He said the Arabs 'One of the Best DR. SY MIGDAL Movies of 1974r (POULTRY FOR PEANUTS EVERY MONDAY UNTIHOpfl All the chicken, ranch fries & cole slaw you can ea Dean of Faculty MAHARISHI INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Teenage Cheerleader is the most daring explicit film we have ever seen. The erotic footage is the most graphic ever Kit screened. Beautifully made, Teenage Cheerleader is an Dr. Migdal will relate current concepts in holistic HMRyftTONTO" erotic explosion." L.A A fter Dark. education to the Science of Creative Intelligence, the You must be 18 - all persons will be checked for proof study of consciousness. You are invited to consider the of age This film is absolutely hardcore - no minor will be unified concept of education based on a practical admitted. technique which measurably increases intelligence and If you want more information about this film, creativity: Transcendental Meditation. just ask anyone who saw the preview. Tuesday, Nov, 5 Showtimes: 7:00,8:30,10:00 Showplace: 111 Olds Admission: $2.25 CHICKEN SPECIAL Ihurs £OJ Our Chicken & Salad Platter. Three pieces of country fried The, chicken, a warm roll, and all the salad you want TICKETSGO ON SALE Peanut (you make it yourself)! 3 pieces of chicken, roll, french fries & or MONDAY E'GrandRivd coleslaw $1.29 Monday, November 11 li'iHHMH'I'lil 349 ?700 MERIDIAN MM! J SO'OFF THE KING AND HIS LOYAL SHORT SUBJECTS Chicken Dinner good Mod. • Thurs. Today Open 6:45 P.M. "Bears" 7:00 P.M. - "Dog" 8:30 P.M. only. late liOOKIi - BAMBI MEETS GODZILLA stcoftd lor mom) th« funniest short THANK YOU, MASK MAN ever nude! 50' OFF WALT DISNEY the Bears \ WINKIi -a Lenny Bruce routine in animated cartoon. Chicken Platter good Mon. - Thurs. Or-s and I CI IORAI KING OF HEART? SHAOOV D00 In "A MASTERPIECE! 1010 E. Grand River I NOTHING SHORT OF A MASTERPIECE! E. Lansing, Mich STUNNING! SLEEPER HIT OF THE YEAR! IT HAS TEN TIMES THE ENERGY JAMj Monday, November 25 You get a whole lot more of what you're hungerin' fo OF MOST CONTEMPORARY FILMS! VTi£ flex Reed. N Y Daily News GEORGE C. SCOn SOVIE The MSU Department of Theatre MOW EORGI DUDOV KKAVITZ "A Stunning Saga" - Presents - Gene Shalit m OF THE DOLPHIN , NBCT.V. TonlteitliOO »:1» Twlllte hour S:30 « COLOR: H Adultl St-25 - LYSISTB4M by Aristophanes Tuesday, November 26 \)I aBtakeEduwfefi® Julie OBJ Andreuw Shart FOR THE OWL Opens Tomorrow PETE'S SAKE AND THE PUSSYCAT Tamarind Seed in Tool to at 1:00 »:30 Twlllte hour S:30'«° FRI.- "AIRPORT 1»75" Adultl >1-2* — "Morvelously, Uproariously, The Arena - Gene Shalit Funny" NBC T.V. THE MAO For ticket information phone: 355-0148 A Ke* "*■"■¥116 c^r\nrz> ADVENTURES" Tickets Now Available i0F"RABBI"JAC0&, ALL SEATS NOW RESERVED Tonlte at till l:1S Twlllte hour- ».4S - lit I * W8 Monday, November 4, 1974 7 \D ynamicMcGuinn By DAVIE DiMART,N0 ac News Reviewer ^ (formerly of the Stone with a subtle undertone of self - The phone is picked up. State Dalfrf 8 Att8Way on drums. satisfaction. "I know it wasn't Bemie "Dial a 0." ft McGuinn is a spontaneous ■ despite all his years in the rock Dav^d Lovelacegu.tar°n (allpiano and Richard Bowden on Leadon. Hmm... I don't know." The "0" is dialed. formerly of an Pointing to a nearby stereo in the McGuinn I business, and he quickly lives up Mrpl V.himself ongroup' McGuinn Shil°h); and room, he said: "Wait a minute. We just beamed, jumping up and down from his seat, while the |heralded image as a true rock guitar. electric twelve - string • played one of their albums. Let me see pondered what to say to a radio operator. reporter their picture.. You're not «..a exudes a charismatic self - they sin«." McGuinn adds going to put me on the spot McGuinn moved on and revealed more C that is refreshing. Probably with a gleam in his eye. of his spacey, but warm are you Roger? 'I think that the lead personality. His eyes are merry. "Tell them it's o death by questions he has guitar plaver is "1 guess you've heard about radio check." just every bit as good as this, huh?" a j hundreds of times, he still anybody I've ever he played with - which includes inquired, pointing to a small black Later, McGuinn spoke of his future Ms energetically. Clarence attache case at his feet. plans. ■is the questions about his current White, rest his soul," he said. "He's I think so, the reporter "I've found that it's not good as opposed to his Byrds different; not the same but he's replied. enough just as "Ever see it?" to be a star anymore, you good. have to be a |tions, that he answers most No. superstar it's a necessity," he said. "This Istically. McGuinn said he found the band Without delay, McGuinn opened the - band will help me do that. Tas proud as anyone could be through one of the Eagles, but he doesn't attache case and "I know a lot of bands that are proudly displayed his Jltieir band," McGuinn said of the remember which one. "I don't know - portable radio operated telephone. - go out of business between now and going to |lv dazzled the small audience and Noev more than met the challenge and brilliantly as the two pieces that preceded Few people in modern music are lay six encores before they let him put oh a dazzling show that overwhelmed I it. as the audience. He ripped interesting or have as much to offer as L through some of The applause was thunderous and Noev does Roger McGuinn. His is a native of Bulgaria and this the most difficult music ever written for continuing returned for encore after encore. He could musical evolution should be of interest to is part of his first tour of the piano and if there were mistakes, everyone have played all night if he wanted to. us all. |Slates. He has toured in Europe y and is the winner of several jional piano competitions. I program in D opened with Haydn's Major." Normally it is Rhoda' lacks sister show's shine SN _ ■ ml Photo/Daniel Shott a straight - forward, nondescript Roger McGuinn, who appeared with his recently formed five piece [{classical writing. Noev chose to By KATHY ESSELMAN Stone centerfold with clothes when she appeared on "The band at the Stables this weekend, believes that it is no longer enough [differently. He gave the piece a State News Reviewer Mary to be a rock and roll star. He says superstardom is a necessity now, |c interpretation with many tempo "Rhoda" has the personality of a soggy matzoball. Tyler Moore Show." Her apartment clicked with beads and the "early Salvation Army" furniture was submerged in dramatic low and that the Roger McGuinn Band will gain him that: status. i, exaggerated dynamics and the Valerie Harper, fatling turned swan, stars in this spin - off from lighting. The effect fell somewhere between early beat and late "The Mary Tyler Moore Show." (Brahms' "Sonata in F Minor" that CBS has lavished an enviable publicity cheap. campaign on the series. In New York, she lived in a bright apartment that breathed Jd was probably the weakest piece I evening. Brahms was a rather TVuer love hath no network. Articles have turned diverse publications as Redbook, The up in such Sunday Times Magazine, middle - class comfort. The comfortable, reassured viewers that all these crazy kids comforting image MSU music faculty quintet ive composer and his writing TV Guide and trade journals really need is a good featuring glowing "puff stuff." man and they will straighten out. Last es the lyrical qualities of music as Redbook asked, "Can Rhoda make it on her own?" The week, Rhoda got married to Joe, looking like a pinup for Redbook. to present recital tonight I to technical bombast. answer is yes. Show people think it is wonderful, network Rhoda's TV friends from "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" came ■rtunatelv Noev tried to play the executives love it and viewers put it third in the Nielsen 1 work as if it had been written by ratings. all the way from the next sound stage for the ceremony. The plot Hie writers responsible for all four % Chopin. Brahms simply did Mary Tyler Moore complication came when Rhoda, thanks to Phyllis, got stranded The Richards Woodwind Quintet will give a recital at 8:15 tonight in the Music not Enterprises (MTM) series on CBS are James Brooks, Allan Burns, i the same way, and the Lorenzo Music and Dave Davis. across town on her wedding day. The idea reads better than it Building auditorium. plays. The Richards Quintet is composed of five Music Dept. faculty members: Daniel |1 bombast that Noev tried to put "Rhoda" looks like an impulse ft performace sounded out of place. — "wouldn't it be great if... " "Rhoda" lacks the quality, enthusiasm and sheer lunatic > Stolper, Elsa Ludewig - Verdehr, Douglas Campbell, Edgar Kirk and Israel Borouchoff. A plastic swan made in L.A., Rhoda, the tough, 1 more than atoned for these sins funny lady inventiveness that characterized its sister show "The Mary Tyler Borouchoff, a new faculty member, is an associate professor of flute who earlier this who could accompany Lou Grant to a ■wo pieces by Liszt that followed, hockey game, now has Moore Show." Maybe when it gets finished with its "happy ever, term appeared as a soloist with MSU's Chamber Orchestra. been transformed into a princess. after" episodes, the series will acquire a unique style, and Rhoda The quintet will perform works by it Francis of Paola Walking on An "A no. 1" certified kook, Rhoda looked like a Gebauer, Etler, Haydn,and Tomasi. Rolling can stop being a bargain - basement Mary Tyler Moore. The public is invited at no charge. FIVE GREAT REASONS TO ELECT SAND SALES TAX REFORM When Levin first went to the Michigan Senate in 1965, he helped write a bill that would have repealed this unfair tax on food and drugs. It never passed due to Republican opposition. This year, he is fighting hard for Proposition C, which gives the public the opportunity to vote this regressive tax cut. The current governor is against the repeal, claiming that it will cost the state too much revenue, although he was more than willing to give business a $90 million tax cut this year. However, the governor's claims are untrue. The Michigan Citizens Lobby has calculated that even a maximum increase of !4 of 1% in the State Income tax would cover lost revenue, assuming no reduction in state expenditures. Levin is confident that a small reduction in expenditures can be made, making an income tax hike unnecessary. For once, consumers would receive a well deserved break and the poor, retirees, and students, many of whom are living on fixed incomes, would no longer be taxed on the very necessities of life. WOMEN in State Government Levin has charged that the current governor has failed to ensure equal opportunities for women in state government jobs. Only 1 of 17 department heads appointed by the governor was a woman. Of 1,267 persons appointed to boards and commissions by the governor, only 12.4% were women. Only 6 of 84 paid positions in state government, appointed by the governor, were women. Levin feels that there are plenty more women in this state who are qualified, and pledges to appoint them to important position in his administration. "It is time that present discrimination against women in State government jobs be stopped and a determined effort be made to provide women with a real opportunity for advancement in the civil service system." Environmental Protection In 1970, Levin led a successful fight to protect the Waterfalls of Porcupine Mountain State Park from a construction project that would have ruined the natural beauty of the area. Also in that year, Levin sponsored a bill to permit citizens to take polluters to court. The House version became the Environmental Protection Act of 1970. As early as 1966, he co - sponsored legislation for a bond issue to finance pollution control. For the future, Levin proposes the formation of a State Land Commission, which would develop a comprehensive program for land use across the state. This would enable the best possible utilization of the state's natural resources, but more importantly, would protect scenic and wilderness areas for all to enjoy. Protection for Farm Workers Since 1969, Levin has sponsored over 12 bills to protect farm workers, including Day Care Centers for children of Farm Workers (SB 919, 1969) and the Minimum Wage Law (SB 912, 1969). This legislation never made it past the governor's desk. The best the current governor has done was to appoint a special task force whose recommendations he never acted on. Levin pledges to "I won't be a behind the desk continue the fight .for Migrant Labor legislation. governor. I will be visible and accessible. I want a personalized, more open and less remote state government." Higher Education Funding In September of this year, Levin declared that "Inflation is pricing middle income students right out of higher education." A large number of students are not poor enough to qualify for scholarships or rich enough to afford the staggering costs of higher education. Levin proposes a state guaranteed loan program for all students regardless of family income. Up to $3,000 annually could be borrowed for use in colleges, universities, or technical - vocational schools. The program would not remove any existing funds from lower income student programs, but would provide all Michigan students with adequate funds for higher education. Only in this way, can the state live up to its responsibility in educating its students. DON'T WASTE YOUR VOTE ON NOVEMBER 5 ELECT SANDY LEVIN DEMOCRAT FOR GOVERNOR Student! interested in helping Sandy on election day, call Bob Hood at 353-7678. Paid for by Students for Levin Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. November4 J Carr reviews stands, Union Strings? denies union strings Student Vote Do you think that American By MIKE ARNETT The State News interviewed wasteful military spending and State News Staff Writer What is your personal background? Your heavily campaign financed has been by labor Bob Out and Cliff Taylor, candidates for the 6th Distrist U.S. congressional seat, in late foreign aid, and reforming the tax code I've over a period of time. BE5JEEH How much of the student vote social problems are best handled at the national rather than the local level? suggested anything 74 unions. If you are elected, never do you think you will receive? CARR - I graduated from October. Hie transcripts of but a balanced budget, and I CARR - I got 88 per cent won't you feel, afterward, that the University of Wisconsin in those interviews are printed tax CARR you will have to vote the way oppose a increase, last time. I probably won't get — It is a 1965, and from the law school the unions want you to vote or today to aid students in including the 5 per cent surtax that this time. To win, I have combination. We have a there in 1968. While 1 was making their voting selections proposed by President Ford. national risk losing their support in the abuse is primarily a medical to have a heavy student economy and a there I became active in the tomorrow. national next election? problem, with fringe criminal turnout, and about 70 per cent unemployment antiwar and civil rights TTie transcripts have been Student Loans problems. of the student vote. TTiis will picture, and that is where these movements. In 1968 I attended CARR — There are no edited for brevity. offset the Republican vote in problems have to be solved: MSU on a Ford Foundation strings attached to that money. What do you think should be Should students be eligible But law enforcement is one Hie unions have never asked share of the load for the for Livingston and Washtenaw scholarship. done to make it' easier for food stamps? E. counties. major problem that has to be Since then I've been active me for any favors. I've opposed government, while the wealthy students to get loans to finance dealt with at local levels, in them when I disagreed with get off scot - free. even community affairs, their educations? CARR Anybody who What do you think will be the though Balanced Budget — Congress can support particularly civil liberties. I've what they were trying to do. CARR — I favor getting rid qualifies ought to be able to long - range problems this /these efforts and can help ii] served on both the local and For example, the UAW You propose a balanced federal of needs analysis statements use food stamps, regardless of define crimes. But I'm opposed country will face over the next state board of the American supports auto import quotas, budget, yet also approve which students now have to fill the reason for their inactivity 25 years? to a national police force. Civil Liberties Union. I've done and I do not. out to implementing a $100 billion qualify for loans. or unemployemnt. Congress a lot of work on student voter Of course, there are many carr national health care system. Eligibility should be much should not get into being a CARR The registration. That's how I things that they and I just How can this be done without more uniform. Students should - big problem fault • finder, saying it is will be trying to maintain a became active in East Lansing naturally agree on. There is an a tax increase? have the money to go where someone's fault for being standard of living and expand politics. I worked as an asst. affinity between us and the way we view the working CARR — Even assuming that it will cost $100 billion, they want to go. There should be a guaranteed student loan unemployed. Some people are forced to go out on strike, even it to more people on a diminishing resource base. In a MSU BOOTERY S attorney general under Frank people of this country - how that cost is already there. That program. The government though they may have voted situation of scarcity, survival Kelley and as an aide to U.S. they always get the short end is how much American are should pick up the slack when against the strike. Food stamps instincts become the greatest, Sen. Gaylord Nelson D - Wis. of the stick and pay the big paying each year for health care. The question is: what private banks aren't making loans to students. underwrite a basic nutritional quality in this country. and discrimination and intolerance are heightened. SPECIAL OF soufce is that money coming Levin will appear today from, and how are we going to Marijuana Legalization budget that money? We are not going to have Do you think marijuana should Mo/V THE WEEK national health care tomorrow. at International Center It would have to come over a be legalized? CARR — I think it should 20 - year period of time. What be treated just like alcohol. I'm talking about is reordering Democratic gubernatorial candidate Sander Levin is scheduled Any drug, including alcohol, national priorities away from should be regulated. to appear on campus this morning at 10:00 a.m. Levin will talk Drug with students in the International Center for 45 minutes, his press secretary said. Levin will also be YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY canvassing at Lansing Community College in the morning before and after his MSU appearance. sturdy waterproof bookbags! With contacts from CDEXTER)//--^ East Lansing's only Co-Op for Optical Needs POLYESTER CANVAS BOOKBAG WITH Mon. & Thurs. RAINFLAP Heavy treated polyester cotton tM - 4 PM, 5 PM - 8:3GPM duck. Tan. 16" * 16" x 4" with squared 351-5330 Tues., Wed.. Fri. $5 95 postpaid 9 AM PM, 2 "1 — Sat., 9 A.M. to Noon •3WATERPRO< NYLON BOOKBAG EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. WITH RAINFLAP CO-OPTICAL SERVICES Colorful heavy duty Dr. R. C. Minor, Optometrist nylon. Extra large. Reinforced seams ^ 3 Now in Brookfield Plaza HARVARD 15"xl6"x6't" P BOOKBAG »»• JV pu»ip«iu with pockets 16" x 18" x 3" Waterproof colorful COLORS 1JST PREFERENCE San Royol Bl send today to: Take 5 seconds more., Henri laurent ' fashion for living post office box 7012 Dept. berkeley. California 94707 keep a ^reat Judge in our courts This is the look than! riding high. All ovtfl America The hgsW BOOKER GAULDEN Riders from Dex'ff It's the j.'. I i look. Get Dexter ara | ride! For WAS EAST LANSING DISTRICT 3I.N| >W I JUDGE $29 A MOST QUALIFIED CANDIDATE V, •Juris Doctorate, University of Michigan Law School 'Harvard University Pre-Law Program •Assistant Attorney General, State of Michigan •Private practice, firm of Philo, Maki etc., Detroit •Wayne County Neighborhood Legal Services "Michigan Legal Assistance Program •Reginald Heber - Smith Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania Law School This 7" inside 'Lansing Committee on Equal Justice zipper boot in •Chairman East Lansing Zoning Board of Appeals Brown Stained Cowhide sells Committee to Elect Booker Gaulden for East Lansing District Judge 925 Virginia Ave. East Lansing, Mich. 48823 351-8288 Si for only WAS judge Donald S. Owens >u*\ TUESDAY NITE We have important interest in Mfl an common: we believe it is essential to have good judges in our courts. Judge Donald S. Owens was appointed to the Ingham County Probate Court by Governor William G. Milliken after all the candidates for this position had been examined and rated by a bipartisan committee composed of prominent members of the State Bar of Michigan. As Probate Judge, Judge Owens has distinguished himself in his knowledge of Probate Law and in his concern and compassion for the children of Ingram County. It takes only 5 seconds to locate the Non - Partisan section of your ballot. We hope you agree with us, that good judges are as important as good legislators. And, whether you are a Republican, a Democrat, or an Independent, we hope you will join us in giving Judge Donald S. Owens, Ingham County Probate Judge, our support. Prof, and Mrs. Norman Abeles Prof. Chitra Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Atkinson Prof, and Mrs. Webster Smith Prof, and Mrs. Alexander Butler Prof, and Mrs. T. Benson Strandness Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chapin Patricia White Prof, and Mrs. Carl Frost Bob and Barbara Harris Dr. Ray E. Heifer Nanci Winborn Prof, and Mrs. Stephen Yelon MSU Prof, and Mrs. Benjamin B. Hickok Dr. Andrew D. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Kennedy Charles and Barbara Lohrke Bootery Prf. and Mrs. Donald Meaders Prof, and Mrs. Donald Melcer El JudgeProbate Owens Court The store that has ntot| Dr. and Mrs. William Sederberg 225 E. Grand River Open Thurt. night until 9, Friday n'S^t until 8. ^^andSunday 12:30 - 8:30 p.m. 600 N. Homer at E. Saginaw near FrandorShopping Center 5001 W. Saginaw across from the Lansing Mall Paid for by the Committee to elect Judge Donald S. Owens iankamericaro Park and Shop \ ! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November4,1974 ^ EXPLAINS STAND O [Taylor discusses election issues J By MIKE ARNETT state News Staff Writer opposed to decriminalization. Alcohol is a its Food stamps There will be a problem sJipistols? Next 211 to E.Grand River the Sportmeister ■ What is your personal totally different problem, Should students be for food eligible ELECTIONS living in an increasingly which springs from a stamps? complicated world, while still Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat 9-6 Eckground? different ITAYLOR - I pew up in |e Flint area and attended the historical base. Different from Chamberlain TAYLOR — I'm opposed to that, because the food stamp program was designed to take r 74 1 maintaining privacy for people to lead their lives as they want to lead them. It is going to take Wed,Thurj 9-9 diversity of Michigan. I went ; |aw school at Georgev politically from Charles How do you differ care pf people who involuntarily unemployed, are resolve the problems that face a strong civil liberties consciousness. CIGARETTES 2PK/69 ishington University. During Chamberlain (the outgoing voluntarily unemployed people not him. I don't think th& You support the American L year there 1 served on Republican congressman)? government is the only like students. Also, when Medical Assn. (AMA) proposal £ staff of former Michigan institution that can solve social students receive food for tax credits for medical Xngrrssman James Harvey. stamps it creates an antagonism toward problems. The Republican party has supported this idea, costs. How can a low - income ■ After graduating from law the food stamp family that has no extra money 10% OFF ON ALL KODAK FILM |,ool I enlisted in the Navy, endangering program, the entire while Democrats have seen pay for large medical bills and Id I served for three years as program. There is nothing government good. as unqualifiedly then deduct all of part of them PROCESSING & DEVELOPING | officer. In June of 1971 I wrong with the basic concept at the end of the year? No Limit Xs appointed an asst. of food stamps. During the primary, you (COUPON) Expires Nov. 10, 1974 Kosecuting attorney for criticized your opponent, state TAYLOR - The first East Lansing Store Only What do you think should Sen. William Ballenger, for premise of the plan is that ■sham County. In October be done to make it easier for ■72 I entered private law being the choice of a backroom people are insured for health students to get loans to finance meeting of brokers. costs. But 15 per cent of the fcctice. Also in 1972 I their educations? power ALL SINGLE ALBUMS Lrkod for the re • election of Many of the "power brokers" people in the country are so TAYLOR — I support a who attended that meeting are poor they will have minimal S Sen. Robert Griffin. Vietnam involvement continuation of the present now supporting you with receptivity to incentives. So & RECENT RELEASES contributions. Is this a that group will receive a direct I You enlisted in the Navy at program. The government should be the guarantor of contradiction to payment from the government. \ height of the Vietnam war, your $389 loans to students, not the campaign slogan, "He's his The $8 billion co6t of the plan f 1967. Do you think loaner. I know that loans are man"? own includes these payments. Inerican involvement in hard to come by now, because letnam was a mistake? TAYLOR — I wasn't the Many parts of the U. S. TAYLOR of deficit first choice of those men, and medical system are working TAYLOR - At that spending by the government. We should get the well. The )e, 1 felt an obligation to go TAYLOR - Well, I don't government out of the business they haven't been that active in AMA plan EVERYDAY LOW PRICE! Co the Navy. I felt an interest supporting me. The figure encourages innovation in the really know. I feel he's of borrowing. wouldn't be that significant. delivery of health f serving my country, significantly more conservative Average citizens and care allows for minimal systems, ■dependent of my feelings than I am. Also, I think there is Long - range problems incursion into the tax area Jward the war. II think everybody now a difference in approach. Mr. Chamberlain did not Your campaign has emphasized representing the What do you feel will be the CEPACOL TAMPAX TIDE ■nks it was a mistake. I spend very much time average citizen. Considering the long - range problems this Lozenges association of Detergent Sped, during the war, that the campaigning on campus. I've Republicans country will face over the next Kited States could escape spent good with big wealth, why did you 25 years? 24 s 40's $ 1 29 20 A letnam with a viable foreign a part of my run as a Republican? oz. -J F 0,0^. SUNDAY Reg. 1.39 O 1 24's Reg. 2.08 Limit 1 1 Reg. 2.10 | cc S S t o °"C— a z 0" — NOV. 10,1974 (COUPON) Expires Nov. 10, 1974 East Lansing Store (COUPON) Expires Nov. 10, 1974 (COUPON) Expires Nov. 10, 1974 « cc < SU»0»Y Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only jtv cc U NOV II -J — Gillette Mennen TECHMATIC Adjustable Band SKIN BRACER BIC Medium Point 5 s 7 Of 4°z. / nc R*g. 1.10 / O Reg. 98c OO Reg. 19c Q Limit 1 Limit 6 (COUPON) (COUPON) (COUPON) Expires Nov. 10, 1974 Expires Nov. 10, 1974 Expires Nov. 10, 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only MEN'S UMBRELLA Airfare on Transair 137 66 complimentary inflight meals and drinks Reg. 5.00 (COUPON) Expires Nov. 10, 1974 East Lansing Store Only $2 7 nights accomodations at the SOUP MUGS WOOLITE Ambassador Hotel on the beach Limit 1 Reg. 69c All (coupon) Expires Nov. 10, 1974 East Lansing Store Only 44' 16 OZ. Rpo 1 sfl p' X (COUPON) Expires Nov. 10, 1974 East Lansing Store Only 99< tips taxes and gratuities \ Free golf and tennis BOOTIE SOCKS Reg. 69c 38' Sheer Opaque Orion KNEE SOX KNEE SOX KNEE SOX Reg. f 3/$l 00 Reg. 1.00 67' Reg. 1.00 72( Limit 6 (COUPON) (COUPON) Expires Nov. 10, 1974 Expires Nov. 10, 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Opaque Fashion Orion Sheer PANTY HOSE KNEE SOX PANTY HOSE I ?pen t0 a" students, faculty, I Call and friends- No. 0-1 No. 620 Reg. 1.50 Limit • 78" Reg. 1.50 79< Reg. 89c 49 Limit 6 (COUPON) 353-0766 ^'Y Expires Nov. 10, 1974 (COUPON) Expires Nov. 10, 1974 (COUPON) Expires Nov. 10, 1974 882-017Q evenings East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Oniy 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Bring By CHARLES JOHNSON on After the encounter with Ohio State, the Spartans will play OSU; Wisconsin entered the game as the 20th - ranked team in the Spartans result of a low snap from center. The second quarter saw MSU State News Sports Writer Indiana in an away game and then finish up the season at home nation after looking impressive against some of the country's top clicking again and . ■ touchdown pass from Baggett to MADISON, Wis. - Bring on Ohio State!... and Indiana!... and Iowa! And if it were not for the one tie blemishing MSU's Big against Iowa. Conceivably, the Spartans are still in position to finish on top grid squads. MSU proved Saturday that it also fits into that class. For the second week in a row, MSU played almost errorless Bethea was so elated with his first Bethea touchdown . compl,Mth?^| ,, Ten record, the battle cry for the roses could very well be of the Big Ten. However, it is not likely. The 21 - 21 tie two football and the result was another victory. he ran off the field and forgot about his duties for thle ^*51 sounding also. weeks ago against Illinois is looming more and more important as "We had tremendous execution on offense," Stolz said. "I attempt. Stolz hurriedly rushed him back out "I arlmU T "I admit eiilra pojgl I was wild," I »» Tl.iL the title chase goes down to its final three weeks. tone can't say enough about Charlie Baggett. It's about time people joked' in . Bethea . After posting a 28 - 21 win over highly - touted Wisconsin re^n Had the Spartans emerged with a win over the Dlini, their before a Badger homecoming crowd of 78,848 Saturday, the Spartans believe they can do anything. record would be 4-1 and they would be pretty much able to realized how good a for two years now." quarterback he really is. I've been saying it sz? d"d'"' "*r""""" "r"« ■ ssa determine their own destiny. But now, banring a total collapse by With the score 14 6, MSU struck The victory boosted MSU's conference record to 3-1-1 and Baggett chalked up 74 yards in the air, hitting on five of eight - two more tim« * \ established it as sole owner of the no. 3 spot in the Big Ten title the Buckeyes or Michigan, MSU will probably have to settle for passes, and added another 61 yards on the ground in 12 carries. half, while the Badgers scored on an 3 ■ yard run bv w 18 yard touchdown pass from chase. Both Ohio State and Michigan kept their unbeaten Big Ten third. He also threw for his seventh touchdown pass of the season on a 6 yarder to tight end Larry Bethea, who was wide open in the end - A 2 point conversion Greg Bohlig to Art B1,L records 5-0 with wins Illinois and Indiana attempt by the Badgers after L I • intact at over Ohio State's remaining games following the clash with MSU u respectively. Thus, the climate is set for a classic showdown Saturday when include contests with Iowa and Michgian. The Wolverines will face Illinois next week and Purdue and the Buckeyes the zone. MSU also got scores on a 22 - yard scamper by tailback Rich kickPr° guccessftl1 and made up for the missed"'' '' the country's No. 1 rated Buckeyes visit Spartan Stadium for a Baes, an 111 yard run by fallback Levi Jackson and a 6 - yard ^ Hans Nielson connected on all of the Spartans ei following Saturdays. - crucial conference game. "There are two teams ahead of us in the conference, but we're keeper by Baggett. "I'm really looking forward to playing Ohio State now," MSU little closer to themoiow than we were," Stolz said. Jackson's touchdown run got MSU on the scoreboard early in MSU churned out 330 a yards total offense mm ■ coach room. Denny Stolz beamed in the joy - filled Spartan dressing "I was looking forward to it before, but now we've got two MSU jousted any hopes Wisconsin may have had of the Big Ten race and dipped the Badger conference mark to 2-3 winning the opening quarter, but the Badgers marched right back for a TD. Tailback Billey Marek culminated Wisconsin's 77 - yard drive Wisconsin's 303. Baes was the Spartan 100 ,.,d. I„ ,sfollowed eirt22 leading ground IT* l,l by wins in a row and we've solved our fumbling problems." and 4-4 overall with the victory. with a 19 yard run. Hie Badger extra point attempt failed as a attempts. yaras "i 8| Women harriers victors in first home meet ever By ROBIN MclNTOSH personal satisfaction," The squad State News Sports Writer freshman Jan MacMillan said. traveled U Mount Pleasant MSU's women's cross "Up here, you can't take the face Central Saturday ] country team won its first studies as they are. It's a good Michigan and k* 3-0. Coach Mikki & home meet ever, over Central way to take a break." expressed dissatisfaction In practice days after meets, «, Michigan in a dual meet the team's overall Saturday. the squad usually has an playing game. Meanwhile, the women's endurance run from 10 to 12 field hockey team split its miles long. They also meet at . "It was just a bad game. *i weekend schedule, beating U the outdoor track to do ten played of M and 440 - yard sprints with 15 unintelligently, \ losing to Central wasn't so much that our s Michigan. seconds in between to increase was bad, we just made so The harriers won over CMU their speed. bad mistakes," she said."] 28 - 37. Eastern Michigan also The team also runs a participated in the meet, but "campus loop," which is about only had only one runner five miles long. entered and the team good| did MacMillan not count. MSU score placed runners the thinks that all running the team does in Trade in second through seventh practice is worth it, and that SN photo/John Harrington They're off and running in the first home event ever for the place at the meet. running as exercise is on the against Central Michigan Saturday at Forest Akers golf course, This is the first year that Spartan women's cross country squad. MSU won the dual meet 28-37. cross country has been uprise. "Running that much for Braves included in the MSU womens' certainly is worth it. From my pro grain. Most of the team personal standpoint, I've cut a member are freshmen and lot of seconds off my time, ATLANTA (UPI) 1 Spartan harriers trounce Miami - many of the women ran track which is good because I didn't Atlanta Braves came out ahc in high school and in Amateur have the experience that some by trading home run champin Athletic Assn. (AAU) of the other girls had," she Hank Aaron to the Milwaub| competition before they tried said. Brewers. By DAN SPICKLER Once again sophomore Herb "It takes about a year to the event. now the Spartans head out for the team. Lindsay paced MSU, taking over, "Running is certainly on the State News Sports Writer really get things going with an into the Big Ten meet Saturday Against Miami, Spartan Freshman Ann Forshee, for The trade, made SaiurdijB first on the five mile course Jeff Pullen uprise. Many people like it, but In their last dual meet of - inexperienced group." in Ann Arbor. freshman took instance, ran in AAU I think that they shy away gives the Braves Dave Miy,a the season Saturday, the MSU with a time of 24:49.8. With the dual meet season second, junior. Fred Teddy 33 Gibbard says the race will Competition for five years from it when it comes to - year • old outfielder fta men's cross country team "Miami was much weaker placed third and sophomore had an off season this past yd probably be hotly contested prior to joining the team. competing." coasted past Miami University. this yeat than they have been Stan Mavis followed in fourth. in the between undefeated Wisconsin: In practice, the squad TTie Women's field hockey but who hit .303 with 4 18 - 37, in Oxford, Ohio. past," MSU coach Jim IM notes Michigan, running on its home Freshman Amos Brown scored usually runs between seven and squad played U - M at Ann home runs and 93 runs ba Spartan harriers captured Gibbard remarked. "They have MSU's remaining points, the first four places at the meet a team made up of course, and Illinois, a team eight miles a day. Arbor Thursday and won 2 - in in 1973, and a be named later. "prospect"^ mostly MSU students, faculty and which has looked tough this placing eighth. "I like running because 0. Sandy Hudson and Carol to raise their dual meet record freshman, very similar to what staff members must prevent Gibbard indicated that the it keeps Peltier led the Spartan attack had last year. year. me from feeling this year to 4-1. we their ID cards to enter both "It will take a whole team team is in near perfect health. That is a big plus for Hij depressed and it gives me with a goal apiece. Men's and Women's Intramural effort on our part if we're Braves, since the 40 • year-oil buildings. Aaron, who was ( going to win this," Gibbard The entry deadline for noted. $200,000 a year, did notptof College, pro men's intrariural wrestling is noon, Tuesday. "I know that to go, we are ready the guys want to win, Lions beat rain, to play for Atlanta next sei under any circumstances. Beginning Thursday, men's and they think they can do it," The track" was no surprise from weekend's intramural touch football he added. for fourth College manners should check daily with the office for block and cie playoff schedules. Last year the MSU harriers took fifth at the Big Ten meet straight Aaron, who earlier said would retire at the end of seasqn said a month a{ hj held at Illinois as Indiana won DETROIT he was considering playing* MSU 28, Wisconsin 21 (UPI) - linemen, with Johnson U-M 21, Indiana 7 Washington 31, UCLA 9 Cincinnati 22, Tenpte 20 Defensive cornerback Levi grabbing it in mid - air and the American League in lJy Johnson returned a shanked and that if he did, he wi racing down the right sidelines Ohio State 49, Illinois 7 Purdue 38, Iowa 14 North Tex. St 14, San Diego St. 9 Pittsburgh ?.i, Syracuse 13 Booters' game with Hope field goal 78 yards for one for the touchdown. The Jessie TD culminated a to play in Milwaukee. Northwestern 21, Minnesota 13 touchdown and defensive The Lions scored the only 22 Aaron had cons (fcred taking® Vanderhut 38, Army 14 - yard drive, coming three Oklahoma 28, Iowa St. 10 backfield partner Lem Barney two times they had the ball in Duke 9, Georgia Tech 0 plays after Barney picked off front office job with the Braw™ Alabama 35, Mississippi St. 0 Florida 25, Auburn 14 Kentucky 30, Tulane 7 LSU 24, Mississippi 0 rescheduled for Tuesday set up another with a 39 - yard interception return Sunday to the first quarter, first on a 37 - yard field goal by Enrol Mann an Archie Manning pass at the Detroit 39 and returned it to but was disappointed he was offered was a pu when® USC15, California 15 CMU 28, EMU 13 Notre Dame 14, Navy 6 guide the Detroit Lions to a and next on a five - yard pass the New Orleans 22. relations post. Missouri 52, Kansas St. 15 The last home game of the season for the MSU soccer team has rain - soaked 19-14 win over Texas A&M 20, Arkansas 10 been moved up from Wednesday afternoon to Tuesday afternoon. Michigan Tech 17, Ferris St. 0 the New Orleans Saints. Nebraska 31, Colorado 15 Grambling 34, Texas Southern 21 Coach Ed Rutherford's undefeated booters will take their Johnson's Penn St. 24, Maryland 11 Vanderbilt 38, Army 14 touchdown, 7-0-2 record against Hope College on the soccer field south of which proved to be the game - Texas 35, SMU15 Clemson 21, Wake Forest 9 Rice 21, Texas Tech 7 Houston 31, Georgia 24 Spartan Stadium beginning at 3:30 p.m. winner, gave Detroit a 16-0 Miami (Ohio) 31, WMU0 Rutherford said that the game was moved up to allow the lead with more than 43 team an extra day of rest before Pro Friday's regular - season ending minutes remaining in the confrontation with Indiana, one of the countrys' top - ranked contest. Detroit 19, New Orleans 14 Buffalo 29, New England 28 teams. The Saints had just driven Cincinnati 24, Baltimore 14 Houston 27, New York Jets 22 The MSU coach has said that if the Dallas 17, St. Louis 14 Miami 42, Atlanta 7 Spartans go undefeated from their own 33 to the this season, the booters will have an excellent chance of Lions' 25 before Bill McClard Washington 17, Green Bay 6 San Diego 36, Cleveland 35 being Minnesota 17, selected for competition ih the NCAA Chicago 0 Oakland 28, Denver 17 regional tournament. was called in for a field goal Pittsburgh 27, Philadelphia 0 New York Giants 33, Kansas MSU was last invited to the tournament in 1969 and City 27 was try. His kick barely made it eliminated in the first round. over the heads of the interior SPLIT PAIR WITH MINNESOTA Spartan By STEVE STEIN coach and athletic director was 1 advantage. icers Bessone was upset at the stop State News Sports Writer unveiled during the festivities. Tom Vanelli ended it when he Minnesota scored twice behavior of the Gopher squad The Minnesota Jinx is "It is his beat Clark with a screen shot. unique within a one and*a half minute during the series. combination of dedication to "We played a tremendous finally over for the MSU span early in the final period to "That was not a very well - hockey team. athletics, the University and regain the lead but Rice went behaved Minnesota hockey game but we just didn't get any Tom Ross scored a power - the community that makes it back to work. The breaks," Bessone lamented junior team," Bessone said. "And Pm after the contest. "We should play goal off the skate of a appropriate we christen this skated past the entire Minnesota defenseman with the Munn Gopher surprised because they hive have- had five goals in the first Ice Arena," squad and beat goalie Bill great talent. They have too about VA minutes to play in President Wharton said to the period." Moen to score and complete a much talent to the final period Saturday night audience gathered for the play I that type Things evened out a bit for fine individual effort. of hockey." to give the Spartans a hard - contest. the Spartans Saturday, "I just kept on going with Bessone fought 4 - 3 victory over the Crowds of 5,419 and 5,627 thought the however. Ross winning goal the puck and the next thing I Golden Gophers at the Munn Spartans played a "raBSC« "ragged" watched the games, as MSU knew, I was right on top of the came eight seconds after Ice Arena. continued to set new records hockey game for the first two Vanelli was given a two • Minnesota had extended its for hockey attendance. goalie," Rice said of the tally periods Saturday. which completed his 3 — goal minute tripping penalty. two The Spartans came out - season winning streak It was the opening Western hat trick. over the Spartans to five games Collegiate Hockey Assn. series Friday night like they were with Ross' winner was scored going to skate the Gophers all an overtime victory for both teams. Both squads when he tried to pass to a wide the way back to Women's basketball Friday by the same score, 4 - are now 2-2 overall. Minneapolis. 3. - open Rice at the side of the Steve Colp and Ross It took the Spartans more Minnesota net. finally MSU's beat Moen late in the first new arena was than a period and a half to get "If it wouldn't have hit the All women interested in officially dedicated in rolling against the Gophers in period to give the Spartans the trying out for the MSU ceremonies before guys' skate, Rice would put it early advantage. Friday's their victory Saturday. in women's basketball team contest which featured an anyway," Ross said. Minnesota tallied the next Down 1 — 0 in the second Ron Clark was strong in the should attend an organizational SN photo/1'"1 Sf three goals before appearance by the the Colp's meeting at 4 p.m. Nov. 12 in Clarence L. "Biggie" Munn, former MSU football coach and facility is named man after, period after the Gophers' Reed Larson tallied in the first nets a#inst the Gophers as he second score, with just over the lounge of the Women's athletic Clarence L. stopped 42 Minnesota shots, four minutes minutes director, stands with his wife, Vera, during dedication ceremonies Fridayn I "Biggie" Munn. A period, MSU's Daryl Rice Intramural Building. of the new MSU ice arena named after including 34 in the first two four by five foot of m* tr,rrr-<» WRIT photograph poured in a pair of power play periods. remaining in the contest, sent thingB into overtime. Those wishing further In seven seasons as him. ^ I football goals to give the Spartans a 2 - Spartan coach Amo Little 5'8", 160 - information should contact a 54-9-2 record and won a Spartan football coach, from 1947 to 1953, Munn po* | pound coach Mikki Baile at 353-8613. national championship In 1952. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 4, 1974 ]] City of Levin leads Milliken by 2%; East Lansing too close to race call,poll says POLLING PLACES DETROIT (UPI) - The Detroit News, in a third pre - election poll it said was challenger leads Gov. Sander M. Levin Milliken by two percentage points, 44 - 42, organization said 12 per cent for the News of the voters queried still have not made up distorted by the Damman overall, while the governor holds their minds. i - Spartan Villag* School. 1460 Middlevalt Road, affair, said in the Sunday a 45 - 41 lead among voters The News said this is the Phona 337-2677 editions that the Michigan race most likely to go to the polls largest number of undecideds for governor is too close to Tuesday. since its to. 2 - Spartan Villaga School, 1460 Middlevale Road polls began 25 years Phona 337-2677 call. The survey, conducted by ago. It said Democratic the Market Opinion Research Originally, it said, the 1 No. 3 - United Ministries in Higher Education, 1118 S. survey was completed before Harriton Road, Phona 332-0861 the Damman affair blew up, so to. 4 - Red Cedar School, Saver Drive, Phona 332 8674 - it sent survey teams back out I No. 5 - East Knolli Community Houie, Oak Ridge Avenue, Precincf data to reassess the mood of the Phone 3514726 state's voters. t No. 6 - Glencairn School, 939 N. Harrison Road, The results of the Lt Phona 351-6241 for change o reassessment survey out before the election. will come * No. 7 - Pinecreit School, 1811 Pinacratt Drive, Phone 337-2042 Two weeks ago, Levin led MSU students not only have to figure out who they will be 45 - 43 among all voters but x No. 8 - Eaitminiter Presbyterian Church, 1315 Abbott Road voting for tomorrow, but also they must decipher where they will trailed Milliken Phone 337-0183 be voting. by six Any student who voted in East Lansing last year and has not percentage points, 47 - 41, it No. 9 - Hannah Middle School, 819 Abbott Road, among most likely voters. Phone 332-0848 changed his address with City Hall should still vote in his old The survey said many 10- Hannah Middle School, 819 Abbott Road, precinct and alert the poll workers to the change. Phone 332-0848 undecided voters apparently A voter need not have a voter registration card with them to lean to Levin because they 1 No. 11- Union«allroom, MSU vote. appear disturbed by the issue >t. No. 12- Wonders Hall, MSU Anyone who is told they are not on the rolls should call City he has hit hardest the it No. 13- Wilson Hall, MSU Hall and see if they have been removed to an inactive case they will be list in which economy. — 14-Akers Hall, MSU immediately reinstated and allowed to vote. It also said there has been a A student who has moved out of East 1 No. 15- McDonei Hall, MSU Lansing within the last definite shift away from Levin 60 days can still vote in the city on this election. it. No. 16- Auditorium, MSU in the outstate area. to. 17- Union Ballroom, MSU !t No. 18- Bailey School, 300 Bailey St., Phone 332-2711 EECT t No. 19- University Christian Church, 310 N. Hagadom Road Phone 332-5193 it. No. 20- Martin Luther Student Center, 444 Abbott Road, "BILL" H ANIL Phone 332-0778 it. No. 21 - Bailey School, 300 Bailey St., Phone 332-2711 10th District County Commissioner ;t. No. 22- Marble School, 729 N. Hagadorn Road, Phone 332-0893 ;t. No. 23- MacDonald Middle School, 1601 Burcham Drive Vote Where in the World is God? • Lifelong County Resident Phone 332-5075 Come to this Free Christian Science Lecture • Served 7 years on East t No. 24- St. Thomas Aquinas School. 915 Alton St., by Thomas A. McClain, C.S.B. Phone 332-0813 Lansing City Council it. No. 25- Whitehills School, 621 Pebblebrook Lane, Member, Christian Science Board of Lectureship Phone 332-8689 • Qualified, Capable & Concerned it. No. 26- All Saints Episcopal Church, 800 Abbott Road, Monday, November 4th, 8 P.M. Phone 351-7160 His Belief At Hannah Middle School It is in times such as we are now It. No. 27- Central School, 325 W. Grand River Ave., living that we need strong, honest and experienced leadership in public office. A 819 Abbott Rd., East strong local government Phone 332-1614 Lansing is needed to keep decision making at the level it belongs. ;t. No. 28- Edgewood United Church, 469 N. Hagadom Road, With my past experience in local government and organizational Phone 332-8693 Sponsored By work, I feel that I can contribute to the type of government that citizens want tnd deserve St. No. 29- MacDonald Middle School, 1601 Burcham Drive, - a government that prevents waste of First Church of Christ, Scientist taxpayers dollars, promotes strong law enforcement, provides for Phone 332-5075 all, from the student to the senior citizen and works East Lansing for the community it. No 30- Auditorium, MSU good rather than to its detriment. Mo. 31- Wonders Hall, MSU Child care will be provided. I solicit your support for County Commissioner on November 5. tt.No.32- Wilson Hall, MSU pt. No. 33- Brody Hall, MSU PIZZA tt.No.34- Brody Hall, MSU Beridian TOWNSHIP )tNo. 13- McDonei Hall. MSU it's best ft No. 14-McDonei (for Hubbard and Akers halls students) Hall, MSU (for Holmes, McDonei, Owen halls students) only at CAMPUS SPORTS 547 East Grand River Avenue, East Lansing, Michigan 48823 BELL'S TELEPHONE: (517) 337-1866 step into rm 36a union for your FREE Start The Season senior pictures FOR the 1975 WOLVERINE 353-5292 Idon t forget to buy a wolverine yearbook too Fred mAst aire ■f DANCE STUDIOS SURt SHOT EVERYTHING OFF C0LLI6E STUDENT Nov. 4, 1974 - Nov. 9, 1974 SPECIAL Sale applies to only in-stock items 20 Class Lesson For $10.00 Limit 30 students per class You can learn Foxtrot, Waltz, Rumba, Tango, Swing, Cha - cha. Additional 10% off items listed Classes starting in November. mon. tues. wed. thur. fri. sat. PADDLEBALL ALL SHIRTS ALL BALLS HATS SLEEPING ALL PADDLES BASKETBALLS FLANNEL BAGS FOOTBALLS REQUETBALL CHAMBRAY COATS HANDBALLS GLOVES RAQUETS DENIM PACKS SQUASH AND TEE SHIRTS SOCKS & DANCE STUDIOS. INC. TENNIS SOCCER TENNIS FRAMES JACKETS °Pen 1 to 10 301 MAC Avenue, East Lansing RAQUETS SWEATSHIRTS BOOTS p.m. Mon. thru Fri. MANY MORE Phone 332 8644 12 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November4 ,i Nine Levin - Democrat hopefuls vying for governor's chair Sportsmen's Alliance of Horvath calls all politicians Ferency, who quit the 53 Detroit. President, H.M. state spending, cut state taxes Andrews claims this system reduced the number of people chairman 0f Mt l I Sander M. Levin, 42, Michigan; member of the National Rifle Association and "obsolete" and says all power Democratic Party in 1970 because he saw something Se'ldon Realtors Company. State chairman of Conservative and reduce the number of state employes. He sees state on welfare by 20 or 25 per Communist Proclaimed party. membw' c^*| Berkley. Counsel to Detroit must rest in the hands of the cent in other states where the law firm. Former state senator; Society of Automobile people. He believes that "war, "radically wrong" with it, also party; former Detroit CSty Plan government response to working class. 0( M inflation as one major system was adopted. Denni» favors former state Senate minority Engineers; alternate director of" mi.sery, poverty, supports criminal justice commissioner; former Wayne Andrews also would leader; Democratic former state chairman; Michigan Conservative Clubs. unemployment, crimes of Davidson is a champion of every variety, waste and reform, including the decriminalization of all drugs County Flan Commissioner; former president of the campaign issue. Another major issue, says eliminate sales tax on food and drugs and increase benefits ow^lp utilities and the Wj nL,1! citizens' rights, and would destruction of our precious with Michigan Association of Andres, is the high cost of to cutback in rates. He Democratic gubernatorial provisions for drug the welfare. He favors a system elderly. public works candidate in 1970; former work to limit the power of natural resources" are the maintenance and rehabilitation Realtors; Michigan programf°*P member of Oakland County government to interfere with result of capitalism in centers. representaitve to the Realtors thereby welfare recipients Dennis - Communist America, would be required to pick up 40(1 end Board of Supervisors. the private affairs of citizens. and that capitalism must be Andrews Conservative of Washington Committee. Thomas to sales tlx - their checks, rather than have Dennis, 56, Detroit. property taxes * Levin vows to work to He opposes regional replaced. or " Eldon K. "Andy" Andrews, Andrews wants to reduce the checks mailed out. Currently unemployed. State (cnntimiA^i "make the legislative process government, which he says Ferency - Human Rights more open and responsive to deprives citizens of the right Zolton to their land Ferency, 52, East the needs of the people." He use as they see fit. Lansing. Associate professor of says he would force industry to Davidson advocates the Criminal Justice, MSU. pay a "fair share" of utility elimination of the "progressive Democratic gubernatorial Cliff Taylor rates, and would support income tax," and wants to tax candidate in 1966; chairman of enactment of "though, the foundations that are State Democratic Party from meaningful" campaign reform currently tax free, unless they 1963 to 1968; former legislation. limit their purposes to executive secretary to Gov. Levin would change' "charitable pursuits." John B. Swainson; former taxation by reducing reliance Davidson says he is opposed director, Michigan Workmen's on property taxes for school to "tax • supported subsidies to Compensation Dept.; former funding, assessing property able - bodied persons who commissioner, Michigan Liquor taxes more equitably and refuse to work, engage in Control Commission. supporting the elimination of welfare fraud or utilize their Ferency, cofounder of the the constitutional ban on the reproductive capacities for the Human Rights party in 1970, is enactment of a graduated purpose of securing ever larger income tax. calling for changes in the tax welfare payments." structure to provide for a He also calls for state • Ma is el - Socialist Workers graduate income tax, and supported day care centers, Robin Maisel, 30, Detroit. supporting public acquisition consumer protection Printer. Activist and and ownershp of Michigan's education, the weeding out of shop steward in Graphic Arts fraudulent welfare cases and energy industries. International Union. the building of "realistic Maisel backs no taxation of incentives" for welfare incomes below $15,000, recipients. progressive taxes on incomes Milliken Republican - up to $25,000 and 100 per Gov. William G. Milliken, cent taxation of incomes above 52, Traverse City. Former $25,000. He would also repeal lieutenant governor; former all sales taxes. state senator; former state Maisel would work to give majority floor leader; former all welfare recipients a "livable trustee of Northwestern allowance" through payments Michigan College; former at unionized labor rates. He member of Executive advocates 24 • hour day care Committee, National facilities and affirmative action Governor's Conference. to hire women and minorities Gov. Milliken pledges to and government provided jobs continue "improving equity, for all. providing additional renter Maisel would repeal all relief and repealing the antistrike legislation involving corporate franchise tax and the public employes. He would personal property tax on also support "massive state inventories." funding of schools to hire He would support campaign every certified teacher and finance reform and "a wide reduce class size." range" of consumer protection Horvath - Socialist Labor measure, which he says would include James C. Horvath, Warren, auto repair and women's credit measures. no biographical information He believes people "truly in available. THE REASONS need should receive all possible Horvath advocates "a new assistance," and that it is form of government to fit the essential, in order to fulfill this needs of our industrialized goal, that "only the needy" get society. The base of this government aid. society will come from social Davidson - American ownership." Horvath said the campaign Independent has one issue: capitalism versus Hugh Davidson, 41, Warren. socialism. And capitalism, Tomorrow, youll be electing the man who 11 represent you in Congress for the next two years. We think the man wholl best Project engineer at Borg and Horvath said, "is not worth be able to do that, and the man wholl be best for the Sixth District, is Cliff Taylor. ELECT Beck Corp. President of the saving." SALES - PARTS 1 DAY SERVICE | This is why : SERVICE and ACCESSORIES 1. Cliff Taylor set a limit on contributions to his campaign by special - interest groups or individuals, because he didn't want to even give the appearance of owing his election to any one source of funds. He even returned $3,000 to one group when they tried to go over his limit. By contrast, Cliff's major opponent has received over half his funding from special - interest groups. 2. Cliff Taylor has made his campaign open and honest from the very beginning. He has revealed his complete personal finances - income, holdings, and taxes paid. He has reported all contributions to his campaign, large and small. And he has campaigned on the issues, not on personalities. 10 ■ speeds 3. Cliff Quality Brands Taylor believes that for the good of America, we must balance the federal budget. Cliff believes that the many years of deficit spending over the past generation has been a major cause of today's Best values crippling rate of inflation, which is particularly cruel to lower • and middle - income families. 1 YEAR TO PAY JUDGE 4. Cliff Taylor also believes that the American people will not and cannot stand another tax increase. So he's opposed to velocipede COURT OF APPEALS President Ford's proposed 5% personal - income surtax. And he's also that, by they very nature, would require an equally massive tax increase. opposed to any massive new federal spending programs 5. Cliff Taylor has talked to literally thousands of MSU students and has walked to over 15,000 homes throughout the District during the past several months. From this, Cliff knows what you're concerned about and what you want him to do in 541 E. GRAND RIVER ^cross_from_berke^hall below the paramount news BERNARD L. Washington. kaiifhiaii 6. Cliff Taylor's election will help maintain the present balance in Congress. The Democrats will still be in power but will not have the kind of lopsided majority that can lead to abuses of the American When you enroll in Air Force ROTC system of checks and balances in government. you can get more than a chance at Six good reasons, then, for electing Cliff Taylor to represent the Sixth District in scholarship and a chance at Washington. We'll have who really QumfoiM a a man reflects the concerns and desires of the people of this district. flying lessons...and Elected by his peers to the Workmen s Compensation Council And youll have of the State Bar of M ichigan, 1970 an independent Congressman you can count on. You throuch 1973 Appointed Arbitrator of the get a tax-free American Arbitration Association Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Trial Lawyers As¬ IF YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF sociation, 1959 to present monthly ArnBar Assoc. Litigation Section Appointed to Lawyer to Lawyer YOV SHOULD BE INDEPENDENT allowance of$100. Consultation Panel Associate member International Association of Industrial Accident VOTING FOR CLIF Boards and Commissions Interested? Detroit Bar Association Michigan Trial Lawyers Assoc. Fellow of International Academy Contact CAPTAIN RAYNER of Law and Science At 355-2168, QUONSET 67 Former U.S.A. Ass't. Judge Advocate General, 46th Inf.Div., Boy Scouts, Cub Master PUT IT ALL TOGETHER IN AIR FORCE ROTC Paid for by Students for Taylor. NOV. 5. TUESDAY llichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 4,1974 13 andidates seek judgeships, board seats Michael F. Supreme Court system is Cavanagh: age 33, Lansing. Says the present judicial cumbersome, expensive, time consuming and beyond the reach of middle - income Bernard L. Kaufman: families. U of IT1 Regents federal monies. Claudia Hommel: Socialist Workers party, age 23, Detroit Calls for free tuition. ■jese are the nonpartisan candidates for 8 • year terms on the election and appointment of age 45, West Bloomfield. Calls for Joseph C. Toth. Socialist Labor party, age 54, Plymouth. Calls m Supreme Court. Its seven membeis make final Michael J. qualified judges. TTiese are the candidates running for the 8 • member for a socialist reconstruction of society, with political and (stations of Michigan law. Kelly: age 45, Bloomfield Hills. Says a greater effort must be made to fulfil the University of Michigan Board of Regents. Voters will select two. geographical representation replaced by industrial representation. Thn w. Fitzgerald: age 49, Grand Ledge. Appointed as justice constitutional promise of a fair and Sarah Power: Democrat, age 39, Ann Arbor. Calls for an James J. Horvath: no information available. L Supreme Court Jan. 1, 1974. Says that swiftness of arrest speedy trial for the sake of the criminals as well as the public. extension of work study programs related to curriculum and Diane L. Kohn: Human Rights party, age 26, Ann Arbor. Calls prosecution are the surest deterrents to crime. George E. Montgomery: age 41, Warren. Balance the - safeguards of the victim department needs. for decision making committees composed equally of students, lomas M. Kavanagh: age 65, Lansing. He is presently the to equal those of the accused. Thomas Roach: Democrat, age 45, Grosse Pointe Park. Calls faculty and members of the Ann Arbor community. ■ justice of the state Supreme Court. Calls for statewide for expanded loan programs in order for students to meet Ellen Hoffman: Human Rights party: age 24, Ann Arbor. Ling of the entire court system to assure equal increasing costs. Students, employes, and community residents can better Jnistration of justice throughout the state. Dona Scott Parker: Republican, age 30, Howell. Opposes determine real needs of U-M. Kan Carpenter Miller: age 56, East Tawas. He has been a further escalation of student financial contributions. Arlen R. Hellwarth: Conservative, age 70, Ann Arbor. Provide lit judge since 1960. Development of guidelines for police David F. Upton: Republican, age 52, St. Joseph. Calls for balance of viewpoints for students on social, political and ■ty that are precise and practical, thus aiding law maintaining standards of excellence in education, despite economic matters. Tement without jeopardizing individual rights, inflation and falling enrollments. A. R. Hercz: Conservative, age 66, Ann Arbor. Regents should lair Moody Jr.: age 46, Grosse Pointe Shores. He is presently Joan C. Johnson: American Independent party, age 42, Grand require evidence that affirmative action principles are extended fruit judge. Disparities in sentencing, along with the necessity Rapids. Hire professors and other teaching personnel who are until each department includes all viewpoints and presents them ■char standards to achieve fair trials without focusing on dedicated to the preservation of the constitutional republic and fairly to the students. [icalities should be resolved by the Supreme Court. the free enterprise system. Barbara Gettel: United States Labor party, Detroit. The Daniel R. Eller: no information available. establishment of workers governments to expand production Steve Brede: Socialist Workers party, age 22, Ann Arbor. based on implementation of fusion power and related new Funding for U-M must not come from tuition, but state and techniques, filling the need for higher education. Court of flppeols Lse are the nonpartisan candidates for the area appeals court Ichigan. There are three districts of the Michigan Court of Wayne State Board of Governors Kals. Ingham County is in district two. These are the candidates for Michigan and MSU in Paul John Altesleben: Arturo Ramirez: Socialist loa voters will be electing two judges for regular 6 the 8 • member Wayne State appropriations. Party platform that will abolish Conservative, age 46, Detroit. • year American Independent party, Workers party, age 27, Detroit. I and two to new 6 - year terms. University Board of Governors. Norman Otto Stockmeyer: age 32, Dearborn. Maximum Teachers deserve a living wage, war, unemployment and wage Board of governors is the only Er the regular seats the candidates are: Voters will select two. Republican, slavery. unit that can decide expansion age 67, Westland. amount of education for tax so socialists support all union Mildred Jeffrey: Democrat, age Wants of physical plant and WSU I JeromP Bronson: age 44, Franklin. Calls for sensible courts state bonds (low dollars. acitivity. M. Elizabeth Bunn: Human ■ modem penal systems. 62, Detroit. Calls for removal interest) to fund lower student Rights party, age 23, Detroit. programs. ■obert J. Danhof: age 48, East Lansing. Calls for competent of inequities in costs. Alice Charlotte Hengy: no present Lowell E. Miller: Socialist Open admissions policy at Vntation of indigent criminal defendents and competent funding of WSU. Frank B. Walker: information available. Labor party, age 43, Trenton. WSU in order to combat racism Bruce J. Wood: U.S. Labor Mentation for the people. Republican, Michael D. Kelly: Socialist Michael Einheuser: age 43, Grosse Socialism is the solution to in the community. party, age 25, Detroit. A Pointe Park. Workers party, age 30, Detroit. Jonald R. Freeman: age 46, Flint. Convicted criminals must Democrat, age 23, Detroit. Looks to Abolish tuition and finance capitalism. program of expanded ■be released on minor technicalities that defeat and thwart Says that WSU must be treated corporate sector to supplement Albert K. Steigerwalt: No production and consumption is state and federal educational WSU through taxing swollen equally with the University of Terry Lindsay: Socialist information available. achieved through taxing banks ■n dictates for the two new seats are: funding. corporate profits. Labor party, age 44, Detroit. Emery J. Hrabovsky: and corporations. • 0 0 delivery "Bob Carr rides the steed of change oe o o NEJAC TV RENTALS""1 in this 6th District congressional campaign." 337-1300 (This and the fol lowing quotes were excerpted from the Michigan State News Editorial, "Put Carr in Congress, Monday, October 28,1974.) "And when the mirage of appear¬ ance and the dust of plausibility clear, his Republican opponent, Cliff Taylor, rides the same old nag that stumbled into this mess. "Taylor's philosophy sometimes displays an insensitivity to the expressed opinions of students, the poor and the disenchanted. "Just look at the issues where the iuick to Catch candidates clash. "Carr supports guaranteed jobs toy Light Situation for everyone. Taylor supports the limited jobs program of the Ford Administration. "Carr would legalize marijuana, Taylor would not. "Carr would oppose constitutional amendments barring abortion and busi ng for desegregation. T ay lor wou Id support p Variable Aperture AE Control both. p Sophisticated Wide Range Shutter System "Carr would slash $10 billion from the defense budget. Taylor J» Incredible Meter Sensitivity ■•Wide Range of Fine FD Lenses does not believe that such a large sum could be eliminated Easy Multiple Exposure Shooting p Full-Information Viewfinder without jeopardizing national strength. Reg. $547 NOW $429.50 "Carr would be far more vigorous in plugging tax loopholes. "Carr advocates nationalized health care, while Taylor backs 3non TLb the more modest program suggested by the American Medical }amazing SIR Assn. "fs more camera ness money "The issues, the campaign and most of all, the moribund wetenng r™ Photocell (of accurate exposure national political situation, point to a vote for Bob Carr. He has wer 40 Canon FD and a lertses ,of sreater "*** ** sought, and deserves, a coalition of working people and 2 olacoessones available students to help infuse some much needed flux into the slowly »^k^ U°SP00's,mpW,es changing world of Washington." construction that's bull Canon Reg. $320 We can't say it any better. Please vote tomorrow, NOW $199.95 November 5th. ISAI 9 6 I fW 99 Students for Carr Paid for by the Carr for Congress Committee, Michael Smith, Treasurer Paid Political Advertisement |4 26 E. MICH PH. 484-7414 14 Mu lligan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Monday, November Classified Advertising helps You Coll Now Shopping Save Time and Money! 355-8255 Alto Service FRANKLY SPEAKING byphil frank FORD PINTO Station Wagon, PINE LAKE Houses )[{£! nouns MASON BODY Shop, 812 East FEMALE, 21-31 Privete furnished 1973. Good I shape, best offer. APARTMENTS - HASLETT GIRL NEEDED Kalamazoo Street since 1940. bedroom. One mile campus. .« I MINUTES MSU. ;°7u0r9,r,h^c;d 373-7946. After 6, 332-5834. 10 from Complete auto painting and Complete, household privileges. Inexpensive living in a quiet collision service. 485-0256. area. Loceted at 6078 Mersh SlOO/month. no utilities. *2 m°nth 337-9414, after 6 pm. 332-6670. Road ju st north of Lake Lansing _ -,,, - 3-11-6 PHONE 355-8255 Road. 1 bedroom apartments NEXUS COOP t "1 GREMLIN X, 1973. Stick, tinted * AUTOMOTIVE glass, AM/FM, rust-proofing, like $150 per month, available at $185. Excellent for furnished utilities 393-0445Tn 8 ' 8118 ' 35'* new! 351-4942.3-11-5 Scooters & Cycles students will consider nine eemai ecuaoci , T LARGE, CLEAN m,,., J Parts & Service GMC month lease. Call Manner a, r00m 7* VAN, 1967. New paint, paneled, carpeted, stereo, FM, 339-8192 or EAST LANSING !md#n, 9rsdu8,e cam^ L.ght c, | Aviation 8-track, many extras! $500. "EMPLOYMENT 332-0617. 5-11-8 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED, 3-11-6 OWN ROOM "FOR RENT mobile homes. $25 - $35 week. " _ " bedroom house i „ 1 MERCURY 1969, 4 door. Power EAST SIDE Lan,,n8- nic* 2 Apartments brakes and steering. Automatic, 10 minutes to campus. Quiet to MSU. LCC $6tS» and peaceful on a lake. bedroom, suitable for 4. utinties Bo, Houses new brakes, shocks and others. 641-6601 or 484-5315. 0-11-27 available now! Reasonable, 487-9328 5 nV Rooms Tuned-up. Good body. $890. 332-1366, Mike. 5-11-7 355-8227 after 4 pm. 3-11-5 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed *FOR SALE p,i„ A 'DUE IDA DEBWMEW winter, spring. $70/month. FURNISHED THREE room fOf UK v and Friday til 9 pm. to expect," Levin said. "physically quite ill" during a red blood cell concentrate and Memorial Hospital ending Oct. I Ching, Dream Analysis, Hand j,v, Wednesday, Thursday EXPERIENCED IBM briefing to newsmen on a one unit of albumen — 4 for treatment of the fcurday 9-6- C-5-11 -8 Analysis, Contacts with the typing. The Sunday Free Press Spirit Realm, Metaphysics. Dissertations (pica elite). change in the nursing liquified protein — during his problem, an inflammation of - editorial said information PLUS card reading FAYANN, 489-0358. C-11-27 arrangement for Nixon. hospitalization. the veins. During that stay a (HUNTING specials - demonstrated. turned up in the last two days "When he sits up, they "We're keeping open the small blood clot broke off ■hester 94 with scope, COMPLETE THESES, Service during an investigation ordered intravenous for emergency ■120. Remington auto, (nurses) will watch his blood from a larger clot in his thigh, phone 482-2659 Discount Printing. IBM typing by Milliken does not show pressure and his medication should that become traveled through his heart and pulse and any | 742 and 760 in 30-06 and binding of dissertations and Damman guilty of "subterfuge, change of his vital signs," she necessary," Lungren said, lgr fluger M77 6mm, call at any hour publication. lodged in his right lung. Across from profiteering and abuse of said. A drop in blood pressure Xield 30-06 with 4X scope, campus, corner M.A.C. and power." though there was no indication Lungren released Nixon from ■ithica model 37 slug gun - ALPHA KAPPA PSI welcomes their and a rise in the pulse rate are Nixon would need such hospital care after he Grand River. Below Jones ■ German made Weatherbuy new Little Sisters: symptomatic of the shock treatment. concluded the clot no longer Judy Bailo, Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - "There remains about Mr. |icope and sling in 22-250 Nancy Pope, Penny Wilmoth, Friday. Call which pushed Nixon into Nixon was readmitted to posed a serious threat. COPYGRAPH Damman's actions much that So-06. Hard to get Ducks Sally Geib, Lois Steithouwer, SERVICES, 337-1666. C-11-27 involved poor judgment or the critical condition last week. Kited Remington 870 and Peggy Kosier, Lynette Andrews, Hamilton declined to ■ Savage model 99 243 Kim Menagh, Cheryl Thiess, appearance of conflict of THESES, RESUMES, typing and respond to a question on 1 interest," the Free Press J>i WSI ■is. Winchester model 870 and 1100 slug Handguns, bullets; 12 Sally Wheaton, Vicky Shar, Geraline MacDonald. Love, Big Brothers. 1-11-4 you printing. Reasonable prices. COMMERCIAL PRINTING. 351-4116. C-11-27 editorial said. "Appearance may be objectionable, but it is whether Nixon irritable or depressed during his had been SN survey shows trends fit powders, primers, lead "BITER" DBX 117, 119, 152, not the same as fact." hospitalization, saying, "I J $9 for 25 lb. bag. Mec Micro acoustics QDC 1 E'S, think that's personal TYPING TERM papers and theses. (continued from page 1) He said that even though I Pacific reloaders 10X OHMF'S EPI 400's Tanburg 3300X, Advent 201, Dual, in : Real Estate m' Experienced, fast service, IBM. The paper urged further information." Four per cent of East most students tend to vote Id own shooting jackets, Call 349-1904.16-11-22 She said Nixon's wife, Pat, Democratic they don't want to un cases, skeet and trap stock for immediate delivery at OKEMOS BY owner. 3 bedroom investigation of Damman but and daughters, Julie Nixon Lansing registered students TECH HI-FI, 337-9710. 7-T1-4 - said, '"Die tragic aspect of this consider themselves HRP tie themselves to the party, ,50 a case. Fast, efficient rench. Over 1 acre land, 2 car IF YOU'RE one of the best, tell the Eisenhower and Tricia Nixon situation is that backers while not one of the whereas most students who lathing. Scopes mounted, garage, full basement. Lots of public about your service or our Cox, were permitted to visit usually vote Republican will done right now. New conclusion, which now in our 115 students registered outside ng, Ithica shot gun. J Gibson's room end privacy. Assume 7% business with an ad on the Yellow Page each Thursday, Call judgement is not supported by the former president only five the Lansing, East Lansing and say so because they're proud to ^ mortgage interest. 482-2055 minutes each hour. "They have shooter's servcie. the facts at hand, may well belong to a "beleaguered KIC ARMS CO 1600 Leke Book after 5 pm. 5-11-6 Michelle, 355-8255. been extremely sensitive to his Meridian Township area endanger unjustly the alligned themselves with the minority." Road. IV4-6112. 8 Seller needs," Hamilton said of the RENTAL VACANCY? Your JUDITH CARMAN: Experienced re-election chances of Gov. growing third party. By 17.6 to 16.2 per cent, m. 5-11-7 — — dissertation Milliken." family which has maintained a the freshmen are more typist. Papers, In the 6th District vigil at the hospital since last |214 CHANGER. Pioneer 1000's theses, dissertations, general. congressional race, Republican Republican than Democratic, 393-4672. 20-11-18 and are the only class that is Large Advent Clifford Taylor got only 47.5 i. Sansui A-1000 • *X of old text per cent of those calling skewed so. Graduate students receiver. Philips 2401 Recreation & Wanted themselves Republicans but are the least Republican and books Carr got 80 per cent of the teh most independent class. J cassette recorder. Sony Of 38 seniors, 39.5 per cent ■0 portable cassette SKI ASPEN Utah! December Democratic vote. Of the 117 Irder. IBM electric 25< to $r or 14-21.353-5199,353-9253.1-5 COUPONS AND general admission tickets to MSU/OSU game, independents, Carr held about said they were voting for Carr Iriter Used Remington pm. Monday - Friday. 3-11-6 a 2.5 to 1 ratio over Taylor. and 7.9 per cent for Taylor. On 669 5848 5-11-5 | 170 offset duplicator. PAPERBACKS the other hand, 33.3 per cent Independents indicated that in quality merchandise, of all registered sophmores said ■cox SECONDHAND 2 lor 25< SKIERS UTAH package - $299, CATSITTER until December. they would vote heavily Christmas and spring. Call your Expenses paid. Good cat. Call Democratic in every race they would vote for Taylor and I 485-4391. Hours We :ept Sunday. buy books East Lansing Ski* Center- TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. 355-0034 3-11-6 Announcements for It's What's Happening must be received in the are If you think gay, none think again. We of your friends are. Come except for governor where Milliken held a 33.5 per cent only 25 per cent said Carr. Freshmen were also ►' * 111 Evergreen 1S1 RROD r 11-R state News office, 341 Student out to the Gay Liberation meeting to 25.4 per cent advantage over reluctant to support HRP behind Gibsons WANT TO buy 2 tickets, to Elton Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in 33 v a Levin. Ferency had 8.6 per candidates. Out of 30, not one 4 „ i-n John concert in Detroit, two class days before publication. audio . \ f Bookstore L. ^ \\fS Tn^' 13'14,15' 337"9°75' by phone!nCemen,S meet The Gay Awareness group will from 7:30 to 10 tonight in cent. "The number of people supported congressional candidate the HRP calling themselves Howard Jones, or the 24th EDITING PROOFREADING. Study in Sweden this summer. Mobile Homes w - the Women's Center located in the state senate candidate John ,E0 TAPES Dissertations, theses, research T° BUY. used trombone in good Undergraduate and graduate credits U N Lounge of the Union. independents has been going up every year since 1951," toshbeck and only 2.3 percent Jck& cassettes ROLLOHOME 12x60, King r\'c%,TQur^Anne Cauley, 337-1591. 5-11-8 lTid5ion 0311 Mark'487-9068- S2&- vr^Tr;faculty show and discussion with JE Southern Africa Liberation Atkin said. favored Ferency. jerlOOO rock& Arthur's Court. 365-2251 or 332-6329 after 6 $3300. ——— 1 — and students who were on the Committee will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Peace Center in filar titles pm.x-.20-11-8 TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, oiled and adjusted. Portables NEEDED: 5 COUPONS or regular tickets for MSU/OSU game. program last summer at 7 tonight in 130 Hubbard Hall and at 7 p.m. United Ministries, 1118 S. Harrison Road. Everyone welcome. y $1.99 each GRAYWOOD - 1973. $7.50. Manuals $10. Electric 353-7566.6-11-6 Tuesday in 2 Wilson Hall. Governor's chair $12 50. One day service, free 1 Postponement. The Foods and e brochure Semi-furnished, will sell for bank Women Nutrition Club will not meet at p,ck «P and delivery. 25 years TICKETS FOR Ohio/State game. 2 „ 6:30 I AUDIO LOOP CO. balance. 489-6718. 3-11-4 experience. 393-9774 or 4. Desperately, 1-723-4465 interested tonight in 34 Union. All women are invited 7:30 tonight but will instead meet (continued from page 12) organizer for the U.S. Labor to Nov. for Il86 P.O. BOX 43355 BUY SOMETHING with your rent. 0-18-11-27 Owosso, evenings. 3-11-4 attend. demonstration. 11 the cake wants the tax burden shifted party. Former teaching ELAND OHIO 44143 onto the rich. assistant in history at Eastern 10x60 Huron, expando, PHOTOGRAPHY - ALL varieties, ~ A speaker from a corporation Justin Morrill College students Dennis would work for the furnished. Large fenced lot, finest quality, reasonably priced. NEED 2 non - student tickets for marketing methane plants will interested in Michigan University. , being Academic elimination of racism in garden, shed. Behind Gables. BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. Ohio State game. Call 339-9243. speak at 12:40 p.m. today in 27 Council representatives should sign Signorelli advocates the JI - GEMEINHARDT, open hole, Low Solid $3,100. 787-6277.5-11-5 482-5712. C-11-27 5-11-7 Chittenden HaH to the Ag up for interviews at 9 Snyder Hall Michigan schools and calls for "brute force development" of B, Neil. Production Seminar Group Five. by Friday. the integration of schools to nuclear fusion power as a ■636.5-11-5 1964 GENERAL 10x50. New give "high quality education to solution to energy shortages, carpet, new furnace, skirted. F0«niiIn^«ntES««Seth«e equipment see the STEREO SIX GENERAL admission tickets MSU-Ohio State Zoology Club will be taken ,our <>f «« MSU Museum by Or. on a University Honors Committee student representatives Program all." which he labels "phony." Cash for Solid. Must sell! $1200 or best SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. oame Dennis would offer. 482 9726. 5-11-7 C-11-27 3^.2720 ' 311 5 Rollin Baker' Need not be a zoology major to attend. Any chosen from the Honors College proportional representation for like Signorelli would also like to see membership are: Betty Hibjer, Michigan legislature actively j interested students invited. Meet at junior, zoology: David minority political parties, and organizing to fi#it the vice [ Lost & Found |[^| DISSERTATIONS GR APHICS-maps, graphs, GRAD STUDENT or teacher to share 2 bedroom furnished the front door of the Museum at 7 tonight. Be prompt! Manderscheid, sophomore, mathematics, senior, psychology. and Rob Russell, hopes ultimately for socialism - "workers' ownership of the presidential nomination of Nelson Rockefeller. FIND SOMETHING charts. Professionally produced. house. Responsible good person. Graduate students and faculty factories and control of the 332-4300 Signorelli would demand Reasonable rates. 337-1239. Male. $110. Randy Rousse, interested in Women's Studies: IF YOU'VE found a pet or 10-11-4 676-1051 2:30 - 5:30. Or We've arrived! WTVR is now on government." that every person, employed or article of value, we want to help meeting to get acquainted and share the air in the Union. Drop by and evenings. 3-11-5 resources at 4:15 p.m. today in the listen to the good sounds of Union unemployed, received a you return it. Just come into the Union Oak Room. Signorelli - U.S. Labor minimum of $150 per week, State News Classified Instructions Peter A. Signorelli, 32, which would be funded Department and tell us you want' Wonlen's Studies Colloquium: MENSA game night will be at Detroit. Fulltime socialist through the taxation of banks. to place an ad in EAST BOARD EXAM TUTORING Barbara Braathen of the Art Dept. 7:30 tonight at Bruce Pratt's, 1522 P QX 4000 4 channel LANSING STATE BANK'S STANLEY H. KAPLAN will speak on "Women in Art" at Mt. Vernon Ave. Bring your ' 2 Utah 12" 3-way noon today in 33 Union. Found Column. As a public TUTORING COURSES favorite games and friends. MAKE FIRST impressions count! Yamaha turntable. service EAST LANSING STATE Interested? Come join Now being formed for the A good ad in the The New American Movement us. |026, Bob. 5-11-5 BANK will Residency questioned run the ad at no cost upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, "EMPLOYMENT" section will will hold its regular business Slide show to you I on backpacking in the ATGSB, GRE, Board Exams. get you the workers you meeting at 7:30 tonight at United ■mamiya-sekor 1000 EAST LANSING For information call Dial 355-8255. need. Ministries in Higher Education, Bridger Wilderness of Wyoming at the •utomatic camera, with 55 Outing Club meeting at 7 p.m. STATE BANK 1-313-364-008S. 0-2-11-4 1118 S. Harrison Road. Everyone is Tuesday in 118 Physics - |200mm at telephoto lens, Cedar Greens C-11-27 AQUA LUNG GENERAL ADMISSION tickets to welcome. Astronomy Bldg. Plans for trips will (continued from page 1) legislator - and none will be discussed. Everyone welcome. , No.. C-4 (just west LOST - MAN'S 1972 class ring. SCUBA CLASS ' Ohio State/Michigan State game. Unicyclers: next unicycle club probably be answered before W after 4 p.m. 5-11-5 Amethyst stone. Initials DMJ. Now forming. Seaway Aqua Lung 355-2940.3-11-6 meeting is at 7 tonight at Jenison The wide ranging program, Tuesday." Park between H il Ic rest - Center. 3024 East Michigan, lieldhouse (enter through south "Know Your Community," will be separated, and they couldn't "If a letter or charge Lansing 332-0841. Tuesday door). If you can't ride, we'll teach presented at 8 p.m. Tuesday in just come out and say that," ■0C0MP (EML) and ARP Evergreen. Reward. 351-7847. - TO BUY used cars. Will pay cash. you. If you can ride, bring your requires a detailed legal Saturday, 10-7. Friday til 9 People's Church parlor. The Nelson said. •"Mrs, sequencers. Stereo 3-11-4 . Out of state wholesaler. upicycle. program will feature Ellen Louni, analysis, like what constitutes a 5-11-4 He said that Schmidt knows Towne resident, it will surely take 1?!* fixers. GILL LOST: GOLD Seiko watch, red 349-2634.5-11-8 Black Orpheus Gospel Choir will Courier editor, and the full well not only that he is on more than a day," Steinborn ■J CS. 116 South dial. Grand River. Reward. MOVE AROUND a lot? The be having open auditions for new superintendents and Okemos schools. of East Lansing Lar>sing. Phone "Service" columns of the Want legal grounds, but that said. Linda, 351-3930. 5-11-8 SPOT BABYSITTING, prefer choir members. All parts are open, ■658.10118 Ads help you get things done, student especially tenor, bass and baritone. John W. complaining so late and Steinborn said the law is not wife. Own Fisher, director of Come at 6 tonight and Wednesday without being supported in the clear on the definition of a rihock there^now^ transportation, $1.25 communication for United Way of FOUND: OCTOBER 18, per hour. PETS, Onyx and marble. Two half days a week. Phone to the North Case Hall Music Michigan will speak on "How to complaint by an elected "resident" — if he must sleep Harrison-Trowbridge. Male, large Room, third floor. 9i'ts, several colors, heel shoes, MSU bag. 627-5692. 349-3424. 5-11-8 Prepare for a Career in Public official, she can cannot or eat there, only that he must •able. 882-0046. 11-11-12 Relations." at 8:30 tonight in 33 C-3-11-15 A poetry reading will take Union. Refreshments will be served. possibly receive a ruling. vote there. THERE'S A place roomer in town at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the "Anyways, if she'd brought "The legislature would be looking for your rental. Case/Madison it up earlier there would have the Advertise vacancies with Want library. Bud and Display your wares at the Union judge of residency Barbara Drake, local poets and Activities Board's Grand Annual been time for a ruling proving How to form your own car pool Ads. Dial 355-8255. coeditors of "Happening Holding Christmas Flea Market and Art I'm legitimate," he said. qualifications and decide how to reprimand violators," he Tank," will be featured. Show. Sign up in the UAB second floor Union. Pittenger said the charge said. I adfS 3 PUk"c serv'ce at no charge, the State News will provide a free classified I ver,lsement for those people who would like to set up or join a car pool. MSU FAN, needs tickets for State game. Will pay reasonable Ohio, All are welcome at at 7 tonight in Conference Room B a Bible Study Jewish Students in Mason - against Nelson could not be a campaign issue. "If it's true, Schmidt's letter requests the attorney general to rule on: Call collect, of McDonel Hall. We are price. area code studying Abbott 'and Snyder - Phillips halls it's in direct violation of the * the the Christian lifestyle as seen in the effect of all legislation 1-419-313-4641. 10-11-8 are getting together at 7:30 tonight Constitution and it should be Driving? _ or Riding? . Gospel of John. in Mason Hall study lounge. introduced by Nelson since last revealed, though." November, From | Car Pool ^ Introductory practical lectures technique of on the Israel Aliyah Shaliach will be at Hillel House from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pittenger said unaware of Schmidt's charge he was * the effect of legislation Transcendental Meditation Tuesday for all interested in short - passed with Nelson's vote in Leaving_ _ a m" Returning _ presented by the Students or long - term Israel involvements. until Saturday. favor, Phone _ Dm. Time? _ j Stare driving International Meditation Society will be at 1 p.m. Wednesday in 323 The Shalom Center, a new Schmidt's letter, however, has not been received by the * the effect of Nelson's action on the remaining weeks Chemistry Bldg. and 4 and 7:30 Jewish drop - in place, is open attorney general's office, since I P'rtitipant18 NeWS W'" n0t accept responsibility for arrangements or conduct of FROM MSU am. to Returning 5 U of M. Leaving 7 pm. 337-2591 p.m. in 105 S. Kedzie Hall. everyday but Saturday, from 1 to 5 p.m. Located above the Campus its postmark is Nov. 2, and the of his term. "I think it speaks for itself, The mfofmation requested below must be supplied in order for ad to appear. evenings. 3-11-4 Students International Bookstore. office is not open on what with the election only 72 Meditation Society presents Sy weekends. Migdal, Dean of Faculty, Maharishi hours away," he said. F"H Name _ I m \\&\ International University, Fairfield, Iowa, at 3:15 p.m. in Erickson Hall Interested in joining the newly formed Greater Lansing - East Lansing Vegetarian Society?Send Steinborn said probably see Kelley will the letter "I was aware that Mr. Nelson had moved to Haslett Address kiva and at 8:30 p.m. in 35 Union name, address and ideas on what tomorrow. for several months," Schmidt FROM LOGAN - Mt. Hope area to Tuesday. direction(s) you would like to see "We obviously can't answer Berkey Hall. Leaving 7:30 am, said. "I wrote my letter City us take to Joel, 2011 E. Michigan this charge before the returning 5 pm. 355-6620; College Republicans will meet at Ave., Lansing, Mich., 48812. Saturday because my 482-8176 after 6 pm. 3-11-6 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in 37 Union. election," Steinborn said. information was ready to be BServ!h'SD°UPOn may ** brought in or mailed to: Car Pool Classifieds, 347 Student Don't forget to vote. your Project Zorba is coming. Save all tin cans. Remove tops and "This is election- the eve third sort problem we've of made into a factual g ces Building. No phone calls accepted. TAKE A close look at the good statement." The Councft of Graduate flatten. For more information thing* around your home you no Studenti (COGS) will meet at 6:30 contact Dave or Clyde at the Free had, with Damman's problems Schmidt would not identify NO CHARGE longer use. Sell them with a and a tonight in the International Center U, Union. residency violation the source of the information w«ni ad. Dial 3bo-d2Wi .tuiiay. O01. Con Rw„,. ttt «rge agaiusi auoUcr Mb*Ui.UaUu| &U vbiigu. 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. November 4, J U.S. foreign med students face problems By DENISE CRITTENDON American (tudents who choose to attend foreign med schools Detroit Memorial Hospital and graduate of a foreign medical extends about one or two years but way out," he said. some student, n, B l buy J I State News Staff Writer are apt to face several problems, including language barriers and school, said foreign medical students are generally not as well The association's report bases its $3,000 annual tuition rates, James Conklin, assoc. dean for trained as American medical students because the schools are not accusations of th. I TTiough the long road to admittance into an American medical , school may look bleak, the foreign medical school, considered an administration and student afNrs of MSU's College of Human as good TTie foreign medical schools lack the finances to provide of foreign medical schools on two basic differences ^ alternative by some pre ■ med students, may not be any more Medicine, said. sufficient training, M said. As a result, their graduates are usually The American trained doctor goes throunh U.S. job barriers not as knowledgeable in the areas of basic science as the undergraduate college and an accredited medical srhJh" promising. his training, he undergoes a step by Often, these students confront American medical school graduates. step evaluation d, In reality, it can be a very disappointing experience. a stunning barrier when they * Each year l, 2,000 American students, most of whom return to the U. S. expecting to find a job, he said. Because of their poor medical background, foreign medical progress is judged at each step by the National Bou did not make it into a med school here, attend foreign medical "There is a lot of competition for good physicians for graduates may not seem to be as skilled as American graduates, Examiners. This process of examination is required schools where theadmissionstandards are lower. internships," Conklin said. "But usually hospitals have Hodari said. The problem, mainly due to inadequate training, is nation's 116 medical schools. '83 But approximately 80 per cent of those drop out during their preferences for American graduates. Because of biases, they think usually corrected after they begin their internships or residencies Lower exam scores first year. American graduates are better. in the United States. Hie pressures to "get in" are high in this country. In the Clinic experience lacking nation's 105 medical schools, there are only about 1,400 William Weil, chairman and professor of the College of Human On the other hand, the foreign medical school not have to attend an accredited medical md,,,, , I Development, pointed out that some foreign countries such as school TV 1 Women ass vacancies per year — very close to the 1,600 pre - med students enrolled at MSU alone. Sweden, Switzerland and Germany offer quality education. These schools, which are highly rated, are equally as hard to enter as method used in his evaluation is an U» Educational Council to, examination Foreign Medici admini.,' "ll Foreign schools, though, sometimes enroll as many as 2,000 to 3,000 students in a single year's class. American schools. The more commonly used poorer foreign organization headed by U. S. health relaied association feels this method of evaluation is a«n?M hardlv beset by rare Tliose foreign med schools with the highest numbers of American students are the University of Manila in the Philippines, schools such as the University of Guadalajara pose the problems. "American medical students tend to migrate to these schools for the tedious American evaluation process. a 1 the University of Guadalajara in Mexico and the University of that they can get into easily and these schools have low The report concludes that foreign medical standards," he said. graduate*» Bologna in Italy. score lower on objective type exams. ™ By United Press International called acrodermatitis Substandard training1 Among the problems, he said, are the lack of clinical rather Conklin characterized the plight of the Women across Michigan enteropathica, under control. In a recent report compiled by the Assn. of American Medical than classroom experience, and an overabundance of students. In American m student attending a foreign university as a rallied to the aid of a young One woman, Dot Gonia of colleges, foreign medical schools were called inadequate and many cases, a student attending a foreign medical school may be he would not difficult exi*.L.« Indiana boy Friday who needs faulted for administering substandard training. The foreign required to work in the country entered for one or two years one readily advise any student to tackle. Trenton, has suggested the a steady supply of mothers formation of an independent medical graduates, who the association rates as "second class after his graduation. "What I usually do is encourage students who wen> r» milk to counteract a rare blood milk bank in the state. physicians," were classed as incompetent and unable to render Service for country to try again in an American school, I think becauJ tJ disease. quality service. "Theoretically, if you are educated by the system of another language barrier and the cost, the gamble is worth it to t™ Most were responding to a She has appealed to mothers ~ Dr. Alberto Hodari, director of the residency program at country, you are expected to do some service for them. It Conklin said. to contact her at telephone no. photograph published Friday showing the child, Jeffery 313-675-2556 so that such a Burton, 6, and his foster bank could be organized. il Advtrtiumant mother, Mrs. Margaret Burton of Hammond, Ind. Mrs. Burton appealed for Let's REALLY milk donations because the supply she had on hand will run out by the weekend. Jeffery needs at least one quart a day to keep the disease. BOOKER GAULDEN Compare Records For EAST LANSING Here's Why We Need a DISTRICT New State Senator JUDGE We want Booker Gaulden to be East Lansing's first Earl Nelson votes for the public, not special interests. His record shows full-time elected District Court Judge. . . attention to citizen needs. His honest, responsible leadership has won endorsement from every major newspaper in the 24th District. Compare this record and you will see why: B.C. ANDERSON CHARLES HANLEY JAMES ANDERSON JOHN HENDERSON KENNETH BIRCH SEN.DAVID HOLMES RALPH BONNER JOHN JACKSON JOSEF BRODER MAXIE JACKSON WILLIAM JENKINS BYRON BROWN LEE JUNE Official Legislative Voting Records ROBERT A. BRUSCA ALBERT AND BETH CAFAGNA STAN KAPLOWITZ CLINTON CANADY LAWRENCE AND LOIS LIBBY BURT CHADWELL BLANCHE MARTIN BILL DISCRETION NELSON PITTENGER REP. JOHN CONYERS ROBERT MILLENDER JOHN DAVIS REV. TRUMAN MORRISON HB-4145 Allows substitution of generic drugs to lower STUART J. DUNNINGS JR. STEPHEN MOULTON LONNY EILAND PATRICIA NOR FLEET cost of prescriptions. YES NO RON AND BEV FASS MIKE SPITZER ALAN D. FREEMAN REP. JACKIE VAUGHN SB 1132 Appropriation bill for higher education; BENJAMIN GIBSON DAVID VERWAY JEFFREY GRANT JAMES WATERS including MSU (1974-75) YES NO TOM HAM HB 5528 Major change in employment compensation "I have been most impressed with Booker law, conforming to new mandatory federal YES NO Gaulden's sensitivity to human concerns and his standards and extending coverage. methodical and logical approach to solving human problems." HJR-0 Ratification of U.S. Constitution amendment allowing 18-year old vote. YES NO WILLIAM A. RYAN Speaker of the House of Representatives HB-5574 Companion bills aimed at reducing health and care costs and duplication of medical facilities in non-profit community hospitals. YES NO Committee to Elect Booker Gaulden HB-4949 for East Lansing District fudge 925 Virginia Ave. East Lansing. Mich. 48823 351-8288 HB-5252 Established uniform building code, new Paid Political Ad construction standards. YES NO A Record You Can Trust SB-433 Permits public employees to negotiate for In two terms as State Representative, EARL From Red Barn's New Owner and agency shop status. YES NO NELSON has compiled an outstanding record IN RESPONSE TO as a full-time legislator with deep concern for citizen needs. HB-5533 Exempt Michigan from Daylight Savings YES ABSENT PUBLIC DEMAND Time. His leadership led to his selection for the good Mon. - Thurs. HB-4143 Eliminates one-week waiting period to collect important House Appropriations Committee YES NO where he has fought for government economy Hamburger Hungry says^__ unemployment insurance. and effective use of tax dollars. SB-824 An important bill allowing'schools to use BuyaBambuster available funds to buy technical and vocational education equipment. YES NO Earl Nelson successfully sponsored landmark legislation to modernize ineffective' rape laws, removing stigma from victims. and a Coke,., HB-4668 Changes penalty provisions, making it difficult to receive stolen property. more YES NO Earl Nelson won enactment of legislation ending disputes between landlords new keep the Glass! Pittenger voted YES on amendment to HB-4584 which would have denied 18-year olds right to purchase and consume alcohol, keeping and tenants, safeguarding security deposits. Earl Nelson sponsored the new state law limit at age 21. Amendment was defeated. licensing auto repair mechanics to protect consumers from fraud and sloppy work. Pittenger voted YES on SB-53 degrading meat standards by allowing use of poultry products, including skin, as filler in most finished meat products. Bill Earl Nelson strongly supported tax relief for died in House committee. low and fixed income families.. .improved measures to prevent welfare cheating.. .more Pittenger voted YES on SB-402 allowing use of soy protein in meat loaf and effective aid for the unemployed.. .and he sausage meat products sold to public. Bill died in House committee. single-handedlywon increased funding for voacational and career education courses. Collect VcnA. new - a complete set of these old-fashioned 12-ounce glasses for Coca-Cola. It's our way to get you to try fabulous pound hamburger the Barnbuster. _ 1010 E. Grand River STATE SENATOR NELSON 24th DISTRICT DEMOCRAT