laccoon presence By LAURA MILLER breeding territories with plenty of den high on campus tire fattest raccoons sites along the Red Cedar River, numerous you've ever seen." MSU Public Safety, said. ccoons are so thick on the MSU wood lots and fruit and nut bearing trees. "Sometimes they just sit in a tree near But 10 years ago, raccoons ■us this year, at least one student says They are attracted to campus areas Erickson - their bellies and other where hanging out, animals at MSU caused more of a |jvt to almost push through them for shidents leave left over - lunches or food watching the kids and sunning In the past, raccoons problem. for the ducks. themselves?" he laughed. have made their Ire you kidding! You have to kick Raccoons animal that fit in well homes and raised young in the attics and theG?°dl are one lvray through them," Edward Morley, ,. baseball to *P°t raccoons are near with man, Dudderar side walls of older buildings like Linton diamonds along the river on explained. and Chittendon 1st Lansing senior, said. west campus, behind residence halls on "They are just like people — some Halls, the Journalism Jt's one thing when you see a rabbit east campus fcnd in indifferent, some curious, some mean," he Building and the demolished Music other wood lots. Practice Building. Ijng into the bushes, but it's another At night, they are often said. "Raccoon personalities are 1 when the raccoons are all over the seen comparable to human beinp," very "The big thing is getting one out when Lg lot," Joan Deppa, a graduate behind SPHn?Mthr0Ugh buildings or prowlinggarba«e containers "But I wouldn't go as far as saying it dies in a side wall," Bernitt said. "Then Jgnt in journalism, who saw four in come regularly lawns, Thev they're friendly," he the varmit has to be cut out of the wall." they are fed by students buildi^ to warned. "Tolerant, Eight behind Owen Hall, said. some and custodians. where maybe." Bemitt estimated the University spends Kspite the presence of about 43,000 Dudderar said the only raccoon about $25,000 to $30,000 a year in pest |nts at MSU, raccoons are abundant, KedzfeT... Kedzie Hall, HeVery because "ight at work at problem reported has come from East control. I Dudderar, MSU wildlife specialist they knew thev A two - man team responds to a gamut would be fed," Morley said. "One of my Lansing residents who complained the of pest control problems such as bats in bosses used to animals were eating sweet com in i the campus is one of the best buy cookies to feed them gardens. attics, skunks in window wells and during work break every No one has reported night. They are being bitten by a raccoon, Richard 0. Bernitt, director of (continued on page 17) Dems win trustee seats; ideological balance tipped By PETE DALY side. Warren Huff, D - Plymouth, is State News Staff Writer an change on the board because he did not unpredictable swing voter. know much about them The political balance of personally. power on the The loss of the two conservatives' seats "All I know is that MSU Board of Trustees was they are two tipped to the to Democrats Bruff and Krolikowski — Democrats Tuesday with the election of lawyers. We sure as hell don't need two both lawyers — is good news to liberals Democrats John Bruff of Fraser and lawyers!" Thompson said. Martin and Carrigan. Raymond Krolikowski of Birmingham. Although both told Bruff, 45, has a long history of work in the State News they were not well The new board higher education, and was an early trustee composition beginning at Oakland University. He supports the January is six Democrats and two election of students to the MSU Board of Republicans. Incumbent Trustees if it were ruled constitutional in Republicans who were the future. defeated are Frank Merriman of Deckerville and Kenneth Thompson of acquainted with Krolikowski, they are Michigan Attorney General Frank East Lansing. Both acquainted with Bruff and expect both Kelley has barred students from running, are conservatives newcomers will help shift the board to a contending it would be a conflict of by the two Democrats interest and unconstitutional. a noticeable more liberal stance. change in "According to Mr. Bruffs campaign Thompson, on the other hand, has spite of party lines, board politics publicity, he supports student input on staunchly opposed student membership on and debates usually stem from the board and is against closed board the board. ideological identification. Traditionally, Merriman, a meetings related to public business," Krolikowski, 46, lacks dairy farmer, and Thompson, a former Camgan said. "He will be a strong' higher education and isexperience not in well addition to the board, and I assume Mr. general manager for Michigan Bell, were acquainted with MSU, but he professes to lere are a few the only conservatives on the board. Three Krolikowski will be, also." empty chairs now, but when the crowds start piling in here at Lizard's and other area bars, Martin said he foresees care a great deal about students. lEast Lansing Fire Dept. officials move in and warn bar other members are classed as no strong Trustee Stevens said he thinks both managers of overcrowding. A $500 fine against Alley - liberal, and shift in the board's decisions, but he the remaining three as new members are the type who will swing votes — one |Eyustomersfor overcrowding is pending and area bar managers say they are beginning to feel the pinch from both and safety officials. leaning towards the conservatives, and the feels the election outcome is an support him and the other two liberals, other two toward the liberals. "improvement." Carrigan and Martin. "Both Mr. Thompson and Mr. The three liberals "For instance, I think both would have on, the current board Merriman are friends of mine, and I think are Democrats Pat Carrigan, of Ann Arbor, supported the liberalized housing option. they have served the board well," Martin And they probably would have LOCAL BARS OVERCROWDED Don Stevens of Bloomfield Blanch Martin of East Lansing. Hills and said. "But we weren't side of the fence too often." sitting on the same us where we failed in the supported past because of a tie or lost votes," Stevens said. Aubrey Radcliffe, R - Lansing, and Thompson told the State News Jack Stack, R - Alma, are two of the three Both Wednesday that he. did not know if the outgoing Republicans opposed '■ire officials swing voters who tend toward the liberal two new members would effect much the co-ed living option which became tu available for the first time this fall. "With Bruff and Krolikowski we have got a chance to be a more open university, By JOHN TINGWALL and perhaps more receptive to student occupancies of Dooley's, Lizard's and the issued its first overcrowding citation to the State News Staff Writer Alle - Ey create hazards different from views," Huff said. Liquor Control Commission this year for a GOP candidates were also hurting most bars and restaurants. violation at Lizard's Oct. 18, one week in tough no East Lansing bars have yet leveled by fire, bar ning to feel some heat, e heat has resulted from managers are pressure "Even if they have the required number of exits or nore, we could still lost people in a panic situation," Patriarche said. before the Alle - Ey violation. Police conduct random inspections of bars as often as three times a week. The Liquor the race for seats on the University Michigan Board of Regents. Democrats Sarah G. Power, 39, of Ann Arbor, and Tom Roach, a 45 - year - old Grosse of | applied by city fire and police Such a tragedy occurred this summer, Control Commission sets hearing dates if Pointe man, polled more than a million jals on bar managers to maintain safe lily standards in when a New York discotheque burned, enough citations accumulate from one bar. votes each to beat out their their bars, killing 24 people. The basement restaurant Republican lid though police and fire officials was described as "packed" by witnesses. "I assumed we got cited on the 18 th," opponents, Dona S. Parker of Howell, and say ■have not stepped Patriarche said he has spoken to the Harder said. "If we did, it would be the David Upton, a former state legislator. up the number of lity inspections since a State News city manager about increasing the number first time we've ever been cited to the New Wayne State Trustees are V exposed Democrats Mildred Jeffrey, an active frequent overcrowding of inspections from once a month, and Liquor Control Commission in my two »ons a month ago, member of the United Auto Workers, and bar managers say was told by the city manager an increase years as manager." pave 23 • year - old Michael Einheuser of begun to feel new pressure from would be his decision. ire inspectors. "If things don't settle down, we'll (continued on page 17) Detroit, who administers a home for (one case, the KROLIKOWSKI runaways. city is even considering conduct as many as two, three, or four % its first warrant for prosecution of inspections monthly," he said. "If that's T owner for what it takes to establish compliance with M legal capacityovercrowding his bar Carr defeats Taylor limits. the capacity limits, we'll do it." by 544 votes * case, being studied by East Lansing Managers at Dooley's, Lizard's and the Attorney Dennis McGinty, involves a Alle - Ey all contend that police and fire ity violation in the Alle ■ Ey bar at a inspections have been stepped up in the 'TGOct. 25. last month. he time has come to step on the toes "I talked to one police officer and he secretary of state's office. student vote. In 1972 Chamberlain 1 bars polled campaign of as much as 25 per cent. But doing the overcrowding," East said the limits would be more strictly Taylor told his followers at 4:30 a.m. only 11 per cent of student votes. Taylor began a media blitz criticizing >8 fire chief i we Philip Patriarche said, enforced froiji now one," Kent Harder, Bob Can has won an incredibly close Wednesday that he had apparently lost the On - campus precincts reported 5,204 Can's stands on national health care and went in to inspect the Alle Lizard's manager, said. election. Taylor's campaign manager, ;,le - Ey "They look like 6 th District congressional race over student votes, while off - campus student tax reform and the gap 25 th, Spencer Abraham, said Wednesday that quickly closed. you couldn't move, they're conducting a head count almost Republican opponent Cliff Taylor. precinct votes totaled 5,057. On - campus The week before the election tunately, we should have done Taylor would not make an official Taylor every time they're in here lately." Democrat Carr won by 544 votes out voters favored Carr by a slightly wider released a private poll which showed him hing about situations like this a Police Sergeant Richard Murray, of 147,362 cast, according to figures concession until the possibility of a «o." long margin. leading by two per cent. recount was established. disclaiming an increase in police released Wednesday afternoon by the In the entire city of East Lansing Carr The Can campaign realized that the triarche said the basement elections division of - the Michigan Abraham said a request for a recount, inspections, said the police department received 5 7 per cent of the votes, Taylor policy of ignoring the Taylor charges was which would cost about $1,500, was a 37 per cent and Jones 5.per cent. For Carr not working. So less than a week before this was down from 1972 when he the election Can held a press conference Carr withheld polled victory statement 74 per cent of the East Ford, Dems pledge cooperation any Lansing vote. accusing Taylor of "poisoning" the Wednesday but scheduled a press In Ingham County, which includes campaign with lies and distortions conference for 9 in a.m. today. Lansing and East Lansing, Can outpolled advertisements. Carr lost the 6 th District congressional Taylor, 43,425 to 41,487. This was race in 1972 to 16 - year incumbent • Democrats had captured 43 extra House seats for a total of considerably down from 1972 when Carr EFrom Wirt Services JN.GT0N Republican Charles Chamberlain by less beat Chamberlain in Ingham (Ap) ~ Their congressional muscles bulging, 291, a clear two - thirds majority just short of the 295 seats than County by 2,500 votes. In 1972 about 192,000 64,802 to 49,315. However, Abraham said . J® re - armed by off - year elections for certain Democrats won in Lyndon B. Johnson's landslide a decade ago. votes were cast in the race. that he expected even more u.1 s President Ford over the right way to handle • Democrats had picked up three Senate seats, for a total of The deciding factor in Carr's support from economic ills. 61. victory rural Ingham County and it was lacking. was the Jackson County vote. In 1972 Can gained in t Democratlc talk of such confrontations, but on the " er ™eir election • They had scored a net gain of four governorships, including Chamberlain swept the traditionally solidly Republican ■ victories, party leaders put the the biggest states of New York and California, for a new total of Livingston and Washtenaw counties Republican county by 29,712 to 20,830. compared to 1972. I u,hP0SS1 comPromise and cooperation with Ford. 36. This year Can took a 21407 to 18,665 In in',;"0* party was stunned by the Democrats' off • year The GOP president, in office less than three months, was edge. Livingston County Can trailed ftalfL! readi,y agreed- "We will meet Congress more described by aides as philosophical about the outcome. "He's "Rural Jackson County was the Taylor, 7,160 to 5,387. In 1972 |at' !£ he said through an aide. seen good years and bad years and this was a bad year," a area that really disappointed us," only Chamberlain swept the county by a 9,756 Ik ' mocr?tic leader Mike Mansfield came to the House spokesman said, adding that the Republican setbacks "didn't Abraham said. "Chamberlain got 60 per to5478 tally. In Washtenaw lent Aoperation compromise with the Republican come as any great surprise." cent there and we County the change since Iriako a source close to the House leadership said, "We got only 42 per cent. 19 72 was even larger. That Ford had warned that big Democratic gains could result in a MSU students voted year ■ to hn^J^eStions' but " anything is to be done. Ford is heavily for Carr, Chamberlain trounced Can in Washtenaw "dictatorial. . . veto - proof Congress." But even with Democrats giving him 6,778 votes (66 per cent) to County by 7,735 to 3,567. This year Can wise " 8eree" 71,6 name °r the 8""® is 80,n® ** holding a two • thirds edge in the House, the wholesale overriding Taylor's 2,797 (27 per cent) from student closed the gap and trailed Taylor of Ford vetoes is not a realistic prospect because of philosophic precincts in East Lansing. by only 5,479 to3,220. |ypictur?ly 8,1 V°teS counted' RepiWfeans faced this (continued on page 17) Taylor was not disappointed with the Can held early leads during the o Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Novembenu National spotlig on Mi Hiker is Nixon treated for pneumonia political future Former President Richard M. Nixon is suffering from DETROIT (UPI) - Gov. William G. Milliken Milliken told UPI in an interview after winning a slight case of pneumonia and a partial collapse of his re - election in the face of a nationwide sweep was a shining star today in a Republican party right lung and is being treated with antibiotics, his riddled with defeat. by Democrats. doctor said Wednesday. With all but 1 per cent of the vote in, "I am not the least interested in national Nixon has a slightly elevated temperature due to Milliken had rolled up 1,347,336 votes - S3 office. My only interest is right here in pneumonitis, described as a synonym for pneumonia, per cent of the total cast. Sander Levin wound Michigan and I intend to spend the next four centered in a small area of his right lung. He also suffers up with 1,233,814 votes. Third party candidate years doing the best job I can for this state,' Zolton Ferency captured one per cent of the the 52 year - old governor said. - from irritation caused by hematoma, or blood mass, in vote. Some GOP officials already are thinking the small of his back. The magnitude of the triumph thrust the 52 aloud that Milliken would make an attractive Dr. John Lungren, Nixon's personal physician, also - year • old department store heir into the candidate for national office. said the fluid in Nixon's left lung was continuing to national spotlight on a day that saw other Observers said Milliken may be approached prominent GOP figures in other states fall by to contest the U.S. Senate seat now held by diminish and that the former president was exhibiting the wayside. Democrat Philip A. Hart, up for re - election in "slow but gradual improvement." For Levin, a 43 - year - old suburban Berkley 1976. attorney, the defeat probably marked the end There have been suggestions that Hart might of a career in politics that included six years in not seek re • election, in which case a likely Defendants ask for mistrial the state Senate, a stint as state Democratic Democratic nominee would be Rep. Donald chairman and two unsuccessful bids for the Riegle, a popular Republican turned Democrat. Two defendants in the Watergate coverup trial governorship. If Milliken accepted an apportive post, he Wednesday asked the judge to declare a mistrial because A jubilant Milliken declared Wednesday his would be following the footsteps of his political of the surprise disclosure earlier this week of the political future lies in Michigan and not as a mentor, former Gov. George Romney, who existence of a memo from convicted Watergate burglar contender for national office. accepted a cabinet post in 1969 and was E. Howard Hunt. "I have no national ambitions whatsoever," succeeded as governor by Milliken. Lawyers for John D. Ehrlichman said the memo forces them to change strategy in midstream and so denies their client a fair trial. Lawyers for John N. Mitchell based their motions on Michigan appeals court races grounds that the memo bolsters Hunt's credibility in the eyes of the jury. The Hunt memo surfaced through Hunt's original go down to wire in 3 districts lawyer, William 0. Bittman, nearly two year after it was By United Press International County Circuit Court Judge Heading, a Recorders Court written. It laid out in skeleton form the Watergate Richard M. Maher held a slight Nonpartisan Court of judge. Nathan J. Kaufman and coverup two months before the original Watergate Appeals races were tightly edge with 34 per cent of the Joseph A. Sullivan, both defendants went on trial. fought in all three Michigan vote counted. Wayne County circuit fridges Bittman had several times told the districts. Maher had polled 80,270 Watergate grand had polled 75,452 and 50,679 In the 1st District, Wayne votes against 67,370 for Henry SN photo/Dtniel Shun juries that he knew nothing of the memo, which Hunt votes, respectively. TTie 2nd District race, which described from the witness stand. includes the Lansing area, was Victorious candidate for 24th District state Senate, Democrat Earl Jackson may announce early Saudi Arabia nearly a standoff between Lansing District Judge Michael F. Cfevanagh, with 53,814 votes, Nelson, celebrates his victory Tuesday night at his UAW union hall headquarters. Nelson beat Republican Philip Pittinger 46,188 to Sen. Henry M. Jackson says he may decide before 30,220. Human Rights party candidate John Fishbeck totaled 2,462 and Bloomfield Hills attorney early January whether to declare himself a candidate for the 1976 Democratic presidential nomination. to Michael J. Kelly with 51,322. votes. Warren attorney George E. The Washington Democrat said during a brief RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) - Saudi Arabia pledged Montgomery had 28,322 votes, interview on CBS Tuesday night that he will make the Wednesday to try to hold the line on oil prices, or work for a trailing third • place Bernard L nominal cut, at a meeting of oil ■ producing nations next month Kaufman, an Ann Arbor announcement "substantially earlier" than he had in Vienna. attorney who had 35,104. planned previously. Saudi Foreign Minister Omar Sakkaf made the promise to The chief issue for 1976 is the economy, Jackson said. "And I think the people are just fed up and they Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger after Kissinger met for 90 minutes with King Faisal. 'The policy of my kingdom and my government is that we In the 3rd District, Circuit Judge Donald E. Holbrook of Clare led with 104,881 votes. Spruce up want action and we're all going to have to move sooner keep the prices as they are and at the same time work for the In second was Circuit Judge for the holidays withal and faster and much more effectively," he said. lowering of the prices to bring them down, albeit symbolically," Daniel L. Walsh with 92,271, Sakkaf told Kissinger as the secretary was leaving for Jordan. sophisticated Seiko.} trailed by state Sen. Robert 888 "And if we could bring them down more than symbolically we Richardson, R - Saginaw, with would," Sakkaf added. Saudi Arabia and the other 12 members 61,779. Another circuit judge of the Organization of Petroleum from Grand Rapids. John T. Seiko has something special for everyone on your I Exporting Countries meet in gift list. For him, there's a Seiko DX. The deluxe I Vienna in mid December to discuss oil prices. Letts, had polled 52,541 votes. • automation-age watch with an instant-set day/dale I calendar, mar-resistant Hardlex crystal, matching I adjustable bracelet. And it's water tested to982 I The Stat* News is published State University every class day by the students of Michigan feet. For her, a beautiful combination ol elegance I school during Fall, Winter and Spring and accuracy, the Lady Seiko bracelet watch. Lef I 30< terms, Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Is published No. 54296M-17J, yellow top, stainless steel back I in September. Subscription rate is *20 per year. sun ray brown dial. $135 00. Right No. ZW442M-17J. I Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial yellow top, stainless steel back, gilt dial $10000 I and business offices at 34S Student Services for our reg. $1 imported State University. East Bldg., Michigan Lansing, Michigan, 48824. necklace and only $1.50 for Now behave yourself or workers ... are currently reeling. price because of Richard Nixon. He we'll pm] the fact that Carr had been study them and choose." "Our idea is to create a situation in Milliken's political future will seemed to understand the world much those lands to which we have obligations icing right off your cake." campaigning for his hard - won 6th better than his own country and his Kissinger saw Nixon's job as making the largely depend on his ability to District congressional seat for three final choice after every possible view had or in which we have interests where, if "The Oil King himself!" I m™ combat these ills. leadership talents were therefore more "Waiting the Big Sugar years. appreciated abroad than at home. been heard. Kissinger was not expected to they are ready to fight a fire, they should be able to count on us to tarnish the hose you on the only other man in Daddy'T However, the Democrats were Foreigners don't vote in the United States. favor one or another line, merely to and water raking in exorbitant Ameria^| not left out of the running. They Cliff Taylor has proved that a Americans were horrified by the present them all with approximately equal ... around you are profits while f local Republican can garner student impartiality; and there had to be a full, "We must not forget our alliances or losing theirs." [ picked up two congressional seats immorality and ethical aberrations "Button your lip," said the to increase their present majority in votes, even in the face of long odds. exposed in the Watergate scandal. written record of the process. Those who saw him as 'a Machiavelli' were our interests. Other nations must know I'll squeeze you for another 2 Kinfc'J silly, he that the United States has both the a the Carr will have to perform wonders Nevertheless, a medley of foreign leaders, gallon." Michigan delegation to contended. His function was to present capability and the will defend these if he is to avoid another ranging from Chou En - Lai to Georges to Washington, as well as retaining the cliffhanger Pompidou and from King Faisal of Saudi equally the opinions he favored and allies and protect these interests ... "Gentlemen, the Big Sugar Daddy J two seats won from Republicans in come 1976. disfavored. the United States!" cried the Arabia to Golda Meir, worried as a "For the next 25 years the United secretin* Another time stood up. ■ special elections held earlier this Perhaps the most disheartening president they respected began tottering. Kissinger said: "He States is destined to play this superpower (Nixon) feels "Be seated," he said, and year. Democrats also captured the While Nixon was appointing to high very strongly that he must role as both an economic and a nuclear w.r„ aspect of the student returns is that avoid being surprised by something he "Those are crocodile tears," whin White House positions a bunch of small - giant We just have to do this. We cannot attorney general and secretary of under 50 per cent of the students could have foreseen. All possible results of the Oil King. town, middle - clan fixers with no dodge our responsibilities ... We could state posts, plus most of the other ahy given line must be examined." And registered in East Lansing didn't apparent seme of national tiignity, he was become a terrible threat to the world if we "How do you know1" statewide races. this remained Kissinger's vote. Such apathy is unlikely to also naming as his diplomatic principalfunction were to lose our restraint or If we were to "Because he's stolen my crocodile" I In the East right ■ hand until the President started to use him as sacrifice our own power and allow Lansing area's produce a government with real Henry Kissinger, a respected, his secret personal emissary on "Your crocodile?" I super • ourselves to become too weak to uphold predominantly student precincts concern for the people. knowledgeable Harvard professor who had negotiations with North Vietnam, China "Of course. In big business you'nj — the weak." to have a crocodile to opposed his politics and and Russia. supply you* was wholly It is one of the tragedies of American crocodile tears to weep every removed from the locker - room society of Nixon himself once described his history that the tint;! his Pennsylvania Avenue clubmates. concept to me as "the specific purpose of man who so clearly raise prices to ever more fantastic Inl Burden now Hie former president had about making himself an patiently set expert on maintaining a U.S. policy role in the world rather than a withdrawal from the world discerned a proper relationship between the United States and other nations should have paid so little heed to the moral Those tears mean he's prices again." "I have only one going to raised There's talk of international matters because he and international responsibilities... quality of U.S. national needs and the men announcement a mandate in the The silver lining in the Republican's recognized in them his country's major "It is not enough just to be for peace. selected to face them. This split judgment make," wept the Big Sugar Daddy. air The point is, what can we do aobut it? "I regret that intolerable ecoi again, but this time it is massive cloud is that the onus is concern. Hubert Humphrey, who was to ultimately destroyed Nixon - as it Democrats such as House Speaker oppose him in the presidential race in Through an accident of history we find hardship compels me to increase tht|i now on the Democrats to solve a damaged his party at the polls. It did not of sugar by 4 cents effective as ofl Carl Albert claimjng victory. 1968, told me in 1967: "Nixon will be a ourselves today in a situation where no blemish his foreign policy. horrendous economic problem that one who is really for peace in this country instant. In every region of the very strong contender ... he knows that (C) 1974New York Times country, may be virtually impossible to "Mr. Daddy," I cried. voters experessed an unmistakable foreign policy is the issue of our day." solve. Such percipience paid off. "Call me Your Sweetness," he sol desire for new The Kissinger leadership - for beneficiaries of Tuesday's explained (while he was still national "Will you tell me, Your Sweetne&ll Democratic leadership, for mandate, then, would do well to security adviser in the White House cellar) Letter secret which has enabled 1^ congressional leadership. President Ford acknowleged the beware. Now is too crucial a time for the Democratic party to justhow he worked with the president. It was plain that Nixon remained both Policy fantastic profits while almost everyl else is losing theirs?" you to indulge architect and decision maker in U.S. The Opinion Page welcomes all Democratic sweep by promising to in internal squabbling or faculty or staff standing if any V He was convulsed in tears. "Ohdo"! policy until his position became eroded. letters. Readers should follow a and phone number. managed at last. "Not fantastic profiti,ifl - "work with" the Congress. grandstanding aimed at 1976. > According to Kissinger: "The President few rules to insure that as many Letters should be 25 lines or lad. The figures may look startling to if Significantly, he did not ask the Gerald Ford has proven himself required a complete spectrum of analyses letters as possible appear in print. less and may be edited uninformed, but when you considaH Democratic Congress to work with a man who knows how to and recommendations on any subject — for All letters should be typed on depressed profits base of previous™ him. Republican House Minority and then he wanted to make his decision. conciseness to fit more letters on when your poor old Big Sugar Daddy J cooperate. The Congress must show This was his operational system. Nixon 65 - space lines and triple - the page. Leader John Rhodes went even a complimentary spirit of spaced. Letters must be signed, No making nothing at all - nothing at He was weeping so intensely alj further, challenging the reconciliation if it is to produce and include local address, student. unsigned letters will be not continue, and I edged out. hea^p congressional Democrats to genuine solutions. accepted. construct legislative their program. own, original Some indication of the degree of internal harmony pf the Pen (C) 1974 New York Times With 292 House seats than that needed for a - more Democratic party may come with VIEWPOINT: MIDEAST potentially the off - year convention this During the course of a year the "veto - proof' House - and 61 State News usually receives several December in Kansas City. Senate seats, Democrats in Congress letters from prisoners in state and Only the next two years can gained the power they needed to justify the American people's faith, show whether the Democrats meet the other challenge, can to federal penal institutions who are interested someone in corresponding from "the outside." Three with U.S. propaganda augurs oil war in their party as the one best able legislate wisely and cooperatively such letters have been received in the to solve the By DENIS HOPPE country's economic ills with a Republican President. past six weeks. stock refrain about peaceful alms that For over a month now, the American was known tc by a five to two margin at the polls. Arrogance combined with the Anyone interested in Yitzhak Rabin writing to people have been inundated with a mass of every government leader makes in But we have seen mandates lust for power - so these prisoners should Washington satisfied that his re. recently see the State propaganda in the press and on television preparing public opinion for belligerent News Opinion Page arms) were, in essence, going t° *■] before.Overwhelming victories have destructive of the Nixon Editor, 341 blaming domestic inflation on the oil - action. after his recent visit there, w a peculiar tendency to disintegrate Student Services Bldg., for addresses producing nations - particularly the oil - "mandate" - must not betray the During the past month, every political requests included the immediate ■ and further information. producing nations in the Middle East. through dissension and arrogance. will of the people again. pundit of the American establishment of another $1 billion in military In"' Even though less than 15 and an additional $1.5 billion in per cent of total press, both liberal and U.S. oil consumption comes from the conservative, has sales and grants for each of the next a* Middle East, "the Arabs" in general are eagerly followed up on President Ford's being years. This is over and above blamed for over 50 per cent of domestic attempt to blame inflation on rising Arab billion worth of weapons already inflation. President Ford has threatened to oil prices. Politicians even of the most to Israel by Nixon and the U S' "" take harsh measures against the oil - liberal stripe, like Ramsey Clark in New shortly after the October 1973 war. producing countries if they do not lower York, have joined Ford and Kissinger's the price of crude oil. saber These arms deliveries to Israel to* - rattling campaign to blame the of billions of dollars are scarcely Addressing the World Energy Arab nations for owj Planthouse needed Conference in Detroit Sept. 23, Ford inflation instead of putting the blame where it belongs any Arab rearmament to speak o. j - on arms sales to Egypt stopped ""l I have been surprised to note stated, "Sovereign nations cannot allow U.S. oil and agribusiness only one their policies to be dictated, or their fate corporations and April, except for two shiploae opportunity The burden of resigned, warned anew that Republicans In Maine the begins tonight," producing may fall most Democrats lost a 1936 landslide the Democrats heavily on the heretofore disorganized must broaden their statehouse they had a good chance of appeal, or face outnumbered the Republicans 333 to 98 House Democrats with permanent minority status. holding because aggressive liberals independent James and 75 to 17. jsar Chavez' daughter within the the lead. party's caucus seeking to take Whatever degree of success he achieves, however, few expect the House, despite address campus rally the Democratic two become the "veto proof which Ford had - • thirds majority, to body against campaigned. In fact, the Senate, with a somewhat tempting to consolidate their power, the United Farm Workers (UFW) has once smaller Democratic ■taken to the road to garner student and popular support. percentage, may pose an even ■morrow, Linda Chavez, daughter of Cesar Chavez, will speak in a rally at 3 p.m. at greater threat to the President since about 10 Kont Tower along with Sam Baca, UFW Michigan coordinator. Republican liberals generally support the Democrats. King with Chavez and Baca will be a striking farm worker family from California ■ill talk about union struggles there. People present will be able to ask the But the problems faced by Democrats, famUy Ions about the situation. with their new riches, are more than le main topic will be an effort to get nonunion produce off the MSU campus, matched by those of President Ford. He ntly MSU uses 400 cases of nonunion lettuce a week. heads into the final two years of his ■ the ten years Cesar Chavez has fought for the establishment and survival presidential term with the weakest of the I he has always leaned heavily on the support from college students. Republican party in a decade. I example of the zeal with which campus supporters attach themselves to "la Both organizationally and ■' was demonstrated recently at the ideologically, University of Minnesota. There one student Ford faces difficulties in gearing up for a J for 12 days outside the president's office and succeeded in getting the university 1976 presidential race his aides still see as Id a referendum on whether to boycott lettuce and grapes in support of the UFW. possible. jre at MSU a student boycott has cut down the demand for grapes considerably in On the policy side, Ford will be nee halls. Refusing to buy Gallo wine has dropped sales of that product 40 to 60 confronted with a more ftnt in area stores. aggressively liberal Congress when his own party's lough the UFW is succeeding in some areas of the country they appear to be conservatives say he is abandoning the g ground in others. According to union leaders, the number of members has 1972 Republican mandate and ed drastically and the Teamsters Union is moving to moving in to take over, the left. * lease of rain, the rally will be moved to 326 Natural Science Bldg. The most notable spokesman for this THAT ALL SOUNDS VERY GOOD, And we can offer outstanding career opportunities in BUT I'M AFRAID I'LL HAVE TO ARREST J Engineering, Programming or Marketing. YOU FOR THE MURDER OF VOUR We will be interviewing at ^PARTNER- RALPH BENSONl) Michigan State University on November 12,1974- To find out about IBM and let us find out about you, sign .up for an interview at the Placement Officd or write to: SOLUTION*. Mr. I.C. Pfeiffer, College Relations Manager, IBM MOtid 3SOOH3 QL aood doaiaoM aaiM 3iohmv ww nj Corporation, One IBM Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60611. 's^ov^iHgtN aivi 's3H^ifviaNV5'sy39yn9WVH 'S83NNIQ IVNOIiVNilBLNI S3b3Hi S3>lV3NVd IBM An equal opportunity employer NVH13£)QW HOOW $3a3Hi 1VH1NMONN 3AVH OinQV\3HaoaOHI3HlQiOOiNOiO NOSNHOP Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thund')'.No,erilbetJ Austin overwhelms rival in secretary of state race DETROIT waged was never (UFI) - any question among the political proa that Richard There There strictly were low profile «tate Consumers P*?0"alleged she CoumI ft" no issues, no under DfP«, * H. Austin would win re - personality clashes. Gov. Milliken. election. Only the size of his Beebe did gain \ some Austin, reportedly victory was uncertain. publicity with her travels bl,ck certifie(j th, J It was a landslide - as through the Upper Peninsula. expected. The campaign Jaunt took six accountant in MicJ*8 By 4 a.m„ the 58 • year • days and ended with her s- Gnbbs old Democrat was leading with spending $132 and raising $67 in the J? mayor s race in 1969 905,909 votes to 371,621 for plus free lodgings. As his Republican opponent, N. Austin, on the other hand, secretary 0f sUll. hea years of travel with j11st about every format ir Which the (<•// orchestra can Im expander! SI AN Kt NT ON let a.H) |n.', e-unit that is one of tl most (ohesive and hest balance ensembles m Kenton history It s young. airy and free I he flash, the flair the sensuoi thrust id the Kenton sound ha1 more than survived it has C0IM| the bi(j band decline to become MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: SALARY: Age -21-30 $10,189.44 Starting ontempoiary ballad's which Height - At least 5 - 9 $13,718.16 After four years 'nijulf tin' corn ert(jbe' with a si Weight-150 lbs. to 250lbs. Veterans benefits >f shared loneliness Whic h is e Vision -20/50 to 20/20 Education High School Diploma or Equivalent - Longevity pay what (|ieat |a// and Kenton s s all about Citizenship - U.S. Citizen, 1 yr. Michigan Residency inlay. November 1!) at H lb || .Jmversity Auditor mm Single tn kets S<> HO '> 00 4 0 VISU Students S i 00 / !>0 7 1 Nov. 15 CONTACT: In Kin I icket (Iffii e M!> 4 10 n m weekdays :<'jb 6:00 & 8:30 pm SEXTON HIGH SCHOOL Placement Bureau Rm. 113 Student Services 102 McPherson Building Lansing Interviews will be conducted TICKETS: $5.00 (ADVANCE) A $7.00 (RESER VED) A T GRINNELL 'S - FRANDOR A LANSING November 20, 1974 MALL CHRISTIAN SUPPL Y CENTER Sign up Nov. 11-20 Trooper David Vanderwall Recruiting Officer IMichigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thursday. November 7, 1974 Lessard weary; Jondohl ByG. F. KORRECK State New* Staff Writer 'umers , Lynn Jondahl, it was a night to remember. For Cathy understand »'°CtC pushed toward 2 , m- Wednesday. "I just don't Taylor winning." Couw There was litUe to understand. Her grandparents were there untU the rd it was one perhaps better forgotten, with an indefinite end, quietly watching 1!cd resi«N Pressure □ J tise to try again. 30 Efripnrf"ati°!lS and analysis could come later, but for the 20 to returns and following Pete Stevens - who worked on state rep. Colleen House's R jondahl, a Democrat, had just retained the 59 th District state Bay City, successful campaign in the spring - SLSAtL'BSa" ' *•*<—«»"«»"»» - ■n. 'I and Cathy into the small office lined with sentative seat he won in 1972, and he did so in telephones. rePortedly Hu J a convincing Leasard and Stevens handled many of the calls and Kennedy ertified .,3 °.UtSide room word was harsh|y negative, as Lessard's !e final tally was 21,145 for Jondahl, 10,349 for Republican pporters filed into the on M.A.C. Avenue that had complained late in the evening that he was not able to get returns j» Michin!9 efeated _rd and 1,037 for Human Rights party candidate Carroll Brown rit m P,hot0graphy studio-the unsuccessful Nelson once - as end. quickly as radio and television. He denied defeat to the very by U Kins. Jondahl captured 65 per cent of the vote to Lessard's in the □ ler cent. DMceStudioC°Un campaign and currently, the Fred Astaire "Hell no, we're not conceding," he said near 2 am. ' in 1969. Wednesday. "We don't have enough information yet." •twy of stit. ^ J J was a sharp contrast from the 1972 race between Jondahl pmISey *atfh.ed c«thy Lessard dance alone, fighting back Meanwhile, Lessard's supporters offered condolences. partment of M ■ Republican James Pocock, which Jondahl won lentage by a bare six points and needed 63 per cent of the student vote to coufd have lost how she could now h i^V**by sodurlng the camPaig" «"d wondering wide margin a room that had been decorated by area grade - schoolers sat A back ho »«ue empty, as it had most of the night, as a sad reminder. icenses, into J J ■ through. toJR d°"hJ rea!ly kn°w *hat t0 say until I've seen the precinct Across town, at the Pebble Creek fgistfr boiul "I'm amazed," Fred Kennedy, Lessard s campaign manager dS'-t 1 T I don t see how 7 I could 1 °an,t 1 have lost Uke U 88 a t*Tsonal affront but were whooping it up. housing complex, Democrats so badly with Milliken in and The bar was crowded, the floor was fsels. »nd hjH making enough noise to wake a county. crowded and people were seconding J Shouts came from those s watching one of three televisions • governor. 1 broadcasting national and local returns. Smiles came from some who sat in corners, leafing through a Jondahl for state rep scrapbook. A few people just got drunk. Jondahl and campaign manager Ann Silverman seemed to take the victory in stride. Jondahl said he was not surprised with the low student turnout. He believed those who did vote were more informed than in past years. "They're more cynical, they asked hard questions," he said of his 1974 canvassing experience. Silverman said the election was never in doubt, and that only the margin of victory needed to be decided. Democratic candidates for county commissioner popped in during the evening with party progress reports and the only undry eyes in the place were those of a young woman who was certain Bob Carr was going to lose. At Lessard headquarters, there was some speculation on party support but many of the people there were more concerned for their candidate and what they thought was missing from the campaign. But the speculation is over. For now, each side can only put the pieces together and figure out what worked and what did not. It will be more painful for Democrat Lynn Jondahl, who Lessard, who tried hard not to take the loss was re - elected to she might want to personally and said try again. his seat in the Michigan House, talks to a campaign "You're a good girl; Cathy. You're told her a good girl," supporters supporter at his election eve victory party. as they left. SN photo/Bob Kaye thy Lessard, losing Republican candidate for state representative, awaits election urns at her campaign headquarters on M.A.C. Avenue. Lessard lost to incumbent Wf mocrat Lynn Jondahl. I RENTAT.V/^1 $25.00 per term land delivery $10.95 per month Fine entertainment ^ [NEJAC TV RENTALS 1^, 337-1300 ajl with THURSDAY LUNCH SPECIAL plain ★ BEEF BARBEQUE & TOMATO SOUP brown wrapper *1.59 with pickle wedge HAPPY HOUR REDUCED PRICES ON ALL DRINKS 2 - 5 KIRK ENTERTAINS TONIGHT! LOUNGE CLAMS ALL YOU CAN EAT FRIES, & COLE Coming November SLAW UNTIL 10 P.M. Bottled under the authonty of The Coca-Cola Cola Bottling Company of Michigi Company by; Coca Brenda Peters Quartet Peanut Th^isr1-99 STj HILTON INN-LANSING Barrel E'Grand River 351 - 0608 > open thursday and friday nights until nine SALE Miss J Waterproof Boots now thru November 9 timely savings on high 'n dry molded vinyl boots, fully lined for warmth with convenient side zip Select either the knee-high or the 1876 bV« i the r hoii calf-high to pair perfectly with pants. Black or chestnut, 5-10 Medium, full Weiv miking sure sizes only *15 isn't just a)ne/non/.^ a 'eru taste of Btvdw Biuiweisei^SiUfs always will!' Jacobson's Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Nov('ember 7i* Album shows Rundgren's style evolution By DAVE DiMARTINO simplistic electronic doodlings Labat, already (ex • Egg), Richard Sinclair (ex an unfortunate occurrence a member of the composer Cart Orff (whose v«y recent State Newt Reviewer that grew tiring with repeated Rundgren troupe and "Carmen Burana" was recently Caravan), PhU Miller (ex - which has placed him in a rele^of Progressive rock has come a listening) have been refined synthesizer whis In his own a used here by the Alvin Ailey Matching Mole) and Ptp Pyle wheelchair for life. The three - eve: America A long way since the Blues and reserved, in the form of right, Utopia's dual synthesizer Dance Group), Magma has (ex Gong), all compose. Due minute vocal provide* the most Magoos, but three recently "Todd Rundgren's Utopia." players might give the band produced a surging, original to their different backgrounds, the released albums raise questions each respective composition Rundgren and his crew are coemic potential. music form that few groups about the usefulness of the sounds much like the work of playing high - energy music MAGMA "KOHNTARKOSZ" can Imitate in style or sheer In the term. straight from the Mahavishnu - This album, pure and the composer's original group. Wyatt's own album, by the meantime «h •nd the North" J It is inconceivable that these three records can be placed mold. Surprisingy, much of simply, is a masterpiece. power. The eight • track version of Stewart, a phenomenal w«y, will release. soon see American Called "Rock not slouch ^ pJj t the material is quite good. Magma has released one album this album Is not keyboardist, dominates most under the same label of Rundgren's usual tendency is in recommended. of the proceeding. His Bottom," It is, in this that could America previously, have progressive rock. reviewer's opinion, the finest nm/t, to compose instrumental music HATFIELD AND THE NORTH presence in the music world TODD RUNDGREN'S UTOPIA Todd Rundgren is well that is reminiscent of "Mekanik Destruktiw Kommandoh" which was, shall This album is another since Egg's demise has been album of the year. Perhaps the debut album as imjSj• entertaining as this. melodramatic movie we say, inaccessible to all but excellent product of Virgin sorely missed. a known in the music business performer, composer, as soundtracks. He seems a bit more disciplined now and thus those few with truly bizarre tastes. records, the folks who brought America Mike Oldfleld and A highlight of the disc is the short vocal segment f The Company PresentT producer, arranger and more listenable. A French group, Tangerine Dream. contributed by Robert Wyatt. A fTlusicol Magma engineer. His albums, from his Incidentally, Boston • based writes and performs in their A combination of four The composition, called teenage Nazz escapades right RUNDGREN synthesizer maestro Roger own language, Kobaian. Thus, musical styles, integrated into "Calyx," is written by Phil through "Todd," clearly JACQUES 6REL Powell (who produced the so - there are a few language one extremely enjoyable Miller, Wyatt's fellow Matching document a musical evolution The garbled wastes that 90 "Cosmic Furnace" album a whole, make up the bulk of Mole exmember. Wyatt's vocal difficulties inherent in that is little short of marred much of "Todd" The four is his first since the crippling year ago) has very recently appreciating this European Hatfield's music. remarkable. (wastes in the form of joined Utopia. With Jean Yves music, as no one but the group members, Dave Stewart accident he suffered last year. group Nov 8.9,10 in has any idea what all the lyrics Wonders Kivo, mean. TODAY Open at 6:46 P.M. 8:15pm j 1.50 I Pianist Rose perfo But it is the music that is all important. Sounding like a Feature Show at 7:16 • 9:25 at the doo, series of repetitive funeral dirges, each of the ^ The most imazing outdoor adventure ever fllmtd! mICHIGAN LAST DAY ...OpwMSfll public ff •Ml DISNEY open to compositions on "Kohntarkosz" borders on u Thfofr< LcifiYt"<3 Pianist Jerome Rose will prelude to a concert in London Op. 126" and the "Sonata in A near genius. The music is all almost fatally oppressive. It GEORGE C. SCOTT ■BrtSMMYMtl perform at 8:15 tonight in the Music Building auditorium. on Nov. 14 in connection with the release of the record. Flat Major, Op. 110." Hie concert is open to the shouts, repeats monotonously and b always awesome in its ■MIKE MONKS J starts FRIDAY: The Most Unusual and True Double Rose a graudate of the intensity. - Rose, presently an artist • in residence at Bowling Green University in Ohio, has Julliard School of Music, is a winner of the International public without charge. Influenced by the German [THE DAY OF I Feature Ever Shown in the Lansing Am... Amazing! Unbelieveable! recently recorded the entire "Annees de Pelerinage" by Busoni Competition in Italy. At this concert Rose will THE DOLPHIN tKMmiir Phwiin ®®b tafcammiftctM Franz Liszt for Vox Records. play selections from the Liszt This MSU concert is a work and two pieces by Beethoven: "Sue Bagatelles, PHOCWM iwoawmoa 3X »i7 Open 7:00 P.M. Shows 7:10-9:00 What? Greeks 215 AMOTT AO OOWNTO*. Feature 7:40 -9:30 Sip Bacardi DISCOVERED ALMOST 1974's MOST HILARIOUS FLYING SAUCERS - ARE THEY REAL? FIND OUU before EVERYTHING WILDEST MOVIE IS HERE! EXCEPT PIZZA you mix it? Now they can claim that they A Km anna Sure. It's surprisingly improve that too. dry, not sweet. Light- PRESENTS 1 bodied, not heavy. Delightfully smooth. And so good mixed, BELL'S __ it's got to be good 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 n everyone^ life therea WOODY ALLEN un-mixed, right? OPEN 11 a.m. EVERYDAY J SUMMER OF'42 1 J Try it. TAKES A BACARDI, rum. FREE DELIVERY BLUE NOSTALGIC LOOK AT THE FUTURE tickets now on sale 1 PG& mcdonel kiva United DM I V tickets at Tonight at Brody 7:30 elderly instruments Wilson 9:30 $1.251 A.tJne msunlorx sonny tb rry a. 81.BO in advance 3HOWNIE McGHEE ®200ax tne door STARTS FRIDAY! ! Friday Open 6:50 P.M. Shows 7:20 & 9:20 Tirr TCH-Z IS, QUITE SIMPLY, Sat. & Sun. Shows MWVU OOMfKMM 1:20 - 3:20 - 5:20 - 7:20 - 9:20 THE BEST AMERICAN FILM | I'VE SEEN THIS YEAR! '.'The Fine Arts is one of Aim string quartets. Their many y togetherness have yrought an c«2 SI SSraMiftft Tonight at Brody 9:15 $1.251 SHOSTAKOVICH Quartet N,, 1 Opus 49 (1938) BEETHOVEN Quartet No, 13 in Opus 130, with Grosse Fu(|e Opn Friday, November 8 at 8:1b Remaining tickets (in limited supply) MM NHS III !1H» WH MMUU1 are available now at the Union Ticket Office, 8 15 4 30 weekdays M,h 3301 l\ CHAMBER j V\ MUSIC COLOR • A National Genera" Tonight at Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 7, 1974 9 MSU Wind Ensemble blooms By EDD ZDROJEWSKI The Wind Ensemble Stat* News Reviewer showed improvement even over last P*«t season. It had a year's Bloomquist turned the rest of the evening over to guest big, full sound that filled the hall. Last year and oboes. The problem was in the -e sound of blaring bran and trilling piccolo, is not confined the group sounded almost timid. conductor Guillermo Bonef Muller. Muller, a native of Argentina, only length of the piece. There is so much a composer can do with nine ■ to the football field at halftime. Tuesday night the sound has studied at MSU under a woodwinds, and Fulbright scholarship. He is 1 Fairchild Theater as the MSU Wind Ensemble presented the K.,^tUMtelylhe (Towd Was sparse-001 even «third of presently the conductor and musical director of the Chamber Gounod was a conservative composer anyway. The work became and concert of the season. Indirlfcl *U«te that 1 ^ do »K.»* bands a""'" P>aCe anyway- not have the This would «em t0 Orchestra of the Province of Formosa. tedious after a while. The full band came back on stage for a work attracting power that a Muller has a definite chamber music style of conducting. He by the modem 2yi? U, . this is not the case because tries to bring out every single voice in the ensemble to achieve a Argentine composer, Luis Gianneo, "El Tarco en Flor." This is a KSiSSVMe 01"■» *»"»°< clear sound. This is no brilliant piece with a definite south - of • the border sound. The exhibits easy task with a band where there are • >rary art n™Tth,B1?TqUist'MSU director of bands.led the b«ss and usually several musicians playing on a part. Muller's first piece was Mendelssohn's "Overture for Band." Wind Ensemble proved here that a band can the impressionistic style. play music written in CommoTllln" 0pening piece ** CoP|and. "Fanfare for the He managed to get his clear tone despite some heavy scoring in The evening ended with "Soliloquy and Dance" by the MSU >m Victorian era . W?rk '* • difficult work for b"® and there was the work, which tended to emphasize the woodwinds. In Mendelssohn's time most of the brass instruments had no valves, music department's chairman, James Niblock. It was an interesting work with a tot of brass and it showed an influence n.occ7«l cr«* trumpets and horns reached for their top so the number of notes a brass instrument could play was limited. from Bernstein's music. J By PAT CLYDE laziness of their E'ttoh*' maplificent simP,icity of Copland's music contempo¬ A^ smaller group played Gounod's "Petite Symphonie in B Itate News Staff Writer raries. Flat." It was performed well with some nice work by the flutes me social moods of Most familiar of all are the ■orian England are original magazine illustrations Kned through the art and The Karma Film by Aubrey Beardsley, an artist Society Sure of the era in one of of the decadent 1890s. presents November displays at the Artificets by Canadian and ■Library. Alaskan Eskimos are exhibited Est bound editions of this month on the third floor, Irian novels are displayed approaching the Art Library. | explanations of their Two of the carvings date Ijbutions to an age that back to 1900, but the rest date T with optimism when from 1960 I) Victoria ascended to the kin 1837. as part of a growing response to European North American markets. and THE Xh authors as Charles Soapstone, ivory and Ens and George Eliot used ■ novels to T, as the advocate social ills of the caribou Eskimos Northwest antler carvings by of Alaska and the Territory are shown PRODUCERS atrial age became obvious. along with prints in the form I, Thomas Hardy's works of calendars and cards. I criticized for their frank Eskimos have only worked in ■trayal of sexual print since 1957, but they have lonships, religious -doubt adapted this new art form well Questioning of man's place to traditional subject matters. f universe. A larger Eskimo art exhibit exhibit includes is in the basement of the MSU Iductions of works by Museum. Some of the artifacts I Victorian artists, whose are on sale. 1 paintings of everyday is also had to display a J|, and the midcentury pre Biphalite painters who Bed against the common let matter and technical 'DEATH WISH' IS A ffSER F°r EVERYONE SWANTS SAFE CITIES UpWrHcAJ'CALL THE FED- FIR^ERAT'ON. IT'S A Brn? RATE THRILLER! ^onson gives a bang-up Performance!" i Shtllt, NBC-TV RUBLES BRONMN 'DEATH WISH" 10 Thursd; Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Bucks' power awesome from By PAT FARNAN State News Sports Writer Woody Hays' steamroller is the No. 1 ranked team in the Griffin has left more yards of clip for nine touchdowns. averaged 12 yards a try. On the is Tom Skladany. who seldom all angles quite impressive, too. Punter Gradishar, Vk Koegel and Rick Middleton. turf behind him than a Greene can run, too, as he receiving end he averages over Well, what's left to say? country and with good reason. professional sod cutter. He has demonstrated in last year's 13 yards a snag. has to execute the chore, But there Is more where Those incredible, powerful, They have crunched surpassed the 100 - yard mark Rose Bowl. He was the MVP in Remember Harold averages 47.4 a boot. Kicker they came from. haughty Ohio State Buckeyes everybody. in rushing the last 18 games he "Champ" Henson? He is still Tom Klaban has converted that game and has not lost any Van DeCree, defensive left will be in town this weekend The OSU machine has has played in. around. The leading scorer in "only" 44 of 45 extra points, of the luster from that end, was an All • American last looking to put the shackles on scored touchdowns on 24 of its Griffin has 3,638 yards to the nation two years ago is still but to err is human. Klaban performance. year. Neal Colzie is one of the Denny Stolz's Spartans, who last 26 possessions. Its other his credit right now. Barring an important cog in the Bucks can also be excused for hitting Greene has 638 yards to his top defensive backs In college have different ideas. two possessions failed because unforeseen circumstances, he offense. Henson has crossed on only two or three field goal credit and runs the ball with an football and he led the country But so have the Bucks other of fumbles, believe it or not. should eclipse Ed Marinaro's the goal line seven times for attempts because he seldom average of six yards per carry. in punt returns last year. eight opponents. Stolz has even The Bucks have more horses (Cornell) 4,715 NCAA mark Ohio State this year and gets the chance to kick them. Defensive tackle Pete Cusick asked Spartan fans to dress in than all of the King's men, sometime next year. currently sports a five yards Tailback Brian Baschnagel was a Big Ten selection and green and white for moral Defensively, the Buckeyes beginning with All - American Then there is quarterback seldom carries the football, but per carry average. are a hard team to assess. They second team All • American support. tailback Archie Griffin, a prime Cornelius Greene. The guy who when he does, he makes it No longer do the Buckeyes have not had to do much this last year. Game time is 12:55 p.m. Heisman trophy candidate, and count. In 24 carries this fall, restrict their offense to the supposedly could not pass is season. Nevertheless, they have Saturday at Spartan Stadium. ending with who knows what. now throwing aerials at a .672 the versatile junior has ground. They have scored six In addition, Bruce Ella, who allowed only 75 points to the shared fullback responsibilities times this fall through the air. Baschnagel, Mike Bartoszek opposition. last year, has been relegated to and David Hazel do most of The Bucks lost a few key linebacker and currently leads the pass catching for OSU. plugs in their defense this year the Bucks in tackles with 45 The Buckeye's kicking game with the graduation of Randy solos and 47 assists. archie griffin Any woman student, faculty or staff member is eligible to participate in today's Women's Intramural basketball free throw shooting contest. There is no entry deadline Dodger relief ace cited for the competition, which will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. in the lower gym of the Women's Intramural Building. as Cy Young Two warm up shots will be NEW YORK (UP1) - season in East Lansing. He is a "I don't mean to belittle Mai - - -lost mark and 21 saves. allowed, followed by 25 Manager Walter Alston says psychology professor at MSU this award. In fact I'd like to the way he and is also studying for his established. Zi consecutive free throws. Mike Marshall is "really thank all the sports writers. I for doctorate here. innings pitched bv .1 Those wishing further something else," and the realize it must have been a reliever information should call the Dodger relief ace really is. tremendously difficult - 208 2.59 earned run -andpoil Women's Intramural Building Marshall was cited Marshall accepted the honor selection with the great years best in the average,(ouflP at 355-4710 or 355-4711. Wednesday as the National graciously, but said that "When Andy Messersmith and Don league. He factor in 35 per cent we,L of |fl Beginning today, Men's League Cy Young Award Gene Mauch, Walter Alston Sutton had." Dodgers'102 victories. Intramural touch football winner by the Baseball Writers and my fellow National League "Iron Mike's" season • long managers should check daily Assn. of America. The award is competitors consider me a top work the as Dodgers won the Messersmith, with 121 with the Men's IM office for given annually to the quality performer, that NL title was record slate, received five first pit .|| both breaking. block and tie playoff outstanding pitcher in the certainly means a great deal He appeared in a record 106 votes, 13 seconds and n schedules. league. He is the first relief more. thirds for second games, compiling a 15 -12 won place. There will be some makeup hurler so honored. games scheduled for Sunday The tireless 31 • year - old and playoff games begin Monday. Teams are responsible for their own schedules. righthander, whose relations with the press have never been the' best, nevertheless received Big press contingent expected MSU Sports Information Director Fred Information concerning SN photo/Steve deKlerk 17 first place votes of the 24 expected to be on hand for the televised game between MSU and regiauh.l sports club officers, meeting ballots cast to give him an easy Stabley, assistant Nick Vista and their staff will OhioStati | Two of the contestants who participated in the Spartan Open Karate have their hands full Saturday in the times and places is available in win over teammate Andy Spartan 201 Men's EM Tournament last weekend battle it out in the sports arena of the Men's Messersmith. Stadium press box. The ABC Bldg. television will Intramural Building. The tourney, which drew over 300 competitors, is the crew bring Ijl Marshall lives during the off Nearly 600 newsmedia representatives are people along for their coverage. Game time earlier largest collegiate - sponsored karate tournament in the country. Sponsored by the MSU Karate Club, the event featured competition in for TV coverage white, green, brown and black belt divisions and in women's, junior and peewee divisions. Because of regional television coverage. Saturday's MSU - Ohio State football STATE NEWS SPORTS PHONE 'plovers' once game will begin at instead of 1 p.m. 12:55 p.m., 355-3320 Jewish Student ffiixer GqWqpk Presents NOMINATIONS Attractions: Rock Group Spirited Refreshments upotw DISTINGUISHED FACULTY AWARD S®) Place: Time: Saturday Nov. 9 *30- ? Congregation Shaarey Zedek in the union ballroom theatre ... Tuatfre# 1924 Coolidge Road COLLEGE OF ARTS & LETTERS E. Lansing Rides available from: n. case Han 8 30 & 9:15 on Nominations are being accepted for the $1.00 donation E. McDonel Hall 8:50 nnv. 8, 9 15, 16 21, 22, 23 Distinguished Faculty Award of the College of Arts and Letters. Students, faculty and alumni Tickets on sale now at the Union Box Office - make nominations. Nominees must be members of may ..explosive and important" STUDS TERKEL r UE Book Dept 11 East 51st Slrn York. N.V. 1002? MC has all your skating needs. PREVIEW SHOWING TODAY l^oltorder Thursday Nov. till 9:00 pm in 1East Lansing ★ ★ NEW MODEL STEREO and QUAD DECKS ★ ★ ★ ★ DOKORDER FACTORY ENGINEER ★ ★ The largest selection of skates in town! SPECIAL BUY SPECIAL BUY ★ ★ FRED MAURER - Sales Representative * * SHERBROOKE BAUER LADIES' FIGURE SKATES MEN'S HOCKEY SKATES REG. $38 These units have never been shown to the COUPON NOT VALID1 public before in the Midwest. Stop in and REG $22! NOW *17.95 ON THIS SKATE NOW *29.95 see these new machines and have factory personnel answer your questions HO' EY EQUIPMENT BY WILSON • CCM • BAUER GLOVES#HELMETS • SHINGUARDS • STICKS • PADS ALL KINDS OF SKATES-FROM $13.95 COUPON COUPON 402 S. Washington, Lansing *10 OFF *5 OFF ANY CCM, HYDE, OR BAUER HOCKEY SKATE FROM $54.95 - ANY CCM, HYDE, BAUER HOCKEY OR FIGURE SKATE 5002 W. SAGINAW 245 Ann Street, E. Lansing $89.95 FROM $29.95 to $49.95 (JUST EAST OF LANSING MALL) The EXPIRES 11/9/74 EXPIRES 11/9/74 I 487-1853 OPEN 10-9, SUNDAYS 125 Headquarters For "STRAIGHT STEREO ANSWER® L iugan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 7, 1974 11 T/ps LARRY MORGAN confidence you have in may help relieve L Staff Writer employer and third, it allows a company's firm contract to be background," interview. usually backfire," Shingleton khow the interviewer by name i palms begin to iweat you should know about and established Robert W. Curran, chief Several recruiters said future meetings, he said. I notice you we between the candidate and the telling said. and use his name during the prepare for before the engineer in propulsion design the interviewer you will take Do not bring anyone into K*alk toward the small employer, he said. of the Shingleton said that during interview. Boeing Commercial any job that is open is one of the interview with you, "This is in the an interview a person should Be prepared to answer ■where your future may "There are three way of Airplane Co., said. the fastest ways to any Shingleton said. objectives get on the not try to hide his faults mined within the ntxt of an interview," Jack personalizing credentials," "A person should read bad side of the recruiter. personal questions that may any purposely. However he should Shingleton, MSU Placement Shingleton said. literature from the company come up. Many students are Ask questions Another point interviewers not bring them up voluntarily. flowering man behind Services director said. Be prepared He said the most common they are interested in, and have mentioned was the importance For example, if you have surprised when these questions Do not be reluctant to ask i motions you to ait First, it aOows the employer some definite of being yourself and not do, he said. mistake of student* is not questions used drugs, do not bring it up questions pertaining to the job, I and your first job to gain information about concerning themselves they Also, be knowledgeable the being adequately prepared putting up a front. unless the interviewer as far as training programs, V begins. candidate. Second, it allows the Interview. for want to ask," Shingleton said. Honesty pays specifically asks you about it. about dates, such as school graduation. Have them high chances for advancement or avoid completely the candidate to gain You should have a definite "A person should be honest However, do not hide the fact the location of the job "The persons should have a chronologically arranged in you will U it and destroying any information about the idea of what kind of job you and forthright, because if if it is brought be taking. general understanding of the are you up, Shingleton your mind, he said. looking for before the start to play games said. they will A person should be flexible, Do not talk salary and Maximize strong points but know about any of his or "There is a difference fringe benefits until the SERVICE GIVES LIST between this, and maximizing her future plans like graduate school, military service or company shows an interest in you, he said. your strong points and vacations. Do not be cocky either, or minimizing your weak ones," One of the most important act like you Capsule of MSU events available Shingleton explained. things is to fill out credentials can bring ''Indicate any concisely, properly and neatly. everything to the company. extracurricular activities. This After the interview, make shows leadership qualities," Finally, the student's certain you know whether you appearance should be sharp one recruiter said. are supposed to call the and clean, and he should have a I LARRY MORGAN MSU Beaumont which began with the Towtfr bells and recorded by WKAR, was day on weekends. In general, Shingleton said, company and the dates of resume with him or her. tte News Staff Writer similar to a commercial and information on any event. played a 90 second capsule Over 100 calls are received I the uninformed there is was not meant to be changed Information for the events 1..353 -4343. L this number and you summary of Bruflodt, senior officer at MSU MSU," Fred information as often as the present Not every system. campus event every week, Bruflodt said. The telephone number of is drawn from the information available to MSU Information Notice: Inmediately be greeted Information goes on the recording. Services, Bruflodt said. Groups J "Welcome to Michigan Services, said. Then, about a year and a are "We do not use events that only for the Library Information Desk is given at the end of the are welcome Information Services with to call Last Week for Fall Quarter Books ■University for the week half ago, Information • • faculty and recording in case the listener - " Your naivete will Services students where an I.D. card is additional events. The number changed the approach and needed. We mainly use events would like additional is 355 2260. - My vanish. began giving a summary of , % is the beginning of a Dg compiled . by MSU campus events. that are open to the Bruflodt said. public," Chalet nChaUt n Starting November 13, we will begin lation Services, which _a capsule summary of ■ events each week and A "We - are now using aCbde- Phone that plays out The recording also reminds the listener of facilities like the > setting up books for winter quarter, 1975. Id. messages which we update Museum and Kresge Art I service began six years periodically to give the public information about what is Gallery which are open We'll still try to help you find your fall term 1 introduce visitors to throughout the year. going on, particularly on the ft90 seconds. 1 first used weekends," he explained. The Beaumont Tower bells every The recordings are couple changed of days J't combination of book, but we suggest you don't delay. Thanks a courtesy throughout the week. If there menu, service, staff and the Bat Capitol City Airport were then dropped from the are mellow guitar of Bill enough activities, a Primarily at strangers to recording. The original tape, different recording is used each Hagetup will make your dining experience one to remember. rONITE: \l/ MID Open 7:30 to 5:30 484 - 9431 BOOH 1TOBB 1515 Center St. (Across from Bunday Furniture). rATE NEWS ADVERTISING CAMPUS SPORTS 547 East Grand River Avenue, East Lansing, Michigan 48823 TELEPHONE: (517) 337-1866 ) XPOSED! State News Display Advertising Department is louse TONITE at 7:00 p.m. Get the inside holding an Open story on how advertising lally works and how you can become part of it! '« seeing you at 344 Student Services Building. For more information, all 353 6400. - PONT FORGET! J Start The Season jeb all 11^(10^021^ »(or Off everything!! io V ■" iHobie'sl Iff* SANDWICH PEOPLE* Nov. 4, 1974 Sale - Nov. 9, 1974 applies to only in-stock items STORE HOURS: 20% off items listed THU^9"9 THIS WEEK ONLY featuring all of Mr. Hobie's great sand¬ MON. | TUES. WED. THUR. FRI. SAT. wiches, soups, solads and friendly people. Folk entertainment HATS SLEEPING ALL nitely — never a cover BAGS charge. GLOVES COATS a b .NcfJ SOCKS PACKS & AND 930 Trowbridge Rood Eost Loosing 75."e, Seen at NCR, 1110 offers you tools, equipment, and CARE FACILITY, Okemos, WILL SUBLEASE large, free, luxury unfurnished 1 bedroom, 10 month lease. No the new apartments for rent in PUZZLE □n sEanranHDQE Lansing. 5-11-8 do your auto today's Classified Ads. II insturctions repairs. to 5311 South Michigan. 7-11-15 apartment share with near 1 campus. To roommate at pets. $175-129 Highland. ACROSS ngg aos aaaa 1963. 332-0976. 15-11-13 I'naer, fair 2-door, condition 6 Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10-8. six days. 20-11-20 REGISTERED NURSES. Critical $135/month. No extra deposit required. Call 351-3367 soon. /C CHECK OUR 1. Mild cigar 29. Tidal wave 19788.3-11-11 care units, CCU-ICU including LARGE TWO party furnished ^REPAIR PRICES^ JUN post-operative cardio vascular Experience preferred. 10-11-18 efficiency. Close to campus, air conditioning. Immediate 6. Sour 12. Athena's 30. Samuel's mentor □an^ai^iaas 610 Wagon, 1973. fFOR PEOPLE^ fflHCin EQE3 E3L3 surgery. ■omatic, snow, $2800. Needed in a new 254 bed acute PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE north, occupancy. $165 / month. Call 20% DISCOUNT TO Shield 31. Fetch furnished studio, utilities peid. 487-4451 after 5 p.m. 10-11-12 STUDENTS & 13. iai alai 32. Inquires HI onHULTJu m hospital. No liable 694-12^7. WHODONT care shift progressive rotation. Excellent $125 a month plus deposit. FACULTY ON 14. Puppy 33. Atik snaan aanaBs Phone 627-5454. 7-11-11 OWN ROOM, furnished, 2 bedroom 16. Devoured 35. Light meal hitcihh □□□□□ orientation to both hospital and CASH/CARRY VW J 1986 Coronet. J mileage, Excellent HAVE GAS unit. Comprehensive benefit package. Opportunity for 429 CHESTNUT, SOUTH. Three apartment. Neer campus. $140. 351-2354. 5-11-7 SERVICE PARTS 17. 19. French river Sassy 37. Lemur 39. Tennyson DOWN 6. Wire service Reliable, tuned, 1 ''ed WOO. 355-9879. TO BURN. advancement. Medical Apply Ingham Center, 401 West rooms, bath, carpet, appliances. First floor. Downtown Lansing. 3 or 4 BEDROOM apartment, 4 20. 22. Sketch Paroxysm heroine 42. Mangle 1. Hired hack 2. Golfer Elder 7. 8. Consonant Pass $135 plus utilities. 484-7253. VOLVO IB*. blocks 24. Twitching 44. Suit of mail 3. Edible A% Greenlawn Avenue, Lansing, from campus. 9. Indian emblem 10-11-11 25. Colander 45 Silky ■GALAXIE 500,1966. Good Michigan 48910. Phone $200/month. 1-981-6847 af,#r mushroom 10. Brain passage It gets about 50% better 6 pm.; 6-11-7 26. Plural ending material 4. Correct ■?.' $175' Call afternoons, 371-2121, extension 249. 11.Jargon gas mileage than comparably TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED, 28. Article 46. Outbursts |» priced domestic sedans.* 10-11-12 5. Danish capita! 15. Naval officers mobile homes. $25 - $35 week. 10 minutes Quiet EAST SIDE. Cute, furnished. One * • AUTO PARTS ™ 2 r" 5 6 8 V IO 18. Table 3 to campus. bedroom. Frest paint, shag f t, '®71, Si* cylinder, MARRIED COUPLE needed to and peaceful on a lake. carpeting, modern. 500 E. Kalamazoo at Cedar centerpiece Iwr fnt conditi°n. Make supervise a group of mentally $140. 12 13 20. As written in » 355 1167. 6-11-13 Glenn Herriman Inc. 6135 W. Saginaw retarded adults. Rewarding _ 641-6601 or 484-5315. 0-11-27 371-3990. 5-11-7 Volkswagon complete repair if V/, 15 >6 music worlv Room and board provided 21. Relations fj9"]- Isbest Good condition. 482-6226 Volkswagen-Volvo-Body Shop plus salary. Call Irma Zuckerberg EAST LANSING - One bedroom furnished. Quiet residential area. EAST SIDE. Attractive furnished 2 bedroom, shag carpeting, service. Repair 8t parts for most foreign and American cars. 17 % 1$ 23. Prayer bead I C offer. New disk l,S cmanV 0,h#r Open Mon. * Thurs. Til 9 Sat. til 3. . 10-11-19 Carpeting. locks. $185. Disposal. Security Lease from modern furniture, drepes, heat, water, parking. 371-3990. 5-11-7 Body shop & paint services, Exchange eenviesis & transaxles %% zo 21 ii % 23 19 25. Capuchin monkey .,2 St8V9' 349-2967. .(Including Parts and Service) RN, GN, and LPN. Full time and part time positions in medical, December, 1974 - September 15, MSU AREA: Free wrecker service with 24 25 %2l % 57 26 Moose 27. Little girl surgical and rehabilitative areas 1975. Woodside Apertments, 332-4987, after 6:30. 16-1VTl bedroom, furnished and Okemos. One repairs - local areas. City % % 29. Going astray J>e ITL4'290,081 liter of hospital. Please send brief 1& 29 30. Aleut after 5 pm. miiw- 5-11-12 COMPLETE EXHAUST systems for most foreign cars in stock. resume HOSPITAL to PROVINCIAL AND SUBLET TWO bedroom apartment unfurnished, air conditioned, carpeted, modern. $150 to bus service door. to our front % 31 % 32 31. Magnate 16% off with Rlpp-Off coupon. SURGI-CLINIC, 1226 East for winter break. 356-1661. $165. Heat included. Call % % 32. Berries Is 1»73, 4% 3-11-8 349-9604 after 6:30 pm. We buy and sell VW's 33. Ferry berth CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN Michigan Avenue, Lansing, 33 34 3£ ■1 Excellent CAR PARTS, 2605 East Michigan. 48910. Attention GIRL NEEDED winter term only, 10-11-13 % 34. Matador's opponent r°n- Ca» 393-5644.4-11-8 mile west of 485-2047 485-9229 37 48 w Kalamazoo, campus. one 487-6065. C-8-11-15 Personnel. BL-1-11-7 Capitol Villa apartments, $65. 351-3292. 5-11-13 DELUXE 3 BEDROOM in Okemos, include* 2 full baths, air 8 • 6 Monday ■ Friday, >12. % 36. Winglike 38. Diocese JoV :rTEG°i9?3- ■tion "• MAKE THE (tiling my I Advertise EXPERIENCED STUDENT typist for part time (mornings) 2 MAN DURAND. Take over lease conditioning, children or car pets. port. No $250. Phone 9 - 2 Saturday t5 43 W 46 40. Particle of negation E,on /a m Mwt mi. 484-4707. scientific typing. Call 353-3846. starting December 15. 332-0655. household goods for sale with 332-0111 or evenings «"d 41. Fodder plant 3-11-7 3-11-11 ■ action Want Ad*. Dial 365-8265. at 332-3202. 20-12-6 43. About 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Member 7 J Fj»» Ifcl NrS* f§ , For Sale | For Sale f MIM [fq] ALVAREZ'S GUITARS most - BAND BROKE up. PA, Piano, SEWING MACHINE Clearance FOUR RECTILINEAR III DUAL 1214 CHANGER. Pioneer FIND SOMETHING HAYRIDES DRAWN by horses. models in stock, from $49 and echoplex, amps, Sale I Brand new portables speakers. One United Audio Duo CS77A speakers. Large Advent IF YOU'VE found a pet or Call for appointment up. We also have Alvarez • Yairi moog, light now. show. AM like new. 394-2167, $49.95. $5 per month. Large 1219 turntable base and dust speakers. Sansui A-1000 - X article of value, we went to help Phone 676-6928. 5-11-11 guitars from $256. These are selection of reconditioned used before 7:30 pm. 5-11-7 cover. One 2440 Marantz 4 AM/FM receiver. Philips 2401 you return it. Just come into the handmade and carry a life-time ' machines. Singers, Whites, channel adapter amplifier. Call stereo cassette recorder. Sony State News Classified guarantee. Exclusive free service YARD SALE. 613 North Foster, Necchis, New Homes and many 349-4977, after 4. 5-11-12 TC-70 portable cassette Depertment and tell us you went on all new instruments. Lansing. Saturday, Sunday, others. $19.95 to $39.95. recorder. IBM electric to place en ad in EAST MARSHALL MUSIC, 246 Ann Monday. Men's & women's Terms. EDWARDS WOMAN'S SNOWMOBILE suit, typewriter. Used Remington LANSING STATE BANK'S Street. C-1-11-7 EDITING PROOFREADING. clothes, dishes, etc. 2-11-8 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, size medium, $25. Men's model 170 offset duplicator. Found Column. As a public Dissertations, theses, reseerch 1115 North Washington. snowmobile boots with liner, Much more quality merchandise. service EAST LANSING STATE TYPING TERM 10 - SPEED BICYCLE. Car rack, BOGEN 100 Watt P A. amplifier, 489-6448. C 3-11-7 size 8, $6. 365-1209. 2-11-7 WILCOK SECONDHAND BANK will run the ad at no cost projects, marvsclpts. Anne Pao„, ' I new saddle t>ags, chain. $80. used only four months, plus STORE, 485-4391. Hours to you I Cauley, 337-1591. 6-11-8 Experienced, 355-5884. 3-11-11 Shure four mike mixer. $150 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. HEATHKIT - 200 watt combo 9-5 30 daily except Sunday. EAST LANSING _ C-1 349-1904. ,(,,^1 both. Call 351-4200 between 8 Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. amplifier/speakers, 1 year old, C-11 27 STATE BANK TYPEWRITERS. AlR cleaned, and 5 pm. Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 $450,482-5634. 5-11-12 oiled and adjusted. Portables am 3-11-11 C-11-27 10% DISCOUNT and up. DENNIS $7.50. Manuals $10. Electric wwness *ou, with ZV* to all MSU HONEYWELL PENTAX Spotmatic DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, NEW B&O 3000 turntable. $175. DRIVE * UTILE LOST: 4-way cross medal on chain. $12.60. One day service, free Yellow Page m 35 mm, 55mm f 1.8 lens, leather 316 North Cedar Opposite City Mcintosh pick up and delivery. 25 years llcfl Tl equalizer, $35, Koss IM fields, Thursday, October 31. students Michelle, 355-8255. case, one year old. $140. Dave. Market. C-3-11-7» Pro4AA headphones, $25, still SAVE A lOt! 355-3107. 3-11-7 experience. 393-9774. 351-3322 after 5 pm. 1-11-7 under warranty. 1968 Kawasaki, 0-18-11-27 on purchases of $2 or more, yogurts SUPER REVERB months old. Call amplifier. Six 487-5018 after $300. 484-2767.3-11-8 Tind payingof LOST: SEIKO wetch, southeast PHOTOGRAPHY ALL varieties, 'WSenfeQ and breads excluded YASHICA TL electro-X, 35mm, 12. 5-11-11 BIG RUMMAGE sale, Wednesday, River's rip oft corner football practice field. ■ finest quelity, reasonably priced. —— ^1511 black body, F 1.4. Best offer. sell the same items, same Reward. 366-2892. 3-11-7 ANN BROWN Thursday. Friday. 921 Sunset BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. typing end imJ 353-2057. 5-11-12 offset RANDALL HEALTH FOOD CHESS SETS, Onyx and marble. Lane. 94J pm. 3-11-8 quality for a lower price. LOST: ANN street area, female 482-6712. C-11-27 for printing. Compi^Jj MIRCORD 50H II (list, $260). 1 Unique gifts, several colors, For example: tiger cat. Red and white collars. dijisrtstion, ? Brookfield Plaza NIKKORMAT F2 lens. $160 or 361 2625.3-11-8 FOR THE BEST Service on stereo manuscripts ' * reasonable 882-0046. 11-11-12 Flannel shirts starting IBM year old, $150. Lo-speed " Mar, 1381 E. Grand River trede for stereo receiver. equipment see the STEREO , Motobecaine bike, (list, $160,) at S5.49 3490850. C 11-27 337-7526.3-11-8 FOUND: FEMALE black mixed SHOPPE. 556 East Grand River. 332 6892 $100. Sam, 361-0225. 3-11-8 Cash for Work shoes from C-11-27 puppy around Lansing Civic PURPLE VICKI DEER HUNTING specials $15.99 fat SUNBEAM ALPINE. Good MCINTOSH MA 230, exceeds STAMPS A COINS Winchester 94 with scope, Center. Brown collar. 351-3424. inexpensive typing. v!?j original packing, manual, Buy Sell Trade C-3-11-11 UAB TRAVEL Service specs, SSAVE MONEYS jampu,. 337-7260. &,3| - - now condition. Just completely sling-$120. Remington auto, overhauled. $700. 526 South cabinent, $2 50. 332-3726. full line of supplies model 742 end 760 in 30-06 providing passport applications, 10-11-19 MID - MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN LOST: GOLD Elbon watch. Near photos, student IRENE ORR Chestnut, No. 13, after 6 caliber. id's. pm. Ruger M77 6mm. Landon Hall. Reward. Viveca, 5-11-7 1^80 HASLETT Rd 332-4300 Information call 363-9777 or general typing. Form*). J GIBSON DUAL - Medeist amp, 30 Springfield 30-06 with 4X scope, 355-8640. 3-11-11 2nd floor Union office. 10-11-17 Ann Brown. Call umJ sling. Ithice model 37 slug gun 3 SPEED Men's Sears bike. Good R.M.S. excellent condition. COME ON down to DICKER & $145. Germen made Weatherbuy BARRETT'S C-11-27 *>■ $175,332-5656.3-11-7 LOST: CASSETTE Recorder in condition, $50. Call 337-2748. DEAL. You can sure save alot of with scope and sling in 22-250 111 W. GRAND RIVER EXPERT TYPING at reasonable Agricultural Engineering. EXPERIENCED 3-11-8 bucks $$$ on all of our top and 30-06. Hard to get Ducks WILLI AMSTON PHONE 655-1766 Reward. Cell 694-9440. 2-11-8 prices with IBM machine. IBM*: quality equipment. Our Unlimited Remington 870 and 12 minutes East of MSU Editing and proofreading to Dissertations (pica . laB merchandise has been 1100. Savage model 99 243 On Qrand River insure expert results. 371-3476, FAYANN, 489-0358. QUEEN SIZED Waterbed, frame, completely checked out and Master Charge and Bank LOST: GOLD Seiko watch, red after 6 pm. 6-11-13 C||j| caliber. Winchester model 12 heater, vinyl liner, floor jacks. Amerlcard accepted COMPLETE $90. Phone 882-4947, after 6 guaranteed by our expert service original WSI 870 and 1100 slug dial. Grand River. Reward. Discount THESES^ center. If you already have a barrels. Linde. 351-3930. 5-11-8 Printing. It' pm. 3-11-8 nice stereo, television, etc. but it needs repair, bring that on down Handguns, bullets, Dupont powders, primers, lead shots - $9 for 25 lb. r Ma* ]|frl IB and binding of dissertation publication. Across In 1973 SCHWINN VARSITY 10-speed. New condition. $100. Call 485-6625. 3-11-8 and we will fix it up for you with fast, guaranteed service. and Pacific goosedown shooting jackets. bag. Mec reloaders 10X IRISH SETTER puppies. AKC. champion bloodlines, cell after \h Peanuts Personal FREE care. . . A Lesson in complexion Call 484-4519 East campus, corner Grand River. Bslo* M.A.C. J Right now we have a good Plastic gun cases, skeet and trap JUDY CONGRATULATIONS! Michigen or 485-7197 Lansing Stationery Shop. 9-5 Mo, selection of funky furniture, 5:30.349-9355. 4 11-8 Friday. Call shells - $50 a case. Fast, efficient Welcome to our sisterhood. Love Mall. MEPLE NORMAN COPYCjja RED VELOUR couch with end table, $100. Red velour chair leather coets, head supplies and other far out items. DICKER fit gun smithing. Scopes mounted, MALE LABRADOR - Irish Setter your new ZTA Sisters. 1-11-7 COSMETIC STUDIO. C-3-11-7 _ SERVICES, 337-1866. t|| reblueing, done right now. New with foot rest, $100. Walnut DEAL SECONDHAND STORE, cross, 4 months, beautiful, THESES, RESUMES, i, XL900 Ithica shot gun. MOVE AROUND a lot? The friendly dog, needs good home. WILL THE young lady thet was breakfront, $150. Combination 1701 South Cedar. 487-3886. Complete shooter's servcie. "Service" columns of the Want printing. Reasonable stereo, radio, tape player, Al. 332-0844. 3-11-8 going swimming on a green Fuji COMMERCIAL print. Monday and Friday til 9 pm. CLASSIC ARMS CO. 1600 Lake Ads help you get things done. turntable, $250. 393-0970. Friday evening pleese with all 351-4116. C-11-J7 TELEX 8 Track Stereo. Cartridge Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Lansing Road. IV4-6112. 8 Check there now. 1 10-11-8 THOROUGHBRED GELDING kindness meet me at the pool, changer. Holds 12 8-track tapes. and Saturday 9-6. C-5-1J-8 am-8:30pm. 5-11-7 $145. Ampex 1260 reel-to-reel registered, 5 years old, 16V4 Friday, Bananaman. 3-11-8 PHOTOGRAPHY INSTRUCTION JUDITH CARMAN: E«w_ PHOTO GRAY Lens. Bifocal or deck. $125. 351-5488. 3-11-7 hands. Great disposition. $900. SKIS - Kastle Sprint 175cm, LAST WEEKEND and use of darkroom in dissertation typist l| single vision. OPTICAL 655-1609. 5-11-13 woman's size 6 Humanic boots, exchange for besement theses, dissertations, p DISCOUNT, 2615 East WEBCOR TUNER amplifier - to watch cider being leal Estate darkroom/bedroom. Call 393-4672.20-11-18 • poles, $90. Negotiable. Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. turntable with 2S watt speakers. 489-7948. 3-11-8 made at 487-6534, evenings. 3-11-8 C-6-11-8 $100.694-0788. 5-11-11 PAT AND Nancy, UNCLE JOHN'S CIDERMILL WAVERLY AREA - beautiful 3 « DIAMOND RING set, 1/3 carat, TAKE A close look et the good secretaries to type term RAILROAD TIES, $5.50-$7.00. MAPLE CHAIR, $35. Easy chair, UnhiU Uftinar bedroom ranch, by owner, a real mj was $400 new, $250 now! 25 miles north of Lansinf iwoiie nunc) buy. 627-5038. 3-11-8 things around your home you no etc. :45cents/page, 4 Like new, pick your own. Call on US 27 St. Johns 224 - 3686 $10. Studio couch, $35, chest, 355-9791.3-11-8 longer use. Sell them with « 3-11-8 PETERSON WOOD CHIPS, $30. 351-7336.4-11-8 want ad. Dial 355-8255 today. ROLLOHOME 12x60, King MAKE FIRST 882-2555. Delivery Extra. WEDDING GOWN never been IF YOU NEED some extra money, Arthur's Court. $3300. impressionsoj IB - sell A good ad 0-6-11-8 ELECTROCOMP (EML) and ARP some extra things with CLOWN SCHOOL "It's fun to be worn. Originally $180, now $75. Classified Ads. Dial 355 8255. 355-2251 or 332-6329 after 6 - "EMPLOYMENT" se synthesizers, sequencers. Stereo 694-3814. 5-11-12 pm. x 20-11-8 a clown." 3 different courses. SALE. 700 USED 8 track tapes. 75 SKIERS UTAH package $299, get you the vvorkers yoi J and quad mixers. GILL Phone 339 8530. B 111-7 RENTAL VACANCY? Your Dial 355-8255. $1.50. Christmas and spring. Call your cents - WILCOX ELECTRONICS, 116 South STEEL OFFICE desk with swivel message gets to people with East Lansing Ski Center- Whether you've found something or SECONDHAND STORE, Larch, Lansing. Phone chair, best offer. 487-5684. low-cost Want Ads. Call 485-4391. C-11-27 487-3558. 10-11-8 TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. not, it's fun to reed the "LOST 5-11-12 355-8255 Best offer, 393-6137. 5-11-12 now to place your ad. 351-8800. C-11-8 fit FOUND." Turn there now. IDE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE Business Service Directory *Save Time * Save Money Dependable Firms and Individuals Ready and Eager to serve you Barter Shop Coiiseliig For Sale Optonotrist Stereo Repair Travel GULLIVER STATE THE BARBERS PROBLEM PREGWANCY Horstmver's Unisex 372-1560 24 Hours DR. D.M.DEAN TYPING Hairstyling DRUG A service pharmacy TWO CONVENIENT MARITAL PROBLEMS? Sugar House OPTOMETRIST AIR - RAIL TOURS -CRUISES Papers Theses! NEED TO TALK? HOTEL RESERVATIONS 3d LOCATIONS Bee Supplies Raw Honey PROFESSIONAL AUDIO Dissertations I party pay RX welcome VISION CARE COLLEGETRAVEL OFFICE walkers, crutches - rented/sold Meridian Mall: CATHOLIC Maple Syrup REPAIR in my home., daily film pick 349 2760 CONTACT LENS - up battery & 1 professionally TV tube tester TX records kept SOCIAL Come to 5236 Curtice Rd, Mason, SERVICES Electric Type-B'nM for patient use Laming: > Complete Test facilities Michigan One mile south of Reasonable 482 2420 SERVICES Columbia on Onondaga. Turn left ' ' 3 - month warranty on all work | 113 Washington on CURTICE RD. 10 a.m. 5 210 Abbott Rd. Loaner amplifiers available Pick UpandDelim "Can Help' (in Kositchek's) :all 3724020 p.m. call Monday 882-£011. - Saturday or 332-J563 555 E. GRAND RIVER CALL 6551611 ] or 655-1542 Wsttafc Dry Cleaning Over 10,000 Toys Service To Choose From! LANSING KNIT SHUP We UNION Get your Domestic and Imported Yarns 10% THE ART WORKSHOP SUEDE & Discount *Bernat Yarns BUILDING FAKE FUR on * $25 # Cartooning Free Knitting BARBER Coats Cleaned Purchase. WttLA-iitJfy * Instructions } Audio-Visual Aides -■ *Specialists in ftqrt ^ugs and Needlepoint SHOP Now and Save!!! Waist Length $5.00 Stuffed AnimalsOur ^ * Brochures Pamphlets - Specialty - *Needlepoint Supplies 8 -5:30 Mon. - Fri. 3/4 Length - $7.50 Toy Village *' *Oewel A Stichery Charts and Graphs Full Length- $10.00 3105 W. Saginaw 332-1939 3028 Vine Across From Frandor By Appt. 355- 3359 or Walk in Kalamazoo Norge 1918 E. Kalamazoo 489-8313 IV7 - 0851 "The Big White House On The HOI" Thesis drawings * Graphics Co^a«M{J Shopping Randall's Norge Bridal Registry Center Car Wash Call 349 3417 Lawdry Jacobson's THE TINY TOLE HOUSE CAMPUS Engraving WASHDAY Shoe Store BRIDAL REGISTRY Jacobsons I CAS 'N' WASH ) TROPHIES SAVINGS LOWER LEVEL an outstandini j Visit complete shops selection of 248 W. Grand River Ave. 25c Per Load our East LSnsing, Mich. PLAQUES for the home- and take advantage gowns "A Clear} Car Rides Better WENDROW'S traditional and j BRE-TSTESR^™G ill Occasions of our Bridal Registry avante ffltfc * YOUR CHILDREN'S Large Selection ♦Reasonable Prices p Usually 1 Day Service ECONOWASH SHOE STORE IN FRANDOR 2435 SOUTH RUNDLE FINE JEWELRY STREET FLOOR Infants and Childrer's SHOES 489-2687 Bridal Salon 337-9331 INCRAVMCDowntown Special Texas Washer 50c •Widths B-EEE • •Traditional Invitations. and Customized Precious Stones Second Ltv<> Orthopedic Shoes Beautifully Set and Free Parking open 24 Hrs. ♦ ♦One day service available. Bands for Bride A Groom a day Tap and Ballel IV 4-2322 • 3006 Vine St. P.E. Flyers Serving Over 60 Years 7am to llpm. 1 Mk w, of * Cowboy Boots Sears Auto PARKER JEWELRY Promotion Repair Counseling 111 South Washington •'House Slippers THE COMPLETE 351-4747 For Sale WEDDING SERVICE BUD'S CO-OPTICAL Sports Equipment mm JEWELRY: Orange Blossom Gold Fashion Now Hear This SERVICES AUTO PARTS, From The Top Art Carved Hinge At The (East Lansing's Only Cooperative Optical) GIFTS The Winter Bride is looking for IHC. CENTEK Store With Dr. R. C. Minor, Optometrist Custom Picture Framing YOU The Red Door! • ABORTION • EYES EXAMINED Advertise Now • CONTRACEPTION IMPORTED LATE MODEL * * COUNSELING Pipes • GLASSES Puck And Marge 355-8255 STERILIZATION «wd*v art f MOTORS AND Services *Cigars ART CENTER • PARTS A SPECIALITY GYN Clinic "Cigarettes CONTACT LENS Podul Open Thursday Evenings 337-1314 694-2154 Speakers Available *Tobaccos 3l*E. Qrand River Ave. Halfway between Holt t Mason on M. Cedar 1226 E. Michigan Ave. Lansing 485-3271 Block One M.A.C. 11311. Grand River •rookfield Plaza Pro Shop i<_i^as^anj^ng^MJchl8ari^ , 332 4269 351-5330 I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 7, 1974 17 : xperts I RALPH FRAMMOLINO preparations by give motorists antifreeze before the cost purchasing American Motors State Newi Stiff Writer rises Corp., said. in the decrease in supply of the or the John Gilhouse, instructor of "Battery goes down as the exhaust pipes should be jetting antifreeze as soon as supply dwindles. ingredient. Hackett pointed out that a Other auto mechanics at temperature goes down. The checked for leaks that could be cars to not necessarily need jbie should be a motorist's important checks in Lansing ,"It's simply a situation of reason for this is because it car should be adequately special winter preparations like ■ act of kindness toward his winterizing an automobile Community College, said supply and demand," he said. works by a chemical dangerous to drivers. Since lubricated to prevent salt, used older cars do. involve the the percentage of an reaction Ter car and pocketbook as steering, braking, and water solution antifreeze Gilhouse said antifreeze is and most chemical reactions most people drive with their windows closed, a small leak for clearing the roads, from "We've pretty much got the winter months roll in. engine cooling, starting, power needed made out of ethylene glycol, a take place better in lodging in the hinges. car down to the and varies between a 50 could point where it Lcause of the soaring cost exhaust systems. - 50 mix warmer allow a dangerous and a 60 per cent water simple polyhydric alchohol, conditions." Salt damage is an all season amount of carbon monoxide to car," he said. Jntifreeze, local car experts Antifreeze necessary per cent antifreeze mix. and 40 which is also the ingredient Another vital check to enter the driving compartment. "Without the proper All of the mechanics Lest that conscientious "Getting antifreeze is used in brake fluid and for insure safe lubrication, the salt could do emphasize the need for xlsts begin winter auto probably the most Rising cost driving during Last year 59 people died in a car to important The incentive to manufacturing knit clothing. winter is the exhaust more damage than normal have the annual maintenance thing because if you don't get get He said that the increase in the The experts system. Michigan because of leaking wear," he said. service it, you antifreeze eiply for the winter agreed that the carbon monoxide. done, along with these can crack your engine volume of knit clothes resulted Gilhouse said late model basic checks for winter. months is enhanced by the Lsprttiai block," mechanic at Okemos 2421 W. Grand River William Morey, Mobile,' rapidly product. rising price of the in the decrease in ingredient. supply of the Ave., Gilhouse said antifreeze is "A person can get a pretty I TO Kalamazoo araa. 4 pm said. made out of ethylene glycol, a good idea by pulling off the ■ridays. returning Sunday "Cooling systems over a year simple two left wheels, which ■m/Monday am. 356-4772. old should be flushed and polyhydric alcohol, get which is also the most of the wear, and replaced with a 50 per cent ingredient looking used in brake fluid and at the brake antifreeze, 50 for lining," Gilhouse per cent water said. He also said that a fault in KKEND RIDES wanted to solution," John Hackett, manufacturing knit clothing. He said that the increase in the the braking system is not Kandish. Call 351-3507, after Service Manager at Bob Baker ■•30 pm. 1*11-7 volume of knit clothes resulted always due to brake - lining wear but could be attributed to other features as well. Check cooling system Gary Hall, mechanic at |iT TO BABYSIT, waekdayi in University Standard, 100 E. is. Close, campus. CAM ■71-3719. 5-11-8 Sagniaw Str., said motorists preparing their cars for winter would be best advised to also LP! NEED one General check the cooling system of lid mission ticket, MSU/OSU Announcements for It's What's the ne. 353-8343. 3-11-8 engine. He said that an Happening must be received in the Pre - meds and pre - dents: important part of that system State News Office, 341 Important business meeting and Student is the thermostat, a valve on Services Bldg., by 1 committee reports at 7:30 |KETS TO Elton John concert, two class days before p.m. at least in 103 Bessey Hall. tonight the outlet of the engine which sd 2 for November 13,14, or publication. No announcements will controls the water flow into be accepted ■6.332-8525, Peggy. 5-11-12 by phone. Seize control of the the radiator and airwaves! thereby engine Make your voice heard! Help temperature. Most thermostats llON MASK - will pay top dollar A" interested persons are produce a radio show for the Women in our should be set at 180 degrees ■ 355-3592. Call evenings. (11-12 Te!com1e *•«<*« show ,0 a,,end ' discussion and community. The Women's Media Collective meets Fahrenheit. on Eckankar at 7:30 r' . tonight in C211 Wells Hall. every Monday morning at 9:30 in Gilhouse the UN lounge of the Union. said that a Join Ho STATE football tickets the Renaissance Dance common problem encountered Class of needed for 5 adults. Cell the with the thermostat during Society for Creative J51-9519. 3-11-8 Anachronism will meet from 7 to Did election? 1 winter is sticking, which can be 10 tonight in the Williams Hall Tune in for election analysis easily diagnosed. If a |KETS NEEDED for Ohio State Cafeteria. WKAR on AM "Woman's Voice," (830), at 4:30 p.m. thermostat sticks open, the a. Will pey handsomely. Call tk-u/ Sunday. Produced by the Women's motorist will notice that the The Waste n • . . 1 a *•. 1. , 11fl Control Authority will P 250. 3-11-8 bc havjng in open h(juse a( (hejr Media Collective. heater will not blow hot air to new recycling center from 1 to 6 heat the car. An open INT TO buy tenor trombone - F P-m- Saturday. The center is Next week's discussion topic for thermostat will result in poor medium board. located on the southeast corner of Gay Liberation is "Gay Health 10-2501 5-11-13 Aurelius and Jolly roads. Bring Problems." See you there at 8130 gas mileage and gasoline sludge your old newspapers, cardboard, p.m. Wednesday in 33 Union. The buildup. When the thermostat magazines and clastic. office is open from 12 to S p.m. sticks closed, the car will boil P0NSIBLE COUPLE with car P during the week. Stop in. |o rent professor's home. April over within a few minutes after - College of Engineering Open t. Wardcliff area. For care House from 7 to 10 Forum: "Inflation and Middle it is started. tonight in the g and sharing home with Engineering Building. Faculty from East Oil - Who is to blame?" A Antifreeze leak kigh " school senior until mid f" departments available. reply to President Ford from the Hoses should also be $100 Applv Laboratory demonstrations and Organization of Arab Students and the Young Socialist Alliance checked because precious }ta,e News, Box Vl. 3-11-11 'efreahmenl. will be served. p.m. Sunday in 35 Union. at 2 antifreeze could leak. . . ~~ There will be a meeting of the The starting system, points ■0N J0HN ticket! wanted, Student Workers Union Display your wares at the Union and plugs, should also be *4 * *M 1913 Tahoe Circle, Bible study methods. entertainment. It regularly sells because we never sell more people. spring. "It is hard to get a band to South" dominated by young Okemos, The MSU Women's Fencing 500 tickets f campus, MSU. Leaving 9-12, The MSU Bahai Club is for the 460 tickets than we have seats for,' moderate politicians in the Club is having an organizational available seats, Stables manager Sgt. Richard Murray of the play for less then 750," he •turning 4-6pm. 353-7204 meeting at 7:30 tonight in 219 sponsoring a fireside to introduce he said. "However, if students East Lansing Police Dept. said said. Democratic party. ■•5 weekdays. 3 11-8 people to the Bahai faith. It will be Hank Fountain said. Men's IM Bldg. Interested women sit on the floor or patrons unable to find seats in The legal capacity does not The at 8 p.m. Friday in the Mason Hall arrange the reaction against welcome. No experience necessary. Appearing on tickets sold seats so that there is a bars have registered complaints mean that there are 720 Watergate and the state of the PM 1913 Tahoe Circle, Okemos Jewish Feminist Rap Group Psychologyiu», Club' tmu meeting .. , by the Union Board is the disproportionate number in the with authorities. There is a city available seats because many of economy was translated most |0 Campus. Leaving anytime am, from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. tonight i 208 oids Hall. We "will be restriction "no refunds if rows, the performance could ordinance against the the tables are of the stand - clearly into reaction against Pturmng 5 pm 363.7204 meets showing 'Maze." up a lce' or 349-1913 anytime. Thursdays at Shalom Center, above fraudulent over - selling of variety. Also, the seats in the Republicans in the House ■ schizophrenic artist exemplifies life Campus Bookstore (across from tickets. But over lounge have no view of the elections. through his works. Nonmajors - selling is Democrats were Berkey Hall). welcome. Officials put heat on bars hard to prove, he said. "There is no way to police the number of tickets sold," stage. John Strandholm, 20, losing only four incumbent seats, but Republicans 38. And the Republicans were senior, complained about losing 13 How to form your own car /tool (continued from page 1) the Alle - Ey on the 25 th when Murray said. "As a result, it is spectator conditions at The of the 29 so called- "marginal" very hard to prove fraud in Brewery. districts they had held. Violations issued by the fire the Alle - Ey was noted to be As a court." "I couldn't believe how public service at in violation of city code. 8 no charge, the State News will provide a free classified department, however, are dealt Students have the right to crowded it was for the Weather "ertisement for those with by the city attorney, people who would like to set up or join a car pool. "The police head count was demand their money back if Report concert," he said. "It Driving?_ rather than the Commission. Patriarche Liquor Control said his made after ours, and out only one or two different they came seats said. are not made available, he took an effort decent place to stand." just to find a Bacardi From recommendations to the attorney that the Alle - Ey be city than ours, which was between 175 and 200 over the 413 At Roger McGuinn's performance at The Stables dark rum Leaving_ _ a-m> Returning Time? _ cited for a capacity violation for having about 200 over capacity," Patriarche said. Discussion concerning Friday, Ken Zgraggen, 20, junior, complained about the situation. Raccoons for capacity on Oct. 25 could _ The State violations of capacity "If you Participants. The News will not accept responsibility for arrangements or conduct of result in a court dispute if the capacity violation charge is restrictions Lansing arose preeouncil at an East meeting want a have 8° 8et here wly," he seat you ^ bought a ticket and (continued from page 1) muskrats in basements. what? information requested below must be supplied in order for ad to appear. disputed by the Alle - Ey. Oct. 22. About once or twice a week Mayor Wilbur got here late, I'd sell it." McGinty said the Alle - Ey Brookover said he initiated the Another Stables patron, the team gets a scream to Full Name owner could be fined get Enjoy it with cola up to Christine Christensen, 21, was $500 by a District Court judge discussion, and council bats out of buildings, Bernitt or your favorite members agreed that critical of the restaurant's says. if he pleads guilty to the police mixer, like ginger and fire officials should available seating. A violation. He said he will Dept. of Public Safety ale. And use it like City analyze the situation and make "At $3, I wouldn't even annual of _ decide this week whether summary calls whiskey in recommendations want to sit in some of the seats police and fire reports justify to the according to pest shows Manhattans, Sours, council. they offer, much less stand This coupon may be brought in or mailed to: Car Pool Classifieds, 347 Student prosecution. up," she said. raccoons, rabbits, bees, ^Dlr-H soda, water or on s bedbugs, birds, etc. comprise the rocks. Bu'Wing. No phone calls accepted. Patriarche said three Brookover said the Gary Stevens, East Lansing 20 per cent of the calls, bats 4 ' firemen, three policemen and discussion was unofficial, fire marshal, said that BACARDI,rum. NO CHARGE the city though per cent, roaches 36 per cent, * M The mixable one. attorney all though, and no reports have J participated in a head count at been made to the council yet. he cannot stop ticket over - sale practices, he can close ants 16 per cent and rodents 22 per cent 18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, N0V('cmbej 7 Community volunteers offer warmth, The Poultry Club is conducting its twentieth annual Science to MSU foreign students friendship turkey sale. The favorite Thanksgiving birds sell for 62 cents By SUE McMILLIN committee, said. per pound if over 15 State News Staff Writer Currently, about 300 families The Community Volunteers for pounds and 65 cents the program. wM * International Programs offer MSU'i nearly The program's per pound if 15 pounds lending center .*». 1,200 foreign students and their families warm Lane, loans baby or SN under. coats, baby cribs or friendship while they are in furniture, ho££ photo/John Russell the MSU community. Students are allowed to The program started In 1959 when some to three months after borrow «, faculty members asked people in the are asked to they community to loan warm coats to foreign community. return them when thH5 ne* students from tropical countries. Today the barges $i ^ program has grown to include English language deposit on baby cribs, of which ju classes, a lending center, transportation, coffees and S1 for all the ' for foreign wives and their children essentials of h plus Robertson said. homemaking sessions. Robertson said that the The community volunteers have compiled an Jl ^ coats covers the cost of information booklet which is given to foreign dry ■ cleaniw People wishing to donate uiL. Poultry club sells holiday birds students on their arrival customs, at MSU. It covers such topics as shopping, family life and social health information, United States postal services, legal holidays and tables for conversion of temperatures, weights and lending center can bring them toil, or phone 332 - students can 3915 or 349 drop items off in the V-' Bureau, 27 Student Services Bide TV open from 2:30 to 4 p.m. on . i5» By PEGGY GOSSETT Science, said. cheaper and easier to buy annual sale Thursdaw and the club State News Staff Writer He said it takes 20 to 30 turkeys already processed. Bill Other projects include: expects to sell about 400 "We provide additional services that the • Free If you plan on gobbling up a weeks to raise a batch of - Mar Foods gives top priority English classes for non turkeys. Both stores University has been unable to provide," Betty speakers. Classes • holiday turkey bought from turkeys. MSU students do not to MSU. reported the Robertson, chairman of the Volunteers, said. range from heft*; the MSU Poultry Science Club, have sufficient time to raise "We The Poultry Science Club same prices will be in effect at advanced. Free child care is are supposed to be One of the major projects of the community • provided^! take note. Your fowl is not their own top quality fowl. experts in quality of poultry, so turkeys sell for 62 cents per Thanksgiving. volunteers is their host Homemaking American style fa home grown on MSU Spartan "It would be easy if they the company gives us the best pound if over 15 pounds, and family propam. Foreign wives. The ■ Any profit made by the students are matched to program offers tours of soil, but imported from a didn't have to go to classes," turkeys in the state," Chang 65 cents per pound if 15 a family in the areas and sessions on Poultry Science Club goes to community and participate in some of the food Zeeland, Michigan processing Chang said. said. "I guarantee that. We all pounds or under. the club's activity fund, families' activities during the year. clothing selection. Wednesday thev rf plant. He said the turkeys must be Every public health services. n guarantee that." A year about $200 Robertson said that foreign students Members of the club buy price check around town are made, • raised in large quantities under Chang said turkeys from shows turkeys in Larry's Shop which finances student interested in obtaining a host family indicate it Morning coffees for foreign wives ui hundreds of turkeys from Bil • trips children. The next coffee will supervised conditions, and commercial stores might be Rite sell and the annual on a card at registration. Both the student and be M" Mar Foods, Inc. and sell them frozen since last Thanksgiving. for 69 cents per banquet. 9:J0 to 11 a.m. processed immediately after the family are interviewed by a volunteer to Tuesday in the pound for Butterball and 59 And if they have turkeys United Ministries of primarily to MSU faculty and slaughter. This often results in loss of cents per discover their likes and dislikes. Higher Education if students around pound for Spartan left over from the sale? Harrison Road. Thanksgiving. Another major reason for flavor and freshness in the bird. brand. Host familes are required to attend an "Die turkeys are now on sale. "Usually we have one or • Providing transportation importing turkeys is that Each turkey bought from orientation session and meet the students for stud* "If we raised our own we MSU docs not have facilities to the Poultry Science Club's Eberhard's stores at all two for the club's own turkey they visitors on special occasions. have been matched to. might not get the best package the turkeys after annual sale is guaranteed to be locations dinner," Chang said. For more information these price their The Host Family Committee presently has a on r quality," Timothy Chang, slaughter. frozen for one month or less. Thanksgiving birds at 79 cents Call 355-8425 for more drop by the Community VoIudUb associate professor of Poultry long list of foreign students who are awaiting a International Programs Chang said it is therefore This is their twentieth per pound for Butterball and information. host family, Audrey Nilsson, head of the office, International Center, or phone 353 -17JJ try cross-country HOW TO SUCCEED skiing... it's free! FREE CLINIC... First, sit in on one of Saturday morning clinics, 9 to 11 AM. Just call for FREE RENTAL an poles and boots for appointment. ... a Than borrow a set full weekday use, our of skis. M COLLEGE at your own convenience. ThIS YEAR WE OFFER ONE OF THE FINEST X • C PACKAGES EVER AVAILABLE. SKI PACKAGE ARVIOILIGNOSTONE EDGED SKI) 49.95 ARVID BOOTS 32.95 WITHOUT REALLY TRYING ARVID POLES (CANE) 7.95 ments or final exams. Get all the vital data the ing about "How to Succeed in College Without SKILOM BINDING 7.50 RAUPPS HEEL PLATE .75 catalogs leave out! Really Trying": REG. PRICE 9910 • HOW TO HANDLE YOUR PROFESSOR — PACKAGE PRICE 74.50 Future shock comes to campus. Barbara D. A masterpiece in psychology. YOU SAVE .24.15 grad. Georgetown University • FOR CO-EDS ONLY How to choose — profs I SUPPLY IS LIMITED who grade on curves. never would have believed it. It really works. Steve H. fresh. Penn State • THE TERM PAPER COMPANIES An RAUPP up-dated report on the controversial buying and — Man — it's out of sight. Nick W. soph San Jose State Coll. Campfitters selling of term papers. ® THE INVISIBLE CHEAT-SHEET — An Wish I had this in my freshman year. Patricia 2208 East Michigan L. sr. U. of San Fran. ingenious method that provides many pages of Lansing "invisible" data for use during exams. Safe to Unreal. Mark L. fresh. Appalachian State 0. use in even the most 484-9401 tightly proctored finals. It takes the hassle out of going to college AON. thru FRI. 10 a.m. to S p.n • HOW TO WRITE QUALITY BULLSHIT Shirley G. soph. U. of Miami AND PROFOUND CRAP — Also known as essays, themes, book reports etc. -You have saved me many hours of drudgery. Alan S. jr. Northwestern U. • 007'S GUIDE TO CHEATING IN THE EXAM ROOM — The latest in micro-electronics These students put our methods into action II — complete descriptions with model numbers you do just that — nothing more, nothing less- and sources. the results will be hard to believe. Remember - we guarantee it. • THE HIDDEN POWER OF BIO-TRANS- DUCTION — Learn how and why the educa¬ Frankly, we don't know how long we can con¬ This is the most unusual message you have ever tional establishment has suppressed for years a tinue to offer this material. Therefore, if y01" read. The next few minutes will be the turning shattering scientific discovery that could change order is post-marked on or before Nov. M,lW point of your college career. education beyond recognition. Through Bio- we'll send you FREE "The Lazy Way to Matt Transduction you'll develop an amazing ESP- Money on Campus" jam-packed lull of ideas as "How to Succeed in College Without Really like mastery of any subject without studying, unique as the course. Trying" is a revolutionary new crash course guar¬ while reducing class attendance and note-taking anteed to blow your mind — save you time — to a minimum. Learn how Betty M. makes $300.00 in ten fflfr and improve your grades. utes by simply mailing a campus publication • HOW TO BEAT ESSAY EXAMS. It is the breakthrough you've been waiting for. a company in California. You too can ma Not lofty philosophy or dime-a-dozen study • HOW TO GET FREE PROFESSIONAL hundreds of dollars without working. Once aga hints but inside information that few have known TYPING FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS. — we guarantee it. Becoming a physician is a tremendous until "How now. Succeed in • HOW TO GET FREE BRAND-NEW TEXT¬ BOOKS FOR ALL YOUR COURSES. The information in "The Lazy Money" alone is worth Way to M»ke times the cos satisfaction. you to College" is unlike anything have ever seen before. It is the culmination • THE SECRET OF TAKING MULTIPLE the course. But don't take many our word for it- of years of intensive research and analysis of the Let us give vou the job satisfaction "college experience" by National Student Ser¬ CHOICE TESTS — How to score high even if We'll prove it to you if you'll send in the coupoj you never heard of the subject — much less now. We're not asking you to "believe" us. that should go with it. vices. Now you can make better grades without effort in subjects you dislike. Skip over boring opened the book. This one little secret will make the answers jump off the page. Unbelievable try it. If we're wrong, all you've lost is a co r Whether you're still in medical school with the the Air Force does but of minutes and a 10-cent stamp. But wha not. He finds hisofficecstablished or irrelevant subjects. Have time for fun or to true. If you ever had the rigors of three to five years of graduate medical edu¬ for him. Supplies and equipment feeling there must be we're right? cation still to be faced, or are readily available. concentrate on the courses you like. In short — already a practicing He has many options available to him when treating some way of beating a test — you were absolutely physician, it's our opinion that the Air Force can patients. For example, he can consult with Air Force learn all the ins and outs and beat the system. offer both professional and right! hard to duplicate in civilian life. An overstatement? Nor if personal satisfaction specialists. He also has referral to other Air Force facilities via aeromedical evacuation. Last, but not It's all there — in one complete course. If you think this is too much — get this! Satis¬ P TO: NATIONAL STUDINT SHVICIS | you consider the least, arc the satisfactions that come with having specifics. "How to Succeed in College Without Really faction Guaranteed or your the opportunity for regular follow-ups, and a missed money back. And Take the problem of graduate medical educa¬ tion. It's a period of your life the Air Force can make appointment rate that is practically nil. Trying" includes: the cost? Not $100.00 though you might expect I iPlound* incredible, but what have I 8ot1 Jj* i Whether you are already a physician, or soon to to pay 1 Send me "How to Succeed in Coll«« considerably easier with comfortable salary and liv¬ become • THE FIVE SECRETS OF WRITING A that much. Or $50.00, or even $25.00 — might find , Really Tryin," and my free copy of The ^ one, you it extremely interesting ing conditions. but 10 dollars. Creature comforts aside, the Air Force offers to find out what the Air Force has to offer. We it could be a real eye-opener. If you'll mail in the think TERM PAPER — How to write a 20-page "A" J Way to Make Money on Campus Wt* ^ I posit my check or money order for 31 da professional advantages. Besides receiving training cou¬ paper in less than two hours. What if we're so sure you will flip over "How to | in your own pon, we'd be happy to send you detailed information. | it's in the mail. specialty, you'd be in contact with Succeed" that we'll make you the world's most | physicians in all of the medical specialties. You'll • THE ART OF PLAGIARISM A foolproof I I understand that if I am not lunction in an environment which is intellectually method. — unusual guarantee? oomP1*'*^."'"',^ |. I I may return your material within inai b stimulating and professionally challenging. And here it is: We won't even cash I receive my uneathed check or money Not all physicians pursue post your check residency fellow¬ ships. But if you are interested, the Air Force con¬ j Pkast send me in formal ion untfie Air Font Phytkian Pro- • THE UNDERGROUND GUIDE TO LEGES — Contains up-to-the-minute inside in¬ COt> or money order for 31 days after we've sent you J return mail. On that basis, here', my ten ducts them both in-house and atcivilian institutions. the material. That'll give you plenty of time to | CHICK Q MONIY OSOM !1 J The physician already in ward to other things. If you want practice can look for¬ t NaB* —Sc»(M)_(K)_ formation on specific courses and professors in get it, look it over, try it out. If you don't J HMO tOTM □ MWO« □ «NlWlJ 6 I agree training in the practice of the medicine of the future, you'll find it in the Air Force. For over 200 major colleges and universities. it's worth at least a hundred times what you I**""" example, there's emphasis on Learn who the groovy teachers each invested, send it back. Your uncashed check or group medicine and preventive medicine, and the are on cam¬ money order will be put in the return mail. 122 \ j growing specialty of "family physician." Whatever your interest, there are few specialties which are not j Sutt— I Soc Sec # -Zip Phone pus and why their courses are so popular. Some give out A's for the naking. Others give no assign¬ Here's what students 1 'DaicofBirih across the nation are being practiced in today's Air Force. say¬ The physician starting his life has to practice in civilian take into account the cost of setting up an I Health Care at its best. ^^^flrce^J^J^jghj^icjai^OTimencin^ I AirForce.