FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8,1974 Spartans, OSU on regional TV; another dimension to key contest By STEVE STEIN Spartan coach Denny Stolz and 18 times on the road. This State News Sports Writer believes television will just add Spartans walked away with an which has thrust itself back includes three Rose Bowl another element of excitment important 28-21 victory. into the Big Ten race with two Lights! Action! Camera! games, which the Spartans won Wisconsin had earlier this The MSU football team is on to the battle between the twice and lost once. impressive mistake - free season defeated two strong victories over Purdue the air! Buckeyes and Spartans. and MSU owns a total television teams from the Big Eight In addition to the over Wisconsin. A 'spectacle' record, including regional and conference (Nebraska and Whether Ohio State will 78,000 fans who will jam into national games, of 19 victories, Missouri) and given Michigan a "It makes it of make the Spartans just another Spartan Stadium Saturday to more a 15 losses and two ties. run for its money in Madison. spectacle and it makes the victim of its football machine see the Spartans battle mighty Momentus occasion Shaping up or MSU will make a Ohio State in a crucial Big Ten game more important," Stolz MSU has also had one The big name said earlier this week. non - game here shapes up as for itself in front of millions bf contest, a large regional network television appearance, a battle between the nation's television audience will be The Spartans go into the people is up to Stolz and his which was quite a momentus No. 1 ranked team and a team looking in to see if the hot game with a two - game charges. occasion for the state of Spartans can pull off one of winning streak on the regional television game. Michigan. the season's biggest upsets. Detroit station WWJ TV MSU harriers - ABC-TV announced earlier Last season against Syracuse televised the MSU - University this week it would be televising Saturday's game as a prelude to in Syracuse, MSU scored in the last seconds of the contest to of Michigan clash in 1947 from Ann Arbor, the first time that preparing its national game of the week between Alabama and LSU. edge the Orangemen, 14-8. OSU remembers contest was seen on TV. for Big Ten competition The Spartans boast a young Because of the telecast, team this year and whether the While MSU fans Ohio State remembers what are getting set for the Spartans' football kickoff time for Saturday's added hoopla will have an confrontation with top happened two years ago when - ranked Ohio State Saturday, another game has been moved up to it invaded effect one way or the other Spartan squad has an important date this weekend. 12:55 p.m. from its original 1 Spartan Stadium to will be The Big Ten meet in Ann Arbor is face Duffy Daugherty's seen Saturday. coming up Saturday for the p.m. starting time. charges. It was in that game Tough situation Spartans' men's cross country team. 15 minutes longer Herb Lindsay, Jeff Pullen, Stan that Dirk Krijt booted five Stolz pointed out during his Mavis, Fred Teddy and Amos Brown are all And, fans can expect to sit field goals to help the Spartans weekly press luncheon Monday hoping to lead the harriers to at least a third place upset the Buckeyes, 19-12,on TV. showing. If that happens, the squad will travel to in the stands for about 15 that MSU walked into a tough Nov. 16 for the NCAA district Madison, Wis. minutes longer than they Actually, MSU has appeared situation last weekend in tourney. Cross country coach Jim Gibbard before national and Wisconsin. The took his Spartan runners to normally would have because regional Badgers drew Ann Arbor of the infamous "television television audiences 36 times 78,848 for their Thursday to give the team an extra practice jaunt on Homecoming the University of Michigan golf course. time outs." since 1950, 18 times at home game Saturday and the The Big Ten meet will begin Saturday at 11:00 a.m. ij <*141 uu oui+nn^DJDd you don't have to be a turkey TO STAND OUT IN THE CROWD JUST MAKE SURE YOU'RE THERE TO WATCH MSU GOBBLE UP osu T-SHIRTS — SWEATSHIRTS — JERSEYS hooded sweatshirts MENS — WOMENS— CHILDRENS AT campus BO 507 E. Grand River across from Berkey n>Hi Juc )o l.v , a I Parachuting on the rise By MARY KAY WERY More and more MSU students are diving out of airplanes. Some might attribute this to unbearable classloads, disappointing or nonexistent love lives or sinking stock market prices. The use of parachutes by the divers, however, indicates that they are not taking the plunge out of despair, but for enjoyment. Sport parachute enthusiasts thrill to the sensation of falling with 40 pounds of gear strapped to their backs at a rate of 17 feet per second. And, according to Clayton Troutner, Charlotte drop zone manager, participation in the sport in this area has increased 1,000 per cent in the past 10 years. "Parachuting was once considered a dangerous sport, but because of increased information, people now realize it's a safe sport," Troutner said. Troutner added that participation by women in this once male - dominated activity is now increasing. "From 1963 to 1969, there was one woman jumper in the club," he said. "We now have 10 women in the club, five of whom are active jumpers." The club Troutner referred to is the MSU Sport Parachute Club.The organization's first meeting Oct. 2 attracted approximately 60 prospective plungers, some 30 of whom appeared at the Charlotte drop zone the following weekend with $35 each in their pockets to cover the three - hour training session and first jump. Some experienced jumpers and members of "Clockwork Banana," one of Michigan's two skydiving teams which on a national compete level, were also there. Many were either past or present members of MSU's club, but all had one thing in common. Hiey are parachuting addicts. "Most people want to try it just for the experience," Calvin Root, last year's MSU club president, said "They twice and then never do it jump once or again." Root estimated that 10 per cent of the novices stick with the sport and make a hobby of it. "Usually after the first jump, people are either hooked or they aren't," Perry Engstrom, skydiving team member, said. Pamela Bird, one of two women, on the 10 - member team, agreed. "It's an addiction once you get into it, a way of life almost," she said. Peter Gyengo, head instructor at the Charlotte drop zone, was A member of MSU's more emphatic. Sport Parachute Club falls earthward after a jump in "Sometimes I can't find money to pay for food, but I can Charlotte. Parachuting is a growing sport and its enthusiasts give a variety of always dig up money for skydiving," he said. reasons why they love it. The sport provides a pleasant respite from everyday How do this sport's participants explain their enthusiasm for hassles. an activity most people would not consider trying even in their wildest dreams? "When you jump out, you're away from the airplane noise, and it's perfectly quiet," Betsey Bock, skydiving team member, said. "You don't have the sensation of height. Buckeyes overwhelming "It's all wrapped up with loving to be in the air. You're completely alone up there and nothing can touch you. You know it's there when you get back, but you're completely free until then." Gyengo's reasons for sticking with the sport are somewhat No. 1 choice in UPI poll different. At first, he said, feeling of his adrenalin flowing. After 500 jumps he has he'enjoyed the excitement, risk and long since conquered any fears. But he NEW YORK (UPI) - As the college football Florida's win said, "Something a little different happens with every over Auburn and Southern jump. Once season draws to you jump out, you're a close, fewer teams rate votes California's 15 -15 tie with California helped to completely self • reliant. If something goes by the coaches on the United Press rearrange the rest of the Top 10. Auburn, (Continued on page 6) International major college football which lost to the Gators 25-14, ratings dropped from board, but no one dismisses Ohio State. fourth to ninth, while Florida jumped from 10 th to seventh. The Trojans, meanwhile, Woody Hayes' Buckeyes rolled up seven touchdowns last Saturday while disposing of Illinois, 49-7, and received 34 of the 35 first probably feel that a tie is worse than "kissing your sister," as the deadlock dropped them leers claim from sixth to 11 th. place votes and 349 points, one shy of a perfect score. The win was the 200 th for Hayes, who is Notre Dame, which needed two fourth hockey - in his 29 th season of college coaching, 24 at the helm of the Ohio State gridders. quarter TDs to get past Navy, 14-6, remained in fifth place, but Texas A & M, which doubled the score against Arkansas 20-10, climbed from rating Below the No. 1 spot, however, only 14 seventh to fourth. Penn State, topping Michigan Tech holds first place in the weekly college hockey more teams received votes as the better teams become Maryland 24-17, climbed from eighth to sixth. poll conducted by radio station WMPL in Hancock, Mich. more apparent — at least to the coaches board. Nebraska, a 31-15 winner over Colorado, The second week's ratings include three new teams — St. moved up one notch to eighth. Texas Louis, Colorado College and MSU. edged USC for the 10 th spot by two points after The Spartans, who sport a 2 - 2 overall record this Michigan, which has been trailing right season, behind the Buckeyes for the past three weeks, romping past SMU, 35-15. . including a 1 - 1 mark in the Western Collegiate Hockey Assn. now has company in second place as Alabama (WCHA), are ranked eighthin the nation. received Behind Southern Cal were Miami of Ohio, The teams are ranked "by 10 coaches: four from the an equal number of votes as the WCHA, Wolverines. up two positions; Houston, up four places; including MSU coach Amo Bessone; four from eastern schools, Pittsburgh, a new entrant into the top 20; and and two from the Central Collegiate Hockey Assn. Last Saturday, Michigan defeated Ipdiana by Maryland, which dropped from 12th to 15th. Michigan Tech received all 10 first place votes to top the the modest score of 21-7, while Alabama shut weekly list. Following Tech, who the Spartans play tonight and out previously 15th - ranked Mississippi State, Losses by Texas Tech, Arizona State, Saturday night in Houghton, are two teams which have not 35-0. Going into the game with the Crimson Mississippi State and UCLA dropped them out played a game yet this year — Boston University and Harvard. Tide, the Bulldogs had been the SEC leader in of the top 20. Oklahoma State, despite beating Minnesota, Colorado College and Wisconsin of the WCHA total offense, but Alabama permitted them Kansas 24-13, also follow those two. St. Louis disappeared from the University, MSU, Cornell and the only 167 yards. ratings. University of Michigan round out the ratings. MSU happy t By MIKE LITAKER laughed. He wound up making State News Sports Writer a late night appearance at the Tropf has always leaned toward a basketball career with Tropf home only to be told MSU, especially since the death MSU basketball coach Gus Tropf wasn't so sure he wanted of his mother almost two years Ganakas and assistant Pat to sign. Miller are always in the market ago necessitated his remaining The next morning, for some outstanding local however, close to home to help with high Tropf became a Spartan. school talent, even if it means "After I had a couple of family matters. Ganakas and Miller are prowling around Holt until all conversations with him I hours of the night with a realized he was a hoping he will keep it close and national letter of intent topnotch help to bring a Big Ten hi their person as well hands. as a prospect," championship home to the Miller, who had been interested basketball family at Jenison in That's the way it is when in the former Capitol Circuit the near future. you want someone like Jeff star since his junior year in Tropf wearing the green and high school, said. white on his 6-8 frame. "I just wanted to point out Tropf turned into a real find to him some of the for Ganakas and good company after experiences I had playing here the freshman recruit led the and I guess he related to Holt Rams to the Class B it," Miller explained about the role runner up spot in last he played in - spring's ^tting Tropf to state basketball tourney held at finally decide on MSU. Jenison Fieldhouse. "He's starting to come along now," Ganakas said on the progress of his new forward. "He has had some problems in the jump in levels from high STAV ON THE RIGHT school to college but he's MSU freshman Jeff Tropf led his Holt Rams team starting to emerge now." to a runner - up spot in the state Class B basketball Exactly how Tropf became a Spartan is as championships held last spring. His squad lost to big a story as his court conquests. Muskegon Heights in the finals at Jenison THE "We got to know Holt Fieldhouse. The 6-8 forward is pretty good," Ganakas coming along well in practice, according to coach Gus Ganakas. This is 78th season for Spartan football This football 78th in MSU season is the history. Including DEPOT LOCATED IN THE OLD GRAND TRUNK RESTAURANT & LOUNGE DEPOT the Spartans 4-3-1 record «EU.VlNCr VOOR. F^YOMTE COCKTA.11-, this year, MSU has posted a COMPUETt MENU AND S ANC>V\J ICH ES 409 217 - 37 - record DA1LV THE DINING C*R ARKJVES AT ||: throughout the years. AM. SUNDAY'S SPECIALS Italian Spaghetti dinner/menus New Orleans shrimp MSU TENNIS CLUB Old fashioned chicken ROOM 231 MEN'S INTKAML'RAL BLOC MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY TELEPHONE 517 353-5108 EAST LANSING. Ml 48824 AS A CLUB MEMBER you will receive: £>EKF00D =JDEC1ULT»E5 Programs for beginners, intermediates or advanced players. There will be «TEAtV\fct> c field trips, tournaments, league fcuASKAN klKlEi foo-LW U>vt IT '' 371-3456 Patamcuuti NEW SC ENTERS, INC. • Magazines- Newspapers • Hardcover & Paperback Books • Bargain Books • Cards & Stationary 537 E. Grand River East Lansing Michigan 48823 4 FREE PA.RK1N&- Lansing, 517 - 332 5119 - OPEN 7:00 A.M. 1203 S WASHING-TON 1 1:00 P.M. everyday - ^toiimimimnunmnunnimunrnrna* MSU icer defense impressive so far By STEVE STEIN Clark's best performance to date came last State News Sports Writer Saturday when he stopped 34 shots during the Spartan hockey fans might be wondering first two periods alone to just how much of a problem defense will * helping the Spartans be this defeat the defending national champion season for the MSU icers, after the Minnesota Gophers, 4 squad has - 3. allowed just 12 goals in its first four The easy - going Clark, who talks games. quite a bit MSU, with a 2 - 2 overall record and a 1 -1 to his teammates mark in the Western during the game, is very Collegiate Hockey Assn. enthusiastic about this year's Spartan squad. (WCHA), takes on undefeated (4 - 0, 2 - 0) "Our young defensemen will get better each Michigan Tech tonight and Saturday night in game," Clark predicted. Houghton. Terpay and MSU head coach Amo Bessone Things looked bleak defensively last spring have been pleased with the when two key men left MSU's play of the Spartans squad. new defensemen. TTiey are sophomore transfer Former Spartan All - American defenseman Pat Betterley and freshmen Tim McDonald, Norm Barnes decided last June to skip his final Tom Smith and Mike Slack. season of collegiate eligibility to sign with the Others making up the Spartan defensive core Philadelphia Flyers of the National Hockey include MSU's three returning League. defensemen, sophomores Kelly Cahill and Greg Ciungan and Just about a month before that, promising senior cocaptain Paul Pavelich. freshman goalie Gary Carr elected to Another leave freshman defenseman, John school for personal reasons. Dunsmore, suffered a broken wrist in MSU's Despite the loss of two of the Spartans top first series against Laurentian men, MSU has allowed University and an average of only three will be lost for two to four weeks. goals per contest this season. Barnes was an offensive - minded The Spartan primarily responsible for the defensemen, as evidenced by the fact that he low goal total is goalie Ron Clark. SN photo/Bob Kaye holds the season and career MSU records for Former Spartan football coach Clark has been granted an extra year of assists. He was the Spartan's third - leading Duffy Daugherty is eligibility this season and has taken over the scorer last year with expected to be one of the announcers Saturday eight goals and 56 assists starting netminder job again. Two years ago the while playing 37 of the squad's .38 games. during the ABC-TV regional telecast of the MSU - senior backstopped the Spartans to their best None of the Spartan defensemen have scored Ohio State Big Ten football clash. This is overall record ever but he lost the job to Can- during the four games this year. Cahill's two Duffy's second year with the network after last season. assists leads the group in points. stepping down as coach in 1972. He is seen "He's a real team goaltender," asst. coach But if MSU can hold its opponents to three here autographing his Alex Terpay says of Clark. "Last new book year he was a goals a game the rest of the year, Bessone and "Duffy" for MSU students earlier this real cheerleader on the bench. That shows fall. Duffy's last team of class and it helps the team." a lot Terpay won't need a scoring barrage from his upset Ohio State at Spartan defensive corps. Stadium, 19-12, in 1972. THE OLD ICEBOX Famous for Beef, Banquets and Brews Call for Reservations MICHIGAN STATE After the MSU - Ohio State Game SPARTAN CLUB SERVING DINNER 4 P.M. 'TIL11 P.M. NECKTIE ^ 627-2106 217 S(Hith^hdge^t^rand^L«dge^^^/ for loyal alumni with that famous INDOOR TENNIS fighting spirit . . .a carefree stain-resistant tie of luxurious silken-look Qiana nylon. White Spartan on hunter green. 7.50 See opposite page for MORE information Office 231 I.M. Building hours 10:30-5:00 Mon-Fri 'm i.'._ JacoToson's -.h '-,'J ••*> ..J^yui'ivvu vi ..V».S 0". ' v • - .' *'\ m" v it, i a. i.'i... .v;1.1.". ju .... v'r.HO i juiim Other teams go to bowls, ANN ARBOR (UPI) — Michigan coach Bo Schembechler is tired of the agreement which annually sends one Big Ten and one Pacific Eight team to the Rose Bowl and the rest to the wash bowl. Not that the coach of the second - rated Wolverines is preparing any alibis or laments for his team's Nov. 23 clash with top - rated Ohio State — he doesn't think that way. But Schembechler believes the rise of the Big Ten, and its further growth, depend upon a change in the rule. "There is strong sentiment, not only at Michigan but throughout the Big Ten, for permitting other teams to go to other bowls," the Michigan coach said earlierthis week. ^^^^Frorr^e^arn^Ne^Owne^n^^^ IN RESPONSE TO PUBLIC DEMAND good Mon. - Thurs. Hamburger Hungry says:, BuyaBambuster and a Coke... keep the Glass! MSU junior Cathy Lasswell takes a look out of the plane before and more women are jumping. More getting into parachuting these days. Women in the MSU Sport membership Parachuting Club has increased. The club itself has grown rapidly in recent years. Parachuting (Continued from page 3) on Bartz and others felt that a the rise Collect a complete set of these old-fashioned 12-ounoe student parachutists, despite glasses wrong, that's a rush, too, and lack of time and money, the fact that jumps are for Coca-Cola. It's our way to you have to be able to handle however, might keep them becoming progressively less get you to try fabulous it yourself." from getting as involved in the new % pound hamburger expensive. Most of the experienced sport as they would like. the Barnbuster. However, these factors - are sky divers stress the Troutner said those the not learning are stemming the tide of 1010 E. Grand River aspect of the sport. They say two most common prohibitive enthusiasm for the sport, he v 332!*"" after the initial thrill factors among prospective added. wears off, it becomes a challenge. The skydiver is constantly learning and developing new skills, whether working alone or on a team. Introducing our new Though most of the team members have several hundred Chicken & Salad jumps behind them now, they all had to make that first plunge. What motivated them Platter. to do it? Many friends were or encouraged by relatives who had Only *1.99 and all the done it. Some enjoyed airplanes and decided to try flying in salad you can eat! flying their bodies. A few dived Treat yourself to country fried from 10 - meter boards at chicken, a warm roll, and make swimming pools and decided to your own salad go higher up, using with our garden - fresh a fixin's. Like crisp parachute. lettuce, onion rings, crunchy croutons, Still others just thought it rich grated cheese and 4 would be fun or great dressings. exciting or "a real rush." "My brothers were paratroopers in the Army, and hearing them talk about it 1010 E. Grand River interested me in it," MSU E. Lansing, Mich freshman Joan Bartz said. Reminder Mon. Thurs. 50c off - w/coupon from local newspaper. Halftime score important to concessions manager By MIKE PEARSON stands. Their game day usually soft drinks sold," Kennedy starts about 10:30 a.m. and The halftime score at an explained. "When it turns cold, ends at about 5:30 p.m. the sales of coffee and hot MSU home football game is "Some of the people come chocolate go up." important to Spartan coach in as early as 6:30 in the Denny Stolz. But odd as it But, no matter what the seems, it is equally important morning, though," Kennedy said. "It's a long day to say the weather, the old standby is the to MSU Concessions Manager John Kennedy. least." great American hot dog, Both men love to see that Hie success of the sale of a Kennedy said. halftime score in favor of the particular item usually depends "We will probably sell as Spartans by a large margin, but upon the weather, he said. many as a ton of hot do£ on a for different reasons. "TTie games that we have good day. With about 10 to a had so far have been pound and 2,000 pounds to a Kennedy, in his 26th year as the head of the Concessions unseasonably warm and thus ton, it figures to about 20,000 we have had a large amount of hot dogs," he said. Dept., says the score helps him accurately predict how many customers he will have. "I've found that people tend to stay in their seats if the score is close, say 14 - 7, They Saturday, Oct 27th figure that by the time they get down to the concession stand, at the stand in line, get their food and then get back to their seats, they will probably miss a play Highwheeler Lounge or two," Kennedy said. MSU Concessions 1 Manager John Kennedy says if photo/Dan Shutt "On the other hand, if the score is 31 - 0,1 might do twice a Special Football the business that I would the halftime score at a Spartan home football regularly do," he added. Buffet game is a lopsided one, his department might do About 180 people man the twice the business it usually does. 34 stations scattered under the cold cuts - cheeses - salads Regional figure Also enjoy your favorite be cocktail, beer, wine. to held in Mu ' or Extra Added Attraction 1 MSU's Munn Ice Arena and competing. Saturday morning and the llie meet is the first of the the Great Lansing Ice Arena will be scenes for the 1975 Eastern Lakes Figure Skating qualifying competitions which eventually lead to the national afternoon. All the sessions open to the public. Tickets will be available at are \The Championships. championships and places on ighwheeler the Lansing Ice Arena Pro The regional qualifying the U.S. World Team. Shop and the Munn Arena box competition for the United The competition in Munn office. States Figure Skating Assn. Arena is being held Thursday restaurant & lounge sectional event will be held and Friday evenings and Restaurant 231 M.A.C. Lounge from Dec. 4 through 7. 11:00 11:30 2:00 - 2:00 AM - am School figures and selected E. Lansing 12:00- 12:00 Sun. 5:00 - 12:00 Sun. compulsory events will be held at the Lansing Ice Arena while free skating, pairs and dance events will be staged at the Munn Arena. Approximately 250 skaters from Kentucky, Alabama, Indiana, Michigan's Lower MCDONALD'S, Peninsula, and Mississippi, Ohio Tennessee will be PEOPLE ARE GUARANTEED I'M MARY SNYDER Jim's Sparkles! YOU CAN COUNT ON ME FOR FRIENDLY SERVICE •The Food I promise to give you a •The Place courteous Thank You for your order - if I don t, tell me •The People before you walk away and I'll buy your next meal. Greek and Amarloan Favorlta* place ^ ^ , , lnfm.tlon.lly known DINING • COCKTAILS • BANQUETS Plenty of FREE EVENING PARKING 11g £ Mjch DowntQwn I Guarantee It! for it. uniqu. collection of , b|Qck ^ of ^ capjt(>| 234 W.Grand River Tiffany era lamps. ^ 372.4300 1024 E. Grand River McDonald's 2040 E. Grand River 'g.f. korreck Let's hear it Buckeyes favored by 25 STATELINE, Nev. (UPI) - Top - ranked she over Chicago, Denver four over Baltimore, Ohio State is a 25 - point favorite to beat MSU Miami 12 over New Orleans, Los Angeles 14 for VMI team Saturday, according to odds posted earlier this over Atlanta, and Pittsburgh three over week by Harrah's Tahoe Racebook. Cincinnati. The Minnesota Vikings are a three - point Michigan and Alabama, both tied for choice over the St Louis Cardinals in this second in the collegiate week's top National Football rankings, are 18 - point League game. picks over Illinois and Louisiana State, Who about Woody Hayes? In other NFL games, ifs Oakland cares by 11 over respectively. Who cares about MSU, or Denny Stolz or Burt Smith? Detroit, Dallas 13 over San Francisco, New In other games, Texas A & M is Who cares about regional television? York Giants six over New York Jets, New eight over Southern Methodist, Penn State seven over Because when the giants square off in East England 11 over Cleveland, Washington seven Lansing Saturday, North Carolina State, Florida seven over my heart will be half a continent away in the hills of Virginia, over Philadelphia, Buffalo 12 over Houston, Kansas City seven over San Georgia, Nebraska 15 over Iowa State.and Auburn rooting for what has to be one of the best teams of all time. Diego, Green Bay seven over Mississippi State. Virginia Military Institute. Don't be ashamed if the name doesn't send visions of four men emblazoned on the backdrop of a crisp October no Mr. Inside or Mr. Outside sky, or if there is running through your dreams. We'll And don't let the Keydets 5-3 record fool you, either, because for a team that had won before this season, it's damn good. only 5 of its last 52 games sell you Not only that, VMI — which almost THERE IS STILL TIME because it could not even begin to look chance to win its league title. dropped football in 1972 competitive — has a good We're here to help. a fitting Look at the record. Virginia Tech, often ranked in the top 20 in past seasons, fell bicycle. to VMI this year, 22 -17. William & Mary College, one of the few teams in the nation that had a 20. Davidson, a tough time beating VML fell 31 - school that used to send less than its KS """• 1 traveling a specialist squad limit to VMI home games out of sympathy,was routed 43 - 3 7. Furman, last year's league champion, fell 7 - 0. THE TOURING AND But VMI is not alone in its SPORTS EXPERTS pigskin coach, glancing over its a shoulder at the clock for tones of midnight. Two major colleges, Baylor (4-3) and Vanderbilt (5 - 2), are reaping the benefits of a millenium of five year plans and one or - MIKE WALDEN'S VS? the other may even enjoy a national CONTINENTAL BICYCLE SHOP, INC. ranking within the next year or two. 2A545 JOHN R-MADISON HEIGHTS But for these three, and other teams like them, there is always Ph (313) LI-18612 Local 337-1866 the difficult beauty of respectability to contend with. When a THE BICYCLE FIT FOR YOU. team is so bad it cannot even score against another loser, BtCUlm IMffM TfAMID SfVVICfMfN everyone loves it. The games are better than Beckett because it is theater of the absurd as experienced by the common man. When the same team gets good, it loses its respectability as an underdog and becomes heir apparent to the upset, the blown championship, the one big play that did not come off. For those teams who cannot handle success there is encouragement. Wake Forest, a once - upon - a - time Southern college power, has been shut out five times in eight games this season, but has drawn more attention than when it went 7 4 a - couple of years hack. All these teams have character. Just as MSU and Ohio State do. The one element that makes teams like VMI better is the absence of the Hayeses and the Stolzes and the Smiths'. Somewhere between its dogged, dogged quest for first glance at sea level in a dozen answer. They enjoy themselves first futility and its years, VMI has found an We're not having a SALE! We're just lowering our prices! kffieSuji UHSS MERIDIAN MALL BaWKAMERICABD • -i — i! JV&H SJ&7 Xq pojoADj XDBUVOX This is the view through the mask as one participates in the Japanese feudal art of swordsmanship, kendo. The picture was taken at a kendo tournament last Saturday sponsored by MSU Kendo Club at the Men's Intramural Building. "Kendo exercise can get rid of such mental defects as nervousness, bewilderment, doubt, fear and arrogance," Masamitsu Wake, a teacher for the MSU club, said. "Once in a match with a living, unpredictable human bein^ the kendoisthas to see the. situation with untroubled eyes, make a decision without any hesitation and presuppose the opponent's psychological movement as well as his physical movement." SN photo / Steve Deklerk «stly plants 541 E. Grand River (downstairs) • East Lansing, Mi. 48823 Ph.(517)351-0257 ♦*»*»»**»»»» CALCULATORS * Healthy Tropical and Exotic Houseplants at Factory Prices * Clay Pots and Plant Accessories Brand new, factory sealed, no * Authentic Navajo Indian rejects, seconds or imports. Example: UNICOM 202/SR, Turquoise, Coral, Jet and Silver Jewelry * Logs, Expo, Trig, Hyperbolics, 6 Best selection at reasonable prices * memory functions, Vynil Genus and Species given for all plants * pouch, charger, Nicads, etc Advice and Care Instruction $79.95 PPd. Write for quotes. HARVEY'S, Ste. 205-b, 1104 Walston, Dal ton, Ga, 30720. Money - back guarantee. E. Grand River 351-0608 a the bar Phase I HAPPY HOURS n Mon — Fri w 4-6 p.m. Phase II HAPPY HOURS Frandor Live Blues & Jazz Shopping Wed 9-10 p.m. Center Phase III FRI & SAT for a mellow evening -2 violins and a guitar the restaurant Enjoy delicious crepes at your leisure choose from our large selection Now Serving Breakfast Mon thru Sat 8 to 11 a.m. Rest. hours ir hours Bar Mon — Thurs 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mon — Thurs s 11:30 to 12 a.i _ Fri & Sat 11 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Fri A Sat 11:30 to 2 a.m. Sun 122 Ito 7 p.m. J Sun 12 to 6 p.m, ■1J, o QU3 nuu I IIIUT15 v m U IIUA lvnm SN photo/Craig Porter MSU wrestler Pat Milkovich escapes from an opponent during a regulars have graduated and coach Grady Peninger is quite happy match at Jenison Fieldhouse last winter. Milkovich will be with this year's recruiting group. The Spartans will meet the going after his third national title in the 126 - pound weight class this current conference champ, the University of Michigan, twice this season as the Spartan wrestlers take aim at regaining the Big Ten season in dual meets. title they held from 1966 to 1972. Only two of last season's Peninger and Spartan wrestlers looking to end Big Ten dry spell By PAT FARNAN idea of what it isgoing to take to injured, and the battle at 134 favorite to win the Big Ten 158. Greene is a two - time State News Sports Writer get things back to where they will pit Herrera, former state title at 126," Milkovich letter winner. Success for Grady belong. champion at Mount Pleasant, admitted. "But the NCAA Jeff Hersha, who has been Peninger's MSU wrestling team "We had a very successful against Dennis Brighton, two - tournament is another thing. somewhat of a utility man for is usually measured in terms of recruiting year," Peninger said. time state champ from "I try not to be very the Spartans in the past, looks Big Ten titles. "We have a lot of promising Lambertville, who Peninger optimistic about it," he said. like the odds - on favorite at On that note, the veteran freshmen who are going to calls "a super prospect." "It keeps me on my toes. I 167. Spartan mat mentor is tough to push the veterans." Pat Milkovich, a two - time don't worry about losing. I beat. He has seven league All of Peninger's recruits are NCAA champion, highlights don't Old worry about how I standbys Scott Wickard crowns to his credit right now Michigan products. It's a first the list of returnees. Milkovich impress people as a two - time (190) and Larry Avery and was accused of for Grady and he calls them won the 126 - pound title as a NCAA champ. I just try to win (heavyweight) will hold down monopolizing the Big Ten from the "finest group of wrestlers freshman (1970 -1971). He sat the matches. That's all I care their positions in the upper 1966 to 1972. ever to come out of Michigan." out the next year with a knee about." weights. Both are threats to Grady wouldn't let any The Spartans lost only two injyry, hut returned last year Other top MSU returnees win Big Ten solo titles. * other conference team win. of their regulars from last year, and won his second national include Jim Bissell (118), who "It's going to be Alas, the University of leaving the 134 (Conrad crown. will tangle with East Lansingite a very Michigan entered the picture in Calendar) and 177 - pound Naturally, much of the Kbvid Bartlett for the top spot interesting year," Peninger said. "Right now it looks like 1973. Hie Wolverine grapplers (Bruce Zindel) classes wide open. attention of this year's season at that weight, Don Rodgers Iowa and U M are have won the past two years Gilbert Herrera of Mount will be focused on Milkovich's (142), and Steve Rodriguez - going to be For Peninger two years is one - two in the now. Pleasant and Waad Nadhir of run at a third NCAA title. (150). preseason Detroit Catholic Central polls." a long dry spell. High "He's got a good shot at it In the middleweight Peninger and company will School were the two freshmen because he's the man to beat," categories, Rick Greene and But Peninger never throws get two shots at the Wolverines Peninger imported to fill the Peninger said. "He's coming Jim Clark, a highly - tauted in the towel. this year in dual meets, home 134 and 177 slots. along real well ri$it now." recruit with one year of and away, and will get a good But Nadhir has since been "On paper I'm probably the lsThey can't count us out," experience, are the favorites at he said. WHAT YOU SHOULD LOOK FOR IN A STEREO SYSTEM: WE CAN HELP YOU. WHAT YOUR DOLLAR EXAMPLES. As you may suspect, selecting a stereo BUYS: At Hi Fi Buys we demonstrate, sell, and system is more than just a matter of taste. It is first service the majority of good stereo and foremost the process of With a limited budget ($200 - $300), you equipment available. Of the many systems discovering just how much performance you can get a system of reasonable accuracy, but we can put together in each of the can get for your dollar. How much sound some sacrifices are necessary at the extremes price will a system produce? 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