* Transition costs may cause drain of consumer saving from tax By JOHN TINGWALL State News Staff Writer Directors of food dealer associations in Michigan predict some long lines one cent is A field entirely possible," Taylor said. repeal changeover include Schmidt's, Kroger at coordinator from the key Frandor, and Eberhard's in Lansing, Not all of the temporarily at cash registers, and more money consumers hoped advocate of the sales tax repeal, the Meijer, Larry's Shop Rite on Grand to by repealing the state sales tax on save important, temporary boosts in food Michigan Citizens' Lobby, said that the River Avenue, and Wrigley's at Frandor food and drugs will prices to offset go into their own the cost of new possibilities of such price increases said their unsuitable equipment will either are not pockets. equipment. Some of it, at least for the first several large, since most large supermarkets are be replaced or mechanically changed if months in 1975, will Edward Deeb, executive director of currently equipped with registers that possible. probably be retained Associated Food Dealers Assn., said the handle taxable and nontaxable items. Since there are no safeguards by grocers forced to purchase cash assuring repeal may increase operating costs for But the shoppers that grocers will pass on the 4 registers to handle taxable and nontaxable food dealers because of the need for manager of the council items. representing almost per cent saving to consumers, Gov. every major grocery additional employes to sort items and the store chain in Michigan refuted the Milliken pledged he will do Many everything supermarkets will need to cost of new equipment to compute prices citizens' lobbies' facts. possible to see that customers receive the purchase new cash registers, which range on different items. in price from $1500 to Refusing to estimate how many chain savings. $4,000 each to "If merchants are able to handle an Milliken, who opposed the tax repeal stores are equipped to handle nontaxable compute prices with and without state orderly transition from current methods because of the $200 million debt it will sales tax, since food, Jack Rose, manager of the Michigan only food will be exempt of tabulating food prices, there will be no Merchants Council, said not all chains have incur in the state budget, is from the tax. For considering large supermarkets with problem," Deeb said. "But any additional special registers. establishing a commission to monitor food computer - run systems, some dealers costs incurred may be prices when the sales tax is repealed, his estimate costs of passed on to the "TTiere will be $100,000. consumer." considerable costs press secretary said. The sales tax repeal, involved, especially with smaller Several directors of food dealer approved Tuesday Donald Taylor, executive director of by Michigan voters merchants," Rose said. "Savings will vary associations maintained with a margin of the Michigan Food Dealers, estimated first that the from store to store, 1,278,823 to 1,018,250, will remove the 4 month check - outs in grocery stores will depending on how competitive nature of the food retail much new equipment is needed." per cent state sales tax on food and 2 per slow down 40 per cent. If time and industry would assure consumers the sales labor Rose said some stores will be able to tax cent tax on drugs beginning January 1. cost increase, savings. More than savings are in store for Taylor said a food price make minor mechanical changes on their "The food the increase is inevitable. cash industry in Michigan is so shopper, however, when he arrives in his registers, incurring only minor competitive, that if there are savings in "I doubt that all four cents on a dollar favorite grocery store. expenses. would be eaten any way, every merchandiser will try to up by increased costs, but Local supermarkets equipped for the get his cost to that point," Rose said. ft; SN photo/John Russell Bth the recent passage of Proposal C the repeal of state sales tax - I food and drugs - this subtotal may be all shoppers have to pay. It many area grocers say they will need new cash registers to handle In taxable items and more time to orient personnel, all of which Lid add up to increased food costs for the consumer. EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Trustees may back U By PAT NARDI supporting the boycott. Krolikowski said Dr. Jack Stack, R - Alma, who opposes a majority support for it," Stevens said. "It State News Staff Writer he would probably vote in accordance would have to study the issue before controversial boycott; Warren Huff, D - Plymouth, who takes five votes. There is good. no use ■ugh a vote two years ago by the with the Democratic proposing commenting. However, Carrigan said that questions ■ Trustees to support the United platform, which was unavailable for comment but who something that lost once if it's going to favors UFW support, but would not voted against a boycott in 1972, and about supporting an illegal secondary ■rorkers (UFW) union ended in a tie, lose again." "I'd definitely support the Chicano commit himself. Krolillowski said he Aubrey Radcliffe, R • East Lansing, who is The original 1972 resolution would boycott are irrelevant because such an Kwly elected Democrats on the board wanted to discuss the fine details of the undecided. movement, though," Radcliffe said. action by MSU would not be a secondary 1 tip the scale in favor of support if have prevented the University from Stack said he would oppose the issue with other trustees before boycott. ■ue arises again. making a Stevens said it was possible that the purchasing nonunion lettuce. Stevens said boycott. decision. board will again take up the issue to it was not intended to (telephone survey by the State News purehs* of any lettuce produced in prohibit the "For one thing, I do not believe in Stack said that, even though he opposes gs that, (pur trustees are in fmqr of Michigan. secondary boycotts," Stack said. a boycott, he would like to see MSU help [University boycotting nonunion A secondary boycott is the refusal to migrant workers and their families through e, one will probably support' the "We'll tell them the salad dressing on this lettuce is the innocent blood Radcliffe, who is undecided, Mid he buy from a particular store which sells a medical and educational Itt, one is undecided, one is programs. of farm workers who have been intimidated by the union's enemies." - ■telv opposed and one will probably a UFW supporter urging farmworker sympathizers to bring bags of residence hall lettuce to the Nov. 15 Board of Trustees Rally pushes e University currently buys 400 meeting. |orin 9,600 heads of lettuce each week residence halls, je two ' and trustee - elects, John Bruff of Incumbent trustees who favor the cause support the farmworkers if it can get Raymond Krolikowski of of the UFW include Don Stevens, D - sufficient votes. Stevens was a cosponsor |>gham, will take office Jan. 1. Bloom field; Patricia Carrigan, D - Ann of the resolution to favor the UFW in By BRUCE RAY WALKER campus each week is nonunion and must from the federal government that showed Tats now hold six seats the Arbor, and Blanche Martin, D 1972. State News Staff Writer be boycotted. the Teamsters spent $2.3 million last year on • East Lansing. Schopick said that they have tried to Iand Republicans two. ff said he would vote in favor of The other three incumbent trustees are "We haven't raised the issue a second time because there was no indication of over Shouting "Viva la causa," 200 MSU students and a group of faculty go through channels to get the nonunion lettuce taken out of the residence halls to defeat the UFW. Despite this heavy outlay of Teamsters money, not Rodriguez said, the are winning the workers marched on the Administration Building but have failed. He said that was a main support. He cited the fact that this year Thursday and demanded that the reason for the rally to show student there have already been two work lixon illness may force University discontinue buying non-UFW lettuce and grapes. The march, which grew out of a rally held at Beaumont Tower, culminated support for the cause. "We went the route of contacting everyone we could think of, but now we've got to go through the students," stoppages by workers refusing to pay Teamsters imposed dues. Rodriguez said that the UFW would with the UFW supporters choosing a Schopick said. continue its fight against the Teamsters committee from among themselves to The Teamster effort to take over lideotaping of testimony and Gallo wine. Student support and a present their demand that nonunion lettuce fields is not as strong as some successful boycott campaign, he feels, produce be removed from the campus think, Rodriguez said. He quoted figures will win the battle. residence halls. As the committee went upstairs to confer with Roger Wilkinson, vice ISHINGTON (AP) - U.S. District Nixon had with H. R. Haldeman, then taped. J John J. Sirica said president of business and finance, the rest Hiursday that White House staff chief, would be played Sirica said that the tapes "were made at of the crowd m President Richard M. stayed outside in the cold Nixon's Monday. the direction of the President I don't •ony in the Watergate ... singing and shouting slogans. coverup trial It was during that conversation, six' think the Congress ever intended" that the They were also told by one of the ■nave to be taken on videotape in days after the Watergate break - in, that wiretap laws should apply to a system like Boycott committee coordinators to take ■rma. Nixon and Haldeman discussed the that installed in the Nixon White House. a big helping of salad at dinner from now ■ca made the comment after Nixon's Miller's affidavit recounted Nixon's possibility of using the Central Intelligence on. They are not supposed to eat it, Herbert J. Miller, reported to Agency (CIA) to contain the FBI recent medical problems, including I'hat it will be at least two or three though, but rather put each bowlfull in a investigation of the burglary. complications which followed surgery last garbage bag and save it. before Nixon can exert It was only 3 days after Nixon made a Oct. 29. These bags, the speaker urged, should any ■Untial mental or physical effort." transcript of that conversation public in Miller quoted Lungren as informing be taken to the board of trustees meeting 1 an affidavit submitted to Sirica, August that he was forced to resign the him that; Nov. 15 to try to convince the board to J ^ that opinion was given to him presidency. • withdraw nonunion lettuce from the ■>y by Dr. John C. After about eight hours' Lungren, who has Sirica rejected arguments from defense campus stores. ■'eating Nixon for plebitis. postoperation, the patient suddenly went "We'll tell them the salad dressing on lawyers that the White House taping into postoperative shock and suffered a ■anwhilp, Sirica overruled defense system amounted to illegal bugging. this lettuce is the innocent blood of farm »°ns to the total vascular collapse. This post operative playing of 26 White Frank Strickler, attorney for workers who have been intimidated by ■Japes as part of the prosecution's complication was of such a magnitude as the union's enemies," one coordinator Haldeman, argued that the prosecutors could have resulted in a terminal event. ■ie said to "sufficient foundation" had had failed to offer any proof that any of * At the present time the patient has said. authenticate the recordings. the parties to the conversations had As the crowd outside clapped and sang, shown gradual improvement, but the |tcu , James F. Neal had said that consented to being recorded. prognosis is still guarded." the committee inside was having little Jca ruJecl the tapes admissible, the Federal law requires that at least one luck. Wilkinson told them he was just an flng of a June 23,1972, conversation Lungren predicted that Nixon would administrator carrying out the orders party be aware that a conversation is being remain of hospitalized for an additional 10 the board. days to two weeks. "Because of the patient's weakened Thus, with no firm answer, the committee left, determined to settle the >wer MSU s condition, it is expected that the earliest time he could participate, without a serious danger to his health, in any activity issue at the board meeting next week. have The rally was originally scheduled to Linda Chavez, daughter requiring substantial mental or physical of Cesar effort would be two to three months," the Chavez, and Sam Baca, Michigan UFW Coordinator, speak. But Miss Chavez was tfaulton the report said. "It will be an indeterminate time before he has recovered sufficiently to sick and Baca was in Dayton, Ohio testifying in a trial for UFW members arrested over the weekend in a picketing travel any significant distance. This incident evaluation is based on the assumption that Miss Chavez's husband, Arturo By PAT CLYDE Stata New* Staff Writer there will be no new complications Rodriguez, spoke in place of his wife and developing." told the crowd how the UFW was created t*MSU„, ■"'y be due students than "p ever before are paying back their student loans. However, John D. Ehrlichman, one of the five and the struggles it has gone through to more to a collection agency than conscience. establish itself. He traced the history of coverup defendants, has subpenaed Nixon to testify as a defense witness. Sirica had the UFW from Chavez's first organizing tiling to Warren McAlvey, manager of loan collections at MSU, the default rate Rational Direct Student indicated earlier that he thought the efforts through the grape boycott and to Loans at MSU.has decreased from 17.7 per cent in the former president should appear if his the present fight with the Teamster's ^ academic year to 14.2 per cent last year. Furthermore, McAlvey cited a health permits. union over the contracts with the lettuce J* of Wisconsin study ihaUou™ that, even in 1972-73, MSU had one of the growers in California. J fault rates of Big Ten schools. Haldeman's attorneys said they would David Schopick, campus boycott renew their efforts to subpena testimony coordinator, started the rally by asking %onl th?t the loans collection office maintains this decreasing rate by a that CIA officials gave congressional the students and faculty to continue their N photo/Robert Koiloff [the pnii D Which emP'°y» a professional collection agency if necessary. committees about the attempt to use the boycott of nonunion lettuce and grapes, The daughter of a striking UFW worker shows her support of the L. J. "®cti°n agency falls, the National Defense Act of 1958 which established agency to further the coverup. as well as Gallo wines in union by holding the UFW flag. The funded loans, support of the rally, where MSU students and requires that a university take legal action if feasible. Court Sirica had rejected earlier requests for UFW. He stressed that 90 per cent of the faculty pledged to boycott nonunion produce, was held at Beaumont such subpenas. 9,600 heads of lettuce consumed (continued on pep 171 on Tower Thursday afternoon. ■ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, Nove 'ember, AFL-CIO ON TOP IN SUP D.C. lobbies gain little from donation By WASHINGTON Rep. Frank E. Denholm of Democratic winners who took away this year, with a number traditionally puts its money STAR■NEWS South Dakota, who was backed over open districts that had of candidates sending the behind the incumbents in a Vote called lightest since 1946 WASHINGTON - Big with nearly $8,000 from dairy been held by retiring checks back. And where the position to help it most on money from special interest funds. milk Education Associ,^ Republicans - a switch of 31 lobby did find recipients, Capitol HUI, regardless of skte A preliminary analysis of election returns showed on groups took a beating in a series of key elections Tuesday The big winner in the pivotal seats, accounting for it didn't always fin William Thomas Orr. include 20 Democrats who proposed regulation, the 48. of Pittston. Pa., and his House Agriculture Committee, money into Michigan contests commission m defeated would have to contain protein and at least three daughter Annette, 13. Wednesday Republican and came out ahead in the hearings, revise the proposal before - near Mayhill in including another Democrat, incumbents other essential vitamins and minerals at levels final or drop it altogether. and 11 other other southern New Mexico. target Michigan races. of at least 10 per cent of recommended adult At stake, The deaths were attributed to fumes possibly carbon Special • election winner Rep. according to FTC c. requirements. Hie exact content of the nearly $1 billion worth of monoxide - from an unvented charcoal cooker found in Richard F. Vanderveen, D - elements would have to be spelled out in the Network television accounts advertiam the closed van. Nixon getting Mich., backed with $19,000 from the UAW kept President ads. year. chunk of that spending. TTie general provisions of fortt, Orr's wife Lillian, 44, and sons William. 12, Joseph, the Ford's old house seat. However, a candy - bar maker could call his proposal are: 11 and Gregory, 7, were taken to an Alamogordo In the Detroit suburbs, produce "good" or "great" without providing •Food advertised as hospital. containing i Doctors said they apparently had not eaten in several after lung Democrat James J. Blanchard, who got $15,000 from the any sort of information on its contribution — or lack of one - to a balanced diet. Robert B. Choate, an independent researcher nutrient would have to contain cent of the adult at lent daily requirement k days and were suffering from exposure. UAW fund in October, nutrient in each serving. LONG BEACH, CALIF. (AP) - Former President Richard M. who has repeatedly criticized food advertise - •Foods advertised as "rich in" Authorities are continuing their investigation. defeated freshman Republican Nixon was beating the pneumonia in his ments, said the commission proposal would would have to contain at least 35 partially collapsed right Rep. Robert J. Huber, and East p« lung, and his general condition continued to improve, his doctor encourage promotion of less nutritious food. daily requirements. said Thursday. Lansing attorney Bob Can, "Hie junky foods are going to say to the •Any reference to "foodei with $25,000 in union American people, 'I'm great, I'm good.' That's „ Nixon, whose pneumonia apparently caused the partial but help, terms would require advertisers to'expla focus: nonserious collapse of the lung, was "responding well to antibiotic therapy and resolving," Dr. John C. daily written report on Nixon. Lungren said in his took over a seat vacated by a retiring Republican. The AMA - the medical going to be the hidden message because it's so often," Choate said. The commission staff recommended that It seen the term is equivalent to calorie list the number of calories per Representations that any food or content be illegal not to disclose the nutritional itself can produce health, Lungren added that Nixon's heart rate was no longer being lobby, worried about what quality vigor, e of food in advertising. The five • member WORLD monitored. similar qualities would be banned. shape the national health commission made the staff view public, but did Nixon's heart has been monitored by a insurance program may take, •Foods cannot be compared to otto cardiograph at all times not include the staff view in the unless the since he went into near fatal shock after phlebitis proposed comparable amounts of - surgery last spent about as much as the week. "His cardiological status to date has been regulations. The commission explained only nutrients involved are specified, remarkably stable AFL • CIO - roughly $1 that it was seriously concerned about the issue. differences in calorie content would hn through all complications," Lungren said. Marxists defy stgte of siege However, the 61 • year - old Nixon remained in subintensive, million in many races — but came out a loser Also missing from the commission's disclosed. Imitation foods that are or serious, condition at Memorial Hospital Medical Center here. that labor won. proposed regulation were references to heavily nutritionally to the food they areJ Outlawed Marxist guerillas flouted Argentina's new There was no indication when Nixon could Milk lobby - After the milk sugared foods or high - cholesterol foods. replace must be labeled as such. go home to his seaside state of siege Thursday, killing an Army officer, burning villa in San Clem en te. scandals of the Nixon TTTTTmrr military vehicles and raiding a busy commuter railroad Lungren said fluid in Nixon's left lung continued to decrease. Administration, the dairymen Both the fluid and pneumonia were had trouble station. believed to be after - effects giving their money of the surgery. The attacks were apparently a refusal by terrorists to "Former President Nixon continues to improve; his signs are accept the broad powers assumed Wednesday by stable," Lungren said. "We're gradually increasing his activity." President Isabel Peron to end what the government This apparently meant that Nixon would take more walks around 11 II Ml II %I III All IIS II MS called an "inhuman and criminal terrorist his hospital room. plan against the entire nation." Hospital spokesman Norman Nager said Wednesday that Nixon hoped to walk well enough soon to greet his wife, Pat, at the Maj. Nestor Horacio Lopez, a military high school instructor, was machine gunned to death and a - guard seriously wounded in a guerilla ambush as military Lopez room's door. A Nixon aide had described the world again and fight back." Nixon as "ready to face roiDAT was getting into his car. sum; 12 Imelda Marcos to visit U.S. I me Ida A Romualdez Marcos, the Philippines' First Lady, left Thursday for the United States and Mexico to seek investors, export markets and new sources of crude oil'. government statement said she would pay a j-e mi TG %11hi hospital, call on former President Richard M. Nixon. Two months ago the 45 - year - old wife Of President Ferdinand E. Marcos negotiated an oil purchase from China, with which the Philippines has no diplomatic relations. Until the Chinese purchase, the Philippines SaVTUEIDAVT had relied on the Mideast for oil. VVl1 11IS I III Ml NITE As Mrs. Marcos left, government sources reported her husband had ordered a series of annual referendums in 2 HI I III > response to increasing public criticism of local government officials and martial law practices. l\M %IAI 1 All SKI Bombs explode in Ecuador Two bombs went off in Quito, Ecuador Thursday as diplomats of the Organization of American States gathered to decide whether SUNIDAVT policy of isolating Cuba. to lift a 10 - year - old SUPER SPECIAL Diplomats and security people said they suspected the attacks were mounted force against the presence in by leftist groups as a show of IKIHP M. Quito of Juanita Castro, sister of Cuba's Prime Minister Fidel with her brother years Castro. She broke ago and is opposed to lifting M AU I II III sanctions against Cuba. HUM Ml VI /AM I II IAIAl Authorities said one bomb smashed the windows of the Brazilian Cultural Institute, 15 blocks from the VIAUH |4\M S«.i< congressional palace, the 6ite of the OAS meeting. They said the other caused some damage to the Bolivian Embassy, across the street from congressional palace, and injured a watchman and his pregnant wife. the HOCKEY l> IIM.il HI 111 pizza III HS....SI.CC 14 INI 11 Willi t IIH MS. .S2.CC Ford Pressure mounted urged to cancel visit Thursday for President Ford MS VS M I I V|| VIM AM to U 'A* Al (l I call off his planned trip to Korea later this month. Opposition parties in Japan withheld endorsement of his visit to Tokyo. 8 p.m. Friday VIII Ml IIM WV H*! Amid antigovernment demonstrations by students in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, a group of American 7:30 p.m. Saturday missionaries and Korean Christian clergymen stated that Ford's visit could be misrepresented as United States connivance in what they called the President Chung Hee Park. dictatorship of 640 (*il A Lottery drawing postponed m J Michigan's regular weekly lottery drawing was postponed Thursday until today. Lottery numbers will appear in Monday's State News. MICHIGAN STATE NETWORK WMSN WEAK WBRS WMCD WKME 4•••••• Wharton picks site for arts center By SUSAN AGER arise if the center were located at the the bottom of the slope on which it will hall would compromise the acoustical State Newt Staff Writer Kalamazoo Street site when athletic evert By January, 1979, the $16 mDlion schedules at Munn Ice Arena or Jenison rest, designers envision a gathering spot excellence of every spot, or create "dead and activity center for students similar to Performing Arts Center will hug the land Fieldhouse coincide with a spots," especially under the balconies. opposite Owen Hall, now occupied performing arts the Beaumont Tower area. by a event, Wharton said. Before making his site decision, few clumps of trees, numerous foot paths The Houston architectural firm Inside, the concert hall will be designed of to Wharton consulted the Student Advisory and the graduate students' provide not only acoustical excellence parking lot. Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, who designed for every seat, but clear sight of Group, the All - University Traffic President Wharton announced the site several other for the performing arts halls across performers' faces and gestures, firm Committee and the Performing Arts long - planned center Thursday, the country, also preferred the Owen Hall Center Committee, as well as the Building, after eight designers, architects and representatives said. site, saying it would give them the most Acoustical engineer Charles Boner said Lands and Planning Committee. acoustical engineers spent a week on flexibility and freedom of design. campus making preliminary plans for that the ideal size for a concert hall is 1,800. A final design for the center is expected The designers said site. they tried to To place any more than 2,500 seats in the by the end of December. maintain the natural "There were a number beauty of the area, of molding the center around the clumps of considerations involved in making the final trees and the natural slope of the land at choice," Wharton said. "But the most the site. critical was its lower cost of site development in comparison with the other Preliminary plans set the classrooms and offices near Shaw two leading possibilities." Lane, connected to a 600 • seat theater and Site development - which will include recital hall, and swinging around to the 2,500 • seat removing the parking lot, installing concert hall. utilities and other preparations for Their construction - will cost $1.5 million at preliminary design would allow the natural flow of student the Owen Hall site, as compared to $3.5 pedestrian traffic from the East million at the proposed Shaw - Farm lanes Complex residence halls across the intramural fields to site. continue as students could pass There, construction over the next three through a years would have severely breezeway linking the parts of the center. at one of the busiest disrupted traffic In the lap of the curved structure, at intersections on campus, as Farm and Shaw lanes were rerouted into circles, he said. Development at the Kalamazoo Street City reinstates 107 voters _ SN photo/Bob Kaye site, which was favored by the University Representatives of the Houston architectural firm of Caudill, Building, Lands and Planning Committee, Lett and Scott brainstormBd all last week in a basement room of would cost close to $3 million. Builders would be forced to demolish the ■ Stephen Nisbel Bldg. over the Quonset preliminary design of the huts, the public safety bldg., a married forming Arts Center. It will be across Shaw Lane from Owen Hall housing nursery and would have to widen I adjacent( to Bogue Street. As planned, few of during Tuesday election now the current surrounding roads to accommodate JBmural fields w^H be disturbed, though the graduate students' heavier traffic. King lot will be removed. Many traffic and campus groups also objected to parking problems which would By JOE KIRBY keeps a list on hand to quickly reinstate the files. charts State News Staff Writer °arr ten There were 107 East Lansing voters, mostly students, reinstated on the registration rolls during Tuesday's . any inactive voter who requests it. On election day Colizzi instructed poll workers to call city hall if anyone claimed to be registered but was not listed in the Colizzi said that though she has the right to remove these voters from her files, she prefers to leave the option open for them to easily be reinstated in order not election. poll books. She said that anyone on the to disenfranchise anyone unfairly. The voters were By MIKE ARNETT the House to discuss the problems a newcomer among the 7,000 inactive list was allowed to vote. The state elections office notified State News Staff Writer might face. He people that city clerk Beverly Colizzi had Grebner said the poll workers were not said he thought that newer members of Colizzi that they did not consider postal Congress would be able to placed on an inactive file in an attempt to I District Congressman - elect Bob Carr outlined Thursday push through a reform of the congressional committee system. told what to do about the inactive file but forwarding information sufficiently minimize "deadwood," or voters who have fplans to prepare for his first two - year term - and made Carr refrained from repeating comments he made only to call if they had any problems. He reliable. But the wording of the law is such ■that he intends his stay in Congress to be more than during the left the city. felt that poll workers may have turned that it could be interpreted a one campaign criticizing the advertisements of his Republican Before the election there had been differently. J»l. opponent, Cliff Taylor. away many people who were on the George Herstek, of the secretary of I who defeated controversy over the inactive file as a inactive list. He also said the time involved Republican opponent Cliff Taylor by a "I'm looking ahead," he said. "Fm not bitter about the state office's elections division, said that way group of area politicians, including in - vote margin, said he had already conferred with the campaign was run. Disappointment would be a better word." getting the city clerk's office during the since the people were reinstated there is Councilman George Griffiths, were election was prohibitive. i Democratic Congressman Don Riegle Jr. about a Can said he did not expect Taylor to ask for a recount nothing his office can do. worried that some voters might miss their Pauline Welburn, a poll worker in | committee assignment and the mechanics of setting up a because, by the traditional rule of thumb, recounts were not chance to vote. Precinct 12, said she usually only had to Herstek added that his office is not sure onal office and choosing a staff. worth the trouble unless the margin of loss was less than one vote Mark Grebner, a local political what its legal authority in the matter I made it clear that he would seek a second term in 1976 per precinct. There are 316 precincts in the 6 th District. activist, wait a couple of minutes to get through to is, said that because Colizzi sent cancelation since they have not received an City Hall on election day. She reflected the opinion je said he would be glad to debate any opponent "next Taylor has not decided whether to ask for a recount. letters to these inactive voters that many view of several poll workers. from their legal department. Though Democrats now hold a massive majority in both thought they were ineligible and did not Mayor Wilbur Brookover said he was ■nnounced that he would be holding a houses of Congress, Carr said that economic Welburn said she only had to make series of hearings leadership must vote for that reason. satisfied with the way Colizzi handled the lout the district to determine citizens' from the White House. about 10 or 15 calls and that inmost cases feelings toward a come "Hie city clerk is proud she returned the calls were about people who had inactive file and that she did not violate of proposed legislation. He also repeated his vow to return "If the economy stays bad the Democrats will be 107 people to the rolls, but she didn't responsible any laws. "She's doing a good part more rict three out of every four weekends a month, only if they act as obstructionists to Ford's programs," he said. changed their address and forgotten which though keep track of those who weren't than the law requires," he said. mment provides funds for only one such trip per month. Carr has been running for office at a frantic precinct they were registered in. pace for more returned," Grebner said. Colizzi said that as far as she Griffiths said Colizzi could not I is pushing for a spot on the powerful House than two years now, and he plans to get a little rest and knows, be criticized since the clerks all over really These registrations had actually been the piations Committee. His second choice would be the relaxation in before taking his seat in Washington, D.C. canceled since there is no such nobody was denied the chance to vote state need to change. )n and Labor Committee or the thing in Tuesday. Judiciary Committee. "I'll take a couple of weeks off before then, maybe to ski a state procedure as an "inactive file." I planned to talk Thursday with one - term incumbents in The inactive file was developed in two He explained that he would like to little and visit my mother in Florida," he said. Colizzi prefers see to label it as inactive and chunks. Approximately 5,000 voters, the state use a computerized system to mostly students, were removed from the keep track of voter registrations. This active list in the summer of 1973 after a would eliminate the clerk's worry that series of communications were sent to someone might try to register and vote in these people. more than one location. Following a similar process in the As the system 4s now set up, there is a summer of 1974, another 2,580 students good chance that someone might be denied igh student support and former students were removed from their chance to vote, he said. Dved Carr from loss By JIM BUSH State News Staff Writer >b Carr would have lost to his Secretary of State Richard Austin got ■blican opponent Clifford 77 per cent of the student vote, state Taylor in toy's election if MSU students had leled the 50-50 Rep. Lynn Jondahl got 76 and successful Senate candidate Earl Nelson Light to shine on Farm Lane voting pattern that state icterized the 6th District at received 72 per cent. All three, along with Finally, after years of frequent accidents and complaints by large, wiocrat Carr's victory margin was Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley, East Lansing pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists, a traffic light will be installed 544 votes. He won in his second District Judge Daniel Tschirhart and Carr, try on Farm Lane between Erickson and Bessey halls. longress due largely to his surprising won all 20 student precinc.ts. The light, to go up in early December at the south end of the ph in rural Jackson County, The surpriselstudent showing by Gov. t if he had gotten a similar surprise Milliken in his narrow victory over bridge, is officially termed a "pedestrian actuated traffic signal." MSU students, and Democrat Sander Levin was not as Pedestrians or bicyclists wishing to cross the street will push a button Taylor had split tudent vote equally with monolithic as with other student favorites to change the green light to red and give them the d have him, Carr right of way. lost by an even smaller but was a 43.7 per cent plurality in than he won by. nonetheless. Griffith's goals greedy but few |° question about it, we would have Local Milliken coordinator Dave Oaks Gary McLaughlin, a Carr aide, said. attributed Milliken's student showing to *ith most Democratic At Wednesday's East Lansing City Council meeting, Mayor Wilbur in fact candidates, the superior campus Milliken got about 65 per cent of the organization, as compared to Levin's Brookover at one point called Councilman George Griffiths "Mr. Int v°te, but he is the only one MSU campaign, which was disjointed and Carr" because Griffiths was wearing a Carr for Congress button on without the help of regular student his lapel. Democratic workers. Griffiths said he didn't mind being mistaken for Carr but had no He discoutned the argument that HRP candidate Zolton Ferency, who got 17 congressional ambitions of his own. "I have only two ambitions in life, to be a per cent of the student vote but only one very good friend of per cent state wide, pulled student votes Nelson Rockefeller and to be in a car '8 pool with Wilbur Mills," he winning congressional and state away from Levin. said. Prates that would have lost without Students were more liberal on the rnefit of lopsided student support. statewide ballot proposals than voters at J had expected 70 per cent of the large, but the biggest difference was on GOP hits GOP raps of Taylor Bntvote. the unsuccessful attempt to authorize 1* much-delayed state funding of public transit. Students At least one local Republican is not JW outcome of the 6th pleased with GOP state Sen. race showed <5arr winning with were 78 per cent in favor, compared to William Ballengers' pre - election criticism of Republican 6th District I , 50.5 per cent of the 42.4 per cent of all voters. candidate Cliff Taylor. Ballenger called Taylor an "extreme fximately 150,000 votes cast. Candidate support held at the overall conservative" and his ads "clearly misleading." Pj'ts from the 20 student precincts * hat 46 student levels in individual precincts, Sixth District GOP chairman Leo Farhat said per cent of the 20,680 except in the case of Carr, where student Thursday: "If It !kreBisteredE®st Lansing turned support varied from about 55 to 80 per people viewed what Ballenger said last week as somehow derogatory to the unsuccessful fciiKt P°"S' However, that figure is candidate, there is no question but that it might ■ m j er s'nce ™»ny students who Mark Grebner, a veteran local political have, and probably did, influence the vote." ■ moved out of town are still on the observer, said he attributed the variance ^8 rolls. Taylor, whom Republicans hoped would please both conservative to whether various students were at MSU and liberal camps, lost the election when Carr first ran in 1972. He noted by 544 votes of the 147,362 cast. nf Jthe student al votes corne from the that the strong-support areas for Carr Ballenger lost to Taylor in the Aug. 6 Republican primary. 01 IW" also reiterate the fact hat ghetto along Grove were in precincts with higher numbers of L* in the Snyder-Phillips upperclassmen than the average. Burt's tongue slips over Cliff com » W^"e ^e conservative Carr said McLaughlin agreed that the me from on-campus locations like support variance could be due to It may have been stage fright or th ifJn and Wonders Hall, recollection of Carr and subsequent poor The respective opening night jitters, but in front influence upon other student voters. heights of Bob Carr, left, and Cliff Taylor, right are of the over 5,000 fans who jammed the Munn Ice Arena last Friday fh . ,per cent °' TOte counted, fJ rJ^lts "e still unofficial, Carr "The same effect could have been directly proportional to the number of votes each candidate received for dedication ceremonies, MSU Athletic Director Burt Smith made a operating in other out-district areas,' he from MSU students in their 6th District U.S. Ins uoiT'n total votes from E#st congressional race. blooper. said. "Bob's been on the ballot four times He introduced MSU's president as "Clifford now and people remembered him. Wharton." (His name ts Clifton, but in casual talk he's always Cliff.) JAMES R Susan Ager Editor-in-Chief Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R. D. Campbell Managing Editor Mary Flood Diane Silver Chris Danielson city Editor Campus Editor Opinion Page Editor Hard questions fac Melissa Payton National Editor Friday, November 8, 1974 Steve Stein Sports Editor Pale Atkins Photo Editor Editorials are the opinion of the State News. Columns, viewpoints and letters are personal opinions June Delano Tom Oren. Joe Kirby Entertainment Editor ..Copy Chief Staff Representative Ford, 94th Congre$ Now that the election is over, President determined to back ,h. Ford and the new 94 th Congress may have Liberation Organization and trv EDITORIALS time to reflect on their common and extraordinary responsibilities. the issue by war, if necessity t. By the accidents of history, this elected Ironically the chairman of foreign Relations Committ-th. Congress and this unetected President will Wear green & white preside over the republic through the 200,th anniversary of the Declaration of Fulbright of Arkansas, severe critic of Israel in the United States, is pSk the J Independence. And even more important, aW influential politician in they will probably determine whether Washing Can color in the stands inspire a fired - up Spartan football State is a formidable opponent. So far this year the Buckeyes have there is to be war or a has argued for years pull back to that,{ft borders and "approximately" u team general settlement in to accomplish the near impossible amassed a total of 360 points, the Middle East, and of internationalize "th. whether not we will Jerusalem," but (B)thatit- upsetting an amazingly successful yielding only 75 to their or unfair to ask her to Ohio State team? see some control over do so ■ opponents. Their team this year is direct American Coach Denny Stolz has asked all the economic, treaty guarm one of the finest of the decade. Israel's independence and financial and military territoij* MSU fans to don the green and But MSU has poked out the chaos of the white for the game tomorrow to Buckeyes before. Just two years contemporary world. ,™e •««» unlike their Congress, and Preside,, give the team that extra boost they ago the SR^rtans treated a home TTie new balance of predecessors, are might turn into victory. crowd to a stunning 19 to 12 power between the going to have to consider hard like these, which have The odds are bad, the statistics parties on Capitol Hill will obviously been victory. influence legislation in the next two years years, and they are worse. But the Tomorrow may be the Spartans' going to magnitude of the on taxes, health insurance plans, consider them together, presumahh difficulty in beating the Buckeyes turn again. government jobs for the 5.5 mOlion Henry Kissinger in Washington^ adds to the excitement and The team is clearly psyched for unemployed, military spending, wage and shuttling around the world, challenge. the game. The fans are showing price controls, unemployment insurance and There are few Excitement seethes as the signs of feverish enthusiasm. The many other critical domestic important qu— either domestic or Spartans, playing at their best and questions. foreign policy game was sold out a month ago and President or the fresh from two big wins against Democratic nr stores in the area are receiving But the present trends toward a fifth Congress can settle alone. Not' Purdue and Wisconsin, face off many requests for green and white Arab • Israeli war, increasing military problem of the Middle East, but against the No. 1 team in the duds. competition, inflation and unemployment international problems of trade, in the industrial world and military arms control, just# nation. That extra support from the fans and massive the home front problems There is malnutrition, starvation and even death in of no denying that Ohio might make the difference. the poor nations are likely to predominate rationing, health and wage ami Dark age threatens vehicles stickers displaying no identifying marks or over even the most important domestic controls depend on common analyi indicating they were transporting, questions between now and the next trust between the White House ad It is with some considerable distress owned or operated by handicappers. Put raccoons that I read the State News article of Oct. 24 concerning the decision of the 1 called the MSU Public Safety Dept. and requested that any and all vehicles American general election in 1976. These are not questions that can be Congress. This common analysis and tra Association of American Publishers (AAP) illegally parked in those spaces be removed not existed in to reduce the reading level of so that physically postponed or trifled with for another two Washington for years, college handicapped individuals is part of the problem, and even The raccoon is a curious case in in the area to textbooks to that of the ninth grade. - students or otherwise would have yean or left to the gifted diplomatic skills gather chestnuts - Verbal SAT scores have been - of Henry Kissinger. Hard fundamental Ford, with all his friends or reverse discrimination. the "roasting over the steadily proper parking access to the Homecoming has not had time to establish open fire" declining for almost a decade. This decisions by the American government are an football game. Having been in, at or near type - for fraternity Yule parties. decision to further cripple the I do not know whether the Digbys' van relationship in his first three montlu, wooded reading required to avoid more bloodshed in the areas - such as the MSU Raccoons could be paid off in the ability of the American student is a was removed as a result of my phone call, Middle East, and the new oil embargo thai But the election has opened op campus portends to be - for form of food allotment tickets and tribute to the mediocrity of the American but I find it rather astonishing that the would go with it. These and many other opportunities. While the |- centuries on end, the chubby, would then be able to eat like educational system. Digbys expect the police, with no form of remains the same but there is a The essence of the problem can be unpopular acts of state can only be taken masked beast is now being ridiculed everyone else. identification, to give their van cast of characters on the Hill ami attributed to what appears to be our by the President and the Congress acting as a pest and categorized by MSU As for the preferential treatment. slowly, President Ford is bringinf problem of raccoons educational goals. Do we want to insure The MSU Public together. advisors into the executive. safety officials with such lesser Safety Dept. loitering in the parking lots, they that virtually everybody receives a college recognizes at least two forms of figures as bees, bedbugs and could be commissioned as public education regardless of the quality of this identification: the secretary of state's For example, preventing another He will still be diverted forawhl etceteras. experience? In light of the recent decision "State Disability Permit" and the MSU Middle East war is probably the most will Secretary of State KissinfB, safety officers and patrol the lots to of the AAP, it would seem that the latter immediate and most serious question. so Such a classification has to be a prevent theft and vandalism. "Permanently Disabled Student" sticker. more trips abroad to Japan and the' comedown for a chap who was is the aim of today's educators. It is unfortunate that the Digbys did not Lacking a general settlement in that part Union, and later in the year to" Raccoons could also serve as Groups rach as the AAP are retarding know or understand the law, and even of the world, the economic, financial, immortalized in Paul Kissinger, but essentially a McCartney - guides for nocturnal boozers, given the growth of the educational experience more so that they should believe an officer political and military questions in the rest personal and ceremonial John Lennon song. the critters' excellent by reducing the exposure of students to of the world are likely to get worse rather Limited in their reach, for the basic night vision may skirt, twist or destroy the law at will. The situation must be changed. more sophisticated methodology. than better, and there is not likely to be a and the fact that I sympathize with the Digbys in their decisions have not been made. many drunks If raccoons are akin to Reducing the reading level of college irritation over the fact that the reserved permanent peace there unless the United humans, currently are lost in the river. Or, textbooks to that of a junior high school States is willing to make clear to the as MSU wildlife specialist Glen spaces are denoted by signs, but the signs President Ford has not used i they could serve as attentive level can serve not only to handicap the do not indicate what Soviet Union and the Arab states, not by experience in the Congress to Dudderar suggests, would it not be permits, if any, are audiences for graduate assistants great majority of students who are able to verbal promises but by treaty guarantees, advantage. More than Nixon, orlL a worthwhile idea to required. But it only makes sense that who want to try out new lectures. comprehend higher level texts, but also to that it will defend the political attempt some some form of identification is necessary. or even Johnson, he has the aff further retard the advancement of those form of communication with them, TTiere must be some way that a public ^ independence and the 1967 territorial the members of Congress, and ad And, once we get them students who find such textbooks difficult boundaries of the State of Israel. other than kicking them in the working, to understand. By analogy, one safety officer can identify violators in bring the two branches together stomach to j£t them out of we can do away with the mi#it as order to protect the rights of all. now and the bicentennial in 1976. our way? difficulties of inadequate housing. well start giving wheelchairs to babies In The United States, especially after conclusion, I find it sad that the Perhaps the reason raccoons tend to because some of them can't walk! State News account of this incident Vietnam, has been unwilling to make this The party arithmetic of the" be mean and scuttle about in the Instead of tearing down the Is it no wonder that verbal SAT scores treaty - commitment and Israel in the past • focused on a discrimination charge, while after the election is not the main*' dark is because they have a quonset huts for a new public have been declining in recent years? How has been unwilling to consider it, but the can get the cooperation of the could anyone expect to find progress in a overlooking the fact that illegally parked Arab states, with new confidence after last collective inferiority complex and safety building, why not provide vehicles were towed so that handicappers' if he concentrates on the larger q low - cost housing for raccoons? system which is so inherently year's war, new sophisticated weapons and makes them clear to the natio* an enormous fear of unwarranted rights would be protected. from the Soviet Since there is retrogressive! Should current trends Union, and vast new the world. persecution. a great deal of space, continue, it is not too difficult to imagine Terry E. Davis financial resources from a four W409 Library - fold Look what man has done with the raccoons could use their increase in the price of their oil, a high school classroom filled with seem (Cj 1974 New York Times the bat and the dolphin. We do not knowledge of construction to make withered bodies sitting in wheelchairs think it unreasonable that he could the quonset huts more liveable. In reading first grade primers. Let's face it, the lowest common denominator is not a ART BUCHWALD Q also learn to make amends with the addition, they could become reasonable point at which to aim the raccoon. landlords, renting the space they do context of a lecture or a textbook. The not use to homeless bats, roaches of education is If such a course of action were purpose to stimulate and other less fortunate creatures. followed, the persuaded to provide raccoon a more could be useful The end result would save the thinking, not stagnate it. John L. Seed E. 605 Owen Hall Jet lag trips contribution to the University. University thousands of dollars Because he is larger than the each year and would, more Towing explained other animals in his "pest" I am writing in response to the article importantly, re - establish the "Police tow family's van" which Anyone who classification, he could serve as a appeared moves as fast as Henry Madame Gandhi to lower her raccoon as an important Oct. 31 in the State News. As transport Kissinger is bound to get things mixed up. price of oil "What did they say?" liaison between them and could to $10 a barrel." environmental resource. supervisor for the MSU Office of Programs What with all the flying around and "They said okay.". ,i "India doesn't export any "You really must be tired, HeW. help keep them in line. In time, the raCcoon might even for Handicapped Students, I would like to talking to so many heads of state, it's no oil, Henry." "It doesn't? No wonder she was so Instead of forcing him to haunt shed further light on the subject. wonder that when he "Oh I am, Mr. President, but» be ready to run for the board of reports back to the eager to do it" On the morning of Oct. 26, I was on was worth it. We're giving theSMi garbage cans, a food program could President in Washington the conversation trustees. After all, turkeys are 2 billion bushels of wheat." be established. Each campus and observed that all of the spaces could go something like this. Christmas, allowed ro run. Why not reserved for physically "Well, Henry, how did it go?" raccoons could organize handicapped "GIVING him 2 billion squirrels raccoons? people near the library were occupied by "Very well, Mr. President I "Fine, Mr. President. We're giving wheat?" got Brezhnev • an atomic energy plant." "Yup, as part of our aid prof® "You weren't supposed to "Henry, do you know that VIEWPOINT: EDUCATIONA Soviets an atomic give the energy plant. You were his oil exports the Shah of Iran dollars than we do?' supposed to persuade them to cut back on more ( nuclear weapons." "I thought that was Italy. "But I got Bangladesh "Italy's broke, Henry. Y® English Language Center upheld to cut back on nuclear weapons. promised the wheat to Italy' , ' The/ promised not to "Darn. Italy and Iran s«ind» make any this year." alike I always get them mixed up. "We don't care if By the ASSN. of ENGLISH GRADUATE STUDENTS students different at the classes. ELC enroll for five It is not merely a fail, they inevitably drag out the image of development of the English language, in weapons or not. What happened to Bangladesh makes you "Whatabout the "Don't worry about the W French,^; the literary aesthete - rather like an addition to the traditional foreign over there, Henry?" President. You can inform • question of correcting a student's unskilled magician pulling a rabbit out of a . As the language requirement. Jackson that the French have organization representing pronunciation, but of developing his hat. Anybody remotely connected with Some of the above requirements "I was moving all over the place, Mr. graduate students in English, we feel reading, writing and aural comprehension the study of literature knows how more relevant to the are President. It's hard «to keep all those new emigration policy for « obligated to respond to Pat Nardi's article skills as well. In many cases, the teaching ridiculous this assumption is. Aesthetic than others. But taken teaching of TESOL countries straight. Who was "You were supposed to get on the together they do supposed to to agree to that!" English Language Center (ELC) of these skills is greatly improved because criticism has not been the dominant mode indicate a sensitivity toward get the atomic energy plant?" which was published in the State the teacher had related language News experiences in literary studies for some time now. In Oct. 25. It is difficult to tell which makes the adjustment to TEWOL "Sadat of Egypt." "I was? No wonder the whom we are teaching American students. Similarly, no fact, some of the most interesting recent most inclined to mention is made that the ELC methods a relatively easy one. "Oh, so that's it. Inked Sadat if argue with me. I'm telling Ys that claim the opponent's What Jackson says in reality: Take a both thighs by flying, scalding potato on the potato - scalding victim. It is is a thespian in college and that the while off and reassess paste, and had been admitted to thii miraculous. my position and life. Int himself is a homo sapien. They What Jackson says in my fantasy: Tie particular hospital the night before. As "What would you like to know, sir?" ■ and countercharge right up to one on. police reporter, it is my job to says the voice of admitting. T day. Then suddenly, when the Reporter: You made remarks facts. get the With a sense of muted triumph, disgust b returns start to roll in, they the campaign that during your opponent wasn't "This is and dignity, I write down what admitting Jear. as smart as a Hummingbird Hospital. Can I congressman needs to be Do help you?" says a voice on the telephone. says. "Good condition, OK. Having ■least 1 assume they disappear on you still believe that? "Hello," I reply. "My name is Steve dreams about giant potato men, right. Yes, D night, because the concession Reality: I'm confident that Mr. Smith Orr, and I'm calling from the Michigan thank you." ks heard in the wee hours of the will perform the duties of his office with Stat6 News. I am wondering if you could I hang up the phone. I realize I have consistently conform to the level competence and dispatch. give me some information on a woman "Receiving," says a voice on the it'spublic record, they have to tell you. won, somehow, I think. Or have I? Who is Kgh school student council "vote - Fantasy: 111 only say that my that was admitted to your hospital last telephone. Here I go again. "Wait a minute, this is public record. the victor, me or the hospital? Is speech. Some are not even that opponent is the living proof of knowing night. She ., "Hello," I say in a voice that is quickly You have to tell me," I say confidently. that a woman from Fee Hall is reincarnation. No one could be that dumb "Can you having hold, sir?" says the voice. growing hoarse. "My name is Steve Orr "No don't. We don't have to tell dreams about giant potato men worth lumably the writers can smell defeat in one lifetime. Without waiting for an answer, the voice and I work at the State News and I think I we repeating the boring story over and \ound the corner and they head for Reporter: What do you attribute your put me on hold. am calling you about a woman that was you anything. But I'll give you to the head nurse." over? "Hello, same my name is Steve Orr and iponent's victory party in hopes defeat to? A minute later, another voice speaks on burned by a baked potato and The head I'm from the State News" I say in nurse is no help. She is my icceptance speech has to be written, .. Reality: My inability to convey clearly the line. Receiving interrupts with mind. "Hello, my name is..." leaves the losing candidate with a to the voters the issues of "Yes?" it says. me an perfectly willing to help me, but she has the election. I decide neither of us, the hospital or |of drunken supporters to draft his Fantasy: The low IQs of the voters. "Ah, yes," I say again. "I'm calling me, erstwhile and bumbling State News i. Since they cannot do it, and Reporter: What do you think the major from the Michigan State News. One of our reporter Steve On-, have won. The I can he most of the time, he must problem will be that your opponent has to students was brought to your hospital last telephone has won. I picture a little man lome other way of obtaining his face in Washington now? night, and inside the receiver ■ admittance of defeat. .. chortling with delight. Reality: Trying to re - establish the Before I could get any farther, the I look around, searching for a fitting fate for the insidious I pick up the phone, determined to fix I not positive, but I'm pretty sure public's trust in government. voice cuts it for good, once and for all. I look me off. "I'll give you to instrument. I decide on a typewriter, as fitting a symbol of ■fhen a candidate files for office, Fantasy: Trying to walk down the admitting, sir. We don't have that journalistic revenge as there could be. I pick up an old gray Hermes, around, searching for a fitting fate for the ■with his official package of Alka - street and chew gum at the same time. information." insidious instrument. I decide on a T can of concrete hairspray, palm de Reporter: Do you have any suggestions I wonder to lift it high and smash it down on the telephone. typewriter, as fitting a symbol of myself how she knew what Jtr andis also i he bottle of Pearl Drops tooth for your opponent? information I am looking for when I journalistic revenge as there could be. I given a typed concession Reality: I think he should try to hadn't had a chance to tell her, but I let it pick up an old gray Hermes, lift it high ■ as standard equipment. That is the bring the people together once go as intuition. "OK," I muttered into the and smash it down on the telephone. again. Ixplanation for the drab similarity of Fantasy: Yeah, he can kiss my ass. phone, knowing that whether I say "OK" I brush the pieces of busted, mangled, ■tion night give - ins. Reporter: Anything else? or not, she will attempted referral to the psychiatric no information on the potato victim. She helpless plastic of what used to be the go ahead and do whatever clinic. I manage to convince receiving of | I watched the returns early Reality: Hie public has spoken. I'm she wants to me. . does, however, offer to transfer me to telephone off the table. It is then I notice Isday morning, my mind began to sure they made the right decision. A sense of frustration begins to build as my relative sanity, and ask them to tell me admitting. that the telephone is not quite dead. In 1 dreamed that somewhere out how the girl is. e. Fantasy: The public has spoken. The admitting answers the phone, lets me "But I've already talked to admitting," fact, it is alive and talking. It is saying a candidate that said exactly what bastards. "I'm sorry, sir, we do not have that I protest. begin my story and immediately refers me something about having reached a ■ought after being trounced by 80 Yes, I have to someone else. information, and even if we did, I could "Yes sir, they should be able to help a dream. not tell you. It's against our policy." nonworking number. It, is saying it over you," the nurse says. "Adrritting," says a and over again. At this point I fall back on that greatest voice on the telephone, sounding Ha, I chuckle to myself. See how IT'S JUST A MATTER Jf HAVIN6 of you journalistic crutches, public record. If suspiciously familiar. like it. SKATES THAT F;T PROPERW... MAYBE nJHEN MY SkiATI Ne PRO SETS HERE. YOU COULP TRY A FEit) LESSONS. NESBURY I M£AN, I UNDERSTAND busin6 HAS 8r0u6ht A RUFUS, I DON'T KNOW LOT OF u6lv PASSIONS TO WHAT'S HAPPENING. IF THE SURFACE. I UNDER¬ I DIP, I WOULDN'T STAND WHITE RESENTMENT. AND I EVEN THINK I'M BE- 6innin6 TD UNDERSTAND Black resentment.. ising. Ann East Lansing. Ann Arbor. Dearborn East Lansing, Ann Arbor. "Dearborn Detroit, East Detroit, Royal Oak Detroit. East Detroit. Royal Oak Detroit. East Detroit, Royal Oak Detroit, East Detroit. Royal Oak Rochester. Southgate, Livonia Rochester, Southgate, Livonia Rochester. Southgate, Livonia Rochester. Southgate. Livonia As a British company we'd like to explain our 810ox automatic turntable in plain English. How the 810 QX How the 810 QX protects records and provides convenient operation -AS FRIDAY cartridge stylus assembly. Tone in any desired mode. arm descent is After touching a single feather¬ I viscous-damped in weight button, the 810QX can 7 GRAND OLE Y How the 810 QX reproduces I 5 automatic operation either play a stack of recorded music accurately. ^ and also when using records, shutting off ' the manual cue and after the last The BSR 810QX has a sophisticated pause control, for gentle contact one, ~5|. play a single record ^ T.C.I.F. \ synchronous motor 7-lb platter (a accurate speed (regardless of spinning a heavy with record surface Platter rubber mat protects records during play and cushions discs during automatic and shut off, a play a single record and repeat it indefinitely until you stop it "** *" Manual operation UNbeliEVAblE old pAskioiNEd pmcES voltage supply a record load) and all-but-nonexistent ■ drop Automatic spindled uses umbrella-type suspensions®#^ v uses a to start single button the motor wow and flutter Anti-skating face without outboard balance arm and the cue control to lower the piTchtRSpECiAl 2 TO6 Stub spindle rotates with record to stylus Emm may be adjusted for MM optimum pressure with prevent distortion of center hole either conical or Stylus setdown adjustment prevents How the 810 QX operates l^d; ER Ifoidoqs 2 TO 5 ffj elliptical styli sits so stylus perfectly centered stylus damage if dropped outside of entry groove range Tracking pressure auietly, emitting no sound in groove fa precise stereo adiustable down to that can intrude on the music. bANds pUyiNG ' AT NO 3 to COVER 6. downstairs separation without audible 0,25 grams for newest lightweight The 810QX cam uses a unique sequential drive mechanism !t is a rigid distortion or cartridges for uneven groove minimum record wear A strobe wear Stylus brush whisks dust off disc is integrated into the platter stylus between precision assembly that replaces the design and a variable speed control is plays Lock plumber s nightmare of rotating eccentric plates and interlocking gears automatically secures I DiwtCo^dyg1 4$ that other changers use Unlike other | % tone arm to prevent damage to stylus changers, there are no light metal 1 !■ provided should you want to vary from, and later return to the normal speeds The tone arm will track as from accidental movement wear meter Stylus records accumulated stampings that can go out of aligment and make a lot of noise, from being carried, bumped, or just from use NOVEMDER 7 — 10 *■? low finest as 0 25 grams to make use of light-weight high-compliance stylus use in hours Knowing when to replace a Fa literature write to BSR (USA) Ltd, [71 cartridges for maximum fidelity and worn stylus Blauvelt, NY 10913. dynamic range protects your records Mcdonald 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan frtky.No^J Council turns down rezoning request By JOE KIRBY have a friend in this city or on Griffiths pointed out that Polomsky suggested putting what we've got in State News Staff Writer recuperating from surgery. action plan, said she wished it numbers, but the council." ance the "East Evans made her presence felt rezoning was Lansing, the friendly had been sent to the whew they are placed," Evans The East Lansing City Other people, like Carol approved council would have city" over a picturtj of a when council reviewed a letter commission first. aid. St"dy Period 10-Qft, ■ - Council turned down a Gallagher, 158 Orchard St., no real say in what kind of smiling face on the signs. The from the Human Relations Councilwoman Mary Sharp The matter was Worship ll-ftv*B — dropped rezoning request which would have cleared the way for a said it was not a matter of establishment was opened. other council members commission. said she could not understand when council admitted It had Oration-, friendship but rather a matter Apparently council was thanked Polomsky for his The letter expressed the why the commission was still made a mistake In not Jolly Tiger restaurant on Grand of what the people of the city swayed by the citizens or the commission's displeasure at not sending suggestion, but took the city upset, and pointed out that the the plan to the commWon in ^•"Portatio. River Avenue. needed. evidence that had been manager's recommendation. receiving the city's affirmative the first place. Four petitions were turned "There other city had hired additional Provided L are priority presented by the Planning Council referred a proposed action policy statement before minorities, bringing them well in at Wednesday's residents meeting by opposed to the considerations, like housing," Gallagher said. Commission, since they voted unanimously against the ordinance incorporating a number of changes in the it was adopted. Evans, who is extremely above levels stated in the affirmative action plan. CENTRAL UNITED CALL 3325,93 I rezoning of the lots located Councilman George rezoning request. interested In the affirmative " between Kedzie and Orchard Griffiths housing ordinance to the I'm not concerned with METHODIST read a letter that Council also agreed, at the streets. A number of citizens council had received a couple housing commission. The Acrou from the recommendation of City commission previously sent a capitol spoke from the floor. of years ago describing the Manager John Patriarche, to number of recommended Sermon Topic: Only one person, Margaret type of restaurant which would purchase signs for the city changes to council. Nerad, owner of two of the in the basement of ^NCO^y open limits which would say "East "ftafalnlnf A Loit F#H lots, spoke in favor of the Wednesday marked the ly Or. Howard A. Lym •n Stangers. Lansing, home of Michigan return of Councilwoman rezonina. The restaurant is the Alle - State University." Thelma Evans, who had been " I've sat here and listened Ey. It was described as a family Worship Sarvica* to this repetitious trivia night after night," Nerad said. "I restaurant where all the people of the city could go for a quiet, 9:46 a.m. 11:00 a.m. sstassi •t Michjp,, don't understand why 1 don't relaxing meal. 332-S07J Nursery AvailableJ 485-9477 *30a.m.ind ii^l "WutPrlcLo WalUcd Rc Name placement EDGEWOOD UNITED College Discussion 0^ I CHURCH - 11:00 int. B #60 N. Hagadorn Rd. Church School on ballot rapp meet us under the parachutes New Liturgy Sarvtci1 9:30 a.m. Oib throughAduli i f Morning Sarvica 11:00 Warm a.m. By DAVE GUZNICZAK State News Staff Writer He also criticized Veenstra's suggestion names on a of putting the separate page. He Up for Winter Sarmon by Or. Truman A. Morrlaa Two Ingham said that voters were more Grand River County with Fleece Lined Church School 11:00 a.m. apt - at Collingwood Entrmtt Commission candidates to overlook the names there Hast Lansing I charged that voters had than in their present position. Edgawood Church Bua or owes overlooked their portion of the "I don't think his criticism campui 10:30- 10:50 a. m.; Sunday Services• idjul America's number one contemporary soul/ gospel group. Clarks Tuesday ballot due to its 5:30 • 5:55 p.m. Lesion■ Sermon was valid," Whitmyer said. Sulfa F improper placement. "The ballot had already been Danntebelle Hall John Veenstra, two time Untvarshy Group ■ 6:00 p.m. approved by the state election Oinnar and Democratic winner in the 6 th Program office." Bill Maxell District, and Charles Massoglia, who was defeated by 9 th Veenstra said there was a significant connection between TREKS Information call: 3400374 District incumbent Republican where the names were placed UNIVERSITY Wednesday Emuf Derwood Boyd by 76 votes, and Massoglia's loss. | said that the candidates' names REFORMED Meeting 8:00 p.n "I think where the names had been placed in an CHURCH were placed may very well have inconspicuous position on the cost Charlie Ah■mni Memorial Chapel Reading Room I Massoglia the heated in Chwd ballot. They charged that a votes," he said. /■ (1 Mock oast of Auditorium) large number of voters missed OPEN f Veenstra a claimed that the commission vote because Massoglia would most likely Ftny Morgan 9:30-Study Groups for Weekdays 9-}p.n I of this. have received more votes if Gals sizes 15 thru 10 Adults and Sunday Sch 00) Moh, Diet, 7*urc,JK,B Before the election Veenstra Dart Brown Suede $31. 10.30 - Coffee Hour evenings 7-9p,* | students had not overlooked complained to county clerk his name. He explained that Nov. 15 9:30 & 11:00 a.m All are welcom I Guys sizes 7 thru 13 Dark Brown Suede 6:00 & 8:30 pm Worship Services •o attend church smM and visit and uk Ik | or Smooth Leather $32. For ride* call 355 -0155 SEXTON HIGH SCHOOL reading room after 9:00 ajn. Sunday 102 McPherson 6:00 - Evening Worship \hepards /H the scrimnutfe hue. enzyme treatment may be across the nation to serve the useful in other clinical areas. Lord. I ; "The Father "If successful, it could be a "I'm just a normal child ofAmerican :tivists sponsor major breakthrough treatment of not just Fabry but other diseases," he said. for with the gift of God," Michael Lord Jr., the current attraction 1891. at a Detroit church, admits. Hurlers disease, a genetic disorder which causes distorted Michael is the son of a preacher who tours Walter Camp teaches America features in young children; find D.C. roily Gaucher's disease, a disease enlarging the spleen and the country with his father, mother and brother under the collective label of the "Singing how to play a new game. liver, and Phenylketonuria, a Lords." By LARRY MORGAN jails," he said. And Old Crow is 56 years old. State News Staff Writer The students are alienated from the schools $5.08 v.qt. L Progressive Labor party (PLP) and the by overcrowding, low quality teachers and low Those were the days ■rs Action Movement (WAM) say racism is quality textbooks. People want better j~| $3.20 pint ling everyone must contend with. It not Affects blacks, but everyone, whether they education and better schools for their children with more qualified teachers, Reilly said. Whenf^i'0kn7the taste of real Bourbon $ 11 • 15 % gal. Bite. Indian, Latin - American or Chicano. "That's what it's all about, a better AS) whiskey. You can know Ivervone must be organized to fight it. of life," he said. quality Traveler Fifth it today in Old Crow. Old Crow two groups held a forum Wednesday But the Aged i interpretation of the board of was the real n the Wilson Hall auditorium to muster education and the court judges, Reilly said, was tiling in 1835. It still is. t for their fight against racism and for that people demanded busing in order to The original sour mash, Kentucky Inarch in Washington, D.C. ft is cosponsored by the two groups. Saturday. The achieve a better quality of education. Straight Bourbon...mellowed and 6 "They didn't decide to spend money to smoothed a full six years in the wood. [OLDcrow] audience of approximately 30 ^ listened as Walter Reilly, member of the upgrade the inner city schools or to hire better teachers," Reilly said. Old Crow. Trust your taste. years, i Detroit, used the busing issue in "Busing isn't going to solve the problems of and the confrontations there to the black and white students, the Accept no substitutes. problems of fclify the existence of racism and the need the parents and end racism," he added. When you know Kt it. Everyone must organize and fight for Tusing is o an issue they (the government) keep the people divided," Reilly education and better jobs, he said. "This is the basis for overcoming racism in OLD CROW our society. Blacks and whites must work you know Bourbon. I said the deplorable conditions of the together because the hatred between the two s education systems can not be will be exploited as long as it exists," he e by busing. They can only be believes. e by the people uniting and instilling in the United States, fc Detroit, Chicago ahd other big cities, the lis are more like prisons than the city The PLP and WAM are hoping all the people will come together Saturday in the march on Washington, which is one more step in their goal of unifying all the people toward socialism. Here's 10 reasons why we sell HEEL COUNTERS to support in the proper position - allow your heel to rest with full only Roots LEATHER LINING - helps keep shoe in good condition throughout the life of the shoe. longer. Keeps your foot cool in the Prevents heel from collapsing. summer, warm in the winter. FINEST FULL GRAINED- Canadian leather, naturally tanned for extra durability and comfort. ceimwood pioneer pioneer noteworthy compon ancj other noteworthy compon and other noteworthy compon- " ON SALE this week at ON SALE this week HANDMADE ents are at ents are ON SALE this week at CRAFTSMANSHIP — for the best possible quality. WI>9. Ann Arbor, Dtirborn g„t Liming, Ann Arbor. Dearborn EmI Lansing, Ann Arbor, Dearborn East Detroit, floyal Oak Detroit, East Detroit, Royal Oak Detroit. East Detroit, Royal Oak FIRM TOE BOX- Rochester Southgate, L Rochester, Southgate, Livoma under the uppers to keep the toe of the shoe from rubbing your toes. Texas Instruments slide rule calculator SR-50 RECESSED HEEL - to allow proper posture and distribution of SR 50 weight in both standing and EXCLUSIVE ARCH CONTOUR and negative heel walking. Providing make Roots easy a natural walking to break in — stride. SUPPORTED ARCH - hard to break Roots are contoured to support down. the arch and the small recess ROCKER SOLE - *14995 between the balls of your feet. CEMENT BOND - helps shift your weight; making every step a little less will not separate—will not tiring, We're not break down under silicone waterproofing treatment. NOW IN STOCK a copy ... We're the BS improvement HOURS DAILY 10 til 6 PM Thurs. -10 til 9 PM Fri. • 10 til 6 PM and 'tudent fore 9 PM til MIDNIGHT OPEN SUNDAY 12-5 PM UN!VERSITY MALL 332-2212 220 M.A.C. AVE. M' t Grand River 351-4210 Master Charge (Above the Alle-Ey) BankAmericard 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Priday, Novembw J .'Star Trek'creator airs galaxy of ideas When Star Trek creator philosophical about the show credence to his comment. He told the cable TV people Roddenberry claimed this some serious nods from Gene Roddenberry beamed that made him famous and He claimed that most of the that cable TV was fast was so because the series had Paramount Studios about down to MSU early this week, mused about 9ome promising he unveiled a miniature good people in television are becoming obsolete, thanks to to appeal to a mass advertising producing a Stark Trek film. galaxy future developments. of new ideas. getting out and that his national satellite hookups, and audience and skeptical network "Some fans think there's futuristic view of the medium that pay TV is the voice and executives. When asked if h* had any Pacing himself through a Star Trek, Shakespeare and is one that is free from the then the Bible," picture of the 21 st century. regrets about what he could public address, a cable Roddenberry domination of soap ads, not He pointed out that the do with the Stark Trek television question ■ answer suggested, and the religious "You can thumb through a Nielsen ratings, lawyers and executives strongly objected to series, Roddenberry said: 'I spot and a personal interview, atmosphere surrounding his book and choose what you conglomerates like Gulf and the Enterprise's integrated couldn't talk about a lot of Roddenberry waxed Sunday appearance lent Western. want to watch — football, Ibsen crew and that Lt. Uhura, only things about which I have or the Beverly the second black woman in a strong feelings, like the Hillbillies," Roddenberry said. "It's not that I've got anything television series, according to military - industrial complex. Roddenberry, caused many Pianist to debut with orchestra against the Beverty Hillbillies, it's just that I want a choice. 1 stations in the South to substitute the Grand Ole Opry "Most of the people who write for television don't like like Swan Lake. Why should I it, but you do it because it for Star Trek. be discriminated against." reaches a mass audience. The MSU Symphony Carnegie Hall and at the Shostakovich's "Symphony He said the show worked Orchestra will perform at 8:15 Blossom, Marlboro and Pablo No. 9, Op. 70." Roddenberry also likes "You work on projects for a women. out because he was able to p.m. Sunday in Fairchild Casals music festivals. This same program will be lot of reasons. I once accepted Theater. explore some serious areas of Sunday she will perform performed at 8 p.m. tonight at He took time to mention science Action and still keep a movie 'fretty Maids All in a Pianist Edith Kraft, a new Chopin's "Piano Concerto No, the Interiochen Fine Arts that MSU had some of the Row' because they promised the audience entertained. MSU Music Dept. faculty 1 in E Minor, Op. 11" with the there'd be lots of nubile, half - Academy in Interiochen, Mich. best girls he had seen in awhile member, will make her debut orchestra. The orchestra will be under and later fielded a question naked girls running around. Roddenbeiry has finished a here as a soloist with the The orchestra will also the direction of Dennis Burk. that aiggested that the But after a couple of women book, which he says may get months, orchestra. Kraft was formerly a perform five "Hungarian Sunday's concert is open to in Star TVek came off as love published after he looks at it even that gets routine." faculty member with the Sketches" by Bartok and the GENE RODDENBERRY public free of charge. objects. some more. He has also gotten Julliard School of Music. A child prodigy, she made her BUTTEPFIELD DRIVE-IN THEATRES public debut at eight, playing a Mozart concerto with an NOW THRU NOV. 24 . . . orchestra. Kraft has performed in WITH A FULL MOON CONSORT (formerly Jake Jones) in a live performance of original music composed for the Sky Theatre and visuals created by COSMIC RADIANCE Shows: Fri & Sat: 8 & 10 p.m. Tickets: Discount Records Sunday: 8 p.m. Union ^KENWOOD Planetarium $2.50 24 hour program info: 355-4672 East Lansing. Ann Arbor, Dtarborn Detroit, East Detroit, Royal Oak inAbrams Rochester. Southgate, Livonia Planetarium on the MSU campus J^HARHRRJ-lftRHRRHR RJHRRHAJ^HRJRHARKA.RHARJ-lARJHii kHARJ4ftJRHARHRRJ-lA.(^ PRESENTS Their goal...assassination. November 22,1963 ...accomplished! TJCTCH-Z J IS THE MOST MOVING, I "faINTELLIGENT, THE MOST HU- 4MANE-OH, TO HELL WITH ITI -IT'S THE BEST AMERICAN FILM I'VE SEEN THIS YEAH!" "IT'S ONE HELL OF A FILM! A COLD SAVAGE AND CHILLING COMEDY! Firmly establishes Nichols' place in the front rank of American directors. Alan Arkin's finest screen perform¬ ance to date. 'CATCH-22' would be an important event in any movie year."-**, wmm.* pureor "'CATCH-22' says many things that need to be said again and again! Alan Arkin's perform ance as Yossarian is great!'' BURTLANCASTER -Jouph Morpnttrn NfWSVMf" ROBERT RYAN .nd c\Voo:00 - 7:50 9:40 | PROGRAM INFORMATION 332 6944 — „ « _ * STARTS Friday Open 6:50 Shows 7:20 & 9:20 SAT. & SUN. Open 1 P.M. TODAY! Shows 1:20 3:20 - 5:20 7:20 9:20 407 E. GRAND RIVER-DOWNTOWN *Something hit us... the crew is dead... help us, please, please help us!" An all NEW fito inspired by the novel, "AIRPORT" j by Arthur Hailey- j MINN KIN BLACK iiKfNNfDY GlOilNl MDDY [fil HI 1ANC11 SIO CAfSAR LINDA BLAIR ■ DANA ANIWS RGYIHIIS NANCY OLSON ffl NHSON MIA 101 AIIGUSIA SUMMERiAND Written by DON WGAltS fcected b» JACK SMIGH1 Musk by JOHN CACAIAS Produced b* WILLIAM IRK E«cutwProitfl IfWWGS IAMG AUNMRSAl RCME TtCHNCaOR"PftWVISION* fi Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. November 8, 1974 11 ysistrata' burlesques By DARRYL GRANT State News Reviewer !!«!!? ?tWeeSn^e wxw The Anni1 production has taken the on the first level but ignores the second. This is much evidenced ,e MSU Dept. of Theatar's premiere Arena production of -ophanes' "Lysistrata" has mixed virtues. SoLVhe^sCr bUr,MqUe ^ ****"* in the first act where verbal and the bawdiest lines are guffaws are accented by drum rolls given preference over the more subtle. indistinct at times but too swift and jerky. If Nelli would slow down and relax more in the role it would benefit her portrayal. VysistraU" is Aristophanes' immortal satire on the traditional ..Th®decor bur,esque atmosphere is hilarious and the set, costumes A particular problem as far as dialogue is concerned is the Patricia Kozloff plays Kleonike. Her portrayal is convincing •nd are garbling of lines by Donna Nelli, who plays Lysistrata. Nelli and very funny. She is obviously comfortable in the role, and this visually arresting and colorful. However, the rollicking gusto of the show has its drawbacks. literally chews her way through some of the most distinctive works to a great advantage. Her Kleonike is a bit of a lush and a |rel' director fails Aristophanes' satire operates on two levels. On the first it is bawdy commentary on the relations between the obvious innuendos and sexes, full of conspicuous dialogue. The next level is a a lines, thus forcing the audience to strain for her words. A good deal of the show is blocked with slapstick, which certainly is appropriate considering the garish costumes and bright vaudevillian lighting. But a good many of the performers bit of a snob, but thoroughly enjoyable. Other memorable performances are given by Brenda Nickerson John Schmedes as Kinesias. Nickerson is with a definite flair for comedy and a great as Myrrhine and delightful as Myrrhine, sly critique on what Aristophanes Jersey accent >curbexaggeration hiddten' TheM! rem,rkS truly believes about men and tongUe 'in ' cheek' borderin8 on the do not adapt direction. easily to the timed swiftness that is necessary in slapstick. This problem could have been remedied by tighter Schmedes' Kinesias is thoroughly irreverent, bawdy and hilarious. Schmedes facial expressions are as talented as his delivery. "Lysistrata" continues through Saturday in the Arena theater. »Y DARRYL GRANT sings. Beem's sincerity is never Hie Arena production directed Nelli's performance by John Baldwin concentrates as Lysistrata is adequate, though she fares It is wise, however, to check with the ■State News Reviewer totally convincing. well through most of the show. Her Fairchild box office for delivery tends not only to be ticket availability. Tp Company opened Its Mary Martello, on the other Lgson with "Jacques Brel hand, throws too much re and Well and Living in emotion into her role. If two tragic expressions are good in the Lcques Brel, a young more song, are "Marieke," seven i, is the most popular even better. Every note and gesture of ■ composer in France. Martello's Isongs are sheer poetry. performance is overblown. ^ are full of humor, fierce Fortunately, the saving I and a genuine love grace of "Jacques Brel" is a Trespect for the human delightful and totally i "Jacques Brel" is an convincing performance by ling musical experience Debbie Golata. Golata's 25 of Brel's most i portrayal is warm, |ictive songs. compassionate and credible. nfortunately, the She neither overplays nor fuction by the Company is underplays. She merely d borders on the tepid, charms. Golata's voice is ■fault lies not so much with mellow and intimate, so she Derformers as it does with excels in such songs as "My J direction. Claude Dile Death," "Old Folks" and Beets to curb the "Carousel." ^rations of two members Tim Thatcher is also highly [e cast. entertaining. His voice is not e two members requiring superlative, but his manner is. fcnost help are John Beem He has a natural sensitivity to I Mary Martello. Beem's Brel's lyrics that is endearing. I is shallowness. He never The production of "Jacques s deeply enough for his Brel" is indeed Boem maintains only regrettable, but one can only hope the cast this :e sensitivity and relies on weekend will alleviate last I store of impish gestures. weekend's problems. ■ is so pixieish that he plly bounces through his ibers. His manner elicits Alex Guinness in The Doberman | from female members of audience, but [fortunately lcterization elicits I the meaning of what he his nothing Gang TACOS OHIO STATE SPECIAL! - 20* "If you know anything about Dobermans the ending 4 • 7 PM SATURDAY will not surprise you!" from the detective POLYNESIAN 100 Engineering - comedy by G. K. Chesterton. 86 min. DRINKS U - U CHURCH 856 GROVE ROCK ft STEREO IOI (Across from E. L. Library) $1.60 6tOS to midnight Fri. & Sat. ENTERTAINMENT Tonlte, Nov. 8 FRIDAY & SATURDAY 7:30 & 9:00 JAZZ* ROCK in STEREO Nov. 8 & 9 ECLIPSE NEXT WEEK: "BEATLES AT SHEA STADIUM" midnight to 6tOO 7:30 & 9:30 NO COVER \DVE\T lother noteworthy ■are ON SALE this week at comporv I I 90° I I UJILS-Fm STEREO 101.7 S|00 SBRASS atOlVKEy ; COUPON luurun i 00 PROGRESSIVELY BETTER O 0 ' S 'THE DETECTIVE" OR | - l,Z. | "THE BEATLES" , OLD TIME MC%W i safes PRESENTS uab HUMPHRCY BOGhRT THE BIG SLEEP W/W/ r*<. What's unique about Town 4 Country? p®reatre obsessed with quality and fashion! fitting, great looking, styles & fabrics just for you Sunday NOV 10 Union Ballroom shows at 2:00, 7:00, & 9:30 p.mJ The clo(h«s you need for the Ufe you lead." admission $1.00 under 12-50^ Grand River next to the Campus 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan I. I974I Can By CHARLES JOHNSON Spartans' spirit stop Buckeye brutes? It other than the Ohio State has left last two years and the kids State News Sports Writer was Spartans none who accomplished devastation over their a trail of have worked hard. I feel our of the Week honors in addition a great attraction and anything which adds to the color and players." Though much of the rave control we've been the football is whl J MSU will try to dismantle that feat over another one of team has really grown up." to his selection as Spartan of working onTSI the No. 1 rated Ohio State the Buckeyes traditionally opponents. They won eight straight contests by spreads of 15 to 48 points. The Spartans physical the Week by the MSU coaching staff. excitement of the game is good. Hie kids feel it and play over team this has year's Ohio State been over its week," Stolz said. big game as this V?UcfJI one, bai Buckeye football machine tough teams. In that game, situation will Smith leads the Big Ten in better." phenomenal offensive Saturday, and Spartan coach MSU wound up as 19 - 12 But as the Buckeyes may perfect, be almost tackles • for - losses with eight Stolz has production, Stolz is preparing control important." becomes veTI Denny Stolz says his team has victors, behind a four - field possibly find out Saturday, as wide receiver Mike even gotten into his team to face an equally ry| the tools to do it. goal performance by kicker their 8-0 overall record may Jones after returns to the lineup missing the last two sacks for 38 negative yards. A good performance this week in the act of trying to add more color to this game, which brutal defensive unit. Baggett missed last OSU contest after vear'.I A capacity crowd of more Dirk Kryt. just as well be 0-8 if the games with a sprained ankle. front of the television cameras already promises to be a black In quarterback Charlie knee injury one week suffering than 78,000 partisan Spartan Coach Woody Hayes will Spartans have their way. Defensive end Otto Smith, and against the powerful and blue affair. • Baggett, the Spartans have one the game, but is bcfLI hoping to dol - fans are expected to witness bring his Buckeyes back to MSU, bitten by the Buckeye offensive team could "We're asking all of the most versatile signal the game, which will be viewed East Lansing under much the enthusiasm bug after an who had been ailing from a severe ankle sprain, bounced well boost Smith into and students to of our fans green and callers in the conference. Hie enough Saturday to make last! by millions of others across the same situation as 1972, only impressive two - game winning back last week with a 20-tackle contention for an All • white wear Saturday," Stolz said. Spartans hope to utilize his season a distant •"I'm ready and memory. P country as ABC - TV's regional this time he will be armed with streak, is hoping to counter the performance against the American berth. on "I think for our fans to wear running, passing and leadership waiting»L Baggett exclaimed. "This is bv| telecast of the week. a regiment he categorized as his Buckeyes perfection with Badgers. The awesome display "I'm pleased that we're on our colors to show support abilities to overcome the far our biggest game of the! Kickoff time is 12:55 p.m. most "explosive team ever." desire, belief and a little bit of of talent earned the Columbia, television this week," Stolz would be sturdy Buckeye defense. Though Ohio State has had Anchored by the three Gs - talent of their own. S.C. native UPI Midwest Payer said. "Hie game deserves it. It's very important, "How we're going to try to season. I didn't make it £I especially to our younger time, but in be ready." a chokehold on the top spot of Greene, Griffin and Greatness "We were very, very proud both national collegiate polls — the Buckeyes have of our football team at all season long, the stage is set annihilated teams in a manner Wisconsin," Stolz said of the leers for one of the biggest upsets of that hedges on invincibility. Spartans 28 - 21 win last week this rather uneventful grid campaign. The last time Ohio State lost a game was two years ago. Led by the running of super back Archie Griffin and the passing and footwork of quarterback Cornelius Greene, over the - Badgers that lifted their conference record to 3 -1 1 and 4-3-1 overall. "It's been a long battle upwards the By STEVE STEIN Minnesota," MSU coach Amo meeting 0 overall record. warned them all week how tou State News Sports Writer Bessone said before taking his Hockey is "the sport" at tough Michigan Tech is." far this season. Ross we carters while Rice mans and CoJ team up north Thursday. Tech and the Huskies' fans are ty It's out of the frying pan left wing spot on the boisterous rooters. Bessone is especially line wit and into the fire this weekend Colp and Brendon Moroney Booters set sights on upset as for the MSU hockey team. After splitting its season - its Tech raised the curtain league season last weekend by knocking off Minnesota - on an Bessone said it will be quite experience for young players. some of his worried about Tech's scoring punch, which is led by centers Bob D'Alvise and Mike Zuke The trio has accounted 11 of the scjiad's 14 tallies fori thil ■ opening Western Collegiate Duluth twice on the road. "But we had big, noisy and winger Stever Jensen. young season. Ross and c0|pl MSU faces top-ranked Indiana Hockey Assn. (WCHA) with Duluth was expected to be crowds last weekend, the Spartan coach added. too," "They are scoring well," the also lead the club in with eight while Rice is point! right! defending national champion the conference darkhorse to win behind with five. s Minnesota last weekend, the Spartan coach said. "Duluth the league championship. MSU faced Michigan Tech By DAN SPICKLER Hoosiers sport a 13-2 record mere four goals this sc Spartan icers meet league co - Tech's Huskies was supposed to have strong Ron Clark is expected t whipped five times last season and won State News Sports Writer and have outscored teams by a the Spartans have outscored teader Michigan Tech tonight defense and goaltendering. man the nets for MSU in tha Duluth easily, 7 - 4 and 6 - 3. three of them, though not one The unbeaten MSU soccer season total of 48 goals. their opponents, 21-4. and Saturday night in of the games was on Spartan "Tech didn't lose series. The senior has played it] team, in its last scheduled game Despite all the signs of a Even more impressive is the Houghton. The Spartans, meanwhile, ice. The Spartans defeated very all four Spartan games so fa of the season, travels to rough game ahead, MSU coach shot on goal totals so far this heavily this year, so they had a and has a 3.0 goals • against Radio Station WMSN, 640 split a pair of 4 - 3 decisions Tech to win the Great Lakes real nucleus to build on." p< Bloomington, Ind. today to Ed Rutherford says the team is season. The Spartan offense with Minnesota last weekend at game average. Clark is als Invitational tournament in face the nationally - ranked ready to hand Indiana an has outshot its opposition by a AM, will broadcast both games. averaging 36 saves a contest. the Munn Ice Arena. This will be Detroit, lost a series during the The Spartans are going to 208-87 margin. Faceoff times are 8 p.m. Indiana Hoosiers. upset. the first road series of the year Indiana should provide the "We are a team that trains Leading the team in scoring today and 7:30 p.m. regular season and split Tech with a lot of firepower of Bessone indicated thall for MSU, which enters this Spartans with their toughest to peak our last game of the are junior Mike Kenney and Saturday. the final league playoff series. their own, of course. sophomore winger Bill weekend's play with a 2 - 2 Juniors Tom Ross, Steve Hourigan would see his firs! test of the season. The season," Rutherford said. "I freshman Peer Brunnschweiler, overall mark. "This series is going to be "We're not expecting a action of the think our last game indicated with five goals Colp and Daryl Rice are pacing season ihi| apiece. real tough, tougher than Tech has an unblemished 4 • picnic," Bessone said. "We've the Spartan scoring attack so weekend. that we are ready for a team like Indiana." Dolphin's coach Rutherford comment after made Tuesday's 2-0 the State News sports writer Charles Johnson is picking victory Hope College here. suspends star The over win raised the team's MSU to upset Ohio State State News season record to 8-0-2, as the Saturday at Spartan Stadium. If he is as accurate as he was in injury dispute Spartans demonstrated last week in predicting the superior ball maneuvering both Farnan Johnson Stein Mcintosh Spickler Litaker outcome of the Spartan - MIAMI (UPI) - Miami on defense and offense. Wisconsin game, MSU should Ohio State at MSU OSU 31, MSU 14 MSU 23, OSU 21 OSU 24, MSU 21 OSU 28, MSU 14 osu 21, MSU 7 OSU 30, MSU 16 Dolphins coach Don Shula There is more on the line U-M by 21 go home a 23 - 21 winner over U - M at Illinois U-MbylO U-MbylO U-Mby 30 U-MbylO U-Mbyl0 suspended injured running for MSU than its perfect season Minnesota at Purdue Pur. by 8 Minn, by 4 Pur. Pur. by 10 Pur. by 7 Pur. by 10 the Buckeyes. by 14 back Mercury Morris Thursday record. The Spartans feel that a Wisconsin at Iowa Wis. by 8 Wis. by 21 Wis. by 7 Wis. by 7 Wis. by 10 Wis. by 22 Johnson picked MSU to following several heated win over Indiana will greatly Indiana at Northwestern Ind by 2 NWby 7 NWby 3 Ind by 7 Ind by 7 Ind. by 14 defeat the Badgers, 28 - 21, USC by 2 USC by 5 USC by 6 USC by 3 arguments about Morris increase their chances of being USC at Stanford USC by 7 USC by 10 which was the exact final score Arizona St. at Brigham Young Ariz. St. by 7 Ariz. St. by 3 Ariz. St. by 7 Arb. St. by 7 Ariz. St. by 10 Ariz. St. by 1 missing treatment for his invited to the NCAA of the contest. LSU at Alabama Ala. by 11 Ala. bv 6 Ala. by 14 Ah. by 3 Ah. by 20 Ala. by 4 strained knee this week. tournament. Robin Mcintosh had the> Vanderbilt at Kentucky Vand by 5 Vand. by 7 Vand by 3 Vand by 3 Vand. by -? Vand. by 3 Shula met with Morris MSU goalie Gary Wilkinson best record last week in Penn St. at North Carolina St. Penn St. by 11 Penn St. by 14 Penn St. by 7 Penn St. by 3 Penn St. fy 14 N.C. St. by 7 briefly Thursday, decided to also has a chance to tie the th^ Detroit at Oakland Oak. by 6 Det. by 7 Det. by 2 Oak. by 10 Oak. by 4 suspend him "indefinitely," 1964 record of eight shutouts prediction poll, 9 -1 -1. ** Det. by 7 Mike Litaker joined 46-18-2 45-19-2 45-19-2 25-6-2 24- 7-2 but told the speedy back he the posted in one season by Charlie staff this week and his first would reconsider reinstating Dedich. him next Monday. Wilkinson has given up a predictions appear today. ... hear their new album, "The Power And The Glory'; Include: Proclamation, Coga In Coe», So Sln- Aapiratwna, Playing Tha Game. No God's \ Man, tha Face, and Vafedtetory. *P"7CO «- ^60'U. (j/dg Tftc, U?- NWN-TO • tOWA-W SJN noon- diseni recon Michigan State News, East Lansin#, Michigan Friday, November 8, 1974 13 ^ ' Harriers in Big Ten meet iaa&M % ''I ■ By DAN SPICKLER State News Sports Writer that the MSU squad is young, returned to running as a MSU has agreed to send the 4 yet improved from last year. freshman here. Two years ago whole squad to the NCAA The MSU men's cross The only junior on the team country team will take a 4 • 1 Brown, running for Detroit District IV meet to be held in is cocaptam Fred dual meet record and an Teddy. Also Northern High, made all - state Madison. Wis. Nov. 16. among the top five runners are at the class A cross country Both Brown and Pullen impressive show of sophomores Lindsay and Stan think the team can finish improvement and potential this championships. high Mavis. enough in the standings to get season into the Jeff Pullen, a freshman from Big Ten meet that trip to Wisconsin. But Saturday in Ann Arbor. The other two top men are Pine River High, came to MSU freshmen who epitomize the they admit things won't be Leading the Spartans in the with the 19 73 class C that easy. event will be Herb Lindsay. potential of this season's team. championship under his belt. "The number five man is The sophomore standout broke Amos Brown, after spending Gibbard is counting on the MSU home course records in two really going to have to get up years in the Army, team to finish at least third in for this one," Brown both the five and six mile stationed in West Germany, the standings. If that said, happens, ■ runs earlier this referring to himself. year at Forest Akers golf course and is expected to finish high in the individual standings. Lindsay earlier this set the six - season mile record at the SHOFAR: University of Michigan golf THE JEWISH RADIO MAGAZINE course, where the meet is being held, in winning the Michigan Federation meet Oct. 19. FEATURING: Spartan coach Jim Gibbard is optimistic and thinks MSU LOCAL and WORLD NEWS has a good shot at making an INTERVIEWS impressive team showing. Gibbard believes U M, • MUSIC Wisconsin and defending , , SN photo/Howard Neely champ Indiana will provide the Brown, a freshman on MSU s cross country team, has returned to the Spartans with sport after two years in the tough military. The former class A state champ in the two • mile run at Detroit Northern says this season has been a competition. Part of the SUNDAYS struggle to "hang in there. Brown, who has been hindered by shin splints, is hoping to be ready for reason Gibbard's hope lies in the fact for Saturday's Big Ten meet in Ann Arbor. 4:00 - 4:30 p.m. /omen's hockey squad WKAR A.M. 870 on the Dial foplay important tourney by robin Mcintosh year before. "I think that there is a good "They won't be out of Sate News Sports Writer action chance that some of the very long. I'm pretty MSU's women's field aire they will be playing in the woman might make it, because All • Kkey team travels to Adrian ifa College tournament," she a goal that they work for said. irdiy to participate in the all aeason long." Baile was disappointed over College hockey The hockey squad faced the outcome of the game. match which Central Michigan Tuesday at "Our first half was fine," flights the squad's season Mule. home and tied, 2-2. Carol Kiddon and Karen Miller she said. "We scored our in that half. goals ADVENT and other noteworthy Eight teams are entered in •cored the Spartan goals. "The weather may have had compon and other noteworthy compon¬ , and the Spartana The game wasn't without its ents are ON SALE this week at ents are ON SALE this week at silted to face Olivet College something to do with the low points. Ironically, both overall I Kalamazoo College. play in the second half, cocaptains of the Spartan though, because we lost our Hk tournament is not only team, Betsy Hallgren and Mary from the team's footing and our control. A tie Scheurer, were Injured in the is very disappointing, especially Meridian Mall Dearborn East Laming, Ann Arbor. Dearborn of . view, but it is first half. Baile said the injuries because Detroit, East Detroit, Royal Oak Detroit, East Detroit, Royal Oak y important to the they came from Rochester Southqate L were minor, however. behind Rochester, Southgate, L to tie us." ~™al players. I filching the game from the wiies will be officials who ■ select the first and second ■ College hockey teams. IJf an MSU player is selected starts Friday 10am WILD DAVS Uy on the first team, she ■advance to the Great Lain* bona) tournament, where 3 days only »same procedure will b« Tiqain to select the Great te area team. That team tn play at the national .Jient. Coach Mikki Baile is very Monistic about having a misses an from MSU play in the .Ml tournament. ["te've done"Last P>" she said. well in the PONDEROSA year, we F*o w«men playing in the ""lis, and we had three the and junior This Friday through Sunday only. SPORTSWEAR » noteworthy compon- T-Bone 2.39Regularly $2.95 SALE SALE this week at 1.99 Super Sirloin Regularly $2.49 50% OFF Western Cut 1.69 Regularly $1.99 AND MORE 1.77 to 19.77 You get our regular, complete steak dinner including baked potato, We have everything in sportswear including misses and junior tossed salad and a warm roll with butter. pants and jeans, blouses and shirts, tops and shells, sweaters, regular and long skirts, jackets and vests and odds and ends. Also misses famous name coordinates. Over 3,000 pieces of KNDEROSA STEAK HOUSE misses and junior sportswear. Not all sizes in all colors or styles. Meridian Mall Community Room East Lansing - East Grand River Lansing-4421 Saginaw Ave. Lansing —4220 South Logan St. (2 Blocks East of Hagadorn) (2 Blocks West of Waverly) (Just South of Logan Canter) Jackson-North West St. (1 Block East of K-Mart) 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November 8, ] Bike co-op peddles l "Basically you are talking experiment of sorts involving members month, Winds said. Official repair, buying bikes, riding membership he or she hu, is the area of bike By RALPH FRAMMOLINO on a volunteer basis. a ac about an organization trying to safety and tours. entitled to only one vote. but could make a State News Staff Writer those with a sincere interest in Secondly, there is bulk buying. employees will be paid for signifU provide East Lansing with an If we get up a large enough their services. Customers' benefits "I don't think it will work difference when At a point when bicycle bicycles. p«0p,e j conscientiousness is strong, alternative," Thomas Moore, "Definitely, one of our order for a bike, we can get "In our constitution, we "A much bigger goal is a too well," Allen Stonehouse looking to purchase a bike | treasurer on the temporary lower prices. Thirdly, there is will have a bill of rights," shop that is owned by the of East Lansing Cycle, 1215 E. Moore does not see students and the East Lansing goals is better prices in the East stai board of directors of the co less of a business risk, and what Moore said. Hie stipulations of customer, services customer Grand River said, assessing the the bike co community can save money by - Lansing area," he said. Moore • op in • ops chances. He said that it taking advantage of a newly op and shop proprietor, said. said that the co - op may be risk there is, is spread over a this bill of rights will be to pay needs and uses any profits for co as a disadvantage. "There J "We are particularly the benefit of the customers," would take a great deal of less formed bike co - op. able to provide prices roughly large number of people. Last, employes their worth and to oe customers arid we J The Community Bike Co - interested in an educational 20 per cent below those cooperating with other co - ops prohibit unfair pricing, he he said. capital in order to get the get started slowly, and it approach," he said. "We felt result in money added. "Co - ops are not necessarily business started. be easier to get Op, 211 Evergreen Ave., is a charged in other bike shops. can savings." parts." nonprofit, consumer - owned with the bike fad that a lot of "There are four places Shoestring basis The co - op is not only nonprofit organizations," he Vaughn Vandecar, Current membership 20 bicycle shop that aims to people were being ripped off." where the co - ops save The shop, when in fall interested in bike and explained. "A co - op has to proprietor of College Schwinn, The current number Social experiment accessory sales but also plans put aside adequate financial 144 N. Harrison Road, said members is provide the East Lansing area money," J. Jacob Winds, swing, will be run on a shoe - 20, with Moore, who is the only paid to conduct series of reserves for the replacement of that the co - op may be able to expected increase to 70 jn tu with lower prices and chairman of the temporary string basis to keep costs a worker at the shop, said that down to a bare minimum. equipment, expansion and get some bikes, but others, next few weeks, community education and the bike co - op was a social board of directors, said. "First, The rent for the building is $30 workshops, Winds said. These development of services, and such as Schwinns, are sold on a "I think Moore said. 1 safety programs. a lot of work is done by workshops will deal with bike education of the public. franchise basis and would He to co people are tuniJ ■ ops," Winds y Anyone can become a inaccessible. Because of this, There have been 2,000 fo member of the co - op by Vandecar does not see the co • co - ops that have been start, paying a $5 lifetime op as a direct threat to his in the last two Bolivian years president leads soldiers aroui membership fee. This enables business. the country." the person to have a vote in all Recession major factor op affairs. Along with this, "I'm in the retail business "I've always been attracJ co ■ by the idea of a co • the member receives a 10 per and I don't know how long a Ralph Ellis, also on the be cent discount off the already deal like that can survive," said. Ellis and Moore I to squash military, civilian revolt lower prices. Vandecar said. worked at the Crossroads Vandecar also said that Bi Members get 1 vote Shop before starting the ci The co ■ op is also seeking bicycles are going down and op. contributions and taking loans recession is a major factor. to help get started. Charles Hurd, employe of "My own feeling is don't like to break thai LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP)- regime. broad powers and left for where some officers thought Movement. my hi Unlike owning shares of Van's Bike Shop, 507 E. and sweat for someone President Hugo Banzer Suarez The latest revolt began in Cochabamba where he the armed forces, which have Bolivia, a landlocked el stock, each member in the co - Shiawassee St., said that the co pocketbook. If I do worl the early morning hours in a gathered his troops for the traded country perched over the personally led a contingent of power among ops proposed lower prices op, no matter how much like the benefits to ■ soldiers to squash a military ranger regiment. Several radio assault on Santa Cruz. The themselves for 10 years, should Andes, is the poorest nation in go tc what kind of would not matter much in and civilian revolt in the city of stations under rebel control streets of La Paz remained continue to run the country. South America with a per money or so group of people," he said. I Santa Cruz on Thursday, the broadcast calls for citizens to quiet but the government A military coup on Nov. 4, capita income of $234 a year. government said. gather and demonstrate. They claimed the rebels had taken censored outgoing news. 196 4, overthrew President However, the country is just PIANO "Tranquility reigns in Santa More than 200 persons died Victor Paz Estenssoro and beginning to develop reserves the Santa Cruz City Hall and Cruz," officials announced. and another 500 were ended two decades of civilian of oil, natural gas and iron ore RENTALS Shortly after that rebel radio police station. wounded when Banzer seized rule by the moderately leftist with financial help from stations ceased broadcasting One of the radio networks. in 1971 from another Nationalist Brazil. power Revolutionary from the city 330 miles east of Radio Panamericana, said army general, leftist Juan Jose La Paz. Banzer was accused of Torres. Banzer has called for The government said "maladministration" and that elections next June 6 and has Banzer's loyal army and air the rebels planned to revive pledged to turn the government force troops retook the central nationalism in Bolivia. It said over to the winners. square of Santa Cruz, scene of former Minister of Public But these outward signs of an earlier rebel demonstration, Health Carlos Valverde Barberi political stability cloaked and was their "undisputed leader." began a "cleanup stirrings in the army barracks, operation." There was no The joint military command mention of casualties. in La Paz said two generals, Banzer, an army colonel, Julio Prado Montano and Orlando Alvarez, were also Rent it. Try it. Flowers took power three years ago can cure fust about anything. with a bloody coup that also leading the insurrection. began in Santa Cruz, the oil Prado's son, Maj. Gary Prado, Rent applies Brighten her day. Give her flowers and agriculture center of led a futile attempt to Bolivia. Since then he has overthrow Banzer in June. from Jon Anthony Florist resisted more than a dozen After hearing of the if you buy it. plots against his right wing and uprising, Banzer proclaimed a harshly anti - Communist state of siege to give himself Roses 6 for $2.99 12 for $4.99 Baldwin THE SOUND INVESTMENT Carnations 12 for $3.99 and other noteworthy compon J°n9nttjpny florid are ON SALE this week at MACLAUGHLIN'S Piano & Organ Mart M-F 10 a.m.-11 p.m. 809 E. Michigan ® 485-72n** \ Sat. & Sun. - Noon-11 p.m. PIONEER East Laming, Ann Arbor, Dearborn Ea»t Laming, Ann Arbor, Dearborn Lots of parking in front $1.20/hr. Detroit. East Detroit, Royal Oak Detroit, Ea299 VIVITAR E-54 VIVITAR T-4 Lens Sale! ENLARGER ONLY f 90 - 230mm Zoom For Negatives to 2% - 3% & LIST $264.50 *139 LIST $139.95 $439 en. 28mm f2.8 wide ANGLE MQ LIST $154.50 /5J fliD PIONEER" Get it lor51070. GREATEST HITS CiD PIONEER' QX-747 4-Channel System Enjoy the full, rich sound of 4-channel the Pioneer way. Controlled by Pioneer's QX-747 4-channel receiver, COMPLETE 4-CHANNEL SYSTEM you'll hear records, tapes, FM with built-in quad circuitry O Pioneer QX-747 2/4-Channel Receiver Freddie Hubbard for CD-4 discrete. SQ and RM matrix. No need for add¬ O 4 Pioneer Project 100 Speaker Systems .... Stanley Turrentine THE BADDEST HUBBARD on equipment. Also plays stereo and converts 2-channel • Pioneer «>L-A35 Auto. Turntable, w/base i c< IIV THE BADDEST TURRENTINE records and tapes Into extra-dimension 4-channel sound. Clean, smooth power with 20 watts RMS each of 4 chan¬ nels, 8 ohms, 20-20KHz (40 watts RMS per channel, A GREAT *1400 '1070 2 channels driven, 8 ohms. 20-20KHz). Wide range of connection! for 6 speakers, turntable. 2 tape decks, Disc Shop 4 channel system headphones, auxiliary, plus a Dolby unit. Lin$14ro70 1A 323 E. Grand River Store Hours: Mon. & Fri. 9:30 to 9 p.m. Ramp Tues., Wed.Jhurs., Sat. Parking Wholesale Distributors 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. 309 N. Washington Ave. Leonard Downtown Plaza Evenings, Sat. Sun. 16 Friday, November 8, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan | Go State - Support "UPSET THE BUCKEYS" Mwwtiw ^ i FF1ANKLY SPEAKING. . by phil frank Aprtwsts J[f>j L ""•"•JIB * HOME OWNER'S and renter's PENNSYLVANIA NORTH. ONE MAN needed for DODGE 1966 Coronet. Excellent COMPLETE EXHAUST systems fogffl- insurance. Only can save Furnished upper floor. $155 gas mileage. Reliable, tuned, for most foreign cars in stock. $$$. It peys to shop you around. includes utilities. Married apertment. Cedar Village wimJ_ 3-/l'-8 n°n'lm°"*l winterized. $400. 355-9679. 15* off with Ripp-Off coupon. 3-11 8 Call us, you may be surprised. couple. No pets, no children. 35M72& CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN 484-8173. B-2-11-11 487-0843.3-11-8 CAR PARTS. 2605 East GREMLIN 1971. Si* cylinder, Katemaroo, one mile west of FREE HEAT. East Lansing, luxury LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS 2 IN MASON, 2 bedroom ipj PHONE 355-8255 stick. Excellent condition. Make campus. 487-5065. C-8-11-1S furnished. 337-1856 a 1 bedroom. Unfurnished, no bedroom townhouses. All 3-11-8 offer. 355-1167. 5-11-13 347 Student Services Bldy. appliances including washer and pets. Lease until September. One month free rent. $175. 129 dryer, full besement. 5 minutes JAGUAR, 1961. Good condition. Ttir - Highland. 332-0976. 19 12-6 drive from campus. Families ONE BEDROOM up^,~ •AUTOMOTIVE Must sell, best offer. New disk preferred. $225/per month. furnished. Utilities oaid^lL Scooters & Cycles brakes. Plus many other new Purchase options available children. Couples, Deool parts. Call Steve. 349-2967. 882-0257 Wednesday - Sunday. 3-11-8 m Parts & Service 5-11-12 ROOMMATE FOR young woman. Own bedroom, nice apartment, 1-6 pm. 10-11-15 Aviation Houses •EMPLOYMENT JAGUAR, 1966, 4.2 liter engine. semi-furnished. East, $100. Kings Pointe Call Suzanne FURNISHED ONE bedroom, mile £ Coupe, 30,000 actual miles. NEED MASON BODY Shop. 812 Eaat 351-8814 393-7480 to campus, perking, balcony, ONE person, S80/m •FOR RENT 484-4105 after 5 pm. 5-11-12 or Kalamazoo Street since 1940. X-3-11-11 $185. Charles Cetas. 353^)654 plus utilities. $120 dec Apartments MAVERICK Complete auto painting and before 5 pm. 5-11-13 Close. 351-5979. 5-11-14 1973, 6. automatic, Houses 16,000 miles. collision service. 485-0256 FEMALE NEEDED, winter term Excellent C-11-27 only. Own room. $90/month. FURNISHED. ONE bedroom. SHARE LARGE beautiful h Rooms condition. Call 393-5644. 4-11-8 Close to campus. 332-4732. with one other Furr Lansing. No children. Heat and •FOR SALE VOLKSWAGEN COMPLETE 5-11-14 water furnished. $140. Washer/dryer, garage, MERCURY MONTEGO 1973. - no Animals repair and body. 20* 627-4864. 5-11-8 $95. 332-5263. 3 11-12 18,000 miles. Excellent 'OUR FONPS hl/NE SEEN CUT BA^ Mobile Homes condition. Must sell. 484-4707. DISCOUNT to students, faculty ROOMY. ONE bedroom on all cash'n' carry VW service apartment, freshly peinted, good FURNISHED EFFICIENCY, $150 NEAR CAMPUS. 3 be*J •LOST & FOUND 5-11-8 $0 MTU TWATALL 1 CAN OfTER. parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, colors. Carpeted, air, top floor per month, Phone 337-0878 includes utilities. semi-furnished house, $300 pJ •PERSONAL end. Has Southern exposure or 332-6426. utilities. Women pr»fe,J MUSTANG - 1971 Fastback. 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. \e b LITTLE M0nj€RLV APVICE!* on (sunt) and from porch balcony. 5-11-8 337-7809.3-11-8 •PEANUTS PERSONAL 38,000 miles. 302 V-8, power 485-204 7, 485-9229. steering. Excellent! $1,595. Mastercharge and Bank Pretty area, 10 minutes from •REAL ESTATE 2 BEDROOM duplex, Jolly-Logan 351-2777. 5-11-13 Americard. C-11-27 £ COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY. CA 94709 campus, cats ok. Very flexible TWO BEDROOM house, 6 b-oJ area, full basement, yard, •RECREATION lease arrangement. Immediate carpeted, $l80/month plus from campus, includes pr#J INSURANCE - LOWEST r,«s on $139/month. drive wey •SERVICE occupancy. utilities. Security deposit and garajl cycles and auto Call us f.m or IBS $180/month. 351-7037. Instruction Cobra Jet. Stereo track. Phone 355-3076.5-11-12 $800. latt' Plan. UNION 1 "V UNDERWRITERS LJeH 337-2623. after 6 ONE OR two pm females 1-11-8 needed, required. 372-8073. After 6, 669-3090. 10-11-11 ROOM IN house, I0m„.,„,, 3-lfl Typing Service MERCURY 1971, ORIGINAL 485^317. 0-11-27 UNLIMITED SALES NEED STORAGE space' Garage winter and spring. $73. Very FEMALE ROOMMATE needed campus. $5i/month AvaiiaJ 'TRANSPORTATION OWNER, all power air, OPPORTUNITY and/or basement space available. close. 332-2203 after 6 pm. winter, spring. $70/month. December 1. 484-5267. 5-111 'WANTED $2000. Exceptionally clean, J ~ IfFTl IF you,re a better man than the job Call 355-7819. 5-11-14 5-11-11 Riverside . . Apartments. "CAR POOL ziebarting, 339-9912. 5-11-14 HRplOpCTt you're now in, we'd like to talk 351-3251. 5-11-8 FEMALES NEEDED to *are| jg Commissions. Call CAMPUS HILL. Furnished house near can ••RATES** MUSTANG 1971 Fastback. sharp, WAITRESSESS WANTED for night to you. Josephine Starkweather at ApaUwts apartments. Dishwesher, ONE GIRL shere Twyckingham 3 351-3045. 3-11-11 $1950, or best offer. 332-3746. positions, full or part time. 694-3935. Investors Diversified disposal, central air. carpeted, man apartment. After 5 pm, COMPLETELY FURNISHED, CLEAN 1-11-8 Apply at DRUAR S FOOD AND Services. 10-11-8 laundry. Free bus service, 332-0682. 5-11-12 PERSON to utilities paid, new carpeting, 1 unlimited parking, heat paid. household duties, S60 a NO LIQUOR, 415 East Saginaw, OLDSMOBILE 1963, needs starter. COLLEGE STUDENT. 10-15 bedroom. Lansing. 439-6864, Free roommate service. SUBLEASE ONE bedroom luxury, plus utilities. Close to WORDS Lansing. 489-2086. 5-11-14 4-11-8 Good tires. Must sell - $65 - best hours/week. BEST SELF 349-3530. 10-11-18 furnished, perking, two blocks 487-9430.5-11-13 i 3 5 10 offer. 351-1106. 3-11-12 CANDLE CARVING - personable SERVICE Stetion. 3145 South Union. Available December 1. WILL SUBLEASE large, attractive 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 PINTO WAGON 1974. 2000 cc. persons interested in full time work between November 26 and Ceder. 393-8288.2-11-8 apartment share with near campus. 1 roommate To et f IT'S NOT ^ $176/month. 337-0860. 3-11-8 PRIVATE room ROOM, share with one, share bi 12 1.80 7.80 15.60 December 26. 337-7471. RN TOO LATE!!! kitchen with three, 4^80 4-speed, defrost, steel radials, $135/month. No extra deposit 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 radio, 14,500 miles. $2175. 5-11-14 FULL TIME opening on the required. Call 351-3367 soon. TWYCKINGHAM, 2 bedroom, monthly, no utilites. 143 Bo 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 485-7916. 7-11-11 RN, GN, and LPN. Full time and 3-11:30 shift. Liberal fringe benefits, MNA contract, evening 10-11-18 BURCHAM furnished, dishwesher, disposal, air conditioning. 351-7166 or 332-4558. 4-11-11 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 LARGE 4 bedroom house in eJ 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 PINTO WAGON 1972, 2000 cc, part time Positions in medical, and night differential, no shift PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE north, WOODS 332-1047. 6-11-8 Lansing, $230Anonth. A oil J 8-track FM stereo, radials, good Rjr9ical- and tative areas rotation. Every other shape. $1900 355-9768. of ho*ital- Plea* *nd br'*f weekend off. Weekend bonus furnished studio, utilities paid. STUDENTS before Christmas. Call 351-79^ b EADL INE 5.11.11 resume to Provincial Hospital paid. Call Mrs. L. Risk, RN $125 a month plus deposit. Due to sortie recent 5-11-11 1 P.M. one class day and Surgi-dinic, 1226 East Phone 627-5454. 7-11-11 FACULTY, STAFF Directee-' of Nursing. 349-1060. dropouts we now before publication. WALKING DISTANCE to PLYMOUTH DUSTER 1972. 340. "i.C!'iflan L*wi.n«' INGHAM COUNTY MEDICAL 429 CHESTNUT, SOUTH. Three have comfortable 3 BEDROOM, 1% BATH Two bedroom dup Power steering/brakes. M^gan 48910. *tent,on: CARE FACILITY, Okemos, Michigan. 7-11-15 rooms, bath, carpet, appliances. and spacious 1 bedroom UNFURNISHED APT'S 484-6285, Mrs. Tsai. 5-11-1 Peanuts Personal ads Automatic, 18 mpg, $2000. Personnel. BL-1-11-8 First floor. Downtown Lansing. must be pre-paid. 372-6587.5-11-13 $135 plus utilities. 484-7253. furnished apartments available REGISTERED NURSES. Critical EAST 201 South Magnola S:-f PORSCHE 914 - 2.0, 1973, AM/FM NOTICE OF VACANCY. Agency care units, CCU-ICU including 10-11-11 immediately. from ■215 per month Three bedrooms, Cancellations/ Corrections stereo, cloth interior, Youth Development post-operative cerdio vascular TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED, $175 p«r month (Includes eat heat t. water) $175. 351-0997, after 5 tj Corporation (Models Cities 5-11-11 - 12 noon one class day appearance, 20,000, many surgery. Experience preferred. mobile homes. $25 - $35 week. Utilities included extras. 337-2183. 1-11-8" Agency) Position: Executive Needed in a new 254 bed acute Call before publications. 10 minutes to campus. Quiet 10 MILES SOUTH. Director Accountability 745 Burdiam Drive Country he care progressive hospital No and peaceful on a lake. KNOB HILL Responsible to the board of 3 bedroom, fireplace 2 ac TOYOTA CORONA, 1972. Four shift rotation. Excellent The State News will be Directors. Salary range: $14,000 641-6601 or 484-5315. 0-11-27 351-3118 or 484-4014 APARTMENTS $200/month. 351-7497 (Mil door, standard. Must sell. Call orientation to both hospital and _ to $16,000 per anum. Duties: responsible only for the Larry, 349-1879. 5-11-11 unit. Comprehensive benefit 349-4700 The Executive Director serves as package. Opportunity for EAST LANSING - One befroom ROOM WANTED in exchange! first day's incorrect iiason between the furnished. Quiet residential area. NEAR FRANDOR 2 bedroom, Community atmosphere photography lessons and us# governing advancement. Apply Ingham - TOYOTA COROLLA 1600. 1972. 5 miles from campus darkroom. Call 487-6® insertion. board and the staff. This person Medical Center, 401 West Carpeting. Disposal. Security unfurnished, garden level. $170. AM-FM radio, air conditioner, % mile north ofJolly Road shall be responsible for the locks. $185. Lease from 485-9343. 5-11-14 evenings. 3-11-8 Bills are due 7 days from new tires. Gas saver, 26-30 Greeniawn Avenue, Lansing, mpg. assembling of competent staff December, 1974 - September 15, $1600. 339-2127, after 6 pm or Michigan 48910. Phone not paid by the due date, a and the day to day agency 1975. Woods ide Apartments. CLEAN RESPONSIBLE male to GRAD STUDENT c 371-2121, extension 249. 50* late service charge will 351-3119. 5-11-12 operations. In addition, he-she shajl be responsible for 10-11-12 332-4987, efter 5:30. 16-11-27 share 2 bedroom $105,487-1967 5-11-14 apartment. 1 wHW share house. 2 bedroo Responsible, j VAN 1967 Chevy. Excellent all administration, planning, public GIRL NEEDED winter term only, person, male. $110. r MARRIED COUPLE needed to UNFURNISHED ONE bedroom around condition, carpeted, relations, and inter agency Capitol Villa apartments, $65. DELUXE. FURNISHED 1 Rousse, 676-1051 2 30 - supervise a group of mentally apartment for rent, convenient stereo. 332-6315. 5-11-11 relationships. The director shall retarded adults. Rewarding 351-3292.5-11-13 bedroom apartments, call to LCC, end bus to MSU. Or, 393-0603, evenings. 3-| be responsible for submittal for 332-3135 or 882-6549. 5-11-14 work. Room and board provided Completely remodeled and VEGA GT Wagon 1974. 4-speed. all reports to the board of 2 MAN DURAND. Take over lease carpeted. Call 371-1479. 6-11-8 ABLE TO rent new 1974 VW AM-FM. luggage rack, 15,000 directors and funding resources. plus salary. Call Irme Zuckarberg starting December 15. 332-0655. FEMALE DESPERATELY needed Rooms / Superbeetles. $5 per day - 10 at 487-6500. 10-11-19 miles. Excellent condition, General Qualifications: 3-11-11 for own room in 2 bedroom. cents a mile. Free pickup. FURNISHED 1 bedroom asking $2585. 393-5273. Demonstrated ability with 394-1505 after 4 pm. 1-11-8 MALE, SHARE large rc RENTABEETLE. 487-2260. CHILD CARE. Approximately 25 apartment, close, cheap, many 5-11-11 337 2^ 10-11-13 working with alienated youth, developing cooperative relationships with other hours/week. In my home. Transportation can be provided. f EAST LANSING^ TWO GIRLS needed immediately, extras 5-11-12 - details. 351781a to campus. 5-11-11 Call close to campus, $70. 351-9279. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE only 332-0125, after 2 pm. 2-11-11 you can save $$$. It pays to agencies, administrating a multi - service youth program, 1 3-11-12 PINE - LAKE APARTMENTS, FURNISHED ROOM, shop around. Call us. You may VW 1971, Super BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! LARGE 2 bedroom. Albert Street, 6076 Marsh Road, Haslett. 1 privileges. Parking. Wat1! Beetle, Sunroof, promoting an agency before be surprised. 484-8173. AM-FM radio, Looking for embitious, furnished or unfurnished $ 8 5/mon th 351-4032, bedroom apartments just 10 distance to MSU. $65/moJ 351-7328. $1,695. Evenings, Dave 373-3737. governmental institutions, interest and understanding of personable individual to operate immediate occupancy . 351-5950, extension 238, Judy. minutes from MSU. $150/per EQUITY VEST, 351-8t| month. Beautiful grounds, quiet 5-11-11 2 11-8 the psychological needs of campus photography business. 5-11-14 AUSTIN HEALEY, 1968 Sprite. Offers opportunity to use location. Call Manager 339-8192 Body and engine good! $600, VOLKSWAGEN 1972. Michelin youth, knowledge of minority culture, familiarity with federal and develop full range of from 51 SO00 EAST LANSING • near Whitehills. or EAST LANSING REALTY, MEN: FARMHOUSE Frater must sell. 337-7875. 5-11-13 management and marketing 332-412a 10-11-19 rooms for rent, two terms 1 tires, AM-FM. Clean. Best offer. grant procedures. Must have Horizon House, 1 bedroom skills. Excellent profit potential. no singles. Good food, 882-7789.5-11-14 background in youth criminal plus electricity, luxury, unfurnished except heet, BMW 1967, 1800. Excellent We have the system, experience UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom housemother, friendl' justice system. Must be able to carpeted, A/C, water, carpet, drapes, appliances, $410/term $50 deco condition, $1200. Radial tires. VW BUS, 1969. New engine, good communicate with elected and desire to help. For more carport, security lock. Quiet apartment. $90. Cell 482-0246 351-7336.5-11-8 tires. 22 mpg. information call collect, pool, no pets efter 5 pm. 3-11-8 332-8635 8-1-11-8 Negotiable. officials within the tri county etmosphere. no pets. Not Bernie, 351-3921. 5-11-14 region. Education preferred: person-to-person, Dan Hays student rental. $180. 349-2094. BMW 2002, 1973. Excellent Bachelors degree, or 2 years (405) 1-405-947-8747 or write 5-11-11 condition, superb handling, 23 mpg, must be driven. 372-7085. VW 1967. New tires. Good running e x perience in general Candid Color System, Box 25669, Oklahoma City, phone: DAYS 351 - 7910 ,SHARE TWO men apartment. CROSSWORD condition. Body fair. 371-2571. q u alification .s Submit - 3-11-11 6-11-13 applications with resume to Oklahoma, 73125.6-11-12 EVENINGS Own spring. bedroom. Free bus to Winter and PUZZLE ACROSS Addie H. Moore by November 351 1925 campus. CAPRI 1971. 4-speed Ziebarted, $ WAITRESSESS $, part time, deys 337-9291. 5-11-13 orange radials, 353-8357. 14-11-22 $1600. Call motorcycles ](S) 30, 1974. At Youth Development Corporation, 215 East Kalamazoo Street, Lansing, or nights. Apply CHALET. 484-9431. 10-11-8 at JAY'S AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. I. Python 4. Spring 7. Confused 24. Macaw 27. Hiss 28. German City SUZUKI 1972-250 Savage enduro. EAST LANSING, * month rent Single room in two bedoom. Michigan. Phone 487-5046. II. Short-napped 29. Burden CHEVELLE STATION Wagon, Many extras. $550. 482-5634. 5-11-14 free, luxury unfurnished 1 Three blocks from campus. AVON, TO buy or sell. Call our 30. Factory 1970 - $850. Two Chevelle 5-11-11 district bedroom, 10 month leese. No Furnished, free until 15th. manager, 482-6893. 13. Kittiwake 32. Please in Bonn station wagons, 1971 - $975 20-12-2 pets. $175-129 Highland. 651-6412. &61 7059. 3-11-11 RELIABLE HELP needed, 7-11 14. Naive 33. Coast each. Ford Country Sedan, 1968 BONUS COUPON - 20% off on all 332-0976. 15-11-13 STORE, Weverly at Holmes, all 16. Rose's love 35. Hawaiian $375. Seen at NCR, 1110 leather goods with this ad. Offer SALES POSITION FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. shifts available, 882-9585. U.Brazilian precipice Keystone, Lansing. 5-11-8 expires November 16th, 1974. LARGE TWO party furnished 5-11-11 BE HOME EVERY NIGHT Winter/spring. $75/month. coffees 36. Delicate SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS, INC. efficiency. Cloae to campus, air ftdange financial programs for Twyckingham Apartments. 18. Kobold 37. Communique dHEVY II 1963. 2-door, 6 Holt. 694-6621. C-5-11-8 individuals and business conditioning. Immediate 351-2581. 5-11-13 WOMEN WITH transportation - occupancy. $135 / month. Call 19. Coral reef 40. Grandparental cylinder, fair condition orgenizations. Will train for 882-9788. 3-11-11 HONDA CB-550. Like new, 2,500 routine housework, 2hours/dey, 487-4451 »f1 ** Wis ]§ rw]® L*OS Sarvice FEMALE needety 4 GUNS. RIFLES and handguns „» m More students pay FOUR back loans »£ °"n r00m' ,70- all kin*. Buy. fade and sell. RECTILINEAR III DACHSUND PUPPIES *>eekers. On* United Audio - all males. EDITING Best Duo PROOFREADING. |SS»i«-2 - veer 'round prices in $25 Southern Michigan 1219 turntabia base and Charlotte. 543-3729. Diaeertations. BOB'S GUN dust 2-11-11 theses, research Linens, clean, SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. CaH "v*- One 2440 Maranu 4 projects, manuscript*. Anne channel adapter Ceuley. 337-1591.501-8 371-2244. 0-1-11-8 ■ iKnt V location, Gffit <*•>' telephone, 351-3212. 34SM977, after 4. 5-11-12 amplifier. Call NEED GOOD home for Siamese cat. Female, speyed, friendly. as U tightens collection policy tnt-14 BAND BROKE up. PA. echoplex, 625-7560. 3 11-12 TYPEWRITERS. oiled and AIR cleaned! emps, Moofl. li^it show. All adjusted. Portables lika |Tre" ROOM with house new. 394-2167, before 7 30 pm ARGENTINE JUMP saddle. Like $7.50. Manuals $10. Electric (continued from page 1) outstanding, equalling about Education, Sept. 30, claims _F.1L. nice area. 3 block* 5-11-14 new. Call from 3a $12.50. One day service, free action could result $18 million. BCrLlatole November 16. 355-4256. 3-11-12 pm pick up and delivery. 25 years sppropriation of the student's National Direct that 24.3 per cent of ■ anri BOSE 901'», 2 e x perience. Student Guaranteed Student Loans in ■m Saturday pm and Sunday 393-9774. j_. „r^ . . • complete aquariumt, bank account, Loans is a 0-18-11-27 property or program which T 351-6 705. H1-8 Yashica camera, backpack 351-6196. 3-11-12 PUPPIES HUNGARIAN Visile. Good hunting dogs. Excellent wages. allows universities to make the Jan. country outstanding as of , 1, 1974, will not be t^ARflOA • furnished 2 room family and watch dogs. PHOTOGRAPHY finest quality, - ALL~varieties, McAlvey said that MSU has loans directly to their students repaid. These defaults will cdst . Available »°°n '22/vy**k- ACCESSORIES. COMPLETE 669-5177.3-11-12 reasonably priced! ^ad numen>us cases where legal with federal funds. Under the government $508 million. BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY action was necessary. Mat only. Quiet •election for audio, guitar* and Legal government provisions the 663-8418. hand instruments with a full 482-5712. C-11-27 action ' is not carried According to the Wisconsin iterances. line AQHA SORREL filly out maximum loan to Flashy, study most of the Big Ten sheet music department to serve green broke, show quality. $550. FOR THE BEST Service on through the university's undergraduates is $1,000 a schools have a default rate your every music need. 355-5635. BL-4-11-13 equipment see the STEREO stereo attorney, but through the year and a total of $5,000 over between 30 and 40 per cent. SINGLE room, quiet MARSHALL MUSIC. 245 Ann collection agency with the the kitchen, no parking, cloae Street. C-1-11-8 FREE BEAUTIFUL SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River undergraduate years. The Hie highest default rate is 47.2 , fuzzy kitten*. C-11-27 university's permission. average loan at MSU is $700. 332-0647 after 5. 1-11-8 8lack and mixed. Cell 489-2312. If per cent. „ a student does not come Graduate students can borrow MOVING SALE. Oven, refrigerator, 2-11-11 UAB McAlvey said that one of In"n7VLVANIA AVENUE TV. stereo, aquarium, guitar, TRAVEL Service now for tate'view to leam the up to $2,500 a year or a total the main reasons for COME ON down to DICKER & providing passport applications, terms repayment after thev of $10,000 including their a high Jt(, near Michigan Avenue, furniture and more. Saturday DEAL. You can sure save aiot of photos, student default rate is that many for student, near bus line. 10-6. 1808 West Grand River ID's. Ie«ve school or graduate, the undergraduate loans. Last year bucks $$$ on all of our Information call 353-9777 or financial aid administrators , plus deposit. Okemoa. 349-4406. 1-11-8 top collections office catches them MSU made 4,545 NDSL loans quality equipment. Our 2nd floor Union office. 10-11-20 grant loans regardless of the ^7-5454 7-11-11 THOROUGHBRED GELDING on a computer printout. The for a total of $3.4 million. merchandise has been repayment possibilities. SOFA, 84 inch, three cushion. registered. 5 yean old, 16% ExpfrT tvdIur ~ Z~ ]oans become due nine months Payment tus CO-OP. Two place» open. Good condition. $125. Phone completely checked out and hands. Great disposition. $900. EX!.ERT. prices ™NG " reawnKab,e after a student leaves. The deferred of a loan is "When the program started ■Rarely 5125/room and 337-2344.1-11-8 ^iaranteed by our expert service 655-1609. 5-11-13 Editing off,ce contact the student one if a student after students not only had to prove center If you already have a and proofreading month prior to this time. If leaving school joins the armed a financial need, but also had nice stereo, television, etc. but it insure expert |)51-0100. 8-11-8 TYPEWRITER results. 371-3476, forces, Peace Corps, Vista oris to maintain a certain grade SMITH Corona. needs repair, bring that on down ! Hones after 6 pm. 5-11-13 they do not respond once the enrolled at least half time average," Like new, $50. Call after 4 pm, and wa will fix it up for you loan comes due, the - as a McAlvey said. IL NEEDED immediately for 332-3463. 3-11-12 office student. Cancellations are "Standards have fallen; now a with fast, guaranteed service. ROLLOHOME sends them three past due 12x60. prt house. Close to campus. King Instructions allowed only for teachers of student in good ■HO f mon,h P1"5 d**0*''- Cash for Right now we have a good selection of funky furniture, Arthur's Court. $3300. 365-2251 or 332-6329 after 6 jra notices. Finally, if a student does not respond the handicapped or the considered any student who is standing is ■S2172 after 4 pm. 5-11-8 positively by allowed to stay in the leather coats, head supplies and pm. x-20-11-8 BOARD EXAM TUTORING 120 days their case is turned economically deprived. IjT LANSING, employed STAMPS t(QMS other far out items. DICKER & STANLEY H KAPLAN over to Guaranteed Student Loans, university." Buy Sell - Trade DEAL SECONDHAND STORE. TUTORING COURSES a collection agency. the other most common Another study in TTie ■Litonan or male student. - full line of supplies 1971 NEW MOON, 12x55. New Jew "Most cases we turn over to type being formed for the of student Chronicle of Higher Education ■om to campus. Call 332-0205. MID MICHIGAN STAMP - 1701 South Cedar 487-3886. carpet throughout, utility shed. upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, an agency in order to collect loan, are made Monday and Friday til 9 pm. claims that high default rates | 1080 HASLETT Bd & COIN 332-4300 Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday Best offer, 393-6137. 5-11-12 ATGSB, GRE Board Exams. For only the amount past due,' through financial institutions, but guaranteed by the federal result from the and information call McAlvey said. "We prefer to university- Saturday 9-6. C-5-11-8 ATLANTIC 10x50, furnished, government. Most universities collection systems. It says 1-313-354-0085 0-2-11-11 [nae PHOTO GRAY single Lens. vision. Bifocal OPTICAL or DRIVE A LITTLE clean, many extras, quiet park, financing, $3000. 641-6226. PIANO AND guitar instruction - take back brought up to date." an account once it is are now experiencing increase in default rates on an many universities themselves educational, not consider DISCOUNT, 2615 East 1-11-8 As of Aug. 31, 23,366 MSU experienced qualified teacher both kinds of loans. A study in financial, institutions and balk Michigan, Lenslng. 372-7409. $3/hour. 393-3925, 487-9027 National Direct Loans at C-6-11-8 SAVE A LOTI FOR SALE were The Chronicle of Higher putting on pressure or hiring or rent 8x36, carpeted, 5-11-14 a collection agency. Tired of paying Grand furnished, clean, pets. Close to YARD SALE. 613 North Foster, campus, 351-8141, after 5:30. PHOTOGRAPHY I It's what's Lansing. Saturdey, Monday. Men's & women's Sunday, River's rip off prices? We sell the same items, same 3-11-10 and use of INSTRUCTION darkroom in happening I exchange for basement clothes, dishes, etc. 2-11-8 BOGEN 100 Watt P.A amplifier, quality for a lower price. For example: f.inupi |[q! darkroom/bedroom. Call 487-6534, evenings. 3-11-8 Announcements for It's What's Karma Film Society will hold a used Happening must be received in the meeting at 3 only four months, plus Flannel shirts starting FIND SOMETHING State News office, 341 Student p.m. today in 313 Student Services Bldg. to discuss L TWjervk* it Shure four mika mixer. $150 IF YOU'VE found a pet Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least at $5.49 or the future and activities of the both. Call 351-4200 between 8 article of value, we went to help two class days before publication. club. Work shots from Those of you interested in am end 5 pm. 3-11-11 you return it. Just come into the No announcements will be TYPING, accepted producing and creating films, $15.99 State News Classified EXPERIENCED, Fast by phone. come and to this meeting. reasonable 371-4635. YASHICA TL electro-X, 36mm, Department and tell us you went SSAVE MONEYS C-11-27 black body, F 1.4. Best offer. to piece en ed in EAST Explore Christ's renewing power A Be assured of real Informal c ic touch football with the American University professor who is 353-2067. 5-11-12 savings, LANSING STATE BANK'S EXPERIENCED, TYPING term S'mes for married housing couples Baptist Student active in the Spanish antifascist come to Williamston. Found Column. As e public and their friends will be Foundation at 10:IS a.m. today in movement will speak on the papers, theses, etc. Rapid, ' organized 33 Union. current situation in Spain at 7 STORAGE MIRCORD 50H II (list, $260), 1 service EAST LANSING STATE accurate service. 394-2512. on the spot from I to 3 p.m. at the United p.m. Sunday Ministries in W/OVERHAUL • year old, $150. Lo-tpeed Motobecaine bike, (list. $160,) BARRETTS BANK will run the ad at no cost to you I C-11-27 Sundays at the playfield behind Red Cedar School. Equipment and Interested in the execution of Education, 1118 S. Harrison Road. Higher ImOCIPEDE PEDDLER • $100. Sam, 351-0225.3-11-8 EAST LANSING TYPING TERM pepers and theses. supervision provided. five gentlewomen? Come to the meeting of the Society for Creative Sponsored by the New American Movement. >1tS«. River . 351 ■ 72«0 • PHONE 6S5-1766 STATE BANK Experienced, fast service, IBM- Anachronism, from 8:30 to 11 p.m. 12 minutes East of MSU MCINTOSH MA 230, exceeds C-11-27 Cell 349-1904. 16-11-22 Saturday in the Union Tower specs, priginsi pecking, menual, On Grand River Master Charge and Bank Who's Whose Lansing Parks and Recreation Theater trips for cabinent, $2 50. 332-3736 d accepted LOST: ANN street eree, female handicapped persons has , 10-11-19 tiger cat. Red and white collars. Engagements The Northwoods Guild of scheduled "Apple Tree" for 8 p.m. Nov. 15. the play Illuminators and Calligraphers will DdAL 1214 CHAN6ER. Pioneer 351-2625.3-11-8 meet from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Fo| more information contact Jim IT BUFFET ■ CRAMPON Karen Goodman. Hemlock. Sunday CS77A speakers. Large Advent in the Union Oak Room. S pill a ne Yahshua fYah's < new pads, solid nickel / GIBSON'S > speakers. Sansui A-1000 X LOST: MALE Irish Setter. 5 Michigan. MSU Graduate. 1974 Saltation) is the Messiah's name n Excellent condition. $75< since he said he AM/FM receiver. Philips 2401 months. Answers to Keegan to David Glover, came in his father's ■07-3899 7-11-18 Stockbridge name. Yahweh. Eternal life BOCK stereo cassette recorder. TC-70 portable Sony cassette East Side. 484-8086, Reward 3-11-12 TYPING - 2 blocks campus. Electric. Fast. Term papers, Michigan. MSU Junior, Alpha Gamma Rho Sho* Development" with Dr. Jim Page of know him, so learn with the Yahshuans at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays is to pVHONE PAN American Fraternity. i w. 22 years old. Not a toy, Mint Tom ADDIC recorder. IBM electric typewriter. Used Remington REWARD FOR lost white theses. 332-8498. 3-11-12 ANN BROWN typing and multilith Educational from 10 Media a.m. to noon will be held Saturday in and 3 p.m. Sunday in 34 Union. model 170 offset duplicator. long-haired female cat, offset Wanted The MSU Tolkien 7 Asking $350. Must 1000's declawed. 351-0353.1-11-8 printing. Complete service will meet at Fellowship Much more totality merchandise. for 8 tonight in West |l 5-11-14 of dissertations, theses, Holmes Hall lower WILCOX SECONDHAND lounge. We will manuscripts, general typing. NIXON MASK - will pay top dollar The first MENSA Dance SIG is discuss University discrimination Fine old books STORE. 485-4391. Hours 25 years experience. • 355-3592. Call evenin®. 111-12 7:30 tonight. Do the fox against owls. at 9-5:30 daily except Sunday. trot, C-11-27 rumba, C-11-27 482-9400. 3-11-12 pm) 3-11-8 J tango and waltz. For Bargain Prices information contact Debbie Badminton is available from 7 to New titles PURPLE VICKI - Fast accurate, DuPont. 10 tonight in the upper gym of the OHIO STATE football tickets LAST WEEKEND inexpensive typing. Very near Women's Intramural Building.-You i MAN must added daily needed for 5 adults. Call sacrifice The Waste Control need student, faculty, sy Baby Grand. $65. 112 to watch cider campus. 337-7260. C-11-27 351-9519. 3-11-8 Authority spouse or We buy books being will be having an open house at alumni ID to get in the building. « Street, Lansing. Shown their new recycling center from 1 126W W. Grand River made at IRENE ORR - Theses, term papers, T«8pm 12am l-n^ ■ TICKETS NEEDED for Ohio State to 6 p.m. Saturday. The Center is The Holy Eucharist according to Hours general typing. Formerly with the UNCLE JOHN'S CIDERMILL LOST: GOLD Elbofi watch. Near game. Will pay handsomely. Call located on the southeast corner of Prayer Book of 1928 will be MTF 12:30-5:00 Landon Hall. Reward. Viveca, Ann Brown. Call 482-7487 Aurelius and Jolly Roads. celebrated at 5 p.m. 355-1250. 3-11-8 Bring Sunday in Sat. -10:30 -4:00 C-11-27 your old newspapers, cardboard, Alumni Chapel. Dinner follows is 22™'3«et 355-8640. 3-11-11 magazines and plastic. Chaplain's House. 520 N. Harrison at WANT TO buy tenor trombone - F Road. Transportation is LOST: CASSETTE EXPERIENCED IBM typing. provided SKIS Kastle Sprint Recorder in attachment, medium board. The from the Chapel at 6 - 175cm, Dissertations (pica - elite). MSU Science Fiction p.m. All woman's size 6 Humenic boots, Agricultural Engineering. 339-2501.5-11-13 Society will meet at 6:30 p.m. welcome! Reward. Call 694-9440. 2-11-8 FAYANN, 489-0358. C-11-27 TRAYNOR AMP 150 watts - 12" poles, $90. Negotiable. today in 30 Union. T. Rex will RESPONSIBLE COUPLE describe the Kwestcon There will be rehearsal of the speaker) $125. Fender Coronado 489-7948. 3-11-8 COMPLETE THESES, Service with car orgies and a to rent give lessons in the finer points of Russian Folk Dance Group at 2 guitar, case. $125. Together LOST: GOLD Seiko watch, red professor's home. April - Pi SIZED Waterbed, Discount Printing. IBM typing dictatorial etiquette. frame, $225. Call 355-2425. 5-11-14 DIAMOND RING set. 1/3 carat, dial. Grand River, Reward. August. Wardcliff area. For care i*. »inyl liner, floor jacks and binding of dissertations and of dog and was $400 new. $250 nowl Linda. 351-3930. 5-11-8 publication. Across from sharing home with Display your wares at the Union P.*0"e 882-4947, after 6 MEN'S 2554" Raleigh Grand Prix. 356-9791.3-11 high school senior until mid Activities Board's Grand Annual campus, corner M.A.C. and Brand new, $125, + accessories June, low rent, $100. Apply Christmas Flea Market and Art P SCHWINN m VARSITY 351-6326. 1-11-8 WEDDING worn. GOWN N Originally $180, ■ never now been $75. ]0 Grand River. Below Jones Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday Friday. Call COPYGRAPH State News, Box A-1. 3-11-11 Show. Sign office on second floor of the Union. up in the UAB p.m. DeMolay Club meeting Tuesday at the Union on the patio next to the Ball Room. Yes, at 8:30 condition. $100. ELECTROCOMP (EML) end ARP ELTON JOHN tickets wanted, inside! .Ml DeMolay's welcome. 694-3814. 5-11-12 TRUMP tastefully tart music for SERVICES, 337-1666. C-11-27 I"«S«25. 3-11-8 synthesizers, sequencers. Stereo all - Detroit concert, November 15 occasions. 353-2841 after The and preferred Organization of Arab quad mixers. GILL STEEL OFFICE desk with swivel 6 30 pm B-1-11-8. THESES, RESUMES, typing and 332-6356. 3-11-11 Students and the Young Socialist ELECTRONICS, 116 South chair, best offer. 487-5684. Alliance will sponsor a forum at 2 If cold weather has velour chair printing. Reasonable prices you bottled Larch, Lansing. Phone 5-11-12 TO BUY used cars. Will pay cash. p.m. Sunday in 35 Union on nd you're " COMMERCIAL PRINTING looking for r«t, $100. Walnut 487-3568.10-11-8 Peanuts Personal $ Out of state wholesaler. "Inflation and Middle East Oil - something do, drop by the ^ <150. Combination __ 349-2634.5-11-8 Who Is to Blame? A Union Mural Room from I Reply to to 6 hhki"d2: upe P'aver. BIG RUMMAGE sale, Wednesday, ' President Ford." p.m. Sunday and check out JUDITH CARMAN: Experienced l„.b *■ S250 393-0970. Thursday, Friday. 921 Sunset simulation gaming. New members Lane. Mpm. 3-11-8 dissertation typist. Papers, SPOT BABYSITTING, prefer Next week's discussion topic for are always welcome. IRISH SETTER puppies, AKC. theses, dissertations, general. student wife. Own Gay Liberation is "Gay Health track tapes. 75 NIKKORMAT F2 lens. $160 or champion bloodlines, call after WILL THE young lady that was 393-4672. 20-11-18 transportation, $1.25 per hour. Problems" at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday 5:30, 349-9355.4 11-8 going swimming on a green Fuji Two half days a week Phone in 33 Union. The Gay Liberation Affirmative Action ■Ml* 50' W'LCOX trade for stereo receiver. Evening. Friday evening please with all office is open from noon to S p.m. Practical information on E2.NDhAND STORE, 337-7526.3J1-8 MALE LABRADOR Irish Setter kindness meet me at the pool, PAT AND Nancy, experienced 349-3424. 5-11-8 weekdays. Stop in. state and federal provisions University, nC-11-27 - secretaries to type term papers, HEATHKIT 200 watt combo cross, 4 months, beautiful, Friday, Bananaman. 3-11-8 regarding discrimination in - etc. :45cents/page. 482-1543 MSU FAN. needs rickets for Ohio Did women win or lose the emPl°yment at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday amplifier/speakers, 1 year old, friendly dog, needs good home. 3-11-8 PD T|ES. $5.50-$7.00. $450. 482-5634. 5-11-12 Al. 332-0844. 3-11-8 State game Will pay reasonable election? Tune in for election 'n Union, MOTHER'S MORALS predict: price. Call collect, area code analysis on "Woman's Voice," at "2!;p,ck your own. Call Cold North wind turning South 1-419-385-4641 10-11-8 4:30 p.m. Sunday on WKAR AM w°unded Knee WOOD CHIPS. CHESS SETS, Onyx and marble. • Support „ ,5S" ENGLISH SETTERS. AKC " by Southwest after Nu mber 4. (830). Produced by the Women's Committee will have an 'livery Extra. Unique gifts, several colors, registered, hunting stock. After Media Collective. information table set up from 11 1-11-8 reasonable. 8824046. 11-11-12 6pm, 351-8781. 3-11-12 WANT TO BABYSIT, weekdays in Car Pool ^ Seize control of the airwaves! s"m' ,0 * P-m- today in the Union Make CONGRATULATIONS DEACON my home. Close, campus. CAM your voice heard! Help lo*>by. • 371-3719. 5-11-8 produce a radio show for the Today's your day. Six years of of < r community. The How fun and games and you survived Share Driving to form your own car pool it all. Your country thai rtka you. HELPI NEED one Admission ticket, MSU/OSU General every Monday Media Collective at "J:30 a.m. in the 1-11-8 FROM UM- ANN ARBOR Women's Center in the Union U. N. to MSU. PUbliC 5ervice at "° game. 353-8343. 3-11-8 lounge, loin us! ,he $tate News *•" ' fr* classified Leaving about 7 am, returning I l5«ment for those people who would like to set up or join a car pool. KEEPER HAPPY one year of NEED ONE Ohio 5:30 pm. 353-4776 9-5 pm. The Student State general Workers Union monkeying always, Baboon. 1-11-8 aroundl Love admission ticket'™ Gating *"* Driving? _ desperate! Call 355-3320 Friday. FROM HAAG and Miller to Nat. - "^ Sunday in 328 Su"dty Services Bldg. All students are 328 Student Name your price. 1-11-8 TOMORROW'S PREDICTION: A Sci. Building. Leaving 7:30 am, welcome. (Use the west entrance to From, the great 21st birthday for Kenni, SUBLET TWO bedroom apartment returning 5:00 pm. 393-8057 buGding.) and MSU victory, and sunshine after 6 30. 3-11-11 Leaving _* m- Returning _ for winter break. 355-1661 The Women's International p.m. X3-11-11 League for Peace and Freedom Phone Real Estate N A I LB ITERSI STUDENT Jj»j presents a panel - "Is Nuclear Power Our Hope or Ruin for the Future?" I '""icipan'j6 ^eW' W'" not accept responsibility for arrangements or conduct of WAVER LY AREA - beautiful 3 volunteers wanted for nailbiting study. If you are a chronic FROM 1913 Tahoe Circle, Okemos. with a P1RG1M lobbyist, a Sierra Club representative to the World The to campus. MSU. Leeving 9-12, ">formatioin requested below must be supplied in bedroom ranch, by owner, a reel nailbiter and would like to have Energy Conference, and data from order for ad to appear. buy. 627-5038. 3-11-8 returning 4-6pm. 353-7204 the Big Rock nuclear power plant, long beautiful neiis before 9-5 weekdays. 3-11r8 ai 7:30 p.m. Monday at the United Name Christmas, write to: M.D.O.C. Ministries in Higher Education, Oi P.O. Box 6465. Grand Rapids, _ FROM 1913 Tahoe Circle. Okemos 1118 S. Harrison Road. Address Michigan. 49506. 5-11-14 to Campus. Leaving anytime am, ^KENWOOD HAYRIDES DRAWN by horses. Beta Beta Beta Biological returning 5 pm. 353-7204 and other noteworthy TICKETS TO Elton John Honorary will hold a meeting at compon City Call for appointment now. concert. (office) or 349-1913 anytime. ents are ON SALE this week at Phona 678 6828. 5-11-11 Need 2 for November 7:30 p.m. Monday in 341 Natural 13,14, or 3-11-11 15. Science Bldg. We will present 332-8625. Peggy. 5-11-12 committee reports and affiliate club I V.!o°l!POn m,v ^ bfouQht in or mailed to: Car Pool Classifieds, 347 Student SKI UTAH ■ $285. Other Western TWO NEED Ride from Hagadorn reports and refreshments. Elding. No phone calls accepted. areas available. Cell TRAVEL THERE'S A roomer in tov^ and Grand River area to South BY HARRINGTON Eaat - your looking for your rental. Campus Leaving around 9 am, The Gay Awareness group will East Lansing, Ann Artooi, Dearborn NO CHARGE Lansing Ski Center. 351-8800. Advertise vacancies with Want meet from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Monday C-6-11-16 returning 11 30 am (optional). in the Women's Center in the Union Detroit. Eaat Detroit. Royal Oak Ads. Dial 355-8266. 332-2730 afternoons 3-11-12 U. N. Rochester. Southg»t». Li»gnn lounge. 18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November rrive runch at the Crossro heer for on 't forget you M crossroads CAfe-reR/A seiRrr sn&e