Your vote today could EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Officials predict long voter lines at polls By JOE KIRBY candidates are. That will mean they will be Anyone who makes a mistake on their State Newt Staff Writer making up their minds in the voting first try can get another ballot from poll Only about half of booth. workers. The workers will also answer any Michigan's registered voters will show up at the polls Whitmyer said the propositions on the questions that first time voters may have. today. But there will still be long lines of ballot will probably slow things Voters carrying their registration cards since last minute voters. People tend to scrutinize them. may get through the procedure quicker, East Lansing City Clerk Beverly Colizzi He said the average voter spends about election officials said. said she expects about 55 three or four minutes voting, but some If voters arrive at the polls and find per cent of the city's 35,654 voters to vote in the election. Colizzi said the best time to vote would be in the late morning or early afternoon The busiest period will be between 5:45 since it will be the least crowded p.m. and 8 p.m., White during said, so voters should make an effort to cast their ballot those times. early in the Unfamiliarity with the ballot, Colizzi day. White said the length of the ballot could also present voters with said, is the biggest cause of delay among some problems. voters. She recommended that people have some idea of how they are going to vote before arriving at the poll. Virginia White, Meridian Township spend up to seven minutes. that their names are not on thevoter rolls, clerk, said she is expecting a large turnout Both East because of the hotly contested 6th Lansing and Meridian they can still vote if they are registered in District U.S. congressional race. Township use a computer punch - card the city. White said that in 1972, 13,482 of the voting system. In East Lansing, Colizzi has removed several thousand voters who appear to 16,039 registered voters turned out. This Rather than pulling a lever, voters use a have left the city'into an inactive file. Any year there are 18,975 registered voters in pointed pencil - like object to punch a voter who has been removed from the rolls Meridian Township. hole in a computer card. The card is need only call East Lansing City Hall. If he The busiest period will be between eventually fedlnto a computer which spits is on this inactive list he will be 5:45 p.m. and 8 p.m., White said, so voters out the results. immediately reinstated. _ SN photo/Dale Atkins should make an effort to cast their ballot |f you want to avoid the voting rush like these students did last year, City Clerk Beverly Colizzi says the best early in the day. ^ime turn out. to vote is late morning or early afternoon. Approximately 20,000 East Lansing voters are expected to could White said the length of the ballot also present voters with some problems. In Meridian sample votes Township's 13th precinct, will be gathered from Poll recheck indicates lord: show confidence McDonel Hall, the precinct voting station, for a CBS television sampling. Two representatives from that station will phone in totals to the television headquarters in New York, White said. Damman issue petty "If people vote straight ticket they U.S. by casting ballot should zip right through," White said. "If they study each individual race it could take some time." A Detroit News Poll recheck of the Michigan gubernatorial race indicates the controversy over James Damman, Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, may For the entire state, Michigan elections have a negligible effect on statewide voting in Tuesday's election. (ASHINGTON id for (AP) - As Republicans strengthen the economy and preserve state houses now controlled by director Bernard Apol forecast a turnout In the weekend recheck, Gov. Milliken was still leading among those likely to vote by major off - year Democratic peace in the world, could be elected by Republicans. The record for the most of between 1.75 million and 2.65 million 46.5 to 43.5 per cent over Sander Levin, his Democratic opponent. These figures I President Ford urged Americans to only 21 per cent of the voters. I don't out of a total 4.85 million registered represent a 1.5 per cent increase for Milliken and a 2.5 per cent increase for Levin since governorships held by one party is 39 I today to show confidence In the think anyone wants that kind of minority Democrats In 1939. voters. the Oct. 24 to 30 Detroit News poll published Sunday. ln's political system — with economic decision," Ford said. Since 1946, the average off -year gains Apol said Michigan's expected turnout In the event of high voter turnout, including those who are not likely to vote, Levin land shaken by scandal. Ford and his spokesmen refused to for the party not in the White House are Is higher than most other states, possibly will lead Milliken, 45.2 to 43.1 percentage points. These percentages are increases over > will not just be voting for make specific re - election predictions, but because of the former poll of 1.1 per cent for Milliken and 1.2 about 30 House seats, four senators and voter interest in a per cent for Levin, apparently votes fccrats or Republicans," Ford said the President expressed hope last week six governorships. The forecast of a constitutional amendment to repeal the garnered from former undecided voters. ' y. "You will be casting your vote of that the current Republican - Democratic Democratic romp was reminiscent of 1966 sales tax on food and prescription drugs. The recheck of Detroit area voters however, indicated a 1.6 per cent decrease in ice in the United States of ratios would stay basically unchanged. when Republicans picked up more than 40 Ingham County clerk John Whitmyer Milliken's support, from 43 per cent in the first poll to 41.4 per cent in the recheck. The latest AP survey, based on reports House seats in a backlash to a Democratic said he expects a county - wide turnout of Levin gained 2.9 per cent of the expected Detroit turnout, increasing from 47 per s election • eve statement from from bureaus in all 50 states, recent polls president's policies. about 72 per cent of the 161,700 cent to 49.9 per cent. phite House Rose Garden did and interviews with political strategists Ford, then House GOP leader, was an registered voters. The recheck did not collect last minute reactions, not - however, to a Detroit Free Press in Watergate. But it was implicit in and candidates, yielded this picture: active Republican campaigner that year. Whitmyer said he is concerned because editorial that reversed the Free Press' stand on the Damman matter. The Free Press had Irospect of a voter backlash facing his •Senate The Democrats have And he was again this year, traveling more polls, including that conducted by the first called for Damman's removal from the ticket because of questionable real estate Jblican party. - a good than 16,000 miles through a score of State News, show that 40 to 50 per cent dealings. Sunday, however, the Free Press declared that its request was "not supported chance of holding all 20 of their own seats Hie final Associated Press survey shows states in behalf of GOP candidates. of the voters do not even know who the by the facts at hand" and withdrew its call for Damman's removal. up for re • election, and to gain from five [ocrats have a chance at two - thirds to seven of the 14 Republican seats at ol of both the House and Senate and stake. Hiis could mean a new Senate with lord number of governorships in the 63 to 65 Democrats, compared with the [election to feel the full lomic problems. Pile the scandal survey and and brunt of the the other nation's polls present 58-42 margin. •House Democrats could gain as many - as 50 seats and probably no Less than 30 if Levin tours heart of M led toward above pre ■ election trends hold. They now have - average off • year a 248 187 edge, and a sweep of close I by Democrats, there wre forecasts of - By JOE KIRBY heart of the MSU campus Monday I* below • average voter turnout, could House State News Staff Writer morning. races mean a majority e surveys indicated record low rivalling the 295 • 140 edge they achieved The Levin troupe arrived at the a "Hi, I'm Sandy Levin. Hi, I'm Sandy lit of less than 40 in Lyndon B. Johnson's 1964 landslide. International Center at 10 a.m. For the percent, a figure Levin. Hi, I'm Sandy Levin." Ibv Ford in his message. •Governors - Already holding 32 of That's the way it was when Democratic next hour they shook hands and If this is true, the the 50 governorships, Democrats appeared distributed buttons as they wandered Congress with which gubernatorial candidate Sander Levin likely to gain from six to as many as 10 across the Wells Hall bridge. They later F work ... to control inflation, made a whirlwind handshaking tour of the toured the International Center cafeteria. Levin was accompanied by his wife RESIDENTS ENJOY LIFESTYLE Vickie and his lieutenant governor running mate Paul Brown. While standing on the bridge, Levin answered questions from students about ■o-ed different aspects of the campaign. floors d One student criticized Levin about the recent lieutenant controversy involving Republican governor candidate James Damman. By PAT NARDI floor said they would never go back to live male team. Damman had been charged by a Detroit State News Staff Writer on a single - sex floor because segregation Other popular activities on the floors Free Press investigation with allegedly seemed too unrealistic and immature in Ion" 'fV'ng °n ^SU s experimental co - ■ ors for half comparison to the co -ed by suite floors. are card playing, horseback riding and going to keggers. taking part in while a land development firm member of the Troy Zoning a term, residents sav the a "It's such a natural atmosphere that it's Almost all the residents interviewed I w J. ,are. at noisy, but congenial, relaxed ' and no longer a novelty. People come to visit said there was a high volume of noise on Appeals Board. "I'm confused how politicians don't definitely not dens the floor and say,'Boyis this weird!' but the floor because of the large amount of know any negative things about their fce ^ 'he residents interviewed on to us it isn't weird at all," she said. Rick Gerard, 674 S. Wonders Hall, thinks interaction between the men and women. "Hiey are always making noise," two opponents until the last couple days before the election," the student said. I h .?0rs in McDone'. Wonders or it's nicer and more normal having girls live Wonders Hall girls who live directly below Levin said it Hmmating !• have men ""d wo"ien the co - ed floor, commented. the was the media who forced suites, thought there was a on the floor. information from Damman, not the permissive atmosphere on the "You leam all the squirrely things girls "We get rowdy sometimes, but we Democratic party. do like pixie week. You find out that they haven't had any real problems," a "You can't blame me or the media for IL!?" 1 exactly have brother and are human, and you catch them off guard swearing, wearing bathrobes, curlers and McDonel Hall resident said. One RA commented that whenever it that disclosure," he said. "Any failure to ■iron. »'ce tious Ships' but there's certainly inquire earlier in this case would have to behavior on the flJr not having any makeup on," Gerard said. does get too noisy on the floor, residents be blamed on the governor." I-, Holmes Hall resident said. feel free to yell down the hall "Hey, quiet The State News election poll published down. I'm trying to study!" ■ a«! JUS- ^riends- There hasn't really Friday indicated that among 335 EntLjainn8 °ff'" 8 McDonel HaI1 "You learn all the squirrely things That usually works, she said. registered MSU students, Milliken had Wonders Hall head adviser Dawn 34.2 per cent of the vote and Levin had girls do, like pixie week. You find lIve«i d°emday S !"t0nt (RA) any dating game here," ^reed. out that they are human and you Hecker thinks the noise level on co - ed floors is down in comparison to noise on 30.9 per cent. Students undecided in their choice for governor were 26.8 per cent of catch them off guard swearing, fed, rc's'dents said the experience wearing bathrobes, curlers and single - sex floors. "There's a different kind of noise on those surveyed. IiDDncit relaxed relationships with A Detroit News Poll showed Milliken ■ toliim S page memorandum was obtained over the Secretary Earl L. Butz said Monday Bittman, who was to pass it on to Parkinson. A plainclothes policeman inspects damage at the downtown offices of the weekend from William O. Bittman, Hunt's Hunt testified Bittman told him he had read the the developing world could help allay chronic food former lawyer. Neal said that for 1V4 Rome Daily American newspaper Monday following a bomb explosion houn years memo to Parkinson. shortages by stepping up its agricultural productivity. Bittman had denied that he ever received the The document introduced into evidence is before the arrival of U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in Rome. Itm At a news conference in Brussels, Belgium, Butz said memo. the third attack against unsigned and addressed to no one. U.S. offices in Rome in three days. he and European Common Market (EEC) The memo introduced into evidence by Neal Agriculture It notes that "the defendants have followed Commissioner Pierre was headed "Review and Statement of all instructions meticulously, keeping their Lardinois will make that part Problem." It speaks of the administration of the bargain by maintaining silence. Having recommendation to the World Campaign Food Conference convening in Rome on Tuesday. In addition, they will urge that the burden of food aid be spread more evenly keeping its commitments in behalf of the seven defendants in the June 17, 1972, Watergate break - in. recovered from postelection euphoria, the administration should now attach high priority to keeping Its commitments and taking gift \ among the rich nations. The surprise disclosure prompted lawyers for affirmative action in behalf of the defendants. The Common Market devotes about 37 its food assistance program to per cent of two of the five defendants in the to move for a mistrial. coverup trial "To end further misunderstandings the seven voters must sfon wa improving agricultural "I am faced with a defendants have set Nov. 27th at 5 p.m. as the coverup within a WASHINGTON (AP) - Last - minute gave $5,000 to the Tennessee State Democri output in the Third World. At the joint date by which all past and current financial news coverup," Jacob Stein, lawyer for Kenneth W. Committee which is helping former Rep. conference, Lardinois said the U.S. position is "very, Parkinson, the man Hunt said he had intended requirements are to be paid, and credible reports of big campaign donations piled up in government offices Blanton in the race for governor. Ij assurances given of continued resolve to honor on election eve Monday, very close" to that of the EEC. to receive the memo, said. but voters must wait until next year to The dairy trusts had trouble giving U.S. District Judge John J. Sirica made no all commitments. Half measures will be full story of 11th - hour get the tlj unacceptable. spending and money away earlier this year when a1 immediate response to Stein's request for a "Hie borrowing in this election. candidates returned campaign gifts. mistrial. He denied a similar request from John foregoing should not be misinterpreted as a threat. It is among Most donations and loans made in the last On Monday more trouble surfaced ill J. Wilson, lawyer for H. R. Haldeman, former other things a reminder that 12 days of the campaign need not be disclosed Richard Nolan, Democratic candidate M White House staff chief of one of the five men loyalty has always been a two • way street." publicly until Jan. 31, when the law requires House from the 6th District in Minnao charged with conspiring to block the political committees to make year - end denied receiving a $5,000 gift which the big Neal said, "Mr. Bittman testified under oath, investigation of the Watergate break - in. reports. co op Associated Milk Producers Inc. (Al Mr. Hunt did not deliver - The judge told prosecution and defense any memorandum for attorneys to submit legal arguments by the end Mr. Parkinson. He did not mention however Meanwhile, candidates must report by had reported giving to him. Nolan sail! of the week on whether he should summon that he had received a memorandum for any telegram only those last • minute transactions that are of $5,000 or larger, and red would not accept AMPI's money. TbeeoJ political arm reported that it had don* Bittman to court to testify about what other peison." tape at the office of clerk of the House shields even $5,000 to the Richard Nolan Volw many happened. Neal said he got a call last Friday from of these reports from public viewing until Committee, St., Cloud, Minn, on Oct. 24. I Bittman was named as unindicted members of a Washington law firm with which election day or later. In another development, the politicalW coconspirator in the case and the prosecutors Bittman had been associated. A number of last run by the Machinists' union, filed a report I During minute reports were made Anti-Arab protests scheduled - had indicated they wanted him to testify. subsequent meetings Friday they told Neal that public by the secretary of the Senate, where days late showing it spent $88,348 in tin] But after disclosing how he had obtained the on May 31,1973, in preparation for responding fewer delays were encountered. days ending Oct. 24. The Machinists hawj memo, Neal said he had dropped all plans to Tight security measures were in. effect at the United call the attorney as a witness. to a subpena from the Senate Watergate One showed the Kansas State Democratic out nearly $600,000 since the first of thtyjj committee, they had inventoried Bittman's file The Machinists reported a relatively Nations Monday in preparation for a mass Sirica refused to allow the prosecutors to on Hunt. Committee borrowed $20,000 from a Topeka J demonstration by a major Jewish bank on Friday. The state Democratic party is amount of cash on hand for last • " recall Hunt to the stand groups against the Monday to confirm Among the material was a memorandum aiding Rep. William Roy in a close Senate race campaign donations: $24,420. scheduled that the unsigned document was the appearance of the Palestinian Liberation dated Nov. 14, 1972, which they recalled was against Sen. Robert Dole, a former Republican memorandum he wrote two years ago. Organization delegates. The surprise disclosure came before the headed, "Review and Statement of Problem." National chairman. But others had huge sums to spend in l| Police said they had provided a crowd control detail jury They said they were reminded of it by Another new campaign's closing days. entered the room for the continuation of cross - report showed that to handle a Hunt's testimony. When they checked the the The American Medical Assn.'s gathering of "more than 25,000 persons" at examination of Jeb Stuart Magruder, former political trust run by Dairymen, Inc., of the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza opposite the United Nations. deputy director of Richard M. Nixon's 1972 firm's microfilm copies of such files, found that they three big dairy farmers one cooperatives whose political co • arm had $285,062. The three bijJJ ops had $2.3 million among their po' The United Nations itself was closed to memo was missing. money was involved in the milk fund visitors. - affair, trusts. The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, a coalition of the open thursday and friday nights until nine nation's 32 largest national Jewish groups, called the Summer rally to In Term, a . September. Subscription rate It $20 per year. demonstrate against the attempt to high-lights in kidskin leather bv Maggie Jones legitimize Arab Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial terror." for Caressa European casuals contrast-stitched Four leftists slain in in a rich variety of colors and on a lofty wooden Argentina , Four young leftists have been killed in wedge so light it's barely there. Cushion soled Argentina in a 24 hour period, police said - for comfortable walking in 5 to 10 Medium sizes Monday, in apparent right - wing retaliation for the bomb murder of the chief of the federal police. Left: Multi-strapped in amber, red or green The bullet - riddled bodies of Juan Carlos Nievas, 23, and Ruben D. Boussas, 20, members of the Socialist Right: Sling-back in navy, amber, rust or wine Workers party, were found several hours men with police identification after armed ADVERTISING badges took them from $29 their homes. A third party member, Anturo Robles Urquiza, 30, CLIIB was shot to death after victim, a 30 - year - being kidnaped. The fourth old leftist university professor no.2 identified as Carlos Alberto Delia Riva, was also "What Are Advertising kidnaped and murdered. Specialties?" featuring Indian police Mr. R. Skinner of disperse students A. Dean Watkins Co., Lansing. Using tear gas and bamboo sticks, police; in Patna, ★ 20 minute film, ★ India dispersed thousands of chanting students Monday questions, staging an antigovernment demonstration led by ★ answers, *hot cider Jayaprakash Narayan the 72 year - old opposition - & doughnuts. leader. Narayan, a disciple of Gandhi who has emerged as a Tonight! at 8:00 P.M. political force against the ruling Congress party, angrily called a city - wide strike Tuesday and a state strike on BASEMENT OF THE Wednesday to press demands for the dissolution cf the state government of on the grounds of Bihar, of which Patna is the capital, corruption. JacobsoriS CASUALTIES MOUNT IN QUI olicitors thrive at MSU students' expense By STEVE ORR Bv "Som* o°me salesmen take.... . . State News Staff Writ* highly captive, relatively advantage of our things that students can do to insure that corns back. open, more their deals are legitimate and that there are things not included in the contract. If he If you sign a contfact and then change ■ right here, kid, youll be miking the affluent If you agree to talk to a population," North said. "They hidden catches. salesperson, is, call the company he works for to your mind, you have three days under If your life," the salesperson says exploit the circumstances. They use no First, if ask him for identification. Don't give your complain. state law to contact the salesperson or his |h|V- several kinds of methods which someone selling something money or your signature to someone you sound turns up uninvited at a residence hall know nothing about. .Make sure if you sign anything that you company to back out. the student, who is maybe just a good at first presentation." door, know exactly what you will be in for. If If you have any questions about a trusting, scribbles his or her name One of these they are violating the no - soliciting law. Pay less attention to the salesperson met::od», says the state Tell them so and send them you don't understand something, ask contract or complaints about a dotted line and becomes another attorney general's Consumer Protection packing. Call than to the contract you are asked to sign. about it. Ask the the campus police if you wish. It is their Pay enough attention to the salesperson, salesperson to leave a salesperson's tactics, call the state attorney |ty in the war of the door - to • door, Division, is making promises: pledges of job to make sure these persons do not copy of the contract for you to look over general's Consumer Protection Division in . sale ripoff. this vows of that, promises of the moon however, to find out if he is promising and to come back after you have read it. Lansing, or the Better Business Bureau. !ry year high ■ pressure salespersons and the sun. And it is legal. campus peddling everything It is the contract that counts, the llSurance to wedding plans. And the consumer protection division says. If it is litches arc coming earlier and more in the contract, then it is guaranteed. The this year, Gary North, residence company that a salesperson represents is Dordinator, says. not bound to honor any verbal promises. it of them shouldn't come at all, Another favorite trick of some there is a campus ordinance salespersons is that they are not ig door • to - door solicitation, salespersons at all. said, however, that the experienced Last fall several pseudo - salesmen (rson has ways of getting around collected deposits of $100 for Hawaiian trips from gullible students and were never L most common tactic is contacting seen again. Lai students and convincing them Simply not mentioning everything is |te the salesperson in to their rooms, probably the most common tactic used by ljcally, this is not soliciting, North dishonest salespersons. They tell the Cavanaugh statement student all of the benefits of whatever also said that many of these they are selling, but neglect to mention eople employ technically legal the steep interest rates or hidden clauses What they do is exploit the naivete involved. Once again, it is what the Idents who are too inexperienced in contract says, not what the salesman says ss to know a bum deal when they that counts. The consumer agency suggests several hints backing Ferency fudent union DETROIT (UPI) - Zolton Ferency concedes he will not win the governor's race, but he still is capable of stirring some vote But Cavanaugh refused to say he would Tuesday for Ferency, who ran for governor in 1966 as a Democrat and is a excitement. former state Democratic party chairman. The latest was winning the implied The news caused some surprise and id to U' 'intimi support of Jerome P. Cavanaugh, the former Detroit mayor defeated in the Democratic primary by Sander M. Levin. irritation among Levin supporters. Cavanaugh had indicated after losing to Levin that he would support the By ROSANNE LESS union organizer earlier this term. Democratic challenger to Gov. Milliken. Cavanaugh's name appeared in an State News Staff Writer O'Connor alleges that the manager made it organization calling itself "Labor Levin clear to the union said nothing publicly about organizer that area Democrats to Elect Zolton Governor," fibers of the Student Workers Union management had been fully briefed as to which announced its existence Saturday. Ferency, who is a $19,000 • a - year Organizing Committee are this particular person's union activities. associate professor of criminal law at led to meet with Executive Vice Asked if his name meant he endorses MSU. Ferency came to MSU after leaving The student union contingent that Ferency's candidacy on the Human Rights |ent Jack Breslin later this week to hopes to meet with Breslin will ask that all ticket, Cavanaugh said: "I have sympathy a state chairman position in the Democratic party in the late '60's, he that alleged coercive and unfair labor practices halt, that the and respect for Ferency. I like him and I idating actions on the part of the University begin bargaining and acting in think he is the only candidate helped to form the Human Rights party in ■sity stop. speaking 1970. Ferency has been active in the good faith, and that the University ZOLTON FERENCY about the issues." hmittee members said that if the antiwar and grape boycott movements on effectively enforce good faith policies. campus and in the Lansing area. Jrsity will not act in good faith and This would include issuing clear |hese activities, then the Union will ately file unfair labor practices se Michigan Employment Relations statements to supervisors on informing them of what they can and cannot say in regard to union campus Meditation group Ferency lashed Levin's campaign "devoid of any approach, discussion or as ission activity. dialog on the critical issues." (MERC). "There will be no need to file the Jiit,unfair coercive labor practice is any move grievances with the state unless the Sy Migdal, renowned professor and dean of faculty at the Maharishi International University (M1U) for Transcendental Meditation Society. Lansing, as well as 300 other major U.S. Ferency said earlier he thought Milliken would win, but said that he wants to or intimidating University refuses to act in good faith," cities, will participate in the Nov. 10 to 17 celebration, which is gain Meditation (TM), will speak about TM at the five per cent of the vote so the Human | taken by management to thwart or O'Connor said. He added that if the 3:15 p.m. today in the Erickson Hall kiva. university level at designed to make TM more visible and understandable to the n organization, membership University refuses to act in good faith and general population. Rights party can qualify as a major party ■vity. fails to take remedial action, the union Migdal will be presented by the Students International Other features of the World Plan Week at MSU include Steven under state law. ldent Workers Union spokesman will have no recourse but to file. Meditation Society of MSU. Druker, professor of law and government at MIU who will speak Ferency said he has raised less than J willO'Connor ■ said that the fledgling demand remedial action The University has been found guilty in He will explain how MIU enables students of TM to reach on the Law and the Science of Creative auditorium at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 12. Intelligence in Conrad $10,000 to finance his campaign, with the by the three instances of unfair labor practices in higher levels of consciousness than they would be able to attain at %ity in the form of campus Jerry Jarvis, the national director of the meditation society, largest single donation - $350 — coming - wide the last six months. All three instances the regular instruction level. from the law firm lution of will conduct a symposium from 2 to 5 that includes the a statement to University were filed by members or in behalf of He will also explain how the p.m. on Nov. 13 in campaign manager for Secretary of State ' ors, employes and the public of an members belonging to the American recently established university at Wonders Hall kiva. Many speakers from several fields of TM will >n of a commission of unfair labor Fairchild, Iowa investigates meditation instructors to check on discuss topics including the use of TM in Richard H. Austin and Detroit Mayor Federation of State, County and their teachings. The university also unifies meditators all Michigan's Milan prison, over the Coleman A. Young. *s by the University. Municipal Employes teaching TM to ghetto children and a physician's description and (AFSCME) local nation under one center of study. ir also said the University will 1585. The AFSCME prescription of TM. represents about Migdal's speach will open an entire week of Other contributors included former id to post a commitment to cease celebration For 1,200 service workers on campus. in the second annual World Plan Week of the more information, contact Students International Gov. John Swainson, now a state Supreme st regarding these activities, International Meditation Society at 351 - 7729. Court justice, who gave $25. fin was not available for comment, jonnor outlined two documented s that could be filed as unfair ■practices should the meeting with CITY OF ^ not be productive. (The committee ■tnesses and swom statements on the EAST LANSING Its). Bons bonald food Schmidt, service an area City of ; 1974 manager, is •d of attempting to block a vote at a rtsrii" ■ Residence Halls Association that would have (RHA) given support the East Lansing it union. Schmidt is alleged to have ■ false statements and of having the |t to coerce ftmg the union. people into not POLLING PLACES r said that Schmidt claimed e Michigan Constitution required H raise in pay to residence hall Pet. No. 1 - Spartan Village School. 1460 Middlevale Road, Phone 337-2677 "" *ould have to come from Pet. No. 2 - Spartan Village School, 1460 Middlevale Road, Phone 337-2677 * hall fees. O'Connor maintains Pet No. 3 - United Ministries in Higher Education, 1118 S. Harrison Road, e ^onstitution and that provides for no such Phone 332-0861 Schmidt's statement is |y false. Pet. No. 4 - Red Cedar School, Sever Drive. Phone 332 8674 |midt was not available for comment Pet. No. 5 - East Knolls Community House, Oak Ridge Avenue, Phone 351-4726 Pet. No. 6 - Glencairn School, 939 N. Harrison Road, Phone 351-6241 Pet. No. 7 - Pinecrest School, 1811 Pinecrest Drive, Phone 337-2042 |t a residence hall staff meeting, one Pet. No. 8 - Eastminster Presbyterian Church, 1315 Abbott Road, Phone 337-0183 l*wnce hall manager made the Pet No 9 - Hannah Middle School. 819 Abbott Road Phone M2-0848 fy Wse and intimidating claim that Ptet No 10- Hannah Middle Schoof, 819 Abbott Road, Phone 332-0848 * nail fees would rise $50 a Pet. No. 11- Union Ballroom, MSU year ■ unionization occur. Pet. No. 12- Wonders Hall, MSU T"is same area manager is alleged to Pet. No. 13- Wilson Hall, MSU T ae '"timidating approaches to a Pet. No. 14- Akers Hall, MSU Pet No. 15- McDonel Hall, MSU Pet. No. 16- Auditorium, MSU reran mayor Pet, No. 17- Union Ballroom, MSU Pet No. 18- Bailey School, 300 Bailey St., Phone 332-2711 Pet. No. 19- University Christian Church, 310 N. Hagadorn Road, Phone 332-5193 Pet. No. 20- Martin Luther Student Center, 444 Abbott Road, Phone 332-0778 |s surgery for Pet. No. 21- Bailey School, 300 Bailey St., Phone 332-2711 Pet No. 22- Marble School, 729 N. Hagadorn Road, Phone 332-0893 Pet. No. 23- MaeDonald Middle School, 1601 Burcham Drive, Phone 332-6075 rioval of clot Pet. No. 24- St. Thomas Aquinas School. 915 Alton St., Phone 332-0813 Pet. No. 25- Whitehills School, 621 PebWebrook Lane, Phone 332-8689 Pet. No. 26- All Saints Episcopal Church, 800 Abbott Road, Phone 351-7160 |arborn (UPI) _ 0rvillc L Pet. No. 27- Central School. 325 W. Grand River Ave., Phone 332-1614 ■ ,, e colorful and controversial Ptot. No. 28- Edgewood United Church, 469 N. Hagadorn Road, Phone 332-8693 J.. . s Detroit suburban city since ■underwent surgery for removal Pet. No. 29- MaeDonald Middle School, 1601 Burcham Drive. Phone 332-5075 of a T 'on the brain Sunday night. Pet. No 30- Auditorium, MSU Pet. No. 31- Wonders Hall, MSU |ble today Hubbard's conditlon PW. No. 32-Wilson Hall, MSU wa« rushed to the P«. No. 33- Brody Hall, MSU Henry . . 1 Detroit after suffering PW.No.34-BrodyHall.MSU c>ates called a stroke. MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP , 'r (has >°ng been one of the Pet No. 13- McDonel Hall. MSU (for Hubbard and Akers halls students) ■th„ „ unusual Political figures. He PW. No 14- McDonel Hall, MSU I (for Holmes, McDonel. Owen halls students) unK'?"1 term as record for fte 'on*88* mayor - 33 years. °rossed the honJ" to avoid a lawsuit and ruled m a hotel room in Windsor, Susan Ager Maureen Beninson . . Editor-in-Chief Advertising Manager EjrS JAMES RESTON Ryjl 25th Amendment doing okay R. D. Campbell Managing Editor May Flood City Editor Diane Silver Campus Editor Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Pay ton National Editor Tuesday, November 5, 1974 Steve Stein Sports Editor Pale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Witor Editorials are the opinion of the State Tom Oren. WASHINGTON - In his news and he was concerned particularly about alternatives proposed so far also have their economic and political Copy Chief reason, defects, and strong case, therefore, can consider the situation News. Columns, viewpoints and letters are Joe Kirby Staff Representative conference here the other day. President the long congressional delay in confirming a be made for a little judicious leaving alone. endured the if the S personal opinions. Ford suggested that the Congress might be consider revising the 25th Nelson Rockefeller as vice president. Accordingly, Ford proposed The present discussion about amending o President impeachment and5 wise to Nixon, and then £7 Amendment to the Constitution under specifically that Congress consider a the 25th is not directed at President Ford Plunge into a intended as criticism of former presidential which he became the 38th President of the revision of the 25th, so that the Congress or campaign. 1 EDITORIALS United States. He was not suggesting that President would have to either approve or reject a vice presidential nominee within a definite President Nixon for appointing him to the vice presidency and thus choosing his own In the case of been in office three Ford, who has months the Nixon had nominated and the Congress but limited period of time. successor. Rather, the main objection is to are that, under Pastore's had confirmed the wrong man, but he This is a serious question that has the principle here; that the 25th amendment, we would be having Cast that ba noted that the 25th did not foresee the present situation — that both a president and received increasing attention since the resignation of President Nixon, but while Amendment violates the clear stipulation of Article II, Section I of the Constitution, which states that the president and vice congressional Tuesday, and state elections but an election for3L ever a vice president might serve without having been elected by the people - the 25th Amendment has some obvious shortcomings and even dangers, all other president of the United States shall "be vice president as president could settle into his well. Before J, to » elected." Congress could adjust The battles are close this Nov. 5, East Lansing City Council over One to him both' man who did foresee this conflict would be involved particularly for the offices of student - oriented candidates. Or WORLD FOOD COMF036NC6 Sen. John Pastore (D unavoidably was R.I.), who partisan tussle over who was governor, and the seat of 6th remember two years ago, when a - the tickets and which J,," proposed before Ford became vice on part* wi?. district congressman. high student turnout almost turned president that the 25th be amended to to govern the country. No doubt Pastore's Don't be surprised if the uncast out Rep. Charles Chamberlain and provide for a special election for the proposal would vote makes all the difference. replaced him with Bob Carr. offices of president and vice president if more logical and democratic but asH Mencken once remarked, for every h- Your nonvote could put men Vote your conscience. Elect the an appointed vice president becomes problem there is a solution that is and women in office at the county men and women who support what president under the 25th with more than a neat and wrong." commissioner to gubernatorial you believe in, and who ran the year to go in the president's term of Even Ford's more modest office. proooal levels who range in description kind of campaigns you could trust. its drawbacks. The delay in voting "As tragic events of the past have Rockefeller in or out from Neanderthal man to Dr. Don't allow last - minute smears may be er proved," Pastore said in the Senate on Also, it risks the succession of *- Strangelove. that cannot be challenged this late Nov. 15, 1973, "We cannot foretell what Carl Albert to the Not voting might be the most in the campaign to affect your lies ahead for this country. The appointed presidency m particularly joyful thought But powerful thing you can do today. It decisions. vice president may himself succeed to the alternative is to impose presidency and then appoint a new vice a limit can significantly alter the political Whether it is a Republican investigating the nominee's record future for the president. qualifications, and worse. It is in fact county chairman charging State the complaint "Should this set of circumstances most vice the best guarantee you can give that Rep. Earl Nelson with living out of presidents lately is that evolve (as they did, of course), a were not chosen too slowly but the unresponsive stay in office and his district or the conservative constitutional crisis will occur. And what too On the brief record of the that the hard working are booted - Detroit Free Press magnanimously will happen to us then? For the first time in the history of this great nation, the Amendment, it has served the nation out by the smooth - talking. qualifying its own charges of under president and vice president will both be extraordinary and u Lots of candidates are wrongdoing against lieutenant appointed, not elected by the people, and circumstances. The people did not hoping in the pits of their gubernatorial candidate James not responsive to any mandate from the Ford or Rockefeller. In fact, Ford stomachs for a small student Damman, a hefty grain of salt citizens. The nation will no longer be thought of being president, turnout. should be taken with any last - democratically governed." Rockefeller thought about it, ^ Student votes are a real power in minute slur. It is hard to challenge the facts of the much public support. Still, nobody senator from Rhode Island, who is not elections in this area. Certainly they Even if you have changed your suggested that they were inferior to* pressing hard for his special - election Agnew or Tom Eagleton, are the key to any victory of residence recently, you can still amendment, but in actual fact, there is no vote. Just be sure to go to your old nominations for the vice progressive candidates or people - "constitutional crisis" in the nation today. presidency no great recommendation for de oriented programs. Without precinct to do so. There was a "constitutional crisis" and a students, such candidates cannot It talkes less than an hour to paralyzed government during the Nixon So maybe the 25th Amendment win. vote, and it could be the most impeachment proceedings, but it was stand as is for a while. It takes time relieved precisely because the 25th Just look back to last year, when important thing you do this year. amend the Constitution, and that's Amendment worked fairly well. a low student turnout elected Mary Or the most disastrous bad idea either. thing you TTiere is a lot of fussing and grumbling Sharp and John Polomsky to the don't do. in the country now for a variety of (C) 1974 New York Times End ELC debate Kiss off Slay This letter is in response to the recent 'Jolly In the at the English continuing controversy concerning who is best qualified to teach Language Center (ELC), several points have been omitted by both review of the Kiss concert. Where did you scrape up that redneck article? Obviously he dneck who he was who wrote the was thethe only one i Letter Policy who disliked the The Opinion Page welcomei( Pat Nardi's shallow story and other budget was limited to that provided by show If there were a group called Zero joints. It is the price and the because letters. Readers should folio* inspired letter - to - the - editor Abrams Planetarium, we were dependant everybody else sure Restaurant Growth, they would convenience of these quick service contributors. few rules to insure that as m on the generosity of your culture editors seemed to be getting certainly be horrified at the East restaurants that attract students. First, one cannot separate the study of for much needed preconcert publicity. into it. letters as possible appear in pi Lansing restaurant population A new restaurant would cause language from the study of literature, and Your efforts helped us to reach a large and I suggest All letters should be typed that you j problem. But even now the city council is considering rezoning four traffic problems in the area and would blemish a nice those who do are either foolish or overly protective of their own field of study. Secondly, many of us who are enthusiastic audience. We would also like to specially thank Dave Stern for his incisive and get someone a Detroiter, who knows I his rock - n - roll, to I 14 JS 65 • space lines and triple spaced. Letters must be st¬ n lots on Grand River Avenue neighborhood. Also, if the land literature inspiring and include local address, stud; students and teachers at the review of each concert. His comments write your musical I between Orchard Street and Kedzie rezoned and the restaurant were ELC, narrow aesthetes though we are, were really appreciated at a time when reviews. Ot youl faculty or staff standing if Drive to make room for a Jolly plans fell through, there is the make no daim in our teaching that creative and phone number literature is superior to music critics remain musically could get the! Tiger restaurant. prospect that another type of language skill naive or unexplainably ignorant. Osmonds or the DiMARTINO Letters should be 25 lines The council should throw this acquisition. Indeed, some of us try to Roscoe Mitchell, president Jackson Five to play at the Brewery, then building would be built there, combine the less and may be edited two because we see no Creative Arts Collective proposal in the nearest wastebasket which might be even more offensive maybe Dave DiMartino could write a half conciseness to fit more letters separation in the first place. Our business decent review. In closing I have a and forget about it. to the neighborhood. is to teach our students how to message the page. for Dave from all the people I know who Councilman John Polomsky Rezoning the four - block area communicate, orally and verbally, in a No unsigned letters will claims that the city needs a family - would probably profit only three language that has been developed by Gunsmoke eternal have read his article. "Kiss Off." linguistically oriented practitioners as well Greg O'Berski jjm Marti accepted. type restaurant because it lacks parties: the people who own the Steve McCullough John DeBacker as literary craftsmen. In a modern world where one is restaurants suitable for families and land, the people who buy the land 163,164 West Holmes Hall This foolish argument about language constantly battered by rapid cultural within students' budgets. and the lawyer who handles the literature should stop. Both fields versus change, political unrest,' and socio - But there are plenty of family - transaction. are united in intent and practice, and economic uncertainty, it is a any genuine type restaurants in the area, such as Council has responsibilities to self-serving attempt to divide them is ludicrous. comfort to know that a person can find an VIEWPOINT: UNIONIZATION Bill Knapp's in Okemos; and the Larry Rudner island of constancy and changelessness in more people than a lawyer and a ELC the feet that no matter what aspect of International House of Pancakes in few property owners. Rezoning the teaching assistant television Kathy Esselman is East Lansing. reviewing for It would also be difficult for a land on Grand River Avenue would open a pandora's box of problems Review praised the State News, the reader may always count upon finding at least one reference Labor ills sn restaurant, for the East Lansing and Bailey area to comparison with 'Gunsmoke' even a Jolly Tiger, to or match the rock Thank you for your extensive coverage whether it is applicable or not. - bottom prices and residents. Such a move should be of our first concert series during the Thomas Krabacher By CHUCK MOSS the agitation over grievance speedy service of local hamburger defeated. 1310 E. Grand River Ave. Last and abuse of power? The wage month of October. Since our advertising Friday I was at the bar, doin' the bump with Kathy and Chris. We had just aren't all that large, are they?" sat down and were talking, drinking "That's not the point. The point manhattans, and trying to ignore the you want your dorm rates do" RUSSELL screams of a waitress being raped at the Tripled? Because of a few ir— next table. Kathy ordered more students?" drinks, , but the girl brought beer instead. "Oh, no," I said. "Certainly not "Damn it." I snarled drunkenly, "Can't that brings up a point: How c» Elections endanger America you do anything right? What do you get your foi?" fifty • cents - an - hour "That's it!" she snapped. "I've had it! - plus - tips afford to build big building you are got no money?" "Come now," he funded by said. "Those entirely on No more. I can stomach procedures. You can't iAA °nn Elections lousy conditions, are probably the most lawyer and Sharp an illiterate. something, the danger was reduced by poor pay, and unfair management, but I performance opposite Kennedy. oranges." M dangerous part of democracy. I say Blodgett, I discovered, was a decent but The quixotic nature of the whole voter willingness to vote the party line. won't tolerate bad manners! Just "What about fruit cockh you "probably," because a very strong case can dull political hack without dangerous business is compounded when you go in to For its own survival, the party had an wait, youll all see. She lowered her voice. snickered. He didn't "Can't y®"/ also be made for the jury system, which interest in keeping at least the worst of the ambition, who was content to get the vote against Blodgett and find dozens of "We're going to unionize!" money from somewhere else, puts a person's fate in the hands of 12 Triumphantly gravy for his home district to the other names listed against dozens of other dregs off the ballot. she scooped up the the resident assistant prop people anxious to be shed of a nuisance in change and walked enrichment of several not entirely offices. Two people named Sizemore and Nowadays when everyone prides away singing the "Marseillaise." obsolete these days." time to get home before dinner. However, himself on independence of party, this I suspect elections are even worse because unworthy contractors. I am no longer Whipple are running for councilman; Shaken, my friends and I slugged down "That's a police matter. * prepared to say that any of his opponents control is weakening. The parties, as a the fates of whole cities, states and would have been better choice than Gaines and Pepper are up for sheriff; result, look for people who might have two quick manhattans and split back to jurisdiction there. But lets°ei countries are apt to be settled even more a Mclntyre and Salzman, for judge; Dill and the dorm. At dinner we talked to a friend and logical. You don't want un Blodgett, although it would certainly be Berger for state senator, and six people some quixotic appeal to the massively who works in the cafeteria. He complained the Teamsters here at MSU. Do y, cavalierly than a defendant's hash. uninformed, such as a name easy to Before I understood politics and painful to have to come down on named Edgeward, Moses, Branf, Carter, about his supervisor and the working Jimmy Hoffa telling us what to do. Blodgett's side. Pock and Simsbury, for the legislature. remember, a cool look on television or conditions. "No," I said. government, I used to vote regularly. s good dental caps, and count themselves "Well," I said, "Why don't you stop "Good. Then you agree Never missed an election. We were taught lucky if one or two of them turn out to be complaining and go do something?" Excellent. Between y°u fl ' in school that every citizen has a duty to competent, honest and bright enough to "Like what?" lowered his voice, "All this vote whether he knows what he's voting tell the courthouse from the state capital. for or not, and I believed it. Elections are a dangerous stand in a voting booth Elections are a dangerous institution, "Go complain." really pathetic. And ^ its if So I would go to pulling levers like a blind man firing shotguns in a crowded street. "To who? The only person you can students' own interests.' the polls regularly and and we ought to quit deceiving ourselves talk to is the vote against Blodgett, a congressman of supervisor. If he's the many years service whom I disliked with myths about their beneficence. If there is a small turnout this problem..." "WelT, college is supposed'^ because he looked so harrowingly like a Tuesday, as "Go unionize," I snickered. He didn't. elite. A white collar elite. But" forecast, it may reflect a healthy new The next Monday I decided to congressman of many years service. I also For the well get some unionizing, start adopting f - informed, elections Who has had time to inform himself humility among voters. If that is one of more information. After the blue collar class, do y believed in throwing the rascals out, on invariably present this dilemma, and for about the relative merits of Dill and the consequences of Watergate, Watergate being referred Will Rogers's theory that an experienced around the campus all will happen?" this reason to be well informed is to be will not have been all disaster. morning and „ jd , politician will know how to steal Berger, Gaines and Pepper, Sizemore and afternoon, I finally got an appointment to "I don't know. more tempted not to vote at all. Most elections Whipple? You can either keep up with The lesson of the Nixon landslide of see an assistant vice president. He ushered than a novice. What's more, I didn't like are decided by the massively uninformed, football or spend your life studying voting 1972 — to wit, that vote be fingering my floweredI collar "They'll begin to think blue a can a me into his Blodgett's name. office, glanced at his watch, so that, when there are genuine records in the legislature. Not toth. dangerous weapon - ought to persuade and In successive elections I began the interview. "Oh, my!" pulled the lever alternatives, the outcome is as whimsical everybody to think twice before using it. "Union?" he glared at , th|t for Haddon, Erdelatz, Pringle and Sharp. as in Russian roulette. After the inevitable carnage, those who me. "Yes, there "Yes, and the result of So you stand in the booth pulling levers has been quite a bit of Blodgett invariably won. This may or may It is entirely likely, for example, that like a blind man firing shotguns have treated the election with the it agitation these can you guess?" i not have been a in a awe days. We ve come to expect that kind of "A one collar society blessing, for when I Richard Nixon would have been elected crowded street. It is a miracle that deserves can crow on their bumper nonsense every fall. First - acquired a professional interest in politics Kellogg, now He didn't. president in 1960 if he had been five democracy works at all, considering how stickers, "Don't blame me - I didn't this. Really, these kids seem to I discovered that Haddon was a think that cretin, pounds heavier, had had a decent makeup often elections held. vote." Erdelatz a jury suborner, Pringle a Mafia job and had not sweated during are we owe them their beer money." Chuck Moss. 317 S- ( his first TV In the old days, when parties meant (C) 1974 New York Times "But »ir," I enrolled in James Mad,son Col^ interrupted, "Isn't most of ■ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 5, 1974 5 itudents are potent force Korean political By DENI MARTIN State News Staff Writer arena initiative in such an instance," he said. Lynn Jondahl jle nationwide student Another danger, Hahm said, is that in a lonstrations arc considered a thing of city like Seoul, with a population of six ■ past in 'he United States, a recent million, it would be difficult to tell a I) visit by a South Korean ambassador student from any other individual. Infiltrators posing as students could then Ld as a reminder of the power of lent protests in other nations. undermine the Korean government, he Itudents are one of his country's most added. fnt political forces, able to spark ■ular movements which can eventually Hahm situation also described the < current between the press, which is What they say about his record: |le governments, Ambassador Pyong - barred from reporting on ,n Hahm said, antigovernment movements, and the government as n was here last week to meet with difficult and tense. ; members working on an The shaky cease - fire agreement with ^departmental project using a North Korea put the Park government in a "Consumer Advocate of the Year" Michigan Citizen'* Lobby lputer to simulate economic and precarious situation that forced it to Inical relationships in Korean restrict the press for national security Julture. reasons. Voting record rated 100%, Public Interest Research Group In Michigan (PIRGIM) ie project, funded by the Agency for He said the government is asking the ^national Development, is intended to press to be a little patient and to live with j to programs and computer the restrictions until the tension eases Voting record rated 100%, National Organization for Women (NOW) Illations that could apply to Michigan between North Korea and South Korea. Kultura) problems. PYONG CHOON HAHM • ■Whenever we have a student Every Korean hopes that one day there Since then, opposition from will be Korean nation, Hahm said, Voting record rated 95%, highest in the Legislature, Michigan Student Environmental leaders and journalists as well as religious one lenient, it becomes of national concern Tight." Hahm said, has snowballed students though "revolutionary means cannot bring Confederation against the increasingly the two nations together." i 1960, college students in South repressive Park regime. President Ford, who will visit Seoul a led the opposition that accused Hahm defended restrictions which Nov. 22, will be given a warm Voting record rated "good", highest rating given by the Michigan Education Association Iter President Syngman Rhee of rigging confine student welcome, ■ national election. After widespread demonstrations to Hahm said. campuses. The government is "Koreans have a tremendous grass roots lig, Rhee was forced out of office and only protecting the students who might be shot feeling toward the President," he while marching on city streets, he said. indicated. Ji 1961 a military government, led by He cited the 1970 Kent State The leader of South Korea's pnt President Chung Hee Park, took as an shooting largest example. opposition pdrty, Kim Young Sam, r. Last January, Park issued a series "If Korea had an incident like inergency decrees just short of martial that, the expressed concern earlier that Ford's visit whole nation would I to crack down explode. If students would be interpreted as a statement that on antigovernment get shot, the whole system shatters. the United States supports ■cuts, including students. a repressive "Communist guerrillas could take the government. Coal impasse remains unbroken STRIKE POSSIBILITY Lynn Jondahl lASHINGTON (AP) - Odds that there would be unlikely to return to work the |ld be a nation wide coal strike increased Neither side would rule out the following Monday, the final day of the ie hour Monday as chief mediator W. possibility of a settlement in time to avoid contract. ry Jr. tried to break the impasse a strike. But a UMW spokesman said, Under the union's reform procedures, n the United Mine Workers (UMW) "Obviously, every day the operators the rank - and file will get to vote on a - ■the coal producers. continue to stall brings it that much closer contract for the first time in the union's met separately with the What they ; about him: top to the strike deadline." 84 year history. The ratification process say - Jstry and union negotiators, but by At the White House, presidential Press was expected to take the 10 days but was unable to bring the Secretary Ron Nessen, answering Miller said there is a possibility of jes together. speeding questions at a briefing, said "talk about a up the process. leifher side indicated a willingness to coal strike is premature." He declined to In trying to arrange a new le from its position on Sunday night, elaborate on that statement. meeting, b the talks on a new contract broke Usery met for an hour with Miller and his Nessen, asked if the President hopes to two top officers at UMW headquarters. fend UMW President Arnold Miller sent avert a coal strike, replied, "He certainly "In an election year full of mediocre The director of the Federal Mediation incumbents, Lynn Jondahl is an exception. During bargaining council home to prepare for does." But Nessen declined to answer Service then lunched with Farmer to get his two years as State Ike. newsmen's questions of hoSv a strike could Representative of East Lansing's 59th District, Jondahl has an idea of the industry's position. ■nion officials insisted they would not be averted with the deadline so near. Farmer described the industry's last distinguished himself as a good, honest and competent legislator." - Michigan State News n to the bargaining table until the Actually, there is little the President ■stry responded to its economic can do to prevent a strike outside of economic offer — including wages and losals dealing with wages, pensions, other benefits — submitted Friday as "We unequivocally endorse Lynn Jondahl for another term having Usery, his chief labor as Representative for the 59th ■pay and a cost of living escalator.- • troubleshopter, try to work out a "very substantial," and said it involves "a lot of money." The union rejected the District. He is a rare combination of the man of thought and action." Towne Courier | spokesman for the Bituminous Coal settlement. - proposal and offered a revised package Jators Assn. said other matters needed The UMW's current contract covering Saturday which Miller described as being § cleared up first. 120,000 members in 25 states expires at "He has shown that he is reasonable e have about a dozen or so five or six percentage points away from a man in regards to the political process, but one very 12:01 a.m. EST Nov. 12, and coal miners Irtant issties that have to be resolved the industry's offer. who has not lost his have a tradition of "no contract, no sense of dedication to ideals and philosophy. That makes Jondahl a ■that (economics) just happens to be work." The union is unlikely to accept rare breed in the political world of the 1970's. And one that should be preserved for the them," Guy Farmer, the industry's The walkout would probably begin anything less than the 40 per cent wage If negotiators, said. "We can't and benefit protection of the public." - Lansing State Journal Saturday morning at the end of this package won by the United lentrate on a resolution of that one week's final production shift. The miners Steelworkers earlier this year. skating mothers are THEY 6RUWSLE ANP COMPLAIN HOW DO THEY LIKE STA6E M0TH£f?5 ANP AND SOSSlP ANP FUSS, ft/T SET THAT . SWIMMIN6 MOTHERS.. YOU SURE NEED THEM! uJA>/. vlR7J PONESBURY by Garry Trudeau WHAT you Mm' 'BOUT, W'RB CRAZY, w7 THIS Am MAN ' THIS . WR GLAS5 OF NO, ITS COKB IS. . I COKE-IT'S , M!M> NOT-ITS / MINE! me! IT I I SAW MS ON MY W TAKe FOR&T / otice upotw mattress new nov. union ballroom theatre on 8, 9 15, 16 21, 22, 23 ... Lynn Jondahl Tickets on sale now at the Union Box Office - T 59th district state representative also at the door Students - '1st Democrat FOR INFORMATION & GROUP RATES PHONE 355-3355 A UNION ACTIVITIES BOARD PROJECT Student! for Jondahl, 210 Abbott (ujgtafo), East Lansing, 337-7759 (Paid Pol. Adv.) 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Novembers, Music highlights from sour cream and goats' the audience in his hands as he 11,(1 'dea for the By FRANK FOX Okemos. served executed several pieces of was State News Reviewer The delicacies of the milk cheese and was developed bv ru* with olives. rhythmic complexity and Bu'kh, MSU orrh For a select group of evening's meal were surpassed beauty. This was followed by a conductor, and Dan gourmets and music lovers only by the delicate Noev performed various own,, „( th« performance of a master hearty soup made from egg Sunday night was a Balkan yolks, yogurt and potatoes. Bulgarian folk tunes and Candles. e of % renaissance. pianist. dances, as well as works by "The The excellent dinner began Following this came the whole idea Nearly 20 people main course; delightful servings Tschaikovsky, Rachmaninov, introduce people to participated in an unusual in a traditionally Bulgarian Shostokovich, Vladigierov, artist! program designed to benefit fashion with salad and of pheasant, Bulgarian style, muslc and in food "\L the MSU music department's schnapps. Hie peppermint served with apricot glaze and pine nuts. Debussy, Haydn and Liszt. Following the recital, Progeny being money tl scholarship fond. schnapps was served from a The meal was rounded out champagne and baklavah J?"8,** scholarship Rahfeldt expalined. ^ The evening included an colorful, hand - carved wooden by bread and bottles of Siglo, a (Bulgaria pastries with Burkh authentic Bulgarian dinner at flask which Noev brought from compared .i, almonds, walnuts, cherries and East Lansing's Cave of the Bulgaria especially for this light, dry Spanish red wine. Following the skillfully cheese) served. ?,ve"'ng to 19th European centi Candles restaurant and a recital occasion. were Noev visited MSU as a guest From salon concerts "' The salad of dark greens was prepared repast, the guests a musical stands by Bulgarian pianist Bozhidar of the MSU orchestras' third U Noev in a private home in topped with dressing made adjourned to the home of ,offers ^e kind of international season. He has William and Mary Black in Okemos for Noev's piano first prizes and gold environment conducive to that js J recital and a champagne won medals in several international 't offers listening an inn»7: Wind Ensemble to give reception. Noev gave a moving display competitions and gave a triumphal performance atmosphere for the artist his audience," Burkh said of artistry in a performance Saturday at Kellogg Center. Burkh said similar even A $50 per couple donation o fine 1st '74-75 concert replete with grace, emotion music and food" tonight and wit. His fingers poised delicately over the keyboftrd, included a contribution to the music department's scholarship planned Tentatively for set the are - The MSU Wind Ensemble The public is invited at no Noev seemed to hold the fund and covered the evening's with French, isr will present its first concert of charge, collective energy and feeling of expenses. German themes. the season at 8:15 tonight in Fairchild Theater. Spartan Twn East The Wind Ensemble is composed of 40 musicians, mostly students in the Music Dept. It will be directed by guest conductor Guillermo Bonet Muller, a native of Argentina. Muller is presently musical director and conductor of the Chamber Orchestra of the Province of Formosa in Argentina. The program will include the "Overture Op. 24" by Mendelssohn, Gounod's "Petite Symphonie in B Flat" and James Niblock's "Soliloquy and Dance." Niblock is the chairman of the MSU Music Dept. SN photo/John Russell Dan Rahfeldt, owner of the Cave of the Candles, serves peppermint schnapps to Bulgarian pianist Bozhidar Noev at a unique fund - raising dinner and recital Sunday night. For $50 a couple, patrons dined on gourmet Bulgarian food and enjoyed a private recital by Noev. TONIGHT thru Saturday in The Arena For ticket information phone: 355-0148 Tickets Now Available ALL SEATS NOW RESERVED I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 5, 1974 7 mtrak inaugurates Detroit-Buffalo route By JEFF MERRELL But most of all, it has State Newi Staff Writar railroad people. Amtrak's five hour Detroit to Buffalo near Saginaw, said. uneventful, unprofitable trade of gifts in the history of the world. |b this train going to Chicago?" the man in the blue sport financial split between - route, a three - way Roberts has been working with trains since the 1920s, first Champagne, sherry and cheese were traded for champagne, sherry 1 with the Michigan Railroad Club tag on his lapel, asked first of its kind It was Michigan, New York and Amtrak, is the with life - sized and now with scale models. and cheese. I ripple of laughter swept the cab, because the man in the station in Detroit. initiated this week at the Penn Central As the flat Canadian countryside sped by in the background, But most of the railroad I sport coat was a railroad man among railroad people. Roberts told of his commercial people paid no attention to the trade. Nearly 200 guests, mostly people who already favor railroads, plane experiences in Chicago. They were just happy to be back on the rails. L,d railroad people do not mistake an inaugural Detroit to Though it only takes a half - hour to get there, a passenger makes In 1929, 20,000 passenger trains carried 77 Ifalo train for anything, especially for a train to Chicago. An and ju l ,champagne ■ Powered Empire State Express to Buffalo back for free. circles around O'Hare Airport for a couple of hours, he said. per cent of intercity passenger traffic. In 1950, the number of trains were cut liffural train has the Detroit Fire Dept. Band playing a rousing Train talk "But I have yet to be on a train that was late to the point of in half. In 1970, only 450 passenger trains were operating, with [Jell of "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head." It has a Not surprisingly, there was much being objectionable," Roberts said. 100 of them in the process of being discontinued. The Detroit - Imony that Gov. Milliken, Detroit Mayor Coleman Young and I ve said right along that trains talk of trains during the trip. "We become too free because of the automobile. We've got to Buffalo line was one of them. E York Gov. Malcolm Wilson do not attend. It has hoopla. It in the form I knew were coming back. Maybe not have trains, and they are coming back," he said. them, but Rail responsibility ■Vgalia. It has lots of champagne to pry peoples' minds with. they'll still come back," John Koberts, of the Reese Central Railroad, a rail historical The State of Michigan also sees the rebirth of the railroad as a In 1970, the government passed legislation authorizing the society reality and a necessity. Proposal D, which would allow the state National Railroad Passenger Corp. to manage the basic rail to borrow $1.1 billion for mass transit, has about $362 million network and be responsible for the operation of all intercity tagged specifically for rail improvements. passenger trains, with its board of directors made up of nine Proposal D funds presidential appointees. Hie money from Proposal D would be used mainly for In May 1971, Amtrak was initiated by the corporation. renovating rail lines and stations, "which is the first step to Since then, the corporation has received $421.3 million in initiation of new lines" Richard Tower, of the Michigan Dept. of federal grants and $500 million in loans guaranteed by the federal Transportation, said. government. A similar bond issue in New York would provide $250 million Now, according to Amtrak, passenger trains are making a fdr rails only. .comeback. Some 14.5 million passengers were carried over the Both issues were pushed heavily at the ceremonies in the 23,608 route miles operated by Amtrak in 1973. The corporation stations and on the train. Tower said the issues were important also owns or leases 2,082 cars and 451 locomotives. It serves 450 ones, but the railroad would not necessarily die without those stations. funds. But the corporation also reported a deficit of $141.8 million "We measure success by if we will have a transportation in 1973. system that people will be using," he said. "The Detroit - Buffalo line started only because the state "But I don't think these lines will be profitable," Tower said, decided to subsidize any of Amtrak's losses," Richard Baibak, of though, he is still enthusiastic about the future. the Michigan Dept. of Transportation, said. "We've really just scratched the surface with the Blue Water "The department was handling pleas with Amtrak for (Port Huron to Chicago) and the Detroit to New York runs," he added. passenger service," he said. When the states of New York and Michigan offered money, Amtrak began to listen. Gifts traded Now the Detroit - Buffalo lines has been reinstated, complete Tower also represented Michigan at the Buffalo ceremony, with clinches like "most significant day," "historical moment" where the two states traded flags and gifts. He said he was and "best of luck wishes." embarrassed at the Detroit ceremony because New York's flag The railroad people got a boost to their prorailroad ego, while "was three times the size of Michigan's." Amtrak got 200 salesmen. Passenger trains came one step closer The two states also negotiated, unknowingly, the most to becoming a strong alternative to the almighty airplane. Sorority to present gr MSU will receive a $1,000 president Shelly Gillette. Kappa's philanthropic work, which influence the status and grant for gerontological "The grant will be used to the sorority has given $1,000 condition of older people and research from Sigma Kappa foster the development of the grants to five universities in the the effects of nutrition on sorority on Sunday. The most comprehensive program nation. older women (as a follow up - sorority is celebrating its 100th possible in all phases of Some MSU gerontological study to one done in 1948). anniversaty this weekend. gerontological research," Dr. projects already under way The local chapter will Henry E. Bredeck, associate include the effect of aging on Since 1972, the collegiate present the grant in director of research physiological control, the chapters have been setting conjunction with its Founder's development, said. delivery of health care to the aside a week in November as a Day luncheon to be held Service to others is the main elderly at home, social factors "Week of Sunday. A representative from Giving." SN photo/Larry Gunsberg theme of Sigma Kappa's I Martin Benjamin, assistant professor of philosophy and lecturer euthanasia the MSU Research centennial celebration. Because I the subject in 105 and 106 Holmes Hall at 8:00 p.m. on (mercy killing), will speak on Development Dept. will accept Wednesday. gerontology is such an the check from chapter important aspect of Signa THIS WEEK AT THE |rof to discuss euthanasia aspects NO FAULT ^ CORAL GABLES INSURANCE TUESDAY NIGHT IS: public colloquium on Wednesday FLAMING Jy BRUCE RAY WALKER who will lecture on euthanasia considered morally wrong and doctors' methods of passive (MSU '68) at 332-1838 I State Newi Staff Writer 1> years ago a patient was Wednesday in a public colloquium sponsored by the people prosecuted for it, while passive euthanasia in most euthanasia in the past. HOG NIGHT Kitted to Nassau County lical Center on Long Island MSU Undergraduate instances is condoned and in Benjamin considers these acts just as morally wrong or right 4.SENTRY WEDNESDAY NIGHT: I cancer of the throat. Five Philosophy Club. This distinction between some cases actually applauded. as committing active TT INSURANCE • * MADf 10 0RDIR f flR > fill "Letting a patient die, euthanasia. ■ later he two was in a coma days to live. At that and active euthanasia — the taking people think, is less bad than "It seems to me if a doctor is able to preserve a life by a 710 Gainsborough Drive East Lansing Phone Day or evening HAPPY HOURS ftt his physician injected a 1 overdose Jride into of potassium the dying man's "It seems preserve a to life by me a that if a doctor is able to relatively simple operation and relatively simple operation and he doesn't, then he is 8 - 11 P.M. responsible for the death. We Jn Baltimore a woman he doesn't, then he is responsible for the death. We are as responsible for our acts JOE HAUPTMANN and gave of ommission as well as our i to a Mongoloid baby with are as responsible for our acts of ommission as well acts of commission," he said. I intestinal obstruction as our acts of commission." - Martin Benjamin, Benjamin refused to say believes that residents of each district should THURSDAY NIGHT IS: ■"ring surgery. The couple asst. professor of philosophy. whether he believes ■sid to give permission for ■operation that would open mercy killing should be legalized. The problems are too complex to decide for themselves where their money is spent, rather than QUART NIGHT ■ baby's digestive tract. It of some positive action to actually killing him. I'm going having 21 commissioners in Mason ■ died of starvation. go into in an hour talk, he said, cause death — and passive to show in my talk there's no and "I'd be a fool if I tried to Joth of the above incidents euthanasia — decide for them. 2838 E.Grand River 337-1311 refraining from difference." settle the •ved euthanasia, legalization or "mercy doing something that would Benjamin is particularly question." W8." but the results in the save a life — does not really bothered by the double The conflict over the idea ■ cases were quite different. exist in Benjamin's view. In his standard in the Elect JOE HAUPTMANN case of the that active euthanasia is 1 doctor who administered lecture he will attempt to I fatal overdose is Mongoloid baby. unacceptable, while passive is being demonstrate that the supposed "It was considered 8th DISTRICT COUNTY ■ecuted for acceptable, led him to say that murder. The difference between these two is acceptable to let the baby die "if one is forbidden so must ■more couple was COMMISSIONER (R) legally in actually non existent. by not performing the the other be, and if one is OK BOOKER GAULDEN ■ ■ dear. The differences in "What I'm going to try to operation, but what if the baby so too is the other. You can't V cases resulted because show is if passive euthanasia is had been normal except for the say in a hard and fast way that Paid Political Ad *'y has tended to draw a sometimes justifiable, so too is Mongolism? Then it would one is OK and the other isn't." Jnction ""! between the two by active euthanasia, and on the have been morally wrong to Hans For ^ the first a case of other hand, if active euthanasia kill the baby. Why is this?" he I d eufhanasia and the a is never justifiable neither is asked. EAST LANSING Pd passive" enthanasia. passive," Benjamin said. Refraining from performing DooLey's DISTRICT 1° says Martin Benjamin, In the past, Benjamin said, a needed operation or giving I professor of needed medication have been philosophy, active euthanasia has been JUDGE ■|',,f Again by Popular Demand! r 7FIMSKN THEATRE'S STOP IMYSTERYJOKFROnK PUTTING IT We want Booker Gaulden to be East Lansing's first elected District Court Judge. OFF! Call us fTUESDAY \ . . CHARLES HANLEY 1/2 PRICE NITE B.C. ANDERSON lor an JAMES ANDERSON KENNETH BIRCH JOHN HENDERSON SEN. DAVID HOLMES appointment BBf&i RALPH BONNER JOSEF BRODER BYRON BROWN JOHN JACKSON MAX IE JACKSON WILLIAM JENKINS aII Mixed dmi\l postmarked no «d to t juit ONE witty office. Room 344 Student Se Chicken & Salad Platter. Only $il.99j and all the salad S 8 S ^Pnatm Q^ook you care to cat. | Treat yourself to country fried chicken, a warm roll, K f. and i make your own THIS PAGE IS YOUR safe , salad with our garden-fresh fixin's. | Like crisp lettuce. onion rings, OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM , crunchy croutons, rich grated cheese or you may pick up an entry form for the games of Saturday Nov. 9 *■ and 4 great dressings and Sunday, Nov.1 Oat the STATE NEWS ADVERTISING DEPT. Office. ★ NOTHING TO BUY ★ NO OBLIGATION MSU vs nOHIO STATEfWl MINNESOTA vs PURDUE 10% OFF K. /g> 8 55 □ MSU'S WITH STUDENT I.D. A ndres DOWNRIGHT 0 ^mmr .-./i f- i 83oow.saginawat 1-96 FAVORITE GOOD El FRONT END ALIGNMENT BigB°y PhM** mi M Most cars PRICES! °n |0 M* University if riin^rt including $ 'T 9 5 Reg. $1250 PANCAKE across ,rom /flNc*-s air conditioning » witMhU in ^ANDoV Big Boy J v HOUSE Mon. & Thurs. 7 I v-351-2600 a.m. 'til 9 p.m. Tues., Wed. & Fri 'til 6 1050 Trowbridge Rd. V TIL. 627 - 2151 / OPEN 24 HOURS I washington vs □california □illinois vs □michigan □NORTHWESTERN vs ^INDIANA OREGON vs UCLA ! We've got a little bit Blue Jeans to Smoking (ffi\ General Auto I of just about everything... Needs .... the place Ww 10* vTCLi Repair to be is the M/Mk A RIDE Okemos^) j Open Daily 730 - 550 Tune AND EAST LANSING ROUTES Up Specialists pome Football Saturdays 9 — 5 Call 489 3768 for routes & Schedule information. • Front End and JOIN THE PEOPLE POOL! • Wheel Alignment j ! smmmsm BOOItlTOPt Y\ ComprtbtfUiw Trwnportitkxi Sarvk* CAPITAL AREA in th« Gre«ttf Lmiinj Aru • • • Brake Service Shocks & Ball Joints Engine Rebuilding m Sales & Service • Valve Jobs - Carburetors Meridian Mall Ax ) TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY • 351 -3130 Foreign Car Repairs 2615 E. Grand River [ ljprinceton vs □harvard □oklahoma vs □missouri □ALABAMA vs QLSU □KANSAS STATE vs OKLAHOMA ST 1 penn state vs | ]n carolina st FOOD AT ITS BEST Capital News and Try the all new Movie Arcade Family Style Chicken Dinner mashed potatoes, biscuits and gravy 20 double Just like down on the farm. X rated movies daily $345 |^^l 30 minutes. At busiest for your viewing pleasure j ■ j>mes it may be a little h vj^mm 10 new Wednesday movies every Wamnsf NEW PLACE For the newest in 2758 Grand River, East Lansing Fall Fashions... In 29th year. (aOTHING our Phone 332-2113 □smu vs qtexas a&m □TEXAS TECH vs QTEXAS CHRISTIAN □PITTSBURGH vs [ TEMPLE *n8fl One Car Heft chicken lovers- come on over to The Other Fried! Go State! Farm Lana^H^B Jl HBi One Rale Wednesday Gobble Up 351-7100 MM m Jgm, and for those Family Night away games ■ PB we have :•» of chicken, col* slaw, O.S.U. mashed potatoes and gravy, ,Gr">« Rlvar El't Farm ■ III Weekend Rates hoi biscuits. SOUVENIRS AT ■ 351-8880 IH m 487-2260 2501 E. Michigan Ave. Or«t Hm. 10 discover lh. touch* hon.y difUrwiM In Famous Rocipo, Th« Oth.r FHod Chickon. DoHcious dippM-in-konoy JamvsTZecfpe OTHER RUED CHICKEN CAMPUS banor, friod nwHy ensp >nd all th. way V0f to Tha Othar Friad Chick.n slay lhars Re* $1.65 BOOK RENTABEETLEI 1900 E. Kalamazoo NOW ONLY § 125 I 507 E. Gr. River 4500 S. Cedar 3007 N. East (U.S. 27) STORE across from Berkey 1 Hair force □WESTERN MICH vs []CENTRAl MICH □WAYNE STATE vs Harmy vs □FERRIS STATE □VILLANOVA vs □MARYLAND 10 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Novo,nhl>rt Classified Advertising helps Yeu Coll Now Save Time and Money! 355-8255 Shopping Automotive )g ■" Employment (jf FRANKLY SPEAKING... by phil frank ApiMs JLfJ Hkk £ Rooms jk MERCURY 1969, 4 door. Power ATTENTION: NEW season PINE LAKE EAST LANSING duplex. brakes and steering. Automatic, starting. Dell's Rock Music. APARTMENTS • HASLETT new brakes, shocks and others. Semi-furnished, 2 bedrooms, Bartenders, waitresses, waiters, 10 MINUTES from MSU. living room, dining room, Tuned-up. Good body. $890. backers, doormen; needed Inexpensive living in ■ oulet kitchen. Finished basement with 355-8227 after 4 pm. 3-11-5 part-time. Bartenders, $2.50, area. Located at 6076 Mersh bar. Garage. $240/month PHONE 355 8255 Waitresses $2, doormen $2.25, plus TWO Road just north of Lake Lansing deposit. 332-1456, SINGLES, $80/^ evenings. 347 Student Services Bldy. MERCURY MONTEGO 1973. backers, $2. 627-2283 between Road. 1 bedroom apartments 10-11-18 cooking facilities ^ 18,000 miles. Excellent 3-6 pm. 10-11-14 with shag carpeting, disposal, 332-3647 o" condition. Must sell. 484-4707. appliances, and air conditioning. NEAR CAMPUS. Semi-f month ri LARGE APARTMENT, 2 case, $275 Also: J cottege, $125 on lease. Student ♦CAR POOL OPPORTUNITY free, luxury unfurnished 1 bedroom, lovely brick fireplace, couple preferred, 332-8913. bottom with two SRO-ttyl TR 4A 1966, $750. Excellent IF you're a better man than the job bedroom, 10 month lease No country setting, in modern home 5-11-7 332-2831 or 489-3190. ill #*RATES## condition, new tires, convertible. you're in, we'd like to talk with private entrance. $165, now pets $175-129 Highland. Call 487-0082. 5-11-6 to Commissions. Call includes utilities. 641-4493 after SUNBEAM you. 332-0976. 15-11 13 ALPINE. 10 word minimum 4 pm. GgJ Josephine Starkweather at x-2-11-5 condition. Just comoln TOYOTA CORONA, 1972. Four 694-3935 Investors Diversified LARGE TWO overhauled. $700. 526 party furnished So,- NO. door, standard. Must sell. Call NO. DAYS Services. 10-11-8 efficiency. Close to campus, air EAST MT. Hope, five rooms Chestnut, No. 13. after 6 J WORDS Larry, 349-1879. 5-11-11 REGISTERED NURSES. Critical unfurnished. Downstairs, gerage, 5-11-7 1 conditioning. Immediate care units. CCU-ICU including RESPONSIBLE GIRL needed for occupancy. $165 / month. Call fireplace. $185/month. utilities 1 3 5 10 post-operative cardio vascular EAST LANSING MUST VAN 1967 Chevy. Excellent all babysitting, housework. Two 487-4451 dfter 5 p.m. 10-11-12 included. Security deposit. SELL. G.E. Refrij*. Experience preferred. STATE BANK 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 around condition, carpeted, surgery. Needed in a new 254 bed acute mornings. 351-6197. 5-11-8 355-1120, after 4 pm. 5-11-7 $150, G.E. dishwasherS125i| electric range $190 i... stereo. 332-6315. 5-11-11 OWN ROOM, furnished, 2 bedroom care progressive hospital. No WAITRESS WANTED. Part time or apartment. Near campus. $140. 10 MILES SOUTH. Country home Coppertone. 1 -224-3683. Mil VEGA GT Wagon 1974. 4-speed. AM-FM, luggage rack, 15,000 shift rotation. orientation to both Excellent hospital and full time. Apply in person GOLDEN GATE 351-2354. 5-11-7 rEAST LANSING^ 3 bedroom, fireplace. 2 acres. $200/month. 351-7497. 0-11-27 8.00 13.00 26.00 miles. Excellent condition, RESTAURANT and LOUNGE FURNISHED EFFICIENCY, 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 asking S2585. 393-5273. package. Opportunity for 6435 South Cedar. 2-11-5 available December 15th, close 1 Bdrm DUPLEX - 4203 Gull Road, 15 5-11-11 advancement. Apply Ingham to campus. Call after 6 pm. minutes from campus. Three Medical Center, 401 West 332-4553.3-11-5 furnished or unfurnished bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, KING SIZE waterbed, l„., DEADLINE 1 P.M. one class before publication. day VW BUS 1 cheap! After 5 ds engine work, pm, 349-0334. G reenlawn Michigan Avenue, Lansing, 48910. Phone For IN iffj 3 or 4 BEDROOM apartment, 4 immediate occupancy dishwasher, air conditioning, garage. $250 plus utilities and Sleep like fish! 3-11-6 $30.676-191 3-11-7 371-2121, extension 249. TV and STEREO Rentals. blocks from deposit. IV4-6560 or 487-6283. campus. 10-11-12 $25/term. $10.95/month. Free $200/month. 1-981-6842 8,,«r frem >150" 6-11-5 A KA I GX-265-D reel to-reel $400 Al, DtlJ Peanuts Personal ads VOLKSWAGEN 1972 Super Same Day Delivery and Service. 6 pm. 5-11-7 35U( $ WAITRESSESS $, part time, days 3-11-6 must be pre-paid. Beetle. 37,000 miles, new Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-11-27 Cancellations/ Corrections engine. 5-11-11 $2000. 882-7789. or nights. Apply CHALET. 484-9431. 2-11-18 at JAY'S EAST SIDE. Cute, furnished. One bedroom. Frest paint, shag plus electricity, carpeted, A/C, Rants '.10 FENDER TELECASTER jj EXPERIENCED STUDENT typist Apartments & carpeting, modern. $140. pool, no pets MALE, SHARE large room. Close hardshell case. S - 12 noon one class day VOLKSWAGEN 1966 371-3990. 5-11-7 offer. After 7 p ■ runs good, to campuv Call 33 7 2656. best offer over for part time (mornings) 6-11-8 before publications. $350. Call COMPLETELY FURNISHED, 5-11-11 scientific typing. Call 353-3846. 482-8459. 5-11-6 utilities paid, new carpeting, 1 EAST SIDE. Attractive furnished 2 phone: DAYS 3-11-7 APPLES and CIDER. BL0S9 The State News will be bedroom. Lansing. 489-6864. bedroom, shag carpeting, 351 - 7910 OWN ROOM. Furnished three VW 1969 - excellent condition, 4-11-8 modern furniture, drapes, heat, ORCHARDS, 7 tr EVENINGS bedroom house. Lansing, close responsible only for the beautiful body, new tires. Like JEWISH RELIGIOUS school watdr, parking. 371-3990. 5-11-7 Mason on Hull Road Hrxin,9j teacher; Hebrew and English 351 -1925 to MSU, LCC. $67/month, plus first day's incorrect new, $800 or best offer. Vicki, Closed Mondays. Gilt pi WILL SUBLEASE large, attractive utilities. Bob, 353-7230. 5-11-11 353-2164.5-11-7 subjects; prior classroom shipped by insertion. apartment near campus. To SUBLEASE. FURNISHED, nice big teaching experience necessary. 1-589 8251 0-11 share with 1 roommate at 2 bedroom apartment, close to FURNISHED ROOM, kitchen Bills are due 7 days from VW SQUAREBACK, 1968. Rebuilt Call 332-2630. 2-11-5 . the ad expiration date, if $135/month. No extra deposit campus. $264 - available EAST LANSING - one bedroom privileges. Parking. Walking not paid by the due date, a engine, excellent heater, required. Call 351-3367 soon. December. 351-4246. 2-11-2 furnished. Quiet residential area. distance to MSU. $65/month. PHOTO GRAY Lens liWl LEARN TO sunroof. $695,393-2172. 5-11-7 fly freel Part time 10-11-18 2 miles from campus. Carpeting. EQUITY VEST, 351-8150. single vision. OPTIC'" airport attendant needed to DISCOUNT, 2615 E work in MSU AREA Okemos. One Disposal. Security locks. No 5-11-11 exchange for free flying Michigan, Lansing. 372-7« FEMALE DESPERATELY needed bedroom, furnished and pets-children. $185. Lease from and flight instruction. Don C-6-11 8 for own room in 2 bedroom. unfurnished, air conditioned, December, 1974 - September 15, Frank, 676-4860, Jewett 394-1505 after 9 pm. 1-11-5 carpeted, modern. $150 to 1975. Woodside Apartments, Airport. 4-11-8 $165. Heat included. Call 332-4987 after 5:30. 19-11-27 RAILROAD TIES, S5 Like new, pick your own .J 50-S'J MEN 349-9604 after 5:30 pm. NEEDED immediately, full PETERSON WOOD C" ABLE TO rent new 1974 VW MCDONALD'S 10-11-13 and part time. Established local STUDENTS 882-2555. Delivery & Superbeetles. $5 per day - 10 RESTAURANTS company seeks employees to fill TWO BEDROOM, Living room and FACULTY, STAFF 0-6-118 cents a mile. Free pickup. positions vacant due to RENTABEETLE. 487-2260. kitchen, partially furnished. promotions and transfers. 3 BEDROOM, Vfi BATH SALE. 700 USED 8 track tape ■ 10-11-13 Convenient to MSU and LCC. BMW 1967, 1800. Excellent Motorcycles jg Excellent company with top wages, $3.50 per hour to start. World leader in fire protection MODERN YOUTH SHOES 485-6498 7-11-12 PM. 655-2990. UNFURNISHED APT'S ROOM AVAILABLE for woman across from Berkey Hall. $65 - cents SECONDHAND • $1.50. WILCOT STOIlf 485-4391. C 11-27 condition, $1200. Radial tires. SHARE 2 man cooking. 332-1451, Leslie. equipment. Must be neat. Prefer apartment from 351-7336. 5-11-8 5-11-1 people from Lansing area. For campus. Parking, near furnished. LUXURY bedroom CONDOMINIUMS townhouses. - 2 All '215 per month 4-11-8 interview, call Mr. Miller 485-1002. 8-6 pm. 3-11-7 BAND BROKE up. P CAPRI appliances including washer and (Includes gas heat A water) 1971, orange, 4-speed. 4 INSURANCE - LOWEST rates on 394-0020, Monday and Tuesday, PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE echoplex, amps, moog, cylinder, $1600. Call 353-8357. dryer, full basement, 5 minutes South, near Michigan Avenue. show. All like m cycles and auto. Call us first or 10-5. 2-11-5 FURNISHED, 1 bedroom, near Call 10-11-18 drive from campus. Families Quiet for student, near bus line. before 7:30 pm. 5 Sparrow Hospital. Parking. Call last, but call. East Payment plan. preferred. $225/per month. KNOB HILL $15 a week plus deposit. DESK CLERK needed. Must have 332-5731.3-11-7 UNION UNDERWRITERS, Purchase options available. CHEVELLE STATION Wagon, 393-8100 or 485-4317. 0-11-27 transportation and be willing to APARTMENTS 627 5454. 7-11-11 PIONEER QX 4000 4 di 882-0257 Wednesday - Sunday. 1970 - $850. Two Chevelle travel. Call 372-0567 or AVAILABLE NOW to June 15. 1-6 pm. 10-11-15 349-4700 receiver. 2 Utah 12 ■ station wagons, 1971 - $975 BONUS COUPON - 20% off on all 489-1215 between 12-6 pm. completely furnished for two, speakers. Yamaha turn# Community atmosphere GIRL NEEDED immediately for each. Ford Country Sedan, 1968 0-11-27 pets, $150/month. Send leather goods with this ad. Offer no four girl house. Close to campus. 351-4026, Bob. 5-11-5 $375. Seen NCR, 1110 TWICKINGHAM, 2 bedroom, 5 miles from campus replies to Box F-6, State News. - at expires November 16th, 1974. $70 furnished, dishwasher, disposal, % mile north ofJolly Road per month plus deposit. Keystone, Lansing. 5-11-8 "CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVE 5-11-11 SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS, INC. Holt. 694-6621. C-5-11-8 wanted" Part - time work. For air conditioning. 351-7166 or 489-4172, after 4pm. 5-11-8 35mm MAMIYA-SEKOflJ DTL automatic camera, wf 332-1047. 5-11-8 UNFURNISHED ONE CUTLASS SUPREME 1972 information, call (312) EAST LANSING - near Whitehills, bedroom 200mm telephoto J - NEXUS CO-OP. Two places open, and 337-2704 or write Suite No. apartment for rent, convenient flame orange and white. Extras, Horizon House, < 1 bedroom $250. See at Cedar 61* $2,725. After 4 p.m. 351-5161. Auto Service / 1602, 1360 N. Sandburg, luxury, unfurnished except heat, FURNISHED. ONE bedroom, to LCC, and bus to MSU. immediately. $150/room board Apartments, lNo- C-4 '("'VM Lansing. No children. Heat and for rest of term. Call 351-0100. 5-11-5 Chicago, llinois, 60610. 5-11-6 water, carpet, drapes, appliances, Completely remodeled and of Brody) alter 4 p.m. M1''! water furnished. $140. 8-11-8 U- REPAIR AUTO Service Center carport, security lock. Quiet carpeted. Call 371-1479. 6-11-8 DATSUN STUDENTS FOR part time sales, 627-4864.5-11-8 1971, 240Z, Silver, offers you tools, equipment, and atmosphere, no pets. Not 4-speed, mags, radials, $3100. 332-6197,337-7017. 5-11-6 insturctions to do your auto with Northwestern Mutual Lifes, Intership program. Full time student rental. $180. 349-2094. 5-11-11 CROSSWORD repairs. 5311 South DODGE VAN -1969. Low mileage, Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10-8, six days. 20-11-20 employment opportunity upon graduation. Interviewing at RIVERS EDGE apartments, female OKEMOS - 3 bedroom ranch. 2 PUZZLE car Placement Bureau. November to sublease winter/spring. 318 V-8 engine, automatic garage, basement. 482-2055 5-6. 6-11-5 transmission. Sharp! 694-0350 Convenient, furnished, after 5 pm. 5-11-6 1. Panel strip 29. Truman's after 4 pm. 3-11-5 inexpensive. 337-9283. 3-11-7 6. Fleet birthplace MODELS FOR photography. Call FEMALE, 21-31 Private furnished 12. Fanon 30. English river between 10 am and 6 pm. NEED FEMALE for 2 woman bedroom. One mile campus. 13. Evening party 31. Star in 489-1215.0-11-27 apartment. Own Call Complete household privileges. 14. Cottonwood room. DELUXE 2 bedroom apartment. "Cygnus" 351-2014.4-11-8 $100/month, no utilities. 16.1950 Nobel 32. Yoked pair TEMPORARY FULL time. Two Faculty or grad students 337-9414, after 6 pm. 332-6670. 677-1161. 5-11-6 prize winner 33. Let it stand shifts, 1-2 weeks. $2/hour. 409 COZY ONE bedroom, . 3-11-6 furnished, all 17. Icy pinnacle 35. Unau • Lentz Court, Lansing (North off utilities paid, only $145. 19. Rowboat 37. Supple TO MASON BODY Shop, 812 East West St. Joseph, Between 485-8019 after 5:30. 3-11-7 GIRL Sublease share townhouse. for 2, possible 3 LARGE HOUSE, 2 blocks from 20. Curds and 39. Fuel gas DOWN 5 Laceratt I Kalamazoo Street since 1940. Logan/Waverly.) 3-11-5 months. Reduced rent, $100 campus. 3-4 persons. $225 plus 22. Office machine 42. Form notions 6 Aise„;csf* ONE OR two females needed, utilities. 393-0445. 5-11-8 Complete auto painting and includes utilities, $50 deposit. 24. Covered 44. Paris' love 1. Bribe collision service. 485-0256. AVON, TO buy or sell. Call our winter and spring. $73. Very FORD GALAXIE 500, 1966. Good district manager, 482-6893. Available November 5. Near FEMALE SHARE large attractively 25. Tropical fruit 45. Battlement 2. Golf instructor 8. engine, $175. Call afternoons, C-11-27 close. 332-2203 after 6 pm. 26. 20-12-2 Frandor. Phone 372-2321. furnished house with graduate Exclamation 46. Mountain 3. Expired 5-11-11 351-2414. 3-11-7 VOLKSWAGEN - COMPLETE STUDENTS- POSITIONS now 4-11-5 student. Washer/dryer, garage. 28. Form of art nymph 4. Bowling lane _ 10. 11 ■ «.■ | FORD FAIRLANE 1967. repair and body. 20% CAMPUS HILL. $95 month. Paul. 332-5263. r- H T" 8 9 10 " , 15. AidasWt I - open. Part time. Dependable. Furnished FURNISHED EFFICIENCY, $150 Automatic, snow tires, runs DISCOUNT to students, faculty Responsible. Benefits after one apartments. Dishwasher, month, includes utilities. _3j1J-6 18 Talented f | 1 per 12 T good! $250. 332-4903. 2-11-5 on all cash'n' carry VW service year Apply 1431 East Michigan, disposal, central air, carpeted, Phone 337-0878 or 332-6426. SMALL HOUSE, 1 bedroom and 20. Whichf* ■ parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, DOG AND SUDS. Ask for Karen laundry. Free bus service, 5-11-8 sleeping porch, unfurnished, ar .6 2i fruito""! FORD 1968 LTD. Power power brakes, automatic. One steering, 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. 485-204 7, 485-9229, or Cindy. 14-11-5 unlimited parking, heat paid. Free roommate service. DELUXE 3 BEDROOM in Okemos, large yard and garage, walking 17 % IB distance % it% to Meridian Mall. I? owner, very 484-§552 or clean. $695. 351-8340. 3-11-6 Mastercharge and Bank Americard. C-11-27 SALES POSITION BE HOME EVERY NIGHT 349-3530.10-11-18 includes 2 full baths, air conditioning, car port. References and deposit. Married couple preferred. No pets. 20 n- % sr V/ Y/i PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE north, $250. Phone % b Arrange financial programs for Nochildren or pets. Available immediately. FORD FAIRLANE 1969, standard transmission, solid f" individuals and business organizations. Will train for furnished studio, utilities paid. $125 a month plus deposit. 332-0111 or evenings and weekends at 332-3202. 10-11-5 655-3788 after 6. 3-11-7 2M w 30 - Phone 627-5454. 7-11-11 transportation, 351-8727.3-11-5 asking $350. FULL TIME available at Miller highly commission lucrative, sales. annualized Prior sales 2 BEDROOM duplex, Jolly-Logan ONE PERSON, own Close. 487-3821 room. or $57.50. 485-0409. % fi % Sr GMC VAN, 1967. New paint, Grand Ledge Avaition, Airport. experience Josephine desirable. Call Starkweather, 429 CHESTNUT, SOUTH. Three rooms, bath, carpet, appliances. area, full basement, yard, carpeted, $180/month plus 4-11-8 %% i3 % 35 Yt %1 paneled, carpeted, stereo, FM, Uncongested air space. Relaxing 34 694-3935. Investors Diversified First floor. Downtown utilities. Security deposit Lansing. SUBLET SINGLE, winter term. 8-track, many extras! $500. atmosphere. Low rates. $135 plus utilities. 484-7253. required. 372-8073. After 6, 57 Services. 10-1108 $75. 236 North Harrison, tr w HO 332-0167. x5-11-11 627-4337 or 627-7372. 10-11-6 GREMLIN X, 1973. Stick, tinted BEAUTICIAN, GOOD stylist salary EAST 10-11-11 SIDE. 669-3090.10-11-11 351-3259. Tom. B-1-11-6 Ml % 4' glass, AM/FM, rust-proofing, like MAKE THE selling easy! Advertise household goods for sale with and commission. Closed Near Hospital. Upstairs. Furnished, Sparrow FEMALE ROOMMATE needed winter, spring. $70/month. IF YOU NEED some extra % % money, US Saturday's. Call 489-7371. W new! 351-4942. 3-11-5 action Want Ads. Dial 355-8255. one bedroom, $120. 351-7497. Riverside Apartments. sell some extra things with Evenings, 484-4798. 5-11-6 0-11-27 Classified Ads. Dial 356 8266. 351-3251. 6-11-8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 5,1974 ]| For Sale IT* Will FLUTE DEER • GEMEINHARDT, silver. open hole. Low B. Neil 339-8536. 5 11 5 HUNTING specials Solid ~ FOUND bells. BLACK cat, friendly. Has yellow collar with Call: 337-2156. C-3-11-5 very ANN BROWN typing and multilith offset for printing Complete service dissertations, theses, manuscripts, general typing. Organizations' listings Winchester 94 with [ HS](2 IBM, compiled by Detroitfirm scope, 25 years experience. sling-$120. 349-0850. C-11-27 t ON down to DICKER & model Remington 742 and 760 in 30-06 auto, »AL. You can sure save alot of PROTECT YOURSELF with caliber. Ruger M77 6mm, PURPLE VICKI Fast Accurate, ■L $$$ on all of our top vitamins. If you already have a - Springfield 30-06 with 4X scope! inexpensive typing. Very near ■ li,y equipma"1' 0ur iling. Ithica model 37 slug gun - cold-Coryband, 50 cents off and campus. 337-7260. C-11-27 has been $145. German made Weatherbuy Cepacol 20 oz. for 99 cents. This By JOE KIRBY The new volume should be tpieteiv checked out and with scope and sling in 22-250 week at GULLIVER STATE IRENE ORR Theses, term - papers, State News Staff Writer completed in January. It will list 14,563 national organizations. The book can be found in most Iranteed by our expert service and 30-06 Hard to get Ducks DRUGS, 1105 East 332-5171. 0-1-11-5 Grand River. general typing. Formerly with Do you have all sorts of weird interests? libraries around the country, including the MSU T,„r. if you already have a Unlimited Remington 870 Ann Brown. Call 482-7487. Do you believe that it is Library. and L stereo, television, etc. but it 1100. C-11-27 impossible for planes to fly? After all, Editor Margaret Fisk said researchers compile their lists for the Savage model 99 243 if man was meant to ids repair, bring that on down caliber. TRUMP - Tastefully tart music for fly he would have been born with wings. book from reading newspapers from all over the country. They Winchester model 12 all And when you tell I ^ will fix it up for you occasions. 353-2841 after EXPERIENCED people that, do they give you funny looks also get letters from groups original WSI 870 and 1100 slug 6:30 pm. B-1-11-5 IBM typing. and say bad wanting to be included in the h fast, guaranteed service. barrels. Dissertations (pica things about you when your back is turned? Do they encyclopedia. Handguns, bullets, - elite). t n0w we have a good question your mental state and Dupont powders, primers, lead FAYANN, 489-0358. C-11-27 just dislike you in general? "They used to say a sucker is born every minute, but now it ,ion of funky furniture, shots - $9 for 25 lb. Well, take heart. There are others who do not believe in the ,r coats, head supplies and and bag. Mec Real Estate « COMPLETE notion that the Wright brothers ever seems that there's an organization bom every minute," Fisk said. Pacific reloaders 10X THESES, Servide got off the ground. They call But Gale draws the line at groups of fce, far out items. DICKER & Discount themselves the Man Will Never questionable taste. For goosedown shooting jackets. Printing. IBM typing Fly Memorial Society example, the firm passed over a letter from a Texan who said he »AL SECONDHAND STORE, Plastic gun cases, skeet and OKEMOS - BY owner. 3 bedroom and binding of dissertations and Internationale. trap was the national president of the American ■01 South Cedar. 487-3886. shells $50 a case. Fast, efficient ranch. Over 1 acre land, 2 car publication. Across from Then again there Orgy Assn. are those who believe in flight but are scared "We get letters from people who are ■gnday and Friday til 9 pm. gun smithing. Scopes mounted, garage, full basement. Lots of campus, corner M.A.C. and to death each time the obviously off their tsdav, Wednesday, Thursday reblueing, done right now. New room and privacy. Assume 7% Grand River. Below Jones should give a call to the plane leaves the ground. In that case, they rocker," Fisk said. Td Saturday 9-6. C-6-11-8 XL900 Ithica shot gun. mortgage interest. 482-2055 Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday Flying Funeral Directors of America. But who knows, maybe some night when you are sitting - These organizations and Complete shooter's servcie. after 5 pm. 5-11-6 Friday. Call COPYGRAPH many more just like them really exist. around with some friends you might come up with an CLASSIC ARMS CO. 1600 Lake SERVICES, 337-1666. C-11-27 They can all be found in the ninth edition of the Cash for Encyclopedia of organization that will make it into the book. Lansing Road IV4-6112. 8 RENTAL VACANCY? Your Associations currently being compiled by the Gale Research Co. of Detroit. After all, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to STAMPS * COINS am-8:30 pm. 5-11-7 message gets to people with THESES, RESUMES, typing and Mushrooms made it. Sell Trade low-cost Want Ads. Call printing. Reasonable prices. fuil line of supplies DUAL 1214 CHANGER Pioneer 355-8255 now to place y COMMERCIAL PRINTING. 351-4116. C-11-27 [.MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN CS77A speakers. Large Advent HASLETT Rd PSC will decide 80 332-4300 speakers. Sansui A-1000 X AM/FM receiver. Philips 2401 JUDITH CARMAN: Experienced ||NG MACHINE Clearance stereo TC-70 cassette recorder. Sony portable dissertation typist. Papers, Brand new portables cassette theses, dissertations, general. fc.95. $5 per month. Large recorder, IBM electric 393-4672. 20-11-18 action of reconditioned used typewriter. Used Remington (chines. 5, Singers, Whites, New Homes and many $19.95 to $39.95. model 170 offset duplicator. Much more quality merchandise. WILCOX SECONDHAND MOVE AROUND a lot? The "Service" columns of the Want Ads help you -get things done. Announcements for It's What's power rates'fate ,1 s EDWARDS STORE, 485-4391. Hours Backpacking in the Bridget . Check there now. Happening must be received in the Wilderness of Wyoming is the topic By JEFF MERRELL ISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 9-5:30 daily except Sunday. State News office, 341 Student of a slide show at the Outing Club State News Staff Writer ■ 15 North Washington. C-11-27 Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least meeting at 7 tonight in 118 Physics The Public Service Commission (PSC) is refereeing a battle ■9-6448. C-3-11-7 SKI ASPEN or Utahl December Transportation ]($] two class days before No announcements will be publication. - Astronomy Bldg. Plans for hiking, between traditional, time - honored methods and untried RALEIGH SUPER Course ridde 14-21. 353-5199, 353 9253. 1-5 accepted climbing and canoeing trips will be by phone. I USED VACUUM Cleaners, less than 10 miles. Only $160. pm. Monday - Friday. 3-11-6 MSU TO Kalamazoo discussed. Everyone welcome. innovation, with Michigan's electrical power situation at stake. area. 4 pm iks, cannisters, and uprights, 372-6879. 1-11-5 Justin Morrill Consumers Power and Detroit Edison are requesting rate Fridays, returning Sunday College students Pat Scheetz will speak on "Job bar an teed one full year. $7.88 SKIERS UTAH package interested in increases to generate revenue for expansion. $299, pm/Monday am. 355-4772. being Academic Opportunities for Family Ecology p D E N N I 5 RED VELOUR couch with end Council representative should sign Richard Conlin, of the Public Interest Research . Christmas and spring. Call your 3-11-7 Majors" from 7 to 9 tonight in Group in ISTRIBUTING COMPANY, table, $100. Red velour chair East Lansing Ski Center- up for interviews by Friday in 9 Home Management House No. 1. Michigan (PIRGIM), wants to change the rate structure entirely Snyder Hall. J6 North Cedar. Opposite City with foot rest, $100. Walnut TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. Wanted * AJI majors welcome. to force consumer conservation. Irket. C-3-11-7 breakfront, $150. Combination 351-8800. C-11-8 MSU Faculty Folk Newcomers The PSC will decide by December "Reproduction - A Human the best path to follow to stereo, radio, tape player, will present a "Know Your alleviate the strain on Michigan's power sources. ■R REVERB amplifier. Six turntable, $250. 393-0970. COUPONS AND general admission Right?" will be the topic of Dr. HAYRIDES DRAWN by horses. Community" program, featuring If the strain is not relaxed frequent brownouts and blackouts hs old. Call 487-5018 after 2-11-8 tickets Ellen Louh, Towne Courier Shirley Johnson at the MSU Call for appointment now. to MSU/OSU game editor, 1.511-11 Business Women's Club luncheon at will occur over the next few years, the PSC Phone 676-5928. 5-11-11 669-5848. 5-11-5 and the superintendents of East says. 11:30 a.m. tomorrow in the Union "Hie significant problem is raising money. The solution is rate FUR COAT, Muscrat cost $300. Lansing and Okemos schools, at 8 ballroom. Excellent CATSITTER tonight in the parlor of Peoples relief," David Voight, asst. division manager for Consumers Power condition, 14-16, until December. moving to Florida, $75. Service Expenses paid. Good cat. Call Church, 200 W. Grand River Ave. said. 485-7937. 1-11-5 355-0034. 3r11-6 Fight the postelection blues. Consumers Power is asking the PSC for a $73 million increase We've arrived! WTVR is now on Come help the MSU Libertarian the air in the Union. Alternative in the revenue it receives from rates. The PSC recommendation is EDITING - PROOFREADING. Drop by and compose its plans to WANT TO buy 2 tickets, to Elton listen to the good sounds of Union combat the collectivists at 8:30 slightly over half of that, Joel Sharkey, an administrative assistant tairt ;[>, Dissertations, theses, research projects, manuscripts. Anne Cauley, 337-1591. 5-11-8 John concert in November 13,14,15. 337-9075. Detroit, p.m. Wednesday in CI 12 Wells Hall. to the chairman of the PSC, said. Detroit Edison which, combined with Consumers Power, 5-11-5 International Folk Dancing Do you have a strange hobby? IRISH SETTER puppies, AKC, produced 95 per cent of Michigan's electrical meets at 8 tonight in the Union We would like to hear from you for power, is asking for !X 8 Track Stereo. Cartridge champion bloodlines, call after TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, Tower Room. Dances from all over an increase of $93 million. an exciting new program on the Inger. Holds 12 8-track tapes. 5:30,349-9355.4-11-8 oiled and adjusted. Portables the world will be taught. Everyone Michigan State Radio Network, 8 Both companies need the additional revenue V) finance H5 Ampex 1260 reel-to-real is welcome. Student Services Bldg. $7.50. Manuals $10. Electric construction of electrical energy plants, Ik $125. 351-5488. 3-11-7 which will be needed to $12.50. One day service, free meet projected increases in power usage. Mobile Homes pick up and delivery. 25 years The Wounded Knee Support tOR TUNER Committee will have an Any student wishing to work "Somewhere along the line we will have to build. But if our amplifier - experience. 393-9774. NEEDED: 5 COUPONS or regular information table set up in the with the ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. financial situation doesn't improve, we won't be able to build," [niable %). with 2S watt speakers, rtOLLO^OME 12x60, King 0-18-11-27 tickets for MSU/OSU game International Center from 11 a.m. on tenant - landlord relations, Voigit said. 694-0788. 5-11-11 Arthur's Court. $3300. 353-7566.6-11-6 traffic regulations, judicial- cases or 355-2251 or 332-6329 after 6 PHOTOGRAPHY ■ ALL varieties, other matters is invited to obtain a "Consumer's Power says 'give us more money and well build lE CHAIR, $35, Easy chair, pm. x-20-11-8 finest quality, reasonably priced. The MSU Marketing Club petition in 334 Student Services more plants and that'll solve the whole problem.' But it won't," BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. cordially invites all members and Bldg. Richard Conlin, projects director of PIRGIM, said. p. Studio couch, $35, chest, their guests to attend a b 351-7336.4-11-8 482-5712. C-11-27 meeting "Conservation has to be the top priority, and the PSC has to BUY SOMETHING with your rent. featuring Dr. Seymour Marshak of The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. 10x60 Huron, expando, Chrysler Motor Corp. at 7:30 will have a lawyer available from 9 recognize it as the top priority. But I don't think they've moved JBLE lings Good SIZE mattress/box furnished. Large fenced lot, FOR THE BEST Service equipment see the STEREO on stereo tonight in the Eppley Center Teak to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. every far enough," Conlin said. condition, will Room. Wednesday during fall term. MSU Conlin was a witness at the-hearings on electric ■iver. garden, shed. Behind Gables. energy $25. 676-2805. 2-11-6 SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. students desiring an appointment $3,100. 787-6277.5-11-5 C-11-27 The Women's IM is asked to check with the ASMSU availability, he advocated a distinctive rate structure in residential havii^ their are areas. Under this structure, the more energy a person uses, the §REZS GUITARS - most TWO GENERAL admission tickets annual basketball contest. All students, faculty and free throw Business Office', Services Bldg. 334 Student more that person would be charged per kilowatt - hour. lis in stock, from $49 and Industry We also have Alvare2-Yairi s from $255. These are Instructions ~|[W MSU/Ohio State. 351-5004 after 5:30. 4-11-8 staff women of MSU are invited to throw 25 between 7 free throws anytime and 9 p.m. Thursday. Skiers! Moosuski will hold a would be heaviest. charged more for peak time usaije, when the demand is Idmade and carry a meeting at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at The PSC report on the hearings concluded that the chance of life-time For more information call the the Coral Gables. There will be a e. Exclusive free service FREE A Lesson in complexion DESPARATELY NEEDED, two Women's Intramural Office. brownouts and blackouts is real. Very little if any, surplus energy ... special slide show, door prizes, struments. MARSHALL care. Call 484-4519 East tickets to the MSU/OSU game. movies and from other non - Michigan companies will be available to information on Call R.D. at 355-8252 or |ISIC, 245 Ann Street. Michigan or 485-7197 Lansing TlTe MSU Sailing Club holds Christmas trips. Consumers Power and Detroit Edison if they are forced to 1-11-5 Mall. MERLE NORMAN 694-1536. 4-11-8 beginning shore school and at 7 p.m. purchase electricity from others. Both companies could be forced COSMETIC STUDIO. C-3-11-7 a regular club meeting at 7:30 Study in Sweden this summer. p.m. today in 208 Men's Intramural Undergraduate and graduate credits into that position, the PSC report says. i,78VSn*r$!S: 1I p-9484.5-11-11 Lost & Found ifQi 1 WANT TO BABYSIT, weekdays in my home. Close, campus. Call available Sociology. Attend in Social a Science slide show and and To reduce costs, each company has cancelled construction of new nuclear power plants. Both have also delayed construction 371-3719. 5-11-8 discussion with faculty and of planned fossil fuel plants. With this reduced lr>n,n,,«, "1~ FIND SOMETHING College Republicans will meet at students about the program last capacity, an p DUAL - amp, 30 8:30 increase in demand beyond the utilities (F Y0U.VE found # ^ Qr TYPING, EXPERIENCED, Fast TWO GENERAL admission and tonight in 37 -Union. Be sure summer at 7 p.m. today in 2 Wilson projections, could lower reasonable. 371-4635. to vote today. Hall, at 7 p.m. Wednesday in M-D the reserve energy level to the point where ■75 ■/5 T» 332 was Ti ®ond,tlon' 5656- 3-11-7 1 article of value, we want to help and one student tickets, MSU/OSU. Brody Hall or at 7 p.m. Thursday in purchasing extra y(HJ r#turn jt Ju$t com8 jnt0 the C-11-27 351-5755. 2-11-6 111 Bessey Hall. electricity would be necessary. » v The Student's International — State News Classified Meditation Society presents Sy MTROCOMP (EML) and ARP EXPERIENCED, TYPING term Department and tell us you want SIX GENERAL admission tickets Migdal of Maharishi International Council for Exceptional ■nthesizers, sequencers. Stereo Report cites effects to place an ad in EAST papers, theses, etc. Rapid, for MSU-Ohio State game. University, speaking on "Education Children will meet at 8 tonight in W4 quad mixers. GILL service. 394-2512. and the 208 LANSING STATE BANK'S accurate 394-2720. 3-11-5 Science of Creative Bessey Hall. It is full chapter ■LECTRONICS, 11® South Found Column. As a public C-11-27 Intelligence," at 3:15 p.m. today in meeting. All are welcome. The "I *'ch, Lansing. Phone service EAST LANSING STATE Can" program will be presented. GRAD STUDENT or teacher to Bring 25c if you went to Grand J' 3558. 10-11-8 BS SETS, Onyx and marble. BANK will to you I run the ad at EAST LANSING no cost share 2 bedroom furnished house. Responsible good person. your Hey big man on campus ... how's love life? Gay Liberation is 1 Rapids. Women, are you having of utilities' cutbacks Male. $110. Randy Rousse, Pw gifts, several colors, STATE BANK just dying to know. Come out at problems adjusting to working in a 676-1051 2:30 - 5:30. Or 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in 33 Union. By JEFFMERRELL agreed. ysonable. 882-0046. 11-11-12 C-11-27 393-0603 evenings. 3-11-5 previously male dominated State News Staff Writer "As many as 10,000 competitive profession?! If so, come M ES330 guitar for $225 • The Women's Center is now to the Women Interested in A report issued by the construction related jobs this LOST; 4-way cross medal on chain. located in the Union U.N. lounge. Professions Contact Public fcotiable. Please call Jim, IM fields, Thursday, October 31. group. Service Commission year and 13,000 jobs in 1975 The new mailing address is P.O. Women's Center in the Union U.N. Hl-2729. 5-10-6 355-3107. 3-11-7 Box 110, East Lansing. (PSC) said the construction may be lost in Michigan due to lounge for more information. TYPING TERM papers and theses. cutbacks by state utility the inaction on utility rate ■ 12 string Gibson, 1 year, SEIKO watch, southeast Experienced, fast service, IBM. GENERAL ADMISSION tickets to An informal discussion will be increase requests," Wood said. LOST: A poetry reading will take place companies will have a great ■«' 90od condition, $275, corner football practice field. Call 349-1904. 16-11-22 Ohio State/Michigan State game. held on the topic of "Bisexuality at 7 p.m tomorrow in the Case / effect on Michigan's economy. The PSC is expected to have ■2-2676. 5-11-6 Reward. 355-2892. 3-11-7 355-2940. 3-11-6 on Campus" from 1 to 5 p.m. Madison library. Bud and Barbara The report predicts more a decision on rate increase today in 309 Student Services Bldg. Drake, local poets and coeditors of IF YOU'RE one of the best, tell the "Happiness Holding Tank," will be unemployment in Michigan, requests by December. letter LOST: GOLD Seiko watch, red public about your service or TO BUY used cars. Will pay cash. In addition to construction environment, check Free - U is sponsoring a seminar featured. where the current w apartments for rent in dial. Grand River. Reward. business with an ad on the Out of state wholesaler. 011 "Cybernetics and Culture" from unemployment rate is 10.9 per cutbacks, Consumers Power Linda, 351-3930. 5-11-8 Yellow Page each Thursday, Call pv's Classified Ads. Michelle, 355-8255. 349-2634. 5-11-8 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Union cafeteria. Advertising Club No. 2: "What cent. and Detroit Edison have are Advertising Specialties?" FOUND: OCTOBER 18, "There has been a cutback reduced their staffs by about featuring Mr. R. Skinner of A. Dean you've found something or Harrison-Trowbridge. Male, large Transcendental Meditation Watkins Co., Lansing. Twenty - in construction of $2 billion 500 and 1,000 respectively. iFnuun" ,0 read ,h* "L0ST heel shoes, MSU bag. 627-5692. introductory lectures will be minute film, a good talk, cider and (by Consumers Power and There will also be a f UND. Turn there now. C-3-11-15 presented by the Student's doughnuts and lots of fun Detroit Edison) over the next reduction in revenue from International Meditation Society happening at 8 tonight in the tomorrow at 4 p.m. in 323 basement of Starboard Tack 10 years, the result is 15,000 property taxes for state and Chemistry Bldg. and at 7:30 p.m. in local governments between MERLE NORMAN man - years being Inst," Joel How to form your own car pool COSMETIC STUDIO 105 S. Kedzie Hall. The MSU Paddleball Club will Sharkey, administrative 1976 and 1983 because of assistant to the chairman of construction cancellations and Discussions on the knowledge of meet at 9 tonight in 215 Men's As a public service at no SPOT BABYSITTING, prefer the self, as revealed by Guru Jaharaj Intramural Bldg. Sign up for the PSC said. delays. charge, the State News will provide a free classified student wife. Own Ji, will be held at 8:30 p.m. on Quickie Tournament and others. The The report estimates a loss er,isement for those people who would like to set up or man - year loss join a car pool. transportation, $1.25 per hour. Tuesdays in the Union Oak Room. interprets into a loss of in property tax revenue of Two half days a week. Phone MSU Poultry Science Club employment for 4,401 skilled about 44.7 per cent. Driving? 349-3424. 5-11-8 Microbiology undergraduates: meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. Come meet with Mr. Visser, a tomorrow in 233 Anthony Hall. All craftsmen, the report says. microbiologist from Upjohn Co., club members and interested "Current estimates of From THERE'S A roomer in town from 7 to 8 p.m. today in 216 persons are invited. unemployment among building Theater owner looking for your rental. Giltner Hall. Note the room change. Leaving tradesmen range from 10 to 11 Advertise vacancies with Want All interested persons are cent in boilermakers to reports theft of Ads. Dial 355-8255. Israel Aliyah Shali»<-h will be at welcome to attend a discussion and per a Phone Hillel Hoi.«- 'fct tEO o 3 p.m. slide show on 'Eckankar at 7:30 high of 24 per cent for The State News today tC\NV.V.estcd in short or p.m. Thursday in C211 Wells Hall. will MSU FAN, needs tickets for Ohio carpenters," the report says. not accept responsibility for arrangements or conduct of long term Israel involvements. Participants. State game. Will pay reasonable The Self - Help group will meet Anthony Jarrett, director of 120 blue movies The information price. Call collect, area code Jewish students in Holmes, at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the economic development for the requested below must be supplied in order for ad to appear. 1-419-385-4641. 10-11-8 McDonel and Shaw halls are getting Women's Center in the Union U.N. Grand Rapids Chamber of DETROIT (UPI) - Police together at 7 tonight in the Pull Name McDonel Hall east lower lounge. Commerce, testified before the are looking for thieves who _ I ||ft| There will be an election returns eine MSU German students present Kaffestunde every Tuesday PSC committee that "unless electric power is available to made off with a very —120 blue movies. hot haul Address FROM LOGAN • Mt. Hope area to watching party at 8:30 tonight at from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in A740 match fiiturei expansion and Police say they believe the the Shalom Center, 507Vi E. Grand Wells Hall. All those who desire to City Berkey Hall. Leaving 7:30 am, employment needs, the thieves stayed behind when an _ Phone - River Ave. Cheese, wine (BYO), practice their German are invited. returning 5 pm. 355-6620; economic consequences in loss X - rated cinema closed, then 482-8176 after 6 pm. 3-11-6 of new jobs and existing jobs 'This coupon Women! Join us for discussion packed the films into two may be brought in or mailed to: Car Pool Classifieds, 347 Student Display your wares at the Union and sharing at noon on Wednesdays could be catastrophic." rvices Building. No phone calls accepted. TAKE A close look at the good Activities Board's Grand Annual in 6 Student Services Bldg. Brown - garbage cans and carried them Jack Wood, secretary things around your home you no Christmas Flea Market and Art bag lunch for women students age - away. NO CHARGE longer use. Sell them with a Show. Sign treasurer of the Detroit TT»e films up in the UAB office in 25+ is sponsored by Women's were valued at want sd. Uiai 35b-t>2&5 today. Resources Center. Building Trades Council, $24,000 by the theater owners 12 Michigan State Tuesday, November NewSj East Lansing, Michigan 5,,, Iashin( ■laved |n-ing inll< tries Tups I Congr ■hey tool Winged Sp J in Coloi ftnd their j Republi lr congress soar over P added u . who Far below, the quonset huts looked like row upon row of tin toads, shiny specks of squatting ugliness. From the cockpit of a Cessna Skyhawk, MSU seemed to be a toy village set up around the electric trains in a nouveau - riche basement. Suddenly, the pilot turned and flew over Lansing. What that looked like will remain unreported. Flying over campus in one of the four small airplanes owned by Winged Spartans, the MSU flying club, can be an exhilarating experience, especially in gusty winds. "Just mild turbulence," pilot Don Blazicek, past president of Winged Spartans, said reassuringly, as the plan bounced merrily along at 1500 feet. Aside from the wind, it was a fine, exceptionally clear day for flying. As soon as the Cessna cleared the cornstalks lining the runways of Mason's Jewett Airport, a panorama of faded autumnal colors sprang into view. A patchwork quilt of cornfields lULLETI and woodlots faded in the distance as the shadow of the plane crossed the path of a tractor laboring in the field below. Kconcessi Approaching East Lansing, the plane passed over the green and Inpaign russett spread of MSU's vast acreage of farmland south of raham, to campus. It he expe The upper - level stands of Spartan Stadium yawned into the feere 7001< morning sunshine that highlighted the white grid markings on the deep green Astroturf as the Skyhawk circled lazily over campus |he 6th D and returned to Mason. De Jewett Airport, which looks like it could be reclaimed by the kublican Cli surrounding cornfield at any moment, is headquarters for the \ of 1:15 t Winged Spartans. nil nearly Organized as a nonprofit corporation in 1946, Winged ll In, Carr Spartans is a member of the National Intercollegiate Flying Assn. Hie club operates a ground school and pilot Ta training programs rever, that prepare members for private and commercial pilots' licenses. r Abrahi Membership is open to MSU students, alumni, faculty, staff ■cted that and their immediate families. The organization has eight active Ti totals froi instructors among its 80 flying members. b Ingham C Winged Spartans owns four aircraft, including three Cessna - ■cted the t< 150 trainers (two seats) and erne Cessna - 172 Skyhawk (four Ker leading seats). In addition, the club leases another Skyhawk, which is f of 2 a.m. kept at Lansing's Capital City Airport. It is used primarily for al was h cross - country flights. | of 1 SN PHOTOS/DALE ATKINS , half c TEXT/FRANK FOX Academic unit to begin debate FACULTY! I the City o less than hop i of 1:15 a.i Bing victor; today DEGREE I The Academic Council will on bylaws amendments DR. SY MIGDAL (East iyor Lansir 10,66! meet at 3:15 p.m. begin what many members today to change in policy, and those that have the approval of the 12 to the The seven. meeting will be held in CANDIDATES! n Rights t committee. Con Con Room of the Dean of Faculty I Livingston think will be a long and weary process of approving the Some of the major areas of discussion will be in proposed International Center. MAHARISHI INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Reservations for academic apparel lets in, Tay proposed amendments to the change in the number of Bylaws for Academic Governance. standing committees, the creation of specific terms of RESEARCH for fall term commencement are Last year the Ad Hoc office for deans and a Dr. Migdal will relate current concepts in holistic Committee to Academic Governance issued a Review reduction in the number of personnel on some committees. Thousands of Topics $2.75 per page education to the Science of Creative Intelligence, the study of consciousness. You are invited to consider the being accepted now through report detailing the major It has been Send for your up to-date, 160-page, suggested that changes proposed. Now the wording and content of the the number committees be of standing mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00 to cover postage (delivery time is unified concept of education based on a practical technique which measurably increases intelligence and Nov. 22 at the Union Desk dropped from 1 to 2 days). individual amendments are to creativity: Transcendental Meditation. be debated and put to a vote. RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. The proposed amendments 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE *2 Today, Nov. 5 LOS ANGELES, CALIF 90025 3:15 p.m. ERICKSON KIVA * »:J0 p.m. - RM 35 UNION For information call 355 — have been evaluated by the committee three and divided into ' A per month (213)477-8474 or 4 7 7-5493 For other lecture timet see It's Whifi Hippenlm or call 351-7729 - 7676 categories - those that merely change the language or make an editorial comment, There is a those that make a substantive difference!!! RENT A T.V. NEJAC TV RENTALS PREPARATION FOR: MCAT Ov" 35 year. BOOKER GAULDEN DOMINOS 337-1300 CONTINUES $25.00 per term of experience and success L'SvT1" ana $10.95 Per Small classes For delivery month NEJAC TV RENTALS Voluminous home EAST LANSING When you enroll in Air study materials CELEBRATING with Force ROTC you can get Courses that are DISTRICT more than a chance at a constantly updated SUPER WEEK * scholarship and a chance at flying lessons...and a mmTape facilities for A IV JD reviews of class JUDGE lessons and for use This coupon may not be \bu A# AT UvA I of supplemental-' j COUPON _ _ _ with any other otter 1 IF YOU materials. BOOKER GAUI.DEN wants to be East Lansing's first elected District Court Judge Good for 75c off the purchase price Pii/a delivered to your area on days of any Large indicated ol getataxfree (PAT He will work for the following: this special. think we PI ry Makeup* for A District Court based on justice, not judicial monthly LEA •> ■ missed lesion sell a great BOTH DURi™«y- economy. STORES 0FNOV.< pizza only, allowance of ICFMG • Evaluation of effective council, whether the attor¬ ney be appointed or retained, to ensure the rights PARTICIPATING ADDRESS J you should H00. ECFMG of the individual are upheld. IN THIS SPECIAL! • Initiate community organization involvement into PHONE try our grinders. NAT! MEDBRDS the judicial process and use their expertise to guide the court and the individual. \ PI.."'1!!'"' coupon !>•<»' ; | • Adoption of a Fair-Leasing Program. driver arrl»« j BELL'S Contact Captain Rayner At 355-2168 • Make the court schedule and process amenable to the people's schedule. One couP°" per pt"1, J | 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 Stanley fifcflDlon i Committee to Elect Booker Gaulden EDUCATIONAL OPEN 11 a.m. EVERYDAY CENTER j for East Lansing District fudge FREE DELIVERY 925 Virginia Ave. Ea«| l aming, Mich. 48823 tii. jiyigi (oper from 11:00 a.m.) llnct 17 had ■per cent o