Rooter feels Wo It was a long walk to the locker room Saturday for Ohio State football legend Woodv Buckeyes 16 13. Along the way. Spartan fans taunted the - Hayes after the unheralded Spartans poked out the quietly fuming Hayes, who wasn't sure whether his team had won or lost. Finally, after cheering students had grabbed at his cap and jabbed at his ego, his anger exploded, and he landed a backhanded punch on the jaw of the fan pictured at the far right. Bar to receive warrant for By JOHN TINGWALL State News Staff Writer For the first time since East Lansing week, after the warrant for Chief Philip Patriarche. prosecution is signed by the complaining witness. Fire to The charge, punishable by $500, lists four witnesses to the a fine o/ up violation. McGinty said all four witnesses, since it's the first said. overcrowding violation," McGinty and The Stables, said he and fire officials have disputed the Alle - Ey's actual in enforcing these codes, but hopefully this suit will make other bars I wet and student • jammed bars The complaint will charge the Alle - George Eyde, who owns the bar with capacity since it opened nearly two years stop and police and fire officials, conducted head think about how many me the city's most lucrative business, Ey owners with his brother, was informed of the suit people they allow allowing more than 563 counts and arrived at crowd estimates ago. officials will attempt to prosecute a people into the premises, which is beyond Sunday and said he would "absolutely" "We "almost exactly identical in number." are willing to follow the code, but owner for crowding his bar beyond the 413 plead innocent. feel the fire chief is using his own capacity set by the city. McGinty said District Court Judge we Though other bars have violated fire (•city limits. Patriarche said a State News article "They've been on our back for over a interpretation of the code, rather than codes, Patriarche defended the Alle Ey Daniel Tschirhart will set the number of - City attorney Dennis McGinty said year now," Eyde said. "Dooley's has been exposing frequent violations increased the days by which the Alley ■ Ey owners have much more crowded than the following it." prosecution, saying he received numerous •toy that a complaint against the interest of students and city officials in Alley - Ey McGinty said a plea of innocent in the calls and complaints from to respond. Alley ■ Ey "is of the Alle - Ey bar will be filed in pursuing overcrowding violations, leading "If the during the past year. It seems like some criminal suit would delay action for six patrons concerning overcrowding. owner pleads guilty, the Lansing District Court early this to the complaint. judge kind of vendetta." weeks, the normal waiting period for very well might not assess him the full fine, Eyde, co - owner of both the Alle - Ey District Court action. "I wouldn't have filed this suit if I MSU STOCKPILES IN didn't think we were assured of "They've been on our back for prosecution," McGinty said. "I was over a present for the head count, and we year now. Dooley's has been much more crowded than sectioned the place off and assigned two bal strike assured; talks continue officials to each section, so we have the definite proof." Fire Chief Patriarche said the Alley - Ey during the past year. It seems like some kind vendetta." of previous - George Eyde. 8y Associated Press and State News MSU has four or five months' stockpiles of violations of the capacity code were not co - owner of the standing in the way of a settlement was user, is not expected to feel the effects for coal on hand. the union's insistence on the right to strike a while, as most utilities have several followed through with legal suits because Alley-Ey Washington — Negotiators "We consider ourselves to be in a very over grievances. "Everything else is of the difficulties in obtaining accurate weeks' stockpiles on hand. efforts Sunday to resolve the head counts. good position in the event of a coal negotiable," the source said. The U.S. Offrce of Economic "JMing settlement knotty issues blocking a strike," Nilsson said. The industry says that it has to have a Opportunity said a nationwide coal strike "There was pressure on us to check out between the coal UMW President Arnold Miller said guarantee to safeguard against strikes to would have disastrous the crowding in the area bars, especially Wiy and mine workers as the nation consequences for McGinty said that this suit W for at least a two - problems still remained in four or five permit high • level production. Wildcat the poor and elderly, who depend on coal those located in the basement," Patriarche is not week strike. areas but added, "we're making progress." strikes and absenteeism led to 2.4 million for necessarily a signal for a string of bar «®«|l» both sides indicated a heating. said. "I admit we were slacking off a little prosecutions. His industry counterpart, Guy Farmer, lost man - days in 1973, according to the ™jwt was within reach, a strike is who had been hopeful of a weekend industry's figures. J™ because of the United Mine settlement, said Monday was more likely. A UMW spokesman denied the (UMW) "no contract, no work" "It's not because we're hung up on grievance issue was the stumbling block. ■ton. The union's current contract anything, it's because we have so much to "There's a whole host of issues," he said, ^ at 12:01 WlOd IS, N'ilsson> 'of auto and a.m. Tuesday, and °f 2 nCW Pact wou'd rem- Hou» President Lou Novosad said she and several other production cutbacks in numerous eight defendants possessed the specific intention to deprive the "At best," he read from his opinion, "the evidence presented students of their constitutional foervDpJ °!dered a pizza and thought a noise they heard outside was the industries and result in widespread layoffs. rights," Battisti said in a 17 page - by the government would support a finding that the amount of C!2n!twulhee«' The Interior Department estimates that written opinion. "It must be force used by the defendants was excessive and unjustified; that ftpP°llce and after an hour of search for 8 4 8's owner, workers from the 24 per cent of U.S. steel production would clearly understood that the conduct both of the they intended to harm, or frighten, at least, some of the W took her home. One sheep bam worker said he feared the be halted within seven to ten days of the guardsmen who fired and of the guard and state officials who demonstrators, and that they fired without being ordered to do ffeceivpH "ave double giving birth due to the apparent rough treatment start of a coal strike and would be cut by placed the guardsmen in the situation ... is neither approved nor so." two-thirds within 10 vindicated by this opinion," Battisti said. "o'osad/h kidnapplng. days. Railroads, which receive 10 percent of "It is entirely possible that state officials But the judge brought out that the indictments of the "It was 85 crime h#d been perpetrated by a fraternity. may yet wish to guardsmen were based on Section 18 of the U. S. code under ^PPosed to be their revenues from hauling coal, will be a good pimp? Novosad said. affected immediately. But the electric pursue criminal prosecutions against various for the events at Kent State," the persons responsible which the prosecution must prove that the defendants were nnuior industry tho nation's hitroect enal judge told the jury of four motivated by a specific intent to deprive the students of 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November I DOUBTS RAISED ABOUT Three Persian Gulf states cut oil price ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates (AP) - Three of the cent of gulf production, and raises the governments' take from should be taken up at the conference of the Onrani*,.- FBI Persian Gulfs six main oil - producing states lowered their prices Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). captures prison escapees Sunday in an attempt to slash what they called the "excessive $8.40 to$9.80 a barrel. Abu Dhabi 00 Minister Mana Oteiba warned that the foreign An OPEC meeting is scheduled Dec. 12 in Vienna to Hh. I0n profits" of major foreign oil companies and pass the saving on to oil companies will probably try to pass these extra tax and one unified price for oU that would FBI agents raided a home in a quiet middle class the consumer. royalty costs on to the consumer unless foreign governments act pricing system. replace the present co,2piei neighborhood in Virginia Beach, Va. late Saturday But the other three gulf producers rebelled against the Saudi to regulate company profits. Oteiba said the Abu Dhabi decision "does night, captured one of the nation's 10 - most - wanted Arabian initiative to cut oil prices 3H per cent while increasing "We have decided to restore our right to take some of the huge single price The gulf countries have the right not rule n„. criminals and killed a prison escapee who two years ago taxes and royalties imposed on foreign concessionaires who deal profits which foreign companies are making and give a portion of ... prices and it is up to OPEC to accept it or not." to adiJa? Middle East oil. this to the consumer," he said. 61 skyjacked an airliner and bailed out with $500,000 over The split decision raised doubts about the effectiveness of the But the three gulf states who voted for the price red,,* the Utah desert. "They can come to us directly and purchase our tax - free oil. price cuts, whether they would result in a real saving to consumer We are explaining now to the consuming countries that they have obviously hope to influence other oil producers S The skyjacker, Richard Floyd McCoy, 31, was shot countries, and whether they might be overtaken by a whole new to keep an eye on the oil Companies and not allow them to make communique said delegations would be sent to all OPEC ni and killed when he pulled a gun and began firing after before the Vienna meeting "to explain our price structure to be discussed in Vienna next month. unreasonable profits." position." agents identified themselves, the FBI said. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates voted to In effect, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates Oil industry sources say the 3V4 per cent reduction in shave 40 cents off the current^posted price of $11.65 a barrel. A have shown they will only lower oil prices at the expense of the prices might encourage mor? direct sales from the Dosta Arrested was Melvin Dale Walker, 35, who was on the . ailf™,,!, FBI's 10 - most - wanted list and had escaped with communique said the new posted price of $11.25 would remain oil companies. They will not allow any price reductions to affect to consuming blocs. ni,M in effect "through July 1975." The posted price is the one taxes their own profits, and are leaving it up to the consumers to fight But they said the overall effect of the McCoy from the federal prison at Lewisburg, Pa., in and royalties are figured on. it out with the oil companies. reduction could noth guageri before it is determined how much of the bovJI August. Tfye communique said the decision was taken by the three Kuwait, Iran and Iraq opposed the price decision, saying it share of -j states "in view of their belief that the oil companies operating production could be sold on the open market ei^Bioli"ed the sldc Lawyers will play Nixon tapes within their territories realize excessive profits of the big difference between actual market ... in consequence prices and tax paid The fifth week of testimony at the Watergate Lifting of Cuban bans to face vote costs... coverup trial will be led off by prosecutors who plan to "The countries in question consider that a portion of these play a series of tapes this week starting with a June 23, profits should be returned to the consumer." The price cut affects the governments' share of 1972, conversation between former President Nixon and gulf oil production, which amounts to 60 per cent under current QUITO, Ecuador (AP) - one short of the tvlro ■ thirds guerillas sent by Castro to H. R. Haldeman, then White House chief of staff. under strong pressure fm participation pacts with foreign oil companies. This is the share Supporters of lifting economic majority they need. That Bolivia in the 1960s. Their Nixon released a transcript of the June 23 tape last which the gulf states try to sell directly to consuming countries, and political sanctions against focuses attention on the five leader neighboring Mexico to vote was Ernesto "Che" Cuba encountered last - minute nations favor, Latin Americi Aug. 5 and acknowledged that it "may further damage without oil company intermediaries. considered Guevara, who was killed by difficulties Sunday when diplomatic sources said, buti To offset any loss in revenue from the lower prices, the three uncommitted: the United army troops in 1967. my case." Before the week ended he resigned. several key countries at the position was unknown. gulf countries voted a 17 per cent increase in taxes and royalties States, Bolivia, Guatemala, But Guzman left his vote During that June 23 conversation, six days after Organizations of American Nicaragua and Brazil. The OAS invoked paid by the foreign concessionaires. This affects the other 4 0 per vague, saying: "We are trying sanctioi the Watergate break - in, Nixon approved a suggestion States (OAS) meeting here In addition, diplomatic to act without considering the against Cuba in 1964, but that the Central Intelligence Agency be used to try to indicated they may abstain in sources said Haiti will past. Bolivia only looks to the number of Latin any voting. Americi get the FBI to limit its investigation. announce abstention when its fature." Lt. Gov. Brickley In Washington, a bomb foreign ministers address the The United States, countries, led by Colombi Venezuela and Costa Rica Court to hear districting case explosion damaged the conference Monday. Haiti had meanwhile, announced that its claim that Castro's headquarters of the OAS on been considered a sure vote in chief delegate, Under revolution is no Secretary longer a threi accepts EMU post Saturday night, but no injuries favor of lifting the sanctions. of State Robert S. Ingersoll, to the Americas. The Supreme Court considers once more this week were reported. A caller said an On Sunday, Nicaragua's will not make a formal speech. what it has called the "apportionment slough." anti ■ Castro group called Cuba foreign minister said he will A delegation spokesman said Chile, Paraguay The court, which last year relaxed the "one - man, Y PSILANTI (UPI) - of the state capital and the Movement C4 was responsible, abstain from voting. He said this was in keeping with "a Uruguay, all with anti Marxi ■ and that "all Latin American governments, pledged that th< one - vote" standard of equal representation, will be Outgoing Lt. Gov. James M. governor's office to give fhat Cuban ''acts of neutral attitude" by the United would definitely vote asked to relax it still further in a dispute over legislative Brickley has accepted the Eastern Michigan a bigger share countries that recognize Castro intervention and_ aggression States here. again presidency of Eastern Michigan in appropriations and other communism are our enemies." have continued" against his "That does not mean at lifting the blockade. redistricting in North Dakota. University with a pledge to use perks. Twenty • one voting country. some point we won't have OAS Secretary General Gi And in a Texas case, the justices will be asked to his political muscle and Because of its closeness to countries will be Alberto Guzman Soriano, voting on something to say," the Plaza was optimistic about decide whether the "one - man, one - vote" principle knowledge in his new job. Ann Arbor and the University lifting the blockade against the Bolivian foreign minister, spokesman said. He would not il] The university's eight of Michigan, many EMU Cuba and the communist said his country had "a sad indicate how the United States lifting of the sanctions and saL the only problem drawifl applies to such offices as elected justices of the peace regents voted unanimously regime of Prime Minister Fidel experience" with Cuba in the planned to vote. was and constables. They have already said it extends as far regents and officials believe up a resolution acceptable! Thursday to offer the job to their university is cast in the Castro on Tuesday after a five ■ past. He was referring to Guatemala was reported all. 1 down as county commissioners. Brickley, a 4 5 -year - old former shadows of U - M. day conference here sponsored After hearing arguments, the court will take the cases FBI agent who leaves office The regents- did not set a by the OAS. under advisement and will rule Dec. 31. date for Brickley's takeover as Supporters of ending the some time before next June. Brickley accepted to the surprise of no one. Then Brickley told the 15 th president. bans say th'ey have 13 votes - Notice: The State newsmen and regents in Lansing that he wanted to see State University every cl Last Week for Fall Quarter Books focus: school terms, Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition is EMU reach its full potential. published in September. Subscription rate Is $20 per year. He promises to work to that Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial end. To many, the message was Starting November 13, we will begin WORLD clear: Brickley intends to exploit his intimate knowledge GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER ROBERT L. BULLARD. SALES MANAGER News/Editorial PHONES 355-8252 setting up books for winter quarter, 1975. Classified Ads 355-8255 Display Advertising 353-6400 The Business Office • 355-3447 U.S., Egypt sign wheat pact Photographic 355-8311 We'll still try to help you find your fall term i The United States and Egypt signed a 200,000 - ton book, but we suggest you don't delay. Thanks! wheat agreement in Cairo Sunday for the last three months of 1974, supplementing a pact for 100,000 tons good stuff reached earlier. generous Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz said the total value of the two accords was $56.2 million. He said the too at agreement signed Sunday was for $38.7 million, and the previous accord, worked out in June, was for $17.5 million. Butz, who leaves on Monday to discuss similar wheat BELL'S Mil) Open 7:30 to 5:30 agreements in Syria, said the United States also would provide Egypt with $10 million worth of tobacco and PIZZA HOUSE BOOK STOKE 60,000 bales of cotton. 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 ^ Diplomats return from Uganda OPEN 11 am everyday FREE DELIVERY British diplomats ordered out of Uganda by President Idi Amin arrived in London on Sunday amid fresh reports of growing unrest in the East African nation. Last Tuesday Amin ordered the British high commission in Kampala to cut its staff to five after the British newspaper the Observer reported there had been THE FRIENDLIEST unsuccessful plots to assassinate Amin. Reliable sources in Uganda reported that 15 soldiers MACE IN TOWN died last week in an unsuccessful commando revolt against Amin in the Ugandan capital of Kampala. Sakharov urges freer exit NCW APPE4EIN6 Dissident physicist Andrei Sakharov urged Sen. James Buckley, C - N.Y., on Sunday to press for freer emigration for all Soviet people, not just Jews, in any IDES & SHAMES U.S. - Soviet trade agreement. Sakharov, Russia's most prominent civil rights activist, told the conservative Republican from New UNION York that Ukrainians, Armenians, Germans, Baits and other Soviet nationalities should be included in any /UCNDAy nite is emigration plan promised in exchange for U.S. trade concessions to Moscow. 1II//A NIITE Meeting in Sakharov's Moscow apartment, Buckley ROCK n STEREO IOI 9 INCH HI 1H told the dissident leader that he would convey his ....S1.CC SHETIl request to the U.S. Congress. 6i05 to (Tlidnight 14INCH HUH / IIFHS .S2.CC Al III Mil ./ JAZZ ® ROCK n STEREO HI « |VI \HAV u s: midnight to 6>00 A.\ WILS-FITI STEREO IOI.7 SECOND CHANCE 839 779 •• PROGRESSIVELY BETTER •• (Must havt both numbars) JACKPOT 264015 05584 495 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 11, 1974 3 [alley out on bail; seeks anonymity in iew COLUMBUS. G» (AP)j In lifestyle, work he will probably never again plans to get a job in Columbus face confinement for the ' first real taste of freedom at and "sink . into |,e was charged in the My least 22 murders he anonymity." was "Hiey have counseled him not "ITmassacre more than five convicted of committing in the to talk to the news media until «0, William L. Calley Jr. South Vietnamese village of the Army's appeal of U.S. ibfpjn a new lifestyle in the My Lai. He spent it dining out District Court Judge J. Robert ni where "no one considers at a Columbus restaurant with Elliott's reversal of his unusual." his auburn • haired girl friend, conviction is over. jobless but smiling, Calley Anne Moore. Calley, 31, plans to settle in shook hands with On Sunday the slight, this town which adjoins Ft. of this Army town balding former lieutenant Benning because "no one gwernma J^ed the sidewalk outside attended church, his lawyer, considers him unusual," Henson says. Its citizens, many of them military retirees, threw rallies to raise funds for his legal fees during Calley's lengthy court martial - one of the most controversial in U.S. military history. Attorney J. Houston Gordon, whose maneuvering brought Calley from a life sentence three years ago to his late - evening sun silhouettes members of the New Mexico State University current freedom on bail, says marching band during a recent practice session. Calley is"a saleable commodity." Gordon said Calley has had Fight for public transitcontinues no income since 1971 when his court - martial conviction ended his military pay However, Calley is known to have received royalties from By JOHN TINGWALL D advocacy campaign sharply "With problems like the convenient to say that we'll deficit in the state budget. books containing his account State News Staff Writer criticized the plan Friday, energy shortage, where there is throw the thing back on the of My Lai and for a movie "The voters have spoken, Though Michigan voters saying the two - year delay no immediate solution, ballot next time." but the problem is still with being made about his trial. His lawyers say he has had a clearly opposed a $ 1.1 billion may be too long to wait for a Michigan will still be lagging in Blue, general manager of the us," Woodford said. "But for number of job offers but transportation package at the transportation package in transportation services," Osmer Flint Mass Transit Authority, transportation improvement in neither they nor Calley has polls last Tuesday, Michigan. said. said he did not think the two Michigan, I can say this — it transportation officials will 1 The bond issue, which year period would increase said what sort of job he wants. The statement released ain't gonna be easy." continue waging a battle for would have provided $540 support for the proposal. From February until June Woodford said he did not million for rapid transit service Wednesday by the commission "Even if it did pass in two 1974, while temporarily freed implementation of some type said that voters must have expect a 1976 transit proposal of transportation package. in metropolitan Detroit, $362 years, the number of cities and on bail, Calley drove a another to be much larger than the Officials differ, however, on million for rail improvement opportunity to states ahead of us in line for Mercedes Benz and wore consider the need for a $ 1.1 billion dollar proposal this how this goal is to be achieved. and development, and another federal funds will have expensively cut suits. Friends transportation year, since the inflation rate Only $200 million for airport and plan in increased said the car was a loan from a one day after Proposal Michigan. considerably," Blue was accounted for in this years' D - a $1.1 billion lakeport improvement and said. bond issue. WILLIAM CALLEY JR. company on Victory Drive, the But to William Blue, transportation bond issue — expansion in the state, was Detroit would have been Blue maintained that the garish strip that connects director of the Michigan was rejected by a 57 to 43 per defeated by a 57 - 43 per cent eligible for a possible $ 4 billion same Columbus and the military Citizens for Better opposition to the cent margin, the Michigan margin. federal subsidy if the proposal p courthouse after a federal Kenneth Henson, said. base. Transportation, a 1976 proposal will still exist two Highway Commission John Osmer, secretary of had passed. "He just wants to be left The years from now. |p released him Saturday on question of the court - announced it would work to proposal is too late to address John Woodford, director of alone to live martial the Highway Commission, said the needs of the state. "Even if there are no the life of an conviction will be the put another transit proposal on the commission believes the Michigan Dept. of economic problems in 1976, I Saturday night was Calley's ordinary citizen," Henson said. heard in February by the 5th the 1976 ballot. need for a transit proposal will "We qan't wait," Blue said. Highways and Transportation, the same questions will still ; in years knowing Calley, his lawyers say, U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. "Rail abandonments will soon The director of the Proposal still exist in 1976. said the highway commission exist in the voters' minds," become a reality. It's just too will continue to work with the Blue said. "The outstate versus governor and the legislature to Detroit battle will continue, solve transportation problems Unit recommends and people will stBl want to in the state. U "Well consider going to the legislature," Woodford said. "But the state's general fund hear more specifics on how and where the money is going." About one - half of the supply grants there. The group recommended bond issue, $540 million, was By PETE DALY nations, except those engaging in military made them very angry at us. This commission is will be an end to military advising programs in Latin hostilities whose undergoing some earmarked for Detroit and State News Staff Writer or security forces are found by saying that no paternalism by should be serious belt America. appropriate international processes to be us - tightening, with southeast Michigan. Voters in I An end to the U.S. boycott of Cuba and allowed," Wharton said. the sales tax repeal and other "This commission felt the Latin American the tri - county violating human rights." The committee also recommended drains." metropolitan jot military changes regarding Latin America and world situation has changed dramatically in Detroit area approved b two of many recommendations concerning Wharton explained that previous U.S. abandonment of coercive activities toward The 4 per cent sales tax Proposal the last few years," Wharton said Thursday. on D by a small legislation aimed at ending arms sales to Latin Latin majority, while |l$. Latin American policies made by a group "No purpose was being served by a America did not prevent them from buying American American countries expropriating food and drugs repealed by the bond issue was defeated by p prominent Americans, including President continuation of the old U.S. policy." - owned companies or barring voters Tuesday, is expected to a three to their weapons from other nations, such as - - one margin Ihirton. commercial American fishing within 200 miles incur a $200 million annual outstate. Wharton said the most important France. Wharton said the commission is not, I Be Commission On United States - Latin recommendation, in his opinion, related to the of their coast. merican however, recommending that arms sales be Also recommended is greater U.S. tariff Relations, financed privately by the cessation of U.S. military actions in Latin promoted by the United States. preference for Latin American goods and pnter of Inter • American Relations, made 33 ill recommendations America. "We would give them (Latin America) elimination of the U.S. veto power in the Inter - open thursday and friday nights until nine recently to the Ford "The second most important point, I think, economic aid and then they would spend it on administration. American Development Bank, which receives is the recommendation that the United States in is one of 23 American weapons from some other nation, and often at more than one • third of its funds from businessmen, should condemn any violation of human and a much higher cost to them," Wharton said. toner government officials and scholars on the Washington. civil rights by anyone in Latin America," Wharton was asked why the United States The commission also took _mmission, which urges major changes in U.S. Wharton said.1 should be producing arms for sale to any up the plicies toward Latin America. controversial question of American involvement The commission recommends efforts at arms nation. I Hie commission recommended a halt to the limitations agreements among supplier and in the Panama Canal Zone. It recommends the "You have to start with the basic premise Rw U.S. economic boycott of Cuba, consumer nations and the termination of signing and ratification of a new Panama Canal that all governments will have armies for their TPjting that the United States should take treaty that would recognize the right of Panama * initiative military grants by the United States to Latin self - defense," he said. to ultimately in seeking a more normal America. become sovereign over the However, it specifies that Wharton said stopping all arms sales to all w'"* ^at country. waterway. ■ "legislation restrictions on arms transfers that nations would be "denying them their right of "These are very radical statements by the |*liile positive "e emphasizing that action improved relations discriminate against Latin America ought to be internal defense." commission, and on some of the by both sides, the repealed." "For years, the United States has been n urged the United States to act now recommendations — for example, the Canal The report states further that "conventional Raiding the trade embargo on Cuba. playing big brother to Latin America in Zone suggestion — we are already military equipment should be available to getting deciding what is best for them, and that has reactions." Wharton said. U"e* commission U.S. also called for a halt to the Latin American countries on a competitive, intelligence operations in Latin commercial and nondiscriminatory basis - the "ca and a termination of all U.S. military same as that governing sales to other friendly open thursday and friday nights until nine Miss J harnesses a new breed of boot that goes from indoors ?V MONDAY to out, in burnished irl¥ VJ leather-look urethane SR-50 149.95 ' l/}lb. hAivibuRqER,)? with side-zipper ease, ribbed sole traction with announcing the super slide-rule A U CARTE 75$Nolov„ modified calculator from Texas Instruments with algebraic keyboard, accuracy to platform and iROM 5:30 TO 8:00 liM 9 d(,wmldiri> stacked heel styling in 13 significant digits, display rounded 'chopper brown or black. 5-10 to 10 second. digits. Answers in less than a . .single function keys for Medium sizes, $23 finding powers, roots, factorials, log¬ TUESDAY arithmic, trigonometric and hyperbolic f J,divC^ functions, for sum and store and for converting answers to scientific nota¬ 1/2 PRICE NITEv tion. Ultra-sophisticated yet fast and easy, state-of-the-art performance and All Mixed dRiNks < economy. AC adapter/charger, cush¬ ioned vinyl carrying case and manual/ Mf NORMAl DRiCE application guide included. Till 10:00 isSre Aral A downstairs, cover 50tf l/| Jacobgoris Jacobsoris Susan Ager RUSSELL BAKER ,..v. Editor-in-chief Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R.D. Campbell Managing Editor w/ndoJ Mary Hood Diane Silver Chris Danielson City Editor Campus Editor Opinion Page Editor New Melissa Payton National Editor Steve Stein Monday, November 11, 1974 Sports Editor aids broker)nJ Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor Editorials are the opinion of the State News. TomOren Columns, viewpoints and letters are personal Copy Chief 'The economic Joe Kirby Staff Representative history 0f the opinions. age begins with the crash of stockbrokers l9%li jumped The country learned its out ofskJJl the old skyscrapers and lesson, HI put oi l EDITORIALS now windows that couldn't be opened „ today stockbrokers have to with moving to smaller be'rl apartments Economic progress was Remember other fronts. To make government spent billions made on, wions on . 1 jot? 1 roil building. Robert "We must avoid violence," the usual" attitude of administrations Moses, using New State News editorial read two d,ays after four students, one a former from the White House to the state Capitol to City Hall to MSU? York as a model, showed America how m 1 MSU student, were gunned down at to turn every city In the past four years we have into a' traffic jam by Kent State University. "Our forgotten Kent State. We have abolishing trolley strength will be shown not in bricks cars and putting in and bottles thrown through forgotten Spiro Agnew's "effete expressways. Thus.ft « snobs" charge. We have forgotten windows but just by disrupting we progressed from# W 'business as usual.'" Vietnam and Cambodia. the 5 • cent trolley ** ride to the $4,000" But now, 4Vi years later, we're We have somehow automobile w1H1_ forgotten that $550 insurance policy, the $5 back to "business as usual." outrage as we have been forced to and 60- cent gasoline. parkinel■ A former Ohio National do furious battle against ANTHONY The devouring automobile industry booi Guardsman, acquitted Friday by inflation, a shrinking job market ■long with the concrete, aspL Judge Frank J. Battisti of and insurance, parking ■ lot and oil businel a fading idealism. "What you Thus, economics discovered the se conspiracy with seven other guardsmen to deprive the students see a and hear is not rage, but injury, withering of expectations," one U.S. still lacks leadership overcoming hard times growth. Soon, industry everywhere was rod of their civil rights, said: "It was a newspaperman called it two years away to make things people could to terrible tragedy and we are sorry it credit immediately with all ago. the mir noise has been unfairly suppressed and that if more trouble ensues, they made me turn down the volume, while ITS Mi I SKATIN6 Ol/TFi". 5WTIN6 COMPETITION REP OUTFIT WITH it they have been asked too often to would be expelled from the / MOU AMlT A R£: residence hall. other stereos in the complex were even MJTmER'5/^ MARClE? y L0K Of SEQUINS: _„...'t. It s like the 7KAT1N6 XEZt " Gestapo," Gillespie said. louder than mine." ■ Problems began one day when a 15 - Signs reading "Stalag 4-B Armstrong" "This one guy has an amplifier capable lound cement ashtray was dropped from have been put up by students living on the of L fourth floor to the ground. Resident floor. producing enough sound to fill Jenison Student numbers have been itant Bernie Hall sought help from on doors to resemble painted Fieldhouse," Henderson said. "His prison numbers on speakers are the size of a chest of ( Henderson, the head advisor of striped shirts, Ed Schroeder, a freshman drawers, and that volume could be heard on Grand —v/dy Complex. living on the floor, said. River Avenue. He has i jo far, Henderson and Hall have only got to keep the DOONESBURY "Everyone just kinda walks in their noise down." by Garry Trudeau ■forced quiet hours after 1 a.m., an all - room and shuts the door when they see Armstrong residents also complained ■niversitv policy. They are now watching Bernie (Hall). We're scared of that Henderson was AS YOU MAY RECALL, T floor carefully to guard against further more getting in taking down posters THE PRESIDENT HAS ASKS) YOUR DINNER trouble," Schroeder said. advertising parties. DON'T SAY IT- said. TONIGHT REFLECTS MY iturbances. Hall Gillespie said there are mixed However, Henderson I KNOW. THEY'RE IIICI, EVERY AMERICAN TO pWe cannot have these spontaneous on the feelings said the signs were vlb* USE SELF-RESTRAINT PERSONAL COMMITMENT floor, that some understand Hall's taped on glass, which is prohibited because PRETTY SKIMPY TO WHIPPING INFLATION d idiotic displays of behavior that position as resident assistant which the janitors have a hard time PORTIONS. tuc JJA, IN COMBATING PUBUC NOU! 5% LESS FOOD Ether other residents," Henderson said. requires him to enforce order and the sticky cleaning up HERE? £N£MysmeRm' keep tape. |Not only are other floors harassed by peace on the floor. "We have bulletin boards le noise on 4-B but its adjoining floor, for the m, is the designated quiet house in the jomplex. "it's getting ridiculous. Someone could K been killed with that ashtray," Hall ill said the noise has been getting Each Monday the State News publishes Wednesday a list of scheduled governmental The Academic Senate will meet at 3 I "The residents lately have been yelling meetings, including campus, city and state bodies. p.m. in Wilson Hall auditorium to discuss It of windows at 3 and 4 a.m., turning Citizens are encouraged to clip this list the Student Instructional |p stereos full blast, having water fights for reference. Please contact the Rating System managing and student access to SIRS forms. Jd causing all sorts of trouble," he said. editor to include items here. The East Lansing Planning Commission | He said that after a party last week will meet at 8 p.m. in council chambers, le put two huge holes in the wall, Jndthat trash was dumped in the hallway. The East Today City Hall. TOUlTS AT THs Lansing Environmental Thursday I Hill has met with members of the floor Quality and Aesthetics Task Force will The East Lansing Building Board of fally to ask for quiet at reasonable meet at 7:30 p.m. in council chambers at Appeals will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 201 City Hall, 410 Abbott Road. First State Savings and Loan, 303 [ "Most of these guys are freshmen and Abbott Road. kd not know policies about keeping quiet Tuesday Friday m.," Hall said. "There has been The East Lansing Zoning Board of The board of trustees will meet at 10 ftiiich improvement once the guys Appeals will meet at 8 p.m. in council a.m. in the Board Room of the pderstood obligations to other people chambers. City Hall. Administration Building. MONDAY MCDONALD'Sl PITCHER PEOPLE ARE | NIGHT! GUARANTEED Food & Booze CHEAP BEER I'M BILL MILLER | 1227 E. Grand River YOU CAN COUNT ON ME Open 11 a.m. 6 p.m.-1 a.m. TO HAVE YOUR TABLE CLEAN ALSO: PIZZA SPECIALS Your next meal is on us if you can't find a clean table or " «uy v someone to clean it for you. 12" 2 item pizza plus r ; 18 oz. PITCHER S4°0 16" 2 item pizza I Guarantee It! ' 1plus $ roo / If 1 18 oz. PITCHER J fl ■ McDonald's ■ ■ 234 W. Grand River 1024 E. Grand River 2040 E.Grand River tfsvussr ' Lite Folk Entertainment Mon.-Sat. 9-1 ■ ■ ft: 4 -94(0 '••• T BU1S i " MONDAY LUNCH SPECIAL ■ ** "CIBP" v*ib.Cheeseburger gg Your Way & Beef Barley Soup only MONDAY UNTIL 10 PM SjSg ^ Tr WvAsacAT \ T— y-;h- "TUS. -MfflsAc*' t*?AA\" '. • * V Burger King ALL YOU CAN EAT! |*«'re open 10:30 A.M.-11 P.M. Chicken all the golden fried chicken, ranch fries & cole slaw you on weekdays can eat! $|99 pNidnight Fridays & Saturdays TED STRUNK ENTERTAINS ON TUESDAV! (V; buyome whopper Th^ *et one free! Peanut with coupon Barrel E'Grand River j ■AfOI s. -SfMWD " -Monday Nov. 11 thru Thursday Nov. 14 351 - 0608 y t ... - v 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 11,19. Book discusses social, By CHARLES N. STRANEY that is beginning to engulf the world. The final section of the book They see this is minute, no insurance corporation is willing to provide liability gives suggestions for Wrvi decomposition arising from the interaction of world population coverage against such an event. IK firm /!«).. Paul R. and Anne H. Ehrlich have written a new book, titled nutritional balance in the face of growth, increasing disparity between overdeveloped and Thus federal legislation, the Price Anderson Act, was written a long - rang? |ack 7 "The End of Affluence - a Blueprint for Your Future," to be underdeveloped nations (and on a micro - scale between "have" to make the government (public) responsible for any damage protein and other food supplies. These later sections aroH J published soon by Ballentine Books of New York. and "have not" social groups) and the growth of and costs. to enable the reader to change his lifestyle now and * While their previous book, "The Population Bomb" was - increasing dependence on faulty technology to support this disparity. ahead of the majority in facing "The End of The book also refers to a 1952 Presidential Commission Affluence" p! targeted at the under - 25 age group in the United States, this In the of some college students feel they have long since made offering is directed at all ages. ^ course developing their premise, the Ehrlichs discuss the world energy crisis and the scientific and social constraints on (Paley) Report and a 1956 report printed by the American Petroleum Institute, both of which predicted the ultimate energy adjustment at MSU. 2 The book is in the mold of Robert Heilbron^r's "An Inquiry using alternate energy sources including the open - system limits crunch, the latter forecasting the crisis for the mid - '60s. into the Human Prospect." However, it treats the perception of of massive thermal pollution and climatic modification. worldwide social disaster from an individual rather than a The Ehrlichs develop the systemic limits of the food problem They document specific instances of near disasters in nuclear political - economic viewpoint. in the world with emphasis on the protein deficiency and the plants such as that near Detroit in 1953, which involved a Fermi The Ehrlichs provide ample references and data to support Breeder Reactor. They note that though the Atomic abysmal long • range chances of improving this deficiency. their perceptions of the coming economic and social upheaval Energy Commission states that the probability of a major reactor accident Further discussion concerns caloric shortages and the interaction of demand and distribution of food assets on world shortages. They note that the food problem is worldwide and debunk the myth that the United States is self - sufficient in food Quartet fails to blend consistently - growing and can feed the entire world. The Ehrlichs assess current government reactions among the overdeveloped nations to these critical problems, and see a trend By ED ZDROJEWSKI Friday night at Fairchild balance between the two a brilliant but lengthy fugue. toward competition rather than cooperation. State News Reviewer Theater, varied between a violins, the viola and cello. The audiences of Beethoven's If one then becomes convinced that a true crisis exists, the The ideal souhd of a string contest of soloists and a blend The four musicians seemed time felt this was E hrlichs suggest that we rid ourselves of the idea that governments quartet is subjective. Some of musicians. to have forgotten this. Each inappropriate, so Beethoven will react in a proper and timely manner without citizens' urgings. people prefer a sharp, biting Unfortunately, the four musician tried to outplay the wrote another finale of a less They believe we should all become politically involved, both for sound that emphasizes the musicians chose to sound like a other. This was especially true individual character. The and against candidates and concepts, with special emphasis on rhythm of the music. Some contest during the first work, of George Sopkin, on cello, "Grosse Fugue" was published local levels of government and the legislative office seekers. like a contest between four Mozart's "Quartet No. 17 in B who was apparently trying to as a separate work. soloists, with each instrument Flat, 'The Hunt.' " make sure he was heard in the The blend that was absent striving to outdo the others. Mozart's quartets were back rows. He was. The sound from the Mozart work was Some like a perfect blend of written in the predominant that resulted was interesting, fully present in the Beethoven. the four instruments. classical style of the late 18th but it was not Mozart. The sound was full and The sound of the Fine Arts century. This implies a certain The Schostakovich "Quartet gorgeous. The tempo tended to Quartet, which performed restraint in playing and a gentle No. 1" that followed was much drag a bit during the athletic better. The quartet was more finale, but this may be due to balanced in sound, though a the fact that the quartet modern started the movement at a Roger Wagner composer Schostakovich allows more freedom in this area. The viola like tempo that than usual. was a little faster solo during the slow movement The Beethoven piece perform at M was superb. The crowning glory of the elicited a standing ovation from the audience. The world renowned three Israeli folk songs evening was Beethoven's - and Roger Wagner Chorale will three black spirituals. "Quartet No. 13 in B Flat." This late work by Beethoven perform at 8:15 tonight in the The chorale was one of the has caused some controversy. Auditorium in a concert first American groups to tour Unlike most string quartets, Stop Monkey-ing around . . . sponsored by the Lecture • Russia this year in the newly Concert Series. Beethoven % wrote it in six The chorale, started in 1947 negotiated Cultural Exchange movements. The original finale, Get your FREE senior by French bom Roger Program. known as the "Grossc F\igue," is Wagner, will include works ranging from Gregorian chants pictures for the to songs by American composer Aaron Copeland in 1975 WOLVERINE its program. yearbook Itj hockhl The chorale will also perform Gabriel Saure's "Requiem," Brahms' taken NOW in "Liebeslieder Walzer, Opus 52 (Lovesong Waltzes)," as well as Rm 36A Union 353-5292 by Arthur Haitey. WXC.NKR AIRPORT 1975 A UNIVERSAL PICTURE TECHNICOLOR * RftNAVISlON" P&& Buy a Wolverine yearbook too! vmmE Tonight is Guest Night the price of°one MEJA.C TV RENTALS" "The American Jewish Literary Scene" DOMINOS PIZZA km 337-1300 -N, 966 TROWBRIDGE 35, ,,M 4^^ y TWO DOMINOS America's Greatest Chorus The name of Roger Wagner has ARt BETTER THAN ONE! become synonymous with the highest achievements in choral art. The Chorale has appeared in every state and in overseas tours through the Soviet Union, the Middle East, to insure that famous FAST and FREE DELIVERY DOMINOS both eastern and western Europe, all of South America, Mexico, Canada and Japan. discussed by call the Dominos PIZZA At M$U the Roger Wagner Chorale Meyer Levin will sing highlights from Aaron nearest 1139 E. Grand River Copland's "The Tender Land," author of Compulsion & The Settlers you! "Lovesong Waltzes" by Brahms, Tuesday Nov. 12th 4pm the "Requiem" by Gabrief Faure, 102 B Wells L SUPER WEEK IS COMING! 351- a traditional Gregorian Chant, a selection of Israeli folksongs, rnran. American spirituals and songs Of UNUSUAL F,LMS! '"y, patriotism. mim. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11 8.1b p.m. University Auditorium Public: S6.00 5.00 4.00 peRl'oomiw apis compAm MSU Students: S3.00 2.50 2.00 For group rates call 355 6686. Tickets are on sale NOW. Union Ticket Office Open at 6:45 P.M. FEATURE 7:15-9:2 8:15 4:30 weekdays 355 3361 Awesomt excitement! GEORGE CSCOn Lecture Concert Series at MSU THE DAY A A University Series (A) Attraction OF THE DOLPHIN BLACK MUSICAL TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW 8:15 p.m. DIRECTED BY PETER LANDRY FAIRCHILD THEATRE BOX OFFICE OPEN MONDAY • FRIDAY 12 • S PHONE 355 - 0148 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 11, 1974 7 sraeli rioters oppose pound's devaluation From Wire Services tfl aviv - Rioters blocked streets and stoned buses and rBHi^KUn. r iL- V i¥ V ? POST GAME CIRCUS ON FIELD Fans take over Sp By PETE DALY It was a bizarre, out • of - Jubilation took over as the delayed decision of Big Ten the game was over. ite News Staff Writer control circus the By then as thousands of people thronged Commissioner Wayne Duke iTtie scene at Spartan many of the people in the loudspeakers continuously the field. Mobs of students and other officials in the press stadium had begun dribbling Idium Saturday was a demanded that the field be attacked the goalposts, bending box. homeward — or elsewhere. "iig spectacle of chaos and cleared. Fans still in the stands the heavy steel tubes over to Some went to bars, some went Ichy. shrieked and jumped, howling the ground while others "If they give it to Ohio clungv to jail and some went to the Iwnty • eigtu thousand "We won! We won!" while squirrel like to the uprights State, Wayne Duke better not ■ were left hanging by the their - come out of that hospital. counterparts across the waving through the air. Pieces press box ■climactic announcement field did the same. of the goal posts began 'cause I'd shoot him," one Both the campus and East lthe Big Ten commissioner MSU fan snarled. appearing all over the stadium. Lansing police were plagued by jli decide the outcome of Lending to the confusion Policemen - who had done a large number of rowdy the Another MSU |MSl't • Ohio State game, i announcement came ' was school' blaring bands. of Victory both their own share of joyful fan razzing OSU Coach Woody began drunks, police said. jumping and yelling — tried to Its after the clock ran out " marches were played as the stop some of the more Hayes. Hayes, already furious A $75 MSU football helmet io State on the MSU players wandered back and after someone tried to snatch dangerous antics, but they just was stolen in the stadium ( yard line and the score forth between the field and could not do it. his cap from his head, belted the offending student with the during the game, but was later P16.0SU 13. locker rooms, wondering if still Apples, programs and hats recovered on Grand River to back of his fist. pthFanssidesand thought they had more was come. When the Ohio team finally arched through the air over Avenue. players alike people who had joined hands did leave the field, followed "We won that game!" Hayes A fan trying to climb over a JM B referee onto the field after ruled in favor of later by the OSU band, MSU In giant circular dances. Erstwhile acrobats growled while storming off the high fence on the northeast did Ps final play, while two fans went totally bananas and field. side of the stadium did not cartwheels and somersaults. make it. Hisybroken arm was J referees signaled that it claimed the stadium for their Brawls loomed as some fans A throng of happier people ■>» good. saw their victory.threatened clustered around the press box later treated at Sparrow by where Duffy Daugherty, Chris Hospital. Schenkel and Wayne Duke Police also reported one fame was over as OSU powwowed announcement. others who over a final Fans held up reached for unlucky fan was squashed by a falling goalpost, breaking four of his ribs. autographs from the celebrities in the press boxes. It turned out to be a Tyrone Willingham holds while Hans Nielsen kicks his 39 yard field goal lotfinal play underway - long The final announcement day for a lot of people from against Ohio State Saturday which tied the contest at halftime, 3-3. The snap finally came 46 minutes after both Ohio and Michigan. from center was low, but Willingham was able to get the ball up in time. By PAT FARNAN Duke conferred with Stolz and State News Sports Writer Buckeye coach Woody Hayes, returned to the press box and My Stob |lad announced the following: w a point the game's over I "At the end of the game, the Ohio State look up at the to see who won," he said in the players were attempting to unpile and it was ruled by the back judge (William Kingzett) and lthpfi«i L na room Saturday. "I figure I can score by looking up there." field judge (John Olsonf,-whose responsibility it is to maintain time on the field, that time had 177 "s 6 an• 13 hour after time had expired in MSU upset win, th^re expired before the last play started. was "The linejudge signaled a touchdown, which If'on "*™, However. as to the validity of the under game mechanics is his responsibility. But td f°lr,y an *lour game's outcome the back judge and field judge notified him that time had expired. fein„\0ne man. Wayne Duke, f er of the Big Ten. "Had time not expired, Ohio State would have been charged with a penalty for not being h;r,fc»1,y announced that MSU set on the line of scrimmage for one full second before the start of the play." Nttdhl! g,reat" and Woody Hayes Duke said he had no comment about his '10 comlW°,u ,aPPeal the Vision. Hayes conversations with the two coaches. ^ ?fter conferring with Duke Ohio State wingback Brian Baschnagel, who lilettthpR ?h'° State bus soon after . Duke annn dressi"g room. pounced on the fumble in the endzone on the controversial play, said that he scored. Ision in (inC!d Sunday that there is no "The linesman held up two hands for a 1(NCaaw ^tional Collegiate Athletic touchdown, that's all I know," Baschnagel said. ^'ts of a game fU'eS for an appeal of "I scored." a from Taped replays of the play revealed that Archie Griffin and the left side of the OSU ■fJ1" and on ,Sa! referee has general offensive line were not in a set position. PiMhe?1r°,0fthe8ame- Despite Duke's official announcement, there ljudge 0r fnrfe authority for the score, the still speculation among many sportswriters ■decision I nn lUre of 8 8ame by rule, and was and press personnel as to whether the ball had under th0 • Jmatters not specifically been snapped before the final gun. tlle rule readsf ti0n °f °thCT °fficialS' In that case, the Bucks would have been assessed five - yard penalty for illegal BofficiaU ^"ying around talking a procedure and given one more shot at the CWhal Ceniafter the 8ame trying endzone from about the six ■ yard line. The game cannot end on a penalty. But the ISl Cehn°^df|!ead rfereaGene Calhoun officials ruled time had expired and the Bucks Ohio State, 16 • 13. Big Ten Commissioner Wayne Duke announced the decision of the officials in the press box and the word 'he Spartan then r *'ter dressing was i licin • n|ng to Calhoun's account, are no longer No. 1. relayed to the approximately 50,000 fans who remained about an hour after the game to hear the news. 10 Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigan Monday, November l|,|, PAT FARNAN Hello Spartans: MSU icers knock WiSd '^ing down By STEVE STEIN Bessone said the icers Steve Colp scored the three weren't on our game too well Four of MSU's goals over State News Sports Writer watched the Spartan football - goal hat trick to pace the the first two periods both the weekend came on power good to see you Another No. 1 team was knocked off its pedestal this team dispose of the Buckeyes Saturday before that night s Spartans Friday. Rice tallied MSU's other goal. nights, but we did tremendous jobs coming from behind. plays. past weekend, and at its home. contest against Tech. The Spartans were down 2-1 "Our power • play team "Saturday night was the big While Spartan football fans "Watching the game really going into the final period one. We really pulled together came through in good shape," Good morning and welcome to the Wide World of Stolz. were celebrating MSU's put the guys in great spirits," Bessone said. Friday until Rice's goal and and it was a great team effort." It took the young Spartan coach the better part of two stunning upset victory over Bessone said. Colp's final two tallies, which Ron Clark was the winning football seasons to convince an impatient Spartan entourage Ohio State Saturday night, Tech jumped off to a 3-0 came on power plays, gave goaltender both nights for the The Spartans return^ home that his program was going somewhere. coach Amo Bessone's hockey lead in the first period MSU the victory. this weekend to faue Spartans as he turned away Now Spartanland's own miracle worker can boast a following squad was completing a two ■ Saturday before the Spartans "They were great wins," 30 shots Friday and 31 North Ifekota Friday and inside Wc7u1e^l°"i | tantamount with that of Moses. Saturday. game sweep over the Michigan surged from behind to grab the Bessone beamed Sunday. "We Saturday. And Woody...ah...Hayes has taken another lump. Tech Huskies in Houghton. victory. f Woody lost poise Using a pair of three - goal Daryl Rice and John Sturges The flustered Ohio State coach witnessed his second straight third periods, the MSU icers scored in the second period to bid for an unblemished record and national championship fizzle away Saturday. knocked off the top - rated Huskies 4-2 Friday night, bring MSU within one goal. Sturges' goal was his first of Indiana too tough And the "genial" veteran of the gridiron registered his despondency in a most unsportsmanlike fashion by biffing a then came back to edge Tech 5-4 on Saturday. the season. Two other put the red light on Spartans for the (te wmuVI'$' p Spartan spectator while exiting the playing field. Bye - bye Woody. The two wins gave eighth • rated MSU a 3-1 record in the initial time this season to tie the score up early in the third MSU loses last g Down in Ann Arbor the folks are a little more appreciative of Western Collegiate Hockey period. the "greenies." Assn.(WCHA). Tech dropped to Freshman defenseman Tim Nationally • ranked Indiana Wilkinson, a sophomore, made their opponents this season was too much for the MSU 16 saves during the game. "They redeemed themselves, those damn greenies did," an 2-2 in the league. McDonald brought the 19-7 and outshot their exuberant Wolverine fan hollered amidst the revelry at Dooley's Both MSU and Tech now soccer team Friday as the The loss dropped MSU's Spartans within one tally on a opponents 214 to 110. Saturday night. have overall records of 4-2. TTie slap shot and Brendon Spartan booters suffered their record for the year to 8-1-2. . Rutherford said goalie Denny's got a program first loss of the season, 3-0 in While the defeat was sweep was the Spartans first of Moroney later scored to make Wilkinson and team cocaptain the year after splitting opening it 4-4. their last contest for the year. disappointing for the soccer Jim Stelter played admirably, Now Denny Stolz has a program, and the program is going The Hoosiers, with a 16-2 somewhere. home series with Laurentian Robbie Harris scored the squad, the team's winning holding back Indiana's University and winning goal with a little record, outran and outshot percentage was the best since "We're going up. That's where we're headed," Spartan WCHA over MSU the way the Spartans did explosive offense. Before the •opponent Minnesota. seven minutes to 1968 when the Spartan booters quarterback Charlie Baggett said in the ecstatic, steam - filled play. to their opponents all year game Friday, the Hoosiers had were national cochampions. dressing room following the game. "Nobody had faith in us. But outscored their opponents by we had faith in ourselves." long. Spartan booters outscored 48 goals. Those puzzling Spartans did Indiana, playing on its it all right, and in inimitable style. Nothing commonplace about this one. They laid the leather to Women's hockey team Astroturf field, outshot MSU 23-5, clearly dominating the the Bucks, miracle or not. as the Big Red Machine suffered a game from the start. mechanical breakdown. The Bucks ate the big green apple. qualifies nine at tourney "They got on top of us right away and stayed there," MSU College, pro Defense shines coach Ed Rutherford said. Stolz showered his defensive unit with praise and rightly so. It was one helluva performance. Archie Griffin got his 100 yards MSU's women's field wing Karen Miller, right Spartan goalie Gary from weekend's and Cornelius Greene danced for his share. But the mighty Bucks hockey team placed seven halfback Shelly Owens, left crossed the goal line but once. players on the first team and fullback Jill Rteiter, right College Three times the Spartans kept OSU from six points inside the two players on the second fullback Joni Welosyzk and Lions crushed MSU 16, Ohio State 13 Auburn 24, Miss. St. 20 team at the All College goalie Rose Wilkins. U M 14, Illinois 6 Baylor 34, Texas 24 ten yard line. They could not believe that OSU could win. - hockey tournament held Making the second team Minnesota 24, Purdue 20 Miami (Ohio) 19, Kent St. 17 yourbcokseUer. Meanwhile the stuttering at times against a vaunted, Spartan offense moved the ball well though untested, OSU defense. The Saturday in Adrian. from MSU are right inner Mary by hot Oakland Northwestern 24, Indiana 22 Maryland 41, Villanova 0 There arc more than 2oo| The players on the All - Schreuer and right wing Liz Wisconsin 28, Iowa IS, Brigham Young 21, Arc. St. 18 CtlFFS ]\DTE'$ tohdpB Spartans used just three big plays to demonstrate their offensive youinLit class plus1 r prowess. College first team will Visser. OAKLAND (UPI) ~ Ken Oklahoma 37, Missouri 0 Oklahoma St. 29, Kansas St. S Hans Neilsen's39-yard field goal, which knottedup the score in represent all the schools in In team play, the Spartans Stabler completed 20 of 24 Alabama 30. l.SU 0 Pittsburgh 35. Temple 24 KEYNOTE REVIEWSJ Texas Tech 28, TCU0 heip in other subje cts the first half, looked like a total failure until it floated over the Michigan this Saturday at the defeated Olivet College 2-0 and passes, including two for SMU18, Texas A&M 14 Send forc»mpJetaijst. bar. Bad snap, Great Lakes tournament touchdowns, and Marv Georgia 17, Florida 16 CMU42. WMU6 cross shaky hold, low kick-good. Hard to tied Kalamazoo College 0-0. believe. against other college and Hubbard ran for two more N.C. State 12, Penn St. 7 Army 17, Air Force 16 The MSU junior varsity Charlie Baggett's touchdown pass to Mike Jones? Well, he amateur teams in an area that scores Sunday in leading the Nebraska 23, Iowa St. 13 Slippery Rock 27, Clarion St. 6 couldn't have placed it in his hands any better. includes five states. hockey team also did fairly Oakland Raiders to their eighth well at the tourney beating the Pro Levi Jackson's 8 8-yard touchdown run on a fullback • up - the Officials will be watching straight victory, 35 - 13 over the games from the sidelines to Albion College JVs 2-1, but the Detroit Lions. N. Y. Jets 26, IV. Y. Giants 20 Denver 17. Baltimore 6 - middle play was also hard to believe. Jackson had about 90 select 11 players to represent losing to the Hope College's Stabler threw IS yards to San Du-n 14, Kansas City 7 Washington 27, Philadelphia 20 CUTF& yards of fairway staring him in the face, and he just bumed it up with a quick feint and a display of 9.6 speed. the Great Lakes area in the JVs, 1-0. Cliff Branch in the second Oaklan.; \ Detroit 13 Houston 21, Buffalo 9 VOTES Coach Mikki Miami 21, New Orleans 0 Day of the Spartan national hockey tournament. The competition at the Baile pleased with the results of the was quarter and 36 yards to Branch in the third when the Raiders Dallas 20, San Francisco 14 Cleveland 21, New England 14 Cincinnati 17, Pittsburgh 10 I Box 8072 8 It was simply an incredible performance. The Green Bay 20, Chicago 3 \Lixicoljl j Nfcbr. 6 8 Sol Spartans made Great Lakes tourney will be tournament. opened up a 35 -10 lead. Los A ngeles 21, Atlanta 0 mistakes and overcame them. It was a tribute to Stolz and the tougher than at the All • whole damn bunch of Spartans. College tournament because And the Buckeyes? I have got to hand it to them. They there will be more teams never quit. Of course they are supposed to be the best team in the entered, not only college teams, This Christmas, Country, but what the Spartans did to them, particularly but area all - star amateur Jackson's run, would have sent most teams home in catatonic a teams as well. state. Reperesenting the Spartans Yet they came back, and almost overcame their coaching. on the Michigan All - College But this day belonged to MSU. first team will be center God bless our own Charles Johnson and the MSU Good Times forward Betsy Hallgren, center Magazine people for having the sense to pick the better team. halfback Carol .Kiddon, left COME TO SAN FRANCISCO The City By The Golden Gate ask for a gift for a lifetime. UNIVERSITY OF S JANUARY January 2-30, 1974 The HP-80 Financial. Performs virtually all time " The HP-35 Electronic Slide Rule. calqulations in seconds. He VISIT WITH US Performs all basic arithmetic, trig and log The HP-65 Fully Programmable. OPEN ADMISSION 200-year calendar, an A.:: calculations automatically. Has an The world's only fully programmable pocket able Memory. Lets y AND STUDY WITH US Addressable Memory, displays 10 digits calculator. You can write, edit and record new kinds of it in fixed decimal or scientific notation, orograms up to 100 steps long. You can ment calci.1 FOR A MONTH. HOUSING AVAILABLE •ake advantage of HP pre recorded automatically positions decimal that anab.e . point throughout its 200 decade orograms, so you gain the speed/ make bette COURSES OFFERED IN range. Cost. $225: accuracy benefits of programming Call or write today: _ Jpl. without writing your own. BUSINESS, EDUCATION, Wm. V. Burgess, Ph.D. Dean, Intersession NURSING, LIBERAL ARTS, University of San Francisco AND SCIENCE. San Francisco, Ca 94117 (415) 666-6767 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 11, 1974 11 Harriers capture fourth in league meet Saturday By DAN SPICKLER State News Sporti Writer Jim Gibbard said. "Still, our Minnesota, which scored 120 Slafe WWJ Next 211 E.Grand River The MSU men's guys ran their best times of the points. to the Sportmeister cross year." Of the country team placed fourth at top 14 finishers, all the Spartan freshman Jeff were Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat 9-6 Big -Ten meet held Pullen took 11th in the meet. sophomores and Saturday in Ann Arbor. freshmen. Gibbard noted that Wed.Thur, 9*9 The MSU harrier was clocked the upcoming talent on Sophomore Herb Lindsay at 30:33.6 and Pullen most led the squad on the six • by finishing third mile course with a with Lincjsay to the NCAA districts in Madison, Wis. will go of the college cross teams is young and country highly CIGARETTES 2 pk. /79' timeof30:05:4. competitive. Junior Fred Teddy took a (COUPON) The University of Michigan "We're in a real battle," he Expires Nov. 17, 1974 won the disappointing 15th for MSU, East Lansing Store Only meet, ^upsetting just missing a trip to the NCAA remarked. "These young teams heavily favored Wisconsin. meet. Last year are giving Michigan tallied 42 points, 13 th in the 7 0 Teddy finished competition." us tough 10% OFF OUR PRICE ON ALL KODAK Wisconsin was - man event. second with 55 points and Illinois Spartan sophomore Stan The Spartans are just as FILM PROCESSING & DEVELOPING was third, Mavis fell 100 yards from the young as the other top teams finishing in front of the finish 'line because of In the Big Ten. The No Limit Spartans with 75 team MSU (COUPON) points. hyperventilation, but got up harriers are for the most Expires Nov. 17, 1974 The Spartans totaled 84 part East Lansing Store Only and finished the race. Mavis freshmen and sophomores, as points to take fourth. The four of the top five MSU team would have placed 26 th. gone to the NCAA District IV tournament this Saturday with at least a the Freshman Amos Brown was fifth man for MSU, runners years of are in their first two college. PEAK BAN PERNOX third place finishing 28 th for the Spartans. Last year the Toothpaste Roll On showing, but missed MSU was well out in front of Spartans ■ Cleanser the trip by nine finished fifth in the Big Ten points. the fifth 6.3 MSU's athletic department place team, meet. oz. —* r\ c 25 $109 2 oz- $ 1 48 agreed to send the team if it From Red Barn's New Owner and reg. 1.19 /J reg. 1.69 reg. 2.20 * | finished in the top three. The Limit 1 Limit 1 (COUPON) athletic department also IN RESPONSE TO (COUPON) t Expires Nov. 17, 1974 Expires Nov. 17, 1974 (COUPON) decided to send apy individuals East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Expires Nov. 17, 1974 East Lansing Store Only who finished in the top 14. Sophomore Craig Virgin of PUBLIC DEMAND Illinois time, won the event in record finishing in 29:11:4. good Mon. - Thurs. COETS Cosmetic Squares BAYER VASELINE Michigan sophomore Greg Hamburger Hungry savs:. Aspirin Petroleum Jelly Meyer finished in front of 80's 100's / Lindsay, coasting in with a £Qc O'J 33/4 BuyaBambuster „ oz. 29:45.8 clocking. reg. 89c QQ reg. 99c O JL "Herb kept up with Limit 1 Limit 1 reg. 59c J/ Virgin (COUPON) for the first three (COUPON) and a Coke... miles, but Expires Nov. 17, 1974 (COUPON) Expires Nov. 17, 1974 Expires Nov. 17, 1974 then fell back," MSU coach East Laming Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only SN photo/Howard Neely I MSU freshman Jeff Pullen will be going to the I NCAA district meet this Saturday after finishing keep the Glass! WELLA BALSAM CONDITIONER 16 OZ. umit 1 $ 1 52 111th at the Big Ten cross country meet last reg. 2.50 (coupon) I Saturday in Ann Arbor, Pullen and teammate Herb Expires Nov. 17, 1974 East Lansing Store Only ■ 1 Lindsay, who finished third at the conference Johnson's I event, will represent MSU at the district meet. The I Spartan team took fourth in the Big Ten. BABY SHAMPOO 11 OZ. Limit 1 $ 1 29 reg. lag (coupon) 1 HO FAULT rel, K 1.03 Expires Nov. 17, 1974 East Lansing Store Only INSURANCE "Do I drink < this and go or * ALL SINGLE ALBUMS stay all night?" * Call Jeff Williams ■Inn For Tin- Seesaw * AND RECENT RELEASES (MSU '68) at 332-1838 ■MSI Arena Theatre ] SENTRY ,13, 14 at »:15 p. INSURANCE Collect a complete set Of these n . I Fri. Nov 15 at 3:00 p.m old fashioned 12-ounce glasses ^fily mmj .00 at the door 710 Gainsborough Drive 89 $3 for Coca-Cola. It's our way to East Lansing Phone Day or Evening get you to try our fabulous new % pound hamburger the Barnbuster. Fred C, White, - representative 1010 E. Grand River from EVERYDAY LOW PRICE! Balfour Rings will ln> at llic MSU liookstore Try to wear C126 - 12 KODAK FILM CI 26 - 20 today through November 15, iuseat.i 99° (COUPON) from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Expires Nov. 17, 1974 East Lansing Store Only $1 29 MAGICUBES FLASHCUBES Limit 1 $ 17 (COUPON) Expires Nov. 17, 1974 East Lansing Store Only (COUPON) Expires Nov. 17, 1974 88' East-Lansing Store Only KODAK FILM Cl 10-12 99« (COUPON) Expires Nov. 17, 1974 East Lansing Store Only $ I 29 Scotch NORTHERN Paper Towels TUFFY CELLO TAPE Trash Can Liner Brawnee the 10's hiking shoe that wears and wears. reg. 54c 43' reg. 1.29 68' 19' (COUPON) Brown & Blue Expires Nov. 17, 1974 (COUPON) (COUPON) CHICKEN SPECIAL Man - Thurs Mens $27.00 Womens $25.00 East Lansing Store Only Expires Nov. 17, 1974 East Lansing Store Only Expires Nov. 17, 1974 East Lansing Store Only Our Chicken & Salad Platter. CORICIDIN D Three pieces of country fried Cold Tablets SINEX GERITOL )'IF! chicken, a warm roll, and Nasal Spray Tablets Jfciti Y M'm !'&>» all the salad you want 25's Woz. Q"7C 40's ' (yo" make it yourself)! or reg. 1.69 Limit 1 96' reg. 1.39 O / reg. 3.29 $ "J 99 Limit 1 Limit 1 iMrf 3 pieces of chicken, (COUPON) Expires Nov. 17, 1974 (COUPON) Expires Nov. 17, 1974 (COUPON) Expires Nov. 17, 1974 r • vwsSvi' TOSBHmtft&rV roll, french fries & nasi Lansing biore umy bast Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only r, coleslaw $1.29 One Size OPAQUE PANTYh10SE 78? Chicken Dinner 0-1 itt 'Ivv! good Mon. Thurs. no. ,co™ IPON) • i reg. 1.50 Expires No v. 17, 1974 East Lansini Store Only ^ OFF MSU B00TERY OPAQUE ORLON i Chicken Platter "The Store That Has More" KNEE SOX Limit« 67" KNEE SOX Umit 6 72* I Mmmffiner a*- ! across from the MSU Union , reg. l.UUon (COUPON) Expires Nov. 17, 1974 East Lansing Store Only (COUPON) Expires Nov. 17, 1974 East Lansing Store Only Park & Shop Virginia Maid 1010 E. Grand E. Lansing, Ri*« Mich New Hours PANTY HOSE 49' One Size You get a whole lot Open Sunday 12:30 • 5:30 (COUPON) more of what youjrehimgwin^fo^ reg. 89c Expires Nov. 17, 1974 ^Thurs^il^JjrUil^^j East Lansing Store Only 12 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November || , Atop the cyclotron, Dan Magistro, cyclotron specialist, directs the placement of a new inductor Magistro must use an intercom to aid in the placement. At left, assisting with the inductor in the radio frequency final amplifier. Movement of the inductor is remote controlled and placement, is Gunter Stork, a designer from Germany. This 'still' smashes atoms only, not corn i if It looks just a little like a bootlegger's dream - the world's more than half a mile, but are confined by a magnetic Heidi biggest moonshine still. circular space only five feet in diameter. | It sits behind six - foot - thick walls of interlocking concrete The cyclotron magnet, which occupies the most proma blocks and a massive hydraulically operated door that would position in the cyclotron room, is a massive solid iron repel the most determined treasury agent. standing almost eight feet high and weighing 100 tons. But this ugly hunk of rubber, copper apd plastic tubing leading The coil windings which power the magnet are made of 2ll into masses of encased machinery does not produce the type of pounds of square copper bars and operate at such! "white lightning" that one drinks. power that cooling water must be pumped through their hfl The machine is the MSU cyclotron, an "atom smasher." It centers to keep them from melting. may be ugly, but the scientists who operate it say it is the most The most important part of the cyclotron, the acceieri precise of its kind in the world. electrode system which produces the 40 - million ■ volt beal The cyclotron is used in atomic research, especially in the atomic particles, can not be seen at all. It is housed insidf heavy aluminum box between the poles of the magnet. investigation of the properties of atomic nuclei. In the MSU The power supply for the electrodes is hidden inside itsl cyclotron scientists shoot speeding atomic particles at other aluminum box. The amplifier tubes inside this box ai atomic particles. When these particles occasionally collide, the 220 kilowatts — a radio frequency power output twice as gn researchers observe the reactions — how the particles bounce that of some of our most powerful radio stations. away, how far and at what angles. Because of the extremely high levels of radiation g< In the cyclotron atomic particles are accelerated to up to 40 • when the cyclotron is in operation, the machine is eompl million volts in 10 millionths of a second. They reach a speed of - surrounded with heavy shielding and operated by i one ■ third the speed of light. These particles travel a distance of control. Clare Morgan prepares the cyclotron for use by setting the instruments from a computer made program. Set - up can take from 30 minutes to a couple of hours, depending upon the complexity of the experiment. Monday, November 11, 1974 13 N official: Angolan capital By DENI MARTIN State News Staff Writer may Machema said that the face ruin Portuguese soldiers and African citizens in Angola. claimed that they could not negotiate with The agreement also stated that if the An African liberation group is Angola because the people were divided Portuguese began maneuvers again, the threatening to destroy Angola's capital between three groups. FNLA could resume hostilities. city if attempts to form a transitional "They said, 'we will wait until the The FNLA in turn government there agreed to cease are hampered by country is united,' " Machema said. hostilities in return for the establishment Portugal, a United Nations official said at Machema said one barrier to of a transitional MSU Thursday. government, Machema independence was that two other African said. Nga - Mamba Machema, a member of liberation groups locitted in Angola could the fecial UN Machema said that Angola's cause is delegation representing the not agree with the FNLA on the method not a desperate unofficial provisional one, however, government in of forming a transitional government. Angola, said that the Front for the Another problem, he said, "History and time are on our side," he was the said. "Africa belongs to Africans." National Liberation of Angola's (FNLA) negotiations with Portugal. Machema said his duties threat is intended to as a member of help sever his nation's "The Portuguese socialists didn't want colonial ties to the Angolan UN delegation were to help Portugal by the end of the to talk to the FNLA because the FNLA express Angola's views toward Portugal's year. wasn't a socialist group," Machema said. colonial policy to member During Machema's three The Portuguese proposed an nations, and to - day visit, agreement contact UN service agencies on sponsored by the African to halt the fighting between possible the Study Center, Portuguese assistance to Angola. 1967 MSU graduate discussed the current situation in Angola with students and faculty. Angola, the Africa and one of third - richest nation in Court reaches Portugal's last three colonies on that continent, has had trouble establishing independent nation. Machema said that -Guinea itself as an on narcotic pre - Bissau declared its independence a year ago, and By United Press International is receiving a limited amount of opposition The state Court of Appeals ruled today that doctors may prescribe narcotic from Portuguese citizens and mulattos patients they neither see nor examine. drugs for living on the country's coast. The decision overruled a judgement by a Recorder's Court judge and ordered a new Mozambique has had no major trial for a 76 - year - old Detroit doctor convicted of difficulties in negotiating her substances act. violating the state's controlled independence, he said, because a major The physician, William V. Kerwin, was arrested after undercover policemen African party has emerged to help form a requested, and obtained, sedatives and diet pills without transitional government. The Appeals Court said state law being examined. But Angola, which has been only prohibits persons from manufacturing, Portugal's delivering or intending to deliver or manufacture narcotics. chief supplier of raw materials "It does not prohibit the and writing of prescirptions for controlled substances by a minerals, has met all sorts of opposition physician authorized under the act to prescribe such substances," toward independence. Thomas M. Burns said. "Furthermore, no section of the act Appeals Court Judge contains any provision "Portugal's economy is based on dictating the manner in which a physician may prescribe controlled substances. — Angola," Machema said. "If Angola got "There is no prohibition against the Sn photo/Larry Gunjberg her independence tomorrow Portugal prescribing of controlled substances by a Nga ■ Mamba Machema, a special delegate to the United Nations and member of physician without his first having conducted a physical examination of the patient, nor the Front for National would need help from Angola." does the court forbid the Liberation of Angola, says that his country wants to establish writing of prescriptions for one who does not personally a transitional Angola is currently a Portuguese colony and the richest nation in Africa. government by December 6 ' u T,hiJs ®conomic dependence on Angola appear at the doctor's office." . Jf ?uPort"gal ,t0 vanous excuses t0 delay the colony's drive to While Kerwin's actions "Mav not have conformed with accepted medical practice, independence. they were not a violation of the act," Burns said. a startling vision of sanity as performed by supertramp and produced with ken scott of david bowie and mahavishnu fame, "crime of the century" from supertramp • on a&m records special sale price $419 ONE WEEK ONLY 401 E. GRAND 351 - 8460 14 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November II i»J ( Auto Start Your Week out [ Mo Sanrice ][/[ FRANKLY SPEAKING. Right . . .by philfrank Advertise in Classified! MP* it If"] I Call Now 355-8255 •prtiwits f JAGUAR, 1966, 4.2 liter engine. U- REPAIR AUTO Service Center CHILD CARE. Approximately 25 Coupe, 30,000 actual miles. HOME OWNER'S and renter's HOME hours/week. In my home. OWNERS and 484-4105 after 5 pm. 5-11-12 insturctions to do your auto insurance. Only you can save insurance. Only Trensportation can be provided. $$$. It pays to shop around. V0lJ $$$. It pays KARMANN - GHIA 1971. repairs. 53 11 Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 104, South 332-0125, after 2 pm. 2-11-11 Call us, you may be surprised. You may toshopafoundj be « 484 8173. B-2-11-11 Convertible excellent six days. 20-11-20 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! 484-8173. 0-1-11-11 PHONE 355 8255 condition, one owner.. Looking for embitious, FREE HEAT. East Lansing, luxury 347 Student Services Bldy. 489-6802. 3-11-13 personable individuel to operate 1 bedroom. Unfurnished, no SUBLET LUXURY 1 deposit. $215 b~d | campus photography business. pets. Lease until September. One , 373-6900 •AUTOMOTIVE MUSTANG II 1974. 4 on the floor. Offers opportunity to use month free rent. $175. 129 332-4682.5 11-15 J Vinyl top. Only 8,000 miles. and develop full range of Scooters & Cycles Call 351-0001 or 351-0048, Highland. 332-0976 19-12-6 NEEDED: ONE gin, management and marketing Parts & Service after 5 pm. 5-11-15 skills. Excellent profit potential. June, good deaH Cedar ViZf Aviation We have the system, experience ROOMMATE FOR young woman. 332-3064 5 11-15 * MUSTANG • 1971 Fastback. and desire to help. For more Own bedroom, nice apartment, ♦EMPLOYMENT 38,000 miles. 302 V-8, power information cjll collect, GIRL NEEDED Wlnter COMPLETE EXHAUST systems semi-furnished. Kings Pointe $80/month. #FOR RENT steering. Excellent! $1,595. for most foreign cars in stock. person-to-person, Dan Hays East. $100. Call Suzanne Cedar villi 351-2777.5-11-13 (4051 1-405-947-8747 or write 351 8814 Apartments 15% off with Ripp-Off coupon. Candid Color System, or 393-7480 Box X-3-11-11 Houses CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN MUSTANG, 1969. Automatic, CAR 25669, Oklahoma City, Cobra PARTS, 2605 East MALE • SHARE Rooms Jet. Stereo track. $800. Oklahoma. 73125. 5-11-12 FEMALE two Kalamazoo, one mile west of NEEDED, winter term Phone 355-3076. 5-11-12 furnished, pool, •FOR SALE campus. 487-5055. C-&11-15 only. Own room. $90/month. AVON, TO buy or sell. Call our room. Okemos. 349.11a Close to campus. 332-4732. Animals MERCURY 1971, ORIGINAL BODY REPAIR. district manager, 482-6893. 5-11-15 * Quality, reduced 5-11-14 Mobile Homes OWNER, all power air, rates to students. Also 20-12-2 $2000. Exceptionally clean, FAWN PARK guaranteed rust proofing. VAN Apartments, ,J *LOST & FOUND MODELS FOR photography. Call and young ziebarting, 339-9912. 5-11-14 WORLD. 645-2123. 0-11-27 ''ITS EITHER A HALlOINEfcM HPICOV^R IT'S NOT marrieds. VVe J •PERSONAL between 10 am and 6 pm. deluxe color coordinated 11 2 bedroom •PEANUTS PERSONAL OLDSMOBILE 1963. needs starter. FALL SPECIAL. Fantastic deal. OR. WRE IN frc ONF HSLLU\IA 489-1215.0-11-27 TOO LATE!!I apartmenfl Good tires. Must sell $65 - best Appliances, balconies, pa til fW SESSION*' - •REAL ESTATE Auto rustproofing, new and used DESK CLERK needed. Must have ample parking, many otl •RECREATION offer. 351-1106. 3-11-12 cars. Guaranteed. Most cars as transportation and be willing to BURCHAM extras. $139-$169. 882«1 low as $45. M-78 BODY SHOP, 3 7 2-0567 or " COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKEtEY CA 94709 travel. Call 10-11-22 "SERVICE OMEGA HATCHBACK 1973. Must sell. 337-0496. 10-11-22 i 489-1215 between 12-6 pm. WOODS Payoff - $2256. Call Instruction 0-11-27 TWO BEDROOM furnishi jm M 484-2172 between 6-8 pm. Due to some recent apartment, two blocks fr Typing Service 5-11-15 campus, sublease, winter •TRANSPORTATION •WANTED PINTO WAGON 1974. 2000 cc, REGISTERED NURSES. care units, CCU-ICU including Critical NOTICE OF VACANCY. Agency Youth Development 1 ffl dropouts we now have comfortable spring. 351 -2637. 5-11-15 4-speed, defrost, steel radials, SUBLEASE FURNISHED, TAR POOL radio, 14,500 miles. $2175. post-operative cardio vascular Corporation (Models Cities TV and STEREO Rentals. and spacious 1 bedroom bedroom apartment nicj surgery. Experience preferred. Agency) Position: Executive $25/term. $10.96/month. Free furnished apartments available ••RATES" 485-7916. 7-11-11 Needed in a new 254 bed acute Director Accountability Same Day Delivery and Service. campus, $264. care progressive hospital. No Responsible to the board of Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-11-27 immediately. December. 351-4246 after 3 J PINTO WAGON 1972, 2000 cc, shift rotation. Excellent Directors. Salary range: $14,000 5-11-15 8-track FM stereo, radials, good $175 per month NO. orientation to both hospital and to $16,000 per anum. Duties: shape, $190a 355-9768. NEED STORAGE space? Garage Utilities included NO. DAYS unit. Comprehensive benefit • The Executive Director serves as 731 BURCHAM 3-man, furnis WORDS 5-11-11 and/or basement space available. package. Opportunity for liason between the governing close to campus. $76.67 ea Call 355-7819. 5-11-14 745 Burcham Drive advancement. Apply Ingham board and the staff. This person 351-7212. 5-11 15 1 3 5 10 PINTO 1972. Excellent condition,, Medical 351-3118 or 484-4014 Center, 401 West shall be responsible for the 3.00 must sacrifice. Automatic, new tires. 351-8058. 5-11-15 Greenlawn Avenue, Lansing, assembling of competent staff and the' day to day agency Apartments IW IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, d bedroom apartment, furnish! 15.60 Michigan 48910. Phone EAST AVAILABLE NOW to June 15, close to campus 351-761 19.50 PLYMOUTH DUSTER 1972. 340. 371-2121, extension 249. operations. In addition, he-she LANSING, Y, month rent LOCATED AT THE 10-11-12 shall be responsible for free, luxury unfurnished 1 completely furnished for two, 23.40 Power steering/brakes. CORNER OF JOLLV administration, planning, public bedroom, 10 month lease. No no pets, $150/month. Send 26.00 Automatic, 18 mpg, $2000. & OKEMOS RO MACDONALDS RESTAURANT is relations, and inter agency $175-129 replies to Box F-6, State News. SUBLEASE WINTER/spri! Husk 372-6587. 5-11-13 349 - 3196 pets. Highland. 32.50 taking applications for possible relationships. The director shall 332-0976. 15-11-13 5-11-11 Large 1 bedroom, furnisJ 6DAY A WEEK TOWING OPEN 6 DAYS employment to work closing be responsible for submittal for close, quiet. 351-5703. 5>1ll DEADLINE PLYMOUTH DUSTER, 1970. DELUXE 3 BEDROOM in Okemos, 7 AM • 9 PM BUT SUNDAY shift, 5 pm • 1 am. Apply in all reports to the board of LARGE TWO party furnished 1 P.M. one class day Automatic, excellent mileage. $1,000. Call Steve, 487-6135. person Monday - Thursday, 8-10 directors and funding resources. efficiency. Close to campus, air includes 2 full baths, air GIRL NEEDED. Winter & sprl before publication. 5-11-15 MASON BODY Shop, 812 East am or 2-4 pm at MCDONALDS, General Qualifications: conditioning. Immediate conditioning, car port. No Furnished. $61/month Cl| children or pets. $250. Phone 489-9124; 353-9027 5-11-1 234 W. Grand Riv*r or 1024 E. Demonstrated ability with occupency. $165 / month. Call Kalamazoo Street since 1940. 332-0111 or TOYOTA CORONA, 1972. Four Grand River East Lansing or working with alienated youth, 487-4451 after 5 p.m. 10-11-12 evenings and Peanuts Personal ads Complete auto painting and weekends at 332-3202. 20-12-6 ROOMMATE door, standard. Must sell. Call collision service. 2040 Grand River, Okemos. developing cooperative NEEDED | must be pre paid. 485-0256. furnished 2-man, on 2-11-12 relationships with other WILL SUBLEASE large, attractive Larry, 349-1879. 5-11-11 C-11-27 Cancellations/ Corrections TOYOTA COROLLA 1600. 1972. VOLKSWAGEN COMPLETE REAL ESTATE sales - we train. agencies, administrating a multi - service youth program, apartment share with near 1 campus. roommate To at "EAST LANSING^ $80. 485-1002. 3-11-14 - 1-2 GIRLS, CEDAR Vil 12 AM-FM radio, air conditioner, High earnings. For interview call promoting an agency before $135/month. No extra deposit ■ noon one class day repair and body. 20% Immediate occupancy, BoJ before publications. new tires. Gas saver, 26-30 mpg. DISCOUNT to students, faculty Paul Steffes at LOOMIS governmental institutions, required. Call 351-3367 soon. 1 Bdrm 337-2497. 5-11-15 $1600. 339-2127, after 6 pm or on all cash'n' REALTY, COMPANY, interest and understanding of 10-11-18 carry VW service 393-1220. 5-11-15 the psychological needs of furnished or unfurnished 351-3119. 5-11-12 parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS. The State News will be ONE OR two (email 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. youth, knowledge of minority PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE north, immediate occupancy MOTHER TO for my son, 1% winter and spring. $73. V responsible only for the VAN 485-204 7, 485-9229. care culture, familiarity with federal furnished studio, utilities paid. 1967 Chevy. Excellent all first day's incorrect around Mastercharge and Bank years old in your home. Prefer grant procedures. Must have $125 a month plus deposit. close. 332-2203 after 6 | condition, carpeted, 5-11-11 insertion. stereo. 332-6315. 5-11-11 Americard. C-11-27 that you have a child between 2V3V4. Part time with background in youth criminal Phone 627-5454. 7-11-11 from 5150°° justice system. Must be able to possibly full time later. East communicate with elected 429 CHESTNUT, SOUTH. Three CAMPUS HILL. Furnish! VEGA GT Wagon 1974. 4-speed, INSURANCE - LOWEST rates on Lansing area. Phone 351-5285. officials within the tri county rooms, beth, carpet, eppliances. plus electricity, apartments. DishwashJ AM-FM, luggage rack, 15,000 cycles and auto. Call us first or 5-11-12 region. Education preferred: First floor. Downtown carpeted, A/C, disposal, central air, c miles. Excellent condition, last, but call. Easy Payment Lansing. Bachelors degree 2 $135 plus utilities. 484-7253. laundry. Free bus s asking $2585. 393-5273. Plan. UNION UNDERWRITERS ACCOUNTING MAJORS 0r years pool, no pets - experience in general 10-11-11 unlimited parking, heat pi 5-11-11 485-4317. 0-11-27 junior level or above. Temporary Free roommate qualification, s Submit full or part time employment TWO 349-3530. 10-11-18 applications with resume to BEDROOM FURNISHED, phone: DAYS VOLKSWAGEN 1972. tires, AM-FM. Clean. Best offer. Michelin 1 Iff] beginning mid-January through April 15th. We will teach Addie H. Moore by November 30, 1 974. At Youth mobile homes. $25 - $35 week. 10 minutes to campus. Quiet 351 - 7910 LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS I 882-7789. 5-11-14 WAITRESSESS WANTED for night Federal, State, and local taxes. EVENINGS bedroom townhouses. I Development Corporation, 215 and peaceful on a lake. ABLE TO rent new 1974 VW VW BUS, 1969. New engine, good positions, full oc- part time. You must be able to attend free East Kalamazoo Street, Lansing, 641-6601 or 484-5315. 0-11-27 351 1925 appliances including washer £ Superbeetles. $5 Apply at DRUAR'S FOOD AND tax clinic week of December dryer, full basement, 5 mi per day - 10 Michigan. Phone 487-5046. tires. 22 mpg. Negotiable. 16th and devote minimum 20 drive from campus. Fami cents a mile. Free pickup. LIQUOR, 415 East Saginaw, 5-11-14 GIRL NEEDED winter term only, RENTABEETLE. Bernie, 351-3921. 5-11-14 hours per week to-employment preferred. $225/per 487-2260. Laming. 489-2086.6-11-14 Capitol Villa apartments, $65. NEAR FRANDOR - 2 bedroom, 10-11-13 during tax season. Own Purchase options a* RELIABLE HELP needed, 7-11 351-3292. 5-11-13 VW 1967. New tires. Good running CANDLE CARVING - personable transportation necessary. Apply unfurnished, garden level, $170. 882-0257 Wednesday • STORE, Waverly at Holmes, all 485-9343.5-11-14 condition. Body fair. 371-2571. persons interested in full time in person 9:30 to 12 noon 1-6 pm. 10-11-15 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE only shifts available. 882-9585. 2 MAN DURAND. Take over lease 6-11-13 work between November 26 and (except Thursday and Saturday) you can save $$$. It pays to 5-11-11 starting December 15. 332-0655. shop around. Call us. You December 26. 337-7471. or phone for appointment, CLEAN RESPONSIBLE male to FURNISHED ONE bedroom, fl may 1954 HUDSON WASP, good 5-11-14 -.3-11-11 share 2 bedroom apartment. to campus, parking, balcoT be surprised. 484-8173. 882-2441 between those hours. FEMALE B-2-11-11 condition - extras, $350 or best SIMPLIFIED BOOKKEEPING MODELS needed for EAST LANSING ■ One bedroom $105,487-1967.5-11-14 $185. Charles Cetas. 353-0^ offer. 332-1740. 5-11-15 UNLIMITED SALES & TAX SERVICE, INC. 4305 photographic work by reputable before 5 pm. 5-11-13 studio. Ages 18-25. $25/hour. furnished. Quiet residential area. AUSTIN OPPORTUNITY South Cedar, DELUXE, FURNISHED 1 HEALEY, 1968 Sprite. Lansing. 3-11-13 SYLVAN EAST LANSING - near W WANT to BUY used cars. Will pay If you're a better man then the job STUDIOS, Carpeting. Disposal. Security bedroom epartments, call Body and engine good! $600, locks. Horizon House, cash. Out of state wholesale. you're now in, we'd like to talk 1-313-681-5628, 9 am 9 pm. $185. Lease from 332-3135 or ^2-6549^6-1^-14 - must sell. 337-7875. 5-11-13 RN 349-2634.3-11-13 5-11-12 December, 1974 - September 15, luxury, unfurnished except If to you. Commissions. Call FULL TIME opening on the BRONCO 1966. Red nevy paint, Josephine Starkweather at 3-11:30 shift. Liberal fringe 1975. Woodside Apartments, 2 BEDROOM duplex. Jolly-Logan water, carpet, drapes, applianf 332-4987, after 5:30. 16-11-27 area, full basement, yard, carport, *N PERSON to share amplifier/speakers, 1 year old. Leather coats from $15. you return it. Just come into the --'Old ^ duties, $60 a month 8450 482-5634. 6-11-12 10-speed bikes , ice skates and State IRENE ORR utilities. Close to MSU News Classified - Theses, term papers, ~ T, roller skates from $3. Ski ■9430.5-11-13 CHESS SETS, Onyx and marble. Department and tell us you want general typing. Formerly with equipment, 4 man tents from Unique 9if». to place an ad in EAST Ann Brown. Call 482-7487. $70, camp stoves and lanterns. LANSING STATE BANK'S ftl ROOM, share living _„r!a_S°nable 887 0046 »•«•« Manual and electric typewriters Found Column. As a public «th one. share bath and "with WEDDING GOWN - never been ,rom *10: Complete line of service EAST LANSING STATE EXPERIENCED IBM typing. three. $55 worn Oriqinally $180 now $75. guitars and amplifiers. Come on BANK will run the ad at no cost Dissertations (pica - elite). V. noutilites. 143 658. 4-1101 Bogue, 6^ 3814 ^12 down ,0 D,CKER & DEAL SECONDHAND STORE, 1701 to you I FAYANN, 489-0358. C-11-27 EAST LANSING ^ * . , _..u . . South Cedar. 487-3886. Monday M i^j,. j bedroom house in East , STEEL OFFICE desk with swivel . STATE BANK COMPLETE THESES, Service "7 _ ', . n _ , . ^a7.WRa and Friday til 9 pm. Tuesday, C-11-27 Discount N,$230/month. Available Wednesday, Thursday and Printing. IBM typing dnd binding of dissertations and J*Christmas. Call 351 7917. 5 1 2 Saturday, 9-6. C-5-11-15 LOST: MALE Irish Setter. 5 publication. Across from 10 - SPEED BICYCLE. Car rack, months. Answers to Keegan. campus, corner M.A.C. and FISHER 500 multi -plex receiver, new saddle bags, chain. $80. East Side. 484-8086, Reward. Grand River. Below Jones 36 rms, filters, guaranteed specs, 355-5884.3-11-11 3-11-12 Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - $125. 355-2866. J-11-13 Friday. Call COPYGRAPH BOGEN 100 Watt P A. amplifier, FOUND: MALE, fawn colored SERVICES, 337-1666. C-11-27 used only four months, plus MAGNAVOX 24" TV, $125. medium dog, Albert Street area, Shure four mike mixer. $150 Stereo Console, AM-FM. Both in 482-9400. 3-11-12 THESES, RESUMES, typing and (I both. Call 351-4200 between 8 good condition, $85. 371-1388. printing. Reasonable prices. am and 5 pm. 3-11-11 FOUND: puppy FEMALE around black Lansing Civic mixed COMMERCIAL 351-4116. C-11-27 PRINTING. another Woir Center. Brown collar. 351-3424. term paper to dor to form your own car pool C-3-11-11 LOST: GOLD Elbon watch. Near Transportatim ]g] Next time you're researching a term paper, don't As a DRIVING TO CLEVELAND every public service at Landon Hall. Reward. Viveca, limit your source material to books and no charje, the State News will provide a free classified other weekend. Share gas periodicals. "Mtisement for those 355-8640. 3-11-11 There are probably several doctoral dissertations people who would like to set up or join a car pool. expenses. 353-2860. 3-11-13 highly relevant to your topic — and they're easier to find than you think! Visit the new Dissertation Center display in Driving? _ LOST: BLUE Suede purse. NEED RIDE, Thanksgiving, the main library, and learn about the resources de¬ McDonalds near People's Philadelphia and back. Share signed to help you locate the right dissertation Re- Church. 355-6109. Reward. expenses. 353-0149.3-11-13 From, ^sources like the 3-11-13 —> a.m. ... COMPREHENSIVE DISSERTATION INDEX Leaving__ _a.m. Returning _ -p.m. Wanted a definitive 37-volume reference, available in the li¬ - p.m. LOST: ONE brown wallet. Vicinity brary, which enables you to quickly determine what Phone Time? of dissertations have been written on your subject; _ _ Lizards^ 3940816. Reward. November 6. 5-1 MB FEMALE WANTS efficiency room; ^'cipalr NeWS Wi" n0t accept re*P°nsibilitV ,or arrangements or conduct of ... . FOUND: Wyler watch between '7 7 effici#ncy r°om 487-9058.3-11-13 apartmem; in 2-man near Qr oyvn campus. TIONAL DISSERTATION ABSTRACTS INTERNA¬ — a monthly publication containing synopses of dissertations, also available in the '"formation requested below must be Baker and Phillips Dorm. Call library; supplied in order for ad to appear. DATRIX II Search Service — a computerized, Fu" Name ^356-9372. C-3-11-13 ^ SUBLET TWO bedroom apartment mail-order system which will prepare, in response to . FOUND: LOCK~«nd cable, near ,0' '"i",er break' 355 1661 yourindividual inquiry, an interdisciplinary list of disser¬ tations related to your topic; Address — Trowbridge and Harrison. x Reclaim with key. 3558057. Xerox University Microfilms' dissertation publish¬ CitV C-3-11-13 NAILBITERS! STUDENT ing service, which will produce copies of most disserta¬ - Phone volunteers wanted for nailbiting tions — either on microfilm @$5.00 or paperbound study. If you are a chronic @$11.00 — at your request J]hl'coupon may be brought in W Build'ng. No phone calls accepted. or mailed to: Car Pool Classifieds, 347 Student j Personal nailbiter and wot/Id like to have long beautiful nails before For further explanations, and DATRIX II and Dissertation Order Forms, come to the Dissertation TRUMP - tastefully tart music for Christmas, write Center. Your term paper stands to benefit. to: M.D.D.C. all occasions. 353-2841 after P O. Box NO CHARGE 64C5, Grand Rapids, 6 30pm. B i ll 11 Miwhiga.t. 4ia06. 5-11-14 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 11 Well-written resumes win with employers By LARRY MORGAN interview. The resume then gives further yourself. It is not the total information most cases, Rogalski said, two pages is name, address, age, physical description State News Staff Writer details of your qualifications. about younelf, but the absolute maximum. and phone number, making sure to ltmi Student • faculty rapport The student should enough to get the include devel™ A person may have the strongest of magnetic personalities and great They are not meant to get a person the job, but only to secure an interview. employer to talk with you," Tony Rogalski, asst. director of MSU placement Organization important The resume must be kept brief and to the area code. "For a student, it is a good idea to with some faculty This should be an mmbtZ'rW qualifications, but if he does not have a The resume will ongoing thjn« usually be arranged service, said. the point, since many corporation include both his local and home address, something which began the good resume or letter of introduction, he into six categories. These are personal the senior seconds, It is the sales instrument aimed at representatives receive close to 100 to get around any communication year," he pointed out. may never get a chance to show off his data, employment objective education, getting further communication with the resumes a day and will not have the time problems the employer might have in It is also assets. work experience, other interests and a good idea to take prospective employer, he said. or the patience to read a lengthy resume. getting in touch with him," Rogalski said. the to the acoov The intention of the letter is to whet references. For most undergraduates, the resume Therefore, careful organization is Employment objective resume it to refresh his professor so J the appetite of the employer and convince Sales instrument memory. will usually be only one page long. There important In giving your employment objective, If a student is him that you are qualified for an "This is an advertisement about is no rule limiting it to this Under personal data, include your going t0 have length. But in describe what you want to do when you copied, the copies should be close very nw secure employment. as to the original as !I"j "Zero in on the particulars, but also Rogalski said. H leave some flexibility," Rogalski advised. Deaf students face Some of the phrases to avoid are, "working with people," "challenging position in management," and especially There errors or Neatness should smearing. The counts be no tynoflnmk idea of 3 By SUE McMILLIN training in sign language because it would "any position that is open." very important and anything per cent is not acceptable, he lestS State News Staff Writer take about six months for a person to Employers are turned off by the person said. A deaf student may be able to lip read become proficient enough to who does not appear to have made up his "Employers draw a lot of infenif communicate well. mind on the type of employment he is from mistakes," well enough to understand most of what Rogalski said. his history professor is saying, but if the Two other deaf students at MSU seeking, Rogalski said. professor has a moustache or the class is discussed the various problems they have encountered. Begin the education segment of the on TV he may be lost. resume with the most recent aspects of The deaf student may not be able to lip Greg Teschendorf, freshman, 11 Abbot Some of the phrases to an your education, like college degrees or read at all and must depend on his Hall and Janet Wolff, sophomore, 723 S. in resumes: textbooks pr classmates for important Hubbard Hall believe that deaf people years attending college, then work in "working w reverse chronological order. people, " "challenging position information. In cases like these, the should learn to talk and read lips so they student is paying for an education which do not have to depend on sign language. management" and especially "m Indicate work accomplishments he is providing for himself, Bob Anthony, But Anthony argues that lip reading is a position that is open." Employt Most resumes do not refer farther back are turned off graduate studertt CI 570 Spartan Village, good way of communicating on a one to by the person w/ said. than high school graduation. does not appear to have one basis, but is not always successful in made Anthony, who is totally deaf, has made other instances. In describing past work experience, his mind on the a plea to the Office of Programs for Teschendorf agreed that there were type pick the jobs which will be of most employment he Handicapped Students, W409 Library, to cases where it was difficult to use lip interest to the employer. Also, indicate is seeking find interpreters for deaf students. reading. He cited difficult any accomplishments you made while Interpreters who know sign language situations such as classes where working. are needed for some deaf there is no text to supplement the Even if an applicant has not had any The resume should be students while others are looking for note takers. lectures, where the professor has a jobs related to the employment he or she with a letter of accompJ moustache or where there is much class is seeking, a person should list any which is always introduction/applica "This University is just huge and it is discussion. handtyped. not copied! not providing services for the deaf," he He added that he relied on his previous jobs. They all indicate experience in a working situation. This letter revolves around t said. classmates to fill in the facts that he paragraphs and seven ideas, Rogalski He added that few colleges or missed. "When you indicate you did something | universities offer special serices to help Wolff cited television classes as one of with a job, it indicates that you didn't deaf students communicate more fully. the most difficult lip reading situations. vegetate. You did something with it. Knowledge of company MSU offers a sign language class and lip She said that unless the camera is right on Employers are looking for people who The first paragraph indicates that I reading therapy, John Hogg, graduate the lecturer's face at all times, part of the can go out and accomplish something," applicant has some knowledge off student, 408 N. Sycamore St., Lansing, lecture is missed. Rogalski said. said. There is also a class on lip reading. Though she is not seeking an company, and with that knowledge wJ like a job with them. * But these services do not solve the Character references helpful interpreter who is familiar with sign problems that deaf students are having in a language, Wolff does need someone to Three examples should be given in] The student's other interests, skills and classroom situation. help her take notes. second paragraph of any backgi "I can't lip read and take notes at the honors, are the things that round him or "Everyone's individual deafness is her out. aspects that are of interest to | different and the services They can also help the person they need vary," Penny Atkins, a counselor in the handicap same time," she said. There are three general ways which a obtain another job in another area of the company. The examples should the resume for details. refef company if the particular job applied for programs office, said. deaf person uses to communicate — lip is filled. In the third paragraph, i Atkins said the office knew of four reading, sign language or written students on campus who are totally deaf In information should be requested fronl communication. Often a deaf person will SN photo/David Schmier listing references, character and several others who are hard of hearing. find that using a combination of these Bob references are helpful. However, it is much employer, such as any trainingpr A deaf person can sometimes hear sounds Anthony, a graduate student at MSU who is totally deaf, better to use a professor who teaches your end the letter with a request fi three ways will allow him to communicate demonstrates sign language, a technique that can be used to interview. but cannot distinguish words, while more widely, Anthony said. major or a former employer who would who is hard of communicate with others but requires about six months to learn. hire you again, Rogalski said. someone hearing can But over 90 per cent of the deaf By requesting more informatiol distinguish words. population in the U.S. cannot speak She added that it would be nice to find convey to another person. should drop by the Office of Programs for "Many students make the mistake of person will be sure they received the/J intelligibly, he said. They must use sign Anyone interested in working with deaf not getting to know their professors," and will also maintain contact « some people who already have some Handicapped Students or phone language or write down what they wish to students as a note taker or interpreter 353-9642. Rogalski said. company. la new contr ■ industries hav Last Two Days of BOOK SALE! I effect of the s / We've got to make room fo but we've still got some thrift We're offering 1/2 off new sweatshirts for$398 Come ready for Ch mju BOOH 1TORE